#victorian steampunk holmes au
ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
need more on the steampunk/victorian au
Here are some roles and headcanons right now.
Scoops works for a newspaper press as a delivery boy but wants to work as the youngest reporter out there. He has a conspiracy theory board to track down all the criminals and crimes committed in Fair City. His biggest goals are finding out Shadow Girl's identity or who Professor Terror is.
Violet's mom works as a nurse in a hospital and Violet usually helps or mom or works in a flower shop. She dreams of being a renowned artist one day.
Becky serves as her dad's assistant and works with him in his lab (when he is not being Professor Terror). She also aids in the public library part time.
Rose Franklin works with her dad in the pretzel factory but also dreams of being an investigative reporter like Scoops dreams of being a reporter one day.
Sally Botsford is the first and only female District Attorney in this au. Her huband Tim was a factory worker who later quit for medical reasons now does odd jobs around the city while helping to raise their son TJ.
The Henchmen are hired delivery men during normal hours but also moonlight as Professor Terror's gopher's and personal staff.
Mr. Big is a merchant who raised himself up from poverty levels to wealth. His method's of mind control come from inventing and learning about different forms of hypnotism around the world. Leslie is his bookkeeper/bodyguard.
The Butcher and his dad were food vendors who were struggling with competitors. Professor Terror offered them a solution to help with their competition as long as they work for him. They willingly agreed. Now Kid Potato and The Butcher don't summon foods, they can control and manipulate them with telekinesis.
Victoria's parents payed off Dr. Calvin Barriton handsomely for their and their kid's powers. Victoria and Victor don't have any idea as their parent's lied and said they were inherited because they are the best family in Fair City. They are an aristocratic family that claim to be descended from nobility.
Tobey is a robot inventor still yet his mother doesn't know about his antics due to Professor Terror hiding them under the guise of Tobey being a teacher's aide for Steven. Tobey knows Steven and Professor Terror are the same person and has encountered Becky before. Becky and Tobey have a friendly rivalry between them. Tobey doesn't investigate the idea of Becky being shadow girl because everyone in the organization knows that Becky is off limits or Professor Terror comes for you.
Professor Terror wears a silver mask to hide his identity.
Joseph "Joe" Smith is a miner who goes to night school to take a job as a caregiver.
Granny May is from a middle class family with a name that has been part of Fair City for a long time. She used to be an engineer before she retired and is now still as ever a con woman.
Professor James Doohickey was a scientist that went missing and came back as a villain known as technarchist who seems to have a vendetta against Professor Terror even though neither he nor Steven were behind what happened to him.
Professor Robert Tubing was inflicted with a disease and was trying to find a cure for others and himself, he ended up becoming a crazy monster shapeshifter.
Chuck was a frustrated sandwich maker who felt being outshone by his brother and his mother's favoritism. He started becoming a criminal to create a name for himself. After being caught by Shadow Girl the first time, Professor Terror came by and promised to fund Chuck as long as he worked for him. Chuck agreed.
Alex Guyson (Amazo Guy) was hired by Steven when Becky was younger to be a manny for her. Steven and Professor Terror both began to develop crushes on him. Alex has difficulty determining if Professor Terror is truly evil because he rescued him one night from thugs (not staged it was just people looking for loot and a fight.) Professor Terror saved him and flirted with Alex a bit as well. Alex was very flustered.
This is what I have for now. I don't have all the character's roles worked out yet.
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melodythebunny · 2 years
1st idea - combining a bit of what we talked about with Eris about a victorian style Wordgirl with the testubular five plus other stuff. So this is a Victorian/Sherlock Holmes/Steampunk Wordgirl au where Becky, who is 13/14 in this au goes by the hero name Shadow Girl instead of Wordgirl as she dresses up in all black with a black hood, cape, eye mask with a silver star. She is secretive about this and her identity due to the social cues and constructs of the Victorian era as it was improper back then for a lady to wear trousers (pants). She serves as an investigator/crime fighter with Scotland Yard. The villains have a mafia/organized crime type of deal with Professor Terror at the top Branch. Becky Boxleitner is the daughter of researcher Professor Steven Boxleitner who represent Jekyll and Hyde with Professor Terror being Hyde (Eris's idea). The Wordgirl villains are a mix of upper class, middle class, and lower class people. Those with superpowers are not meta humans but were given their abilities when they asked Professor Terror for them. It was all willing and no trickery involved. Lady Redundant Woman was a disgruntled middle class worker who asked Professor Terror the power to prove she can be the boss so he gave her the power of duplication and creating duplicates of other people as well. Nocan is actually a viking warrior who was frozen in ice before Professor Terror thawed him out. The villains are a mixed of inventors, cons, those who asked Professor Terror for power, or families with dark secrets of their own. See not every villain received their powers from Professor Terror. Some like Rhyme, Chuck, Invisibill, Victoria, and Eileen were injected with their powers from a few top scientists that were part of an old group called the Testubule (Testubular) Five. They become bosses at one point or another. Calvin, Athena, and Steven already villains while Doohickey and Tubing tragic villains. Becky does not know about her father being Professor Terror but he does know about her being shadow girl and does not mind her heroic choices but wishes she wouldn't put herself in harms way. The reason he knows was that Becky wasn't an alien. When Becky was very small, she had gotten very sick, Steven tried to help her as much he could with the doctors and medicine of that time but it was no use. Then Professor Terror decides to try other worldly means and steals a space rock from a museum to create the antidote. The rock was Lexonite which gave Becky her powers and healed her. Ironically it still weakens her if she is exposed to it like in canon. Bob was a pet monkey that was given to Steven after Becky was born after his 1st wife, Teresa, disappeared mysteriously. Your Carrie lore happens in this au also. As for Amazo Guy, he is a traveling teacher/ male child manny. (nanny for men.)
yea. the catswells fam is some sorta aristocrats
Caroline aka Carrie is the only daughter of a count family facing ruin and is set to be sold into marriage to a man she's never met. So months before the "wedding" she decides to run off with some help of beatrice.
