#very proud of the faces on this one actually
lokisgoodgirl · 2 days
Successional Pleasure: The Rite (II)
A Masterlist for The Rite is here A link to my regular Masterlist is here Summary: (2) Loki arranges a meeting, and you're offered the opportunity of a lifetime (w/c 4.8k) Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Thirsting for unattainable royals. Language. Heavy petting. Ridiculous Asgardian HC lore. Smuttish.
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This morning the palace criers announced mandatory palace court attendance for all of Asgard.
Word travels fast, you muse as another person shoves into your shoulder; especially when the Odinsons will be in full ceremonial dress.
A swell ripples through the crowd, pulsing forward. Only one row of people stand in front of you, and the guards lining the jostling mass are becoming impatient.
You always make an effort for these events; everyone does. However bland and self-aggrandising the subject matter (and with the Allfather, when is it not?) – one never knows who’ll attention you’ll draw. But this time, it’s different.
This time, as you fixed your hair and let your solitary maid tighten the laces of your dress – there was only one person you wanted to impress. Him. Because this time, for the first time, he may actually notice you.
But that’s madness, you think as you try and focus. His lovers are legendary. He has his pick of…anyone. Literal deities.
But then, the memory of Prince Loki’s glistening chest emerging from the palace baths with wet hair plastered over his brow as he grunted through his orgasm erupts in your mind. That’s a memory not easily forgotten. In fact, it’s very easily encouraged. And each time you think of it, more layers appear.
In the extended, delusional version, he crosses the pool, the lapping water licking around his proud cock snug to his stomach as he wages a path to cage you by the stone edge and—
Trumpets blare. “They’re here,” a woman beside you squeals. Her hand flies to yours, clawing with unhinged excitement. The guards straighten, spears thudding against marble in ceremonial greeting.
He probably does that shit all the time; wanking in the palace baths with people he doesn’t know. He won’t see you amongst thousands of faces. That’s madness. But when it came to Loki Odinson, didn’t that make it more likely? Nerves tighten your stomach. The glint of their ostentatious headwear is the first sign of approach; two small figures against the expanse of the ancient doors floor to ceiling of the hall. Cheers thunders like a burst dam through a canyon as they move in sync down the wide aisle, each set of guards they pass thunking their staff in salute. Each thud made your pussy clench. And finally, you catch sight of his face.
It's the picture of haughty expectation at the wild crowds losing their minds as he passes. Every slice and draw of his bone structure is set like marble. He’s above it all; stunning decorative armour that would be absolutely no use in battle accenting broad shoulders at sharp angles. Impeccable posture, as ever. Today, the prince wears full leathers beneath – ridiculously fitted trousers which melded seamlessly to a forest green tunic stitched in golden trim.
To complete the act of war that’s his outfit, a stiff collar cut to the curve of his jawline sweeps up to his earlobes; a solitary curl of ebony hair lying against the leather, freed from his helmet. Thor wears the same red and garish gold he always does, beaming greedily at the crowds.
Your eyes roam over Loki’s sweeping entrance and you smile to yourself that the last time you’d seen him – he’d been naked. The woman beside you begins to breathe heavily as they draw closer. You have no idea, you smirk.
Loki’s cape billows with theatrical elegance down the open aisle, and you wonder briefly if his magic has something to do with it. Thor’s certainly doesn’t flutter around his ankles with the same effortless gravitas. Thor’s doesn’t undulate with every stride, timed with the military precision of its master’s thighs.
The guard in front of you lifts his spear, ready to thrust it to the marble floor. You hold your breath, biting your lip, their glory radiating with each falling step. And then, time seems to stop. Because then, Loki, Prince of Asgard, looks at you. His eyes flicker to the side, narrowing softly in your direction. A low dimple in his cheek flashes, only for a moment. And then - -thunk
The metal clang makes you jump out your skin, and by the time you get your bearings, the princes have moved on. They each face the platform, sinking on one knee with bowed heads while Odin pats down the cheers. He begins to rumble on, something about war, or tradition or blah blah.
The dark prince’s jawline is a work of art as he kneels in performatively rapt attention. With each swallow, his cheekbones flash. The golden helmet highlights the harsh lines of his face, lids dropping every few minutes as he struggles not to roll his eyes. You smile.
“Oh that’s good,” the woman beside you hums. You frown at her, concentration broken. It was her turn to frown. She shakes her head, gazing back to Odin. “Thor reached a treaty with Muspelheim.”
The next hour passes slowly, and for once, you’re grateful. When Odin stops, it’s the Crown Prince’s turn to regale the audience of thousands with his diplomatic success. Only half-listening, you use the time to your advantage, perving on Loki kneeling on the polished floor with those long, pale fingers clasped around one knee. When the dark prince stands, the rest of the high-nobles do the same. He whips his cape back, allowing the crowd a gratuitous view of his muscular ass and thighs flexing beneath tight leather while he unfurls. Loki’s imperious eyes scan the heaving crowd with an air of disdain. The look rolls like a sea wind, cold and unforgiving until you feel its weight land on you.
You’re pinned by that stare as plainly as though it’s his hands; his body. Goosebumps ripple beneath your dress. I see you, he mouths silently, subtly, before his gaze falls on his brother once more.
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The royal family wave a final time before slipping to the doors at the back of the Great Hall. Loki’s attention hadn’t fallen upon you again, but the waiting. The anticipation; it was exhausting.
Around you, the bustle of a thousand conversations grows to a roar. The front rows of the crowd begin to file out and follow the same path the royal family had taken through the golden doors. High-court, only. Friends and family, that sort of thing. A huge curtain hangs behind the throne, buffeting gently from some unseen breeze. It’s a rich amber with threads of green and red and blue, shimmering patterns that no mortal fingers could accomplish woven over centuries, millennia even.
Gods, noted warriors and chancellors all dutifully bow to the empty throne before circling around the platform and disappearing behind the curtain. On their way to a feast, no doubt.
A set of bird-like fingers wrap around your wrist. With a yank you pull it away, whipping round to see the expectant face of a young boy.
“Get out of here,” you snarl. Pickpockets are rife at these sorts of things. The boy stares. Puberty hadn’t darkened a shadow on his skin, and despite his age, he was un-phased by the abruptness.
“You are requested,” he says, bored eyes searching your face. People jostle by your shoulders in annoyance. “By who?” you scoff. They’d try anything these days.
The boy tugs your hand. “Requested,” he says again as though it explains everything, turning and pulling you earnestly towards the line of guards. With a single glance at an insignia on his tunic, they part for him.
You traipse behind him at pace, clutching long skirts in one fist while eyes in the crowd follow you down the marble aisle against the sea of people and behind the mysterious curtain. “Name?” a voice grunts.
You look from the back of the boy’s head to the bulky figure in front of you. He’s dressed in robes of scarlet, the hint of a dagger’s hilt beneath a thick belt. A wiry red beard hangs down his chest, resting on a buckle of black steel. “I know you not…” he sneers slowly. “No names,” the boy snaps. He barely came up to the gatekeeper’s stomach. “She’s been requested.” The gatekeeper’s face crumples and his eyes dart to the emblem on the boy’s chest before standing aside, holding his tongue.
The youth gestures with his head to follow him, and you do…. down a short corridor flooded with buttery light. Delicate jangling of lutes and laughter ring to ornate cloisters, a glittering view of Asgard below the balcony-walkway taking your breath away. “Hurry,” the boy snips without a backwards look. “Master is not a patient man.”
He claps his small hands three times and a set of golden doors at the end of the cloister swing open. Thor comes into view mid-conversation, still wearing his ceremonial armour, a goblet spilling over the sides clutched in one hand as he gesticulates wildly. There’s a rumble of polite laughter. Your hand shoots out, grabbing the boy’s shoulder.
“I shouldn’t be here,” you mutter. He shoots a scathing glance over his shoulder, casting a salty look down to your feet and back again. “You have been—”
“—requested,” you finish petulantly. “Yeah, I know.”
Your ribs thrum as you walk through the doors, pulled by invisible hands. There can only be one person who harbours the desire to have you at this exclusive gathering. And even that’s beyond insanity. Has he mistaken you for someone else? The boy, that is. He’s a barely more than a child. You were about to ask where you should go, when you realise he’s gone. Casting a frantic look around the room it’s evident that familiar groups have already formed, jokes cracking in waves; picking at piles of nuts and fruit and meats. Frigga herself stands by an ornate silver trolley, ladling wine into a goblet while Lofn whispers in her ear. Your knees buckle slightly. There he is.
A small figure works through folds of silk and armoured angles to the back of the room. You follow him, before halting abruptly, steadying yourself against a table. The boy’s come to a stop in front of a shadowed figure, exchanging a conspiratorial nod. Loki Odinson claps him on the back, raising a goblet to his lips. He rests against a pillar, choosing to stay apart from the revels. Watching. Waiting. His eyes meet yours as he sips; dark and dangerous over a rim of gold. One brow twitches upwards in, you presume, greeting. Sweaty palms run slip the front of your dress and you fight the sudden urge to run. It’s pale blue, the finest you own. Which isn’t saying much. The same colour as his eyes, you realise.
The Prince lowers the goblet, cocking his head. He’s still adorned with the ensemble his part in the day’s festivities required save one, the helmet. Dark curls spill freely over the shoulders of the cape fastened to guards beneath, intricate folds of fabric worked to perfection.
He raises a hand, forefinger beckoning twice in subtle succession before lowering it again. Just like the baths, you think with a shameful thrill. Your gaze darts to faces you’ve only seen in paintings around the court as you glide over, trying to look like you belong - but no one bats an eye. Loki unhooks one foot from behind the other, nudging himself off the column. Leather boots gape teasingly around his calves. You wonder, if you beg like a common trollop, if he would fuck you wearing those boots. Only those boots—
“You’re not wearing green,” the Prince drawls. You open your mouth and close it again, irritatingly mute while his blue irises smoulder. “Usually they wear green.” You press your lips together, collecting yourself. “Who?” “Those trying to bed me,” Loki says.
“I’m not trying to—” The prince waves a dismissive hand. “—Catch my attention, then.”
You feel your cheeks heat under scrutiny, a very obvious swallow working its way down your throat. “I don’t know what you mean your Highness,” you say. “You summoned me.”
“Indeed, I did. So I imagine I must have a very good reason,” the Prince murmurs. He brings the pad of a fingertip to his lower lip, brushing it across the skin as you stand in silent bemusement. “Loki! Did you send for a jester? What fun!” You inhale sharply as Fandral slides into view beside your shoulder. His hair is on point this evening, a lush wave cresting over his forehead and swept to the side as his eyes trail to your feet and back to your face. “Oh, my mistake. Just someone getting a little a carried away with the rouge, it seems.” Your stomach tightens. “I’m leaving, your Highness,” you say with a lacklustre bow and a bitter taste in your mouth. “But you do not have my permission,” Loki growls quietly. His feet come into view on the floor and you raise your head, inhaling the sweet breath from his lungs clouding your lips. “More wine, Loki?” Fandral asks brightly, already pouring into Loki’s goblet. The prince’s eyes don’t leave yours, but his mouth hardens.
“Can’t you see I’m busy?” he asks through gritted teeth. Fandral looks at you with mock-surprise. “Oh yes, most recent conquest is it? Come for a peek behind the gilded curtain before you’re sent back to the depths of banality? I thought he’d run out of new faces.” He winks; it makes your stomach churn.   “She’s not a conquest,” Loki says, hovering the goblet by his lips. “Not one of mine, anyway.”
Your eyes dart to his and catch them narrow slightly. Fandral looks genuinely confused. “Well, what then? Why is she here? Who is she?”
Suddenly there’s a loud crash to the side. Thor stumbles against the table laden with wine-soaked pears and pastries and mounds of tartlets, knocking a pile of cold meats to the ground. He wobbles after them, kneeling on the floor and beginning to pick them off the stones as if they were jewels. “Oh for heaven’s sake,” Loki mutters, and you feel the gentle pressure of a hand on your waist. “Walk with me,” he urges in your ear and a shudder rolls down your spine.
“Loki?” Fandral calls as the figures around you start to blur and the Prince manoeuvres you through the crowd like a feather. “Loki, I must speak to you about the…matter, I’ll…later. Yes, later. Quite.” A wall of fresh air skates over your skin. You hadn’t realised how warm it was inside. The two of you come to a stop at the wall of the balcony, nails skimming against polished marble. Loki clears his throat.
“I apologise for Fandral he’s…” Loki looks up from beneath his lashes, a performative sheepishness softening his face, “well, himself.” You stifle a laugh, focusing on the edge of the moonlit waterfalls in the distance. Silence hangs between you, made louder by the jumbled festivities inside. “Why am I here, Prince Loki?” you whisper, not daring to look at him. “If it’s about what happened in the baths, I won’t tell a soul I swear—” “—It’s not.” Irritation begins to brew in your stomach. “Well then Fandral has a point. Why am I here? I’m no one.” “Exactly.” A prickle of heat rises up your neck, stinging your ears. “Am I a joke to you, your Highness?”
Loki’s eyes flashing in moonlight, but he says nothing. It stings.
“You bring me here to make a fool out of me in front of your friends? In front of Frigga? Frigga.” “I needed to see if any of them knew you.” Loki’s voice is eerily calm, his gaze as unflinching as a cliff jutting into night. “And clearly, they do not. Fandral would recognise you if they did; that little fishwife knows absolutely everything.” “Why would they know me? And what does it matter?” “It matters a great deal. To me, at least. And to you, perhaps.” You push a strand of hair back from your forehead, hating that its damp. The skin feels hot. Hot and flustered and clammy with embarrassment and…shit, arousal. Can he tell?
Black strings of lax curl blow gently around Loki’s jawline, pale lips stained with wine. “Tell me, my Lady…have you heard of the Rite of Successional Pleasure?” he asks, and suddenly all other noise vanishes from your ears save the hum of his voice.
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Loki’s eyes run down the blue chiffon of your robe, wondering if he could peel it off and cast it skating across the stone with a solitary swipe of his hand. Allowing you a moment to collect yourself, he decides that yes, he could. “Surely just a legend, my Prince…” you answer demurely, busying your hands and staring off into the distance as an unmistakable waft of heat courses from your bare neckline. He licks his lips, feeling a smirk curl the corners.
“Aren’t we all?” he purrs. Their eyes meet. “I assure you it is very real. A relic, to be sure. But real enough. And I require a partner to enact this Rite, else my succession to Asgard’s throne will not be entrenched in law. I have waited too long as it is, as I keep being reminded.”
“That’s very…interesting,” you say.
Loki straightens. He hadn’t taken you for a dullard, but he does appreciate the delayed gratification of enthusiasm at the proposal. Loki can hear your heart thud faster; he wonders how much of that blood is flushing to your sex beneath the gown billowing about your ankles. You glance at him and quickly look away. It makes Loki’s stomach twist. Perhaps he was wrong. Perhaps events in the bath-house were simply…opportunity. Or worse, fear. You clear your throat. “What is it, exactly? The Rite of Successional…” “—Pleasure,” Loki finishes abruptly. He rolls his shoulders back, steadying the flurry of unwelcome nerves in his chest.
“One of my family’s farcical traditions. When Asgard’s twin moons are in perfect equilibrium within the heavens, once every half millennia – eligible members of the royal family suitable for rule must, in order to be considered for finite succession, perform the Rite.” “Which is?”
Loki’s eyes fall down the curve of your neck, hovering on your moist lips. He’d thought of nothing else in the days since the bath-house; those lips sucked between his teeth, stretching around his cock; swollen and wet and…
“Pleasure.” It comes out sterner than intended. “To be given, only. A king must not just be skilled in diplomacy, in combat, in war and sacrifice, but in giving pleasure,” he says, imitating the cadence of his father’s voice with a caricatural wave of his hand. “How else can Asgard’s citizens know we are to be trusted, to be benevolent, if is not documented in the annals?”
“You can’t be serious,” you say. “I thought it was a joke, like the other things.” “Contrary to belief, I can be very serious indeed, little owl,” Loki replies with a smile. It fades. The weight of the pet name plucked from nowhere hangs in the air like smoke as you fidget with a fold of your dress. Gods, how he hates that it’s blue. “I still don’t see what it has to do with me,” you posture meekly. Loki tenses, words hissing between his teeth. “Bifrost’s blood, woman. I’m asking you to be my partner for the Rite. Must I carve it in stone?”
The widen of your eyes makes his stomach flutter and you attempt a clumsy curtsey which makes Thor’s staggered collapse among the strewn meats look elegant. “I…I don’t know what to…I—” Suddenly, you look up. “Is it witnessed?” “Of course.” Horror blossoms in your eyes. “Oh…it’s very tasteful,” Loki says, inspecting his nails. “Much more so than the Ceremony of the Sacred Seed, I assure you. It relies more on…aural methods. For the most part.”
“I’ve never been invited to that,” you reply absently, and Loki notes that your fingers have curled around his wrist armour, steadying yourself. “When is the…the moon thing?” “Five nights from now,” he says, and your jaw drops. “I understand I’ve left it rather late, but I really am in rather a bind.” The irony of him practically begging this unknown woman of the court to bring her the greatest ecstasy she’s ever know wasn’t lost on Loki, but for the moment at least…he decides to restrain his natural urge to remind her of that fact.
“Your reputation will only be enhanced, I assure you,” he adds. “It’s a great honour. And I am, if I may say, quite renowned for my skill in that department.” “Why me?” she asked. And there it was. He grimaced. “Don’t lie to me,” she added bravely, and his grimace deepened. “The Rite will only be valid if the recipient has never known the touch of a god. Or, more specifically their…essence. Our essences must never have touched each other. The punishment is severe; there are tomes and everything; rules…how I loathe them,” he says, offering a weak smile. Realisation blossoms in your eyes. “And…I’m afraid my roster has been rather full these past centuries.” A small laugh erupts from your throat that makes it incredibly difficult not to shut you up with his mouth. “Surely you can’t have fucked everyone in the high-court?”
