#we ran around pretending we were cutting people into quarters
short-wooloo · 11 months
I had a chat with my brother about the fight with the night troopers in ahsoka and he pointed something out to me
It's really stupid how the characters just avoid dismembering and/or decapitating the troopers, because that's how you're supposed to stop zombies, you go for the heads and/or render them immobile
"Ha ha zombie! I slashed you across the chest! What're you gonna do now? OW! FUCK! THEY'RE BITING ME!"
It's pretty obvious that going forward all disposable minion bad guys in SW will have to be droids because disney won't let up on their "no cutting people up" internal rule, because apparently we can't even hack apart the undead, but what's the point of zombies if you can't dismember them without a thought? Zombies remove the ethical concerns of mass slaughtering bad guy minions
Y'know say what you will about it, but Rey and Kylo vs the Praetorian guards actually felt brutal in the way lightsaber combat should be, people got thrown in an electric shredder, the top half of one guy's head was cut off, throats were slit, a lightsaber was shoved into someone's face, and when Rey/Kylo stabbed a guy they really drove the saber in, like rewatch it, you clearly see them putting effort to drive their sabers through the guards
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wosowrites · 1 year
Saving the Game (Erin Cuthbert x Reader)
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warnings: ⚠️injury, swearing, throwing up⚠️
a/n: I had to reimagine the the second leg of the quarter final so let’s pretend erin wasn’t injured and that the game didnt go to penalties. based off this request:
prompt: in which saving the game means injuring yourself during the champions league quarterfinal and erin takes care of you through your injury.
The champions league quarterfinal was a scary time. Emma had made it extremely clear that we could not concede. No ball should be behind Berger. And Chelsea thought they had it, until they didn't. A goal was scored by Vanessa Gilles in the 76 minute, equalizing the game on aggregate. It was a stressful ten minutes, and then out of nowhere, the ball was in Lyon's half.
Guro ran up the wing, speeding through the Lyon centerbacks. She switched the ball to Lauren James who outskilled Wendy Renard, leaving her Gilles and the keeper. LJ spotted Erin, making a run down the middle. The British woman cut the ball back into the space, Erin struck the ball, and it was behind Endler, and into the net.
You let out a scream, full of excitement as you jumped onto Erins back and kissed the top of her head. The fans has suspicions about a possible relationship between the both of you, but it wasn't confirmed.
The celebrations died down, 2-1, agrogate. 4 minutes left on the clock.
Thats where things went wrong. Lyon got hungry, and worried. They needed a goal more than anything. And that's when Chelsea panicked. As Lyon started their counter attack, you tracked back, positioning yourself in the midfield. You almost got the ball from Lindsey, but she faked you out. Magda and Kadeisha were alone. You tried to get back but Magda had no choice. She slid, clipping the corner of Lindsey's foot.
The American went flying, it wasn't a bad tackle, but she needed to sell it. Magda argued, but a penalty was awarded right away. You cursed yourself, wishing you would have gotten the ball.
"Hey. I know what you're thinking. Don't. Do not think anything bad about yourself. Ann-Kat's got this." Erin told you, discreetly putting her hand on the small of your back and giving you a closed lip smile.
Lindsey Horan put the ball down on the penalty spot and breathed in deeply. You positioned yourself in between Magda and Guro, ready to run into the box and clear the ball.
The referee blew her whistle, and the American ran towards the ball. Except she missed. The ball bounced off the crossbar and went flying back into play. You were quick to run into the box, Ann Kat yelling at you to position yourself on the far post. And thats what you did. Except suddenly, you were a bit in front the goal line, and the ball was coming flying in your direction. If you didn't move, it would slip into the night right between you and the post. So, as any footballer would do, you moved.
There was a three meter distance between yourself and the post, and you realized as you were already mid air that your jump to block the shot would end in only one way. Your head colliding with the post.
But it was too late, and you honestly didn't care. All you wanted was for your team to win this. So you took it. The feeling of the ball hitting your stomach and bouncing off hurt, but it was nothing compared to your head smashing into the lower part of the post.
Your screams filled the stadium and even though the ball was technically still in play, everyone had forgotten about it. Lyon and Chelsea players alike crowded around you. You saw double, no, triple as you lay on the floor. Blood clouded your vision as you groaned. You saw people being pushed to the side and then a face so familiar you could have smiled. Erin.
And then everything went black.
You woke up due to cold water falling on your face. You would have jumped up if it wasn’t for Erin’s hands on your chest pushing you down into the turf. "Don’t move. You probably have a serious concussion." she said, gently brushing strands of bloody hair off your forehead. "Why the water?" you groaned. "Sorry, couldn’t do anything with you passed out." the medic told you. "You saved the game y/n. It was incredible. Horrifying to watch by the way, when they showed the replay on the screen Jessie looked like she was gonna throw up." Erin laughed, trying to lighten the mood. You just smiled gently. "Okay, let’s get you off this field." the medic said.
A stretcher was now at your side and both men gently lifted you onto it, telling another medic to hold your head steady. You laid on the stretcher, looking up at the sky through the open stadium roof. You were a little confused when the stretcher lifted up and heard no kind of applause whatsoever. You looked around to see everyone shaking their hands in the air instead of clapping. Honestly, you were relived, you didn’t think your head would be able to take the loud noise. "Our fans are pretty amazing." you said gently. "Tell me about it." Erin laughed.
As they carried you off, you felt your eyes fluttering. You were struggling to stay awake, your body hurt, and you didn’t feel good. It was only when you got carried into the tunnel and when Erin left you as she couldn’t walk off the field that you told the medic to stop.
"Mark. Mark stop walking. I think i’m gonna-" you didn’t finish your sentence as you sat up and leaned over the edge, throwing up.
Throwing up was your biggest fear. You hated it. Hated the feeling, the taste, everything about it. It made you cry, and shake and just want to pass out every time you threw up. Your team didn’t know about this fear, and you wanted to keep it that way.
Your chest heaved up and down as you cried, whispering 'oh my god' multiple times. "Hey, hey. It’s okay. Don’t worry about it." Mark said, calmly. "I’ll get the janitor, bring her to the medical examiners room." He ordered.
You had always liked the medics, they were nice to you.
You laid down on your side, weeping silently. You were scared.
There was a moment in time that was a blur. You got transferred to a bed, another medic gave you a bucket and changed the bandages on your head. He stabilized your neck and then had to do a few examinations on you. It was clear off the bat that you were seriously concussed.
You ended up falling asleep on the bed, tears had made your cheeks wet, and you were so tired your heart hurt.
You woke up an hour later, disoriented, in pain, and wanting your girlfriend by your side. And surely enough, that’s where she was. You noticed her as you turned your head gently, her eyes were closed and she was leaning back on the chair. Well, she was the one you noticed first, it was only a few seconds later that you saw everybody else. Magda, P, Keish and Jessie were squeezed onto the sofa, all of them asleep. Some girls were on the floor, others on stools, and all of them were there with you.
An hour earlier.
The Chelsea girls were extatic about their win, but the fear and worry they felt for you overtook the joy. The second the whistle blew, Erin jogged into the tunnel, followed by Emma Hayes and a few of the girls who were on the bench.
She headed to the medical examiners room and knocked gently on the door. Mark opened it to see Emma, Emily and Erin. "She’s asleep." he said, walking out of the room and closing the door. "And her head?" Emma said, worried. "She’s seriously concussed. Out for about a month I’d say."
Emma groaned loudly, the sound of her frustration filling the room along with the sound of the Chelsea girls coming into the tunnel. "Ill tell the girls, Erin. Go sit with her." Emma told the scottish midfielder.
Erin nodded and thanked Emma, opening the door to the room and seeing your figure on the bed in the corner. She pulled up a chair and sat next to you, noticing the wetness of your cheeks. She gently wiped the cold tears away with her palm, kissing your forehead and then sitting down.
Only ten minutes later, Erin heard the door open and quietly, the team poured in. "You guys don’t need to be here, it’s okay." Erin whispered. "She’s our teammate, and we would still be out there playing if it wasn’t for her." Magda said, earning quiet agreements from the team. "And you’re our teammate, and we’re not going anywhere until she wakes up." Sam added.
The girls settled into the room, all looking at you, who looked oddly peaceful.
Current time.
"Erin," you whispered, sitting up and shaking her gently.
She jumped up quickly, suddenly on her feet as you gave her wide eyes. "It’s okay. It’s all good, I’m good. Sit down." you said, smiling at her lightly.
She didn’t though, not yet. Instead she brought you in for a tight hug and didn’t let go. "Your head… the way it bent. It’s not- it was terrifying." she said to you, burying her head in your hair. "Shh, I’m okay baby," you said to her, rubbing circles on her back.
People were starting to wake up and stand up, but you kept your attention on Erin. She pulled away and cupped your jaw, kissing you a few times before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Never do that again," Ann- Kat said to you. "It’s my job to do crazy dives." she added, making you laugh. "And we would have won in a PK shootout. This is is us…" Sam said.
"This is Chelsea." The whole room said softly.
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acanvasofabillionsuns · 8 months
tell a lie
there's also a sibling fic based off the same basic idea, that you can read here! (or they're in a series together on ao3, if that's more your speed)
Summary: Virgil and Janus have been friends for years. They meet Remus, Janus's soulmate, and the two start dating. But where does that leave Virgil, who finds himself tongue-tied around both of them? Warnings: none! Wordcount: 2.1k
“Oh my god, I hate you!” Virgil laughed. “I hate you so much, why are we even friends?”
“I’m sure I don’t know; you’re clearly insufferable and spending another minute in your presence is a nightmare come true,” Janus told him, grinning. Virgil was slightly embarrassed at how he was practically beaming at him, but he was still laughing too hard to do anything about it.
“C’mon, loser, we’re going to be late for class.” Virgil elbowed him and then started sprinting down the halls. “Last one there’s a rotten egg!”
“Shame your headstart won’t help you any!”
Most days, Virgil didn’t want to go to school. Going to school meant getting up way too early to go to a place that offered him terrible food and knowledge presented in the worst format available, when he could stay in his bed and get some rest instead. But he liked a few of his teachers, and having an excuse to see his friends was nice, and he was legally obligated to go, so five days out of seven he dragged himself out of bed to go to school.
Some days, though, were days he Did Not Want To Go To School. The thought made him want to cry, and it felt like something Bad was going to happen, even though usually he had no evidence to back this feeling up and if he actually went to school then it almost always ended up being business as usual. Those days happened maybe once or twice a quarter, and he could weasel his way out of going to school on those days about half the time.
Today he was not successful.
Virgil dropped into his chair and flopped forward, arms cushioning his head so that he could be semi-comfortable as he tried his best to go back to sleep and pretend he wasn’t here. He pulled up his hood to hopefully increase his don’t-talk-to-me aura, and either it worked or no one had been planning on talking to him anyway.
He made his way through most of his classes uneventfully. He and Janus shared 4th period, and his company cheered Virgil up enough that he was able to mostly ignore the fact that he was at school. 
Then came lunchtime, and that meant seeing Remus for the first time today. Which was a thing he’d been looking forward to, up until Remus looked at him and asked, “Whoa, are you okay?”
“I—” I’m fine, he tried to say, but the words formed a lump in his throat and suddenly he was struggling not to cry as he said, “I’ve gotta go,” and darted away.
He made his way towards the nearest bathroom, until he realized that’d be the first place they looked for him and also ran a higher risk of being walked in on. He went to the one on the other side of the school instead. It was thankfully empty, and Virgil slumped against the wall and started to cry.
Why hadn’t he been able to say he was fine? He wasn’t, but that never stopped him from saying he was. Unless— 
“Oh my gosh,” Virgil breathed. “Ohhhhhhh no. Ohhhhhhhhhh no, this isn’t real, this isn’t happening, people only have one soulmate and so why would the universe give Remus two—” He cut himself off as he realized Janus had been there too. Janus, who was also Remus’s soulmate, and if Remus was, apparently, Virgil’s soulmate, then that could very well mean Virgil and Janus were soulmates too.
But they’d been able to lie to each other before? But if they weren’t soulmates, that circles back to the question of why Remus has two and they weren’t soulmates as well.
Virgil wiped his face off, pulled out his phone, and distracted himself from his crisis by researching multiple soulmates.
By the time the bell rang, he’d learned that people with multiple soulmates were uncommon but definitely a thing, and that the “can’t lie to your soulmate” thing didn’t kick in until you’d met all of them. Which meant there was a pretty good chance he and Janus were soulmates.
“Well, dammit.”
He had class with both of them this period, and they’d definitely want to know why he’d left so abruptly. And they’d already started dating and got along like a house on fire, so he couldn’t just tell them he was Remus’s soulmate and possibly Janus’s too. The only option, Virgil decided, was to skip school for the rest of the day, tell them tomorrow that he’d felt sick (he does, though more from nerves than anything), and then never bring up the soulmate thing to them ever.
Before his brain could come up with a million different ways the plan could and would go wrong, he slung his backpack over his shoulder and left the school.
Virgil ended up in the park only a few blocks away, sitting on the empty swing set. For as much as he usually begrudged his shortness, right now it meant that if he kind of angled himself on the seat he could dangle one leg and kick it idly — he didn’t actually want to swing, anxiety sure that he was too big and would break it, but he also needed to move a little bit or his jitters would drive him mad.
He didn’t— He just—
Virgil liked them both, and he knew they probably wouldn’t hate him if he told them everything, but still. Janus had been his friend for longer, and so was more likely to still be his friend, but Virgil also had more to lose. He hasn’t known Remus that long, so there’s less of a stake in that sense, but that went both ways. What if Remus decided that he didn’t care enough to keep bothering with Virgil? It was too early on for Virgil to be able to dismiss that possibility like with Janus.
Virgil used his ground foot to kick the mulch. Stupid anxiety making him freak out. Who was to say they wouldn’t welcome him as their soulmate with open arms!! No one said that! There were no indicators!
Unless he was just too dumb to see them— and there was his anxiety again.
Vulnerability was scary. And being soulmates was one of the biggest vulnerabilities of all. You couldn’t lie to each other! You knew each other inside and out, because there was no way you couldn’t, not unless you rejected each other. And either concept was terrifying. The mortifying ordeal of being known or the abject terror of being rejected? No thanks!
There was no way Virgil could just tell them about this. He knew himself, and he knew he’d chicken out a thousand times before he’d be able to make himself do it.
His phone dinged.
banana snake: virgil? you’re not in class; are you okay?
THE KRAKEN: r u skipping?? 👀
THE KRAKEN: where r u we’ll join
Virgil huffed a laugh, grounding himself a bit as he did so… Ah.
He’d been just kind of unintentionally, lowkey, having an anxiety attack.
That was fun.
xangstxlordx: so i might be
xangstxlordx: uh
xangstxlordx: living up to my gc name in the park
xangstxlordx: 😎👎
banana snake: eta 7 minutes, remus is already fake throwing up
banana snake: or not fake wtf man
banana snake: well, eta 5 minutes then
Virgil laughed again, wiping at the tears he could feel forming.
They were coming here. He had to face them.
But. They’d also immediately skipped class for him and he hadn’t even asked.
Remus threw up to come to help him, Virgil thought, laughing incredulously. And then focused on actually breathing, because he hadn’t been doing a great job at that lately.
“Virgil!” Virgil turned and made eye contact with Janus as he ran over and crouched in front of him, hovering his hand over Virgil’s hesitantly. “Touch okay?”
Virgil wordlessly grabbed him in a hug.
“Oh.” Janus squeezed back, and Virgil felt warmth drape across his back as Remus hugged him from behind.
Virgil breathed shakily, trying not to cry even as the touch calmed him. Janus started quietly counting and Virgil teared up so violently he had to swallow down a sob. He focused on following the counts, trying not to think, and eventually he felt stable enough to actually talk to his soulmates friends.
“Do you guys want to move to a bench or something because I’m getting kind of uncomfortable and I’m sure it’s worse for you.”
Virgil felt the weight behind him shift as Remus threw back his head and cackled. Janus simply smirked, and Virgil could read the mix of amusement with affection and concern in his expression.
“Sure!” Remus cried, and hoisted Virgil out of the swing.
“Remus!” Virgil squawked and clung to him. “Dude!”
“We’re moving to a bench like you asked!” Remus’s tone was innocent, but his face held far too much glee to make anyone think he didn’t know exactly what he was doing.
Virgil looked over to Janus, trailing behind them, for help. Janus raised an eyebrow.
“We are moving to a bench.”
Virgil pouted dramatically, clinging tighter to Remus’s neck in lieu of being able to cross his arms.
You both suck—
His lightheartedness popped like a bubble.
Right. Soulmates.
“Virgil?” Remus looked down, sensing the change in atmosphere. “I can put you down if it really bothers you.”
“No, that’s not it,” Virgil muttered. His shoulders hunched up around his ears.
Remus carried him the rest of the way to the bench in silence, setting him down gently. Virgil curled up into a ball. Janus and Remus sat on either side of him, and he could feel them trade concerned looks.
If he spoke now, he could control the conversation. He could stay silent, but Janus would prompt him to speak eventually. Virgil could deflect until the end of time and Janus would still wring the truth out of him, even without being soulmates. Remus was probably similar, if he was anything like the two of them.
If he spoke now, he could control the conversation, so—
“Have you guys heard of people having more than one soulmate?” he asked quietly, forcing the words out of his mouth. He focused his gaze on his knees, only peeking at the others from the very corners of his peripherals.
“No…” Janus said, tilting his head in an encouraging manner.
“I have, actually! My brother’s got a couple.”
“How does it work?” Janus directed the question to Remus, and Virgil was ridiculously grateful that he didn’t have to explain more.
“Like any relationship, I guess. Lots of communication, spending time together, making sure partners don’t feel neglected, more physical aspects.” Remus’s voice lowered suggestively and Janus gave a little scoff. “And, y’know, since they’re all soulmates, they can’t lie to each other. Multiple soulmates are really cool, actually! The lying part doesn’t activate until they’ve all met each other! So Ro’s soulmates had actually known each other for a couple months before they met him and realized they were all soulmates.”
Janus hummed thoughtfully. Virgil’s stomach did a few flips and jumping jacks, maybe a pushup or two, as he waited for Janus to speak. He glanced over at him, locking in place when he realized Janus was staring at him consideringly.
Did he… get it?
(Would Virgil have to say it out loud?)
“Or…” Janus said, quiet and achingly slow, still making direct eye contact. Virgil couldn’t breathe. “It could even be years before they figure it out, if it took long enough for everyone to meet.”
“Could be,” Virgil whispered. Janus reached out, slowly, for his hand. Virgil offered it up, staring with bated breath as Janus squeezed it like he was trying to meld their hands together. Reassurance.
“Well, then,” Janus said, still quiet. He didn’t seem like he knew what to say after that, but Virgil took it for the acceptance it was and gave a relieved sigh, leaning against Janus’s side and squeezing his hand back.
“I can’t believe I get to rub in Roro’s face that my two soulmates are better than his two soulmates,” Remus commented, and Virgil burst into surprised laughter.
“Whaaat?!” Remus complained. “It’s true, isn’t it? And it cheered Virgil up so you can’t be mad at me!” He crossed his arms with a dramatic hmph! Janus rolled his eyes but didn’t refute it.
Virgil was grinning so widely his face was sure to start hurting if he kept it up. Tucked between his two soulmates — his! two! soulmates! — he couldn’t bring himself to care.
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lost-technology · 10 months
Young Guns
I was doing some file-backups from fanfiction . net and re-discovered a goofy little fic I did back in 2002. I present it unedited. Comedy / Fluff. Set in the 1998 anime. NOT A PAIRING FIC despite the brothers' use of childish taunts that might be seen that way by people who've never been around kids. Little Vash and Little Knives, '98 versions, having their very first (water) gunfight!
Young Guns
The blond figure stared down the barrel of the silver revolver, watching the sunlight glint off its edges. His body trembled as he fired off a single shot; his ears met a moment later by a piercing scream.
"You…shot me!"
Knives raised his own gun, smiling sinisterly. "Your turn!"
Vash ran, ducking behind the wide trunk of a mature apple tree to avoid the spray of water. The twins were stripped to the waist, their long hair tied back. The boys had snuck out to the Recreation Room early in the ship's artificial morning to play. Knives took charge, forming the day's battle plan. He said it would be best for he and Vash to strip down to their shorts so they wouldn't get too wet, and that their hair would get in the way of their vision if they didn't tie it back.
So, yawning, they clambered out of their bed and tiptoed to the bathroom of the chamber they shared with Rem. They hopped up on the sink, staring at their nearly identical Gemini reflections in the large vanity mirror. Knives gathered Vash's long hair gingerly in his small hands, brushing the long locks gently, binding it in a ponytail with one of their guardian's scrunchies. The twins turned around on the sink and Vash started brushing Knives' hair.
"Rem says we need a haircut," Vash said. "Do you think it will hurt?"
"No, I don't think so," Knives replied. "Remember what she told us? Hair doesn't have any nerves in it or anything, so it doesn't feel bein' cut."
The twins slid down from the sink and took their new toys from their shorts pockets. They opened up the empty compartments and turned on the sink faucet, filling them up carefully.
"Don't splash so much," Vash whispered, "we don't want to leave a mess, and we don't want to wake her up."
Gently turning off the bathroom light, the boys crept back into the main bed quarters and toward the door to the main corridor. Vash stopped, staring.
"Come on!" Knives coaxed, what are you waiting for?
