#villain fuyumi
Only the powerful can grant mercy
Fuyumi being an vigilante/villain. 2k, Rated T, canon-typical violance, on ao3
Fuyumi was six the first time she stood inside the Dojo and felt for the first time the pain of getting punched in the face. It wasn’t even a punch; it had just been the backhand of her father. Her father with hands as big as her face.
Now when she felt the familiar feeling of pain blooming, she didn’t flinch anymore, she didn’t cry and she didn’t beg for mercy that would never come.
Instead she smiled. Laughed.
“Really?” She mocked her opponent, let him know how little she cared about his attacks.
“You are getting boring.”
She unleashed her ice.
She wasn’t like her little brother. She couldn’t create mountains out of nothings, couldn’t create a new ice time like it was nothing.
She could do something else.
“What – what are you doiaaaaaaargh –“
His desperate struggles got silent as her ice did the work. Fuyumi didn’t envy her little brother.
Because she could do so much worse than he could.
“I froze the blood in your veins,” she explained to the dead man standing still in front of her, with a glassy look on his face. He didn’t even look that dead yet. He even managed to still stand.
“Did no one advise you not to touch me?”
She was famous for that, for her deadly touch. A second of contact was all she needed to end even the most dangerous people. Nobody was immune to getting their brain frozen, no matter their size, ability or quirk. It assured that she always had enough space around her, no matter where she went.
“The Ice Queen,” whispered someone behind the moron she had just sent into an early grave. She turned to him.
“Thank you for introducing me. That’s indeed the name I go by these days.”
The name hadn’t been her choice. She never had even wanted a name. But nowadays it was a well-established name, enough to discourage lots of people to even pick a fight. Sadly.
She wasn’t really picky with who it was. Villains, criminals, heroes – at the end of the day there were all the same. Just a way to vent her frustration. Just people thinking they could take her. Foolish.
The people in front of her took a fearful step back. Who even were they? She didn’t really care. They had attacked her. She didn’t need to know more.
“We’re sorry, we didn’t recognize you.” One of the guys tried to hold up his hands in a placating manner. Fuyumi laughed.
“Did you ignore the blue mask on my face or did you just not care? Thought I was an easy target? Thought you could buy yourself some fame? What excuse do I get to hear this time? Don’t worry, I heard them all.”
She was after all a young woman walking around the worsts part of the city alone. She stopped counting how many times that alone had been enough for people to attack here. She also had stopped counting how many people had died at her hands. Some sure had been heroes as well.
She didn’t care.
“Really? You walk around here and nobody has warned you yet? Tsk tsk, you have to be new.”
She would let them go if they stopped attacking here now, she decided. It was getting late and she had to teach a class tomorrow. And her father certainly wanted to have breakfast ready in a few hours.
The thought soured her mood. Maybe she should kill them after all. That would make her feel better. To see them scramble away from her in fear, see the panic as they couldn’t stop their bodies from giving out of them.
The cold was an enemy to everyone but it was her closest ally. Her companion in the night. She hadn’t felt warmth in years. She didn’t even feel the burn of her father’s flames.
And how ironic that was – immune to the flames but hurt by her ice.
“We – we’re going now. He didn’t deserve it better for not recognizing you and we beg for your forgiveness.”
He was begging now. How cute. Fuyumi thought she could grant it to him. It was fun to give people forgiveness when they begged for it. Because she had cried and pleaded and never received it. Her brother had cried and pleaded and hadn’t received it. Granting mercy felt good.
Because if she was the one granting mercy, then it meant she was the one with the power. Powerless people couldn’t grant mercy. They could only hope for it.
Full one shot
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moodyvoid · 2 months
Touya, in the hospital with his family.
Rei: “Do you want to tell us about your time with the league?”
Fuyumi: “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
Natsuo: “It was a part of his journey. Maybe he has something to say about it.”
Touya: “There really isn’t much to say. Shigaraki got me to where I needed to be, Spinner and Toga annoyed me most of the time, Mr. Compress was tolerable, and Twice…”
Touya, thinking about Twice, then thinking about all his memories with the league.
Touya: “… I wasn’t there to make friends.”
Shouto, staring at Touya silently remembering when he also “wasn’t there to make friends”.
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buzzcolorings · 6 months
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My Hero Academia - "Look At Me."
