#we have to meet the future dad afterall
obeymematches · 4 months
I saw one of your stories and I got immediately interested by one of them, then I had an idea more like a head Canon maybe-
So you and Solomon are making a potion for class one of the brothers came into the classroom and a big explosion happened one of you and the brothers didn't brace for impact and then suddenly your future child is there I just want to see everybody's reaction or maybe what will they do in that situation (sorry it's a bit weird but yeah that's all I came up with in my head) ^^"
henlo!!! So you sent in this ask almost 3 years ago (may 20th 2021) I'm so so so sorry i didn't reply sooner, you're probably over this by now 😅 but i felt inspired to write it today so here we go 🫶
🌸Meeting your future kid with him🌸
Okay so this time Solomon has some homework to do... sending this kiddo back without messing with the future is gonna take time. Until then you must take care of them! You are the parent afterall!!
Lucifer: 4 months old
Not gonna lie it took him the longest to realize it's YOUR baby WITH him! In his defense, babies can look a bit weird. The baby definitely has your mouth, but his eyes and hairline. He didn't see many infant in his life so this is all new! You can literally see his heart melt when the little baby smiles at him! Shares his part with pride, changes diapers, carries the baby around....just take over when the baby is fussy.
MC I can't wait to meet the baby again... I miss them already, isn't that funny?
Mammon: 3yrs old
Your toddler immediately recognized you and Mammon. You and him looked at each other with an awkward stare, his face is as red as it can be- you are definitely not ready for kids!!! The fact that around 3 years old kids looove disobeying on purpose doesn't help. Mammon gets the hang of it though, he looves his little troublemaker! They could play all day long.
I wanna see ya grow up little man- I looove being your dad!
Levi: 8yrs old
Again, the kis recognizes you and him. Right now he keeps telling you he isn't ready for kids and might never be; same as you!! So how did this happen??? Do you must have one in the future??? Thankfully with an 8yrs old you can already have a conversation, play games with, etc so by the time it's over he grows very fond of them.
MC... I think I have changed my mind- having a kid is a lot like having a small best friend!
Satan: 16yrs
Ah. Your child is as upset as any 16 yr old would be in this case, leaving you and Satan no time to think about the fact you made this person. He does his absolute best to stay calm and see things from the kid's POV, but man is it difficult when your teen keeps lying about important stuff, escapes the house as soon as you lower your guard, fights with anyone over and over who doesn't do as they want despite being so so so sensitive... it is tiring.
I wish I could see what they were like as a little kid... why did I think teens were easy?!
Asmo: 13 yrs
Okay he is very quick at recognizing his own kid; he has YOUR and HIS face memorized. Starts sobbing when he realizes what this means; you are going to be parents!! The thought of loving someone sooo much just sends him over the edge. He buys everyone matching clothes, plans so many vacations you are rarely at home, surprisingly good at answering questions your little one has. (Very comforting, builds their confidence as much as he can!!)
MC, how do I look as a parent? You still love me?
Beel: 1 yr old
Okay, it was obvious the baby is a perfect mix of you two; his eyes are definitely yours though! Beel finds this job to be super important so he spends almost all day with the baby. They play peek-a-boo, he helps your kid to learn to walk and eat with hands, carries them on his shoulder when they get tired. Honestly he doesn't want to let them go back.
MC... I think we should have at least 3 kids!"
Belphie: 6yrs
Okay, he never would've thought he'd have a kid with you; first, you are dating someone else right now and second, he doesn't really like kids. So this one's gonna be complicated. His face turns red though as he has always liked you but you made it clear he is not really your type. Co-parenting brought you much closer; you could see how calm he can stay when he wants to, and how smart he actually is especially when the 6 years old doesn't stop with their questions. How it continues after the kid is back in the future is up to you babe!
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puff0o0 · 7 months
Can we please have Dad ghost? I don't know if you write that kind of stuff, but I like seeing ghost as a dad.
my mutual @aethelwyneleigh27 has a bunch of cute dad! ghost stuff :)
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☆ He was unsure at first
☆ He was scared he was going to mess up somehow, even though he knew what not to be when it came to raising a child. He begged and pleaded for you to slap him if he ever raised his voice at your kid in the future or even raised his voice at you
☆ The idea of being anything like his father hurts him
If you got a child through pregnancy:
☆ It wasn't until he put his hand on your stomach and felt the baby kick that be was sure he wanted to have a child
☆ It clicked in his head that you were the parent of his kid and that this was real and it wasn't just something that was happening.
☆ He was going to be a dad
If you adopted:
☆ It took a lot of convincing for him. He was always sure that he would be unfit, afterall he didn't know the first thing about being a father. He never grew around what you would consider to be fatherly
☆ But you helped him and reassured him that everything was going to be okay and that you wouldn't let anything go too far
☆ Meeting the kid was the best day of hid life
Him as a father:
☆ Skeleton onesies are a must
☆ There was never once where you didn't see your baby in something skeleton themed, Simon was obsessed with them after all
☆ He is so so caring once he gets back from deployment, taking over everything so you can have a break as he knows it was hard to deal with the kid on your own
☆ He'll run you a bath or give you a massage, thanking you for existing and basically appreciating everything you did while he was away
☆ He'll play with the kid and help teach the kid words, hoping that one day the word 'Dad' will leave their mouth
☆ He'll feed the kid food, only for you to stop him and tell him that it's the food the kid doesn't like (he appreciated you saving him from being covered in baby food)
☆ Simon "Ghost" Riley, trying to be the best father he can be
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azucarmorena97 · 10 months
Money Ties (Jungkook Love Story || Pt.5)
Pt.4 || Pt.6
Your parents have worked hard to get to the top and have made sure to teach you everything you need to know to be successful in this business: from tough but lucrative financial decisions, down to the right ball gown for any given banquet. A promising and extravagant future awaits you- that is, if you agree to one teensy detail...
Son of Mr.Jeon Sr. and heir to June Company, Jeon Jungkook is an immature playboy with nothing to offer a woman but good looks and a crap ton of money, and he stands to inherit much MUCH more, so long as you both enter into the arranged marriage contract that was drawn up before the pair of you were even born.
You're more than willing to try, but you're not sure you'll be able to stand each other long enough to inherit a single penny...
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Series Warnings: There will be smut in the near future and I will label those chapters as such. As I say before most of my pieces- I do not endorse any themes, ideas, or behaviors in this series. This is all purely fiction/fantasy! Feel free to inbox me suggestions/ideas/what you'd like to see in this series and I'll see what I can do! Enjoy <3
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Recap: The day is only halfway over, but your body feels so tired- as though all the stress that your mind wouldn't let you feel earlier has just flooded back to you. You need a nap- afterall, you're grabbing dinner with your fiance's family later.
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You sit in front of your computer, Zoom call already started on your end; you're just waiting for your parents to log into the meeting. You're nervous but expectant; you know they're going to chew you out, but you're ready for it. At the end of the day, what's done is done. You hear the ding of the notification that they're in the waiting room. With a sigh, you click to let them in. It takes a moment to connect, but when it does, you see a close up of your dad's forehead as he struggles to figure out how to use the Zoom, with your mom right behind him trying to coach. It's a miracle someone so business savvy to be so hopeless at technology. If it weren't for you being angry at them right now, you'd say they looked adorable. "Can you hear me?" You ask. "There, there- it's done," Your mom says, lightly hitting him on his shoulder to get him to sit down.
"H-How are you guys?" You ask, trying your best to sound casual. Your mom gives a tired smile, while your dad gives you, what seems to be, the silent treatment, "We're better now that we finally get to talk to you face to face," She leans forward a bit. "We?" You ask, glancing at your dad, "Doesn't seem like everybody on this call wants to be here." "Oh stop, we both want to be here. We miss you. We were just worried about the deal falling through and not being able to see the arrangement go the way we wanted it to." "Well, the deal went well. Far better than it would have if I'd used that original contract. I hope you both understand why I had to take things into my own hands." She nods slowly, "We...understand." We. We. We. "Dad? Is there anything you want to say?" He looks at you for a moment, and then crosses his arms and looks away. You purse your lips and nod, "Well, then there's nothing more to really say then, is there?" "Y/n-" Your mom begins to try to plead with you to stay but you're already putting your airpods back into the case, "I've got stuff to do before I go to dinner with the Jeon's. I'll text you later, mom." She looks genuinely sad, but you can't afford to let this call ruin the rest of your day, so you simply exit the meeting and slam your laptop closed.
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You pull up to the restaurant in the black car they'd sent for you, and as soon as you step out, you're in awe at the amount of people out and about. Lights everywhere, laughter, shouting- it's so much more alive than during the day. This location was such a good investment for the Jeons. You sling your mini purse over your shoulder and walk inside to the host's station. "Welcome to Juniper Two, do you have a reservation?" He asks. "Uhm yes, I'm with the Jeon party." "Ah yes, Mr.Jungkook has been expecting you. Right this way," He says, beginning to walk you to the back area where the tables are. Jungkook? He leads you to a table tucked away in a small corner, and there he is: sitting all alone, elbows on the table and playing with a piece of plastic, presumably from the straw in his drink. "Mr.Jungkook, your guest has arrived." Jungkook turns and he immediately stands to bow- though he does so in such an abrupt way, that he bangs his legs against the table, causing for everyone in your section to look over. You can see the blush in his cheeks as he bows profusely and apologetically, and you stifle a laugh. "Hello, Y/n," He says, looking a bit like a deer caught in the headlights. "Hello, Jungkook." "May I take your coat, Ma'am?" The host asks. You nod, "Yes, please." You slide it off with minimal effort, revealing a red dress with a slightly plunging sweatheart neckline, showing only the right amount of cleavage for what was supposed to be a family dinner. The host takes your coat and then pushes the chair in after you. "Are your parents running late?" You ask, leaning back in the chair. "Uhm, no- they won't be joining us at all tonight." "Oh?" "They thought it might be a good idea for us to...get to know each other better," He says, seeming quite different than the past few days: less aloof and more shifty. It's almost like it being just the two of you has him feeling...nervous. "Oh," You say, feeling slightly nervous yourself now. Way to apply the pressure. He nods slowly, "So..." "So..." You both sit in silence for almost an entire minute, trying so hard to think of what to say but it's like your own nerves are grabbing you by the throat and making it impossible. Finally, the waiter arrives with waters and it's almost like you both sigh in relief that there's something to distract you from the deafening silence. "Good evening, my name is Jimin, I'll be your server this evening. Will you be interested in hearing tonight's wine recommendations for tonight?" "Yes," You and Jungkook both say in unison, trying to delay making conversation just a bit longer. Jimin reads over the list of wines and then you motion toward Jungkook for him to pick since you're not much of a drinker yourself. He orders the wine as well as the appetizers, and then you're back to the silence.
After another minute, you can't take it anymore, "Okay, this is weird." He lets out a deep breath, "Super weird." "I just feel like it's like- a lot." He nods, "Yeah. I- I told my parents they should've come. I told them." "Well, it's not that- I think we just gotta start small, you know?" "What do you mean?" He asks, furrowing his brows. "Like...okay, what's your favorite color?" He scoffs, "You're asking me my favorite color? What are we, five?" "Just answer the question," You glare at him. "Black," He says without even a second's thought. "Black? Ugh, how boring." "Hey, you can't judge my answer- it's against the rules." "Rules? This isn't a game, there are no rules." "There are. It's like in school; there are no wrong answers. It's the rule," He says with a shrug. You snort and roll your eyes, "Alright, fine." "What's your favorite color? Dookie brown?" He asks, laughing slightly at his own stupid joke. "'Dookie brown? Now who's the five year old? My favorite color is..." You think for a moment, "pink." This time, he's the one to scoff, "Pink? Of all the colors for a girl to pick- don't you think pink is a little, you know, on the nose?" "Okay, and...? So I like to be cliche some times- sue me. And anyway, you just broke the rules." "I thought there were no rules," He says smugly, raising an eyebrow though you ignore him completely. "Alright next question-" You begin to say, though he interrupts you, "Hey, hey, hey- it's my turn." "No it isn't- you asked me what my favorite color is." "No, you asked me that, but you have to provide your answer as well. It's the second rule." "Okay, fine," You laugh. "What is your greatest phobia?" "Heights." "Damn, didn't even have to think about it, did you?" "Nope. Even on the way over to Korea, I felt queasy just glancing out of the window." "Wuss. Flying is easy work." "Okay then, what's your phobia, Mr.Tough Guy?" "I'd say the only thing I'm afraid of- with scientific backing, might I add- is a microwave." There's a moment of silence as you register what he's just said. You need the time to process it because you're not sure he really just said something so goofy. "Microwaves," You echo, an incredulous tone in your voice, "And I'm the wuss?" You burst out laughing.
An hour so goes by and you've both gotten halfway through you food and almost an entire bottle of wine. You're laughing, cracking jokes, keeping it lighthearted and it really feels like the night is turning out to be quite pleasant- which you never thought you'd say about time spent with Jungkook. "Alright, how old were you when you had your first boyfriend?" He asks, raising a brow at you. You take another sip of your wine, cheeks getting hot from embarrassment. You have always hated this question... "Pass." He blinks a few times, "Pass? Like, you pass the question?" You nod, giving a sheepish smile. "Nope. Against the rules," He says, crossing his arms. "Oh, come on- enough with the rules." "Nope, without rules there is no rhyme or reason- it'll be chaos," He says exaggeratedly, "And besides, if we're literally gonna be married, I have to know this question." "This question, specifically?" You scoff. "Yup, quite important information. Might be on the test," He shrugs. You swish the last bit of wine in your mouth before finally swallowing, "Alright, I...I've never... I've never had a boyfriend."
For a moment, there's only silence as Jungkook is now the one to process your answer. "Never?" "Nope," You laugh nervously. "But how?" He asks. "What do you mean how?" "I mean, you're educated, successful, pretty-" It's like the words catch in his throat as he says them, because he abruptly stops talking, but his mouth hangs open. You smirk, "Go on, don't stop." "I- I- don't start getting a big head," His face flushes and he immediately reaches for his wine glass. You laugh, "It's not that I can't get a boyfriend, it's that I... I never wanted to get attached to anyone, because of..." You trail off, though he nods his head, knowing exactly what you're referring to, "I just never wanted to hurt anyone or to get hurt, myself, when it would have to end." "I...I understand." "Have you ever?" "Oh yeah, like seven of 'em." Of course. "Any of them serious?" You ask, the picture you'd seen of him and that model girl, Lisa, pops into your mind. He whirls the wine in his glass and looks away, "Nah, none of them." You narrow your eyes at him, taking in his avoidant expression. You know he's lying but you decide not to press. He stretches out, his long arms seeming to never end as he reaches upward. You check the time and figure he's probably going to end dinner here. "You wanna go take a walk to get dessert?" He asks. He's caught you by surprise with his invitation, though it's definitely a pleasant surprise. "Sure."
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The distance from the restaurant to the ice cream parlor is only a short walk away. The air is nice and cool, which is perfect because you've completely forgotten your coat at the restaurant. "You'll love this place, it's great," He says excitedly. It's a cute, tiny-house looking parlor: pretty flowers planted alongside it, with a walk-up window for customers where a short line is already formed. The atmosphere is quite nice, string of outdoor lights hang over an area with wooden picnic tables. You approach the line that is now only one person long. "Which flavor are you getting?" You ask. "Red bean. It is, hands down, the best ice cream flavor." You purse your lips, "Agree to disagree." "Agree to disagree? Are you insane? I'm almost willing to bet you're gonna order something super basic like 'cookies and cream'," He scoffs, mimicking a high-pitched female voice. "Try mint-chip." "Mint chip? That's somehow worse." "Next!"
You carry your ice cream cones to one of the nearby tables, sitting across from each other, and it isn't until you settle in that you realize that his ice cream is almost finished. "Dude, it's been two minutes since we got these- how are you already almost finished?" You ask, your full cone still looking perfectly round after a few licks. He shrugs, "I'm just a fast eater, I guess." He then proceeds to take a bite of the ice cream. You're horrified. "You bite your ice cream?" "You don't?" He asks. "I'm not a monster, Jungkook." "Oh shut up," He laughs. Another silence falls, though it's much different from the silence from earlier when you'd first sat down at dinner; it's a comfortable silence, like when you'd sat together at the bar that night. "Did your dad threaten bodily harm on you when my dad told him about the contract changes?" "No," You laugh, "I mean, he isn't speaking to me right now. but that's about it." You feel a little sting in your heart at the thought. "How do you feel about that?" He asks, his face falling slowly from a smile to a more serious expression. You think for a moment, contemplating whether or not to answer honestly. "I'm fine," You shrug. "You're lying." "I'm not- Okay, fine. I am. I just...I don't know how to talk about that." "About what? Your parents?" "Yeah..." "Me either," He sighs, "I could write books about the multitude of issues I have with them." "Same... I just...don't really know where the issues came from, I mean- we used to be so close and then it's like, once I hit my teen years, he got more and more..." "Distant?" He finishes. You nod. "Yeah...seems to be a common theme in both our dad's personalities, huh?" He snorts, taking a bite of his cone. "Guess that's why they're besties," You sigh. "Do you think maybe your dad-" Jungkook begins, though he's interrupted by a male voice coming up from behind you. "Jungkook!"
You both turn to see a tall, slender, dark-haired guy coming up to your table. Jungkook's face goes from fairly relaxed to visibly more tense. "Jungkook-a, where you been at?" They say, giving each other that lazy handshake that all 'bros' do. "Eh, you know. Been here and there," Jungkook says. "And how is this?" The guy asks, a sly smile growing on his face. "This? This is- this is my- my uhm," Jungkook struggles to get the words out. Understandably so, as it feels strange to call each other anything other than your first names, at this point in time- though it does bother you just a tiny bit. "I"m Y/n, nice to meet you...?" "Seokjin. Kim Seokjin," He says, swiftly grabbing your hand and giving the back of it a kiss, "at you service." Jungkook rolls his eyes, an annoyed expression visible to you even behind his fake smile. "What are you up to tonight, Jin," Jungkook asks, his feeble attempts at conversation working, though only on Seokjin. "You know me, always out on the prowl," He smiles, glancing at you once more. It's in that moment that you smell it- the distant aroma of booze, masked under whatever cologne this guy's wearing. "Are you drunk?" Jungkook asks, face twisting slightly in disapproval. "Not at all. Just a little...buzzed, is all." Right after he says this, he stumbles slightly, "Buzzed, my ass," Jungkook sighs, taking his phone out of his pocket. "Aw, don't do it," Seokjin whines, though it's lost on you as to why. "I have to." "Aw man," Literal tears start to fall out of his eyes. What the hell is happening?
Only about ten minutes go by, and a black car is pulling up at the curb by where you're all sitting. Seokjin has been leaning on Jungkook's shoulder, switching back and forth between mumbling and crying. The door to the car swings open, and out steps a very beautiful woman: heart-shaped face, shapely legs, and long hair draped over her shoulder like some kind of Rapunzel. These girls only exist in music videos, how is this even possible? "Jin! Get your ass in the car, right now!" The woman yells. "I'm sorry baby," Seokjin cries. "Don't 'I'm sorry' me. Get inside." "Rosie, baby, please. I wasn't gonna do anything, I promise. I was just having a little fun." "Like I believe that crock of shit," She scoffs. By this point, everyone's looking over at all four of you, though Jungkook seems completely unfazed. Almost like he's used to this. Seokjin looks like a lamb headed for slaughter as he walks over to the car and gets in. She slams his door shut and then walks over to where you and Jin are. "Thanks for letting me know," She says to Jungkook with a sigh. She sees you standing next to him, but just looks you up and down without a word- like she's sizing you up. You're immediately on guard, staring her down right back. "No problem," He says simply, "Don't bring him to my party." "Oh stop Jungkook, he's my boyfriend. I can't not bring him- he won't get fucked up." "Yes he will, and I'm not having him puking on people like he did on New Years." "He won't drink. I'll make sure of it," She says, about to turn around though before she does, she turns to look at Jungkook, "Oh, and Lisa says for you to text her back," She glances at you and you swear you see a smirk on her face. Jungkook doesn't respond; just looks away with a lazy nod.
When you both sit back down, Jungkook is quiet- like he's lost in thought. "So...who's Lisa?" You ask, pretending to be completely oblivious. "She's...just a mutual friend between Rosé and I." Again, it seems like a topic he'd rather avoid. "Alrighty..." You say, pursing your lips. "You don't with your ice cream?" He asks, pointing to your now half-eaten cone. "Oh, yeah." He takes it and walks over to thee trash can nearby. "Ready to go?" "Yeah, I am." You're not sure what happened but the vibe is different. Completely off from what it was before Seokjin walked up earlier. "We'll take the sam car- I'm staying at the hotel tonight," He says. You nod, "Alright."
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Initially, the car ride is quiet too, though after only a few minutes, it seems like Jungkook loosens up again. "So, what's the verdict?" He asks. You furrow your brows, "On...?" "On me. Am I...marriage material," He smirks. You chuckle, "Oh, we'll have to keep seeing about that." "Will we, now?" He reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a little pink box with a very pretty white bow. "What's this?" You ask. "Just open it," He says with a gentle smile, handing you the box. You swallow hard, taking it from his hand and slowly removing the lid. Why is your heart beating so fast?
When you finally see what's inside, you gasp. Sat in a little white cushion is a delicate gold ring, an oval cut diamond in the center with smaller diamons surrounding it. It might just be the most beautiful ring you've ever seen. "Am I marriage material now?" He asks, his expression soft as he watches you admire the ring. "Jungkook- where did you get this?" "It was my grandmother's ring. You look at him, "Jungkook, I can't accept this. This is too- too grand. A family heirloom," You protest. He shakes his head, "It's nothing, really. My parents saved it for me for when I get married, and we're already pretty much there. And I...didn't feel right not giving you an engagement ring." You could cry, honestly. It's beautiful and completely unexprected. "Thank you so much, Jungkook. I- I really do love it."
After twenty minutes, you pull up to the hotel, both of you stepping out of the car and walking into the lobby. Inside the elevator, you turn to him, "I had a nice time, Mr.Jeon." "I did too...Mrs.Jeon," He says, and for some insane reason, hearing him call you that sends your stomach doing flips. You look away, hiding your blush, though he doesn't seem to notice. When you finally pull up to your floor, you both step out of the elevator, though he stays standing just outside of it. "Alright, well...good night," You say, giving him a sort of awkward wave, to which he laughs, "Good night, Y/n." You walk down to the end of the hall and when you approach your door, you slide the card key in. When you look back, you see he's still standing there, watching to make sure you're in. You wave once more, and he nods and heads into the elevator, and then you close your door behind you.
Once inside, you feel almost like you're floating on a cloud. You look down at your hand and can't help but smile. Oh, how easy it is to get carried away and forget that none of this organic....but is it so bad to dream?
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jkknight98 · 2 years
He always wanted a big brother but got a giant family instead. Chapter 1 of Familial Forest
Hello everyone, guess who’s made a return to the community with a special little project with Plant ( @plant-gt-thought-box). We came up with this little Au through one little cliggy duo ramble and it quickly expanded. I hope you guys enjoy it as we expand this little universe. I need name ideas and would love suggestions.
Tommy hated his life in the orphanage, none of the other kids liked him or half of the workers, it just sucked overall. He was found in the woods around the village, he might as well go back into them. Who would believe that he would find the big brother(s) he always wanted in them, plus a bit more~
Warnings: implied vore, foul language, talk of bullying, implied neglect. 