Loki bit back a laugh of his own. “Rather brazen, aren’t you?” he says, narrowing his eyes. “Regrettably, my options in that circle are limited to Fandral. And I’m afraid I cannot bring myself to give him the satisfaction he most desperately desires; it’s far too much fun tormenting him.” You raise an eyebrow and Loki scoffs, smoothing a curl back. “Oh, don’t act so surprised. I know what they must say about me.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about, your Highness,” you say with a conspiratorial smile.
“Liar,” Loki replies softly. The sparkle of your mischief fades, and he finds he immediately misses it. “So, I’m…a last resort, then?” “Somewhat, yes.” You bristle, goosebumps rising along your bare arms in the evening chill. Loki watches them flare, fighting the urge to soothe them with his fingertips. Another eruption of his brother’s drunken laughter bounces from the archways.
“What happened in the baths,” she says, eyeing him warily. “Wouldn’t that count? Wouldn’t your…uh, essence have…travelled?”
A small noise scratches from Loki’s throat. “Far too diluted. Fortunately…we were rather far apart.” She moves a step closer, looking up at him beneath her lashes. Her scent makes his mouth water. “And besides, if memory serves you made rather a hasty exit.” “If I agree to this, what’s in it for me?” you ask with a coolness he isn’t expecting. He frowns. “Aside from the obvious?” You shoot him a scathing glare. “You’ll be an honoured guest of Asgard’s highest echelons until the ceremony; luxurious quarters, the finest garments…yours to keep, naturally. A feast in your honour, the honour of my escort, a place in Asgard’s history, and of course…my eternal thanks.” He waits until you turn fractionally towards him before deploying a calculated wink. Your expression is stamped with suspicion, and yet he sees the intrigue nestled beneath the veneer of resistance. He’s not surprised when you shuffle closer, glancing over your shoulder. “Is there um…practice, involved?” Loki feels his brows shoot up. “Practice? Norns haven’t you been listening to a word I’ve said? Our…”
He whips his cape as he spins, eyeing over his shoulder, catching the glint of Fandral’s flaxen hair hovering by the feasting table. “Our evidence of arousal cannot be in contact before the Rite…not a single drop, lest the entire ceremony be declared null and my honour as a successor questioned.” “Right,” you say stiffly. “Of course.” He can feel the heat of embarrassment radiating from your skin.
You need her, fool. Loki clears his throat with a dry rattle. “But we may…get to know each other. That is expected, at least. If you agree, of course.” You turn to him, eyes shimmering in moonlight. Loki wonders again how he could possibly have missed such a rare jewel in the drab sameness of Asgard’s court. He straightens as your finger runs over the metal at his wrist, trailing up the hem of his cape. “Are you allowed to kiss me?” you ask. A thick swallow works down his throat, his trousers tightening as you add, “What do the rules say about that?” Suddenly it feels as though he could be three-hundred again, unfamiliar nerves sizzling in his belly like fire. “I…there is no impediment to that particular act, no.” “Don’t you think it would be wise to…make sure we’re compatible before you make such a momentous decision?” A flush creeps up Loki’s neck above the high collar of his tunic as the clink of goblets and laughter continue inside the archway and he’s thankful for darkness. A muscle in his jawline twitches, fingers clenching and unclenching by his sides. There it was again, that audacity. So wilful, and yet…
In a flash his fingers wrap around your wrist, tugging you back with him into shadow. He slips a hand around your back, cushioning your spine as you meet rough stone with a gasp. Your sultry eyes look up at him with manufactured innocence.
“Let’s spare ourselves the virginal theatrics,” he hums, drawing his nose up the line of your cheekbone. The shiver that racks your body makes the toes in his boots curl. “You will be my partner for this sacred Rite?” You catch his lips with the brush of an autumn breeze, grazing against the words. The scent of you overwhelms him; a deep forest tang with overtures of a fragrant sweetness he can’t place.
He groans into the kiss, hungrier with every work of his mouth against the reach of your tongue. Loki’s hands slide up the swell of your breasts, each moan shivering from your throat into his making him want to explode.
As your fingers card through his hair, he realises the other hand is working down the harsh wall of tunic, sliding down his abdomen, hungry for the engorged lust strapped to his hip. There is a barrier, he thinks wildly, tempering his fear. There is a barrier. You squeeze. “Norns, woman…” he growls between gritted teeth, steadying a forearm against the wall behind your head as his gnawing kisses work down your neck. Stone veins spread in crunching crackles under the pressure. “Loki,” you gasp beneath him, bucking into the press of his armour into your endless curves. The realisation he can’t sate it hits with sudden, unwelcome clarity.
“Far too familiar,” he chides against your ear with a feigned derision that makes another moan snake from your throat. Loki’s cock throbs harder. “I remain your Prince, and you will address me as such.” You crush his lips with a kiss full of such desire Loki thinks he might shatter. His cock rubs against your stomach, harsh friction sending jolts of pleasure lancing through his body and suddenly, you break from him with a pant. “Do you want to know my name now, my Prince?”
His saliva rings your mouth; lips swollen and puffed. He nods twice, keeping his chin low on the second as his eyes flutter closed as you lean to his ear, whispering the word. Now that he knows it, he can’t imagine it being anything else.
“…and I’m no one’s last resort, not even a god,” you say, meeting his eyes. Loki steps back, jaw hardening as you smooth down the front of your dress. “I didn’t mean to imply—” “—Well, you did. So, if this still seems like a good idea in the morning, I expect to see you again under less…crowded circumstances.” Loki bit back the urge to protest, but as much as he was loathe to admit it…she had a point. Preparations for the Rite were usually conducted over months, and as he widened his stance, clasping his hands behind his back, a familiar coiffured sheaf of golden hair glinted and disappeared with suspicious urgency. “Unless you’d rather partake with Fandral?”
Loki’s stomach flips but he swallows down the urge to answer. “You’re familiar with my apprentice?” he asks. You nod. “He shall come for you at noon tomorrow.” A small smile flickers at your glistening lips. “Very well, your Highness,” you say, sinking into a curtsey that makes Loki’s cock ache before rising and gliding towards the open archway. He rolls his lips together, fighting the urge to follow you – but he’s already shown his hand too heavily tonight.
As you pass through the arch, Thor wobbles in the other direction, casting a quizzical glance backwards. “There you are, brother,” he slurs, slumping onto the balcony. His arm makes a heavy gesture towards the party, swinging wildly. “She is the one?” Loki bristles. “Yes, brother.”
“Finally. Norns preserve us, I thought you’d never make it. You know she is not suitable for the ceremony if she has been...sampled, already?” he asks as both eyebrows rise. Loki scoffs and throws his brother an incredulous stare. “I know that,” he snarls. “What do you take me for, some kind of rube?” Thor sighs, picking a slice of cured boar from his breastplate and dangling into his mouth. “Let’s hope you can satisfy her, then – in every way. For all our sakes.” Loki’s nose wrinkles in disgust. “If you can scrape past the requirements, we both know I shall have no issue.” “Mmm,” his brother hums. “If it wasn’t for the other matter her response will be measured on.”
“It’s all in hand, brother,” he lies, ignoring the thump of his heart, watching the bob of your head as you wind between intoxicated council members towards the door. “Five moons is more than enough time for that.” And beside him, Thor snorts.
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The Masterlist for the Rite is here Next chapter Wednesday June 19 (probably!) Tags in comments (≧ヮ≦) 💕
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cable-salamder · 1 day
An Analysis on the Newly Released Images
Okay okay. We’re all freaking out. I am too, but there’s some stuff that I immediately took note of that I want to point out (before anyone else does-). I’ll be going through the pictures one by one so this might be a bit of a longer read. But without further ado, let’s crack in, shall we?
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Okay first one: We’re all making fun of it, and we all can guess what this is: Lloyd’s internalised grief and sense and failure over losing Kai making him give everyone else intense training. Which, can I just say I love that? We barely saw anything of Lloyd’s sadness at the end of part 1, so him actually acting more strict and intense will likely lead to another one of the ninja (I’m guessing Nya, because she looks the most concerned in this picture) actually talking to him about it, especially considering the focus on mental health throughout Dragons Rising so far, specifically for Lloyd.
Also something that I thought was interesting is that everyone else is still in their previous climber suits, except for Wyldfyre! Her hair is different now too and actually matches her minifigure!! (I am so goddamn glad abt that you don’t even know). I don’t know if they will mention this, but in my head this is Wyld coping, too, but she’s doing it by changing her outfit and hair from what it was when the traumatising thing happened. For this I’m also kind of assuming Lloyd is in his Master Robe, just because I think that would also add to that pressure of him being a stern teacher and making Wu, who was arguably quite strict, proud (which could beautifully link to his nightmare from part 1, which I also wrote something about here)
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Then we have this honestly gorgeous shot of what is likely the tournament spot! First off I want to point out the Life symbol on top of the tower, which confirms that this tournament is either hosted by them or at the very least has something to do with them! Here’s Life’s symbol for reference:
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Now. There’s nothing else big that I could pull from this image except that the building on the right is very likely to be the equivalent of the sleeping dorms on during Chen’s tournament. I can’t help but feel like there’s something hidden in this image— (just going off of usual screenwriting and scene building here) it could be that this is either a shot right after which we may the inside of some building, or that this could be some sort of sneaking out scene. I did notice the random barrels precariously stacked on the roof/ platform on the left, which I don’t know whether it is on purpose or not that they are in this shot, but the way I know Dragons Rising and it’s small details I feel like it’s not. I guess we’ll have to wait.
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And now this one. Oh, this one. I think this is the one I have the most to say about because good lord is a lot of stuff happening in this image. Let’s work from the left to the right, shall we?
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First off! People! The fact that there are even spectators there implies to me that, unlike Chen’s Tournament that was only for himself, this one is actually public, or at the very least able to be viewed from outsiders! It could also potentially be that these are rich/ noble people, meaning that this would be a big and expensive event (which it does kinda look like to be honest). I personally don’t recognise any of the faces, though I do see a bunch of munce and at the very least human-looking people.
(The Ninjargon on the banner reads ‘ARENA’ by the way! From that I’m assuming there will be a bunch of banners like this, indicating which area is what.)
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Second are these peeps. The most obvious person we can recognise here is Mr. Pale, standing in between a Kraglin and an unknown person in the middle picture. So he’s definitely back! No sign of Tox, though, which makes me believe that either she just hasn’t arrived yet, or that she’ll arrive with the bad guys, eg. Ras’ crew, which would align with her being on the bad sign just as that one set preview showed.
Also Roby is here! Honestly, to me, he doesn’t look like he’s an actual participant, but rather he looks like some sort of worker? His color scheme doesn’t quite match, but I can’t think of a reason why he would be standing at what seems to be the entrance and welcoming who I’m boldly assuming are the ninja or, perhaps even Ras’ contenders* (Explanation further below).
(Honestly if he is Wyld’s future bf it would just be even funnier if he was just this random worker guy lmao)
Now, about the other participants. We don’t know whether these are other people with elemental powers, or whether non elementals can also take part (in which case: will Arin be excluded). Either way: There’s obviously the Kraglin and another person with what looks like grey hair on either side of Mr. Pale. There’s not enough detail for either of them to be able to tell what kind of elemental powers they could have. But it’s the other side, the first photo, that I really want to focus on.
First of all there’s the person using a wheelchair, which, without getting too much off topic here, very much fits into Dragons Risings’ inclusion of more diverse characters! I also want to point out the fact that it looks like they are wearing goggles, which somehow makes me think that this could either be a person with a more dangerous or potentially easily-going-awry power, or that perhaps it has something to do with flight? I might just be tripping though who knows.
And now to the one I actually wanted to get to because this one eludes me the most: The character on the left. To me they look like one of the dark skeletons that Wyld and Kai encountered in s1, but moreso than that I want to point out what they are wearing. A black and white themed outfit— one that most definitely looks more like the gis of the ninja. Now. I don’t know about y’all, but for some reason this character seems important to me. I can’t quite tell whether that symbol on their chest is meant to be a flower, or potentially another Source Dragon symbol (it looks very much like Strength to me), but either way I just have this gut feeling. Maybe it’s because when I first saw them I thought it was Garmadon, but who knows (I keep trying to convince myself that it’s *not* him and failing miserably)
Either way, these seem to be the other contestants for the Tournament besides the ninja and the likely to join later Ras Gang! I’m assuming that either these will continue to be unaffiliated, or perhaps be “forced” to choose sides (I imagine Mr. Pale standing there like “shit not again”)
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Then this. I don’t know why this is getting me so badly but it’s Nya and Lloyd content and that’s all that matters to me. They are both in their new suits while rising on Jiro’s back and— which is actually surprising me quite a bit— sporting the headbands that they usually have in all the sets! Canonical Nya haircut? I sure hope so.
The point is that it looks like they are either mid fight or getting ready to fight. This makes me think of two theories: Either this is them already taking part in the tournament, with the screen showing them in the middle of a challenge, or this is them actually only arriving, but already getting attacked.
Now the explanation for my * up above. If we go with the idea that this screen shows what is happening at that moment, then I feel like it’s unlikely that this entire shot shows the ninja being welcomed into the tournament, and, instead, this is a shot of the bad guys being welcomed in, and this clip just so happens to be playing. Do I think this is very likely? No, not really.
What I think is far more the case is that this screen is showing what had happened just a little bit ago (perhaps even just a few minutes), with the ninja being faced with some sort of difficulty or challenge just to get to this place; which is now being replayed again onto the big screen for the masses to see while they are being welcomed into the arena and congratulated for actually making it to this place (hence the fireworks). It could also explain why some of the other contestants are cheering (the Garmadon looking character), while some others look like they are despairing (all the ones on Mr. Pale’s side)— it could be that they were hoping the ninja wouldn’t make it in order for the competition to be easier.
Another explanation that I can see is the fact that this is live footage, but at the same time part of the team is being welcomed in. I don’t think that’s likely, because they are more likely to help each other if they were in trouble and not go ahead already, though I could see it if they had been travelling separately anyways.
Personally, however, I am of the opinion that the second one is the most likely, simply because of the other parts of this shot and what the most logical option is.
(Also something of note, though I don’t really know how actually important this is, is the fact that we see no host. Unless Roby is the host (which… no) this is very different from Chen’s tournament, where he immediately presented himself as their host and the most important figure. If the host is Life, or someone else who is representing them, then we can infer that they could be more modest in how often and just how in general they show themselves.
Also those five little circle.. platforms? Sure. They just mildly scare me, okay? I also tried figuring out what the other banners say, though I think it’s more of a drawing/ symbol than actual writing. It also strangely looks like the mech discs Sora made… anyways. Just further food for thought.)
But! Yes! That’s all I could pull from these three images in like… an hour of manic writing. I might be a Little Unwell about this show, in case you couldn’t tell :D
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 hours
Pocky game w/ various HH characters part 2/3
Idk if it's because I'm kind of.. bluugh.. but I'm craving eggs on toast rn but I cant tell if its because I actually want it or because my body is aware it's a comfort/easy/struggle food idk how body/mental stuff works
Characters: lucifer, adam, lute, emily, velvette, rosie
Notes: reader is gn, bonus hcs of what flavors i think the characters would like except the admin has one tried the og and C&C
CWs: none
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knows about the game vaguely, has never played it but hes very open to it if you offer and the two of you are already an item
though he will reject you if you two arent, even if hes already crushing on you. he DOES want to do it but i do think hes a little wary about anything like that that can lead to anything romantic or otherwise due to him still eating up his feelings over lilith
total sweet tooth just like his daughter, can see him being an almond crunch enjoyer!
when he does agree he does his best to make sure you get just as much of the pocky as him, very careful when kissing you because hes hyperaware of his teeth and the sound of them crunching and totally breaking the pocky has him a little on edge
but asides from that he has a lot of fun with it! too... "shy"(?) to ask to do it again, though
shy is likely not the right word... he wants to do it again but he doesnt want to make you feel obligated and hes still a little weird about asking for affection from you due to other feelings
does not know the game but hes on board if you offer it up and explain what it is
not very picky about flavors but i can see him enjoying the original a lot more over the others!
total tease through the whole thing, will try to fully lean into a kiss if you let him
like other characters will probably just give you a short light hearted peck, but adam is very likely to give you something a little more if you let him
god forbid if you get some chocolate or crumbs on your face because he WILL do something
loves it if you get all red and flustered
she doesnt really like sweets, but she is open to trying it with you if the two of you are already dating. very unlikely for her to agree if you two arent
does NOT know what to expect so you might have to explain what the game is so she knows what shes agreeing to
very competitive, tears through her half and probably dives into your half before you can realize whats going on
kind of crashes into your mouth a bit because shes so into it, doesnt mean to be so rough with you
pulls away very fast when she realizes what she just did, do not tease her about it because she will think youre genuinely criticizing her
can see her being a cookies n creme enjoyer if she were to ever crave the treat
knows what the game is and loooooooves it! she thinks its sweet! pun intended!
agrees instantly if you offer it up, but shes likely to ask to play the game with you if she ever gets her hands on a box of pocky!
very giddy, keeps accidentally breaking the stick because shes just so into it, you guys have to keep starting over
quick little peck at the and and she feels so proud of herself for getting a little kiss from you- dont expect much else, though, the second the kiss happens shes pulling back and letting her energy out.. shes more controlled if you two are well into your relationship
cookies n creme enjoyer but i can see her liking matcha!
hands down she is a crunchy strawberry enjoyer im sorry i dont make the rules. i think she might the cookies n creme flavor as well!
knows exactly what the game is, she spends a lot of time on the internet monitoring trends that shes seen it
not at all shy about it either, she knows what shes getting into and shes not going to let herself look like some flustered wreck- doesnt matter if you two are dating yet or not, shes going to stride in with pride
will tease you if you get embarrassed, bonus if youre the one who even suggested the game- she does this even if youre dating. actually shes more likely to do it if youre dating
similar to vaggie in the previous part, shes not going to go too fast so she doesnt look too eager... actually i can see her take her time just to toy with you
she may be a cannibal but i can see her having a bit of a sweet tooth! she just doesnt indulge in... actual proper sweets all that much!
not aware of the game but is open after you explain it to her, shes not easy to fluster so shes going to be very composed and collected during the game
if youre the opposite though, its going to encourage her to take the lead
quick and polite kiss, makes sure not to let her teeth cut you up... theres a time and a place for that but this is not the time OR place!
lets you have the rest of the box if you'd like, though she doesnt deny any extra pieces you give to her
teases you for getting so flustered over a game you suggested, but she doesnt mean any harm behind it
strawberry enjoyer but i can see her liking the matcha and the almond crunch
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So I just had a funny thought and I can't stop laughing about it so main 10 + dust and killer(I'm ok with just main 10 if adding two more is too much) with a child and S/O one day there just chilling and child starts screaming out of no where then runs hysterically and turns out there a cockroach on the wall... S/O takes skeletons slipper/her own slipper and throws it at the cockroach and it hits...
