#vinnie is neutral
sleepysnoots · 2 months
hi! Just randomly saw your post and I was wondering if you could do one with fluff? Maybe where the trio (separately) comforts the reader? Gender neutral for all the peeps btw
(I’m also new to requesting so it’s definitely not detailed so feel free to skip over this)
Writing style all over the place lol :P
Ive only done stone so far cause i cba but ill do the others sometime im sorry 😔😛
- after a miserable day, you make your way to your shared home with the gang. As you walk over to the alleyway you are hit with the strong scent of tobacco, you sniff rubbing your eyes trying to hide the fact you were upset shivering from the cold when u notice stone sat there alone smoking a cigarette in the alleyway outside ur guys little shack.
-stone notices ur mood almost immediately and his eyebrows furrow from concern before he speaks up “hey are you alright?” He asked flicking the end of the cigarette onto the floor squishing it with his foot
-you shake your head going to sit next to him as he asks what happened, you sigh before beginning to tell him about your day.
-stone listens carefully to you his eyes locked to your face as he lets you ramble on, his presence just there to comfort you, to let u know he’s there
-you begin to tear up the tears rolling down ur cheeks before wiping them away quickly as you give a weak smile to try lighten the mood not wanting to seem pathetic
-stone is still looking at u intently his expression of concern as he hesitantly reaches a hand to your back awkwardly patting it trying to comfort you “i-im sorry that happened… ” he muttered giving a weak smile before he purses his lips together bringing his hand back, mentally destroying himself for the awkward thing he just did
-you look up at him with a raised eyebrow before bursting out with laughter, finding it funny but really sweet at the same time
-stone blushes from embarrassment head turned away from u as he rolls his eyes, you give a cheeky grin at him before he gently pushes you away from him with his hand “stop laughing! I was trying to be nice!”
-you look at him with a soft smile, “i cant man that was too funny!”you chuckle before taking a breath and calming down from ur outburst of laughter before attacking stone with a hug “thank tho, somehow u actually made me feel better” you chuckle into his chest
-stones body freezes, his eyes widened from shock when your wrapped around his waist. He hesitates before he slowly wraps his arms around you giving in and accepting the hug “I-it’s no problem” he hums blush still evident on his face
Bro I feel like that was so ooc I’m so sorry 😭
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cherrygummycandy · 1 year
Atlantic Amnesia
Atlantis: The Lost Empire crew x reader
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(AN: So, I was unsure how to adapt a way to make this fic work without interrupting the movie, but still having all the characters. What I have decided is that the crew has to stay quite a while in atlantis, in order to recuperate before taking the power source. This allows all the characters to stay in a canon-esk area and time frame. Please enjoy! It was a pain to try and organize.)
From the blackness, a small dot of light enters your field of view. You groan, but find it hard to move your body. You're aware of how heavy you feel, yet barely able to form any thoughts. You try and force your eyes open further, as the dot of light turns into a full scene. You're laid on your back, looking face up at what you think is some sort of cave. The ache in your muscles is overwhelming.
"Mierda, It's alive!" A female voice says, and you hear a set of footsteps approaching. Suddenly, a flash of light makes you wince, and groans once more at the sudden intrusion of blinding light into your eyes. The footsteps stop, and as your eyes refocus, a blonde woman and a dark skinned girl kneel over you. "Are they Atlantean?" The blonde woman asks. The girl furrows ehr brows and looks at her. "Do they look Atlantean to you? Tattoos and white hair and shit... No!" The girl exclaims. The blonde rolls her eyes and grimaces at the girl, before reaching for her holster. You gasp a little, despite the pain, when she pulls out a gun. The woman flips it around and pokes you with the butt of her weapon.
"O-ow... stop..." You whine. "Hey, they talk." The girl says. "And english, too." The woman reholsters her weapon. "Hey, you' got a name?" She asks. "Uh, Y/N. I think... I think my name is Y/N." The woman raises her eyebrows. "You think?" She asks, her voice heavy with skepticism. "I can't really remember anything." You say. While the woman seems to look you over and assess you, the girl places a hand on your shoulder, helping to lift you up a little. You whine, moving to cover your incredibly sore stomach. "They're pretty roughed up, Helga, We should get them back to la ciudad." The blonde woman, whose name you now know is Helga, nods reluctantly. "Fine, but you're helping them back to base. Rourke wants this area mapped out, and I'm not dragging some stranger 2 miles back through a cave when I have a job to do." She says. The girls scoffs, and as she walks away, mumbles "No harías eso de todos modos..." She readjusts her hold on you, so it's a little easier to lean your weight up against her. Her free arm grabs a lantern from beside where you were discovered, and the pair of you begin to walk out of the cave.
"So, can I ask who you are, and who that was?" You ask, trying your best to hold your own as you lean against the young girl. "Audrey, Audrey Rocio Ramirez. That was my 'boss'." She uses heavy quotation marks at the mention of the woman. "Helga Katrina Sinclair, or something... I haven't really been paying attention." She shrugs. "What about chu'? Can't remember anything?" She asks. You shake your head. "Nothing at all? Jesús, no puedo imaginar eso." You tilt your head. "Where are you from?" "Bronx." She says, and when she realizes that doesn't help you. "Uh, New york. You?" She cringes the moment she says it. "Right, chu' can't remember, Lo siento." She apologizes. You only shrug it off. "Don't worry about it."
The two of you trudge along for a while longer. "Where are we heading?" You ask. "Back to Atlantis, or, our camp right outside of atlantis." She explains. "What's atlantis?" You ask. "It's a city, but uh, it's underwater..." You frown. "Underwater? Like, no oxegyn, underwater?" She asks. "Yeah, I mean..." She stops walking and motions just beyond the edge of the cave. You squint, and see what looks like the reflections of water against the walls of the cavern. "Technically, we're underwater right now." You gasp, as you see what looks like some sort of forcefield over the cave, leading to a glowing city far away. Outside of the forcefield lies a dark expanse of water, aquatic plants, and the occasional fish that swims by. "Oh my god..." you mutter, whipping back to face Audrey. "H-how is this possible?" You exclaim. She chuckles, and shrugs. "You're gonna wanna ask my friend Milo about that, chico. I'm a mechanic, not an, energy wizard or something." She jokes. "Don't get me wrong though, I'm gonna figure out how all this stuff works, believe me. I'm just wonderin' how you didn't drown before we got the forcefields up."
