#we see what it looks like when it goes wrong
inkdrinkerworld · 2 days
i love your writing so much, thank you for everything <3 (especially for post!prison spencer and sunshine!reader!!!) i was thinking about spencer and r are hanging out. still, no one from the team knows yet. she saved his contact as “cutie pie” or some other pet name (and maybe even he doesn't know it yet), and he calls, but someone from the team picks up her cell phone before she does and answers like “uuuuh who are you, 'cutie pie?'” and the spencer was "what???? who's cutie pie???"
Spencer’s at home sick. He’d come over before his fever set in and he’d been delirious by the time he crawled into your bed. 
You wanted to stay home too, to take care of him and make him chicken noodle soup that would’ve been too spicy or make him take his medicine- he can be a bit of a baby about the liquid stuff. 
Instead, you had to come to work. 
You left medicine on your bedside, a large glass of water and a couple sleeves of saltines for Spencer. 
At work you’d been texting back and forth when he woke up, giggling and smiling much to Luke and Matt’s confusion. 
“Who’s got you smiling like that?” Luke asks and you lock your phone, holding it against your chest. 
“Just someone I’m talking to.” 
It’s the wrong thing to say because just as the words leave you Penelope is in the bullpen and you look up at her like you’ve been caught red handed. 
It’s not that you and Spencer are trying to keep your relationship a secret. It’s that you’ve only just started dating- maybe a month. You know Penelope will feel betrayed for a few minutes before asking for updates. 
“Who is this someone?” She asks and you shrug, not wanting to say too much. 
Your phone pings again and Matt raises his eyebrow- he’s come to be like a protective brother to you. 
“Is it serious?” He asks, watching you bite your lip to hide your smile. 
“Yeah, I’d say so.” 
Penelope squeals, your phone rings. You freeze for a moment when your phone announces, “Baby.” 
She lunges before you do, snatching your phone from your hands and then answering. 
“Who are you, ‘baby’?” Penelope says and you bite your lip, hoping Spencer is at least a bit coherent. 
“Put it on speaker, Garcia.” Luke says and you shriek, apologies already circling your head for Spencer. 
Penelope does as asked, and repeats her question. “Well mystery Baby, who are you?”
Spencer’s voice is hoarse and confused as he repeats, “Who’s baby? Penelope is that you? Where’s Y/n?” 
The entire bullpen goes quiet, a crippling sort of silence that is longing to be shattered. It goes unshattered and stretches till the tension makes the room taut. 
“I’m here, I’ll call you back Spence.” You say quickly, body hot as you rush to hang up. 
“So, the boy genius huh?” Penelope says, a chuckle breaking through your group. 
“I knew it!” Matt said, opening his hand as Luke fishes out his wallet. 
“What did you know, Simmons?” You ask, watching Luke place what looks to be a couple hundred dollars in Matt’s hand. 
“That you and the good doctor were seeing each other.” He says like it’s no big deal. “I knew it from the second day when you guys started doing your crosswords together.” 
You blow a raspberry, not even you knew you were going to end up with Spencer. 
“Rossi’s going to love this gos!” Penelope says, rushing out with a wave of her arm. 
“We are happy for you, you’re cute together.” Luke compliments, laughing when you hide behind your hands. 
When the drama dies down you text Spencer, I think everyone is now aware that we’re together. Oops 
Spencer texts back, more coherent than you’d thought he’d be given the temperature of his fever: That’s not so bad. At least now I can kiss you between the crosswords. 
You roll your eyes, You already do that, genius. 
Spencer’s response has you a mess of emotions. So, baby huh? I didn’t think you’d be fond of that one. 
Go take your medicine and get some rest, Spencer.
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housecow · 21 hours
i have knee problems stemming from an injury when i was younger. if i step wrong and fall in a certain way, the pain is so bad i can’t walk. but sometimes i like to fantasize: what if something even worse happens and i can’t walk for weeks? what if i happen to be in regular close contact with my feeder?
it’d be hard being told i have rest and let myself heal. there are plans coming up that have to be cancelled, the few active hobbies i have left take a hit. but…it’s so easy to accept every snack brought to me. after all, i sought out a feeder—this lifestyle is the one i’ve eaten myself towards. and he knows i have an inclination towards eating too much. that first week goes easier than it should; weight starts to pile on. but i miss going out, even running errands sounds nice. in the few moments my hands are absent of food or a shake i am regularly in contact with my friends.
the next week i’m better but… i feel slow. my feeder has started to keep people away because i need to rest and he’s right, healing is taxing on the body. i start responding less to others, too. our funnel has gotten so much more use in the last few days. the sugar and constant snacks step up and i can tell there is an agenda behind it all but *god* it feels good to be doted on. he helps me through the necessary exercises but trips across the house are rare. i notice how difficult it is to lift myself up now—how sedentary have i been?
that question doesn’t cross my mind again, there are better things to focus on. my feeder knows how to use my adhd to his advantage—food, sex, TV, and games all provide the dopamine hit needed to keep me distracted. the 3rd week is similar enough to the 2nd: ritualistic feeding becomes the norm. we don’t need a valve to control the flow on the funnel anymore, he knows i can finish everything. my belly is swollen out into my lap all of the time now, if i hold my boobs aside i can see new stretch marks creeping across my expanding hips. i expect the snacks, “babe, can you grab me something from the fridge?” is a phrase heard several times in the day. and my feeder obliges.
the 4th week we have an appointment and im told i should walk and start being active again. the doctor looks nervous though and tells me i need to watch my weight, he says something like “its alarming how quickly this happened,” but i blocked it out because—i can’t even see how much i weigh? my belly blocks the view now. oh my god.
in the car afterwards my feeder expresses doubt at the situation: “you don’t look so steady on your feet, i think you should still take it easy.” his eyes meet mine and i don’t miss the brief glance away, desire obvious at the sight of my rounded figure that’s entirely his fault. i know what he wants and i can’t deny myself that want, either. and he knows better in these situations, i trust his judgement. maybe it is best to stay in. plans can be pushed further back… the walk back to the car was a little difficult, too.
the next weeks—or does it span months?—pass in a blur. staying in is all i want to do. although i’m supposedly healthy again, i rarely get up and walk around more than needed. “needed” means a slow, clumsy walk to the fridge and back to either the couch or the bed. when my feeder is not there to feed me himself he takes time to order food to the door. bending down to pick things up is a monumental effort for me—a heavy, wide belly pressing into my fattened thighs. my swollen tits obscure my vision but serve as an excellent table when i need.
my feeder comes home one day and im asleep, taking up more than my fair share of the couch. my breaths are not easy and its obvious how much i ate beforehand: mostly-empty 2 liters, takeout containers haphazardly stacked on top of one another as they were finished, countless snack packages balled up and stuck between the couch cushions because sometimes i like to squirrel stuff away. as if there was a chance of hiding these habits my feeder built.
but the best part of it all is the empty pitcher sat against the corner of the couch, because i couldn’t reach to the coffee table to properly set it down with so much fat making every movement difficult.
the remnants a weight gain shake. our usual ingredients of cake mix, melted ice cream, strawberries, chocolate syrup, nutella, crushed oreos. it was hastily made, however, and it’s obvious by the chocolatey powder on the sides of the container that it was about the calories this time, not the taste. he can see where some escaped the pitcher and poured down my overly plump, round face and past the lovingly cultivated double chin. it dripped onto my breasts, lovely puddles of calories he wish made it inside of me even if the sight is wonderful. after that thought, an idea comes up. how deep are the rolls he’s gifted me? a cow this size needs to be used.
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Indigo Park: Salem is Important
I've already done a post on why I think Lloyd is important. I go over how I think he's the first mascot and the OG face for the Indigo brand. Not to mention, drawing a parallel to Mickey and Oswald. You can read it here.
There is also this picture at the beginning of Rambley's Railroad can suggest that Lloyd is giving the deed to the park to Rambley. I.e. transferring ownership to him, as seen here.
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We also see Lloyd as a statue that's very similar to the style of the Rambley and Isaac statue we see when entering the park. I haven't seen this mention with people, but I think the biggest case for the other important mascot is Salem.
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(Lloyd's statue in his maze)
Anything regarding to Salem is a mystery. Salem's part in Rambley's Railroad is completely destroyed. There's splats of blood, Rambley glitches out, Salem's cutout is ripped in half, and hints that Rambley's Railroad used to be Lloyd's Limos, in the backrooms.
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(Salem's section destroyed in Rambley's Railroad)
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(Lloyd's Limos in the backrooms)
Any important lore drop for Indigo Park, Salem is somehow connected. In the video game portion, where it's revealed Salem was the one who was corrupting the squirrels, then goes ahead and corrupts Mollie.
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This is hinting to something big, something that possibly happened to the mascots at the park. Rambley did say, in a way, the mascots are like their cartoony selves. Via when he tells Ed the truth and in the credits song. Something either corrupted them or it could be symbolic to how trauma changes you. Within the same game, if you drop near the first half off of it, we see Mollie's sprite in a cage.
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I mention trauma is because I think it's obvious that Mollie and the other living mascots were physically and emotionally abused by the staff and the on-goers at the park. Mollie can repeat things that were said back to her.
"I wanna play with the birdie!" "Don't touch that thing, son." "It barely hurts at all..." "Get up, you stupid freak." "Get back in your cage, bird." "The customer is always right." Mollie and Lloyd are conscious beings who were tossed around and mistreated from the employees to the people visiting the park. They treated them like they were just props, things. The parent calls Mollie a THING. The employees called Mollie a "stupid freak" and for her to get back in her cage. As shown in the video game. They were treated like rag dolls and if they didn't do want the employees wanted, they would get beat or screamed at, or left to rot in cages. It just makes the line "It barely hurts at all!" more dark.
It barely hurts at all.
She's convincing herself that the abuse she is going through is fine or that she's used to it. Or an employee saying the abuse she is going through isn't hurting her. It barely hurts at all. I wouldn't be surprised if Indigo Park's underlying horror is mistreating people as just tensions of the park to sell a fantasy towards parent for a quick buck, instead of, y'know, treating them like people.
Not to mention, Salem uses potions. Magic. A possible hint to how the mascots were brought to life. They aren't robots or anything, but they're conscious, living beings. Now, let's take a look at Salem's intro card. It was censored before chapter 1 was released, but I believe it is important.
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Note of some important things here. They are a major trouble maker, super quick, and cunning. Interesting. Personally, in a speculation of mine is that Salem was the first one to act out and think what the employees and on-goers at the park treating them and the other mascots were wrong. Anytime something of lore is dropped or something of importance, Salem is involved. Salem is important.
Either or not they're an ally or enemy to Rambley and Ed, we'll see. Heck, Salem doesn't have any merch minus a keychain. So, whenever Salem is on the screen pay attention. Isn't it odd that Rambley NEVER mentions Salem? Like, the dude mentions Lloyd and he hates his guts. Interesting.
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sweetimpurity · 3 days
On the Run 2
w.c. 1.6k. NSFW Chapter 1
A/N: Hi! Not sure how many chapters there will be in total. I'm thinking 3 or maybe 4.
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Chapter 2
He gets up off the bed and at lightning speed pulls on his pants and his black t-shirt, messing with his metal belt buckle and grabbing their things from around the small room, shoving them in their bags. They didn’t take many belongings with them in the first place. 
“Here, put this on.” He passes you a pair of your shorts and his jacket, the quickest things he could find, going back to the window and looking through the blinds, very tense. He runs his hand through his hair, walking back through the room to find anything that they might forget. They can’t leave a trace behind. 
“Move away from the window, okay?” He goes to you, helps you up from the bed, seeing that you're still feeling hazy and your knees are quite literally weak. “What’s going on?” You whisper and hold onto him, feeling overwhelmed by so many things, one of the most powerful climaxes you’ve ever had in your life followed by Miguel pulling away immediately and stepping away from you, leaving you dripping onto the bed sheets. He didn’t even cum, how did he not cum? Were you not doing enough to make him feel good too? You wonder anxiously to yourself.  The situation must be bad then. And you don’t blame him, you know that things are tense and he wouldn’t pull away like that if something wasn’t wrong. He’s always cared for you after sex, he’s your big, sweet, loving man. 
“It’s gonna be okay baby… we just need to go now.” He holds your arm and brings you to the back door of the motel room. There's a small back porch that can hopefully aid you both in making a swift escape. You stand near the packed bags at the back door, his rough jacket wrapped around your still flushed and warm naked torso, watching as he steps back near the window, peeking out the blinds once more before jerking back suddenly to get out of view. They must be close. He switches off the lamp that was giving the room its only light and it’s suddenly pitch black. 
“Miguel?” You whisper anxiously and reach your hands out for him in the darkness, feeling your hands start to tremble. “I’m here, baby…” He whispers back and your hands meet his abdomen before he holds them in his. “It’s gonna be okay..” He tries to soothe you, feeling how your hands are shaking. “Hold these.” He says and you reach out your hands for him to place the bags into your arms. Suddenly you feel Miguel’s arms wrapping around and under you, picking you and the bags up off the ground and holding you in his arms. Your legs fold over one of his strong arms and his other arm wraps around your back. Your head presses against his shoulder and you feel safer in his arms. Even if you’re still not safe yet.
“Stay quiet, okay?” He whispers and you nod against his chest. He opens the back door quietly, looking out cautiously to see if either of the men are waiting there. The coast looks clear so he steps out onto the porch, everything he holds dear resting in his arms. You close your eyes and tuck your face into the crook of his neck, trusting him entirely with everything you have. He looks around the area and listens closely trying to gauge if the men are close by. Silently he carries you down the steps and to the ground, holding you tight. He looks around deciding which way to go. He needs to get around the building to get to his car parked out front but he doesn’t know which side the men are on or which corners they could be lurking around. 
