#we were all shaken from the hit though so everything just been more intense and now I'm pretty sure all 3 of us have
ohhoneato · 3 years
Lol I finally told off my girlfriend's father.
He called me an it afterwords and all I could think was, "ah yes, finally someone used my proper pronouns."
0 notes
kashi-prompts · 3 years
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Prompt: (Above)
Pairing: Kakashi x wife!reader
Wordcount: 3,450
A/N: Hope you enjoy! :) 
In the distance, the sound of a rolling surge of thunder passed through the clouds. You listened, hearing it echo in through the hills and beyond the horizon. 
"Guess we'd better get a move on," you noted, looking up at the clouds that had rolled over your heads while you both traveled in conversation.
"We'll be alright," Kakashi told you, his fingers laced with yours, "how are you feeling?"
"How many times are you going to ask me that?" you asked him, your hand instinctively caressing your round belly. Eight months had passed since you had discovered you were expecting. 
"I just want to make sure you are okay," the Hokage admitted, his profile set for the horizon. Despite the trace of irritation you had felt creeping up on you when he asked you the same question for the - what was it - fourth-time this afternoon, you knew he meant well. Sensing the drip of annoyance in your tone, his fingers squeezed yours to remind you he was just caring for you.  
Even so, he was correct. You had hardly slept last night, your body feeling heavier than usual. As you had risen from bed, you felt your stomach contract in what you assumed to be false labor pains. They seemingly continued throughout the day, but you brushed them off. The doctor had reminded you to expect these. Certainly, the baby wouldn't be coming this early. 
After all, this hadn't exactly been an easy pregnancy. The first and second trimesters had been saturated with successive days of nausea, vomiting, and high blood pressure. For the most part, the nausea and vomiting could be controlled, but the high blood pressure was worrisome to the doctors. 
You rubbed your belly again, frowning as you felt the tight squeeze again. It quickly passed, and you hid it well. The pain was familiar. Your mind slipped back to the moment where your world had stilled at the question of whether or not you were having a miscarriage earlier in your pregnancy. The sudden pain and spotting were surefire signs of such. Kakashi had kept himself composed for the most part, but you had seen in his eyes how shaken he was by the situation.
"You're a high-risk pregnancy due to your blood pressure, Mrs. Hatake," the doctor had told you both that evening in the emergency room. "Take this medication and check in with your doctor every few weeks." 
Orders had been obeyed, but the underlying threat of a miscarriage certainly shook you to your core until you finally reached the third trimester, where the chances of it decreased. Despite that, you still were high-risk. Kakashi watched you like a hawk. 
"Thank you for this birthday gift, [y/n]," Kakashi interrupted your thoughts, bringing you back to the present day. You rubbed your round stomach more. "I'm excited to spend the next few days with you." 
You nodded, smiling over at him. In his backpack were two gift certificates for the new hot spring the citizens of Konoha had been raving about recently. It was a bit of a hike, but Kakashi would never pass up a moment of peace to walk with you next to him. You squeezed his hand again and leaned into his shoulder, rubbing his forearm. 
"I'm glad you like it," you smiled, "I hope it's everything people have been saying it is."
"I'm sure it will be," he said, lifting his chin to observe the darkening sky above. He hesitated for a moment, and as the profile of his lips opened to say another word, you felt the first raindrop hit your forehead. 
"We still have some ways to go, don't we?" you asked, frowning as you lifted a hand to feel more rain falling onto it. 
"Yes," he frowned, stopping on the path to turn to you. You looked up at him, watching his mind think. "This will set us back if we stay undercover until this passes."
A crack of lightning hit behind you in the distance, loud enough to cause you to jolt and take a step towards your husband. He lifted his hand protectively over your shoulder, knowing there was nothing to be afraid of but calming you anyway. 
"Let's just find some shelter, for now, okay?" you asked, looking up at him from his chest. The outline of his jaw clenched in thought before nodding.
The storm continued to draw closer. The beats between the lightning and the thunder strikes continued to shrink as the rain began to fall harder. Eventually, the two of you settled for a slight indentation on the side of a mountain that one could barely call a cave. But it was enough to cover you both and then some as you huddled close together. 
He smiled at you, laughing suddenly as he pressed your shoulders to his chest, "how typical. The one time I have a few days off, and it has to storm like this." 
"I'm sure it'll pass soon," you reassured him, your hand stroking his knee.
"You feel o-"
"I'm fine, Kashi," you told him assuredly. "I just want to enjoy your birthday." 
Twenty minutes passed, and the sheets of precipitation didn't seem to be letting up. His fingers danced on your shoulder, tapping in rhythm with the drips of water on the outside of the cave. You rested your head on his shoulder, your eyes feeling heavy. The crackling of lightning every few minutes caused you to brace your body for the rumblings of the thunder.  You felt tense, waiting for it each time. 
"At this rate, we'll have to travel into the night," Kakashi frowned after an hour had passed. 
Sitting on hard ground, your body began to ache. Was the pressure building up in your lower back simply from sitting here? It felt different like someone was pressing down on your back from the outside. You took a deep breath, rubbing your chest to calm your anxiety that was beginning to bubble up unexpectantly. Above you, you felt Kakashi glance down at you. 
"I've got to stand up," you told him abruptly, "my back hurts." 
The silver-haired shinobi stood quickly, taking his wife's hand to help you up from the ground. Your round belly was prominent as you tried to balance yourself. Something was wrong, you surmised gravely. Or maybe you were just tired from the journey. 
You had insisted on accompanying him after he had told you they would use the gift certificates at a later date. They didn't need to be used right now, he had told you. But again, you had insisted. He needed a vacation, and this was the perfect opportunity to do it before the baby arrived. 
Now, you looked out the cave opening at the rain that was slowing. You stretched your back, bending your spine awkwardly in a crude attempt to alleviate the pressure. You grimaced, feeling your heart rate heighten with anxiety. 
Another wave of thunder echoed in the mountains, loud enough to feel as though the ground had rattled beneath your feet. The tidal sheets of rain continued, the mist soaking your sandaled feet. 
"Come sit back down," Kakashi advised quietly, touching your shoulder. For a few moments, you felt like time had warped, your eyes transfixed on the buckets of precipitation raining down on the ground a few feet away. 
You felt your lower body seize, your organs feeling like they were being pushed out of your body through your skin. You inhaled slowly, swallowing hard as your eyes remained on the horizon. Your jaw clenched.
His hand was on your arm, his face close to yours to try to meet your gaze. He could tell something was wrong by the way the muscles in your jaw moved. The breath in you had taken at the initial shock to your system finally let itself out through your mouth with a shaky exhale. His hand fell to your stomach.
Reaching over, you placed your fingers over his.
"[y/n]," Kakashi began as you looked down, leaning against the cave's rough wall. He let go of your belly as you closed your eyes, trying your best to control the chaotic, out-of-control feeling your body was producing. Your heart was pounding. 
A calloused palm touched your jaw, pushing it up to meet his troubled gaze. You looked down, staring at the pulse beating at the base of his neck. You focused on that, feeling yourself slipping into a panic at the thought of birthing a baby in a cave miles away from a hospital. His hand dropped back down to the side of your belly, his palm radiating heat to your cold skin. You put your hand atop of his again. 
"Are you okay?" He dipped his chin again to meet your gaze. You finally looked up, meeting his wide eyes. A sudden intense wave of pain hit you, and you gritted your teeth, clutching his fingers against your stomach as you began to slide down the side of the cave wall. 
"[Y/N]!" The obvious, intense panic in his voice transmitted through your body. One of the many qualities you loved about him was his knack for remaining calm in situations that needed it. Yet, the sight of your water breaking as your knees buckled in pain undoubtedly shook your husband. 
"What's going on?" He asked, his voice drenched with concern.
"It hurts," you managed. 
"Contractions?" He asked, exasperated. You nodded frantically, panic rising. 
"I can't have the baby here," you managed through hitched breaths, "it's too early. They're a month early, Kakashi." 
"Dammit. I know, I know," he assured her, pushing his palm against the top of your forehead and moving your damp hair from your eyes. His eyes searched yours, the magnitude of the situation dawning on the both of you. 
"Come, come back over here," he lifted you gently from under your armpit and guiding you away from the cave's entrance. Quickly, he took off his uniform jacket and placed it on the floor for you to sit on. Kneeling beside you, he let you rest your head in his lap, brushing his fingers across your forehead as he stared off into the distance, thinking with a furrowed, sweating brow. 
"Stay here," he said suddenly, putting your head under his backpack. 
You grasped his hand frantically, squeezing it as another wave hit you without warning. 
"Please don't leave," you told him desperately, his fingers losing circulation with the amount of pressure you were transmitting from your body to his. 
"I have to; it'll only be for a little while. I have to get help," the man who remained calm in every situation he faced was manic when met with the possibility of losing both his wife and unborn baby at his hand if he were to mishandle even the smallest of requirements to birth a baby. He was certainly not qualified and had little to no medical experience, barely enough to mend himself on a battlefield, let alone bring a baby- their baby - into the world. 
"Please," you pleaded, riding out the same wave of pain through gritted teeth. A crack of lightning landed at the front of the cave, the sound jolting you and spiking your anxiety. Kakashi knelt beside you again, taking a deep breath. You took a few shallowed breaths as the pain dissipated. He weaved his fingers between yours. 
"I have an idea," he said abruptly, turning to the entrance again. "I promise, I will only be a minute." 
You nodded, rubbing your stomach again as you watched him run out into the sheets of rain. Your body felt heavy like there was no way you could even manage to pull yourself up if you had to. You were going to have this baby in this cave - you knew it. Kakashi couldn't carry you that far, and you wouldn't let him if he tried. You felt your throat constrict, angry with yourself. You shouldn't have ignored the signs. Your baby was coming, and you missed it. 
"Okay," he said breathlessly, jogging back to you. "I have Pakkun heading towards the nearest village to get medical assistance." 
"Kashi," you managed, feeling your eyes well with tears. "This is my fault." 
His damp hand caressed your forehead, drips of rainwater falling from the tips of his hair onto your arm.
"No, it's not," he assured you quietly, "it's okay. I'm right here. I'm not going to let anything happen to you or the baby." 
"I'm sorry," you managed, a tear falling through your temple into your hairline. He leaned down, pressing his lips to your forehead as his other grasped your hand. 
"It's okay," he murmured against your skin. "It'll be okay."
"Oh gosh," you squeeze his hand again, feeling the unbearable pain trickle back into your system. It's unrelenting pressure causing havoc throughout your spine. 
"Breathe," he reminded you, his lips against the shell of your ear. You listened, trying to calm your breath that had since become a chaotic mess of hiccups and yelps. 
"What if-"
"Just breathe," Kakashi told you, gently placing his forehead against yours. His damp hair tickled your skin—the cooling rainwater a relief to your sweating body. 
Twenty more minutes of unrelenting pain passed. The intervals between them growing smaller and smaller. The rain outside let up, the thunder rolling casually in the distance. You cursed at it. 
"When will Pakkun be back?" you panted out, your jaw clenched. 
Kakashi's eye was consistently on the opening of the cave, just as much as it was on you. You had seen his Adam's Apple bounce in his neck nervously at your question.
"Soon," he responded, "I'm sure he won't be long. The nearest village is-"
"Ahh-ohhh, no," was all you could manage. You could see stars in your vision, the pressure building in your whole body. You let out a cry, squeezing your husband's hand as he remained steady next to you. He gripped your hand back, his gloved fingers squeezing at your knuckles. 
"This can't be happening," you cried, shaking your head. 
"It's okay. Please, [y/n], it's okay. Just breathe." 
"I have to push," you managed, your face shone with sweat. Stricken with anxiety, you heard him exhale next to you. You opened your eyes to look at him; his two charcoal eyes fixated on you. 
"I'm so sorry," you managed breathlessly. 
He shook his head, pressing his lips to your forehead again, this time more firmly. "Don't be sorry. I love you. Everything will be okay. Let's do this." 
Wriggling your way out of your bottoms, Kakashi nestled himself between your legs, propping them up as they had taught him in all those birthing classes you had both attended. 
"Oh," you heard him say, "Oh gosh. I see their head!" 
Everything felt like it was on fire in your body: every nerve ending, every piece of skin, every ounce of your every being. Kakashi looked up at you, his gaze a mixture of worry and determination. 
"You have to push," he told you calmly, rubbing your leg reassuredly. 
"I can't," you breathed, trying to catch your breath. 
"You have to. Remember to breathe. I'm right here; just breathe."
You gritted your teeth, pushing so hard you felt your ears block out. Heat rose up your neck as you let out a gritted yell. The pain was unbearable. 
"C'mon, baby, just a little more!" You heard him say. The world felt surreal.  
"Please, I can't," you whimpered, exasperated and exhausted. He leaned forward over your belly, grasping at the back of your head. Pulling his mask down, he pressed his lips firmly to yours, the sweat from both of your upper lips mingling. 
"You're almost there," he whispered, staring directly into your eyes. "You're almost there. Just keep going. I'm right here." 
You nodded, your eyes focused on his as he leaned back down. You took a deep breath in, gritting your teeth as you pushed as hard as you could. A small source of pressure was relieved as you heard your husband laugh joyously. 
"Oh gosh," he laughed, his mask still pooled around his neck. You looked up, a baby covered in blood and mucus in his arms. The beaming smile on his face, the one you didn't often see, as he gazed down at your baby, was enough of a pain reliever if there ever was one. 
"It's a girl," he looked up at you, his eyes glassed over with tears, "you did it, baby." 
You leaned back, feeling delirious with joy and physical pain. Kakashi came up to you, your eyes never leaving the baby as he put her near you. The bottom of his shirt wrapped around the little bundle, a peak of his skin showing beneath it. Tears streamed down both of your faces at the sight of such a little thing. Clearly, she was small. But her mighty cries were loud enough to echo in the cave. You leaned up, touching the meager turf of white hair on her head. A joyful whimper bubbled up in your chest. 
You felt his lips on the top of your head as you played with her tiny fingers. You felt him chuckle against your hair as the little one let out another wail. 
As you stared at her, you were beginning to feel nauseous suddenly. The perception of the world slowly fading around you became evident. Like you were dreaming and waking up from the dream. 
"Boss!" Pakkun's voice filled the cave, "I'm back! I have help!" 
You tried to hold on, blinking as you held your daughter's tiny hand. Something felt wrong. Multiple people in nursing uniforms bustled into the narrow cave, their faces calm until they looked to you. 
"Kashi-" you managed through ragged breaths. You looked up at your husband as his beaming face handed his baby off carefully to a nurse. As he looked back down, his smile vanished as your eyes closed. 
"[Y/N]! [Y/N], are you okay?" you heard Kakashi's voice, pungent with anxiety. 
"Move aside, Hokage-sama," a voice commanded. 
The world lulled between darkness and reality. The pain increased while your head felt heavy, falling back to the earth below. 
"Her blood pressure is dropping," someone called out. 
"What's wrong with her?" 
"We have to get her back to a hospital."
"What's wrong with my wife?"
"Please, Hokage-sama! Stay back!" 
You woke up a few hours later. 
Your body ached, and your confusion was high. Groaning, you reached down to feel your belly. Realizing it was significantly smaller than usual, your eyes shot open at once.  
You were in a hospital room. A blood pressure cuff wrapped tightly around your arm, and an IV stuck in the crook of your elbow. Your confused state only heightened your anxiety. Frantically, you looked around the room as you uncomfortably sat up in bed. Your eyes landed on the opposite side of the room near the window. 
The rustling of bedsheets had startled him, turning around to see his concerned expression gaze over at you. In his arms, a small bundle of pink blankets was tucked across his chest. 
Carefully, he walked over to you, his gaze softening as he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"I'm so glad you're okay," you heard him whisper, his voice cracking slightly. You looked up at him, the images of earlier flooding back to you. His eyes were full of love and admiration, smiling at you. 
"Can I hold her?" you asked, looking down at the little bundle you had heard him coo at. 
"You're her mother; why wouldn't you?" he chuckled, gingerly transferring the baby to your arms. 
Looking down, you felt tears begin to flow freely down your cheeks. Kakashi leaned over, his chin resting at your temple as he wrapped an arm behind your head. 
"She's so beautiful," you managed, your fingers touching her rough baby cheeks. Her squinted eyes slept peacefully in your arms. You had never felt such an overwhelming sense of love towards anything. 
"Like her mother," Kakashi murmured, nuzzling his nose fondly against your temple. You felt wetness near your hairline, realizing he was also crying. 
"Have you thought of a name yet?" You asked quietly, gently tracing your daughter's white eyebrows with your fingertip. 
"I did," he said, looking back down at the child, "but if you don't like it -"
"What is it?" you laughed gently. 
"Suki," he offered. 
You thought about it, smiling as you looked down at this little thing you and him had created. Through such turmoil you had both gone through to finally get to this moment. You smiled. 
"Yes," you said quietly. "Suki." 
Beloved one. 
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homieswithhades · 3 years
why steve rogers returning to the past was wrong
disclaimer: im clearly a stucky enthusiast, but please, do not be thrown off by that. i admit, there may be undertones of bias because of that in the following, but i did my best with trying to lay out the facts and draw logical conclusions, so do please give me a chance. also, i may have accidentaly omitted some moments and some quotes may not be 100% word for word, as my memory lowkey sucks. ALSO this is NOT a peggy hate post!! i think shes a dope and underrated character and quite frankly she was done dirty. but i also definitely h8 the trope of badass woman falls for the hero.
first and foremost, every sane person knows endgame was complete and utter bullshit when dealing with steves character, so this post will be more for you to maybe show (and hopefully convince) some stubborn friend or family member. nice, concise (not) and including proof from the movies (+a few tweets and stucky undertones, if u dont fw that i respect it but bucky is an integral part to steves character regardless of how u interpret their relationship) here is why steves character development was thrown away at the end of endgame.
let us begin at looking at the cap trilogy.
in ca:tfa it should be noted that steve had no one to return to in the 40s, except bucky. i believe steves relationship with peggy was no where near as developed as it should have been to elicit him returning exclusively for her. as we are aware, steves driving force has absolutely always been bucky. bucky was there for steve after his parents died, when he was sick, and always protected him from whatever trouble he got himself into. "until the end of the line" right? steves relationship with peggy was forced and short lived, literally, we're talking a matter of months here. i need to keep emphasising the important disparity between bucky and peggy, as it is absolutely key in this whole argument. steve dropped everything and went against every order just to even attempt to save bucky. even the slightest chance of him surviving being captured was enough for steve to break into a hydra camp and free the 107th division. steve even had the chance to capture zola, one of the main villains and masterminds of the war, but again, steve prioritised bucky. when theyre trying to escape the exploding hydra camp, the exchange between steve and bucky is critical. steve says "go! get out of here!" as all he wanted was bucky escaping safely. he put bucky's life over his own (this wasnt the first time he did this, nor the last) but bucky rooted himself to the spot, and yelled back "no, not without you!". they both escaped safely as we know, and then steve gathers the howling commandos to take down the red skull. bucky then falls off the train, nd steve blames himself for his death, even visibly crying over it twice. steves morals went from "i dont wanna kill anyone. i dont like bullies, i dont care where theyre from" before buckys death, to "i wont stop until all of hydra are dead or captured" after. stuff happens and steve defeats the red skull and is now in control of the flying ship with the bombs. he connects the comms with peggy and she tries to convince him theres another way to disarm the ship. steve was so dedicated at that point he didnt even want to hear it. he didnt even attempt to do anything to ensure his survival. this alone proves, peggy was not important enough to him to return to.
next is ca:tws. The stevebucky movie. in the museum, peggy confirms that steve saved the man from the 107th division who eventually became her husband (steve was never in the 107th, just to clarify) i believe her husbands name was daniel sousa (as revealed in the marvels agents of shield show) steve then finds out peggy is alive and talks to her. she, in short, tells him she's lived her life, and it was his turn to live his in the time hes in. the "my best girl" line was unnecessary and out of place; again, steve barely knew her. again, shit goes down, and steve finds out the winter soldier is bucky and immediately drops everything, and becomes dead set on saving him. not killing, not imprisoning, but saving him. no matter the cost. "he saw me, and he didnt even know me" "hes not the kind you save, hes the kind you stop. he won't recognise you" "he will." god, steve KNEW bucky would recognise him. regardless of the brainwashing, steve managed to break through the barrier hydra fought so hard to drill into buckys mind. nothing ever broke him out of that state exept for steve. "im not gonna fight you, youre my friend." "youre my mission" "then finish it. cos im with you till the end of the line." [[good fucking lord let me break out of my essay-esque semi professional format here and just say how fucking heartbreaking those lines are. oh my god. read them, over and over until it hits you.]] steve shows us again, that he is willing to not only die for bucky, but literally die by his hand. he would let bucky kill him. he'd dropped his shield. he didnt fight back. steve always, always, ALWAYS got up and fought back. always. exept that time. the time bucky could have killed him. that scene is the essence of "im with you till the end of the line" because then, it was true. it was true because steve was okay with dying at buckys mercy. theres a difference between sacrificing yourself for the greater good (steve going into the ice), willing to die for someone (steve risking his life multiple times in attempts to save bucky) and finally, being willing to let someone kill you, because you love and trust them so much (hellicarier scene). the difference between peggy and bucky's relationship to steve is that steve may be willing to die for either, but only willing to be killed by one. not to mention, bucky pulled steve from the river. he recognised him. steve broke through 70 years of brainwashing with such impact it literally drove bucky away from hydra out of his own free will.
in between ca:tws and ca:cw its confirmed (im p sure sam says it) that him and steve looked for bucky for two. years. even off screen, bucky was steves priority.
im going to squeeze in 2 points from from age of ultron here, for chronology's sake:
steves worst nightmare, as portayed in the movie, is LITERALLY going back to the 40s and being stuck there (with peggy too??lmfao) and also the quote "family, stability, the man who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. i think another one came out." objectively confirms that steve isn't the man he used to be, and doesnt want to return to the past. aou may have sucked, but that doesn't mean the character development should be thrown away.
ca:cw. hoo boy. steve went against 117 countries and half of his closest friends and colleagues because he believed bucky was innocent of the bombing of the un conference. god, steve quite literally, did everything to defend and protect bucky. though i shall acknowledge that steve did attend peggy's funeral, however, there was no real connotations there other than the fact he was mourning her death (understabdibly so). steve then proceeds to protect bucky for 2 hours 27 mins and 41 seconds to the point where they escape together to siberia after the airport fight. "i dont know if im worth all this steve" "what you did all those years... it wasnt you. you didnt have a choice." "i know. but i did it" again, absolutely heartbreaking quotes if you read it a couple of times and truly understand the meaning of them. steve somewhat indirectly tells bucky yes, yes he is worth all of this. otherwise, he wouldn't be doing it. a quote to support that would be "for the longest time, i always did what i thought was right." (disclaimer this is not a direct quote i deadass couldnt find it to save my life, i belive steve said it at some point during civil war or tws, but the point is, bucky is the only thing that could have shaken steves morals so intensely.) and finally, the most important part of cw, the fight at the end with tony. bucky and steve constantly protected each other. steve kept fighting because he was fighting for bucky. to keep him safe from tony and the world. he got up, time and time again. "i can do this all day." the fact that he said that to tony, some people consider them the closest of friends, proves again, a million times over, bucky is more important to steve than literally anything else, INCLUDING his shield. his mantle. he dropped it and left it like it was nothing, because his priority was bucky. as always.
theres not much to discuss for infinity war other than their hug whicg was honestly just adorable.
mmmmm endgame. i will not go into how much i hate that movie because it would be a rant quintuple the length of this one. in the support group, steve dead ass fucking says "you gotta move on. you gotta move on" and that sentiment was literally forgotten at the end. my main point for endgame is this. people tend to tell me, the reason steve abandoned bucky and went back to be with peggy is because he knew that he was finally safe. :/. if you had half a braincell youd know that's not true. the steve we know, never would have left bucky for good, ESPECIALLY after the "dont do anything stupid until i get back" exchange [[god i want to beat the shit out of the r*ssos]] mostly because, bucky had fucking no one in the time he was living in!!! no family, no friends and most heartbreakingly, no one he could trust. (yes sam was there but were just seeing their friendship develop now in tfatws, all that wasnt there in endgame) and secondly, what made steve think bucky was entirely safe??? half of the worlds population just suddenly reappeared, which as we see now, there were massive consequences for that. i simply believe steve is not that stupid. steve going back was disrespectful not only to his character, but to bucky AND peggy. most importantly, the steve we've been watching since 2011 would NEVER abandon bucky, no matter how safe he thought he was (he visited him frequently in wakanda, the safest place on the planet arguably ffs) especially for such a dumbass and quite frankly, nonsensical reason as going back to be with peggy, who clearly stated to him she moved on, and so should he (which he did. idk endgame writers prolly didnt watch the previous movies :/) its not even debatable. bucky is more important to steve than peggy. even in terms of screentime.
now allow some tweets to speak for me, this one being the absolute most important one:
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ladies and gentlefolk, all of the stuff ive said can be summarised in that last line. "it would be contrary to who he is."
heres some more:
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and now finally, id like to briefly mention steve and tfatws, so beware of spoilers (writing this as of ep 4 coming out; praying it doesn't age badly)
bucky mentions steve, unprompted, fucking constantly. he clearly isnt over steve leaving, and im hoping that gets acknowledged and talked out in the show.
in conclusion, tl:dr, steve shouldn't have returned to the past and stayed there, it is contrary to who he is, as shown to us through his trilogy and other appearances in the mcu. not to mention the timeline bullshit in endgame makes zero sense in the first place.
