#we just need one more french speaker and then i can plan out the pairs of french speakers who switch
i'm having ideas for like a qsmp character roleswap and how that would effect the story. like we switch the backstories and canon events of some characters and see what it does. pac and cellbit swap, mike and bagi swap, felps and forever, bad and phil, roier and fit, and tina and tubbo maybe??? or tubbo and niki??? idk those are the only ideas i have right now but i am rotating this potential au in my mind so hard. imagine kid pac running away from the island and ending up in a war with philza minecraft. cellbit and bagi living together in an orphanage before turning to robbery as a means for money. roier from an anarchist wasteland and fit with no memory of why he's here. ofc spiderbit still speedrun their wedding and fitpac still exist in the most agonizing slowburn ever except now cellbit is in a spiral of panic, roier is being recruited by the resistance, fit is depressed and emo, and pac is eating people <3
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asunsetgrace16 · 4 months
Cutoffs and Tan Lines ⎥ BC55
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Pairing: Brandt Clarke x fem!reader
Summary: It is a good thing that Canadians find California warm enough for shorts and swimsuits for the majority of the year because Brandt likes nothing better than to come home to find you in a bikini top and cutoff shorts.
Warnings: none. Just a flirty, hopelessly in love Brandt Clarke
Notes: Headcanon: "thanks the L.A. weather for getting to see you in bikini tops and shorts for most of the year"
masterlist⎥ navigation
Word Count: 1k
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70 degrees and sunny in the middle of March. A far cry from growing up in Northern Ontario. Y/N and Ines Kopitar, who has taken Y/N under her wing as Brandt gets more and more games with the Kings, are lounging by the pool at Ines’ house. 
“God, I can’t believe it is this nice out. I keep expecting a blizzard any time. I can definitely get used to this.” Y/N says, eyes shaded by sunglasses.
“Yeah, I’d imagine Northern Ontario is much colder this time of year.” Ines replies, a smile gracing her face. 
“But I am not one to complain.” They clink their glasses of margarita, share a laugh, and the conversation flows on. Before long, however, Y/N gets a text from Brandt, saying that they are on their way back from practice.
“The boys are on their way back.” She announces. Ines checks her watch.
“It is that time. You two will stay for supper?” She asks. They gather their towels and books, making their way inside.
“Of course. What were you planning?”
“I was thinking fish tacos, something light. The boys can snack on something before if they need.”
“I can make a dip, if you like. They can bend the nutrition plan rules a little.” Y/N offers, pushing her sunglasses up on her head as they step inside.
“That would be great, actually. I’ve got the recipe down pat, so I can get it going fast. We should be ready to eat an hour after the boys get back.” Ines directs Y/N to the fridge, and they start gathering all the ingredients and supplies to make dinner. Y/N pulls out a saucepan and tosses thinly sliced onions in with butter to caramelize. Ines pulls mangoes, red onion, jalapenos, cilantro, lime juice, and red pepper to make a salsa. While the onions cook down, Y/N blends an avocado, some jalapeno, and lime to make a sauce, before mixing together the base for the dip. The fish is battered and frying when the Anze calls out their arrival.
“In, we’re home. It smells fantastic in here.” He and Brandt stop short in the doorway. They wear identical looks on their faces, as both Y/N and Ines simply pulled on a pair of cutoff denim shorts after the afternoon in the sun, leaving their bikini tops on. He swings around to the stove and captures Ines for a kiss, “What creation are you making tonight?”
“Fish tacos and Y/N is making a dip.” Ines answers, flipping a piece of fish.
Brandt goes over to Y/N, mimicking Anze. He kisses her neck. With warm hands on her hips he says in his ever playful manner, “You look even better than the food does, baby. Is that french onion dip?”
Y/N laughs, her head is back resting on his shoulder and teases, “Yes it is. Not even five minutes and you are already thinking about food?”
“Hey, you can’t blame a guy, no one makes it better than you do.” Brandt swipes some of the dip, “Besides,” he whispers in Y/N’s ear, “It would be rude to leave early, as much as I want to.”
A shiver runs down her spine at the silent promise. She swats him with the towel draped over her shoulder and sets him and Anze to making the mango salsa for the tacos. Somewhere, Brandt procures a speaker and starts a random playlist playing. A playful energy fills the kitchen, and a towel war breaks out. The group eats standing around the kitchen island, the conversation never ceasing. As the saying goes, many hands make light work as the dishes are washed and put away, leftovers tucked safely in the fridge for tomorrow’s lunch. 
Anze lights a fire outside when the sun begins its descent. They move outside with hoodies on and quilts bundled in their arms. Almost as an afterthought, Anze sprints back inside and grabs marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers to make s’mores. Both Y/N and Ines crack a  yawn. The night is dark and a chill is settling in before Brandt and Y/N notice the time. 
“I guess it’s time to head out.” Brandt says, “Nice that we have an off-day tomorrow.”
“Yeah, it’s later than I thought. Thank you for dinner, as always. And the company. It was wonderful.” Y/N follows up, folding her borrowed blanket as she stands. Stretching, she yawns once again. 
“Oh any time. We like you guys. You restore some youthful energy.” Anze jokes.
“You’re not that old yet. You can still skate circles around half the league.” Brandt comments as they make their way inside. Goodbyes are said and Brandt’s hockey bag is loaded into the back of their vehicle. The late hour makes the drive home faster than usual. Y/N dozes off not long after buckling up. The moonlight streaming through the window throws shadows over her face, silvery highlights make her look so peaceful. It makes Brandt’s breath catch in his throat. He is so in love it hurts.
“C’mon sweetheart, we’re home.” Brandt murmurs, reaching over Y/N to unbuckle her seatbelt. She climbs out of the car and leans into him. The walk to their apartment is short.
“I think I could fall asleep standing up at this point,” She mumbles, face tucked into his shoulder as the door to their apartment is unlocked.
“Me too. I vote we get ready for bed as fast as we can, and then we can just fall into bed.”
Sounds like a plan.” They move quickly through their nighttime routines. Brushing teeth, washing faces, grabbing pajamas. He flicks off the big light and turns on the bedside lamps. Y/N tosses her hoodie out the open bathroom door and changes into more comfortable shorts. Denim is cute, but not all that comfortable to sleep in and certainly not her choice of sleepwear.
“Babe, can you come untie me? There’s a knot now and I can’t quite get it undone.” Y/N calls. He comes back into the bathroom and gets the knot out of her bikini top.
“You’ve got some tan lines, baby.” He kisses her shoulder.
“Hmmm. You can appreciate them tomorrow.”
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fandxmslxt69 · 9 months
👉🏽👈🏽 might I request double info bc that list is 🔥🔥🔥
✨️matt x muslim!reader
✨️Zaina & Elias
um pls imagine me giggling in my bed and kicking my feet in the air bc i love talking
✨️matt x muslim!reader:
a) im a slut for matt murdock b) i SAID we need more diverse x reader so it is also my job to add more to the world.
anyway. SNIPPET <3
love confession but its more of Matt being stupid one night (bad patrol night, she's patching him up, OBVIOUSLY WHAT ELSE.) and he goes, bc he's angsty and has been holding in his feelings to avoid making things uncomfortable: "we're already basically dating so we should just get married. for the laughs" "i'm NOT marrying you for the laughs" we're dating????? "okay then marry me for real" "what" "marry me for real" "did you ask if I liked you like that? "im smart. i figured it out" "oh so we're assuming" "Do you like me?" "....yeah." "great, then let's get married" "i'm not getting married in a church. Just so you know" "I'm sure we can figure something out" ".....i'll still dress very modestly around the house. so you can't see anything," "honey i'm blind," (dah dum dish)
✨️Zaina & Elias
AH. MY BABIES !!!!!!!! AH!!! sorry im rambling a lot but i dont have a single coherent thought in my head :/ anyway SO
Zaina and Elias <3 um actually they're like the THIRD pair in a little Series i'm working on ("working on"). I, once again, do not have the full details planned bc its so far away BUT. it's the third book of a series im writing yeah yeah (first is Nawra & dante god bless them.) um so in general as a whole the series is abt 3 sisters yknow falling in love. romance. silliness. bc i like romance. um it kind of started bc i was getting so sick and tired of the lack of Arab rep in the romance genre after smth happened with an ex-fav author of mine and so I was like YOU. KNOW. WHAT. i'll do it myself >:(
and so this series was born. Zaina is the youngest of the three sisters (oldest is Nawra, middle is Farah) and it's a like....friends to lovers university romance...? she's a law student and he's in business but he's not a native english speaker (he's...french.) so she's helping him with that bc actually they get along really well (maybe they're rooming together idk)and yknow things go from "oh i love my friend <3" to "oh i love ." there's lots of silliness and its very centred around trying to learn to balance personal life with school life and the stress of it all but also how fun school years can actually be and how to learn to enjoy them too !!! andddd yeah.
im keeping this SO short....im missing a lot of plot points but yeah friends to lovers uni romance <3
ITS VERY FUN . i havent done anything other than pinterest boards and bullet point summaries for them cuz im 12k words into the first book so im going through
THANKS FOR ASKING CUTIE why do i always talk so much during these...........
I LOVE YOU <33 thank you for letting me ramble on abt them <3
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littlemarvelfics · 3 years
Get Lost
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Pairing: Bucky and Reader 
Word Count: 1.2k 
Warnings: none
A/N: Maybe I’m back? I’m still not sure but I had to participate in @syntheticavenger​‘s  writing challenge. I love love all of your work and tbh reading your work has really gotten me back into writing. I knew if I kept looking at this, I would never post it so any mistakes are all mine. Y’all can follow @littlemarvelfics-notifs​ to be updated when I write something new. I’m definitely open to any and all requests! 
How It Started
Looking up from your phone, you glanced up and down the busy city street. Your new apartment building should be right in front of you. Instead, all you saw was an empty lot. You tried to get the attention of someone passing by but you didn’t have any luck. You groaned and threw your head back. 
“It is not humanly possible for one person to have this many things go wrong in one day!” you shouted to the sky, unconcerned with any looks you were getting. 
“Excuse me, miss?” a voice questioned. 
Your head snapped back down and you came face to face with a pair of stunning blue eyes and a kind smile.
“You look like you could use some help,” he continued. 
“I could,” you mumbled, eyeing the stranger suspiciously. “Everyone else has ignored my pleas for help. What are you up to?” 
The stranger looked down and chuckled before meeting your eye again. 
“Maybe I’m from a different time,” he responded simply with a shrug of his shoulder. “I’m Bucky.” 
You responded with your name and shook his outstretched hand. 
“What seems to be the problem?” 
“Everything,” you replied. “The airline lost my luggage so I have a single pair of clean underwear and a toothbrush to my name until they find it. I spent 30 minutes trying to find a taxi, when I finally got one, I gave them my new address. They dropped me here. In front of a lot. But considering I don’t have any belongings, maybe the lot will be fine!” 
“Alright, one thing at a time. The airline has your information and they’ll get you your bags. I don’t know how much help I’ll be with the underwear but I can point you in the direction of a store. What’s the address of your place?” 
You rattled off your address, hoping it wasn’t too far from where you were.  
“You’re in luck,” Bucky said with a smile. “That’s my building and you’re only two blocks away. I can walk you there if you’d like.” 
“That would be incredible,” you sighed, your shoulders sagging with relief. 
Bucky started off in the direction of the building and you followed next to him closely. The two of you fell into an easy conversation, making quick work of the two blocks you had to travel. As Bucky neared the building and slower, you couldn’t help but be disappointed. He was incredibly charming and cute, a longer walk with him would’ve been perfect. 
Pausing to point out a shop across the street where you could get the necessities until your bags came. He then held open the front door of the building for you, smiling as you brushed against him. You stopped in the lobby and turned to face him. 
“I think I’ve got it from here. Thank you so much for your help Bucky.” 
“No problem doll, I’m in apartment 302 if you need anything.” 
“302,” you repeated. “What are the chances that’s in the vicinity of apartment 303?” 
“Right next door,” he said with a smile. “You probably have plans for your first night in the city-” 
“No plans!” you interrupted quickly.. 
“Then maybe you’d wanna order a pizza? Watch a movie or something.” 
“That sounds amazing actually,” you replied with a smile. 
“Great! I’ve got a few errands to run but you can come over around 7?” 
“I’ll see you then,” you said, turning to go up the stairs. 
After making it successfully into your apartment, you leaned against the closed door and smiled. You might not have any furniture or clothes but maybe you didn’t have the worst luck afterall. 
How It’s Going
Bucky groaned as he reached out to your side of the bed, the chill of the morning air hitting him when his arm met an empty bed. Opening his eyes, he glanced around the hotel room, hoping to see you on the balcony or hear you in the shower but it was silent and you were nowhere to be found. Bucky flipped to his side and found a folded sheet of paper addressed to him in your handwriting. Grabbing it, he read the quickly scrawled out message. 
“Left for breakfast, be back soon.” 
Bucky let out a scoff and rolled his eyes. 
“This isn’t going to end well,” he mumbled to himself. 
It had been two, almost three years since he met you on the street in Brooklyn and the first thing Bucky learned about you-- the circumstance of your first meeting wasn’t unusual. Your terrible sense of direction paired with your refusal to depend on technology made you chronically late and lost. You were even late to Bucky’s proposal when a closed street had you turned around for 45 minutes. On the day of your wedding, he made Wanda follow you closely to make sure you wouldn’t get lost on your way to the ceremony-- even if you had been to the chapel multiple times. 
Bucky picked up his phone and made sure he didn’t have any missed calls before pulling himself out of bed and heading to the balcony. The eiffel tower loomed in the distance, the sun shining down on the city. Two days into your honeymoon and he never wanted to leave. He was pulled from his thoughts when his phone started ringing, your picture flashing on the screen. He accepted the call but before he could say anything, you started talking. 
“This is not my fault.” 
“Uh huh,” Bucky replied sceptically. “Who’s fault is it?” 
“Did you know that everything is in French here?” you questioned. 
“In Paris, France? Yes, the thought had crossed my mind.” 
“You can make fun of me later, just come help me!” 
“Use your phone!” Bucky said, chuckling. 
“But it would be so much more romantic if my husband came to save me,” you countered. 
“Alright Mrs. Barnes, do you see a street sign or a store around?” 
You rattled off a few places you could see, including the hotel you thought was yours but upon further inspection, you realized it wasn’t even close. 
Bucky switched you over to speaker phone and looked up the hotel you were standing in front of. He sighed when he realized where you were. 
“Down the street, Y/N, you are quite literally down the street,” he said with a sigh. 
“Then it should be easy for you to find me!” you said cheerfully. “Bye!” 
Bucky hung up the phone and quickly threw on his jeans, boots and a henley that still smelled like you from the night before when you wore it to bed. He jogged down to the lobby and made his way down the busy street, slowing when he spotted you leaning against a building, paper bag in your hand. 
“Mrs. Barnes!” he called out, knowing he would never get tired of referring to you with his last name. 
Your head whipped up, grinning when you spotted Bucky. 
“Hello husband,” you chirped, greeting him with a kiss. “I bought you a croissant.” 
“You could have woken me up, you know,” he said, slinging his arm around your shoulders, guiding you back to the hotel. 
“Ah, but this is so much more fun! What better way to celebrate our marriage than to recreate the moment we first met!” 
Bucky stopped and turned to look at you. 
“Hold on, did you know the hotel was right down the street?” 
“Maybe, maybe not,” you mused. 
“Got dressed for nothin’”, he mumbled, continuing the walk. 
“And after a croissant, we can have fun getting undressed again,” you replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
Bucky smiled, kissing your head. He knew he would find you anytime you got lost.
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tefilovesreading · 4 years
It’s a Match! Part. 3
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Fem!Reader.
Word count: +2,9k
Warnings: A few swearing words but nothing else!
A/N: It’s a Match is finally back!! Let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist! 
Edited by: @theamazingtomholland
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The soft melody Charlie was playing on his guitar made her look at the propped-up iPad while she cut some veggies and her heart skipped a beat with the intense look he was giving her. If that’s how he made her feel through a screen she knew she was bound to collapse under his gaze once they met in person.
“What are you playing?” Y/N asked with one last look, before setting her attention on the cutting board. If she ended up with a missing finger because of him and his tempting smile, she was going to block him. 
“Traverser l’hiver” he answered, and  Y/N raised her eyebrows in surprise, she definitely wasn’t expecting him to answer her in French, “I’ve been listening to that song on repeat the last couple of days, and now I’m trying to learn it.”
“What does it mean?” she questioned, putting down the knife for a bit, so she could focus on his explanation.
“Making it through winter,” Charlie replied, plucking the guitar strings softly, “the song talks about how his relationships never last and that he’s glad that they made it through the winter because he can’t get enough of her.”
“Send me the song later,” she mentioned with a smile. That sounded like a good song, and she wanted to know what his music style was like.
Calling each other on FaceTime while they did their own stuff quickly became their thing since they matched on the app two weeks ago, just enjoying the company and asking questions once in a while. Normally it was just her doing stuff like cleaning her desk or cooking while Charlie sat there playing the guitar or reading a script.
“It’s in French,” he warned her, and even if she wasn’t looking at the screen, she already knew he was giving her That smile, the one that made her stomach flutter with excitement. 
“Music is a universal language, Charlie,” she chuckled.
“I thought that was love,” the boy pointed out playfully, “I’m gonna send it as soon as we hang up. Promise.”
“Good, because I’m not sure if I’d be able to find it.”
Y/N saw him throw his head back as he laughed, the movement loosening his man bun. She inhaled deeply, before looking away from the screen. She wanted to know if his hair was as soft as it looked.
“What are you cooking anyway?” Charlie questioned when his laughter died down, and he stopped playing with the guitar strings.
“I’m meal prepping actually,” Y/N admitted with a grin.
“No way,” he gasped, and she felt her cheeks blushing. 
“This is the first time I’m trying so don’t make fun of me,” she begged as a joke.
“Never, I’m actually impressed with your commitment because that takes a lot of time,” he mentioned with a soft smile. 
She smiled at him and bit her lip. Fuck it, she was gonna ask him to meet up. There was no way she could wait one more week, her assignments could wait.
“Y/N,” Charlie called her, and she tilted her head just a little to let him know she was listening, “let me take you on a date. You get to choose the place.”
She tried to hide her smile without much success, just knowing that Charlie was thinking about the same thing she was thinking made her feel so happy and excited about going out with him. 
Two weeks ago, she’d have never thought about developing such a strong connection with him or that she’d get so happy whenever a new text from Charlie appeared on her phone. The thought of their connection made her relax, she could feel it on her heart that this wasn’t gonna end in another ghosting experience for her.
“Can I tell you something before I answer?” Y/N asked with a grin.
“If you tell me you’re married, I think I can share,” he joked but nodded giving her the green light to ask him whatever she had on her mind.
“I was about to ask you the same thing before you asked me out,” she confessed and the look in Charlie’s face made her whole body tingle. He was too good with eye contact for his own good.
“In that case, I’m glad I asked first,” Charlie mentioned winking at her, and she knew her cheeks were blushing with that simple gesture.
When Jo came back home, she found Y/N smiling at her phone while French music played through the speakers. There was no doubt about who was responsible for putting that smile on her friend’s face. 
“What got you so happy?” Jo asked even if she knew the answer to her question.
“I’m going on a date with Charlie, in two days,” she responded holding back the excited squeal that was threatening to escape from her mouth.
“Dude, finally!” Jo scoffed but smiled at her excitement. Y/N deserved to have fun and go on dates. Her friend deserved to feel something for a guy again.
“Oh shut up!” Y/N laughed and put her head on her friend’s shoulder, “I’m so scared of how I feel about all this and I haven’t met him yet.”
“It’ll be okay,” Jo promised, resting her head on top of Y/N’s, “and if it doesn’t, we can always watch sappy movies and have ice cream for dinner.”
Two days later Jo followed the anxious girl pace in their living room, babbling about not knowing what to wear for her date or hypotheticals scenarios where Charlie would kidnap her and sell her organs on the black market.
“Y/N,” Jo said and the girl ignored her, “Y/N!” this time her friend stopped and looked at her with regret, “if you don’t wanna go then tell him.”
“But I do wanna go,” she grumbled as she sat beside Jo on the couch, “I’m just nervous about the date.”
“Where are you going?” Jo questioned.
“I told him we could go to Salt and Straw, ‘cause he has never been there,” Y/N responded biting her nails, “and then I think he said something about going to Vista Hermosa, but we’re not sure.”
“That sounds like a good plan, just make sure you go somewhere where you can talk and get to know each other.”
“Yeah, I know,” she mumbled, “I should probably start getting ready.”
She pressed her lips together in front of the mirror before throwing the lip gloss on her bag and making sure she had everything.
“Keys, Kleenex, mints, wallet and…,” she whispered and her friend’s hand appeared in front of her, “I don’t need condoms, Jo. It’s our first date, I’m not gonna have sex with him.”
“Honey, you never know,” Jo claimed with a knowing look on her face, “take them, just in case.”
“You’re a nightmare,” the girl huffed but took them and put them in her bag.
“I’m just making sure you have protection in case you need it,” her friend laughed and Y/N rolled her eyes trying to hide her smile.
Her phone chimed with a new text and her heart started racing in her chest. 
Charlie: i’m outside.
“Shit, shit, shit,” she whispered and looked at Jo with panic in her eyes, “he’s here. What do I do?” 
“Tell him to come upstairs, I’ll open the door, so he knows you have someone waiting for you to come back,” Jo ushered her to send her a text back.
Y/N: almost ready!! can you come upstairs?? i’ll buzz you in Charlie: sure!! no problem Charlie: what apartment??
Just a few minutes later she heard a knock on her door and Jo walked out of her room to go and open the door. She took off one earring as she heard her friend’s voice letting Charlie inside their apartment. As soon as Y/N heard his voice, she felt the butterflies go mad in her stomach.  
She grabbed her bag and made her way to the living room, putting on her earring again to pretend she wasn’t ready.
“Hey,” she let out and held back her breath when their eyes met. 
“Hi,” Charlie said standing up from his seat. 