“It’s okay, baby…” He whispers, mostly trying to convince himself that they could make it out of this okay. He walks briskly past many back doors, constantly looking around, he doesn’t want any surprises. He stops at the corner of the building when he hears the men yelling and banging on the doors. Damnit, picked the wrong side. He listens as the men pace back and forth, banging on doors and interrogating the people inside for answers. “Where the hell is he? You seen this fuckin’ guy? We saw his car. We know he’s here, we're not leaving without him… and his whore too!!” He frowns at their words and brings you tighter into his chest. He can’t stay here forever, he’ll need to make a run for it before it’s too late. He moves to turn the corner but then he hears the footsteps grow louder, closer. He panics, stepping back into the shadows, hidden only by a vine covered trellis. Your arms wrap tight around the back of his neck, clutching to him fearfully. He dips his head down into your neck, placing a small silent kiss to your pulse point, staying still until hopefully it passes, he doesn’t want things to escalate, not with you here. His heart beats out of his chest and you can hear it with your head pressed against him. Both of you hold your breath as one of the men walks to the back of the building and Miguel can see him from where you’re hiding in the darkness. He doesn’t take his eyes off of the man, a man he once knew well, a man he called a friend. Just when Miguel thinks he should do something instead of only hiding, they hear the voice of the other man still knocking on doors. “Hey! Someone said they saw him! Get over here!” And the man runs back to his partner. 
You both let out the breaths you were holding, your breath getting caught in your throat as Miguel turns the corner, he can’t wait any longer. He looks down the row of rooms and sees the men at the other end. Swiftly he carries you to his car, swinging open the passenger door, plopping you down in the seat and looking back to where the men are still standing. He quickly gets in the driver's seat and turns on the engine, watching the men as they look back at the sound of his car turning on and the headlights automatically lighting up the front of the motel. “Fuck.” He grits his teeth and puts the car in reverse. “Miguel!” You practically scream, watching the men run to Miguel’s car as he’s pulling out of the motel parking lot as fast as he can. Holding onto the door as the car jerks around, skillfully getting you out of there. 
He assumes the men are getting in their car right now and are about to chase them down seeing as they saw which direction they went. His eyes flick nervously between the rear view window and the road as he speeds through the darkness. It’s about 3 in the morning now so the roads are clear. You turn in your seat to look out the rear window at the road behind his car, your eyes wide and your heart beating too fast. “Oh no… Miguel.. oh my god!” You panic, watching headlights gaining on you up the highway. Your shaking hands pressed to your thumping heart in your chest. “Hey, just look at me baby, okay? Look at me…” He says and takes your hand in his, bringing it up to his mouth and kissing your fingers a few times, glancing between the road in front of them, the road behind them and your sweet glossy eyes looking at him. The engine revs as he steps on the gas. Flying down the highway, trying not to throw up from the feeling. "Shit." He mutters. Trying to keep his cool but failing completely. High beams flash behind you, teasing you, letting you know that they're still there and getting close enough to be too close. "Yeah I see you!" Miguel seethes, both hands on the wheel this time, taking the next exit, way too fast. "Miguel-" You gasp, fearing you'll crash before you can escape. "I know I know" He sighs, stepping on the gas because there's not much else he can do. "Fuck." He huffs, knowing this isn't smart but not knowing what else to do. "I don't even know where the fuck we are" He keeps speeding up the highway, trying to lose them. Looking for what he can do to get off this damn highway. He takes another exit, white knuckles gripping the steering wheel until finally there seems to be some sort of neighborhood. "Please slow down" You breathe out, pressed so hard against your seat from the rough ride. "I'm trying." He huffs, taking a few random turns to get deeper into this more crowded area. Finally turning down a long wooded driveway, pulling off to the side a bit, killing the engine and headlights.
“What are you doing?! I didn’t say stop! Why did you stop?! Miguel!” You panic, tears welling up in your eyes as you look behind the car again, so worried that you’ll see headlights at any moment. “It’s okay… it’s okay! They're gone.” He tries to soothe you as you sit up on your knees on the bench seat of his car, looking back through the rear window. “Miguel, we need to go! What are you doing!” You exclaim, tears threatening to fall and he just looks at you sadly. He never should have let your get involved. Now you’re crying, you’re scared, and you’re half naked. It hurts him to see you so scared and it’s all his fault. He beckons you over with open arms.
@safixiovi @laysmt @theplaid-wearingmoose @lazyjellyfish300
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cvnt4him · 12 hours
hii it's meee :3 another izu req
reader plays a prank on her friend izuku, it ultimately goes wrong and they somehow end up trapped inside a closed space. Together. Alone. Tight room. Tension. Heat. Mwah
ah, another ask from the great mind of @lovelykil
I would be more than happy to fulfill this for you<33🎗️
Stuck Inside..
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God you loved your friend group, how chaotic, dumb, and funny they were, they always made you and mina feel like queens those boys did.
Bakugou, kirishima, denki and sero, they knew how to have fun they sure did, playing pranks on people, having movie nights that only inner circle people are invited to, it was ultimate fun.
But they had an initiation, to officially be invited to the 'bakusquad' not the name you would've gone with but whatever, you had to successfully prank someone in the dekusquad for 5 days and not get caught, see when sero told you this at the lunch table, bakugou and denki smirking while kirishima and mina looked at each other with such worried looks, you were already down, who didn't love a good prank on their peers?
Mina sighed and looked at you with a scared look like she had something to tell you, she tried too, opening her mouth before shutting it at the sight of bakugou staring daggers into her. You wanted to know why they were being so secretive but you didn't want them to not trust you, so you simply kept your mouth shut and listened to sero go on about the tradition.
"so all I have to do is prank someone? Easy."
You say rolling your eyes and clapping your hands together.
"don't forget, you can't get caught, so do whatever it takes, even frame someone else, to get away." Sero emphasizes heavily to you.
"too easy. Now, who shall be my victim.~" you scoff, then rub your hands together scoping out your prey.
You hear a slightly rasped, deep voice chime in.
"oh? How come?" You question the still smirking blonde as he glared at you with deep volcanic red eyes.
"do the prank.. or don't. You're the one who wants to be with us, and those are the rules, either do the prank or dip. Either or."
Bakugou barks at you with a shit eating grin, leaning back against the window as he puts his hands behind his head laying on them.
You look around the cafeteria to search for the green haired boy, spotting him smiling and laughing with his friend group. His emerald green eyes shining so bright in the sun, his pearly white smile blinding you, he really was such a bright star, you were just afraid this prank might burn him out, although you really wanted to be apart of their clique, were you really gonna prank an innocent angel who's never done anything wrong to you, just so you can have a designated seat at the 'cool kids' table?
You inhale through your nose and exhale heavily out through your mouth.
"fuck it, I'm in. Any specific prank in mind?"
Yes, yes you were.
Your answer caused bakugou to smile widely at you, the rest of the boys doing so as well as they all snicker and snort quietly, again besides mina and kirishima who just sighed and accepted what was to come there truly was nothing they could do.
"shit man.. that might just make him cry, are you sure?"
You question after hearing the prank they wanted you to do.
"hey, your call, if you don't wanna do this, don't. We aren't forcing you of course these are all your choices, just make sure this is what you really want to do and be prepared to go down if you get caught."
The way denki worded his sentence made you feel something deep inside, guilt? No.. regret? Can't be, you hadn't done anything yet. So what was it?
You sigh, really thinking this through, hell you really felt something inside but you couldn't quite put a finger on it..
"yeah.. oh.. okay, I'll do it."
You agree before shrugging off everything and bringing your gaze back into everyone at the table, smiles still plastered on their faces as you see katsuki and denki fist bump.
That should've been red flag number one.
A couple days later you set your prank into motion, on Monday you started out tame, stealing little things he would need, whether it be his pencil, notebook, doesn't matter, if you could get your hands on it you did.
When izuku realized his notebook was missing, he freaked out looking around with a nervous face, not wanting to interrupt anyone or bother them with his silly needs, you kinda felt bad, but you couldn't let emotions get In the way of becoming an official member of the squad.
You sucked it up and waited for the next day.
As Tuesday hit your pranks slowly progressed into getting worse, you had started leaving mean notes in his locker, his desk, even his bad, they'd say just random hurtful shit, whether that be about his freckles or his scars, things you thought he'd brush off. But boy were you wrong, seeing his spirit shatter as he read each and every note really left a bad taste in your mouth, hell you thought you saw years prickling at the edge of his eyes.
You again, brushed it off and waited for the next day.
Wednesday, you decided to kinda bully him, well not really, just nudge him into the locker when you walked by, or kicking the pit of his knees making them buckle, small things like that.
He felt so humiliated when he nearly tripped because of you, everyone staring at him as you glance at him with doe like eyes and bat your lashes at him.
"are you okay?"
He looked at you with glossy eyes and sniffed before nodding violently and rushing out of the class, you sighed and grabbed you bag leaving too as it was the end of the day, god you hated this but you were almost through, just 3 more days and your free.
As thursday rolled in you sucked up everything in you and, mentally prepared yourself for the next prank, you decided to go off script and do little tame things, take a bite from aoyamas book and leave more little notes in his room, it scared him by the looks of him, you hadn't felt too bad for this one as you and already progressed from the little notes in day 2 of your pranks, just one more day, one more prank and then your free, however this prank was the worst and all if the bakusquad was gonna be present.
You had to make sure you didn't let your emotions get in the way so you mentally prepared yourself the night before.
Finally Friday rolled around, most Fridays are spent training so with that being said you need to change into your hero suit in the locker rooms, deku is always the last one to shower after training and putting away his hero suit, out of respect for his friends, at least that's what the boys told you,
You sigh readying yourself to go in there and take his clothes as they would lock the door making sure he couldn't get out unless he broke the door, then eventually coming back for him in the morning if he hadn't.
God you were terrified, the prep the night before hadn't helped at all, you were literally shaking in your boots. You sighed as you see all of the boys leave the shower room as mina and you waited outside for them to give you a signal.
When bakugou gave you a nod, with a wide smirk on his face you sighed and ran in, the door opening and shutting loudly catching izukus attention whilst he showered, he brushed it off as one of the guys coming in and stated in the shower, you walked to the bench next to the showers making sure he couldn't see you, you grabbed his clothes and ran as fast as you could, once you made it out you held his clothes breathing heavily with a smile on your face as you struggle to catch your breath, your heart beating so fast from the adrenaline.
"I.. I got it!"
You saved it around showing the boys and mina, a smile never making it onto her face, her knowing what's coming next she shuts her eyes and mouths and apology, you look at her as sero, kirishima, and bakugou give you your praise, you were so confused and focused on what she meant by it you hadn't even seen denki slip behind you and quietly open the door, mina quickly pushed you inside and bakugou locked the door with the key, everyone laughing loudly as you fall into the floor with a grunt, kirishima had snatched dekus clothes from you before mina pushed you in, you bang on the door and hokd back tears.
"hey! Let.. let me out! Mina, how fucking could you!.."
All you could hear was laughs as they suddenly faded away, their shadows disappearing as well, as another comes from behind you, you'd seen the shadow on the door as you quickly turn around with a gaso as izuku held a towel around his waist trying to assure you were alright.
You look down before looking back up and looking away.
It was awkward, silent, and he looked so fucking hot, and he probably guessed you were the one that had taken his clothes.
"...hey, you uhm.. wouldn't happen to know where my clothes... are?..."
He spoke quietly, and with a somewhat leveled voice not wanting to scare you off not that you could go anywhere.
You sigh before groaning in anger and frustration as you slap your hands to your face and slide down the door.
" I'm sorry... for taking your clothes and giving it to them, for bullying you and leaving mean notes and taking your things and--"
"that... Those.. things were you?..."
He asked in a confused tone, his brows furrowed, as he looked at the ground before slowly looking up to look at you, his eyes shaking, searching your face for an answer that you didn't want to provide.
You hadn't wanted to speak so you simply nodded, sighing as you bang your head back on the door, causing izuku to jump and rush down to you.
"hey, don't do that you could hurt yourself..."
For fucks sakes, you just admitted to doing these horrible things to him and passing them off as a 'prank' and he's still checking on toyou?
The way he looked down at you, his hand on the back of your head making sure you weren't hurt, his fingers rubbed the area soothingly, making your head lean back into his hand.
The two of you were just looking at each other, eyes staring into the others as your faces moved closer, before you knew his it, his breath fanned you face, the smell of mint coming off of it, he liked to chew gum to keep his jawline nice, god he looked so good like this, water droplets from the shower running down his body and wet hair.
The hand that was on your head moved to your cheek, rubbing his thumb over it as he brought you close, your noses brushed against each other's slightly, it was so quiet you could practically hear his heart pounding out of his chest, his breaths slowly turning more heavy as he looked down to your lips, licking his that were parted and nibbling lightly on his lower one.
"can I kiss you...please?"
His voice coming off more desperate and whimper-y than he meant.
You were tired of talking, tired of thinking, all you wanted to do was push your feelings from the betrayal you just went through down, and what better way to do that than fuck the person you'd been torturing for 5 days?
You pulled him into a deep kiss, groaning inside of it, your teeth clashed together and you pulled him by his shoulders, making him out his knees on either side of your thighs, his towel threatening to come off, you let him trail the kiss off into your neck as he gently kissed, licked, and nipped at it, little noises coming from him as he did so.
You sighed breathily, your eyes accidentally trailed down his lower abdomen, staring at his well toned abs and the v line going down, god that was so sexy to you, as your eyes kept trailing down you seen how his towel was even managing to somewhat stay up, his cock was fully erect and bobbing against the towel, that was the reason he was making whimper like noises.
He started bucking into the towel making your eyes widen slightly at the sight, a little damp patch forming in the thick towel, had he cum or something? You thought to yourself as he full blown moaned into your ear, was he really gaining that much pleasure from grinding his hard on against a rough towel?
