#harry potter cross gen
camelliacats · 1 year
long way down
Have some Stanior feels set amidst the final battle. ;3
Fic: "long way down" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: implied Scabior/Stan Shunpike
Rating: very light T
Words: ~1,580
Additional info: romance, slash, cross gen, angst, Harry's era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Scabior's supposed to feel a sense of pride, leading part of this storm into the castle, across the bridge. Then why does it feel like a trap, with no hands out to catch him if he falls?
      Various things set Snatchers apart from Death Eaters. There was the obvious lack of a brand on the inner left forearm, of course. There was the brilliant wardrobe, secondly. There was, most importantly, on overreliance on magic on the part of the Death Eaters.
      That last notion in particular came to mind tonight as Scabior raised his head in the evening air and gave the dampness a sniff.
      "What've you got?" came somewhere off to his left.
      "Shh," Scabior rushed, half in annoyance, half to concentrate.
      The voice's owner went still behind him. Others with him didn't pipe up after that, some perhaps waiting for Scabior's opinion.
      But, when he settled on one, he found he wasn't keen to share it. At least, not with everyone present. No…
      Not when something felt odd tonight, and that something reeked in the air.
      Scabior didn't have Greyback's senses, of course, so he doubted the other Snatchers would put much faith in his caution now, despite Scabior's good nose on previous hunts. Not to mention several of these Snatchers, including the one who'd just spoken up (Rumford, an all right bloke), were low-level Death Eaters on loan well past their previous assignment ages ago.
      At that thought, Scabior put his concern on hold and glanced behind him, picking out Faraday's men in an instant. Rumford was close by, near one of Scabior's trusted, the exceptionally tall and reedy Barkin. Rumford had taken to learning the ropes from Barkin in Moyer's place the last several months, since Moyer had grown indignant and wanted out after barely more than a few weeks. Speaking of the git—Scabior spied the burly bastard dressed once more in all black, more comfortable with the newly recruited Death Eaters back along the tree line than up front by the covered bridge with sympathizers and Snatchers. Well, Moyer could stay there, for all Scabior cared. Moyer was a pain in the arse anyhow. Unlike—
      Unfocused eyes stopped staring out over the gorge and drifted Scabior's way, and blue eyes met blue.
      Scabior pursed his lips, tamping down his frown about the odd air the longer Shunpike held his gaze. Faraday thought Shunpike trouble, keeping the young wizard Imperiused all the time. But the witch simply didn't understand that didn't have to be the case with Shunpike.
      Scabior… Scabior knew Shunpike's story, because it wasn't far from his own. It was how the two men had come to an agreement of sorts, how they'd become confidants little by little over the past few months, without the need to take away Shunpike's freedom, only for him to feign it in front of others.
      A broken twig snapped to his right, alerting him that Shunpike had inched forward and then frozen.
      Scabior froze, too, and clenched his jaw. It was a dangerous game they played, keeping Shunpike's head down and the ruse up. It didn't help that, with the barrier around the castle and the odd air, things had Scabior on edge right now.
      To the point where, if he had a choice, he wouldn't lead this charge tonight.
      But he had to be alone in his opinion, because others paced around him and Shunpike, some hooted and hollered, more taunted the students waiting across the bridge behind the suits of armor come to life, and even more behind him and Shunpike didn't bother keeping their voices down much at all, acting as though this were merely a small stop before the Dark Lord took care of things, made history, and the Wizarding world changed forever.
      And that would be the case. Everyone who sided with the Dark Lord or against the Ministry's abusive powers or just because was here tonight, to change the world.
      So Scabior set aside his fear of the something odd and focused on that, because he was done being one of those victims of those with power and a name. He glanced at Shunpike then.
      With everyone else's attention diverted, Shunpike didn't try as hard this second to pretend. His lips parted in a tiny, puckered, concerned "o" and his brow was furrowed. He was waiting for Scabior to share what had made the older wizard go quiet.
      But Scabior closed his eyes and shook his head, assuring Shunpike not to worry. And, when he opened his eyes, something invisible fluttered into being in front of him, burning to a crisp, crumbling to ashes, fading just as quickly as it arrived. …the barrier.
      The barrier was down.
      The chaos of the assembled behind him converged into a concentrated attack when victorious whoops rang out, and a reinvigorated Scabior held his wand high, leading the way across the bridge.
      A lanky but worn student had come partway onto the bridge to taunt them but turned heel and ran the moment Scabior and the others gave chase, and the thunder of footsteps—dozens of them, no, hundreds—clamored after him. The pounding footfall echoed in the covered bridge, so loud Scabior almost couldn't hear himself laugh, and he couldn't hear Shunpike, either, when the younger wizard yelped something behind him—
      No, wait.
      It wasn't the footfall that was deafening.
      During their charge forward, there had been charges set off under the bridge.
      The chaos of the assembled behind Scabior returned but morphed into panic, into screams and hollers and cries for help and desperate attempts at magic to save themselves. Bodies and splinters and bridge and fire rained down as Scabior and Shunpike and few more poured on what little speed they had left, to try and reach the safety of the other side.
      But it was no use.
      The ground beneath Scabior's feet crumbled. He knew he should've trusted his instincts (they were what made him an excellent Snatcher, after all). Instead, here he was, his heart plummeting into his stomach as he drop, drop, dropped, flailing out of instinct like any other hapless animal.
      …but…he wasn't an animal.
      None of them—not his Snatchers—they weren't animals or the lowest of lows or beyond saving.
      That struck Scabior when a hand shot out from thin air and jerked him to a stop.
      Pain snapped him out of his dismal thoughts, and Scabior followed the arm up to the face of his savior…and he gaped at Shunpike.
      Shunpike couldn't pretend to be Imperiused right now, but they had bigger worries, certainly. For one, Shunpike had managed to cling to one of the broken but still standing structural beams, up towards the top. But the knuckles of his right hand which clung to the beam were pure white, and sweat dripped from his brow. He was holding on—quite literally—for life.
      For his and Scabior's, both.
      "C'mon, then," Shunpike said, though his voice was strained.
      Scabior blinked away his stupor and pursed his lips once more. "Come where?"
      "I don' 'ave me wand, Scabior. Lost it instead of me life." He grinned (always toothy and a bit goofy, but genuine nevertheless) and tried pulling Scabior up. But Shunpike's grin dimmed as he struggled to heave the other man up. His willowy arm had a good grip but terrible lifting power. And his other arm wouldn't hold on to what remained of the structural beam forever.
      They locked eyes as the weight of reality clicked into place. Scabior opened his mouth—
      But Shunpike beat him to the punch with a glare. "If you say sumfink stupid like 'Save youself,' then I'll just 'ex you meself when I find a new wand, you wanker."
      Getting chewed out right now, of all times, and by Shunpike no less… It was so absurd that Scabior couldn't help it: He laughed. It was a hearty sound and feeling, and he did agree with Shunpike for a beat, that perhaps he was a wanker, when they hadn't even exhausted all their options yet. So Scabior, who'd been clutching Shunpike's outstretched arm with both hands, pried one hand free to pat his own person for his wand. They ought to have time enough to try a spell or two—
      Scabior blanched, his good humor evaporating.
