#voltron drinking game
“That was bad,” Lance murmurs.
The last team member has just left the room, footsteps slowly fading down the hallway. Left is only the red and black paladins, sat at the head of the table, one with his elbows resting on the table, head in his hands, and the other tipped back in the chair, looking blankly up at the ceiling.
“Yeah,” Keith agrees, eyes crossed and unfocused. He sighs, tipping forward and straightening his neck. “It was.”
It’s not unusual for Voltron to fail. They’re fighting a force so huge and ancient and convoluted that they can’t possibly be truly, entirely victorious; the lions are powerful, and Voltron moreso, but they can only be in so many places at once. There is only so much information they can have. And they are all so young, besides, inexperienced and fumbling in their own confusion.
The fail frequently.
But rarely so ardently, and so congruently.
“I didn’t get all the details,” Lance says softly. He picks his head up; brown eyes still tired and downcast but pen prepped for notes. “The rest of them…this briefing didn’t get anywhere. I need the story from you.”
It’s true. The last half hour was almost completely silent. No one had looked up from their laps, faces streaked with tears or carefully neutral, defeat lining postures and pulling down frowns. Any questions Keith or Lance had asked to try and spark discussion, get notes for later improvements, went nowhere. No one could summon their voices to speak, to vocalize their disappointment and pain.
“Let’s not,” Keith begs. At Lance’s hesitant face, he bulldozes forward, pleading hand on Lance’s arm. “I can’t now, Lance. I honestly don’t think I could make myself go through it, not yet. I just want to — ignore it. Just for tonight.”
Lance scrutinizes him carefully, holding his gaze, trying to read right through him. It’s not like Keith to beg for a break, to insist on taking a breather. He’s usually the one to convince them to get up again and keep going.
But they’ve all been going for so long. They’re tired. The team’s tired. Keith’s tired. Lance is tired.
They can’t keep running on empty.
“Alright,” Lance whispers. He slides his arm back a tad, flipping his hand to grab Keith’s and squeeze. “Let’s take a breather.”
He pushes his chair back and stands, pulling Keith up with him. Keith doesn’t fight it, simply follows behind him. Lance leads him out of the briefing room and down the hall, ducking into the kitchen and flipping on the lights.
“Hang on,” he says. He squeezes Keith’s hand once, shooting him a small grin, and then makes his way to a largely unused set of shelves and cabinets on the back. He climbs up onto the counter, then opens the cabinets by his feet, using the doors as footholds.
Keith snorts to himself. Spider boy.
He finally manages to find what he’s looking for and scrambles back down to the floor, holding out a bottle of something.
“Shiro’s stash?” he asks, eyebrows raised.
“Coran’s,” Lance says with a grin. “The nastiest nunvil in the galaxy.”
Keith makes to grab a couple glasses, but then stills, getting an idea.
“Come with me.”
Keith dashes out the hallway, not waiting for Lance — he’s got long legs, he’ll follow.
He speeds past their rooms, past the royal wing where Allura sleeps, past the rest of the paladin rooms. He slides his boots past the training room, Lance’s whooping laughter behind him. He dashes all the way to the very edge of the castle, the forgotten corner, with the giant windows showcasing beautiful and dark empty space — and the pool.
Lance grins at him. Some of the tiredness faces from his dark eyes, replaced with something alive, excited. “You know, sometimes your brain actually pumps out a decent thought or two, Kogane.”
“Oh, piss off.”
They duck into the room, walking up the side walls like Coran showed them all those years ago, feeling the swoop in their bellies as the gravity changes. Keith barely even pauses to strip down to his boxers before diving into the pool. The cool water is like a balm to his heated, sweaty skin and tired brain. He inhales deeply when he finally comes up for air, and the relief settles like heavy snow in his bones.
“God, that feels good.”
He keeps his eyes closed for a moment, waiting for the telltale signs of Lance cannonballing in, but all he hears is the sound of rustling fabric, then a soft grunt and gentle waves. He turns around to see Lance, down to his boxers like Keith, but sat in the edge of the pool, legs swishing in the water. He still holds the bottle of nunvil in one well-manicured hand.
“You’re not coming in?” Keith questions, swimming over to the side of the pool and hooking his arms over the ledge. Lance scoots back slightly, lifting one leg out from the pool and tucking it under the other so he can face Keith better. He pops the cork — narrowly missing Keith’s eye, which makes him laugh and Keith curse at him — and takes a deep swig, hacking up a lung when he comes up for air. He passes the bottle off the Keith as he wipes his mouth.
“God, that shit is disgusting.”
Keith coughs as the bitter taste coats his mouth. “Yep.”
He hands the bottle back to Lance, who takes only a sip before setting it resolutely down behind him. “Nasty.”
Keith hums. He pushes back slightly from the ledge, tipping his head back as he treads water. He says nothing for a while, sensing that Lance is sitting on something, turning it over in his mind.
“Was it really a total ambush?” Lance asks eventually. His voice is quiet; small almost.
Keith sighs, heavy and pained. “Yeah. Just —” he sighs again, tilting his head back in the water until it covers his ears and mutes all the ambient sound, softens the sound of Lance’s feet kicking slowly through the water. “Just a total ambush. No chance of our victory. Me and Hunk and Pidge, watching everything go to shit.”
He imagines he can hear Lance’s heartbeat, his even breaths. He matches them to the swish of the water, to his own steady heart pounding.
“I’m sorry,” Lance offers. Keith lifts his head so his voice doesn’t sound so far away, meets his soft brown eyes head-on.
“It happens,” Keith dismisses. They’ll have to talk about it later, the entire team, but the slight buzz of the nunvil makes everything soft and fuzzy and easier to handle, so for now he doesn’t worry about it. “How’d it fail with the diplomatic mission, though? You and Allura are usually do good at those.”
To his surprise, a light flush dusts Lance’s cheeks. Keith places his feet in the floor, leaning forward in intrigue.
“No particular reason,” Lance says, obviously lying. “Just a rough one. Happens.”
“Try again,” Keith says, smiling teasingly. “I know that look. Something embarrassing happened to you.”
Keith isn’t honestly expecting him to fess up. Keith probably wouldn’t, in his shoes. But for whatever reason, despite his obvious embarrassment, Lance averts his eyes slightly and mutters something.
