#we never had these problems before fandom was on tiktok
tenpintsof-sundrop · 2 months
Okay I stumbled upon your blog and took the time to read your responses to those asks about interaction and comments and overall feedback and I get what you mean but also I think as writers we shouldn’t expect much from readers (much as in the comments you say you’d like to get) If you want those kind of comments very detailed about something on your story you could try beta readers (multiple). That way you’ll satisfy that need of comment and detailed feedback from more than just one person.
Fanfiction is not that serious for readers, unless it’s another writer who read your story and knows what it’s like to craft a story. Even then, not many writers read fanfiction (from what I’ve noticed) so you won’t get very detailed comments from someone who’s here for fun and not to study a story.
If you write just for the feedback I fear you’re posting on the wrong platform
"Fanfiction is not that serious for readers"
That is the problem. That is the problem.
Like I totally get if you read fics casually, it's a once and a while thing for you - then don't feel obligated to leave a comment. Cool. If you read fanfiction before you go to sleep and you are sleepy-eyed at 3am - you don't have to leave a comment. Go the fuck to sleep.
But if fanfiction is your main source of entertainment and you read 5 fics a day, 10 fics a day, 20 fics a day (or if you read 100k fics often) - if you go back and re-read fics, if you download fics - that is a serious hobby. Even if you don't write, even if you don't think that take it 'seriously' - that is a serious hobby. And don't you think that you should forge a relationship with the person or people who have provided you with all these amazing stories - find some way to thank them and especially - fuel their creative process?
Like this isn't a fucking trick. If you discuss fics with writers, it will fuel their creative process and make them wanna write more fics. IT'S NOT A TRAP. IT B E N E F I T S YOU AS A FIC READER.
But also, a huge chunk of the problem is that I get very passive-aggressive comments or comments that feel like the person talking to themselves (like they are writing a personal meme blog text post in my comments section) - and people don't realize that writing a comment on a fic means that it comes up in my notifications. And then I am forced to read it with my eyes.
People saying that they are going to hell for reading my fic, or that my fanfiction is 'gross and horrible' (morally), or complaining that it's incomplete when I have a clearly outlined post schedule, people bashing the entire x reader genre right in front of my very eyes, people calling my main character stupid - the list goes on.
The minute you act like fanfiction is a product to be consumed is the minute you let yourself forget that there is a real human being reading all of your comments - it's not a fucking robot that your comments are being sent to, it's not some big account that receives 1000s of comments a day and will never see what you wrote. A person is behind that fic.
Also, just in general, I am not begging for comments or an increase in (quality) comments on fanfiction for me specifically. I am trying to improve the environment for all fanfiction writers because readers don't take it seriously. (I am not asking people to treat this like a fucking courtroom or something, I am just asking people to realize that fanfic writers are human beings. Please.) Readers do not acknowledge that fanfiction is a labor of love that the writer has worked hard on - and more people need to fucking acknowledge that, flat out.
I have made this comparison before, but people act like fanfiction is a mass produced candy like M&Ms - something that is made by the millions in a factory that should be gobbled up quickly because it's so easy to make. When fanfiction is a hand-pulled taffy - an art that takes years to perfect, and should be appreciated - the final product, and the process.
Yeah, I could get what I want or need out of a beta reader (though, imo, beta readers exist to critique fanfiction while it is still in the process of being written, and I am asking for a bit of feedback and interaction on fics that are already finished and polished as a little mental crumb of a treat for all the work I have done) - but that is like saying that if I want comments to change, I should just stop posting my fics and only send them to 3 or 4 people privately in DMs instead. Which is something I could do. But when I do that, it's when I have truly given up on the fanfiction community as a whole.
(And I'm not asking for 'detailed' feedback. I am just asking for one sentence that isn't passive aggressive and is about the plot of the fic. One sentence <3)
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colubrina · 4 months
idk if you have a TikTok or if you keep up with the HP fandom over there; but apparently manacled by SenLinYu was posted on Amazon for purchase (not by the author). It’s since been removed but was up for more than a couple days. And there were individuals on TikTok that just didnt understand why others were getting so upset. Like let’s disregard the fact that someone other than the original author profiting off this work, but I actually saw people that were very firm in the belief that they could sell fanfic. Whether that be through book binds, cases like this, or commissions/Patreon. I’m an elder gen Z, and I remember coming into the fanfiction spaces pretty early on maybe like 07-08?? I think I was 9-10 reading HP fics on fanfiction.net and very vividly remember everyone being super specific about “this is not my sandbox, I’m just playing around” or “If you recognize anything, it doesn’t belong to me”. So I’m always surprised by people that really don’t see a problem with it. I’ve even seen people claim that it will either fall within the limits of fair use or that it would be a PR nightmare for someone to go after someone. I guess I was 1.) just wanting to rant about how shortsighted I think it was to someone that was around in fanfic space before 2015 and 2.) get thoughts from an author that I feel like has had several popular/successful fics in the fandom.
Yeah, I've got a TikTok. I never post anything, but I try to share anything people make that's nice about my old fics. I always have this half-assed feeling like I should make things but I don't. (https://www.tiktok.com/@colubrina_)
2. Congrats to Senlinyu on her book deal - very cool!
3. And yeah, I saw that people were doing that, and I wish I was surprised but I'm not. There's always been a not-insignificant part of the dramione fandom that sees the fics as 'belonging to the fandom.' They will post them on sites where the author doesn't want them. They will host PDFs online even when you directly ask them not to. They will rehost fics authors have taken down, orphaning them on AO3 so they can't be stopped. They don't see it as stealing because they see the fics as public property. It was probably just a matter of time before they started trying to host them on Amazon. It's frustrating for sure, but it does feel a bit like 'here we go again.' It certainly doesn't fall under fair use, and I think Manacled might be one of the very few fics that will have a legal department eager to keep it offline so the publisher can make their money from it, but other people will be less fortunate. Fic has become enough of a part of the ecosystem it's not at any kind of risk as an artform. But, yeah, it sucks. Be nice to your authors. Respect their wishes. Don't do this shit.
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getvalentined · 4 months
FF7 Fandom PSA
This is not a callout post, this is a warning about a genuinely dangerous abuser who uses fandom spaces to acquire victims.
Apparently my abusive ex is ingratiating himself into fandom spaces again, so if you're in the FF7 fandom please keep an eye out for someone calling himself Pix or Pixeled.
The details of what he did to me specifically are available in a post from almost exactly two years ago, readable here. Other people have shared their own stories, but I don't have the energy to dig up all of them. Trigger warnings for gaslighting, emotional abuse, violent threats, forced isolation, manipulation, and more that I'm definitely missing.
Known usernames:
Instagram: midgardsomrnights, pixeledartsy, okgoosefus, pixeledpalace
AO3: pixeled, pixeledxxx
tiktok: pixrexpen, gaywrathlet
FFXIV: sarielperedhil (on Brynhildr)
ko-fi: pixrexpalace
Other: pix pendragon, pixeled pendragon, pixrexpendragon
Some of these are current, most of them are not; he's no longer active here or on Twitter that I'm aware of, so I'm not referring to his usernames there, but he uses some combination of parts from these for his usernames everywhere so they followed the same theme.
This is not "fandom drama," this is a sincere warning to anyone in his orbit to be careful and be safe. Please love yourself more than he wants you to.
With that in mind, there are more personal details under the cut, discussing the fallout of going public with his abuse and more of his behavior; no screenshots on these because it's years in the past, not all of the related accounts and spaces still exist, and back when I was first gathering evidence I had to stop before it lapsed into the territory of emotional self-harm.
Same trigger warnings as above, plus racism, (implied) sexual exploitation, sexual manipulation, and discussion of Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
I want to be very clear that I was not the first person to go through this, I was just the first to go public afterward. I have lost relationships with people I thought were friends by doing so, and actually been referred to as abusive in response to my initial thread on Twitter letting people know what he'd done. I've had people who used his treatment of me as an excuse to join in with hurting me go on to co-opt my abuse to make themselves look like victims, claiming that we were best friends until he drove us apart—or worse, to use him as a complete stand-in for their own behavior, implying or outright stating that he forced them to isolate me from friends and fandom activities and treat me like shit, all while these people have me blocked on every possible platform where I could reconnect with them.
