#was in all of the advanced classes and in all of the influential clubs and shit
How many political parties were there during the revolution?
Because duo to the popularity (I mean by popularity "the most influential" like "Jacobin" and "Girondins" etc. ) I start to forgot that was there more political parties so could you tell us about them and their most notable achievements ?
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It is hard to really talk about political parties when it comes to the French Revolution, at least not in the way in which we today think of the term, with worked out ideologies and party programs for each and everyone. Furthermore, some of these ”parties” are not like the others. Jacobin, Cordelier and Feuillant all refer to people belonging to a certain political club, paying money for their membership, whereas girondins, montagnards, thermidorians, enragés, hébertists (and robespirreists that are not mentioned in the chart) all are loose compounds of people that pushed for (or were at least said to push for) the same political changes, and often were personal friends as well. The vagueness of all of this has lead to debates not only regarding what each group really stood for, but even who really belonged to them. My understanding of these groups is honestly not much deeper than what can be read on wikipedia (each group already has its own page) but to shortly summarize:
Jacobins — members of the Jacobin Club (Society of the Friends of the Constitution) which was founded in 1789 and shut down in November of 1794. It’s main quarter was on rue Saint-Honoré in Paris, but unlike the Cordeliers and Feuillants, it also set up sister clubs out in the provinces. This makes the Jacobins the biggest political group throughout the revolution in terms of official members. When it comes to ideology, the club’s first set of official reglutions, passed on February 8 1790, stated that ”the object of the Society of Friends of the Constitution is: 1, to discuss in advance the questions which must be decided in the National Assembly; 2, to work towards the re-establishment and strengthening of the constitution according to the spirit of the preamble above; 3, to correspond with other Societies of the same type which may be formed in the kingdom” as well as that ”loyalty to the constitution, dedication to defending it, respect and submission to the powers it has established, will be the first laws imposed on those who wish to be admitted to these Societies.” However, as the revolution radicalized, so did the Jacobin club.
Cordeliers — members of the Cordelier Club (also known as the Society of the Friends of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen) which existed from 1790 to 1795. Its head quarter was in the Cordeliers Convent (hence the name) in Paris, located on 15 rue de l'École de Médecine. The Cordeliers had lower fees in comparison to the Jacobins, and as a result, counted more working class men and women among its members. Its leaders were however still middle class. The Cordeliers are traditionally described as more radical than the Jacobins.
Feuillant — member of the Feuillants Club (Society of the Friends of the Constitution), founded on July 16 1791. The group held meetings in a former monastery of the Feuillant monks on Rue Saint-Honoré in Paris, hence the name. The club was for upholding the Constitution of 1791, which designated France as a constitutional monarchy.
Girondins (also sometimes known as Brissotins or Rolandins) — political group which existed within the Legislative Assembly and then National Convention, in particular the 29 deputies ordered arrested by said Convention on June 2 1793. Of these, 20 would be guillotined in Paris on October 31 the same year, while many others fled to be executed or commit suicide in order to prevent it across the following months. The name ”girondin” stem from the fact many of the groups alleged members originated from the department of Gironde. In the article The "Girondins" Were Girondins, after All (1988) Frederick A. de Luna concludes that the earliest labeling of girondins as girondins stem from April 1792, after which they grew to be frequently used by their enemies. The girondins themselves did however never use the name, and in the pamphlet J. P. Brissot, député à la Convention nationale, à tous les républicains de France ; sur la société des Jacobins de Paris (October 1792) Brissot even exclaimed ”Will the slanderers now remain silent? Will they stop pretending to believe and wanting to make believe in a faction of Gironde or of Brissot?” The girondins have traditionally been associated with 1, waging a pro-war campaign within the Legislative Assembly and the Jacobin club from December 1791 to April 1792 (as can be seen above, the first recorded labeling of girondins as girondins is from the same month said war was declared), pushing for a more liberal economy as well as seeking more ”moderate/less violent” solutions compared to the Mountain during the time of the Convention. However, there’s no actual safe connections between these goals and all the men tradionally described as girondins for as far as I’m aware. To give the word to Terror: the French Revolution and its Demons (2022) by Michel Biard and Marisa Linton:
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Montagnards — member of the Mountain, a group within the Legislative Assembly and then especially the National Convention, so dubbed because its members occupied the highest benches of the hall of the assembly. I honestly don’t really know what defines this ”party” more than being opponents of the girondins. So while the latter are associated with being pro-war, for a more liberal economy and reluctant to ”violent/exceptional measures”, the Montagnards are instead described as anti-war, for a more planned economy and welcoming of more ”violent/exceptional measures.” However, like in the case with the girondins, were we to line up every person tradionally described as a montagnard and check up his stance on each of these three topics, I’m unsure if we would actually get a very unified result. 
Unlike in the case of the girondins, indulgents and exagères, we have proof of the montagnards describing themselves as just that. Here is Robespierre, who might as well be called the leader/heart of the ”party,” defining what a montagnard is on June 12 1794. More than anything, it may however rather illustrate how this wasn’t a properly defined group either, as I’m sure the members of every other ”party” discussed here would be willing to describe themselves in the exact same way:
Yes, Montagnards, you will always be the boulevard of public liberty; but you have nothing in common with intriguers and perverts, whoever they may be. If they try to deceive you, if they claim to identify with you, they are no less foreign to your principles. The Mountain is nothing other than the heights of patriotism; a Montagnard is nothing other than a pure, reasonable and sublime patriot.
The fall of Robespierre marks the beginning of the end for the Mountain, many of who’s members would be expulsed, executed and exiled during the thermidorian convention.
Thermidorians — the name has its origin in the journée of 9 thermidor (July 27 1794), the day Robespierre and his allies fell from power, but it is not fully clear if it is active participation in/support of said journée, or holding power during the period that followed it, which is distinguished by its step back, for better or worse, from the more ”revolutionary measures” taken during 1793-1794 that makes someone a thermidorian. In the article ”Robbers, Muddlers, Bastards, and Bankrupts?” A Collective Look at the Thermidorians (2019) Mette Harder writes that this too is a very poorly defined group — ”Beyond their individual names, there is, however, no clear sense of who the Thermidorians were collectively, how cohesive a group they became, and what exactly they hoped to achieve while in power. Their name itself adds to this uncertainty, as it is used interchangeably to describe a specific group of reactionaries and the entire Convention post-thermidor.”
Indulgents (also sometimes known as dantonists) — group associated around Convention deputy Georges-Jacques Danton, and in particular those executed alongside him on April 5 1794. Traditionally described as driving a campaign that was about softening ”the terror” as well as pushing back from dechristianization from late 1793 up until their execution. This idea is however something that has been heavily contested in more recent years, some historians concluding the Indulgents never were a coherent group with a common goal to begin with but that this was rather something contructed by their enemies in time for their trial (see for example chapter 8 — Le chef d’un groupe indulgent ? — of Danton: le mythe et l’histoire (2016) or Camille et Lucile Desmoulins: un rêve de république (2018).
Hébertists (also known as exagères) — group associated around the journalist Jacques René Hébert, and in particular those that were executed alongside him on March 24 1794. Drove a campaign for a hardening of ”the terror” and dechristianization from late 1793 up until the execution. Like with the indulgents, it’s however hard for me to say if the members themselves identified themselves as a group or if this is a post-construction.
Enragés — just read this. I honestly had trouble finding much more.
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mediaevalmusereads · 3 months
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Dracula. By Bram Stoker. Dover Thrift Edition, 2000 (originally 1897).
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Genre: Gorhic, horror
Series: N/A
Summary: When Jonathan Harker visits Transylvania to help Count Dracula with the purchase of a London house, he makes a series of horrific discoveries about his client. Soon afterwards, various bizarre incidents unfold in England: an apparently unmanned ship is wrecked off the coast of Whitby; a young woman discovers strange puncture marks on her neck; and the inmate of a lunatic asylum raves about the 'Master' and his imminent arrival.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: disturbing imagery, blood, animal cruelty, racism
OVERVIEW: This was my book club's pick for June 2024. I've read Dracula before, but it was a while ago, so I loved having the opportunity to revisit an old favorite. It reminded me not only why Dracula was so influential, but why I fell in love with Gothic storytelling in the first place. It gets 4.5 stars from me for no other reason than it being a classic that I adore.
WRITING: Stoker's writing is interesting in that it makes use of a lot of scientific language, blending it with the supernatural to create an atmosphere that is sometimes dark and ancient, sometimes modern and philosophical. I love the way Stoker blends these modes and champions characters who are smart and have an open mind (though that openness is lacking when it comes to things like gender and racial dynamics).
I also appreciated the way Stoker tries to differentiate between character voices. Though not every character sounds unique, there is a difference in how Mina writes versus how Dr. Seward writes versus how Van Helsing speaks. It makes the book as a whole feel more polyvocal, which in turn enhances the sense that the story is made from pieces of diaries and newspaper excerpts.
PLOT: The plot of this book follows a number of English characters as they try to defeat a powerful vampire known as Count Dracula. The story is told from a number of perspectives in the form of diary entries and occasional newspaper clippings and memoranda, all of which detail the strange occurrences surrounding the Count.
This book is less of a spooky horror and more of a classic Gothic novel. That isn't to say that there aren't some disturbing images, but if you go in expecting a lot of blood, gore, and jumpscares, you might be disappointed. Instead what we have is the gradual realization that there is a vampire in England, and after some bizarre occurrences and a tragic death, our protagonists team up to defeat the monstrous Count once and for all.
I love the Gothic flavor of this plot and the way Stoker plays with folk belief and superstition in the age of science and advancing medical knowledge. I also just generally love Stoker's descriptions and some of the absolute weirdness that pervades the novel, from fly-eating lunatics to bats and wolves acting unlike themselves.
If I had any criticism, I would say that there are places where the pace seems a bit slow, but I don't know if it's slow because Stoker actually wrote it that way or my perception is off because I'm familiar with the story.
TL;DR: Dracula is a classic and influential novel for a reason. With evocative supernatural imagery, a clever multivovalic narration style, and a Gothic flavor that is sure to delight lovers of the genre, this book stands out and is worthy of its place in vampire lore.
CHARACTERS: There are a lot of characters in this book, so I'll try to keep things brief.
Jonathan Harker, our first narrator, is relatable as an average working class man who gets caught up in the world of the supernatural. He seems rather brave and sweet, as evidenced by his devotion to his wife, Mina, and his heart always seems to be in the right place.
Dr. Seward, the head of a psychiatric institution, is sympathetic in that he has to watch the girl he loves suffer. I really did feel bad for him and admired the way he stepped up to lend his expertise, even though the situation has little to do with him personally.
Mina, Jonathan's wife, is just so great. Everyone seems to adore her and I love that her intelligence is constantly praised. Stoker isn't without bias, however; there are numerous instances when Mina is said to have the "brain of a man" or is described as a woman in opposition to a man. The gender essentialism is sure to make some readers uncomfortable, but it's not particularly surprising given the date of this novel.
Characters who do not get POV sections are still charming in their own ways. I liked that Van Helsing was eager to assist people he didn't know and constantly championed having an open mind. Renfield was interesting and his fly-eating helped create some nice parallels with vampirism itself. Lucy, who has a couple of POV sections, sounded sweet and it's a shame that so many adaptations portray her as overly sexual when in reality, she's a victim who just wants to make people happy.
Most of my criticisms regarding character lay with weird gender politics and racial prejudice. I've already described the gender stuff in my discussion of Mina above. The racial dynamics, while not overwhelming, are present enough to be noticeable. Stoker describes a number of Romani and Romaniam peoples as superstitious, which in itself might not sound horrible, but does play into some negative stereotypes. Again, these dynamics are not so present that they distract from the main storyline, but they are on the fringes and shape the way we understand Stoker's world.
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skyeeuphixia · 1 year
𝚊𝚞 // 𝚕𝚒𝚙 𝚐𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚐𝚑𝚎𝚛, 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜/𝚑𝚘𝚐𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜 pt 2
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lip gallagher x gryffindor student (Eileen Potter) summary: in which lip Gallagher tolerated eileen potter
Part two of three
warnings: description of injury, mentions of sex word count: 6.2k
If you were to tell Lip Gallagher, at any point, that in his sixth year of Hogwarts, he would be making his way through the dimly lit halls of the second floor towards the abandoned girls' lavatory, to meet with Eileen Potter, he would have called you mental and wouldn't have believed you. 
Yet that was exactly what he was doing.  As Eileen Potter had somehow managed to convince him to help her brew the Wolfsbane potion. 
"My help?" he echoed, his voice laced with surprise.
"Yes, your help," Eileen confirmed, her tone carrying a touch of urgency. "Now, just answer me this: have you heard of the Wolfsbane potion?"
"The Wolfsbane potion? Yeah, I've heard about it, why?" Lip asked confusion still on his face. 
"I want to brew it," Eileen states, looking at Lip intensely, analysing his every movement to try and gather what he was thinking, "And I need your help," 
Lip was severely taken aback by the girl's request, "Why would you want my help, Potter? Can't you ask Lupin?"
"I don't want your help Gallagher, I need it. You're good at potions and if we work together we should be able to brew it perfectly,"
"And why in Rowena's name should I help you?" 
Eileen rolled her eyes at the boy before providing him with an explanation,  "Professor Slughorn is looking for new members to add to his 'slug club', he only lets in students that stand out to him. I want in. The wolfsbane potion would impress him enough to do so. Only problem is it's advanced, very advanced. Doing it alone would take months, but with another person, weeks. if you help me we can share the credit and I'm sure Sluggy will let you in as well," 
"Why would I want to join the Slug Club, don't they just have fancy dinners occasionally? Yeah, not my scene, no thanks." 
Lip turns to leave the room, only for Eileen to take out her wand and lock the door, stopping him from doing so. Lip turns back to look at her, an annoyed expression on his face. 
