#walking her when shell get so distracted or even be rude
kawaiianimeredhead · 1 year
We got a treadmill for free from a friend/my boss a week or so ago, and I had a lot of weird energy today so I decided to test it out. Walked for some time (I wanna say it was like 25 min but I don't remember) and then hours later still had the weird energy and walked another 20 min
And idk how much I'll keep it up but it did seem to help today at the least
Legs do feel a bit like I've been walking too long on the moving sidewalks at like universal or airports...
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rainyvalentines · 3 months
Hard to hate
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pairings…clarisse la rue x daughter of nyx
description…clarisse hates you but can’t help falling for you
warnings…a little angsty
w/c…734 words 3907 characters
an…i hope you like it!! again i finished like the entire thing in one sitting 😋
You had came to camp a few weeks ago and you were quickly claimed. Everyday your mom would give you a little gift like necklaces or bracelets.
You could feel the watching eyes of the camp, specifically a certain daughter of Ares, Clarisse La Rue. Every day you were made fun of and picked on in some way.
She would always glare at you when you did anything, especially if you had gotten a gift. You knew she fought for her father’s attention which she barely got. When she did it was almost always negative.
You felt bad for her but there was nothing you could do for her besides watch.
————————————————————————————— clarisse’s pov
I hate y/n. She always gets attention from her mother. I want that. I deserve the attention.
Today is capture the flag so maybe it’ll distract me. I’m on her team though. I bet you she’s horrible at fighting. She is kinda cute..
We better win this time. I’m tired of loosing every single capture the flag. It was always Athena and the Hermes cabin that won.
2nd person pov
As you prepare for capture the flag you can still feel Clarisse’s eyes on you. She’s always looking at you, you didn’t even do anything to her.
Your team was talking about the plan and you got put on defense which sucks but better than having to attack the other team.
Capture the flag was starting soon so you got in position. You hear the conch shell blow and yells erupt. You sat on a rock waiting for anything to happen.
You see a group of Athena’s kids running towards you. You quickly stood up and held your sword out. You try to defend yourself but it didn’t work. They overpowered you sending you to the floor.
“We hate kids like you. You aren’t special.” One of the girls spat.
“I didn’t do anything!” Tears started to prick your eyes as she stood above you.
“Why do you get the attention!”
“I-I don’t know what you mean!” You stuttered.
“You always get attention from your mom!”
“That’s not something I can control!”
“I don’t care! You don’t deserve-” She was cut off as someone hit her.
“Get off of her!” You recognized that voice. Clarisse? Why was she saving you?
All the girls quickly ran away at the sight of Clarisse. You looked at Clarisse who quickly runs after them.
“What the fuck..” You murmur. You get up and walk to the beach. As you stand there you start to cry. “I can’t control my mom..”
It was stupid they attacked you just because of your mom. So many people at the camp did that. They were jealous or just hated you for no reason. You never had hurt anyone or was rude. They didn’t have a reason to hate you, they just did.
You saw a kid from the Hermes cabin with their flag. You sighed as they won the game, again.
After a few minutes passed you heard someone walking on the rocks. “You okay?” Of course it was Clarisse.
“I’m fine..what do you want?”
“I just saw you alone and it looked like you were crying.”
“It’s nothing. Why do you care?”
“Are you sure cause you’re literally sobbing.”
“I’m tired of everyone hating me because of my mom! I didn’t even do anything!”
“I don’t hate you..” She muttered under her breath.
“I thought you hated me..”
“I could never..I like you”
You glanced up at her. She likes you?
“I-I like you too..”
“Really?” She sat down beside you. “Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
“I’d like that..” You mumbled. She softly grabbed your chin and kissed you gently. Your heart was beating a million times per second.
“I’m sorry you thought I hated you..I was just jealous that you got so much love from your mom..My dad doesn’t really do that for me..”
“It’s okay..” You lean into her. Her hand wrapped around your waist as she rested her head on yours.
“I love you..”
You giggle. “I see we aren’t trying to beat the stereotypes? I love you too..”
“Oh shut up! Come on I’ll walk to back to your cabin.”
“Thank you. Truly, you saved me from the Athena girls”
“It’s no problem” She kissed your temple as you walked to your cabin.
Maybe this camp isn’t that bad.
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slaymitchabernathy · 3 months
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It’s cute the way she looks so surprised. As if she expects him to not be waiting outside of her classroom on day to walk her to her next class.
He’s only been doing it for a month.
But Coriolanus has to patient with her, his pretty girl.
Her head lowers as she walks out of the door, several students brushing right past her, paying her no mind as their shoulders bump into hers, nearly jostling her books out of her hands.
Coriolanus clenched his jaw along with his fists. After dating Soarynn for a month he’d learned how rude people can be, how oblivious they can be towards quiet, timid little things like her. Taking her kindness for granted. How dare they.
It’s always been easy for him to stand out. Literally and figuratively. He’s heads above most people when it comes to height, no one dares to bump into him on their way to the lunch room. And he’s always been popular, well liked amongst his peers, always waving hello to a friendly face.
He makes his way over to her, taking her books without asking and holding them in one of his hands. He takes her hand in the other, lacing his fingers with hers, a sense of pride coursing through his veins as he leads them through the hallway.
People make way for them. For him. They eye Soarynn up and down, still not sure what to make of the new couple. Soarynn’s face is slightly flushed and he can tell she wants to disappear, to bury her nose in one of her books.
She loves to read is what he’s found out. She told him it was a way of escaping for her. So he tried to listen whenever she told him about something she was reading. It wasn’t even fiction. She read books about Panem’s history, things like that. The librarian must love her.
But she can’t hide in her books forever. He reminds her of that every so often. Coriolanus has made it his personal mission to get Soarynn more out of her shell and show her off the to the world. He’s so selfless. Giving her a chance, walking her to class, taking her home. He’s doing it all by the book so to speak.
And it’s going perfectly.
She tries to let go of his hand when they reach her anatomy class but he tugs her back, smirking at how powerless she is against him. She looks up, her eyes pleading, “I need to get to my seat to study before my exam, it’s very impor—“
“You studied yesterday pretty girl,” Coriolanus reminds her. He only knows that because he was right next to her, trying to distract her. But Soarynn was so adamant about preparing for this exam so he settled for watching her study. Plus she brought him snacks, so that helped.
It’s adorable the way she shakes her head, about to insist how she’s bound to fail this exam even though she’s aced every single one so far this school year. She’s smart his girl. Smarter than he originally thought. “I just get nervous,” she whispers, “it’s important that I do well on all my exams.” Coriolanus has to lean down to hear what she says, another thing he finds sweet about her, how small she is compared to him.
Soarynn mumbles a lot. Or whispers. Or talks in hushed tones. The girl is quiet as a mouse. And since they started dating he’s found himself constantly leaning down to hear the words coming out of her mouth. He doesn’t mind though, she only does it when she’s nervous.
“You’ll do fine,” he assures her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, “I’ll get you when you’re done okay?”
Soarynn simply nods as he hands back her books, walking into her classroom.
Coriolanus has a free period so he spends it bothering Felix Ravenstill who got stuck being an office aid for this period. He’s on the phone when Coriolanus walks in, droning on and on about Academy policies.
“Yes Mrs. Whatnot, I understand you don’t like the shade of our fabrics on your son’s skin tone but I can’t do anything about it. If you’d like you can take it up with the Dean. I also…hello? Hello?” Felix looks up at Coriolanus from his seat, “She hung up on me! The nerve of some of these parents,” he scoffs, slamming the phone down on the receiver.
Coriolanus chuckles as he sits across from Felix. It’s almost as if he’s been sent to the office. Normally there’s an adult working who sits where Felix is sitting but Felix is reliving them of their duties for the next hour or so.
“That’s what you get for recommending she talk to Highbottom,” Coriolanus jokes, giving Felix a knowing look. Dean Highbottom is a senile man who hates children which makes his job even more ironic. Most parents avoid speaking with him unless it’s an absolute emergency. Like the Academy uniforms for example.
“Well I hope she doesn’t call back when I’m working,” Felix says, crossing his arms over his chest, “what’ve you been up to today?” Coriolanus shrugs as he picks at his nails, “Just the usual. I walked Soarynn to her anatomy class, there’s this exam she’s super nervous about. I’ll see her after though since we have literature next.”
He looks up to see Felix smirking, “So what have you two been up to?”
A common question Coriolanus has gotten since he began dating Soarynn. It was odd he had to admit, to see the two of them together. They were both attractive but that was where the similarities ended it seemed. At least on the surface.
Everyone wanted to know what a guy like him was doing with a girl like her. Coriolanus was so outspoken, so confident, so charming. Soarynn was quiet, timid and reserved. In a way they were complete opposites. But opposites attract.
And he didn’t plan on letting her go for a long, long time. Not until he had his fun with her at least.
He’d asked her to officially be his girlfriend the same day he finally got to see her perfect little cunt. She’d said yes, still so flustered from everything that happened, poor thing probably didn’t even realize what she was agreeing to until it was too late.
Since then they hadn’t moved too fast. He knew he was in for the long run, there was no rushing these things. While he hadn’t fingered her yet, he’d gotten her to give him head. It was cute how clueless she was to it all, how she needed to be told what to do. She could be so dumb in that way.
Coriolanus liked that about her.
He liked teaching her exactly how to do things the way he wanted them to be done. How to lick the tip of his cock. How to wrap her lips around it without using her teeth. How to take all of him without complaint. How to look him in the eye while sucking him off, and he loves looking her in those pretty eyes while she’s on her knees for him.
Soarynn’s a fast learner in that regard. She learned exactly how he liked how to be pleased, how she was expected to swallow his cum each and every time he finished in her mouth.
He’d finish in her cunt eventually. But he was taking things slow.
Sometimes it drove him insane. How squeamish she’d get when they were kissing, or when she’d try to duck out of the way when he’d try to kiss her goodbye in the hallway. She was shy. He didn’t mind it for the most part. He never hard to worry about her talking to other guys or anyone for that matter. She barely talks to his friends.
“Nothing too exciting,” he tells his friend, throwing him a wink. All the boys had formed a small bet on how quickly Coriolanus would be able to truly get into Soarynn’s pants. There was another bet, a side bet to see if she’d bleed when he did it. As if she wasn’t a virgin.
They both spent the rest of the period snickering about gossip and who was fucking who before the bell finally rang. “See you at lunch,” he calls as he leaves the office.
Soarynn was still in her class when he got there. He peeked in to see she was the only one left. Well, the professor was still there but all the students had left. Soarynn’s scribbling on the paper, leaning against her hand as she writes, her hair in her face.
Finally she sits up, grabs her exam paper and goes to the front to deliver it. The professor barely gives her a glance as she places it on his desk, “Have a good weekend,” he tells her before looking back at his work.
She notices Coriolanus when she turns around, looking surprised as always. He’d insisted on walking her to class once they started dating. It was the gentlemanly thing to do, plus everyone could see his pretty girl on his arm. Two birds with one stone.
She’s quick to gather her things and put them in her Academy satchel before she joins him at the door, her hand slipping into his without hesitation. It seems she’s eager to get out of this classroom. “How did you do?” He asks, taking them to the right, towards their literature class.
Soarynn sighs, “I don’t know. At least it’s over.” Indeed it is, and as her professor said, they have the weekend to enjoy. Coriolanus hums as he pulls her along, looking down to see her brushing her hair behind her ears, “I’m sure you did good darling. You studied very hard for that exam.” She certainly did, it cost him a whole afternoon without any sort of physical affection from Soarynn. She tended to withhold all affection from him whenever she was stressed.
So he did his best to keep her life stress free.
Which includes walking her to and from class every day.
They find Festus sitting in the back when they arrive to literature. Poor Felix is still stuck being an office aide, which conveniently opened up a seat in the back row for Soarynn to sit in. Festus gives them a smile as they take their seats, Coriolanus sitting in between the two of them. “Are you two ready to present your project today?”
Soarynn’s eyes widen at the question and she looks at Coriolanus with genuine fear in her eyes, “That’s today?” She asks, her voice barely a whisper. Both boys nod and Coriolanus gives her shoulder a comforting squeeze, “We’ll be fine baby. Besides, we already planned for me to do a majority of the talking.”
Coriolanus had only asked to partner with Soarynn to get closer to her, to get that golden opportunity. He hadn’t planned on actually having to complete the project. But it was simple enough. You had to write about someone in your life who was an exemplary citizen of the Capitol. Coriolanus had suggested his own father and Soarynn had agreed without second thought. Since it was his own blood they’d be talking about, he offered to do most of the talking since Soarynn didn’t do too well with public speaking.
She barely spoke as it was.
Soarynn didn’t look too convinced but the professor walked in, his gaze settling on the two of them, “Once I call roll you two can begin.”
Oh, and they had to stand in the front of the classroom.
This was a walk in the park for Coriolanus. He loved to talk about himself and his family and loved being the center of attention. Soarynn however, hated projects like this. In fact, she’d told him that she would often fake being sick if she knew there was a presentation due in one of her classes.
Coriolanus didn’t mind public speaking, he’d be doing a lot of it once he became President so he had to start somewhere. He began to wonder who would be his First Lady while their Professor called roll. She’d have to be sweet, charming, polite, pretty.
He looks down at his hand that’s intertwined with Soarynn’s hand and she’s nervously tapping her foot. Poor thing. He leans over and presses a chaste kiss to her neck, a spot that he knows will make her toes curl, “Relax pretty girl, I’ve got you.”
Soarynn nods but doesn’t look at him, her breath hitching in her throat once the roll is done with. They both stand up, their project in his other hand as they make their way to the front of the classroom. A few of their classmates are still whispering about who knows what and while Coriolanus normally wouldn’t mind, it irks him for some reason.
Maybe it’s because it’s just rude. Or maybe it’s because they’d discussed Soarynn introducing herself first and he can see how her eyes slightly widen when she realizes she has to talk while other people are talking.
Either way, he’s quick to clear his throat and send a nasty look their way, quieting them immediately. Pleased with himself, he looks down at Soarynn and nods. Once she introduces herself, she’s practically done talking. Soarynn swallows and straightens up, “Hello,” she says, “my name is Soarynn Nightingale.” Coriolanus smiles, “And my name is Coriolanus Snow, and today we’re going to tell you why my father, Crassus Xanthos Snow, is the perfect Capitol citizen.”
꧁ ꧂
“Snakes are much scarier than rats!” Clemensia Dovecote says to Festus who simply shakes his head, “You haven’t seen the big ones, Clemmie,” he tells her solemnly, “the big rats that live in the sewers will have you running for the hills.” Coriolanus chuckles at his friend's pointless conversation while he eats his lunch. He looks to his left where Soarynn’s sitting, her nose buried in a book.
He sighs but doesn’t chide her about it, he knows today’s events have strung her out and that she wishes for nothing more than to go home early and curl up in her bedroom. But that doesn’t mean she gets to skip out on lunch.
He’d invited her to his table, his elite table. Filled with children of the Capitol’s elite, soon to be the elite. Felix and Festus obviously sat here, along with Clemensia and Arachne Crane—although he found her rather insufferable—Pup Harrington and Urban Canville. Their table was the one to be at so wasn’t Soarynn just so lucky that she got an invitation?
The first day he’d brought her around he’d gotten some curious looks from the girls but once they realized she was quiet as a mouse, there were no issues. Soarynn wasn’t a threat.
“Are you excited for the ball?” Arachne asks Coriolanus, practically jumping in her seat and getting Clemmie to join in with her. Coriolanus rolled his eyes, “It’s a ball, not a wedding,” he points out. He knows the girls don’t care, that all they can think about is dress shopping and dancing all night.
Arachne’s sharp gaze finds Soarynn who’s tuned out the majority of the conversation since sitting down, her lunch already eaten within the first five minutes. “Have you already been dress shopping Soarynn?” The look of bewilderment on Soarynn’s face is somewhat adorable to Coriolanus as he watches her attempt to formulate an answer.
“I have not,” she answers softly. So softly that everyone has to lean forward to hear what she has to say. Coriolanus places his hand over hers, “I’m going to take her shopping this weekend.” He hasn’t planned on taking her dress shopping this weekend, but he also knows how it would end if Soarynn went with Arachne and Clemmie. Horribly.
The girls simply nod before returning to a more private conversation and Coriolanus uses this as a chance to tell Soarynn about what else he has planned for them.
“I’d like you to come over tonight,” he whispers, his large hand still engulfing her small one. It still amazes him how significant their size difference is, how easily he can overpower her or simply maneuver her however he so pleases.
He likes that about her too, how pliant his pretty girl is.
Soarynn's eyes are already glued back onto the pages of her book when she replies, "I'm having dinner with my father tonight." Coriolanus suppressed an annoyed groan when hearing that, when hearing that he'd have to wait a little longer to have his quiet little mouse in his hands again. "All right, I'd like you to come over after you have dinner then," he says, leaving no room for argument. Soarynn just hums and turns the page.
꧁ ꧂
Coriolanus is all but tapping his foot and pacing the halls when the familiar sound of the doorbell alerts him that Soarynn has arrived. He glances at his wristwatch, it's a little after seven which is perfect. His parents are on a trip this weekend, visiting a District resort so he has the whole place to himself.
He opens the doors, more than pleased to be greeted by the sight of his pretty girlfriend who's dressed exactly to his liking. A short skirt, a loose sweater, and her hair slightly pulled back from her face.
She looks so pretty.
"Hi baby," he says, pulling her in for a kiss. Soarynn doesn't even tense when he does this, doesn't even try to get away. She's much more docile when they're both alone, a little more trusting. So pure and innocent. "Hi," she whispers when he pulls away, her cheeks pink.
He chuckles and takes her hand, leading them to his bedroom, a place she's grown all too familiar with. "How was dinner?" He asks, not really caring how it went but knowing she doesn't get to see her dad a whole lot. He can't relate. His father is always home.
"It was okay. He actually had to leave early to deal with some business stuff in Two." Coriolanus halts in his tracks causing Soarynn to slightly run into him. He turns and looks down at her, his eyes wide with excitement, "So you're home all by yourself?" She nods, shifting on her feet. "Then you can sleep over, my parents are gone too," he decided, the plan already formulating in his mind.
Soarynn's blue-gray eyes widen as she looks up at him, "I...I don't know if I can sleep over Coriolanus,' she says softly, "I didn't ask for permission or if there was somethi-"
"Pretty girl he's never gonna know," he cuts her off, "you're spending the night, I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you while you were alone at home." Was he slightly exaggerating? Yes, but she didn't need to know that.
Now that he'd cleared that up, he led them into his bedroom where Soarynn closed the doors behind them, just the way he liked it. "You can wear some of my clothes to sleep," he says, pulling open his desk drawer, and looking for the bottle he'd stashed away in there.
He can hear Soarynn shuffling towards his bed, kicking off her shoes before sitting down. At least she knows what to do, what to wear, what to say. he grins when he finds the bottle and grabs it, turning around to see Soarynn perched on the edge of his bed, expectantly watching him.
Over the past month, they've adopted some sort of a routine for whenever she comes over. First, she says hello to his parents. His father barely gives her a glance, too consumed with work and all too used to Coriolanus bringing home girls left and right. To him, Soarynn's just another notch in his son's belt.
And sometimes that's how Coriolanus sees her, just another conquest, another body. But sometimes he finds himself genuinely caring for her, especially after seeing how lonely she is, how she truly has no friends. She's a sweet girl, a pretty girl.
Then she says hello to his mother who adores Soarynn, thinks she's such a pretty little thing, and that her son has secured such a perfect match. It is getting to be that time when couples begin to form and settle down, right before graduation. After all that's been done, they go to his room.
In his room is where the real fun begins. That's when he has her all to himself, can do whatever he wants with her. They usually start slow, with her on his lap, his hands on her waist. He knows she's still nervous, she still shakes and it's not from pleasure.
He strides over to her, bottle in his grasp and her eyes immediately lock onto it. His pretty girl is so perceptive. “What is that?” She asks, her curiosity getting the best of her. Usually, Soarynn keeps to herself and simply does what he tells her, never questioning his authority.
Coriolanus sits next to her on the bed, his clothed thigh brushing against her bare one. “Festus gave these to me,” he tells her, holding out the bottle so she can have a better look, “he says they help you relax, feel good.” Soarynn furrows her brows and takes the bottle, turning it over in her hands, examining its contents. There’s no label, Coriolanus made sure of that and the pills are white, nothing on them.
“Are you going to take these?” She asks him, handing back the bottle. Coriolanus smiles, “We are going to take these, just one for each of us should be enough.” Soarynn frowns, her hands nervously playing with the hem of her skirt, “I don’t think I should take those,” she mumbles, “I’ve never really taken any medication before.”
He expected this, the pushback, the hesitation. And he prepared for it. “Baby, I wouldn’t give these to you if I didn’t think they’d make you feel good. Don’t you want to relax, let me make you feel good?” His hand grabs her thigh and she slightly tenses. While he hasn’t fingered her yet, he has feasted on her delicious cunt many times and he knows how much Soarynn likes it even if she won’t admit it.
She nervously eyes the bottle again, it’s like he can see her resolve slowly breaking. “Okay,” she whispers, “just one.” He grins and grabs her face in his hand, pressing a kiss to her lips. Soarynn kisses him back, she’s gotten better at returning his kisses instead of tolerating them, especially when it’s just the two of them.
He’s quick to open the bottle, he won’t be taking any of these pills, not if he values the mobility of his body. But Soarynn will. He lets go of her face for only a moment, just to grab one of the white pills and press it against her lips as he kisses her, “Swallow it, pretty girl,” he says against her lips, pressing the pill into her mouth.
Soarynn whimpers but she does as he says and swallows it. It’s easy to pretend he takes on as well, to act like he can feel the tingly feeling that she’s feeling. Soarynn’s getting more frantic, more on edge as he keeps kissing her. But he reassures all her worries with soft kisses, eventually pulling her into his lap, his hands going under her skirt to grab her ass. Soarynn moans into the kiss, grinding on his thigh.
Coriolanus smirks, it’s working.
From what Festus described, the pills are meant to help you relax, but they also make you more compliant, easier to move around since they’ll nearly numb your entire body. And that’s exactly what Coriolanus wants. He doesn’t know how long it’ll take for everything to kick in but he starts to notice her loss of mobility ten minutes later when she can no longer clutch onto his dress shirt while he kisses her. Soarynn whimpers and it’s not from pleasure, it’s from fear.
“Coriolanus,” she says, “I don’t…I don’t feel so good.”
He feigns a look of concern and pulls away from her soft lips, placing a hand on her forehead. She’s got a faraway look in her eyes, and she’s swaying in his lap like she might fall over if he doesn’t keep his grip on her, “Do you need to lay down pretty girl?”
He doesn’t wait for a response before he lays her down on his bed, her legs splayed out, her hands trying to grip the sheets but failing as she loses more mobility. Coriolanus starts with her skirt, slipping it off her body and smirking when he sees she’s wearing a baby pink thong, with a little bow on the front. “You wear this just for me?” He asks, slipping his hands under her sweater. Soarynn whimpers, trying to move but she can’t. She can’t. She looks so pretty when she can’t.
It’s a bit harder to slip her sweater off. Soarynn whines when her arms flop back onto the bed, her chest nearly exposed if it weren't for the matching baby pink bra she's wearing. Coriolanus chuckles, remembering when he bought this very set for her. How ironic that now she's going to bleed in it. "You look so pretty Soarynn," he murmurs, tracing his fingertips down her stomach towards her covered cunt.
Soarynn tries to move but can't, she can barely make a sound let alone tell him to stop. Once he reaches her panties he peels them off, groaning at how wet she already is. Hadn't Festus mentioned that? Something about this pill making girls nice and wet for you? Festus would know, he's used these pills dozens of times, they're easy to get and easy to slip into a drink. Unless you're dumb like Soarynn and swallow it whole.
It's damn near embarrassing how wet Soarynn gets for Coriolanus now. He relishes the fact that no one else has ever touched her before, seen her like this before. He leans down and licks a stripe up her cunt, grinning when her hips slightly buck up, the pill's contents too strong for her to achieve much movement.
He figures he might as well enjoy this while he can so he pries her thighs as far apart as they'll go, appreciating how flexible she is. Soarynn lets out another whine and he bites her inner thigh, "Hush Soarynn," he says, greedily eyeing her pretty cunt, "you should be thanking me for what I'm about to do to you."
He eats her out like a starved man from the Districts. She still tastes as sweet as she did the first time but for some reason, he finds her wetness even more addicting. Maybe it's the drug in her system. She lets out a few quiet moans but for the most part, she's silent, her chest rapidly rising and falling. Coriolanus takes his sweet time with her, lapping at her clit, biting it, sucking on it. He doesn't finger her though. He plans on stretching her out with his cock and a single finger might ruin his chances of seeing her bleed for him.
Coriolanus can tell she's getting close with the way her cunt starts to pulse, almost fluttering. Normally she'd be crying and whining and babbling all sorts of things but not today. It's a strange type of silence. Coriolanus has grown used to gauging how he's doing based off of girl's moans but Soarynn's always been quiet. Until it came to the bedroom.
She cums in his mouth, a wheeze slipping out of her lips as he continues eating her out, working her through her orgasm while getting soaked in the process. Coriolanus sits up and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, pleased with his work down there so far.
He finally looks at Soarynn's face and there are tears streaming down her cheeks as she stares up at the intricately carved ceiling. He crawls over her body, cupping her face, "Don't cry pretty girl, I'm gonna make you feel so good," he whispers, using his other hand to tug down his pants. Soarynn closes her eyes, trying to block him out but it angers Coriolanus and he grabs her jaw, shaking it until her eyes fly open, wide with fear.
"Don't be a fucking brat," he hisses, "I've given you things you couldn't dream of and now you're going to be my good girl and take my cock like you should." He pulls down his boxers next, his cock springs out. Soarynn's seen it before, tasted it before but she's never had it lodged in her tight little cunt before.
He glances down at her spread legs and can't wait to bury himself between them. He looks up at Soarynn one more time and while he expects sadness or anger or even fear he's surprised with a different look. Betrayal. He scoffs and pinches her cheek, "Don't be like that baby, you should've known it would happen like this. But don't worry, you'll learn to love it, love me. I'm not letting you go after this, you're mine, my pretty girl."
