#warhammer 40k fan content
idle-skull · 1 year
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Magnus and the Box Pt.1
Magnus receives an odd box from someone known only as “The Doll Maker” within the Imperium, a potential brother(?). Within the box there is an odd thing; Is it human or no longer?
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wh40k-cat-skull · 1 year
What is the Cat-Skull AU?
The Cat-Skull AU is a Warhammer AU including more characters and an expansion on both pre-existing & fandom lore. A lot of what we do here is just for fun, & it’s not a hardcore reflection of our understanding of the original lore; As a general note, if something has been changed or reworked it was done intentionally.
- Fun Extra Details
- More Primarchs & Legions (?!?!?)
- OC x Canon
- The general combined cringe of two teens having fun
- Art & writing pertaining to the AU, reposted from our personal blogs.
- 40k fanart & writing, also reposted from our personal blogs.
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marsskop · 1 year
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Hastur Sejanus, Luna Wolves 4th Captain
He is the reason I have "wh40k" written in my bio :) I absolutely adore him, even though he died before the start of Horus Heresy series. His representation in some novels like The Wolf of Ash and Fire by Graham McNeill or Misbegotten by Dan Abnett is just perfect, check it out
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nevesmose · 2 months
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A world not yet calling itself Terra. The Western Front, 916.M2.
An experiment for me in a lot of ways - writing a different style, using canon NL characters, fitting them into a historical AU, using a twist ending. Done in part as a test run for an original vampire-related project that I'm considering setting in a similar time period. Enjoy! 🦇
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cornofthebreads · 10 months
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Lictor I hardly know her!
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trve-grimdark · 10 months
Part 1 of my new audio read series, covering the original 2004 13th Black Crusade book by Andy Hoare and several others.
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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It's canon, unless you're a fake 40K fan who doesn't respect the lore.
(This immediately follows Rick Priestley's editorial comments on the contents page of Warhammer 40,000 Chapter Approved – The Book of the Astronomican, Games Workshop, 1988) So glad to see this classic fart joke is known on both sides of the pond.
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aylinvail · 3 months
Tanna Talk: This Week in the Rogue Trader AO3 fandom (March 17 - 23 2024)
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Hey hey hi, I want to be annoying on main so I thought it would be fun to start doing these weekly summaries of "What's new in the AO3 Rogue Trader fandom?" because my little rabbit brain can't keep up with the sheer amount of content and I loved @holylustration's dopamine week and think, you know what would be cool? Weekly newsletter style dop week minidose. This goes out to you @pycnolite my darling fellow organizer brained fan. Anyway, this is user aylinvail reporting to you live over vox caster from the Starseeker Bridge.
Flowers of Spring (March 21, 2024) has officially concluded. Flowers of Spring is a floral-themed Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader Edition. You can find all the entries on the Flowers of Spring (March 21 2024) tag. This was preceded by Rosette Coordinated Strike Day which was dedicated in honor of Inquisitor @leadflowers's birthday.
Cool new fics
Maybe the fic did something new. Maybe it innovated. Maybe it's an entirely new concept we haven't seen yet. A non-comprehensive list. Here's what I chomped on this week.
Salt in the Wound - user Weretoad_Writer explores the aftermath of the decision to exterminatus Rykad Minoris. Excerpt: "When you’re a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, right? So either take a swing or get the fuck away from me!”
Omnissiah Forgive Me - user @jaal-ama-daravv has launched the long awaited Pasqal/RT longfic. Excerpt: "Okay, Tech-Priest, you don’t get to die that easily.”
Killing Instinct - user @nerendus cooked a very sexy Tervantias the Archmachinator x RT dead dove fic. Excerpt: “Then don't allow it,” the Rogue Trader suggests. “Force me into submission as I do the same to you. Break me as I break you.”
Who updated?
Just because my silly rabbit brain is at capacity for longfics doesn't mean it's impossible to round everyone else's plot rabbits up.
Theatre of Hearts - RT/Nocturne of Oblivion arranged marriage. And from what I hear, getting really cultural difference-flavor of interesting.
My Knight So Daring - An Imperial Knight!Heinrix x noble!RogueTrader arranged marriage AU. And from what I hear, getting really hot.
Edge of Daybreak Unbroken - Heretic Rogue Trader gets brought back to the start of the game. Time travel shenanigans ensue.
Into Temptation - Ministorum priest x Marazhai x Heinrix. Dead dove!
Pigeons and Eagles - Argenta/Cassia! Enemies to Friends to Lovers.
Tapestry of Fate II - Heinrix/RT. The Godmother of Rogue Trader Heinrix fics. Elena M is currently the furthest along the events of the game out of all the current longfics.
