#we don't claim her on this blog folks
astradyke · 3 days
help I am going to see the tour in less than a month and I don’t know enough lore. I’ve been watching as much as possible but who should I follow here any dnp blog recs?
HI ANON! sorry i am replying to you so late it's been a busy week ^_^
ugh i could gush about all my mutuals but i will TRY to keep this contained. also if i didnt mention you but you're awesome please like self promo off this post .
@thisdayindnphistory <- archive feature will be super helpful! Literally THE place to catch up on lore/important dates, even scrolling through can help you paint a better picture of certain years!! love this blog a lot it's a major help in web weaves :P
@purpurussy has successfully found like any post that i need whenever i need it b/c they're a miracle worker but also does like really great analysis posts & has awesome tags on things too
@phantasticphizza and @blossoms-phan CEO of cool mutuals who make me extremely happy when i see them on the dash and also I think both of them are awesome to follow in general so i'm just going to flail at you encouraging u to follow :3
@bitchslapblastoids ALWAYS allowed to cook in the kitchen and has a good handle on lore stuff too i feel like!!! Idk!! Follow!!!!!! My really cool mutual who has really good posts on stuff
@gamora-borealis awesome awesome awesome Follow this account smiles
@dnpbeats knows SO much about dan and phil lore and is like ... Like she has several claims to fame in her bio i feel like that's enough evidence this is THE blog to follow ever
@freckliedan knows SO much all the time makes awesome posts about many such things and just knows a lot!!! Lot of cool stuff on this blog has like helped me find info n stuff so many times. jam is lovely :]
Fuck I got so many more @deadandphilgames @phuckingphan @laprasboat @ingydar-phan @oldphanny @absolutefilthimsosorry @thighguys <- ALL OF THESE FOLKS ARE REALLY COOL AND MAKE REALLY AWESOME POSTS!!! I WOULD YAP ABOUT THEM SEPARATELY BUT THIS IS REALLY LONG im sorry ily!! Their cool posts speak for themselves though thumbs up
Also tentative because I'm bad at tracking mutual main blogs so if we are not properly mutuals i am SO SORRY and will be embarrassed forever but @yonpote @lizardsmp3 extremely EXTREMELY extremely cool blogs. Like very cool. the coolest. Please follow these two blogs i am really major fans<3 and i would argue these r required follows to maximize the phannie experience
I hope this is helpful anon!!!!!! If you ever feel like you need to catch up on a specific lore thing you can always fling that out into tags and people will graciously catch you with their massive knowledge (not me because i kind of don't know anything and rely upon aforementioned mutuals to nicely tell me information and i go okay <3 yay <3) but u are always welcome in the inbox!!!!!! <3
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laurentidal · 23 days
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Ice Core Report ❄️ August 2024
Decided to do a little editorial check in at the end of each month. Most of you probably don't know that, while Lauren is my real first name, that my blog is actually named for a massive ice sheet that once lay over the place where I live (the Laurentide Ice Sheet). Thus, this is a report from my ice core.
#1 Story: Suggestion Box
This one was a huge surprise for me. It took off immediately, and I had not seen that coming. I'd had this image saved in my "had potential" folder for probably three weeks before I decided on how to tell the story. It went through an iteration where this was an ice skating rink, then it was a sandwich shop. I think one draft had a "five dollar footlong" joke in it. But ultimately I liked "arcade" the best.
#2 Story: Enjoy Your Stay
This was based on fun joking conversation I had with @hypno-potion and as the scaffolding we were joking about kept getting more elaborate I was like "No there is definitely something here." I'm glad you all agreed.
#3 Story: Kitty Pet Saga
I saw this picture and immediately knew what the story was going to be. Sometimes I see an image and think "There's something here if I look hard enough" and sometimes I see an image and a fully formed idea just jumps right out of it.
#4 Story: Oh My
This is a story I actually wrote quite some time ago for an old defunct website that never really got any foot traffic. I'm glad I brought it over, because it's one of my personal favorites. The only fauxcest story in the top five this month. That's one of those kinks I think I'm just going to have to accept that you guys aren't as into as I am (and I have the data to validate that claim).
#5 Story: Daughters and Suns
The only true repost from my old blog and the only part of a series in the top five this month. This series is my favorite thing I'm writing right now (though this entry isn't my favorite in the series). There's a lot more coming so I hope you're enjoying as much as I am.
Sunda Systems
We're half way through Season 1 of my Sunda Systems investigative mind control conspiracy story. Our investigator has made several contacts and visited the campus first-hand. She also might be starting to feel some effects from her various encounters, and her keen eye for detail is missing a few clues that are staring her right in the face. But I'm sure the date she's got lined up will give her some much needed relaxation.
Please please please share this story and feel free to get interactive with it! I've put some real effort into it and I've never written such a slow burn before. I'm enjoying the ride, and I've got some GOOD (I think) twists and turns coming. I think this format could be fun to play around with as an audience. Post your theories! I love seeing that folks are engaging with more than just the like button.
Update of Magics & Mesmerism
Some of you are aware that I'm working on an erotic mind control TTRPG called Magics & Mesmerism. I'm still plugging away. As we speak, I'm writing skills for the Innovator character class. As a treat, I'd like to share with you an except from the page on Hypnotic Foci:
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General Thoughts
Every story in the top five this month is a FEMALE SUB story. Noted. I tend to favor that in my writing, too, which is interesting because I think Female Over Male stories are hotter, probably because of the subversion of expectations. I'm a slut for subversion of expectations.
I think that's everything. Love you all and I'm very excited for you to see what's coming in September. One of my favorites that I wrote comes out tomorrow, and on the 13th you'll be introduced to your first Force of Nature.
Till then, keep reading, keep messaging, keep asking, and if you're feeling generous, keep donating.
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the-whumpening · 1 month
Re: Anonymous hate messages
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[Image ID: Screenshot of an anonymous message sent to me, @the-whumpening. Several lines have been annotated by me with colored highlights. All text has been transcribed exactly as typed. The message reads:
i would not be protecting a (yellow) pedophile and incest supportor (/end yellow) but for each their own!:)))
(green) we do not claim (/end green) (blue) her. she (/end blue) (green) is not even doing "whump" at this point. (/end green) just plain (yellow) depraved pedoincest fantasy stories (/end yellow) while thinking (blue) she (/end blue) has (purple) one more personality every week. people do not need to see that, (/end purple) it is not okay. none of it is. (orange) maybe all those bans should have been a sign. /End Image ID]
As expected, I received my first ever hate message after talking about the situation with "antis" attacking whump community members. The "proship"/"anti-proship" debate has been around for fucking ages, and I'm personally sick of it, but I thought this would be a good teachable moment for any younger/less-internet-savvy folks here.
This ^ is trolling. Whether they believe everything they said or not, ultimately their goal was to rile up emotions and cause friction. Having been on the internet a good, long time (my main blog is from like 2009, y'all), I have seen my fair share of trolls. I've fallen for a few, too. It's inevitable. But to save your sanity and help you all deal with users like this, I've decided to share this message and break down the clues that told me it's not worth interacting with.
Yellow Highlights: What I've highlighted in yellow are the "scare words," I'll call them. They're flinging the most extreme, most obscene terms they can think of at the situation, even if it doesn't fit, because they're trying to scare me in to either complying or arguing. Nobody looks good if they're "arguing for" incest or pedophilia. They're setting up a no-win situation where my position looks absurd and unsupportable. Edit to add: my position, by the way, is that you can write/make whatever you want as long as you tag it appropriately and post it where it abides by the Terms of Service, which my friend did. I do not support censorship of any kind. I didn't think it needed to be said but I don't "support" real life pedophilia and incest, either. No one does, including my friend who was banned. That's a nonsense claim.
Blue Highlights: I referred to the specific user who got banned by his preferred pronouns in my original post. I exclusively used he/him, multiple times. By using she/her in this message, I know this user isn't arguing in good faith because either A) they didn't read my post clearly and think it's about someone else, or B) they're intentionally misgendering my friend. You cannot argue with someone who isn't approaching in good faith.
Green Highlights: This anon says that "we" don't claim the user I mentioned as a part of the whump community and that "[he's] not even doing "whump" anymore." Here we have a logical fallacy: that user doesn't belong here because they're "not a real whump writer." They've essentially made up a rule to exclude this person, and that justifies (to them) how that person was treated. (Who is "we," by the way? Anon is implying that they are aligned with the majority of the community, thus threatening to place me as an outsider.)
Purple Highlights: Blatantly ableist rhetoric towards someone who presumably has Dissociative Identity Disorder. As above, they're trying to justify why it's okay to bully and harass someone off the platform. "People do not need to see that." Nonsense. We don't exclude anyone from the community on the basis of their disability. Once again, Anon is not engaging in good faith.
Orange Highlight: Finally, their closing line feels like a threat. They claim that this user should have expected to be harassed, even that they deserved it. They imply that being banned/reported automatically implies guilt, regardless of the fact we know tumblr staff is less than charitable regarding bans--especially with queer and disabled users, and double especially anyone who posts any kind of remotely mature content (like your standard whump fare). We all remember waves of transfem users being banned out of the blue this year, as well as anyone sticking up for them. It happens all the time. I also mentioned in my original post that this user had been mass reported multiple times which led to his bans, which I think the gravity of is missed here. He was targeted, multiple times, by a ton of people falsely accusing him of breaking Terms of Service. Mass reports are rarely trustworthy, imho, and especially not if they happen to the same user multiple times. You know what most folks do if they don't like a person's content or behavior? They block them and move on. Maybe a single, accurate report if it seems necessary, but a reasonable person should never sic their followers on other users to mass report or harass. It's bad internet etiquette, and it has been for decades. The golden rule of the internet: if you don't like someone, block them and move on! If it sucks, HIT DA BRICKS!