If Jo felt the electricity that filled the room while they were looking at each other, she didn’t mention it. But Y/N felt her whole body tingle with excitement at the sight of the boy right in front of her. 
She lifted her right hand nervously, not sure if she should go for a handshake or not, but her hand got trapped between her body and Charlie’s as he went for a hug. It wasn’t long, just really soft and kinda comforting. 
“Sorry,” they both said at the same time when he noticed Y/N went for a handshake instead.
“It’s okay,” Y/N said giving him a reassuring smile and tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear. 
“Ready to go?” Charlie asked pointing with his thumb to the front door. With a soft nod, she followed him to the front door, giving her best friend one last glance, Jo winked her eye at her and gave her the thumbs up.
“I parked the car around the corner,” Charlie mentioned once they were out of the apartment building.
“You found a parking spot nearby?” Y/N questioned in surprise and when he nodded eagerly she let out a laugh, “lucky guy.”
Hearing him laugh at her comment right next to her made the butterflies in her stomach go crazy. He took the car keys out of his pocket and unlocked the orange Subaru close to them. 
“Thank you,” Y/N smiled at him when Charlie opened the door for her. 
“No problem.”
“Get it together, Y/N,” she muttered before the boy opened his door. The nervousness coursing through her body made it feel like her tongue was tied, and she didn’t know how to put into words how glad she was to be there with him by her side. 
“So which Salt and Straw are we going to?” Charlie asked, starting the car and getting out of the parking spot. 
“We should go to the one near Little Tokyo, that one is closer to Vista Hermosa,” she replied and furrowed her eyebrows, trying to recall if it was actually close or not.
“Can you,” Charlie started, trying to get his phone out of his pocket, “type in the address? I’ve been living here for years, but I still need the GPS.” He handed her his phone after he unlocked it.
“When did you move here?” Y/N asked, taking the opportunity to start a small conversation
 and getting to know him a little better.
“I moved to Toronto right after high school and then moved to L.A. a few months after,” he bit his lip, probably trying to do the math on his mind, “About 3 years now?”
“I’m gonna let the GPS pass just because you are brave enough to drive here,” she joked and Charlie shot her a grin that screamed trouble. And she loved it.
The fifteen minutes ride from her apartment to the ice cream shop went by in a blink of an eye, between questions, jokes, and the occasional humming coming from Charlie whenever the radio played a song he liked or knew.
“What flavor should we get?” Charlie questioned, placing his hand on her shoulder to keep her by his side in the busy shop. She glanced at the hand over her shoulder and her heart started racing.
“What if we get the flight?” Y/N hinted, pointing at the option on the board, “that way we can pick four flavors.”
“Good idea, then I want Brown Ale and Bacon, and the Double-fold Vanilla,” Charlie said with an excited smile on his face to the guy behind the counter, “and you?”
“Strawberry Tres Leches and Chocolate Gooey Brownie,” Y/N responded after a few seconds of thinking which flavor could match better with Charlie’s choices.
“You realize we still got chocolate and vanilla ice cream, right?” Charlie chuckled and Y/N rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hide the smile forming on her lips, “next time we only pick the monthly flavors, deal?” 
Y/N looked up at him and nodded in response, knowing very well that meant he was considering going on a second date with her while the first one just started.
“They’re not gonna last till we get to the park, Charlie,” she warned as they made their way back to the car.
“That’s why I bought cookies,” he smiled as he tried to balance his car keys and the box with ice cream in one hand, “C’mon hurry up,” he ushered her, grabbing her hand with his free hand and guiding her through the surrounding people. 
It wasn’t like he laced their finger together or something like that, he just grabbed her hand to make sure he wouldn’t lose her in the crowd, but the touch made her wish he would never let go of her. Of course, it wasn’t the first time he touched her, but the small amount of time she got to spend with him in person was enough to feel drawn to him in such a magnetic way, she never imagined possible.
“Oh that one is fucking delicious,” Charlie gasped after Y/N’s hand moved away with the now empty little spoon, his eyes still focused on the road ahead of them, “which one it was?”
“That was Strawberry Tres Leches,” she replied with a hint of pride laced on her voice, “your pick isn’t bad, you know?”
Charlie raked a hand through his hair and turned around just a few seconds to show her a bright smile.
“I have good taste,” he observed in a tone that let her know he wasn’t just talking about ice cream flavors.
Y/N opened her mouth, but the words never came out, shaking her head in pure amusement she dipped the tiny spoon in another flavor and offered it to him. What was she supposed to say?
“Why did we think we’d get there with ice cream?”  Y/N questioned when Charlie opened the car door for her. 
“No idea, but we have a plan b,” he added, giving her the bag with cookies and opening the back door to search for something, “there we go.” 
“I want that one,” Y/N said, taking the orange and mango-flavored Capri Sun out of his hand with the biggest smile on her face. 
“I’m gonna give it to you just this time because that’s my favorite,” Charlie scoffed, but the smile that seemed to be permanent on his face gave him away.
He made her feel so relaxed but his energy was so contagious, she felt like she could do anything if she wanted to. 
“Would you go on a hike with me?” he asked her before taking a sip of his Capri Sun. The juice pouch looked ridiculous tiny in his hands.
“You’d have to take it easy on me,” she commented and closed her eyes to feel the sun on her face with delight.
“So that’s a yes,” Charlie stated and the excitement in his voice made her open her eyes, so she could look at the boy sitting next to her on the grass.
“Sure,” she giggled and turned her focus to the impressive view. The overlook of Downtown Los Angeles always took her breath away, reminding her how little she really was.
When they left the park, just minutes before it closed, both of them wanting the date to last a bit longer. 
“Do you mind if we stop for a coffee?” Y/N asked, her voice just loud enough for him to hear her above the music playing, her hands fidgeting on her lap.
“I was gonna ask you the same,” he replied, “we can always drive all the way to the beach if you’re up to that.”
“Are you serious?” Charlie’s beaming smile was the only answer she needed, “let’s go then.”
Being stuck in traffic with Charlie wasn’t bad at all, that meant more time together and a jamming session for them. Y/N knew he could sing, she heard him humming on their previous video calls but getting to listen to him really sing without a care in the world was amazing. 
“Stop bragging, I get it, you can sing,” she teased him.
“Don’t be shy, I know you can sing too,” Charlie said as he parked the car. And there it was, the weakness that meant seeing him backing up the car with just one hand. 
“Right,” she said clearing her throat and unbuckling her seatbelt after he fully stopped the car, suddenly the car felt too hot for her. 
“Don’t you think you’re gonna get cold without a jacket, Y/N?” Charlie questioned, grabbing two hoodies from the back seat.
“I was counting on borrowing yours,” she admitted with a shrug. 
“Let’s go before we miss the sunset,” the corners of his mouth turned up glad she was finally flirting back. Not that she didn’t do it before, but it was nice to hear she was as interested as him.
Their arms were brushing, bodies as close as possible while they faced the ocean and the sky changing colors as the sunset on the horizon. The breeze sent shivers down her spine and she pulled the sleeves to hide her hands to keep them warm. Charlie looked at her and put his arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer.
“I guess my hoodie won’t be enough uh.”
tagged: @cordeliascrown​ @crybabyddl​ @phantompogues @the-romanian-is-bae @doaspeggy-says @thatsmyfavoritewhiteboy​ @samanthawilliamspring @searchingunderthestars @luke-patt @moneybagmgk @angisbr @happinessinthedarkesttimes @knitsessed @teti-menchon0604 @randomstuff7 @warmness0ul @merceret @headheartbellarke @caitsymichelle13 
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fanfiction-inc · 3 years
“It Takes Two to Win a Race.” Chapter II
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Verse: Falcon And The Winter Soldier / Captain America And The Winter Soldier / Captain America: Civil War/ Marvel Alternate Universe
Characters/Pairings: Baron Zemo/ Reader, Baron Zemo/ Female Reader, John Walker
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8971
Warnings/Tags: Drinking, smut, m/f, oral (female receiving), vaginal fingering, unprotected sex, drunk sex, Google translated translations, Walker is an asshole and just keeps getting worse.
Summary: Baron Helmut Zemo, world renowned racer and your sworn enemy on the track. You two have been going at it for years now, but now you two must join forces to fight back against John Walker, a new up and coming racer who is proving to beat both of you. Will you two survive the other or meet your demise on the track?
Ao3 Version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32606833/chapters/81176392?view_adult=true
This is a mess. An absolute, blazing mess that sits before you in the middle of your workshop. The chassis was dented all to Hell, a new one having to be rebuilt and delivered to fix your custom car. The engine had parts missing that were left at the crash sight when it was towed away. One car to your name, and it was fucked up. Maybe you should have taken Stark’s sponsorship and invested in a backup. Sitting on the cement floor of the workshop, screwdriver in hand as you pry out bits and pieces of parts from the engine, taking note of the parts and working on the budget you had set out for this year's series of races, you dreaded the moment you’d see the total cost. This repair would take a nice chunk, but you still had money left over after to make sure your car was at its best. That was the thing about working with your car, it was just you and this beast of metal and speed, working as one to reach the end of the line. The screwdriver is set down at your side when you struggled too long on getting the broken interconnecting rod that links the turbine from the compressor, a sigh following as you sit back. A slow sense of dread fills you as you look at the broken parts scattering the ground, the missing parts on your list, and the purple paint that still streaks the busted carbon fiber chassis. 
Working with Zemo was a dangerous game, which you recognized even before you shook on the arrangement he had proposed. He was wicked on the course, predictable at times but at others a ticking time bomb of what his next move may be. He was dangerous, but that is what made him damn good. He took far more risk than you usually would when it came to advancement in the race. Where you held back, he pushed forward. No wonder the man infuriated you. But this plan was the only thing you had to get things back to normal, back to the way they were where you hated Zemo with a passion and fought tooth and nail to stay better than him. You would never admit it, but without your rival, what fun was the race? See, it's not only the thrill of the chase between the driver and death, inching closer and closer with each hairpin turn and the risk of the other driver's moves. No, it’s also the thrill of having someone who wants to win just as bad as you, who is just as good and will do anything to try and progress further than you. It sets a standard, something to surpass, something to stay on level ground with when you catch yourself falling. Zemo was your equal, no matter how much you hated him. And equals like you two don’t have room for a third party to jump in and surpass. The game isn’t any fun when someone fucks with the rules. He had a point when it came to beating Walker down, especially since the man was already fighting you both with molotov cocktails and rocket fire in the form of playing dirty on the track. He was bringing a war to a battle just to see if he could come out on top. Despite everything telling you to stay away from Zemo and not get involved in this scheme, that it could end badly for one or both of you, you couldn’t stand the idea of having Walker walk all over you like some doormat. You couldn’t let him walk in as if he owned the place and could rule as he pleased. 
He needed a reality check. 
Your form pops and cracks as you stand, stiff from sitting on the solid ground and stretching to relieve your body of the tension. Everything felt so wrong, and you knew you had to make it right...But was this the right way to do it? “Jesus, you sound like that rice cereal with the little elves. You know, snap, crackle, and pop?” You laugh lightly when your friend comes into the workshop, food in hand and dressed down from the usual luxury attire he wore when visiting. No suit and tie in sight, just the oil stained wife beater you had seen him in when pursuing your education in the states as he worked tirelessly on his little toys as you liked to call them. He sets the bag down, the scent of the food causing your stomach to growl and pinch with a hint of pain. Have you really forgotten to eat today? You hadn’t noticed. “Got your favorite. Do you know how hard it is to find a restaurant that speaks English? I had to have Friday translate for me.”
“Maybe you should take a new hobby and learn the French language.” You retorted with a grin, the man shaking his head as he sets everything out. “Maybe I want you as my teacher, but you’re always busy with driving around in your fast little car and getting famous for fighting a Sokovian asshole.” 
“And you’re too busy tinkering away with your toys in your little workshop in New York. Truly Tony, don’t tell me you actually want me as your teacher when your toys can teach you for me.” You pause as he rolled his eyes, watching the man for a brief moment as he turned to unwrap his burger. “Speaking of said Sokovian connard, he came to the bar I was at last night.” The man paused mid bite on the thick patty before speaking with his mouth full. “Okay, spill, what did he want?”
“Well originally I thought he was going to cuss me and try to blame me for the failure to complete the race yesterday, but he showed me something. You know the young man who won the race yesterday, corriger? John Walker?” 
“Yeah, I know the guy. Races for the American McLaren team and came straight from F3 to F1. What’d he do?” 
He raises a brow when you sigh, taking a seat beside him on the desk he had set the food down on and stealing the dish he had brought you. “Zemo showed me proof that Walker hit his car and sent him flying into mine. And I believe he did it on purpose.” You explain, taking a bite of the food your companion got for you. You pause for a moment to chew before returning to your theory. “On my way to the car bay, he smirked at me, and it wasn’t a “I won” smirk- well, it kinda was, but it was rather a “I did this to you” kind of smirk. Not necessarily an evil one but one that showed he knew exactly what he had done and was proud of it. Pride in an unfair act.”
“And no flags were thrown up?” 
“Non, not a one. As our friend the Baron said,” you cringe at the term friend, “the ones watching the race possibly couldn’t tell if he had done such on purpose or by accident. I believe him about such. And I suppose that brings me to what I’m about to say next.” You take a breath, gaze conflicted and downcast to your food as you speak. “The Baron offered a temporary truce of our rivalry to take down this John Walker, thus allowing us to return to what we do best after Walker is taken down.” He listened intently before his nose scrunched at the idea of such. You two working together? Ha! That’d never work! “And you said yes to this crazy idea? What the Hell are you thinking, (first name)?” Your hands shoot up in defense, gaze rising to meet his own. “I know, I know! It’s a crazy idea, but you know as well as I do that if Zemo and I want things back to normal, back to the rivalry, we have to do this together so Walker is met with further resistance. If I could avoid it and deal with this American scum, no offense, then I would.” 
“Some taken, but I get it. I just wonder if you two will go back to the way things are after all of this. Who knows, maybe you’ll become that dreaded word you hate to associate with him in any capacity-”
“Ne t'avise pas de le dire, Anthony.”
“Friendssss.” He draws it out, causing you to roll your eyes at his antics and slap his arm with the back of your grimey hand. He pretended to show a hurt expression before chuckling when another slap came, this time to his chest. “Oh hush, we will never be friends.” 
“I guess time will tell.” A shrug followed as Stark finished the last bite of his burger, crumbling the wrapper and lining up the shot with the waste bin in the corner. “He shoots,” the paper lands in the bin, his arms going up in the air. “He scores!”
“Stop goofing around, ma amie. I asked for your help with this and now I need it.”
Three weeks have passed, and the Germany race is upon you. The Nürburgring, a beast of a track that many racers to this day in Formula 1 fear like a plague sweeping the track. Your mind has been racing as you pieced your car back together and got it ready for racing. What happens if something wasn’t installed in the engine right? What if you didn’t get the intake vents lined up just right? You were a perfectionist with your car, and you know deep down that it was ready for race day but it made your head sing with pain as a migraine sets in. That wasn’t the only thing that made it throb and bring you to lean against the chassis of your car. Zemo’s deal, it worried you sick. But you didn’t have time to think about it much today. You couldn’t dwell on it. You had a race to win. 
Your eyes flick up at the speakers, listening to the message. It was press conference time. You take your seat where your name tag and flag set, giving a nod of acknowledgement to the crowd of reporters sitting and waiting to open up questioning. To your left, Walker seats himself with a boyish, charming smile that didn’t quite meet those dark eyes. He looked your way, hand held out to you. “Hey, I hate that we didn’t get to meet earlier on. I’m John Walker.” You glance at his hand before looking back up at him. He played a good game, acting innocent like the boy scout he tried to be. You wouldn’t fall for his games, but you shook his hand briefly. “(First name) (Last name).” He grinned. “Oh, I know who you are. I’ve been watching you race for years now! I hate that you crashed a couple weeks ago, would have loved to have been standing on that podium with you.” 
“Oui, such a shame that was. But today is a new day, Mr. Walker.” Your gaze flickered to your right, startled by your rival taking his seat and looking directly at the pair of you. The Baron never sat beside you, even going as far as to request a seat change from the press conference coordinators. Some learned to keep you two separate, others knew it would incur drama, and drama made money. 
“Alright everyone, please take your seats and the conference will begin in one moment!” 
“Say, did you get your car all fixed up? Must have cost a pretty penny since you don’t have any sponsors.” Walker continued on, this time his gaze looking at the reporters as he gave a brief wave to the ones he recognized from the states. “Oui.” He gave a huff of a laugh. “Not much of a talker, are you?” You wanted to bite back, to say something and throw hands with this man, but you would be escorted out and disqualified in a snap. “Non.” A leg bumped yours under the table and you glance at Zemo who met your gaze briefly. Those dark brown eyes questioned if you were okay, a silent question that only you understood. The slightest nod was sent his way before looking at the reporters who got things settled and ready. 
“Questions are now open-” The announcer was startled with the amount of questions directed in the direction of you three, clearing his throat as he nodded to your little trio at the table. Mr. Walker!” He gestured to the reporter, watching him stand and adjust his microphone and camera. “Mr. Walker, this question is open to the three of you. Under allegations from the previous race at The Circuit Paul Ricard, many are wondering if you had caused the accident involving Zemo and (Last name). How do you feel about these accusations?” The man had the audacity to laugh and throw that boyish smile to the camera, rubbing at his face. “Look, that was not supposed to happen once so ever. As many of my fellow racers can attest, one wrong slip of the hand on your wheel and your car will eventually go off track. I got nervous, twitched, and just so happened to bump the Baron’s car into Ms. (Last name)’s car. I feel terrible, I truly do, but it could have happened to anyone with any driver. So I refute these accusations and continue to say this is an accident.” 
“And you, Baron, Ms. (Last name). How do you feel about the accusations?” The reporter gestured his question to you two now. “I respect your opinion, Mr. Walker,” Zemo began, the man smiling and sending a nod his way. “But I call, as the Americans say, bullshit.” His smile fell, darkened gaze questioning the man on what the Hell he was going on about. The reporters erupted in questioning, trying to get the attention of the two racers who stare each other down around you. You lean back a bit for them to have a better view-line, One of the American reporters calling your name. You use this moment to break the tension. “Oui?” 
“Do you believe you stand a chance as a woman against these two leading men now that John  Walker is starting to gain points and nearing your total?” You blink at his question before taking a deep breath, holding it to calm your throbbing head, and releasing it slowly. “Oui, I do. I believe I can keep up just as well as any racer. Take my racing career with Zemo. I have kept up with his old extrémité arrière.” The French reporters in the room resound in a fit of chuckles, bringing a smile to your face. “And against Walker?” You meet his gaze as he stares at you expectantly for an answer, forcing that smile he tried to use on you earlier. “I believe I stand quite a good chance, but que le meilleur coureur gagne.” You shrug, listening as the smaller drivers get asked their questions. The whole time there are eyes burning into the left side of your head, waiting until the racers are dismissed. Walker watches you as you walk out, watching the way Zemo comes up in tow as you make your way to the car bay. Something was up, and he could feel that there were clearly doubts in your mind about the accident in France. He would just have to deal with you later. “(First name), wait!” Zemo followed you into the bay, slowing from his jog to keep up with you to a stop near the desk holding your notes about the race and your vehicle. “I haven’t had a chance to talk with you in person since the bar.” He paused, looking into those eyes of yours that gaze at him curiously. “Are you ready for this, fräulein?” 
“Aussi prêt que possible, Baron.” You busy yourself with inspecting your car for any last minute changes, the man watching you as you inspect and work. “Good, good. And we are still a go, yes?” 
“Oui, we are still, as you said, a go.” He grinned at you, gaze flickering down your back as he looked over your uniform. Of course he had noticed you in all aspects before, talent and skill being the top, but never had he been this close like the night at the bar and now to really see you. Maybe after all of this, even with the rivalry, you could be friends, dare he say anything more than such. “You’re staring.” You quip, breaking him from his trance to meet your gaze. The faintest hint of color lingered on your cheeks. He coughed, trying to clear away the embarrassment lingering in his form. Why was he getting embarrassed? “Just thinking about what will be left behind when I pass you on the track, mein liebe.” Your eye roll doesn’t go unnoticed, the man relaxing due to how calm you are around him. No biting his head off, no anger, just chill. You stand and give a playful shove to his shoulder, smiling at the Sokovian. “In your dreams, Sokovian. Now, get the fuck out of my car bay.” He smiled to himself as he walked away, mind now clouded by the smile that lingered on your lips. He liked when you smiled, and he had to make sure this plan worked. 
The race was gearing up to start, the same process as before coming into play. Car, balaclava, wheel. You take your moment to breathe, today your speed has placed you in second, just as the plan entailed. Zemo took the first position. He glanced your way, sending a nod in your direction, only to smirk beneath the balaclava when you flip him off like usual. The rivalry was still on, no matter what he would still have that after dealing with Walker. Still have you in one sense or another. Your glance focused in on the man across the way in the pole position opposite of you, his eyes locked on the two of you before meeting your gaze. There he stares you down, even as his helmet slipped on. The visor was flipped down at the one minute warning, eliminating the final clarifying view of his gaze. It was clear he was cautious of you, maybe even lingering with hate. 
“Fahrer! Starten...sie ihre....Motoren!
That familiar purr settles into your chest, spreading through your body like a dam breaking and flooding the valley below. It stirs up the motivation to win once more, removing any doubt from your mind as you rev your engine. Zemo was right, Walker had to be stopped. With this attitude about racing, playing his little mind games and wrecking racers, he’d get someone killed just for first place. You couldn’t allow that...but you also couldn’t allow the rivalry you have established with Zemo to be broken because of someone else. There was too much there to be lost. Your fingers tighten around the wheel, licking your lips beneath the helmet as you prepare yourself for takeoff. The lights start counting down the race. Five seconds away, one green and two red lights. You watch them count down until the bottom lines of red are fully lit, then they flash off. You’re off, following Zemo right on the tail of his car as you start into the track. This track was a beast, your mind racing as it remembers every nook and cranny of it. Seventy three corners, eleven danger points, hair pin turns, all on a 12.8 mile long course that was deadly in the onset of any weather and people who get careless with their moves. Lucky enough, the sky was only overcast. No rain, little wind to interfere with the aerodynamics and mobility of the chassis, just the perfect chill in the air to remind you where you were in this moment. You take your turns with ease, avoiding the group of cars that began to follow suit on the track behind your own. Your eyes remained locked in on every shift to your side, Walker keeping close by within each turn and danger point you went through. 