Tommy sighed as he watched a younger kid walk out the doors of the orphanage, being carried away in the arms of their new parents, it wasn’t fair. It’s not like he could turn back time to become younger again, he’s not a witch with spooky powers after all. He leaned against his arms with a huff as his eyes drifted towards the woods that lay across the river, maybe his real family was out there, it’s where Ms. Weats said he was found….but he really didn’t believe that woman. Who would leave a five-year-old out in the woods with nothing but a shirt and a stuffed cow?  Speaking of, Tommy turned away from the window to look towards his shotty bed. Henry had been through a lot of wear and tear these past eleven years, the brown and white fabric frayed, but still held the same comforting smell of herbs. This fact caused many of the orphanage staff and his bullies to sneeze violently every time they tried to take it from him, but the nice old woman who ran the place let him keep the stuffed animal since it didn’t affect her or the other nice staff.
But the old lady did tell him that she soon wouldn’t be able to care for him anymore since he’s almost an adult and if he didn’t get adopted, he would be sent to the workhouse with the other boys that didn’t get adopted, it was a place Tommy wanted to avoid at all costs. He’d seen what happened to boys sent there, boys like him were quickly shut down for being too loud... So he had made up his mind that after the last call for lights out he was going to leave this town once and for all. He just needed to wait for his chance.
*_* -w-*_*
The rest of the day was just as deplorable as it normally was. The last of the older kids excluded him from their group while the younger ones teased him for not being picked again, especially since the kid that did was blond like him. The nicer staff let him help around the building, while Ms. Wears and her cronies would force him to do the more grueling tasks like fixing the roof or cleaning the nasty bathrooms, but he just went through it all until it was time for lights out. He climbed back into his bed and sighed as he listened to the other children chatting among themselves as the adult started to dim the lanterns, for once he was glad his bed was pushed to the opposite wall away from the others. It would make escaping so much easier when all the jerks were asleep and the full moon tonight would make it easier to see.
Tommy waited as the other children started to quiet down, the chattering falling silent as the work of the day finally took effect, and all that was left was the adults. He strained his hearing at the sounds of the workers outside the door,” Is the blond kid going tomorrow, I’m tired of dealing with him.” Ms. Rales. “Yeah, he and the Clancy twins are going to be taken to the workhouse tomorrow midday.” Ms. Wellings. “ I don’t care if the owner is fond of him, the men can’t come and take him soon enough!” Ms. Weats. The adults continued to chatter for a short while longer before they too went off to sleep, which just proved to Tommy that he needed to leave tonight at all costs. He waited what felt like a whole hour before he slowly slid from the bed, not bothering to fix the sheets as it would take too long and he could get caught, and slowly made his way out the doorway; avoiding the creaky boards. He made his way into the kitchen slowly, making sure he was completely alone before moving to a specific board by the entranceway, lifting it to expose a small satchel filled with dried fruits and nuts he managed to smuggle away and slipped Henry inside. It paid off a bit to be shoved aside to do tasks and ignored, he debated on taking one of the kitchen knives for protection but decided against it since it would be his luck that he would trip and stab himself, so he turned to leave out the door.
His whole body froze as his gaze met with the owner of the orphanage, he opened his mouth to utter an excuse on why he was up but was stopped by the old woman bringing a finger to her lips. “ Shh, if you plan to cross the river go south by the butcher’s home you'll find some crossing stones but hurry child, that wretched Rails woman is walking around.” The gray-haired woman turned away at that, pausing slightly as she looked at him one last time, a smile wrinkling her bright blue eyes,” stay safe and find the happiness I couldn't give you,” and then she was gone. Tommy wasn’t going to miss this gift as he uttered a quiet thank you and quickly scrambled out the back doorway.
Tommy kept his pace at a quiet jog as he began to weave through the sleepy village, he didn’t want to both exhaust himself or wake up someone who would drag him back to the orphanage, it happened before when a dark-haired girl tried to escape. She was dragged kicking and screaming back later that day when a traveler found her on the road, Tommy didn’t enjoy seeing her now since she was forced into the church, she was rather spiteful for a nun. He sighed in relief when he saw the illuminated sign of the butcher's house, he was almost free of this place. He scanned the river as he walked past the building, searching the darkened water for the stones, and feeling a touch of panic when he couldn’t see them, he really didn’t want to swim across. He snapped his head to the right when he heard a snapping sound, but sighed in relief when he saw the stones a ways from him, the river was high enough that he could barely see them. He took a deep breath and leaped out to the first stone, cursing when he almost fell and his right foot slid into the icy water, but he thankfully caught himself before he could fall further. “ Ok Toms, you can do this, you can get away from those fuckers.”
“What are you doing kid!!” Tommy whipped around to see the butcher sticking his head out of the window with a fearful look on his face. When the man disappeared back into the window Tommy knew he had to hurry, he would definitely be dragged back to the orphanage if he was caught. He started to jump across the stones faster, not caring if a full arm or leg slipped under the surface, and was almost halfway across before the man was fully out of his home, “It's not safe out there, there are monsters out in those woods boy!!” The man was almost to the edge of the river when Tommy made the last leap to the opposing bank, turning around to see the man trying to wave him back and lights starting to spread through the village,” You’re going to get killed!”
Tommy turned to look back at the man and the few other villagers that came out to see the commotion and were trying to convince him to come back. In the back of the crowd Tommy could see a scowling Ms. Wears, which made the boy smile as he lifted two fingers into the air as he backed into the treeline,” so long you fuckers, this is the last you will ever see of Tommyinit!” He turned away from everything he’d ever known and disappeared into the very woods he had found in.
Tommy sighed to himself as he tucked his body further  into the hollow of a tree, he had been traveling through the woods for a few days now and while he managed to scavenge some edible mushrooms and berries, he had almost gone through his entire food supply. He grumbled slowly as he ate the last of his dried fruit, using his tongue to clear away any of the skin that got caught in his teeth, every small scrap made the hunger pains a little less. He knew that he needed to move on to a new spot soon, but the hollow was filled with the softest moss he had ever found… it was loads better than the poor mattress he had back at the orphanage. He jerked his head upwards when he heard the sound of voices in the distance, could that be a town or maybe a group of travelers that he could join with. He left the hollow quickly and sprinted for them, he couldn’t lose this chance.
The closer he got to the voices the more confused he became, they became so much louder than they should have.. And the ground seemed to rumble with a small earthquake, Tommy’s confusion was quickly answered when he stopped before a minor clearing. Rather than seeing a group of people with horses to explain the thudding, but two giants who were arguing about…. Food theory??
“I’m telling you that your baked potatoes are pretty much a taco, it’s got two sides and fillings!” This came from the brunette giant, eyes hidden behind large glasses and had a scattering of brownish tan feathers along the side of its face and feathered ears. The other giant seemed to huff in annoyance,” I’m the only one that eats the skin of the potatoes, so it's not a taco.” This giant had hair that was a dark shade of pink and had pig-like tusks jutting from its lower jaw, and it continued to look more unimpressed as the other giant continued to argue about how this food is actually this and so on.
Tommy tried to think what would be his best course of action, he never thought he would run into actual giants in these woods, they were supposed to be a myth. He debated on if he should try and speak to the giants, or get far away from them. He chose the latter and moved to take a single step backwards, and just his luck, stepped onto a branch that cracked like a gunshot. He flinched with the sound and froze in place, eyes shutting on their own as the clearing was filled with silence, he took a few deep breaths before opening them. His normally loud voice caught in his throat as he was met with a massive face hovering before him, brown eyes wide behind glasses as they focused solely on him, and a widely spreading smile when said eyes met his own,” Hello~”
Tommy tried to dart away from the giant but a large hand was quick to shoot out and grab him, fingers double his height wrapped around him,” Guess who found a human~”. Tommy felt his stomach drop as the giant moved to stand back to its full height,” where do you think humans go in food theory, are they a calzone or sushi?”
The pink-haired giant looked at Tommy with a raised brow and unamused red eyes,” I don’t know but I want to know what the human thinks since your an idiot,” the giant leaned forward as it looked at the boy, eyes focusing on his golden hair before meeting his blue eyes,” what do you know about food theory?”
Tommy gulped slightly as he glanced between the two giants, the brunette looking mildly annoyed while the other continue to look at him expectedly, things couldn’t get much worse could they,” I think..I think that sauces are just thick soups.” He flinched as the giant holding him let out an offended sound while the one looking at him grinned the most terrifying smile he had ever seen.
“Looks like the human is smarter than you, Wilbur.” The pink haired giant was quick to take Tommy from the now named ‘Wilbur’ and held him to his chest,” I’m taking him as my new little brother.” Wilbur just glowered at the other giant,” Techno you can’t just take in a human, they're not like one of the hounds you find, what if it has a family?” The pink haired giant just shrugged and started to walk away from the other,” did you look at them, their clothes barely fit and they’re skinny, they’re clearly an orphan.” Techno looked down at Tommy once more,” you have a name kid or should I call you Theseus?”
Tommy gave a hesitant smile up to the giant,” My name is Tommy… and I agree with you that baked potatoes aren’t tacos, who would put lettuce in a potato??” This made the giant holding him huff with amusement while the other sighed again before it leaned over to softly poke his face, promising that he had to show him that his food ideas were better than his brothers, and how you could easily turn a baked potato into a taco. Tommy couldn’t believe how easily he found himself talking with the giants, easing into Techno’s hold as the three of them continued to chatter (not noticing the subtle fond look the pinkette gave him when he noticed). He couldn’t see anything wrong with staying with the giants, even if the brunette might have wanted to eat him at first, this was the first time in his life that he felt something he could call familial affection.. Hopefully the giants would adopt him into their family… His hands reached down to gently stroke the back of Henry, neither of the giants sneezed because of him, so there was no need for him to run away from them. He felt safe for once…able to yawn softly as the sun grew lower in the sky. The hands holding him felt so warm.. And it wasn’t long before Tommy drifted into the most restful sleep of his life.
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cycat4077 · 3 years
Proposing Permission
Summary: You and Sonny have been together for a year but your idea of celebrating is slightly different than his. Set during S18 - roughly November 2016. Pairing: Sonny x Reader Warnings: None, except fluff...and maybe suggestive hints here and there ;) Words: 2479 AO3 here
Technically part 13 in the Changes verse, but can act as a stand-alone, too!
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“Mom!” you exclaim as soon as you hear her ‘hello?’ on the end of the line. “You'll never guess what just happened! – Wait, how'd you know? – He did? Of course, he did!” you laugh happily, flashing a bright smile up at Sonny who sits beside you on the sofa.
Sonny would give you the abridged version of the events that led up to this moment later, but at the time, things went a little like this:
“Uh, Carisi? Where are we going? The turn-off for the I-87 South, is that-a-way…” Amanda turns her body towards the traffic junction that passes by. She then whips back around to stare at her partner in the diver’s seat, a disgruntled look on her face.
“I need ta make a detour,” he states, eyes never leaving the highway.
“But we’re on a case!” she protests, growing irritated.
“Yeah, but we did what we came upstate to do. Got some answers, relayed them to Lieu. Technically, we’re off duty right now.” Sonny taps the wheel with his thumbs, trying to avoid his partner's gaze.
But Amanda Rollins is not one to concede so easily. “Tell me where we’re going, Dominick,” she drops her voice to a stern tone, eyes boring into the side of Sonny’s head.
Sonny lets out a nervous breath and says your name. “Remember how her parents live upstate? Well…” he reaches into the breast pocket of his suit jacket, producing a velvet box. Amanda gasps and nabs it from his grasp. She flips the little box open, finding a ring. “I wanna propose,” admits Sonny, “but I wanna ask her folks first.”
Dragging her eyes away from the box, Rollins frowns. “It’s twenty-sixteen, Sonny…you don’t need parental permission anymore.”
“I know, I know,” dismisses Sonny. “But that’s how my pa did it, and, she’s really close with her parents. It seems right to ask ‘em first.”
Amanda smiles in spite of herself. The gesture is very much a ‘Sonny Carisi’ thing to do. So, she cracks a joke instead. “What’re you gonna do? Salute her dad and say: ‘Requesting permission to marry your daughter, sir!’”
“Rawllins,” he groans, trying to act annoyed while keeping his eyes on the road.
“Do what you gotta do, partner,” she winks before turning her attention back to the box. “This ring is gorgeous!”
The drive was absolutely beautiful. Being October, the further away from concrete Sonny and Amanda drove, the denser the colourful forests became. It was picture perfect and Sonny’s only wish was that you could have been along to see it too.
Pulling up to your childhood home, Sonny leaves Amanda in the passenger’s seat. Afterall, this detour had to be relatively quick to prevent Lieu from breathing down his neck about it.
As Sonny makes his way to the door, his legs are a little wobbly and his pulse is racing. He has met your parents before and they adore him, yet, as he waits for his knock to be answered, his nerves get the better of him. This is a huge step and he hopes that they believe him worthy of it.
Then the door clicks open to reveal your mother. “Sonny!” she exclaims happily, but immediately her face falls. “Is everything okay?” In hindsight, an unannounced, unaccompanied visit does seem a little concerning.
Clueing in, Sonny immediate puts your mother at ease. “Yeah, yeah!” he reassures with a smile. “Work brought me upstate and I, uh, I wanted ta ask y’both somethin’ while I was up here.”
“Of course, of course!” Your mother ushers Sonny into the house before giving him a giant hug. Just as she releases him your father walks into the room, coming over with a large smile and firm handshake.
“Sir,” greets Sonny with a nod.
The three of them then take a seat at the dining room table; your mother unsurprisingly offers Sonny everything in her fridge. Once satisfied that he’s not lying about not being hungry, she continues. “So, son, what’s on your mind?”
The Italian swallows nervously. He looks to his fingers, thrumming them on the table top while his right knee bounces anxiously. Finally, he begins to speak: “Well, as you know, your daughter and I have been together for a while now and, we love each other very much. I love her very much.” A grin begins to break out on your mom’s face, her intuition giving her a good idea of where the conversation is headed. “And I, uh,” continues Sonny, “well, it seemed only right for me ta ask the two of you first. I w-wanna ask her ta marry me.”
Suspicions confirmed, your mother squeals with delight, grabbing onto your father’s arm and giving it a loving squeeze.
“I got a ring already and everything, if ya wanna see it,” Sonny adds quickly as if it will reenforce how committed he is to you. He pulls out the box once more and hands it over to your mom.
“Oh, Sonny,” she sighs looking up to your boyfriend. “She’s going to absolutely love it.”
“So, I, uh, have both your blessings then?” His blue eyes dart nervously back and forth between your parents.
Finally, your dad chimes in. “Of course!” he exclaims happily, his voice choking up ever so slightly. “You’re a good man and I couldn’t imagine my girl with anyone else.”
Sonny’s stomach does a somersault as he is immediately flooded with relief. “Thank ya!” he leaps to his feet. Your parents stand with him, both delivering their future son-in-law a squeezing hug. Parting, Sonny reluctantly explains that he can’t stay and that he must be getting back to the city.
“Alright, hon,” your mother coos. “Let us know what happens. Your secret is safe with us for now, but we’ll be waiting anxiously by the phone for the happy news!”
“Will do,” beams Sonny before he heads back to the squad car. Your parents wave him goodbye until he’s out of sight.
It’s your anniversary! One complete year of you and Sonny (finally) getting together! But…the universe really didn’t care about that. Nope! Because a faculty meeting was called on the one day where you didn’t have classes to teach. It ran from midday and into the evening and there was no possible way of getting out of it either. You loved your job, you really did, but today was supposed to be for you and Sonny. Nothing fancy, of course, but you had planned a lazy morning, followed up with cooking together and turning it into a romantic evening celebration.
“Uhhggghhh!” you groan, hanging your head and slouching your shoulders.
Sonny places his warm hands on your arms, grinning. “It’s alright, sweetheart.” You can feel those blue eyes shining down on you and, the next thing you know, a finger is gingerly tilting your chin up towards his. “I ain’t mad at all, okay? Shit happens. Jeez, how many times have I hadta cancel a date with you ‘cause I got called in or hadta work late?”
You bunch your mouth at the corner, frustrated. “I know, but it’s our anniversary and I was looking forward to spending all day with you!”
“So was I, but we can still make the most of it.” He kisses you on the nose. “I’ll go ahead ‘n make dinner and then when ya get home we can celebrate.”
“You sure? It was supposed to be a team effort. I can just grab some takeout on the way home –”
“Nonsense,” Sonny grins. “Besides, my cookin’ is way better than any takeout in the city.” His words make you laugh. “There’s that beautiful smile,” he beams, sweeping the hair back from your eyes.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, doll. Now, go on before you’re late ‘n try not ta fall asleep.”
You give Sonny a sweet kiss and make your way to the door. Before exiting, you flash a sultry look over your shoulder at your smiling boyfriend. “I promise I’ll make it up to you later, babe. It’s just a shame you have to wait so long to see what’s underneath this dress.” You slip out the door before you’re able to see the sign of the cross Sonny makes in attempt to absolve himself of his sinful thoughts.
The journey back home never felt so exhausting. Maybe it was the fact that the meeting seemed to drag on forever, especially when all you could think about was curling up next to Sonny. Your feet ached in your pumps and you cursed your wardrobe choice. Though, you were still new at the college and thus wanted to make a professional impression.
Once you finally reach your floor, a distinct cooking aroma floats down the hallway. Your stomach grumbles, knowing exactly which apartment is the origin and eager to taste what smells so delicious.
Opening your door, you are greeted by your wonderful boyfriend and his smiling eyes. He’s dressed up in a crisp shirt and slacks. “Welcome home, sweetheart and happy anniversary!”
You smile up at him and step into his outstretched arms. His attire seemed a bit formal, but you weren’t complaining. The way button up shirts hugged his arms and torso always made your face flush and heart beat a little faster. Those same arms also fit perfectly around you when he held you close.
As you begin to withdraw from his embrace however, you notice just how much Sonny is perspiring. “Babe, you alright?” Your brow knits with concern. “You’re sweating a bunch…”
Sonny quickly averts his gaze and turns towards the kitchen. “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine,” he gives a dismissive wave. “The oven’s been on all day.”
You know him well enough to tell that something is not quite right and his half-hearted answer gives you reason to follow him and press the issue. But as you round the corner, you’re stopped dead in your tracks by an elaborate display.
Sonny has gone all out. A hearty meal sits steaming on a table set for two, a single rose in a crystal vase resides at the center, and he’s even arranged some of your candles to provide low lighting. The sight of it all leaves you feeling as though your heart will flutter right out of your chest.
"Sonny," you whisper, hand over your heart. "You didn't have to do all this." You then peer up at him with glassy eyes.
"I wanted tonight to be special. Just you ‘n me celebrating a whole magical year of being together.”
Closing the distance, you lean up and place your lips tenderly to his. Sonny bends forward, deepening the kiss. You run a hand tenderly up the front of his shirt feeling the contours of his muscles beneath your fingers. Sonny reaches to cover your hand with his, grasping it carefully and reluctantly pulling it away. Breaking apart, he smiles, "Food's gonna get cold, doll."
The two of you sit down to a quiet, romantic dinner, clinking glasses in a toast to your relationship. But Sonny still has beads of sweat forming along his brow. "Babe, are you sure you're alright?" you point to his forehead. "It's not that hot in here..."
He swallows thickly, looking away. "Yeah...I'm just a little nervous is all." Sonny then focuses on you with big, blue eyes.
Yours narrow in confusion. Nervous? Why would he be nervous? It just us here...
Sonny flashes you shy smile before reaching across the table to take your hand in his. He stares at it in contemplation as he runs his thumb lovingly over your knuckles.
Biting his lip, he shifts those gorgeous eyes back to yours. "We've been through a lot in a year, doll," he begins. "And last summer I never knew how my life would change when you walked through that squad room door. I never knew that I could love someone so completely until I fell in love with you. My whole heart is yours and -"
"Sonny!" you release a sweet laugh. "You don't owe me a speech! I know how much you love me, silly! And I hope you know how much I love you too."
Suddenly, Sonny seems a little terrified. Had he rehearsed this or something?
"Just hear me out, ‘kay?" he implores following a shaky breath.
You smile softly and squeeze his hand signaling for him to continue.
"Believe me, doll, I've never felt more loved by anyone but you. I love waking up with ya in the mornin' and fallin' asleep together at night. My heart skips a beat thinkin' about a future with you. So, I guess that's why I'm sweatin'."
All of a sudden the warmth of Sonny's hand disappears. He shifts to get up from the table, slipping his fingers into his pocket. Then you realize that he's getting down on one knee. Your heart begins to thunder in your chest and a gasp catches in your throat.
Sonny's eyes lock onto yours as he produces a velvet box and opens it. There sits a white gold ring topped by a dainty solitaire diamond. Your eyes immediately rim with tears as you hear Sonny softly speak your name. "Will you marry me?"
A large smile erupts upon your face and you instantly blurt out a "yes!"
Sonny's expression changes to one of pure love. He delicately slips the ring on your finger and quickly rises to capture your lips in a kiss.
You wrap your arms around his neck and he effortlessly scoops you up. "I'm so happy," you speak against his lips, eliciting a tight squeeze from your fiancé.
Fiancé! Sonny Carisi is your fiancé! The man you love with your whole heart. You've always believed that it isn’t the ring on their finger that make two people married – that’s at least how committed you feel towards Sonny – Yet now, you couldn’t be happier to make what you share official.
"I'm so happy too, doll! I love you! I love you! I love you!" Sonny reciprocates in between swift kisses to your cheeks, nose and lips. Then his eyes darken and he bows his head towards your neck, nibbling and suckling at the sensitive skin that resides there.
You sigh, a tingling sensation spreading throughout your body. God, is he good at this! But then, your mind comes back to reality and you gently, albeit reluctantly, push him away. “Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!” you chant, tapping your hands lightly on his chest.
Sonny pulls back but his eyes still hungrily flicker to where his lips were focused mere moments before.
“I have to go call my mom! She’d kill me if she knew I didn’t tell her right away.” You watch as Sonny smirks. “But then I promise we’ll celebrate properly…after all, you still haven’t seen what’s underneath this dress.”
Fluffy enough for ya? Heehee
Tag list?  @barbasbodaciousbeard @teamsladsandgents @adarafaelbarba @caracalwithchips @averyhotchner (let me know if you want to be added/removed)
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hissterical-nyaan · 3 years
The Promise
Pairing - Bucky Barnes/Desi! Female reader
Warning - Angst, sad ending, more angst
Summary - Bucky Barnes broke one promise that meant the most to Y/N
Word count - 1.5K
A/N - This is my first ever fanfic, I am very anxious so please be gentle with me :) This was created purely to make y'all cry lol. This is a songfic of "Lag ja gale" of Lata Mangeshkar ji. I absolutely adore that song and found it quite fit for this story!!! Also English isn't my first language and there might be grammatical mistakes. Thanks to @soradragon for beta reading this and helping me complete it, you are a blessing. Love you 💙 happy reading folks!
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It was  peaceful in Wakanda, a cool night had taken its place from the hot humid air of the day, the stars were shining bright and serenity hung in the air.  It was impossible to imagine what the next day would have in store for everyone. No one had a clue that tomorrow was the day that would change everyone's lives forever.
There was the sound of soft humming coming from the modest hut which housed the one and only the White Wolf and his lover.
Inside was you, singing songs softly in your mother’s tongue before the two would go to bed for the night. It was a nightly ritual the two of you shared. For Bucky had found your voice so soothing it would chase away the recurring nightmares that would haunt his sleep every night. Bucky Barnes was unable to sleep without his love in his arms, without her angelic voice singing for him, and without her soft hand weaving through his hair. 
You had an awful day today, throughout the day you felt anxious and restless. As if your mind has been screaming at you that something bad was about to transpire. You had no idea what, but it was bad. if there is one thing you hated most, it would be not knowing what will happen next.
