#walking dead gifs
londoncapsule · 4 months
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN as NEGAN The Walking Dead S08E16 "Wrath"
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dix0nspretty · 21 days
Knives, Bikes, and Stitches, Oh My!
Summary: Daryl is working on his motorcycle and you watch. Too bad you can't keep your focus.
Daryl Dixon x F!Reader, 1.3k words
Era: Prison (again) because he's just so yummy...
TW: Mention of blood and stitches. Maybe chronic horniness?
Y'all loved my first story and I hope this one whets your appetites just as well! I have no idea how motorcycles or vehicles of literally any kind work, so please feel free to educate me in the comments.
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You put the fear of God in Daryl every time he sees you with a knife.
It’s not that you can’t use one. On the contrary, you’re a force to be reckoned with when you’re fighting. Sometimes all that can be seen of you in a fight is the shine of blood-tinged metal as you slash and stab at whatever is attacking with your twin blades. No, your knives are comfortable and at home in your grip. Maybe too comfortable.
“How many times I got to tell ya to stop eatin’ off yer damn knife?” Daryl’s rough accent sounds out in the empty courtyard. His head is bowed low as he works on his bike, not looking up as he speaks.
I’m perched on the tabletop of one of the prison’s picnic tables eating a can of peaches. Daryl, for some reason unknown to me, had elected to start taking his bike apart and putting it back together and I followed along to watch the process. I don’t know shit about vehicles, much less motorcycles, but I like spending time with the grumpy man.
“It’s fine, I’m not gonna cut myself.” I tell him as I tilt my head down to drag a slice of peach off the blade. Daryl’s eyes don’t move from the work in front of him, but I can feel him watching me. I pull the chunk into my mouth and lick the blade clean of the sticky juice.
“Told ya to cut it out.” I’m eating the canned fruit haphazardly, not paying any attention to how close I am to the edge. Daryl shakes his head. He knows it’s a matter of time before I cut my lip or tongue.
At his repeated command, I roll my eyes but pull away from the edge of my knife. I set the can of peaches down and watch him. His brown hair is getting longer now and it’s sliding down into his eyes, shielding most of his face from my watchful gaze.
“What are you doing, anyways?” I ask. I scoot myself closer to the edge of the table and peer down over his shoulder. He has one of his tools in his hand and some pieces of metal I can’t identify. It is roughly the size of my fist and cylindrical. Whatever it is, it looks important.
Daryl glances over his shoulder, feeling my curious eyes looking down. He huffs and continues his task. “Workin’.”
“No shit. Working on what?” I’m playing with my knife in my fingers, absentmindedly twisting and flipping it. Daryl looks up at me through his hair, squinting one eye against the sunlight. My breath catches in my throat, and I try to play it cool.
“Do ya really want to know or are ya jus’ bored?” He asks in his gruff voice. I don’t answer for a second. He looks so pretty. Get a grip, Y/N, I think to myself.
“Really want to know. Come on, I don’t know anything about bikes. Teach me something.” Daryl squints at me for several seconds longer and I’m convinced he’s going to send me inside to bother someone else, but he slowly starts talking.
“’M cleanin’ the carburetor.” He tilts his hand up to show me the same piece I was looking at earlier. “It’s startin’ to get clogged.”
“Oooookay. What’s that do?”
“It keeps the engine runnin’ smooth, basically. Don’t keep it clear and that can fuck up the bike, make it stall or overheat. Gotta take it apart and clean it every few months.”
Daryl lets me watch over his shoulder as he points out different parts of the carburetor and how to clean them. After a few minutes, his gruff voice starts to fade out and my mind begins to wander.
He just looks so good. His hands are greasy and dirty from all of his work today and his biceps are sweaty from the Georgia heat. He’s wearing one of his simple black shirts that already fit him so well and the sweat is only making him look more delicious. I’m watching his hands work over the small brass jets when I feel burning heat in my palm and look down.
I’d been messing with my knife the entire time and cut myself. I instinctively let go of the blade and it hits the concrete with a harsh clang. Daryl’s head lifts at the noise and he spins around right as I rush to tuck both hands behind my back. I look like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar and I’m trying to hide the chocolatey evidence. Except this time, it’s blood.
Daryl’s eyes run over me for a second, then flick down to my knife as it sits on the dirty floor. He slowly bends down and picks it up. “Y/N.” He starts, a low warning in his tone.
“It’s fine! I’m fine, I just dropped it.” My voice rambles out. There’s a high, nervous note to it and I’m hoping to God he doesn’t notice.
He raises an eyebrow. “If yer fine, why’s the knife got fresh blood on it?” Fuck.
“Uhhhhh.” I look around the courtyard, trying to find an excuse. I, naturally, see nothing. “Magic?”
Daryl huffs and crosses his arms. “Let me see your hands.”
I wince. I don’t want to get in trouble, but I can feel the blood dripping off my hand, and it stings. The longer I hold off showing him the angrier he’ll get.
“Y/N. Hand, now.” Daryl’s voice leaves no room for arguments.
“Jus’, don’t be mad?” I ask. He says nothing and I sigh, then slowly move my hands back in front of me. The blood is quickly evident on my skin.
“God damn it, girl. Why can’t ya ever listen to me?” Despite his rough tone, his hands are gentle as he takes my wrist and tilts my hand, inspecting the damage. I risk a glance at my hand. There’s a slash across my entire palm and more blood than there should be. It’s going to need stitches.
“Ya need stitches.” Told you.
 Daryl looks up from my hand but doesn’t let go of my wrist. His eyes lock with mine and he gives me a warm look. There’s exasperation and concern and I don’t know what to do with it. He takes a surprisingly clean rag from his pocket and ties it around my bleeding palm, firmly but not enough to hurt.
I can’t help but be surprised by just how gentle he’s being with me. I was expecting a pop in the side of the head and a banishment to Hershel’s cell. I look up at him through my lashes, waiting for my verbal lashing. After almost a minute, I realize there is none.
“Does this mean I gotta go in now?” I try to keep the potential disappointment from my voice and don’t entirely succeed.
“Yeah, yer going to go get those stitches. Ya weren’t listenin’ anyways.” He grumbles at me. “The hell were you doin’?”
I look away from him. I do not want to explain that I was too busy being horny over him to notice that I gouged my palm open. I risk a glance at him and I’m caught by those ocean-blue eyes.
“I was watching your hands…”
Daryl pauses, then snorts. “Maybe instead of watchin’ my hands ya should’ve been watching yours. Go get your damn stitches and I’ll show ya somethin’ else.”
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wannabespacesmuggler · 2 months
D.D. | Shane's Girl
Part Six | Masterlist | Buy me a coffee | Check out the playlist
Summary: Daryl Dixon knows he shouldn’t be thinking about you when he’s alone at night in his tent. Hell, he shouldn’t even be looking at you throughout the day. You’re not his. You’re Shane’s girl. But Daryl doesn’t like the way Shane treats you. And he certainly doesn’t like how you’re forced to play ‘loving girlfriend’ to a man with eyes for another woman at the camp.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x female!Reader
Warnings: Shane Walsh sucks, unedited (I will get to it later, I promise)
Word Count: 1.2K
Author’s Note: Oof—alright, it's been a hot second, everybody. Apologies for going MIA for a while (life, y'know?). I haven't forgotten about this fic and I know that none of you have forgotten about it based on the amount of notes and messages I get (which I appreciate greatly). Thanks for sticking it out with me guys. Excited for you all to see what I have planned in the coming chapters. In the meantime, let me know what y'all think of this one & let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
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The expletive escapes your lips before you can think twice about it. You nervously look around the camp, searching for Carl and Sophia. The last thing you need is for Lori and Carol to get on your case because you accidentally taught the children swear words. After realizing that neither of them is in earshot, you let out a sigh of relief. 
You look down at the garment in your lap. Shane had thrown a pair of his cargo pants at you earlier this morning, grumbling about a hole in one of his pockets. You had woken up earlier than him, probably because he had returned to your shared tent far after everyone else in camp had retired for the evening. This was becoming somewhat of a routine for the two of you: Shane sneaking around in the middle of the night thinking you’re asleep; meanwhile, you spend the restless nights in your tent waiting to see if he actually comes back. You never ask him where he was in the morning—knowing that Shane would brush you off by saying he was on watch as if you don’t understand that the shifts rotate every night. Another sigh escapes your lips as you defeatedly throw the pants onto the table before you and turn your attention to your finger, which you had clumsily stabbed with a needle while attempting to fix the garment.
“You ‘lright?”
The sound of Daryl’s rough southern drawl makes you jump. You look up and see Daryl standing a few feet away with his raised hands. He takes a few careful steps toward you—his movements are slow and calculated. Your brow furrows at the sight—did he think you’re afraid of him?
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle ya.”
“It’s okay, Daryl. I was just a little distracted.”
Daryl nods at your words before taking a seat beside you at the table.
“What’d ya do to your hand?”
He leans toward you slightly to get a better look, his concerned eyes raking over your hands, looking for any sign of injury. A small smile spreads across your face as Daryl continues to worry about your well-being. You raise your hands to show him that you’re perfectly okay.
“It’s nothing. Just pricked my finger—Shane has a hole in his pocket, and I was never good with a needle and thread.”
You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly as you speak. Daryl chews on his bottom lip as he looks at the cargo pants on the table. It’s ripped along the seam, an easy fix—he’s done it numerous times for his own tattered jeans.
