#was gonna keep this to post for valentines day but i got another idea for it so ill just post it now
ballad-of-the-lamb · 4 months
hey Narinder, since you always wear the robes made from the Lamb's wool, has it ever comforted you that there will always be a part of them stays with you at all time?
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yurislotusgarden · 5 months
Dazai and Chuuya separated with prompt 11*
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ʚїɞ Separate! Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya x Gn!Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 1975
ʚїɞ The event
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None! Just pure fluff, is not specified
ʚїɞ Hope you two won't mind me merging these two asks <3
ʚїɞ Prompt 11: "I never really celebrated Christmas before"
ʚїɞ This took way too long ;-; It's also the longest thing I have written I think, we're also gonna ignore that Christmas in Japan is like valentines for the sake of this post
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ཐིཋྀ He doesn't know whether telling you he never really celebrated Christmas was a good idea or not
ཐིཋྀ On one side, he doesn't mind the fact that he did not since he never really saw anything special about it, but on another hand, you're excited about it and he doesn't wanna make you sad by saying he won't celebrate.
ཐིཋྀ Well, he did make you kind of sad when he told you he never really celebrated it, and that the closest he has been to that were the times when he and Chuuya would give each other gifts under a small Christmas tree that wasn't bigger only because they didn't feel like taking it out of Chuuya's apartment in a month.
ཐིཋྀ You managed to get Fukuzawa to make the annual Christmas party the agency has every year a non-skippable event, so Dazai had to come to it this year (The agency has a Christmas party every year but it's more of a ‘you come if you want’, and Dazai didn't bother showing up on any social event that wasn't mandatory)
Dazai didn't know what to think when he got told that he had to come to the Christmas party this year.
”Alright guys, see ya next week!”
“What do you mean? We're seeing each other on Saturday.”
“Huh? Kunikida-kun, you know I won't be at the party as per usual so-”
“Yes, you will be there this year.”
“And how are you so sure of that?”
“Don't think you won, it's mandatory this year, so yes, I will see you on Saturday, Dazai.”
He was happy that he at least didn't need to really improvise with the present. Every year there's a lottery on who buys who a present, Dazai was in it every year even if he wasn't at the parties. The presents were mandatory unlike the party, you just needed to leave the present under the tree so it could be given to the person you got, Dazai always found his present in front of his door on that day he will deny the smile he gets at that for the rest of his life.
He got Ranpo this year, and as classic as that was, sweets were the best present for that guy's sweet tooth, and he knew the shorter detective wouldn't complain. What he didn’t know was why Fukuzawa made the social event a must-attend this year. At the past parties, he was perfectly fine not to show up as long as he left the present before the gathering, which he did every year, so why was this year any different?
He got to the agency building shortly after and walked up the stairs, wanting to get the whole socializing thing over with for the day already. He normally wouldn’t mind being at the party that much, but it was a problem this year since it meant he couldn’t be spending the time with you until he was let out. He tried to get Fukuzawa to agree to let you come since you don’t work at the agency and the whole event is for the workers (and otherwise you're gonna be alone until he comes back), but surprisingly for the brunette, the older man didn’t agree to it as the younger one expected, he did agree to let Dazai leave earlier than the rest though.
Naturally, he was the last person to arrive.
“You sorry-waste of good bandages! Where the hell have you been?!”
“Oh? I was just spending my time with my sweet s/o! Something you don’t have at the moment, ku-ni-ki-da-kun~”
“That’s it! You’re going out the window!”
“Kunikida-san no!”
Atsushi tried to save him and for once succeeded, he’s gotta buy the younger boy some tea on rice soon with his partner's money but who’s to say that?
When he first opened the door to the office, everything looked the same as it did every other year for the most part, and as expected, that’s why he absolutely did not expect the door to the agency to open half an hour into the party. He knew that everyone who was meant to be there was present already, from the main agency members to clerks who didn’t have anyone to spend Christmas with.
So he couldn’t exactly comprehend what was happening when his dear Belladonna appeared at the agency’s entrance.
“Bella! What are you doing here? Not that I’m complaining at seeing your pretty face but I got told you can’t come.”
“And you believed that Fukuzawa-san wouldn’t let me come?”
“...Now that you mention it… it was dumb of me to think that Boss wouldn’t let you come here...”
“At least the surprise was a success.”
That’s when he realized everything. The party being mandatory? You got Fukuzawa to do that. The fact that he couldn’t stay home even tho he has a significant other? Your fault. The party having more decorations done than in other years? You, once again.
“You’re cruel, bella.”
“I thought I wouldn’t be able to spend the day with you :(“
“Oh, love, I’m sorry for that.”
“You’re gonna have to make up for it.”
“Is getting you 5 presents not enough?”
“Not at all! I’m demanding you to add cuddles and kisses to the present bundle, darlin’.”
Why were you laughing when he was serious!? He wanted his daily kisses and the whole affection package! The brunette also had to figure out why you bought five presents for him instead of one, but that’s for later.
“Hey, lovebirds! It’s time to open the presents!”
“Yeah! Ranpo-san is, quite literally, being physically restrained from opening his present…”
On second thought, maybe he actually had missed out on some fun opportunities to tease his friends by not attending the previous parties.
His question on whether telling you about everything was a good idea or not? Let's just say he got his answer to his questions after that day ;)
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ཐིཋྀ He didn't realize that telling you about how he never celebrated not only because of his past before the sheep, then the whole sheep organization where they just had no way of celebrating it in the slums with their situation, so the only times he did were those few with Dazai under a small Christmas tree, would make you sad😭
ཐིཋྀ Of course, there was the Christmas party that the Port Mafia throws a few days before Christmas every year, but it isn’t really celebrating it in Chuuya’s eyes.
ཐིཋྀ Since Dazai left the only Christmas thing he did (besides the PM party) was exchange presents with Kouyou and the Akutagawa’s with a small dinner at someone’s place, even though none of them decorated their place for that.
ཐིཋྀ He thought it’s gonna stay at that, the only difference being that you joined them this year… turned out he was wrong. Very wrong.
His place was decorated all over once December came (you did way more than you normally do for Christmas just to make his place colorful), but he didn't regret saying yes when you asked if you could do that, because for once his home gave the vibes of Christmas.
Christmas lights, an actual Christmas tree, not like the one he had till 18, small decorations around the house like some garden dwarfs or gnomes that had Christmas outfits, table or dresser decorations (was that a miniature reindeer on the table in front of the TV?) or other small decorations. It brought a smile to the ginger’s face every time he came home for the whole month. 
His plans went downhill when he asked others about the annual dinner. Kouyou was being sent to Europe for a few days, to maybe even 2 weeks, and the Akutagawa siblings had things to do as well. Gin has been assigned multiple missions close to each other and in different cities, making it so she wouldn't be able to be at home for the entirety of Christmas, while Ryuunosuke had not only missions but his training intensified for some reason. Chuuya was sure that something happened to Mori lately and now he’s taking it out on his subordinates.
That’s exactly why he didn’t expect to come back home just to see the trio he always spends Christmas with at his house. All three of them, Kouyou, Ryuu, and Gin told him that they were assigned missions on Christmas and unfortunately wouldn't be able to have dinner that day, that the nearest date they could, would be a few days after Christmas. Yet, they were at his house, the siblings sitting at his kitchen island-
“Do you think that my idea was good?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Ryuu I’m asking for an actual answer.”
“And I’m answering honestly.”
-while his sister figure and his beloved s/o were making goddamn cookies he’s ignoring they were his favourites.
“I’m really not sure about that last ingredient, dear.”
“Trust me Kouyou-san, I always add it.”
“And it tastes good?”
“You always compliment my cookies, no?”
“Very well, I shall allow my worries to fade away.”
“What’s with the sudden Shakespearean wording?”
“I just felt like it.”
As if he wasn’t surprised enough, there were more people. Tachihara whom he wasn’t the closest with, only exchanged some words here and there, could be seen trying to eat one of the cookies fresh out of the oven (Chuuya tried not to laugh when he let out a silent scream due to his tongue being burnt).
“Are you alright?”
“No, it hurts :(“
“You kill people and you want to cry over a slightly burnt tongue?”
“Shut up Gin, it really hurts!”
He has absolutely no idea how you got Elise in here without Mori in the house he was like 95% sure the older man was hiding somewhere in a closet.
“What is it, Elise?”
“I was about to steal a cookie but then I saw Tachihara and decided I won’t.”
“Good decision.”
He could see Hirotsu making tea on the side, the man had been at one of the trio’s dinners before so the old man wasn’t a big surprise-
“May I ask if you guys have any green tea?”
“Yeah, we have some in the cabinet on the far left, middle shelf.” “Thank you- Oh it’s my favorite brand of green tea.”
-And WAS THAT VERLAINE?! He was so confused about how you got the guy out of the PM basement
“Is the tea that good if it’s your favorite?”
“Yes, I have tried many brands yet none of them have come even close to beating this one.” “Hmm… could you make me one cup of it? I would like to try it.” “Of course, no problem.”
And then he was noticed.
He really didn’t mind the surprise as much as the others thought, it was a nice one. 
“We’re sorry for lying Chuuya-san!”
“I was forced into it.”
“No, you were not.”
“I really don’t mind, you two.”
“I hope the cookies came out well, [Name] had let me do most of the baking so I’m hoping that I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“It was your first time baking this recipe, it’s normal to do something wrong, Ane-san.”
“How’s the tongue?”
“You saw that?!”
“Yeah… So?”
“... It still hurts.”
“What are you doing here, midget?”
“I made a deal with [Name]. They let me be here with all of you and in exchange I get Rintaro to give you a day off.”
He was already making plans in his head for that.
“You like green tea?”
“Yes, I do, Hirotsu-san”
“We shall have tea-drinking meetings.”
“I already have them with Ane-san.”
“I don’t care, Chuuya-san”
“Didn’t know you knew that world outside of the basement existed.”
“Shut, you little shit.”
“Chuu, you’re smiling.”
“No, I’m not!”
And yes, he’s gonna deny the smile that appeared on his face forever.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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pap03 · 4 months
This is a nighttime (3AM) ramble so excuse the bad from that
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But Noelle’s post here confuses me
Because she didn't write out a Valentine's Day card, she (likely just) repurposed a Family Christmas card to give out
Y'know, like the ones you produce hundreds of to send out to your never-will-meet relatives every Christmas
Something that's been pointed out to me as uncharacteristically lazy of her
You'd think that she'd want to hand out these gifts of appreciation to her classmates, like say Kris who is probably the lens which we're reading the Deltarune's characters cards through
Yet instead she just takes an unmailed Christmas Card and hands it out
While fitting of her whole Christmas shtick, she just doesn't seem the type to not at least write "Happy Valentine's Day" over "Happy Holidays!"
Which got me thinking why?
Why would she disregard this particular holiday?
My knee-jerk reaction is Susie, she doesn't give a shit about her other classmates receiving something small like a nice card because that means diverting her efforts from Susie
And while that lines up with her in-game motivations alright... it still feels awfully mean or uncaring of her
It's not like she completely disregards Kris during The Newest Girl Girl (just mostly given the whole "I wish they'd let us switch spots so I can be the one bullied" thing) so even then it's hard for me to fathom why she wouldn't write out a letter
So my next, and current opinion is that Noelle may have some issues with this time of year, Dess's name being a whole month, Christmas being over, the cold (although that one could be a comfort, she has yet to clarify)
All of which contributing to make it hard to apply herself in general, let alone to cards that people aren't gonna care the most about for a holiday she currently doesn't care all that much for, minus maybe the excuse to approach Susie, but we all know she's been keeping her eyes on that Dragon Tail prize regardless of upcoming Holidays
Now the Meta Reason why Noelle doesn't really write an entry is because none of the Lightner Main Characters write one, Susie hijacks like a sentence of one of Ralsei’s, and Kris doesn't write any, so if Noelle wrote one it'd be too obvious shipping food for one ship and hell'd break loose/giving us an idea on how Noelle actually feels about another character might be a spoiler, just like if any of the other Main Characters wrote to another it may be a spoiler
Regardless I'm open to thoughts, lemme hear what yall have to say
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
Your post about Buck needing to be the one who chooses got me thinking—it's not just that he's gotten into a bunch of relationships without really trying to initiate them, he's also needed his hand held through every single major milestone in those relationships. He was kinda shamed (lol) into asking Abby out on Valentine's Day, he needed Bobby to tell him to step in with her with her mom. When Taylor started acting weird, it didn't even seem to occur to him that something must be wrong—he just assumed that she was gonna leave him, and he literally had to be told by Bobby to at least talk things through with her. He would've never asked her to move in if not for the thing with Lucy. He wouldn't have attempted to reach out to Natalia again if she didn't come back. The only time I can think of him attempting to actually start something is in 4x12 when he's trying to flirt with Taylor and even that seemed kinda half-hearted and all over the place? He just doesn't even try! And look, it's one thing to need advice, and it's another to need an external push for literally every step of a relationship.
With Eddie, though, it's completely the opposite. From day one, Buck is all-in without needing direction from anyone—whether it's following him into danger, helping him with Chris, actually noticing whenever Eddie was not himself—especially in s5, where Buck panicked if Eddie got so much as a papercut, which really shows how apathetic he was with Taylor—and trying to help Eddie as best he could. And he's never needed anyone to tell him to do any of this. So, when it comes to choosing, there's already a precedent of Buck taking initiative when it comes to Eddie, as opposed to his other romantic endeavours. So, really, Buck being the one to finally initiate things between him and Eddie and choose him, is really the natural conclusion of all this.
Post in question
No but that's true, it's like Bobby says when Buck freaks out that Taylor is gonna leave him, he gets in relationships without having any idea how he got there or what to do when things get rough. He couldn't even figure out what to get Taylor for Christmas. And you're so right even his flirting with her was all over the place (how that man managed to sleep with as many people as the show implies is a mystery because he has no game, there's no way he was getting women on biceps alone but that's not the point now kapaka). He just goes through the motions with all of these women and keeps struggling because he decided love is work but cant see they it's work as in love won't just fall in your lap, you need to do something to get it, not as in I need to hold on to this forever and ever even if I don't want to be here anymore. And the whole thing with Natalia is that Buck was talking about wanting to pick the right person but she was the first woman we saw paying any attention to him all season and dude just latched on to that (don't blame would've also folded like a paper plane) but that exactly what he did to Taylor. While Natalia is miles better than Taylor for a lot of reason beginning with simply for the fact that she apologized for leaving when she came back, Buck is hanging on to whatever love is offered to him while failing to look around himself and see the connections he already has in his life. And the thing about Buck being attuned to Eddie since day one is so true, he never really hesitates with Eddie because the things Eddie needs seems to come on instinct to him. And he's so deep in his insecurities that he doesn't notice the way that Eddie keeps choosing to stay over and over again. Eddie picked Buck with the "you're badass under pressure" and has continuously picked Buck. Someone in the tags of that post also said something about Buck not realizing that Eddie misses him, and that's also true, I don't think Buck realizes exactly how big the space he has on Eddie's life is but since he always had to beg for love and Eddie has been giving it to him freely and without expectations he doesn't register that love as love. Like I said in my Eddie fell first essay, Buck never knew home as a place where he could find love. And that's what Eddie is, Eddie is a safe place to land no matter what. And I think in the end that's the thing, he never knew love with no strings attached so he doesn't know how to look for it. But he will never get the type of love he wants until he puts in the work to look for it. Because let's face it Eddie has been sitting around waiting for Buck to catch up for AT LEAST all of season 6.