"The slug club has more than fancy dinners, there are opportunities to meet influential wizards in quidditch, the ministry and other businesses, which gives you  a chance to show off and make them consider you for future jobs-" 
Lip was listening now. 
"Slughorn will offer further guidance that will help you improve and become more knowledgeable about potions than our classmates, not to mention the number of resources you would have access to as he'll let you in his store cupboard on occasion. Not to mention you would become a well-respected and favoured student."
Favoured.  Lip liked that word. 
Perhaps the slug club would be his chance to finally beat Eileen Potter once and for all. 
"Fine, I'll help you. But this is for no other reason than personal gain." Lip stated his face like stone, cold and unmoving. 
"Good, meet me tomorrow during revision break at exactly 2 pm in the second-floor girls' bathroom, don't be late and don't be followed," Eileen warned before unlocking the door and making her way out, not sparing Lip another glance. 
◇flashback over◇
Why Eileen wanted to meet in the girls' lavatory, Lip couldn't work out. It was an unusual place to meet, but Eileen had insisted that it would be private enough when he expressed his confusion to her in their potions lesson that day, where they were once again partnered up. 
His footsteps echoed and reverberated through the empty hallways, creating an eerie atmosphere. It was uncommon for the halls to be so quiet, but due to most students being either in class or in the Great Hall or Library to study, he had only passed a few people. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he reached the bathroom door.
Taking a deep breath, Lip pushed open the creaking door and stepped into the shockingly deserted space. The room was dimly lit and looked exactly like the boy's bathrooms, only it looked like no one had come to clean it in over 20 years.  The majority of the mirrors were shattered, reflecting fragmented images of his own face and the air was heavy with a musty scent, hinting at the neglect this once-vibrant place had endured.
Lip's eyes scanned around the room for Eileen. And there she was, sat cross-legged on the floor, her back to him, with a cauldron, multiple flaskes and ingredients and an enchanted Bunsen Burner underneath the cauldron.  
"Potter?" Lip called out, his voice echoing in the empty bathroom.
She turned to look at him. Her expression was completely neutral. The fire from the Bunsen Burner slightly illuminated the right side of her face, due to the room's only light source being the windows, as all the lights were broken. 
"You're here," She said, slight surprise evident in her voice, "Good," 
Lip approached the girl, while still maintaining a respectful distance between the two. He opted to stand practically directly across from her, leaning against one of the bathroom stalls, letting his bag drop to the floor next to him. 
"So, the Wolfsbane potion huh? Any particular reason you picked this specific one?"
"It's advanced," Eileen said shortly, not looking at him but at the book in front of him, staring intensely at the potion's recipe.
"Yeah, but there are plenty of advanced potions. And you picked this one. You could have picked an even more advanced one by getting a book from the restricted section, something you and your friends are perfectly capable of doing. And yet you chose...Wolfsbane. So my question is, why? Is this some sort of political statement? Or are you secretly a werewolf?"
Eileen glared up at Lip through her eyelashes, a scene that Lip's brain captured and analysed meticulously, "Because it interested me the most...happy? It's a potion that is not encouraged to make, so we need this to be secret, but Slughorn won't care,"
It wasn't much of an explanation. But Lip knew he wasn't going to get anything else out of her. "Right, follow-up question, why are we doing this in the middle of the day, inside the girl's lavatory? I mean you're the one that doesn't want to be caught. Isn't it likely we will be,"
Eileen scoffed slightly, though rather than it being from any type of distaste, it was one of amusement, "No, nobody ever comes in here, look at this place, it hasn't been cleaned for a few decades at least,"
"Moaning Myrtle," Eileen tells him. Lip stared at her confused, having no idea what or who Moaning Myrtle was. At first glance, it looked like Eileen was looking at him too, except she was looking at something, or rather someone, behind him.
"Moaning Myrtle," Eileen repeated, watching the figure slowly stalking its way towards Lip intensely.
"Who's Moaning Myrtle-" Lip started asking, only to be startled by a ghostly figure next to him, screaming in his face.
"I'm Moaning Myrtle!" The ghost, who couldn't be more than 14 years old (physically that is) yelled.
Moaning Myrtle floated up gracefully above the sinks, glaring at Lip intensely, yet somehow crying at the same time, "But of course, you haven't heard of me, who would ever care about ugly, miserable, moping moaning Myrtle."
She starts shrieking and crying before shooting back into one of the stalls, diving into the toilet, causing a lot of the water to burst out of it.
Lip stated towards the stall, his face displaying a mix of disbelief, shock and confusion. However, he was quickly distracted by a shot giggle from behind him. He turned his head back to Eileen, observing her once again, her seemed to do that a lot.
Her robe was neatly folded, and she was sitting on top of it, protecting her skirt from the dirty floor. Her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows and her hair was already beginning to frizz from the heat of the cauldron.
A sight that was surprisingly not unpleasant.
"She's a little sensitive," She whispers, not wanting Myrtle to hear her.
"A little?!" Lip said, shocked that that complete outburst was 'a Little'
"That was tame for her," Eileen shrugs, "She was a Ravenclaw, I'm surprised you haven't heard of her,"
"I suppose as this place is abandoned, only the teachers know," Lip said, more to himself than to Eileen.
"Most likely," Eileen agrees, looking back at the potion recipe, "Anyway, let's focus on the task at hand here, Gallagher, we have a potion to brew and it is going to take a long time if we keep chatting," 
Lip moved over to Eileen, sitting across from her, taking a close look at the potion recipe. 
The past few weeks had been confusing for Eileen and Lip, as they balanced both brewing this unfamiliar potion, working as a team, and keeping it a secret as much as they could. However, it was not only confusing for them as it left both the Marauders and the Gallagher family perplexed, as they witnessed their siblings, sneaking off together and engaging in short, cryptic conversations, something they had never done once in the six years they now knew each other for, they couldn't help but speculate. 
Fiona, Jimmy, V, Peter and Remus were under the impression that the two were simply studying together. Although they had never studied together before, Slughorn had paired the two of them together a number of times as they always produced potions that were close to perfection when working together, so perhaps they were studying together so that they could spend less time talking in potions and more time making the potion. 
Debbie and Carl on the other hand had come up with a far more childlike and adventurous explanation. They believed that the two had stumbled upon some sort of magical creature lurking on the second floor and that their meetings were attempts to try and tame the beast. Even though Lip explained that this wasn't the case and that Eileen and himself still did not like one another, the two younger Gallaghers continued to live in the fantasy scenario that they had created. 
Meanwhile, James and Sirius were still convinced that if they had the whole of Hogwarts to themselves for a night, they would spend it on the opposite end of the castle from one another. Therefore, they believed the two of them were meeting in order to engage in intense duels and hexes against one another. They attempted to use the Marauders Map to find where the two of them were, so that they could go and support her if needed, but the map always seemed to go missing when they met up, so clearly she didn't want to be followed. 
Ian, Mickey and Mandy on the other hand believed that Eileen and Lip's relationship had taken a more...intimate turn, speculating that the two were engaging in a passionate physical relationship behind closed doors and that these not-so-secret, secret, meetings were their chance to engage in different sexual encounters. After all, hate fuels passion. The very thought of seeing Eileen in that way, however, disgusted Lip, causing him to recoil anytime the three brought it up as a possibility. 
Theories aside, one thing was clear; everyone was incredibly confused by the sudden closeness if that's what you could even call it, between Lip and Eileen. But they knew that they weren't going to get answers any time soon. 
Currently, Lip was leaning against one of the toilet stalls once more, this time he was the one waiting for Eileen. They had to meet later than usual that day, as Lip promised Ian he'd help him study for his OWLs and Eileen had quidditch practice after lessons, so they were meeting in the late hours of the evening. 
Eileen was now running over 20 minutes late, which irritated Lip, as Eileen had always been on his arse about not wasting her time and arriving at the time that they agreed on, and he always made sure he was on time so that he wouldn't have to listen to her complaining. Yet here he was, waiting for her to arrive 20 minutes after the time that they agreed on. 
The minutes were ticking away, and Lip's patience was wearing thin. He was beginning to wonder whether or not he should leave and complain to her the next day about it, he looked down at his stuff, but before he could grab his bag and leave, the door to the girl's lavatory swung open and  Eileen came tumbling into the room, clearly out of breath. 
Lip didn't look up at her before he started complaining, irritated at her lateness, "You're late, Potter" he said curtly, displeasure seeping his voice, "You're constantly on my ass about not being late. We agreed on a time, Potter, and I've been waiting here for fucking ages,"
"I know Gallagher, I'm sorry," Eileen sighed, "I'm sorry James was-"
"I don't care what your brother was-" Lip cuts himself off as he raises his head to look at Eileen, shocked by what he saw. Eileen's face was almost entirely covered in blood, and so was the front of her quidditch uniform. Her nose was swollen, slightly crooked, and quite clearly broken.
"Eileen, what happened to you?" his tone instantly becoming softer, his annoyance quickly turned to concern as he makes his way over to her. 
Eileen's hand instinctively went to her nose, wiping some of the blood from under it, Lip could tell that she was clearly in quite a bit of pain, and was uncomfortable, but she covered it up with a chuckle, "Oh, Quidditch. Sirius accidentally hit me in the face with a bat," she joked. 
Lip's annoyance had completely wiped away, as his attention was now entirely on her injury. He reached her and gently pressed down on the area surrounding her nose, "Does this hurt?"
"No, seriously Lip, I'm fine," Eileen argues, but her point is lost when Lip presses closer to her nose, causing her to wince and flinch away from him. 
Lip gave her an accusatory look before grabbing her sleeve and pulling her towards the sinks, "Sit there," he states, pointing at the edge of the sink, before turning and making his way into one of the stalls. 
Eileen stared after him, confused. She found herself shocked by Lip's change in demeanour. Not once had he ever displayed any form of care or concern towards her, in fact, the two of them had joked about causing or hoping for the other to experience some form of physical pain, and how they would laugh at their discomfort, yet this didn't seem to amuse Lip one bit. 
Lip came back out with a bunch of toilet paper in his hands, rolling his eyes when he saw that Eileen was still rooted in place in front of the sinks.
"I thought I told you to sit," Lip sighed, making his way back in front of her. 
"Lip I'm not going to sit-" Eileen cut herself off with a small yelp, as Lip placed hands underneath her armpits, lifting her up and placing her on the edge of the sink. Eileen glares at him slightly as he steps between her legs, bringing the toilet paper to her face and wiping away the blood, being as gentle as possible so as to not hurt her any further. 
It was silent for a while, Lip was trying not to look at Eileen directly, focusing on wiping the blood from her face, but that was difficult when she was staring at him intensely. Though it wasn't her usual teasing look or glare, it was a look he had only seen from her once before, when she mocked the way that he 'admired' Mandy Milkovich. 
"So, how exactly did Black hit you in the nose with his bat," Lip asked, breaking the heavy silence between the two of them. 
Eileen laughed slightly, "James has been training us extra hard the past few days, our match against Slytherin is in a month and James always makes us train harder when we're going against Slytherin. He kept calling for overtime for training cause we weren't performing well enough for him, but then I realized I was going to be late, so I attempted to fly over to James to leave early, turns out a bludger was coming at Sirius as I was going past him next thing you know -" Eileen makes a woosh noise, followed by a smack and a crunching noise, using her hands to visualise what happened. 
Elieens extravagant behaviour, for the first time ever, made Lip laugh. Though that was quickly met with a stern look, "You should be more careful, this isn't the first time you've gotten hurt during quidditch, you broke your arm last year when you went against Slytherin,"
Eileen paused, momentarily the genuine concern from Lip still shocking her, "Still, we won that match," she replied, attempting to maintain her usual spirited tone.
Lip chuckled, a small smile forming on his lips. "Yeah, you did. But winning doesn't mean you should disregard your safety. You're a valuable player, Eileen. Gryffindor needs you on the team,"
"Merlin, you sound Remus, wait, You... you think I'm valuable? You watch me play?"
Lip shrugged, trying to play it off casually. "Don't let it go to your head, Potter. I mean, I was watching the game, not you specifically."
A hint of a teasing smile tugged at the corners of Eileen's lips. "Oh, so you weren't admiring my impeccable flying skills, then?"
Lip feigned annoyance, but his eyes sparkled with a newfound warmth. "I suppose you can have that one, Potter. Just this once." Lip said, wiping the last of the blood from her face, "That's all the blood, let me fix your nose too, saves you a trip to Madam Pomfrey,"
Lip stood back a step, pulling his wand from his back pocket, and pointing it at Eileen's nose, "This may hurt a little. Episky!"
Lip waved his wand in a small motion, and with a small crunch and a yelp, Eileen's nose was back in place.
"A little?!" Eileen shouted, rubbing her nose.
"I lied," Lip quipped, giving Eileen a tight-lipped smile. "Right then, you ready to continue this shit?" 
"Yeah, we've nearly finished right?" Eileen asked, hopping down from the sink. 
The potion was currently a light blue colour, with a strong smell. It had a thick consistency and if you looked hard enough, there were small swirling patterns that somewhat reflected the night sky, within the potion.  All they had left to do was to get the potion to a bluish-purple colour, with blue smoke emanating from it, as well as get it to a silky smooth consistency, which should only take a few more ingredients over the next two days. Once that was achieved, they would be finished. 
"Yeah, so let's get this over and done with." 
"Right that's it," Ian said suddenly, startling Lip who was reading Quidditch through the ages, "What's going on between you and Eileen?" 
Ian and Lip sat in the back corner of the library together, Ian was currently doing practice questions for his History of Magic OWL that Lip had written for him. But he found himself unable to focus, his attention was on the book that Lip was reading. He had never shown interest in Quidditch before, and Ian didn't miss the occasional glace Lip would take across the room.  Sat a few feet from them was Eileen and Remus, who were also studying together and sat close to each other, reading from the same book. Ian had noticed Lip looking in their direction a few times over the past half an hour and there was something in his eyes that radiated jealousy. 