Pix was the Bad Guy of early 2022 on FF7 Twitter, and while he deserved the title, not everything everyone said about him was true. Not everything everyone said about me was true, either, but people tend to take anything connected to fandom as "drama," even when it involves literal abuse.
One thing I never told anyone except my closest friends is that Pix drove me to the verge of suicide multiple times. He put up videos insulting me to be "funny" and got friends laughing along, when I asked him to stop teasing me all the time he exploded and said that he was allowed to express himself however he wanted and if I had a problem then I should break up with him so he could finally kill himself guilt-free, he told me that he wasn't going to placate me anymore by saying "I love you," he told me in public spaces to shut up because I didn't know anything. He used racist slurs against Asian people behind my back and told everyone who called him on it that I'd told him it was all right, leading to a continuing belief among some circles that I have some deep internalized racism toward my own fucking ethnicity.
He told me that his mother saw me as a whore and a homewrecker, because I'd seduced him away from his boyfriend of eight years—in spite of the fact that I told him outright I did not want a romantic relationship with him because he was already in one, and I wouldn't be party to cheating. When I went public with what he did, he claimed that I pressured him into a romantic relationship, neglecting to mention that he'd been pushing for one almost since we met and that I'd shot him down because he was already with someone else. He said that I'd forced him to break up with his boyfriend, and seemed to be implying that I'd somehow sexually exploited him because I'm a cisgender lesbian and he identified as an aro/ace trans man at the time we broke up. When we got together, he identified as a bisexual nonbinary person.
To be completely honest, though, his orientation and gender identity doesn't even fucking matter with regards to the implication that I exploited him because we never had any form of sexual contact—unless you want to count RP, which I don't, and if I did I would be calling him a cheater because I was not his only RP partner.
To be completely clear, we were in a long distance relationship, thousands of miles apart, and we had no sexual contact. We never sexted, we never had phone sex, we never even exchanged dirty pictures. Our relationship had no sexual element whatsoever. He eventually told me in no uncertain terms that if/when we got married, he wasn't going to sleep with me because he didn't have a sex drive anymore due to trauma, and that since I loved him so much I'd have to be happy with that.
He would remind me of this when my Body Dysmorphic Disorder began to relapse constantly from the amount of stress he had me under, because my experience with the condition is rooted on my lack of physical femininity and leads me to see myself as completely sexually repulsive. When I was triggered and trying to untie the knot in my chest that made me want to throw up at the thought of my own body, he would remind me that I didn't have to worry about being too ugly for sex with him, because he was never going to fuck me anyway. That it didn't matter if I was disgusting, because he found all bodies disgusting, so really I was lucky to have him. He didn't even care that I was disabled and that my arms and legs are too long, that my joints slip out of place all the time, that the way I have to move sometimes to keep from hurting makes me look "weird and stupid." I was so lucky to have him, because even though he was very aware of all those things, he didn't actually care. He wasn't going to fuck me anyway.
The last Christmas card he sent me literally had the words "You deserve a high-five!" printed on the front, and on the reverse he'd written something along the lines of "okay but you know I'd be sure to miss and slap you in the face, sorry not sorry."
He made my life hell in every possible way, and people said it was drama because we met through fandom—and that I deserved it, honestly, since I was so fucked up and he was such a good person for even caring about me in the first place. I deserved it, people said, since I turned around and stabbed him in the back after he'd done so much for me for the years we were together. It was just fandom drama, they said, and I was just thriving off the social capital it allegedly earned me.
And now he's back and making new friends, but it's fine because this all happened years ago, and everyone with a brain should be able to see that it's just fandom drama. But it's not. It never was. Don't let him convince you otherwise.
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ofmermaidstories · 4 months
If you don't mind me asking- What is the dr*monies and the r*ylos thing about??
so the short of it is that people are selling physical copies of fics on etsy at an insane ($100+!!) cost without their writers permission, and in response to that violation, said writers are taking their fics down.
this is mostly contained to the dr*monies!! or at least it’s only them i’ve seen it affect. 🥹 i’ve seen outraged threads about it on twitter and devastated videos on tiktok (one of the authors is fairly popular, i think, and had a WIP going that now the readers of will never know the ending to 🥺) and—like, i’ve also seen people panic that this is going to kickstart a gutting of varying fandoms but tbh i think this is a very uniquely them problem LOL. like i said earlier, the dr*monies and the r*ylos occupy a really interesting space in fandom where they are so strictly straight—and it like, clearly resonates with the booktok crowd, the same readers who made smut in cartoon covers shoot to the top of best seller lists. so then you have videos about the single most popular dr*monie fanfic, manacled, taking off for it’s “dark romance” vibes, and making it viral within those circles—and then those readers, who maybe didn’t care for h*rry p*tter fanfic before but liked senlinyu’s dollhouse interpretation of these characters, go on to read and make super-popular other fics in the pairing. but that’s the problem, you’re introducing people who might be new to fandom and it’s conventions to a community they haven’t operated in before—and they’re coming from this like, really consumer-driven space where people post like… book hauls! bookstore vlogs (my personal fave lmao)! so then they see someone binding manacled out of love, for themselves or a friend who’s a big fan of it, and then they want a copy! so that creates a demand. and it just kinda—it snowballs from there.
it’s really interesting to watch, especially bc i do think the x reader community will be mostly safe from that flavour bullshit lmao. i feel for the writers involved, of course—like, senlinyu has announced that she’s going to pull manacled from ao3 within the next year, i think, because it’s being reworked into an original premise for publication. and while i have such an issue with both the dr*monie and r*ylo communities for basically inviting publishers to treat fanfic communities like untapped money making machines, there wasn’t much else sen could do to protect herself or her work. 🥺 like—she was the first target of all this nonsense! people were—are still, tbh—making money off of her work, without her seeing a dime and also opening her up to the possible legal action from the lawyers behind such a property.
tbh the real enemy in all of this is capitalism. 😩 fanfiction is one of the few, free things we still have that we can do whatever we want in it. there’s no censorship here, thanks to having archives like AO3. you can be as experimental or weird as you like, and there’s not going to be a studio or a publisher behind you going, “no, you can’t write that, it’s too risky, it won’t make money”. and idk!!! i think it’s a space worth protecting. and even though i think the fanfiction is in danger takes generally end up being alarmist, i do think it’s worth keeping our eyes and ears open—to keep up with what’s happening in adjacent communities. even if it’s just so we know what to watch out for, in our own.
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mintichoco · 2 years
CREDIBLE | twtptflob
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TITLE TRACK. psycho - red velvet
FANDOM. the way to protect the female lead's older brother
CHARACTER. oc-insert, visuals of aria valentine
PRONOUNS. she/her
SUMMARY. a gen-z kid gets dropped in the world of twtptflob. . .right infront of lante agriche
FORMAT. headcanons, scenarios
INSPIRATION. this post by @rouecentric
NEXT CHAPTER. [1, you are here] • [2]
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Nash was an iPad kid in every sense of the word. Her mother could not bother to care beyond sending monthly checks to the manor (more like luxurious jail) where the caretakers pocketed half the sum and the rest went to pamper her.
She could't be mad, there were plenty people out in the real world who'd kill for that kind of money. She spent her days tinkering on school projects, binge-watching historical k-dramas and being a general menace to the working staff.
Now imagine her surprise when she went to bed at three in the morning after haphazardly throwing together an art project featuring 'Kakashi the grey hare' and woke up on cold hard marble, instead of her fluffy mattress.
"What the heck?" She shuffled to a sitting stance, rubbing her sore neck.
The brushing of black skirts and the scruff of boots tethered her attention to the floor.
There were maids, a few dozens of them. Nash had her own nannies, sure, but nobody in the twenty-first century wore these silks unless as costumes, that too the very short version and for funzies on Tiktok or the bedroom.