Also if what Buck and Eddie have are not the exact opposite of the thing Bobby says "you just go with the flow and find yourself in a relationship with no idea how you got there or what to do when things start to go wrong" (went back to get the exact quote) because Buck made a conscious decision of inserting himself into Eddie's life. Eddie never asked for help with Christopher, Buck stepped up and offered because he could and that exchange tied them together. And contrary to every other relationship on Buck's life, Buck actually does know what to do when things go wrong with Eddie. But at the same time Buck didn't even notice. The man has a whole ass CHILD and he still hasn't realized what he has. I need to shake him around like and etch a sketch to see if stuff starts to register into that brain of his.
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1000roughdrafts · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hi everyone :) I have missed you all so much! I have been kicking myself these last two years for being gone for so long. Not only did I feel like I was letting y'all down, I felt like I was letting myself down. Writing is my biggest passion, and I felt like I abandoned it, and you. For context, before I left, I had Covid pretty bad, and am now suffering from long-term effects with my health because of it (that are thankfully more under control now). After having Covid I left a toxic relationship to unwittingly enter another, even more toxic and controlling relationship (whew is that a story!) and I learned that I have ADHD! (How fun is that!)
Anyway, to everyone that's still following me,
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No seriously, thank you for sticking around!!
I have been working on some stuff for the last few months that I am so excited to share with y'all!
A few hours after this post will be a little Valentine's Day fluff fic to come out. Then in the coming weeks, I have a song inspired DeanxReader fic to be coming out labeled If You're Gonna Lie, and the following requests (under the read more with snippets of the fic) ready right now, to be queued. The requests will be coming out first, and then my own idea fics.
If you're interested in updating the tag list (whether that is adding your url, removing it or checking for accuracy) click here :) Next fic to be posted February 28th so if you want to update the tag list, be sure to do so before then :)
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"Yes! Why does everyone keep asking me if I'm okay!" she growls, "first my dad, then John, now you!" She throws her hand onto her stomach to try to push away the pain. Sam is taken aback by this, and that's when he notices that her hand is held tightly on her stomach. Suddenly, it all makes sense. Sam is confident that this isn't Y/N, that Y/N is in there somewhere, fighting to be free from whatever demon is possessing her.
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I hear my name in Dean's voice from a distance, but I'm surrounded by total darkness. I try so hard with all of my might to tell him I'm here, that it's okay, but the words don't come. Just as it takes all of my strength to open my eyes, but they burn. Everything burns. I don't even try to suppress the scream that bellows out of me. Taking as deep of a breath as I can, I'm scared for myself when it sounds and feels like I'm breathing a water and air mixture. "What's happening?" I manage to say, but Dean puts a finger to my lips. "No, no," he soothes, "no, just don't talk. It's okay," he says so gently, and as he maneuvers me into his lap I cry out in agonizing pain. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he says, then his voice switches into a shaky, fear filled yell for Castiel that hurts my heart almost as much as my wound hurts.
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Y/N always felt like she had big shoes to fill, being third born after two boys. She never really formed a bond with John like the eldest Winchester had, despite her best efforts to impress the man. Her next role model was Dean, who became more of a father to her than John ever could be.  Up until her eleventh birthday Dean did her hair into pigtails, partly because he didn’t know how to do any other hair style, but mostly because he thought it was the cutest on her. He’d pack her and Sam’s lunch with snacks he’d bought from vending machines and even pretend to take her on hunts because he knew how eager she was to be just like him.  When she wasn’t learning about monsters and guns with Dean, she was spending her time with Sam. He’d help her with her homework, or play board and card games. They had as much in common as Y/N and Dean, neither Sam nor Y/N got along with John, and neither really knew their mothers. 
Speaking of requests, I'll leave them open for now but I can't promise all will be fulfilled as I try to get my groove. My schedule as I get back into things, I think, will be one fic every other week.
I also updated my master lists and will be posting them later today, to then put them all in one master master list lol
Thank you all for still being here and I hope you like what will be coming out soon :)
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Current PermaTags @waywardblueshun @81mysteriouslyme @drakelover78 @soab1967 @shutupandfeedmethings @pollywantacracker666 @sonnierae26 @obsessed5sosfreak @tlovescoffee @hobby27 @cluz1babe @emptycanvasposts @suckmyapplejacks @sigrunsavestheday @flamencodiva
Dean @akshi8278 @squirrelnotsam @laxe-from-outer-space @ellewritesfix05 @cluz1babe @lyarr24 @mrspeacem1nusone @idksupernaturl @fandom-princess-forevermore @stoneyygirl
Sam @fangirlxwritesx67 @tlovescoffee @immafangirlmess @sizekinkshawty
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amysnotdeadyet · 5 months
2023 in review
Just the fannish creations, thanks. I don't want to think too hard about how fucking weird and stressful the year was outside of that. XD
I found some old 00Q art hiding on my hard drive and posted it in Feb.
I wrote a short Inception ficlet for @ladyprydian in April to try to jumpstart my muses. It didn't work.
I binge-wrote a whole-ass Sandman fic with (gasp!) fade-to-black porn in it in May.
July brought the Stony games! I was much less prolific than last year, but I managed a few things, starting with 3 little drabbles about perception.
I did a giftfic for the games! It starts in media res and I, being a troll, titled it In Pornia Res because yeah, this one's just pure porn against a background of worldbuilding.
I posted a longstanding WIP that was 100% self-indulgent trash, with Tony and Steve getting Bucky as their new sugar baby and treating him them right. Absolutely just the fluffiest of trash, but 66K of it!
I posted another longstanding WIP that's really pre-slash (I KNOW so weird) but involves catboy Tony, catboy Bucky, and a puppy Steve who's gonna get both (after the fic anyway).
My last little Stony Games fill was 8-bit pixel porn, because of course it was.
Later in August I did the "write what you want to see" thing and banged out (heh) a very kinky Stranger Things fic with Steve/Eddie and a leather bar. Somehow, it's still extremely fluffy.
I drew! Fanart! With pens and shit! Also Steve/Eddie.
And then I made pixel art of them, because why not.
Another Steddie fic, this time a modern AU with 'lost touch' feelings and also banging the rockstar in his hotel room.
And finally, my MTH2021 fic is posting a year late, and will continue on into the new year. It's all done and edited, I just like the daily posting method for getting drip-fed dopamine and also sitting there posting 29 chapters at once is no bueno.
You can find all of this stuff here, so I'm not link-stuffing the post: https://archiveofourown.org/users/swtalmnd/works
What's Coming in 2024 (besides my blorbos)
I have a few more Stuckony WIPs waiting in the wings, including my MTH 2022 fic, which I hope to finish in time to actually participate in 2024.
I have at least 1 novel coming out and maybe 2? I didn't publish ANY original fiction last year (gah), but I finished 1 draft (the sequel to Hive) and am plodding along on 2 more (Julian 4 and something new). I am so slow these days, tho, gah. I have no idea how some people put out multiple books a year, year after year.
I've got a few more Eeveeon arts to share, which I always forget to do on Tumbls.
I might actually open commissions next year (for art, I don't enjoy fic commissions).
I'm gonna a Stuckony Valentine thing, so you'll get at least one short fic from me in Feb.
I'm hoping something new will sweep me into its fandomy arms, because while I do love my current blorbos (MCU & Stranger Things), neither one is really doing the full fixation dance in my brain and that's sad. OTOH I'd like to finish my MCU WIPs before that spark fully dies ahahaha haha ha.
As far as art goes, I'm keeping up my Patreon sketch cards and not a ton else, but my new-new meds are helping me Get Shit Done, so I'm really hoping that I can get back into larger-than-a-playing-card artwork, both fannish and non.
I'm still gonna do more of my 8-bit bullshit, though.
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espresso-lessdepresso · 11 months
HEYYYYY GIRL!!!!! its me anon sofi after SO LONG, I’ve already finished my first semester so I just started winter vacations yeyy (bc here in Argentina is winter and super cold lmao) sososo I’m going to catch up with everything you’ve written and cheer you on. Let me tell this month was SO stressful, with finals and all, but thank god I got the best grades (your girl is smart, got a total of 9,5 this semester(^ν^) ). Still, im very tired BUT I got the best writer in the world in front of me who put out a fic while I was gone, which means I’m gonna get relaxed and read it cause I know it’s going to be the very best ever. Now lets stop talking about me and TELL ME ABOUT YOU!!!! How’s your day?? How are you?? What are you up to??? Have you listened to a new song or discovered a new artist??? Watched a good movie recently?? Tell me everything and anything. I’ll read allll of it, even if it’s 15k words, I’ll take my time and read every single letter. You’re amazing and it makes so happy seeing so content and energetic, you have no idea. Remember to take care of yourself, stay safe and ilysmmmmm. Sending you goodie vibes all the way from here to wherever you are (⌒▽⌒) ♡
Helloooo anon soffiiii ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
This is going to be a bit of a long one~
 It has indeed been a very long time since we last talked!!! [though much to my fault I've not been good at answering at the moment] I hope your vacations go well and that you’ve got some fun plans for the winter [which I should add is the best season in my opinion]. I'm a big soup enjoyer so I hope you get some good soup in your system to keep you warm. 
I have not written much since my ‘return’ [if can even call it that], but I hope you enjoy it. There is a very late Valentine’s Day post with schlatt, a part two of the Charlie fic and two Ted headcanons [head canons, me doing hcs? crazy. maybe I might get into it].
Im assuming that the 9.5 is out of a whole marking of 10? I’m thoroughly impressed just have to say, you are indeed a very smart girl, especially in college since many [including me] are just trying to get by with passing grades. It’s nice to see when someone works hard and gets the fruit of their labour- you did amazing, proud of you dude ☆ദി ᷇ᵕ ᷆ )☆
As for me, I find myself still getting back into writing, like im walking up a steep hill to get back to where I used to be. I don’t know, I feel like I’m not writing the same as I used to but maybe that’s all in my head. Fun fact, I often read a lot before I write- sure I may only read horror, but it helps get the brain juices flowing. I’ve been pretty occupied with personal stuff and college and my brain not braining, which isn’t super fun to talk about so I’ll just skip that. Other than that, I’ve been playing quite a few games when I’m in the need to procrastinate. My goodness- I’ve had sessions where I play for 8-ish hours straight of Terraria or Stardew Valley. It’s not the healthiest, I know, my discord buddies have given me earfuls and many scolding as if I were a little child because of this (ᐡ ᐧ ﻌ ᐧ ᐡ) But in my defence, it’s so easy for me to play for hours because I have some Jaiden or Schlatt vod playing on another screen so the vibes of that gaming sessions are immaculate. I sit on the chair with my little blanket, water and a snack, one earphone playing the game sounds and the other is playing the vod, the lights are dim and everything is so cozy. 
Oh, I’ve also been drinking these days. I never thought of touching alcohol in my entire life but here I am. I’ve been occasionally drinking some whiskey, which is considered a big boy drink for someone like me, a noob. But that is the only alcohol I can get my hands on. My mother does not know of my drinking and is promptly against it so I have been very careful with how much I drink. I do not condone drinking btw. I simply feel very silly when I do. Here is a little breakdown of how drinking affects me. When I’m two shots in, I start feeling it pretty quick. I drink between 5 to 10 shots and the way it affects me is by giving me a debuff of movement accuracy. Being a very articulate person, I have not been slurring when drunk. But I am walking a little silly lol, and swaying a little. Does this make me a lightweight? I have no frame of reference. But yeah, I think that was the most interesting and/or significant thing I’ve done.
It's always a pleasure hearing from you, our interactions are nothing less than sweet and its always welcomed. I hope you enjoy your vacation. Remember to take care of yourself and stay safe as well! Sending all the good vibes back to you ♡♡♡ ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡♡♡

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[This is an answer to an old ask, written 8th April ( ˊᵕˋ ; ) I did not send it back then bc my brain was, unfortunately, giving me a hard time] 
I hope you're doing well. I read your post asks (which was so so long ago im so sorry) and I hope you've found a new apartment. Since you mentioned Argentina's summer being so suffocatingly hot, you should be drinking ample amounts of water throughout the day. Where I live, it gets ridiculously dry and hot during the summer, so I keep quite a few bottles of water near my desk. Being in college myself, third year for me, trying to stay on top of all my classes is difficult but so rewarding at the same time. Almost too many people have said this but it's true, time management is everything. And of course, giving yourself breaks is important as well to not burn yourself out. You have truly been so sweet to me, even when I have failed to write and post anything for months, so I thank you very much. It is hard to come by such kindness on the internet.
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charlleyx · 18 days
Hi!! Would you be willing to tell us about some of the future cases you have plannned? I keep rereading the one you have up!!
Well thank you so much for reading it even once, let alone numerous times. I hope that is a positive haha! Other cases I have planned, let’s see
well, currently I’m working on a smutty, fluffy, funny one shot. It’ll be about 14,000+ words and Callie and Savannahs are two years older than in the previous case. It’s very lighthearted snd fun, just to have a little brevity from the angst, hurt and comfort lol!
I have a request for before Emily and JJ actually got together and something traumatic happens to JJ and Emily is there to comfort her. I’m still working out a few logistics and details for that one but it is coming. I do have one shots planned for the births of each girl.
there is some heavy angst and hurt also coming up that will be to do with loss of a pregnancy. I want to make sure I do that as sensitively as possible though so might be a little while for that one. A BAU case will be an apart of one I have planned too, that is based right as Emily and JJ meet for the first time. Oh there is one where one of the girls gets her first heartbreak and Emily wants to beat up a child because of it haha! At some point there will be a reappearance of Sandy which will be high drama and emotions but that’ll probably be a while till I get round to that one. the repercussions of the accident will be addressed sooner in another case I have planned though to do with the after effects Savannah suffers from the accident. I have a sick fic one shot planned too involving both girls and JJ
Less fleshed out ideas I have are
JJ and or Emily getting semi seriously or seriously hurt while away on a case
a multi chapter idea I have involves one of the girls and possibly being groomed by a teacher like Roslyn was. That is gonna need a lot of planning before I write it though as again it’s a very sensitive subject and I don’t wanna upset anyone or misrepresent anything
The girls being in their teens and have a big fight but always sticking up for one another at the end of the day
Elizabeth Prentiss making an appearance, good or bad it’s yet to be decided haha
A Mother’s Day special
Valentine’s Day special where everything goes wrong
Christmas special
Those are just a few currently haha I’m always thinking up more though and also always more than happy to receive any ideas or suggestions or prompts people may want to see me try and tackle as well!
thank you so much for asking and I hope when they are finally posted they don’t disappoint haha ;;’x
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oreramar · 24 days
Florist Talk: Mother's Day
Given when I'm writing/posting this, it felt too topical to skip for later.
As always, I'm writing this at least in part with the idea that anyone writing their Florist AU can use it as a reference point for framing their story or throwing into dialogue. Whenever the Florist Blorbo comes up, I shorten it to Florbo.
Also, as always, whatever info I have to share is gonna be anecdotal and colored by the experience I have myself (US, smaller town, etc). Some stuff might work differently in other countries or larger population centers.
So! It's May and the Florbo is preparing for the second biggest florist working holiday of the year: Mother's Day (US, CAN, AUS, NZ according to my wall calendar). Unlike Valentine's Day, this always falls on a Sunday, and there's a lot more flexibility in terms of when a customer might want the flowers delivered - most of them go out from the preceding Thursday to Saturday, but occasionally orders will be made for the Wednesday before or even the Monday after.