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I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Genre: Angst if you squint really hard. Fluff to make up for Marvel reminding me that Nat is dead.
Description: The falling in love of Wanda Maximoff and you. (If anyone has a better description please hit me up.)
Notes: Was going to be a one-shot and then it didn’t happen so there’s going to be a second part. It’ll probably happen in like a month though since I have a trip. Comments always appreciated. :)
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You’re not sure when it happened. To be fair, neither is Wanda.
You had just started with SHIELD, and were there for the battle with Ultron, and then when Wanda became an Avenger. You remember the admiration you held for her, for her powers, for her determination to do what was right, her grit. Now, it was more of a well-deserved respect. Her strength when everything else in her life seemed to be gone, her brutal honesty regarding matters important to her, and her loyalty to those she cared about.
Maybe that’s when it started. As an exemplary agent, you could handle most things Fury assigned you, but being an Avenger? That was a whole new battleground. One that Wanda had your six on. From simple things, like showing you around the compound, and looking for you when you inevitably got lost (again). Wanda with her no frills attitude and sharp tongue, lashing out at Fury himself when he assigned you your 6th mission in 4 days. Wanda with her soft smiles that made your stomach flip and whispered jokes when she noticed your anxiousness on a mission. It wasn’t easy, keeping up with super soldiers, spies with years of experience on you, actual gods, but Wanda made it simple.
- - -
Wanda sometimes wondered if she could really be a hero. She wasn’t a good person. She had done terrible things. Then you stumbled in, a fresh agent and an even fresher Avenger, but you looked at her with no distrust. A little lost perhaps, but no malice. That confused SHIELD agent? It reminded her of, well, her. It may have been under different circumstances, but in essence, they were the same. Thrust into a world of avenging, knowing no one, knowing nothing. So she threw you a line, offered her support when you looked like you needed it. Wanda expected a bite, but she didn’t expect a tug back. The way you offered to help her practice her powers (a little naively), and then when you realised your mistake, your offer to teach her the hand to hand combat you had learned from SHIELD. The way you always looked back for her on a mission, even when you knew she could protect herself with said powers. You were on her team, a comfort she didn’t have since Pietro died. Okay well the Avengers were also her team, but you were her person, always in her corner.
- - -
It shouldn’t be this easy. Sometimes it felt like you could read each other’s minds. To be fair, Wanda could read your mind, but you knew she wouldn’t do it without your permission. Still, there was something about your unspoken agreements that came so naturally. Where everyone else was on comms, it was like the pair of you were tuned to the same wavelength, communicating in a code not even Natasha could decrypt.
“You just get me, you know?” Wanda says, as the two of you are sprawled on her bed after a mission. “It’s like our brains are, I dunno, smooshed together or something. Not even Vision feels like this, and we’re literally connected by an Infinity Stone in his head.”
“Smooshed together?” you laugh. “What an insightful description. And I can’t believe you just compared me to that toaster. I’m obviously way better than him.”
“You realise he can shoot lasers right?”
“And I can turn on a laser on the sights of my guns. Sit down, you’re not special.”
This earns you a giggle. “But it’s like you’re in my brain.”
“Oh so I’m always on your mind?”
“Shut up Y/N/N.”
“Maybe your powers are rubbing off on me,” you joke, wiggling your fingers in her face.
“I do not look like that,” cries Wanda indignantly. “And if you have my powers, what am I thinking about right now?”
“Stealing Sam’s cupcakes,” you reply with no hesitation.
“I was actually thinking about how I hope Steve never reassigns mission partners,” she says pointedly. “But now that you mention it, I could really do with a cupcake.”
“I was right then?” you tease, tugging her towards the kitchen with a cheeky grin.
Wanda rolls her eyes at you, but she mirrors your grin and your stomach is swooping again.
“For the record, you’re my favourite mission partner too.”
- - -
Wanda didn’t expect to call the compound home. She stayed because she had nowhere else to go. And with her differences with Stark and the friendly but still guarded manner of the other Avengers initially (though she didn’t blame them), she kept to herself. But you were different. She noticed the way you prioritised her, looked out for her, to the best of your ability.
She’s shaken from nightmare and automatically, her feet lead her towards you. It’s late, she knows, but when she knocks on your door, you open with an easy smile and open arms that envelop her gently. When her sobbing subsides, you break away, wiping the tear tracks with your thumb.
“Dick van Dyke?” you ask.
Nodding wordlessly, Wanda lets you lead her your bed and settles in beside you.
That’s when she notices the stacks of files illuminated by your desk light.
“Sorry,” she sniffles, throat raw from crying, “did I interrupt you?”
“Oh those?” you say, waving dismissively at your desk. “Maria’s just been on my back lately to get those done, but it’ll be fine.”
With a stab of guilt, she makes to move of the bed, but you grab her wrist before she can. “Don’t worry about it, those can wait.”
As the TV murmurs softly in the background, you wrap a comforting hand around her, and she begins to drift off, nightmares warded away by your presence.
And she wakes up the next morning with the duvet pulled over her, and you slumped at your desk.
- - -
It was an easy mission. Most missions are when you and Wanda are paired together. Get in, get the data, get out. But then HYDRA agents were swarming the building, and intel definitely didn’t mention this level of security, and the exits were blocked off.
“I’m definitely gonna punch Tony later for this,” you groan, and Wanda shoots you a smile before returning to the approaching soldiers. Silently you whip around, firing rounds at the agents on the other end of the corridor. This was one of the many “plans” you had with Wanda, the endless missions allowing you to familiarise yourself with how your two fighting styles complimented each other. Being the enhanced out of you two, Wanda would push forward, handling the bulk of attacks with a flick of her wrist. You had her back, shooting at the stragglers who came from behind. Spotting something that resembled a server room, you gave a tug on her sleeve and she nodded, reassuring you that she had it handled.
Not wanting to leave Wanda for longer than necessary, you plug in the drive to do its Stark-tech thing and bolted back outside. To find the bodies slumped en masse on both end of the hallway.
“Guess you did have it handled,” you say, waving at the uniformed soldiers.
“Oh my god that isn’t even a good pun,” the witch replies, before continuing with a smirk. “But yes, I am way more powerful than you.”
“Don’t think that was ever in question,” you say, but then alarms were blaring, and the building plunges into a red glow and then oh my god there’s a gun behind Wanda and before you knew what was happening, a shot had fired from your gun and there was a burning pain in your shoulder.
The brunette whirls around just as you collapse into the wall. “Guess you’re not as an amazing shot as I am though,” you mutter, before blacking out.
- - -
To say Wanda was in a state of panic was an understatement. It was more like a whole damn continent. As much as she reassured you before missions, your easygoing, playful attitude was her anchor  in these intense situations. Everywhere felt like home, like you two bickering on the couches. Your constant presence was like bringing a piece of the compound with her. And regardless of her experience as an Avenger, as an ex-agent, you were undoubtedly better with running missions. Not everything was a save the world type threat after all.
Eyes darting around, Wanda noted that you had indeed shot the last agent, before skimming across your bleeding out form.
The training doors opened with a bang and Wanda turned to the noise. Then she found herself pinned to the floor.
“Stay focused on the mission,” you scolded, before helping her back up.
The drive. You’d be pissed if she didn’t get it. Sprinting into the server room, she rips it from the port.
“Okay don’t laugh at me, but this is my hierarchy of the 3 Is.”
“Eyes?” Wanda asks.
“No, like the letter I. At the top is innocents, and they’re my priority. Steve says you can’t save everyone, but I can damn sure try. Next is the idiots. That’s the mission. ‘Cause I’d say you’re pretty damn stupid to go up against the Avengers. And finally we have Iron Man, or the heroes. As much as it’s going to hurt, we can’t let the sentiment get in the way. We all knew what we were signing up for, and I’m pretty sure all of us would rather it be us than someone else.”
“Thank you o wise one,” she mocks.
Wanda smiles a little at the memory, but tears pool at her eyes. Then she hears it, the faint footsteps pulling her back from her daze.
“Damn you and your stupid heart of gold,” she whispers, before flying the two of you back to the ship.
- - -
The steady beeping tugs you from slumber.
“Oh you’re up.”
You strain your neck to see Tony walking up with a bowl in his hands.
“You don’t sound very excited to see me Stark.”
“Not when I have to bring meals up here every day for Maximoff,” he says, pointing at the sleeping girl on the chair. “Hasn’t moved for days. Figured I’d hand deliver as an apology.”
“Aw did she punch you for me?”
“Worse,” he chuckled. “Gave me an earful.”
“I’d say you deserve it after that.”
He rubs his neck sheepishly. “Really, I’m sorry though. That was on me.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you smile. “I’ll be fine. And thanks for looking after her.”
Tony nods politely before leaving the meal and you two alone.
“It’s good to have you back kiddo,” he calls, before shutting the door.
Reaching an arm through the railing, you poke Wanda’s elbow.
“Meal delivery for Miss Maximoff?”
The curled up form stirs a little, rubbing her eyes, before freezing in shock.
“You’re back!”
“Apparently so,” you reply with a wry grin.
Wanda leans over the hospital bed, green eyes searching for any injuries.
“I missed you,” she murmurs.
“And you missed one-“
A slap hits you on your injured arm, and you hiss in pain.
“I’m not apologising for that one,” she glares.
Raising your good arm up in surrender, you pout. “Don’t I get a pity pass?”
“Not for worrying me like that.”
“But it wasn’t even my fault!”
She rolls her eyes (she seems to do that a lot at you some reason).
“Wait,” you frown, “we broke our perfect mission streak.”
“Are you kidding me right now?”
Then she’s hugging you, her nose pressed into your neck. Her soft brown hair cascades over your face like a waterfall, tickling your chin. Through your gown, you’re hyper-aware of the cool metal of the rings which adorn her fingers, how nice she smells, how right it feels to be held by her.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” she mumbles, her breath warming your neck, and your stomach is doing acrobatics. Even with the meds, you’re aware that this feels familiar, like something.
Pulling away, she studies your face. “Never. Do. That. Again.”
You laugh. “Glad we’re in agreement.”
It must be the meds, it must be.
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
Little One
Pairing: Matthias Helvar x reader
Requested by Anonymous
Summary: Your little one will be here any day now...
sötnos-sweetheart, kärlek-love, fru-Mrs., älskling-darling
The name of yours Matthias’ child means “goddess of springtime”
“Just what do you think you’re doing, sötnos?”  Your husband’s voice made you freeze in your tracks, and you sighed.  You were pregnant, due to give birth any day now, and Matthias was insistent you remained in bed.  “I do not want you straining yourself, love,” he reasoned.  “Our little one will be here any day now.”  But you were bored, wanting to see something other than the wall of your bedroom, so you tried to do simple things around the house.  You weren’t going to scrub the floor on hands and knees, but you could tidy the sitting room and the like.
But Matthias wasn’t having it, herding you back into bed each time he found you up and about.  Today was your 5th attempt, and as you’d expected, your husband found you within minutes.  “Just getting some water, darling.”  Matthias came to your side, taking your hands in his.  “You should ask me to get it for you, my love,” he said, concern on his face.  “You need to be resting.”  “Matthias, I’m bored,” you said.  “I have looked at nothing but the same four walls for a week!”
One of his hands came to rest on your belly, swollen with your child.  “I only want you to be safe, and our little one…”  “I know, kärlek.  I can move about the house, Matthias.  I won’t push myself, I promise.”  He considered for a moment, nodding.  “I suppose.  But I will never be more than a room away.”  You pulled him down into a kiss, as you couldn’t go on your tiptoes with your belly.  “Thank you, my love,” you said, kissing him again, before waddling your way into the kitchen.
An hour later, you were standing at the window in the kitchen, a cup of tea in your hand.  It felt good to stand after what felt like an eternity in bed, but as you gazed at your small yard, a rippling pain washed through your abdomen.  You placed a hand on your bump, brows knitting together.  Another wave of pain, this one stabbing, accompanied by a gush between your legs, made you cry out, leaning on the counter.  
“Matthias!” you cried, voice panicked.  “Matthias!”  He was in the room immediately, looking shaken.  “Y/N, my love, what-”  “The baby’s coming.”  He paled, face ghostly white.  “Djel, oh Djel.  I have you, let’s get you in bed.”  He came to your side, wrapping your arm around him and helping you get back to the bedroom.  Matthias eased you onto the mattress, frantically fluffing pillows and arranging sheets.  Another pain, and you moaned, making Matthias’ blood run cold.
“Darling?” he asked, and you gripped his hand.  “The doctor, Matthias, get the doctor.”  Every instinct in him told him not to leave your side, but you squeezed his hand.  “I will be fine for a moment, go!”  “Y-yes, the doctor.”  He flew from the room, leaving you alone.  The doctor you’d chosen had been staying with a neighbor for the past week, awaiting your labor.  Matthias pounded on the door, about to tear it from its hinges, when the doctor opened it.
“It’s time,” he said, completely out of breath.  “The baby, it’s coming.”  The doctor nodded, grabbing the bag that sat by the door.  He nodded, following Matthias back to your house and into the bedroom.  You were sweating, whimpering in pain, clutching the sheets at your side.  “Fru Helvar,” he greeted, opening his bag, setting up his tools.  “Are we ready to have a baby?”  You nodded, smiling though your teeth were grit.  “Matthias, if you could fetch some towels?”
In an instant, Matthias was setting a stack of clean towels at the doctor's side.  He pulled a chair to the side of the bed, taking your hand in his, kissing it sweetly.  “Y/N, may I examine you?”  “Yes,” you consented, parting your legs for the doctor.  He pushed your nightdress over your knees, beginning his examination.  Matthias disliked another man seeing you in such a way, but he knew it was necessary, and that this doctor was simply doing his job.
“She is progressing well,” he said, righting your nightgown.  “It will be painful, I will not lie, but I estimate in an hour or so, you will have your little one.  “O-only an hour?” Matthias asked, panc seeping into his voice, and the doctor nodded.  “Yes.  Y/N seems to be laboring rather quickly.”  “Sweet Djel,” Matthias swore, feeling like he could faint.  Internally, he was absolutely freaking out, panic at impending fatherhood setting in.  But on the outside, he was calm, he knew he needed to be.
A contraction hit you, and you grimaced, squeezing Matthias’ hand so hard, he thought bones might have broken.  “Breathe, my dear,” he encouraged, remembering the classes you’d attended.  “Good, you’re doing  so well.”  You labored for two hours, moaning in pain, clenching Matthias’ hands, breathing deeply, and swearing to Djel that you would never have sex again.  Matthias laughed, knowing that was a lie, but saying nothing.  When you asked, he helped you into different positions: squatting at the foot of the bed, on all fours on the bed, helping you walk round the house.
And when the doctor examined you and said it was time to push, Matthis felt like he could be sick.  But he sat at your side, clasping your hand in his, dabbing your forehead with a cool cloth, and whispering words of love and encouragement to you.  You were crying out the pain you felt, face red with exertion, trembling as you pushed.  After 30 minutes, the doctor announced that the baby was crowning, and Matthias kissed your forehead.
“You’re almost there, my love,” he said.  “You’ve done so well, Y/N, you can do this.”  “Matthias,” you whined, tears falling from your eyes.  “I can’t.”   “Yes you can, my darling.  You can do this; you have carried this child for 9 months, and you can bring them into the world.  Come on, älskling, let’s meet our little one.”  You pushed, nearly screaming, head falling back onto the pillows.  “Again,” the doctor instructed, and you obeyed pushing again, feeling an intense burning sensation between your legs.
“Once more.”  “You can do this, Y/N, my strong wife.”  You pushed one more time, letting out a sob when a shrill wail filled the room.  Your baby was here, and Matthias embraced you, pressing a kiss to your lips.  “I am so proud of you, Y/N,” he said, crying himself.  “So proud.”  The doctor cleaned your child off, placing them in your arms.  “A girl,” he announced.  “Congratulations.”  He shook Matthias’ hand before exiting the bedroom, leaving you with your family.
“We have a daughter,” you said, tears falling, but tears of joy.  “Our little girl.”  Matthias was in awe, completely enamored with the infant in your arms.  “I have never been more in love,” he said, voice sounding far away, as if in a dream.  “My love, you have given me my greatest gift.  Djel has given us so many blessings.”  You smiled, and Matthias moved to sit on the bed with you, and you leaned into his chest.
“What will we name her?”  The answer was immediate: “Maja,” Matthias said, and you nodded.  “Maja, our little girl.”  Matthias was overjoyed, feeling like Djel had taken him home to the waters.  “My darling, I love you so much.  I love our family.  Maja, your Papa loves you more than you will ever know.  I will protect you with everything I am.  I swear to you, nothing will ever harm you so long as I am breathing.”
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kewltie · 3 years
thinking of bkdk in their late 40s when all their friends have already settled down with a family, izuku muses a lil forlornly how he would like to have someone to come home and katsuki just stares him dead in the eyes and says, "marry me then. i wont let you be lonely in that empty apartment."
the thing is bkdk are super successful heroes, they're the ranking no.1 and 2 and everyone knows their name but because izuku put so much effort into his career he never give himself the chance to meet someone and fall in love because the next things he know he's already 48 yrs old and still very single. as soon as he got right out of UA he had put himself right to work and hasn't truly stop since so izuku feels like he misses out on his youth, the flutter of first love, and now he feels like it's too late to grasp that chance again because he's too old to be stumbling around at love BUT here is katsuki suddenly telling izuku to marry him as though that would solve everything, solve izuku's worries and fears that he'll never experience love the way his friends had or knows what it feels to come home to a waiting arms that will comfort him after a hard day at work.
izuku first tries to laugh it off because katsuki cant be serious right?? but katsuki doesn't crack a single smile. "Do i look like im the type to joke about this kind shit to you?" he asks, voice steady and true. it is then that izuku realizes katsuki had meant every word he said.
but izuku still cant wrap his head around why would katsuki want to marry him of all things?? it is because they're both bachelor and wretchedly alone standing at the very top of their career where nobody can touch or hope to nobody can understand them like they do to each other?? izuku thinks that's a very dry reason to marry someone for the sake of convenience and not love at all because even though he'd devoted all his time to saving the world and helping ppl and HE'S OLD NOW but he still earnestly yearn to fall in love the ways all his friends had.
"If you needed company, we don't have to marry each other. I'm here for you always, you know that," izuku offers instead. "We're partners."
katsuki is silent briefly, then, he says, "You think i want to marry because you're convenience?"
Izuku blinks. "is that not it?"
"No," he says, all grave and serious, and for a moment izuku is breathless with realization.
"Oh," izuku replies, looking down at the table like it has all the answer in the world. "how long?"
"Since our third year at UA."
izuku jerks his head up, eyes wide with shock.
"what—I, wait, you can't mean that right?" he shakes his head as he flounders for the right words. they're both almost hitting their 50s now, so if it started in their third year then it would be 30 years of katsuki waiting for him, of pining over izuku and all that time was lost because of it.
katsuki press his lips into a thin line. "I have never lie to you."
"I—I'm not—" izuku flushes, because this wasn't anything he had plan for. who would anyway? no one would ever believe that katsuki has been in love with him for almost 30 years and izuku only found out about it now. even though katsuki has revealed the secret he has been hiding for 3 decades, izuku has no answer for him. he didn't notice katsuki's feelings for this long not because he chose to willfully ignore it but because he has never thought of katsuki in that light and that is the sad truth of it all. katsuki must have realizes that too because he doesn't press for more from izuku.
"i'm sorry," izuku says, mind racing to come up with a proper reply to katsuki's feelings because he deserves that much. "it's not you—"
Katsuki scowls. "shut the fuck up, don't even start that with me."
izuku quickly shuts his mouth, floundering for another reply that with save both of their feelings.
"Six months," katsuki says instead, eyes firm and never once dull since izuku has known him. "give me six months to convince you and if it doesn't work out we can get divorce then."