"Are you sure it's alright?" Vash asked, his gaze fixed on the larger of two beds in the room. Rem stirred in her sleep, her left hand grabbing at the thin blanket covering her body, her long dark hair streaming out beside her like a black river. Her eyelids fluttered and she mumbled, lost in a deep dream.
"Don't worry, Vash." Knives soothed. "Joey said it's nothing like what went on in their world, that it's all just fun. It's just pretend. He said she should lighten up."
That was a strange thing, to Vash's memory. It was usually Rem who told the rest of the crew to lighten up. Rem did not like guns, and was adamant about it. Vash fingered the squirt pistol in his right hand, feeling like he was betraying her, though she probably wouldn't object to his and Knives' simple fun, even with Joey's martial gifts. She had voiced concern when the captain had given the water guns to them, for she did not want her boys to learn violence. She said that people should never forget the original purpose for guns – even models, non-functional decorative firearms, and toys. Guns were originally weapons. Guns were destructive.
Though, Vash and Knives' new toys were nothing like the firearms that the crew was required to keep. Rem had a gun, though the twins had never seen her carry it, locked away in a small safe to which only she knew the combination. The SEEDS crew guns were very sophisticated, laser-guided, things that even a novice gunman could fire with perfect accuracy. The twins' squirters were patterned after primitive revolvers used in the Ancient American West.
"Aaaaayaaaah!" Vash yelped, jumping as a frigid sensation hit his back.
"Yahahahahaa!" Knives laughed, speeding off to avoid Vash's watery vengeance.
The boys chased each other past a hedge of bushes, frightening a small deer from her resting spot. Knives spun around and fired a stream of cold clear liquid at Vash, who dodged, the water harmlessly splattering on the ground.
"Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me!" he chimed.
"Hah! We'll see!" Knives hissed through gritted teeth.
"Aaaaaaaaah! No fair! No fair! You put ice in yours, when I wasn't looking, didn't you, Knives?"
"So what if I did? The expressions on your face…hahahaha!"
"Grrrr. Take that!"
"Aaaaaaaah! I'm wet now! I can't believe you got me again!"
"Right in the face, too! Hahahhahahaaaa! You look so silly, Knives!"
"Vash? I got an idea."
Knives stood still, his partially wetted hair dripping on the grass where the strands were soaked, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. He held his gun down, aimed harmlessly at the ground.
"What kind of idea?" Vash inquired, holding his own weapon down as well - A silent truce, for the moment.
"You know those stories we've been reading?" Knives said, "And those old video files we've been watching in the library? You know, the ones about the Ancient American West, with the cowboys and gunfighters and stuff… You want to play pretend?"
"Sure!" Vash excitedly cried. "But… who will we be? I wanna be Wyatt Earp!"
"No, no," said Knives, "I see you as more of a Jesse James or Billy the Kid… Okay, we are in a small town where I'm the sheriff and you are the outlaw whose been terrorizing it…"
"But I don't wanna be the outlaw!" Vash whined. "Why can't I be the sheriff?"
"Cause I wanna be the sheriff and I said so." Knives huffed. "Are you playing or not?"
"Okay, okay."
So, a dejected Vash stood several feet away from Knives, and the two began a little speech – a make-believe showdown.
Knives spit on the ground, pretending like he was chewing tobacco, and stood bowlegged. "So I finally found ya, ya dirty dog! Ya know, this town ain't big enough for the two of us."
Vash stood bowlegged as well. "Yer right, this town ain't big enough for the two of us. So, sheriff, are ya all talk or are ya gonna draw?"
The twins drew in perfect synchronization and fired. A plash of water landed on the already dew-damp grass beside Vash's feet. Vash's own shot landed home in the center of Knives' chest.
"Aaaaaauuuuuuugh! That's cold!"
"Hah, hah! I shot the sheriff! I shot the sheriff!" Vash laughed as he gleefully ran off over a hill, Knives coming as fast as he could after him. Roughly a minute later, Knives ran back in the other direction.
"Oh, no! The grenades! That's no fair, Vash! We were supposed to agree on when to use the grenades!"
A fat, water filled balloon hit Knives in the center of the back, sending him sprawling in the grass, soaked from head to toe. The day before, he and Vash had snuck into the medical bay and confiscated some un-powdered rubber gloves. Clandestinely, they filled them with water and made a stockpile behind a "secret bush" of theirs, a stock of "grenades" for today's secret battle.
Before Knives could get up, another plump glove sailed for him, exploding on his head and soaking his hair thoroughly. Vash came running up the hill, two more bombs in his hands, ready to "finish off" his opponent.
The twins both paused when the Recreation Room's door opened. Rowan stepped in, in full uniform, sipping a cup of coffee.
"Hey…" he asked, "What are you two doing up so early?"
"Just playing, sir." Vash chimed, setting down his water balloons and helping Knives up. Knives brushed the grass off his shorts and wet skin. Bits of green clung stubbornly to his hair.
Rowan shook his head. "So much for spending some time alone before shift… come on, boys, we need to get you cleaned up and in fresh clothes. Rem will be furious with me if I let you catch a cold."
Knives sneezed and shivered, as did Vash. They were both thoroughly wet.
A panicked cry sounded from Rowan's communication badge. "My boys! Where are they? Vaaaaash! Knives!"
"It's all right, Rem, they're just in here."
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katb357 · 2 years
14. Hogan's Heroes AU: Beware of Shiny Rocks (Reader’s Digest Version)
A/N: This is a condensation of a multi chapter story I have been working on for a while. I just thought it would be fun to present the concept here to see what people thought. Thank you Xav for finishing it with me!
Colonel Robert Hogan stared at himself in the cracked mirror which hung in his quarters. He shook his head in disgust. He was getting too old for this. He thought about his situation as he shaved. He had been in charge at Stalag 13 for a long time…he chuckled. Of course, that’s not how the Germans would look at it…but, there it was. And he was tired. He glanced heavenward. “God, I really am tired, y’know. We could all use a break around here.”
He stared down at the latest message from London. It was a request for yet another mission. Another miracle he was supposed to pull out of his hat. What worried him was that his men were also tired. They had all been on short rations for a while now, since the war was not going well for the Germans. On one hand, the fact that the Allies were winning was a great thing, obviously. But the reality of it was that there were less and less supplies and food available to Hogan and the other prisoners as German supply lines were cut. And it was telling on all of them. London had only one answer… “Soldier on, and get the job done.”
It was not that he expected anything else from HQ. It was just disheartening to watch his men suffer. And they would not appreciate his coddling them, or reminding them. They knew as well as he did that this is what they had signed on for. But it did not make it any easier. And it made him angry. Perhaps this would explain his mood as he pulled on his bomber jacket and crush cap. Robert Hogan was in a funk.
He sighed deeply and stepped out into the main room of the barracks. The weather had been cold, so his men were bundled up as well as they could. There was a small fire in the old wood stove, but they had to conserve the little wood they had, and so the room was still cold.
LeBeau sensed his mood and silently handed him a cup of coffee. He sat down at the table, cupping the mug in his hands to warm them. Even the normally ebullient Carter was lying silently in his bunk. Only Newkirk, seemingly impervious to the privations, was the same as always. Across from Hogan, he sat and shuffled his cards, smoking another in an endless chain of cigarettes. He managed to keep a steady supply, because cigarettes were the currency used in the poker games he ran in camp.
Hogan glanced around the room and noted that it was very quiet. No one had much energy, and he began to wish that something unusual would happen to pull them all out of their melancholy mood. He sighed and stood. “I’m gonna go for a walk. The sun is trying to come out, and I need some air.” With that, he left the barracks and began to trek across the camp, aiming for the area behind the rows of barracks. It was a bit of a hike, and he hoped the clear and bitter air would help clear his head.
What he had not realized was that one should always be careful what one wished for. One might just get it. And that is precisely what happened. As he reached the deserted parade grounds, he slowed his pace, and meandered through the thin layer of snow. He enjoyed this, because Klink never required parades, and since they assembled for roll call in the square toward the front of the camp, this area was disused and pristine in the morning light. If he stood in a certain spot, he could close his eyes and pretend that he was home…at least for a few minutes.
This time, a bright, shiny object in the snow caught his eye. He reached down and picked it up. It was a small, oddly shaped rock, of a color and composition he was not familiar with. It was pitted, scored, and black, yet shiny. He smiled. Well, he could always use a good luck charm, especially in this place. He dropped the rock into his pocket and promptly forgot all about it.
Early the next morning, the men were startled by a hoarse, high-pitched cry coming from Hogan’s quarters. LeBeau was the only one up, so he was the first one to reach Hogan’s door, although the others were not far behind him. He knocked urgently, and called, “Colonel, are you alright?”
There was no answer. Concerned, he started to open the door. He stopped when Hogan called out, “No, don’t come in. I’m fine. Just…stay out.” His voice sounded odd, like it was strained or something.
The men looked at each other in confusion. Kinch was not one to accept any situation at face value. He knew there was something wrong. He motioned the others back, and knocked again, this time more softly. Calmly, he asked, “it’s me, Colonel. What is it?”
There was silence for a long moment, and Kinch thought there would be no answer, but eventually one came. “Come in, Kinch. But just you. Nobody else.”
Kinch was confused but was not about to argue. “Sure, Colonel. Just me.” He turned quickly to exchange worried glances with the others. He then opened the door a crack and slipped inside. The others, who had crept back to the door, were shocked at Kinch’s next words. “Colonel! What the hell happened to you?”
They were equally shocked at the anguished reply. “How the hell should I know?”
Kinch stared at the bunk, unable to believe his eyes. “Colonel?” The scruffy teenage boy sitting there stared ruefully back at him. “It’s me. Not sure what happened, but I woke up like this.”
He was wearing the Colonel’s bathrobe, but it was now much too big for him. The boy Hogan was much slighter and shorter than his adult counterpart. He had apparently abandoned the shorts and t-shirt he had slept in…obviously, they no longer fit.
Kinch shook his head, trying to make sense of the situation, and Hogan seemed to realize it. “Don’t bother. I don’t think there is a plausible explanation.”
Kinch frowned. “No, there has to be. Because everything else is exactly the same. So, something happened in here…just to you. No matter how weird it is, it happened.”
Mockingly, Hogan replied “You mean that line from Sherlock Holmes? The one about the improbable and the truth? Yeah, I kinda thought about that.”
Kinch couldn’t help but chuckle. The boy did not look exactly like his commander at the moment, but he certainly spoke like him, even if his voice was an octave higher.
“Now we just have to find out exactly what happened, and how to fix it.” He eyed the boy critically. “You can’t run around like that all day. Hang on.”
Kinch went around to the various men in the barracks and collected clothes and boots he thought would fit the colonel. The men were mystified by his requests, but he promised them an eventual explanation. He returned to Hogan’s office with the clothes.
He handed the pile of clothing to Hogan and dropped the boots onto the floor. “Here, get dressed. I did the best I could. You might wanna hurry, because we have roll call in less than—” He broke off, suddenly realizing they had a major problem.
Hogan grinned. “Yeah. You got it. I knew you would.”
He finished putting on the borrowed clothing, most of which fit fairly decently… except Olsen’s pants, though the right length, sagged on him. At least that was easily fixed. Kinch looked at his commander and said. “I have an extra belt…somebody left it awhile back. Be right back.”
He made his way to his footlocker, and pulled out the belt. He went back into the office, amid a flood of questioning looks, but he chose not to answer this time. The men would see for themselves soon enough.
He and Hogan cut down the belt and punched an extra hole in it. After he had put it on and cinched it, he stood up and asked, “Well?”
Kinch nodded. “It’ll do. You look okay.” He paused. “Ready to face the gang?”
Hogan shook his head. “Not yet. Give me a minute.”
He stepped over to the mirror and studied his reflection carefully. He looked exactly as he had when he was thirteen. For a moment, he appreciated the irony. Yesterday, he had felt so old looking into this mirror. And now? Now, he was a kid. He studied his features. They were as he remembered them…dark, short hair, a narrow face, and brown eyes. Eyes that reflected his question…What the hell?
Kinch touched his arm, and Hogan took a deep breath. Though the bomber jacket was much too big for him, he pulled it on anyway. His crush cap, likewise, no longer fit, but he pushed it onto the back of his head, at a rakish angle. He had to have something to ground him…something familiar to hold onto. Otherwise, this nightmare just might sweep him away for good.
He straightened himself to his full height and glanced over at Kinch, who now seemed taller and more imposing than ever. Hogan reckoned he had lost at least four or five inches. He was taller than LeBeau, easily, but shorter than Newkirk.  He sighed, and looked at his second.
“Let’s go.” And he opened his door and stepped out into the barracks.
There was sudden dead silence as they took in his appearance. Though they might have been forgiven if they hadn’t recognized him, no one had that problem.
As usual, Newkirk was not silent for long. “Blimey, guv! What happened to you?”
And Carter piped up immediately. “Maybe it was one of those secret German experiments, you know. I’ve been reading about them, and although I haven’t read about any age experiments, I bet that’s what happened. Did you see anybody come—“ He broke off at the baleful stares from his barracks mates.
Hogan fixed Carter with as stern a look as he could muster. “Carter…can it.” The tech sergeant nodded silently and sat back down at the table.
Just then, they heard Schultz‘s voice hollering for them. “Raus, raus, roll call, boys!” He would be in the door in the next thirty seconds. Hogan made a dive for his quarters and got the door shut just in time. The front door flew open, and a new, very strange day began in Stalag 13.
Roll call was dicey that morning, because they were not prepared for Hogan not to appear. After the shock they had all received it was a bit hard to think on their feet, but to their credit, they did it. “He’s sick, Schultzie.” Newkirk pushed the big guard out the door. “Very sick. Wilson said ‘es got a very severe case of collywobbles”
“Collywo—what? Was ist das?”
Carter smiled helpfully. “Montezuma’s revenge.”
Schultz looked even more confused. “Who is Montezuma? Please boys! Where is Colonel Hogan?”
Kinch rolled his eyes. “It’s all right, Schultz. Colonel Hogan just ate something that disagreed with him, and it made him sick, that’s all. He should be up and around by this evening.”
“Nein! You know I must account for all prisoners personally!” He reversed direction and pushed open the Colonel’s door before anyone could stop him. The men all braced themselves for the inevitable, but apparently Hogan had been listening at the door. When the door flew open, he was burrowed under his blanket, with his bathrobe pulled around him. He faced the wall and was snoring loudly.
Predictably, Shultz softened and backed off immediately. “He is really sick, then?”
LeBeau immediately took over. Shooing them all out, “He will not get any better if you keep disturbing him. I will take care of him, and he will be fine.”
They all headed out to roll call. Fortunately, Klink seemed disinclined to linger this morning, and so the men were back inside the barracks within half an hour.
Kinch knocked on Hogan’s door. “Come.”
Kinch came in and sat down in the chair as Hogan sat up and faced him. “Now what do we do, Kinch? I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out how this happened. I got nothing.”
Kinch sighed. “Okay, but more importantly, how do we deal with it until you change back, and what if you don’t change back?”
Hogan flinched. That was the question that he’d been avoiding. He was pretty sure he could avoid Klink for a few days till whatever had happened wore off, but what if it didn’t?
Baker came upstairs from the radio and knocked on Hogan’s office door. He had a feeling the colonel was not going to be happy about the message he was about to deliver. He wished Kinch had taken it. At least then Kinch would have been in the line of fire and not him.
“Come in.” Hogan cleared his throat and said it again, trying to pitch his voice lower. If he could just get back to his proper age, he would never complain about it again.
“Sorry to interrupt, Sir, but London has an urgent mission for us.” He handed over the green message sheet.
Hogan grimaced as he took the sheet and studied it. The mission would normally have been a walk in the park, but with Hogan in his current condition, that threw a monkey wrench into the entire operation. They were to infiltrate a local bomb making factory and take it out, while stealing the plans for the bombs they manufactured at the same time. It was a big job, and they would need all hands on deck… including Hogan’s. And they wanted it done tonight!
He looked up from the papers. “I can’t do it. Not like this!”
Kinch was thoughtful. “Maybe we can figure something out, sir. Why don’t we have a general meeting of the core team and at least talk it over? I can always radio London if we can’t take the mission.”
“But it’s crucial or they wouldn’t be asking us to do it. We have to figure out a way to make it work.” Hogan shook his head. “I can’t even leave the barracks like this. There are too many things that could go wrong.” He threw up his hands. “I mean, what if the changes aren’t done--I could wake up even younger tomorrow!” He sighed heavily. “All right… general meeting it is. Get the core team together.”
Andrew was standing near the stove, smoking as they gathered around the table. One thing Hogan noticed was he tended to get cold easily. He’d sat down at the table, but forgotten his jacket. He noticed Andrew was closest to his quarters.
“Carter, can you hand me my jacket?”
“Sure, Colonel.” Andrew went and got the jacket, which was lying on Hogan’s bunk. A shiny black rock fell out of one of the pockets of the jacket and Carter picked it up. He started to put it back, but the composition of the rock fascinated him. He realized it was a small piece of a meteorite. He’d once seen one in a museum. He stuck it in his pocket to examine more closely later. He also made a mental note to ask the colonel if he could borrow it for a while. Then he took the jacket to the colonel, and in the process of getting involved with the discussion about the mission, he forgot all about the rock in his pocket.
They hammered out the particulars of the mission, who would handle what aspect and how Hogan would be smuggled out of camp. It was decided that Andrew would take point, since bombs were his specialty. Hogan’s part was to get to the plans in the office, as they figured he was smaller and quicker now than the rest of them. He wore a spare set of blacks that Olsen loaned him. Much to the relief of all involved, the mission went off like clockwork, and no one was hurt. And Hogan did not change during the mission, nor when he got back to the barracks. Newkirk kidded Hogan on their way home that they were sorry they had kept him up past his bedtime. The look he got in return told them all that Newkirk was flirting with disaster if he kept it up. They all changed their clothes in the tunnel and went to bed, with no idea what the morning would bring.
Carter woke up in the middle of the night and remembered the meteorite. He headed down to his lab to run some tests on it. He left it in a beaker on his lab table. After an hour or so, he got tired, and decided to call it a night. On the way back up to his bunk, he stretched his tired muscles. Man, I must be gettin’ old. He climbed into his bunk and practically passed out, he was so tired.
An hour before roll call Newkirk woke up to some strange noises coming from Andrew’s bunk below him. He leaned his head over the edge and his eyes widened in shock. Oblivious to the sleeping men in the room, he hollered, “Guv, I think we got a problem!” at the top of his lungs.
The “problem” stared back at Newkirk and around himself in bewilderment.
Hogan came running out of his room. The clothes he’d gone to bed in were too tight now, as he was back to his old self, and he’d sprung some holes in the seams because of it. “What’s wrong?” he asked, and then he saw for himself. In Carter’s bunk was a little blond kid. Not a teen, but a toddler, no more than two or three years old.
Schultz, no doubt summoned by Newkirk’s shout, came tromping into the barracks. He took one look at the jug-eared kid in Carter’s bunk and wagged his head in disbelief. “I know nothing! I see nothing!” and then scurried away.
Andrew Carter simply sat in the middle of his pile of clothes and his blanket and giggled.
The End
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September 24th, 2022
I cut my own hair again. 
The act itself is always so disgusting and ravenous. The thick chomping sound as my pink child’s scissors slice sideways, then vertical, into my mousy brown locks. Me, dead in the eyes, grabbing at random tufts with my fast-moving hands that are both quivering and damp. My cuts are always much shorter than I intend, as evenness is never achieved in the beginning if at all. 
The first time I cut my own hair I was in college.
Four times a week I served bagels and bubble tea at Milky Way Tea and Pastry. We were two blocks west of campus and the café was a converted garage made of painted white brick. I found the place sad and sweet and therefore full of romance. My boss Kyhunghee would scream and scold me in Korean for reasons varying in severity like being late or leaving the place unlocked overnight. Kyunghee’s mouth went wider than a cartoon snake’s when she was stern or stressed. I was the only student employed who wasn’t Korean. All the girls said Kyunghee was scary. I loved watching her long mouth when she was pissed at me, or her alive black eyes as she growled, stomped her feet, then pointed at my untied shoe and tangled hair. It was a privilege watching someone so passionate in their frustrations, direct fierce anger at me and not get hurt one bit. I had no idea what she was yelling but I knew she was displeased. Korean sounded like getting hit by uncooked alphabet pasta coming out of a tennis ball machine, absurd and stingy. She was immersive theatre and this was not a reprimand. Despite her frustrations towards my lack of aptitude, Kyunghee liked me because I was pretty and white, and always in a good mood. Putting on a show, I was a ham for them. When business was slow, I would drop to the ground like a deflated puppet, writhing in pain as I accused a coworker of pushing me to the ground. “Workers’ comp!” I’d shout. I would pretend to sob when we ran out of lettuce and stroke tomatoes goodbye before I cut them open. Every quarter of the hour, I liked to dance.  
 I worked mostly mornings, arriving at 6AM to put frozen bagels on a baking sheet the size of the screen door in my childhood home. I dipped their top half in hot water before a quick dip in poppyseed, everything, and salt. As a kid I liked to follow my mom around because she was tall, and people liked her. I also liked to stand in front of the mirror practicing shifting emotions. My mother adored me but also adored herself, as well as had to combat her irregular and common mood swings, so frequently I was told to get the fuck off her leg and go outside and play for fucks sake can she have one moment of peace god dammit. My favorite part about her at that age was watching her slap her slender and exposed legs when a neighbor or a family friend spoke. This is how you get people to like you, I noted, you exaggerate and hurt yourself.
