#we love and appreciate Lillith in this house
allastoredeer · 7 months
I love theory/lore time!
I wanted to say that I also agree with both intakes and those who overall theorize that the person/entity that owns Alastor's soul is either Eve or Roo.
Honestly, Idk if Eve and Roo are different or the same. Maybe they started as two separate entities, but after Eve ate the forbidden apple, they slowly became one. Kind of like how it seemed that Roo was an entity and not just a concept, what allowed Roo to get released in the physical world was the ingestion and possession of Eve… or maybe I'm just sippling.
Anyway, I think the main reason why I feel am not Alastor's contractor is because I just have this feeling that she is not a threat. The show makes it seem as if she was sort of conspiring against hell, but it does not make sense to me for a person who was basically that face of the resistance to sort of be a threat to Charlie and hell in general. She seems sketchy, not going to lie, and that whole thing of both Lilith and Alastor disappearing at the same time is highly suspicious, but idk… maybe I'm crazing but I do not feel such animosity from Alastor to Lilith.
One could look at Al's reaction to Lucifer as maybe a remainder to whom he may a deal (if it was Lilith), besides the obvious of him maybe threatening his position at the hotel. But if that was the case, I would think he would not act the way he does with Charlie. Yes, it can be argued that acts that way because he is trying to manipulate Charlie into something regarding the deal (probably… he is but we are uncertain of what he might really go for with the deal he made), but it just does not add. He might have a soft spot for women, but it does not add that he acted mildly with Charlie (the daughter of the person who owns his soul, in this scenario) when just the mention of him being on a leash had him losing his cool like he did with Husk in ep5. It does not add that he had a mental breakdown because he might have almost gotten attached and risked his life for this group of people (also because he might have overestimated his powers, and we do not exactly know how much the deal restricts him in terms of power). I totally see him working alongside her because he must gain what he has, but I just do not see it being so "friendly" with her. Or maybe I am just underestimating his acting skills.
My point is that (at least in my head, and the way I interpreted the situation) I see more possibility that Eve/Roo/something else is the one holding Al's soul and not Lilith. Now, again, it is really weird that both of them went away at the same time. My theory is that, somewhere along the lines (sometime after Al's made the deal maybe) both he and Lilith partner to maybe stop Eve/Roo or Eve/Roo made Al and Lilith confront in a way that made Lilith having to seek shelter in Heaven, and Alastor to go away. But I feel it was Lilith who might have asked Alastor to watch/help Charlie, and he might have agreed because it is convenient as well… and maybe because it was also Eve/Roo's order…
IDK maybe he is a double spy, and despite all this, he is trying to seek the perfect opportunity which is going to give him the chance to "move all the strings". I also headcanon that both might have a level of respect for one another but that is just a crazy thought of mine because they haven't even interacted so… idk
Anyway, sorry for the rant. Love how your mind thinks!
ALRIGHT IM HERE! I know this has been sitting in my inbox for the past week, but I'm here now and ready to get into it!
I've never considered the possibility that Eve and Roo are the same, but hmmm, thinking about it, I'm not so sure. In the opening of the show, it's said that evil already exists.
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Angels shielded all from Evil. So, Roo (the literal Root of all Evil) will have existed long before Eve was even created. If she were using Eve as a host, however... ◉_◉ As being the first one to let evil into the world being the gateway (for a lack of better word) and Roo taking advantage of that...
It was Adam and Eve eating the apple that allowed evil to find it's way to Earth.
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Like, the phrasing here says it all. "For with this single act of disobedience, evil FINALLY found its way into Earth."
So not only has evil existed for a long time, it's implied that it's been trying to find a way to get to Earth. (Also, the Roo theory brain is taking over, this whole scene, with these black tendrils growing, turning into a hand, and curling around Earth, do those not resemble roots to anyone? I'd gif it if I knew how, but it literally looks like roots growing up and wrapping themselves around humanity. ROOT OF ALL EVIL, come on, the symbolism is there.)
And with Alastor, I truly think he cares more than he wants. I think he cares more than he expected to. I know there's a lot of people who just do NOT think he does, and that he's going to be the big bad (or at least an antagonist), and while I don't disagree about the antagonist part (I can see him being an obstacle to get in their way), I just think there's going to be more to his character arc. I don't think he's just going to manipulate the hotel, betray everyone, and get all the power he's ever wanted and that's IT.
For one, as any writer knows, stories need conflict. Characters need conflict. One could argue that Alastor's deal is his conflict, but I think his true conflict is going to be getting attached to Charlie and co. and not wanting to. i think he's going to fight it tooth and nail, but I think, in the end, he's going to be their ally (or as much of an ally as he can be considering someone--most likely the actual antagonist of the show--has his soul).
And I agree with you about his relationship with Charlie. We can already see that he's a good at manipulating. The "Dad Beat Dad" episode gave us numerous examples of him using his relationship with Charlie (saying things like "We're all very proud of her," and that he's "happy to fulfill her bizarre requests") to get under Lucifer's skin, while Charlie is shown to whole-heartedly believe him. He IS a manipulator and he knows how to pin-point that insecurity to get what he wants.)
However, there's also examples in the show where he was kind and considerate to Charlie when he literally didn't need to be. There was no reason or benefit to him for doing so.
One example would be him going with her to assist in getting the cannibals help. He didn't need to do this. He got what he wanted. He officially has a deal with Charlie. He gave her the information she needs in exchange for a favor, there's no reason to linger. But he does, and not only does he freely suggest Cannibal Town, but he's going WITH her to recruit their help.
When Charlie is talking to Rosie to get said help, she's frantic and stumbling over herself, and Alastor pipes in to help her. Later, when Charlie is singing her song to convince the cannibals, he pipes in again (when it's obvious they're not entirely on board) to include that they'll get to eat angels, which is the tipping point that gets the town interested. And another time during that same song when he said "he knew she could do it all along." Charlie wasn't there, so who was he supposed to be manipulating in that scenario?
Rosie? As if Rosie doesn't already know Alastor's whole schtick, she was literally telling him about souls he could go make deals with earlier in the episode. Demons who are in a territory that they can't properly defend, which would make them desperate. Easy pickings to manipulate a few into giving up their souls.
He had faith in Charlie getting the cannibals to join and even helped her along every step of the way.
And that's not even mentioning the fact that he has literally let her use his cane twice. His cane, which Vivzepop has said is like an extension of himself. We haven't seen him let anyone else in the series touch his cane. Hell, he didn't even need to offer his cane in the first place, the microphone she was using earlier was still right there.
One could argue he was trying to get the cannibals to help so they could defend the hotel and have a better chance at, you know, NOT dying. But there's multiple times when he does things he didn't have to do, because there was literally no benefit of it to him. But he did.
Because I think he's more attached than he wants to believe.
Where was I...I went on an Alastor tangent.
But yes! The way I see it right now, I can see Roo going after Lillith because Lillith empowered demonkind.
Lucifer may the the ultimate ruler of Hell, but it's obvious that he didn't really...interact much with the rest of Hell. At least from what we've seen. He was ashamed of what he did and lost his will to dream.
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He fell into depression. I think when he and Lillith had Charlie, it really did make him happy. I think it brought him out of his depression for a bit, but depression doesn't just...go away. At least not for everyone. And we do see that something had to happen between him and Lillith to result in them splitting up, AND something had to happen to him and Charlie to result in them not seeing each other for long periods of time, to the point of Charlie not even wanting to call him for help when she could really use it.
Guys been in depression for a while, and I can't see him getting involved with Hell, which he's ashamed of creating at all. I can see him being more than happy to step aside for Lillith to handle it herself. I don't think Roo would see him as much of a threat so long as he's not getting involved.
Because as the show says:
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She literally EMPOWERED demonkind. Hell grew and evolved, and it became so much more. It became powerful enough for Heaven to not only take notice, but to get worried.
Lillith has MUCH more of an impact in Hell. She has more reach and authority, and I can see Roo being intimidated and/or threatened by that. There's a lot Roo (the Root of All Evil) can do in Hell, where the sinners and wicked go--those who commit evil acts. This should be her PLAYGROUD. But it's Lillith who has authority here.
So maybe Roo needed to get her out of the way? And how much farther can she get Lillith from Hell then having her go to Heaven?
I definitely think there's a connection between Alastor and Lillith. Maybe Lillith did enlist Alastor for his help. Maybe Roo already got Alastor's soul and he helped her, in some way, get Lillith to go to Heaven. I don't know what the connection is, but I'm so eager to find out.
(Also, can we all talk about how Lillith empowered demonkind with her voice, her songs, and Charlie is out here singing every time she wants to help Hell--when she first got the meeting with Adam, when she's trying to convince Adam of her plan, her song with Pentious, etc... And when Rosie asks how she typically tries to get people interested in her hotel, she does so by singing. All of her songs are about love, redemption, being better, working together, almost as if she's trying to empower demonkind with her voice too.)
I think we should talk more about not only what Charlie gets from Lucifer, but what she gets from Lillith as well.
But YES, I'm just so eager to see the whole deal with Alastor and Lillith, and I REALLY think Roo is going to come into play here somewhere. I really do. If not now, then later.
Personally, I still think Roo has Alastor's soul, but who knows? Maybe Lillith DOES have Alastor's soul, but Roo blackmailed/threatened Lillith into going to Heaven, so Lillith ordered Alastor to keep an eye on Charlie for her? Who knows? No one.
Who wants to know? ME!
fgo;fg;sgnsjn AHH I fucking love talking about this show, it gets my brain going.
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astrosirensblog · 1 year
Sirenas Astrology observations
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• moon hard aspects to mercury could be an indicator for having a hard time expressing your emotions verbally. Not having words of affirmation as a love language or having a hard time giving and receiving compliments or loving words. The type of person who says “I don’t have to say I love you everyday , I rather show it”
• the placement you have Aphrodite in can tell you how you can enhance your feminine energy and feel more beautiful inside and out. For example having Aphrodite in taurus could mean that cooking and taking more time to rest will make you feel better and nourished. Aphrodite in gemini needs to socialize and read or write to flourish in their feminine energy better
• people with permanent 10th house placements are known even when they’re not socializing much. They’re the type of person who don’t know many people but many people know them. It’s hard to ignore their presence, even when they don’t do anything
• People with mars in the 10th house tend to attract many people. Even people who hate them get obsessed with them and try to humbled them as much as possible. People with this placement don’t realize how intimidating their presence is and people see them as constant competition. Selena Gomez has this placement and we all know how other celebrities and even fan basis treat her even though she doesn’t do anything actively to provoke them. Honestly taking care of her mental health and not letting anybody humble her was the best decision she could have made for herself
• psyche in synastry can tell you about what you really need in a relationship in order to feel happy and fulfilled and become a better person. With your psyche placement you can learn on which parts you have to work on yourself too. With this placement it’s less about the physical intimacy and more about the intellectual and emotional intimacy of two souls coming together
• people with many 12th house placements tend to take criticism really personal and don’t like hearing it at all since they already have a hard time accepting themselves. They also struggle with feeling seen and appreciated even when people try to make them feel good, it’s never enough because they often lack self validation
• People with virgo placements take working out and looking fit really serious. I never meet a person with virgo placements who didn’t care about their physical appearance
• Having Mars in 4th house conjunct to the north node is a huge indicator of generational trauma that has been passing on in the family a lot. And this could bother the natal person a lot and it can cause friction in the family dynamic when they try to heal from that trauma and break the cycle
• Lillith shows up as the part of yourself that society has tried to repress or make you feel ashamed of. If it’s for example in the 3th house, you could have been told a lot to not share your views or opinions. Or people made fun of your voice growing up. You can take back your power by becoming more confident and expressing these parts of yourself freely
• Women who have Lillith conjunct sun and or asc often use their appearance and sexuality as a way to get what they want. For example Megan Thee Stellion has Lillith in Taurus conjunct her asc and she’s known for her beautiful and hot appearance and her lyrics where she also talks a lot about sex. Marylin Monroe also has Lillith in the first house, I didn’t need to explain how influential her appearance and sensuality is in the media to this day
• people with Lillith conjunct their first house tend to have sanpaku eyes too, here’s a reference:
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• Neptune in the chart shows you the part of life where you have to be more firm with your boundaries and don’t overshare because Neptune indistincts your intuition. For example if you have Neptune in the 11th house don’t force connections or friendships, don’t overshare to your friends and be really firm with your boundaries because you tend to let people cross over the line too much. Also don’t expect all of your friends to have the same intentions as you do, some people just want to use you or dim your light so be careful and stay safe
• The planet your sun is conjunct to can be a part of your life where you feel more confident and you don’t like it when people tell you what to do. For example if your sun is conjunct your venus you tend to make the first move when you like someone and you don’t like it when someone tells you that this person is out of your league or you can’t get them to like you. Ego and love go hand in hand with this aspect
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meetmebehindthemall-13 · 10 months
im just gonna put these in one big post so i dont piss ppl off
Squad reactions to being told "I love you" Luz: Thanks fam! Amity: oh no Willow: * cries * I love you too Gus: Sounds fake but okay Hunter: * A flustered mess* Vee: can i get a refund
Luz, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Amity: Hey. Willow: Hi. Gus: Hello. Hunter: Hey! Luz: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only! Vee: We were out of Doritos.
Raine, about Amber: Apparently we’re getting someone new in the group. Katya: Are we stealing them? Derwin: New or used? Raine: Wonderful responses, both of you.
Raine: Isn’t it weird that we pay money to see other people? Amber: Plane tickets? Katya: Concert tickets? Derwin: Prostitution? Raine, holding their broken frames: Glasses.
k thx for listening to my ted talk
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twinsunstars · 1 year
The Owl House Effect
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The Owl House finale premiered on April 9, 2023 on Disney Channel and Disney Channel’s YouTube channel, officially bringing the beloved animation to a close. Titled “Watching and Dreaming”, the creators (and the characters) bid farewell to fans with a heartwarming ending. We all definitely sobbed at the end. 
