#we love grounding here. grounding is great. this is one of the first times i’ve absolutely 100% needed it
thebramblewood · 2 days
Apologies if you've answered this before, but I was looking through your asks and couldn't find anything.
Do you have any advice on how you take such good screenshots of your game? You have such a knack for lighting, having variety of shots, and making them immersive.
This is so sweet. Thank you! 🥰
If I'm being honest, it's 90% vibes and gut feelings for me. I don’t have any formal background in filmmaking or photography, and everything I know is by sheer osmosis. There’s a lot of fancy terminology to describe why certain image compositions look better than others. I admire and respect anyone who purposefully keeps that in mind. But I am definitely not that person. I think I’ve watched enough film and TV, though, to subconsciously be doing the "right thing" - or at least what looks right to me.
That being said, I think the best way to improve is practice. If you spend enough time doing something you'll obviously get better at it, even if you don't realize it at first. So the most important thing is to give yourself the patience to grow and the freedom to experiment! At any rate, here are some things I've learned that will maybe be helpful to others.
Camera Tricks: We all know the camera in TS4 can be a little wonky at times. I use Buckley's camera mod. It hasn't been updated in eons but still works as far as I can tell. It gives you more freedom with movement, and I've found it especially helpful for getting shots that are lower to the ground.
Now that I've realized how sneakily useful first person camera can be, I also take advantage of that all the time. There's the trick of making your Sim look in a specific direction. (This works with poses and gameplay actions, by the way! For example, I used it to turn Caleb's head toward Lilith while he was trimming the bonsai tree.) There's the Dutch angle trick explained in this video. This is great for moments of disorientation and unease. I also just straight-up used first person camera to convey Helena's confusion upon waking after being turned.
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Also, saved camera positions are your best friends. You can save up to five positions using CTRL+5-9. Then you just click the corresponding number to return to that position. I've used these for so many reasons. By taking two shots in the same position and Photoshopping them together, I've been able to edit Sims in (like Vlad below), fix accessory clashes (the book was in the hat category, so Lilith couldn't actually wear it at the same time as the towel on her head), and to pose Sims in open doorways (Helena had to walk through the door to open it for the Vatores, so I shot both halves separately).
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Zoom: I love smashing that zoom button, whether it's zooming way in or way out. Zoomed out shots are perfect for establishing setting or as interstitial shots during a long conversation when you don't want to always focus on Sims' faces. They're also great for the draaama. Extreme close-ups are great for emphasizing emotion or a tiny but significant detail. Playing around with the extremes of zoom is one of the best ways to achieve shot variety!
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Focus: I don't think Reshade is a necessity for good visual storytelling, but it does make certain things easier. I rely a lot on depth of field shaders to pull focus in shots. I like using cinematic depth of field especially in conversations to blur some characters while emphasizing others. I feel like this helps ground conversations because it reminds us there are multiple participants instead of always zeroing in on the speaker alone. Another way to play with focus is to allow the angle to mirror the emotions of the conversation. It's an older shot, but I always liked how Caleb seems to cower beneath Lilith's bat form here even though she's technically smaller. And in the recent conversation between Lilith and Helena, I kept the camera to Lilith's back to emphasize her vulnerability and discomfort and put the focus on Helena's reaction to it.
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Framing/Angles: I do this by pure instinct, honestly, and have gotten better at getting it right on the first shot over time. I used to take half a dozen shots of the same pose from different angles and choose the best one. Nowadays, I'm quicker to commit and often take only one shot. I've learned that if something immediately tickles my brain, it's usually the way to go. I usually angle shots so that the characters aren't looking directly at camera, as it seems more natural that way. On the other hand, sometimes the direct to camera look can actually work in more confrontational or unsettling moments.
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Environment: If I can help it, I don't do my own builds. In some ways, this is a disadvantage because I have to set up the scene within a space that wasn't specifically catered to it. On the other hand, it makes for fun little surprises, like the ability to peek in through a skylight or frame two characters within perfectly placed archways. I like using objects and structures to create interest when I can. I often don't discover things like this until I'm pulling the camera around and randomly happen upon them. I definitely recommend navigating all around to see what you've got to work with before committing to any specific angle. You might find one you didn't even think of!
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Lighting: I do what I can with the game's lighting. I avoid placing ceiling lamps or at least turn the brightness down much lower, and I don't usually turn all the lights on in a room at once. I tend to change the color to one of the warmer golden hues to avoid a stark white that washes everything out. I always like when I can get some sources of light into frame because it adds a lot to the ambience. But I've also been using Relight on all of my posts lately. It's an addiction, and it truly makes all the difference. I'll use it to give light sources a stronger glow so they stand out more and also to create shadows on Sims' faces. It's also very good for flashlights and computer screen glow!
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After having self-indulgently written all this, I'm not sure how much is usable advice versus rambling musings. I find it hard to give storytelling "tips" because so much of it feels innate and personal and hard to put into generalized terms. I also don't want to imply that every one of my shots is perfect or that there aren't a million other ways to go about achieving good results. But thank you to anyone who's made it this far, and I hope you found it worthwhile. 💕
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harrows-bones · 2 years
in ritual tonight with Hekate and part of it was crossing the veil to do some divination work and when I tell you I would’ve fallen over if I had been standing with the energy that hit me instantly upon asking this of her DAMN
Obviously I know Hekate is extremely powerful but I have only felt small amounts of it at a time. This was otherworldly. I truly cannot describe the intensity of it in words
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its-avalon-08 · 2 months
why did you leave me (cl16)
part1 !
multipart story! find masterlist here
summary : charles and y/n have always been best friends. but y/n has been in love with him forever. when charles starts dating a new girl, out of respect y/n distances herself. but how much is too much?
✦ pairing - charles leclerc x female reader
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Y/N and Charles had been inseparable since childhood. They met on the first day of school, when Charles, a shy boy with striking green eyes, had been sitting alone during lunch. Y/N, with her boundless energy and warm smile, had plopped down beside him and declared they were going to be best friends. And they were.
Over the years, they shared countless memories. They would often sneak out of their houses at night to sit by the waterfront, talking about their dreams and fears. Charles, who loved racing, would talk endlessly about becoming a Formula 1 driver, and Y/N, who adored his passion, would listen intently, offering unwavering support.
One evening, they were at their favorite spot by the water. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over everything. Y/N watched Charles as he animatedly discussed his latest race, his eyes sparkling with excitement. She loved how passionate he was, how he never gave up, even when things got tough. It was in moments like these that she felt her heart swell with feelings she was too afraid to voice.
"Y/N, you’re the best," Charles said, grinning. "I don't know what I’d do without you."
She smiled, her heart fluttering. "I’m just glad I get to be here with you, Charles."
Another time, they were at a party. Charles, always the life of the event, was in the middle of a group of friends, telling a story. Y/N stood on the outskirts, watching him with a mixture of pride and longing. He caught her eye and gave her a wink, causing her to blush and look away. She knew she was in love with him, but she didn’t want to ruin their friendship by confessing.
Then there was the day he had his first major racing win. Y/N was there, cheering the loudest. When he crossed the finish line, she ran to him, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug.
"I knew you could do it!" she exclaimed, her heart pounding with pride and something deeper.
Charles laughed, lifting her off the ground. "We did it, Y/N! We did it!"
But the moment she cherished the most was when they sat by the fire at a family camping trip. The night was cold, and the fire crackled between them. Charles looked at her, his face illuminated by the flames.
"Y/N," he said softly, "you’re my rock. I couldn’t have done any of this without you."
She smiled, her heart aching with unspoken love. "And I’ll always be here for you, Charles. No matter what."
Their bond seemed unbreakable, and Y/N cherished every moment, even as her feelings for him grew stronger. She knew she would rather have him as a friend than risk losing him by revealing her heart.
But one day a few years later, everything changed.
They were sitting in Charles' living room, watching a movie. Charles turned to her, a hesitant smile on his face.
"Y/N, there's something I need to tell you," he said.
Her heart skipped a beat. "What is it, Charles?"
"I’ve met someone," he said, his eyes shining with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "Her name is Camille, and she’s amazing. We’ve been seeing each other for a while now and she is so lovely. You'll love her!"
Her heart stopped. Y/N's insides felt cold as she felt her heart shatter like glass. Tears started to form and her breath got stuck in her throat. She felt the world tilt on its axis. She forced a smile as hard as it was, her happiness vanishing. "That’s so great, Charlie!. I’m really happy for you."
He grinned, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "I knew you’d be so happy. I won't bother you every weekend for a movie anymore Y/N/N! I just want to thank you for putting up with me for so long. You’re the best."
She nodded, trying to keep her composure. "Always."
As Charles went on about Camille, Y/N's mind raced. She knew things would never be the same. She would have to make a choice: to stay close and risk her heart breaking every day and potentially damage his relationship or to distance herself out of respect for Camille and protect her own feelings. But right now, all she could do was listen and pretend to be happy for him, while her heart shattered silently.
Y/N stood up abruptly, needing an excuse to leave. "I just remembered I have to help my mom with something. I’ll see you later, Charles."
"Are you sure?," he said, looking a bit puzzled. She nodded. Charles muttered, "See you later, Y/N."
She walked out of his house, her chest tight with suppressed emotions. Once outside, she took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her unspoken love pressing down on her. She knew things would never be the same again.
And with that realization, she made her decision. She would distance herself, for both their sakes, even if it meant breaking her own heart.
taglist : @hiireadstuff @starz4me1 @f1fantasys @aundercover @ohthemisssery @ggaslyp1 @hadids-world @matcha---matcha @f1luvur @ihtscuddlesbeeetchx3 @timmychalametsstuff
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residentflamingo · 4 months
Twice Members’ Favorite Places to Kiss You
Twice x fem! reader
Genre: fluff!!
Warnings: so sweet you’ll get a toothache <3
A/N: I have so many good drafts I want to share with you guys, but my motivation has been at 0% because school has been kicking me in the ass 💀✌️ But lately I have been getting a lot better, so more works are expected to come soon! Which also means I will be opening back up my requests box :D Someone did request me to write something a long time ago, and I’ve been steadily working on it over time. It’s got about 3,000 words on it, so as long as my lazy ass doesn’t put it off to writing it, that draft will be coming out soon as well. Thank you to all of you lovely people who have been patient, and also the ones that have been liking my posts. You guys are phenomenal and I love and appreciate all of you ❤️
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Lips ♡
A very standard one, but well suitable for her
She loves how soft and plump your lips are
Like Sana, Nayeon is a very affectionate person
So after she’s had a loooong day at the studio, all she wants to do is give you some repetitive and silly kisses that end up in slow and passionate ones
(Sometimes she’ll even bite your lip if she’s feeling a little bit frisky that night…)
“Oh my gosh I missed you so much Y/N. You won’t believe how many new dance routines they made us learn today.”
Her favorite kinds of kisses are good luck kisses and goodnight kisses <3
(And the passionate ones of course ;)
Nayeon loves how sweet it feels to be able to show her love through a kiss, and be able to feel your soft lips in the process
Kissing your lips make her feel grounded, and wanting nothing more than to spend every moment of every day with you
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Forehead ♡
Very domestic and homey feeling for her
Her kisses are always very sentimental and sweet
She doesn’t kiss as often as other people, which makes the wait worth it every time
“Here honey, you go lay down and rest. I can do the rest of the laundry for you.”
Always kisses you randomly and making sure it catches you off guard
She loves seeing you all flustered and shy <3
Kissing you on the forehead reminds her of being married to you someday, and just being able to protect you from harm
You are everything to her, and she never wants you to feel anything less than that
And if you’re shorter than her, then it’s an even better reason for her to kiss you on the forehead <3
Will also give you the biggest kiss when she comes home from work 🥺
“I missed you so much honey, what have you been up to?”
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Tummy ♡
When you had previously told her about being insecure about your tummy, you never thought she would take it so seriously
But oh boy how wrong you were
It instantly became Momo's favorite place to kiss you
Momo made sure to always remember it so she could prove your insecurities wrong
She loves how soft and chunky your tummy is, and just can't ever get enough of it
Also loves how much you giggle when she kisses you
If you ever have those days where you're not feeling too great, she will start giving you kisses there first and make sure you feel so loved and beautiful
“You are so beautiful Y/N. Don’t you ever forget it.”
“Your stretch marks are not ugly at all honey I promise. They make you look even more gorgeous.”
She will sometimes leave hickies and bite marks there too, but only when she’s in the mood and you give her permission
If you are also pregnant, she will not hesitate to smother your tummy in kisses then too <3
It would be almost impossible for her to keep her hands off of you
Her end goal is to always make you feel loved, and to remind you that you are the most beautiful woman she has ever set her eyes on
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Dimples ♡
We all know Sana is a very affectionate person. So choosing her favorite spot to kiss you would be impossible right?
Nope not at all for her.
The first thing that had drawn her to you was your radiant smile
But the deal breaker was the dimples that came along with it
She just couldn’t get enough of them
Once you guys had been dating for about 3-4 months, you both had gotten very comfortable with each other and started being all lovey dovey and such
That was when you noticed how much she loved to kiss your dimples
Any chance she could get, she made sure to kiss you in that same spot
It never failed to make you blush every time, and that’s part of the reason why she would constantly kiss you there
She also loves how well they compliment your face, and how adorable they make you look
“Y/N have I ever told you how much I love your dimples? They make you look so cute!” *pinches your cheeks*
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Cheeks ♡
She doesn’t mind kissing on the lips. She loves it actually, but she just enjoys kissing your cheeks even more
Jihyo’s kisses are the most genuine ones you will ever feel in your entire life
Sometimes it’s hard for her to say how much she loves you outloud, so she’ll express it through her kisses
When you’re having a bad day and come home tired, she’ll wrap her arms around you and give soft pecks on your cheeks
Or when Jihyo has to leave for early morning dance practice, she’ll slowly wake you up by peppering your face with kisses too
It’s just a super sweet gesture for her, and your puffy cheeks are too cute for her to not kiss anyways
She loves the way you blush when she randomly walks up to you and kisses you
Jihyo adores you so much, even if it’s hard for her to say outloud sometimes
When she does, she makes sure it meaningful, and at the perfect time
“I love you so much Y/N. Even if I don’t say it outloud that much, I really do. You’re my world, and I never want you to feel any lesser than that.”
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Nose ♡–-
When you confessed to her that you hated the shape/size of your nose, she made it one of her top priorities to make you feel less insecure about it
Her shy persona may keep her from expressing a lot of things, but it didn’t stop her from showing her affection for you
You were used to her always giving you warm hugs, and very soft kisses on the lips
But when she added your nose to the agenda, it was game over for you
She loves to kiss your nose when you look super cute, and she can’t handle it
Or when you’re doing something sweet for her like washing the dishes, or doing her laundry. She’ll always find a way to pay you back with affection
“Thank you so much baby. You’re so sweet.”
Over time your insecurities had slowly gone away after receiving so much love and support from her, making your nose the very very least of your worries
Having someone like her in your life made you realize that looks weren’t every thing, and that you never have to worry about when you’re with her
“Honey your nose is so cold. *kisses your nose* Here let me kiss it some more so it will feel warmer...”
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Hands/ fingers ♡
Dahyun is very loving and sweet
She loves to hold your hand when you two are walking around Seoul together, or just cuddling on the couch
She loves the intimacy it brings between you two
If she doesn't express her love with words at the moment, she will express it with actions
She'll bring your hand up to her lip and pepper your knuckles, fingers, and whatever else with kisses
Something else that she would never admit, is how she loves the softness of your hands
It reminds her of when she was little, and she would hold her mother’s hand
Dahyun wants you to feel loved and adored by her at all times, even if it’s not verbally
When you guys are at restaurants, she will have no shame holding your hand from across the table and kissing it
“Dahyun be careful. People might see us.”
She’ll just laugh and say, “Let them. Nothing will ever stop me from expressing my love for you darling.”
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Jawline/Neck ♡
We all know Chaeyoung is a big romantic
And can sometimes be a bit flirty with it too
So it’s no surprise that her favorite place to kiss you, would be the most intimate and steamy
Even though it is her favorite spot to kiss you, she doesn’t really kiss there very often
But when she does, she makes sure to go all out
She loves how intimate it is, and loves hearing/ seeing your reaction every time she kisses in that area
Most definitely will leave hickies too, so be aware when she starts going to town down there
“You like it when I kiss you like this baby?”