"Woah-", a grin danced on her face. "Is this some sort of cult? Before the intro, I'll make this clear, I don't wanna be a part of this scooby-doo squad. Now, where am I?"
Silence, silence. Silence everywhere. Then, a fine looking specimen of testosterone-producer stepped up from the crowd, gripping a sword-A SWORD?!-in his hand.
"What business do you have with Agriche? How did you manage to get past the barrier guards? Start talking before I make sure you never will."
Well, zamn, who hurt you?
"Yeah, I was hoping you'd the know the answer to that?" She was thoroughly confused. "And since you don't, we can all just forget this ever happened and go our own seperate ways, okay? Okay, bye!"
A brilliant beyond brilliant idea popped up in her head. Taking out her phone, she tried searching for a signal. Hey, her mother may not pick up but she will dispatch atleast one guard to check on her.
"What is that?" The emo grandpa snapped his fingers. The phone was snatched away in an instant.
Nash reached for the object, only to be shoved away. "Hey, that's mine! Give it back!"
"Master, it seems to be some unknown technology, far beyond research-work mentioned in the archives", the woman replied and handed it over to the man in the lavish tux with a. . .bow?
What the frick is happening?!
The man chuckled and Nash felt a chill go down her spine. "A spy? Tell me, which lowlife has started copying my tactics, hm? Though, it is for the greater good, I suppose. The kids outside of this territory are pathetic, they pose no worthy challenge for my soldiers."
Which grown ass man sends people to fight kids?!
With furrowed brows, legs and arms crisscrossed, Nash drew a long breath. "Look dude, I don't know who you are or where I am but I don't mean to cause any trouble. . .yet. But if you don't return my phone, we're gonna have a problem here."
He quirked a brow and a tide of murmurs erupted from the audience. With a subtle clang his weapon was unseathed, the sharp blade pointed straight towards her neck.
Holy mother the of sweet Je-
"Are you aware that I can kill you without so much as moving an inch?"
Her breath hitched and she felt the hiccups coming. "So could a - hic - a chicken with enough motivation. You're not special-"
"Father, you called?"
A whispery voice carried by the wind stopped the man dead in his tracks from possibly ripping Nash a new one.
"Roxana", he rasped, clicking his tongue. "I don't appreciate tardiness. In any case, I'd like you to familiarize yourself with the latest brand of spies that are sent after us. Do they think of us as idiots!”
With that attitude, you’d make a fine Karen, sir. Wait. . .did he just say ’Roxana’?
Nash swiveled on her heel faster than light, coming face to face with said exotic beauty, shimmering rubies for eyes, adorned in a fashionable gown that almost made up for it’s weight.
"Y-You're Roxana Agriche?!"
At her starstruck exclaimation, the lady pursed her lips and only nodded curtly in acknowledgement.
Suddenly, Nash was clutching her head. She felt dizzy, she was definitely going to hurl.
Bye-bye fancy carpet, so long. . .
"Forking fudgecake!" The first row of maids probably jumped at the sheer decibel of her shout. "Did I get hit by truck-kun? No, that's not possible. How will a truck get in my house?! Murder, then? Not unlikely. . .although who would assassinate sweet ol’ me? Let’s see. . .”
"As you witness”, the newly recognized Lante Agriche waved the sword dangerously close to her face. Nash skiddadled to Roxana’s side. "This one doesn't know how to behave.”
Nash tilted her head to gander at the second heir’s face. She was lost in thought, her face overcome with a forlorn expression.
Roxana stroked her chin and then nodded. "You wish for me to oversee the interrogation?”
Lante grinned like a madman, thankfully storing away the blade. "As expected, you are a natural.” Nash had to do a double take to make sure his face fell in the matter of milliseconds. "Do not disappoint me.”
A sharp pain appeared in her scalp when her obnoxiously long pink hair was grasped and she was pushed back against the wall.
Yup, no wonder all the female leads hate this.
Lante did his best impression of a ravenous beast from the Black Forest, snarling and sneering. ”I will figure out where your loyalties lie and set an example through you. Am I understood?"
As astonishing as it is to be held like this by a 2D character, it ducking hurts, biAtch!
"Y-yes, sir!" As if-
He released her but it felt the same, as if her head was on fire. "Take her away.”
Roxana did not spare a moment to escort Nash to her room. They arrived in two minutes max and the blonde dismissed her tendants for the evening.
With a cotton swab and a bottle of suspiciously glowy liquid, she started dabbling the scratch that had formed on Nash's face, right under her eye from being thrown against the stone column.
She was quiet for most of the time while Nash observed Roxana's face. The teen truly was a looker, one worthy of people stopping in their tracks to stare at.
Light hair framed her face like a halo while piercing red eyes that tore through one's soul akin to the devil himself.
"Earlier, you mentioned a truck, yes?"
Nash blinked dumbly. "Uh-huh."
Roxana looked her directly in the eye. "Are your perhaps from. . .This is going to sound ridiculous but are you from Earth? Like, the actual modern world?"
The pinkette chewed on her botton lip. "Er. . .maybe?"
Roxana dropped her head and if Nash wasn't mistaken, she sighed out of relief. "How did you end up here?"
The younger girl threw her hands up. It felt weird talking to a fictional character who went into a fictional-fictional world.
Wait, that makes no sense.
"I don't know, lady! One minute I'm falling asleep reading manhwa on my computer and the next thing I know kaboom Lante-the-asshole Agriche is in front of me!"
"What's a manwha? Did you not read the novel-", Roxana paused mid-way, narrowing her gaze. "You are much too young to read those kinds of books."
Nash coughed awkwardly. "Well, I didn't exactly read it. It doesn't even exist in my world."
"Meaning? And you say your world as if we're from seperate ones."
Nash clapped her hands, slouching against the cushions on Roxana's bed. "Bingo." The girl stared at her, perplexed. "You know about the miltiverse theory, right? Y'know, spider-man and stuff like that?"
The blonde nodded.
"If I were to guess, we are both from two different realities. It's like a layer formation. The 'Flower of Hell' takes place in one, then you enter from another and change the course of the world and then I enter from a different reality like a cherry on top."
Roxana remained still, the subtle widening of her eyes being evidence of understanding. "I see. In any case, we need a place to fit you in. As far as I've looked, there is no escape. Other than death, but that is uncharted territory."
Nash made a face. You speak of death like it's the next door neighbor. Then she remembered. But for her, it probably isn't the worst thing to happen.
She cleared her throat, shrugging as nonchalantly as possible. "Any chance I can take a shower? I kinda sorta really stink."
The ghost of a smile passed over Roxana's face. "I will ask for a bath to be prepared." Her gaze traveled down, "And a tailor to take your measurements. Can't have my charge looking so haggard."
Nash looked down, her face burning red. She was still in her Hello Kitty jammies. "Hey!"
Roxana stood up, packing away the medical kit. "I will be back later. Your dinner will be sent here; eat after freshening up. And try to keep a low profile. The less people are aware of your existence, the better. Fa - Lante will likely dish out my orders for you at dinner."
She made to leave but turned around again.
"I did not catch your name."
"Nash", the pinkette replied with a too-shrill voice, trying to rub the exhaustion out of her eyes.
Roxana was amused. "Full name?"
"Ugh. . .Nashira Parker, at your service, m'Lady."
As soon as the door clicked shut, Nash threw herself on the heavenly bed, feeling her body sink into the spread of softness.
'What a day. Welp- this is my life now, I guess.'
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0nelittlebirdtoldme · 9 months
TikTok is FUMING over Jinx right now. A lot of people are dropping it and I don’t blame them, Jae is only gonna go downhill from here. I hope you don’t mind the really long ask cause I just have so many thoughts and no one to share with. I could write a thesis on Joo Jaekyung.