      Shunpike, having gotten so much better at reading him during his stay with the Snatchers, stared at Scabior, wide-eyed.
      But no. Scabior had been fearful before, about tonight. He wouldn't let panic set in, even when he switched hands and—and felt that no, he truly was wandless…
      Shunpike's arm strained as the younger wizard scrambled to haul Scabior up. But as he focused on his left and its precious cargo, the grip of his right arm on the beam began to slip. It wasn't noticeable at first, but then they slid by a centimeter and another and then by two inches.
      "No! Don' distract me right now—"
      "I won' 'ear you—"
      "Stan." Scabior's smile was small and tight when Shunpike whipped his head around, unaccustomed to the use of his given name by the Snatcher. Scabior rested his head against Shunpike's sleeve and pressed a grateful kiss to the back of the hand holding on to him.
      But the gesture only worried Shunpike even more, despite their confidants-and-something-oddly-more status. Fear renewed his strength. He tugged Scabior impossibly closer, and Shunpike's face was nearly within reach.
      Blue eyes locked with blue eyes.
      Scabior could almost feel Shunpike's breath on his face.
      Then Shunpike's left hand cramped and his arm spasmed, his fingers flying open, and Scabior finally stopped holding on and—
Done for the If You Dare Challenge (for prompt #812: how to save a life) in the HPFC forum on FFN. You read right; I ended it there. B3 I rarely do cliffhangers or ambiguous endings, but I knew I wanted this one to stop here, bc I can't stop thinking about them, *lol*. As for what Scabior refers to as his and Stan's "shared story," that's a ref to smthg in "Less Than Dirt," so that's my plug for you to read that. Is there another Stanior coming after this? Yep! "The Trial of Stan Shunpike," to be written once I figure out which of two possible endings I wanna do. :3c I rly do enjoy Scabior ships, tho…I just… *has written this man a LOT* And it's hard but fun to write Stan's thick accent?? Idk. Board the Stanior ship with me, folks.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
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faith2wood · 3 months
hey! i just finished beholden. i wanted to ask what got you writing, what had you stop for a decade, and what got you back in?
Ahhhh! Asking me why I write? You wanted word vomit? You're getting word vomit.
(There's a little spoiler for Beholden under the cut.)
What got me writing?
No, really.
I was a lurker/reader in the Buffy fandom at the time, and I'd only occasionally read HP fics — 95% gen!fic, 4% low rated canon romance, 1% Sirius/OC smut, because the rest of my faves were kids, and I wasn't interested in anything else. 
And then after DH, with Draco getting pushed to the brink of redemption, but not crossing the line, and with Harry's view of him changing — always so sorry, so sad for him, always noting how scared he seemed, even switching to calling him 'Draco' — I was left with such a need to read that pairing. I wanted Draco to cross that line, and I wanted that soft understanding Harry had found for him to get explored. 
So, I tried reading Harry/Draco fics. And OH MAN. 
I was no stranger to character-bashing and unusual interpretations of canon — Buffy fandom was pretty damn crazy — but I knew my way around that place. With Harry/Draco, I stepped into the WILD. Fic after fic, all I could find was everything I loved and everything Harry loved in canon torn apart to pieces. His friends, his girlfriend, his House, his beliefs, his humor, the things that he wanted, the things that he fought for, the things that he was willing to die for, his character growth in DH, the confident brave man he became after Dobby's death, all of it dismissed, usually in a handful of exposition paragraphs. Endless apologies for the pure-blood supremacists. Draco 'redeeming' himself by quoting lines written by his fans on discussion boards, and therefore showing me he's not regretful, just full of excuses. Or he's not even redeemed, just cool and rich and suave (lol) and so much wittier than that bumbling, irrationally angry Harry Potter that felt plucked straight from OotP with all his teen angst painfully exaggerated. And then in those fics Harry just goes with it because he thinks Draco is hot. 
I could go on. I won't. 
So, I had that petulant moment where I thought, "Fine. I'll do it myself. How hard can it be?" 
Well, pretty damn hard, apparently. It's hard to create convincing drama. It's hard to get the characters in the right frame of mind so your plot could work. It's very hard to write smart and witty characters. It's hard to convincingly redeem someone. It's hard to juggle a cast of side-characters. It's hard to spell the word nesscscseary. It's especially hard to take that perfect, plausible, well-thought out story in your head and write it down without losing at least half of what makes it good. It's also hard to find time to write and write well. And of course your personal opinions on canon and fanon can seep through no matter how hard you try not to preach, and it can totally ruin a story.
That realization tempered my rage. It didn't mean I was willing to read the things I don't like, of course; I always liberally use that back button. But I did eventually find fics that I love and reccers I can trust, and learned to forgive when authors cut some corners.
Oh, but the taste of POWER writing gave me. The fact that I can just write the things I want to read. Cater to my own preferences. Simply not include the things I don't like. I want it, it's there; I don't want it, it's not.
So that's why I started writing. So I could read exactly what I wanted to read. Stories perfectly tailored for me. Honestly, I'm my biggest fan. I'm my own writing bitch. It doesn't even matter if I fail to do a good job while writing down the little movie that played out in my head, because I know my own intentions. I thought it all through. What I've written might not make sense to a reader sometimes, but it always makes sense to me. And I can always forgive myself if I feel like I failed. I find it very, very easy to forgive myself. Others, not so much, especially if I start to suspect they don't love Harry enough.
What made me stop writing?
I didn't stop writing. I stopped posting. I stopped interacting with fandom. I felt like I had my fill. I'm happy to recycle plots and read and write similar things over and over again, because I want what I want, and I won't apologize for it, but apparently I've reached a limit after all and felt like I have nothing new to offer.
I kept writing stuff. Fanfic for other fandoms, original stuff, even HP fics. Most of it unfinished and unedited and unpresentable, but enough to satisfy my occasional cravings for specific things. Which, as I said, is the whole point of my writing.
So I'll rephrase your next question: What got me to finally finish a Harry/Draco fic and post it? 
THE CURSED CHILD. lol I haven't seen it. Or read it. I haven't even read the synopsis. Next gen, eh, I was never interested. But I caught some spoilers about it on tumblr and reddit — about Draco's wife being ill and dying. That's some incredible stuff. Draco being so loving and dedicated, standing up to his parents, so heartbroken when the person he loved died but still being a wonderful father to his son. It's like I discovered a whole new Draco to think about. It got me all inspired. It's everything I ever wanted for him, except of course his wife dying. So he got to save his seemingly terminally ill lover in Beholden, and got the chance to be a loving, tender husband I wouldn't dare to even imagine after finishing the books, as it would feel too OOC to soften him up to that degree.
It likely wasn't visible, but in my mind, Beholden is kind of a Cursed Child fix!it fic — for that tiny part of the story. I needed it so desperately, I actually finished and posted it.
I have a few more asks in my tumblr inbox, and I'll very happily answer them, but it might take some time.