“She wanted to kiss me,” he repeats, way too loud. He clears his throat, flush deepening on his cheekbones. “The, uh, the president’s daughter? Said it was some sort of custom, and that I needed to kiss her to seal the contract. I wouldn’t do it and Allura wouldn’t let them force me, so they walked away.”
Keith frowns slightly at the tinge of self-doubt clouding the Cuban’s voice.
“Good for Allura,” he says emphatically. He holds Lance’s gaze until he’s sure his right hand understands, until he knows that he knows that they made the right choice, even if it was a hard one. “I’m a little surprised, though, Loverboy. Gone are the days where you would have jumped for a chance of that, huh?”
He’s only joking, playing at the way Lance used to brag about all the princes and princesses he’d score with his paladin status, but to his surprise Lance looks slightly uncomfortable, like he’s caught in a lie. Keith narrows his eyes.
“I’ve never actually kissed anyone,” Lance admits, so quietly Keith has to strain to hear, and it takes him a second to process. His eyes widen comically when he does, jaw dropping in shock. “No way. You? Loverboy Lance? You’ve never been kissed.”
Face flaming, Lance ignores him, reaching back for the bottle of nunvil and chugging until he literally can’t stand the taste anymore and gags.
“Hey, hey, slow down! Pass that over.”
Dutifully Lance does, still averting his gaze. Keith takes a quick swig — blegh — before swimming over to place the bottle on the other end of the pool, out of Lance’s reach.
“Cant believe you’ve never been kissed,” Keith mutters, half to himself. It really is a shock. He’s always known that Lance plays up his playboy status, that he plays a bit of a part, but he’s assumed that Lance had no shortage of suitors to sort through. There’s no way a boy walks around with legs that long and a face that pretty and isn’t at least a little aware that he’s gorgeous.
Lance shrugs slightly, eyes trained on a very specific area of the pool, pointedly away from Keith. “Just want it to be special, is all.”
For the briefest, barest second, Lance glances at Keith, before hastily looking back away. His fingers start tapping rapidly on his knee.
Something clicks in Keith’s head.
He smirks, widely, tilting his head back and looking at his right hand with cocky, half-lidded eyes.
“Aw, you’ve never been kissed,” he teases, voice a touch condescending, making it clear that Keith had definitely been kissed, and it’s cute that Lance hasn’t.
Lance scowls, refusing to rise to the bait. Keith smiles wider, letting some of his blatant fondness bleed through the playfully. He lifts his arm from the water, splashing getting Lance attention, and crooks his finger, beckoning. His heart pounds, but he refuses to bow to any nerves.
His voice is so quiet that he’s almost convinced that Lance can’t hear him, but slowly he pushes off the ledge, sliding into the water and making his way to where Keith stands, water up to his chest. He comes all the way close, stopping only inches away. Keith reaches over, water dripping rapidly from his arm, and cups his hand around Lance’s cheek. It burns, but Lance doesn’t move, rigid in Keith’s hold, breaths stuttered and short.
Slowly, giving Lance time to move if he likes, he leans in. He keeps his eyes open as long as he can, so he can watch Lance’s flutter closed, watch him sigh, watch him lean close, watch his fingers curl around Keith’s arm, watch the freckles over his nose and the water droplets of the pool dotting his brown skin. He keeps his eyes open until his lips finally touch Lance’s, gently, softly, reverently.
This kiss is not long. Barely lasts two seconds. But Keith’s belly is flip flopping, and his heart is pounding, and when he pulls away he stays, for a moment, an inch from Lance’s face, just to watch his eyes flutter back open, hazy, dark.
“Hope that was special enough,” he murmurs, trailing his hand down Lance’s bare ribs, down his waist, resting on his hip for just a moment. Lance shudders.
“Yeah,” he whispers, glancing at Keith’s lips like he’s longing to press them to his again. “Yeah, it was.”
based on this post
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v4mporino · 1 year
ask game
1. whats your favorite thing in your room?
2. how tall do you wish you were?
3. what color is your hair?
4. whats a rare fear that you have?
5. are you single?
6. has your heart ever been broken?
7. what was your favorite thing as a kid?
8. favorite coping mechanism?
9. whats your favorite love language?
10. how often do you get nervous?
11. if you had three wishes, would you use them?
12. if you could be fluent in any language which one would it be?
13. where do you wish to live?
14. what’s something surprising about you?
15. when did you last shower?
16. when did you first join tumblr?
17. do you want any tattoos? if so, where, what, and why?
18. whats the most prominent dream youve had?
19. whats your dream job?
20. whats your ideal date?
21. what do you wish you could do better?
22. what country would you live in if you could?
23. whos the best person you know?
24. have you ever walked into something you shouldnt have?
25. whats your favorite holiday?
26. when have you been most embarrassed?
27. whats your favorite halloween costume?
28. what are you best at?
29. do you know how to tie your shoes?
30. do you have siblings?
31. if you could know one thing about the future what do you wanna know?
32. whats a dealbreaker for you?
33. whats your favorite current class?
34. how many people have you dated?
35. how often do you wash your hair?
36. do you daydream? what about?
37. where do you go to be alone?
38. which parent do you like more?
39. whats the one standard you hold yourself to?
40. whos voice do you enjoy?
41. if you could announce one thing to the world what would it be?
42. whats one thing you wanna do but havent yet?
43. what do you wish you never did?
44. do you believe in life after death?
45. do you prefer book over movie?
46. whats your favorite season?
47. whats your favorite time of day
48. do you have a beloved stuffed animal?
49. whens a time you wish you acted differently?
50. what’s something you wish that you never bought?
51. do you have your own room?
52. whats your favorite book?
53. who’s someone you hate?
54. whats your best hottake?
55. whats your favorite game?
56. whens a time you felt real genuine fear?
57. are you a morning person?
58. do you drink enough water?
59. how different are you from the little kid you used to be?
60. do you enjoy tumblr?
61. have you ever had a tumblr experience that made you wanna delete the app?
62. whats your least favorite game?
63. were you a markiplier fan?
64. how do you respond to compliments?
65. whats something that would make you fall in love?
66. do you believe in marriage?
67. do you have a crush on someone?
68. do you like tumblr?
69. were you a voltron stan?
70. whats your favorite ship?