Honestly I had a whole interpretation of Jaekyung’s character and chapter 34 straight up changed that. He did two things I thought he would never do:
1) He aggressively put his hands on Heesung and directly threatened him with violence TWICE in the same chapter. I don’t think people realize how serious that is. He’s on equal footing with Heesung. They’re both celebrities. Both public figures. And for Jae, a fighter, an athlete, a scandal involving physical violence towards Heesung would literally RUIN his career. All this time I was thinking “Yeah, he’d never take his anger out on Heesung because they’re equals, Heesung’s got money and power. Dan is the weakest one in the situation so Jae will take it out on him” so look at me being a clown 🤡
2) He lied to Dan. For the first time in 34 chapters, he straight up manipulated him. Not tricked him. He directly intervened with his appointment with Heesung by lying, saying Heesung cancelled. It wasn’t even a GOOD lie!!! It was a half-assed, he didn’t even try to sound believable (because yes, Dan, you’re right, it makes NO sense for Heesung to contact Jae instead of you). But poor Dan believed him. My point is: I never took Jae for a liar, or even a manipulator. He was always either petty or very upfront about everything, so that shocked me. Which makes me believe now that Jae never lied to Dan until now because he never had to before. He always had full control of Dan as is, but the littlest threat to that hold on Dan made him do all that.
Ironic how half the fandom (me included) believed Heesung to be a conniving snake but turns out Jae’s the one who fits that description. In my mind, he was always a straight forward, violent douche. What you see is what you get kinda thing. And Heesung would be the “two-faced” douche to counter him. But Jae’s proven to be a lot more dangerous and sneaky ever since Heesung appeared. I guess this is the first chapter that legit has me thinking about how scary Jae is, not just because he’s violent, but because he’s shown he can be manipulative as well.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, i deeply appreciate it and honestly agree with so much about your essay.
I am a dark-content enjoyer. Nearly all my ships are fucked up, toxic or abusive. I went into Jinx knowing that it will have some skeevy stuff. However, i think this is actually the worst thing Jae has done so far. Yes, even worste than the sexual coercion. Because, as you said, until now he has been honest with Dan, and hasn't been withholding information (that we know of). He tells Dan when he wants to have sex, he tells him what he expects from him, he tells him how he feels about what they are doing. And Dan goes along with it, because as he thinks to himself, if he knows what is going to happen, if it is just this or that, then he can manage. But this "base of trust" has been completely ruined with chapter 34, when Jae does that stunt right in front of Heesung without Dan being aware.
I swear, my stomach dropped when i first saw that reveal, thinking for a hot second that he might let Heesung have his turn on Dan as well, without him even realizing.
That said, I never really got red flags from Heesung, and I honestly hope that he will reveal to Dan sooner rather than later what Jae has done. But for now, of course, we have to keep in mind that Jae has no problem getting phsyical, as well as the fact that he will lie, and manipulate and withhold knowledge without even batting an eye. So yeah, Jae is a manipulator, and a liar and just honest to God dangerous - curious to see how things will evolve from here.
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nekoannie-chan · 28 days
Cherry Blossom
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Title: Cherry blossom.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Brock Rumlow X OFC.
Word count: 460 words.
Square: 1 “A walk through blooming trees.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Brock waited for the perfect moment.
Major Tags: Fluff, proposal.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @seasonaldelightsbingo Language of flowers bingo. 63.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @whore-for-chris-evans @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber @jtargaryen18
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Brock sighed. It had been many years since the last time they had been like this. If he had been asked, he would never have believed he would have another chance like that. The only difference was that now he would do things right and do them the right way; there would be no more lies or hiding anything because he might never have a chance like that again.
Brock took Kath by the hand as they began to walk under the trees that were in bloom. Maybe in another time or situation, he had thought it was too colorful or pink, but right now, everything seemed perfect, especially for what he planned to do. He was sure this was the way she would have really liked it.
For the moment, he had to control himself, or she would get suspicious, and the whole surprise would be ruined.
It also crossed his mind to ask her if she had ever walked among the cherry trees with Steve; the view was beautiful and relaxing, and she had always told him how much she loved this activity, although they had not had the opportunity to share it until this moment.
He quickly arranged the tablecloth; he had to distract himself a little so that his nervousness wasn't so evident. He even had trouble keeping the conversation going; she was telling him something in a very animated way, although he wasn't sure if he understood.
Now the problem was choosing the right moment to surprise her. He lightly ran his hand through his pocket; he just wanted to make sure she was still there.
He should have taken advantage of it before people arrived, so now was the right time. He cleared his throat as he put a hand on Kath's shoulder, and she turned around immediately.
"I know I've made a lot of mistakes, but the biggest one was letting you go. Now we can be together, and I've wanted to do this for a long time. I love you too much, Kath. Will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me? " Brock put one knee on the floor as he pulled out the box he had the ring in and showed it to her.
Kathleen was speechless; she didn't expect the proposal at that moment. She smiled, and she could feel the heat on her cheeks.
"Of course, I accept; I won't miss the chance to be happy this time," she replied, stretching out her arm so that he could take her hand and put the ring on it.
After eating and watching the flowers and petals fall from the trees for a while, they walked back to each other, just hoping it wasn't a dream.
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andreafmn · 1 year
12 Days of Ficmas - Day 8
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Prompt (by @12-days-of-ficmas): my family is coming for christmas but i didn’t want to tell you bc i thought they’d cancel and yeah they don’t know we live together
Word Count: 719
Story Description: (Y/N)'s family is flaky at best, and expecting them to visit for Christmas was not something they were looking forward to. Until they confirmed they would be visiting them. Only problem, (Y/N)'s boyfriend Derek doesn't know them and they don't know they're living together.
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek Hale x NonBinary!Reader
A/N: i was gonna post yesterday on time but I was too tired and went to bed rather than finish the story so once again I'm off schedule (but at least I'm posting😬) I will try to get the other one out, but it's my birthday so I don't know when I'll have a chance.
Follow 😊 -> TikTok • Instagram • Business
If you’d like to be tagged in 12 days of ficmas, let me know in the comments. 
For any other story: click here
Here’s the 12 days of Ficmas schedule: click me
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Just Family Things
One thing Derek Hale was adept at was not talking about his family. Which is why he never pushed the topic. Even entering a whole year with (Y/N). He was simply grateful they were by his side.
Though, there were times he felt like they were ashamed of him and that was the reason they had never introduced him to their family. Still, he didn’t feel it was his place to bring it up. They were happy enough together and he didn’t want to ruin it.
As the Christmas season started to make itself known, Derek noticed (Y/N) growing restless. They were hyper-fixated on cleaning their home, overstocking their food, and setting up their Christmas decorations perfectly. It was an obsessive behavior he had never seen before in them.
Even when hunting and fighting supernatural creatures, (Y/N) was always level headed, astute, and they never let their guard down. But as they ran from side to side, fixing things no one else would have thought were wrong, he couldn’t help but wonder what was going on behind their actions.
They were stress cleaning the bathroom with a toothbrush one morning, kneeling on the floor, sweat forming on their forehead.
“(Y/N), what are you doing?” Derek asked leaning against the doorframe. “You’ve been stressed out these past few weeks and I know it’s not because of the pack coming over on Christmas.”
“It’s nothing, babe. I just need to clean up. Make sure everything is perfect. “
“Why though?” he chuckled. “It’s not like they would honestly care.”
“Ugh!” (Y/N) yelled out. “Okay, look. My family is coming over for Christmas.”
“Yeah. They were gonna come on the first week of December, but I knew they were gonna flake, so I didn’t tell you.” They finally confessed. It felt like a weight had lifted from their shoulders. And now that they had started, they continued. “And they did cancel, so I just let it be. But they called me and told me they were going to be here for Christmas week. Now I gotta make sure this place is rid of anything they can criticize because they honestly will judge even the tiniest speck of dust.”
Derek was shocked. It was the first time (Y/N) had spoken about their family freely. Normally, they would avoid the topic, focusing on anything but that.
“So, I’m finally gonna meet the family,” he grinned. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“Honestly, neither did I. They don't even know we live together.”
“Did you, um… did you not want them to meet me?” he finally said, his true feeling sprouting out.
“Oh, god no,” (Y/N) was quick to respond. “I didn’t want you to meet them.”
“Why not?”