As you drive, Walker gets up past you within one of the speed trap areas, the stretch of road allowing him to be up beside Zemo and leave you on the back of their tires. Zemo had a plan, you believed in this plan… but had he just been toying with you to get closer to Walker? Doubt clouded your mind, even as you sped up in an attempt to join the boys directly in the front. Perhaps you shouldn’t have followed this plan, even as you get through the first twenty five laps, then the next twenty five. Each turn brought your tyres closer to Walkers who eyed you cautiously from time to time, as if silently daring you to pull a move like he did. Maybe you’d be caught and black flagged. Hell, that would make his fucking day if that happened. As he watched you, he had failed to notice on the wider strip of the track how Zemo began to drift further and further ahead. Then he was side tracked, Zemo slowing abruptly and stealing the attention of the young American driver. “What the Hell!?” He yelled over the roar of multiple motors, watching your car join Zemo’s side and the original speed be resumed. Now you sat beside Zemo on the track, pedal to the floorboard as you two kept your lead and basically walled Walker in. Each time he tried to drift around, one of you would shift your car just enough to keep him locked in. A grin met your lips as you drove, the energy of the race taking a whole new shift as you got closer and closer to the last lap with your rival right at your side. Tips of the chassis lined up perfectly, rear aerodynamic fins aligned like a well oiled machine. You two were in perfect sync as you put Zemo’s plan into action. Create a wall of impenetrable magnitude. If Walker tried anything, all three of you would go down. If he tried to get around, he would be blocked. There was no getting out from behind you two. 
The checkered flag waved in the quickly approaching distance, your gaze for a moment looking at your rival. The blur of purple was steady, lined with yours like that of an air jet's flight coordination. Perfectly straight, and running at full throttle like you are. As your cars pass the finish line, debate begins to rise. It was too close in the end to call, at least not right away. You slow, allowing the purple beast to pass by and enter the pit before you, a silent gesture of courtesy to the man you worked with. He sent a small nod your way when he watched you get out of your car, helmet removed along with his balaclava and revealing the joyful grin resting on his lips. Anyone else would mistaken it for cockiness, but the look in his eyes said it all. You two did it, you beat Walker in the race! He must be furious! A breath is held on your end, helmet and the fabric covering your face discarded as you turn your gaze away from the arriving racers and the man you drove along with. You were locked in on that score board, curiosity eating at you for who may have won the race. You were neck in neck with the man, the smallest push forward could earn either of you the points for the day. No names shown yet, and you anxiously leaned on the hot surface of the carbon fiber vehicle as you waited. Each noise around you from the slow dwindle of engines to low, fading purrs to the pit crews of your respective teams surrounding you, your rival, and the newcomer were drowned out by the pounding of your heart as it flooded your ear drums. It felt like hours passed as you kept your gaze locked on, ignoring the happy clamour of your crew, the clasp of hands on your shoulder and pats on your back, even down to the ruffling of your hair in glee. Then it flashed up. 
1st: (First initial). (Last name) 
1st: H. Zemo 
2nd: J. Walker
The press goes crazy over the news, each respective country reporting their amazement over the finishing results.
“Ein fehlerfreier, aber überraschender Sieg für Baron Helmut Zemo, der mit (First name) (Last name) gleichauf den ersten Platz belegt!”
“Victoire pour la championne de France (First name) (Last name) alors qu'elle rejoint le Baron Helmut Zemo dans une rare égalité!”
“In a remarkable and truly unprecedented event in The Nürburgring F1 race! Baron Helmet Zemo and (First name) (Last name) tied in a photo finish for first place, a rare occurrence that has set back American racer John Walker from the potential for first place!”
Your breath comes out shaky, slowly slipping out as reality hits you like a wrecking ball to a brick wall. The air leaves your lungs as a happy noise rings out from your lips, joining your crew in the celebration as they hug and surround you. You placed first. Zemo placed first. Curiosity met you, your gaze looking to the man who celebrated with his own crew before allowing himself a chance to settle his gaze on you in turn. There he sent a wink, a silent congratulations that made you shake your head at his antics before refocusing on the celebration. You would be standing with the man in first place on that podium, both sharing the victory wreath and spraying champagne all over the crowd of fans and your respective pit crews who were basking in the glory just as much as you two were. You couldn’t help the glee bubbling up in your form, even as you make your way not too far from your rival. For a second, just a split second, you let the rivalry go and let your smile be seen in accompaniment with his gleeful grin, shoulders bumping when you’re positioned at the podium by the F1 management crew. Press swarm to the area like flies to a summer barbecue, wanting to catch a glimpse of the rivals standing together, being on the podium and sharing first place. “Not so bad working with my, as you put it earlier, old extrémité arrière, hm?” He questioned as you two stood together, the closeness you two were forced into for the photographers far more comfortable than it would have been under any other circumstances. He blamed the feelings he had at this moment on the victory over Walker, over the rest of the racers, not even thinking that perhaps this was beyond the fact that he won but that you, his favorite rival, won alongside him. “Non, not the worst.” You joked lightly, forcing a serious face for the cameras when they began to picture you two side by side on the first place stand. He accepted the bottle of champagne before you could, holding it out. “You may have the honor, (First name).” Your fingers brush his own as you grasp the bottle with him, popping the cork and sending the bubbly to decorate the crowd. Flash after flash met you as you stood alongside Zemo and basked in the glory of the win. “How about drinks to celebrate? Even as rivals, I believe a drink wouldn’t hurt.” He whispered the question, causing your gaze to lock on his own in brief surprise. Was he serious!? “I um..Oui, sure. Meet you in town?” He nods, gaze seeming to glimmer ever so brighter as he takes his leave. Even when you separate to get cleaned of the alcohol and switch to “civilian clothing”, your smile doesn’t falter. Maybe it would be good for you to drink the night away with company that didn’t seem as bad as you once had thought before. 
As you begin to peel away the racing suit, the flame resistant material bunching at your waist and revealing the open expanses of your back, the simplistic bra strap over the back the only material seen, you fail to hear the seething man enter your car bay. “Do you know what you just did, Ms. (Last name)? Who you fucked with?” Walker puts his hands on your shoulders, spinning you around to face him, his face inches away from yours. “You went and fucked with the wrong man. You could have just accepted your loss, licked your wounds, and we would have been just fine. But oh no, you had to go and fuck with my winning streak with that Sokovian piece of shit.” He huffed when you shove him back, gaze narrowed and arms crossing over your bra covered chest out of annoyance. You could care less what he saw. “I don’t see why you’re so mad, Mr. Walker. You got a taste of your own medicine after that stunt you pulled back in France. You and I both know that was no accident.” 
“You know what? Yeah, I did that. But I see you are working with Zemo now, which is also a big no-no in Formula 1. Seems we’re both sinners of the race. The greed of it.” His tone was a hushed, harsh whisper. There was no need to alert anyone that he was in your private quarters harassing you. “I’m nothing like you.” Your tone came out in a hiss, his downturned lips curving up into a grin at your response. “Oh sweetheart, I beg to differ.” He chuckled at the narrowed gaze he was met with. “You and your Sokovian boy toy need to back off. Let this happen like it should or you’ll not like what happens next.”
“And just what do you think you’ll do, John? Because all I’m hearing right now is a lot of talking with no proof of any big execution.” Your lazy grin and scoff of annoyance at his presence left him to raise his hands in mock defeat, hands coming to rest on your shoulders once more with a harsh grip that made your body tense and hold you there. He leaned in, even as you tried to lean away, his lips moving in close near your ear. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Frenchie. I will do anything to win. You best remember that.” His tone alone makes your body betray you, the calm, cool, and collected front slipping as a shiver ran up your spine at his warning. And with that, he leaves you to get dressed for the night. 
Zemo texts you an address for a bar off the beaten path in Cologne, Germany, further than you had anticipated in going from the track but a welcomed change of scenery. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Frenchie. I will do anything to win. You best remember that.” The words stick with you, even as you drive the main road into the big city, looking for the bar Zemo had invited you to. It was connected to a hotel, a fancy hotel at that, with old architecture and lavish exterior. You could only imagine the interior! A nervous breath is taken as you get out of the car, gaze meeting the man you had just won with. He smiled at you, clothing casual and the air around him feeling far more comforting now than ever. The incident with Walker had left you rattled, sending your nerve endings to buzz and let your body know that you aren’t okay. Even though you felt off, you force a smile to the man who wrapped a friendly arm around your shoulders and led you in to sit at the quiet bar. “So, did I not tell you the plan would work?”
“I just thought it was your cockiness talking, but I will admit, though it physically pains me to do so…” You pause, biting your lip. “Well?” You sigh. “You were right.” The words come out struggled and forced, the man's grin growing at such. “Ah~, I don’t believe I caught that.” “Oh va te faire foutre!” He chuckled at your words, hand raised towards the bartender to get you drinks. “What are you ordering?”
“Shots. We deserve something to toast our victory to, and I don’t believe champagne is your drink of choice.” He offered you one of the smaller glasses, his own raised before him as he locks those bright brown eyes with your own. “Ein Prost! To us, and our victory over John Walker. May that American schwein taste defeat again.” You raise your glass, hoping to drink away any thoughts about Walker's warning and leave it for the next day. Throwing caution to the wind, you decided right then and there that you would finally have fun and disregard the night that you sat across from your rival. Tonight you just wanted to drink. “À la vôtre!” The drink is bitter as it hits your throat and travels down your body, causing a warmth to spread soon after. Kuemmerling, a bitter concoction of herbaceous and bittersweet flavors. A drink of choice for Zemo it seemed because soon after the shots were downed, he ordered another round. 
Shot after shot after shot is taken down until your body is leaning against his own and a joke that is shaky at best from his part sends you into a roar of laughter. He holds you close, laughing right along with you. “So... It’s Barenjar?” He snorts at your piss poor pronunciation of the new liquor joining the mix, shaking his head at you as he looks on with drunken vision. “Nien, nien, Bärenjäger. Say it with me. Bä-”
“Mick Jagger?” 
He laughs in defeat, shaking his head as he watched you. So relaxed, so calm. He hasn’t seen you like this before in his life. He’s startled by your sudden movements after downing your last shot for the night, catching you as you try to stand and stumble as your feet betray you. Your body landing against his, his arms slotting themselves around your waist as your drunken gaze catches his own. Those brown eyes of his are hypnotizing, keeping your gaze locked on his own. “I have something to confess, (First name).” He paused to wet his lips, trying to piece the words together in his hazy mind. “I have liked you since the day I met you.” He finally blurts out, fingers moving up to brush away a stray strand of hair that had fallen into your eyes. “You’re infuriating, yet calming. Stubborn and determined. Your smile is lovely and those eyes…” He trails off, leaving your hazy mind questioning what was going to come after, but you hardly have time to think about it as he pressed in closer, face inches from your own. The smell of Bärenjäger and Kuemmerling lingered on his breath as it fanned over your face, those brown eyes searching for something in your own. “Can you feel it, the connection we have? Can you see that we are not just rivals now?” His tone was just barely above a whisper, questioning you with a hint of desperation to his tone. 
That was the only answer he needed. His lips are on yours with fever and desperation, hands clinging to your form for dear life after hearing the words that sent him to fully fall into the feeling of you. You were his comfort, the one constant thing in his life. His rival...but right now you were the woman he sloppily kissed at the hotel bar as the bartender tried to catch his attention to tell you that you both were cut off for the night. His hands moved to grip at your thigh and tangle in your hair, abandoning the idea of holding anything back, the liquor giving him courage to make a move on you. He has wanted to do this for years, touch you, feel you, have you there with him in any way he could. He separated only when the threat of security was offered by the bartender, lips kiss swollen and a faint pant falling from them. “Come.” His hand takes hold of yours, leading you along to the lift and up to his room for the night. This hotel that he called home for the time being would serve well for what he had in mind to do to you. He led you inside, not even waiting for the door to close as he captured your lips once more, hands taking your rear in his grasp and hoisting you up so your legs wrapped around him, back pressed up against the closest wall he could find. He held you there, lips separating to begin trailing hungry kisses down the column of your throat and allow his hands to trace along your sides. His fingers slipped beneath the fabric of your shirt to feel the bare skin there, wanting what he has longed for since the day he met you. A noise fell from your lips as he lazily suckled a mark over your pulse point, your fingers tangling into his dark hair and tugging the locks when his hips grounded against your own. He couldn’t help the fire blooming in his body, needy for the creature that has teased him for all these years, The one he thought he would never have a chance with because of their hate for each other on the track. He needed you, and in your current state, you were willing to accept any touch he offered. He was just Helmut Zemo tonight. Not your rival, not the Baron, just Helmut. And you were his (First name). 
A groan left his lips when you pulled him by his hair away from your neck, hands working to take your shirt up and over your head. Throwing it aside, he looked at you with a gaze of admiration. It was similar to the gaze he gave when looking at the new modifications to his car, taking pride in the beauty of things that drove him to win. He dampens his lips, fingers lazily dragging up the expanses of your back from bottom to top, resting on the clasp of the garment covering your breast. “Darf ich?” Your nod was all he needed, the clasp undone with skilled fingers that knew precision, holding still on your back when your arms rose to take the garment and throw it in an unknown direction to be forgotten about for the time being. He wasted no time with taking one of your breasts in hand, fingers running over the sensitive bud of one while he took the other in his mouth, suckling and lavishing with his tongue. He took his time, drunken yet slowly sobering mind savoring each and every noise that fell from your lips as he toyed with your body. You’re barely into foreplay and he already has your panties soaked, the Baron being a creature that knows exactly what buttons to push to get you going without even knowing your body. He was skilled, that much was for sure in your mind as he switched to the other breast, paying equal attention to each. Those brown eyes of his don’t leave your face for a second, watching every reaction and trying to commit them to memory. If he could only have you tonight, he wanted to remember everything he possibly could. Every detail of your body, everything that drew a hitched breath or a low moan from your lips. Every shaky breath and the way your body would press closer to his greedy mouth and hand. He stored it all away. Maybe he’d wake up the next day and fancy this a pleasant dream...It wouldn’t be the first time he’s gotten worked up by thinking about you. 
His hand traveled downward, cupping your sex through your pants as his own grinds up against your thigh, straining through the fabric of his pants. He ached for you, for your heated skin to be pressed against his own in a delicious rut of bodies. He traced along the seam, hearing the low whine that fell from your lips as he teased you through the material. “Helmut, stop for a moment.” The man paused all actions, his gaze shifted to a worried state as he met your eyes and spoke with concern. “Are you alright, mein liebling?”
“Oui.” Your fingers trace his jaw, the man's face briefly pressing in against your palm before delivering a soft kiss to the area. A tender gesture that sent butterflies to flutter in your stomach and heart to speed further than the foreplay had already caused. “I just...Take me to the bedroom. Please?” You preferred not being right beside the door where anyone could listen in, where anyone could hold a camera up to the peephole and record the sexual pleasures of the infamous Wildcard and Baron. That would make a top headline, wouldn’t it? He gave a chuckle at your demand, nodding as he kept his grip on you, your legs wrapping just a hint tighter around him as he moved you both to the bedroom. He’s gentle with setting you down, looking down at you when you unwrap your arms and legs from his form. “Scheiße, du bist perfekt.” He slowly worked on the buttons of his shirt, working each plastic piece through the loop with fingers that were known for precision on the course. A shift in his steering, taking hold of the semi-automatic paddle-shifters as he drove, it was all well calculated and that applied on and off the track. His shirt is shrugged off his shoulders, thrown aside before focusing on the belt on his pants. He gets it off with what can only be deemed a darkening gaze, knowing he’s getting closer and closer to having you. You rose to let your hands trail his chest, roaming over the lean muscle that rested there as feather light kisses met his collarbone. A shiver met his spine, shooting up in bliss as he allowed a moment to savor the feeling of you touching his skin. Your skin was so warm, so inviting. He was getting lost in everything. 
Your fingers shift down his torso, trailing his abdomen before looping in the belt loops of his pants to pull him forward, a low growl falling from his lips when you place a kiss above the waistline of his pants. Your movements were confident, unzipping his trousers and tugging them down to reveal the tent hidden behind his underwear. He swallowed thickly as he kicked his pants off, watching your every move as you cup him through the thin fabric, thumb moving to brush over the leaking tip and cause a shaky breath to leave him. “Maus-” A groan leaves his lips when a jerk through the fabric is given, his head falling back briefly. He huffed when you repeated the motion, fingers anxious to wrap around his bare flesh and feel that hot skin in the palm of your hand. But he stops you, hand wrapping around your own and bringing it to his lips once more. “Tonight is not about me, maus.” You’re surprised when the man placed his hand on your chest, lightly pushing you back to lay on the bed as he slowly sank down onto his knees, ”Es geht nur um dich.’ His lips drag slowly across your skin, trailing light kisses and nips along your abdomen and resting at the waist of your pants. He glanced up, a silent question of courtesy offered your way as his fingers loop in the band, asking permission like a proper gentleman. “Go ahead.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, his presence making you feel like you’re floating higher and higher on this ride with him. He gave a tug, your rear lifting and back arching to aid the man as he pulled your pants down and let them fall to join the scattered articles around the room. You’d have to go on a damn scavenger hunt just to find your clothes! But none of that mattered now, not when his hot breath is fanning over your needy core and face nuzzling at your thighs. He placed a kiss to your inner thigh before another followed, then another as he began to trail inward towards your covered core. “Aufgeregt?” He purred in questioning, a low rumble of a chuckle coming from deep within his chest spilling out at the small nod he is met with, loving how he has left you damn near speechless just by being so close. Your hips jump back before he gets a grip on them, his tongue moving over the wet fabric and causing a light whine to spill from your lips. “Helmut, please.” Oh, hearing you speak his name only egged him on further, needing you. He needed to taste you, to feel you. He needed you in every way, and his drunken mind only pushed him on to pull the fabric away from your legs and stare at the glory that is you. So wet, so beautiful. He wasted no more time, bringing your legs to hook over his shoulders and delved into the intoxicating honey pot he had been offered. He started off slowly, a long lap from entrance to clit given before the motion was repeated just to hear the noise that left your lips with each swipe. Zemo was mapping you out, taking note of what areas made your thighs twitch and tense, what areas made your hips jump back at the sensitivity of his touch, and what made those oh so delicious noises spill from your mouth. 
He allows his tongue to focus in on your clit, flicking the bundle of nerves in a rhythm that sends your head to spin and moan after moan to spill from your lips. “Merde!” He smirked against your core when your hand shot down to tangle in his locks, needing stability after he took your clit between his lips and suckled. He repeats the motion, gaze locked on your own and watching the sudden shock of the feeling run through your body. You were so reactive, and just for him. A lazy lick is given to the sensitive bundle of nerves, watching your hips jerk lightly and seeing the tremble that began to settle into your thighs. “Close?” He questioned as if he was questioning about an everyday thing, totally not giving the impression he was getting you close to orgasm just with that sinful tongue and lips of his. O-Oui.” Your tone was shaky, breathy, eyes half lidded and watching his every move on you. “Gut.” A gasp fell from your lips when he sank a digit into your hot, needy core, arching along the way and searching for the sweet spot deep within. He wasn’t like the inexperienced boys who would just jab their fingers into their partner and hope it hits something. No, his fingers curled, probed, dragged and felt for that spot in a way that showed his experience. A second digit is added not too long after the first, probing the flesh within until he hears your moan and finds that spot that drives you to clamp your thighs around his head. A groan left his lips at the rush of slick is met with each probe, massaging that spot within you and only adding to the tension building in your core. Each throb he was met with only spurred him on. He was on a mission to bring you over the edge, and he would do anything to get you off. When his mouth returned to your still sensitive clit, tongue flicking of the bundle and including the occasional suckle while his fingers moved deep within, you were done for. A rough tug is given to his hair as your body convulses, thighs clamping around him and grinding your hips down against his eager tongue. He helps you ride out your orgasm, lapping at your clit until you give a light shove to his head to make him stop. A wicked smile crosses his features as he gives one final suckle, a squeak leaving your lips at the motion and shoving him back as much as your trembling body allows. He can only chuckle at the attempt, fingers removing from your throbbing core. He watched your gaze land on him when you caught sight of the digits, watching the man move his glance to them as if he was inspecting them before a quiet whimper left your lips when they were taken one by one into his mouth. He made it a show, teasing you as he cleaned each digit of your juices in a slow motion. Sinking down to the knuckle before returning and licking at whatever was left. “Tease.” You huffed, chest rising and falling steadily with your hammering heart. “Oh you know you like it.” He retorted, lazily letting his body climb up and over yours on the plush mattress. 