And that's why I did not respond directly to this anonymous message. Nothing in its content gave me any indication that Anon and I could have a real conversation and gain an understanding of one another. I hope this helps some of you deal with any potential hateful messages you receive. The goal, above all, is to push you to an emotional high and make you have an angry outburst on them. That's what trolls feed off of. And if there's one thing being on the internet for longer than some of you have been alive has taught me: don't feed the trolls. Do not engage. Do not argue. Delete or block, and move on as much as possible. Turning off anonymous asks (or asks in general!) is always okay. Remember: you alone control your internet experience. You curate what you do and don't want to see and what kind of interactions you allow. Blocking is always an option. Turning off replies is always an option. Filtering tags is always okay. Be better than these folks, and remember you are in control of what you see and do--but you cannot control anyone else.
Side note: I did get a very lovely message from someone (who I will not name to prevent harassment) showing me support and being really kind, so that 1000% makes up for shitty messages like this.
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0w0tsuki · 1 year
You wanna know what fucking sucks about the trans andro crowd? You know besides the fact that all it takes is a transfem breathing the wrong direction at them for them to call her a Terf. The fact that they have the SHEER GAUL to claim it is in the name of TransUnity.
You wanna know what trans unity was? It was a term created for us to rally around when this tide of genocidal legislation started rising. To gather around and show SUPPORT for one another. To mobilize and RESIST this wave of hatred.
And tbros saw this as a very convenient shield, an uno reverse card, something to accuse other people of being against when they themselves aren't performing it. If you call them out on their infighting and punching across they will use the very fact that your criticizing them of this to argue that actually? NO! YOUR infighting!
None of these tbros are going in counter protest to ACTUAL Terf rallies. They aren't spreading donation posts. They aren't talking about news about daily anti-trans laws being put forth and trying to resist them. No. They spend their whole time trying to Gotcha! Trans women.
You know what people interested in ACTUAL TransUnity don't do? We don't have our top blog actively promote a blog dedicated to block evading (while simultaneously blocking out all criticism) to grab full username screenshots of trans folks they want to witch hunt and put them next to hate anons from feds calling them shit like zipper tits in order to whip up their audience to either sent hate or to EXCLUDE THEM. Like actually patting themselves on the back that they got swaths of the community to denounce and exclude us. All while trying to claim it's not transmisoginistic because they're MAINLY targeting other transmen. You know. Those trans men who said "actually that's kinda fucked up. I'ma actually stand in solidarity with my sisters" who were immediately branded as traitors by them. DEFINITELY not an attempt to separate us from the few allies we have while simultaneously telling those in your community "THIS is what happens if you stand against us!"
They don't "joke" about their group chat of Transandrophobia truthers that have been called transmisoginsts so many times that they see calling themselves that as an inside joke signalling each other to swarms posts about transmisoginy.
They don't purposely form insular communities where the only transfems allowed are those who sign at the gate they agree to every single say and they have social clout within that circle for organizing it. They don't try to USE said clout to try and redefine the TERF for these people in a way that would give them the position to call transfems TERFs (which they themselves admit to being a former member of).
And they don't try to discredit and not read arguments from the other side by screenshoting their bios to see if there's anything that they can point out that in their opinion shouldn't be listened to in the first place from "oh she's a white uwu cat girl" to "oh she's a bi lesbian". For all of the hand wringing that the trans andro crowd goes on about how "everyone listens to trans women over trans men and we just get ignored" they CERTAINLY don't have ANY interest in actually listening to trans women. There are no attempts at appeals to our arguments. No "I can see why trans women feel this way and I want to acknowledge their oppression while still advocating for mine" just "oh so you just hate trans men". No attempts at actual UNDERSTANDING trans women who feel hurt by their actions.
Your telling me the crowd who so ADAMANTLY opposed the terms transmisoginy and tme/tma in the first place. Who viewed every post of transfems complaining about the intracommunity oppression they felt as a personal attack on them. Your telling me these people should be given the benefit of the doubt when they try to argue for their own term which is DEFINITELY not reactionary to transmisoginy.
Your going to tell me the crowd that has convinced themselves that they are in a subculture war against transfems have their hearts in the right place and are trying to bring the community together when they are actively working to exclude transfems and their allies from the queer community?
Yall should find FUCKING APPALLING these people who've only ever acted like exclusionary bullies about their politics take a term that was supposed to be a rallying cry for trans people and turn it into the "so much for the tolerant left" but for the queer community, to demand all of the patience and consideration in the world while giving none. I don't even have to argue against their theory. Their actions speak louder than words.
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You want to know about me?
Call me Nomi 💕 27 year old trans butch with far too many thoughts bouncing around in her head. Purpose of this side blog is to explore being a trans butch, a stone lesbian, and my healing journey with masculinity as a trans woman (also often times a dump for my horny dyke shit)
Two-Spirit Butch
Trans woman, and been on HRT long enough to have stopped keeping track
Pronouns: She/Her
Wolfie/Puppy 🐺🐶
I'm open to friends with anyone 18+ but I have no intention to flirt with anyone. Taken by the lovely @vampiref3mm3 (aka best girlfriend) 💕
Stone service top, but a switch-y one at that
Neurodivergent as hell
18+ Minors DNI This is my side blog, and a nsft one at that.
This blog is a safe place for me to get my thoughts out. I won't entertain any form discrimination or belligerence. As such it should go without saying, no TERFs, racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc.
Open to DMs and asks, but receiving unsolicited nudes in private DMs will get you hit with a block
I don't intend on turning anon asks back on any time soon. I've gotten far too much transphobic comments and questions, and I've decided I don't want to deal with them anymore. Sorry folks, a few bad apples ruined the basket.
Gonna do my best to tag my personal posts on here with "bite me"
Posts that are either talking about or meant for my femme are tagged #oh vampling... 💕
Banner by bloodlustbutch on twitter
Stuff I like
Praise praise praise 💕
Oral fixation things of any variety
Soft d/s
biting, biting, and more biting (vampire femme x werewolf butch is S-tier)
pleasure control
Praise-coded humilation 💕
healthy dose of breeding
Possessiveness things (being claimed specifically)
Light intox
The lightest of CNC, ala domestic free-use or pleasure control overstim
did I mention praise? 💕
Hard limits
Intense violence, especially impact play.
Ageplay (we got trauma up in this house)
Violent CNC
anything related to waste
Don't call me baby
Don't talk about my genitals at all. I'm a stone top, I use a strap, stop asking about what I've got going on below the belt.
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marzipanandminutiae · 1 month
bpd is one of the disorders that makes you “annoying/clingy/insecure” (as you put it) so yes, it makes perfect sense that a blog focused on bpd symptoms is encouraging people to try to self soothe and not be completely emotionally dependent on another person. because thats the issue with bpd. and you are being manipulative by saying “all i said was we cant be the only ones trying” when thats not what you said at all. you projected your own experiences onto that post, attacked her for it, and are now playing the victim. absolutely wild
Ye gods. Nope. We're not doing this.
First of all, "don't be completely emotionally dependent on other people" was NOT the part of the post I objected to, and I made that very clear. The part I objected to was a few comments down, when people were saying "okay so can you maybe tell us when you don't feel up to a conversation if we reach out?" and she and some other folks were like "well no because that's basically the same as a conversation so..." without offering any real alternative compromises. That upset me because it's an attitude I feel like I see a lot around here, and as someone who continues doing the work to NOT put my own issues on the people I'm talking to, I get frustrated when the other side isn't willing to put in even a little bit of effort (or at least, that's how it seemed in that particular post).
Secondly...you can't play the "that's not LITERALLY ALL YOU SAID though!!!" game (obviously it's not; I admitted to being hyperbolic in the tags, and summarizing an argument doesn't mean those were the Actual Only Words Spoken) and then claim the only thing in the post was "you need to self-soothe sometimes."
Can you imagine this coming from the other side?
"Hey can you try to self-soothe and not spam message me every time I'm online, demanding to know if I hate you because I didn't instantly respond? It would really help me."
"hmmm well if I had the energy to rein myself in, I wouldn't message you in the first place, so no. also, maybe examine why you expect this of me? seems a bit entitled."
That's absurd. And so is the reverse.
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laylasmoonchild · 1 year
“Are You Okay?”
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Sam Kiszka × Reader NSFW 18+
Author's Note:
I have no idea what l'm doing or what possessed me to write this... That's partially a lie- There's no Sam Fics out there, and this is compiled of some requests l've had/Requests l've seen on other blogs. This is loosely inspired by Daisy Jones & The Six (The Amazon series, not the book, the book was better though hehe), Basically when Camilla was seeking out attention during a rough patch with Billy. I'm Layla, let me know what ya think, or don't. Just be nice! Sorry if there's typos, this took me hours to write on 2 separate nights, l'm not an amazing writer, just out here trying new things!
Sammy's girlfriend (Y/N) is under the impression he is cheating on her and not only gets drunk to mask her feelings, but seeks comfort in Jake... Yup, it's messy, folks. Also, there's sex, read the warnings!