You can just already see her smirking while saying that…
She loves riling you up and making you melt from her touch <3
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Ears ♡
Tzuyu is a one-of-a-kind woman, and the sweetest one you have ever met
When you guys first started dating you it stayed at the awkward stage for a little bit longer than most couples
But when she started warming up to you, her affection towards you became even greater
It started with little kisses on the nose, then on the cheek, lips, she eventually progressed to your ears
You thought it was weird at first, but you eventually grew to love it
Tzuyu loves to hug you from behind because of the height difference, and she’ll often whisper in your ear how much she loves you
Sometimes she’ll nibble a little bit too after kissing it, but not very often
If you have slightly larger size ears, she would tease you about it every now and then
But not enough to where you would feel insecure
She just thinks your ears are super cute, and make you even more loveable
"I love you so much Y/N... Don't ever change. You are perfect just the way you are."
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Yandere!Miguel O’hara x reader
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synopsis: Miguel saved you from a collapsing universe, and he will do anything to make sure you stay.
word count: 664
warnings: DARK CONTENT!!! Miguel is extremely obsessive and a yandere. he gaslights and manipulates reader.
a/n: first time writing content like this, i hope it’s good
The space, or home as Miguel likes to call it, he keeps you in is nicer than you want. It’s too nice, so nice that if you told anyone you were unhappy they would probably laugh in your face. You have a beautiful “home” , a handsome husband, and a wonderful life with no worries. You’re living the dream. Yet, your life is anything but a dream. If you had realized what you were getting yourself into you would’ve stopped a long time ago.
Miguel was perfect when you first started dating. A gorgeous, kind, caring man with aspirations for greatness. He promised you a life of no worry and loved you unconditionally. You didn’t know that he was hiding something so terrible it could hurt your world as you knew it.
You try your best to forget what happened, Miguel does his best to force you to forget. As much as you try you can’t forget the image of your daughter and your home collapsing in front of you. On bad days, days were Miguel gets too angry you stay in bed thinking about your life before everything happened. You pretend like you still have your daughter, like you still have the old Miguel. Of course, he hates those days. He despises when you stay in bed, eyes staring at nothing. He hates it when your voice gets hoarse and your temper gets short with him. This is one of the days he hates.
“I’m trying to talk to you nicely. I want to talk things out and discuss this like civilized adults, mi vida. But you just don’t get it do you?”
“Don’t get it?! What is there to get?! You keep me trapped up here and i fucking hate it!” You scream at him.
“I’m doing this to protect you. The world is so dangerous and this is the only way to keep you safe. I do this because i love y-” he tries to say before you cut him off.
“Love me? You love me? This isn’t love, it’s an obsession! Don’t you get it?” You snap at him.
You’re breathing heavily as his eyes turn bloodshot red. His hands clench beside him as he turns around. You know that if he looked at you he would hurt you.
“Don’t say that. I do love you. More than you can understand. Don’t you see everything I do for you?” He slowly gets closer to you, backing you into a wall and you slide to the ground trying to hide yourself.
“I have only ever loved and cherished you. And yet, you treat me like this? I’ve made mistakes, we all have! Don't make me into the bad guy because I care about you,” he says. His voice is so calm yet so venomous.
“I just-” You try to say before his fist strikes against the wall behind you. You let out a shriek as you quickly cover your mouth with your hand.
“you just what? You just thought you could treat me like shit and get away with it?!” His voice becomes louder.
“I’m sorry, Miguel. I'm sorry. I didn’t mean it,” you try to say, your voice shaking out of fear.
He kneels down next to you, hand reaching for your face before you flinch away. In the next second he grabs at your jaw with a strong hand, pulling you closer to him like a doll.
“You’re sorry?” He raises a brow. You nod as a response.
“Tell me then,” he says calmly, you already know what he’s talking about.
“I love you, Miguel,” you say, eyes peering up to his.
“I love you most, mi vida,” he says, giving you a soft kiss to the lips.
Maybe he does love you, in his own sick and twisted way. You can only hope his love for you can protect you from him.
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jogetsobsessed · 1 year
Friendship Bracelets - Paul Lahote x Reader
Hearing the engine of the rusty orange truck cut caused you to stir from your place on the couch. Your homework was sprawled all across the living room, the static of the TV crackling as it was in between channels. 
You were slightly annoyed that your sister was home cause that meant that her beau was in tow and you'd have to witness the awkward love the two of them shared. 
“Bella why don't you just listen to me”, your sister's boyfriend argued. Great, they were having their hourly argument. These happened so often because your sister was one of the most stubborn people you've ever met. 
“Edward drop it. I'm doing it and you can't tell me otherwise”, your sister shot back. 
“Bella I said no”, he downright yelled. 
They crashed into the kitchen and you could see how they were both physically angry and neither wanted to back down from their standpoint of whatever the hell they were talking about. 
“You don't get to make my decisions for me”, Bella screamed. 
“It's not safe for you to go alone Bella, and I obviously can't go”, Edward yelled., 
By now you were leaning against the doorframe observing the lovers quarrel, holding back laughter. You had to watch them go through this every day, except this time Edward seemed to be holding his ground even more, so it had to be serious. Normally he just gave in to your quarrelsome sister but not this time. 
Bella looked around completely baffled that somebody wasn't just giving her the green light to do whatever she wanted to do. As she looked around exasperated she spotted you listening in on the conversation and her eyes sparkled. 
“I won't go alone”, she proudly declared. 
“Hmm”, Edward hummed in question. 
“Y/N’s going with me”, Bella stated. 
“Absolutely not, I’m not letting you drag me into this”, you yelled suddenly less amused. 
“Bella just dropped it”, Edward stated clearly not enthused by Bella’s response. 
“Y/N just do this for me please”, Bella pleaded. 
She looked up at you with pleading eyes. Clearly, this was important to her. And no matter how much she pissed you off, you enjoy pissing Edward off even more. 
“Yeah Eddy boy I guess I’m going with good ole Bells to…where the hell are we going Bella?”, you asked. 
“La Push” 
The truck rattled down the gravel driveway as your sister drove you to the undisclosed location that apparently meant so much to her. 
Pulling to a stop in front of a wooden cabin in the middle of the woods you couldn't help but admire its beauty. Though the house itself was worn down in front of it barrels full of flowers and homemade raised flower beds were littered around. 
“Stay in the car”, your sister nonchalantly said. 
“Umm no”, you argued back. 
“I shouldn't be long, half an hour tops' ', was all she had to say. 
“Bella, I'm not letting you leave me here for thirty minutes. I’m helping you out by coming with you. I agreed to go with you with whatever you were doing, not to stay in the car”, you retorted. 
“Fine, just be careful and try to be quiet”, she sighed. 
“Whatever weirdo”, you answered. 
As the doors of the truck slammed shut and both of you hopped out the front door to the cabin two tanned-skinned boys came barreling out, both wanting to be the first to talk to Bella. 
“Bella is that you”, one of the boys called out. 
“Dude you know it's her don't be weird”, the other replied, shoving his friend nearly to the ground. 
Bella just laughed and nodded for you to follow her, the both of you stopping right in front of the two shirtless boys. 
“Who's the girl Bella?”, boy number one asked as he eyed you up and down, clearly suspicious. 
“This is my younger sister, I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned her a few times, or at least Jacob has”, Bella answered. 
“Umm I’m Y/N”, you said shyly, granting them a small wave. As much as you didn't want to be you were intimidated by the two boys, something about their presence, maybe it was the way they were standing was almost animalistic. 
“Jared," the boy said. 
“Quil”, the other spoke. 
“Great, now that introductions are done, can we go in? I came to talk to Jacob and he said to meet him here”, Bella asked. 
“Yeah, everyone’s inside we were just heading out to go run the perimeter…hey!”, Jared was cut off by a smack from Quil who looked at him as if he had three heads. 
The strange cadence to their voices through you off and how quick Quill was to cut Jared off downright made you nervous, but you weren't going to say anything. You didn't want to be rude. 
Bella mumbled for you to follow her, which you did. Trudging up the old wooden steps you glanced around your sister's body to glance through the small glass window next to the front door. 
Inside around a large circular wooden table sat more tanned skin boys, all with their shirts off. They were laughing and shoving each other while eating what looked like pumpkin bread. You were able to recognize Jacob, even though he looked different from the last time you saw him. You could also see a girl, she had a large scar that covered a portion of her face and she was standing in the kitchen mixing a bowl of batter. 
Without hesitation, Bella rapped her knuckles against the wooden door, clearly impatient that it didn't open within the first five seconds. 
Still looking through the window you could see all the faces turn to look towards your direction. As quickly as you could you moved to hide behind your sister, embarrassed that you had been spotted. 
“Bella it's good to see you”, the girl with the bowl of batter said as she opened the door, one of the shirtless boys protective watching from over her shoulder. 
“You too Emily, Sam”, Bella added nodding to the guy standing behind the girl, who you now knew as Emily. 
“And this must be your little sister, Y/N right”, Emily asked, her eyes shining bright. 
“Yeah”, you breathed out still on edge. 
“Well, it's nice to finally meet you Y/N. You, ladies, need to come inside, it's freezing out there”, Emily ushered, opening the door wider and pushing Sam out of the way. He gave you a half smile and a nod as if he could sense that you were nervous. 
Bella barged in like she owned the place and went straight towards the table of boys, all of them amused at her presence not bothering to really give you a good look. 
“Jacob”, she barked. 
Jacob looked up from where he was sitting to roll his eyes at Bella's neediness. After they had a mini staring contest he looked beyond so he could see you. Sending you a cheesy grin he shot up and out of his seat. Rushing over to you and scooping you into his arms, spinning you around, 
“Little Y/N. You’re all grown up”, he said laughing. After holding onto you for a few more seconds he let your feet return to the earth again before keeping you an arm's length away so he could get a good look at you. 
Your back faced the dining room table and Jacob smiled as he saw truly how much you had grown up. 
“It's been six or seven years. How long have you been back?”, he asked. 
“Like three weeks. Been trying to get acclimated back to Forks after all these years”, you told him. 
“Well, I’m glad you're back now, even though I am a little annoyed that Bella and Charlie have been keeping you all to themselves for these past few weeks. And before I go off to see whatever the hell it is your sister wants to drag me into, I'll introduce you to these idiots right here”, Jacob told you. 
You turned around so you were facing the table. You could see a couple of the boys were now looking at you and the rest were semi-focused on the pumpkin bread they were eating.
“This here is Embry, Seth, Brady, and Collin. And you’ve already met Sam and Emily. And I assume Jared and Quil introduced themselves on their way out. All you are missing is Leah who is not here right now and Paul who should be here in a little bit” 
You said hi to everyone and accepted the seat that Jacob offered you and a slice of pumpkin bread from Emily. After being assured by your sister and Jacob that they would be right back, you agreed to wait and hang out with your new friends, or people you hoped were going to be your new friends. 
You had no idea how much time had passed since your sister and Jacob had been gone but you didn't really care. 
This was the most amount of fun you had experienced in months. The boys had convinced you to play a card game with them once a girl, whom you were introduced to as Leah, came over. They had even got Sam to play with you guys and it was a total blast. Cards were flying everywhere every time one of the boys lost a hand. Emily had been watching from the kitchen giggling every time an insult was thrown at her fiance. 
“God dammit. This game is so freaking stupid”, Embry exclaimed after he was the very apparent loser of the last round. As he slammed his cards against the table and everyone laughed at his tantrum the front door was pushed open and three more people entered laughing at their own conversation. 
Looking to see what was going on you smiled at your sister and Jacob noticing that they had the third with them. You were pleased to see that Bella looked less agitated than she had before they left and Jacob looked intact. 
“Oh hey Y/n that's Paul”, Seth said, nodding to the third person with your sister and Jacob after they started to make their way toward the dining room table. Turning your head to face the illusive Paul you were startled. 
He stood there next to Jacob and when the two of you locked eyes you saw every ounce of oxygen leave his body all at once. He looked shocked and extremely pleased and scared all at once. 
It was overwhelming and you had no idea what was happening. But you were smart enough to know that it was something. 
Nobody said anything in the passing moments and there was so much tension in the room it began to get too hard to breathe. You looked between Paul, Jacob, and your sister, too afraid to speak. Your eyes begging them for an explanation. Jared opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but a hand clamped down on his shoulder shut him up before anything happened. 
“Everyone out…NOW”, Sam growled. As lightning came and went, almost everyone was out of the house. All that was left was yourself, Sam, Paul, your sister, and Jacob. Emily didn't leave the house but she did excuse herself upstairs to go busy with something other than baking. “Paul”, Sam was the one to speak again. 
You were still perched on the dining room chair, your hands holding your knees that were curled against you.
You watch as Sam gives the three left still standing a look causing Jacob to pull Bella towards the barstools that rested under the kitchen counter, and surprisingly she didn't put up a fight like she normally does. 
That left Paul, having not moved an inch since whatever it was that happened between the two of you. 
Sam moved towards Paul and he moved his hand onto Paul's shoulder giving him a nod and a slight push in your direction. Jacob then whispered something to Bella, which caused her to stand up from her barstool and throw her hands up, her mouth opening to have a freakout. But Jacob harshly shrugged her down and clamped a hand over her mouth so nothing could come out. You almost lost it over her defeated look, but you refrained since the situation seemed grave. 
“Paul, would you rather do this alone?”Sam broke the silence. 
“Umm yeah, why don't we head out back. I’m gonna send everyone in. But we’re gonna stay close just in case, um you know”, Paul stammered. 
Paul moved towards the back door but backtracked so he was standing to the side of you. He held out his hand towards you. Every ounce of you was screaming internally telling you to not take it and run. But there was a small part of you, a point zero, zero one percent of you told you to trust him. And even though that percentage was so small the idea was echoed throughout. 
So slowly you reached out, accepting his invitation and letting him softly pull you out of the chair. You could tell that once your hand was in his he relaxed. He found enough confidence to even twirl a bracelet you wore on your wrist so that he could get a better look at it. 
Weaving through Emily’s house you looked over your shoulder and saw Jacob's mouth that you were going to be okay, and Bella was fuming but that was usual for her so you didn't think twice. 
Paul opened up the back door for you letting you out first, but not letting go of your hand. The group that had once occupied the kitchen table was now kicking a soccer ball around and chatting. But the conversation stopped once Paul's steps squeaked the wooden floorboards of the porch.
Smirks were placed on their faces but were immediately wiped off once Paul literally growled at them, which sent shivers down your spine. 
The soccer ball was quickly abandoned and they all rushed by and back into Emily’s house, but not before they could send a few teasing remarks toward Paul, which caused him to huff and puff a bit. But he quickly got over it once he looked towards you. 
He pulled you towards a set of lawn furniture that looked like it had seen better days that rested on the wrap-around porch. 
Once you sat down on the couch you once again pulled your legs against your chest. It was a mental way of creating a boundary between you and Paul that you weren't even doing consciously. 
Once he was next to you his hands found yours yet again. You were somewhat calmed by the sudden warmth that he gave off. 
“Y/I need to tell you something”, Paul finally said. 
“Yeah I figured as such”, you said slightly laughing trying to bring humor in to break up the tension. Paul met your laughter as he twisted your bracelet around some more. 
“So obviously something happened”, he drawled. 
“Do you want me to be blunt or sugarcoat it”, he asked. 
“Be blunt”, you answered. 
“OK well umm. There's no easy way to put this but you see well. My tribe, the Quileutes, we’re special. Some of us have a special gene that makes us different”
“You’re sugarcoating it”, you interrupted. 
“I'm sorry, fine. The gene makes us shifters. We shift into wolves. I’m a werewolf”
“Be so for real right now”, you answered, absolutely breaking out into laughter. With your comment, you could hear a collection of howling laughter coming from in the house. Paul looked absolutely bewildered but regained his composure, a smirk of disbelief formed on his face as he shook his head. 
“That's why I wanted to tell you the full story. I think it would have been a little more believable, then hey I’m a werewolf. But you’re the impatient one”, Paul said, raising his eyebrows. 
“Ok, so wolf boy. How do I come into this mix?”, you questioned. 
“That's the even more complicated part”
“Shifters have something called imprints. You’re mine”, he gulped at the last part as he looked at you for approval. 
You wouldn't believe what you were hearing. This was insane. Not believing him at all and believing him fully at the same time. 
You couldn't deny the connection that you felt with him, but werewolves don't exist. Or at least you didn't think that they did. 
“Imprints are like soulmates. But they don't have to be romantic. It could just be me being your protector or a friend. Or something more. It's your ultimate choice in the matter”. Paul had a firm grip on your hand now like he needed to be touching some part of you at the moment. '`Do you have anything to say?”, he asked. 
Inhaling as much air as your lungs could take in and letting it all out slowly you shifted yet again this time so you were fully in front of him. You wanted more time to think over everything that had just been thrown at you but part of you was terrified. If you asked for more time to think you would get in your head or worse let Bella get in your head. Since you were pretty positive that she knew everything that was going on based on her reactions earlier. 
“Would a human imprint, would they feel the connection too?”
“Yeah. Umm not completely like a wolf but they do. You’ll feel drawn to me. Any emotions surrounding me will feel heightened. You can feel the connection”, Paul answered. 