“Look, I love my family. I do,” they continued. “And though I know they mean well, they are a very – how do I put this – a quite rowdy bunch that can offend just about anyone. They can get on your nerves very quickly, and I didn’t want you to look at me differently because of them.”
With a smile on his face, he extended his arm and propped them onto their feet. He wrapped his arms around them, engulfing them tightly. He placed a kiss atop their head and chucked slightly.
“I could never judge you for who your family is. I’ve had my fair share of embarrassing family members,” he spoke against their hair. “If I had any say, you would have never met Peter. But our families don’t define us, babe. And I’ll do the best I can to help you through this week.”
“Why couldn’t they have come on thanksgiving?” (Y/N) whined against his chest, letting out a deep sigh. They were frustrated, tired, and nervous. Feelings that always arose when speaking to and about their family. “Maybe we should just say we have no space here. You think they’ll cancel again?”
“I promise I won’t let them bother you,” Derek told them before giving them a comforting kiss. “We’ll get through this Christmas together, babe. I’ll help you with your family, and you’ll help me get through a whole night with the pack here.”
“Thank you, Der. I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Maybe, just maybe that would be their best Christmas yet.
Taglist: @bellabadacadabra @winter-soldier-101 @zheezs14 @cevans-winchester @andreiaafaria @bluetreecloud20 @sunshine2894 @sunsetcurvej @sapnapsbandana @mushroomelephant @she--walks--in--moonlight 2 @Gracelynn318 @swidkid @skyesthebomb @esposadomd @blueshoelacess @then-worship-at-my-altar @six-call @Yuki254 @beckiej0073-blog @baebeepeach @cecehensonn @catgirlpwr @magimtz23 @perle-noir22 @adaydreamaway08 @hufflepuffobsessedwithmarvel @thatgirljayy @sugasthreedollarkookie @laylaskywalker @fandomonetwo @fruitylilfuck
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profound-bouquetbird · 2 months
Hello! I saw this about another fandom and thought I would love to see it with toh, can I ask for some hcs about the modern social media pressence of them? (Any you want, but my favorites are king and the veterans but in their young version, like eda, raine and lilith) about, how they spend their time online, their favorite app, how they are on instagram?, or their texting style. Ty!
I seperated everyone so that no one gets confused :)
Edit: omg, why did this take me so long??? 😭 😭 😭
I'm so sorry you had to wait this long for your request to be posted, and I'm sorry to the seven other people in my inbox that left a request 😭
I'll try to write it as quickly as possible, but writers block is hitting me like a brick rn 😔
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Eda Clawthorne!
I'd say she'd be pretty well known, has a good amount of followers
She's not famous by any means, but there are a few teasing comments from her classmates and or friends. For example: "Oh my god, is that (insert her username)! Can I get an autograph???" Y'know, stuff like that
I'd say she's chronically online, constantly quoting the latest memes and is sort of up to the trends. Would do the typical dumb dares people have made up, but is always doing them on the brink of the trends end
I'd say her favorite app is... Tiktok? Yeah, looks like she'd be obsessed with that app
Knows more about the news and global warming and all of the stuff that the adults are supposed to hear and worry about. I'd feel like she'd have multiple weird facts pop up on her FYP and would either spill the horrors of her 'fun facts' to her mother, or would run to Lilith to tell her yet another fun fact she managed to find
And as for the Instagram bit, as previously stated, she'd have quite the amount of followers. I'd feel like she would post her 'epic stunts' that she did in the backyard, you could hear a faint voice of her mom yelling her full name before she cuts the video short. Also is the type of person to post horrendous memes on her page (I am guilty of that crime 😔)
She always leaves encouraging comments on her friends Instagram posts and stuff, I feel like I should put that in
As for her texting style, it's caos. No commas, no new rows, no punctuation, no nothing. Literally texts like this
hey lilly mom said we r gonna get mcdonlds be out of UR ruum in 5 mins
She knows grammar and has the ability to type correctly, she just doesn't feel like being grammatically correct when texting. It's your problem you can't read it 😒
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Lilith Clawthorne!
Is actually pretty famous... Well, at least on her other profile
She's that 'aesthetic smart girl' you see on your page that never shows her face. Also does bomb powerpoint presentations and posts them on her account (ppl eat that stuff upppp)
Eda would be the only one to know about her secret account and she swears to keep her mouth shut. Although the secret account does slip out of Edas mind often, so Lilith doesn't have to worry all that much about the word spreading
But, on her main account which she shares with her friends... It's literally just her friends. Of course, you have her sister and people she hangs out with/is cool with, as well as her club members, but thats pretty much it
On her main, she mostly posts stuff about her school and her successes, such as the awards she gets in contests of the medals/trophies she recives
Again, Eda will the the one hyping her up in her comments, but she doesn't dare to hype her up on her secret account, as to not rish accidentally spilling the beans in the comments somehow
For her favorite app... I'd have to say: 'Instagram'. I would've said Pinterest but it doesn't quite sit right with me fully... Instagram feels like a better fit
Always scrolling through reels, but also opens Tiktok from time to time (specifically to search for the memes Eda is quoting so that she isn't as confused)
Texts normally, like how you'd see people text on the daily. But, if she's mad, I can also see her writing painfully grammatically correct sentences with words that everybody forgets the meaning of
No, I'm not gonna set an example because that's too much thinking.
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Raine Whispers!
Raine would be avarege in the followers count. They wouldn't be all that famous, but they also wouldn't be completely invisible
Definitely is the type of person to have their account private for a few years before toughening up and macking their account public. That was oddly specific but we'll move on
They'd mostly post selfies with their friends, of course an occasional recording of their progress with their violin as well as some bard magic tricks (like that whistling in the cup)
Doesn't get that many comments on their posts, but when they do they make sure to either like it or fully reply
Isn't as chronically online as Eda but is up to date with the memes. Is always able to quote with or continue a quote Eda began. Trends always somehow end up on their for you page when they're scrolling on Tiktok
Favorite app? Oddly enough: 'Twitter' 'X'. Loves to read the drama people have, and when there is nothing to do they just scroll onto people's accounts
And for the texting style: the perfect middle. Just enough punctuation to make it make sense, but not too formal to make it look like a business e-mail
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
i would just like to SPECIFY and go into a bit of detail about what each thing actually means:
this may not seem so bad, but when i mean they will comment on anything, i mean anything. it doesnt have to be marauder-related. it doesn’t even need to be related to harry potter. i saw a tiktok on a gorilla eating a banana and someone deadass commented “thats cool and stan james potter 😝” and lord FORBID if you include anything with snape in it. want to make an edit of him? backlash. want to talk about how you like him because hes interestingly written? backlash. want to deconstruct his character due to how badly fanon twisted him and actually analyse him? “anyways stan james potter” may be the dominant response to that, just so you know.
“sirius would never say that about mary!” said the marauder fan, heartbroken. “canon sirius would hate himself in atyd!” i respond usually with “canon sirius is a white boy in the 70s, hes not the ‘slay feminist yass 😍’ king you think he is.” this elicits quite a plethora of negative reactions, and i understand why. misogyny is stinky, no one wants their favourite character to be acting like that. so this option doesn't mean "fans who like a characterisation of sirius black that isn't necessarily time period realistic," but rather "fans who deny canon evidence for a fanon conception and then hate on things that expand on the canon evidence provided to them." "they are wizards, which isn't realistic, but you choose the time period misogyny as a hill to die on?" the marauder fan replied to me (and im quite literally quoting on what a creator said to me, this isn't an exaggeration). meanwhile canon sirius black: *harrasses snape for dressing more femininely/more outside gender norms* yeah and you think that boy would be a feminist...
you may think to yourself: when did [insert ship] become a thing? why is this happening? who even is this person? most of the time, it's all in good fun, sometimes, however, ships are created that purely contradict the entire point of said character. snily was criticised for doing exactly this, and now look at where we are.