Her parents are furious ofc since their only way of better income is gone. and yeah they do try to hire detectives to bring their daughter back. Carrie (she changes her name to clover >:3333) in the meantime meets steven and they fall in love. but then tragedy strikes. and she becomes Calvin's Frankenstein project oof @ninjastormhawkkat
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unafearless · 7 months
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Imagine transforming Coruscant into a steampunk metropolis. Picture Kylo Ren and Armitage Hux reimagined as a detective duo, reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, unraveling a murder mystery within a world that blends Victorian-era steampunk with the familiar Star Wars universe.
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Established Star Wars characters take on entirely new roles while retaining the essence that makes them so beloved. Original characters are woven into the narrative, playing crucial roles in the plot's development. Would such a fanfiction AU capture the interest of readers? What do you think?
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I've started writing such a story and having so much fun with it that I really want to put it out there for others to read and enjoy as well!
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lupizora · 2 months
DCMK Empire of Corpses AU
This will be based on the 2015 anime movie Shisha no Teikoku or The Empire of Corpses. (I can't believe it's been almost ten years since it came out. The grip this movie has on me *sighs*). If you haven't watched it, I'll be dropping MAJOR SPOILERS from it for the overall development of this AU. Kind of like a speed-run of the important plot points. Also, lots of Character Death mentioned left and right. So, please consider yourselves warned 😅
The basic premise of it is that in an Alternative History Victorian era with a lot of steampunk influences, people have found the method of reanimation. Reanimated corpses don't have fully human sentience. They're more akin to zombies and can lose control just as fast, if the reanimation code is damaged in some way. Therefore, they're usually used for manual labor or in wars since they are still considered Undead.
The movie follows John Watson who reanimated his recently deceased close friend "Friday". Doing that outside of the government's control is considered illegal, so to avoid going to jail and other more personal reasons, he's roped into a mission from the government to find the notes of Victor Frankenstein, who was rumored to have produced the first Corpse that retains a soul. It has several philosophical debates about the nature of the soul which I personally found fascinating. Plus, it's gorgeously animated with how it combines the zombies/steampunk aesthetic (even if the ending leaves a lot to be desired imo. I mean we can't know if that was the author's original intent since he apparently passed away before he could finish the novel the movie was based on and someone else stepped up to finish it in his stead. But I digress since I will incorporate the movie's ending into the AU anyway lol).
Okay. Back to the AU.
Given that the characters were more or less contemporary historical figures or fictional heroes of the era, case in point John Watson, and even a cameo of dear Mr.Sherlock Holmes in the post-credits scene, my brain jumped at the opportunity of making it about DetCo.
DetCo has so many characters that could be used for this, but my first thought was focused on the Gosho Boys quartet. You can literally go for every ship variation between them, especially if you don't want to follow the movie's plot to the letter.
However, my BFF and I both agreed that the one who encompasses the headstrong, laser-focused determination Watson exhibits was Hattori Heiji. Because of course, Heiji will throw caution to the wind and go to great lengths for a friend (and/or potential lover).
If anything, this AU is so HeiShin-coded that you could more or less reenact the whole movie and not change much; even with the allusions in the credits scene that Friday turns out to maybe(?) be Moriarty when he gets his soul back. Like in my humble opinion, Shinichi and Saguru (the true Sherlockians) seem to personify different sides of Sherlock Holmes, with Shinichi being closer to (and I'm paraphrasing): "If he didn't give his brilliant mind to solving the crimes, he would be a criminal mastermind instead".
But! I never make things easier for myself that way so this turned into a HeiSagu/SaguHei AU 😂
Frankly, going for this ship angle was more compelling for me. Because Heiji's motivation behind his actions will come from a place of necessity instead of true compassion at first. Like he and Saguru were barely on civil interaction terms, maybe even academic rivals to a degree, at the point of Saguru's death. On the other hand, he couldn't let one of their generation's brilliant minds disappear like that. If Heiji got to prove his "rival's" theory wrong too in the process, no one would be any wiser.
This fictional British Government does not take lightly illegal reanimation, more so from a foreign citizen on their soil. So to avoid forced deportation and/or jail, Heiji and his "servant" (I'm not sure what sort of different name Saguru could have as a reanimated corpse. I was thinking some kind of bird of prey because of his falconry hobby) are tasked with finding the Karasuma notes. Said notes are currently rumored to be in the hands of some researchers Heiji and Saguru were having regular correspondence with. Special Agent Sera Mary and her daughter Masumi tag along as insurance so they won't run off.