After what seems like half an hour of walking, you and Audrey cross over a particularly tall patch of coral, with Audrey kicking and cursing at the dry aquatic plants. Once through the patch, however, you emerge on the other side in front of a camp, and more importantly, the backdrop of atlantis. You gasp softly at the sight before you. Behind the small camp of green canvas tents and trucks, lies a vast expanse of towering buildings, illuminated with a soft blue light. The air around you seems to crackle with a mystical energy. Suddenly, the crackling feeling becomes stronger, forming into something of a burning in your head. You cry out in pain, collapsing to the ground, and gripping your head. "Woah, hey, what's wro-" Audrey's concerned voice fades out as the pain strengthens, before it fades to black.
"Sweet, Milo!" Audrey calls out, shaking your unconscious form slightly. The first to hear her panicked exclamations is Milo Thatch, who was sat in his tent trying to decode some complicated atlantean runes. He stands up so quickly he almost drops his glasses, and tumbles out of his room towards the sound of Audrey's voice. "Audrey, w... what is it?" He pants, trying to catch his breath. "Me and Helga found someone out in the cavern, somethings wrong!" She tries to pick you up once more. "They aren't Atlantean..." He says, pushing his glasses further up his nose as he looks you over curiously. Audrey only grunts, heaving the top of your body up. "Duh, Milo! They're not Atlantean and they're ALSO UNCONCIOUS!" She yells, snapping him out of it. "Right, of course. Sorry." Milo grabs your legs and helps Audrey lift, though he's exerting way more effort to lift a lot less than her. "C'mon, we gotta get em' to Sweet." As her and Milo shuffle over to the medical tent, he asks "Do we know how they got down here?" Audrey shakes her head, blowing a curl out of her face so she can focus on where she's going. "Nah, they don't really remember anything. I'm not even sure how they got down here." Milo nods, clearly deep in thought. "Name?" He asks."Y/N. No last name, that they've mentioned." As the two back into the medical tent, they are greeted with the sight of Dr. Joshua Sweet, who is currently engaged in filling a syringe with some sort of odd liquid. "Yo doc' we gotta patient for chu'."
You jolt up with a start, the familiar feeling of sore muscles hitting you again. You grunt and sit up weakly, putting a hand to your head. While it doesn't hurt as much, there is still a faint throbbing in your temples. You suddenly remember passing out, and look around quickly to figure out where you are. You appear to be in one of the tents you saw just before going unconscious. Various medical tools lay on a nearby table, prompting you to assume you're in some sort of doctors tent. "Hey, they're up!" Audrey pokes her head into the tent, and sees you sitting up. "How you' feeling? Chu' kinda passed out on me." Audrey plops down at the end of the medical cot, crossing her legs. "I'm better, I think. I don't really know what happened." You blink a few times, looking down sadly. "Well, just don't do it again, cause I ain't gonna carry chu'." She teases, lightly punching your shoulder. It hurts a little, but you smile in response.
"Audrey, stop punchin' my patients. We've been over this." A tall, broad man in a doctor's coat enters the ten, with a scrawny man following close behind. "I'm just glad to know I'm not the only person she punches." The scrawny man says, then flinches when she moves to hit him too. "Two for flinchin' Milo." She says, smirking as he makes an excuse to leave. She turns to you and nods in his direction. "I'll get him later." The tall man turns to you, a small pen-light in his hand. "Dr. Joshua Sweet, pleasure to meet you." He extends a free hand. "I'm Y/N. Thanks for treating me." You say. He nods. "It's what I do. Say, you were in pretty rough shape when Audrey and Milo brought you in." He glances at a clipboard on the table next to you. "Some pretty heavy bruising on the legs and arms, a bit of head trauma. Our mechanic here says you can't remember anything. That true?" You nod. "Hmm, open your eyes wide." He clicks on the pen light in his hand, shining it in your left, then right eye. "Hmm. Dilation of the pupils is normal, still might be a concussion. Feeling any nausea?" You shake your head. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
Dr. Sweet conducts a few more tests, and Audrey messes with a nearby loose screw to keep herself entertained. "Any known triggers?" He asks. "Well, when I saw the city... um..." You think for a moment. "Atlantis." Audrey cuts in. You nod, and continue. "When I saw Atlantis, it had all those, bright blue lights, y'know. The longer I looked at them, I felt something like, electricity. Like crackling. Then it burned, I couldn't hear, and I guess that's when I blacked out." You explain. Dr. Sweet rights a few notes down, before sighing. "I still think it's probably a concussion resulting from your injuries, but we may want to look into your light sensitivity issues." He turns to Audrey, who is currently attempting to juggle cotton balls. "Audrey, go get Thatch." He nods towards the exit of the tent. She huffs. "Can't chu' get him? I'm monitoring the patient." Sweet chuckles. "You can monitor the patient when you get a degree and stop messin' with my medical supplies. Go get Thatch." She hops up, mumbling "Conseguiré un título y te lo meteré por el culo." on her way out.
"Here, thirsty?" He hands you a glass of water. "Thanks, doctor." You take the glass and eagerly drink down the cold liquid. "Call me Sweet." He insists, putting his notes back down on his clipboard. "Doctor?" He looks up. "Am... am I gonna get my memories back?" He sighs, and shrugs. "I can't be 100% sure until we know what's wrong with you, but you're functioning well otherwise. I'm sure if we give it enough time, you'll start coming around." He assures you. You nod, feeling only a little comfort in his words. "The city was beautiful, though." You say, mind wandering back to the sight of the aquatic city. Sweet nods, taking a seat in a nearby chair. "Absolutely. Seen some weird things coming out of there though." He laughs. "Frankly, a patient with memory loss is kinda refreshing." He admits, prompting you to look up suddenly. "Refreshing? What patients have you dealt with lately?" You ask, a little nervous. "Well, patient confidentiality says I can't go into detail, but lets just say I've had to re-attach a lot of thumbs." He says. You grimace at the idea.