71. whats your favorite song?
72. do you like loud crowds?
73. have you ever created conflict on purpose?
74. how do you sleep?
75. do you bite your lips?
76. do you use chapstick?
77. do you have any pets?
78. what color are your eyes?
79. what’s something you wish you could change about yourself?
80. have you ever had surgery?
81. whats your least favorite animal?
82. whats something that youre really bad at?
83. do you have an sqishmellows?
84. do you enjoy fast food?
85. do you like soda?
86. what grade are you in?
87. do you wear any jewelry?
88. what socials do you use?
89. whats your lowest grade in school right now?
90. whats the latest youve stayed up till?
91. did you ever have bangs?
92. what trends did you hate?
93. whats your favorite item of clothing?
94. do you like dinosaurs?
95. whats your opinion on body hair?
96. whats your least favorite time?
97. do you make a wish at 11:11?
98. do you have your phone on military or regular?
99. have you ever been to church?
100. are you lgbtq?
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catsushinyakajima · 12 days
I’m sitting by a trash can at the bus stop waiting for the bus for the past TWENTY minutes and I am also late to class (my own fault for going to the gym instead of heading to class early :/) SO ANYWAYS-
Voltron headcanons (realistic and college AU, also inspired by my own college misery):
- they’re all stem nerds. All of them. I know a lot of people HC them as liberal arts major which is great! but they are canonically astronauts (one part of canon that I like)
- Lance would be the kind of guy to be like “WE GOTTA HIT THE GYM EVERYDAY THIS SEMESTER RAHHHH” and then dip the second midterms start. Every single semester. Without fail.
- Keith found lectures useless since he could just “read the textbook”. He never showed up to a single class except for exams and somehow passed. He only stopped the habit when multiple friends scolded him for it.
- Coran would be in twenty different clubs. Correction: he would be PRESIDENT of twenty different clubs. No one knows when he joined them. The clubs range from archery to competitive coding to mental health awareness. (“Hey Coran are u free tonight?” “No sorry, the Roleplaying Ancient Romans club is having a bake sale tonight” “the what-)
- hunk would do a LOT of volunteering. He’s probably cook for shelters but I can also see him tutoring underprivileged kids in engineering :)
- Pidge would have a surprising amount of school spirit. Not bc she likes the college or the sport. She just wants to hate on the other teams. Also if her tuition is going to the football coach’s salary, she might as well be passionate about it.
- Allura is a triple major. Maybe even a quadruple major?? She’s the girl you see constantly stressing about their schedule. “Okay so should I take this class…that makes me have eight classes total all back to back” “WHAT” “what if I did a minor in psychology?” “Allura how tf are you going to fit that in there”
- Shiro is a TA (teaching assistant) for calculus or physics or something. Because the world hates him it’s an eight am class where the professor teaches wrong content and then dumps twenty hours of grading on him. “So you find the derivative under the curve” “Professor that’s not-“ You will never see him without a coffee.
- Hunk has beef with the Dining halls. They don’t season their food and they don’t even have much to begin with. On the other hand, Lance practically lives there. He’s making the most of the meal plans he paid for.
- At least he sticks to tastier things. Keith, who also practically lives at the dining hall, will eat salt and pepper chicken four times a day (“it’s protein”)
- it’s how Keith and Lance have had most of their meals together. Notably, also alone.
- aside from living at the dining hall, Keith also lives at the gym. This explains why he’s never at class.
- pidge has a car on campus. It’s Matt’s car or whatever. Not only can she not park for her life, she also can’t stop getting parking tickets. She uses the tickets as wall decor for her dorm.
- Lance skateboards. He’s pretty good at it. He’s only fallen twice, and both times had been in extremely public settings. Once was in front of a bus stop with fifty people. He tried teaching Coran how to skate and Coran accidentally slipped and launched the board towards the main road.
- Pidge plays clash royale in class. Shiro roasts her for it but then secretly also plays word games in class
- on top of having four majors, Allura also has four internships??? Everytime she posts about something that seems relaxing, it’s misleading. She’ll post herself getting drinks and SIKE it’s a networking event. She’ll be going hiking SIKE it’s a colleague bonding trip. Girl cannot take a break.
- Keith hates frats. Even educational ones with job opportunities. Even if he knows all frat boys aren’t shitty, he refuses to budge on his stance
- Shiro is the kind of guy you’d be talking to and ten people come up to him to say hi. Everyone knows him. Even if he doesn’t know them.
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pidges-lost-robot · 7 months
I’m not a “everything before season 7 was good” voltron fan, or a “everything before the lion swap was good” fan or a “at least a handful of voltron episodes were good and moving pieces of television” fan
I’m a secret other thing (All of Voltron was bad. No seriously, I recently watched the whole thing and like I’m not even that competent of a writer and even I could tell that every single episode of voltron is either atrociously bad, insulting, or like a good concept that is handled barely competently. Like, if you want to preserve the idea in your head that any episode of voltron was good, only watch Day Forty Seven or Clear Day and skip the plot relevant parts cause that’s it. And before anybody pipes up with ‘The Black Paladins’ was good or ‘the episode where Pidge found her brother was good’ or ‘the first episode was good’, i’m sorry, you’re wrong, it was just the good animation from when they focused the budget on it [on another funny note, if you do watch the whole thing, a great drinking game would be drink every time they do the voltron transformation or that bit where they clearly ran out of animation budget and have a montage if still images slightly zooming in and out of to dramatic music, you will be pissed by the end.] They aren’t good, they really aren’t. Every single episode I watched, I said outloud to the friend I watched it with ‘yeah I think despite remembering this as bad, I still remember it being better written than this’. I will forever have beef with my best friend and Overly Sarcastic Productions for ever recommending this as having good world building.)
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lily-channn · 2 months
Wowie! An introduction!
I forgot to introduce myself properly, apologies for that. I’m Lily-Chan, you can call me Lily or whatever nickname that comes to mind.
I draw stuff. Since I’m a multifandom artist, I don’t plan on being very consistent with what I create. Here are some things I can think of that I’m more than happy to talk with you guys about:
• Kid Icarus (We need another game)
• Sky COTL
• Undertale
• Bayonetta
• Bee and PuppyCat
• Pokémon
• Final Fantasy (I’m currently trying to get into this, help is appreciated ☺️)
• Demon Slayer
• My Hero Academia
• Voltron
• Greek Myths
• D&D (Hey, I’m joining my first campaign soon. Wish me luck!)