He pushed the final material separating you from him away, throwing the underwear away before letting himself settle in against your body. Zemo wasted no time in wrapping your legs around his waist, lips joining yours as he lined up with you, one hand taking hold of your hip while the other took hold of your hair, tugging it back enough to have access to your neck. As he begins to ease himself within you, his lips attach at a section of your neck, a harsh mark left in his wake as he sinks inch by inch within the lightly pulsing core that he toyed with before. A groan was left against your skin when he was fully settled, grip rough on your hip but movements gentle as he waited for you to adjust. He was no animal, not cruel! He knew that there was a possibility for pain if he moved too soon, and even in his drunken haze he recognized the look in your eyes, the slight twinge of pain from his size alone. The stretch wasn’t unpleasant, no, but it was an intrusion you weren’t quite used to when normally doing this. He lightly placed kisses to sooth you along the mark he left, trailing them up the underside of your chin, going along your jaw before soon connecting with your lips in a soft kiss. Something to distract you until you were ready for him to move. A shift of your hips was given when you tested the feeling of him in you, the moan that left your lips causing a low growl to fall from his own. He lifted his body to loom over yours, hand moving from your hair to cup a breast as he sets a slow, deep and even borderline sensual pace within your core. Slowly out until the tip stayed just barely in before plunging deeply into your warm, wet depths. He huffed with each push of his cock within your core, meeting your moans with a faint groan here or a soft growl there when your walls gripped him just right. He was losing composure with each faint twitch of your walls around him, pace beginning to pick up into a steady rhythm that developed the noise of slick skin hitting skin and the bed beneath to creak ever so slightly with each movement. “Verdammt!” He could tell how your walls began to tighten around him, how each noise leaving your lips grew louder and louder. His poor neighbors, hearing you both so vividly through the walls of the hotel. Yet he didn’t care who heard. As long as they knew that in this moment, you were his to take, that was all that mattered. Zemo moved his thumb to your clit, working the bundle along with the assault he laid on your sensitive spot deep within. Each clamp around him brought his own release to come closer and closer. “Cum for me, maus.” He demanded with a grunt, needing to feel you come undone to reach his own release. His words hit somewhere deep in you, the demand that was laced with a plea driving you to your second orgasm of the night. He groaned as he felt you clamp around him, the sensation alone causing him to remove himself from you and spill onto your stomach with a few quick pumps of his hand along his slick coated member. He pants, taking in the sight of you one final time for the time being. Messy, slickened by your own arousal and sweat. Your hair was messed up, your lips parted and panting. To add the cherry on top, you were coated in his release, a sight for sore eyes while you lay like this. He made you like this, and it swells his drunken ego. 
Slowly he eased down to lay at your side, bringing you in against him with an almost delicate kiss delivered to your temple. Your breathing slowly evened out, head resting against his chest as his fingers trail along your back, drawing imaginary patterns as his mind begins to blank. The alcohol was taking effect, causing him to enter a lull and for his eyes to flutter shut. As you lay there, catching your breath, you watch as he drifts away, a single question beginning to enter your sobering mind. 
“What have I done?”
Tag List: @darksxder | @mymagicsuitcase | @mischief-siriusly-managed | @alindeluce​
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naralanis · 4 years
little bumps in the road (pt. 8)
Previously on LBitR
“For the record, I still say Disney World would have been far safer than this insanity.”
Lena does her best to ignore Kara’s muttering. While this may be one of the more insane schemes she has ever concocted in her life, the truth of the matter is that she would have never, ever suggested it if she didn’t honestly think they could pull it off.
“Maybe,” she concedes, squinting at the drugstore compact sitting on the nightstand as she readjusts the wig. “But it certainly wouldn’t be as productive.”
She turns to Kara, who’s still frowning, and fluffs the strawberry blonde locks cascading from her own head. Maybe she should just bleach her hair and be done with it.
“So, what do you think?”
Kara’s frown deepens considerably. “You still look like you, Lena. I’m not sure about this.”
“Wait, hold on; I’m missing a crucial piece,” Lena retorts, reaching for a pair of thick, black-rimmed glasses sitting on the nightstand. “Ta-da,” she says flatly, pulling them on. “Unrecognizable, I’m basically a different person.”
Kara pulls a face, and Lena mentally kicks herself, rushing to pull the frames off.
“Kara, I didn’t mean...”
The blonde raises a hand, stopping her in her tracks. “I know,” she says, though she does so through clenched teeth. “I still think this is a monumentally bad idea. Explain to me why I can’t go with you.”
Lena sighs. “Because you’re supposed to be dead, Kara--it’s far less risky if I go in alone. Even if I get caught, you remain a secret. Plus-- I know the building. I used to own it, once upon a different Earth, remember?”
Kara crosses her arms over her chest, looking entirely unconvinced. “I still think we should wait for Alex. She’s going to respond soon, Lena, I know it.”
“Maybe she will, maybe she won’t. Call her again tomorrow,” she says, as evenly as she can. “But I’m doing this, Kara. I can’t just stand by while you go without powers for another day--who knows when Alex will actually be able to help? I need to do this.”
Kara stares, pensively and worriedly, not saying a word for a long time. She looks at the wig Lena’s wearing, at the outfit they bought a few towns over to make her look like some intern--button-down, dark jeans, oxfords, at the medical supplies they’ll use to take a sample of her blood and transport it to LuthorCorp tomorrow. Her gaze lingers on the glasses Lena’s still holding, and she releases a sigh, sounding more than defeated--she sounds afraid.
“You know you don’t have to do this, right?” she waves a hand over the considerable space between them, seemingly at a loss. “There’s nothing to... atone for, or whatever.”
Lena smiles, knowing it doesn’t reach her eyes.
“We’ll have to agree to disagree there.”
Kara looks anguished, seems to be grinding the gears in her head, like she knows that at this point she’s just grasping at straws.
“Is it too late to find a vet lab somewhere?” she tries, with no conviction behind her tone.
“No, but LuthorCorp will have the equipment for much faster, and more accurate results. I can do this, Kara. I promise.”
Kara visibly deflates, and Lena knows the matter will be dropped, just like that. “Fine. I concede. I’m never talking you out of this, am I?”
Lena feels her smile twitch a little, but she reaches over the gulf between them, putting the glasses back on the nightstand.
“No, darling, I’m afraid not.”
Kara’s responding sigh seems to echo in the motel room; it lingers in the air, heavy with a fear Lena knows she’ll try to brush off.
“Alright, fine. Now please take off that wig--you as a blonde is freaking me out.”
Breaking into LuthorCorp is quite simple, in a manner of speaking: all one needs to make it through the main doors is a swipe card. If she had the necessary materials, Lena could easily clone one with her eyes closed, but as it is, she needs to acquire one from an actual employee.
That is easily accomplished; Kara, decked out as tourist (complete with a neon-orange fanny-pack of her choosing), distracts a low-level minion having his lunch break on the public plaza right across the street from the main building, and Lena just walks right past them, disguise in place. His entry card and lab-coat are in her hands in less than a second, and in the other, she’s already crossing the street.
With any luck, Lena will be in and out of the building before the card is ever reported missing.
The problem, however, lies in getting into a laboratory. Any of the more equipped labs, those working on secretive (and likely illegal) projects, would lie behind layers and layers of security Lena has neither the time nor the tools at present to even try to break.
To their luck, Lena doesn’t actually need to try to sneak into any high-clearance labs--all she needs is a solid thirty minutes with a mass spectrometer of her own design; a handy not-so-little piece of machinery that had become standard in all L-Corp labs in their previous Earth, and, because Lex cannot resist stealing a good idea, LuthorCorp.
Still, even to access a simple, run-of-the-mill lab at LuthorCorp, Lena needs to go through biometric sensors--retina scanners, to be precise.
And maybe, just maybe, Lena had neglected to mention that little detail to Kara when they discussed the plan for the umpteenth time that morning while she methodically took a sample of Kara’s blood, but that’s neither here nor there.
Once she’s through the main doors-- Kryptonian blood sample packed into a Thermos full of ice in her purse (I am amazed and disturbed at how easily you were able to get medical supplies like these, Lena, seriously), it’s easy enough to make her way through the  elevators, carrying a stack of papers to look the part of an intern--no one even bats an eye.
The cameras on the third floor are exactly where Lena had expected them to be, so she walks down the corridor to where she knows is a supply closet, and swipes in with no problem. The layout of the building really had not changed at all since she last worked there, even if that had happened on a literal other reality.
Once she’s in, Lena only has to wait. She counts the seconds in her head in French, both to keep track of time, but also to calm her racing heartbeat, because this--this is the biggest gamble of her plan.
Since she obviously does not have a way to bypass the biometric scanners, Lena’s only option is to get someone to do it for her.
She lies in wait in the supply closet for about two and a half minutes, and then she hears it: the sound of footsteps, two sets of them, and idle conversation, coming down the corridor directly her way. Lena takes a deep breath, counts the steps as they approach--she only has one chance to do this right.
When the steps are right in front of the closet, she swings open the door with force.
The hit is a good one--whoever’s on the other side blocks her from opening the door all the way with dull impact, and her papers go scattering all over the place.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry! Are--are you OK, did the door hit you?”
Lena’s holding a hand over her right eye, moaning and doubled-over in mock pain as two young men--both looking to be interns-- look her over with concern. One of them is already on the floor, gathering her papers.
“Ow, no, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have opened the door like that--oww” she cries, maybe a little too dramatically. One of the interns, tall and lanky, steadies her as she fake-wobbles on her feet.
“Ouch, did you hit your head? Let me take a look at your eye, take your hand---yikes!”
Lena removes her palm, previously dusted with the finest blush powder she could find at the drugstore yesterday, and makes a big show of blinking away her tears. The make-up gives her an instant shiner, and the fine powder has the added benefit of irritating the shit out of her eye--so the swelling and the tears are 100% real.
“I’m fine, really, thank you,” she says, waving them off and taking the sheets the other intern dutifully picked up. “I’m so sorry, I was in such a hurry--are you guys OK?”
“Better than you,” the first one, laughs, though he still looks concerned. “Are you sure you’re OK? Your eye looks pretty bad, do you want to go to the infirmary or something?”
“No, no, it’s fine -- I just got to run some stuff, then I’ll get some ice. I’m fine, really,” Lena waves them off politely, touching the skin around her supposedly injured eye.
The two men exchanged a worried glance, but the first shrugs his shoulders. “OK then, take care. Sorry again.”
“No worries,” she laughs, a little too high, but she’s so close, so so close... “I’m just a klutz--my fault, totally.”
She’s already walking away towards a lab, one she had checked during her walk from the elevator to the supply closet. The interns linger by the closet door for a moment, before slowly making their way to the elevator, still sending worried glances her way.
Lena swipes the stolen card, and immediately the panel by the side opens up, revealing the retina scanner and prompting her to scan her credentials. She leans towards the scanner, and the red light makes her blink; the machine buzzes and flashes red, and a robotic voice filters through the side-speakers.
Unable to scan. Please try again.
Lena huffs, audibly--she hears the interns’ steps pause someway down the corridor. She stomps her foot, and leans over the scanner again. It buzzes.
Unable to scan. Please try again.
“Shoot! You’ve gotta be kidding me right now!”
The steps grow closer, and for a moment Lena’s a bit worried she may be overselling her frustration, but before she can try scanning her retinas again, the tall and lanky intern is by her side.
“Did you try your left eye? Seems to be in better condition,” he jokes--his smile is genuine and friendly, but Lena puts on an impressive grimace of alarm.
“I never registered it,” she bemoans, feigning panic. “God, I meant to, but then it was just one of those things--oh my god, my boss is going to kill me--”
“Hey, relax,” he quips, raising a hand to stop what was going to be a rather dramatic tirade. He smiles, and swipes his card at the door, leaning over the panel and scanning his own eye.
Scan complete. The voice drones. Access granted; Montgomery, Jason.
The panel lights up in green, and the door unlocks with an audible hiss. Lena lets out a little squeak of delight that is barely faked--she can’t believe it worked.
“Oh my god, thank you, you’re a saint!”
She pushes the door open, but is barely a foot inside when an arm blocks her entry--she almost screams, body frozen in sheer terror as she turns to look at the intern the door panel just identified as Jason.
He’s smiling broadly. “Say, I’m sorry about your eye. Can I make it up to you over some coffee, later?”
Lena can barely contain her sigh of relief, but she puts on her sweetest smile and bats her eyelashes (though she’s not sure how good the effect is with the eye that is actually stinging quite painfully--what the hell was in that powder??). “I think you just did, Jason.”
His blush would have been cute, if Lena had not been on a very tight schedule. “Oh, I insist. When does your shift end...?”
It takes Lena a second to register he’s waiting for her name; she slowly maneuvers under his arm, dragging her fingers over the sleeve of his labcoat--she can practically feel the poor guy’s shiver as she leans in closer.
“Liz,” she whispers, close to his year. “And my shift ends at seven. The café across the street alright with you?”
He visibly swallows. “Yes, ma’am. See you there, Liz.”
Lena gives him a wink--with her good eye-- as he steps away. As soon as the door clicks shut again, she exhales with relief, leaning against it so she doesn’t just fall to the floor. Her knees are trembling.
She knew she could pull it off, but she also cannot believe she did.
With no time to waste, Lena practically bolts to the nearest spectrometer, quickly uncapping the Thermos with Kara’s blood sample and getting to work. It’s almost refreshing to be in a lab again, even under these circumstances, after weeks on the road. There is an innate sense of calm that falls over her when she’s working like this, like this is her element.
Like this is where she is meant to be.
The spectrometer whirs to life with Kara’s sample--Lena only needs twenty, maybe twenty-five minutes with it. She is tempted to stay for as long as she possibly can--there is so much equipment here that would be helpful... if only she brought a bigger purse, maybe she could have stolen some without detection, since there are no cameras in the labs.
The screen begins to break down the analysis, and Lena’s barely seeing it; she’s copying everything by hand onto a notebook--once the machine is done, she will make its history unrecoverable, and she doesn’t want to print anything through LuthorCorp printers.
Lena works quickly, annotating in her shorthand and trying to work as fast as the machine gives her results. She is barely processing what she sees; there will be time to read and figure everything out later, but now, she needs all the information she can cram into this little notebook.
She can feel her own eyes widening at some of the results, has to check them twice before writing them down--her pen furiously scratches across the paper, but her brain is already elsewhere, trying to reverse engineer the method of synthesizing what she’s seeing in Kara’s blood, trying to figure out ways to get it out of her system, trying to...
The spectrometer slows down and stops--the bar on the screen reads analysis complete. Lena releases a sigh of relief, hand cramping as she writes.
And then there’s the click of a gun right behind her.
“Fancy seeing you here, Lena.”
Lena shuts her eyes--the right one still throbbing, and raises her hands, still clutching the notebook as she slowly and deliberately turns around. She never even heard the door hissing open. She opens her eyes to meet a flinty, furious glare.
“Hello, Alex.”
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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stressisakiller · 3 years
I'm Glad it's You
Steve Rogers x reader soulmate AU
As you wish part 3
Summary: A difficult conversation and a whole lot of fluff
Warnings: none, couple of curse words, mentions brainwashing
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: I finally got to this chapter!! I am so sorry it took so long life has been hectic. Hope yall like it!
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Blinking your eyes open you are surprised to see that you are still in the living room. You can't remember falling asleep last night. Then you feel the arm that's thrown over your stomach and the breath of the super soldier sleeping beside you. Right you think, Captain America is my soulmate and we fell asleep watching the princess bride. That was a sentence you never thought possible.
You carefully shuffle around for a better angle to see the man next to you. His mouth is slightly open and he had moved from mostly sitting up to lying on his side, one arm under your head the other around your waist. His hair is adorably messy, you wouldn't have thought that his hair could be anything but perfect. It is strangely endearing to see him like this, completely relaxed and looking slightly ruffled. 
Your gaze on his face seems to rouse him from his sleep, eyes slowly blinking open and taking in the world around him. He startles awake when he realizes how close you are and the fact that his arms are wrapped around you.
“Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean..” He starts apologizing while trying to untangle himself from you.
You cut him off by snuggling closer to him, your voice is muffled by his chest as you speak. 
“Don’t you dare apologize, that was the best sleep I’ve had in ages, plus you’re my soulmate, I doubt cuddling on the couch all night will be the worst thing we do.” You look up to see a slight blush painting his cheeks at your words.
“I never said it was," he counters, still a little flustered, "but we only just figured this out last night and I didn’t want to assume anything.” He quickly gains his composure back, allowing himself to enjoy the feeling of you in his arms. That is until Tony walks in.. 
"Please no sex on the couch, it's a bitch to clean." He states loudly causing you to laugh at his antics. You force yourself to leave the warmth that is Steve's arms and walk over to Tony who is grabbing a cup of coffee.
“I’m still mad at you, you know, for not telling me earlier.” You state matter of factly. "All this time I thought I'd end up dying alone because of one of your experiments gone wrong, and it turns out that you knew who my soulmate is for months."
He looks at you for a moment, contemplating how to respond before softening and giving you a kiss on the forehead,
 “I’m sorry little Buttercup, I should have told you earlier and not just assumed that you already knew.” You smile at this softer side of Tony, the side that he usually only allows you to see. 
You pour yourself and Steve a cup of coffee, asking him how he likes it.
"A good amount of cream and a spoonful of sugar." He states looking a little sheepish. You smile at the fact that Captain America likes a little coffee with his creamer. 
You jump slightly when you feel his arms sliding around your waist and his chin on your shoulder. 
"Thank you, doll, that looks perfect." His voice is soft in your ear. You quickly realize Steve is an affectionate man that likes to cuddle and is quickly warming up to the fact that you enjoy it too. 
You lean back into his embrace, reveling the simple fact that you could. You found your soulmate and you were already head over heels for the man. 
Your mom always loved to cook and she taught you when you were young. So you decide to make up some pancakes and french toast for breakfast, after all, it isn't everyday that you find your other half.
Tony and Steve help set the table and everything while you cook. Steve askes if he can help but Tony knows that you enjoyed taking care of the cooking by yourself. That may partially come from the fact that, for the most part, Tony is a terrible cook and you don't want him anywhere near your food.
Once the table is set and you are well on your way to cooking breakfast, Steve and Tony sit down and start to talk. Steve, always the one to go straight to business, begins to ask about the girl he brought in the day before.
“She’s still unconscious, from the look of her she's been in some terrible fights, she has multiple gun wounds and some scars that look to be from some wicked knife wounds.” Tony answers, feeling a little bit of sympathy for the unconscious girl in the medical wing.
“Well all the same, I need to find out who so is and why she shot me.” Steve answers allowing a little bit of the exasperation he is feeling to slip into his words.
“She shot you?” Your voice is laced with worry and you walk up to him, placing the food in your hand on the table, “are you ok?” Your eyes search his body to see if you could find the wound he spoke of.
“Yes doll, she shot me. I had the bullet removed and the skin is almost completely healed." His voice is gentle, reassuring, letting you know that there is nothing for you to worry about. 
"Anyway, it was like she wasn't shooting to kill. It was like she aimed for the spot that would cause the least amount of damage." His entire face is scrunched up in confusion, before he shakes his head and continues. "But I must speak with her when she wakes. That is the only way we can find out for sure.”
“Well until then, let's eat and then maybe you can come up with me to my lab so I can make you that punching bag.” You say setting the last of the food onto the table and grabbing some orange juice.
“You weren’t kidding about that?” Steve's voice is incredulous, he really didn't think that you would actually make a punching bag for him.
“Of course I was serious, I never kid.” You can’t help the smile that slips through the serious look you are putting on.
The next two days pass with you and Seve spending as much time together as possible. You are quickly able to develop a punching bag for him and even develop a couple of smaller items to help make missions easier as well. You are surprised how happy it makes you to have Steve in the lab with you. You share stories of your childhood and are surprised by the similarities, especially when it comes to your health. He tells you about Brooklyn, and his friend Bucky. About trying to get drafted and the events that lead to him becoming Captain American. You enjoy how willing he is to share his life with you and how easy it is for you to return the favor. You are in the middle of telling him the story of how you met Tony when Jarvis comes over the speaker.
“Mr. Rogers, the woman you brought in has awoken.”
You look at each other before rushing down the halfway to the medical wing. Steve steps in first and you quietly follow him, not wanting to get in the way. 
“Oh good you’re awake,” Steve’s voice is harder than you had ever heard before, and you watch as the girl tenses up even more. 
“Now I get to ask you all of the questions that I’ve been waiting to ask you for the past 3 days.” You watch him pull a chair up and sit, his pose meant to intimidate. 
“Who are you? Why did you shoot me? What were you doing in that town and where did you get these?” You flinch slightly at the anger in his voice, glad that it isn’t currently directed at you. 
Steve is holding up a pair of dog tags, and you wonder what they have to do with anything. The girl seems to be reeling from the questions trying to decide how to answer. You are curious as to what she will have to say. Her voice is desperate when she finally speaks.
“My name is Alison, my father is Hydra and forced me to become one of their experiments, a soldier for them. I was planning on escaping but I never could, I couldn’t leave him there.” Leave him? Leave who you wonder, her voice grows more desperate when she speaks of him, he must be important to her. You focus back in on what she is saying. 
“I couldn’t leave him, not when I could do something to save him. I couldn’t leave him there all alone.” You can tell that she is close to tears as she speaks and that there is no lie in her words.
Steve balks, “Wait a minute, you’re Hydra.” He spits the words out at her causing you to look at him in confusion. 
“Not by choice.” Her voice is steel. She holds no love for her father or this Hydra organization.
Steve finally asks the question that is bugging you. “Alright then, who is this “he” you keep mentioning?” He leans back crossing his arms, waiting for her answer.
She stares at him for a moment, as if deciding whether she can trust him or not. She seems to come to a conclusion. Taking a deep breath she answers, 
“My soulmate, the soldier, the man on the dog tags, James Buchanan Barnes.” You can't help but gasp, James was Steve’s best friend, he had told you all about him the last couple of days. Your gaze immediately turns to Steve to see his reaction, his whole body has gone stiff, his eyes narrowed, teeth clenched.
“You’re lying. I watched him fall from the train, I watched him die! There is no way in hell he is your soulmate.” His anger is rolling off of him in waves.
 You however remain strangely calm after the initial shock of her words. What she said makes sense, after all a 95 year old super soldier who was assumed dead for 70 years is your soulmate. Who's to say that James didn’t survive the fall?
 You step up to Steve and softly place your hand on his shoulder.
The girl is still frantically trying to convince him, “I’m not lying! I swear! Hydra got to him. They made him into a weapon, they brainwashed him and put him on ice when they didn’t need him so that they could control him better. I swear, I’m not lying!" Her voice is practically hysterical at the end.
 Leaning in to Steve you murmur to him, 
“Steve, you survived an airplane crash and being frozen in a glacier for decades. Maybe she is telling the truth.” Your voice is soft, placating. 
He turns to you, the hardness of his face softening at the sincerity he can see in your eyes. 