"Rowena, keep your voice down why don't you," Lip sighed, "And for your information, nothing, just like I tell you every other time you've asked,"
Ian scoffed at that statement, "Sure nothing, you keep looking at her and Remus, you're reading Quidditch through the ages, you've never cared for Quidditch, and hmm let me think, oh yeah, you and her have been meeting up every day for the past three weeks! The only other time you were doing shit like this is when you were having sex with the Slytherin Skank,"
Lip groaned and rubbed his hand down his face, shutting his book, and leaning closer towards Ian so that they could talk more secretly, "Don't bring her up again, we don't discuss that. There's nothing going on between the two of us, not in the way you think. If you really must know, Eileen and I have been brewing an advanced potion together to get into the Slug Club,"
"The Slug Club? Why would you want to join that?"
"I guess 'cause I can use it to get ahead, put in a good name for myself with some respected wizards," Lip shrugged, though he had almost forgotten about the Slug Club until this conversation.
"Ok? What potion are you brewing?"
"The Wolfsbane potion,"
Realisation suddenly smacked Ian in the face, "Oh,"
"Oh?" Lip asked confused, "What do you mean oh?"
"I really shouldn't say,"
"Dude come on you can't just react that way and not tell me why!"
"Did Eileen put the Slug Club idea in your head?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I don't think this is about the Slug Club for her," Ian sighed.
"What do you mean?"
"Listen I really shouldn't be telling you this, but, I know you'll keep it a secret...Godric I can't believe I'm telling you this, the potion is for Remus," Ian said, instantly regretting the confession. 
"For Lupin? Why would Eileen need to brew it for Lupin?" His curiosity now piquing through the roof. 
"Godric for a Ravenclaw you are thick, Lip." Ian sighed, hesitating before divulging the information further, lowing his voice even further so that he was now whispering, "Remus is a werewolf," 
Lip's eyes widened in shock, processing the revelation. Of fucking course! How stupid am I?!
"Fucks sake of course he is," Lip sighed, disappointed in himself that he hadn't seen it sooner, "That explains why she always seems so worried about him,"
"Yeah, she's making the potion in an effort to help him cope."
Lip looked back at Eileen and Remus once more, a wave of understanding washing over him. He suddenly realized his negative feelings towards the girl had almost completely vanished over the past few weeks. When looking at her, he no longer saw the person that he considered his biggest competition, he saw a girl who deeply cared for the people around her. 
"Also I just want to point out," Ian said, packing up his stuff, "You called her Eileen when in six years you've only called her Potter. I wonder what changed." 
Ian then grabbed the rest of his stuff, and walked out of the library, leaving Lip to figure out his new, unfamiliar feelings towards the girl he had hated for so long. 
"Hey, Lip," Eileen said, stirring the potion from her place on the floor. 
Lip had sat alone in the library for a long time, so long that he had almost arrived late to meet with Eileen. He was having an internal debate about whether or not he is supposed to continue with Eileen as normal or if he should bring up his new knowledge with her.  And after a long time, he made his decision. 
"So, this potion is for Lupin then huh?" Lip asks directly, he never was very good at addressing things lightly. 
Eileen doesn't lift her head to look at the boy, who was now standing in front of her, however, her hand stopped stirring immediately and her face significantly whitened. 
"How did you find out," Eileen asked, her voice void of emotion as she stared into the potion, refusing to look at Lip. 
"Ian told me," 
"He shouldn't have done that," Eileen said, disappointment evident in her voice as she continued to stir the potion, "It wasn't his place," 
"No, I agree, it wasn't," Lip admitted, "Honestly I'm surprised it took him telling me, the signs were there. So I guess all that stuff about the Slug Club was bullshit?"
"You can still try and get in if you want, but, yeah, it was never about that, for me at least." 
The two of them stayed there in silence for, what felt like, a long time. Eileen's head was running fast with different thoughts, but the main one was a worry for Remus, there's a reason people with lycanthropy don't share it, Lip could quite literally destroy Remus' life if he wanted, and how could Eileen know that he wouldn't. 
"Please don't tell anyone," Eileen whispers, almost so quietly that Lip almost didn't catch what she said. 
Lip sighed deeply, sitting on the floor in front of her, looking directly into her eyes, "Eileen, I may be an asshole, but I'm not that much of an asshole. Listen I may not have ever gotten on with you, or your friends, but believe it or not I'm not completely heartless."
"I just...if anyone found out...he's already so stressed and not on the register, his life would be destroyed," Eileen explains, starting to get worked up by the very possibility that Remus' secret could get out, on top of him struggling with his transformations. 
Lip placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch gentle yet firm. "I get it. Lupin is your friend, and I won't jeopardize that for him. But you need to know something, Eileen. I may have had my issues with you, but I'm not going to try and ruin yours, or your friend's lives. I give you my word, I'll stick to it."
Her shoulders relaxed slightly under his touch, and a small smile tugged at the corners of Eileen's lips, "You had your issues with me?"
Lip rolled his eyes, but didn't try to stop the small smile that tugged on his lips, "You are not as unbearable as I once thought,"
"I appreciate that, Lip. You may not believe it, but you're not as bad as you pretend to be."
"It's a full moon tomorrow isn't it?"
"Yeah, if he takes the potion tomorrow, as he's not used to taking it yet, it will make him behave a little less aggressively, but it won't stop how awful his transformation is," 
"Well, let's get to work then, we have a potion to finish, and a werewolf to help," 
After a few hours, over the course of the afternoon and the next morning, of meticulous measuring, intense concentration, precise mixing and interesting conversations, Lip and Eileen had finally managed to combine the ingredients and adjust the temperatures and timings with utmost precision, resulting in a Wolfsbane potion that shimmered with a bluish-purple hue, emanating delicate tendrils of blue smoke that curled and danced in the air.  And Eileen was quick to give it to Remus the following morning. 
◇flashback montage◇
"How do you guys know how bad his transformations are?" Lip questioned, the subject of werewolves interested him, so he was asking Eileen as many questions as he could while trying not to be too invasive. 
She turned to Lip, her eyes searching his face for any sign of judgment, "Do promise not to tell a single soul, we could get in a lot of trouble."
Lip raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her sudden seriousness. "Promise, now spill. What's the big secret?"
"We're Animagi,"
Lip's eyes widened in surprise, "Wait, you're telling me that you and the Marauders can transform into animals? Like, on purpose?"
"Yep, James becomes a stag, Sirius transforms into a dog, Peter's a rat, and well...Remus' transformation is exactly voluntary like ours is," 
"So, you're saying you can turn into an animal too?"
Eileen smiled slightly, "A fox, It took a lot of practice and research, but we managed to become Animagi to support Remus during his transformations. It allows us to keep him company and help him control himself, but the wolfsbane will help him even more,"
"That's...incredible," Lip said fascinated.
"You and Ian are some of the only people who know, other than most of the teachers that is," 
"It explains why you've always been so protective of each other, especially Remus."
"Yeah, we look out for each other, it's what friends do."
Eileen stared in amazement as Lip pours the shimmering liquid into a spare potion bottle, that Eileen had stolen from their potions class, admiring his skill and precision. His hands moved with practised ease, his focus unwavering. 
"There it is," Lip muttered holding out the bottle to Eileen, his voice tinged with a mix of relief and satisfaction. The potion had transformed into a beautiful shade of bluish-purple, and delicate blue wisps of smoke danced above its surface. It was a truly remarkable sight.
"Lip, we did it! It looks perfect!" Eileen says excitedly, taking the bottle from his hands, continuing to stare at it. 
A hint of a proud smile tugged at the corners of Lip's lips. He glanced at Eileen, his eyes gleaming with a newfound respect. "Yeah, Potter, we make a pretty solid team, don't we?"
Eileen's smile grew wider, her gaze never leaving the potion. "We do, Lip. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad we worked together on this."
Lip chuckled, a familiar mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "Yeah, well, don't get used to it. I still think you're a pain in the ass most of the time."
Eileen laughed, her voice filled with genuine amusement. "Likewise, Gallagher. But hey, at least we can brew one hell of a potion together."
Eileen felt a mixture of determination and nervousness as she made her way towards the Gryffindor Common room, clutching the Wolfsbane potion closely. She was excited that the potion could potentially change Lupin's life during the full moon, but nervous as she knew that the potion was not likely to work very well that night, not to mention no matter how grateful he was, he was bound to give her a lecture about being safe and not doing dangerous things to help him. 
To her surprise, the common room was occupied only by the Marauders, who were engrossed in their usual banter and mischief. James and Sirius were engaged in a heated game of wizards chess, while Remus and Peter cheered them on and offered sarcastic comments.
Peter was the first to notice the girl, "Hey Copper!"
The rest of the boys also call out their hellos, however, the only other one who actually looks at Eileen is Remus, as James and Sirius had their eyes trained on the chessboard. Remus instantly noticed that something was off about Eileen, as she fidgeted nervously, her arms clearly hiding something behind her back. 
Eileen fidgeted nervously, her arms still hiding the potion behind her back. Remus, ever observant, quickly picked up on her unease. "Are you alright, Eileen?" he asked, leaning back on the sofa and studying her with a concerned expression.
"Yeah, I um, have something for you Remus." She says, walking forwards and handing him the large phial. Remus takes it in his hand, analysing it closely, watching as the contents of the phial swirled around and painted an abstract version of the night sky. He then turned the phial over, looking at the handwritten note stuck on it. 
Remus, along with the other Marauders who had now joined his side, stared at it for a few seconds before he finally spoke, "You made this for me?" Remus asked, his voice filled with genuine astonishment.
"Yeah, you've been struggling with them more in the past few months than ever before, I wanted to help make them more bearable," 
"Fucking hell, Eileey!" Sirius said, taking the potion from Remus and looking at it closely, "How long did this take you?!"
"Don't call me Eileey. It took about three, four weeks, never would have done it that quickly without help,"
"Help?" James asked looking up at his sister, curiosity and protectiveness sparking in him, "Wait, who did you make this with?" 
"I mean...is it that hard to figure out, you guys have surely noticed who I've been 'sneaking around with the past month," 
The four of them looked at her before realisation suddenly hit, and they all called out, "Gallagher?!"
"Yeah, I mean, he's good with potions, really good, I knew to get it done quickly I would need a partner and, well he was the obvious choice,"
"So you weren't going out for secret duels?" Sirius asked her, almost disappointed. 
"Sorry Siri, but no, surprisingly we put up with each other, hell he was the one that fixed my broken nose the other week," Eileen laughed but promptly stopped when she saw the boys shocked faces.
"Eileen, you told me you went to Madam Pomfry," James accused her. 
"Yeah I know but I was going to be late, and besides Lip took care of it in no time,"
"Oh, so he's Lip now, huh?" Peter teased.
Eileen rolled her eyes, playfully scolding him, "Shut up, Wormy."
"Eileen this could have been really dangerous," Remus interrupted, still staring at the potion that was now back in his hands, causing everyone to stop teasing Eileen about her storage new friendship with Lip, "This potion's hard to make, you both could've gotten hurt if something went wrong, you could've gotten found out by another student or professor, you took a real risk doing this," 
"Oh shove off Moony!" Sirius says, patting his back roughly, "Think how much better your transformations will, be, we might be able to leave the shack at night now!" 
"Eileen, thank you," Remus says, standing and hugging the girl close, "I can't tell you how much I appreciate this," 
"Of course, it uh, won't help the transformation tonight as you won't be used to it, but it might make you a little less violent as a wolf," Eileen explains. 
"Don't worry, I think I can manage just one more night," Remus chuckled.
As the Marauders exchanged glances, James couldn't help but ask the question on everyone's mind. "So, does this mean Gallagher knows about Moony's furry little problem?"
"He figured it out, yeah," Eileen admits, feeling Remus tense next to her slightly, "But he won't tell anyone,"
"How can you be sure?" Remus asks.
"I trust him, if he really wanted to screw me over, or you, he would have told someone about the potion the moment he found out, but he didn't, he had his chance to take what could have been his ultimate revenge on me, and he didn't.
"I trust him," 
Lip hadn't seen Eileen or the rest of the Marauders that morning. Breakfast was almost over, and not one of them had been seen, making Lip feel increasingly nervous. He couldn't deny that his negative feelings towards Eileen were gone, anymore, he couldn't deny that he cared about her more than he once thought. 
He didn't want her to get hurt again. Even the broken nose was one time too many. 
"Hey Ian," Lip approaches his brother, who was sitting with Mickey and Mandy at the Slytherin table, "Have uh, have you seen Eileen?" 
Ian looked up at his brother, sensing his unease, before remembering what last night was, "No but she'll probably be in the infirmary, if not the Gryffindor common room, you know the password?"
"Yeah, thanks man," Lip nods before turning and, without wasting another moment, he hurried towards the infirmary. The journey felt agonizingly slow, his concern growing with each passing second.
Finally, Lip reached the infirmary, taking a few moments to catch his breath before opening the door to the infirmary. Four out of five of the Marauders stood at the foot of the bed, watching a figure on the bed, their faces a mix of concern and exhaustion. Remus was out cold, small cuts and bruises littering his body. The other Marauders were each sporting their own minor injuries as well, Sirius and Peter had small bruises on their forehead, James had a bandage on his arm, and Eileen had a cut on her cheek.
Hearing Lip enter, The Marauders turned to face him, leaving a few moments where they all just awkwardly stared at each other, but that was broken when Eileen rushed over to Lip, crashing into him. He welcomed her into his arms, feeling her bury her head into his shoulder.
To the shock of the Marauders, Lip allowed it to happen, wrapping his arms around the girl, pulling her closer when he felt his shoulder getting slightly damp. He didn't like to see her hurt, whether it was physically or emotionally. 
