#wait clarification you dont have to send it to me.
natjennie · 1 year
if there's one thing I'm good at it's for coming up with ideas that would make really good fanfics and never ever writing them.
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billcyp-her · 8 months
Now, i don't claim to be an expert pyromancer, and i definitely dont know any asvanced skills with it, but this is how i use pyromancy in my craft.
- first i light my chosen candle
-> can be any real candle, yes even a scented candle, yes even a tea light candle
- then, once its properly lit (i usually light it and wait a couple minutes) i ask the flame if there are any entities present
-> I work with more than just deities, so i ask for entities. An entity is any being ("good or bad") thst is currently in your working space
- if the flame becomes higher or cackles or makes any sort of big movement/change, i take it as a yes
-> if theres little/no movement, i take it as a no
-> -> its totally ok. If you dont have any entities around you at the moment, they may come in later or may just be shy. Or maybe there's no one around, that isn't your fault. Think of it as a scheduling conflict
- after that, i like to ask if theres multiple entities (same rules apply) (i usually only ask yes or no questions but theres other types of answers for more skilled puromancers, i just dont know/use them)
-> if you want, you can ask if the entiry is a deity, and if it is, you can go down a list of deities you work with to figure out whos there
-> -> usually, you can figure it out by the way the flame dances, idk i just get a feeling i know who it is, but this might be a more advanced skill so i recommend asking
-> -> -> also, if you want to stidy the flame and the way it moves, write it down, and then compare it to the way other deities more the flame, that can help you figure out who is there faster
- usually after this, i just leave the candle alone. I talk to it about my day and other random things.
-> keep in mind some deities might be really involved and move the flame alot, while others are naturally more quiet and harder to spot
-a couple times during my session (esp if its a longer one) i ask if theres an entity there, because sometimes theres a different entity, or multiple at the same time, and i like to be aware of them,
- when its time to turn off the candle, i say a thank you to whoever was there, and if there were entities that didnt manifest with the candle, i thank them too and i tell them theyre more than welcome to use the flame.
-> to turn off the flame, theres many different ways to do it, i just blow it out, (theres a misconception that Deities get angry if you blow put the flame, thats not true they dont care)
Hope this was helpful, let me know if you have any questions or you need clarification on something. If you have any post requests and want me to make a post on a witchcraft topic, let me know (send an ask, send a message, send a reply on one of my posts...) and ill try my best.
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cripplecharacters · 1 month
hi! i saw the ask you recently posted regarding the amount and date of asks currently in your queue, and im not sure if i understand the response fully. as you said your queue currently contains asks from early 2020, does this mean that at the moment the average time for an ask to be answered is about 4 years? this is not a complaint or anything of the sort, i understand and appreciate the massive amount of work you put into these answers - im just asking to know whether i should send in a question myself, as i usually dont work on building a character for several years, so i would just be burdening you with yet another ask that would no longer be applicable by the time of an answer. again i apologize if this comes off as rude and i really dont intend to be demanding, i just want to inform myself on how this blog works so i dont add to your workload needlessly. thanks for all the great work you do here!
To clarify: The average time for an ask to be answered is NOT four years.
There isn't really an average wait time per ask since it differs so greatly but I'd say it's usually no more than a couple months? Somebody can correct me if I'm wrong though😅
Depending on the ask, it may be answered almost instantly and chucked into the queue or it may sit in our inbox for a while before somebody can get to it. This all depends on a few factors, including:
What's the ask about? If it's something that multiple mods can answer (Such as questions about autism, mobility aids, etc.), then it will likely be answered sooner. On the other hand, an ask about something more specific that fewer mods can answer (Such as progressive vision loss or albinism) will likely take a bit longer.
How detailed is the ask? If it's a question that's more simple and can be answered without as much effort/energy, it will usually make it's way into the queue quicker than a question that's more detailed/specific to the asker's story/characters, which will take a bit longer.
What topics does the ask deal with? Sometimes there are asks with heavier topics that can be more difficult to deal with. In my experience, I find that I have trouble spending too much time on these asks at once and I'll usually draft an answer and then go back to them after a few days.
This is by no means an official 'why your ask hasn't been answered yet' post, just some clarification and a few of my own observations but hopefully it's helpful!
~ Mod Icarus
Editing to add:
A huge part of why there’s such a big backlog is also that, for around a year or more, there was really only one active mod on the blog.
As you can imagine, this blog is kind of a lot for just one person to run. So the backlog built as it was much harder for just one person to do it.
For reference, we now have 10-11 mods, which helps us be able to do more questions.
Hope that helps for some context!
Mod Sparrow
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sea-of-dust · 9 months
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, and Sumire (if you'll write for her) from Persona 5?
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Power of LOVE!!!
Phantom thief girls x GN! Reader
relationship headcannons
notes: ima have to start naming p5 annons 💀. Also, THEY'RE MULITPLE?! Thank you for reminding me to add sumire and akechi to the clarification post btw
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This girl WILL know your clothing size but by a simple glance and go "you want me to dress you?" You don't have to answer that question you WILL be bought clothes along with other things you like
She likes leaning into you, smirking a bit and whispering in your ear "we should kiss" "!" your face is as you turn around and look at her of course you give in using a book to cover the views of other students,Ryuji, or you'll just look at her shocked. Either way she still ends up satisfied one way or another
She likes when you come to shoots with her. Happy when she's posing and she just sees you throw a little thumbs up, it's always lifts her spirits.
She will not let you leave without her. You could be getting ready to go and she'd just "where are you going?" "Home, my mom called I told you" "take me with you!" "You're already home though" "Home with with you wait here lemme get dressed!" You had to explain to your mom the sudden guest
She's bragging about you. Alot. If she feels like she can't go a day without telling Ryuji "they made me breakfast I love them so much" she thinks of you so much it almost scares her when you tap her shoulder. "Ann?" "Yes my darling?" "." Ryuji looks at her "Why yes my dear" "oh my god" he burries his face into his arms leaning into the desk as you two continue to call eatchother affectionate names.
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She probably has your dox from the school ids has been down bad since. It's way more obvious when you two start dating. "You're so soft just like what the Id shows" "excuse me?" "Oh- nothing"
study dates early on are her go tos, as soon as you two get more used to each other she's often on doing simple domestic things with you.
Will sneak around you when you're in shibuya you're not escaping. So when you turn around and see her thinking it's a coincidence it's suddenly a date. She would come home nearly collapsing but it's worth it
Tries not to ask much of you except when it comes to school one homework she KNOWS you didn't do it's over. "Did you do your science packet" "yea why?" "Good what's the answer to 2" "two uhhhh...d?" "...I'm comming over" "ITS JUST THE FIRST PAGE" you bond with Ryuji over this you two come to school after those nights with background music and look like you two about to crawl to class.
She WiLL cling onto you!! If you dare to go anywhere scary you will have to run with her added weight. She tries to run with you and then one ominous can shes weak in the knees, so you try to avoid scary things to the best of your ability
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Its obvious she's gonna be dragging you to akihabara. New game came out? "HEY Y/N" "I'm already dressed" "YAY! RUNNING OVER"
She's 100% calling you a cringy name as SOON as you pick up. "Hey my pookie wookie smuckum baby shawty thingy nugget person human thing" "...." "DONT HANG UP"
She wants hugs forever stay with her!! You should sleep over!! You should stay on a call for her for an entire day. Yea she loves these little brain thoughts while you're terrified of them.
Forces you to match pfps on ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. No matching pfps? You Hate her simple. "I wanna use this theme I found" "do it with me!! 👹👹👹👹" "chill with the emojis!"
Joker and Sojiro WILL run a check on you as soon as Futaba isn't there. You date her you must answer these dubious 5!! As much as the intense looks were exchanged turned to "wadya think" looks back and fourth little to say that approved
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She's sending you everywhere with her! You're having dates every week and will almost straight up refuse to let her pay
Very affectionate and often likes showing pda, if you aren't much of a fan it's alright she'll be minimal with it or just stop all together. She does like laying her head on your shoulder while your walking together
Interested in watching shows you like and talking about them she's gonna come up to you and be like "you haven't watched this scene yet?" She doesn't spoil it but it's incredibly tempting to just to get your reaction.
She dosent insist but she loves hand holding in public. She tries not to squeeze too hard but your hands are so warm! When you initiate the hand holding it just makes it so much better.
Refuses to let you sleep in another room. If you so dare to say "you have the bed ill sleep on the couch" expect the very momment you drift to sleep to be lifted off the couch and with her to the bed. If you ever so dare to wake up and try to leave the girls gripping you tight "where are you going?" Her voice is so soft almost distracts from the fact you might need a doctor after this squeeze. "Stay here I don't wanna be left alone with all the plushies" she rubs her face into your back, seeing no other option you slept there.