"STOP HITTING ME!" A male voice squeaks, as the scrawny man from earlier tumbles through the tent flap, narrowly avoiding Audrey's fists. Audrey laughs, hopping back on the cot next to you. "Milo, Y/N. Y/N, Milo." She says, motioning back and forth between the two of you. "Hello, it's nice to meet you." You greet. The man seems awkward, but excited to meet you. "Nice to meet you too. Do you have any memory of what happened? Or how you got here?" He asks. You shake your head, and Audrey pats your shoulder lightly. "C'mon Milo, they've been asked that like sixty times, they don't remember shit." She says. "Sweet, you needed something from me?" Milo asks. "Yes, our friend here has described a sensitivity to the blue light emitted from atlantis. I think it might be a problem stemming from their reaction to the crystals. Could you hand me your crystal?" He asks. Milo nods, and removes something from his neck. A small, glowing blue crystal on a leather strip is handed to Sweet, who turns to you. "Okay, let me know if this hurts, alright?" You sigh and nod. Sweet holds out the crystal, and you move to touch it. The moment your fingers brush the crystal, a blinding pain shoots through your arm and into your head. You pull away with a cry, and Sweet quickly pulls back the pendant.
"God... fuck." You groan, hands gripping your head. "Hey, it's okay, Chico." Audrey places a hand on your knee, a worried look on your face. Sweet looks at Milo with a serious expression. "Thatch, you got any idea what about these rocks is causing this?" He asks. Milo shakes his head. "I've never seen anything like this, then again I've not had a lot of experience with them. Maybe, maybe Kida would know something about it." Milo says. Sweet looks over at you, and asks if you need anything. You can't muster a response, but shake your head. He seems unsure about leaving you, but leaves to discuss the problem further with Milo. Audrey stays by your side, trying to lighten the mood. "Bueno, al menos sabemos qué es lo que te está rompiendo el cerebro." She jokes. "Audrey, you know I don't know what you're saying." You complain, prompting her to laugh. After a few minutes of recovery, Sweet returns. "Alright, I'm gonna recommend some bedrest, and some migraine medication. Try to avoid contact with those crystals, alright? We don't need you losing any more of that memory." He says. You nod. "C'mon, we should get you set up. Let's go talk to the commander." Audrey says, standing up and extending a hand to you. "Audrey, I don't think our friend here should be walking just yet-" "I'm fine, but thank you, Sweet." You insist, moving to follow Audrey. Audrey leaves the tent, and you turn to sweet one last time. "Thank you, really. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't patched me up." You say, looking at him with earnest appreciation. He pauses for a moment, and coughs awkwardly as a light blush dusts his cheeks. "Of course... You, you better catch up with Audrey." He turns around quickly, and you wave goodbye as you leave and follow Audrey.
Audrey heads to a nearby truck, where a tall man in military garb is leaning against the side of the car, smoking a cigar and observing the camp. "Commander! Got someone for you to meet!" Audrey yells, and the man turns to face her. "Ah, this must be our newcomer, Helga radioed ahead and told us you'd come across someone out there, Ramirez." Audrey nods. The man holds his cigar in one hand, and extends the other to you. "Commander Lyle Rourke, leader of this here expedition." He motions with his cigar to the people milling about the camp. "Y/N, um... not really much to explain. I can't remember anything." You sigh. "Yes, Helga mentioned that as well. A damn shame." He responds before a female voice interjects. "Seems convenient to me." Helga, who has apparently been on the other side of the truck the full time, seems suspcious. Rourke only chuckles, and pats the woman on the shoulder, prompting her to sneer and walk off. "You'll have to forgive my associate, she's a little rough around the edges. Damn good fighter, though." He says. "Ramirez, I assume you've brought Y/N over to sweet for a checkup?" She nods. "Yup, he's still working on what's wrong with em', though." Rourke nods. "Well, rest assured you can remain here with us, at least until you've got that memory back." You're taken aback at the offer, but nod gratefully. "Thank you, sir. You don't know how much I appreciate this." Rourke places a hand on your shoulder, holding on with a firm grip. You gulp a little at the man's intense gaze. "Were happy to have you, Y/N. I'm sure you'll make yourself a member of the team in no time." Audrey watches the scene before her with a slight grimace, arms crossed. Rourke's hand remains on your shoulder for a little longer than is normal, and he then pulls it off and returns to smoking.
"Ramirez, I trust you'll get our new friend set up?" Audrey nods, and practically drags you away from the man and towards the tents. "We don't have any extra tents, so you're gonna be sharing with me, entendido?" She asks. You nod, and jolt when you hear a yell come from a few tents over. "NO! YOU CAN'T, I NEED ZAT FOR MY COLLECTION!" A strange, goggled little man bounds past you, pawing at a much taller man with a mustache, holding a bag full of some sort of black substance. The taller man seems relatively unfazed, just looking down at the man throwing small, weak punches at his knees. "Hey, uh, Audrey? Can you do something about-" He looks down. "This?" Audrey groans, and dramatically slumps over as she reaches into her tent, coming back out with a white bar of soap. "Hey! Mole!" She yells, and the man stops his assault momentarily, adjusting his goggles to zoom in and see the girl. When he sees the bar of soap in her hand, he lets out a terrified screech, and scampers away like some sort of feral rodent. You can't help but feel uncomfortable.
"Woo, thanks." The taller man says, dusting off his pants and walking over to the two of you. "Why was Mole going after you? Did you blow up one of his 'samples' again?" Audrey asks, a hand on her hip as she gazes after the Mole man in amusement. "No, actually. I was recycling some gunpowder from a failed bomb, I guess it was swedish or something, and he wanted a sample of it. Couldn't handle it when I told him no, so, y'know." He shrugs. "Who's this?" He asks, when his eyes land on you. "This is Y/N. Me and Helga found them out on cavern patrol. We've been getting a checkup at Sweet's tent." She explains. "Oh, first time in the medical tent?" He asks. You nod. "Well, there'll be plenty more of those visits. Just last week, I had some old dynamite ignite, kinda thought it was cigar since it was late. Anyways, I had to get my thumb sewn back on." You remember Sweet mentioning something like that, and Audrey rolls her eyes as the man goes on. "I'm Vincenzo Santorini. Just, uh, call me Vinny." He says. You shake his hand, trying not to picture what his thumb must look like under that glove. "You work with explosives a lot?" You ask. Audrey scoffs. "Work' is kind of a stretch. I can't remember the last time one of your 'tests' went well, Vinny." She teases. "Whatever, I don't need accuracy. If they blow up, they blow up. They're bombs, that's like, what there supposed to do." He makes an explosive motion with his hands, before turning to a loud crash that rings out from somewhere nearby. "Huh, guess I should check on that." He turns to you. "See you around, and uh, watch your step." He picks up a firecracker, left right next to your foot on the ground. As he walks off, Audrey turns back to you.