"Are you okay?" Lip asked quietly, his voice filled with genuine concern. Eileen nodded against his shoulder, her response barely audible. "Is Lupin okay?"
Eileen pulls back slightly, although the two of them kept their arms around each other, "He should be, the transformation was still...brutal but his behaviour was definitely calmer than normal,"
"That's good then," Lip encouraged, "We knew it wouldn't work perfectly yet, but the fact that there was any improvement is amazing, Eileen you're helping him," 
Eileen looked at him, smiling at him slightly, "Yeah, it just sucks seeing him this way," 
"I know, but hopefully, you won't have too much longer, hang in there," Lip empathized.
A brief moment of levity passed between them as Lip attempted to lighten the mood. "Ugh, it feels weird being nice to you," he jokingly remarked, prompting a gentle laugh from Eileen and even the Marauders who had been listening.
"Oi, Gallagher," James called out, interrupting their moment and making the two look over at him, bracing themselves for a potential confrontation, but there was a small smirk on his face. 
"Hands of my sister," he playfully warned, causing Lip to remove his hands, holding them up in surrender, joking back,
"Please, I wouldn't want to touch her with a ten-foot pole,"
◇◆◇◆ (fin)
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sims-your-way · 2 years
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Influential Black Women in History Framed Portraits
Black History Month Special. Set of framed portraits featuring just a handful of amazing influential Black women throughout history.
I was inspired to make this after watching The Watcher’s Puppet History episode on Bessie Coleman. Watch it for yourself here.  I was both angry and sad that I had never heard of this woman at all - ever. So I decided to make this portrait set featuring Black women who did extraordinary things that I don’t think the majority of people have ever heard of. This is why I didn’t include more well-known figures such as Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott King, or Michelle Obama - everybody knows who they are and I wanted to broadened everyone’s knowledge just as mine was when I did my research. The only woman here that I knew of was Marsha P. Johnson.
Here’s a list of the women in these portraits: Phillis Wheatley (1753 - 1784) Fannie Barrier Williams (1855 - 1944) Maria 'Molly' Baldwin (1856 - 1922) Lillian Parker Thomas (1866 - 1917) Madam C.J. Walker (1867 - 1919) Mary McLeod Bethune (1875 - 1955) Nannie Helen Burroughs (1879 - 1961) Lyda D. Newman (about 1885 - unknown) Bessie Coleman (1892-1926) Daisy Bates (1914 - 1999) Sister Rosetta Tharpe (1915 - 1973) Katherine Johnson (1918 - 2020) Shirley Chisholm (1924 - 2005) Audre Lorde (1934 - 1992) Claudette Colvin (1939 - present) Angela Davis (1944 - present) Marsha P. Johnson (1945 - 1992) Mae Jemison (1956 - present)
To learn more about these women, click the “Keep Reading” below.
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Phillis Wheatley (1753 - 1784) Taken from her native Gambia, she was brought to Boston in the mid-18th century and enslaved to the family of John Wheatley as a domestic. Aware of her intelligence, the Wheatley's taught her how to read and write. She eventually became a well-known poet in both New England and England, with her work "An Elegiac Poem, on the Death of that Celebrated Divine, and Eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the Reverend and Learned George Whitefield," celebrated on both sides of the Atlantic. (Chicago Tribune)
Fannie Barrier Williams (1855 - 1944) She was an influential educator and activist who was a staunch advocate for freed slaves in the South. She spoke at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, expressing her concern over the lack of Blacks on the Board of Control for that cultural event. She helped found organizations such as the National League of Colored Women, the National Association of Colored Women, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. She also supported women's suffrage and in 1907, was the only African-American chosen to eulogize Susan B. Anthony at the 1907 National American Women Suffrage Association convention. (Chicago Tribune)
Maria 'Molly' Baldwin (1856 - 1922) She was a teacher and civic leader in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She became master of the Agassiz School, a public school for middle-class white children, in 1916. She was one of only two women masters in Cambridge schools and the only African-American in New England with that distinction. During Baldwin's tenure, the Agassiz School was considered one of the best in Cambridge. The 12 teachers who served under her were all white. (Chicago Tribune)
Lillian Parker Thomas (1866 - 1917) She gained a reputation as an effective collaborator and organizer while working as a journalist for the Indianapolis News, where she was the first African-American to write a regular column. Thomas used her contacts and influence at the newspaper to further the cause of racial equality. She was also involved in the founding of the Woman's Improvement Club, which helped African-Americans get health care. (Chicago Tribune)
Madam C.J. Walker (1867 - 1919) Before Mary Kay, there was Madam C.J. Walker. Walker is widely regarded as one of the first ever self-made American female millionaires. She created hair-care solutions and remedies with Black women in mind and sold them door-to-door. She eventually created a brand people recognized, widely manufactured her products, and hired 40,000 ambassadors since the company's inception to help her sell her products. (Teen Vogue)
Mary McLeod Bethune (1875 - 1955) After struggling to go to school and working on a plantation to help support her family, she became an educator and, in 1904, founded the Daytona Educational and Industrial Institute for Girls. Her educational activism and leadership set her up to be a political activist. She went on to found the National Council of Negro Women, and worked in Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration, where she served as the informal "race leader at large." (Teen Vogue)
Nannie Helen Burroughs (1879 - 1961) Born to former slaves in Virginia, she was a leading educator, feminist, and suffragist in the Washington, D.C., area. After she was rebuffed for a teaching job in the Washington, D.C., school system, Burroughs founded a school for girls and women, the National Training School for Women and Girls, in 1909. She served as the school's president until her death in 1961. (Chicago Tribune)
Lyda D. Newman (about 1885 - unknown) She gravitated toward a career involving the hair-care industry. Newman got a patent for her invention, the first synthetic hairbrush, in 1898. Her innovation allowed for easier access to the bristles in order to clean out the brush. In addition, she introduced synthetic bristles. Before her invention, brushes used animal hair, such as a boar’s. Her invention made brushing long locks a more hygienic process. (Teen Vogue)
Bessie Coleman (1892 - 1926) She was the first African-American woman and first Native American to hold a pilot license and was the first Black person to earn an international pilot's license. She then became a high-profile pilot doing notoriously dangerous air shows in the United States. She was popularly known as “Queen Bess” and “Brave Bessie”, and hoped to start a school for African-American fliers. Her pioneering role was an inspiration to early pilots and to the African-American and Native American communities. (Wikipedia)
Daisy Bates (1914 - 1999) She an American civil rights activist, publisher, journalist, and lecturer who played a leading role in the Little Rock Integration Crisis of 1957. As the leader of the NAACP branch in Arkansas, Bates guided and advised the nine students, known as the Little Rock Nine, when they attempted to enroll in 1957 at Little Rock Central High School, a previously all-white institution. (PBS)
Sister Rosetta Tharpe (1915 - 1973) She is one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Her flamboyance, skill, and showmanship on the newly electrified guitar played a vital role in the conception of Rock & Roll as a genre of music. She gained popularity in the 1930s and 1940s with her gospel recordings, characterized by a unique mixture of spiritual lyrics and electric guitar. She was the first great recording star of gospel music, and was among the first gospel musicians to appeal to rhythm and blues and rock and roll audiences, later being referred to as "the original soul sister" and "the Godmother of rock and roll". She influenced early rock-and-roll musicians including Little Richard, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Eric Clapton. Tharpe was a pioneer in her guitar technique; she was among the first popular recording artists to use heavy distortion on her electric guitar, presaging the rise of electric blues. Her guitar-playing technique had a profound influence on the development of British blues in the 1960s. (PBS)
Katherine Johnson (1918 - 2020) She was profiled in the film “Hidden Figures” as a NASA mathematician whose trajectory calculations helped astronaut Alan Shepard become the first American in space. Her skills were crucial in calculating orbital equations that led to the success of astronaut John Glenn’s Friendship 7 mission in which he orbited the Earth successfully. Johnson also was a pathfinder in her native West Virginia, where she was among the first African-Americans to integrate West Virginia University. (Chicago Tribune)
Shirley Chisholm (1924 - 2005) She made history by being the first Black woman elected to Congress in 1968. She served as a representative from New York for 14 years, advocating for early education and child welfare policies. She eventually ran for president as a Democrat in the 1972 race, becoming the first Black candidate to run for a major party nomination. Chisholm's infamous campaign slogan was “unbought and unbossed." She was also one of the founding members of the Congressional Black Caucus in 1971, as well as the Congressional Women's Caucus in 1977. (Teen Vogue)
Audre Lorde (1934 - 1992) This lesbian, Black, female poet’s 1973 collection, “From a Land Where Other People Live”, was nominated for a National Book Award and increased America’s awareness of intersectionality of race, gender, and class that can put particular groups at a disadvantage or lead to discrimination. Lorde’s identity shaped her speeches and writings about the struggles of women, Black people, and the LGBTQ community. (Teen Vogue)
Claudette Colvin (1939 - present) Though we've all heard the story of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on the bus in Montgomery, Alabama, most of us don't know that Colvin did the same thing — nine months before Parks did. She was only 15 at the time, and was one of the first Black activists to openly challenge the law. (Teen Vogue)
Angela Davis (1944 - present) She was a major activist in the late 1960s and early '70s. Profoundly affected by her childhood in the segregated city of Birmingham, Alabama, she joined the Communist Party and became an affiliate of the Black Panthers as a young woman, and ran as the Communist vice-presidential candidate in 1980 and 1984. She was arrested, tried, and acquitted for her role in a Black Panther courtroom shootout. She went on to have a distinguished academic career at institutions including Pomona College, Rutgers, and Vassar, and has remained politically active. (Chicago Tribune)
Marsha P. Johnson (1945 - 1992) She was a Black transgender woman and activist most known for her involvement with the Stonewall Inn riots — a 1969 uprising against police brutality by New York City's LGBTQ community. Johnson went on to become a prominent voice in the fight for LGBTQ equality and was an activist during the 1980s AIDS epidemic. (Teen Vogue)
Mae Jemison (1956 - present) She was the first Black woman admitted to the astronaut training program, in 1987. In 1992, she became the first Black woman to fly to space on the space shuttle Endeavour. (Teen Vogue)
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priyarajasthali1 · 4 months
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scottspack · 5 years
im 6 years post-high school graduation and the steady stream of people who turned out not to be straight has yet to cease!
#LOVE that for my former classmates#its absolutely crazy to reflect back on high school#bc there were of course signs and things that would indicate these people (and me lol) wouldnt end up being straight#but even at our high school which i think really was progressive at least to the point where people were openly gay and none of us cared#thinking back. all of the ‘out’ kids in high school were kind of the kids who were already weird or not so popular or on the fringes#so its like what did they have to lose about acknowledging one more thing that made them different#and all of the kids who are coming out post-high school are the ones who were more ‘popular’ or ‘normal’ or w/e dumb way we thought of it#like the guy who just came out on instagram today from my high school#was a HUGE deal#like on the soccer and swimming team#was in all of the advanced classes and in all of the influential clubs and shit#was definitely on prom/homecoming court a few times#had tons of friends#and just came out eight years (for him) after graduating#and in his post he talked about how he’s literally known he was gay since sophomore year#of HIGH SCHOOL#and i spent a really long time thinking about how things mightve gone if he came out in high school#and if things wouldve been better or worse for him#and then about me in high school#and how i think maybe im glad i didnt come out (or even realize i was gay) in high school#i dont really have a point to this beyond like.#sexuality is insanely complicated and nuanced and the layers to navigating sexuality through different stages of our lives#is unending
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tomtenadia · 2 years
Thicker than blood - Prologue
Hi all, I’ll try and post it and see how it goes. It’s just a prologue and very much an introduction to the world. I have a few ideas and it will definitely be quite dark. This is a short one.
In a world were vampires coexist with humans, things are not always easy. Rowan Whitethorn is an agent of the paranormal unit: one of his jobs, keep an eye on vampires. Until a mysterious woman makes his patrols more interesting all of a sudden. Quickly they will find themselves involved in a series of murders that could bring down the peace between warmblood and immortals.
(Sorry I am the worst at writing synopsis.)
The roofs over Orynth were bathed in the faint moonlight. The skies cloudy and a gentle breeze was blowing. A figure was perched on the ledge of the building, the head covered by a black hoodie and the cloak flapping around. The only bright spot, a wild strand of blond hair that the wind had probably messed up. A beacon in the night. The figure, a woman, scanned the skies and basked in the stillness of the night.
Shouts interrupted the silence and the woman leaned over a bit and stared at the alley below her. A group of people was leaving the club, a huge smile of satisfaction broke on her face showing off the pair of dangerous fangs.
The woman was a vampire. A class of supernatural beings that roamed the streets at night and fed on blood. From humans preferably. 
Coexistence with humans had been difficult and painful throughout the evolution of society. The culmination of the hatred and fear from the humans was the great fire of Orynth a hundred years before. After a series of bloody murderers had spread and killed about fifty people, the humans decided to rebel and take matters in their own hands. That’s when the vampire hunts started. Humans equipped with torches started to hunt down the immortals, knowing that fire was their most effective weapon. Alas, the fires got out of control and destroyed almost the entire city, killing more humans that vampires did.
The disaster gave way to a truce between humans and vampires and the beginning of a tepid cooperation. Vampires had actually helped the humans to rebuild.
As a result of this newborn relationship a paranormal unit within Orynth police was created with the job of patrolling the streets at night and prevent anything illegal. 
The human government had requested all vampires to register legally and obtain and ID just a human. They had also been entered in a special database.
The biggest limitation imposed had been the ban on feeding on humans and the practice had been declared illegal.
Among the top scientists had started a race to create a blood that would nourish vampires just like the human or the animal would.