after reading these points, you may come to the conclusion: holy shit the problem is just marauders fans. in fact, you may take it one more and remember more shit that had occurred due to this sub fandom of the harry potter universe. ever been criticised for not characterising purely fanon (dorcas, marlene etc etc) characters properly? ever been attacked for calling out the hypocritical stanning of barty, evan, regulus and peter whilst piling all blame onto bellatrix or snape? yeah me too babes.
i know we've talked about tiktok a lot, but i raise one more thing: the inescapable hell that is dracotok. this usually consists of those young teenage girls thinking they are very hardcore for participating in death eater practices despite its mirroring of being violent oppressors on a discriminated group so they can impress none other than draco malfoy. this, or they're the badass 'girlboss' that can change him. completely and ironically misunderstanding the point of his character aside, every cringey POV/thirst trap you have EVER seen on tiktok is probably replicated and 10x worse on dracotok.
i swear i haven't heard the term "gryffindork" since 2016, but alas, there has been a comeback. i call hogwarts legacy fans 'baby' hp fans, because i seriously do believe that these people have not interacted with the fandom until now. that would be okay if they weren't regressing everyone to early 2000s discourse. are gryffindors not being invited to ravenclaw, hufflepuff and slytherin raves that deep? no. but those three houses wouldn't be having raves in the first place
we've all seen them, need i explain or go into detail? "b-but harry doesn't have any chemistry with ginny!!" so he does with DRACO of all people? "b-but lily and james are basic!" dont forget the roots from whence you came. its misogyny within the fandom disguised as allyship or whatever the hell this is. ship your ships, but leave the gals alone
this didn't get on my nerves until i suffered from years and years of randoms going into detail about why slytherin/hufflepuff was the best harry potter house and then getting genuine mad when idgaf. maybe you have experienced this tragedy too. there are grown people getting into genuine online beef with others because they made a joke about slytherin being evil or hufflepuff being useless. makes me think you are just evil and useless (just kidding, but please wake up and realise that slytherin & hufflepuff quite literally do not exist)
i sympathise for people who like snape, i do. i do not sympathise for those who attempt to justify or excuse his actions. this normally comes with a side dish of misogyny, because more often than not they will find a way to blame it on lily. other times, they will blame his trauma. i want to be clear: his trauma explains his actions, it doesn't excuse them. that is the whole point of him ruining his chances with lily (not even as a lover, but as a companion). you are doing your own injustice to his character by trying to make him innocent, please stop
it's understandable why the cursed child is so hated. it's meant to be seen, not read, in my opinion. there's a lot of things in it that i too wish didn't exist. but that doesn't make it "not canon" because it upsets you. and of ALL the things that these types of people would choose to complain about, these are the things they chose: albus potter's namesakes (we've been going on about this for years like can we stop now please), harry being a 'bad dad' (think about his own upbringing a tiny bit more and maybe your brain can make a little more sense of his actions), delphi being voldemort's child (probably the only thing that i agree with these people on), and albus' name again because they REALLY hate it (but then they will counter this by saying "james sirius" is a good name, when it's still mid asf). anyway, it doesn't matter how much you squeeze your eyes shut and writhe around about it, the cursed child is canon. soz lol
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kedreeva · 2 years
I’ve been on tumblr since 2012 and following you pretty much that entire time and have never reblogged or posted a single thing under my name. Before that I was on LJ for years and never posted anything. I send (nice) asks to people on anon, and leave (nice) comments and kudos on ao3. I used to interact some on LJ when anon kink memes were a thing. I am a part of fandom and have been for close to 20 years, I’m just not comfortable having any kind of public persona online that people can see, even if it has no attachment to my real name.
I know that the influx of new, young fans and the way they treat fandom the same as other online content creation/consumption is a problem. But fandom has always had lurkers. I do my best to positively interact in the ways that I am able to within my comfort zone, and I follow the rules of fandom etiquette. There’s so much pushback against lurkers now that was never there before, and I just don’t understand it.
It's a difficult line to walk, but there's a difference between going to a blog that has zero posts, zero likes, no header, no icon, not even a note that says "just lurking," and a person that's here to look at stuff that displays at least enough humanity to say "hey don't block me I'm just looking."
And look... yes there's always been lurkers. And there probably always will be. And it wasn't an issue for you or for creators or fandom in general, because it didn't hurt anything before. In just my living memory, fandom spent a while just being mailing lists- so creations/discussion went to everyone. There wasn't really anyone else to pass stuff on to, so it didn't matter if you just signed up and never said a word. Webrings based the spread of creation in the site itself, because everything was small back then. Livejournal had public and private communities that were searchable and creation was based inside of those communities, and interaction was based on commenting - what you're used to doing, and okay doing - meaning community was based in the comments and people linking to various communities. Back when places like deviantart and ff.net were pretty staple major sites for everyone, community formed in comment sections there as well.
And as much as I do love social media and the advent of community messaging systems... it's changed the face of fandom in ways that make lurking - and I do mean straight up no interaction, if you're sending messages and commenting, you're participating - break the links of community.
Look at it this way:
Back on LJ etc, it didn't matter if you, personally, lurked. Or even if 100 people lurked. Creations and community were centrally located. People all gathered to the same stable location (a post, or a community feed) to look at the things, and comment etc so if you commented or didn't, they could still find the creations. Sites like that brought people together. Now? *shakes head* Social media sites have divided us, and AI/Bots/Algorithms are conquering us because we disseminated too far.
Where do you go, on twitter, if you want to find fic? How do you find a conversation about something? Where do artists go so you can find groups of them and their galleries? You can scroll a tag, but anyone can put anything in that. I have literally no idea how tiktok works because every time I go on it, things just start scrolling past and playing videos for me that I didn't click. It's kind of horrifying. Instagram is... god, I don't even know how to classify that mess, but it's not a community. it's a museum. don't touch anything.
Tumblr is... it's not livejournal, it's not deviantart, it's not mailing lists or webrings but... it's people touching real people still, or it has the ability to be that if we continue to fight for it. As much as there are shitshows around here on occasion, it's still largely neighbors passing notes over the fences separating us.
But for as much community potential as it has, with the way it can function - with the way it USED to function, the way I REMEMBER it functioning a long time ago - it still separates us. There's tags, like on twitter, but anyone that tag dives (like me) knows what a hot fucking mess the tags can be, and there's no other central collection.
Tumblr's saving grace, though, is the ability we, the users, have to interact like humans. To share what we can with one another. To create networks that still kind of resemble the webrings of old, where you can come to one location (someone's blog) and find gateways to other blogs the way one page/site used to lead to the next so the separate, divided things spread across the world WIDE web don't get lost.
Except the link gets broken here, when folks just have empty blogs. There's (thankfully) no algorithm deciding what we should look at, but the trade off is that we have to be responsible for that step in fandom again. The way we used to be.
Not to mention that... there was never really a point for bots back in the LJ days. It would have been hard for them to survive because everyone knew at least some of the people. Not that there weren't, but it was harder and not rewarding for them to exist en masse. Now? Now bots use social media sites and users. Here, on tumblr, they follow accounts to make it look like they're legit to search engines. Whatever central account they're using to scam people, it collects the bots and the network the bots make, and uses them to look legit, so they can scam people, so they can spread viruses, advertise porn or whatever they're doing. They're exploiting users here, and they do this by following us.
And the ONLY recourse we have? is guessing that they're bots and blocking them. Because reporting a blank blog won't get tumblr addressing the issue. So, when someone lurks in a completely faceless, anon way, a way that makes them look like a bot, then the people who are being followed are going to learn to treat them like the bots that are trying to exploit them to do bad things.
And that's not on you! It's not your fault that they're doing those things, or that people have to react the way they have to react to curb that nonsense. And it's not your fault that social media wants to separate us so it can sell us whatever it wants and keep us from communicating and forming communities where we can entertain ourselves instead of feeding on their ads or whatever. It's not your fault that the way community functions on a human level has been backed into a corner by algorithms/bots.