Angst, Topics of Cheating, Arguing W/ a S.O., NSFW, Sex, Spit Kink (this is a common request on Sammy blogs, if you're not into it, close your eyes or keep it pushing! my page is a no judge zone!), Unprotected Sex (Wrap it up, or don't, it’s not my business… prob wrap it up though.)
Word Count: 7,149
I was looking out the window of the plane that was taking me to God knows where. All I knew was that I was on my way to the love of my life.
Sam’s been on tour for a few months, and honestly, I’ve been starting to feel a distance. I’m assuming it’s more on my end, I’m working a high stress job while trying to make my art my main one. Sam’s understanding of it and I think it’s time I show him just how much I appreciate that of him.
As the plane is landing, I start to write out a text to Jake, who’s going through a major rough patch with his girlfriend. Sam mentioned they were on a break, but I won’t pry, I just want to tell him to let Sam know that I’ll be at the hotel in about an hour…
“Hey! Could you let Sam know I decided on taking an uber? I think his phone’s dead, I’ll be at the hotel in an hour!”
“I haven’t seen him since last night, but I’m sure I’ll run into him, be careful, sweet girl…♥️”
Sweet girl… Jake’s nickname for me since we first met… He always said I was too sweet for Sam.
As I gathered my bags from baggage claim and made my way outside to my Uber, I started thinking about how Jake mentioned he hasn’t seen Sam since last night… I never think about Sam’s whereabouts, I know most girls would be itching to know what their traveling, rockstar boyfriend was up to, but he’s never given me an inkling of a feeling that the rumors about guys on the road and his past were true. And I was far too busy career wise to think into those thoughts.
But I’d be lying if I said the reason I was tapping my foot in the backseat of this Uber wasn’t because I was starting to believe it.
I got the keycard from concierge and made my way to Sam’s room. For some reason, I couldn’t stop thinking that the distance I’ve noticed wasn’t just me, and maybe he wasn’t as trustworthy as I thought…
I shook away my thoughts while the elevator chimed it’s arrival on his floor. I walked out, luggage trailing behind me, and anxiously speed walking to his door. Suddenly I was picturing the scene behind that door. A Penny Lane wannabe enthralled with him between the sheets, while he tells her I’m the last thing on his mind. What was wrong with me? I knocked on it, holding my breath.
I heard rustling behind the door, and feet lazily lugging themselves across the floor. It swung open, and there he was.
“Hey,” He pulled me in for a half hug, out of breath, hair a mess. He smelled like the floor of a dive bar.
“Hi, baby” I entered the room, it was in decent condition considering he’s been here for at least two nights.
“Room looks clean…” I huffed as I released my bag from my hand in the small walkway.
Sam looked around, yawning a bit while running his hand through his tendrils.
“Yeah, I guess- Haven’t really slept in here.”
I tried to ignore the pit in my stomach, telling myself not to read into it as I kicked my shoes off.
“Crashed at Danny’s or something?” I asked, trying to remind myself that he has 3 other rooms to end up in if he pleases…
I tried to look for his eyes as he sat on the foot of the bed. He looked guilty. This wasn’t in my head anymore. Suddenly my extremities went cold.
“Sam?” I said, firmer than usual. My chest was rising and falling at this point.
“What?” He practically spat at me. He looked at me like he’d been found out. His eyes blinking with a dullness behind them that felt inhuman.
“Sam… Where were you last night?”
“Y/N…” He held his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes.
“Sam. Answer me.” I felt tears beginning to sting my eyes.
“Y/N, I was at Danny’s, okay?” He stood up now with his arms open in defense.
“Look, I’m hung over, I really don’t want to be questioned by my girlfriend right now.” He walked past me to make it to the bathroom. As I turned to watch him slam the door.
Sam was the most attentive man in my life. Never leaving me when I’m upset, always letting me cry it out to him and absorbing every word I had to say.
Instead, he started the shower.
A few tears made their way out as I unpacked my outfit for tonight, feeling stupid as I pulled out each piece that I was so excited to wear for him. A cream colored, see through, lace dress with a slit up the leg, dark brown cowboy boots and a dark brown slip to wear underneath it.
I continued laying everything out when I saw something peeking out from underneath the duvet. Assuming it was one of Sam’s shirts, I pulled it, with the intention of folding it and placing it to the side. Except it wasn’t his shirt. It was distinctively a woman’s blouse. Orange chiffon, staring back at me. I stared back at it in my hands for a second. Hoping it would disappear from my hands and maybe I would wake up from a dream. Suddenly, I had no tears, my throat was too dry to speak.
He stepped out of the bathroom in a towel and I shoved the damned piece of fabric into my luggage. His eyes were softer now.
“Love,” he called out softly.
I nodded, eye’s fixated on his. He walked towards me, he took my waist into his hands and pulled me close to him.
He brought one hand to the valley between my jaw and neck, resting his thumb on my cheek.
“Y/N, I love you, I just had a rough night. I’m so happy you’re here, I’m sorry okay?” He looked me dead in my eyes, and something about that made my stomach turn. He’s lying to me, while looking into my eyes.
“Okay.” Was all I could manage. I felt a sense of serenity, or extreme numbness. He looked puzzled, looking for the rest of what I could say on my face.
“You love me, right?” Sam said, matching the hand that was on my waist to the one on my face.
“Of course,” I smiled, insincerely. “I have to shower now.” I motioned my head towards the bathroom door.
He leaned into kiss me, I moved my head slightly to where he could only kiss the corner of my mouth.
“I feel gross from the plane, sorry.” I said acting like everything was fine. He nodded and let me go.
After my shower, I immediately started getting ready. It was all so robotic.
Sam knocked on the door to let me know he’d be going to the venue for soundcheck, which he’d been late for. I put my hairdryer on to drown him out mid speech. I heard the hotel door shut, and my phone lit up on the counter.
“Baby doll I left for soundcheck, I don’t know if you heard me♥️ See me before the show like you do?”
I “thumbs’d up” his text and continued my hair and makeup.
While doing my makeup, I suddenly felt thirsty. I opted for every alcoholic nip in the mini fridge.
I finished getting ready and Ubered to the venue. I drunkenly vowed to myself that Sam will not make a fool out of me. If he was going to realize what I was being short about, it will be on MY terms. Not his, and most certainly not on my emotion’s terms. The alcohol has numbed every emotion, and I was thanking the heavens for that.
While I got into the building and was escorted backstage, all I could think about was another drink.
Entering the green room, I made a beeline for the bar cart while everyone mingled and were making the last touches to their outfits. Danny, Sam and Josh were gathered around the tour manager while Jake was off to the side, looking rather uninterested.
I poured myself a drink and sent my happy-fake smiles to the tour crew as they passed by, cheerful to see me. As I sipped my concoction of liquor, I began to feel disgusted with them too, knowing they could smile at me while they probably know of Sam’s girl on the side and smiled the same way at her.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, as I turned around, I was met with the soulful eyes I so dearly loved. It was Jake. Who reeked of rum. It broke my heart that we were drinking for similar reasons.
“Hey, my sweet girl!” He pulled me in for a hug, squeezing me extra tight and letting his hand linger on the small of my back as he positioned himself to the side of me. A classic Kiszka hug. The kind of hug that makes girls wonder if it’s flirtatious but it’s really just their loving nature.
I beamed for the first time all day. Jake and I were the kind of close where we didn’t need to speak all the time to keep the friendship alive. We often found ourselves on late nights after shows talking about everything while everyone was off to sleep. As I look into his eyes, I’m realizing he might know me more than Sam does.
In my drunken state, I didn’t realize my smile faded till his eyebrow became crooked.
“Are you okay?” Was all he said, my extremities went cold once more like they did earlier.
“I-“ I felt an arm snake around my waist and someone kiss my cheek from behind. I knew who it was.
“Baby doll, come with me before I go on, talk to Jake later” Sam said, all too normal.
I smiled weakly at Jake and he gave me a concerned look. He must’ve made eye contact with Sam because his concerned look quickly became a forced, tight lipped smile. And with that, he caught up with the rest of everyone, who waved at me, unaware of the situation at hand.
Sam led me down a dark walk way, the route that takes them to the stage. The opening act was on and I could feel the bass in my chest.
We stopped walking and Sam pulled me in for a kiss. I barely kissed back, uninterested in his lips on mine… Knowing they were on God knows who’s the night earlier.
“Y/N, kiss me,” He said running his hands up my sides then to my neck, pulling me in again.
“Sam, I’m not in the mood.” I slurred.
“Y/N, I told you I’m sorry for before. I still am.”
His eyes were looking through me at this point.
“Sam, this isn’t about you, okay? Really, it’s okay!” I amazed myself with how natural it was to pretend that I didn’t find another woman’s article of clothing in his hotel room. I grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him. He began to melt into me, pushing his tongue into my mouth.
I faintly heard the opener end their set, they would be getting off on the opposite side of the stage so I wasn’t worried about stopping him. Even if I didn’t want to kiss him right now, a part of me wanted to make him think I was okay before his show.
“I love you so much-“ He said in between kisses. I kept thinking of him talking like this to another woman. It made me sick. I pulled away. Staring at him plainly. His eyes were dull with lust and confusion.
The boys started walking towards us, getting ready to go on stage. I turn to them and smile.
“Good luck tonight,” I blew them a kiss and smiled while they said their thanks and blew kisses back. Jake watched me intently as I started to walk backstage, not daring to turn around and look at Sam.
“Hey,” Jake grabbed my hand.
I turn back to him and look for his eyes, that are fixated on my hand, and work up to my face.