“Fine,” he says turning back to the girl, Alison, “I can’t fully trust you and I can’t let you go, so you will have to live here in the tower, under surveillance. If you want us to trust you, you will have to prove yourself trustworthy.” Steve stands after this declaration, unlocking the cuffs on her wrists. You turn to her, 
“I’ll make sure that they have a room ready for you as soon as you are well enough to leave the hospital.” You give her a soft smile, heaven knows she needs it. You pause a second, alone in the room with her, Steve had walked swiftly out the door as soon as he had undone the cuffs. 
“I just have one last question,” she nods at you when you pause, “I know you shot Steve. But you missed anything important on purpose, didn’t you?"
She just gives you a secret smile and lays back against the pillow, but it is all you need to know the type of woman she is. You can tell already that you like this girl, and that it won’t take you long to trust her. Giving her one last look you step out the door, calling for Jarvis to make sure a room is ready for the new guest. You have a Steve to find. 
He is exactly where you expect him to be, punching the shit out of the punching bag you made him. 
“Hey Soldier.” You call to him, as you lean against the doorway. You watch as his body slouches at the sound of your voice, today was a lot.
“She said that Bucky is her soulmate,” his eyes are red as they catch yours, “what if he is alive and I could have saved him. All this time I thought that I watched him die and now there is this chance that he is alive. What if I abandoned him?” 
His voice breaks at the question, he looks so vulnerable. You step quickly towards him, keeping your movements light. When you reach him you take the hand that is hanging limply by his side and place it on your cheek.
“Hey, love, look at me.” His eyes slide up from the floor. “There was no way you could have known and nothing you could have done to help. If he is alive, I will be right there with you and we will do whatever it takes to get him back. He is your family, and that makes him mine, and we don’t leave family behind.” His eyes are full of tears as he leans his head against yours. 
The toll of the day, makes itself apparent in the slouch of his shoulders and the weight of his forehead. You slowly pull yourself out of the embrace, grasping his hand and pulling him with you.
“Come on, we both need sleep and there is no way in hell I’m letting you sleep by yourself after the day we just had.” He nods and follows your gentle pull to your room in the tower. 
Since you have lived here the longest you have one of the nicest rooms, save Tony of course. Entering the room you have Steve sit on the edge of the bed while you start up the shower for him. You place out a couple of towels out on the vanity and step back into your room. 
Steve hasn’t moved since you walked into the bathroom. You step up to him and gently place your hand on his cheek.
“Love, I have the shower running for you, everything is set out and I placed a clean pair of sweatpants and a shirt in there for you, they should fit. Go ahead and get cleaned up and then you can come lay down.”
He stares at you listlessly for a moment before nodding and moving to do exactly as you suggested. As he showers you change into your pjs, you would take your shower in the morning. You grab the book on your bedside table and allow yourself to get lost in the words for a moment. The sound of the shower turning off brings you back to reality, as Steve steps out of the bathroom in just the sweatpants. 
Your first thought is holy shit followed quickly by the thought that whoever decided that you would be the perfect soulmate for this specimen might have been mistaken . 
Steve is having a similar train of thought, looking at you in your too large shirt and messy bun, knowing that behind your beauty is a heart of gold. He can't believe his luck.
He walks to the other side of the bed, drying off his hair and throwing the towel in the hamper. Pausing for a moment at the empty side of the bed, searching your face for any trace of doubt. Instead all he sees is you smiling at him and gesturing for him to take his place beside you.
 Settling into the bed he is surprised when you lean over and place your head in his lap.
“I’m glad it’s you.” He smiles at the soft admission, thankful that he finally found you after all these years.
“I’m glad it’s you too, doll. For the longest time I thought I would never find you, I thought you may not even exist. But I did and you are even more amazing than I could have ever hoped for." He pauses for a moment deciding whether to say what's on his mind or not. He is hesitant as he starts to speak. 
"Thank you for today, for calming me when I needed it and for being there for me. Not many people have seen me cry, but I’m glad that you have and that you aren’t disappointed in me for not staying strong.” At his words you immediately sit up and stare him straight in the eyes.
“You listen here, Steve Rogers." You poke him in the chest as you speak. " I never want you to feel like you have to keep up appearances when you are around me. You may need to be strong for others but not for me. I am here for you, no matter what, and that especially includes the moments where you can no longer be strong. You better remember that, I will never judge you for the way you feel.” Taking in your intense stare, Steve feels warmth spreading through his body. Yes , he thinks, he is very glad that it's you. 
Smiling at you and nodding Steve grasps your arms and pulls you into his chest, savoring the feeling of your head resting over his heart. He can’t remember the last time he felt as content as he does in this moment. The world may feel like it's moments away from crashing down around him, but right now all he can think about is you. 
Tagged users: @writerwrites
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brownandblackpearls · 4 years
📜 🖋 𝒞ourting with 𝒟r. 𝒟evorak (Julian x BlackReader) Pt.1
You are a reputable, young beauty of means in Vesuvia, enjoying the winter courting season. An odd letter from an odd doctor finds its way to your door. You decide to respond.
─── Julian x black female reader
─── imagery + fiction
─── explicit smut
─── regency/historical/fantasy, courtship rituals, wealthy! MC, love letters, drama, handsome redheads
☾ next.
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“Letters for you, Miss!” The scullery maid calls through the door.
You pause your writing, hesitating over your final line before turning to answer the call.
“Come in!”
The maid strides in with your daily mail on a silver platter. As expected, there is a heap of them from various suiters, all interested in seeking your hand. 
Some young, some old, some men, some women, some wealthy, and some positively blue-blooded, they are all voracious. Usually, your interest tends to wane after weeks and weeks of these greetings each season. The feeling especially set in after getting the particular suspicion that the lords, duchesses and dukes reaching out to you were having their own maids and butlers pen these letters, a copy of an inquiry to every potential young beauty in the region.
Consequently, many of the letters did not seem to genuine, remaining vague and distanced. Polite. 
Today, however, you find your lessons to be going slow. You decide to take a break and browse through the inquiries.
“Read through them for me, Delilah?” You call out the request as you lower your pen and clean your fingers in a warm, sudsy bowl of water on your desk. Drying your hands, you apply a spot of scented lotion on your fingers before smoothing it in and sliding your delicate gloves back on.
Delilah clears her throat, interested in the letters herself. 
You had no doubt the contents of the proposals would make waves throughout the household by sunset, but all of your staff were well-meaning. Just bored during these slow winter months. Honestly, you didn’t blame them for indulging in your courting dramas.
“Well,” Delilah begins, “Here is a letter from a Clarence Dunford Winthrop, hailing from Bremens County! He greets you and wishes you a very warm winter. ‘I am most pleased to write to you, Miss ------. I possess a healthy 34 years in me, and I seek the opportunity to meet and possibly enter the idea of courtship with you. Are the tales true that you are quite fine and b-buxom…? Goodness, how forward!”
You bite back a chuckle, allowing Delilah her scandalized looks and comments. After she’s thoroughly read Winthrop’s letter, she moves on to the next.
“This one,” she exclaims, “is from a young, Fiorentina Agosti, hailing from the Suthlands. She greets you amicably and wishes you a cozy winter. ‘Dear Miss ------, I am most delighted to write to you. I am a young woman of etiquette and good breeding. I am 23 years old, and yet for one so young, I am more certain of my passions and ambition than most grown adults. I seek the window of opportunity to introduce myself and my estate to you, as I am seeking to build my relationships with the nearby families of standing. I favor women only, as I’ll need a good, feminine eye to steer my estate towards a glorious future…what a boastful girl! I hear she is very attractive, though…”
Delilah goes on, examining letter after letter, reading aloud excitedly. Finally, she lands on a slightly ragged one, with a wax seal bearing no crest. Only a simple plant pattern with dried flowers and ferns trapped to the note.
“My,” Delilah wonders, flipping the envelope, “what a...humble introduction. Let’s hope that the contents are more splendid than the package they came in!”
Delilah adjusts the paper before her and begins.
“This one,” she explains, “is from a young…doctor…in the capital, near the palace. Oh, I think I recall this one? He is of great renown, but markedly odd. Hmm…He greets you fondly and asks if…if you have ‘seasonal allergies’...? He is more than happy to forward any herbs or teas that can help soothe inflammation…as a ‘show of good faith and possible friendship’—yes, very odd...He would like to know if you would be interested in accompanying him as an honored guest to his annual medical tools gala. There will be anatomical displays as well as guest surgeon speakers. Afterwards, he would like to take you to attend the opening night of a Vesuvian theatre drama, and then dinner. I—that sounds more exhausting than eventful. Goodness….“
Despite Delilah’s somewhat opinionated concerns, your interest perks at the oddness of the inquiry and the oddness of the planned date. You’re not so sure a medical gala will be of interest to you, as you’ve never attended one before, but you would like to try.  
“Delilah, please. No more commentary. What does the rest say...?”
Delilah harrumphs, moving on. “Well, he seems certain that you will find the engagement eventful and enlightening on his personage and he hopes to show you how good of a ‘provider he can be for a woman of your means’. He has ‘no grand heritage or acreages’, but he does have one of the ‘best practices in Vesuvia’ sporting several underling surgeons and plenty of business. New blood, instead of blue blood from the looks of it, if you ask me.”
You pause, thinking it over. 
The letter all sounded personally tailored and individualized for your reception, and clearly not something that was drafted up in the monotonous manner of house staff doing as ordered. 
The doctor seems very keen in meeting you... 
...You can’t help but feel the same.
“What is his name?”
Delilah levels you an uncertain look, noticing your choice, before sharing.
“The suitor signed off as a Dr. Julian Devorak.”
“Devorak,” you try out, rolling the name around in your mouth. 
It feels good.
“Thank you Delilah. You may place the letters in my box, save for the doctor’s. Please bring his to me, as well as my pen and good ink. I’ll also need the courting stationery.”
Delilah sours slightly before perking back up and doing as ordered quickly. She clearly does not approve of the choice but remembers her place, and knows that you are not one to be bossed. 
You wait until she delivers the stationery and retreats from your room before turning to your pen and paper, glancing at the letter from the doctor.
You perfume the parchment slightly, and use a fine, shimmering ink to dot the thick, French paper. You being to write, peering at your refined, swirling letters.
“Dear Sir…I take the first opportunity to acknowledge the flattering letter with which you have favored me…your discernment is of my deep interest, as well as your detailed plans for our hopeful outing. I consent to the date and time, and I look forward to your academic gala, as well as the theater and subsequent dinner. I implore that you arrive to chaperone me long before the sun is high in the sky, as we may need much time together that I am wont to spend with you. I will admit, I find you very curious and am interested to learn more of you. Warm Regards, ------.”
You finalize the paper with a neat calligraphy of your signature, before cleanly folding and pressing the letter. You choose a lovely envelope and seal it with wax before stamping and sending it off with Delilah to be mailed. 
“Hmm. Odd man,” you murmur to yourself, before moving on to send responses to the other requests of interest. 
The days pass by, eventful.
You go on several dates, some of note and some not so much. 
A few remain in your mind of potential. There was a beautiful countess seeking companionship after a split from her count…Nadia. Buxom and svelte, she was also the epitome of regality, and a brown-skinned beauty like yourself. You couldn’t help but feel drawn to her. 
There was also Asra, a mischievous but enchanting merchant king. You suspected a penchant for the occult on his end, but his beautiful face was too good of a distraction to focus on what may hide behind it. 
Then there was Muriel, a mysterious man with one of the largest claims of land in Vesuvia. He was fidgety and reserved, but you sensed a deep soul in him. 
Portia, the jeweler of the aristocracy, and her passionate stares paired with her down-to-earth jokes were enough to make you lower your guards and raise your spirits. 
Lastly,  Lucio. Oddly enough, he turned out to be the count that split with Nadia. You found his countenance alarming at first, only to later find a subtle charm in his passion for life, luxury and you.
All of them were far more interesting than the duds you’d went on dates with the past few weeks. 
Valdemar, the ambassador, had spilled soup all over your dress during a brunch while he spoke wildly about some conquest of his past. Then there’d been Volta, an odd little thing that insisted on trying all these unappealing, exotic dishes. There’d been Vlastomil, a weevil of a person who seemed more eager to gossip cruelly than to learn of you. And lastly...most memorably...there was Valdemar…you weren’t too sure what Valdemar did, but you were certain whatever it was, you wanted absolutely no part in it.
Weary from all the courting, you put your best face forward and hoped this day ended up being a delight instead of another disaster.
Foregoing flat-ironing, blowouts, presses, braids and twists this time, you decide to arrange for your servants to outfit you in lovely, long locs for the evening. You line them with fine silver trinkets, baubles, and rings before arranging your makeup to perfection and dressing in your finest, warm regards from the tailor.
Today was the day with the doctor, and you wanted to see exactly what kind of man he was. 
You donned a beautiful gown beneath your long, furred coat and lined your neck with a shining collar of diamonds. The winter snow would reflect stunningly off of them, as well as you.
Perfumed, plucked, and preened, you stand, assessing yourself in the mirror.
Vesuvia’s treasure.
You laugh, satisfied with the show stopping look, before leaving your room. You almost bump into a servant, rushing in to announce to you that the doctor has arrived with a carriage for you both.
“Let him in,” you say kindly, glancing out the window. Sure enough, a large, black carriage awaits. You lift your chest, square your shoulders, and raise your chin, allowing your lashes to lower and your aura to project.
You descend the stairs of your home into the grand hall, your eyes pinning the man that entered and awaited below, greeted politely by your staff.
‘Oh,’ you realize.
He’s gorgeous.
Your eyes widen slightly at the sight of him. Tall, tousled, and terribly attractive, Julian Devorak watched you, open-mouthed, as if you are some sort of ethereal being that decided to grace his mortal existence. Descending the marble stairs, you feel him watch every step you take until you finally reach the landing.
You decide to close the distance and break the ice when he makes no move, still in awe of you. No need for those stars in his eyes, you think. You want him dazzled, not anxious or elevating you to something or someone that is inaccessible.
He is here in your home, after all. If you were inaccessible to him, he wouldn’t be.
“Hello Dr. Devorak,” you grace easily, smiling. “I’m ------. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“J-Julian, please, no need for extraneous titles,” he insists in a light stammer. “The pleasure is all mine, I can assure you.”
‘Aaw,’ you think to yourself, looking fondly at him. You’ve heard the line so many times before, but somehow, the words sound so genuine coming off of his tongue. You also like the sound of his voice very much. He sounds like how he looks, you realize.
Julian mistakes your silence for something bad, and rushes to fill it.
“I-I can’t tell you how…how long I’ve anticipated today.”
“Oh?” You ask, tilting your head in wonder. 
Were you the only one he was querying? That wasn’t possible. There had to be others. You respond pleasantly.
“I’m honored...’Julian’. But I’m sure an interesting man such as yourself is entertaining many acquaintances and possess many options.”
Julian blushes, surprising you. He shakes his head, fingers fidgeting at his sides.
“Not exactly,” he offers, leaving it there.
Your brow lifts in wonder. 
“Really...? But I loved your letter. I’ve reread it several times and am not afraid to say so. I find you quite striking.”
If possible, Julian blushes even harder at that, daring to hold your gaze. You see an odd sort of mask arise on him then, a false yet endearing bravado. You don’t call it out and simply watch as he does his best to disguise his rampant shyness.
“Ah...thank you madam! But not nearly so striking as one such as yourself! Why, I remember the feeling of when I first laid eyes on you. It was as if  lightning had struck me.”
Your eyes widen in pleasure, curious. 
“Such flattery! Where did this occur?”
Julian smiles triumphantly, happy to visibly pique your interest.
“The theater! I noticed you in your private box and it was then I decided that I must inquire to learn more about you.”
Your smile broadens, and you can’t help but step closer. Julian feels very comfortable and warm, even with the pomp.
“So that’s how you knew I’d enjoy the theater!” You exclaim. You had wondered about it since his letter first arrived. He could’ve invited you to any event, any activity, and yet he knew the theater was the right choice...
Julian tenses as you near, unsure of where to look. You can’t tell if he wants you closer or farther away. You decide to hold firm and give him time to sort it out for himself.
“I-uh…yes.” He swallows thickly. “Allow me to enlighten you of the day’s activities in the carriage…?”
You nod, realizing that your questioning is holding the both of you up from your date. You step back, cowed.
“Of course! My apologies.”
Julian swiftly holds out a broad, gloved hand for you to take. The gentleman’s escorting hold.
“No need to apologize,” Julian insists, guiding your offered palm gently, “I...I actually should be the one to apologize.” He bites his lip, thinking of some unknown err. 
You glance at him as the two of you step out the front door together, waved off by your staff.
“Whatever for…?”
Julian looks sheepish, rounding you both to the carriage door and opening it for you.
“I....well!”  He pauses, the words sticking in his mouth. “I was...told by a confidant very recently that the medical gala may have some things that are not...er, conducive for a romantic atmosphere. So I must ask...you’re not squeamish of leeches, are you?”
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AN: Do not copy, repost, or edit. If you see someone do so, please let me know.
☾ next.
☾ check my blog for more imagines.
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
A/N: I have NOT written in a while. Or posted rather. It’s been.... a month??? I’m sorry. It’s been.. hard. I also have summer classes which are slowly choking me. Yey.
Anyway, I hope... you all enjoy? I think I’m rusty. There are a lotta plotholes and some... hhrnnghh characterization that i feel iffy about. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. 
Anywhooooo. Thank you to my lovely platonic crushie @tanuki-pyon hihi for allowing me to use your drawing for inspiration ;-;. Thank youuu <3 Hope you like this.
~Shintori Khazumi
It is a bustling city, full of life and vivid color. The songs of the late afternoon played- their notes produced by that independent street musician, backed by the passing cars beneath the balcony, the rhythmic dripping of a loose faucet in the bath, and the rustle of leaves caused by a passing breeze that caresses her cheek.
 Life, color, music, and a touch.
 They all paint a particular picture- one of wine-red eyes, and a charming smile; brown locks that she had tucked behind a heated ear, adorned with exotic jewelry she had purchased for her.
 As she draws the cup away from her lips, she sighs in contentment, the distinctive taste of Boldo tea and the dimming rays of light blanketing the expanse of what she could see making her smile bittersweet.
 It's getting late.
 She knows she has to finish her packing. After all, this fleeting vacation is a dream she'd have to wake up from, come the morning rays of tomorrow. It was short-lived, but she'd like to think these few moments in the city or Buenos Aires are moments worth remembering forever.
 Even if there was a possibility that they were but a daydream.
 That she is her daydream.
 Her phone rings, and she sighs a different sigh. It's one of disappointment and reluctance as walks into the room, swiping the blinking gadget off the table. She taps the green icon, placing the device by her ear, eyes dulling as she listens to the speaker on the other end with poorly-veiled disinterest.
 ["-Are you listening?! Do you understand? The moment you step off that plane, your fiance will be there to greet you. Then he will drive you to work, and you will-"]
 Her face contorts in disgust at the statement. "He's not my fiance." She says, voice cold and adamant.
 ["Diana! How could you say that- about Andrew Hanbridge, no less! The man who has not once given up on you, unlike all the other low-life suitors out there. He's rich, intelligent, charming, and well-mannered."]
 Diana scoffs at the very first descriptor of the man she was to marry supposedly. 'Rich'. Of course he had to be.
 "Listen here, and listen well. You've been off on these silly trips, writing god knows what for well over ten years. It's time you grew up and got married, and inherited the corporation!"
 Diana grits her teeth, hands crumpling a few papers on the table. She immediately regrets that action as she realizes her manuscripts now have ugly creases in them, much like her own plans for life. Not that those were any easier to iron out.
 ["Then dinner at the Hanbridges will be at seven-thirty. Sharp. I have a dress prepared for you in your room. We will be discussing your wedding with And-"]
 And she hangs up.
 Turning her phone off, she throws it onto her mattress, the silken covers causing the device to slide right off and onto the floor with a thud.
 Diana curses as she rushes over, checking for any cracks or damage. She hasn't turned the lights on, and her open balcony does not give her much light, so she opts to run her fingers over the screen, praying she hadn't broken anything. As able as she was to afford a phone, that doesn't mean she wanted a change at any time.
 ...also, her number was saved here. Diana isn’t good enough with phones to know how to retrieve that.
 Diana sighs again. This time it is of relief. She leans back with a plop against the side of the bed, staring blankly at her wall.
 Tomorrow... she leaves.
 Tomorrow, she never sees her again.
 Tomorrow, she talks of marriage plans with two families who couldn't care less about what she actually desires in life.
 Tomorrow... she's gone. She may as well be dead if she wouldn't even be 'living' in the first place.
 What would she be doing?
 Where would she be at?
 Would she still have the same smile on her face as she greeted the passersby who would freeze in place, stand in awe as time stilled for them as they become entranced in the magic that was her dance?
 Diana frowns.
 Would someone else fall in love with her?
 Like Diana has?
 ...Would she... fall in love with them back...?
 Diana feels a pang in her heart as she slumps to the floor, now lying against the hard wood. If she were back in the UK, she wouldn't be caught *dead* in this position. Her aunt would have her head.
 She blinks, staring at the ceiling.
 Oh? It's quite comfortable, she thinks, consciousness slipping into nothingness.
 -It's a slap to her cheek that has her sitting up in haste, body moving in a trained way of self-defense as she arrests the perpetrator in a hold face-down onto the floors.
 "Diana! Diana! Fu- shit! Waitwaitwaitwait-owowowowow it huuurtsss, it hurtsssss!!!"
 And it’s a familiar voice that cuts through her panic, and makes her let go rather clumsily, resulting in more hurt for Diana’s victim.
 “Akko!” She exclaims, happiness and concern in her voice.
 “Well, you sure look happy. Are you into this sort of play?” The girl chuckles wryly, rubbing at her joints as she fixes herself into a seated position on the floor as Diana kneels in front of her, confused at the words.
 “Yeah. BDSM, that kind of stuff.” 
 Diana flushes at the bold remark, floundering helplessly as her mind ceases to produce a coherent response.
 Akko watches her with open amusement, head resting against her one propped up knee. She hugs the limb, keeping her steady as she stares at Diana unabashedly.
 Diana stares back.
 “You’re beautiful.”