"you still want to marry me?!" izuku asks in disbelief. "shouldn't we like date first at least? isn't that how normal relationship work?!"
katsuki roll his eyes. "we co-own an agency, you have your toothbrush at my house, and we spent 18hrs out of 24 together almost everyday. our friends joke about us being a married to each other as much as to our work, we're each other's first emergency contact if something were to happen," he continues, straightforward like he's listing their grocery for today, "and i cant ever imagine wanting anyone more than i ever want you."
throughout this strange turn in their conversation, izuku realizes not once has he ever heard katsuki said he loves him but the way katsuki had revealed his unwavering devotion that lasts 3 decades and the dry, bluntness in which he spoken of wanting izuku, it's heavy. this hefty thing that katsuki has carried with him for nearly 3 decades, and in those years what izuku thought katsuki was just disinterest in any romantic connection because not once had izuku seen him look at another person, but it's because he has eyes only for izuku and nobody else.
izuku should have known never to expect anything less then 120% with katsuki because if there's anything that means something to katsuki, he would give it all and then some. it's humbling really, to be loved so fiercely and with such devotion that 3 decades is worth every second of it but izuku doesn't know if he's worth it especially when he's hesitant about his own murky feelings. he loves katsuki undoubtedly. they're partners in more way then one, but he doesn't know if he can love katsuki the way he deserves to be love in return, to return that same level of intensity.
"and what if the six months went by and there's nothing show for it?" izuku mumbles, hands clasp together under the table. i dont want to ruin this friendship of ours, he doesn't say. "what if you get bored with me and realized this isn't something you want now. what happen then?"
"you're stuck with me for life even if we get a divorce. i won't let you ever get rid of me either way," katsuki says, lips twitching with the slightest hint of amusement. "and if you're worry about me getting bored of you, don't. i fucking wont." It’s firm, assured, and completely sincere.
izuku thinks anybody with a half a brain at all would see this admirable man right in front of them with his unwavering affection and devotion that he had nurtured for 3 decades would be half way in love already, but izuku neither race or skip a beat; it remains dull and unmoved. maybe he's really too old to love like this. maybe, it's not that he's too busy to ever search for it like everyone else but because he has all the love for everyone but none ever hold a special place in his heart. for all of katsuki's sharp edges, his feelings burn ever so brightly while izuku has since been numb to his own emotions. to give too much to the world, to his job that he has never let himself fall freely and unconditionally. it's terrifying.
"what if i hurt you instead?" he says, quiet and severe. "what if in the end i couldn't return what you've given me?"
katsuki doesn't answer right away. the air around them tenses, threatening to suffocate them in the waiting silence. then a hand grab his and draws it toward katsuki's chest. "don't fucking underestimate me, idiot. i can and will make you fall in love with me in 6 months. 6 months is more than enough to make you realize what a fucking dumbass you have been the entire time for not taking notice of me while i have been looking at you for almost half of our life," he says with the cocky assurance that propelled him to the no. 2 position and beyond.
for the first time since this exchange had started and taken a strange, strange turn that left him his world shaken to its core, izuku's heart feels lighten. He stifles a giggle. "i still think we should date at least. marriage is maybe jumping the gun a little too soon."
"No." Katsuki's eyes narrow, and he squeezes izuku's hand firmly. "i'm not giving you any chance to escape from this. we can do all the dumb dating things you could ever want but we're getting marry first."
izuku tries to draw his hand back but katsuki remains undeterred. "Kacchan, please," he says. half begging for his hand back and half pleading against his insane idea. who in their right mind would ever marry first then date each other?! That's just not how it work! yet, katsuki is an unmovable fortress against increasing izuku's distress.
"deku," he says, thumb running across izuku's knuckles in a soothing circle, "give me this chance. let me prove it to you that i can do it. take this leap of faith with me and i won't disappoint you. trust me with your heart like you trust me with your life and i promise i will keep it safe."
izuku draws out a long, lingering breath that leaves his head heady with a dawning realization. "o-okay," he finally acquiesces, shaken with the knowledge that his heart suddenly doesn't feel safe at all for the first time in a long time in the hands of the man in front of him. bakugou katsuki is dangerous, but to the tender beat of his heart.
Katsuki's lips stretch upward into a small, precious smile that rarely see the light of day, leaving izuku breathless just for a moment. "we'll go get the marriage license tomorrow."
"tomorrow?!" izuku shrieks.
maybe he has been wrong all along, maybe you're never too old fall in love and experience it for the first time and that sometimes the things that matter the most to you are always worth the wait even if take 3 decades and katsuki always been more patient then people give him credits for.
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vesuvianmess · 3 years
Tumblr media
Art by @jilljoycearts Drexxel is @vesuvianmess Vell is @deathbyarcana
A short fic recounting how these two met, pulled (with some edits) directly from a currently running roleplay.
Quick Warning: Contains mentions of stalking and harassment
"You are very welcome, have a good rest of your day!" He waved the group off with a smile. "Hiya, what can I get you?" He asked another.
Flitting back and forth from group to group, he greeted every single person with a genuine smile. There was nothing more satisfying than seeing others light up with joy. He’d taken up working at the bakery part time to help with some expenses of running his own shop. And he had to admit, the smell of fresh baked bread may have influenced that choice. The job was never boring as the market was always flooded with people, locals and travelers alike, all looking for something. Still, he only worked with Selasi during the mornings and early afternoons. When he’d had his fill, he would return home to open the doors to his own little business.
But today, he had something a little different in mind. Instead of selling little animal pelts, herbs, bits, and bobbles, he was in and out again in a flash. Having changed into something much more comfortable for the heat, he pulled a wheeled cart behind him to the town square. Near the fountain, he’d found the perfect spot and pulled the cover off the cart. It would take him a little time to set everything up, but once it was done, he noticed people already beginning to gather around. Some faces he'd seen many, many times before. Others, much more new. Taking a seat on an overturned wooden bucket, he twirled a pair of drumsticks between his fingers. 
“Hello Vesuvia, I’m bringing you a special late afternoon show! Now then," he sat up a little, the line of his back straightening. "For those of you new to my show, we have fun here! Here's how this goes!" making a grand sweeping gesture to the gathered crowd, he continued on. "You may request a song but there is no guarantee I will play it. I will not tolerate pushing, shoving, or otherwise harmful activity during my shows. And, as always, tips are appreciated but not required, come stay for awhile and feel the beat of the sound! I'm Drexxel Volkov, and may luck be forever in your favor!" 
It started with a small metallic chime, a shortstop of little taps on the rims of the set. But before long the square was alight with the beating of drums. His whole body moved in time with each beat almost as if he were dancing along to his own song. Small children bounced and tugged at their parents' sleeves, urging them to get closer. New comers stood with delighted expressions, some even getting a little antsy standing in one place, others giving way to bouncing their bodies to the rhythm. 
There was nothing better than this, looking out into the crowd as he thrummed away the minutes, flipping the sticks and singing along even though nobody could hear him over the heartbeat he'd created. 
The crowd was thick as usual but new faces stuck out easy to him. Even with the prick of sweat beginning to roll down his forehead, he was able to focus enough to make everyone feel included in his performance. One face in particular he stopped at for more than a split second. A taller man with vivid blue hair, dark skin, and a sort of shaken demeanor. He looked….out of place perhaps amid the crowd, like he could bolt at any moment. Drexel found himself stealing glances at the man throughout his show, a dizzying knot of butterflies in his gut as he saw the man start to meld into the hum around him. The thrill of the performance carried him through like a tidal wave crashing against the shore, his fiery passion shining through clear as day. Every movement felt natural, every breath felt like a whole new beginning. Drexxel never came from a background that favored this sort of thing, rather it was something he'd picked up on his own time. He had the extra energy to spare and needed an outlet to help with it. Besides, he always did like seeing people smile and what better way to do that then get them moving? 
Into the second song now and he felt a wave of static run through him. Someone in the crowd was a magician. He could feel it. Even through the loud beating of drums and the crashing of cymbals the low electrical humming filled his body. He was sure of it. But was this magician able to sense him as well? That he did not know. He wasn’t sure precisely where the feeling was coming from, but he was determined to draw it out. With it toying at his mind, he decided it was time to show off just a little more. After all, using magic was a good way to lure out another magician. 
Drexxel simply waited as he beat along in time to find the perfect moment to really show off his moves. Normally he would have saved this bit for later in the evening, but he just had to do it now. After feeling that little pang of magic, he knew he had to show whoever was producing it, that they weren't the only one with fancy magic at their fingertips. Just a moment longer....
When the final chorus of the song hit, he let it loose. His drumsticks sparked and crackled to life, enveloped in searing hot flames. With his sticks now burning with intense heat, he slammed away at his drums with more grandeur and energy than before. With each hit fire roared from the contact point, creating a dazzling display of towers of fire in varying sizes. If anything were to draw this other magician out, it would be this. 
By the end of the show, much to his dismay, this fellow kin had not revealed themselves. It was a bit of a shame really, he would have loved to have someone join in his performance. What a dazzling display that would have been. He could only imagine what kind of magic would have complimented his own.
"Thank you all for joining me this afternoon!" He gave a bow, his hair falling a bit loose from his bun. "It's a hot one out today so make sure to stay hydrated and get some good food in your belly!" 
 He stood and lifted his arms over his head in a long stretch before using the rad cloth tied to his side to wipe away the sweat that cling to his skin. The show was over, but people still lingered in the area, some tossing coins into an open bowl near the drum set, others approaching Drexxel with questions. He was small for his age of twenty-five, standing at mere chest (or just below) level with most other adult’s that spoke with him. He had a thin, but decently sturdy frame with most of his strength apparent in his legs. Most people would know him for a scar that ran along his right cheek. Whenever asked about it he would simply tell them he didn’t remember where it came from but knew he’d had it most of his life. 
The town square was still bustling with people as he began to pack up his things. Above it all though, he could hear footsteps approaching him. He paused a moment then spun on his heel to come face to face with a regular to his shows. The man was leagues taller than himself and had a strange look to his eyes. He was holding a piece of paper, crumpled and damp with sweat in his hands. Drexxel heard the man speak but didn’t quite catch the words. 
“I’m sorry?” He responded back, urging the man to repeat himself. When he did, a chill ran down his spine. “...Go out with me. Dinner.” He pushed the paper into Drexxel’s hands. “You’re so pretty.” 
The smaller pulled the note apart just enough to read it. In shaken scrawl it read:
‘Don’t make a scene. I’ve been planning this. You and I belong together.’
He’d seen this sort of thing before in books and screenplays. Some secret admirer gets too confident and goes after someone who isn’t interested and it becomes a problem. Problem being a kind way to put it. Harassment was a better word for it. Bold of him to make the attempt in broad daylight, let alone a busy square. In the kindest way possible, Drexel looked up at the man and spoke.
“I’d love to, but I have plans this evening. Another show I mean.” 
He felt the prickle of magic in the air again, but it wasn’t coming from the man in front of him. The magician was still in the area. 
"Excuse me, I'm talking to you." the man's voice broke him from his thoughts. "I'll be picking you up this evening."
Drexxel's brow furrowed, the energy around him shifting like hissing smoke trying to catch on damp wood. 
"I'm really sorry, I mean it." He offered a sincerely looking apologetic smile. "But I really must be getting home." He made a move to leave but was stopped when the man caught his wrist. 
"You're not going anywhere short-stack." 
This....could be bad. As much as the crowd had dissipated, there were still people lingering about. Too much of a risk to cause a scene. But every fiber of Drexxel's being was telling him to flee. He needed an out. In the most...nonchalant way possible, he attempted to wriggle his wrist free. 
"Your performance really spoke to me Drexxy. It's like you were composing a symphony just for me." As he was caught in his own little moment, Drexxel pulled his wrist free. But it only lasted a second.
He felt a pull against his skin before he heard a small snap. The man had missed when reaching for Drexxel's wrist and instead caught the beaded double bracelet on his wrist. Beads had gone flying haphazardly in every direction, landing on the stones below like pellets. In that moment he felt the pull of magic much closer than before. This other magician was close. Very close. 
Drexxel was unfortunately used to people approaching him with much more....fervor than he anticipated. However, this particular instance was something else. He'd never had someone so adamant on taking him home. If this were to go on for a moment longer, he was sure to lose his composer. He may be a pretty upbeat guy but he also had a notoriously short fuse. 
That hissing aura was rapidly kindling itself from a crackling campfire to a firestorm. When his bracelet snapped, he felt something in him switch. Rage bubbled up under his skin like pot boiling over on a stove set too high. His fist clenched and a growl escaped him. 
But then, out of nowhere, everything around him stopped. He was about to throw a fiery punch but stopped short when he saw another man between him and his new 'friend'. It was the man he saw in the crowd! He said he was there to help just now. But what was he doing here and how did he…
"How--?" Then it hit him like a hard slap to the face. "So you're the magician I was picking up on!" His anger flickered back to amusement and joy. "I knew I wasn't imagining it! Oh! The helping thing, yes." 
Drexxel offered the newest stranger a warm, bright smile. Without hesitation, he grabbed his hand and shook it furiously. 
"Nice to meet you, I'm Drexxel! What do you say we blow this popsicle stand and get somewhere far away from this creep?"
The other man seemed to freeze up, like he expected a much worse response. His whole arm wobbled when Drexxel shook it. His eyes were wide and his lips parted in shock. It took him a minute to process what the smaller man had said to him. 
“Oh, I…that is….popcicles?” The man felt his face go hot, blood rushing to his cheeks. He was sure the smaller man would mistake him for a tomato. 
Drexxel watched him curiously. It was like watching the gears of a clock turning, the way this man seemed to be having an inner monologue with himself about whether or not he’d made the right call to get involved. He could feel how shaken up the man was, his hand trembling. Not very good at keeping his cool was he? Finally he spoke again. 
“It’s localized. My….my magic…it…I mean I…no, it. It will wear off when we get a distance away. He could follow? I- who, well…popsicles?”
Drexxel had always been good at making new friends and getting people to laugh and smile. He was small, yes, but he made up for his size with seemingly boundless energy. It was nearly impossible to not like the guy. But, he could tell, he kind of took this one by surprise. But it wasn't the first time someone had responded this way. Not often he got to see someone turn that red before though!
Whoever this new guy was, Drexxel had never seen his face in Vesuvia before. And he’dbeen in the city for quite some time now. It'd been since he was about nineteen. He knew almost every face in Vesuvia, even if a good handful of them were only in passing. But this one, this one he wanted to know more about. Consider his interest piqued. 
When time came back and this new magician struggled to make a clear sentence, it was all Drexxel could do to hold in a laugh. Localized magic though, not sure he'd heard of that one before. He completely skipped over the popsicle schtick.
"Localized huh? Hey, think you could use your magic with mine? I'm thinking....a wall of fire!" He still hadn't let go of the stranger's hand. "I could put a wall of fire around him, just tall enough to trip him up of course. You could stop time around it until we get far enough away that your....localization wears off!" Mossy green eyes brimmed with excitement. He gave the hand in his a squeeze. 
"I bet we'll make a great team!"
He could see the man trying to process the words coming out of Drexxel’s mouth. He’ll admit, he was a bit of a fast talker when he was excited. 
“Wall of fire…” He repeated Drexxel’s words, more to himself than the other, considering the idea. Not terribly flawed, he thought. A quick fix but not long lasting. “Worth…worth a shot.” an unsteady voice. “Wait - a team?” Vell had barely gotten the words out before the air thrummed with magical energy and, just as promised, fire sprung to life around the note wielding creep. If the situation weren’t as it was, he might have taken time to admire the flames.
"That's what I said isn't it? A team!" He mused, giving this new friend a wink. 
When time did in fact stop around his flames, the passion in his eyes burned that much brighter. He beamed at this new stranger. 
"Talk about a cool party trick. Come on, let's get out of here." Still gripping that hand, he took off. Hopefully this new friend could keep up with him. 
They took off out of the square, rushing past pedestrians and shopping stalls in a race to escape the area. Drexxel had taken the lead, ducking and diving under obstacles like it was as easy as breathing. He felt his new found companion trip up a few times but he managed to keep up the pace. He was new to Vesuvia and hadn’t the slightest idea where the two of them were headed. Drexxel looked back to check on his new friend at just the wrong moment. The edge of his sandal caught on uneven stone, sending him tumbling into an unattended fruit cart, scattering oranges along the alley. He’d never let go of this new companion’s hand, and in turn, the two of them fell together. The other man now had him pinned, a leg on either side of him. 
“I-- We-- uh…” The stranger fought to find the right words, feeling like a tea kettle ready to whistle. “We fell.” 
Drexxel could feel his own face burning a bright shade. He would have been able to laugh it off if it weren’t for his immediate attraction to this man. Impulse guiding him, he offered the man a toying smirk. “You know, I think this might be fate.” He winked. “And I don’t even know your name.” 
“M-my name?” The other man stuttered.
He tried to stand, pulling on Drexxel’s hands to pull him up as well, only to lose his footing. He fell back onto the stone, the smaller of the two now sitting perched on his abdomen. The look in his eyes was….entrancing. Intoxicating even. He couldn’t look away. “I’m Vell.” 
“Vell…” Drexxel liked the way the name felt when he said it. He let his hands drift to the other man’s chest, watching him with bright eager eyes.
Now, what was that saying about playing with fire?
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karkatwaddles · 3 years
Gamzee and Me.
Hey everyone! This is a Murder or sober Gamzee fanfiction with the reader. I love writing fanfictions, and I was originally going to make this just a fanfiction for me, but I decided to share it to the world. Im really proud of it so I hope you all like it! Here we go! TW: Violence, Blood, Injuries, Sober/Murder Gamzee. 
The honking had been happening for such a long while, not stopping no matter how far they ran, no matter where they went, the honking just continued. It filled the halls, all the rooms, and it would always get louder. They continued to run, running out of breath, legs hurting as if they would collapse if they took one more step. No matter how far, it felt as if the honking got nothing but louder and closer. It filled their head. Everything was chaos in the meteor, Nepeta, Feferi, Tavros, Eridan, and Equius, they were all dead. Sollux was blind, Kanaya was a rainbow drinker, and Gamzee had… gone insane. He was responsible for the deaths of Nepeta and Equius, and apparently, had been chasing down Karkat for such a long while. Speaking of which, he nor Terezi could be found, and Y/N just wanted to find someone alive….someone sane, they were scared and panicked, especially with the honking, the intense noise of the murderous clown-like troll basically following them. It filled their head, bouncing through their ears and not leaving them alone. As they ran, running through the dark halls, they put their hands over their ears. 
“Fuck fuck fuck!” They said to themselves as they sprinted, as fast as they could, just trying to get away from what seemed to be Gamzee chasing them. Closing their eyes, shutting them tight, they were scared. The (insert blood color here) troll had been running for so long, going through this maze of a meteor. They weren’t even originally supposed to be here, but as the group of 12 trolls had decided to play the game of sgrub, they were dragged along, now stuck there without any way back to their planet. With what happened, their new world, their prize for beating the game was destroyed, they had been living on this meteor, talking to humans and such, trying to help them through their own game, but now, with the start of Gamzee going missing, everything had gone to the worst. More than half of them were dead, injured, or just bat shit crazy. The fear they felt in their chest was like a knife in their chest that kept getting yanked out over and over again. 
Closing their eyes was probably the biggest mistake they had made. There was a reason why the honks seemed to be getting louder as they ran because as they did, they fell down a large flight of stairs. They let out a scream, hitting their bones in the hard edges, and even hitting their forehead. Soon enough though, they landed at the end of the flight, groaning as the pain of falling erupted their body. At least two ribs and his arm were broken, and now they had a gash on their forehead, blood running down their face. 
“Shit..” They mumbled, sitting up against a wall, putting their hand against their bloodied head. They brought their arm out, looking at the blood on their hand before hearing another loud honk. It felt as if the honking had stopped while they were falling, and so when they heard the noise, they jolted, being startled. They looked down the hall, seeing a figure with long curled horns, holding clubs. Their eyes widened and they stood as quick as they could, running right back up the stairs, colored tears beginning to form in their eyes. They didn’t want to die. Apparently, they were heading towards where Gamzee was, and when Y/N had fallen down the stairs, he had been watching the whole time. The fear they felt, was even more intense now that they had seen him. The clown had blood all over him, from his face to his clothes. His eyes were red instead of the normal orange… he was a scary force to behold. 
“Please….please…” They whispered, running and running, just wanting to get to someplace where they could hide. But as they ran, they ended up tripping on some random rubble, falling on their face. They curled up for a moment, holding their nose as a loud crack had come from their face as they fell. They broke their nose. A creepy chuckle was heard behind them, and they shot up, looking at the clown who was oh so close. Their eyes widened, tears beginning to fall down their face. 
“Gamzee…please don’t hurt me.” They said as they scooted back, trying to turn and run again, but before they could even stand from the position they were in, their wrist was grabbed harshly by a bloodied hand. They whipped their head towards Gamzee who lifted them off the ground from their broken arm. They winced at the pain. 
“...it hurts please..stop..” They said out of pure desperation to live. Tears streamed down their face as they struggled. They didn’t want to die, not here, and definitely not by Gamzee’s hands. Gamzee raised an eyebrow with his menacing smile. 
“IT HURTS? well, maybe THE MESSIAHS wouldn’t have led me to you brother IF THEY DIDN’T WANT ME to motherfucking HURT YOU.” He said as he brought them closer to his face. They looked at him in the eyes, and with how close they were, Y/N brought their head back and then headbutted him harshly. It made them dizzy, sure, but it caused Gamzee to let go, and drop them. They hurried to their feet, sprinting off once more, and they could hear a slight growl from behind. That definitely angered the troll. They let out a shaken breath, running towards the place they originated from when they started running. They were mumbling to themselves about Gamz, thinking about how he would never...never hurt them right? This couldn’t be him, they were so close before this. He called them one of his best friends, and of course, Karkat was his Moirail, but he was just such a close friend to them. They felt so betrayed and so hurt, they just wanted to collapse right there, but adrenaline kept them going. 
No matter how far they ran, the honking continued to close in. They ran into the main room, the original room they were all in, and there laid Feferi on the horn pile. Y/N was always close to Feferi and the others, so seeing her gone hurt, just as much as the betrayal of Gamzee. They quickly glanced around. That’s right, they almost forgot about Gamzee, and so they ran under one of the desks to hide. It was their best bet right now. 
Then Gamzee came into the room. His footsteps, his honks, any noise he made, it felt like would destroy their eardrums each time. They put their hands over their ears, talking deep, quiet breaths, praying to themselves that he wouldn’t find them. Then the sound of chairs began to move, and so, they glanced up, and right there in front of them, his red eyes glared into them, into their soul. Their heart dropped, mumbling apologies and pleads to him, just wanting to survive. 