The researchers are holed up at some secluded place in Siberia though, so the team ends up finding guides in the form of Kaito and Aoko. Despite Kaito's antics, the one Heiji finds odd is Aoko instead. She rarely eats, rarely sleeps, and she keeps talking in third person about herself. Heiji wonders if she's some kind of advanced corpse but Kaito dodges the question.
Before they reach their destination, they get attacked by corpses with higher mobility that usual. Then it's revealed that Aoko is a high-specs automaton Kaito had built himself when her arms change into weapons mid-fight. They are saved when another automaton, Conan, appears and fries the system running in those advanced corpses with a pulse attack. Conan explains that they were made with designs someone stole from his creators, who were trying a different approach than what the Karasuma notes were describing.
After the final stretch, they find the secluded town they were trying to reach filled with the original design of those advanced corpses and the only alive people there are Shinichi and Agasa. Nothing else seems amiss at first, even if it's creepy how life-like and not at the same time the citizens appear. The team stays there for a couple of days. Heiji is delighted to learn that Shinichi had been the one exchanging letters with him, instead of some stiff researcher like his teachers back in London. But Shinichi keeps diverting the conversation when inquired about the Karasuma notes.
It all comes to end the moment Shinichi realizes that the corpse following Heiji around is Saguru. Because all the time in the world can't prevent him from dying due to an accident or sudden illness before finishing his research. The reason the town's corpses look kind of alive is because they were created when the person was near-death. This time, in his fit of desperation, Shinichi does the procedure to a very much alive Kaito, hoping to preserve both of them for if/when proper reanimation succeeds, and follows suit in front of an appalled Heiji (this part in the movie was so unsettling, to put it mildly. I still shiver whenever I remember it. Here's even more terrifying to imagine because their appearance is so similar 😰). Shinichi does manage to tell them before he loses awareness that the previous researchers took the Karasuma notes with them to Japan.
But Heiji does not want to hear about the notes anymore or anything else really. He goes out in the cold to grieve and mope. Despite not giving him any commands, Saguru joins him. This only serves to anger Heiji because it doesn't prove that this action was made from any remnants of Saguru's "soul", and not a byproduct from the reanimation code. So Heiji lashes out, tackling him to the snow-filled ground. His fist stops midway though because he realizes that there is no point venting his frustrations on someone that will not comprehend why or even fight back.
Mary comes to remind him that he can't stop the mission whenever he wants, so they have to head out. They take Aoko and Conan with them while Agasa stays behind to take care of everyone for as long as he has left.
In Japan, they track the notes all the way to Osaka. Heiji learns that after the news of his transgression reached his father, he was disowned. Fine by him. It does not stop him from roping Kazuha and Otaki into helping him bust into the lab of the shadowy organization that seems to have the notes. And they do actually which amidst the chaos Heiji feeds them into Saguru's reanimation code to analyze them. Right about then though, the rumored successful reanimation project of Karasuma himself—Vermouth (of course it was gonna be her lol) appears, kills Mary and Otaki before she steals the notes.
The place burns down, separating Heiji and Saguru from the rest as they end up in the sewers. Since the notes were analyzed halfway and jumbled Saguru's code, he acts like a feral zombie. Heiji tries to hold his ground, but there is only so much he can do against a corpse that doesn't hold back its strength at all. Pinned against the wall by Saguru trying to choke the life out of him, Heiji ponders why he got into this mess and if dead people should stay dead and dammit he might have cared about Saguru more than he originally thought but he sure as hell won't allow him to run amok any longer. So he headbutts him, causing Saguru to drop him. While Heiji is wheezing for breath on the floor, he notices Saguru isn't moving. If anything, it looks like he calmed down. And then, a soft sound starts coming from him until it's apparent that Saguru is laughing. Heiji flashbacks to the aftermath of a fencing duel they had during their first days in the academy. For a moment, the images overlap and Heiji could believe that Saguru is still alive right before he "shuts down".
Reconnecting with the girls and Conan, they escape Japan through Kazuha's connections (she stays behind to cover their tracks). Saguru is back to being feral the next time he "wakes up", but Heiji has seen hope that he's still there (even if inevitably this is confirming Saguru's theory) so he continues to struggle to fix the scrambled reanimation code. While on Vermouth's trail, they come across the Kudous along with Nakamori Ginzo and learn that Aoko was modeled after his daughter because her body had been cremated before Kaito could even consider the thought of reanimating her. Aoko isn't interested in playing make-believe with Ginzo, even with the implanted memories Kaito had given her. Since she's just an automaton, therefore lacking a soul by conventional means, she wants to find her place in the world by herself.
Around then, Vermouth kidnaps Aoko to use as a vessel to bring back her beloved "angel" (Ran, the only human who showed her kindness) and the recently fixed Saguru because he has the missing portion of Karasuma's notes inside of him. Heiji, Conan and Masumi follow her back to a London in flames. Vermouth intents to use the Archive of the Dead that holds every reanimation code ever issued which is akin to holding humanity's collective conscious along with the notes for her plan. Although they manage to intercept her in the control room and Masumi shoots her, Vermouth's "soul" had already entered Saguru's body.