“Sweet girl’s on my side tonight, yeah?” He winked with a grin. His thumb rubbed my hand, all of this making me blush. This gesture was more comforting than flirting.
“Of course.” I said, bashfully.
Jake smiled once more, and I looked back towards Sam. His face was stone cold at the interaction.
The concert was amazing as always. Jake made it a point to wink in my direction and blow me a few kisses during their set, all of which Sam saw.
I was still, naturally, upset. Drinking as much as I could, stumbling in the crowd a bit. I was trying to blend in with the stands but of course some of the fans recognized me, I’m embarrassed to admit I was probably too incoherent to hold any sort of conversation with them.
We were now at an after party backstage, celebrating the tour or something, I could barely tell in my inebriated state.
Sam was on his phone, frantically typing and trying to stay focused on the conversations around him. I assumed that was her on the other end of the text screen. He put his arm around me while Danny and their roadie went on about an equipment mishap. Before Sam could reply to the phone vibrating in his pocket, I turned to glance at the tour crew & opening band dancing in the middle of the room. Jake was on the other side of the dancing bunch and caught eyes with me.
“I’m gonna dance-“ I said while breaking free of Sam, who said something in return but I couldn’t hear him over the music. I walked through the moving bodies and put my hand out to Jake, who took a good swig of his drink and slammed the glass on the table beside him. He took my hand and pulled me into what felt like the music itself engulfing me. We danced, innocently. Singing the lyrics to each other as we swapped dancing partners and laughing gleefully like little kids. I felt someone grab my wrist.
“Gonna save a dance for me, right, little girl?” Sam husked into my ear.
Feeling incredibly prideful and cocky, I danced with him, and as he leaned into me, I moved my mouth to his ear.
“Tell that little slut to get her cheap shirt before tour’s over.” I said in a tone only he could hear. Sam’s grip on me loosened.
“Y/N,” His face was pale, and his feet were suddenly glued to the floor. I kept dancing.
He reached his arms out for me when I started dancing too far from him and he pulled himself into me.
“You’re not going to make a fool out of me, Sam. I’ll play stupid for everyone around us right now, but trust that I won’t let you continue this. I’m not going to be the other woman in my own relationship.” I said still quietly but snidely.
“Listen to me, Y/N,” Sam said as he tried to pull me out of all the dancing, swiftly and without causing suspicion.
“Good idea, I need air.” I said, walking towards the tunnel that lead to the parking lot.
“Even better, I’ll come with.” He said following behind.
“No, stay! Please, enjoy yourself!” I said in a tone where he knew I was sarcastic but people around us would assume I was genuine if they overheard us.
Jake came up between us and put an arm out to distance Sam.
“I’ll go with her, don’t worry!” I couldn’t tell if Jake realized what was happening or if he really thought he was just helping ease Sam by following his drunk girlfriend who needed to get air in a sketchy parking lot.
Either way, I locked arms with him and smiled.
“Thaaaank you! Enjoy yourself, Sam.”
Sam’s eyes started to get glassy. Those around us would probably assume it was from weed or the alcohol, but he was on the verge of tears. His face was hard, stoic as he watched his brother whisk me away.
We made it outside. Surprisingly no one was around, just the empty trailers, cars, and tour buses.
I started running to the middle of the lot & began spinning with my arms stretched out, basking in the cool air. I heard footsteps coming towards me, increasing speed.
Jake ran up to bear hug me, I yelped.
“You’re too drunk to go exploring, let’s go closer to the building, Y/N!” he laughed as he pulled me towards the brick wall. I tried to protest but I was too weak and he was too strong.
We reached the wall and I turned to him. There was that concerned expression again. It made me shiver.
Jake started to take off his jacket, he laid it gently on my shoulders.
“Better?” He asked. I’m assuming he thought my slight shiver was from being cold, considering my outfit choice, but the truth is that my blood is boiling from anger and alcohol, I can’t feel a thing.
I nodded and gave him a tight lipped smile.
“Are you okay? And answer me this time. You drank like a sailor, and you don’t do that.” He waited for me to respond. Suddenly I was too scared to speak again, like my voice wasn’t going to be strong enough to carry these feelings into solid words.
“Are you okay?” He repeated.
I teared up, flicking away the single tear that dropped on my cheek. I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling it out of my face, taking a deep breath.
“I’m fine.” I said, knowing he wouldn’t believe me.
“You know I know that isn’t true.” He said, leaning closer to my face. I smelled the dark rum on his breath.
“How do you know that?” I said sarcastically as a few more tears left my eyes. He got closer.
“You know things are pretty much over in my relationship… I know the signs.” Jake’s lips stayed parted and his eyes focused on my mouth.
I steadied my back against the wall, backing away. He moved closer again.
“How long has it been going on?” I asked him, scared to hear the answer.
“Hm?” He seemed genuinely confused.
“Sam and some girl…” I said quietly.
“What gir-… Wait, he’s sleeping with her?” With that, the tears flowed more. He pulled me into him and left he sob.
“Let it out, Y/N, I’m so sorry, I had no idea. I can’t believe he did this to you. None of us wanted her around but he said he was just trying to help.”
He was rubbing my back, and suddenly, I was not only devastated, but curious. Who was this girl and why was he trying to help her?
I brought my head up to ask these circling questions and Jake looked at me with his tender eyes.
In this moment I felt like Jake was looking at me in a way that only women he’s been to bed with have experienced. I felt frozen, I was nervous that I was so low I’d dig myself deeper, even when I wouldn’t want to stoop to Sam’s level. I looked down, avoiding Jake’s eyes.
“I’d never do that- to you,” Jake said, letting out an awkward and breathy laugh, an attempt to lighten the meaning of his words.
I nodded, still looking down. This can’t be happening right now. I started thinking about how Jake would taste on my lips… His rum mixed with my liquor… I physically shook my head to attempt to metaphorically shake these thoughts in my head.
Jake’s single finger lifted my chin to look into his eyes. His other arm lifted, planting his hand on the wall.
“Wanna get out of here?” Was all he said.
Like clockwork, my phone started vibrating. Text after text, and the night was too quiet to ignore it. Jake waited for an answer, trying not to look down where my phone was located, inside the calf of my boot.
My face was plain, not able to answer him. Saved by the bell, his phone in his jacket pocket started ringing, I reached for it and saw Sam’s contact photo. I handed it to Jake, an attempt to make him get his finger off my chin.
He sighed, then muted it and put it into his back pocket. My phone continued to vibrate. Jake looked into my eyes once more. It felt like he was trying to subconsciously communicate that he could take me away from it all, and take care of me, even if it was for the night.
“Jake,” was all I could let out before he leaned his face, inches from mine.
“You’re my sweet girl, you know that?” He said looking at my lips. I’m not sure why, but I nodded, looking up at him.
“I love him though. No matter what.” My eyes watery.
“I know, I’d never ask you to change what’s in your nature,” He paused. Taking my hand into his. He brought it to his mouth, giving my knuckles a light kiss, staring into my eyes as he did this. “It just breaks my heart that you’re so loyal to someone who was entertaining someone else, even if it’s my baby brother.”
Suddenly, the curiosity was getting the best of me. Who was this girl?
“Jake, just tell me who she is.” I took my hand out of his and rested both hands on his chest. Practically pleading and trying to change the subject away from his earlier question. Surprisingly, he let me.
“You know that ex girl of Sam’s? James’ girlfriend’s best friend?” He adjusted his jacket that was falling off my shoulder.
James was one of the openers who has opened for the guys every couple of legs of their tour. His girlfriend introduced Sam to his ex girlfriend, they dated for awhile. I was told through the grapevine that she would get into Sam’s head, make him choose between her and his tasks for the band… When he finally left her, he knew he would see her again on tour, but always made it a point to let me know that it wouldn’t be by his choice. She’d be there with James’ girlfriend and he didn’t really have much to say to her, so he would just avoid her.
My stomach was in knots. Thinking of him with her again. Someone he was so badly hurt by is who he chose to break my trust with. It’d hurt less if it were someone new. I lightly sobbed, moving my hands from Jake’s chest to around his neck. Hugging him tightly, he held me.
“Jake, how could he?” I looked up, trying to find the answers for Sam’s infidelity on his older brother’s face. He gave me the kind of look that told me he didn’t know what to say.
I sniffled, trying to collect myself. I thought about Jake’s previous offer. Getting out of here… with him. As we looked at each other, I knew that he knew what was going through my head. Us, going wherever he had in mind, and losing ourselves in each other.
If anyone saw us, they would think they were interrupting, and maybe they would be, but I wouldn’t dare move till he did.
“Let me take care of you.” He said, each word laced with lust, his hands were underneath the jacket he leant me, and on my waist.
I let out air through my nose, furrowing my eyebrows and frowning my lips. In a way that said “We can’t do this, I still love him.” without saying it.
We must’ve been lost in this moment because I didn’t hear the footsteps coming from the entrance of the tunnel that led to the parking lot. Until I did.
Jake and I both turned our heads to see one of the tour bus drivers. He awkwardly smiled at us and went to start the bus.
We let out a sigh of relief, knowing that if anyone else saw us, or God forbid Sam, we would be dead.
“Now or never.” He said, pulling my face to look at his. I quickly nodded in response.
We made it back to the hotel after a silent ride. As we walked through the lobby and made it into the elevator, I couldn’t believe I was doing this. Jake held my hand and gave it a light squeeze. I felt him looking at me watch the floor numbers ding on the monitor. I turned to him and smiled lazily. He smiled back, and kissed me on the cheek. He lingered there for a bit before moving to my ear.