In the finale, we got answers to the Collector’s past, revealing that they’re just a kid who was sent down to the Boiling Isles by their brothers and befriended Titans, but once the race began dying, the Collector was then seen as an enemy, but it was all just a big misunderstanding. Luz, who reunites with Eda and King, helps the Collector understand how to be kind and make friends. Belos, who continued to posess Raine (who eventually broke out of their trance and got Belos out of them), tries to stop Belos from possessing a giant TITAN’S HEART, but it’s too late. Once Belos takes over the Titan, the Boiling Isles starts to become covered by him. Amity, Gus, Willow, Hunter, and Camila eventually get themselves out of their puppet trances and work to stop whatever Belos was doing to the Isles from spreading, and with Luz nearly dying and meeting the Titan-King’s dad-himself, she gets powerful magic flowing inside her, leading her to beat Belos for good. As years pass, the Boiling Isles has rebuilt itself, and before Luz heads off to the University of Wild Magic, everyone spends a good time together to celebrate Luz’s very late quinceañera. 
Back in 2020, fans were introduced to the magical and haunting world of the Boiling Isles, following a young teenage Latina protagonist and human, Luz Noceda. Meeting Eda Clawthorne, the Owl Lady, and living in the Owl House with her, Luz learns many things along the journey-how to perform magic with glyphs, how to maintain her friendships, and discovering who she wants to truly be. The show was a success to many fans, as the characters were completely relatable and worthy of admiration.
When Season 3 was getting announced, fans were pissed to the bone when it was discovered that Season 3 was only going to be 3 episodes, cutting off so many details that could have been further explored if a whole season was done (giving a big side eye to you, Disney). The show’s creator, Dana Terrace, continued to let fans know that all their love is appreciated, and fans promoted the show as much as they could, making fanart, writing fanfics, and so much more. 
As the years pass, many of the characters get new looks, but are still the same people. Vee got a nose ring, Willow cut her hair shorter, Eda grew her hair out again, Gus got a new hair look (and I love it!), and King got a bit taller. Since he’s a Titan, there’s a long way of growing for this little guy.
Also, Hunter has a new palisman, and it’s named Waffles! How adorable is that! I love how Willow and Hunter made a grave for Flapjack, *sobs harder*.
There are many theories that surrounded the show, and the number drastically increased when it came to the short Season 3. Fans began to think about the story surrounding Caleb Wittebane, Belo’s (Phillip’s) brother, and a witch named Evelyn. Fans believe that she was a Clawthorne like Eda and Lillith (and King, even though he is adopted), and there are clues that match every character’s design, as fans continue to try and connect the dots. We only know the story Masha had told the crew during “Thanks to Them”, but there was certainly more to be discovered. Regarding the theory that the entire show was just a dream Luz was having, we’re thankful that this was truly all real.
This was also a good ending for all Lumity and Huntlow shippers. We got to see Amity and Luz share a kiss, and another on the cheek towards the ending, and we love to see the representation. Hunter and Willow meet and hold hands, which implies that they are most likely together now (hopefully).
As a bisexual myself, I admired the representation this show gave to all the LGBTQ+ fans out there. When Luz came out to her mom, I was so proud of her. Many unfortunately do not have that much support that Camila gave Luz, but this show is there for LGBTQ+ fans to be welcome and appreciated. 
Now, fans will continue to display The Owl House in their own ways on social media and everywhere else, letting the show live on. It’s crazy how the show is officially over, but it is never over in our hearts. Keep on rewatching it as many times as you want, and show others that The Owl House was worthy of it’s success!
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The Owl House Elsewhere & Elsewhen Recap
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Luz takes despite measures to learn about the portal and Eda’s past comes for her. Spoilers below. 
Well here we are again. Earlier Friday it was announced that the light novel was canceled. According to Dana, the publisher was only offering to pay pennys. I don’t know if she meant Disney Press, Disney Manga, or Tokyo Pop. All three were attached to the project. It sounds like this went down a while ago and properly wasn’t that plot heavy to begin with. But it is salt in a wound; even if just a little. Dana had said she’ll be down to another go, albit for decent money. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to write an Owl House review without drama hanging over everything. One day.
Anyway, Hooty is hosting a party for Lillith’s new job as a museum assent director. We got Steve, Big Nose (who disappears between frames, and they spill her drink, so it’s just not an animation issue), Mama Clawthrone. But Lilith’s former mentor, who is just Dora the Explorer for some reason, taunts her.
Meanwhile Luz decides to look up time travel magic so she can talk to Phillip directly. But time travel isn’t just a spell. In fact it’s considered pseudo science I like this since too many fantasy shows just have time travel but only use for one or two episodes and than just don’t mention it. Luz recruits cool Aunt Lilith to help her.
While that is going on, Mama Clawthrone tries to reconnect Eda with her father. She doesn’t want to, even dressing up as Lilith to try to escape. No one buys it, but it does make King and Mama Clawthrone sorry enough for her to let her pass.
But despite Eda’s scheming, she walks strat toward her father. And we learn why this is so hard for Eda. She didn’t just take out his eye. She mauled his dominant arm. An arm too damaged for him to do the job he loved. CXraving pailismens. He doesn’t blame Eda, despite Eda insisting that he should. It was a fantastic scene.
Luz and Lilith find some time portals in the sand thanks to Lilth’s science magic. They don’t have a lot of time so Luz searches for the Deadwardian Era while Lilith trips over her own head. I wanna take a moment to appreciate the Peridotifcation of Lilith. Her hair is starting to frezz again and she started wearing her glasses again. And most important of all her air of menace has been replaced with dorkiness.
They find the era and discover that wild magic isn’t that wild. Witches change between types of spells with no issues. They find Phillip being bullied by two bipedal demons about their missing brother. Luz saves him and she and Lilith give false names to protect the timeline.
They journey to the Titan’s head while Luz teaches Pjilip about the light glyph. Lilith is unnerved by how his polite demeanor and his compliments seem familiar to Lilith.  
Turns out Phillip wanted them to distract a monster while he digs for a mirror. Then leaves them to die. Luz uses what she learned from Lilith to tame the monster. They go to confront Philip who lied about needing the mirror for the portal. So Lilith punches him. They return to the present and meet with Eda.
While Phillip goes to a cave where he reveals glyph tattoos on his arm. One that causes him pain. And he can only stop it by eating the essence inside the palismens. Belos suses the mirror to summon a face with an eclipse moon motif. Similar to what made the owl beast curse.
I knew Belos was Philip. Everyone was saying he was decent or something but nope, same guy. Belos says he only needs to stay alive to do something. Then what is it? I always assumed that immortality was his end game but the dialogue hints at something different.
The time travel seems to be stable time loops with Lilith kicking her own head. And that line about meeting each other could have meant this episode. Hell, he could have sent Dora the Explorer to egg Lilith on.
Fantastic episode, answers, more questions, and drama 4/4
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boomboxwithlegs · 2 years
@kittykittycattycatty​ tagged me for a sims prompt!  Rules: list your top 5 sims worlds Ive only ever really played the sims 2 and a little bit of the sims 4 so this list will probably be a little short but ONWARDS!
1. Veronaville    I never played in this hood when i was younger, but ever since i re downloaded the game ive rlly been vibing with it!! The layout is big enough for me to experiment with building stuff, and theres lots of space to move and put ur sims where u like in the hood! Ive also rlly come to love the premade families in this hood. Bianca is my fav. My only really issue with it is IT DIDN'T COME WITH PRE-MADE WITCHES!! We needed 3 of them like in hamlet!!!!  such a missed opportunity Like, I know why that is. Its a base game hood witches didn’t exist yet but titania is a fairy queen and she is there even tho fairies don’t become a thing till the sims 3 so. But I digress still a rlly fun hood and I enjoy the story i got going there a lot! 2. Pleasantview I have such a soft spot for this hood.
 growing up it was the only one i ever really played in. it was also responsible for destroying our very very old pc in the funniest possible way via woohoo cutscene. But ill elaborate more on that someday later. 
Growing up i favored cassandra goth, but now i think Dina, Lilith and the burbs are my fav premades from this hood. (Dina’s a good witch, and working to become a city planner this time around, and lillith’s grades skyrocketed overnight after working on her sports and fitness almost nonstop, and jennifer has become captain hero :D) I also really vibe with the soap opera style stories they have scripted and played out too. Gotta love that drama! 3. Strangetown
I would be kidding myself if this hood wasn’t in my top 3. Like with veronaville i never once touched it as a kid, but now that ive redownloaded the game I LOVE IT!
 I made some of my best/favorite original sims in this hood and one day ill subject you all to my terrible three-o’s (because for some reason when i make my own sims and have them befriend others it always ends up in a group of 3 somehow.) actually y’know what? You get some pictures actually cause i love these guys
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I really wish i had played this hood when i was younger I was a ghost kid growing up and I WOULD HAVE BEEN ALL OVER THE SPECTER HOUSEHOLD. That one quickly became a fav, they adopted a puppy and the puppy made olive rlly happy. I also love ophelia and her friendship/relationships with her friend and boyfriend. Shes defs a fav. I also made a lot of in jokes/come up with a lot of neat concepts brainstorming with a friend for this hood. I just...I really enjoy it a lot!! 4. Riverblossom hills.  Ive also really come to love and appreciate this one too. I stuck the premade families/houses with families that came with other expansions in this hood. I also made an alien family for sitcom-esque shenanigans :D. I ALSO LOVE THE TERRAIN FOR THIS ONE. The seasons pack is so good. Love it!!! I don’t have a lot to say abt this one at the moment cause ive taken a break from playing it for a while but I really love it a lot. 5. Belladonna cove This was another one i only ever really played in growing up! I love the layout of the city a lot and i really like the apartment system a lot, Good stuff!! I don’t know a lot of simblrs but if you see this and want to talk about ur fav hoods feel free to!!!
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fellulahh · 4 years
‘Mammon visits MC in the human realm and Lucifer gets jealous’ Part 25/???
Read Part 24 here!
“MC I—“ Lucifer tried to speak
“Please Luci.” She spoke with desperate eyes, “I want to talk to him.”
“Okay.” He agreed, “When you feel the time is right we’ll go.”
After having their discussion, the nurse reappeared in the room with Lillian stating that they had the all clear to go home. MC’s mind was instantly distracted as her eyes laid on their baby and a wide smile appeared on her face. Taking their daughter in her arms, MC cooed down at her as she was wrapped up in the tiny blanket.
They spent time going over the details of MC’s recovery and nursing the baby and before long they were on their way back home. Lucifer had never been so anxious. Every step they took his eyes were darting back and forth in case of any possible danger. There were still demons in Devildom who absolutely loathed MC for being a human so she was never particularly safe, especially now that she’d had a baby and was weak.
Having a protective hand on her lower back the entire time, Lucifer helped guide her through the corridors until eventually they left the hospital and were able to make their way back home. MC made sure to message Satan to make them all aware of their arrival.
The brothers were all gathered in the entranceway, eagerly awaiting for MC and Lucifer to arrive home. They’d spent the last half an hour quickly tidying and erecting some pink bunting on the walls.
“Oh I cannot wait to see them!” Asmo gushed, “even Lucifer!”
“Yeah well I get first dibs on huggin’ MC.” Mammon stated as he folded his arms over his chest.
“Why do you get to hug her first?” Levi muttered, completely unimpressed.
“Please, let’s not start this.” Satan shook his head, already sighing at his brother’s antics.
Before any of them could say anything, they heard footsteps approach the door and before they knew it, Lucifer and MC had appeared.
She had a huge grin on her face as she was met by the six demons. The House of Lamentation had never felt so welcoming. With Lucifer carrying Lillian, MC stepped further into the room.
“Hey Mammon.” She beamed as she gently hugged him.
“Hey MC, I’ve missed ya!” He grinned as he held her, quickly sticking his tongue out at Levi nearby.
“I was thinking about you on our way here.” She told him as she pulled out from the hug. Mammon had a bewildered look on his face as he processed her words. “I was just telling Lucifer how different things would be if it weren’t for you.”
He raised his eyebrow, still querying her words.
“You came to see me all of those months ago...if you hadn’t then Lucifer never would have come too and I’d have no way of contacting him once I would have found out I was pregnant.” She smiled, “It’s all thanks to you that we’re here now.”
While Mammon had a proud look on his face, Lucifer didn’t quite share the same expression. His was more sombre as he began to imagine what would have happened if him and Mammon never went to see her. Would Diavolo have eventually gone to the human realm?
Although the Prince had somewhat redeemed himself, Lucifer couldn’t help but feel angry whenever he thought of the way he’d originally planned to manipulate MC into carrying his baby. Whether he loved her or not, at one point he had completely unbalanced thoughts and that’s all Lucifer will see whenever he sees Diavolo now.
But despite his negative thoughts, even he couldn’t help but feel the smallest shred of admiration for his younger brother.
“She’s right, Mammon.” Lucifer spoke up, “Without you I may never have known about our baby.”
All seven brothers and MC watched him intently, silenced by his words.
“Thank you.” He spoke sincerely as he placed a hand on his chest.
Mammon was completely taken aback by Lucifer’s gratitude. It was incredibly rare for him to ever thank any of the brothers let alone him. Feeling himself growing sheepish at the praise, he scratched the back of his head. “Y—ya can always leave it to the Great Mammon to save the day!”
MC smiled at him in awe as she placed a hand on his cheek. “You are great, Mammon.”
“Come.” Lucifer ordered, taking Lillian toward the door, “Let’s move this into the lounge.”
With the brothers dispersing from the room, MC quickly reached out and grabbed Satan’s hand before he could follow. He turned around with a confused expression. “Is everything okay?” He asked concerned.
“I know you’ve been really supportive for Lucifer.” MC smiled sweetly, “It’d seem that you’ve been his voice of reason - thank you.”
“Lucifer and I may never have gotten along but I know that when something plays on his mind it can spiral him into insanity and cause him to make the wrong choices.” Satan stated simply. “Usually I wouldn’t care but this wasn’t something that I could sit idle for - I didn’t want him to make a decision that he’d regret for the rest of his existence.”
“You’re a great demon, Satan.” MC breathed, “I know he appreciates everything you’ve done.”
“So do I.” Satan spoke with a small smile.
“Good.” She mouthed at him before they left the room to join everybody else.
Entering the lounge, the first thing they saw were all of the brothers gathered around Lucifer as he carefully removed Lillian from her carrier. Holding her close in his arms, the demons were all silent as they gazed down at the tiny baby.
“Can I hold her?” Mammon practically whispered.
