#this is an open request for anyone and everyone to write stuff based on my posts
natjennie · 1 year
if there's one thing I'm good at it's for coming up with ideas that would make really good fanfics and never ever writing them.
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They have a crush on you (HC's) - Team 141 + König
Requested by Anon
Simon "Ghost" Riley
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*Honestly I could write an essay on this complicated man, he's such an interesting character - but I've summed up some HC's below*
This guy is so hard to read, but at the same time he's not.
At first glance, he's a hardened man who keeps his cards close to his chest and never lets his guard down around anyone. And that's true.
Given everything he's been through in life, that amount of trauma is bound to have a long-term effect on every aspect of his life - not to mention the fact that he's probably learned to repress all of that shit for most of his life.
So I reckon that even if he did have romantic feelings towards you, it would take him a long, long time for him to even process what he's feeling - he's not stupid by any manner of means, more so he doesn't know what to do with this newfound information.
He would probably try and be mean to you - not that he was ever truly sweet on you in the first place, he couldn't let people know he had a soft spot; a weakness.
If you were part of 141, he would probably try to completely ignore you - unless he physically had to speak to you, like if you were on a mission together ((ngl I think Price probably would put the pieces together and would try to push you both together by sending you off on the same mission - fulfilling his Dad Captainly duties)).
You'd probably have known Ghost for a while before he starts to open up to you - it's superficial stuff, like maybe when his birthday is or his favourite food, little details that didn't really give any crucial information away, but you knew better than to pry as it would probably just make him shut himself away more.
He'd probably be protective of you - like if the team were out at a pub after a mission gone well, and there was a creepy guy bothering you, he would loom over you to scare the guy shitless with piercing, cold eyes.
We all know that as soon as Soap figures out that Ghost has a crush, he's going to absolutely want to take the piss out of him for it...he just needs to pick his words carefully, since he chooses life :))
It's hard to tell when or if he would actually confess his feelings to you - I can see it happening in one of two ways:
1 - You almost died on a mission, and he deeply regretted not telling you before when he thought you weren't going to make it back to base in time; he visited you every day while you were in hospital, and ended up bluntly just coming right out with how he felt because he needed you to know.
2 - Soap tells you before he can. With this scenario, I don't see Ghost blowing up in a fit of rage - it would be the silent death stare with the promise of an arse-kicking in the training room, maybe even making the Sergeant clean the bathrooms with a toothbrush for a few months for good measure. Ghost probably wouldn't even deny it, and would wait for you to come to him... and whatever happens next is a mystery ;))
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
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*Ahh my fellow Scot - just to preface, Scottish slang and dialects vary across the country and I'm not 100% sure where Soap is originally from, so I'm just going to improvise and use local slang from where I'm from ~*
My guy wears his heart on his sleeve - he's naturally very flirty with you from the get-go, so it wasn't hard to figure out that he fancied you.
"Hello, Darlin', if yer wantin' a tour of the base, don't be feert* to gie me a shout ;D" [feert = afraid] [gie me a shout = ask me; gie = give].
With his flirty nature, it was difficult to discern if he was actually being serious about liking you, or if he was just flirty with everyone.
He'd probably realise that he was going about things completely wrong, and would make normal, friendly conversation to get to know you - he just wants to prove that he's a good guy and not a raging hornball :(
The longer time goes on, he starts to tell you more about his life outside of the SAS - he comes from a big family, he's the youngest sibling, his favourite colour, etc.
I can absolutely see his chest puff up a bit with pride when you compliment his skills - he disposes bombs and risks his life all the time, its his job and he doesn't expect praise other than a curt "good work" from his superiors; but from you, the tips of his ears are turning red, and a smile is practically splitting his face ~
Definitely doesn't use the excuse of training to get some time alone with you - not in a creepy way, he just likes spending one-on-one time with you.
If he really trusts you, he asks you to help trim his hair - he did do his mohawk mostly by himself but trying to do the back of his head on his own was an actual nightmare.
Likes watching the look of concentration on your face as you make sure that his hair is even - winks at you when you catch him staring~
(Y/N): There we go - a job well-done, if I do say so myself.
Johnny: *just admiring your smiling face, smitten*
Would probably ask you out then and there, a hopeful glint in his eyes.
Certified Best Boy™.
Captain John Price
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This guy doesn't fuck around - he's older, mature, and knows what he feels, and straight up tells you.
He'd call you into his office for a "chat" - queue you absolutely shitting yourself, being called for a chat with your superior in any circumstance automatically has you going through everything you've ever done prior to this moment to see what he could be mad about...
If you were a Private or any rank beneath him, he probably might hesitate to tell you a bit; HR really wouldn't like it but then again they wouldn't need to know... ;))
If you were a medic, nurse, doctor or civilian, he wouldn't hesitate to tell you.
The Team wouldn't know he even had a crush on you - even if you were on base, as a soldier or medic, they wouldn't have a clue.
The only time they grew suspicious was after they had all been to the pub and after a few too many drinks, one of the new recruits started talking about you and how he thought you were fit; Price's eye twitched slightly, eyeing the recruit with a poker face but with a slightly flash of anger in his eyes, cigar between his teeth.
"Bit inappropriate to speak of a comrade like that, Private, don't you think?" The Private sheepishly let out an apology.
Gaz and Soap gave each other a knowing side-eye; Soap looked to Ghost, who stared back blankly - he'd figured out that the Captain liked you ages ago, he was just waiting on everyone else catching up.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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I see him as another guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, so to speak.
I think he's the silent type though - while Johnny will flirt with you openly, regardless of where he is or who he's around, I think Kyle would be more discrete about it.
At first, it would be the little things like making you your favourite tea when he's making his own cup - sometimes he'll just make you your own, delivering it to you with a little smile.
He even offers to spar with you during training - he wouldn't go easy on you but he would be missing the usual fire that he has when training with other members of the team, he doesn't want to hurt you :((
As he gets more comfortable with you, and you with him, he absolutely loves to wind you up.
I think he'd be a genuinely funny guy, so be prepared to laugh until your sides hurt.
He'd probably express his feelings for you in a cheesy but still down-right cute way; probably shows up at your door with flowers and asks you out on a date.
((Proud Dad™ Price is just around the corner))
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Another certified Best Boy™.
Honestly, he probably didn't speak to you at all for the longest time - not because he was intentionally trying to be rude but because if he feels like he has nothing good to say, then he just won't speak at all.
His social anxiety probably fluctuates day-to-day; one day he feels alright, can make small talk with others on base and do whatever he needs to do. But then the next day, he won't leave his room unless he has to, and when he does he's just this hulking mass of poorly concealed anxiety.
I think his anxiety would probably accidentally be projected outwards and would make him appear more intimidating, especially when all people can see are his eyes underneath his hood. Poor baby :(
He definitely knew that he had a crush on you - he's anxious in social settings, crowds, and he knows what that feels like - but with you? He gets full-on butterflies and he's scared to speak in case he says something embarrassing.
You'd most likely have to make conversation first, keeping it casual as to not scare him off - ironic, since the man is over 6ft and is built like a brick shithouse.
It would take time but he'd slowly open up bit by bit.
The first time you saw him out in the field - completely different ballgame entirely.
Who is this guy and what has he done with Konig??
He probably confesses his feelings on the way back from a mission, still high on adrenaline and confidence.
Oh he absolutely full-on panics when the adrenaline wears off and the penny finally drops...but he meant what he said. He really likes you, Maus.
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lilbadgyu · 29 days
I saw your requests are open -
Could you do Wonwoo thinking YN and Joshua are together? Kind of based on what Joshua said on Youngji's show about people taking his actions the wrong way (like opening her milk for her). Joshua is attentive and nice and YN is sweet and a good listener but they're just friends - two very American pals in Seoul. Wonwoo is a little discouraged but he has the wrong idea because YN is actually interested in someone else...
Thank you! Hope your getting back into writing here brings you lots of happiness 😊 @mykpopficblog
an: omg yes! lowkey that video with joshua and dk with youngji is one of my faves! (edit: i got the two videos mixed up 😭)
Friends: 전원우
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✧˚ · . Friends by Chase Atlantic
Seventeen Master List Word Count: 909
✧˚ · .Warnings: jealousy? but not super jealous
✧˚ · . Summary: Wonwoo always has his eyes on you, seeing how you are around the other members, but starts to notice that you and Joshua are close.
✧˚ · .AN: i am sorry if there are any mistakes or weird spellings i just got my nails done and it's lowkey really hard to type lol
it was another day in the practice room, but it was getting close to the end; and that meant dinner. seungcheol came up with the idea that everyone joins dinner. it was friday night, and the team worked hard this week, and seungcheol wanted to treat you and the boys to take out.
you stood to the side, watching everyone pay close attention to the choreographer. they were rehearsing for their soon to be tour, and they wanted it to be perfect. you found it funny when they messed around, but yet they always got back on track. your eyes scanned the whole group, but they always landed on wonwoo. you two were close friends, but over the years you found yourself s,owly falling for him.
no matter what it was, he was beginning to catch your attention big time.
the boys were dismissed for a ten minute break, everyone rushing over to their stuff to get a drink of water; or even check their phones. joshua walked over, and you handed him his water. "well thank you, i hope that you're not bored already." joshua chuckled, taking a sip of his water.
"nope, you guys are very entertaining." you laughed along.
wonwoo;s head turned towards you direction, his water in his hands. his eyes locked on your smile as you talked to joshua, wondering what he said that made you laugh. "uh oh, someones jealous." dokyeom joked, putting his hand on wonwoo's shoulder.
"no i'm not, i'm just checking in on her." wonwoo dismissed quietly, his eyes still locked on you.
joshua sat next to you, scrolling through his phone while you two talked. wonwoo watched from the distance, he was quiet but his mind was speaking a million words a minute. he never asked about who you liked, or if you had a partner; he kept it to himself. wonwoo knew that you and joshua were close, and even friends for a longer amount of time. he knew that you two went to high school together, and that you would come visit whenever you were able to. just this last year you moved to korea to be closer to your high school best friend.
"hey shua," you said, catching joshua's attention, "do you know if wonwoo is seeing anyone?"
joshua was caught off guard, "whoa, wait... do you like wonwoo?" joshua replied.
"oh nevermind, i shouldn't of asked." you replied quickly, hiding your face in your knees.
joshua chuckled, "oh don't be embarassed, i promise you he is as single as single can be." he joked.
everyone was called back to finish up the last 30 minutes of practice. once they ran through ss many songs as they could, they called the end of practice.
everyone gathered their things, and all made their way out of the building. you and joshua walked together, discussing what you asked eariler. wonwoo walked with mingyu, his mind filled with millions of thoughts. "alright, what's on your mind?" mingyu asked wonwoo, breaking the silence.
"do you know if joshua and yn are... together?" wonwoo asked, his eyes locked on the back of your head.
"uhh, no i don't i just know that they've been friends for a long time." mingyu answered.
"that doesn't help." wonwoo sighed.
mingyu took a second to put two and two together, "oh my god you like yn." mingyu spoke wth excitement.
wonwoo nodded, "well, considering that her and joshua have been friends for a while; i'd say no, but who knows." mingyu shrugged.
everyone gathered around the table, food was on the table; enough to basically feed a whole school. you were sat between joshua and wonwoo; wonwoo kept his body turned the other way. "hey woo, can you pass the noodles?" you asked,
no reply.
"woo, can you pass the noodles?" you asked again.
no reply yet again.
"jeon wonwoo can you pass the noodles?" you spoke up, wonwoo's atention instantly to you, grabbing the pot of noodles, "god, what is going on with you today?" you growled.
wonwoo got up, pushing his chair in so then you could get out. "what?" you asked.
"are you coming or not?" wonwoo asked.
seungcheol looked to you two, "what's going on?" seungcheol asked.
"nothing, we'll be back." wonwoo answered as you got up.
you two walked to where you weren't seen by the other members. "ight, are you going to explain?" you questioned.
wonwoo was faced away from you, he was quiet. you repeated your statement once again, but wonwoo kept turned around. "alright if you aren't going to answer, then i'm going to go back to dinner." you said, beginning to make your way back.
you felt him grab your arm, "are you and joshua together?" he asked quietly.
"what?" you asked.
"are you and joshua together?" he asked again, leaving a short pause between each word, his head down.
you couldn't believe what he was asking, "wait? what? where did you get that idea from?" you questioned.
"you two are always so close, and you only moved here because of him. you two have to be dating." wonwoo answered.
"you're joking right? you do know that joshua and i are literal best friends. i don't date my friends, and besides that i like someone else." you laughed softly.
wonwoo was taken back, "i bet it's mingyu."
you sighed with a shake of your head, "no silly, it's you. it's been you." you replied.
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spidernuggets · 6 months
Hi! First time requeating something and i hope i’m doinv it right, but if you want could you write Reader meeting Jason’s family? Like, titans + bruce and his siblings? Ans Reader is nervous cause she doesn’t know how they’ll react to her and she wants to make a good impression and she’s anxious n stuff? Tysm! 🩷🩷
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
OH MY DAYSSS, your first time requesting?!?! And you picked lil ol' me?!?! Got me blushing and kicking my feet. ANYWAYS, i hope this fic brings you justice to your request. If you don't mind, I'll split it into two, half for Titans, other for Batfam!!
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BATFAM (based on WFA):
You were pacing around the steps of Wayne Manor. Jason wanted to bring you up to the manor with him, but he wanted to make sure all his siblings and Bruce stayed in check before you arrived. In all honesty, he was more concerned about his family's behaviour rather than yours. He also doesn't really care what his family thinks of you. If they don't like you, screw it. He'd pick you up, throw you into a plane, and move to a beautiful island with you.
You were biting your nails, but then realised that you were standing in front of the richest man's, let alone Batman's house, and biting your nails might make you look bad for Jason. Then you looked at your nails. The polish was chipped, and your nails were jagged. And your skin seemed dry. God, no, now they were sweating?!
One little thought led to another. How did your outfit look? Shit, is it creased? Is that a stain? Maybe you should've worn something more formal, more expensive, perhaps.
Your body moved faster than your brain could think and turned, wanting to make a run for it. But before you could take another step, a certain butler opened the doors.
"Ah! And you must be Ms. Y/n, correct?" The old man asks, a welcoming smile on his face.
Your shaking hands wiped the thin sweat away along your pants as you turned and an awkward grin on your own face. "U-uh, yeah. Yes, I am. Hi." You stammer, reaching your hand out as Alfred shakes it.
"My, you're as wonderful as Master Jason decribed you as. Come in, come in," he steps aside, letting you in.
Okay. Maybe this whole family meeting thing isn't as bad as it-
"So you're Todd's girlfriend?" A short boy who appeared out of nowhere says.
You look down on him. Thinking he'd be as nice as Alfred, you tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, smiled and replied, "Yeah, I am. You must be Damian?"
Damian tilts his head to the side and hums. "Do you participate in any form of combat?" He asks, as if it's a normal question to ask someone you meet for the first time.
"Uhm... No.?"
"Hm. I would've thought Todd would have dated someone similar to him," the kid mutters. That statement made your knees shakier than they should have.
"Alright, scram, brat." You've never felt more relieved to have heard your boyfriend's voice. The last time you felt this relief was when you were held at gunpoint, and luckily, Jason showed up right on time.
"Tt. You were the one who wanted us to meet her," Damian scoffs.
"Yeah, and now your time is up. Thanks for letting her in, Alfred," Jason says as Alfred nods and heads off to fulfil other responsibilities, and Damian also leaves, most likely to tend to Titus. "Don't worry about Dami, sweet thing. He's like that to everyone," he kisses your forhead.
You lean against his shoulder. "But I need everyone to like me!" You complain.
He rolls his eyes. "I'm the only person who needs to like you. If no one else does, fuck them. Besides, there's literally no reason for anyone not to like you," he wraps his arm around your shoulders, guiding you to the living room where everyone was.
"Okay, everyone. This is Y/n," Jason says upon walking in. The second everyone's eyes were on you, you wanted you run away, jump out the window, have the floor swallow you whole. Anything to get you out of this situation.
You were sure there would be questions bombarding you like Damian's, like, "Are you skilled in any area of combat?", "Do you know how to use any weaponry?"
Or even questions like, "Do you really like Jason, or are you in it just for the money?", "What’s your social status?", "What’s your occupation?"
What you didn't expect was a blonde girl rushing over to you, embracing you in a warm, tight hug.
"Hi! Oh my gosh, you're Y/n! I've been dying to meet you! But Jason's been hiding you away for a while," she frowns at Jason, who was behind you. Another girl, short black hair, stood behind the blonde, waving at you with a small smile. "Oh, yeah! I'm Stephanie, that's Cassandra! You can call us Steph and Cass!" She points to Cassandra.
Jason holds onto your shoulders behind you. "Okay, okay, back off, Steph," he tries pushing you away to meet the others, but Stephaine is just so keen on meeting you.
"Ugh," Stephanie scoffs, linking your arm with hers. "Jason always was so down bad for you. He literally wouldn't stop talling about you," she says while giggling while also making you blush.
Jason flicks Stephanie's forhead. "Ow! Asshole," she mutters, letting go of you. "Anyways," she starts pointing around the room. "That's Tim, Dick, Duke, and Barbara!"
"Hello," you shyly say, waving to the group.
"So you're the girl that was able to swoon Jason," Dick got up from the couch and walked towards you. "Finally, nice you meet you. My compliments to you. You really know how to tame him," Dick smirks at Jason, who was currently shooting daggers back at his older brother.
"You sure he didn't like... pay you or anything to date him?" Tim shouts from the couch.
"Quiet, nitwit," Jason yells back.
"Behave. The both of you," a deeper voice behind you said, making you flinch.
As things were getting good, you turned and saw the man of the house, making you feel smaller than you already were. "Hi- Ahem, hello, Mr. Wayne," you squeaked, feeling the need to curtsey.
Bruce smiles down at you. "Bruce is fine, Y/n. It's a great pleasure to meet you," Bruce extends his hand out to greet you, and you hope he doesn't notice your clammy hands and shakiness as you shook his hand.
"It's great to meet you, too. All of you," you say back to the rest of the family before looking back up at Jason. He sends you a wink back, telling you that there was nothing to worry about.
A bark came from behind Bruce. He steos to the side and reveals Damian and Titus. The two walked by as Damian muttered that they might as well join the rest of the family.
Your nerves were suddenly put aside. "You have a Great Dane?" You gasped, holding your hand out to the dog. Titus slowly walks up to you, first sniffing your hand, then taking a lick, accepting your affections as you begin to pet him.
"Mm. She's an acceptable partner, Todd," Damian looks up to his older bother as he observes your encounter with his pet.
"Yeah, whatever. I wasn't even looking for your validation," Jason bites back. But deeo down, he's glad his family liked you. This meant less work of him trying to praise you if any of his family tried to criticise you or your relationship.
"So. How was that?" Jason asks, walking you out of the manor, offering to give you a ride home.
You smiled up at him. "Fun. Went better as expected."
He kisses the back of your hand. "Told you they'd love you, sweet thing. Not as much as I do, though."
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"Nope, I don't wanna do this anymore," you say out of nowhere. You and Jason were already at the entrance of Titans Tower. And Jason being his bragging self, couldn't stop talking about his amazing, beautiful girlfriend to the rest of the Titans.
And a certain comment from Rachel, saying she doesn't believe this girlfriend he's talking about is real, Jason promised to bring you up to introduce you to everyone.
You were eager to meet everyone, but on the way to the tower, you started thinking about everyone and everything. They're all badass heroes, some wirh powers. And even those with no powers can still fight like crazy. And you were just some mundane civilian who didn't even pack a punch.
If you were a member of the Titans, you also wouldn't believe that Jason is dating the kind of person he's describing. And don't get yourself started on his ex-girlfriend.
Rose fucking Wilson.
You heard plenty of her. How she used Jason and the Titans, yet somehow is still a member?
And how she's also a badass who can use swords... And how she can't necessarily die... and how she has cool hair and an eyepatch...
Jason grabs onto your wrist. "And why not?" He asks, preventing you from walking away.
Your shoulders dramatically slump, and you pout. "They're gonna hate me! And don't say they won't, because if they don't hate me, then they'll definitely think I'm some lame person who just lies in her couch all day," you felt like you wanted to cry. You weren't sure if you were overreacting, but this isn't just some simple introduction with other people. This is meeting with Jason's teammates. A group of heroes, vigilantes, who saves lives for a living!
Jason'a gaze softens, taking into account your anxious state. "Hey," he gently calls out, brushing your hair away from your face and cradles your cheeks. "They're not gonna hate you. But, listen. If you don't want to do it, that's okay, I won't force you to," he kisses your nose. The light touch makes you giggle.
You take in a deep breath. "No, it's fine. I want to meet them."
He raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure? You don't have to-"
You hold his hands in yours, turning your face to kiss both of his rough palms before leaning into his touch. "I'm sure."
Jason leans his forhead against yours in reassurance before the two of you head up in the elevator.
You couldn't help but laugh after feigning annoyance when the elevator doors open, and the first thing Jason said was, "I told you she's real, motherfuckers!"
You noticed a green haired boy clap his hands in victory, receiving cash from a buffer guy with a superman symbol on his black shirt, and from a purple haired girl. You also noticed a thorny Rose Wilson, sitting beside the other girl, keeping a sharp eye on you, but you made it your best to avoid any form of contact with her.
Jason had an arm protectively wrapped around your waist as he walked you further into the lobby.
Dawn was the first one to walk up to you. To be honest, if you weren't head over heels for Jason, you probably would've tried swoon Dawn. (I'm sorry, she's just so pretty)
"You're Y/n?" She asks as she walks to you.