You liked being prepared for everything! Your distressed state made you itch for your ma's presence and her wise words. So the next best thing to feel like she was there was to sing your ma's favourite song. It was a song you had  beautiful emotional memories attached to.
Lata ji's masterpiece ‘Lag ja gale’. The song that always left you peaceful.
"What's on your mind, chaand? No cheesy love songs today?" Bucky teased lightly, slightly puzzled by the song choice. Normally, you would sing more happy, sweet love songs when you were in a good mood, not to forget how out of character you acted the entire day. 
"Acha? You said you don't like my cheesy songs na, so I thought today I will comply with your wish and not sing my ‘overly romantic, Shona Babu songs.’”  You shot back, poking your tongue out as not to worry him. Bucky pouted slightly.
"Arre baba okay now don't pout, I was just joking. I will sing the cheesy songs again tomorrow, right now this song just feels right to me.” Hearing that, Bucky mumbled a quiet yes and snuggled deeper into you, holding you tightly and moving his head ever so slightly to listen to your voice.  
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hasin Raat Ho Na Ho
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Jaa Gale Ae Ae… (Embrace me, dear, who knows whether or not this beautiful night will ever come again. Maybe in this life we may or may not meet again)
You remember the first time you met Bucky, in Shuri's lab. You were a   good friend of Shuri. You were a researcher staying in Wakanda with T'challa's permission and eventually befriended the Princess. The two of you loved to talk about anything and nothing. One day Shuri told you about the Winter soldier staying here in Wakanda. You had heard many things about him, but never had you seen him in the flesh. Till you saw him come into the lab, bruised and eyes swiming full of emotions, but the distraught was the most clear in those blue piercing eyes.
It was at that moment that you had decided you would help him, and try to soothe the aches and scars that had been covering his fragile heart. He was put in the cryo soon after your first encounter, but you couldn't help but think about him often.
Ham Ko Mili Hain Aaj Ye, Ghadiyaan Nasib Se
Ji Bhar Ke Dekh Lijiye, Ham Ko Qarib Se
Phir Aap Ke Nasib Men, Ye Baat Ho Na Ho (I have been given today, this time by destiny. To your hearts content see me closely, who knows, if your destiny, may present this situation again.)
Six months later, Bucky came out of the cryo and on his request, was given a small hut away from the palace in the fields. You often saw him, with his tiny herd of goats. You remember how one tiny goat - which Bucky had endearingly called Steve -  was the one who caused you to talk to Bucky. Maybe that's why he was still your favourite goat, afterall he was responsible for giving you the love of your life.
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hasin Raat Ho Na Ho (Maybe, in this life, we may or may not meet again. Embrace me dear for this beautiful night may not come again)
Your phone rang suddenly. Bucky moved his head from your lap as you moved to get the phone, it was your brother who was calling you. It puzzled you, it was nearly midnight in India. "Y/N….jaldi aaja yaha… ma aur papa ki car crash ho gayi...I am so sorry, hum unhe bacha nahi paye." You went numb...The words didn’t make sense, you couldn’t make sense of them... Ma papa? No, no this can't be happening. You...you just talked to your mom a few hours ago! Bucky’s arms wrapped around you, holding you so close. He whispered some words into your ear trying to soothe you. But you couldn’t hear them, your mind just kept repeating your brother’s words inside your head like a mantra. That’s when the tears fell, soaking Bucky’s shirt. You didn’t remember you screamed. 
Paas Aaiye Ki Ham Nahin Aaenge Baar-Baar
Baahen Gale Men Daal Ke Ham Ro Le Zaar-Zaar
Aankhon Se Phir Ye Pyaar Ki Barsaat Ho Na Ho (Come closer to me, as I will not be able to come to you every time. Put your arms around me and let us cry our hearts out. Who knows, if our eyes will ever see these tears of love again.)
You couldn’t imagine what you would be without Bucky, your Bucky. He was your rock, You couldn't live a day without him. From the day you confessed your love for each other till today, not a day has gone where he wasn't showering you with love. Even through all his trauma and pain, he did his absolute best to be there for you, his sweet, sweet Y/N.
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hassin Raat Ho Na Ho
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hassin Raat Ho Na Ho (Maybe, in this life, we may or may not meet again. Embrace me dear for this beautiful night may not come again)
Remembering the past left you in an emotional mess, you didn't even realise when the waterworks started.
"Chaand? Hey, no shhh why are you crying? Is everything okay? Talk to me."
"Haan chaand?"
"Promise me that you will never leave me." You uttered in a broken whisper
"I promise."
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He broke that promise. Bucky Barnes broke his promise and left his chaand. It happened so fast, the Avengers fighting Thanos, and suddenly everyone turning into dust.
You felt helpless and scared, numb and cold. what was happening? Bucky had told you to not come out of the palace unless told. He didn't want you to be in harm's way. No, his Y/N was too precious, he can't risk it. You reluctantly agreed, but you weren't of much use on the battlefield anyway. You just hoped your love would return to you very soon.
Steve broke the news, and your whole world collapsed in front of your eyes.
"Steve, no..no it can't be... please tell me you are lying. This isn't the time to joke around! Where is he!?" you couldn't help but scream at him. All your dreams, hopes and future with Bucky shattered. He was gone, in just a snap.  It couldn’t be real, this was a sick joke. that had to be it. A sick joke…
But deep inside, you knew it was real. All of it was real. The world around you seemed to crumble, all of it came down, it was as if someone let a glass cup fall and it shattered in a million pieces. Unable to be put back together again…
Now you had no one, no mom and dad, no Bucky...He was your rock wasn't he? He wasn't supposed to go...
After a few days, Steve offered to take you to America with him. The least he could do for his pal was to make sure the girl who had his heart was taken care of. But you couldn't go, it was too painful. Brooklyn will always remind you of Bucky, and you promised him when the time came to go back to his home, you will go together. No, unlike him Y/N L/N knew how to keep her promise.
You went back to India, to start a new life. A miserable one. If only you would have known that the last song you’ve sung to him would come true. 
You never sang your mother's favourite song again
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Tagging - @spiderrpcrker @a-dragon-under-the-stars @lil-stark @jacquessouvenier @soradragon (I hope you won't mind me tagging you!) And I also hope you liked it :))
Translations (please let me know if I forgot to translate something) -
Chaand - Moon (an affectionate term in this context)
Acha - Really (in this context, it can mean many things otherwise)
"Y/N….jaldi aaja yaha… ma aur papa ki car crash ho gayi...I am so sorry, hum unhe bacha nahi paye." - "Y/N please come fast here, mom and dad were in an car crash, I am so sorry but we couldn't save them" (ma = mom, papa = dad)
Haan - yes
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Shifter series dialogue teaser?
So here is some dialogues from each chapter on my shifter series. I am working on the but soo far i get have the dialogue 😅😅
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"no! Geralt you dont know enough! You dont understand!"
"I understand enough to know youll do as your told. Afterall you are my female, i felt you surrender to me. Im betting that im your alpha now"
"now get up female its time to return home, we can discuss things with vesemir"
"no! Geralt please-"
"like you said witchers are a dying breed, it shouldnt matter now get up and stop your wailing"
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"I wanted to see the kings pet"
"P-pet?! I am no ones pet! I am a duke!"
"Exactly~ sir duke, tell me do you play fetch with the king?"
"This is my territory and youd do well to remember your place"
"Or what alpha?"
"Or a may just remind you of what mouthy females get mate"
"Dont threaten me with a good time if you cant deliver"
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'Im just holding her sherlock. Making sure she cant run off, theres no pressure'
'Shes limp! Shes gone limp youve hurt her! YOU HURT HER'
'shes just staying still like a good cub. You'd know if she were dead. Now calm down and i will hand her to you'
'Good man sherlock, deeper breaths... thats it now tranfrom back'
"Give her to me. Please... Alpha please- im better now, im in control geralt-"
"Oh thank god! Y/n y/n are you okay? Your hurt here come"
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"You wont? They said you would- that youd kill us, eat us both me and August if you came"
"No no, its much easier to got to a restaurant now days, besides im rather partial to dark meats- white meat is salty i prefere stake so unless your going to turn into a prime bit of beef your fine. oh no okay okay im sorry that joke was in poor taste... so was that shit"
"Did he really just make a meat joke when she thinks he's gonna eat her and the cub?"
"How did sherlock make such a stupid cub?"
"Im just hopeing its the shock of meeting his mate making him a idiot"
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Be-more-pacific: Beyond my skillset? How fucking hard is it to split money. The hard bit was getting these digits jackass! And the boomer you sent was eating my dust! Wouldnt be surprized if he had a stroke😏😏
August: kid I mean it I'm not fucking around give me the numbers before I get mad.
Be-more-pacific: before you get mad? What are you my dad? Rotflshmsfoaidmt
August: What? What was all that? Is that the number in code. Give me the key so I can crack it.
Be-more-pacific:omg🤣😂 it means rolling on floor laughing so hard my sombrero fell off and i dropped my taco. Peace out bitches thanks for the early retirement fund! 🤭😘😇
Be-more-pacific has left the chat.
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"'Fraid not my little nibble. It was completly real. Big old sy here had to haul your ass across a freezing wilderness to get you out of the cold"
"Sy? You named a bear... sy?"
"God im lucky your so cute~ but yes its sy short for syverson"
"Dominic Eugene syerson at your service ma'am. Former army captain, resident mr fix it of these here surrounding holdings. Occasional apex predator and your future husband~"
"Occasional apex predator?"
"Shifter darlin' bear shifter to be precise"
"Funny... almost as funny as that husband comment"
"Well, you might laugh but im serious nibble~"
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bellaireland1981 · 4 years
New Beginnings: CH 6
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Characters: Andy Barber x Single Mom! Briella James (Named Reader), Jacob Barber, Ava James
Summary: Briella James is a HS teacher and has Jacob in her class. Jacob meets Briella’s 5 year old daughter and they form a bond. Andy is interested in Briella but her ex (and Ava’s dad) is becoming a problem!
Warnings: Mostly fluff, some angst, jerk of an ex that harasses Briella, kissing… will update in future chapters.
Word Count: 4084
A/N: I do Not own Andy Barber or Jacob Barber, they are fictional characters. I do not give permission for anyone to repost my work or translate it to another site. Reblogs always welcome!   This is my FIRST EVER attempt at writing for Andy…or any character, so be gentle!  THANK YOU to my friends for supporting me and encouraging me! I’m my own worst critic so I love their feedback! @denisemarieangelina @fluffymisha97 @jamielea81
Chapter 5     
Thankfully the rest of the week went pretty quickly. Friday morning, Ava was a ball of excited energy for dinner with Andy and Jacob. She wasn’t the only one. You couldn’t wait either.
Unfortunately, throughout the day you were inundated with texts and calls from your ex, which set you on edge. You managed to make it to your lunch before you broke down and actually called Andy. You planned to just leave a voicemail, as you were sure he was busy. You were happily surprised when he picked up.
“Hey, Sweetheart.” He said, “Are you on lunch? How’s your day going?”
“Yeah.” You said, “It’s much better now that I’m talking to you. I was just going to leave you a voicemail, but this is much better.”
“Everything ok?” He asked, concerned, “And unless I’m in court, I’ll always answer for you.”
“I’ve been getting a lot of texts and calls today from the ex.” You replied, shakily, “It’s just getting to me. It’s exhausting.”
“Forward me the messages,” he said, “I promise you, this will be over soon. In the meantime, we have tonight and tomorrow night together to look forward to.”
“That’s what’s getting me through.” You replied, “I can’t wait to see you. Ava is beyond excited as well.”
“Only a few more hours.” He said, “I can’t wait to see you and Ava either. How about you both come over at 4:30. Gives you time to get her picked up and I’ll leave work early and meet you at my house.”
“Sounds perfect.” You agreed. “I’ll let you get back to work, and I’ll see you soon.”
“I’ll see you soon.” He said, “And you can call me whenever you need to.”
The rest of the day went smoother. The calls and texts tapered down so you were at least able to focus. Once your last class was finished, you wrapped up some last minute emails to parents, then shut your laptop, grabbed your stuff and headed out of the building.
You got Ava picked up from school and headed home to change before going to Andy’s. Ava insisted on wearing her Elsa pajamas, even though you repeatedly told her it was not a sleepover.  One thing you were sure of, the child was headstrong.  You changed into jeans and a lighter weight sweater. It was starting to get cooler, especially at night.
You arrived at Andy’s and parked behind his black Audi. Getting out of your car, you made your way around to get Ava out and the two of you walked up to the front door. Andy was already there waiting with the door open, smiling at the two of you.
“Hi Andy!” Ava exclaimed, bounding up the step and throwing her arms around him. He hugged her back, smiling at you over her head.
“Hey, Princess.” He said, “I hope you’re hungry. We’ve got lots of pizza on the way, and enough snacks to rival the movie theater.”
“I’m starving.” she confirmed, beaming up at Andy. “Where’s Jacob?”
“Right here” He said, coming up behind his dad. “Come on, let’s steak out the best seats for the movie.” Jacob reaches for Ava’s hand, helping her into the house.
“Hey, Beautiful.” Andy said smiling at you, “Come here.” He gently pulled you up the step into the house and into his arms. You felt your whole body relax into his embrace. The stress of the week and everything with your ex melting away.
“That was exactly what I needed.” you said smiling up at him, “Thank you.”
“If I’m being honest, I needed it too,” He replied, “It was a long day. I was more than happy to leave it all behind. Come on, let’s go inside, I’ve got wine or beer. You’ve earned it.”
Andy led you into the house and to the kitchen. It was a very nice house from what you saw of it so far. It was definitely larger than yours. Surprisingly, it looked very homey, not the bachelor pad you were expecting with two males living there. Jacob and Ava were seated in what looked like oversized bean bag chairs on the living room floor flipping through Disney+, deciding on which movie to watch. It was cute that Jacob was patiently flipping through them all, even though everyone knew the choice would be Frozen.
You’d decided beer sounded better for the evening, especially with pizza coming. You and Andy sat at the island in the kitchen sipping your beer, enjoying each other’s company while you waited for dinner to arrive.
“I wasn’t sure where you’d like to go tomorrow night, but some of the other lawyers at the firm suggested the new sushi and steak restaurant KoFusion. I made reservations but we can always go somewhere else if you’d prefer.” Andy said, taking a sip of his beer.
“That sounds perfect.” You replied, smiling. “I’ve actually been wanting to try it, but Ava isn’t really open to trying sushi or steak.”
“I don’t think I would have been much for them either at her age.” He laughed, “Jake may eat steak now, but I doubt I’d ever get him to try sushi.”
“I was planning on making them a mini taco bar for dinner.” You said, “It’s easy to make.”
“I know Jake loves tacos so he’ll be happy.” He replies.
The doorbell rang, signaling dinner’s arrival. Andy grabbed the pizza and paid the delivery person, bringing the pizza back to the kitchen. We loaded up plates for everyone, grabbed drinks for the kids and brought it all to the living room.
“We’re going to watch Frozen!” Ava declared, “Jacob said they haven’t seen it yet!”
“We were just hoping to get to watch it with you, Princess Ava.” Andy said smiling and winking at Ava, while handing Jacob his pizza.
“Be careful, Monkey.” I told her, handing her a plate.
“Mommy, I want a Princess party this year for my birthday!” Ava said, “And I want Jacob and Andy to come to my party!”
“When is your birthday, Ava?” Jacob asked.
“November 6th!” Ava said excitedly, “And guess WHAT?”
“What?” Jacob humored her smiling.
“I’ll be 6 years old!” She replied, “Mommy said it’s special because it’s my golden birthday!”
“That is very special, Ava!” Andy said, “We’d love to come to your extra special princess party.”
“We’ll go get the invitations next week and fill them out so you can pass them out to your friends.” You told her, “
Jacob starte the movie and we all watched while eating our dinner. Once everyone was finished, you stacked the plates on the coffee table until the movie was over. Andy scooted closer to you on the couch, pulling you into him. His arm was round you and relaxed against him, enjoying just being with him.
Halfway through the movie, Andy paused it and declared it was ice cream sundae time. Everyone went to the kitchen and built their own sundae before carrying it back to the living room to resume the movie.
After the movie was over you helped Andy to carry all of the dishes to the kitchen. You offered to help him with the dishes but he said he’d have Jacob help later. Ava was starting to get sleepy, so you got her tucked into the car and said goodnight to both Andy and Jacob. You were definitely looking forward to your date the next night.
“Drive safe and text me when you get home.” Andy said leaning in to kiss you gently through the driver’s side window.
“I promise” you replied, smiling.
By the time you got home, Ava was fast asleep. It was a good thing she’d worn her pajamas afterall. You didn’t want to wake her enough to brush her teeth, you figured one night wouldn’t hurt. Thankfully, she was still light enough you were able to carry her into the house and get her tucked into her bed. Once you finished that you text Andy to let him know you made it home. You exchanged a few more texts back and forth and then you too, decided to call it a night.
You spend most of Saturday getting errands run and household chores you’d neglected over the week completed. Ava spent a few hours with your parents while you got everything done. They were used to getting to spend time together on the weekends. Later afternoon you swung by to pick her up so that you could go home and get ready for your date.
“She’s welcome to spend the night here if you want, Sweetheart.” Your mom said, “That way you don’t have to rush home from your date.”
“Jacob is coming to the house to hang out with her while Andy and I go out.” You replied, “Those two are thick as thieves already.”
“All we heard about today was Jacob and Andy.” Your mom said smiling, “I can’t wait to meet them. Just be careful, Bri. I’d hate for Ava to get attached just to get her heart broken. You too for that matter.”
“I wouldn’t let her get attached if I wasn’t sure about this, Momma.” You reassure her, “I know it seems fast, and really, it is, but the connection is there… and it’s strong. Wait until you meet them, you’ll see.”
“How about you bring them over Sunday for a family dinner.” Your mom suggests.
“I can ask him.” You replied, “If this Sunday doesn’t work, we can always schedule for next week.”
“Just let me know.” she said.
Ava came in with her jacket already on, bouncing in excitement.
“Come on Mommy! Andy and Jacob are coming over soon!” She said. She ran and gave your parents hugs, “Bye Nana and Papa! I love you!”
“I’ve ever seen her in such a hurry to leave us before.” Your dad pouted, “We’ve got competition now, Honey.”
“That we do.” Your mom laughed, “Have fun tonight Baby doll! You can tell me all about your fun night with Jacob tomorrow, ok?”
“I will! And Mommy can tell you about her date with Andy!”
“I can’t wait.” Your mom said, winking at you.
“Love you both” You said, “I’ll call you about dinner.”
“Have fun, Sweetheart,” She said,”I’m really happy you’re getting back out there.”
Ava was already in her seat and buckled when you got to the car. On the ride home you glanced in the rearview mirror to look at Ava and noticed the same car had been behind you for several blocks. You shrugged figuring it was nothing and continued on your way home.
Once you pulled into your driveway and parked, you got Ava out and the two of you headed inside. She immediately started setting up the living room for a movie and game night. Poor Jacob would be kept busy for sure.
You decided it made more sense to get the taco meat cooked up and veggies chopped before getting ready, so you got to work on that while Ava was setting up the living room. She finished before you and came into the kitchen while you were getting everything ready.
“Mommy, can I have a snack?” She asked.
“There are apple slices and grapes in the fridge,”You told her, “Grab a bowl and you can put some fruit in it.”
“OK!” She carefully grabbed one of her bowls from the cupboard on the island and went to the fridge.
Twenty minutes later, all of the food was prepped and the taco meat was finished. You settled Ava on your bed  with her tablet geared up to one of her learning games and you started looking through your closet to decide what to wear.
“Mommy,” Ava said looking up from her tablet, “You should wear the pretty blue dress you wore to Nana and Papa’s party. Andy wears blue lots, I think it’s his favorite.”
“You think so?” You asked, smiling, “I like that dress a lot too. I think I will wear it! Thank you my sweet Monkey!”
She beamed then went back to playing her game as you quickly changed into the dress. It was a short sleeved, chiffon fit and flare dress, simple yet elegant. Most importantly, it was comfortable so you wouldn’t be readjusting it all night. You chose the diamond pendant necklace your parents gave you when you graduated college, and a pair of silver drop earrings to match. Once you were dressed, you went into your bathroom and did your makeup. You decided to leave your hair down, but quickly took the curling iron to it give it a little bounce. Finally you were as ready as you were going to get.
Satisfied with the end result, you finally stepped out of the bathroom.
“You look pretty, Mommy!” Ava said, “Is it almost time for Jacob to come?”
“Almost!” You confirmed, “And thank you, Monkey. Let’s go downstairs, I need to check my phone.”
Ava made herself comfortable on the couch, while you went to your phone. You had several messages from your ex. You chose to ignore them for now. You didn’t want anything to ruin the night with Andy. You had one message from Andy, which you tapped to open.
Andy: We’re leaving now, be there shortly. See you soon. XX
You checked the time stamp and the current time and realized they’d be here any minute.
“Mommy! They’re HERE!” Ava exclaimed, launching herself off of the chair by the window where she’d apparently taken up watch.
“Give them a moment to get to the door, Monkey” You laughed, “Don’t go flying out of the house.”
You started to head to the door to open, but Ava flew past and beat you to the door. She remembered to look back and check that it was OK for her to open the door. Once you’d given permission she quickly pulled the door open. Andy and Jacob were just getting to the door.
“Hi Jacob!” she greeted him, happily, before launching herself at him to hug him. Jacob chuckled, bending down a bit to hug her back.
“Hey Ava!” He replied, “Ready to watch movies, eat junk food and stay up past your bedtime?”
“YES!” She confirmed, “Can you always be my babysitter? Not even Nana and Papa let me do all that!”
“I’m not sure you’re supposed to reveal your master plan while the parents are present, Jake.”  Andy laughed.
“Hi Andy!” Ava said, breaking away from Jacob to hug him, then looking at the button up dress shirt he wore, added, “I knew blue was your favorite color! I told Mommy  to wear the blue dress because she would be pretty and it was your favorite color!”
“Blue is my favorite color,” He confirmed smiling at her, then looking up at you, he said, “And your mommy looks beautiful.”
“Told you, Mommy!” Ava beamed, happy having helped you out.
“You did tell me, Monkey.” You replied smiling, then to Andy said, “You’re looking pretty handsome yourself.”
“Ok, Ava,” Jacob said, playfully rolling his eyes, “Let’s get away from these two.” The pair headed into the living room, Ava already chatting a mile a minute.
“Hey, Sweetheart.” Andy smiled, stepping into the house, and closing the door. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in close and dropping a quick kiss onto your lips.
“Hi.” You replied, smiling up at him, “Looks like we’ve learned how to clear the kids out of a room.”
“That’s going to be a handy skill to have.” He agreed, laughing. You both made your way into the living room where the kids were.
“Ok, the tacos are all ready to go, although you may want to reheat the meat. There are drinks in the fridge. Ava knows where all of the snacks are. Just make sure she isn’t bouncing off the walls from too much sugar.” You laugh, “There are emergency numbers on the fridge. If you need anything, just call or text.”
“We’ll be fine” Jacob assured you, “I’ve got this. You guys go have fun and don’t worry. We’ll be having too much fun here to even miss you.”
“I’m feeling the love here.” You teased him. “I know you’ll be fine, I’m not worried in the slightest.”
After hugging them both, they pretty much shoved you and Andy out of the house.
Once you arrived at the restaurant, Andy quickly came around and opened your door. He held your hand as the two of you made your way into the restaurant, only separating for him to open the door and then his hand landed on your back, gently guiding you into the building. Once inside, he took your hand in his own again.
You were seated at a semi-private table toward the back of the restaurant. Your waiter took your orders for drinks and then left you to look over the menu.