Note here that the shop I work for is typically closed on Sundays, and it doesn't make an exception for Mother's Day. Other shops might - I don't know well enough to say one way or another. Write whatever makes sense to you for that aspect of it.
Another Difference from V-Day is the types of flowers: there's kind of a lot more variety. People still get roses sometimes but most flowers sold are just colorful variety mixes. That being said there's a possibly-regional thing were certain groups - churches, mostly, around here - advance-order huge numbers of carnations to hand out to mothers in said groups. I'm talking like 150 here, 120 there, sort of numbers. These have to be ordered in, counted out, and set aside in reserve for them about a week ahead just to make sure there's enough for both these massive orders and for general florist use.
So all that aside, what do these days look like for the Florbo, moment to moment? Let's start here, beneath the cut as it got long:
The Friday before Mother's Day (48 hours remain): Florbo arrives early. So does extra staff. If Florbo has friends and contacts and former workers still in the area they might have agreed to work for a couple of days, answering phones, handling front counter/store space, driving deliveries, or making arrangements if they know how. This day does not run on normal staffing arrangements.
You start the day making the stuff you either didn't finish the day before or stuff that came in online overnight, as well as stuff called and ordered in throughout the morning for the same day. Drivers are going going going, back to back trips. If Florbo owns the shop or manages it, it's possible they aren't arranging much flower stuff themselves - they might be too busy coordinating and organizing everybody else just to keep things moving mostly smoothly.
The printer always chooses the busiest time to jam up, run out of ink, or otherwise cause problems. This is a law of the universe.
Lunch breaks are short. There is not time for someone to disappear for an hour, not this day. The nicest thing a character can do is bring snacks/drinks for everyone working, so keep that in mind if you want another blorbo involved in the story to do something sweet for the Florbo (and company).
Once you start running low on same-day orders you can begin working on next-day (Saturday) orders. If a same-day order comes in then it gets immediate priority, though, especially as the day wears on. Anything coming through the phones can be redirected to the next day by the people answering said phones but internet stuff can be trickier if you don't have (or know) a convenient way to lock customers out of choosing same-day after a certain time.
Generally speaking, any orders made the day before will be delivered first (morning) and any orders made the same day will be delivered last (afternoon/evening). This is to keep it as fair as possible.
For some reason there always seems to be someone who decides to call on this day to order something to go to someone at a school which means dropping everything else to get whatever it is into a delivery van before school lets out for the day. >:(
Lack of forethought on a customer's part so often becomes an emergency on a florist's, I swear.
Between the sheer volume of stuff being made and delivered on Friday, for Friday, and the stuff that has to be made on Friday, for Saturday, this is the day Florbo is likeliest to go home late. How late depends on how popular the shop is and how much help they have and so on. It's not unusual to just leave the last few orders you have to do for the next morning.
It's also not unusual to start running out of flowers during this day! Florbo will likely have to figure out what's going down fastest and order more of it by early afternoon so it'll arrive in the mail the next day - if the wholesaler is far enough away, that is. If Florbo has a shop in the same town/city as their source(s) then I imagine this might be a bit faster.
This brings us to--
The Saturday before Mother's Day (24 hours remain): An early start again, but for some reason it's usually a little quieter while still early; it can take a while for phones to start ringing this morning. My best guess is that nobody is awake at 8am on a Saturday unless they are forced to be.
There's still probably internet orders to sift through from after closing the night before though so a slow start on the phones does not mean a slow start for the designers.
Now, this might just be my experience, but this day is never as intensely busy as the day before, and while incoming orders might flow in the later morning, not long after noon they tend to slow to a trickle if not stop altogether. In fact, aside from drivers who stay busy all day just catching up with the volume of stuff made the day before, the shop's activity tends to shift from "take orders, make flowers" to "clean up and make sure the last bunches of stuff go out properly" halfway through.
Mid-afternoon or so is when you get a handful of people calling to ask if the thing they ordered got delivered yet. Late afternoon, near closing, is when the shop people start calling anyone who ordered a pickup to make sure that they didn't forget about it or something.
While Florbo may stay late on Friday, there's every chance of getting to close up and leave on time on Saturday, barring anything unusual coming up at the last minute.
That is, more or less, the regular breakdown. Other stuff can be added to the mix, though. For example, drawing from experience:
Teacher's Week, Nurse's Week, and Mother's Day (Week) are all the same damn week. Rest in pieces, Florbo, and best of luck when someone wants to give their mom who is also a teacher or a nurse something extra special.
There's a funeral. Two funerals. Three funerals, all on that weekend. Mother's day flowers weren't enough, Florbo also has to make two casket sprays and like a dozen large funeral pieces.
Someone forgot to order their hundred carnations the week before and now Florbo gets to see if it's even possible to source those on short notice. The answer might very well be no, unless they can manage a small miracle.
A final note to ponder:
A Florbo will have a relatively easy time making flowers for their own mom(s) (assuming such are alive and well and local to the area), but what is to be done if the Florbo is themselves a mom? I don't know what the Florbo demographic is to be fair, so this might only be a question to consider if A) any child is old enough to buy flowers, or B) a partner would buy flowers on the child's behalf. If so, do they buy the flowers from the Florbo directly? Do they sneak the order to a coworker/employee to do in secret? Do they skip the flowers and do something else entirely? Is this not even a factor and the Florbo just gives themselves flowers as a treat? There is characterization work to be done here. Have fun.
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someone-called-efg · 3 months
before this happens again i decided to draw what i saw and experienced a little over a month ago so incase anyone has anything similar theyre not alone at least, and if its some kinda 'only me' thing, than at least it's documented.
i dont really know what kinda tw to put for this, but assume anything given its about a near death experience
so, back just before valentine's day, a demon somehow ended up in my bedroom. me, wanting to prove im not a coward, did exactly that, and firmly declared my beliefs in the being who created all (for the sake of the post im gonna call said entity god) and its not a lie, even from a young age ive been a strong believer even to the point of getting in trouble for it (i.e. getting in trouble for calling out hypocrisy and trying to do something about it despite being the only one to try) and while my faith has had a lapse when i was a teen, it since got resparked. so, adamantly that the idea of having no faith seems bazar to me.
so, all this to say, when the demon was in my room, it knew i wouldnt give up my faith.
however, one thing ive said on occasion to family is that i dont fear death, and thats still true to an extent. sure, ive had near death experiences before, but ive always been of the opinion that as long as youre right with god than you have no reason to fear dying. and imo that just means not being an asshole.
so, the demon found out i genuinely dont have any fear of death or dying and decided to try to call a bluff that wasnt even there. so, with all its might, it killed me
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this is roughly what i believe it looked like, as it gave off this sense of dread i ccouldnt really shake off when in its presence. (yes, the stick figure is meant to be me for size comparison) everything else beside the thousands of mouths was a void. the mouths glowed an inviting white, but as you see, when i got closer, it lead to a void like pit that was its true mouth, rows upon rows of pointed teeth jutting to the center that only got darker and darker the closer i looked.
then, something happened in my mind that even i cant put into words, because quite frankly, even i dont understand what happened in between everything
then everything went from being in a dark void, to this
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an angel came and was so bright i only know its this kind because how many eyes were there. i had to convince the angel that i would be able to cope with being alive after that day, and i was allowed to come back on account that i see a priest and a therapist. (and something i thought was strange to mention that: if you bleed on something, you yourself have to burn it) another part of the agreement was that i post on my socials about the encounter, and while i had done that previously, i figured making as comprehensible of a post as possible now that ive had a bit of time to process it all would be a good idea
so as you can all tell, this it getting very triggering for me.
the week or so that followed that night could be comparable to a personal hell, as any time i wasnt around any human, i would be tormented by the demon in ways that i cant even mention out of fear of t.o.s. as they tried as much as possible to keep me in my room as if to keep me hostage
until one day when i broke down to my mom
she got me holy water from the church and i proceeded to sprinkle it all over while praying as best i could
but since that night ive felt like the worst hypocrite of them all. since i was little i had wished to die, in fact, as a child i had no intention of making it to my double digits, and yet, here i am. and when i was nearly out the door, for some reason i decided to stay.
anyways, even though i went around with holy water and prayer, my bedroom hasnt felt safe, and ive been sleeping in the living room since. because being without privacy means no personal hell. so i see it as a win in my books.
throughout all this, ive seen my faith as this small campfire, and any attack against my faith as gusts of wind that i keep having to protect the flame from so it doesn't get blown out.
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luvfy0dor · 4 months
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“I Like Shiny Things, But I'd Marry You With Paper Rings ♡⁠˖” BSD x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Chuuya Nakahara
Warnings; None! ♡⁠˖
Description; Drabbles about BSD men proposing
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A/n; Any commentary on the pink theme? I like it, as of right now it's only gonna stay until Valentine's day. This is my in-between requests post, another request will be posted soon! ♡⁠˖
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⑅ Dazai Osamu ⑅
♡ Dazai is the type of guy to keep the ring on him at all times. He proposes when he thinks the moment is right, there's no set date for when he's going to do it. He has times when he'd like to do it, but he doesn't force himself too if it doesn't feel like the best possible moment. Or he might just do it impulsively, who knows?x
You sat bored in the living room, folding a small square of paper into as many little origami shapes as you could. You made small hearts, cranes, and paper rings. You slid one of the recently-made rings onto your finger and smiled, deciding to make a matching one for your boyfriend, who had yet to come back from the grocery quest you sent him on. As you made the first few folds, you heard some banging on the door. It startled you a little, your breath hitching. The voice that followed calmed your nerves, though.
"Babe, can you let me in? Please?" He had a small impediment in his speech when he spoke. You sighed with a smile and got up, unlocking and opening the door to see Dazai with grocery bags hung up both of his arms and one hanging out of his mouth. Your eyebrows furrowed a little and you took roughly half of them into your own hole. "I sent you for a couple things, what's all this?" You ask. He just shrugs and kicks off his shoes, still standing with you at the doorway. "Just some stuff I figured we needed. Trust me, you'll thank me later." He tells. He heads to the kitchen and starts putting things away with your help. He shares tales of his journey to the grocery store and back, making sure you know every detail of the trip. He seemed to be particularly enthused about some coupons he found in the cart he grabbed, which explained all the extra groceries. After putting them all away, he joined you back one the couch and examined your origami art.
"Wow, you're quite crafty." He says, picking up the paper crane and bending it's neck back and forth. "Yeah, I got birds, hearts, and rings. I was about to make a matching ring for you, but then you bashed your head against the door instead of setting stuff down to get out your key." You playfully jabbed. He scoffed. "Like you wouldn't do the same thing." You shake your head, your tongue sticking out of your mouth while you focus on perfectly bending the paper to form the shape of a heart-ring. It became increasingly difficult when Dazai grabbed one of your hands oh-so gently and observed the ring made from a yellow sticky note. He thought about how much better a legitimate wedding ring/band would look on your finger, an idea suddenly occuring to him. "We should exchange rings once you're don't with mine." He pitches the idea to you with a grin.
You hum in approval. "Alright, I'm almost done, it'll only take another minute." He nodded, taking the ring off of your finger and setting it on the table. "Okay, I'll be right back." He says, rising from the couch and going to your shared bedroom, digging through the various items in the nightstand drawer to find the small, black box. He slipped it into his pocket and returned to your side, placing a hand on his back and kissing the side of your head and eventually leaning into your warmth. You held up your paper ring proudly when you finished. "Alright, are we exchanging them now?" He nods, his hand fidgeting with the ring box in his pocket, opening it and extracting the ring into his balled fist. He grabs the paper ring from the table and holds out his other hand for you.
"Here you go, my beloved husband." You tease, a smile on your face as you sit unaware of what's about to come. "Thanks, babe. Here's yours." You smiled as you watched him push the actual engagement ring onto your finger before it fully processed in your mind and your jaw dropped. "This felt like the perfect moment to ask...will you marry me?" Your heart flutters in your chest and you choke up a little, nodding and hugging him tightly. "Yes, yes! Oh my gosh, it's so pretty, Osamu!" Your heart felt like it was lodged in your throat with excitement as your boyfriend chuckles at the sight of you intensely observing the ring. "I'm so glad you said yes." He says through his smile, hugging you and running his hand up and down your back. "Why wouldn't I?" You said, brushing your hands through your new fiances hair with euphoria. "I know I'm pretty irresistible, so I didn't expect you to say 'no', you just make me nervous. In a good way, ofcourse." He pridefully says. You chuckled and kissed him sweetly. "You're such a dork, but I don't mind." You said. You both filled the rest of the evening with laughter and excited discussion of possibilities for the wedding itself. You couldn't help it, you just loved being immersed in conversation with your fiance more than anything.
⑅ Chuuya Nakahara ⑅
♡ Chuuya plans the proposal out. He'd really like to propose on a beach at sunset, something cliche like that. Some people might think it's corny, but he thinks it's romantic. He's got rose pedals, candles, you name it.
Chuuya scattered the rose pedals on the sand in the shape of a large heart, having picked the least windy day of the week to avoid the flowers blowing every which way. The heart shape was illuminated by pretty faux candles, their fake fire flickering on the darkening beach. The sunset painted the sky a beautiful pink, just like the rosy pink you made his face anytime you complimented him, even years into the relationship. The butterflies in his stomach were very much alive and well, even if he played them off with false annoyance. They were there now as he scattered the final petals, waiting for you to text him that you were pulling up to the beach to start walking to the close parking lot. His hands reached down into his pocket to grab his phone with one hand and fiddle with the ring in his other. As he was about to press the power button, his lock screen lit up with your notification.
He felt his heart in his throat as he started walking up, having to steady his breathing once or twice. You saw him first, calling out his name and waving. "Chuuya!" You picked up your pace, shoving your phone onto the back pocket of your shorts. He smiled, his teeth showing through his parted lips. He immediately embraced you, his arms falling loosely around your waist, pulling you into a kiss. It was just a peck, but it spread a more-than-welcome warmth throughout your chest. The smile didn't leave your face while he walked back with you slowly to the beach. "Have a good day, doll?" He asks, grabbing your hand and giving it a small squeeze. Your eyebrows furrow and your nose scrunches. "Yeah, I guess. It was really boring, but not bad." He hums in understanding, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing your knuckles. "But you got through the day." You nod with a grin that mirrored his on your face.
"So, uh, I have something I wanna ask you about." He said, avoiding eye contact and instead looking at his feet. You raised an eyebrow, tilting forward to look at his face. "Hm?" Your head fell to rest against his as you started to walk through the sand. The large, candle-lit heart caught your eye and you couldn't help but swoon. He was blushing and drew his hand up to his face to cover it, but he guided you to the center of the heart, his free hand holding yours. "Chuu, this is gorgeous." You murmur, taken back by how pretty everything looked. Ocean waves rolled against the shore quietly, setting the mood. Onlookers stared, but Chuuya only looked at you. "A gorgeous scene for a gorgeous person." He whispered. He took both hands and squeezed them tightly, swallowing the reoccurring lump in his throat. "Y/n, you know how much I love you and how long I've loved you- it feels like it's been forever in the best way possible. I never want it to stop, so.." he takes a deep breath and fishes the ring box out of his pocket and kneels down.