Pushing through the screen door to our backyard, I often found myself pulling at the base of thick clumps of grass hoping to upheave their ivory roots along with the blades. I liked to play squatted down over a stump in our backyard, pinching wet mud and talking to myself.
“You’re going here today, we will have fun” I said to the clods of dirt before I smashed them onto the stump’s growth ring. “Here we go, hold on tight friend man”.
 Standing in front of the mirror in my 4-bedroom apartment I am 20 years old. I have not watered my plant for one week and today after work I found a debit card on the ground and without hesitating, scooped the blue plastic up and stuffed the card into my hoodie’s front pocket. I bought a kid’s meal at Qdoba with the stolen card before throwing the uneaten meal, as well as the card, into the trash near the library. Inside the library I had a cliff bar for dinner and looked for hot guys, planting myself near the spiral staircase on the second floor. I wrote about how The California Boy broke up with me again 5 days ago, but I had gone over there last night and sucked his dick before he made me go on top. I had felt full and stupid, rocking back and forth up there. I closed my laptop and left for my apartment, believing both everyone was watching me, and I was completely invisible, as they reeled at how unnoticeable I was.
 It was a Friday night. I had never cut my own hair before but when I looked into my own eyes, I realized I was attempting to put mascara on while brushing my teeth. I didn’t know how to slow down but I knew I wanted to look different.
Today was similar, except I’m better at cutting it now. 
0 notes
summerlovingbaby · 2 years
Traitor Part 14
“ You sure we got the right place?” Deku asked following Kirishima, Todoroki, Denki and Bakugou in the cafe. All their eyes were darting around and they seemed to be missing the glaring girl in the booth about 2 feet away from them.
The cafe was small and cute and quaint. It smelled like fresh coffee beans and freshly baked goods. Booths lined the walls and there were tables in the center, despite it being early in the morning, people were littered around the cafe, smiling and chatting. Almost all the booths were filled with bright happy people. 
But about 2 booths away, sat Y/N with sad droopy eyes, stirring her melted strawberry milkshake with a straw and picking at a half eaten muffin that she didn’t even try  to finish. Despite her droopy look, she was on and alert. Listening to every word of their conversation.
“ Yeah it is nerd, shut up. I need to concentrate.” Bakugou didn’t mean to shout, but he was being a bit stressed.
“ I told you she ditched the phone here to trick us and ran.” Todoroki muttered. 
“ Yeah, Y/N wouldn’t fall for something so..” Kirishima said spinning around, his eyes darted around the cafe, searching for her. She had to be there, she had to be. This was his last chance to help her to fix the problem that he helped create. “ She wouldn’t fall for something so simple. “ he muttered. “ She’s to clever for that.”
“ I say we cut our loses and go back to the dorm.” Denki suggested. “ It’s not to late to tell Aizawa, and ask for his help-”
A quarter whizzed past him, grazing his ear causing him to whip around. It was only then that he noticed her. She had a loose smile and was waving brightly, as if she were casually greeting old friends. A dime hit the back of Bakugou’s head. 
“ Hey, what the hel-” he turned around quickly and stopped in his tracks. He couldn’t believe his plan actually worked. But there she was looking him in his dumb looking face, smiling like she hasn’t a care in the world.
The group made there way to the booth, and all crammed themselves in the seat across from her. Looking at her like she was a alien, while she pretended to look at a menu, building up the courage to say something cool and edgy.
“ You guys want anything?” she asked. “ They have really good tater tots.” Y/N asked, not even bothering to look at them, pretending to stare at the menu.
“ You still like Strawberry milkshakes Kacchan?” The nickname stung like rubbing salt in a fresh wound. “ You like french fries those used to be your favorite Denki, you want some. On me of course.”
“Y/N.” Kirishima tried again.
Y/N ignored him and waved a overworked barista over. She had coffee stains all over her apron and her hair was frizzy and ragged, and she looked like she would rather be anywhere else.
“ Yes, my friends would like some fries please.” she stated, her voice overtly sweet and saturated like it was dunked in honey. “ Oh and a strawberry milkshake.” she finally took her eyes off the menu, and looked at Kirishima. Eyes filled with a word that he couldn’t quite place. “ And some tater tots, for my very special friend here.”
“ Is that all? “
“ Yes ma’am.”
The barista scurried away like a mouse, and they all sat in silence. The aura around them growing even more tense. Y/N ignored it, opting to be even more petty which she was exeptonally good at. Her eyes fell back to the menu.
“ Oh, did you guys want something to drink?” she feigned confusion. “ How inconsiderate of me-”
“ Y/N!” Kirishima shouted, he slammed his fists on the table. 
Y/N dropped the menu, and looked abit scared, or at least she pretended to be. Her phone buzzed and her hand hovered over it. She wouldn’t have picked it up, but she knew if she didn’t she would look afraid. And she couldn’t look afraid, she would show her hand. She looked at the screen of her phone and tried her best to contain a frown.
It was only then that Kirishima noticed her arm was freshly wrapped in a bandage.
“ What happened to your arm?” he asked. Denki shoulder checked him, to snap him back to reality. 
“ That’s not important.” she spoke. “ Whats important is-
“ Why are you working with the League.”
The air was chilly and cold, but despite the fact that Y/N had gained some of her body weight back, she was still always cold. She was wrapped in blankets and the radio was on. Playing something by Rex Orange County or of that sort.
Kirishima had just left to grab them a bite to eat. The window was open and the curtain was blowing causing the air to be a bit chilly. She didn’t even have to look she just got a feeling, and a bad one at that.
“ Why are you here?” 
“ Tch.... digusting.” a stone cold voice muttered. “ I think you should come work for me.” he stated.
“ And why would I do that? “ she asked. Despite her fragile state she still had a level of edge to her that wasn’t easy to fake. “ Give me one good reason not to call for help right now. “ She turned around.
She was talking to Chisaki. He was wearing his maroon mask, and trademark white gloves, with a simple glint of disgust in his eye.
“ I’ll help you with your father.”
“ Why?”
“ Blood doesn’t betray blood.” he snarked. “ He must be taken care of.”
“ And if I don’t work for you, you’ll do what? Kill me?” she looked pridefull and sat like she was the most powerful person in the room even though he could kill her quite easily. “ I dare you.” she snarled.
“ I won’t kill you for saying no. I was offering you something, a simple request is all.” he growled.
“ Oh?”
“ Would you like to work for me?” he asked again. He smiled, already knowing the awnser.
“ Yeah... yeah I would.”
“ I’m not working with the League” she stated.
two parts coming tomorrow
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nebulousfishgills · 3 years
In Reality
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Request by @nosfera1 : hiiiii is your request open? i was wondering if i could ask for an angsty wanda x fem!r fic where they've been in a relationship for a year and r is absolutely head over heels with her. r planned their anniversary date and during that dinner wanda confesses that she's only been dating r to move on from her previous relationship the whole time and cant carry it in her conscience anymore? make it reaaally really heart wrenching as possible please. thank youuuuu
Ah, thank you so much for sending in your request!! (Yes, requests are open lol). I'm always excited to recieve a new request, especially for a character I have yet to write for!
I hope I get this the way you want! ❤
Warnings: Angst, feels, fluff (but like, fake?)
"Wan, are you okay?" You asked, noticing your girlfriend looking a bit uncomfortable. Her hands were in her lap, her eyes staring at the table or the wall, and she seemed like she was zoning in and out. "Wanda?"
"What? Oh, yes, dear?" She asked, jerking up from looking at the muted paisley tablecloth.
"I was wondering if you were okay." You repeated.
"Yes, I'm alright, dear. Just a little tired is all." She said, showing her teeth in a smile that almost seemed forced. You chose to ignore it.
"I was going to say, but I didn't want to be rude." You said, chuckling.
"We've been together for a year, we can tell each other anything."
"I'm glad you feel that way."
The waiter brought your dishes not long after that, the thin veil of steam curling off the top of the Italian dishes you ordered. Your glasses were refilled and parmesan was grated on top of your meals.
You started nearly scarfing down your food, the wait having been a little too long without a breadstick refill. You watched Wanda gently cut through the meatballs on the top of her pasta, dividing them into quarters. The delicate movement entranced you for a moment, a bashful smile creeping onto your face.
To say you loved Wanda would be a severe understatement. The past year you had been together was the best year of your life. Before, you had been in a slump, everything seeming sad and dreary. You had been having a particularly bad day that day, as a matter of fact. You missed the bus in the morning, so you had to walk to work. Halfway through, it started raining buckets and you had no umbrella. You were lucky your boss was so understanding, else she would have reprimanded you for sure for being late. Still, the woman signed your paychecks; staying on her good side was in your best interest.
While pondering your latest excuse for being late to work again, it suddenly stopped raining.
No, someone was holding an umbrella over you.
That someone happened to be Wanda, offering her umbrella to you to shelter from the storm. You took one look at her and it was as if the color started to soak back into your previously grey world. Not only was this woman going out of her way to help you, she was beautiful as well.
Wanda held the umbrella over your head while you both walked to where you worked (she didn't mind in the slightest; she didn't have a set destination when she started walking). You told each other a few things about yourselves to pass the time. You were working at your current job until you could afford to move to a better part of the city. The apartment you lived in currently had a lot of small problems that would pop up every now and then that would take your savings. Your dishwasher had just broken and you needed to save up to get that replaced.
Wanda told you about things in her life, too. Her brother had died a few years ago in what she called a "tragic accident." Her last relationship had ended pretty suddenly more recently, so she took frequent walks to give herself something to do.
Suddenly your dishwashers woes seemed so nominal.
You arrived at the building you worked at and Wanda bid you goodbye. Though, not before passing you a small slip of paper with a few digits on it you recognized as a phone number. You went pink and walked into your office, sending a text to Wanda as soon as you sat down. You saw each other more frequently after that, going on your first date not long after.
And here Wanda was, sitting in front of you with her steaming pasta and quarter sliced meatballs. You ate your dinners in silence to start, the only noises between you two being the scratches of utensils on plates and quiet chewing.
After a few minutes, you noticed Wanda poking at her pasta with her fork. She hadn't eaten very much. Her chin rested on her other hand, the food on her plate starting to cool down.
"Wan, are you sure you're okay?" You asked. "You've barely eaten anything."
"I'm fine..." Wanda replied, letting out an exhale as if she were holding her breath. She put the fork down and rested her hand on the table.
"Wanda, it's okay. If something's bothering you, you can tell me." You said, resting your hand on top of hers. She took it, rolling your fingers in hers. She pulled her hand back and rested it in her lap, her other hand following suit. She took a breath.
"Y/N, can I tell you something?" She asked.
"Anything, Wan." You said. Wanda took in another breath and looked you in the eyes. That's how you knew she was getting dead serious with you.
"This isn't easy but... I can't keep holding it in. I can't do this anymore." She said.
"Can't do what?"
"This." She wagged her finger in between the two of you. Your breath hitched in your throat.
"What do you mean? You can't do--?" You asked, your voice cracking slightly.
"No, I can't." Wanda cut in. "Listen, Y/N, I'm telling you this now so I don't hurt you worse later on. I can't keep stringing you along."
"'Stringing me along?' Wanda, I don't understand. Don't you love me?"
"I... I... No. It's just..." Wanda bit her lip and averted her gaze from you.
"Just what? Something I did? What did I do, Wanda?"
"Nothing! You did nothing! It's not you, Y/N, it's just..."
"Wanda, are you joking? One year, Wanda! This is our one year anniversary and you're telling me this now??" You asked, the tears streaming down your face through your anger.
"I know, it's not ideal, but I couldn't find time to tell you before!"
"Couldn't? Or wouldn't? You're telling me you lied to me for a year, Wanda. Why?"
"Because I needed a distraction, okay? My last relationship ended badly and I was having a hard time getting over it. I thought you would... provide support until I could get back on my feet." Wanda admitted. Your face got hotter as the realization sunk in. Your voice got low as you continued speaking.
"You used me? You dated me to get over someone else? Is that all I was to you? Just a distraction? A plaything?" You growled.
"Y/N, you don't understand--"
"Oh, no, I understand plenty, Wanda." You stood up from your seat, throwing on your jacket and grabbing your handbag. You looked at the half empty water glass at your seat and picked it up. You examined the water inside for a moment, looking at Wanda over the rim. "I'd throw the water in your face right about now, but unlike you, I have standards on how people should be treated. Like a person with feelings and not something you use to play pretend with."
You downed the rest of the water and put the glass back on the table.
"Y/N--" Wanda said weakly, but you cut her off with a pinch of your fingers.
"Not another word, Wanda." You snapped, before turning around to walk away. "Don't even try to call me."
You burst out of the restaurant and sat down on one of the stone benches out front. You sent a quick text to your friend asking for a ride home, sending the address. Wanda had driven you here.
"What happened to your date?" Your friend asked.
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"Alright. I'm on my way."
You shut off your phone and stared up at the sky. Not a moment later, thunder rumbled above you and it started to rain.
You had no umbrella to cover you.
Finally, you allowed yourself to cry, your tears mixing with the rainwater that dripped onto your face. You let everything out, all the anger and sorrow until your throat went raw.
The headlights of your friend's car pierced through the wall of rain. You stood up and ran over, climbing inside of the heated car. You let out a sigh and leaned back against the seat.
"You okay?" Your friend asked. You didn't reply, just turned to look out the window, the raindrops gliding down it. As the car started pulling away, someone ran outside of the restaurant, screaming your name.
You looked at her as your friend pulled out of the parking lot. Wanda caught sight of you inside the car, watching you leave. You just stared back at her coldly as your friend whisked you away back home.
As soon as you got back to your apartment, you blocked Wanda's number and collapsed onto your sofa. Tears leaked down your face as you fell asleep.
Hope you enjoyed this, nosfera!
As always, requests are open, so send them in!
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
The Night Before: Possessive Levi smut 🔥
Warning! Angry sex, degradation, light bondage
This is technically a prequel to “Waking up with Levi”, a fluffy Levi oneshot; if you’re interested, you can find it here!
Tumblr media
Dear god please find me a man that looks at least a quarter as fine as this ^ pleaseeeeee
Art by @/lvovdcn on Twitter! 
Usually you weren’t the type for petty resentment and revenge. It was too childish and took more energy than you were usually willing to put in…  but usually you weren't this angry. And at Levi, at that.
Levi, your captain, scout leader, and...fuck buddy.
You mostly used each other for a physical distraction, something to keep your minds off the horrific things you saw each day and the people that you lost. You had both mutually agreed to keep it physical only, since having any sort of relationship would only result in distraction--something neither of you could afford.
But he made it hard. It was hard when he stroked your hair absentmindedly, or when he grumpily taught you how to make tea after your atrocious attempts, or when he had stood beside you for an hour in the darkness after your friend had been killed, a silent presence as he grieved with you.
It was especially hard when your friend and fellow squad member, Petra, confessed her feelings for Levi to you, her cheeks flushing a lovely pink and her smile growing shy. You had forced yourself to smile, nodding along with her, even as you wanted to scream.
Levi had immediately noticed your bad mood later that day, as you both worked on paperwork in his office.
“Spit it out,” he had grunted, making you cross your arms.
You glared at him, before saying as lightly as possible, “Petra should be coming here to confess her feelings to you soon.”
“Petra?” He didn’t look up.
“Mhm. She just couldn’t stop going on about how handsome and confident you were. Seems like she really likes you.”
“Are you jealous?” A slow smile was tugging at his lips, and you gritted your teeth.
“Of course not.”
“So you’re just being a nuisance?” He met your eyes, but you stayed silent, pretending to look back at your paperwork. Levi didn’t wait for your response as he continued. “Maybe I should just replace you with lovely Petra if you’re going to keep being a brat.”
He was just trying to get a rise out of you; you knew that. But your fists still curled.
“Should fuck her instead? Hmmm...maybe when she comes to confess...”
You stood up, furious and hurt. “Go ahead and do it,” you snapped.
“Ok, then you’d better go before she comes. We wouldn’t want an audience.”
You gritted your teeth so hard you felt them scrape, but you didn’t pause as you stormed out the door.
That had happened three days ago, and you had been ignoring Levi since then. He hadn’t reached out to you either, making you wonder if he actually had fucked Petra and decided he didn’t want you anymore. It seemed like the opposite of something he would do, but still.
To make matters worse, you saw them together in an empty hallway, standing close as Petra touched his arm, and he didn’t pull away.
Which was how you ended up sitting next to Commander Erwin and scout leader Hange at dinner, instead of your usual place with Levi and the rest of your squad across the hall. You could feel eyes on you as you spoke with Erwin, laughing at his awkward jokes and telling him animated stories about your last mission. Hange knew exactly what was going on--she had figured out that you and Levi were meeting up only a week after you started--but she decided to play along. You’d have to thank her later.
Towards the end of dinner, she giggled quietly beside you. “Levi looks like he’s about to kill someone.”
You ignored her, turning back to Erwin. “Commander, I have been feeling a bit sick lately. Is it possible for me to be excused from training tomorrow?” The blonde man looked at you in concern, but nodded. “Of course. I can talk to your scout leader about your absence.”
“Thank you so much,” you said and smiled as radiantly as possible, allowing every bit of dredged up happiness shine through.
Erwin looked a bit flustered for a moment, before placing a hand on your forehead. “Are you going to be ok? Do you need medicine--?”
A chair scraped violently across the hall, and Hange muttered gleefully, “Uh oh.”
You forced yourself not to look over, continuing to look at Erwin. “Thank you for your concern Commander, but I think I’m--”
You felt your chair get yanked back, and then you were staring into Levi’s steel grey eyes as he glared at you. “Excuse us, Commander, but I need to speak to my squad member for a moment.”
Erwin blinked at you in shock, but Levi didn’t even look at him as he literally dragged you from the room.
“What the hell!” You snapped as your captain wrenched you into his office, but you closed your mouth as he slowly turned, his face livid.
“What was that,” he growled, slowly stalking towards you.
You swallowed. “Am I not allowed to speak to my Commander?”
“My Commander?” Levi snarled, palm slamming on the wood next to your head. “It sounds like you want to fuck him.”
“Maybe I do.”
Levi’s face twisted, and you gasped as he gripped your thighs. “You’re really such a slut, aren’t you?”
You struggled to breathe as he violently shoved your pants down, his hand tracing down your stomach before curling in between your thighs. You could already feel moisture pooling within your underwear, and you tried to press your legs together to keep him from picking up on it.
Too late.
“Fuck, how are you already so wet?” He chuckled darkly in your ear. “You really want me that bad, huh?”
“N-no,” you whimpered, but then Levi was sliding a finger deep inside you, and the sound you let out proved yourself completely wrong.
He raised his eyebrows, pulling his hand from your pants (to your dismay) but you didn’t even get to open your mouth before he was lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He was shorter than you by a few inches, and yet he carried you with such ease, something that you knew made him feel infinitely smug. What a stuck up bastard.
“What are you doing?” You gasped as he kicked open the door from his office to his adjoining bedroom, where he tossed you on the neatly made up sheets.
“You were trying to get a reaction out of me, right?” Levi growled, crawling over you and pinning your wrists above your head. “Well you got one.”
He crashed his lips against yours, shoving his tongue between your teeth and kissing you hard enough to bruise. You opened your mouth, biting his lower lip gently as you wiggled your hips impatiently. You tried to pull your hands away, but he held onto you tightly, forcing you to remain still as he used his other hand to literally tear your clothes off.
“Mmmmmh…” You sighed as he ran his hand along your stomach, around your breasts, and then he was between your legs. You had already ditched your pants, and you gasped as he jerked your legs apart, sliding down between them. You could feel his hot breath on your skin, and you trembled as he kissed your inner thighs gently, inching closer and closer to your center.
“O-oh god,” you whimpered, meeting Levi’s dark gaze.
Without warning, he slipped a finger deep inside you while finally laying his mouth on your clit, and you let out a breathless scream. Your hips bucked up, but he lay his hand flat against your stomach, forcing you to stay still as he ate you out.
Your entire body trembled as he shifted one of your legs over his shoulder, and your eyes rolled back in your head as he twisted his fingers, clenching down hard as you came.
“Ah-oh fuckkk….Levi--”
“What did you just call me?” He stood up slowly, licking your access juices off his fingers, and he glared down at you.
“I-I’m sorry, Captain.”
“Right.” He leaned over you, gripped your chin tightly as he surveyed your messed up hair and glassy eyes. “Could Erwin ever make you feel like this? Huh?”
You swallowed, a bit of your anger coming back. “Well I heard he has a bigger--”
Levi snarled, cutting you off as he unbuckled the harness on his chest, tugging it off. Your throat went dry as he wrapped it solidly around your wrists, buckling the other end to the bedpost behind you.
“What were you saying?” He said, his wild face inches from yours, and you swallowed.
When you remained silent, Levi slid off the bed and started ditching his clothes, all while surveying your naked body on the bed, arched and helpless before him. Fuck, that’s hot.
He practically pounced on you when he was finally free of the rest of his gear, positioning himself impatiently between your legs. You jerked and moaned as he slid himself slowly inside you, allowing you to feel the press of his dick against your walls.
“Ah-fuck-” he grunted low in your ear, and you arched your back against him. You tried to move as he began to thrust slowly inside you, tried to get him to pick up the pace, but with your arms bound, there wasn’t much you could do.
“More,” you moaned, and Levi grinned, unrestrained for the first time.
He slid out of you, repositioning your legs so they both were lifted over his shoulders, and then he slammed back in. You practically screamed as he hit deeper than he had before, and your hands clawed helplessly on the pillows above your head.