"Hi.. yeah, I am," you reply, shaking her hand.
"Aw, well. Jason told us all about you," she sends a knowing wink to Jason. If she knew Jason didn't want her to say anything to you yet, she would've told you all about how he came up to her, asking about what girls like, how to ask you out, how to plan the perfect first date, etc. But that didn't stop her from teasing and testing Jason's shyness. "He honestly couldn't stop talking about you. Especially ever since Rachel said you weren't real," she sends a look and raised eyebrow to Rachel. Rachel just rolls her eyes and smiles at the memory before turning to talk with Gar.
"Well, I can promise everyone I'm a hundred per cent real," you reply, leaning closer into Jason's hold.
"Jason, where have you bee- Oh. Are.. you the girlfriend?" A guy emerges from the hallway, walking over towards you two.
"Hi, yeah. And you're Dick?" You shake his hand, too as you introduced yourself.
"Yeah. Jason's talked a lot about you," Dick says, raising his eyebrows at his younger brother.
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling, hearing about all the times Jason has talked about you. "So I've heard."
"Well, welcome. I'd love to get to know more about you, but Jason. I need you to help me with a few things. It was nice meeting you, Y/n," Dick says before leaving, walking back where he came out from.
Jason rolls his eyes before stepping in front of you, holding your shoulders. "You gonna be okay on your own? It's only gonna be for a bit," Jason asks with concern.
You smile, holding onto his face before kissing his cheek. "I'll be fine, Jay."
He brings you in for a hug. "Ignore Rose. If she says anything, tell me, okay?" He whispers into your ear. You hum in response, kissing his shoulder before he lets go, kissing the back of your hand, and running off towards the same direction as Dick.
You were wrong. You were awkwardly standing there for a few seconds, not knowing where to go, what to do, or what to say. And from the corner of your eye, you could see Rose smirking at your current situation.
You thanked the gods when Dawn came back with Hank.
"It's Jason's girlfriend!" She almost squealed.
"Did he pay you or anything to date him?" Was the first thing Hank said. Dawn hit him against his bicep.
"Be nice," she said to him.
"Yeah, yeah," he muttered. "Nice to meet you," he says, offering you a fist bump, in which you retunred one to him.
Then, from behind them, you saw a vibrant pink haired woman. Damn, all these people have cool hair.
"Oh, you must be Y/n! I'm Kory," She doesn't hesitate to give you a welcoming hug once ciming up to you.
"Hi, yeah, I am. Cool hair," you try to say with confidence.
"Hm, Jason was right. You are sweet. And pretty," she winked. This made your heart race faster. "You want anything, sweetie? A drink? Food, snack?" She asked while walking over to the kitchen.
"Oh, no, I'm fine. Thanks." You call back out to her. That was a half lie. You were sort of in need of a drink. All these nerves and handshakes got your throat drying up.
Hank grunts. "You sure he didn't pay you? You're like the complete opposite of Jason Todd."
You laugh. "Yeah, he's a hot head a lot of the times."
"All the time," Hank interrupts.
"Yeah, fine. All the time," you correct yourself. "But he's actually really sweet. And real attentive too," you quietly admit, knowing Hank probably wouldn't let Jason hear the end of it.
Hank nods in surprise. "Well, maybe he isn't such an asshole. I'll still find a reason to kill him, though," he grins before walking away.
Dawn shakes her head. "He's not gonna kill him. C'mon, sit." Dawn leads you to the couch to sit on the other side of Rachel. Kory comes up, placing some snacks on the table for the others and hands you a bottle of coke as you quietly thank her.
"Rachel," Rachel introduces herself, offering her hand to shake.
You smile, "Y/n," you shake her hand.
"It's so great to meet you! I'm Gar," the green haired boy smiles. "Rach and Conner believed that Jason was lying about you being real. But thanks, because I just gained ten bucks!" He laughed, waving the money around as you laughed with him.
"So, Y/n," Rose chimes. You and Rose haven't officially met, but knowing what she did to Jason made you automatically hate her. "How did you and Jason meet?"
It was an innocent question that the rest would probably like to know. So you didn't show any signs of disliking yet.
"Oh, uhm, we met at the store I work at-"
"What store?" She interrupts, making a nerve inside you twitch.
"Uhm, a book store. It's also a cafe. I own it," you meekly reply while still maintaining your posture.
"Oh. You know, for a person dating Jason, I expected another vigilante. Or, y'know. Somewhere along the lines," she smirks.
You shrug. "Mm, well. Jason's a bookworm. Not a lot of people know that," you feign an innocent smile to Rose.
"Oh yeah. He told me some stuff about theatre and how he was quite a theatre nerd himself-"
"Thespians. He likes them to be called thespians." You interrupt her. Your shaken nervers were replaced by spite, wanting to put Rose in her place.
"So," Gar tries to break off any possible dispute. "Y/n, how long have you and Jason been dating?"
"Uhm.." You pretend to give it some thought, wanting it to seem like a longer time than Rose anticipated. "Six? Reaching up to seven months now," you reply, knowing that Rose and Jason only lasted less than a month.
You mentally punch the air in victory as Rose rolls her eye and gets up from the couch and leaves, saying she's getting herself coffee.
At the same time, Jason comes back with Dick, sending him a couple of scoffs and glares after saying, "He took too much time from him away from his girl."
"Seriously," Rachel says, scooching closer to you, "What do you see in that guy?" She quietly and genuinely asks, since all her previous encounters with Jason weren't really sunshine and rainbows.
You smile to yourself and look over the couch, watching Jason flip Hank off for no reason, your smile growing wider. "He makes me laugh," you replied.
"So? Wasn't so bad, was it?" Jason asks as the two of you walk out of the tower, ready to go home. His arm is laying around your shoulders as your head lays onto his own.
You hum in response. "They're really nice."
He kisses the crown of your head. "What about Rose? She give you any trouble?" He asks with genuine worry.
"Nothing I can't handle," you smile up at him, kissing his chin.
"That's my girl," he says back, pulling you closer, capturing your lips against his.
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You guys see what i did there... at the end... was the reference obvious...
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stanfanfiction · 1 year
Taste of You - Ken x fem!reader - PART FOUR.FIVE
Heeyyy babes!! Your constant support and outpouring of love it SOO amazing, I truly never expected anyone to even read my writing and having so many of you tell me how much you like it is beyond anything I could have hoped for.
I hope you enjoy the latest .5 chapter, which, as has become custom, is simply the fun sm*t stuff that we all enjoy. Today’s entry had some sub!/dom! Roles, on both sides ;) so I’m eager to see how everyone likes it, what they like more, etc!! Also thanks to @aloheem for suggesting trying out a tickling idea to see how Ken reacts to it.
AND thank you for sending in your requests!! I love reading what you enjoy consuming fan-fic wise and I hope I can bring your ideas to justice <3
Alright, without further ado, warnings and then let’s goooo.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY / sub!Ken/dom!reader / dom!Ken/sub!reader / mild non-con (never fully non because the sub! Is enjoying themselves and makes that clear) / light choking / spanking / bondage / overstimulation / new sensations / tickling / praise k!nk / oral fem! & male! receiving / ball touching / edging
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Ken lay underneath you, helpless as you straddled his hips but bent down, eyes staring into his the entire time. He gasped and his entire body clenched as you bit down into the area where his hip bone and groin meet and sucked hard. The headboard rattled loudly as he attempted to jerk his hands toward to free them, but they remained tightly bound above his head much to his frustration. His eyes, never leaving yours, pleaded as loudly as they could, as you had forbidden him from speaking for the time being, begging, BEGGING you to let him do *something,* anything other than lay there and suffer this insanely incredible torture that he still wasn’t quite sure how to take.
“Mmmmm, yes baby.”
Ken’s voice cut through the experience just enough for you to open your eyes, blinking, your body hot and horny and your head trying to navigate the fact that you had just been dreaming.
“You’re finally awake.” Ken was spooning you, arms and legs tangled with yours, his forehead pressed into the back of your skull. He leaned forward so his lips were perfectly caressing your ear, sending a slight tickle down you when he spoke. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up for ages.”
Your eyes adjusted and you saw the clock. 4 a.m.
“Why would I be awake at 4, Ken?” But you already knew why. It had become almost routine at this point for Ken to somehow wake you during the night for your sexual escapades that hadn’t even begun to slow in their frequency.
“You were moaning in your sleep,” he snuggled closer to you. “I was hoping you’d wake so we could do whatever you were dreaming about in real life.” His lips captured your ear lobe and bit down just enough for another little spark to shoot down to your core. You giggled and tried to pull away but he held you close and started attacking your neck, which made you giggle more.
“Keeennn! Please,” you laughed, struggling.
“Mmmmm not until you tell me about your dream so I know what I need to do to you,” he chuckled.
You paused, thinking. Ken had become incredibly confident sexually in a very short period of time, but you wondered if having him submit to you would be something he would enjoy. You knew YOU would love it but you also worried perhaps he might take it the wrong way, or feel scared or…
“I’m waiting,” Ken reminded, breathing in your scent as he nuzzled into your neck again.
Well. You *were* incredibly horny right now, and honestly pissed off that Ken had woken you before your dream had reached completion. You decided you would try, and take it slow, and let him lead everything based on his comfort level.
You managed to turn yourself to face him, and he smiled so beautifully at you.
“Ken…I think I want to try something new tonight.”
His eyes lit up. Fair enough, he did always love learning new things whenever you would teach him.
“I need you to let go of me so I can show you.”
One of the only ways lately you *could* get Ken to let you out of his embraces was to bribe him with anything even mildly related to sex, and this was no different. He relaxed so you could move as you pleased, and you sat up and turned on the bedside light.
You looked serious and were working through how to start, since you hadn’t ever tried to be dominant in bed other than what you had done with Ken, and you wanted to work out how to make this hot for him without scaring him.
You reached your hand out and he took it, and you pulled him to the front of the bed until the two of you were both standing. You had on your tiny silk nightie that he loved to pull off of you, and of course he stood completely nude, tall and muscular and…ugh, those eyes, all smiling down at you so lovingly and just waiting.. oh fuck, okay fuck, focus.
“Ken,” you said quietly, your hand reaching out to rest on his lower abs. He took your free hand in his and kissed it, patiently waiting for you to explain.
“What I want to try tonight isn’t something we have really done before.”
He leaned his forehead into yours and hummed. “Okay?” He encouraged you to continue.
“Uhm…uh, what is a word you could automatically say, no matter what state your mind was in, to make someone stop what they were doing?”
He looked confused. “I would just say ‘Stop.’”
You stared at him, so innocent in his new confusion, and you smiled. I mean, you would definitely stop anything ever if he told you to. You raised up on tip toes to kiss him.
“Then ‘Stop’ it is.” You stepped back, watching him closely to gauge all of his reactions as you reached down and pulled your nightie off, now standing naked in front of him.
His eyes shone and he immediately reached forward to grab you, but you caught his wrists. He cocked his head.
“I…don’t understand -“
“Tonight,” you said, walking towards him with his wrists still in your grip, “you can *only* do as I say, when I say so.”
He frowned. “If you tell me to just go back to sleep, I’m not going to do it.”
You laughed. “No, so, there’s this type of, well, sexual play, where one partner kind of controls the other. Like if I tell you to do something you have to do it. Oh! But, ONLY if you actually want to. Which is why saying ‘stop’ is how I would know not to make you do it.”
“But why would you ask me to do something I wouldn’t want to do?” He ignored you holding his wrists and instead used it to his advantage, wrapping his arms around your waist and thus imprisoning your arms behind your back. “I can’t think of anything you would ask me to do to pleasure you that would make me say no.”
“What if what I asked didn’t *seem* like it would pleasure me, but it actually would?”
He remained silent, working to make this make sense to him.
“Like the first time you spanked me, you asked first, because you were worried it might hurt me? Kind of like that.”
His face softened. “Ohhh, okay. So you ask me to try things to you to see if they feel good?”
“Kinda?” You felt like this wasn’t going to work, but then the image of him struggling under your touch from the dream came back, and it snapped your mind back into place. Your voice became firm. “Ken, let go of me. Now.”
Surprised, he loosened his grip, not completely but enough to where you were able to pull free. “Keep your hands at your sides.”
He still wasn’t playing along 100%, and you knew a lot of it was that it still wasn’t making sense to him. You decided you’d just have to show him.
“From this point forward, if you tell me to stop, I will. But anything else you say or do, I will keep going.” You grazed your nails from his groin up to his hip bone, and he shuddered, immediately grabbing your waist.
“No, Ken.” Your voice startled him. “Hands at your sides.”
He looked helpless. “No, I …I don’t understand.”
“I want to pleasure you slowly without you doing anything to me for just a little while.” You made your voice sound all dreamy as your fingers danced across his lower abs, and he watched you, his breath becoming a little more shallow. “Part of the pleasure I am seeking is getting to fully immerse myself in *your* pleasure, and yours only, at least for a little while. Do you understand?”
Ken seemed to be in overthink mode, trying to figure out how to get a grip on what was happening. “Stop.”
You did immediately, taking your hand back from him, watching him closely. He looked almost….angry? No, not quite that, but -
“Give me ten minutes,” you interrupted his thought process. “If you still don’t like it by then, I will stop and not try again.”
Ken struggled with accepting this, like it made so little sense that he couldn’t see how accepting your terms would actually make you happy. You reached out and slowly wrapped a hand around his cock, which had been hard and straining ever since he first got off the bed.
“Do you want to make me happy, Ken?” You kind of hated how manipulative the words sounded, despite them only being for play, but still wanted to make sure he would enjoy playing along once he figured it out.
Your question seemed to throw him off guard. His blue eyes melted into yours, his body relaxing a little, less defensive now. He gulped. “I do.”
Your grip tightening on his cock now and he groaned, reaching for your wrist again but stopping himself this time, glancing at you. You smiled, small but sexy, and that seemed to do something to him. He pulled his hand back to his side and your other hand came up to caress his cheek.
“Good boy,” you purred. You LOVED the way his posture always changed a little when you praised him, his chest puffing out a tiny bit and his face looking just a bit proud. “You remembered to keep your hands to yourself. Now let me touch you for awhile.”
He nodded, watching you like a tiger watches its prey, as you started rubbing his cock while your other hand traced lazily up his abs with your nails, his shudders indicating how sensitive he was already just by being denied control. He giggled a little when your nails grazed over a certain area, and you tried to hold back a smile at how cute his reaction was. Instead, you looked up at him and touched the area again.
“It tickles.”
“Mmmhmm, it does, sweet Ken. Can you handle it? Can you deal with it for a little longer?” Ken’s fists clenched and unclenched in time with the way you were pumping him as you kept your nails on his abs. He was desperate to touch you, to force you down and fuck you until you were exhausted. His skin broke out in goosebumps when you took his nipple in your mouth and he moaned loudly. You took your hand off of his cock and he groaned irritably before all of your nails were dancing up and down his abs and groin, and he shuddered and unintentionally leaned into you a little. He was gasping, ohhh fuck, he had probably never experienced anything even close to overstimulation other than the first time he was having sex with you. And he was so fucking stunning trying to take it to make you happy. You bit his nippled and he cried out, his hands now balled into tight fists.
You stepped back. “Fuucckkk, what a perfect boy you are. You’re doing so well for me.”
His cock twitched and he let out a small whimper. He definitely was struggling with this, but as it seemed he wasn’t actually in pain or telling you to stop, you decided to keep playing to see where it went.
“You can lay down now, Ken.”
He stared at you, his head hung a little, his neck and shoulders tight. Fists clenched, cock throbbing. Panting, eyes boring into yours. Oh my god, you stared at him to make sure this image forever stayed in your mind.
“Now, Ken.”
He slowly obeyed, pulling himself backwards onto the bed and sitting at the top against the pillows.
All you could think of was how beautiful he was going to look tied up for you.
You pulled a pair of pantyhose out of your drawer and climbed onto the bed to him. The new item in your hands made him curious, but he was still focused on only one thing.
“Can I touch you now?”
“Not yet. But you’re so patient.”
“When can I?” How the fuck did his voice sound so broken over…
“Ken,” your voice was calmer, now talking to him in your normal tone. “I want to tie you up and fuck you.”
His eyes widened a bit, realizing the pantyhose you had been twisting into a long, thin, but sturdy rope, was meant for…
He glanced up at you, and an eyebrow cocked. You wanted to slap him for making you feel out of control, again..not when you were supposed to be the one who -
“How long do you need me tied up for?”
“Until I’m finished with you.”
Ken smirked, and to your surprised offered his wrists willingly. “Then tie me up and fuck me, y/n.” He grinned, knowing he took you off guard, literally challenging you.
OH, now he was in for it.
You bound his wrists quickly, securing them to the headboard. He smiled at you the entire time, suddenly entertained by your whole new desire for play, but the smile left his face quickly as you took him into your mouth, lowering down onto him. His hips bucked at the sudden shock that went through him, and his moan of pleasure turned into one of frustration when you immediately pulled off of him. He looked down at you.
“You aren’t allowed to move while I suck on you, Ken.”
He looked incredulously at you. “How am I supposed to -“
He was cut off when you gently squeezed his balls, knowing his one particularly sensitive spot, and he gasped loudly, hips bucking again. You usually didn’t touch him here that often, as it seemed to drive him mad with passion and, well, horniness, and usually you didn’t get the chance to see how much he could take because he would tackle you and fuck you until you were exhausted.
But now, this time was different. You massaged that area again, and his head pushed back into the pillows, wrists straining against his bonds.
“Jesus FUCK.” He panted. You hadn’t ever heard him raise his voice that loudly. You felt yourself becoming wet, and you continued your gentle but consistent assault on his balls, watching him in silence as he gasped and moaned and shuddered, waiting for him to surrender to you.
He actually held out way longer than you had expected, and you felt so impossibly hot watching as he slowly went from an alpha-state to one of literal physical submission, his body no longer trying to violently break itself free from the headboard except for some exhausted tugs, his voice almost hoarse, his body completely covered in a cold sweat.
“Please, please, pleassee….” He begged, voice breaking a little. “Please, y/n, I can’t. I can’t - ahhhh, FUCK, please.”
You stopped your torture, and a huge exhale rattled through his body, attempting to soothe itself. You climbed on top of him, straddling his waist.
“Hi, sweet boy.”
He looked up at you, completely at your will, still panting, and his sweaty hair and mildly wet eyes made you feel so deeply for him. You leaned forward, placing your hands besides his head.
“You’re so good to me, Ken,” you whispered, and he leaned up to kiss you then caught himself, lowering his head back down onto the pillows. Fuck, he was trying SO hard to please you.
“Am I doing good, y/n?” He whimpered.
“You’re doing so good, Ken. You know why I had to exhaust you, right?”
“Because I wouldn’t stop moving,” he choked, gasping for another breath.
“Good, Ken. You learn so quickly.” You glanced at the clock and saw he had held out almost the full ten minutes now, but you wanted to make sure he was okay before delving in any further.
“Ken? Is it alright if I keep going?”
His entire body went rigid, his biceps clenching tightly, as if ready to jerk himself free of his restraints if necessary - or if he actually could this time. He never took his eyes off of you, contemplating his answer. You leaned down to his ear to whisper, and you felt the shiver that ran through him.
“If you’re a good boy, I’ll let you touch me for a moment.”
He nodded then. “Yes, please, anything, I’ll do anything -“
You captured his lips in yours and he moaned into you, almost as if he was thanking you and his lips pulled yours roughly into his mouth, his tongue darting into yours to clash with your tongue for a brief moment before you pulled back. He looked devastated.
You reached for the restraints and his eyes brightened.
“Only one for now,” you said, untying his left hand and making sure that his right remained firmly connected to the bed. “Because if you need me to stop, I might not be able to hear you. If you need me to stop at anytime, I want you to slap my leg, really hard, so I know. Okay?”
He held onto your every word, nodded when you were finished, trying to figure out what it was you were going to do. He began moving his hand to your waist then caught himself and paused, waiting for instructions.
“Mmm, I have the best Ken,” you cooed, and he smiled a little. You allowed him to rest his hand on your waist as you straddled his face, slowly lowering yourself down onto him.
You had barely come into contact with his nose when you felt his free arm tighten around your thigh, pulling you closer into him, and you cried out, grabbing the headboard for support as his lips roughly sucked on your clit, pulling hard. He moaned hungrily into you, and you forced yourself to make sure you didn’t fully collapse onto his face, his tongue and lips so eager and rough, and his moaning into your opening was the most vulnerable yet hot you could remember feeling in your life.
You began moving your hips a little, trying to maintain your attempt at dominance, but fuck if it wasn’t almost impossible while working against Ken’s strength and enthusiasm. He wrapped his arm around your thigh tighter and almost forced you still as his tongue penetrated into you, licking and flicking and then his lips sucking around your opening in a dizzying sequence.
“Ken…I…ah, fuck, okay, I need -“ You yelped as his arm freed itself of you momentarily only to spank your cheek sharply, the pain shocking you but not having time to react because he immediately forced you back down onto his face and held you until you came, your knuckles white from holding onto the headboard and you cried out over and over as an intense orgasm washed over you. Ken didn’t stop until your body began becoming limp, from which he then removed his arm and you un-straddled him, sitting next to him on the bed.
He lay there, one arm bound above his head, his hair a mess, his face flushed and covered in your juices, and he was grinning at you.
"I like you making me submit to you. That was fun." His free hand reached for you. "Now untie me so I can fuck your dripping pussy. I am losing my mind."
You forced yourself to maintain control as you quickly grabbed his hand and began tying it back up.