“Cool”, was all that you could manage to get out. This reaction made Paul heartily laugh and it made your heart warm to see him light up. 
“So what's the deal with you and Bella? We met her about a year ago and she just mentioned that she had a sister and that was it. Why did you just now come out of the woodwork?”Paul asked. You were now leaning against his chest, snuggled into it appreciating the warmth he provided against the freezing winds that whipped through the forest Emily's house sat in. 
“Well, I lived with my mom and stepdad for pretty much most of my life. My dad and mom got together pretty soon after Renee and he got divorced. That's why I'm only two years younger than Bella. A few months ago my stepdad found out he was sick and my mom wanted to move across the country so he could be treated at Boston Medical Center since they have a trial program he’s eligible for. Which I was all for because I love my step-dad and want him to get treated but it would have been too hard for me to go with him. So my mom called Charlie and asked if I could move back here”
“Damn I'm so sorry Y/N”, Paul softy said as he pulled you closer to him. 
“It's fine. My mom sends me daily updates on him and I’m glad to be back here with Charlie. And really it's probably a good thing that Bella and I are around each other more. Really our entire lives the only time we’ve gotten to know each other is over the phone”, you assured him. 
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as Paul hummed no melody in particular and continued to wrap your bracelet in circles slowly around your wrist. You watched as it turned left and right and Paul's eyes concentrated on it. 
“I can make you one”, you said looking up to meet his eyes and giving him a sweet smile. He looked shocked for a second, almost embarrassed that you had caught him playing with it. 
“I don't wanna have to make you do anything for me”, Paul stuttered, but he still did not drop your left wrist. 
“Paul it would be no big deal. It's easy. I even have the colors left over. We could match”, You wiggled your eyebrows at the last point attempting to calm him down. Which worked. He laughed at your weirdness and pulled you tight to him again. 
“The packs gonna give me such crap for wearing a pink and orange bracelet”, he whined pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Such it up Lahote, You're getting a matching friendship bracelet”
1st post on tumblr, kinda nervous to see how this is going to do lol.
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seventhemaverick · 10 months
Astro Observations 🌱
Disclaimer: This is my first Astrology post! I tried to do this earlier this year but tumblr lagged and it deleted all of my hard work lol. But now I’ve gained the courage to give it another go! I’m not a professional astrologer. I just study it in depth when I have time. Still very much a beginner. Please be kind and if I’m misinformed let me know! If you want to repost my work please credit me. This also has personal opinions in here don’t take it too seriously babes!
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🌾 I don’t typically think Leo’s and Scorpios go together romantically BUT any other relationship outside of that exudes power team. For ex: Kylie and Kris Jenner. Scorpios are known to love power and Leo’s love the spotlight! Kylie was bound to be a favorite after her « ugly duckling » phase. Kylie rolls in the dough and Kris keeps that empire going. I’ve seen many Scorpio parents with Leo kids and they really seem to love them the most lol
Let’s talk about underdeveloped placements real quick!
🌿 Having a parent that is toxic or underdeveloped and has placements that fall into your second house can obliterate your self worth. ESPECIALLY if you have planets in that house and their placements are exactly conjunct 0° or 1-3°.
🌾 If your mars sign is exactly square one of your parents mars or 1-5° orb… 🌚 take the steps to move out if you haven’t already it’s for the best.
🌿 Capricorn moons I wish I could hug all of you. You had to grow up so fast and got handed some of the worst cards. But nevertheless resilience is your middle name. As you age things will get easier if you stand on business! Integrity is key.
🌾 I know libras are known to be superficial or whatever and I’m kinda one of them lol. I literally live off of aesthetics and I typically have nice skin but when I have a massive break out? I literally want to hide until they’re gone. My stress is next level when I don’t look my best.. I’m also a Leo Venus 😅 in the tenth house at that and have cancelled plans when I look and feel shitty.
🌿 All of the air signs almost always value intellectual stimulation first from their partner. Someone they can have great rapport, banter with. Someone that’s witty and knows a wide variety of subjects or has many interests is very hot. Sagittarius is the air sign of the fire signs so I’ll loop them in on this too.
If we lost any zodiac element, it would bring chaos to the entire world.
🌾 Air brings logic and reasoning, water brings compassion and empathy, earth brings grounding and patience, fire brings passion and vitality. Life is about interconnectedness.
🌿 I remember reading a blog that the gods put the constellation of Libra in between Virgo and Scorpio because they were too much alike and it’s so true lol. Both signs can be so compulsive and it’s overwhelming from what I’ve heard from Virgo and Scorpio placements. I can also see this easy going equivalence being the case for Sagittarius being in between Scorpio and Capricorn. The benefics happy go luckies in between the malefics drained and over it.
🌾… moon 3rd house overlay is addictive especially combined with 7th/8th/12th overlays in that synastry. I don’t think I can ever do that again unless we both have it overlaying each others charts. Someone’s moon in your 3rd house, their mind fascinates you and it’s easy to communicate with them you feel seen and heard. You dream about them, you think about them all the freaking time. It is the most annoying thing because why are you taking up my brain space like that bro? I had this with someone and I still think about them it’s been over for quite some time now. Another person that’s in love with me, my moon falls into their 3rd house and they tell me how much they think about me and day dream about me. I had said issue of daydreaming with the other guy. 2/10 would not recommend unless moon person is developed.
🌿 When the moon transits your first house you’re more likely to be more emotional and make drastic changes to your physical features! When Doja Cat shaved her head the moon was transiting her first house and I literally did mine the next day when it was transiting my first house.
🌾 Opinion but I love Pisces placements they are so helpful and loving when developed. I think the underdeveloped ones are too but they expect something out of it where the developed ones are just really selfless. I’m a Pisces Stan! I have so many in my life lol I have no Pisces placements. My 5H is in Pisces lol
🌿 Degree theory is that gworl. It helps you relate to the planet and it’s placement more depending on what the degree rules. For example I was dating a Sagittarius Venus in the 9th house at the 9° and he embodied that free spirited nature of Sag Venus fr. Another example, you can be a Pisces Venus but it’s in your first house at the first degree and the way you love embodies a more aries way of loving. Fiery, passionate a bit aggressive but very deep and tender to the core.
🌾 I’ve also heard the theory of when you reach the age of certain degrees of the placements you have you unlock that placements characteristics. Something significant happens to you during that age or you might master that placement regarding the planet and house placement.
🌿 The degree of your rising sign is more than likely the age of something significant happen in your physical life/to you physically. This is tea y’all.
🌾 You most likely share placements or degrees in your chart with your siblings. My sister is a Scorpio sun, Aries rising, Virgo moon and I’m a Libra sun, Scorpio rising, Aries moon. If I was born two days earlier I would’ve been a Virgo sun and if she was born one or two days later she would’ve been a Libra moon. So I think thats pretty cool. We’re also both Venus dominant and she has a Libra stellium 💗. You really choose your family for your next life lol like that’s so crazy to me.
🌿 Ima say dis with my chest. STOP doing wrong by Saturn ruled placements!!! Saturn is ruled by Capricorn, Aquarius in traditional astrology and we cannot forget about its exalted sign in Libra. As a Libra, I receive karma with the quickness but also people that have done wrong by me their quality of life decreases and or whichever house Saturn is in their chart is deeply affected in the worst ways.. daddy Saturn don’t play bout his! Be fair and follow the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
🌾 Having heavy Sagittarius placements in your chart makes you open to learn different languages or different cultures.. just always wanting to learn. Whatever house it’s in you want to master in life.
🌿 The mutables Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces love their niches, they are the teachers and preachers of the zodiac.
🌾 Geminis have the gift of gab more than any other zodiac. Sagittarius could possibly go toe to toe with them
🌿 If anyone ever tries to degrade you for studying astrology and eggs you on to prove this practice to be true, get their birth info and read them their Chiron sign and house placement. Hit ‘em where it hurts!
🌾 Scorpio and Libra placements are usually the generational trauma breakers of their family. Honorable mention- Saturns children, Capricorn and Aquarius
🌿 An undeveloped Capricorn placement that enters your life is literally satan reincarnated to torture you for whatever you did wrong in your past life. And I (if u were raised around Christianity) believe Jesus was a Pisces/Aries! I can argue about this all day! In tarot Capricorn rules the devil! Like hellooooo
🌾 Sixth house/Virgo placements are pretty good at taking care of pets and plants. They feel the most sane around nature and animals.
🌿 Personal planets harmoniously aspected to Neptune make the person seem very angelic like. Very soft souls, earth angels. Hard aspects have people having an even more distorted projection of you.
🌾 Personal planets harmoniously aspected or not to Uranus gives you that shock factor some people will be repelled and some people will be very intrigued.
🌿 Aries placements especially sun and moon are really loyal! I’m talking mostly platonically. Once they see you as their person they are truly ride or die.
🌾 Cancer placements can be one of the most loving and giving when developed. Some spiteful mfs when underdeveloped omg.
🌿 I realize cancer placement women get treated with the cutest romantic gestures. I think they lovers want to do these things for them because they give off ethereal or princess vibes but they’re also real nasty in the sheets lol
🌾 Cancers don’t really get a bad rep even when they do shady things. For example: Selena Gomez when she dated Abel even tho she was cool with Bella was super weird. And I think a lot of people forgot how Kevin hart cheated on his wife like it was nothing lol. Ariana grande with the donuts and now the Ethan thing chileee. It’s like they get a second of backlash and then everyone adores them again lol.
🌿 Having a grand trine in your chart can make you so damn lazy in the houses those planets/figures are in 🥹🥲. It’s crazy cuz that talent(s) will come natural to you and you’ll over look it! Please don’t.
🌾 Grand squares are TOUGH but it pushes you to break cycles and overcome so much in your life. Same with t-squares
🌱 Astrology is really a map. It shows you which path you can take and where you can end up when you include discernment and discipline into your daily life. It’s never an excuse to behave the way you do. Ultimately it helps us reach our most aligned and enlighten self! I hope you all enjoyed. 🌱
Idk why I can’t figure out how to delete this question thing so let’s do a cute lil questionnaire!
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jobean12-blog · 5 months
In the Middle of Somewhere
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Word Count: 1,003
Summary: You and Joel are searching for shelter for the night and come across something unexpected.
Author's Note: A few friends have shared the list of 'Reverse Trope Writing Prompts" and I couldn't get over a few of them, especially the "too many beds," one. Thought this would work well with Joel in this setting. Thank you so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely Daisy @firefly-graphics 🥰thank you! I'll share the list below the cut at the end of the fic.
Warnings: it's fluffy floof and Joel is soft
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Pedro Pascal Character Masterlist
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The forest seems to holds it’s breath as dusk falls, the rustling leaves and singing birds hushing to a soft murmur. You cling to the fabric of Joel’s flannel, pressed close to his back as he walks cautiously over the dense underbrush.
“How great would it be if we found a treehouse?” you say, trying to keep your voice light even as your eyes dart through the impending darkness.
The trees cast elongated shadows along the ground, their bright green leaves blackening against the deepening purple of the sky.
“I just hope we find somethin’ before the rain,” Joel mutters.
The air is thick with the promise of an oncoming storm and every now and then the distant rumble of thunder echoes through the woods.
You shiver and he stops, turning to look at you with a softness in his eyes.
“Are you cold?”
You swallow hard, wanting nothing more than to be wrapped in the safety and warmth of his arms but instead you shake your head no and give him your best reassuring smile.
He studies you, his eyes narrowing and his jaw working hard with the grind of his teeth.
“We’ll find somethin’ soon darlin’.”
After walking for another mile or so you spot a clearing up ahead and you can just make out the outline of several small structures.
“Are those….,” you start, clutching his bicep tighter, “cabins?”
He stops and nudges you behind him.
“Wait here. I’m goin’ to get a closer look.”
“If anything goes wrong you run.”
Your fingers dig into his arm.
“Darlin’,” he pleads.
He reaches around to run his large hand across your lower back, checking for the gun he gave you.
“Promise me,” he whispers.
“Ok,” you answer after a moment of silence.
He stares for longer than necessary and just as he starts to turn away you grab his face in your hands and softly kiss the corner of his mouth. His eyes are closed with you pull away and when they open again you whisper, “be careful.”
With a nod he quietly moves away from you, motioning to a nearby tree. You move out of sight, your eyes tracking his movement from behind the large trunk as he slowly approaches the cabins.
After what feels like an eternity you see him emerge from the third and last cabin, his steps quick and sure as he walks back to you.
“It’s all clear,” he explains with a relieved exhale. “Let’s take the middle one.”
He takes your hand in his and leads you up the old and worn wooden stairs, glancing around one last time before pushing the door open to reveal an open space with high ceilings and four sets of bunk beds.
“What the…” you trail off, staring unblinking at all the beds.
“Probably a sleepaway camp,” he says with a small sideways smile. “We got lucky.”
You drop your bag to the floor and look around, trying to decide which bed to take and finally picking the top bed of the bunk in the far corner. You step onto the ladder to try it out.
You throw him a smile and climb up to the top.
“I’ve never slept in a bunk bed before,” you admit.
He’s quiet before replying, “actually, me either.”
Once you’ve had a quick meal you hear the first drop of rain, the rhythm quickly becoming relentless against the wooden roof. Outside, the darkness is dense, the thick rain clouds obscuring almost all the starlight and moon glow.
Lying in bed sleep eludes you as your mind remains alert despite the hour. Each flash of lightning briefly illuminates the cabin, casting eerie shadows that dance across the walls before fading back into darkness.
You toss and turn on the hard wood, searching for comfort.
“Can’t sleep?” Joel asks from the other side of the room.
“No,” you answer softly. “Sorry if I’m keeping you up.”
When he doesn’t answer you let out a quiet sigh and curl your arms around yourself.
The sound of wood creaking makes you sit up with a gasp but when you realize it’s only Joel climbing the ladder you let out a rush of air.
“You could have said you were coming up here,” you tease.
“I’m coming up,” he counters, and even though you can’t see his face you can hear the mirth in his tone.
Your only reply is a light chuckle as you shift over to the far side of the small bed and he climbs in, lying on his side to face you.
“What was wrong with your bed?” you ask.
His hand reaches out across the darkness and closes around your fingers.
“You weren’t in it.”
The palm of your free hand presses to his chest before your fingers curl into his shirt. He tugs you closer, circling one arm around you while the other rests between your bodies, your fingers still entwined with his. When your knee nudges against his he hitches his thigh over yours, surrounding you in exactly what you need.
You nuzzle your face into his neck with a soft inhale then press a delicate kiss just under his jaw. He exhales your name and dips his head to find your lips, capturing them gently at first.
The rain has begun to dissipate and a steady breeze carries the clouds from the sky, revealing the bright moon. It’s light filters through the opaque glass windows, highlighting the features of his face.
At his tentative expression you slowly brush your thumb across his lips, smiling when he kisses the pad of your finger. Your touch continues, tracing his scruffy jaw before taking his face in your hand and bringing his mouth closer.
He presses another gentle kiss to your lips and slides his hand along your waist, tucking you into the curve of his body. A whimper leaves your throat and he groans at the sound, taking the opportunity to deepen the kiss and press you harder against him.
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@hiddles-rose @kmc1989 @lorilane33 @littleseasiren @lizette50
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wosoragebaiter69 · 8 months
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barça femeni x teen!reader
request: here
A/N: i have cricket training today :( and my family decided to act like we were in an episode of the kardashians yesterday
TW: Coarse Language
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Today was going to be a fun day, the team were going to the beach for a couple days. Because… well why not? I’ve always loved the beach so when I was asked if I wanted to come, there is no other answer other than yes.
I look out to the white sandy beach, it’s so inviting and immediately run over with my stuff. Alexia, Marta and Irene do most of the carrying but some of the older girls carry some things as well. Not me though.
I place my items on the ground and take the time to actually look around. We’re in a cove, it’s pretty secluded, there’s a beach house we’re staying in for the next few days and it’s pretty big considering we all have to stay in it. We agreed that us younger girls could go straight to the beach while the older girls do all the other boring stuff.
Jana jumps on my back and I stumble forward into the ground beneath me.
“Janaaaa” I whine.
“Whattt.” She mocks me.
“This place is GORGEOUS.” She remarks looking around at the cliffs, crystal clear water and slight rainforest.
“I know right, so many fun things to do. What first?” I ask, her eyes light up.
“We should swim and find any cool areas that we can hide away from overbearing people.” She smirks.
“That’s a great idea, let’s go!” I run into the water, feeling the cool liquid against the heat of summer I felt before. I dive in when just deep enough, Jana is behind me. Patri and Pina are chasing each other on the shore as Bruna and Salma film them.
I swim to the edge of the cove where the cliffs are and after some swimming I come across a cave system.