Another tear falls down her cheek but he chooses to ignore it and focuses on lining up the tip of his cock with her entrance, "You save yourself for your future husband?" He asks, slightly taunting her. Lots of Capitol girls do it, thinking it'll make them more desirable. It makes them more of a target if anything but Coriolanus won't be the one to tell them that. He slowly begins to push in, ignoring the strained groan Soarynn lets out, her legs slightly twitching from the painful intrusion. He leans back over her, looking into those dazzling eyes, "It's a good thing your husband is fucking you right now."
He thrusts straight in, moaning at how fucking tight she is because heaven knows he's never had a tighter cunt before. Soarynn's eyes squeeze shut and she lets out a strangled scream, her face scrunching up, her entire body twitching. Coriolanus swears as he bottoms out, his tip brushing her sweet spot. "Fuck Soarynn," he gasps, "you're cunt is so fucking tight, can't believe it took me this long to fuck you." He slowly drags his cock out, wanting her to feel every vein, ridge, and inch of it before slamming back in.
Coriolanus sets a hard, punishing pace to start out, listening to the squelch her cunt is making as he fucks into her so deep. He looks down to see her stomach slightly bulging and laughs, "Look's like I'm already too big for you pretty girl, might have to cock train you, let my friends take you for a spin."
Her eyes open at that threat and she looks terrified at the idea of his friends splitting her cunt open, laughing at her, taking turns fucking her throat. He shakes his head, his hand grabbing her throat and squeezing it, "Don't worry angel, I won't ever let anyone see this precious cunt but me. This is my cunt Soarynn, do you understand? Mine. Every fucking breath you take belongs to me, every orgasm, everything is mine now."
Soarynn's eyes are glassy as he fucks into her, her breasts bouncing up and down with every thrust. He almost wishes she could make more noise, so he could hear how fucking dumb she sounds, how good he's making her feel. He reaches down at rubs her clit and Soarynn gasps, "My dumb little fuckdoll," he croons, "so full of cock you can't even think can you baby? Maybe I should leave you like this, drugged up all the time. Tie you up, always ready for my cock, all you're good for is taking my cum hmm?" Soarynn's eyes start to roll to the back of her head and he can see her toes curling.
He squeezes her throat even tighter, cutting off her airflow, "You'll take my cum every fucking time do you understand? And if you don't, I'll rip that fucking birth control implant out of you and fuck my child into you, do you understand?" It's not like Soarynn can verbally respond but she actually attempts to nod and he's pleased with that.
His pretty girl is so obedient.
Coriolanus grunts, happy he got his message across and starts drilling into her sweet spot, determined to see Soarynn unravel around him. He moans when her walls flutter around his cock, sucking him in, "There you go pretty girl, give it to me, you know you want it. You were made for this, made for my cock, such a good girl for me Soarynn, I barely need to train you." He would train her, teach her his favorite positions, what to say, what to wear, what to do.
His own pretty little fuckdoll.
Finally, she cums and she looks so fucking pretty when she squeezed around him, she looks so scared when she cums, her body doesn't even know what to do. He continues fucking into her though, he won't ever stop until he is finished. She needs to learn that.
Coriolanus feels his thrusts getting more erratic and he sits up, grabbing her hips for leverage to fuck into her, "Take it," he grunts, feeling himself tip over the edge, "take it while you look so pretty for me."
He watches as her cunt takes everything he gives her, every drop of cum stuck in her dumb little cunt. He slowly pulls out, his eyes nearly rolling back when he sees his cock covered in her blood. It's leaking out onto his white bedsheets, mixed with their cum, mostly his cum. "Oh pretty girl," he says, swiping between her legs, "you were so perfect for me."
Soarynn doesn't even respond, he's not sure she's even conscious right now. Her eyes are closed and her body is limp, probably fucked out to the point of exhaustion. She'll have to learn that too, how to take it for multiple rounds. Coriolanus Snow isn't easily satisfied.
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn sleeps well into the middle of the night, curled up against his side. He cleaned her up, bathed her, wiped away the cum and her blood. Soarynn wasn't awake for the clean-up or aftercare but she would be in the future.
Coriolanus was sound asleep when he hears the sound of sniffling. He slowly opens his eyes and looks up to see Soarynn sitting up, her knees pulled to her chest as she cries. When he places his hand on her bare back she flinches, "Soarynn," he whispers, his voice deep with sleep. Soarynn shakes her head, "No, no, you...you get away from me," she sobs, trying to get off the bed but he's faster than her and wraps his strong arms around her.
"Soarynn," he starts again but his quiet, pretty girl is suddenly so loud.
"NO!" She screams, kicking and squirming in his hold, "No you let me go! Don't touch me after...after what you...what you did," she whispers the last part, her voice breaking as she sobs again, her small frame shaking.
Coriolanus can only hold her tight, letting her cry while he presses soft kisses to her bare shoulder while she mourns her stolen girlhood, "Soarynn I love you," he whispers, feeling her go still in his hold, "and I...I didn't know how to tell you or show you but I'm sorry if I ever hurt you in any way, it was never my intention." All lies but she doesn't need to know that. Coriolanus needs her wrapped around his finger.
Soarynn shudders, sniffling, "You lied to me, you lied about everything." Her voice is hoarse. So she's upset about everything, typical. "It wasn't a lie," he insists, maneuvering her around until she's facing him, nearly in his lap, "but let me tell you the truth." His piercing blue eyes stare into hers with such intensity she seems frozen, "No one will ever love you the way I love you. And now that you're used, no one will ever give you a chance, you can kiss any marriage prospects goodbye," he says without a trace of sympathy.
Even in the dark, he can see her whole world falling apart, "Think about it. You have no family besides, your dad who's just as quiet as you. He'd already have a hard time finding you a proper match but now that you're not a virgin it'll be nearly impossible. Besides baby, you're perfect for me, everyone thinks so. Don't ruin your chances because of something as little as your pride."
Soarynn's bottom lip trembles and it seems she comes to terms with what he's just told her. More lies but she's so dumb and naive. "You love me?" She asks, her fingers shaking, her arms covered in goosebumps. Coriolanus nods so earnestly that he almost believes himself. He's sure he can find love in his heart for her someday but not now. Who the hell falls in love one month into their relationship?
"I do," he tells her, holding her so tight as if she could break at any moment. Soarynn wipes her tears, her shoulders slouching in defeat, "Okay," she says, her voice so soft and gentle compared to how she addressed him a mere seconds ago, "I love you too."
Coriolanus grins, he's won again. He pressed a kiss to her lips, this one she returns after a moment of hesitance but he chooses to ignore it. He knows it'll be harder now, making it up to her. He'll have to dote on her, buy her gifts, take her on more dates, be the perfect boyfriend.
She'll have to get used to him though, his drive to put her in her place, how rough he can get when he's angry. If she wants him to love her, she'll have to love him too. The good the bad and the ugly. It's a good thing Coriolanus is handsome. She's the perfect match.
His pretty girl.
| Part 2. |
| tumblr oneshot/drabble |
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seokiloquy · 2 years
Pearlescent Pt 1 - Iwaizumi Hajime
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Au: Merpeople
Requested (kind of)
Tags/Warnings: GN!reader, That’s about it.
Word Count: 1.8k
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5
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You had seen him a few times while wandering up and down the length of the beach. A towel draped over his legs and a pile of seashells in his lap, the boy would pick one up, scratch at it with a small pocket knife, and then feed a small string through the carved hole. He seemed rather stoic in his concentration, brows pushed down and mouth curved in a natural frown. As you passed, you noticed his hair becoming more spiked as it began to dry off.
“Your eyes aren’t glued. Look somewhere else,” Hanni hissed, digging an elbow into your side.
Your head spun to her. “I— What— No—”
“Don’t try to deny it. Since we got here, you’ve hardly picked up a single piece of trash. Your pockets are filled with beach glass and seashells, and you’ve been staring at him every chance you get,” she scoffed with a teasing grin. “When I asked if you wanted to go swimming, you just said, ‘huh, okay, ya.’”
“And?” Your voice raised.
“You can’t swim.”
“Good point. Look,” you huffed, glancing over your shoulder at the boy, “he’s just interesting? He looks good, and he’s making something.”
Hanni sighed, “You have a type for scary-looking buff guys with a hobby.”
“That’s not true!” You shook, causing the glass and shells in your pocket to jingle.
“Don’t lie. If you’re not going to pick up trash, at least do something productive and talk to him.”
“No way.”
Hanni’s eyes flicked over your shoulder. “He’s looking at you?”
“Heh?” You turned around, catching the boy’s eyes as he paused his craft. “Shit, he is. Hanni—”
“Cool, have fun!” She printed off the bag of garbage bouncing against her hip.
You were left with a heavy stare shared with the stranger as he threaded his shells blindly. Raising a brow, he nodded, gesturing to the plot of sand beside him. With pinched lips, you came to the startling realisation that he had heard everything.
Kicking through the sand, you rushed to sit at the man’s side. “I’m so sorry. That was so rude of me. I didn’t mean to be a creep.”
“It’s fine.” He wore a sharp grin, flashing his polished teeth. “I people-watch too.”
“It’s not exactly people-watching if it’s just one person.”
He laughed. “What’s your name?”
“(L/N), (Y/N). What’s yours?”
“Iwaizumi, Hajime. What brings you to the beach?”
Sighing and glancing back to where Hanni ran off, you adjusted your position to get your feet in the warm sand. “Yearly clean up. My class got sent to the beach to pick up garbage.”
“Well, it looks much cleaner than normal,” he tried to compliment.
“Hardly to do with any of my efforts,” you said, reaching into your pockets for the collection you gathered while walking along the shore. “I’ve been a bit distracted by something else.”
“Beach glass and seashells.”
“And me.”
You sighed, dropping the small objects into a small pile in the sand. “So what are you making anyways?”
“A gift. Though it seems all the good specimens have been collected already.” He looked at your pile with a grin.
Arms raised in surrender, you kneed the pile forward. It crumbled. “All yours. I don’t even know what I’d do with it all.”
Instead of picking a piece from your collection, Iwaizumi reached to his side and pulled a string out, slicing it down before handing it to you. “You can make your own.”
Raising a brow, you glanced at the thread. “Are you going to show me how? That looks a bit complicated.”
“I could, but shouldn’t you return to class?”
You didn’t even check before denying.
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You went back every day during summer vacation. If the sun was out and the weather cared enough, you would wake up, get dressed and run out the door before anyone could wish you good morning. 
It was a change of pace, but it was all made worth it when you arrived at the sandy shore of your town and caught a glimpse of Iwaizumi working away on his gift.
“Are you here every day?” You asked after a couple days while trying your best to match his skill level at making these necklaces. 
“Pretty much. You can often find me on the sand if I’m not in the water. Or the other way around.” He tied a knot in his string before lifting up the design. “Tada.”
The shells and pieces of beach glass were primarily blue and white with the occasional earthy tone. They were all small, each around the size of your pinky nail and formed precisely with a practised hand to not make them break. Your necklace couldn’t even be compared with its clunky wrapping and forgotten pieces that broke in the process and couldn’t be added.
“Is the pearl in the middle?” you asked, brushing the pad of your thumb against the round surface hanging from the bottom by a bent wire. 
“Sure is.”
“Where did you get it? There’s no way you just found it on the sand, and pearls are expensive.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say I just found it. I had to hunt for it.”
“Clams are sneaky little things.”
You blinked at Iwaizumi. “You’re saying you dove into the water and hunted clams to get pearls?”
“Ya.” He pointed down the length of the shore where the beach turned into a rock ledge. “There’s some over there every once and a while.”
“You’re insane.”
The rock ledge was infamous for causing broken bones and bruised brains. It wasn’t much trouble if you were even the tiniest bit careful. But often, teenagers found themselves calling the emergency line after a risky fall.
“Don’t worry, I don’t jump in.”
“Then… how do you get there?”
“By swimming, of course.”
You blinked at him, jaw slack. “I don’t even know what to say to that.”
“Then don’t say anything.” Grinning, he lifted the necklace and wrapped it around your neck, tying it in a knot.
“I thought you said it was a gift,” you said, adjusting it to lay comfortably before fiddling with the pearl in the middle.
“It is a gift. For you.”
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As school started again, you saw Iwaizumi less and less. Besides the fact that every day was spent going to school and doing homework, you found that the times you would walk by the shore and glance over the sand, there was a severe lack of Iwaizumi’s presence.
To make up for not seeing him, you ensured that his necklace was always with you. It was always in reach for you to fiddle with. However, after being told off by your phys-ed teacher, it remained tucked into your uniform and out of sight.
Hanni encouraged you to check on your way back home. Just to see if he would be there, Just in case, because, just maybe, he would be.
He wasn’t there when you arrived. Nor was he appearing from any corner or street. No one was there. With the cold wind and overcast, you should have expected the beach to be relatively empty. But this was where Iwaizumi spent most of his time. Pausing for a moment, you fiddled with the pearl on your necklace and looked toward the rock ledge he had pointed out. If you were lucky, maybe he would be searching for more pearls.
Looking down the jagged edge of the stone wall, you pursed your lips and couldn’t help but think you were being ridiculous. Iwaizumi, as kind as he had been, was practically a stranger. A stranger that was able to woo you with his sharp features and ability to wrap and thread a beautiful piece of jewellery.
The water was splashing against the stone edge with every gust of wind. The movement disguised any visibility deep below the water’s surface. Had it been a nice day, you would have been able to see deeper. 
At the sight of a fish jumping above a wave, you lowered yourself to get a closer look, curiosity piqued. There was something, a shadow moving slowly beneath the whitecaps. The more it moved, the more fish jumped from the water. Shuffling to where people climbed out of the water, you cautiously took steps down, sitting on them to avoid losing balance. 
The fish kept leaping above the waves before crashing into them again. As you got to the bottom and sat comfortably on the most extensive flat ledge, another rocketed from the shallow depths and launched itself at you. You screamed as the footlong creature landed in your lap, immediately soaking through your uniform.
It flopped around, wriggling and smacking you as it desperately tried to aim toward the water, but it was futile without any limbs to propel it off you. You grabbed it, shutting your eyes as it wobbled in your grip, risking a smack to your face. Holding it out, you hoped that once you let go, you and it would be free from each other’s presence. 
You released your grip.
You screamed again. Thinking that suddenly you had fallen into a fairytale and accidentally kissed the fish like it were a prince disguised as a frog. But no.
“You’re a fish!”
“Not really,” Iwaizumi said, holding up your still squirming, scaly friend. “This is a fish.”
You coughed, trying to catch your breath. “You’ve got a tail!”
Pale blue, with a skin-like sheen similar to a dolphin, Iwaizumi’s torso stopped and turned into a long, finned tail of a merperson.
“I do.”
“You’re a fish.”
“A merman,” he huffed, brows pinching. He lowered his arm holding the fish, and raised the other, showing off a clam with a dark shell. “Were you looking for this?”
He seemed too relaxed. While you were feeling your heart pounding against your ribs, Iwaizumi waded in the water casually, with an almost bored expression.
“Uh, no. I was looking for you. You mentioned hunting for clams, so I thought….” you gulped, blinking. “Has this happened to you before?”
Iwaizumi huffed and swam forward, propping his elbows on the rock by your side. “Not to me. But a friend of mine can’t seem to keep himself out of trouble, so I’ve gotten used to the possibility that it could happen. You’re taking it much better than most, though. We usually have to erase their memory.”
You choked. “You can erase people’s memory?”
“No. But we can be very persuasive.”
His smile was too sharp, eyes curving with his cheeks.
“So…like a siren?”
“We’re the same, really.”
You shut your eyes, leaning back against the rock wall as you raised a hand to your chest so you could feel your racing heart.
“You still have the necklace.” Iwaizumi had his cheek pressed into his forearm, shoulders scrunched to his ears as he gave you a soft smile with pointed teeth. “Good.”
“Good? Should I be concerned?” You asked, fiddling with the pearl.
“Not if you don’t want to be.” He dropped the clam by your hip before pushing off the rock ledge. “Go to the beach tomorrow! I’ll be there. And don’t take off that necklace!”
Before you could ask anything else, he dove into the water, tail flicking up behind him. He was gone.
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Post-secondary sucks. I wrote this a day before and the day of posting. It’s…. Probably gonna have a second part cause ya. - Bacon
Posted: 20/11/2022
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gwydionae · 1 year
It's Not Going to Fix Itself
A/N: I just needed some Raph and Mikey bonding. Haven't written nearly enough of that lately.
Posted on fanfiction.net >here<.
Teaser: "I don't need help from you or anyone else!" The words were spat from Raph's mouth with such venom that anyone else might have believed them, but Mikey was more convinced than ever that dodging his older brother's angry, wild swings was exactly where he needed to be at that moment.
Disclaimer: I do not own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Takes place sometime after "Casey Jones vs. the Underworld".
It's Not Going to Fix Itself
"Seriously, how can they not be done yet?"
Mikey barely glanced at Raph who sat huffing with indignation on the bench in the common room, glaring down at his T-phone as if that might make it ring sooner. His older brother had been groaning and complaining ever since Donnie had taken off in the Shellraiser after a call from Casey. Apparently he had found some old car for cheap and bought it with the intention of having his own vigilante ride, but he hadn't even made it two blocks before the thing broke down. Raph had offered to tag along as he and Casey had talked about going on patrol that night, but Donnie had shut that idea down, noting that Raph's lack of knowing anything about how cars worked would only make him a distraction.
And so for the last hour and a half, Michelangelo's monster movie had been punctuated with the occasional growl and bark from his most short-tempered sibling. A typical Tuesday, then.
"I'm not gonna just sit here all night waiting for Casey's new toy to be fixed!"
"Pretty sure you said that, like, forever ago, dude," said Mikey, eyes never even leaving the TV screen. He really should have expected the pillow thrown at his head in response.
Not five minutes later, Raph was on his feet and stomping toward the lair's entrance. "That's it. I'm done waiting. Forget Casey and that stupid piece of junk that idiot got conned into buying."
"If you see Donnie, remind him he owes me some pizza gyoza," said Mikey as he lazily raised a hand in a wave, ignoring the rude gesture he received in response.
To be honest, Mikey was surprised it had taken as long as it had for Raph to storm off on his own. If he didn't know better, he might've guessed it was due to the current sad state of the city above as the residents of NYC tried to rebuild their lives after being subjected to an alien invasion for over half a year. The Kraang might be gone, but the streets and back alleys were meaner than ever, and going out alone was asking for trouble. But he did know better, and Raph loved trouble, so if anything, he should have taken off the moment he knew Casey was stuck on the side of the road somewhere.
Too distracted by his cheesy B movie to give it more than a passing thought, it wasn't until he heard the sound of the Shellraiser returning followed by not one but two familiar voices that he perked up, looking around curiously. Hopping up from his beanbag, he wandered over towards the garage and peeked inside. Donnie and Casey were talking animatedly, a beat up piece of machinery he supposed must have been a car at some point sitting next to them.
Mikey couldn't help but laugh, thoughts of his owed gyoza drowned out by the misshapen hunk of metal. "Dude, is this your new ride? What happened, did Donnie hit it with the Shellraiser?"
Turning toward him as he entered the room, Casey flashed him a proud smirk and patted the rusty hood. "You'll see. This little baby is gonna tear up the streets when me an' Donnie get through with her." He smacked said turtle roughly on his shell. "We've got so many ideas—it's gonna be wicked!"
"Your vehicle actually has to appear street legal, don't forget," said Donnie as he walked over to his shelf to grab his toolbox. "We mutant turtles would avoid the police regardless, but you at least have to make an attempt to obey traffic laws or else you could lose your license." He set down his toolbox next to the supposed car and shot Casey a wry smirk, "But let's worry about getting it to actually start first, shall we?"
"I'm telling you, the alternator is shot. Piece of cake, you'll see," said Casey as he popped the hood, wrestling with it a bit in order to get it to not only open but then stay open. "So let's get to it, D! Gotta fix this baby up so I can use it to strike fear into the hearts of evil everywhere!"
Mikey blinked. "You're working on it now?"
"It's not going to fix itself, Mikey," said Donnie patronizingly.
"But what about Raph?"
Casey and Donnie shared a glance before turning back to him, near identical looks of mild confusion on both of their faces. "Uh, what about Raph?" said Casey.
All three now wore the same expression. "Raph said you guys were going out tonight?" The statement came out as more of a question, Mikey suddenly wondering if maybe he had blocked out his older brother's grumblings better than he'd realized. The look of understanding that dawned on Casey's face told him that he hadn't.
"Oh, right," he said, smacking himself in the side of the head, "I totally forgot. Aw crud, guess I won't make it tonight after all. Tell'im for me, would ya, Mikey?" And with that, he turned back toward the exposed engine. "So that alternator—"
"Raph already left," Mikey blurted out, his brother's behavior from earlier nagging at the back of his brain. "Maybe you should call and talk to him."
Donnie raised an eyeridge. "If he's already gone, then there's nothing to worry about," he said, joining Casey in front of the engine, "aside from exactly how much trouble he's going to get into while out alone, anyway. It's probably best not to bother him."
"Yeah, it's cool." Casey didn't even turn around, craning his neck as if searching for something. "We'll bash some heads in some other time. But right now, Casey Jones is in need of some epic wheels!" Shoulders suddenly slumping, he let out a sigh, "Oh, man. Looks like we'll have to jack the car to get to it."
"'Piece of cake', huh?" mocked Donnie with a smirk.
The two car junkies already completely lost in their own world, Mikey silently exited the garage and headed back to the common room. Flopping onto his beanbag shell first, he lay sprawled out, staring upside-down at the bright colors flashing across the TV screen without really paying attention to the scene playing out before him. His brain kept stewing over everything he'd heard in the last two hours, a light frown on his face.
Casey calling Donnie for help, Raph waiting hours for any sign that Casey was going to show, Donnie offering to help Casey soup up his car, Casey forgetting his plans with Raph and not even calling to tell him...
When was the last time Raph and Casey had gone out on patrol together anyway?
"Think I could use some fresh air."
Jumping up, Michelangelo made a dash for the nearest exit, not even bothering to turn off the TV. As soon as he was topside, he headed straight for the area of town he knew Raph and Casey liked to patrol—Purple Dragon territory was perfect for "bashing in a few heads". Running from rooftop to rooftop, he kept his eyes trained on the alleys below, looking for any signs of a brawl, but it wasn't long before noises from above caught his attention. Next to him stood a building only a few stories higher than the rest in the area, but it was just tall enough that if he wanted to find out whatever was going on up there, he'd have to investigate more closely. Judging by the crashing, banging, and cursing, he thought he had a pretty good idea.
Climbing up the fire escape to reach the top, Mikey peeked over the edge, unsurprised when he found Raphael positively destroying a giant air duct vent. The poor thing was a mangled mess, and Mikey only hoped that his shell wouldn't wind up resembling it.
With a flip, he hopped onto the roof with a smile. "Hey, Raph! I been looking everywhere for—"
He was cut off by a loud growl as his brother smashed another sizable dent into the ductwork. "Buzz off, Mikey," he said, hands balled into tight fists, "unless you want me to start aiming for your face."
"How about we both aim at some other faces instead?" he pressed on, undaunted by the threat. "Pretty sure I saw a bunch of Purple Dragons ov—AHH!"
Mikey quickly jumped out of the way as a large fist was suddenly on a collision course with his head. Flipping and somersaulting across the roof, Raph kept up the chase, teeth grit in an angry scowl as he barreled full steam ahead.
"I said, get lost!" he shouted, swinging wildly as Mikey easily avoided the assault.
"Dude, chill!" he cried, holding out his hands in a sign of peace. "I'm just here to—WOAH!" He expertly ducked out of the way of a particularly vicious punch, Raph's fist instead colliding with some metal framework with a muffled clang.
"I don't need help from you or anyone else!"
The words were spat from his mouth with such venom that anyone else might have believed them, but Mikey kept up his dance, more convinced than ever that this was exactly where he needed to be.
"That why you complained about Casey for almost two hours?" he said, words that would normally be dripping with sarcasm now said plainly.
"Casey can go screw himself for all I care!" Mikey did not miss the slight stiffening of his rampaging brother's muscles. "If he wants to waste all his time with Donnie on that stupid, beat up tin can, then fine! Good riddance! Who needs'im?"
Making sure to keep eye contact while still avoiding getting his skull caved in, Mikey spoke in a calm, light tone, "I know how it feels to be left out, you know." Raph flinched at his words, his swings losing some of their ferocity. "So you could pummel me into oblivion, or—" the younger slowed to a halt, hands up in surrender, "—maybe you could talk about it?"
Fist still heading towards his face, Mikey closed his eyes with a grimace, waiting for the painful impact. But as said impact never came, he peeled one eye open to see wrapped knuckles inches from his nose, shaking ever so slightly. The hand was quickly lowered with a growl, still balled into a tight fist at Raph's side as he glared at a random spot on the ground.
"I don't wanna talk about it," he said before seating himself on the rooftop with a huff, knees pulled up as he crossed his arms on top of them. The childish display was undercut by the nearly imperceptible crack in his generally confident tone as well as green eyes that always seemed to reveal more than his older brother would probably like.
Despite the verbal rebuff, Michelangelo plopped himself onto the roof next to him, happy to have seemingly calmed the beast without a scratch. "When was the last time you and Casey went out on patrol, anyway?" he asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
Raph shrugged and scoffed, "Weeks ago? We've been out together once since the invasion. Streets are worse than ever, and now that dufus wants to spend all his time on a hunk of junk that looks like Donnie ran it over with the Shellraiser?"
Mikey laughed. "Dude, that's exactly what I—wait," his face scrunched in confusion, "when'd you see it?"
Shrinking even more into himself, Raph muttered, "Caught'em right before they took off. Just kept yammering on about all the weird stuff Casey wanted to do to it."
Neither Donnie nor Casey had mentioned seeing him, which could only mean he hadn't wanted them to. Raphael was pretty hard to miss with his booming voice and heavy footsteps, which was normally how he seemed to like it. Based on their conversation in the garage, though, it wasn't hard for Mikey to guess why this time had been an exception.