"Hey, hey!" he protested, but you were quicker and he was bound again within moments. You moved back to look at him, confused, and *now* he looked a little angry, but you knew it wasn't from actual anger, more just not getting his way, which is something he didn't enjoy. *Especially * when he was this horny.
He grit his teeth and jerked hard on the restraints. "Let me out of these."
You cocked your head. "Mmmm, no."
"When, then?"
"When you've orgasmed."
He growled. "That's what I am actively *trying* to do!!"
You sunk down onto him then, no warning or buildup, and he cried out in ecstasy, his entire being melting as if relieved.
"Ohhh, fuck, y/n, my love…thank you, thank you, thank -"
You reached up and placed a hand around the base of his throat, just barely, not even applying pressure. He looked up at you, and despite not experiencing this before, the look he gave you made you all the more hot, and you wrapped your fingers around his neck, squeezing ever so slightly. He moaned loudly, and his eyes had that gorgeous teary look that you had seen the first time you had fucked him - his own special mix of love and pleasure and experiencing something amazing for the first time. He thrust up into you then, and the sharpness of it told you he was already way too close to climaxing.
You pulled your hips off of his, sitting on his waist but keeping your hand around his throat. The noise he made when you left his cock was like a mangled cry, and his eyes went into dominance mode, that look he gave you when he was warning you things were about to go his way.
"But you're not the one in control this time, Ken." Your hair brushed his face and you squeezed his throat a little harder. "I am. And you don't get to cum until I say so."
You swore you saw stars in his eyes when you sunk back down onto him then, fucking him the way you knew he loved, and you removed your hand from his throat to press down onto his hips like he always did to you. That did something extra for him and he groaned, jerking against the restrains again, and the image of him slowly coming undone because of you made you so tempted to just untie him and finish you off the way he wanted - the way you knew you both wanted - but you had come too far to quit now, and once again when you knew his orgasm was close, when his abs began their gorgeous tightening and his hips bucked up into yours, you let him slip out of you again, and he literally sobbed.
"You're not doing a very good job at not moving, Ken."
You tried to keep your head together as he glared down at you, and you knew *exactly* the thoughts that were swimming through his mind: jerk himself free of the headboard, force you down onto the bed, his fingers bruising themselves into you as he fucked you like he was in heat as you held on for dear life.
You had one more trick up your sleeve, and decided you had best do it now because you weren't sure if you would ever be successful at getting Ken tied up again after tonight. You got your only other pair of pantyhose and ripped them in two.
Ken's eyes grew huge and you expected him to fight back, but to your surprise he didn't. He lay, watching you while you pulled his legs open, tying each one to an opposite best post, until he was splayed out in front of you, unable to thrust up even if he tried.
He remained silent as you climbed back onto the bed and leaned down, gently taking one of his balls into your mouth while massaging the other. His head fell back and his moans were beautiful, as you decided you wanted to be gentle the rest of the night but still wanted to see how far you could push his stamina.
After he began squirming from a little too much sensation, you moved back up to his cock, your lips wetly sucking and licking around his tip, and you loved watching how much he was trying to move his hips. He seemed to be working really hard to play along now, though, because the gritted teeth and glaring eyes had morphed into your name almost being sung as you touched him, sucked, licked, loved on him, before kissing and biting your way back up his abs and chest to his face.
You looked down at him now and he at you, those baby blues lost in you, telling you he was yours to do with as you pleased. "I surrender," he whispered, and you gasped. How was this so…incredibly…
"I love you," he said.
You took his face in your hands and kissed him then, and he allowed you to lead to how deep and invasive the kiss became before leaning down to mark his neck with your lips. He moaned contentedly every time you did that, and this time was no different.
You were going to make him feel *sooo* good.
You lowered yourself back down onto his cock slowly, clenching yourself around him as hard as you could until he was fully inside you, and his head rested on one of his arms still bound beside his head.
"You're doing such a good job, Ken."
"Mm…I…good..Ken…" His moans were accompanied by an attempt at words every few breaths as he became less coherent.
You fucked him gently and he was so sensitive that his body began to tremble a couple of time. Each time you would stop fucking him until he calmed down and then you would begin again, his voice becoming more of a whimper the longer you edged him on, and at last when it seemed every ounce of energy had been drained from him, you gave him what he deserved.
He lay limp, shuddering, moaning incoherently, muscles still spasming of their own accord as much as they could muster after becoming exhausted.
"You've done so, so incredibly well, Ken." The shock of you allowing him his release was like a lightning bolt shot through him and he sobbed your name endlessly, head thrown back, eyes clenched as his body convulsed underneath you.
You watched him closely as he began to calm down, tears stinging his eyes, his body still shaking a little. You got up and tore off his restrains one by one, untying his hands last, and his tired muscles fell by his sides as he lay underneath you, panting.
You were scared now. Was this how he felt when he had spanked you for the first time? Like, that he could have actually gone too far? Had YOU gone too far?
"Ken?" you didn't meant for your voice to come out in a whisper. "Are you okay?"
He looked at you, rolling his head on the pillow to do so, as he seemed too tired to even raise it at the moment. "Kiss me," he demanded, soft and delicate, but you knew it was a command.
You kissed him deeply and he did the same, and his eyes locked on yours when you pulled back. "I love you so much, y/n."
You spent the next hour taking care of him. You sat upright against the headboard and he relaxed into your body, his being nestled against your chest and in-between your legs, humming sleepily as you massages his hands and wrists, peppered him with kisses, told him how much you loved him and cuddled his face. At one point he took your legs and folded your ankles across his waist, his forehead leaning into your neck.
"Just like being close to you," he murmered.
After having come down for awhile, he began to shiver a little and you coaxed him into the shower where you gentle bathed him off, the heat making him comfortable again, as your fingers danced across his body with soap suds, and he held you under the running water close to him, one arm wrapped around your waist and the other holding the side of your face as he languished himself in your kisses.
You both ended up back in bed just as the sun was beginning to rise, and you thanked the gods that you didn't have class today as Ken pulled you into him like always, but unlike usual, he fell asleep almost instantly, and you got to experience him sleeping around you, hearing his little moans and breathing, feeling his body limp and relaxed all around you. You hugged the arm that held you to him and nuzzled into the pillows, drifting off.
Ken's voice broke through your sleep, and you blinked your eyes open. The room was bright with the day's sunlight, and you had a moment of struggle to come to, you had been so deeply asleep.
The moment your eyes adjusted, you looked up and saw Ken beside you, kneeling, his cock looking painfully hard and a smirk on his face. You attempted to move but realized your wrists were bound above your head tightly, and you saw Ken's fist clenched around a leather belt in his right hand. You sucked in air sharply, already overwhelmed when you hadn't even been fully awake a whole minute ago.
Ken leaned over you now, your mind racing as he stared down at you, kissing you lovingly before nipping at your lower lip and running the belt gently up your thigh.
"Now," his words made you already want to tremble, "it's my turn."
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(Pst. I plan to complete the second part to this as a "bonus" part, but wanted Ken's first sub! experience to be its own chapter. If you want Ken's dom! time, too, I'll be posting it soon, because I have SOOO many ideas and I cannot *not* write it. I promise <3)
Tags: @microwgreen @skeletonea @sunpuffsstuff @maxcsworld @michaelslover @m21-k @uncle-eggy @heyareyoulistening @cliffbar-booth @exo-wayv
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Hello hello! I got super happy once i saw your requests open again <3 i love your writing and i would love to see Price and a reader who is too recluse and uptight, cold and distanced. He somehow noticed she likes him and stuff and it turns into what you write best, something hot and more. Basically Price shaking some sense into her, breaking her down? I don’t know if this is too much detail and I don’t know if it gives any ideas. Feel free to ignore. Love you, have a best day 🧡
Thanks so much for the ask! This is really unique, and I like the concept. I'll do my best! <3 <3
TW: female reader, afab, cunnilingus
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Price scanned the meeting room as his teams filed in. The 141's operations had grown, now that Shepherd was out of the way, and new recruits with a lot of promise had come in to aid in the operations. Gaz, Ghost, and Soap sat up front, reports prepped and ready to be handed out, the logistics team sat around Alex and Farah, and sometimes, when she wasn't out doing the dirty work, Laswell would hang around the back corner, arms crossed, watching the meeting unfold. But, he was waiting for you.
You were the newest addition. Your specialty with data analysis and reporting had meant a stream of fresh, sparkling intel that was immediately actionable and nearly allowed him to predict the enemy's movements. You were a magician, and you never talked over anyone's head. Very professional, but kind. Beautiful, even though you were not a fresh-faced youth.
You also had a body that would not let him rest. He'd taken more cold showers in the past two weeks than he ever took as a teenager, and his cock was in his hand, hard and drooling, hungry to bury itself between your thick thighs.
He tried not to stare, really, he did. But, you would wear those cargo pants, belted to your waist, and he could see where your generous ass stretched the tight canvas. The way your hips swayed when you walked across the base with your data-tablet made him want to fight someone for you, even though, as far as he could tell, there was no competition in sight.
That was part of the problem. You kept everyone at arm's reach. Well, that was about to change.
Price started the meeting and tried not to keep glancing back to you in your seat. You were listening diligently, doing your job, and he felt downright lecherous at what he was about to do...
"...and so we'll be pairing off for a full facility inventory."
Groans resonated throughout the team. Complaints flooded in.
"Check the board for your partner and meet in Hanger 3. We'll start in the back storage."
"Back storage! Cap'n, unless you're lookin' for flip phones and manuals from 2007, there's nothin' we need in there," Soap protested.
"Well, Sergeant," Price grinned, "We're about to find out. Spring cleaning!"
He felt someone's presence behind him, and when he turned, he was delighted to find you there, shifting from foot to foot, waiting to be heard.
"Yes, Corporal? Do you need something? Going to whinge about the inventory as well?" He joked with you.
"N-no. No, sir. I just... I checked the board, and you are my partner, sir."
Your eyes were wide and bright. You were staring up at him and clutching that data-tablet to your chest like a shield.
He threw an arm around your shoulder and walked with you side-by-side,
"I'm just pullin' your leg, Corporal. Let's get to it."
As you worked together, the ever-observant John Price noticed a few things. First, you would stare at him when you thought he wasn't looking. Second, you would move to the opposite side of the room to work if he decided to relocate. And third, you had a bad habit of chewing on your bottom lip when you got nervous.
"You'd be no good at poker, Corporal," he commented, stacking a set of boxes near you.
"What, sir?" You looked up at him, biting that poor, innocent lip again.
"That bottom lip gives you away," you fixed it as soon as he said it, but he forced you to sit with him and asked you, "Hey, what's going on? You're doing a great job here, but I can't help but feel like you're not keen on being a part of this team."
You shook your head, sighing,
"No, sir. It's not that. I love this team... I just..."
"Just what, Corporal? We're not leaving this storage crate until you tell me. You have a crush on one of my soldiers, or what?"
Fear, now. He could see it all over your face. He reached out tentatively and put a hand on your knee,
"Hey," he dropped his voice to a dark whisper, "It's alright. I won't tell anyone."
Your voice was so small when you answered him, but gods you were brave for answering him,
"Sir... it's you who I shouldn't tell."
Price's breath caught in his chest. All this nervous energy, all this seriousness... for him? You were nervous to be around him?
"Corporal..." He was stunned.
You stood up, quick as a flash,
"I'm sorry, sir. Please forget I said anything."
You were backing away towards the door, looking like you were ready to bolt, but he reached out and grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
"Me?" He stood above you, his body looming, covering you in the small storage room. It felt like it was getting smaller by the second.
You swallowed, nodding,
"Yes, sir..."
Price reached behind you and popped the metal lock into place, sealing you in,
"Mmm... Corporal, if you only knew how long I've been prayin' you'd say that to me."
"Wh-what? Really? Captain, I didn't --"
He put his thumb on your chin, pulling the skin so that your bottom lip would be freed from your teeth, and he bent to suck it into his mouth. He wasn't kissing you so much as he was working your full, lower lip, slowly and gently, taking it between his own lips and tongue, making you catch your breath.
"In here... I'm not your captain," he smiled, kissing you fully now, "And when I'm not your captain... you give the orders. We can stop, if you want to stop."
He let the news register, showing you how true it was, backing away a bit, giving you room to say no. Price watched your face as the information sank in. It was understood, analyzed, and filed appropriately in that beautiful brain of yours, and then, the results.
You set your tablet down on the boxes and took off your shirt. He still hadn't touched you, happy to let you drive. You pulled his face to yours, placing your hands on his furry cheeks, petting his hair and knocking off his hat until it hung around his neck on its string, almost letting him kiss you, but just before he could, you whispered into his open, gaping mouth,
"I don't wanna stop."
He kissed you, then. So softly it was almost chaste. He matched your energy. If you explored him with your tongue, he explored you just as far. If you spent time kissing his jaw and neck, so did he. After a few minutes of such restrained torture, though, he was breathing heavy, and his body was begging for more.
His hands rubbed across the tight muscles of your neck and down your arms before finally discovering your heavy breasts. He let them fill his warm palms, plucking softly at your nipples and making them harden beneath his fingers.
Price spoke to you as he kissed you, as he fondled you into pliant submission,
"Do you wanna stop, love?"
You shook your head, whispering back,
"I don't want to stop..."
He bent himself like the bough of a great tree, leaning to suck your sensitive nipple into his mouth. Price warmed it with his tongue, and put it between his teeth just enough to make you writhe. Then, he slid a huge hand between your legs and felt the heat you were hiding from him there. He sighed raggedly when he found it, like he had just dropped the weight of the world from his arms.
John pressed the canvas of your pants up into the spot where your folds would part, rubbing the seam against your center, making it shove your clit back and forth along its line, making it swell and tingle. You writhed beneath his teasing, moaning from it.
"Mmm. Do'ya wanna stop, love?"
"No, fuck, no. Don't stop."
He forced open your buckle with a swift pull, snapping the metal tines and popping open your button fly. Tucking his fist into the elastic of your panties, his fingers found their soft, wet prize.
The captain sighed again, that same ragged relief, and just before he opened his mouth to speak to you again, you clasped your hand over it furiously, and warned him,
"Don't you dare fucking stop."
He chuckled, but he said nothing as he sank to his knees, looping one of your legs over his shoulder as he began to eat from your body, hungry and thirsty and needy and ready to be full of you, smearing you all over his beard, smiling all the time.
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If you liked this story, please consider buying a coffee for your favorite feral cat <3 Comments, reblogs, and kudos are also appreciated!
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Hello ! I have a request for you so I hope you can do it ! 🩷 (no rush obviously, take your time ☺️💓)
I wanted to request for Verosika mayday and (she's my favorite gal) with a cute idol reader (they're in a relationship)
example for idol reader: (basically They're cute as hell)
Can be any gender you want
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Verosika Mayday With A Cute Idol S/O
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Now, I'll start this off with the obvious: before you start dating, she sees you as competition. I mean, how dare you come onto her turf and steal her fans?!
However, it doesn't take long for her to meet you with intent of threatening you away, only for her to begin swooning over you soon after.
You're just?? So sweet??? Like??
She's enamored with you, but she thinks it's suspicious. Soon after, though, she learns that it's not an act, that you really ARE that sweet and that cute.
It isn't long until you two start dating, and she makes it VERY clear to her posse that you're off-limits because you're HER sweet little S/O.
She'll also actually refrain from fucking people, either on earth or in hell, as long as she has you. She adores you beyond belief, viewing you as just too sweet to do that to.
Now, she's got that pop star money. So anytime she sees anything that even SLIGHTLY reminds her of you, congratulations, you've got twelve.
You two would bond over music, definitely. No matter what kind of music you sing (I assume pop based on the term 'idol'), and she'll even suggest karaoke dates for the both of you.
Plus, she'll integrate herself into your professional life, too, with collabs! Interchanging, switching vocals, with one of you singing your part of the main chorus and the other doing the backing vocals, and vice versa.
Another thing: she'll have you help with writing songs and everything! It's nice dating another musician, because you both know how to support each other endlessly.
If you're a succubus and you're interested in seducing humans together, perfect, she'll do that with you! But if not, that's okay, she only needs you.
Because you're so sweet and cute, though, it'd be a long time before she opened up about her psst relationship with Blitzø and how he broke her heart.
That said, she'll write a diss track about him with lines along the lines of "fuck you, got my new boo". She's petty, even if you aren't, and unless you say you're uncomfortable, she isn't gonna stop putting you in her pettiness anytime soon.
She'll help you with outfit coordination and ask for the same in turn, figuring that if you're both coordinated, it's a sly way to show everyone that you're hers.
PDA is a must, but it'll be lower than if you weren't an idol, because she doesn't want to risk you being made upset if it's in the tabloids. Anything that can be construed as 'friendly', she'll do in public. The kissing and stuff is saved for later. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That said, if anyone ever flirts with you in public, she has no shame in making out with you or grabbing your ass right there in public, just to show that person that you're hers and only hers.
And likewise, if anyone ever flirts with her, she'll grab your hand and offer a cruel smirk while she turns them down.
"Yeeeeeah, no. I already have a fucking amazing S/O, who's most definitely better in bed than a lame fuckstain like you ever would be."
She'll try harder to get through rehab entirely for you. She wants to see that sweet, adorable smile on your face when she tells you that she's done with the Beelzejuice...
Basically, contrary to what you'd think, your sweetness an innocence inspires her to be better.
There's always a small part of her that wants to corrupt you more than anything else.
"Aww, S/O, you look almost good enough to eat~."
"Are you saying I'm sweet? :D"
She would never do that of course, but the thought is kind of just... there. But she loves you too much to ever try to do that to you.
All in all, Verosika is a good girlfriend to you, and both your professional and personal lives are filled with love and laughter together.
And she'll be damned if she lets anyone keep you apart...
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imaginedisish · 2 years
Graceland Too (Din Djarin x fem!Reader)
A/N: Hi everyone!!! Wowowow am I active this week LOL (fyi this is a re-upload. Decided to proofread one more time bc I uploaded at like 2AM last night). Here is a little sick fic I wrote for my friend who isn’t feeling too great (hope you’re feeling okay <3). The fic is heavily based around “Graceland Too” by Phoebe Bridgers but it is also inspired by “oh baby” by LCD Soundsystem. Highly suggest giving those a listen. Anyway, requests are open. Enjoy!
Summary: You’re terribly sick, but one night and one fever dream might just change everything for you and Din. 
Warnings: SMUT! 18+, Praise kink (imo at least), oral (f!receiving), fingering, reader is sick, Jedi!Reader (it’s like I only know how to write Din x Jedi!readers I stg), idiots/friends to lovers, pining, mentions of death/major violence (canon typical I'd say), cursing, probably some grammar stuff....that’s it I think. 
Word Count: 3,018
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The wind is cold as it slices you in half, but you feel overwhelmingly hot, clammy even. Sweat dribbles down your forehead as you tread across the rocks beneath your feet. Blaster shots ring out in the distance.
You struggle to pick up your pace, your boots sticking to the ground as you try to put one foot in front of the other.
“Mando!” You call out, remembering not to use his real name.  Fog covers the ground, filling the air at an excruciatingly quick rate. You’d never be able to find him in this. You call out to him again, but there’s no answer. You’d take a grunt or even a groan at this point.
Then there’s a disembodied, brittle voice coming from behind you.
“Looking for him?” It’s grating, nasally. You’d recognize it anywhere.
You turn around frantically, practically giving yourself whiplash.
“Bo Katan.” Your voice is low, hushed. Din’s body is limp on the ground, being held up on his knees by the woman in front of you. There’s a smirk on her face. She has the darksaber in her hand…
And it’s at Din’s throat.
“Let him go,” You plead. You go to grab your lightsaber, a blaster, something, anything at your utility belt, but there’s nothing there. You have no defense, just your words. “You got what you came for, you have the darksaber.”
She scoffs, shaking her head, her smirk widening. “I haven’t finished the job yet. I still have to kill you and your Mandalorian.”
Your eyes widen with fear, blurring with tears. “No please, please don’t hurt him.” Your voice croaks as you choke back sobs.
“Too late.” She moves the darksaber from his throat, plunging it into his chest with one fatal swoop.
“DIN!” You scream, crashing down to your knees next to him.
“I’m here mesh’la…” He whispers, but it doesn’t sound like he’s next to you, he’s somewhere off in the distance. His husky voice calls out your name.
“I’m right here.” He repeats himself. Your eyes force themselves open as you shove your palms into the bed to push yourself up. You almost hit your head on the top of the bunk in the process, but Din stops you before you can, his cold, gloved hands coming up to your shoulders. “It was just a nightmare.” His voice is honeyed, gentle.
You look to your left to see him standing at your side, armor off, helmet on.
“M’sorry,” You mutter, rubbing your eyes. You feel like absolute shit, worse than yesterday. Your skin is so hot that it threatens to burn a hole in Din’s gloves. You choke down a cough, the sensation vibrating painfully against your already pounding head. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
You had been sick for a few days now, and Din was doing everything by himself: the ship’s maintenance, the flying, the hunting, taking care of Grogu, and taking care of you. Now, to make matters worse, you had woken him up. You know he doesn’t get enough rest to begin with. You feel like a burden – and not just in this moment, always. You were a danger to yourself, to Din, to Grogu; a force wielding ex-Jedi, ex-Empire captive wanted by anyone and everyone. And yet, he had let you into his little clan of two with open arms. Now he was here, caring for you. You could’ve gone home, made a place for yourself in the New Republic, continued your Jedi training, but you didn’t.
You met Din. And you felt so, so guilty for the repercussions of your meeting.  