“This all looks amazing.” You said, “How is anyone supposed to make a decision?”
“I was thinking the same thing” he laughed, “How about we get a variety and we can try it all?”
“That’s a brilliant idea.” You agreed.
The waiter returned with your drinks and you placed your orders. You took a sip of the wine to help calm your nerves. You weren’t nervous around Andy, just being on a date after not dating for over 5 years was causing a little anxiety.
“I haven’t been on a first date since college.” Andy said, as if reading your thoughts. “I have to say, this one is already far better.”
“I haven’t been on any date of any kind since before Ava was born.” You replied, “But I can say with certainty that this one is already better than any date I’d been on before that.”
“Here’s to many more dates together.” Andy said, raising his glass to you. You raised yours toasting.
“And possibly to last first dates.” You said, smiling.
“I’ll definitely drink to that.” He agreed, smiling back at you.
“Ava spent the morning with my parents while I was running errands and according to them she didn’t stop talking about you and Jacob.” You told him. “They offered to keep her tonight but she wasn’t trying to miss out on time with Jacob.”
“I think Jake would have been bummed to miss out on time with Ava too.” Andy said, “I think he really likes having someone look up to him.”
“They’re good for each other.” You agreed, “My mom invited you and Jacob to dinner tomorrow, I told her I’d pass along the invite. It feels weird to say that on a first date. You don’t have to accept, I know it’s really soon.”
“We’d love to.” Andy reassured you, “It might be soon by others’ standards, but I’ve had enough of living by others’ standards. I think we just need to do this our own way.”
“I like the sound of that.” You agree, “We can make our own standard.”
The waiter brought the dishes to the table. You and Andy enjoyed the variety of sushi, trying different kinds. Conversation continued to flow during dinner. It honestly felt like you’d been on many dates by the time you were finished eating.
“I don’t think our kids want us home yet, and I’m not ready for this date to end.” Andy said, “Do you want to go for a walk by the lake?”
“I’d love to.” You said, “I’m not ready to go home yet either.”
After paying the bill, Andy leads you out to where the car is parked. He opens your door for you, and you slide into the passenger seat. He quickly walks around to the driver’s side and gets in. The drive to the lake doesn’t take long and being pretty deserted, it’s easy to find parking. Andy once again comes around to open your door and offers his hand to help you out of the car.
You’re glad you thought to grab the lightweight sweater to wear with your dress. It provides enough cover to where you’re not going to get cold while enjoying time with Andy.
You make your way to the path that leads along the lake, Andy taking your hand in his, your fingers intertwining.
“I’m really enjoying the milder fall weather this year.” You said, “It’s been really nice to be able to be outside longer. I’m hoping it holds through Ava’s birthday before it gets cold.”
“I imagine it would be easier to hold the party outside as opposed to all of those kids inside the house.” He chuckled, “I’ve really loved the weather being so mild too. It allows me to go for walks by a lake with a beautiful woman.”
“Smooth, Mr. Barber.” You laughed, “And yes, holding the party outside would be much less of a headache.”
“I’m only stating facts, Sweetheart.” He smirked, “And whether the party is inside or out, Jake and I can help wrangle kids.”
“That would be most helpful.” You said, smiling.
The two of you continued to walk along the path, stopping when you arrived at a pier. Andy led you to the end where there was a bench and you both sat down, close to one another. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you in close, and you relaxed into his side.
“I haven’t been this happy or relaxed in a long time.” Andy admitted. “Even before everything exploded with Jake and then after...with the accident… I wasn’t happy. I was trying. I wanted to be happy and to want the life we had, but it felt too forced. I can’t remember the last time I was happy. Meeting you and getting to know you better, has changed everything. I don’t know if I deserve to be happy, but I’m going to hold on to this.”
“You deserve to be happy, Andy.” You said, turning slightly so you could look into his eyes. “I thought I was happy with my ex, I thought I wanted to marry him, but once he walked out when I got pregnant, I realized that I wasn’t actually happy with him. I don’t know that I ever really loved him. Being with you though, makes me happy.”
His hand comes up to cup your face, his head lowering to yours. His lips connected with your own, his beard rubbing against your face. His tongue licked at the seam of your lips, asking for entry. You allowed him access, your own tongue snaking out to meet his. The kiss deepened, he pulled you closer into him, your arms wound around his middle. You continued to kiss until you finally had to break apart for air. His hand stayed cupping your face, his thumb brushing against your kiss swollen lips.
“Maybe we should have had your parents keep Ava,” Andy teased, his voice husky, “We could have continued this without a curfew.”
“Maybe next time,” You smiled, “Depriving Ava of Jacob wouldn’t have won you any points.”
“I wouldn’t want that.” He agreed, “I need her on my side.”
“I think you’re good on that front.” You assured him.
“As much as I would love to stay out here with you, we should probably start to head back.” Andy said, reluctantly.
“We probably should.” You agreed.
You walked back towards his car hand in hand. On the drive back to your house, Andy kept your hand in his own, driving one handed.
Once you arrived back at your house, Andy parked and came around to you. This time when he helped you out of the car, he pulled you into him and kissed you again.
“I can definitely get used to that.” You said, smiling.
“Me too.” He said. “Shall we head in to see what the kids are up to?”
You nodded, turning to head to the front door. As you turned, movement caught your eye on the street. You turned your head to investigate and felt your stomach drop. In the street light, you were able to see the same car that you’d thought had been following you yesterday. With the light, you were able to see the driver.
“Andy” You said shakily, “It’s him. That’s my ex in the car.”
“Are you sure?” He asked, turning quickly to see the driver before he drove off down the street.
“Yes.” You confirmed, “I think he followed me yesterday too.”
“Let’s go inside.” He said, guiding you up to the door.
@nickysurfer28  @waywardodysseys​ @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss​
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket, Se03. ep 5,(part 1)
In part 1 of this post, more than analyzing, I want to understand few confusing things first. I’m not annoyed or angry, I’m just confused & trying to piece things together, so, kindly don’t feel off with my usage of  (!!!) & (???). lol. I’ll ONLY discuss two things here that confuse me a lot. ( Real ep review/ analysis will be in part 2)
1- Momiji’s romantic love for tohru (the real love triangle). What?!!!!!
I’m so shocked that momiji loves tohru romantically! So, in order to understand ( where did this come from!!) I re-visited his scenes with tohru since se01 & trying to see if I missed anything! Below is my speculations:
Is it love at first sight?!!! When Momiji first met tohru he kissed her on the cheek. I’ve always thought lightly that in the eyes of the reserved Japanese (bowing is greeting), all Europeans (kissing on the check is greeting). hence, Momiji’s kiss, he’s half Europea. However, perhaps it is a Kureno/ Arisa type of love at 1st sight/kiss?! kureno nearly kissed Arisa on the lips on their 1st official meeting. But Kureno/Arisa kiss was meant to be romantic/sexual with adult kureno’s “ I wanted to taste her lips”. but Momiji’s is a peak on the cheek & he was a child, so... I don’t think he’s struck by love before he’s officially introduced to us the audience.
Is it gradual growing love like kyo’s ? in all Momiji/ tohru eps, he always just wanted to play with her, visit places & spend time together.  (hot spring & beach vacation) are his own ideas. But momiji didn’t want tohru exclusively. He intentionally invited both yuki & kyo to the hot spring & even was begging kyo to come. He invited all zodiacs to the beach & wanted all to spend time together. I believe that the hot spring ep especially showed momiji as this playful, innocent & naive kid, wanting to share tohru’s females’ hot spring section. I don’t think momiji was madly in love at that time. He was a child going “ waaaa~, kyo hit me” &  jumping here & there. 
So, summer vacation? but then again, Momiji slept with the children & tohru doted on them all. He defended tohru but they all defend her & love her. he said to kyo that he “selfishly wanted to be with tohru” but I didn’t  catch any romantic hints from that. Was it really that time?? they all wanted to spend time with tohru. Yuki said “ I’ll kidnap you”, kyo agreed to go to the beach right away, kisa was glued to her to the point of annoying hiro! So, when? & why not let us as the audience know abt momiji’s feelings.
Is it related to opening up to tohru abt his family issues? He confessed to tohru abt his dad, mom & momo. She cried for him & hugged him. I never got the feeling in all those scenes that he was in love! it seemed to me like friendship love similar to hana’s/Arisa’s or siblings love substituting his nonexistent relationship with momo.
Is it just me?? I always saw momiji as this baby in toddler clothes, jumping, laughing & a ray of sunshine! A child but with the most mature heart & mind. Tohru didn’t help momiji, he was already helping himself first & reaching healthy conclusions abt how he should deal with his own traumas. So, perhaps (Me) not seeing him as a teenager stopped me from seeing his romantic love? but they showed me hiro/kisa’s love. Elementary school kids! so?
Regardless of when he fell in love or how, the point is, this is heart-breathtakingly tragic! cuz (a) tohru never saw him more than a child at first, then as a precious friend, (b) she’s intensely in love with kyo, which brings us to tohru’s core issues. (Tohru loosing yet another loved one). Tohru’s own issues aren’t fully explored yet, but her love for kyo has been blatantly hammered to us since se01 finale! this is because kyo being locked in the cat room equals (death) which parallels her mom’s (death). Tohru will be living her tragic trauma again but this time, kyo replacing kyoko! Thus, giving tohru a room for growth & character development.Tohru’s intense love for kyo was shown in by the drastic change in her attitude in se01, ep.24, chasing firmly after him even when he pushed her & refusing to let go until he’s back home cuz she wants to! then yuki blatantly saying “ she loves him, too, the way she looks at him“  im se02, ep22 & “don’t worry, tohru, he won’t accept (the other girls confession)” in se02, ep 17 & all her scenes with kyo in that ep where she’s scared he’ll let go of her & other scenes throughout the 3 seasons.
...so why momiji’s impossible & unrequited love is introduced?
I believe it is to push kyo to not let go of tohru. To throw kyo into this internal conflict between selflessly letting go of tohru so she could be happy (like hatori did with kana) & selfishly wanting her to be his lover ( like haru). Kyo himself expressed these two conflicting thoughts in se02, ep, 9 “ I hoped we could always be together somewhere  far off (selfish love) & “ I don’t want to take anything from you (selfless love). So, momiji is challenging kyo in a way making him realize that selfish love might not be bad afterall & selfless love could be harmful! cleverly reversing the two concepts. So, I get why this love triangle was introduced. but whyyyy momiji! T_T.. choose someone else, Writer-San! poor Momiji we learned abt his love the same ep we learned it hopeless & he can’t pursue! T_T. couldn’t you at least put the two scenes far away, so I get time to grieve his broken heart! T_T.
2- Yuki/Machi ( Yuki is in a such hurry!!!!)
You could use the analogy of yuki’s starting the story as a (baby/child) taken cared by his mother (tohru) who taught him to be a person (all se01), Yuki took this knowledge  as a (kid/teenager) & formed friendship on his own with (kakeru) in (se02). it is not after yuki became a true equal friend to kakeru, chocking him & equally teasing him, that Machi was allowed to talk abt her self as a real character with agency & thoughts (se02, ep24), now yuki must be a (teenager/Man) & fall romantically in love, hence (se03, eps 2 & 3). All this is amazing. So, I kinda expected the following:
yuki won’t take as long as kyo in confessing/ realizing romantic love since he/machi don’t have a shared baggage nor obstacles from the past.
 he won’t be as fast as haru’s “ i love you/ kiss/ make love”. But then again, Haru & Isuzu have already known each other for years & are already in love, they just put a name to their desires & went on with it.
So, yuki should be in the middle, noticing, knowing abt the person, crushing, then realizing love & wanting a future together! Cuz yuki is this type of person who values taking time thinking thoroughly, right??
I’m confused as yuki wanted to confess the curse & to be with machi romantically right after the machi background scene? I know not everything should be on-screen & him falling slowly in love could be off-screen...  the flower is a yuki/machi “ noticing her stage”, her fighting with him over the red leaf is “ noticing him stage” for her. but there’s only ONE intimate scene of them together! Her raw tears when he comforted her in her flat (the chalk scene is bonus). but.. I never expected that yuki is planning to confess his curse & feelings this early!!!!!! yuki! are you SURE she loves you? ( I mean we the audience know 100%) but how is HE sure?? yuki going this big stage so soon felt a bit un-yuki. but then agin, perhaps that’s part of the new changed confident yuki? I duno, I mean Machi was never given a proper time to prosper, but yuki was always given all the time there is to explore his feelings & even other ppl’s feelings! He’s there in kyo/tohru ‘s story to tells the audience they’re in love, he’s there in Isuzu/ haru to mend their gap. I mean yeah there gotta be more scenes abt them for sure, we’re in ep 5, but I never expected a the intruppted confession now & this soon!
perhaps it’s just me, again?! Maye I’m so invested in yuki & accustomed to him always taking time that I kinda expected more before he’s thinking of confessing. I really thought that confessing his curse/love is yuki/machi’s own story climax compared to kyo/tohru’s story climax with kyoko & Isuzu/Haru story climax after breakup, oh well. I’m positive we’ll see more of yuki’s journey with machi as yuki is rarely absent in any eps. More scenes to come!
That’s the end of my headache! XD. I apologize for giving you headache if you were kind enough to read all this. kindly, don’t spoil future scenes or sub-plots to me. I’m just expressing my shock at how fast the plot moved! just few eps ago, I was watching motoko love journey that survived 3 seasons! Hands down Motoko wins in furuba! XD. Jokes aside, Can I say we’re officially where “the plot thickens?” Is it going down? This ep felt like a bullet train!
Side Notes:
I never liked the “children in deep love theme” that hiro has as children shouldn’t suffer the romantic pining & suffering as teenagers & adult ppl,  so, I really appreciated that Momimi altho was 15 when we 1st saw him, lived his childhood without the “oh my! I’m so in love~ pining~ suffer”.
The story introduced ( momoiji in romantic love) the same ep Momiji got tall, so making it as sth he expressed once he hit puberty like most boys his age. He even said it “ I’m a man now”, which is again sth boys feel once they get taller & experience other feelings.
Momiji never catches a break! T_T. My son is denied the types of love he wants (parental love, sibling love & now romantic love! ).
I don’t picture momiji/tohru together as a couple cuz it wasn’t built that way in the story & most of their moments weren’t romantic/sexual tension. to me it was the ultimate friendship!
I wish my son finds love on-screen! If Moyoko/Nao gets on-screen love, give my boy on-screen love, too!
Nah~ forget that~ I’m just sad for my son, I don’t want to see him paired with any character quickly to compensate him not having tohru. This is not doing momiji justice. So, I get the ED art of him with Momo.
If kyo has someone who loves him one-sidedly (Kagura), tohru now has someone who love her one-sidedly (momiji).
The kagura/kyo confrontation was heart breaking, but it had to happen cuz kyo knew she loved him & had to stop her. I hope Momiji never confesses to tohru, I wouldn’t be able to survive seeing tohru turn him down.Tohru & momiji are just too kind for such sad situation.
So, does this mean that the two characters with unrequited love are Kagura & momiji? they’re the only characters with no romantic partner in the ED.
Hana is without a lover in the ED, too! XD. Thank God! I love her crush on kazuma, cuz hello~ who won’t crush on this hunk! & teenage girls can crush on grown up men rather than boys (I know I did, but it was just my girlish crush). I’m thankful it is just a crush & teasing kyo tactics & not true romance! don’t give me another Arisa/Kureno, plz. lol.
21 notes · View notes
silverarmedassassin · 4 years
Home for the Holidays (2/2)
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Bucky x Reader | Word Count: 5,661 | Warnings: None
A/N: Here is part two! Thank you to those who humored me and read this little mini story! Part 1 can be found on my masterlist, which is conveniently pinned to my blog 😬
This is part 2 to my holiday submission for @wonderlandmind4​‘s fall/winter writing challenge. My prompt was: Character B is very enthusiastic to introduce character A to all their traditions, but tries to be sensitive when A seems like they’re struggling to fit in/enjoy themselves.
Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics​
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“You’re going to love it here,” you announce as you take the exit to your small hometown. The drive out of the city had been relatively quiet, the playlist you’d crafted specifically for the trip was only briefly interrupted a handful of times by you pointing out a landmark or attraction tied to childhood memories. Normally, silence on a road trip would make you uncomfortable, but not with Bucky. In the few months you’ve known him, you’d come to understand he was a man of very few words most of the time, so you rarely felt the need to fill the empty space with senseless words.
You’d gotten to know him a lot better in the few weeks leading up to Christmas. He had been making an effort to spend time outside of his apartment more, which often meant he would come down to yours to share a meal or watch a movie. It was nice, getting to spend so much uninterrupted time with Bucky and, if the offhand comments that Sam had offered the handful of times you’d seen him coming and going, Bucky was enjoying the time too. If anything, it was helping him open up again. And, if that’s all you could offer your neighbor, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
Bucky doesn’t say anything, instead he continues to look at his window at the passing landscape. Driving home has always been one of your favorite things to do, as the concrete jungle of the city slowly tapered off into nothing but dense forest, hills, and nature preserves. As much as you loved where you were in life now, there were always moments in time where you questioned why you’d ever decided to re-root yourself in New York City.
Once off the interstate, it doesn’t take you long to reach town limits, and it’s only a few short minutes of driving to reach your parent’s home. As you pull your car into the drive, you see Bucky tense out of your peripheral. You’d had a feeling the reason he was being so quiet today was because he was nervous, but this subtle action reaffirmed that.
“My dad’s not home yet,” you state nonchalantly in an attempt to ease his anxieties a little. “It’s just my mom home. I told her to be on her best behaviour, so you don’t have to worry about a million questions.”
Bucky glances over at you and the look in his eyes tells you that statement has eased him just a little. The fact he was so nervous to meet you family made you feel bad for even inviting him in the first place. But you knew he didn’t have anyone, as Rebecca’s family was going on a cruise, and Bucky had shared Sam was spending the holiday with his mother out of state. Despite your wanting to help him feel less alone during this awkward time of transition and settling, you felt guilty for bringing him all the way here.
Before you can let that guilt settle uncomfortably in your chest, you pop the trunk and jump out of the car. You’re only going to be home for four days, as Bucky didn’t want to stay away for too long and you wanted to use the extra time off of work to finally finish making your apartment feel like your home. Due to that, you both only had a small duffle of clothing, so unloading your things was quick.
As you lead Bucky up to the front door, you’re suddenly reminded to alert him of one tiny detail that might make him uncomfortable. As you turn to tell him, the front door of flings open and your mom comes barreling out, arms wide open. “I forgot to tell you,” you say, voice slightly muffled by your mother’s arms, “Mom’s a hugger.”
“Oh hush,” your mom says as she pulls away from you, her sights already set on Bucky. “Everyone needs a good hug.”
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That night, Bucky had an easier time falling asleep than he ever imagined. New places, mixed with the fear of having one of his nightmares typically kept him up, if not all night, into the wee hours of the morning. The non-prescription sleeping pills Sam had suggested, mixed with the calming effect you seemed to have on him, were likely to thank for the early night. He isn’t surprised, however, when he startles awake around three in the morning. As he sits up in bed, sweat-drenched hair sticking to the sides of his face, he tries to remember what exactly the dream was about. It was another little something Sam and the others had suggested he do, something about acknowledging the things that hurt us most or something.
After a few minutes of sorting through his brain and trying to pin-point exactly what was the cause of his sudden consciousness, he gives up. Bucky decides that, instead of attempting to fall back to sleep right away, he would refill his glass of water and attempt to clear his mind of any lingering shadows.
Your home is quiet, a kind of peace settles over the entire building that no place in the city could ever harness. He thinks that maybe one day he’ll retire, move someplace quiet like this, maybe have a family of his own. Bucky pauses slightly in his descent of the staircase, caught off-guard by his own thoughts. He’d never been one to think about the future, not since he woke up in it. Just living to see the sunrise over Manhattan another day was enough for him. But his mind hasn’t quite been the same since you came along.
As he rounds the corner into the kitchen, he expects to find it devoid of others, but instead finds your mother sitting at the small kitchen table you’d all been sitting around just hours before, laughing and sharing a lifetime of memories with an outsider.
“Trouble sleeping,” she asks without looking over to where he’s standing. Instead, she raises a steaming mug to her lips and takes a tentative sip.
“Ye-yeah,” Bucky says, voice still thick with sleep and disuse.
Your mom hums as she looks over to him, profile lit effortlessly by the early winter moonlight streaming in from the back door. “That’s nothing a good cup of tea can’t help fix. There’s still water in the kettle if you’d like.”
Bucky watches her a moment longer before accepting her offer. She directs him on where everything he needs is located and, before he knows it, he’s sitting down across from her, his own warm mug full of a lavender and something concoction. If anything, at least it smells good.
“I’m really glad Y/N brought you along, Bucky,” your mom says as she takes another sip of her own tea. There’s a glint in the corner of her eye that Bucky can’t quite place, and it admittedly makes him a little nervous. “I do have to admit that her father and I were a bit shocked when she said she was bringing someone home. And then finding out that someone was a...well, you. I guess you never expect your own kid to get mixed up in the affairs of a superhero,” she chuckles to herself.
Bucky takes a large drink of his tea, instantly regretting it as it burns his throat the entire way down. He doesn’t know how to respond to that. When it had sunk in that he was going to be visiting you home for Christmas, meeting your parents and seeing your hometown, it made him anxious. He remembered that, back when he was still the punk who ran the streets of old-time Brooklyn like he owned the place, when a girl invited you to meet her parents it meant you were going steady, or at least headed in that direction. He knew things had changed a lot in terms of dating and relationships in general between men and women in the eighty-odd years he had been under, but he couldn’t help but wonder if this - spending one-on-one time with his beautiful downstairs neightbor’s mom - still held the same implications as it did in the forties.
“I, uh,” Bucky isn’t sure what to say. He doesn’t want to make it sound like he is disinterested in you, he knew that you talked about him in some capacity with your mother, afterall. But at the same time he didn’t want to sound too overzealous on the off-chance that this entire trip meant nothing other than a friendly visit for the holiday. “I’m really thankful you opened your home for me.”
Your mom takes Bucky off guard when she snorts out a small laugh. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to...Listen, I don’t know exactly what is going on between you and my daughter, but whatever it is, it’s really good for her. Y/N is, as you’ve likely picked up, a giver and a caretaker. She never asks for help when she needs it, and rarely accepts it when it’s offered.
“She took the whole Snap thing pretty hard, harder than she let on I think. That’s when she really threw herself at taking care of others, so much so that she forgot to take care of herself sometimes.” She pauses and looks intently down at her mug. “Y/N needs to be taken care of sometimes, too. And, whether you know it or not, I think you do that. I haven’t seen my daughter this happy in a long time. So of course we would open our home for you. Now and whenever you may need it.”
Bucky’s unsure of how to respond to such a tender sentiment, but the way your mom is looking at him tells him no response is needed. It’s a look, he assumes, only a mother can give. One of knowing and mystery and tender loving. One that she so openly offered to him, a stranger, an intruder in her home and holiday season. He realizes then that, everything he’s gone through, everything he’s ever done both voluntarily and not, doesn’t carry as much as he’s been thinking. That, despite it all, maybe he is more than what HYDRA made him and that he is deserving of the good things that have come to him in recent weeks.
“Well, Bucky,” your mom says as she takes one final sip of her tea. “I’m going to try to get some sleep. I suggest you do the same. Christmas Eve is kind of a big deal around here. You’ll need the energy, especially if you want to keep up with Y/N.”
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Bucky quickly learned that when your mom said that Christmas Eve was a big deal, she meant it. You had come knocking at his door a little past seven this morning, telling him that, if he did not get up, you would not hesitate to grab a handful of snow. Despite the too few hours of sleep he ended up getting and the desire to hide away just a little longer before facing your entire family again, Bucky pulled himself out of bed and plastered a smile on his face.