They were pulled out of under the desk, being forced out into the open. They squeezed their eyes shut, causing more tears to fall, their breath quickening. Gamzee held them up once more by their wrist and he would chuckle a bit before throwing them into the opposite wall. They shouted out of pain, curling up against that wall, shaking and whimpering. They weren’t usually this weak, actually one of the strongest emotionally in the group, but this was a whole new level. Their heart was pounding in their chest, pain consumed them, and so did fear. They didn’t want this. 
His footsteps were heavy as he began to walk back over to them, he would bring his club up, getting ready to hit them across the had for the last finishing blow to kill them, but something stopped him. He looked back, as someone had grabbed the club he was using, and there stood none other than Karkat Vantas. His eyes widened, and Gamzee would yank the club out of his hands, elbowing him in the stomach, causing the mutant blood troll to be pushed back, right onto the ground. 
Y/N looked up at Gamzee, distracted by the other troll. Even with broken ribs, broken arms, a pounding head, they would stand. Using the wall behind them, gripping onto the rough rock, and would grab Gamzee by the collar of his shirt, causing him to whip his head back over to them, and they pulled him into a kiss. They always felt red feelings towards him, but this isn’t how they wanted to tell him. The troll’s eyes widened and he would slowly succumb to the kiss, putting his arm down, dropping the club, leaning into Y/N. They would separate themselves from him, mumbling an apology before hitting him right in the neck, knocking him out. He collapsed in their arms, and they would gently put him down as they too went to the ground, knees collapsing on them, and they would start to sob. Their entire body hurt from the emotions and physical pain they felt. Karkat’s eyebrows furrowed, walking over to them, looking down at the unconscious troll, he would sit next to Y/N. 
“YOU DID GOOD. IT’S...GOING TO BE OK.” He said to them. Y/N said nothing and only curled up, putting their knees to their chest, wrapping their arms around themselves, sobbing into their arms. This was the worst day of their life. Karkat would wrap his arms around them in a comforting way...How could this happen? How could this become of them all? It was so..horrid.
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littlerockerao3 · 3 years
I don’t know if you’re still taking requests but if you are, I’d like 94 💕
Hi. Do you remember you sent me this ages ago? I’m sorry.
94. “Did they hurt you?”
Trigger warnings: mentions of abuse (doesn’t happen but they wonder what if it did), mentions of spiked drinks and Robb is such a gift in this it hurts so I think this count as a trigger warning as well.
Robb really doesn’t know how he managed to keep still all night. Sure, he didn’t get any sleep at all, but it’s a pretty impressive result that he didn’t jump out of bed in the middle of the night to do what he’s doing right now. He admits that this is all he was waiting for: if he couldn’t let it out yesterday immediately the moment it happened then he might as well do it now.
He realises, as he hits the punching bag one more time, that his anger is still boiling in his veins just as fast as yesterday. He throws another punch. He just can’t keep the scene out his mid. He hits the bag again. Theon who can’t even stand up on his own, drinks spilled all over the dirty living room, Skinner keeping Theon’s arms behind his back to prevent him from moving (like he was strong enough to defend himself), Ramsay’s hand clasped around Theon’s throat and jaw. Theon shaking his head and mumbling something. Robb seeing all this through the window and literally smashing it with the first thing he found to break in.
He throws another punch. Then another. Then another. And then another one.
He can barely hear the so familiar voice calling his name.
The other night, Theon called his name as well. Though he sounded much more relieved than he is now: now he’s concerned, worried. But Robb just can’t seem to stop his hands from hitting the bag.
“Robb!” Theon yells again. “Hey!”
Robb is one hundred per cent sure the next punch he’s going to throw will break the chain the punching bag is hanging onto. Thought the way Theon reaches over to rest his hand between his shoulder and neck causes his arm to stop midway.
“Calm down.” Theon whispers. Robb’s breath is uneven as he tries to clench his fist even more inside his boxing gloves. “You need to calm down”.
Robb turns his attention away from the red punching bag, slowly, and intensely stares at Theon, “Did they hurt you?”
Cause the thing is, Robb doesn’t exactly know what happened yesterday, cause Theon just won’t tell him. He just knows they were at Renly’s party fighting over something stupid (they’ve been fighting a lot lately) and Theon just left with Ramsay. Robb can’t find a reason to explain why Ramsay was there, it’s not like Renly despises him less than everybody else in the world does. He doesn’t despise him as much as Robb does, of course, but that’s because no one can, not even Theon, who has more reasons to.
“When will you stop asking me?” Theon sighs, hands on his hips. Robb stares deeply into his eyes and replies, firmly, “The moment you’ll answer sincerely”.
That’s all he knows and remembers: them fighting at Renly’s party, Theon moving away from him and spending the rest of the party with anybody but him, Robb seeing Theon talking to Ramsay, Robb reminding himself how Ramsay has always tried to get to Theon and how Ramsay has a history for spiking drinks at parties. Theon leaving with him. Robb calling for him, Theon ignoring him. Theon and Ramsay and Skinner getting into some car and Robb rushing to his own, cursing himself for parking it so far away. He’s just grateful Ramsay was stupid enough to take Theon to his own place and that Robb guessed where they would have been right. Who knows what would have happened if Robb didn’t get there. He doesn’t want to think about it, but the moment they came home, Robb with blood stained hands and Theon all trembling, Robb just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
He’s been to nice to Ramsay and Skinner by only punching them a couple times before Theon stopped him. They deserved worse. And that’s all he can think of now that he’s looking at Theon’s face, cause he still looks so scared and shaken and who knows how many days are going to go by before he stops looking like that.
“It’s complicated” he mumbles.
“It’s not.” Robb shakes his head and proceeds to grab the strap of his glove between his teeth and pull it open, “It’s a simple answer, yes or no”.
He removes the other gloves with his free hand and throws both of them on the table nearby. He wants to go back punching that bag so bad. He needs to pretend he’s actually punching Ramsay.
“They didn’t.” Theon whispers at some point, “They couldn’t. You came before they could do anything”.
But they could have, they would have and that’s just something Robb can’t let slip away.
“You should have let me beat the shit out of them” he says, stepping forward to let his nose brush against Theon’s: he must be gentle with him, so that can calm both of them down.
Theon reaches over to brush Robb’s sweaty curls away from his forehead, and smiles lightly, “I’ve already paid your bail once.”
Robb wants to smile in return, cause he knows that would make Theon happier, but he just cannot remove those images from his head. Theon notices that, cause he’s not stupid and also, cause he doesn’t want to focus on what’s going on with himself, therefore he’s focusing on what’s going on with Robb. He grabs Robb’s hand and pulls him gently towards him, “Come on, let’s just… go out on a walk with Grey Wind, that also relaxes you.”
It does, but it works only if he’s stressed. It works if he’s scared of failing some test, it works if he’s scared of the results of some random medical stuff turn out to be bad, it works if he’s sad. It doesn’t work if he’s mad angry. He needs to hit something. He would hit something, if Theon didn’t grab his hand, “Robb. Please”.
“They need to get what they deserve” he mutters between his teeth. He can’t even manage to speak properly, he’s just craving to destroy everything until he’s calmed down.
Theon’s hands rest on his jaws, fingertips gently brushing against his beard. “Don’t think about it”.
“How can I not think about it?!” Robb snaps, “Ramsay spiked your drink, who knows what else he could have done to you!”
He’s said that out loud and that just makes things worse. It makes it even more real, more real than seeing it with his own eyes. And more real than experiencing it, cause that’s exactly what Theon’s face is suggesting. But the way he’s shrugging makes it look like he’s trying not to make it look like such a big deal, “I’m okay, cause you were there”.
But what if he wasn’t?
“But what if I wasn’t?! What if I didn’t make it there on time?! How can you be fine with doing nothing after what happened?!” If it was up to Robb, they would have gone to the police yesterday night. But Theon wanted to go home and Robb thought he looked too shaken to do anything else, no matter how much he tried to deny that. Though today it looks like all that trying to pretend to be alright yesterday night has exhausted Theon to the point that he can’t keep pretending, today.
“Cause I’m scared.” He whispers, eyes looking at the tip of his shoes. “I’m scared no one would believe me and Ramsay will get mad at me for trying to do something”.
Robb’s stare softens. Deep inside, he hates to admit that, but he knows Theon’s fear is not random. It’s actually pretty normal: Ramsay has been spiking people’s drinks since Robb can remember and he’s still doing that. It can only mean that nobody has ever done something to stop him.
“Come here.” Robb tells his boyfriend, before wrapping his arms around him. This is one of those times where he wishes he was taller than Theon, so that he could kiss his forehead without him having to bend down his neck. Instead, he just kisses his neck and rubs wide circles on his back. He can feel Theon’s tired breath against his skin, he can feel how stressed out and scared he is. And he doesn’t want this.
“You’re not the only one who had to go through that and you’re not the only one who was too scared to do something.” He begins, then he cups his face in between his hands, “Maybe we could convince some of these people who’ve been there to sue Ramsay and the others too. Maybe someone is going to do something if they see how many people went through that shit”.
Sansa knows a girl, Robb is sure of that. Renly knows someone too. So does Loras. This could work.
Theon doesn’t answer for a bit, and when he does, it’s not exactly the answer Robb was looking forward to hear, “Can I think about it?”
But it’s a start.
“Of course” he kisses his lips, softly, cause softness is what Theon needs more than ever right now. Robb is sure he will never forget the way Theon didn’t dare get away from Robb’s chest not even in his sleep, last night. Robb is relieved by the way Theon kisses him back just as softly, his hands still caressing his beard. His eyes look a little less sad when they part.
“I could really fancy a walk outside with Grey Wind though” Theon says, shrugging.
Robb nods, “Sure. Sure, we can go right now.”
At first he doesn’t get why Theon is chuckling, but god does he love that sound?
“Take a shower first, you stink” Theon smirks, then proceeds to ruffle his hair. Robb smiles in return and almost opens his mouth to ask him to join him, but realises that might not be the right thing to say right now just in time. So he grabs Theon’s hand before walking past him, and squeezes it reassuringly. It’s going to be okay, I’m here and I’ll help, I’ll do everything I can and more, that squeeze says. And it’s only when he can read in Theon’s eyes and small shy smiles that he gets it, that he knows that, that Robb allows himself to let go of him.
Robb can’t help but smile at Theon petting Grey Wind behind his ears, the big wolf happily wagging his tail.
“Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy? It’s you, yes it’s you!”
Grey Winds barks once, then jumps on Theon and licks his face, causing him to rest on the grass on his back. Robb leans against the tree they’re sitting under, and whistles once to get the big dog’s attention, “Grey, come here boy.”
Grey Wind jumps on Robb’s lap. He’s no longer a puppy and doesn’t fit in there anymore but he doesn’t care. Neither does Robb.
He takes the small package of dog biscuits from his jacket and lends one over Grey Wind’s mouth, “Here, have a treat for being such a good boy. The best of all”.
He’s noticed how Theon looks happier if he has Grey Wind to play with, and something tells him he’s going to sleep in the bed with them too, tonight.
“See?” Theon sits down next to Robb and hugs his side, “Going on a walk with your dog and your unbelievably sexy boyfriend is way better than hitting a punching bag”
He pecks his cheek and Robb turns around to do the same, “How are you doing, Thee?”
Theon sighs lightly. He grabs Robb’s hand, and tries to put on the best reassuring smile he can give him, “I try not to think about it. Grey Wind helps”.
“Oh, I can see that” Robb snorts a laugh, and Grey Wind proceeds to lick his cheek too, before abandoning his lap to go and rest on Theon’s.
His boyfriend smiles, this time it looks more real. “Not my fault you picked the best puppy”.
Robb knows he shouldn’t keep pressuring him about what happened, but he needs to tell him one more thing. One more, then he’ll stop and will try and find other ways to help Theon, if talking about now that he’s still so shaken about it is not the right thing to do. He just needs to tell him one more thing. He brushes his nose against Theon’s, before he says, softly, “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but whenever you think you need something, don’t hesitate and come to me and tell me. Don’t be ashamed. I’m here for you”.
He expects Theon to tense up, but he doesn’t. He just smiles some more and pecks his lips gently. “I know. You picked the best puppy, but I picked the best boyfriend.”
Robb chuckles. He’s glad Theon is feeling at ease at least around him: if he does, then it means it’s going to be easier for him to let Robb help him.
“So did I. I have good taste” Robb kisses his boyfriend’s lips, just a small kiss, no tongue. He suddenly can’t wait to go back home so they can snuggle on the couch.
Theon brushes their noses against each other again when they part, it’s something he likes to do. Sometimes he kisses Robb’s nose too, other times he even bites it lightly, and that often leads to sexy times.
God, if Robb will ever see Ramsay again he’s sure as hell he’ll go to prison for what he’ll do to him. It’s not fair that Theon looks this way and the only consequence Ramsay has faced is just a simple broken nose.
“Do you feel like… do you feel like renting a movie tonight?”
Theon’s voice brings Robb back to Earth. If Grey Wind is Theon’s solution to calm down, then Theon is Robb’s.
“I know we technically are subscribed to every streaming service but we used to do that a lot when we were younger” the dark haired young man goes on, a light shade of red painting his sharp cheekbones.
Robb nods, and extends a hand to brush Theon’s hair behind his ear, “Yeah, of course. That sounds amazing.”
Theon blushes even harder and Robb just wants to wrap his arms around him, hide under a blanket and stay like that til the end of times.
“Tell you what, let’s go to the grocery store and let’s get all kind of sweets. Then we’ll go pick the movie” he suggests, standing up.
Theon stand up as well and grabs his hand. He winks, “Sounds like a plan.”
They’re halfway through Hocus Pocus, cuddling on the couch. The coffee table in front of them is filled with popcorn bowls and chocolate snacks. Grey Wind is snorting beside them and they’re wrapped in the big warm woollen blanket crocheted and gave them as a gift when they first moved to their own place. And Theon suddenly squeezes Robb’s arm.
“Hey.” He whispers shyly.
“Yeah?” Robb turns away from the tv and worries the moment he sees the frown on his face, “Love, are you okay?”
Theon takes a deep breath, but still manages to look at him straight in the eyes, as he says, “You feel like going with me to the police tomorrow?”
Now it’s like the knot on Robb’s throat has been untied. Yes. Yes yes yes.
“Of course.” He breaths out in relief. “Of course”.
He takes Theon’s face in his hands but lets him kiss him first. He drags him on his lap, keeps wrapping the blanket around them till it fully envelopes them. Theon wraps his arms around Robb’s neck. He’s going to be fine, he will be. Robb will do all he can to make sure of that.
That’s all he can think of, even right before falling asleep, Theon’s head resting on his chest, Grey Wind right next to them on the bed.
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forthekags · 3 years
Number Nine
Kageyama x FemReader
Part Three
Read Part 2 Here
Read Part 1 Here
About: You were introduced to the Karasuno Boys’ Volleyball club during your second year. Yachi needed help after Kiyoko had taken her leave, so she asked you to join her. Although, it would have been smarter to look for a first year, but you were new and looked lonely. When you met the boys you were bit overwhelmed but they grew on you in no time. Kageyama was a little rough around the edges at first, he was awkward and couldn’t hold eye-contact. He was a blushing baboon for the first few days. He was sure to keep his distance but you only found it exciting and hilarious. Sure enough you two became friends from all your taunting and teasing. You’re about to enter your third year, and this was your make it or break it. You had to start thinking about your own future- and so did Kageyama.
"Hey, Y/N?" Yachi had a nervous voice when she approached you. It was lunchtime and instead of taking your nap like scheduled, you were bouncing the ball on the side of the building. A bit aggressive, in Yachi's opinion. 
"Hey whatsup," you greeted. 
"Um, is everything okay with Kageyama?" You smacked the ball harder. "I just wanted to make sure because well I haven't seen you two talk to each other the past two days. And Hinata told me that Kageyama has been asking him for help on his homework." You hit the ball so hard, it lost control and flew right past you. You groaned and banged your hand on your head. “Did you have a fight or something? Why is he not studying with you anymore?”
You jogged over to get it and Yachi followed. 
"Look Yachi," you said nonchalantly, "I'm not really his babysitter or whatever. So I can't tell you what's going on inside that empty skull of his." 
"Sorry… I just- I thought… nevermind." She offered a smile, "I’ll figure it out." 
You released a breath, a bit shaken up from the extra physical activity and the mental burden of an abnormal Kageyama. It wasn’t your job to get him back to normal. He’s a big boy, someone who can handle their own issues so you shouldn’t feel bad about turning Yachi down. If she was intensely worried, maybe she should go ask him directly. 
How bad could it be? 
It had been two days since your little argument. You had missed morning practice and the beginning time of your first class because you woke up late. He’s always there for morning practice and that didn’t change but stopping by your house did. Your mom usually lets him in so he can get your lazy butt out of bed, so when he didn’t show up... there wasn’t anyone to wake you up. 
Kageyama had been turning in crappy homework, it was a small plummet in his work so that itself put him a bit on edge. During his study time with Yachi and Hinata, he’d spend most of the time arguing with Hinata about taking up too much space or explaining it too fast. And you, you weren’t sleeping during lunch partly because you had to do some work for your first class causing you to be a little sour to anyone who tries to have a conversation with you. During after-school practices, the whole team felt the strange tension between you two. How you didn’t want to look at his way and how he pretended you weren’t even there. He would be long gone before you changed out of your gym outfit when practice was done, so you walked home alone. 
Little did you both know that Yachi was getting real sick and tired of it. After your conversation with her, she marched to where Shoyo had been waiting around the corner. He was annoyed too with Kageyama’s increase in abuse. He was scared that if this kept up, that there’d be a full-on fight between the King and Tsukishima. However, Tsuki had also been a bit quieter, not enough but a noticeable amount. 
They ended up coming up with a plan. A plan that would get you two in the same room and be forced to talk to each other. That way whatever happened can be sorted out and things will go back to normal in no time. At least, that’s what Hinata thought. Yachi thought it would worsen things and you two would just end up arguing more. Though Hinata said that was a good outcome too. Needless to say, the plan was in motion and their setup was a success.
After school, instead of going to practice, you headed towards Mr. Shota’s classroom to receive your punishment. You had the luck to have an altercation with Mr. Shota while he was in a sour mood. He was known for giving detentions like a grocery store taste test. You don’t get detention, it never seemed to come up, but this week hasn’t been a normal week for you… You couldn’t find your skirt uniform after your recreational time, so you went with your gym pants to class and passed by Mr. Shota himself. He didn’t even give you a chance to explain! You went back to look for your damn skirt uniform and found it in the exact place you left it. When you walked out with the proper attire, Mr. Shota saw you again and assumed you were lying either way. 
When you stepped into his classroom, there were three other people already there. Poor souls that were in Mr. Shota’s line of sight. As you took a seat and made some shuffling sounds, they turned their heads to look at you and there he was. Kageyama was sitting in the second row near the windows on the third seat, he quickly looked away when you looked his way. His cheeks burned with an unknown feeling so he covered them up by resting his head on his hands and his elbows on the desk. 
Kageyama was in there because Hinata had triggered some sort of river of cuss words in him. Mr. Shota was not very fond of it. He sulked about it the rest of the day until now, because now he was sulking about you. He won’t admit it to anyone but he hated ignoring you. It was so much work. He wasn’t even mad at you, he just couldn’t look at you- not in an angry way! Just… that… it was something he was still trying to figure out. Unfortunately you were mad at him. 
Every time he’d look away you would get angry. You didn’t understand what was going on with him and he wouldn’t tell you, so good riddance. 
You sat near the back and closer to the back door- far away from him. 
“Great you’re all here- I don’t have to go searching in club rooms.” Mr. Shota sounded like he was over this teaching and disciplining. You quietly thought why would he create a reason for him to stay later than he should. “My room needs deep cleaning, it’s about that time anyway, and the music room is worse. Since it’s four of you, Hiro and Miyamoto you’ll be in here while Y/N and Kag-”
“No!” You jumped out of your seat.
“Y/N! Do you want another day added?” 
“No no no… but can I clean your class instead, Mr. Shota?” You had all eyes on you because of your little outburst but you begged either way. The awkward tension that will emit during this will kill you for sure. 
“Oh of course let me give you a hand while I’m at it.” His voice dripped with sarcasm but his facial expression was stoic. “Lying is a great deal Miss Y/N, especially when it’s done to a teacher. You get the music room with potty mouth over here.”
“But I didn’t lie-”
“Enough, Y/N.” That sat you back down, defeated and upset. 
Tobio was a bit hurt. No- not just a bit- he was pained that you were so bothered by being in the same room as him. You two were friends, right? He’s never been so close to someone before. He’s never been able to keep a friend for this long… Other than the team, you were always there. Even outside of school, he’s never one to hang out with people- it’s too much sometimes- but with you. Well, he likes hanging out with you. 
You two followed Mr. Shota to the music room and listened to his instructions and warnings. He gave you one last warning about that attitude, it was irking him. While you stared away, Kags would glance every now and then. He wanted to make sure you were okay, but didn’t know if he should keep his distance or go for it and apologize. What did he need to apologize for? Not going over… ignoring you… Okay, yeah he needs to say sorry for that. 
But what if you bring up that thing again. The whole reason you had that one argument. 
You polished some instruments until you could see your reflection and put them away neatly. It was therapeutic for the most part, but when the other person in the room would move some chair to broom the area, it would throw you off again. Mr. Shota exaggerated when he said it was a mess in here. It was disorganized, sure, but nothing tear-worthy. 
“Y/N?” You looked up and matched Kageyama's confused eyes. There was a pause while you expected him to continue. He was looking for the right words… "Are we… Are we still friends?" 
His voice was low and he blushed from embarrassment while avoiding eye contact. Something fluttered in your chest, a familiar feeling, and it made you soften your features. You looked away and took some time to ponder the question. Not that you needed any, because you already knew the obvious answer. 
"Yes," you say- a little bothered and aggressive but sincere. "Friends fight, it's normal." You pick up the instrument and put it away then move on to the next. This time you were cleaning it a bit more aggressively. As if you were irritated with the inanimate object. 
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He couldn't help but smile in relief, he wasn't going to lose you. 
"So… Can I come over today?" 
You dropped the instrument and made a few of them chatter with each other. They made a ruckus as they hit one another and toppled over a nearby stand. Kageyama rushed over to help you before you two got in trouble again, especially since you were already walking on a tightrope with the teacher.
You were bamboozled, like a sneak attack on a careless soldier. This boy might be the most oblivious airhead you’ll ever meet. How did he think that was okay to ask? 