You looked up to him as he looked down at you with a red face, his heart was racing as he looked down at his aching cock then back to you, you connected the dots and guessed he was asking you to touch him.
Without thinking about it, your hands trailed up his abs, then down again as you trickle your fingers over his wrapped cock, you felt his cock twitch underneath your light touches as a breathy sigh leaves his opened mouth, his eyes slightly rolling back, there was no way he was getting this much pleasure from this.
You scoffed and gripped his cock tightly, making his body jolt and a stuttery 'oh' leave his mouth as he looked down at you, grabbed you by your cheeks and pulled you into a heated kiss, he bucked his hips into your hand and he moaned and whined into the kiss, it being hard to stay in it due to him humping into your hand frantically like a bunny during mating season or some shit.
Your teeth clashed against each others once more as he shoved his tongue in your mouth, flicking his against yours, swapping spit and groaning into your mouth as you swallowed all his messy little noises that dropped from his mouth like spit.
He grabbed your other hand and pulled it up to his throat and wrapped it around his neck, you just kept your hand right there not applying any force letting him control it as he kept jerking his hips into your tightly gripped hand, he closed his hand around yours that was also around his neck.
Aww, was this his little attempt at getting you to choke him? I suppose his wish is your command.
You choke him harshly making his eyes roll back as he bit his lip harshly, moans being muffled by it, he bucked his hips a few more times before blowing his load into the towel, his cum seeping through the fabric and dripping onto your wrist and your pants, there was just so much you thought he was never gonna stop.
His hips kept lightly twitching up into the towel causing him to bend forward and moan into your ear due to the over stimulation, god his pitchy moans were so hot.
His hot breath still fanned your ear before he finally said something his voice a little groggy.
"please let me... let me eat you.. I want to taste you, please...?"
His sentence ended with a whimper in your ear as he moved his forehead to lean against yours.
Was all you could get out before he pulled down your shorts in a flash, your panties coming off with them, he instantly hurriedly his face in-between your partially opened thighs, his tongue licking and prodding against your lower lips, not pushing his tongue fully inside, he licked a tongue stripe up and down your slit, a moan leaving your lips, you didn't fight anything and just let him work his magic, and bit was he magical with his tongue.
He finally stopped teasing and pushing his pink muscle inside, quickly lapping at your hole and lightly licking you clit in fast motions, he continued this for a while, and by a while I mean about 15 minutes, you were so close to cumming a couple of times but every time he sensed you were about to come he pulled away and pet your slit gently with his thumb, occasionally circling your clit slowly, agonizingly slow.
"wh..- why do you keep testing me like this.."
You groaned and looked down at him with glossed eyes, you didn't expect him to look at you with such a piercing gaze, his lidded emerald eyes staring painful daggers at you as he shoved two of his thick fingers inside of you without warning.
Your back arched and the pain mixed pleasures hips grinding down into his fingers as he finger fucked you, his fingers plunged in and out of you at a insanely fast pace, tears started prickling at the corner of your eyes, you were so close once again before he scoffed and pulled away with a smirk.
"do you really think you deserve to cum after how you've treated me all week? No, you're going to suffer like you made me."
His fingers arched up into you and plunged in and out of you at an erratic pace for about 5 more minutes, he just kept going and stopping not letting you cum.
"you wanna cum, love? Beg. Beg for me to let me cum, slut."
You were sobbing, tears streaming down your puffy red cheeks, hiccups and spit leaving your mouth as a string of incoherent begs left your mouth, you were pleasing helplessly for the orgasms you needed.
He sighed with a smile, squinted emerald eyes peering down at you in an evil, yet satisfied way. He loved how dumb you were from being finger fucked like this, god he could only imagine how brain dead you'd be if he fucked you in his cock.
He didn't say a word as he simply picked up up with ease, man handling you like a ragdoll, and switched your positions, you were now straddling his lap, due to you not expecting him to pick you up so quickly you leaned against his body, your tears falling onto his shoulder as he rubbed your back soothingly, hushing you while kissing the top of your head.
"it's okay, baby, you did so well for me. I'll give you what you need now, okay?"
You gulp hardly, you can hardly even get words out as you're still hiccuping from crying, before you can fully process what he says he undoes his towel that was previously wrapped around his waist and slammed his cock inside of you, you winced at the stretch and the brutal pace he'd already set.
You groan loudly as your eyes roll back, your head falling onto his shoulder as you can barely get out little 'fuck's and 'please's.
He hadn't let up, his hips hammering up into you, you were grinding down into him causing a breathy moan to leave him, a smile made it's way back onto his face as he kissed your head once more.
"you're doing.. so well, my love, it's okay I'll make you cum."
The way he whispered lovingly in your ear made this experience for you so much better for you, you had tightened around him, feeling that familiar feeling, you were going to cum, finally you were going to get to feel that release that you needed, tears continuously fell from your face as you moaned loudly, picking your head up from the crook of his neck to gripping his broad shoulders for stability as you begin grinding into him, feeling so close you hadn't wanted him to rip it away from you again.
He was shocked by the control you ended up taking, he didn't stop thrusting into you, although due to you grinding the rhythm he had set had been thrown off track, your hips hit against each other in an uneven fashion, but you couldn't possibly begin to care when you were finally going to cum.
Izuku grabbed at you hips, holding them tightly to stop you from moving, you tried to continue moving despite his painful grip on your waist, he was far too strong for you to even remotely gain he upper hand, you let him win as he sped up the jerking and jolting of his hips, the clapping sound of your ass meeting his pelvis echoing throughout the locker room.
There was one thrust that hit so vigorously against that sweet spot inside you, everything in you fell apart, you inhaled sharply, eyes rolling back as you grip and scratch as his shoulders harshly leaving a mark and probabkt even drawing blood, he grkaned byt never ceased his hips from stopping, your velvety walls convulsed around his so sweetly it caused his hips to buck into you at a frantic and frenzied pace, his hios stuttering into you as his breath hitched, he squeezed his eyed shut tightly, trying to hold out just a little longer to feel your warn and soft walls tighten around him, alas he simply couldn't, he thrusted one last time before spilling his seed deep inside of you, the warmth of his thick sticky cum warming you entirely, a shiver going up your spine as he lets his head lean into your neck, sighing deeply in the crook.
Your head ended up on top of his, coming your fingers through his damp curls, he sighed in content enjoying the satisfying feeling of your fingers raking and scratching his scalp, you wanted to say so much but also just sit in the moment, it was silent, but it was a comfortable one that you hadn't wanted to ruin with words.
"why did you forgive me so easily."
You say in a groggy and slightly raised voice, you moaned so loudly and cried so hard you had slightly started to lose your voice, izuku simply hummed, enjoying the vibration of your chest as you spoke and the nice feeling of still being inside of your warm messy insides.
"well, I suppose I haven't exactly forgiven you yet, but I'm not going to stop being your friend because of what happened."
"seriously? This shit is fucked up, we're locked in here, with no way to get out, and you don't have any clothes you could get sick. Or worse. Die."
He simply chuckled, making you angry, you were worried and all he could do was laugh at you.
"y/n I can't get common sicknesses anymore, I don't know what OFA has done to my immune system but I can't catch things like the flu, or a cold, or anything like that, so I assure you, I won't get sick and I won't die, but thank you for worrying about me."
He chided, informing you factually like you could have possibly known that. you sigh and nuzzle your cold nose back into his damp hair, you sniffed causing him to slightly tense and move back to look at your face.
"are you alright, y/n?"
The way he looked at you with those vibrant emerald eyes, so wide and loving, his cheeks still slightly tinted a light shade of red as his freckles are littered all over his baby like face, you smile and put your forehead to his, closing your eyes making him do the same and sigh.
"I'm okay, but we seriously need to figure out how to get the hell out of here." You say softly, clearing your throat from the scratchiness you could feel, were you getting sick?
"there's a back door that I'm sure they didn't lock. We can skip out though there, do you have your phone on you?"
"oh! Yeah, wh-... fuck me. This whole time I could have called someone to get us out of here." You groan, absolutely disappointed in yourself for not using your shitty brain.
He simply giggles before grabbing your now unlocked phone.
"you must've really wanted to have sex with me, eh?" He tested lightly poking fun at you making you slap his shoulder, another like if laughs leaving him as he calls iida, neither of you expected him to be awake yet he was, his breath was slightly ragged, what had he been doing, maybe out on a run? Doesn't add up too much, it's 10 pm and they have a curfew for 12 am.
Iida had helped you two out, meeting you two at the other exit and giving you clothes to give to izuku, he continuously asked questions on why the two of you weren't in bed and why izuku didn't have any clothes and why you two were even together.
The whole walk back to the dorms was full of iida whisper yelling at the two of you for being irresponsible, you couldn't stop looking at izukus face though, or just him in general, he suddenly became oddly appealing to you, but you still couldn't shake the guilty feeling of the things you and done to him, he glanced at you giving you a warm smile, kissing your head goodnight before turning into his room, taking iida by surprise.
You chuckled and went to your dorm, jumping in your bed and calming it a night, you sighed at the comfortable feeling of your bed, giggling to yourself remembering how izuku came inside of you. Your eyes slowly shut and you drifted off to sleep.
AN; this shit is hot ass, but at least the smut is great, I might rename this w/o the pranking part, it was hard to think of a good prank to do for this fic, im kind of dumb so.. yeah. I hope you all enjoyed reading this<33
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buckybarnesb-tch · 3 days
Hybrids Mafia Princess Pt5
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Sorry it took so long. Almost finished, just one more chapter to go.
@a-beaverhausen @ranisingsnew @ronswhoree @susannahmikaelson @skulliecadaver-blog @yeaiamme2 @nataliewalker93 @luz09
Part 4
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Waking up alone was disappointing but Y/n didn’t expect anything else, knowing that if Klaus had stayed until morning he would have been shot God knows how many times.
2 Days. That’s all she needed to wait, just 2 more days and then she could get away from this house, the constant guards, a mom that ignores everything that goes wrong around her and her father. Her father who she had loved and adored more than anyone in the world, her father who had been her hero only to become the man who ignores her existence and shoots her pet.
Just 2 Days…
Klaus knew he needed to tell her the truth. Getting her to leave with him and depend on him needed to happen first, he knew once she loved him that she could accept anything about him.
He also knew that she would willingly turn for him, Y/n was exactly the kind of girl who would want to be with him for eternity, already overly sensitive about the idea of being abandoned. After her father had abandoned her without ever leaving the same house, what else could anyone expect?
He had been working in the time away from Y/n on his Hybrids, having to go back to Mystic Falls to find out Doppleganger blood was what he needed to turn the wolves. Sadly he didn’t get back to Y/n until the third day away and he was worried that she would be upset with him. However, the house was finished thanks to compelled construction workers and interior designers working around the clock, his Hybrids guarded the house as he instructed them to and he was finally able to pick her up.
Sadly though he was not quite as sneaky as he thought approaching the house this time and he ended up snapping one of the guards necks before climbing up to the window. Klaus saw her on her bed drifting off to a movie on the TV and he tapped the glass to see her head pop up and her eyes widen in excitement making her jump up and nearly fall from the bed as she fumbled to yank the window open.
‘You’re late!’ She snapped, though her smiling face pointed to her not being overly upset about it before she pulled him in and hugged him.
‘I’m so sorry Princess, there were complications finishing the house and I wanted it to be perfect. I’m sorry if I made you doubt me-‘
‘No! I didn’t, I promise! Thought…maybe my dad had…I-‘
‘Oh baby. I’m so sorry, come here!’ He hugged her to his chest tightly, kissing her head before the tears could fall. ‘Are you ready to go? I had a complication getting in here so we need to hurry.’ Her head popped up with a startled look before she jumped to grab the large duffel bag under her bed, pulling it out and setting it on the bed before moving to her dresser and grabbing sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt. She changed fast as Klaus opened her bag to inspect it.
‘What’s wrong?’
‘I’ll get you a new laptop, your father can use this to track you, can’t bring it with us.’
‘Oh shit!’ She moved to grab a flash drive from her drawer before plugging it into the laptop and saving several things before deleting a bunch of things. ‘He’ll look through everything like he always does and find my journal. Wish I could see the look on his face when he sees how I really feel about him…both of them.’ There was a smile on her face but Klaus wrapped his arms around her from behind, seeing how sad she really was about it.
‘You’ll never have to listen to anything he says again. You’ll be happy with me, I promise.’ He swore, picking up the bag and moving to the window, watching her pull the sim card from her phone before tossing it onto the bed and following him. Klaus took hold of her and lifted her into his arms before jumping out the window, smiling at her small gasp as he did, quickly moving through the trees to get to the car he had left and setting her into the passenger seat.
‘Where are we going?’ She asked, clearly excited and clutching his hand as he began to drive.
‘We’re going to the airport-‘
‘My father will be able to find us there, he’ll find out where we-‘
‘Impossible. I have a jet fueled up and waiting, only the pilot knows where we’re going. He will not be able to find us, I promise.’ Klaus assured, kissing her hand and holding it firmly, watching as she tried to relax though he knew she wouldn’t until they were on the jet, far away.
He left the rental car with someone at the front before leading her through security quickly, compelling a security guard to fast track them through to get to their flight. ‘It’s so weird not being surrounded by guards in a public place, I feel like I’ve been let out of a bubble for the first time since I can remember and it’s like I can breathe deeper…does that sound stupid?’
‘Of course not Love, you’ve been confined your entire life, it’s normal to feel free now that you’re away from it all.’ He enjoyed watching her look around with a smile on her sweet face.
‘What’s that smell? It’s…sweet. It smells so good!’ She exclaimed, looking around in excitement.