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She daydreams of you SOOOO much. It's crazy she thinks of you so much she finds It hard to focus. She'd think it's embrassing she thinks of you so much but then she'd imagine you brushing her hair to the side and going "you look wonderful today Sumire" girls brain just BOOM
If you'd ever dare to say you haven't eaten, she'll open her bento and offer a bit of it to you. "I don't see why you can't have some?" "Sumire...I don't like sausages" "don't worry there's rice" "you really don't have to"
She wants to try and play a sport with you. Don't wanna run? Table top tennis! Or maybe darts! She will need encouragement, but is super good
She likes asking out on just outings in shibuya to just "I'm watching my senpai's right now wanna see if they'll put their rivalry aside and be normal?" You go with her no matter the reason the only time this back fired was when akechi recognized you and tried to get you to settle if vegans eat animal crackers
She won't tell you when she has an issue that much. Unfortunately for her, you notice quickly hugging her or patting her head. She won't tell you, but she loves when you do this. It's comforting knowing she doesn't have to say a word and you'd be there
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taegularities · 5 months
hi again! im the anon that sent that long essay about writers expecting feedback. first of all, i love how thoughtful you were in your response, i truly feel like my perspective changed. dont get me wrong, i still have similar feelings about occasionally wanting to be a silent reader, but sending that long ask and waiting for your response put me in your shoes. i wanted your response. i wanted your reaction to my words. and seeing you describe how long scenes take, it made me realize that it isnt just a hobby, its a passion. i completely see why you (along with other writers) want engagement. i think humans in general desire a need for validation, especially when they are vulnerable. thank you again for explaining it so well and im glad you didnt take my comments in a negative way!
i'm so glad!! you chose the best approach to talk about this topic, so no offense taken at all ☺️ i'm happy i could explain my pov; it's okay if you want to stick with yours, but thank you for asking and wanting clarification still!! hope you're well <3
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irrealisms · 8 months
You dont have sex because you're waiting for marriage or because being gay is a sin?
man i dont remember posting anything abt not having sex/celibacy/being side b before this ask, idk what this was inspired by. it's probably bait (and, quite frankly, it's none of your business why i'm having or not having sex) which is why i waited almost a full week to answer but i'm going to answer it anyway (once) because i want to be open about this. if you or anyone else is interested in having a discussion on why i believe the things i do, send me a message or an ask off anon. i'm much more willing to be vulnerable in a setting that isn't "anon question that is probably bait".
as a clarification that will probably mean very little to my secular followers but will be appreciated by my side b followers (and hopefully at least mean something to my side a Christian followers): i reject this dichotomy. i'm celibate because i'm gay--but i don't think being gay is a sin. i am gay. i do not believe my existence is a sin. i believe that i've found many beautiful and true things from being gay, and that God made me gay for a reason. i am glad i'm gay, and i don't wish i were straight or pray to become straight. so, so much of side b advocacy within the Church is focused around making it clear that, while being gay comes with different temptations than being straight, it is not a sin to be gay. (note also: different temptations. not "being gay comes with temptations and being straight doesn't".) it would be a slap in the face to not start with that. i share a lot of thoughts on this with eve tushnet, who's also a side b Catholic lesbian; this post was incredibly meaningful to me on my journey, but check out her blog if you want more.
but also, yeah. i don't have sex because i converted to Catholicism with the intent of obeying the Church's doctrine. i note in my bio that i obey the doctrine of the Church. and, well, i can't get gay married as a Catholic, and i'm not supposed to have extramarital sex. so i don't i know that there are side a Catholics, many of whom i respect, but i'm not one of them. i don't believe in "ex-gay" therapy or "pray the gay away" and i don't think that being gay is inherently sinful, but (and here's the part that i assume you're reading for) i do believe that having gay sex is a sin. i follow the teachings laid out in the Catechism, to the best of my ability and understanding. that's in my about page. right now, for me, as a lesbian: that means celibacy. the Catechism is pretty clear on that, imo. i don't talk about this often because most of my friends (and, for that matter, tumblr followers) are queer non-Christians, many of whom have trauma around Christianity and Christian homophobia (which is, to be clear, very real, even if you agree that gay sex is a sin). but like... i'm just living my life. i go to Mass on Sundays and i fast during Lent (or get permission not to from the local priest, when my eating disorder makes it a health concern) because doing otherwise would be a sin; not having sex (or masturbating! which was/is tbh much harder for me to give up than partnered sex! but people ask a lot less about that, because it's less discourse bait and more clearly none of anyone else's business) is the same sort of thing, to me. was it hard (is it hard)? yes, sometimes. but God doesn't just ask me for sacrifices that are easy. maybe some day i'll change my mind again and become side a or deconvert altogether. maybe i'm wrong about things! but this is where i'm at right now.
for what it's worth, i'm happy. i don't hate myself. as mentioned earlier, i'm glad i'm gay and i don't want to be straight. my life is full of love--from friends, family, God. celibacy has had its downsides and painful moments for me, but it's also had its upsides and moments of joy. i've been able to deepen and prioritize and value my friendships. it's been valuable and beautiful and worth it. fundamentally: i believe what i believe, and i'm living true to that. if you want to unfollow me for this, go for it. if you want to filter it, my tag for religion + queerness + being side b is #too gay to live too trad to die.
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(Unhelpful advice anon)
I dont think we have to accept the advise. (And i probably made it sound too broadly applicable in my first ask. I see this kinda regularly, but i dont think Most disabled ppl do this)
I am specifically meaning either people acting like that on posts/tweets/vids/whatever that are giving broad advice-- or jumping to berating someone when theyre offered it. Rather than just. Like for case 1- maybe just ignoring it bc the advice isnt bad it just doesnt apply to you in the same way. And for 2- i think saying smn along the lines of "its not that simple/i cant/ i have X- that diesnt work for me" or whatever is fine. I was specifically referring to ppl getting mean in their response.
(Also it's cool if you still disagree, I'm sending this more as clarification than trying to argue/convince you of anything)
No wait, then I definitely agree with you! My last comment made the assumption that you were talking about about direct unsolicited advice between two people. Because I absolutely agree that responding to someone elses positivity/recovery/advice post that wasn't directed at YOU in particular with anger because you personally can't do the thing in question is very inappropriate. Like not every post you come across will be specifically tailored for your personal situation and you gotta find a way to learn to live with that without getting angry about it
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auraspheres · 7 months
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an INDIE. SELECTIVE. CANON DIV. AURA GUARDIAN RILEY from POKEMON D/P/PT + ancestor verse ft. Sir Aaron written by leche! Multiverse, crossover, and oc friendly. please read rules under cut before following!
✧ Very canon divergent. A lot of history, headcanons, and even in-game events are explored differently here. While in some realm canon complimenting this iteration greatly diverges from the norm.
✧Triggering content containing NSFW both sexual and intensive themes. I do write smut but all of the above is put under a read more and tagged accordingly. Please be 18+ to interact.
✧ Selective, crossover/oc friendly, mutuals only etc etc. I only interact with mutuals and wait to be followed first before following back if I can see our characters and writing meshing well. This is just so I can have an active dashboard that I can freely interact with.
✧ You do not need a verse to interact with my muse. If anything I prefer general crossover to see how they interact in their various worlds.
✧ While open to shipping and discussing possible connections with my muses I will not insta-ship. It’ll have to be chemistry and interaction based with buildup and note the blog is not ship-focused.
✧ Please like any ask or starter I answered for you! Tumblr as always has its faults in its notifications. It’ll save me a lot of anxiety if you do! Thanks a bunch!
✧ I don’t do mains or exclusives in any way. While I do have close mutuals I’ll interact with a lot because of comfort there are no central characters or plots otherwise besides my own. If a muse wants to get involved in some exclusive way please come by me to see if we can plot something out.
✧ I’m not interested in poly-shipping. Nothing wrong with it ofcourse but Im only really comfortable shipping with friends or mutuals I know and on the same space as I’m in. I’d ask for a single-verse for my muse or we can go through a platonic route if your muse is exclusively poly, but as with anything please come talk to me for anything.
✧ You dont have to ask to reply to an ask. Please do! If anything I ask if possible to follow through on a meme or ask you’ve sent be turned into an interaction unless the point is moot or its a drabble. Not required of course, it just helps start and build interactions!
✧ Note the plot is centralized to my characters and canons put under the v. main tag. Dash events, rpc happenings and the whathavs unless I say so otherwise are not canon and often put under the crack tag or untagged. Please dont assume anything from my muse or expect them to engage either as sadly I have to step away from the dash often and cant catch up. I prefer to have control over my narrative and if you want something outside included please plot with me!
✧ Think I missed you when ya followed? Just like my pinned post and Ill check you out but please dont harass me or ask to be mutuals following that. Sometimes there’s just no clear way for our writing, content or characters to interact and asking me to be mutuals puts me in an uncomfortable spot.
✧ The rules above are the most prominent but THE REST FALL UNDER GENERAL RP ETIQUETTE. Anything not listed but known should be adhered. But if you have any questions please feel free to send me an ask for clarification!
templates: header ,
PSD: spun sugar
icons: x
And hello! Im Leche, 30, Mexican Latinx, and first generation American. Im tired, gay, transmac but can’t stop rp'ing as a fun hobby
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spoonmoment119 · 2 years
hi! im the anon that was considering writing a mumscarian fic with archie and swift and i ended up doing it and im almost done! i have a couple of questions to ask for clarification before i post it: ive defaulted to archie being they/them and swift being he/him, is this right? how would you like me to credit you? just your name, the au, link to your tumblr, etc.? would you like me to send an ask telling you its up so you can read it (im chill with a no, cuz i mean you are in an ace attorney phase i wouldnt want to distract from the brainrot. ik how it be) also ive written them in a non-creecher au and the kids are way younger than they seem to be (i.e. swifts like a year old or somethin) so i hope thats okay :') i dont have enough creechers skittering around up in my head to encapsulate their energy ough hope these questions aren't bothersome, i just REALLY dont want to do a bad since ive never used anyone elses oc's in my stuff before. okay bye have a nice day!!! or night!!!
i had a whole answer planned out but tumblr hates me + deleted it and i don’t have the energy to write it out again so just imagine that i spent a really long time answering this in a super nice and cool way
i always thought archie would have he/they pronouns and swift would have any
you can credit me in any way, just my name or a link is fine :]
you can sent it to me anytime!! aa can wait!!
and i think makin them little kids is actually super cute!! :D
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sungbeam · 2 years
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**NOTE: i reserve the right to not fulfill any request that i see as violating my specified guidelines or that i simply do not want to write. i'm sorry if it takes a while, but be patient.