But that IS the lay of the land these days. You and I have both been here long enough that we've watched the landscape shift. It's not the net we knew. And that's unfortunate. But it's probably not going to go back to the way we knew once upon a time. So people are pushing back against folks being quiet, because the alternative is to let algorithms win and do the talking for us. To let bots use us to hurt others. To let fandom founder because it's being directed by whatever AI is in charge of telling us what to look at.
I'm not going to tell anyone they can't be in fandom if they don't reblog stuff or make stuff or whatever. Just... that fandom is going to have a LOT harder time existing in this new breed of divided space if we don't reach out and connect and help one another connect to others, too.
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demonadelem · 1 year
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I had a conversation with my buddy ol' pal @bludoby on how as former Instagram mains we both become disillusioned with instagram and it's treatment of artists.
Even with posts that "blow up" on every other platform, Instragram refuses to share my art outside of my followers, same for Blu who has seen a noticeable decline in followers for the site. This is no longer a viable platform for growing artists looking to form a community or get commissions.
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It wasn't always bad, we mained it for a reason.
Pre-reels era before 2020 Instragram was a great place to find fandoms, I was all over for fancomics. You could really get a sense which fandom was active from how it invade your feed. The voltron era was intense even though I never got involved but the art was good. For a platform that's minimal on the words being an image based platform, it was easy to avoid the discourse you hear second hand. Instagram was the best place to enter "toxic" fandoms cuz it's just images and nobody cares about words. It was fun to build an individual community but it was always a bit too individual and insular. I really liked the asmr community although alot of ppl found it annoying, slimes and soaps and mukbang, delicious sounds that give me the tingles. It blew up and all the internet came to leer at it or make fun of it or enjoy it.
It's gone now.
Reels screwed it all up since the way that these were filmed. They just don't fit the format and all the videos were all forced into the format. It's also killed the edit community for the same reason, something that uniquely thrived on pre reels insta.
They saw the tiktok cashcow and wanted a bite.
It had it's problems, constant art thieves, you can't post something too detailed or Instragram blurs it togather. There was this thing were ppl would target tags and spam them with like pictures of poop or edgy memes mostly controversial ship tags and ppls personal sorting tags like #/Blankblankcomic.
I hate how reels are getting more and more invasive. I have how the normal pictures next to the reels are surprise more reels. I hate how you have to enter reels mode to see more the video or hear the sound and you get stuck back into the endless scroll.
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We're trying to build up on other platforms but they have their problems, Tumblr is awesome but it doesn't have the largest fanbase, Twitter is... twitter, the others don't support pictures.
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The way that these social media sites push young artist's inherit creativity and passion til they burnout and discard them from the algorithm and they think it's the audience losing interest in them and feel obligated to almost pay rent to fandom with content and apologize for not posting for a while BUT IT'S NOT THEM.
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Mega tech companies are monopolizing our very attention and it frightens me.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
about those prank thoughts... well i’d love to hear them sooo if you needed an excuse to write another essay here it is
kissing u on the mouth anon ok here we go here's the prank rant (warning it got super long):
ok so this is limited in scope because as i've said before, i've only been in this fandom for like ~1.5 years, so idk anything about how the prank was talked about/handled before this. BUT. what i personally have seen. is essentially:
atyd gets super popular via tiktok -> it becomes sort of "canon" (at least, amongst newer marauders fans) that The Prank was like...this really devastating event that tore apart the marauders friend group, because that's how it was characterized in atyd--despite the fact that in the actual canon, it honestly doesn't seem like as big of a deal -> since it becomes the New Canon that The Prank was Such A Horrible Thing, suddenly people begin talking (mostly on tiktok) about how awful and unforgivable it was for sirius to do something like that. this devolves into this big discussion of people saying either
it's completely out of character for sirius to do The Prank and he never "really" would have done it; we should just ignore that part of canon
The Prank is so unforgivable that it makes sirius a completely irredeemable character
The Prank is so awful that anyone writing it in a canon compliant fic should be showing every single marauder turning against sirius and everyone hating him/telling him what he did was so awful and wrong, and it should take a really long time and a lot of apologizing/changed behavior before remus ever forgives sirius
and this then got extended into debates about james' characterization; I saw sooooo many people talking about "james would NEVER just forgive sirius for something like that" "james would side with remus" etc etc etc
and the end result of all these conversations was that i saw tons and tons of people saying that the way The Prank was written in atyd was Bad. not just--oh, i didn't like it, though there was plenty of that too, but people acting as though the way it was written was a moral failing, as though mkb had failed to convey how Horrible and Awful of a thing the prank was, and in doing so she had allowed people to Sympathize with sirius's character, when he should have been Punished. suddenly everyone was climbing on their high horses about The Prank, talking about how unrealistic or out of character or "problematic" it was to write it the way it was done in atyd--which was ironic to me, because from where i was sitting, it seemed like it was atyd that had solidified this fanon idea that The Prank was Such A Bad Thing in the first place (again, at least amongst fans brought in by tiktok).
SO. my problem with this. setting aside the conversation of whether The Prank was actually That Bad in the first place (because i think it can be written as a more or less serious event, depending on how you interpret canon--but personally, i tend to interpret it as something Very Bad, so let's start with that premise) and operating under the assumption that it was, in fact, a really horrible thing that put not only snape + james in danger but also remus, since he could have been exposed as a werewolf--the thing that drives me up the fucking WALL about The Prank discourse is that it is, to me, just one example of this obsession with Morality and Punishment when it comes to "literary critique" (using that term loosely, because i'd argue that a lot of what these people are doing actually isn't literary critique) in the marauders fandom (post-tiktokifcation, at least).
like. specifically, it's this idea that something like The Prank would make sirius, as a character, irredeemable, and that it would be unrealistic for his friends to forgive him. that, to me, is just....such a strange interpretation!!! because if you are friends--close friends, childhood friends--with someone for long enough, they will hurt you. you will hurt each other. it is an inevitable part of being human that getting close to each other and staying close to each other often means hurting each other. and the closer you are with someone, the more they can hurt you. i have a childhood friend who is essentially like family to me, and i was cruel to her when i was fourteen. i was dealing with a lot of shit, and i was young, and i was mean. and we've both been cruel to each other in the nearly two decades we've known each other, and we've had explosive fights, but we have always found our way back to each other and forgiven each other, because that's the kind of friendship we have. i have another childhood friend who hurt me so deeply when we grew older that despite having my literal handwriting tattooed on her arm, we haven't spoken in five years, and will probably never speak again. that kind of hurt is a risk you take when you let people in.
so to me, the idea that a teenage boy raised in an abusive environment who has just run away a few months earlier, who is dealing with all that shit as well as the regular shit of just being a fucking teenager, would thoughtlessly and deeply hurt his friend--that isn't out of character! in fact, i think it's entirely in character, and i think it's a crucial part of sirius's relationship with remus and the other marauders. because the fact that remus is able to forgive sirius says something important about their relationship. what exactly it says will vary, to a certain extent, depending on the details of how you write the prank and characterize the characters, but overall--it's important because it's showing that their relationship is strong enough and close enough and important enough to both of them that they are able to move past this deeply hurtful event. and that, to me, is a WAY more interesting and impactful relationship to read about than a relationship where two people are always good and never hurt each other.
and regarding james--personally, i love the characterization that james forgives sirius "too quickly" or "too easily" after the prank, because i think it's an opportunity to explore one of his most important character flaws, which is that he cannot imagine that his friends would ever purposefully do something bad/harmful. like--this loyalty and belief in his friends is literally what gets him killed. what amazing foreshadowing to show that even when his best friend does something blatantly wrong, james still thinks--well, he didn't mean it. his intentions weren't bad. and obviously he's sorry--and he's a still a good person, because he's my friend, and my friends are good people. like THAT is how you write a character flaw!
and speaking of character flaws--this is also one of the best opportunities, if you're following canon, to really explore some of sirius's character flaws! and again, it's gonna change depending on how you're writing certain details, but in some way shape or form this is a very important mistake for sirius to make in order for his character to grow--obviously, something has to change afterwards, because otherwise how could remus forgive him? but what has to change? how does it have to change? good characters aren't meant to be static!!