"Alright, lets get chu' set up. Left side of the tent is mine."
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untilwedont · 1 year
My True Valentine
yall gotta chill out with the smuts 💀 my inbox is full of em (ill get to them soon) 😭
Genre: Angst to fluff
Pairings: Vinnie Hacker x gn!Reader
Summary: Vinnie confesses to you on Valentines Day after your original plans with someone else fell through.
Warnings; Heartbreak, happy ending, reader falling for vinnie, friends to lovers
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You sat on your bed, a loud sigh coming out of you as tears began to form in your eyes. You had gotten ready for a date you were supposed to go on with a guy you've been interested in for a while. It took hours for you to get ready. You had wanted to make sure you looked your best.
you almost had a mental breakdown because of your hair
But that didn't matter since you were about to have a mental breakdown right now. Well you were but...
"Knock knock, y/n. You in there?" You heard Vinnie's voice from the other side of the door.
"Shit" you murmured. You tried to quickly wipe your tears away, in which you succeeded, but your red eyes were a blow. "Yeah.. what is it?" You asked, voice trembling a bit.
"Hey, can I come in? I gotta show you somethin."
You took a second to respond, "I'm actually.. busy." You couldn't let him see you like this. Not right now.
"Come on, it will only take a few seconds." He didn't give you a second to respond, instead walking into your room with no warning. His smile fell from his face. His heart sank when he saw you'd been crying.
"Hey, whats wrong?" He asked before quickly walking towards you. He sat on your bed before placing his hand onto your chin, turning you to face him.
"I'm fine.." you turned to stop facing him, your voice trembling a bit. "No, y/n, you aren't fine. Tell me what happened." His voice began to get stern. He only cared for you and wanted to make sure you were okay... which you obviously weren't.
You knew that no matter how many times you told him you were fine, he'd still be persistent with you. "My date.. he.." you went quiet for a moment, "he canceled it. Found someone else."
Vinnie pulled you into a hug, "Oh y/n, im so sorry." he spoke softly, his hands running through your now messed up hair. Your bottled up tears finally got out. You started crying into Vinnie's neck.
He cradled you back and forth into his arms, whispering sweet words into your ear. A few minutes after, you finally calmed down. You sniffled into his shirt, "You okay now?" Vinnie spoke.
"Yeah.. im fine now." You looked at his now wet hoodie, "Shit, im sorry for crying on your hoodie." He examined the wet spot on his hoodie, "Don't worry, y/n. It's fine." He looked into your eyes for a moment before looking away.
"Can I kiss you?" He abruptly spoke.
It took you a second to comprehend what he'd just said. A smile crept onto your face before you pulled him in for a soft kiss. It was a short, sweet kiss. The feeling of his lips on yours was magical.
You pulled back and smiled. "Well... since your plans were cancelled with that other guy.. why don't I take you out on a date?" Your smile grew even wider. "I'd love to, vin!"
idk how to end this
hope u enjoyed
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OC: Vinnie
Hhhhh- hhhhe, he, he's smiling?! Just slightly? At me? Ffdsdfsd.
AKA this is what happens when you get help with AMM by @chevvy-yates - thank you so so much! 🧡 I finally understood how the poses work, that there are more customizable lights than just the area light and what the freeze button is for. So I think I see improvement in this picture. Or maybe I am just swooning bc of his smile...
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neonsbian · 7 months
recently discovered that yangyang actually says 'spin it round, go, that's the rodeo' and not 'spin around girl, that's the rodeo' 😔
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payphoneangel · 2 years
To this day it still bothers me that all my life my mom rationalized so many things and socialized me in so many ways with the notion of “when you have a husband” but when I told her I was gay it became “if you find a partner.”
Like why was heterosexuality an unwavering inevitability but queerness is a hypothetical too uncertain to be gendered
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oddballwriter · 2 years
Period HC
Summary: What I think the EMH boys would do when you’re on your period.
Warnings: HABIT is here, mentions of periods, cramps, and painkillers
Author’s Snip: I just started my period this morning and I’m straight up not having a good time rn lol. So I’m gonna be self indulgent here
Notes: This is for anyone who owns a uterus so trans mascs, y’all can read too. However, this doesn’t talk about dysphoria, however I did make a post is meant for trans masc readers and how the guys try to help with dysphoria
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
As soon as you tell him that you’re on your period, he’s there to try and take care of you
If you’re doing fine and say that you can handle yourself, he’ll back off but still be ready just in case it gets too much
He makes sure you’re comfortable and aren’t struggling with anything
He gets you blankets so you aren’t cold, heats up your heating pad, gets you painkillers, hot tea or water, snacks, anything
Ask for it and he’ll get it in a heartbeat
If you wanna be left alone, he’ll leave you be. And if you want to cuddle, he’s right there cuddling you
Evan, as I’ve said before, has dog boyfriend energy and just seems like he’d do anything for you
Honestly whipped for you
He’ll check up on you every once in a while to see if you’re okay now
But other than when you’re having bad cramps, you’re fine and can handle yourself and he knows that
(Personal hc nonsense)
I hc Evan as trans masc, and I will die by this hc 
I do hc that he’s made a pretty good and full transition 
But he still remebers how unplesent it is 
He understands how much pain your in and if you too are trans masc, he understands the extra discomfort you get from it 
I might do a post where I talk about period comfort hc with him that is meant more for trans mascs (with the rest of the guys) since I don’t want to make this post too long
He’s not as “at your service” as Evan is but if your cramps are really kicking your ass he’ll put what he’s doing aside for a moment to help you out
He’ll get you your heating pad and painkillers along with water to swallow them down with
He’ll get you some extra stuff like a blanket or something if you ask
He asks if you’re okay, as in asks if your have everything you need to deal with your cramps and all of that, if you are then he’ll leave you be and go back to whatever he was up to
Unless you want him to keep you company of course. He’s fine with that.
Similar to Evan, he’s on god gonna take care of you but like… you don’t get a choice. You’re getting taken care of
Treats you like you’re sick and dying tbh
Evan knows that you can handle yourself and so respects if you want to handle it yourself and will just take care of you when he knows it’s getting rough
Jeff won’t let you do anything even if you feel perfectly fine at the moment
Y/N: Jeff, I’m fine. I’m not having cramps.