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some people may say im crazy, insane, or just plain out of my goddamn mind 😃 and ykw ? they're right 🤩🤩 but i've been feeling weird w inspiration lately, so send something in!
for SEVEN DAYS, i'm opening up my requests !! beginning from now, monday july 18th 12pm pst until monday july 25th 11:59am pst, u can request a fic from me and i will do my best to deliver. pls adhere to the following rules and guidelines tho! (wow i should've just wait for midnight lmao)
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rules and guidelines!
☆ i do not write smut; the farthest i will go is suggestive, like this fic here
☆ with that being said, i will write anything i have written before (ie. kissing/making out, violence (clarification), angst, etc.)
☆ fics will generally be female or gender neutral reader; i do not write member x member
☆ fics will range from 0.2k to 2k (i'll write what i think fits w the request u send in!); i don't really write headcanons or reactions or mtls, so pls dont request those
☆ also pls dont rush me! if i've "processed" or seen ur request and have determined that it fits all the rules, then u will find it listed on a waiting list post
☆ requests are open for every group i have a masterlist for: nct (all units), skz, enha, txt, svt, and atz (i'm hoping that now i will get asks for a variety of groups this time >< lol)
☆ would i write a love triangle? a love square? a love OCTAGON??? sure, if i can fit it in 2k 😗
**following my blog is not mandatory for this, but highly encouraged!
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how to request!
include member(s) + prompt/scenario/au/trope + fluff/crack/angst/comfort/etc.
☆ i will also accept song inspos, movie inspos, any aus from my own works
☆ additionally, including a prompt is NOT mandatory
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here's some prompts from my previous request event; below are a few more i compiled from pinterest and my drive lol
51. put the spoon down, i'm not gonna hurt you
52. can you carry me?
53. i told you not to get too close to me
54. wish i knew that loving you would break my heart
55. no one's ever said that to me before and meant it
56. do you mind if we stay like this a little longer?
57. and when were you gonna tell me?
58. you call it a problem, i call it a solution
59. it's not a bachelor pad!
60. that does not sound healthy
61. i am way too sober for this
62. is it working?
63. have you eaten today?
64. you know i love you, right?
65. it's too early to be alive
66. give. me. the. mfkn. remote.
67. i am going to murder you
68. this butters my biscuit
69. why does it always have to be world domination?
70. but it'll cost you
71. michael jackson is dead, dude
72. so you really have been living in a dump here without me
73. oh, just your favorite person in the world
74. speak of the devil, and he/she/they shall appear
75. no, i've just always wanted to say that
76. c'mon, not the donut!
77. you stole my kid!
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permanent taglist (all): @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @staysstrays @y3jiishot @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @yedammi @rnjfy @jaehunny1428 @johlee @justanotherkpopstanlol @frickyratz @liamsholygrail @w3bqrl @got-sum-badhabits @ana-is-losing-her-mind @smolpeyy @hibernatinghamster @babyksworld @otchae @bigballsz @luv4vernon @shakalakaboomboo @thesunsfullmoon @ashxxkook @super-btstrash-posts @mythicalamphitrite @hoohoohope
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
My dear, I'm sooo sorry, I wasn't able to write a proper comment for chapter 23. I was just able to reblog it and add some gifs🤗. Real life crossed my way painfully 🤪...and I'm still high on meds my doctor gave me 🤣🤣🤣 so please forgive me if I didn't get every detail or this comment is a bad one 🥲.
I was so happy that Loki and y/n talked to each other and confessed their love. I'm also glad for y/n that she could clear the things with Peter and that he told her what happend once when they were a couple. As I assumed he was also a victim of that piece of shit Katlyn and I feel sad for him too. It seems he loved y/n very much and he should've talked to her back then...but it's never easy to talk about such things even when you're just 17 years old...
The kiss between them...yes, a bit of both, reconciliation and remembering how good it felt back then when life was good. And also a clarification for y/n how much she is in love with Loki. It would be a nice turn of fate when Peter could become a friend now and an ally to push that shitty, disgusting family from the cliff with broken noses, skulls and everything.
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I'm not sure if and how Loki is able to handle it, he's understandably still insecure but he heard with his own ears how y/n confessed her love for him, that he's loved by her and that she always will choose him, that she only wants HIM. She has to show it to him constantly and I'm sure she will.
I absolutely get her angst when Loki seems to ignore her...but they have to be careful, they have to play their roles. It was so caring of Loki to take y/n with him and shit-bitch Katlyn to the shopping trip and hair dresser...lmao Loki should've told Katlyn the hottest woman he has known had a shoven head 🤣🤣🤣🤣...bitch would've done it too just to get fucked by him. No you dirty piece of shit, he will NEVER EVER FUCK YOU !
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I always adore the way how Loki and y/n talk to each other, face to face or in their adorable and sexy text messages 😏❤️‍🔥, I love them for being so open and telling no lies to each other. They're so pure and precious, it always warms my heart. It was so nice that Peter provided Loki and y/n time together by distracting Katlyn.
And oh my gosh...daddy kink, feeding kink, all that slowly endless teasing and y/n returning THE favour, shirtless Loki...that was so hotttt 🌶🌶❤️‍🔥😏❤️‍🔥🥵🥵, I didn't know how much I needed that...I'm dead now and I need a really cold shower...and I need definitely more of thisss hot stuff...🤤😏🥵
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And it wouldn't be a perfect chapter of yours without a gorgeous cliffhanger....and I'm HERE FOR IT !!...and you know it 😏🤣
I refuse to believe that Peter has evil intentions...in one of your responses you said you wouldn't ruin another good and nice character (that's Steve's job🤣🤣🤣) so I sincerely hope he's going to offer Loki something good...his help, a hug whatever...
Can't wait for the next chapter, you keep me addicted and curious, my Queen and I love you so much 👑💖🥰💚🖤❤️
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Dont worry about it my dear, you know I love your asks but I never want you to feel pressured at all. Sending all the loki healing powers your way 😍
Yes the thing between Peter and y/n is too sad but then you hardly understand life and love at 17. That being said Peter should have given her a chance to talk especially when her mom died he should have been there for her and maybe things would get clear but he fucked up big time there because he had Katlyn by his side who kept feeding him wrong information about y/n like imagine Katlyn crying to Peter about how y/n slept with her dad. That would make someone wary.
The kiss was an end to that pain she felt when he left, now she have closure and she can give all her heart to loki which he deserves the most. He needed assurance that she won't ditch him and she didn't.
Shirtless loki with his pants below his waist is imprinted in my head🥵🥵
Did I say that? 👀👀 We will see 😂
Thank you my queen, I love you too 🤗🤗💚💚❤️💚🖤😘
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fellulahh · 4 years
MC and Diavolo accidentally switch bodies for the day
Taking a sip of the drink that Solomon had just prepared for her, MC narrowed her eyes at the white haired sorcerer. A small, cheeky grin appeared on his lips as he watched her eagerly.
Finishing the drink, MC set the glass down on the counter as she began to grow suspicious of Solomon. Although he was usually sly, there was something that seemed so cunning about the expression he had.
“What is it?” She asked quietly as he began to chuckle. “Solomon what did you do?!”
“You know that conversation you and I were having the other day?” He asked casually as he sat back in his chair.
Without any further discussion, MC knew exactly what he was referring to. Widening her eyes, she turned her head to gawp at the empty glass in front of her. “You didn’t!” She gasped in horror.
“MC don’t worry about it! It’s fine - I did nothing different than what we discussed.” He explained with a smile, “You said you wanted to get your revenge on the brothers after they all took that lust potion around you so guess what? I used the last of this body switching one in your drink.”
Although Solomon found it terribly amusing that MC had just drunk a syrup that would switch her body with somebody else, she wasn’t so thrilled. It wasn’t the fact that he’d slipped it into her beverage - it was actually her idea in the first place - it was the fact that she was now going to face the effects of the syrup.
“How does it decide whose body I switch with?” She asked quietly, glancing up at Solomon with a worried expression.
“The last person you touched.” He grinned, “I just can’t wait to see which one you turn into!”
“Solomon!” MC suddenly panicked as she shot out of her seat.
“What is it?” He asked confused, “you’ll only change bodies for a day?”
“That’s not the issue here!” MC waved her hands frantically, “the last person I touched was Diavolo!”
“Oh shit...” Solomon mumbled. “You mean?”
“I’m going to turn into Diavolo!” MC cried before letting out a sharp breath, “and Diavolo is going to turn into me!”
“Fuck...” Solomon breathed, trying to weigh up the options on what they should do.
“We have to go to the palace.” MC shook her head, causing Solomon to look at her as though she was being ridiculous. “We need to tell him!”
Sighing, she marched out of the room before she could even give him a choice. Time was against them as they raced through the house. The affects of the syrup could take place at any second. MC silently prayed that Diavolo didn’t have some important meeting with all of the high nobles.
She seethed to herself as they travelled across the Devildom. ‘This is a disaster!’ MC kept repeating to herself until eventually they made it to the palace.
Barbatos let both of them into the castle, surprised to see the state they were in.
“Barb where’s Diavolo?!” MC asked quickly, “I’ve got to see him right now.”
“He’s in his study?” Barbatos arched an eyebrow, “would you like me to call for him?”
“There’s no time!” MC shook her head, “please just take me to him.”
Following her orders - and given how urgent they seemed - Barbatos began walking through the palace at a fast pace. Solomon chose to hang back as MC followed the Prince’s servant.
The palace had never seemed so big as they continued turning left and right down various hallways until eventually MC was lead to a colossal door.
Knocking gently, Barbatos awaited Diavolo’s call before letting MC in. As she practically fell into the room, the Prince stood up from his seat in surprise.
“MC?” He asked concerned, “whatever is the matter?”
“My Lord I am so sorry.” She panted as she leant over, “Solomon gave me a syrup that would make me switch bodies...”