The morning passes in a flurry of Christmas activity. Cookie dough is beat and patted and molded into festive shapes while various Christmas melodies flowed through the home. It was tradition, you had said as you deposited a fresh batch of snickerdoodles into the oven, that Christmas Eve morning was reserved for baking and eggnog making and singing out-of-tune to Christmas songs. So, you taught him how to use a rolling pin properly, showed him the perfect amount of pressure to put on the cookie cutters, and even scolded him when he took a spoonful of dough all for himself. The uncooked sugary goodness was just as good as he remembered.
As the last of the cookies are placed on a rack to cool, and the eggnog is nestled neatly into the fridge to chill, Bucky feels his back pocket start to vibrate. His heart drops momentarily when he pulls his phone out and sees Sam’s name scrolling across the screen. Sam only called for two reasons: Avengers business or to coax him out of the hole Bucky sometimes digs himself into, and only one was pertinent to the situation at hand.
Bucky excuses himself and steps out onto the back porch where he can talk in private. “Is everything okay,” Bucky asks in place of a proper greeting.
“Merry fuckin’ Christmas to you too, bud,” comes Sam’s witty response. Bucky has never wished to reach through a phone and slap the grin he just knows Sam is wearing right off his face. “I was just calling to see how things were going.”
“They’re fine, Sam,” Bucky huffs out, crossing his metal arm across his chest. “I made cookies for the first time, I think.”
Bucky can’t help but crack a smile when Sam starts to laugh on the other end. “That must have been a scene. I would tell everyone not to eat ‘em, though.”
The easygoing banter continues for a few minutes before the topic shifts to how Bucky is really doing. He shares his past day - because really he’s only been away from the city for a little over twenty-four hours - and Sam updates him on the goings-on at his own family gathering. Bucky listens intently while watching a pair of cardinals take turns pecking at the bird feeder hanging just beyond the porch and the sunset looming just beyond the yard.
“You sound really good, Buck. I’m real happy this neighbor can look past your shitty moods and spend time with you,” Sam says before saying his goodbyes. Bucky would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to hear from him. It was one of those little things that reminded him there were people out there that cared.
Instead of going back inside right away, Bucky decides to stay out on the back porch a little longer to enjoy the view of the setting sun and the tranquility that comes with being out of the city. It was rare that he found himself in a place as quiet as this, with a view unobstructed by skyscrapers. He wanted to savor the moment a little longer, appreciate the things he hadn’t realized he’d been missing for all these years.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” While lost in reverie, Bucky hadn’t heard you join him on the porch. He looks over to find you standing just to his left, already focused on the view. He admires the way the last rays of daylight streak across your face, takes in the way it makes you look like you’re lit from within by some ethereal, otherworldly energy. And maybe you were. After all, you’d somehow found a way to look past his flaws and broken pieces and settle yourself deep within his bones, whether you knew it or not.
“Yea, it is,” Bucky replies without taking his eyes off of your face. He’s not sure if he means the sun or you.
You look at him, then, the softest smile he’s ever seen planted on your face. He notices that under your left eye is a streak of flour that had found a home there at some point throughout the day. Without much thought, Bucky makes to wipe it away. “You have a little...” when he swipes his finger across the soft skin of your cheek, he swears he hears your breath hitch in your throat, but he tries not to think too much into it. He had unintentionally used his left hand, after all.
You both stand there like that for a moment, his thumb still lingering just under your lower lashes and you looking at him like he was the one responsible for this sunrise and sunset every day. The spell is broken, however, when a winter breeze blows through, causing your to shiver and curl in on yourself for warmth.
“Hey, so, if you’re up to it, we still have one more Y/L/N tradition that we have yet to complete.” You wait for a reaction, and Bucky’s not sure what you were looking for, but when he doesn’t say anything, you continue. “The city goes all out with the lights each year, and we usually go downtown to look at them. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. It’s usually kinda busy, and I know it’s cold and-”
“I’d love to,” Bucky smiles, and when he sees the unparalleled joy that spreads across your face, he knows then that he would say or do anything to be the reason for that look over and over again.
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It’s just beginning to flurry when you make it to the main drag of your little hometown. Your parents lived just far enough away to feel like a quiet neighborhood, but close enough that you could easily walk downtown without immediately regretting your decision.
It comes as no surprise when you find the wider-than-normal sidewalks in front of the neat row of old storefronts crowded with other residents bundled up in their winter’s best. Despite the shoulder-to-shoulder situation in some sections of the street, you didn’t mind the crowd one bit. The unique and beautifully decorated window displays and intricately lit buildings and trees made the awkward shuffling and getting elbowed by strangers worth it.
At some point, you get separated from your parents and, when you turn to see Bucky’s reaction to the spectacle, you find he’s a good two couples away from you. You decide then that the only way you’re going to avoid being separated from anyone else is by looping your arm through his. He doesn’t fight it, and there’s only a slight moment of stiff awkwardness before he relaxes his arm and allows you to guide him through the crowd. Your cheeks hurt from the genuine smile on your face, and your throat is already feeling the effects of the amount of talking you’re doing. You have to point everything out to Bucky, though, from the horrifying, oversized light-up tooth the town’s dentist has put on display since you could remember to the ever-changing elegant light show that danced across the courthouse. You’re so enthralled in making sure you share every last detail of this special tradition that you fail to notice the way Bucky has closed in on himself.
Despite the glistening lights and the way the moonlight was catching on the large snowflakes as they fell, the light that usually shown in Bucky’s eyes had dimmed to barely the flicker of a candle. The smile that graced his lips was for your benefit and only appeared when you looked back at him to ensure he was still listening to you. As much as he loved watching your enthusiasm seep out of every pore, and enjoyed hearing the way the pitch of your voice got just a bit higher when you spotted something you especially enjoyed, Bucky wasn’t having a good time. The crowd, despite living in New York City, was making him nauseous. Every time he let you pull him down a side street, each seemingly smaller than the next, you felt the knot that had settled in the bottom of his belly tighten just a little bit more. At least when he was in the city, he felt comfortable, knew his way around most of modern-day Brooklyn, and had identified the perfect escape routes just in case a situation went south. Luckily, he’s never had to utilize such routes. But here? The place you were so excited to show him, share with him was foreign to him. The idea of not knowing what waited beyond each turn of the corner, who stood watching through the windows above the quaint storefronts took him back to his time on the run, back to when his days were filled with strict, careful routine, and he felt he was living on borrowed time.
“Earth to Bucky,” you laughed as you waved a hand in front of his face. He blinked a few times, pulling himself back to the surface before he could drown in his thoughts. You were looking at him, obviously waiting for an answer to a question he didn’t hear. “Where’d you go?” you laughed, blissfully unaware of the demons that were creeping in the shadows of Bucky’s still fucked mind.
“I, uh, got caught up in the lights, I guess,” he replied lamely, flinching when he realized just how stupid the answer sounds. He watches as an array of emotions flick across your eyes; amusement, questioning, concern. He had to look away before you could settle on a look of pity. Bucky couldn’t handle that.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” your probe, pulling him off to the side of the walkway into the entryway of one of the many buildings. “You don’t look so good.”
Bucky felt like kicking himself, wanted to scream at and scold his fragile mind for taking the joy and excitement you had been exuding just moments ago and turning it into worry, pity, anything but what you deserved to be feeling right now. “Bucky, please tell me if something’s wrong.”
He takes a breath before looking down at his snow-covered boots. “The crowds, being in an unfamiliar place...I still have problems with that, I guess.”
Your face falls even more at that. “Why didn’t you say something? We could have gone back home ages ago. Or not come at all. Or, or…”
“Y/N, it’s fine. Really. This is a tradition; I didn’t want to ruin it.”
You cross your arms and pout at that. He’s waiting for you to stomp your foot, much like Becca used to as a child when something didn’t go her way. The thought of his sister stings a little. She would have loved something like this, Bucky thinks, and that makes his uncomfortableness even more of a nuisance. He’s alive and able to see crazy Christmas displays and enjoy the things children growing up when he did couldn’t experience, yet here he is, broken and wishing he was anywhere else.
You pull him from his revere again when you start to tug on his metal arm. “Come on,” you huff, not out of annoyance or anger, but something else he can’t quite put his finger on.
“We’re not going back to your house,” he says, digging his heels into the concrete. This causes you to stumble a little and let go of his arm. “Please, don’t let me ruin this for you. I’ll be fine.”
“The only way you’ll ruin this is if you continue to be miserable while walking around. This is the same display as last year anyway,” you shrug. “I think I can skip one year.”
The two of you stand there for a moment, just looking at each other before Bucky sighs and relents. You loop your arm through his again, this time holding it a bit firmer and closer to your body, and begin to worm your way through the crowd. The further you get from the downtown streets, the quieter and emptier the sidewalks became. It wasn’t long before it was just the two of you walking along in silence. Despite the crowd-less walk, you don’t drop his arm.
“I’m really glad you came with,” you whisper after a few minutes. You’d lead him down the long route to your home, both for the fact it was sparsely traveled by foot and because you weren’t quite ready to lose the closeness of holding Bucky’s arm. “Even if I made you uncomfortable.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything for a moment, and you think he’s retreated back into wherever he goes when he’s feeling stressed, but then he replies. “No, thank you. This is obviously a special holiday for you and your family. And here I am, intruding.”
You snort and bring your free hand up to wrap around his metal forearm. “You could never intrude, Bucky. I enjoy spending time with you.”
Despite the chill in the air, Bucky has never felt as warm as he does when those six words leave your mouth.
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When you return home, boots are quickly shed and coats are hung neatly in the closet. Bucky stands quietly by the door, waiting for your lead. Despite your efforts of making him feel comfortable in your home, his movements were still shy and timid as he glided over the hardwood floors.
“I’m going to finish putting the dishes away,” you say after a moment and nod towards the T.V.. “You’re more than welcome to turn something on, I’ll only be a second.”
Bucky nods his head and watches you disappear into the dark kitchen. He waits until the clatter of pans and ceramic bowls reaches his ears to head up to the guest room. He didn’t feel much like socializing anymore. The day, despite its laid back approach and festive touch, had been both mentally and emotionally draining for him.
Bucky gracelessly flops down onto his back on the borrowed bed. He’s contemplating sending a message to Sam, maybe do that video chatting Wanda enjoyed so much but he loathed. He needed the comfort of home, the familiar to drag him from the hole he could feel himself sinking into. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t even enjoy himself on Christmas fucking Eve. He sighs as he flips onto his side and listens as the faint sounds of you puttering around the kitchen, his enhanced hearing allowing him to hear your humming of a Christmas song he can’t quite place, travel up the stairs and wrap him in a warm embrace.
He’s not sure when he drifted off, or for how long, but you pull him back to the surface of consciousness with three soft knocks on the cracked bedroom door. “Bucky?” you say softly, not daring to enter his space without an invitation. “Is everything alright?”
“Tired, I guess,” Bucky says as he pushes himself to sit up. As he swings his feet over the side, you push the door open a little more so that you can see him.
“There’s a...We have one more tradition that I’d like to share with you, but I wanted to do it separately.” You timidly step further into the room, arms held behind your back. “We usually share one present on Christmas Eve. Typically pajamas, sometimes just a gag gift. And I, uh, I wanted to make sure you were included this year.”
Bucky watches you carefully as you make your way to sit next to him on the bed. As you settle in on the mattress, you rest a neatly wrapped package on your lap. He watches as you run your hands along the paper in a nervous attempt to smooth out the nonexistent impurities. When he finally looks up to your face, he finds that you are already intently watching him, your gaze unwavering as his meets it.
“But I don’t have anything for you,” he nervously blurts out. He can feel the heat of embarrassment as it creeps up the back of his neck when you offer him a soft laugh.
“That’s not the point, Bucky. Just...here.”
You shove the gift into his hands and, as he examines it, he can feel you practically vibrating with the excited but nervous energy you’re not giving off. This was always the worst part of receiving gifts - having to open them in front of the giver. It always made Bucky a little anxious, worried that he wouldn’t deliver the expected or desired reaction. He smooths his hands over the silver paper a moment longer before he digs a finger into a seam in the wrapping. He’s slow to unwrap your gift, a part of him wishing that you hadn’t gifted him anything at all. Bucky didn’t have anything for you, and, the more he thinks about the fact he showed up to a holiday without even a small gift for the one who invited him, it makes him want to leave and never show his face around you or your family again.
When the wrapping is finally discarded, a brown leather book sits firmly in his lap. His name, his full name, is expertly embossed across the front, and the corners decorated with a simply but intricate design. When he flips it open to the first page, a set of familiar faces are smiling back up at him. His ma, dad, and himself with Becca tucked neatly in what he remembers to be a soft yellow blanket - the photo of when they brought her home, the first photo he saw when he visited her just two short months ago.
“I wanted to give you something special, meaningful,” you say when Bucky looks up at you. “Your family helped too. They gave me copies of your old pictures, provided some of their own.”
Bucky looks back to the book as he continues to flip. He watches himself grow older with each turn of the page. Pictures his ma had taken, some from school, even some from his time as a Howling Commando. Articles, magazine clippings, and copies of book pages filled the middle of the book, all about him, praising him for what he did and what they thought he lost his life doing. He can feel tears start to prick at the corners of his eyes as he looks over previously unread words of kindness, admiration, and sadness, all for him.
He doesn’t think he could feel any fuller until he flips to a hand-drawn picture of himself and Bridget, signed sloppily but in the most loving way. He can’t help but let out a watery laugh, and he can hear you add your own chuckle. “She was very excited when I asked her to contribute. That little girl loves you so much already, you know?”
Yes, Bucky knows. He knows his worth in this world now, thinks he’s finally found his misplaced spot in this place in time, and it’s all thanks to you. His chest grows tighter the further he flips in the scrapbook. Pictures of his sister when on her wedding day, when his first niece was born. Graduation photos, birthdays, and family get-togethers just because all were documented for him to see, for him to live through these pictures because he wasn’t around to bear witness in person.
When he gets to the very last pages, he pauses. A face he hadn’t expected to see smiling back at him was tucked neatly in this book, and it filled him with a warmth he thought his poor, frozen bones would never feel again. A picture of you and him on the day of Becca’s funeral, all smiles despite the somber day. It looks like you’re mid-laugh and had only just looked at the camera in time for the photo to capture your face. He’d almost forgotten that a family member - name and relation lost to him at the moment - had insisted on getting pictures of all those in attendance, had mentioned something about never seeing each other outside of things like these so he had to take advantage. He was glad that cousin or nephew or third-something-twice-removed had pestered them into taking it, because, despite not wanting to look at his broken, mismatched self, you were there shining brighter than he thinks he’s ever seen any star.
“Bucky,” you whisper, clearly unsure of what to make of his silence.
“I...I don’t know what to say, Y/N,” Bucky swallows the lump in his throat in an attempt to keep the tears that have begun to swell in his eyes from coming out in his voice. “This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever given me - done for me, actually.”
When he looks up at you, he tries to blink back the tears but it causes them to spill down onto his cheeks instead. “Oh, Bucky,” you gently laugh and raise a hand to wipe away his tears. When your hand makes contact with his cheek, however, you realize what you’re doing and make to pull it back. Bucky, however, is quicker and places his flesh hand on top of yours to hold it firmly to his fuzz-covered cheek.
“I lied,” he whispers and you give him a concerned and questioning look. “Earlier. I said I didn’t have a gift for you, but I do.” As he’s speaking, he slowly begins to lean in closer until your face-to-face, only a breath away from one another. “Only if you want it, though.”
You nod and bring your other hand up to fully cup his face as he closes the space between you, gently connecting your lips. It’s a slow, chaste kiss that has him craving more. More of the feel of your soft lips against his, more of your breath catching in your throat, more feeling your eyelashes butterfly across his own as you pull away just enough to rest your forehead against his. He opens his eyes slightly to get a peak of you. You’re already looking at him, a smile spread across your lips.
In that moment, he wishes he had the ability to read minds so that he could know exactly what you were thinking. Before he has the chance to say anything, you’re leaning back, this time pressing your lips more firmly against his own. If it weren’t for the fact he was so enraptured in the essence of you, he would be embarrassed by the low groan that rumbles deep in his chest. He feels your lips perk up into a wider smile before planting another quick peck to his lips before pulling away so that you could look him square in the eyes.
You brush a lock of his hair from his face and tuck it behind his ear before whispering, “Merry Christmas, Bucky.”
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therestismutlol · 4 years
Bereft • Lucas/ Wong Yukhei x Reader (Part 2)
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➢3756 words
➢Thriller, Romance, Angst
➢(Y/n) was considered a nuisance that wanted to get in the way of Lucas’ love for her bestfriend, Yuqi, so she was disposed of in the cruelest way possible. But then, just when she thought it was all over for her, time rewinded for (Y/n). Rewinded enough for her to figure out a way on how to stop Lucas from obsessing over Yuqi, and ultimately killing her. She would do anything just to stop Lucas from turning out the way he was in the near future, if she could.
Warnings: disturbing acts due to unhealthy obsession*, violence, suicide
<- Part 1
A loud bang.
You sat bolt upright, panting.
You looked around, and you saw that you were in the confines of your room.
The same nightmare.
The room was dimly lit by the nightlight plugged beside your bed, giving the room a glow of cool blue.
You rubbed the sleep off your eyes, before stretching your arms high up with a satisfied groan. You figured it would be wise to get out of bed immediately before someone barges in your room for you to do so. You stood up and opened your bedroom door.
How many years has it been?
“You’re awake earlier than usual.”
You could only nod at your mother’s words as you sat down on the dining table.
She placed a plate of bacon and eggs with a slice of bread on the side in front of you, and immediately you grabbed the fork and knife that was placed beside it.
Three years.
Three years, four months, eleven days.
“What’s on your mind?”
You looked up from your plate, and saw your mom take a seat from across you.
“You’ve been staring at your food for a while now. You don’t like it?”
“N-no, it’s fine.” You gave her a small smile, before forking a strip of bacon.
“…it’s about Lucas, isn’t it?”
You lift your head and met her eyes again, and as if she had scanned you, she sighs.
“I knew it.”
She reached out to ruffle the hair on top of your head, and gave you a smile that was hard to read… but meant to be comforting.
“I get why you’re worried, but really, you don’t have to be. Lucas is alright.”
You looked at your plate once again. The burnt sides of the egg looked really interesting right now.
“You don’t have to worry, okay?”
You nod, even though deep down, you knew that you’ll forever be worried.
It was suicide.
‘Wife commits suicide’
‘Wife ends life after being abused by husband’
Lucas’ mom committed suicide, that night when the boy was supposed to be peacefully resting beside you.
It didn’t take too long before he found out, the police and the commotion outside was already a dead giveaway, so he was told that his mom had a bullet through her skull the next day.
A week later, they said it was suicide.
“Was it really? She… she could never do that--!”
You had eavesdropped on your mom and the police with Lucas. At the top of the set of stairs, secluded by darkness so you couldn’t really see the expression he made… but you wanted to see.
Your mother was right. His mom could never do that.
This was murder.
That wretched father of his doesn’t just deserve jail time, he needs to be executed!
Was Lucas thinking the same thing?
But he didn’t utter a word. He just stood up and left for your room.
The following days, he was silent. Too silent.
You were all over the place.
You tried so hard to talk to him, to interact with him as often and as warmly as you could, in hopes of preserving at least an ounce of his sanity because if anything, this was definitely it.
The start of his decline, at the death of his beloved mother.
But he either answered using as little words as possible, or didn’t respond at all.
The funeral held for his mom was attended by a couple of people, friends and colleagues.
You’ve wondered about it, but then this event confirmed your suspicions.
His overstay at your house.
“Mom,” you whispered to the lady sitting beside you. “Where are Lucas’ relatives?”
She didn’t answer, and only kept her gaze to the child who stood in front of her coffin. You looked at Lucas, expecting him to cry. No—hoping.
You hoped for him to at least shed a tear, show emotion— anything, but there was this unreadable expression on his face again.
Coincidentally, there was a couple ready to have a child, but they were unable to conceive one. They were your dad’s friends.
So instead of going to an orphanage, Lucas was adopted by them.
You still can remember the last time you saw him.
He looked at you from behind the car’s window from the inside. He rolled down the transparent glass, knowing that you still have something to say.
“Take care ok? Don’t do or think of anything bad.”
He only blinked at you. At his reaction, you chewed on your inner cheek. You get it. You’ve probably told him this a lot of times, ever since the news of him getting adopted was known. He’s probably sick of it.
“A-Also… I promise to send a text message, I could call you too… I’ll use mom’s or dad’s phone…you too!”
He opened his mouth, probably about to say a short ‘ok’, but you cut him off.
You realized you might’ve said it a little too loud, because the adults behind you stopped conversing. You awkwardly had a short stare-down with them, before you turned to look at Lucas with reddened ears.
“I’ll… I’ll always keep in touch. You know that, right?”
He didn’t respond, but even so, you have to get this through him.
“You’re my friend. Maybe even my bestfriend? Yea,”you smiled at him. “I’ll miss you more than you think. Are you sad?”
Of course he is.
“It’s okay to be sad, but only for a short time okay? Because if you’re sad, I’m sad too.”
You still can’t tell what he’s thinking, but you know that he’s listening, so you continued.
“Do you still remember the first time we met? Because I do.
“You wanted to be superman. You wanted me to be your sidekick, the pilot. To help you escape.
“You said it yourself. I’m your sidekick.
“I’ll always be there for you. I promise that. I’ll help you. I’ll always help you…escape.
“If you have a problem, tell me. Because I’d feel like a really useless sidekick. If you cry I’ll cry.
“Because we’re in this together… whatever that is.”
You see his expression soften.
This was it. A crack.
A crack where light was seeping through.
“Don’t ever forget me, okay? Because I won’t forget you.”
Don’t kill me.
“Lucas, I love you.”
“Alright, let’s go.”
You looked at the man who opened the driver’s seat’s door, and he smiled at you before going inside the car.
He would be Lucas’ new dad.
And the woman who’s sitting beside Lucas would be his new mom.
You knew that both of them won’t be like his first parents. For better, or for worse.
The moment he leaves the house, would be the moment your peace leaves as well.
You could never be okay.
You were so used to him being around enough for you to monitor and control his actions, his behavior.
Now that he’d be two cities away,
What would happen to him?
After eating your egg & bacon breakfast with a side of bread and milk, you went to bathe and changed to the nicest dress that you own.
You were meeting Lucas for the first time in three years.
He should be eleven by now, like you.
What would he be like?
While you two exchanged messages ever since, his replies were brief and short, making it feel like you were supposed to solve a puzzle or crack a code just to understand the underlying meaning of it— if there was any.
You can’t tell what a person is thinking without looking at his face, or at least, hearing his voice.
You suggested to call him, but he said that the signal at their place was really bad. You knew better than everyone that he was probably faking it. He just didn’t want to call you.
But it’s okay. You made it up by writing long, detailed, and hearty messages for him. You don’t know if he scans it for a mere second before deleting it, or if he actually reads them but at least, you tried your very best to make him feel loved, supported, and remembered. Cared about.
At least, you tried.
“(Y/n), they’re here,”
You were in the middle of putting on your sock, but because of what your mother said, you immediately put on your flats, even if one foot is missing a white sock.
Rushing to the front porch, you stood beside your mother, watching the unfamiliar car pull up in your driveway. You want to see Lucas, but the car’s windows were tinted.
Thumping of car doors being slammed close, and the little family emerged into view. The mom was wearing a purple button up dress, and the dad in a large white shirt and green khaki pants. Their kid was wearing knee-length shorts and a blue hoodie. Your kid.