His hips snapped to meet yours over and over, and his panting moans had you seeing stars as the sound of your sex filled the room.
“What if I brought Erwin in here to see you like this? Do you think he would still like such a dirty whore like you?” Levi snarled in your ear, not pausing his movements. His hands gripped your hips hard enough to bruise, and you threw your head back with a cry. “Do you think he’d get off to seeing you like this? All fucked out and sexy?”
You clenched down hard, whining as you felt your stomach tighten for a second time. Before you could come, Levi stopped moving, gripping your face.
“That’s not going to happen, do you understand? Because you’re mine. No one else gets to see you like this.”
You nodded frantically. “Yes, Captain...”
Levi moaned softly at the use of his title, and then slammed all the way to the hilt. It didn’t take long for your lost orgasm to come rushing back, and you breathlessly sobbed as it washed over you, making your entire body tremble and shake.
Levi didn’t stop, slamming into you harder than before, and the overstimulation on your clit had you practically in tears. But luckily, it didn’t take long for him to finish, and you felt his cock twitch inside you as he painted your walls with his cum, groaning your name.
He collapsed on top of you, his dick softening, and you grunted at his weight. He was still heavy despite his short stature, and you could barely breathe.
“Levi, get off,” you groaned, wriggling under him, and for a long moment he didn’t respond. You thought that maybe he had fallen asleep (he could fall asleep abnormally fast for some reason) which would be quite unfortunate since your hands were still tied up above you.
“Do you actually want to fuck Erwin?” He finally said, his voice was low against your collarbone, and you blinked in surprise.
“No…” You swallowed tightly, before forcing out, “Did you sleep with Petra?”
He raised his head, his grey eyes serious. “Of course not. Did you actually think I would?”
You blushed. “I don’t know... I saw you with her so I thought…”
“I told her I’m not interested.”
“Oh. Ok.”
“I’m interested in you.”
You smiled a little. “Will you untie me?”
He grunted in annoyance, but pushed himself onto his elbows and tugged the harness from around your wrists. “Brat.”
“I’m tired.”
You shifted down under the sheets, grabbing his arm. “Can I stay?”
“Tch. Fine.”
You smiled against his skin, curling against his side as your eyes began to droop.
“Be quiet.”
You can read Waking up with Levi here !
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airplanned · 3 years
Trill AU part 4
Sad times on the bridge, and I get to write technobabble
Part 1
They hurried down three corridors before Zelda said, "Does it seem strangely quiet to you?"
It did.  In the dim light, Link was trying not to ask himself the obvious question of where everyone was.  He made a sorry attempt to explain it.  "It's late and this deck is all personal quarters."
"But no one's reporting to emergency stations but us?"
So of course they turned the last corner to find a body on the floor. 
Ensign Bogts.  Zelda checked his pulse and rolled him over while Link popped open a nearby locker and pulled out a tricorder.  She took it out of his hands before he could start taking readings.  Lifting an eyebrow, he let her rudeness pass. 
"He's...fine?  His vitals are all normal."
His body did look relaxed, his face at ease and his chest softly rising and falling.
"He just passed out here?"
Her eyebrows pinched together as she continued to scan.  "He has an abnormal delta wave pattern.  It looks like a kind of artificial sleep."
"Is everyone on the ship like this?"
She looked up at him in concern.
He swallowed, looking down at Ensign Bogts as all the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. 
"So why not us?"
The bridge crew was passed out at their stations, and Link went straight to check the commander's pulse where he was slumped back in his chair.  Ensign Xik had fallen out of his seat at ops, and Zelda stepped over him neatly to take his seat.  "I should be able to get main power up," she said.  Link headed for the con, removing Lt Tate from his chair as gently as possible and laying him out on the floor.
A low hum built under their feet and the lights blinked back on.  Link took a relieved breath and pulled up a status report.  
"I have thrusters," he said.
"Bringing the main engine back online."
"We need shields and sensors."
"Give me one...you've got sensors."
He immediately ran a sweep.   "Sensor report coming in."
"On screen."
It was as if a sheen of oil was draped over the ship, a shimmer of green and pink dancing like the northern lights.  Zelda pulled up an image on her console and turned the whole thing so he could see.  It was as if the ship had run into a flat sheet, dragging it with them until it wrapped around the ship's nose and trailed behind them.  "It's giving off delta wave pulses.  That's what's putting everyone to sleep.  At a higher amplitude it could have knocked out main power.  Probably when we first hit it."
"We're caught in a net," he said.
She nodded.  "It doesn't look natural."
He turned back to the con.  "Let's not stick around and find out who caught us.  Can we get the shields back up?"
"Raising shields."
The lights went out.  The gentle, omnipresent rumble of the floor stilled as the engine shut down again.
Link tried to bring up a status report.  "Well, that didn't work.  Main power's back out."
She sighed.  "Bringing it back online."
Lights turned back on and they both held their breath, waiting for power to fail once more.
"No sudden moves," he said.
He checked the sensor's image of the phenomena.  "If we use minimal thrusters, it looks like we can back out of it."
"Decrease thrusters to quarter power."
That made it slow going, but there wasn't really a rush.  He eased the ship back, back, watching the power read outs and the sensor image on the side of his console.
"Down two degrees," she said, and he adjusted course, hissing as the edge of the net caught around the port nacell, sending a tremor through the ship.
They froze.  He let the net settle, then tried again, pulling up and forward, only to strain against part of the net draped over the saucer section.
"It's tightening," she said.  And sure enough where before it looked like they were dragging an inanimate sheet behind them, that sheet was now tangled, adhering to the hull.
He lifted his hands from the console in surrender.
Zelda had out her tricorder again, this time running it over herself.  "I think it's the symbionts."
"Their brains aren't affected by delta waves."
"They must be keeping us conscious."
Link looked down at his terminal, running through his options.  Then he narrowed his eyes at her. 
She straightened.  "What?"
"You come aboard and the ship gets attacked by something that doesn't affect bonded Trills."
Her brief anxiety melted into annoyance.  "You think I did this."
He gave her a blank stare.
"Why would I do this?"
"Handing over a Federation vessel could be profitable.  Risky.  But you've gotten away with worse."
She folded her arms over her chest, giving him a scathing look.  "Everyone on board is asleep and you're still going to pretend that it was me that gave away the defense codes."
"Only two people knew those codes."
"That's right.  And of those two people, one of us vanished in the night.  The other stuck around and cleaned up your mess."
"The mess of my dead body?  That mess?  Tell me, how much blood was there?  Did you cut Fi out yourself or did you get someone like Groose to do it for you?"
Her change in expression was subtle--a barely noticeable stiffening, a faint drain of the color in her cheeks. She looked horrified. Haunted. She turned away, and tapped out some new controls on the console.
"What are you doing?"
"There's no point explaining myself to you."  Her voice shook.  "You're..."  Her fingers faltered.  She covered her mouth with a hand and took a shaking breath.  "You're just going to torment me until whoever comes to collect us shows up.  You're just going to blame me for everything you've done until I feel like I'm going crazy."
Link frowned.  When a tear skipped down her cheek he started to panic.
She shook her head, her trembling hands back at work.
"Zelda."  He reached for her, and she jerked away, spinning to glare at him, her arms gripping the console as if ready to run, her jaw set in a way that looked so much like Sheik--Sheik when she tried to look threatening to hide her fear.
He lifted his hands in surrender, searching her face.  
He couldn't see the lie.  He'd never been able to see the lie.  
But it must be there.  Right?
"What...what do you think happened?"
He didn’t have to specify when, which of the many incidents in their shared past was at the forefront of both their minds.
She stared at him for a long moment, gathering all her righteous indignation to power herself through her speech.  "Ravio vanished.  Everyone searched for days.  We didn't know what had happened.  And then suddenly...Suddenly the defense grid just dropped.  And one little shuttlecraft flew past.  Up and away toward the warship.  What I think happened was that Ravio sold us out so Fi could return to Trill."
Return to Trill.
He stared at her, shaking his head over and over as if that would make it stop.  
He had to fight to find his voice.  "Tetra sent Ravio a message to meet at tower 2.  She said she had good news, and he thought...  He was looking out the window, and the door opened behind me and I saw your shape in the reflection of the glass.  And then you shot me in the back. I woke up four months later in an asteroid mining facility in a different host. It took me days to get news and by then it was too late."
"Tetra never sent you any message."
"Ravio didn’t cut a deal to go back to Trill."
Her eyebrows pinched together.  "Fi wouldn't have survived for four months without a host."
"Yeah, but Pipit was a hot mess of a host.  It was an unstable bond.  He started off in a comma and then he was confused and panicky for more than a year before he calmed down.  He'd think it was the wrong year, that he was the wrong host.  He had disordered episodes for the rest of his life.  He lost time so often that four months is nothing."  Link caught himself.  "I say all that with love.  He went through a lot."
It startled a croak of a laugh from her.
And then they were staring at each other again.  
"I would never have killed you," she said.  “Please don’t make me think about his body.”
He quirked a sad smile.  "I want to believe that."
"I want to believe you, but...that might be me who wants that. It might be someone else.  Someone younger. Less wise. Someone who still looks at you and feels..." 
Warmth lit in his chest, and he hated it and loved it, and maybe it wasn't so messed up after all that he wanted so badly to trust someone who had hurt him so thoroughly.
"Yeah," he said.  "That about sums it up."
They stared at their consoles.  She wiped her eye with her wrist in a way she thought was discreet and he thought was endearing.
Carefully, he asked, "What's your next plan?" and gestured at the tricorder.
She cleared her throat.  "The EM pulses from the symbionts neutralize the delta waves, so if I can adjust the deflector beam to the same frequency modulation--"
"--With a wide enough confinement beam, we can neutralize the delta wave net."  He was already on it, his fingers flying over the console.
"We need to lower the power so we don't cause another blackout."
"It we adjust the--" 
Something dinged on his console.  Proximity alert.
He shared a look with her, trying to tell if this was the moment she'd shoot him again.  It was that same fierce look to protect herself, and who knew what that meant.
Another ding, and her voice turned tight as she said, "They're hailing us."
"Putting them on screen," he said.
A pair of Trils stared back at them.  "Oh," one of them said.  "We were wondering how you had power, but this makes sense."
Link tried to sound calm as he said, "This is the Federation Starship Naboris.  How can we help you?"
The Trills scoffed.  "I don't think you're in any position to help anyone."
Part 5
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siegelst · 3 years
Anonymous ask < [
Curiosity [Part 3 Wake Up] by Anonymous
Rated: Explicit Mature
Karl Heisenberg x female
summary: 6 people break into Heisenberg’s factory, but karl gets a special treat when 1 of them show interest in taking apart his dead soldat. 
clothes kink, major size kink, voice kink, karl has part lycan in him, scent marking, karl imagining nasty stuff in his head, thought of corpses again. Warning: pretending to do body harm with pliers, threat of body harm with pliers
He easily caught her before adjusting her. Clinching his cigar in his teeth as he adjusted her so she was facing him, pulling her body up to his, so he could examine her properly. He took off his shades -clip them into his tank top.
One arm around her to support her, leaning her to slightly right side of him , the other gripping her chin. She was so flustered by his voice only, skittish when he went near. He check her roughly to see if any damage was done to her, nothing so far.  her skin, hair was soft. He nudge her face over away from him, before diving in taking deep breaths of her scent, while he rub his beard against her neck, scent marking her.  After - he lifted her up over his shoulder to carrying her. 
As he transcends to his living quarters he mentally open the door, and walked over to the bed and placing her on the bed, before chaining up one of her legs.  He then took a seat in a metal chair beside the bed. 
'Now what?' he thought. he may have a overall imagined difference scenario but he pretty sure it was the upcoming of the full moon that got him worked up and railed up by her small structure. ever since learning that the lass haven't gone into the village, had given him hope that mother Miranda might not know about the break in at his factory. with the others dead and gone, she would have no reason to investigate him.  
He got up and walked to the other side of the bed, taking his coat, shoes, and necklaces off, and laying down on the bed beside the woman. he shuffled over to turn her head in an angle so he could inspect the area she was hit at. It looked fine. he left it alone, before falling asleep. 3 hrs later, he woke up by the feel of someone curling up against him, could feel her soft skin against his, her breast unconsciously pressed deliciously against his arm. he glanced over to see the lass had migrated over to his side, practically taking over his arm. he pulled at his powers to move two separate thin cuffs off the wall over to him before he manually clamp them around her wrists.  he gaze at her hands, yes they were rough, she had worked in her life. unlike super size b!tch.
He thought back on to when she was straddling his creation and how f^cked up he was. It's poetic - seeing both of them together. Life and death. Hades and Persephone. He slowly moved the lass off his arm, before getting up and putting his shades,& shoes on before going back to what he was doing before the break-in happened. 4 hrs later, his camera & radio notified that the lass had woken up.  
Waking up in unknown place was unsettling, but to wake up in an unknown bed was even more. She looked around the room, before getting off the bed and finding she was cuff to the darn post. She would have tried to pick up the bed, but chain was interwoven into the post. She tried pull the cuff off her ankle.
"Going somewhere Buttercup?"
She looked up- up to see the same man from before, puff puff puffing away on his cigar. Only he didn't have his jacket, still had his shades on. Weird. Seeing her on the floor made him think very naughty stuff but he pushed that thought away. She scrambled up to her feet she shook her head thinking of an excuse. He puffed his cigar before saying, with a slight smirk. "Don't bother with an explanation, you were trying to escape."
Cuff on her ankle suddenly opened, and the lass surprised but shook her foot out of it. "Wonderful. Thank you for letting me sleep. I be going now." she said hurriedly, knowing full well that someone knocked her out. The bump on her head echoed in pain. Was there more than 1 guy here? The man raised an eyebrow while slight smirk on his lips.
"You're not going anywhere. Sit down, darling." said the man.  She didn't-she was glancing at the door. He used his powers to rush the chair to her, watch as she yelp in alarmed as she fell into the chair, the cuffs on her wrist and leg is stuck to the chair. He strolled over and sat in front of her, on the bed. "Here's the thing, Buttercup, you entered a dangerous village. This place is cut off from the world and anyone entering, don't make it back out.... and you wont' be able to move your arms unless i f^cken let you so STOP FIDGETING DAMN!T."
The lady stop trying, as the he blow smoke to her face. She coughed. He snickered. "You took my shirt, darling." he muttered. She simply looked sheepishly at him because she can't move her arms. His scent has enveloped her, especially since she spent a few hours in his bed. "Looks good on you, pet."
"What do you mean about the lycans being mutated hairy people?" she asked.
"Ah! 90 years ago b!tch named mother Miranda had the whole f^cken town take her f^cked up medical shot- claimed that it would protect the villagers but didn't work. They lost their f^cking minds in the process -resulting lycans." he muttered. she gave him the lost ‘wtf is happening’ look.
“Never mind, how's your head?" he ask. she glared and said it hurts. He grinned sadistically, before stating "that won't be a problem for you anymore."
"W-w-what" she stuttered, scared he's going to kill her. Oh god! This is where it ends!
"Problem is what are you going to do around here? You can’t sit here and do nothing." he said, zeroed in on her reaction. She squinted narrowed her eyes at him.  He half the mind to move her chair closer to the V of his legs, but thought better of it.
"Y-you said the winner gets to be go free."
"Regardless, you entered the village and now you are stuck here. Just like me. So get f^cken used to it. You could ... clean for me. cook." he muttered offhand, moved forward slightly, his knee brushed against hers, hoping to get a raise out of her. It worked.
"I ain’t staying here you dip$hit! I’m going!" she yelped. He was in her face, trapping her face on both side of her checks with 1 hand. He could feel her increase of breathe, see the sweat start appearing on her skin.
"Yes go out in the village and let mother Miranda know of your existence. then we see who wins in the end" he growled.
"Didn’t that happen 90 years ago?" she muttered,
He sneered at her. "She's immortal. Still doing her motherf#cking experiments." before letting go of her face, shoving her back in the chair. "Now. what work do you do?"
She said nothing. ah the silent treatment. He thought of ripping her from the chair to throw her onto the bed or use a sharp tool caress her face, as he watches her start to crumble, submit to - wait. no. damn!t, focus.
"I'll start breaking fingers if you don't start talking. They seem very important to you." he sneered. She still didn't say anything. He sighed before grabbing her left hand off the metal arm of the chair while a pair of sharp pliers flew into his other hand before open it over the smallest finger.
"WHAT THE F^CK-WAIT WAIT I FIX STUFF I FIX STUFF!" screamed the lass, tears prickling on the corners of her eyes, trying to get out of the chair but couldn’t. He hum in approval before slowly looking at her. She didn't last long at all. Seeing her squirm gave him a rush. He clamp on the fingernail instead, his grip holding her hand was iron.
"Fix what?" he sneered, slowly making a show of pulling at her fingernail, while stop activating the metal cuffs on her without her knowing.
"ANYTHING. I FIGUREOUTHOWITWORKS AND I FIX IT." wailed the lass, not realizing she ended up sniveling at his feet. He let go of pliers, her hand, and sighed looking down at her form. He ran his hand through her hair. His mind raging over how she was crying while grabbing his calf area of his pants, he felt himself twitch. Oh this was delicious. 
"See Buttercup, that wasn't so hard was it?" he purred, smiling sadistic, while cupping her face, her hands automatically latched onto  his arms, her metal cuffs glisten by the table lamp nearby. He bop her noise, while using his thumbs to wipe her tears. He didn’t miss the slight tremor in her form.   ]
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Lovebirds Damian Wayne x Reader
Words: 2.8k
Requested? Yes! From a few lovely anons!
“So far i am loving your blog and went through like all of your writing🥰💖💖💖💗💞! I was wondering if you could do 'star sapphire corp reader' x damien please? Like them getting together” and “Could you please do sapphire lantern reader with your choice of the batboys meeting on a mission?”
I absolutely love the sapphire corps! Thank you for these adorable requests! Dami plus a lover actually in tune with their emotions- hell they’re powered off the emotions- is too funny and so adorable! Also we are going to pretend that Raven and Damian aren’t a thing even though I’m using the DCAU teen titans alrighty? Plus it gives me a chance to ship BBRAE YEAHHHH! Hope you enjoy!
I’m so sorry it’s long it’s my first fic back I was so excited haha
“Deep breaths and English you got this” you stared at yourself in the mirror of your makeshift room in titan’s tower. Being the youngest member of the star sapphire corps you were the one tasked with the trip to earth, it made sense, no one wanted to work with teenage earthly heroes but you. Finally, a chance to meet a being similar in age to you! No more old hymns about the power earthly love, you were about to experience it first hand. 
Your mentor had called in a favor and you had been escorted to earth by none other than the physical embodiment of flirtatiousness, Hal Jordan. The trip itself was tiring so upon a midnight arrival you retired to your room without meeting anyone. Now, you could hear a bustling of voices, there was so much emotion radiating it seemed slightly overwhelming, so you opted to wait for Hal to come pull you from your room. 
At the familiar knock you shook away your nerves and flexed your hands into fists, feelings your ring almost pushing you to go outside. “Howdy miss l/n! Ready to meet your new team?” You were greeted with the cheesy grin that had apparently wooed your mentor, but always prodded you. “Good morning Hal, temporary team remember?” you replied, letting your aura be picked up by your purple light. Hal coughed awkwardly, “we walk on earth newbie, not many float here” embarrassed, you touched back down, clearing your throat as you exited your quarters. 
As you made your way down the hallway shouting grew, but upon you entering the room went quiet. With a small smile wave you scanned the room, noticing a green boy who was burning a strange looking food, two other boys who had froze to look at you but stood at a large table that made a strange sound, and lastly a raven haired boy who was sharpening a- sword? At ten in the morning? On the couch. The green boy came up to you first, “hello! You must be y/n! I’m Gar, there’s Jaime, Vic, Robin, and Raven isn’t here but she’s also part of the team! Nice to meet’cha!” Trying to keep up with the names Gar started shouting “SHE’S HERE Y’ALL” apparently to summon a woman who looked like the leader, as she was much older. Following her was a younger girl in a purple cloak, you quite liked her look and vibes, though she felt quite closed off. 
After learning more about everyone at a team breakfast with strangely prepared food you were with the team getting suited up as your mission to travel to Celea, a planet whose environment was toxic to any being over 18, making it a “teen titan’s mission” as they called themselves. As some of the titan’s changed into their suits and prepped themselves for combat you bonded with Raven and Blue Beetle as you had all loaded onto the ship fairly easily. “So why do you have a powerless human on your team? Do you not worry for his safety?” you wondered as you watched Robin methodically pack all his gear. “Trust me, Robin could take all of us out if he wanted to, he’s earned his spot on the team from pure skill and being a little bit of a monster- OOMPH” Jaime was cut off by Raven nudging him. You couldn’t help wanting to hear Robin’s story, as you were like him too- powerless but highly trained and craving to do more. Luckily you had a couple hours of flight to get to know the mysterious boy. 
The ship was large, built for a league of heroes apparently. This meant the team had spread out but you had stayed in the piloting area to assure yourself the team was on the right trajectory, apparently Robin was as well. “You actually know where we’re going?” his voice shook you from your calculations. “Yes, I’ve visited Celea before, but never to fight it’s people” you mused, wondering how in just a few years since your visiting a toxic group of manipulative outlaws had attempted to stake their claim to the beautiful Celea. “TT, not much of a fighter?” Robin mused snarkily, his flitted down to the ring on your finger. “Y’know your team here thinks you’re pretty strong, but I’d wager you’d be easy work for me” you teased back, twisting your ring around your finger as Robin came closer to you. 