 “I-! Ah-uh, nnggh?!” Diana doesn’t know if she’s going into a seizure. Maybe she is. Maybe she should have gone to med school after all, to confirm-
 “Pff-” Akko begins giggling, then cackling, then just falling onto her back, hollering in laughter on the floor.
 “Wh-what! What… why are you laughing? I- Did i do something silly?”
 Akko wipes a tear from her eyes, laying on her stomach and propping her head up on both hands as she faces Diana. “You’re silly.” She teases, tongue poking out, eyes crinkled moons.
 Diana can’t help herself, biting onto the bait.
 It’s a deep kiss, and Diana didn’t know she knew how to do it.
 What do people call it? French kissing?
 They pull apart and Akko presses her sweaty forehead to Diana’s, chuckling breathlessly against her lips.
 “Many types of attacks today, Miss Cavendish. You are one powerful woman with a vast arsenal.” She jests, a hand reaching to cup Diana’s face and pull her back in for a chaster peck on the lips that turns into two, then three.
 “I like to have many options at my disposal.” Diana sighs into every brush of their lips, returning a few of her own, nipping at Akko’s bottom lip as she leads her into a submissive position, lying on her back with Diana hovering over her.
 “Boy, am I glad you do…” Akko whispers, eyes glued to Diana’s glistening mouth, the pair leaning closer and closer and- “OHMYGOSH-WAIT. THIS. This is not what I came here to do!” Akko yelps, pushing Diana’s face away and accidentally spraining her neck.
 Diana groans as she rubs at her nape, cursing quietly.
 Diana waves her concern away as she offers a crooked grin.
 “Sorry, sorry, sorry. I’m sorry, Diana. Sorry, I-”
 “Akko.” Diana giggles, carefully nearing the girl once again. She leans in slowly this time- just in case-, and plants a kiss on her cheek. “How and why did you come find me?” She asks, tone joyful, yet pained. 
 “Because I know you’re leaving tomorrow.” 
 Diana hears a record scratch, and the city’s music comes to a pause. It’s deathly silent, and her breath catches in her lungs, heart painful.
 Diana’s smile falls, as she places distance between them, sitting formally in front of Akko.
 “You told me in your sleep…” Akko murmurs, her words playing flashbacks in Diana’s mind- memories of a night that was not supposed to exist.
 “No- I… I… Akko…”
 Voices in her head play back all her duties, her realities that tell her that the woman in front of her is not a part of them. She’s a daydream, and she’s- as all daydreams are- a fleeting one.
 Diana has to wake up tomorrow morning. She has to go back tomorrow.
 She has to be ‘the real Diana Cavendish’ again. Not because she wants to be. But because she is.
 “Diana, I need to say that-”
 “Then- then…” Diana cuts Akko off before she can deal more damage to her mental state. “Then you must know… that being here… makes it harder for me not to leave.” Diana replied with a crack in her voice. “I can’t stay, Akko. I can’t. Even if I wanted to…” She whispered, unable to project her voice.
 “Diana, that’s not what this is abou-”
 “I can’t stay here, Akko! I’m supposed to go home and get married!”
 Her eyes widen, and so do Akko’s. Diana… doesn’t know what to say. Neither does Akko. They both remain frozen in time and in place.
 “I can’t… stay here… with you…” She feels a tear slip past her cheek… then another, and another, until they dribble down her chin and onto the back of her hands that are clenched on her lap. “You’re a daydream… and… and…”
 “A reality you won’t face?” Akko asks, voice surprisingly steady and clear. “I’m not a daydream, Diana Cavendish. I’m not a figment of your imagination.” She speaks, voice bolder as she gets up and walks up to Diana, making the girl crawl backwards as she hits her back against the foot of the bed.
 Diana gasps as Akko grips her collar, pulling her closer to her. She instinctively closes her eyes, awaiting a hit- a punch, a slap, whatever it was.
 And she gasps again as the soft caress, much like the gentle winds soothe her skin and her pounding heart.
 “I’m not your summer getaway, or your escape from real life. I’m not a fairytale to lull you to bedtime that you forget once the sun rises.” Akko explains with a crooked smile, tears staining her cheeks as she buries her face into the crook of Diana’s neck. Her breaths tickle Diana there, and her tears pain Diana’s heart.
Diana moves to wrap her arms around Akko, but stops midway. She… doesn’t deserve to do that.
 “...hold me…”
 But Akko deserves to be listened to. 
 And so, Diana holds her. She holds her tight, and she doesn’t let go. Not until Akko wants her to.
 “I’m not asking you to stay.” Akko murmurs against Diana’s skin as the latter runs her fingers through smooth strands of hair.
 Diana admits that hearing that statement hurts as much as it relieves her.
 Her sense of duty tells her she has to go back to her home in England and run her company, and yet her heart told her that Akko was her home, and that not staying would mean losing something that she might never be able to earn back again.
 As much as it pained her to know more, she needs to. For both their sakes. “Then what must I do? What can I- we… what do you want me to do? What do you want us to do?”
 Akko pulls back slightly, grinning sheepishly as she presses her feelings into a kiss against Diana’s lips, before pulling her up with her to head towards the door.
 Upon opening it, Diana sees a few bags lined up against the wall, ready for a trip to god-knows-where.
Her mind wasn’t registering this at all-
“Bloody fuck.”
“Took you long enough to figure that one out, huh?” Akko laughs, bringing their joined hands to her lips, and kissing Diana’s palm. “Weren’t you supposed to be the smart one?”
 “Well… I… holy shit…”
 “I had no idea you could curse like that.”
 “Mother of… my… arse…”
 “Mother of your arse? Really?”
 “Yes, Diana.” Akko rolls her eyes, as she pats Diana’s cheek with her free hand. “You’re supposed to take me with you.”
 “Bloody hell…” Diana murmurs. “Just marry me.” 
 “EH?! Really?!”
 Bonus :>
 “So why were you in my room that night in the first place?” Diana laughs, running her fingers along Akko’s cool arm, holding her close as they snuggled together in a hammock, reminiscing a daydream so long ago.
 “Ehh... are you really asking me this right now? Diana, it’s been years since that happened.”
“And yet, I know you remember it as well as I do.” Diana laughs, knowing that Akko was rolling her eyes as she scoffs against her neck. “I’m right, aren’t I.”
“Cheeky.” Diana chuckles as Akko pokes her cheek in annoyance, but explains anyway. “I was knocking on the door, but you weren’t answering. I rang, and spoke through the intercom too. Then room service came by and I said I just forgot my key and they let me in.”
Diana feels slightly concerned about the security of that hotel. But wait, there are better questions that need answering.
 “... then why did you slap me?”
 “Because you were asleep.”
Diana guffaws, disbelieving. There was no way she was that hard to awaken. She pulls back slightly, looking Akko in the eyes.
 “You couldn’t have woken me up other ways?”
 Akko looks away momentarily, feet already swung off to the side, as if she is about to step out. Which she did. 
Diana watches her skeptically, now also sitting up.
“Well, you know. It was nice chatting and all, but maybe I should get back to my practice for my road show and...”
 “Akko? Akko… Akko why are you walking away? Akko- hey! Come back here- AKKO!-”
And she was gone, bolting like the wind, leaving Diana stunned and comically livid.
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darlingpetao3 · 4 years
House of W (Multiple!Wells x Reader, Chapter 2)
Rating: T
Summary: After having to deal with the deaths of an infinite number of Harrison Wells in the Multiverse, you, a magic-wielding meta, have a breakdown and unwittingly create a happy, fictitious sitcom life with some of your favourite men. In a world of comedy and cameos, can Team Flash and an out-of-town magician break through your powers to save you? And what if you don’t want to be saved...?
Tag List: @fandomdancer @bluesclues-1234 @pinkdiamond1016 @crissymadlock @ensign-tilly @disneyoncerlover815 @marvel-lady10 @thecaptainsgingersnap @noctvrnalmoth @alexxlynn @dontbedumb3 @heyl0lwhatsup @ryou-cosmos​
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Birds tweeting, sun shining…
Big strong arms around you.
“Well, well, Wells,” you say with a scratchy morning voice and twist your body around in bed to see who’s got you in his grasp. Ah. “Good morning, Harry.”
“Good morning, (Y/L/N),” the scientist replies. You just love how strands of his hair stick up in place. Harry arguably has the best bedhead.
“You know dear, since we are married after all, don’t you think it would be more acceptable to call me by my first name?”
Harry chuckles and pulls you closer against him.
“You do raise a fair point. (Y/N).”
“That’s more like it.”
He kisses your nose. Shortly after he does, it starts to feel itchy. You feel like you’re about to sneeze. It wiggles and wiggles until—
Suddenly, Harry, who had been clad in his silky pyjamas is now- oh my.
“(Y/N), did you just sneeze my clothes away?”
You can hardly answer the Wells in your bed because you’re so enthralled by his lack of clothing under the sheets.
“Happy accident?” you offer innocently. Harry shakes his head and smiles as if to signify that you’re up to your old antics again.
“Come here, you,” he says and pulls the covers over you both.
* * * *
The scene is really quite comical.
Harry walks briskly with his long legs into work at S.T.A.R. Toys Manufacturing Inc. as you try to keep up with quick little steps and a clipboard… while H.R. trails behind you like a maniac with a tray of coffee.
“(Y/N), I believe you have some explaining to do,” Harry speaks to you over his shoulder. “Can you remind me why you’re at work with me? And why the numbskull, too?”
“Handsome numbskull!” H.R. jokingly clarifies. Harry rolls his eyes.
“I told you, honey,” you begin, “I decided it would be best for me to get a job instead of sitting around the house. Plus, an assistant here was the only position available. I thought that was terribly convenient. We can spend more time together now, isn’t that wonderful? As for H.R., I hired him as my assistant!”
“My assistant has an assistant?”
“Don’t question it, honey,” you tell him and pat him on the cheek. Just then, two young employees walk up to you. They look rather familiar, but you can’t place why at the moment.
“Good morning, Mr. Wells,” the pair greet Harry. “And Mrs. Wells. ...And Mr. Wells.”
“Ah, good morning Garcia. Runk,” Harry answers. “I trust your projects are coming along?”
“That they are, Sir,” the young man called Runk replies.
“We should have them finished and ready by end of day,” Garcia, the young woman, adds.
“I’m glad to hear it-”
“-Well done, chaps!” H.R. interrupts. “You’re all doing such magnificent work. All for the children.”
“All for the children,” Garcia and Runk agree.
Harry clears his throat and whispers to you, “I think assistants to the assistants should be seen and not heard.”
“I’ll have a little chat with him,” you tell your handsome boss husband. “Now, let’s build some toys!”
* * * *
After a long day at the factory, you, Harry, and H.R. all return home. The delicious scent of dinner greets you as you walk in the door.
“Mmm, I wonder what Sherloque and Nash are cooking up!” you think out loud.
“I hope it’s nothing French,” Harry says semi-bitterly.
“H.R., can you go see what they’re up to in there, sweetie?”
“I most certainly can, dearest!” he responds then disappears into the kitchen. You are sure to take this opportunity to have some more one-on-one time with Harry on the couch. As you sit, he sets his briefcase down on the coffee table and removes from it a small rocket ship. After turning it around in his hands, Harry hands it to you.
“I’d been working on this today,” he says.
“Oh Harry, it is so groovy. You do such fine work.”
“The idea came to me in a dream.”
“You make dreams come true for children every day.”
Harry turns to you. “I think I’ve always wanted kids. But I guess it’s never happened for me.” He looks into your eyes. “I think I’d like to have one with you someday, (Y/N). How do you feel about that?”
“I feel… I feel…” Your nose starts to wiggle again. “Achoo!”
“(Y/N), are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
“Oh, yes, I’m completely and totally, whoaaaa!” You stand up to get a better look at yourself, finding that your tummy has a noticeable roundness to it.
“Are you…?” Harry asks. The rest of the Wells men come rushing into the living room.
“Qu’est-ce qui se passe?”
“I heard another sneeze!”
“Jumping juniper, (Y/N)’s pregnant!”
They all group around you in a half-circle to admire your belly and to declare their delight at the very abrupt surprise.
“Is this really happening?” you ask all of them, falling deeper and deeper into your happiness.
“I couldn’t imagine a better life with you,” Harry says and punctuates his final word with a kiss. Everything about this moment just seems… so much more colourful and vibrant.
And perfect.
~ ~ ~ ~
Barry had urgently messaged Cisco and Caitlin to meet him back at the Grand Central City Auditorium, where they had just seen Zatanna’s magic act. The plan—what very little of a plan he had—was to race to find Zatanna, the Mistress of Magic, and ask for her help.
Word on the street was that Miss Zatara’s act wasn’t mere illusions. People have said that she really does possess a special magical power. And if this was the case, she was their only hope to retrieve you from whatever world you’ve gotten yourself into.
They say sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
Well, now Team Flash is going to fight magic with magic.
It took a bit of making a scene inside the venue with the security guards for Zatanna to finally come out of her dressing room to see who was causing the commotion.
“Hi, excuse me, what’s going on here?”
“Zatanna? My name is Barry Allen,” your brother introduces himself. “I was at your show tonight.”
“Flawless,” Cisco can’t help but add.
“Sure,” she says, probably very much wanting him to get to the point. “How can I help you, Barry Allen?”
“We have a bit of a magical issue. My sister has gotten herself into a situation. We need your help.”
Zatanna’s big round eyes squint slightly, but whatever she sees in these three strangers surely isn’t threatening.
“Your sister, you say?” The Mistress of Magic always did have a soft spot for family. “Where is she?”
“You better come with us and see for yourself.”
~ ~ ~ ~
“Wow, this is quite the setup,” Zatanna says, taking in the Cortex upon her arrival. “Now, you said that your sister is broadcasting her own sitcom?”
“That’s right,” Barry confirms. “I switched on the TV earlier, and there she was in black and white. But the weird thing is that her set looked almost identical to her home, except not because her real home exploded-”
“Yeah, that’s the weird bit,” Cisco pipes up sarcastically. “Definitely not that she’s married to four different versions of the same man.”
“What?” Zatanna looks entirely confused. “Okay, you guys are going to have to catch me up.”
“No problem. The episode is streaming online. On repeat.”
“Cisco, pull up the show on the monitors,” Barry orders. The engineer does so, and the crew proceeds to analyze the sitcom episode.
“This man... or these men, rather—you said they died?” Zatanna asks the room. The rundown the gang gave her on the way to S.T.A.R Labs was quite rushed, so naturally it would only generate more questions.
“That’s right. I saw them disappear before my eyes,” Barry confirms. “They sacrificed themselves for us.”
Zatanna hums in thought. “Whether they’re truly dead or not, she must be using an incredible amount of magic to create this world and broadcast this across the airwaves.”
“Guys!” Caitlin raises her voice. “We have an incoming broadcast!”
The monitors change after a bit of static. Now, instead of the episode Team Flash was watching, a brand new jingle comes through the speakers.
“Is this…?” Barry starts.
“She released Episode Two!” Cisco cheers. Everyone in the room shoots him a look. “What? I’m invested.” As they watch the new episode, they take frantic notes, searching for any kind of clues.
“Look!” Barry points at the screen to the familiar faces.
“How did Allegra and Chester get in there?” Caitlin wonders.
“They have a guest-starring role…” Cisco notes, possibly with a hint of jealousy.
“And who are they?” Zatanna inquires.
“They’re our friends,” Barry clarifies. “At least, I think they are. They can't be illusions, can they? Created by (Y/N)?”
“I’ll call them and see if we can hear their phones ringing in the show,” Caitlin suggests. As she attempts the call, the rest of the team stands and stares at the screens hoping for some form of ringing sound. This episode seemed to be styled more in the Sixties, so it was unlikely that they’d actually see Chester and Allegra pull out a cell phone.
Nothing. No sound.
They must not have their phones on them…
A little while longer passes, with even more analyses by Team Flash and Zatanna studying your power on screen. Once in a while, she’ll ask Barry for background information about you. Which brings her to ask the all important question:
“How did (Y/N) get her powers?”
Barry goes on to explain your origin story, which coincides with his own. It was that one fateful night where Barry was in his CSI lab at CCPD, and so were you. You had stopped by to see how he was doing after the whole debacle of Iris getting her laptop stolen and Eddie saving the day instead. (To Barry’s credit, he tried really hard to catch the criminal, he just wasn’t fast enough). But you were checking up on him when the Particle Accelerator exploded and sent a wave of extraordinary, uncontained power across the city. You saw the lightning in the sky and tried to get Barry away from holding that metal chain, but in doing so, you also got caught in the crosshairs of the accident. Your brother fell into the shelf of chemicals as the lightning struck at the same time you knocked over a box of evidence—stolen ancient crystals from the Central City Museum.
Zatanna takes in the story silently, nodding in the right places. She’s deep in thought when a voice comes from the entrance to the Cortex: “Hey guys, what’s going on in here?”
Barry rushes to the two younger members of Team Flash, Allegra and Chester. “How did you two get in there? How did you get out?”
“Get in where?” Allegra wonders.
“Come on! In (Y/N)’s sitcom,” Cisco says. “Did she send out a casting call or did she just tell you that you got the parts?”
Chester and Allegra glance at each other with identical furrowed brows.
“You really don’t know what happened, do you?” Caitlin asks them.
“What happened?” they reply in unison.
Cisco stands up immediately. “I’ll get the popcorn.”
As he replays the footage, both of the ‘guest stars’ shake their heads in disbelief.
“Wow, nope, don’t remember any of that,” Chester says.
“No,” Allegra agrees. “One minute I’ve got my feet up in the Lounge, and the next I’m here walking into the Cortex.”
“Interesting,” Caitlin muses. “Interesting, but beyond strange. It’s like they’ve been mind wiped of the experience. We need more answers.” The rest of the episode plays out to reveal the big cliffhanger at the end.
“(Y/N)’s going to have a baby?!” Cisco shouts. “Oh man, things just got real. I wonder who’s the father... You don’t think (Y/N) would turn her show into a Maury episode, do you?”
“Zatanna, is there anything you can do?” Barry asks desperately. “This is getting out of hand.”
“I can cast a locating spell. All I have to do is say the words of what I wish backward for it to take hold.” Zatanna readies herself. “(N/Y) etacol,” the magician utters with her eyes closed. Everyone in the room stands silent in case making any kind of noise would ruin whatever spell she has cast.
They hold their breaths.
“I’m getting something…” Zatanna says eventually. “It’s like a signal of sorts. I can see it in my mind. And it’s coming from… here.”
“What do you mean, ‘here’?” Barry presses.
“Here. As in S.T.A.R. Labs.”
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enviedear · 4 years
secrets that you keep → peter parker
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DESCRIPTION ⌙ in a consolation trip back to europe, the kids of midtown high are eager to have a normal vacation, finally. but you on the other hand are on a mission. something weird is going on with peter parker, and you’re going to figure it out.
PAIRING ⌙ peter parker x fem!reader
“-smaller group than before, but we’ll still have fun guys. the tour company has made precautions for you kids. there will not be a repeat of last year.” mr. harrington babbles.
you sink lower into the bus seat. you did not want to be back in europe. truthfully you want to be anywhere but here. wherever, here, was. no one knew. cell service went out about five miles back and the bus driver didn’t speak english. 
“yeah guys, don’t worry. this trip is going to be ten times worse than the last. it’s already started bad since we don't know where we ARE!” flash yells, running a hand down his face.
mr. harrington tries to calm him and the rest of the bus down, to no avail.
you block out the commotion and stare out of the bus window. grass, farm, cattle, shack, more grass, more farm. and not one single cell tower in sight. this is it, you think, this is how it ends, stranded in a foreign country with the most annoying people you’ve ever known.
“guys, GUYS! my service is back,” betty yelps. “it says we’re in wiveliscombe, and that it’s going to be three hours until we reach london.”
her words are met with groans.
“at least we have cell service now.” jokes peter parker, who’s sat in the seat across the aisle from you. he’s cute and nice, but weird. last year’s trip he had about a thousand excuses as to why he’d leave the group and if it happened this year, you were gonna figure out why. no matter what it took.
“mhm, and since we have access to the endless possibilities of the internet again, we don’t have to talk..” you huff.
“i.. sorry. i didn’t-” you cut him off by placing your earbuds back into your ears and turning the volume up. 
something about peter irked your nerves in a way you couldn’t understand. maybe it was the way he knew fucking everything. maybe it was the way his body became incomprehensibly fit in such a short period of time. you really couldn’t understand that. even went as far as to do research on steroids, but found there was no way he could be using those. most probably it was the nonsense of his idiotic excuses. he might be able to fool everyone else, but not you. you knew there had to be something going on.
he and his stupid cute little brown curls, button nose, and six pack were under your firm watch.
by the time the bus reached the hotel the sun was beginning to set. jet lagged and in need of a long shower, you’re one of the first to fly into the hotel.
“It's me and you for the next week.” mj smiles, holding out a room key for you. truthfully, you really liked mj. she was cool and liked a lot of the same things as you. but she had one fatal flaw in your eyes, she used to date peter parker.
it was a short lived relationship, almost everyone saw it as a fling. peter and mj were just… too different. but they remain close friends.
it’s not like you were jealous... just, a tad bit jealous. besides, that ship had sailed and your goal wasn’t to end up like mj on the last trip to europe. no, you had other plans.
“cool. we can watch murder mysteries tonight and grab some snack from the convenience store down the street.” you grin.
the rooming situation for everyone else took entirely too long. it started with flash being upset that his room requirements weren’t being met. he wanted nothing to do with a roommate. this, caused his previous roommate, zander, to object to rooming with someone so, ‘coddled’.
took a full twenty minutes to resolve the issue. 
“mj, you still wanna visit the national gallery tomorrow?” asks the one and only peter parker.
“uh, yeah. y/n, wanna join?” she questions.
you were ready to object, finding it far more intriguing to stay in and sleep but then you remembered your little mission. if you wanted to figure out what peter parker’s deal was, you’d have to be around him. 
“sure. nothing better to do.” you shrug, peering straight into peter’s eyes. 
“i, uh- i thought we’d get an early start to the day. ned wants to go on the jack the ripper tour, so that gives us until one to look through the museum.” peter rambles.
