#we are on the third floor.
esteeayen · 9 months
truly what astounds me the most about the evolution of mankind is something i never hear anyone talk about: we are on the planet with the most water ever, we ourselves are 70% water, yet we have built our most basic functions to be hydrophobic. and not in a water-repellent way, in a water FEARING way. this makes me insane and i also have no solutions. so much about life if just trying to stay dry and if something gets a little wet it’s over. it’s ruined. wood and metal are our building blocks and they rot and rust at the sight of water. paper is like our main source of communication for centuries, and you spill a little bit of water and its ruined. and now computers are like the #1 thing u gotta keep dry. a little rain shower will cancel a huge event (maybe that’s more about lightning though? a lightning-forward society is a different post though, written by a mad scientist). MOLD!! the everything ruiner!!!! ever have wet socks? that shouldn’t be able to ruin my day yet it does. that’s fucked up. can you imagine a water-forward society where you can accidentally knock a cup full of water behind your beside table and say “whatever” and go back to bed? not have to worry about your lamp short circuiting and killing you and also your baseboard collecting mold? that would be beautiful. anyways the point of this post is that our washing machine decided to start leaking and was gushing water into our apartment
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
I know Wayne Manor probably looks as normal as possible to avoid visitors suspecting the family's past time activities..
but also I highly doubt Bruce was able to avoid making some obscure changes to the Manor just based on the fact that his children are fucking feral.
Some of the windows are either boarded up, or have cages on them from the inside, and to an onlooker, they'll probably think "Oh those poor kids, being caged inside like animals, unable to get fresh air. I always knew that Wayne guy was sketchy. "
but it's literally just because his kids won't stop launching themselves head-first out of the windows whenever Bruce is mid lecture. doesn't matter if they're on the 4th floor.
sometimes visitors will get a closer look at the inside of the place and see a lot of things baby proofed, which is weird because "Aren't all of Wayne's kids old enough to not get themselves hurt like babies do?"
No, Sharon, do not underestimate the power of 6 hyperactive children combined in a room together, they will absolutely get themselves hurt in some way.
some furniture and objects are just straight up bolted to the floor, and everyone just assumes Bruce is a perfectionist or a micromanager, but Bruce literally had no other option since his fucking kids keep throwing shit at each other, and sometimes they just do it to get the other's attention or because they just felt like it. Sometimes they'll even throw each other
I just need some DC comics that acknowledge that the Manor has some additional features that were integrated after Bruce's countless experiences with each new weird ass child he gains.
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codacheetah · 2 months
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This specific dialogue interests me because it feels like the closest thing we get to a direct correlation between the True Ending and Loop giving up. I mean yea obviously the True Ending is literally the "TRUE ENDING" of SASASAP there was even a whole dialogue change to twohats in the latest update to super canonize it for the people who didn't get it. But the way this is phrased (as the direct progression of "something terrible" into "i'm here") makes me think that Loop waking up in that meadow again directly led into them making their second wish.
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G1 Warpath
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magpie-rogue · 2 months
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My commissions are open!!
I really hate pulling out the labels card for help; but if you could help at least spread this so two transwomen and a disabled transmasc (me) can afford rent, food, gas, and to pay off whatever extra nonsense a few ER visits this past 1-2months has stacked up because one of our insurances is acting dumb. One is between jobs, another is trying to find a better paying one that will give her more hours, and I'm too disabled to work. We're doing all we can, but we need a bit of help.
So let me do art for you about it! You can find all my information on my carrd and here on my tumblr . You can find all my art and more examples on my blog or on my instagram . If you have any questions, please feel free to email me and I'll get back to you asap.
Thank you so much <3!!
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maroonmused · 9 months
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i still can’t believe they used the instrumental to cigarette daydreams for this mission like that was honest to god attempted murder by insomniac. the song, the nostalgia for the kids they were before emily and ben died and harry got sick, the warm autumn colors, the reunion patching together a pivotal part of peter’s life at a time he literally needs it most after getting fired from brooklyn visions. and in the scene before this, peter’s remembering may’s lesson about maintaining balance in his life then boom the return of one of the people who keep him rooted in life outside the mask when it’s so easy to breeze by it. first act of sm2 i love you.
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rapidhighway · 1 year
my package will arrive today
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stardestroyer81 · 1 year
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When Pizza Granny doesn't find herself misplacing her medication, she regrets it once she recalls the grueling process of taking it.
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gatorinator · 7 months
Here’s my thought: a fairy on your doorstep is asking you to believe in magic. BUT. So is a walrus on your doorstep. And out of a fairy and a walrus, I’m much more inclined to believe a fairy has magic.
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reagomyeggo · 8 months
imogen temult glasses. imogen temult freckles. imogen temult tooth gap.
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eclipsecrowned · 4 months
Aaaaaand new blog record, anon is turning off twelve minutes after I usually wake up. All I can say is anon, go touch grass and engage with queer spaces irl, because online discourse has ruined you.
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toomanyfandomsorkinafs · 11 months
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pigeonplaysgod · 3 months
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been playing around with single color builds lately! it's pretty fun :)
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dottores · 1 year
💀 my whole class is lowkey a hive mind its so funny
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newkiqx · 4 months
one advantage of having mice is you'll always have perfect bait for wild mice on hand
a disadvantage is that you will often need that because wild mice will be tempted to enter your house quite often
but it's not all bad. You get to catch a mouse really fast (you have perfect bait). And you get to look at this cute little guy you caught before releasing them
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gracelandmp3 · 3 months
somebody buzzed my apartment from downstairs to tell me they thought there was a fire in my building????? upstairs from me? what do you want me to do about it….
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