“Leave it!” You picked up the instrument that he was reaching for along with the many others. Soon you were carrying eight different instruments with a variety of sizes in your arms looking like one breeze will knock you over. 
“Y/N, you’re going to hurt yourself or break one of those things!” He hesitated in reaching over, rightfully so because you threw a glare at him when he neared you. 
“I’m not going to break one of these things, I am perfectly capable of doing it myself!” You got your footing back and mentally thanked the gods, and a second later you hear a clank hit the ground. One of the flutes slipped through your fingers and chipped. Your eyes widened and you glanced back at Kageyama who looked like he was about to make a run for it. “So much for a volleyball player, Kags!”
“What! Did you want me to receive it and throw it up in the air?” He asked bewildered. 
“Aren’t you supposed to have fast reflexes, you turdball!” 
“You’re the one who didn’t let me help you with all those!”
“God, I am so telling Coach about you lacking,” you threatened. “Well don’t just stand there! Help me with this!” 
He rushed over and grabbed the big ones from your arms. You rubbed away any scratches and evidence of a disturbance before putting them up. Kageyama stood there until you got all of them one by one from his arms now. He had a pouting face but didn't say anything during that time. 
"I'm still mad at you," you mumbled. His pout only annoyed you because you were in between pinching his cheek and stomping his foot. Only because his cheeks show up more and his eyes are always avoiding, and his lips do this thing where his bottom lip sticks out more from frowning. Kageyama only has a handful of intense expressions, most of which can be seen whenever he's on the court. But when he's not, he gets embarrassed and upset and tired and nervous. And when you're not watching, he gets excited and soft and hurt. 
But they were rare, so when it happens in front of you, you can't help but appreciate it or tease it. 
"I'm sorry," he said. "Really, I am. It's just… I still haven't figured it out." 
"What is it about?" You wanted him to know that you were there if he needed you. And, you wanted your best friend back. 
"I promise you'll be the first person I tell." 
You rolled your eyes. "As if that's saying anything, who else would you even tell?" He chuckled and that made you smile. You can still humor him, that's good to know. 
"No one that matters as much," he sighed. He wasn't looking directly at you, he said it more as if he was saying it to himself or if it was like a distant memory. "So… Can I come over?" He asked again. 
You started tapping your finger on your chin, as if you were pondering the question. "Only if you buy me tea for a week! Morning AND afternoon!" You raised your pinky in the air and waited for his word.
"A week! Do you think I'm rich!?" He looked at you crazy but you were determined. 
"Not after this week," you said.
He groaned and huffed but took your pinky with his, sealing the compromise. He was warm compared to your freezing hands, so much that it surprised you. Your eyebrows raised and you quickly grabbed onto his hand with both of yours. 
"Ah! You're ice cold, Y/N!" He tried pulling back but you held on. 
"And you're soooo warm!"
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the-wintershade · 4 years
the difficulty of your own soul 
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pairing: loki x reader summary: a ball just happens to bring you two closer and the thought of really giving this a chance crosses your mind, but everything alters again when the past always inevitably catches up to you. wc: 4.0k+ genre: angsty, warmth, intensity, past trauma masterlist
for you anon, even though I couldn’t get it out sooner. thank you.
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“What are the stakes?” 
Your father’s angry cries shredded through the pounding rain, easily cutting through the battalions of water droplets falling through the sky, imploding against your skin. 
“When will you learn that the life you have will always be at stake? Everytime you leave your house, everytime you walk away from a safehouse, get into the car, or walk down the street your life will always be in danger.” You could see the tightening of his lips, the frown of a snarl forming, the verbal insults ready to be unleashed in your direction.
Shivers coiled up and down your spine. Your hands were clenched tightly against your arms to try to huddle for warmth, staring up at your paternal figure like a coward.
That wasn’t completely the truth. You were an inferno coiled to spark, but pretending to be weaker than you really were always gave you an advantage. He taught you well, so well that he didn’t even notice his own daughter playing back the same hand he revealed just a few months ago.
The shaking was real. Your body temperature was dropping fast. Your clothes were nearly ice and your teeth almost cut your gums because of the clattering. 
The situation was bad; the side sweep your father just gave you, worse.
You saw the dagger before you felt it against your neck; it was right about then that you suspected something was wrong. Even if he believed that you were lying, he wouldn’t threaten you to this degree. 
This had to be preparation for something worse, whatever that could possibly be.
Metal slightly pierced your skin, a small tear opening for a small amount of blood to dribble out. You frowned, the cold tension in your body dissipating as adrenaline began to take over. “What are you doing?” The words were shaky, but you caught the bite at the back end. Still not ready to wave the white flag, not even close.
Then, he laughed. Laughed. 
No, this was wrong. This was a training exercise, five laps around the garden in the rain, dagger throwing, archery, and then sparing. This was the final sequence. 
You were still a teenager, he never pushed you this hard until you were well ahead, obviously capable of handling more advanced weaponry and techniques. 
You were still too uncoordinated to hit targets in the rain. You couldn’t have been more than sixteen. Too young, too young for the reality of death quite yet.
“Something I should have done a long time ago. You’ve failed me, made me believe that you had potential.” Pain flashed across his features, as if he was about to regret his next decision, regret what he would have to do. If the knife gave you any indication, you knew you wouldn’t want to figure out what that was going to look like. “I cared about you, (name), but you’re not enough. I was so foolish to bring you here.”
He never sounded like that. Never sounded that soft except for once in your life. Your blood ran cold and you froze where you laid against the ground. “Dad, stop. Think for a second.”
“Give my own advice back to me, huh?” That’s not his, it was hers, a woman you wouldn’t meet until two years from now. He gazed at you with somber eyes and a heavy soul, a soul you stared right into. “Sorry, kiddo.”
And then you were six years old, chained against your will to his leg, wobbling along at his beck and call. 
It was raining again, although when you remembered his hand in yours, walking you across the street, there were no chains involved. Lightning cracked but you stayed firm, assured that your dad would be there to protect you. 
When you’d crossed the street, he’d stopped your progress, bending down to help tie your shoe. As he looked up, you’d smiled at him, in awe of your superhero dad. He’d smiled right back, those dark orbs a vacuum you frequently felt lost in.
You tried to shrug your leg to get free of the chain and for a second, just a moment, his face morphed into a monster, a creature with dripping black skin and totally black eyes that had no beginning or end. 
He looked angry, so incredibly angry that you felt fear for the first time in being chained to this man, this foreigner.
And that’s when it all came together. 
The intelligence in your six year old mind reminded you to smile and suddenly your father’s face morphed back into view. You placed a small hand against his check, maintaining your loving grin in the process and then you’d reverted back into your sixteen-year-old self, staring at the same monster.
The chains appeared just as they had before.
You kept that one hand — now remembering how this story ended — placed on his cheek. The knife lowered and the world around you began to swim with darkness. It didn’t frighten you, this was how it normally ended, and you kept your eyes steady on your father who began to change into ashes.
The chain around your leg disappeared and instead a red brand formed where it left, flashing the same red of your father’s dissipating form. He looked confused and concerned, turnt around on a rare occasion, but you willed him to look at you even as his face disintegrated into dust.
Then you sat, no emotional response, just emptily staring at the pile of red ashes in front of you, feeling them call to you, knowing that no matter where you went those chains were still going to be pulling the strings, burning the brand on your skin until you submitted.
No matter how hard you tried, no matter how hard you would attempt to be free of his chains, no matter how much you struggled to get rid of them, you would still be that little child, soaked in the rain, staring the devil in the eyes.
The eyes of your darling father.
“...have you?” You shake yourself out of the events of last night, ignoring the way your dream father’s black eyes felt like nothing, how empty they were, how devoid of anything human.
You weren’t paying enough attention to know what Fury just asked you. “Can you repeat the question?” You gazed at him, expectant, and aren’t surprised when you see irritation mirrored back at you.
“Something else more pressing at the moment, agent?” Fury props himself against the wall and crosses his arms, his long trench coat scuffing against the ground. You fight to stay present. 
A smirk — similar to the ones a certain someone would pass off at you — captures your face and you look at the files again on the table, trying to play off how shaken up you are about the dream, the look of despair on your father’s face as he began to vanish, how guilty you felt that you couldn’t have done better. Been better. 
Clearing your throat, you take another look. “So, the fake isn’t going to be there tonight?”
“Oh no,” He says matter-of-factly, tilting his chin up. “It’s going to be there, but the version that Loki’s seeing is going to be the fake.” He walks closer, propping his arms against the table while you start memorizing exits, ventilation vents and access points, and various security systems the building has. “Which brings us back to the same question: do you have his trust?”
You fight down the shot of anxiety flaring in your core. You could give him a version of the truth. To be honest, it’s not likely that he trusts you fully, even if at all, but he does trust the idea of you going to the event and you would bet money on his attendance. 
There’s trust in the event and that’s where trust begins anyway, in the small things.
“I’m getting close.” You close your eyes as the rebuttal you were already expecting comes right at you.
Fury glares at you. “You’re telling me that we’re about to risk an asgardian superpower getting their hands on the tesseract and causing world destruction all on the fact that you’re ‘working on’ getting his trust? I don’t know about you, agent (last name), but that doesn’t give me full confidence.”
“He’s pretty fickle, hard to pin down.” You glance in Fury’s direction and meet his stare head-on, one of the first time’s you’ve done that this whole time. “But we have an understanding. I’d have no problem betting my entire savings on the fact that he's going to this event, and I’d be willing to bet that there’s no way he’s going to attempt a grab at the tesseract. You know why? I’ll be there and I’m his date. A SHIELD agent is his plus one for the evening. He knows that no matter what trust we have, it’s not strong enough for him to be able to get the tesseract and leave the building.
“I’m positive that this is just reconnaissance. He’s trying to figure out who has it, what their plans for it are, and how he might be able to acquire it. But it won’t be tonight.” You watch as Fury shifts, leaning back. You know you’re out of hot water when he looks down his nose at you. 
“Okay, agent. I’ll buy the story. But the moment you even suspect that he’ll make a pass for it, buss a cap in his narrow behind.”
You smirk. “As always, Director.”
There was no way you were ever going to consider the possibility of shooting Loki. Not ever. And that idea should have probably scared you more than it did.
Because that meant that your interests were divided and if your father ever reinforced anything, it was the dangers of your soul and your mind being split. The soul guided the mind in all decisions, it was it’s determining force, it’s guiding will. 
When your guiding-will laid anywhere outside of the parameters of your assignment, it was likely you would end up being killed.
And no matter how much that advice should have concerned you, it didn’t. Death didn’t really scare you. Not like before. Not like when you were just that little girl at sixteen.
Death tasted like freedom and the promise of freedom was enough.
You step out of your car, a slim heel glimmering against the lights of the party. Using the handlebar overhead for balance, you allow one slim heel to tap against the ground.
The anxiety within you pulses for a moment, but you keep the appearance of calm on your face, another half-truth. You were almost getting too good at those. Almost.
 A man appeared next to you, offering his hand to help. “Good evening, miss. Welcome to Mr. Williamshire’s estate.” 
You coyly smile and slip your hand into his, letting him steady you. “Thank you, sir.” You reply, kindness sweating your words. Your gaze lifts to the marble staircase you’ll need to walk up, anxiety churning again. It doesn’t look too daunting. 
Your eyes wander for a second, looking at balconies, escape routes, the hedges near the windows, the drapery hanging off the side of the building. Fury warned you to stay on your toes, but your father’s training had already taught you that. Plus, if things go south, you’ll need a quick get away.
Pretending to steady your nerves, which is less of an act than you make it seem, you shift your face from anxious to calm. The man who came to help you falls for it. “Don’t worry, miss. Plenty make it up the stairs just fine. If you’d like, I can provide an escort for you.”
Laughing softly, partially for keeping up the charade, partially because there’s no way in hell you need an escort, you flash him the game winning smile. “Thank you, but I think I’ll manage.” You place your keys in his hand and slip him a $40 dollar tip. “Take good care of her for me.”
The man nods along, a professional smile on his face, and slips into your vehicle.
You grasp the bottom of your ballgown, pulling the material away from your legs as you make the flight of stairs. Your thoughts shift to the evening, wondering where you’re going to sit, if Loki’s even going to show up, and when the tesseract is going to be unveiled. A churning activates in your stomach and the tightness in your face isn’t fake.
Finally, you make the landing and stride in head held high, a small smile plastered on your face. 
The landing is enormous and the building much more spacious than you gave it credit for. A double staircase would lead you down an open dance floor, a grand chandelier casts sparkles all over the room, and a band plays a melodious jazz tune. There’s entertainment rooms to your left and right, some containing cards, some billiards, and some assorted backroom deals shrouded in secrecy. 
It makes sense for money this old to have the luxury of hosting a ball, but it still doesn’t fail to blow your mind. Perks of the job you suppose. 
Deciding taking a seat would be best—it’s almost time for the ball to officially commence—you tread down the stairs, walking over to the tables set in the next room and search for your name. You find it, seated next to someone named Matthew Lexington, whoever the hell that is. Glad to be off your feet, you take a seat, letting yourself rest and reset, taking in the details of the room, the number of couples, the susceptibility of someone being another agent.
The time passes slowly for a few minutes and the nagging anxiety of Loki failing to show up keeps gnawing at your core. You try to let it go. 
Then, the chair next to you moves. 
You force yourself to keep your head still, letting the person sit down without an oogiling pair of eyes staring them down.
“Worried I’d stand you up?” A silky voice says right next to you. You roll your eyes almost immediately. 
“Matthew Lexington, really?” You spare a glance at him and realize you probably shouldn’t have, he looks dashing. His dark suit makes his eyes stand out more. 
He gets a better look at your dress at the same time you look at his suit. “I didn’t think you were the glitter type.”
“You’d be surprised.”
“Hmm.” He nods his head, softly smiling. “It suits you.”
You nod and give a smirk, looking at him through your eyelashes. Are you still acting? “As does your suit, though I admit a pocket square would have tied the whole look together.”
“Oh-ho.” He laughs and puts his hands up in the air. “Do I hear critique, and right after I completed how you look in the dress?”
“We can’t all be perfect, Mr. Lexington.” You take a sip of the water in front of you and shoot your eyebrows up in a teasing smirk.
He glances away from you, chuckling to himself slightly. “I admit, I was starting to get nervous when you took a little while to show up.”
“Fashionably late a new phrase for you?”
“Absolutely not, but I assumed with your job that you’d be someone that values punctuality.”
“Before I had this job, I was a regular woman. I knew the tricks of the trade like the back of my hand. Being fashionably late is practically a rule.”
“Fair point.” He spares a glance around, watching as people come in to take their seats. 
“When’d you see me?”
“When you first came in.” His eyes are still moving for a second before they land on you again. “I was in a sideroom, trying my hand at blackjack when you made it up the staircase to the landing.”
“Hmm.” You nod, trying to search for another thing to talk about to keep you distracted from his eyes. “So, where’d Matthew Lexington come from?”
“Oh, just an alias from a few years ago.” He sips his water, putting his elbows on the table. How improper. “It comes in handy quite often.”
“Ah. I assumed you used it to help with the seating arrangement.”
“What?” He says in fake shock. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You think I’d actually believe that this was a coninsciendence.”
“How about a happy surprise?”
“Whatever.” You chuckle and notice a mass exodus from the dance floor to the banquet area you’re in right now. “Looks like the show’s about to start.”
“It would seem you’re right in that, miss (last name).” A tingle shoots down your spine involuntarily.
The opening remarks are...cute. That’s all you’d really give it. It was really one of the driest things you’ve heard in a while, but you tried to act interested. Really, you’re buzzing, swimming with electricity.
And it all, unfortunately, has something to do with the special someone sitting to your right.
You readjust for the second time. If you sit like this any longer your butt is going to fall asleep. Loki smirks in your direction, his eyes sparkle and darken. Uncomfortable, he mouths, an eyebrow shot up in the air.
You glare back in reply, sliding your eyes back to the speaker as they make their final remarks. Loki’s small chuckle colors the dark beside you. 
As the speaker closes, you both politely clap and you stifle a yawn.
The guests stand with stiff legs and bones pop and crack. Men offer their hands out to their ladies guiding them out to the dance floor. The couples that were seated with you at your table stand.
“Well, I think we’re going for drinks, care to join us?” The woman remarks turning to stare at you and L-Matthew. You press your lips together in a small smile. “I think I’ll stay here as a lookout,” you chuckle to yourself, a mere gesture of politeness, “but I appreciate the offer.”
She nods in acknowledgement and looks expectantly to Loki. “Oh, no, thank you. I’m with the lady.” You feel his gaze hover to your back for a second before looking at the woman in front of you. 
She smirks knowingly, as if aware of some inside joke or secret. “It was lovely meeting you two.”
“Same to you.” You sincerely reply. 
You nod good-bye to each other and watch as her and her husband walk away. Stifling this next yawn takes effort. 
“Not enough rest, huh? That nervous to see me?”
“Oh, please. Don’t flatter yourself, Mr. Lexington.”
A small smile flutters across his face before his signature grin takes over. “So, Ms. (last name), what’s on the agenda tonight, yawning notwithstanding.”
“You know, Mr. Lexington, I think I’m going to have a chat with some old friends of mine.” You up your pitch and darken your tone, as if you were old royalty.
Loki’s stance changes a bit as if he were expecting something different. His eyes flutter to the dance floor for a second before looking directly at you. 
“If you would like to make your way to the dance floor, by all means, Mr. Lexington, don’t allow me to stop you.” 
“Oh no, I’m the abandoned lover, remember? My charm rests in my ability to play my part well. I’d be able to pick up a partner in no time.”
Lover, huh? The thought of you being his...significant other...flashes in your mind for a second, just one. You could almost see it, almost see the smiles, the banter, his pearly teeth smoothing into a grin, the way your eyes change when you look at him. 
No. You’re stronger than this. You’re stronger than your emotions.
You’re stronger than him. Are you?
“If I were to assume that I were your long lost lover in this situation, was my judgement wrong?”
Something shifted in him as if he’d just registered what you’d said. As if he could see the same thing you just saw a second ago. He looked at you coyly with less edge than you were used to. “That would be,” he swallowed for a second before the smile returned. “Correct, Ms. (last name).”
“Well, if you hadn’t noticed Mr. Lexington, we’ve been speaking all of this time.”
“Yes, that’s an accurate observation.”
“So, how would you describe your current predicament to future partners?”
“Easy. You’re cheating.”
“Ah,” You nod along. Always like him to make something out of nothing. “Of course. It only makes sense.”
“See,” he nudged you softly on your shoulder. “You’re catching up just fine.”
Your breath hitched for a second and the playful smile on your face drooped. His body heat began transferring through the thin sleeves of your dress and you’re very aware of how close you two are. It takes a strong amount of mental effort to stay calm and remember who you are.
“I try.” You utter but it lacks the confidence you had just a moment ago. 
The air around you two changes for a moment, much more serious and intimate than just a moment prior.
The both of you stand, together, shoulders pressed against each other, the closest you’ve been in days. You allow yourself two breaths, enough to savour the moment, enough to get a taste of what this could really be like, and then you step away, clearing your throat.
When you turn to Loki, his face holds a combination of deep regret that you’ve never seen before. “Well, I must attend to my friends. I’m sure I’ll see you soon, Mr. Lexington?”
“Ye-Yes.” He nods but he’s distracted. “Of course, my lady.” His smirk is dull, fleeting. You want to ask more, but he’s already moving away from you. You accept his departure as your cue to make your way over to Stark’s Investor.
Stark’s investor is nice enough, gladly extending the invitation to allow you to view the tesseract. This was already pre-arranged so their offer comes as no shock to you. What does come as a shock is the amount of times you and Loki have made eye-contact from across the room.
You knew he was watching you — you’d recognize the sense of those darkly beguiling eyes pressing into your back anywhere — but you didn’t expect to want to watch him. It was like your eyes were drawn to each other, listening to your own respective party for mere seconds before your eyes met like lightning, like magnets. 
It was exhausting for you, because manning a conversation while distracted is already hard enough, but staring at him and not getting lost was a whole different ordeal. Worrying about him was new too. 
Even worse, how was this all going to play out when you were supposed to be in the same room, viewing the tesseract at the same time. Would you even address the staring, would you just ignore it, would you try to establish something deeper out of this. The options were too diverse to understand now.
Your eyes meet again and a tingle rushes down your spine, a heat jolting through you. He stares more directly this time, refusing to look away. You turn for a second to look at the investor and then back to him whose eyes never moved. You see his lips curving into a smirk. What a dork. You’re just about to stick out your tongue — how unlady like — in return before you spot a figure just behind him.
A figure that you’d hoped you’d never see again.
Not in this lifetime or the next.
What gives her away is the red hair, always the red hair twisted into curls that runs down her back. 
And then it’s the way she walks, sauntering with a confident arrogance. 
Your blood hasn’t run this cold in a while. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Loki pivot to spot what you’re seeing. 
By the time he looks back, you’ve excused yourself from the Stark industries investor and are already making your way toward the door.
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burnwme · 3 years
One-off of Mika summoning Sam to save her- Possible TW
As I exited the café, I heard the jingling of the bells located above my head. At that moment I turned back to glance at the glass panes on the eatery’s door.  As I did, I gave a small wave goodbye to Suzu. After my small farewell, I turned my gaze back towards the road, awaiting my Uber. I felt bad for leaving our outing early, but I wanted to see Sam. But I mean could you blame me? He’s been extremely busy with work lately.  Constantly working late into the night, most of the time in which I’m already asleep. We’ve barely seen each other. And today was like any other: him leaving for work bright and early. That meant that I was alone for the day. I figured tonight would be like any other work night for him recently. So instead of staying by myself all day, I made plans with Suzu. It had been a while since we had hung out anyways. 
Suzu and I met promptly at The Pink Lady Café at 7:00pm. We had been chatting, joking, laughing and basically having an all around good time until about 7:45. When suddenly something in my back pocket buzzed. I immediately recognized what the buzzing was coming from, and swiftly grabbed my phone from my back pocket. I unlocked it to a message from Sam “ Hey, doofus. I’ll be home early today. Hopefully…at about 7. Have you eaten? “ I slightly smiled not only because he always made sure my needs were met before his but also just from seeing his name pop up in my notifications. My mind began to trail off... “It’s crazy how much I love him. Come on, who am I kidding? I love him so much it almost hurts.” I thought. I continued to let my thoughts linger for just a moment longer before I quickly opened my messages and replied “ Sorry! I have… but feel free to get whatever, I'll try to be home soon. Love you <3” 
And that’s how the story of a very frightening night began: Me wanting to go home to my loving incubus, while waiting for my ride home during a typical chilly night. As I stood under the streetlights outside the Pink Lady Cafe my phone buzzed. I looked down to see a notification “Your uber has arrived.” I began to look around for a grey prius. I quickly spotted it, and made my way closer to the edge of the sidewalk in anticipation to get home. It speedingly pulled up to me and I watched as the passenger window rolled down it’s window. As I peered in the car, I saw a man in his late 30’s , unshaven, and looked to be an all around slob. But before I could consciously think about his disheveled appearance, a skeptical voice spoke up “ Are you Mika?” I nodded and he motioned towards the backseats in his car, silently instructing me to go in the back seat. I obviously obliged. I pulled on the car door and quickly sat down and buckled up. 