“Give it ‘er.”
You look at Daryl’s outstretched hand in disbelief for several seconds before handing him the needle and thread. Daryl snatches the pants off the table and gets to work. You watch him curiously—his brow furrows as he focuses on the task at hand. Daryl momentarily lets his attention drift to you; he awkwardly shifts in his seat, suddenly uncomfortable with how intently you’re watching him.
“Why are you lookin’ at me like that?”
His tone is defensive, but it doesn’t make you back down like everyone else.
“Just surprised, is all.”
“What, Shane doesn’t know how to sew?”
He meets your incredulous gaze and can’t help but laugh. The sound is still foreign to his ears, even though it’s becoming somewhat of an ordinary occurrence when he’s with you. He’s much more used to the sound of Merle yelling, music blaring, old motorcycles' roar, and the forest's peaceful ambiance. 
“Well, you shouldn’t have to do everything for him.”
His genuine words should comfort you, but instead, they nag at you. You shouldn’t have to do everything for him. You shouldn’t have to turn a blind eye to your boyfriend’s nightly habit. You shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells around him. You shouldn’t have to make yourself smaller for his convenience. And yet, here you are. 
“You have a cigarette?”
The question catches Daryl off guard. He’s only seen you smoke once—that night at the campfire, and he swore it was his fault. Your words from that night still rattle around in his head. You’re a bad influence, Dixon. He completes his final stitch, bringing the thread to his mouth so he can rip it off with his teeth. He places everything back on the table before pulling out his pack of Marlboro Reds from his pocket and offering it to you. You take one from the pack, twisting it in your fingers before placing the cigarette between your lips. Daryl notices your hesitation as he hands you his old lighter, so he waits until you’ve lit your cigarette before pulling out one of his own. The two of you sit in comfortable silence, but something about this doesn’t sit right with Daryl.
“What’s goin’ on?”
You furrow your brow at his question, feigning confusion, but Daryl doesn’t relent. He simply raises a brow at you as he takes another long drag of his cigarette. You let out a defeated sigh before answering his question.
“It’s just Shane…”
You trail off thinking that since it’s relationship drama, maybe Daryl wouldn’t be interested. But he doesn’t try to change the subject or brush you off, instead, he gives you his undivided attention. He watches you quickly look around camp, scooping the area and taking account of who is around. A frown pulls at the corners of Daryl’s lips as he realizes that you’re once again looking over your shoulder for Shane.
“He wasn’t always like this. I mean, he was always a hothead, but he wasn’t always so cruel.” 
The softness in his tone catches you off guard, and you look up at him. A part of you wants to cry at how attentive Daryl is at this moment. It’s been so long since someone has shown you this kind of care.
“You ain’t gotta defend him to me.”
Daryl watches as a single tear falls down your cheek at his words, and he begins to panic. Did he upset you? Was he out of line? Had he gotten the situation between you and Shane wrong? This isn’t his forte. He wishes he was a different man—a better man, a softer man. He wishes he was more like his mother and less like his father. That she could have lived long enough to teach him a few more life lessons—like how to comfort someone you care for. 
Before he has the chance to spiral completely out of control, he feels your fingertips find his, and his heart damn near stops. He involuntarily pulls away from your touch, and it makes him wince. He sits in the shame of his response to your touch. A better man would have been able to return your affection. Finally, he meets your gaze, expecting to see the hurt he caused by his reaction. Instead, he’s met with a smile so warm and tender that he can practically feel the shame in his body melt away.
“Thank you, Daryl.”
A small, affectionate smile pulls at the corners of Daryl’s lips. 
“It was nothin’.”
You shake your head at his words. What he did for you today was far from nothing, but you let it go, opting to turn your attention back to the cargo pants on the table before you. As you admire Daryl’s handiwork, you can’t help but hope that Daryl knows that Shane’s pocket isn’t the only thing he stitched back together today.
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caribbean1989 · 5 months
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Daryl and Rick in The Walking Dead, s6e10
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spcewild · 5 months
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(A/N sorry I haven't posted in a long time! I wanted to give you guys something so make up for it, and I've been watching TWD a lot recently and am absolutely inlove with Jon Bernthal 🫶)
Warnings: SMUT!!!, Kinks, Rough!Shane, Hair pulling, bruising/marks, public sex, etc.
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• Shane Walsh, the man who would jump at the chance to brat tame you the second you said the words, "make me"
• Shane, the man who would never admit it, but LOVES when you leave his neck full of your lipstick stains, but would immediately punch anyone who would dare point them out.
• That man, Shane, who would dig his fingers so roughly in your hair, he would have you screaming his name
• Oh that man, the man you loved so dearly, and how much love you too could feel when he would tenderly kiss your neck, all the way down to your stomach, making sure no part of you was left untouched.
• The way he would hold you so gently, cherishing every moment, the way that clashes with his rough thrusts he would make into you, each one going deeper each time.
• That same way he would bite down onto your shoulder when he came so deep inside of you, his hold around you tightening ever so slightly
• But even the risk of getting caught only made him even more turned on. What if someone in the group were to see you like this? All ruined just for him, it drives him crazy in all the right ways.
• What rarely would ever faulter was the way he left bruises and hickies all over your body, sometimes even hiding clothes that were longer and easier to hide said marks; making you having to wear the shortest shorts and a tank top after that night he littered marks all over your body, making everyone stare when you walked around camp.
• Even then, that same man, that same Shane, would never even hesitate when you asked him to kiss those same marks, most of the time; doing it without even having to ask. Just feeling his lips against those purplish red marks he made on you, as if making a mental picture in his mind.
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A/N: I hope you guys liked this! Ik I don't write smut very often so feel free to leave feedback! <3
I also updated my masterlist if anyone is interested in requesting!
(More info: Fandoms/Characters)
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carlplsrailme · 2 years
𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐲 | 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬
summary: you & carl both lose your virginity to each other, calling you sweet names as you fall into sub-space
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carl grimes x fem!reader
cw: loss of virginity, softdom!carl, squirting, fingering, clothed pussy eating, pet names (baby, honey, darling), fluffy smut, reader goes into sub-space, cum eating.
word count: 1k
request: can you write a carl x fem! reader where they basically just explore eachothers bodies and stuff for the first time. since the apocalypse they never really got the chance to learn about sex so they kinda have to figure it out on their own yk. very fluffy and sweet :)
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"Is this okay?"
fuck, he is being so gentle, long slender fingers gliding over the hem of your shirt as he asks if he can take it off you. his hard-on aching through those tight fucking jeans as you both explore each other's bodies
you're supposed to be nervous for your first time, you know you are, but fuck you're worried you're gonna mess up, scared that you're so inexperienced it wouldn't feel good
"Are you sure?" Carl cups your face, heavy breath fanning over you as he notices your anxiety, making sure you're really ready as his heart is about to fall out of his chest because damn he is just as nervous.
you both never had time for...the talk. slowly learning about what sex was from uncomfortable stories you accidentally heard, and of course, years back when you both started puberty and started exploring your own bodies you quickly found out what it is...just...not how to do it
"Hey, we'll take it slow" He reassures, laying kisses on your shaky lips as he unbuttons your jeans
"if you want me to stop, just tell me, I'll stop immediately" he whispers, tugging your zipper down as your pretty panties are revealed, -you're so glad out of the minimal options you have, you had your pretty pink ones on with an adorable bow on top-
"fuck, baby" and it seems like you aren't the only one who likes them
he'd peel those jeans down, now you're left in your underwear and bra as he eyes you up and down before laying kisses on your clothed clit
he can already see the wet spot forming on your panties, licking a stripe up your clothed cunt as he basically makes out with your pussy
it takes you too long -caught up in pleasure, probably- to realize what's happening. he's eating you out, from your panties
fuck, you imagined this before with your hands down your pants, him being too nervous to peel the material away as he lay kisses on your panties, it's adorable.
you're grateful for it too honestly if he'd take this off and do what he is doing to your sensitive virgin cunt? oh, you'd be dead.
"fuck, carl" you whimper in your pillow, embarrassed to make any noise to your boyfriend.
he laid more kisses on your thighs before placing one last kiss on your clothed clit before stepping back to hook a finger in your panties, pulling them down to see the damn river of wetness you made for him
"oh, you really are excited huh?" he teases as he brings two -slightly shaking, might I add- fingers to your cunt, sliding them up and down as you let out an uncontrollable moan that was honestly way too loud
he smirked before leaning into your neck, placing ghost kisses up them until he hits your ear
"being loud now baby? can't let that happen, okay?" you shivered at his words as another one of his hands wrap around your back to unhook your bra, and it falls to reveal your breasts. your hands almost fling up to cover them on instinct but his hand was after as he traps them together, holding them above you
"don't move." he kindly whispers, a finger sliding into your pussy as you moan from the new feeling of being stretched out, he leaned down to put one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking and flicking the puffy nub as you cry out for him, adding another slender finger as they curl up into your cunt, stretching it out for his cock
"it doesn't hurt you, right?" he asked as his puppy dog eye looks up to you, you shook your head and he smiled, fuck, if he had a tail it would be slamming back and forth right now from how excited he looks
"ok, ok" he whispers as he licks up your nipple again, fingers slowly pumping in and out of you as your sensitive cunt wraps around him
"I- um, I think I'm gonna cum" you admit shamefully, with all this being so new you didn't even last 5 minutes from his fingers 
"cum baby, I wanna see how beautiful you look when I have you creaming f'me" and those words send you over the edge, cumming down on his fingers as you cry out his name once more, he removed them cum soaked fingers to lick up his fingers with pure curiosity, before placing the entirety of both fingers down his throat
"mmmm, taste yourself, it's so fucking good" he said, and before you could react those fingers were in your mouth and you were sucking your sweet cum off his fingers
"are you ready for me, baby?" he asks, you nod as he strips completely, and with his cock now being shown you start to feel dizzy...that's...supposed to fit...in there?