The Galathynius family, one of the most influential vampire families, was at the heart of such project and Aedion Ashryver, a vampire himself, was its lead scientists. 
The project worked. On most days. 
The killings had stopped but the feedings didn’t. It got worse when vampires discovered that if drinking from a drunk or drugged human they would feel the effects. Alcohol drank from a bottle would not affect a vampire. Such practice became soon popular. They would not kill the human, just take a sip to feel inebriated. Society had attached the label of Junkies to such people.
To complicate the matters even further was the existence of a group of humans called The Reborns who would willingly allow humans to feed on them. Some of them would even take drugs to be more appealing.
The hope of these humans was that one of them would slip and transform them in the process. The movement became so popular that people had started to throw parties and invite vampires with the promise of a dinner.
Some of the ancient families descended directly from the original vampires. With time and the help of science and technological advancement it was discovered that vampires originated from a genetic mutation. That had kickstarted all the changes that made vampires stronger, than with the passing of centuries arrived extra strength, and eventually immortality. The only price to pay was that blood was their only way of sustenance. Their only enemies: light, fire and decapitation.
The majority had adapted to the new regimen of no feeding especially if it meant that it allowed them to have an almost normal life, to have jobs. Buildings had adapted to allow immortals to work alongside the humans. There were restrictions, though.
Vampires were not allowed in politics. Due to their immortality, the last thing society wanted or needed was an immortal in power. Most of the vampires had ended up in research fields, mostly scientific, another portion had joined the paranormal unit. A very small number had ventured into medicine. The Galathynius had come up with an edible capsule with synthetic blood laced with an agent that  for a full day it would stop all the cravings. It had quickly become a very popular remedy.
The vampire woman observed with interest the people below and her nostrils flared at their scent. Fresh blood with alcohol and drugs. The perfect cocktail and Saturday night drink for a vampire. She licked her lips with anticipation. In order to feel the effect of alcohol or any kind of drugs they had to be drunk directly from an intoxicated human. It was highly prohibited, as a vampire under the influence was a great danger. This caused all sorts of headaches for the paranormal police as patrols on weekends around the clubs district had to be intensified.
She breathed in their scents and then jumped down the parapet with the swiftness of a cat. The woman hid in the shadows and waited. A prey. She just needed a single one of them to separate from the group. Hopefully, the most intoxicated. She needed a good fix that night. Her family had been begging her to finally take responsibility of her name and join them in the family business and ran it too as it was expected by their heir.
What her family did not know was that Aelin Galathynius, heir of the Galathynius clan, had a dark secret.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @courtofjurdan @whimsicallyreading @themoonthestarsthesuriel @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity @acreativelydifferentlove @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn @backtobl4ck @susumaus98 @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost  @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin
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mitchipedia · 2 years
American Gentry
Much of America is governed by a class of wealthy gentry—not billionaires but not middle class either. Their wealth is in the millions and tens of millions.
Patrick Wyman:
This kind of elite’s wealth derives not from their salary - this is what separates them from even extremely prosperous members of the professional-managerial class, like doctors and lawyers - but from their ownership of assets. Those assets vary depending on where in the country we’re talking about; they could be a bunch of McDonald’s franchises in Jackson, Mississippi, a beef-processing plant in Lubbock, Texas, a construction company in Billings, Montana, commercial properties in Portland, Maine, or a car dealership in western North Carolina. Even the less prosperous parts of the United States generate enough surplus to produce a class of wealthy people. Depending on the political culture and institutions of a locality or region, this elite class might wield more or less political power. In some places, they have an effective stranglehold over what gets done; in others, they’re important but not all-powerful.
Wherever they live, their wealth and connections make them influential forces within local society. In the aggregate, through their political donations and positions within their localities and regions, they wield a great deal of political influence. They’re the local gentry of the United States.
Gentry classes have been common throughout history: The Roman Empire, Han China, medieval France, and the planters of the antebellum South.
By definition, they’re local elites.
In the early Roman Empire, for example, local civic elites were essential to the functioning of the state. They collected taxes in their home cities, administered justice, and competed with each other for local political offices and seats on the city councils. Their competition was a driving force behind the provision of benefits to the common folk in the form of festivals, games, public buildings, and more basic support, a practice called civic euergetism.
These local elites of the Roman world served as the linkage between the central administrative apparatus of the earlier emperors like Augustus or Hadrian and the archipelago of cities that made up the Roman Empire. This was how the Roman Empire could function with a central administration of only a few hundred scribes, clerks, and functionaries gathered around the emperor: The central state essentially outsourced the day-to-day running of the empire to the city councillors of Marseilles, Tarragona, Antioch, Athens, Carthage, and a hundred other cities scattered from Britain to Arabia.
When we talk about inequality, we skew our perspective by looking at the most visible manifestations: penthouses in New York, mansions in Beverly Hills, the excesses of hedge fund billionaires or a misbehaving celebrity. But that’s not who most of the United States’ wealthy elite really are. They own $2 million houses on golf courses outside Orlando and a condo in the Bahamas, not an architecturally designed oceanfront villa in Miami. It’s not that those billionaires and excesses don’t exist; it’s that they’re not nearly as common as a less exalted kind of wealth that’s no less structurally formative to our economy and society.
There are an enormous number of organizations and institutions dedicated to advancing the interests of this gentry class: Chambers of Commerce, exclusive country clubs and housing developments, the American Society of Concrete Contractors, and fruit-growers’ associations, just to name a small cross-section. Through these organizations and their intimate ties to local and state politics, the gentry class can and usually does wield significant power to shape society to their liking.
It’s easy to focus on the massive political spending of a Sheldon Adelson or Michael Bloomberg; it’s harder, but no less important, to imagine what kind of deals about water rights or local zoning ordinances are being struck across the country on the eighth green of the local country club.
This class is largely hereditary.
Managers run their companies, lawyers look over their contracts, accountants manage their finances, but they’re the owners, whether or not they’ve done a single thing of their own volition to accumulate those assets.
Equating wealth, especially generational wealth, with virtue and ability is a deeply American pathology. This country loves to believe that people get what they deserve, despite the abundant evidence to the contrary. Nowhere is this more obviously untrue than with our gentry class. They stand at the apex of the social order throughout huge swathes of the country, and shape our economic and political world thanks to their resources and comparatively large numbers, yet they’re practically invisible in our popular understanding of these things.
Power resides in group photos of half-soused overweight men in ill-fitting polo shirts, in gated communities and local philanthropic boards. You’ll rarely, if ever, see these things on CNN or in the New York Times, but they’re no less essential to understanding how and why our society works the way it does.
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teawaffles · 3 years
Forbidden Games: Chapter 4
Alan led the way as the two men proceeded down the corridor to another room. While he walked alone in front, the pair noticed the footsteps of several people following them from behind.
They seemed to be travelling to the back of the building, and apart from the people who were currently moving, there was no sign of life. Apparently, ‘normal’ participants could only play in that large hall from before.
“It’s gotten quite chilly, hasn’t it? As I recall, Mr Holmes, you’re not fond of the cold. Are you alright?” William murmured, his shoulders shaking slightly.
Sherlock himself wasn’t particularly sensitive to the cold, but he kept his expression static as he pondered the intention behind that statement.
In the next moment, William twitched the corner of his mouth upwards in a gesture that only Sherlock would understand. Recognising this, Sherlock understood everything, and promptly played along.
“That’s right. It does seem chilly. ——Liam, could you lend me your coat?”
“No problem, here you go.”
William held out the coat he had been carrying under his arm. Sherlock took it and immediately put it on. Then, he straightened the coat as he carefully checked how it felt on him.
“If you’re feeling cold, may I suggest we have a warm drink in one of these rooms before proceeding?”
Alan posed the question with a seemingly concerned tone. It appeared that he had taken William’s words at face value.
“No worries. Anyway, I’m also excited to see what kind of game you have for us. It’s almost like the shivers before a battle.”
At Sherlock’s words, Alan nodded happily.
“Is that the case? As the one introducing you to it, I’m pleased to hear that.”
At last, they reached their destination. Alan quietly opened the door and bid the duo enter. The two men shared a look, and went in silently.
The room was dimly lit, and roughly a quarter the size of the hall they were previously in. In the centre was a finely crafted round table, and surrounding it was a group of gentlemen standing in silence, staring at the new entrants.
It was an ominous sight, as if it were a secret ritual. The men’s expressions were unanimously mild, but there was also a keen sense of malice hidden underneath. Even so, having witnessed countless bloody battles and come out standing, William and Sherlock remained unperturbed amidst the disquieting atmosphere.
Sherlock looked at a corner of the room, and flashed a big grin.
“Yo, fancy meeting you here.”
Standing there was the noble’s son whom Sherlock had been tasked to find. Just like the other gentlemen, he was dressed sharply. Yet he lacked a trace of the dignity befitting a noble, instead glancing around his surroundings in sheer terror.
Having observed the young man’s appearance, William murmured a question to Sherlock.
“Is he the young man you were searching for?”
“Yep. It looks like he’s alive for now, but judging from his behaviour, it’s not hard to imagine how he was treated by these guys.”
After deducing the situation, they heard the click of a lock behind them.
Turning around, they saw Alan standing with his back to the door, a smile plastered on his face.
“As expected, you’re quick on the uptake. I sincerely admire your excellent deductive abilities.”
Sherlock snorted at his feigned courtesy.
“What’re you talking about? You’re the one who brought us here.”
“I thought it’d be pointless to keep this place a secret once you’d sniffed it out. Anyway, I reckoned I’d make sure to give him a proper welcome too.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Still, what reason could you possibly have for locking up some noble brat? Are all these guys your accomplices too?”
Alan made a show of being astonished.
“We don’t do such perverse things as locking people up. All we pursue is the pure delight of a game, and the comrades gathered here today share in this goal. It is only when pleasure is kept secret that it ascends to a higher realm.”
“——So just like what you did to us earlier, you invited this man here, coerced him into playing some ‘thrilling game’ which he lost, then locked him in this room until he pays off his debt. Is that right?”
William’s harsh words stripped away the veneer of Alan’s so-called lofty pleasures, revealing them to be but deceitful tricks. The man raised no retort, and Sherlock clicked his tongue.
“So, are you holding this noble’s son hostage for ransom? Or are you thinking of threatening him so that he’ll make arrangements for you when he inherits his estate? In any case, deceiving and threatening kids makes you no different from a stingy crook.”
Having been bluntly maligned, Alan finally shook his head in sadness.
“It’s utterly regrettable to be misunderstood in such a way. This man consented to play the game of his own free will. However, because he refused to pay up despite his defeat, I’ve had to keep persuading him ardently like this.”
“Persuasion…… so you say,” William retorted.
Having taught students of the same age, he did not hide his displeasure.
Then Sherlock pressed on, openly revealing his irritation.
“Well? Our goal here’s to bring him home safely, but as for you, you’re not going to let things go that easily, are you?”
Alan held out both arms, as if to express his admiration.
“Both of you have been a big help advancing the conversation so smoothly. But there’s no need to be afraid. We have no intention of committing barbaric acts. As I conveyed from the start, all I want to do is play a game with you, with all my heart and soul.”
“Damn you, if this was really just a game then there’d be no need to bet.”
“Doesn’t the risk of defeat just add to the excitement?”
“……Only your ability to make sophisms is first-class, huh.”
They seemed to be getting nowhere trading arguments with this man. Sherlock sighed, as if rendered speechless.
Taking over from the exhausted detective, William spoke up.
“In that case, would you release this man if we win your game?”
Alan nodded in enthusiasm.
“Precisely, since our motto is that all’s fair and square when it comes to games.”
However, Sherlock nudged William with his elbow.
“Liam, you don’t have to go out of your way to play along with them. If you leave it to me, I’ll beat these wimps to a pulp in seconds.”
Hearing Sherlock’s statement, Alan took a step back.
“Ooh, how frightening. In that case……”
He raised his hand. Taking that as a signal, one of Alan’s accomplices brandished a knife and held it to the young noble’s throat. Unable to even make a sound, the young man went white with shock.
“We have no choice but to respond appropriately.”
Alan’s friendly smile had morphed into a brutal one. Having seen the gentleman reveal his true nature, William finally looked at him with disgust.
“In other words, no matter how much we struggle to avoid it, we’ll be drawn into a game…… and although it wouldn’t be outright impossible, it would be difficult to call it ‘fair and square’.”
“This is all simply because we love games,” Alan said brazenly, with no regard for the hostility directed at him.
At that instant, the pair decided to crush this man.
Sherlock spoke up. Even though it wasn’t said particularly loudly, his statement rang out across the room.
William continued in an exceedingly polite tone.
“The extent to which you wish to play games, that I have understood completely. Therefore, regardless of the outcome, I hope you will not regret your decision.”
The pressure exerted by the pair’s fighting spirit had started to make Alan’s entire body tense up.
“I’m glad to hear that you’re in the mood now. By the way, what would you both like to wager on this match?”
At his question, the pair looked at each other.
“We demand that this man be set free. As for the price of our defeat…… Well, I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Anything I want?” Alan doubted.
Immediately, William chimed in.
“Then it would be the same for me. In the event that we lose, be it money, my position as a noble, or the fruits of my academic research, please feel free to lay claim to any of them.”
Alan’s eye twitched at their careless manner of speaking.
“……I don’t suppose you both take me for a fool?” he uttered, in a deeply uncomfortable tone.
“That would be outrageous. It’s simply because I have conviction.”
“When Liam and I team up, no one can stand up to us.”
They were outnumbered in the enemy’s hideout. On top of that, the enemy had taken a hostage.
But even though it would seem to anyone that they were at a disadvantage, the duo’s voices were filled with confidence. Any listener would soon realise that it was not an act of bravado. The two of them had complete trust that their intellectual capacity and force of will far exceeded that of these petty villains.