“Jana! Look, a cave!” She swims over and looks at the small cave, it’s enough to fit a couple people and has a little beach, just out of sight from the main shore.
“Woah, we could have like a campfire here at night.”
“You think Alexia would let us leave? No chance Jana.” She sighs.
“There’s a thing called sneaking out and we both know she goes to sleep at like 10pm.” I stare at her with a blank expression.
“Ok, let’s go back now. I saw JetSkis and want to ride one. We probably need ‘adult supervision’ though.” She nods her head and we make our way back to shore.
- - - - -
“Where were you two?” Ingrid says as Jana and I walk up and out of the water.
“Swimming.” I say, she looks disappointed.
“Maybe stay where we can see you so Alexia doesn’t freak out. You’re lucky she’s keeping occupied with her own stuff.” She shakes her head.
“Sorry Ingrid.” Jana says but the Norwegian just smiles.
“It’s ok, I just don’t want to feel the wrath of Alexia come down on me or anyone.” I nod in understanding then Mapi walks out of the house in her own bikini. I notice Ingrid’s gaze on her.
“You guys make me sick.” I make a gagging noise and turn away.
“You will learn one day nena.” Mapi wraps her arm around me.
“I hope not. Anyways, could we go on one of those JetSkis? Pleaseeee.” I ask and she immediately agrees.
“Yayy, vamosss!” Jana goes to speak with Bruna as Mapi and I walk over to where the 2 water mobiles are parked.
“Ok so am I driving or are you?” She asks.
“Could I?” She nods.
“I’ll teach you, get on and let’s do this thing.” She instructs me to get on and turn the JetSki on. She then says to initially take it slow because going to fast straight away will make the vehicle unstable. I do as told and slowly get faster.
“This is fun!” I say, as waves crash over the top of us.
“You’ve got it nena! Now you can go a little faster if you leave this cove, are you ok with that?” I eagerly nod my head and speed up to where there’s more water and less land.
We drive pretty fast as we crash into different waves and water splashes all over us, it’s really such a euphoric experience.
As the fuel starts running low, Mapi guides me back to where we are needed, the sun has started to set by now and everyone is chilling either in the water, on the beach or on the beach house patio.
We make our way up the shore and I’m exhausted, people are very right when they say JetSkiing is tiring. I plonk on the ground next to Keira and place my head against her shoulder.
“Bit tired are ya?” She says laughing slightly.
“Damn JetSkis man, so tiring.” I grumble.
“Well, I heard dinner will be soon. Not sure who’s making it since we’re all here but who knows.” She pats my leg and Lucy walks over.
“Hey kid, wanna play volleyball? We don’t have enough players on our team and I have selected you.” Suddenly feeling a burst of energy, I nod and follow her.
On our team is Salma, Ona, Lucy, Frido and I. On the other side is Patri, Claudia, Jana, Esmee and Cata. Bruna has made herself the referee.
“Lucy I’m not sure why you chose me because I’ve never played volleyball in my life.”
“Doesn’t your school offer it?” She questions.
“Just because my school offers it does not mean I do it. It clashes with tennis season!” Even though I play football, tennis has also been a big part of my life and I still play competitively.
“Well kid, use that hand eye coordination with your arms and you’ll be right.” I nod and get ready.
It’s a pretty nice game, it’s close but our team is winning, everything is going smoothly until Cata hits a ball too hard and heads straight for my nose. I fall back.
“Ow.” I whimper and feel liquid run down my face.
“Shit!” Lucy whispers.
“You alright kid? Move your hand away from your nose.” I nod half-heartedly and remove my hands.
“Oof, Alexia’s gonna freak!” As her name is said, she magically appears out of nowhere and leans down narrowing her eyes.
“Come on, you’re not playing anymore.” I open my mouth to argue but she shuts it down.
“Bye guys! By losers!” I shout to the other team who look slightly off-put.
Alexia takes me inside making sure I’ve got all the sand off before. She leads me to a bathroom and gets a first aid kit.
“Not broken but I will ice it for now. Ok?” I nod, knowing not to mess or argue with her.
After she wipes my face and clears the area, she takes a small ice pack and places it against my nose, taping it down.
“No more volleyball for today, come sit with me and the others and we can talk about anything you like. I think dinner is ready anyways.” I smile.
“Ok, thanks Ale.”
“Anytime.” She kisses my forehead. “Ready to go?” She takes my hand and we go out where food is set on the table and the others have came back from where they were.
The dinner is chaotic, nothing unusual for the girls. It’s a homely feeling to be here with each one of them. Mapi nudges me gently and slides over a small glass of wine.
“Drink. I say it’s a great day to get you to try it, have some fun nena. I spoke to Ale and she’s fine because it’s under supervision even if you and I both know it isn’t your first.” I blush and nod taking it.
“Thanks Maps.” She nods patting my back and I take a sip. It doesn’t taste bad. Mapi smirks and cheers go down the table.
This team and life is everything one could ask for.
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valeriehalla · 11 months
I don’t know what to do about the internet. It’s getting worse, and getting worse faster than I think any of us ever could have imagined even just six years ago. Tumblr shot itself in the heart at the behest of Apple, at the behest of whichever nameless evangelical finance perverts are in charge of credit card policy, whereupon people like me (artists and people who like art) fled in droves to Twitter, the present state of which I don’t have it in me to be funny about.
Even after that one-two punch, Twitter and Tumblr are still the only (major) social media platforms I can stand to use. I mean, they’re the last ones left where you can, for example, see posts that your friends have made. I might have said that that seemed like the whole point of social media; every digital elsewhere has now collectively agreed that it is, in fact, social media’s greatest flaw. Your friends like to hang out and post weird jokes and titty drawings — they don’t know the first thing about your favorite marketing trends, let alone your unslakable thirst for 30-second phone videos. We have to move on: I’ll die if I think about it.
Uh — I wanna let you in a little. Here’s where I’m at, okay? I’m working on this project. I like it a lot: it’s a writing thing and an art thing and a music thing all at the same time. I’m still struggling with art burnout, but every day I get to sit down and write or compose for this thing is an unending delight, so on the balance it’s been great to work on. It’s taken me a while to get here, though — I’ve blown past all my estimates about when it’d be done. Still, it won’t be much longer.
In the mean time, I keep having these compulsive worries. I feel that I should be posting, but the nature of a long-form project like this is that I don’t have anything to post. I tweet complete nothings now and then, as if to announce my presence, like a lighthouse pulsing in the distance. And every week the websites get worse. They’re bleeding out, and it feels like some of my blood’s in there, maybe. Like, maybe you’d call me naïve, but it wasn’t that long ago that I really, really liked all this online stuff. I never had the hustle culture mindset about it: by good luck alone I managed to make a living posting the stuff I wanted to post on the places I wanted to post it.
The places I liked to post don’t exist anymore. My experience of using the internet feels hostile, alien. The ground beneath all our feet feels eggshell-thin.
But I have to use the internet: it’s where my stuff goes. It’s where all of you are. Here is where art and artists and art-likers live.
The things I love live here, in precarity, as the saw blades and lava traps of our digital dungeon grow every day more numerous.
Anyway, what I’m saying is that the web sucks now, but as long as we’re here — and we will be here — I want to try loving it again anyway. I want to untangle myself from all this disappointment and expectation and try simply “vibing” again. I wanna use cohost more: I’ll even crosspost stuff to Tumblr like I keep saying I should. I’m making a cool thing and I should show it off! I should relearn how to draw a little doodle and post it without feeling like it’s a suboptimal use of my time or whatever!! I want to believe in what joy may find us, though our world be a dumpster.
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dduane · 4 months
Is there an alphabet or lexicon of the human version of The Speech? And if so, where can I find it?
No, there's not.
(And as I've been asked about this before, I'm just going to paste the answer in here—since though the original post is buried in the depths of Tumblr somewhere, I do have my saved draft.)
Per these, which came in very close to each other:
This is something I’ve always wondered but never realized I could actually ask about until I read through that long meta response. (go me.) How much of the Speech do you have fleshed out? Do you create it as you go on more of a need-to-know basis, or do you have vocabulary and grammar structures ready to go? Basically I’d be really interested to hear any Speech-related meta if you have the chance because fictional languages are hella cool!
I just read your post on dark wizards and field terminologies, and am totally loving the Speech translations you provided! Now I’m wondering, though, how much of the language you actually have mapped out or established? I’m very curious as to what, for example, the standard “I - you - he/she/it/etc. - we - you plural - they” conjugation endings would be– or if there even are any in a language as complex as the Speech. I’M JUST REALLY INTERESTED IN FANTASY LINGUISTICS AAAHH
Linguistics is a big deal for me too, as people who read my stuff will have guessed. And needless to say, the Speech is on my mind a lot (along with other “magical languages” and their history/histories).
So let’s take a moment to first to make it clear what the Speech is not. It’s not what’s sometimes referred to as an Adamic language  (whether you take the meaning that God used it to talk to Adam, or that Adam invented it to name things.) It’s also nothing whatsoever to do with Enochian. It’s not an occultic language, or anything invented by human beings.
The basic concept is that the Speech is the language, or the very large body of descriptors, used to create the universe (and very likely others, but let’s leave that to one side for the moment). Such words are also assumed, having been used in the building of the universe, to be able to control the bits they’ve built. Every word, therefore, when used ought ideally to sound as if it contains some tremendous power. 
Writing something like that every time the Speech is used, even for a much better writer than I am, would be very, very hard.
(We need a cut here. Under the cut: Ursula Le Guin, C. S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling, and others. ...Also a fair number of beetles. And a bear.)
It’s worth mentioning as a matter of information that I met the concept of secret / divine magical languages in Le Guin’s Earthsea long before I ran into it in C. S. Lewis. (I came pretty late to Lewis’s non-Narnian work.) Yet here Lewis, as more than occasionally before, is my master, having been over this ground right back in the mid-1940s.
There’s a point in the final novel of the so-called “Planetary Trilogy”, that big fat (now endlessly problematic but still fun-in-the-right-moods) book That Hideous Strength, where Elwin Ransom—philologist, unwilling visitor to Mars and Venus, unnerved conscript into the wars in Heaven, and Lewis’s take on both the Pendragon and the wounded Fisher King—is instructing his friend and co-linguistics scholar Dimble on how to behave in a meeting with the newly awakened, and potentially quite dangerous, Merlin Ambrosius. (The POV in this passage is that of a lady named Jane who's just recently fallen into company with the group supporting Ransom.)
“You understand, Dimble? Your revolver in your hand, a prayer on your lips, your mind fixed on Maleldil [just think “Christ” for the moment: surprise surprise, that’s the parellel Lewis is using here]. Then, if he stands, conjure him.” “What shall I say in the Great Tongue?” “Say that you come in the name of God and all angels and in the power of the planets from one who sits today in the seat of the Pendragon, and command him to come with you. Say it now.” And Dimble, who had been sitting with his face drawn, and rather white, between the white faces of the two women, and his eyes on the table, raised his head, and great syllables of words that sounded like castles came out of his mouth. Jane felt her heart leap and quiver at them. Everything else in the room, seemed to have become intensely quiet: even the bird, and the bear***, and the cat, were still, staring at the speaker. The voice did not sound like Dimble’s own: it was as if the words spoke themselves through him from some strong place at a distance—or as if they were not words at all but present operations of God, the planets, and the Pendragon. For this was the language spoken before the Fall and beyond the Moon, and the meanings were not given to the syllables by chance, or skill, or long tradition, but truly inherent in them as the shape of the great Sun is inherent in the little waterdrop. This was Language herself, as she first sprang at Maleldil’s bidding out of the molten quicksilver of the star called Mercury on Earth, but Viritrilbia in Deep Heaven.
Now if that’s not like being hit over the head with a hammer, I don’t know what is.* That moment has been before the eyes-of-my-mind for a long time as I’ve worked with the Speech.
Note, however, that Lewis does a very wise thing here. He doesn’t actually spell out any of the words out for you. Because in the reader’s mind, there’s always the six-year-old saying, “Go on, say the word: see how it sounds, see what happens…!” And when you recite the magic spell, it doesn’t work. The words come out sounding, well, like any others. And maybe not your interior six-year-old, but your interior twelve- or fifteen-year-old—the ego-state that’s about keeping you from getting hurt or looking stupid in front of other people who aren’t privy to or supportive of your dreams—says, “See, it was just another word, just a bunch of nonsense. You got fooled. Dummy!” No wise writer, I think, willingly sets their readership up for such easy and constant disappointment. It's tough enough to weave, and hold in place, the spell that is prose. Handing the audience a potential spellbreaker, over and over again, is folly. 
And by rights the Speech ought to be like Lewis’s example above. If in reality you were to hear the words used to restructure matter or undo gravity, they ought to shake the air in your chest like a Saturn V launch, they should raise the hair on the back of your neck to hear them used; they should freak you out. But a long string of invented syllables isn’t going to do that. I’m stuck with using English to produce even the echo of such a result.
Which means I have to go Lewis’s route… mostly. Here and there I’ll add in a Speech-sourced word or phrase when it supports the narrative or makes it easier for characters to talk about what’s going on—as, when working with wizardry, you do sometimes have to call in precisionist-level language for words that have no casual English cognates: just as you would if you were working in particle physics or organic chemistry at the molecular level. But that’s all I’m going to do… because if you do too much linguistic work in this regard, you constantly run the risk of your readers being distracted from the real business at hand, which is the interactions between/among the characters.
The tech inherent to a work of fantastic fiction is always an issue in this regard. Ideally L. Sprague de Camp’s very useful definition of science fiction, tweaked here for fantasy, ought to be a guideline: “A fantasy story is a human story with a human problem and a human solution that could never have happened without its fantastic content.” Yet inside the definition, there’s still a lot of ways to go wrong. Too much merely human stuff, and a work of fantasy turns into a soap with some casual magical gimmickry—all too often these days labeled as “magic realism”, when it’s not publisher code for “We’d call this fantasy if we had the nerve and we didn’t think it was going to tag us as ‘genre’ and keep us off the best-seller lists”. Too little human-problem-and-human-solution, and it turns into a modern version of what James Blish (God rest him), when writing as the gently merciless science fiction critic William Atheling Jr., used to call “The 'Greater New York and New Jersey Municipal Zeppelin Gas Works’ school of speculative fiction”, where you tour your readership through the Wonderfulness Of Your Tech (magical or otherwise) until they expire of boredom while waiting for someone to fucking do something.
You have to find a centerline between the extremes—indeed pretty much a tightrope—and walk it with some care. I’d guess that J. K. Rowling ran into the need for this balancing act; while never having read the Potter books, I nonetheless get a sense that you get the occasional Wingardium leviosa without also being burdened with long strings of magical Latin. (Though I confess that the answer to the question “Where does the magic come from? And what’s it for?” as it applies to her universe could be of some interest. I have no idea whether this ever gets explicitly handled.**) 
Anyway, it’d be way too easy for the YW books to become long discourses on the Speech and its use. This aspect of the “tech”, I think, gets more than enough time onstage. Having once established that words are a tool, indeed the tool for a wizard, the ur-Tool, making every spell they build a resonance between what they do and the initial/ongoing work of Creation—my business is to stay focused on the challenge of driving plot forward by interactions between human beings (and all kinds of others) who have conflicting agendas.
…So much for the tl;dr. I do have some very basic grammatical structures tucked away, but they’re not in any fit state for other people to look at. The Speech, I think, is really best treated as an ongoing mystery that unfolds a little at a time, as required, and leaves everybody wanting more.
*It also leads into one of numerous affectionate nods in this book toward Tolkien, as philologist, fellow novelist, and Lewis’s good friend. It's no accident that when Ransom meets up with Merlin himself, a little later in the narrative, the question of this language—the proper name of the Great Tongue is “Old Solar"—comes up again. When discussing what language they’ll speak with each other during their upcoming negotiations [they apparently start out in a rather beat-up and denatured medieval Latin], Ransom says to Merlin about the language he’d prefer to be working in, "It has been long since it was heard. Not even in Numinor was it heard in the streets.”
The Stranger gave no start … but he spoke with a new interest. “Your masters let you play with dangerous toys,” he said. “Tell me, slave, what is Numinor?” “The true West,” said Ransom. “Well,” said the other.
Yeah, “well.” Better scholars than I have dealt with the relationship between these two, as scholars and writers and friends, so enough of that for the moment. But it’s very sweet to see Lewis do something in his books that I’ve done with mine.
**It’s always possible, of course, that in the HP universe this issue is a surd: like asking “where physics comes from”. (Well, not a surd precisely, if your spiritual life tends a certain way. Mine tends toward “Whoever or whatever made the universe, that’s who made physics. And they must really like it, because they made a metric shit ton of it!” (This answer also works for beetles, though that's a slightly different issue.) :)
But if there’s a most-fundamental difference between my wizardly universe and Rowling’s, it might be best revealed in the third question that came up for me directly after “What if there was a user’s manual for human beings/the world/the universe?” and “If there was, where would it have come from?”: specifically, “And why?”