• OCs. I see some of y’all with cool characters, I’ll happily look at them! ^^
That’s all I can think of at the moment, maybe I’ll add more when I can remember them. Thanks for visiting, drink some water, take your meds! Be nice for everyone’s sake.
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akhillasmyth · 4 months
Proper introduction post time I guess !
Im Akhilla. I use he/she/it pronouns and identify as transmasc/bigender. Im also bisexual. Under the age of legal drinking in the USA.
I have autism and adhd and I talk about it a lot probably, along with hyperfixations and special interests.
No one can stop me im here for my own comfort and i am the target audience (i am also an attention whore so yall are also the target audience but shhh.)
First gen immigrant from Ukraine 🇺🇦 in ‘MERICA
Not comfortable with proshipping or any bigotry, otherwise I will communicate if uncomfortable with something. Please don’t interact if you have something wrong with my interests.
Interests include: Bungo Stray Dogs, Genshin and Honkai Star Rail, video games in general, art, writing, music, books (including HP, any Riordan, or classics), psychology, film production, project sekai, TBHK, Voltron, She-Ra, supernatural, dr who, sherlock holmes (any media including original), and more!
Im also on AO3 as Akhilla.
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quiznack · 3 months
ranking voltron characters on how much they should have been at the cluuuuuuuuubbbbbbbbbbb:
lance: there has never been a character who should have been at the club more than lance mcclain. i know hes absolutely slaughtering it on the dance floor. leave him there for five minutes and hes already made three new friends in the smoking area and bought far too many drinks for the meager amount in his bank account. a man with a true clubbing spirit and its honestly cruel voltron stole that from him. 10/10
hunk: now hunks place at the proverbial club is a little less sure. i think hunk would enjoy going clubbing occasionally, especially if its lance he's going out with. but he likes clubs that aren't as intense with plenty of seating area. maybe a lovely jazz place. that being said, the club is less of a natural habitat for him and more of a fun once-in-a-while. 6/10
pidge: this is a little hard for me to visualize because pidge is like, fifteen. many years remain before she can even dream of the club. that being said i think pidge has the potential to have fun at a club but it definitely wouldn't be her first choice. she would prefer playing video games at home. 3/10
shiro: i dont think shiro went to the club much pre-kerberos mission, always very focused on his career yk. always the guy reminding everyone to drink water, always the guy you left your drink with cause he took it deathly serious. that being said, he was occasionally known to bust a poorly done move. he did have fun! during voltron he was too busy having ptsd flashbacks and leading a war to be at the club. post the whole voltron kerfuffle i do not think you would ever find him at the club. that is an old ass man let him have his tea and biscuts and leave him alone. hasnt he done enough. 5/10 pre-kerberos and 1/10 after.
allura: i think, for allura, the club is a complicated place. on one hand she is an ancient alien princess unaccustomed to human clubs and i cant imagine, her being a teenager and also (it needs to be stated again) a princess, she had much clubbing experience on altea. that being said i think she could learn. whether she could shake off the stress of being princess/diplomat/paladin/all of her other roles long enough to truly enjoy it is another question. her killer dance moves make up for her stressed out vibes though and she is ultimately just a girl who wants to have fun. 5/10
keith: absolutely fucking not. keith has whatever the opposite of a clubbers spirit is. keith being at the club would be a sign of deep spiritual unrest. get my boy OUT of there. 0/10
coran: 10/10 no explanation needed. please let that man into a human club and please let me watch the show
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curveofthevalley · 3 months
Voltron Primark Universe
welcome to the primarkverse, an au in which the voltron team (and friends!) work at the primark and other shops at the local shopping centre - the paladins are all like 17/18 and shiro is in his 20s
in collaboration with my favourite children's show enabler @vanillaa-sky <3
• alfor owns primark, zarkon owns h&m
• coran is the regional manager who spends too much time in this specific store because it's his favourite and he loves the staff
• coran gives everyone lifts home in his minivan because he worries about them getting public transport late at night
• shiro is the manager and he runs that primark like it's the navy and then goes home to bitch to his husband
Tumblr media
• curtis doesnt even work anywhere near the shopping centre but he knows all of the gossip
• keith lives with shiro and curtis because shiro drives him to work all the time, and he's not sick of how in love they are enough to move out
• keith has a second job (hmv) so he's always running late or getting his hours mixed up
• shiro tries to make keith's schedule easier because he's the best big brother
• allura's dad owns primark so she doesn't really work there but everyone lets her come in and work because honestly she's really good at it
• she's the best at dressing the mannequins
• allura refuses to be paid, plus she lets them all take home a kitten when her cat has a litter
• the kittens are all named after colours based on the colour of the collars they had as kittens to tell them apart (they have very similar patterns) and the names just stuck
• black for shiro, red for keith, blue for lance, green for pidge, yellow for hunk and white for allura
• black and keith are besties, red and lance get off to a rocky start but they bond eventually, and blue is just obsessed with allura
• keith also ends up with a wolfhound puppy (kosmo) as a reconciliation gift from his mother when they're finally reunited
• lance is kinda bad at his job but the customers really like him and he's helpful mostly so they keep him as the personality hire
• he also shows everyone pictures of his pet cow so they all bug him for more every shift <3
• lance does photoshoots of blue and kaltenecker with blue wearing a little cowboy hat and blue neckerchief and insists they're best friends
• lance is a photodump enjoyer who runs an 'anonymous' instagram account posting mugshots of the primark staff but everyone knows it's him because he forgets to post any of himself
• pidge is always on call to fix the tills when they fuck up
• she also finds a way to jack the wifi so that they actually get good signal in the break room (the game setup they all share is in there, they keep to a strict schedule of who can play when)
• matt works at game or cex to put himself through university, he's going to get an aerospace engineering degree and work with his dad one day
• pidge also plans to do this once she's through with sixth form, if it's not her allotted game time in the breakroom they're 100% studying for exams that are months away
• hunk helps and they test each other on their knowledge (they're both guaranteed all A* grades)
• shay works at a coffee shop a few stores down and practically has hunk's schedule memorised because he always comes in to buy drinks for everyone before his shift
• she remembers his order perfectly but he has to remind her of everyone else's
• hunk only goes there to see shay but he's too nervous to ask her out so they just visit each other at work a lot
• romelle worked at a different primark, with lotor, and he was so terrible at his job that he got fired
• as revenge he convinced zarkon to buy out the lot to turn it into a h&m so romelle ended up at the voltron store
• lotor and his generals (acxa, ezor, zethrid, narti) work at h&m round the corner
• lotor loves to come by and brag about being on his break but he never does any work anyway
• zarkon owns the store so lotor is a h&m nepo baby
• the generals are lovely and bring sweet treats and costa for the primark voltron team
• sometimes voltron show up at h&m to distract lotor so the girls can actually do their jobs without him being annoying
• allura had a brief thing with lotor while he worked at primark but broke up with him when he got the store closed down
• after she broke up with him the kallurance polycule formed (lance has two hands for holding both his boyfriend and his girlfriend)
the voltron brainrot has fully set in the year of our lord 2024, thank you for coming to our ted talk!