‘The cinnamon buns maybe?’ Klaus said, pointing to the shop. ‘Do you want one?’ She nodded quickly and he led her over to grab a few of them for the flight before taking her to the jet that was waiting on them.
‘Woah…this is bigger than my Dads…I didn’t think that existed.’ The hybrid couldn’t help his chuckle at the clear innuendo that went over her head as she looked around, Klaus buckling her in and making her blush at even the small gesture of care he showed her as the jet took off. He couldn’t help but smile as the tension in her body seemed to completely disappear as they ascended, finally free from her father and his control.
The fact that she was now completely under Klaus’ control was a detail he didn’t think needed mentioning…
Somewhere in the Woods in New York
‘Where Is She?!’ He raged, holding his best friend by the front of his jacket.
‘I don’t know Buck-she must have gone out the window-‘
‘I have guards everywhere! How did she get passed them, Huh?! What do you-‘
‘Hun, whatever Y/n has done isn’t Steve’s fault and you’re going to regret killing him. You love him.’ His wife reminded, gently removing his hands from Steve and pulling Bucky close, feeling all of his muscles tensing at the idea of his baby being missing.
‘Someone has taken her, who should I be killing?!’ He demanded only to be met with a stern look from the mother of his child.
‘I don’t know who you think you’re talking to like that but it isn’t me.’ He sighed, pulling her into him and burying his face into her neck. ‘I know you’re worried, I’m worried too but this was inevitable. She did tell you she was going to leave-‘
‘She was being dramatic! She knows I love her, she wouldn’t…someone has taken her, only explanation!’ He insisted, beginning to pace across the floor, waiting for his men to check the security cameras.
Bucky is willing to admit that he isn’t the best father but he loves his daughter more than anything in the world. After all that has happened, all that he’s lost, he couldn’t risk losing her too. And maybe he held on too tight sometimes but he loved his baby more than he had ever loved anything. Every time he looks at her he sees that precious little bundle he was handed by a nurse, he was the first person to ever hold her and he swore to her that he would never let go.
‘Boss…you’re not gonna like this…’ Bucky looked up from where he sat with his wife holding onto him, the only thing keeping him grounded on this planet right now.
‘What is this? Where is this?!’ He demanded as he watched the video on the laptop that Sam handed to him.
‘It’s a camera from one of the back roads to the property. No one but security even knows they exist, we don’t know how anyone got there.’ Sam explained, standing just out of Buckys reach in case he decides to lash out.
‘What is he doing? Is…she’s kissing him…how does she even know him?! She’s always had security, who-‘ Bucky cut himself off as he thought back to Tony’s party the week before. He had seen this man before, he had smiled at him at the party, smirked more like it, and Bucky had wanted to slap that look off of his face…he should have killed him when he had the chance!
‘I’m not surprised.’ Buckys head snapped up to look at his wife who was clearly upset but no where near as physically upset as he was. ‘With how you treat her, smother her? An attractive man came along and promised her the world, of course she ran away with Prince Charming. Especially after what you pulled last week, I told you that dog thing would come back and bite us in the ass.’
‘Seriously?! How are you not upset-‘
‘I’m furious! But I’m also able to see how this came to happen and it is our fault. God knows what he’s promised her, but I’m not shocked she jumped at the first chance to get away from you-‘
‘She knows I love her-‘
‘No James, I don’t think she does.’ Buckys face fell as he heard his wife say this. Every fight they had, every punishment or mean word, he had always comforted himself by remembering that his daughter knows that he loves her and that he would kill or die for her. Now to hear that she might not truly believe that, Bucky swears that he heard his heart crack. ‘When she was young she did but you changed when she got older and I have no idea how she feels about you anymore. She doesn’t talk to me because she knows I will tell you everything. We fucked up, and we have to get her back.’
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
Hybrids Mafia Princess Series
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achilles-rage · 1 day
NSFW Alphabet // Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley x Plus Size Reader
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Hi besties<333 This is my first time writing so pls don’t absolutely tear me to shreds (just a little bit is acceptable though). I’m planning on making a SFW alphabet for Buck soon as well but some of the letters had me drawing a blank lol. Also, although there’s not really much mention of it, this is with a plus size reader in mind. As a plus size girly myself, it sucks to read x reader stories and knowing in the back of your mind that it wasn’t written with your body type in mind (although there’s nothing wrong with writers that do that of course). I just thought I would add to the plus size reader community because there are barely any buck fics and i believe in my heart that he loves plus size women. Anyway, enjoy <3
MDNI- 18+ Only
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
When y’all finish he’ll wait a few minutes before pulling out, head buried in your neck as his breathing gets back to normal. He’ll kiss your neck and tell you how good you were for him, before finally getting up to clean you up. After that he wants to lay with you and talk, just enjoying each other’s company, maybe y’all will make some food if you feel like it.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His: Probably his arms. He’s worked hard to be as fit as he is and he enjoys using his arms to move you/lift you while you’re having sex. He takes pride in his appearance, he knows he’s hot, but it’s an added bonus that he can lift you up and do whatever he (or you) wants.
Yours: I am of the firm belief that Evan Buckley is a thigh man. He loves how they feel in his hands, he loves how they look when you straddle him, he can’t get enough. He loves to see them jiggle when you move, or when he playfully smacks them. He loves thick thighs and I will die on this hill
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This man has a BREEDING KINK OKAY!!! He loves to cum inside you, fucking deep into you and feeling his cum fill you up. He loves watching it slowly dripping out, so he can finger it back in. If that’s not your thing I think the next best place would be on your stomach, watching your face as he lets go, seeing the way he marks you up. He loves your little tummy, how it moves as he ruts into you, so he loves it when you let him cum all over it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I only call this a dirty secret because he would never tell anyone about this after the last time it happened and he got fired. He wants to fuck you in the fire engine SO BAD. He can’t help but think of the way you would look as he fucked into you quickly, trying not to get caught with your dress up around your waist. He knows it’s not gonna happen, he’d never hear the end of it from anyone in his life if it did, but god he wants to so bad.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Girl have we watched the same show?? This man FUCKS!!! We all know (and love) Buck 1.0, and we know he knows what to do. Buck 3.0 might mean him changing into, well, not a sex addict, but that doesn’t mean he forgot his training (🫡). I think he understands that every woman is different, and while he might not get it exactly right the first time, he’s a fast and eager learner, watching what exactly makes you squirm and moan the most for him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Canonically, Buck LOVES when you ride him, and I agree. He loves to watch you move yourself on him, able to grab at your thighs, and your hips, and your chest. He also loves to move you on him, squeezing your hips tightly as he sets the pace if you start getting tired or if he just feels like it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I mean, he’s Buck, he’s truly a golden retriever of a man and cannot stay serious for long. I think he’s a bit of a mix, he can be serious in the moment, but at the end of the day, he’s still Buck, and Buck is silly goofy.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps it nicely trimmed, carpets match the drapes. In terms of his partner, he really doesn’t give a fuck. He’s seen it all and could not care less as long as he feels the way you wrap around him so perfectly.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Buck 3.0 is a man of TASTE, but that being said, I think he only really pulls out the romance during special occasions. Most of the time this man wants to freak nasty, but sometimes when he’s tired, or just feels especially in cuddly/clingy, he’ll be more romantic.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does it pretty often, of course not when he has the option to fuck you instead (and you’re willing, of course), but if you’re not with him and he needs a quick release, he getting right to it.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding: I will scream this till the day that I die, this man wants a family more than anything. Whenever he’s inside of you, he can’t help but think about how pretty you’d look with your belly all round with his babies.
Praise: Look at this pathetic little guy, he needs to be praised, he thrives on it. He loves to hear how good he feels, how good he’s making you feel. This goes both ways. He’s in your ear immediately telling you how good you feel, how well you’re taking him, how pretty you look.
Spanking: HEAR ME OUT!! While I’m not sure he would actually bend you over his knee (but honestly the more I think about it he might) he would LOVE to give your ass a nice little swat as you’re riding him. He loves the sound it makes, and the sound you make because you’re not expecting it. I don’t think he’d ever do it hard enough to hurt too much, but I think enough to make your ass a little red would definitely be something he could get behind (lol).
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He doesn’t have a ring cutter in the kitchen for nothing<3
I think he likes to have sex at home the most, on the bed, on the couch, on the kitchen counter. You name it, he wants to fuck you there. His favourite is the counter because he loves seeing you being so domestic in the kitchen. Making dinner, cleaning up, whatever, he wants you right then and there and cannot wait. He’ll come up behind you, wrapping his arms around you as he kisses your neck before slowly turning you around to face him and lift you onto the counter to have his way with you.
While he’s moved on from having sex in public places that could (will) get him fired, he’s still into it, but in less obvious places. If y’all are in his car and you’re looking a little too good in his passenger seat, he loves an empty parking lot quickie. Front seat, back seat, whatever you want, he’d be pulling you onto him as soon as he puts the jeep in park.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Girl ANYTHING gets him going, it would take one look, one touch, one word and this man would be ready to go. I think what really gets him going though is seeing you with kids or getting along so well with the 118. This man truly just wants a silly little family and someone that can get along with the 118fam, so seeing you like that has him making up a stupid excuse to leave a little early so he can take you home and have his hands all over you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Like I said before, I don’t think he would do anything to hurt you too much, other than the occasional light spanking or biting. He would also not be into any kind of age play or pet play, he’s pro kink but it’s just not for him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This man is a giver and I stand by this. Dear god he loves nothing more than having you spread open for him, hands tangled in his hair as he makes himself at home between your thighs. He loves having his hands gripping your thick thighs, feeling them on either side of his head. When you start to get squirmy from the overstimulation he’ll place a large hand over your lower stomach, holding you still as he pushes you over the edge again.
With all that said, he will definitely not say no to getting head. He loves seeing you look up at him while you’re on your knees, trying to take all of him. He’ll keep a hand in your hair, pulling it softly every now and then, and he can’t help but moan and whine as he gets closer and closer, eventually cumming down your throat as he squeezes his eyes shut.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on the day, but most of the time he likes it rough and fast. He loves a good quickie, meaning it kinda has to be more fast paced and rough, and he’s pretty easy to get riled up, so when you drop any sort of hint, he’s on you immediately and ready. On other days where he’s feeling extra clingy and lovey, he’ll be more of a slow and sensual guy, but I think for the most part he loves to fuck you deep and rough.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Like I said, he loves a good quickie. A lot of the time he craves a quickie before work, needing to feel you before his long shift. I think they happen pretty often, but he’d much rather take his time with you, using his fingers and mouth before he fucks you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As long as there’s clear communication he’s down to try pretty much anything, he’ll do anything to make you happy (within reason). I think he’s also a risk taker (also within reason, he has to think about not getting fired again, of course). Buck 1.0 is still inside him somewhere when it comes to sex so he definitely loves a little risk, but he’s grown enough to know where the line is.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
While he would love to go as many rounds as possible, I think it would realistically be 2-3, lasting about 10-15 minutes each round. I think he would be the type to like having some time between rounds, tension still high as you talk and lay around before he's back on you again.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Once again, he doesn’t have a ring cutter in his kitchen for nothing<3
He likes them, he definitely owns a few toys of his own. Vibrators, cock rings, some handcuffs or restraints, he’s very open to anything that increases y’alls pleasure.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He does it sometimes not really meaning to, like he does something and you’re like….dear god…and maybe he doesn’t notice the first time but the second time he does and WILL keep going until you snap. He loves the way you get all squirmy and whiny and desperate for him, knowing you want him as much as he wants you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
So vocal!!!! Literally that meme thats like “y’all afraid to make noise in the bedroom?? i be in my girls ear like…” He loves dirty talk (on both ends) and he can’t help but let out low moans when you’re clenching around him. He also loves hearing your breathless whimpers, making him feel like he’s doing a good job, and encouraging him to pull more sounds from your lips.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If he was in a relationship during the whole sperm donor thing, it would be the longest few weeks for both of y’all. I imagine the first time he has an appointment, you make sure you’re waiting for him in a cute little matching set, knowing how excited he was to finally be buried inside you again, hearing you whine as he fills you up. He’s so frustrated when his appointment doesn’t work out that he doesn’t let you know how it went, instead being unpleasantly surprised when he sees you sprawled out on his bed when you get home and unable to do anything about it. He wants nothing more than to rip your pretty little set off your body and run his hands up and down your soft curves, but he can’t, and it’s torture. You apologize (but he will hear none of it because it was a lovely surprise, just shitty circumstances), and instead you change into an oversized shirt and sweatpants to enjoy a completely normal (and not sexual at all) night on the couch.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
7 inches, thick, no complaints <3
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
HIGH!!! This man is thinking about sex 24/7, and if he could, his hands would be on you at all times.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Most of the time I think he stays up for a while, just hanging out and talking to you. But if he comes home after a long shift he’s fucking GONE in 5 minutes tops.
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Likes/comments/reblogs would be much appreciated if you liked this! Or I would love to hear y’alls thoughts on any of the prompts<33
Also let me know if there’s any other character you’d like me to do this for (not just 911 characters)!
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a-french-coconut · 2 days
His day begins wonderfully.
Truly, it's one of those days where you wake up and think :
Nothing can go wrong !
And for two minutes, nothing goes wrong !
He doesn't stub his toes on the bathroom counter, his hair decided to cooperate on this fine day and the sun doesn't burn his eyes when he gets out in the open air.
Then, he sees Kayla an Austin trying, and failing horribly, to hang an enormous bander on Apollo's porch.
For one second, he is left in utter incomprehension as of why they would hand a sign saying Hyppe Bathdirt Will !
Then, to his grand horror, the bright orange letters makes a lot more sense when they spell Happy Birthday Will !
It's August 23rd.
Will's sixteenth birthday.
And Nico doesn't have a single gift to present to his boyfriend tonight.