You could almost feel the world stop spinning and your heartbeat in your ears. Your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth as you waited to hear the words you had wanted to for a while now. Chuuya brought your knuckles to his lips before asking. "Will you continue to make me the happiest man ever and marry me, Y/n?" You could barely squeeze a 'yes' out of your throat and nodded vigorously. He smiled from ear to ear and took the ring/band out of the box, sliding it onto your ring finger. You immediately throw yourself onto your new fiance, tackling him into the sand and hugging him tightly. "Chuuya, this was the cutest thing ever, thank you so much." You pressed a soft kiss to his exposed collarbone and ran a hand through his hair. "Anythin' for you, sweetheart." He says, still on a high from your response. He pressed a kiss to your head and the two of you just played together for a while, basking in each other's presence, the ocean and sunset wonderfully adding to the atmosphere.
⑅ Fyodor Dostoevsky ⑅
♡ Fyodor, like Chuuya, plans it out. He much prefers a restaurant setting to a beach, though. Candle lit dinners ended with applause from onlookers and a smile on your face is a more than satisfactory way to propose.
Fyodor had been mentioning bringing you out for a nice, candle-lit dinner recently, and he finally got to take you out on a saturday evening. His hand rested on your thigh while he drove, which didn't usually happen, but it wasn't an unwelcomed occurrence. Your hand was on top of his while you told him about a book you had read, excitedly filling him all the details about the characters and their romantic sparks. He followed along with that beautiful soft smile on his face, nodding and 'oh'ing, but it wasn't a dismissive 'oh', it was an intrigued one. He related the book you were talking about to one he had read in the past, and you listened just as he did. He loved that about you, your interest in whatever conversation he had to offer. His hand lifted from your thigh as he pulled into the parking lot, finding the closest spot to the entrance. He looked kinda sexy when he drove, the way his thin and nimble fingers loosely held the wheel made your cheeks heat up. You let out a giddy breath when he opened his door and made his way around the car to open yours for you. And they say romance is dead.
You smiled and took his hand when getting out, keeping it in your hold while your you walked in and he told the hostess about your reservation. She led the both of you to a table and gave you menus, leaving to give you some alone time with your boyfriend. His hair was pushed back behind one of his ears and his eyes scanned over the drinks printed om the laminated paper. "What are you going to order, Moya Lyubov?" He asks, looking up at you from across the table, his foot brushing against yours underneath the surface. "Maybe a margarita." You say pensively, putting thorough thought into your decision. After deciding that nothing on the menu sounded better in the moment, you settled. "Yeah, a margarita for sure." You sat the menu down on the table and crossed your arms. "Mm, that's a good choice." He says. "I think I just want water."
The waitress soon arrives at your table to take your orders for drinks, and it doesn't take long for her to return. She sets them on the table and you both murmur appreciative 'thank you's and take a sip. She offered to take your order for a main course or appetizers, but you requested more time to look over the menu. Fyodor reached over and gently pried one of your hands from the side of the gatefold booklet, holding it. "Your hands are so warm, my dear." He says, eyes soft and loving. "I love you, so, so much, and I plan to show you just how much that is tonight." He says, kissing your knuckles. Your face immediately warmed and you laughed softly. The restaurant had soft classical music playing in the background, which paired nicely with the soft chatter of the people. "Yeah? Well, I'm not sure I'd need you to prove how much you love me, but I'm not opposed to it if you want to." You says, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles.
Fyodor nodded and his mind drifted down to the ring box that patiently sat in his front pocket, waiting to be gifted to you. "I always want to display my love for you." He confesses. After a moment, you both pick a main course for yourselves and the waitress takes the order. Fyodor wanted to wait until you were ready to leave to get down on one knee so it would be less expected than him standing up in the middle of dinner, and that he did. He watched your every reaction to his words throughout the meal when it was delivered to you. He subtly dropped some hints, although you didn't seem to be picking them up. He didn't mind, it just added to the element of surprise when he did finally pop the question.
The conversation flowed smoothly as it always did, his hand almost always holding onto yours across the table. His laugh was so charming, as was his smile. Everything about him seemed so soft, like the warm toned light on his skin and the way his hair fell just above his shoulders. You are your food happily, paid the bill, and gathered your stuff. He assisted you in putting your coat, turning you around and pressing a kiss to your lips while holding your hands. "Mmn, myshka..." He slides his hand into his pocket and withdrawals it, holding it out and getting down on one knee. Your eyes widened and you sucked in a breath, your posture suddenly straightening. Peoples heads all over the restaurant turned towards you and your soon-to-be-fiance.
"Y/n, do you remember our first date being here?" He says, opening the ring box to show you the beautiful jewelry piece. "I believe things come full circle. We've had one new begining here, and I thought I should start a new chapter in the story of us here, as well." He said, never breaking eye contact until you looked down, giddy with excitement. "So, will you marry me, Y/n?" He asked. He was confident you'd say yes, but he still held his breath. People around were watching with intrigue and excitement.
"Oh my god, yes." You said, the dorkiest grin on your face as you hugged him. The people around clapped and let out small aw's as you and Fyodor exchanged a sweet kiss. His hand was placed on the back of your head, his lips pulled upward in a grin similar to your own. "Ah, I love you, Myshka." He pulled away and slid the ring onto your finger while his other hand slid down to the small of your back. You admired the jewels embedded in the metal and kissed his cheek one more time. "Ready to leave, my dear?" You nod, kissing his knuckles. "Yeah, thank you so much for tonight and just...everything." You appreciatively thank him with your head on his shoulder. You couldn't be more ecstatic about the proposal, and you knew your lover was feeling the same way.
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A/n; THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT IM DHAJEKWKS I CANT WAIT IM PROLLY GONNA MAKE A SEPARATE POST ABOUT IT BUT I JUSR DJSJJKSJD I'm a little sad I didn't get one of the deluxe CDs, but it's whatever I guess. I should really focus on getting debut, rep, and fearless TV, those r the only ones I don't have rn 😭 (5/02/24 update i got the albatross deluxe cd and rep)
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dinosaurtsukki · 3 years
tecchou, sigma, and oda + dating an affectionate s/o
anon:  Hi hi! If you dont mind, can you wrote some hcs for Tetchō, Sigma, and whoever else you want (if you want to) with a s/o whos really affectionate with them?? Tysm!!
a/n: i’m sure these three would love affectionate s/o’s also this was so cute i needed to write some fluff 
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it’s not that he hates physical affection, it’s just that he’s not used to it since all his friends/co-workers are weird and not the hugging type (except maybe tachihara)
so when you hug him or hold his hand he doesn’t shake you off but just,,, stands there,,, accepting it
okay but if you wrap his arms around yourself tecchou will get the idea and give you a nice little hug and keeps in mind that you like this
he’s not intimidated by the fact that you’re very outwardly affectionate and just accepts it as part of you. that said, he’ll try his best to show his affection too
tecchou shows his affection by giving you little gifts that may seem a little strange and a lot of them are just objects he found that remind him of you
something like a feather he picked up from the ground or a a maple leaf that he had pressed between a book
and he really treasures things you give him, no matter how small they are. once, you got him a shirt and he wore it every single day until it started getting holes along the hem from constant washing
if you like being carried or picked up, tecchou is a stronk boy so he will most definitely let you go on piggyback rides on him
i know in my heart that he’s a bit of an errand boy for the hunting dogs (not in a bad way, he just doesn’t mind errands) so sometimes he asks if you want to accompany him
he’ll walk around the city with you holding his hand while he picks up the laundry and the groceries 
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touch-starved baby please give him hugs although i feel like he’s the type to freeze up when you hug him just cause he’s not used to it
also the first time you made lunch for sigma he kind of just stared at the lunch box for a bit figuring out what your intention behind it was before finally eating and the food got kind of cold and now he regrets not eating sooner
but your presence just feels so warm and light that it doesn’t take long for sigma to just give in to your gestures of affection
coming home after a long day of working at the casino is just the best feeling in the world for him, especially when you’re finishing up dinner and greeting him with a kiss
he’ll probably lay his head on your chest and rant about his day while you stroke his hair (also small note but he’s the type to fall asleep mid-conversation he’s just that tired)
sigma is a bit extra and he knows you love valentine’s day so ofc he goes a bit all out when you go out for dinner
reserves a table at the best restaurant in yokohama with a view of the sprawling cityscape kind of extra
also loves it so much when you visit him at work and you’re always at his side when he’s making the rounds and talking to his guests
okay but if anyone were to insult his bright ray of sunshine (that’s you) they’re gonna be shown the exit 
nobody touches or says bad stuff about his baby and gets away with it 
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his first instinct around you is really ‘must protect’ and how could he not? it’s entirely due to the life he lives but he’s never met someone who’s as sweet as you
this man also lowkey craves affection so he loves how you are. he loves seeing your face light up when he visits over the weekend and hearing how excited you are when he decides to call you up during work
this man is hella busy but he always always answers your texts 0.01 seconds after you send them
he just wants you to feel heard and appreciated also he gets kinda excited when you text him
physical affection is kind of his favorite thing but he’s too shy to actually ask but you can tell by his face
please offer to let him lie down on your lap and run your fingers through his hair and oda will just be the happiest man ever
that said, he loves showing his appreciation by spending quality time with you whenever he has free time during the weekend
also loves giving you forehead kisses and watching you bounce on your heels and ask him for another one
okay but hugs with oda are just the best hugs and that’s a fact because he’s always super warm and sometimes lifts you up slightly when he hugs
don’t be scared to ask him for hugs because he’ll always give you one no matter where you are and you’re his favorite person to hug
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @kiyoobi​​ @atsumusdomain​​ @laure-chan​​ @goodfoodxoxoxo​​ @guardianangelswings​​ @kei-ya​​ @loisuke​​ @whootwhoot​​ @liz-multifandom-hotel @kac-chowsballs​​ @violentfarewll @fyoyacanruinmylifethanks​​ @nightmare-light​​ ​ @miyakiyo0mi​​ @whorefordazai​​ @rirk-ke​​ @cross-crye​ @alohablue @duhsies​ @alittlesimp​
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artificialqueens · 2 years
Love, Love, Go Ahead and Have Another Plate of it, It Doesn’t Run Out (Jankie) - Mar
A/N: For the potluck challenge! This takes place in a "jankie parenting Gigi" au that I never posted but love dearly. It focuses on blended/found families, so it felt like the perfect universe for this challenge. Food is my main love language and it shows here. Other ships show up in the background too.
Summary: Jan and Jackie host the first family gathering at their new place, and hope for the best as they sit their whole family down at the same table. 
Jan clapped her hands on her apron and white clouds of flour puffed up. Neat little rows of fresh gnocchi lay in their trays, waiting to be cooked.
“All set here. How’s that going?”
On the other end of the counter, Jackie struggled with the pasta maker she had gifted her girlfriend for Valentine’s, which she now deeply regretted. Jackie had mentioned that the little ones probably wouldn’t like the texture of gnocchi, and they’d be wise to keep spaghetti on hold as a backup for dinner. Jan had agreed, but the idea of store bought dry spaghetti was horrifying to her. This was the first family gathering at their new house, and she wouldn’t be caught dead serving store bought pasta in front of her mother.
Date an Italian woman, they said. It will be fun, they said.
So Jackie had learned the intricacies of a pasta machine, and to be fair, it was quite fun. The cranking part was the problem. She felt her arm was gonna fall out and the dough was not collaborating at all.
“It’s… going.”
Gently, Jan replaced Jackie’s hands on the machine’s handle.
“Let me see…” Of course, with Jan’s dance toned muscles, the machine started working at top speed. “There,” she smiled at Jackie, who was a little too distracted by her girlfriend’s arms.
“Yeah, nice machine you got there.”
“Jackie!” Jan fake-gasped. “On a Sunday? The day of the Lord?”
“Our day didn’t start out very holy…” Jackie said, hugging Jan’s waist and kissing her nape. Jan’s arm stuttered on the handle.
Gigi had slept over at Crystal’s, but instead of enjoying their child-less morning in bed, Jan had insisted on getting up at the crack of dawn to clean the house and prepare the food. As a healthy middle, Jackie had refused to let Jan leave the bed before she had coaxed at least two orgasms from her, and then they could clean. Compromise.
“Now, don’t start distracting me, we still have a lot to do,” Jan protested, but she contradicted herself by how her body melted into Jackie’s chest.
“Hmm, the food is done, the house is clean, I fluffed up every last pillow.” Jackie marked each sentence with a soft kiss on Jan’s neck. “We can’t start cooking until everyone gets here, and they won’t for another hour.”
She tugged on Jan’s waist, testing.
“...Fine,” Jan relented, walking towards the bedroom, pulling Jackie behind her by the hands. “Ten minutes, tops.” Jackie squeezed her hips. “Maybe twenty.”
“Going, I’m going!” Jan rushed to get the door, fixing her clothes and her hair. She checked her reflection on the mirror by the entrance, put on her best hostess smile and welcomed her first guests. “Hi!”
“Hi, baby!�� Her mom kissed her cheek and hugged her with the arm not holding a giant tub of sauce. She frowned at Jan and pressed a hand to Jan’s cheeks. “You feeling okay, Jannie? You look flushed, do you have a fever?” she asked as she instinctively touched Jan’s forehead. Jan had been happily surprised when she caught herself doing the same thing when Gigi felt unwell.
“Oh, no, not a fever, I was just… in the kitchen. It’s really hot in there,” Jan smiled and let her mother in, hoping she would let it go. Behind her mom, however, her sister stood smirking.
“I bet it was hot,” Lemon said.
“Shut up,” Jan hissed and slapped her arm. “Where’s dad?”
“Jaida texted him to come pick them up because Nicky was freaking out about the dessert they’re bringing. She says it’s too delicate to expose it to our ‘filthy, american buses,” Lemon said, making air quotes around the words. When she tried to walk in, Jan stopped her with a hand on her chest. “What?”
“No dinner without contribution,” Jan said, pointing at Lemon’s empty hands.
“Priyanka’s bringing the drinks, she just texted me. You’re gonna leave me on the porch until she gets here?”
But Jan was too busy smiling to argue with her.
“Bringing things to the potluck together, are we? Is that the stage you two are in?”
“Oh my God,” Lemon rolled her eyes and walked past her sister, checking her shoulder.
Jan just laughed and delighted in the inevitable interrogation that Priyanka would be subjected to by their parents, once they realized the place she had in their youngest daughter’s life. Thank God they had so many guests. Lemon had chosen a good day for their “meet the parents.”
Jackie’s voice carried into the foyer, and Jan recognized her more formal tone when she spoke to her mom. She would never admit it, but Jackie was still somewhat scared of Teresa, and who could blame her? The woman was as protective as she was loving, and she had not been too happy to learn that her little Jan was becoming the stepmom to a five year old child, on top of dating a thirty four year old woman. Jan knew those concerns had been left behind as soon as her parents met Jackie, but Jackie still had some apprehension.
With time, Jan thought. Especially if things went according to plan, and she crowned their relationship with a big, beautiful wedding in the next year or two. Nothing like a party to court her parents’ good opinions.
Jackie’s dad would be joining them later, and that was the root of Jan’s anxiety. He liked her, she knew that, but liking her family was a different thing. The man only knew Jaida so far, who had never met a soul that didn’t like her, but Lemon, Teresa and Marco, Jaida’s dad, could get a little challenging. Especially all at once. Her brilliant, brilliant girlfriend, however, had suggested they invite Crystal, Sasha and Shea to act as buffers, and Jan decided to drag Brita out of the studio and bring her niece Heidi, and suddenly their small gathering became an event. Still family, though, all family.
Before she could close the door, Jan saw her dad’s car park in front, with Jaida and Nicky in the back, fussing over what looked like a pine tree in cake form. Jaida got out first to help Nicky sort the car door and make sure it didn’t decapitate the monstrosity they had brought, and they both held the base and carried it to the door with careful steps.