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lesbiansanemi · 25 days
9 people you want to know better tag game
I was tagged (once again a while ago, I'm so sorry) by my wonderful bestie @girlscience !
Three ships: as always, renkaza, the beloveds, where would I be without them. Other than them, I've been really really into togachako and eimiko recently. There's been an abundance of amazing art for them on twitter, and I'm on the hunt for some good fics (to add to my massive marked for later tab cuz I have to hold my brain at gunpoint to read but yk)
First ship: I think the first ship I ever consciously read fic for was. Uh...... probably a percy jackson fic? I think it might have been percy/nico. But tbh I never cared much about ships until I was older so I just kinda happened to read it cuz I liked nico. The more realistic answer is probably keith/acxa from voltron, they were the first ship I actually like, CARED cared about unfortunately lmao
Last song: errrmmmm, let's see what I was listening to on the way home from work. It was Vampire by St Agnes
Last movie: one of my friends came over last night and we decided to be masochists and watch all three really terrible disney channel original movies..... Zombies 1, 2, and 3. Definitely qualified as some form of self harm I think
Currently watching: I have been watching the newest My Hero Academia season, as well as Trigun '98. Also just started a Kill la Kill rewatch
Currently reading: I'm not even gonna lie and say anything here. I haven't read shit recently. Sakomoto Days or The Summer Hikaru Died are prob gonna be what I pick up next. Oh! I lied! I did read volume 2 of Fire Punch recently, and picked Dorohedoro back up
Currently eating: I was munching on some honey mustard pretzels earlier but atm nothing
Currently craving: had a really yummy ube and creme brulee boba tea drink yesterday and I can't stop thinking about it,,,, I want another one so bad aggghhhhhhh
And for tagging! @fandomunsexyman @girlbossminerva @demoncatapologist @tobytoon @belovedmuichiro if any of you would like, absolutely no pressure <3
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tired-vld-fan-blog · 1 year
Voltron drinking game where you take a shot every time Keith and Shiro stand next to each other
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citrus-stimms · 6 months
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> Blacklist & Whitelist!
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• heavy gore, blood, needles
• weirdcore, unreality, depersonalization, derealization, disassociation.
• scopophobia, trypophobia
• pedophillia/(no)map/pro contact paras, incestuous relationships, toxic relationships, grooming.
• sewerslide, pregnancy, any heavy topics.
i have a right to refuse anything!
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• minecraft, hermitcraft, traffic light/life series, dreamsmp.
• anime, my hero academia, haikyu!, demon slayer, the disastrous life of saiki k, hunter x hunter.
• avatar (james cameron), percy jackson, stranger things, marvel, dc, harry potter, the chronicles of narnia, the hobbit + the lord of the rings.
• video games, five nights at freddys, sonic, pokemon.
• cartoons, monster high, voltron legendary defenders, ducktales (2017), my little pony, bluey, the owl house, phineas and ferb, gravity falls, the loud house.
• sanrio, drinks/food.
• lgbtqia+, mogai/liom, headcanons, age/pet regression, disabilities, autism, adhd, therian/otherhuman/ect, kin, systems/plural (any/all), shipping.
• aesthetics, themes, colours.
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storiesbytoria · 1 year
Thanks for the tag, @linz33y! This is my first time doing one of these, but here goes! Lol
Current Time: Early Evening
Current Mood: decent/mildly productive lol Had a weight training session, which usually puts me in a better mood, and I've been missing creating, so trying to get some more work in today!
Currently Thinking About: Coffee. My family gifted me a milk frother recently, and I've been obsessed with making little fancy coffee drinks now lol Also Sherlock and Jonathan. They've basically taken over my mind since I played Chapter One lol
Current Favorite Song: Buck by Coogie
Currently Reading: The Whole Art of Detection by Lyndsay Faye - I've just started, but if you enjoy Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, there is so much domesticity, even within the first chapters, that I would highly recommend! It was also written with ACD's writing style in mind, so it's been really fun to read! I haven't gotten around to reading ACD's original work, but I think this book will help get me into it at some point.
Currently Watching: I don't actually watch too many shows, but lately my siblings and I have been rewatching The Granada Television Series Sherlock Holmes with Jeremy Brett as Sherlock. It's become quite the comfort show for us, and Jeremy Brett is just perfection 🤍 Other recent rewatches include The Office, Kim's Convenience, and a teeny bit of Voltron. I’m not sure if replaying Frogwares Chapter One counts as currently watching lolll 
Current Wips: I'm actually trying to write a first draft for an original story! It's a friends-to-enemies-to lovers story about two childhood friends that are separated by opposing masteries - magic and martial arts - and are forced (after 10 years of not seeing each other) to work together on an important mission for their home kingdom. It's basically a fantasy, action/adventure, romance that explores the similarities between seemingly different practices - it's also gay lol if you think you might be interested, feel free to follow!
I've got the initial character designs and general plot here: https://www.tumblr.com/storiesbytoria/718942260275920896/introducing-the-maverick-project-official-title?source=share or my official website https://www.victoriadumeng.com/illustration
As for fanfiction, Frogwares' Sherlock Holmes games have overtaken my brain, so a lot of my ideas are for that fandom at the moment lol some things I have in the works (if I ever finish them) are:
Modern AU where Sherlock investigates a murder at the gym that Jon goes to (they don't know each other in this idea)
A possible AU where Sherlock and Watson find a real Jon during one of their investigations (set after The Awakened). This would be a chance for me to see how the three of them might interact together while solving a new case.