Lucifer was a little hesitant at first. The only other person he wanted to see holding his baby was MC and that was partly because he had no other choice. “Mammon you be caref—“
“I know, I know! I’ll be careful.” He stated.
Reluctantly leaning his body toward his brother, Lucifer delicately passed Lillian over to him. She wasn’t sleeping. In fact, her eyes had never been so wide as she stared at all of these strange new faces. Her tiny hands shifted as Mammon took her in his arms. He couldn’t hide the absolutely huge grin he had on his face as he gushed over her.
“Ya kinda cute!” He beamed.
“Kind of?” Lucifer questioned sternly.
“Ooh, calm down Dad!” Asmo giggled.
Feeling the warmth of her Uncle’s arms, a tiny content smile appeared on Lillian’s face. “Ah!! Look at her she’s smilin’!” Mammon grinned as he almost dropped her.
Diavolo twiddled his quill between his fingers as he stared down at his desk. He couldn’t hide the sombre look he had on his face as he tried to rid his thoughts of MC and Lucifer. His mind tormented him over and over, reminding him of what he almost tried to tear apart.
“My Lord.” Barbatos’ pleasant voice spoke softly.
Lifting his head, Diavolo’s eyes met his as he dropped the quill from his hand. “Apologies Barbatos, I hadn’t realised you were stood there.”
“There’s no need to apologise, My Lord.” Barbatos spoke politely.
His servant could see that the Prince wasn’t himself. Although he knew it was his fault that Lucifer discovered his true antics, Barbatos never felt guilt for Diavolo. After all, his intentions of telling the eldest brother were only because he could see something dire to come if the Prince were to continue his malevolent plans.
“Tell me Barbatos...” Diavolo spoke quietly, “How is she?”
“Home.” He nodded, sensing MC being back at the house.
“And the baby?” He asked desperately.
Barbatos paused for a moment, his gaze falling to the floor. “I don’t know, My Lord. My abilities are sparse when it comes to the infant - it’d seem with her being a mix of three species I’m unable to see through to her.”
“Three?” Diavolo scrunched his nose.
“Yes, My Lord. She’s part human due to her Mother and part demon because of her Father. However, with MC being a descendant of Lillith and Lucifer being a fallen angel, their baby still carries celestial blood.”
“Hells...” Diavolo whispered with wide eyes as his stare diverted across the room. “I hadn’t even considered the thought.”
“And now you understand why I had to stop anything from coming between the parents of the child who is the key to uniting all of the realms.” Barbatos stated, bowing his head.
Diavolo contemplated the idea. Suddenly worry filled him, was Lillian protected enough? Were they all protected enough?
“My Lord there is something else that I must tell you.” Barbatos sighed, catching the Prince’s attention. “With MC and Lucifer being the first to mix species with their baby, it may cause them great threat.”
“The nobles.” Diavolo muttered through gritted teeth, already knowing where the conversation was going.
“Should they learn of their child, I fear that Lucifer, Lillian and MC may not be safe.” Barbatos informed him.
“They’d never defy me.” Diavolo stated, abruptly standing up from his chair.
“I only wish for that to be true, My Lord.”
Ooh gurl! What do we think to that?
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dean winchester where she dealt with him going to hell
Moving Forward
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester
Summary: This is set in Season 3. After getting possessed by Lillith and watching Dean get torn apart by a hellhound, YN must face the world without him.
Warnings: Cursing, Possession, Angst, Blood, Death, Slight Depression
A/N: Thanks @sutton2001 for the ask! This is a little bit longer of a one-shot than normal, but I just had to add the scene right before Dean's death. I literally listened to a clip of the Season 3 finale and tried my best to type the dialogue used. I also tried to make it more my own, so in this version, the reader is possessed by Lillith. But I hope you like it! Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Dean: 30 Sam: 26 YN: 28
Here is the link to the YouTube clip I used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFzzexz0qtI
***ASK OPEN***
Cherry Blossom Asks Masterlist
"Give me the knife, maybe I can fight it off," YN said to Sam.
Sam was confused by her boldness, "What?"
"Come on! That dust won't last forever," YN held her hand out to Sam for the demon knife.
Just as Sam was about to hand the knife over, Dean stopped him, "What?"
YN glared at Dean, dumbfounded, "You want to die?"
Sam turned around, questioning Dean's outburst.
YN stood tall with her hand still out to Sam.
Dean took a step back when he realized something, "Sam, that's not YN. It's not YN!"
When Sam turned back around to YN, he was pushed against the wall telekinetically, dropping the knife in the process. YN then telekinetically pushed Dean back until he fell against the table.
Dean sat up and stared at YN, "How long have you been in her?"
"Not long. But I like it," YN's eyes flashed white, revealing Lillith, "It's all grown up and pretty."
Sam growled, "And where's YN?"
"She was a very bad girl, trying to plead with me to save the love of her life. So I sent her far, far away in the back of her own mind," Lillith said, cracking her neck as he eyes returned to normal.
"I should've seen it before. But you all look alike to me," Dean voice was strained as he smirked, "Now get out of YN!"
Lillith smiled as she turned to Sam, "Hello, Sam. I've wanted to meet you for a very long time."
Then she grabbed Sam's face and pulled him in for a kiss. Sam was trying to pull away from Lillith, but he was pinned against the wall.
Dean was trying everything he could to get up and grab Lillith, but he was stuck. It broke him seeing YN and Sam kiss, but he had to keep remembering it wasn't YN.
Lillith whispered to Sam, "Your lips are soft."
He kept trying to move away from her hand, but she kept petting his cheek.
Sam then said in a low voice, "Alright, so you have me. Let my brother and his girlfriend go."
Lillith smirked, "Silly goose. You want to bargain, you have to have something that I want. And you don't."
Dean took the opportunity to interrupt the two, "So is this your big plan, huh? Drag me to hell, kill Sam, and then what? Become queen bitch?"
"I don't have to answer to puppy chow," Lillith winked at Dean.
She watched Dean struggled on the table as she walked towards the door were the hellhound sat waiting.
Right before Lillith opened the door, she smiled at Dean and said, "Sic 'em, boy."
The door opened and the hellhound sprinted over to Dean. Dean was then dragged off the table and on to the ground by the hound. Lillith stood laughing as Dean was screaming in pain.
The hellhound began ripping into Dean's body. His legs, his chest, his back, everything was gushing blood. Dean was screaming and yelling as the hound tore into him.
Sam yelled at Lillith, "No! Stop! No! Stop it!"
Lillith just stood and watched, laughing at Dean's misery and Sam begging her to call the hound off.
Dean had stopped yelling in pain as the hound ripped into his chest. Sam and Lillith watched as Dean was dying, and Sam could do nothing to stop it.
Sam just kept on yelling, "No! Stop it! No!" as he begged Lillith to stop.
Then Lillith raised her hand to Sam, "Yes," and a flash of light came from her hand, directed right at Sam.
The flash of light covered the room. Nothing could be seen.
After a while, the light began to fade away as Lillith stood tall with her white eyes. She lowered her hand as her eyes rolled back to YN's eyes.
What Lillith saw in front of her shocked her and scared her.
Sam sat cowering in a corner, unharmed by her blast. He looked up and noticed how worried Lillith looked. When he scanned his body, he took note that nothing happened.Slowly, Sam stood on his feet and walked towards Lillith.
She raised her hand at Sam, "Back!"
Sam took another step towards her, the anger clear on his face.
Lillith took a step back, scared of Sam, "I said back!"
Sam bent down, picked up the demon knife, and reared back, "I don't think so!"
Right before he could stab her with the knife, YN's mouth opened and she screamed as black smoke poured from her mouth. Lillith expelled herself from YN's body before Sam could kill her. Sam dropped the knife and took a step back, shielding himself.
When Lillith was gone from YN's body, she fell forward. Luckily Sam caught her before she fell too far. He slowly sat down with YN in his arms.
YN groaned in pain as she looked up at Sam, "S’mmy?"
Sam held her close and sighed, "Hey, YN. You okay?"
YN grabbed her head, "My head hurts," she squeezed her eyes shut before looking back at him, "What happened? Where's-"
Just then, YN turned her head and saw Dean. He was covered in blood, gashes all over his chest and legs. His right arm was limp on his stomach. A gasp escaped YN's lips as she covered her mouth.
She crawled out of Sam's lap and over to Dean. She sat behind him, lifting his head up and on to her lap. Dean's eyes were still open, but there was so sign of life in them. A sob was heard as tears poured down YN's face.
Sam stood up and walked over to Dean as well, sitting on his right. He put a hand on Dean's shoulder and hung his head.
YN laid a hand on Dean's cheek and whispered, "No. No. Dean. Please, no."
Sam looked up at YN, teared pouring down his face, "YN, I'm so sorry."
YN sobbed as tear fell on to Dean's blood splattered face. Sam was crying just as hard as YN, both extremely sad at losing Dean.
YN looked up towards the ceiling, "We had a plan, Sammy. We were going to leave this life. We just had to find a way out of this. We just..."
Sam nodded, "I know. I know. He talked for hours and hours about how you two were going to live the ‘apple pie life’. You were going to find a house and settle down."
Then YN looked at Dean's jacket pocket, "What's that?"
Sam reached in Dean's pocket and pulled out a small box. He opened it and a look of shock covered his face. He passed the box over to YN.
"I guess he wanted that ‘apple pie life’ more than I thought," Sam commented.
In the box was a beautiful diamond ring. After looking at the ring, YN started crying more.
Sam sat back and looked at YN, "We should...move him."
YN shook her head, "Not yet."
Sam stood up and began to walk out of the room, "I'm going to make a few phone calls. Take as long as you need," and left YN with Dean.
YN looked back down at Dean's body, "Dean, I'm so sorry. I should've done something, tried harder to find a way out. And now...y-you're gone," she wiped her eyes, "But I promise you, I'll do what we agreed. I'll live my life. I'll stay with Sam and we'll move on," she took the ring out of the box and put it on her left hand, "And I'll wear this everyday and never take it off. I'll never forget about you, Dean Winchester."
Four Months Later
While driving to her apartment in Lawrence, Kansas, YN is changing to Dean's AC/DC cassette tape. 5 grocery bags sat in the front seat next to a box of cassette tapes, YN's purse, and her phone. Her diamond engagement ring shined bright in the sunlight.
"Maybe I should buy a new radio for Baby," YN thought out loud as she hit play on the radio, "Then again, Dean's ass would haunt me if I did it."
She continued to drive down the highway, Back in Black blasting from the speakers. She reached down and grabbed her phone, seeing if Sam responded to her offer for dinner.
Once again, Sam was ignoring her.
Since Dean's death, Sam had moved on from the hunting life. He told YN to keep the Impala and do what she wanted with her life. They somewhat kept in contact, but she's only heard from him a handful of times since Dean died.
YN pulled into the parking lot of her complex, took her groceries from the front seat, and got out of the car. She locked it and walked towards her front door. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, welcoming the cool air and stepping away from the Kansas heat.
She shut the door with her foot and locked it behind her. She walked into her kitchen and set the groceries on the counter.
"Max, I'm home!" YN yelled in her apartment.
The sound of paws running down the hallway was heard as a German Sheppard ran into the kitchen.
"Hiya, Max! How's my good boy?" YN spoke to her dog.
Max barked in response as he tail wagged faster and faster.
YN reached into one of the grocery bags, "I got you something from the shop," and she pulled out a dog bone.
She handed it to Max, who ripped it from her grip and ran into the living room. YN laughed and put the groceries away.
After cleaning the kitchen a bit, she jumped over the back of the couch and sat down. She reached for the remote, turning on Dr. Sexy, M.D.
She leaned back against the couch and smiled at Max, who was lost in his own world with his new bone.
YN's eyes widened at the TV, "Hey, Dean! There's a new episode of..." she trailed off when she realized what she had said.
Even though it had been 4 months since Dean died, YN still couldn't fully move on.
Dean's clothes were hanging in her closet, she had pictures of the two of them on her walls, all of is guns and hunting stuff was still in the trunk, and she had his car sitting outside. It still felt like Dean was here.
And she didn't want to change that.
The only problem is she forgot from time to time that Dean wasn't actually there.
She sulked back into the couch with a sigh, "Hey Max?"Max looked up, panting and wagging his tail.
YN patted the spot next to her, "Come here, boy."
Max grabbed his bone and jumped on the couch next to YN. She grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and laid it across her lap. She crossed her arms and leaned back into the cushions.
"I miss you Dean. I don't think you can actually hear me right now, but I've been missing you a lot lately. It's gotten harder since Sam stopped talking to me and I'm not really in contact with Bobby. It's just been me and Max," she stopped to pet Max for a bit, "But I'm keeping my promise and living my life. I started working at that bakery down the road. I know you knew how badly I wanted to get into baking. I've gotten really good in the last few weeks, minus that time I almost burnt the place down when I didn't set a timer for those cookies."
Max barked and stood to lick YN's face. This made her laugh and scratch his head more.
"But things have been going well. I'm still wearing the ring," she held up her hand, "It's gotten hard when people ask who I'm engaged to. I try to shrug it off, but it's difficult lately. Could you do me a favor? Send me a sign. Something. Let me know what I'm doing is right. Let me know if I should change things. Just tell me-"
Just then, YN's doorbell rang.
Max barked towards the door, but YN quickly shushed him. She took her pocket knife out of her back pocket and held it in her hand. She slowly stood up and walked towards the front door.
The chain lock was attached so she couldn't open the door all the way. She slowly opened the door and peeked her head around.
What she saw made her entire body numb.
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories @adorable-minibot @chessurkait
@idksupernatural @desiredposion @thevelvetseries @let-me-luve-you
@obsessedwithfandomsx @mangueweaschester @starchildwild @deans-baby-momma
@spnbaby-67 @unicornmadness2444
@emery--nicole--morrison @spnfamily-j2 @akshi8278
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rabidtime · 4 years
My Story
The Egg
This is my fan made story of the owl house the character and setting are #Luz, #Amity, #King, #Eda, #Edric, #Emira, #Willow, #Gus, #Lillith, #Hooty, #Amity parents, #Belos, #Principal Bump, and #boscha this story is a romance/action/conflict/and sad one ok read if you want I'll do some art but note not the best at it ok this is just a draft of it y'all hope you will enjoy
Chapter 5
New life
Luz opened the note and said ‘Luz will you go to grom with me? Amity’. This note made Luz heart skip a beat she doesn't know what grom is. But whatever it is she will love to go with Amity with it.