“I’m going to make it better.” He whispered.
I felt a pool begin between my legs. It felt so wrong. My boyfriend’s brother, making me feel like this. But Sam was wrong too. I hated him as much as I hated myself in this moment. But I was so detached from reality. So drunk, so lost, and so hurt. The doors opened.
We walked out, walking past Sam’s room. My eyes followed it as if he was going to come running out of it. Jake opened his hotel door, the one conveniently next to Sam’s, softly saying my name, and pulling me into the room. He closed the door behind me.
I felt him behind me as I entered more of the room, knowing I was entering the biggest mistake of my life and my body couldn’t turn off autopilot. He came up behind me, holding me. He kissed my shoulder and rubbed my stomach. I let out a sigh, I hate to admit it, but I was turned on at the thought of what he was going to do to me.
Even though my body was vibrating, my chest was aching, and a few tears escaped. He spun me around, anticipating what would be our first kiss, but he was met with my eyes, full of tears. His face was surprisingly comforting. He pulled me in for a hug. The kind of hug he always gave me.
“We won’t.” He said, as I fell apart beneath him. He kissed my forehead and held me close. I let out wailing cries, mourning what was once Sam and I, and what I almost allowed to happen. I was sick with myself as much as I was with him. I was trembling, and my throat felt raw from the noises escaping it.
A string of words kept flowing from me, “Jake what did I do? I’m horrible! I lost my best friend, I love him, how could he do this to me? I love him, Jake, I love him!”
He lead me to the bed since I began falling to the floor in his arms. He shushed me, rubbing my back.
“You didn’t do anything, I did this. Sam’s at fault, I’m at fault. Not you.” He said firmly.
I weeped. Picturing what almost happened and what transpired with Sam and his ex in the next room the night before.
“Y/N, I am miserable right now. I almost took advantage of your vulnerability because I lost the love of my life. I betrayed my brother, don’t blame yourself right now. Please. I will make this better.” The last sentence was said in a new tone than it was in the elevator.
I woke up to knocking on the door. The room was pitch black, my face was damp, and my throat was sore.
The knocking turned into banging.
“JAKE, LET ME THE FUCK IN. YOU PIECE OF SHIT, OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR.” The banging persisted, and the voice was familiar. It was Sam.
My body was frozen, I felt Jake rustle beside me.
“Stay here.” He said, making his way through the dark, turning on a lamp on his way to the banging door.
I sat up, and looked at my phone on the nightstand, I tapped it to see any notifications. My phone was completely blown up from Sam and even a few texts and calls from Danny.
“Please answer Y/N”
“Y/N, Sam is trying to call you, he’s going crazy right now, he’s not telling anyone anything. What happened? Are you with Jake? He’s trying his phone too. Just let me know if you’re okay.”
Jake opened the door, and Sam busted through, immediately attacking Jake.
“YOU THINK I WOULDN’T FIND OUT?” Sam yelled as he threw a punch at Jake, who was dodging his fists, telling him to calm down.
“YOU LET YOUR RELATIONSHIP FALL APART SO YOU TAKE MY GIRLFRIEND? DID YOU FUCK HER? THE FUCKING TOUR BUS DRIVER TOLD ME HE SAW YOU WITH HER.” He pushed Jake up against the wall. Sam hasn’t even looked towards the bed, where I was.
Sam had Jake by the collar of his shirt, I was frozen.
“Sam.” His name escaped my lips, raspy.
He turned around. Eyes blood shot, hair a mess. He let out a breathy, sarcastic laugh. He turned to Jake and raised his fist, aiming for his face. Jake, again, dodged his brothers fist, and finally used his strength to throw Sam to the floor.
“JAKE!” I screamed, finally being able to jump up. Jake looked at me while Sam struggled beneath him, cursing at him. Jake gave Sam a firm gaze, holding him down.
“I could’ve but I didn’t. Because I fucking love you, and I love her. And YEAH, I am miserable right now, I wanted to take her from you because of it, but what the fuck is your excuse?” He spat through his teeth. Sam writhed underneath him.
“I DIDN’T CHEAT ON Y/N, I WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO HER,” Sam yelled “Y/N, PLEASE LISTEN TO ME.” Jake let Sam go. He stood up in front of me.
“I didn’t sleep with her, I didn’t kiss her, I didn’t even hug (her name), PLEASE believe me, listen to me, LOOK AT ME.” He said, tearfully, shaking me by my sides as I struggled to keep eye contact.
I finally caved. I nodded in return. Waiting for him to continue. Jake gave me a kind smile, and patted Sam’s shoulder. He told us he’d be in Josh’s room if he needed us, and left.
Sam led me to sit on the foot of the bed. He held my hands and continued to speak.
“She was on tour, like I said she would be. She told me that one of our roadies and her had a fling after her and I split two years ago. She said she wasn’t expecting to see him again and it was hard to avoid him because he was working close with James’ team.” He looked into my eyes, waiting for me to let him continue. I nodded.
“She said she was scared of what he would do if they were alone because he threatened her, I told her she could hang around us. I have no say in who’s fired, I tried to relay it to our tour manager but he said that the roadie was one of his best employees and wasn’t dropping him this far into tour because of something that can’t be proven. I was stupid. It was a way in. Last night she said he said something about knowing which room she was staying in…”
Again, I nodded. He hasn’t broke eye contact, or tried to retrace his story… He was telling the truth, and I let him continue just that.
“I didn’t want to deal with her, believe this. But our tour manager was being a dick, I know she’s not the talent and doesn’t have needs in their eyes, but I felt obligated to help. I told her to come to my room, stay there the night, and I’d go to Dannys… She came to my room, and immediately, I knew something was up, Y/N. She started asking about you, and how serious we were. I asked her what her intentions were. She joked to get me back. I told her to get out, but she wouldn’t. She insisted that the story about her and this roadie was still true, and she wanted me to protect her. I left her in my room, and I slept in our photographers room. I knew that if I slept in Danny’s, she wouldn’t end this till she got in. And as for her shirt, one of mine was missing from my suitcase, I assumed she took one of mine to sleep in and left hers for me to find. And baby, I’m so sorry that you found it. That’s awful.” He put his hand on my cheek, forcing me to look at him.
“You don’t have to believe me, I know this sounds like a load of bullshit. But please, ask anyone. Anyone you want. They’ll tell you what impression I fell under.” His eyes pleaded with mine. Even though it was hard to give into him after this entire day, my gut was telling me that he was telling the truth.
“Sam,” I tried to find what I was going to say next. That I believe him and that I love him of course, but I couldn’t say that without being honest about what almost transpired between Jake and myself. He waited patiently.
“I almost did something unforgivable tonight, to spite you.” I continued. His chest physically sunk, and his eyes welled up.
“Almost? Not just Jake?” He spoke, loosening his tight grip on my hands.
“I’m not proud.” I teared up. My voice was still raspy.
He cleared his throat, letting out a sigh, opening his mouth to ask “How far?”
“He asked me to come here and I did-“ I started, but Sam put his hand on my thigh, trying to get me back on track.
“Baby, how far?” He said firmly, but still sadly, nonetheless.
“He kissed my cheek in the elevator… when he got to the room, he kissed me here from behind.” I ran my fingers along my shoulder, showing him where. His face was stoic. He looked at my cheek and then my shoulder.
“He stopped when he realized it’s not what I wanted. I promise he did, Jake is not at fault. He feels like he is, he says he is. He’s just lost right now. He doesn’t want me like that, nor do I want him. I never did. It’s always and only been you, Sam. I was in such a bad place. My life felt like it was over.” I began to weep again.
He pulled me into his lap, let me cry, and held me… Like he always did. He kissed the top of my head while I soaked his shirt in my tears.
“It’s okay. Him and I will talk, but you and I are okay, baby.” Sam let out. I was relieved, but still felt like it wasn’t.
“I’m so so-“ I tried to reply, but he stopped me with a kiss. He let me go and looked deeply into my eyes.
“Don’t you say sorry. I’m sorry. I could’ve told you from the jump. But I was so in my own head about that night and I took it out on you.” He kissed away what tears were on my face and stroked my hair.
He always knew how to make me feel at ease, and right now I did… For the first time all day.
“And by the way, I was texting her earlier to never show her face around me again. You’re more than welcome to look-“ He said, reaching for his phone, but I shook my head in protest.
“Not now…” I said softly, looking into his eyes. He placed his hands back where they were, supporting me in almost a cradling like position.
“Sammy.” I spoke out. Knowing he knows I only call him ‘Sammy’ when I’m feeling soft.
“Yes, Baby doll?” He tucked my hair behind my ear.
“Take me to bed?” I rasped. He smiled and leaned forward to me, into a passionate kiss. His tongue dipped between my lips, searching for mine. I let out a small whimper, and he let out a deep moan in return.
He kicked off his shoes, while I transitioned from his arms to straddling his hips, wrapping my arms around his neck. I started to grind my throbbing, clothed pussy onto the denim covering his hardening bulge. His hands made their way onto my ass, guiding me on top of him. We let out moans and soft laughs in between our passionate kisses.
I took his bottom lip between my teeth, earning a low groan from my beautiful boy. He lightly tapped my ass.
“Lay down, baby.” He instructed, and I did as I was told. Resting my head onto the pillow, I looked up at him… He was undoing the buttons on his shirt. I leaned forward, helping him. Once the buttons were undone, I worked it down his shoulders. I went to undo the buckle on his belt, but he moved my hands away, and had me lean back by gently pushing me.