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everendering · 2 years
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Dance with your son…
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hotpotatopotat · 1 year
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"SNAP-SHOT: Friendships"
Here is a collection of Retrograde Tenko's friendships in the Shiggy-Endeavor Agency AU. Deku, Hawks, Dabi, Magne, Fuyumi, and someone new!
[Shiggy-Endeavor Agency AU]
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mysoncookie · 6 months
BNHA Dabi Must Reads
Time Travel - Where I Adopt a Bunch of Brats by ILoveMyths2003
╰┈➤ Available on Ao3, Complete, Time Travel Fix-It, Dabi Centric, Dabi is not a villain, Dabi Redemption, Found Family, Fluff, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, Extremely Slow Romance | Wordcount: 140,894
╰┈➤ Has an On Going Series Called "The World Of Tomorrow"
In Which Dabi Realizes He's too Pretty for Villainy by azurefaeblue
╰┈➤ Available on Ao3, Complete, Not Canon Compliant, Pretty Dabi, Scarless Dabi, White Haired Dabi, Hawks is a Simp, Crack | Wordcount: 3,435
╰┈➤ Has an On Going Series Called "In Which Dabi Achieves His Dream of Becoming a Trophy Wife"
area cryptid upset no one bothered to inform him of his tragic backstory by crimsonseekers
╰┈➤ Available on Ao3, Complete, Amnesiac Dabi, Crack Treated Seriously, Identity Reveal, Hero Public Commission Bashing | Wordcount: 47,710
In Which Dabi’s Tits Save the League and Dismantle Hero Society by azurefaeblue
╰┈➤ Available on Ao3, On Going, Social Media, Crack, POV Outsider, League of Villains as Family, Not Canon Compliant, Crack Treated Seriously | Wordcount: 23,688
these are my fav fics from BNHA! you can tell who my fav character is based on all of these fics ksksksksk
I know its a short list but these are fics that I genuinely enjoy & reread all the time. I'll prolly update this list cuz I aint satisfied with this being so short but idk we'll see
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thedynamicworm · 2 months
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In honor of Mha’s conclusion, I’m finally posting the sketches I did of Fuyumi if she was the one who became a villain instead of Touya.
This version of her is inspired by the art @nev4chii did of her with Dabi’s scars and hair dye and partially inspired by the Dabi!Fuyumi au by @cyber-phobia
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commander-revan · 2 months
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I am unwell, I was not prepared to see this scene this season.
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autumnmobile12 · 2 months
Ambush Simulation: The Vanguard's Honorary Member
Dabi: Yeah, Fuyumi's boyfriend of eight months just dumped her, so we're all going out tonight. You want in?
Magne: I'm confused. Should I be dressing up for a night out or is this brotherly retaliation on behalf of your baby sister?
Dabi: Night out. While dumping someone via voicemail is a shitty way to break things off, it's unfortunately not a violence-worthy offense. And Yumi already vetoed our other go-to method of calling everyone we know with a motorcycle and generating a massive noise complaint, so Plan B is getting annihilated at the Patron Saint.
Mr. Compress: Some helpful advice to the young ladies and gentlemen of Musutafu. Never screw over a woman called Todoroki Fuyumi. Because she has brothers and at least one of them is a crazy bitch that will fight you in a parking lot.
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animestsstuff2 · 3 months
A dragons beauty
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Barbarian Bakugou X reader
Content warning
Master list
Part 7
content warning: kissing, (tiniest smut) if you read between the lines,
You brought your knees closer to your chest as you sat against the thick tree trunk, chin resting on your knees as your horse picked at the grass beside you. It was rare of you to venture out here so being found was unlikely and you didn’t want to be found right now. Your eyes glossy and cheeks wet as you sniffled and curled your fingers further into your shins, little half moons indented in your skin.
You tried to make sense of what just happened, the magic your father very obviously possesses, the argument over you and apparently the magic you possessed. You did possess magic, you flung Iida back without even touching him. The ground shook beneath you due to your emotions. You teeth chewed at the bottom lip sucked between them as your thoughts flushed endlessly in your mind.
Why is this happening to me?