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compsonn · 2 months
Most Well-Written Fics 2024
back at it again for the third year in a row!! personal favorites from this year across multiple fandoms!
no particular order, just based on the order of my bookmarks.
for reference i am sooo picky, i have read over 6000 fics according to ao3, and i've read 700 since the beginning of the year. i only have 53 bookmarks in total... but here are some bookmarked fics i read this year!!!
this year i got into some random shit, blah blah blah, honestly most of these are not faulkner levels of literature doing monuments for the english language but they were good and make me feel a sort of way, so, here you go
Harry Potter (Drarry)
This Year's Love by trishjames / drarry E, longfic. love it a lot. genuinely made me want to become an adult. they were meant to be cry emoji
Yes, But It'lll Cost You by mintaminta / drarry T, privated. this one had such a good vibe, reminds me of fun and school and calm darkness. very nice.
Bad Habits by No_One_Special_01289 / drarry E, lowkey porn, longfic. those last few chapters got me SO hard, they love each other omg cry emoji. poor harry. i think i skipped most of the smut when i read it but the plot was so good. literally star crossed lovers UGHHHHH LET THEM BE TOGETHER
Recursion by tessacrowley / drarry E, longfic. its written really well and it's witty, but i kind of think this author just self-inserts herself for draco in all her fics because... that boy was soo pathetic in canon. genius au basically. but i can forgive her bc the fics are good
House M.D. (Hilson)
yes Medical Malpractice Husbands whatever shut up i like the fics and they're probably in love so leave me BE. these fics are good.
Look, Don't Touch by ORiley42 / hilson E, voyeurism fic.... guys HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT OK that makes it sound SOOO bad but trust me i bookmarked this one because the author took such a horrible trope and made it genuinely not feel that creepy. like this fic is SO funny. it's really good. and the author is straight up just a good writer
the sea and the sky and you and i by thismagichour / hilson M, hanahaki angst. its really good because wilson just gives up and its soo heart wrenching bc he thinks house doesnt like him back and just wants to die. poor guy.
My Hero Academia (Dabihawks)
i have not given a Phuque about MHA for the past five years but i had this phase this year where i was briefly re-obsessed with dabihawks so here are some fics
planting trees (making shade) by nightquake / dabihawks T. basically hawks KHS for a good cause ..? really well written, has high tension and good allusions. loved this one. its the kind of fic u know is good by the summary
Hawks Lays an Egg by ButterflyApocalypse / dabihawks T. never in my entire Life 18 Years have i ever enjoyed mpreg except this fic, because he isnt even pregnant he just has this egg. it's such a good funny fic. i was asking myself why i had it bookmarked from like four years ago earlier this year so i reread it and i was like Yeah ok it deserves the bookmark. SOOO funny and ridiculous. crackiest fic.
MISC random fandoms (Battle Cats (????) and A Clockwork Orange)
nyankopalooza by Sanodigy / Battle Cats Game gen. No clue how i even found this. its so funny. ive never read a fic like this. its so funny. and weirdly well written, i like experimental / weirdly formatted fics. i used to play this game when i was a kid
Bitva Gruppa by VoidVesper / a clockwork orange X fight club, alex delarge X tyler durden E. its straight up a horrible plot, AKA CHILD GETS ASSAULTED. warning for underage and assault. it's not a morally good fic (clockwork orange is intentionally a morally wrong book). but holy shit the writing is great. like it reads like it's anthony burgess. just really good. probably one of the only fics here where i straight up bookmarked only because of the writing style
OK that wraps up this year's edition!! please give these fics a read, your life will be Fulfilled. byebyee
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starlingflight · 6 months
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✧ Rebel, Rebel - Ginny & Sirius bonding moment (OotP, one-shot)
✧ Forgetting - Ginny deals with Harry forgetting about the Chamber. (OotP, one-shot)
✧ Duelling Partner - Missing Hinny D.A. moment (OotP, one-shot)
✧ All Right Now - Ginny helps Harry with his grief over Sirius (HBP, one-shot)
✧ Priorities - In the wake of Ginny's break-up with Dean, Harry walks her to breakfast (HBP, one-shot)
✧ Fallin' All In You - The week leading up to the Gryffindor Quidditch final leads to a rise in tensions... not just between the houses. (HBP, 51k words, Complete)
✧ Everything I Wanted - Harry & Ginny's relationship from the day after the common room kiss to the break-up at Dumbledore's funeral. (HBP, 63k words, complete)
✧ Amortentia - Ginny learns what Harry smelled in the amortentia, and smells it herself. (HBP & DH, one-shot)
✧ Remorse - Ginny deals guilt over her relationship with Dean. (HBP, one-shot)
✧ A Bit Of Both - Each of the Weasleys find out about Harry & Ginny. (HBP & DH, 19k words, complete)
✧ The Middle - Ron's POV of the hinny birthday kiss. (DH, one-shot)
✧ Heartlines - DH, Ginny's POV. (WIP, but very slow WIP)
✧ Those Left Behind - Ginny deals with grief over Fred with help from Molly. (Post-canon, one-shot)
✧ Ginevra - Harry calls Ginny by her full name. (HBP - post-canon, one-shot)
✧ All I Want For Christmas - Hinny's first Christmas together. (Post-canon, NSFW, one-shot)
✧ Harry decides to propose to Ginny. (Post-canon, drabble)
✧ Countdown - Teddy gets his first advent calendar. (Post-canon, one-shot)
✧ A Two Step Process - Harry buys a ring & proposes. (Post-canon, one-shot)
✧ Someone Else's Life - Harry & Ginny travel between a reality where they're happily married and one where they never got back together after Voldemort's defeat. But which is real and which is the dream? Oh, and there's the small matter of the murderer they need to catch. (60k words, complete)
✧ In Another Life - Sequel to Someone Else's Life. (WIP)
✧ Leaping Forward - James Sirius' first display of magic. (Post-canon, one-shot)
✧ Reunion - DA reunion, McGonagall's POV. (Post-canon, one-shot)
✧ Mortifying - Harry deals with Lily-Luna having a very Ginny-esque moment. (Post-canon, one-shot)
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✧ Sands Of Time - James & Lily connect at a Slug Club party. (one-shot)
✧ Let It Linger - James tries to be Lily's friend, no matter how much it hurts. (One-shot)
✧Auld Lang Syne - Lily has a horrible New Year's Eve, and there's only one place - one person - she can think to go to. (One-shot)
✧ The Way Ahead - Harry & Neville tell McGonagall their career plans, and she wonders what their parents would think (one-shot)
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✧ Homecoming - Draco returns home after three years of exile. It's meant to be a temporary stay, but fate, and Astoria Greengrass, have other plans. (84k words, complete)
✧ The Array - missing moments from Homecoming.