It's still moving so S/O goes for round 2 and throws another slipper... also hits the bug...
That sh** starts flying... S/O and child now screaming, there also running out of there if sans/papyrus are brave enough both S/O and there child screaming at them kill it they won't be coming out of the bedroom until it's dead or outside
S/O would have killed any bug that was small or a tad big but a bug the size of a tarantula( I'm sorry I can't spell) or a cockroach that flys that's where they draw the line.
Undertale Sans - He picks up the cockroach and throws it outside, taking his damn time. He doesn't understand why you're so scared of that little thing. You know he had cockroaches as pets when he was a kid? Well, that's for sure something you didn't want to learn about him.
Undertale Papyrus - He starts to throw bones everywhere, trying to catch the bug as it flies everywhere in panic. After that, the kitchen is a forest of bones but the cockroach is dead! ... Or he thinks so. He kinda lost it in the middle of all the bones. Oh well. A problem for his future self.
Underswap Sans - No, sorry, he can't. He's dying of laughter on the floor, screaming like a hyena as you and the kid are panicking and running around like headless chickens. He can never get enough of this. You end up kicking the cockroach out with a broom, and then you kick him out as well to thank him for his help.
Underswap Papyrus - What? Him? No! He's not touching that, he's scared as well. And you know what? To not have to do it, he starts to hyperventilate and then passes out on the floor, adding to the chaos lol.
Underfell Sans - He laughs like an evil villain and stomps on the thing in a disgusting "KRIIIIIISH" that still echoes in your head to this day. You can't get rid of the ugly stain on your carpet though. It's here to stay forever.
Underfell Papyrus - He picks up Doomfanger and throws his cat on the cockroach. Doomfanger then destroys the hell out of the cockroach and eats it entirely in front of your disgusted eyes, and his very proud eyes. That's his baby girl.
Horrortale Sans - Uh... Ok. He picks up the cockroach, slowly puts it outside, pets it twice on its little head, waves it goodbye, and goes back inside. Why being mean? The poor thing was just scared. You didn't know he could talk cockroach.
Horrortale Papyrus - He puts on a pair of kitchen gloves and comes to pick the thing. He then throws it outside and kicks it so it lands far from the house. Ew. He needs to clean the house again now. It's disgusting.
Swapfell Sans - Him? Like hell. He throws you on the floor as a sacrifice for the cockroach, picks his kid, and runs out of the house with them above his head. It was nice knowing you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He picks up the cockroach, laughing. Then he suddenly stops laughing and slowly turns around with a shark smile. "Oh no." "oh yes." You start running, screaming like you're getting murdered, as Rus runs behind you to put the cockroach in your hair. He can't help it, sorry.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He summons his three blasters and blasts the hell out of the cockroach. It's very dead now. So is the wall actually. You have a new window in the kitchen now. If it bothers you, he can still stick some tape on it.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He tries to push the cockroach, it jumps back at his face. Coffee is now screaming, the cockroach on his face, running into every piece of furniture and screaming for help to get it off. The worst part is when he runs into a wall, squeezing the cockroach on his face in a disgusting noise. Poor Coffee just unlocked a new trauma.
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justwritedreams · 1 day
Welcome to the Kingdom | Jeno
Chapter Thirteen: The bittersweet honeymoon
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Prince Jeno x Princess Reader, enemies to lovers au!, royalty au!
Word count: 3686
Genre: smut
Author: maari
Warnings: thigh riding, masturbation (m), dirty talk MDI!!! THIS IS A +18 STORY
Note: So hehehe I kind of dreamed about it I'm not that proud of this chapter but I needed to post it
Summary: The honeymoon will begin. Who will give in first?
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Taglist: @floweronacloud, @cookydream, @travelleratheart101, @ilvaussie, @tyongf-sunflower99​, @mings-cafe ,  @n0hyuck , @waltermitty97 , @jihoonismydad , @madaboutjunmyeon , @actually-vl   , @neomooniez, @pvppyhao , @ikayyyyyy (can’t tag you honey 😞), @everloving-avenue , @moonchele , @markspossibilities , @yyangj3lly
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The princess snorted loudly and crossed her arms, although it was a very childish attitude she didn't care even when she heard Jeno's amused laugh.
Okay, she understood the need to only travel the next day, now having to sleep with Jeno in the same room was already too much!
She wanted to have one last night sleeping alone, with her thoughts, her dreams... She wasn't expecting to sleep in the same room as Jeno so quickly.
“Daughter, please, you know that we hired new employees mainly to serve the wedding party, if any of them find out that you sleep in separate rooms, can you imagine what will happen next?”
She ran her hand over her face, frustrated. Of course she understood what her mother meant.
It was obvious that as soon as anyone noticed that she and Jeno weren’t really in love, the next morning all the tabloids would put on the front page the farce that was the love between the new Romeo and the new Juliet. And newlyweds sleeping in separate rooms would be the worst proof.
She didn't want to start her reign, which hadn't even started yet, like this. With her face printed in the media along with a fake stamp.
"All right mother." she agreed, giving up. “What time will we leave tomorrow?”
“After breakfast, please be ready.”
They both nodded and the queen said goodbye, leaving the room quickly. Y/N took a deep breath before turning around, finding Jeno next to the bed with an amused smile on his face.
She held his gaze, swallowing whatever anxiety had settled in the pit of her stomach. They would just sleep, that's all.
So what if she was thinking about the kiss that hadn't even happened? She was going to be fine… or at least that's what she thought.
"You can take your clothes off." he said before throwing himself on the princess's bed, who looked at him in shock and felt her legs tremble.
Jeno was back with that bossy tone.
"What?" Her voice became thinner and louder, eliciting a sideways smile from Jeno.
“Do you want to sleep in your wedding dress?” he asked, feigning naivety. “If you can do it, that’s fine with me, the bed is big enough for that.”
The princess wanted to beat herself up for the very thoughts that dominated her in those few seconds.
She took a deep breath and swallowed the answer she wanted to give, going to the closet in silence feeling her ears burning.
"Idiot." she whispered to herself as she heard Jeno laugh in the room.
He was in such a good mood that it was irritating her but a mischievous smile appeared on the princess's face as soon as she looked at one of her nightgowns.
Oh she would torture Jeno.
She picked up her clothes and went to the bathroom in silence, with a frown on her face the entire way so Jeno would think she was still mad.
“Do you want help?” She heard his voice tease as soon as she reached the bathroom, she didn't respond at all and closed the door tightly.
She looked in the mirror and the sparkle of fun was in her eyes. The princess had a hard time taking off the dress herself, she had dismissed the maids, but she managed it after a long time. She undid her braid and took off all her accessories, her hair in thick curls fell in front of her bust and she put it back, took off her makeup and put on her nightgown.
Smiling victoriously, she admired her own figure in the mirror.
The white silk nightgown was short, barely reaching mid-thigh, the breast part of the fabric only covered her nipples because everything else was made of lace, enough to see her skin.
She took the opportunity to put on a white robe but left the front exposed. She wanted to show off and that's exactly what she did when she came out of the bathroom, she paused dramatically so Jeno could get a good look at her and she held back her laughter when he choked on his own saliva.
He seemed surprised and very interested in his wife's figure, enough to move off the bed to take a better look.
The princess walked normally to the other side of the bed while Jeno's eyes were fixed on her, she knew that any sudden movement would make him have a clear view of her bust and that was why she pulled two pillows from the bed and threw them at him, which astonished, he couldn't even defend himself.
Jeno removed the pillows from his face and looked at the princess in confusion.
“You’ll need them to sleep on the floor.” She crossed her arms and Jeno got lost in the movement, he didn't even hide it when he swallowed hard.
She was finding this all amusing.
Y/N huffed, bringing her hands to her waist, attracting Jeno's hungry eyes even more.
“Isn’t it obvious to you?” she asked but he didn't respond, visibly more interested in looking at her. “You’re going to sleep on the floor!”
He blinked a few times and his eyes returned to looking at the princess's face, she had a false serious expression.
"Huh?" That's what he said and she reached for the bedroom carpet. "Sure." He chuckled, placing the pillows on the bed.
"Do you think I’m joking?”
“Damn I’m going to sleep on the floor.” He lay on the bed with his arms crossed behind his head and she laughed in disbelief.
“Okay, then I’ll go.” she made to pull the other pillows that were underneath Jeno and he stopped her.
“How old are you, princess?” She raised her eyebrow. “The bed is big enough for both of us, I won’t grab you in the middle of the night.” she narrowed her eyes. “Unless you ask.” he winked and she rolled her eyes.
Unconsciously she would ask yes.
“Good night, Jeno.”
Y/N got under the blanket after getting rid of the robe and was about to pull the pillow when Jeno got up, she smiled victoriously thinking he was going to sleep on the floor but the smile was quickly undone when he started taking off his clothes, starting with the pants.
“Wow, what are you doing?” She sat on the bed, forcing her eyes to look only at his face. In vain, of course.
“Do I really need to answer?” he pointed to his own body and saw the princess open her mouth to respond but he interrupted her by taking off the rest of the clothes that covered his chest.
Y/N held her breath when she saw Jeno practically naked in front of her, he was only wearing black boxers and just as he had admired her body, it was her turn to do the same.
Mainly because Jeno seemed slightly hard.
“If you are cold at night, you can hug me.” he suggested, smiling mischievously and loving the fact that she admired him so exposed like that.
“I’m going to smother you with the pillow.” she said, trying to hide the embarrassment of having been so shameless in front of him.
Y/N turned her back to Jeno and lay down again, fighting with all her strength not to turn over and look at Jeno lying on her bed.
It was too tempting to have him there by her side.
Y/N held her breath as she felt the bed dip next to her and Jeno's heat approached her back, something in her stomach happened and it wasn't anxiety.
“Dream with me, princess.” he whispered in her ear and she closed her eyes so that no sound would come out of her mouth.
Who was torturing who that night?
The princess began to regain consciousness little by little, the room was still dark and hot, that's why she buried her face even more in the pillow. She wanted to enjoy a few minutes before getting up, but she felt something soft against her nose and opened her eyes at the same moment.
Coming face to face with Jeno sleeping next to her, with his face pressed against hers because his head was on the same pillow that Y/N was using. Her eyes widened when she realized what had happened, she had accidentally given him an Eskimo kiss.
When she saw that Jeno was moving in bed, about to wake up, she moved away abruptly, trying to keep a safe distance from his body.
With so many pillows on that bed, had they slept for who knows how long in the same one? It had to be a joke, really.
She got up from the bed, feeling her heart pounding against her ribs and took a deep breath to control the need to rub her thighs together. All she needed was to get excited first thing in the morning with Jeno by her side!
Annoyed with herself, she went to get ready for breakfast. She knew that the chalet was on top of a mountain, far from the big city, and the weather was slightly colder compared to the previous day, so that's why she put on dark clothes, a long leather skirt with a slit on the right leg, a blouse with long sleeves in a brown tone and black boots.
When she returned to the room Jeno was still sleeping, with his arms stretched up and his torso exposed, she almost left the room and left him there, until she remembered her obligations and took a deep breath before going to him.
“Jeno.” she called out to him, briefly touching his shoulder. “Get up.” she saw him complain but didn't wake up. “Hurry up, we don’t have all morning.”
The princess used a little more force against his shoulder and Jeno opened one eye, watching Y/N.
“If I pull you, will you stop pushing me?” Y/N felt the back of her neck crawl from Jeno's hoarse voice, her hands started to sweat and she faltered.
"Stop being an idiot." she pulled away completely and Jeno woke up, interested in looking her up and down. “I can't go down without you.”
He smirked.
“Ah, the beauty of marriage.” he hummed and she crossed her arms.
“You have five minutes to get dressed.” she ordered and went to the other end of the bed, waiting.
"Good day to you too. I slept very well and you?” he said ironically and got up from the bed.
Y/N looked away from Jeno's body and scratched the back of her head, feigning interest in a fixed spot in the room, anywhere that wasn't his boxers and his dic-
“What’s the cabin like?” Jeno asked interested.
“Cold, so if you're thinking about wearing a black tank top, I suggest you think about something else.” Y/N replied without looking at him and heard his light laugh. "What?"
“Don’t worry, only you will see me in a tank top from now on.” the princess looked at him and Jeno winked at her.
"I don't care." she shrugged, feigning indifference.
Jeno laughed but didn't say anything, he went to the closet that already had some of his clothes there and got dressed quickly, also dark clothes, a black button-down shirt that he rolled up the sleeves to the elbow and a pair of jeans, he picked up a dark coat and then went to the bathroom to wash his face and mess up his hair.
At the coffee with the queen and the king there was no other topic other than the wedding, all the leaders of the allied countries and even those who weren’t considered friends of the kingdom had been present, sealing for the time being the peace they had sought with that alliance.
As soon as they finished, the bags were already in the car and the princess said goodbye to her parents with a hug while Jeno just nodded.
Y/N had her hands together while Jeno kept his palms on top of his knees, even the driver was feeling the tension between them, so the ride to the cabin was in complete silence.
To deny the tension would also be to deny the discreet looks that they both directed at each other.
The princess was worried, this was remarkable, she would be alone with Jeno in the chalet for a week. No employees, no parents, no press. She had no idea what to expect and worse, she didn't know what could happen.
Not giving in to temptation in the castle was easy because the place was big enough to not even bump into him, but in the chalet it would be different. Not only did they bump into each other, they would sleep in the same room.
And on top of that it was their honeymoon.
Even though she tried not to put pressure on herself about it, after all it was just a political alliance between the two kingdoms, she couldn't help but get goosebumps every time she remembered why they were going so far away.
The driver helped Jeno take the bags out of the car while Y/N went ahead hugging herself because of the cold and anxiety. The chalet was freezing when they entered and the driver left quickly.
Y/N went to the pantry to get some wood scraps to put on the fireplace while Jeno opened the curtains.
“How long has it been since you’ve been here?” Jeno asked as soon as Y/N lit the fireplace, she stood in front of the fire and rubbed her hands together.
She sighed, trying not to get lost in the memories.
“Longer than I would have liked.” was what she replied and Jeno walked over to warm up like her.
While he stared at her without hiding, the princess kept her eyes fixed on the fireplace, her heart racing every second that Jeno looked at her.
"Stop with that." she asked, quietly.
“Staring at me like that as if I’m a…” Y/N looked at Jeno who raised his eyebrow, waiting for the answer, she swallowed and looked away. “prey.”
Jeno laughed lightly.
"You’re nervous."
"No I'm not."
“Then why are you sweating?” he questioned as Y/N felt sweat run down the back of her neck, uncomfortable that she was being so obvious to him, she crossed her arms.
"Heat." was the first thing she responded and she wanted to beat herself up for it.
She was hot, but not because of the fireplace.
“Everything would be so much easier if you admitted it.”
She snorted.
“Admit what?” her voice got slightly louder and Jeno approached with slow steps, stopping so close to her that their bodies were almost touching.
“That I can help you as much as you can help me.” Jeno's low tone was seductive, it made her legs tremble, but she wasn't going to give in that easily.
“You said you would only kiss me when I begged you and you know I won’t do that, Jeno.” she raised her eyebrow, defiant, and Jeno fixed his eyes on her mouth.
"You are." he said with certainty. “Not today, maybe not tomorrow but you will.” She opened her mouth to retort but he shut her up, bringing his hand to her lips, catching her off guard with the touch. “But I wasn’t referring to kissing you.”
She narrowed her eyes.
"What are you talking about?" she asked, quietly, unable to take her eyes off his face.
Jeno took his free hand to the princess's waist and pulled her along with him, going backwards to the sofa, the princess was reluctant when he sat down, feeling him putting pressure on her waist so she could do the same, but Jeno was more insistent and made her sit on his lap.
"What are you doing?" She made to get up, resting her hands on his shoulder but Jeno brought his other hand to her waist, keeping her sitting there on his lap.
“Do whatever you want, princess. You no longer need to rub your own thighs.” Y/N felt breathless as she understood what Jeno was trying to do.
Did he want her to relieve herself on his lap?
Y/N felt a fire rise from her lower belly to her face, not only from embarrassment but from it being a very tempting alternative. Jeno was hot, she was sitting on top of his thigh which seemed to be much more toned than she remembered, his perfume and such closeness was causing the bottom of her panties to get wet.