Talking had never seemed to hard as she tried to regain her breath.
“He didn’t realise that you and I were together earlier.” She continued, “I drank it to get my own back on the brothers but Solomon didn’t know that I hadn’t seen them today.”
Diavolo’s eyes never left MC’s face as she frantically tried to explain what was happening.
“He says I will switch bodies with the last person I touched.” MC finished.
Recollecting their catch up they’d had earlier, Diavolo remembered the hug they shared as MC left. “Me?” He asked with wide eyes.
“I’m so sorry!” She repeated with an anxious expression.
“What you mean to tell me is you drank a syrup that would force you to switch bodies with the last person that you touched? And that person is me?” He asked, trying to understand the situation.
“Yes...” MC answered as her face sunk.
Diavolo showed no emotion for a minute as he paced in front of his desk. Fear grew in MC’s body as she anticipated a scolding from the Prince.
But then, as he perched his firm butt on the edge of his desk, he looked up at MC. “So once this syrup takes effect, I will be you for the day and you me?” He requested clarification.
“Yes, My Lord.” She nodded.
“Well this sounds positively exciting!” He suddenly grinned, catching MC by complete surprise.
“I’m sorry...” she knitted her eyebrows, “you’re not angry?”
“Why would I be angry? I have nothing important scheduled for the rest of the week and therefore do not need to worry about you being me.” He explained, “and with me switching bodies with you I can finally grasp an understanding on what it is like to be a human!”
Diavolo seemed to find this incredibly exciting.
“I must say MC, my life was far more boring before you came along.” He chuckled. “I think you and I could have some fun with this. How long has it been since you drank the syrup?”
“About 25 minutes, My Lord.” MC breathed.
“Excellent.” He smirked, “Five more minutes should do it.” As he glanced at her, he noticed the worry in her eyes. “You seem frightened?” He questioned.
“I’m sorry My Lord, I just didn’t expect you to react so...well?” She spoke unsure. “I came here thinking you’d be furious.”
“While this isn’t quite how I imagined spending my afternoon, that’s not to say I am disappointed because of it.” He chuckled, “now come on, MC. Wipe that worry off your face!”
In all truth, Diavolo was just pleased he was involved in such chaos without being the one who orchestrated it.
“Now...lets not spend the afternoon fretting.” He smirked, “it’s time we had some fun!”
What did they get up to?
Now being in Diavolo’s body, MC decides to give Barbatos some super weird orders. “Can you get out and buy me some peaches without the pit?” “My Lord, all peaches have pits?” “Then find some that dont!”
“Barbatos will you carry me to the kitchen please?” “I’m sorry my Lord but I don’t think I will be able to support your weight...” “how rude! Would you speak to your King like that?”
After about ten minutes though, Barbatos guesses exactly what’s happened
“How did you know it was me?!” MC questions, “because Lord Diavolo always uses his fluffy pen to write out shopping lists! You used the dip pen - a rookie mistake.” “Ah.”
MC walks into Diavolo’s chamber and while alone, takes a sneak peak down his shirt, ‘it’s even better than I imagined!’
Meanwhile Diavolo - in MC’s body - remains sat at his desk trying to calm his mind. ‘Well maybe just one feel...’ he thinks to himself before quickly grabbing his newly accustomed breasts
“Oh my!” He grins to himself
FaceTimes Lucifer, “Hey cutie, how are you doing?” “MC?? Why are you at Lord Diavolo’s?” “We’re talking about you.”
MC pulls a prank on Mammon by messaging him, “hey Mammon, Lord Diavolo’s pretty mad at you...” “ha! If he was it’d be Lucifer messaging me. Prove it.” *MC sends a selfie in Diavolo’s body looking pissed off* “o—oh shit what did I do?!”
Diavolo goes to the House of Lamentation and tells all of the brothers that he (MC) is in love with Diavolo so they should all stop pining over her
He also does whatever he can to make Lucifer blush while in the human’s body. He knows she’s the only one capable of making his heart go soft. “Did you know your hair looks sexy pushed back?” “MC, please.”
Back at the castle, MC’s ordering for a new portrait to be painted of her (Diavolo) to hang above the throne. And of course, the pose she chooses is her dabbing
She also sends a selfie to Solomon, “Hello Harry Potter, it’s Lord Diavolo here to tell you u nasty”
Afterwards, she calls Simeon to tell him “It’s Diavolo here - I’m really sorry to tell you this but MC’s my favourite exchange student.”
When it comes to going to the toilet, MC tries incredibly hard not to look down but as soon as she catches a glance of Diavolo Jr she screams “oh my GOD”
She posts an inspiring article on the RAD newspaper with “words we can live by” and its ‘sex drugs and sausage rolls’
While not pranking the brothers, Diavolo’s ‘testing’ what it’s like to be in a human body. *punches wall* ‘interesting...that was painful*
He momentarily forgets he’s MC and has some of Mammon’s spicy noodles before immediately regretting it ‘oh HELL that’s hot!’
Accidentally mentions something to Lucifer that only Diavolo would know and the eldest brother’s like “...how did you know that, MC?”
When Luke gets excited to see MC (or in this case Diavolo), the Prince tells the angel that he (MC) is going to marry Diavolo and Luke runs off screaming “YOU CAN’T MARRY A DEMON!”
If MC gets approached by anyone and they ask any questions, she answers them very ‘seriously’ “My Lord, I hear there are talks of the exchange program being extended. Do you have anything to say on this?” “Yes. Shakira Shakira. No further questions please.”
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lilyharvord · 3 years
OKAY WAIT I LOVE YOUR CORIANE THOUGHTS!! i never really put much thought into marecal kids besides reading the epilogue or fanfics and being like okay cute. but your headcannon about the political impact of calore children with red blood is so interesting and i 100% agree with you. if you have any further ideas or writing i would love to hear it! the way the world world and silver succession would adjust/react to cal’s abdication and marecal’s relationship post broken throne is so fascinating to me.
First of all, Cal's abdication is the biggest slap in the face to the Silver Secession (particularly Larentia who I headcanon leads the whole thing like a shadow puppeteer. Her husband died trying to keep that Calore brat on the throne, you can bet she's got two bones to pick with him even though she wants him on that non-existent throne just so they can go back to the "old ways"). They took him abdicating personally. They send him letters almost weekly, and they are all super passive aggressive comments about his birthright, and how denying it is akin to spitting on his father's grave, and later akin to pissing on it when Cal just burns all the letters and refuses to reply.
Anyway, the political impact of Cal and Mare's marriage. Ho boi, that one is a dousy. There's a reason they have a small wedding with only their very close family and friends. They try to keep it hush hush, for a little while, but of course the Silver Secession finds out because they find out everything. They bother the living hell out of Anabel until she sends one very threatening letter back after which the letters come far and few between (she never tells Cal what she put in that letter but she always gets a wicked gleam in her eye when he asks). But the political impact of their marriage is heard round the continent. Lets be real here: Cal is no longer a prince, but he is still a very high profile figure in the Nortan government (now the States). Mare is both a prominent Scarlet Guard figure and Montfort one. There are very LOUD whispers saying that Montfort forced them to marry to create a permanent bridge between the two countries. That Montfort is using Mare as a leash on Cal and the States to dictate how they function etc. (Which may or may not be the actual truth)
They dont want kids at first. Cal's a little heartbroken about it of course. He wants kids, has always wanted them. But Mare is right, and their children would be in danger from the moment Mare conceives. Then Mare says fuck it, I want a baby. They try and she gets pregnant. The Silver Secession finds out. Those letters that stopped coming for a while come back, but with a fury from hell. It gets so bad (after Mare is actually almost kidnapped at one point) that they have to go underground and hide until the baby is born. Dane and Carmadon offer the cabin in Paradise valley because it's location is actually incredibly secret and isolated and safe. So they go there, and Coriane is born a few months later. Cal cries in relief because her blood is Red. There is no way the Silver Secession will come after her now, but they try and it is the most hellish three years of Mare and Cal's life. It puts them off from having any more children. There are eleven kidnapping attempts before Coriane is even a year old (one for every month she is alive and breathing air)
Then they just stop. The letters stop coming, the kidnappings stop. Mare and Cal walk on egg shells, Coriane toddles along, growing by leaps and bounds and making them proud every second of every day. She's loud and proud and walks around saying: My name is Coriane BARROW Calore. When people try to call her Coriane Calore. They find out that the Silver Secession is not happy with Coriane being Red. And People whisper when they go to the States. Some people who are not exactly part of the Silver Secession but who still whisper "Long Live Tiberias the Seventh" when Cal passes in the street with Coriane on his shoulders and Mare at his side are not happy either. They sneer at the giggling toddler at his side reaching to touch the pretty things in the market. They jeer at her Red blood when she laughs so hard her cheeks burn bright, cherry apple red. They frown when they see Mare nuzzle her neck and press kisses all over her face. They especially dont like when Cal glares at them until they pull back into their stalls or shops or go back to their coffees and newspapers. Around this time, (In my headcanons) Coriane meets Nikolas Samos (second born to Wren and Ptolemus) and they become instant friends. A dangerous thing of course... for obvious dynasty reasons, and this fuels the Silver Secession for a little while.
Then Mare gets pregnant again. Shade is the definition of a Whoopsie! Baby. They immediately go into hiding this time. They take Coriane, Cal takes a leave of absence, Mare takes one too, and they dont tell ANYONE where they are going. The reason? The nurse who did mare's check up told someone it was a boy, and that person had some nefarious connections to a certain Silver Political group that was running on fumes up until that moment. The first letter that arrives at their little house in Ascendant is written in beautiful court handwriting (Larentia's unmistakable tact in every word of that letter) and swears fealty to Tiberias Calore the Eighth who isn't even born yet. Cal torches that letter with his bare hand before Mare can even read it. Coriane doesn't like being taken away from her cousins and her grandma and grandpa and her aunt Farley, but they go in the dead of night and don't look back.