“Hey Amity I have a question to ask.” ask Luz.
Amity was still shocked that she almost blew up but she heard Luz's voice call her name.
“Yes Luz what is it?” Amity asks.
Luz showed Amity the note open and that Luz read it. She blushed harder than the sun and hid her face away. She was so worried that Luz would reject her offer for grom. Luz crouched down by Amity and gave her a big hug to comfort her.
“Amity I don't know what this grom is but I will love to go with you.” Luz said quietly to Amity.
“Really?” as she lifts her head up and rubs her eyes.
 “Yes really.” Luz said.
Amity stood up with Luz and gave her a big hug. Luz hugged her back and for a moment they were at peace until they felt their chest getting hotter. This made them unhug and look at their chest. They were glowing two different colors. This caught everyone's eyes and they were confused about what happened to them.
“Luz Amity, what happened to your chest?” Willow asked them.
“We don't know we just hugged then it started to happen.” Luz explains.
“Are you guys gonna be ok?” Gus asks nervously.
Before Amity or Luz can say something their chest grew brighter.
“Step back kids!” Principal Bump ordered.
Willow and Gus step back and watch their friend in discomfort. Amity and Luz were scared of what was happening to them. Then from there chest two small orbs glowing gently. Luz was yellow and mint green and Amitys was the same. They reached out to grab the orbs but they flew to where the explosion happened. Luz and Amity look at eachother then chase them. As they got to the explosion site in the creator there was a scarly ball at the bottom of the pit. The two small orbs were spinning above this creature. Luz and Amity slid down into the pit to see what was happening. As they approach the creature the orbs enter it the small creature started to glow and move. 
Amity was ready for anything but Luz stopped her from doing anything. The small creature unball and looks around. It saw Luz and Amity and started to crawl to them. Luz crouched down and picked the small thing up. It was too dark to tell what it was down here. Amity summons an abomination hand to lift them out of the pit. The small creature curls in a ball in Luz arm. This made Luz snuggle the small thing. As they leave to pit the creature looks at Amity and jumps on her shoulder. This made Amity jump in surprise as the creature snuggled with Amity.
As they walked to their friends they were going to ask them questions but stop when they saw the small creature.
“AMITY LUZ what were you two thinking!” Bump yelled at the two girls.
“Sorry but it felt like we were supposed to follow the orbs.”as they explain.
Bump reaches out to grab their hand to take them to the office. But the little creature growls and hiss at him. This stopped him from grabbing them and asking what that was.
“We don't know it was at the bottom of the pit and those orbs enter its body” Luz and Amity explain.
“Ok well it looks like it's protective over you two.” Bump said.
It slipped their mind they were going to look at more clearer when they got out of the pit. This made them blush nervously; they held the small thing and looked it over. It has scale for the skin, six legs, bump down its back, small teeth, and a long tail. It was the size of a fully grown otter and its eyes were gold and brown. No one ever saw anything like this or heard but one might be King.
As they talked about the creature the final bell rang to tell the students to head home. They look at each other and say goodbye Amity gave the small thing to Luz. They hugged and went to their house, Luz blush slightly and headed to the owl house. As Luz walked home the small bean wanted a cuddle and Luz could not resist and gave cuddles. When she was almost to the door Hooty asked Luz something.
“Hey Luz what is that small thing you holding?” ask Hooty.
“This little guy I don't know came from that egg I found.” Luz explains.
She then enters the house to see King drawing demons in his book.
“Hey King do you know what this little guy is.” Luz holding him out.
“Wha ?” King said while looking towards Luz.
 King saw the baby thing and he jumped up in all excitement. He got close to it, maybe a little too close. Then the small thing jumped at King and they had a little brawl. Until Eda came into the living room. 
“Luz what is that small thing that is fighting King?” Eda asked.
“I don't know all I know it hatched from that egg I brought over last night. I was hoping King would know.” Luz said.
Eda then stops the fight with magic, giving the baby thing to Luz. It hiss and growl at King as it cuddles with Luz.
“Why you little!” King said angrily, waving his tiny paw at it.
This made Luz and Eda laugh for a moment. Then they sat down and Luz started to explain everything that happened today.
“Wow you had a adventure today hmm kiddo.” as she pat Luz head.
“Yea but I will love to know what this little guy is.” Luz said.
“Well by what you told me it hatched when Amity picked the bag up right?”
“Well it hatch because of the love you two share I think?” Eda said.
“What!” Luz yells while blushing.
“Yea so like this little guy is like your own kid.” eda said while petting the baby thing.
It didn't like it and bit Eda hand off  and shook its head non stop. Eda didn't notice it yet. Luz saw it happen and giggle a little.
“What so funny kiddo?” Eda asked.
“Well are you right handed or left?” Luz asked.
“Im right handed see.” as she tries to draw a circle but fails to.
She looked at her right hand and saw it missing, then she looked at the small thing and saw her hand in his mouth.
“Oh ha!” Eda laugh.
“Kiddo can you get my hand back please?” ask Eda.
“Sure Eda.” while Luz patted the small one head.
The small guy dropped Eda's hand in Luzs hand then she gave it back to her. 
“What should we name it then.” Eda asked.
“What?” Luz said.
“Well it's like yours and Amity baby thing so it should have a proper name.” Eda explained.
Luz thought hard and she came up with a last name for it Night. It was a combination of Amity and Luz last name. But she could not think of a first name for it. Luz told Eda its last name and she liked it. Night jumps off of Luz and waddles around the floor like a new baby and Hooty comes in to see what is going on. Luz left the room with Eda to get dinner from the kitchen. He got close to Night and stared at him and Night did the same not moving. Night then sits down and bap Hooty face with his lil hand. This made Hooty laugh and law on the floor. Night then climbs up on Hooty back and curls up and falls asleep on him. Luz came back and saw that she was in aww and took a photo of it.
Luz and Eda enjoy dinner and save a little for Night when he woke up Hooty was stuck on the floor until he got up. Luz yawn and stand up this alert Night and he made a small chirp to get his mom attention. Luz walked over to him, picked him up and carried him to her room. She lay down on her sleep cocoon on her side and Night curled up and lay by her stomach.
“Night everyone.” Luz yelled.
“Night Kiddo.” Eda said.
“Night Luz.” King and Hooty said,
“Night Night.” as Luz kisses his small head.
He started to purr and glow slightly to the comfort of Luz being by him. At Amity house she was eating dinner then suddenly she got really happy. As she headed to her room to go to bed she was happy that Luz said yes to grom and that relieved a lot of weight off her chest. As she fell asleep she felt a warm but comforting head in front of her stomach. Amity and Luz slept happily that night knowing something special was coming.
The end of the next chapter will be most likely at Grom my style of course. I hope you enjoy the first five chapters and I hope you are ready to read. I will try to post every Monday and Thursday around 3:00 pm Missouri time. And your like, comment, and support is really appreciated
Author rabidtime. 
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Writing update:
I made some decent progress on chapter 24 (I'm up to 34 pages already and I'm not fully half way through 😱), so I thought I'd share another excerpt.
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“Minerva!” I hissed, taking off after the feline with little regard to my dignity. “Minerva, come back!”
I had been scolded on more than one occasion by Tanaka for allowing her into the manor, who sternly reminded me to think of the young master’s allergies, and I did not care for another tongue lashing from the House Steward, especially not at this hour.
I huffed in exasperation as she disappeared into the warmly lit room with a loud meow of greeting.  Well, I thought as I stopped just short of the kitchen’s entryway, pausing a moment to straighten my skirts and give my sleeves a correcting tug, retreating now would only delay the inevitable.  I should face my punishment and have it over with.
Though, as I emerged from the hallway, which was only lit by the cool light of dawn, my ears perked as over the sizzling of the sausage, Minerva’s purrs could be heard along with something that could only be described as fawning.  Sebastian stood beside the stove with his back towards me having already scooped Minerva up in his arms.
“What a pleasant surprise, my dear Lady Lillith,” he cooed, seeming so enraptured he was practically purring himself, “It would seem Sarah has misbehaved and let you in again.  Though I wouldn’t criticize her. After all, who could resist such brilliant green eyes and such soft, soft fur?”
I stood, befuddled, by the scene before me.  Though I couldn’t pin down which I found most distracting: the relief at the realization that I had stumbled upon Sebastian rather than Tanaka; Sebastian’s ludicrous behavior, as this was the closest display I had ever seen from the butler that could have been described as ‘affectionate’; or the warmth that had slowly begun to smoulder within me at the realization that Sebastian’s tailcoat currently hung beside Bard’s aprons, which allowed me to relish the rare sight of his form from behind.  My eyes trailed down his tall frame, this proving to be my greatest distraction, my gaze appreciative as it traveled from his shoulders to where his waistcoat accentuated the tapering of his waist just above his firm rear. 
I bit my lip, willing myself to look somewhere, anywhere but his alluring form, but I found I could not.  Since Lord Willoughby’s ball last week, his presence alone called to me, tempted me like he was a siren and I a poor, helpless sailor.  The kiss we had shared that night had only added fodder to a flame I so desperately wanted to squelch. To desire Sebastian so was imprudent.  We were servants and as such, we were not permitted to explore such desires. To love, to lust. However, with each passing day, every touch, knowing glance, and subtle smirk caused my feeble resolve to crumble ever further.  Despite my better judgement, I wanted Sebastian-to feel him, to touch him, to taste him as I had that night. Such a revelation frightened me. For one person to have such undeniable sway over me was petrifying, yet I wanted him all the same.
Wicked Game-Chapter 24| His Butler: Domestic
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(A Michelle Gomez x Female Reader fan fiction)
"(Y/N) , come over here real quick, help me out in the kitchen" I ran over to Michelle, humming a tune. " What's up? " She explained what I had to do and I helped her the next hour. It was quiet. Too quiet.
A week ago I had traveled to Scotland with my best friend lena. My car broke down somewhere down the road, and whilst lena went looking for a phone cell, I stayed next to the car, holding up a thumb. Maybe someone was kind enough to help us out. with a battery. I rubbed my hands against my tights and blew out puffs of hot air that formed little clouds of dust. Lena came back but with no luck. "All I could find was this funny shaped twig." I looked at it , made a face at it and hugged Lena. "We will get out of here before nightfall, don't worry. We have some tea? I'll be back in a minute" Scattering around the car and opening the door, I filled us both a cup of tea. " And now? We wait. "
Three hours later and we were still waiting. Night had fallen an hour ago. "Lena I'm so sorry i-"" Shh! " "Look, I know I said wed be home before-" SHH! " " WHAT?! " I looked down the road and could hear the sounds of a motor. A little later we saw two headlights coming our way. "Quick, turn on all the lights we have! I'll turn on my blinker on the phone" The car came closer and closer as we lit up our car. And then, just like it had appeared, it drove past us. "Wellp, there goes our last battery energy." "We can sleep in the car, tomorrow we can walk the rest of the way, get some help later."
I was about to pull out my sleeping bag when Lena squeaked. "Gee, girl!!" " Look, (Y/N) , look! It came back! The car came back!! " I ran around the car and saw the second car from five minutes ago, pulling up opposite of us.
I ran over and waited for the driver to let their window down. But when they did, I wished that Lena stood next to me, and not the icy breeze of the night. "Girls! What are yous doing? " I held up my pointer finger and turned around. "LEENAA" I turned back around and gave a lame smile. Not today, Satan. As soon as Lena explained what had happened, The lady who drove the car offered us a ride home. Lena gladly accepted . I, on the other hand hesitated. I excused myself and ran back to my car, grabbed my phone and my sunglasses and just waited a moment to clear my senses.
MICHELLe. The Michelle Gomez was the one who stopped. The one who now waved me over. The one who opened the drivers seat door for me to hop in. The one to put a hand on my shoulder ,asking me if I needed a warm blanket. I could only nod. After a while I found myself again. " I am so sorry for my behavior. I guess I didn't dream that someone would actually stop, let alone you! And Yess, I know who you are but no, I won't do any of the creepy stuff fans do. Uhm... Why are we on the opposite way of your house, Lena? " Lena giggled and explained that whilst I was grabing phone, she told Michelle where we lived. But Michelle was too far away from that place and her house was closer in the end. By two hours.
"WAITT! WE ARE NOT GOING TO MICHELLE'S HOUSE?! erm.. Michelle.. I appreciate it so very much, but I couldn't accept that. Just drop us of at an inn?? " "Oh, don't be silly! You are staying at my house, and you don't have to be scared, I am quite nice! And tomorrow I'll drive you back to your car with a new battery. Now nap. You're stressed enough as you are. I'll wake yous up when we're home. " With that I leaned my head against the window and dozed off. I could still hear the gravel road underneath the tires, I could hear Michelle humming a song and talking on the phone to someone.
Eventually the car pulled up and I got out, opening the door for Lena. "Lena! Get out! " We got our handbags and waited for Michele to receive her stuff out of the back of the car. "Can I help with anything? " " Nah, you just follow me. Come along! " Michelle showed us around, told us where the bedrooms and the showers were. She prepared a short snack before we thanked her and went to our rooms.
I heard a nock on my door. I was still standing in the middle of the room, not quite believing that this was actually happening to me, that I was actually standing in Michelle's house. "Yes? " The door opened and Michelle came in. I backed away, slightly intimidated by her presence. "I just wanted to make sure that everything is ok. Do you need anything? "
A hug,I thought. "No, and...thank you, again" Was what I said. "Okay. Here, have my number, just in case I forget tomorrow. "
She handed me a piece of paper. Hesitantly I took it, careful as to not touch Michelle. I wouldn't be able to control myself if I did. "Th.. Thanks.. Uh.. Goodnight? " " Good night, (y/n) " .