Jeno brought his face closer to Y/N's ear, who remained static, she was afraid he could hear how hard her heart was beating.
“Do you know what I dreamed about last night?” he spoke quietly and she held her breath, not knowing what to say. “That you touched yourself on my lap.” the princess rolled her eyes and closed them completely as she bit her lip. “Make it come true, princess.”
Although she managed to contain her moan, it was impossible to stop her hips from rolling against his leg, Jeno squeezed her waist as if he approved the movement.
At that moment, the princess's rational side was being completely ignored and even though the skirt was in the way of making the friction even more pleasurable, she didn't care.
All she needed and wanted was for that knot that was in her womb to cease at once. And it wasn't like she could deny that she and Jeno had gone there for that very reason, even if they hated each other.
Y/N felt Jeno's fingers move her skirt aside and she rocked harder, earning a grunt of approval from him. She felt the fabric of his jeans rub against the already wet fabric of her panties and that only became an incentive for her to keep the slow and delicious pace.
His hands went to her hips to steady her on his lap and Y/N grabbed his shoulder tighter when he started whispering dirty things in her ear. The princess wanted to feel ashamed for soaking Jeno's thigh while rubbing her hips but all she felt was more desire to continue.
She didn't want modesty, she just wanted to cum.
Y/N's breathing began to become labored as she felt that her climax was close, she closed her eyes while her whole body shook, Jeno didn't stop talking for a single second, encouraging her, watching the delicious and desperate way in which she rolled her lap.
When Jeno kissed her neck in a wet way, it was enough for her to grab his shoulder as she came against his thigh. With her legs shaking from the spasms, she was unable to get up from Jeno's lap and was too embarrassed to look him in the eyes, this wasn’t a problem however as Jeno held her by the waist and got up from the sofa with her still in his lap.
The princess looked anywhere in the cabin, except Jeno, but she let him carry her to the bed. He laid her down on the mattress and she raised her eyebrow when she saw him undo the belt on his pants and swallowed hard when she realized how hard he was, she had been so busy chasing her orgasm that she hadn't noticed that he was as excited as she was.
“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you.”
She felt a slight pang of disappointment but looked at him curious to know what he was going to do. Jeno put his hand inside his underwear and the princess felt her jaw drop when she saw him start to touch himself in front of her. He didn't get rid of his underwear so all Y/N could do was imagine what he looked like, it was enough for her to start salivating and think how much she would like to have a full view of his dick, which didn't happen.
But even so, it didn't stop the cabin's temperature from rising even more, mainly because Jeno couldn't take his eyes off her and Y/N couldn't take her eyes off the expression of pleasure he was making, mouth partially open, eyebrows furrowed, sweat dripping down his forehead.
Y/N was mesmerized by Jeno, the more he moved his hand the more she felt her panties getting even more soaked, she never thought that seeing Jeno touching himself so close to her would be so hot and involuntarily she began to rub her legs against each other, making Jeno moan softly.
“Do me a favor.” he pleaded and she looked at him, panting, it seemed like his fingers were inside her. “Pull off your panties.” Y/N brought her finger to her mouth and bit it to stifle her moan, his voice was so sexy that she couldn't deny him anything. “Let me see how wet you are.”
She nodded and removed her panties, opening her legs and giving Jeno a privileged view of her wet pussy.
He groaned, throwing his head back as he accelerated the movement of his hand on his dick, Y/N felt so hot and so immersed in Jeno that she couldn't do anything but watch him chase his own orgasm.
It was so hot to see him bite his lip hard while watching her pulsate for him, she could cum a second time just watching him touch himself in front of her.
Jeno moaned as he came, the princess even imagined what was going on in his head while he saw her wet pussy because it was the same thing that was going on in her head.
“I promise you, whatever happens here stays here.” she looked him in the eyes and almost actually came when their eyes met, there was a fire of desire visible there. “Nothing will change our reality in the castle.”
Wouldn't it really change?
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nethhiri · 8 hours
Marooned: Chapter 46
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: 1% plot, aphrodisiac use, no holes barred, group sex/orgy, lite kink (bit of shibari, bit of breeding, degradation, praise, domination), sex workers
I'm pretty proud that I could write this much smut; sorry it took so long!
Doing Business
Kid was getting impatient. A minute ago he had half a dozen women fawning over him and now he had just one. Don't get him wrong, she was super hot. But why did the rest all run off to Y/N? It seemed the rest of the crew was dealing with the same problem, though none of them seemed to mind. One pretty lady in their lap at a time was enough to keep them occupied. If he was gonna pay good money, he wanted the full experience. He was soon distracted by barely contained tits in his face as the woman hand-fed him. Kid had told the madame that he wanted to be treated like the Pirate King, after all, he would be in due time. 
You were ushered into one of the back rooms by what felt like hundreds of hands and excited giggles. The woman you knew as Jade held your hands in hers seated across from each other on luxurious stools. She kissed both of your cheeks and had tear streaks down her own even though she was clearly happy. You were honestly surprised at yourself for remembering her name. Your paths crossed very briefly when you had attacked the ship her and some other women were being held captive on. There wasn't supposed to be any 'merchandise' on the ship, but they had failed to offload the cargo when they didn't get a fair offer from the skin trader. The only one that was inadvertently hurt was Jade. Her hip had been crushed by falling debris and you had to carry her off the ship. You had done your best to set it but there wasn't much you could do for her. At the next safe island, you had made sure they had a place to stay for a few nights and helped them as much as you could before setting off. 
"I knew you weren't gone! They kept saying you were dead but I didn't believe it for a second." Jade gestured at the rest of the girls who were knelt down or standing near you. "These are some of the other women you've set free, either the same night as me or from different places. They all seem to find me somehow." 
"I was gone for some time, just stranded on an island. The pirates I came here with rescued me." You left out the bit where you tried to kill each other. "I don't understand. Why are you all still doing... this? I thought you would all return home or find work that you actually enjoy." 
Jade laughed. "Yeah we get that a lot. It's different. We work for ourselves now. Some of us did this sort of thing before we were captured and some of us were taken so young we don't have any other marketable skills." Jade paused. "We can choose our own clients and we can turn anyone we want down. And what's not to like, especially when clients look like your pals out there. We're completely free to make our own decisions. Thanks to you."
"Any decent person would do the same thing. There's a lack of decent people in the world is all." 
"So if you're with them," she gestured in your crewmate's direction, "have you stopped the whole Sea Snake thing?"
"Course not." Seeing these women made you more resolute in your personal mission. 
Jade smiled. "Good." 
A thought occurred to you. You could help Jade more than you had those some odd years ago now that you had a Devil Fruit. "Hey. I have some new abilities. Would you like it if I fixed your hip? Correctly this time."
She happily accepted and made a few more requests on behalf of her girls when you explained your power. When you were done, Jade no longer limped, and her and her girls were free of the slave marks that marred their skin. You had also noticed that a few of the girls had matching tattoos.
"What with the snake tattoos?"
"Oh! You didn't make the connection?" According to Jade, they were in honor of you, just as the club itself was, hence the name and the entrance decor.
It was a bit embarrassing. You didn't feel like you were special enough to be praised in this manner. You did what was right.
Jade stretched her newly healed leg and walked around on it. "This is incredible. I haven't walked without pain in so long." You winced knowing that it was your fault. She must have noticed. "Please don't feel bad. A little wince is better than being traded like meat." A smug grin crept across Jade's face. "I haven't been able to be on top in ages." She turned to you. "Say, which one of your comrades wouldn't mind giving this hip a test drive?" 
"Probably any of them, but if you want to be on top, probably the masked blonde one or the gray-blue-haired one. Sorry, I forgot you knew their names, Killer or Heat."
She nodded. "Girls, treat Y/N to some relaxation." She pointed to a few other girls. "You come with me. You've kept our guests waiting long enough." 
You were whisked away yet again to another chamber, this time with a bath. The girls stripped you down and languidly lathered you up, taking their time, not allowing you to lift a finger. All you had to do was lay back and relax. Their touch was gentle, every now and then their fingers grazed are sensitive areas seemingly by accident, but it was all part of the experience. They put you in a silk robe and led you into a chamber with a large bed. The light was low, lit only by hundreds of candles. The scent was foreign to you, yet very pleasant. You already felt relaxed from the warm bath. Next, each girl was stationed at a different part of you, rubbing massage oil into your skin with skilled hands. An interesting shot was offered to you in a small glass, a special tincture to help you relax. You let your head fall back as they worked every muscle with increasing pressure. There was even someone at your head massaging your scalp. You felt someone put something soft over your closed eyes. What they neglected to let you in on was that this was the aphrodisiac room, where everything was carefully crafted to heighten and entice your senses, the candles, the massage oil, the food, even the material of the sheets. You hadn't begun to feel the effects yet, currently feeling like you were melting into the bed itself. 
Elsewhere, Wire was allowing himself to give up control, being patient as his body was contorted and bound by silk rope. Every knot made his dick twitch. The girls were more than happy to stroke him or give him a kitten lick as a tease. When they were satisfied that he was begging hard enough, they would allow him a release. However, currently, they were keen on touching each other in front of him, not allowing him any touch or taste. Blood rushed to his cock, making it stand at full attention. It was harder than he knew for the girls to resist touching such an impressive member. His usual self would want them in his position, he would want them to beg. He rarely allowed himself the opportunity to play the other role. Any movement of his hips or flex of his muscles made the ropes dig harder into his skin. 
"His cock is so desperate for us. Look at it weeping." One of the girls blew air across it, making Wire shiver. "You want us to touch it so badly don't you. What kind of pathetic man would grovel to two whores?" 
He clenched his teeth to stifle a whine. Wire's cock ached from the absence of touch. He watched as the girls took turns tasting each other, cumin on each others' tongues. One of the girls took her own slick and wiped it down his shaft in one stroke. He let the groan out this time. More pre-cum leaked from him. He was in a kneeling position on the bed with his thighs spread apart. Another of the girls backed her cunt up to him without touching him. He could feel the warmth though, and he hissed as the ropes dug into him again, instinctively trying to rut against her. The other girl dove her fingers into her partner, demonstrating her wetness by eliciting squelches from her pussy. She removed her fingers and held her open so Wire could get a good look at the glistening pink walls. 
"Please. Touch me. Use me to get off." Wire gave in. "I-I want to be..."
"What do you want?"
"I want to be your sex toy." 
It would have been embarrassing how quickly he came when he was finally sheathed within one of them, but he didn't care because it felt so good and because he was hard again soon after. 
In the next room, Heat was sticky. One after the other, girls took turns riding his face. Heat loved eating pussy, so it was no wonder what he wanted to do with his time. his face was coated in the various combined juices of his partners. He licked his lips and groaned. The sweet, metallic taste of pussy clung to his tongue. He had cum a few times without his cock even being touched, gooey white stripes were scattered on his belly. Using it as a lubricant, one of the girls ground her center against his abdomen. Another was riding his thigh. Heat was a giver. He got off on getting other people off. He loved watching the pleasure take over another's features while they used him. He loved feeling the wetness against his skin or his tongue.
Usually, he enjoyed being degraded. Today, however, he was being praised, and by the Madame herself, who had joined in late. He was being such a good boy for them, letting them use him however they pleased. They praised his tongue for how perfectly it lapped up their juices. They praised his lips and how they expertly worked their clits. His thighs were so muscular and fit to be ridden. His hands were rough and wonderfully calloused in a way that felt exquisite against their skin, brushing against their nipples and squeezing their breasts. They saved his cock for last, the Madame stood on the balls of her feet, guiding herself up and down his shaft, while another girl stifled his moans with her cunt. They rode him like a tandem bike until he couldn't last any longer. 
Killer was enjoying himself down the hall. He had wanted to try this with you and Kid sometime, but hadn't gotten around to it, though he was pretty sure you would both be into it. He was balls deep in one of the girls, while the other was balls deep in him, with a strap-on of course. He could have cum several times by now, though he stopped himself from getting too close.  He had the first girl's knees next to her ears, bending her in half. She hadn't stopped wailing since he started. These kinds of days were a dream, the ones where the girls thought they should be the ones paying for a service for how good they were getting fucked.  
Killer's hips stuttered as he got close again. The feeling of getting fucked himself was almost too much. He was feeling pleasure from both sides as the girl behind him, rammed into his sweet spot. He had to stop. He didn't want to finish yet. Killer was used to being the giver, today, he wanted to be selfish. He wanted to be the one cumming over and over again. He let go of his self-control, pumping straight through his orgasm, allowing himself to cum. He let out a guttural moan as he was fucked from behind until he saw stars, spilling his seed until it leaked from around where his cock was buried.
They allowed him no rest as he was pushed onto his back. The girl with the strap puled out during the rearrangement, and slowly pushed the silicone cock back into Killer, causing another small spurt of cum to leak from his tip. Her hand smeared it down his cock as she started pumping it back to life. He wanted to cum over and over again and that's exactly what he was going to get.
Kid, ever the problem child, grew more and more frustrated. He had several girls to accompany him, at the moment two were taking turns sucking his cock. It had been half-hard the entire time. He hadn't even drank that much, so what gives? He demanded more girls, with little improvement. He was being pampered with any number of techniques. Some nipple play here, some asshole teasing there, and still his cock refused to stand tall. It wasn't the girls. They were all quite stunning, each in her own unique way. He knew why it was like this, and couldn't admit it to himself. 
Only when he let his eyes close, and pretend that it was you who was touching him, did his erection grow. He had to pretend it was your tight cunt wrapped around his cock when one of the girls was riding him. He had to pretend it was you who was stroking him or touching him. He had to pretend it was you when he fucked them. And he had to pretend it was you to cum. But it wasn't satisfying. He had to have the real thing. 
Kid begrudgingly got up. He tugged his pants on but left everything else on the floor. He walked in the direction that your collar alerted him to, pausing briefly to listen in to the other rooms. Everyone else could enjoy themselves freely. Why couldn't he? It wasn't fair. This was something completely new to him. Never had he been like this. He nearly bowled over the Madame, who had slipped into the hallway. 
"Something wrong? Were my girls not satisfactory?"
"Nah. They were fine."
She studied his face. "But they weren't what you wanted, or rather, who you wanted, were they?" She had seen it enough times to know.
Kid frowned. 
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Kid frowned even more.
"Have you told her how you feel?"
"And say what?!" This was so stupid. Talking about this in a whorehouse with the head whore. "That I haven't been able to get her dumb face out of my head since I first saw her? That she's so fucking annoying she makes my stomach hurt? That she makes me insane when she does stupid shit that might kill her? Those aren't feelings!" Kid released a breath. It felt good to say something out loud. He hoped no one had heard it though.
"You're right. Those aren't feelings." She held up one finger. "It's one feeling."
"That's not-! I don't-!" Kid stepped past her. "Where's Y/N?" Kid turned and growled. "UNRELATED!" 
"Very end of the hallway." The Madame smiled a knowing smile. How lucky you were to have someone so passionate. She walked to the back room, where the girls hung out or recovered and freshened up. She walked through to another back room filled with tools and props. Someone had left out the ingredients for their infamous Snake Venom shot, a powerful aphrodisiac, except there was a lot less of the active ingredient left in the bottle than there should have been. Whoever mixed it must have not been paying attention and doubled the amount. It was perfectly safe to ingest, but it was no wonder you hadn't come out of the back room yet. It was going to take a while for the effects to wear off. 
Kid huffed and stomped down the hallway, stopping at the end. He pressed his ear against the door. There was a lot of whimpering and whining behind it, maybe even... crying? It was enough for Kid to step in. Whatever scene lay in front of him, he could never have conjured in his head. You were lying across dark sheets with a silk robe falling off your body, which was bare underneath. He could see that your skin was coated in sweat and your entire body was trembling. There was a blindfold over your eyes and the girls surrounding you were teasing you with feathers or ice cubes against your sensitive skin. There were soft, loose restraints holding your wrists and ankles to keep you from flailing too much. Your thighs rubbed against each other as much as the restraints allowed and your back arched off the bed with frustration. The girls didn't give into your pleads to be touched, hence the tear streaked cheeks that Kid could see from the doorway.
"Please. I want- I want-"
"What is it?" One of the girls giggled.
"G-gimme my boys." You panted. "They'll h-help m-me."
"What a coincidence. One of your boys just walked in."
Kid felt himself be pushed towards you, the door slamming behind him. He was pushed until his knees touched the edge of the bed, amber eyes devouring your erotic form. A girl took his hand and spread it on your thigh. The rough skin of his palm elicited a moan that went straight to his groin. A moan like that just from one small touch? His eyes drifted to the sheets below you and how soaked they were. What was going on with you that you had clearly been cumming for a while and still acted as if you hadn't been touched at all?
You couldn't see anything but there was a faint smell of weld smoke and oil. "Kid?" Judging from the feel of his hand, it was definitely Kid. He had the roughest palm since he only had the one to work with. You heard the jingle and felt the tug of your collar. "Kid!" Your wrists were held back from trying to grab him. "Oh fuck please, Kid. Please." You couldn't articulate anything past that. In the time that you had been in this room, something happened to you. The part of your brain that controlled lust was uninhibited, running rampant. The thing about sex with strangers is that it didn't matter how they perceived you because you would never see them again. When you were with one of your crewmates, part of you was preoccupied with keeping up your prideful, tough girl front. But now, you couldn't give any less of a shit how Kid saw you. You felt like you would combust if you didn't cum soon. Whatever they had given you made it impossible to be satisfied. Even when they made you cum over and over again without ever touching any of your erogenous zones, it wasn't enough. You needed to get fucked and you needed it now. 