***There's a bear in the Pendragon's kitchen. Thoth only knows what initially brought that on for Lewis, but it's a character insertion that pays off later, so (shrug) wtf.
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andydrysdalerogers · 3 months
You Belong With Me ~ Johnny Storm
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Ranch Hand! Johnny Storm x Rancher’s Daughter!Reader 
Summary: Your best friend is in love with you. You just don’t know it yet… 
Song: You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift 
Word Count: 6.7k 
Warnings: angst, pet death, pining, minor domestic violence, smut! (Oral-female receiving, masturbation, p in v, loss of virginity)  
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Please note that I do not give permission for my work to be translated, reposted, or published anywhere other than my Tumblr. Reblogs and likes are most welcome though!
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Johnny POV
I’m in love with my best friend.  Problem is, she doesn’t know that.  
Three years ago, I started working on the YLN Rainbow Ranch for her father, Mr. YLN. First day on the job, I was told not to harass his daughter.  For weeks, I never met the girl in question. Then one day, a girl was in the stable, stroking the nose of one of the horses, Daisy.  
“Hey Miss? You’re not supposed to be here,” I called out.  It was close to dusk, and I was closing for the night. I walked over to the girl and tapped her shoulder. She jumped back, tripping on me. I caught her before she hit the ground. She popped a headphone out of her ear.   
“You scared me!” She looked at me with bright, wide eyes, her skin flawless, her hair in curly pigtails. She’s beautiful and I’m stunned. “Hey, let me go.” That’s when I realized that I’ve caught her in a dip and she’s looking up at me.  
I move quickly to get her on her feet, and I pull my cap off and run a nervous hand through my hair.  “Sorry, miss. The stables are closing.”  
“Its ok, I live here.  YN,” she offers her hand.  
“Johnny, I’m one of the ranch hands.”  
“Oh, cool. Sorry I’ve been away and only just got back from camp.”  
“That’s nice,” I tell her, trying not to stare.  
She looked at me curiously. “How old are you?” 
“Eighteen. You?” 
She looked shocked. “A gentleman should never ask a lady her age.”  
I chuckled. “Something tells me you ain’t no lady.”  
She giggled. “I’m fifteen.”  
Fuck, she’s jailbait. “Well, did you need someone to walk you back to the house?” 
She saw that it was getting dark, and she smiled.  “I would like that.”  
I knew I was risking my hide and my job if her father thought I was doing anything inappropriate. So I keep enough room between us as we walked.  “So, camp? How was that?” 
“Long but fun. I’m considered a counselor now so I get to be in charge but the kids are great, so it was just a fun sleepover.” She shrugged. “I don’t know if I’ll do it again. I’d rather ride my horse all summer.”  
“Let me guess. Your horse is Daisy?” 
“Good guess. I’ve had her since I started riding at four. She’s my best friend. She listens to me and doesn’t judge me. Kinda like you,” she tells me. “You don’t talk a lot.”  
“Not really. My mouth usually gets me in trouble.” I smirk. “My twin sister says that my mouth can get me in and out of trouble.”  
“I can see that.” She gives me her own smirk. We get to her door. “Thanks for walking me back.”  
“Any time, Cowgirl.”  
“See ya, Cowboy.”  
It’s been that way for three years. Every day I worked hard and at night, YN would visit me in the barn as I finished for the day. I’d walk her home and say good night. When she was having a hard day, I would climb to her window and whisper with her, never going inside for fear of her father finding me.  
Until one day, she stopped coming to the barn.  
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Three years later… 
I was closing up the barn, waiting for YN, when I saw another car pull up to the house. I saw a guy get out and knock on the door. I watched as my YN came out with a smile and a pretty dress and took the hand of the guy that wasn’t me. She climbed into the car, and they drove off.  
She took my heart with her. 
It was her senior year. She is eighteen now. And I wanted to ask her out but I was too late. I finished my duties, headed to my own truck and went to the bar, to drown my sorrows.  
The next morning was brutal. I barely made it to work on time with the hangover of the century.  
Time went on and I did my job, caring for the horses, getting them out to the yard for exercise or grooming. It had been about three months since YN had started dating Ransom. What the hell kinda name was Ransom anyway? I kept my thoughts to myself. YN would still visit me on occasion, gushing about her new beau and how perfect he was. I tried to be as supportive has possible as her best friend but it killed me inside,  
One March afternoon, I went to take the horses out to their yard. We had another month before we started moving cattle so I got them to roam and exercise as best I could. I went to Daisy’s stall, but she wasn’t herself. She whines and stamps; she was in distress. I ran for YN’s father.  “Mr. YLN! You gotta call the vet! Something is wrong with Daisy!” He pulled out his phone as I ran back to the horse.  
“It's ok girl, we’ll get you all fixed up, you’ll see.” I stoked her neck and nose, trying to calm her. Fifteen minutes later, Doc Brown, the vet, came in and did a check.  I tried to keep her calm as he checked on her.  
After a few minutes, Doc removed his glasses. “I’m sorry Mr. YLN. Daisy has twisted gut. Normally I would say surgery but given her age, I don’t think that’s wise. It would just cause more pain.”  
“Shit.” Her father looked up to blink back tears. “I need to call YNN.”  
“I can do it, Mr. YLN,” I offered. He nodded as he discussed logistics with Doc. I reached for my phone and called, taking a deep breath as it rang. 
“Hey Cowboy!” 
“Hey Cowgirl. Where are you?” 
“I’m having lunch with Mama. Why?” 
I tried to keep my voice steady. “YN, I need you to come to the horse barn right now.”  
“Is everything ok?” 
“No. It’s Daisy.”  
“Daisy? Mama, we have to go. I’ll be right there, Johnny.” She hung up and I turned to Doc and Mr. YLN. “YN and Mrs. YLN are on the way.”  
“Thanks Johnny. Can you stick around?”  
“Sure.” I hung back as they moved Daisy to a bigger stall so she would have more room. I’ve seen animals put down before but not one that was considered more family than anything else. Twenty minutes later, YN came running in. “Daddy! Johnny! What’s going on? Why is Diasy in there?” 
Her father puts his hands on her shoulders. “Sweetheart, Daisy has twisted gut. Doc tried to fix it but the only way to do that is with surgery.”  
“Ok. Are they getting ready for that?” She asks with hope.  
Mr. YLN sighs. “No baby. She’s too old for that. We have to…” 
“No,” she backs away. “No, she’s my Daisy! You can’t…” She runs into the pen with Daisy and hangs onto her neck, sobbing uncontrollably. We all give her some time as I help Doc get everything ready.  
“It’s time, YNN,” her dad calls.  
“Daddy, please, don’t let them do this. Let’s fix her, please!”she cries.  
“If I thought it would be the best thing for her, if Doc thought she would survive, I would. But she’s an old girl and its time. I’m so sorry sweetheart.” He tries to hug his daughter, but she wiggles free and runs right into my arms. I hold her tight, feeling her tears run through her body. I look at my boss and his heart his broken for his little girl.  
“Do you want to stay, YN? We can wait outside if…” 
“No,” she cuts me off, “I want to stay with her.”  
“Ok, we can stay. I’ll hold your hand if you want.” 
She turned away from me but kept my hand in hers. “I’m r-ready, Doc.”  
“Ok, I’ll inject a sedative to put her to sleep and then administer the narcotic. She won’t feel anything, YN.”  
She nods but goes to Daisy one more time. “I love you, Daisy. Thank you for being my best friend.” She kisses her nose one more time before she comes back to me. She grips my hand hard. I see her father eyeing me warily. But I stand tall.  
Once the doc administered the last dose, YN wailed and turned into me again. I held her to me, letting her cry. She needed this, to just cry for the loss of her best friend. As she starts to hiccup, I whisper to her, “Let’s get you home, ok?” She nods and I guide her out.  
She continues to cry as I walk her to the house. Her cell phone rings and she answers, trying to calm her voice. “Ransom? Are you on your way? We stop walking as she talks to that entitled prick. But I need you… Daisy died and… no I understand… am I going to… ok, bye.” She turned to me and blushed. “His grandfather needs him,” waving the phone.Her smile came out watery. “He’ll come by later.”  
One more tear fell from her eye. I cupped her cheek and thumbed her cheek to clear the tear. “I’m here, Cowgirl.” I pull her to me and rest my chin on her head as she sobbed. I walked her to the porch steps, and I sat us down. It took a while but she finally got to sniffle. “You doing, ok?” 
“Yeah.” She looked at me with your beautiful eyes, red rimmed, puffy lips, tear-stained cheeks. “He’s not a bad guy, you know.”  
“I know.”  
“But I’m thankful I have you.” She smiles. “Will you come see me tonight?” 
“Cowgirl, that is not…” 
“Please, Johnny. I just want to talk and get out of my head. “She gave me her puppy eyes and I fucking cave.  Because I always cave.  
I’d do anything for her.  
“Sure, Cowgirl. I’ll be by around midnight.”  
“Thank you, Cowboy.”  
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At midnight, I came on my bike and parked behind the barn, so I didn’t wake her parents. There’s an old tree right next to her window that I always scale. Thankfully, her parent’s room is on the other side of the house. There is a faint light in the window. The night light she’s had since five, was still on. It was the shape and color of Daisy and I knew she had it in because she was missing her friend. Once I got onto the roof, I gently tapped the window so YN knew I was there. She opened the curtain and smiled at me in the window. She opened it gently. “Hi Cowboy.”  
“Hey Cowgirl.” I sat next to the window. “How are you feeling?” 
She gave me a sad smile. “I’m ok. Ransom didn’t come by. He said he was too busy.” She sighed and looked at her lamp. “I miss her.”  
“I know you do, Cowgirl. But after a while, we’ll find you a new horse to raise because that’s what Daisy would want.”  
“You think?” 
“Well, if something happened to me, I would want you to find a new best friend because I never want you to be alone. I feel like Daisy and I are kindred spirits like that.  We both love you.”  
I didn’t realize the implication of my words. They were the truth, that’s all I know. I looked out at the moon and sighed. Every day I wished she knew that she belonged with me. That she would wake and see me and knew what she that I was the one she was looking for. But I can’t force her. I’d still be there for her no matter what.  
“You mean that, Johnny?” I turned to face her, and she was closer to me.  
A tendril of hair had escaped her messy bun and I gently pushed in behind her ear. Yeah, YN, I mean it.  
She studied me with those beautiful eyes before she leaned forward and pressed her soft lips to mine. I was stunned for half a second before I gave myself into it. I put my hand on her neck to hold her close to me and deepened it. I would have been a big fat fucking liar if I didn’t say that it was the best kiss of my life. I finally pulled back to let us breathe but kept our foreheads together. “Cowgirl…” 
“Yes, Cowboy?” 
“That was… amazing.”  
“Yeah, it was.” She pulled back smiling before her face started to fall. “Oh my… Johnny, I’m…” 
I stop her. “Don’t say your sorry. Please. I don’t regret any of that. But I understand. You have a boyfriend. I respect that. But I’m always here for you, Cowgirl.” I look at my watch. “I should go. I have to be back here in five hours.”  
She frowned but when I turned to leave, she grabbed my hand and stopped me. “Are you riding Torch tomorrow?” 
Torch was one of the wild horses we had caught.  I had been trying to tame him but he was still pretty wild.  The only people he seems to like was YN and me. But I’d be dammed if she got on him.  “Yes, but you need to stay out of the pen, Cowgirl. You can help me when he’s tied to the fence. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek and took off.  
I relived that kiss in my head the entire night and in the shower the next morning.  
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I was in the yard a couple of weeks later, trying to work with Torch. “C’mon boy, work with me here,” I gritted out. The horse neighed and I looked to see YN and Ransom watching. “C’mon Torch, let’s show our girl what we can do.”  I manage to get the saddle on him and climbed on. “Ok, Torch, let’s walk.” I walked around the yard a couple of times. Then I got him into a canter.  
“Looking good, Cowboy!” I smiled over my shoulder to YN but frowned when Ransom wrapped his arm around her waist. I kept working, trying to keep the jealousy off my face. He has his hands on my girl. I unfocus for just a second and Torch bucks. I get unseated and hit the ground, knocking the wind out of me.  “Johnny!” 
I hear it far away as I try to unblur my vision and get oxygen back in me. I turn over as I see YN climb the fence, her hat being blown off and Torch is headed right for her. I suck in a breath.  
“YN! No!” I scramble and leap for the reigns. I catch them by the tips of my fingers and pull Torch away from her. I hang on as he pulls until one of the other ranch hands grabs the leather and I can let go. I lay on the ground, breathing hard, trying to get the image of YN’s face of terror out of my eyes.  
“Johnny!” She skids to a stop next to me, kneeling over. “Are you ok?” 
I shake my head as I keep trying to breathe. “YN, you can’t just jump in the ring. Cowgirl, I was terrified you were going to get hurt.”  
“I don’t care.” She cups my cheek. “I was so scared you hit your head.”  
“YN!” I hear Ransom bark at her. “You’re getting dirty and we have to meet my parents! Get off the dirt and go change!” 
I got up and dusted myself off. I helped YN off the dirty and squeezed her hand. “I’m fine YN. I’ll be bruised but ok.” I pick up her hat and dust it off. I put it back on her head. “Thank you for checking on me.”  
“Anytime Cowboy.” I open the gate for her to get her out and close it.  Ransom takes YN’s hand and pulls her to the house, yelling about how she was going to make them late. I shake my head, knowing I can’t really do anything if I want to keep my job.  
Somehow, Mrs. YLN finds out about the incident and comes out to check on me. “Johnny Storm, front and center!” I hear her call out.  I smile because Mrs. YLN is the sweetest and loves all the guys on the ranch, but she has a particular sweet stop for me. I walk up to her, and she can see the bruise on my arm, but I guess I have a cut on my face. “Johnny! Go to the house and wash your face. I’ll be right there and I have apple pie for you.”  
“Yes ma’am.” I walked over to the house and went upstairs to the guest bathroom.  It’s where she kept the first aid. As I was washing, I heard loud voices coming from down the hall. I walked slowly and saw YN and Ransom arguing through the crack of her door.  
“I don’t know why you still hang out with that horse smelling farm hand?!” Ransom yelled.  
“He is a rancher and he’s my best friends. Johnny is a good guy.”  
“He’s some poor asshole…” 
“Stop it Ransom! He is my friend and you need to respect our friendship!” 
He grabbed her by the arms and pulled her next to him. “He wants what’s mine,” he growled at her. She turned away and gripped her chin to keep her eyes on him. “You’re going to tell him to leave you alone.”  
She sticks her chin up. “And if I don’t?” 
“You will regret it.”  He shoves her back and she hits her nightstand. I watch as her night light topples and breaks.  
I storm into the room. “Hey!” I push Ransom out of the way to reach YN. “YN, are you alright?” 
I can see the tears forming in her eyes. But they weren’t on me. They were on her lamp. “Johnny…” her voice quivers. She looks at me as one solitary tear fall from her eye. I can feel the rage building in me. I turn back to Ransom.  
“You son of a bitch! You hurt her.” I shoved him and he stumbled towards the door.  
“Fuck you asshole!” He took a swing at me but I managed to dodge it and get it a hit in his gut. It drops him, gasping for air.  
I grab YN’s hand and pull her from the room.  “C’mon YN!” I race down the stairs and out the back door. I run towards my bike and get the helmets. “Put this on, Cowgirl.”  
“Johnny, you know my father will be pissed!” 
“I don’t care. I can’t leave you with that monster.”  I turn to look at her as she plays with the straps of the helmet. “Do you want to stay with him?” She shakes her head. “Do you want to be with me, Cowgirl?” She looks at me, a soft blush blooming on her cheeks. I tuck a lock of hair. “Tell me.”  
“You’re my best friend.” The statement makes my heart sink and I drop my gaze. “But I’ve always wanted a chance with you.” I snap back up and she smiles.  She leans in and kisses me. Not like the first time, where it started soft and sweet.  This one urgent, lustful. I cup the back of her head to pin her to me. I lick the seam of her lips, asking her to let me in. She let me deepen the kiss and I was in heaven.  
When I heard yells coming from the house, I broke it and turned my head. “Baby, we have to go.” I shoved my helmet on and then helped YN, jumped on the bike, helped her up and gunned it out of the yard.  
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I made it out to the lake and the boathouse on the other side of the county. YN’s family think she would go to my place or my family’s but I’m not an idiot. I pull into the yard and stopped, taking my first deep breath since she kissed me. I held out my hand to help YN off the bike.  She stood, watching down the dirt road. “Are we safe here Cowboy?” 