It’s so selfish to think but for as long as you could remember you would dream of how life would be if your family was normal, the different variables which made them not so normal. You thought of life as peasants, would you all be closer? You thought of only having a mother and no father, how would you be if there was no longer an angry man in your home?. You were born a princess, not just any princess but thee princess to King Endeavor. The man who ruled where-ever the sun kissed the ground. The man who was feared by enemies and adored by friends. The man who just as much of a tyrant on the battle field as he was behind closed doors to his family.
You moved your hands out in front of you watching as they trembled. You brows furrowed as you thought of anything, thought of holding fire in your palm! Nothing..Striking the ground with lightening! No, nothing. A sigh leaving your lips as your horse nickered and shook its head of the forelock which blocked its eyes. You glanced around feeling a breeze pick up causing goosebumps on your exposed legs and arms. You should head back now calmed down a bit and realising how worried your siblings must be.
You stood up and dusted yourself off as you struggled to climb upon your horses back from the ground without a step. You gathered the reins turning him around and giving a nudge into his belly. Your shoes long gone from your initial ride out, though thats standard as you wore slip on pumps with no tie. His ears pointed forward as he began in a quick trot and with another nudge switched pace and was cantering down the path. You kept steady on his back as you tried to calm yourself not wanting to go back home and face the wrath of your father but probably your husband too.
Katsuki hadn’t done anything to you since knowing him but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t. He was rough around the edges but overall was okay with you. Your mind else were as your thoughts of him continued. He was difficult to understand at times, always cuddling you at night but leaving you alone for hours during the day, only ever back to bring you to feed and then back to sleep again.
The only real interactions were at the pond and on his dragon but he was now your husband. You both had to grow accustom to this new arrangement. He probably didn’t want to marry you either. Your nose crinkled at the thought as you pulled lightly on the reins. The hoof beats slowing as they collided roughly on the now stone path. You were at the back entrance to the castle, coming to a halt you slipped off his back and guided him into his stable. His bridle hung up beside him as he moved to chomp on the large pile of hay in the corner.
You made your way back into the castle. The sun now setting and leaving a shadowed cast on the stone hallways that made them all the more eerie as the wall candles had yet to be lit. Your feet tapped on the cold stone and a shiver racked your spine as you heard voices ahead coming from the big hall. That was probably where they were gathered.
You let out a breath as you turned the corner and peaked your head round the door and found yourself correct. Shoto stood arguing with your father. Fuyumi and Natsuo were looking at a paper displayed on the table and Bakugou was pacing up and down. You stepped round the door and into the room going to clear your throat to gain their attention when Bakugous head snapped up and his eyes met yours.
He was in front of you in four long strides and you craned your neck to look up at him, heart hammering in your chest as you prepared yourself for the berating. His hands moved quickly and you flinched on reflex only to still as one splayed across your lower back and the other grabbed the back of your head. His fingers scrunching your hair as he pulled you into his chest and under his chin. His body tense as his grip held tightened. His nose pushed into your hair as his shoulders finally relaxed, slouching and his weight seemed to lean on you slightly.
Your hands slowly slipped between your bodies and around his neck. He eventually let go and pulled away from you but kept his arm secure around your waist as you turned to see your family stood before you. Your sister and brothers mouth agape as Shoto and your father shared a narrow eyed look. You turned to Bakugou who was already peering down at you.
“I would like to go” he nodded at your request, eyes glancing and giving your family a once over as he turned and pulled you with him. Your siblings calling after you made the blonde halt and groan where he stood.
“W-Wait! Kya you cant leave” Fuyumi rounded you as she stood in front followed my Natsuo and Shoto.
“I don’t want to stay Fuyumi” you mumbled as your fingers curled in on themselves, guilt building in your chest as your eyes met you sisters sad ones.
“Kya, you can’t go after what happened. We don’t know anything about your powers. It isn’t safe” Natuo butted in. You just shook your head.
“Bakugou can keep me safe Natsuo and I can figure it out with Midoryia the clan’s academic” you explained, desperately wanting to leave. You never thought you’d prefer the comfort of Bakugous clan to your own childhood home, to your own family..but after today you just wanted away from your father.
“Shut up. She’s decided. We go now” Bakugou cut Fuyumi off as he snapped at them. His fingers curled further around your waist as your eyes met the wet ones of your sister. You reached forward, clasping her hands between your own as you sniffled.