His eyes that was previously on his mother’s because of the conversation they were having, were now focused on yours.
You gulped. You have never been this nervous before.
You widened your eyes when he suddenly charged at you. He was so fast, you couldn’t even move from your spot.
Wait… don’t tell me that he’s planning to kill me now?!
You closed your eyes and braced impact for what pain was about to come. Knife, a punch, whatever—
But instead, you felt arms wrap around you, albeit tightly, but not enough to bruise your skin.
Lucas pulled away from the hug, and you saw that he was grinning at you, his eyes crinkling crescent moons.
“It’s been so long! I missed you so much!”
You blinked. Is this guy really…
“Hm?” he tilts his head to the side in inquiry.
“N-nothing.” You were just checking if he really was the same Lucas you knew from years ago, the one who didn’t even cry in his mother’s funeral, the one who didn’t give a damn when he was adopted by strangers, the one who looked like the birth of a psycho.
How could Lucas be this cheerful, this expressive? How could he be acting like the eight-year-old naïve Lucas that you were first introduced to?
What… happened?
“…and then, we pissed ourselves laughing.”
“Dad, you’re exaggerating,”
Lunch with the Wongs was something.
First, the adults talked about adult stuff, while Lucas talks to you about his favorite shows and videogames. Both his parents bragged about his achievements in school and outside of school, and obviously, Lucas reacted bashfully at that. You’re now at the part where they talk about embarrassing and funny stories, but instead of laughing, you found yourself frowning.
“Stop with the dad jokes honey, look at (Y/n). She seems really bothered by it.”Lucas’ mom hits his dad on the shoulder.
“N-Not at all.”you smiled and faked a chuckle.”They were funny, but I’m kinda slow to catch on, so…”
They burst out laughing, even Lucas.
Come to think of it, it really has been a long time since you last saw Lucas smile, let alone hear him laugh.
The Wongs were like a real family, not that they aren’t one. But you know… it’s like, nothing horrifying happened three years ago. The way everyone conversed with each other was so lively, it almost made you wonder if everything that happened in the past was just a dream. A nightmare.
You’re losing your mind.
“Excuse me, I’ll just go to the bathroom.”you say, standing up and leaving for the bathroom.
A splash of water from the sink still wasn’t enough to remove the exhaustion out of your skin. You looked at yourself in the mirror, and stared at your tired eyes.
Maybe, nothing’s wrong with everything.
Maybe it’s just you, the person who kept dwelling in the past. Everybody moved on, including Lucas, but you couldn’t.
You sighed, before heading out.
“Took you long enough.”
You almost screamed in shock when Lucas appeared in front of the bathroom door you just opened. He giggled at your frozen-in-shock state.
“L-Lucas! What are you doing…standing there…”
“I was waiting for you.”
“Are you going to use the bathroom..?”you ask, already getting out of the way, but he shakes his head.
“No, I just wanted to talk to you.”
“…talk to me? But we could talk at—”
“I just don’t want others around.”He says in a hushed tone.
You pursued your lips into a tight line. Just what could it be that Lucas wanted to talk about with just the two of you?
“Won’t they get suspicious..?”you whispered, afraid that they might hear, but then he laughs.
“They won’t. I told them that I want to have quality time with my bestfriend,”
“What is it that you want to talk about?”
“Oh, nothing in particular.”
Since the bathroom was also at the kitchen, you maneuvered your way to the fridge and brought out a carton of milk and put it on the table. You then went to grab an empty glass, but when you turned around, you saw Lucas drinking every single drop of milk from the carton.
It took a while before he noticed you staring at him, and he grinned while wiping his mouth sloppily with the back of his hand.
“Sorry, were you going to drink milk too?”
…that’s why I got a glass…
“It doesn’t matter.”He cuts you off before you could even respond. “What’s yours is mine!”
“You’re my sidekick afterall.”
Oh, so he still remembers.
So does that mean he still remembers what happened three years ago?
“Hey… Lucas…”
Is it possible that his childhood memories were not forgetten?
“How are you?”
He blinked at you, smile suddenly disappearing.
“I’m fine.”
He hoists himself up on the counter.
“Don’t lie, okay? I—”
“What do you mean, (Y/n), I’m doing ok?”
He looks at you with a really confused expression.
“I’m not lying.”he then pouts.
What’s this…
Your fists tightened as you looked down at your feet, one which has a sock on, and another which was sockless.
You’re mistaken once again.
“Let’s go back,”
“What? But we still haven’t played something—”
Lucas tried catching up to you. His complaining was cut short when you stopped in your steps.
“How’s (Y/n)?”
“She’s not doing really good, if I must say honestly.”
You backed up and hid behind the wall, and so did Lucas.
It was like old times. You two hiding, and then eavesdropping.
“She dropped the therapy sessions a year ago, because we thought she was genuinely okay. But lately, she seems to be out of it often.”
That was a wrong move from you. You knew you should’ve been more careful in the way you act. Stupid (Y/n)…
“I don’t know what to do… it looks like she still hasn’t recovered from the trauma from what happened to Lucas and his mom.”
You widened your eyes the mention of the boy beside you.
S-Stop talking..! Before you trigger him—
“I went to therapy too.”
You look at Lucas.
He was looking at you with an unreadable expression.
“Therapy was fun.”
Is he…
“But it’s okay if you still get the nightmares.
I still do.”
Lucas still remembers.
The hairs on the back of your neck rose, and so did the hairs on your arms.
You knew it.
“But don’t tell anyone.”Lucas then smiles, and finally, this expression of his was easy to read.
Because it was fake.
“Before we leave, we have an announcement to make.”
Lucas’ mom seemed giddy, and he looked at his dad, and then Lucas, before saying,
“We’re moving here.”
“Uh… what?”
You couldn’t agree more with your mom. What? Move where, in your house? That was rando—
“At the house for sale a couple of blocks away. We’ll finally be neighbors!”
“Mom, our house won’t be next to theirs, are we still really going to be their neighbor?”
“As long as we’re in the same neighborhood Lucas, then we’re neighbors.”his mother insisted.
“W-Wow! I have to tell (F/n) about this…” Your mom smiles brightly, hugging Lucas’ mom. “I really look forward to being neighbors with you guys!”
“We’ll be moving at the end of the month,” Lucas’ dad says before heading out of the house first to start up the car.
Lucas returning to your neighborhood after three years…
Would that be okay?
To be able to see his old house, to recall memories that he shouldn’t really be reminded of…
Would that really be okay..?
You look at Lucas, and find that he’s already looking at you.
“And now we’ll be real sidekicks again, since we live closer!” he says excitedly, making the two mothers laugh.
“Are you ready to be sidekicks, (Y/n)?”your mom asks you playfully, but you didn’t receive it as positively as she wanted you to.
You were terrified.
At first, you didn’t want Lucas to leave because you’re afraid of what might’ve become of him while he’s away, but now that he’s back, you don’t want him anywhere near you.
Because you don’t know what he already has become, and what he would still become.
Your safety is threatened. Starting from here.
“Then I’ll go to your house everyday,”
“Just don’t overdo it,”his mom scolds him. “This isn’t your house.”
“Wrong!”he says. “She’s my sidekick. What’s hers is mine.”
“That’s a bit too harsh,”you finally spoke.
“We’re not eight anymore. I’m not going to be your sidekick.”
He blinked at you. The two mothers looked at each other.
Oh no. Maybe you spoke a bit too honestly.
You have to take it back before you agitate this kid—
“L-Let’s be partners instead. What’s mine is yours, but what’s yours is mine.”you say.
Your proposal was a bit different, but you need to do this,
“I wouldn’t take this another way. We’ll be partners, or we’re not friends anymore.”
To drive him away.
Lucas wanted to have control of everything ever since he’s a child. It was maybe because he was raised in a household where he lacked power, so he wanted to have one outside of it. You were sure that he’d chose to not be friends with you rather than be partners. At this, you would successfully make him go away from you without driving him away yourself.
You had to do this in order to keep yourself safe.
We’ll be partners.”
You widened your eyes. “What…”
“Let’s go Lucas, your father’s honking loudly outside.”
“Ah, right.”Lucas nods at his mom.
“We have to go now. See you around (M/n), (Y/n),”Lucas’ mother smiles.
“Bye (Y/n), see you! Partner!!”
Your mom followed them to the front porch but you did not.
Once again, you were left at the living room, alone. Terrified.
17 years.
You didn’t expect to live that long.
But you were seventeen, and so was Lucas.
“(Y/n), Lucas is here again,”
You let out a groan as you shut your laptop angrily and went to open the door.
“Mom, tell him I am busy,”
“But he says today is the day you enroll to a new school.”
You blinked. You forgot!
“Oh no oh noohno,”
You scrambled to get your coat and put your phone, wallet, and important papers at a handbag before running down the stairs, leaving your mom in front of your door, confused.
It was eight-thirty, and you two were running late!
Lucas was sitting down on your couch in the living room, and upon sensing your resounding arrival, he stood up with a frown.
“Hey, what’s up with—”
“No time to explain, do you have your dad’s car with you?”You stopped in front of him.
“Uh, yeah? How do you think are we supposed to—”
“Great! Let’s go,”
“You don’t have to drag me by the collar, you’re strangling me..!!”
You could hear your mom waving you two off with a goodbye as you mounted the
“We’re late! I can’t believe it!”you dramatically face-palmed, and sunk in your seat.
“And whose fault was it? If I haven’t paid a visit then I wouldn’t know that you still hadn’t set off!”Lucas argued back as he started the engine.
“Welcome to our school.”
“Thank you, sir,” You smiled as you shook hands with the school head.
Today was the day you officially enroll yourselves to Portofino Heights Private Highschool, and uncannily, the school head wasn’t fazed by your slight delay in time and accepted you two whole heartedly. Well, you two were going to pay for your tuition afterall, so…
Once you were out of his office, Lucas nudged you on your side.
“See, I told you everything would be okay. The old man looks nice,”
“Lucas, just shut up.”
“What did I do now?”He whines, but you could only walk faster than him.
“Hey, come on, why are you mad?”
“You’re so hard to understand, I swear.”He huffs and sprints to block your path.
“Hey!”You glare sharply at him, but he doesn’t back down.
“Stop doing that.”Lucas puts his hands on his waists.
“Doing what?”
“Doing whatever you’re doing???”
“What am I doing??”
“I don’t know, what are you doing?”
You pursued your lips into a tight line, not knowing what to say, or if you should say anything at all.
Lucas had his thick eyebrows raised, expectant.
You blinked, and averted your eyes from his.
And then you saw her.
Her, who had her long, black, hair up into a ponytail.
Song Yuqi.
It’s been a while since you saw that cherubic face.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)? Are you listening to me?” Lucas gently shook your dazed form.
“What are you looking a—”
Before he could turn to look behind him, you raised your voice.
He jumped a little in shock, as his head whipped towards you immediately. Because you know that you now have his attention, you took this as a chance to grab his hand and run the other way.
“(Y-Y/N)!? Why the hell are we running..?!”
“Just shut up and run!!”
Song Yuqi.
What the hell is she doing here?!
Cold sweat trickled at the back of your neck, and your hold on Lucas’ hand tightened.
They can’t cross paths.
The should never cross paths.
Lucas shouldn’t see Yuqi. He shouldn’t see her and fall inlove with her. You won’t let Yuqi trash your efforts of 9 years down the drain.
You’ll make sure of it, because the cost of it would be your death.
Part 3 ->
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just-call-me-j-10v3 · 4 years
Episode 1 The Truth of the Missing Brother
“What’s the date, the exact date.” Five asks as he walks over to grab some bread, working on making a sandwich as everyone watches him in shock. Jela has a soft smile on her face, a rare one that she only gets when she’s around her favorite siblings, normally however it’s only seen in flashes, rare instances when it seems as if no one is watching. Jela couldn’t believe it, after how much time and effort she took to bring him back he came on his own. He’s always been smart like her, they were the perfect little assassins growing up, Reginald always sent them on the hits that needed to be kept secret, Five was someone she could rely on in a fight. 
“The 24th.” Vanya says, her eyes never leaving her brother, she and Jela would always leave the light on for him when they were younger and Vanya always insisted on leaving a sandwich out as well, just in case… Jela knew it was futile, but it made Vanya feel more at peace so she did it, Jela always wished she had gone with Five, but she knew that wasn’t part of her story.
“Of what?” Five asks, standing in front of everyone as he gets out the bread, Jela stands behind Vanya, a hand on her shoulder, her way of helping her sister deal with the shock.
“Of March.” Jela states, scanning over Five, she wanted to know more, more about what he had gone through, she could see war in his eyes, one that was different from the others. Jela could feel the Fates pulling her back, telling her not to look at his separate timeline just yet, so she obeyed.
“Good.” Five says with a slight sigh of relief, making Jela even more curious, something that always frustrated Reginald about Jela, her curiosity seemed to override any of her logic.
“So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?” Luther asks, still trying to wrap his brain around the fact his long lost brother is standing in front of him. There’s a pause of silence as everyone watches Five make his sandwich.
 “It’s been seventeen years.” Luther snaps, causing Jela to have a twitch of a smirk, his temper is getting worse as the night goes on.
“It’s been a lot longer than that.” Jela says at the same time as Five, making everyone give her a slight glance, not liking that she knows more than them… As per usual. Five warps behind Luther to grab the other ingredients he needs, looking at Jela with curiosity, wondering how much she isn’t telling. 
“I haven’t missed that.” Luther says frustrated with his brother just ignoring his questions.
“Where’d you go?” Diego asks, not even glancing at Five at this point, Jela frowns slightly, her face going to her usual blank look, Diego always takes things personally, as if Five leaving was somehow Diego's fault.
“The future, it’s shit by the way.” Five states as he teleports back to the table, looking at his siblings for a second, but when he sees Jela’s face he looks back at his sandwich. She’s different than when they were younger, more so than the others. She has been talking more, which is good considering the only time she spoke when they were kids was when she was about to attack or kill someone, speaking to the press, answering questions, or standing up for Vanya and Klaus. However, she holds herself like a soldier and her face is void of emotions, if he didn’t know any better (which he does) he would say she’s completely emotionless, he wonders if the others believe the emotionless face she puts on, or if they’re just waiting for her to snap and kill one of them.
“I could’ve told you that.” Jela says at the same time as Klaus says ‘called it’ she just rolls her eyes, getting bored of this conversation, ready to get back to her job. She’d much rather be cracking open the skulls of some other gang that tried to take her terf than listen to this. She was here to mourn, she has mourned, now she’s starting to feel suffocated by the memories.
“I should’ve listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice.” He says as he continues to prepare his sandwich, at this point he’s taking so long on it that Jela wants to mother him and do it for him, even if he only looks like a kid. 
“Nice dress.” He says to Klaus, making Jela smirk, she’s always loved Klaus’ style, or lack thereof.
“Oh, well, danke!” Klaus says, playing with the edges of his skirt, happy that he got a compliment on it.
“Wait, how did you get back?” Vanya asks, realizing that they haven’t really gotten any direct answers to that.
“In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time.” Five explains, finally putting the peanut butter on his sandwich.
“That makes no sense.” Diego says, completely lost as to what Five just said to them.
“Well, it would if you were smarter.” Five responds almost immediately, making Jela let out a small laugh, Luther stopping Diego from attacking Five, the others turning to her for an explanation.
She sighs before deciding to explain a little more. “Multiple outcomes, multiple instances in time, you want to go back to a specific one you have to project yourself to all of them before being able to lock on to this specific one, otherwise you're in an alternative reality, he wanted his reality. However he definitely got a decimal point off bringing him back to this adorable prepubescent body he has now, technically in another reality he got it right, anyhow. Tell me five, how long were you gone?”
“I miss when you didn’t talk, I was there for forty-five years, give or take.” He says as the others sit back down in shock, but this just makes Jela all the more curious, she is however a bit frustrated that he commented on her talking more. She would normally snap at anyone who brought it up, but he doesn’t know any better yet.
“So what are you saying, that you’re fifty eight?” Luther says, the shock clear in his voice.
“No, my consciousness is 58, apparently my body is now 13 again.” He says, his voice showing his frustrations.
“Wait, how does that even work?” Vanya asks, still unable to comprehend it, Jela sighs, realizing just how little her siblings know.
“Delores kept saying the equations were off, hmph, bet she’s laughing now.” He says, shrugging his shoulders as he finally takes a bite of his sandwich.
“Delores?” Allison asks, wondering who it was that their brother had correcting him of all people.
“Hmm, guess I missed the funeral.” Five says, completely ignoring the question as he looks at a new paper, Jela would have to ask him about that later.
“How’d you know about that?” Luther asks the time-traveler, making Jela groan slightly, wondering how much lower her IQ got hearing him ask a question like that.
“What part of the future do you not understand?” Five asks, making Jela feel a lot better, she definitely felt her nonexistent sanity come back to her a little having someone smart around her again. “Heart failure, huh?”
“Yeah.” Diego says, wanting to just stick with that story, looking at Jela who acknowledges him, she likes that he defends that story, afterall, it’s one she created. If Diego found out about Grace… Jela just wants to save him from it for just a bit longer.
“No.” Luther immediately contradicts, making Jela glare at him, he hides a shiver from her cold glare as the others glance at him in slight distaste at the idea.
“Hmm, nice to see nothing’s changed. Other than you.” He says as he walks past Jela, she follows him, she has her own questions that need to be answered.
“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?” Allison asks, not liking the lack of answers and emotion they got from him.
“What else is there to say? The circle of life.” Five responds, Jela internally cringing at that, she hates to see it as a circle, she sees it as a string, but that’s what comes with the fates.
Five walks into his room, opening his closet and all he sees is school uniforms. “Ah, shit.” He pulls one out and turns around, Jela knocks on his open door before walking in.
“Uniforms, uniforms and more uniforms, I’d say the fates are punishing you, but I know better than that.” Jela says, shrugging her shoulders. “I want to talk, just meet me in the living room when you’re dressed, or don’t either way I need a few more drinks before the end of the night.”
“Drinking is bad for you, and not just in general, you and I both know the Fates get frustrated with you when you’re not sober.” He says, but Jela just ignores him and walks to the living room.
“Nice to know dad didn’t forget me.” FIve says as he looks at the painting in the living room, Jela sipping her small glass of vodka as she sits on the couch
“No one forgot you, I tried, but it’s hard when you leaving got shoved down my throat every time I failed.” Jela says, setting her glass down, her scars shown on her hands.
“You chose not to come with me, but I’m guessing you never told anyone that I offered.” He says, sitting across from her, but his form wasn’t relaxed, his foot bouncing up and down slightly, paranoid, that’s how he looked. 
“No, I didn’t, I was told to get you back inside, to not let you try to time travel, but I didn’t. That was the first and only time I purposely failed dad, that night was a sleepless one, constantly talking to the fates to try to get you back, reopening the cuts from the strings. It made me stronger though, made my connection with the fates stronger too.” She says emotionlessly with a shrug.
“I never thought about what would’ve happened when you came inside without me. How did you get like this, how badly did he treat you?” Five asks, his voice frustrated and stern, he cares for his sister, and everyone else talks about what they went through, Jela, she doesn't.
“Doesn’t matter-” She says, used to everyone ignoring what she had gone through growing up.
“Don’t give me that bullshit.” He snaps, glaring at her, she glares right back, she doesn’t talk about it, the amount of times she has either nearly died or been brought back to life with adrenaline shots and a defibrillator. Her training was ruthless, but Reginald knew the fates wanted her alive, so he tested the limits. 
“Aren’t we supposed to be moving on from him, why don’t you tell me what happened, or rather what’s going to happen. You’re hiding something.” She snaps, earning a glare from her brother.
“Funerals are where you talk about the shit the person did, and I will tell you about it when I know more.” He says back and that’s when Jela gets frustrated enough to do something about it. 
“If you won’t tell me then why don’t we just relive it together?” She asks, grabbing his hand, using an ability that the others didn’t know she had. Her eyes go blind as she pulls him to the timelines, going back to the day that he left.. Streaming his timeline wasn’t like streaming a movie, this was like reliving it, meaning that Jela gets to relive what he had gone through as if she were him, the feelings, the reasons why he made the decisions he did… She, however, didn’t expect him to pull away from her consciousness and to go through her timeline as well, reliving through her what he missed when he left..  Jela’s ability is powerful, but she hides a lot more than it seems about what she can do.
Five looks down at his body, only to see painted black nails and one of the girls' uniforms, he cringes as he realizes he's in Jela’s thirteen year old body.  He looks around when he starts to feel his body move, he’s reliving Jela’s timeline, only conscious and able to feel and view, not change anything.
“Number eight, I see you’re ready, come on now little dove your father is waiting. I saw that number four has fallen asleep in your room again, did he have another nightmare?” Grace asks, trying to keep track of her children's problems.
“No, I had one and he heard from across the hall, he didn’t want me to be alone.” She says, always honest and direct with her superiors at this age.
“Oh, well, you should try to talk to your father about them, I’m sure it’ll help.” Grace offers, making Five upset, Grace always tries to help the others with their issues, why send Jela off to Reginald when she’s struggling, he could feel the pain and sadness Jela felt from that response.
“Father can’t help when they are about him, don’t worry mom, I know you can’t help me either.” Jela sighs, trying to think logically, It’s just her programming, it’s just her programming, it’s not that she doesn’t care, she just doesn’t have that ability.
“Right..” She says, opening the door to the courtyard, Jela walking out and waiting for their father, only to hear the door lock. “Shit, should’ve dressed warmer..”
“Language number eight.” Reginald says as he walks behind her, she jumps a little, her heart racing slightly in fear, she stands straight, making sure to look straight forward as well. “You shouldn’t be jumpy, number eight, you should've known I was here, hands out and eyes closed.”
Five wanted to fight, to get her out of there, he knows that Jela could’ve, he can feel that she felt she owed him her life.. Five now knows about what happened with her mom, how she was left to die. Jela closes her eyes, a blindfold getting tied over them, her hands getting wrapped in that golden string, both hands wrapped separately, her breathing is steady as hard as it is to do so with the adrenaline coursing through her. He tightens them until her hands start to bleed, breaking open the previous wounds, she makes no noise at the pain and tries her best not to show it hurt, she knows it’s punishment for not knowing he was there. 
“You have failed me today, you were supposed to bring Number Five back and you failed to do so, so tonight you will not be sleeping. Tonight you will speak to the fates to get your brother back and for every half hour you fail to bring him back you will either get shot at, a knife thrown at you, and a few other deadly possibilities, you will keep the blindfold on and you will not wake up your siblings, do you understand?” Reginald says sternly, this made Five sick to his stomach, the others were asleep peacefully as she goes through this, their training not until morning, which Jela will have to do with only an hour of restless sleep in her system. 
“Yes sir.” Jela says softly, she rarely talks, and as scared as she is, she cant show it or this would only get worse for her, showing emotions is a weakness. That’s when Five gets thrown into another part of her timeline, she’s older now, about sixteen.
“Jela come on, just one prank on Diego, you know you want to.” Klaus practically begs in a singsong voice, a pouty lip on his face, making her sigh.
“Klaus, we are not going to dye his hair pink, but you know what we are going to do?” She asks, a small, mischievous smirk on her face, making Five confused, why would he need to know about this, how is this something important about Jela?
“Oh dear sister do tell me!” Klaus says dramatically, loving that look in his sister's different coloured eyes.
“We’re going to steal his favorite knives and hide them.” Jela says simply, knowing that it would cause more of a reaction from Diego.