Starseeker - Heinrix/RT intrigue rewrite of game events with Kunrad-related canon divergence. And a shoujo romance.
I Can Be Your China Doll, If You’d Like To See Me Fall - RT/Calcazar. RT is voidborn and Theo's daughter, has met Calcazar before game events.
gossamer of starlight - RT/Yrliet. Yrliet watches her elantach's dynasty fall apart in slow motion. Non chronological.
A Thousand Floating Worlds - OC/Calligos Winterscale where Calligos becomes the Rogue Trader to save his Found Family from Interrogator Calcazar.
will be updated, changed in the next few days, changes logged here. I just needed to get this out of my brainstem.
- Added I Can Be Your China Doll, If You’d Like To See Me Fall, gossamer of starlight as of March 22. Added A Thousand Floating Worlds on March 23.
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serotoninswitch · 4 months
So yeah, in addition to monster fucking smut I'm gonna start writing short fan pieces on Warhammer 40k.
My goal is to add more irreverent, queer and freaky content to a largely self-serious fandom. So look forward to that if it sounds appealing, or block me if it sounds grating. Oh yeah, and some of it will probably also be smut
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idle-skull · 1 year
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Nessa WIP, may finish tomorrow? :0
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mywitchcultblr · 1 year
🚨 A harasser calling the Police on a trans artist over Warhammer 40k BDSM porn art and genshin impact 🚨
The harasser seems to be on Tumblr as well so be careful. Situation is very new and currently still ongoing and people is talking about this
TW and CW for the contents below:
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Okay so someone on Twitter is harassing, stalking and doxxing, making false bigotry accusations and calling the cops on an artist over Warhammer 40k art and stuff about genshin impact that person seems to be very upset that the artist is drawing bdsm porn gore Warhammer 40k and they don't like art about Childe x Xiao?...
And they don't like art about Childe getting fucked by the tentacle monster or tortured or shipped with "the wrong person and not their fave"
This is the harasser Twitter account and Tumblr sock puppet account btw. I have no idea if the harasser might have a main Tumblr blog but could be hence why I'm posting this here because the harasser can be anywhere on Tumblr especially on Genshin
Edit: *sighing roll my eyes. Of course it's the people like this always. I had to update the tag now to include pro vs antis stuff... lord...*
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As you can see the harasser is making these unhinged accusations about the artist and calling them racist slave owner Nazi (yeah probably the harasser is one of those people who believes that if you like Warhammer 40k then you are a Nazi)
I haven't seen any evidence of the artist doxxing a poc so far while the harasser literally calling the cops on other people over shipping and fan art
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MissingOldRose has been harassing the artist for MONTHS both on Tumblr and Twitter, made concerning and threatening comments about the artist pets and also countless false accusations.
Also accused an SA survivor (the artist) as a rapist over personal vent and fan art. I can't do it anymore with modern fandom. Especially with the fact that cops was called to arrest a TRANS PERSON over fan art. LGBTQA+ people are often the target of police brutality and unfair treatment both from the legal system and that's happening in the western world that supposed to be progressive countries.
In my country LGBT people have no protection
Another important detail
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Yeah fyi for some people who wanting to call the cops or swatting other people over ship/art/ stupid ass shipping discourse, as quoted:
"Anyone has free artistic expression and they (the cops) don't find anything wrong at all with my art"
Thats a false report and you won't go to jail over Genshin Impact shipping and art.
The situation today still ongoing
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Remember the harasser is on Tumblr, last time i check the soc account is still exists and they MIGHT have main blog on Tumblr as well especially on Tumblr Genshin (but who knows just careful)
If you know MissingOldRose on Tumblr and Twitter or you know if they have main Tumblr account please be careful. @abusiveartistsfuckoff account as listed above is used for harassing and stalking on people Tumblr. Even if this situation doesn't impact you directly. What if that person (especially if you are on Genshin Impact fandom) doesn't like your ship or you art then threaten to do the same to you?
Also have some compassion for the artist please
Sorry for tagging this with genshin, doesn't mean to polluted the fandom but it's just an awareness since the harasser is on Tumblr and also a part of the Genshin community. It's really sucks because the game itself is really fun but by god some people in the Genshin fandom often went too far...
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witchzoe · 5 months
Here are my overall thoughts on Rogue Trader now having played through the game.
The biggest thing is definitely how much it just absolutely nails the Warhammer 40k setting and the vibes. Not only for the Imperium itself, but also for all Xenos races you encounter. Immaculate in that regard.