it's just. !!!! The Prank is truly, genuinely, one of the BEST opportunities from canon that you can use you really explore these characters and their flaws and their relationships with one another. so it is genuinely BAFFLING to me to see sooooo many people condemn it and act like it's this atrocious thing, because i feel like it demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of what literature is meant to do. like--i've talked about this before on my blog, and i'll keep saying it til the cows come home, but fictional characters do not exist as moral blueprints. good literature should engage your critical thought, and "character does Bad Thing -> character is Bad" is not critical thought!!! like!! fiction isn't telling you how to live, it's asking you to think about the human condition--and part of the human condition is that people make mistakes, and they hurt each other, and they have to figure out how to keep living in the wake of that hurt!! The Prank is this plot point where you can bring up really tough questions, like--how does closeness with others leave us vulnerable to them? is that vulnerability worth the closeness? what role does intent play in measuring harm? what can we forgive? what can we not forgive?
i get that sometimes with fanfiction you just want fluffy happy brain-off fun, but you can find that if that's what you want, y'know? like--it's just so so strange and honestly concerning for me to see people act as though something like The Prank shouldn't be written just because it means giving characters flaws and exploring them.
in conclusion, The Prank is one of my favorite parts of canon, and i truly think it is so worthwhile to explore when writing and thinking about these characters, especially sirius. also--it is important to understand, both within and outside of literature, that having flaws and causing harm does not automatically make a person irredeemable. if we are going to live with each other we need to learn how to respond to people fucking up in ways that are not just: You Are Bad And Must Be Punished.
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keykey613 · 2 years
I know I'm being annoying but
I never found it funny. I don't think it's funny making fun of Will crying because he feels like a mistake for being queer.
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I have no problem with the video of the couple above, they're fans and they were also making fun how Mike obviously noticed Will crying. My problem is that the ST account wrote "Wait for it..." And the next day posted a big pic of Will crying.
I get it when some fans use it as "cope mechanism" especially Will stans or just queer fans. ( Like "haha" but I'm in pain cause it's relatable) but him crying has turned into a meme that some use in a way it makes me feel humiliated.
Better said : they are laughing at us, not with us.
Maybe I'm exaggerating but I know my complain comes from a place of pain and sadness, because of the homophobia in the fandom that's directed at Robin, Will and queer fans. We know it's an issue and we have read many messed up things.
It just bothers me, I always have to read people calling Will and his fans slurs and then see the stranger things account post a pic of him crying.
You know lately the meme it's the first and only thing that people associate Will with. I was scrolling on tiktok and a creator who makes cakes inspired by characters was asked to make one of Will. I immediately felt happy, but then the cake had rainbow sprinkles, a picture of Will crying in the van, and #friendzoned written on it.
Maybe I'm too upset about this because before S4 I had just experienced the same thing that happened to Robin and Will.
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darby-derby · 5 months
Sorry not sorry but kids on TikTok are being so dramatic about the JJK fandom right now. “The new MHA” “the figurine incidents” are you new to the internet??? Have you EVER been in a fandom before? If not, you’re not old enough to be watching JJK or interacting with its fandom anyways. And for the record, JJK is nowhere near MHA in terms of fandom horrificness. I’ve never been in either, but I can easily name like five different things about the MHA fandom that make it so much worse than JJK. (Grown women simping over and making their whole personalities wanting to marry and prey on 15 year old boys, nsfw audios and other sexual content of 15 year olds everywhere, people actually getting into physical altercations and doxxing eachother over ships, actual 15 year olds thinking it’s fine to be with adults because of the aforementioned shit, the destruction of hotel and convention property, etc). The JJK fandom makes horny jokes about fictional characters and themselves. That’s it. That’s the “horrible” fandom these people are whining about. That shit is hilarious, and if you don’t want to see it, you can block tags on TikTok effortlessly to avoid it. No seriously, just click “not interested” and opt to add more detail, then block the tags on the specific post that you don’t want to see more of. If you’ve been on the internet for more than ten years you’ll be fully aware of the fact that someone squeezing period blood from a tampon on their figurines is harmless and doesn’t affect you in any way. There’s an entire subreddit for people cumming on their figurines, this is nowhere close to the worst thing fandoms have done to their figures. Have we already forgotten the rainbow dash jar?
Just to be clear so people don’t start trying to twist this around, I’m not saying they don’t have a right to be grossed out by it or something. I’m saying that making several posts about how horrible that person is for doing shit to their own figures, and blowing it out of proportion by implying it’s even remotely as bad as a fandom full of 30+ year olds simping for teenagers is stupid. It’s dramatic and it’s annoying as hell to be scrolling my normal fyp and suddenly see several vocaloid background slideshows about how “problematic” the JJK fandom is. It’s not even like I can block that shit because they use main tags like “anime” to tag it. If I block that my fyp will be in shambles and I’ll be thrown to the depths of footballtok or something.
“It’s against TikTok TOS” and they got banned. They’ve been banned already. For a while now. Also people literally just straight up post cropped porn on TikTok all the time, this isn’t news either. Just block the tags and move on if you think the fandom is that gross. Better yet: block the tag of the CHARACTER that gets all of the sexual attention. It irritates me to no end how people will just complain about shit then refuse to fix the problem and continue to complain. It’s not the responsibility or fault of other people to bend to your preferences. “Don’t like don’t read”, block and move on. And I can assure you, not seeing harmlessly weird fandom shit isn’t a need. It is VERY much a preference.
Little edit/side note: the vast majority of people complaining directly state in their slideshows and videos that they didn’t get the video on their fyp. They were told about or linked to it and made the conscious decision to view it. We REALLY need to teach people Dead Dove: Do Not Eat outside of ao3.
Anyways I hope my mutuals have a wonderful day, just ignore this lol I had a moment and will likely delete this later.
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mightymizora · 8 months
Could you elaborate on what you meant in the tags of the "two cakes" post about things changing a lot in the last 10 years? Sorry to be obtuse, but I just couldn't figure it out and if you had insights on the changing fandom landscape I'd love to hear them if you're interested in sharing.
I am on mobile so apologies that this is a bit rushed, I may revisit with some more in depth thoughts about this but I think the change in the past ten years isn’t just in fandom, it’s in media consumption and the impact that has had on fanspace.
Some of it is positive I think. The feedback from fans into mainstream media has definitely increased representation and there are some incredible writers, producers, and even performers that started in fanspace who are getting access to opportunities that they would never have before. You look back at how things used to operate, especially with things like D&D, and it was literally some white guy needed art and asked another white guy he met at a bar. Sometimes the art was terrible! So we’re seeing more great people find ways through into actual paid roles. And we’re seeing SO much talent in the younger generation, seriously the way some people are writers, artists, modders, thinkers, it’s amazing.
But fanspace has directly been influenced by the accessibility to the creator. How could it not? Whereas before things usually existed as a transformative celebration, now these things could be directly influencing the work itself! It changes the relationship entirely and for somebody brought up in a time where you still had to put a legal disclaimer on all of your work it’s a huge shift, now seeing people cameo actors to read their work leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Technically there is nothing wrong with this! The actor has consented by having this open, they’re making money, but to me it is a bit of a step too far into accessing the creator.
Also, the way we consume media has changed so much and I think we making things so disposable. Even only ten years ago in the Dragon Age fandom, it was completely normal that you would be deeply into a fandom for ten, twenty years, and there would be an audience. People also created for each other a lot more, and importantly, for themselves. I see a lot more, slightly cynical, creating for audience and to me it dilutes some of what makes fanspace really interesting, which is people pursuing what they’re passionate about! It’s also a problem in things like literature where the space for work that takes time, is formally exciting and boundary pushing is shrinking all the time.
I think now there is a pressure for fans too, and it’s a pressure to always be consuming the current trend. This has been directly influenced by streaming and tiktok. We are seeing so much art as disposable, even the passion projects, and to me? It’s very sad to see. I wish people felt they had more time. The best work usually happens a good three years into something coming into existence, when themes etc have really had time to sit and simmer. We are veering towards all fast food and no lovingly made meals.
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