During the ride, I kept noticing how he would glance at something in the rear view mirror. I just told myself he was looking at what was on the road behind us. But I quickly began to realize he wasn’t looking at the road, he was looking at me. Once I noticed this, I told myself that it's a little out of place but not something to be frightened about. Yet I remained cautious. I averted my eyes from the window to the driver's seat. As I did I really began to take in his looks. My gut began screaming that something was wrong. Yet, I tried to remain calm, I just kept telling myself I was overreacting. When my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the lack of movement, the car had stopped. My eyes began to dart around my surroundings to figure out why. They immediately checked the traffic, no red lights, no stop signs, no pedestrians, there was no reason for us to be stopped. That’s when it went from just my gut screaming at me but also the alarms in my head. Then I heard a voice, and my eyes darted towards it. In less than a second I pinpointed where the voice was coming from. The driver's seat. I looked at the man sitting in the seat as he spoke “We’re out of gas... “ followed by a seemingly forced sigh. My foreboding feeling throughout my body was growing more intense by the second. Almost unbearable. I decided to get out of the car, if something were to happen I didn’t want to be stuck in such a small space with little room to defend myself. 
The driver followed suit, and leaned against his car about 8 inches away from me. I tried to brush it off as him just getting out to see what he could do. Though I did instinctively take a couple steps further away from him. He was leaning on the back seat’s window while I stood in front of the passenger window. I took a quick glance at him then took out my phone to text Sam. “Hey, it may take a bit longer. The uber ran out of gas. I should be home soon, hopefully.” While I was busy looking down at my phone, I failed to notice the driver sidle up beside me. As I looked up I flinched, clearly shocked to see him so close. But before I could shift my legs to move further down the car away from him: He gripped onto my raven hair and in just mere second covered my mouth. Preventing me from both getting away and screaming for help. He began to drag me forward towards an alleyway, I squirmed desperately trying to get away. I kicked and hit, which was returned by my hair being pulled harder towards the alley-way. I could feel the hot fearful tears run down my face. Everything was happening so fast I couldn’t even think. 
As we entered the alley-way he roughly pushed me onto the ground. Now towering over me. I looked up at him to see a wicked smile. A smile you’d see in a horror movie. He slowly began to walk towards me as I began to desperately crab crawl away. But was abruptly stopped by my back crashing into a big metal trash can. He was getting closer, my mind still racing with fear and panic. I couldn’t think straight. Instinctively my arms began to rummage around for things to defend myself. I didn’t find anything! I began to look harder for anything: metal, glass.. ANYTHING. It didn’t help that it was almost impossible to see through my blurred eyes and hard to feel with my trembling hands. As I was looking around frantically Sam popped into my mind. As he did sensible thoughts began to fester. Within seconds I heard myself call out “Aomaris!” 
Within a mere seconds the frantic air had changed into a serene state shortly followed by a bright light. I quickly covered my eyes with my shoulder, waiting for the light to disperse. As the light died, I looked up from my arms to see Sam and his shocked expression. I watched as his eyes darted around looking for me, and when he found me his eyes went gold for a mere second before turning back to their original emerald green hue. HIs gaze had only lasted a second before being interrupted by a scarily familiar voice “What the HELL?”
Sam immediately tracked down the voice to the man, now shaken to his core. But before Sam could let his rage take over the man had run. Sam stood in place for several seconds, internally fighting all of his instincts to go after the guy. Once he had made up his mind on what he should do, he had appeared in front of me within a millisecond. He immediately wrapped me in his arms, petting my hair in an effort to calm me. I laid my head on his chest tightly gripping the green shirt under his vest. I tried not to cry, but I couldn’t help it. He must have known because I heard him mumble in my ear “Shh...it’s okay. Let it out..” 
And I did, I broke down. I sobbed so hard my voice became hoarse and quivered so much you’d think that there was an earthquake. But Sam didn’t let up, just pulled me closer to his chest. My sounds were swallowed by his green t-shirt. I could feel his warmth despite the cold metal of his dog tag pressed against my cheek. I still don’t know how long we sat in that alley way. I do know that overtime my weeping had slowled, and he used that as an opportunity to get us home. Sam made the executive decision to go through a pentagram. I felt him take a smidget of energy from me. I didn’t fight it, why would I? I could feel myself slowly falling through the ground. I knew what he was doing, he didn’t have to say it. Within a second I felt myself now sitting on the stone steps located in front of my home. 
He slowly let go of his grip around me and gently took my hand in his before standing both of us. He had a grip on my waist making sure to keep me steady, since he was still unaware if I was injured. Though when he was sure I was secure on the ground he slowly let go. I watched as he felt around his pockets until he found his keys. I watched as he took them from the inside of his vest and used them to unlock our front door. As the door swung open he again gently gripped onto my hand, guiding me inside. 
As I passed through the door letting it swing shut naturally, I took in the familiar smell of my air refresher still plugged into the wall. Sam looked back at me, I could tell he was concerned, but he wasn’t going to show it. I looked up at him beginning to wonder what was going through his mind. Sam’s complicated to say the least. It’s hard for him to express himself, so usually I speak up first. And I did.  “Are you okay?” Sam looked deeper into my eyes, probably wondering if I was seriously asking him if HE was okay... I was correct. He quickly conveyed his feelings to me on the situation “ You’re asking me if I’m okay?” he responded sarcastically. I stood still waiting for him to continue on. “Seriously?” He scoffed. I stood there taken back by his tone. “He could have hurt you! Why’d you wait that long to summon me!? “ 
His voice was now significantly raised and it didn't take a genius to figure out why. I mean was he practically screaming it. He was mad, not at me but at himself. I knew that he  probably didn’t even notice his temper. “Sam..” I mumbled. Even in his self-loathing state he was still able to give me his undivided attention. He aimed his stare towards me. I used this as an opportunity to make him aware of the level of his voice. “Sam…” I began, while fidgeting with my hands. He still stared, waiting for me to finish. “Sam.. you’re kinda-sorta yelling…”
He looked down and pressed his two fingers against the bridge of his nose while simultaneously letting out a heavy sigh. I looked down to my fingers still fidgeting with them. But my gaze was soon steadily placed on him by the sound of his voice. “I...I d-didn’t mean to yell at you like that.. It’s just who knows what that DICK…” he took a moment to calm himself before continuing.  “ bag would’ve done to you.” He looked up at me then breathed heavily out his nose, as if he was letting off steam. I slowly made my way towards him and gingerly wrapped my arms around his neck while gently pecking him on his lips in an effort to calm him down. 
He let out a content sigh and wrapped his arms around my waist. I could tell he wanted to say something, but he didn’t know how to say it. I lifted my head to look up to his emerald green irises. He returned the gesture and proceeded to look deeply in my eyes, as if they would help formulate the words he had trapped inside his head. 
He took a breath in signalling to me that he was going to speak.  His eyes lingered a bit longer before looking down to the floor as if in shame. Then he spoke... “ I’m sorry for yelling at you, I-I didn’t mean to… I just… “ He nuzzled his head on my shoulder shortly followed by a muffled voice. “ I just want to protect you..” I removed my arms from around his broad shoulders, and instead wrapped them around his form and placed my head on the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around me tighter and I happily returned the gesture.
“Sam… you do protect me.” He lifted his head to look at me. “Do I?” I simply just stared back at him thinking out my words carefully before speaking “Sam, of course you protect me. Tonight could have been so much worse if it wasn’t for you. Mmm-kay, you hear me? You DO protect me, I have no doubt in that.” He sighed and removed his hands from my waist and instead took one of my hands. Which confused me. 
“Hm?” I shot him a curious look. “Come doofus it’s getting late, let’s get you to bed.” I glanced at the clock on the wall and then cocked my head at my incubus. “What? “ He said amused. I responded teasingly “Since when do you go to bed at 8:30?” He shrugged “Maybe I’m just tired.” I looked at him closer, trying to see if he was joking or if he was actually tired. As I inspected him I came to realize he probably was tired, and I suddenly felt bad for him having to use his energy to save me. But I quickly shut those thoughts out. 
“Long day? “ I replied empathetically. He simply nodded tiredly. I sighed contently then said “ Then let’s go to sleep, dork.” He dramatically rolled his eyes before chucking.  Still hand in hand he began to walk and I happily  complied to follow behind. As we reached my bedroom we both silently agreed to change before heading to bed. We both began to strip from our day clothes back to each other. I turned my head slightly to look over my shoulder.
As I did I found myself admiring a very muscley back. And at that moment I thought “damn he’s ripped” . And I mean ripped. At that moment he finished changing and turned back to look at me, and as he did I immediately turned my head away from him, I could feel the way my face had heated up from being caught. I hurried up and tried to get dressed to prevent myself from becoming a blushing mess. As I slipped my shirt on, I heard a snicker behind me- along with a familiar sound of ruffling sheets. As I was done getting dressed by then I turned around to further inspect the noise. 
I turned around to see Sam in bed, comfortable under the covers. He flashed me a goofy grin and motioned for me to join him. I quickly accepted his invitation. As I laid down next to him he put his arm and me. I eagerly laid my head on his chest, resting my hand in the same place. Soon enough his breathing slowed, signaling to me he had fallen asleep, and before I knew it I followed after.
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justauthoring · 5 years
Half in Half (1/15)
Prompt: One half light, the other dark. Divided by your differences, your brother went from your other half to the man who killed your father. You once refused to lose hope, refused to let Ben go. With walls built around yourself, can Poe break them down?
Based off of: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy.
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader
Other parts: Force Awakens: one - two - three - four - five Last Jedi: one - two - three - four - five Rise of Skywalker: one - two - three - four - five
Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. As usual, I hope you all enjoyed!
Please don’t plagiarize my work!
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The first thing you see is his eyes.
His cold, cold eyes. The ones that replaced the warm gaze of your brother. The eyes that seemed just so different, so gone, so... lost that it was nothing more than a figment of what they had been.
Your body tenses. You’re entire self freezing upon the sight. Terror courses your veins, seizing your muscles and body; making it that you can’t move. You couldn’t run even if you wanted to. Oddly, and it seems so strange, your mind screams at you to run -- to get as far away from him as possible. But the idea is unfathomable to you.
This is your brother. Your twin brother.
Surely, he would never hurt you. Surely, there’s no reason to be afraid.
His lips quiver, his body jerking and instantly, you bite your lip, stopping yourself from saying anything more. You don’t dare to. Because if it isn’t his jerky movements, the emotionless look upon his face or the rage that won’t leave his eyes, something just tells you this isn’t the moment to speak. Like a whispered, repeating mantra in your mind. That you should just stay quiet or something will happen.
That if you speak, if you try to find answers, quell your confusion, anything; it’ll end in your death.
But that’s just ridiculous... right?
Your brother wouldn’t kill you. He’s family. He’s blood. He’s your other half. There wasn’t a moment in the day that the two of you weren’t by each others side, connected at the hips because you could barely function without one another by your sides. It seemed extreme, but it was true. There was never a time in your life that Ben hadn’t been there.
And there never would be.
His light-saber illuminates the darkness. It’s the only thing that allows you to properly see his face. Without it, you would’ve been succumbed to the dark. With it, all you can see is his eyes.
His eyes...
The soft hum of the saber fills the silence, but you still find yourself unsettled at the lack of sound. Or maybe, you’re unsettled because of the hum. Because of the dangerous weapon held inches from your own face. Of the uncertainty at which Ben holds it with. Your hand twitches, as if to move -- towards what? You don’t know. Part of you wants to grab your own light-saber, for protection. However the idea seems all too silly. You don’t need to protect yourself, not from your brother. If anything, he’ll protect you. Just like he always has.
Just like he always will.
Yet, the itch never goes away.
Ben doesn’t say anything. His lips quiver, move every once in a while as if he wants to speak but can’t find the words to say. He wants to say something. That much you can tell. You couldn’t possibly figure what; the whole situation is so intensely confusing to you. Nothing is making any sense.
How were you here? How did you get here?
Why did here feel so familiar?
It almost feels like you’ve been here before. This exact place, this exact moment -- all the same. Like a memory. But you don’t ever remember living through a moment like this. Nothing seems familiar in that aspect and when you think of it like that. And you’re just so confused, your mind feels as if it’s been torn apart; in pieces and nothing is connecting like it should.
Your eyes flicker, moving from Ben’s own (unable to bare the look in his eyes anymore) and glance around, determined to find out where you are. You’re on a bed you realize, not having noticed the thin but comfortable enough mattress beneath you. You’re in a small hut, there’s a slight chill to the air making goosebumps grow and prickle across your skin. 
Everything seems too familiar. You’re sure now, wherever you are; you’ve been here before.
And then it hits.
You’re on Yavin 4. In Uncle Luke’s Temple. Where he had trained you...
But... why are you back here? How are you...--
Ben moves, the edge of his light-saber inches from your face. You can feel the heat of it reflect back onto the skin of your cheek. A shiver crawls down the back of your spine and suddenly the terror in your gaze intensifies as you glance back up to meet Ben’s eyes.
All you see his hatred. Anger. Betrayal.
There’s not an inch of him left in there. Ben is unrecognizable. Your brother is... gone.
This is the night. That night...
“Ben.” You don’t even recognize, not until it echoes back in your mind, that your voice cracks. All but breaks apart on you as your voice comes out in nothing more than a pathetic plea. You finally gain the courage to move, raising your arm and shielding it before yourself desperately as you glance past the cracks to meet your brothers eyes.
The eyes that won’t leave your mind.
“Please,” you cry, your eyes watering with distress, hurt, plea and everything in between. The idea almost seems impossible. Your own brother about to murder you.
Your own twin about to murder you.
“Please don’t do this...”
His silence only makes it worse. His absolute refusal to respond to anything. To not even speak to you. Even if his words wouldn’t have been words of reassurance -- you know that for a fact -- for him to not even say anything; to have no explanation as to why. As to why he’s doing this. As to why he wants to kill you...
It’s almost worst.
There’s a second longer of silence. Of just nothing. You can both hear and feel your heart pound erratically against your chest. You can feel yourself shake and this time not because of the cold; because you’re afraid. More than you ever have been.
More than you ever will be.
If you even live.
Where’s Luke? Where’s your Uncle? All the other Jedi...? Why isn’t anyone coming to help you?
Where’s your brother?
What had happened to make him this way...
And then, time slows. You meet Ben’s eyes, one last time, the last thing you see and think before everything turns dark is that your brother is gone. That there’s no trace of him left in the eyes that stare back at your own.
There’s a cry, the heat of his saber leaves for only a moment before your lips part in a blood-curling scream--
Blinking, you inhale sharply. You feel out of breath, your skin feels clammy. Your eyes without thought, without any real control, rapidly flicker around yourself, trying to assess where you are. The familiar setting, one that you distinctly remember, settles you. Eases you just enough that you manage to catch your breath, placing a hand against your chest.
You’re in the freighter. You’re safe.
Well, as safe as you can be in here. But, still. Safe enough. Safer then you had been... Thought you had been.
Sinking back against the seat you’d been settled in, you let out a huff. A dream-- nightmare, that’s all it’d been. Nothing more than a nightmare...
Though, there had been some truth to it...
Brushing back your hair, you place both hands against your warm cheeks, attempting to gather yourself. Your heart is still pounding madly against your chest, and you’re clearly still shaken if the unsettling feeling deep within your stomach is anything to go by. You can’t really calm down but you’re less frazzled then you had been moments ago.
And you’re definitely less... afraid then you had been.
You let your eyes fall shut. Just for a moment -- just to gather yourself. But almost instantly they flicker back open, a gasp leaving your lips.
Those eyes...
Ben’s eyes--
“We did it!”
Jumping from the sudden voice, your head instantly snaps up, catching sight of your father all but bursting into the room. The door nearly falls off it’s own hinges with the excitement behind his movements. The scare dwells off and you just roll your eyes at your father, slumping slightly at the loud bang the door makes as it hits the opposing wall.
“Hello to you too, dad.”
“We--” Pausing a moment, your father comes to a stop in front of you, sending you a sheepish smile. “Sorry,” he says simply, “were you sleeping?”
“Yeah,” you shrug, pushing yourself up to your feet, tucking your hair behind your ear. “But it’s fine. Don’t worry ‘bout it. You just scared me a little that’s all.”
The excitement in Han’s eyes dwindles somewhat once he gets a good look at you. Despite your best efforts to try to look somewhat okay, he is your father and he can easily tell something is wrong. Plus, if the sickly colour to your skin, the twitching of your fingers and the fear in your eyes is anything to go off. A frown of worry mares his lips as his brows furrow; “everything alright?”
“Fine,” you brush off.
Han just quirks a brow, telltale sign that he doesn’t believe any word of your bullshit.
“I’m fine, dad,” you grumble, rolling your eyes at him. Crossing your arms over your chest, you shake your head. “Seriously.” Your tone says to drop it. Han knows better then to argue -- your mother often used the same tone. “Now, you came bursting in here all excited; what’s up?”
There’s a moment of hesitation. Han clearly wants to push the subject but he knows you too well, you’re stubborn; like him. So he drops it. Letting his wide smile grace his features once more as he beams up at you. 
“We found the Millennium Falcon.”
“Chewie... We’re home.”
“Aweh, that’s so sweet. Almost makes me wanna cry.”
Pausing, your father glances back at you. You simply smirk back at him.
“I thought so.” Chuckling quietly to yourself, you smile at the grin Chewie sends you before following further into the Millennium Falcon behind Han. As your father goes to a few control panels and Chewie walks forward, both clearly focused, you simply let your gaze wander, blaster falling by your side limply.
You’ve never seen the Millennium Falcon in person. Only ever heard of it in one of your father’s many stories. Honestly, he went on and on about this ship you sometimes wondered if he loved it more then you.
You wouldn’t doubt it.
Not to mention, you’ve spent most of your time with your father trying to help him find his precious ship. So, to actually be able to stand in and see it with your own eyes... it’s kinda nice.
A sudden thud pulls your attention from your own wondering mind. Turning in the direction of the sound, you briefly glance at both your father and Chewie before the latter steps forward, pulling a gate up off from the floor as Han steps forward with his blaster raised. Your eyes widen when beneath the gated door rests a boy, a girl and a droid.
Peering over your father, you grin; “fancy meeting you two here.”
Rolling his eyes, Han simply ignores you. “Where are the others?” He asks the two, voice gruff. “Where’s the pilot?”
“I’m the pilot,” the girl says quickly. A little too quickly. But you can tell by her stance she’s clearly afraid. 
So would you -- if there was a blaster pointed at your face.
Chewie roars loudly, causing you to nod.
It was a little questioning.
“No, it’s true,” the girl continues, voice desperate. “We’re the only ones on board.”
“You can understand that thing?”
“Hey!” You call out to the boy, setting your eyes on him as you glare down at him harshly. “That thing can understand you. And his name is Chewie.” Chewie lets out a roar. “You’re welcome, Chewie.”
“Come on out of there,” Han orders sharply.
The two are quick to listen.
Walking past the two, you crouch down in front of the drop, smiling down. “Well hello there, little buddy. What’s your name?”
The droid happily beeps in response. 
Letting out a giggle, you nod your head, beaming down at him. “Nice to meet you too, BB-8.”
“Where’d you get this ship?” 
Turninh your head over your shoulder at your fathers words, you send one last bright smile BB-8′s way before standing up, falling next to your father as you gaze at the two curiously.
“Niima Outpost.”
Han visibly jerks his head back; “Jakku? That junkyard?”
“Thank you!” The boy calls out, turning to his friend; “told you.”
“Told you we should have double’checked the Western Reaches,” Han sighs, turning to Chewie.
“Actually,” you call out, pulling all eyes on you. “I believe that was me.”
Han simply ignores you. “Who had it?” He turns back to the two, “Ducain?”
“I stole it. From Unkar Plutt. He stole it from the Irving Boys, who stole it from Ducain.”
“Who stole it from me!” Your father calls out sharply, shuffling back on his feet. “Well, you tell him that Han Solo just stole back the Millennium Falcon for good.”
You watch as the girls eyes visibly brighten, following quickly after your father. “This is the Millennium Falcon? You’re Han Solo?”
“I used to be.”
Rolling your eyes, you step forward, moving so you can properly meet the girls eyes. “He is,” you correct, smiling at her.
“Han Solo,” the boy speaks, “the Rebellion General?”
You can’t help it. You snort.
“No, the smuggler.”
You snort again. This was just too good.
The boy turns to Chewie and you, “wasn’t he a war hero?”
You shrug along with Chewie.
“This is the ship that made the Kessel Run in fourteen parsecs?”
“Twelve!” Han calls from the piloting deck.
“Don’t mind him,” you sigh, smiling brightly at the two of them. Honestly, you find their child-like fascination kind of endearing. Spending all of your time with a cranky old man and Chewie (you, of course, have nothing bad to say about Chewie) makes you forget about how wonderful people can be sometimes. Even with the simplest of things.
“My fathers just reliving his glory days.”
“I heard that!”
The girl turns to you, wide-eyed; “you’re his daughter?”
“Yup,” you nod, extending your hand out towards her. “Y/N Solo. And you?”
“Rey,” she eagerly replies, shaking your hand firmly. You blink slightly at the action, meeting Chewie’s eyes briefly and sharing the same look, before turning to the boy.
“And you?’
He squares his shoulders, attempting to appear more... tough? maybe. You’re not sure.
“Nice to meet you two.”
“Hey!” Your father calls, pulling all eyes on him as he rejoins the group. “Some moof-milker put a compressor on the ignition line.”
“Unkar Pitt did,” Rey quickly explains, “I thought it was a mistake, too. Puts too much...--”
“--stress on the hyperdrive.”
Quirking a brow, you turn to Rey, impressed. Han shares a similar look; just a for a moment. It passes quickly. “Chewie. Throw them in a pod. We’ll drop them in the nearest inhabited planet.”
Chewie growls, nodding.
“Wait!” The girl calls, chasing after your father quickly. “No. We need your help.”
“My help?”
“He doesn’t like to help out a lot,” you shrug, nodding with Chewie, smirking.
“This droid has to get to the Resistance base...” Your smile and smirk quickly fades however when you properly register Rey’s words. Shoulders falling, you swallow thickly. “As soon as possible.”