✧ Wayfinding - Pivotal moments from the life of Draco & Astoria (WIP)
✧ The Malfoys meet the Potters at King's Cross (Drastoria & Hinny)
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Other Couples & Gen One-shots
✧ End of the Road - The night Salazar leaves Hogwarts for good. (Slytherin/Gryffindor)
✧ Black - Bellatrix learns her sister's greatest secret. (Ted/Andromeda)
✧ Eight Days A Week - Molly has a secret, and so does Arthur. (Molly/Arthur)
✧ Because I Knew You - Four times Tonks tries to get Ginny out of the house, and one time Ginny returns the favour. (Ginny & Tonks gen)
✧ Charlie's Secret - Fleur discovers Charlie's biggest secret. (Charlie & Fleur gen)
✧ A Bad Idea - George & Angelina make some questionable decisions at Ron & Hermione's wedding. (George/Angelina)
✧I'll Be There - Ginny & Hermione's first time sharing a room. (Ginny & Hermione gen)
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sitp-recs · 1 month
Heyyy! Absolutely love your recs, your blog is literally my go to any time I feel like reading something💕
I was wondering if you know any (american) college!au Drarry fic? even better if it includes fraternities ehehehe
Hi anon, I’m so happy to hear that! Life is pretty hectic and I haven’t been around (or reading) much, but I expect things to calm down after summer so I hope you continue enjoying the blog 😊 I got a couple college/university AUs to rec although most are set in the UK. Enjoy!
The Anti Harry by @dracogotgame (G, 2k)
Harry has his eye on the new Fresher. The new Fresher has it in for Harry.
No Bones About It by @peachpety (T, 5k)
To remain eligible to play football for Hogwarts University, Harry needs to pass his gen bio exam. Too bad he chose the course based on the hotness of the TA and not the leniency of the professor. With the help of his friends and a Magic 8 Ball, Harry seeks tutoring from Draco Malfoy, Hot TA. Cue: chance encounters, flirting in library nooks, and prophecies fulfilled.
A Christmas Happenstance by Only_1_Truth (E, 5k)
The Hogwarts School for the Gifted and Supernatural had classes year-round, but the dormitories emptied out regularly on holidays as if the students were suddenly becoming allergic to the walls. Both humans and non-humans mingled freely in the surrounding town of Hogsmeade. Draco Malfoy, however, isn't feeling in the mood after a rather spectacular break-up.
Kissing Boys by JulietsEmoPhase (E, 6k)
Harry knows his dorm mate has a secret that's eating him up inside. One night he finally decides to try and help. Muggle college roommate AU. Smut.
Anyone But Him by RuArcher (E, 19k)
Harry thought going to a Muggle university would be the perfect opportunity for a new start. He hadn’t counted on having Draco Malfoy as a flatmate.
Faint Indirections by ignatiustrout (T, 30k)
Draco Malfoy is the last person Harry expects to turn up in Boston, Massachussetts. But now he's here, and he won't stop requesting books from the library where Harry works.
Ynys Afallach (I Will Give My Love An Apple) by Femme and noeon (E, 42k)
Professor Waverley Root's tutorial in the history of magical food is something of a legend at Flamel College. Draco Malfoy wants to apply it to his work in sustainable wizarding agriculture. Harry Potter's taking it for his interest in historical overlap between the magical and Muggle worlds in the West Country. When Root pairs them together, the fireworks (and the apples!) fly.
The Roommate by @romaine2424 (M, 42k)
After one year in Azkaban, and two years of home arrest, Draco is going off to college. Myrrdin College is Oxford’s magical college, where one Harry Potter is currently attending. Both are going for their teaching certificates with Draco specialising in Potions and Harry in Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Our Objective Remains Unchanged by @citrusses (E, 46k)
Harry Potter, returning member of the Oxford University Boat Club, has two goals for the spring of 2005: beat Cambridge, and beat Draco Malfoy. Perhaps not in that order.
Yours to Keep by dracoismytrashson (E, 135k)
Some people think concepts like fate and destiny are romantic, but for Harry Potter, fate has always meant one thing: a swift kick in the arse. Why else would he cross an ocean to New York and enroll in Muggle university only to find Draco Malfoy living two doors down the hall? The universe and its twisted sense of humor can fuck right off.
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hprecfest · 9 months
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HP Rec Fest 2023 - Roundup
It has been a wonderful event!
This is the roundup post in which all the recs are organized by prompts.
Thanks again to everyone who participated! ❄️❄️❄️
Day 1 - A favorite fic under 5k
Day 2 - A comfort fic
Day 3 - A podfic
Day 4 - A fic with art
Day 5 - A non-AO3 fic
Day 6 - An unreliable narrator fic
Day 7 - A canon-compliant fic
Day 8 - A canon-divergence fic
Day 9 - A rare pair fic (less than 2000 fics on AO3)
Day 10 - A fest fic
Day 11 - A dark fic
Day 12 - A WIP you’re following
Day 13 - A fic with over 100k words
Day 14 - A favorite series
Day 15 - The most recent fic you bookmarked
Day 16 - A fic that made you laugh
Day 17 - A fic that made you cry
Day 18 - A fairy-tale inspired fic
Day 19 - Fic with the hottest smut
Day 20 - A fic rated G
Day 21 - A thought-provoking fic
Day 22 - An unfinished fic (hasn’t updated in 10 years or author stated it been abandoned)
Day 23 - A soulmate fic
Day 24 - A holiday fic
Day 25 - A fic rated T
Day 26 - A fic with an ending you can’t stop thinking about
Day 27 - A Muggle-AU fic
Day 28 - An under-rated fic
Day 29 - A post-canon fic
Day 30 - A pre-canon fic
Day 31 - A fav amongst favs
Bonus tag index ❄️
All posts are cross-tagged for character and ship. While we would like to provide a full index of these, it may take a while to compile given the extensive number of these. In the meantime, we would like to offer this much-abridged character and ship tag index, ordered alphabetically by first name.
Albus Dumbledore Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger James Potter James Sirius Potter Lily Evans Potter Minerva McGonagall Pansy Parkinson Regulus Black Remus Lupin Ron Weasley Severus Snape Sirius Black Teddy Lupin Tom Riddle
Draco/Harry Harry/Severus Harry/Tom Riddle Hermione/Draco James/Lily No ship (gen fic) Sirius/Remus
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I'm ill again because I have the immune system of a sickly victorian child. Therefore I must project onto the harry potter next gen kids
What i think (some) of the next gen kids are like when they're sick:
Scorpius: I've already done a whole post on this but I have no idea how to link posts despite being on this site for years. the short version is, he was a sick child and constantly in and out of hospital so now he cannot gauge when he's actually really sick and needs to just rest, so albus has to forcibly keep him in the dorm or hospital wing otherwise he will still try and go to class even if actively dying
Albus: he's lowkey so dramatic. if he has a small cold you WILL be hearing about it, BUT he's super subtle. he will casually tie it into conversation to make you feel sorry for him and just keep bringing it up until youre like aw no, im so sorry man. he doesnt try with rose anymore, because she will just mock him, she knows what hes doing. he's most obvious about it to Scorpius, he'll start pouting and be like I feel sick 🥺🥺 and Scorpius is immediately like oh poor baby 🥺🥺/gen and does in fact baby him until he feels better
Rose: does not get sick and its infuriating. when there's some kind of bug going around the school, you can guarantee this girl will not get it. she thinks everyone is just being dramatic and trying to get out of class. don't come to her for sympathy unless you actually look like you're on deaths door. the most sympathy surprisingly goes to Scorpius because she has seen this idiot try to attend class whilst not being able to function properly and be escorted out
Hugo: he doesnt get sick often, like a slightly below average getting sick, but my version of hugo is so unbothered by everything, he would end up in hospital or whatever but wont tell anyone, not on purpose, he just never goes out of his way to mention anything until it specifically comes up in conversation. Hes the random kid that pops up, says he has a relevant anecdote, tells you the wildest story youve ever heard so casually, youre left like???? what the fuck?? and how has that never come up before????, then he just dissapears again
James: gets so mopey, he gets so restless and hates having to sit and wait to get better. he'll enjoy not having to go to class for like one day but when you tell him he can't go anywhere or play quidditch or anything he's immediately over it like, 😟😟 wdym??? wdym I have to just lie here until I'm better??? lemme out!!!! LEMME OUT!!!!