Shade is born in the middle of a storm like Clara, and Sara is the only person to see Mare or Cal in six months. They come back to Ascendant two months after Shade is born with a healthy baby boy, and everyone looses their minds. There are six kidnapping attempts in two months. Mare and Cal dont sleep for weeks, there is one dead Silver Secession member who got halfway down the street before Mare used Brain Lightning for the first time and liquified his insides. She is so horrified by it she cries herself to sleep for three nights because Coriane saw her do it, saw what her mother could do, and won't come near her out of fear.
But that too passes after a few years, because it gets around that Shade is a Red baby that looks more like Mare and her dead brother than Cal. Then it's back to Coriane, who by now is old enough to begin to understand what is going on around her. She starts to notice the whispers, the pointing, the stares when she goes out with her dad to train. (She accidentally set her bedsheet on fire after a nightmare, and that is where the trouble begins again). The letters start coming again, but they're addressed to her instead. She's only ten, so when she gets the first one with her name on it in pretty writing, she opens it before Mare or Cal notice, and is so confused by what is in it that she shows them it for clarification. Mare takes it and rips it to pieces, and Coriane cries about it, because that was HER letter. They have to sit her down with a very young Shade then and tell her a story about brothers, crowns, and mutations, death, war, and pain, and sorrow, and love. Then she understands. She's eleven when she does her first broadcast to denounce a throne that doesn't even exist anymore. She shakes with nerves in front of a camera, and has to hold a notecard with what she has to say on it. She mispronounces five words, and almost cries when she stumbles over a phrase she doesn't even understand, something about ever and always and crowns being broken. Cal stands behind her the whole time, squeezing her shoulders in reassurance. The nightmares begin after that for him, because there is a letter sent telling him of a distant Calore relative who is very interested in Coriane and would like to meet her. When Cal looks into him, he finds out he's 45 years old. And when I tell you he packed a bag the moment he finished that letter and drove to the airfield to take an air jet himself and kill the man, I tell you that Mare stopped him by standing in the middle of the runway and refusing to let him take off without going through her. "You give them what they want if you go after him." she tells him when he breaks down and kneels before her while she sits on their bed holding his head against her stomach. They NEVER tell Coriane about that, but there is two more letters that come like it.
Coriane and Nik becomes very close, dangerously close. There is one fic I will write at some point where both of them are taken and they actually get them away from Montfort and to a secondary location. There is man hunt led by Cal and Ptolemus and they do not keep those children for long. There is no record of what happened at that dilated mansion in the middle of the woods in the upper States, but Cal comes back with Silver blood under his nails and Coriane in his arms four days later.
When she gets older, much much older, into her later twenties, three different people send requests for her hand in marriage. She burns those letters and doesn't even deign them a response. Shade gets similar requests, and he throws the letters away. The Silver Secession goes out with a whimper, and eventually Coriane and Shade are safe. But inbetween their childhood and those years, people start whispering different things. "The word is changing, it's really changing" they whisper, and then say, "A Calore had two children, both Red, and they are kind."
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machine-gun-casie · 4 years
Almond Poppy Seed Muffins
you’re hired to help with the menu at colson’s new cafe and the lines of employer and employee quickly blur.
wc: 6k (!!!)
“Sit up, man.” Slim knocked Colson upside the head. “Menu person’s coming.”
Colson groaned and lifted his head off of the one table in the unopened cafe. “Tell me again why we booked this meeting for eight in the fucking morning.”
“Because it’s professional.” Slim whispered as the creak of the door echoed in the empty area. “Now sit the fuck up.”
You walked over with your shoulders back and your head held high, looking as professional as possible. Colson’s eyes were comically wide as he watched you approach the table. Your confidence was coming off in waves and Colson couldn’t help but be attracted to it.
Slim stood up. “Hi, you must be y/n.” He smiled at you and reached out to shake your hand. You smiled back and Colson immediately forgot he was hungover. 
“Yeah, I am. You’re the one who talked to me on the phone?” 
“That was me. I’m the manager. You can call me Slim.” Slim pulled back his hand and patted Colson on the shoulder. “This is Kel-”
“I’m Colson.” Colson shot up and shoved his hand in your direction. ”I’m the owner.”
“Thank you guys for calling me in.” You smiled at him this time and Colson almost fell back into his chair. 
“Thank you for coming. Let’s get started, shall we?” Slim said, sitting back down and both you and Colson followed. “We were hoping this could be a collaborative effort, because we want the menu to be unique to us and have some personal touches.” Colson looked at Slim with furrowed eyebrows, he’s never met this version of Slim before.
“Yes, of course. I’ve only got some basic items on my list, I wanted to sit down with you before we get into the trial phase. If there’s anything specific you wanted on the menu, or anything specific you don’t want, we can get that out of the way now.” You pulled out a tablet as you spoke, entering the password and opening your notes.
“There’s only a few items that we really want on the menu, but the rest is up to you.” Slim nodded as you took note of his words on your tablet. “What do you have so far?”
“I’ve got some basic avocado toast, bagels, and breakfast paninis.” You explained, showing them some pictures you had saved. “I’ve been to the surrounding cafes and seen the staples, but I wanted this place to have some unique staples of its own. So I added mini bacon tacos and almond poppy seed muffins.”
Colson’s eyes lit up. “Oh my god, I love almond poppy seed muffins! I was just going to tell you to add them to the menu.”
“No way, I love them too!” You beamed at him. “They’re so underrated. Everywhere I look for them, all I find is lemon poppy seed.”
Colson didn’t know how to respond, he just couldn’t believe he made you smile. Before the silence got awkward, Slim cleared his throat. “Bacon tacos? Are those tacos with bacon?”
“No, they’re bacon taco shells. Made them mini because full sized could get expensive in the long run.” You said, showing him a picture. “I’ve seen them online, but never in cafes and never here. Could definitely bring in some customers, everyone loves bacon.”
“Yeah, for sure. I don’t think I’ve seen those around here before. There’s also some things we need to have on the menu.” Slim said, looking over at Colson.
“Yeah, we need blueberry pancakes and cheese eggs.”
“And do you have any ideas for their names on the menu.” You asked, typing away.
“The pancakes are gonna be Casie’s Weekend Special, C-A-S-I-E. With whipped cream and berries on top.” You nodded and he continued. “And Champ’s Cheesy Eggs for the eggs. Oh, and we also got these special coffee beans coming in next month for a specific cold brew. I want it to be called Cold Brew but with the C-O-L in capital letters.”
“That’s just for it’s name on the menu, right? Because I don’t do coffee stuff.” You asked for clarification.
“Yeah, yeah for sure. I’m making that myself, no need to worry about it.” Colson said.
“Okay, good. Is that it?” You asked as you typed.
“We might add some more later, but you don’t need to worry about that right now.”
“Alright, I’ll start the trial phase this week. I’ll test out the recipes and all that. When I’ve polished everything off, we can do some taste testing.”
“How long do you think you’ll take to finish?” Slim asked.
“You should get a call in about a week or two.” 
Slim smiled and nodded. “Perfect, we’re set to open in a few months.”
“I’ll have enough time to train the staff before then.”
“Great, it’s been a pleasure doing business with you.”
“The pleasure’s all mine.” You pulled out two business cards and put them on the table, one in front of Slim and one in front of Colson. “This is my business card, in case you need to contact me.”
Colson could have sworn your gaze lingered on him for a second longer than it did on Slim. 
This was not a business card he was going to throw away. No way.
The buzzing of your phone pulled you away from your laptop. You were up all night researching and hearing the notification finally pulled you out of the rabbit hole.
It took a while to find your phone in all the blankets on your bed. But when you finally did, the notification that was on your lock screen was not something you were expecting.
Colson requested to follow you on Instagram. 
Woah. Unexpected. 
You opened your phone and accepted his request and followed him back.
- verified?
C- what can i say im a rockstar
- hahaha
- seriously tho, why?
C- u really dont know?
- nope. enlighten me
C- im a rapper
- no way! i work for a rapper now?
C- i guess you do haha
So your night that started off with researching recipes quickly turned into a night researching Machine Gun Kelly.
Song after song and interview after interview, you wondered how you spent your life not knowing of Machine Gun Kelly’s extensive career. You couldn’t say that you had never heard the name before, but this was way more than you expected.
Your Instagram seemed to pick up on your search history, so your explore page was only memes about your boss from the moment you googled his name.
You weren’t sure you could look him in the face the next time you saw him, something about two nines on his waist. 
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(creds: @ticketstomydownfall​)
- how come you never told me your full name?
C- sorry it just never came up, i never meant to keep it from you
C- i hope you understand
- it’ll take me a while, but im hurt you didn't tell me
And so it began, every time you took a break from menu research you would send memes back and forth. You would send Colson cooking memes he wouldn’t get and he would send you musician memes you wouldn’t get. A healthy balance, you joked. 
But your favorites had to be the Machine Gun Kelly memes. 
A new cafe opened a few streets down from Colson’s unopened one, so he decided to check out the competition. He stood in line and read the menu. He perked up when he saw the place had poppy seed muffins in their display. It kind of worried him because he wanted them to be his cafe’s thing, but he wouldn’t mind having one right now.
“Hi! What can I get you, sir?”
“Can I get a cold brew and one of those muffins please?” Colson pointed at the basket of muffins.
“The poppy seed?” Colson nodded and the barista reached over and picked one up.
“Are those almond or lemon?”
“These are almond poppy seed muffins, they’re here for a limited time only. Don’t think we’ll have them back anytime soon.”
The barista put the muffin in a paper bag and instructed Colson to wait by the pick up area. As he waited, he pulled out his phone and sent you a picture of the muffin.