Nor does he have a romantic date planned out, no fancy restaurant, not even a picnic on the beach.
"Nico !"
Kayla screams his name, making with her hand the universal sign of get over here.
One he can't ignore considering the bow hanging loosely on the girl's shoulder.
He has learned the painful way Kayla doesn't take too well being ignored.
But it's no problem, he's a demigod who fought two wars, survived Tartarus, he's capable of making a plan, of thinking rationally. He can still get Will a gift, doesn't have to be something big or shiny. It can be flowers or a box of chocolates.
What flowers does Will like ?
What kind of chocolates does he eat ?
Knowing him, he could eat the plainest almond chocolate or a specific pistachio with rose petals and lavender flavored one.
He had seen his boyfriend gulp down a raw egg yolk, claiming its "protein values.". From since, he likes to keep his mind open to any culinary gustos his boyfriend might have.
"Hey Nico, could you-"
"Help me."
"-help us ?"
Kayla drops the banner, eliciting a groan of frustration from Austin, and looks at him seriously.
"Nico Di Angelo, if you tell me on this day of all day that-"
"I forgot."
It's quite interesting to see Kayla's face reddens with anger, then slack with disbelief to finally settle in a disappointed glare.
"You've been dating for-"
"Four months, twenty-two days and five hours, I know, I keep track."
"Stop cutting me off or I'll shoot you."
"Hum, not to interrupt but Kay, we really need to put-"
"Austin," Nico cuts him off, "I am in dire need of both your assistance. Who, or what, is more important, the banner or me ?"
"The banner." The two children of Apollo answer at the same time.
First step of the plan, failed epically.
On to phase two, bargaining.
"If you help me choose a gift for Will, I'll buy you whatever you want for your upcoming birthdays."
"My birthday was two months ago."
"Yeah, and mine is like, in five months."
Phase three, the one he wanted to avoid.
It's not that he isn't polite, he wouldn't want his mother turning in her grave, but he deems a annoying little sister like Kayla isn't worthy of his respect.
Not when she obviously takes great joy in seeing him in such a predicament.
One he caused himself, but that's not the point here.
"Okay, we'll help you." Kayla relents.
"For free even !" Austin adds.
They look at him expectantly, while he looks them waiting the just promised aid.
"The magic word if you may." she enquires.
"I already said it."
"The other one."
"Oh, thank you."
Kayla's face glows, while Austin, bless his gentle soul, gives him a gracious "you're welcome."
"I was thinking to get him something like flower or chocolates-"
"Okay... then Star Wars thingies ?"
"He already has every merch ever created."
"Flip flops ?"
"Don't feed his weird fetish of flip flops, I beg of you."
"Hum, lipgloss ?"
"Now you're just out of ideas." Kayla cackles, "and nice to know Will's lips are as chapped as they look. He thinks that because dad is the sun, we are immune to it. And he's the doctor. A miracle everyone is still alive."
"My preference for Will's lips are no concern of yours," He replies, cheeks slightly red. "And don't talk bad about him on his sacred day."
"It's not like he can hear me."
"Where did you even sent him ?"
He should have known something was missing when Will didn't barge in his cabin, pulling open the curtains like the psycho he is, always ranting about how he needs more vitamin D.
"He's in New York the whole day," Austin pipes up, "he's spending his birthday with his mother and then we will celebrate together tonight."
"Which means I have the rest of the day to find him a gift."
"Yep, open to suggestions ?"
"That is literally what I asked of you. Tell me, Kayla, do you perhaps miss a few braincells ? That would explain a lot of things."
"At least my remembering my boyfriend's birthday date cells are working."
"Okay, stop fighting you two." Austin intervenes, placing himself between the both of them. "I think you should get him something that remind him or your couple. It would be a sweet gift, right ?"
"What he said."
"I'm keeping that in mind, thank you Austin, and Kayla, for your assistance."
"You're welcome, now come one Kayla, we really need to hang that thing..."
Something related to their couple...
What could symbolise their relationship, the love they feel for each other ?
Better to have other ideas if inspiration doesn't come.
"What's on your mind, Nicolas ?"
"Don't call me that, Stoll."
"Only if you guess which one I am." The son of Hermes leans on him, looking at him expectantly.
"Connor, now get off me."
"Nothing could have prepared me to this betrayal-"
"So you're Travis, get off me."
"-from a such close friend, who I have known for years-"
"Aren't you supposed to be in college ?"
"-and still doesn't recognise- oh yes but this my best friend's birthday !"
Travis hugs Nico, ignoring the his protests.
"He's turning sixteen ! I remember when he was a small, fray child, such an easy victim !" He sighs, shaking his head, "they grow so fast, don't they ?"
"Mmmhh !"
"What ? Oh sorry, there you go."
He lets him go, Nico putting two good meters between them to avoid any kind of other physical attempts.
"What are you getting him ? Must be something nice !"
"That's the problem, hum, I don't have anything."
Travis' face falls.
"But-" he stutters, "you're his boyfriend !"
"I know !" Nico snaps, "I know and that' why I need to fix this."
"Do you have any ideas ?"
"Austin and Kayla think that I should gift him a present related to our relationship."
"That's a good idea !" Travis' face brightens.
"But I don't know what, yet."
"Yeah..." Nico mumbles, twisting nervously his skull ring.
"Ooooh" Travis says, excited, " I know the perfect gift !"
"What it is ?"
"A motorbike !"
"It's perfect ! And he already know how to drive, we used to do races in his grandpa's farm fields and he loved them !"
"There's no way I'll find a bike in less than twenty four hours."
"No, but I can ask Nyssa to build one," Travis shrugs, "she'll have it ready before sundown."
"Tell her that I owe her." Nico screams to Travis as he sprints toward the forges.
"Shhh ! He's coming !"
"Yeah , I see him."
"Is he glowing ?"
"Obviously, Lou Ellen, he just spent the whole with his mother, who he adores."
"Shut up Travis."
"Make me-"
"If you two ruin this surprise, I'll send you to my father right now."
"So grumpy, and it's not a surprise. Have you not seen the gigantic banner ? By the way, why is it not on Apollo's cabin like it was supposed to ?"
"We had complications."
"That's slight way to say that you didn't want to help me, Kayla."
"Don't listen to Austin, Travis, he's lying."
"Everybody close their dam mouths ! He's getting closer."
"I understood that reference."
"And I understood that reference."
"Gods give me strength."
When they hear Will's footsteps passing their hiding place, Cecil mouths to the group a countdown.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILL !" They all scream while standing up to hug Will, who is effectively glowing.
"Guys, you really didn't need to do all of this." His boyfriend says, cheeks a bright red.
"Nonsense Willy !"
"Travis ! You came !"
"Everything for my best friend."
They hug, Will laughing at something Travis whispers in his ear before his gaze falls on Nico.
The way his face lights up, a beautiful smile gracing his features, makes Nico's heart pound faster, skeletons butterfly flying in his stomach.
"Nico !"
Will's hugs are the warmest embraces Nico ever felt, they're comforting, heart-warming, familiar now.
Even so, he never gets tired of them.
"Happy birthday, amore mio." He whispers in his ear.
After lot of embarrassing stories, Travis being the main reason of that, and new created memories, it's finally time to open the presents.
Austin and Kayla gave Will a charm bracelet, with customised charms relating different stories the three of them shared.
Drew offered him a very nice sweater, something about she can't have friends wearing only flannels and cargo shorts.
Travis' gift was a photo album, enchanted by Lou Ellen so that the pictures were alive, going from their childhood to today.
Finally, it's Nico's turn.
"I actually have two gifts for you."
"So thoughtful of you." Will smiles, looking at him fondly.
"The first one is Travis' idea though."
"Yeah, you can thank Nyssa later too."
"What did you- oh by Apollo !"
He has to say, Nyssa did a wonderful job.
The motorbike is gleaming, freshly painted and even though Nico has no knowledge of bikes, he can see that it is a true beauty.
"This is amazing !" Will swoons over the bike, "I can't wait to get my licence to drive it !"
"You know, technically you don't need-"
"Travis, I'm going to get my licence."
"If you insist."
Will rolls his eyes before looking back at Nico.
"Thank you, love, this is a wonderful gift."
Nico's throat goes dry, nervousness jolting his body.
"I have to warn you, the second gift is, hum, well, I'm afraid you might find it too intensive."
"Nico," Will takes his hands, "nothing from you is too intensive."
"Then here you go."
He takes out of his pocket a little box and opens it.
Two matching rings, one golden and the other black, are inside. On the metal is engraved "I love you".
Will's breath hitch and Nico is afraid to have gone too far.
"I know this is a big gesture-"
Will kisses him, a light kiss since they have a public but Nico feels the passion behind it, the underlying love and affection Will holds for him.
"I love them", his boyfriend softly says, putting on his ring, "I love you too Nico di Angelo."
"Oh my gods, did they just get engaged ?"
"Cecil, please shut up."
Will laughs, his cheerful laugh that you can't help but join and soon, sounds of joy and happiness echo in the night as they party the whole night.
"How did you get the harpies to leave us alone ?" Will asks Travis, contently seated next to Nico, an arm around his waist.
"I'm full of surprises."
"He volunteered to help them the whole week in kitchen duty."
"Cecil ! Stop spilling my secrets !"
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chaifootsteps · 15 hours
Still thinking about Viv's claim that she thinks both sides are in the wrong and it's bugging me enough to do a quick episode run down to see how exactly that claim stacks up. Hopefully quantifying a bit more will help see where we're actually at
Ozzies: Between episodes 6&7 Stolas gets a personality transplant and goes from calling Blitzo his 'impish little plaything' and demeaning him to being head over heels for him, calling him by his name and bowing to him. When the car drives away the camera lingers on Stolas crying, though the episode ends on Blitzo and his emotions so we'll call this one even
Queen Bee: We see Blitzo's emotions in the aftermath in the form of a self-destructive bender, but noticeably what he says to Loona is that he's upset that he'll die alone. He doesn't say anything about being upset about feeling used or mistreated by Stolas (he even says his name along with the others before he throws up)
The Circus: Retcons galore backstory about how Stolas and Blitzo were childhood friends and despite using him for sex all s1, Stolas was apparently really in love with Blitzo the whole time?? It doesn't make a lot of sense but go with it. Episode ends with a song where Stolas not only implies Blitzo was somehow lying to him this whole time (Genius.com contributor suggests Stolas believed Blitzo actually loved him, which seems the obvious interpretation of these lyrics) but also makes him out to be a weak victim. He shows no guilt whatsoever for the part he played in making Blitzo feel degraded and used.
What’s between you and I Just a comfortable lie I’m the fool who believes When you look in my eyes
Seeing Stars: Stolas being framed as badass while he's choking his butler and it not being remotely bad on his part that he continues to sexually accost Blitzo in their first meeting after Ozzie's. Any criticisms Blitzo makes of Stolas (not remembering his own spells) are dismissed by Stolas with nonsensical arguments (it's relevant Blitzo can't remember Moxxie's phone number, apparently?)
Exes and Ohs: Stolas isn't in this episode or mentioned at all
Western Energy: Text message exchange after Ozzie's show Stolas giving a non apology where he doesn't actually address the problem, literally doing a 'I'm sorry if something I said or did upset you'. Episode ends on Stolas alone in the hospital where the viewer should pity him that Blitzo didn't come to visit :(
Unhappy Campers: No Stolas!
Oops: Blitzo dismisses the notion that Stolas cares about him by using examples obviously meant to favor Stolas. He is framed as jaded and unreasonable and Fizz is the obvious voice of reason. The imp who hates royalty is called a supremacist, Blitzo is the in between who dislikes Stolas and Fizz - the one who capes for royalty - is presented as in the right
Full Moon: Blitzo again criticizes Stolas, without getting to mention anything specific from s1. He is framed as going too far and tries to apologize. Stolas acts like the deal was a mutual thing even when admitting it was wrong
By my count that's basically no examples in Blitzo's favor. And I imagine if we counted all the Twitter likes from Viv on posts favoring Blitzo we'd turn up a big goose egg there, too
Careful, now! You laid out all the facts and stated them plainly, and we know that that makes a certain subset of fans angry and scared.
Viv can claim that "they're supposed to both be in the wrong" all she likes, but it doesn't mean a thing if every other word of writing in season 2 suggests the opposite. I guess the real test will come in Apology Tour, when we get to see who's actually doing the apologizing.
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richeeduvie · 3 days
Do you know about that pregnancy prank where girls pretend to drink alcohol when they’re pregnant to see their partners reaction? Yea that would be evil of princesa
I think what he would do would border on the lines of abusiveness. Let’s be real to establish once again that as much as we love Lalo and Princesa, their “can’t be or breathe without each other and also she should be for no one but me and let me control every aspect of her life” dynamic is as toxic as it is unbelievably unhealthy and also permanent and wanted by the both of them.
Princesa likes her little pranks, so I can see her actually doing this. She’s used an old beer bottle and has filled it up with apple juice. Lalo comes in and she already tries not to giggle.
The thing is, it’s so unbelievable for Princesa to do that type of thing that she thinks Lalo would see right through her.
But Lalo’s smile drops, his eyes get dark and harsh with curved brows. He takes slow, casual steps. They’re only casual if you don’t know him.
There’s the sound of a slap to Princesa’s hand ringing out of the room, a crash of glass to the wooden floor.
And there’s no time for her to think about what just happen when Lalo grabs at her wrist.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“It was-it was a joke! It’s-it’s-“
Princesa can’t breathe already, she can’t see past Lalo’s stare and the beat of her heart. She feels scared and wrong.
“It’s just juice.”
Her voice goes high and pleading. Lalo doesn’t blink. There’s the smell of apple juice all over them.
He blinks. He lowers himself to the broken glass and wipes his finger in a puddle.