Maybe a Prince Jon and Advisor Sherlock AU? Lol I hinted at it in one of my current works on A03 where I just wrote little snippets of Sherry and Jon's time in Cordona: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47133772/chapters/118753966 (It's Chapter 4: Primrose Café)
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So… what are the personalities of the cast in this new AU of yours? I’m just curious.
Well, I already explained Mario’s and SMG4’s personality, but there is a bunch I haven’t explored yet.
Starting with Meggy: since Mario isn’t a dumbass in this au and I still want the chaos trio…
Meggy is in part still herself, childish, competitive and prideful, but she also takes some of Bob’s traits. She’s a former Inkopolis gang member, who planned to betray her boss and take over his gang. Unfortunately, she got found out and had to flee. Meggy is the personification of be gay, do crime. Her first solution to every problem is use a gun and if that doesn’t work, use a bigger gun. Initially, all she desired was to start her own gang and get money and bitches, but instead she found Mario and friendship. Still does crime if it benefits her though. Dumbass gremlin.
(Kinda 50/50 on eventually making Four become dumbass gremlin too because then Mario doesn’t have to be)
Peach retains some of her original game personality, since like Mario she’s only partially an avatar. She’s sweet and bubbly, feminine and graceful… and also determined to get or keep what she wants no matter the cost. Peach is mostly pragmatic though, so she won’t go out of her way to hurt you or take revenge for all the time she becomes a butt monkey like V1 Peach, she can be incredibly sadistic whenever she does decide to choose violence. She’s the kind of girl who cheerfully smiles as she prepares to blow up a building, only briefly stopping when she realizes it’s tea time.
Most of the toads are either like game road or V1 toad depending on which one you come across, but the three that were with Peach when they approached the USB and became partially avatar are different. Alone, they’re pretty normal, maybe having slight differences between them. Together, they voltron together into Ultra Dumbass Toad, who takes after V1 Mario most with their idiocy and tendencies for chaos and destruction.
Luigi did not sign up for this shit, and the chaos of the world has finally driven him to say fuck it, I’m gonna do what I want. Uses his gentle and cowardly persona to manipulate others into doing what he wants, though it has a chance of backfiring on him. Often seen drinking alcohol or noping out of crew shenanigans.
And since Meggy is the violent selfish ass now, I think it’ll be hilarious if Bob is instead a very meek guy who preaches pacifism and love, which clashes with the fact he has swords for hands and comes from a family of violent warmongers. Still a pervert.
Boopkins is a short tempered Piranha who is more bark than bite. His teeth don’t even hurt that much, but he’ll never stop chomping on your arm if he’s angy. Which is always.
I haven’t seen Meta Runner yet, but I think it’d be hilarious if Tari was a parody of an edgy anime protagonist with some sort of sad backstory that everyone ignores. Massive weeb. Engineering pro who secretly loves video games and writing fanfiction. Insert blue hair and pronouns joke.
Saiko is stoic, strong and intimidating… which is because she’s too socially awkward to talk. She doesn’t even realize she’s scaring people, she’s just standing there, existing! Goes with the flow. Also a massive pervert.
I haven’t seen enough of Kaizo (missed his episodes) so feel free to suggest.
Axol is very tired and just wants to be left alone in his cave, spending his time sleeping, being on Tumblr and other social media and occasionally making art or edits. Horror fan. Often dragged out by Melony.
Melony at first starts like canon, being just a melon with a running gag that she’s always present during catastrophes, as if she’s started it. When she becomes human, she’s ecstatic, since now she has legs and hands and feet and everything! Seemingly always sugar high, Melony refuses to waste time, trying everything, preferably with friends, whether it’s doing crime, rock climbing or larping.
Honestly, some of them might be subjected to change tho, since tbh I hadn’t really thought of the rest of the crew that much lol. But I really wanted to radically change their personalities to hammer down that this is a different timeline.
Hm? Oh, SMG3? Well, let’s just say he remembers getting tortured by Smart Mario… and that he is very good at holding a grudge…
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therealnightcity · 2 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @onlymeandlife--thanks!! 💕🥰🥰
Tagging: @shinycorvidae @cayennenpopsicles @dreamskug @a-pirate @depyotee @dreamsevergreen @wanderingaldecaldo @gloryride (and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it--consider this your invitation!! :3)
Three Ships:
(not listing any with my own OC bc that's cheating) 
Wednesday/Enid (Wednesday Addams)
Aizawa x Present Mic (MHA)
Zagreus/Thanatos/Meg (Hades)
First Ship:
Jessie and James from Pokémon--in my defense I was like five 😂
Currently Consuming:
Nothing at the moment
Currently Watching:
Re-watching Voltron Legendary Defender again, and about to start the Last of Us show, and House of Dragons
Last Movie:
I honestly don't remember--I watch more TV shows/anime than actual movies, idk I think it might have been Lost Boys
Last Song:  
Where the Dark Things Are--Kerli
Currently Reading:
The costume guide to GOT, a holiday gift <3
Currently Craving:
Sleep dear god, and for the work day to be over so I can game. If we're talking food/drinks--this really good apple cider, heated up
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love-bokumono-fics · 2 years
Fresh Crops! December 5 - December 11, 2022
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Friends of Marmora Town: Budding Beginnings - by TheCrystallineLion; WIP, 1/?, 1.3k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Keith/Shiro, Allura/Lance/Lotor, Hunk/Shay, Ina Leifsdottir/Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt/Romelle, Kolivan/Krolia, Colleen Holt/Sam Holt, and more - Relationship; Characters: Keith, Shiro, Allura, Lance, Hunk, Pidge | Katie Holt, Coran, Matt Holt, Romelle, Lotor, Shay, Krolia, Kolivan, and more Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Childhood Friends, Estrangement, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, friends to strangers, Reconciliation, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Farmer Shiro, Jack Of All Trades Keith, Eventual Romance, Budding Love, Angst and Feels, Slice of Life, Eventual Smut, Gay Disaster Shiro, Gay Disaster Keith, Intersex Keith Summary: After inheriting his Grandfather's farm, Takashi Shirogane moves out to the humble rural area of Marmora Town. Not knowing what to expect, Takashi is uncertain about it all, due to the fact he grew up in the suburbs for the majority of his life and knows little about it. With an unclear future ahead, Takashi is worried that he won't make a life worthwhile here and worse yet, he will end up running his beloved Grandfather's farm into the ground. He will have to rely on what little knowledge of farming he picked up over the years of his childhood, during the times he came to visit his Grandfather's farm in the summertime. Due to a misfortune that is no fault of his own, Takashi can never return home- and thus he has no choice but to pull himself up by his farmer's overalls and do his best to cultivate a life worth living in Marmora Town. As he struggles through his first year of farming, Takashi begins to believe that his efforts will bear no fruit- and just as he's about to lose all hope, it arrives in a place that he least expects. In the form of an estranged childhood friend that he thought he'd never see again. The jack of all trades within the town. His former best friend, Keith Kogane.