"Have you tried talking to Casey about it?" said Mikey, though he was positive he already knew the answer, even before Raph's derisive scoff had left his mouth.
"And say what? That I'm mad at him for not hanging out with me enough? Yeah, that'll help," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Just tell him you wanna hang out more."
Raph fixed him with a glare. "Who do you think was the one who wanted to go out tonight? I've been asking him ever since we got the lair fixed up," he said, the bitterness in his tone unmistakable. "We used to team up several times a week, but lately he just heads out on his own. You heard his whole 'solo vigilante' bullcrap! And now he's got this piece of junk that he's perfectly fine working on with a guy he could barely stand a few months ago?" He turned away with an annoyed huff. "I don't need to be a genius to get the message."
Much as Mikey wanted to, it was hard to argue against Raph's logic. Casey's solo ventures hadn't exactly been a secret, and he had been hanging out with Donatello a lot more ever since the two were stuck working under the same roof back at the farmhouse. Raph had been quiet and distant at the time, likely too worried about Leonardo lying comatose in a bathtub to notice the change in dynamics. Not that Casey and Donnie getting along was a bad thing—even Raph had seemed relieved that their spiteful rivalry over April had morphed into a far friendlier sort of banter. But if Casey really was choosing to spend all his time either with Donnie or by himself and next to none with the guy that was supposed to be his best friend, well, it would be pretty impossible not to take that personally.
All the talk of friends not really hanging out in a while had Mikey's thoughts drifting to Leatherhead. He hadn't seen him since the defeat of the Kraang, and he'd been meaning to stop by the Mutanimal's new base of operations for a visit.
He suddenly perked up, his brain finally reminding him of who else would be there.
"Maybe you could hang out with Slash," he said cheerily. "He seems to be pretty chill now that he's with the Mutanimals." The suggestion had been offered with the best of intentions, but the way Raph stiffened at the mere mention of his former pet turtle had Mikey wondering if he'd missed something.
"Right," said Raph, voice still bitter as Donnie's morning coffee. "Slash, the guy who turned down my offer to team up because he was 'better off solo' and then turned around and teamed up with Pigeon Pete." He snorted dismissively. "Yeah, I'm sure the fact that he and Casey both did the exact same thing is just a coincidence."
Mikey swallowed a grimace at the forgotten similarities between the two, but refused to give up so easily. "But maybe—"
"Look, just," Raph cut him off, but rather than sharp, his tone sounded more resigned as he let out a sigh, "go home, Mikey. It's not like any of this really matters anyway, so stop worrying about me."
"Of course it matters, dude!" Jumping to his feet, Mikey wore a look of determination. Bending over toward his older brother who looked back incredulously, he planted both hands on his waist. "You think I don't know what this feels like? I watched the rest of my bros hang out with new friends without me for like a year before we busted Leatherhead out of Dimension X! And how about Chris Bradford—big dude, real famous, member of the Foot clan that pretended to be my friend before getting double mutated into a creepy wolf monster? I was seriously bummed out, thought I'd never make a real friend!" Plopping himself back down next to Raph, Mikey lightly elbowed him in the side. "But then someone cheered me up, told me that I deserved better. What kind of bro wouldn't wanna return the favor?"
The look Raph directed at him held a twinge of guilt. "I just tried to pound your face in, like, ten seconds ago, Mikey," he said flatly. "I'm pretty sure you don't owe me anything."
Michelangelo didn't usually try to talk his most volatile sibling out of one of his more violent moods, but seeing him sitting there gloomily with worst case scenarios stewing in his head made him wish he'd tried more often. Normally Raph exuded confidence—frequently to the point of arrogance—never showing any signs of resignation or loneliness. But if he was showing those signs now, it seemed likely that other angry tirades might be due to feeling similarly dispirited, and Mikey had to wonder how much of Raph's confidence was specifically used to hide that fact.
If that was true, simply trying to talk him into feeling better seemed a bit of a hopeless cause. Long ingrained patterns of behavior weren't broken with words—they were broken with actions.
"You know what, you're right," he said at last, his tone so matter-of-fact that Raph gave him a curious glance out of the corner of his eye. "You did try to pound my face in, and all I wanted to do was help. That definitely means that now you owe me. So I say we head on over to Murakami-san's to pick up some pizza gyoza and then swing by the Mutanimals' place so we can all enjoy it together."
He did not miss the way the scowl already present on Raphael's face seemed to darken.
"What?" he replied innocently. "There'd be plenty! We could split it, like, ten for me, five for you, and—"
Expectedly, Raph cut him off. "I know what you're doing, so just drop it."
Mikey fixed him with a pointed look. "When was the last time you actually talked to Slash?" he asked before quickly adding, "while not in the middle of trashing a bunch of Kraang, I mean."
Looking away, Raph rested his chin on his arms as he muttered, "Probably before I knew he hated the name 'Spike' so much."
"That's what I'm saying!" Mikey jumped to his feet. "That's, like, forever ago, dude! Would you know how to act around a guy whose family you tried to flatten into turtle pizzas? Maybe he just feels super awkward and doesn't have a clue what to say." Crouching down directly in front of his brother, he reached out and gently nudged a folded arm. "Come on, Raph. Talk to him just this once! I promise that if you're right and you guys really can't be friends anymore, the two of us'll stay out the rest of the night pummeling Purple Dragons, destroying ductwork, and inhaling ice cream. Whaddya say?"
For a moment, it seemed as if his words had fallen on deaf ears, but soon green eyes were once again fixed on him, an eyeridge raised quizzically above them.
"'Inhaling ice cream'?" Raph repeated dryly, the barest hints of amusement tugging at one of the corners of his mouth.
Mikey grinned. "I figure we can skip the customary sappy movie, but why deny ourselves frozen, creamy goodness?" he said with a shrug before standing back up and holding a hand out to his seated sibling. To his delight, Raph reluctantly reached for it with a sigh.
"Can't believe you're talking me into this," he grumbled as Mikey helped pull him to his feet.
"No one can resist the charm of Michelangelo with a plan that involves totally awesome food," he said as he threw an arm around his older brother's shoulder.
With some hesitation on Raphael's part, they both swung by Murakami's noodle shop before heading to the Mutanimal's new hideout, and while the impromptu meetup was a bit awkward to start, by the end it turned out that there was no need for Mikey to help Raph mangle more of New York City's ductwork. Now nearly midnight, a promise to hang out again had Mikey heading back to the lair with a bright smile on his face, but Raph insisted that the night wasn't quite over yet. And as the two sat next to each other on Raph's bed, ice cream pilfered from the freezer in hand despite the late hour, Mikey decided that the next time his older brother stormed off, he wouldn't have to ride it out alone. ____________________________________
A/N: My dad would be proud with how much I learned about alternators by writing this. So many scenes that were basically just me venting about the fact that all of Raph's friendships in this show were done so dirty had to be cut due to, yanno, being solely there for venting purposes and not actually adding anything. :P Whoops.
As always, critics and grammar police appreciated!
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rindecisions · 1 year
Stranger Tales: 13
A poll based Stranger Things fanfiction
Read all of it on AO3
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Robin shook her head and sighed. Steve was lucky that she’d grown fond of him over these last few weeks because she decided to tell him the truth. “Steve,” she said firmly. “That’s a man,” she spoke as if talking to a child.
“What?” Steve reluctantly tore his eyes off the vision on stage. He stared at Robin in disbelief and looked between her and the performer. “There’s no way.”
“I swear, that’s a man and not just any man, either.”
“Wait, so you do know who that is?” Steve asked quickly, looking back at the stage, trying to contemplate how that perfect woman could be a man. He was highly distracted by watching those painted lips tease the microphone and their slender fingers skillfully glide across the electric guitar strings.
“Yeah, I know only one person with that guitar. That’s Eddie Munson.”
Steve had to wrack his brain to recall the name. “Oh, the guy that you said was staring at me a few days ago?”
“Yeah, him.”
Steve squinted at the stage, trying to get a better look. For the life of him, he couldn’t see how that was Eddie. “You’re fucking with me.”
“I swear that’s a man, even if it’s not Eddie, that’s still a man,” she pressed.
“How on earth is that a man?” Steve jabbed his hand toward the stage and turned his attention back to the performance just in time to see them buckle their knees together and dramatically moan into the microphone.
Robin covered a snort when she saw the awestruck look on Steve’s face. He hadn’t even dropped the hand he pointed to the stage with, but his mouth was open. She tapped the underside of his chin, making him gasp back to reality.
“That’s not a man!” Steve stated firmly.
“Wanna bet?” Robin smirked.
“Name it!” Steve said firmly.
“If I’m right,” Robin stated confidently. “And that’s a man, which it is. Then you have to buy my lunch for a month.”
“Fine, and if I’m right, and that’s a woman, then you have to help me get a date with her.” He held his hand out.
Robin took it with a big grin and shook his hand. Steve turned his attention back to the stage and saw her do another dramatic moan. He let his head fall to the table with a thud. Please be a woman. He took a deep breath and returned to watching the rest of the performance. Every move she made gave him a head rush, and her spunk was out of this world. Yet again, his jaw dropped when he heard,
“Have ya, and grab ya ‘til you’re sore.”
Yes, please. He took a deep breath, trying to settle his heart rate, but with every consecutive “Cherry Bomb” they bent their knees a little further until, on the last one, they were laying back on their legs. The guitar pressed to their thighs was the only thing keeping the whole audience from looking up the tiny leather skirt. The curtain closed and Steve stared at the table, shell-shocked.
“Ha!” Eddie exclaimed as he stood up, listening to the crowd cheer from the other side of the curtain.
“Beautifully done, doll,” Velvet praised as she passed and walked on to introduce the next one.
Eddie was riding a performance high as he unplugged his guitar and danced his way to the dressing room.
“Eddie!” Jeff called as he and the others ran up to him. “That was awesome!”
Gareth laughed. “Never would have guessed there’s a dick under that skirt.”
“That’s the idea.” Eddie smirked.
“Heck, I think Eddie looks better as a woman,” Grant chimed.
“Rude!” Eddie snapped playfully.
Gareth shrugged. “He has a point.” He walked up to Eddie and squished the fake tits. “Maybe you should make these permanent.”
Eddie slapped Gareth’s hands away. “Yeah, I’ll fucking pass on that one.”
“Oh,” Grant perked. “You’ll never guess who’s here.”
Eddie laughed. “That spotlight was in my face, so I couldn’t see anyone who wasn’t up against the stage.”
“Fucking Harrington,” Gareth groaned.
Eddie coughed. “What?” he snapped in shock. “Do you think he recognized me?”
“He never comes to our shows, so unless you’ve shown your guitar to him, I doubt it.”
Eddie sighed in relief.
“Well,” Jeff thought, making Eddie tense. “He was sitting with one of the girls that show up regularly. I think her name’s Robin.”
“The band chick?” Gareth asked.
“Yeah, her.”
“Fuck!” Eddie hissed, holding his hands to the side of his head in distress.
Gareth raised an eyebrow at Eddie’s strong reaction. “He’s already graduated. It’s not like he can spread it around school or anything.”
“It’s not that,” Eddie grumbled.
“Then what is it?”
Eddie bounced nervously and sighed. “I need that fucking drink.” He walked past the others and toward the small employee door that led to the seating area, leaving his friends to look at each other in confusion.
“Hey.” Robin nudged Steve in the ribs.
“Ow,” he exclaimed, holding where she elbowed him. “What?”
“Now’s your chance, stud,” she said and pointed to Steve’s target walking out of the employee entrance and to the bar.
Steve nodded, pulled a comb out of his back pocket, making Robin groan, and combed back his hair before getting up. “Wish me luck.”
“Good luck snagging your first man,” she snorted to herself.
He glared flatly at her and flipped her off as he backed away.
“Is he seriously going to hit on a man?” Max asked with a wide grin.
Robin shrugged. “He keeps striking out with women. Maybe he needs a new direction.”
Eddie sat at the bar and waited for the bartender. As he promised Velvet, he was staying in costume, ordering, then taking it backstage. He didn’t bother reacting when the stool next to him was taken.
“That was quite the performance.”
His eyes about popped out of his head when he heard Steve’s voice right next to his ear.
“Nat, was it?”
Slowly, Eddie turned to face a smug, suave-looking Steve in casual clothes. Shit, he looks good. He panicked, not sure what to do.
More fics by Rindecision
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Ooh, for Tsunami AU, how about Naruto just fixating on the ocean whenever he's not training or working.
Just always staring, feeling something whisper to him to Come Home. It doesn't feel like he'd imagine the Fox to feel, but it sings in his bones and every heart beat rushing through his ears sounds like the ocean now, even when he's away from the shore. He can find little treasures in the sand, always can find fish to catch, can tell when the tides shift. Everything in Naruto is Peace and Longing and Grief. The Ocean is his Home, one he'd desperately tried to make Konoha be. But Konoha never sang to him, never lead him to places he needed to be, things he needed to find. He Knows where to find tide pools, riptides, caves that lead to places that people haven't seen in almost 40 years, treasures hidden away, places and things that sing his name.
Kakashi is becoming increasingly concerned during all this. Whenever Naruto isn't training, guarding Tazuna or helping Tsunami, he's just staring towards the sea. Towards Uzushio, not that Naruto knows. And Kakashi is afraid that he'll lose Naruto to whatever this is. So he needles him, goading him to train more, to distract him from the sea. He had heard Kushina talk about the Call of the Sea only once, she had looked so pained and smelled of grief. She had told Minato that she could never return to the sea or else she'd never come back. But she was the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tails and she knew her duty. She had come the closest that Kakashi had ever seen to crying as she told Minato that when he assigned missions as the Hokage, he could never send her near the sea.
Sasuke had never seen the Dobe so distracted before. He was his usual self on the surface, but he was always a beat too slow to react to any jabs, verbal or physical, the closer they were to the shoreline. It frustrated him scared him. He was still loud, yelled for Haruno's attention, ranted at the brat Inari, cheerfully helped Tsunami-san around the house, but his eyes were gone. They were clouded and far away. They didn't focus on what was before him on him. Only drew him to the sea. Only at the coastline were his eyes clear and bright and blazing and mesmerizing. The Dobe didn't turn that look towards him anymore. It was a relief. It was a loss. He had followed the Dobe to the sea once, so he could try and figure out what was drawing him. That Dobe, who couldn't water walk on the little pond in their training clearing, was running across the sea, laughing and smiling in a way he'd never seen before. His body lost the tension he never knew the Dobe had. He ran on the waves and was running, running, running. He wasn't stopping. Sasuke couldn't breathe. Naruto was leaving. Leaving him. No, please. Come back. Finally he stopped and slowly came back to shore. But his body was tense, he looked like every step was a fight. Sasuke didn't breathe right until Naruto disappeared into the treeline. Sasuke didn't care if the Dobe decided to become a missing nin. He would shatter if he left.
Sakura didn't notice for a while. Naruto was still as loud and annoying as ever. Bothering her and being rude to Inari-kun. Acting as if he could ever beat Sasuke-kun in training. But eventually she noticed that he was gone during his breaks. At first, she was relieved. Finally, some peace and quiet while she had time to get closer to Sasuke-kun! But then she came across him at the shore one day. He was quiet, still, like he had never been before. He was watching the sea like it had all the answers to questions that she never knew he had. And when he moved, he didn't stumble over the sand. He moved easily, almost gracefully if that word could ever be used to describe Naruto. Every now and them, he'd stop and dig a little before pulling out beautiful shells, oysters and crabs. Every oyster he'd open, he'd find a pearl. It was strange. Unsettling. Naruto had never left the Village before and now he's able to walk the beach finding things she wouldn't guess would be there. The more she thought about it, the stranger it was. He could always find his way ever since they reached Wave. He never got lost or turned around like he did in Konoha. He had warned them when the tides were changing. When she and Sasuke-kun hadn't listened to him, he'd scowl but always be proven right while they were left soaked. He was always able to find food. Whatever he didn't bring back for Tsunami-san, he passed out to the villagers. She and Sasuke-kun were lucky to get one fish apiece. It wasn't normal. It was strange. She left him alone on his breaks after that, trying to ignore the hairs on the back of her neck prickling every time he got that far away look in his eyes.
Omg, I didn't realize how much this AU got to me until I started typing. It grabbed me by the throat and didn't let go. I think I could keep going but it's rough typing this on my phone and is already huge.
yes yes yes to absolutely all of this.
Naruto steps outside of the village for the first time and feels a weight slide off his shoulders he never knew he was carrying.
And the further he goes, the closer they get to Wave, the lighter it grows.
But the moment his sandals touch actual sea water for the first time?
Every hair on Naruto's body stands on end, a shiver slices down his spine, and something wells up inside of him that he doesn't know how to name really.
He has instincts now that he's never felt before, knows things he doesn't know how to explain, and loves a thing so wide and vast and unknowable that he can barely breathe.
Team 7 sees this new distraction of his and each in their own ways fear that they've lost him somehow, have lost Naruto to a force that not even they can fight.
The villagers see this and see only an Uzumaki finally returned.
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Hi, Thor with make up sex prompt
Miss J - Part 1
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A/N: We love angry jealous, make-up sex always! Thanks for this request.
Pairing: Thor x Reader
Warnings: 18+ angst.
Word count: 1400+
Requests & Challenges
Thor Odinson Taglist – @raspberrymama @bitchycherryblossomlove @jennie22feona @innerpaperexpertcloud @thorfanficwriter @darklydeliciousdesires @longlostinanotherworld
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @littlegasps @suchababie @another-stark-sub @supraveng @kahlanmars @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @fyreball66 @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry @chickensarentcheap
Tags are open folks!
You couldn’t care less about the formal affair though. All you wished for was to kick those uncomfortably high heels off, pull on your favourite pair of sweats and cry yourself to sleep, like you’d been doing for the past week.
A week of the big green monster of jealousy trapping your rational self in its ugly tentacles. A week of drowning your sorrows in alcohol and ice-cream, wallowing in your misery.
Agent Hill had a small mission lined up for you tomorrow which you thought would be a welcome distraction.
Getting a few good punches in and kicking a few arses would definitely help the pent up anger to fizzle out.
“Allow me to introduce you to the world-renowned astrophysicist, Jane Foster.”
You smiled politely and shook your current live-in boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend’s hand, whom Thor had introduced you to with such pride and delight.
It was supposed to be a quiet dinner date at your favourite place when Jane showed up with Eric Selvig and Darcy, spotting Thor immediately because it was obvious not to, in any given situation. Cordial exchange of pleasantries later, Thor thought it’d be a good idea for them to join you at your table.
You didn’t mind, not at first anyway, somewhere around your second drink of the night, it got difficult to keep up with the conversation. Not being a part of the ‘gang’ felt like high school all over again.
You tried your best not to let it show, even made attempts to join in them reminisce old stories but it was proving rather difficult. There is only so much one can take, so by the time dessert arrived, you had retracted back into your shell. The only person who showed genuine interest in you the entire night was Darcy.
Needless to say, the ride back home was silent. You didn’t see the point in bringing it up with Thor since you knew he wasn’t at fault, not really, he was too kind and seeing his old friends had made him happy. You didn’t wish to spoil his evening, even if it meant your pre-planned date was.
Days turned to weeks as your mind pushed away that incident and chose to focus on other things. Thor knew something was up, but didn’t bring it up, assuming you would be over it.
There wasn’t a mission to keep you busy but an upcoming Stark party you were looking forward to.
An easy evening with your boyfriend and the team with great food was something you needed. Little did you know it would turn into a dinner party from hell.
The Avengers Compound was abuzz with polite chatter, dignitaries and fellow colleagues dressed in their finest, enjoyed an elegant evening of expensive aperitifs and exquisite hors d'oeuvres.
You arrived alone after Thor mentioned he had to pick something up for the party and had left the house early. That ‘something’ was actually a someone you were hoping to never run into.
Jane Foster.
A pleasant conversation you were engaged in with Steve was cut short when they arrived, standing too close to each other before she took his arm and walked in.
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?”
Steve frowned, following your gaze until he understood the cause of your reaction.
“What does it look like?”
He raised his hands up before taking your empty champagne flute and going over to the bar for a refill while you took a few deep breaths to keep calm and regain your composure.
“There you are, my love.”
Thor’s warm greeting failed to warm your heart as the man wrapped his arm around your waist and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“Here I am.”
You managed a small smile, eyes flitting between the two of them as if waiting for them to make some announcement.
“I thought you’d gone to pick up that bottle of scotch we wanted to give Tony.”
“I was going to, but then Jane suggested we try this different one and I think Stark will appreciate this more.”
Thor showed you the bottle they had purchased but you didn’t give it a glance, you were busy glaring at the man who’d preferred her choice over yours.
“Oh (Y/N), Jane is being considered for a Nobel prize in astrophysics for her study of the Convergence.”
Thor beamed down at the woman before meeting your glare that quickly got replaced with a faux grin.
“Thank you (Y/N).” Jane smiled at you kindly.
“If she wins, which I’m certain she will, I have offered to accompany her in Sweden to receive the award.”
“O-only if you’re okay with it.” Jane interrupted, quickly catching on your reaction to his statement.
“Why won’t I be okay? Looks like Thor’s decided everything by himself. Excuse me.”
You hurried to get away as fast as you could, not really sure where you were going, leaving Thor frowning after you and an exasperated Steve Rogers holding your drink in his hand.
The bathroom seemed like a good idea to collect yourself or let a few angry tears escape, you chose to do both.
Thor was standing right outside the door when you stepped out, arms crossed over his velvet-blazer clad chest.
“That was rude.”
“Are you serious right now?”
“You march in here with your ex hanging on your arm, buy a gift of her choice and then tell me you’re planning a fucking holiday trip with her!” You snapped, not bothered about causing a scene at the party.
“Don’t raise your voice here.” Thor warned but you were too pissed off to even listen.
“Don’t you fucking tell me what to do! This was supposed to be a nice evening with the team, you and I were supposed to spend time together but I see you clearly prefer her company over mine.”
“There is no reason for you to be this angry, my love.”
“Maybe you’re too blinded by Miss Brains over there to notice. Have a good evening.”
You glared at the man one last time before storming out, more angry tears spilling from your eyes and blurring your vision as you walked out.
Back at your place, you had showered and changed into your sleepwear, all while glancing at the wall clock every now and then, waiting for Thor to get home and apologise.
Leaving you alone with your obsessive thoughts was never a good idea, Thor knew this. You’d always assume the worst and get self-critical.
You were making some chamomile tea to calm yourself before bed when Thor knocked on the open front door before stepping in.
He found you in the kitchen, hunched over the counter with your back facing him. He could tell you had been crying, your choice of pyjamas was always the same when you were upset, a loose-fitting T-shirt that once belonged to him and your comfy shorts.
“What? You didn’t drop Jane home?”
Thor was expecting you to be this upset, he didn’t see anything wrong with the decision before Steve pulled him aside and opened his eyes.
“Look (Y/N)—”
“Do you not want to be with me Thor?”
Your voice cracked in the end as you spoke, still not facing him.
“Why would you even think that, my love?”
“Oh I don’t know. When you walk hand-in-hand with your ex at a party meant just for the teammates, when you spend an entire evening laughing and chatting with her and her friends on what was supposed to be our date night? When you decide to go to Sweden with her to celebrate her achievements?”
Thor stared at his feet before cautiously walking closer to you.
“I realised I was wrong, if you’ll forgive me—”
“Maybe you should get back with her.”
Your statement made him stop in his tracks, his heart shattering as you finally turned around to face him.
“Clearly you prefer her over me. Who am I next to the great Jane Foster? I don’t get nominated for Nobel Prizes, I don’t have all those fancy degrees..”
You said bitterly, crossing your arms over your chest while Thor remained silent.
“I realise I’ve upset you, my l—”
“I think you should leave.”
You murmured, turning your back to him once more.
“Please don’t do this.” He begged.
“You should go with her, Thor. I think we have a lot to think about when you get back.”
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We need these two to fall in love again. Help!
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helnjk · 4 years
Bad Idea - F.W.
Fred Weasley x fem!reader
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Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates 🤍 Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season & new year 🧚🏼‍♀️
this is the first installment of my showtunes fic list, based on the song bad idea from the musical waitress !
Summary: fred weasley has the ability to get under her skin in a way no one else can. he also sends butterflies straight to her stomach like no one else can. 
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: enemies to lovers, slight cursing, steamy scenes but no outright smut
song lyrics are bolded & italicized
It’s a bad idea me and you
Y/N rolled her eyes as the Weasley twins made something or other explode at the Gryffindor table at breakfast. The awed cheers and whispers of her schoolmates at the colorful display of miniature fireworks did nothing to sway her opinion on the irritating duo. In fact, it might have even made her dislike for them grow.
It wasn’t as if she had no basis for hating the pair of them. They had been nothing but rude to her since their first year, and she was sure it was mostly due to her adorning the green and silver crest on her school robes. She had been at the receiving end of their nasty pranks more than she liked to admit, and some of them weren’t even a sliver funny. 
As if he practiced legilimency, the older twin’s eyes moved from his showy display of spellwork to hers and sent a subtle wink in Y/N’s way. 
“Like what you see, Y/L/N?” Fred yelled across the hall, causing the onlookers to turn their heads in her direction. 
Angrily, she felt heat flood her cheeks, “Not at all Weasley. Just wondering how many points I could take away from Gryffindor today.” 
She heard the members of her table snickering quietly at the sound of points lost for their least favorite house, but she paid them no mind. In all honesty, she knew that no amount of points taken away would sway the Weasley twins from their mischief making. 
Later in the day while Y/N made her way from her last class to the library to catch up on some coursework, she heard the familiar snickers of the two boys she wanted to interact with the least. 
“Oi! Watch where you’re going!” She yelled, annoyance bubbling in the pit of her stomach as the redheaded menaces rushed past her and nearly knocked her over. 
“Going to take some more points from Gryffindor, Y/L/N?” Fred taunted over his shoulder as his brother let out a huff of laughter. 
“Well, it’s not like she has any other important things taking up her time, don’t you think Freddie?” George said.
“You are absolutely right, George.” He replied. 