“alright, me and y/n will meet you two down here around ten thirty.” mj clarifies.
“see you then. night mj,” he looks to you. “goodnight y/n.”
you narrow your eyes at him, “sleep tight parker. busy day tomorrow.”
with that you and mj enter your room, ready to sleep off the jet lag. and soon enough, sleep carries you into her open arms, preparing you for the day ahead.
the next morning consists of peter and ned rushing in and out of their room. the duo forgetting nearly everything they needed for the day. it was extremely annoying. but you’d take watching the two ninnies scramble about over this tour you’re forcing yourself to get through right now.
the national gallery was proving to be a bore. maybe it was you. or maybe it was the dull ass tour guide. either way, you’re finding it hard to focus on any of these artworks around you.
“this is the arnolfini portrait. it’s the work of jan van eyck and it is believed to depict an italian merchant named giovanni di nicolao arnolfini. this painting has remained in the national gallery since 1843.” the tour guide drones.
you peer up at the art, searching for anything to interest you about it. you try to focus of the dark green of the woman’s dress, then the small dog, but nothing about this art is appealing to you. instead, you find the whispered conversation going on behind you to be much more intriguing.
“ned how am i going to make it all the way to japan and back here before the ripper tour?” peter grumbles.
“i don’t know, but i really don’t want to go on a tour of the most infamous and creepy serial killers of all time without my best friend.” ned whispers.
“but mj will be there, and.. y/n.” peter assures.
“great. they both creep me out. that’s like, two extra loads of creepy added onto the already creepy tour.” ned huffs.
“dude, i have to go… mr. stark is waiting on me.” peter pleads.
you hear ned give an annoyed, “fine.”
you wait a few seconds before turning around to face peter’s friend.
“where did peter run off to?” you ask, as innocently as you can.
“uhhhh- the bathroom. the uh, hotel bathroom. yeah, must have been those tomatoes he ate with his breakfast today.” ned gulps.
“mhm. well i think i’ll meet up with him. he shouldn’t walk all the way back alone.” you smirk, shoving past ned and running the direction peter went.
it took a good minute to find him outside, the boy running into a bakery. but once your eyes find him, you rush straight in, right behind him. eyes narrowed and full of questions. 
the brown haired boy quickly enters a bathroom and you grin. 
no escaping now, parker.
you wait outside the bathroom eagerly. only for minutes to pass. no sound escapes the room and you furrow your brows.
you knock on the door, no answer. annoyed you open the door, only to be met with an empty bathroom. 
an empty bathroom with an opened window.
what the fuck?
“we’ve been upgraded!” mr. harrington gleams, looking down at our tired faces.
“last time we were upgraded we almost died.” betty sighs.
“ah- what did i say, we’re not going to repeat last year,” harrington retorts. “now...how do you guys feel about paris?”
well those words certainly livened up the breakfast table. train tickets are soon passed around, and you study yours, spoonful of yogurt still in your mouth.
“hey y/n, mj and i are gonna go to the louvre when we get there,” ned grins. “wanna come with?”
you chuckle, “another museum? nah, i’m good.”
mj quirks a brow at you, “this museum is home to the mona lisa. it’s not just any museum.”
“and the mona lisa is not just any painting… it’s an ugly one.” you huff.
ned guffaws at you.
“honestly, i might skip out too.” peter says.
you turn to face him, “great. you and i can explore paris while mj and ned explore another museum.”
he shifts in his seat, “i dunno i was thinking of-”
mj cuts him off, “i think that’s a great idea y/n. don’t you, peter? you remember what harrington said.. no repeat of last year.”
her eyes are cold as she awaits his answer and he fidgets more in his seat.
“i just think it might be best for me to stay here… ya know in case mr. stark needs anything.”
you roll your eyes, “dude, you’re just an intern. what could he possibly need that his other ten thousand interns can’t do.”
“technically he only has like six other… interns.” peter mumbles.
“but uh.. they can handle whatever mr. stark needs from you. i mean they’ve been av- uh, interns, for a while.” ned says, eyes pleading with his friend.
peter sighs before smiling at you, “alright, me and you versus paris.”
no peter parker, me and myself versus your dirty little secret.
somehow you got to sit next to peter in an empty train car for the ride to paris. and holy shit.. could he talk.
his eyes did have a way of lighting a fire inside you as he talked but, that, was not the point.
it was between an empty car with peter or full car sat between flash and harrington.
peter is always better than the latter.
“-anyways, how’d you convince your parents to let you go back to europe?” he asks.
“i didn’t. they made me.” you say simply.
peter slumps into his seat a little, “uh, why?”
“because when they were younger they traveled the world. i dunno, i guess they expect me to want to as well.” 
“oh. well, are you enjoying it so far.” he asks.
i’d enjoy it more if i could figure out your damned secret, parker.
and then, finally, peter is quiet. 
but not for long, as the train comes to a screeching halt.
over the train speakers comes a booming voice, “veuillez rester calme. le train s'est arrêté en raison d'un dysfonctionnement du moteur.”
your body tenses and you look at peter, “please tell me you understand french?”
“a little.. i dont think we need to worry. they said it’s just an engine malfunction.” he nods, looking around the train car.
you try to breathe. 
everything is okay. there’s no evil robots coming to destroy a train car with two innocent teenagers. that’s so pre civil war. just breathe. 
suddenly a loud bang is heard from the car behind you. not just any bang… a gunshot.
“holy shit.” you whisper, stiff as a board.
peter on the other hand is rummaging through his bag.
“parker! what the fuck are you doing?” you hiss.
“i.. just trust me okay? when i tell you to run… run.”
you look at him with a scowl, “i’m not going to be the sacrificial pig for slaughter, asswipe.”
he rolls his eyes, “i’m going to run with you. we’re going to find an empty car and then… wait for spiderman.” 
you blink. the kid’s gone insane.
“peter. listen, i know coping with your own inevitable death can be hard but, spiderman.. really?” you groan.
another loud bang comes from the car behind you. 
peter looks at you, taking your hand in his. 
the door to your car bursts open.
“run!” peter yelps, rushing into the next car, the gunmen not far enough behind.
“holy shit i’m gonna die.” you scream.
peter throws something at the gunmen when the two of you enter the next car, separating the two of you from the monsters.
but the kid didn’t throw just anything at them. motherfucker threw a damn door. a metal train door.
by the time you process the information, peter is pulling you into a cramped bathroom.
“i don’t have much time but basically, hi, i’m spiderman. those guys back there are people tony stark pissed off really bad and i need you to hide in here until i fix this issue.”
with that he pulls his jacket off revealing the spiderman suit you’re so used to seeing on the news.
“that’s your secret? this entire time i’ve been hanging around you trying to figure it out, and it turns out you’re spiderman. i would have thought anything before fucking spiderman.” you dwell, eyes wide.
he slips his mask on, “wait, you only hung out with me because you thought i had a secret? i mean.. i did but-”
another loud bang interrupts him, “nevermind. we’ll talk about this later. stay here and don’t tell anyone what i just told you.”
you nod, and watch him exit the bathroom.
so much for “not a repeat of last time.”
“at least it wasn’t witches this time.” mr. dell sighs.
your entire fourth period groans. 
“what! our world is infested with witches now. i don’t even know why i’m teaching science. i’m gonna turn around one day and suddenly i’ll be teaching witchcraft.”
your eyes return back to your desk, staring a hole into the old wood. your trance is broken by a crumpled piece of paper. you roll your eyes and turn your attention to peter, who after europe has been watching you like a hawk.
you open the paper to see, ‘listen, mr. stark said i need to get written evidence that you won’t spill the beans. please sign below.’
you grimace but sign at the bottom of the paper and hand it back to your new ninny friend.
that’s right. friend. despite being one of the most annoying people on the planet, with the weirdest secret ever.. peter was nice. he was really nice. he liked almost everything you did and listened intently to whatever you had to say.
“earth to y/n.” his voice calls from beside you.
“oh? is class over?” you ask.
he nods and holds his arm out to you. you take it and give him a half smile.
you may find peter parker to be the weirdest dude ever, but you can’t deny that the secret superhero is starting to flood your mind. you never thought you’d be the one to say it, but peter parker is the coolest weirdo you’ve ever met.
and besides, your mission was a success. you figured out his secret and obtained a friend along with it.
well, friend, until you could complete your newest mission.
telling him you like him. like, a lot.
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kitkatd7 · 4 years
Broken Hearts and Whiskey
Summary: Bucky’s not the same anymore. He doesn’t spend time with you at all, or keep his promises. And your done with it.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, lots of angst, drinking, my grammar errors because I didn’t fully edit
Dialogue Prompt #19. “Please! You have to let me make this right.” 
Dialogue Prompt #7: "I can't keep being your second choice, not when you're my first." 
(Prompts will be in bold)
Word Count: 1,654
A/N: This is for @imma-new-soul‘s 550 Follower Writing Challenge and @buckys-other-punk 500 Writing Challenge!! I hope y’all like it! Sorry it’s pretty sad and the ending isn’t as good as it could be :( Also this was inspired by the songs ‘Die From a Broken Heart by Maddie & Tae and Different For Girls by Dierks Bentley' Also there are a few Criminal Minds references in here😂
Masterlinst of Masterlists || Marvel Masterist || Series Masterist || part 2 
“See you later!” You call over your shoulder at Natasha and Wanda as you unlock the door to your apartment, coming home from a very successful shopping spree. Walking into your home you toe-off your shoes at the door, setting down your keys and purse. “Babe, I’m home!” You sing, excited to finally get some time with Bucky after him being gone on a mission for three weeks. “Babe?” You ask, walking into the kitchen, setting down your multiple shopping bags and taking in the empty space. Where the hell is he? After searching the bedroom, living room, even the bathroom and still coming up empty, you look to see if you missed any calls. Nope. He was supposed to be here you fume inwardly as you press the speed dial photo; both of you together at a carnival, you smiling brightly as he places a kiss on your cheek sweetly.
It goes straight to voicemail. 5 times. Now you're not even mad… just disappointed in him. He promised. On try number 6 you’re just done. “Hey, it’s me. Listen, so I don’t know where you are but- just don’t bother coming home tonight, okay? I had plans but- never mind, it doesn’t matter that much. I’ll see you later.”  Pressing the red button you throw your phone on the couch before changing into something more comfortable. It wouldn’t be so frustrating that he wasn’t here if it was a one time thing- But this is the fifth time he hasn’t come home to spend time with you after a mission.
Plopping on the couch, you press start on something mindless that you aren’t going to watch anyway before checking your phone for- well. really anything.
1 new message
Unlocking your phone quickly, you open it in high hopes, only to see Sam’s name appear and your face falls. 
Sam: Bucky said you tried to call. Is it important?
You: No… just we had plans.
You confide, knowing Sam will understand.
Sam: Oh shit. Okay, want me to tell him to come home?
You: No. It’s fine.
Sighing, you toss your phone on the other end of the couch, throwing your head back in newfound anger. Asshole. He saw your calls and didn’t even pick up the damn phone. After a year of dating, you at least deserved that. 
“Hey this is y/n, I can’t come to the phone right now cuz I’m out livin’ my life! Leave it at the beep.” He hears your all too familiar voicemail through the speaker. He had helped you come up with it, you hadn’t known what to put on it. He kicks himself, knowing you weren’t actually out living your life, just dodging his calls. Not that he blamed you- He deserved it and he knew it. Calling again, he’s not surprised when he hears your voicemail again.
“Hey… Um, listen, I know I was supposed to be at your place after the mission… I just wanted to unwind with the guys and- Shit. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t think you would mind that much, I’ll be over in a bit to make it up to you, okay?” He leaves the message and ends the call before starting his car and driving towards your apartment, guilt heavy in his stomach.
You listen to his voicemail over and over, a strange mix of rage and sorrow weighing on your heart.
Tears roll slowly down your cheeks silently as you lay curled up in a defensive ball on your bed, trying to block out the unmistakable sound of Bucky begging you to open the front door; “Babe, please open the door,” He says, fist resting gently against the frame. “I’m sorry- really, really sorry. Please let me in and we can talk about it,” He sighs, resting his head against the door in defeat. He could break the lock and go in. You both know that. But he wouldn’t do that to you- All that would do is make you fear him and that’s the last thing he wants. He slides his back down the wall til he’s sitting on the floor next to your door, his elbows on his knees and his hands in his hair; Tears gathering in his lashes. He really messed up this time.
The next day you drag yourself out of bed, trying to forget last night and all the tears you shed. After a shower and breakfast, you head out the door for a coffee run before work. You stop in your tracks when you see Bucky still sitting there, eyes red from lack of sleep and regret written all over his face. He jumps up when you walk out, keys in hand, the door closing behind you. “What are you doing here?” 
“I- I came to apologize,” he murmurs, looking in your eyes.
“I don’t want to hear it,” you bite, moving to step around him but stopping when he steps to block your path.
“Bucky, I’m going to be late for work,” you say coldly, glaring at him. “Move out of the way.”
“Please doll, just let me expla-”
Huffing, you roll your eyes. “I understand perfectly, James.” You watch as he flinches a little at the use of his first name. You only use it when your really mad or really happy, and it isn’t the latter right now. “You were too busy with your beer buddies to come see your girlfriend after being gone for three weeks, but what’s new? It’s been like this for months. I guess it was naive of me to expect something else this time.” You shoulder past him as he stares at you; dumbfounded. Tears gather in your eyes as you make your way to your car in the rain. Your almost there when you feel a large hand on your arm and hear your name being whispered. You turn around and look up into his stormy eyes. You always loved his eyes- They’re always so bright and big and- Now is not the time to be thinking about his stupidly gorgeous eyes.
“Please! You have to let me make this right,” he whispers, tears forming in his eyes as well, mixing with the raindrops rolling down his face and dampening is hair. 
“Bucky…” You sigh, pulling your arm out of his grasp gently. “I don’t think you can fix this. I can't keep being your second choice, not when you're my first." You climb into your car as he stares at you as you pull out of the parking lot. He sinks to the ground on his knees, not caring that his clothes are practically soaked, or that someone might think he looks crazy. None of that matters- because your gone. His girl. Gone. He can’t breathe. The pressure weighs heavy in lungs as all the air is pushed from them and his heart shatters. It’s all he can do to draw a ragged breathe between sobs.
You manage to hold yourself together until you pull into the starbucks parking lot. And then you totally loose it; Tears and mascara mix together and run down your cheeks as you sob into your steering wheel. It feels like your heart is being torn out of your chest. Bucky was the best thing that ever happened to you… and deep down you had feared something like this would happen, but you didn’t think it actually would. You loved him- And now he was gone. 
You trek into Walmart, heading straight for the junk food isle, not caring that you look like an absolute mess. Grabbing some much needed chocolate, chips, cookies and other coping foods, you check out, starting to cry again when the cashier gives you a pitiful look on your way out. 
Stumbling into your apartment, you throw your bags on the kitchen counter before grabbing your desired snacks and tossing them on your bed. You pull on sweatpants and one of Bucky’s hoodies, sending an ache of longing through your chest. Even changing clothes feels like more effort than you could possibly muster but you somehow manage before crawling into bed and turning on reruns of Friends before you start crying again. After 2 bags of chocolate, a bag of Doritos, a burger and french fries you grabbed on the way home, you still feel like absolute shit. Maybe this is just how it will be- Unable to get over him, unable to move on. Eventually you fall asleep from exhaustion, tear stains and left-over makeup on your face and Bucky’s pillow clutched against your chest. 
Bucky ambles into the bar, sliding onto a stool with sullen eyes, ordering a shot of vodka before mumbling “Keep em coming.” 
Throwing his head back, he grimaces as the bitter liquid burns its way down his throat. He knows he can’t get drunk but he’s willing to try. Anything to stop feeling like this.
The old barkeep leans on the bar behind him, looking at Bucky with an evaluating stare. 
“What was her name?” He questions gently after a moment of silence.
“Wha- How did you know?” Bucky looks up in surprise and pain, his forearms resting on the bar, holding another shot.
“Son, you can’t hide the look of love gone wrong.”
Tossing back another, Bucky looks in the shot glass like it holds all the answers before whispering your name, his voice breaking. “Did you ever love someone?” He asks brokenly.
The older man chuckles lightly at this. “I did, still do.” He holds up his left hand as proof.  “Do you wanna know the secret to love?” He asks, stepping closer.
“Why not, it’s not like I could lose anything else,” Bucky says dryly, taking yet another shot.
“Sometimes love doesn’t last and you have to let it go… but sometimes you have to fight for it. And it’s up to you to decide which you’re gonna do. So which is it?”
I hope you liked it! please let me know what you think!! 
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Day 27: I have plans -Dave York
Day 27- I have plans - Dave York 
Pairing: Dave York x F!Reader 
A/N: I have never written for Dave York so please be kind. This was requested by @yespolkadotkitty​ my darling friend. 
Warning: 18 + for language and stranger danger 
Taglist: @oldstuffnewstuff​ @josepedropascal​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @heythere-mel​ 
My Masterlist 
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Sleazy, that is the perfect adjective to describe your workplace. You gaze upon your reflection in the filthy glass that lays against the back of the bar and exhale. The black tank top size too small, cut with a knife to make a deep v-neck in the front, your breasts spilling out and midriff bare. You inhale the smoke and cheap liquor. Music blaring from the speaker to drown out the noise of the other patrons. 
Your heels clack on the ground as you amble over to the deep fryer shaking the basket of french fries so they are evenly brown. Hissing as some of the scalding oil licks your exposed leg in your booty shorts. Just another Saturday night at the Turtle Cove. You chuckle at the name before gazing around at the gaudy tropical decorations, cringing. 
The bar is relatively empty for a Saturday night. You refill a few drinks, flirting with some of the regulars for tips. You should be grateful to have a job but you can’t help feeling like this is it for you. 
The bell at the door alerts you to a new customer and you look up to see one man enter. He’s not like the rest; wearing dark jeans, a bright white t-shirt, and a black zip-up sweater. And fuck, is he handsome. Clean-shaven, tight cropped brown hair, and brown eyes. He walks slowly up to you at the bar and you’re struck when he keeps eye contact. 
“Two beers please, domestic.” 
“Sure,” you grab two clean glasses and fill them from the draft. Turning you place them in front of him and he puts down a twenty and smiles. 
“Keep the change,” he walks away and you look down at the largest tip you had gotten all night smiling to yourself. 
A few minutes later another man arrives and slides into the booth across from the first. Taking the beer from him. You watch as the two speak in hushed tones and go back to cleaning the glasses. 
You catch your eyes drifting to the first man more than once, sometimes being lucky enough to meet his eyes before quickly averting them. What the hell were two guys dressed like that doing in a dump like this? The question was way above your pay-grade but it didn’t stop your mind from wondering. 
You glance at the clock and begin closing down the bar. The regulars trickle out until all that’s left is the two men. You steel yourself before walking over to the booth, “Last call gentleman.” 
They both look at you and you can’t help but feel like an intruder when the first man smiles a charming smile, “Sorry miss, my old buddy and I were just catching up on life. We will be leaving after this last drink.” 
You grin and nod before turning towards the bar and finishing your routine for the night. The bell from the door rings and you look up to see the two of them gone and you can’t help the pang of disappointment. You clean up their drinks and your eyes widen at the large tip left peeking out from under a folded up napkin. 
Your hands shake as you unfold the napkin and your heart beats double time as you read the note left for you. 
I have plans tonight. But, I will be coming back to you tomorrow night. Cover up doll I don’t like their eyes on what’s mine. - Dave
You reread the note twenty times before putting down the paper slowly. 
He barely said ten words to you the whole night...You can’t help but shiver at the way his eyes held yours as he ordered and when you caught his eyes while you worked. You half expect him to be waiting for you outside but he did say he had plans...you get in your old Honda civic and drive home. 
That night as you fall asleep you dream of dark brown eyes, sharp cheekbones, and a charming smile. 
The next night you have to switch shifts with another bartender as you weren’t on the schedule to work. You check your reflection in the glass again and smile this time. You listened to his note and wore a tasteful t-shirt that covered everything up and fit just right with long jeans, and black sneakers. The jacket that you had slung on as you left is on the counter along with your purse.  You wait, and wait, and wait but he never comes. 
You feel the swell of disappointment bloom in your chest and you lock up the bar for the evening. Luckily the next night you were off and you were expecting a long evening of binging trash tv and eating chocolate. Your failed rendezvous with a handsome stranger just another page in the journal of your disappointing life. 
You make your way over to your car and stop as you see a figure leaning against it. Your heartbeat quickens and you reach in your bag for your small switchblade. The figure looks over and begins walking towards you. 
“You listened,” you release the breath you were holding and place a hand to still your racing heart.  The comforting voice of the stranger easing your fears. 
In the light of the streetlamp, he smiles that charming smile and you feel yourself returning it.
“I didn’t think you were coming,” you whisper as he closes the distance between you, gazing up into his deep brown eyes. 
He chuckles, “I said I would come back to you.” 
“Though I have no idea why I didn’t even think you noticed me last night.” 
“My associate...I didn’t need him seeing how you were affecting me. But doll, I noticed you.” He places a large hand on your cheek. 
You lean into his touch and sigh. “I noticed you too...kind of hard not too.” 
“What are your plans for tonight?” 
“You mean this morning? Nothing.” you giggle and he smiles before tugging you toward a black ford pickup truck. 
“Now you do,” he helps lift you up into the truck and buckles you in. Before running across the truck and getting in. You should be terrified a man you barely know is taking you somewhere and no one knows where you are. But as you look at the smile on David’s face you can honestly say you don’t give a fuck. You only live once.
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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Pairing: Yoongi X Reader (Side Jin)
About- Yoongi goes down on you in the back seat while you’re on a business call....Jin’s driving, lowkey watching..and being a little shit the entire time...