Jeff: I know. But I still think you should just relax. I can handle to for you. You just go lay back down.
Once cramps kick in, it’s just like Evan where he’ll get you anything you need so long as you just say the word
He’ll give you smooches and cuddles to distract you from the pain
If you have any extra pain, like for example when I’m on mine, I get pain in my back and legs, he’ll give that part a little massage
Asks if you’re okay a lot
It gets a bit annoying but you know it’s coming from a good place
Obviously since he’s a demon, he doesn’t understand some things about humans and so he doesn’t really know what to do when you’re on your period
He knows what it is, why it’s happening, and what’s going on
But he doesn’t know how to help you get through it
So he asks questions like-
“Why do you need something hot on your stomach?”
“Why do you need a blanket, it’s barely even cold in here?”
He just sort of leaves you alone since he figures that you can do everything by yourself since you’ve been experiencing this for years
It’s not until he sees you curled up in a ball in pain completely restless that he’s like “Oh Shit.” and figured out that sometimes a period is a bitch
He gets you what you need and then leaves you be again unless you ask him to stay
He’s a bit confused on why you want him to me there since you are actively in pain but he’ll stay none the less
Tries to be funny to distract you from the pain, maybe tell you a story about something he saw or experienced during some time period
He’s doing his best
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fankhx-invasion · 1 year
Calm During the Storm
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Vinnie/Reader, a comfort oneshot
┍━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━┑
You loved rain. It was something you would always get excited over; when the clouds would darken or the local weather station predicted it in your day. Some thunderstorms weren't too bad, either! Sometimes, the thunder was soft and far enough that it lulled you to sleep. The rain had never scared you in the past, not even when you were barely five!
However, tonight, the storm passing by had been like a nightmare. The wind had picked up, the thunder was so loud, it shook the house, the rain was incredibly heavy, and the lightning was nothing short of overwhelming. You had to help pull things from outside prior, and unplug anything in the outlets from fear of the power being knocked out. Now, you were sitting and waiting, huddled up into yourself, nervously picking at a loose thread on your clothes.
"Baby, don't do that," a soft voice piped up from the doorway.
Vinnie, your boyfriend, had brought two steaming cups your way, gently placing them both on the coffee table in front of you. He could see the slight shake in your body from the anxiety coursing through you. You appreciated everything he did for you, even something as simple as making hot tea to calm your nerves. You gave him a small smile, even happier when he made himself comfortable on the couch seat next to you, placing a soft kiss on your cheek, and gently pulling your hand away from the bottom hem of your shirt.
Picking up the hot cup, you took a slow yet careful sip on the fragrant drink. It was soothing, perfectly warming your stomach, adding a bit of calm to the storm in your mind. Vinnie seemed to pick up on it too, gently coaxing you to lean back onto him, one hand wrapped around you and the other around his own cup.
"I'm not usually,,, afraid, of storms." You mumbled.
"Well, this one is pretty nasty. It's okay to be scared, I don't blame you, either." He paused to take a sip, humming in thought. "However, I don't think it's going to last much longer than an hour. Until then? I can always hold you here, like this."
You couldn't help but smile, moving your head to look into his lovely, emerald eyes, laughing and placing your own kiss to his soft lips. "I love you so much-"
Another harsh crash of thunder made you tense up and wince, but Vinnie was already there, hushing you with more kisses and rubbing your side. You seemed to physically relax a bit more once again, beyond thankful for someone like him being as incredible as he is. Talented, sweet, thoughtful, you couldn't have asked for more. Vinnie was going to care for you as long as possible, and nothing, not even a storm, was going to possibly stop him from doing so.
┕━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━┙
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donghuamuqing · 2 years
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Fun little picrew time <33
Pretend i tagged u if u wanna do this
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canwehavehextonite · 4 months
hmm ahh i see hmm. i understand.
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haddonfieldwhore · 6 months
talk me down - vince dunn
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vince dunn x gender neutral! reader
summary: after a late game penalty and a frustrating shootout loss, vince is in a bad mood. good thing he has you to make him feel better
warnings: mentions of violence, langauge, angry vinny, a bit of angst but mostly fluff
word count: 1.2k
as the whistle blew with only a few minutes left in overtime, you ran a hand over your face in frustration as a penalty was called on your boyfriend, vince dunn, for deliberately whacking another player with his stick. while there should have been a call for the opponent holding and tripping vince, the way that vince had reacted was unnecessary. you’re making it worse, you thought, as he punched fiala in the face, nearly hitting him with his stick before the refs separated them. even in the stands you could hear dunn swearing his head off, and you were shocked he didn’t get more than a 2 minute penalty for what he’d done. thankfully los angeles wasn’t able to take advantage of the extra man on the ice and score a goal, but things went to the shootout and eventually the game ended in favour of the kings.
a cloud of disappointment hung heavy in the air of climate pledge arena as kraken fans filed out, without a win but still with a point as the players left the ice. you sighed as you stood up from your seat, the other players wives and girlfriends who had been at the game also getting up to go find their partners. they were talking about the game, and while you could have joined their conversation, you were more concerned with vince. you made your way to the back and waited impatiently for him to come out of the locker room.
after what felt like forever - the team surely having had a long talk with their coach about the events of the game - a familiar curly haired brunette emerged from the doorway, a scowl on his face.
“hey,” you said softly as you stood up, walking over and grabbing his hand gently. to your surprise he didn’t pull it away, but didn’t say anything, simply tilting his head in the direction of the exit. getting the message that he just wanted to go home, you nodded, walking with him out to your car and getting in the drivers seat, and the two of you began a silent drive home.
when you arrived home to his house, he went straight upstairs without a word, and you heard the sound of a door slamming upstairs as he disappeared into your shared bedroom. you grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, your fingers anxiously tapping the granite counter tops as you sighed. you hated seeing him like this; beyond frustrated and tired. you knew he would never do anything to hurt you, you also understood that it was best to give him some space and time to cool down when he got like this. you took a seat on the sectional in the living room and scrolled through different apps on your phone, avoiding anything you saw about the game. about 15 minutes went by before you began to yawn, and decided to head upstairs to find vince.
as you walked into the bedroom, you saw him laying face down on the bed, his head at the wrong end. his one arm was hanging over the edge while the other was folded under his head like a pillow. he had discarded his clothes except for his sweatpants, and you admired the toned muscles of his back that were on display as he lay turned away from the door. it was clear he had just collapsed onto the bed, the blanket barely covering his legs and crumpled from being kicked aside. you quietly got changed into some shorts and one of vince’s t-shirts, before padding over to the bed and sitting down next to him.