An hour later and I was finally laying down. But I couldn't sleep. My car was stood somewhere in the middle of nowhere, unsafe, anyone could smash the windows, anything could happen. I got up and made my way to the couch in the living room. I gazed out the window, watching the snow fall. "Can't sleep? " I jumped and squeaked, turned around and almost died. There she stood. The woman I'd been dreaming about for the past year. The woman whom I had a massive crush on. But not just a crush. In fact, I believe I was in love with her. And now she stood there, a concerned look on her face, her hair messy from the bed, and her night gown, well. I recognized that anywhere. It was the same she wore when she played lillith in sabrina. "Eh.. Uh. Uhm.. No, no I don't think so.. My car... It's uhh.. All alone. " She smirked and stood next to me, gazing out the window. All I could notice was her scent. I can't describe it. But it was like the first rays of sunshine in the morning, kissing the grasshalms.
When I felt a nudge, I shook, and looked up into her eyes. "What? " "Do you want to go and see if it is alright? I would drive, of course. " I thanked her. "I will just have to wait. Is it okay if I stay up a while? I won't touch anything, promise!" Michele shook her head and turned around, saying "I'll fetch some tea for the both of us. Company is better. I'll be back in a minute."
I sat down on the couch and just closed my eyes. "I am so sorry, this is all a wee bit much for me." I leaned back and rested my head. Not long after, I felt the soft cushion of the couch sink beside me. "Here, have a sip." Thankful, I accepted the steaming mug of tea. " I just hope my car is alright. I can't loose it! " "And you won't! That road is not very popular, especially on a Saturday night. You won't loose it. It's gonna be fine. Come here." I looked at her confusedly. What was happening ? Before I could grab my mug, Michelle pulled me into her, so that my back rested against her chest and her chin on my shoulder.
"There. A hug always calms down the nerves." She wrapped her arm around me and with her other one handed me my tea. "Eh... " "Shh. Just relax. Sleep." I finished the tea and closed my eyes. I mumbled "you're dreaming, (y/n). Dreaming. " I realized that I wasn't, the same time Michelle pinched me and giggled amusedly. "I guess not, im affraid" I wanted to jump up and apologize for leaning on her, but she held me down, rocking me to sleep. But before I fell asleep I managed to say one more thing. "You stole that robe from the set. " "And you won't tell! "
I woke up by lena slamming the pillow in my face. "Fuck you! " "I'd rather not. C Mon, Michelle is waiting in the car already!" Lazily, but ever so confused, I lifted myself off of the couch. Where was I again? "Girls! " Was that? "Get up (y/n) ! Get! Up! " I followed Lena Who handed me a Travelers Cup of coffee out the door. There, in the Early Sun Rays, she stood. A Black Haired, Blue eyed, gorgeous Goddess. No, wait, that was Michelle. Wow. "It's too Early!! I can't think right! Lena help!! " But all I got was giggles. Eventually we all ended up in the Car. Michelles Beautiful Car. With it's Brown Leather seats. And it's Red Walls. "(Y/n)? Are you present? " I turned my Head, still very Sleepy, and just nodded. "Right. Ok lets go! "
I sipped on my coffee quietly as I listened to the humm of the engine. Lena seemed very preoccupied by the technology of Michelle's car and pushed all the buttons. Michelle. I still couldn't quite believe that I wasn't dreaming. I looked over. Studied her. How her hair bounced up and down, how her hands lay on the wheel and how her eyes would occasionally squint whenever she tried to see further ahead.
" What's up?" Startled, I looked back out of my window. "(Y/N) ? " I fidled with my hands. "Yes?" It felt unnatural to be adressed by this woman that I loved. Yes. I said it. I loved her. I knew from the beginning that it wasn't just a massive crush. " I know your lookin at me for a while now. What's wrong? " Caught in action. Shit. "Just worried about my car. " Jep, good one, (y/n),good one. "Oh. hey, look we have a battery with us, your car was locked, plus it's Sunday morning so there are nearly none other Cars coming. No one uses that road, really. So stop worrying, okay?"
A little later, we pulled up next to my car. "My Baby!" I pulled on the door handle in order to get out.
"Wait! you idiot! Put on a jacket and gloves!! It's a bloody snowstorm out the-" Lena couldn't finish her sentence before I was out of the car and running over to my sweetheart. "I missed you!". I began scraping down the snow that had built up overnight. I looked inside and was filled with joy that the windows didn't get smashed and we didn't get robbed. " IT'S ALL GOOD! " I yelled. Michelle and Lena carried the battery whilst I unlocked the car.
"Uh.. Bitch? We have a... Problem. ". Oh, no. What now? I came around and saw with horror that one of the tires popped and the paint was damaged. " Damn that'll take some time and money to fix... " I had just finished wiping the snow down and was ready for the battery to be replaced. "(Y/n) , stop, this isn't smart. We should call the service. Let me talk to them."
I talked to Lena whilst Michelle was on the phone. "So. What now? We have to get to your house somehow... It'll be hard in this storm, without a car. And I don't want her to drive us because one, I wouldn't be able to handle sitting so close to her. And seccond, she's done too much for us already. "
Lena wrapped her arm around my shoulder. " I'll call a taxi. It's gonae be a bit expensive but we can stop halfways and jump the train. Give me a minute. " She jumped off the hood and walked a way to get some quiet.
I remembered I had some tea in the thermos flask so I reached for the door, fell off the hood, scrambled up to get into the drivers seat and took the flask from its holder. I stepped back out, wiped some snow off of my clothes, rubbed my hands and opened the flask. I took a sip and- empty. Urgh. I turned it upside down, because that's what every idiot does, and watched the last droplet of cold tea hit the snow. Sigh.
"Nothing left? " I looked at Michelle with a shy smile. "Yeah... I hoped there was more tea! " Michelle chuckled sweetly. "Come here. This'll keep you warm." She pulled me towards her and rubbed her hands up and down my arms. "The service said they will be here in about an hour due to the heavy snowfall, so we have to wait here and signal for them. Let's wait in my car, yes? Call your friend over once she's done... Say, WHAT is she doing? " I looked over to lena and chuckled. " Oh, yes, that's mister Twig, we found him yesterday. She always pretends to talk to objects around her when she's on the phone. She's calling a taxi. To get us to the train station. " Michelle stopped rubbing my arms.
"(Y/n) , you know that that's not gonae happen right? I'm here, I've offered my help, and I won't let you go to a station with a stranger in heavy snowfall where I can't see and follow if he really drives you where you want to go. Nope, you're staying with me. "
Perplexed, not knowing how to react, I let a tear fall and wiggled myself out of her arms. I looked at her. Then I turned around, run to lena, took her phone and hung up. "Lena, pinch me. " She looked at me with a hint of annoyance. Uh-oh.
"(Y/N) , I AM SICK OF YOU! JUST BECAUSE YOU LOVE THAT WOMAN DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN THROW MY PHONE INTO THE SNOW WHILST I AM TRYING TO RESCUE US!! YOU CAN'T FREAK OUT EVERY 5 SECONDS! SO GET OVER YOUR STUPID CRUSH AND PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! ugh. Now I have to start from the beginning! " Turning bright red, I sat on the ground and stared into the distance. There is no way Michelle didn't hear that. "Lena, we don't need a taxi. She's refusimg to let us out of her sight. Please stop screaming. And THANKS A LOT FOR EXPOSING ME TO THE ONE WOMAN I NEVER WANTED TO BE EXPOSED TO!! " the last bit I yelled back at her, throwing snow at her too.
Slowly I got up, walked to my car, took out a coat and went over to Michelle. " Can I... Can I please just sit in your car? I don't want to talk to Lena. Or of what just happened. Please" Michelle looked at me with a soft, understanding smile. "Of course honey. But I told you yesterday, Company is better. So I'll sit with you. LENA! come inside my car! You don't have to wait in the cold! " We all ended up waiting in her car, listening to Smaltown boy.
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Missing Her - Part 5
Dean x Reader; Sam Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Bobby Singer, Ollie (OFC)
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Series Summary: Dean is on the verge of going to Hell, and Sam is reaching out to an old friend who he thinks holds the key that could change Dean’s future. When they get reunited, a long kept secret comes out, that can’t stop him from going to Hell, but it changes everything for him when he returns. Seeking out the woman he loves and getting back what he lost, while still managing to stop Lillith from breaking the seals may be more difficult than he thinks.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Warnings: Language, Canon Divergence
WC: 4.8K
Beta’d by @closetspngirl who just keeps being amazing <3 Banner made by me, pics found thanks to Google.
You bolted upright and panicked for a moment, unsure of where you were. It was familiar, but not from your recent memory. Focusing on some things around the room, it took a minute or two, and the recognition of the ZZ Top poster on the wall, but you realized that you were in Ash’s room at the Roadhouse.
Muffled voices from beyond the closed door carried in. When you went to investigate out in the bar, you saw Dean and Ollie playing pool. Not wanting to disturb them, you tip-toed out of Ash’s room and watched from the shadows.
“Alright,” Dean said moving the crate over to the long side of the table. “What do you do first?”
Ollie climbed up on the plastic milk crate and took the cue stick from his hand. It was one of the shorter ones, but still too big for her small size. She still managed to get her grip on it properly and bend over the table.
“First, you line up your shot,” she said, closing one eye and positioning her hand slightly off proper stance. Dean leaned over and moved her hands where they needed to be but then backed off to watch her.
“Right. Then what?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest, watching her carefully.
“Then, look for your next shot,” Ollie replied confidently.
“Atta girl!” he said and moved around to the other side of the table. “Which are you looking at?”
Ollie stood back up and examined the layout of the billiard balls in front of her. You couldn’t see the whole table, but you watched her face as she tried to decide what to do. The way her young features were set in determination as she chewed her bottom lip, only highlighted the Winchester genes even more.
Finally, she pointed at an obscured part of the table. “There.”
“Yes!” Dean exclaimed and walked back around to her. “Now, when you draw back to hit the cue ball, if you hit it here,” he pointed to the center bottom part of the ball, “that will make the ball recoil after hitting this one and roll back to line up the other shot. Got it?”
“Got it!” Ollie nodded and bent back over the table. Dean helped adjust her arm slightly, but he stepped back when she began to find her stroke and hit the ball. The cue did exactly what she hoped it would, bouncing the seven ball into the pocket, and rolling it back to line up her next shot.
When it rolled to a stop, Ollie jumped off the crate, then up and downing, cheering, and Dean shot both arms up in the air in a celebration of victory. “That’s my girl!!”
Ollie’s face was just full of elation, her smile going ear to ear. She jumped up at Dean, slapping him a vicious high five, to which he pretended it hurt. Dean shook off his hand and mumbled something to Ollie you couldn’t hear. You watched as your daughter flung herself at Dean and wrapped her arms around his waist to embrace him tightly. He hugged her back, letting her be the one to pull away first. She bounded back towards the table, hopped back on the crate and repeated the process.
This time, Dean took a step back and watched her. Even from the distance, you noticed the emotion around his eyes. He wasn’t crying, but the lines in his face were betraying the build-up of feeling that was growing inside him. He sucked them back down, his pouty bottom lip clenching at the process, all while watching his daughter play pool like a natural.
Dean felt your gaze on him and finally noticed you standing in the shadows. He didn’t call out your name or wave you over, but the corner of his mouth tugged into a thoughtful smile before he turned back to Ollie to help her with her grip.
No matter what was about to go down with demons and angels, at that moment watching your daughter play pool with her father made it feel like all was right and perfect in your world.
Ollie must have felt you lurking. After she took her shot, she turned and saw you watching from the fringe.
“Mom! Dean is teaching how to play pool!”
“I see that,” you said and flashed her an encouraging smile as you came further into the room. “I just hope he’s not teaching you how to hustle pool.”
“C’moonn,” Dean whined, feigning offense. “I wouldn’t do that… not until she’s older. The girl needs some kind of skills to fall back on.”
Closing your eyes, you shook your head and tried to stifle a laugh. When you opened them again, Dean was right beside you, but watching Ollie continue to line up shots.
“She’s pretty good, you know. We’ve only been at it for an hour, and she damn near ran five shots in a row before.”
“Smart, sassy, and a hell of a shot… just like her daddy,” you wiggled your brow at him, earning you one of his infamous smirks; the one that made you fall for him in the first place.
“Well, I can’t take all the credit. The sass, she gets that from you,” he said seriously, then noticed your expression and tried to backpedal. “I just mean--”
“Yeah, yeah… just quit while you’re ahead, hm?”
Dean’s cell vibrated with Smoke on the Water before he could relent. He dove into his pocket, pulling it out quickly and sighing with relief when he saw Sam’s name.
“Hey! Dude, where are you?” he asked in a terse greeting. Dean held up his finger, asking for a minute then went walked over to the bar so he could talk to his brother with some privacy.
You nodded and watched him walk away, taking a moment to appreciate the view. There was a brief moment you forgot about everything that was hanging over him, and you by extension, and you let yourself dive into a fantasy where you, Dean and Ollie could be a happy family. Barbecues, holidays, library dates, school plays, Uncle Sam and Aunt Ellen coming to visit… maybe even more kids. Dean could still hunt--you’d never try and make him stop, it would be a fruitless effort anyway-- but he could, and he would always find his way back to you…
“Mommy?” Ollie asked, pulling on your sleeve to get your attention.
“Hmm?” you responded, and looked down at her with a hazy expression she couldn’t quite pinpoint.
“You okay? You look funny.”
“I’m fine, Ol. Just thinking…”
“About what?”
Nothing wanting to place these hopes and dreams on her until you knew how things would shake out, you just smiled a big and said “Pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes! Auntie El said to come to the house today and she’ll whip you up a batch. Plus, she’s fixing up our old room for us. You mind crashing with her for a while?”
“Will you stay there with me?” she asked, a momentary flash of panic streaked across her young face. “Will Dean?”
Crouching to be eye level with her, you brushed a strand of hair from her face and forced a calming, happy smile.
“Me, absolutely. Dean… I don’t know, Ollie. He’s got some work he needs to tend too,” you paused and glanced over your shoulder to where Dean was pacing and talking low, but animatedly on the phone, then turned your attention back to Olivia. “But, between you and me, I sure hope he does.” You winked at her and she giggled softly.
“I hope so, too.”
“What do you say, you go gather your things from Ash’s room, and maybe we get ourselves over to Ellen’s? I’m sure you’re hungry considering you didn’t eat last night.”
“I am hungry. I’ll go grab my stuff!” she squealed and bounced off in the direction of Ash’s room, then suddenly stopped and turned back to face you. “Do you think Auntie El has bacon?”
“She better!” Dean exclaimed as he came up behind you, “It’s one of the most important food groups.”