Heiji asks Conan to overload the Archive while Masumi reluctantly helps him connect himself to it through Shinichi's reanimation method. In the sea of humanity's collective conscious, Heiji finds Vermouth clinging to Saguru like a parasite because otherwise her artificial "soul" would disperse and disappear. Heiji yells at her that there is nothing artificial about someone with such a strong will to live. It's just that humans were not made to last for centuries on end and there is not much left of her anymore. Right then, someone looking like Aoko (but not really) appears and after fusing with Vermouth's remnants, disperses into their surroundings.
Saguru opens his eyes, finding himself in Heiji's embrace. Heiji offers his congratulations to him for being right about this, but the latter does not accept it. Because Heiji's recklessness to be here will make him die when he returns to his body. Their little reunion is interrupted by Kaito and Shinichi showing up, since the Archive overloading connected every Undead around the world into the sea of humanity's collective conscious. They all brainstorm together if there is a way to prevent Heiji's death or actually resurrect Saguru. Kaito proposes that before the Archive completely collapses, they could connect Heiji's living body and Saguru's reanimated one and feed the system the leftover pieces of the Karasuma notes (it's similar with how they implant memories on automaton brains). But if it works, they'll lose every memory they have of each other. While the notes work like the glue keeping their souls tethered, a certain amount of energy still needs to be spend for all this.
Heiji wakes up and tells the others of Kaito's proposal. Conan tells him that there is no guarantee that both of their objectives will become true. Heiji's final words are that he doesn't care if his soul takes all of the burden for Saguru to return to life.
***THE END?***
Quite a while later, Kazuha drops Heiji at a lodging in Tokyo.
After he returned from London still being disowned by his father, Heiji worked odd jobs here and there; relying on his employer to provide him with a place to stay. His latest job unfortunately doesn't, and even though the pay is alright, it's not enough for one person to live alone. So Kazuha had asked around and heard from Momiji that someone was looking for a roommate, before dragging him there.
Heiji is a bit hesitant about all this. The house looks kind of out of his budget, even with a roommate. His alarms go off when Kazuha vanishes while the housemaid (Keiko) had just let them in. But before he could make up an excuse to leave, the master of the house comes down the stairs.
He seems familiar; from his build to how he handles himself and the way he speaks. The only thing that strikes Heiji as odd are his eyes. For some weird reason, he was under the impression they were going to be blue and faded. They are a warm brown instead.
The man introduces himself as Hakuba Saguru.
Heiji had heard of him. Something about rebelling against his father wishes to join the military and leaving for London to pursue some kind of criminology field. Several different people had asked Heiji if he ever met him while he was still in England, and Heiji had denied it. But this familiarity, tugging him to close the distance between them, is unmistakable.
"Do I know ya?" Heiji asks.
Saguru smiles politely as if he's humoring him. "I would have certainly remembered someone rude enough not introduce themselves first."
Irritation, that comes off as borderline déjà vu, flares up in Heiji's chest as he gives back only his first name. That catches Saguru's attention as he inquires about it. Despite his reservations, Heiji admits that he isn't allowed to use his family name anymore.
"Why don't you take mine?" Saguru says.
At the shock of Keiko, more so to Heiji himself, he backtracks and goes on about housing laws and contracts being troublesome without full names from both participants. However, Heiji can somehow tell that Saguru is a bit flustered from that fumble.
"Sure," Heiji says with a chuckle. "As long as ya won't take yer word back."
Outside, in a cafe across the street, Kazuha joins the others to discuss the success of their little scheme. Conan wonders if this would be alright in the long run, because the chances of them remembering everything is close to none. Kazuha starts harping about fate and similar romantic notions, leaving him unimpressed.
Aoko stirs her teacup with a mysterious air about her. "We only helped them find each other faster. It's up to them whether they will cling to the past or set forth to make new memories."
Changing the subject, Masuki asks her if she has decided on her name yet. Aoko is conflicted since she has always been Aoko, but after what happened at the Archive, she isn't so sure about it anymore.
"Something starting with M sounds interesting though."
Around then Kazuha notices that Conan is gone. Masumi reassures her that he has been doing this kind of thing lately. Even after following him a couple of times, it didn't seem like something to worry about.
Conan enters the dilapidated warehouse he had been visiting and finds its sole occupier tinkering on his body again.
"I know I'm better at taking things apart than fixing them," he complains, "but you could have waited a bit!"
Turns out that before making Aoko, Kaito had made an unfinished automaton prototype based on himself that he hadn't told anyone about, more so Shinichi. While Conan was connected to the Archive, he saw it in his memories. Apparently, he had reactivated amidst the chaos of Vermouth's plan, fixing himself little by little and sending out some sort of signal. The first thing Conan told him when he found him was that only someone like Kaito would think to make trial runs on himself. Automaton!Kaito asked if he hadn't done the same since Conan is technically Shinichi (made from Agasa as a compromise for his parents, in case things went wrong with his research), not to mention his self-destruction in Siberia.
"Even in death, we still kept a lot of secrets from each other," Conan says with a bitter smile.
"Showing all your cards leaves you vulnerable. Isn't it in human nature to hold a part of ourselves hidden?" He pauses, thinking it over. "Although, I suppose we don't qualify as 'humans' at the moment."
Conan rolls his eyes. "It's a matter of perspective."