he seemed to read your mind once more as he kisses you, telling you "it'll fit, m'promise" before sliding the tip in, and taking your virginity 
damn it was big, just the tip, not even the head was in but fuck it was stretching you out, you couldn't even think when he asked you if it hurt
"baby?" he got nervous, hoping, praying he didn't hurt you as that's the last thing he'd ever want to do
"m'ok, s'just a lil big" you slur, as he slips the head in and you feel yourself slowly bucking your hips into his cock
"we'll wait for you to adjust honey, don't worry" he whispers before adding inch by inch until his cock was fulling in your pussy
dammit, it was huge, felt like he was in your stomach with how big of a bulge was even poking out of your lower abdomen, he waited until you nodded with conformation, he stared moving
pretty moans escaped the both of you as carl dug his face into your shoulder
"fuck, you're so tight, s'so good" he pants as he thrusts faster into your cunt, he wouldn't want to lose his virginity to any other woman out there, you were so perfect, made just for him
"carl! you're so big!" he groans at your comment, cock bullying its way faster and deeper in your abused cunt as you slowly felt like you were getting dizzy
he watch as your eyes drooped and your mouth formed an "o" as your hair collected on your sweaty forehead
"are you okay, darling?"
"mm-mhm" you mumbled, everything felt like a dream, blurred perfectly as you felt yourself about to cum on him
you couldn't even warn him, cum squirting and getting everywhere as he fucked you through your orgasm, helping you come down perfectly as you 
"fuck, did you just...squirt on me?" he said with a widened sparkling eye, kissing you as you almost dosed off from the amount of force that orgasm took from you
"fuck that's so fucking hot" he sped up, feeling his own orgasm not too far away as he knew at this point there's no fucking way he can pull out
"mmm, fuck m'cumming" he groaned before shooting his seed straight towards your womb, laying down as he slowly fucked his cum into you before pulling out
you guys laid and panted for a while, his sweaty head on your chest as you played with his hair, it felt like an out-of-body experience and you were just coming back into your body
"fuck that was amazing" "damn right it was"
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an: ayo I posted 2 times today!! hehe, I hope you guys enjoyed this! halfway through I tried to make carl dom 💀 but then I remembered how it's supposed to be fluffy, and when I was done writing I actually really liked how the fluffiness of this story!! ♡ anyway, got a little upset today with remembering how carl died 👉👈 so writing this was really therapeutic for me lol, anyway, ilysm! tysm for reading as always 💞
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tsukiko26 · 26 days
You know what I need? Walking Dead x The Last of Us fanfiction. That's what I need.
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Like, come on! You can't tell me this is a bad idea
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multific · 1 year
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Carl Grimes x Reader
Summary: You thought Alexandria will be a place where you could finally be with him. What you didn't expect is another girl trying to steal him from you.
As you stepped out onto your porch, you saw them climbing over the wall. 
This wasn't the first time you saw Carl and Enid leaving together.
You and Carl basically grew up together. 
Lately, you caught yourself catching feelings for the boy and now, you were incredibly jealous.
You shouldn't be, he made his choice, he choose Enid over you. And you had to accept that.
But it was still difficult. 
You loved him. And although you never confessed, you felt his rejection. 
Enid was beautiful, you couldn't argue with that.
"Hey Kid!" yelled Daryl as he walked over to you.
"Wanna come with me on a run? Rick wanted us to get more clothes for everyone and my fashion sense is not the best." Daryl was always like a father to you. Ever since they found you, he always took good care of you and you were extremely thankful for that.
"Yeah, let's go!" you replied, hoping this would take your mind off of Carl.
The run went smoothly, you were able to secure good clothes which for sure will help during the upcoming winter.
You let out a long sigh before exiting the car.
Daryl was quick to follow and he soon grabbed your attention.
"Kid!" you turned and look at him. "I will punch him in the face if you want. He might only have one eye working but he was blind even when he had two if he doesn't choose you."
You almost laughed. Of course, he would notice what was going on with you.
"It's not that... I'm just being stupid, I let myself believe he sees me more than a friend."
"He is the stupid one. You are amazing! And if he doesn't see that, I feel sorry for him." you smiled and walked over to Daryl, giving him a quick hug before the others would storm the car to grab clothes.
"Thank you." you whispered before heading home. 
Night approached quickly. 
It was getting dark when a knock came on your door.
You opened it and sure enough, it was Carl. Before he could speak, you spoke up.
"Oh, you must have not seen, but this is my house. Enid lives further down the road. Good night, Carl." you said as you slammed the door in his face.
Another knock made you groan, opening the door again. "Enid lives down that way, Carl. This is my house."
"What is your problem?"
"My problem? Oh, nothing. Did you come over to brag to me about your little date today? Did you have fun with Enid? I hope you did. I sincerely hope you did. So, go and bother your girlfriend please and stop playing with me!" you wanted to slam the door again but he stopped it with his foot as he walked into your house with you, closing the door behind you. 
"I went with her to keep her safe, it wasn't a date."
"Oh, right. I'm sure it wasn't."
"What is your problem anyway? Do you hate Enid that much?"
"I don't hate her. Can you please leave? I really don't feel like talking." 
"I do. You have to tell me why are you angry with me. I only left with her to make sure she is safe."
"You promised me you would come over today."
"And I did. I'm here!" you rolled your eyes. 
"Right, so you can go now to her. Make sure she is safe while she sleeps and doesn't run off!" you pointed at your door but he didn't move.
"Are you jealous of her?"
"OF COURSE I AM, Carl! I knew you for a longer time, you used to keep me safe! You used to make sure I am okay, but now, all I see is you running off with her. I know I am boring, I get that. You should really leave now, Carl. Let me forget about you and about my feelings so I can move on." you wanted to move to the door but he stopped you, he was meant to grab you but you moved.
"What do you want me to do? Not have friends?!"
"Did she kiss you?" you asked so suddenly it even surprised you. But his silence spoke volumes. "Remember at the prison? I know we were young but... When I was sick, you promised me something Carl. I am not going to be your second choice. The one that you run to when every other choice is gone. If I can't be first, I don't want to be more than friends. You can run off kissing girls as you please. Leave me alone now, please." 
"She kissed me, I didn't kiss her. I stopped her because I love you."
"Love me?! If you loved me you wouldn't go running into every wall whenever a cute girl bats their eyelashes at you!" you were rather sad than angry. "You never kissed me. I was there for you through it all. And she just..." you looked into his eye, you knew boys were rather... stupid like they didn't understand if you don't tell them straight. "I hope you will be happy with her. I just can't wait to see your face when a new kid joins and she runs off with him instead of you."
"What are you talking about?"
"Everyone always wants the newer, shinier things. You are that for now."
"You think that's why she likes me? I saved her. I know the promises we made but we were only kids, Y/N."
"What about the promise you made yesterday?" you felt a tear roll down your cheek. "I was truly stupid wasn't I? Please leave." you turned to walk to your bedroom, leaving him in your living room.
He could hear you crying, but he was torn. And so, he left.
Next couple of days you completely avoided Carl, but you did hear about a scuffle him and Daryl got into.
Daryl walked up to Carl who was on their porch with Rick.
"Carl, I'll give you one warning, playing with people like that!"
"Daryl! What are you-" Rick tried to interject but Daryl was already holding Carl by his collar.
"You playing with Y/N's heart. I do not care if you are my friend's son, you do not play with Y/N!" Rick grabbed Daryl and pulled him off of his son. "If you are big enough to play with people like that, you are big enough to own up to them!" Daryl said before he gave a look to Rick and left.
Rick turned to his son, waiting for an explanation.
You tried your best not to think about him.
But it was extremely difficult given that for almost your entire life he was there.
Every morning you stared at the wall waiting for him or Enid to turn up, neither of them did.
You went back to do your job and take care of the plants.
But every minute was true torture. You had a feeling that this will be better with time.
You could get used to him being gone.
Or so you thought.
You asked Rick if you were allowed to move and live at Hilltop. And he agreed.
Knowing your situation, he apologized in his son's place, but you didn't want to hear that.
You were the silly one.
You shouldn't have fallen in love.
You will be moving in two days.
You will miss your house. It was a rather lovely one, small and comfortable but you needed to move on.
Daryl also understood and supported your decision.
"You are a full on woman now." he said when you told him the news.
Word began to spread of course. Rumours spread like wildfire around here, but you couldn't care less.
First people said it was Carl who sent you away, then somehow the truth began to spread.
Carl soon heard the news of you moving.
He immediately walked to your house.
You saw him walking up the porch as he let himself in.
"I'm not here to argue. I am simply here to ask you to stay." he said as he quietly closed the door behind himself.
"I can't. I kept telling myself that I would be fine if I saw you with someone because at least I would know that you are happy. But I can't."
"I was stupid. I was too overwhelmed, having her and you and I..."
"You enjoyed the attention, I get it. But I need to move on."