Or- You’re on the phone with a dick of an investor and a second away from losing your shit and calling off the entire deal...however...your boys decide to “distract” you. Give you a little something to keep you at ease so you don’t blow this 6 figure account…
WC: 3K
Disclaimer: TBA
Note: Yoongi  and Jin will STILL have a full one-shot, backstory, and all like I did for Tae, and Joon. I’ve just been sitting on this for about a month...so I decided to post it. There is a little plot at the end as well but nothing too deep...This is apart of my BTS Poly AU called “ 7 Deep”  Short summary of the overall plot :  Your Married to Namjoon, however you’re both in a open relationship and run a very successful Adult Entertainment company called “Onyx” with your 5 college lovers AKA BTS Minus Kookie! He comes in mid series as a new hire..... 
Your practically vibrating your so damn angry, a second away from cracking a molar from clenching your jaw so tight in an attempt to muzzle every smart ass remark drying to slip off your tongue. 
It never ceased to amaze you how fucking entitled and utterly unreasonable the rich can be..and to most standards, you and your husband now fall into that category. However, you have some ounce of ...shit I don’t know...compassion...morality...humbleness?! I.E  Everything this fucking french investor was clearly lacking and he was pushing your last button…
Feet pattering anxiously against the ground…..
“Trust me, Guy, I understand that, I truly do, but what I think your failing to understand is-” 
“Put the call on mute” The words hushed against your lips, in an oddly commanding tone for how faint his voice was, as a strong hand gripped your jaw. Halting anything else from leaving your lips until you did just that…”Now..”
Clearly far too busy being royally pissed off to even notice Yoongi climbing into the backseat, what you didn’t miss, however, was Jin losing his damn mind in the process. Yelling out about how he just got this thing detailed 2 days ago, Yoongi’s shoes a dirty, why the fuck must he act like he’s lacking any form of home training..blah blah blah…
Honestly, the two of them were literally equivalent to an old married couple at this point!
Eyes wide and defensive at how blatantly ticked off he looks as those sinfully sharp eyes gaze straight through you. 
“Don’t even, you heard how-”  Before you can even start to bitch Mr. Min is kissing you quiet, when your lips meet it feels like they’re going to bruise from how hard he kisses you. Keeping his fingers firm against your jaw, essentially ensuring you have no control in the situation. Forcing you to move at his pace. Yoongi grunts, nipping your bottom lip between his teeth before quickly snaking his tongue between the seam of your lips. Much to no one’s surprise, Guy seems to have not even notice and is still talking your damn ear off as we speak. 
Ahh, the beauty of technology, ear pods keeping you in the loop while your hands are free to roam up Yoongi’s back, settling with your nails clawing at the nape of his neck. The kiss is deep, and oddly slow considering the situation at hand, not letting up until your both breathing deeply through your noses. Yoongi’s tongue sliding against your own as you massage his scalp, reclining your neck, finally giving up any ounce of control you tried to have, giving him free rein of your mouth, .
A snort coming from the front seat, snaps the two of you back to reality…
“You need to calm down…” Forehead flush against your own however no matter how calm his delivery is this isn’t a request...not even close..
The arch in Yoongi’s brow challenging you to even consider challenging him...though you weren’t one to give up without a fight until...
“He’s right princess” Jin’s eyes meet you through the rearview mirror and you just straight up pout, he coos affectionately, flashing you a quick smile before bringing his attention back to rush hour traffic! 
 “I know he’s a dick, trust me I talked to him first remember? But, we could really use this account, it will make us an easy 6 figures, and more importantly once he’s out fo the way it will be a cakewalk on my end to maintain…” 
Your pout only exzadarates especially once you hear Guy start to mention how he feels as though you owe him an apology as if he hasn’t been acting like a dick this entire time. Like hello!? Where the two of you on two seperate calls orrrrr!!??  The slight growl that leaves your chest, as you reach up to take the call off mute and comment has Yoongi smacking your phone out your palm.
‘Aye..what did we just say??” Flicking your chin playfully a slight smile stugging on the corner of his lips. Yoongi was never one for harsh tones yet he always held so much control within his delivery ...He wasn’t a “Call me daddy, and bend over” kinda dom, he really woluldn’t consider himself a dom at all..he just..knew he could be in control if he chose...and today he chose...
“We need….” He drops his posture placing himself on his knees right in front of you in Jins’s back seat. “You to calm down, so we can close this deal baby...” 
Reaching up to stroke your thighs teasingly and he feels you tense, refusing to spread them. A smirk playing on his lips and he turns his head to the side...catching Jin’s gaze in the mirrior…
You don’t even need to glance up to see the shit-eating grin on Jin’s face,,. for to know your totally fucked right now… literally and figuratively…
 “Be a good girl for Yoongi princess….oh and Yoon?”
“Mmm?” Tone dry clearly uninterested as he forces your thighs apart, resting his chin on your knee...Yoongi just smirks, looking up to you like he’s about to fuckin ruin you..eyes dark already blown out...leaving slow lingering kisses up your thighs...gaze never leaving yours... 
“I meant what I said earlier...I just got this thing detailed...soo unless you wanna pay for it to be redone...you better be ready to lick up every drop…” Jin knows what he’s doing, tone drops to an octave that has your toes curling and your legs spreading on command, giving Yoongi easy access to prop them on either side of his shoulders… 
“That’s fuckin fine with me, I didin’t plan to let a drop leave my tongue anway...” 
Before you can even respond, or fuckin recover from how light-headed you already feel, said asshole is actually requiring you to respond now so you’re forced to take the call of speaker…
Yoongi smirks up and you something wicked as he hooking his finger around the front of your panties... “Take.The call. off...Mute...” 
I’ll be posting this soemtime next week.......the other two installments are linked below as well. Like I mention previously I am open to member/plot ideas as long as it works within the acutal “Universe” 
Part 1 : After Hours Joon x Reader( Side Tae)
Part 2 : Pretty Please Tae X Reader (Side Joon) 
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alonely-dreamer · 4 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 36: Dangerous Friends
Summary: Mackenzie and Elijah go to Marcel’s party
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 3314
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there. I’d like to thank @eywizard for beta reading this chapter for me!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23: Part 1 | Chapter 23: Part 2 | Chapter 23: Part 3 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 (Part 1) | Chapter 25 (Part 2) | Chapter 25 (Part 3) | Chapter 26 (Part 1) | Chapter 26 (Part 2 & 3) | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31 | Chapter 32  | Chapter 33 | Chapter 34 | Chapter 35
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On her knees, the seamstress focused on the needle, touching up the pants of her client’s suit as he admired himself in the mirror on his right.
“Damn, I do look good in a suit,” he said, making his friend in the cap laugh.
It wasn’t unusual for the seamstress to answer house calls, no, the only thing unusual about this client was the odd things he said. She felt weird as she focused on her work. She could hear the two men, but not quite comprehend what they were saying to each other, as if the words wouldn’t stick to her brain, turning into an alphabet soup she couldn’t read.
She thought she had heard names, Tina McGreevy and Joshua Rosza. What was the TV saying about them? Perhaps they were missing. No, it wasn’t that. Wait… who were they talking about again? Her mind was foggy and the more she tried to focus, the foggier it got.
“My guy at the docks is gonna come forward as an eyewitness, say he saw those two drunkenly fall into the Mississippi. They’ll be dredging for weeks, no one will come looking around here,” said the man in the cap, whose name she thought started with a ‘T’… Theo? Thibault? No… It was that.
“That’s good, considering one’s dead in a dumpster behind the county morgue and the other one’s a vampire now,” her client said with a chuckle. “Anything else?”
The words danced in her brain, refusing to form a correct sentence, refusing to make sense. As she tried to think back to what had just been said, she inadvertently pricked herself with her needle.
She sat back on her knees and looked at her bloody finger. The man, whose name she thought might be Mark, crouched before her with a smile.
“Allow me, darling,” he said as he took her hand and brought the injured finger to his mouth.
She let him do it, even though her entire body was screaming at her to get up and go. Her mind was loud with alarms, screaming at her that it wasn’t safe, but she couldn’t say anything, couldn’t do anything but smile. His friend spoke up again.
“I sent four nightwalkers to look into a werewolf sighting in the Quarter. I haven’t heard from them since.”
Mark, or whatever his name was, lost his smile as he let go of her hand and sighed.
“That makes ten dead nightwalkers in the last week. You think the werewolves are back in town trying to start some trouble?”
“Look. I know you and Klaus are friends, but the fact is, since the Originals showed up…”
“Oh, come now, Thierry, you’re not still upset about that little toxic werewolf bite I gave you, are you?”
The seamstress barely registered the stranger who had just come into the fitting room. She felt like she was supposed to ignore him, to ignore them, to silence them out, and so she did.
“I see you’ve given him free rein of your compound now, too,” Thierry said with disappointment and disapproval.
“Yes. Well, seeing as my family and I lived here, built the place, in fact…”
“All right, come on,” Mark, or perhaps his name was Maxwell, interrupted their argument calmly, “you know the drill. Thierry is my guy, inner circle. Klaus is my old-time friend and sire. He’s also a guest here,” he reminded his friend. “Peace, all right?” he asked Thierry who nodded with a grimace. “All right,” he nodded as well. “What do you need, my brother?”
“I don’t need anything, just wanted to let you know Elijah accepted your invitation.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” he smiled. “I hope you told him the rules.”
Klaus laughed. “He knows the rules, though I can’t promise he’ll follow them.”
“What about the witch?”
“Mackenzie? She used to love rules, would rather die than break them, actually. Now… not so much. But, no worries,” he added quickly to reassure his friend, “tonight is a party, no one expects a fight.”
“Right,” Marcel smiled unconvinced. “Let’s just have fun, eh?”
 “So, how’s Matt?” Mackenzie asked, picking up a strawberry from the bowl on the kitchen counter right in front of her.
The cooks were busy cooking food no one asked, or wanted, compelled by Klaus to act like they were serving kings and queens. The kitchen was filled with desserts that Hayley was convinced would make her fatter than her pregnancy.
“Sleeping,” Rebekah’s voice came through the speaker.
“Where are you again?”
“We reached Amsterdam a couple of days ago.”
“Sounds like fun.”
“It is actually.”
“So, I guess you’re not gonna be there for my birthday, then…”
“My gift is already in the mail, it should be there in time.”
“I was hoping to see you.”
“Aw, do you miss me?” the Original vampire mocked over the phone.
“Don’t you miss me?”
“Of course, I miss you, but let me tell you, the phone system is definitely one of the best creations in the past century.”
“Yeah, well I was actually hoping to spend my birthday with my friends, you know, but Katherine said she had no intentions of coming anywhere near Klaus ever again, so…”
“So what? I’m your backup friend?”
“I’d have loved to have you both here but since you guys all hate each other, I think it would have just ruined the day.”
“You’re probably right. Just spend the day with Elijah, I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to do anything you want. Birthday or not…”
“Fine, don’t come, it’s not like we can actually have a party anyway, in our secret hiding place away from Marcel…”
“Why don’t you just come join me in Europe? Leave Nik alone, he doesn’t deserve your help…”
“Well, that’s true, but I can’t just leave Hayley here alone with him…”
“You’re right, that sounds like a particularly cruel thing to do.”
“Anyway, have fun in Amsterdam then.”
“And you have fun at that party of yours, show Marcel what you’re capable of.”
“And how do you suggest she does that, Rebekah?” Elijah asked as he entered the kitchen.
Mackenzie smiled as she saw him, and leaned into him as he went to place a kiss in her hair.
“Brother, finally, you deign to talk to your poor sister…”
The Original rolled his eyes. “You’re always so dramatic, sister.”
“That bastard little thief stole our city and declared himself King, maybe you should show him he’s nothing but an ingrate little…”
“Alright, alright,” Mackenzie cut her off with a chuckle. “It’s a charity dinner, ‘bekah. We’re expecting champagne, good food, and dancing, nothing more.”
“You’re so boring. No wonder Kol hasn’t come around to visit you.”
“Ouch,” Mackenzie frowned. “Now you’re just being mean.”
“Heard from him recently?”
“He’s somewhere in Brazil, I believe,” Elijah answered.
“What the bloody hell is he doing there?”
“Who knows what our brother’s got in his head.”
“You got that right… Well, Matt is waking up, I have to go.”
They said their goodbyes before hanging up, Mackenzie still eating from the bowl of strawberries that was almost empty now.
“Do you even want to go to this thing?” she asked.
“No. But Marcel must have something in mind, and I’d hate to go against his plans.”
She smirked. “That’s so nice of you,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I am very nice,” he whispered before placing a kiss on her lips. “In fact, I have many nice things I want to do to you right now.”
“Ew, please, stop.”
The couple turned towards the kitchen doorstep to find Hayley standing there with a look of disgust on her face. Mackenzie rolled her eyes playfully as she took a step back from the vampire.
“What can we do for you, Hayley?” Elijah asked the newest member of the Mikaelson family.
“Nothing, I just came to stuff my face with the biggest cake I could find…”
“We’ll leave you to it then,” he nodded before he gently took Mackenzie’s hand and led her out of the room under Hayley’s uncomfortable gaze.
 So far, everything was going well. Elijah and his witch were behaving remarkably, the Original had already signed a check, and had been dancing with his companion ever since. Klaus was right. They looked unbearably in love. The silver satin dress she was wearing was remarkable as well, no doubt a gift from Elijah, and it complemented her set of diamond jewelry best. A swiss blue topaz gemstone rested above her cleavage, the necklace looked ancient, royal, almost, as if it had belonged to a generation of royalty and had somehow found its way to her. He figured many “lost” jewels had found their way in the Mikaelson collection over the years. He watched them carefully, tried to eavesdrop on them too, but they were smarter than to believe they’d get any privacy in a room full of vampires, and kept their conversation as polite and as normal as possible, as if they knew they had an audience. Eventually, Marcel had better things to do than to spy on the two lovers, and even managed to completely forget about them as Cami had finally joined the party.
“They spend their nights and days with Klaus - you’d think they’d be used to the presence of an Original by now,” Mackenzie complained about the pairs of eyes that hadn’t left them ever since they had entered the compound.
Marcel had gone above and beyond for this party. Dancers, acrobats, the finest chefs and the finest champagne… All the guests were having a great time and were happy to open their wallets to the charity of the night.
“I don’t think they’ll ever get used to us,” Elijah replied. “After all the stories they’ve heard about us, we were a myth to them until we arrived here.”
Mackenzie scoffed, wondering how long it would take for her irritation to turn into something more dangerous.
“If only they knew…” Elijah started.
“If only they knew what?”
“If only they knew they were worrying about the wrong person,” he grinned with pride.
She smirked back and nodded as she looked around at Marcel’s nightwalkers. “Indeed.”
That’s when she saw it, or rather him, a vampire she had come to learn was named Diego, entering the party wearing a shirt and jeans and an unhappy look on his face.
“Looks like something’s wrong,” she said as she watched him approach Marcel, obviously nervous about interrupting his time with Cami.
Diego whispered something into Marcel’s ear, and they could see on his face something was wrong indeed. Marcel started looking around and stopped as he found Elijah and Mackenzie surrounded by dancing couples. He frowned before he made their way to them.
“Something wrong, Marcellus?”
“Yes, actually, Elijah, something is wrong. Where’s Klaus?”
“I’m right here,” the hybrid said as he appeared behind him.
“Good, come with me.”
The three Mikaelsons looked at each other with an amused curiosity. Whatever was wrong, it wasn’t their problem, and if it bothered Marcel that much, it meant it was probably a good thing for them.
They followed him out of the compound, heard him order Diego to find as many nightwalkers as he could and join them at a place he called the Traps, which is where he was taking them.
“For a week now, my guys have been dying,” Marcel started his explanation. “There’s a werewolf in town who’s been killing my nightwalkers, and a witch or two have been helping it, using magic, undetected,” he informed them, barely concealing his anger.
“How is that our problem?” Elijah asked, not bothering to hide his lack of curiosity.
“Rumors are you’re at fault.”
“If we were killing your people we wouldn’t make a secret of it,” Mackenzie said in all honesty.
Marcel stopped in his tracks and turned towards her. Unbothered by his anger, almost bored, and definitely annoyed, she raised an eyebrow at him, defying him to attempt anything.
“Is that so?”
“That is so,” she confirmed, her eyes falling on Thierry standing behind him. “Want me to prove it?”
Marcel stared at her, put all of his anger in his eyes, tried to see something as she stared back, anything on her face, even just a little bit of fear, but he saw nothing. What the hell could she have gone through that had made her so tough? Or maybe it was arrogance? No, it wasn’t just that. She had something, she was someone, someone powerful, who wasn’t afraid of him, because he was no threat to her. Not only did she have Elijah’s protection, but she also didn’t need it, and that was scarier than Klaus himself, and as he finally found fear, it was unfortunately not hers, but his own.
“You were taking us somewhere?” Elijah eventually said after a minute of silence.
Marcel was trying to calm himself down, trying not to let the smirk that had appeared on the girl’s face get to him. He regained his composure, and his usual bright smile came and replaced the angry look on his face.
“But, as you are here, now I know you had nothing to do with the attacks on my men, and I thought we could go and see for ourselves who’s been causing so much trouble in my town,” he said as if he were offering them something.
“Sounds like a party,” Klaus smiled maliciously, encouraging Elijah and Mackenzie to relax.
Diego and a dozen nightwalkers had found them before they had even reached the Traps, and signs of a fight could be heard from down the street. Mackenzie could sense a werewolf and at least two witches inside, and vampires, dying one after the other.
Marcel gave Diego the order to attack, to kill whoever it was that was killing his own men in his own town. Among the screams of rage and fear were laughs - laughs Elijah and Mackenzie thought they recognized. She looked up at him and the look on his face confirmed her doubts. He heard it too, but she also felt it. A smile creeped onto her face.
“Call back your men before they all get killed,” she said, and he heard the amusement in her tone.
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s only advice.”
“Advice you should seriously consider,” Elijah added.
But Marcel shook his head no and ordered more of his men to go in with him. They couldn’t even see what was happening inside. The bar had no window, only a door that was now broken. But they could hear everything that was happening and that was enough to give them an idea of the scene. Mackenzie chuckled, seriously debating whether or not to intervene.
“Perhaps we should do something,” Elijah suggested.
“What is going on?” Klaus asked, obviously irritated he was left in the dark.
Mackenzie smiled as she moved to go inside. She snapped the necks of every vampire there with a wave of a hand, and they all fell to the ground. All but Marcel. The bar was completely destroyed. Only a couple of chairs and tables were still standing, but most of them had been used as a stake and were now resting in the hearts of a dozen vampires. She walked past a temporarily dead Diego and took in the scene.
A man, the werewolf, was standing at the end of the room, with blood dripping from his mouth, holding a stake in his right hand, the broken chair he had ripped it off of in his other. He smiled at her as he saw her, the blood on his face made him look funny and she held back a laugh. A blonde witch was near him, waving at her, her free hand magically pinning a vampire to the ceiling. The last witch sat on the bar, her hair, her face, her outfit spotless, as if she hadn’t been part of the fight at all, but Mackenzie knew she had the highest body count.
“Mackenzie!” they all greeted in unison.
Her smile grew bigger and a laugh escaped her. “What are you guys doing here?”
“We came for your birthday, of course,” Olivia said as she jumped off the bar.
God, Mackenzie thought. She looked so much like Margo.
“Mom says hello.”
“Does her Majesty know you’re here?” Elijah asked as he stepped inside the bar with his brother.
“Of course,” Felicity answered as she let go of the vampire she was holding against the ceiling. He fell with a cry, and her boyfriend seized the opportunity to stake him.
Marcel would have stopped him and killed them all, or died trying, if Mackenzie didn’t have him pinned to the wall.
“Lying to Margo is a very bad idea,” Oliver said.
Olivia gave Mackenzie a hug and whispered in her ear: “Heidi says hi.”
Mackenzie’s heart skipped a bit and as she backed away to look at the Princess, the witch winked. Elijah frowned.
“We have so many gifts,” Felicity said as she hugged the elemental.
“You don’t turn twenty-years-old every day,” Oliver continued as he approached them.
“Who are you?” Klaus asked dryly, tired of being left out.
“Klaus, these are my friends from Germany,” she introduced them, “guys, this is Klaus.”
“Well, you definitely picked the more handsome brother,” Oliver winked at her and was rewarded by his girlfriend’s elbow in his ribs.
Elijah chuckled. “You’ve been here for a week?”
“Yeah, we got here early, we wanted to meet the um…” Oliver stopped himself. “You know…”
“How do you know about it?” Mackenzie questioned.
“The oracles told mom. I mean, it’s not something you see every day.”
Of course the oracles would know about Hayley and the baby. It made them wonder who else knew, and if they needed to be more cautious.
“It’s just werewolf curiosity,” Oliver shrugged.
“Are Heidi and Alexander going to be joining us?” Elijah asked.
“And are they going to kill more of my guys?” Marcel worried.
“Not their type,” Mackenzie informed him.
“To be fair we wouldn’t have killed anyone if they had left us alone,” Felicity said.
“But they went on about how werewolves are forbidden in the Quarter, and that really pisses a werewolf off, if you know what I mean,” Oliver growled.
“Werewolves are forbidden in the Quarter,” Marcel snarled.
“Says who?”
“Says me.”
“And you are?”
“I suggest you stick to giving your own men orders,” Olivia said with royal authority, “you are no match for us, as you can see.”
“We don’t take orders from vampires,” Oliver added salt to injury.
“I heard witches weren’t allowed to do magic in their own town,” Felicity continued, “another one of your rules, I suppose?”
“Shall we kill him?” Olivia wondered.
Klaus laughed. “Please, my friend here has been ruling over the Quarter for decades now, he’s just doing his job.”
“If his job consists of stopping witches from practicing their craft and hunting werewolves, then he is an unfit ruler and a change of leadership is needed,” Olivia said. “A good ruler promotes peace among all, and if you’re unable or too weak to achieve that, then you must be replaced.”
“I think there’s been enough killing for one night,” Elijah tried to defuse the situation. “Why don’t we take you to our place, so you can rest?”
“As you wish,” Olivia nodded. “We could use a home for the remainder of our stay.”
“I’ll let my brother show you to our place,” Klaus showed them out of the bar. “I will stay and help my friend clean up this place.” He gave them an obvious fake smile that neither of the three companions paid any mind to.
Mackenzie and Elijah looked at each other knowingly. Here went Klaus’ good mood.
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