You part your lips, ready to usher him back to bed, to apologize again. But Din doesn’t leave room for you to protest. “Don’t apologize, please.” He shushes you, taking off a glove and pressing the back of his hand against your forehead. You hum lightly under his touch. He feels like ice against your blazingly hot skin.
“Your hand…” You trail off, struggling to speak, “feels good.”
Your hoarse voice sounds like nothing more than a set of incoherent mumblings, but Din seems to understand every syllable. He chuckles shortly and softly, as if the laugh was only meant to be heard by you. “That’s ‘cause you’re warmer now than you were yesterday.” He flips his hand over so that his palm rests against your skin. His forefingers and thumb rub gently at your temples, working tirelessly at your raging headache.
With his free hand, he reaches down for something you can’t quite see. Seconds later he’s holding two pills in front of your face. You immediately take them from him, no questions asked. Whatever it was, you’d take it. This was absolutely unbearable, and the constant fever dreams certainly didn’t help. You swallow the pills with no hesitation, and Din brings a metal cup to your lips.
“Drink,” is all he says, and you do.  You take the cup from his hands, the cold water rushing down your throat, temporarily easing the pain you feel there. Din apprehensively settles his arm on your waist. “This okay?” He asks, a slight shake in his voice. You nod in response, smiling appreciatively.
“Thank you,” You whisper, tilting your head to the side with affection. You swallow harshly, clearing your throat. “You can go back to sleep now if you want. I’ll be okay.”
But Din doesn’t flinch, he doesn’t move at all. He ignores your permission to leave completely. “What dream did you have this time?”
You shudder, remembering what you had seen just moments ago. Din instantly takes account of the look on your face, his grip on your waist tightening, stabilizing you, keeping you tethered to reality – to him.
You draw in a deep breath, practically coughing up your lungs in the process. “Bo Katan, s-she,” You stutter, your eyes shutting tightly in between words. You could still see it. It was ingrained in your brain, burnt into the grooves, sowed in between every empty space. You can still feel her. It was so real. “She had the darksaber and she…” But you can’t finish. Your vision is blurry, your surroundings morphing into an amalgamation of streaks of light and grey metallic colors. You blink and a few cool tears drip down your searing cheeks.
“Hey,” Din coos, his helmet inching closer towards your face, his hands still glued around your waist and atop your forehead. “I’ve got you now. It was just a nightmare. Nothing’s gonna hurt you, mesh’la, nothing.”
You cough out a laugh. “Nothing except a red-haired Mandalorian and whatever this fever is.”
But Din shakes his head. “Not if I can help it.” It isn’t until those words fall from his lips that you realize how close he is to you, how intimate this moment is. His armor is long gone, and you can see the outline of his muscles in his shoulders and arms, his deltoids, his triceps, underneath his flight suit.
“I would…” He trails off, a tremble obviously present in his voice. His confidence has completely disappeared. The vulnerability of the moment makes your head spin faster than it already is. You watch his chest rise and fall, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. You hear him suck in a sharp breath through his vocoder. “I would do anything for you.”
Anything. He would do anything? For you?
Your heart beats rapidly, threatening to combust against your ribs as Din’s hand on your forehead slides down to your cheek. You’ve forgotten your fever at this point, forgotten your headache, your sore throat. All you feel now is Din, his thumb grazing against your cheek, his fingers ghosting along the exposed slit of skin between the hemline of your shirt and the waistline of your shorts.
You want to keep him here, to ask him to hang on to you all night long, but you don’t know if you have the courage to ask. You close your eyes, inhaling through your nose, gathering your words before they spill from your lips. “Would you…” Your voice fades out, evaporating into silence, unable to finish your sentence.
“Anything,” Din’s modulated voice echoes against the walls of the bunk. “Say the word and it’s yours. Whatever you want, cyare.”
Fuck. He really means anything. Whatever you want.
“Would you stay…with me?” It’s a garbled, incomprehensible mess of a question, but as always, Din knows what’s on your mind better than you do.
Din nods immediately. “Of course.” It’s short, but certainly not curt. Those two words say far more than what they mean. “I have to let go of you for just a second, but I’ll be right back, I promise.” Ever the caretaker, Din Djarin. Eternally putting others before himself. It makes your heart pang in your chest, your breath catching in your throat.
He hesitates a moment before finally letting go of you, his hands brushing over your skin for a few extra seconds, stealing time that had already been borrowed. He slips deeper into the hull. You hear him press a few buttons in the distance, and then with a sudden flick, the lights of the hull go out. Darkness fills the room, and you can hear Din shuffling back towards the bunk.
There’s a click and a hiss, and then the sound of metal falling onto metal. Din had taken his helmet off. It wasn’t the first time he had done this. You occasionally found yourself in his bunk, clinging to him for warmth when you were on a particularly cold planet or when the Crest’s heating system had broken down, but it was rare.
“Should you keep it on?” You ask as Din pushes the covers of the bed down. You feel the mattress dip as he slides into the bunk. “I’m still sick, you know.” The last thing you wanted was to make Din feel the way you feel right now. You didn’t want him to get hurt. You had to protect him, too.
You don’t realize how close he is to you until you feel his breath fan across your lips. “No.” It’s a whisper, barely audible. “Wanna make you feel safe.”
He cuts you off. “It’s worth the risk.”
You were worth the risk.
The darkness isn’t so scary when he’s next to you. You close your eyes, listening closely to his unmodulated breaths. His arm snakes up your body, coming to rest around your waist, in the exact spot he was in before.
“Din?” You call out in the darkness. You inch forward a bit, unexpectedly bumping your nose into his. The sudden touch, the proximity, it’s all becoming too much for you to bear.
“Yes, cyare?” His voice is husky, low, rough.
You can’t even remember what it was you were going to ask him. All you can think about is how close he is, how his fingers graze over your stomach, how his breath ghosts over your cheeks, how much you want him to kiss you.
Maker, you want him to kiss you. Would he if you asked him to? Was that under the category of, anything?
“Cyare?” He’s concerned. You can hear it in the way the pet name plays on his lips, hanging around in the air longer than normal.
“I-I,” You stutter. Was now really the time to do this, to confess your feelings to Din? “I don’t know what to say.” It was true, maybe a little too true. “I just, I like you Din.”
He chuckles. Maker, it sounds so much better without his helmet. “I like you too, cyar’ika.” He’s unserious, carefree.
“No,” You mumble. You feel like a child, a padawan once again, not knowing how to communicate or to feel. “Not like that. M-more than that.” You wish you could see the look on his face, to gauge what he was feeling.
Silence takes hold of the bunk. Shit. Too much. Too much too soon. I shouldn’t have-
And then, like always, Din reads your mind. His lips come crashing down onto yours. The kiss is reckless, frenzied, deep. He molds against you, as if he was always meant to fit here. You almost regret not doing something sooner. You think, maybe you’ve wasted valuable time that you could’ve already spent with this side of him. But you know you’ve lived through everything you’ve been through, just to get to this very moment, to feel his lips taking yours, his tongue sliding along your lower lip, seeking permission to explore more of you. You part your mouth, gladly accepting his invitation.
His hand at your waist travels lower, resting along the inside of your thigh. You moan against his lips at the touch. You can feel your wetness growing between your legs, the pulsing of your core. You instinctively try to press your thighs together, searching for some sort of friction, but Din stops you, using his hand to keep your legs spread wide for him.
His fingers tread achingly slow up your inner thigh, teasing you, his nails softly scratching against your exposed skin. Din’s hand finally lands on top of your clothed cunt, his thumb tracing circles into the overly sensitive spot. You’re trembling under his touch as he presses harder into where you need him most.
“S-shit,” You mutter. “Feels s-so good.”
Din swallows harshly. “Wanna taste you, mesh’la. Bet you taste so good.” Desire coats his voice. His hand slips away from your heat and you groan at the loss of contact. He finds the waistline of your shorts, tugging a bit, searching for permission.
“Please, wanna feel you,” You whimper. And that’s all he needs. Din drags your shorts and panties down your legs. You’re not sure where they end up, but you can’t be bothered to care.
Din presses light kisses against your inner thigh, his stubble scratching lightly against your skin, until he finally reaches your core. His tongue begins to explore your folds, pushing through before finally settling on your clit.
“D-Din!” You cry out as he takes the sensitive bud into his mouth, sucking roughly. “Fuck, feels s’good.” Your words slur and your eyes blur as he laps at you.
“Tastes so good, so fucking sweet.” The vibrations of Din’s voice against your clit pushes you closer to the edge. You were already practically there.
He brings a finger to your folds, spreading your slick before sinking deep inside of you. The sensation coaxes a moan from your lips, and Din takes this as a sign to add another finger. He gives you a moment to adjust to him before pulling out and crashing back into you. He’s pushing further inside you as he takes you on his tongue. Nothing else matters, and nothing else will ever be the same.  
“Doing so good for me, sweet girl,” He soothes, his tongue swirling around your clit as his fingers thrust in and out of your entrance. “You sound so pretty when you say my name.”
“Din.” It’s a whisper, a plea. More, please, more. “Don’t stop. Fuck.” His free hand glides under your shirt, pushing your bra up and out of the way. He takes a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, pinching lightly, rolling the nub around before switching to the other. He squeezes softly, luring you closer to your breaking point.
“Taking me so good, being such a good girl,” Din groans. You throw your head back against the pillow. His words alone were enough to drive you mad. “Gonna make you come, gonna give you whatever you want, mesh’la.”
His name rolls off your tongue. You’re unsure of where it starts and where it ends, whispering it over and over again like you’re trying to commit this moment to some eternal memory.
His tongue presses harder into your clit, his fingers pumping faster, deeper inside of you. You couldn’t hold back anymore. You were right there, your walls tightening around Din’s fingers.
“Din I’m gonna-,” But it’s impossible to get the words out. You’re a bleating mess underneath him.
“That’s it, come for me, pretty girl. Wanted this for so long,” His praises, his confessions, send you over the edge, searing heat spreading across every inch of your body. “You’re so beautiful, so perfect for me.” You can feel yourself shattering under his touch, your walls fluttering around him.
“F-fuck Din,” You whimper, riding out your high. Din slowly laps at your swollen clit, his fingers gently pumping in and out of you a few more times before pulling out. You feel empty without them. “N-need more. Need to feel you.” You can’t help but beg. It wasn’t enough. You wanted all of him, needed all of him.  
“Not tonight, cyar’ika,” Din breathes as he finds his way back next to you. “Don’t wanna push you too far. You’re sick, don’t forget. I promised I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, remember?” There’s a faint laugh in his voice, a certain genuine happiness that you can’t wait to hear more of.
“Tomorrow?” You ask, shifting so that your head rests against his chest.
“As long as you’re feeling better…” He trails off for a second, mulling his words over in his head before continuing, “I’ll do anything you want me to.” You know there’s a smile tugging at his lips, you can hear it. It makes your heart flutter in your chest. “Get some rest, okay?”
You nod your head, nestling even further into him. You wrap a leg around his waist, and he follows suit by wrapping his arms around you.
“Goodnight, Din.”
“Goodnight, mesh’la.”
No longer a danger to herself or others
She made up her mind and laced up her shoes…
Said she knows she lived through it to get to this moment
Ate a sleeve of saltines on my floor, and I knew then
I would do anything you want me to
I would do anything for you
I would do anything, I would do anything
Whatever you want me to do, I will do
I will do anything (whatever you want)
Whatever she wants (whatever you want)
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gurugirl · 2 years
Tell Me You Hate Me*
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Summary: Based on this request - You and Harry work together as bartenders and your relationship is hot and cold which infuriates you to no end. But you can't say you don't find him attractive, regardless of his cocky attitude.
A/n: I have never written anything like this before so please give it some love and keep an open mind! This is harry x male!reader/ enemies to lovers and I had a lot of fun writing this one. Thanks for the idea 🐊 anon!
12k+ words
Warning: Smut, angst, mentions of an accident, a little bit of forceful & unwanted attention/flirting (not from reader or Harry), mentions of smoking weed
You couldn't stand Harry most days. He was a cocky asshole and he didn't care about anyone but himself. You both worked the same shift at the local bar in town, Reggie’s, and so you'd gotten to know Harry by default. And when a couple of patrons were making some joke about you liking guys, Harry shut them down quickly and it left you confused because you didn't think he gave a shit.
But he was still a cocky asshole. It didn't change his personality or anything. However, you did find a small warm spot for him after that day.
And tonight, he was either leading you on or genuinely flirting with you. You couldn't tell actually. At first, it seemed genuine. You were at an after-work party for the employees at Reggie’s. The boss had hit a milestone and so he invited all of his employees (and you were sure some of his neighbors as well) to his house for a night of partying as thanks for all the hard work. And from the moment you arrived, Harry began complimenting you. Then when he cornered you in the living room, he stood close and you saw his eyes travel down your body before he lightly pinched your arm, winked, and walked away.
When you found him again a little later he asked you to join him to get a drink in the kitchen. He was standing close again, leaning in to make sure you could hear him. Told you that you smelled good. Licked his lips while he watched your mouth when you responded. Touched your arm and your chest. Your limbs heated up and the hair on your arms raised after he brushed his hand on your skin. You kind of thought it might go somewhere but you were both pulled away from one another when Harry was called over to join a game of beer-pong and Cynthia from work was going through a mini-crisis and needed your advice.
And then as the house was clearing out and most people were gone, you went upstairs to get your backpack (which was where everyone had put their stuff at your boss’s directions). You hadn't seen Harry for nearly an hour and assumed he'd left already.
But you were wrong.
The moment you opened the door to the bedroom there he was, pants pulled down with a girl between his legs sucking him off. You were stunned at first, paused mid-movement when you locked eyes with him.
The cocky smirk on his face made you feel hot but it was Harry's words as he stared back at you that had you feeling frustrated and angry even. And maybe the tiniest bit turned on. Just the tiniest bit.
"You like that don't you?" He breathed his words out as he put his hand on the back of the girl's head and you heard her hum affirmatively.
"Yeah? So fucking hot isn't it? My big cock getting sucked on..." Harry's smile was infuriating. You swallowed hard, trying to move but you were frozen as if his eyes on you had some kind of magic spell that kept you from motion.
Harry leaned back a little further and the girl worked harder, "I'm gonna come if you keep doing that..." his deep breathy voice had you tingling. Was he talking to you? Why was he looking at you when he spoke?
The girl gurgled and shifted on her knees. She still didn't know you were standing there and Harry didn't bother to notify her either.
"That's it... just enjoy it..." he groaned as his eyes got droopier, but he continued looking at you, "yess... don't stop. M'gonna come now, keep looking at me like that..." his moaned words were clear and the girl grunted and stopped what she was doing, popped her mouth off of Harry's cock and looked up at him.
"But I wasn't looking at you..." Harry laughed and took the back of her head, pushing her back down on him.
He turned his eyes back to you, "That's okay... just keep doing what you're doing."
You snapped out of it and blinked, shooting your eyes around the room, and spotted your backpack. You couldn't leave without the backpack because your keys were inside. If you walked past Harry to grab your bag the girl would know you were there but you had no choice. You. couldn't just stand there and watch Harry get head while he stared at you.
So you took a deep breath and broke the spell of Harry’s gaze and walked past the threshold of the door and grabbed your bag. The girl stopped what she was doing with wide eyes and gasped, covering her mouth.
"Sorry!" You spoke quickly but the girl hopped up and ran from the room in embarrassment. Poor thing.
Harry laughed and tilted his head to the side and nodded toward his cock, which was a very pretty cock by the way, "Want to finish me off?"
You shook your head as you muttered, disgusting, and left the room as quickly as possible. What an asshole. The way he'd just treated that girl (and you) was awful. You hurried down the stairs and shook your head. As hot as he was, he was a cocky asshole and that was the truth.
You pulled your backpack straps over your shoulders and hastened your steps away from the house. You had planned on getting an Uber but you were so flustered and upset over everything that had just happened, you figured a brisk walk would be better.
You cursed to yourself as you remembered the way he made you feel earlier in the evening. His subtle flirting and soft touches… you started to think a little differently of him, fondly even. But then that last little stunt had you feeling angry and disappointed even. Disappointed in yourself for thinking Harry was actually flirting with you. Maybe even disappointed that Harry was still the Harry you knew he was. Just a cocky asshole.
On Friday night the bar was packed. Guests filled the bar stools and tables, and Harry was nowhere to be seen. He was late for his shift. Again. It wasn’t too uncommon to have to deal with Harry being late. But on a busy Friday night? That was unusual. He was always on time when it was a busy night.
You did your best to man the bar by yourself while Cynthia and Joe served the tables and busted them between guests. Normally it was you and Harry at the bar serving the drinks and manning the cash registers. You felt your anger for Harry build with every minute that he was late.
Finally, an hour after his shift began, Harry trudged through the door with his hair pulled back in a messy bun, dark circles under his eyes, and he smelled. It was as if he hadn’t showered or bothered to make himself look presentable. You could still admit he was hot but your hatred for him at that moment overrode your hormones.
Harry walked into the back room to clock in as you uncapped two beers and handed them to the girls sitting at the end of the bar. The two girls were young. They were ID’d right away because you weren’t going to get into trouble for them being underage. But their IDs said they were 21. You’d keep an eye on them, though. They even acted very immaturely. It was normal for people to get a bit tipsy, loud, and flirty… it was part of the atmosphere of being at a bar late at night. But these two were obnoxious. In fact, they were attempting to flirt with you. Unfortunately for them, you weren’t into females. But they didn’t need to know that. If you had to suffer through their annoying screeching laughter and attempts at hitting on you, you’d deal with it if they gave you a good tip at the end of the night. You could only hope.
Harry joined you behind the bar and began getting to work right away. He served a few drinks, used a rag to wipe up the condensation and spills on the bar top, and tucked the rag into his back pocket as he went to the register to add the order to his guest’s tab. You hated that he was so fucking good-looking. His tight black jeans hugged his thighs and his ass and made that lump at the front of his zipper look like a delicacy you could snack on. He wore a black t-shirt that was loose at his hips but was the tiniest bit snug at his broad shoulders. You tried to ignore the way your thoughts turned carnal at just the sight of the fucker.
One thing about Harry was that he was actually good at his job. He rarely missed a beat, cleaned as he went, smiled and chatted when it was appropriate, and stayed professional (with the guests at least). You didn’t usually mind working with Harry. He wasn’t a bad co-worker. But when the bar would clear out and you two would be cleaning up and restocking for the following day was when his true colors shined. He was a dick.
“You were late today. We needed you on time, Harry,” you spoke to him as you poured Jim Beam into a glass and Harry poured two shots for the obnoxious girls at the end of the bar. You could smell the slightest touch of his body odor mixed with his cologne when you spoke to him. Normally Harry smelled good like cologne and soap. But today he was off.  
Harry glanced at you with an unamused look, and lifted up the shot glasses, bumping into you as he walked past. The glass of Jim Beam sloshed and some of the liquid spilled over the lip of the glass. You cursed under your breath as you corrected the issue by wiping the outside of the glass and then pouring a splash more inside.
And that’s how the night went. You’d get nary a glance from him and he continued to bump into you, jostling you and one time nearly making you lose your footing. Yet never once a sorry or even acknowledgment of his actions.
“Hey! C’mere!” One of the annoying girls was motioning to you with her pointer finger.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. Harry had just refilled their drinks. You couldn’t understand what they might want at that very moment.
You whipped the rag in your hand over your shoulder and made your way to the end of the bar the girls were seated, “What’s up?”
“I was hoping you could take a picture of us. Would you mind?” The blonde asked.
You shrugged, “Sure. No problem.”
The girl looked at her phone screen and then glanced at her friend with a grin and handed you the phone.
You watched as the two girls smushed together for the picture and then looked down at the screen and groaned in annoyance at the picture that was staring you in the face. It was of the blonde. With her naked boobs in view and the curve of her hip popped out to the side, holding her fingers up in a peace sign.
You frowned and sat the phone down and looked back to the girls who were giggling and just before you could say something Harry was plucking the phone up from the bar and laughing.
He leaned over the bar top toward the girls, placing his elbows down and turning his head to look at you before looking back to the obnoxious set, “He’s not interested in boobs. Sorry girls. Me, on the other hand…” he tapped his fingers as he slid the phone back to the blonde, “I love ‘em.”
The girls' laughter was loud and forced. It pissed you off. Harry’s attitude all night had been the worst, and now these girls were laughing at something he said, which included mentioning your preferences. It wasn’t that you cared much if people knew you liked guys. It’s just that that was your business. You told people when it made sense to. Otherwise, no one needed to know what you liked or what you were attracted to. But Harry just alluded to your preferences without even asking you if that was okay. And the way he acted with those girls was also unlike him. He normally kept very professional while he was working.
And you knew that Harry liked guys too. He liked everyone really. You’d seen him with that girl at the party, and he talked about giving head to a guy he dated a few months ago. But you’d never just freely tell people what you knew about him.
You grabbed the back of his tricep and gripped hard so he understood your anger as you leaned in to say, “Fuck you, you nasty asshole. Pretty sure they’re both minors with fake IDs anyway. Have fun getting your cock sucked by a kid.”
You steered clear of the girls the rest of the night and continued serving the rest of the guests as if nothing had happened. But inside you were fuming.
After you told Harry you thought the girls were minors he also kept his distance. Served them when they wanted something but he toned down his flirtations with them immediately. Dumb fuck.
When the bar closed Joe and Cynthia told Harry that he was going to stay after to help them clean up and restock for opening since he was an hour late for his shift. You grabbed your bag and made a beeline to the door, not wanting to do anything with Harry or hear him make any snide remarks.