The companions are all pretty fun and have some interesting stories that develop over the course of the game. There should be someone for everyone here.
The game is a relative straight lift of the Rogue Trader TTRPG, so it is relatively crunchy with a lot of possible choices of different talents, abilities and skills. That allows you to build a lot of different characters, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. I myself just picked the talents that fit into the archetype I envisioned and most of the fights in the game were relatively easy (on Normal difficulty). But I you could tell me that any Talent is overpowered/useless and I would probably believe you.
The additional mechanics of colony management, Voidship Combat and exploration were all pretty fun imo. I liked that every colony had its own storyline that developed as you built it up and changed based on previous choices. I also liked the in-universe story book sequences for events that wouldn't really work in the game itself.
The soundtrack does its job. It helps build the atmosphere and fits well into the game, but it also isn't something I would listen to outside the game.
The voice acting is fine, but I am not very good at judging that so I can't say much on that topic. I do wish that some of the emotional scenes had voice acting.
Normally I am not a fan of "morality points", but the division into Heretic, Iconoclast and Dogmatic as well as you earning points for these orientations makes sense in the setting. And I never really felt that my roleplaying choices were limited.
The game could have used a bit more content in Chapter 4 and 5. But there is DLC on the horizon, so that can change.
I would have wished to a bit more reactions from my companions to my actions. Especially during the Heretic playthrough there were some actions that prompted no reactions, that definitely should have prompted some. Also there was only one occasion on which my Origin/Homeworld was acknowledged in game.
There are still a few bugs in the game. The companion banter is definitely bugged. Fortunately most bugs fell into the funny category and not the annoying one.
Small one but I wish you could change your clothes. As a ruler of multiple planets it is weird to be stuck with the clothes determined by your origin.
The game needs to be gayer. Three of your companions are bisexual, but otherwise there exist no same-sex relationship. Trans people and Enbies also don't exist, not even as an option during character creation.
TL;DR: Fun game that really nails the 40k setting with a fun story and companions. Still a bit bugged and definitely needs to be gayer
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alfabusa · 1 year
Alfa, I know it's probably not the thing you *want* to hear necessarily, but things really just haven't been the same since TTS died. I miss it very much. Is there any hope, at all, or should I just be letting go?
Sorry to say but things are the same as they were when all this began. GW have made no changes to their intellectual guideline policies and, as far as I’ve heard from people in the know, it is unlikely to change in any near future.
We still do not want to risk continuing an animated fan-series against the explicit wishes of the company even if they for whatever reason do not enforce it. It just takes one errant manager to demand it enforced and all our work might be compressed in the garbage compactor. Working on things other than 40k is a safer and more worthwhile endeavour for us right now due to this.
That being said we do miss it, the new Tyranids look disgustingly tempting, Necromunda is still so fun and I am, admittedly, actively thinking of a way to do some Warhammer content again that does not break against their guidelines on my own time. It is a challenge for sure, and I make zero guarantees my experiments will ever surface, but it is a satisfying endeavour.
But if we DID do that, or IF a new policy was unveiled, we wouldn’t just give up on our current projects as they are a LOT of fun to work on, the ability to work on more than just one thing is neccesary, the viewerbase for our new stuff is fantastic and both their support and our internal changes have made us immensely more powerful.
I know that if we did return to Warhammer, we could make something better than anything we’ve made before. Until then though, please give our other stuff a shot, we are putting our all into it and we have confidence in its quality, ESPECIALLY our next project we’re hopefully releasing in June…
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rogue-hammer · 2 months
PERSONAL NOTE (might get wordy)
Most of you following this secondary blog can guess from the name and content that I am not a participant in current day Warhammer.
And while I do dip my toes into some of the blast from the past systems like Necromunda and Old World, in my mind, GW lost the plot of what they were doing around the early 00s mark.
Fortunately, as many across the hobby sphere have pointed out, you don't need GW nor do you have to abide by their sayings and rules (in fact the less you do the better).
Now that current day issues have fractured the hobby even more, to the point where you can't go a week without someone starting some cringe political debate, or celebrating the "right side winning" in some goofball issue involving plastic toys, I've realized that going back to ye old eds and systems was just a step on my voyage.
I believe Warhammer should be a canvas of narrative stories, memorable battles, exceptional character and faction creation and roleplaying with people you like on the tabletop.
And you know what is best about that; the only exclusion is people who can't bear to have it that way and need everything to reflect their identities, politics, or vices. And I love that it boils those people's piss that I exist in this hobby. And I always will.