Lily: lowkey whiny. she's not usually super whiny but she acts like a little kid when she's sick and will constantly frown and pout and cross her arms and kick her legs. collateral of being the youngest sibling lmao. she wants people to do everything for her and will shout for people to come get the TV remote or something that's only like 2 feet away from her and just shake her arm at it until you pass it. Ginny and Harry do it for her, her brothers do not lmao
Victorie: doesn't usually get sick-sick often, but I headcanon her as being a general athlete, she likes to do triathlons in her spare time, and if she gets injured she literally has to not be able to walk before she stops. she will just keep going. have you seen female footballers? the way they will be wacked in the head and start bleeding everywhere but then be like meh I can keep going. so her.
Louis: cannot stand the wanting to throw up kind of sick. he can deal with anything else, he has a pretty good immune system, he can pretty much carry on with normal stuff, and you won't even realise he's sick, but the second he feels stomach sickness, he is pale as a ghost and out for business. lowkey has emetaphobia, he will just sit so still until he doesn't feel like that anymore trying to make it go away by just 🧍🏻‍♂️if I don't move it won't know I'm here, yk lmao. hates throwing up so fucking bad
Roxanne: takes the sickness as some kind of personal test. is dramatic in the sense that she will go full warrior mode and be like 😈 i will survive 😈 I will not be beaten by these pitiful germs 😈 and will absolutely just rock her way through it, she talks like she's on some kind of quest, and that this is some kind of evaluation of her perseverance
Fred: just lies there. will not move until he's better. doesn't get really dramatic or complain but god forbid you try and make him do something, he'll start going off about how normalised it is for people to push themselves when sick because society wants people to work themselves to death, and doesn't actually care about anyone's health, and everyone just gets so sick of hearing him, they leave him alone
Karl Jenkins: will purposefully cough on people to get them sick too "as a joke"
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hp-soulmates · 27 days
💞 HP Soulmates: R3D String Edition - August Weeks 1 & 2 Roundup 💞
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Sorry for the delay! Here’s the Roundup for Weeks 1 & 2. We will be trying to post a Roundup every two weeks, so there will be another one coming this weekend. Please enjoy the first set of some amazing fics!
~ HP Soulmates Mods 💞
💞 [Fic] Invisible String (Tying You to Me) by MidnightStargazer | @midnightstargazer 💞 (T, Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil, 2.3k)
Week 1: Red string | lightning era | fate
In the aftermath of her breakup with Ron, Lavender uses a divination ritual to reveal the red strings of fate and find her soulmate, desperate for a partner who can be trusted not to break her heart.
💞 [Fic] Clear The Clouds (& Your Doubt) by SquibNation10 💞 (T, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, 3.7k)
Week 1: Red string | lightning era | fate
Ron was proud of his girlfriend. Hermione Granger was among the top researchers in the Department of Mysteries. But then he finds out what she's researching...
💞 [Fic] Ink Stained Heart by GimletSour | @gimletsour 💞 (M, Pansy Parkinson/Harry Potter, 5.4k)
Harry’s got a one-way portkey to California and a date with a pretty girl lined up. Who knew finding your soulmate, even fourteen years late, could work out so well? ~ This is a direct sequel to Ink Stained Skin, and will feature Harry’s POV. I highly encourage you to read that one first!
💞 [Fic] Tied To Me With Crimson Knots by DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes | @drwhoisginnyholmes 💞 (M, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 2.4k)
Week 1: Red string | lightning era | fate
Harry’s fingertip laid bare, an unconnected hand, a silent thing, no red string in sight. Draco’s was bound, to a Muggle, once bright. But darkness came, and shadows spread. Voldemort’s hand left the Muggle boy dead. In that moment, fate took a twist, A red string formed on Harry’s wrist. From enemy to friend, perhaps to lover, Their destinies entwined, one to discover. Poem written by p0intless_p0et
💞 [Fic] Expelliarmus Red by Poljupci | @poljupci 💞 (T, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, 1.3k)
Week 1: Red string | lightning era | fate + Wildcard: Cross gen ship
Harry could have figured it out sooner if he dared to pay more attention. Maybe things could have ended differently, then. But like this, when the realisation comes while looking into Voldemort's eyes and waiting to be killed, the only thing he can do is accept that they've doomed themselves from the beginning.
💞 [Fic] Catch The Snitch (& Win Me Too) by SquibNation10 💞 (T, Cho Chang/Ginny Weasley, 3.5k)
Week 2: Rival Soulmates | rare pair | second chances
Ginny Weasley wished the world would stop bringing up her past. She just wanted to play for her favourite Quidditch Team. Cho Chang feels the same.
💞 [Fic] midnight train by prima_vera | @girl-with-goats 💞 (M, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, 6.5k)
Prompts: Fate | red string | second chances | soulmarks
Onboarding the midnight train in search of his client's soulmate, Harry Potter doesn't expect to find his own childhood friend—and soulmate.
💞 [Fic] The Thousand Acres Between Us by MarinaJune | @sailtomarina 💞 (M, Marcus Flint/Hermione Granger, 8.3k)
Week 1: Red string | lightning era | fate
Reunited after years apart following the war, Hermione can immediately see there’s something different about Marcus Flint. The boy she thought she knew came back a man, one she’s more than willing to reconsider. He’s older, obviously, broader, mysterious as always, and, most baffling of all, interested in her?
💞 [Fic] Seeker Practice by Poljupci | @poljupci 💞 (E, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 1k)
Prompts: Rival soulmates | soulmarks & tattoos | snitch
Harry Potter is a good Seeker. The fact that catching their snitch of a soulmark gets both of them all hot and bothered is just some extra incentive.
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🧡 Liquid Luck Never Have I Ever Challenge 2024 | Rules & Information 🧡
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We are back with another round of the Liquid Luck Never Have I Ever Challenge! 🧡
We had our first round of Never Haver I Ever back in 2022, and works created for that round can be found here.
This July we have a challenge that is all about challenging yourself to do something you have never done before. This is a Liquid Luck Drabble & Art Challenge event, and anyone is welcome to join! 
Here’s how it works :
Challenges & Prompts can be found here.
- The goal is to challenge yourself to do something you have never done before. For example, write for a pairing you’ve not written for before, or use a character you’ve not used before. Perhaps use a trope you’re not familiar with? Maybe you’ve always wanted to try to write Harry Potter poetry, but never done it before? Or you’ve never made a moodboard before? Let this challenge be the motivation to give it a try!