“I’m taking care of you.” He said firmly. I thought of how Jake said this earlier, but the truth is, only Sam could.
I blushed under his gaze while he removed his pants, leaving him in his briefs. His cock was rock hard, Sam caught me looking at it pulse for me. I bit my lip lightly and went to cover my face, squirming my legs beneath him.
“Don’t be shy, now” He let out a little laugh and so did I. He began undressing me, removing my dress, then my slip. He looked down at me in my bra and panties. Completely flushed and exposed, just for him. I opened my legs while he got between them.
“Sammy,” I began. His eyes traveled up my body and landed on my bashful gaze.
“Hmm?” He hummed, running his hands up and down my thighs.
“I love you too. I didn’t really answer you before…” I said, still trying to make things right.
He smiled lightly and pushed air through his nose.
“I know you do, my girl. Don’t worry.” He replied looking up at me. He began to slowly remove my black lace panties. Once they were discarded, I let out a shakey breath… Sam laid down next to me and gave me a tender kiss. He spread my legs wider for him. He took some of the wetness from my core and dragged it to my clit.
He began rubbing it just the way I like it. Immediately, I’m saying his name over again. He dips his skillful fingers into my pussy, toying at my g spot. He alternates between my clit and pussy while kissing my mouth, and slowly moving open mouthed kisses down my neck.
I pulled the lace of my thin bra down, exposing my hardened nipple. I start squeezing the sensitive bud, suddenly it’s replaced with Sammy’s wet mouth. His hand is solely focused on my clit while his tongue works my nipple. I reach my hand down to his throbbing cock. I cant think of anything more intoxicating than the thought of him deep inside me.
He moans onto my nipple, creating vibrations that intensify the sensation.
“Sammy, I need you, please.” I let out, desperately.
He releases my nipple and doesn’t let go of my clit while now, starting to lean over me.
“Aw, look at you.” He says, looking down at me, grinding into his hand, squeezing the nipple he just had in his mouth between my fingers.
“My girl wants it rough, huh? My pretty girl wants me to cum inside her perfect little pussy, right?” It doesn’t matter how sweet Sammy can be, he loves to see me fall apart for him. He wants to see me cry for him, beg for him. Always loving a show put on for him.
“Yes, Sammy, baby please, I need it, give it to me.” I moaned out, feeling like I could cum just watching him drool at the sight of me. He removed his hand from my clit and removed his briefs. His cock sprung up for me. He positioned himself between my legs.
He kissed my forehead, lining himself up with me, before sinking into my aching pussy. The sounds alone from my wetness were enough to prove how much I needed him. He fucked into me, bringing his hand to my clit once more.
He kissed me deeply, pulled away, and looked into my eyes.
“I love you,” He groaned while pumping in and out of me.
“I love you too.” I moaned, unintentionally tightening my walls around him. My arms were around his neck, while his chains danced from his chest onto my neck.
We both moaned into each other’s mouths, he brought up his other hand to relax my jaw into a more opened position.
He let a slow, string of spit into my mouth, earning a pornographic moan from me as I swallowed it. He mouth hung open while watching me do so as he continued to fuck deeper into my pussy.
His fingers sped up on my clit and he sped up his pace while hitting my g spot. I felt a familiar knot in my stomach, and he could tell I was close by my walls clenching and face alone.
“Cum for me, baby, cum on my dick, let it out, little girl, let it go for me.” He cooed as I came. I wrapped my legs around his torso, tightening them with each second of my release.
I felt his cock twitch inside of me.
“Cum inside me, Sammy, give it to me, please, please-“ I panted. And with that, he came deep inside of me. Moaning and panting, sweat beads on his forehead, pressing his to mine. He found my lips and kissed me hungrily, like he was starving for my mouth.
Our eyes were still teary eyed from earlier but extra teary for the passionate love making we just shared. He collapsed on top of me. Pulling himself out of me, he rolled onto the side of my body, now pulling me into him.
“I love you, so so much, Y/N.” He said softly.
“I love you so much more, Sammy.”
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posi-pan · 3 months
i saw this and do you know if this is true or not? because it made me sad / feel bad because before i came out (i didn't have plans to, at first) i was thinking long and hard on which labels fit me to the point of having sleepless nights because of it and then i found out about pansexuality due to this blog and that made me feel peaceful inside and that's how i figured out that this label fit me.
and now everyone on that post is like: think long and hard on the labels you use!!!! i don't want to exclude anyone. i don't want to erase anyone. this label just fits me. it fit me then, it fits me now. it's as simple as that.
sorry to dump this into your askbox during pride :((((
that post is absolutely not true. i have many posts on here calling out the idea that pan is somehow damaging bisexuality or whatever. pansexuality is not biphobic, individual people are. if someone is saying something biphobic, it’s because of their own flawed thinking or understanding, not because of whatever their sexuality is. funny how many heterosexuals and gay men and lesbians say horribly biphobic things, yet i don’t see any viral posts about how heterosexuality or gayness or lesbianism are biphobic. that logic only applies to pansexuality, i guess. *eye roll* it’s almost like the goal isn't calling out biphobia, the goal is spreading panphobia.
(and let’s not forget that pansexuality and pan people did not create any of these misconceptions about bisexuality that panphobes always talk about. those existed before pan got any kind of mainstream visibility. and don't believe panphobes when they say pan folks “changed the definition of bisexuality” either, as that’s just another panphobic lie.)
you don’t have anything to worry about. the only people doing damage are the people who make and share those kinds of posts telling people they’re queerphobic and hurting the community because they use a different word. pan has always existed and wasn’t created to be biphobic or transphobic and has always been welcome in the bi community. claiming otherwise is what’s wrong and damaging.
and idk when op posted that, but the earliest replies i saw were from 2020, so it’s interesting that people are sharing a years old post where the go-to example of a pan person being biphobic is even older: miley cyrus in 2016 saying she hates the word bisexual for putting her in a box. which. i remember that and pan folks, including myself, were criticizing her word choice. (even though she simply said she doesn’t like that label for her own sexuality and feels it’s too restrictive for her own sexuality and feelings. which isn’t queerphobic ffs. queer people of all kinds feel certain labels are too restrictive or don’t fully encompass their feelings. like. why is it only bad when a pan person says that about bi? i’m so tired of the double standards. also, where are these people when bi celebs are spreading biphobic narratives? they’re awfully silent then.)
please try not to give panphobes like that the time of day. their words have no weight because they’re rooted in hatred and queerphobia. they do a good job of masking their panphobia in supposed sadness about biphobia or concerns about the community (and sometimes wrap their message in faux intellectualism), but all of that rings false when you know where they’re coming from and what their intentions are. pan people are just trying to live our lives as authentically as we can, with language that feels true to us. panphobes on the other hand are actively spending their free time trying to make other queer people feel bad for *check notes* using different words. as if that isn’t the most ridiculous thing in the world.
i hope this helps make you feel better!!! and no worries about sending this during pride!! 💖💖💖
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Are you familiar with the Commercial Pattern Archive from the University of Rhode Island? It strikes me that some of the patterns on here might actually be from it, so you may be, but if you don't, it's a terrific online archive of scans of patterns from circa 1840 up to present day!
That may actually have been the lady who threatened to erroneously sue me a few years ago after several folks asked me to add those patterns to the Directory. She thought (incorrectly) that scanning an image magically gave you copyright over it. It does not.
Here are some posts about how it went down in chronological order, and how specifically they have very illegal ideas and zero notion of how copyright law works:
"Dear Joy Emery from COPA who has started claiming copyright violations on this blog"
"Anonymous asked: I am the curator of the Commercial Pattern Archive, CoPA. You are in violation of copyright law and must remove all stolen images. I have reported your activity of the University of Rhode Island Lawyers."
"Let’s look at how long it takes for copyright to expire:"
As you can tell, we are still here- I sincerely hope Joy's lawyers corrected her egregiously wrong ideas and helped educate her on how copyright works.
This blog has always stood for the following:
Preservation of our communal history- these patterns belong to ALL of us.
Free access to said communal history, without paywall on copyright-expired works and ugly watermarks.
All these ideals are spelled out in the blog description and in various posts I've made over the years about it.
Anyway, I appreciate you also desiring to see those patterns added to the Directory.
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jeannereames · 9 months
If you could change or insert one aspect of the common pop culture picture most people have in their heads when they think about ATG what would it be?
I'm going to jump this in the queue because I can answer it swiftly, but also because I have TWO things that are personal pet peeves.
FIRST: That "historians" keep insisting Alexander and Hephaistion were "just good friends" in the face of obvious evidence to the contrary.
SECOND: Alexander called Hephaistion his Patroklos (to his own Achilles), and they used this comparison frequently throughout their lives.
So, let’s take on the “Fake News,” shall we?
The notion that "historians" keep insisting Alexander and Hephaistion were "just good friends" in the face of what would seem clear evidence to the contrary is over 50 fucking years out of date.
Are there “historians” out there who say that? Sure. But they tend to come in two flavors: 1) people who aren’t specialists, Hellenists, or even historians,⸸ or 2) Greeks.* Since Badian, Green, Hamilton, and Schachermeyer (et al.) took over Macedonian/Alexander studies mid-century, few specialists claimed Alexander and Hephaistion couldn’t have been lovers, or Alexander couldn’t have been attracted to men. Even Hammond cagily acknowledged it.