“Honestly, don’t you two have anything better to do than get on my nerves all the time?” She gritted out.
The twins slowed their pace and Fred turned around casually to wink at her, “No can do, love.” 
“Don’t call me love!”  
Their raucous laughter echoed across the hall as she pushed past them in a huff. Stupid redheaded twins. Stupid Fred with his stupid teasing. Stupid George for laughing and egging him on. 
Something about the way she determinedly called out over her shoulder made Fred pause. 
Her eyes caught the fading light that streamed through the windows of the hallway, and shone brightly. Her skin seemed to glow in the amber light, reflecting the sun as it set in the horizon. The way she moved so confidently as she weaved through the sea of students made heads turn, and Fred was beginning to understand why their gaze gravitated towards her. 
He had never noticed how pretty Y/N had gotten over the years. Another pause. Did he find her pretty? 
Yeah, pretty annoying. He tried to reason with himself, but still he couldn’t shake this new feeling. 
For the rest of the week, Fred had decided that if he couldn’t get her out of his mind, he would simply have to make sure he was on hers as well. Whenever the two of them walked past each other in the halls, he always had some sort of cheeky remark up his sleeve. 
Subtly, he would get close enough for their shoulders to brush and would mutter under his breath, just enough for her to hear. 
“Looking good today, Y/L/N, such a shame you’re a snake.”
“What’s a lad got to do to take a pretty prefect like you out on a date?” 
“Cat’s got your tongue, Y/L/N? I know it’s ‘cause you think I look right fit, you don’t have to say anything.”
The more she ignored his comments, the more it seemed to spur him on. She would catch him sending her flirtatious winks during meals, feel his gaze on hers in their shared classes, or hear him whisper something or other to his twin while he glanced in her direction. 
If it wasn’t something he said, he would manage to send practically every kind of prank her way. Tripping jinxes, jelly-legs jinxes, dung bombs in classrooms she was about to enter, puking pastilles or nosebleed nougats slipped into her drinks. 
It was getting to a point that Y/N grew frustrated and angry all day. Her friends tended to avoid her when she got this way because she would just repeat the same things over and over again to anyone who would bother to listen. 
Fred Weasley was a massive arse. Fred Weasley could jump in the lake and be used as food for the Giant Squid for all she cared. Fred Weasley this and Fred Weasley that. 
They had even once asked her why it was specifically him that she complained about and not just the Weasley twins in general. 
“Well, both of them do irritate me to no end,” She explained, “But there’s just something about Fred that irks the hell out of me. Merlin, does he know how to push my buttons!”
Y/N didn’t know what it was about Fred that got her going. It might have been because he was the instigator of most of the twins’ pranks, that he acted first and thought of the consequences later. It might have been that he would purposely send bludgers her way whenever Slytherin played Gryffindor and the many bruises that came from it.
It might have been the little flutters she would get whenever he whispered something cheeky into her ear. But that last one she had a hard time admitting to even herself. 
By the end of the week, Y/N was at her wits end. Every time the bell rang and she gathered up her things, her hand would clutch her wand, ready to put up a small shield charm or send a hex in the direction of a certain redhead. 
It being the weekend, many of her fellow classmates rushed out the door the moment they were dismissed from class. Y/N took her time packing her things back up, as her only plans for the night were to catch up on one of the novels she had had no time to read recently. As she exited the classroom, her eyes scanned the bare hallway for any sign of Fred. Her suspicions rose when she began her walk back to her common room and nothing out of the ordinary happened. 
She soon stood corrected as a flash of red hair danced in her vision and she was suddenly pressed up against a wall. 
With a gasp she said, “Weasley? What in Merlin’s name are you–”
“Can’t be quiet for a second, can you, Y/N?” Fred teased, his lips skimming the shell of her ear and sending shivers down her spine. 
She gulped at the proximity of their bodies, her eyes darting around the empty hallway for any onlookers. 
“Get on with whatever this is then,” She breathed, trying to keep her nonchalant act up, “I have other plans for tonight that I’d rather be doing.” 
A slow chuckle escaped Fred’s lips, causing her heart to beat even more erratically than she thought possible, “So impatient love.” 
“And I told you not to call me ‘love’.” 
His eyes darted quickly to her lips and she could only hope that he couldn’t feel just how fast her heart was beating, “I’m going to kiss you now.” 
He waited for her to give him any sign of discomfort or to say no, but she merely glanced at his lips and back up at his warm brown eyes. Then, as quickly as he had appeared in front of her, his head dipped and he captured her lips in his. 
Y/N felt all the breath in her body leave as Fred pressed the searing kiss on her lips. He was intoxicating, his smell, the feel of his skin as she gripped onto his strong biceps, the way his breath mingled with hers. 
When they broke apart, his eyes trailed the length of her body in a way that made goosebumps rise from her flesh. Y/N thought she must have looked like a fish out of water, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. 
“Just a taste of what could be.” He winked at her and then turned on his heel, “Think about it, Y/L/N.” 
Far longer than she would like to admit, Y/N stayed rooted on the spot, staring in the direction that Fred Weasley had disappeared in and fingers running along the lips that he had claimed. 
Heart keep racing Let’s make mistakes
The adrenaline pumping through Y/N’s veins gave her a feeling of weightlessness and grounding at the same time. Being Slytherin’s best beater came with the responsibility of carrying most of the game and she played her role well. Still, she always made it a point to play fair and to compensate for the shitty sportsmanship the rest of her team subscribed to. 
When she had spotted a bludger to her right, making its way to where Malfoy was slowly circling, she set off. With a strong swing of her bat, she had it hurtling in the direction of one of the Gryffindor chasers. Neither of the Weasley twins was able to make it in time and the ball scraped the unassuming chaser’s shoulder. 
With the boost of confidence this gave her, she proceeded to play one of the best matches of the season. A triumphant grin etched its way onto her face at the frustration leaking from the Weasley twins, who were trying to keep up with her and her co-beater’s synchronization. 
Though, she had to admit that the way Fred’s arms flexed and his grunts of exertion every time he did manage to hit the bludger were a tad bit distracting too. The cheeky winks he sent her way weren’t helping either. 
“Feeling a bit tired, Weasley?” She teased when he began to hover close to her, “Can’t keep up?” 
“In your dreams, Y/L/N!” He all but growled and the fire in his eyes made her heart stutter for just a second before she set off in pursuit of another bludger. 
The game had ended when Malfoy caught the snitch, a feat especially when Gryffindor had Potter, and Slytherin had won.
She couldn’t help but feel a smug sense of pride as she and the rest of the team walked out of the pitch, hearing the cheers of her house at the stands. She took her time in the changing rooms, trying to still her erratically beating heart. Her teammates slowly trickled out, reminding her of the celebrations that were definitely going to happen in the common room. 
When she heard footsteps approaching the tent just as she had finished stuffing everything in her bag, she had just assumed that one of her teammates had forgotten something. She stood corrected. 
“Quite a game today, wouldn’t you say?” 
The familiar baritone voice made Y/N pause. Without turning to face him, she said in reply, “Definitely, Weasley. It’s always nice to kick your sorry arse out on the pitch.” 
“Now, now Y/N,” He drawled, his voice inching closer to where she stood rooted on the spot. Her hand gripped at the strap of her bag as she tried to think of an escape route, “That’s definitely not the context I imagined you’d be talking about when you first mentioned my arse.” 
She let out a scoff at his insinuation, but couldn’t shake the feeling that he could see right through her bluff. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as she realized that she was trapped in the quidditch changing rooms with the person who had been plaguing her thoughts. 
The air surrounding the pair was thick with tension and charged with electricity. Countless days of teasing and rivalry, all the discreet glances and brushes of shoulders against each other, bottled up into a single moment, this moment. By the time Y/N had turned to face the cause of the palpitations in her chest, he was mere inches away. 
His hot breath fanned her face and his deep brown eyes scanned over her. She could practically feel the heat of his body against hers, white hot and tempting. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. 
“What do you want, Weasley?” She breathed, finally managing the courage to meet his eyes. 
“You.” He said simply, tongue darting out to dampen his lips. 
For a moment, it was as if they had both stopped breathing. Neither of them said a word or moved an inch, anticipating the other’s next move. 
“Fuck it.”
Before Y/N could let out a word, his lips were on hers and his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. 
All of the frustration and built up resentment between the pair of them came to play in the harshness of his kiss. It was not sweet nor soft, not what one would imagine a kiss between a prince and a princess to be. Rather, it was passionate, playful, and powerful. Two opposing forces clashing against each other, their convergence causing an eruption of flames. 
Fred was not a shy person, and it was evident in the way he kissed her. 
If she was the least bit surprised, he couldn’t tell, because as soon as his arms rested on the small of her back, she pressed her palms against his chest and leaned into him. For once, she let him take the lead and their mouths molded together in a passionate dance. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” She gasped as they broke apart for air, chests rising and falling rapidly. 
“You think too much.” He responded, leaning down to capture her lips in his once more. 
The way his lips deftly glazed over her neck and attached themselves to the point right below her ear made small sounds of pleasure escape her lips and her hips rutted against his. 
These sounds only spurred him further as his arms slid down from her waist to the backs of her thighs, urging her to wrap them around him. She complied, and soon her back was against the wall as he continued the assault on her neck. 
When the pair finally broke away, they took a moment to breathe, panting heavily. Y/N was the first to break the silence, laughing slightly at the compromising position they were in, and how they had just spent the last several minutes taking their frustrations out on each other. 
“What’s so funny then,” Fred smiled as he slowly eased his grip on her thighs, lowering her back to the floor.
“Nothing,” She shook her head, surprised at how casual they treated the situation, “Just not what I’d expected to happen when Slytherin won today.” 
“And what did you expect?” He quirked an eyebrow, “Especially when you were out there playing so well and looking that good.” 
Y/N had to bite her lip to keep herself from grinning like an idiot, “Definitely not snogging you in the changing rooms, that’s for sure.” 
“I know for a fact that you quite enjoyed what we did,” He whispered, pulling her close to him once more and closing the gap between them.
“In your dreams, Weasley.” She breathed.
And then his lips were on hers again. And again and again and again.
Over the course of the next few weeks, many noticed how the dynamics between the two shifted ever so slightly. There were still jeers and taunts in the halls, teasing comments made in classes or during meals, but there were also fewer eye rolls and less malice behind their words. It was almost as if they had an unspoken agreement. 
The only one who had really caught on to what was really happening between the two of them was George, and it was only because he walked in on them on Fred’s bed in the dorms. 
Y/N had been on top of Fred, straddling his midsection and pressing soft kisses all along his face and jaw, while he had his arms wrapped around her waist and held her tightly. Chest to chest, a soft hum verbrated from him as she continued her ministrations.
There wasn’t any sort of sexual tension at that moment, in fact, there hadn’t been an ounce of it the whole day. Laying like this with Fred made Y/N all sorts of confused, but she still enjoyed whatever the hell was happening between them.
It was cut short, though, as George had walked through the threshold of the dorm and saw their slightly compromised position. 
“Bloody hell!” He exclaimed, and Y/N sprung up immediately, his twin’s arms falling limply at his sides at her sudden movement. 
“Erm-” She mumbled, trying to move away, but Fred had none of it. If at all, his grip on her thighs tightened. 
She could feel his body shaking from the laugh he was trying to hold in, and smacked him on the chest, “Fred! Stop that!” 
“What?” He laughed, “It’s not like he saw anything, did you, Georgie?”
George, who was still trying to process what he had just witnessed, blinked a couple of times before shaking his head in disbelief, “Good Godric, so this is why you two have been acting so odd lately?” 
“Well, it’s not as if we’re bloody dating,” Fred rolled his eyes, but Y/N felt her heart skip a beat, “We’re just having some fun s’all.”
She swallowed the lump that was suddenly in her throat and gave a feeble nod, “Yep. Just some fun.” 
It was a pretty good bad idea  Wasn’t it though?
Y/N didn’t know why she began avoiding Fred. 
To everyone else in the school, all was well. The teasing between them hadn’t stopped. The little jabs at meals, in classes, or out in the hallways still happened. She was still a prefect and took points from Gryffindor whenever she caught the twins outside of curfew or running from Filch. They were both still beaters who played for their respective teams and shot remarks mockingly at one another out on the pitch.
Outside of those moments, though, Y/N made it a point to walk the other direction when she saw him walking her way, with or without his twin. She would slip out of shared classes as soon as the bell rang and their professor dismissed them. She even went as far as hiding in a spare broom closet once, when she was doing her prefect rounds and heard his telltale laughter just around the corner. 
They hadn’t shared a moment alone in a few weeks and Fred had wracked his brain trying to figure out what he did wrong. Their set-up had been practically perfect before she started avoiding him. Stolen kisses and the excitement of sneaking around with her were some of the best times of his life there in Hogwarts. He hadn’t had the Gryffindor courage to tell her how he really felt, but at least they shared intimate moments alone, away from prying eyes and judgemental stares. 
Instead, now he had taken to staring at her whenever he could, replaying all of their previous interactions to find out what went wrong between them. 
“Oi, quit staring at Y/N before McGonagall takes points from us for not paying attention to her,” George hastily whispered one day.
“I’m not doing anything wrong,” Fred defended, his eyes still locked on Y/N. She paid him no mind, unconsciously twirling the quill in her hands and chewing on her bottom lip. 
He thought she looked stunning. 
“I never thought I would say this,” George groaned softly, “But you’ve gotta listen in class right now or else we’ll lose even more points and everyone’ll be right chuffed. We can figure out your dumb bird problems after.” 
With a roll of his eyes, Fred finally brought his attention back to what their professor was going on about. He’d worry about whatever was going on with Y/N later. 
“I think it’s simple, really,” George shrugged, later on in the day when it was just the two of them in their dorm. He leant back against the headboard of his four-poster, an image of calm and nonchalance. 
“On with it then!” Fred exclaimed, the exact opposite of his twin at the moment. He fidgeted from his position on his own bed, his foot tapped anxiously on the hardwood floor and his hand kept running through his already disheveled hair. 
George couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His own twin, all out of balance because of some bird. 
But it wasn’t just any bird, he knew, it was Y/N. And if it had to be any bird in the whole school for Fred to become this mess of feelings and uncertainty, at least it was because of her. George always knew that their rivalry would either end in them realizing their feelings for each other or them hexing each other to death. 
“Grow some balls and just tell her how you feel, you daft git!” He exclaimed, humor sparkled in his eyes. 
“Be serious here, George,” Fred groaned and pushed his face against one of his pillows. 
His twin rolled his eyes, “I am being serious! It’s obvious she fancies the balls off of you, so just ask her out on a date or something and save us all from this awkward dance the lot of you have been doing for the past few weeks.” 
George’s words rang in Fred’s mind for longer than he liked to admit. 
One night, as dinner was coming to a close, he’d had enough. He spotted Y/N getting up from her seat at the Slytherin table and stood abruptly from his half finished meal. As she exited the Great Hall, he followed her out and into the drafty corridor.
“Y/N!” He yelled before he could stop himself. 
She paused briefly, shoulders tensing at his call to her. Instead of turning around though, she picked up her pace. 
Fred cursed softly, “Y/N, I know you can hear me!” 
As his legs were much longer than hers, he caught up to her quickly. Still, she paid him no mind and continued her on her way, “What’s got your wand all in a knot, Y/L/N?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Weasley.” Came her reply. 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, Y/L/N,” He rolled his eyes, “You’ve been ignoring me recently and I can’t think of anything that I’ve done wrong.”
“I don’t know about you, but I’ve been actually paying attention to my classes and doing all of my coursework, that takes up most of my time these days.” She shrugged, turning a corner and continuing her fast pace, “And I’m not at your beck and call, Weasley. I’m not yours.” 
“You could be.” 
Y/N’s resolve seemed to be taken away with the tide as he muttered those words aloud. In fact, she was so shocked at what he said that she quite literally had to stop walking and merely stared at the redheaded boy. 
“Don’t be daft, Weasley.” She managed to choke out after a few beats. 
He turned to face her and Y/N had never seen him look so serious before. Fred was usually the louder twin, the more explosive one, the one who acted first and thought of the consequences later. But now, now she could see that he had nothing but genuine intentions as his eyes scanned her and gauged her reaction.
She huffed, unwilling to let her walls down for even a second. It was too frightening, telling the person she had spent much of her formative years rivalling with how she truly felt about them. In fact, despite her act, she couldn’t get it in her to look him in the eyes.
“This, whatever this is, you know that it isn’t a good idea.” She tried to argue, but as the words left her lips they seemed to carry no weight in them. 
“It’s a pretty good bad idea if you ask me.” He said with as much conviction as possible, “C’mon, Y/L/N, you gonna back down from a challenge?” 
That sparked a fire in her eyes that he had missed seeing, one that said she meant business, “I’ll say yes to you on one condition,” She said. 
“Take me out on a date first.” 
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Flight - Rudy Pankow
A/N: This makes Elaine out to be a bitch, but I don’t think she is. I support her and Rudy 100% and think they make a wonderful couple. It was more for the plot. 
Word Count: 1885
Flying had never been a problem before. You’ve never had to film anywhere that you couldn’t drive to. You had done some acting jobs around LA, and one time you went to Nashville before getting a part in Season 2 for Outer Banks. Netflix had offered to pay for you to fly out to North Carolina, but you opted for driving instead. You didn’t know anyone you were filming with, so you drove yourself.
Of course, you had been dreading filming in Barbados since you got the part. You had the biggest fear of flying and had been avoiding it since you were little. When you got the email from Netflix that contained your ticket to say that you were panicked was an understatement. Drew, Chase, and Maddie C. were already in Barbados, so it was going to be you, Rudy, Jonathan, Elaine and Maddie B. Everyone was just going to carpool to the airport. 
Rudy had a thing for you since he met you at the first table read for season 2. You were shy at first but quickly came out of your shell when you started to get to know everyone. Rudy thought you were hilarious and enjoyed your company so that’s what caused him to be knocking on your door the night before you guys had to leave for your flight.
 When you opened the door in your sweatpants and messy bun, he still thought you looked beautiful. “Hey, I thought you would be asleep.” Rudy spoke up and you moved to let him in your apartment. “Yeah well, I guess I’m a nervous flyer.” You laughed to yourself, “do you want a cup of tea?” You asked grabbing one of your mugs. Rudy had noticed your book and mug in the living room when he sat on the couch. “I hope I’m not interrupting you” Rudy spoke up as you walked into the living room handing him a drink. “No, you’re not, I just figured I’d pass the time until I fell asleep.” You responded, the both of you sitting on the couch. “I didn’t know you’re a nervous flyer, what did you do when you had to come to North Carolina?” Rudy questioned. “Uh, I drove.” You shrugged like it was the simplest thing to do. “What, that’s like a 3-day drive.” He said baffled by your answer. “Well yeah, but it’s a good way to see the country.” You laughed thinking about the memories you made on the solo road trip. “And you did it by yourself? That’s badass Y/L/N.” Rudy said smirking.
 The two of talked the whole night away and you showed him pictures of your trip across the country and told him all the stories. Rudy thought that he could listen to you talk all night, even after he started to get tired. He finally excused himself from you place promising to sit with you on the plane tomorrow to ease your mind.
 You woke up the next morning with a sick feeling in your stomach and it only got worse at the thought of getting on an airplane. You got the rest of your last-minute things packed up and brought out by your door getting ready to meet everyone at JD’s car. You were the last to show up when Elaine shouted out to you. “I thought you weren’t going to show.” She spoke with a snarky tone, and Rudy nudge her shoulder getting her to knock it off. “Yeah, well I’ll probably be late to my own funeral.” You laughed trying to ease the tension. You guys all piled in the car and Elaine took the opportunity to sit next to Rudy and made you sit in front with JD, while Maddison sat in the back.
Elaine also had a thing for Rudy and didn’t enjoy you showing up to take his attention away. Everyone thought they were going to get together after season 1 but it never happened. Then you came along, and Rudy pulled all his attention to you. Elaine wasn’t too secretive about her hatred towards you, but you just brushed it off as a mild insecurity and jealousy. You weren’t angry that you had to sit up front but instead talked to JD and tried to ease some of your nerves. No one else knew that you were a nervous flyer and you preferred to keep it that way. Even though it was something simple, you were still embarrassed.
Once you guys got to the airport the nerves got even worse. Because of the pandemic you guys had to wear mask and you also had sunglasses on, so it was hard for people to recognize you guys. Rudy helped you carry your bag into the airport and then guided you to TSA. “Have you ever been in an airport?” Rudy asked whispering in your ear so no one could hear. “Uh once when I was little with my mom. We had to pick up my grandma.” You responded. Your eyes darted around to all the people and different screens and you started to get overwhelmed. Rudy could sense that you were started to get anxious and put a hand at the small of your back pulling you closer to him. “We’ll get checked in and then go get some air, okay?” He explained grabbing his passport and paperwork. You pulled yours out of your purse and laughed when he saw that you had everything in a little Ziploc baggy. “Alright, that’s the most mom-like thing I’ve ever seen” he said.
 Rudy helped you get through the process of security and then you guys were about to go outside when Elaine spoke up, “where are you guys going?” She asked almost annoyed of you guys leaving. “Y/N/N and I are going to find the bathroom. Safety in numbers.” Rudy fibbed, pulling you along. Once you guys got outside the two of you sat on a bench close enough to your gate that you wouldn’t have to rush when your flight got called. Rudy watched your body relax a bit when you weren’t stuck inside.
 “It’s going to be okay Y/N/N.” Rudy spoke pulling you to sit on the bench with him. “I know, I know.” You said half trying to convince yourself. “I’ll be next to you the whole time, and we can just talk, or you can read your book. It’ll be over before you know it.” He spoke and put a hand on your shoulder, and he could feel your breathing increase. He knew what was happening, you were about to have an anxiety attack, “okay Y/N, you need to take a deep breath.” He rubbed small circles on your back. “I can’t do this Rudy; I can’t be in that death box for over 11 hours.” You spoke and your voice starts to shake. You look over at Rudy and he’s got a concerned look on his face. He takes your face in his hands forcing you to look at him, “you’re going to be okay Y/N, I’m going to be with you the whole time. Nothing is going to happen, just please take a deep breath.” He spoke firmly but you could feel the softness of his hands. “You promise?” “Of course, I would never let anything bad happen to you.” You nodded your hands in his grip, but he didn’t let go and you could feel his hot breath on your face. Rudy was looking into your eyes and then his eye flicked down to your lips and you could feel yourself getting nervous again but this time it wasn’t the flight, but because of how close Rudy was too you.
 Rudy leaned in closer, and you let your eye flutter shut. You felt Rudy gently place his lips on top of yours and you pushed yourself closer to him to deepen the kiss. It that moment it felt like you were on cloud nine, as if it were only you and Rudy left in the world. Rudy pulled away and left you smiling like and idiot. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.” He whispered, and you kissed him again. “Me too.” The two of you giggled and then heard your flight get called. “Just remember, I’m here the whole time.”
When the two of you got back to the gate the others had already boarded expect for Elaine. When Rudy saw her, you could feel his grip on your hand tighten. “There you guys are, what took so long?” She asked seeming annoyed. “The just called for the flight, we’re not that late.” You spoke up, and Elaine rolled her eyes at you. “I saved you spot next to me Rudy, Y/N can sit next to Madison.” She explained pulling at Rudy’s arm. “Uh that’s okay, Y/N is kind of nervous so I said I would sit with her.” He explained trying not to be rude. Elaine scuffed, and the three of you boarded the plane. You were sat right behind Maddie, JD and Elaine, “here take the window seat, it’ll make it easier on you.” He said stepping to the side so you could get in. The flight attendant was giving the inflight instructions, explaining how to put the oxygen masks on and your leg started to shake. Rudy noticed and put his hand on your thigh, “it’s okay, they have to explain all this stuff Y/N/N.” He whispered in your ear kissing your cheek. You nodded in confirmation and soon enough the pilot was getting the plane ready for take off.
As the plane started to gain speed and lift in the air you watched out the window, and Rudy got you a drink of water for the flight. You guys had been flying for about an hour and you were looking out the window but Rudy’s grip on your thigh never left. He was talking to JD, when you guys hit some turbulence. You jumped and clung onto Rudy’s hand, “nervous flyer Y/L/N?” JD asked not missing the way you reacted. “I don’t know why she would take a job like this if she’s scared of flying. Kind of stupid if you ask me.” Elaine piped in making you feel embarrassed. “It’s not stupid Elaine, everyone is scared of something.” Rudy said defending you. “It’s fine babe, just a bit of turbulence.” He said and you blushed at the nickname. “Can we listen to music or something, I think I just need a distraction.” You asked, and Rudy pulled out his headphones.
“Thanks.” You spoke, not really knowing what to say to him, “I owe you big time.” Rudy laughed, “it’s no problem. When we get to Barbados you can self isolate with me if you want.” He responded. “I hope I’m not being to forward, but I’ve had a crush on you for a while now, and I’m going to assume you feel the same for me.” He explained. You did have feelings for Rudy, you always had but you kept your distance because you thought he had a thing for Elaine. “I would love too self isolate with you. it would be much better then doing it alone.” You said leaning in to kiss him. “And yes, I like you too.”
@lemur46 @drewstarkeysbitchh @taylathornton
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ktheist · 3 years
1 | play me like a toy [m]
Tumblr media
title inspired by blackpink’s sure thing cover.
⟶ read the last part, all yours to enjoy, here.
muses. mafia heiress!reader x ex-mafia!director!hoseok
genre. age gap factor. chaebol-mafia family au. arranged marriage au. office au. modern au.
words. 5.8k
warnings. contains smut. mentions of gun use. mentions of cheating.
verse. knj. ksj. myg. kth. pjm. jjk. jhs. 
sit still, look pretty. 
such were the words your maid-turned-mistress of a mother has ever taught you. the mindless marionette mask worked for the most parts. but when you find yourself hanging by a thread - or is it the beeping line of your dying father’s heart rate monitor? - you decide it’s time to shed off that mask and seek han group’s infamous loyal dog that went off radar 17 years ago.
jung hoseok.
“marry me or be killed.”
“is there a third option?”