- There will be eight different challenges. This challenge list is meant as inspiration, and you can give any of them (or all of them) a go. But if you’ve been wanting to try something else out for a while and haven’t done so yet, feel free to use the Never Have I Ever challenge to finally give it a go!
- There will be eight new prompts that you can use as inspiration. As this is a Liquid Luck Drabble & Art Challenge event, you will have to use at least one of our prompts in your work. You can use one of these eight new prompts, or you can use one of our previous prompts. Part 1 | Part 2
The schedule : 
13 June : Challenges & Prompts are released 1 July : The AO3 Collection opens to Liquid Luck Never Have I Ever works 31 July : The AO3 Collection closes to Liquid Luck Never Have I Ever works
Every four days - starting on the 1st of July - I will post a reminder of one of the challenges and prompts. But challenges can be done at any time of the month, as long as your work is completed by the 31st of July.
Just a few simple rules & guidelines for this challenge :
- For your work to be accepted for this challenge it will have to include two things : Something you have not done / written / created before + A Liquid Luck Drabble & Art Challenge prompt. This can either be one of the eight new prompts, or one of our previous prompts. Part 1 | Part 2
- Both fics and art are welcome for this challenge. There is no minimum or maximum word count, and all forms of art (moodboard, drawing, fan video etc.) are welcome.
- This is a Harry Potter challenge, and all pairings are allowed, as long as they include at least one character from the book / movie. This includes Rare Pairs, Next Gen, Cross Gen and characters from connected canon such as Cursed Child and Fantastic Beasts.
- All works posted to the AO3 Collection will be shared to the Tumblr page. Please give it up to 48 hours for me to share your work to Tumblr. If it hasn’t been shared after that time, there’s a chance I have missed it. Then feel free to send me a message to remind me to share it. The AO3 Collection will be the same as the one for the Liquid Luck Drabble & Art Challenge, but works for this event will only be accepted between the 1st of July and the 31st of July. After that, the challenge is over and the AO3 Collection is only open to Liquid Luck Drabble & Art Challenge works again.
- Drabbles / fics will be shared with a post with information and a link to your work. If you create art for the challenge and you tag the page, I will reblog your art, but as tagging doesn’t always work, please send me a message if your art hasn’t been reblogged after 48 hours.
- Works for this challenge have to be new. Older works that fit the prompt will not be accepted into the AO3 collection or shared to the Tumblr page.
- All pairings, ratings and genres are allowed, but please make sure to add the correct tags, and please post a warning if your work is NSFW, or if it contains upsetting themes or possible triggers.
- Prompts for the Liquid Luck Never Have I Ever Challenge may be combined with prompts for other challenges, but please make sure to check with the mods for those other challenges / fests as well!
- A masterlist of all the works created for this challenge will be shared on this Tumblr page after the challenge has ended.
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clownrecess · 2 years
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★Hello! Welcome to the blog. :0] ★
(Plain text: Hello! Welcome to the blog.)
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Autistic, queer, and a nonspeaking AAC user. Most posts are about these things, but some aren't.
Neurodivergent, developmentally disabled, and physically disabled
Gay (Uranic(MLM) gaybian. Separate identities.), greysexual, cupiosexual, multipluralic genderqueer trans boy who uses xenogenders.
I am a professionally diagnosed autistic but I absolutely, fully support self diagnosed! /gen
Side blog for poetry: @nonspeakingpoetry
Religious side blog: @nordic-trails
agere/agedre/coping side blog: @blanketpup
medcore (coping) sideblog: @childrensgown
xenogender sideblog: @notepadmogai
blog françias: @carnetcollectif
Please use tonetags!!
If I don't respond to your comment, reblog, or ask, right away please don't think I am ignoring you. It is EXTREMELY unlikely I am ignoring you, I probably just don't have to spoons to respond yet.
Before you send me an ask about "I'm speaking, but its hard, can I still use AAC?" Read this. If you still have questions then send an ask /gen
Want to write a nonspeaking character and need tips? Read this. If you still have questions, send an ask /gen
Before you ask "I have speech loss episodes! Can I use the term nonspeaking for myself?" Read this. If you still have questions, send an ask /gen
If you are a parent of an AAC user and would like tips, read this. If you have any questions, send an ask /gen
My special interests are: Oddities (especially taxidermy), VOCALOID, Paul Dano, OMORI, DC, human rights and social issues, xenogenders, MCR (And The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys. Really just anything relating back to MCR or any of their members.), She-Ra And The Princess Of Power, adult animation, Popee The Performer, Animal Crossing, horror, clowns, frogs, gastropods, Welcome Home, Euphoria, and theme parks!
Endogenics/tulpagenics and supporters, radfems, terfs, pro 4n4/m1a/sh, ed/sh accounts (I DO NOT CARE THAT YOU "AREN'T PRO"), fatphobic/queerphobic/ableist/sexist/antisemitic/racist etc, people named Jer0me, anti xenogender, d0xx3rs, blogs that post about Christianity frequently, rad-queer, pro-capitalists, JKR supporters, Harry Potter fans, proshippers, pro-ABA, anti-self diagnosis, anti ACAB/anti BLM/pro "all lives/blue lives matter", bootlickers, Autism Speaks supporters, people who use the term "aspie", people who post about or have profile pictures related to Inside Job on Netflix, people who post about or have profile photos related to Insatiable on Netflix, people who use ChatGPT, people who use the terms nonverbal/nonspeaking/semiverbal/semispeaking to describe a temporary state even after being told it's incorrect (this list will be updated as needed)
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the-witchs-cafe · 7 months
Directory | BYF | Witch Essays
Hello, hello! And welcome to the Witch's Cafe! Have you gotten weary? The crushing loneliness of your own self-torment became way too much? Fret not- this establishment is here for all witches; those who have fallen from the greatest of heights, to those who have been left with nothing at all.
Here in this little coffee bar settling between the cosmos, our customers have traveled far and wide just to socialize and find solace within their shared agonies- some managing to cross through universes; so be on the lookout for those whose faces you might have the luck to recognize!
We also herald our existence with this flag- oh, don't you worry! This flag is free for anyone to use, even if all our operations were to cease!
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With all that being said, I'm certain you would like to know the way through these halls;
#Witching Hours: The customer list! Go right ahead and greet yourself to these fine folks! Maybe you'll find more similarities between yourselves than you would intially assume. (Gen. tag for crossover witches made by other people)
#Registered Witches: What cafe would this be if we didn't have any regulars? Recognized their choices of beverages just like the back of my hands! If you wish for a story, they're your go-to's! (Witch essays written by either mod H.N Elly or mod Charlotte)
#Witch cards: Every now and then, familiar faces start popping up more than usual; not as much as our regulars, but it is fun to observe their activities, even if from a distance. (same as the above, but in the form of much smaller witch cards)
#Would Witch Out: Passerby's and their rumors...honestly, you couldn't blame a gal for eavesdropping every now and then, no? Not even while getting the latest scoop on who was the poor soul whose destiny caught up with them? (due to the shutdown of YFWWO and in order to give its mod a break, I've opened up operations here. Submissions are now OPEN!)