A chuckle rumbled in his throat. You were so cute begging without any pride holding you back. It was raw lust controlling you. "Don't ya worry, doll. Yer captain will take care of ya." 
You whined at his promising words, toes curling in anticipation. A breath was shakily sucked through your teeth as you felt his hand slide up your thigh to the silk tie that was still around your middle and untie it. His hand was splayed over your stomach and dragged up to your throat, pausing to squeeze before continuing to cup your cheek. You turned your head, chasing his thumb with your mouth. He let you suck on his thumb before switching it with his index and middle fingers. You swiped your tongue against them and your cheeks were hollow as you sucked your saliva off them. Kid pressed them further past your lips until you gagged. 
Kid took your saliva and used it to pump himself, not that he really needed to since he had been rock hard the second he stepped in the room. He got on top of you and seemed to change his mind about what he was going to do, turning around so that his cock loomed over your face. He positioned it against your lips and you opened wide. Kid's girth was hard to take. He moved slowly at first so you could get used to the feeling, at the same time bending down to lick a stripe down your cunt, tasting all the times you'd cum without him. There was a vibration around his cock as you moaned.
You didn't even care that Kid tasted like another woman's pussy, or that he was fucking your face, one of your least favorite things to do, especially with him because his cock was suffocatingly big. All you cared about was getting to your climax. More tears fell from your eyes and saliva leaked from the corners of your mouth as Kid moved faster. You were hardly aware of yourself gagging on him because a few strokes of his tongue were sending you to the moon. You felt the brush of teeth against your clit and that was your undoing. His cock muffled your cry of release. The restraints tugged against your skin as your body attempted to contort. Your muscles were beginning to get sore with the amount of times they had clenched during your orgasms. Without warning, salty, thick cum poured down your throat.
"Oh fuck!" Kid came much faster than he thought. He got off on how only a few of his touches turned you into a writhing mess. He took his cock from your mouth and watched you cough, choking on his seed. "What's wrong, doll? Couldn't take it?" He turned around to wipe the cum from the edges of your mouth and stuff those fingers back between your lips so you could clean them off.
"Need more." Your back arched off the bed again. You hadn't stopped moving, trying to gain more friction between your legs. "Captain, fuck my pussy please," you begged. "Touch me."
Kid was definitely going to ask for a to go sample of whatever they gave you. He trailed his fingers from your mouth to the apex of your slit, where he rubbed in slow, lazy circles. He could already feel you trembling against his touch. "What if I want yer ass?"
You shivered and groaned. "Take whatever you want. Just m-make me cum some more." It was confusing to want to stop cumming because it was beginning to exhaust you, yet still crave the release. You couldn't see because of the blindfold, but you could tell Kid was grinning by the inflection of his voice.
The girls who were in the room had mostly dissipated, though a few were still left in case anyone needed anything, or wanted them to jump back in. Kid asked one of them for lube. He spread a decent amount on his fingers.
You could hear some adjusting of position and feel the weight shift on the bed. There was a wet squelch of lube being squirted from the bottle. Then a cool sensation of the liquid touching your asshole. You bit your lip as Kid slipped his index finger in easily. He pushed in and out a few times before adding his middle finger. With that came a mild burning with the stretch. The third finger was when you started to squirm. It danced the line between pleasure and pain. There was another cold sensation as Kid pressed his metal thumb to your bud. A low vibration was added with the fourth finger to ease the painful stretch. 
By this time, Kid was fully hard again. He removed his hand from your ass and transferred the lubricant to his cock, adding more as well. He admired the small gape before pushing his cock in. Even with four fingers, there was still some stretching to be done. 
The feeling of being entered made your pussy clench around nothing. You were full and yet empty at the same time. You felt Kid release the restraints on your ankles and you greedily wrapped your legs around him, pushing against his ass to make him move.
He grabbed your hips and pulled you against his own until he bottomed out. Fuck, he loved seeing your hole stuffed, and he loved being stuffed in it. He loved seeing how open and pink and wet your greedy pussy was, just begging for another cock. For now, his finger would have to do. 
You groaned when you felt him press his metal finger against your entrance. He couldn't go past the joint for safety reasons, but the cold sensation and something to grip against was good enough. He moved his finger and his hips at the same time, building that release yet again in the pit of your belly. You were getting closer with every movement, even if it wasn't a full thrust. Kid removed his finger and focused on pounding into you, sensing that you want more. 
"F-fuck. K-keep go-nghhh." You threw your head back and came hard on his cock. 
Kid couldn't resist letting himself cum again. Your ass was so tight around him, and like a vice when you came. The way you were slowly coming undone turned him on. You didn't want to stop and neither did he until you were fucked silly and stupid. Even now, right after you had cum, you were already grinding on his softening cock, still in your ass. 
"Girlie, stop squirmin' or I'm gonna get Wire to tie ya up."
"Oh fuck yes. Please."
Kid was very much used to you resisting everything he said and was taken aback.
"Tell him to gimme that monster cock, too."  
Kid untied the rest of your restraints and flipped you over his lap, giving your ass a hard spank. "Mine ain't good enough?" 
Thoughts were difficult to form when every word and every touch went straight to the nerves connected to your cunt. "I n-need more."  
Kid spread your cheeks to watch his cum leak from your stretched hole. "Little slut wants all her holes filled." Kid saw your pussy clench. 
You nodded. Getting fucked by all of them at once would fix you, probably. 
Kid beckoned one of the girls to fetch Wire and another to get rope. He would get the others when the time came, but he figured Wire might have some fun with you first. The tall man walked through the door a few minutes later, looking bewildered, glancing between you and Kid. Then a dark grin appeared on his face. There was noticeable rope burn in symmetric lines across his body that Kid didn't comment on. 
"Look what we have here." He liked what he saw. You looked like a bitch in heat, melted across Kid's lap and literally begging to get fucked. 
"She won't keep her ass still." He nodded to the various ropes that were piled on the bed. "Ya know I'm not patient enough for that shit." 
Wire was all too eager to grab you from Kid's lap and throw you on the bed, facedown. He had wanted to bind and gag you since you came on board, mostly for practical reasons. He grabbed both of your hands and placed them behind your back, starting from there, he tied your forearms together horizontally. He wanted to create a harness around you so they could manhandle you however they liked by grabbing it. 
You felt your arms become more and more immobilized as Wire tied you up. The large man had his knee on your back, firmly keeping you in place. The pressure pressed your pelvis into the sheets and if you wiggled your hips you could achieve som friction. You moaned as Wire pressed you down harder. Wire slapped your ass, making you stop. When the sting wore off, you couldn't help but do it again, earning another smack. The cycle repeated enough that by the time Wire had finished, your ass was full of bright red handprints. 
Wire flipped you over again so you were face up. "You're being a brat." 
Still blindfolded, you could tell where Wire was based on the way the bed shifted. You stretched your foot out to find Wire's cock, rubbing the underside with the sole of your foot, lightly pressing it to his abdomen. "Give it to me," you whined. You pulled your ankles up to the back of your thighs and let your knees fall open. 
"Needy little brat. You're dripping for me. Tell me how badly you want it." Wire loomed over you, bringing his fingers to your entrance, touching you so lightly you wouldn't be able to feel it normally.
"Wire, please. I h-have to have it. I h-have to c-cum on it." Your hips bucked against his fingertips.
"Will you be a good fuck toy and take everything I give you?"
You nodded vigorously. "I'll do whatever you w-want." 
"Don't cum until I say you can. Understand?" 
You nodded again, legs shaking with need as he pressed his fingers into you. He worked you open to make sure you could handle him. You didn't know if you could actually keep yourself from finishing in this state, so you hoped he would go easy on you. He withdrew his fingers, satisfied. The continuous orgasms helped you stay wet and ready. Wire pressed the tip of his cock into you. You held your breath, trying not to cum just from that. He couldn't sheath his entire cock into you due to its length, but you took more of him than he thought you could. 
Kid stroked himself at a lazy pace watching the scene before him. He twitched seeing your cunt at its limit and he swore he could see a slight bulge in your stomach whenever Wire went all the way in. Your increasingly needy voice brought his erection back to life in no time at all. 
"Fuck. You're gripping me so tight. Don't you dare cum yet." He felt your walls twitch around him. 
The threats coming from Wire were only making it harder for you to contain your orgasm. You could feel your thighs shaking, trying to hold it off. "I'm c-can't hold it." Wire fucked into you at a fast pace, bumping into your cervix with every thrust. 
"You can. Your slutty pussy is just being greedy." He could tell you really were on the edge with how sloppy his thrusts sounded when his hips slammed into yours. He could barely pull out you were clenched so hard around him. 
"P-please." You were gritting your teeth and tears fell from behind the fabric covering your eyes trying to hold out. 
"Take all my cum first and then you can."
There were no more words coming out so you nodded. All your thinking power went to your focus on not finishing. It was like he was dangling you over the edge but not letting you go over. 
"Fuck!" Wire released his cum inside, more spurting out with every stroke, much of it spilling out around his shaft as it disappeared in your hole. 
When you felt the twitch of his cock and the sticky sensation on your thighs, you finally let go. Screaming as your walls tried to milk more cum out of Wire. Without a second to spare, Wire lifted your torso from the bed so you were in a sitting position and you felt his hot, sticky member on your cheek. 
"Clean it off."
You were still blindfolded, and you couldn't use your hands, so you used your mouth to feel what you were doing. You licked all the juices from him until it was only you saliva coating it. And even there, you didn't stop. Finding the tip, you sucked on it, getting the last salty drops from his slit, and taking as much of him as you could in your mouth to make him hard again. You felt his hand in your hair. 
"Good girl. Keep doing that." Wire pressed your face into him until you were gagging. He grabbed you by the ropes and laid you down before getting on top of you again, this time his legs were on either side of your chest.
You could feel his heavy member sitting between your breasts. His hands were big enough to take one breast in each, which was saying something since your chest wasn't small. The tip of his cock pressed against your lips and you opened your mouth letting him in. You heard him spit and felt him squish your tits around his shaft. He was big enough that he could tittyfuck you and you could suck him off at the same time. 
This was the scene that Heat walked into. He was told he was needed here, but it looked like you had been well taken care of. Kid held a finger up to his lips, indicating to Heat not to reveal himself. He walked around to get a better view. Your knees were pressed together, though the mess on your thighs and how wet the sheets were betrayed the amount of times you or someone else had cum. 
"Clean my cum out of her." Wire didn't have to say it twice. 
You assumed it was Kid who parted your legs. You quivered at the feeling of hot breath against your thighs and then against your exposed pussy. Your mouth was too stuffed to say anything. All you could do was moan as lips moved against your overstimulated clit, then licked down your center. A tongue slowly lapped at your folds, teasing your entrance as it got closer. This didn't feel like Kid. This felt like someone making out with your pussy, not bullying it. So it could either be Heat or Killer, though you hadn't heard anyone come in. The tongue moved in and out of you, dipping deep to reach all of Wire's mess. The next pass of the tongue lingered on your clit, where lips stayed to suck at it. Wire's weight prevented your back from coming off the bed, though your hips could still move to grind. 
You felt one hand come off your breast before you felt a slap across the face. 
"Don't pay attention to him. Suck my cock."
You moved your head as much as you could to please Wire. You flicked your tongue along the edge of his glans, swirled it around the tip, pressed it into his slit. 
You felt another slap on the opposite side. 
"Too slow." 
It hurt, yet you wanted more of it. And you again, were so close to another release, clit aching in someone's mouth. You tried to go faster and couldn't do much more than you were already doing. You felt both of Wire's hands leave your breasts and his weight shift. Then suddenly his hands were gripping your hair, tilting your head up slightly. 
"If you can't listen to instruction, I'm gonna teach you how." Wire used his grip as leverage and pulled you along his shaft while he fucked your throat. 
The juxtaposition of the rough treatment on one end and gentle on the other was confusing to your horny brain. It hurt your throat when Wire forced his way deeper, and you tried your best not to gag. You very much enjoyed the way he was roughly tugging your hair though and it made you groan around his shaft. It was hard to breathe with Wire's cock taking up all the space in your throat. Black tugged at the edges of your vision as you teetered on the edge of both passing out and climaxing. With a gasp, you could breathe again and you felt warm spurts hit your face and chest. The rush of oxygen sent fire through your lungs and pushed you over the edge. Your thighs squeezed around the source of pleasure between your legs, which must have been Heat, judging by the hair texture. Killer's was softer. You shrieked with the intensity of the orgasm, irritating your now sore throat.
Wire grabbed Heat from between your thighs by his hair and shoved him into your chest. "Clean that up too, dog."
You felt Heat lick and suck at different parts of your chest, lingering around your nipples to play with them a little. He moved up to your neck, burying his face in its crook to bite, earning a whine from you. 
Wire's eyes narrowed. "Heat, are you fucking around or are you doing as I told you?" 
A whimper came from Heat above you and he went back to licking up the dots of cum on your face. 
"Heat," you whined. "Kiss me." Your legs wrapped around him, pinning him place. "Fuck me." 
"You want to get fucked by this mongrel?" You were startled by how close Wire was to your ear. "Fine. You want to be fucked by an animal then you can get fucked like one." Wire shoved Heat off you and flipped you on your stomach, pulling your ass up in the air. 
You felt Heat behind you. Your cunt was slick enough he slid right in, causing you both to moan. Heat grabbed your arms and used them like a handle to pull you backwards onto him. His ground his cock up into you, reaching for the spot he knew would make you cum. 
Wire's voice was in your ear again. "Tell him what you want."
"P-please make me cum, H-Heat."
"No, tell him what you really want." Wire prompted. "You're a bitch in heat aren't you? Tell me you want to get bred." 
"I-" It was hard to think of anything when Heat was purposefully trying to make you cum quickly. 
"Tell him or I'll make him stop." 
"B-breed me, Heat. Fuck!" Saying it out loud made your cunt clench. "Fucking breed me!"
Kid had walked back in with Killer at the right time because hearing that tear from your lips made them both hard.
It was too much. Heat finally got you to your climax without a moment to spare. Those words had an instant effect of him. You were faintly aware of his dick twitching inside you as you pressed your face int the sheets and cried out. You couldn't even hold yourself up anymore, sinking down with your legs splayed as soon as Heat pulled out. There was a hand on your back.
"Look at you, breadcrumb. I guess you're more of a glazed donut now. You did so well taking everyone." Killer cooed, leaning down to be closer to you. "Do you think you could go one more round? For me?"
You nodded. The effects of the shot were wearing off and exhaustion was setting in. 
"That's our girl." He kissed the top of your head and pulled you to sit upright, holding on so you didn't fall over. He admired how pink and puffy your pussy was after hours of orgasms. It was still so wet and glistening, partially with your own fluids and partially Heat's cum. 
You felt the weight shift on the mattress again, in front of you and behind you. You were pulled into a lap, an erection rubbing your lower stomach. Then you were lifted and placed on it, as hips thrusting into you slowly, before you were settled into a lap. You had to lean forward and rest against him. You leaned up slightly to kiss his neck, but were met with helmet after a few seconds kissing upward. You made a noise of disappointment. 
Kid's voice came from behind you. "Sorry, doll. There's company." 
You felt him kiss up your back and bite the back of your neck, sending a shiver up your spine. Killer's hand grabbed your asscheeks and spread them apart, using them to stroke himself a few times before stopping to steady you. Again, you felt the cool sensation of lube being applied to your asshole. You expected one of them to lay back, but they both stayed on their knees, sandwiching you between them. You bit down on Killer's shoulder and groaned as Kid pushed his way into you with his dick. Killer held your hips and helped you ride both of them at once. You were doubled over, leaned against Killer's shoulder and drooling on it in a matter of minutes. You were so weak and so close to climaxing again. 
"Y-you both f-feel so g-good. So b-big." 
"That's it, bunny. Cum for us."
"Let it out."
You clenched around both of them, moaning wantonly with your orgasm, feeling your slick coat Killer and run down your thighs. Panting, you fell backward onto Kid's shoulder. He trailed a metal finger up your center and made a weak spark against your nipple, making you gasp. He caught it with his own mouth, placed over yours. He wanted to taste the sweet noises coming from your mouth. Your tongues mingled and his grunts were exchanged for your moans. With kiss-swollen lips, you pulled away.
"Killer, p-please. I want t-to kiss you." 
He made a noise. 
You don't know when she got here, but you heard Jade's voice, "Girls, l-leave us." 
Why did it sound like...? 
Suddenly, you could see. Wire grabbed the blindfold from you and tied it around Jade's eyes instead. Jade who was in very much the same position as you, though with Heat and Wire. "O-oh." You supposed you didn't hear her over yourself even though they were right next to you. Your eyes were glued to where Wire's dick was fully buried in her ass. Impressive. 
"Do you like watching, too?" Killer teased. "She liked watching you so much she had to come try it." 
You looked back at him to see that he had removed his helmet, and promptly attacked his lips with your own. Slowly, you felt your arms becoming more free. Killer's hands had left your hips to untie you. When you were freed, you stretched your arms, leaning back again and lacing them around Kid's thick neck. The change in angle had Killer hard-pressed against your clit from the inside. Kid pushed his mouth against yours again, panting. With your own noises stifled by him, you could hear Jade's pleasure tumbling from her lips. Her noises went straight to your pussy. The urge struck to break from Kid and pull Jade to your mouth instead. She tasted sweet, and even sweeter were the high-pitched cries coming from her mouth.
"C-cumming," she wailed and leaned on Heat, twitching. 
"Oh fuck. I'm- g-onna..." Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt your walls flutter around Killer and your ass clench around Kid. Your cry almost sounded pained. You were starting to cramp and your throat was sore from all the panting, screaming, and Wire. You were aching and you wanted to be done, but your body was still ready for another.
Killer could tell you were about used up. "It's ok. You're doing great." He held you against his chest with a hand on your back.