“We should be, Cowgirl. C’mon.” I opened the big dock door to hide my bike and walked us in. It was dusty and dark, but it was a safe place. I had my lighter and was able to light a couple of candles to see where we were going.  But not soon enough as I walked into a giant cobweb. “Fuck! Shit!” I yelled as I batted away the sticky strings.  
YN giggles as she watches before she screeches and runs towards me. “Johnny!” 
“Baby, what…” 
“I think I felt a snake!” 
I tried to hold my laugh. “Baby, there are no snakes by the water.”  I finally found the light switch and the room was illuminated with a soft golden glow.  I went to where she stood before and then let out a laugh.  “Was this your great snake?” I held up an old fishing rod with a feather lure at the end.  
“Shut up Johnny, it scared me!” She crossed her arms and pouted at me.  
I came up to her and caressed her face. “My beautiful girl. I’m sorry.” I kiss her forehead. “Want to sit on the dock?”  She nodded and I took her hand. 
The sun was setting across the water. YN sat at the edge of the dock and let her legs dangle over the water. I sat right behind her and wrapped her in my arms. We were quiet for a while, listening to the crickets and cicadas harmonize in the twilight. I kissed her cheek and then down to her neck and she leaned to give me access. “Do you know how long I wanted to hold you and kiss you like this?” I whispered to her.  
“Not as long as I have.” She turned to me and smiled.  “I wish I had the courage to spend more time with you when I was 15.”  
“Sweetheart, your father forbade all of us to try and be with his daughter. I was a scared 18-year-old and not in the right place to give you what you deserved.” I kissed her nose before I kissed her properly. We went back to watching the sky turn from blue to yellow to orange to pink and then purple. “Why were you dating that guy? What did he have?” 
“I don’t know. Daddy introduced us and he took an interest.” She looks down at the water. “It was the day after I saw you in town with Sharon Carter. I thought,” she shook her head, “I thought that you really didn’t like me and then I just wanted to move on.”  
I know what day she is talking about.  It was the day Susie had set me up on a blind date. We met for a coffee in town, but Sharon told me from the beginning that she had feelings for someone else. We chatted about her horse, and she asked I could come train him. I explained this to YN. “I declined because I had just started working on Torch.” I caressed her cheek. “I didn’t want to take away my time from you.” 
She looked up at me, her beautiful eyes studying me. I could get lost in them. She turned and straddled my lap, her sundress riding up. Fuck, why had she already changed before her confrontation with Ransom. Did that dick get to see her naked? I shook the thoughts from my mind as I gripped her hips as she settled into my lap, making sure that she doesn’t tip back into the lake. Her arms are looped around my neck. She doesn’t say anything, not a single word or noise.  She just keeps those eyes on me, staring at me like a painting. Finally, she leans down and kisses me. I follow her lead, just like I would follow her anywhere if she asked me. Her fingers tangle into my hair as my hands splayed across her back and neck.  
I can feel her warmth right over my cock. I can feel myself growing harder under her as she begins to move over me. She’s grinding that pussy into me and I know I will lose it if I don’t stop it.  I try to still her but she keeps moving.  She lets go of my mouth to start kissing my neck and working the buttons of my shirt. “Baby, baby, stop,” I finally say. She pulls back, a look of hurt crossing her face. “No, baby, I just don’t want to do this here. I don’t want anyone to see you in pleasure besides me.” I grip under her ass as I move to lift her in my arms and carry her to the bedroom in the boathouse.  
You would think the room would be dusty and dirty, but it wasn’t.  I had been hiding out here on and off for the last few years. My father wasn’t a good man and I didn’t stick around when he started drinking.  My mom had left a few years before and Suzy lived with Reed so I was on my own. But I made the best of it. The bed had a clean quilt and everything was dusted and swept.  I even cleaned the bathroom.  
I laid my girl on the bed, slotting my hips in between her legs. I kissed her hard, fuck, I wanted her so bad. But I didn’t want her to think that this was all I wanted.  I slowed our kisses. “Johnny?” 
“I don’t want you to think that I just want this, Cowgirl. I’m in love with your fire, your spirit, your compassion, well, just you. Everything you.” I swallowed. “If you don’t want to do this, I understand, and we’ll wait.” I looked away for just a second before she used a finger to push me back into her eyesight.  
“Johnny Storm, I have been waiting for you for three years.”  
My eyes widen. “Are you...” She nods and looks away. I pull her gaze back. “Baby, are you sure?” 
“You belong to me Johnny, just like I belong to you.”  
I swallow. “We’ll go slow, ok? If I hurt you, just let me know and we’ll stop.” She nods and kisses me. I pull back. “I need your words, YN.”  
“I trust you Johnny.”  
I got up to my knees, still in between her legs and I started to unbutton my shirt. She watched me with big eyes, still unsure but never letting go. When I pulled it off, a soft gasp came from her mouth. That made me smirk. I pulled her up to me, sitting her. I tugged at the bottom of her pretty little sundress and pulled it over her head. I groaned at the site of her in just pink lace. I guided her back down to the bed and started to kiss every inch of skin I could find.  
YN sighed. I slid the pink strap of her bra down her shoulders and arms, kissing her skin as I went. I kissed the tops of her breasts and then pulled a cup down to take the peaked nipple in my mouth.  I nibbled and sucked as YN arched her back at the sensation.  “Johnny,” she moaned. Fuck, listening to my name come from her lips almost sent me over the edge. I moved to the other one while a pinched and twisted the first. I released her and then unclipped the offending fabric.  
I kept moving down, skimming her skin with my fingertips and my lips as she squirmed underneath me. I got to her lace pants and kissed her covered mound, inhaling her scent. “Dammit baby, you smell like heaven. Can I taste you?” 
She was silent and I lifted my head to see tears. “Baby?” 
“I’m scared. What if you don’t like me?” The sound of her uncertainty, her fear, broke my heart.  
“Oh, sweetheart.” I went back to hover over her. “I know that you will be the best taste I’ve ever had. The best partner I could ever ask for.” I let my hands wander as caress over the hem of her panties. “I promise, I’ll make you feel good.”  
She peered up at me and smiled. “Ok.”  
Such a simple little word can bring the heat in my veins. I kiss her softly again as I slide my hand into her panties.  I swallow her cry as tease her slit. “So wet, Cowgirl. For me?” 
She nods. “Is that a good thing?” 
“That’s an amazing thing.” I dip into her tight hole. “Oh fuck, you’re so tight.” She rolls her hips in time to the thrust of my hand, seeking my touch. “You like that YN?”  She nods again as she lets go of another low moan. My cock is straining behind my Wranglers, desperate to get out and play with the woman underneath me.  I stroke one more time and then bring my finger to my mouth.  She jaw drops at suck her cream from my finger.  “I knew you would taste good.” 
I don’t give her the chance this time.  I pull down her panties off her legs and stuff them in my pocket. “Johnny...” she started but soon she moaned as I licked my way up her slit. I kissed, sucked and teased her clit, finger fucked her until she was withering under me. “Give it to me Cowgirl. Let go.” 
“I can’t,” she cried, “Johnny, I...” 
“Its ok, let go for me, my love.”  
She cried as her orgasm took over, her body shook and her pussy strangled my fingers. I kept it gentle, knowing that this was the first one but certainly not the last. I could she her coming down so I gently pulled my fingers away. I licked my finger clean and then undid my jeans. “Are you ready for me Cowgirl?” I pulled my jeans and boxers off and fished a condom from my wallet.  
Her eyes were big. “Cowboy, that is not going to fit.”  
I gave her a sexy smirk. “We’ll make it fit.” I rolled it on and then slowly climbed back on top of her. I slotted my hips between her legs and kissed her hard and deep.  My cock seeks out the warmth of her pussy and notched at her entrance. “Ready?” 
“Yes. Please be gentle,” she whispered.  
“Always, Cowgirl.” I pushed in softly, groaning at how hot and tight she is. “Oh fuck, baby.” Her nails dug into my back but I didn’t focus on the pain. I pushed until I felt resistance. “I’m sorry baby but this will hurt. I promise it’ll feel good after.” I thrusted hard and she screamed. I held her too me as she thrashed her head, sobbing.  “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry love.”  
“Johnny!” She cried. It took a few minutes, but she calmed, and I move slightly. She moaned at the feel of my cock in her. “I feel so full,” she moaned.  
“That’s good, love. I’m going to move, ok?” She nodded and I withdrew gently, seeing her wince. “Do you want me to stop?” 
“No, no, I just,” she swallowed. “It's so much.”  
“I know. Just let your body feel.”  I withdrew until the head of my cock was the only piece in her and thrusted back in gently. Her head tossed back with a moan. I did that a few more time until I heard her say, “more.” I sped up my movements, pulling her leg over my hip to open her up a bit more.  
“Oh fuck, Cowboy, right there. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” She buried her head in my neck as I pumped into her.  
“I won’t stop until you give me another Cowgirl.” I moved my hand and used my finger to circle her clit.  She cried out more and I circled a little faster. I started to feel the sensation in my spine and I knew I was close.  “Fuck, tell me you’re close, Cowgirl.” 
“So close,” she moaned. I moved faster. My hips slamming into her, my finger pressing her little button of pleasure faster and harder. Her cry changed and I started to recognize it.  
“Come for me,” I ordered. That’s all it took as she detonated around me, squeezing me, milking me, triggering my own release into her. I slowed, both breathing hard. “Are you ok?” I was scared I hurt her with how hard I had been fucking her.  
“I’m great,” she said with a smile. “I get it now, what all my romance books talked about. It does feel like the best ride.”  
I laughed with her. I pulled out gently, knowing it would hurt. She winced but cupped my cheek to let me know she was ok.  There was a little blood on the condom and blanket but I didn’t make her feel bad. I got another blanket to cover her while I took the other one away. I threw away the condom and took a washcloth to her. She jumped when I touched her, but I knew it was just because of how sensitive she had become. I climbed back into bed with her and hauled her into my arms. She rested her head on my chest. “Johnny?” 
“I love you.”  
“I love you, Cowgirl. Get some rest.” I kissed her head and smoothed down her hair. I fell asleep to her rhythmic breaths against me.  
I was sleeping with an angel in heaven.  
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Muted sunlight filters in as I lay on my back, stroking my girl’s hair as she sleeps in the early morning. I think about the last three years, pining after the girl in my arms.  She wasn’t ready for me then. But now that I have her, I’ll never let her go.  
She starts to stir and wake. She stretches a little before looking up at me. “Hi.”  
“Hi Cowgirl. How are you feeling?” 
She smiles softly. “A little sore. But happy.” I lean to kiss her. Her eyes flutter as they open again.  “Good morning, Cowboy.”  
“This is the best way to start the day, my beautiful Cowgirl.”  I kiss her again when I hear a beep from somewhere. I reach down for my jeans and fish my phone from the pocket. There was a text message from her father 
Mr. YLN: Please bring my daughter home. 
I sighed and looked at my girl. “It’s time sweetheart.”  
She frowned but nodded. As we dressed, I gave YN a pair of my boxer briefs to wear since I tore her panties. It gave me a boost knowing she was wearing my underwear under her dress.  I cleaned up, feeling like I would be back living here soon since I would probably lose my job. But I had a feeling, I would still have YN.  
The ride back was quiet. I didn’t know what we would be walking into. Would her father try and kill me because I took his daughter and took her innocence? Would he press charges? I knew I would be facing something I just didn’t know what.  
We pulled into the driveway and went right up to the house. I helped YN off and took her helmet. “You know I love you right?”  
She nodded but her face was nervous. “I know. I love you too. We do this together?” I took her hand.  
We walked up the steps to her house. I knocked and the door immediately opened. Her mother answered. “YN. Johnny.” She looked down at our joined hands and smiled. She waved us into the living room where Mr. YLN and Random were waiting for us.  
“Mr. YLN. Mr. Drysdale.” I hated that I had to greet that fucker. I remembered yesterday and how he had pushed my girl. I remember seeing the bruise on her side. I had kissed the pain away when I worshipped her body but I would never forgive him for marking her.  
“Johnny, YN, I’m happy you came back.” He looked at our hands and then back at his daughter. “What were you thinking YN? You ran away from our home with our ranch hand without explanation. Your mother and I have been worried sick. If I hadn’t checked the cameras…” 
YN gripped my hand tighter and then interrupted her father. “I ran away because I didn’t feel safe in my own home.”  
The look of disbelief crossed her father's face. “What? What is that supposed to mean?” 
“You didn’t look in her room, did you?” I asked.  
“No. Ransom was in the living room and said you ran away with the farm boy after you had assaulted him.”  
I scoffed. “That’s rich. We’re not on a farm jackass,” I directed to Ransom. “We are a ranch. But that’s beside the point. The reason for the assault was because I was protecting YN from him. He was yelling at her, making her cry and then he shoved her into her nightstand and broke her horse lamp.”  
My words had the power to stop time. Ransom’s face turned red from rage as her father's face blanched. I could see what he was thinking. The man she introduced to his daughter was a monster.  
“You have no proof, farm boy!”  
“I’ve seen the bruises you asshole. I held her as she cried for the last reminder of her best friend that she had because you broke it.” 
Action was swift. Mr. YLN grabbed Ransom around the collar. “You put your hands on my daughter?!” Ransom gapped like a fish. “You thought you could lie to me. I know your grandfather and believe you me that he will hear about this. Get out of my house and off my property you worthless piece of shit.” Mr. YLN cocked his arm back and punched Ransom square in the jaw. He fell in a pile to the floor and grabbed his face.  
I helped him up and threw him out the door. “You fucked with the wrong girl Drysdale.”  
“She was mine!” He yelled back. “I will end you!”  
“Guess what? She was never yours. She was always mine. She belongs to me, and I belong to her. And you can just fuck off.”  
I went back inside and faced her father. “She’s yours?” 
“Sir, I have been in love with your daughter since the day I met her. I just wanted to wait until she knew that I was hers. I love her, sir, with everything I have.”  
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There is nothing like riding a horse. The freedom, the raw power, there is nothing like it. Especially when you girl is holding onto you as you ride the horse you trained together.  
It was nearing dusk, the sky changing to it’s beautiful pinks and reds and purples. I had ridden out to the lake on the opposite side of the boathouse. When I got to the water’s edge I stopped and helped YN down before I got down. It had been six months since the confrontation with Ransom. And they had been the happiest six months of my life. We walked along the edge, listening to the sounds of the coming eve, Torch neighing. I was nervous.  
“Baby, why are you trembling?” My Cowgirl stopped me and had a look of concern in her eyes.  
“Sorry, I just…” I cleared my throat. “I just have something to ask you. Do you love me?” 
“More every day.”  
“Do I make you happy?” 
“I’m the happiest girl in the world.”  
“Ok good. Because I’ve never been so happy YN and that’s all because of you. And I never want to let go of that happiness. So…” I pulled the box from my pocket and knelt to one knee. “My Cowgirl, will you marry me?” 
I opened the box to show off a modest pear-shaped diamond on a gold band. It had been all I could afford but her father said I could upgrade later since I’d be the ranch manager soon.  
“Johnny,” she gasped. “Yes, she whispered, Cowboy, yes!” 
I put that ring on her finger and lifted her into my arms.  
After all this time, she saw that I was the one who understood her, who got her, who loved her.  
She belonged to me.  
I belonged to her.  
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Some even even more little descendants incorrect quotes with mostly Glassheart/CharmingHeart
(and other ships)
Chad: Adulting is hard.
Chad: How do I quit?
Chloe: Time travel.
Red: Die.
(sheesh. Also CHAD! HIII)
Chad: So you’re dating Chloe?
Red: What? No! I’m just buying them an accessory since they have terrible fashion sense.
Chad: That’s literally a wedding ring.
(To be fair. Maybe they don't have wedding rings in wonderland, and Red is genuinely just buying her accessories. But not because Chloe doesn't have style. She just wants to give Chloe stuff.)
Cinderella: Red, when’s your birthday?
Red: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me?
Chloe: …So we know when to wish you a happy birthday.
Chloe: You have some serious intimacy issues
Chloe: You know, I really wish you’d just admit you made a mistake sometimes.
Chad, stirring their coffee: I prefer it with salt.
(he would never admit he's wrong. He'd just word his way around it)
Chloe: How stupid do you think I am?!
Dizzy: You really want an honest answer to that?
(Chloe is oblivious to her attraction to Red. Their fighting is actually flirting)
Chad: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window.
Chloe: ...We're on the ground floor.
Chad: I know but I want a dramatic exit.
(Go off drama king ✨)
Chad: Ow!
Dizzy: What’s wrong?
Chad: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow.
Dizzy: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
(canon. Also oof)
Computer: Please enter a password.