#Would Survive PMMM: Of course, some folks do happen to be naturally lucky; finding a way and reason to keep going forwards even in the darkest of nights...it's admirable, maybe a little enviable, don't ya think? (The complete opposite of the above; if you know a character who would cakewalk through this universe's trials and tribulations, let us know with the full details regarding why!)
#There Is a Pipe Bomb in your Mailbox: Those lil' misfits out there and what tricks they got on their sleeves- ah, what fun would it be if I didn't allow any tomfoolery every now and then? (The joke submissions tag)
#There is no Secret Menu!: (The shitpost tag; hey, the great Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, had called his little self-insert fanfic in which he and Virgil went through all sects of the afterlife "The Divine Comedy" for a reason, right? We all need a reason to crack up since we're gonna be in our self-inflicted torment and punishments for some time.)
#You're now listening to . . .: Solace can be nice every once in a while, but a nice tune to distract yourself from the pain and get in the mood to continue working on your eternal goals is just as comforting! (general audio tag)
I do also have to warn ya'll that we also have to abide by the blacklist; yeah, we do try to cater to all that enter these doors, but an eldritch horror needs to have some standards, ya know?
Country Humans/Country Balls
Any of the media created by Okegom/DeepSeaPrisoner
Minecraft SMPs, especially Dream SMP
Building upon the above, we do not take requests for real world figures, unless if they were obvious jokes. This includes, and is not limited to, youtubers, musicians, pop idols, and individual game developers.
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
Genshin Impact (x)
UrbanSpook // The Painter
Abandoned by Disney, and other works by Slimebeast (x)
Good Omens, and other works by Neil Gaiman (x)
Omori (x)
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lumosatnight · 1 year
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Lani's Birthday Oneshots: 2023 Edition!
So, today is my birthday (SCREAMING!), and as a continuation of last year's tradition, I present a ONESHOT REC LIST to celebrate 🥳! Here are 15 oneshots, all under 10k words, one for each day in June leading up to my birthday. Lots of genres, lots of tropes, ordered by ship (kinda).
🌼 - fluff | 💔 - angst | 🔥 - smut | 👀 - mind the tags
1. Potter's Got a Tiny Dick (that I can't stop thinking about swallowing whole) by @vukovich [Draco/Harry, E, 4.1k] 🔥🤣 This is crack. Hilarious and filthy crack with bff Ginny, nasty car sex, and unhinged Draco wanting "Just a little nom of a cock."
2. Boy Wonder by @maesterchill [Draco/Harry/Ron, E, 6.1k] 🔥🎹 Established in love Rarry with Draco returned from abroad! Wonderful Ron characterization, witty snappy dialogue, and dacryphilia!!!
3. A Saving People Problem by @the-francakes [Draco/James, E, 5.9k] 🔥🏍️ Draco living at Grimmauld place, and James can't keep his eyes off of him. Oh heck yeah! Surprisingly sweet for such a hot cross-gen pairing. Also poor Harry lol.
4. Gray Eyes (Tell No Lies) by @danpuff-ao3 [Sirius/Draco, E, 3.7k] 🔥🍏 Draco with a lingerie kink! Sirius with a one-way magic mirror! So hot, so delectable. Throw in a praise kink too, and I'm drooling.
5. A Sight to Behold by @lumoslyra [Sirius/Luna, T, 2.5k] 🌼🥐 Luna and Sirius dancing around each other. Hermione watching it all and Harry is just confused. Super cute and sweet.
6. in rivulets, in waves by @dulosis [Bellatrix/Luna, M, 2.0k] 💔👀 Dark and deceptive. I couldn't put this fic down. What happens if Bellatrix survives the war? What if Luna takes her in?
7. Catch Me As I Fall by @this-world-of-beautiful-monsters [Bellatrix/Lily, T, 5.8k] 🌼💔 This fic is a wonderful AU of Lily befriending Bellatrix at Hogwarts. How she slowly changes, how she still is roped into the war. Just spectacular!
8. (give me) the first taste by @iamsiriuslyriddikulus [Narcissa/Lily, M, 4.4k] 💔🌿 Narcissa and Lily as hot moms smoking weed!!! Yes!! This Muggle AU is so well thought-out. The characters are so memorable. (Also I'm a sucker for flangst).
9. Love in a Hopeless Place by @dragonsandotters-dh [Remus/Narcissa, T, 4.6k] 💔🐺 So much hurt but also so much comfort. Draco gets bitten by Greyback. A heart-wrenching and hopeful look into the aftermath.
10. Male Bonding by musigneus [Remus/Severus, E, 9.8k] 🔥👀 This is angsty fuck-or-die to the max. Trapped in a cellar before the full moon. But it's SO GOOD and a somewhat hopeful ending.
11. Open a Vault For Me by Sevanna_OHera [Charity/Severus, M, 3.4k] 💔🧪 I found this pairing recently, and the angst level is off the charts. So much hope and longing in this fic and also a canon-compliant ending.
12. Table for One by @littlesixxwrites [Dean/Blaise, T, 3.2k] 🌼🎄 I LOVE THIS SHIP. Bean is the cutest. This fic has instantly smitten Blaise and equally enamored Dean. Lovely fluffy fic that made me squeal with happiness.
13. Maybe This Time (alternatively: once more, with feeling!) by @wanderingdonut [Regulus, G, 4.6k] 🤣👻 THIS FIC!! I died laughing from this fic, then I came back to life cackling and died all over again. Ghost Regulus is perfect. Snarky and entitled and wallowing in death lol.
14. toxicology by @batmansymbol [Hermione, G, 2.9k] 💔💌 A fascinating dive into the possible implication of Harry being a horcrux for so many years. I love how we view everything through Hermione's unreliable narration.
15. just a few sweaters by Prettything_uglylie [Molly, G, 2.4k] 🌼🧶 This story is a cup of hot cocoa in front of the fire. Warm and sweet and content. I adore it with my whole heart.
BONUS FIC (>10k): Tiny Dancer by @rainchance [Neville/Pansy, M, 12.4k] 🌼🩰 A super sweet Panville fic with ballet dancer Pansy and film student Neville. Wonderful background characters and mutual pining.
Want more fics to read?
Try my rec tag: #lumosinthelibrary
Bday Oneshots 2022, 22 Fic Recs 2022, WLW Library
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goldenraeofsun · 2 months
20 questions for writers
thanks for the tag @crows-murder! Mwah!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
100, eek!
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Batman, Supernatural, and Marvel!
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Not the Fire but the Spark - My second soulmate AU! Everyone is born with a tattoo of their soulmate's name. Dean holds out for some chick-flick story - up until his soulmate comes into his tattoo parlor, asking for a cover up.
Don't Look Back - My first soulmate AU! Everyone hears their soulmate when they sing. Dean has never heard a soul song.
Enhanced Extraction Techniques - The title is based on the term "enhanced interrogation techniques" aka torture. The Empty tortures Castiel by creating versions of Dean and staging fake rescues.