Just as you opened the front door you did hear him, though, “At least I can get my dick sucked.”
You paused for a moment before walking out into the night, the door closing behind you with a thud.
You just couldn’t understand his attitude toward you or why he took up for you that day all those months ago, or why he flirted with you at that party. You decided it might be time to find another job. Harry was insufferable tonight and if you had a repeat of tonight it’d end in a fight. Harry would probably win in all honesty, but you wouldn’t back down in taking a swing at him if necessary.
The next evening at Reggie’s you were notified that Phillip was filling in for Harry. Harry had supposedly had a family emergency and would be taking a little time off. You hated to be thankful that Harry had an emergency, but you were. And the whole night at work was great. Phillip was excellent to work with and no one tried making you feel like shit. But your mind did wander to Harry a time or two. You figured he was making something up so he didn’t have to be at work. It made you feel better to think that anyway.
~~ two weeks later ~~
Your day off midweek was something you always cherished. Most people wanted to have their weekends free but you loved having a day during the week while everyone was working so you could grocery shop, go to a matinee, walk around downtown and enjoy the streets that were not nearly as busy as they were on the weekends in peace. Which is what you were doing today. You had planned on getting your haircut, then you’d sit by the river at Mary’s Tap and get a glass of white wine and Baja tacos and enjoy the sunshine, have a quick trip to Trader Joe’s, then head back to your apartment.
You didn’t have a whole lot of friends. A few close ones with whom you kept in touch but you saw them once a month and that’s really all you needed. You got enough interaction with your fellow humans at work. You were a typical introvert. You did well in social settings but at the end of the night, you appreciated your alone time at home by yourself. Some nights you felt like it would be nice to have someone to enjoy your alone time with. Maybe one day.
After you got a bit of a trim and did some window shopping on your way to Mary’s Tap. You were waiting under the bridge at the light as cars were traveling and you could see the river and Mary’s just across the sidewalk on the other side when something caught your eye.
It was Harry. And he was with a young woman. He had his arm wrapped around her back and they were walking very slowly. It almost seemed as if the woman was hurt and Harry was holding her steady. You watched on for a bit in curiosity.
They began to cross the street at the green light and they were headed your way. Slowly. You looked up and down the street, hoping it was clear so you could cross without Harry seeing you but it was too busy and by the time you turned your head back toward the strange sighting, Harry had already seen you.
You raised your brows and nodded at him and he nodded in kind before you turned back to look across toward the river hoping the light would change fast before you were forced to say something or have any awkward exchanges with him.
Unfortunately, they were headed in the same direction as you were.
“Oh. Do you guys know each other?” The young woman asked and you turned to look at her and then at Harry.
Harry gave her a soft smile and nodded, “Yeah. He’s a coworker.”
The light turned and the three of you began to walk across the street together. You felt like you were somewhat obligated to walk with them since the girl seemed nice and she responded to Harry, “Ah! Well, sorry that you probably haven’t seen Harry in a while. He’s been doing the good brotherly thing and taking care of his poorly sister for a bit,” she laughed and then coughed.
You looked at the woman and smiled. She had some similar features to Harry. You could see the resemblance now that she’d called herself his sister.
Once you were safely on the sidewalk you turned and put your hand out, “I’m Y/n.”
She smiled and put her hand into yours, “I’m Gemma. Harry’s older sister.”
You made small talk as you walked along the sidewalk and just as you were about to say your goodbyes to the pair they followed behind you to the path that took you to the river to Mary’s Tap, “Oh. Are you two getting lunch here?”
Harry nodded, “Yeah. S’Gemma’s favorite spot. It’s nice by the river and it’s a sunny day so figured some food and sunshine would be good.”
Gemma laughed and nudged at Harry, “He’s been trying to get me out of the house for the last couple of days. Finally worked today. Still so sore from the accident,” she inhaled a sharp breath as you three made your way down the steps toward the river.
You got on Gemma’s left side and reached your hand out, “Do you want help?”
Gemma nodded and Harry shrugged as he looked at you so you took her left arm and put it over your shoulder gently to give her more support as she made her way down the steps to the river.
And because Gemma was absolutely a gem (it was no wonder her name was Gemma) you sat with them when she invited you. Harry didn’t protest or act put off so you accepted. Hesitantly.
You learned that the night Harry was an hour late to work, Gemma had been in a terrible car accident that morning. He was with her at the hospital all day until they told him they needed to do surgery and he wouldn’t be able to see her until the following day anyway. He made the decision to go to work to keep his mind busy and off of the accident and how worried he was for his sister.
That was why he was late. And only an hour. Given the circumstances, that was actually quite good. You felt bad for being happy he had a family emergency that had kept him away for two weeks.
The waitress came around and took your order. You were a little surprised that Harry ordered the Baja tacos. So you picked something else off the menu not wanting to make it look like you were copying him or anything. But that was a bit disappointing. The Baja tacos at Mary’s were the best.
The three of you chitchatted and Harry was being quite pleasant to your absolute shock. You figured that he was pushing down his urge to be his usual self around his sister. He even commented that he liked your haircut. He noticed it. Another surprise.
“These are the fucking best,” Harry said with his mouth full of the crispy fish taco, “Have you ever tried these? Like, the first time I got them I couldn’t believe they were good because this is just some random tourist bar, but goddamn these are good.”
You nodded with a smile as you looked down at your mushroom burger. The Baja tacos were the best thing on the menu but you made the sacrifice and went with the veggie mushroom burger. Which was good. But not Baja taco-good.
“So… how’s it working with this dickhead?” Gemma said as she gestured toward Harry with a big grin.
Harry groaned and rolled his eyes and looked at you. He knew you weren’t a fan of his. He knew he was a dickhead. He was probably curious as to how you’d respond to his sister with this question.
You laughed and looked from Harry to Gemma, “Well, he is a dickhead. But he’s professional and he works hard. The people who come into Reggie’s like him.”
It wasn’t bad sitting with Harry and his sister. Harry was a bit more charming than he normally was. He wasn’t acting cocky or shitty. He was just being a nice, normal guy. It was a different side to him that you’d only gotten small glimpses of before. But the entire hour and a half with Harry and Gemma, Harry had been kind. And his eyes on you had you feeling like there was something there. It wasn’t obvious or anything but he'd flirted with you in the past and you’d seen the look before.
When the waitress came back you split the bill and then stood up from your chair to help Gemma up with Harry on her other side.
“Guys, I’m sorry to do this but I’ve got to pee, so…” she spoke as she stood to her feet.
You followed behind her and Harry as they made their way inside Mary’s so Gemma could use the toilet. You figured you’d help them back up the steps to the street. It definitely was for Gemma’s sake only because she was so sweet. Certainly not because you found yourself enjoying your time with Harry or that you were hoping for another stolen glance. Certainly not that.
When Gemma disappeared into the women’s room Harry turned to you, “Hey… I know I’m kind of shit. I have no good excuse for how I treat you. Or how I treat anyone else. Gemma’s accident has made me think about things a little differently,” Harry picked at his finger and looked up at you, “Anyway, I’m sorry, Y/n, for being a prick.”
You took his apology in as if you’d just won a free vacation. It was unexpected but also something you felt you deserved. You weren’t sure how to respond at first. You just stared at the handsome man for a moment dumbfounded.
When Harry grinned softly and perked up a brow he asked, “Are you okay?”
You shook your head to clear your confusion and blinked, “Uh… yeah. I’m okay. I just didn’t expect an apology at all. I’m… Well, thank you for that. I accept your apology.”
You helped Harry steady Gemma up the steps to the sidewalk and said polite goodbyes as you parted. But you didn’t stop thinking about Harry on your way to Trader Joe’s. How different he was at Mary’s Tap. He was… kind, likable even. And he apologized on top of it all. It had you regretting how angry you were with him that night and how you were glad he was gone from work with you for two weeks. He actually had a reason for it all. A fucking good reason and so you felt bad. Not too bad, though. Harry had been an absolute dick to you. There was no excuse for the way he treated you that night. But now you understood it at least.
You grabbed your favorite items at Trader Joe’s (chicken soup dumplings, Palak paneer, and cauliflower gnocchi were always on the list) and walked home with your head in the clouds a little. You’d always found Harry quite attractive. Most people did. Harry was physically gorgeous. Lanky and slightly muscular, broad shoulders, a handsome, angular face with a prominent nose, light green eyes, long, soft dark curly hair, a pretty neck… You kind of had a thing for necks and when Harry put his hair back in a bun you could stare at the back of his neck when he was turned away without him noticing. And then there was his voice. God his voice… The first time you heard him speak you thought you were in a dream. A handsomely deep voice with a bit of a rasp, and a breathy laugh, all wrapped in a sexy British accent. And god you couldn’t even get started on his dimples. Or his big hands…
Harry wasn’t just your type. He was everyone’s type. But his personality left something to be desired. You always imagined that if he were just a tiny bit nicer you’d have been more willing to suck him off that day at your boss’s party. You didn’t need a nice guy. Just someone who was respectful and didn’t treat you like shit. Your standards weren’t wildly high you didn’t feel. But Harry had been too disrespectful toward you at times.
But now? Had he really changed for the better? Did his sister’s accident make him a little nicer? Or was this just temporary?
For the first time in weeks, at your next shift, you were disappointed Harry wasn’t working with you behind the bar. Phillip was great. He’d been a star. You appreciated how pleasant he was but you had really been looking forward to seeing Harry. Finding out if he really was a little more pleasant. But that wasn’t in the cards for you that day.
Instead, at around 11 pm, a past mistake named Jude walked into the bar and as the night progressed he made it clear he wanted to see you after you got off work. He was never one to be shy, but why would he? Jude was a very attractive man. Used to getting anything he wanted. He was dressed in a button-down shirt, nice and crisp, tucked into well-fitted trousers. He had his sleeves pushed up to his elbows, showcasing his strong forearms and he kept his eyes on you for most of the night, despite the guy sitting next to him.
“There’s a small get-together tonight at a friend’s. Would be nice to have you join me if you’re free when you get off,” Jude had his elbows on the bar, leaning in toward you. The wire-rimmed glasses on his face somehow made him look super sexy. Like a hot professor or something. You were trying so hard to ignore the way you wanted to indulge in your past mistakes but his blue eyes, soft lips, curly hair, and that stupid smirk were wearing away at your resolve.
You shook your head, “I get off at 1. No one’s having a get-together at 1 am, Jude.”
Jude didn’t falter, “Love how you say my name. Always have. But honestly, my friends told me to come by whenever. They said they were staying up all night. Besides, if it winds up being too late, I happen to live in the same building…” his smile widened, “and we can just have our own little get-together. Up to you.”
And there it was.
You hadn’t gotten any in a while. Months. In fact, it might have been Jude who was last in your bed now that you thought about it. You weren’t hard up or anything but Jude was looking awfully tasty tonight.
You squinted as you looked him over before turning back to serve another guest. You weren’t going to give him an answer just yet. The last time you got involved he hurt you. You two were casually dating for a couple of months but you’d gotten too attached too fast. Jude was not interested in anything serious and you knew that. But it didn’t stop your heart from breaking every time he was out with someone else. And then one day he told you it was over because he’d fallen in love with someone else and he wanted to get serious with them. That was a big blow to your ego. He was the first man you’d ever cried over.
But now here was looking like a hot daddy and asking you back to his place to fuck. Well, he didn’t say it in so many words but that’s what he wanted. It was clear. And you did too. Maybe just a night of fun with an old fling would be fun. Right?
Needless to say at 1 am when you left Reggie’s, Jude was leading the way to the Uber he’d ordered.
The condo building was across town. On the drive to this “get-together,” Jude wasted no time in shoving his tongue down your throat and groping your crotch. But you did little to stop it. You were definitely feeling the effects of his charm. Or maybe it was just that you were missing the action.
The party was on the 5th floor. Jude lived on the 7th, you remembered. He knocked on the door and you could hear some music slipping under the door into the hallway so you figured there really was a party of some sort.
When the door swung open you were met with a pair of forest green eyes and long dark hair. The newly familiar face was staring back at you with a big grin.
“Y/n? What are you doing here? Oh my god! Harry!! Look who’s here!” Gemma shouted into the hallway behind her.
Gemma ushered you and Jude inside, the door swinging closed behind you. You noted that Gemma was still limping but she seemed to be moving much better.
“I had to throw a small party. I’ve been so cooped up and just looking at Harry’s face all day every day was driving me crazy!” Gemma spoke excitedly.
Before you turned the corner you saw him, “Yeah? Who…” he stopped in his tracks when he realized you were there.
His face brightened and then he looked at Jude, then back to you, the bright features slowly fading, “Oh… hey, Y/n. Jude. You two come together?”
“We did. And we will later on as well,” Jude said smugly turning to you with a wink.
You cringed at his dumb innuendo. It might have been funny if you weren’t standing face-to-face with Harry, who was looking like sex on legs. Harry of course didn’t even have to try. He just had it. Even with his hair in a bun and graphic t-shirt, he blew Jude out of the water. But it was the way Harry was looking at you after Jude’s remark that really had you feeling a little icky. Guilty?
Was that disappointment Harry wore on his face? You weren’t sure exactly.
Gemma limped back to the three of you with two cans of beer in hand, “For the guests…” she smiled, totally unaware of the turmoil you were suddenly faced with.
You learned the apartment was Gemma’s. She owned it. Harry lived with her. It was small but cute and the finishes were very nice. She had a balcony that overlooked a shared courtyard facing many other balconies.
There were about six other people in the apartment, all of whom you didn’t know. Jude knew a couple of them but you could hardly pay attention to polite introductions when your eyes kept searching for Harry.
When you spotted him outside on the balcony by himself, you excused yourself and walked outside with him, the cool night air hitting your skin and feeling refreshing. It was getting too stuffy inside with Jude next to you. You suddenly didn’t want anything to do with him anymore.
“It’s nice out,” you spoke. Harry turned his head to see you just as you put your elbows onto the railing, mimicking his stance looking out over the courtyard. He nodded and then turned his sight back to the courtyard below in silence.
You cleared your throat, not really knowing what to say. You didn’t know why you were so worried about what Harry thought of you arriving with Jude. It wasn’t like you and Harry were dating, or anything even remotely close to that. But somehow you wanted to feel out the situation. Maybe he liked you. Maybe he wanted more than just the occasional flirtation. But it was silly all these ideas in your head because Harry had mostly only ever been a fuckface toward you. Yet, you were soft toward him from the small handful of times he was nice or flirty. And especially after lunch at Mary’s Tap the other day. That had changed everything.
“So, Gemma seems to be feeling good. How’s it going taking care of her?” You figured you’d ask him a question that he’d need to use his voice to respond to you with.
Harry shifted and looked down further over the balcony before clasping his hands onto the railing in front of him and pushed himself so he was angled to face you, “Yeah. She’s been really good. I told her maybe a party wasn’t a great idea but she’s 30. Not much I can do. Probably be back at Reggie’s next week,” he gave a weak smile and looked through the sliding glass doors to see inside and then back to you, “So you know Jude?”
You hadn’t expected him to ask about Jude. In fact, you sort of thought that he more than likely didn’t even care. You thought it was unlikely Harry would be arsed to know about you and Jude, even if you did think you saw the smallest look of disappointment on his face.
You nodded, “Yeah. Used to date. He came into the bar tonight and invited me here…” you laughed and looked down at your hands on the railing and then turned your body to face Harry, “but, he’s just the same as he used to be. Probably shouldn’t have come back with him.”
Harry shrugged and let out a grunt of hmmph… “Well, he is attractive. Quite attractive. I can see why you’d be persuaded.”
You pulled your lips into your mouth and turned to look inside at the people, “Yeah… it’s really the only reason I did. But I’m only reminded of the past now that I’m seeing him again. He hurt me so,” you shook your head and looked back at Harry, “that’s why I think it was probably a bad idea.”
“He hurt you?” Harry’s brows scrunched together a bit causing vertical frown lines at the bridge of his nose to appear.
You smiled, “It was months ago. I started having feelings and then he wanted to see someone else. No big deal.”
Harry frowned, “He dated you and then decided to let you go for someone else? That was his bad.”
You didn’t know how to respond to that. You looked at Harry for a moment longer and then turned to look back down at the courtyard, Harry following suit. It was moments like that that made your heart pitter-patter. His intense gaze. His eyes. It wasn’t much. But it was a shared glance that was a beat longer than normal. It felt like something.
A few moments of silence enveloped you both until Harry turned his head to look at you and speak, “So, you’re not like, with him then? You’re not going back to his place after this?”
You blinked your eyes and his questions felt like an opening. He was opening up some kind of dialogue that could possibly lead somewhere. You would take the bait. Why not? What did you have to lose? You liked Harry.
“Uh… no. Definitely not with him. I’m glad I came, though. Glad it happened to be at your apartment too…” you spoke as you watched Harry closely for any sign to abandon ship but all you got was a green light when he cocked his head slightly, quirking up a corner of his pink mouth, and his eyes searched your face.
Just then, the sliding glass door was being opened and you heard Jude’s voice, “There you are. Couldn’t find where you wandered off to. So you two know each other?”
Harry stood up straight and smiled at you with a wink before patting Jude on the back and walking inside, leaving you and Jude standing on the balcony together.
You sighed as you watched Harry leave and then turned back to Jude and nodded, “Yeah. We work together.”
Jude turned to look back inside before looking back at you, “Is he the one that’s rude? Heard you talking about some guy you worked with who was an asshole.”
You rolled your eyes. You didn’t realize Jude overheard you and Phillip talking about Harry. Phillip had similar feelings about Harry’s lack of tact. But what Jude obviously didn’t hear was that you didn’t agree with Phillip anymore. You didn’t tell Phillip about Harry’s sister because you didn’t think it was your place, but you did tell him that you felt Harry should be cut some slack and that you felt like he might be going through something.
“Yeah. But Harry’s not that bad. He was kind of a dick at first but, I don’t know…” your words were cut off when Jude put his hands on the railing, caging you in and getting a little closer than you would’ve liked, “What do you say we get out of here soon? I want to get down to business with you. You are looking so good, Y/n.”
You leaned away from him as he moved his face closer to yours in an effort to kiss you. Putting your hands up to his chest to create more space you shook your head, “Actually, Jude. I don’t know. It’s probably not good to do anything. I don’t think it ended well between us last time. Ya know?”
Jude scoffed and pressed his hips to yours, “I had no hard feelings about how we left things. But I can tell you I have some hard feelings right now,” he prodded himself toward you and that’s when you felt him under his trousers.
You laughed in disbelief, pushing harder at his chest to make him move off of you, “Stop, Jude. You were fine when you broke up with me. I was not fine, though. I think I should probably just go home.”
You peered inside and saw Harry watching. He could see the spectacle you two were making, but from his view, it looked like two men enjoying one another’s company. He couldn’t tell you were uncomfortable or that you were pushing at Jude to move him off of you. When he made eye contact with you he turned and disappeared down the hallway.
“Oh come on, Y/n. You used to beg for it. Hell, I used to beg for it. I miss that dick of yours. Haven’t had such a pretty one in a long time…”
You cut his words off as you opened the sliding door and looked at Jude, “You don’t get to have my dick anymore, Jude. I have suddenly become aware of what I’m doing and I’m telling you, I don’t want it. I don’t want you.”
“Is it Harry? He’s who you want to fuck tonight instead?” Jude spoke in disbelief.
You shook your head and let out a sigh of aggravation before walking back inside.
Gemma was taking a puff of a joint when you sat down next to the coffee table on the floor with your tepid can of beer. You’d barely drunk any of it. Beer wasn’t really your thing, but you were nothing if not polite. You’d drink the beer with a smile on your face. Especially because Gemma was the one who’d given it to you. You really liked her.
The joint was passed around like in one of those 80s movies. You took a puff and passed it along to the girl who sat closest to you. Jude came back inside and tossed his can of beer into the garbage, making a bit of a commotion as he did so.
He plopped himself down close to you and sat back, palms behind himself, “Y/n and I used to date you know,” Jude suddenly spoke loudly over the guy who was talking about his job.
At that moment Harry sat on the couch next to Gemma and took the joint from her to take a hit.
“Really?!” Gemma responded. Harry perked a brow up toward Gemma and then looked at you.
“Yeah. For a few months. Didn’t work out but I saw him at the bar tonight. Didn’t even know he worked there! Didn’t know you worked there either, Harry,” Jude spoke loudly, obnoxiously and then he looked at Harry.
Harry narrowed his gaze at Jude but didn’t speak.
“That’s enough, Jude,” you spoke, quietly leaning toward him.
“I don’t think it’s enough,” Jude sat up straight and all eyes were on him, “I think I want to talk about what tonight is about. For you Y/n,” he turned to look at you and now all eyes were on you.
“What?” You scrunched your face and laughed in half embarrassment and half confusion.
“Tonight. You know what I’m talking about. You had your tongue down my throat, your hand on my crotch,” you heard a few small snickers and gasps as people listened to Jude expose everything you’d done just before you got to Gemma’s apartment, “and now suddenly you’ve changed your mind? So what was this?”
You had your mouth open to respond but you didn’t know what to say. Was he serious? Jude could be forward, pushy even, and you knew he had no shame, but this? You looked at Harry who gave away no emotion on his face. He was looking from you to Jude.
“Well? What is it? I thought maybe you were into Harry and that’s why you suddenly lost interest,” silence from everyone listening to the drama unfold before them, “but then you were just talking shit about him with your co-worker, Phillip was it? So, couldn’t be Harry,” Jude gestured toward Harry.
Now everyone looked at Harry and then back to you and then Jude. It would have been comical if you weren’t the spectacle thrown into the middle of the show.