"O-one more." You panted. "Gotta c-cum one more t-time." You pushed yourself up. "L-let me do it."
"Are ya sure, bunny? Ya look fucked out." 
As an answer, you moved yourself up and down, grinding your hips against both of them. They let you do the work, but they helped support you, Killer with his hands on your hips, and Kid with his hands slightly higher. If this wasn't an orgy in a brothel with other people present, it might have been romantic. You swapped between kissing Killer and Kid. Your eyes were half-lidded, and you were basically on autopilot with a singular goal in mind. 
"K-Kid can you do t-that thing?"
He had no idea what you were referring to and you didn't appear to be in a state where you could coherently answer. So he guessed. In the background, it sounded like the others were wrapping up too.
As you rode them, Kid pressed his metal finger against your clit, vibrating the metal. A stream of curses left your mouth as you approached your orgasm. You felt the molten hot core within your belly burn brighter with every drag of their cocks inside you. "W-want you t-to c-um first." Your legs were starting to feel like jelly. "Wan to f-f-feel it." Kid pressed his finger more firmly to your core and laughed darkly, making your legs shake. He had no intentions of finishing first. Killer pushed you onto his cock and thrusted into your sweet spot, having you burying your face into his chest to moan. Kid pulled you back so Killer could see your face. There was the slightest, tinging spark, like what Kid had done to your nipple earlier, causing the little bundle of nerves to be set off. You were pressed into Kid's chest with your back arching, eyes rolled back, mouth open without noise coming out because you couldn't release your breath. You heard a moan from Killer as your cunt milked him dry, seed spilling from between your thighs. A flood of warmth spread over your body as endorphins rushed through your blood. Kid's dick was buried in your ass and the way you tightened around him made it hard to move.
Kid made a few more pumps into your ass before falling over the edge himself, muttering into your ear, almost a whisper, "Ah fuck! I love ya." 
Tag list: @bbnbhm @nocturnalrorobin
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vxlkirayaxo · 22 hours
Proud glances
I can’t find your request anymore but here !!
Warnings: cursing, slightly suggestive (?)
Summary: tall f!reader gets made fun of for being tall and Scara defends them. Modern highschool AU!
Ty for the request ^^
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Out of all the people here in this classroom why did they have to pick on you? The sound of their voices faded in and out as you say there, your fists clenched on the desk.
"How's the weather up there?" One of the guys said leaning on your desk, a cruel smile set on his lips. Oh how bad you wanted to punch that idiotic smirk off of his face.
"No man wants a tall freak like you." The freak made you almost flinch, the nickname was bad enough but the mention of your relationship level really felt like a punch in the gut. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out.
'Utterly speechless, pathetic.' your seatmate, Scara thought as he observed the scene through the corner of his eye. He knew what the bully said wasn't right because he found you attractive.
A sigh left his lips as he turned to you.
"are you not going to stand up for yourself?" He asked, a bit too softly than he wanted it to come out. You hesitantly shook your head, your disappointment in yourself apparent.
"If she stands up she'll hit the ceiling, of course she won't." The bully said before cackling, the sight of him laughing was disgusting. At least that's what Scara thought.
No matter how much he tried to fight it by looking back and continuing to read his book, his heart ached a bit.
He had a small (big) crush on you, so why wouldn't he feel a bit sad at that depressed expression on your face? He had an internal struggle before turning back to you with a grim expression on your face.
He motioned for you to come a little closer so he could whisper something to you. You leaned a bit closer to hear what he was saying all though not without blushing from the close proximity.
"Say something about him that he's insecure about, be like 'At least I don't smell like shit constantly, or look like shit.. maybe then you'd pull girls instead of bullying them.' that would be totally badass."
He whispered with a grin before you nodded with a determined look on your face before sitting up and turning to the bully. You pointed your finger in the bullies face.
"At least I don't look and smell like shit! Maybe if you would actually take care of yourself and stop bullying girls maybe another girl besides your mother would actually be willing to kiss you." You said proudly, a smirk prominent on your face. Scara's eyes shined a bit with pride before he turned back to reading with a small smile.
'thats my future girl.' he thought glancing at you. You looked very proud of yourself. You turned to him and grabbed his hand.
"Thank you for helping me! Let me buy you lunch as a true thank you!" You said with a smile and a slight tilt to your head, Scara's face flushed at the view. Your smile was so bright he had to squint a bit from the light.
"like a date?" He mumbled, a bit shocked by the sudden contact. His eyes constantly switching from your face and the gentle touch of your hand.
"Sure! Is there a day that you're open?" You leaned a bit closer really eager to thank him. He slightly opened his mouth before speaking, he knew he had a busy schedule but he'd definitely clear it for a chance with you.
"I'm open... whenever..." He said before glancing at his full calendar which made him cringe. You nodded your head.
"After school then! It's a date!" You let go of his hand before standing up and grabbing your stuff.
"see you later!" You said before ducking under the doorframe and leaving the classroom.
I'm doing a part two with the date if you guys want!
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s1llynjury · 2 days
Make-up time! ★ Hobie x gn! reader ★
word count: 3.2k
this is just a silly idea that I had in my mind for quite a while, just Hobie and the reader doing eachothers make-up, that's it😔 (it get a little suggestive at one point, but really nothing much, as always thanks everyone for reading this and have a good day🫶
"Hey now, stay still, will you?" Hobie grumbles, feigning annoyance despite the little grin to his lips. "Well, I'm getting bored here, and if you're not able to also entertain me then you're just a bad make-up artist" you quip back as your legs keep slightly dangling from your seat. "Oi! That's just straight up nonsense there!" He responds and also eliciting a little giggle from you for the playful banter that you two were keeping up for quite a while now.
People had always complimented you for your make-up skills, in your opinion it had never been anything too grand, you just really like a good colourful eye look with a big bat wing eyeliner: you were pretty used to it, but nonetheless always appreciated the praises, especially Hobie's ones. With him always telling you how he envied your steady hand and the precision in your eye make-up: so when all of the sudden he asked for you to do his make-up you were quite delighted, taking the opportunity to offer him to do each others make-up. So now you were waiting, for what felt an exhausting amount of time, him to finish doing your make-up.
"How long will it take? I'm getting impatient to see the result..." you whined. You don't really know why, but the thought of doing this with him was kinda exciting, it was a lovely way to spend some quality time together, and having his pretty face all to yourself to experiment was exhilarating. "Aye aye, I'll be finished soon... this brush must be broken or something, it's so hard to blend with it..." Hobie keeps grumbling as his eyebrows furrow a little, his overly focused and slightly annoyed expression is rather adorable.
"Huh? No it's not broken, I use that brush everyday and mind you, it works just fine with me." You respond while still keeping the same playful tone. "Yeah whatever you say...here, I'm all finished with my art!" he suddendly announces as he pulls back from you to admire your face before handing you a mirror while also looking pretty proud of himself.
"Oh...! It's, well...it's pretty..." oh indeed, it was bad. Beyond bad. "Yeah no, you could not sound less convincing, it's not even that bad...is it?" he asks, trying to look unfazed, but you can tell from his posture that he wasn't expecting for that reaction, "Now don't get me wrong... when you said you were struggling with blending it I didn't think you were struggling this bad..." you say, always keeping the light and joking tone. "But I gladly appreciate the effort, I can tell you really put...um, something in this..." he simply bursts into an heartfelt laugh. "Well now... I promised you the truly punk style, I never said I was actually good at it."
Your eyes were completely covered of messy applied and not that too much blended black eyeshadow: there was an actual attempt of doing... something, with the eye contour darker in comparison to the rest of the eyelid, but still it wasn't a look you'd usually go for. "I'm just surprise you can actually pull off this look pretty good whenever you do your own make-up..." you respond to him as you lay the mirror on the bed next to you, "Well, I guess it's your turn now to get dolled up!" you announce as a little grin of excitment forming to your lips. "Oh yeah, finally the good part!" Hobie suddenly looks unexpectedly giddy, as if he waited for a very long time for the possibility of having you putting make-up on him.
He sits in front of you, his back straightened up while you look in the bag where you keep all your make-up things, with him patiently waiting. "Now... I'm no make-up expert, ok? So don't get your hopes too high... Close your eyes for me..." you keep talking as you start to apply a light shade of concealer to his eyelids. You wanted to do something really colourful, something that really had to pop off, so a proper base was necessary, especially with such a dark skin as his. "Don't care, I know you're good at it, and that you'll do an exceptional job." he closes his eyes as he reassures you, a genuinely smile tugging to his lips. "Hm, so you're supposed to have quite the light hand when doing this? Makes sense..." he observes, seeming a bit surprised by how delicate you are with your actions. "Well, the eyes and eyelids are quite delicate... actually tell me if I'm being too heavy handed or if I'm hurting you, I've never put make-up on anyone else but me..." you murmured before leaning back to look at one of your colourful palettes.
"Don't worry, so far you're doing just fine. Now, why don't you tell me what's the idea for your big masterpiece, hm?" Hobie asks jokingly as he slightly opens his eyes to look at you. "To be honest I don't know, I don't have any particular plans usually, I just do what feels right." you respond, trying to decide what colours you could use on him, "Hmm... tell me a colour," you tell him as you look up at him again, "Nah, you choose, I'm sure whatever you pick it'll be great." such a response just made you snort a little in feigned frustration. "Fine, then you'll get my killer combo: pink and green!" you announce as you stand up to get another palette that has an extensive amount of shimmering eyeshadows, you always used them for your eye lights. "Pink and green? That... sounds interesting." Hobie responded as his eyes follow your movements. "It'll be great...you know that's my favourite colour combo!" you say excitingly while you sit back in front of him as the brush in your hand was already picking up the hot pink pigment. "You got me in a good mood, so I'll put my very best into this!" you continue as you start gently applying the powder on his left eyelid.
A few moments of silence pass before you start to softly hum a melody, after a moment Hobie follows you by reaching to gently tap his fingers on your thighs, following the rhythm of yous hums.
"Hey..." you start to talk again after some time as you're already doing his right eye to match the other. "What?" Hobie responded promptly, with a little smirk to his lips as his eyes remained closed. "You know, I always think about this, but I think I've never actually told you... but your eyes are really pretty," you hear an immediate snort from him while he slightly opened his eyes as you leaned back to switch palettes. "Aye, what now?" his tone hold a genuine hint of surprise. "Why are you looking at me like that? It's true... your eyes are pretty, and I like them..." You mumble quietly as you look down to the palette in your hands, you had already switched the brush for a smaller one, the soft round tip already picking up the shimmery powder. Hobie let out a little chuckle before one of his hands moves to you chin, tilting it up, forcing you to look at him. "Sorry, I didn't expect it, but I quite appreciate the compliment, thank you, my love...really."
The intimacy of his gesture was enough to make your heart flutter, so having him leaning closer, the teasing yet sincerity in his words, and how he was looking at you, it definitely was all having quite an impact on you, more than the faint heat reaching your cheeks could show. Still, you were there on a mission... maybe not, but you were serious on doing a proper job, so no distractions, at least not for now.
You clear your throat a little before straightening your back again. "Well, you're welcome... now returning to more important things... I need to finish your eyes' corners," your tone was quiet, while you lean again to keep working on his eyes. "After this I just need to do your eyeliner and then we're finished." The hand under your chin slipped once again to lay on your thigh as he hummed at your statement. "And you're doing the double thing?" He asked, the excitement back into his voice. "Yeah, I'm doing the double batwing," you respond, your fluster almost gone as you just couldn't help but find endearing how he was still eager in having you doing his make-up.
"Okay okay... we're ready for the good part," you announce with a big smile as you were already looking at the few eyeliners you own to decide which one to use. "Now...you have to keep your eyes open, I need you to look directly at me so that I can be precise, ok?" you inform him as you unscrew the cap of your eyeliner, ready to use it: but then you raise your head and notice something. Usually whenever you did your eyeliner you would get as near as possible to the mirror, placing her hand on her face for stability, but now you two were sitting in front of eachother; there was way too much space in between for you to actually work. "Wait a minute..." You mumble before closing the eyeliner again and standing up, you walk in front of him, thinking about doing his eyeliner while standing up, but soon abandon the idea, it'd be way too uncomfortable.
"What's the problem, love?" Hobie asks softly. You look at him again, admiring how good he looks with all that shimmery eyeshadow. "No... I was just thinking about how can I get real close to you... so that I can have a proper look and do the best eyeliner I can..." you say as if it was the worst thing in the world, which it wasn't, but you really wanted to do a good job, so it was affecting you more than how it should have. "Oh, is just that? I have an idea to resolve it." Hobie responds with a little lopsided grin forming to his lips.
"Well, I can definitely have a better look like this... I guess..." your initial confusion disappeared really quickly when you saw him just getting more comfortable on the bed and tapping on himself to signal you to get on top of him. So now you were there, shifting a little to get in a comfortable position to lean closer to his face. "Okay then, guess we'll set for this..." you say, the hesitation from the bashfulness clear as day, "Aye, I should definitely ask for you to do my make-up more often from now on!" Hobie retorts teasingly, with his usual shit eating grin that sometimes made you just want to punch him. You open the eyeliner again, ready to finally do the first streak, when you suddenly feel his hands sneaking on your hips. "What's the matter, love?" he asks, knowing full well the reason of the faint blush getting to your cheeks. "Nothing, of course... you look at me while I do the eyeliner, so I don't risk doing it wonky." you respond, not wanting to give him the satisfaction,at least not vocally, of his teasing, which was clearly working anyway.
You start to do your magic, shifting from one eye to the other for each singular stroke: it was the best way to get both of the wings right the first go in your opinion. You are now starting to fill the first wing, already thinking about asking him to close his eyes so you can pass the eyeliner on his eyelid, when you finally notice how intensely he's actually looking at you. "Everything alright? You look surprised." Hobie asks quietly as you stopped for a short moment. "Huh? No, I mean... 's all good." You mumble, feeling his hands creeping upwards to your waist. "You sure? You look a bit flushed." He keeps going, with the same tantalising tone, which gave away that he is doing it on purpose, actively searching for a reaction out of you. "Yeah... I'm good." you keep up your bravado up, even knowing that it wasn't fooling him one bit. "You know, dove... I really like how you look when you're all concentrated, especially if it's me getting all your attention." His grin is just growing wider at this point, with him knowing full well the effect he's having on you, his slender fingers squeezing your waist ever so slightly: it was a sweet and teasing reminder of how close you two actually are.
"Hmm, I'm just focusing...to do a good eyeliner, 's nothing special, really..." your tone was awfully quiet now. "Maybe nothing special, but I definitely find it quite sexy." that sentence must had quite an effect on your face expression, since Hobie couldn't help himself but to burst into an heartful chuckle. Your instinct, before you completely forget about it, tells you to close your eyeliner bottle. Hobie notices this little action before getting a firmer grip on your waist and pulling you closer to him, just that bit enough to persuade you in leaning in to eventually let your lips gently collide. It's a sweet and tender kiss, a little reminder of the love and care you two had for eachother.
You weren't against physical touch as a love language, quite on the contrary, sometimes you could even get very touchy-feely, on the point of definetely becoming annoying, but there was just something about Hobie's attitude when he actively engaged in physical touch, it made you always look for something more; and he was more than happy to accommodate. Even now, as he gently pushes in a deeper kiss, you just oblige, letting your tongues interlock in one another, in a slow and sensual dance. His hands return back to your hips, with a more purposeful touch now, you can't contain the low humming back in you throat as you keep kissing eachother.
Wait, no. It's not the time. That's what you think as you abruptly pull back from him, and lightly slap his chest. "I-it's not time for that, not now at least!" you grumble before taking a deep breath to ground yourself a bit. "Time for what? I don't know what you're talking about," is all that Hobie responds you with, wearing always the same smile that you hated so much. "Yeah, of course! You poor and mindless guy! Of course you don't know what I'm talking about...now close your eyes so that I can finish the lids." you grumble, swiftly changing the subject back to what you two were doing originally. "Aye aye, captain!" your lover responds jokingly while closing his eyes, but his grin still never leaving him, knowing how flustered you are from his doing.
"Ok! All done!" you announce, promptly getting off of him and immediately searching for the mirror as to not being too close to him and let your fluster wear off a little. "Good, can't wait to see the result!" Hobie says, with a more relaxed smile on his face now. You take the mirror in hand but don't move towards him right away as a thought crosses your mind. "Wait, I didn't even think about lipstick, would you also like to wear that?" you weren't much of lipstick person so you tou didn't even worry about it, but the idea of how good he could look wearing it was too alluring to not take the opportunity. "Now now, can't say no to that, can I?" his response couldn't have made you happier. In a frenzy you start to get all the necessary to do something quick; you return to sit beside him, on the edge of the bed and swiftly work with the lip liner, finishing with the lipstick, nothing too bold, since the eyes were already doing that job. "There there, now we're actually done!" you chirp while passing him the mirror, curious to see his reaction.
Hobie takes the mirror, carefully looking at his reflection, "Hell... I look quite ravishing like this..." he mumbles, looking genuinely impressed as he keeps inspecting himself. "So... you like it?" you ask quietly, the little fear that he might have not liking it swiftly disappeared. "Like it? No no, I absolutely love it! I'll admit, it's quite different from my usual style, but you definitely did a good job, dove." you instinctively let out a little sigh of relief as you sit back on the bed and lean a little on the mattress. "Well I'm really glad you like it, because you look so good with make-up on!" you giggle lightly as you turn to look at him again, admiring his face. "Yeah, you're gorgeous..." you say under your breath. Hobie chuckles as he moves to sit beside you again.