“we fucked but you were too drunk to remember so that option’s invalid.”
jung hoseok is in a dry spell.
there was no doubt as to whether he could score a date, get laid and maybe even have his nightstand to call him up again exactly the week after.
the issue was time.
with his boss and longtime friend getting married, he ends up coming to work with a different pile of papers on his desk every day. well, it was his idea to sign a promissory note that if kim namjoon ever found a woman he loved and married, hoseok would take half of the ceo-ly workload so his overbearing boss could enjoy his honeymoon and truly, as hoseok would put it, live.
the order went a little differently but namjoon found a hole in the way the sentences were worded that got him flying away to the caribbean and leaving hoseok to fend for himself in these trying times.
oh, and it’s almost hit the third month of the newly weds going mia.
in the first place, he didn’t think namjoon would hold the agreement over his head like he was flexing a few hundred thousand dollar’s worth of lawsuit.
but the man did just that and now hoseok is slaving over his nine-to-five which actually tend to drag on till ten or, if he’s lucky, even midnight. sure, he got promoted from head secretary to director but he’s wondering if this endless cycle of coming back home only pass out in the bed and wake up earlier than a parent with a toddler - is worth it.
hoseok groans, his hand grabbing around for his phone to put a stop on that obnoxious alarm even if it’s just for five minutes before he has to hear it again.
and grab something he did, but this so called phone feels too soft to be a phone and shapes like an cup but softer and - he puts more pressure to his grasp out of confusion -
“mhm, what the hell?”
- it complains in a groggy voice too.
almost as if pricked by a needle, hoseok leaps right out of bed, sending the duvet flying to the floor and revealing the naked woman - you - who’s stretching her limbs whilst her face scrunches in displeasure at the rude awakening.
“__-___?! wh-what the- what are you doing in my bed?”
“so you touched my boob,” you say, legs crossed and arms folded over said boob.
“i-i-” it’s the first time you’ve ever seen hoseok opened his eyes so wide - he has pretty eyes. especially when they’re brimming with fear and bashfulness, “i’m sorry, i have no excuse.”
he hangs his head low.
“why didn’t you touch the other one?”
it’s then, when hoseok’s eyes snap up to you, gaze searching for a sign - any sign, to confirm that he misheard that, does the man realize that you’re messing with him.
that, and you doubling over with laughter trickling out of your mouth should be affirmation enough.
“god, you should’ve seen your face, hobi!” you’re still holding your stomach when hoseok’s shoulders stiffen and his round eyes turn sharp.
“that’s not something you joke about, ___,” he says, it’s easy to mistake his sternness with anger if you didn’t know him your whole life, “are you gonna let it go every time someone disrespects you? mr. han would’ve snapped their neck in half-”
“hoseok, come on,” you cut him off with a dismissive hand, “none of those gory talks about snapping necks and pulling out nails. that’s the reason i end up here in the first place.”
it’s the way silence lulls into the room and hoseok looks at you with the hardest knitted brows and eyes that seem to have retracted his soul far back into his memories, as though searching for something - that makes your heart drop.
all sense of humor now gone.
“you don’t remember what happened last night... do you?” the last part is just an addition to ease your throbbing heart.
if you’d left it as a statement, it made it more real that he did forget.
just a man, sitting at a half empty bar, three shots of vodka in and hostility in his voice that could’ve killed but so very hoseok of him, “that seat’s taken.”
aloof. distant. and every word in the book that described a man who didn’t want to be bothered and he drowned himself in alcohol.
“i’ll leave once the owner comes back,” you’d slipped into the seat anyway, despite the heat of hoseok’s stare.
not paying any heed, you ordered yourself a margarita.
“it’s been awhile, hasn’t it, hobi?”
that’s when he turned to you. truly looked at you.
“do you perhaps have a little sister who,” his eyebrows began to knit as if the screws in his head started turning, “would be about your age by now... ____?”
you didn’t really catch up. all you could remember was hoseok’s calculative stare as he watched you down one drink after the other. the the chilliness of the margarita somewhat soothing the burning sensation as it went down your throat.
“that’s the fifth for you,” his large hand covered yours, stopping you from picking up the glass as he cautioned you.
“yeah? i’m only stopping if i have something else to occupy my mouth with.”
in his distracted state as he tried to make sense of what your words meant, you lifted the glass to your mouth and downed the last of your drink.
and then, you stood up, walked the tiniest distance between your seat and his, grabbed him by the collar and crashed your lips on his.
you remembered your confidence dissipating like air with every second passing without hoseok so much as responding to your kiss.
maybe it was the shock.
because one that passed, you found his arm around your waist and his lips kissing you harder than you kissed him.
you stumbled into your car, not caring if yeojun had a front row view from the rearview mirror of the things that transpired at the back seat. you barely remember the walk from the parking lot to his apartment.
those sweet whispered promises. the hands that burned your skin with every touch. those eyes that pierced right into your eyes, as if invisible hands reached into your soul and grasped it in his palm.
“mine,” hoseok husked, voice sending ripples of pleasure dripping down your legs. he’d thrust himself balls deep inside you, like a beast who hadn’t had a drop of water since the drought, “you’re mine from head to toe.”
if that wasn’t enough, he fucked you raw until you were at your limit and he’d just... stop.
“hoseok, why-” you’d been breathless, skin glistening with sweat and knees trembling to give in but he’d banded an arm under your torso and held you to him so your bodies remained connected even if none of you moved.
“you think i’d just let you cum so easily?” he placed a hand on your ass, as if warning you what would happen if you’d pull away, “after all these years... you grew up fine as fuck.”
he’d languidly pulled out of you, as if knowing how torturous it felt for you with his fingers on your clit that sent electricity through your veins.
“what is it, hm? is it the kang’s or is it the seong’s? i guess the rumor about boss being hospitalized was true,” his words barely registered in your mind as his index finger touched your back and traced down your spine whilst he started thrusting in and out of you agonizingly slow.
“please, just fuck me,” you’d hissed, pain and pleasure and frustrations mixed in your voice.
“hm, still as tight-lipped as ever, huh?” he’d sounded completely relaxed as if the smacking sound that echoed in the air as his body slammed against your deliciously - didn’t affect him in the slightest.
as if he took no pleasure in fucking you. as if this was only for your poor little soul that came running back to him because you had no one to depend on.
“y-you have to- ah! s-swear your l-loyalty to- oh my god,” it was last night, while the citylights poured through hoseok’s window, his room was directly across another apartment building.
“loyalty, huh?” he tested the words on his mouth, as if it was a foreign candy gifted to him as present.
his body feels hot against your back as he lowered himself flush against you, his breath fanning your sweat-glistened skin, his voice brushing the shell of your ear, “you should know i’m yours as much as you’re mine. nothing i wouldn’t do for you, kiddo.”
he’d used that nickname he’d used to call you as he fucked you into his bed, and sent you moaning his name like you wouldn’t know any other name.
anyone could’ve seen.
neither of you cared though.
you throw your gaze out at the twenty storey building, noticing a man vacuuming the living room three units to the left from the unit directly across from hoseok’s. above him, two kids, a boy and a girl are jumping around while holding an airplane in their hands.
-until now, that is.
hoseok had become an entirely different person last night. no - rather, he’d returned to you as the man you’d always kept in that special spot in your heart and locked it up so no one would be able to see past your steel schooled expression and the devil may care nature.
your gaze snaps back to hoseok once again. he parts his lips for the briefest moment, as if to say something but clamps them shut again. the way his eyes gleam with guilt is enough to tell you the unspoken words that hang in the air.
and yet, your heart hardens like the steel mask you often wear on your face.
“and... to think i gave you my virginity too...”
the silence that lapses between you is tangible.
“sike, i’m kidding,” you grin, brows rising to the ceiling but when hoseok doesn’t so much as laugh or frown - he simply looked at you like a parent disappointed of his child who still didn’t see why what she did was wrong - you tilt your head to the side slightly, “or am i?”
“ugh, you’re no fun,” you throw your head back after failing to gouge a reaction from the man who screamed bloody murder as if you’re some street rat that he was so close to calling infestation control.
“i need to meet mr. han,” he announces after a whole solid minute of sitting on the edge of the bed with feet planted on the floor.
“what for? what are you gonna tell daddy? ‘i’m sorry i took your daughter’s virginity, sir, it won’t happen again?’“ you watch him get up, tongue unconsciously slipping out and sweeping over your bottom lip as you watch the curve of his ass as he walks to the closet and disappears into it.
“were you really a virgin?” he comes out dressed in fresh crisp button down tucked in a pair of black pants, a contrast to his rolled up sleeves, creased shirt and disheveled hair from last night.
“i don’t know, did it feel like i was?” you shoot him a coquettish smile.
the gentle protrusion of his adam’s apple bobs up and down, his lingering gaze on your crossed, bare legs not going unnoticed by you. you’re donned in last night’s dinner dress that hugs your curves and stops mid thighs.
but his gaze is gone too soon.
“you’re not seriously going to daddy, are you?” you tug on his sleeve just before he steps out of the door, “hobi, i’m just kidding, i’ve been with multiple guys before you,” the way his brows threaten to knit into a frown doesn’t go pass you but it’s gone too soon, “and does daddy like the idea? he’s not fond of it, but he knows he can’t stop me from doing whatever i want with my own body.”
the beep of the door as he opens it rings in the air as he looks at you in the eye, “did any of those men work for mr han?” 
only silence follows his reply as you bite your lower lip, hesitant.
“we can’t hide this- mr han might already know. he has eyes and ears-” hoseok steps out of the door only to stop dead in track when he sees at least half a dozen men lined up in front of his apartment in black suits.
“good morning, miss ____.” they bow at exactly 90 degrees angle like robots.
“-everywhere...” hoseok trails off, eyes scanning the area on high alert.
“don’t worry, they’re not daddy’s men. they’re my men,” you raise one hand, index finger pointing to the ceiling as you shoot them an expression void of any smile.
they seem to understand that as they dip into a bow again, the leader, yeojun, stops in front of the elevator when he and his men would have joined you in any other circumstances.
“it’s not about saving my own ass, ___,” hoseok begins.
the way his arms cross over his chest makes his sleeves wrap deliciously around his biceps.
his deep brown eyes appear like a hazel storm under the sunlight that pours from every crevice of the parking lot where the elevator stopped at. “mr. han asked me to protect you from everything and i’m sure he hired someone else after i left to keep trash men away from you... and to think i did exactly what he wanted me to protected you from-” 
“hobi,” nimble hands hover over his chest before you gaze up at him through your lashes, making sure to give it a slow, innocent blink before speaking, “i didn’t regret what happened last night. and you trying to apologize for someone i’m not sorry kind of hurts.”
“i’m sorry i didn’t think of it that way...” he trails off, lips pressed in a straight line as though deep in thought.
“if it makes you that uncomfortable, i won’t talk about it but promise me this stays between us, please?” you hold up a pinky finger like you would when you were younger.
the smile that makes its way to hoseok lips causes your heart to palpitate just when it’s barely calmed down.
his pinky finger is much larger than yours as it hooks around yours in a promise, a ghost of a smile tugging on his lips. as if he’s still unsure if he should be making any promises. as if he’s unsure if he should be hooking his pinky with yours instead of pushing you as far away from him as he could. but before he can come to a conclusion, a voice reverberates into the air.
“miss ____.”
the sound of hoseok sucking in a sharp breath rings in your ear as a dozen men in black suits bow at the sight of you.
before another word comes out from anyone else, you speak, voice echoing against the walls.
“listen up you sons of bitches, if i find out any of you snitched to daddy, i’ll make sure your wife, your husband, your kids, your grandparents, hell even your neighbors pay for it. got it?”
a round of rigorous “yes, miss!” follows after the splitting silence that hovered after you finished.
turning around, almost getting lost in those pretty, star entrapped eyes of his, you smile, “see, they’re loyal to me.”
“uh, i can see why.” it’s the humorous tone that finally wraps around hoseok’s words that makes your heart clench painfully.
he’s still the same hoseok you know.
some things never change.
“well, i’ll lend you one of my cars,” you say all of a sudden.
almost as if hit by a foul ball, hoseok’s eyes widen, “shi- what time is it?”
you don’t expect much when you check your phone, the digits on the screen staring back with a 9-something am - you don’t care to check the details, “late.”
“fuck, i was so focused on gathering enough balls to meet mr. han - i need to get the papers i was supposed to look over for today’s meeting,” a string of curses follow hoseok’s scampering retreat. and you simply watch in your spot - he’s always been such a klutz, forgetting the important details and scrambling to get what he’d forgotten and just remembered - done.
before the doors of the elevator close and swallow him in its belly, hoseok’s nimble fingers slip between the shutting gap, making the doors split open again, “oh,” he says, as if remembering something, “you don’t have to do that - i can drive, i got a driver’s license like, eons ago.”
when he left, he was only 18 and had nothing more but a duffle bag filled with all his belongings and an acceptance letter of the university he applied to.
hoseok had been driving you around everywhere before that. he got pulled over by a cop once but your father easily handled that.
jung hoseok’s been with you for as long as you remember.
you recall bawling your eyes out and clinging onto his leg, begging him not to leave because your nanny left and you found out a few months later that her body was found washed up along the river bank near her hometown.
mr. kim, the gardener quit and said he wanted to visit his kids but the whole family ended up dying in a fire.
everyone who left ends up dead.
pushing the somber feeling that’s threatening to pull the muscles in your face into a frown, you shake your head, an amused smirk tugging on your lips as you mask away every other feeling.
“you really don’t remember anything, do you?” somewhere in that innocently clueless gaze of his, you search for a lie - it would’ve been better if he lied about forgetting for whatever reason.
but when the genuinity over pours from those pretty eyes, you push away the gnawing feeling in your heart, “we were both shit faced drunk last night so we came to your place with my driver and you left your car at the bar’s parking lot.”
“oh shit,” he begins punching the button on the inside of the elevator, “i won’t take long, i pro-”
the metal doors gradually shut, cutting off what he was about to say.
“p-please, i’m sorry, i’ll do anything...” the man’s words got blurred out as you stare out the window of his medium sized flat with a master bedroom, a room and a bathroom connected to the common area.
it’s been a week since you met hoseok. you want to be mad that he doesn’t call, especially after not seeing each other for so long and finally reuniting only for him to forget everything about that night.
but you didn’t even give him your number and you may or may not be mad that he didn’t think to ask.
a bloodcurdling scream drums against your eardrums, making you physically flinch as your head snaps towards the man lying on the ground with his mouth wide open and no longer any sound coming out.
his head is titled at the new guy who’s standing over him with a baton gripped in one hand. the sight itself makes the pit of your stomach churn.
“god fucking damn it, yeojun,” you shoot a glare at the head bodyguard, “didn’t you teach him rule number 1? make no sound, catch no attention?”
at that, yeojun snaps his fingers and two of the bodyguards closest to the new guy - soon? soobin? was his name? - approach him. one of them places a firm hand on his shoulder whilst he kicks soobin behind his knee, sending him kneeling with a thud.
“i’m sorry, miss ___, it seems soobin,” ah so you did get his name right, “needs to join mr. yoo here in learning a thing or two about obeying orders.”
yeojun doesn’t even flinch when one of your donned-in-black bodyguard strikes one of their own at the back of his head with that baton they usually carry around their waist.
soobin’s face scrunches up painfully as he breathes out through his nose, teeth gritting together.
“you boys, break some things and you, get the car ready,” with that, the bodyguards hovering over the middle-aged borrower and soobin begin scampering around, toppling shelves over, pushing vases to the ground and breaking plates in the kitchen.
“you were too nice,” yeojun murmurs underneath his breath once you’re in the hallway, the sound of glass shattering and furniture breaking still echo off the walls.
“i shouldn’t even be doing this shit anyway. who does he think i am? sending me to take care of small fries...” agitated, you shoot yeojun a glare.
to which he only responds with raised eyebrows, as if asking if you’d go against your brother’s orders just because you’ve never liked to see violence yet violence follows you everywhere.
“let’s see.... richest bachelor, heir to han group, one of the biggest conglomerate family that runs the underground ring...” the black haired man starts counting off with his finger until you swing your purse to his side.
“which side are you on? me or my chanyeol’s?!”
laughter trickles down his lips as he follows you into the elevator. somewhere in the distance, the hallway faintly rings with the fading sound of mr. yoo’s helpless pleas.
when you arrive at kimcorp, the secretary shoots up from your seat, her smile is gorgeous and welcoming but the knitted set of brows above her eyes do a poor job of hiding her anxiousness.
you didn’t use the han name to get past the receptionist, only mentioning “hoseok is expecting me, tell him i have something of his he’d really like back.”
was it the lavish dinner dress? was it the couture handbag?
“ah, it’s the fox fur, isn’t it?” you twirl on your heels, lips curling prettily as you narrow your eyes at the startled secretary.
she’s standing there like a thief caught red-handed. as if her worst nightmares came true the moment you started saying something besides the “i’m here to see jung hoseok.”
“i-i’m sorry, ma’am?” her shoulders tense up and her smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
“nothing, it’s nothing,” you put on a billion dollar smile - one that she seems to be struggling to wear.
before the poor thing peed her pants, you turn around, your back on her and push on the double doors of the office with a white plate that spells out “head director jung.”
the syllables of your name roll off the mouth of the man behind the large desk that almost takes up half of the room, piles of documents stacked up on either sides while the middle section is cleared for a mac and a macbook perched directly in front of him.
“you sound surprised, didn’t the receptionist tell you i was coming?” you put on your best smile even as you watch him push a button on a smaller-than-a-palm-sized remote directed at the cctv and dash for the blinds and close them so that the secretaries facing his room won’t have any visual access to what goes on from now on.
“yeji didn’t specify who,” he says mindlessly, still peeking through the blinds - possibly to check if anyone noticed the sudden move.
somehow, hearing the name of another woman leaving hoseok’s lips doesn’t sit right with you.
“since you easily told her to send me right up, i assume you have an idea of who it was,” a devious smile tugs in the corners of your lips as the sound of hoseok sucking in a sharp breath brushes your ears.
as he was in the middle of turning around and facing you, you managed to catch him off guard and trap him between the window and yourself. the ridges of his toned abs brushing against your front torso with only layers of clothing separating you.
the warning tone he uses to say your name with is music to your ears.
he sounded like the old him. the old hoseok who’d drive his fist into anyone’s face without batting an eye. the old hoseok who would turn to your crying frame with the sweetest smile and hand you back your backpack that fell on the ground amidst the struggle of trying to bite and kick your kidnappers in the shin.
“i missed you, you know?” your voice is tinged with playfulness but your heart skips a beat like a schoolgirl with a crush.
“i-i... we...”
the words get stuck in his throat the moment your lips brush his. what surprises you is the softest sigh that leaves his mouth before a large hand buries itself in your hair, pulling you close until he’s tasting you. licking your bottom lip as if asking for something he didn’t need to ask for in the first place.
his free hand grasps your ass as if he’s been dying to feel your soft cheeks in his palm. you part your lips for him, tasting the faintest sense of cigarette in his breath.
hoseok tends to smoke when something bothers.
you hope it’s you. you hope he lays in bed at night, staring at the ceiling. you hope you’re all he thinks about.
by the time you pull apart, you’re both heaving for air. a soft thud drums in your ears as hoseok leans his head against the blinds-covered-window. you press your cheek against his chest, face hot.
one of his hands sits on top of your ass as if paying his overdue respect for your body but yet unwilling to let you go. the other rests on the back of your head, his thumb mindlessly caressing your scalp.
“hoseok?” you’re the first to break the silence.
he simply hums in response, “hm?”
“i can’t give it back,” you turn your cheek to bury your face in his chest, your voice coming out muffled, “i can’t give back your freedom.”
“so you’re saying you can’t let me go...” hoseok echoes the words you say to him.
but the way his lips curl into a pleased smirk and his white shirt creasing at the front from having your bodies pressed together a moment ago, gives those words a different meaning than you intend them to.
somehow, the distance between you seems smaller.
“thanks miyeon,” hoseok’s smile switches to that of a kind, considerate superior.
miyeon, the woman who guided you to hoseok’s office returns his smile. but you don’t miss the cautious gaze she throws your way before slipping out of the room after setting down the tea cups.
he’s back to himself. the kind that jumps at every little sound and tends to wear a frightened puppy look almost too often.
“no, rather...” you trail off, chanyeol’s face burning at the back of your mind - your brother, the heir to han group and the man that will marry you off to the kang’s in order to mend the strain in the family ties as soon as your father breathes out his last breath.
you shake your head, a smile on your face, “it’s been awhile, how bout catching up over lunch?”
and so it goes, you visit hoseok every few days in a week. at times you tell the secretary to keep your visit a secret so you could surprise him, you’d end up catching him neck deep in work yet he still manages to pull off the rolled up sleeves, two buttons undone and slicked back hair with a single strand falling over his forehead, its tip grazing those set of strong eyebrows.
when you knock, he looks up and the tension in his brows seem to fade away. he shoots you a dimpled smile as if he’s been waiting for you to whisk him away from work.
and you do just that. arm looped around his, you both walk out of his office like lovers.
hoseok talks about his past - the one you’re not part of - fondly. as if looking through a lense of something he never dreamed he could have.
at first, he attracted the wrong kind of crowd with his permanently set furrowed brows. but then he finds things he enjoys doing outside of classes that he couldn’t get to enjoy when he was with han group.
dancing, tracks, boxing and more. he likes that rush of adrenaline that courses through his veins. 
and you tell him about the meetings and gatherings and social events to maintain your relationships with the vassal families. they’re usually attended by the women of the han family which means you and han chohee would be smiling and laughing together in front of the wives and daughters of the vassal families before taking off that loving step-mother-and-step-daughter facade once you walk out of the vicinity.
your lunches and dinners are spent with trips down memory lane, filling the other in on the moments each of you miss in each other’s lives. and for a moment, the hoseok in front of you who flinches at the sight of bugs and little, random noises feel familiar.
that is, until you hit your one month reunion mark.
chanyeol’s been gathering support of the vassals by personally accepting their invitations.
his presence easily overshadowed yours and yeojun confirmed that your father’s condition isn’t getting any better.
“i need you to come back and work for me, half of the men would drop everything and follow you,” you stare at the girl staring back at you on the surface of the tea. she bites her lips and you feel the faintest taste of blood in your mouth.
eyes snapping to his calculative ones - as if he already knows what you’re going to say before the words even pass your lips, “i need you by my side so i can take over han group.”
the hoseok sitting in the single couch next to you with parted legs and feet planted on the dark carpeted ground fits the head director setting better than the inked skin, cigarette smoke and gun-in-waistline setting you’re about to drag him in.
“you’re willing to go against chanyeol to become the head of the family?” he asks, eyes clouded with a sort of emotion you can’t pinpoint.
hoseok’s always been an enigma. his mind, a maze you’ll never end up figuring out.
guess that part of him is still the same.
“it’s not a choice for me to make,” a clean click! resonates in the air as you place the gun you’d pulled from your garter, point facing him, index finger on the trigger, “you have two though.”
it’s the way his eyebrows rise whilst his eyes glint with amusement tells you that hoseok - your hoseok - is still somewhere in there.
throw a sane man into an asylum and he’ll start going insane. put a mad man  back in society and he’ll trick you into believing he’s sane with his warm, dimpled smile.
“marry me or be killed,” you say simply.
that amused glint is still there, granted, it shines faintly compared to the caution that overflows from those sun-hit brown eyes as they fix themselves on the gun perched on the see-through coffee table before they travel to your knuckles, to your arm and meet your steel gaze.
his the softest protrusion of his adam’s apple drops and rises again as he swallows, “is there a third option?”
“we fucked but you were too drunk to remember so that option’s invalid.”
the air is dense with tension. it fills up your lungs and almost causes your chest to cave. you’re not sure how long to stay there, stiff and still like a rock with your back straightened as if your etiquette teacher was hovering right behind you with a long, wooden ruler that’d be ready to strike your arm at a slump of your shoulders.
but liberation comes to you in the form of a phone call.
“___, we have to go, th-the boss- the doctor says he’s not gonna make it through the night.” it’s the first time you’ve heard yeojun stammer as if he hasn’t quite yet recovered from the shock of the news he’s relaying to you.
“are you sure?” you can almost hear the thump of the organ in your chest slowing down before it ceases to throb completely, “you know how bad chanyeol wanna fuck me up, he could’ve made the doctor tell you this because he knows you’ll tell me and if... if i rush there and daddy’s laughing that obnoxious laugh while trying to make pass on the nurse like he usually does...”
yeojun grunts, “yes, ___. i have men planted there as patients, nurses, janitors and they all say the same thing - that the doctors are rushing to the vip ward and they’re trying to make it look like your usual hourly check up but it’s not... look, this is the real thing. if we mess up, there won’t be another chance. now, did you convince hoseok to come back?”
almost as if reminded that you’re not the only person in the room, your eyes snap to hoseok whose eyes are already fixed on you with a concerned expression.
“he’ll come back.” with that, you hang up the call.
“i’d love for you to think it through for a few days, realize this isn’t really a life you want and come to me on your own to sign our prenups,” you say casually, placing down the teacup and slipping your phone back into your handbag as if you’re getting ready to leave the tea party, “but...”
but before you can lift the gun and fully point it at him, a large hand covers yours. his warmth seeps through your pores and makes your body feel warmer.
“the gun’s a bit excessive,” his breath fans your face as your eyes fix on the supple skin of his neck.
it’s as if invisible hands reached out and held your head in place, forbidding you from tilting it and gazing into his eyes. his fingers reach over the back of the gun, grazing your hands.
a click cuts through the silence.
“at the very least, unlock the safety,” his teasing tone doesn’t match his saddened eyes.
and just as you thought you’d closed the distance between you and him, the circumstance forces you to take five steps back.
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mermaidxatxheart · 3 years
Better Together Chapter 2
Pairing: Poe x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of lackluster sex, paranoia, Poe being adorable. Probably swearing.
A/N: my works are not to be reposted on this site or any other site without my knowledge and permission. Reblogs are, of course, welcome. If you'd like to be added to my tag lists, please send me an ask and let me know which tag list you'd like to be added to.