“Everyone, out of the way!” Jaida said, with a voice only heard in emergency rooms.
“Move, move, move!”
“Is that… a tower of muffins?”
Nicky gasped, genuinely offended.
“It’s a croquembouche, heathen.”
Her outburst nearly cost Nicky her balance, so she focused on the tethering tower and walked past Jan to the kitchen, where they could safely deposit it out of reach from the little ones and their grabby hands.
Marco walked to Jan with arms open, and Jan grinned and buried herself in the hug.
“Hi, dad,” she said, muffled against his chest.
“Hey, Jannie, long time no see.”
“Barely a month!”
“And it felt like a year.” He clapped his hands. “Where’s my grandchild? She must be taller than me by now.”
Jan’s heart flipped, like it did anytime her parents referred to Gigi as their grandkid.
“Crystal’s moms will bring her over and they’re staying for dinner, too. Do you know Crystal?”
“Hard not to, she’s all baby Geeg talks about.”
It was true. They had been friends since diapers, since Shea and Sasha had been so helpful and present during Gigi’s adoption, having just gone through it themselves. The kids had been inseparable for years, but the fascination for each other still had not worn off. Just as well, since it granted both sets of parents a much needed break whenever their kid spent the day at the other’s house.
Jan hoped they would arrive soon, since children running around always greased the conversation wheels, although everything seemed good for the moment. Her mom was admiring the croquembouche and praising Nicky for her good taste, and Jan had the pleasure of seeing calm and collected Nicolette get flustered under the attention. Lemon had glued herself to her dad’s side, as usual, diligently playing the role of baby of the family (which she refused to give over to Gigi. She was there first.)
When she got out of the kitchen, Jaida gave Jan a bone-crushing hug as if they hadn’t seen each other four days ago, but Jan understood. It had been the hardest part of moving out, leaving Jaida behind. She still had Lemon, and Nicky (and Priyanka, who seemed to be spending less and less time at her own place lately.) But still, after years of living together just the two of them, the separation anxiety was too real, and a huge factor into Jan and Jackie choosing a house near their old place, her sisters’ apartment, and even Jan’s place of work.
Jaida helped Jackie set the table, both rambling about the murder mystery series they loved, which Jan hadn’t been able to sit through for more than ten minutes. It sparked a little tradition, where Jackie and Jaida got together on Thursday nights at either of their houses and Jan took Gigi out for dinner and ice cream (or just ice cream, that very memorable night where they both came home hopped up on sugar and immediately crashed on the bed.)
A soft rapping at the door, barely heard over the ruckus, made Jackie rush to get it.
Jasper held his daughter’s hands with such love that Jan looked away, feeling as if she was intruding on something special. He wasn’t a hugger, and his grandchild took after him, but he always held their hands in his big, coarse ones and said everything that needed to be said in that gesture.
“I brought you some things,” said Jasper, as he walked in and waved at everyone. In the kitchen, he opened his coat and started taking out a comical amount of glass jars full of pickles, ferments, sauces and jams from the inside pockets, some trinkets from his jeans and even a small wooden statue from a pouch that hung around his neck, piling them all on the counter.
“That’s for Gigi,” he said, pointing at the small wooden dragon. “So Flame the Dragon can have a friend.”
“Oh, dad, it’s precious,” said Jackie, stroking the scales of the tiny sculpture, carefully whittled to mimic the ones on the stuffed dragon that was Gigi’s best friend. “They’re gonna love it.”
Jasper waved his hand dismissively and went to talk with Nicky. They’d built up an unexpected friendship based on the language barrier and a shared love for travel. Turns out they had lived in many of the same cities, and Jasper recounting his stay in Marruecos was still the most Jan had heard him speak.
“So far, so good,” said Jackie, hooking her chin on Jan’s shoulder as they both observed their guests through the window on the kitchen wall. “Should we start cooking?”
“Hhm, let’s wait ‘till the kids or Priyanka get here, at least. She’s bringing all the drinks. On behalf of her and Lemon,” Jan smirked.
“Is she, now?”
They both bet how long it would take Lemon’s parents to notice she had a girlfriend. Jan gave it ten minutes, Jackie said five. Then, getting back into hostess mode, they made a spread of crackers and the food Jasper had brought, to keep everyone busy as they waited for the rest of the guests.
High pitched laughter came from the porch and Jan went to get the door, but something bumped against it before she could.
“Honey, you okay?” Jan asked once she opened the door and Crystal fell inside with it. The girl jumped up like it was nothing and flashed her million watt smile, giving Jan’s legs a quick hug.
“Hi, Jan! Look who we brought!” said Crystal as she pointed at Brita, who was walking up the door next to Shea and Sasha, carrying two huge bouquets of flowers in yellow and pink. Shea, for their part, carried a wicker basket that, paired with their polkadot outfit, made them look like something from a children’s book. Behind them, Gigi and Heidi walked to the door sideways, unwilling to break up their complicated game of pattycakes. “Heidi and Gigi have been pattycaking for ten whole minutes now,” Crystal grinned.
“And they’ve been singing the whole ten minutes, too,” Brita explained with a long suffering sigh. “Thanks for making me come, I needed a break.” She hugged Jan, careful not to crush the bouquets. “Although I didn’t have much time to make food, so you get flowers instead.”
“I’ll make plans to kidnap you more often, then. And these are gorgeous, they’re going on the big table.”
“Oh, the highest of honors! Let’s see the house, then, I want the full tour.”
Jackie welcomed them and offered a tour to anyone who wanted to check out the place, while Jan made sure Gigi and Heidi got inside without crashing into anything because of their deep concentration. Crystal had gone around dispensing hugs and kisses and was back to her friends, cheering them on as they kept up their game.
“Alright, I think we can start up the pots,” said Jan to no one in particular, though Jaida immediately followed her into the kitchen and started helping.
“How we feeling?” Jaida asked as she poured coarse salt in the three pots required to feed the small army in the house.
“Good!” Jan said too quickly, too enthusiastically. “Good, good, everyone’s here and getting along, and the food will be done in no time, so it’s all right on track. It’s going well.” She poked some of the gnocchi she had covered with damp towels to check they were still fine, then turned to Jaida. “It is going well, right?”
“Girl, yes. Mom complimented all of Jackie’s design choices around the house, and dad’s been talking to Jasper about music for the past ten minutes. Did you know they both played the sitar?”
“I hope Pri gets here soon, I want to get some wine in mom before we all sit down at the table.”
“You need some wine yourself,” said Jaida, taking the dish towel away from Jan’s hands, which were fraying its edges. “Get out of here, go eat something and talk to your friends.”
“I have to make the pasta, you can’t do it by yourself–”
“I’ve seen what you do, it’s not that hard,” Jaida teased. Jan finally cracked a smile.
“Fine, but if they stick to the pot–”
“You’re writing me out of your Will, I know.”
“Thank you.” Jan left a noisy kiss on her sister’s cheek and left to get some food. She was suddenly starving.
After just a few minutes, the doorbell rang. Before either host could get up, Lemon sprinted across the house and opened the door.
“What took you so long?”
“It’s hard to get cabs on Sundays!” Priyanka replied as she walked in, peering around the giant box she carried. “And I couldn’t walk here because I had to bring this whole box, all by my poor little lonesome.”
“You offered to do that,” said Lemon, setting the box down on the table.
“I’m more chivalrous than I am smart.”
“And the bar is already so low.”
“I missed you too,” Priyanka smiled as she took off her coat, greeting everyone.
“Did you buy the entire liquor store?” Jackie said, hugging Priyanka.
“I didn’t know about preferences, so I had to get different options. Plus juice for the kids,” Priyanka said, patting Lemon’s head. Lemon swatted her hand away and went to the mirror to fix her hair. “Hi, Jasper! Did you bring jams today?”
“A whole jar of raspberry, just for you.”
“Oh, you’re an angel. And you must be Teresa and Marco,” Priyanka shook their hands. “Your girls talk about you all the time.”
Teresa and Marco, still a bit disoriented by this fast talking stranger who apparently had some sort of bond with their youngest, could only shake her hand.
“This is Priyanka, my colleague,” Jackie came to their rescue.
“And Gigi’s Godmother.”
“That– well…”
“Gigi decided themself, sorry, I don’t make the rules. Where is she, by the way?”
They all noticed how quiet it was, and Sasha made a beeline for Gigi’s room. The door was cracked open, and she could see Heidi laying down on the floor with her eyes closed, surrounded by plastic jewelry and flowers. Sasha tiptoed away.
“I think they are… recreating Millais’ Ophelia?”
“Oh, they’ve been weirdly into funerals, lately.”
“That may be my fault,” said Jackie. “I told them that elephants bury their loved ones and they haven’t stopped talking about it.”
“Yeesh, kids are morbid.”
“Our girls did have a witch phase,” said Marco. “They nearly burned down the garden shed trying to summon the devil.”
“All those Sundays of church, wasted,” Teresa shook her head.
“Oh, ma, they were not wasted!” Jan said, hugging her mom on the couch. “We invoked Satan to ask him to stop the war, actually. See? We had good intentions.”
“Speak for yourself, I wanted to trade my soul for a bike,” Lemon said.
Her parents’ attention was called to Lemon once more, and they watched her carefully as she walked back and forth from the kitchen, poured out the drinks, and came back to Priyanka’s side every time. Marco and Teresa looked at each other, in conspiratorial silence, and wordlessly agreed to let it slide. For now.
“I’m almost done here!” called Jaida, and Jan rushed to her side to plate the food.
Jackie got the kids from the bedroom, all of whom tackled Priyanka to the ground as soon as they saw her, and were then herded into their seats. Brita placed napkins on their collars and laps as Jasper handed them cups of juice. Too old for sippy cups but too young for glasses, the kids got sparkly plastic cups with fun straws integrated and finished their juice in four seconds, then asked for more.
“Not until you eat half your plate, you know how it is,” Jackie said as she opened the wicker basket, full of floury bread loaves of all shapes and sizes which Shea and Sasha made from scratch. Jackie grabbed the biggest one and cut slices to place next to the jars of appetizers, which were practically empty. Jasper said nothing, but he wore the sweetest smile under his beard for the rest of the day.
“Careful, careful!” said Jaida as she approached the table, a steaming plate on each arm, filled to the brim and topped with sauce. She set them down and rushed back to the kitchen, Lemon and Priyanka hot on her trail. Somehow, the dining room table fit all fifteen of them, though with some crowding. They had to put the bottles on the floor to make room, but they managed to fit all their plates.
Loud chatter filled the room, drowning out the sounds of cutlery. Jackie asked Brita about the plans for the studio, and she talked about the upcoming renovations laughing at the months of stress ahead, but smiling so widely that Jackie could not pity her. Lemon and Jaida talked over each other as they updated their dad on everything new in their lives —save one big exception, of course. Priyanka’s attention was divided over watching fondly as Lemon reverted into a child fighting for her dad’s attention, and talking with Crystal and Heidi about the gnomes that possibly, definitely lived in Gigi’s new garden. They enlisted Priyanka to go exploring with them after dinner, in case they needed an adult to fight off the gnomes for them. Shea and Teresa broke dinner etiquette and brought up religion, comparing their churches and inviting the other to see a service, one day. Sasha and Nicky talked fashion in fluent French, a relief to Nicky after so much English. Amidst the chaos, Gigi sat next to Jasper and they held a conversation in whispers, both happy in their bubble.
Jan watched it all, the nerves of the day finally settling when she saw all the pieces of her growing family falling together so well. Without breaking her conversation, Jackie held her hand over the table and gave her a squeeze. Jan squeezed back, warmth spreading in her chest, and she finally started to eat.
fun fact: "Jasper" means "bringer of gifts" :)
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
🅢🅤🅜🅜🅐🅡🅨: fuck valentines day lol
🅦🅐🅡🅝🅘🅝🅖🅢: gxg, smut 18+, angst, friends with benefits (nat’s a huge giver in this)
🅐🅤🅣🅗🅞🅡'🅢 🅝🅞🅣🅔🅢 i know valentine’s day is long gone but it was also my birthday that day so i didn’t want to post anything and this idea came to me that night lmao hope this is still appropriate though :)
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“Well, it’s like the wage gap. It doesn’t exist,” he taunted.
“What?” you falsely chuckled because you couldn't believe your ears.
“Oh come on. You don’t actually believe that feminist bull shit,” he said snarkily. 
“What's there to not believe; there’s literal facts, evidence, and statistics proving it’s a real thing. This isn’t like aliens where you can just form your own opinion based on the information you have. There is proof of a wage gap. Something you’ll never experience because you are a man,” you explained. 
God this man is so dense. You went on a couple dates with this guy not really that interested but gave him the benefit of the doubt. Well, that was a mistake. He’s a misogynistic asshole who thinks he can have a say in women’s benefits and lives like he has a fucking uterus. 
“I’m starting to see why you're still single,” he boasted.
“Oh as if you have women coming left and right begging for you to fuck them,” you threw back.
“You're a real bitch.”
“That’s your only comeback? Come on if you're gonna try to justify your misogynistic ways, at least be a little more clever with the comebacks.”
You stood up gathering your things and started to walk out when the big baby man called out again.
“You’re not gonna pay half?” he had the audacity to ask.
“Why don’t you pay like the ever so kind gentleman you are with your hard earned work money,” and with that you left and hailed a taxi.
There was only one place you had your mind on and you told the cab driver to drive you there as fast as possible. You quickly arrived at the avengers compound, seeing that Jarvis gave you access you went inside. 
“She’s in her room,” Steve said when he saw you.
“Thanks,” you walked straight to her room.
“I give up,” you said, opening and immediately closing her door.
“What?” she responded surprisingly. 
“I give up on men as a whole; there’s no hope for them,” you sighed flopping in her bed.
“Did you go on a date with that guy again?” she remembered you talked about him but you weren’t very fond of him.
“I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I didn’t want to be alone today,” you said, lying on your side facing Nat.
“You could've come here sooner,” she said softly.
“Nat, we said we’d stop. We can’t do that anymore,” you said after a pause; you sat at the edge of her bed not being able to face her. 
“I know, but come on,” Nat came up behind you.
“It’s Valentine’s Day,” she whispered in your ear and you shivered.
“Nat,” you warned.
“Don't you wanna feel good tonight? Feel desired? I can do that for you, remember?” her hands wandered around your body caressing your thighs, your hips, your waist.
“Nat, we can’t keep doing this,” you try your hardest no to give in…
...but it’s just too fucking hard to resist her.
“It’s just for tonight,” she nibbled on your ear.
Her hands came and cupped your breasts as she kissed and sucked on your neck right under your ear. You just relaxed against her chest and she kissed you softly. Slowly she unzipped the dress you were wearing and peeled from your shoulders. You let her take it off and stood up quickly to discard the piece of clothing. You were simply left in a pair of panties since the dress looked better with no bra. 
As you kicked the dress off your feet, Nat sat up on her knees and kissed the skin between your shoulder blades. She pulled closer to her and kissed ear and neck ever so lightly wrapping her cold hand around your neck, tilting your head to give her more room and access. 
She stripped her shirt and pants and crawled back on the bed, resting her back against the headboard of her bed. You crawled up with her smiling softly and kissed her properly this time. Her lips are soft and plump against your own. You ultimately pressed your back against her chest. 
Her lips continued to press repeatedly against the hot skin of your neck and shoulder while her hands roamed along your body. Her fingers played with your nipples and your head fell back against her shoulder.