C- new place got almond! poppy seed muffins
C- for a limited time only tho, we in the clear
Ever since you started texting, you had told him not to expect any fast responses. Your sleep schedule was all over the place because you ‘work best at night’ is what you told him. The menu was coming up fast and you told Colson to expect some taste testing soon.
So when he got a response from you within seconds, he was confused. He wasn’t complaining, that’s for sure. It just wasn’t like you.
- look in the corner
He looked up and saw you in the corner looking right at him with your phone in your hands. You laughed when you made eye contact and beckoned him over. He pointed towards the barista and you nodded. 
As soon as his cold brew was in his hands, he dashed over to you. 
“Well, well, well.” Colson smirked, sitting down across from you. “I see you fixed your sleep schedule.”
“Kinda. Just for today.” You smiled. He didn’t know if you always smiled or if you always smiled around him. Colson liked to think it was the latter. “You checkin’ out the competition?”
“Yeah, so are you. What do you think of the muffins?” Colson asked.
“Mine are better.” You shrugged.
“Gotta try ‘em first before I agree.”
“In time.”
It had been two weeks since you saw Colson at the cafe. You ended up staying there for a few hours, time seemed to fly by with him. You gushed about the flourishing menu to him and he smiled and nodded. You knew his appreciation towards the topic wasn’t at your level, but he encouraged you to keep going. ‘I like hearing you talk’ were his exact words.
You were a blushing mess by the end of the night. Some insinuations were made and you could definitely tell that he was as into you as you were into him. And you were willing to tease the possibility.
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- im not considered an assistant, am i?
C- you could be if you wanted
- i think assisting with the cafe could be considered an assisting position
C- id be inclined to agree
Colson needed to get away. He needed out right the fuck now.
He couldn’t bear staring at his bedroom ceiling any longer. The demons in his head were louder than ever and he needed an escape. 
Closing the door gently, he made sure not to make any loud noises so as to not wake anyone in the house. He got into his car and drove off. He had no clue where he was going, he just knew he was going.
He found himself parked in front of his cafe after a few minutes, not knowing how he got there or how he decided this was the place to escape to. He did have the keys on him. He could just head in, put together a couple of those tables that came in the other day and do something with his hands. Anything to get his mind to shut up for a little while.
The click of the keys turning in the lock sent a shiver up his spine. He made sure to lock the door behind him just in case. The thought of someone already being there never even crossed his mind.
Until he heard something from the back. The kitchen.
The kitchen was fully finished a week ago, decked with all kinds of high tech equipment. Worth a shit ton of money. Did Colson really just stumble into a robbery? Of his own fucking cafe?
He stomped over to the kitchen, fully prepared to beat someone up. 
So when he saw you dancing around in a flour covered tank top and shorts with music blasting in your headphones, he had to take a step back.
You screeched when you saw him at the door. “Holy fuck!” Colson laughed as you bent over and put a hand to your chest, taking your headphones out. “My heart just fucking dropped into my ass!”
“I thought you were a robber. I was ready to throw hands.” Colson said nonchalantly as he strode over to you.
“I thought you were going to murder me! What are you doing here? I could have sworn I locked the door.”
“You did.” Colson nodded.
“Shit, right.” You chuckled. “Owner, sorry I forgot.” You pointed at him.
“What are you doing here?”
“I asked first.” You shot back at him.
“Right, right.” He nodded and looked down. “Needed to get away. Found myself here.”
He hated the way your eyes softened at his words, he didn’t need pity or help or someone to fucking ask him if he ‘wants to talk it out’. But you didn’t say any of those things, and he really should have known. You were different.
“I told you. I work best at night. Slim gave me the key last week so I can utilize this amazing kitchen.” You motioned to the high tech equipment around you. “Muffins are almost done, actually.”
“Poppy seed?”
“Mhm, about six minutes left. But I got some pancakes right here, if you wanna try some?” You asked, picking up a plate stacked high with blueberry pancakes.
Colson nodded and took the plate out of your hands. You handed him a fork and he cut himself a bite. 
He brought it to his lips and paused, catching your hitched breath. “Don’t play with me! Just eat it!” You laughed, moving the fork into his mouth as he laughed at his stupid joke. His face was thoughtful as he chewed for a few moments. “Well?”
“It’s good.” He hummed. “Really good. But not better than Casie’s.”
“Doubt I can make it better than Casie’s when it’s her name on the menu.” You smiled. “She your girl?” 
The question slipped out before you could catch it. It was swirling around in your jealous head every time you saw the name in your notes. You weren’t exactly flirting with Colson these past few weeks, but if he had a girlfriend you would feel kind of guilty because you definitely caught feelings. 
Okay, you were definitely flirting. The whole assistant meme? For sure. And you were at least attracted to him. And with the way he has been looking at you, you knew he felt the same way.
“My daughter. It’s just me and her.” Colson smiled, knowing why you were asking and definitely not minding clearing that up for you. “She makes blueberry pancakes on the weekends for me. Best pancakes on the planet. Scratch that, in the fucking universe.”
“Aw shit, I can’t compete with that.” You chuckled. “Gotta try the best pancakes in the fucking universe some time.”
“For sure, I’ll bring her over when you finish up to try your stuff. Maybe you can take some pointers from her.”
“No offence to your daughter’s pancakes, but I think I’m good.” You chuckled. “This is my job and I’m damn good at it.”
“Alright, alright. No need to get feisty on me.” Colson laughed, putting his hands up in surrender. “My daughter’s pancakes will always be number one for me. You know how it is. She doesn’t know I’m putting her name on the menu, though.”
“Bet she’s gonna be so happy, I know I would be. I’ve always wanted my name on a menu.” 
Colson nodded and looked down at the counter that you were leaning against. Your phone, which was placed on the same counter, lit up with a notification that revealed your lock screen.
The notification wasn’t what caught Colson’s attention, the music that was playing did. “Are you- are you playing my music?”
“What?” You asked, your hand quickly darting to cover your phone. Colson laughed and pulled your hand away.
“No no no, I saw that.” He chuckled, grabbing the phone. “Loco? Not what I expected you to like, to be honest.”
You shrugged and pushed yourself away from the counter. “It’s got a good beat to whisk to.” You moved away from him and towards the oven and slipped on some mitts.
“The muffins are done? I didn’t hear a timer.”
“It’s all up here, pretty boy.” You smirked at him, tapping your finger against your temple. “If I leave them in any longer they’ll burn.” You explained, dropping the piping hot muffin tray onto the counter.
Colson’s hand slowly reached over to the tray, but you slapped it away before he could touch one. “Ay, they need to cool down! Still didn’t even finish them, man.” You huffed as you took off the oven mitts. You looked at him and saw him staring at you. “What?”
He just smiled his little cute ass smile and shook his head. “Nothing.”
“Don’t ‘nothing’ me. What is it? Do I have something on my face?” Your hand came up to wipe at your cheeks.
Colson held your wrist and pulled it away from your face. “No, you don’t have anything on your face. You just…”
“Just what?” You don’t know when you started whispering, but it felt like you had to. The moment, so fragile and intimate, you didn’t want to scare it away.
“You look really fucking cute right now.” Colson breathed out, his eyes not once leaving yours.
“You don’t just say that to a girl, Colson.”
“Who said I was just saying it?”
The moment lost its preciousness when Colson put his hand on the hot muffin tin. “Ah fuck!” He brought his hand up to his chest, cradling it.
“You’re so stupid, you know that?” You chuckled as you led him to the sink. “Come here, let me run some cold water on it.”
“Fuck me, I just ruined the moment, didn’t I?” He asked as he let you tend to his hand.
“A little, but you didn’t completely lose me.” You mused, teasing him. “I gotta put the glaze on the muffins, then you can have one.”
“There’s glaze!” He asked excitedly. “I fucking love the ones with the glaze on top.”
“I know.” You hummed, taking the bowl with the sugary glaze and spreading a little on each muffin. After you finished all of them, you went back to the first one you covered and popped it out of the tin. You held it up and brought it to Colson’s mouth. “Try it.”
He bit into and moaned almost sinfully at the flavor. That fucker knew what he was doing. 
“These are so fucking good.” Colson groaned.
“Damn right they are. You know how hard I worked on that recipe?” You exclaimed, proud the muffins came out as good as Colson made them seem to be.
“Really fuckin’ hard, I take it.” Colson replied. “Come here, you gotta taste it.”
Before you could take a bite out of the muffin, Colson put his finger under your chin and led your lips to his.
You pulled away a few seconds later, breaking the kiss. “You’re right, that tastes really fucking good.”
“You keep talking like that and I don’t think we’re gonna make it outta this place.” Colson smirked.
“The staff room’s got a couch.” 
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(Elvgren Brunette Pin-Up Girl “Let's Eat Out”)
C- you last night
- excuse me?
C- what?
C- ur the sexy muffin girl
- how dare you?
- i would never burn my muffins
C- dude
C- im tryna flirt with you here
- well try harder
Colson didn’t expect to walk into the cafe the next week with Slim and his daughter to see you wearing his shirt from that night. Casie was just excited to eat the food, so she didn’t notice. 
But Slim noticed. Colson coming home without a shirt wasn’t crazy. But you wearing said missing shirt? Yeah, he saw this coming. He smirked at Colson who tried to brush it off but his blushing cheeks betrayed him. Holy fuck, you had him blushing. What the fuck was he going to do with you?
You told them to sit tight while you brought out the plates. When you disappeared into the back, Colson mumbled something about going and helping you out.
“Nice shirt.” He smirked.
“Thanks, I got it from this guy.” You teased.
“This guy?” Colson raised his eyebrows at you as he picked up two plates.