"I don't want you to move on. I don't want you to stop loving me, Y/N."
"I'm not going to do the tango with you Carl. Tango is not meant for three."
"I know. I will tell Enid, I never saw her more than a friend, I just didn't realize it before. But I do love you, Y/N."
You nodded once before looking around.
"I'll wait for you to talk with her. Then... then you can bring me on a date." he nodded eagerly. 
You put all of your things back where they belong.
Now, you just waited for Carl to clear the air. 
You not leaving also raised some questions in the community.
The next day, there was a knock on your door, you were about to have dinner but decided to check who it was.
"Carl?" but he didn't say anything, he quickly captured your lips in a sweet yet passionate kiss.
"I was so stupid for doubting anything. I knew I loved you for a long time now, please forgive me." you placed your palm on his cheek.
"It's okay. We are here now."
"And neither of us is leaving." he responded, making you smile as you pulled him in for another kiss.
Next day, as you two walked over Alexandria, hand in hand, you could hear many people saying 'finally'. Including his father and Daryl.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​ @mandoloriancookie​
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letthewhumpbegin · 4 months
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The Walking Dead, s2e5
81 notes · View notes
pretty-red-garnet · 10 months
Me And You
Daryl Dixon x Fem! Reader • Prison • Angst/Fluff
Supposed to be a short drabble but I went on a little longer than I meant to…
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It was just supposed to be an easy run. A grocery store that a past run group had stumbled upon. It was clear. They said it was clear. They said it was late, they couldn’t pick up everything that was there.
So Daryl and you had gone. You took a truck and planned to stock it full. It was supposed to be easy and quick, an excuse for some privacy for you and your partner.
It had started out fine. You and Daryl entered, him first, because he always entered first. He had his crossbow raised, you your gun, and you both cleared it quick. There was one or two strays, but nothing you couldn’t handle.
“Easy peasy,” you had joked, throwing some canned goods in your pack. Daryl hummed in response. You watched him as he checked the next isle, peaking at him between the bare shelving. He caught your eyes and smiled, those pretty blue eyes crinkling a little in the corners.
You wandered around to meet him and grabbed his hips, turning him around slowly. He let you, turning until he was facing you. You brought your arms up to rest on his shoulders, grinning when his fingers bit into your hips.
“This your plan all along?” He asked teasingly. “Get me all to yourself?”
“Maybe,” you said with a glint in your eye. “It worked.”
“It did.” His lips met yours passionately. You pressed him up against the isle and smiled against his mouth when he groaned. His fingers toyed with your shirt hem and was just about to lift it when you heard a loud bang.
You and Daryl jumped away from each other. Your gun was in its holster and Daryl’s bow was laying on the ground. You went to grab your gun when suddenly, there were three men in front of you and Daryl.
“Uh uh uh, come on, don’t try anything,” he had said menacingly, cigarette stained teeth showing in a smile. “Drop the gun.”
Your mind spiraled but the look at the men’s faces told you to not try anything yet. You dropped the gun in front of you, glaring at the three. The leader of the three grinned. You can hear Daryl breath heavily beside you, and when you chanced a glance at him, he was already looking at you. He was looking at you strangely, almost apologetic. You furrowed your brows at him.
Suddenly, he shoved you hard behind some shelving before reaching back and grabbing a gun from his pants. He landed a solid shot at one of the men before another produced a gun, shooting Daryl in the leg.
“No!” You yelped. Daryl dropped to a heavy thud, loosing his grip on his gun and sending it sliding across the floor towards you. You dived for, it shooting a second man in the head. The third was smaller than the other two and fast. He quickly grabbed your gun and tossed it.
He shoved you to the ground and you grappled with him. He was suddenly pulled off of you, and you took advantage by grabbing the man’s gun from his back pocket and shooting him quickly. You took a deep breath, momentarily forgetting Daryl was hurt. A groan and pained huff brought you to the present.
You scurried across the floor to Daryl. His pants were already drenched in blood from the shot, and he had a gash across his forehead. Blood was running down his face, and his eyes were fluttering.
“Daryl, Daryl, you have to stay awake, ok?” You said softly. Your mind was spiraling. “I’m gonna bandage your leg, you have to stay awake.”
You rushed to your pack to grab a bandage and was startled by banging noises. You looked up to see maybe two dozen walkers banging against the door of the shop. You checked the few guns scattered about, but there were only a handful of bullets combined. Shit. There was no way you could get Daryl through them to the car. Maybe by yourself, but not an injured, half unconscious Daryl.
You hurried back to Daryl for the moment and his eyes were shut. You shook him a bit, and he let out a pained moan.
“Stay awake, ok? You’re gonna be fine.” You’re voice was shaky but you tried to reassure him. “Just stay awake for me.”
His eyelids continued to flutter but he smiled and raised a hand to your cheek. You glanced up at him from trying to bandage his leg.
“You need to go,” he said lowly, his voice even deeper and tougher than normal. “It’s ok. Go.”
“No,” you said firmly. “We’re going to get out together.” Tears flooded your eyes but you blinked them away. You can hear the glass begin to crack and creek from the walkers.
“I love you,” he whispers. “It’s ok, you need to be safe.”
“I’m not leaving without you!” The bandage was full of blood, but it didn’t look like the bullet hit an artery. Hopefully. You grabbed his face now that his leg was bandaged as best as could be. “I love you too, we’re getting out together.”
Hours later and the walkers still continued to band against the glass. The doors held, although you knew they wouldn’t last much longer. Daryl’s head rested in your lap, and you ran your trembling fingers through his hair to relax him.
He was out cold now. You pressed your fingers to his pulse every few minutes to make sure. Tears slipped down your face, how are you gonna get him out?
“What do I do?” You asked your unconscious partner, resting your head against his. Tears dropped on his face.
Guns fire sounded from outside and you jumped. You picked Daryl’s head up carefully and laid it down. You grabbed one of the nearly empty guns and pointed it to the doors. It was dark out, and you could only see the shadows of walkers dropping before the doors were pushed open.
“Daryl? Y/N?” You dropped your gun in pure relief at the sound of Glenn’s voice. “Are you guys ok?”
“Back here! Daryl’s hurt!” Glenn, Maggie, and Michonne rushed over to you. With all four of you, you quickly were able to get Daryl in the car.
You sat in the back with Daryl’s head in your lap. You held him tightly, not wanting the bumps to disturb him. You pushed hair from him face when his eyes fluttered open.
“You’re gonna be ok, honey. We’re almost home,” you said, keeping your voice low. He reached up to grab your hand and smiled lightly, although it turned to a grimace when Glenn hit a hole in the road.
“You shoulda left,” he mumbled. “Could’ve gotten hurt.” You pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“I’d never leave you behind. It’s always going to be me and you, ok?” He smiles and nods, looking up at you a little dazed.
“Me and you.”
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londoncapsule · 5 months
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN as NEGAN The Walking Dead S08E15 "Worth"
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dix0nspretty · 1 month
Lost and Found
Summary: On a run into a nearby town, Daryl and Y/N encounter a bad group of men. Daryl takes a beating and you get taken. He won't stop until he finds you.
Daryl Dixon x F!Reader, 5.7k words
Era: Prison! Post-Woodbury merge, pre-attack
TW: SA and attempted rape. Please don't push your boundaries!
Here it is, my first Walking Dead fanfiction and the first fic I've written or published in over 8 years. Feel free to leave comments, criticism, requests, and anything else! Hopefully, yall enjoy!
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3 hours and 27 minutes.
That’s how long Daryl had been searching for you. How long you’ve been missing, since you’ve been taken.
It was supposed to be a normal run, calm even. A few days ago, the two of you found a seemingly untouched bookstore 30 minutes from the prison. You wanted to go in, practically begged Daryl to stop. To your immense disappointment, he refused.
“Daryl, please!” You pouted from the passenger seat of the truck.
He could hear the whine in your voice and focused his attention on the road. If he looked over and saw your full lips in a frown, he would give right there. He would do anything for you, and you knew it. This trick has worked on him since the early days of the quarry since you walked up to him and asked him to watch over you while you cleaned off in the water. He didn’t know you, hell, he could hardly stand you or anybody else, but he risked a glance up at your face. Your pretty eyes locked with his for just a moment, but that was all it took. He was yours for good.
“Nah, ain’t cleared. ‘Sides, don’t have enough room as is.” His rough voice answered, doing his best to keep his composure. He didn’t like telling you no. The truck was full of supplies, food and the like, for your group as well as the newcomers from Woodbury. You couldn’t fit goods from the bookstore.
He could feel the disappointment radiating from your side of the truck. He wouldn’t give in, not this time. But-
“We can come back later. Busy with Rick the next few days, but I’ll bring ya back.”
A cheer rang out. “Yes! You promise?” He fought to keep a grin off his face and nodded his affirmation. He glanced your way and saw the brightest smile on your face.
You excitedly began planning what you would grab, talking about all the books you could bring back for the children, for Carol, for yourself. Daryl didn’t recognize most of the titles and certainly none of the authors, but that didn’t matter. He would do anything for you, just to see that beautiful smile.
That was three days ago. Now, instead of gushing over your books, you were missing. Daryl doesn’t know how they knew you were coming, but not long after your arrival at the shopping center that housed the bookstore, you were both attacked.