“This is why you’re my favorite sister, you’re brilliant!” Klaus says with a laugh as they set out in the middle of the night to sneakily steal the knives from Diego, they ended up just hiding them in Luther’s room. The next morning there’s absolute rage filled through the household, luckily Reginald is off on a business trip for the week, Jela laughs a little, walking towards the chaos that makes her feel so at home, Grace was still charging and Pogo probably just didn’t want to deal with it this early in the morning.
“You stole my knives!” Diego snaps at Luther, his collection in his hand, his eyes looking murderous.
“No I didn’t! I’m telling you it wasn’t me!” Luther snaps back, standing tall acting like he’s too honorable to have done such a thing.
“They were in your room!” Diego shouts angrily as Allison comes out and looks at the two arguing. 
“Why would he even touch your knives? I think someone is just trying to cause trouble.” She says, looking directly as Klaus who immediately looks nervous.
“It was me.” Jela says, her voice still quiet as when they were younger, but this time she has more of an emotionless sternness to it, like her dad, everyone looks at her confused.
“And why would you of all people do that?” Diego asks, not buying it, but Jela decided then and there that she would say and do anything to protect her brother from her other teammates.
“Because I wanted to show you how absolutely ignorant you are, that even as heroes you choose to accuse the easy target rather than the correct one, no better than the cops if you ask me.” She says emotionlessly, Five could feel her wanting to laugh at the looks on their faces, it was the day she showed how easily she can control a situation. Five felt like he knew enough, but the fates had other plans, as he went to pull away from her string of life he was dragged to yet another memory..
Jela answered her phone, “Mom, it’s late, why are you calling me?” The realisation, the overwhelming pain to know that someone who could never care for Jela had permanently gotten rid of the one person who never gave up on her being a hero. Everyone else had gotten used to the idea of Jela being a villain, even herself, but Reginald still treated her as the same. He raised her to be a hero, so, even if it was only on the missions he sent her on, he was still right, he didn’t fail, she is a hero… Then in one phone call that was gone.
Five could feel the sadness and grief mixed with the intoxicating amount of anger and bloodlust that flowed through Jela, but then, in that moment she could imagine Diego feeling that grief and anger if she were to do the same thing to Grace. Truth be told she doesn’t quite remember what she said to Grace on that phone, just that she had made the choice of sparing Grace, for now.
The fates finally let them go back to their current time and only a minute had passed, Five and Jela make eye contact, a mutual understanding of each other, seeing memories, no, living through what the other had gone through.. That’s how they are now. 
“How much did you see, I’ve never had someone pull away from me before.” Jela says, bringing her arm away from his and rubbing away the slight stinging sensation that using that part of her ability caused.
“More than you would want me to, don’t you ever do that again… but I get it now, I get you now.” He says, Jela laughing, shaking her head, about to deny it.
“Jela, you do realize that I’m allowed to see you as family too right? It goes both ways.” Five says, testing a concept he has.
“I can care for you, but it doesn’t go both ways, if it’s save me or save someone else you choose someone else. That’s what a hero does, saves the civilian.” She says bluntly,
“No, I save you, because I’m not a damn hero, I’m your brother and you know that.” He says, challenging her, they make eye contact, neither one of them backing down.
“Am I, am I interrupting something?” Vanya asks as she walks in the room, she could see a slight glow from both siblings as they argue. Jela lets out a breath, trying to calm down, he knows now, all of the important things and Jela knows about him too. She knows about the apocalypse.
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eleanore-delphinium · 4 years
DamiRae Week 2020: Soulmates
@damirae-week my entry
Part 1: DamiRae Week 2020: BOUND TOGETHER
Part 2: (YOU ARE HERE)
Part 3: DamiRae Week 2020: MARRIAGE
Part 4: I Remember You
 DamiRae Week 2020: SOULMATES
 When Constantine, Etrigan and Clark came to Damian and me to seek our help. I decided to let them wait for our response. I had things I had to clear out before we made a decision. What they were asking were more than we could put at stake. The world may be in an apocalyptic state; however, we had found happiness in this war-torn earth. But even so, we knew what we had to do. We were putting everything we have built for the past two years onto this suicide mission.
“You damned ungrateful child!”
“Father, would you please shut up.” I couldn’t help but mutter as he has been cursing me for a while now. I heard him make a disapproving sound but oddly enough had listened to me. I walk to Dick’s room as I thought that Trigon must be plotting something.
I entered his room, and he was still asleep from the spell I had casted on him. My healing is no longer the same. Perhaps it was for trying to recover the sanity of a once dead Nightwing. Or perhaps because of what I had done to myself and Damian. Afterall, there is a price tag for everything. I went over to Dick and sat beside him quietly as I observed his sleeping face.
I sighed and it sounded loud inside this quiet room. We couldn’t bring Dick due to his tendencies of reverting back to madness. And I felt bad. If we don’t make it, and Dick slips back to totally insanity—without me there to heal him—it would be permanent. Absentmindedly, I brush his hair away from his eyes.
“If it was anyone else who sees their wife stroke another man’s hair, they might kill the man.” I hear Damian remark in the darkness of the room despite it being day outside. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of him being jealous. His footsteps were barely audible as he approached me.
“If we don’t make it…” I didn’t have to finish my thought as he places a hand on my shoulder and I faced him. He knew fully well of my worries.
“That time, I had promised you that everything will be alright, beloved. And I felt responsible—I felt that I had to ensure that it will be for you—for me and eventually for us.” He took the responsibility despite not knowing himself what the future would look like after the attack. He was trying to be strong. It was a trait I used to dislike, but have come to love.  
“But…” He kneels down in front of me. And it seemed as though as I already knew what he was going to say, and I couldn’t help but wish this moment would stop and that he wouldn’t say it.
But he places a hand on my left cheek, I close my eyes to savor the moment. A second passes and I placed my right hand over the hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see him reach for our hands with his free hand. He places my right hand on my lap and brought my hands together, wrapped within his palms.
“This time, my beloved. I cannot promise you that.” He used such a gentle voice to try and make him sound less upset, but he cannot lie to an empath. Though I say nothing, I just feel it. I felt the desire he had for life and love, and his desire to protect and preserve. But I also felt the loss and loneliness and remorse. And hope.
“Raven.” He says firmly and I look at him, my vision blurry because of the tears that were ready to fall.  “If my life is in danger, I need you to break the spell.” But I shook my head and tried my best to say a firm no, but failed miserably. And then the tears fall awfully slow, down my cheeks. He wipes the tears away by placing his hands on either side of my face.
He smiles faintly and kisses my forehead. “I had to try.”
“Your fate is my fate, my love.” I simply tell him a fact that we both knew to be true for the years that we were together. Even before I had casted the spell, we had always wanted to share each other’s fate with one another. We were intertwined in more ways than one could describe, and even more so when I casted the spell to bound us to one another.
“You will regret this.” My father couldn’t help but remark in a softer voice than usual.
It wasn’t easy but we eventually arrived at Darkseid’s throne room. Darkseid tells Batman to prove his loyalty to him. I was not happy with this progression. Batman started saying the things Damian have always been insecure about. And I felt rather uneasy. I wondered if it’s mine or his uneasiness that I was feeling, perhaps it was just ours. I could feel Damian was now riled up because of what Batman was saying.
“Damian!” I call out in hopes that he would snap out of it.
But he doesn’t and he initiated the fight with Batman as Batman’s chair came to attack us. I flew to Cyborg knowing that he could not defend himself. I couldn’t help but glance over Damian and Batman every now and then, and doing so was compromising my focus on my shield. With a sigh, I decided to lessen my glances at their fight.
I suddenly gasped in pain and my shield was down. I wasn’t hurt—no, it was Damian. Despite the pain and with the training Damian gave me, I used the opportunity to attack the stupid chair and put up a shield again. Damian was alive, I could feel it. I glanced at Damian really quickly to see that he was stabbed with his sword through his leg. He was well and alive; the thought eased my mind.
I have to destroy this chair.
“Let me help daughter.” Shut up father. I aimed very carefully and hit the chair with a purple blast and it goes down. I couldn’t help but sigh in relief.
“It could be easier for you if you let me fight in your stead.” I ignore him.
When I glanced back at Damian, he had gotten through to Batman who had thrown the Kryptonite sword at Darkseid. And I was happy for Damian, the fact that he had gotten through to Batman would finally ease his worries. But Darkseid was not pleased with what Batman did and then he let out a laser beam aimed at Batman.
And I realized what Damian was about to do. Without even thinking, as if it was natural as breathing, he was going to take the hit for Batman. And time slowed down, as an awful scream came out from somewhere—oh it’s from my own mouth. My outstretched hand toward Damian, had let out a shield to protect him. And I choked as I was feeling an out of body experience. Oddly enough, I felt at peace.
“I won’t let you touch the boy. He is mine!” My father says, his words not making sense to me. “You are mine, when I find a way. You. Are. Mine.” I glared at Damian and that was when it sinks in.
No. My father was in control!
My body flies from my current position to between Darkseid and Damian and floating three meters off the floor.
“Who are you?” Darkseid asks, staring at me.
“I’m here to actually even the playing field.” An ominous male laugh crackles from my lips.
“No, she isn’t!” I could hear Damian yell as a black blur pass from under me and over my head. The next thing I noticed was that I was falling. My head aching.
“Raven, are you okay?” Worry was in Damian’s voice, as he wrapped his arms around me. He had caught me, but—
“What happened?” I whispered as I looked up to Darkseid’s general direction. And I gasped, seeing my father in smoke form. I rolled out of Damian’s arms as I knelt on my knees and looked at Constantine.
“I have a better idea.” Trigon says and then possesses Superman.
“No!” A scream came from me, almost similar to the demonic scream of my father a moment ago. The next second I was up on my own feet. A wave of relief washes over me, something has shifted from within me. And the need to protect was the only thing in my mind. I stood in a defensive stance, between my father and Damian.
Trigon glances at me, a look of surprise in his eyes followed by a faint smile.
“I am proud of you daughter. You are strong.” Then he turns to punch Darkseid.
“Raven…” I kept my gaze at my father, not trusting that he would not take this opportunity to harm Damian. After all he had been threatening him for years now.
“Beloved…” Damian whispers gently as I felt a hand on my waist, and a presence beside me. I look at him and let go of the breath I found myself holding.
“I’m scared.” I told him, but he just smiled faintly and pressed his lips on the side of my head. He tells me he knows and I knew that he truly knows. I wasn’t going to lose him. The thought makes me follow Trigon’s movements.
“Your robe…” He mutters, as he ushered me towards where Cyborg was in the wall. My eyes shifted from following Trigon and Darkseid’s fight to my robes. They were white to my surprise. But I didn’t really have anything to say, so I returned my gaze at Trigon.
“Damian, about what I said…” Batman says from beside Damian, who raised a hand at his father.
“There is no need for that father. I know.” I felt the tranquility come out from him as he replied to Batman. “I’d like you to meet my wife.” I felt the love he felt for me radiate from him and I stared and my husband. I felt dejected.
In some other circumstance, he could have died at that moment. In some otherworld, we wouldn’t be together—not bound by friendship or love—not a marriage and surely not by the spell I casted almost a year ago. Perhaps we would never meet each other, or maybe we have—could have but was a meter short or even just an inch away from one another. Or perhaps our paths had crossed but there was no permanency between us. The thought couldn’t help but bloom in my mind. A worry that I had shared to Damian in the past. And I felt awful.
“Vic says we have a way out, but we need a distraction.” Constantine says just as we got close enough. Wonderwoman and company were already by Constantine’s side.  And I focused my mind not to think of the possibilities running though my head.
“But we can’t leave Clark.” Batman says, the thoughts in my head quieted down. I turned to look at the battle behind us. I was surprised to see Superman cured and fighting Darkseid, while my dad was in smoke form inside an orb.
“Raven.” Constantine stared at me and I knew fully well what he had planned. I couldn’t help but put a grim smile on my face, as a few seconds tick away.
“I guess it’s the only way.” I sigh. “Damian stand behind me.” I sensed his displeasure but does so. I would rather be between my father and him just in case.
“Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” Constantine and I chanted and my father is released from his current prison. He was displeased with Darkseid and only glanced at me—no Damian for a moment and took off.
Superman then arrives just as the boom tube opened. And everyone slowly went in, sadly Victor could not join us. I couldn’t help but look for my father, Trigon. Damian was in front of me and holding my hand.
“Beloved…” Damian says as he squeezes my hand. We were the last two who hadn’t entered through the portal.
As if it was fate, my father appeared before us. He looks at us and tells us to live well. My eyes widened in surprise and I looked at Damian. He squeezes my hand again, though his eyes held a hint of sadness. We passed through the portal with him taking the lead.
When we reached the other side, we stare at the sky as Apokolips is sent to nowhere in particular. I look at Damian, let go of his hand to which he responded by look at me with a worried face. I close the distance between us by giving him a sudden hug.
My feet not touching the ground as I tightened my grip and burying my face on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me for support but tightens his hold on me after a second had passed. There was just silence between us and around us for who knows how long.
“I…I honestly wasn’t trying to kill myself.” He said quietly and it felt awful. The purity of taking the hit for his father hit me. But for him to think I was worried about that; I honestly was a bit hurt. Should I act childish to tease him? I was tempted but didn’t do so.
I pulled away from him, my feet touching the ground but kept my arms around his shoulders. I look up at Damian, trying to etch his face into my mind. From my peripheral vision I notice Batman looking at us. I withdrew my hands and took a step back from my precious husband. He couldn’t help but make a worried face, as his worries of him angering me with his selfless deed-- reach me.
“You should talk to him” I tell him as I glance at Batman and Damian follows my gaze. His worry disappears when his eyes laid on his father. He looks at me with love and goes to talk to his father.
I look at the fallen heroes around me, and despite their current state, I felt their hope for a better tomorrow. Whatever that may be. I glance at the ruin left by the Titan Tower. Whatever that future may be with all this ruble and destruction. I saw a stone large enough for two to sit on, and I walked my way there to sit on the rock.
I glance at Constantine and Flash who seems to be in a heated discussion.
“We have to tell them!” Constantine yells. And their voices were softer as they continued to argue.
I look at the water in front of me. The blue sky and how the sun’s rays reflect on the water. I think about that moment when Damian so fluidly put himself in front of his father. And I pulled down the hood on my head in frustration. That moment kept replaying in my mind. And I realized to the fullest what fear felt like.
I could have lost him just like that. He who had no powers.
I felt anger at whoever put him to the path of becoming Robin. I realized how stupid I sounded and sighed. If he wasn’t Robin, I would not have met him. And meeting him was the best thing that ever happened to me.
This is what happens when the relationship between heroes change into something more intimate. There will always be danger and fear of losing one another. This wasn’t something I had felt to this degree in the last two years. And that was probably because what we had to fight with here on earth was nothing compared to Darkseid. I wonder if I should be thankful for his almost death because it would not have made me see how dangerous it is to be together. If the world wasn’t already in chaos, knowing how frightening it is to be with another hero, would have made me stay away from romance in normal circumstances.
Familiar arms wrapped around me from behind and a head rests on my shoulder.
“Beloved, what are you thinking about?” Damian whispers right by my ear.
“Alright!” Constantine suddenly yells as he turns at us. He explains to us that there is an alternate to this whole ordeal, and it is as simple as Flash running—that is back in time and changing everything. I patted the spot beside me to invite Damian to sit beside me.
“It seems our time has come to an end.” I say faintly and rather absentmindedly. It was what we had worried about for some time. Damian had just sat himself beside me.
“Your spell… will it be undone too?” I felt his anticipation for my response, his hope.
“No,” I turn my head to face him. “Afterall as Constantine said, it is a nasty nasty spell.”
“Then will I remember you?” He hastily asks me. A pause. And he knew the answer and I felt his utter disappointment.
“Yes.” I said firmly though there was a knot in my heart. He looked at me with hope.
And we saw Flash stand up and began to run. We look at one another, the hands between us intertwined, and with our free hands, we cup each other’s cheeks and gave one another a kiss.
We pulled away from each other and I rest my head on Damian’s shoulder. This was it; this was as far as we go.
I woke up with a gasp, the air within my room felt heavy. I sat up on my bed as I wipe sweat from my forehead.
“Great! You’re awake!” My father says annoyed. “You were making me feel things I do not appreciate, child.”
“Like what father?” I ask just as annoyed.
“Miserable.” He grunts.
“Good. Because that is what I feel with you, and I hope you feel that too.” I mutter at him and he starts cursing me for being ungrateful. I ignore him so that I can focus on my surroundings to calm myself down.
I look at my room in the Titan Tower. Everything seemed normal, nothing was out of place. My father was right. I felt miserable when I had woken up from my sleep. Why did I feel miserable? Oh yes, it was because of my dream—no that was a nightmare.
The details—what were the details? I found that I couldn’t recall my dream. A dream? What dream am I thinking about? The one from last night?
I slowly lie back down in bed; it was still night out. I was just confused from being woken up suddenly by my annoying father. Yes, I will back to sleep now.
I allow the drowsiness to come to me. Today was a very tiring day, I need to go back to sleep. My eyes flutter back to sleep.
I felt like there were people in my room talking. It was faint, but it was a full-on conversation.
“Will I remember you?” A male voice says.
“Yes…” I felt something warm against my lips. “Unknowingly…” The female voice continues with a sad tone.
“Like the word at the tip of your tongue, like a memory you couldn’t completely recall, like a kiss from a butterfly…” I muttered as she finishes what she was saying, our words completely in synced. I wondered if I was having a fever dream. It had been a really long day.
“A feeling you cannot shake.” I felt that I had to hold onto those words. Yes. I have to hold onto those words. They were important. I know they were. I felt that there was even something more that was said before it ended.
Wait, what ended? My heart felt like it was being clenched.
What was it that I was supposed to hold onto? A tear slips from my eyes.
Why do I feel so sad? It was probably nothing. Yes, it was nothing. And everything was dark.
“You and I have become soul mates. You are bound to me as I am bound to you. No matter when or where, this will be true. Even if we do not know.”
I awoke with a jolt as though I was falling.
PART 3: DamiRae Week 2020: MARRIAGE
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karmathecat · 4 years
Firewhiskey is Not the Best Mixer Part 3
The third part to my Next Gen time travel to the Marauder era! Thank you for reading guys!
Part 1 | Part 2
AO3 | FF
The halls of Hogwarts were the same James noted. He glanced over at his siblings and saw that they were both standing close to him, himself and Al on either side of Lily. The Marauder’s were oddly silent, sharing glances that James could only assume was a communication that he was not privy to. 
Sirius watched as the three new teenagers stopped at Lily’s behest. She bent over to take off her high heels, using Al’s shoulder for support as she did so. Once at her true height, Sirius noticed that she was quite a lot shorter than the Lily that he knew, coming up to perhaps his chest. She was complaining about her shoes hurting her feet now that the cushioning charm had worn off and there was no point recasting it as her feet already hurt. Sirius watched as one of the boys gave Lily his suit jacket to cover herself and was warmed by the clear love that was shared by the group, and once again wondered about their relationship to each other.
James’ attention was drawn to the group in front again as his grandfather cleared his throat as they reached a tapestry of a tall tower which reminded James of the princess stories that their dad read to Lily when they were younger. 
“This is the Heads’ dorms, there’s a guest room there with a double bed and we have a coach in the common room so you can decide who sleeps where. Evans will either be in her room or in the common room and I think that I might be best explaining what’s going on rather than ambushing her with her clone.” James smiled at the younger redhead as he said this in an attempt to reduce the tension that was not diminished on their journey from the Headmaster’s office. 
Lily pulled her brother's jacket closer around her as they entered the Heads’ common room. It was similar to the Gryffindor common room, which was unsurprising considering both of the Heads this year were lions. Lily wondered if the common room would be altered depending on the house of its occupants. Her grandfather bounded up the steps when the common room was clearly devoid of Lily Evans, and silence fell among the group. Lily let her breath out as a heavy sigh and thought about the current situation that she found herself in: forty years in the past, with her grandparents, Teddy’s dad, and a future traitor. Not only were they in the past, but she couldn’t reveal her true name without upsetting the progression of a relationship between her grandparents that clearly hadn’t begun yet. The more she thought about it, the more she realised how ridiculous everything was, and her attitude was completely backwards. She was meeting people that she had only heard stories about, she could ask questions and have an adventure, is that not what she was truly about? Why were her and her brothers being so closed off? 
With a short huff of a laugh, Lily decided that enough was enough, and yes the situation was strange but she was going to make the most of it, and sitting in silence was not the way to do that. With a new purpose, she walked over to the coach and sat next to Sirius and turned to face both the dark haired boy and Remus who was sat in the armchair next to him. 
“So, have you completed the map yet, or is that still in development?”
Two shocked eyes snapped to hers, and she smirked, “Yes we know about the map, Padfoot and Moony.” 
Hearing the conversation, James and Al also came to join, James sitting on the arm of the coach next to Lily, and Al sitting in the armchair beside him. 
“Yes that map has kept all three of us out of trouble on a number of occasions!” The three marauders grinned at each other delighting in the map being passed down to the next generations, they started asking them questions about how much they knew about the Marauders’ adventures, when a cry of alarm was heard from upstairs. 
“I guess James got to the interesting bit, I wonder how Evans will react.” The group fell silent and tried to distinguish the voices from upstairs. When they heard the door open and the voices became more clear, Lily felt a wave of anxiety come over her. She was about to meet the woman she was named after, she knew so little about her and was desperate to know as much as she could. 
James Potter descended the stairs and into the common room looking incredibly nervous, from behind him appeared Lily Evans, her bright green eyes only previously seen in their dad and Al surveyed the room rapidly, once they fell on Lily her mouth opened as if to speak. 
“If I can interrupt what is surely a very entertaining monologue,” Lily Evans’ eyes snapped to James Sirius and widened in surprise, but did close her mouth to stop her rant, “We are from the future, James is telling the truth, no it isn’t a joke, yes my brother and I are related to your James Potter, yes Lily is related to you, we’re from about forty years in the future. I would let you rant but we’ve already been through this and I really can’t be bothered doing it again. So if it’s alright with you I’d like to skip to the part where you’ve accepted that we are from the future because it’s been a really long day.” 
Lily bit her lip to stop herself from laughing at her brother, and saw Al roll his eyes, but she really couldn’t help agreeing with James, it had been a long day and if they skipped the rollercoaster of not believing to accepting that would be very beneficial. 
Lily Evans opened and closed her mouth several times before looking at the Marauder next to her, “That speech was so like you, and I don’t think anyone would choose to have that fluffy hair. Also Dumbledore sent me a message, so for fear of this blowing up in my face, I will accept that we don’t all need to be shipped to St Mungos immediately.” 
Lily was surprised that she accepted the events so quickly, but the word of the Headmaster clearly carried a lot of weight in this time. Lily Evans came and sat on a cushion in front of the fire directly opposite Lily, and was eyeing her with a great interest that was mirrored in the other redhead’s face. 
Lily looked over towards her brothers and then back at Lily Evans, “The pictures don’t do it justice, we do look oddly similar.” The two girls laughed at each other, and Lily saw the other girl square her shoulders and try to relax. 
“So, you’re my daughter?” 
“Granddaughter.” Lily corrected, and the other girl nodded and then looked at the two other time travellers, “And your James’ grandsons, do I dare ask for your full names?” Lily could see the battle playing on the Head Girl’s face, she clearly wanted to know her future and Lily couldn’t blame her, if she was faced with this situation she wasn’t sure she would be able to hold back her questions. 
“I’m not sure that would be the best idea.” Al looked around the room from his siblings to the marauder’s and his grandmother. 
“Okay, I guess that makes sense,” Remus looked put out that the main question wasn’t going to be answered, “how do you know each other then? How was it that you ended up here together?” 