“i’m sorry,” he mumbled, his voice muffled by his arm and the mattress. reaching towards him you brushed your fingers through his messy curls, shaking your head, though he couldn’t see you.
“you don’t have to apologize to me,” you assured him.
“i still am.”
“i know,” you replied, moving closer to him as you let your hands travel down to his shoulders, gently massaging the tense muscles. he shivered slightly at the feeling of your hands on the back of his neck, but then sighed softly as you worked at the knots in his back, trying to relieve some of the tension from the game. you spent about 10 minutes in silence, and you were honestly beginning to think vince had fallen asleep, until he spoke again.
“i’ll be lucky if i don’t get suspended or fined,” he said, groaning softly as you kneaded a particularly sore spot on his lower back.
“yeah,” you agreed cautiously. “i’m sorry, vinny; i really don’t know what to say.”
“now who’s apologizing?” he laughed dryly, and while it was bittersweet, it was the first hint of a smile you’d heard in his voice all night. “i fucked up, i have to deal with the consequences.”
“that’s true. but they should have called a penalty on the other guy.”
“yeah well i guess they thought otherwise. i didn’t exactly make the situation any better. i think i owe joey an apology for sending us to the shootout,” he gave another halfhearted laugh.
“i wouldn’t say it’s your fault it went to a shootout. give me your other arm,” you instructed, having finished massaging the arm you could reach. vince rolled over onto his back, looking up at you as he extended his right arm into your lap.
“i guess it doesn’t matter in the end,” he sighed, watching you as your hands ran up and down his bicep, soothing the tired aching beneath his skin.
“you guys still got a point,” you said optimistically, trying to look on the bright side of a shitty end to the night. vince smiled at you, the admiring gaze going unnoticed as you continued pampering him.
“yeah,” he mumbled, as you lifted his hand, playing with his fingers gently. “thank you.” you finally looked at him, his eyes tired but full of love as he stared back at you.
“anytime,” you smiled warmly, and giggling softly as vince opened his arms for you to crawl into. you laid down next to him, letting him pull you into his side as he stared up at the ceiling. you closely admired each freckle and detail of his face, and if life were a cartoon your eyes would have had hearts popping out of them.
“i love you,” you spoke quietly, placing a few kisses on his cheek. he turned his face toward you, your foreheads pressing together as he bumped his nose against yours softly.
“i love you,” he whispered. “i don’t know what i would do without you,” he admitted, kissing the tip of your nose, and then your forehead before pulling you closer, tucking your head under his chin.
“you’d have a stiffer back for one-“ you were interrupted by your own laugh as he tickled your side, and you smiled as you curled your body into him, inhaling the scent of his body wash that lingered on his skin from his post-game shower. “okay - okay i’m done.”
“goodnight baby,” he squeezed you tightly in his arms before reaching over and turning off the lamp next to the bed. a wave of tiredness washed over you as the darkness in the room enveloped you, and you quickly fell asleep.
vince laid awake for a little while, listening to the tiny snores that fell from your lips as you slept. whatever repercussions were to come from tonight, and whether they had lost the game or not, he had you, and that was a win in his mind.
disclaimer: all screenshots, events, and/or interactions depicted in this are a work of fiction. i have no association with any parties mentioned
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koiiiiijiii · 1 month
since nobody asked anything in comment section in THIS post i decided to came up with something by myself. now i know you little rogues not reading author notes🤨
Nightly Rituals
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Park Jung Gun likes your presence in his apartments, it’s always little bit more warmer and cozy with you. Especially he likes time before bed, and both of you small routines. well, he could call his routine small - just stealing some incomprehensible bottles from you, he doesn’t bother his head to read it, as long as it seems to smooth his skin he use it! also, maybe reading some book or answering to forgotten messages while he waiting for you from the shower - that’s his usual routine before bed.
he could hear the water in shower stop flowing, you wrapped yourself in a towel and slipped out of the bathroom. picking and putting on your pajama the inescapable process has been started. Jung Gun learned your skincare routine perfectly - you always start with your face adding toner, letting it dry while you adding extra products on your hair, then you using millions of bottles - moisturizers, essence, serums, creams on your face, then switching to your body, and finally drying your hair and final step - adding that tasty smelling oil on your hair and boom! you are ready for… bed… “Hun, admit it honestly, you really enjoy all this stuff and not getting tired every time?” he said, getting comfortable and pulling you towards him “It’s one of the ways of meditation you know, Gun?” you murmur softly into his chest
Ma Taesoo
Taesoo enjoys 100% of time when you staying in his apartments. he honestly asked you few times to move in with him, but you politely rejected this idea (i headcanon that Taesoo live in stereotypical bachelor designed apartment… imagine bathroom with no place to put all your bottles? and rooms with cold/neutral lights? brrr, my horror honestly)
and here he are - sprawled out in bed, with his hands behind his head and leaning on the headboard, watching you. in turn, you occupied the table in his room, laying out your makeup bag, hair dryer and some other little things there, and now you were fussily rushing from the bedroom to the bathroom to wash your hands, looking in the mirror with this terrible cold-white lighting in the bathroom. Taesoo chuckled softly, when he saw how you add another cream on your body - specifically on your thighs, saying with his husky voice “Chill woman, enough marinating yourself in all that jojoba creams, im not gonna eat you alive, while you sleep” he grinned at you and pulled you into your shared bed. “Maybe not gonna eat, but you know sweet” he said hugging you from behind, burrowing his nose into your neck “You smell so good and nice that i might change my mind.”
it was nice to came to Vinny in apartments that Juwon give to him, honestly better than his previous home. the soft glow of bedside lamps cast a warm ambience across the room, painting shadows that danced along the walls. Vinny lounged in bed, his attention divided between a phone in his hands and the anticipation of your return. you finally took your time after preparing for final exams, allowing yourself to indulge in the luxury of self-care, a small act of kindness to soothe both body and soul. you slowly going through your skincare routine, gently massaging essence into your cheeks and admiring yourself in mirror.