You shook your head, “No. I wasn’t talking shit about Harry. That’s not true…”
“Oh but it is. I heard you at the bar, and then again just now I asked you and you said that he was a dick. So what is it Y/n?” Jude stared you down and you were dumbfounded. You pushed yourself up to standing and one of the guys got up and helped Jude up, saying how he thought it was time to wrap up the party and best if we left.
You ran your hands through your hair and then reached for your beer to at least take it into the kitchen and dump the contents before leaving. This had just gotten so out of hand and you didn’t know how to dig your way out of it. You could deny all you wanted, but it was your word against Jude’s and Harry had seen him close to you on that balcony and you did arrive with him. Most of what Jude said was true. Just not the important details he exaggerated.
You poured your beer out and could hear Gemma telling Jude it was a good time for him to go and you could feel how hot you were in the face. Your ears were burning, your heart was pounding. You were embarrassed and angry. You placed your palms down on the kitchen counter and lowered your head to breathe. It was so fucked. You definitely didn’t want Harry to think you were some flaky liar who was talking shit about him behind his back.
“You’re still here?” Harry spoke from behind you.
You stood upright and turned to see Harry, still no emotion on his face, “I’m leaving. I just wanted to give Jude a chance to get out of here first. Kind of don’t want to look at him. And… look, I wasn’t talking shit about you. I…”
Harry shook his head and spoke over you, “Stop. I don’t want to hear it. I know I’ve not been nice to you but I guess it turns out you’re not so nice either.”
You shook your head, “I’m… I didn’t…” you didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to hear it. Maybe it was a lost cause. “I’m sorry,” was all you could manage.
Gemma walked in behind Harry and smiled at you, “Uh, he’s gone. I think everyone’s leaving now.”
You nodded and looked from Harry to Gemma, “Hey, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for any of that to happen.”
Gemma nodded, “It was mostly just Jude. But I think it was a good time to wrap this up anyway. Getting tired,” she yawned into her palm.
You looked back at Harry hoping you could read something from him at all. Any opening. Any green light to plead your case. But all you got were his words, “Time to leave now.”
You walked passed Harry to leave and when you made it to the front door in the hallway Harry stopped you, “I saw you both on the balcony you know. That’s why I don’t believe you,” he had his arms crossed in front of his chest.
This. This was it. The opening for you to plead your case, “No. He was coming onto me. I was trying to push him off,”
“You’re kind of a liar aren’t you?” Harry smiled unamusedly as he spoke with a laugh of disbelief.
“Harry, I swear. I’m not lying here. He was too close and I was pushing him away,”
“Took you a good few minutes to push him away then did it? He’s not bigger than you, Y/n. If you wanted him off of you he wouldn’t have been practically dry-humping you like that,” Harry scoffed and took a step toward you. Now you could see some emotion on his face but it had you confused. He was mad but there was something else there. His eyes moved down your frame and then Gemma stepped into the hallway.
“Hey, do you guys think you could take it in your room or outside? Please?” Gemma looked at Harry and then at you.
“I’m leaving. Sorry…” you said as you reached for the door handle but Harry put his palm on the door to stop you and looked at his sister, “We’ll keep it down. Sorry Gems.”
You watched Harry as he turned back to you, his face set with the smallest bit of anger still, “We’re not done here. Follow me.”
Harry turned and began to walk down the hall and you stood for a moment with a bit of confusion but then you followed behind Harry and into what you assumed was his bedroom. Harry closed the door behind you and stood with his back to his door, arms crossed over his chest.
“Get it all out. Right here. Tell me how much you hate me. How much of a dick I am. How shitty I was to you. Let’s get it all out in the open,” Harry said as he gestured between himself and you.
You stitched your brows together and shook your head, “Harry… come on. I… at one point yeah, you were shitty, but let’s move on from that. You apologized already.”
Harry shook his head and pushed himself off the door, making one long-legged stride toward you, “Tell me how much you hate me. To my face.”
You blew out a breath of frustration and blinked, “I don’t. I don’t hate you, Harry.”
And then Harry did it again. He glanced downward over your body and then back up to your eyes, “Tell me now. I’m a dick aren’t I?” He brought his hands up to your shoulders and pushed at you, causing you to move back a little. He didn’t push hard but it was more like a bid for attention. Like how you’d try to nudge someone who wasn’t listening.
“No. You’re not. I don’t think that. You already…” but your words were cut off when Harry shoved at you. A little harder this time. But now you were ready for the nudge and you stood your ground, “Stop, Harry.”
“Oh, you want me to stop?” Harry stepped in closer until he was only inches from you. But you felt the heat of excitement trickle down your torso and to your knees. You kept your eyes on Harry’s bright green ones and didn’t make a move to back away. Like a dare almost. A game of chicken. Who would dodge out of the way quicker? You certainly wouldn’t. The impact would be welcome.
“No actually. I don’t want you to stop,” you spoke with as much confidence as you could muster.
“No? You want me to do this?” He tilted his head to the side in question as he shoved you again, a little harder than the last time, causing you to stumble back just a bit but this time you brought your hands up and shoved at his shoulders equally as hard.
“Yeah. I do,” your words were clear and you didn’t break eye contact.
Harry shook his head and stepped in again until the heat you felt wasn’t just from the excitement of the moment, it was coming from his body. You felt goosebumps rise on your arms when Harry spoke in a whisper, “Push me again. Show me how much you hate me.”
So you did. You shoved at him hard. You weren’t a wimp. You figured you could give him a show if that’s what he wanted.
Harry was knocked back a foot and he laughed, “Is that it? Doesn’t feel like hate to me, Y/n.”
You scoffed and pushed him again, stepping in toward him this time, “No? What’s it feel like, Harry?”
Harry’s chest began to rise and fall, and his breathing deepened. He smirked and spoke, “Feels like foreplay.”
You quirked up the edge of your mouth and pushed at his chest, but followed as he moved back from the force, “Is that what this is, Harry?”
Harry shook his head with a laugh of disbelief, keeping the smirk on his face he lifted a hand and wrapped his fingers around your neck. You swallowed hard. The simmering in his eyes told you all you needed to know. Your own breathing deepened and you stepped in so close to him that your noses were almost touching.
“Doesn’t feel like you hate me. Feels like you wanna fuck me,” Harry’s deep voice was almost vibrating on your skin as he spoke.
You swallowed again and let out a puff of air from your mouth when you felt Harry’s fingers tighten slightly, “You gonna choke me?”
Harry breathed out from his nose and smiled, “Do you want me to?”
You licked your lips and Harry dropped his mouth open slightly. You could feel his breath on your lips, warm, humid. This was foreplay. That’s what he was doing. His little act that started in the kitchen and was eventually brought to his room… you’d end it here. No more acting.
“Do it,” you spoke as you grazed your lips over his. Harry pushed his nose into the side of yours and you heard him mutter fuck before his lips were slotting between yours and he was squeezing your neck a little harder.
You sucked in air through your nose and brought your arms up over his shoulders and hands into his hair.
He tasted good. His lips were soft and his kiss was encompassing like he’d been starved. Like he needed to get his point across at how turned on he was. You got the hint. Especially when Harry walked you backward to his bed and then shoved you down onto his mattress. You fell down, your bottom hitting the comforter and you looked up at him from your position.
Harry’s cocky smirk reappeared but this time you liked it. You grabbed his arm and pulled him down next to you and pinned his arms down to his sides as you pressed your lips into his neck. You’d always wanted to kiss his neck and you could feel his pulse under the sensitive flesh of your mouth.
Harry gasped and tried moving from your hold but you only tightened it and then licked along his jaw which drew the prettiest moan from Harry’s throat.
“Want me to show you how bad I used to hate you, Harry?” You spoke against his neck and then nipped at the skin.
Harry whimpered and you felt him nod, “Yes.”
You pulled the skin on his neck into your mouth and sucked so you could mark him first and then you straddled his hips and let go of his arms as you tugged at his t-shirt to pull it up. You wanted to take a look.
You knew he had tattoos on his arms and on his chest but you’d never seen his chest bare before. There was nothing in you that was disappointed in what you saw at all. More tattoos than you realized. You lowered yourself down and sucked his right nipple into your mouth, licking around the hair and then you slid a hand up to his neck and kept him held down before you sat back to look down at him.
Harry’s pupils were blown out and he was smiling, “Again. Doesn’t feel like hate at all.”
You laughed and squeezed at his neck, “Oh you’re gonna feel it soon enough. But first I need to know what I’m not allowed to do. As much as I hated you, Harry, I’m still respectful.”
Harry laughed and brought a hand up to lift your t-shirt upward and put his palm on your stomach and moved it upward, “I usually top but I’ll bottom for a good cause. I like everything, Y/n. I’ve got condoms so you can fuck me if you want. Or I can fuck you? Or suck you… I’m open,” he put a hand over your fingers that were squeezing his neck lightly and he tightened it a bit, “you can punish me if you want.”
God did you want. You were into everything. You liked it all too. You liked a cock inside your mouth or your tight hole. You even liked just frotting. Spanking was fun to give and receive, biting, choking… If Harry was really open to anything like he said, this could be a good match.
You lowered your mouth to his to taste his lips again and adjusted your position over him so your hips were aligned. His tight jeans were leaving little to the imagination and his cock was already hard. Good. Because so was yours.
You rocked your hips gently over him and Harry put his hands on your back under your shirt, lifting his hips toward yours.
“Let’s take off these clothes,” you parted from his mouth with a gasp and got off the bed, ripping your shirt over your head and Harry did the same.
He watched you pull your jeans down and you took note of the surprise on his face when you weren’t wearing any underwear.
Harry stood up and slowly undid his pants, his eyes on yours, a cheeky grin on his face. He brought his pants down and Harry was also not wearing underwear.
You both laughed but the laughter only lasted a moment before you two were on each other.
“S’really pretty cock, Y/n. Can I suck on it?” Harry mumbled into your neck as he pressed his body into yours.
You moaned and nodded, “Yeah. On the bed.”
Harry’s cock was pretty too. And long. Longer than yours. And Harry was uncut. You loved the feel of an uncircumcised cock. The extra skin was amazing for frotting but also felt so nice inside your bum.
You got on the bed and leaned back while Harry crawled between your legs on the bed and lowered his hands to your thighs and looked up at you as he licked his pink lips, “You can fuck my mouth if you want. I know I deserve it.” His smile was devious.
He lowered his mouth to the inside of your thigh and kissed downward until he met the apex of your leg and your groin. You watched him as she took his time dragging his lips over the thatch of hair at the base of your cock and then used a hand to cradle your balls. He lowered himself down and started off with a gentle kiss to each side before licking them and wetting them as he watched you.
“Fuck…” you moaned quietly. You were well aware that Gemma was just down the hall. You didn’t want to be loud.
Harry opened his mouth and tongued at your scrotum and then he looked up at you again, “Can I pull?”
You nodded. You liked having your scrotum pulled at just a little and then the thin skin licked. Harry got to it right away. He knew what he was doing. You panted as you dropped your mouth open.
Harry’s free hand traveled down to your perineum. He pressed it gently with his thumb and moved up and down which got your heart racing. You moaned.
Harry released your scrotum and smiled up at you, “Can I lick your taint?”
You nodded again and Harry switched out the thumb he was using for his tongue and you shivered.
His nose was nudging into your balls as used his tongue to lick up the small patch of skin next to your anus. You keened and sucked in a sharp breath, then a husky pant fell from your mouth.
Harry slowly brought his hand up to your dick, wrapped his big hand around your shaft, and began yanking upward. He moved himself up and sat back before bending over to spit a gob of saliva over your tip. He smoothed it down, leaving a shiny path under his palm and then he opened his mouth as he lowered himself, licking the tip with his wet tongue and kissing your slit.
“Oh god…” you whispered in anticipation of what he was about to do.
Harry looked at you as he stroked you upward with one palm, “I’ve been wanting to do this to you for so long now, Y/n. I hope you like it.”
Harry’s lips wrapped around your tip and that was it for you. You threw your head back and whimpered as he sucked you off. He didn’t go too deep. He kept one hand at your base and pumped while he sucked, licked, and moaned over your tip and a few inches of your dick underneath.
You bent your knees and lifted your hips a bit as you looked down at him, “Holy… oh god…” you kept your volume low but it was hard with your cock in Harry’s mouth.
Harry’s pupils had dilated and his mouth was wet and pink as he slowly pulled his mouth from you, “Come on. Give me my punishment. Fuck my mouth,” his voice was raspy and deep and you could feel his breath on your tip.
You laughed. He really wanted it. So you’d give it to him.
Moving Harry back, you pushed his chest and sat up to your knees, and pointed at the bed, “Lie down on your back.”
Harry moved to lay down flat on his back and watched as you straddled his chest and angled your cock downward to his lips, “Open wide.”
He wasted no time in obeying and you wasted no time in pushing your cock back into his mouth. You went slow at first. The angle was good. You liked getting your cock sucked like this but you knew how it could be a bit rough so you let him get used to it as you began to slowly get yourself deeper inside of him.
When he swallowed around your tip and you heard the first gurgle you smiled down at him but continued your thrusts, “Pinch me if you need me to stop.”
Harry shook his head and sucked around you which made you gasp with delight.
You began pushing down into him harder, hearing his gags and watching his spit drizzle down his face made you feel like you were in control. You loved how it looked having your cock fuck his pretty face.
“I used to hate you,” you groaned as you held onto the headboard, the wet sounds of his mouth being pumped into, “Always wanted to put you in your place.”
Harry squeezed his eyes closed as he listened to you tell him how angry he made you, “Wanted to fucking punch you in your handsome face,” you panted continuing your plunges.
“Wanted to choke you and now I can with my cock down your throat.”
Harry moaned around your cock and you grunted with your pace. You began to vibrate, feeling your orgasm start to build fast. You watched the scene below you and Harry seemed to be enjoying it as much as you were. With one hand on the headboard and your other in his hair you pulled at his roots, “This is what you deserve for everything you put me through.”
You warned him you were coming but he was almost even more eager to take you deeper. He swallowed around your crown just as you released into his mouth. You groaned and shivered as Harry continued sucking and swallowing until you were spent and sensitive.
Harry chuckled when you finally pulled yourself out of his mouth and you looked down at him with a grin, “Fuck, Harry.”
You hadn’t expected him to take it like that. He seemed to enjoy having his throat fucked. And it was hot. You always imagined Harry would be strictly a top with his attitude but he most definitely wasn’t a top when he was gagging and drooling as you were grinding your dick into his mouth.
You collapsed onto the bed next to him with your chest rising and falling heavily. You turned your head to look at the man next to you and he had his hand around his own cock, slowly pulling at it as he watched you with droopy eyes. He hadn’t come yet but he already looked totally fucked out. Harry was gorgeous.
You rolled over to kiss him. His mouth was warm and salty. But you could tell right away how much he was dying to have you touch him so you lowered your hand and pressed your palm over him with your fingers grazing his balls and the hair that surrounded his thick cock.
“What do you want, Harry? I think I got all my anger out,” you laughed as you spoke against his lips.
Harry chuckled and you felt him nod, “I’d say you did,” Harry’s voice came out scratchy and raspy. Harry backed away from the kiss and his face was angelic with a soft smile and parted lips, “You said you like everything. Can I fuck you?”
You had come already but you wouldn’t mind feeling him inside. Perhaps you could even come again with some time. You nodded and grinned, “Whatever you want.”
Harry let out a pant and nudged the tip of his hard cock to yours and he keened with a pained look on his face. He looked down between your bodies and put his palm over his cock and the tips of his fingers around yours so they were pressed together, “Want to fuck you, stretch you open. M’gonna come so hard. You’re so fucking hot, Y/n. God…” he pressed his mouth to yours as he rutted his dick against yours slowly.
His words were sexy and his scratchy deep voice was making your insides turn. You never imagined yourself doing this with him. Well, you’d imagined what he might be like in bed, but never thought it’d actually happen.
Harry rolled over and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom. He put the condom over himself and he seemed bigger and thicker than he had been when you first saw him hard. He was so ready to get his dick wet that he was a little shaky as he slid the rubber downward.
Harry looked down at you as you were still lying on your back waiting for his next move.
“I really like when it’s missionary. You can bring your legs up and I can enter you like this,” Harry kneed up to you and grabbed your ankles, pushing them up so your ass was exposed. He poured a healthy dollop of lube over your anus and you felt his fingers slipping around down there.
You liked this position too. You liked being fucked regardless but being able to see Harry’s pretty face was a bonus. Plus, you could have him stroke you while he was fucking you if you wanted.
You moaned when Harry plunged two fingers into your hole. Harry kept his eyes on yours and bit his lip as he fucked your hole a bit harder and then looked down to where his fingers were disappearing inside of you. You closed your eyes and your breathing picked up once again, heavy breaths falling from your mouth when his fingers were grazing your insides and adding that delicious pressure you loved.
“You’re so ready for me, Y/n. So pretty. Can I fuck it now?” Harry was looking at you with his cock in his hand when you opened your eyes and nodded, “Fuck me, Harry.”
Harry’s crown dipped in slowly before he pulled back and grunted a curse before going back in again and sucking in a sharp breath, “Oh fuck…” his deep voice was a bit loud and you hoped Gemma couldn’t hear. You were not into having friends hear you having sex.
Harry’s gentle pushes and pulls into and out of you were nice. You felt the burn with how wide he was but once he was thrusting into you and reaching deep it was good. Really good. Your prostate was being pressed into and sent zips of electricity through your veins.
Harry kept hold of your knees as he plunged deep into you, his breathing was ragged and he was quivering above you, “Y/n… oh my god… you feel so good… looks so good” he whispered as he kept his eyes on the spot his cock was connected with your ass.
You pulled at your thighs and held your legs open as you lifted your neck to watch him fucking you. His abs were flexing and his thighs were holding him steady in a healthy rhythm.
You could only moan quietly and gasp when he dipped in deep. Words weren’t finding you. The bed started to gently rock as Harry bucked into you. He reached down and wrapped his hand around your dick and you whimpered loudly, unable to control it. It felt so good to have your ass fucked and your dick stroked at the same time.
Your mouth dropped open wide at the feeling of letting Harry control everything. You didn’t think you could come again but if he kept up his strokes and thrusts like he was you would definitely be spurting all over your tummy.
“Fuck, Y/n. I’m gonna need more of this with you. Shit, you’re so tight. So hot…” Harry gasped his words as his strong thighs held himself up and over you. He hastened his pace and his pink lips were parted with small grunts and bursts of groans.
Harry placed his palms down on the mattress and continued fucking into you as you reached down to put your hand around your cock. You knew you could come again. Harry was doing everything right and when he’d given a little attention to your dick while he was fucking you it brought your prick back to life. You were hard and ready again.
“Yes…” you moaned as your body was being rocked with Harry’s plunges. Harry’s chest got more flushed the closer he got to the finish line and he dropped down to bring his lips over yours.
You whined into his mouth and the bit of electricity that you’d felt coursing through your body turned into a light and butterflies. Harry’s lips were wet and soft on yours and you were feeling something more than just being fucked. It was making your heart flutter with something new.
You both whined in breaths as you continued kissing and your hand stayed wrapped around your dick as Harry pushed into you. You could feel him shaking and you began to tremble when your own orgasm was coming so close.
“Can you come, Y/n? Come for me?” Harry grunted his words and kept his lips on yours and you nodded, “Yes, fuck I’m gonna come again Harry…” your voice was involuntarily raised up an octave as you were so out of it with lust and warmth.
Harry’s lips paused over yours as his long strokes into you were setting your groin on fire and he suddenly gasped and whimpered, “I’m coming…” he stopped his thrusts and groaned as you spurted into your hand and a little on your chest.
The bed was still finally as you both basked in your orgasms, pumping come out from your dick and Harry’s into his condom. Heavy breaths and small grunts were all that could be heard.
Harry lowered himself again, his lips finding yours and your feet hit the mattress as you wrapped your arms around Harry’s back. He stayed inside of you for just a bit longer before he finally began to move back and slip out. You both sucked in a sharp breath at the feel and laughed at the state you were both in.
After wiping up in the bathroom and getting water Harry suggested something you hadn’t expected, “Stay the night. It’s late.”
You smiled and looked at the clock. 3 am. That was pretty late. You raised your eyebrows and shrugged, “Guess I could stay.”
Harry locked his bedroom door and turned back to you, “Oh you’re definitely staying. We have a lot to make up for. Don’t you think?” He spoke as he stepped right in front of you, and smoothed a hand up your chest.
You laughed, “I’m kind of done for the night. I came twice.”
Harry raised his brows, “I’m good. I know. We can sleep a little. But I’m not done with you,” he kissed you, his hand finding the back of your head.
This had your heart pattering and dancing in your chest again. You knew Harry was different. Something in him changed just a little bit with Gemma’s accident and even though he was still a bit cocky and mouthy, he was nicer. He wasn’t just an asshole anymore.
You parted from the kiss, “What did you have in mind?”
Harry pulled you to the bed and motioned for you to lie down, “Let’s get some rest and then see where the day takes us when we wake up.”