Lalo licks. And licks. Princesa corners herself in the corner of the counter.
Lalo’s heart beats faster with this hot fire, the pit in his chest when she tries to go. He grabs her softly this time.
“Princesa, pri-“
It’s something primal when she tries to fight his hold. Lalo shushes her, wrapping himself around her bump and breasts.
“I’m sorry, it looked so real, Princesa-stop.”
She has to because she knows she can’t go anywhere. She cries. Lalo shushes.
“I’m sorry, Mama.”
She can’t go anywhere, and that’s all that matters for now, not the thing that Lalo doesn’t know is guilt in his stomach. Just the fact that his Princesa can’t fight him.
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fumifooms · 2 days
You’re the resident chilchuck expert, so I was wondering about it there’s any canon evidence that he did smoke or drink alcohol when the kids were younger. I always thought it was something he picked up due to the strain of long jobs, when the kids were already older, but you seem to think differently and I was wondering if there was anything in canon that made you think that way!
Now that you mention it I guess it’s true there’s no evidence he did. Smoking we literally only know he does at all because of one post-canon panel where he has a pipe, so no, maybe this stick-looking thing in the panel below too though, I’m not familiar with medieval blunts eh. We’ve only gotten one panel of him and his daughters interacting when he was younger so that’s not too insightful on that end, and every time we see him young and freckled it’s in a job context so again not really where we’d expect him to be drinking. The earliest proof (/heavy implication since we don’t see inside his cup I guess) is 3 years before canon when Laios hired him, where he’s at a bar, classily placed in front of all the bottles ✨
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Yes alcohol is almost certainly a way through which he copes especially with stress, so if we go with the theory he started around when work got stressful, well… Chilchuck started working as a dungeon diver ~10 years ago so when he was ~19, making Mei, Fler and Puck ~6 and ~4 respectively, so from that draw the ‘stressful enough to start drinking’ line wherever. We don’t know what he did before that with any certainty, and it could be he did odd jobs, lived off mostly mutual aid and community work, or just focused on only raising the girls. Half-foots tend to be poor and I see a lot of that in Chilchuck specifically so I don’t think he could have afforded to not have some paying work though.
Alright, so then why do I think he did drink when the girls were younger?
I give a more complete rundown of the info we do have on his alcoholism & his family with panels and references + all the speculation I make from it here. But the most targeted and objective answer I can give is:
Of course there’s just very very little we know of Chilchuck’s life with his family, and I think that’s by design too. I think the details being up in the air is to allow more nuance of the topic, like, will trying to reconcile go well, is their relationship salvageable? We don’t know, because we don’t know. So the message of giving hope a chance even if it’s a long shot, that things could truly go either way, is more relevant, impactful and meta in that way. How long was he usually away for work travels into dungeons here and there? How did he act with them? All we can really do is "it’s likely that", it’s a game of which way we think it’s more implied. There’s no right and wrong answer, it’s all Marcille-like larping the events out.
My main reason for thinking he did is that his father died from overdrinking and Chilchuck is very aware of that. He mentions his death casually in the extra about their stance in alcohol and in his Adventurer’s Bible profile, etc. He acts towards the alcohol presumably the same way his father did: with abandon, uncaring for the health effects, probably happily too considering Chil says "dying doing something you love is a good way to go". Very nonchalant. So you see what I’m saying here right, wether he started early or late, his view of alcoholism is very influenced by what he saw of his father growing up, it’s something he’s always been aware of and saw in a mostly positive light, something that was inherited you could say. It’s something that was normalized to him from a young age. Regardless or where it goes from there I do think this part is pretty inarguable. If he views it positively and we know that in the present alcohol is his favorite food that he loveees, why would he have held out on it? Personally that all makes me think he started drinking very young, especially since I don’t think they limited alcohol to age as much as modern standards (and I mean, teen drinking is obviously still a thing). And here you could argue, maybe his father only started being more alcoholic later when Chilchuck moved out, or something! And to that there’s nothing I can say except I think that’s a strained theory, and that Chil might even have largely cut contact with his family after moving out (since he and siblings are listed as almost strangers and he doesn’t seem to have much emotional attachment to his parents, but also we know he rents out his place to "a relative"), but it’s true we have no evidence. "I’ve picked up the same unhealthy substance abuse as my father haha! No big deal right haha" repeated several times to me just reeks of intergenerational trauma, & the alcoholism gene as they call it. Like effortless sliding into drinking as if it’s second nature, it’s natural after all, it’s normal after all, it just makes sense, it makes you feel good and that’s what matters.
BUT from my interpretation then we have a whole other layer: Alcohol is of course not all bad always. I think he’s always liked alcohol and drank it on occasion and it brought him joy etc etc, but I think here the implication in the question is, how much effect did his drinking have on the family relations and how early? And that isn’t so much about when him drinking started but when the alcoholism started. Addiction is defined by a habitual need, that has negative effects from filling that need (physical, psychological, social, etc) and negative effects from withdrawal. If Chilchuck drinks to cope and he can’t not cope without it, that’s addiction, if it affects his relationships, if it’s a need he has, it’s addiction. Addiction can be very insidious or look very casual, and how much people around the person are affected by it is case by case. Cheerful drunks can be sooo annoying and uncomfortable though let me tell you. Drunks are drunks. And this sounds harsh, but even if people around them don’t mind drunks it’ll still have some effects here and there, living with one can be such a challenge, ily drunks good luck with everything much like Chilchuck you deserve good things 🫡 
Ok so with the dad thing and the "ok well maybe he’s always drunk casually but it grew worse with time around when he started working as a dungeon diver" precision made, the other bit of info we have that can inform this is that Chilchuck is on a harsh diet and that alcohol is a hunger suppressant. We know Chilchuck "used to be fine not eating for two days", that literally on screen to quench his hunger so it doesn’t keep him awake he goes to drink water, drinking is his instinct to hunger. Again alcohol is a hunger suppressant and if you want info on that the internet has a lot of research and anecdotes about it. He diets to be light enough to not trigger traps, so it’s something he’d have started after dungeon diving most likely. Between the stress and the diet, yes it’s extremely likely he started going harder on alcohol after he started working in dungeons. There’s arguments on wether two days without eating is less bad for half-foots than humans, but apart from smaller portions there’s nothing that indicates half-foots should get less than 3 meals a day. They need less food but that’s because their bodies are smaller: the need is proportional to the body, not smaller than others’ races, the % of need is similar even if the kg amount of food isn’t. There’s also a popular headcanon with support basis that half-foots run hot and have a faster heartrate and whatnot, and that points towards a faster metabolism rather than a slower one: a bigger need for eating rather than a smaller one. He has the same bmi, 18, as Mickbell, but perhaps because Chil is much taller he’s less intensely visibly underweight with ribs showing than Mick during the bath extra, it’s most apparent when he becomes tallman.
Alcohol is something so important and omnipresent in his character that I have trouble believing it’s something that was part of only a small fraction of his life. It’s his immediate go-to, his no-brainer solution to a good time, I’ve sort of always assumed especially after looking at his family that it’s something he discovered decently young. Like he just acts like someone who’s always had alcohol to fall back on and started young idk. Alcohol is one of his 5 keywords. Alcoholism is very ingrained into his world view and life, his "it doesn’t matter" stance his ‘work hard play hard’ mentality his idea that the world is harsh so you get relief where you can, so it just makes sense to me that it’s always been in his life, if not actively then at least looming.
So yes, in summary, my take: Alcohol was always something he wholly enjoyed to an unwise level, but it could have been considered casual until he started working into dungeons and his need for it on a regular basis intensified. Alcohol has always had positive association to him as far as we see, so when it started being a problem he didn’t see it as such. To quote him, "I drink anytime I get the opportunity to". Why always? Approval of father’s alcoholism. Why alcoholism at all? Diet + stress & coping mechanism & emotional stunting + relationship issues, and she decided she had enough after they went out for drinks.
Chilchuck having drunk from a young age makes sense to me and it’s the strongest narrative angle I see on the table, but that’s objectively a me opinion, yes! There’s no evidence, moreso there’s canon basis and supporting info, but it’s all very left up to interpretation. I’ve made my own interpretations of things from the scraps we see, like everyone else making Chilwife and daughters content. Wether you have a stance on the topic or prefer to leave it vague in your takes, it’ll be a matter of what you think makes most sense, or what you’d rather believe I suppose (which is literally fine)
There’s a lot of subjectivity in even just setting up causal links like you probably noticed during this and I was careful with my word choices, because we’re just extrapolating from what we see and unless Kui states it explicitly from a reliable mouth all we can do is have informed opinions on most things. This particular interpretation is influenced by other details I’ve come to form about my interpretation of Chilchuck too, the more psychological and emotional sides of him and the timeline and how his marriage even happened, unplanned pregnancy imo. Like I hope you see what I mean, this wasn’t supposed to be a speculation post just a quick simple answer but there’s sort of just no other and concise but complete way with the subjectivity nuance to put "maybe it could be yes because of this but maybe it could be no because of this" haha
#Also he’s a lot like my own dad so to me with how he is it’s just an immediate “oh yeah he has always drunk duh of course”#So i can admit to bias. Or to specialized knowledge and authority on analysis idk in which way that tips the balance in my favor or not lol#Dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#meta#alcoholism#This post was meant to be short :|#-slaps chilchuck’s family- this baby can fit in so much projection#I have like 3 chil alcoholism & chil family fic wips rn weeeeee#I’m the kind of alcoholic’s kid who grew up to never touch alcohol btw so like. Ik Chil could not have drunk young i just think he did#Can we appreciate the alcohol opinion & resistance chart actually. So often in media it’s either “alcohol’s a source of fun yippee” and#“alcohol is evil”. Thank you Dunmeshi for diversity of opinion thank you for nuance i rarely feel so seen#Izutsumi deserves to tell Chilchuck he stinks#AND BY THE WAY I hope you don’t feel talked down on anon. Ik you seem to have your own interpretation already & that’s good#sometimes i was adressing like. The General Public TM more tha you which is why I spent time on some things like ‘think what you want’ etc#Okok i hope that covers it. Help where does the time go#It’s the sort of thing that makes Kui’s masterful storytelling by implying things here and there until it forms a big picture frustrating#for meta. Like! You can’t prove Chilchuck has been poor/grew up in an empoverished family/environment. There’s no evidence#but also if you cannot tell me with a straight face that he isn’t and hasn’t like omg. But then it takes 30 pages to explain how he’s coded#Stop showing and not telling Kui smh /j#Ask
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fertilize-my-eggs · 2 days
The night stalker ch.1
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A/N: the first chapter is base on my dream a few days ago so I believe it's was sleep paralysis demon that I was having but this give me the idea for this chapter :3
Blinking the tiredness away as I curl into a ball, the soft warmth touches on my delicate skin. I turn over for the fresh air of the ac as I sigh quietly.
I blink away to see a dark figure near my bed as I stare at it a bit. It's holding what I assume is a small gray camera but it's suddenly disappeared before I get to look at it a little longer. I think my mind was playing tricks as I turned over and didn't think much about it.
I curl over as I pull the blanket over my face, it's a bit unnerving to see something like that out of a horror movie in real life. I should stop watching those true crimes on YouTube as I doze off into sleep.
It was a bright beautiful morning as I stretched out my arms, I yawned out loud as I rub my eyes a bit.
Living in Japan by myself feels refreshed but I miss my home life in my country as I get up to start my early breakfast.
I put my thumb on my lips as I think, I need to study for my college about speaking Japanese and its culture. I smile softly as I play with my hair, I put it into a messy bun.
As I head into the living room to turn on the television for news, I feel a bit isolated about being alone in this apartment but I always thought Japan was such a beautiful place and also it was time for me to start a new chapter for my journey as a foreigner woman.
I begin to prep the potato as I peel it, I look over to see the weather lady talking about a nice sunny day as I smile. It's gonna be nice weather as I wash the peeled potatoes.
It's cut to a news man explaining about an unwanted criminal as I cut it into small pieces.
An unwanted criminal? As I pause the cutting as I begin to look at the TV.
“ an unknown male in his early 20s has been breaking and entering houses, murdering anyone who lives in it. ” I gasp as I hear him speak about the location as I bite my lips, it's close by where I live. It's hard to make out what he is saying since I'm still learning Japanese but he said.
“ The man goes by the night stalker, make sure to lock everything, your windows and doors at night time. ” I tilt my head as I think, it can't be what I saw last night about a dark figure hovering over my bed… no I think it was playing tricks on me.
“ We talked to one of his victims as they explained what he looked like. ”
“ There is a rough sketch of what we assume the criminal looks like. ” it's show a man that has shaggy short hair, sharp eyes, mole and large scar near his lips.
“ If you see this man, call the police immediately!! He is dangerous. ” I slowly realized I was holding my breath as I put my hand on my chest feeling like I couldn't breathe.
I blink fast as I turn it off, the night stalker… he sounds like something that will bring hell his way if you look at him wrong.
I walk away to start the food, I begin to think about it. Hopefully I don't run into him, I shouldn't be worried about this, I'm supposed to enjoy my day.
The meal looks a bit okay but I'll still eat it anyway, I put it down on the plate as I sat down to eat quietly.
I hum about the taste as I put my fingers on my face as I think. Don't think about it, maybe it won't ruin your day.
Suddenly I get a loud bing as I pull my phone out as I read the message.
(#1 bff asshole): hey you awake smiley?
I narrowed my eyes at his message. Katsuki bakugou was my first friend that I made when I came to Japan. We started out as online friends just joking around and now I live in Japan, he wants me to join him in college with his friends as I smile.
The nickname was a bit cheesy as I giggle at it, I remember when we first did a video call he was intimidating when I first saw him but he was a bit polite and he noticed off the bat that I smile too much or whenever I make dumb jokes often so bakugou was blunt in conversation and so smiley was his nickname to me.