"I'm sorry but I don't want to stay Fuyumi, something..is telling me it's not safe for me if I do" You mumbled quietly to her and her fingers curled around yours as she gave a curt nod, trying to quell the sadness building up in her. You both let go and Bakugou moved, dragging you along with him and his fast pace.
You chewed at your lip as something heavy weighed in your mind. You didn't know why you told Fuyumi that. The castle is honestly probably safer than Bakugou's more open laid clan but something was pushing around in the back of your mind. A feeling that slinked its way down your spine and settled heavily in your stomach that told you indirectly that staying here would not be safe for you.
You were so caught up in your own thoughts you hadn't even realised you were outside the gates now. The horses you both travelled on being held by a servant as his arm left your waist and was replaced by two hands curling at your hips and lifting you up onto yours. It wasn't as awkward riding in the tribal wear you finally received. it was a bit more scandalous than you were used to, something all your siblings commented on when you first arrived. The short skirt allowing your legs to comfortably wrap around the saddle.
Bakugou was already mounted as he turned his horses head. His gruff voice going in one ear and straight out the other as he rolled his eyes at your blank stare. His hand reaching over and pulling the reins over your horses head and kicking his horse along as yours followed.
why wasn't the castle safe?..My father is a tyrant but there is something else...
A sigh pushed through your pursed lips, cheeks puffed out as your brows furrowed completely focused on your own thoughts. The attempt to piece together a puzzle whilst missing pieces wasn't working and you finally focused back on what was happening around you. Your hands reaching forward and pulling the reins back from Bakugou who let go. His eyes meeting yours.
"what ya' thinking about?" he asked. He was getting better at your tongue, his sentences forming better. His accent was still heavy but that was okay, it suited him.
"everything..I don't understand why my father kept such an important part of my life..of me. He left everyone in the dark" You mumbled. It was still bright out, the summer months allowed for late travelling.
"You scare him" Bakugou's comment made your head whip back round to him.
"I scare my father?. I do not appreciate being teased right now” you grumbled as you turned your head away looking at the greenery surrounding you as your horses plodded along.
“You do. He told me..” he trailed off and you glanced back over at the man beside you. His cheeks puffed slightly as he stared ahead.
“Your power. It’s more than his, more than Shoto” he finished and your brows lifted slightly. You had no idea how strong your brothers magic was considering you had just found out its existence.
Did Fuyumi know? Did father really keep me in the dark because I scared him?
The thought of potentially having the power to scare your father was a strange thought. You were always terrified of the huge brute you had the unfortunate luck of being related to. The man who could hit so hard but always manage to never leave a bruise, never leave evidence of his sins. A true monster who struck fear into you. A monster who supposedly was scared of you, perhaps just as much as you were of him.
“Bakugou, can I ask you a question?” The blonde just grunted in response.
“How do you use magic? How am I meant to use mine?” There was silence between you too. The only sounds were the trees bustling and the birds chirping.
“Just do. Never had it hid” he answered and your brows furrowed as your shoulders slumped, of course he wouldn’t care enough to provide a real answer.
Your thoughts jumbled and emotions wired. The visit to your family of course was a disaster and now you had magic you clearly couldn’t control. The anxiety wiggled its way into your chest as you thought of how you shoved Iida. Did you hurt him?..Would you accidentally hurt someone else?..
“Oi!-“ you jumped slightly as Bakugous loud voice pierced your ear. You blinked, rather dumbly as you turned your head to him.
“Stop with the face. I’ll teach you magic” he grumbled and you hadn’t even realised how tense your jaw was until you opened or how knitted your brows were until they lifted along with the edges of your mouth which melded into a large smile.
“Really!? Katsuki thank you!” You beamed and he only grumbled some more.
The rest of the ride home was quiet and uneventful not much was spoke about and Bakugou didn’t bother you again deciding to leave you to your thoughts. Thoughts that were running rampant in your head of everything that occurred in the last couple of hours and still you couldn’t rid nor figure out that feeling that settled itself in the back of your mind. A feeling so strange as it pushed to me heard yet you couldn’t hear or feel it.
You arrived back leaving your horses to be tended by some of Bakugou’s clan as you both headed to his tent. Bakugou turning his back to you as he changed, something he thought was ridiculous but couldn’t be bothered to argue about your prudish behaviour. He followed you into bed red eyes watching you as you lay on your side, your back to him as you faced the wall.