Sitting next to you he began, “my abilities come from my skill, my wit, and my determination. I don’t believe you can say the same princess” you scoffed, “you underestimate me Robin, this ring is nothing without me, not the other way around. Powered from my emotional control and my creativity, my skill takes focus and agility not just glorified muscle memory” you winked at him, enjoying the banter. He scoffed in return. “Yes and what can you do with that ring that I cannot defeat with my blades” he mused. This invitation was perfect. You got up jubilantly, started your lecture. “Clearly you lack certain knowledge Robin, hand me one of your so called blades” you stuck your hand out as Robin rolled his eyes handing you a bat-shaped blade. Without a second thought you cut into the side of your arm, wincing at the pain. “Y/N! What are you doin-” you cut Robin off, beginning to channel your power. “You see, true power is the ability to heal any cut your blades could make, to take was has happened and turn it into a place of love, not malice or hate” as you said this, the familiar purple tone washed over your arm, easily mending the break in your skin. You noticed it felt faster than usual, but wiped it off as adrenaline. 
At the display of your powers Robin was in awe. “That’s not all I can do” you laughed, creating a small purple hand that pushed Robin’s open jaw closed. He stumbled back angrily, mumbling about accepting your abilities merit. “You impressed now Robin?” you grinned, sticking out your hand to him. He closed the distance, returning your handshake. “Damian.” he said softly. You swallowed, Damian. It was becoming. Your ring began to warmly glow, Damian snapped his hand away wearily as you cooled your emotions. “Oh uh! Sorry, energy burst” you said, it was a half truth at least. Damian nodded, moving to go clean the batarang. 
The rest of the trip was short, upon entering Celea you’d divided, Damian was with you as the both of you entered publicly while Beast Boy and Raven entered covertly, planning to cover you if the diplomatic endeavors went south. Blue Beetle and Cyborg, unfortunately, weren’t allowed in Celea as their tech was apparently very old and triggered the planet’s defense system, so they stayed up in the ship was manning comms, prepared for an air fight. 
Upon entering you were taken straight to the capital, a sapphire corps was a rarity on Celea and they were all excited for your help. You and Damian met the governing leaders, explaining that you were here to help end the tyranny on the dark side of the planet. As you had hoped, they agreed, you could feel their love for their planet was strong, but that was about all the love on the planet as everyone was so young. It felt slightly difficult to keep a reign on your emotions on Celea, the planet itself was a safe haven for children, almost like a giant orphanage ran by beings that reincarnated frequently as to stay alive on the planet, the concept of pure love was foreign to many of the children and unharnessable. It all felt quite isolating in comparison to earth, a planet driven by intense emotions. 
“You look tired already” Damian mused. “I’m fine, just not a huge fan of a child-only planet” you responded as you made your way towards the large base, preparing yourself for a fight. Before Damian could respond you were joined by Raven and Gar. Their presence eased some of the pressure. “You guys love each other, it’s refreshing” you said, both of them froze, staring at you. “Oh uh, we haven’t really talked about that yet” Raven whispered, staring at Gar who was grinning like a child in a candy shop. “I love you too Rae!” he cheered. “Not how I imagined I’d say it but, yes, I do love you idiot” she huffed. Your cheeks flushed, “oh uh, my bad sorry, it just, seemed so obvious” you giggled, secretly glad you’d brought the two together. 
“Just a couple’a couples!” Beast boy teased, you felt your cheeks redden, glancing to Damian who was now suddenly interested in looking anywhere but at you. You felt your ring begin to glow again, covering it with your other hand. “Oh wow! Look at that! We’re here! Battle time!” you cleared your throat, setting the group focus on infiltrating the rogue base. 
The base itself was relatively small, it hadn’t been flushed out yet but the four of you were here to clear it before they had the chance. Trying to establish a child trafficking ring on a planet of only children was disgusting, and needed stopping before it got the chance. You were especially passionate about this endeavor, the reason for you channeling the power of love was when you lost your sister, that loss of love taught you it’s importance even at a young age, and after training harder than anyone you knew you earned the ring, promising to defend love the way no one defended yours. You would protect these children at any cost. 
There was no need for stealth as you had the permission of the Celean government, it was more of an ambush. As Gar shifted into a large tiger, Raven donned her hood, and Damian stripped himself of the Celean garb, you noticed his Robin suit, littered in weapons and ties, he looked like a hero. There was that damn glow again. Channeling it into your focus you felt the warm aura surround you as you lifted off the ground, ready for a fight. 
“Y/n should say it!” BB roared, Raven nodded in agreement. “Say what?” you looked at Damian. “We have this tradition where the leader says ‘Titan’s Go’ then we fight, and I guess you’re our leader today” he said, you noticed the light tint hiding beneath his mask. “Okay!” you said, positioning yourself, flexing your hand to feel your ring one last time before shouting.
And you were off, soaring through the air while BB and Robin took the ground. You noticed a few scared looking kids were being held in pens, and you decided to free them first. As Raven covered you easily, you floated down to the kids, accidentally bonking heads with Robin who stared at you. “I’m so sorry! It’s just we always have to-” “Get the kids out first” he finished your sentence, a small smile dancing at the corner of his mouth. For just a fraction of a second, your eyes flitted down to his lips, feeling his gaze of you the moment felt like slow motion before you both snapped out. “Let’s go! This way!” you used your ring to break the gates as Robin herded the kids out to freedom. 
Glancing up you saw a couple rogues grabbing kids as they tried to run away, your heart stopped when you saw one pull out a laser blaster. “Enough!” you screamed, violet rays exploding from your hands as you easily knocked them out of your way. Leaving your post you flew up and began eradicating anyone who tried to harm a child. “No one hurts my sister!” you screeched, your powers growing stronger by the second as you began dividing your powers between knocking out bad guys and literally carrying children to safety. As the last of the kids were safe you escorted Beast Boy out while you and Raven combined your powers to crunch up the base, making it unfixable and uninhabitable forever. 
Feeling the adrenaline subside you glanced down to see a herd of children cheering, but your focus drew to Damian who was propped up against a barrel, nursing a laser bullet wound. Rushing to his side you quickly pulled open his suit, a trail of blood trickled into your hands. “Damn kevlar doesn’t stop their bullets apparently” he coughed. “Oh my god Damian don’t go” Gar shifted next to you. “He’s not going anywhere” you said, focussing your energy, feeling the pain and imagining turning the warmth of blood into mending, the pools of blood are just pockets of blissful love. 
This wasn’t a good time to tell the team you’d never healed a wound this large before. Positive self talk right? Or negative. 
I’m alone on a planet of useless children, surrounded by a glorified furry, goth, and stocked vigilante. No one is here to help you y/n you’ve gotta do this. You felt the wounds begin to mend, after all that focus you’d barely started. Damian you idiot! If you die right now how will I know why my damn ring is gleaming everytime I see your cute face. Fuck. I didn’t mean cute. Yeah I did. Okay, save the cute face. Maybe kiss the cute face if you save it? Yeah. That’s a good deal y/n let’s do that. Your head was rushing through a million thoughts, anything to motivate you to do the impossible. Halfway there, you could feel it. “Holy cow, look! The wound is closing!” Gar pointed at Damian’s chest. “Y-yeah. No help from you green bean” you mumbled. “Oh I know what’ll help!” Gar squeaked, running off. You turned to Damian who was just staring at you bewildered. “Don’t look at me like that when I’m literally repairing your organs bird boy” you whispered through clenched teeth. 
Then a surge of power came over you, it felt raw and unchanneled, you glanced up to see Gar mid-kiss with Raven, giving you a thumbs up. The love was short lived, but enough to keep your engine revving. Alright girl you got this, heal, then kiss, maybe. Definitely heal first. He has to live. C’mon. “JUST LIVE DAMMIT” you shouted the last bit, feeling the last of your power drain while the wound completely closed. “Holy shit I’m a badass” you whispered, before feeling intensely light headed. 
You woke up in the ship med bay, jolting up. “HE LIVED HE LIVED” you burst up, throwing a fist in the air. The other corps members would be so proud! Your first battle with death you’d won! “You’re right I did live, thanks to you” a familiar voice brought you back down to earth. Next to your bed was Damian, now in casual clothes with a little bandaging on his other wounds. “Oh! uh yeah, you’re totally welcome” you grinned. Awkwardly Damian scooted closer to you. “I think I owe you a certain gratitude” he said, emotions dripping in his voice you hadn’t heard before. 
This time his eyes snapped down to your lips, as he leaned in you felt like you were dreaming. When your lips connected you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss, feeling lightheaded with pure joy. The kiss itself was soft, blissful and lovely. Damian’s lips felt soft against yours, like they fit with yours like a puzzle piece. Pulling away you stared at him shocked. “I could hear your thoughts when you were healing me, had to live up to your expectations” he winked while you covered your face with embarrassment. “Oh my gosh that’s so embarrassing yikes” you mumbled into your hands. You felt Damian’s hand slide under yours, caressing your cheek, drawing your eyes to his. “I thought it was pretty endearing personally, I suppose it’s because I was being saved by the most gorgeous, fascinating girl I know” he mused, before bringing you in for another kiss, this time more passionate, as if to show his feelings through a kiss instead of words. 
You spent the rest of your earthly get-away with the Titans, finding a sort of family with them. When you were called back to your people you promised to return in a few weeks, hoping to move your station to earth. They could always use another lantern right? 
When you returned to your mentor, C.Ferris you told her of your earthly adventures. She laughed, “a Star Sapphire’s greatest strength and weakness all wrapped into a snarky earth boy body” and you couldn’t help but agree. And with that, you were sent back to earth, this time returning as Dove, because every Robin needs a lovebird to help them along the way. 
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
Fantasy Masks AU: Chapter Six
A JSE Fanfic
*gasp* A POV change?! For the first time in this story?! How exciting! Yeah short description because I’ve had a long day as of queueing this, but basically we follow Marvin as he tries to track down the King. But instead, along the way, he meets someone new. And that’s all I have to say. Hope you enjoy :)
The noble family Portmota lived on the edge of the Southern Moors, their castle built on the last bit of solid land before the rivers came in and flooded the south of the kingdom. Officially, their claim covered all of the Moors, but everybody knew that the Moors ran on their own, much like the mountain villages to the west and north. But the meagerness of their claim didn’t stop the family from building themselves a solid, grand castle. It sat on top of a small hill, surrounded by a thick stone wall. The castle’s multiple towers reached the sky, and were numerous to require a large staff to keep the place running for the noble family and any visitors they might have.
With such a large body of servants, it was easy to slip in unnoticed. They always accepted help, and as long as you didn’t appear troublesome, they’d immediately snatch you up and put you to work the moment you asked for a position, no interview needed. 
This was something Marvin found out first hand when he decided to infiltrate the castle in preparation for the King’s visit.
Maybe they needed help to clean up for said visit, maybe they were always like this, the result was the same either way. All Marvin had to do was show up on the grounds, dressed in ragged clothes, and he was immediately hired by the head servant. She didn’t even mind when he said he had to keep his cat nearby at all times.
Once he was inside, it only took him a few days to get a scope of things. Normally his sense of direction was terrible, but the servants were always being sent on numerous chores, so the castle’s layout quickly solidified in his mind. The cleaning and cooking was...hard, he had to admit. Unlike Jackie and Schneep, he hadn’t grown up doing chores, and taking care of things was a relatively new skill. He went to bed in the servants’ quarters exhausted. But this was a small price to pay for the opportunity that had presented itself.
He began to notice odd things about the castle. First of all, effort was put into cleaning and clearing every room in every wing, even the ones that had been sealed off so the heat wouldn’t escape into the winter air. Every candlestick was being polished, every tapestry dusted out. Why all the work? Unless...there was something big happening.
There were also a lot more people wandering around the castle. Visitors. Nobility, to be specific. An oddly high amount. Not that the nobility didn’t like to go see each other, especially for parties, but the Portmota claim was currently home to just one person: the Marquess Portmota, the eldest member of the family. Marvin knew all the other Portmotas were either traveling, or had married into other noble families and now lived with them. There were far too many visitors in the castle for one woman to entertain, even for something as important as a Longest Night celebration.
Not to mention the rumors circling through the servants’ ranks. News spread fast through this network, and soon, maids, cooks, and gardeners were muttering to each other about the King himself visiting.
Marvin tried not to get too close to any of these servants. It would just...get in the way. Sure, many of them were friendly to him, offering to share lunches or spend their breaks with him. But...no, it wouldn’t work out. It couldn’t. Besides, he didn’t need them. All he needed was his familiar, Draco.
He’d been in Portmota Castle for a week when the rumors started to buzz. The cleaning suddenly intensified, and the visitors to the keep began strutting about in their finest clothes. One night, to confirm his suspicions, he asked a laundress named Mina what was going on.
“Huh? You mean you haven’t heard? You haven’t seen?” Mina glanced about the laundry room where she was busy working. Seeing nobody else nearby, she leaned close to Marvin and whispered, “They’ve seen the King! Here!”
Marvin’s eyes widened in exaggerated surprise. “Really? Why would he be here?”
“Why would he be here? For the Longest Night celebration!” Mina chuckled. “Elders, Westley, you can be oblivious,” she said, calling him by the fake name he was going by.
“Oh. That makes sense.” Marvin glanced down at the floor. Draco was batting at a loose sleeve dangling from a laundry bin, so he quickly bent over and scooped him up before the cat could knock the whole thing over. “Who saw him? How’d they know it was the King?”
“A couple people. Teresa, Connor, Kelley. They saw a man fitting his description walking around, with the brown hair and slender build, and Teresa pointed out he was walking very purposefully. Dressed finer than all other lords who’ve come to visit.” Mina dumped some of the laundry into a washbasin as she talked. “Kelley got really close to him, too, when they were serving food in the hall. They said he had the royal green eyes.”
“Royal green. Wow.” Marvin pretended to be in awe, and made sure not to show off any of the burning anger smoldering inside him. “If he’s the King, where’s he staying? I don’t think any room here would be noble enough for him.”
Mina shrugged. “Nobody’s said yet. There are a whole bunch of new rooms made up for the visitors, hard to tell. It’s not like he’ll be hanging the royal crest on the door.” She glanced about the room again, then nudged Marvin’s shoulder with some urgency. “Oh no, Ursula is coming. Better get out of sight before she demands you stop standing around and start working.”
That conversation was abruptly cut short, but Marvin got a lot of information from it. Namely, that the King really was here. The detail about the royal green eyes sealed it. Yes, the royal family were once known for their distinctive shade of green eyes, but none of them had actually been born with the color in recent generations. Until the current king. Something like that wouldn’t be forgotten easily. Now the question was how to get close to him.
He spent two days trying to figure out which room the King was staying in, but in the end, the answer fell right into his lap.
It was early morning, and he was in the kitchen, kneading bread for the day. It was a task he often volunteered for; something about the kneading motion was very calming to him. Even if Draco wandered around and tried to get under the feet of every grumbling chef and baker.
With no warning, the door suddenly flew open, and a voice called, “Any of you lot free for a quick delivery?!”
Everyone looked over in unison. It was Ursula, the head servant. “Depending what the delivery is!” answered Everett, the head cook.
“We need a breakfast tray prepared quick!” Ursula demanded. “It’s urgent!”
The chefs and bakers muttered amongst themselves. “How urgent is it?” Everett asked.
Ursula huffed. “Very. One of the lady’s important guests ordered it. And we don’t wanna upset him.”
Marvin’s head shot up. Could it be...?
“Alright, don’t get your skirt twisted, Helendaugh,” Everett muttered, rolling his eyes. “We’ll make one up. But you’ll need someone else to bring it up. We’re all busy here, if you couldn’t tell.”
“No one else can bring it up! They’re all busy too! Sure, I could scout around for someone, but that’ll take too long! Do I need to repeat that he ordered it urgently? Or that we can’t upset him?”
Marvin slowly raised his hand. “Um...sir? If you give me a minute, I’ll be finished. I can do it.”
Everett gave his kneading station a once-over, then nodded, satisfied. “Alright, that’ll be just enough time to make up the tray. See, Ursula? Westley can do it, no problem.”
Judging by the tightness of her face and the way she was wringing her hands, Ursula still thought there was a problem. But she stepped back. “Okay. Westley, you’ll want to head up the central tower, all the way to the top room. Knock on the door, but don’t wait for a reply. Open it and slide the tray right in, then close it and leave.”
“I understand, ma’am.”
“Make sure you do. This is very important, for a very important guest.” Ursula took a few more steps back, right out the door. Then she shut it behind her.
Some time later, Marvin was practically running through the halls of Portmota Castle, Draco at his heels. The central tower was quite far away from the kitchens. Though...a tower room was odd. Most nobility preferred to stay in the keep itself, since towers got drafty, and walking up and down the stairs was rarely worth the view. Maybe the King was different? Eh. It didn’t really matter. The King wouldn’t be around long enough to enjoy that tower room.
Marvin stopped at the base of the central tower, breathing heavily. He quickly glanced around, but luckily, the area was clear of any servants or noble visitors. Good. He needed to be quick. He slid over to the wall and knelt down, putting the tray of food on the floor. There was a floor-length tapestry nearby, and he pulled it over his shoulders, partially hiding him from view.
Then he reached under his shirt and pulled out a pendant on a chain. A beautiful pendant, with its smooth, palm-sized emerald and silver frame looking too expensive for the rusted chain it hung from. Even though wearing it might give him away, he couldn’t bear to part from his magical focus. A wizard without a focus was like a painter without their paint. They couldn’t do anything without it.
Quickly, Marvin pressed two fingers to the surface of the emerald, which immediately started glowing. When he pulled his hand away, the glowing light stuck to his fingertips. He drew a rectangle on the ground with his fingers, leaving light behind like chalk on a board. Once the rectangle was fully formed, the middle of it faded away. Now, Marvin was looking at the inside of a small box. And inside the box were a few things. A small dagger, a bottle of brown glass, a coil of thread, a white handkerchief, and a candle. Marvin plucked the bottle out from the box. He reached for the breakfast tray—swatting Draco away in the process with a “No, not for you”—and pulled it closer. Then he unstopped the bottle, poured a few drops of the liquid inside onto all the food items, and stopped it again, putting it back inside the small box. Once the bottle was back in place, the glowing rectangle disappeared. The floor reappeared as solid stone once more, with no sign of the magical box that had just been there.
“Good,” Marvin said, grinning to himself. He pulled away the tapestry, picked up the food tray, and stood up. “Now for the most difficult part...the stairs.”
That statement was a joke—a joke for no one, really, since Draco was the only one around and he didn’t really understand human humor—but Marvin was definitely winded by the time he reached the room at the tower top. No matter how often he walked up stairs, no matter how frequently he’d done so in the past week, he still hated them. Maybe that said more about how fit he was than the design of the stairs themselves. Which made no sense, he’d spent the past few years running around the kingdom, surely he’d be more fit by now?
He was getting distracted. The room door was in front of him. Wooden. A fine door, but no more fine than literally any other door in the castle. Yet...the King was inside.
Following the instructions, Marvin knocked on the door, but didn’t wait for a reply before easing it open and setting the tray down on the floor inside. Draco almost poked his head through the gap, but Marvin pushed him back, then closed the door.
He waited for a few minutes. Expecting to hear movement inside. But there was nothing. Well...the room must have thick walls, then. With his task accomplished, Marvin turned back and headed back down the stairs, which proved much friendlier on the way down.
That poison worked quickly. By that night, they’d hear news of the King’s assassination.
But that was not the case.
Marvin waited with anticipation, but nothing happened. There was no outcry of poison, no panic as the King’s lackeys were left unsure what to do. Things proceeded as normal. Leaving him confused. He was sure he got the dose right, and he’d made sure to poison all of the food on the tray. Hadn’t he?
The next morning, the exact same thing happened. Ursula barged into the kitchen, demanding a breakfast tray for an important guest. Everett said everyone was busy, and Ursula repeated the urgency. So, Marvin volunteered to deliver it again. Once he was alone, he took the poison from the hidden box and again dosed the food, making sure to add a bit more this time before putting the poison back and delivering the food to the top of the tower. He even had to push Draco back from the door again.
But still, nothing happened.
And when the same thing happened the next morning, Marvin was about ready to shout out “Am I going mad?!” But he didn’t, and instead played it cool. This time, Everett asked him to take the tray up ahead of time, expecting him to be able to. And of course, Marvin agreed, and secretly added even more of the poison. And of course, Draco once again tried to squeeze into the room at the top of the tower. Honestly, Marvin felt he should have more control of his familiar, but given how cats were impossible to order around under normal circumstances, he took Draco even listening to him as a plus.
When nothing happened the fourth day, Marvin began to suspect something unusual was going on. Perhaps someone tampered with the poison? No, that should be impossible. That box was buried in the ground, far away from Portmota Castle. He could only access it because of his magic. But...maybe? If he tried again today and the King still did not die, he’d try a different method.
So once more, he took the breakfast tray when offered, headed to a private area to get the poison out of the box, added yet more of it to the food, and trekked up the stairs to the room at the top of the central tower. He knocked on the door, then without waiting for a response, opened it to slide the tray inside.
And the instant the opening was big enough, Draco leaped through the gap and into the room beyond.
“Draco!” Marvin cried out, dropping the breakfast tray. Without thinking about what to do next, he threw the door open and rushed inside to scoop up his cat.