Kaito teases him about his optimistic outlook when they are merely shadows of the originals, stuck into artificial bodies.
"But we are still here, aren't we?"
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hpowellsmith · 2 years
I saw someone describe A Study in Steampunk as "underrated" and although when it came out it got a ton of attention, it is seven years old now so maybe it's fallen off the radar? If so, I am here to highly recommend it!
A Study in Steampunk is a Holmes and Watson esque set of mysteries in which you play a traumatised "Watson" type character solving cases in a magic Victorian England AU. There's drama, there's politics, there's tough decisions, there's twists and turns, there's gorgeous and heartbreaking romance, there's inventive takes on familiar Victorian stories, there's vastly different experiences on different playthroughs... it's wonderful.
Steampunk and Sherlock Holmes are both hard sells for me and this game does both brilliantly. I absolutely love it!
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corolune · 2 years
Alex rescues a cat-spy and Victorian AU 🧐 please!
ooh thank you for the ask!!
Alex rescues a cat-spy is a story where MI6 never contacts Alex (whether because Ian is still alive, or someone stops the idea of using an orphan as a spy), and instead, they use a cat. A specially trained cat with gadgets and the power of cuteness, who infiltrates Sayle's house, Point Blanc, etc., and goes on cat versions of Alex's adventures.
Unfortunately, because Alex is Alex, he still manages to run into Yassen, when he attempts to rescue this poor street cat in danger...and then, somehow, he keeps showing up in the worst times to help this cat and unintentionally ruins MI6 and Scorpia's plans without even knowing anything about them. He just wants to adopt this cat he's befriended, and keep it out of danger!
Victorian AU 🧐 is just what it sounds like, a slightly steampunk-y, slightly Jane Austen-y, Sherlock Holmes-ian retelling where Alex, an orphan who grew up with his housekeeper/governess Miss Starbright, finds himself entangled in a mess of politics when Lord Blunt gives him an ultimatum — enlist in his secret forces that operate under the Crown, or have Miss Starbright's papers taken away (she's a free woman, but without papers, no one would know that she isn't a slave). Lady Jones, an influential contributor to his boarding school, cuts off his scholarship/funding and so he's sent home from there, too. At some point, a mysterious man who claims to have ties to his father appears in his life (it's Yassen, of course)...and it's up to Alex to put together the clues and find a way out of the web that Lord Blunt has woven him into.
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greglemonlestrade · 3 years
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Only two more weeks left of Steampunklock on the Sherlock Roleplay Amino, submit your theme posts now to try for the reward!
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interact-if · 2 years
Hi! Would you, by chance, know of any ifs that are set in either a Victorian era or even a colonial era? Can be any genre as well, I'm not picky lol. If there aren't any that's fine, just thought I'd ask!!
Hi Anon! Here are the lists of games set in Victorian era. If anyone has further suggestions, please feel free to leave a reply and we’ll add it to the list.
A Study in Steampunk by Heather Albano (Victorian AU)
Crimson Rose & White Lily by @manonamora-if (Inspired by Victorian Era and 18th century France)
Crosshollow foundations by @townofcrosshollow 
Dead Men’s Tales by @bertilak-writes 
Faerie's Bargain: The Price of Business by Trip Galey
Heart of the House by @nissacam (1870s)
Larkin by @larkin-if 
Rougi by @rougi-if (1895)
Six Shots by BanzaiBonzai (Roughly 1880s)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: An Affair of the Heart by @doriana-gray-games
The Eagle's Heir [Steam] [Android] by Amy Griswold and Jo Graham (1830s France)
The Flower of Fairmont by @zincalloygames (Inspired by Victorian-era England)
The Harrowed and the Hushed by @lapinlunaire-games (1860s)
The Superlatives by Alice Ripley
Wilhelmina by @crimsiswrites
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Five Fics Friday: July 31/20
Happy Friday everyone, and happy long weekend to my Canadian friends!! Check out this weeks fic recs, the majority being new fics by authors I promised to help boost, so be sure to give them you support and love, plus a gift fic for me, so you HAVE to check it out!!
And come back on Sunday for a new list of fics to keep you busy until next Friday hee hee! <3
Every Other Universe by saintscully (M, 3,924 w., 1 Ch. || Canon Divergence, POV Sherlock, Non-Consensual Kissing, Sherlock Whump, Ambiguous Relationships, Ambiguous Feelings, Angst and Feels, Unhappy Ending, Sad Kiss, Heavy Angst) – What if in every other universe John Watson leaves? 
Obscurity by UrbanHymnal (T, 4,256 w., 1 Ch. || Alternate Universe || Angst, Drama, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Magical Realism) – Because words were magic, because they only would come out when they had the right feel and sound, he couldn’t say simple things like: Dad, leave Harry alone for once or Hey, Amy, do you fancy coming out to dinner with me?
20,000 leagues under the sea: A Victorian Sherlock AU by MorganeUK (G, 4,330+ w., 2/? Ch || Victorian Steampunk AU || WiP || Scientist Sherlock, Submarines) – The Holmes Brothers are living under the sea, protected from the world violence and general stupidity… Alone, with only a small crew, they explore the world inside their submersible. Perfectly satisfied and unaware of their loneliness, until they meet Captain Lestrade and Doctor Watson from the Royal Navy. 