“Yeah, tall lanky blonde dude. I don’t know if you know him, but he’s a rapper.” You smiled, expertly carrying four plates in your arms. “He’s verified on Instagram.”
Casie and Slim both watched with amused smirks on their faces as you and Colson walked out of the kitchen giggling. 
With you none the wiser, Colson mouthed ‘Shut up!’ at them. Slim snickered and Casie raised her hands up in surrender. You placed two small plates on each placemat, not aware of the conversation going on around you.
“First, we’ve got the mini bacon tacos.” You said, pointing at each plate. “The bacon shells are filled with a spinach and scrambled egg mixture with a few slices of fresh avocado.”
“Oh my god, dad! The tacos are made of bacon!” Casie exclaimed when she looked down at the plate. 
“Stop drooling and eat your food before I do.” Slim mumbled through a mouthful of bacon taco.
“Ay!” Casie shot Slim a look and used her hand as a shield against her taco. “Don’t you touch my food.”
“Then eat it!”
“I will, get off my back!”
“Hey!” Colson shouted, getting their attention. “No fighting in front of our guest!”
Slim and Casie looked up at you and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.” They apologized in unison and you fought hard to not let out a snort.
“It’s alright.” You giggled. “Do you like the tacos?”
Casie stuffed half the taco into her mouth and nodded. “Iss real goo’.”
Colson chuckled and wiped some avocado off his daughter’s face. “I think that’s the equivalent of three michelin stars.”
As everyone cleaned off their plates of all eggs and bacon, you remembered something you wanted to mention.
“Now, next are the blueberry pancakes. But before you guys dig in, Casie, I need to ask you something.” Casie perked up at your words. “Your dad told me that your pancakes are the best in the universe. And because this is his cafe, I would like it if he liked my pancakes too. So if you have any advice for me, I’m all ears.”
Casie looked between you and the pancakes for a moment. 
“I’m gonna guess that you don’t use the boxed stuff, right?” You nodded. “Alright, I’ve got one trick that I use. But you gotta promise not to tell anyone.”
You stuck out your pinky and nodded. “Pinky promise.”
“Pinky promise.” Casie looped her pinky with yours and smiled. “Y’all gotta shut your ears.” She said to Colson and Slim.
“No buts!” She stopped Slim. “Shut your ears!” Casie watched her dad and uncle as they slowly covered their ears with their hands, confused and trying but failing to hold in their laughter.
“Alright, my trick is hazelnut milk. I use it instead of normal milk. Makes it kind of taste like Nutella, and Dad loves Nutella. And I add a teeny tiny bit of cardamom powder. The tiniest pinch. Made the recipe all by myself, so I better get credit.”
You smiled and made eye contact with her. “Trust me, you’re gonna get your credit.”
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C- my jaw still hasn't recovered
- shouldn’t that be my line?
C- remind me to never show anyone our texts ever in life
- noted
C- are you free tomorrow?
- yeah why?
C- meet me at the cafe at noon
C- theres something i wanna show u and casie
You smiled when you saw Colson and Casie approaching the cafe. You had gone to the store so as to not arrive too early, but you still beat them by a few minutes.
“Hey.” Colson smiled. “You brought stuff?”
“Yeah, just a few secret ingredients.” You nodded, holding the canvas bag behind your back. “If I show you, I have to kill you.”
“Can I see?” Casie asked.
“Of course.” You scoffed and winked at her.
“Hey! How come she can see but I can’t?” Colson asked incredulously. 
You shrugged and giggled. “Why are we here, Colson?” You asked, changing the subject. 
“Something came in today.”
“The coffee beans?” You asked, hoping you’d get a taste of his COLd brew. Yes, you told him it was stupid. No, he wouldn’t budge.
“Nope, the chalkboard.” He waggled his eyebrows at you.
Your eyes lit up. “For the menu?”
“Dad, can I help? Please, I wanna do the border.” Casie pleaded.
“Of course, special girl.” Colson nodded at her. “You gotta help bring it out, though.” 
“Let’s get the chalkboard!” Casie jumped up and tried to open the door.
Colson told her to hold on, the door wasn’t unlocked. He pulled out his keys and turned the lock, opening the door wide enough for Casie to run inside.
“It’s in the back.” Colson called after her.
She ran past you both to the staff room.
“She’s cute.” You chuckled once she was out of earshot.
Colson walked into the cafe with you and closed the door behind him. “Yeah, she got it from me.”
Before you had time to reply, a resounding crash came from the back.
“Casie!” You both dashed to the back to see if she got hurt.
“I’m fine!” She said once you both walked into the room. Casie was fine, but the long cardboard box she was pulling was no longer upwards but flat on the floor. “I think I broke it, though.” She winced.
Colson sighed and dragged his hand down his face. “Case…“
You smiled at Casie to calm her down. “It’s alright, as long as you’re not hurt.” You approached her and pulled her into a side hug and observed the fallen box. “Let’s see the damage out in the front, come on.”
The box was pulled out by all of you to the front where you opened it and pulled out the chalkboard. The chalkboard that was once one piece was now distinctly two pieces.
Casie sighed dejectedly. “I broke it bad.”
“No, no. This is definitely not bad.” You reassured her and looked over at Colson to back you up.
“Yeah, princess. This is not bad.” He said, not really knowing why it was great but only playing along with you as to not make his baby girl feel bad. “Why is this not bad?”
You laughed and kneeled down to fully pull out the two broken pieces out of the box. “We can make it look intentional. See, the crack is going diagonally down the middle. You can do the border around each piece. It would look really cool.”
“That would actually look really dope.” Colson said as he finally understood what you were getting at. “None of the other places have anything like this.”
“See? Told you.” You nodded. “What would you do without me, huh?”
“I have no clue.” Colson mumbled as he knelt down to sit next to you. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to hear it, but you sure did. “Alright, y’all can do the border. Leave the rest to me.”
“You sure?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at Colson. “It’s gonna take you a while.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. You have everything written down somewhere?”
You nodded and pulled out your phone from your pocket. You opened up your notes app and handed it to him. “This is my latest draft for the final menu. Do with it what you wish.”
And so you got to work. Every time you tried to peek at what Colson was writing, he’d push you away and say it was a surprise. So you stuck to what he assigned you. The border took you and Casie no time, even after adding some doodles here and there and signing the bottom right corner.
“Dad?” Casie perked up.
“Yeah?” Colson asked, still focused on his penmanship.
“You good to finish it up?”
“Yeah, why?”
“y/n and I need to go to the kitchen.”
“You do?”
“We do?”
“Yes.” Casie nodded at you. “We do.” 
“Oh!” You smiled, remembering the bag you had brought with you. “We do!”
“Mhm.” Casie smiled sweetly at her dad and hopped up and headed towards the kitchen. “Come on, y/n! No time to waste.”
You giggled at her antics and shrugged at Colson. “No time to waste, I guess.” You grabbed your bag full of ingredients and followed the little sassy child to the kitchen.
You placed the bag on the counter and smiled at her. “So, how many do you wanna make?”
“Not many.” She shrugged as she helped you take out the ingredients. “Just a few to try out the recipe.”
“Good idea.” You nodded. “I changed my original recipe a little bit, added your suggestions and a few more things. That cardamom powder is a great addition, by the way.”
“Thanks!” Casie beamed. “So you’re a chef, huh?”
“Not exactly.” You mused as you pulled out the bowls and measuring equipment. “If we had to get technical, I guess my job is a menu curator. I help people make menus for their cafes or restaurants.”
“But dad said you make really good food.” Casie pointed out as she measured some dry ingredients into a large bowl. “Did you learn it by yourself or did you go to school for it?”
“A little bit of both.” You paused to help her not spill the flour and continued. “I’ve been to a few culinary schools, but only the ones that you attend for a few months. But I’ve always loved cooking.”
“So this must be your dream job, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess it is. You wanna crack the eggs?” You asked and handed her the eggs when she nodded. “What’s your dream job?”
“I’m not really sure, I’m only eleven.” She shrugged and threw out the egg shells. “But I really like the music industry. So probably something in that. Maybe a producer or something. I’ve helped out Uncle Slim on some of my dad’s stuff and it was fun.”
“No way! That’s really cool. I know nothing about the music industry, if I’m being honest.” You confessed.
“Did you know about Dad’s music?” She asked. You paused for a moment, knowing this was coming. Casie wasn’t stupid, she knew something was going on between you and her dad. She wanted to make sure you were right for him. And she was definitely not going to beat around the bush to find out.
“Not when I first met him. But he followed me on Instagram and I asked why he was verified and he told me.” You said.
“Oh.” Casie said, pausing to think of what to say next. “Okay.”
You looked at her and furrowed your eyebrows. “Okay?”
“Yeah. Okay.” She nodded as she poured out the hazelnut milk into a measuring cup. “I like you, y/n. And I know my dad likes you, too. If he didn’t think you were a good person, then I wouldn’t even be here.”
Pushing the bowl closer to her so the milk wouldn’t go on the counter, you stayed silent so she could continue. “And I know you were wearing his shirt the other day, which means my dad really likes you. But you gotta know that being with my dad comes with stuff not everyone likes. I know you like me, which is obvious because I’m amazing.”
“Yes, of course.” You nodded semi-seriously, giggling with her.
“But there’s also his music and the whole public thing, which gets weird sometimes.” Casie’s eyebrows rose as she spoke, indicating that she’s seen enough to know what she was talking about. “They say things and they lie and they might drag your name through the mud. But some people forget that the things they say only last for a news cycle.”
“You are wise beyond your years, Ms. Casie Baker.” You pointed at her. “I think meeting you has been the best part of working for your dad.”
A week later, Colson called you back to meet at the cafe. After making the pancakes with Casie, Colson refused to show you the menu. He insisted it still needed more work and that neither of you could see it until it was properly set up behind the front counter.