Daryl somehow convinced you to stay in the truck while he cleared the stores of either side of your target. If anything went wrong in the main store, you could retreat through the connected alleyway and escape through one of these. The stores were clear of both people and walkers. Thinking back, he should’ve known better. If he wasn’t so wrapped up in the image of you waiting for him, maybe he would’ve been suspicious. Maybe he would have used his fucking brain.
Instead of doing his damn job and making sure you were safe, they got the jump on him. Daryl turned a corner on his way back to you and took a mean punch in the face. He stumbled back and tried to fire his crossbow at the attacker, but he was disarmed by another man. He took hit after hit, doing his best to fight back and hoping to God they didn’t see you outside. He was on the ground taking boots to the ribs and punches to the face when he heard your voice. No.
“Daryl?” You weren’t in the store yet, but you would be in no time. The hits lightened up at the sound and something akin to fear and desperation made him call out to you. He couldn’t risk you walking in and not knowing what awaited you. He wouldn’t be able to help you if he tried.
“Y/N, go! Get out-” He was cut off by a hard hit with the butt of a gun. The world spun and Daryl couldn’t see past the kaleidoscope of pain.
Despite his warning, you skidded to a stop in the doorway, taking in the scene in front of you.
“Well, hello there, gorgeous. Y/N, is it? Aren’t you a pretty thing. Name’s Robert.” A voice from above spoke and he vowed to cut the man’s tongue from his throat. He could hear the threat. You needed to get out of here before they hurt you or worse.
“Ya touch her and I swear to God...” Daryl growled. He was going to skin this man alive. He would cut his fingers off and feed them to him. Him and his buddies were going to wish they never spoke to you.
“God?” Robert huffs. “What are you and God gonna do? Huh?” He sauntered over to you. For every step the man took towards you, you retreated until you hit the wall. Daryl didn’t know why the hell you didn’t just run when he told you to. He wasn’t worth risking your life over.
When you were backed into a corner, Robert grinned. The fear on your face was exactly what that asshole wanted. He laid a hand against your throat and caressed your chin with his thumb. If Daryl could stand, he wouldn’t have no hand.
“W-what do you want?” Your eyes flicked back and forth from the threat in front of you to Daryl’s bloody form on the ground. He could see the anger and fear on your face and was furious at himself for getting the two of you into this position. If he just paid attention…
“I want to take that mouth of yours out for a test run, but I have a feeling you like to bite.”
Fuck this. Daryl lashed out at the closest person, and they dropped to one knee. Before anyone could react, he hauled himself up and kicked the same spot and was rewarded with a sickening crunch. Despite the burning in his ribs and chest, he spun around and delivered a right cross to the next man. He dropped and Daryl stalked towards you but was stopped in his tracks by the tell-tale click of a safety releasing.
“Take another step and I’ll blow her little brains all over the wall. Don’t think I won’t just because she’s a nice piece of ass.” The gun was pressed firmly against your forehead leaving no room to disarm him. The first tear rolled down your cheek as your chin quivered. Without looking away from Daryl, Robert leaned forward and slowly licked it off your face. You whimpered and tried to withdraw. The sound broke something in him, he would do anything to never have to hear you sound so helpless again.
 “Now you are going to sit your ass down and behave. Don’t make me hurt her.” Daryl wanted nothing more than to bash the fucker’s face in, but he couldn’t risk any more pain coming to you.
Shaking from the restraint, he forced himself backwards. One of the men grabbed him and shoved him onto his knees. He leaned in and locked eyes with Daryl.
“You broke my friend’s leg. Either you or the girl has to pay for that.” His rank breath invaded Daryl’s space and he glared daggers at him. His breath came out in huffs as he tried to keep his rage under control. The constant threats weren’t helping him restrain himself.
Daryl jerkily nodded. “Take it from me. Just leave her ‘lone.” He heard you cry out and instinctively broke eye contact to search for you. You were in the same spot, not having moved an inch. You looked devastated and he found it hard to keep eye contact with you, knowing he couldn’t help.
Tears continued to roll down your face as you sobbed. “Don’t- Don’t hurt him. Just let him go. Let him go and I’ll come with y’all.” What the hell were you thinking? He wasn’t going to let them take you anywhere. They could take their anger out on him, but they couldn’t have you. He was about to voice these thoughts before Robert spoke up.
“How about we hurt him and take you anyway?” He grinned maliciously, looking between the two of you. He was enjoying this display of emotion, and it made Daryl sick to his stomach.
His minions wasted no time and took Daryl for round 2 of his beatdown. He didn’t try to fight back; he kept his eyes locked on you. You would be okay. The longer they focused on him, the more chance for you to get away.
You could protect yourself if he couldn’t, he had made sure of that. Back at the farm, when Shane was becoming a threat to everyone, he taught you everything he knew. He was terrified you would be alone with him and in danger, so he taught you how to defend yourself.
He hated seeing the tears glistening in your eyes, hated being the cause of them, but if you were crying then you were alive. That’s all that mattered.
Daryl’s vision was getting hazy. He knew that if he went unconscious you would be alone and in danger, but he couldn’t stop it. He was sure he heard you calling his name before everything faded to black.
Daryl wasn’t sure how long he was unconscious for. His wounds stung, and the busted skin from the boots was bleeding steadily, so it couldn’t have been long. The blood on the floor was still wet.
The first thing he noticed was the silence. His hearing was sharp from years of hunting experience, and he knew there was nothing, undead or alive, in the store.
Where the hell were you?
He managed to get himself off the ground and ignored the immense pain he was in. It hurt like a bitch, but he would live. Blood and cracked ribs hadn’t stopped him before and it certainly wouldn’t now, not without knowing you were safe.
Robert and his men took Daryl’s crossbow but not his knives. While this put him at a disadvantage, he relished the idea of looking into their eyes while he gutted them. You were his.
He found your hunting knife not far from where you last stood. They must have forced you to disarm. If they were smart, which they clearly weren’t, he grumbled, then they would have patted you down. They didn’t see you as the threat you could be and so they were unaware of the second knife in your possession.
Something flared in his chest as he realized that it was his knife you were armed with. You took it some weeks ago and never gave it back. To be honest, watching you use it to kill walkers and train made his heart light up. At least he was with you in some capacity.
Daryl followed the disturbances on the ground. The parking lot was covered in dirt and leaves, so he could get an idea of which direction they went. There were two possible paths: the road or the woods. And because these dicks didn’t know who they fucked with; they went with the latter. Stupid sons of bitches. They walked right into his domain.
Oh, these bastards are gonna pay.
The leader, Robert, had a hand wrapped around my waist. He was leading me into the woods and away from the shopping center. The creep’s hand kept wandering to my ass and I fought the urge to stab him in the throat now. I would get the pleasure of killing him but the other two would be able to subdue me quickly. It was better to wait.
“Still thinking about your archer? I’m sure he’s dead by now. Left the doors open for our rotting buddies to get a free meal.” His hand squeezed around my waist. I was sick of him touching me.
“Fuck you, you rapey asshole.” I spat. The only reason I was so meek in the store was in the hopes that it could help Daryl. Now he’s back there hurt while we are parading through the woods. No reason to keep my attitude in check now.
Robert’s hand disappeared from my side and a resounding smack filled the air as he backhanded me. I nearly fell to the ground, stumbling from the force, but he yanked me upright and slammed me into a tree.
“You’ll learn to watch your mouth, girl. Keep that attitude in check or I’ll have to show you something better to do with it.” He leaned in and took a deep breath, his nose tracing the skin of my shoulder up to my pulse point. I shuddered and did my best to not physically rebel. Handsy, I could handle. I didn’t want to see what would happen if I gave them a reason to go any further.
A rustling in the trees drew everyone’s attention and thankfully, Robert away from me. Daryl?
It was not my archer; it was a small herd of walkers. From my spot against the tree, I was the farthest away and had a front row seat. I watched as one of the walkers attacked the dude with the broken leg. He struggled with it for a minute but lost as his leg crumpled under his weight and a chunk of flesh was ripped from his throat.
The man screamed and screamed as his friends fought the others off. I couldn’t help feeling a sick sense of satisfaction and retribution as I watched him slowly die. Daryl breaking that man’s leg just sentenced him to death and helped even the odds. Even when he wasn’t here, he was protecting me.
Robert was using Daryl’s crossbow. His filthy hands were touching Daryl’s crossbow. I almost saw red at the disrespect he was displaying. Despite the dick’s handle on Daryl’s prized possession, I needed to focus on getting away.
I could run while they’re distracted… Unfortunately, Robert and his remaining friend managed to gain the upper hand against the herd before I had time to make my move. The one unnamed guy yanked me up by arm and dragged me towards Robert, who was staring down at his dead friend.
“What a shame. Nick was a good man.” Yeah, right. “He was slowing us down. Saved me the bullet.” He said impassively.
Oh shit. If he only cared about his friend in terms of how he could help or hinder, things could be worse for me than I thought. I needed to get out of here, and soon. As his buddy forced me past Nick’s body, I stumbled and fell to the ground. Blood coated my hands and knees.
“Goddamnit, girl. You that fuckin’ slow?” He seethed in my ear as he dragged me up from the ground.
“Now now, there’s no reason to get mad. Y/N’s just in shock. Never seen someone die by a geek?” Robert asked in his condescending tone. Of course, he thought I was a helpless girl, protected and sheltered from what life is now. Why not give him more reason to doubt my abilities?