I Have Not Lingered by saintscully (M, 8,585 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF / Hiatus Fic / Pre-TEH, Missing Scenes, Fluff, Humour, Flashbacks, Friendship) – For two years, Sherlock Holmes chases criminals and risks his life to dismantle Moriarty's web of lies. But in the downtimes, in between one bad guy and another, he reflects on the life he once lived with John Watson.
Am I the Current (Tiger) King of England? by Dee_Laundry (T, 9,360 w., 1 Ch. || Tiger King Fusion || Post-S4, Dreams, Friendship, John’s Sexuality, Sherlock’s Sexuality, Quarantine/CoVID-19, Past Character Death, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Dom/Sub, First Kiss) – “I had the weirdest dream last night,” John said. Seven times.
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morganeuk · 4 years
20,000 leagues under the sea: A Victorian Sherlock AU
Summary: The Holmes Brothers are living under the sea, protected from the world violence and general stupidity… Alone, with only a small crew, they explore the world inside their submersible. Perfectly satisfied and unaware of their loneliness, until they meet Captain Lestrade and Doctor Watson from the Royal Navy. 
Only one problem, Lestrade and Watson are trying to destroy them.
A Sherlock Victorian / steampunk AU of Jules Vernes’ wonderful novel "20,000 lieues sous les mers". (WIP 6/?)
Chapter 6: Under the sea
Letting his brother focus on his music, the diplomat turned captain opened the file in front of him. He read the message they intercepted.
Attention of Professor Moriarty, HMS Archer
From Admiralty, London Office
No trace of S. Holmes. STOP He did not contact the Imperial College. STOP No confirmation that he is working with our enemy. STOP Still the primary suspect in the death of professor Partington and his assistant. STOP
Our next mission… Pushing the message under his other papers, Mycroft swallowed with difficulty, his throat tightened by disgust.  Moriarty, that bastard, is on board the ship… The small doubt that he had vanished. I was going to let them go because they have a marine biologist on board and that it is not officially a warship, but that man! If they are working with that man!
“Mycroft,” Sherlock called, “are you all right?”
“Yes, brother mine, making plans.” Looking at the chart in front of him, he calculated the HMS Archer’s position and set a small red boat in place...
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futureofthemasses · 4 years
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d20 Fanfic Prompt Creator
I’ve been trying to get inspiration to write lately and have a bunch of sets of dice just sitting around so I thought hey! let’s make something with this. This uses five different dice (or a random number generator if you don’t have dice) with each one representing a different prompt item. You can use one of them, all of them, or just a few, whatever inspires you! This exact prompt list is meant for me using things I potentially want to write so you can use it exactly the way it is or create one in the same style and exchange it for different ships/settings/whatever.
6 sided die: Ships (choose your own or challenge yourself with what I chose!)
Johnlock - John Watson and Sherlock Holmes
Ineffable husbands - Crowley and Aziraphale
Drarry - Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter
Ironstrange - Stephen Strange and Tony Stark
Geraskier - Geralt and Jaskier
Love square - Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste
8 sided die: Setting
Modern/no powers/no magic (change it depending on how it is in canon)
Crossover (you pick the crossover OR make a list and let the die decide!)
10 sided die: First Line (I used this website and just chose the ones I liked, change the pronouns as needed/wanted)
The entrance to the tunnel was his only way out.
He had waited two years to return it.
The accident wasn’t her fault.
As she stopped to catch her breath, she looked back.
There was a legend about the well in the garden.
He was older than she’d thought he would be.
After ten days of hot weather, she was now sitting there shivering.
The attack was over in seconds.
He could hear everything, but dared not open his eyes.
There was a strange wailing coming from the next room.
12 sided die: Trope
Coffee shop au
High school/college au
Fake dating
Secret royalty/royalty au
Pirate au
There’s Only One Bed
Holiday fic (you pick the holiday OR make a list and let the die decide!)
In Vino Veritas
Accidental Baby Acquisition
Flower shop au
Fairy tale au (you pick the fairy tale OR make a list and let the die decide!)
20 sided die: Prompt (I used a couple of websites generating random prompts or came up with ones I wanted to write)
Character A is seriously injured/ill and character b has to help them/nurse them back to health
My dad is your tutor and I came in and saw you struggling so I helped you and now I’ve replaced my dad and you’re adorable dammit
Characters a and b live together, a is afraid of thunderstorms and b has to help them through one
You slipped and I happened to be walking behind you and you fell into my arms wow you’re really attractive
Character a has lost or gained magical ability (depending on what they are in canon) and character b has to help get their powers back
We got drunk and are trying to make dinner together while also trying not to confess our feelings for each other
We are trapped somewhere alone together (elevator/closet/something relating to the setting or time period) and it leads to love confessions
You run a daycare and I’m a single parent dropping off my kiddo (who LOVES you) but this is the first time we’ve ever met and you’re cute oh no
We teach at the same school and all of our students think we should date but we’re actually already married
Character a is in a park with their pet and it escapes, character b catches it and brings it back
Characters a and b play different instruments in a band/orchestra and character b is always making flirty and/or funny faces to distract character a and character a finally decides to confront them about it
We’re at a party where we are in costume and start having a conversation and wow we are getting on really well but have no idea who each other is under the outfit
Character a’s date is cancelled so character b goes instead to help cheer them up and character a realises this is better than it would have been with the original date
We just met at a con and I am cosplaying as one half of a couple in the fandom we both love and you are cosplaying the other one so everyone wants to get pics of us together
We’re both superheroes and best friends in real life and we’re trying to hide our crushes and secret identities from each other but one of us sees the other transforming out of their costume
Character a is a famous painter and character b is looking at their art in a gallery/museum and talking about how they don’t like it to character a, not knowing they are the artist
Character a works at a zoo/with animals and character b listens to them talk about the animals they care for not because they are interested but because character a is passionate and cute
We’re having our first dance at our wedding reception and you insisted we use this song and when I ask you why you recount the story behind it
Character a is known as a notoriously wicked person/magical being and character b ends up at their house for some reason only to find out that the image is only for show to keep people from bothering character a
We’ve been best friends for ages and I’m your maid of honor/best man for your wedding but I’m in love with you and have to tell you before you get married or I’ll regret it
Like I said, use as many or few of these as you’d like (I’m not sure if it’s possible to use all of them in one story but YOLO)! I’m going to make a video soon showing myself using this method and I’ll share it under the tag “d20 fanfic prompt creator” if you’d like to see it in action.