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simplyreveries · 8 months
hewwoooo i was the anon who requested the trey + vil with plus-sized reader :3 i really love your writing!!!! so expect me to come back here pretty often :D you can call me 🫀 anon from now on hehe (and also expect all my requests to be platonic except for trey oop)
im here for another request !! may i request the shroud brothers, vil, leona and trey with an ignihyde!reader ?? my self-insert is actually an ignihyde student based on the fates so i cant really insert myself into twst x readers with yuu!reader lol. no pressure tho <3
here ya go!! I'm super happy you liked my other one, I apologize for this one's wait i got busy!<3
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idia shroud
it’ll take a while for the two of you to become any sorts of close. i can imagine your meetings (even though he's your own DORM LEADER lmao) will be brief and vague, sometimes seemingly halfhearted when he is forced to tell his dorm something, to which he usually just messages.
you’ll find him lurking and leaving his room in the late hours to get something or go the sam's mystery shop if it's still open for instant food or stuff of that sorts. nevertheless, you still are an ignihyde student so you two do seem to get along pretty well. even in those short moments— he finds himself being okay around you.
i guess you could say he is relieved you're one of the few people who won't make idia feel utterly awkward or uncomfortable running into so that's definitely some sort of a relief for him. in fact, that usually entails you two ending up hanging out together or doing something stupidly fun together.
ortho shroud
aside from idia he actually did make an effort to get to know you in the first place and in his attempts to get idia out more, suggested you guys hang out at times! he’d claim and tell idia how interesting of a person you were— plenty of stories as someone who even has been or lived in their homelands, the shaftlands!! he wants to see everyone in the dorm get along well. so, you may see him actively trying to get you and idia to be friends as well haha
im sure you two did become unlikely friends though it's inevitable, especially with ortho. he is happy to see his brother get along with you, its very common soon enough that you guys commonly hang out together.
ortho is very sweet whenever you pass him by in the dorm or in school always saying "hello" or asking how you're feeling. he's happy to be able to get along with others in his dorm.
vil schoenheit
he's curious about you quite a bit considering he knows how the reputation of ignihyde students are well…. very reclusive and don't really interact much with others and other dorms. he has worked with ignihyde students in the past with favors and needing stuff for his film making club (like the magical wheel he needed for epel once) which usually makes him prompt to coming towards you a lot to inquire and get any tech and gadgets that could be used for films they're making… even if you may not be the most outgoing person, he’ll surprisingly feel quite easy to talk to.
if you tend to take on the habits of your fellow dormmates or your dorm leader, he will once in a while tell you to make sure you're taking care of yourself and make sure you're doing things like self-care or sleeping right. it's nothing harsh or anything but it's a small way he looks out for you as he gets closer to you throughout time.
you're like a favored student of his from that dorm, he has grown to be pretty fond of. you've piqued his interest enough and helped him out too that he does seem kinder to you in ways.
leona kingscholar
originally, he really had no interested talking to or frankly being around any of that dorm. besides like idia during dorm leader meetings, he barely even knew anyone there despite it being at least his 4th year in that school. he still finds it, unusual and even strange that you've become rather close to him (even if that may feel one sided but it's just leona ok)
he does tend to feel more content and okay with you if you’re more on the quieter side anyway. he does grow a small sense of fondness to you— he even finds himself slightly surprised as your the last person he expected to garner his attention. but nevertheless, you found yourself nicely close to him even if he doesn’t show it the best.
leona sometimes makes quips or teases about your own dorm, how considerably different the two may be. especially a lot at first before you two grew closer, he just found it strange almost, to find yourself close to him.
trey clover
its funny because besides like ortho or idia and maybe a few various students of that dorm here and there in the school— ever so introverted and quiet he doesn't see that many of your dorm. even cater himself admits he doesn't seem to really know or have any friends from that dorm and he's cater! trey will muse he’s beaten cater at that by dating one.
you may have to get used to his dorm being pretty social, considering all the events they hold whereas you’re probably used to the cold and quiet ignihyde dorms. you may have to even adjust whenever you decide to come over and see trey, especially with people like cater or ace who are heavily social.
he hopes you’ll grow and find yourself comfortable there, you’ll find him laughing bashfully when pointing out their antics in comparison to the dormmates you're used to. you'll find him chuckling asking how you manage to put up with some of them, he can only imagine how different it must be for you.
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luvhockey111 · 4 months
accidentally in love
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Based off of Accidentally in love by counting crows!!
warnings: drinking, swearing a little bit
my first piece!!! It’s not that great, just wanted something to put out and was bored this morning so decided to write this. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any requests!
Summary: Luke and y/n have known each other for as long as they can remember. What happens one summer night when y/n finds Luke awfully close to a girl? I mean they are only just friends… right?
Overview of Luke and y/n relationship
Luke and y/n have been friends since they were born; as Ellen and Julie (y/n mom) were roommates in college. By some weird coincidence Jim and Allan (y/n dad) had been childhood best friends. This has caused them to grow up across the street from each other. If you think about it, it’s destiny really. Anyways, Luke and y/n always say they are “platonic soulmates” but who are they trying to fool with the use of the word platonic? It’s definitely not any of their family members so themselves and eachother must be the ones they are trying to convince their feelings are strictly platonic..
It was a perfect boat day, the sun was warm and shining and the water was a perfect mix between cold and warm, but refreshing nonetheless. Y/n was sitting next to Luke with her legs stretched out in his lap, his hands atop them, Quinn driving, with jack, Trevor, cole and Alex fighting over who gets to wakeboard next and who gets aux. Jack happened to win both of those arguments somehow. Jack had been saying he was going to be throwing a little party tonight since it was the first week everyone was officially back at the lake. “Jack your parties always end with something bad happening” Y/n mentioned. Jack shot her a look of disbelief. “Ummm last time I checked nothing bad has ever happened to me at one of them, only the rest of you idiots”. In reality jack was right, at his first party Quinn’s girlfriend broke up with him over text. The next, Trevor broke the glass sliding door. The one last summer, the cops showed up and kicked everyone out because it was too loud but jack wasn’t around at that moment so Luke said he was in charge and ended up getting a fine. “I’m gonna bring the boat back we should start getting stuff for tonight and getting ready” Quinn told the group. A string of okays came from everyone. Y/n pov:
Right when the boat docks everyone runs off to go get ready for tonight. Luke and I go to our room- yup we share a room but I mean all best friends do… right? Our room has two full size beds but last summer we pushed them together to make a mega bed. Now it’s really no secret that I’ve been hopelessly in love with Luke for as long as I can remember. Everyone knows it. Sometimes if Luke talks about another girl or if he is talking to one and myself or anyone sees it they shoot me a look of pity. I mean it’s pathetic really, being in love with your best friend since you were legit born and not even being able to tell him. I mean we’ve done everything together our whole lives, I even went to umich for him. There’s times that I think that maybe just maybe we could be something more but every time, wannabe frat boy Luke screws it up and flirts with a girl in front of me or talks about a girl in front of me. I mean it’s not his fault- he has no idea. I was listening to some music before the door swung open and in came Luke “kit, you wanna take a shower first or should I? Or we could save water and shower together” Luke shot me a wink while wiggling his eyebrows. Kit is a nickname the three boys gave me when we were 5 because I loved cats and anytime I saw one whether it be a picture or in person I would shout kit as loud as I could. I may act like I hate it but I love it, I think of it as some form of love. “shut up Luke, you shower first get away from me.” I say while giggling and hoping my face doesn’t betray my words by getting red and hot from the blush I so desperately am trying to hide. “Whatever you say kit” he says as he comes closer to me to give me a hug. The second we hug our song starts to play. So she said, "What's the problem, baby?" What's the problem? I don't know Well, maybe I'm in love (love) Think about it every time I think about it Can't stop thinking 'bout it
The second the song starts to play Luke starts twirling me around, spinning me in his arms. Little does he know this song is literally describing my life. Ugh how I hate Luke hughes for making me feel this way. ~time skip to later that night when jacks party is in full swing~
so far jack has made me take 3 shots of some nasty tequila he’s only drinking to look cool in front of girls and other guys. I’ve had 2 seltzer’s also so far so I’m starting to feel tipsy, keep in mind I’m not much of a drinker I prefer to smoke if I’m being honest. I haven’t seen much of Luke for the past hour, which if I wasn’t tipsy I would probably be freaking out but right now I’m having a good time. Until I look over to the backyard and see some girl with her chest pressed against Luke and his arm around luke… my Luke. I could A.) go outside and cause a scene or B.) just go find some guy to flirt with. Both options aren’t great because the first one I would definitely embarrass myself and have Luke be mad at me and the second, well I’m not the best at talking to guys. Now I’m no Virgin Mary but definitely not experienced enough to be confident in talking to or hooking up with a guy. Except for one guy, Trevor. Trevor has flirted with me since the day I met him. I always flirted back to the best of my ability but in reality he knows how I feel about Luke and I know that he will never compare to Luke, but what’s the harm in trying to make Luke jealous? “heyy trev” I say while going into his side forcing his arm to go around me. “What’s up kit? You having fun? Sure sounds like it” he says with a low laugh. “I am but I need your help with something” “Anything for you kit” as those words leave his lips I feel heat rush to my face. Must be the alcohol. “Can you help me try and make Luke jealous, he’s talking to a girl outside right now and I can’t stand to watch it” I say as I can feel tears brimming my eyes. “Of course I can, you know I love to get on all of the hughes’ nerves.” He definitely has a point there. Trevor and I take two more shots for “good luck” as we go outside. I see the girl talking to Luke and she’s beautiful, beautiful like she just stepped out of vouge. My body starts to feel hot with jealousy, I turn to Trevor and he’s sitting down in an Adirondack chair by the fire so I take a seat on his lap, facing him. Trevor’s hands rest on my hips, again I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or not but Trevor is looking really good right now. Until I hear the sound of accidentally in love playing from the speakers and hear Luke come up to Trevor “Hey have you seen y/n our songs on” I turn around and all of a sudden Luke’s body tenses, fists clenched and eyes flash an emotion I’ve only seen a few times, something like anger or jealousy even, there’s no way he’s jelaous I thought.
“Oh hey Lu” I say innocently while in the background all that can be heard is
“Well, baby, I surrender To the strawberry ice cream Never ever end of all this love Well, I didn't mean to do it But there's no escaping your love, oh”
Luke grabs my arm and leads me up the stairs to our room. “What the hell do you think your doing y/n” Luke says, face red with anger. “Luke what is your problem” now I’m getting angry. Why is it okay for him to be all over other girls but I’m with one guy WHO WE KNOW and it’s a problem? “Why were you all up on Trevor’s lap like some kind of —“ he stops himself. “Some kind of what Luke? Tell me” He shoots me a look as if I am the one who just implied he was a slut. I go to try and walk out of the door when Lukes arm reaches out and grabs me. “why were you sitting on his lap you only ever sit on mine” Luke says looking defeated. Why am I starting to feel bad? “I just was talking to him and that’s how we were sitting, I don’t know Lu” “we’re you going to hook up with him?” The question lingers in the air. Was I? I mean Trevor’s hot and all but I only really have eyes for Luke but like I said Luke is never gonna happen he doesn’t even have feelings for me. “I don’t know, I mean if something happened I wasn’t gonna stop it.” Luke just dead stares at me. “You can’t hook up with Trevor, you just can’t.” “I can hook up with whoever I want to Luke”
He takes a step closer to me so now we’re only an inch apart. My body feels like it’s on fire, looking up at him with the soft glow of the moon outside he looks like an angel. Ugh What am I saying I’m supposed to be pissed at him right now. “Luke I” Within a second Luke’s lips are on mine. For a moment everything seems right, our lips fit perfectly together like a missing puzzle piece to the old puzzle you’ve had for years and you’re only missing that one piece, when finally you find it in the most blatant of spots. We pull apart and when I open my eyes Luke is smiling at me. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long kit.” He says as this thumbs are rubbing across my cheeks. “Lu can I tell you something?” “Anything.” “I think I accidentally fell in love with you a long time ago.” I say and Luke’s smile gets even bigger if that was even possible. “I think I accidentally fell in love with you a long time ago too.”
“I'm in love, I'm in love I'm in love, I'm in love I'm in love, I'm in love Accidentally
Come on, come on Spin a little tighter Come on, come on And the world's a little brighter Come on, come on Just get yourself inside her love I'm in love”
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tinkerleaf · 6 months
and since ur request are open id like to ask going to prom but whit fyodor this time
ofc feel totally free to ignore no pressure :D
have a nice day or night <33
Prom with Fyodor!
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Thank you so much!! I'm so glad you're here! This one is a little short, and I apologize in advance. These are kind of based on my experiences with my southern senior proms lol. I hope you like it! I will be writing more for fyodor soon I just haven't gotten to him yet. Words: 477 Genre: fluff Warnings: none Pairing: fyodor/reader Tags: @estelera11891
Fyodor wasn’t one for large crowds or blaring lights, but for you, he would do anything. He wore small earplugs hidden under his hair so he wouldn’t get overwhelmed with the loud music. He kept you close to him, a possessive hold making it clear to everyone who your date was. He never went to Prom, so he didn’t know how these things were supposed to go. This was completely new to him.
“Why are they playing the most random genres of music?” he asked after hearing slow country immediately after Beyonce.
You smiled, “It’s really just a mix of popular songs from this year.”
He couldn’t stand the music. He thought this event would be more like a gala, so you could imagine his surprise once inside. He didn’t know how to dance the way you normally would at a high school prom. The whole hands-on-the-shoulders thing most people did was weird to him.
He definitely believed you two were the best dressed at the venue, and whispered little remarks in your ear regarding others’ fashion choices. “I’ve never seen such a suit so loud…”
Laughter erupted from you, “That’s pretty tame compared to what I saw last year.”
“You have a pretty smile.” His eyes stared deeply into yours, his thumb gliding across your bottom lip.
When the two of you are sat out on the patio, he has an arm around your waist. He loves to talk when prompted, and your friends loved every bit of his thick accent. Anyone could get mesmerized by his soothing voice. You could listen to him for hours.
He liked getting to know your friends. Meeting the people you hung out with meant a lot to him, mainly because he wanted to ensure that you were around safe people. Listening to you interact with them was entertaining, even if there were things he didn’t quite understand.
Towards the end of the night, he wanted to do more for you. Prom seemed like such a drag compared to the other events he’d attended, so he took you for a late dinner by the ocean. There was no one else around, aside from the few violinists. This was more his pace, and he hoped it was good for you as well.
“Why don’t we dance, myshka?” He stood up and held a hand out to you.
You nodded.
“As much as I love to show you off, there’s nothing I love more than to have you like this. All to myself.” His hands moved across your body as you moved with him. His touch is so gentle when he places a kiss on your cheek. You melt into him.
Normally, you would find this stuff to be tacky, but not with Fyodor. He knows how to treat you with class, making you feel like the only one in the world.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 11 months
Day 31 -- Edward Deegan
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober 2023, Day 31 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don’t interact.
Aphrodisiacs with Edward Deegan x g/n!Sole
Lordy lordy, how I was SO excited to write for this man. And hopefully this doesn't disappoint!
Sorry it took so long to get out as well, some life stuff came up this past week that held me up, but it's out now! 😁
I hope you all enjoy immensely lol 😏
Also, thank you to everyone who indulged me this October! Your support (especially with some of these lesser-known characters) was absolutely amazing! ❤️ I'm going to be taking somewhat of a lil break for the next couple weeks to post everything on AO3 and recover lol, but after that, I'll post an update and see about opening up requests for the first time in... Jesus, a VERY long time. I'll talk to y'all then!!!
Here is the link to my  Kinktober 2023 Event List so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: Aphrodisiacs, masturbation, fantasies, voyeurism-ish, attempted confessions, actual confessions, kissing, touching, hand jobs, affection, sweetness, cuddling.
Words: 4.6k
The door burst open with a crash, almost rattling off its hinges in his haste, in his salacious wrath and desperation. Edward closed it just as aggressively, feeling the surface of his skin itch, feeling his breath pull in with heavy, heady gulps that had his chest straining at the seams. Sweat poured from him, in a way the ghoul didn’t even know it could, with his ruined skin. 
Is it happening? Is it… working?
He hoped so. 
After the hell he just went through? The embarrassment of the overwhelming heat that was encasing him, the labor of his breaths, the haze in his expression. Normally, he’s cool as can be, smooth, stoic, even, but he was gasping, shaking, and more so than that, he was tenting out the front of his cargo pants to the point of blunt obviousness. 
The symptoms don’t matter. He told himself, as the memory of Sole's baffled expression flashed in his foggy mind. As long as it works, none of it matters at all. 
They’ll see him, for the first time, he hoped, Sole would see what he was before he was… this. 
Edward didn’t like to wave his own flag too vigorously, no, he wasn’t a vain man, but he had been… maybe handsome was too strong a word, but he hadn’t been this, that’s for certain. Jack had reminded him time and time again, that he had been more attractive back before his ghoulification, but now he was more intimidating. It made his job of protecting the family and occasionally threatening people a bit easier, they both agreed on that account. 
When it came to Sole though… he wasn't sure he wanted to be intimidating. 
He didn’t know what he was doing, trying to get wrapped up with a pre-war widow(er) like them, but logic had nothing to do with this shit. Before them, he hadn’t cared, hadn’t minded the way he looked, hadn’t minded his solitude, his loyalty to this family and lack of contact with anyone outside of it. Edward had always promised not to dabble in Jack’s serums, no matter what outcomes they promised, but when it came to Sole, when it came to being… acceptable by their standards, he’d thought this was a good idea, thought it could make him… well, desirable was another strong word for him to use, but he at least hoped they could see him as something more than Jack Cabot’s bodyguard. 
Edward growled as he tugged his hat from his head, throwing it to the worn, wooden floor below. His room was dark, musty, and consisted of nothing more than a weapon’s trunk, a dresser and a single bed on the far side of the little room. He cast bits of armor and clothing over the whole of the floor as he moved towards that shoddy mattress, hearing it squeak and protest as he laid back on it and tugged at the stiff fabric of his cargo pants. His underwear followed shortly after, both being kicked to the base of the bed as he spread himself out on it. 
He felt he could crawl out of his own skin, hell maybe he wanted that. Maybe the transformation was happening now, but… goddamn, why was he so hard? Why was his mind so... stuck?
It’s true, he was usually thinking of Sole these days, but never this… disrespectfully. That curious expression of theirs as he excused himself from their and Jack’s meeting, the way their eyes had followed him out, the concern he saw there, right at the end. Oh, but how he craved their attention, even when it worried for him. 
He imagined the sort of expressions they’d make if he had his hands on them now, if he could’ve stayed, thrown Jack out of the dining room instead of leaving himself. He could take them over the table, lying down the dining mats to keep the wood from harshly bruising their soft skin as his hands moved over their body, as he laid overtop them, pressing them into the oaken hardness until they were arching against it, setting his mouth on them, his lack of lips, his hot tongue, hearing them gasp, feeling them grow needy beneath his worshipful touch. 
Edward’s breaths left him in pants now, very nearly moans as he found his dry, rough hand moving over his rigid, drooling cock. 
What the hell?
He hadn’t even realized he’d grabbed ahold of himself, he’d been so wrapped up in his fantasy. Already, the sensitive skin around his shaft burned with the ungentle friction of his hand, but… he couldn’t stop himself, no matter how he tried to use logic, tried to think about the pain his thrusting palm was causing him, it was even more painful to consider pulling away, to leave himself stiff and wanting. 
It was impossible, too, not to think of Sole. As much as it made him feel dirty, it made his teeth grit and his chest ache, there was nothing else in Edward’s head. No thoughts beyond them. He had no past, no present, no Cabot issues, no frustrations beyond the need to be near to Sole, the want to feel them in his arms, the gripping, dizzying necessity of feeling their warmth all around him, caressing, encasing his cock. 
It was shallow, it was rude, it was creepy, but fuck… it felt too good. 
He kept imaging it, in details like brushstrokes of a world-famous masterpiece, he saw the light in their eyes, the way their hair spread like a crown around their head, splendid and mussed from his attentions, the glisten of their spit on their lips, of his spit mingling there from their recent kisses, that vein bulging in their neck from the strain of holding back, from the greatness of the pleasure he brought them. 
“Sole, holy shit…” Edward rasped through gritted teeth, hearing the slap of skin as his hand moved rapidly over his erection, hitting the base of him with such force it had him flinching and bucking into his touch in the same movement. 
“Wish you were here.” He growled out, his voice a dry husk, breathless and scratchy. 
If they were here though, is this really what they’d want to be seeing? Want to be doing... with him?
Probably not. Edward’s mind tried to reason. Still though, shit doesn’t stop me from wanting it. Needing it. 
What the hell was in that serum? 
 The ghoul felt his cock might burst into flames with the increasing friction of his hand. He felt the foreskin catching at his textured palms, his calloused fingers, he felt pre-cum drooling down steadily, slicking what little it could as his hand tugged and bullied himself until tears sprung to the corners of his pale, bloodshot eyes. 
Sweat poured in rivers down the grooves of his flesh, unchanged, unsmoothed and still just as ghoulish as it’d been yesterday and a hundred years before that. 
If it doesn’t heal me… what will this serum do?
It was all his mind could afford to think. In short sentences, simple collections of words, as the bulk of his focus remained on Sole. Their face in the throes of pleasure, the imagined feel of them all around him. Their sweet scent, gritty but old-fashioned, somewhere between the adventures of the Commonwealth and home. The way their nails would scrape at his skin, the way they’d breathe his name, the way they’d seek him out, their eyes, their lips, their affections, all for him... In this ideal, fictional headspace of his. 
Still though, Edward's imagination had his body frantically catching up, growing closer and closer to his release as he painted the image in his mind of what they’d look like in the midst of their own climactic end, brought about by his hand. The way they’d cry his name, grip tightly to his cock, pull him further into their desperate grasp as they shuddered below his frame– it was so real, his imagining of it all, that Edward went tumbling over the edge right along with them. 