“I, uh. Y-yeah. I knew it happened but I’ve never…” My voice wavered. I really needed to sell this. I thought about Daryl, how he was bloody and unmoving on the floor as they dragged me out. He could be dead and not just hurt. Tears sprang in my eyes and I sniffled.
“Well, we’ll keep you safe gorgeous.” Robert moved to take his friend’s place at my side, sending him to walk ahead of us. We edged around the puddle of blood and continued forward.
He didn’t notice me leaving a bloody handprint on the nearest tree.
Daryl’s POV
It wasn’t a hard trail to follow. Robert’s men took large, heavy steps through the foliage. To his relief, Daryl found evidence that you were still walking on your own. Smaller tracks, but not nearly as light as they could be. You weren’t trying to be careful. It was clear that you resisted at first, but someone must’ve forced you forwards, either by gunpoint or otherwise. He hoped it was the latter. Either way, he would find you soon enough.
Daryl followed as quickly and silently as he could. There were little to no walkers for much of the trek. The ones he did encounter, he dispatched quietly. He didn’t want to risk alerting the group of men that he was close behind. After some time, he began to see signs of a scuffle.
What happened here?
Scanning the ground, it was clear to Daryl that you were shoved. The set of feet that were by your side, too close to your side for his liking, stayed in one spot while yours dragged backwards.
The son of a bitch had put his hands on her. If he hurt you… The men were already going to die for taking you, but Daryl could drag it out. No need to make it clean and quick.
He looked at the scene ahead of the tree. Blood, walkers, and a dead body. Daryl’s heart stopped in his chest. He took out the few walkers that were feasting on the body, adding to the pile of corpses already laying in the dirt. He slowly approached the bloody form. His heartbeat in his throat so hard he thought he would choke on it. God, please don’t let it be her, don’t let it be Y/N.
Daryl forced himself to investigate the face of the body on the ground and thought he would cry in relief. It wasn’t you. No, it was one of the men from the stores. The one who’s leg he broke.
A violent grin pulled at the edges of his lips. One down, two to go. Daryl could take two people in a fight. The element of surprise would be on his side if he stayed undetected, a skill he’d perfected.
Standing back up, Daryl looked for a new set of tracks. There were no obvious trails, the walkers would have mucked them up, but there was an odd smear in the blood. Someone had disturbed the pool. Daryl lightly touched the liquid. It was still warm, he couldn’t be more than 5 or 10 minutes behind you now.
He scanned the immediate area and found a mark. It was a bloody handprint, deliberately pressed. Daryl’s fingers ghosted across the stain and a genuine smile crossed his face. My clever girl.
Night fell and Robert stopped to set up a small fire. I left bloody marks on as many trees as possible. If Daryl is out there, he has a path almost all the way to me. If he’s even alive.
“Y/N. Can’t be over there by yourself, sweetheart. Come sit with me.” Robert looked up at me and he eyes shined with something I didn’t want to name. I hesitated. I didn’t want to leave my spot by the tree line. I felt relatively safe over here, where neither of the men could grab me.
“Girl don’t make me ask again. Over here. Now.” I knew I needed to move towards the fire, but my feet wouldn’t shift from their spot. I was pissing them both off, risking a beating or worse with no possible backup. If Daryl were here, he’d be furious.
But that’s it. Daryl isn’t here. It’s me and two violent, unstable men. I started to turn towards into the shadows, but Robert was by my side in a flash. His hand wound itself into my hair and pulled savagely.
I yelped as he dragged me towards the fire by my hair. My scalp was stinging, and no amount of fighting would get him to let up. I wasn’t in a position to force his release, my feet scrambling in the dirt as I fought to pull myself up. I was thrown fully down, and his hand was no longer in my hair.
The split second of relief was gone in a flash as he kicked me in the ribs. I let out a short scream before my breath was knocked from my chest as he kicked again once, twice, three times. They burned more than they should. Steel-toed boots.
“You fucking bitch, I told you to listen to me. Now I gotta punish you because you can’t be good.” Robert crouched by my side as I fought to catch my breath past the burning ache. The other man hovered by my opposite side, effectively blocking me in. Now I’d antagonized both men and lost my chance to get away.
My heart froze in my chest as I heard the clink of a belt buckle. No, no, no. I fought with renewed vigor, trying to shove myself past the men and into the safety of the trees. I only made it a few steps before a hand seized my ankle and I hit the ground. My ribs lit up with pain and I could barely see past the stars in my eyes as I was dragged backwards and flipped up to face Robert. He leaned down to whisper in my ear.
“I like it when you fight. What if I let you go, give you a two-minute head start? Chasing you through the woods would get me so hot.” He groped at me through my shirt and grabbed my chin, forcing me into a rough kiss. There was no way for me to reach Daryl’s knife in my boot, so I did the only thing I could. I bit into his lip and tore it off his face.
Blood rushed onto my face as he let out a hoarse scream and fell backwards. His eyes were wide and stunned.
“Thought you said you could tell I liked to bite.” I stood up and pulled my knife from its hiding spot. His friend grabbed me and punched me hard in the side of the face. I hit the ground and waited. He leaned over my body, looking at me like a bug to be squashed. Just a little closer, asshole.
“I’m going to hurt you, you little-” His threat was cut off with a wet gurgle as I plunged the blade into his throat. I managed to flip around and gain the upper hand, twisting and yanking the blade out. I was absolutely soaked in blood, barely able to see past it, and Robert was getting up.
Fuck. I hesitated for a split second, torn between running and turning around and gutting Robert. He grabbed the crossbow, which was already loaded from our last encounter. As he picked it up, I spun around and bolted for the trees. I make it into the woods, but not before I hear a low whistle, and something hits me in the left side.
I can’t afford to stop and check. I keep running into the woods back the way we came, praying that I can get far enough away before the adrenaline wears off and I start to feel the object stuck in my side. One of Daryl’s bolts. Branches were whipping across my arms and face, leaving stinging marks. My face and ribs throbbed. But I can’t stop.
My breathing ratcheted up and my heart fluttered like a butterfly. I wasn’t watching my feet and I tripped over a root, breaking my fall into someone’s chest.
Daryl’s POV
Although Daryl could track the steps made by the men, your map of blood ensured he was going the right way. He could feel himself getting closer and his body tensing up for the fight. They would have to kill him to keep you.
A high-pitched scream rang through the trees, quickly cut off. Y/N. Daryl would recognize your voice anywhere.
His heart begged him to pick up the pace and run to help you. You sounded terrified. He forced himself to not outright run, he didn’t want to risk you by charging into the area half-cocked and knowing nothing.
Not long after your scream, a second yell was heard. That was clearly a man, one in pain. Daryl abandoned his plan and began to speed towards the sounds. If both you and a man screamed, you could be getting attacked by walkers. Or another group. Or-
Stop it. Fuckin’ quit. He couldn’t play these scenarios out and stay aware of his surroundings. He had to focus on the present and getting you out of there.
A branch snapped a little to his right and Daryl froze. Something, no someone, was coming his way and it wasn’t trying to be quiet. Whoever it was, they were running for their life.
He slid his two knives from their holsters and brought his hands into a defensive position. There. He can see them now. They were short and feminine. Is that-
You had no idea he was right in front of you. He didn’t have time to call out before you stumbled fell right into his chest.
Daryl’s arm instinctively wrapped around you to break your fall. His chest ached by the force of your impact, but it didn’t matter. It was you.
You fought against his chest, screaming and hitting, trying to break free. A small grunt sounded from the body in front of you.
“Please! Please, let me go, let me-” Your voice cracked as it strained under the stress. Tears ran down your face as you struggled uselessly. Daryl wasn’t letting you go for anything, never again.
“Y/N? Y/N, baby, it’s me. It’s me.” Your struggles died down as your body put a name to the voice, your brain slower to catch up. Whiskey, gasoline, grease. Blood. Ocean-blue eyes.
“D-Daryl?” Your voice sounded so small; he could tell you were scared out of your mind and slow to process. Something terrified you.
He tightened his grip on you and swayed you back and forth. “Yeah Y/N. It’s me.”
A sob wracked through your body. It’s him. He’s okay, he’s alive. The tension drained out of you as you sank into his hold. Your knees gave out and he supported your fall, resting you both on the soft leaves coating the ground.
“He- he tried to-” You couldn’t get the sentence out, but you knew he understood. He always did.
He held you as you cried into his neck. Daryl pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head and breathed deeply, needing to ground himself. You smelled the same; cocoa, vanilla, alcohol and something all your own. Blood singed his nose and shocked him back into reality.
He pulled away from the grasp to get a look at your face. You whined and tried to burrow back into him, but he held you by the shoulders. He needed to make sure you weren’t hurt.
“’S okay, just checking ya ain’t hurt. ‘S okay.” It was not okay. Your face was soaked with blood, some of it yours and some of it from the others. There were cuts across your cheeks still weeping blood and a nasty bruise crawling up the right side of your face. Some of the blood was even in your hair. Your shirt was ripped at the collar, exposing (thankfully) bite-less skin, and you had an arm wrapped around your waist as if holding yourself together. His breath stopped at he looked at your torso.
“Y/N.” His voice was quiet and tense, his accent making a more obvious appearance. “The hell ya got a bolt in your side for?”
Oh. That. “He got me when I was gettin’ away, he has your bow. Asshole…” You cursed. Now that you were safe, you could really feel everything. Your eyes started to close. You were exhausted from fighting for your life and he felt like a horrible person for forcing you to stay awake.