The point of this ramble is, I'll be using this summer and time afterwards to craft my own alternative Warhammer universes, mostly revolving around 40k, HH, and Fantasy, with lots of homebrew rules using the classic eds (Sorry OPR fans but I'm not looking for fast super easy pick up games) and some of the current systems mentioned above.
Some of my social media outlets and such might undergo some changes in the near future due to this as well (might even re-boot my YT channel).
Let the Corporation's Galaxy Burn!
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trve-grimdark · 1 year
Next Ep is up for my Liber Chaotica reading
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wh40ksummerfest · 1 year
40K Summer Fest Exchange 2023
Summer is coming and the future is grimdark!
But even on the battlefield, love can bloom... or hijinks can happen, friendships be made or broken, the most unlikely people meet from across 10,000 years of war-torn history...!
This summer exchange is a low-pressure Warhammer 40,000-themed fic and art exchange, running from mid-May to August 5, 2023, and welcomes all character- and relationship-driven fanfiction and fanart featuring characters from Warhammer 40,000 and the Horus Heresy series.
Participants who sign up agree to write a story of no less than 500 words, or to create a piece of fan art that is at minimum clean, finished line art on unlined paper that can stand as a completed work, in exchange for receiving one story or one piece of fan art.
Nominate your favourite characters and pairings May 12-28! Sign up for the exchange May 18-28! Assignment due July 30.
May 12 - May 28: Nominations and sign-ups May 29: Matching and assignments go out July 21: Early default deadline July 30 11:59 PM EST: Assignments due, pinch hits go out August 4 11:59 PM EST: Pinch hits due August 5 11:59 PM: Works go live August 12 11:59 AM: Creators are revealed
We're trying something different this year: opening nominations and sign-ups simultaneously. If you sign up early, please revisit the exchange before the end of the nomination/sign-up period to check that your offers are matchable with requests.
Rules and requirements
Nomination Requirements:
Allowed: Characters from the Warhammer 40,000 franchise and the Horus Heresy series, including the tabletop codices and rpg rulebooks, Black Library novels, short stories and anthologies, computer games, Warhammer TV animated films, and fan-created content such as TTS.
Not allowed: Characters from other fandoms.
Sign-Up Requirements
You must be 18+ and have an AO3 account to participate.
You will be able to request between 3 and 10 characters/relationships from the tag set. Please only request characters for whom you’d like to receive content. You must request three at the minimum. If no offers match your request, you will be contacted by the mod to see if you’d like to add requests to make you matchable.
You will be able to offer between 3 and 10 characters/relationships from the tag set. Please only offer characters and relationships for which you are willing to create fic or art. If nothing you offer matches any requests made, the mod will contact you to see if you can add offers to your sign-up.
There will be a section in sign-up for optional details and letters (off-site blog posts, character art, etc.) if you have them. It is very helpful to give creators an idea of what you like.
Anything you Do Not Want (DNW) to receive in your gift must be included in the AO3 sign-up; DNWs listed in external letters but not on AO3 may slip through.
You are only guaranteed to match on one character or relationship.
Please be judicious about where you chat about your assignment; your recipient may be sharing that space with you and this is an anonymous exchange for the first week. No spoilers please!
If your assignment doesn’t match your sign-up, please contact the mod as soon as possible.
Gift Requirements
Gift works must respect the recipients’ DNWs. If a DNW is included, the creator’s work will not be published and the creator will be removed from the exchange.
Completed assignments must be a fic of at least 500 words or a fanart of clean, finished line art on unlined paper created specifically for the recipient and must include at least one of their requested characters and/or relationships.
Fanworks must be posted on AO3 in the 40K Summer Fest Exchange collection.
Fic entries with excessive spelling and grammar errors or art entries drawn on lined paper/badly scanned will be rejected. Contact the mods if you need help and they will put the word out.
Obviously, as this is an anon exchange, please don’t post your work (including snippets) elsewhere before reveals.
Pinch Hits
Pinch hits will be posted here.
If you’d like to claim a pinch hit, message the mod with your AO3 name.
Treats are welcome, but should fill a stated request for the recipient.
Treats must also respect any Do Not Wants.
There are no minimum requirements for treats (e.g. a fic of 300 words is acceptable).
Treats may go into the main collection.
Code of Behavior
Please acknowledge (ideally with a comment) your gift – even if you defaulted.
Default early if you know you will be unable to complete your assignment. The mod then doesn’t have to scramble for last minute pinch hitters.
If Shit Happens last minute, PM the mod asap or shoot an e-mail to [email protected]
This is supposed to be a fun low-key celebration of Warhammer 40,000 as a whole. This is not a place for kinkshaming, ship wars, militant moral policing, or general assholery. Thank you.
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