“We were at the ball together, all the wizarding families were invited.” James dodged the question well in Lily’s opinion, but the dodge was clearly noticed by the group.
“You all seem really close, and that you knew each other well. Especially with a prank war?” James Potter eyed the three newcomers with intense interest, he was desperate to know how close they were, hoping that his life was intricately linked with the love of his life. 
James Sirius laughed nodding, “Well it was actually Lil that started that, it started small I guess at Christmas, using the invisibility cloak to move all my stuff an inch to the left so I kept walking into stuff which was incredibly annoying, so I got a rain cloud to follow her all of New Year’s, and that escalated to me being naked on the roof and then to a de-ageing potion gone wrong, and here we are.” 
Everyone was laughing by the end of James’ speech. “So I see that the desire to cause trouble is genetic!” Lily Evans laughed smirking at James, eyeing the Head Boy with amusement as he ruffled the back of his hair. She truly could not believe the situation that she had landed herself in. If a patronus from the Headmaster had not arrived as James attempted his stuttering explanation of who she would find in the common room, she would have never believed it. But her sense of adventure was peaking, she was a Gryffindor afterall, and she knew that this opportunity was something she couldn’t pass up. 
“Would I be able to get changed? This dress isn’t as comfortable as it is fancy I can assure you!” Lily laughed smoothing out her green dress, she was starting to feel more comfortable with the situation she was being presented with. She had her brothers, yes they’d have to be careful to not reveal too much, but she wasn’t alone and she was technically with even more family. She was going to try and make the most of it. 
Lily followed her grandfather up the other set of stairs and into his room. She walked in and looked around as he searched through his drawers. She smiled at pictures of the Marauders on his bedside table, as she sat on the edge of the four poster bed she picked up the frame watching as the four boys laughed as they sat under a tree down by the lake. 
“Here you go, I always find that quidditch stuff is the best to sleep in.” James smiled as he handed her what looked like a practice top, jumper and a pair of jogging bottoms. 
“I agree, I stole James’ all the time before I went to Hogwarts and he was home, and then once I made the team it was literally all I wore!” Lily laughed, and was slightly surprised when James sat on the bed next to her, appraising her with interest. 
“You play quidditch? Evans has never been too into flying.” 
Lily nodded, and decided that the information wasn’t too revealing and found that talking to James was just like talking to her brothers, “Yeah both my parents played at school, but my mum was a professional she played for the Harpies she retired when I was young. So I couldn’t not play! I’m a chaser for Gryffindor, and I’ve been told I’m just as good as my mum, I’d love to play after I finish school but I want to do it off my own back, rather than because of who my parents are.” 
They continued chatting easily for a few minutes, James voicing his excitement about her mum playing professionally, and encouraging her to play herself. James was surprised by how much Lily was talking to him, she seemed so calm and comfortable in his presence, something he could only dream of achieving with Lily Evans. But if this Lily was so connected to the Potter boys, maybe all was not lost after all when it came to his relationship with Evans. 
He stood and gestured to the other door in the room, “That’s the shared bathroom, feel free to use anything, but maybe not my toothbrush.” They two laughed and Lily thanked him before walking into the bathroom. James made his way downstairs and smiled as he watched the two Potter boys gently teasing Lily and to his surprise Lily was laughing and teasing back with equal intensity. As he entered the group again, he sat on the floor next to Lily and told the two Potters that he had left some clothes on his bed for them. 
As Lily reentered the common room in her new comfortable clothes, pulling the sleeves of the familiar knitted material over her hand and taking comfort in the feel. She could feel several sets of eyes on her, and the conversations ended slowly. She eyed them all in question, before James Potter cleared his throat. 
“I guess I didn’t think how weird it would be to see ‘Potter’ written across your back.” 
Lily frowned and then realised, to these boys and Lily that she was not a Potter, she was an Evans or some undescipt surname. 
Lily Evans viewed her granddaughter and had to admit that seeing another girl, family or not, with James’ quidditch jersey on gave her an unpleasant feeling in her stomach. She had to admit that in the presence of the James who was not her Head Boy, she felt slightly flustered. The new James was clearly a few years older than them, perhaps 19 or 20, and if that was the case James Potter was only going to get more attractive, and she didn’t think that was possible. She could imagine her James becoming more defined and more mature in the coming years, and she had decided during her sixth year that she wanted to be around to see the developments. The proof that her and James’ lives were going to be linked to the point of their grandchildren knowing each other was thrilling to her, but the idea that she didn’t know anything about these children’s relationship bothered her. She wanted James Potter for her own, she knew that in herself, he wasn’t the immature bully that he was three years ago, he was a mature man who had strong morals and a loyalty that she had not witnessed in anyone else. And here in front of her in the form of a girl who could be her twin lay the answers to whether James Potter was serious about a life with her. She could ask all the questions she wanted without fear of losing a friendship with someone she wasn’t sure was romantically interested in her anymore. In that moment a plan formed in Lily Evans’ mind. 
“Lily, why don’t you come and share my room? The bed is big enough and that way the two boys can have the spare room. It would save you sleeping on the coach.” 
Lily looked up into the welcoming eyes of her grandmother and was thrilled by the idea of spending some alone time with the Head Girl, and quickly agreed.
James and Al quickly ran upstairs and got changed and met their sister before she headed up to bed. The Marauders watched in amusement as each of the boys kissed Lily on the cheek goodnight before retiring to the spare room. 
Lily watched as her grandmother entered the room from the bathroom and pulled back the covers on her four poster bed. The room was exactly the same as James’ had been, and Lily had looked at the photos that littered the room as she waited for the other girl in the bathroom. She had been intrigued by the mix of muggle and magical photos, and spent extra time looking at Lily Evans’ parents so she could tell her Dad about them once she returned home. 
Once she was sitting in bed next to her grandmother, the light was extinguished. Lily could tell the older girl wasn’t going to sleep, she could feel the tension in the air, so wasn’t surprised when Lily Evans rolled over to look in Lily’s hazel eyes. 
“Are you related to James, my James I mean.” Lily was surprised by the phrase my James, as far as she could tell her grandparents were not in a relationship yet so she knew that she had to tread carefully. 
When the younger girl didn’t respond but continued to look at her, Lily steeled herself to plough on, “It’s just, if you were, that might mean that James and I could be in touch after Hogwarts. And if you aren’t related you just happen to be super chummy with his offspring then I know that I’m wasting my time right now and I need to get over whatever it is I have for James. So if you could help me not waste my time I would be incredibly grateful.” 
Lily watched as her grandmother’s pleading emerald eyes bore into her own, she could see how much bravery it took for her grandmother to admit to her feelings. Lily blew out a huge breath and made the decision. She wasn’t sure if she would regret it, and she definitely knew that she should ask Al his opinion, but Al wasn’t here. 
“You’re right, we are related, I share the same name as my grandmother, my name is Lily Potter.”
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loverlache · 5 years
Adam & Eric. Toxic? Or simply a well written, interesting narrative...
Okay so this is a long one. So we know that Adam bullied Eric for many years. We know, as we’ve heard from Eric, that this scared and shamed him for a long time. On the face of it, he should NOT have any empathy for Adam at all, least of all end up in Season 2 in a relationship with him. I understand totally why this is perceived as a toxic ship. 
But I wanted to go through a few things however as to why I think this is, in fact, an amazing and fabulous storyline, which has so far been handled extremely well and makes sense... so is worth seeing through to the end of the show/ in Season 3 if you are a person, like me, who believes bad people can turn good if given the chance.
If we really believe in Eric, we should support his choices - and the show writers. Eric (the show writers) showed Eric is extremely capable of making good choices in Season 1. He is open and accepting, and seems to hold no grudges, even when his Dad gave him a hard time and tried to get him to play down his natural exuberance. So if Eric - who is after not shamed by who he is nor no longer scared in any way by Adam - is therefore open to Adam’s redemption, we should be too. So although Otis is correct when he says Eric must challenge Adam, which he does (I don’t think he is correct that Eric self hates though) - we should also trust Eric. He sees something in Adam worth investigating beyond his physicality, and we should follow through with him whether or not he is disappointed or not in the end. 
Eric is empathetic and forgiving and his actions towards Adam are in keeping with this. Eric also understands anger and pain. Although he has a supportive family, Eric is as far as I can remember the only person OTHER than Adam who has meted out violence to others in this show. Remember when he punched Anwar in Season 1 and was frankly horrible to teacher Hendricks? Eric himself has first-hand understanding of when awful pain leads to something toxic and threatens to change a person for the worst. He forgave himself - and is now open and understanding enough to forgive others. 
Eric really wants to be needed, and knows Adam needs him. Eric sees for himself that Adam is in pain. And, perhaps in part due to his religion which helped him, he is brave enough and actively interested in helping to forgive and support Adam to fix himself. This may not be wise in the long run if Adam doesn’t deliver, but it appeals to something Eric needs I think. You can see how much the small things that Adam does - eg turns around to look at Eric as he leaves - gives Eric such a thrill as he recognises the influence he has over Adam. He loves that the small things with Adam mean so much. 
Eric is increasingly maturing - but he’s not that serious a person. Rahim was lovely - but NOT the right kind of guy for Eric, at least who is he right now. Eric likes silly things, he plays the fool, gets ridiculously excited, and is not especially serious although he shows often great maturity and good self-awareness. Rahim wanted to engage with Eric, but could not reach him on the same level. Rahim was too together, too grown up. Now he may be the right kind of person for Eric in the future, but Eric would need to be quite different or change quite rapidly for this to work now. Adam, also being quite silly and often hilarious, is just more at the same stage.
Adam is listening and changing with support - he shouldn’t be abandoned now. Adam made huge strides throughout season 2. But he did that with help. On his own, he’d still be trying to meet Eric in the dark. It was Eric’s refusal to enable him on that, that then prompted him to self reflect and decide yes, Eric was right. From this, we got their last romantic scene. So when people say he should ‘not be in a relationship’ I would say - yes he shouldn’t ONLY rely on Eric to support him Eric shouldn’t ‘take on’ Adam alone - Adam really needs people. He needs Eric, but also friends like Ola and at least his mother. And if they are all happy to be there, who are we to stop them.
Adam is trying to be better for the sake of being better, not to win Eric. When Adam says to Eric he understands that he hurt him, at this point Adam is simply saying what he thinks he should say because it is correct, rather than in a last bid to get Eric back. I think this moment is very underrated and beautifully done. He does, later on, try to get him back of course  - but in that moment he was doing the right thing because he knew it was the right thing and Eric needed to hear it. He then also asks his Dad to let him come back to school because he wants to find the “thing he is good at” - finally showing us that Adam has (without at that point being in a relationship with Eric) ready to stand on his own two feet and take responsibility for his own happiness. Later on, we also see him take a significant risk in asking Eric for his hand as his mother makes it clear love means pain. Eric could easily have turned him down. This is why Eric’s mother was so excited about his ‘bravery’ - there was real risk of more pain, when Adam arguably already has had enough. But despite that risk Adam had faith that somewhere that spark between them was still there and he was ready to take a risk if Eric was. At this point, they move on with a clean slate.  
So in season 2, Adam is a honey. Yes a troubled honey and one who has done some awful things in the past, and still needs quite a few things pointed out to him to get him fully on track. But a person who is able and willing to change, has had a very poor male role model, and is bringing happiness as he does change, deserves a team around him - not to be sent off to ‘get it together’ on his own to ‘protect’ perfectly resilient people like Eric who afterall have made clear they want to help and they care.
So what does ‘He can hold your hand, but can he catch you?” mean?
Rahim is not wrong when he makes this point. Adam is on a journey - a journey which can go backwards as well as forwards. And Adam and Eric have to a great degree built their intimacy to date on instinct and things left unsaid than the reality of being with each other and making things work. 
Will Adam have enough wavelength to work on himself and well as help Eric when Eric needs him to actually help, not just not do things that hurt or the things Eric asks him not to do? I sense we will see this very thing tested in Season 3 and sadly I think this means we’ll see bad news for Eric. 
And I suspect Adam will fail - at least to start with. But I also think we may see Eric be tested too. How is less clear, but I think it may be something to do with Adam’s bisexuality. Either way, I think Season 3 will be about them making changes to solidify their relationship together, whereas Season 1 was Eric’s change and Season 2 Adam’s. 
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Waiting and Ghosts
First, Previous, Ao3
Word count: 2459
Warnings: mentions of murder, cops, drugs and feared robbery
Patton kept his phone on the counter for once.
The twins were still upstairs, having stayed the night and even though they seemed to be fine now Patton couldn't help but worry.
It had been a long time since he'd wanted a Tuesday to just end but Logan wasn't coming today anyway. Still, he couldn't just close.
He had closed early yesterday to catch Logic at the university. And that hadn't worked out either.
Patton sighed.
He could already tell that this wouldn't be a good week.
Out of the window, he spotted a dark figure.
Some teenager in a black hoodie.
They lingered by the door and paced in front of the shop windows before stopping at the door again. Their hands were buried in their pockets.
Patton froze.
In all the years he had owned this shop he had never been robbed. He should have known that his luck would run out sooner or later. But not today!
Not when Roman and Remus were upstairs and probably in no condition to defend themselves.
The teen didn't come in but he didn't go away either.
Patton knew that many bigger businesses kept weapons under their counters but for him had had never been necessary. He could defend himself but a florist wasn't supposed to be able to fight the way he could and he couldn't risk his secret identity like that.
He wished the teen would just go away.
The fingers on the clock seemed to move slower than usual.
It felt like he should've closed hours ago while he still had two more hours to go.
Patton groaned and opened his phone.
He still had never asked for Logan's number, he realized. Maybe he should have done that instead of kissing him. Maybe then they'd be able to text and talk more.
Who knew if Logan would even come back? What if the kiss had pushed him away and he didn't even want to come back anymore?
Patton shook off the thought.
The teen still stood by the door. Patton guessed it was probably a guy.
Maybe he wouldn't come in if Patton stayed on his phone because like this Patton could call the cops quickly. Then again, calling the cops didn't mean that they would actually bother coming.
"Patton," Remus called from the back. "We're leaving or our sperm donor is going to be super pissed!"
"Could you not call him that?" Roman asked. "See you tomorrow, Padre!"
"See you," he answered and heard the door shut.
Somehow being alone made Patton feel even less safe.
A dishevelled man came in and bought a bouquet while rambling to Patton that he was about to meet his hopefully future in-laws and his boyfriend had told him that his mother was violently allergic to the flowers he had bought and that he couldn't just show up without any gift. Patton offered a few words of encouragement and the man smiled nervously when he left again.
Patton smiled after him but it dropped when he noticed that the teen was still there.
He just needed to hold out till closing time.
Thirty more minutes.
He could do this.
Slowly he began sweeping the floors glancing out once in a while.
Fifteen more minutes.
He filled up some of the vases and self-watering systems for the night.
The teen outside stared at the sign with his opening times as if trying to decipher it. Or maybe burn a hole into it with his eyes. Patton wasn't sure.
Five more minutes.
Almost done.
He'd only have to figure out how to get the door locked faster than the teen could get to him. But he could do that.
The bell over the door chimed as the boy came in.
Patton put his keys in his pocket and kept his hands close to his body as he watched the teen wander around the plants looking almost lost but definitely like he was making the conscious decision to stay away from the register.
Patton watched him for a few minutes until he found the courage to speak up.
"Can I help you with something?"
The teen looked up startled and then sunk into himself again.
"I- Don't know," he mumbled barely loud enough for Patton to understand.
"There has to be a reason you came here, isn't there?" Patton asked, more and more confused by the kid's behaviour.
"It's uhm... My Pa comes here regularly and he can't today and uh... It's her deathday so I thought I should maybe get her flowers or something, I don't- Sorry, it's probably too late now anyway. Fuck. I'm sorry, I should just go-"
"Wait!" Patton stopped him.
The teen looked like he was expecting to get scolded for something.
"Are you Logan's son?"
He blinked.
"I- Yes."
Patton took a small moment to get a proper look at the kid. He didn't look very similar to Logan. Small and nervous, messy hair and patches and tears on his jeans and jacket. Eyes just as dark but bigger than Logan's and outlined in pitch black.
"Did you mean your mother with 'she'? Patton questioned on.
The teen seemed to realize his mistake and looked away from him again.
Patton did his best to smile encuragingly.
"Well, I'm sure we can find some nice flowers for her! What kind would you like to bring her?"
"I don't really know," Logan's son let his gaze wander over the different pots. "I'm not sure what Papa usually gets for her..."
"He picks out flowers for their meaning," Patton told him. "To send little messages. Is there anything you'd like to say through flowers to her maybe? Like how you feel about her or something like that?"
"I mostly... feel quiet indifferent," he admitted. "It's not like I've ever really known her. I guess I... I'd like to know more about her? But I don't think that's a good message. I think about her from time to time and kinda wish Papa would talk about her more. So I could at least know some things. I don't know."
Patton pondered over his words.
"That's not easy to put into flowers. But probably no easier to put into words, huh?" he managed to get a minuscule smile from the boy before it was gone again. "I think I might have some ideas though. Viola tricolour stand for separation "he pointed at the flower," Sycamore for curiosity, Lunaria for honesty or fascination and... Candytuft for indifference! Oh, and Asphodel stands for 'My thoughts follow you beyond the grave'. That might fit too."
The boy studied the flowers Patton had pointed at.
"Is there any flower that stands for like sorrow or something?" he then asked.
"Yeah, multiple," Patton nodded and tried not to think about the fact that Logan had never once bought any of these flowers. Maybe their relationship really hadn't been too good. that would also explain what the boy had mentioned - that Logan didn't talk about her much. "I have purple Hyacinth or Yew over there."
"I... I like those," the boy pointed at the Hyacinth and the Candytuft.
"Alright," do you like any of the others?" Patton began picking out nice ones.
"Those uhm something tricolour? And the white ones are also quite nice."
"Viola tricolour and Asphodel, alright," Patton mumbled and started cutting the stems to the right size.
"But isn't the shop closed now?" the boy seemed nervous.
"Oh, don't worry about it, kiddo! I don't mind staying a little longer and I'd love to get to know you a little!"
"Because you want to become my stepdad?"
Patton almost dropped the scissors he was holding.
"I- Well, your father and I-"
"I know that your dating."
"We went on one date, I don't think that can be called dating," Patton tried to argue.
"He said you kissed him."
Patton felt his cheeks flush. "He told you about that?"
"...I asked."
"You asked him about me?" Patton looked up curiously.
"Well, yeah. Afterall I told him to ask you out..." the boy seemed to shrink into himself and become quieter more and more with every word.
Patton chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood. "I'm glad then! I was worried you wouldn't like me being around your dad."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Well, I'd understand if you wouldn't want some stranger around and invade your family."
The boy shrugged.
"Papa sounds quite happy when he talks about you."
Patton just barely managed to suppress the urge to ask what kind of things Logan said about him.
"So, what's your name, kiddo?" he asked instead.
"That's a very nice name."
"Thanks, my Papa picked it out for me."
Patton burst out in giggles. He noticed Virgil trying to suppress a proud smile.
"Do you like the bouquet like this?" he asked and held it up.
Virgil studied it for a moment before he nodded. "It looks quite nice. How much is it?"
"On the house, kiddo."
Virgil frowned and opened his mouth to protest but Patton didn't let him.
"Don't worry about it, really! I'd just like to talk to you a little more if you don't mind."
"Well, I was going to bring them to her grave now," Virgil hesitantly took the flowers, "if you want to you can come along or something?"
"Isn't that something you want to do alone?" Patton asked.
Virgil shrugged. "I don't really care. You don't have to of course-!"
"If you don't mind then I think I just might. It's too late for you to just be walking around on your own. I wouldn't want anything to happen tp you, kiddo."
Virgil glanced over his shoulder to the darkening street. "Yeah, okay."
Patton locked the door behind them and they slowly walked towards the graveyard by the abandoned playground.
"You don't remember your mother, do you?" Patton asked after a little while.
Virgil shook his head. "I was too young back then. Not even a year old."
"I see. I'm sorry," Patton said.
"It's alright. It's just how it is."
They lapsed into silence again.
Patton tried to think of something to say. What did he talk about with the twins when they weren't talking about hero stuff?
"Where do you go to school?" he settled for.
"I don't... Well, at least not right now. Papa homeschools me. I only go to school sometimes if he has too many classes at the university or he doesn't know enough about something to teach me."
"Oh, that sounds kinda cool. I didn't like school much when I was your age."
"From what I know few people do. My mate tells me about it sometimes and I didn't like it either when I went."
Again silence.
The twins sometimes talked about their parents and fights with them but Patton could hardly ask Virgil about his parents. He knew more about them - at least his father - than the boy next to him. Maybe he could ask about that friend Virgil had mentioned?
"Are you going to go on another date with Papa?" Virgil beat him to asking the next question.
"If I wants to," Patton shrugged. "I would love to do something like that again. Maybe without the bank robbery but it was still very nice. And we'll always be able to remember our first date as the day those new villains showed up."
"I uhm... I think they're more vigilantes than villains," Virgil looked away from him.
Patton took a moment to get back on track. "If you say so," he shrugged.
"You saw them, didn't you?" Virgil asked and his voice shook slightly.
Patton reached out emotionally and felt a tinge of sympathy. The poor kid was brimming with anxiety and worry. He tried to wrap him up in calm as a way to soothe him a little.
"Yes, we did but just for a moment. It was a little scary at first but they didn't do anything to us. I don't think they were any older than maybe seventeen. Or less," Patton sighed. "With almost every day I wish that I could help the kids from around here more."
He noticed two figures in an alleyway exchanging something, probably drugs. He wished it was an unusual sight.
"Logan probably keeps you away from that kind of stuff, huh?" Patton asked Virgil.
The boy's anxiety spiked and his knees began to shake.
"Uh, yeah, course," he stuttered out. It was probably an upsetting topic. Maybe his friends were involved in the wrong crowds. Logan seemed like the kind of parent who would do anything neseccary to keep his son on the right track.
They reached the graveyard and Virgil mumbled a small "Hello" as they went through the gate.
A somber mood overtook Patton as they passed rows upon rows of gravestones.
Virgil kept looking around as if searching for the right one.
"Don't you come here often?" Patton whispered. It felt inappropriate to speak loudly.
Virgil shook his head. "Not since the funera- There."
He headed towards an old oak tree and finally stopped by a grave near it.
The headstone was rather plain but flowers and vases decorated the grave itself. Virgil kneeled down and took an old bouquet that Patton recognised and replaced it with the one he had brought.
Patton read the inscription on the grave.
     Here lies Caroline Marian Smith  
     Beloved Daughter, Sister and Mother  
     "Do Not Stand by My Grave and Weep, I Am Not There, I Do Not Sleep. " - Mary Elizabeth Frye  
A breeze made Patton shiver.
"How did she die?" he heard himself ask.
"Choked by some cop," Virgil whispered back. "Papa told me that her parents always blamed him though. That's why they don't send any cards."
"Why that?"
"Not sure. He says they never quite liked him. Didn't like when he knocked her up either. Or me, when I was born."
"I'm sorry," Patton said.
Virgil shrugged as if he didn't care but beside the crushing anxiety Patton could also feel sadness from him. To his surprise even a little bit of guilt.
"Thanks for coming with me," Virgil said after a while. "I can go home alone from here. It's not far."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. Still, thanks."
"Your welcome," Patton smiled at him. "I hope we'll meet again soon."
"Yeah, me too. Goodbye," with that Virgil left Patton standing by the grave and trotted towards the gate again. The dead flowers he had taken from the grave still in his hand he vanished down the street in the opposite direction of Patton's flowershop.
"Goodbye, Caroline," Patton told the headstone and decided to head home. It was late.
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