Chamomile Tea - by Crven; Complete, 1/1, 2k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Language: Bahasa Indonesia Fandoms: Pioneers of Olive Town, Story of Seasons (2014) Relationships: Farmer/Raeger, Annie/Raeger, Minori/Raeger, Yuka/Raeger; Characters: Annie, Minori, Raeger, Iris, Fritz, Klaus, Yuka, Female Farmer Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff and Angst, Heavy Angst, Angst and Tragedy, Romance, Mentions of Other Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons Games, Based On Original Harvest Moon Games, One Shot Summary: Secangkir teh hangat, semangkuk sashimi. Kau harus ingat, bahwa aku kerap merasa sepi. Tapi kurasa, aku dapat menampik emosi ini dengan bermain di tengah lautan ombak yang sepi.
Cozy And Warm - A Winter-Themed Prompt Collection - by durotos; WIP, 3/?, 5.2k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Multi Fandoms: Rune Factory, Rune Factory 4, Rune Factory 5, Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Frey/Vishnal, Alice/Reinhard, Claire the Farmer/Cliff Additional Tags: multifandom - Freeform, Prompt Fic Summary: A collection of fics I have written via a tumblr Winter Themed Prompt List courtesy of TheBeckster. Multi fandom. Bundle up for some winter fun!
50 First Dates - by Onelinewonder; WIP, 32/?, 168k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Story of Seasons (2014) Relationships: Minori|Annie/Nadi, Minori|Annie/Fritz (One Sided); Characters: Minori | Annie, Fritz, Raeger, Elise, Nadi, Eda Additional Tags: Romance, Humor, Tragedy, Unrequited Love, Friendship, Platonic Relationships, Family Drama, some drinking, Some Cursing, some violence, Suicide mention Summary: After an accident leaves Minori unable to retain her short term memory, adjusting to life on the farm becomes even harder than before. Life must go on, but every day she starts with a blank slate. Relationships will be impossible to hold, but her friends will continue to help her get back on her feet. There will always be hope for the future, even during the darkest of times.
Living in Color - by rockyroadster95; WIP, 7/?, 15k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandom: A Wonderful Life Summary: At her father's funeral, Aya was given an offer that would take her far from her stale and directionless life to a place she hoped would give her something to live for.
Harvest Moon Fanimation | He and She - by DreamingHearts; WIP, 13/?
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, M/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Gray, Kai/Popuri, Claire/Gray, Doctor | Trent/Mary the Librarian | Marie, Harris/Elli, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran/Cliff; Characters: Claire, Gray, Cliff, Kai, Popuri, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Doctor | Trent, Kappa, Harvest Goddess, Rick, Carter the Pastor Additional Tags: Fanimation, Fanfiction, Originally Posted on Youtube, YouTube, Originally Posted on deviantART, Embedded Video, Video, Drama & Romance, Falling In Love, Mild Language, Elmrada, adopted fanfiction, Music, Drama, Heartbreak, Family, Fluff, Suspense, Rejection Summary: The story of how opposites can sometimes be just what you need.
Sugar and Spice - by Chibimiie; WIP, 49/?, 125k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade Relationships: Chase/Molly the Farmer, Angela/Luke; Characters: Molly | Hikari, Angela the Farmer, Chase, Luke, Kasey the Farmer Additional Tags: Slow Burn, oh god how do you tag fics, mentions of eating disorders, alternating povs, Friends to Lovers, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, bumped up the rating because i honestly should have a little bit ago, burn so slow it's honestly a simmer Summary: Wanting to get away from past hurts of the city, sisters Molly and Angela decide to respond to a flyer advertising an abandoned farm on the faraway island of Castanet. Leaving behind their closest friends and brother Kasey, the two take a chance and move to the tiny island hoping for a new chance at life.
A Christmas Visit - by Writingnerd291; WIP, 6/15, 8.8k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: A New Beginning Relationships: Neil/Rachel | Rio, Rachel & Henry; Characters: Neil, Rachel | Rio, Felicity, Hana, Henry the Farmer | Haruto Additional Tags: Romance, It's just a Hallmark movie in fic form, no beta we die like men, 2am brain-mode writing, if a trope seems cute while I'm writing it's gonna make its way in here, how do you tag again???, Winter, found home fic, Regular-ish updates throughout January, Rachel and Neil are human disasters, Henry is trying his best, Hana just really wants grandkids Summary: When Rachel visits her brother Henry on his farm in Echo Village, she falls in love with more than just the vibrant town. The grumpy blond animal dealer has absolutely nothing to do with it at all, of course.
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Pizza and Coffee
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Pidge/Lance
Tags: Fluff, Pizza Delivery AU, Coffee Shop AU, short fic, Lance is smitten, Bisexual Lance, don't judge me for the crap quality- I wrote this like 4 years ago
Wordcount: 1.1k
"Send your cutest delivery driver."
And it wasn't even Lance that asked.
Hunk did it for him.
Cross-posted from my Ao3 account.
On a busy street in Chicago, Lance entered the second most popular Starbucks in the city. Throwing his apron on and washing his hands, he spotted his coworker Hunk.
“Morning,” Lance smiled.
“Morning, Lance,” Hunk replied, “Ready for work?”
“Always,” Lance laughed and dried his hands. “Just let me punch in.”