But of course, there was someone in there. Someone who’d been startled by the sudden appearance of an off-white cat, but was even more surprised to see someone run into the room after it.
Marvin skidded to a halt, looked around, and before he could even think about it, blurted out, “You’re not the King.”
The person inside slowly shook their head.
“Oh.” Marvin took a step back. Now that he wasn’t worried about his familiar jumping into the hands of the King, he gave the stranger inside a once-over.
The person—Marvin now recognized him as a man—looked a bit like the King, at a first glance. He had brown hair, as most people in the kingdom did, and was fairly thin. But he was shorter than the King was said to be, had a distinct, dark mustache, and most importantly, blue eyes. Not green. His clothes were fine, indicating nobility, but the style was a bit old fashioned. Like the black bow he wore around his neck, something that had gone out of style at least ten years ago.
Draco was sitting on a stool next to the man, looking very self-satisfied. Evidently, the strange man had started petting him right before Marvin barged in.
“Well...sorry, then,” Marvin said awkwardly.
The man smiled and shrugged. He gestured to Draco.
“Huh? Yes, sorry about him. And about barging in, I wasn’t thinking.” Marvin glanced around the room. “So...is the King going to be back soon?”
The man tilted his head, puzzled. And shook his head.
“Why do you look so confused?” Marvin took a minute to think. Then a possibility occurred to him. “Wait...is the King...not staying in these rooms?”
And the man shook his head again.
“Damn it,” Marvin whispered, barely audible. 
Honestly, looking around the room, he didn’t think this place was fit for a king, anyway. Certainly, it was noble. There were plush sofas and chairs sitting about, and a desk with a mirror and stool in the corner. The windows had thick blue curtains that one could pull over to cover the glass. And he could see two more doors, both slightly ajar and showing a bedroom and a bathroom. But...it was rather small, in all honesty. The furniture was pushed together, and the blue wallpaper looked a bit old. Not to mention it was cold, as well, with no fireplace. Marvin wished he’d thought to bring a cloak, but the one he owned was too fine, and he had to leave it behind while masquerading as a servant.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed,” Marvin said politely. “They said someone very important was ordering the breakfast trays so—wait, have you been eating that food?”
The man looked embarrassed, and shook his head again.
“No? Well it couldn’t just disappear.”
Now even more embarrassed, the man pointed towards the bathroom.
“You’ve been...dumping it in the lavatory?” Marvin realized, shocked. “Every day? Well no wonder you look so thin, then, if you’ve been skipping breakfast the whole time.” He then remembered the tray of poisoned food he’d brought, and dropped in the hallway. “Oh. But ah, might have actually been a good idea this time. I mean, the—if I’m being honest, it was all undercooked, anyway,” he lied. “And the one for today is all splattered now. Sorry.”
The stranger smiled good-naturedly. He nodded.
“Um...I’ll just leave now.” Marvin took a few steps backwards towards the door.
Hurriedly, the man shook his head, gesturing for him to stay. Meanwhile, Draco pressed his head against the man’s arm, demanding pets.
“Oh. Right. Draco, come on.”
Ears drooping, disappointed, Draco hopped off the stool and walked out the door. “Sorry about all this,” Marvin muttered, backing fully out of the room and pushing the door closed.
As it shut, he could have sworn the man inside had a very strange expression on his face. Something like disappointment and desperation mixed in one.
How...odd. Marvin hesitated, wondering if he should go back inside. But...maybe he’d misread the man’s face. That was far more likely than...whatever he just saw. Yes. He should turn his mind to more practical matters. Like where the King was actually staying, if not here. And getting someone to come up and clean the tray he’d dropped.
But as he retreated back down the stairs, he felt somehow regretful.
The next day, the order for a breakfast tray came in, as usual. Marvin wasn’t sure about delivering it, but by this point, he’d volunteered enough that Everett and Ursula expected him to. After all, it was much easier to have one person do something than to constantly find someone new every day. So Marvin quietly took the tray and headed to the central tower once more. This time, he did not stop to poison the food along the way. Now that he knew the King wasn’t there, it wasn’t much use.
When he knocked on the door, it swung open before he could pull it open himself. The strange man from the day before was standing there, smiling and practically bouncing with excitement. He immediately grabbed Marvin and dragged him into the room.
“Whoa! Watch out, you’ll spill the milk!” Marvin quickly set the breakfast tray down on the nearby desk, making sure nothing had fallen off. He didn’t want to make another mess.
The strange man didn’t respond to that comment. He was kneeling on the floor, petting Draco. Much to the cat’s delight, of course. There was a lot of purring.
“Why’d you do that?” Marvin asked. “Pull me in, I mean. If you want to know if the breakfast’s good to eat this time, it is. I...um, checked. Did you just want to pet my cat?”
The man made a so-so gesture.
Marvin suddenly felt frustrated. “Why don’t you just tell me what you want?!” he snapped.
At that, the man stopped. He looked over at Marvin, then stood up. He was wearing another neck bow today, blue this time, and he silently pulled it down so that his neck was more visible. There, right in the middle of his throat, were two scars, arranged in a + shape. Clearly the result of some sort of surgery.
“Oh.” Marvin’s stomach immediately sank. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t think—”
The man waved away his stammered apology with a small smile. It was clearly a sensitive subject, but since it was an accident, all was forgiven.
“Still, I...I’m very sorry. Ah...do you have something to write with, maybe?” Marvin suggested tentatively.
The man shook his head. He did that a lot, didn’t he?
“...nothing at all? What about in this desk?” Marvin wandered over to said desk, opening the drawers. But the man was right. There weren’t any quills or chalk to be seen. There wasn’t even any stationary, and Marvin knew that nobles were fond of keeping their own personalized paper nearby in case writing was needed. Instead, the desk’s drawers were mostly empty, only containing a few game boards and card decks.
As Marvin looked through the drawers, the man walked over to stand next to him, watching. When Marvin opened the drawer with the cards inside, he reached forward and quickly snatched up one of the decks. He turned to Marvin, grinning, and pointed at him, then at the cards.
“You...want to play cards?” Marvin asked, trying not to sound excited.
The man nodded.
“Well...I’m supposed to have chores, but why not?” Marvin grinned as well. “I have to warn you, I’m very good at Luck of the Deal.”
That only made the man smile wider. He guided Marvin over to the sofas and gestured for him to sit.
A couple hours passed before Marvin remembered he had more to do. Not just chores, but he also had to locate the King before the Longest Night celebration, after which he’d leave and return to Suilthair, the capital, and be untouchable. So Marvin hurriedly excused himself, but found himself leaving with a certain spring in his step. It had been a while since he’d sat down and played a few card games with someone. He...really missed it.
Over the next few days, he and the man in the tower developed a routine. Marvin would take a breakfast tray up to the room, and the man would drag him inside for a few games. Cards, mostly, though they pulled out some of the board games, too. The breakfast tray would be mostly ignored, though Marvin tried to insist that the man actually eat it. The stranger was on the thin side, after all, he probably needed a meal. A bit odd to see a skinny noble, actually. They could definitely afford enough to eat. But Marvin wasn’t going to ask, in case it was sensitive, like the voice issue.
There were, however, other questions that he wasn’t afraid to ask. The first one came up on the second day of this routine. They’d finished their first game of cards—Enchanter’s Gambit, a shorter one—and Marvin had asked, slowly, “Can you tell me your name? I understand you can’t speak it, but there has to be something I can call you.”
The man paused in shuffling the cards, thinking. Then he set down the deck, stood up, and walked over into the bedroom. A few moments later, he returned, holding something. He handed it to Marvin.
“A handkerchief?” Marvin asked, turning it over in his hands.
The man pointed to one of the cloth’s corners. Marvin examined it, and saw a small design embroidered in gray thread. A rabbit, curled up and sleeping, surrounded by a circle of thorny plants. It was the sign of a noble family. But not just any family. One Marvin instantly recognized.
“That’s the Jairsolas crest,” he gasped. “But—that’s—a-are you a friend of theirs, or...?” He trailed off, not needing to finish his question. The man’s grim expression confirmed everything. “That’s...impossible,” Marvin whispered. “They’re all dead.”
More specifically, they’d been massacred. By the King and his forces.
The death of the Jairsolas family had been one of the earliest signs of how dangerous the King was. The Count and Countess Jairsolas had ruled over the small family peacefully, loved by the people of their land. When the King began demanding more warriors, when he began taking away royal funds from medicine and farming, they were one of the nobles who protested. Eventually, they refused to enact his royal decrees in their northern territory, saying they would not compromise the welfare of their people. They accused the King of swiftly becoming a tyrant. The King immediately proved them right by forcibly invading their land and killing the entire family.
And yet, even after this clearly unwarranted act, there were still nobles out there who stood by the King. There were still warriors who pledged loyalty to him and believed in his cause. There were even common people who repeated that the King was just and good, though that was usually because they were simply unaware of what was going on. The nobles and warriors, however, had no excuse. They continued to fawn over the King and happily harm innocents. It made Marvin sick just thinking about them.
“I’m...so sorry,” Marvin said quietly.
The man nodded slowly, sadness flashing in his eyes. He must’ve been a more distant relative, to survive the King’s attack. Marvin, unsure what to do, placed a hand on his arm, hoping the gesture would convey the sympathy he felt. The man patted it, and smiled a bit, indicating it was alright.
“Jairsolas is a bit cumbersome,” Marvin said slowly. “Can I call you...Jair? For short?”
The man nodded, eagerly accepting the nickname. He pointed at Marvin, raising an eyebrow.
“Me? I’m M—I’m Westley.” Marvin remembered his pseudonym just in time, and quickly changed the subject. “Want to play another round?”
For someone who couldn’t speak, Jair was very expressive, gesturing widely and exaggerating his facial movements. Marvin assumed that was necessary, to compensate for not being able to say anything. Though it was odd that there were no writing utensils or parchment in his room. That seemed like it would be helpful, and easy to acquire, too. But Marvin didn’t want to push the issue. Maybe it was just a preference. Or maybe Jair assumed Marvin, appearing to be a servant, couldn’t read much.
Despite the issues of communication, Marvin proceeded with his questions. About eight days after the first breakfast tray delivery, he got tired of Jair continually ignoring the breakfast. That was perfectly good food going to waste. “Why do you even order the trays if you don’t want to eat them?”
Jair looked up, a bit surprised to be asked this while the two of them were in the middle of a game of Fidchell. He indicated himself, then shook his head.
“You...you mean you’re not the one ordering them?” Marvin asked, confused.
Jair nodded, confirming this, and looked back down at the board, moving a piece.
“Wh—how’d you do that?!” Marvin spluttered, momentarily distracted. “I was going to move one of the warriors there—you just cut off my path!” He scanned the board. “How did you surround my king again?!”
Jair laughed silently, a breathy sound, clapping his hands in delight at winning another game.
Marvin scowled. Draco promptly jumped onto the sofa and knocked over the board, scattering the pieces. “Yea, take down that game. I’m shit at it, apparently.” He sighed, and grabbed the cat, moving him to the side. “Who’s ordering the breakfast trays, then? Can you tell them to stop? It’s enough work as it is.”
Shaking his head, Jair pointed at Marvin.
“I could find some other way to get up here.” Marvin paused, noticing Jair’s slightly uncomfortable look on his face as he went about collecting the knocked-over game pieces. “Can you...not tell them to stop?” He thought about it for a moment. “It must be someone higher ranking than you, then. That would make sense, and it would explain why they always said someone important ordered the trays. Heh. Is it the King?”
Marvin asked the question jokingly, but for a moment, Jair’s shoulders stiffened. Then he brushed off the question, laughing without sound again.
That...couldn’t be right, could it? Why would the King go out of his way to order breakfast for some random noble? And one related to the Jairsolas family, which he destroyed? It didn’t make sense. There must be some sort of lie or trickery involved. Maybe it wasn’t actually the King. Or the King didn’t know Jair’s true identity. Or Jair didn’t know what happened to the rest of the family. Something like that.
Either way, Jair was quickly putting away the Fidchell pieces and board, clearly wanting to move on. So Marvin dropped the subject for the day.
But he still needed information. The King was somewhere in the castle. Other servants had caught glimpses of him, but Marvin still hadn’t figured out where he was staying, or run into him at all. Longest Night was approaching. He was running out of time. So, he decided to ask Jair a few more questions.
“Have you seen the King around?” he asked one day over a game of Saelan checkers. “Apparently he’s in the castle for the celebration, but I haven’t seen the tail of him. Others have, though. What bad luck, huh?”
Just like the last time he brought the King up, Jair stiffened, and immediately denied anything with a shake of his head. He pointed to the board.
“Right.” Marvin moved one of the small stone balls that served as pieces, getting closer to the end goal at the other side of the board. He wasn’t too good at board games, preferring cards, but he was better at this than he was at Fidchell. “I suppose I shouldn’t assume you’d know, anyway. I was just curious. I’ve never seen him. Does he really have green eyes?”
Jair nodded, distracted by planning out his next move.
“It’s strange that none of us know what room he’s staying in. That’s why I assumed he was staying here, ha.” Marvin watched Jair’s face as he continued to talk. “Is he even staying on the castle grounds? I know it’s traditional and all, but I don’t know if anyone would stop him.”
Jair shrugged. This time, his response didn’t seem like avoiding the question, but genuinely not knowing.
“Do you...I’ve never seen you out in the castle,” Marvin realized. “Do you stay in these rooms the whole time?”
Squirming, Jair didn’t answer, instead focusing on jumping one of his pieces over two of Marvin’s, capturing the last one.
“That’s not good for you. Staying in all the time, I mean. Especially when you don’t have a fireplace here. And it looks like an old room, you’re probably breathing in dust all the time. You don’t have to go out and make conversation with others, or even go outside, but just walk around. Do you even go to the main hall for dinner?”
Jair leaned back and looked away, folding his arms.
“Oh. Sorry, I...didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” Marvin said. “I was just...worried, I suppose. You don’t eat breakfast, you don’t go out, you don’t have a fireplace...it’s just...worrying. I’m...worried about...your health.”
Despite the clumsiness of Marvin’s statements, Jair looked touched. He patted Marvin’s hand and gave him a reassuring smile.
“If you’re sure you’re alright,” Marvin said reluctantly. “Try to take care of yourself, though.”
Jair placed his hand over his heart, suddenly emotional. He nodded, smiling. 
Had...no one ever said anything like that to him before? Had no one looked after him? Marvin felt something stirring deep inside his chest. A familiar ache. He’d...he’d never someone he could...well...relate to.
Marvin was supposed to ask more about the King, but he found he couldn’t go through with it today. He would try again tomorrow.
The next day, Marvin arrived at the tower room a bit later than usual. It took them a bit longer to cook it today, since there was more food than the previous times. He hoped that meant Jair was planning to actually eat it, and not just feed pieces of sausage to Draco the whole time.
He knocked on the door, waited for a few moments for Jair to open, but when he didn’t appear, Marvin pulled open the door himself and walked inside. Huh. Jair wasn’t actually in the room. The bedroom and bathroom doors were closed, so maybe he was doing something in there. “Hello? I’m here,” Marvin called as he set the tray down on the desk. Something brushed against his legs, and he looked down to see Draco curling around his legs. “Hmm? What’s wrong?” Draco didn’t usually stick close to legs, not after too many occasions of people suddenly moving and tripping over him. And his tail was standing straight up, the fur all puffed out.
At that moment, the bedroom door opened, and Jair walked out. He waved at Marvin the moment he saw him.
“Tthere you are. I was wondering why you didn’t open the door.” Marvin glanced back down at Draco, still on edge, then back up. “Is everything alright?”
Jair nodded, waving away the question. He then walked straight over to the desk and started rummaging around the drawers, pausing for a moment to gesture at Marvin.
“Oh, I don’t want to do anything specific today. Maybe more cards?”
Nodding again, Jair pulled out one of the decks. While he walked over to the sofa and began shuffling, Marvin glanced around the room once more. Nothing looked out of place...what had Draco so spooked? He walked over to the window and pulled back the curtains, looking out the glass at the scenery. Clear skies ahead. On the ground below, there were...a lot of people in the surrounding open-air keep. More than he saw on the way over to the tower. That wasn’t too unusual, though. So Marvin closed the curtains again. “What were you doing?” he asked Jair.
Jair looked up at him, confused.
“I mean, you’re usually waiting for me. What was different this time?”
There was a slight pause. Then Jair shrugged. He pulled on the ends of his neck bow, tightening it, and followed it up with a so-so gesture.
“I don’t understand, what do you mean? Something about getting dressed?” Marvin asked. This whole thing felt...odd. Why did it feel odd? Was it just because Draco was still clinging to his legs?
Actually, Draco wasn’t just staying close to his legs. He was also staring at something, ears flat, a warning growl low in his throat. Marvin followed his line of sight...to the door they’d just come through. And...now that he wasn’t speaking, he could hear something underneath the sounds of shuffling cards. Faint, but growing louder.
Footsteps coming up the stairs.
Now why would someone be coming up the stairs? The only thing in the central tower were guest rooms. But most rooms were farther below, and the steps were definitely close enough to be heard. Meaning...someone was coming to this room. Why? Jair wasn’t exactly sociable. It could’ve been Ursula coming to get Marvin for chores, but...Marvin grabbed his amulet through his shirt, and his eyes lit up the smallest amount. No, he could sense more than one living person approaching. Quite a lot more, actually.
“Can I use your lavatory?” Marvin asked. He didn’t wait for Jair to nod before heading over and disappearing inside, closing the door behind him.
Just in time for the room’s entrance door to open, and for all those living people to fill the room. Accompanying the footsteps he’d heard before was the faint sound of metallic clanking, like...like chainmail. Or weapons.
Panic flooded Marvin’s mind. They’d discovered him, hadn’t they?! He had to get out of here! There was a small window in the bathroom, maybe just barely big enough to squeeze through. It was quite a drop to the keep below, but better than nothing. Marvin tried to break the glass with his fist, but only managed to crack it, so he pulled his amulet out and began to focus.
“Open up! We know you’re in there, traitor!” Bang bang bang bang bang!
“Damn!” Marvin cursed. They were knocking on the bathroom door. He didn’t have time to break the window, he needed to go through them! He whirled around—
The bathroom door slammed open, revealing three warriors wearing tunics with the royal crest. Marvin grabbed his now-glowing amulet and made a throwing motion. Light flung from his hands, hardening to stone as it hurled through the air, and three good-sized rocks hit each warrior in the chest, knocking them down. Marvin immediately bolted.
The small room was packed with other warriors, as well. Many were blocking his way to the door, armed with broad-bladed swords. Marvin threw more light to either side of him, and the warriors yelled as they tried to get out of the way of the suddenly-appearing rocks. For the ones in front, he pulled more glow from the amulet, forming it into a long, thin whip made entirely of green flame. He swung it around and many of the warriors scattered. Two stood their ground, acting quickly to pull circular shields from their backs and block the magic fire. But then Marvin was in front of them, his hands ablaze with more flame.
And then pain wrapped around his torso.
He looked down just long enough to register the black thorny vines wrapped across his chest before suddenly being yanked backwards. Pulled off his feet, he landed on his back and was dragged across the floor for some distance before suddenly stopping. He looked up and saw a face looking down at him. Unnaturally blue eyes. Pale blonde hair, stylishly curled around her face. And a few smattering of freckles, almost disappearing beneath a light layer of cosmetics. She looked as surprised to see him as he felt seeing her. “Marvin,” she said.
“Thalia,” Marvin scowled.
“I didn’t think it would be you. They said the servant’s name was Westley. Unless—you lied, didn’t you? Like you always do.”
“You’ve always been the liar.”
“No I haven’t. I’m always honest with everyone.”
“Nope. I know you haven’t told anyone about those secret visits to the mountains, have you?” Marvin laughed at Thalia’s surprised expression. “That was hard to find out, but I immediately recognized your handiwork. Burning the stone? Really? Talk about excessive.”
“Shut up,” Thalia snapped. She reached up and touched a silver-and-ruby broach pinned on her tunic. Her focus. Her eyes lit up. “I’m the one in charge now.”
“No you’re not.” Marvin grabbed his own focus, flicking the light from it up into her face. Thalia yelped as the glow turned into liquid and went into her eyes, and she lost concentration on the vine spell. Marvin shot up and looked around the room again. Now counting, there were ten warriors. One of them was holding his cat-shaped mask. Damn it! They went through his belongings and found it. He could have left it behind, but he brought it in case something happened and he needed it. Clearly that hadn’t been worth the risk.
All of the warriors were strategically blocking his ways out. The window, the door out, the doors to the bathroom and Jair’s bedroom—
Wait, Jair?! Where was he?!
Marvin didn’t have to look far. Jair was sitting in the exact spot he’d last seen him. On the sofa, having not moved a finger since the warriors and Thalia entered. His eyes were fixed downward, his hands clutching the deck of cards tightly in his lap. Marvin blinked. “Jair, what are you—”
Fog suddenly filled the room, unnaturally quickly, blinding him in seconds. Marvin whirled around, lighting up his amulet to try and see through the mist. 
Dark figures lunged out of the fog and grabbed at him. Shouting, Marvin threw the light in a circle, turning it to green flame again. Several people cried out, and the fog lifted as the fire burned through it. Marvin saw the surrounding figures of the warriors, and then someone lunged at him from behind, wrapping legs around his and pulling his hair.
He yelped. “Thalia! Get off me!”
“No, give me that focus!” Thalia demanded, clawing at the chain around his neck.