Series Master List
Chapter One
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Chapter Two
You slowly blink your eyes open in the darkness of the room. Bryce’s big arm is snaked tightly around you, self satisfied snores reverberate softly in your ear. Your entire lower half aches as you stretch and try to sit up. Bryce holds you tighter, pressing his chest into your bare back. His hand snakes up between your breasts as he clings to you.
Carefully, slowly, you roll him over, easing his hand off your skin. You place it back on his chest and slide off the bed, gathering up your clothes. You quickly get dressed and head for the hangar to meet Poe.
You’re feeling off this morning. You wish the commissary is open for some caf, you wish you had been able to sleep in; you wish Bryce had… well. Nothing you can do about that now.
Your go-bag previously stored in the ship, you head there now, trying not to wince with every step.
“Hey, partner.” Poe greets, smiling wide. His smile falters when he sees your empty hands. “You didn’t bring me a caf?”
You groan, walking towards the on-ramp. “I didn’t even bring me a caf. Don’t start.” You mutter.
“Well, lucky for you, I have a friend in the commissary staff.” He says, grabbing you by the back of your shirt and stopping you in the entryway.
“If you have something to say, just say it.” You complain, closing your eyes. He’s way too happy this morning, being awake before the birds are.
“Boy, you’re a grump this morning.” He teases, covering your eyes with one of his big warm soft hands.
“Poe.” You whine.
“Hold out your hand, gorgeous.” He says ever so softly in your ear, his breath on the outer shell making you shiver, making you wish last night had been more satisfying.
Shakily, you hold out your hand, palm up. He leans in close around you, broad chest pressing into your arm and, Maker, he’s so warm. He sets something circular and heavy in your palm and waits.
“Open those pretty eyes.” He prompts. You do and there’s a big cup of coffee balancing perfectly in your hand.
You smile slightly to yourself, grateful to your friend, and you try to shake yourself out of this slump. “Thanks, Dameron.” You step further into the ship, changing your grasp on the cup. “How’s your head?” You ask.
“Just fine. I didn’t end up drinking last night.” He studies you as you head for your bunk. “Okay, what’s the matter with you?” He asks, following after you.
“Nothing. Just tired.” You dig your bag out and rifle through for your favorite sweatshirt. Space is cold and you naturally have a lower body temperature.
“Didn’t you see your loverboy last night? Shouldn’t you be in a better mood?” He teases and you feel your shoulders tense against your will.
“I’m fine, Poe.” You toss over your shoulder, pulling the thick fabric on.
“Oh, did Mr. Prick not live up to the hype?” He continues as you head for the cockpit.
You want to tell him to let it go, that it’s none of his business if you didn’t… but there’s no way to say anything without giving everything away.
“That’s exactly it.” He surmises easily and you do your best to hide your quickly flushing face. “Yikes. If only there was someone who warned you that he wouldn’t be worth your time.” Poe ponders and you roll your eyes.
“If you’re done poking fun at my anticlimactic sex life, maybe we could get going? It’s gonna be a long week together.” You prompt, sliding automatically into the co-pilot’s seat and leaving the pilot’s seat open for Poe.
“I have so many questions.” He sighs.
“If you value keeping your tongue in your mouth, you won’t ask them.” You warn and he groans. “We need to do flight checks.” You half rise out of your seat before he catches your arm.
“Nya already did them.” He says and you roll your eyes.
“Right. Like I’m trusting my life to her.” You scoff and head out of the little room to check on everything yourself.
Nya is probably the worst person on this Resistance base. Maybe even in all the galaxies. She’s rude, condescending, petty, moralless, and you have a sneaking suspicion she’s not really here for the cause. She hates you, and you hate her. No way in all seven hells are you trusting your life in her hands.
You shimmy down the engine hatch, checking all the gauges, valves, pumps, and anything else that she might have tampered with. You’re excruciatingly thorough. Just as you’re about to finish, Poe’s exasperated sigh reaches you.
“Done yet?” He calls and you roll your eyes, taking just a little longer to properly annoy him. “Y/N, do you trust me?” He asks and you sigh.
“Probably against my better judgment.” You admit.
“I was with Nya when she did them. My name is on the list.” He says and you head back over to the opening and extend your hand.
“You promise you didn’t let her ample… personality… distract you?” You ask as he easily hauls you back up to him.
“Promise.” He holds out his index finger and you press yours to it.
“Okay. I feel better.” You nod and he chuckles, draping a muscular arm around your shoulders.
“Good, now let’s get going. Oh, and if you need to… take care of business,” he pauses to wiggle his eyebrows at you, “I won’t judge.”
You smack him in the chest, hard. “Fuck off, Dameron.” You slide back into your seat and start the engaging sequences. He laughs quietly, rubbing his chest where you hit him.
“Landing gear.” You say you assume pointlessly. Poe Dameron doesn’t need you to remind him to extend the landing gear, and yet here you are.
He doesn’t respond, doesn’t look at you, he hasn’t even blinked for the last five minutes.
“Poe. Landing gear.” You repeat, a little louder. Still nothing. You grumble and start to lift out of your seat to reach across him and flip it. Naturally, that’s when he starts to move.
“I’ve got it.” He huffs, lifting your arm out of his face and toggling the switch.
“Clearly.” You roll your eyes. “Lost you there for a second.” You hint and he glances at you, his skilled hands flying over the console now without thought.
“Sorry. Daydreaming, I guess.” He rolls his head, easing some tension out of his neck.
“About being anywhere else?” You tease.
“Absolutely. I can’t stand being here with you. Don’t know how you stand being around yourself.” He huffs, glancing out the window, trying to ease the ship down without knocking into too many branches.
“Unlike you, Dameron. I don’t have a choice.” You reply.
The unanswered question of his daydream is dropped as he lowers the ramp and stands up. “Come on, partner.” He says, grabbing his bag and draping it across his chest.
You follow, grabbing your holopad, and double-checking for the third time that you have everything you need. Following Poe, you slip easily into work mode. He closes the ramp after you and waits while you pull up your coordinates on the planet.
It’s densely covered in trees as tall as the clouds, so big around the base that fifteen men could stand holding arms outstretched and probably not be all the way around. Thick foliage covers the ground, threatening to trip you even if you’re careful of where you step. Bright flowers are scattered in the green light cast down from above. Massive branches are over your head, big and sturdy enough for both you and Poe to lie down on. Gnarled, twisting roots rise up from the ground, sprawling across the floor. Roots from one tree can end up ten or fifteen feet away, and they seem to follow you, creaking and creeping up behind you.
The air is muggy, damp with condensation from the water being evaporated under the tree canopy. After just a couple minutes, you feel like you’re drinking the air rather than breathing it.
Focusing, you pull up the map construction on your holopad and hold it up, scanning the area surrounding your ship. You glance at Poe, already seeing little droplets of sweat gathering at the edges of his dark curls. He’s looking around, head on a swivel, hands gripping his rifle, as you work.
“Alright. Pick a direction.” You nod, letting him know you’re ready to begin.
“Left.” He says, stepping in front of you to cross your path.
“Hey, I know it doesn’t need saying again, but we know nothing about this place. Try not to touch too much, and for Maker’s sake, don’t lick anything.” You roll your eyes and that charmingly cheeky grin is back.
“I make no promises, gorgeous. You know I love to lick things.” He smirks and you just wanna smack him again. You could have done without the innuendo.
You follow him to the left, which is actually east, scanning and recording. Every so often, you stop to pick a flower for a sample. It goes into a sealable bag to examine back at the base. If you’re going to live here, you need to know as much about the local plant life, what’s poisonous, what’s okay to eat or smell.
You wipe your hand across your forehead, already feeling your shirt sticking uncomfortably to your shoulders. Poe doesn’t complain, so you don’t, either.
A creaking behind you makes you halt and half turn. It’s been about an hour since you left the safety of your ship, and so far, only giant bugs to report.
“What is it?” He asks, turning to look at you.
“I just thought I heard something.” You shake your head, brushing off your own paranoia. “Probably just one of the branches settling.”
“They’re massive, aren’t they?” He peers up at them. “Try not to get crushed by one.” He jokes, but it’s half-hearted. The good mood from takeoff is quickly wearing off.
He turns back around to keep moving forward, but you catch him just in time. “Poe!” You wrap your hand around the front of his shoulder, pulling him back against your chest before he can walk right into a butterfly the size of an eagle.
“Thanks.” He lets out a breath, squeezing your fingers reassuringly.
“Ever hear the story of how Makimbo walked into the flight path of a moth and it got stuck in his ear for three days until the medics could get it out?” You start and Poe stops again, slowly turning to face you, beautiful brown eyes wide in disbelief.
“You’re shitting me.” He says finally and you laugh, feeling better now that you’ve shaken off some of the silence.
“Nope. Walked right out the door from the dorms as a moth was flying to the light and flew right into his ear canal. Swears to this day he can still hear flapping in there.”
“Unbelievable. Only Mak could do something like that.” He shakes his head, turning back around.
“Can we take a break? I think we should have some water.” You say, your legs throbbing. They were already sore from your time with Bryce, but hiking through this impossible forest is killing you.
“Yeah, of course.” He says, coming back up to join you. “Feeling okay?” He asks, watching your eyes as you ease down onto one of those gnarled roots. It’s almost at chair height.
“Yeah. I probably should have just gone out with you to the bar.” You sigh, unscrewing your canteen.
“Probably would have had a better time.” He agrees, and you’re nodding before you can even think to stop yourself.
“At least my legs wouldn’t hurt this much.” You admit and he groans.
“Please tell me he’s not a ‘lay back and let you do all the work’ type.” He rubs his face with a handkerchief.
“There’s nothing wrong with a girl being on top.” You huff.
“No, yeah, of course. One of my favorite positions.” He holds out his hand to stop you. “But not for the whole time. And especially not if she doesn’t finish.” He says vehemently. “Always knew he was a selfish prick.”
The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. Something isn’t right. “Poe?” You start quietly. Your voice is barely above a whisper.
“Sorry, I know you don’t like when I complain about him.” He waves and you’re trying so hard not to panic. You feel eyes on you, dangerous and intentional.
“Poe.” You say with a little more urgency. He finally looks at you, confused. “There’s something behind me. I can feel it.” You say, barely moving your mouth.
His eyes scan diligently over your shoulders. They search every inch of the exposed woods behind you until he shakes his head. “There’s nothing, sweetheart. Just leaves.” He says, sounding very sure. “Come sit by me.” He says, scooting over and patting the spot next to him.
You quickly cross to him and he wraps his arm around you, despite the uncomfortable heat. “I feel stupid, but I swear I felt something watching me.” You sigh, leaning against him.
“Maybe an animal.” He says, not dismissing your feelings at all. You’re grateful that he doesn’t tell you it’s nothing, but offers a possible solution. “If the bugs here are giant, can you imagine the predators?” He shudders, but you tilt your head.
“Actually, if the bugs are so big, there shouldn’t be any predators.” You frown, your anxious stomach settling a little bit. “Because size is equivalent to speed, the bigger they are, the slower they are. So, if the bugs can’t outrun the predator, they die off.” You press your lips together, feeling like you’re rambling.
He turns to look at you, appreciation in his eyes. “You’re pretty smart, you know that?” He says and you grin.
“I do. It’s about time that someone else sees it.” You reply and he laughs.
“Alright, noodle legs. You ready to keep going? We should try to find somewhere to camp soon. The days on this planet aren’t exceptionally long.” He says, and you nod, putting your water away.
“You’re right, let’s get going.” You stand up, picking up your holopad once more. Poe shoulders his rifle, head turning every which way as he leads you through the trees.
“Tell you what.” He starts after an immeasurable amount of silence.
“What’s that?” You croak, your voice sticking in your throat after not being used for a while.
“If we do settle this planet, we’re gonna need some serious air conditioning. My curls are not holding up in this heat.” He says, purposely messing up his dripping locks.
You laugh, flinching away from the flying moisture. “Agreed. But if there are no predators, as we’ve theorized, it could be pretty perfect.”
He turns to glance back at you, his forehead wrinkling in concern. “How are you feeling?” He asks again.
“I’m fine, why?”
He takes you by the arms, his big hands burning into your skin as he guides you to sit down. “You’re really flushed.” He comments, holding his bare wrist to your forehead. “And very warm.”
“It’s a million degrees out here. Of course, I’m warm, Poe.” You look up at him, appreciating his concern.
“Am I flushed?” He frowns.
“Who can tell? You’re perfectly tan all year round. How do you do that, by the way?”
He cups your face gently and tilts it up to him to see better. “I do this thing called going outside.” He says, gently pulling your lower eyelids down.
“See anything?” You ask, only half teasing.
“Nope, no soul in there.” He replies, letting go of you all together and suddenly you miss his hands on your face. They were warm and comforting and you felt safe.
This forest is messing with your head.
Another creak behind you has you up and moving around Poe. He catches your arm, making you slow down.
“Sweetheart, we should eat. It’s been all day. I didn’t realize how much time was passing.” He says.
You shift from foot to foot nervously, looking behind him. Your eyes scan the foliage, looking for any sign of movement. You don’t want to stop, too wound up to eat, but you know he’s right.
“I’ll keep you safe.” He promises. You acquiesce and let him guide you down to the ground and back against the base of a tree.
“I don’t know why I’m being such a weirdo.” You sigh, digging into your pack for your rations.
“Maybe you’re sensing something I’m not.” He shrugs, sitting across from you. From down here the ferns and other ground plants tower over you, creating its own little world. “Maybe it’s the idea of being somewhere new, unfamiliar. Maybe it’s the thought of being the only two people on an entire planet, so certain noises you would hear from other people, you shouldn’t be hearing. There are a million reasons. But don’t brush them off. You have a good gut instinct, Y/N. Use it. It might save us later.” He reaches over and squeezes your knee soothingly.
“Thanks.” You say, feeling a little better. You eat slowly, looking around, but mostly watching Poe. His dark hair is disheveled, curling into his heavy-lidded eyes. You’re grateful to Leia for pairing you with him. She could have picked anyone, and she picked the one person you get along with best. It’s easy to get along with Poe Dameron. Easy as breathing. Even when he’s being difficult, pushing people away after everything he’s seen, he has never once tried to push you away.
“You’re staring at me.” He comments and you drop your gaze instantly.
“Sorry.” You mutter, rubbing your forehead. “Just thinking.”
“About what I look like naked? Don’t feel bad, everyone on base has wondered.” He grins and you laugh.
“Sure. We’ll go with that.” You nod, pushing the rest of your food back into your bag. Your stomach is too tense to really eat anything.
He knocks his knee against yours. “Tell me.” He prompts.
“Just thinking about how we’re friends.” You shrug and he waits patiently for you to continue. “You… you don’t always… make things easy for other people. You argue with Mak, or Hana, or Setti. You sometimes seem to enjoy pushing them away because you do it so often.” You stumble over your words, not wanting to really screw things up. “But you’ve never done that to me.” You avoid his gaze for as long as you can stand it before finally looking up at him.
He’s smiling. “You’re funny.” He says eventually. “I did try doing that to you. At the very beginning. And sometimes it’s easier to have people be mad at me; to take all of it in and feel that instead of… other less pleasant things. And yeah, they get pissed at me, call me a jerk, or whatever name they like. They storm off and hate me for a while. And it feels good.” He nods, clearing his throat and looking around, away from you. “But not you. Never you. I’d pick a fight with you and you would stand your ground, fight me back until I was the one storming off. Then you’d show up at my dorm, or in the woods, or wherever I happened to be hiding, give me a cup of hot chocolate. You absolutely floored me that first time, telling me I could fight you all day long and you’d be there every time, not letting me lose myself.” He inhales sharply, disguising a sniffle. “I think you knew before I did. You just see through me, constantly.”
You're quiet for a long time, thinking over his words. He never says it out loud, never admits that he could use help. Never gives his nightmare a name. But you feel it, weighing on his soul; and yours. “Poe.” You start and he looks up at you expectantly. “I only said those things because you had my favorite book in your bag and I wanted it back.” You say quietly and he laughs loudly, grabbing your arm and pulling you into his lap, hugging you tight.
“Can’t push you away, no matter how hard I tried. You’re too stubborn.” He sighs, rocking you from side to side as you let your forehead rest in the crook of his neck. “Sometimes, I wonder if the bullshit I say will do it. Like the sex talk, or the time I told you I masturbate five times a day just to see what you’d say.” He chuckles, his breath skittering down the back of your neck. “You didn’t miss a beat, just said ‘I believe you. You look like the type’ and moved on.” He grins.
“I just thought you were a really open person.” You admit, pushing back from his chest, seeing his eyes shine with laughter. “We should keep going, you weirdo. There are some cliffs up ahead, I think. We can probably find a cave to sleep in for the night.”
“Agreed.” He pushes you to your feet, and you pull him up right after you. His hand lingers in yours for a long second before he takes it back to adjust his rifle position.
Chapter Three
Everything Tag List:
@everythingisoverrated @psyched2b @shreddedparchment @bitsandbobsandstuff @after-avenging-hours @alexblrus @thinkingsofamadwoman @i-dont-want-to-be-called @thefridgeismybestie @fortheloveofallthatsholy @crazychaotic @pleasureoftheguiltiestvariety @redstarstan @justreadingfics @themistsofmyavalon @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @wkemeup @thiccbinch @glide-thru @elliee1497 @ellaenchanted91 @part-time-patronus @janeyboo @scarlettwitcher @thirstybitchqueen @stuckonjbbarnes @barnesandco @geeksareunique @nicoleplacee @lexshead @gambitsqueen @lokisironthrone @imanuglywombat @also-fangirlinsweden @ravenesque @murdermornings @tinymalscoffee @countryrockmama
Star Wars Tag List:
@shinycollectivesuit @bookishofalder
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Wish Upon a Night Sky - [Beastars | Various x Reader]
[Female, Sheep Reader | Slow Burn]
Act Two | Down to Earth
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"What are you standing there alone for, (Y/N)? Come sit with me!"
While you expect Juno would rather have lunch with people she already knows well, you see her stand up from her seat and approach your side when she spots you nearby. She holds the tray firm in one hand and waves with the other. In response, you smile and grab your own tray tight before following her, all while ignoring the ever-growing feeling of everyone's eyes on you, regardless of almost all the students around being too busy eating, talking, and walking to notice your presence. So far, and -- close to what you expected -- you've only talked with the wolf and the dog; the latter you hadn't even come across with since yesterday afternoon. Truth be told, you want to take up his offer and knock at the door of his dorm, but more than one reason restrains you from doing it.
First, you'd only known him for a day, and even if you really did only need to ask him more about the school, you couldn't gather sufficient courage to do it. Second, you didn't want to risk making your parents worry by telling them the very first thing you'd done was run off to the boys' dorm without a care in the world. Third and most important of all right now, you didn't know how to keep up a normal conversation with Juno without worrying about your word choice every few seconds, so merely thinking of doing the same with Jack made you retreat on the idea without thinking it twice. Having to share a room with someone else and the impending need to form small talk and prevent yourself from seeming rude or awkward was already draining enough -- mentally, most of all. You're aware you're far from prepared to tackle any other, larger issues without having an internal meltdown over them, so it's best to set some limits for the moment being; perhaps eventually, you could handle a bigger crowd, but today's not that day.
Being homeschooled weights more as a con the more hours you spend at this school. Not only do you have a hard time being social and getting adjusted to such a large campus, but you barely have any knowledge of the relationship between carnivores, herbivores, and those in-between. If you didn't wish to be classified as ignorant or naïve, you would soon need to ask either Juno or Jack to tell you where the library is. Starting off with some basic research is about the least you can do to break out of that shell -- once and for all.
"...Earth to lamb?"
You flinch and almost topple the juice box on your tray. 
It takes you a second to process that you've already made it to a table, and a few more to acknowledge Juno's now sitting down --  and with an empty chair waiting across from her, too.
"Sorry," you say, mouth and ears drooping just as much as your courage. Your head spins as you rush to sit down and shrink away in your seat, avoiding eye contact with her by all means possible. Then, you take your drink, open it, and sip some of it, hoping to ease the tension out of you. "I keep... spacing out lately."
Juno smiles and tilts her head to the side, while her ears perk and her gaze lights up. Her eyes are intent on you, and these carry the same brightness as when she talked with you about love. "Someone on your mind?" She looks behind her -- as if expecting to see your source of interest from close by; her smile remains intact as she goes back to looking at you. "Is it Jack?" she asks, winking. "You looked like you were getting along pretty well with him yesterday."
You smile back, though you still end up shaking your head to let her know otherwise. Having a crush on someone so quick and suddenly was unlikely for you, but the reminder of how passionate she seemed about this particular subject yesterday makes you believe she's the type to fall fast and love lavishly. You fork some of the salad on your tray and toy with it for a moment, mind yet to return from its journey as you consider her words and just how different your view on love is when compared to hers. "I was thinking of him, but not like that." You take in some air and brace yourself for any incoming questions. "I was actually wondering if… if you knew where the library is? I know he offered to help, but-"
"So there is something going on with you!" The wolf interrupts you with her excitement and stands up from her seat. Her gaze is now as wide as the smile on her face, and her energy almost rubs off on you. She places her hands on the table, leans in, and suspends herself over it. "Was it love at first sight? Don't skim on the details, (Y/N)!"
You scratch your throat and prepare yourself with a deep breath, at a dire need to tell her the truth. 
"Ah, n- no." You set the fork down and look up to meet with her eyes. The desire to clear things up grows stronger, and you can't ignore it for much longer. "I just want to make friends, but I'm not sure I'll be too successful in that, considering how… who I am."
Juno's excitement falls. Her gaze knits as she sits back down, and a frown replaces her smile, overpowering her previous attitude entirely. "What do you mean?"
You gather wit to be blunt, not wanting to sugarcoat how you feel about yourself and this recent change. "Frankly, I'm…" Your words trail off and you hesitate with a deep breath in, along with one out. "I feel I'm too... ignorant to understand how to get along better with others at this school." Hunger stays absent -- even when you stare down at your plate and breathe in its scent. Your confidence from yesterday proves to be little and outright superficial with how different you feel today, reaching towards a level of self-consciousness you haven't experienced since your early teens. "I only ever went to kindergarten, and the rest of my years were taught at home." You grab the juice box and drink from it in an attempt at finding your appetite again. When you gulp, it feels worse than before. Nausea arrives with how much you dwell over a single topic. "To be honest, It… It surprised me when I noticed I'd be staying in the same dorm as you. Jack heard me say something… rude about it, though I'm not sure if you heard me, too."
"Oh, I heard you," Juno replies, a laugh leaving her mouth. She takes a bite from her food before continuing with, "But I pretended not to." 
"Why would you do that?" you ask, now your turn to frown. "You were so close by when I yelled that…" Your face turns hot the longer you think about that memory. "It was rude of me. A terrible first impression, that's for sure!"
A grin forms on her face, though she doesn't say anything yet. Rather, she takes another bite off her meal, almost emptying the plate in the process. How fast she eats prompts you to start eating from your tray, against wasting any food and risking the chances of feeling hungry by your next class. "Maybe it was, but I wanted to see if you would bring it up someday." She sets the cutlery down and glances behind you, grin growing. "And you did," she adds, words as confident as you wish you could be. "Much earlier than I thought you would." Juno gazes behind you again; her tail wags and her eyes spark with what looks to be mischief. "Look behind you!"
You do as suggested and almost end up falling from your seat when you come face-to-face with Jack, his knees currently bent to match with your sitting height. His snout is nearly close enough to brush with yours, and that same excitement and joy from yesterday remains in his stance. "How's your first day going?" he asks, tail wagging at a similar pace to Juno's, although his smile proves to be more genuine rather than teasing. "It's nice to see you making friends already!" His eyes shift towards the wolf and turn back to you once more. Then, a slip of paper is offered out to you, this one folded neat and compact for you to carry. "Here's my number, in case you ever want to hang out."
"Being bold again, aren't you, Jack?"
His hold on the paper stays even as you take it; a hint of embarrassment shows up on his cheeks when he looks at Juno. Her comment -- slowly, but surely -- dawns on him and leads to him staying frozen in that same spot for a while. "It's not like that!" Jack exclaims, snapping out of it. He finally lets go of it to stand up straight and meet the wolf with a flustered gaze.
Juno, on the other hand, laughs it out with just as much glee as the first time "Sure, it's not," she replies, giggling. Her teasing nature returns in an instant, hardly giving him a chance to recover from the previous blow. "First, you invite her to your place, and then you give her your number, too? I'm the person you can least hide these things from."
That's enough for her to shut his mouth.
Jack's forced to find a distraction by facing you again, with a less confident look now present in his eyes. "Think we could talk later? I'm meeting up with some friends today." He stops for a second; fluster falls from his face as a cheery expression makes its return. "And maybe I can introduce you to some of them, too. I'm sure they'd like to meet someone new!" He takes a final glance at the paper before leaving the table, an act done while avoiding Juno's gaze from all angles. 
"Y- You can still keep that, by the way."
With that last, stuttered sentence, he runs off -- but not before waving goodbye. 
You wave back and watch as he disappears from your sight, leaving you alone with Juno once more, who smiles in response.
"So... Friends, huh?" she jokes, letting out a laugh.
Your tray almost ends up on the floor when she says that, hands shaking to the point where you can't bring much control over them anymore. 
While you're aware she's not being serious and that it's all done in good fun, you can't help dwelling too much on whether you're supposed to be here, and if someone like you would only cause more trouble to the school and all its people.  
"I'll take your word for it, (Y/N)."
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radiorenjun · 3 years
I Don't Need It
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• Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader
• Genre: Angst, Comedy, Fluff
• Na Jaemin despised the idea of soulmates, he wanted to fight against fate for choosing his soulmate for him. Even if it means his stubborn childhood best friend wouldn’t stop trying to make him accept about the similar tattoos on their wrists.
• Warnings: mental breakdowns, heartbreak, rejection, major angst, arguments, flashbacks, physical injuries, fighting, panic attacks, mentions of death. I swear this series is getting closer to an end oml
• Wordcount : 7.6k
• Masterlist here!