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ohnomybreadsticks · 5 years
August AU Challenge 2k19 - Masterpost
If you wanted to find a particular story or just browse the 31 stories I wrote, here they all are, in the correct order! C:
I’ll also be uploading these to a collection on AO3 later, if that’s more your speed!
Note: / denotes a pairing, & denotes platonic
1. RK Siblings Farmer’s Market AU
1.5 Reed900 Farmer’s Market AU
2. North & Nines National Park Rangers AU
3. Leo & Markus Wild West AU
4. Conniel Reverse AU
5. Kamski/Clyde Bakery AU
6. Simarkus Alien Encounter/Abduction AU
7. Echo/Ripple Merpeople AU
8. Hankvin Star Wars AU
9. Leo/RK900 Surfer Bros AU
10. Josh/North Les Mis AU
11. Hankcon Dog Walker + Dog Owner Meetcute AU
11.5 Reed900 Dog Walker AU
12. Chloe/Kamski Cinderella AU
13. Connor & Hank Arthurian Legends AU
14. Tina/Polly Starving Artist AU
15. Allen60 Pilots/Flight Attendants AU
16. Tina/Stacy Librarian + Patron Meetcute AU
17. Reed900 LotR/Silmarillion AU
18. Simon/North Angel and Demon AU
19. Luthara Atlantis (Movie/Legend) AU
20. Polycho BE9/Elder Gods AU
21. Jerralph Movie Stars AU
22. Gavin & Kamski Pirate AU
23. Kara & Alice Harry Potter AU
24. Gavin & Tina Victorian England (Steampunk) AU
25. Chloe/North Beauty and the Beast AU
26. North/Kara Grad Students AU
27. Simon/Josh Shipwrecked on a Deserted Island AU
28. Convin Sherlock Holmes AU
29. Markus/Connor Vampire AU
30. North/Connor Vegan Restaurant Owner + Hapless Customer Meetcute AU
31. Gavin/Tina Time Travel AU
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swissmissficrecs · 6 years
Word count: 114,090 Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, piles of other characters Additional Tags: Johnlock - Freeform, Merlock, mermaid au, merman!Sherlock, Sherlock AU, merfolk are not dainty sea sirens and are actually quite dangerous, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Mermaid Sex, Interspecies Sex, Human!John, BAMF!John, BAMF!Sherlock, Possessive Sherlock, aqua peen hunger force, Oral Sex, handjobs, let's make creative use of merman anatomy, mermen are big sluts, Sherlock is a big slut but only for John, mild gore warning, mermen really get the best of both worlds, victorian au, moments of dubious and awkward interspecies consent, Stockholm Syndrome, Dark Romance, dubious consent and morality, rough sex and rough waters ahead with a very happy ending, abstract mentions of rape, animal death (food), size queens, witch!lock, Foot Fetish, Male multiple orgasms, steampunk mad science, historical fantasy & paranormal romance, John herps the wild derp a bit in this tale but redemption happens so bear with him Summary:
The year is 1866. When John becomes swept overboard, he never expects to encounter a living creature of myth. When the merman absconds with John, the lost sailor must use every tool at his disposal to convince Sherlock not to kill him. But it seems that killing John Watson is not what the deadly, beautiful creature has in mind at all...
Victorian mermaid AU. Heed the tags.
Rec: Magical, evocative, powerful, immersive, rich, and captivating (literally). The immediate draw here is the fantasy setting, the lure of siren song and hidden grottoes, buried treasure and forbidden love. Yet this is no Disney fairy tale. Rather, it is the equivalent of the original Grimm versions, with bloody stumps inside the glass slippers, rapacious Prince Charmings, and sadistic retribution by the heroes. The protagonists are deeply complex and compelling, disturbed and disturbing, dangers to themselves and others, yet profoundly vulnerable and possessed of strengths they can only discover through each other. On the one hand, at first glance the merman and stranded sailor may appear very different from consulting detective and army doctor, yet even the slightest scratch of the surface reveals the immediately familiar core of the characters: the quest for knowledge and scientific method detached from social mores, the thirst for adventure and attraction to danger, the bond forged that cracks apart the old life and reforms with new purpose and focus.