“Die in freezing!” Marvin tried to grab his amulet, but that was a bit difficult while the chain was strangling him. He had to divert effort to giving himself room to breathe. “Who jumps on someone’s back?! You’re thirty years old!”
“You’re the one acting like a child! You stole that, I recognize it!”
“It was mine, too!”
After a few moments, the combination of struggling and the weight on his back caused Marvin to fall over, bringing Thalia down with him. The moment he was down, five of the ten warriors lunged forward, pinning him. He struggled, but there were just too many. Then Thalia pulled once more on the chain holding his amulet, and it broke. She backed away, holding the amulet upward in triumph.
Out of nowhere, there was a yowling sound. Thalia screamed as a streak of off-white fur ran at her and began clawing at her leg, tearing through her trousers while spitting and hissing. Instinctively, she kicked, and the ball of fur went flying across the room.
“Draco!” Marvin cried, managing to push free of the warriors for long enough to see his cat stand up again. “No! Get out of here!”
Draco wailed, then hissed, ready to attack despite being outnumbered by eleven tall humans.
“No! Out! Run!” Marvin’s magic was quickly fading without his amulet within reach, but he had to get Draco to safety. He looked Draco in the eyes from across the room. His flickered blue for a moment, and Draco’s eyes glowed for a second in the matching shade. Marvin sent the image of a safe place to go through the connection he had with his familiar, and followed it up with instructions on how to get there.
Reluctantly, Draco turned...then bolted, weaving in between the legs of the warriors in a sudden burst of speed. Once he reached the door, an unnatural wave of strength overcame him, and he pushed it open and disappeared. The warriors cried out, but Thalia called, “Let it go! It can’t do much!” She looked down at Marvin. “Really? A cat? Why not bond with something more useful, like a dog?”
“Fuck you!” Marvin shouted, and lunged at her.
Then a warrior brought the hilt of their sword down on the back of his head, and everything went black.
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thran-duils · 3 years
From All Sides (P.7)
Title: From All Sides (Part Seven) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Pirate Tony. Tony is obsessed with a certain barmaid at port and showers her with gifts to try to bring her to his bed. She is resistant to his advances, her eyes elsewhere, specifically on her coworker, the cook. Although, that love is unrequited and always will be. The reader is forced into close quarters with Tony unexpectedly and sailing the sea, she slowly bends to his will. And he plans to give her all the affection he can to make sure she stays. Words: 1,978 Warnings (for the whole fic): Eventual smut, violence, angst, possessive behavior
Part Six || Part Eight || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Upset at the way the night had turned out, you let out an angry sob. You tore your shift off, grabbing a blanket to dry yourself off. And found yourself naked, lying in Tony’s bed, just waiting for him to return. You had eventually drifted off to sleep, the alcohol sending you to slumber.
But your slumber was disturbed when the door banged back open, and he stumbled in. He further woke you when he slammed the door closed again. You sighed annoyed, staring at the wall, curled up in the fetal position. You were unsure of how long he had been gone but it had not been long you believed. It was still night out you were quite certain.
He came to the bed, and you heard him undressing. You stiffened, an ominous feeling falling over you as you heard his clothes falling to the floor. He had gotten in the water just like you, that was true. But you felt he was going to be forceful and you did not want to fight him.
Tony lifted the blankets and crawled into bed with you. His hands were on you, and you tried to pull away, your worries coming true.
“Tony, I’m not—”
“Lay still,” he ordered you, his words slurring. “I am going to hold you. I’ve had enough of your dramatics. Not everything is the end of the world, Y/N. Despite what you think.”
“Why you—” you started to say but it was strangled as he cut you off with a yank around your middle.
His arm tightened around you, his chest flush against your back. He breathed deeply, inhaling at your neck. His fingers curled in, him settling beside you. You let out a slow breath, hoping that was all he was going to do.
“Stop struggling, Y/N. This is always where you were going to end up with all your damn teasing. The gall of you… to test me. Me!”
He kissed at your neck, and you shuddered beneath his hot breath. He sucked in and you did your best to try to not move, try to not feel anything. You were so angry with him, and you were not going to give in easily. If at all if he did not prove himself again.
“If you were more open, maybe your life would be happier than it has been,” he continued drunkingly. “You brought unhappiness upon yourself.” Scowling, you went to pry his arm away but he warned, squeezing even tighter against your ribcage causing you to gasp, “No, no. Just go to sleep. I am simply making sure you don’t wander off by keeping you close. Don’t upset me anymore tonight, love. I cannot handle it and I’ve managed to keep myself in check so far.”
In check? You thought to yourself annoyed. He had certainly edged on being a downright brute!
“I’m keeping you, love,” he murmured, his lips brushing against your shoulder. “That’s all you need to know. You’re not leaving me. You’re to stay here… this ship is now your home. We shall be together always. It’s what we both have wanted.”
Yes, it was what you wanted. But he was going about it all the wrong way. Why could he not be gentle? Caring like he had been at port? Where your feelings for another that much of a threat to him? Apparently.
His weight was heavy, holding you tightly. He was quiet now and you realized he was falling asleep. Pushing him away still posed a risk to rousing him again and he may not be as gentle – if this was what gentle was – as he was being now.
Reluctantly, you nestled down, and he settled even closer to you. His breath was on the back of your neck, his fingers snug into your stomach. You closed your eyes, hoping to fall asleep quickly.
You would find a way to deal with this tomorrow.
You jolted awake hearing a loud ruckus on a deck. Startled, you turned over, seeing that Tony’s side of the bed was empty. There were fresh clothes waiting for you on the chair next to the bed. You slid out of bed cautiously, keeping your eye on the door, unsure of what was going on outside the doors.
Getting dressed quickly, you made sure you looked presentable in the mirror before opening up his cabin door.
The deck was quieter now and you furrowed your brow in confusion. You made your way out and saw one of the deckmen was passed out, a plate on the ground next to him. And a knife lying by the plate. Your eyes searched the deck quickly before you dipped down and snatched the knife up. You buried it in the bodice of your dress before moving forward.
There were still some pirates on the deck, milling about. But none that you had any connection with.
You turned to the voice, hand on your heart, and found Peter, holding up a bowl. There was gruel in the bowl with fresh fruit. Your hand fell and you took the bowl from him, and he smiled weakly at you.
“What was happening?” you asked him. “I heard a lot of noise.”
“Oh…” Peter said uncomfortably. “They were just excited about breakfast.”
He was lying. That much was clear. You lowered the spoon from your mouth before you even took the first bite.
“Peter.” Eyes drawn to your displeased tone, Peter looked uncomfortable. You repeated with more force, “Peter.”
He shot a look around the ship before saying quietly to you, leaning in, “Um… that other pirate I took you from? Vanko? He came to challenge the captain this morning. For interrupting him last night and also because he found it insulting that you were allowed to be wandering on your own, and he was deprived of taking you to his bed. The captain pretended he had no knowledge of who I was so I wouldn’t be dragged into it.”
Sighing annoyed, your hands fell, and you clutched the bowl of gruel, looking out at the island. Why were men so territorial and especially over people? And especially women at that! At least Tony had the honor about him to protect Peter.
You took a few quick, big bites from the bowl before handing it back to Peter. Then, you picked your skirts up and walked quickly towards the ramp to get off of the ship. You heard Peter behind you scrambling and were quite aware of the pirates left on board doing the same.
Bucky was in front of you suddenly and you came to a halt.
“Y/N, you’re to stay on the ship. And as I was told, to stay in the captain’s quarters.” His eyes searched over your shoulder, and you had no doubt he was looking for whatever one of Tony’s henchmen had been set to make sure you did not leave his cabin. There had been no one, so they must have snuck off the ship to see this fight.
You scoffed, “I know what Tony said I should do. But I am not inclined to do that. I don’t want to be on the ship, and I want to leave it. And frankly, after he acted, I do not want to come back onto it. So, if you’ll just move aside, I’ll make myself scarce and the captain won’t have to worry about me anymore.”
The deck creaked behind you and your eyes slid to the side with the turn of your head, seeing boots. You knew the other pirates were coming to back Bucky up. Irritated, you met Bucky’s eyes again as he spoke.
“Now, Y/N,” Bucky started off, trying to placate you and that ruffled your feathers even more. His condescending tone, as if you were the one overreacting. “You know that’s not what he wants—”
“I care not for what he wants. Not anymore. He’s proven himself to be a complete asshat.” Bucky sucked his teeth at the insult, and you felt some satisfaction knowing you were getting one of Tony’s men riled up. “So, please be a gentlemen and move aside.”
“’A gentlemen’”, Bucky repeated. His eyes were over your shoulder again and he smiled, and you heard the men behind you chuckle. “Dear, you know what I am. And a gentlemen is not one of them.”
“You sure were one when I was in danger,” you retorted.
Bucky’s lips curled up into a smirk and he shrugged. “Under the captain’s orders. But now the captain’s orders have changed. You are to be dealt with with a firm hand.”
Tired of the games, you reached for the knife and pulled it out. You were on Bucky in a second and his eyes widened at the sun glinting off the blade, realization in his face as you shoved him against the side of the boat. The blade was up against his throat and you felt the imposing presence of the other pirates at your back. Bucky was breathing heavily, looking at you and you swore you saw fear flash.
“A firm hand such as this?” you questioned angrily.
Bucky said nothing and he moved his hands, and you pressed the blade tighter. He stalled his movement, swallowing sharply.
Moving with precision, you maneuvered yourself to be at his side, the blade still tucked tight. But you had access to the ramp now since he was out of the way.
“Now, what’s going to happen is I’m going to leave. Give me your gun!” you ordered Bucky.
Bucky gritted his teeth not moving and you pressed the blade in even further and he hissed in pain as it cut into his neck. You were right on his Adam’s apple.
“You are making such a huge mistake, Y/N,” Bucky told you and he grunted again as you pressed in even slightly. A small trail of blood ran down his neck. “Where are you going to go on the island?”
“The forest. Work in the kitchens. Maybe drown myself in the sea. I don’t know. But I won’t be under Tony’s ‘protection’ anymore if he’s going to treat me the way he did last night! And once I’m off the vessel, I’ll be free of it as soon as I surrender myself to whoever else. So, give me the goddamn gun!”
Bucky eyed the crew who were all standing on edge. You had kept stealing glances at them to make sure none of them were trying to be sneaky and get a leg up on you.
Frustrated, he reached for his belt and unholstered his gun, handing it to you.
“Look at me,” you told him.
He did as you asked, vexation swimming in his eyes.
You leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss, catching him off guard. His lips were soft, and he moved with you as you pulled away, much to your amusement. He wanted more.
Pulling away fully, you winked, “You can tell Tony you kissed his woman along with allowing her to escape. See how he likes that.”
All arousal gone in the blink of an eye, Bucky cocked his head, allowing his neck to dig even further into the blade. He looked furious.
You let Bucky go in a fluid motion while cocking the gun. The pirates were on edge, none of them making a move because they knew if they harmed you, they would have to answer to Tony. You walked backwards down the ramp, and your eyes caught sight of Peter. He looked frightened.
Eyes on them all until the end of the ramp, you made sure to keep facing them until you were well enough down the dock.
When you saw them begin to move at Bucky’s order, you turned and fled, holding your skirts up to avoid tripping.
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld @holl2712 @agustdowney  @biiskuitx @buttercupfangirl
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
His Mistress ~ JJK [Request]
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⇢⇢⇢Word Count: 4K
⇢⇢⇢Genre: fluff, angst, AU.
⇢⇢⇢Pairing: Emperor!Jungkook x Concubine!Reader
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Everyone had heard the stories about Emperor Jungkook and his wife, the empress. They'd only married because Jungkook needed to have a wife before he could become king and she'd only accepted because her father wanted money and power. Which he got, he got his own smaller palace inside of Joseon and he got all the money he wanted from his daughter, using her to get the things he needed in life.
"I heard they aren't getting on so well in the bedroom if you know what I mean," One of the kitchen ladies said to the other while you were washing dishes that morning. They were all much older than you were but that was because you were a new worker in the kitchen palace and were assigned all of the duties no one else wanted to do, dishes, waiting on the empress and making sure everything was cleaned after the day had come to an end. Everyone else there was more experienced with the job and with life since they were much older than you, the only other younger girls there were their daughters so they hadn't had to do the duties you were being put through. 
Though you knew it wasn't good to eavesdrop on conversations this one was intriguing to you because the job you had taken was your grandmothers before she was put in the hospital and she'd given you details about the empress and emperor. Always fighting with one another, making a scene in the palace halls but on the outside of the palace, they were seen as the perfect couple. 
"Is it her or him though?" Another elderly woman in the kitchen said in a shrill voice - it sounded like a witch in your opinion and whenever she spoke to you it sends shivers down your spine - You put your head down, wanting nothing more than to get the dishes done before going to visit your grandma in the hospital wing. 
"I'm sure one of us will find out soon enough if the Emperor isn't satisfied with his queen he'll look for a concubine soon." The words cut through you like a knife, paying somebody to be your mistress, sleeping with him just because he ordered it seemed disgusting to you. Sex was supposed to be between two people who loved one another, not a man with too much power than he knew what to do with. The room fell silent the moment the doors to the kitchen slid open, the court lady had walked in and stared at everyone. She hated gossip and she hated when everyone talked instead of worked hard.
"Y/n! Serving duty and then you may leave." She ordered not even looking in your direction, you dried off your hands and went to change into the correct Hanbok for the dining room, ignoring the looks you got as you raced past other workers who had thrown you under the bus to serve the emperor and his wife. It wasn't a job that anybody wanted since the Empress made it her lives mission to make every girl who served her cry but you were tough, your grandmother had raised you not to cry in front of anyone. To wait until you were home or out of sight to cry, never let anyone see you weak. If they know your weaknesses they use it against you.  
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The doors slid open and you kept your head down at the floor as you laid out their food for them, you'd only been there a week and the Empress had already tried to make you cry. She'd taken hits at the way you looked and why you worked in the palace, she would try anything with everyone but you let it all go. Washing over you because none of it mattered, the job was good pay and you needed it to be able to look after your grandmothers hospital bills.
"You may leave." She spat at you but Jungkook smirked as he watched you backing out of the room, his wife wasn't watching so she hadn't seen the eyeroll you'd given her but Jungkook had. It made you stand out from everyone else that had been in the room before you. All the other people that had worked in there let it go or broke down into tears in front of them both but you seemed to speak back but ina way that wouldn't get you killed and he liked that about you. He beckoned his royal guard over and whispered in his ear to find you and have you wait for him wherever you would be that night. Not only were you beautiful but he could tell that his wife didn't like you meaning you would be a pleasure to be around while being a torture for his new wife.
"The emperor wishes to speak to you, I advise you do not leave." You stared up at the royal guard, he'd followed you all the way to the kitchen quarters where you were now standing in front of all the girls. You were sure they were all coming up with their own stories about why he was wanting to see you, the main one being the concubine one but you weren't interested in the position or to be a part of all of their stories so you walked away from the door and away from the shouting guard who was trying to get you to go back to him.
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"You ran from a palace guard?" Your grandmother asked as you sat down beside her bed, you nodded and took her hand into yours. 
"Said the Emperor wanted to talk to me but he's been looking for a concubine and I don't want that job," You told her as you added a blanket over her body. She was getting older and sicker with every day, you didn't want to be down at the palace but this was the only way she would get the proper care she needed. 
"If he orders you to do something you can't say no. He's our emperor, he rules over everything." She coughed into tissue and you looked away pretending not to see the blood on the handkerchief that you'd made for her.
"She's right," You gasped standing up and putting your arms to the side as if doing so would protect her from whoever was inside the room. Your eyes glanced at Jungkook as he bowed to your grandmother, he remembered her from when he was a child playing in the kitchens. 
"I see you're not in good health, what's wrong?" You went to tell him that it was none of his business but your grandmother began to speak for herself. 
"Halmeoni!" You cried out in Korean but she waved her hand at your face and explained what was wrong, 
"It's nothing but a cold, but because of the fires, I used to work near...Well, it's not doing so good for my lungs." Jungkook nodded in understanding and questioned whether or not there was something he could do to help. 
"No, I can take care of her. The job at the palace is more than enough Sir," He smirked knowing that the Concubine position he wanted you to take would pay more than enough for you and your grandmother's health. 
"May I speak with you alone?"
"No, I have to-"
"She'd be glad to follow you out Sir," You glared at your grandmother and followed him out into the small yard that was outside her room. The hospital wing was a large square around a small garden where the patients could go and sit. You walked over to one of the benches and sat down, 
"It's customary to let the Emperor sit down fist, but I'll let it go since you clearly don't want me here anyway." He sat down beside you and you stared at the flowers that were growing next to the bench. 
"You don't like me do you?" He questioned, breaking the silence that was in the air. It was pitch black outside except for the lanterns that were lightening up all four corners of the garden, 
"You don't remember me do you?" You mumbled turning to look at him, he stared at your face as he tried to place where he knew you from. There was one thing that no one knew about you and Jungkook and that was that you had a history. As a kid, your grandmother would sneak you into the palace while she worked you'd spend hours upon hours playing with the other children that came with their parents and there was one boy that was always singled out
"I'm Y/n," You stuck out his hand to shake and he took it in his hand shaking it as you sat down beside him in front of the lake. 
"Why don't the other kids like you?" You questioned, giving him half of a sandwich and then looking around. All of the other kids your age avoided him like he was the plague but you thought he was okay, he'd never done anything to hurt anyone and he was always trying to play with the other kids.
"I'm Kookie, and I'm not like them so they single me out." You sighed and bit down into your sandwich. 
"I like you, you're cool. We'll be best friends forever." You hugged him from the side and then pulled him up from the floor. 
You'd spent every day together since you were kids until you turned 16 and learnt his true identity, he wasn't just 'Kookie' he was Prince Jungkook and once he turned 16 things changed. He grew distant towards you because he had to focus on his studies while you focused on kitchen training, while he focused on training for a battle you trained on how to do the washing with your grandmother. You weren't kids allowed to run wild anymore, you were forming into young adults who had to learn the ways of life.
"Kookie, you're all grown up." You said with a sad smile on your face and that's when it hit him. 
"Y/n?" You nodded and he practically jumped off the bench and starting laughing at the memories you had shared together as kids. Giving you stories that you knew by heart and then some that you'd forgotten but not the most important one. Your first kiss. It was his first kiss too and it was just something that happened and went unnoticed by him but to you, the first kiss meant everything. It was what made you fall in love with him when you were teenagers and kept you in love with him until now, 24 years old and still in love with your childhood crush who had clearly moved on. 
"We were 17 and hiding out under one of the trees by the lake! I remember because you'd brought one of your grandmother's sandwiches again." He started to laugh at the memories and then he frowned looking at you you didn't look as happy about the memory as he did. 
"I kissed you because I knew I was getting married and didn't want to..." He said slowly as he remembered why the kiss had happened in the first place, you looked down at your hands and nodded. 
"Well, that's life." You laughed getting up from the bench and going back to your grandmother but he took your wrist in his grasp to stop you from moving. 
"I have something to offer you."
"Look, your highness, I don't want the job." You started using your honorifics since nurses were starting to see why Jungkook was in the hospital wing but he hadn't let go of you. 
"People are looking." He let go and you walked back to your grandmother's room looking in at her and smiling as she slept soundly, her breathing was ragged but she was still sleeping soundly. 
"If you take it she'll get the proper treatment she needs and she'll be healthy." His hand was placed on your shoulder and you stared at it, you knew that taking the job would include having sex with him whenever he wanted and in return, you would get money, clothes, jewellery and now apparently your grandmother's healthcare.
"I can't." You whispered to him looking down at the floor, 
"Why not?" 
"A woman my age, unmarried Jungkook. Put it together." You mumbled shoving your shoulder away so his hand would fall. You walked into the room and kissed your grandmother on the head. 
"Goodnight Halmeoni," You whispered before leaving the room but Jungkook continued to follow you even as you made your way out of the palace and into the commoner's area. 
"You've never had sex-" You clapped your hand over his mouth to stop him from saying it any louder than he already had and he smirked at you from under your hand. 
"It's not funny. I wanted to wait." He started laughing and you pushed him away, suddenly it was like you were teenagers again and it didn't matter that he was the Emperor. He followed you back to your house and you stared at him as he looked around at the small hut you lived in, 
"It's small,"
"You live in a palace. This is fine." You told him as you walked through to your kitchen and tried to avoid him. 
"Why did you follow me home?"
"It's dark out, wanted to make sure you got home okay and to make sure you pack your clothes since you'll be moving into the palace." You scoffed at him while shaking your head. 
"I am not moving into the palace." He licked his teeth and nodded at you,
"Oh but you are, it's an order from me...Your Emperor. I'll have your grandmother taken care of and I'll make sure she's safe." You knew it was a losing battle so you just agreed. You didn't want to fight him on it knowing it would result in a loss anyway, at least this way your grandmother would be healthy again soon. 
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Four months had passed and you were still his concubine only, you hadn't had sex. He would take you out around the palace gardens like when you were kids and you would spend hours talking, laughing and joking about things that you had in common which you didn't think would be a lot but there was. 
"It's been four months since you agreed to do this with me," He said as you walked by the lake, you were dressed in a white laced goddess styled dress instead of a Hanbok. Every set of clothing you'd been given to wear was white and you assumed it was because Jungkook wanted to let everyone know that you were pure. He knew how awful the rumours could be around the palace, he was a kid once and he'd heard his fair share of them as well. 