Both you and Casie moaned and groaned, telling him a little peak wouldn’t hurt. But he held his ground.
Walking up to the cafe, you saw that Colson and Casie beat you this time around. Colson was sitting down as Casie jumped around him, begging him to remove the white sheet hiding the chalkboard on the wall.
“Hey guys.” You said as you opened the door.
“y/n!” Casie called, running up to you. “Thank god you’re finally here! He made me wait this whole time.”
You looked up at Colson who was shaking his head. “We’ve been here for eight minutes.” He chuckled.
“That’s a whole four hundred and eighty seconds!” 
“Ay, that was some nice quick math!” Colson cheered and held his hand up for a high five. 
Casie slapped his hand and walked over to the menu. “Alright, she’s here. Can we please see the menu now?” She pleaded.
Colson sighed and nodded. He positioned you and Casie to stand in front of the board and placed your hands on your eyes. 
“On three, open your eyes.” Colson instructed as he held onto the white fabric. “One, two…”
You and Casie waited for him to continue only to hear him snickering. “Dad!”
“Alright, alright.” You heard the fabric fall to the floor. “Three!”
You gasped when you finally laid eyes on the long awaited finished menu. Colson somehow made all you and Casie’s little doodles crisper and more vivid. The border around both the pieces had some additional patterns here and there, obviously courtesy of Colson. Your eyes scanned the names of the menu items quickly, most of them already known to you from your notes.
“Casie’s Weekend Special?” Casie asked after a moment of silence, looking up at her dad. “No way! Are those the pancakes?”
“Yeah, you like it?” Colson smiled.
She giggled and jumped up to hug Colson. “I love it!”
“I told you you’d get your credit.” You smirked at her.
She climbed off her dad and gasped. “You knew?”
You nodded and she attacked you with a hug too. You laughed as you almost toppled over from the sudden embrace.
You continued reading the menu when Casie climbed off of you. You chuckled at the ‘Bomb A$$ Bacon Tacos’ and at the ‘COLd Brew’. You smiled when you read ‘y/n’s ALMOND poppy seed muffins’.
Wait what.
“You said you’ve always wanted your name on a menu. Besides, it’s your recipe.” Colson stumbled back as you attacked him in a hug this time.
You sighed against the skin of his neck and whispered a soft ‘thank you’. You pulled back and stood there for a bit, just looking at his piercing blue eyes. How can someone’s eyes be so blue?
“Oh my god! Just kiss her already!” Casie exclaimed.
“Woah! Where did that come from, little lady?” Colson turned to look at Casie without letting you go.
“You guys are making major goo goo eyes at each other. Just kiss! I’ll cover my eyes, don’t worry.” She said, placing her hand over her eyes.
“I mean, she’s kinda-”
You cut him off by placing your lips against his. Casie giggled as she peeked between her fingers. Colson furrowed his eyebrows and groaned his disapproval into the kiss, waving his free arm at his daughter. 
You giggled against Colson’s lips and pulled his waving arm back. You pulled away and reached out one arm around Casie and dragged her into the embrace. “Your dad is a real romantic, Casie.”
“Thanks, I taught him well.”
“Yeah, you really did.”
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farfromtommy · 4 years
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tomholland2013 I wanted to share a few of the shots from our wedding with you all. this one was one y/n’s requests for our photographer. 
View all 304,921 comments 
tuwaine my boy looking cleaaannnn 🔥
jakegyllenhaal what a lucky woman y/n is. 
fan1 we need pictures of y/n in her dress!
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y/nholland one of my favorite shots from the best day of my life. love you forever @tomholland2013 and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. 
View all 101,839 comments 
tomholland2013 Forever and ever, baby ❤️  
yourbestfriend so happy for you 🥺
robertdowneyjr Congratulations to you, Mrs. Holland! Let us know when you’re over on this side on the pond, we’d love to have you guys over. 
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tomholland2013 I keep getting comments about posting my favorite shot sooo here is my 2nd favorite shot. Hope you all have a great day! 
View all 201,943 comments
hazosterfield his favorite shot is from the garter removal and y/n won’t let him post it anywhere 
y/nholland his favorite shot is actually from the bridal lingerie photoshoot I did a few months ago and surprised him with when we went through all the pictures 😌
zendaya @y/nholland you go, girl! 
harryholland64 hey tom, remember when you forgot those were mixed in with the regular pictures when you were showing me the final versions of the pictures? 
y/nholland @harryholland64 excuse me, what? 
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request: i love your writing! if you’re taking requests, how about a wedding day photoshoot with tommy?
a/n 1: ugh this was so much fun to do and i hope that lil extra text message bit was fun! i’m starting to branch out when doing these. please keep sending in requests! this is so much fun and my ask box is always open! 
to all of my social media au writers and to anyone who is a huge fan of these kind of posts, i have a lil rant kinda thing below the cut and i’d really appreciate hearing your thoughts on it! 
masterlist social media masterlist taglist
a/n 2: so i don’t know if any other social media au writers have run into this problem but anytime im looking for pictures i always try and be as reader inclusive as i can. i try not to be posting pictures of a reader of a certain skin tone, body type, hair color etc etc. i totally understand why its done and i read lots of aus that depict the reader a specific way. 
i guess my concern is with how anyone reading these perceives it. not all of us look the same or see themselves the same way when reading x reader fics. because i know i always see myself as a completely different person and don’t mind when there are descriptions of y/n and are not what i look like. 
i want to make sure im including the readers who don’t do that and prefer to see fics and aus that don’t give a view of y/n so they can picture themselves in it?
is that what i want to say?
i don’t want there to seem like i dont like it when other people do it. idk. this seems rambley and kinda my insecurities about writing showing. 
i guess if someone had a vision they had for a request they would send it in?
i’m totally down for creating these if whoever is requesting has a vision for what the reader looks like and taking requests for certain skin tones or body types. 
and this comes from a place of genuine curiosity and i mean no disrespect to a n y o n e who creates their social media aus with y/n visible and portraying a certain look. 
i try and be as neutral as i can be in my writing and with these but idk i think im overthinking it
thank u for reading if u have read this far and if you are not sure what i’m trying to say and need clarification shoot me a message or an ask! 
~end rant~
317 notes · View notes
jayflrt · 3 years
*inhale* *exhale* *slowly kneels* ALICE PLEASE BLOODLUST WAS SO GOO D IM NOR OKAU HOW DID YOU ^(&*((#& ik i'm late and i'm: so sorry BUT HELLO HOW DO YOU WRITE LIKE THAT
the last line of every part was left such an impact each time and the whole thing was so foreboding (i've been sure abt this since arcanum but i swear you're so good at the horror/thriller genre all those one-liners that are left fully ingrained in my head and the plots how do you come up with these) and god i have so many favourite lines from this i'm gonna list them at the end of this wait*
AND THE PLOT TWIST WHAG WAS TJAT how and when and what and why did it take me three rereads to fully process even though he was off from the start (also WHY WERE THE VICTIMS THE MEMEBRS + KYUNGMIN NOO <//3)
*the birds throughout holy shit "they just sat there all day and observed the chaos." "hollow like bird bones." "the birds sang. mocking. ugly. loud." and ofc the teaser quote too; "someone was screaming. you didn’t realize until you had bolted all the way out of the school building that it was you."; "wide and unhinged, like someone had carved it in with a blade."; "a messy root in his chest, a manifestation of shadows branching out under his skin."; I'M SORRY I KNOW YOU DON'T NEED YOUR OWN WRITING SENT BACK TO YOU BUT I LOVE YOUR DESCRIPTIONS SM
anyways i will come back to send one of those unnecessarily long asks in time this was just me once again losing my mind over your talent and to thank you for the fic; i hope you're healthy and happy, stay safe and uh what else yes take breaks from work when you need (it's exam szn for us rn so i have realised how important breaks are) and hydrate and generally just take care !!
ps. here's the hug that comes with each ask because you deserve them all <3
// bloodlust spoilers*
SRIZAAA 😭💖 YOU ABSOLUTE ANGEL WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS oh my goddd you just made me so happy like the happiest person in the room im in rn??? and i think that’s saying a lot bc there's like 13843294 ppl in here 😭 AHHH HOW TO POCKET THIS MESSAGE AND CARRY IT WITH ME FOREVER 🤧 💕 im so touched rn oh my gosh 
“i swear you're so good at the horror/thriller genre all those one-liners that are left fully ingrained in my head and the plots” horror/thriller has always been one of my fav genres to write so you have nooo idea how much your words mean to me :(( 💛 AHH AND THE FACT THAT YOU PUT THE QUOTES YOU LIKED BELOW you want me to combust rn dont you 😔 i will combust in this library and melt into a puddle of fluff pls <//3
three rereads you mean you read my fic three times (that sounds like such a clarification on my part LMFAOO) but PLS sriza im crying from all this support and love from you 😭🤍 ALSO SORRY FOR MAKING THE MEMBERS + KYUNGMIN THE VICTIMS <//3 didn't throw riki in there tho 🙏 would’ve been absolutely foul of me
ALSO IM SO HAPPY U NOTICED THE REPETITION WITH THE BIRDS !! i went back to check each line with the birds actually haha i wanted to see how haunting it got as the story progressed :’’) ALSO NOO I LOVE IT BEING SENT TO ME AND SEEING WHAT PARTS YOU LIKED 🥺 IT MAKES ME SO SO HAPPY OMG i appreciate you taking the time to do so !! 💞 
i love seeing you in my inbox angel so ill be waiting for that next time !! again, thank you sm !! im so grateful 😭 i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself as well ♡ it’s midterm szn rn for me so we both will have to be putting in those study hours for a while 🤧 good luck on your exams and make sure to eat well and drink water !! 
i will return the hug 🫂 
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