Having been struck head-on by William and Sherlock’s unshakeable conviction, an intense, hot hatred welled up in the pit of Alan’s stomach.
——In the past, Alan had been an influential noble with a vast plot of land in the vicinity of Durham. However, he had fallen into economic ruin with the Industrial Revolution and the current of the times. Simply put, he had begun to walk the path of his downfall.
He’d blindly believed his days of prosperity would continue for all eternity. Watching them fade away, Alan had sunk into the depths of despair, and desperately sought a way to assuage this sense of defeat.
To that end, he became absorbed in games. Whenever he and his opponent had agreed upon the rules and engaged in an earnest match, with him coming out the victor, Alan found that those indescribable highs were finally able to satisfy him.
Having grown aware of his appetite, upon finding out that there was a club established with the purpose of playing ‘games’, Alan immediately sought out his old friends in the nobility to gain admission. He then gathered like-minded people from within the club. Among the club members, he then would pick a target, covertly invite them to a game, and use brute force to achieve victory after victory.
Day after day they would rob nobles of their rights, with demands for payment which were unmistakably threats. His accomplices appeared to be satisfied by the profits, but Alan was different. He wanted to look down upon his opponent and use any means necessary to make them surrender.
Therefore, even now, as he held a noble’s son as a hostage, Alan refused to negotiate. He only desired to win the game. No matter what absurd sequence of events was taking place.
However, these young men were different. Even in the midst of danger, they were calm and composed, with no expectation at all that they would be defeated.
Faced with a type of person he had never met up till now, Alan not only remembered what it felt like to be irritated, but also chuckled inwardly to himself: it would surely be a pleasant experience to tear them down.
Once again, he put on a boastful smirk.
“If that’s the case, then I’ll be the one to decide the price of your defeat.”
“Fine by me. Well then, what game shall we play?”
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rampanttheories · 3 years
What classes/subjects I think the main six characters in the marauder’s year would be good at and/or enjoy:
Sirius Black - Charms/Arithmancy
Charms was obvious to me. Man had a flying motorbike at age 21. Arthur Weasley had been tinkering with his car for ages and it had hiccups, Sirius’ motorbike worked perfectly even after years of probably little upkeep since I don’t think Hagrid would have been able to maintain intricate advanced charms with a broken wand hidden in an umbrella and roughly three years of schooling. So Sirius enchanted his motorbike something solid. I think he didn’t do it alone (more later), but he did do it.
Arithmancy was more arbitrary and not with a clear indicator in the books. But I think he’d enjoy the clearness of it. No judgement, no politics, no complications, just factors and conclusions. Plus, it’d work well with Charms, so there.
Lily Evans - Charms/Potions
Charms is something we both see and hear mentioned in relation to Lily. As a child, she near-levitates herself off the swing and Ollivander mentions her wand being particularly suited for the subject. So I think it’s safe to assume she was outstanding in charmwork. I also headcanon her to have worked on the motorbike with Sirius. I like the thought of those two winding down after missions for the order by tinkering on the bike, talking about vastly different childhoods and hateful siblings, reminding themselves that they can create. A flying bike. A family. A future.
Potions I believe she was good at because she caught Slughorn’s attention. Slughorn likes to surround himself with either the famous or influential or talented students and she is neither famous nor influential. On the contrary, in the brewing war her blood-status was a detriment. But she impressed him so greatly that Slughorn invited her to the club and when he talked to Harry chose to speak of her, instead of taking the easy route of talking about James Potter. And later mentions her in class and declares Harry to have clearly “inherited [his] mother’s talent, she was a dab hand at potions, Lily was!” So I like to think she was absolutely brilliant at Potions.
Remus Lupin - Defense Against the Dark Arts/Ancient Runes
DADA is obvious. He taught it incredibly successfully. He was fantastic at it.
Ancient Runes is not based on any moment in the books I can remember, but he’d enjoy burying himself in ancient languages, deciphering riddles that only work in this specific grammar rule set. Additionally, I like the thought of runes being used to anchor permanent spells and layering them. Which works very well in combination with defense and entrenchment. Or with magically containing a werewolf on a full moon. Which is absolutely a key motivator for Remus. On a happier note, I headcanon Remus to have had the biggest part in creating the map thanks to his skill at runes and setting spells in stone.
Peter Pettigrew - Herbology/Divination
Ngl this was hard. I don’t like assigning Pettigrew stuff he’s good at. But I think he was very good at reading people and knowing their motivations and fears through micro-expressions and body language. This is evidenced by his tenure as a spy in the order and successful framing of Sirius Black. I believe that skill would come in handy in Herbology and Divination.
Herbology in the magical world deals with sentient plants as far as we can tell and Pettigrew would have a good eye for when the plant is about to become volatile and avert the crisis.
Divination when not practiced with a dead focus on the means of foretelling deals with reading the audience and laying out the most likely version of the future concerning this particular individual. He would have an excellent eye for when to talk of a person’s dreams, when to stay very realistic, and when to warn and strengthen paranoia.
He might also be good at Care because he can read animals,  but I am not sure if animals would like him.
James Potter - Transfiguration/Potions
For all that James Potter is omnipresent, we get very few hard facts on him.
Transfiguration was a given in my mind, I have no idea if this is canon or fanon. But I like the idea and it makes sense that James would be the one to come up with becoming animagi and having the confidence in his skill at transfiguration to attempt it unguided and in his teens with two of his friends.
Potions I think would be something incredibly familiar to him and so it was easy to become good at it and enjoy it immensely as a consequence. Most of the Potter fortune stems from potions and so I think James grew up partially in his parents’ lab. He’d chop the safe ingredients and get detailed explanations throughout his entire “WHY”-phase on ingredient properties, stirring pace, cauldron dimensions, stirring direction, colour changes, you name it he asked about it, effects, fumes, and cauldron material. So a lot of the groundwork was laid when he came to Hogwarts and he was good through practice and enjoyed brewing, but he wasn’t as noteworthy as Lily Evans or Severus Snape, who both had an understanding and passion for it that allowed them to go beyond the established recipes. James could reconstruct a half-remembered recipe through in-depth knowledge of the rules and properties, but he wouldn’t think of an improvement without serious prompting or necessity.
Severus Snape - Potions/Defense
The easiest of the bunch, because we know. Snape was excellent at Potions, vastly improving potion recipes while still in school, and Defense was his dream position and he created new offensive spells and presumably defensive/hiding spells such as Muffliato. (I say presumably as that spell is just written down in his potions book. If he came up with it I would have guessed he would have done so in Charms as it most closely resembles those spells, so I think he learned of it and wrote it down in potions)
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defensefilms · 3 years
Defense Films Names His Top 5 Favorite Rappers
In All It’s Infinite Glory And Magnanimity, Defense Gives You His Top 5 Favorite Rappers. 
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5. 50 Cent 
To this day, when you need a playlist for a MMA class and the group is hella diverse, you’re not really sure which way to go with it, pop in that 50. Can’t go wrong with Get Rich Or Die Trying (the original), or even that G-Unit Beg For Mercy.
That run from late 2002-2005/06 was unlike anything you’ll ever see again. That was a perfect situation where there was organic support from fans and there were people at a business level, mainly 50, that knew how to turn it into the wave that it became and industry has been trying to replicate this ever since.
While most people remember is the numerous scandals, beefs and controversies of that time but it was the music that moved the audience. For all the ways 50 Cent’s success mirrors ruthless American capitalism, his debut album is low key one of the most inspiring albums you’ll ever listen to. 
It’s a foxhole mentality on wax. It’s me-versus-you type thinking. It’s someone has to lose and I’ll be damned. It’s who ever has to get hit, is gonna get hit. 
See the first time I listened to it, it was about “In Da Club”, “Wanksta”, you know the more palatable records that got on radio and all that but the more I listened the more I realized, it was actually built on the backs of songs like “Patiently Waiting”, “Many Men”, “Back Down”, “Don’t Push Me” and “Gotta Make It To Heaven”. On one side it’s as motivational as you can think of but it’s not the wacky kind of naivé motivational talk because it’s willing to get it’s hands dirty and go in to much grittier ideas. 
Like his predecessors, 50 pulls off the trick of balancing easy-to-listen-to records on a foundation of graphic and aggressive songs.  
Recommended Songs: Maybe We Crazy, When It Rains It Pours
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4. Jedi Mind Tricks
I’ll give you props if you know who these man are but they are legends. Point blank. Violent By Design will forever rank as one of the great group albums in hip-hop history.  Vinny Paz, Jus Allah and producer/DJ Stoupe The Enemy of Mankind, gave hip-hop a shockwave they weren’t ready for, especially back in 1999.
Hip-hop as a business wasn’t ready to market a group, whose themes were rooted in topics like government control, military warfare, covert control tactics, religion and psychological warfare. To have all that in one bundle wasn’t something that big time A&R’s were ready for. 
Had they started this group in 2010, they would have walked in to a business landscape that was far more suitable to who they were as an act and as MC’s. 
Even with that JMT still enjoyed a lot of notoriety and they definitely succeeded in establishing their following, despite the odds. 
While Violent By Design may serve as the magnum opus of their body of work, their run really starts in 1997 with the Psycho-Social, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation Of Human Kind. 
Yes guy, that’s an album title. You gotta think now, I was in high school the first time I heard this and I was very into conspiracy theories and nonsense, so this album hit me right between the eyes. The idea that someone could use the medium of hip-hop in this way was crazy and the album would have been more than 10 years old when I first heard it.
No, the hip-hop historians among us will argue that Wu-Tang were a better and more influential group and I’d tend to agree, I can also bust back and say, “these dudes took Wu-Tang’s formula and gave it a whole different edge.”
 I’ll break it to you like this, Wu-Tang gave the world swordsmanship and the first projectile weapons like bow and arrows, spears and the likes. Jedi Mind Tricks gave the world gun powder, advanced modern explosives and semi-automatics. You see what I mean?
Recommended Songs: Untitled, Retaliation Remix
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3. Jay-Z
No top rappers list is complete without my man. The only reason he ain’t higher is because, I rate a rapper more highly if they’re in the prime of their musical abilities. If this were an all-time list he’d be way way higher. 
Beginning with Reasonable Doubt is really the only place to start when it comes to Jay. The production, the skits, the way every sentence was so tightly wound together, the word selection and sentence construction. It’s remembered as an album of hits because of tracks like “Cant Knock The Hustle”, ”Feelin It” and “Brooklyn’s Finest” but Reasonable Doubt was really defined by “Dead Presidents”, “D’evils”, “Politics As Usual” and “Can I Live”. 
The first batch of songs gave the album some relatability, as far as depicting club vibes and nightlife glamour because that second batch of songs were all built on darker themes like betrayal, jealousy, greed, blind ambition and deception. That combination of themes as well as the production to match each one is why that album will always rank high among a certain listenership. 
With that being said, never make the mistake of thinking Jay or any man is perfect. There’s like a 3 album run where there’s moments of dope-ness but not a truly complete album. 
Still with that, songs like “Imaginary Player” and “Where I’m From” will rank among his best songs.
It’s only when you get to The Blueprint can you start to see Jay perfecting the art of crafting, whole, complete albums that bump from start to finish. The Blueprint was near perfection in this regard. “U Don’t Know”, “Heart Of The City” and “Momma Loves Me” will rank as his best efforts and yeah, I skipped a few.
The Black Album replicated the Blueprint’s listenability, while also dealing in topics that created an album that sounded very personal to Jay. 
All told, the best parts of his catalogue are so strong that there is no denying his place on my list.
Recommended Songs: Dead Presidents, I Love The Dough
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2. Action Bronson
I cannot for the life of me fathom how this man doesn’t get the love but the real ones know. 
The mixtape download era (2010-2017 give or take), had many unlikely success stories. An overweight white guy, who grew up cooking in his parents deli/eatery, turned pro-chef then turned rapper, is beyond unlikely. Only the internet could allow this man to succeed and thank the hip-hop gods it did.
From 2012 to about 2018, Action was one of the only constants in my playlist. I still remember where I was the first time I heard “Brunch”. His catalogue starting with the Tommy Mas produced, Dr Lecter and boasting full collaborations albums along side Statik Selektah and the Alchemist, and of course the classic Blue Chips series. This man’s prime will be underrated. 
If you’re going to take one chapter of Bronson’s art and study it, it’s going to be Blue Chips 1 and 2. Both are thematically perfect without ever trying to be. Which is what allowed Party Supplies to make production choices that grabbed you from the jump. From the first time you hit play on the opening of Blue Chips 1, you’re hit with the sound of falling shards of glass and a violin sound that makes the opening song un-skippable. The songs themes are also a perfect introduction to the man himself. Debauchery, expensive taste, hedonism, revelry, unabashed pleasure-seeking, drug use and just enough self-depreciation that you felt you were along for the ride rather than just a fly on the wall, turning your nose in disgust. It was a perfect mixtape, at a time when mixtapes were at a crazy dumb high standard.
It’s not so much that a rapper made punchlines about food, that would be an over-simplification and really missing the trick. It’s that he made everything he said sound like the dopest thing ever and the most underrated trick about his music is that he made grown man rap without needing to be thuggin’. A rare feat. 
Bronson has since gone on to establish himself as a content creator/producer/food review guy but man, what he accomplished as a complete body of work is nothing short of astonishing.
Recommended Songs: Midget Cough, Bonzai
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1. Headie One
So it’s late last year. I’m hanging with my boy Phil and Brown, we had just finished some content and Phil says “yo listen to this”. He proceeds to play Golden Boot and it hasn’t stopped bumping since. 
A UK rapper with a lyrical nous and wit that rivals even legends like Jay-Z, but rapping over trap and drill beats. What Headie One is doing is not the norm and I’m talking in terms of his lyrics, sentence construction, word selection, metaphors, he does it all and like all the greats, he makes it look easy. 