Ollie giggled and shook her head. “No it’s not,” she laughed and rolled her eyes, but then her face went serious, and she looked more like Dean at that moment, than she ever had before. “But it should be.”
You and Dean both held it together until she had disappeared into Ash’s room, then began to laugh.
“Is she always like that?” he asked as his gaze still lingered in the direction she went off in.
“Yes. Yes, she is. I told you, Dean, she is your mini-me,” you smiled and ribbed him with your elbow. “So, what did Sam have to say?”
Dean’s expression faltered, and gone was the dreaming, poetic look of a father who loved his child, but that of a man scared for her future. His gaze fluttered to the floor, and he stopped and started speaking more than a couple of times before he sighed in resignation.
“I don’t know,” he breathed and rubbed a hand over his face. “He should be here soon, but, I dunno. Something’s up with him.”
“I remember you said something about that the other day. What is it? What’s he doing?”
Dean passed you a glance that said you’d never believe him if he told you.
“Try me, Dean. C’mon… the Sam I saw earlier this year--”
“That was the Sam before I went to Hell. He changed. He’s... “
“Look. Y/N, there’s a lot I haven’t told you about what’s going on. I know I gave you the Cliffs Notes version, but the reality of the situation is seriously way more fu--”
“I’m ready!” Ollie called out as she rejoined you and Dean near the pool table. “You think Aunt Ellen will let me come back later and play pool?”
“Maybe! But first, let’s get there and get you fed, ok?” you said and reached out for Olivia’s hand.
She slipped her small fingers into yours and gave you a gentle squeeze. “Let’s go eat!” she exclaimed and reached her other hand up to Dean.
“Girl after my own heart,” he mused and gave Ollie a wink.
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“Well… I’ll be…” Bobby said with a snort as his eyes flickered between Dean, standing beside him, and Olivia, who sat in the kitchen eating pancakes. The old hunter took the trucker cap off his head and itched the side of his scalp, before replacing it, then turning to Dean with a look of pure disbelief. “I just… I never had a damn clue. How the Hell did your brother keep this quiet?”
Dean shook his head. “I don’t know, Bobby. But he did. Dad, too.”
“And the girl? She never told you she was pregnant?”
“No,” Dean replied lowly and cleared his throat, glancing up at Y/N who was sat next to Olivia in the kitchen. “She called to tell me, dad found out instead and did what he did best...” he trailed off and shrugged with his expression.
“Meddled. That’s what he did,” Bobby grumbled. “Dammit, John…” Bobby growled a sigh and patted his adopted son’s shoulder. “I’m real damn sorry he did that, Dean. He had no right.”
“It’s okay, Bobby. It’s done. Not like I cam reem the guy out now, can I?”
“Still… all that you missed out on,” Bobby shook his head.
“She’s here now, that’s what I gotta be grateful for. It’s time to step up and protect my kid and right now, I don’t know if I can do that alone.”
Dean’s gaze caught Bobby’s, and his heart broke when he saw the fear reflecting in Dean’s eyes.
“I’m here, son. For whatever you, and her, may need.” Bobby patted his shoulder and gave it a squeeze, then turned his attention to Y/N. “Now, what about the girl’s mama. What’s the story there?” Bobby eyed him carefully, trying to read Dean’s expression where the mother of the girl was concerned.
“That? That’s a story for another day, Bobby. Just know that keeping her safe is just as important as keeping Ollie safe. No way I’m gonna lose her again.”
“Alright. Just checkin’,” Bobby said, focusing his narrowed gaze on the strange woman in the kitchen. “All this time, she’s known the life… known Ellen and Jo. Why didn’t she tell anyone that the kid was yours?”
“Dad scared the shit out of her. He made her believe that if any more Winchesters were born into the world, they would just be ripe for the supernatural pickin’s I guess,” Dean shrugged. “He wanted her to end it. Gave her money to terminate the pregnancy. Instead, she took off, found Ellen, and did what she thought she had to do.”
“You ain’t mad about that?” Bobby snorted. “Can’t say I’d be too quick to forgive if I were you. Not like she magically lost your number. She still coulda--”
“Bobby, come on. Just let it go, alright? Y/N and I, we’re good. I want to put all that in the past and just focus on now. We certainly got enough on our plates with Lilith and the seals, don’t we?”
The old man nodded and ran a hand over his beard, letting it fall from his face with a sigh. “That’s the understatement of the century.”
“Alright then. Let’s focus on that, and keeping them safe,” Dean paused and looked back to the kitchen, where half his heart sat, laughing and eating pancakes. “Because losing them, even after just having them in my life for a few days… I don’t think I could come back from that, Bobby.”
“Then that’s what we do.” Bobby’s hand clamped down tightly on Dean’s shoulder, again, in an effort to offer him some reassurance. Dean nodded and bit down on the inside of his lip to try and keep his emotions in check.
“First things first,” Dean said, turning away from the kitchen and back towards Bobby. “Where the HELL is Sam?”
“Beats me. Said he’d be here an hour ago. Do you think he went to the Roadhouse instead?” Bobby asked though he could sense Dean felt it was something more sinister. “I know that look, boy. Spill it.”
Dean shook his head slowly. “I don’t know… he’s been different. He’s lying to me, sneaking off more. I’m worried about him.”
“What else is new?” Bobby asked sarcastically.
Dean rolled his eyes. “This is different, Bobby. It just is.”
“I get that, Dean. But Sam is a grown man. He’s allowed to go off without your permission.”
“Yeah, but what’s he doing when he’s gone? Hmm? God only knows--”
Before he could continue, Olivia came into the room, a wide smile that was covered in traces of chocolate and, plate of pancakes in her hand.
“I brought you some,” she said, beaming up at Dean and holding out the plate. “I even made sure mom put bacon on there.”
Dean took the plate happily. “I am starving, how did you know?”
“Cause, you’re a boy. Boys are always hungry,” she said and shrugged as if it were the most commonly known fact in the world. She looked up wearily at Bobby, having only just met him and unsure of what to make of the gruff old hunter.
“Do you want some, too?” she asked him shyly.
“I sure do appreciate the offer, but I’m good honey,” Bobby replied with his friendliest grin and winked.
Ollie flashed a shy smile and ran back to the kitchen, promptly jumped back into her chair and held up her plate up to Ellen, asking more pancakes. Dean shoved a fork of the food in his mouth and groaned as he chewed and swallowed.
“Oh man, so good,” he mused while savoring the taste of the pancakes before snapping off a piece of bacon in his mouth.
“Least you ain’t lost your appetite,” Bobby laughed and shook his head. “Come on.” He motioned his head for Dean to follow him back into Ellen’s kitchen.
“Anyone heard from Sam yet?” Ellen asked when they joined the group in the kitchen. “We really need to get talking about events that are unfoldin’,” she said then glanced down at Ollie. “Figure out some things.”
Y/N nodded. “Soon as Sam gets here, I’ll take Ollie--”
The sound of a car door from outside grabbed everyone’s attention. Dean placed the plate of pancakes back to the table and glanced outside Ellen’s kitchen window to see Sam getting out of the ride he had to hijack to get there. Dean’s brow furrowed when he saw Sam was limping towards the house. From the distance of the window, it looked like Sam had blood on the side of his face.
Dean darted out the back door, with Bobby following quickly behind. Ellen looked out of the window and quickly turned to Jo. “Joanna Beth, take Olivia upstairs, now.”
“But mom--” she began to protest.
“Now! Sam may need Y/N’s help,” she barked.
Jo’s gaze flickered anxiously between her mother and Y/N. The moment the back door opened and she saw both Dean and Bobby helping him into the house, she promptly grabbed Olivia’s hand.
“Come on kiddo, let’s go get the pancake gunk off ya.”
Olivia began to protest but the moment she saw Sam’s bloody head, she got up and nearly ran from the room. Once she was clear, Y/N sprung into action as Dean and Bobby dumped Sam into one of the kitchen chairs.
“Ellen, get your kit. I didn’t bring mine and he needs some stitches.”
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The kitchen was virtually silent while you attended to Sam’s wounds. All he had been able to get out so far, was that he went to the Roadhouse and found it in ruins. After that, he said everything went dark.
Ellen had fallen into one of the kitchen chairs when she heard the news about her bar; a blank expression clouded her face as her knuckles grasped the edge of the table so hard they turned white. Bobby and Dean both tried grilling Sam for details, but he wasn’t of much help.
“Man, I dunno what happened. I pulled up and it was in ruins,” Sam paused to wince as you put the last stitch in place above his brow. “It looks like it had been hit by a meteor… smashed to bits and still smoldering,” Sam rasped, the pain of the attack still coming in waves. “I’m so sorry Ellen.”
Ellen continued to sit quietly dumbfounded at the table as Sam recounted his story of finding the Roadhouse destroyed.
“When I came too, they had me pinned down, and were spouting off some garbage about the angels, and how Lilith would succeed in freeing Lucifer from his cage.”
Listening carefully, but not saying anything, you felt like you may be sick. What they were talking about went beyond anything you understood about the supernatural world.
You finished up Sam’s stitches and put the suture kit back in the lockbox where Ellen kept it. When you sat back in the chair beside her, that’s when it hit you how closely you, Dean and Ollie must have come to missing the attack. Bobby stood behind Ellen, his hands on her shoulders trying to help keep her upright.
“We can rebuild it, El. We’ll figure out a way,” Bobby said lowly and passed glances to Sam and Dean, who nodded sympathetically.
“Hell yeah--” “You know it--” they replied simultaneously.
“I’m gonna find those black-eyed bitches,” Ellen growled, toying with the glass of whiskey now in front of her. “I’m gonna send each one of ‘em straight back to the pit.”
“We will, Ellen. I promise you that,” Dean said and looked to Sam. “Not that I’m complaining, but why let you live? Did they just beat the crap out of you for kicks?”
Sam shrugged half-heartedly. “Not sure,” he replied, but conveyed a look to Dean that meant, ‘we’ll talk later’. Dean continued the silent conversation with a furrowed brow, but Sam every so slightly shook his head. ‘Not now,’ it said.
“Alright, so what now?” you asked, ignoring what was going on between the brothers; not like they would answer you if you asked.
“This has to be what we were talking about last night,” Dean said, turning his attention to you. “If Jim is possessed, and he knows we came here--”
“Wait, Jim? YOUR Jim?!” Ellen fummed, the fire in her expression just as deadly as the one that brought down her bar.
You nodded apologetically. “It’s why we’re here,” you replied softly, giving Dean a pensive glance. He nodded, gently prodding you to continue. “Jim didn’t take well to seeing Dean with Ollie. It turned into a fight when we dropped Ollie off at his place the other night. I thought he was just being a jerk--”
“He pinned her against the front door, hard,” Dean added through gritted teeth.
“If not for Ollie being there…” you shrugged. “Seeing her stopped him, so we left. But later, she said that she thought his eyes went black and that the living room smelled like rotten eggs.”
“Sulfur,” Bobby whispered, coming to understand the point they were getting at. “You think he got possessed? But when? Where?”
You nodded. “Look, he wasn’t a great guy for the last year of our marriage, and once or twice things got.... rough, between us.” Dean noticeably tensed at the mention of it. “But I don’t know; he was different. More intense than usual.”
Bobby walked around to the opposite side of the table and poured himself a shot of whiskey. Once the burn wore off, he cleared his throat. “So, let me get this straight… did your ex--”
“Right, Jim, did he know about the life? Does he know the truth about what’s out there?”
“No, he had no idea. I told him Ellen was my aunt, Jo was my cousin. He never really cared to know my family, never asked about them. In fact, he always acted like I was an orphan. Never wanted to know about my folks, siblings… any of it.”
“That didn’t raise a red flag?” Bobby asked curiously, folding his arms over his chest.
“Bobby, come on,” Dean sighed. “Give her a break.”
“No, he’s right, Dean. I should have wondered why,” you looked back to Bobby and got where he was going. “You think he had been possessed from the beginning?”
Bobby hemmed and hawed for a moment, and then shrugged. “It’s possible. If the demon was there the whole time, it wouldn’t make itself known unless it wanted too. Maybe once Dean showed back up…”
“Dammit,” Dean muttered under his breath, his eyes fluttering closed as his gut swelled with vile.
You reached over and gently touched his forearm. “Hey, this isn’t on you.”
“The Hell it ain’t!” Dean barked, letting the anger he had towards himself take over.
“Heeyyy, guys… little ears back in the room,” Jo said as cheerfully as she could and walked into the kitchen holding Olivia’s hand. She had been freshly showered and dressed. Jo even took the time to fix her hair in french braid pigtails making her look at least three years younger than she really was.
“Hey baby,” you said and opened out your arms. “Come here, there’s someone you gotta meet.”
Olivia slowly entered the kitchen, looking between you and Dean, then very carefully in Sam’s direction. She looked at him curiously, her fierce green eyes scrutinizing the now bandaged wound on his head, along with the cut on his cheek.
“Is he ok?” she asked you in a loud whisper.
“Yeah, he’s alright. Just a little accident on the way over. But, this guy right here, this is your Uncle Sam. He’s Dean’s brother.”
Olivia immediately looked at Dean, who nodded and smiled, confirming what you just told her.
“Remember I told you about my little brother?” Dean asked her, “Well this is him.”
“He’s not little at all,” she said, still eyeing Sam carefully. “Is he the one that makes you eat all the healthy things?”
Dean laughed. “He sure is. So, if he ever tries to get you to eat kale… just say no, kid.”
Ollie giggled and left your side to move closer to Dean, and then hesitantly closer to Sam.
Sam smiled at his niece with an expression of disbelief, all previous talk of demons momentarily forgotten. “Hi there,” he said and held out his hand to her. She placed her little fingers in his and shook his hand.
“You probably don’t remember me, I saw you once when you were super small.”
Ollie turned to you, and you nodded. “You were only two, Ol.”
“Oh, then I definitely don’t remember,” she said.
“Well then I guess we have to make some new memories, huh?” Sam said, his grin stretching from ear to ear, despite the pain it caused the wounds on his face.
“Sure. Are you staying here at Aunt El’s too? Are we all going back to the bar?” Ollie looked around at all the adults faces in the room, and with the exception of Jo’s, realized everyone looked very sad. “Why’s everyone so mopey?”