Furrowing your brows, you shake your head; “why?
“He’s carrying a map to Luke Skywalker.” Finn adds.
You frown, glancing at your fathers back as he freezes. 
“You are the Han Solo that fought with the Rebellion.” At Finn’s words, Han slowly turns around, inhaling sharply. “You knew him.”
“Yeah,” he mumbles, “I knew him. I knew Luke.”
There’s an echo of silence before the moment is interrupted by a dull thud above your heads.
Eyes widening, you turn to your father, confused whose eyes widen, panic flooding them.
“Don’t tell me a Rathtar’s gotten loose.”
I know it’s cut off a little awkwardly. But I didn’t want the first part to be super long as every part after this one will pretty much be over three thousand words (probably over four thousand). 
This also helps sort of settle us in, I guess. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the first part. The beginning won’t have much Poe, but I promise you!! In due time it’ll all be worth it!
Please let me know what you thought.
Tag List: @sarcasm-n-insomnia - @dreaming-of-stars-forever - @emberlei - @taina-eny - @gracielou0518 - @eyeballtoes - @annoying-introvert - @daniellajocelyn - @captainmarvel17 - @mjlock - @blissfulbluenights - @treestarrrrrrrr - @sweetdayme4427 - @royahllty - @a-girl-who-loves-disney - @reejero - @scarletsoldierrr - @freaky-dcaky - @themysticallifeofesmerelda - @holybatflapexpert - @therobinathome - @ah-callie - @tall-geek-to-me - @azulcelestina - @oceandsrtworld - @good-vibes-and-glitter - @lwtficrecs - @unmotivatedwritings - @genius2050 - @mrsdaamneron - @plutonic-plague - @sgtwinter - @mandowhoreian - @musicandbeat - @kanda44​ - @itsfangirlmendes​ - @sweetheartlisbeth​ - @winchesterbrotherobsessed​ - @jxlb​ - @the-pastel-badger​ - @majorlyextra​ - @sebastianbarnesandchrisrogers​ - @fanfic-addict-98​
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witteksaga · 4 years
Close encounter - Jeff Wittek One Shot
Just a lil’ something I wrote, hope you enjoy it! 😌
Warnings: maybe a little angst, it’s more of a fluff
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Whenever you were in the same room, there was tension. Of course, only you could sense the heaviness of the air. You liked thinking about the energy his presence was causing. It was distracting from him, because god, you could stare at him for hours. You had to be on alert at all times because he was just so damn handsome, every move of his was mesmerising to you. You had always thought no matter how much of a pretty face someone has, if the way his body moved and all of their grimaces and physical behaviour is attractive, that makes a killer combination in terms of appeal. Well, Jeff not only had a ridiculously beautiful face, but each move of his body was sending shivers down your spine.
However, those were thoughts for your head only. You were all friends - it would be awkward to admit your (quite) inappropriate crush on someone in your closest friend circle. But it was hard as fuck, especially when he often enough would meet your admiring gaze, or would brush your hand when you're walking next to each other, or the very subtle way he always made sure he sits somewhere near you. Call you crazy, but you felt a certain similar energy from his side as well.
This went on for a few months when you first started becoming closer with the group. It happened like it does in the movies - you entered a room full of strangers at a party at David's house, and the moment your eyes met his - you knew you were hooked. You noticed that when a mutual friend introduced you he shook your hand too firmly, it even hurt you a bit. But maybe that was a secretive way to leave an impression on you. It did.
The fact that you had lots and lots in common didn't help you either. You could never have a moment of awkward silence as you always find something interesting to talk about. You felt immense pleasure whenever you two communicated. You just couldn't have enough. And on top of it all, you adored his dark and dry sense of humour. It felt so unique and you felt quite embarrassed when you laughed a little too hard at his jokes.
You were deep into your thoughts, analysing your seemingly normal friendship when a loud voice pulled you back to reality. The reality of a rather busy and intense house party, celebrating yet another ridiculous success of David's.
"Yooo, where the hell are you, I've been looking everywhere for you!" - a rather drunk Natalie said as she grabbed you for your shoulders to help keep her own balance.
"You looked where? I've been in the same place for a while now." - you laughed at your drunken friend as you helped her to find a place to sit and collect herself.
"You've been a bad friend, you left me with the boys and they got me drunk."
"I think you and Todd are even drunker than Zane, that's a new for you, Nat." - you said as you let her sit down on the sofa.
"Well, I needed some courage, you know. I'm tired of acting all cool and collected, I need fun as well.." - her attention was caught by a very drunk Todd who was up at the pool table doing god knows what.
"You go get that boy and have all the fun you want!" - you encouraged her as you knew about her not-so-hidden flirt with the biggest flirt of all the boys.
"I see you're the one taking care of the others again." Jeff said as he appeared from somewhere behind you. Just act as if it's nothing, you thought to yourself.
"Yeah, that's the unfortunate fate of the sober friend, you would know that." You said as you turned around to face him.
"No, I just leave them to see to what extent they can embarrass themselves, so that I can have my fun later." He said as he smiled at you.
"Well then my sobriety works in my favour." You said but then a very loud thud distracted you both. You turned around to see Zane curled on the floor with everyone gathered around him and asking if he's okay.
"Wow, Zane, what did you do?" Jeff pushed everyone around so that he can check if he needs to go to the hospital, you standing close behind.
"My head hurts. And my arm." Zane slurred his words. He definitely needed to go the hospital.
"Okay buddy, hold on to me, I'll drive you to the hospital. "You're coming too." He said as he turned to look at you for a second. "Grab my keys from my jacket." You did as you were told. The drive to the hospital was very quick, with Jeff's mad driving you were surprised he didn't manage to get pulled over.
Zane had a minor concussion and needed to sleep a lot, but otherwise he was okay. You felt really shaken up, only noticing it when Jeff handed you down a coffee and you barely could keep it in your hands and not spill it everywhere.
"Hey, you okay? You're shaking." Jeff said as he took the cup from your hands and left it in the floor next to his foot.
"I just don't understand how he does it everytime, he nearly lost consciousness in the car, I'm just worried." You rambled as you felt your voice trembling.
"You know how he is, he'll be fine, you shouldn't worry now. Come here." He said as he opened his arms and pulled your shoulders towards him, embracing your small frame close to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and breathed in deeply, sensing his cologne and immediately feeling calmer. His head found its way in your hair, murmuring softly  "it's okay". The effects this boy had on you were indescribable. You stayed hugged for a while, until you heard someone coughing. You quickly separated and saw David and Heath staring at you.
"Everything okay?" David asked.
"Yeah, man, he's sleeping right now and then we'll take him home. He hit his head a bit too hard but he'll definitely live." Jeff explained as he again put the cup of not-so-hot coffee in your hands.
"You guys seem really tired, why don't you head home, me and Heath will wait and take him home." David offered as he saw the state you were in.
You opened your mind to protest but Jeff's response was quicker. "Okay, call me when you get home." He said as he tapped Heath's shoulder and motioned you to go before him.
You didn't say much in the car, you still felt a bit shaken up and Jeff's close presence wasn't helping with your nerves. He silently parked in front of your building and turned the engine off, rubbing his eyes.
"You wanna come up?" You said without thinking, seeing as he was just as tired as you. "You're tired and it's better if you can rest a bit." You tried explaining.
He looked at you and smiled a little as he said okay. You led the way up the stairs and prayed to calm your nerves, there was so much going on that you felt a bit too much of all of it.
"Just make yourself comfortable. You want something to drink?" You said as you wondered around your little kitchen while Jeff threw himself in the couch.
"Just water, thanks." He said as he took the remote and turned the tv on. He flicked through a few channels and then switched to Netflix and looking though what you've been watching last. You handed him his water and sat next to him. He immediately turned to look at you and just stayed like that. His intense stare made you very conscious until you decided to ignore it.
"Why don't we hang out more?" He asked, still staring at you.
"We hang out all the time, what do you mean?" You were genuinely confused.
"No, I mean just you and me. I feel like you avoid me sometimes."
Oh crap. You had to think of something and quick. "Well, our friends' unfortunate incidents bring us together, so maybe if more of that happens." You tried to use humour to get around his question.
Jeff smiled a little and looked down at hands.  "Just promise me that you're not avoiding me on purpose. I wouldn't like it if I knew you don't like to spend time with me."
You were surprised at his vulnerability. You never thought he cared that much what other people think.
"Jeff, I love spending time with you, I don't know why you think otherwise, you know how highly I think of you. Don't ever question that."
His smile grew a bit more as he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his chest. You weren't used to this level of intimacy with him but somehow it felt too good to question it. You relaxed your head on his chest and just enjoyed the moment. He shifted a little, then pressed a feather light kiss on top of your head and continued holding you close. You felt as calm as can be and you soon started to drift of to sleep. Jeff had his head leaning on the couch, lips still slightly pressed into your hair. You both fall asleep almost instantly, just happy to be in each other's arms.
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saturatedboy · 3 years
The Paw of a Lion (Ethan!Winters x Karl!Heisenberg)
My work can be found on AO3 (Use the title above)
Please note all this is a series and after the events of Resident Evil 8. Everyone has survived and lived. I’m still open to requests but I’m writing two stories on the side so your request may take an extra day to write.
Requests: Open
Word Count: 4.3K
Being in the chopper held no safety over the male blonde. He could have been dead, free from all this mess but plans had been changed last minute to ensure his safety. And now, he was sat next to his wife, Mia, cradling their child close to himself as he became derealisation. Just under the 24-hour mark, the male had to repeat the worse of his days once again. It seemed no matter what breaks he was given; he was never able to truly escape the grasp of lies being floated around him. Even having his child in his arms, knowing his understanding of being all mold, he felt as though something was still missing- he knew something else was missing...but what?
Light taps had been hitting his shoulder, yet he chose to ignore them. He wouldn't be able to pull out his mind for a while to come, and yet he didn’t see why his thoughts that engulfed him should be interrupted. He had every right to ignore everyone. All the thieving liars. “Ethan, we know your mad.” His wife’s words had reached out to him, leaving him to hold their child closer to his chest. The movement went unnoticed by his wife luckily. He wouldn’t let his baby girl go, not after everything that had happened to them both in this shithole of a village. “Please Ethan, speak to us.” Mia’s voice had sounded desperate, as though she truly meant she wanted to hear him talk back.
“Tch.” The simple sound left his lips as he moved to look upon his once everything, the person he was really meant to truly love yet couldn’t find the lingering feeling of that word at the given moment. To him now, it seemed Mia was nothing but a classic wolf in sheep’s clothing. “And say what exactly,” He sneered, shaking his head as he gazed down to stare at his daughter who was sleeping soundly as she cuddled closed to his sanded coat, she was wrapped in. “And say I forgive, that we can be a normal happy family.” Mia bit her bottom lip, fingers twitching to place on her clearly shaken husband’s arm, yet she didn’t dare to touch him anymore after his words directed at her show no mercy in actually wanting anything such as a civil conversation with her.
“I know I lied- many of us did to you, but we are trying to protect you!” She leaned forward in her seat, trying to capture Ethan’s attention. His eyesight never left the bundle of his girl but his facial expression shifted into furrow brow and a forced small smile.
“Protect me. Everyone says that- even in those cheap romantic movies they say that. How can I be the one to be protected when our daughter here was almost killed for someone else’s sickening needs. That someone you knew clearly well. You're protecting me? Since when have you ever protected me. All this trouble, everything that has happened was all because you let yourself get mixed up in all the trouble you see.”  
“Ethan,” A deep warning tone came from the front of the chopper. A wider male leaned his body to the side to peer over the chair he was sat in. He stared at the two partners that sat on a metal bench with an intense glare that was mostly was directed at the male. “Anger doesn’t get any of us anywhere. We have explaining and so do you.” His words cancelled out any further arguments between the married couple, leaving them all in silence as the mixed of harsh and soft breathing had been heard through the headsets they all wore.
Ethan took a deep breath in and out, calming his racing heartbeat that was making him feel slightly dizzy “Is there anything else I should be aware about,” Thankfully, he was quickly responded back by Redfield, the wider male at the front who wasted no time in explaining everything that seemed important.
“Those...Lords have been found alive and are being taken by other members of my squad to be reported back at the base. Seems you never actually killed them. We are planning to run tests on them and then we will let the higher ups decide what out next move shall be with them.” The mention of those Lords sent a sick bug down Ethan’s throat. Knowing they were alive had him questioning his own safety now. Would they want to kill him for trying to kill them? Because they are mutated like himself would he be placed to go against them, for all of them to become Lab Rats to the BSAA? What would happen to his daughter-
“I do not give any consent for my daughter to be used as some Lab Rat,” his lips became dry as the words left him. No, he wouldn’t allow his daughter to have such tests run on her. She was a baby. A small, fragile, and the only person Ethan felt like needing in his life.
Redfield had moved to face forward, not wanting to respond to the father’s words. The BSAA would surely need Rosemary for a few days to make sure everything for her was okay, was stable and that she could be placed into a society where she could be kept safe. Chris sighed and leaned back, watching as the horizon of the sky lightened up. Soon...soon things will calm down and until then, there was sure to be violence between all parties in this situation. The Lords, Mia, Ethan and of course himself. “I mean it Chris; any sort of harm that comes to my daughter I will have to do things I wouldn't regret.” The tone of venom hadn’t been ignored by anyone that was listening in on the headsets. Ethan had truly changed; he was no longer the sweet loving husband everyone knew of- instead he was rather the hunter, the lion willing to protect its cub.
Ethan stepped into the base of the BSAA. Mia had been moved by other agents to go somewhere else to split the two and to ease the tension both of them brought and Ethan was glad for that move to be made. The shining lights and its agents running about had him questioning how much actually were these people prepared for. Looking around, checking for any danger, Ethan followed Redfield and a few agents into an elevator with Rosemary in his arms still. He had refused to let her out of his sight until he knew she was truly safe. The elevator had taken them up 30 floors in total and the ride had become very uncomfortable for the standing agents. They could feel the anger flying off between the two men only for it to be cut short when they finally excited the cramped space. Ethan had once again followed Chris to a room where more agents stood and two lone white coats around a large office table with a whiteboard at the furthest end from the door. “Ethan, I want you to meet the people who would be working with you.” Ethan sent a short nod to everyone in the room, adjusting Rose in his hold to have a secure hold around her small body.  
A woman outstretched a hand towards Ethan with a bright smile. “I’m Sherley, I’m somewhat a case worker for you. Any troubles you want speaking about; I’ll will send them to our higher ups for the matters to be discussed.” Ethan ignored the hand, choosing to sit down around the large wooden table.
“I apologise for Mr Winter’s manners. He has been through a lot.” Chris responded, sending a kind smile to Sherley who nodded and began to sit down as well, sitting closer to the head of the table at the other side facing Ethan. Chris sighed and shook his head towards Ethan, showing his disappointment in the lack of manners before going to sit at the head of the office table. Other agents and the scientist sat down in the unoccupied seats, however leaving Ethan’s side empty. Raising a finger to his earpiece, Chris sent a quick message to all responsive. “Send them in.”
Ethan glared at Chris, his words finding more questions to raise into the father’s mind. Who was ‘Them’? It seemed he didn’t have to wait long for the familiar voices to catch his ears. Before Ethan could speak up in any protests, a swarm of flies had swarmed in with crackling voices. They were soon followed by the familiar Lords Ethan had tried killing- but leaving them alive. Lady Dimitrescu walked in first, her eyes ignoring the sitting blonde and instead standing behind her three daughter who had placed themselves together in three seats. Next to walk in was Moreau who held a metal container in his hands. Ethan dropped his gaze to his little Rose, who was slightly awake but dropping her eyelids to sleep again. Soon more people had entered, the high pitch doll had Ethan looking up and glaring at the doll with a glare that would’ve killed her. “Keep her quiet, my daughter here is trying to sleep.” The power of his voice sent Angie to be silent, she still knew what Ethan could do if he wanted to- she held tightly onto Lady Beneveinto finding fear for the blonde who had almost killed her and her Lady. They sat closest to Chris, Angie prompting Donna to do so, so she could stay away from Ethan’s murderous glare. There was only one empty seat next to Ethan now, and he could hear the boots of who would occupy that seat coming closer.
“Am I late to the meeting,” The voice had crackled out, stubbing his cigar against the door frame and dropping it to the ground before entering the room seeing everyone together. “Ooo, everyone looks scary,” His sarcasm had left him with an angered Vampire and a sigh from Redfield. Finding amusement in the situation, he plopped himself in the chair next to Ethan and gave him a flashy smile.
“Look at me again and I will make sure to finish the job,” Ethan smiles back, watching as Heisenberg’s face shifted from his flashy smile to a croaked smile. He slowly faced away from Ethan, his eyes landing on his ‘older sister’ who was holding back an amuse smile of her own.
“Maybe the father isn’t all bad,” She cooed, watching as Ethan messed with his daughter’s outstretched hands.  
“So, I’m glad you’re all here.” Redfield spoke, getting rid of any attention on Rose and her father. He stood up out his chair and placed his arms behind his back in a soldier-like manner. “We are all here to discuss what will happen with you all since...you know-” Chris struggled to find the words, what was he supposed to say? What should he call their indifferences?
“Because we are all monsters?” Ethan piped up, his eyes still not leaving his daughter who brought a weird warmth into his heart that only a child could achieve.  
“I wouldn’t say that but because you’re all different from regular people.”  
“Just get on with it, I haven’t got the time.” Ethan had really changed in Chris’ eyes. He was more demanding, only now taking power over any situation and wanting to have control of it. ‘Father Instincts’ Chris had brushed it off as. He was sure Ethan would go back to being the man he first met after the incident at the Baker’s house- well he hoped he would go back to that version of himself anyway.
“Right. So, for starters we are placing you all in a close proximity neighbourhood for safe checking and safety for you all. Any arguments against that?” Suddenly the Lords begun arguing and Rosemary had started to cry. Dimitrescu was stating her daughters would easily die. Moreau was stating he had no home since he was a water base monster, Angie was speaking up for Beneviento stating being close to anyone in general wasn’t good on her Lady’s health and lastly, Heisenberg had shouted out over everyone else that he had no need to be kept a close eye on as he was the safest one of them all- the statement got a lot of eye rolls over from everyone in the room. One by one, Chris had silenced them to the point he could be heard again if it wasn’t for the cries of Rose and Ethan’s gentle vice soothing her down. He raised his hands to his temple to rub away the headache he was getting from the loud noises before speaking again after Ethan had successful quietened Rose. “It’s just for now, other living arrangements may be made later on in time. Please, be the grownups you are in this society and accept what you are given. Now agents, is there anything you want to speak about with the Lords of the Village?”
Ethan watched as his daughter fell asleep, he toned out the agents talk. He couldn’t help the smile that grew on his lips, seeing his daughter so peaceful away from danger now gave him a reason to also feel safe. He will protect her, not the protection Mia had provided him but he would do better for his baby. Ethan rubbed his mutated hand against her cheek, watching her smile in her sleep and rub against the trunks of his loss two fingers. “You’re not a bad father,” A voice spoke next to him. Soon his smile changed to a scowl, he looked over at Heisenberg watching as the rugged man looked down at the sleeping Rose.
“And what would you know about fatherhood?” Ethan snarled back, keeping his voice quiet to not draw attention to himself. Heisenberg released a chuckle that only Ethan heard and leaned back further in his seat, letting himself slouched down backwards.
“I know to be a father you need to place your children first...which is exactly what you did,” He mummed out, looking back at Ethan to see him no longer looking at him and rather back at his daughter. Ethan slowly nodded, giving his face a break from having an angered look at the other and instead rested his expressions.
“If you know little, then why did you try to use my daughter as a weapon?” He questioned the Lord, looking towards him still ignoring the speaking agents who were now speaking more towards Angie than Beneviento. The room felt a little more open now, being settled around enemies was a scary thought at first to the father but now, it seemed as though he may be settling down fine with them seemingly, they all now shared a sort of connection. The Lord had lifted himself out from his slouched position and sat straight, completely facing away from having his chair facing the other side of the table to now be facing Ethan fully. Heisenberg, having his back turned facing Redfield, used this opportunity to talk to the father he so desperately wanted on his side for the fight.
“I never wanted to hurt your daughter, I’m not like that bitch Miranda. I just needed to use her to break Miranda’s powers. I’m not good at socialising with good words, I probably phrased my needs wrongly and I never wanted that. We were supposed to be a team Ethan, you and me destroying the Bitch of Crows.” Ethan fell silent, watching as Heisenberg stared at him from behind his shades.
“You need to work on your social skills.” The point that came from Ethan had Heisenberg holding back a loud chuckle. The father was right but the sudden response of that sentence had put Heisenberg off his serious demur.
“I’ll work on them one day. For now, how about we start over?” His question lingered between Ethan and himself. It took a few short seconds and careful thinking before Ethan had responded.
“Maybe...” Although Heisenberg didn’t get a full ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, he was still pleased either way. He and Ethan could do so much if he agreed. Heisenberg was already strumming ideas in his mind such as them building together, or annoying his ‘older sister’. So much now that he had some of his freedom he could do- and who better to spend his freedom with the man who saved them all.  
“Are we interrupting something?” Chris had spoken up with a raised brow. Ethan shook his head, staring at the other man. Heisenberg moved his chair back to its original position and also shook his head, tilting his hat to cover a little more of his face feeling the eyes on him by the agents. “Okay...so you will be going to the neighbourhood after this meeting and settling in your homes. Please note you may be moved in the future depending how well all this goes. As for you Ethan,” Ethan had physically shrunken back at the mention of his name. Why did he have to be a part of all this? “You need to decided whenever you want Mia living with you since that flight you both seemed a little distance from each other.” The blonde had wasted no time to answer, having no second thoughts.
“I want nothing to do with her.” Chris was taken back from Ethan.  
“A-are you sure? She’s your wife-”
“No. I want a divorce this minute. I can’t handle any more lies Chris. And I certainty can’t stand her own mind games.” Before Chris could ask for further explanation to his reasons, Sherley spoke up.
“I’ll have the papers sent to her straight away Mr Winters.” She had quickly gathered her own folders off the table and left with two agents trailing behind her out of the meeting room. The three daughters had begun to whisper amongst themselves, Ethan hearing the sentence of ‘what is a divorce’ coming from Bella’s mouth.
“E-Ethan. Think about this.” Chris wanted answers, he wasn’t going to be left out. He wanted to protected Ethan and now he was going to make sure that Ethan’s happiness was also something to be thought about with all this.
Ethan looked down at Rose again, not daring to look back up. It seemed Rose gave him the calmness he had been searching for all his life since meeting Mia. “She’s a bad person for me Chris. I believe I’ll be better off without her.”  