Chad: *types in Chloe*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Chad: How fucking DARE YOU-
(Slay big brother. He knows what's up)
Audrey: Hey!
Chad: What do you want?
Audrey: Remember what we were talking about yesterday?
Chad: Nope.
(Yes king. Stand your ground. keep away from her)
Audrey: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done.
Chad: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real.
Audrey: They're not.
Chad: Haha, very funny.
Audrey: I'm serious. Didn't you hear?
Chad: No... what happened?
Audrey: ...Why would you fall for this again-
(I think that's what they were talking about. And he's mad)
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Audrey: Would never stab anyone.
Chloe: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Dizzy: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Celia: Would stab without warning.
Red: Would stab as a warning.
Chad: It depends, I guess
(the charming siblings +cousin and their girlfriends)
Chloe, singing: I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need—
Red: A family.
Audrey: A better love life.
Celia: Mental stability.
Dizzy: Money
Chad: *clueless* Bagels?
(... yeah-)
Chloe: Go to hell!
Red: Where do you think I come from?
(Wonderland basically is Hell with The Queen of Hearts)
Dizzy: You got a date yet Celia?
Celia: No...
Dizzy: Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
(Slay ✨🙏. Which I had that confidence)
Dizzy: Hey Chloe, wanna third wheel on my date with Celia tomorrow?
Chloe: Sure.
Dizzy: Red! Wanna third wheel on my date with Celia tomorrow?
Red: ..sure, I gues-
Dizzy: Great! I've always wanted to go on a double date!
Red & Chloe: ...
Chloe: Dizzy...
(You'll thank her later, Chloe.)
Dizzy: I honestly feel like some of our conversations here are almost word-for-word accurate to the generator.
Celia: Yup.
Red: Maybe the generator is watching us.
Chloe: Wouldn't that imply this conversation will be added?
Dizzy: ...
Dizzy: Wait—
(Oh no. They found out! Got to run!)
Hope you liked it!
I ship Chad and Audrey as Exes
Also I want Chad and Chloe interactions in the next movie. Would love it if Dizzy was also there.
147 notes · View notes
mrsshabana · 11 months
“𝐈’𝐦 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐆𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮”
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𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟖: 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞
꒦꒷‧₊ Summary You are one of Douma's most loyal followers, and he decides that some affection from you is exactly what Gyutaro needs. But Gyutaro is worried because he has no experience in this department, so Douma steps in to guide him. ꒦꒷‧₊ Content Gyutaro x Douma x female!reader, 18+ MDNI, threesome, oral sex, vaginal sex, creampie, manipulation. ꒦꒷‧₊ Note 2.5k words
✧:・゚→ Kinktober Masterlist
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“Oh Gyutaro, you are going to love this,” Douma chimes excitedly as he leads upper moon six through the elaborately decorated halls. 
Gyutaro curiously follows Douma, “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“But I did! This is a special occasion!” he squeals, “It’s not every day that we get a new upper moon!”
With Douma’s guidance, Gyutaro and Daki were able to quickly rise through the ranks. But of course, only Gyutaro was the true upper moon six. While he worked hard to become stronger, Daki was too busy terrorizing weak humans. And when a real challenge came along, she went crying to Gyutaro for help. 
Gyutaro takes his new rank very seriously, so he doesn’t want to waste time with meaningless gifts and celebrations. But he respects Douma, so he puts up with his shenanigans. 
When the upper moons arrive at a door at the end of the hall, Douma puts his hand on the handle and smirks deviously before twisting the knob and pulling the door open.
Gyutaro’s eyes widen at the sight before him. A beautiful young woman wearing elegant robes with seemingly nothing beneath them. 
“A human?” he murmurs, “But why?”
The smirk on Douma’s face widens, “But for pleasure of course.”
Gyutaro shakes his head and holds his hands up defensively, “N-no, I don’t need things like that. I-”
“Shhhh,” Douma shushes him before he can finish his sentence, “I know what your weakness is, Gyutaro. You’re lonely,” his gaze softens as he looks into Gyutaro’s eyes, “Painfully, painfully lonely. And I’ve given you the solution right here.”
Gyutaro clenches his teeth and shouts, “I’m not lonely! I have my sister! She’s all I need!”
“Oh really? Are you sure?” He leans in closer to Gyutaro and whispers, “I think we both know that there are needs that siblings cannot fulfill.”
Gyutaro frowns and looks down at the ground, letting Douma’s words sink in. He hates to admit it, but it’s true. The connection he shares with his sister is immeasurable, but there are times when he wishes he had more. Wishes he could be loved in ways that he thought weren’t meant for men like him. He was always too ugly, too cruel, too repulsive. Even before turning into a demon, he never would have imagined having something akin to romance in his life. 
“Fine,” his voice cracks as he gives in, “But… I don’t know what to do.”
“Don’t worry, Gyutaro,” Douma grins and puts a hand on his shoulder, “I’ll teach you everything you need to know.”
You curiously watch as the two demons approach you. Scared but also excited for what is to come next.
Ever since you accidentally walked in on Douma devouring a human corpse, he’s been trying to figure out what to do with you. Lucky for him, you are a devout member of the Eternal Paradise Cult. So even something as shocking as seeing your leader eating human flesh couldn’t sway you from your faith. Your loyalty was to Douma and the cult, first and foremost. 
At first Douma was going to dispose of you himself, but you were too beautiful to just kill like that. He had to come up with some way he could use you. And what better use for a cute human woman than to give some much needed affection to the demon that needs it most? And not just any demon, a demon that he takes great pride in teaching and guiding. 
He knew you would be perfect for Gyutaro. Hoping that having a beautiful woman by his side could boost his confidence. So much so that perhaps he wouldn’t let his insecurities hinder him in combat anymore. That was the hope at least.
Douma had already made you aware of what was supposed to take place tonight. He told you that you would be introduced to a dear friend of his, and that it would be your duty from now on to serve him.
Keeping his words in mind, you smile and bow politely as the demons approach you. 
Both men take a seat in front of you, surrounded by fine silks and embroidered pillows. 
“This is Y/N,” Douma says with a smile. “Pretty isn’t she?”
Gyutaro nods shyly, “Y-yeah… she is.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Gyutaro,” your soft voice is like a melody to him. He almost chokes hearing such kind words directed towards him.
“See? She’s incredibly obedient!” Upper moon two says with glee, “Why don’t you try touching her?”
Gyutaro’s eyes go wide and a blush creeps onto his cheeks, “Touch her?” He gulps and looks at your sitting form. With a shaky hand he gently slides his hand under your robe and touches your thigh, “She’s so soft…”
“Try touching her here,” Douma suggests as he takes Gyutaro’s other hands and guides him to your chest. Softly cupping Gyutaro’s hand over your breast, “See? She likes it.” 
A soft whimper escapes your lips and your face heats up as Gyutaro touches you. 
“C-can you show me what else she likes?” Gyutaro says shyly, looking at Douma for guidance. 
Douma’s lips curl into a deceitful grin, “Oh but of course Gyutaro! It is my job to guide you after all.” He wastes no time slipping his clawed finger under your robe and slipping it off of your body. Leaving yourself bare, the lustful gaze of the upper moons fixated on your body. 
Gyutaro’s eyes are filled with nervousness and excitement, while Douma’s eyes are much more calm and calculating, though he looks just as eager. 
The rainbow eyed demon gently pushes you down to lay on your back and carefully parts your legs. Exposing your most sensitive area to their hungry eyes. Gyutaro stares in awe, his cock already rock hard and jutting out under his baggy pants.
“Right here,” Douma glides his finger down your slit, “she likes to be touched here.” He uses his fingers to part your slick lips, “Try touching her with your mouth.” 
“My mouth?” Gyutaro says in confusion.
“Yes! Go ahead and taste her, I assure you she’ll taste delicious.”
Gyutaro doesn’t quite know what he’s doing, but he’s so eager to play with his new toy that he acts without thinking. Moving to lay on his stomach, and position his head between your legs. He gets right into it and begins to sloppily lap at your pussy. 
“ Ah! ” you gasp at the suddenness of his actions. Your instincts tell you to close your legs but you fight off the urge, knowing that you must obey the orders from Douma no matter what.
But luckily for you he intervenes, “Slow down Gyutaro,” he chuckles, “try softly licking her here.” He gently tilts Gyutaro’s head upwards until his tongue hits your clit.
Gyutaro holds onto your thighs as he slowly licks your clit and rubs circles into it with his tongue. Looking up for your approval, he’s pleased to hear your soft moans and to feel your body relax under him. 
While Gyutaro is getting acquainted with your pussy, Douma figures he might as well have some fun too. Moving to lay beside you, he takes off his shirt and leans towards you. 
“Don’t worry Y/N,” he coos, “I’m going to teach Gyutaro how to take care of you.” 
“Thank you, Lord Douma,” you moan.
Douma hums to show he’s pleased with your obedience, then he moves closer to your chest and begins sucking on your pert nipples. Kissing and circling his tongue around one, while his hand plays with the other - gently pinching and tugging.
Gyutaro gains more confidence as he hears the sweet sounds you’re making for him, “She’s so wet,” he says between kisses and licks. 
Douma momentarily takes his attention away from your breasts to take a look at your wet cunt. “Wow Gyutaro! Look how wet you made her,” he cheers, “You’re learning so quickly!” 
“Does this mean…” he trails off, looking away - too embarrassed to say it out loud. 
“That she wants you to fuck her?” Douma verbalizes exactly what he had been thinking, “That��s exactly right!” 
Gyutaro moves his face away from your core and wipes his mouth with his hand, “B-but… I’ve never done anything like that before. What if I mess up? Or…” he trails off again but takes a deep breath to recompose himself, “Or break her?”
“There’s no reason to worry, Gyutaro, I am here with you,” Douma coos, “And I will guide you the entire time.” 
Gyutaro is a panting mess, staring at you with a lustful gaze as you can see his cock throbbing under his pants. While Douma gives you a look of reassurance, one that gives you a sense of tranquility. 
“Go on and get on top of her,” Douma instructs, holding Gyutaro by the shoulder and guiding him to position himself on top of you. Which he promptly does, crawling on top of you and caging you beneath him. He’s seen humans having sex in the district before, so he thinks he knows what to do next. 
He pulls down his pants and grabs the base of his cock, gliding his tip along your slick folds. “C-can I put it in, Y/N?”
You’re so surprised that he even bothered to ask that it takes you a moment to respond, “Of course you can.” You smile sweetly at him, cupping his cheek with your hand. 
Your gentle touch makes his head feel fuzzy and he’s unable to think about anything other than being inside of you. So he pushes his hips forward and tries to slide into you, but he can’t seem to find your entrance. Aimlessly pushing into you, resulting in whines of discomfort to leave your lips. 
“Be careful with her, she’s fragile. Let me show you.” Douma grabs Gyutaro by the hips and tilts his body until he is properly angled towards your entrance. Then he slowly pushes Gyutaro’s hips forward - his aching length finally sliding into your tight entrance. 
Gyutaro’s eyes almost roll to the back of his head as he lets out a moan of satisfaction, “ F-fuuuck! She-she feels so warm.” 
“The intimate embrace of a woman is truly unmatched, I knew you’d like her,” Douma grins, seemingly pleased to see Gyutaro enjoying his gift. “Start off slow, you don’t want to hurt her.” He keeps a hand on Gyutaro’s hip, guiding his thrusts to a slow pace. You can feel that Gyutaro is aching to just fuck you as hard as he can, but Douma is keeping him in line. Guiding his movements to ensure not only your comfort, but a better result in the end. 
“Pay attention to her, Gyutaro. Listen to her moans and look closely at her body, you can speed up once she’s ready.”
Gyutaro nods and continues at the steady pace Douma had set for him. Groans of pleasure escaping him as he plunges his cock into your velvety walls.
Watching you get fucked by his apprentice makes his cock twitch. He thought he would be able to ignore it, but the temptation is too much to bear. There’s no harm in indulging right? He might as well use you while he can. So, Douma pulls down the front of his pants and languidly strokes his length as the sound of your moans fills his ears. 
You’re so busy being pounded by Gyutaro that you don’t notice it at first. But when Douma’s cock suddenly appears hovering over your face, there’s no missing it. The size is similar to Gyutaro, long and girthy with large veins decorating the shaft. Though Douma’s looks more human than Gyutaro’s. 
“Hey!” Gyutaro growls, “She’s my present.”
“Come on Gyutaro, I’m just trying to show you how it’s done,” he lies through his teeth, “Don't you want to know how to receive oral sex? I’m doing this for you after all.”
Gyutaro scowls and looks up at him, momentarily putting his thrusts to a halt, “Fine.”
Douma smiles innocently before looking down at you - placing his cock against your lips, “Open wide, dear.” 
With a nod, you open your mouth wide and tilt your head back. Douma slides his thick length down your throat as Gyutaro goes back to abusing your pussy. 
“ Ahh that’s it, good girl,” Upper moon two moans as you take him into your mouth. He begins slowly thrusting into you, you now having to take double the abuse. 
Gyutaro picks up the pace as jealousy begins to rise within him. He wishes that was his cock inside of your mouth right now. But he’d never admit that watching you take a dick down your throat actually turns him on. He grabs your hips tightly, and thrusts into you more aggressively. The sound of skin slapping and the groans of pleasure from the two upper moons fill the room. 
Tears roll down your cheeks as you’re filled with an overwhelming pleasure. Gyutaro is ramming into your sweet spot while Douma is ramming into the back of your throat, only giving you a few seconds to catch your breath before he forces you to take him again. 
“You’ll be a good little pet for Gyutaro won’t you?” Douma teases.
“Mm mm hm,” you hum. The vibrations from your throat bring another wave of pleasure through Douma.
“ Ahh , you’ll pleasure him as good as you are to me right now, won’t you?”
“Mm hm!” you nod eagerly. At this point your legs are trembling and you fervently suck on him. One of your hands is holding onto Douma’s thigh, while the other is wrapped around Gyutaro’s wrist. Both men picking up their pace. But you are the first one to reach your peak.
Your gummy walls tighten around Gyutaro as you gush all over his pelvis. Moaning and gasping around Douma’s throbbing cock, that threatens to spill at any moment. 
The sensations of your orgasm quite literally milk Gyutaro dry. He’s quick to follow you, moaning and tilting his head back as he fills you full of hot sticky cum. His black nails digging into your flesh as he shoots rope after rope into you.
And finally, Douma cums down your throat. Moaning and grinning as he’s filled with a sense of satisfaction. His dick twitches as he empties his load into you, staying so deep down your throat that you have no other choice but to swallow. 
“Great job to both of you,” Douma says with an affirming smile as he slides his length out of your mouth. 
You’re barely able to process anything that he’s saying. All you can do is pant and tremble beneath the two demons. Drool rolling down your chin, and cum seeping out of your cunt. 
Gyutaro finally slides out of you and gently places you back down on the pillows. He tenderly runs his thumb along your hip.
“Still think you don’t need her?” Douma asks with a cocky grin.
“Fine… I guess I could find some use for her,” Gyutaro blushes, “Thanks for the present.”
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tmntxthings · 1 year
Hey, I hope this request motivates you a bit! I was wondering if you could do little scenarios with the Rise boys reacting to accidentally hitting their S/O while they stretched?
You know that thing that happens when you're standing too close to someone and they move or do something and end up hitting you in the face, it happened to me at college sobs 😭
Have a lovely day! <3
一∑ Accidents Happen・゜・。
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author’s note: sksksks sure sure, I wanna say this has happened to me too but I can’t recall a specific scenario which makes me think it has happened just I’ve obliterated it from my memory out of embarrassment?!?
note 2.0: so I did Raph’s first, forever ago and a bit of Leo’s then just now I did Donnie’s and Mikey’s, everyone’s is a bit different and it’s like 3am idk how to feel! BUT WE POST ANYWAYS
warnings: cursing, injuries caused by accident, attempts at humor, crack, fluff, unedited
Raph was super excited to help you learn self-defense! It was a great skill to have. Just in case ya know! Plus it would make you feel more confident too.
“First things first! We gotta loosen up, I usually start with arm stretches.” Raph said with a toothy grin. He couldn’t stop smiling. He loved being able to hang out with you, but you had asked him personally to train you for self defense. Not any of his brothers! He was honored and didn’t want to mess up!
Raph then grabbed his left elbow and started to pull it, making the muscles there taunt. You immediately started to copy him. Asking if your form was right which had Raph moving closer and correcting you just slightly. “Just like that! Now other side!” And when Raph went through with the motion of doing his other arm, it was too late.
The smack resounded throughout the weight room and if things couldn’t be anymore horrible, because of his stature, he had quite literally smacked your face.