“Y/N, darlin’. Need ya awake. Can’t sleep yet.” He lightly patted the non-bruised cheek, making your eyes flutter open. You didn’t look as if you were entirely there. If Daryl had to guess, it was a combination of exhaustion, blood loss, and dissociation.
His blood boiled as he thought about the men who did this to you. He was going to fucking kill them. But he had to patch you up first. He wouldn’t, couldn’t let you out of his sight, not even when he dealt with those men. He thought he would go insane if he couldn’t see or feel you by his side.
Looking down at you, he knew there wasn’t much he could do to help at the moment. He had to keep the arrow in your side until you were back at the prison with Hershel. He quickly stripped his vest and his flannel off. He reached for your waist, but you flinched, and he immediately quit moving. Daryl felt guilty but he took a deep breath. Those assholes tried to force you and you were traumatized. They were the problem, not him.
“’M gonna tie this ‘round your waist, keep tha bolt from movin’. Need ta keep it in so ya don’t bleed out, okay?” His voice was gentle as he waited for your response.
“Mhm. I know you won’ hurt me.” Your words were a bit slurred as you looked up at him. That wasn’t a good sign. You’d lost more blood than he first expected.
As gently as he possibly could, Daryl pulled the flannel around your waist and tight enough to act as a torniquet. You yelped in pain and he wanted to kick himself for hurting you more. No, he wanted to kick those dipshits-
“I got a few more questions, darlin’. Y/N, where are they?” His hands rubbed up and down your arms to keep you awake and to comfort you. Daryl wanted to know where their campsite was. He had a visit to make.
You pointed behind you. “It’s that way, not too far. Only one left’s Robert. Ooh I bet he’s mad.” A tired giggle left your lips. The situation was far from funny, but you couldn’t help it.
“Why’s he mad? Wha’ happened to the other one? Saw the first a’ready.” One hand left your arm and gently rested on your cheek.
You hummed and leaned into Daryl’s touch. “I bit his lip off. He was trying to-. Anyway, the other one’s dead. Got ‘em right here with your knife.” You tapped his jugular softly.
He didn’t know just how proud of you he could be until that moment. He had let you down in the store, but you managed to protect yourself from the worst of it. He didn’t want to think about what might’ve happened if you hadn’t fought back.
“That’s ma girl. I love ya so much.” You looked up and were rewarded with those pretty blue eyes looking back into yours with adoration. You wanted to stay here with him forever, but you knew the situation was time sensitive.
“Let’s go, the camp’s thatta way.” You tried to haul yourself up and almost hit the ground hard. Daryl quickly wrapped an arm around you and supported most of your weight, doing his best to not provoke the bolt still in your side.
The camp wasn’t far at all. Daryl was so close to you, and you had no idea. It would’ve have been a matter of minutes if you hadn’t made your move. But those minutes would have been filled with pain. You were happy he didn’t have to see you like that.
Daryl’s eyes flicked over the dead man’s body and latched onto the sight of Robert with his back to you both. Daryl set you down gently and lifted a finger to his lips in a silent request. You nodded and he crept towards the man at the edge of camp.
Once behind Robert, he purposefully made a noise. Robert spun around and Daryl was lightning fast, nailing him in the face. Robert hit the ground and Daryl was quick to follow. He threw punch after punch, soaking his hands in blood. His ribs burned like hell, but his rage burned brighter.
He pulled back and allowed a moment of reprieve for the time it took to grab one of his knives. Daryl buried the hilt into the man’s shoulder, effectively pinning him. Robert shrieked in pain.
You hated to see the effect this entire day had on Daryl, but you couldn’t help but delight in the attacker’s pain. You wanted to see him bloody and dying. That’s the least he could expect for the damage he caused.
“Promised myself I’d do this when ya’ first laid a hand on her.” Daryl gripped the man’s hand and brutally chopped a finger off. The screams were both nauseating and rewarding. He went on to the next, then the next. Soon the man was left with 6 fingers.
“Shoulda never touched her. Warned ya’, didn’t I?” He grinned animalistically. You’d never seen Daryl so furious, so dangerous. It sparked the smallest amount of fear before you chided yourself. He would never hurt you. These men were asking for it.
“Please, God, please- “Robert begged. He would bleed out soon, but not soon enough to spare himself more pain.
Daryl shook his head. “What’re you and God gonna do?” He mocked. “Nah, ain’t no God out here. Just me and you.”
Something dark curled up in your chest. The lengths this man was willing to go for you…
When Daryl was done, he slit Robert’s throat and watched as he bled out in the dirt. His eyes eventually went dull, and Daryl extracted his blade from his shoulder and wiped them both harshly on the man’s body. He wouldn’t even spare the man from the transformation. No, he could walk the Earth and feast on people. Daryl hoped that there was a part of him alive in there, despite what Jenner said all those months ago.
You watched as Daryl approached and knelt beside you. His hand was pressed to his ribs, which were likely broken. He’d almost forgotten the beating he took. He looked over your body and locked eyes with you.
“Hi, darlin. Are ya ready to go home?”
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wannabespacesmuggler · 10 months
D.D. | Shane's Girl
Part Two | Masterlist | Buy me a coffee | Check out the playlist
Summary: Daryl Dixon knows he shouldn’t be thinking about you when he’s alone at night in his tent. Hell, he shouldn’t even be looking at you throughout the day. You’re not his. You’re Shane’s girl. But Daryl doesn’t like the way Shane treats you. And he certainly doesn’t like how you’re forced to play ‘loving girlfriend’ to a man with eyes for another woman at the camp.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Merle Dixon being Merle Dixon, Shane Walsh isn’t great either tbh
Word Count: 1K
Author’s Note: So it's been a hot second (writer's block is a bitch), but I really love this idea and apparently a lot of you guys do too! Thanks for all the love on the first part, all the comments and reblogs have meant the world to me. I really cannot believe how well the first part of this fic was received lol. Let me know what you guys think of this one, if you want to be added to the taglist, or just want to ask me a question.
Extras: Playlist
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Daryl is, if anything, a man of his word. He agreed that he’d stay the hell away from Shane’s girl, so that’s exactly what he did. It wasn’t difficult; he is almost always on a hunting trip to keep the ragtag group of survivors fed and when he isn’t, Daryl can be found in his tent taking care of his crossbow and bolts. And since Merle hasn’t spoken a word to you since the little incident in camp, your path just hasn’t crossed his.
That is until his crossbow bolts go missing one morning. 
Daryl rips his tent apart in an attempt to find his missing arrows. A steady stream of expletives escape his mouth as he shuffles through Merle’s belongings, hoping that his older brother just so happened to take his bolts and stash them with his possessions -- it certainly wouldn’t be the first time that Merle took something of his and claimed it as his own. 
After about thirty minutes, Daryl lets out a frustrated sigh. If his bolts aren’t in here, that means someone in camp took them and that could lead to some issues. After the incident with you and Merle, Daryl hasn’t just kept his distance from you -- Daryl has isolated himself further from everyone at the makeshift camp. 
He’s not an idiot and he picked up on everyone’s apprehension in respect to the Dixon brothers since the first few days in camp. That seems to have only gotten worse after Merle’s decision to make a scene in the middle of camp. It doesn’t seem to bother the older Dixon brother; however, Daryl cannot stand how many eyes seem to focus on him whenever he makes an appearance in camp nowadays. Because of this, Daryl has made his trips to camp scarce -- only making his way there to drop off more provisions and supplies. He keeps his head down, he doesn’t speak to anyone, and he doesn’t cause problems.
However, Daryl does take the time to observe the camp and its occupants whenever he’s there. He takes mental notes of who casts him concerned looks. Lori and Carol will stop scrubbing laundry and round up their children every time they see him make his way to the RV. He notices Dale’s eyes narrow every time he enters the RV and how he races to check all of their supplies as soon as he’s stepped foot out of the vehicle. As opposed to popular belief, Daryl has never taken anything from the RV; however, he has left his fair share of scavenged nuts and berries and a handful of animal carcasses in order to keep the camp fed. He’s painfully aware of Shane glaring at him from atop Dale’s RV. He tries to ignore it, but he can’t help the way that it makes his skin crawl. And, against his better judgment, he finds himself keeping tabs on you. It wasn’t a conscious decision at first, but, as time has passed, he’s found his curiosity towards you shifting into what Daryl can only describe as protectiveness.
And that’s how Daryl finds himself awkwardly walking up to you as you scrub laundry against a washboard. You don’t seem to notice his presence as he approaches. He shifts on feet before clearing his throat, in an attempt to grab your attention. Your head shoots up and your eyes widen as they spot him standing in front of you. Daryl is prepared to turn heel and run in the other direction based on your reaction until a smile spreads across your face. You push your hair out of your eyes and drop the laundry in your hands into the basin in front of you before speaking. 
“Hey, Daryl. What’s up?”
“Ya know if Shane’s around?”
You move your head to look left, then right. Your eyes scan the camp before they land back on Daryl. You shrug your shoulders.
“Don’t know. I’m not his keeper.” 
Daryl releases a breath through his nose at your words. It’s the closest anyone in camp has come to making Daryl Dixon laugh as far as you know and it fills you with pride. You wipe your hands on your jeans and stand up from your position over the basin.
“I may not be Shane, but I might be able to help you.”
“Somebody took my crossbow bolts. Couldn’t find ‘em this mornin’.”