Vinny shifted against the pillows, his gaze drifting to the doorway as he eagerly awaited your return. the soft shuffle of footsteps drew his attention, and his heart skipped a beat as you appeared in the doorway, bathed in the soft glow of the moon and city lights outside the window. as you settled beside him, he reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from your face, his touch gentle against your skin. "Hey," he murmured, his voice filled with warmth. "I've missed you." you leaned into his touch, your heart overflowing with love for the man beside you. "I missed you too," you replied, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. in that moment, as you curled up together beneath the covers, everything seems right in the world, every problem just disappeared.
he always like to violate and invade your personal space. not that you were against it, like now, when he flatly refused to wait for you in bed while you completed your six-step skincare routine and chose to join you. he insisted that he wanted that black mask be put on his skin, while you muttered that he should clean his skin first and then add serum and only after put that mask on. "Babe, why so many unnecessary steps, you know that this mask won't make big changes anyway, right?" he whine like a child who tired of shopping for groceries, when he only agreed to came because his mum promised to buy him some chips. "Because it's the whole thing about skincare, hun!!! You doing it not because of effect, but for the process!! Trust the process you know??!" you said turning to him with annoyed face and that funny crab hair band that Wooin bought for you last time he went to shopping center. he said it looked cool and reminded him of you when you blushing.
after the last five minutes of him hovering around you like an annoying fly, whining about how he wanted a mask too, you finally gave up. going to the refrigerator and deftly pulling out a black bubble mask, you went into the room. and Wooin looked out of the bathroom in bewilderment - where did you go if he was in the other room? as you returning to bathroom, you made him sit on the side of the tub and pulled the same hairband over his head, only green in the shape of a toad, “They didn’t have anything with snakes, so i thought another amphibian would be a good idea too.” you said pulling his hair up and putting that most wanted black bubble mask on his face.
༘⋆🌷🫧💭 ⋆˙
⊹ xo - xo ⊹
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author’s note ; okay now serious topic, empty blogs, pls update at least something in your blogs - age, some info like “here for fics/reblogs/etc/“ or at least some pfp, otherwise i will recognize you as bot blogs and will block you, thank u!
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 2 months
Do you ship it?
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reason (spoilers????): Dakota repeatedly sacrifices himself to the point theres an island full to the brim of entirely himself, just so he can keep Cavendish alive
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the-cannibal · 2 years
Slashers with a s/o who has weird cravings for inedible things
Have you ever looked at tide pods, erasers, basically anything with a big DO NOT EAT CONTACT POISON CONTROL IF INGESTED sticker on them? Me too! So here’s a funny little thing for that!
Ps: please don’t actually eat any of the things in this- there are alternative things that you can actually eat that are similar to these things!
Gender neutral reader - they/them and you is used
Slashers included: Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Jason Vorehees, Michael Myers, Brahms Heelshire, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher
Vincent Sinclair:
“Vinny Vinny Vinny!”
“Can I eat some of that wax?” You pointed off to the scraps on the table by the art piece he was currently working on.
“?!?!?!” Cue frantic signing - ‘Y/n no- you can’t eat that, it will make you sick! Why would you even want to in the first place?’
You shrugged. “I dunno. It just looks warm and tasty!”
Vincent will now make sure to keep an eye on you anytime you are around wax.
But one day your curiosity won, and he caught you mid lick on one of his sculptures.
Yeah he was all mother hen on you for a while.
Bo Sinclair:
Bo was in his garage (surprise surprise) working on a car. You decided to tag along.
“Hey Bo, can I drink some of that?”
“Sure darlin.” Bo had said without looking up. He has just assumed you were talking about the glass of ice tea he has sitting next to him.
It wasn’t until her heard you spitting up something into the dirt that he actually looked up and saw the bottle of oil in your hand…
“Y/n what the fuck?!” He shouted at you. He was angry sure but he was mostly concerned and didn’t want you to fucking poison yourself, so he stuck two fingers down your throat and forced you to puke.
“Why would you do that?!”
“It looked like root beer!” You shouted between coughs.
“God you’re almost as bad as Lester…”
Jason Vorhees:
Oh if you think this man will even let you get anything inedible anywhere near your mouth you are wrong.
Jason has had to swat out jelly erasers out of your hand while you were working on a drawing because the fake pink strawberry inside it was just too tempting for you. You now only get to use boring white erasers… which you were banned from for a while when you thought they looked like marshmallows.
“Hey Jason, what do you think tidepods taste like?” You are no longer aloud to do laundry by yourself.
But he would help make snacks for you that have said texture of whatever thing you want. Wanna eat sand? Here’s some granola he’s made and crushed up to look and feel like it!
Michael Myers:
You’ve probably eaten a lot of stuff you shouldn’t have- dude isn’t the most observant at first.
But the second he does catch you, he’s watching you like a hawk.
He about yelled at you when he saw you munching on one of his (thankfully clean) jump suits. But he didn’t and instead took it away from you, lightly tapping you on your nose, scolding you like you were a teething puppy.
Actually that is what he saw you as when you’d do this-
He isn’t a cooker or a baker but if he finds anything edible that he thinks would satisfy your cravings then he will take it.
Brahms Heelshire
“New rule! Y/n is not aloud to eat anything without Brahms’ permission!”
“Brahms I don’t think that’s gonna work-“
What? The Heelshire’s have a lot of old stuff! A lot of old tasty looking stuff… like the piano and Brahms’ records.
Brahms sometimes feels like a nanny for you when it comes to food. He now sits on the counter and watches you like a bird hunting it’s prey to make sure you aren’t sneaking anything in your mouth you shouldn’t. Don’t worry Brahms! They’d never do that!… would you..?
Billy and Stu:
Stu does the same thing as you.
Billy feels like he needs to keep you both on those little backpacks with those leashes that keep kids from running into traffic.
He has put you two in them before… he calls it ‘dumb snacking jail’
You make a comment about how Billy would know all about being in a jail.
That earned you more time in dumb snacking jail-
“They aren’t hurting anyone!” Stu shouted
“Stu they are trying to eat rocks…”
“It’s not hurting anyone!”