Stunned you held your cheek. It stung. And Raph was a ball of tears instantly. “Oh— Y/n!!!! Are you okay??? I’m so sorry!!! I didn’t mean to, I should’ve backed up!! I got too close and— Raph’s so so sorry.” He was on his knees in front of you. Telling you to smack his face in return. And you just laughed, saying that it was okay.
“Once I learn these self defense moves you won’t be able to land a hit like that again!” You joked.
Raph could only whimper. He felt horrible. He was a horrible teacher! And it took some convincing from you to get the ball rolling again. He sniffled here and there because he just couldn’t get it out of his mind. He was hard on himself for sure. Even though it was an accident he wouldn’t forgive himself!!
Leo was prone to doing weird shit randomly. Like striking a pose anywhere, anytime he saw fit. So while sure I could totally come up with a prompt for stretching like I did with Raph…but in my head…more realistically… it would be because Leo was up to his regular shenanigans again!
He had texted you not that long ago that he was planning on portal-ing over! It was a common occurrence, it made for traveling back and forth to the lair fast. If only the side effects wouldn’t hit you like that one ride at the fair, the Spaceship 9000?? The one that spins, and spins, and spins so fast that the piece of metal your buckled into moves up and down??? Right?? I’ve only went on it once so this is like a very bad descriptor but hopefully someone knows what the heck I’m talking about.
Going through a Leo portal was like that. The feeling of getting spun around so much that your stomach didn’t feel like it was in your body anymore. More like it was splattered all over the ground. Or three miles back in the direction from which you came. You wondered absentmindedly if all portals were like that. Or if that was just because of Leo?
Anyhow, it had been a while since he had sent you that message. You were used to him coming instantly after sending the message. Really not even giving you enough time to read the damn text! You sighed and got up from your bed and headed to the living room where he would be portal-ing in. But instead of going to the couch, you wanted to try and guess where the fool would land. Maybe closer to the actual door, as if he had used it to begin with?
It was while you were thinking, that a blue portal opened above head not but mere inches to the left of you. There had been no whirring or whizzing noises. No “Geronimo!!” Or “Heads up!” call outs. It was ninja silent stealth mode at which Leo came in. Eyes closed, and once he was through, only then did he holler, “And he sticks the landi—“
A loud thwack could be heard as one of his hands collided into you as he did a ridiculous windmill motion with his arms to steady himself. And it hurt like hell where he had slapped your arm. “Shiiiiiiiiiiiittttt!” The force had knocked you a little ways away too! As you held your arm where it stung and closed your eyes to not start crying, and then your mouth to not start yelling.
“Y/n???” Leo opened his eyes and shook the hand that had hit your arm. “My bad! You’re usually in your room when I come, and I just— I don’t know!” He rambled, a nervous smile on his face as he watched you close up.
Silence. Breathing. That was all that could be heard. Leo started feeling really guilty. He hadn’t been holding back his strength because he was an idiot and didn’t know you were there. “I’m really sorry..” he murmured. Not coming in close because he didn’t want to anger you further.
“It’s..cool!” You shook your arm, eyes opening and god damn it they were watery. “Oh no it’s not. Let me get you some ice. Fuck. I’m really really sorry.” Leo springs into action at the sight of your unshed tears. “I know you didn’t do it on purpose.” You tried to console him but didn’t deny the need for ice. Relief was felt when the ice pack met your skin. “Still wanna come over?” He asked timidly, wondering if he had ruined today in general too. “Duh, I’m going to be fine Leo! How about we stop for ice cream, on you and then it’s all even mkay?”
Because you knew if you didn’t say this then he would just continue to hold onto the guilt despite all your words and reassurances. “One waffle cone coming up!!” Leo cheered, his dramatics back on as he twirled a sword to make another flashy portal, you could only hope you would survive the journey.
Donnie has a stick. “Technically Y/n, it’s a bo. Bo staff. Not a stick.” Your eyes narrowed in on his weapon of choice. “Looks like a metal stick to me.” You told him plainly. He huffed. He knew that his weapon wasn’t always the one to wow people away. It wasn’t flashy like some people *cough* *cough* leo *cough*. “Okay I lied, it’s not just a bo, it’s a tech bo!” Donnie emphasized, spinning the said weapon around between his fingers before making it land on the ground vertically. Before you could question further he clicked a very inconspicuous spot on the bo, which was basically a finger-print reader that took half a millisecond to expand out and show off a variety of other weapons attached to his bo.
A saw, a drill, and the list could go on but those were the main two you recognized before it contracted back into stick form as you liked to call it. “Nice,” you nodded, giving Donnie his props where they were due, because it was pretty cool. It was like a multi-tool. You said that aloud too.
“Yeah but way better cause I made it.” Donnie amended because he couldn’t allow himself to be compared to such everyday items. He was better. Much better.
You opened your palm out, “can I try?” Insinuating you wanted a go at holding his stick. Well, his tech bo. But he made you spell it out for him. “Try what exactly?” He asked, right eyebrow raising. “Holding the stick” “It’s not a stick.” “Okay okay, can I try to hold the tech stick?” “Maybe, if you say it properly and also realize that you are most definitely going to hurt yourself with my tech bo.”
You made a face at that. “I most certainly am not!” You retorted and made a grab for the tEcH bO. It was out of your reach before you could even get close. And this game of keep away continued until you, asked with a “pretty please can I hold your almighty tech bo!?” Donnie was satisfied, clearly, with a smug look on his face as he allowed you to snatch it away from his hold. Finally.
You turned it around in your hands. Making slow circles. Donnie immediately trying to coach you on a better method, “Your feet aren’t in the right position~!” He chirped happily, as if correcting you was an absolute pleasure. He continued to badger you, despite your genuine efforts to improve. And at one point it all became too much, like he was being haughty. Holding it over your head that you weren’t catching on quickly.
“I get it Donnie! I suck!” You yelled and brought the metal bo down sharply. Right on your toes. You did have socks on. But the thin material did nothing to prevent the instant pain that had you crumpling down, bo falling out of your hand to instead cradle your injured foot.
It was embarrassing. The loud clatter of the bo hitting the ground, the rush of Donnie coming in close, kneeling to try and analyze the damage. You were so angry and so embarrassed that despite the pain, you pushed him away. Sniffling and whimpering, “Leave me alone!” You cried. And yep you were crying. Rocking back and forth now on your butt in an attempt to somehow ease the pain that was flowing from your toes, through your foot, all the way up to your ankle. Had you broken something?!?
Of course you hadn’t pushed him far, nor hard enough to knock him down. But he felt horrible. He felt like he was the reason this had all happened in the first place. Egging you on and messing with your head, truly being a bit of a jerk. “Just let me look please? It may be broken Y/n, it’s..high grade titanium…” he muttered the last bit because he was in no way trying to show that off in this moment. And the look in your eyes when you finally met his concerned stare was heartbreaking. He saw how red and puffy they were from the agitated tears, your cheeks ruddy as well. “Please?” He tried again. Coming in close hands up and out as a show of meaning no harm.
Slowly, your hand came away from your own toes, and Donnie peeled off your sock and assessed the injury. Light touches here and there and profusely apologized when you hissed in pain. “It’s not broken! Just bruised, pretty badly, I’ll go get some ice and then some wraps, just stay right there, don’t move!” And he was off moving swiftly as went in search for the items he required.
He gave you the ice, letting you decide how much pressure to put on the wound, and he stayed silent as he got out a few different wraps. As your tears dried and the sniffling ceased, you noticed how serious Donnie looked. When he came back down to kneel by your foot, he decided to checkup the entire area. “What about this, does this hurt?” He asked pressing lightly on a different part on the top of your foot. “Not really, it’s all getting kind of numb now,” the ice was doing its magic. He nodded, chewing on his lower lip. “I think I should wrap it now,” he said but made no move to start until you gave him the go ahead.
He was very careful. Taking all the time in the world to make sure the wrapping was perfect. When he finished he sighed, and looked up at you sincerely, “I’m sorry for being such an ass… you were doing really well but I just kept..” he sighed again shaking his head as it dropped. Looking back down at your wrapped foot. “Dee.. we like to get in each other’s nerves, you just did a really great job this time around,” you admitted with a slight laugh. But he only smiled weakly, still feeling so guilty. You huffed and shoved at his shoulder lightly, “hey, honestly I think it was your bo getting back at me for calling it a stick so many times!”
He couldn’t help but smile at that one. If only a little. “How about this? You grovel for the rest of the day, andddd order my favorite pizza?” He was quiet, thinking. “How about I just get the pizza?” Finally looking up and looking a bit better, “I don’t knowwww…” and the two of you were going back and forth once more, laughing it off.
Mikey, bless his heart, was having a fabulous time when it came to your yoga sessions. You had gotten into it and dragged the brothers into your new hobby. But the only brother who truly stuck with it was Mikey. Of course this should’ve been a no brainer, what with his acrobatic skills when it came to soaring into the air, from building to building.
So it wasn’t odd that the two of you were together in the gym alone at the lair. Sometimes he’d come over to your flat and the two of you would yoga in the only big room you had (the living room). But most times it was more convenient to do it in a space that was created with exercise in mind. After getting nice and warmed up, talking about each others day and updating one another on any tea it was time to get down to business.
“What’s on the roster today??” Mikey asked already bouncing lightly back and forth. Pumped to do anything when it came to hanging out with you. “Ahhh let’s see!” All the gossip had left your brain clueless to the new yoga you had learned recently so you needed to open up your phone and check your notes really quickly.
Mikey (ever the busybody) came in close, going up on his tippy toes to peer at your screen. Your elbow went out playfully, hitting him in the side plastron. He feigned injury, staggering back clutching where you had touched. “Betrayal!” He fake coughed. “And I thought Leo was the dramatic one!” You teased further.
At this both hands moved to cover his heart. “Take that back!!” He gasped though he could hardly hide his pleased smile. “And if I don’t??” You countered, forgetting about the phone as the screen turned black under inactivity. “Then I’ll make you!” Mikey’s face turned downright villainous (as much as a cutie patootie can), hands up and fingers at the ready to tickle you into submission.
Immediately you were fleeing. You were no stranger to Mikey’s tickling in fact the last time you had been caught in his clutches you were begging for mercy. You almost gave in right then and there at the memory but you couldn’t help but think that maybe this time you could get away.
Fool. What a foolish thought.
You were a yoga hobbyist. Mikey was a fucking ninja! The odds would never be in your favor, but he did let you think you had a chance. Letting you run around in their home gym, getting by with barely a fingertips distance away. You were breathless by the time he caught you which only worsened when he started tickling at your sides and neck.
He had you trapped, he was on top of you, between your legs, hands moving fast and causing you to laugh out of control. Almost as if it had a mind of its own, your leg jumped out and tried to slam into Mikey’s side to free yourself from further torture. But he had actually bent down lower making the trajectory straight for his head. It must’ve been ninja instincts because he caught your leg easily in a tight grasp.
“Mercy!” You called out breathlessly. To which he clicked his tongue, letting go of your leg to go back to tickling. That obviously hadn’t been what he wanted to hear. “Okay okay! I take it back!” You pleaded, batting away his hands quickly. To which he continued to try and get past until he moved way too fast for you, smacking your chin accidentally when he had been aiming to just tickle your neck.
Time force. As the sound resounded, with your punctuating “Ow!” Mikey froze. Hands still, pupils shaking as it replayed in his mind. He had hit you. Accidentally of course. But. He had hit you. You were still in pain, recovering from the shock and rubbing your sore chin. While he was receding into his shell, his hands moving back into himself as he apologized. “I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to! I don’t know what, it was just so fast, I’m sorry!!” He was blubbering, by the time you opened your eyes to see how much this had hurt him too.
“Angie! I know! Hey, we were just roughhousing! It got out of hand, it’s okay! I know you didn’t mean it. It was an accident!” And he clung to that word. “It really was an accident. An accident. I’m so sorry. What should I do? Lemme see!” His hands moved suddenly to touch your chin but it was like the sight of his own hands getting close to you made him fearful. He retracted once more, squeezing them into fists and putting them to his chest as he moved to get off of you. To give you space.
“Mikey!” You chastised, getting up and following after him. You grabbed his hands, holding them. “Hey hey, it’s okay! Look I’m not afraid of them and neither should you. It was an accident Mikey, plus I’m already feeling better.” Slowly his fists unfurled and you brought his hands up to your face, positioning them to cup your face. He looked up, with a watery smile. “I’m really sorry,” he said one more time. “I know,” you smiled down at him. “It’s okay!” You made sure to say. And he nodded, relaxing a bit as a shaky breath went through his body before his hands held onto you more securely. Rubbing his fingers back and forth soothingly.
Then he moved back, only to jump and tackle you into a crushing hug. “Yoga?” He asked while digging his head into your neck. “Yoga!” You agreed, and he held onto you like a monkey for a bit before clambering off to return to his mat. “Alright alright, position number one!”
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fandomnerd9602 · 9 months
Off Script
Actress!Wanda x Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
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You couldn’t believe it. First big time film project and you were teamed up with your celebrity crush, the world famous Wanda Maximoff.
It was a smaller indie project but Wanda always loved to do them after a blockbuster. It kept her grounded in her mind. And here she was about to work with you.
You somehow got thru the chemistry tests with her without completely falling to pieces in your presence. It was only later that you found out that she personally voted for you to be her love interest in the movie.
First day of filming and you were having jitters. You felt your script shaking in your hands.
“First day jitters,” a kind and lovey voice spoke to you. You turned to find Wanda giving you a friendly smile. “I still get those too. Especially on films im so excited about”
“You do such a wonderful job at hiding them.”
She giggles, “don’t worry it’ll pass. You got this Y/N. See you for scene 28” she gives a wink and walks off to join her assistant.
Scene 28? How could you forget? The first scene on the first day of filming and it’s the big scene where your character and hers admit their star crossed feelings for one another. You were supposed to then pick her up and set her on the kitchen counter before being interrupted.
Your hands were gonna be in her waist. She was supposed to be panting according to the script. The only woman you’ve ever crushed on and this was the scene?
Well the first few takes were a disaster. The director wasn’t furious but more frustrated. “This is not align with my vision!” The director whined before moving from the set to his trailer to think.
“I’m a screw up” you sigh. Wanda places a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“It’s not easy. Building a sense of intimacy with a total stranger.”
“But you and Vis do so great on—“
“We hung out before the cameras even rolled” she shrugs. “Come on. I think our director’s gonna be gone for awhile”
Wanda takes your hand and leads you to her trailer. Her trailer, a mishmash of her guitar, some old TV show DVDs and her laptop. She takes a seat on the couch and pats the space next to her. You take a seat.
Your favorite actress stares at you like a girl who invited to her crush up to her bedroom. You could feel your own heart pounding out of your chest.
“Ask me anything.” She says, “anything to break the ice.”
“Favorite food?”
“My momma’s paprikesh. Old family recipe. Favorite show?”
You were tempted to say hers, “uhh…Dick Van Dyke season two”
“Nice choice. Also my favorite” she giggles, “if you weren’t acting what would you do?”
“Writing.” You answer, “I just love it. And you?”
“I honestly don’t know.” She takes a deep breath, “maybe gardening…or maybe writing a children’s book”
“Got anyone special?” Your question makes Wanda’s cheeks burn red with embarrassment.
“No. I know what the press says about me and Vis but there’s nothing there.” She smiles at you, “and you?”
“No. I-I’ve been so nervous about working with you. You’re like so cool and amazing and beautiful.” You wanted to slap yourself for saying it aloud.
“You think I’m beautiful?” She smiles at you. As if on instinct, you nod. “I-I have to admit, I was nervous about today too.”
“The great Wanda Maximoff? nervous?”
“I couldn’t tell you at the audition but…I-I thought you cute.”
You could practically feel your heart stop. This had to be some last second before death kind of dream.
Wanda gets up on her knees. “Mind if I try something?”
“Sure. What?” She wraps her arms around your neck.
“Chemistry test…detka” she leans in, your arms wrap around her waist. She kisses you. First gently and then a little quicker and then a little more desperate. She pulls back and looks you in the eye.
“Perfect” she whispers before kissing you again. “You’re perfect”
It was perfect. It was everything you dreamed of. Wanda was in your arms, her legs wrapped around your waist, kissing you. Her lips were like the sweetest candy. You never wanted it to end.
A knock at the trailer door breaks you apart. “Ms Maximoff? You and Y/N are needed on set. Everything alright?” The A.D. asks.
“Yeah. Y/N and I were…practicing for the scene.” She blushes.
“Need you both on set in five.” The A.D. says before leaving.
“To be continued?” You ask a little hopeful.
“I can’t wait for us to practice Scene 75,” Wanda gives you a wink before pulling you out the door. She pulls you close and whispers, “later…detka”
Wanda Maximoff, you’d want no one else for a screen partner…and maybe just for a partner in general. The paparazzi is gonna have a field day with this.
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