"You mean it's been four months since you forced me into becoming your best friend." You laughed it off, on your first night in the palace he'd come to your room and you thought it was for sex but you just talked. It was all you ever did together, talk, eat and just have engaging conversations so you assumed it was because he never got to do that with his wife. 
"She can't be happy with all of this," You nodded your head over to his wife who was staring down at you both from the palace entrance, she'd made it clear from the day you stepped in as his 'concubine' that she hated you. 
"She's an idiot," Jungkook laughed and you shook your head at him as he insulted her. He walked you down over a small bridge and you were now sitting on one of the gazebos that sat on the water.
"Why aren't you married yet?" Jungkook asked randomly as you sat looking down at the fish in the water, you knew the real reason but you had to come up with some kind of excuse as to why you hadn't yet. 
"The right guy never came along." But he had, he had and he was perfect but he was Emperor and married and asking you to be his concubine. You'd been in love with him since you were 12 but love at the age was nothing but a crush until you were 17 and the kiss you shared made you experience real love. 
"You're in love with someone else." You scoffed at him and shook your head, unaware that Jungkook knew all of the tell-tale signs of when you were lying to him. 
"Who is it? Do I know them?" You shook your head trying to change the subject when it hit him, you weren't looking at him, you'd moved further away from him and you were shutting all body language off to him. 
"I have to go check on Halmeoni," You scrambled up from the floor trying to leave but he gripped onto both of your arms making you face him. 
"It's me isn't it."
"I have to go-" You were cut off when his lips met yours and like all those years ago by the lake you had your kiss with Jungkook. The air was pulled from your lungs and everything around you faded into the background, you wrapped your arms around his neck drawing him closer to you and he wrapped his arms around your waist. Fireworks were exploding in your stomach, everything was heightened. His touch, the way his tongue felt when it fought yours for dominance and the way his thumb rubbing softly on your hips as he pulled away to let you get some air. He stared down at you as he realised that was the most passionate kiss he'd ever had even though he was married, he ran his thumb over your bottom lip to stop you from biting it and you stared at him, lust taking over everything in your body. All you wanted was him kissing you again. 
"Can you come to my room again tonight?" You whispered as you walked off the gazebo together and back onto the pavement around the lake, 
"Sure. I'll see you later," He kissed you cheek and ran off in the opposite direction of you while you smiled to yourself and headed towards the hospital to see your grandmother and tell her what had happened between you both. 
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"So this is why he's not slept with you yet?" You turned to see Jungkook's wife in the door so you got up to bow but she held her hand up to stop you. 
"She's sick?" You nodded and she walked over to look at your grandmother closely. She'd gotten a lot better since Jungkook had agreed to make sure she was getting the correct treatment.
"What is my husband to you?" She questioned but you looked at your grandmother who was waking up, 
"He's my Emperor who I serve." Your grandmother kept her eyes closed and held up one finger to shush you from talking to her, she wanted to see what the Empress was trying to do. 
"You're useless to him, I please him in the bedroom so I have no idea why you're even here. He's in love with me." You nodded at her, 
"He loves you, your highness, I'm merely there to keep him company during the day while you please him at night." She smiled and gripped the back of your hair in her hand, 
"You're nothing but a filthy mistress, do I make myself clear?" She dropped you once you repeated back to her that you were nothing and she left out of the door again. 
"She's no good for nothing little farm girl with too much power, you ignore her." You smiled softly at your grandmother and thought back to what you'd asked Jungkook to do that night, inviting him over seemed like a brilliant idea at the time but now you thought about it and how she'd reacted to you just being friends it wasn't a good idea.
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Jungkook stared at you as you knelt on the floor in front of him, 
"You cancelled on me last week and you've been avoiding me since...What happened?" You kept your eyes cast on the floor, you were in the throne you and have no idea where the Empress was and where she could come from at any moment. 
"I asked you a question." His voice was stern and you knew he was angry with you, you weren't going to tell him about his wife.
"I realised what I did was a mistake, I wanted to fix it."
"A mistake?" You nodded and avoided his gaze as he looked you up and down trying to find the signs of you lying but you weren't giving them away to him.
"With all due respect Sir, I'm not sure why you have me when you have a wife who is very capable of managing your needs." He was taken back,
"Managing my needs? Is that what you think you're for?" You nodded at his question, 
"A concubine serves no purpose except to please her master in any way he sees fit. I'm useless to you since your wife takes care of you herself." He huffed and you looked up to see him facing away from you as he stared at the wall in front of him. 
"You're far from useless Y/n, god and you're kind of stupid." He dropped the whole Emperor act and you scoffed at him looking away and shaking your head. 
"Then if I'm so stupid why am I here?" 
"Because I'm in love with you too!" He yelled and you stumbled backwards a little, he didn't yell out of anger but out of pent up frustration. The moment he'd kissed you that second time at the lake it brought back all the emotions he'd felt when he was 17 and you kissed there. It scared him but he knew that you were the one for him, that he was in love with you, always had been and always would be.
"Jungkook I-"
"Don't say you don't love me because your grandmother and I already know you love me." You stared at him, 
"You talk to her?" He nodded and sat down on his throne rubbing his temples as he thought back on everything. 
"I go to see her when I can't sleep and you're asleep. We talk about you and we discuss how you feel about me and how I feel about you." You got up from the kneeling position and stared over at him.
"You have a wife."
"Not anymore, she's gone." 
"Gone?! You killed her?!" You panicked and starting laughing while shaking his head,
"No, I didn't kill her. We're separated." Your heart picked up as he mentioned that they were separated. 
"I thought you weren't allowed to divorce." He nodded, 
"Which is why we're separated. She gets her own space and money to do with what she likes, I get my kingdom and my girl." He looked at you and smiled softly, 
"If you'll agree to be my girl." You smiled cockily at him as he came down to you and ran his hand over your cheek, 
"Your girl?"
"Yeah, we do everything we've been doing but I get to show you off at balls, you sit beside me on the throne, and eventually when me and she who shall not be named have been separated for long enough...My wife." You smiled at him and nodded, 
"I'd love to be your girl Jungkook." He smiled and placed his hands on your hips taking in a deep breath and sighing, 
"Then as my girl, I want to take you out to dinner. Me, you and your grandmother. We'll go out or we will go to her." You agreed with him and he kissed you lovingly on the lips, the fireworks inside of you exploded again and your head span as you kissed him. 
"I love you." He whispered as he pulled away, running his hand over your cheek and then kissing where he'd rubbed. 
"I love you too Kookie," You whispered back to him, walking out of the throne room hand in hand so you could go and find your grandmother.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @fan-ati--c​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​
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nitewrighter · 3 years
I just finished reading the pre-fall Gency argument fic that you made in response to an ask/prompt about another fic, and it’s amazing! Do Genji and Mercy make up after their argument, though? Does Genji tell Mercy more about what really happened with Moira in the Pining/Flight fic, and does he manage to explain to her why he felt he should still be stopping the Shimada clan (the part where he started to trip over his words during the pre-fall argument)? I’m so sorry for all the questions, but I loved this fic so much and would love to see them resolve their argument!
Yeah they make up, but more importantly have you ever gone, “OH FUCK I FIGURED OUT HOW TO WORK THIS FIC INTO A MAJOR CANON PLOT POINT?” Anyone?
Continuing off of this ficlet.
Genji lay on his narrow bed, staring at the too-high ceiling of his quarters and replaying the argument between himself and Mercy in his head as he had done so for the past few days.
I messed up.
A part of him felt like he should be used to it, after years of Hanzo telling him he was an embarrassment, but this stung differently and deeper. It wasn’t not meeting the draconian standards of the clan, it was realizing he had a perspective on death that was fundamentally incompatible with the morals of someone he cared for deeply. He glared at the ceiling as he remembered Moira’s words.
You’re finally understanding the difference between those up there, and those of us down here.
But McCree had spoken up against what Reyes had done. He wouldn’t shut up about it the whole mission. 
Well he and Angela were close so... Genji’s thoughts trailed off then, wondering if Ziegler and McCree would talk about how he and Reyes were monsters.
Even after having his body destroyed and reconstructed to this patchwork of flesh and metal, it had at least given him focus and purpose: vengeance. It was a relief from all the pain to commit himself to the destruction of the Shimada clan, to killing Hanzo, and he could have done that through Blackwatch, but now one death of someone who definitely had it coming had blocked the path. He had no way of knowing what was ahead, and he had just alienated one of the few people at the Watchpoint he actually liked talking to. But she didn’t get it, the Shimada clan had to be stopped. Hanzo had to die. What kind of world did she think she was living in? He raised his prosthetic hand and ran the thumb of his organic hand along the lines of its plates.
You’re not a weapon. I can’t let everything Overwatch touches become a weapon...  he remembered her words from the garden on a night that felt so long ago.
So what am I? Shimada Ninja? Blackwatch Agent? Assassin by another name?  Machine? his eyes trailed to his organic hand, Man?
He let his hands drop, hanging over the sides of the bed, I guess I’ve managed to screw up as every single one of those.
His morning alarm started beeping and he sighed. Cybernetics always woke him up a little too early.
After freshening up in the dormitory washrooms and dressing , Genji stepped out of his quarters and walked down the hall to the main body of the Blackwatch facilities. There were fewer bodies moving between the offices today. A significant number of office workers and agents had been either suspended or relocated to other Overwatch operations, and the remaining faces looked exhausted and grim.
It’s not just Angela dealing with the fallout of Venice... thought Genji as he walked through. He needed to talk to McCree, he decided. He wasn’t quite ready to talk to Angela yet. A part of him knew he needed to apologize, but another part of him knew an apology was worthless without a clear adjustment in behavior and perspective--and with the path before him so obscured now, he wasn’t sure what that shift would entail. Plus if anyone knew how to smooth things over between people, especially someone also from Blackwatch...
Genji’s thoughts were interrupted as he heard muffled shouting from Reyes’s office.  He looked around and saw what few agents were down in the Blackwatch offices had all chosen to give Reyes’s office a massively wide berth. One intern lingered close to the glass with wide eyes before being quickly escorted away by a more seasoned-looking clerk. The glass walls around Reyes’s office had been tinted opaque, but he made out Morrison’s muffled voice.
“---can assure you our agents and local law enforcement are doing everything they can, Gérard--”
“Don’t give me that!” Gérard was the shouter, something that sounded unnatural to Genji given how polite Gérard had always been in his previous brushes with the UN Attaché. “None of this would have happened if you had kept Reyes and his team where they needed to be!”
“We don’t have enough intel on Talon movements to know the timeframe on---”
“We have even less intel because of the shit you pulled in Rialto! Do you know how many active files I had to surrender to the UN Inquiry to keep Blackwatch from being completely gutted?!” Gérard snapped, “Talon took my wife and thanks to you I have to deal with that with both hands tied behind my back!”
“You’re not dealing with it alone--” Morrison was trying to reassure him.
“Morrison I cannot tell you how sick I am of covering for you covering for Reyes--And the fact that covering for Reyes is largely my job speaks to how much control you’ve ceded--” Gérard snarled.
“Chewing us out won’t get her back,” Reyes’s voice cut in bitterly.
“No, but you should both understand it’s one more product of your mistakes,” Gérard’s voice was thick.
Genji hadn’t realized how close he was leaning to the tinted glass of the office and started briskly walking down the hall, trying to put as much distance between himself and whatever was going down between Reyes, Morrison and LaCroix.  He heard the door slide open and shut and picked up the pace of his walk. He heard bitter muttering in French a ways behind him before hearing, “Agent Shimada?”
Genji pretended not to hear and started walking a bit faster down the hall.
“Agent Shimada!” there was a rapid clacking slap of expensive oxfords on the cement floor and Gerard suddenly caught up with him. Fast, was all Genji thought at first, I guess he was a field agent at some point-- But that trail of thought cut off as Genji took in the disheveled appearance of the usually suave and stylish Gérard Lacroix. Licks of dark hair were shrouding one side of his forehead, broken free of their usual glossy black coif. He wasn’t wearing a suit jacket or tie, his sleeves rolled and rumpled up to his elbows and his usually paper-crisp collar rumpled and wilting, his suspenders emphasizing all the wrinkles of his usually immaculate shirts. He smelled like cigarettes. Genji didn’t even know he smoked. 
“I need to talk to you--it’s paramount importance--Your dossier said Talon tried to recruit Sojiro once--Yes?”
“Um... yes?” said Genji.
“Do you remember any names from that time?” Gérard gripped Genji’s shoulders and Genji’s arms tightened at his sides at the touch, Gérard’s eyes were wide, pleading.
“Er...” Genji hesitated.
“Anything. Any name at all. Even aliases are a lead. Code names are a cypher. I can figure this out. We can get her back--we have to--there should have been demands--there have to be demands--we can’t negotiate but we can buy time--isolate the signal--” Gérard’s fingers were drumming on Genji’s prosthetic shoulder as if punching out sums on an invisible calculator. He wasn’t even looking at Genji.
“I... wish I could help,” Genji’s words came slowly to him. They felt strange, soft, helpless. He really couldn’t remember any names from that time, at least none that he could be sure he actually remembered and hadn’t just pulled out of nowhere that would only lead Gérard on a wild goose chase. For Genji, the only really memorable part of that meeting had been Hanzo had taken a shine to some Talon lieutenant and refused to tell Genji about it when he asked.  
So much for specialized Shimada intel... Genji thought a little bitterly. But Gérard stared straight into Genji’s eyes and Genji saw a flicker of heartbreaking realization in Gérard’s expression.
“....listen to me,” Gérard’s voice dropped slightly as his hands dropped from Genji’s shoulders, “I....I’m talking to a suspended agent hoping for nearly decade-old leads...” Gérard made a sound that was between a chuckle and stuffing down a sob as he pushed those dark licks of hair from his face, “I’m a mess without her.”
Genji’s stomach stung a little at the words ‘suspended agent.’ It had felt so temporary but hearing it from Gérard made it sink in as a reality with no visible end, but just as affecting was Gérard’s distress, the fact that the charming, if a little litigious, agent was suddenly up to his neck in paralyzing fear and helplessness when he wasn’t the one in danger. Genji studied Gérard for a few seconds.  
“Without.... who?” said Genji. He knew it was Gérard’s wife but wasn’t about to let Gérard know he had heard the whole exchange between him, Reyes, and Morrison.
“Amélie,” Gérard seemed to be looking through Genji then, his brow crinkled, “Talon they--I mean we’re not positive yet but--well you aren’t cleared for this yet. I shouldn’t...”
“Suspended,” Genji shrugged, “And... looking like this, I can’t exactly get off-site to talk about it.”
Gérard huffed “And... I’ve heard you’re not exactly the talkative type,” Gérard smiled a little.
“Ninja,” Genji shrugged.
“I-I think she’d like you...” His shoulders sagged, “Practical... steady... if she were here she’d probably tell me I’m making a fool of myself.”
You are and I have no idea how to help you so please let me go, thought Genji, but the smile on Gérard’s face eased him a bit. Genji wasn’t sure what to do with this feeling--helping and yet not helping. He remembered certain looks in Mercy’s face when he would talk about the Shimada clan, those hints of wanting to do something but feeling the ability to do so just beyond his reach. How often did she feel that with all of his fury? With all his grief?
“I wish I understood what was going through Reyes’s mind in Rialto...” Gérard spoke and startled Genji from his own thoughts. 
“...Antonio told him his associates would get him out within the week, Reyes... responded... practically,” said Genji.
“Practically,” a huff fell out of Gérard, “Just like in the debriefs.”
Genji’s brow crinkled. “The point of Blackwatch is to operate from the shadows. It was never about how it would be seen because it... wasn’t meant to be seen.”
“But it still has effects,” Gérard murmured, “And you still have to live with yourself afterwards.”
You still have to live with yourself.
The image of Zhihong Peh gurgling on his own blood on the end of Genji’s sword flashed to his mind. The thwack of his father hitting a fish on a rock in Shirakami-sanchi.
Make it clean. Make it quick.
“Would Amélie still have been taken if...?” Gérard’s voice pulled Genji from his memories again, but Gérard just lowered his head and furrowed his brow. “It doesn’t matter now.  have to find a new angle. I have to... she...” he lifted his chin slightly, “Monsieur Shimada. I appreciate you putting up with the ravings of a madman. I must go. Thank you.”
“....you’re welcome?”  said Genji, but Gérard was already walking past him.
Genji stood there in the hallway a few minutes longer. Amélie LaCroix had been taken. Whether or not that had happened in response to killing Antonio remained to be seen... but it was clear that the fallout from Rialto had not helped. He looked at his hands. For so long ‘practical’ had been a straight line, but now it seemed that the path he had been carving out was caving in on him. What was practical now?
Whatever you can do to help.
And where do you start?
With the people who you know always help.
It was late at night in the lab and Mercy was nodding off slightly, her chin in her hand at her monitor when a coffee mug gently clacked down on the desk beside her. She flinched awake and her head swung around to see Genji slowly withdrawing one hand, holding his own coffee cup in the other.
“Peace offering,” said Genji, “...if you don’t want to deal with me right now, you don’t have to. Say the word and I’ll leave you alone.”
Mercy tentatively picked up the mug and sipped at it, glaring at Genji slightly through her eyebrows before lowering the cup into her lap.
“What do you want?” she said, her voice clipped. 
“I wanted to say... I’m sorry for storming off like that and...You were right,” Genji said quietly, “Killing Antonio creates far more problems than it solves.”
There was some hope in Mercy’s eyes, but she also gave him a sort of uneasy, puzzled look.
“And...” Genji’s voice was a bit more tight, “On a... lawful and ethical level, it... was wrong.” He dropped his voice to a low mutter, “Even if he would have wormed his way out of the law.”
Mercy huffed and smiled a little. “I... I know the law also needs reforms so that doesn’t happen, so that justice can be done... but in the meantime...”
“In the meantime we shouldn’t shoot people in the face,” Genji conceded with a shrug.
“Right,” said Mercy. Her smile was a little crooked. There was a long silence then, tentative, and a little anxious. Genji leaned against the desk, wrapping his organic hand around the mug, taking some comfort in its warmth.
“Angela—I need you to understand something about me,” Genji said, not looking at her.
“Please don’t—“ Mercy started.
“Just listen. The first time the clan made me kill someone, I was 14 years old,” Mercy’s eyes widened and Genji’s knuckles rolled tight on the coffee mug, “And that wasn’t the only person I killed for them.
Mercy’s shoulders shrank inward, her eyes not meeting his.
“The clan,” Genji paused and took a steadying breath before continuing, “Worked to make me into something… no one should be. It…cultivated a way for me to see the world that very much affected my concepts of what is acceptable. What is good.” He gave a short huff. “But I don’t… I don’t want to be them. I don’t want to cause the same hurts they have caused.”
She looked at him then. That same searching look. That same ‘I want to help but I don’t know how’ look, and Genji’s stomach stung with the strange helplessness he felt when Gérard was gripping his shoulders earlier that day.
“But Blackwatch never asked me to question what the clan taught me. It just… saw I was angry, saw I was hurt, and pointed me in a certain direction,”  he huffed, “And now I’m stuck here. And I can’t do anything. And... ” he took a steadying breath, “I care about you. I care about our friendship. And I care about what you think of me. I don’t know... if I will ever be fully rid of what the Shimada clan cultivated in me... it... it feels like it only got sharper after what Hanzo did to me. It feels rooted in my very survival instincts. But I know I don’t want to be Reyes, and I don’t want to lose you, and... if what Blackwatch did caused all this hurt to all these people who had nothing to do with what happened in Rialto.. it’s true that it should be suspended.”
Mercy blinked a few times. “Do you really mean that?”
“Well... to an extent...” said Genji, “If Blackwatch still had its intel networks up...”
“Maybe we could help Gérard find Amélie,” Mercy said quietly.
“You know about Gérard?” Genji looked over at her.
“I only got the briefing a few hours ago,” said Mercy. She was quiet for a few seconds. “Genji... I... I don’t think you’re a bad person for what the Shimada clan conditioned you to do. You do scare me sometimes, but I genuinely believe, deep down, you want to do good.” 
“I scare you?” Genji lifted his prosthetic hand and looked down at it.
“Not because of that...” Mercy touched the metal of his knuckles and he let his hand drop as his eyes raised to hers, “I--I’m scared for you. I don’t want you to think you’re alone. And--and I want you to be able to have a life outside of Overwatch.” She huffed. “That’s what it does. It takes in people who have nowhere else to go and who just want to help and it takes everything they can give and you never know if it’s being used to help or to...” her voice trailed off and she was staring forward. Genji touched her shoulder gently.
“For what it’s worth... without Overwatch I would have never met you,” said Genji.
“I’m glad I’ve met you too,” said Mercy, smiling a little, “Silver linings right?” 
“Right...” said Genji.
A long pause passed between them. 
“...so where do we go from here?” said Genji, quietly.
“Well... I still have my work... I suppose this means we can spend more time together?” Mercy shrugged, “And... with Blackwatch suspended... maybe you can take some time to figure out what you want. Outside of Overwatch. Outside of taking down the Shimada clan.”
I don’t know how ready I am to deal with that, thought Genji, but he just nodded.
“So...” Genji swirled his coffee in its mug, “What are you working on tonight?”
“Well... apparently there’s been this incident at Watchpoint Pembrey,” said Mercy, glancing back to her monitor, “But it’s very confusing on, well... a physics level?”
“Something is confusing the genius Angela Ziegler?” Genji pulled up a chair, “Tell me more.”
Mercy snickered a little. Then started telling him.
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