“Aw honey, c’mere,” Ellen said and patted her lap. Ollie bounced over to her and sat on Ellen’s leg. “Apparently there was an accident right after you left there today. The bar is gone.”
Ollie’s face scrunched up in disbelief. “What do you mean?”
“It’s a long story, Olivia. I promise to tell you more about it later.”
“But, I wanna know now,” she whined. “I’m not a baby, you can tell me grown up things!”
“Olivia.” Dean’s tone was stern but not loud. “Mom said later, okay? There’s a lot going on right now, kiddo. It’s not that we don’t think you’re big enough to hear it. It’s just, we want to understand it ourselves before we tell you.”
Dean raised his brow as he gazed at her, hoping she would understand and back off. You knew how stubborn she could be, and watched the two of them have their stare down, seeing who would be the first to crack.  
Olivia’s body relaxed, and she nodded ever-so-slightly. “Okay.”
Dean smiled at her. “But, I did hear that Aunt Ellen has a killer pool table in the basement. I bet you if you asked Jo nicely, she would take you down and let you practice some. You can show her what I taught you this morning. Whatcha say?”
Olivia turned to Jo, who flashed Dean rueful glance, but eventually smiled at Olivia. “Sure, come on, Ollie, show me what you got.”
Once again, Jo held out her hand for Olivia to take, and lead her from the room. When they were out of earshot, you couldn’t help but chuckle, and pat Dean’s knee.
“Nice save, dad,” you teased.
“Dude,” Sam spoke up. “You have a daughter…” he snorted a disbelieving sigh and just shook his head. “I mean, I knew she existed, but just seeing you two in the same room…”
“Then maybe you shoulda spoke up about it sooner, boy,” Bobby said, though he lacked any kind of accusatory tone. “John I believe, but you? Keeping something like this from your brother for so long? That’s not the kind of secret, you keep from family.”
Dean sighed heavily. “Bobby, c’mon. I thought we were letting all that go. We got bigger problems, remember?”
“Hey! Enough, alright. We need to deal with these demons that just burned down my bar. Which, apparently includes your ex-husband, Y/N. So, why don’t you start from the beginning and tell us everything you know about Jim.”
“Before you do that,” Sam said, standing from the chair, “I need to talk to Dean for a minute, alone.”
“Whatever you gotta tell me--”
“No,” Sam interrupted. Sam no-so-subtly motioned his head towards the back door.
Dean stood from his chair, his expression wrought with concern. “Alright little brother, lead the way.
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Once they were outside, Sam paced back and forth for a moment before he finally faced Dean. Frustrated, Dean raised his brow in question and sighed.
“What the hell, Sam? What’s going on?” he asked, tired from the constant feeling of secrecy that surrounded Sam as of late.
“Those demons that were at Harvelle’s, they didn’t just kick my ass for sport. They did it because they wanted me to deliver a message.”
Dean’s expression fell and he felt his veins run cold. “What message? For who?”
Sam hesitated for a moment, calming his own anger in order to be ready and deal with the rage that he knew would erupt in his brother the moment he passed along the demon’s warning.
“To you,” he paused and raised his brow, “they said, ‘don’t think she’s untouchable’.”
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Everything Tags: @kazosa // @sorenmarie87  // @lefthologramdeer//  @his-paradox //  @letsby // @thefaithfulwriter // @sister-winchesters99 // @thymeheals
SUPERNATURAL TAGS: @wings-of-a-raven // @negans-wife // @mrsbarnes-rogers  // @teller258316 // @spnhollis // @sweet-things-4-life // @hobby27 // @sweetlythoughtfulbird // @theoriginalvicki // @dreamchester67 // @xxwarhawk // @babykalika2001 // @superwhovianfangirl81 // @toobusynerdfighting // @missihart23 // @idreamofplaid // @thewinchesterchronicles // @wayward-gypsy  // @closetspngirl // @fatestemptress // @rebelminxy  // @22sarah08 // @witch-of-letters// @cole-winchester // @rainflowermoon // @adoptdontshoppets // @waywardvalkyrie // @fandomoniumflurry // @gnrfanfic// @blackcherrywhiskey // @jessieray98  // @lyoly  // @a–1–1–3 // @31shadesofbrown // @whereismyangel-damnitdeanshare// @pilaxia // @screechingartisancashbailiff //  @kgbrenner // @holylulusworld // @deansenwackles // @jamielea81 // @coffeebooksandfandom // @logical-princey // @gemini0410 // @salt-n-burn-em-all // @collette04 // @mrswhozeewhatsis // @deathofmissjackson // @lauravic // @akshi8278 // @katehuntington // @81mysteriouslyme // @imsuperawkward
Missing Her Tags:  @woodworthti666 // @marvelfansworld // @deans-baby-momma // @bunnybaby121115 // @highladyofthesevencourts // @fromthediariesofaoncer // @deanna-s-winchester
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The Town and The City Festival Lowell, MA October 19 & 20, 2018 – Day 1 – The Poets by Kathy Murray for Live Music News and Review
An interview with Scarlett Sabet 
I had first heard about the innaugural run of The Town and The City Festival on Instagram from the acclaimed poetess, Scarlett Sabet. The festival had been created surrounding the life and works of Jack Kerouac, a Lowell resident for most of his life. Scarlett herself was an avid fan of Kerouac, and she was traveling from England to perform a reading for the festival. I was absolutely thrilled. I had been waiting for her to come back to the States, more specifically to the Northeast, so that I could go see her read. I had been a fan of her poetry for quite some time, but had only seen snippets of her incredibly moving readings online and I could not wait to experience it firsthand.
I reached out to her soon after getting my press credentials for the show, to find out if she would like to sit down for an interview. I was pleasantly surprised when she agreed, and doubly so when she asked if I would like to also include the poet Janaka Stucky, who was on the bill with her that night. I, of course, was more than happy to agree!
We had discussed meeting at the venue just after they did their soundcheck at about 6:00pm, to allow enough time before the readings began. When I arrived, I entered the Parish Hall, and waited while one of the staff went to get Scarlett and Janaka. When they came out, Scarlett greeted me like an old friend, giving me a big hug, and I presented her with a small token of appreciation for agreeing to do our interview, a painting I had done for her. Janaka suggested we go into the room that had been set up as the ‘Green Room’ for the event, so we made our way in there.
Kathy: With ‘Zoreh’, I noticed that with ‘Elegy’, well first, it’s like the longest piece in the book, and I was wondering, what was your inspiration for it?
Scarlett: So with ‘Elegy’, whenever I read it, I always say this is a poem I didn’t want to write; but I knew I’d have to. It was, I mean, it was personal grief across death, and also kind of old grief, reliving childhood stuff. I’m sure there are more layers to come, but when you’re an adult, you kind of think okay, I’ve already dealt with anything that upset me as a kid. But it’s events that happen that kind of brought it up again, and I was like, I’m going to give myself one poem for this and that’s it. I was abroad this January, and it was like the pressure, with just the physical moving, and I just sat down and just wrote it all. Pretty much that’s just how it came out. And it is a long one, and it’s interesting performing it.
Kathy: Very raw. Very emotional. I know I definitely connected with it having lost numerous people in my life, not just as an adult, but at a very young age, and experiencing grief at very different emotional levels. You can definitely feel the emotion of the piece and connect with it through that.
Scarlett: That’s good. That’s good, because I think something like that personal grief, you don’t want it to be – and this is the other thing of being an adult, being like well everyone goes through this. I think there’s a line in the poem like, ‘but what about this is special, that which has happened to you?’ because part of it’s like pull yourself together, you know, getting sick of yourself. And it just becomes the wait, and that thing of ‘it’s going to take time’ and then the question ‘well how long does time take?’. People are like, ‘time takes time, give time time’. Like, no one wants to hear that, I want to be better now. And looking back, I learned so much and I’m a stronger person getting on the other side of it. But it was uncomfortable, but I also think that it’s uncomfortable, awkward things, restriction or difficulties, you know, good things come out of it sometimes.
Kathy: There’s an element of rediscovery of yourself. I know in some ways it was for me. One of the parts I was curious of; you spoke of the ‘wet isle of Lavender in bloom’. What isle were you talking about?
Scarlett: It’s a place called the Isle of Bute in Scotland. So my mom is French-Scottish, and it was where her burial was taking place. And I’ve got generations of family buried there. And it was just going over on the ferry, and I know I say in the poem that it was ‘small and unrelenting’ cause it was just like, ‘Why am I in London? I should just move here,’ you know what I mean? And I was just reassessing stuff, and it just made a mockery of city life; it was all the stuff of it, like it was this tiny small place, but it was making a pilgrimage back to it. I hadn’t been there with someone, I hadn’t been there since I was seventeen, so a hell of a lot had happened. So it had been, like, ten years, and it was very interesting, just the gap of what had changed personally and professionally. What is also interesting, the Marquess of Bute, the nobleman that lived there – and his descendants still live there – in the Victorian times, commissioned William Burges to build The Tower House (in Kensington), where he was Burges’ patron. So that was kind of an interesting thing. And Mount Stuart is also very similar to the Tower Houses design.
Kathy: So I know that we talked online about this, but there’s a common astrological theme that moves throughout ‘Zoreh’, and I know that you’re very into astrology, as am I, being Pagan. I wondered how you got into it initially and how you choose to incorporate it into your work.
Scarlett: That’s a good question. It was actually when Jimmy and I got together. We’d been together a couple of months, and he was like, ‘Let’s get your chart done.’ I knew my Sun sign but I didn’t know anything beyond that. So we got it done. And he opened it and was like hmmm, and I was like what does that mean? And I was like wait he’s got the blueprint to me and I don’t want to see this; let’s put it away. So I got really superstitious, and I put it away for a year. And then I read it, and it was actually really good, it was really accurate. And just kind of delving into it, and studying it; I think good astrology is very mathematical, it’s, you know, physics and math and it’s an ancient science. I think it is just, with bad astrology, I always say especially referencing ‘Lilith in the Midheaven’ from ‘Zoreh’, I always say that bad astrology gives good astrology a bad name. And when you mention it [astrology], people are like, oh you believe in that; it’s like yeah, I do believe in the coordinates, and the position of where I was born.
I think Ted Hughes was very into astrology and he was very connected to nature, the kind of bloodiness of nature, and he wrote a letter of his daughter’s birth chart when she was born (Frieda Hughes). Every President up until JFK had an astrologer and, it’s just, it’s not something new, it’s something old that’s kind of been lost touch with. I don’t know, looking back, it’s certain astrological points denote my life. Going back to ‘Elegy’, Neptune and Sagittarius, those 2 years from 2015 to 2017, were pretty intense for me. I’m Sagittarius rising, and obviously now I’ve got a Saturn return, which is really interesting. So there’s a new poem I’ll be reading tonight as well where I mention Kerouacs astrology. It’s something that is there, that I use in the imagery, and people can delve more into it if they want to. And people, like yourself, that already get the references. But, like with ‘Lilith in the Midheaven’, I like the structure of the Synastry [chart], and just discovering it and being like like ‘oh so that’s why its like that’.
Kathy: So it’s funny that you had mentioned ‘Lillith’, because that was actually going to be my next question for you. People interpret all art differently, and the way that I was experiencing it, was that love kind of renews your life every day. And how you can find somebody that is your signs mate and the connections that you share across those intricate ties. Like, within myself, finding someone who can feed my creative fire, and reciprocate it, which I feel is very important to a strong relationship. Now, I was going to ask your thoughts on that, but you already answered that in my last question to you. Who would you consider, other than Kerouac, your poetic infulences to be?
Scarlett: Influences? That’s really interesting. I think I always say Ted Hughes and a lot of people are like, ‘but Sylvia Plath, don’t you like her?’. And I do, but there’s something about Ted Hughes. He’s so fairly, or unfairly, targeted after the very tragic circumstances of both of his wives [Sylvia Plath and Assia Wevill] suicides, and I kind of admire the way he carried on regardless. And also, just the kind of bloodiness, just…the intensity of his work, the bloodiness of nature, his whole energy and focus, and just how prolific he was. I think he’s an influence, not necessarily in style but in just [that raw emotion] yeah and I think it’s continuing on in the face of adversity. I also think it’s really interesting that he’d written all these love poems for Sylvia Plath that he didn’t publish until nine months before he died, and if he’d done that earlier, the public perception of him might have been a bit more sympathetic, and he kind of kept it to himself. And when his daughter – he won an award for it after his death, collected it on his behalf, she quoted him, I’m just paraphrasing, she said, ‘it’s a shame we have to give away our secrets’, which was just really interesting, him referring to the fact, that he released this massive volume of love poems for Sylvia Plath, which kind of proved that he did care.
But intense influence, obviously my partner [Jimmy Page] is very influential, just in terms of how hard working he is and still is. And really, if I have an editor, it’s him. Like, and it’s funny, with ‘Lilith and the Midheaven’, the night before I sent it to the publisher, I was like, “Oh, I’m not sure, I don’t know, I was going to cut some stuff out”, and he was like, “Why are you doing that? That’s good, keep that in.” And he actually read [aloud] ‘Lillith in the Midheaven’. I was really questioning it. And he read it and in his voice I think, just the separation, it not being in my voice, I was like, ‘Oh okay, you know, I’m good with it.’ And he was like, “Yeah, you see, let’s keep that in, yeah?” So I did. And obviously talent is good and essential, but it’s just also working really hard and letting go of stuff. So I think he’s a great example for me, on a day to day basis.
Kathy: I want to ask both of you this next question – do you have any reading’s coming up?
Scarlett: Yeah, so I’ve got in November in London I’m doing actually a kind of reading at the Troubador, and I’m doing it with Reel Art Press, because they put out a beat book earlier this year, so we’re kind of going to be exhibiting some beat paraphernalia, some of Ginsberg’s letters, and photos from the beat book. I’m going to be performing with this amazing poet called, Oakley, and I saw him perform, well we performed together at the Byline Festival [August 2018]. That’s real exciting.
Kathy: Will either of you be performing any of Jack Kerouacs works tonight?