• Chapters: XVI, XVII
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Jaemin sprinted down to the fields carrying his duffel bag, panting as he bumped into his coach. “Jaemin! Where have you been, son? The game’s starting in two hours and you’re not in uniform!” Coach exclaimed, a big sigh of relief coming from the older man as he placed his hand on his forehead to wipe the sweat off of his brows. Jaemin knelt down to place his hands on his knees to catch his breath. 
“I’m sorry Coach, the traffic here was pretty bad. I came as soon as I could, I promise!” the team captain gasped out, standing straight as he held the strap of his duffle bag to give his teacher a nervous smile. Coach sighed heavily before pointing his thumb behind him, “whatever, don’t scare me like that. Go change up and get yourself warmed up. 7 Laps should do,” Coach waved it off with a comforting smile. 
“Thanks Coach, won’t let you down!” Jaemin exclaimed with a wide smile, immediately bolting to the locker rooms without hesitation. Coach smiled sadly as he watched the team captain sprint down the halls to try his best to get to the locker rooms as fast as he can, the sounds of the soles of his shoes making small squeaking sounds as they grind against the tiled floor. 
Lately, he had noticed how Jaemin had been completely distracted from things these past couple of months. He had noticed how the enthusiastic boy who had been working so hard for two years to earn his position as team captain had become a hollow shell of his former self a couple months ago. Since he had to keep things professional, he didn’t want to ask him anything personal. He can only hope things were going to look up for the brown haired boy. 
And for a small moment, things seemed like they did. 
“Jaemin! Where the hell were you? You’re almost late,” Younghoon exclaimed, barging into the locker rooms to spot his friend strapping his pads around his knees and arms before grabbing his socks. “Good evening to you too, Younghoon,” Jaemin greeted sarcastically, rolling his eyes at his teammate as he slipped on one of his socks, pulling it up his feet and grabbing his shoes from his duffle bag. 
“Relax, I just got stuck in traffic, it’s not that big of a deal,” Jaemin rolled his eyes, scoffing as he pulled the other pair of his socks up and slipped on his shoes before standing up on his two feet. “There weren’t many people on the bleachers when I got here anyway,” Jaemin patted his friend on his shoulder before grabbing his water bottle and zipping up his bag, walking up to his locker as if he had all the time in the world. 
“I’ll be right out, just let me take a moment to think things over a bit,” Jaemin waved his friend off, opening his locker before shoving his bag into it and looking at the mirror he had stuck on the door to examine his appearance. “Alright then, but don’t take too long. We’re going to have a role call soon,” Younghoon nodded, walking out of the locker room to jog back to the field where the others were. 
Jaemin sighed, hearing the door creak as it slowly closed. Shutting his locker door he backed away, slinging his towel around his shoulder before sitting down on one of the seats in the middle of the room. Sucking in his lips and kissing his teeth, he felt his heart getting heavy as his mind went through flashbacks to when he stopped by your house to give you those gifts he gathered.
‘I hope she liked it,’ he thought to himself, rubbing his forehead as he attempted to compose himself up to put up a serious front for the game. ‘It’s the last game,’ he leaned his chin against his palm, looking down at his shoes, remembering how you and your family had gifted them back on his 17th birthday, a couple days before he was elected as Captain. 
  “Happy Birthday, Nana!” you exclaimed with a bright smile on your face, giving him a big hug after you placed your gift along with the other pile of elegantly wrapped presents from his friends and relatives. “You’re finally in your sweet seventeen! How does it feel to be on your last stage of teenage hood?” you grinned, looking up at your friend with a playful expression.
Jaemin bit back a frown when he noticed his relatives and friends gushing at your sudden display of affection at the corner of his eyes. In a failed attempt to hide his annoyance from you, he gently wiggled himself out of your embrace, giving you an awkward (obviously forced) smile as he placed his hands on your shoulder gently, taking a step back to keep some distance in between the two of you. 
“Thanks for coming Y/n,” he smiled, letting go of your shoulders with his lips pressed into a thin line. “Of course. I’m literally across the street,” you rolled your eyes, laughing lightly before grabbing your gift and placing it in his arms. “Open it! Seriously, this year I saved up for your present considering my parents are constantly nagging me for wasting their money a lot,” you giggled, gulping inaudibly as you avoid the eerie glares your parents sent you upon hearing your last comment.
Jaemin chuckled, looking back at your parents behind you and sending them a genuine smile, waving slightly as he watched your parents walk into the kitchen to chat with his other relatives. “Are you sure you didn’t steal money from a bank or something, the box actually feels like it has something inside of it,” he chuckled, attempting to get rid of the annoyance bubbling up inside of him as you giggled in response. 
“I can guarantee you, no banks are robbed. I worked hard babysitting for my neighbours for weeks to get enough money to buy you a present without my parents complaining. I promise!” you grinned, putting a hand on your chest and putting the other up beside you as if you were making a pledge. “Now open it! I want to see your reaction!” you exclaimed, clasping your hands together with a small clap. 
Jaemin looked down at his gift, knowing that people are going to comment at how sweet the two of you are being. Biting his lip before shaking his head ‘no’, “I’ll open it later after the party, I’ll let you know my-” 
“Oh come on, Jae. Open the gift, I wanna see what she got you, too,” Hyuck exclaimed, coming up to the two of you and slinging an arm around both of your shoulders, giving you a mischievous grin. “Not gonna lie, I’m quite curious to see what she got you,” Jeno exclaimed with a soft smile, snucking his hands into his pockets with a soft shrug as he walked up to you guys. 
Jaemin looked up at his friends with a blank expression before looking back at your hopeful expression. Sighing heavily, he sat on his couch and set the gift on his lap, pulling the string you had tied all over the box gently before pulling the lid off. Eyes widening slightly when he saw that it was the NIKE sport shoes he had been bugging about for the past two months. 
‘Exactly how many babysitting jobs did you take to get this under two months?’ 
“I only got enough money for half, I used the birthday money I got from my aunt to pay the rest of it,” you spoke, as if you knew what he was thinking at that exact moment. “Just so you know I didn’t do something illegal,” you joked, raising your pinky to indicate that you really didn’t do anything suspicious to get him the shoes in question. 
“Y/n, you really didn’-”
“Y/n! You got my son a pair of shoes?” Mrs. Na exclaimed, walking up towards you and landing a hand on your shoulder as Hyuck backed off to give both of your parents a polite bow. “Y/n has been working a lot of babysitting duties to get Jaemin these out of the goodness in her heart,” your mother bragged, making your smile falter slightly, your eyes darting to Jaemin’s figure. 
“No, Mom! It’s nothing really, I just wanted to do something nice for a friend!” you shook your head abruptly, waving your hands around. not wanting to make a big fuss about this, knowing full well that Mrs. Na was going to bring up the soulmate talk again. You didn’t want Jaemin to get upset on his birthday because of this.
“That’s so nice of her! Y/n, you’re such an angel. Jaemin, why can’t you get her something as well? Usually, the gentlemen always buys the lady gifts. Why can’t you just accept the fact that you’re lucky enough to have Y/n as a soulmate and drop this whole nonsense,” his mother exclaimed, giving you both an innocent smile as she softly pats Jaemin on the shoulder. 
You watched as the slightly annoyed look on Jaemin’s face darkened, his jaw clenched slightly as his fists gripped hard on the box to suppress his anger. “Really mom? Right now?” he deadpanned, looking up at his mother with half-lidded eyes. Clicking his tongue, he closed the box again and stood up from his sitting position on the couch, handing you the box with a lazy attempt of a smile. 
“Jaemin doesn’t have to accept the present if he doesn’t want to, it’s his birthday after all,” your father said, attempting to ease down the tension in the atmosphere, waving it off as he placed a hand on your head to give you some comfort, causing a small smile to spread across your lips as you looked down at your feet.
“Here, you can have it. I don’t think I’m going to use it much anyways,” Jaemin spoke with a click of his tongue, oblivious to how a wave of sadness glossed over your pupils at his words. You stopped yourself from dropping your jaw as you saw Mrs. Na’s eyes widened in shock as well at her son’s sudden rude behavior, knowing that if he didn’t accept the gift, she was going to give him a shameless scolding in front of his friends and relatives. 
Gulping, you pushed the gift back to him as you shook your head. “Come on! You’re going to be Captain soon! I’m sure you can use these to flex or as a celebration. You can just keep them! You don’t have to wear them or anything-” Jaemin was unaware that you were trying to keep him from getting scolded by his mother in front of his friends. All that was going through his mind at that exact moment was how he was blaming you for embarrassing him in front of his family and friends. 
“No, I insist. You can take it back. Hell, you can wear it if you want,” he shook his head, shoving the box back in your arms with an annoyed huff. You held the box against your chest at his sudden use of force, surprised at his sharp tone as you sucked in a deep breath to compose yourself as you began to feel a jolting pain in your wrist and a dull ache in your chest.
“Jaemin! It’s rude to give back birthday gifts! What’s wrong with you? That’s your soulmate, right there. You can’t just shove a gift back to her so rudely, this isn’t how I raised you. Accept her gift right now or else,” Mrs. Na scolded, attracting attention from the other guests in the house. Jaemin tensed up, taking a deep breath to keep his cool before looking back up at you and forcefully taking the box from your arms with one hand. 
“Happy?” he mumbled under his breath quietly, but loud enough for only you to hear, his cold tone inevitably sending daggers piercing into your heart. He then walked off to place the box along with the other pile of presents, leaving you standing there awkwardly in between your parents and your friends, who were equally surprised at his sudden actions. 
“Fuck.” Jaemin hissed under his breath, burying his head in his arms as he remembered the lost, hurtful expression on your face. His chest aching with guilt and his stomach bubbling with anger as he tries to suppress his emotions. He couldn’t imagine how hurt you must’ve felt by his harsh attitude, he couldn’t help but feel angered by his own past actions, his immaturity, his selfishness. 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t come, really,” he muttered under his breath, rubbing his face out of frustration as he stood up, kicking the lockers to release some of his pent up anger before sighing heavily. He winced when a sudden pain appeared on his wrist, his heart aching as he couldn’t get you out of his thoughts. 
The way your eyes glossed whenever he said or did something out of anger, the way you still smiled through the pain he put you through, the way you would still pretend to be okay and pretended that his actions didn’t affect you at all deep down the next day. The thought of how you came to start hating the soulmate system because of him made him feel an unbelievable amount of guilt. 
The thought of how many times Renjun had comforted you as you were crying your eyes out because of what he did sent knives into his heart and flames into his blood. The thought of how the thing you desired most, the thing you wanted most in your life, love. Was the one thing he had stomped over and over again to the point you couldn’t find the energy to fix what’s left made him want to tear himself from the inside and out. 
“I’m a fucking asshole, I really didn’t deserve her,” he hit his head against the metal surface of his locker door, ignoring the pain that came with it, for the pain in his chest was greater than anything he had ever imagined. He couldn’t imagine how scared you were when you felt this searing pain for the first time all alone, he still couldn’t imagine how you still had the patience to live through this until you became numb to the pain. 
He really didn’t deserve you. He didn’t deserve your affections. He didn’t deserve to receive all of your love letters. He didn’t deserve to receive all of your weekly Thursday cookies. He didn’t deserve the shoes you got him for his birthday (the one he’s currently wearing). He didn’t deserve to receive your music box as a gift. Hell, he doesn’t deserve to get an ounce of kindness from you. 
All he knew was that if you didn’t show up. If you really prove to him that you want him out of your life, he was willing to deal with the heartbreak that comes with it tenfold. From now on, he would stop being so immature. So ungrateful. So selfish. He didn’t want to be the same person he was then. 
He knows that from this day on, he wouldn’t complain about any of your decisions. He would do what you have been doing for the past two years. Take the pain and push it down his throat until he was almost walking on them. 
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“Wait, wait, wait, let me take a minute to run things over.”
You bit your lip, gripping your pillow against your chest tighter as you heard Renjun take a deep inhale through your phone speakers. “Jaemin came up to your house without any warnings whatsoever to give you an ominous bag that could’ve possibly lead to your demise and apologized to you and asked you to watch his game this afternoon last week and you decided to tell me this the very last minute?” Renjun exclaimed with a deadpan tone. 
You gritted your teeth, making a small ‘pop’ sound with your lips before sighing. “Well... yeah basically,” you shrugged, placing your chin on your pillow as you winced at your last minute decision. But you desperately need your best friend to give you advice if what you’re doing was the right thing to do. “So what? Are you actually going to go? It’s starting in two hours-ish?” Renjun asked as he played his game, you could almost hear the battle going on behind the screen as he aggressively clicks on his keyboard while muttering incoherent swears under his breath. 
Pressing your lips into a thin line, you gripped the letter Jaemin had written for you in your hands. You let out another exhausted sigh, looking up at your wall clock. “No, I don’t think so,” you shook your head, realising that Renjun couldn’t see you do so a few seconds afterward. “I mean, I considered it. But I don’t know, I’m scared,” you frowned, placing the letter beside your phone. 
“Are you sure? I know you’re scared but are you sure you don’t want to come to his last game?” Renjun asked, popping a chip in his mouth as he listened closely to your upcoming words. “Aren’t you supposed to be hyping up my decision to be an independent woman who’s going to live her life all sad and alone because she just rejected her soulmate,” you complained in a joking tone, attempting to lighten up the situation a bit. 
“Listen, listen!” he chuckled, swearing afterwards when he avoided an attack. “I’m not saying you have to. I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself and it’s completely understandable for you to say no considering he treated you like trash for the past two years and got pretty petty when you pulled an uno reverse card for three months,” Renjun explained, popping a potato chip in his mouth in between sentences, giving you ‘that low quality asmr experience’ as he would like to say. 
“I just had flashbacks to when you were still a big simp for him. How you used to come to all of his games and how you said you promised to yourself that you were going to attend all of them until his last one,” Renjun continued on, pausing his game to pay close attention when choosing his words considering you’re actually asking for advice from him. “I would prefer you not to go, to be honest. But if I remember correctly, you did say it’s been some sort of tradition for you two to hang out after a game or something?” Renjun scratched the back of his head. 
“So you’re saying that it wouldn’t hurt to go one last time?” you asked, looking back down on the letter in your hands. “I’m saying that this is a choice you should be making yourself, not me. Think over the pros and cons and weigh them all out. The choices you make today will heavily impact on your love life,” Renjun advised with a click of his tongue, playing with the controller in his hand as he gazed at the paused game on the screen. 
“Pros of me going to his game is fixing our relationship and us starting over. But the cons of me going is that I’d possibly get hurt again at some point, I’m not ready to get hurt again,” you frowned, picking on your nails nervously as you think things over with furrowed brows. “Though, if I don’t go, I would completely get rid of the chance of having a future with Jaemin and lose contact with him all together for possibly the rest of our lives,” you mumbled under your breath, letting out a huff of breath in distress. 
“The pro is that I’m certain I won’t feel the same pain as the one I’ve been feeling for the majority of high school, right?” you let out a nervous laugh, looking back at your phone. “Y/n, you and I both know that you know the answer to that,” Renjun sighed sympathetically, knowing full well that either way, you had to risk the fact that you were still going to feel emotional pain. Back when you were still in middle school, you often researched the whole soulmate system religiously.
You knew that despite the fact that it was still a rare thing, rejecting your soulmate was equivalent to saying no to fate. There was a thirty percent chance that you would rekindle your relationship afterwards considering you two were practically made for each other. But you knew that there was a greater chance of being alone with the constant dull ache in your chest for the rest of your life. And you weren’t sure if you could handle that considering you haven’t been doing so well emotionally during the past three months. 
Well, he did reject you first. It’s not that you were seeking for revenge or anything, but it would be reasonable for you to refuse, right? Though the thought of living with eternal loneliness with the five percent chance of finding someone else was quite unsettling to think about. You knew that one your soulmate rejects you for good, the soulmate mark would turn grey and fade away. But the outline of your mark would leave permanent marks to remind you of the pain for the rest of your life. 
Were you willing to risk getting hurt one more time and go to the game to support your soulmate or will you stay home and risk having the one thing you admired so much disappear from your life permanently?
“So, have you decided yet? The game starts in less than thirty minutes,” Renjun asked after a pregnant pause, smiling as he could practically hear the gears in your head working. You have never been the quiet thinker, after all. You looked down at your wrist, tugging the sleeve of your shirt down to reveal your soulmate mark, your eyes burning holes at the evidence of your emotional pain painted on your skin.
How could something so small cause so much pain?
“I’ll give you a moment to think things over yourself, okay?” Renjun coaxed in a soft tone, the same tone a mother would use to console their child. “Okay,” you replied shortly, biting your lip nervously. “I’ll see you at school, right?” he chuckled, his thumb hovering over the red button. “Of course, where else would I be?” you responded with a light laugh, shaking your head at your friend. You both said your own goodbyes before Renjun hung up the call without another word to continue his game and leave you with your thoughts.
“I’m still not sure,” you mumbled almost inaudibly, rubbing your hands over your face as you got up from your bed, dropping the letter on the pillow as you walked over to your closet. Sliding the door open, your eyes scanned the white hoodie Jaemin had left in your room a couple months ago. Back when the two of you were still on neutral terms, Jaemin would bring an extra hoodie since you would always forget yours (despite the fact that he knew how you were just making excuses to wear his clothes).
You didn’t know why he kept letting you use his hoodie despite the fact that you both knew you were purposely leaving yours at home. You remembered how he would flick your forehead whenever you got to his car and realise that you forgot your hoodie. He didn’t make you run back to your house to get one. You remembered how he would reach to the backseat of his car with a heavy sigh before pulling out some random hoodie of his and throwing it at your face sloppily. 
You remembered how he would chuckle and flick your forehead before scolding you for the next five minutes as he drove the both of you to school about how you should never forget to bring your hoodie. How you shouldn’t make it a habit in case he fell sick and couldn’t bring you his. (In which you proceeded with replying how you hoped he would fall for you instead of falling sick, earning a death glare from the older boy in return)
You couldn’t help but smile as you pulled the hoodie from the closet, holding onto the clothing rack as you pulled the sleeve towards you to get a closer look at the clothing. It still had the strong distinctive smell of Jaemin’s cologne despite the fact it’s been locked away in your closet for the past five or four months. Your heart ached when you realized you missed those moments. 
You missed having your usual morning conversations, your after school trips to the diner your parents used to take you everyday for lunch back when you were still in middle school, your little study dates. (not really dates but you just liked to call them that to fulfill your romantic fantasies with Jaemin despite the fact that he has told you countless of times that he’s only there because he doesn’t want both of your mothers scolding you for waking up at ass o’clock to do the homework you forgot about)
You missed Jaemin in general. The way he smiles whenever you do something to amuse him or make him happy. The way he worked hard to achieve his position as team captain while also making sure you were studying and eating well from time to time. You knew deep down Jaemin didn’t hate you, he still cared about you despite his mean actions. The hurtful things he did to you the past two years were hard to forget but you knew he was just frustrated. 
It’s not that his actions weren’t acceptable but you couldn’t help but admit that part of this was your fault as well. If only you weren’t as eager to convince him to be your soulmate maybe the two of you would still be on good terms. If only you didn’t shove it into his face and overwhelm him with surprise gifts or small love letters ever since your soulmate mark appeared on your skin. Maybe then he would’ve given you a chance. 
Looking it from his perspective, you couldn’t help but feel guilty for overwhelming him and pressuring him to accept your affections when he wasn’t sure of his own feelings towards you. Frowning, you remembered that day before the dinner party happened when Jaemin was driving the both of you back home. Your heart ached when you remembered how upset he was when then, remembering how he smiled at you when you succeed in comforting him. 
You remembered the feeling of being content that day, listening to music as you and Jaemin talk about the random things you did at school during classes as you were on the way home. You missed it. You missed him. At this point, you didn’t care anymore if you and Jaemin won’t be a thing. You wanted your best friend back, turning your head towards the frame on your nightstand, you let out a small sigh. 
Walking towards it, you picked the frame up in your hands to get a closer look. Your eyes softened when you saw the little scribbles you drew on the glass to decorate the picture inside of it. Inside the frame was a picture the two of you had taken together back during the summer right before you started middle school. Your parents had taken the both of you to Disneyland together to celebrate your graduation. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the picture, seeing as Jaemin had a bunny cap on his head and posing dramatically to the camera with a peace sign, his other hand wrapped around your neck to pull you down against him. While you, on he other hand, were smacking his arm aggressively to make him let you go as you laughed at the camera, giving the camera a peace sign as well. Your blurred hand causing a small chuckle from your own throat.
You were both so happy back then. 
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“Honestly, despite everything that happened, I would be surprised if she didn’t come,” Hyuck said, tugging on his socks before smacking his thighs with his lips sucked in as the three boys scanned the crowd to look for the girl that is Jaemin’s soulmate. “Really? Why?” Jeno asked with a small chuckle, scratching the back of his neck. “Wouldn’t it be the other way around?” he cocked his head to the side in confusion. 
“Dude, think about it! I’ve seen k-dramas before. If Jaemin hadn’t invited her, I’m sure she would’ve come here anyway to watch whether he would fuck up on the last game of the year or not,” Hyuck smacked Jeno’s shoulder, a proud smile etched across the honey boy’s lips. “Listen man, she’s going to come here any second. I can feel it in my bones,” he added on, standing up dramatically and squinting his eyes at the students gathering to watch the game on the bleachers. 
Jeno let out a small snort, standing up for a moment to give the younger boy a smack upside the head, smiling when he heard the boy let out a soft yelp despite the fact that he barely touched the boy. “What are you psychic?” he shot back with a raised brow. Hyuck glared down at the samoyed looking bastard before him smiling innocently, “I might as well be. With a brain like mine, I’m pretty sure I am,” he retaliated, sticking his tongue out as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Keep telling yourself that, Lee,” Jeno shook his head with a small click of his tongue. “We’re both Lees, you prick.” 
“Shut up, both of you. Your loud asses are making my brainwaves malfunction, I can’t focus on finding y/n in the crowd,” Jaemin hissed, turning his head to his friends bickering right beside him before turning his head back to the crowd of students waiting for the game to start as they warm up for the next fifteen minutes. “Oh how the tables have turned,” Jeno chuckled, sharing a knowing look with Hyuck as they stared back at his friend.
At that moment in their eyes, Jaemin currently resembled a small hopeful puppy looking around for it’s owner, waiting for them to come home. Ironically to the reason why he was looking around so eagerly was almost no different than a puppy waiting for their owner to come home. With Jaemin’s brown hair messy and slight sweat dripping down his forehead as he looked around nervously, wishing desperately that you were sitting somewhere in the crowd with a corndog in hand waiting for him. 
“Once again, Lee Jeno, shut up,” Jaemin turned his head to give his friend an innocent smile before frowning abruptly and turning his head back to the crowd, biting his lip as he cracked his knuckles to release tension in his muscles, stretching his arms in the process. “Do you know what your simp ass searching for y/n reminds me of?” Hyuck asked, giving his brown haired friend a cheeky grin. 
“Y/n?” Jeno raised his brow teasingly.
“I’m getting flashbacks to when you would literally sprint like sonic the fucking hedgehog back to the locker rooms once the game was over so you wouldn’t have to talk to y/n and I quote ‘risk her embarrassing’ you in public’,” Hyuck raised both of his index and middle finger and wiggled them down to tease the boy even more. “Ah yes, poor girl was looking all over the stadium for you like a lost kitten, carrying water bottles for the whole group,” Younghoon suddenly joined in, sitting beside Jaemin and slinging his arm around the team captain’s shoulder. 
“You’re really making me feel like an actual jackass for getting my hopes up,” Jaemin deadpan, looking back at his friends with a raise of his brow, using his hand to slide Younghoon’s arm off of his shoulder with a roll of his eyes. “I’m sure she’s going to show up, Capt. Relax, we were just messing with you,” Younghoon hit the back of his hand against Jaemin’s chest, giving him a light heartening smile to make the boy ease up a bit. 
“As you said before, traffic was pretty bad right? School is what? 15-18 minutes away from her place?” Hyuck nodded enthusiastically, however the smile on his lips wasn’t genuine enough to convince him otherwise. “I shouldn’t get my hopes up anyway,” Jaemin frowned, feeling his heart grow heavy in his chest as he glanced back at the clock that was displayed on his phone lock screen, letting out a heavy sigh in response. 
Shaking his head out of his thoughts, he patted his knees in an attempt to lighten the mood. “This is the last game until we actually graduate, how are we feeling?”  he gave his teammates a sad smile, looking back at the stadium in front of them. “Like shit,” Hyuck responded with a small chuckle, laying his elbow on Jeno’s shoulder as they look around at their teammates chattering in the other benches. 
“We’re growing up,” Jeno stated with a sigh, leaning back on his two arms on the bench. “Damn, have you guys picked your colleges yet?” he asked once again, earning a small pregnant pause. “I have a few choices but I’m letting my parents decide this one,” Jaemin responded, clicking his tongue as his thoughts wandered back to you at the mention of colleges. 
Back when the two of you were still in middle school, the two of you promised that you would at least apply to the same college once or apply to colleges near each other so you could get in touch easily. He chuckled softly at the thought of making that pinky promise back when the two of you were still thirteen years old. ‘I don’t think we’re going to fulfill that promise, y/n,’ he thought to himself sadly, a sad smile spread across his face.
“They say that coach is electing a new captain soon, any bets?” Hyuck asked with a smile, raising his eyebrows suggestively as he nodded to their underclassmen chatting on the bench beside theirs. “What’s in it for us?” Younghoon asked, a grin spreading across his cheeks at the idea of one last bet. “How about if the loser gets to treat us to some barbeque?” Jeno piped up, pointing his index finger to the whole team. 
He truly wouldn’t blame you if you decided not to show up. But he does admit that it would sting if you didn’t, you were his number one supporter after all (aside from his parents, of course). He doesn’t know what he’s going to do if you didn’t show up, he doesn’t know what he was going to do if you truly want him out of your life. He doesn’t know how he’s going to avoid you for the rest of the semester. But considering graduation is less than three months away, he knew that he would make do with busying himself with studying.
The boys looked around, internally gulping for their wallets before nodding. “You’re on. take your pick, Lee,” Younghoon nodded, shrugging nonchalantly. “I think Jung Sungchan over there is going to be the less idiotic version of Jaemin,” Hyuck pointed out, his eyes darting towards their unbelievably tall underclassman who was laughing along a joke Chenle told him. “Tall kid,” Jeno commented with a chuckle. 