(Me): yeah!! I'll be here in bit, gotta eat my breakfast :>
(#1 bff asshole): well hurry up I don't have all day smiley.
Grumpy asshole as I groan at the message.
(Me): hey you… hear about the news today? About an unwanted criminal called night stalker…apparently he's around my location..
There was a long pause as I finished my meal, I got up to clean the dishes a bit.
I walk back towards the phone as the screen lights up.
(#1 bff asshole): … yeah. Are you okay? Do you want me to protect you and be your hero? Don't fall for me tho ;)
I roll my eyes at this as I puff out air.
(Me): eww gross… but in all seriousness, yeah just a bit, I wouldn't mind the others coming to my apartment for a few days.
I close my phone as I begin to head into my room to get dressed, a simple casual outfit would be nice.
I grab my clothes to wear as I bolt to the restroom to take a quick shower.
The water feels nice on my skin as I sigh in relief. I jumped out, quickly dried my hair and did a bit of makeup.
A cute white skirt with a large pink sweater to keep me warm, white leggings and a small bag that looks like a cat.
I quickly get my keys and wallet as I head out to meet bakugou.
Today is gonna be my day and I'll enjoy it with my new friends!!
I stand outside as I begin to lock the door and start to walk away to the fresh air of japan.
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82mitsu · 2 days
{18Trip} <CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A: Sun will R1ze!> 001-A06 Off to a rocky introduction
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A translation of 18TRIP's CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude.
TL note: 
Renga mistakens 罷免 (himen, to dismiss someone from a position) for 日麺 (himen), a word combining day (hi) and noodles (men). Which is why he thinks it's some new type of noodle. Joke has been reworked to make it make sense in English.
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Kaede: (Who would’ve thought it would be happening on my third day of working here. A face-to-face meeting with the current Ward Mayors…!)
Yachiyo: Uuuwuhg… I’m nervous. Me supporting the Morning Squad… Guh-gonna puke…
Kaede: T-take it easy, Yachiyo-kun. Kafka said he’s also part of the Morning Squad. Remember?
Yachiyo: Y-you’re right. Ugweghh~ I need to look back at my notes in times like these!
Yachiyo: For the meeting with the current Ward Mayors, wait in front of the office… Okay! When I see them, greet them and… Eh, what do I say!?
Yachiyo: Gugugugreet them……..!? Our greetings need to be able to correspond to any time of the day so a goodmornafternight will do, yes!?
Kaede: It’s morning right now, so I think a normal good morning is fine enough…
Kaede: (Agh… Now I’m nervous too… Though I did meet all of the Mayor Wards once before.)
Yachiyo: Mutter mutter… Profile memos of the current Ward Mayors…
Yachiyo: The 2nd Ward Mayor is Kamina Yukikaze, an active figure skater… Gweh! Isn’t he a celebrity!?
Kaede: It’s common that mayors of a special tourism ward are famous people to begin with, since their role also includes advertising. 
Yachiyo: The 3rd Ward Mayor is Nishizono Renga… Hweh! He’s that high and mighty model talent, right!? W-w-w-w-what do I do, are lowbrow commoners even allowed near him…!?
Kaede: ……
Yachiyo: The 4th Ward Mayor is Lu Liguang… the Number Two from the Lùróng Family overlooking Chinatown… Isn’t he s-s-s-s-s-someone you don’t wanna cross paths with…!?
Kaede: Who’s to say—we have to meet him regardless…
Yachiyo: Leaving the others aside, Kamina Yukikaze is a top athlete, a living national human treasure! Aaaaah what do I doooo, Chief, how can you be so calm about it~!?
Kaede: Uhm, Yachiyo-kun, calm down…
Yachiyo: Ah!!! That’s…!!
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Yukikaze: ……
Yachiyo: Athlete Kamina Yukikaze…!! The Scion of Ice…!! The handsome beauty of a gem that’s a living national treasure!! In t-t-t-the flesh……
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Yukikaze: ……
Yachiyo: He- suh- he smiLED…!!!?
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Yukikaze: I missed you…
(Yukikaze hugs Kaede)
Yachiyo: ~~お@dあk%!?!?!?
Kaede: (I'm the one who's being hugged here, yet Yachiyo-kun is jumping out of his skin…)
Kaede: Yukinii, sorry. Hold off. Since Yachiyo-kun’s freaking out…
Yukikaze: Huh? Oh, good morning. Are you an employee?
Yachiyo: Eh, wuh, wah, chee, kami…!?
Kaede: (Why and how are Chief and Kamina-? I think? Why can I interpret him…)
Kaede: The current 2nd Ward Mayor, Kamina Yukikaze, is my older cousin. Sorry, I should’ve told you earlier…
Yachiyo: D’oh, hooh, yuki, couh!?
Kaede: (D’oooh, the living national human treasure- Kamina Yukikaze- your cousin!? I guess…)
Yukikaze: I was hoping to see you as soon as possible after getting back from my overseas trip. It felt like an eternity until today.
Kaede: Sorry, Yukinii. All I’ve been doing is running all over the place since the company got established. How was the competition?
Yukikaze: …It felt lonely because you didn’t watch.
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Kafka: Aaah- close, too close, touching is forbidden.
Kaede: Wah, geez Kafka, be careful with suddenly wedging yourself between us.
Kafka: Is there something wrong up there for you to hug someone the second you see them? Grabbing hands is also off the table. That’s a criminal amount of skinship.
Yukikaze: ...Long time no see, Kafka. Congratulations on the success of your surgery. If you're feeling left out, want a hug from me too?
Kafka: Hah? Are you trying to make me snap?
Kaede: (Here he goes again… Kafka’s always harsh with Yukinii.)
Kaede: (Just as I expected, though, from the moment I heard how the squad of current Ward Mayors would have Kafka in it. too…)
Kaede: Ah, another car has stopped… Looks pretty luxurious. Wonder if it’s the 3rd or 4th Ward Mayor?
Kaede: (And then one more car popped up immediately right after…!? S-such dangerous driving…!)
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Renga: Yes! Passed him! How’s that Liguang! I, the greatest in the whole world, arrived first!
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Liguang: Sigh… how stupid…
Renga: What was that!?
Kaede: (The nightmare from the airport all over again… These two are fighting every time I see them…)
Yachiyo: It's the a-actual Nishizono Renga… Lu Liguang is as beautiful as a model too… Howawa…
Kaede: 3rd Ward Mayor Nishizono Renga-kun and 4th Ward Mayor Lu Liguang-san, right. It’s our first time… well not the first meeting, but um, I’m the Chief of HAMA Tours.
Liguang: …Ah, you… We met at the airport.
Kaede: (That’s unexpected. Liguang-san remembered me!)
Renga: …! You’re…
Kaede: Ah… H-hello.
Kafka: Seems like all Ward Mayors have assembled. Guess it’s time to go inside the office.
Renga: …
Kaede: (Renga-kun’s, like… staring really hard…!? Wonder if I upset him somehow…)
Renga: Listen, you…
Kaede: Y-yes.
Renga: No it’s… uh…
Renga: The rose—it’s in a vase. That’s all.
Kaede: (...!)
Kaede: (I didn’t expect that either. He took the rose and brought it back home with him…)
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Kafka: —And that covers everything for my “NEO18Wards” plan. Any questions?
Liguang: ……
Yukikaze: You’re amazing, Kafka. Your wisdom is seeping out from these documents. 
Kafka: Hah? What’s prompting you to state the obvious? Well, whatever. I guess that means you approve, at least. 
Renga: …I need to agree to this.
Kaede: …!
Renga: I recognize you as the 0th Ward Mayor. But, the 3rd ward will bring HAMA back to life in its own way!
Liguang: …Hah, big talk for someone who’s been dragging everything down.
Renga: Whaa-!? Who’s dragging what down!?
Kaede: (Uh, well, Renga-kun’s the person responsible for the weird changes to Landmark, right? I’m anxious, to be honest…)
Liguang: Ignoring the idiot in the room, I cannot endorse this. The plan itself is logical, but teaming up with this fool beside me is illogical. 
Yukikaze: I think it’s a good idea. Most importantly, being able to work together with Kaede makes me happy enough. 
Kafka: Okay, nobody asked for your feelings on the matter. Also, everyone will be work colleagues from now on, so make sure to address people properly by their title. 
Yukikaze: Yes, I got it. Chief, right.
Kafka: Sigh, anyway, I didn’t expect for all of you to be on board from the get go. But I want everyone to reaaaally think about their own standing thoroughly, okay.
Liguang: …
Renga: Standing!? What are you implying with that!
Kafka: As the 0th Ward Mayor, I have the right to sack the other Ward Mayors.
Renga: Sack, like a potato sack? We’re getting potatoes…?
Liguang: Sigh… Bèndàn…
Kaede: Renga-kun, getting sacked means you’ll get dismissed…
Renga: …Dismissed…
Renga: Ahem, I-I knew that!!
Renga: No, wait…!? Are you threatening me!?
Kafka: …Calm down for a second and think about it with a cool head. HAMA failed to meet the tourist quota for two years in a row. The way things have been going needs to get completely overhauled or it’s a bust, in other words.
Kafka: Renga, Liguang too, you should’ve been putting serious effort into the revival of your own wards these past two years. You understand what I’m getting at, yes? Basically—it’s time for a change.
Kafka: In any case, if we don’t overcome the tides this year, then the special ward zone will fall and everyone here will lose their status as Ward Mayor. Why not try doing things differently than before, even if it’s just once?
Liguang: …Is this what the plan is for?
Kafka: Morning Squad will go out on the field first—if the first tour isn’t received well at all, then you can take your leave. 
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Kafka: All I want is one chance. I beg of you.
Kaede: (Kafka…! Going as far as bowing down…)
Renga: Ueh, nuh, uh…
Liguang: ………
Liguang: …Understood—I’ll obey until the results of the initial response are out.
Kaede: (...! Liguang-san… He’s way more upright than he looks…!)
Renga: … Me, too… I’ll go along if you insist…
Liguang: Why are you the one acting condescending?
Renga: Haah!? I’m being my normal self!?
Kaede: (...And they’re back to fighting in the end.)
Yachiyo: Hawawa… C-can these people here really help us out…!?
Kafka: Friendship is beautiful, isn’t it.
Kaede: (Eh. That’s your takeaway from seeing this play out in front of you?)
Kafka: Guess it was a good thing I was prepared for this, right?
<<previous chapter / next chapter>>
chapter 001 side A directory: TBA upon completion
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tavina-writes · 2 days
i want to share salt. have you ever had a ship that annoyed you so much it starts poisoning other ships you could have potentially liked? because this is me with xiyao vs nielan. like, xiyaos are so fucking loud and proud of the fact that he sides with jgy over everybody else multiple times in ways that turn out to be incredibly hurtful. so it gets to the point i can't even enjoy cute teenage nielan art knowing xichen is going to so catastrophically fuck this up by repeatedly writing off mingjue as just imagining things and lying to him and leveraging their relationship for someone else's benefit and handing his killer the method to kill him and that people are *gleeful* about all that.
Hi Nonny!
First off, I want to offer you a hug, because this sort of feeling about fandom is never a fun thing to experience, and since you recognize that this is a salty ask, you might want nothing more than a "hey I see this and I get it in some part!"
But if you're thinking about how you might improve this situation and like, enjoy interacting with 3zun fandom again/mdzs fandom in general, I have a few ideas:
block everyone whose takes are pissing you off. There needs to be no bigger reason than "You know what, your takes are ruining this fandom experience for me" or "making me slightly more irritated than I would've been." There's no shame or like, anything wrong with this. Ultimately, we all live in this mosh pit of stuff together, and I might think everyone has a right to whatever kind of take they want, but I don't have to martyr myself on the cross of "hearing all sides" or whatever, and neither do you Nonny.
Recognizing which things are fanon and which are canon. This might help, but like, LXC doesn't, canonically, keep picking JGY at every turn. He is a flawed character with his own problems (as are they all in MDZS lol) but this is...not really what's happening? People can say what they want in their meta and their headcanons and interpretation of canon, but that doesn't make it...true.
this goes with 1 and 2 but also: if a fandom or a ship or a trope or something no longer brings you joy Nonny, there's always the opportunity to pack it up and leave it behind, either permanently or for a time. There's nothing wrong with not being "on" about a ship or fandom or recognizing that it was once something you really liked but not something you enjoy right at this very moment.
All that said, I'm personally of the opinion that there's a very loud and vocal part of the xiyao fandom (who exist on my blocklist by now) who've made me lose interest in the ship altogether, because the parts of the ship that I find most interesting -- the deceit, the almost gothic horror vibes, the slowly rotting center of their relationship when it didn't begin that way -- is obviously not what most (or what seems like most) people who ship it are looking for. And overall, I'm sure that it's no loss to not have me there, and that I (a NieYao girlie at heart) would not be welcome in that sandbox, so like, Nonny, I do get you and your frustrations. Ultimately I guess sometimes it's just easier to recognize that not all fandom spaces are welcoming and to find places that serve you better.
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yoztromo · 3 days
Sunday in 2.1 Analysis
Penacony spoilers, look at the one beforehand if you want
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Aventurine is talking about using Robin as a bargaining chip to bring the family to the table, of course. Who else would that really lead other than Robin’s brother, the head of the family. He seems almost like he is wanting to make Sunday join out of the love of his sister, to hush it down for the goodness of Penacony and the Family.
When Aventurine and Ratio are talking in the bar we know that Ratio is able to talk to the Family, specifically the Oak family easily, though they were in distress. They were very easily able to get information and share it with Aventurine. That is also when we find out when Sunday wants to see Aventurine again, Aventurine already hating it before turning around and liking the idea.