“You mean you don’t want to work for free?” Hunk joked.
Lance punched in his code and set to work. He spun around and grabbed the cup, glancing down at the name.
“Flat white for Jared,” he called and put the cup on the pickup counter.
A guy snagged it within seconds and was out the door. It was a busy Monday Lance spun back and forth, grabbing drinks and ringing people up. He enjoyed his job here at Starbucks.
“Vanilla bean Crème with strawberry puree for… Pidge?” he called, pausing to be sure he got the name right.
It seemed to be right, because a honey-haired boy approached the counter and gingerly picked it up.
“Thanks,” he said and offered a small smile.
How cute, Lance thought.
“Enjoy!” Lance called. That drink looks good. I’ll have to get it sometime.
“Thanks,” he waved on his way out.
Hunk gave him a pointed look.
“He was cute,” he poked Lance.
“Yeah, I know,” Lance waved him away and grabbed an empty cup to start on its order.
“And he probably won’t be back. You can’t just try to hook me up with every cute customer that comes in.”
“I can try,” Hunk shrugged, “You’re due for a boyfriend at some point. Or girlfriend.”
“After my last girlfriend, I think I’ll pass,” Lance shrugged.
“Yeah, Nyma was pretty rough,” Hunk nodded. “That’s what you get when you date a model though.”
Lance thought back to his last relationship. Nyma had been controlling and harsh. He would have left her except that he thought she actually cared about him. Now he saw that she was just using him for cash. He’d been a very giving boyfriend; always buying her whatever she wanted.
“Ooh, hey Lance!” Hunk elbowed his friend. “Check out that guy!”
Lance glanced up to see a tall, thick-haired man. He ordered a black coffee.
“Ew, no,” Lance whispered, “He drinks his coffee black.”
“You can’t judge people based on their drinks,” Hunk said, exasperated.
“I can and I will,” Lance said filling the cup with plain coffee.
“Your loss,” Hunk shrugged.
Lance’s eight-hour shift came to an end at four.
“You still planning on coming over tonight?” Lance asked Hunk.
“Yeah, Shiro and the others are coming still, right?”
“Yep,” Lance confirmed, “The gang will be there. We’re ordering pizza.”
“I can bring soda if you want,” Hunk offered.
“That would be great,” Lance said. “I’ll see you at six then.”
“See you then!”
Two hours later Lance was welcoming his friend into his apartment.
“The others just got here, so we can order the pizza now,” he said.
“Great. I vote pineapple,” Hunk said.
“That’s my man!” Lance slapped his back and grinned. “What do you guys want?”
Allura, Shiro, and Keith sat in the living room.
“I want pepperoni," Keith said.
“Any other preferences?” Lance asked.
“I’m good with pepperoni,” Shiro nodded.
“If you don’t mind I’d like sausage,” Allura piped up.
“So a large half sausage, half pineapple and ham, and a large pepperoni. Gotcha,” Lance whipped out his phone, “Be quiet while I order.”
“Really?” Keith frowned, “You’re the loud one.”
“Listen here mullet,” Lance pulled the phone away from his ear, “The only reason you’re here is because of Shiro.”
“Hey guys, c’mon, don’t fight,” Shiro held his hands up, “This is supposed to be a fun game night.”
“It would be fun if it wasn’t for Lance being so annoying,” Keith muttered.
Lance stuck his tongue out, and brushed it off.
Everyone was quiet while he ordered the food.
“Is that all for tonight?” the voice asked.
Hunk grabbed the phone out of Lance’s hands.
“And send your cutest delivery driver,” he instructed.
Lance reached out to snatch the phone back, but Hunk finished the call.
“Really Hunk?” Lance crossed his arms and sighed.
“I think its funny,” Keith shrugged, a smile tugging at his lips.
Lance huffed as everyone began to talk. Shiro and Allura discussed business (they ran a company which produced whole foods), and Hunk and Lance swapped work stories and Keith commentated. A little over an hour later the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it,” Lance stood and reached in his pocket for the wad of cash he had.
Keith and Hunk snickered as Lance opened the front door.
Standing out front, a whole head shorter than Lance, was the boy from earlier. He just stood and stared as the boy pulled pizzas out of the warming bag. He was clothed in a baggy sweatshirt, but Lance could tell he was slender. His skin was several shades lighter than Lance’s, and his eyes were a caramel to match his hair. Lance wanted to touch it and see how soft it was.
“I’ve got a half sausage, half ham and pineapple, and a pepperoni for a Lance?”
He looked up, balancing both pizzas on one arm and held them out. Lance snapped out of his daze.
“Y-yeah,” he fumbled with the cash.
Hunk came up behind him and peered over his shoulder.
“Wait, isn’t that the guy from earlier?” he said loud enough for the boy to hear.
Lance shoved his elbow into Hunk’s ribcage as he took the pizzas and handed them back.
“Were you at Starbucks earlier today?” Hunk continued, not letting up.
“Um… yeah.”
“Grande vanilla bean crème with strawberry puree,” Lance said without thinking, and then flushed. “Sorry, it’s a habit.”
“That… that’s okay,” he replied. “Um, your total is twenty-eight fifty-seven.”
Lance handed the whole wad of cash to the boy. He glanced at it a moment.
“Do you need change?”
“N-no, you can have it all as a tip,” Lance stammered.
“After all, they did send their cutest delivery boy,” Hunk laughed and nudged Lance.
Lance flushed. The boy looked confused.
“Wait,” he looked down at the receipt. “Those assholes… that’s why they wanted me to take this one.”
“You mean you didn’t know?” Hunk asked, surprised.
“No,” he shifted uncomfortably.
“Well, you’re definitely cute, isn’t he, Lance?” Hunk looked pointedly at his friend.
“Y-yeah, definitely super h-I mean cute,” Lance rubbed the back of his neck.
“Th-thanks,” he shoved the cash into his pocket and held the delivery bag in front of him.
“Pidge, right?” Lance asked, hoping to continue the conversation.
“Um… can I…” Lance fiddled with the receipt he’d been given. He grabbed a pen from the table next to the door and scribbled something on it. “I hope you don’t mind…”
The boy took the piece of paper and looked at it.
“Uh, I’m flattered, but~”
Lance deflated.
“I’m a girl.”
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