Yet—TBH—I don't think those who repost that meme really care. They just want a convenient strawman/whipping horse to make them sound "smarter than the experts."
You don't. You sound as if you haven't read much about Alexander since about 1975. Historians who have died of old age by now said Alexander and Hephaistion were probably lovers.
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But that raises another problem: the implication that anybody who might argue they aren't lovers must be an old, white homophobic dude. Again, this is wrong.
The current discussion centers more on source problems, and separates Alexander having male lovers from Alexander and Hephaistion being lovers themselves (not the same thing, actually). Those making the best argument for caution are young, very much not homophobic (but absolutely brilliant) women (e.g., Sabine Müller). Follow the link to see a picture of Sabine, if you don’t believe me. I don't agree with her, but you can't shoot down her argument by screaming "Homophobe!" at the top of your lungs. The points she raises are all good ones and any responsible (and smart) historian will take them seriously.
As for the Alexander-Achilles/Hephaistion-Patroklos pastiche… yeah, sorry, no.
I realize this torques off folks, as it’s become a mainstay of queer culture surrounding Alexander as a gay icon and owes more than a little to Miller’s The Song of Achilles.
Busting it probably makes me sound like a Grinch.
BUT…the facts just don't support it. Yes, Alexander compared himself to Achilles--but not as much as to Herakles and Dionysos. Not even close.
How do I know? I COUNTED THEM. Facts ... not impressions.
After all, looking closely at what the sources (not impressions) actually say about Hephaistion is how I came to the conclusion the man was a lot more important than heretofore recognized. 😉
Again, as I’ve said elsewhere, Alexander did compare himself to Achilles. That’s not in dispute … it just wasn’t as frequent or common as modern fans like to pretend. And Hephaistion was compared to Patroklos only twice. There’s also a problem with WHO made those comparisons: chiefly Arrian. Again, I’ve talked about this elsewhere, so won’t go over it again.
Yes, I made the comparison myself in Dancing with the Lion: Becoming. But it concerned one circumstance near that book’s end (not giving spoilers), and isn’t something they harped on otherwise. That mirrors how it appears in our sources: it’s limited, and situational.
“Patroklos” was not Hephaistion’s nickname. Wish folks would stop claiming it was.
⸸ Just because somebody is tagged “historian” on a History Channel special—or his own private blog—doesn’t mean they actually have a PhD, or even a Master’s, much less one in ancient history, Classics, Classical archaeology, or ancient art history. The number of idiots on Tik-tok yapping about how Alexander thought this or did that—and clearly know jack shit—routinely stuns me…even while it doesn’t. Dunning-Kruger Effect all over the damn place.
* Greeks must often work within the confines of official narratives in order to secure jobs and funding, which can limit what they say on certain topics, from who’s buried in “Philip’s Tomb,” to the Greekness of the ancient Macedonians, to any possible homosexual “taint” staining Alexander’s greatness. This may swim against the current of academic discourse outside Greece, even by other Greeks. The Greek Ministry of Culture and Sport has softened on some of these topics in recent years, especially as LGBTQIA rights have gained better traction in Greece.
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 days
hey bug,
what do you think of
Gayest Supernatural Character, Quarter-Finals
drama and who do you believe is the truest queerest character in supernatural?
i think all spn polls drama is nonsense. it's fun until people start being actual assholes about stuff, and a poll like 'gayest spn characters' does make the worst elements of the fandom get overly aggressive trying to prove their claim to the queerest blorbo. a lot of people here have attached an unhealthy amount of their own identity to their favorite characters (and specifically, to a very narrow perception of said favorite characters) that leads to them lashing out when they feel that character disrespected, as it feels like a slight against them, personally. deeply strange and uncomfortable behavior when we should all just be talking about how crowley kisses men on screen for fun.
anyway, 'truest queerest character of supernatural' is a bit of a mixed bag because there's two options here. which character is the queerest textually, as in, was allowed to be openly queer and express queer love the longest and most often. and which character's subtextual narrative was most reflective of queerness, which is what a lot of people are arguing about the most. because you can't really argue about the first one. like. the only queer character who got to be queer, openly and constantly and for multiple seasons, make out with multiple women on screen, and not be treated like her sexuality is a joke is charlie bradbury. and we can talk about how well or poorly she's written as a character, but in supernatural, she is like a fucking lesbian beacon. and she's still bare fucking minimum in a cast whose other notable queers consist of 1) joke characters we are meant to mock for the fact that they are queer, 2) one-off characters who either die or in the case of later seasons where killing off gay people instantly because slightly less okay, do not get to express a lot of their queerness on screen before being shunted off to never scare the largely cishet audience again, or 3) villains. just like. villains. i know we love this about them, i know we're all gay little freaks here on the lucifer stan blog who enjoy that he's Like That about sam. but the fact that a lot of the villains on supernatural are queer-coded if not just openly queer is. :/ not great, folks.
and now we get to what my answer is for number 2) most subtextually queer. because like. it isn't charlie. charlie's queerness is not a part of her journey in any way. which is, kind of refreshing? but also very evidently the result of the writers not actually knowing how to integrate a lesbian into their story other than like. let her kiss women. charlie is written about as deep as a puddle 90% of the time, and that's the real crime we should talk about with her at the end of the day. getting distracted. anyway. for subtextual queerness. i mean, for me, it's sam. quite obviously, it's sam. sam the othered, sam the defiled, sam the broken and never pure. sam in his struggles trying to connect to a religion and a god who rejects him. sam who is and always will be the devil himself even when he proves that he can overcome him. sam who cannot win, no matter how quiet he makes himself and how much he acquiesces to the demands of the patriarchal family structure he's been slotted into.
hm. sam who knows he's dying, and sam who refuses to take a chance at life if it means burying everything about himself he's tried to construct and rising again as someone new.
i don't think you can honestly argue that sam's story doesn't resonate queerly. and i know this because most of the arguments i've seen against it have been "well, but sam (or sometimes "jared") feels too straight to be queer in any way". to which the only response can be THEY'RE ALL STRAIGHT. ALL OF THEM. THERE ARE NO QUEER MAIN CHARACTERS ON SUPERNATURAL. and yes, i am intentionally including castiel in there, for the people who argue his status as a main character. no. i don't think a love confession -> death pipeline is particularly compelling as a queer narrative, least of all because his potential queerness has always been treated like a joke or a reason to emasculate him, and to actually explore what it means that castiel loves dean winchester would take a much better show than supernatural could ever be. and it still wouldn't be a show that makes people happy, if it was honest, because it'd be a show about the slow and steady decline of one broken man constantly proven right about his paranoia and his abuse and his control issues, and one broken angel who has set him up as a god because he never really learned what free will was, just learned that following dean winchester means he has it.
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on-partiality · 8 months
hey :D
first of all: love ur blog <33
second: what's your opinion on Thomas Jefferson? He's such a weird historical figure to think about because he's so conflicting. I know that we shouldn't glorify nor condemn these people, but one moment I see him as a skrunkly, but then I'm reminded of what a monster he is. I just...arghhhhh :/
Oof, if I have to be honest, Thomas Jefferson is one of the only founding fathers that I genuinely hate. I have a few that I feel conflicted with like Washington, I have ones that I dislike because of their personality or actions like Franklin but Jefferson and Monroe? Utterly despise them.
Sometimes I find goofy little anecdotes about him that I laugh at before sobering up and realising that the man I just read about was a hypocritical child rapist. I actually completely disagree with you with the 'we shouldn't condemn these people' in the case of Thomas Jefferson. As I stated in a post of mine about historical relativism, I don't believe it's entirely fair to judge someone by a standard created years after they died that they could never have known would exist in future; Slavery and marrying young were both widely accepted in the 18th century but Thomas Jefferson publicly claimed to be against slavery, he claimed it was wrong, cruel and immoral so he knew. It wasn't some standard that he was unaware of because it didn't exist in his lifetime, no, it was one of his own standards and yet, he didn't release his slaves, he continued to profit off of their suffering when he knew just how horrible what he was doing was. Also 14 is young, even for the 18th century and 14 year olds would still have been considered children, he knew Sally was far too young and he still went ahead and got her pregnant, multiple times. Washington freed his slaves in his will, Franklin freed his as an old man, Thomas Jefferson only freed 10 of his 600+ slaves, 6 of those 10 were his children.
So yeah, looking at history the way Jefferson and just general folk of the 18th century would've looked at it, Jefferson's still a pedophile and a slaveowner. Regardless of how goofy he was at times. I admit the declaration was a revolutionary document for America, literally and a lot of his bills and such have contributed a lot to America's development and creation as a country but he was still a horrible man and we should remember him as such.
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I watched a clip of the podcast where Sia comes out as autistic earlier.
Firstly, that fucking movie she made was absolutely atrocious, and I personally feel that her attempts at apologizing to the autistic community in general--and the non-speaking community specifically--were extremely inadequate.
But...I am genuinely sympathetic. I can't sit here and act like coming to understand myself as autistic (and neurodivergent in general) wasn't one of the hardest and messiest periods of my life.
Because that shit is hard. It's an entire reconceptualization of self and identity, it's reprocessing all of your memories in a new light, and it's becoming newly hyper-aware of every little way in which you move, think, act, and feel differently from nearly everyone else around you.
It may not be true for everyone (or popular to admit), but during that time I experienced every single one of the five stages of grief at one point or another, and not linearly either. It was not a smooth road to acceptance. And I've been going through the same thing over the past few months, to a lesser degree, since my ADHD diagnosis.