Her hands moved down your body and passed the lining of your underwear. You were wearing her favorite and she briefly wondered if maybe you had planned on coming to her all along. It didn’t matter when you lifted your hips so she could take them off. 
Her fingers rubbed gently around and along your folds, before grazing her fingertips on your clit. You sighed pleasantly and closed your eyes while Nat continued to knead your breasts with her other hand. 
She whispered in your ear but you couldn't understand too much because she inserted a finger passed your folds and you moaned softly. Her thumb rubbed small circles over your clit quickly bringing closer and closer to your orgasm. She inserted another finger deep inside you grazing your g-spot. You look down at her fingers moving quickly in and out of you and you moaned loudly. It was music to Nat’s ears and she smiled at the pleasure she was giving to you.
Her lips  felt so velvety on your skin and for a moment that was all you could think of. Her fingers distracted you again almost instantly though and your hips squirmed and wiggled as she pumped her fingers in and out of you. Your head fell back once again, your release approaching incredibly fast.
“Fuck, Nat. I’m gonna cum,” you whimpered.
“Come, baby. Come all over my fingers, make a mess baby.”
You felt your hips jolt and you practically gushed over her fingers. Her thumb continued small and slow circles on your clit riding out your orgasm. Your body trembled and Nat’s whispered quiet praises in your ear.
“Such a good girl, baby.”
“Angel, you did so well.”
“You looked so pretty coming all over my fingers. Can you give me one more?”
She laid you gently on your back and discarded her undergarments crawling back on the bed to you again. She moved your legs and spread them as far as they could before licking her fingers and circling her own clit; she was already soaking wet from making you come before she didn’t really need much more lubrication. 
Her leg came over one of yours and she settled her center over yours. Her hand came to your face and cupped your cheek lovingly and you saw in her eyes how dilated they were. You couldn’t dwell on the idea for long because Nat started grinding down stimulating your core again. 
Her thumb from the hand that was resting on your cheek came down and traced your lips as she continued swiftly moving against you. She leaned down and kissed you hard and passionately and you wrapped your hands around her. 
When she broke the kiss your hands came down to her hips guiding her down on you. Her head threw back and her brows furrowed as she moaned beautifully. You sat up as best as you could and she leaned down halfway to meet you. She pressed her forehead against yours; both of you panting hard as you chased each other's release. 
You moaned and closed your eyes but she couldn’t let you.
“Keep your eyes open, baby. Keep them on me,” she panted.
“I can’t fuck, it feel so good,” you whined.
“Come on, I wanna see you fall apart under me,” she forced you to look at her.
“Ugh, Nat!” you opened your eyes.
“That’s it, baby; fuck!”
She thrusted faster and soon after you both came against each other with shouts of each other’s names. She fell forward catching herself with her hands careful not to collapse on you. She moved gracefully off of you and glided towards the bathroom as you admired her glowing skin from behind.
She came back with a towel and cleaned you up, tossing the towel to the side and climbed into bed with you. You sat up however feeling out of place almost. You wanted to stay but you two had promised each other that you wouldn’t let this keep happening. 
“I should leave,” you whispered.
“Please, don’t. I don’t mind.”
“I know you don’t, that’s the problem,”
“Are you really that bothered by me? Afraid people are gonna have something to say about us?”
“I’m serious; why won’t you give us a chance?”
You paused. You didnt want to tell her but she deserved an explanation; as dumb as it would've sounded.
“Can we go to sleep?” you asked.
Seeing as Nat didn’t want to push you further, she agreed and held you close as you two slept until the morning.
When you woke you hadn’t woken up with Natasha still in bed. 
You grabbed a big t-shirt she had in her drawers, most likely taken from Steve or Bucky. You stepped outside and found the hallway empty. You slowly walked towards the kitchen hearing muffled voices unsure of what they were talking about. 
You got closer but stayed behind a wall in the hallway so you could hear what they were talking about before you interrupt. You concluded that Nat was talking to the rest of the team.
“Why do you keep doing this?” it was Steve’s voice.
“You’d think I’d let it keep happening if I knew how to stop?” That was Nat’s voice.
“Leave the woman alone, she’s in love. Not many know how to control and resist. Especially from someone as beautiful as Y/n.” That sounded like Wanda’s voice. What do they mean?
“Can we stop talking about this, she's gonna be up any minute,” Nat said. 
“Nat you gotta tell her,” Steve said.
“No,” she reciprocated.
“No! If I-,” she stopped and huffed before continuing, “If I tell her that I’m in love with her, she's gonna run away. I would rather have this, whatever this is, than nothing at all,” she explained.
You were taken back. She loves you, like actually.
You knew you shouldn’t have but you could stop yourself from running. You went back to her room and changed into the dress you were wearing the night before and walked out, you had to leave as soon as possible. Unfortunately you had to walk past the kitchen to go to the front door and when you did Nat called after you.
“Where are you going? Don’t you wanna maybe eat before you leave? It’s your favorite,” she said softly. 
“I should head home. Thanks uh, for letting me spend the night,” and with that you left and called a taxi to take you home.
“She fucking heard,” Nat said to the team who watched silently as you left.
“Thanks guys. Thanks for making me ruin the one good thing I had in my life,” Nat walked to her and slammed the door where she cried unsure of when she was going to see you again. If ever.
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kagedaddy · 3 years
late valentine’s day - haikyuu!
Warnings: explicit content
gala days [masterlist]
thank you for the 400 followers, it’s unreal! I have a request post coming up so keep posted! my asks are always open, drop by.
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daichi sawamura
Orgasm Denial
“It was a joke babe!”you grab the arm of your partner to try and ease his anger but he roughly pulls his arm from your grasp. 
“A joke (first name)? You were all over that basketball captain scum.”he turns to you halting your movements, his frame towers over you and his eyes burns with jealously and anger. He was not happy with you but in a twisted way you liked it. 
You might have pushed too far, it was meant to be a joke to see how much patience your dear captain had. With the situation right now your plan had worked for the better as a pleasurable shiver racks your body.
Your parents were out of town for a few days so you invited your boyfriend to stay over, you excitedly fiddle with the keys to your front door before pushing it open. You let the fuming male enter and he removes his outer coat and shoes before staring down at you. He walks off to your bedroom and you follow him excitedly like a good girl.
As soon as you enter your room, he gently pushes you against the hard wood of your door, “Why don’t you be a doll and strip for me.”his voice drops an octave and you can’t help the heat that pools in your panties, you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from moaning. “Your clothes aren’t gonna strip themselves,”he grips your neck forcing you to look up to him, your hands work on your uniform but he wasn’t satisfied.
A scream leaves you as Daichi rips off your clothes leaving you in just your white lacy panties. He presses your back against the wood harder, other hand cupping your breast roughly,”do you want a worse punishment? Is that it?”his tone taunting you and his fingers finds your lower lips teasing your slit. Thumb roughly pressing on your little nub, your eyes roll back as he slides a thick finger inside, pumping at an alarming pace, your pussy clenches and stretches as he eases another.
Your legs tremble when his fingers graze your sweet spot, your mouth falls open as you feel the burn of your high and you’re chanting your partner’s name but just as the coil snaps Daichi withdraws his fingers and any trace of your orgasm was gone. You look at him in question but the dark smirk on his lips answers you, this was your punishment. His lips find yours in a bruising kiss and again his fingers glide over your slick pussy before slipping in, lewd sounds fill your room.
His fingers go at a slower pace this time but his thumb presses on your clit and the sensation has you raking your nails down his back, with your reaction his fingers fasten their pace and the stroking of your clit becomes rough urging your orgasm faster but just like before his fingers were gone and you were desperately trying to rub yourself on him to get any form of friction, you grit your teeth in frustration as he builds you up again.
This continues on, over and over. Your orgasm denied one too many times that your body falls limp on the ground, legs too jelly and mind all mudded, you were going insane, so you plead to your partner, “Dai please!”
“Are you gonna be a good girl now?”
sugawara koushi
Anal Sex
“Ano (first name)-chan, I was wondering if we can try something tonight?”you look up to your grey haired partner in curiousity,”try what Koushi?”moving over so your legs are on both sides of your boyfriend and you’re sitting comfortably on his lap.
He takes a strand of your hair before tucking it behind your ear,”anal,”your eyes widen, you knew your boyfriend was wild in bed but you didn’t think he’d ever suggest this, he didn’t seem like the type.
“Ehh? Koushi you want to try anal?”you rephrase his words, you were not sure if you heard him right,”yes, I want to feel your tight ass on my cock.”his words make you squirm in his lap and heat travels your core.
 “I-I”you didn’t know how to respond, his hands grope the fat flesh of your ass, he grips your ass cheeks ever so often spreading them apart. A soft mewl escapes you and you flush pink, Suga burrows his head in the crook of your neck, leaving wet and hot kisses.
He continues to massage your ass as he rocks your body on his growing erection, thumbs slipping under the soft material of your lacey panties to tease and you lean up to kiss his lips and he takes it as an opportunity to move your panties to the side.
Slipping a long digit in your achy entrance,”I guess my sugar wants to try, your pussy is dripping.”he chuckles pushing a second finger in you. “Get up sugar,”he taps your thighs and you move, he rummages in his bag before pulling out a small lube bottle.
“On all fours.”you’re quick to move placing your knees on the couch while your hands rested on the neck rest. You hear the bottle cap open and you jolt from the cold sensation of the liquid on your tight ass muscle. His fingers circle around the hole before pushing a finger in, the feeling was uncomfortable at first but he starts a slow pace, helping you stretch.
Once he thinks your all prepped and stretched out, you turn to him and he’s covered his cock in lube, he meets your eyes and it’s swirling in lust, ”Are you ready sugar?”you only nod your head, one hand gripped your hips and the other guiding his engorged organ to your hole.
“Fuck all nice and tight.”the tip of his cock slips in and you clench your eyes shut from the slight pain as a tear slips down your cheeks,”just relax sugar, everything will feel good,”his hand moves to your clit rubbing it you were overwhelmed with pleasure and hints of pain.
He slowly moves testing your reaction but you mewl in pleasure and he takes it as a sign to start rocking his hips into you, the sensation was both pain and pleasure. “Sugar so fucking tight I love it,”he pulls you against his chest and you sink deeper on his dick.
“So deep Koushi,”you moan bouncing on his cock, you arch your back leaning your head on his shoulder,”play with your boobs for me sugar,”his smooth voice rings in your ear and you follow his command. It only intensifies the pleasure you felt and your clenching hard on his dick, he groans in response and presses even harder on your puffy clit occasionally slipping a finger in your pussy.
“Sugar I’m gonna cum, are you close?”Suga was breathless but his thrusts were unwavering, pushing himself deeper in your ass you can only nod in reply, tweaking a pert nipple it sends you over the edge, the pleasure was overwhelming and your orgasm hits you hard that you limply fall forward. He grips on your hips, spasming out before his own orgasm was triggered.
Filling your hole with his hot cum, you’re both breathless and forms both slumped on the couch. He pulls out and massages your ass allowing his cum to dribble out of your hole and an animalistic groan leaves his throat.
“Look at that”
asahi azumane
Thigh Riding
“Azu-kun.”you turn to your long haired boyfriend, he hums in reply before setting his pencil down and giving you his attention. You both have been doing homework and you were bored,”I wanna do something else.”you pout as you lean your frame closer to Asahi.
“What do you want to do?”his eyes meet yours, so innocent you thought, tongue darting out to lick your lips as filthy thoughts cloud your mind. “I have a few ideas.”you run your hand on his clothed thigh, stopping just before his crotch, he visibly shivers and his eyes widen.
“(first name) we can’t, we’re not ready I don’t have a condom with me.”his cheeks flush and his eyes widens,”aww Azumane, please I’m horny,”jutting out your bottom lip, he looks away before sighing in defeat, you beam in excitement.
“How about a compromise? Hmm? Come fuck yourself on my thigh?”his eyes darken, he moves to sit up right and gestures you to remove your bottoms, you eagerly comply before sitting yourself on his thigh. You mewl as the rough demin meets your pretty clit,”fuck your self (nickname).”he sits back on the couch, watching as you drag your body against his thigh, whimpering when he plays with your clit, you rock body for more friction and it has your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Fuck Azu, it feels so good,”your grip on his shoulder tigthens as he now helps you move on his thigh, a loud moan escapes you when he flexes his thigh and grinds you harder. “Is this what you want?”his tone teasing as a smirk plays on his lips, admiring the sight of you, a large tent forms on his jeans but he ignores it as he focuses on you.
Only moans arise from you, he leans to kiss you catching your moans, your head rolls back drowning in the stimulation on your clit, his jeans had a small wet spot from where you’ve been grinding your pussy on, it just made you more wet.
Fuck it was you making a mess on him.
“Come on baby cum on my thigh.”he bounces his leg upwards sending you into your orgasm, your walls clench over nothing as your fluids spill on his jeans creating an even bigger wet spot. But you weren’t the only one who made a mess, Asahi had cum in his jeans.
“Shit that was so hot”
nishinoya yuu
“(nickname)-chan, can you rub my back? I feel sore,”you tear your eyes away from the television to your boyfriend. He was laid on his stomach, his neck craned to look at you,”yeah sure.”you shift to sit on his lower back, legs on either side of him.
You palm his broad shoulders, easing out the knots on his back, one particular spot had him groaning in pleasure and the sound sent sweet shivers down your spine. You continue to rub the spot, enjoying the sexy sounds of your boyfriend, “Yuu do you want me to massage you in a different area, like the front of your shoulders?”you played innocently as you suggested the idea to your boyfriend, you were feeling a little frisky.
“Uh, sure.”you get off him as he turns his body to lay on his back. You settle yourself on his lower stomach before pressing on his shoulders once more, he stares at you intently and your cheeks flush pink, “I’ve got another sore place for you to massage baby.”his voice drops an octave lower and you can’t help the sweet clench of your pussy. “Right here baby.”he takes your hand and runs it over his stiffening cock, you grip his length stroking him through his sweats earning a lovely groan.
You shift yourself lower and with nimble fingers you pull the elastic of sweats and underwear exposing his leaky slit. You drag your tongue over the salty tip before you engulf just the head in your mouth, sucking and stroking the base of his cock. “You look so pretty down there baby.”he pushes your head lower on his dick and you hollow your cheeks to accommodate more of his length.
You push your tongue on the prominent vein and your hand cups his balls, slowing massaging them in your delicate hands, earning such lewd sounds from your boyfriend, “Am I doing a good job massaging you Noya?”the vibration from your throat sends pleasurable shivers down his spine and he bucks his hips up and his dick knocks the back of your throat, tears prick at your eyes.
“So good but I want your cute little cunt to massage me baby.”he pulls you off his cock and you take the hint, sliding your panties down your legs and lining yourself up on his throbbing cock. His cock easily slips in and his full length was deep in your pussy, you begin to rock your hips.
He was so deep inside you, caressing your unprotected cervix everytime you slammed back down on him, his hands find purchase on your hips gripping harshly. He was becoming needy as he bucks his hips up to meet yours and pulling you harder down on him, your head lulls back when he hits your g spot.
“Noya there, right there please!”you mewl nails digging into his well built chest, he has taken full control and moves his thumb to rub figure eights on your puffy clit, your breast bounce as he continues his abuse on you, a strangled moan leaves your lips and you see stars as your orgasm racks through you. Love juices spilling onto his balls and to the couch, Nishinoya thrusts up a couple of times before spilling his cum inside you, painting your insides a pretty white.