You immediately turn and start walking toward the RV. Shane had told you he was busy this morning with ‘inventory’ this morning. He already took your knife and pistol this morning, so you wouldn’t be surprised if you also found Daryl’s arrows. You explain this to Daryl as he walks behind you. If Merle was here, he’d be laughing at the younger Dixon brother. 
‘I leave you alone and you’re already following ‘er around like a lost puppy dog, little brother?’  
Daryl tries to shake off Merle’s voice echoing in his mind. He watches as you enter the RV and waits as he hears you rustling through the supplies. A few moments later you emerge with a handful of crossbow bolts. 
“I take it these are yours?”
Daryl nods and mumbles a quick thank you as he takes the arrows from you. He quickly counts them, ensuring that he’s gotten all of his property back.
“Do you make them yourself?”
He nods his head again, eyes still focused on the bolts in his hands.
“Could you show me sometime?”
Daryl looks up at you, his head cocked to the side slightly. He’s a little dumbfounded. He wasn’t expecting you to take an interest in his craftsmanship. Hell, he wasn’t expecting you to continue speaking to him after you found his arrows. Thrown off by your actions, Daryl simply says that first thing that crosses his mind as you look at him with an expectant expression.
Taglist: @darylsl0ver @minervadashwood @hotgirlsshareaccounts @taterbbbug @dreamtofus @youcantstandit @ajlovesdilfs @prettywhenibleed @luvsvnlqt-things @evie-beanie @strnqer @marina-isabella @lissanovak @elissanatok @1tsk1tty @moejoeflow @ceoofdisappointment @jewellthebooknerd
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Okay, fine, I have a type.
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there's a pattern here....
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thewritersaddictions · 6 months
Day Twenty-Four: Rick Grimes + I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
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The house party celebrating Christmas had gone well enough. Somehow, you managed to convince your husband to dress up as Santa, and with that, he wore the classic red suit and that long white beard.
You had to corral your children to go to their rooms and bed. Your oldest son was already in bed by the time you managed to get up the stiars with your creaking knees. You popped open the door, his head still lying on his pillow. "Good night, baby." You whispered and kissed his forehead. Your two youngest share a room for now. Your two shining and bright daughters loved to do everything in sync with each other. "Alright, my beauties, you need to go to bed, or Santa won't be coming to our house tonight." You say as you enter a messy room. Clothes and toys are scattered across the floor. Cite little giggles could be heard from under the sheets of their beds. You kissed both of them on their forehead and turned off their light.
You were careful when going down the stairs, only to find your husband waiting for you in the kitchen, still wearing the Santa costume. "You're not changing?" You ask him, and he shakes his head, "Not yet. I know how much you spent on this costume." He says and then hands you a hot cup of cocoa. A few sinking marshmallows bob onto the top of the drink, and as you sip the hot drink, you get shivers down your back.
"Did you bring the kid's gifts up from the basement?" YOu ask Rick as you set the hot cup down on the countertop. He hums, "All in the living room waiting for us to put them under the tree." He answers you with a warm smile on his face. You now think what it will be like when your oldest is away, and your girls are in their teenage years. Will they still want to get gifts and unwrap them in front of their parents? "Where do you keep going, love?" Rick asks, clearly concerned about where you keep going in your thoughts.
"It doesn't matter, love. Let's just get to putting the gifts under the tree." You tell your husband? He looks at you, pleading with his eyes to tell you your thoughts. Rick doesn't push any further, and you walk towards your living room. Having three kids meant that the Christmas tree was always packed. You also learned that having their own piles under the tree was better than scattering presents. The first year you learned that scattering presents wouldn't work was when your son opened up a gift for you from Rick and then when your daughter opened up her older brother's boxers. That Christmas had been a disaster.
As the two, you danced around each other to make the underneath of the tree look presentable. You couldn't help but grab Rick by the arm once in a while and snag his lips for a quick kiss. "I think I really like you dressed up like this." You tease Rick with a playful wink. He rolls his eyes at your comment but doesn't hesitate to grab your waist and pull you in for a meaningful and long kiss. "Of course, you enjoy this." He says as he pulls you even closer to his chest. Your lips meld effortlessly, and Rick's plump lips taste like hot cocoa and peppermint. You drag away, "You taste like peppermint." He raises a brow and gets close to your ear. "I can taste like other things if you want me to." Rick teases as his hands glide down your side and squeeze at your hips.
The following day is spent with one, two, and three knocks at your bedroom door. "SANTA CAME!" Your daughters yell in unison. It's not till the five of you are still comfortable in your living room. Rick and you are holding a hot cup of coffee, and your son speaks up as he tears through his stocking. "Dad?" Rick hums, looking up from his cup. "I think you should know something." Even your brows knit together. "What's up?" Rick asks, not sure at all where this is going. "I guess… I should get it out. I saw mom kissing Santa." The chuckle you must hold in is hot and spring to escape your blown cheeks. "Did you? Are you sure it was Santa?" Rick asks your oldest. As you try desperately to calm the laughter in your chest.
"I'm sure dad… and he was touching mom's butt." This time, you can hold back your laughter. Rick catches you in the corner of his eye, half a smirk on his face. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" He teases you with a serious question. You shrug your shoulders. "I was… Santa needed some help." You lie, but your son drops the conversation in favor of the oven dinging with muffins being done.
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Completed on: 11/30/23
Posted on: 12/24/23
The Law Tags-
The Walking Dead Master List // The Law Master List // Christmas Stories Master List
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1mmeee2 · 2 years
Flu Confession (Daryl Dixon x Reader) 
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Summary: This is in season 4 of the Walking dead when the flu spread. You and a few other people got sick out of the blue confusing everyone. While you were quarantined Daryl, the one of the few people who is close to you, came see and take care of you. ---------------------------------------------------------------
Day 2 of being locked in a police sheriff office. This time everything hurts, your throat, your eyes, your body, your head, everything. You felt extremely weak and lonely, you kinda was waiting to die at this point. As you sat in the room alone you heard a knock on the door making your head move up to see a shadow on the door tinted window. "Yes?" You asked with a dry, sore throat. "Y/n? Are you okay?" You heard Daryl's voice from the other side. "Yeah... I'm okay." You said as you crawled your way to the door and leaned on the door sitting on the cold floor. "The group right now is looking for antibiotics... Just hold on tight." Daryl said as he slowly rests his back on the door before sinking down to the floor like Y/n as she coughs more. "How does it feel to look like shit?" Daryl asked making me chuckle. "Amazing, never felt prettier in my life." I said sarcastically as I heard Daryl chuckle as well. "Hershel right now is handing out his whatever tea... He'll come over soon." Daryl said reassuring me as I played with my figures. "Y/n... I wanted to ask you something..." Daryl asked but Y/n didn't say anything back. "Y/n?" Daryl called but still no answer from them. "Y/n!?" Daryl asked again now this time extremely worried. Y/n though got knocked out from the pain and coughing and soon started coughing out blood which was the next symptom. Daryl without wasting another second started opening the door but it was locked. "Y/n!" Daryl said this time yelling, trying to figure out what to do. Suddenly Daryl broke the door knob leaving the door with a hole unlocking it. Soon Daryl opens the door and saw Y/n covered in her own blood from her mouth, pale skin, and suffocating from all the blood in her lungs. "Hershel! Hershel!" Daryl yelled as he picked Y/n up running to the cell rooms with all the other sick people. "What's wrong?" Hershel asked as he saw Y/n. "She's chocking!" Daryl said worriedly as he laid Y/n on the bed in one of the cell room while Hershel started inserting a tube down her throat making Y/n start shaking from more pain. "Y/n, I'm sorry." Hershel said as Daryl holds her down from shaking as he watched Hershel twist in the tube a air bag and started pumping air into her lungs to help her breath.
"I got other people to help, pump every 5 seconds." Hershel said to Daryl and handed the air bag to him. "Thanks." Daryl said to Hershel who look at Y/n then Daryl. "Take care of her." He said before leaving the two together making Daryl look at Y/n in sadness in seeing her in this much pain. "I'm sorry..." Daryl said softly as he continued pumping air in her lungs. "I love you... I get it, I'm a coward for not telling you up front. But... I will tell you soon. I want you to know..." Daryl said as he wasn't so sure if she'll make it or not... so might as well tell her while she's somewhat aware. - After a long wait, Y/n finally woke up to see herself in her cell room cleaned up and feeling a bit better. She soon sat up and saw Daryl resting on a chair next to her bed. "Daryl?" Y/n asked before tapping his arm making Daryl jump up and saw Y/n looking at him. "Y/n... Are you okay?" Daryl asked worriedly. "I feel a lot better. Are you okay?" Y/n asked worried as Daryl also didn't look too good. "Just tired... Hershel gave you the antibiotics and you got better." Daryl explained making Y/n get up from her bed. "Lay down, I can see your eye bags." You said helping him lay down on the bed without him fighting or being stubborn. "Thanks." Daryl said weakly making you chuckle a bit. "I love you too." You said making Daryl's eye widen in shock. "What?" Daryl asked confused. "Hey, I was in pain, not dead." You said sitting on the chair as Daryl was still trying to understand what's going on. "I'll let you figure that out bud." You said smirking at Daryl before kissing his cheek and slowly walked out of the cell room to go see the others but then you felt a hand on your arm.
Suddenly you felt the arm pull you in and felt Daryl's lips on yours. You soon slowly melted in his kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I love you." Daryl said again in his kiss. "I love you too." You said smiling in the kiss.
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