This fic has the special distinction of having become a fandom legend long before completion; in fact, even when it seemed it might never be completed. It virtually spawned its own fandom, replete with fanart, cosplay, and related fics. (You can see some of it here.) Reading through it now from start to finish, despite the fits and starts of its creation, the narrative flows seamlessly, the style consistently topping the bar of quality, and it effortlessly lives up to its well-deserved reputation. 
Having said that, the warnings and tags are not to be taken lightly, but in the end, good will triumph and there may just be a Disney fairy tale ending after all.
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han100894 · 6 years
If you search AUs for your OTPs... how does victorian AU, roman AU and sci-fi AU inspire you?
Only did Escalin this time, and even then more just the Sins in general but...
a.      Okay, when I see Victorian, my interests aremore along the lines of Kerberos club, and like, Sherlock holmes, Frankenstein, pulpy adventure, ect…
b.     So like, Gowther is rip off Sherlock, Escanor isWatson.
c.      Merlin is a magic/steampunk inventor who they goto when they need help on the caste, Escanor is smitten of course.
d.     Meliodas probably in in a situation similar toJekyll and Hyde? Assault Mode/emotionless mode being Hyde?
a.      Escanor would make an interesting Gladiator Ithink. Since fights are during the day (so they can see) he would be able tohide his curse from the crowds, but whoever owns him would know and probably use it against him.
b.     Cursed by the Apollo? Blessed? Who knows itsApollo.
c.      Maximum hurt, it’s his brother who owns him.
d.     Maybe not as powerful at Noon as in canon—or maybethey avoid Noon battles, not sure.
e.     Merlin is a high ranking noble, maybe a Priestessof…someone. Also screw sexism in my Au’s for most things.
f.   ��   She gets an interest in him do to noting hisvarying strength, while he has a little crush on the woman he often sees accompanythe Emperor and Empress (Mel and Liz) though just a silly little daydream thingto start. She smiled at him one is all.
a.      Well first of all I’d assume the Sins areprobably a semi-illegal Mercenary for hire ship, maybe a bit like Firefly but likemixed with Start Trek.
b.     Escanor…hmm, I don’t think his “curse” wouldshow up here, so he’s more like afternoon Escanor in physique but more likeNight Escanor in confidence? I’m not sure.
c.      Mel is captain, Liz is the new Medical officer,Ban is second in command, King is pilot. Diane Security officer? Merlin isScience Officer, Gowther Tactical Officer and Escanor Quartermaster, maybe?
d.     I’m not sure plot wise what’s up, I admit I’mnot as into sci-fi as much as I am fantasy.
a.       Though a second option is a Stargate-esqversion, which would allow some of the more odd things that come over from NNT.Not sure which I like better.
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kinsdeni · 2 years
aus i wanna fuck around with for da muses but im a lazy hoe with 0 motivation and chronic debt
- dnd
- naruto
- atla
- pjo
- sherlock holmes
- steampunk
- victorian vampires
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// Surprisingly, nobody has ever asked. And even better, there’s actually a history behind this one. Interested? Well I’ll put the summary in the first part, but if you want to poke your head in a bit more on how the characters and settings are, you can read further. With that, let’s begin!
So can you guess where I started. Well it might come as a surprise to some, but I began this AU on Google+, on a profile I rarely use anymore. It was centered around APH America and it still is... Only it’s changed since then. A year into having the profile I started this thing where I would create a poll and allow my followers to vote on a Hetalia AU. The winner got a period where the AU based fanart and “Ask Box” all to themselves. So one day, the Steampunk AU was chosen.
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Problem was, there was little to no art for the AU so I had to come up with my own. Through some periods of designing and researched, I came up with the design Arnold currently has.
Over time, I moved off of the AU and left the Steampunk AU for awhile. That was until I gained the courage to make a Tumblr blog for once. With the support of my lovely followers from there, I polished it up, gave my America a new name, and now I find myself here. I’m still not used to it, but I do keep trying my best in this foreign place!
Now for more details, the steampunk environments and designs are probably most inspired by cosplays. I also had this fascination in Victorian themed environments; Steampunk is one of them. Of course I’ve never really found any stories and films that were totally focused on it, so I forgot the theme existed until I came across some cosplay and fanart for the genre.
However, Studio Ghibli films are a great inspiration for me, with their steampunk elements sprinkled in here and there. Howl’s Moving Castle being a prominent example... And my favorite. It’s been with me since childhood and it’s my biggest idol when it comes to drawing scenery.
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Characters are going to be heavily based on the normal Hetalia characters, however, I do plan to twist a few of them to fit their roles. For example, the mafia which is slowly crawling up from the ground. They are probably going to take a lot of inspirations from all the crime stories I’ve seen or watched like Gangsta, Durarara, Detective Conan, Sherlock Holmes, and even the Outsiders. Why? Well the normal Hetalia characters are too cutesy for that sort of serious theme, so I sort of have this need to pull strings.
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I’d go into more details about my inspirations and plans, but that would spoil the future and current stuff I’m working on. So I’ll have to stop myself before I get too carried away. Hopefully that give you guys and insight on how this blog is made into what it is today. ^^;
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