I also know that when you're new to the neurodivergent communities, it can be very hard to discern good information and trustworthy voices from bad information and untrustworthy sources. Hell, I thought the Autism Speaks website was a good source until the first time I stumbled across a blog by an autistic activist.
And yet none of that is an excuse for continuing to be ableist after you've been told that your words and actions are ableism.
I've already seen folks saying that we don't claim her, and that is their right. But she will be associated with our community from now on, no less than Elon Musk (derogatory) is.
And so I hope that she will be better. Work on that internalized ableism. Learn to listen to multiply marginalized autistic people. Realize that there is power in telling her own story rather than co-opting stories that aren't your own to tell. Learn to apologize properly. Learn to interact with and be a part of the autistic community without defensiveness or resentment.
No small tasks there, because her reputation precedes her.
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Parker Molloy at The Present Age:
Alright, folks, let's talk about the strangest new trend in politics: calling your opponents "weird." Yes, you read that right. In the past week, the Democratic camp has decided that the best way to take on Trump and the GOP is to break out their middle school vocabulary. It all started when Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (a potential VP pick, by the way) described GOP nominee Donald Trump and "cat lady"-obsessed running mate JD Vance as "just weird." From there, it's like the entire Democratic Party collectively went, "You know what? He's onto something," and ran with it. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Parker, are you seriously telling me that seasoned politicians are resorting to playground insults?" And the answer is... kind of, yeah. But here's the kicker: it's working. Or at least, it's getting one hell of a reaction.
The Evolution of Political Language
Remember when political debates were all about tax rates and foreign policy? Yeah, me neither. Welcome to the era of political discourse where calling your opponent "weird" passes for a campaign strategy. But before we judge too harshly, let's take a step back and look at how we got here.
Over the past few decades, we've seen a gradual shift from policy-focused debates to character-driven campaigns. It's no longer just about what a candidate plans to do, but who they are (or who they claim to be). This isn't entirely new; politicians have always tried to sell their personalities alongside their policies. But social media has cranked this up to eleven. In a world of tweets and TikToks, nuanced policy discussions don't exactly thrive. Instead, we get catchy slogans, memorable insults, and yes, apparently, the word "weird." It's like politics has merged with reality TV, and we're all just waiting for someone to say, "I'm not here to make friends." But here's the thing: as much as we might roll our eyes at this trend, it's not just about dumbing down the discourse. These simple, punchy messages often cut through the noise in a way that lengthy policy papers never could. They stick in people's minds, spark conversations (or Twitter wars), and sometimes reveal more about a candidate's values than any carefully crafted speech ever could.
Unpacking the Appeal of "Normal"
Let's talk about "normal" for a second. It's a concept that's been at the heart of conservative messaging for decades. The idea is simple: we're the normal ones, the real Americans, the default setting. Everyone else? Well, they're the outliers, the deviants, the ones trying to change everything. As writer A.R. Moxon puts it in a recent Twitter thread: ["What recent discourse is exposing is something I've been trying to say for years now, which is that there is little conservatives care more about than being considered the only normal ones by everyone else, and they'll use bullying and the threat of punishment to get it."]
This obsession with being seen as "normal" isn't just about feeling good. It's a powerful political tool. If you can convince people that your way of life is the default, then anything else becomes a threat. It's why we see so much fear-mongering about the "radical left" or the "gay agenda" or whatever the boogeyman of the week is. But here's where it gets interesting. By labeling the GOP as "weird," Democrats are flipping this script. They're challenging the very foundation of conservative identity politics. And boy, are conservatives not happy about it. Julia Serano, in her recent blog post, nails why this is hitting such a nerve: ["I think it has to do with the MAGA worldview being centered on them being the supposed norm. They are heavily invested in the notion that their perspective and lifestyle is the one true and righteous way that all others must follow. Calling them 'weird' upends this worldview."]
Parker Molloy with another gem of a post on the GOP’s weirdness to Americans who aren’t in the MAGA Cult.
See Also:
The Advocate: Democrats embrace ‘weird’ label, turning tables on conservative rhetoric often used against queer people
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lightofraye · 2 months
Smearing A Reputation?
It kills me how some people--likely part of the so-called Ackles Army, abbreviation is AA--think that I and other blogs are trying to ruin Jensen's reputation. (And/or Danneel's.)
All simply by pointing out our speculation of his marriage, his career, and possibility of abuse and so forth. Now, for the anti-Jensen blogs that I've been talking to and occasionally reblogging me or me reblogging them....
Folks, 99% of the time, they don't even say anything. They don't care. They're pro-Jared and fight back against the nonsense of the anti-Jared/pro-Jensen blogs/tweeters/etc over ridiculous claims.
Some of them are just wild. I've seen the anon asks and just... stare in complete and utter disbelieff.
I'm a fan of both men! I'm pro-Jared/pro-Jensen (even though it doesn't always sound like it, I know). I'm absolutely anti-Danneel and that causes AAs to come and attack me because I'm pointing out imperfections in real human beings, not gods.
I'm bibro in that I adore Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester as well!
But to see people constantly claim we're smearing reputations... um... no? I've had accusations thrown at me in the past and likely will in the future that all I do is put down Jensen, that I say he's weak, incompetent, useless, you name it.
He is exhibiting traits of someone who has been abused--first by his father, physical abuse in the name of "love" (which Jensen has admitted and talked about in conventions)--and then emotionally (and potentially physically, as I suspect Danneel is responsible for the injury/scar on Jensen's nose) for over a decade.
It's not incompetence. It's having one's Self eradicated all in the name of "love". It's an abuser holding children hostage to manipulate the victim into behaving, into doing what they want. Danneel has never loved Jensen; she loved his fame, his money. Nothing more.
This isn't "smearing". This is looking at public information. Social media photos--be it candids or at premiers or whatever... There's no real warmth. There's no real love. There's no real affection. Not even a month before they were married, Jensen completely ignored Danneel when she wanted him to escort her down the red carpet during one of her film premiers.
It's listening to her speak in interviews. It's listening to her in candids. It's reading her tweets from long ago that she then scrubbed as best she could--but ah, screenshots exist. She was never kind to fans. Even to those who didn't even post about her, she was cruel.
She was also cruel to Jensen. More than once. Made up lies about him.
She has no reputation to destroy. She's... essentially a nobody. No one recognized her during the One Tree Hill Prom Charity Event in the photos. They were shocked that she was the character Rachel.
Oh I know. "But she was nice to so-and-so during a photo op!" Right. And how do you think they even knew who she was? She had to tell them! And perhaps cajoled a photo with them.
Because otherwise? The only one anyone recognizes would be Jensen and even then, maybe. He's not mainstream. Not yet. Amazon has had a lot more misses than hits with their streaming service. Supernatural isn't mainstream either. Big Sky was, but short-lived.
I'm not saying this to dunk his career. It's an observation that he isn't quite there yet.
Regardless... no one will recognize Danneel. Some might recognize Jensen.
We're allowed to write these as we want. Block us. Stop reading us. Live in your little delusions if you want of a perfect couple in a perfect marriage with the perfect career.
I'm seeing abuse. I'm seeing someone in pain. And it isn't me.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Two anecdotes about neutral pronouns.
One: in my previous fandom, there was a vicious person who bullied and dragged people for what they shipped and who was terribly annoying on top of being a horrible human being.
When someone made a post to watch out for them and block, the person mobilized all their followers to harass this person and paint them as a transphobe. Why? Because the callout used 'they', and very clearly, the person had 'it' pronouns in their bio. Obviously, no one read this bio and the person used the most polite version on the internet, which is to call people 'they' by default. This was a gross misuse of power by making people feel like they had to choose between anti-bullying and anti-transphobia to offset responsibility for their actions and was even worse when later on, it was revealed this person was bullshitting all along and was using trans issues to further their goals, as they had changed the pronouns from she to it immediately after the callout.
"You have to do what I say and reality is how I define it" is often true when it comes to respect, but as a community, we have to start facing that it also, on top of genuine people who just want to be respected as themselves, attracts megalomaniacs who want everyone to listen to them and to bend to their every whim: you will dehumanize me or you are evil, and you will abandon your ethics for my entertainment.
A recent anon who likened people who don't use 'it' as it goes against their ethics to actual open transphobes did a good job at chasing away a majority of day to day trans allies this way and displaying how it's not about building bridges and making people understand we are regular people who wish to be seen as regular humans, but about power and control to make folks abandon what they value. It is an argument to defeat one's enemies or vent frustrations in an unhealthy way that harms the trans community for a good chunk of people. I am not surprised that my family, who very openly accepted a new trans member in the family and do their earnest best to correctly gender her, also see the whole 'it' and neopronouns rage for the power play and sense of control over others it is.
Two: in my language, there is a gender neutral way to refer to people that's uncommon in others. We don't have gender neutral pronouns, but we do have a word that means 'that one' and 'that one's' that's practically used in half of the cases when referring to someone, for example, "Have you seen Ben?" "I think that one went to the store." "Hope he's back soon."
In the current context of this blog, people would demand that we stop using our natural language structure because someone might get hurt by being referred to without being gendered just as often as everyone else in the world is. But sometimes, a roundabout way to avoid gendering someone is just exactly that, and not someone being an awful transphobe. By treating trans people the exact same as their cis counterpart, it's more validating and less alienating.
There is a lot more nuance in the world than many claim. Be kind and respectful, but know when someone's taking you for an idiot or a gullible fool they can use as a lackey for their next ego trip.
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