He slung a heavy arm around your waist making you squeak as you were pulled into his chest. The warm skin spreading across yours as your stomach tightened. You slept like this every night but it still made you feel both nervous and a little excited to be so close to a male. His face pushed itself to rest against the back of your shoulder, lips hovering across the skin as warm breaths woke goosebumps. Your cheeks red as he daringly planted a soft kiss on your shoulder.
Your breath caught in your throat as the heavy arm curled further around you as another soft kiss was placed on the exposed skin nearer to your neck now. Your thighs clenching together as your breathing grew more uneven. A last kiss was placed this time on the side of your neck. You shuffled around as he loosened his grip and came face to face with the blonde. His hair falling over his red eyes that weren't stuck in a fixed glare. His brows relaxing as your breaths mingled. Your stomach curling.
His tongue darted out to wet his dry lips and your eyes immediately flickered down as you swallowed thickly suddenly growing very warm under the light skin blanket. Bakugou's hand splayed across your back was burning into your skin through the thin night-gown you wore. Your own hands coming to rest on his bare chest tentatively, scared to make any moves. His eyes flicked down to your parted lips as he shuffled closer. Your cheeks burning red as your heart thrummed in your chest.
His head dipped lower and suddenly his lips were pressed to yours. Your eyes wide and mouth parted in a surprised gasp which Bakugou took advantage of as he slipped his tongue in, toying with yours. His hand now moving to rest on your side, sliding down to curl his fingers into your hip. A low groan leaving him as you finally collected yourself enough to respond.
Your eyes closing as your nails dug against his chest. The blonde grew more feverish as he pulled you harshly against him, slipping a leg between yours and folding his knee up further between your tight thighs. An almost breathy whine escaping you as his fingers moved behind your hip slightly, curling into the plush skin of your bum and pulling you flush against him as your own hands hesitantly made their way to his shoulders, one remaining as the other slipped to the back of his head.
Your head dizzy and thoughts clouded as all you could focus on was the dominating feeling of Bakugous tongue against yours. The harsh curl of his finger and the building tension in your stomach as your thighs clenched around his leg. His knee pressing against your very warm and dampening underwear. It was only when he pulled away to kiss at your chin and jaw did you finally regain the ability to voice your growing nerves.
"W-Wait..Bak-Bakugou" You stammered out as a quiet squeal followed as his sharp teeth nipped at the soft skin of your neck. His head coming back up as red desperate eyes met yours. His cheeks pink and lips wet.
"what?" His voice low and rough as his fingers kneaded the skin beneath them ensuring the attempts you made to squirm off his knee failed and further fed the fire in your stomach.
"I-.." You didn't know how to word your nerves, to go further or to stop? Should you stop? would he allow it?. Bakugou had so far been accommodating but you knew what a woman of your time is meant to do, at least in your kingdom. Fuyumi and other maidens telling you time and time again that as a wife your husbands needs come first but were you ready for Bakugou's?
The man before you pulled his leg back down and slipped his hand up to hold your cheek as you hadn't noticed your zoned out. Your eyes now focusing back on him as he moved and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before shuffling so your head was tucked under his chin.
"sleep" was all he said as your heart skipped at his thoughtfulness and ability to understand your hesitance. A small smile forming on your lips.
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chiquilines · 1 year
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Lil miryumi dancing post because the brainrot is real, ladies and gentlemen
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cheese-doorstop48 · 11 months
A bunch of random (MHA) doodles/sketches I haven't shared on here!! 💕
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emotionalmessss · 11 months
Weird request, but would you be willing to take a shot at a Dabi headcannon list where the reader's family was friends with the Todoroki family, so he knew her before the fire when she was still a little girl?
A/N: ou, I'll definitely give this one a shot. I took a different approach with this one, so I hope I answered alright. :) I haven't written in months, so I'm kinda rusty and completely ran with this, sorry.
Warnings: slight spoilers for season six of MHA
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Touya, despite being an energetic kid, was shy when you first started coming around the Todoroki household. 
At first, he would stay hidden and watch you play with his siblings down in the courtyard, opting to observe you through the balcony railing. Or he’d be too focused on training his Quirk in another room.