Scarlett: I’m performing tonight a poem I wrote kind of as soon as it was confirmed I was doing this event; so what is interesting is, Janaka and I, this is only the second time we’ve met. But we’ve got a friendship spanning years now, and its through correspondence because obviously we live in different countries. But the common thread that brought us together is the Beats. So we met at the 50th anniversary of the Holy Communion, and the Holy Communion was a four hour poetry reading in London at the Royal Albert Hall in 1965 that Jimmy went to. So we went to the 50th anniversary of that, and Janaka was this stand out poet and I was just like, ‘fuck, who is this guy??’ We connected through social media, and then when I was bringing out Zoreh and set to perform at City Lights, they were like okay we’ll find a poet for you to read with. I said, no, I know who I want to read with. And I said to him, okay we’ve never met, and I don’t know you, but if you’re able to fly to San Francisco in March? and Janaka was like yeah, I can do it. So we met for the first time, a half an hour before. And it was at that reading that we met Chris Porter and he came up to us at the end and was like, hey I’m doing this thing in Lowell, and my eyes like lit up, because when I read at Wellesley College, I visited and paid my respects in Lowell at Kerouacs grave, so coming here feels like everything aligned. When this was confirmed I wrote a poem for Jack Kerouac, just kind of it had so much beauty and purity to it as well but obviously kind of the tragedy, of his demise kind of drinking himself to death, and just being ridiculed as well being because he was new, he was popular. People said he was not a real writer. Kapote said he’s not writing, he’s just typing. So anyway, I’m performing a poem that’s still a work in progress, but it just felt right to share and infuse it with the energy of this evening. So I’m looking forward to doing that.
Kathy: They [Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones] just put out a new book, ‘Led Zeppelin by Led Zeppelin’, it features never before seen photos and correspondences. Can you respond to that? What is your take on it, like what do you think of it?
Scarlett: Can you believe that there are still never been seen images? I think the book is really important because it’s from the people that were actually there and lived it. And obviously it’s Jimmy’s band, and he created it and his notes you know he’s got a great memory. He was there and he was creating it and everything he did was intentional. And I think people always assume he’s so mysterious but even like on his website, that changes ever day, if you just look he’s giving you the answers. But I feel like so often there are books or interviews people do with him and they’ll ask him questions about an alleged story that may or may not have happened that keeps getting repeated and they want an updated quote on something that may not even be true. And I think it’s really, if you want to know anything about him, just read his own words and the music and that’s where kind of the motivation and the fact that he’s still working like 12 hour days, like insane work ethic, 50 years later, is why he is where he is and who he is. So I never have an excuse, no matter, you know my day job or whatever else I’ve been doing, I can never like slack because he’s there like, I can’t complain about being tired. And he has children and is a great dad so it’s like God I can’t complain about it. So I say get it because he really respects and loves people like you, and his fans, who love his music and get it and I think a lot of what he does it out of respect for that.
Scarlett came up next, performing pieces from Zoreh, The Lock and The Key and Rocking Underground, as well as her work-in-progress poem to Jack Kerouac. I can honestly say that reading her poetry is amazing, but hearing her read her poetry is an experience unto itself. The power and emotion that she conveys when she speaks her written word is cathartic. 
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berry--scary · 7 years
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Dear journal,
I’ve had to start working from home. I’m in my late second trimester and moving has gotten difficult. I feel as large as a whale even though I’m struggling to put on weight. I’m not ungrateful, but it’s hard. My whole body aches and sometimes, when the baby kicks, I lose my breathe. It’s so rough. I know everyone is worried for me. Evelyn has been over most days, especially when Caleb and Candy go to work and the kids are at school. When she isn’t here, Lillith comes over. Evelyn tends to hover, but Lillith just does whatever she likes, which I honestly appreciate. It makes me feel normal.
Nova’s gotten old and it’s reallly upsetting me. He can’t jump on the couch or bed anymore, we have to pick him up. The vet says all we can do is give him vitamins so we are. We might be spending way more money then we should, but Caleb is the one insisting. He’s become so attached to the little guy. Buster isn’t as social and just spends most his time wandering the house and yard.
I’m going to go lay down. I just got a wave of exhaustion and I can barely keep my eyes open. I haven’t slept this much since before I was turned.
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hollenka99 · 7 years
Cooking in the Cage
Originally posted on Amino: May 28th 2016
Lucifer: Hello and welcome to my cage again. This time, I brought a friend. He will be responsible for our secret ingredient later.
Azazel: Sure am. Let's get started.
L: Since I hear the holiday of Halloween is approaching everyone up on Earth, this is our Halloween special. First of all we will make...
A: Monster Burgers.
A: Any roll or bun will be suitable for the base.
L: We got ours courtesy of a lovely demon who is working extremely hard on our behalf. So a shoutout to the wonderful Lillith.
L: Next we cook our burgers until they are juicy.
A: Not too juicy though. There's only so much weight our racks can take. You would not believe how many people sell their souls to become thin but die fat anyway.
L: We appreciate the sentiment. It is always nice to meet new souls. So, while the meat is cooking, take your cheese slices and gently carve parts out to form a face. Right now we are taking inspiration from popular Jack O'Lantern designs.
A: When your burgers are done, simply assemble it together. Easy as that, kiddos.
L: I'm sure afterwards you will be dying to have something sweet. Don't worry, we have a recipe to warm you up. And it can be used to change the most stubborn of minds. Call it a... peace offering.
A: Well I'm calling them Flame Cupcakes.
L: Start off by making a normal cupcake batter. Today Azazel and I are going to make it chocolaty.
A: You'll see why later.
L: I have always enjoyed creating treats in the kitchen. It always reminds me of my little brother who never stopped having an insufferable sweet tooth.
A: Once the batter is complete, add red food colouring to it. A few of our neighbours have so much of it that they willingly donated all of theirs to us.
L: And a dark base will hide it if you don't want your friends to realise it's in there. Alternatively, the red will make a beautiful effect. Place your batches in the oven until they are done.
A: To create the fire effect you must mix yellow, red and orange buttercream while you wait for your bases to rise.
L: Using an icing tube, add your flames to the top. If you are able to find the appropriate toppers at your local store, include those too.
A: That's all there is to it, people. Enjoy your time in the kitchen.
L: We're going to have these cupcakes delivered to a good friend of ours. Unfortunately, I believe they will arrive a couple of days late but it's the thought that counts, isn't it?
A: Kid won't know what hit him. I bet he'll get addicted to them.
L: Join me next time when I will be baking a cake to celebrate moving house. And thanks to my special guest for this episode... Azazel.
A: See ya.
0 notes
star-lassie · 7 years
My Experience with Heroin
Heroin. The drug that people warn kids about. After the civil war, soldiers with wounded limbs came home and became addicted to morphine. How do we get them off of morphine? By creating Heroin! Like a Heroine to the rescue, Heroin would save our soldiers! Instead, it turned out that it was way, way worse than morphine.
Many people don’t think their life will ever be affected by drugs. I was one of those people; until last year when my Aunt Laurel died from OD on heroin. Nobody knew she was doing it, or that she had any access to it. She became a statistic in the Seattle Heroin Epidemic. I wrote a short story about what it was like, to help people understand what it’s like to be affected by something of this magnitude. Enjoy, and remember to call your loved ones and say that you love them.
The scent of soap surrounds me as I curl up with quilts and cotton blankets. The layered blankets drape over me, the weight acting as a barrier between my cocoon and the outside world of my grandmother’s house. My phone’s screen illuminates my face in the darkness of the room, calming me. I hear footsteps in the hallway, so I slide my phone underneath the blankets as I turn away from the door; I don’t want to be caught on my phone. My mother softly knocks and then enters. She looks at me with a strained face, face slightly red. She walks quietly towards me and sits on the edge of the bed. Her mouth opens, but no sound comes out. Another try and she speaks.
“Lucia, I have bad news.” My mind immediately starts racing, trying to figure out what could be wrong. Were we not going to be home on time? Did our house burn down? Was there a natural disaster?
“Your Aunt Laurel is in the hospital in Seattle. She overdosed on Heroin.” Everything freezes, the words not processing.
“W-what?! No, no, please tell me you’re joking!!” My eyes start tearing up, the world becoming blurry. My chest burns as I begin to sob uncontrollably. She looks at me, distressed at my reaction.
“Grandma Mathews is going to catch a flight to Seattle tomorrow on Friday, and we are going to stay here in Utah till Saturday.” She reaches her arm over my shoulders, pulling me into a hug. I desperately wrap my arms around her, burying my face into her shoulder, seeking comfort like I was a young child again. She squeezes her arms tighter around me, leaning her head down towards mine as she turns to pull me closer. Everything feels like it is too much, and my mind feels like it is shutting down. Ten, maybe Fifteen, minutes pass—just my mother and I holding onto each other. Eventually, she leaves the room, telling me to get some sleep. I don’t think I’ll get to sleep tonight.
“This can’t be real,” I whisper into the darkness.
“This just can’t.”
The next few days pass in a blur for me, everything seeming to fall flat. I am in denial; the world can’t really be like this. We drive straight from the airport to the hospital, not even going home to drop off the luggage. The buildings pass by, the city itself seeming to slow down as we reach the hospital. My dad tries to find a parking spot, and we end up parking next to an abandoned looking part of a hospital. The entrance is a couple blocks away, so we have to walk. It’s cold, and the wind bites through my Hogwarts letterman jacket, causing goosebumps to rise.
I bring my Journal 3 book that I got for Christmas, clutching it tight to my chest for comfort as we get closer to the hospital entrance. My dad has glistening eyes and holds my mother’s hand as we walk into the hospital. Atticus and Adelaide, my dearest siblings, run towards the entrance of the hospital, trying to lighten the mood but failing. Nobody knew that my aunt had been using heroin, that she was putting herself in danger every day by injecting who knows what else into her body. A receptionist nurse tells us that we are at the wrong branch of the hospital and that we need to go to the branch a few miles away.
My dad weaves our car through traffic, trying to get us there faster. We drive down a curved tunnel to get to the parking lot, deep underground. As we wait for the elevator, my mother gathers all three of us up. “We are going upstairs to the ICU. Your aunt is brain dead, so she is on a ventilator and hooked up to a lot of machines. I want all of you to see this, to make it real, and to make sure you see your aunt one last time. Behave, okay?”
My mom had already told me that she was brain dead, but in my inner heart of hearts, I really hoped that she would be able to get better. Everyone else had survived any challenges thrown our way; why couldn’t our aunt just wake up?
We all nod and get into the elevator. I nervously clench my fingers around my phone, turning it around in my palm. The white tiled floor squeaks underneath my sneakers, the sound of footsteps reverberating off the walls. A man greets us as we walk in, his white lab coat a stark contrast to the blue scrubs he wears beneath. “You’re Laurel’s brother, Aaron, and family, correct?”
My dad solemnly nods. “Yes, she’s my sister. This is my wife Veronica, and my children, Lucia, Adelaide, and Atticus.”  
“Come this way; Laurel’s room is over here.” The doctor leads us through the ICU, the scent of industrial strength cleaner making me tense while soft beeping surrounds us. My aunt’s room is tucked away in a corner, the nursing station within eye distance. Dad enters the room first, followed by my Mom, me, and then my siblings. Her dark, red hair is pulled into two braids, limply laying towards the top of the hospital bed. Her arms are to the side of her, lined with IV’s and other monitoring equipment, her tattoo of the name Lillith bared to the world. Hissing fills the air as her lungs are inflated by machines. Her mouth is held open for part of the life support system, although her face is peaceful. She looks like she is simply sleeping, able to wake up if I shook her.
I hover near the doorway, unsure of what to do. The reality of the situation is suddenly right in front of my eyes, and it’s worse than anything I could have ever imagined. Hesitantly, I take a few steps and reach the bedside of my aunt. I gently grab her hand, making it seem like we are holding hands. A scream rises to my throat, but it doesn’t come out. I want to grab my aunt and scream ‘WAKE UP!’ or just do something that will cause her to react again.
I feel a drop of something land on my hand, and I realize that a stream of tears is coursing down my face. I look to my mom, for she has always been my source of comfort and she too has tears in her eyes. My dad looks devastated and stands hugging himself. I don’t look at my siblings, I just can’t—not now. I walk over to my mom, burrowing into my jacket as though it will protect me. I hug her with my eyes still glued to my Aunt. The burning in my chest gets worse, and there are more tears. Everything just seems to move slower, and I begin to sob. My chest heaves for breath, and I can’t stop crying, can’t stop the pitiful noises coming out of my mouth. “M-Mom. I don’t think I can handle this anymore. She should be…” I start sobbing even harder and both of my siblings hug me, which is mildly surprising since normally they hate hugs. My mom looks at me sympathetically and hands me a Starbucks gift card, telling me to take Adelaide and Atticus downstairs to the lobby. “I’m going to stay up here with Dad. Grandma Mathews and Uncle Scott are going to be back soon, and the doctors are going to do a few tests to see if they can donate her organs. Dad will be taking you home in an hour or so.”  I nod mechanically; I can’t bring up the energy to talk anymore.
When we get down to the Starbucks in the lobby, I wait in line while my siblings find a spot in the semi-empty lobby. I am no longer sobbing, but a sniffle comes out now and then. As I order, my mind flashes back to when Aunt Laurel took me to Starbucks when we went out to lunch together back in September. I start sobbing again, even though I don’t want to, and I can’t stop the sounds. Atticus hugs me and I still cannot stop. The woman in front of us ends up paying for us, and I thank her repeatedly through my hiccupped sobbing.
I go back to my normal coping mechanism, reading, and whip out my phone to start reading. A ping and little text pops up from my mother. It is a photo of my Aunt Laurel, a blue and green quilt pulled up to her chin, my grandmother standing to her left, holding her hand. The vibrant red of my grandmother’s sweater stands out against the light brown hospital walls, a matching dreadlock hairband holding her hair up into a bun, some loose hairs slipping down at the base of her neck. It’s one of the last photos I ever see of my Aunt still ‘alive’.
Time moves on, and the world still turns. My family uses humor to cope, making morbid jokes and references to her death. I didn’t see her that much before her death, and today it still feels like she’s out there; working and living her own life in Seattle. She occasionally appears in my dreams, wandering the city with me and giving snarky commentary. Sometimes, when I’m in the world between wakefulness and dreams, my aunt is still alive. Her death was tragic, but it helped me wake up and realize that I need to appreciate my family and communicate when things are wrong.
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