His collaboration with RV definitely helped mold him, with both the “Sticks and Stones” and “Drillers and Trappers” mixtapes giving you an idea of what Headie offers as a lyricist. He compliments RV’s brash, aggressive boasts with slightly less obvious but incredibly witty boasts of his own.
His discography though really starts to peak with 2018′s “The One”. That’s where Headie begins find a sweet spot between his lyrics, production and the themes of his songs. A mixtape like this can only exist via independent release because outside of the aforementioned “Golden Boot”, ain’t none of those songs getting any radio play especially in a country as “conservative” as England. Even in a genre saturated with gangsta/trap, “The One” stands out for what he accomplishes lyrically.
Headie would follow that by releasing “The One Two” in June of 2018 and he ascends even more in what he’s able to accomplish with the words.
 The track “Banter On Me” should be in an all-time list somewhere for being the wittiest track of all time. The song is literally just Headie finding new and innovative ways to boast, call out and bait his foes. Hip-hop/Rap has plenty of beef songs that weren’t really direct call outs to any known public figure but were still definitely taking shots at someone. 50 cent’s “Wanksta” and “Officer Down” are some examples of such songs I can think of. Those did not really have the kind of wit Headie displays here. The constant streams of alliterations, double meanings, puns, metaphors, inferences and innuendos is just astonishing. There’s a real mastery of language at play here. The song is a lesson in language, no textbooks. 
Headie has since released his debut album along with additional tracks for the delux version of the album. His debut studio release “Edna” does what studio releases are supposed to do. “Parle-Vouz Anglais” and “Aint It Different” will standout and are difinitely the most palatable songs as far as radio play. Those are the 2 songs I’d play for first time listeners. 
Recommended Songs: Hard To Believe, Dues, Zodiac
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hp-crossgenfest · 4 years
2020 HP Cross Gen Fest Masterlist & Reveals
And now the moment we've all been waiting for…​ reveals!
Thank you so very much to everyone who has made this fest such an amazing success! Everyone who submitted stories and art, and those who read, reviewed and recced: You guys are the best! And an extra big thank you to those of you who made that extra effort to comment on all the wonderful creations. <3 <3 <3
It's been so much fun getting to post everybody's works and seeing so much wonderful support for HP cross gen; I hope you all enjoyed the fest as much as we did! 
Without further ado, here's a list of all the wonderful participants who worked so hard to create such glorious things for this year's fest!
MyWitch drew absolution [Aberforth/Severus | Mature] Snape is released after a couple of years in Azkaban; the terms of his parole include apologizing in person to Albus Dumbledore’s brother. His stoicism falls apart in the face of Aberforth’s forgiveness.
@paulamcg​ drew A Portrait with Someone New [Luna/Remus | Teen] Luna and Remus happily expecting (in 2004).
@gee-nx​ drew Extra Credit [Hermione/Teddy | Explicit] Teddy has trouble concentrating in Prof. Granger-Weasley's class. However will he manage to make up the extra credit?
@defenestrationisthekey​ drew A day in the sun [Harry/Severus | General] Severus has been turned into a merman without his consent. Harry still accepts them and helps them reconcile the change, see its benefits, and get some of their own back.
@paulamcg​ drew One Bright Day [Amelia/Tonks | General] Amelia and Tonks meeting under an umbrella and a rainbow.
@motherofmercury​ drew What Lily Knew [Draco/Lily Luna | General] Draco and Lily attend the same adult art class, but it isn't until he sees her finished piece that he understands what Lily knew all along.
@ac1d6urn​ wrote Talk to Me [Harry/Severus | Explicit] Sentenced to serve his time in Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts, Snape is startled out of his depression by the inevitable fights during Potter's frequent visits. What will he say to the man when he is free to walk out into the Wizarding World and speak his mind?
@malenkayacherepakha​ wrote Everything he's ever wanted [Harry/Teddy | Explicit] Teddy had hoped that a few years in Australia would be enough to cure him of his feelings for Harry, but when he returns home and gets some unexpected news, he can't stop the feelings rushing back. The only difference is, this time he might actually have a chance.
ThePeanutButterKid wrote The Apprenticeship [Draco/Lily Luna | Explicit] Prompt: Draco always gets what he wants. Even if he has to take it by force.
@gracerene09​ wrote Battleline [Draco/James Sirius | Explicit] The wizarding world believes James Sirius Potter works for his uncle as a Curse-Breaker, but the truth is that he's one of the Auror Department's most effective undercover agents. After months of waiting he's finally got a new case, but this assignment involves him going in as himself, without the disguises he's come to rely on. More importantly, he's meant to be taking down the one person long-suspected of being the most influential wizard in Britain's criminal underworld: Draco Malfoy.
@theslytherinheart​ wrote Truth from Dare [Harry/Scorpius | Teen] During a late night game of Truth or Dare after a fun Saturday out with Albus, Rose, and their friends, Scorpius finds himself being kissed by Harry Potter as a dare. But it's just a game, right?
Evandar wrote we who walk in shadows black [Harry/Lord Voldemort | Mature] In which Harry Potter is a vicious little gremlin who knows too much, and Lord Voldemort adores him for it.
Lilian wrote Advanced Lunacy [Harry/Severus | Mature] Luna accidentally discovers something, and now the whole Wizarding World is abuzz about it. Meanwhile, Snape keeps appearing in Harry's dreams frequently.
@siriuslythatbitch wrote There's No Such Thing as Getting Out of Hand [Narcissa/Pansy | Explicit] When Narcissa Malfoy finds herself confronted with a tempting treat all grown up, will she quash her appetite or sink her teeth in?
@lordofthegoods wrote The Most Expensive Date [Harry/Scorpius | Explicit] Harry just wanted a quiet evening at home, instead he is being auctioned off at a charity event like a piece of meat. Prepared to have a terrible night, Harry is incredibly relieved when the highest bidder turns out to be none other than Scorpius Malfoy—a nice boy who couldn’t possibly have an ulterior motive... right?
@likelightinglass wrote the gentleness that comes [Harry/Severus | Explicit] There's something bothering Severus, and Harry wants to help. It's easier for Severus to let go when he's exploring his submissive side, so Harry plans a weekend to show him just how loved he is, and how much Harry wants to care for him.
@ivyentwined wrote A Technicality [Hermione/Rabastan/Regulus | General] A ritual to cleanse Hermione's new house has unexpected consequences.
@sistersblack wrote a little bit of grit [Draco/Severus | Mature] Draco is a contract potioneer who specialises in medical research. Severus is... not dead, for one.
@freddie-fox-baxter wrote Vacanze Romane [Harry/Scorpius | Explicit] When he let Scorpius help plan his vacation, Harry had no idea just how involved he would be.
torino10154 wrote Her Pleasure [Draco/Lily Luna & Harry/Narcissa | Explicit] He likes to please his woman.
ivermectin wrote no wrong answers [Harry/Remus/Sirius | Explicit] It's almost five years since the war ended, and after an intense bout of aimless wandering and travel, Harry's come back home and is living at Grimmauld Place with Remus and Sirius. Their relationship fills him up with warmth - they deserve to be happy, and it's obvious that he wants what they have. But maybe, just maybe, Harry wants more than a relationship like the one Remus and Sirius have. Maybe he wants that relationship. Maybe he wants them.
@sportivetricks​ wrote Gouge Away [Millicent/Victoire | Teen] The Weasley girl has developed a keen fascination with Millicent's woodworking shop. Millicent can't seem to get rid of her, no matter how hard she tries.
@articcat621 wrote Late One Night [Hermione/Kingsley | Explicit] Late one night, Hermione finally makes her move. 
slowroad wrote Hyperion [Harry/Scorpius | General] Scorpius is a Veela and Harry is his mate.
Evandar wrote Summer Rain [Harry/Regulus | Explicit] A rainy day gives Harry the perfect opportunity to seduce Regulus.
pauraque wrote Summer Heat [Lily Luna/Luna | Explicit] A unexpected visit from Lily's godmother makes a boring summer weekend suddenly a lot less boring.
@liladiurne wrote On the Deficiencies of Translation Spells [Harry/Severus | Explicit] Divorced, single, and free, Harry lives a completely unapologetic life in Paris. Between casual hook-ups and an easy, comfortable job, he likes to think he is as close to happiness as he'll ever be. And when he gets offered a teaching job at the prestigious Académie Beauxbâtons, he thinks he may have found exactly what was missing. But Harry is thoroughly unprepared for what he finds there - a familiar face that's been haunting his dreams for six years.
@goldenzingy46 wrote Save Me From Her Stone-Cold Gaze [Harry/Tom Riddle | General] Tom Riddle has spent years looking for the Chamber of Secrets, and he's glad he can finally purge the school of Mudbloods. At least, that was the plan. It turns out the basilisk wasn't happy to be controlled, and Tom is forced to make a deal with the Master of Death (and maybe fall in love with him).
@epsilonargus wrote break on me like light [Charlie/Sirius | Mature] When the Order brings Sirius Black to Charlie, the man is still covered in the grime of Azkaban. A story wherein Sirius is still a little broken, calls Charlie kid, and Charlie is far too sweet.
@lordofthegoods wrote Fire for You [Harry/Scorpius | Explicit] Nothing can make them keep their hands off each other.
@evenmyzefronposter wrote Waving Through A Window, Suddenly [Harry/Severus | Explicit] Severus Snape was alive and free and perfectly satisfied with his life. He stayed away from other people and he did what he wanted. And if he felt like he was looking through a window at everyone else, that was alright, because he didn't need them anyway. Until Harry Potter moved in across the street, that is. Suddenly, just looking through the window wasn't enough for Severus anymore.
azyxy wrote Trying not to think [Hermione/Teddy | Explicit] She couldn't even remember the last time her and Ron had left the lights on during sex, let alone the last time he’d complimented her, so watching Teddy struggle to keep his hands to his side while she stepped out of her dress was quite the ego boost.
mindabbles wrote Puddlemere’s New Man [Oliver/Teddy | Explicit] Teddy is willing to put in the work. He’s willing to practice twice as hard as anyone else, except that no one can out-work Oliver — a fact that Teddy finds he doesn’t mind in the least.
@clemandben wrote Maybe I'm Amazed [Albus Severus/Draco | Explicit] Albus Potter never set out to fall in love with Draco Malfoy. A small story telling how Albus and Draco came to be married. On their wedding night they dance, talk and make love.
@dwell-on-dreams wrote Learning to Fly [Harry/Severus | Mature] Post-war, Severus is found not guilty, but due to the stigma in the Wizarding world, he decides to live life as a Muggle, leaving everything (but his wand) behind. Harry is overwhelmed, barely having any time to grieve, he keeps being recognised in the street and strangers ask too much of him. He finds solace in the Muggle world, finally exploring who he is without the threat of death, he finds himself in a Muggle kink club watching Severus Snape tying up a young man, and he wants.
@theslytherinheart wrote Best Man [Harry/Scorpius | Mature] In the years since his divorce from Ginny, Harry Potter hasn't cared much for dating, let alone had feelings for anyone strong enough to pursue. Now that his son's wedding is on the horizon, the Best Man, Scorpius Malfoy, has been spending extra time getting input from the Father of the Groom. And Harry finds he doesn't mind Scorpius' constant company one bit.
hannelore wrote The Ache For Love Was Palpable [Lily/Minerva | Mature] Lily once had a crush no one ever knew about. She thought it was just a schoolgirl pash on a favorite professor, but working for the Order throws her and McGonagall constantly together. Even though she's a married woman now, Lily's feelings for Minerva come back in a rush, even stronger than before. "I didn't know then what I wanted, but the ache for it was palpable." - Sue Monk Kidd, The Mermaid Chair
@emansil wrote Fields of Strawberries [Harry/Remus | Explicit] As much as Remus has done for Harry over the years, this is the least he could do. Little did Harry know what he would discover about himself when he volunteered to marry Remus so he could keep custody of his infant son Teddy.
@avioleta wrote Writing Harry [Harry/Severus | Explicit] After the war, Harry Potter begins writing letters to Severus.
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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From schoolchildren to historians, visitors to Washington, DC, are drawn to the Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial, and other marble monuments to American freedom. These shining symbols of our democracy reflect our nation as we aspire for it to be. But they tell us little about who we are, to say nothing of the city in which they are located. Venturing beyond Washington’s monumental core to explore DC and its neighborhoods, you’ll see that no city better captures the on­going tensions between America’s expansive democratic hopes and its enduring racial realities. We’ve arranged four “stops” in an imagined itinerary to tell the city’s story through space and time. This is not a walking tour as such, but a visit to any of these areas will help you understand the city and its struggles for racial justice and democracy.
Stop 1: Old Town Alexandria (c. 1800–62)
Today, Alexandria is in Virginia, but in 1800 it was part of the original 10-mile square that became the seat of the federal government. In the 1820s and 30s, Alexandria was home to several slave-trading firms, including Franklin & Armfield, the nation’s largest and most profitable. Its three-story office stood at 1315 Duke Street and served as the nerve center of a massive operation that sold more than 1,000 enslaved people annually.
Early Washington benefited immensely from slavery and the slave trade. Enslaved people worked on every major public construction project, they waited on the men who ran the nation, and they were bought and sold within sight of the Capitol. Even as slavery itself waned in Washington—by 1830 free black people were a majority of the city’s black population—the nation’s capital became America’s largest slave-trading city.
Abolitionists made Washington their top priority. The nation’s capital, they argued, should not be tainted by the sin of slavery, and they deluged congressional mailrooms with thousands of petitions calling for an end to the slave trade in DC—Congress, not the local government, retained ultimate control over the city. As abolitionists gained strength, white Alexandrians engineered an 1846 vote for retrocession, whereby the area west of the Potomac was ceded back to Virginia, taking nearly a third of the District’s land mass. When abolitionists won a ban on the slave trade in DC as part of the Compromise of 1850, the city’s slave dealers simply crossed the Potomac and continued their business in Alexandria. Slavery itself remained alive in the truncated District until April 16, 1862, when Washington’s enslaved people became the first in the nation to be legally emancipated.