He never really said all the much to you, only a few words here and there, but that didn’t stop you from trying to interact with him.
As Fuyumi tosses a ball at Natsuo, you spot Touya out of the corner of your eye, who leans back against one of the wooden support beams and observes. 
You couldn’t help but grin when you notice him, turning to give him your full attention, and trying to beckon him over with a frantic wave of your hand. 
“Touya! Come join us!” You call out towards him, your bright smile never fading as you urged him to play. 
Touya glances over at the sound of your voice, his hand tucked inside the pockets of his pants. Averting his eyes and drawing his lips into a thin line, as he contemplates your offer. For a moment, that stubborn look of his fades, and it looks as though he’s about to concede, but at the last minute, he pushes himself off the wooden beam and retreats upstairs. 
Your smile faded slightly and your shoulders slump in response to his denial, but your innocent self quickly shakes off the sting of rejection. He probably just wants to train, you think to yourself. 
Eventually, as you started to come around the house more often, Touya slowly found himself getting more comfortable around you. 
He started talking to you more than he usually did, and rejecting less of your offers to come and play. Oddly enough, whenever you were around, his entire focus was on you.
You could say that this was just innocent child curiosity, but it was something different. The faint blush and quick aversion of his eyes whenever you caught him looking at you, how he occasionally asked Rei when you’d be at the house again, and how excited he got when he’d offer to show you his Quirk.
He loved to innocently tease you, and tell you all about his plans in surpassing All Might, and becoming the Number One Hero. He would go on and on about it, since you were one of the few people who encouraged him and his goals.
Touya’s head immediately poked out of his bedroom when he heard the front door open and close, followed by the familiar sound of your voice. Less than a second later, he quickly makes his way over to the front entrance with an excited bounce in his step. 
“C’mon, I wanna show you something cool!” His voice taking on a higher pitch, laced with a sense of urgency. He grins and grabs ahold of your hand, barely giving you enough time to take off your shoes before he’s tugging you down the hallway and into his room. 
Your eyes widen in pure awe as he holds up his hand, a bright flame flickering around his closed fists. “That’s so cool! You’re amazing!” 
A prideful smile spreads across his face at your response, which fills him up with a sense of satisfaction. There’s also a weird feeling that builds up in his stomach, one that he’s completely unfamiliar with. 
“You really think so?!” He questions, almost like he’s not used to this type of reaction. His smile widens and the heel of his right foot digs into the flooring when you nod.
His eyes shift from you to his fiery fist, and then back to you again. That look on your face, along with your praise causes Touya to completely ignore the gnawing heat that his Quirk produces — one that his body is ill equipped at handling. 
Years after the incident, now taking on the persona of Dabi, joining the League, and vowing revenge on Endeavor. The bitter reminders of being tossed aside like trash, the constant rejection, and being deemed a failure, all brewed beneath his aloof demeanour. 
That hatred wasn’t solely directed at his father, oh no, it stretched to that perfect little masterpiece. That fucking brat, nothing but a puppet.
But, deep beneath his hateful and resentful thoughts, there was one thought that occupied his mind more than he would’ve liked. You.
It would be a lie to say that Dabi didn’t try to get you out of his head, but it rarely seemed to work out in his favour. He would always tell himself that you didn’t matter and that he’s a kid anymore. After all, Touya Todoroki died. 
But getting someone like you out of his head was harder than he imagined. Even after everything, he could still see your beaming smile, and hear your innocent words of encouragement. 
Thoughts of you even started to distract him during his business with the League, especially when he was out searching for new recruits. Every time he noticed someone that looked even a tiny bit like you, his stomach would instantly knot up. Anxiety? Anticipation? Who knew. 
Whenever the League’s activities would venture a little too close to where you lived (again, why did he remember this?) he’d purposely hang back a bit, his impassive expression giving away none of his inner turmoil. 
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Dabi: This is a hard escape room.
Fuyumi: This is a family dinner.
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Dabi: Here’s some advice. Stop holding onto people just because you have history together
Fuyumi: We're literally your siblings-
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liesweliveby · 2 months
(+ afo and ujiko, unfortunately)
...okay so gestures at the end of bnha THAT happened. i GUESS.
congrats horikoshi that's the worst anyone's ever done it.
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