“I heard Yangyang’s taking a gap year before he goes back to Germany for college, my bets are on him,” Younghoon bit his lip, crossing his fingers together before aggressively pointing them at the German boy who was fiddling with his phone without a care in the world. “Good choice, good choice,” Jeno nodded, squinting his eyes at the younger boy before looking around his teammates. “Shotaro is pretty good, don’t you think?” Jeno commented. 
“So your bet is on Shotaro?” Jaemin asked, raising his brows in amusement as he watched his friends make their last bet of the year. “Look man, have faith in the kid. Your unfocused ass never saw how he would train with Sungchan everyday after practice, they basically have the same skills,” Jeno scoffed, rolling his eyes as he smacked Jaemin’s shoulder in response, letting out a soft laugh afterward.
“Are you joining the bet or not, Jaemin?” Hyuck asked, raising a brow at his younger friend. Jaemin let out a chuckle, shaking his head profusely. “I’m good, I think I’m broke enough,” Jaemin raised his hand to wave it off, indicating that he was happy to be a spectator of their silly little bet. “You guys are idiots for making bets right before college starts,” Jaemin commented, making his friends laugh and nod in agreement. 
“Coach is coming over, get up before you make anymore dumb decisions,” Jaemin teased with a light laugh, patting his friend’s shoulders before standing up and alerting his teammates to stand up and greet their coach with a formal bow before discussing over strategies five minutes before the game officially starts. 
During the Coach’s explanations, Jaemin’s eyes couldn’t help but wander towards the crowd sitting on the bleachers once again, his heart feeling even more heavier than before as his anxiety rises up in his veins. Trying to put his head back in the game, he tried his best to think positive and stop looking back at the bleachers. ‘She’s coming right?’
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Jaemin was sitting now on the same spot on the bench as he was before. But this time, he was alone. There was no one left in the stadium other than himself and probably the staff cleaning up the back storage room. But other than that, he was completely and utterly alone with no one else but his own thoughts. His wrist was burning, his heart was aching like never before. 
He wasn’t in his uniform anymore, he had showered and changed back into his original clothes. His team won the game as expected, everyone jumped for joy and congratulated them as they received their last trophy of the season. He watched as his friends, classmates and teammates gave each other some emotional support through hugs, bro-handshakes, pats on the back and other forms of silent congratulations. 
Though his mind wasn’t in a state to celebrate. His heart was still searching for yours, his eyes wandered everywhere as the crowd of students gathered around him along with the students of the rivals he was competing with. With every passing second, his heart sank even more into his stomach as his tattoo began to glow red against his sweatband, the familiar searing pain gradually increasing as his heartbeat quickened its pace in hopes of searching for your figure waiting for him. 
He showered as quickly as he could before running back to the stadium, going around and asking his classmates and your close friends who came to support the others on your whereabouts. Only to receive the same answer over and over again. Only to receive the same sympathetic expressions as sad shakes of their heads. 
“I haven’t seen her since school ended.”
Nonetheless, Jaemin was too stubborn to go home. He wanted to wait for you. He had hope that you were on your way, he had hope that you would run into the stadium panting and sweating with a cold water bottle in your hand and a comforting smile stretched across your lips. He knew he was getting his hopes up. Why was he getting his hopes up now? Didn’t he tell himself that it was completely okay if you didn’t show up?
He didn’t have any expectations when he arrived but why now? Why did his mind have to build up high expectations and give him hope that you would come to the game right after he said that he didn’t have any hope that you were coming? 
Oh who was he kidding?
He lied. 
He lied to himself. That’s what he wanted to believe, he wants to be okay with the fact that you don’t want anything to do with him anymore. It was completely reasonable for you to do so. But he still couldn’t come to terms with it. He didn’t want to come to terms with it. It hurts when you try so hard not to set high expectations and not give you hope only for you to be disappointed when you realised all this time you were just lying to yourself to make yourself feel better.
“Was this what you had been feeling all this time?” he mumbled to himself, tired half lidded eyes looking down at the phone in his hand. His screen showed a picture you sent of yourself eating pocky sticks a couple months ago with the caption ‘you okay?’ right below it. “Was this what you had to go through countless of times?” He asked, his voice breaking slightly as he felt tears well up in his eyes as the pain in his heart increased tenfold, tightening his grip on his phone.
Jeno had offered him to go for a boys night out as a celebration, but Jaemin kindly declined, briefly saying that he wanted to stay back a bit to look around the stadium for memories sake one last time. But they both knew Jaemin was just saying that so that they could have fun without worrying about him, they knew that Jaemin was going to wait here until the stadium lights went off just for you. Because that’s exactly what you did back then whenever he escaped to go home alone after the game to hang out with his friends without you on his tail.
You waited for him on your regular spot on the bleachers or at the bench so you could offer Jaemin some ice cream to celebrate, oblivious to the fact that he had run off to celebrate with the rest of his teammates. Waiting until the stadium lights had dimmed and until the janitors told you that everyone else had gone home. It hurt to think that this happened throughout all of the games he had in his high school year.
They knew if he didn’t say that, they would’ve stayed to keep him company. But his excuse made them realise that he probably needed some time to process things himself. They could all see the sadness and guilt bubbling up in his pupils as he tried to keep up a strong front. Giving them waves and fist bumps before walking back to the stadium which was almost half empty. 
He stayed on that bench for who knows how long, watching as one by one the stadium started to empty, so did his heart. He watched as the lights began to dim, just like his hopes of ever starting fresh with you. Biting his lip as he scanned the stadium, ignoring sympathetic stares from all his peers and a few of his rivals as he waited for you. He didn’t care about the embarrassment he was enduring, he didn’t care how people were talking about him.
Talking about how he deserved it for treating you like shit. Talking about how he finally got a taste of your own medicine. Talking about how bad he had to be for you, his own soulmate, to ditch him like this. Words hurt. Their words hurt him because he knew it was true. No matter how many times he denied it, it was all true. He did deserve this. He finally got a taste of his own medicine. He deserved to sit here waiting for who knows how long. 
“Was this what you had to endure everyday?” he mumbled to himself, finally letting himself break once the stadium lights had dimmed, signalling that they were going to close the school soon. Slipping his phone back into the pocket of his jacket he raised his left wrist up and gazed down, his glossy, red eyes unwavering at the red glow surrounding the outline of his tattoo. The pain in his heart outweighs the pain in his wrist. The least he could do now is suck it up and bear with it. 
Slowly, he got up from the bench and began walking to the parking lot. The pain in his heart caused his tears to gather in his eyes even more as he walked to his car with hands in his jacket pockets. He pulled out his car keys, pressing the button to unlock it before getting in the driver’s seat, shutting it close behind him with a soft ‘slam’. 
He let out a heavy sigh as he crossed his arms on top of the steering wheel of his vehicle, burying his face into his arms before releasing all of his pent up emotions. Letting his tears flow like a dam being broken down, sobs erupting from his throat as he finally succumbed to the pain in his chest. Digging his fingers into the leather of the steering wheel as he cried his emotions out. The guilt, the sadness, the anger, the self-hatred he had built up for himself finally bursting. 
His heart was crying out for yours. Throughout his whole life, you were always there to comfort him when he was at his worst. Now that you were no longer in his life, he had no one else to hold on to. And it was all his fault. It was his fault for taking you for granted. And now he has to come to terms that he has lost you by his own actions. 
And now he had to bear with the consequences of his actions.
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sckyie · 3 years
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word count: 1.3k
genre + warnings: fluff; aone's insecurities, reminiscing in elementary memories, y/n has two turtles
pronouns used: they/them (implied)
a/n: h-h-hi
It was common occurrence for Aone. Having such a taller and bigger built made everyone cower when approaching him. No one seemed to like talking to him other than his teammates. It made sense, he wasn't a sociable person to begin with. He kept to himself in class and no one really like partnered with him. Aone didn't mind working alone, that was until the teacher decided on a project that could not be finished independently.
"Sorry Aone, you can't work alone on this one, you have to have a partner," The teacher says. He sighs in response, walking back to his seat. With all of his classmates joining together, he continues his notes to keep him distracted.
"Uhm," You hummed. "Aone-kun?"
He looked up from his papers to see you standing with your notebook.
"I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner for the project?" You asked shyly. It wasn't that you were scared of him. You were more so worried he wouldn't partner with you. "You don't have to I know we aren't close and I'm a bit annoying so-"
"I don't mind," He says. Your eyes widen a tad and smiled. You nod as you pulled a chair beside him.
The two of you worked together on the notes and the project for the rest of class. Your friends in the class looked at you strangely and tried to mouth words to you.
What are you doing? He's very scary! Your friend goes.
No? He's not mean or anything. You shook your head.
Whatever. Your friend rolled her eyes at you before returning to her work.
You sighed looking down at your paper, talking to Aone about the questions. You glance up at the clock noticing how much time was left in class. "Hey, Aone-kun?" You ask. "When are you free after school so we could finish the project?"
"I have practice until 6, the library closes at that time," He thinks.
"Well, we could always study at my place, or yours if you feel comfortable," You say.
"I could go to yours, I don't want you going home so late," Aone says.
A light blush rans over your cheeks as he spoke, even so you wrote your address on a post it and placed it on his desk. Your teacher calls everyone back to their seats. You cleaned up your desk, before making eye contact with your friends. The class is dismissed and you joined your friends to walk home together. "Aone? Really?" Your friend Ayu says as you guys walked through the gate.
"What's wrong with that?" You shrugged.
"He's so- what's the word-" Ayu started.
"Terrifying, scary, weird," Your friend Hiroshi says.
"Guys stop, he's not weird. You guys are just being rude," You defend.
"Whatever you say, titan whisperer," Hiroshi mocks. You rolled your eyes and looked down at the ground. Arriving at your house, you waved the two goodbye before going into your gate.
You sighed, greeting your parents as you walked over to your room. You laid back on your bed looking up to ceiling, thinking about what your friends had said.
Aone on the other hand couldn't understand why you chose him to be your partner. Were you just being nice? Or was it a bet? During his practice, his captain scolded him for being off but there was no way of getting you out of his head.
You looked at the clock on your desk and noticed the time nearing when Aone would come over. You got up and walked to your living room to see your parents getting ready to go to bed. "Don't stay up to late okay hun?" Your mom says. "If you and your classmate get hungry, there's some money on the counter for you to order pizza."
"Thanks," You smiled as you seat yourself on the couch. You started to doodle on your paper, waiting for his arrival.
About twenty minutes go by and your doorbell rings. You get up, opening to see the tall figure before you. "Hi Y/n," He says.
"Hi Aone," You say. "We can work in the living room."  
You guided him to the coffee table, opening your notebook. You waited for Aone to do the same only for him to hesitate to take out his. "What's wrong?" You ask.
"Don't make fun of me please," He says softly. His cheeks glowed pink as he pulled out a notebook littered with turtle stickers. "My younger cousin found out I liked turtles and gave me this as a present."
You gasp at his statement and stood up. "You like turtles too?" You say. "Can I show you something?" Aone hesitated but decided to follow you to your room. You open the door to your room, flicking the light on to reveal a fish tank.
The tank was set up like a little beach, a sandy rest area and a swimming portion. Two little turtles were swimming around once they noticed the room light flick on. You pointed them out to Aone, making a small smile appear on his face. "What's their names?"
"Mochi and Meiji, like the chocolate," You say. "Did you want to hold them?"
"I'm scared I might crush them," He says.
"Don't worry, they won't bite, they love getting held," You reassured. You looked over the tank and placed your hand down onto the sand, waiting for one of them to come over. Mochi, the bigger one of the duo, rushed over, setting in your palm. Meiji rested on the sand, wanting to dry off. "Just hold your palm out like I am, Mochi will walk over to yours."
You sat beside Aone and connected the side of your palm touching his. Mochi waltz over to his hand, making Aone freeze for a split second. She seats herself on the ball of his hand, not wanting to move anymore. "How long have you had them?"
"Not that long, they were rescues at the pet shelter. Apparently they were thrown out in the pond. For their species they aren't really made to survive in the wild at such a young age," You say.
Aone runs his finger over Mochi's shell, making her more comfortable with him. He looks over at you as you were putting small toys for Meiji to play with. "Y/n? Can I ask you a question?" Aone says.
"Hm?" You hummed.
"Why'd you pick me as a partner? Aren't you- don't you think I'm weird?" He muttered.
"Weird? Why would you be weird?" You say, still giving Meiji attention. "You always seemed nice to me even though we don't talk regularly. I thought I'd be nice to catch up or get close. I remember we went to elementary together and you helped me when I fell off the swing. Do you remember that?" You rambled. "I fell off and some of the other kids were laughing at me and you came over to help me go to the nurse. Then the other kids stopped making fun of me since you were so much taller than them and they saw you help me...Oh, I was rambling wasn't I?"
"You remembered that?" Aone's cheeks grew more red.
"Well, yeah, I got a scar on my leg from it, and that's why I don't think you're weird," You explained. "You never scared me, you're so nice to me. Not only that, you're an amazing volleyball player, I always thought you were so cool when you played."
Although you couldn't hear it, Aone's heart was beating out of his chest. No one had every talked about him in such a way. He admired the way you remembered the small things. He smiled looking down at Mochi, now knowing he had someone rooting for him. "Would you...want to come to our game this Friday?"
"Oh, I was planning to go either way!" You turned to smile at him. "Since you wanted to invite me, I'll cheer you on!"
With his heart racing, Aone looks up at you with a kind grin on his face. Looking at him made butterflies fluttered in your stomach. The two of you enjoyed one another's presence for a bit longer before continuing your school project. In the end of the day, the two of you were left with your hearts full of new budding love.
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @just-a-siiimp @d0llpie @elianetsantana
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mageofseven · 4 years
Hi I just recently discovered your blog and I’m in love with your writing! I have a little request if you don’t mind. The brothers (and undateables I’d you want to) finding MC bruised and beaten and later discovering they got into a fight with another demon. Thank you in advance if you decide to write this!
Awww thank you so much! I might end up doing the Undateables in another post, but I'll just stick to the Brothers for this one.
And thanks for requesting 😊
TWs: violence, vague s*xual assault
Spoiler warning: 1st year spoilers in Lucifer's and vaguely in Belphie's section
Was checking out the area under Diavolo's orders.
Apparently there have been some people sneaking around in the old Colosseum and normal methods to keep other demons away from the historical landmark have been futile.
That and word has made it's way that some criminals have been using the place to secretly make dealings
So when he got there, he had expected to find some such people lurking around
Instead he found MC on the ground in the center, bruised and bleeding with their arm bent in a very concerning way.
He rushed up to them, calling their name and checking them for signs of life.
Honestly, the man was having major flashbacks to the day he lost his sister.
This was exactly where Lilith fell and Lucifer had to watch his sister, all broken and in pain until Diavolo came and he had to make the deal that changed everything
The deal that eventually led to MC's existence
Yet here they were now, in exactly the same place and state and the demon couldn't help but break down for a minute with panic he tried so hard to conceal.
The human let out a groan and the man could only sigh in relief.
"MC, oh thank the Devil..."
"You'll be alright." He promised. "I'll take you over to have Simeon heal you."
Despite the internal panic and flashbacks of such a traumatic event, he still handled the situation well.
Once MC was all healed up, he asked them what happened.
Apparently, they found a note that someone had stuffed in their school bag, asking for them to meet at the Colosseum.
They thought it was weird, but curiosity had gotten the better of them so they went and were attacked while exploring the ancient building.
The demon had meant to kill her, but sensed Lucifer approaching so they dropped the human and ran for it.
Ends up getting as much info from them about the attacker as he can.
Even if MC doesn't want the demon to die for what they did, they get no say in the matter.
Because of their status as exchange student, this attack is a political issue and the consequences Lord Diavolo warned his people about originally must be put into play.
Politics aside though, Lucifer would never let any being who hurt MC get away with it.
Becomes a lot stricter with what they can and cannot do
Like, they're not even allowed to go for a walk around the block without either him or his brothers accompanying them.
Even changes up their class schedule to make sure they have at least one of his brothers with them per class and they even have to walk MC to their next one.
Any arguments about this from MC or the brothers fall on deaf ears.
He will never let anyone lay a hand on them again.
School day had ended and he was on his way to pick MC up from their class.
Since Lucifer decided the day they came that he was responsible for their safety, he always had to do stuff like this.
He was late today though since his teacher held him back after class.
Blah blah F on the test, blahh blah summer school, blaah blahh blaaaah. Whatever man; he wasn't listening
And because of them, he was late. So much so that when he arrived at the human's classroom, they weren't there.
Lowkey panicked.
Shit. Shit shit shit, where'd they go???
Practically runs in the halls trying to find them
Knows Lucifer will have his head for this if he can't track 'em down.
Ends up hearing some kind of ruckus in the courtyard
And finds a big group of students forming a circle and chanting "Fight!"
"Oh yell!" Is momentarily distracted from his problem and joins the group. "Fight! Fight! Fight--."
Oh shit. That's his human in the circle!
Mammon's brain just started buffering as he watched MC dodge and weave, even getting some good hits in. The second brother was actually pretty impressed.
The lower demon in the fight eventually lost his footing and fell to the ground, giving an opening for MC to give a big kick between his legs and the demon let out a shrill scream. His green skin started smoking and changed to grey as it hardened and suddenly seemed more like stone than a person.
The circle of students started cheering and Mammon's jaw practically hit the floor.
Holy shit, the human did it!
MC fell the ground, panting heavily and bruised from head to toe.
Mammon finally rushed up to them.
"Damn, MC! You're gonna give me a heart attack!"
All of a sudden, some students started running and others just quickly jumped back, revealing Lucifer and Diavolo.
....yep, he's dead.
The two older demons started asking MC questions as they caught their breath and Mammon tried to sneak away.
Lucifer grabbed his brother by his jacket, but otherwise paid him no mind as MC told their tale.
Apparently this demon that sits behind them in their Devildom History class had been giving them crap for a while; calling them names and pushing them around. Today they even started touching them in places that made them wanna break the demon's hand.
MC snapped and told them such. The demon only grinned. Honestly, he was probably waiting for them to say that.
From there, he dragged them out by their hair and the rest is rather obvious.
Diavolo had some of his men carry the demon away. Apparently, the stone-like skin is defense mechanism, essentially the equivalent of a turtle hiding in their shells for that sub-race of demon.
The prince assured MC that the demon will be dealt with and tasked Lucifer with getting them healed up.
Mammon was hung upside down from the roof for a few hours for letting this happen, but MC was patched up and okay in the end.
He usually buys all of his otaku stuff off of Akuzon
But occasionally, he likes to go out and by manga at this store downtown.
It's a once in a blue moon sort of thing, but he still does it
MC felt like taking a walk so they joined him
The two explored the shop as Levi fanboyed about seemingly every other series he passed.
The otaku had already started a pile of manga he planned to buy.
He didn't even notice when MC left his side until he approached the counter to pay
Boy just assumes you bailed on him at first and sinks into self-loathing mode
Until he heard a scream from outside.
He abandoned his manga and raced out, just in time to see another demon run for it and MC leaning against the building.
Their right arm was bleeding from the holes and claw marks made into it.
The third brother started freaking out and rushed them home, even leaving his books there.
When they get back, Lucifer patches them up with a first aid kit and a little bit of a potion.
MC explains how they were shopping with Levi when all of a sudden they saw Beel outside the store waving at them
She went out to talk to him, but then suddenly, it wasn't Beel anymore.
Apparently, it was a shapeshifting demon and, since they specifically choose Beel's form to take, Lucifer assumed that they must have been watching them for a while and planning this attack. They likely chose Beel because they knew he was someone MC would let their guard around.
Levi felt like crap for letting them get hurt, but MC said it was their fault for being tricked.
Lucifer decided it was both their faults and gave them both a long lecture
The fourth brother invited MC out for coffee
The blonde actually really likes the atmosphere of coffee shops and wanted to share it with them
The two ordered their coffee and sat at their table while talking about books. He recently read a book on artic fauna from the human world and was comparing the information he read with their own knowledge
It was a very relaxing experience like most of MC's quality with Satan.
Before the two of left, MC had to stop in the restroom.
That demon waited patiently for the human at their table, but when almost ten minutes went by, he became a bit annoyed and puzzled.
Not wanting to be rude, but also ready to leave, Satan approached the bathroom door
He paused mid knock when her heard a low growl followed by a cry from MC
Now in his demon form, the blonde kicked the door off its hinges. It wasn't locked or anything, but the man was super pissed.
Found a demon pressing MC, who had a gash in their head, against the opposite wall
'An eye for an eye' is more or less the philosophy he followed here, or rather, a head for a head.
He took the demon and slammed his head into another wall over and over again.
MC had to run up and tell him to stop after the other demon passed out.
They left the demon on the floor of the bathroom and Satan, with his arms around MC to keep them close, headed back to House of Lamentation
The human didn't want the other brothers to see them like this and worry so Satan snuck them into his room and went to get the first aid kit.
It was quiet between the two as he patched them up.
"I'm sorry for scaring you." He said as he finished with their stitches. "Seeing you hurt like that just made my blood boil. They deserved it, but you shouldn't have had to watch."
"It's okay... thank you for saving me."
The two spent the rest of the night huddled together in his room, reading and just settling down from the incident.
Shopping trip!
Asmo was a bit too enthusiastic about it, but that's part of why MC was all too willing to go
He mainly just wanted to see MC in cute outfits, but also bought a few for himself
Any self-consciousness MC might feel on her own is long gone when they spend time with him. He's always hyping them up and complimenting them and overall making them feel beautiful.
Time spent with Asmo is always a good time and well spent.
The fifth brother does actually leave their side for a bit after they found someone hot to flirt with
MC didn't mind and just let the Avatar of Lust do his thing as they continued to look through the racks.
At some point a very good looking demon approached them and started flirting with them
It became obvious that this dude was one of Asmo's demons, another demon of lust
Even with this in mind though, their attention really did make the human feel special, even if they probably said such sweet words to everyone
MC underestimated the demon, thinking that just because Asmo wasn't the aggressive sort that the demons under him wouldn't be either
Ends up following him out of the store and makes out with him against the wall of the building
They didn't understand why they were doing this, but the human's mind had been feeling foggy for a while now.
Suddenly, MC's whole body started to feel heavy and they were so dizzy that their vision was just a blur
Ends up passing out and waking up a few minutes later to Asmo crying as he stood over them and begging them to wake up
The man threw his arms around them.
Finds out that the fifth brother went looking for them when he saw that they weren't in the store anymore. He came outside just in time to see one of his underlings try to suck their soul out of their body.
As soon as they heard their superior's voice though, they dropped the human and ran.
The two went straight home and Asmo was extra clingy with them for the rest of the day.
The two of them went together to Madam Screams since they were both craving sweets.
Beel was really hungering for a cherry pit pie (though of course he planned on order other things as well) while MC was really hankering for some chocodevil cake.
The two happily got in line to pick out their treats, but MC stepped out to get a clearer view of the case with all of the treats to see if they wanted anything different instead.
Ends up getting attacked by a famished, minor demon of gluttony and slammed down on the glass case containing the sweets.
Beel jumped into gear; he changed into his demon form and threw the other demon off of them.
During the skirmish, the two ended up breaking down a wall and crushing three tables.
When the fight ended, the big guy rushed up to MC to make sure they're okay.
The human was bleeding and had a lot of glass shards embedded in their back and arms.
Though worried, the sweet boy keeps himself together and carefully takes out the bigger shards.
Rushes them home, treats forgotten.
Once home, Lucifer is the one who gets the rest of the glass out of their back and cleans up their wounds.
Beel stays by their side and lets them squeeze their hand when Luce's clean up hurts too much.
Luce gives his younger brother a lecture for all the stuff he had broken back at Madam Screams, but is surprisingly lenient with him.
The older brother didn't say it (and honestly, he should have), but he was proud of his brother for stepping up and protecting MC, but at the same time, expected nothing less from him.
Yeah, Lucifer will likely get sent the bill, but MC's safety is more important.
Belphie had fallen asleep during class; no surprise there.
The rest of the students left the room when class ended, but the seventh brother continued to sleep at his desk.
MC found his sleeping face cute and didn't want to wake the demon
So instead, they hung around the classroom, waiting for the Avatar of Sloth to awake; the school day was over and the classroom wasn't going to be used for anything else so they thought there'd be no harm in hanging around.
Sadly, they were wrong.
Another student, a jerk from their Seductive Speechcraft class had waited for them to leave the classroom in order to harass them, but when they didn't come out, he came in.
Eventually had them backed up against the wall and forcing their hand up their shirt, causing the human to yelp.
He tried covering their mouth with his other hand, but MC bit them, angering the demon and leading them to putting their hands around their throat as he yelled at them.
The entire time, the minor demon never saw the Avatar of Sloth sleeping at his desk.
Big mistake.
Belphie woke up and saw the scene before him, turning into his demon form real quick.
Didn't hesitate to grab a hold of the bastard and make him let go of MC, who was now gasping for much needed air.
The seventh brother used his miasma aura to weaken the demon as he was now the one doing the choking with the lower demon.
MC covered their face and cried in their corner on the floor.
It was too similar to That Night™️ and the human was bordering on panic attack because of it.
Once the minor demon passed out, Belphie turned and saw MC crying on the floor.
He rushed up to them, but stopped once MC started screaming and begging for him to stay back.
That look in their eyes... it was the same fearful look he remembered from That Night™️
And it killed Belphie inside because he never wanted them to be scared of him ever again.
He waited for the human to calm down and, with their permission, slowly approached them.
He wanted to hug them, but was afraid that they'd just be reminded of it even more so he held back.
Surprising him, the human hugged him instead.
He held them tight for as long as they needed and started to notice the bruises forming on their neck
The two went home after that and reported the incident to Lucifer before Belphie dragged MC with him for a nap.
He chose Beel and his' room since he knew the attic would probably be too much for them right now.
Cuddled close to them and apologized for all of it. For falling asleep and leaving them defenseless. For the other demon's attack. For scarying them. Above all, that he was sorry for That Night™️
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