Stop 2: LeDroit Park (c. 1865–1941)
Across the Potomac, north from downtown Washington, and across Florida Avenue (formerly Boundary Street) is the neighborhood of LeDroit Park, with Gothic-inspired cottages and elegant Italianate villas sitting back from narrow roads.
Now enveloped by the city, LeDroit Park was Washington’s first post–Civil War residential suburb. The segregated enclave was at the forefront of massive demographic and spatial changes that reordered DC’s racial geography in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Because all city residents, black and white, had been disenfranchised in 1874, following a brief flowering of interracial democracy during Reconstruction, real estate developers, urban planners, and congressional leaders could act without local democratic accountability. The city became a “national show town” featuring a monumental core of federal buildings surrounded by neighborhoods increasingly segregated by race and class.
When abolitionists won a ban on the slave trade in DC as part of the Compromise of 1850, the city’s slave dealers simply crossed the Potomac to Alexandria.
But the imposition of a new segregated order was never static or uncontested. By the mid-1890s, black residents began to trickle into LeDroit Park and white owners began to trickle out; by World War I, the neighborhood was almost exclusively black. LeDroit Park became home to the city’s best-known black leaders, including educator Anna Julia Cooper, poet Paul Laurence Dunbar, and activist Mary Church Terrell, whose crumbling home at 326 T Street NW is a National Historic Landmark but cries out for restoration.
Washington at the turn of the 20th century remained a magnet for black migration from the rural South. The city boasted the nation’s largest black community (nearly 87,000 people, almost a third of the city’s population) and offered relatively more opportunities for education and economic advancement than the rest of the South. Home to a small but influential black elite, a thriving black middle class, and strong black public schools, DC embodied the hopes of black America. Local NAACP leader Neval Thomas wrote, “The white man keeps the full weight of his superior numbers, oppressive spirit, and unjust monopoly of political power, hard pressed against this suffering, yet beautiful little world of striving, but we grow to fuller stature in spite of it all.”
Stop 3: Southwest (c. 1874–1960)
Successful strivers have commanded historians’ attention, but three-quarters of black Washingtonians were working people: domestics and hod carriers, janitors and nannies. Many lived in Southwest Washington. Dubbed “The Island” in the mid-19th century, Southwest historically has been isolated physically and culturally from the rest of the city, separated first by the infamous City Canal, then by a set of unsightly railroad tracks, and today by a confusing network of highways and exit ramps.  
Southwest was the home of Perry Carson, a hulking former saloon keeper whose black working-class coalition dominated local Republican patronage politics and infuriated DC elites, black and white, in the decades after disenfranchisement.
Home to 23,000 residents, Southwest remained a vibrant working-class community into the mid-20th century. Urban planners and city boosters, however, saw only “blight.” Working directly with unelected city commissioners and local business leaders, they made Southwest ground zero in a national movement for “urban renewal.”
Beginning in 1954, federal officials bulldozed all of Southwest between Interstate 395 and the waterfront, displacing essentially all the previous residents. Award-winning apartment complexes, such as Charles Goodman’s futuristic River Park development along 4th between N and O Streets, rose atop the rubble of working-class row houses. The area’s demographics flipped. In 1950, Southwest had been 70 percent black and predominantly poor; by 1970 it was nearly 70 percent white and mostly middle-class. Ezekiah Cunningham, the 84-year-old owner of a small grocery store in Southwest since 1907, summed up urban renewal’s effects: “Well, it seems like they’re handin’ out a passel o’ joy and a passel o’ sorrow.”
Stop 4: 14th and U Streets NW (c. 1960–present)
Urban renewal helped catalyze an era of grassroots activism in the 1960s and 1970s. Much of this activism percolated around the intersection of 14th and U Streets NW, the bustling transit hub of a black commercial district that offered blocks of restaurants, theaters, and clubs that catered to black customers. In the 1960s, the area was home to organizations such as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), and Pride, Inc.  
Increasingly impatient with the slow pace of liberal reform, many black DC residents raged against local authorities and the segregationists who oversaw the city in Congress. Washington Post reporter Ben Gilbert recalled that in 1967, “street disorders requiring police action became regular, almost weekly, occurrences.” The most destructive of these conflicts erupted in April 1968, after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The riot, which began at this intersection, claimed 12 lives, reduced the city’s black commercial districts to rubble, and required more than 13,000 federal troops to restore order.
White business owners and some middle-class African Americans fled, but a rich assortment of civil rights and Black Power organizations remained, joined by predominantly white New Left activists. They waged pitched battles against exploitative landlords, brutal cops, freeways, rats, and racism. And in 1973, they helped secure for the city the local self-government it had lacked since the end of Reconstruction.
Today the corner of 14th and U Streets is nearly unrecognizable to those who knew it during the heady, hopeful days of a generation earlier, when funk impresario George Clinton dubbed Washington the country’s preeminent “Chocolate City.” After two decades of gentrification, the area boasts high-end condos, upscale businesses, and a robust “foodie” scene. The old SCLC office on the northeast corner of the popular intersection is now occupied by a “boutique steakhouse” offering a $52 rib eye and $13 signature cocktails.
Like the rest of DC, the neighborhood is becoming younger, whiter, and wealthier. More than 70 percent black in the 1970s, Washington no longer has a black majority, and it faces gargantuan and growing racial disparities in wealth and employment—an Urban Institute study found that in 2014 white wealth in DC was 81 times greater than black wealth. Astronomical real estate values make it increasingly difficult for low-income residents to remain in the city.
These changes have rekindled questions of race, power, and accountability that have marked Washington since its inception. As you make your plans for January, we hope you will find time to visit the city beyond the monuments to explore how Washingtonians have grappled with the dilemma that is American democracy.
Chris Myers Asch and George Derek Musgrove are the authors of Chocolate City: A History of Race and Democracy in the Nation’s Capital, due out from the University of North Carolina Press on November 6.
Editor’s note: The 132nd Annual Meeting of the AHA will take place in Washington, DC, on January 4–7, 2018. In the run-up months to every meeting, Perspectives highlights aspects of local history and points of interest in our host city. Because we will convene in our hometown this year, we’re delighted to be able to present deeper takes on the Capital City’s history and culture. Welcome to DC (as locals call it)!
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Kelsey Harper
Professor Dr. Richards
(ENG-3298-01, WGS-3298-01, GBS-3298-01)
July 30th 2021
Individual CommonPlace Book & Reflection Paper
Feminism & Gender Equality
Did you know that eight out of the top ten countries have a larger female gender population compared to the male gender yet the percentage of women within the workforce was at 28% since 1959 up until 2020? That means for every 1 male, there are 7 females to that one male, making the population higher for women. It is sad to report considering I have been a part of that percentage since 2000.  To think that an entire race of extraordinary females for more than just one reason are not on the same working tier as man, even though woman represent a great deal larger within the population compared to men is astonishing. I know what you are thinking, it is due to our past ancestors that made the corporate world, “a man’s world” however, so much has changed in today's society to encourage women that they are just as equal to man in more than one way!
I, for one, grew up in a “both my parents work” home situation, which ultimately left my brother and I with a lot of babysitters. For many other people like me, that can be normal right? Well, what I didn’t know for the longest, was that my mom was working as a Merrill Lynch Financial Advisor managing over 500 million dollars in assets which ranks her in the top one half percent of all females and more importantly males in her industry. Ironically she has been doing this for over 34 years and the percentage of women who are at her level in the investment business has never moved past 15%. Making her one of only 200 other women in the entire industry at her level(which made her job an everyday event to consistently prove herself to the men around her.) She picked a career that was based on meritocracy, so there was very little subjectivity to her advancement. Basically, she was responsible for her own success, the harder she worked, the better she did. This inspired me at an early age because my mom never seemed to think that whatever she was searching for, shooting for or hoping for was unreachable. If anything it never even crossed her mind to not work as hard as she could to be within her industry and have the reputation she has built up to today. She has made it her mission to bring up other women to follow in her path. Okay, so you may ask well how does this even relate to our class? Well, part of the reason I was so interested in taking the class in the first place was the title, which is, “Woman’s Writing Worldwide”, which stood out to me because of the first word. It stood out because of that five letter & two syllable word that can make or break a human coming into the world. For others, within third world countries, like the ones we have been reading about, that word defined one from the jump and almost pre-decided that female's destiny. As much as I would like to say it is different in the United States, it is similar in the way that being a woman in today’s culture is a huge ever-growing adjustment because men are only making it harder for us to speak our truths and claim our spots within the working class. Trust me, I may sound like a hater on the male race, but I am eternally grateful to a lot of them for making me the person I am today, however if men truly understood woman, like we do them, the world would be a much fairer place because it is not a competition all the time like men tend to make it to be.
One person that spoke volumes to this exact subject was Meghan Markle, in her speech that specifically dealt with her first encounter with being a woman’s right advocate at the early age of 11. In that speech, she essentially told the audience that she was watching a TV show in grade school, when a commercial came on for a dish liquid with the tagline, “woman all around America are fighting greasy pots and pans,” when two boys in her class quickly said after that commercial, “yeah that is where women belong, in the kitchen.” She was so bothered with this that she wrote to the first lady, then Hilary Clinton, Linder Elerby, Gloria Albred and the soap manufacturer, Proctor and Gamble to change the tagline to, “people all over America are fighting pots and pans.” When in fact, a month later they in fact did change the tagline and opened the doorways for Markle to really understand the magnitude of her actions within this topic. She then goes on to even say that, “women need a seat at the table, they need an invitation to be seated there, and in some cases when a seat is unavailable then they have to make their own. It is said that girls with dreams become women with vision. May we empower each other to carry out such a vision because it is not enough to simply talk about equality and it is not enough to simply believe in it, one must work at it. Let us work at it together, starting now.” I absolutely loved her entire story because it really hit home for me who was mesmerized by her willingness to stand up and say something. Without that willingness from women such as her, women as an entire race will never have a seat at the table. I am thankful to her and for the blessed opportunity to come across that story which inspired me to start a club chapter of CHAARG(changing health, attitude, actions to recreate girls) to encourage women to speak their truths, focus on themselves and be inspired by the powerful woman around them to step up and not only prioritize their mental health & wellness but their eating, their exercise, their self care, their mental health and overall happiness.
Another important factor to add, is that it has been observed in women's fight for equality in the workforce,  that there are a lot of women that fall into the category of being a part of the “sandwich generation.” This generation of professional working women have been tasked with both caregiving for their children and their aging parents. This has caused breaks within their career paths and deferred promotions. This is particularly felt within the wealth gap of income disparity between men and women. Recently, I have noticed a corporate trend towards improving this disparity. Corporations are offering more flexible work hours to accommodate these “sandwich generation” working mothers.
One speaker that really spoke volumes to this exact subject was the Msimang TED talk, where she described a time in her life where she had something taken from her by the opposite gender and felt for the first time the extreme difference between a boy’s perspective and a girl’s perspective. A great quote from our actual syllabus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was, “The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue but that they are incomplete. They make one story be the only story.” I enjoyed this quote because both the story by Msimang and the quote by Adichie, touch upon a common goal, equality in every form. Another element that really moved me within Msimang’s TED Talk was her inner passion for storytelling and really trying to capture what makes a good story. I also was really inspired by the TED Talk by Dalia Mogahed, a religious muslim that spoke heavily on the idea of Muslims within America. Although her topic wasn’t exactly about gender equality but more so about racism in general, she spoke about a time in her life when she felt embarrassed to not only be a muslim but also a female muslim. Her story about being scared for her life after the 9/11 attacks, was the first time in her life, she said, that she was afraid to be her true self. I felt for her in this way that I too, felt similar when walking down a city street by myself as a young adult female. Although the two are still very different, in the moment while watching her speak about her story, this was the first image that popped into my mind.
Most importantly, I enjoyed the TED Talk by Kavita Ramdas, with her extraordinary opener, which was: “ Given my TED profile, you might be expecting that I'm going to speak to you about the latest philanthropic trends -- the one that's currently got Wall Street and the World Bank buzzing -- how to invest in women, how to empower them, how to save them. Not me. I am interested in how women are saving us. They're saving us by redefining and re-imagining a future that defies and blurs accepted polarities, polarities we've taken for granted for a long time, like the ones between modernity and tradition, First World and Third World, oppression and opportunity.” This got me thinking more and more about gender equality as a whole and just how important and influential women are in society. Countries such as China, took a very long time to find this out, as many of new born baby girls were sold to the States for money because in their culture, “boys were the only ones that could work to bring the family up, girls are an embarrassment and are only here for one thing, reproduction.” However, after several years, they grew to know that they ended up needing more women because they were running out of women to bear children, hence the population drop in 2019 into 2020.
To combat that however, it has been proven through the last century that intellectually women are naturally more nurturing & emotionally smarter than men, just like the saying that “women develop maturity faster than men do”. So women tend to outshine men in industries such nursing.  However, men tend to rely more heavily on their physical strength in order to obtain certain jobs that are not typically where women fit into the picture such as construction and engineering. I, for one, have never viewed it like that because I have always believed that no matter the race or ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexuality or financial standing, everyone deserves to work a job they love in any industry and that all judgement should be shoved out the window without reason.
In conclusion, I believe in the strength of women as a whole race to be able to one day never have to speak of women's rights. I envision a time within my life that women will have a seat at the table, they will be heard, understood and most importantly treated equal to men. I believe it starts with women empowering other women first and then men following that trend.
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dollarwarm36 · 4 years
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UA women's assistant to miss Florida game.
Posted: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 20:32:14 GMT [source]
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