"Hey now, no need to waste too many compliments on me... that's my job with you anyway," he says while leaning closer to you. "We can then admit that I did a far better job than you, yeah?" you say jokingly, with a little smirk forming to you lips. "Yeah definitely, there's no actual doubt in that," he pauses for a moment as he wraps one arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. "You know, I was thinking, you really did such a good job, I certainly must do something... as a way to say thanks, don't you agree?" your eyebrows spike upwards, making you look really surprised. "No no, no way... I had so much fun and I'm just happy we did something different from the usual!" you dismiss him with a little chuckle following you.
Hobie slightly shakes his head while taking again grasp of your chin, gently forcing you to look up at him. "Nah, you don't get it, I really need to do something, I just have to." he responds, his voice noticeably getting lower, hinting you to what he was actually alluding to. You finally get what he meant and you can't stop a little flustered giggle from escaping your lips, a giggle he already knew very well. "See, we didn't get to finish before, yeah? You're always so diligent," he says with a low chuckle, "But now, we're finished with this make-up thing... and it's not like we have much else to do, aye?" he asks, tilting your head a little more while he leans closer to you. "Yeah... you're not wrong..." you respond lowly, your arms wrapping around his waist. Your action was his sign to keep going, so he finally leans to kiss you, letting your lips tenderly brushing against eachother. "Guess it wouldn't be so bad to bask a little in this generous way of thanking me, yeah?" your voice is equally low as his, "Yeah...and I think I really like the look of you with my kisses printed all over yourself." Hobie responds teasingly before leaving a gentle peck on your cheek. You blink a few times, then you remember that he's wearing lipstick now. The thought of it makes you smile as you take a better grasp of him by wrapping both of your arms around his neck, ready for a new kind of quality time awaiting for the both of you.
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lilioopdf · 2 days
close to you— jmm 21
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notes: 1.3k words, no warnings, all fluff (but a little emotionally heavy i’m so sorry 😭😭)
a/n: hello lovely people!! this is the first piece of writing that i’m posting on tumblr, so please be nice 🥹🥹
anyway, this is just a mini birthday scene for pepe’s birthday, but his name isn't ever explicitly mentioned here, so you can read it with any driver in mind. enjoy, and thank you for being here!! ❤️❤️
extra: i'm a gracie fan, and very happy about close to you being released, so this is very loosely based on the themes of that song (+ the blue (also by gracie) and call it what you want to by taylor swift!)
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it’s a quiet monday night. he’s on the balcony, leaning against the railing as he stares out onto the city, hair slightly dishevelled, eyes tired. 
he barely registers the soft click the door makes as you slide it to the left, causing a warm gust of air to blow into the air-conditioned hotel room as you peek at him from behind the door. 
“hi,” you greet softly, voice barely above a whisper.
his response is instant, head snapping towards you at the sound of your voice, as he croaks out a simple “hi” in return. 
he nods once, inviting you to join him. his eyes track your every move, watching as you hesitate a little before making your way towards him. 
there’s a brief moment of silence as you take in the view, noticing how the circuit seems to light up brighter than any other part of the city, a brief reminder of what’s bound the two of you together. the air is laced with the distinct scent of smoke, and the view polluted by the street lights scattered across the area. 
“P5. that’s not too bad,” you say, referencing his race from the day before.
he hums in response, his expression blank and unreadable, seemingly nonchalant.
you chew on the inside of your mouth, unsure how to perceive his lack of reaction. maybe he’s just not in the mood to talk right now, you think, still staring at him a little awkwardly and expectantly.
the silence stretches on, and you start again, “i think P5 is good, actually. considering your previous races and the fact that you started from the back of the grid and everything-”
catching yourself from rambling on, you bite on your tongue to stay silent as you wait for a reply.
he turns to look at you, tilting his head ever-so-slightly, and you notice a small smile playing on his lips. his eyes study your face for a few seconds, and you feel your face get hot before you break eye contact to stare off into the distance instead. 
there’s still some space between the two of you, and you try to convince yourself that you haven’t embarrassed yourself by talking too much, but you’re still feeling a little too shy to meet his eyes, and trying your hardest not to accidentally look at him. 
the silence lingers for a second too long before you hear his feet shuffling across the wood floor as he moves closer to you.
he looks at you again, before he says, voice low and soft, “i’ll take it, i guess. i’m not proud of it, because it’s not the best, and i definitely think the team deserves better than that, but it’s a major improvement from the previous weekends, so i’m not upset.” 
“i’m proud of you,” you offer, turning back to look at him. “i’ll be proud of you regardless of your results, and i’ll always be rooting for you.” 
there’s a flicker of emotion in his eyes, gone too soon before it can be identified. you naturally assume that he probably doesn’t know what to say, and you don’t push him to.
when he reaches out to tuck a fallen strand of hair behind your ear, you inhale deeply, tensing up as you realise just how close he is, with the two of you pressed up against each other, closer than you should be.
there’s another pause.
this one’s shorter— a quick moment of contemplation before you decide to lean in towards him, bravely resting your head on his shoulder (or as close as you can get to it, anyway, considering the height difference.)
you’re a little stiff, unsure if the act of intimacy is as welcome as you had originally perceived it to be. 
but then there’s yet another short pause, and his arm stretches out, wrapping around your waist before pulling you even closer into him. 
you feel his shoulders rise with each breath he takes, and you send out a quick prayer to the universe, thanking whoever for allowing you this moment of intimacy, for allowing you to bask in the warmth of each other, before pepe breaks the silence. 
“will you be there for my race on sunday?” he asks, voice coming out a little hoarse. 
you lift your head from his shoulder to look at him, nodding, brows slightly furrowed. “i’m always there though. we just work in different sections.”
you’re suddenly very aware of the dark circles under his eyes, and the brief thought that he might not get enough sleep before his media duties tomorrow worries you a little, but you choose to stay in the moment, enjoying the privilege of being this close to him in a non-professional context, and in the privacy of your own space. 
he shakes his head, voice softening a little, “i meant like– visiting me. in my garage, before the race.” he sounds a little hesitant and unsure of himself, even as he looks at you with hopeful eyes. 
“i could… if you want me to.” 
he blinks a few times in confusion before nodding his head and letting out a breathy, “yeah, of course”. (because of course he wants you to be there. he always wants you to be there before his races.)
he thinks that he would like to have moments like this more often— away from the flashing lights and fast cars that take up so much space in his life. he thinks he would like to have more moments like this with you. it’s astounding, the effect that you’ve had on him within the six months that you’ve known each other. 
“i’ll be there,” you promise, your toned hushed and earnest, as though you’re pledging an oath. 
he nods again in acknowledgement, but he seems a little distracted and dazed, and he’s staring at you again. your breath hitches slightly, but you make no move to hide yourself this time, allowing yourself to look into the eyes of the boy standing in front of you.
the air is thick with unaddressed feelings and things left unsaid, but neither of you make any attempt to change that. the moment stretches on, and when you finally look away, a clock on the face of another hotel near you lets you know that it’s close to midnight.
“we should go to bed,” you say. more for your sake than his, if you’re being honest.
“you can go in first. i’ll join you in a few minutes.”
you make no move to leave. his hand is still on your waist, but his grip has loosened a little, allowing you the freedom to go. you let your eyes roam over him, taking in his wind-tousled hair, his soft lips, and the way he’s looking at you with a certain intensity that has you dizzy with anticipation. 
something within you shifts, and you feel your chest fill with something you can’t quite identify. 
giving him a small smile, you look back to glance at the clock again.
“before i go…” you place a hand on his arm, steadying yourself. 
“happy birthday sweetheart,” you whisper, as you tiptoe to give him a kiss on the cheek.
when you pull away, you find him smiling at you again, but it’s different this time. his eyebrows are a little raised, mouth slightly open, cheeks lightly tinged with a blush, and he looks flustered, one hand reaching up to rub his face as he stares at you. 
and for what it’s worth, you’d love to continue staring at him. but it’s late, and you’re a little too shy to look at him after what you’ve just done— so instead, you quickly turn away, hurrying back into your room, leaving him gaping behind you in awe. 
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© lilioopdf 2024 – please do not plagarise, repost, or translate any of my work on this or other platforms
thank you for reading this far!! take care of yourselves and i wish you a lovely day/night ahead!! 💗💗
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twelvelevens · 1 day
thoughts on first 3 episodes of the boys season 4 so far (spoilers under cut)
i heard from the reviews by people that already watched the whole thing that the first 3 episodes are boring as usual and then it gets better
personally i don't really see how they would be boring, because there are SO many things happening?? not just action-wise, but lore-wise as well? not one character left behind, everyone gets their screen time and its just so nice
the way they intoduced Sister Sage and Firecracker is so smooth and doesn't feel forced at all, they fit so well, it's like they were supposed to be there the whole time, their motivations clear and very understandable
i really liked how they positioned and developed Ryan this season as well, can't really say i cared about him before outside of Becca/Butcher plotline, but now i very much do care about him as a separate character, he's his own guy now
this season (for now) is the pure essence of what i and, i think, most people love about the boys, its like screenwriters got it together and made a huge leap after the third season (that imho wasn't that good) SPOILERS:
the fact that Annie bullied Firecracker as a kid made her character SO MUCH MORE DEEP (pun not intended), it fits so well for her past as a star of these weird kid shows, wanting to make her mother proud so bad she went as far as bullying the other final contestant, not even thinking much of it, because children can't really understand just how bad words can hurt (especially malicious rumors like these) when the only thing her mother actually cared about was winning, which makes her character significantly more evil as well
i liked how Sage says everything i wanted to say to Homelander RIGHT IN HIS FACE ohhh how i needed it to happen, i like that she's there
the way they show how Homelander really tries to bond with Ryan in his own way, how he loves him, but still isn't able to let him outshine him (even tho Ryan doesn't even want this at all) how HL physically cannot comprehend why would Ryan be upset by killing a person, the way he took it out on Ryan because he really tries so hard to make his childhood as happy as he can, but his son only needs... love? and Homelander is not capable of it really
and don't get me started on Butcher/Becca plotline, it will never cease to make me cry
tbh when i watched the first episode i thought that Butcher was somehow involved in the fact that Hugh sr. got a stroke and i was so depressed i literally cannot describe it, it felt like the character died while being alive which was so much worse than if he physically died (i talked about it with my friend afterwards and turned out it's most likely not what happened at all, i just like to overthink lol)
but the moment when Ryan and Butcher talk and Butcher throws poisoned cookies in the trash... guys im not gonna lie i cried my eyes out VIOLENTLY, i was crying LOUD and with my VOICE and couldn't stop
i love Butcher more than anything and i really hope he doesn't turn evil, this is all i'm hoping for
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bluecatwriter · 6 hours
I watched the Wildhorn/Black/Hampton Dracula rock opera!
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Okay, okay, okay. As some of you know, one of the guys in my theater troupe got me comp tickets to see him in Dracula: The Musical. You guys. It was an EGREGIOUS adaptation that didn't even make narrative sense on its own terms. I also had a TOTAL BLAST. 
If you like the musical, no shade to you— please just keep scrolling and like what you like! However, I had so many thoughts about this that I had to word-vomit about it, and thought some of you might have fun reading my thoughts on the good, the bad, and ugly for 3,000 words.
TL:DR: Very fun experience, so glad I went, the play's narrative choices make me want to throw hands in a Denny's parking lot, much dunking/adaptation-hate ahead, my friends are amazing, I'm writing my own play now.
(CW discussion of rape, ableism, drug use, suicide)
-First of all, everyone take a moment to appreciate my eyeliner. I do not usually draw eyeliner that well so I was very proud of myself.
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-I went with my sister, since we both knew people in the cast. (I thought we knew three, but we actually knew four: the actors who played Dracula, Mina, Lucy, and Quincey.) My sister didn't know anything about Dracula except what she'd picked up from my incoherent ramblings (which I generally keep to a minimum around her). 
-It was a black-box theater, which I didn't expect: six or so rows of chairs on each side of the theater, facing each other across the relatively small room, with the stage in the middle and a live orchestra (!!!) on one end. The set was a minimalist Gothic castle design, with windows, a freestanding moving wall, and a large platform that, throughout the play, served as Dracula's coffin, a table, Lucy's bed, Lucy's coffin, and just a general place to stand and sing in a badass way. I absolutely LOVE black box shows because they're so intimate: you can almost reach out and touch the actors, and you can see every minute facial expression and gesture, the light glittering in their eyes, and so on. (Acting in a black box theater is much more like movie acting because the audience can see what you're doing with your eyes in a way that regular theater doesn't allow, meaning that things like eye contact between characters is much more electric and effective.)
-The sound design and lighting effects were doing a lot of heavy lifting in this show, and they nailed it. Very spooky!
-The play began with the weird sisters, and they were consistently my favorite part of the play— the actresses killed it (ha), bringing an intense, spooky energy to the story, often serving as narrators, background singers, extras, special effects handlers (such as portraying the wreck of the Demeter), and the physical manifestation of Dracula's will/presence. They were AWESOME.
-I had decided in advance that this play was a fanfiction written by Dracula about himself, and nothing about the show dissuaded me from this idea. The guy who played Dracula served major cunt from the moment he stepped onstage, wearing leather pants with laces up the side and a big sweeping coat and a huge amount of eyeliner that really brought out his unnervingly blue eyes. ("All guys should wear eyeliner and leather pants," I joked to my sister after the show, and she responded, with the most haunted look I've ever seen, "I agree about the eyeliner, but not the pants. I lived in San Francisco for three years, and you know not what you speak of. There are things I cannot unsee.")
-Actually, to be honest I liked Dracula's characterization (until the end; see below); whether because of the director or the actor or both, this version really did not downplay what a bastard he is. He was incredibly ruthless, in all senses of the word: focused on a single goal and not caring who got mowed down in the process. Anytime his sung lines talked about him being lonely or sad or whatever, the actor played it off as him trying to garner sympathy from his listener, rather than expressing his true feelings, which was a directing/acting choice I really appreciated.
-When Jonathan came on stage (from the door just a few feet away) I nearly squealed with delight! He just RADIATED "biggest sweetheart you've ever met" energy: tall and lanky and with a scruffy lil beard and clothes that didn't quite fit. I was in love with him from the beginning. Also he got to mention his Kodak camera, and I remembered that I could not actually cheer at moments like that because that would be weird.
-The Dracula-Mina "romance" was introduced very early, which I appreciated; from a storytelling perspective, it was good to have that continuous thread. Dracula looks at a picture of Mina, mentions how young she is, asks Jonathan if she is "pure," and then decides that they're soulmates. It was SO PERVY. Once again, I loved the Dracula characterization. If only it had stayed one-sided…
-I was fortunately warned that in this version Jonathan takes the crucifix off so the weird sisters can continue attacking him, but I still had to suppress a "BOOOOO!" (I did whisper "NOT CANON!" to my sister, and later she said that when that happened in the play she was like, "Oh, okay, I don't care what happens to this guy now.") But I guess it did have the effect of making him less sympathetic, which served the story the play was trying to tell.
-I was pleased that there was a Drac-drinking-from-Jonathan scene, and consistent with the storytelling, Drac had a whole song about how he needs Jonathan's blood so he can be young and hot and go seduce Mina (which, again, fits with the story they were telling). They decided not to have any sexual tension between Dracula and Jonathan, so the blood-drinking scene was pretty brutal (complimentary)— Jonathan laid out on the platform with Drac just. gnawing on his neck while Jonathan writhed and convulsed. It was still kinda hot though not gonna lie
-Lucy's characterization at first was pretty interesting, because her song about the three suitors (and the directing/acting) made it seem like she was just kinda stuck with three mediocre choices, and chose the least offensive one (Arthur, who she describes as boring and can't even think of one nice thing to say about him) and tried to convince herself that she would be happy. This was honestly the biggest moment where I had to just squirm in my seat to keep from actively booing. Don't be so mean 2 my boy! From a storytelling perspective, it wasn't clear at all why she chose Arthur, because Quincey was the only one of the suitors who had any personality at all (even Jack was bland. JACK. WAS BLAND. YOU COULDN'T HAVE HIM SIT ON HIS HAT OR AT LEAST FIDDLE WITH HIS LANCET? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???). Anyway, Arthur was actually totally fine after that song (and had some nice lines in the group songs).
-Meanwhile, Drac is creeping on Mina by entering her thoughts without her consent and being like, "We're soulmates," and she just…. goes along with it???? With literally no rhyme or reason to her decision???? I know some of this is that I hate the whole concept of soulmates, but I expected at least SOME justification for why she was interested in him. There was no indication she was unhappy with Jonathan; there was no hint of any emotional connection; there wasn't even some weird "reincarnated lover" story to try to soften how incredibly strange it felt that Mina was randomly in love with this guy's voice in her head. His baritone is sexy BUT IT IS NOT THAT SEXY. GIRL PLEASE.
-In this version Dracula bites Lucy because he's trying to call Mina to him and Lucy comes by accident and he's like, "Well, nothin' I can do about that. CHOMP." Which, again, I honestly liked this characterization because he's not apologetic about who he is; he is just destroying everyone in his way and not caring about them as people. He just has a goal and he'll do anything to reach it.
-Then of course Lucy's like, "Oooh that was actually so sexy and I never want to wake up from that dream of him chomping on my throat." The directly seemed to imply that being bitten by a vampire just. instantly turns you into something that's not yourself, so I could kinda excuse it if I squinted, but it was still pretty icky.
-Renfield got to stab Jack! My sister felt sorry for Jack (because all his unethical science got shaved off in this adaptation) and I was just like, "YESSS RENFIELD YOU GO!" 