The ghoul couldn’t help the gasps leaving him, the moans that he begged the drywall not to allow to pass through, just in case Sole’s meeting was over now, in case Jack came to check on him, in case the house was silent, but for him. It was no use pleading with the house though, not when his voice was so stubborn. 
Not when his imagination decided to materialize something beyond his comprehension– beyond his wildest fears. 
“Shit… Ed– I’m sorry, I should-- yeah, I'll just...”
Sole’s voice was so quiet, like it was entering his ears from another dimension; distant, like melodies from a neighbor’s radio across the street. 
He almost didn’t react to their presence at all. 
No true words left the ghoul, then, as he frantically pulled the scratchy blanket over his lap on the mattress. It did little to cover the way his erection still stood, stiff and stubborn, tenting the fabric as he moved to conceal it and as much else of him as he possibly could in such haste. 
Edward allowed himself one clear of his throat, before he began apologizing, explaining his actions away, pleading their forgiveness, questioning if they saw anything– all at once in a strange amalgamation of nonsense that even he scratched his head at. 
“S-sorry. Not– This isn’t– You should probably– Ah, shit, Sole…” He ended with a defeated shake of his head, feeling embarrassment of two separate types heating his ears and cheeks with each passing moment they spent looking over at him. First, was the shame of this person that he loved and admired seeing him utterly debased and wretched in his dark little room, with their name on his tongue as he did it. Second… Well, the shame that he’d tried to change himself for them, without even knowing if they were interested at all, that he’d been so desperate as to do this to himself, rather than simply be honest with them. 
Two hundred years of protecting an ancient, powerful family from all manners of incomprehensible harm, and he was still a coward. Afraid of his own feelings, afraid of rejection, afraid of his own damn skin. 
“Are you…” Their gentle voice snapped him out of his mental anguish, “I just wanted to come and check on you. After you ran out on the meeting, well… It looked like you were gonna be sick or something. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 
Edward gulped, audibly and visually, and felt another wave of heat threaten to consume him, his cock jerking angrily below the blanket as a chill ran up his spine. 
Knock it off. His command to his body became more of a plea as he felt the serum bubbling up in his veins once again. 
“Wish you hadn’t seen this, Sole.” 
They didn’t leave, didn’t cringe or cry out or laugh at him, not when they first saw him, and not now. No, instead, Sole reached around and closed the door with a click behind them as they stepped into the dim little room, and made their way to sit on the far edge of his bed. 
“Are you alright?” Their bright eyes stayed locked to his, “What happened, Edward?”
His name on their lips was like a firebrand to his heart, setting it aglow with new, resounding affection that made his fingers twitch and his teeth grit together. 
“The serum…” He managed out, “Thought I could take some. See what happens, see if…” 
Edward’s own gasp interrupted him, as his body carried on with its basal needs without his consent. His fists clenched until his knuckles ached, until he felt the blood flow from his wrists halt in its tracks. 
“That’s what did this to you?” Sole blinked at him, their eyes remaining respectfully on his face as his body reacted to their voice, their proximity, the continuing effects of that damned serum.  Still though, even with all their unflappable respect for him, Edward could see they way their fingers fidgeted, the way their face seemed to heat, the way they so stubbornly made sure to keep their gaze on his face, and as far from his lap as they could without being overtly obvious.
"Jack said that he was experimenting a bit with the serums, but this is... Well..."
Sole cleared their throat as Edward mentally kicked himself.
Should've checked with the boss before trying this shit out on myself.
They must've seen the way he chastised himself within, for in the next moment, Sole scooted themself closer, and put a hand on his covered knee.
"I don't know if it's any of my business, really, but... Why did you take it?"
None of their business..? Edward could've laughed aloud at that. If only they knew.
"Thought it could help." He said vaguely, his voice still strained, his breath still more rapid than it had any right to be.
The place where their hand laid over his knee, even with the bed sheet keeping their skin from his, zapped life-giving defibrillations all throughout his body. It charged the blood in his veins, collected in pockets of heat in his chest, the base of his spine, the back of his head, between his legs, imprisoning the words in his head that he fought to pull out through his mouth. He wanted to tell them the truth, felt he needed to now, that they deserved to hear it, but his body demanded more. It wanted to act on his debased musings and pull Sole into his arms right now, to set his hungry mouth upon them, to tell them, not with his voice, but with the grip of his hands, the aching need of his heavy breaths, to show them, in favor of messily prying the words from his throat.
Can't do that. His true self told his body firmly, as many times as it could, to keep his hands in place on the mattress, to keep his eyes on the wall, rather than sweeping over their vault-suit clad body.
If I give myself an inch, I may not be able to stop.
That terrified him more than any other effect the serum could have on him. It scared him and made his mind and body tremble like the thought of becoming feral.
"Help what?" Sole prompted with a gentle whisper, and he could taste their breath as it washed over him. Jack's dessert coffee. Chocolate bon bons. Those sweet, frozen cherries the family has managed to keep all these years.
Edward's mouth watered.
He must've been silent longer than he realized, but finally, the ghoul was able to blink, to take in a breath and hold it there, rather than panting it back out straightaway like a dog.
Maybe it's wearing off?
He could only hope.
Yet... The persisting aching firmness of his cock, the sweat collecting at the base of his back and along his chest, under his arms, it all told a different story.
"Sorry," He all but choked out the word. "I... It was for you."
Forcibly, he took the chance and set his gaze upon their face, trying to keep his body under his firm control as he took in their reaction.
"M-me? How... Why?"
Why? He let out a dry chuckle. That's a dangerous question to ask if you want to be out of here before dawn.
"Wanted to be better. Wanted to change so you could... So we..." A forceful shudder ran through his body, stilling his tongue, forcing his muscles to clench until they knotted, making his hips buck up off of the mattress until Sole was forced to pull their hand away.
"Shit--" His voice was back to a growl: low, intense, and charged with carnal desire he only dreamed he could keep at bay. "Have to leave, Sole. It's coming back."
"W-what is?" They stayed firmly, infuriatingly, next to him on the bed, their voice concerned, but also... something else.
"Edward," He felt his cock pulse and drool below the sheet at the way his name left them. "Tell me how to help you. I want to help."
"No." The ghoul shook his head, even as it fell backwards, slamming into the wall behind him as his body writhed and demanded attention.
Fuck. He thought, his head still shaking in denial. Don't say that.
"It hurts me to see you like this. Especially if I had something to do with it."
Everything to do with it, more like.
"T-touch me."
It left him before Edward had a chance to reign it in, before his consciousness could plead with this serum-induced need of his and tell him to be patient, to speak to Sole, to tell them the whole truth, to take things slow, to make it last.
To his surprise though, instead of being offended, of scoffing and walking away, of looking disgusted or scared at his request, Sole, at last, let their eyes trail down his body. They even smiled as they bit their bottom lip, and moved their hands out towards him.
Without thinking, Edward leaned forward and into their touch, letting their palms press to the rough hills and valleys of his frame, letting them slide over his bare, glistening chest until one moved up to his face, and pulled him into a surprisingly lustful kiss.
Their passion rivalled his own, even, as they crawled almost on top of him, as their fingers thirsted for more area to touch, as they tilted their head and set their soft, warm lips upon his with vigor, kneading over his own marred mouth like his tongue held the key to their survival. It seemed theirs really did, in his case. His body needed them-- their touch-- like life needs water, needs air, needs sunshine, like a heart needs blood and a mind needs a thought. These feelings, the sensations they inspired, were a direct product of his being, but also the very reason he seemed to exist.
Edward finally gave permission for his own hands to set upon them in turn; though, he held back the force that the serum screamed to take them with. Stiffly, his palms caressed their waist, the jut of their hips, the small of their back, up to the base of their neck. He touched them like he was meant to cover them in it, like he was stained with paint meant to encase their entire being. Edward let himself kiss them, too, with the fervor this heat within him demanded. Let himself commit the shape of their lips and the sweet taste of them to his memory.
In case I never get the chance again.
He wasn't sure he'd blame them, if that was the case, but... at this point, there were many signs that pointed to something he hadn't considered.
Do they... Have they wanted me too? All this time?
Edward wished he could ask, but thoughts were like rising steam, and he wasn't able to grasp onto a single one and form it to words. Especially as Sole's hands travelled over him, as their lips left his and they moved their body downwards, adjusting so they could pull the sheet from overtop his bare form.
They did it slowly, their eyes asking before their voice could: 'Is this okay?'
He nodded to them, breathless, with his hands still firmly set upon their body, and they slid the scratchy blanket off him and to the unoccupied side of the mattress.
Sole barely took a pause, their eyes looking him over with just enough time for him to doubt their attraction-- no, their tolerance-- to and of his appearance. But then their hands were moving again, one sliding to the back of his neck, urging him back to their beckoning lips, while the other grazed over the head of his weeping cock, and took it in-hand.
"I've wanted this too, you know." Sole whispered into him, their hand moving slowly but firmly along the stiffness of his shaft, building that ever-growing heat in him to the point of pain.
Edward's mind was so addled, so distracted by their blinding touch, that he almost didn't hear what they'd just confessed. His eyes blinked open, his grip tightened unwittingly on their body as his expression pleaded 'tell me again.'
"You don't have to change a thing, Edward." Their thumb circled over the overly sensitive slit in his cock, and he pulled a hissing breath in between his teeth. "I want you just the way you are now."
Sole leaned in again, and he pressed forward more firmly than intended, thanking them with actions rather than the words he couldn't seem to muster in his current state. He moaned into the kiss, even, as their hand continued its relentless stroking, as it circled and tugged at his skin in a way more delectable than he ever seemed to master, than he ever thought was even possible.
But maybe that was because it was Sole's hand that was doing it.
They tried to pull away, to take in a much needed breath, and Edward couldn't help himself, couldn't pry his phantom lips away from their skin. He set them upon their cheek, down to their jaw, feeling the way their muscles clenched there in response, the way they shuddered when his rough lips journeyed to their sensitive neck.
Edward could feel everything.
He wasn't sure if it was the serum, or just the way his mind and heart clung to this contact-- to the fact that he was really here, doing this with Sole, with the man/woman of his dreams and most profound desires-- but he could feel every raise of a goosebump on their skin, feel their pulse thundering in their veins, could taste the essence of their being in their scent, on their flesh.
Their whole story: living before the war, the soap they'd used all those years ago, the cream they'd rubbed into their skin, and then their years locked away in their frozen prison, the hint of ice, of coolness they radiated from those long years, the ache of their great sadness, the strain of their muscles for undergoing that horrendous trauma. It was all there, beneath the touch of his lips, caressed by the heat of his breath. Edward cherished every bit of it, loved them for their scars, the same way they cared for him in spite of his own.
He didn't know why he didn't let himself see if before, didn't let himself believe it was true, but they really were a fine match.
Him and Sole... they understood each other. He knew their experiences better than any born and raised wastelander could, knew their struggles more intimately than the Cabot family ever could... and Sole knew of his own suffering more than any other human ever could.
Why'd I have to turn to extremes so soon? Risk fucking this up...
It was the only question-- the only thought-- he could stand to formulate as of now, as their grip squeezed over him, as their stiff fingers wrung his pleasure from his core out to the surface. Edward felt it building, felt the swell, the rhythm of his bucking hips grow fevered and desperate, and he felt their smile, even, before he glanced up to see it.
It was a focused sort of grin, their brows were drawn, their pupils blown wide and dark and wanting in a way that he thought it might just be his own reflection shining in them.
How could Sole look this way, for a man like me? A man, that isn't even--
The ghoul didn't have time to finish that thought, not as their thumb swiped over his tip again, as their other hand went down to join the first, massaging and kneading over his aching, burning, destitute hardness until he was holding back cries.
The meat of his wrist fit between clenching teeth, his forehead pressed to the hardness of Sole's collarbone as he leaned into the contact, aching and screaming for more with everything apart from his voice.
If Jack heard, or Wilhelmina...
If he hadn't been so occupied, he might've shuddered at the thought.
But this? Letting go, being vulnerable, allowing himself pleasure, a moment that was truly private between him and Sole? Anything was worth that. He'd lose his job, his room here, his name, his life, if it meant he could do this, see this, feel this again, with Sole by his side, in his arms, touching him this way.
He half wondered if he'd passed out in his bed after the last bout of pleasure, if he'd fallen asleep and the serum inspired the sweetest dream there was.
Sole's voice though, the feel of them, the way their scent and being surrounded him in every way... it couldn't be the case. It was sweeter than he believed reality could be, especially these days, but damnit, there was no doubt in his head that it was real.
"Let go, Edward."
Their voice was pleading with him, their hands pulling him along, never ceasing, as they brought him straight into that all-encompassing bliss. He couldn't hold back now, not at his climax, and Edward's head flew back, his muscles straining, his mouth falling open to release the most animalistic of sounds: a groan from the very base of him that had Sole writhing and gasping right along with him.
I made him sound like that. Their touch cried out as their hands squeezed and clenched until his essence was spilling out onto his clenching stomach, pouring down over their fingers and soiling the bedsheets below.
"Yes." Sole breathed, and he felt another shudder jolt through him, another spurt of seed from his pulsing cock. "That's it, hon. Let go for me."
Tears were collecting at the sides of Edward's eyes, his relief and euphoric release leaving him in trembles and heavy breaths.
It took a few moments, took the last of his pleasure to bleed out, and then Edward was back on earth, back in his room, back in this skin once more.
Sole pulled their touch from his over-sensitive cock, wiping their soiled hands carefully on the bedsheet before lying down beside him and resting their head on his shoulder. A cool hand smoothed its way over his body, making a home over his sweltering, still-heaving chest as Sole clung to him.
The serum hadn't quite worked, not the way Edward had intended it to, but... It really had worked though, hadn't it? Not the way he imagined, sure, but the end result was... close enough.
He didn't even realize it, not until his cheeks began to ache, but he was smiling, grinning toothily like a fool in love, as Sole rested against him, as he wound his arms around their form, holding them close, savoring every ounce of the person who accepted him, who didn't turn him away, who cared for him... as he was.
"Thank you." He rasped, sliding his hands over them as soothingly as he could manage.
Sole only hummed, a sweet, happy sound, and he felt the vibration of it throughout his body as they lay against him.
He felt at peace, then. He felt warm, he felt sated and valued and more content than he could ever recall before, and yet... A familiar sort of churning, a boiling sensation rose from deep inside him. His muscles twitched and his tired member gave a rousing pulse between his legs.
Edward could only swallow and do the ghoul equivalent of blushing, as Sole's wide eyes peeked up at him with one eyebrow quirked in question. Though, as he looked down at them-- in a coy, apologetic sort of way-- they still wore that fond, fiendish smile.
The night wasn't over just yet.
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Important News + Schedule 💕 🎉 💟 ✨
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Since I want 2024 to be a year filled with nothing but writing progress for me, I've decided to work less on short fics so that I can focus more on my ao3 uploads and my multi-chapter Caleb x Clara (My Wittewife) story that I've been secretly working on.
It's titled "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".
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(Commission art here)
This is going to be my first time ever writing a full-length fic, and I'm very excited, but also very nervous lol. 😆 😅
Of course, anyone and everyone is still welcome to send requests and their headcanons or other stuff sincs my inbox is and has always been open (I'll also answer short stuff too.) 💕 💚 👍 ✅ .
When it comes to my ao3 uploads, I believe that if I upload at least one piece of old content each week, I can get a lot of written content on the site before 2025 (and I'll be able to grow my fan base of readers lol).
Anyway, I think I've said enough lol.
Now, here's the schedule for this week.
Sunday 12 / 31 - "Like To Love You (The Written Animatic)" - (December 31st is Caleb's birthday [Personal headcanon of mine. Wrote a story about it last year.], and we get a cute montage of Clara [My Wittewife] making sure he has the best day ever!) [I USUALLY DON'T ADD SUNDAYS TO MY SCHEDULES BUT TOMMORROW IS AN EXCEPTION. Requested by no one, it's purely self-indulgent lol.] (Fic here.)
Monday 1 / 1 - An ao3 upload (here).
Tuesday 1 / 2 - An ao3 upload (here) and (here)
Wednesday 1 / 3 - An ao3 upload (here.)
Thursday 1 / 4 - I WILL TRY TO FINISH THIS! 😭 (It's for the full length fic). (I FINISHED IT)
Friday 1 / 5 - Post chapter titles for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human". Of course, I won't beat myself up if I can't, BUT I WILL TRY TO. 😭 (They are here.)
Saturday 1 / 6 - Post commission cover art for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human". I spoke to a mutual of mine who does a lot of commission art for me and she said that she can have the piece done by then, so hooray!!! 💕 🎉 (Art here)
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silly-in-my-room · 24 days
Hello! My name’s Malewife/Mw, whichever you prefer, and my old blog is @mitta-likes-moths for those who might recognize me
Keep in mind, I’m 16, putting this here for everyone’s comfort <3
Although I may not post as often as I like, I do create and engage with darker content sometimes, such as yandere content or other things, so if that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable be sure to keep that in mind when perusing my blog, I don’t want anyone getting uncomfortable, unsettled or possibly worse due to lack of warning or tagging on my end
I write sometimes, so my requests are open!!
My general rules writing wise is:
No smut, although it can be suggestive depending on the character/version of said character and the scenario
I only write x reader stuff, no character x character or oc x canon,
Get as specific as you want! Having more to work with is always good to have, and I always get scared I’m too rambly in sidings inbox, so I feel the need to clarify lol
If I don’t want to do a request, that is that, I have my own boundaries and things I’m willing to do, please do not be an asshole about it, you will be blocked
I absolutely do yandere content! I’m pretty involved in reading and writing the stuff, and even drawing it a few times, so I’m very open to writing or discussing it!
Clarify whether it’s platonic or romantic or the secret third option, if left unclear, I will assume based on the character, usually that assumption will be romantic
Fandoms I will write for:
Splatoon/Coroika, Yugioh (Arc V and GX), Fairly Oddparents A New Wish, and Project Sekai
More may be added in the future!
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Attention TADC fans!
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I'm officially opening requests for characters! Below the cut will be my base list of rules in regards to requesting and that sort of thing!
To everyone who followed me for creepypasta, do not fret! Creepypasta is still this blogs default and I'm not going to stop writing it for the forseeable future, I will still be responding to creepypasta based asked in the meantime
oh also, im adding this right before i post this but i do have fluff alphabet requests open for creepypasta, but to my TADC fans, how do you guys feel about the possibility of me reposting that list and letting you guys ask for it? im still kinda itching to do alphabet stuff... let me know ! ill probably do it anyways but i want yalls input!
without further delay:
please do not spam requests, i know it will be hard to enforce this on my end since i want to keep anon enabled since i know it can be intimidating to ask for stuff non-anonymously
since the main cast + caine only totals to 7 characters i will allow people to request the entire cast in any given request, WITH THE KNOWLEDGE that the more characters the shorter their list of hcs will be
please do not pester me to answer your request, i will very likely answer your initial ask. consistent breaking of this boundary will result in warning, and if further boundary breaking takes place, the request will be terminated
^SHOULD NOTE! sometimes tumblr eats the requests you guys send in so simply asking if your request made it through is 100% totally fine!! I'm specifically talking about people who try to pressure me to answer sooner, I want to make that clear because I do not want to discourage anyone from reaching out about that sort of thing
Reader is GN by default, you can request a specific gender but know it likely wont be important due to my writing style
SFW, angst, comfort, hcs, short imagines and scenarios!
As mentioned I will do all characters, asides Bubble since I don't think there's much that can be done for them
Poly, LGBT, readers with disabilities and/or disorders (will let it be known here that i am in no way well versed in every disability/disorder, however i will attempt to do basic research for the request)
I am also comfortable with writing platonic requests and found family dynamics! I am not limiting myself and you guys to romantic stuff!
reader abstracting, while this may seem contradictory to some of the things in my will not write segment I have written about grief and loss before and I don't think it fully fits the category of what I won't write + death in general, so it shall get a pass
really there isnt much i will turn down that comes to mind, if something is breaching a line or making me uncomfortable i will let you know
reader inserts, ocs, and the like are all welcome here! im not too confident with oc x character stuff due to the simple fact that i fear i may interpret your oc wrong but i am still willing to try!
general problematic stuff is an immediate no
^so like, straight up abuse and abuse adjacent topics since as far as Im aware all the characters in TADC are adults (if I have that wrong please please correct me!!)
i am also iffy on yandere requests, this one is more on a case by case basis so please be sure to specify the intensity of it, since that will really be a make or break for whether or not if the request is accepted
NSFW, this blog is for the most part SFW. I occasionally vague certain aspects, however nothing is ever explicit. That's how far I'm willing to go with these things and I want to keep it that way
Full fledged fanfics; a lot of my scenarios/imagines tend to border on that just on a much shorter scale and in a slightly different format, but I am not totally confident in my ability to write proper fics :(
no graphic depictions of gore or self harm, and i ask that you keep that out of my inbox in general. topics like SH are allowed, however covering requests for the act of it as its happening is an automatic no (IE if you ask me to walk in on a character walking in during an act of self harm), the same applies to suicide
i have a nasty habit of not proofreading my stuff, so grammar and spelling mistakes are bound to happen unfortunately. this tends to be a worse issue when im posting on mobile (which i am doing less and less since i like typing on a keyboard more)
^ on top of that i struggle with writing, english is my first language but i have a hard time getting stuff out right on top of having dyslexia so please be patient
i typically tend to respond to requests fairly fast, typically within a day or two, though i do have some periods where it may take longer. (possible) same day delivery YAHOO!!
back to a forewarning, i have a habit of rambling and adding additional ideas and concepts into a request though for the most part i think i remain on topic (that just means you get a little extra content for your request ueueue)
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