“You definitely need to give me more massages baby”
tanaka ryuunosuke
Phone Sex
You stir in your sleep as your phone noisily vibrates on your nightstand, you sit up and pick up the phone.
It was 3:30 am
Without looking at the caller you pick up the call,”hello,”you rub the sleep out of your eyes,”hey sweets, can you help me out?,”the deep voice of your boyfriend sounds on the small device.
“Ryuu what do you need help in?”you scrunch eyebrows in worry,”can you touch yourself for me sweets, I’m so horny for you.”his voice rasps and the thought of your boyfriend all hot and bothered woke you up and got you needy.
You start to feel the heat and your insides burn with need, you slowly slip you hand down your stomach towards the edge of your panties. “What got you so horny?”moving your hand now inside your underwear slowly rubbing your sensitive clit,”I just couldn’t stop thinking of your body, sweets,”he groans and your eyes shuts at the image of him stroking his hard length.
You rub harsh circles on your clit at the sounds of your boyfriend,”turn on your camera baby, I wanna see you play with your pussy.”you press the camera button and move your phone to face your sopping pussy. “Fuck sweets, my dick would easily slide in you.”your eyes rolls to the back of your head, pussy clenching at the thought of his fat cock inside you.
You slip two fingers in and spreading your lips to show Tanaka how sopping wet your pussy was,”touch your boobs for me, yeah?”Fingers moving up to pinch on your already hard nipples earning soft mewls from you. You speed up your fingers, lewd sounds leaving your pussy.
You look to Tanaka and his hips were thrusting into his hand, the sight was one to drool over, the soft glow of the moonlight left an almost Godly look on Tanaka. Your high was close as the coil in your stomach tightens and you knew Tanaka was close too his fisting had become sloppy. “Ryuu I’m close,”your fingers sped up, now using your other hand to pinch and play with your clit to draw you closer to your orgasm.
As the coil snapped, you came and a pornographic moan leaves your lips and your orgasm washes over you. Not too long after Tanaka orgasms, his cum coating his stomach and hand. He flashes you a smile bringing the phone to his face and you do the same.
“Fuck, I came so hard for you sweets”
kageyama tobio
Face Fucking
Your bedroom door roughly swings open, the sound startling you, there stood the fuming frame of your boyfriend.
Oh my was it a hot sight.
“What’s wrong Tobio?”you get up from your spot on the bed, circling your arms around the waist of the blue haired setter. His arms encase you,”Hinata boke! Got us kicked out of the gym again!”his fingers dig into your sides, sure to leave crescent shaped bruises.
“Do you want to cuddle until you feel better?”you look up to the male, lightly kissing his jaw, occasionally sucking on the pale skin. “I can think of a few ways.”Tobio nudges your body downwards until your knees are on the floor and you’re face to face with his growing bulge.
He roughly grips your hair, eyes dark with frustration and lust,”you know what to do princess.”your hand palms his cock through his shorts earning a throaty groan, you play with the hem of his shorts before tugging them down.
His cock slaps against his flat stomach, standing tall and erect with beads of pre cum leaking at the tip, you feel yourself salivate as you grip his base and balls lightly squeezing them. You look up at him through your lashes as you slowly take his tip in your warm mouth.
A delicious hiss encourages you to take more of him, lightly grazing your teeth before releasing his length with a pop. “Such a good princess for me.”he takes his cock and smacking your face with it, smearing your face with saliva and precum. “Open up.”you follow and stick your tongue out, he slaps his heavy cock on it and you take him in your mouth again.
You hollow your cheeks taking more of his large size, you graze your tongue on the underside vein earning a low groan from your boyfriend. You bob your head, starting with a slow pace but Tobio had other plans, he pushes your head forcing himself into your mouth, tip touching the back of your throat.
Your hands move to his thighs to stop him from thrusting hips but he was stronger than you, he slams his hips and you gag from the force but he continues on,”that’s what I like to see, my princess such a mess,”he groans and his eyes almost pitch black, he starts fucking your throat and tears stream down your cheeks but you continue take his dick.
His hips start to stutter and his pants become more erratic, you knew he was close, your jaw was sore and drool falling from your filled lips. “Fuck princess, I’m so close.”his grip tigthens around your head, pushing you closer to his hips, his thighs still and the overwhelming salty taste invades your mouth.
“Swallow it”
hinata shouyo
Love Making
You run your hands down the sculpted abs of your boyfriend, groaning as you palm him through his boxers. “Shouyo can you fuck me?”your lower lip trapped between your teeth as you squeeze your thighs together to ease the burning ache.
He tilts your chin up and drops his head to kiss you, the kiss was slow full of passion, his tongue drags across your bottom lip asking for entrance and you grant it, you moan at the taste of him. Pushing yourself harder on him to get more but he pulls away.
“Let me show you how much I love you.”he shifts on top of you, his hands gently caressing and making his way down your body before hooking his fingers in the waistband of your shorts. Leaving you bare for his eyes to feast on, he hums when he runs his thumb over your slick slit, pressing hard on your swollen clit.
“Hnn Shouyo, please”you whine, his movements slow dipping just the tip of his finger,”let me take care of you,”he presses open mouthed kisses on the inside of your thighs before it meets your hot opening, ”fuck Sho!”you moan, his lips greedily sucking on your clit and fingering your tiny hole.
Your core tigthens and eyes squeeze shut, your climax was approaching, your fingers find themselves in Hinata’s orange hair tugging as your toes curled. Orgasm hitting you like a freight train you chant his name like a prayer and he detaches from you, fingers leaving your pussy with such lewd sounds.
“Feel good pretty girl?”you weakly nod your head and he moves on top of you resting his weight on his forearms, your fingers pull on the hem of his boxer briefs desperate for him to strip them off. A hearty chuckle sounds from your partner before he quickly kicks off his underwear.
His thick cock standing proud, you cup his shaft moving your hand to stroke him but he catches your wrist and trapping it above your head. You watch him as he grips his own shaft stroking himself before lining up to your hole. You feel him push his tip in before slowly bottoming out, full length stretching you but he doesn’t move you whine pussy clenching around him.
You shriek in pleasure when he pulls back and connects your hips again, his movements were gentle and sweet. You lock your ankles around his back drawing you closer to each other. It brings a delicious groan from Hinata, your back arches and your pussy squeezes him from the delightful sound, “you like me deep babe?”you can only nod too immersed in pleasure, you’re completely out of it.
Your high begins to build up, nails digging into his shoulders for support, he dips his head to give you a sensual kiss but it only makes his dick go deeper. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and without warning you’ve come undone triggering Hinata’s own orgasm. His warm cum fills your insides, pumping a few more times before pulling out and falling next to you.
You both lay panting basking in the afterglow, you card your fingers through his sweaty hair before placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
“I love you”
tsukishima kei
Size Kink
*tap* *tap*
You sit up from your bed looking over to your nightstand reading the red glowing numbers of your clock, it read 1:15 am. Your phone lights from beside the clock and you reach over to it, your phone was blowing up with messages from a certain tall blonde middle blocker.
‘Oi ばか (baka)! Open your window’
You glance at your shut window and a pebble makes contact with it emitting a small tapping sound, that’s what woke you up. You throw your covers off you and slide up your window, there bathing in the moonlight was your boyfriend, he gestures to his phone before yours starts ringing.
Swiping the green icon and pressing the small device on your ear, ”kei what are you doing here?”you ask as you continue to watch the male below you. “Open your door,”he points to your front door, you nod your head before quietly exiting your room to open the front door.
As soon as the door unlocked Kei pulls you in a heated kiss, hands in your hair gripping roughly, biting your lower lip in desperation. You break from the kiss, ”Kei what are you doing?”his hand wraps firmly around your wrist dragging you to the direction of your room.
Once inside, his hand travels to your cotton shorts, slipping his long fingers in your pink panties rubbing your sensitive little nub, you can feel his hard cock pushing on your stomach. “Kei please.”a breathy moan escapes you, ”quiet down pipsqueak, you don’t wanna wake your parents.”he pushes your pants down allowing the cool air to hit your heated center.
“Jump up,”he taps your ass and you immediately follow his request, he carries your tiny frame before throwing you on your bed, his eyes rake your body. He cages you between the bed and himself, his lips finding your neck and sucking harsh love bites into your skin. You claw his back when he blows cold air on them, his large hands roughly groping your breast.
“Kei please, I want you.”your back arches, he was teasing you too much for someone who came to your house horny and a dark smirk rests on his handsome face. He sits up stripping himself of his clothes, his erection stands large and tall in all its glory, you feel yourself drool at the sight earning a delicious laugh.
“Suck my cock pretty, get it nice and wet for me.”he pulls your hair positioning your head so you’re facing his stiff cock. You slip the leaking tip in your mouth, giving him a small suck before struggling to take more of him in. He pulls you off his dick, golden eyes shinning,”look at you, struggling on this fat dick,”he snickers, pushing your body to lay on the bed.
He lines himself up,”Kei I just want your big cock in me,”you mewl, he rubs the tip teasing you further but you move your hips and the head slips in earning a moan from both of you. He tsks at you before slamming the rest of his long length, walls stretching to accommodate his size, “Shit babe, your little cunt is struggling to take me in.”he thumbs your clit harshly, admiring your squirming form.
A low growl rips through Tsukishima as he presses down on the bulge on your tummy, mesmerised at how deep his cock is in you, biting your lower lip to hold in your mewls as his pace begins to pick up and the coil in you tigthens. Hips now relentlessly slamming against yours for sure to leave you sore, “Are you close?”he breathlessly whispers, your pussy clenches and your nails claw at his biceps as he slams deeper into you, kissing your g spot harshly and sends you seeing stars as your orgasm crashes on you.
“Fuck fuck fuck kei!”His hips stutters, he helps you ride your orgasm before spilling his hot load inside your abused cunt, his hand again pushes down on your lower tummy watching your cunt leak of him and your juices.
“My tiny tiny pipsqueak so pretty”
yamaguchi tadashi
Mutual Masturbastion
“Tadashi?”you had let yourself in your boyfriend’s house, he gave you his key so you can visit him anytime.
No answer, that’s odd he said he’s be at home all day, you venture deeper in his house heading for his room. Just as you were about to knock a low groan halts your actions, soft grunts continue to sound from the door.
You slowly push the door open and you’re greeted to a tasty sight, your boyfriend had his back against the headboard, delicious abs on display and his thick cock wrapped up in his hand as he jerks himself off.
“Fuck (first name).”he moans your name still unaware of your presence, the man before you had you clenching your thighs in need. You curse under your breath, you were getting turned on and you were sure your panties were ruined by your slick.
He opens his eyes and they meet yours his movement still as his cheeks burn a darker shade of red. “(fir-first name)!”he moves to cover his manhood, you sit yourself on the edge of his bed, you reach out to stop him.
“It’s so hot Dashi,”you moan out as he slowly begins to stroke himself again, you bit your lip as an uncomfortable heat settles in your core, “touch yourself for me (first name),”his eyes darken and his hand finds itself on your neck pulling you close before connecting your lips in a sensual kiss.
You break away and he tugs at your sweats, urging you to strip your clothes you comply and slowly remove your clothing giving him sexy show. “So pretty,”he grips on your waist, running his fingers over your already wet pussy, he collects your arousal and smears it on his still hard cock.
Shit that was hot.
He jerks his hand and you sit back with your legs spread for him to view. You delicately run your fingers over your slit, eyes trained on the jerking motion of Yamaguchi. The sight was so pornographic, a thin layer of sweat covers his body and his head is rolled back as soft groans leave his lips.
You slip two fingers in, masturbating to the view of your boyfriend.
Your pussy clenches on your fingers before the feeling of tension being released in your core overwhelms you. Lewd squelching noise fills the room as you finger yourself through your high, toes curled and eyes clamped shut. Your attention shifts to Yamaguchi when he moves to kneel infront of you, his body stills and ropes of hot cum is shot on to your face and breasts, a throaty groans leaves him as he finishes on you.
“Fuck we should do this again”
heyya! sorry but my internet was being buggy but here’s my valentines special hehe (it’s SUPER late), first smut post of the page. the other clubs will be posted in the following days, so keep posted and check on the [masterlist]. if you guys enjoyed the special please leave a like and comment, drop by my twitch and leave me a follow too! enjoy and hope yah had a great valentines! jaa mata!
happy late valentines ♥️!
all the love xx
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pjisskullourful · 2 years
PREVIEW TIME! DOUBLE/EXTENDED EDITION! *both of these are unproofread!*
you get a preview of the upcoming part of stainedsheets[its gonna be posted on monday for a valentines treat]& a preview for the current ethan wip, but idk when its gonna be posted
after part10 of stainedsheets, get ready for 4 super fun commissions in a row!
»»———-  stainedsheets part10  ———-««
vday edition- 1k word preview
You received a gift before Valentine's Day, another pearl necklace. But these weren't made of plastic as was the case with your ballgag, these were flawless real pearls, and a lot of them, on a long strand. You knew that the jewellery was more about him making amends, than it was about the date on the calendar.
Damiano was still carrying guilt over injuring you with the caning. You had lost count of all the times he had apologised. He was handling your butt with care, even once the thin cuts were healed and disappeared from your skin. He had looked for no reason to punish you since then, which you didn't mind, because there was no shortage of other ideas to keep the two of you busy.
But when he presented you with the fancy necklace, you had hoped this would be the closing of this chapter of him trying to atone for one moment of too much rough play. You could put the necklace on and then the two of you would move on together.
When he asked you what you wanted to do for Valentine's Day, you had simply replied that you didn't know. This would be your first time marking the holiday with a boyfriend, you had no great expectations of how the day should unfold or how you should feel when it was February fifteenth. He took care of it, booking a table at an upscale restaurant for the two of you to have a romantic dinner after you finished work for the day. He had let you know that if he could have his way, he would whisk you away on a holiday. He would take you away from the rest of your work week, to relax and be pampered at a luxurious hotel. But he could reign it in for one night of over the top indulgence, wherein both of you forgot about anything beyond your relationship.
But you were getting off to a rocky start, you had had too many things to do at work, keeping you from leaving on time. You were running late to get home, where Damiano was waiting for you. He responded to your apologetic messages, telling you it was fine - you're worth the wait, he reassured you, the text capped off with a winking emoji. Despite this, you were rushing from the elevator, almost tripping over your own feet as you headed for the front door.
"Ten minutes, just give me ten minutes." You said as you dropped your handbag by the door while it was still swinging shut.
You expected to hear his voice respond from either the kitchen or living room, but you were met with only silence as you quickly walked down the hall. You arrived in the bedroom, finding him waiting for you there. 
He was sitting at your vanity table, his fingers moving through the disorganised chaos you had left in your wake this morning. "Relax, we've still got plenty of time. Time enough for you to come over here and give me a kiss and let me wish you a happy Valentine's Day."
You smiled as you walked over, thinking about how handsome he looked, with his hair styled back and a deep purple button-down on. "Happy Valentine's Day, Damiano." You pecked him on the lips, not wanting to smear the gloss that you could see coating his lips.
"Happy Valentine's Day. How was work? They didn't stress my kitty out too badly, did they?"
"Eh, it was a bit hectic there for a while." You said as he started to stroke the strand of pearls, your new necklace hanging down your chest. "But I got through it."
"You look really good."
You scoffed. "You've got to be kidding, I must be a complete mess after the afternoon I've had, looking like a total sellout in my office attire."
"No, no, no, I think it's great. This skirt is super pretty, it's a bit too long for my tastes but still… it's sexy."
"What are you doing over here, fancyman?" You asked, gesturing to the makeup table.