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anxious-lee · 2 months
|| Ramshackle Tickle Headcanons ||
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A/N: just watched the pilot last night and read the comic this morning, I'm ready 💪. I can tell these three are gonna be my new beloved found family. as far as I can tell, there isn't a whole lot of fan content of this on tumblr so I'm really scared this is gonna find its way to the normies 😢
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- chaotic ler
- usually the first one to initiate a tickle fight
- fights to WIN (and have fun with her friends)
- the roughest tickler of them all; squeezes, scribbles, and pokes anywhere and everywhere she can reach. she will the loudest laughter she can out of you
- skipp is her easiest lee; he'll start a chase and everything for the game of it, but he doesn't fight too hard once he gets caught
- stone, however, is the hardest lee, but we'll get to that later; despite how difficult he is to corner, she likes the challenge; besides, somebody's got to make sure that sad twig boi smiles
- once she finds your worst spot, she's not leaving
- teases with evil laughter and playful mockery; "no mortal can escape the clutches of the TICKLE MONSTER MWAHAHAHA!" "You wanna get away? You wanna get away?? Well you're not gettin' away~"
- when tickled, she SCREAMS and CACKLES but will NOT beg
- doesn't mind being tickled, doesn't love it; it's all in good fun
- ^ you wouldn't know that based on how hard she fights her ler; kicking, clawing, flailing, you name it; she does not like to lose
- in fact, she'd rather have her face turn purple than call it quits; the ler just has to know when to stop on their own because she's sure as hell not going to tell them
- most ticklish spot is her armpits
- do not try to outrun her because she is so damn persistent. she will catch you; tackles and pins you down before she tickles you
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- lawful lee
- has the goofiest little giggles in the world; a real "teehee" lad
- can't and won't hold back his laughter
- by far the happiest to be a lee
- actively likes tickling and WILL admit it
- most ticklish spot is his sides
- he can tickle if he thinks one of his friends needs it but he mainly prefers to be the lee
- doesn't wiggle that much; all the energy that would go into squirming goes into giggling instead
- cups his pink cheeks and gives tiny feet kicks 🥰
- will squeal if you tickle his neck
- a lot of teases don't work on him because they rely on being embarrassed, and he's not embarrassed about tickling
- the teases that DO work are baby talk, since it adds to the silly feeling
- pokes tickle him the most
- his giggly laughter is laced with mangled outcries; "HEHEHEHE WAITHEHEHE STO- HEHE NOT THERE HEHEHE"
- if skipp gets in stone's personal space one too many times, stone'll wreck him (he knows skipp is doing it on purpose)
- isn't that invested with winning or losing a tickle fight; he's just happy to be there
- tries to get stone to loosen up about tickling (explanation later)
- gets ganged up on by the other two the most
- falls for those old tickle tricks, not because he wants to get tickled, but because he is just so obliviously trusting
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- the one we've all been waiting for
- I'm gonna let yall know right now this ones going to be the longest (SUE ME OKAY?!)
- neutral lee-leaning switch
- will swear up and down on his life that he's not ticklish (it's a lie!) until the other two little gremlins finally decide to prove him wrong
- he's very embarrassed about being ticklish; skipp doesn't understand why and tries to get him more comfortable with it, which causes stone to turtle-up and shut down the conversation; vinnie takes a less gentle approach and just tells him to "loosen up, dude!"; it seems like a childish thing to him, like something he should have grown out of
- despite how embarrassed he is about his weakness, he's not actually embarrassed about saying the word; he can say "tickle" all day long, he just can't admit he's ticklish
- he repeats the same three words everytime someone asks: "I'm not ticklish"
- if he thinks for even a second he's about to get tickled, he sprints like his life depends on it; this means the first ten times his friends have tried to tickle him, they failed, no matter how stealthy they were.
- finally, on try eleven, they managed to overtake him; he wouldn't laugh for the first two whole minutes; vinnie was straddling his waist while skipp kept him from kicking and bucking her off; eventually, he did crack; it only took a random squeeze at his death spot for him to slip up: his thighs; vinnie caught on right away and went to town, and then poor stone couldn't keep himself together; if he laughed any harder, he swore he'd crumble to pieces; his arms waved around, too jellied up to put any real force behind them; his eyes were still squeezed shut, but his smile was brighter than the motherfucking sun; it even put skipp's to shame; he looked uncharacteristically like a little baby, laughing and shrieking
- vinnie and skipp's eyes practically filled with stars; neither of them had ever seen this side of stone before; but that was about to change
- he can't claim he's not ticklish anymore, but he'll still go to any lengths to avoid talking about it
- stone didn't know he had a death spot until that moment, nothing ever came into contact with his thighs so he had no way to know
- his laugh is very high-pitched, differing from his usual deep rumble; pure belly laughter with a side of hiccups (no not hiccup laughs, ACTUAL hiccups. it's the cutest thing I swear)
- within thirty seconds of laughing, he's lost all ability to save face; cries out a lot of "please"s if vinnie goes hard enough
- the tops of his cheeks will go red while he's being tickled; not full tomato, but just enough to shatter his pride
- he's the most adorable lee 💓💓💓
- he's got the reflexes of a cat
- doesn't like being teased, then he gets a little too embarrassed
- the only comments that ARE acceptable are ones of curiosity; like if skipp goes "hmmm I wonder if this spot is ticklish?" or vinnie says "dang bro I didn't know you could laugh that hard"
- if he's comfortable with anyone tickling him, it's skipp; he knows he can trust him to not laugh at him
- as much as he'll deny it, he doesn't hate tickling as much as he wishes; in fact, it might even be a little bit fun <3
- as a ler, he's pretty skilled
- where vinnie is a very rough and sloppy ler, stone is very careful and methodical
- starts with light traces to amp up the tension, then goes in for the kill
- tickles skipp the most, because there's a significantly smaller chance of skipp fighting back
- he tickles his friends in an older brother sort of way; mostly its when they're bugging him
- teases with "ya learnt your lesson yet?" "that doesn't sound like someone who wants me to stop tickling" "you were practically asking for it, being a pain in the arse and everything"
- specifically teases skipp because he knows he likes it; "having fun, down there? i can see that smile, mister, you ain't fooling me"
- most of the time though he'll just watch the other two tickle fight and watch boredly
I'll save the rest of my thoughts for potential fics
Hope you enjoy!
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neonsbian · 5 months
watching rpdr s5 (don't ask) and its killing me whenever they cut to alyssa whenever coco does something or vice versa
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