Out on the Edge - Cas only knows how to love Dean Winchester from afar.
What's Between Us - Musicians AU! Based on the brief flirtation between Taylor Swift and Adam Young (the Owl City guy). and yes, Dean is Taylor Swift in this scenario.
5. do you respond to comments?
I try to! Sometimes I get overwhelmed, and they'll languish in my inbox. I read every single one, though!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Does it count if it's a single fic in a series with a happy ending? If so, he looks up grinning like a devil ends unhappily but the series its in is very fluffy.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have an allergy to unhappy endings. I guess Remember Me, Honeybee is pretty happy since it literally has true love's kiss in it, lol
8. do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no! Fingers crossed.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I mainly include smut for my longfics as a payoff for all the lead up.
10. do you write crossovers?
No, but if I had a good idea for one, I'd be open to it.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! There's a Mandarin version of Enhanced Extraction Techniques
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'm open to it!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Clark/Lois! my otp from middle school, lol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
None yet in the batfam, my newest obsession. I have WIPs in Supernatural, but none I want to finish at the moment.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think my banter? It's what's been mentioned most in my comments😊
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I took 10 years of French in school, but there's no way I feel comfortable enough anymore to write in it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sigh. Harry Potter in high school.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Probably Where the Heart Is because it's my first gen longfic! Claire is my absolute favorite, and she take center stage in this future fic about her time traveling back to s12 and helping out the boys.
no pressure tags @babblingbookends @selkienight60 @elegitre @cannonicallyshort @wildsofmarch and anyone else who wants to do this! <3
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
Hey Hannah, how would you describe Lily and Ruby’s relationship with James? We know the girls are close but are they close with James or is more of a lone wolf? If you want to write a one shot of this… I wouldn’t mind at all 😉
first of all, i love you for asking me this. second of all, i think like with most sibling relationships it evolves. Lily definitely considers herself james' protector for a time until he grows up enough and starts annoying her. i think once they reach late teens and adulthood though, all three of them are pretty tight knit. having harry potter and ginny weasley as your parents isn't a universal experience so it'd be hard to find other people who could relate to something like that and understand it.
so, more than being siblings, they have unique and shared history they bond over and support each other through <3
and since i am literally incapable of saying no to a next gen oneshot, here ya go:
"It's just so unfair!"
Ruby snorted at the whinge in Lily's voice and reached for another spoonful of batter.
"Look at this," Lily grabbed for where Dad sat on the sofa. Placing her hands on either side of his head, she wheeled him around to face the kitchen. "This is what I have to work with!"
Dad shrugged her off with a grimace.
"Hey!" Mum grinned as she pulled a tray of fully baked biscuits from the oven. "I like your dad's hair."
"Me too," Ruby chastised.
Lily's answering scowl was full of impatience. "Easy for you to say! Your hair lies flat!"
Unable to disagree, Ruby finished placing her dough on the sheet and handed it over to Mum.
"It grows in every direction," Lily turned her attention back to the top of Dad's head, pulling his locks side to side and back and forth. Dad staunchly ignored her, continuing to read the paper as if she wasn't even there. "And this bit here, what's the point of it growing upwards on the back?"
Brushing the dough from her hands, Ruby let out a resigned sigh. "Will you stop complaining and come here?"
Lily rolled her eyes, but crossed the room and collapsed into a dining chair anyway. Ruby set to work separating her sister's hair into two sections, and she had to admit it was rather chaotic, especially when left on its own for too long. She didn't dare say this aloud, however, for fear of increasing Lily's already jittery mood.
"Make it tight," Lily instructed as Ruby began to plait. "I don't want it falling out halfway through the night."
Ruby hid her smile behind Lily's back and started all over again.
The smell of fresh out of the oven dessert soon lured James into the kitchen and he took three biscuits off the tray before sitting down at the table. Mum ruffled his hair, so similar to Dad's and Lily's, as she began clearing away the mixing bowl and baking mess.
"Hey, Dad?" Lily asked once Ruby had finished tying off the first braid and began on the second. "Can you take down the wards before they arrive?"
Dad looked up from his paper incredulously.
"Please?" Lily begged in a sing-song voice.
"Absolutely not." Shaking his head, Dad turned back to his Evening Prophet.
"But you have to!" Lily implored. "Otherwise it'll look to them like I'm standing in front of an empty field!"
"Tell them the house is behind the trees," Ruby suggested.
"Or that we live in a commune that doesn't believe in houses," Mum added unhelpfully.
"Or," James chimed in, "Don't go on dates with Muggles in the first place."
The room went deathly quiet, Ruby's fingers stilling in Lily's hair while Mum froze with dish soap and a scrub brush in her hands.
Dad turned slowly in his seat, looking over the four of them in turn and focusing on James last.
"What did you just say?"
James, who seemed to know he'd just blundered horribly, stammered, "I- I- I mean... I was just... What do I know?"
He chuckled uncomfortably, but Ruby could tell Dad didn’t buy it.
Turning to Mum, Dad raised his eyebrows. “She’s going on a date? You said it was a group of kids from the village.”
"It is a group of kids from the village," Mum reassured quickly, but she didn't quite meet Dad's eye. She set the sponge to work with a tap of her wand and finished, "She just so happens to like one of those kids."
"MUM!" Lily roared, her face flushing pink in embarrassment.
James covered his mouth to hold in his laugh; Lily reached around to swat him.
"Hold still!" Ruby ordered, almost losing her grip on Lily's hair.
Dad continued to stare at Mum like he'd just been stupified.
"Oh, don't look at me like that," Mum huffed impatiently. "What did you expect?"
"I didn't expect to find out our daughter was going on a date from a nine year old! You're supposed to tell me this kind of stuff."
"It's not a date!" Lily cried, clearly mortified.
"She's fifteen," Mum replied matter-of-factly. "She likes a boy, so what? Should we tell them what we got up to when we were fifteen?"
Ruby, her sister, and her brother all let loose sounds of utter disgust.
"Not like that." Mum waved them off. Dad didn't seem all that cowed by her threat to reveal their teenage years, but eventually he grumbled something that sounded like a swear word and turned to Lily with a serious look on his face.
"You're home by ten," he snapped. Lily breathed out a sigh of relief that was a bit premature, because then Dad added, "And no snogging!"
Ruby and James gagged out more revulsion, while Lily buried her face in her hands and groaned.
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dhr-ao3 · 18 days
Knowledge is Power
Knowledge is Power https://ift.tt/shuLaIT by plantladyreadingbooks "We don't need a line in the sand that must not be crossed. We need a line of code to keep those in power from eating us alive."   Or Hermione Granger tries to save the world again. This time from big tech and all their fun little gadgets. Luckily, she finds some allies along the way - they may not be nice in the conventional sense of the word, but they are good people (or something like that). And, you know, why not dismantle the hetero-patriarchy while you're at it? Words: 758, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson Additional Tags: intellectual crush is showing, coding is sexy okay?, hacktivist, Hermione Granger tries to save the world - again, dont get me started on big tech, alternative universe, Polyamory via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/vYNgV4d September 05, 2024 at 01:29PM
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