"Oh, you know me, I got drawn in by the sparkles and bright colours." He said. "I was looking at the lip glosses, you have a lot."
"I do."
"I am not as well-versed in that area." He said. "Is there a difference between a gloss and a lip topper?"
"Do you mean other than the fact that only tops can use lip toppers?" You joked.
"Oh, that's why you have so few."
"Hey, I can top, I have topped. And I could top again." You said.
He grinned, mockingly cooing at you. "Yes, of course you could, li'l kitty."
You rolled your eyes. "Okay, let me get changed."
He grabbed your hand before you could take a single step away. "Wait, why would you get changed?"
"I'm not wearing my office outfit to dinner, I have a dress picked out." You said. "You'll love it, it's open-back, so I'm gonna be the mayor of No Bra City tonight."
He put his other hand on your arm. "But I love how you look right now."
You paused and looked down at your body, covered in your modest, muted-coloured ensemble. You took pride in the way that you presented yourself around the office, you liked to look the part of someone respectable, someone who could get things done without issues. Your shirts were always ironed and your pantyhose were free from runs.
But it was hardly fun. It wasn't like getting dressed up to accompany him to a gig. You were very much colouring inside the lines and you withheld yourself from any level of glitters. It was a watered-down, restrained version of yourself.
"You do?"
He had turned around on the stool to face you, his hands going to your waist. "Yes, look at the way this skirt hugs to your figure, your delicious, delicious figure. It's such a tease- showing me your ass without actually showing it to me. It makes your legs look so long. And this cute little top, I wanna rip those buttons off with my teeth, one-by-one until I've got you trembling."
You smiled as he started to run his hands up-and-down your thighs. "You don't need to do all of that, you've already got me trembling."
"Oh, really?" He asked and he picked up your hand, laying a few kisses across the back of it. "I don't know what it is, but just seeing you like this- my professional kitten, it's a turn-on. My business babygirl, I just wanna have some meetings with you, talk numbers and shit like that."
"Numbers?" You repeated. "Like what, sixty-nine?"
His eyes grew wide and he was soon beaming up at you. "Yes, exactly that. Can we, please?"
»»———-  swimming lessons  ———-««
- new ethan fic- 3k word preview
"You can't swim? But you're Australian, I thought that's the only thing you guys did over there…" Ethan said, eyes wide in disbelief. "That and getting drunk to ride kangaroos or whatever."
"Congratulations, you found the rare, limited edition collectible." You said, trying to keep the prickly edge out of your words.
During these two months of your relationship, he had drawn you closer to water far more than was usual for you. He loved swimming, but you were always quick with an excuse to avoid anything more than relaxing in the shallow end, or just dipping your legs over the edge. I just washed my hair or I just got my eyeliner perfect or I need to respond to this email. He would just nod his head, glad to have you closeby to chat with.
Today, you hadn't been able to resist the pull of the clear blue water - it was too stinking hot. You followed him into the pool, stopping on the steps while he swam out to the middle. You sat down, submerged up to your shoulders in the cool water and finally feeling relief from the heat of the day.
He had splashed water in your direction, getting your attention to invite you to come out and join him. I just wanna relax, this had led him to towing the inflatable pineapple-shaped float over to you - he would hold it steady while you climbed aboard. Now you had finally shared the whole truth with him - that wouldn't be relaxing for you, because anytime your feet weren't touching the bottom, you felt a spike in anxiety.
"Were you never taught?" He asked, paddling over closer to you.
"Pretty much." You said with a shrug. "We were really poor, it's not like my parents could afford lessons for my brother and me. We didn't live all that close to any beaches, plus my mum hated sand and sitting in the sun, so she'd never take us. So it was just something I skipped out on.
"But I know a little bit, like in a crisis, I could maybe do some doggy style…" Your cheeks heated as you saw him suck his lips together, trying to contain laughter. "Doggy paddle, dog paddle gets me to where I need to so I can get my feet on the ground again."
"Why don't you show me?" He asked. "Show me your doggy." But the cheeky smile on his face stopped before you could properly begin to enjoy it. "Only if you feel comfortable doing that. Of course, I don't wanna trigger a panic attack or anything of the sorts. You don't have anything to prove to me-"
You shut him up by spitting a stream of pool water out at him, with some of it managing to hit his face. "I will be fine, just don't ignore it when I thrash and say I need help. Because that- that will trigger me, back to my stepdad."
"I promise, and if it makes you feel any better, to get it legally binding- we could make it a pinky promise. But, of course, you would have to come over here to do the pinky part." He said, holding up a closed hand to show you his fifth finger standing up, waggling in the air.
You rolled your eyes, but moved into a more active position all the same. It would have been easier to resist if he wasn't so cute. The way that his impressive body was on display in just the small pair of trunks he currently wore, made you want to stay incredibly close to him.
You didn’t feel at any immediate risk here - it was a world away from that day at the beach with your stepfather. The water was calm and mostly still, there wasn’t a threatening rip current ready to undermine your limited skills. You were encased within the boundaries of the pool.
There was something about Ethan that allowed you to feel safe and separate from the experiences that had bred fear within you. It was a skill that he hadn’t required practice at - instead it was an intuitive way of reading you, he picked up on subtle things that others missed.
In front of others, you would have felt embarrassed - a weakness that needed to be hidden to save yourself from humiliation.
But it was just the two of you and you pushed your legs out from behind you, beginning to move. You kept him in your sights as you stretched an arm out, gliding it through the water. Your body moved forward when you pulled your arm back, alternating to the other arm. Keeping your head above the water, you found the rhythm of extending then dragging your hands back one at a time. There was no style to how you moved your legs, just kicking your feet as quickly as you could manage.
It was uncoordinated, but it was enough to get you over to your boyfriend. He held both hands out for you to grab - the finish line and a life-preserver combined. He was smiling as you uprighted yourself again. You didn’t care about the pinky swear anymore, your only concern was to avoid hearing a critique of your form.
He spared you from any of that. “I would call that some damn fine doggy style- I mean, paddle.” He laughed, ducking his head to avoid the hit you tried to land. In the end, you bumped against, but inflicted no damage u[on, the bun all of his hair was currently gathered into. “Paddling just like a dog.
“Are you sure that’s all you can do? Because I coulda sworn that I’ve seen you do some breaststroke before…”
You placed your arm around his shoulders, lessening the space between the two of you, but not strictly in the interest of keeping yourself afloat. “Oh, I’ll show you some breaststroke.”
You laid your hand upon his chest, your palm against his nipple. Before he could call you out for such a lame joke, you were initiating a kiss. You felt secure with his arms around your waist, it didn’t matter that neither of you currently had your feet on the bottom of the pool. As long as you had him to hold onto, you could carry on treading water like that for a while. You were feeling less like Rose and Jack, kissing goodbye in the water. You felt more like Neve Campbell and Denise Richards in Wild Things.
“But, for real…” He wasn’t so much of the serious and silent type when he had a point to make.
“Oh, you wanna be the one doing the stroking- of course, how foolish of me.” You grabbed his wrist, and redirected his hand, until you could bring it to rest on your boob, over your blue bikini top.
He didn’t seem to mind this joke either, his eyes drifting down to your chest momentarily.
"No, seriously, I've seen you do breaststroke, haven't I?" His focus was back on the conversation, but he wasn't about to move his hand off of your boob.
"Yeah, but only the arms 'cause the legs- that seems like a lot, I reckon I'm too uncoordinated for all of that. I'd try to do that and that's how I'd drown, I'm tellin' ya."
"You know, I could teach you, you'd probably do a lot better than you think."
"Oh, that's okay, you don't have to do all of that." You said, your eyes moving over to where the oversized pineapple was floating by.
"All of what?"
You gave your head a little shake. "I'm not a quick learner and I don't want you to have to pretend that you're not losing your patience when I ask you to show me something for the umpteenth time. It's okay, I don't have to be a swimmer and you can still find me charming and not pervy when I just stare at you while you're swimming."
"But I wanna teach you. Maybe you've just been needing the right teacher and it's got nothing to do with you being a slow learner or a bad swimmer or anything like that."
"Ethan, it's okay- I've made it this far without drowning."
He trailed his fingers down the side of your face, gently getting you to look back at him. "How about you do it for me? Because there's all this time that I could be sharing with my girlfriend, but I don't get to. Think about all the fun shit we're not getting to do together." He kissed your cheek. "Wouldn't it be great to wake up early and just go skinny dipping together to start the day?"
"And you'd be naked as well?" You asked, unable to keep yourself from smiling.
"Yes. If you could possibly imagine something so out of character for me." He said, winking.
"I think I could imagine that."
"So you'll let me teach you?"
"For the possibility of nudity? Sure baby, you can teach me anything you like." 
He was still smiling at you, this playful side of him keeping you entertained, keeping you from dwelling on any dangers. "You are aware that you're still feeling up my chest, right?"
"Aware? Oh, I'm more than aware. It's a decision that I am constantly renewing and I'm totally thrilled with how it's working out for me." You caressed your thumb over the taut skin of his pectoral.
"Do you wanna show me what you've got for breaststroke?" He asked, persistently trying to keep you from getting distracted. "I can hold you around your middle like this…" His arms were instantly secure and comforting around your torso. "And you can just move your legs, so I can see what kind of a starting point we're at."
"Okay, but first I just need to…" You tightened and readjusted your grip on his chest, moving your fingers until you could place one on either side of his nipple.
"What?" You asked, in response to the disapproving gaze he had currently levelled at you. "This is helping me get into the right mindset- into the groove for breaststroke…" You gave his nipple a little squeeze, you thought about twisting it, but held back for the moment.
He rolled his eyes and was moving his arms, holding you down lower, his arms wrapping around your thighs instead. Before you could ask him what was going on, he was disappearing deeper into the water, up to his chin. 
Then he squeezed your legs tighter and pushed himself into an upward momentum again. You were lifted up, your body gliding up and out of the water, until only the lower half of your legs were submerged. You felt your balance waver and you sought to cling to him, with one arm around his head, while your hand grasped for his shoulder. Your heart was pounding quickly, moving up higher in your chest.
"Don't drop me, please don't drop me." You could feel your control slipping and the vulnerability had you remembering past instances - moments full of anxiety when you were at the mercy of an unpredictable other.
"I won't drop you. I'm just gonna…" He had a secure hold on you as he began to move towards the edge of the pool. You didn't care very much for the way you were jostled with every bouncing movement, but his arms didn't loosen in any way, his hold as sturdy as ever.
He readjusted you until he could set you down, your butt safely on the tiles that bordered the pool. "Show me like this." You could only stare blankly at him. "Show me what you would do with your legs when you're doing breaststroke. But like this, you're mostly out of the water, you're safe."
Your shoulders slumped. "But now it's- ugh, it's gonna look even more awkward."
He shrugged. "Who cares? It's just me. If you feel awkward, then I'll do something that makes me feel embarrassed. Like I'll dance for you or something."
"I get a dance? Wow, lucky me." You said and he nodded.
You looked down at your legs, which were in the water, almost up to your knees. You felt very unsure of how to move your limbs and you could feel how hard you were blushing with preemptive embarrassment - even though, thus far, all he had done was patiently wait. Your legs felt strangely separate from the rest of your body and you were already certain you were gonna do it wrong.
You started with just your right leg. "It's kinda like this, right? Like, I'm drawing half a circle with each of my ankles and then I get here and I flick back, like I'm gonna try to kick my own ass, then I go again. Is that- am I doing that right?"
"Yeah, that looks right. But how about you show me with both legs?"
Your limbs weren't in exact unison, but he saved you again from any feedback. You created the circular shape until your feet were together and directly in front of you. Keeping your ankles close, you bent your knees and brought your feet in closer to the edge of the pool.
"That's perfect." He said.
You were willing to meet his eye again, looking up to find he was watching you, with a smile on his face. "Must be from all that warm-up stroking we did."
“Yep, must be. Show me some more.”
He didn’t have to say please, not when he already had you as a willing participant - a diligent student ready to work for the reward.
"I feel like it makes me look like a frog." You said, very aware of how uncoordinated your movements were. It wasn't smooth or with any kind of precision. You cringed at the thought of him seeing you do this prior to sleeping together for the first time, he might assume that everything you did was awkward and inelegant. But the two of you had crossed that bridge a while ago, you had more than proven your ability to work your body in an effective manner.
"But that's good, right? 'Cause frogs are very good swimmers." He said.
"Well, yeah, but they're not exactly sexy."
"Let's save this discussion for another time." He said and gave your leg a gentle tap. "You can quit that now, you've already impressed me, so don't pull a muscle or whatever by trying to impress me…"
You rolled your eyes. "Shut up."
"I will do no such thing." He glided in closer. "I really think you were selling yourself short. I think you're more capable than you allow yourself to see."
"So do you think you can turn me into the next Michael Phelps?"
He paused, scrunching his face up as he considered this. "I don't know if I'm that confident in my teaching abilities. But I'm sure I'll be able to make a damn fine swimmer out of you."
"Oh yeah, you're gonna get all up nice and close and guide me and show me just how to move? Are you gonna move my legs when they should be further apart?" You asked, already beginning to part your knees.
"If that's what it takes- are you more of a hands-on learner?"
"Mm-hmm, I think I might be, baby." You said and you were pleased when he moved in closer, now close enough for you to link your fingers around his wrist. You lifted his hand to place it upon your knee. "Specifically in relation to your hands on me."
He placed his hands onto the pool's edge, on either side of your ass. He created tension in his arms, which allowed him to lift up a little and you followed the way his head tilted. But he didn't give you the kiss you had been expecting, instead he had something more to say. "Is this the part where you're gonna tell me I was right- isn't it great to get to spend time together?" His lips ghosted over yours and you couldn't help arching your back a little. "And it can just be me and you, enjoying this closeness, touching, kissing, playing in the water. Instead of you all the way over there…" He gestured to one of the seats, the furthest one. "While I'm in here. We can do more than just look at each other and talk."
You hummed happily, your hand caressing his cheek when he granted you a kiss. "More than just look?"
"Uh-huh." He said before disappearing from the space directly in front of you, prompting you to open your eyes. He was leaning back, raising his legs in the water as he leisurely floated away. "Do you know how many games we can play now? So much more than Marco Polo." 
You pulled your legs out of the water, beginning to stand up. “Oh, I’m sure.”
“Like, there’s also Shark in the Water. I would always play that with my sisters.” He said, watching where you were walking away from the edge of the pool. “It’s more fun with more people than just two. But I’m sure we could make it work, once you get faster.”
You reached up to your back, your fingers finding the knotted tie that was keeping your bikini in place. You were a few steps from the gate and you turned to face where he continued to tread water. “Is that all for the lesson today?”
“I guess so, yeah.” He said.
You nodded and tugged the knot loose. Then you unlatched the gate and stepped out of the pool area. You didn’t look back as you started to leave. You were reaching for the second and final knot. You made sure to project your voice as you spoke to him over your shoulder. “I’m gonna go upstairs.”
You undid the knot, catching the top as it began to fall from your chest. You balled the fabric up in your hand, not breaking your stride and still not turning to face him. You tossed the damp garment over your shoulder, hearing a wet slap when it landed on the pavement behind you. You were climbing up the first few steps, heading for the shade of the verandah.
Before you could get inside, you received confirmation that he had seen you shed your top. He didn’t say anything, but you heard the motion of him quickly moving through the water, completed by a loud splash as he launched himself out of the pool. This was followed by his wet footsteps on the pavement, rapidly catching up to you.
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