Sunday's mansion/ dewlight pavilion is heavily guarded, barely letting anyone in and some not able to see it in their lifetime. I do think he is anxious and that it’s partly his OCD taking in with this, wanting to be secure but it could not be the only reason, probably only adding to it. It is also soon seen that they have too pass a trial to get to him, a security measure as well as makes sure they really want to see him.
Before seeing Sunday Aventurine believes Sunday is incapable of looking for his sister himself due to his status, meanwhile he already is already having the Astral express look into her, so he didn’t need another person to look. He knows what the IPC really wants and knows to stay clear of them, if not then to be wary of them. They both know it’s someone in the family causing all of this but they don’t know who, he knows that’s why the meeting is taking place. He believes it to be a negotiation, and going to use Robin’s death as a bargaining chip in this deal.
It is here where we finally meet Sunday in 2.1, with his line “It seems like my puzzles were too effortless for you, IPC ambassador.” It almost seemed like he wanted him not to succeed and to not have this interaction, but of course because of Aventurines smarts and mostly luck he got through. It sounds sour in a sense that he knows he has to talk to them but doesn’t want to. Sunday trusts Dr. Ratio so much in this scene, taking his word for everything and knowing he will sell him out[when he really won’t]. Dr. Ratio calls Aventurine trustful and after going through the trial Sunday is almost sure he is correct.
There is this string of text that I would like to make sure it known.
“But there’s one thing I must ask you - that is you used your wisdom at the wrong place to meet the wrong person and put yourself in a situation where you should be… witnessing a tragedy that shouldn’t have happened.” I want to make it known I think the ‘wrong person’ is sparkle.
Aventurine wants to trade the cornerstone in exchange of him helping him look for the murder, but Sunday seems hesitant. Sunday then goes on a rant of why, I do really want to point out these lines
“Mr. Aventurine, when you're out and about, do you always make adjustments to your appearance? Your tie should be on the center line, your shirt must not protrude from your vest, your trouser creases should be perfectly straight, and always aligned with the tips of your shoes.”
“Of course”
“But I don't, because it's not appropriate to do so in public - you should make sure everything is presentable and in order before leaving the house.”
We do know he has OCD, that he probably is criticizing him because of that, but the word order specifically stood out to me, knowing now that he is following the order. I’m probably looking into these sentences too much but they caught my attention.
Sunday doesn't want to take a risk, not handing over the Cornerstones to Aventurine, being polite and not wanting to turn him down twice before he shifts the topic. Quickly turning to the power of Xipe [Order] when Aventurine doesn't answer. The mood of the entire interaction shifts. He forces him to talk and answer questions.
He is manipulating Aventurine through the power of Xipe to tell the truth, quickly making him nervous and showing he is in control of the situation. Aventurine’s anxiety in the situation only gets heightened when he asks him more personal questions, about sigonia, his family, and what he wants to do to Penacony.
In the scene where Aventurine is unlocking the box and Sunday reveals the cornerstones they seem to both smile while Dr. Ratio turns away. Sunday is smiling, thinking he has him right where he wants them, while Dr. Ratio and Aventurine act that way cause they know they fooled Sunday. The ‘Aventurine Cornerstone’ actually being jade.
Sunday is talking to Dr. Ratio knows he hasn’t been enjoying Aventurine’s company because of his eyes everywhere. Trying to convince him to join and betray Aventurine. He tried to get Dr. Ratio on his side with the bribe of knowledge of the Stelleron, it ends up working yet this is what Aventurine and Dr. Ratio had planned for getting Aventurine’s whole plan.
Sunday then brings up the idea that the cornerstone of Aventurine might not truly be his, Dr. Ratio immediately turns this down. Sunday knows Aventurine is a gambler, and if he talks about the cornerstone too much he has more reason to think that it isn’t his. Knowing now that Sunday shares Aventurines thoughts, he insults him by saying to see a psychiatrist.
Dr. Ratio asks if he can open the box and show him, to confirm that it is as he had been able to see it beforehand before of his status in the ipc. Dr. Ratio told him that he was indeed correct, that the one inside of the box was not aventurines but Topaz’s, he never said that the cornerstone found in the bag was actually Jades. They knew Sunday might find out that his cornerstone wasn’t his, using jades as well to cover up his own. Fooling him and letting him fall under their trap while Sunday is none the wiser, thinking he is the one in control.
I think it’s interesting that Sunday knows what the Cornerstone is, I'm not sure if it’s said to everyone that every Stone heart has a cornerstone so I can’t say for certain if I should be surprised. As much as they do know, then again he doesn't know about them well enough that they are still powerful when they are smashed.
It is after when Sunday reveals he only has seventeen system hours left to live, that he effectively trapped Aventurine in the harmony. Sunday did Harmony's consecration [action of making or declaring something, usually religious and sacred], as he didn’t follow what they said and followed what he wanted he turned it into a trial.
Sunday tries to be nice, allowing him to take the trial to see if he succeeds. He gives him his two options to succeed and join into the harmony and be with his family [which he knows is a weakness for aventurine], or fail or suffer the wrath of the harmony and fall into an abyss of doom. The way for him to succeed is to either find out who the culprit and have it be the same or have more information that Sunday. Sunday knows this will be hard. Fighting the harmony, not a lot of allies, and Sunday already probably having a head start.
Sunday's line “Off you go, Mr. Aventurine. You are free. I will wait here for the good news.” Was so harsh and snarky, he [thinks] he has Aventurine right where he wants him, the cornerstones in his possession, and now the trial going underway with Sunday having an upper hand.
Foreshadowing to later Sunday Asks Aventurine just before he leaves. “Do… you truly want to destroy the world with your own hands.?”
When Aventurine and Sparkle are talking about the ‘mute.’ I would want to think it's a Sunday from the Harmony, although Aventurine said he has been on the right track since the beginning and glad to know he is still in penacony. It could also be the trailblazer or Dr. Ratio but I do not know for sure, I am saying my two cents. It is also weird that later on Aventurine calls the person a she when Sparkle calls them a He.
When we are talking with Gallagher he points out there are more Bloodhound members there than usual in Clockie theme park on the order of Sunday. It’s most definitely him preparing for what Aventurine has in store. As they have eventually left themselves as well as drove out the civilians.
We see Welt and Acheron in the mansion, we see them talking and seeing them notice and come to the conclusion after finding a note that someone must have sent out all the guards guarding the mansion.
In here we find objects: a note from Robin, a lightcone, and a list of death’s victims.
Robin wished to have seen Sunday but was worried she was going to bother him so she stayed away, she was also one of the very few to first realize that there was a traitor in the family and quickly. It makes me realize just how different Sunday and Robin are, or to think of why Sunday was chosen instead of Sunday. But it’s because Robin knows what she wants/wants to do while Sunday is easily swayed. But this is also when we find out that Sunday loves Sweetness! [or atleast used too]
For the list of victims we see a few of the hundred recorded victims of death, and is Sunday trying to match them together. He is trying to figure out why this is happening and what the pattern is if there is any.
The last one is the light cone Sunday and Robin and kids together as Robin is on the stage her brother made for her. Sunday cheering her on when her teacher doesn't feel like she can do it, he is her biggest supporter. They care for eachother so much omg.
On Sunday’ table there is two more papers, one being a list of possible suspects for the traitor and a letter from Alfalfa saying that he needs to stop letting his emotions get to him and think.
It’s in the letter we can see just how sensitive and emotional Sunday is, even if he doesn't show it. Alfalfa is telling him as an elder to keep his emotions in check for the greater of Penacony, that he and the Dreammaster are upset with his performance. It is also here we find he is Adopted by the Dreammaster, Sunday thinking it might have something to do with the Watchmaker but he tells him he is wrong. It couldn’t possibly be true because he has seen him himself.
We see Sunday come up to Welt and Acheron, upset at them and questioning them slightly on why they trespassed the mansion. Sunday soon seeing they have no bad will but not knowing they went through the document.
A line of Sunday’s I want to point out of foreshadowing. “However, I'll give you a suggestion regarding your suspicions, Mr. Yang. You should be more cautious of Aventurine... While the wicked can't break through high walls, they can plunge their evil dagger into the heart of the righteous.” The wicked is Aventurine, the walls the family, the righteous the astral express. Almost pretty much foreshadowing his fight with the Astral express.
Also the line after he said he went to the amusement park by himself. “You never know... what unexpected troubles could arise.” He is shady and knows exactly what Aventurine is going to do.
From the harmony inside of Aventurine we hear him talk about Sunday. How he is obsessed with control, that he has to give enough detail to supply his nature while also not to much till he gets suspicious.
We see Sunday with Gallagher for the least scene in 2.1, he is upset and suspicious at him about being the murderer, raising his voice at him. Gallagher is upset on Sunday for assuming he is as well as why him instead of Aventurine. He brings up his servants, the crows we see in important scenes with Aventurine and Sunday as well as one with Aventurine and Sparkle. They have seen him and know it’s not him. Sunday is sure it’s Gallagher, using Aventurine as an opportunity to get at him.
Gallagher mentions about the Dreammaster, that he wants him to ignore the murders and focus on the Charmony festival and he is correct, based on the note with Alfalfa. It’s here we find Gallagher has been using a body with a collage of different family clothings. [Im saying this for people who still think their related. his line “my brother” is from the family faction stand point, not an actual family]. Sunday is able to me film off some of family members who Gallagher is copying, it see,s as though he takes great care into memorizing people, even some small details.
It’s soon after that Sunday raises his voice, just all his emotions on the situation coming up at once and overflowing and bursting out into a yell and cursing him out. His voice was slightly raspy leading up to it as well, knowing just how much he cares for her and how angry he is over this.
Happy pride month everyone, shout of too the gays
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mishy-mashy · 13 hours
Do you think Banjo is the type of person who hides his problems behind a clown mask?
The guy acts like a bit of comedy relief, but I think he's the kind of person to face his problems head-on. I don't think he uses humor as a coping mechanism. We never see him do that for himself. He's just a loud guy
Look at how he first appears to Midoriya
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He's loud, and it steals Midoriya's attention. But he's calling him out on why he's messing up
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But as a character's debut, the first things he does are:
Call out Midoriya for trying to do things alone, when Yoichi's first message to him was that he wasn't
Tell him that if he can compose himself, things typically work out
Understands Midoriya's side of things, and tells him he knows (like lacking a mouth)
And once he says those two previous things, he exhales, and his eyes show their pupils properly
The parting advice he gives Midoriya is a reiteration of the second point: It's okay to be mad. What's important is controlling your heart.
Blackwhip is a Quirk that responds to the holder's emotions. Like other Quirks, but Blackwhip goes out of control when the user isn't able to get a grip on themselves
Banjo used his Quirk effectively. He'd have to live that advice to pass it on to Midoriya, back when Abilities were starting to become normal, but Japan was still wrecked. And we know that Quirks are influenced by, and influence, the holder's personality.
Banjo would have to be able to be honest with himself, understand his emotions, and has the maturity to say it's okay to be mad. Just control it.
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When he said that for the first time, it actually surprised me. Everyone in fiction or reality says "Don't be mad", but a character on his debut and says it's okay to be that. I never heard anyone say that controlling your emotions and outputting them in a healthy manner is what matters. People just say not to he negative or annoying, because it's inconvenient; but Banjo went past that.
And when he fades, he tells Midoriya he's got this. He reminds him that they're all behind him.
Whenever he speaks, he doesn't make the receiver feel bad, or speak down to them. He understands them, and gives the next step in a familiar, friendly way.
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On his debut, he told Midoriya to control his heart, and to remember he wasn't alone. Here, he tells him he should try understanding their Quirks better.
He's actually got a mature way of seeing things. He's an adult, and being the holder between Shinomori and En, he wouldn't be able to deal with either of them if he wasn't mature about himself. Shinomori probably wouldn't choose someone who can't be honest with himself upfront, after spending almost half his life for OFA. And En is young, prone to panic, and a guy who acts like his problems aren't there or funny wouldn't help that.
I can visualize Banjo sitting at a small fire with Shinomori, having an honest, calm talk about life (until Shinomori says the wrong thing and Banjo yells something about it). But not Banjo trying to push his problems down with a hearty laugh, and Shinomori being okay with that.
When Midoriya used his Quirk for the first time, Banjo did get loud at the start, but he did lecture him in a way that was kinda teacher-mentor-ish.
I actually like the way Banjo talks about his observances. He's got the demeanor of a good teacher, he's clear, and direct. He's light-hearted about serious things, but doesn't diminish them. He just approaches it in a way that you aren't feeling the pressure, and can feel like it's possible.
He seems to have this habit of being loud to get people's attention, and simmers down once he has it. He's never indirect or leaving the addressed to figure out the answer on their own, he gives it outright.
When Midoriya used Blackwhip for the first time, Banjo was all "You got it all wrong!" and then explained things. Since he felt himself fading, he could've been talking louder to compensate himself past the daze he felt. To make sure he was talking, heard, and to keep himself awake
When the first Three made the void silent because Kudo and Bruce didn't want to help, Banjo broke it with what Midoriya should do next
When Shinomori got yoinked, the first thing Banjo did was report it in a panic to Midoriya. This just tells Midoriya he really has to be careful now, because OFA can really be stolen. Even if Banjo just panics and doesn't say that aloud
Every time Banjo is facing some kind of problem, he doesn't let others panic too hard. He's not pressuring about problems, and steps back to let Midoriya figure things out.
When Midoriya was running himself into the ground, Banjo was one of the vestiges that didn't show up to tell him to rest. He already understood how Midoriya saw things, and was doing them his own way
Rather than trying to be a clown, I think Banjo is just a friendly person. He's honest with others and with himself, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to utilize Blackwhip right, or be the holder between a sagey hermit and young, scared adult.
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