-Jonathan shows up again, in a wheelchair (a really cool old-fashioned one), and Mina goes to marry him, and their marriage is paralleled with Lucy and Arthur's while Drac looms in the background. The double wedding was a nice staging choice, although the optics of Mina somewhat reluctantly marrying disabled Jonathan while abled Dracula is standing by being All Sexy was… uh, it was not great. But on the plus side, maybe it emphasizes the ableism that a lot of people have toward Jonathan's disabilities in the story, bringing them out into the open? (I am grasping at straws here.)
-Van Helsing was perfect! The actor had wild gray hair and forehead bumps and a tenor voice that could shatter your heart into a million pieces. He did a great job of having the "weird professor" vibes even though his lines were more coherent and to-the-point than they are in the book. 
-No blood transfusions, sadly, but I see why they cut that part.
-Lucy turning vamp was very well done. I think I should mention at this point that the actors who played Dracula and Lucy are actually married to each other in real life, and they had really crackling chemistry and it was clear in every scene they were together that they were having just the best time. "Life After Life" was my second-favorite song in the play because it's just Dracula sending Lucy out to eat people— and again, both actors were clearly having SO MUCH FUN performing this song together. At the end of the scene I was all pumped up, like, "Yeah Lucy! Go eat some people!!!"
-Intermission. I told my sister this was like the part in Rashomon where the rapist tells the court his point of view and is like, "Oh, she totally wanted it." My sister shook her head at me and chuckled.
-The graveyard/Bloofer Lady scene was genuinely horrifying; Lucy's actress did an AMAZING job of amping up the horror, beginning the scene by cradling a baby and singing it a lullaby, then just CHOMPING down on it, and throwing it down and hissing like an animal when the Crew of Light approached her. Mina and Jonathan were in that scene, too, and even though Mina didn't have any lines, seeing her reacting to it (rushing to grab the child, dodging out of Bloofer!Lucy's snapping jaws) gave the scene a lot of emotional intensity. 
-Both Bloofer!Lucy's death and Renfield's death were directed beautifully; they were both somewhat quiet, almost slow motion, focused not on the violence but on the emotional weight of both their lives ending.
-Jonathan and Arthur, while both being incredibly bland characters, have I think more dialogue in this play than they do in the book. Every time they spoke I was like, :D :D :D! My blorbos!!!
-Throughout Mina's whole song "Please Don't Make Me Love You" (sung, of course, to Dracula) I focused VERY HARD on my friend's amazing acting, her beautiful voice, the way she was playing this with absolute conviction, while in the back of my head I was screaming. Just a primal, Nazgul-like shriek. GIRL WHY (I think my sister was amused by how much I was squirming)
-Van Helsing has a nice little song about his dead wife, saying that it was a vampire that killed her and that's why he's a vampire hunter now. He was also shooting up with a comically large syringe during this song, but sure, yeah, that's fine. Like I said, his voice was SO BEAUTIFUL, so I was entranced. If only he had gotten a chance to find connection and family ties in order to continue that character arc HINT HINT
-Ah, then we get the Blood Baptism scene. Mina sings a song about how she doesn't want to run away (because of that sexy baritone voice I guess) so she invites Dracula into her room, he knocks out Jonathan, and then they make out over Jonathan's body. Le sigh. The funniest part of this scene is that they had her drink from his chest but they didn't use any fake blood, so he just unbuttons his shirt and she buries her face in his boobs, no context. I asked my sister afterward, "What did you think was going on in that scene?" and she said, "I figured she was drinking from his vampire-milk titties."
-Van Helsing and Dracula got an "I will take you down!"-style song that was actually really cool.
-Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, BOOK-CANON MINA SHOWS UP! She was in a wheelchair now (a great directing choice, I thought), and demanded that Van Helsing hypnotize her, insisted on them keeping the information from her so that Dracula can't get to it, makes them all vow to kill her, and figures out where Dracula is going based on the maps. I was like THERE SHE IS! THERE'S MY GIRL! …But unfortunately this characterization makes no sense in the story the musical is actually telling. Why is Mina leading them to him? Why is she taking such pains to make sure Dracula is not warned of their coming? It didn't fit with any of her characterization in the rest of the play (and especially not with the ending), so it felt really cobbled-together and odd.
-Also Jonathan vows to kill her and there's a whole song about how sad he is that he will have to do that. I was gritting my teeth the whole song being like It's a storytelling choice it's a storytelling choice it's a storytelling choice it's a storytelling choice it's a
-Okay. YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS. The song "Deep in the Darkest Night" WAS AMAZING. It's a song by the Crew of Light (and in this version, sung by all six of them, including Mina) about their quest, and how they must be points of light in the darkness. It was SO BEAUTIFUL and SO THEMATICALLY ON POINT and it was EVERYTHING I WANTED from a Dracula musical and it is a CRIME that the whole play was not built around these themes and motifs!! *chewing on the scenery* Also, holy cow, everyone in the cast could sing like nothing else. Full-body chills. Stunning, incredible, showstopping, no notes.
-In one of the hypnotic sessions, Dracula came to stand behind Mina and they sang a duet, a reprise of "Life After Life" (the song for Bloofer!Lucy), and that was an incredibly effective storytelling choice (also their voices just blended so. well. together that even in the songs I hated, I still got chills because their voices were SO DANG BEAUTIFUL TOGETHER). Again, I am haunted by what this play could've been if the Drac/Mina thing was one-sided.
-In this version, Quincey gives Mina his Bowie knife for protection, which I thought was sweet.
-Drac has a big sad-boy song about how he's actually in love with Mina now. BOOHOO MOTHERFUCKER. NO ONE CARES.
-Quincey got killed by trying to stake Dracula and Drac grabbing the stake and shoving it into his stomach. (My sister gasped and squeaked, "No!" when this happened.)
-Meanwhile, Van Helsing and Mina get separated, and Mina has a whole song about how she's made her final decision: she's gonna become a vampire and live with Dracula forever. At this point in the play I was like, Okay, girl, whatever, you do you…
-But then. BUT THEN. *frothing at the mouth*
-(Don Black and Christopher Hampton meet me in the Denny's parking lot I just want to talk)
-Drac's like, "Ooooh no actually I don't want you to be a vampire so you need to kill me now."
-Mina's like, "Nooooo this makes me so sad I have chosen to be a vampire and it is what I truly want!"
-Drac's like "Nobody cares what you want because the authors couldn't care less about your agency as a person"
-Mina's like "nooooooooo i'm so saaaaaad!"
-(Me: *still frothing at the mouth*)
-Finally, weeping, she takes Quincey's knife and places it over his heart.
-Like, I am just so mad that Mina doesn't even get the tiniest bit of agency here at the end. She is just blown about by the whims of the men, and at the end none of her narrative choices are respected in any way. A lot of this is, I'm sure, the directing for this particular performance: if I were trying to make this ending a bit more narratively satisfying, I would give Mina a moment where you can see her agreeing with him and deciding to kill him herself. This ending just felt… cheap. It didn't even form a satisfying closing even based on the rules of its own storytelling. It was so ridiculous that I actually had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing. 
-After the show we got to talk to all our friends who were in it and it was easy to sincerely compliment them because they all did an AMAZING job. I feel so honored to be friends with such amazingly talented people!
-We drove home in a lightning storm while blasting Blondie's song "One Way or Another" (my sister said she was thinking of this song all through the Drac/Mina story arc) and singing loudly along. "ONE WAY OR ANOTHER/I'M GONNA FIND YA/I'M GONNA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA!"
-I asked her which two characters she thought I shipped the most and she guessed Jonathan/Quincey. Not a bad guess.
-Got home, rambled to my very tired spouse, curled up in bed, turned to him and said, "I promise to never leave you for some random dude who speaks in my head and says we're soulmates," and he replied, "And I promise to never leave you for three sexy vampire ladies," and if that's not a wedding vow renewal I don't know what is.
-Laid awake for nearly two hours brainstorming a Dracula play (not a musical, I'm not that talented). And, uh… yeah. A script is gonna happen. I've written plenty of plays (and co-directed/co-produced a few times), so it's definitely in my wheelhouse, and my brain will not shut up with ideas. So! *tosses it onto list of creative projects*
(P.S. If you reblog, please don't tag this as the Dracula musical because I don't want any fans to be exposed to the hate. Thanks!)
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iocity · 2 days
Teaser Chapter: A Voyage to the Sunset, pt. 1
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Note: Surprise!! I actually did not plan on releasing this so soon, but I got to excited about it. Hopefully it’ll be enjoyable! I’ll be making one of these for each of the boys! No romance just platonic/familial.
Word Count: 1,678
CW: Implied physical abuse, broken bones, bullying
Luffy has known from a young age that he is very different from other people. Although he lives with Grandpa Garp (who he lovingly nicknamed GeeGee), a beloved and respected old man in his town, his kindergarten and first grade classmates would always make sure to let him know how different he was. His usually blank face, his disinterest in most things (including school), the way he lit up when talking about certain topics. All of it, he noticed, was taboo.
Although he could tell there was something fundamentally different about him, he never assumed it was wrong, even when the bullying started. He knew it wasn't his fault that they jeered at him, called him names, and smushed all the bugs he was interested in. That didn't stop him from crying about it. Everyday he would come home, tears in his eyes as he detailed his struggles to fit in to Garp.
This isn't unfamiliar to Garp or the man he struggles to call his son. It's nothing new, for them at least, to be different. He got over it, so he assumed Luffy would too.
Unfortunately, Luffy can't tough it out too well. He was starting to feel his abnormality. The way his teachers looked at him as he fails every class but excels at beetle anatomy and edible foods, the shock and slight curiosity in their eyes as he opens up his notebook to show his drawings; all of it made it so glaringly obvious that he was an outcast. He wasn't good at drawing at all, but his wide eyed toothy grin distracted the teachers from that fact, proud of his knowledgeability with bugs but desperate to have him pay attention. So, as the weeks go by, charm was replaced by disappointment, and disappointment by office visits and skipped recesses. A delinquent in the making.
He finally tried, in second grade, to become friends with his bullies. He followed them around as they threw pebbles at him, grinning at them and pretending he can’t feel their dislike. He let them poke, prod, and push at him until he was hurting, because he would rather hurt than be all alone. He acted more normal, trying to tame his ever present energy so he would be liked. Garp noticed how injured he would come home every day, his gaze steeling because he knows how to raise soldiers and not children. The house was silent those days.
One day, Garp gets a call from the school, the familiar sound of Luffy's sobbing flooding the phone as they alert him that Luffy has been hurt again, and he has refused to tell them who did it. The seriousness sinks in when instead of getting directions to the school, he was getting directions to the hospital. All Garp could do on the drive over was obsess over how he failed again. He wondered when the crack happened in his family; he wondered if he was the one who caused it. His hands went white on the wheel as he pulled into the parking lot, his anxiety turned into anger and anger forced into control as he steels himself to face the grandson that he failed.
Luffy had claimed to break his arm by jumping off the swing. Garp calls bullshit, he knows his grandson is virtually indestructible. His head sags into his hands as he listens to the sniffles of his grandson who just won't harden up. It dawns on Garp, all at once, that he isn't cut out for this. He isn't cut out for anything but the battlefield. He wasn't even cut out for his own son, and Luffy isn't cut out for a sergeant and not a father figure. So, the day Luffy is discharged, he returns home to packed bags and GeeGee claims to take him on a road trip (which he believes with wide eyes and a smile). They pack up in Garp's old pickup truck, the engine sputtering to life after a few tugs at the keys in the transmission, the car ride silent and awkward. Luffy knows something is wrong, and for the first time, he is certain it's him; he knows it in the way that his grandfather's hands grip the wheel a little harder than usual, in how the trees outside don't speed by the window and instead crawl at a snail's pace. He wonders for a moment if he is broken and needs fixing before deciding to stop, instead wanting to memorize the shape of the trees as they pass. Cedar Elm, Southern Magnolia, Desert Willow, he lists, until half of the trees are unrecognizable, and it excites him to be able to know them. He lays his hand on the window, the cast stopping him from fidgeting too much as his thoughts run from him, and he lets them, freely.
Garp watches his grandson from the corner of his eyes, his whitened knuckles regaining their color as he witnesses the pure wonder in his grandson that Garp seemed to have lost over the years. The thought that he isn't cut out for this crosses his mind again, his lips pursing as a familiar softness blooms in him. He resents the vulnerability it brings. He wasn't prepared for this little boy who feels so deeply, a little boy who shouldn't be his to take care of. Luffy turns to him, smiling in his seat as he points out the window with an exclamation, and Garp's facade of cement and brick cracks; his eyes soften, a hand going to rest on Luffy's head.
"It's not that you're a bad kid. Never has been." The words crack when they leave his mouth. Luffy looks up at him with wide brown eyes, his smile melting into a flat face before his eyes settle onto the window in front of him.
"I can't raise a kid like you, Luffy. Couldn't raise your father, can't raise you. I just ain't fit for it." He says, his eyebrows furrowing as he watches the road go by, every sign a step closer to leaving his grandson. His little boy.
"Why not?" Luffy asks, his loud voice ringing in the car as his hand picks at his frayed shorts.
"I just... ain't cut out for fatherhood. I couldn't make you or your damn daddy harden up like a man ought to. You've got to, to live well. And I would say your daddy is livin' everythin' but well.
It hangs in the air for a moment, echoing in both of their minds before Luffy nods slowly, returning to looking out of his side window. The silence returns, and it weighs on Garp's heart, guilt running through him as the urge to turn around gnaws at his resolve.
"If I had been normal, do ya think you'da been fit for it?" Luffy's voice asks, smaller this time. Garp shifts his eyes to the back of his head quickly, before they return.
"Maybe," he says, pursing his lips tightly afterwards. Luffy slowly nods again, his hand softly gripping the cast enveloping his other arm. He pauses for a moment, frowning because he dislikes thinking too deeply, but it seems he has no choice.
Garp's chest heaves with a deep sigh, his hand leaves Luffy's head to pull at his beard, the silence returning to make him question his decision.
"I don't think l'd like bein' like you much when I get old," Luffy's tone is even; there's no bite to be found his words. It's a simple fact.
"I'd rather stay me."
Garp looks at him, puzzled by the child beside him. He puts another hand to his wheel, before shifting it to grip his knee, a laugh bubbling up in his chest. Luffy eyes him while he howls with laughter, before joining, because something must have been funny if his Geegee was laughing. The car slows to a stop on the side of the road as Garp wipes his tears, his hand clapping onto Luffy's back so hard that Luffy thinks his eyes might just roll out of his head.
"I reckon you'll learn!" He exclaims, and Luffy realizes after a few moments that he is being mocked. The realization seeps into him like poison; it picks at his bones and eats at his heart. His own grandfather is throwing rocks at him, he is squishing the bugs he likes, and he is breaking his arm. His hands tighten into fists, his arm aching.
"I'll be damned if I do. I'd rather die." Luffy's gaze has steeled on his grandfather, his brows furrowing in anger because how dare his own grandfather insult his dream?
"Watch your tone boy," Garp responds lowly, his tone and resolve matching Luffy's as he grits his teeth, "You've no idea what l've been through to keep you safe and fed. I raised you whether I liked it or not. You've got not a clue in the world how many people in your family had to toughen up just like you."
"That's got nothin' to do with me." Luffy tells him simply; his tone is as flat and even before, but this time Garp is raising a hand. A threat of violence and a promise that any backtalk will be met with force. Luffy's mouth shuts as he crosses his arms as best he can, tears brimming in his eyes as the car starts driving again, the trees in the window passing so quickly that Luffy could no longer make out their shapes or names. He settles further into his seat, the air in the car boiling with unspoken rage. After a long while, his eyes focus and refocus on the sinking sun through the front window sleepily, and he wonders if the place that his grandfather is taking him is waiting there for him. He thinks he’d quite like that, living right under the sun. He keeps thinking, imagining their destination, until slowly but surely his eyes fall closed, and he drifts softly into a dream that is his and his alone.
Tags :p: @porschethemermaid
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spellboundcities · 2 years
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"Watch a few movies, take a few notes. It was fun."
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spookythesillyfella · 19 days
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a silly comic for the tsp roadtrip thread by @/employee052 !!! ^_^
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thegirlsinthecity · 10 months
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This one is for the lovely @kalevalakryze ! Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your amazing fics!
This idea is once again pulled from their fic Mine over on AO3 :)
#star wars#ahsoka#wolfwren#sabine wren#shin hati#ahsoka series#ahsoka show#sabine wren x shin hati#star wars fanart#my art#thegirlsinthecity#okay when I read this scene it stuck in my head for days#(i had to get the dyeing image out of my brain first to be able to work on this one but once it was done? I immediately started this one#It’s such a good fic and a very cute scene!!#i hope you like it :)#i’m actually pretty proud of myself on this one#still lots to learn but i am improving i feel like#the lighting is what took me the longest because no matter how many videos i watched about light i still don’t get it#i also tried really hard to make the faces a focal point by rendering that area more than the rest. i originally had more detail on the rest#but it distracted from what should be the focus#also i am a perfectionist and often lose sight of the bigger image… note to self it doesn’t matter if something is rotated 37 vs 38 degrees.#no one will notice you don’t have to waste an hour deciding on if a single pixel should be added or not#also note to self phone will crash multiple times as soon as more than 30 layers are involved#also note to self overlay is your best friend#but yeah probably the first time i’ve looked at something i’ve made and been like ‘holy fuck i did a good job’#also you know what? i will be shameless and put my own damn art in my favourites tag if i want to because i’m so proud of myself#favourites#tumblr is compressing my image quality >:( it actually looks so much crisper in my camera roll#adhd rambling sorry got off track here
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fearandhatred · 4 months
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you drew stars around my scars, but now i'm bleeding. - cardigan, taylor swift
part 1 // part 2
so why are we still talking about midnight rain when we have a perfectly good peter and wendy parallel right here. anyway idea bestowed upon me by this post
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