“But what about the young one?” It was a scientist that spoke up this time, pointing with a pen at the baby cradled in her father’s arms.
Ethan swallowed, he needed to think. And quick. There were really only two options to that question and he could either be a bad parent, or be the decent guy. “She can have half custody over our child, but I wish for her to not be anywhere near me or my home where I’ll be keeping Rose safe when she is with me.” The agents and scientist were jotting down notes, clearly his every movement was being recorded and Ethan was stuck thinking if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Clicking the pen down, the same scientist spoke back up.
“Okay and that’s all we needed to know. Please remember Lords that you will have tests run on you to ensure our safety as much as your own. There is only so much we can give you at the moment until you complete all tests. Your first tests will start tomorrow. Have a good rest of the day.” They all quickly packed up, leaving Chris, Ethan and his spawn as well as the Lords alone in the room. However, the room wasn’t completely private, a small camera being in the corner watching over the whole table.
“So... this is it?” Angie asked, looking around the whole table. “We will be kept alive?” Hope was evident in her tone, it seemed she was just as glad as the others to be alive.
“You are allowed to be spared. I’m not going to lie, at first the BSAA were going to make sure every last one of you were dead for caution reasons...but it seemed Winters had the better judgement of the matter and the actions has led the organisation to believe you are allowed to live because of his judgement.” Chris smiled as he saw a small amount of red leak onto Ethan’s cheek. He hated having attention brought onto himself, and Chris knew that all too well.
Moreau was the next to speak up. “So, because of him, we are allowed to live?” Chris answered with a nod of the head. Moreau started to jump up and down in his seat, clearly excited at the news. “Oh, that’s wonderful! Mr Winters, I have so much to thank you for! Even if I did follow mother’s orders a lot...”  
Ethan’s face flushed a darker red, only on his ears however as he tried his best to shake off the words of Moreau. “Don’t thank me- who knows what they’ll put you through with the tests.”
“It doesn’t quite matter yet though. You’ve practically gave us freedom we all never thought to ever have.” Dimitrescu leaned back up to stand, after leaning over all three of her daughters in the meeting, placing a hand on her hip as she faced Ethan who was sat down and trying to turn away from all the attention. Dimitrescu bowed slightly, earning a gasp from all three of her girls. As she stood straight back up, she coughed into her closed fist and gave a warm smile. “Thank you for giving us it.”
“Guys honestly, don’t thank me. There is nothing to be thankful for,” His whines came out of deaf ears as Angie was next to scream out appreciative words to be joined in with Moreau after and Dumitrescu daughters. Chris smiled, finding all this amusing and... warming almost.  
‘They really are just people at the end of the day’ He thought, frowning a little at the realisation that they are only like this because of what Miranda had done. True people stripped of their right and humanity all for a small girl to come back... it all failed either way. “As much as I’m sure Ethan enjoys the attention, it's time for you all to head to your new housing area. Leave the meeting room and agents will escort you to cars that will bring you to your neighbourhood. Any requirements you need, state them to the agents in the car and we’ll do our best to bring them to you over time.” Chris nodded his head to the room before being the first to leave. Next to follow was Angie with Lady Beneveinto, next after them was Moreau with a scowling Dimitrescu following behind complaining about the stench he was carrying. Her daughters followed her also, asking if they could have their coats that were taken off them when they set foot into the building.
Left in the room was Ethan with his child and Heisenberg who didn’t make any sort of movement of leaving. Ethan waited a few minutes before starting to get a little annoyed with his presence. “Aren’t you going to go?” He asked, looking towards the Lord who seemed to stare into space. Not getting an answer, Ethan huffed and adjusted Rose to lay in one of his arms before using the other to shake Heisenberg’s shoulder. It worked as the Lord was taken out of his mind.
“hm? What? W-What did you say?” He asked, taking his shades off and placing them into his trench coat’s pocket. Ethan resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
“I asked aren’t you going to go as well, to your new home?” Heisenberg rested his eyes to stare at Ethan.  
“Are you also coming papa?” He asked back, smiling as Ethan groaned.
“Stop calling me that, just call me Ethan.”  
“Okay...Mr Winters.” The lord teased watching as the other was getting riled up. With a kick of the leg, Heisenberg laughed as Ethan laid back on his chair and started to kick one of the Lord’s knees. “You call that a kick? C’mon you hurt a lot more back in the Village.”
“Just go Heisenberg, you got your freedom now go.” Ethan stopped kicking the other Lord, resisting the urge to smile. It felt nice to be playful...even if it was with an enemy of the past. Heisenberg had a kind smile, it wasn’t his usual smirk but something much different, a lot better.
“And do I get the honours of spending my freedom with the man who gave me it?” The question left Ethan speechless. Heisenberg wanted him to be spending his life with. The lack of an answer left Heisenberg's smile to falter a little, seeing the father so hesitant with his words. “It’s aright if you don't want to. I get it, you got a lot going on and I’m sure me being there will worsen things-”
“We are neighbours remember?” Ethan spoke up, standing out of his seat and looking down at the shorter male. “I suppose you can pop around whenever, just don't do anything that will get you into trouble with me.”  
Smiling again, Heisenberg stood out of his seat with much enthusiasm and nodded sharply. “Yes, sir no sir, there will be no trouble with me.”
“You’re an idiot,” was Ethan’s last words as he spoke in a happy tone before he left the meeting room with Rose cradled in his arms just about waking up.
“Wanting to be your idiot.” Heisenberg spoke to no one, plotting more ideas for himself and the father. Maybe after tomorrow’s first test, he could give the blond a visit.
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moonflower-31 · 4 years
I Won’t Forget You - Spencer Reid x Reader
Part 4  
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader 
Warnings: Gun violence, child death, suicide, suffocation, cliffhanger
Tags: @dra-reid, @eevee0722, @ceeellewrites, @anotherr-fine-mess 
"Are you sure about this, (L/N)?" 
"Positive. It's all in the details. We needed to narrow down the suspects, and considering how this woman didn't just shoot these men, and the drugs aren't cheap, I had to make the connection." You insist, placing the map in front of Hotch and putting a finger on the highlighted neighborhood. Garcia had printed it out for you quickly so you could show Hotch and hopefully catch this bitch. 
"It matches the profile in that our unsub is still a medical worker, just in a place where schooling isn't required. Such as a long-term care facility or an urgent care." Spencer cut in, backing up your statement. 
Hotch sighed and looked from you to Spencer. "Alright, have Garcia run the profile by the urgent care near the neighborhood. See if it matches any of their employees. If we get any matches, we'll send out a few people to scout her house." He says, turning around and leaving the room as soon as he had walked in. 
Pretty soon afterwards, you were alone with Spencer again. Not that you didn't  to be.  
"That was good work." He spoke up, gathering the map and papers up from the table. "You wanna call Garcia or should I?" He adds after a moment. 
You keep your head down, afraid that if you look him in the eye he'd be able to see all of the covert thoughts you had about him. Even through the seriousness of this case, your mind wandered back to what had occured just days before. You were still unsure as to what he had meant by any of it. No matter how hard you tried to play it off as just an accidental touch, your heart wouldn't let you. 
You nervously pull a strand of loose hair behind your ear and chuckle to distract Spencer from your lack of looking him in the eye. "I-I can do it. Thanks for the coffee, by the way."
You might've been looking down, but you still caught the wide smile that Spencer flashed towards you. "Of course. You'll sleep when we get home though." He insists, playfully pointing at you. 
"I dunno, I might just live off coffee like my favorite Doctor." You tease, picking up your now cold coffee cup and taking a sip. 
You heard a few footsteps, but no reply. Which confused you. Until you turned your head and finally met Spencer’s eyes that stared intently into yours. 
"Oh, so I'm your favorite now? If I'm your favorite, you should listen to me." He says softly, standing so closely to you and giving you the most intense look with his brown, hazel eyes. You couldn't look into them, no matter how much you wanted to. 
It took you longer than expected to finally respond, but when you did you felt like a flopping fish out of water. "B-but w-what if I don't want to? What if… I prefer coffee to sleep?" He had you in his hands almost like putty. And you knew he could mold you any way he wanted. You just hoped he didn't know that. 
"You sure about that? Did you know that if a strong enough emotion is felt, your voice betrays you if you try to deny it?" You can feel your inner resolve crumbling. And he wasn't even doing anything! He was probably just trying to get you to take care of yourself. Which you should. But you just had to be a brat about it. "It's actually really interesting, we usually go for the facial expression one gives off, but most people can learn to fake an emotion through their face. But the voice…"
You can feel your heart pounding in your chest by now. You could feel his breathing against your neck. He was so damn close! And you had nowhere to run because of his damn legs. He'd catch you in an instant. You gulped and looked him back in the eyes. What were you doing? 
"The voice can't really be trained to not give away how a person feels. Especially when it's strong enough. Now tell me, when did you get the confidence in the last three minutes and 43 seconds to look me in the eye again?" He finally backed away, raising an eyebrow at you as you finally straightened your posture and tried to compose yourself. 
You stayed quiet however, unsure of whatever could be appropriate to respond with to that tone of voice. What was he doing? You wanted so bad to lean forward, take his soft, thick lips in yours and push him against the stale countertops inside the police station. 
"I-I… I gotta c-call Garcia. I'll let you know if we get any matches." You almost feel like kicking yourself as you back away from him and practically flee the room. This was getting to be too much. Were you reading too much into your and his interactions? Or was this really something that he wanted to try? 
You couldn't trust your own feelings anymore. So you did the next best thing: you called Garcia. You hoped that maybe you could chat a little more after you gave Garcia the addresses and the urgent care to go through. You had to talk to somebody and she was the only person that you had gotten the feeling that she wouldn't tease you for how you felt. 
"Hello my lovely! Decided to call me finally? What can I do for you my fine furry friend?" Garcia asks cheerfully. You couldn't help but smile at how happily she greeted you. And she had only just met you. 
"Yeah, sorry Penelope
Everyone else has been calling you for me. So now it's my turn." You tease. "Anyway, I thought maybe we were looking at the income of our unsub the wrong way." 
"Ooh, thinking outside the box, I likey. Whatcha got, Darling?" 
"The neighborhood I had you highlight, I want you to cross reference the residents with the people who work at the urgent care nearby. If any fit, run the profile by their employer. I think we may be able to catch this woman after all." 
"Oh I love the way you think. I'll get on that at godspeed my queen. Garcia out-" 
"Wait-!" You interject, sighing gently. 
"Oh? Can I help you with something else, your gorgeous highness?" Garcia asked, and you could hear the eyebrow wiggle. Guess that's what you got from hanging out with Gabriel too much. 
"Okay, uh, I gotta tell somebody about this before my mouth explodes all my secrets. You think you can keep it?" You ask nervously. You wanted to trust this woman so badly. You needed a girlfriend who didn't put you down for dating any guys. Or liking any for that matter, like Iris.
"Oh, some gossip! I will keep my lips sealed with superglue my lovely! Now tell me all the juicy details!" 
You giggle and look around, being sure no one but Garcia could hear you. "Okay… I don't know what the hell is going on with Reid but… I kinda like him. He's cute, I'll admit it. I used to do some hacking and I found pictures of him. He was my celebrity crush. But make it FBI." You ranted. "And now I'm getting mixed signals from him. Like just a couple days ago, his hand like--brushed against my hip as I went to try and help him with the geographical profile, and he was so damn close!" You hiss into the phone. "A-and today? He got super close again. And he practically had me trapped. But other than that, I don't get any other signs that maybe he might like me. Even if he's just attracted to me. So you can understand my dilemma." You sigh, leaning against the wall. 
Garcia was quiet for a few moments, making you worried that she was going to judge you or put you down for being so stupid. Then you had to pull the phone away from your ear for a few seconds as Garcia squealed. 
"Oh my god I knew it! You two totally hit it off when you came in here for your first day!  I knew there was something there! It's totally okay to feel like that. I don't know what you see in that boy, but go after him like the queen you are." She insists. 
"Heh, I dunno if I'll do anything yet. I want to see if things go anywhere first. Even if he just wants to be friends. I just want to be sure I'm not adding another embarrassing memory that I will never forget. But thanks Garcia."
"Of course my sweetness. That's what I'm here for. Other than being the techie for the FBI." She says sweetly. 
"I gotta go, let me know if there are any matches." You finally lead off. 
"Of course! Wait, hold on," 
"What is it?" 
"You'd think the search would massively decrease the amount of suspects, right? Well all of the suspect-women in this neighborhood, are working at this urgent care. It's like single mom central." Garcia answered, typing away on her computer. 
"That's alright, thanks Garcia. Run that by the employer with the new list of names anyway, see if he'll give any of them up." You say. 
"Will do. Talk soon!" 
You can't help but smile to yourself as she hangs up. She really was untameable. Not that you would want to. 
You turn your head and begin to head down the station hallway as you see Reid race out of the room with the evidence. 
"He-hey! What's going on?" You ask in a mild panic. 
"We have a witness, the unsub tried to kill again." 
"Any information at all would help, Mr.Greeley." You assure, sitting in front of the man in the chair with his head laid against the table. 
"I want my wife. I want my son." He says in a hiccuped tone. 
"I know, sir. But if you can give us any distinguishing features it can help us narrow down our suspects to find her." You assure again, laying a gentle hand on his. 
"Are they on their way?" He asks, looking at you with sore, red eyes. 
"Yes sir. We've called some of the nearby officers to come bring them. Alright?"
The door to the room opens and you both look up, seeing Prentiss join the two of you. "Everything okay?" She asks. 
"Yeah, he's just shaken up. Who wouldn't be?" You say, sighing. "Darren, would you be up to having a sketch artist come in here? If you don't feel up to sharing what she looked like that's fine." You turn and ask the newest almost-victim. 
"No it… I can give you a few things. She… she had dirty blond hair. It was… messy. Her skin was pale, her fingers were calloused. A-and… her eyes were brown. Oh god her eyes…" he whispered, running a hand through his hair. 
"I'm deeply sorry this happened to you. This information will greatly help the investigation. We will find this woman. Do you still feel okay with the sketch artist coming in?" Emily asked, gesturing towards the door. Silently, the man nodded. You stood up and nodded to Emily, leaving the room to bring the news to everyone else. 
"Did he see her?" Morgan asks, walking up to you from the semi-circle the team had formed near the room you had been talking with the victim. 
"Yeah. Got a good look at her too. Apparently she missed his blood entirely and poured the drugs onto her shirt instead of injecting him with it. So when she pushed him to the ground he got to see her eyes. Garcia's working on faxing us the photos now, see if the sketch will match anything." You nod to him, noticing the fax machine beginning to run. 
Once the photos were faxed, you carried them over to the desk Reid was currently leaning against. You dropped them onto the surface and sighed. "About 23 women, and one description that is super common. How fast do you think we'll get stuck?" You ask him, giving Spencer a teasing look. 
"I doubt we will. Once we narrow these women down to what he saw, we can show them in a line-up fashion. See which one sparks a memory." Reid assures, looking down at the photos and closing the file in his hands. 
"I cannot imagine being this woman and thinking that I should kill these men because they just became fathers. I mean, I can understand her not wanting other women to have to deal with becoming single mothers because their partners decide to skedaddle. But still, give him a chance first." You rant, beginning to sort through the photos by whether or not the suspects fit the description. 
"True. However in her state of mind she probably views all men the same. That they'll all eventually leave her. Maybe her father left too." Spencer suggests, taking a few photos and sorting them with you once he noticed the pattern. 
"That could be true. But I guess we won't know until we get a match-" you sigh. 
Emily hurried out of the interview room and carried a sketch pad with her. "Here," she says, placing the drawing paper in front of you. "Do any of the suspects look like her?" 
You push the unlikely suspects pile of photos away, about to find Emily her answer, when Spencer spoke up for you. 
"Yes, she was one of the first women you sorted." He says, flipping through the pile faster than you ever could and pulling out a photo. "Here, this is her." He says. 
"Let's get this photo back to Garcia, see if she can get us a name." You cut in, standing up and picking up the forgotten pictures. Emily nods to you and heads off to fax the photo back to Garcia. 
"What do you got, baby girl?" 
"We got a name, Kathy Burgess. She's a single mother, recently gave birth to her son Jason about 7 months ago and--oh my god…" Garcia trails. 
"What is it Garcia?" You ask, hurrying your feet towards the SUV's. She hadn't given you all an address yet, but it wasn't too late not to get ready to head out. 
"Her husband was killed in Afghanistan 3 months ago after being deployed the week before her son was born. He had left them for another woman, who ended up getting pregnant." Garcia answered. 
"Do you have an address Garcia?" Hotch asked. 
"Y-yes, 176 Washington Blvd." 
"Let's go." Hotch announces, pulling out his radio and letting the rest of the team and police know. 
You pulled into the road followed by a SWAT van, unknowing what was going to meet you behind this woman's door. You all piled out of the SUV's and headed towards the building. 
"Is she here? Do we know for sure?" You ask, unholstering your gun and making sure it was loaded. 
"She has to be. She has nowhere else to hide. Neighbors reported her coming home about 30 minutes ago." Hotch answered, beginning to fasten on his bullet proof vest. "I need Morgan and Reid to head in first, try and see if you can get the child out first." 
"Wait, Hotch," you begin. 
"What is it?" 
"Kathy has been killing men because she doesn't trust them. So I don't think she's going to listen to Morgan or Reid. Why don't I go in? Try to negotiate with her. It'll get us more time to find a clear shot of her if she decides to retaliate." You reason. 
"I don't know (L/N). You haven't gotten much experience with negotiating yet." 
"Which is why I should start now. I… I may not know what it's like to have a child and then have the father walk away on me, but I know what it's like to feel abandoned and unwanted." You plead. Reid looks at Hotch hesitantly, turning his attention to you after a moment. 
"She is right, Hotch. She's not gonna get any experience unless we let her." Morgan encourages. 
"Alright. Keep her occupied. Try to negotiate with her. After five minutes, we'll head in after you." 
You nod to Hotch and immediately grab a bullet proof vest, fastening it around your button down shirt you had packed and worn today. It was getting later and later, the sun was about a half hour from setting. You didn't have much time to get her out of there before light was a problem. 
You then headed into the building, easing the burgundy wooden door open as you stalked inside. You aimed your pistol in each direction you looked. This building was a two story. You didn't know the layout, so you had to make it up as you went. 
Once the lower level was cleared, you headed up the stairs, pushing open the door to the master bedroom and the bathroom before you found yourself in front of the only other room upstairs. You sighed and eased the door open. 
Immediately Kathy turned around, clutching a bundle of blankets to her chest while clutching a gun in her other hand. "Don't get any fucking closer! I-i'll shoot him!" She threatened, aiming her gun at the small child in her hands. 
"Ma'am, put the gun down, I just want to talk." You say, holding your hands up. "I'm just going to put my gun away, alright?" You cautiously alert her, putting the gun into your holster again. Pretty soon the gun in Kathy's hand gets trained on you. 
"Leave us alone-I just wanted to save other women from this fate-!" Kathy says shakily, the gun in her hand wavering it's aim. 
"I know, Kathy. What your husband did to you was unfair. But what you did to those women and their husbands is worse. Those men didn't want to leave their children." 
"They would've! All men do it! Harris did! My father! My brother! Every man I've ever known has walked out on me! How would I have known that they wouldn't walk out on them too?!" Kathy screeches, tears building up in her eyes. 
"Kathy, there are plenty of men in the world who would never walk out on a partner or their baby. You can't stereotype them all to be the same. Put the gun down, and I'll get you and your son some help." You assure, taking a step forward. You heard the stairs creaking behind you. You were too late. 
"Who is that?!" Kathy asks, waving the gun towards you more threateningly. 
"Don't worry about them, just focus on me." 
"No! They're all men! All men lie! All men leave! My son's left me too!" She wailed, clutching at the baby in her arms. 
You widen your eyes at her confession, becoming too stunned to listen for Hotch. "Kathy… what did you do?" You ask.
"Kathy Burgess, put the gun down and come with us quietly. We don't want any harm." Hotch called to her. You widen your eyes farther. You had her so close why did they have to come in now- 
"No! All you men do is lie! Lie lie lie!" Kathy ranted, hitting the barrel of the gun against her head. "But I won't let you win again." She says darkly. You begin to jump into action, but it was too late. 
As soon as you took another step, Kathy trained the gun onto herself and shot through her chin, splattering blood against the wall. You race over and catch her falling child before it can hit the ground, slamming your own chest in the process. 
You stand up, holding the child, but feel an absence of warmth. You furrow your brow, a pit of worry in your chest beginning to grow heavier as each of the signs come together. 
You feel a crack form in your heart as you clutch the tiny, blue-faced child in your arms. Tears form in the corners of your eyes. If only you had gotten here sooner. The body was still a bit warm. Meaning she had suffocated him recently. If only you had reached her and convinced her to put him down. 
"(L/N), (L/N) is something wrong with-" you hear Reid begin, causing the hurt in your chest to magnify. You feel your lip tremble as you push past the genius and carry the child down the stairs, never letting go of his tiny body. 
Reid must've taken the hint, as you heard him tell Hotch as you took the stairs to the bottom floor. You had seen your brother in this child. His little curly tuff of hair was something you had only seen in your younger brother. This was too personal. It was like holding a dead version of him in your arms. 
You carried the child out of the house, closing your eyes tightly as the paramedics, who had been called, tried to approach you and take the child. 
"Ma'am, ma'am we have to take him-" the paramedic began to explain, depleting the amount of control you cared to have over your response in an instant. 
"There's no point, she suffocated him at least 5 minutes before I got to her." You answered, snapping just a tad. 
The woman in front of you sighed, directing the rest of her team to head inside. "Ma'am, I'll take it from here." She says, gesturing for you to give her the child. If you were in your normal state of mind, you'd do it no questions asked. But this was different. You held the body even closer to your chest, trying not to cry in front of this woman. 
"(L/N)..." it was Reid. How the hell was he upstairs and then back down to deal with your bullshit? The person you expected to come check on you had been Prentiss. Or JJ of all people. At the sound of Reid's voice, your resolve completely crumbled, and you handed the child to the paramedic. 
"Based on the warmth of the skin and the blueness of the face, he died at least ten minutes before we got here." Spencer started, looking at the back of your head. It was the only way he knew to comfort you in the moment: statistics. 
But that didn't matter to you. 
Spencer sighed, looking at you with sympathy in his eyes. "You… you can cry you know. No one is going to judge you for it." 
That's what broke the dam. You sniffled and turned your body towards his, hugging him tightly almost immediately. You could feel his body stiffen for a moment, almost making you pull back. But then he eased up and laid a hand on your back and one on your head, hoping to comfort you by holding you. He had read that was supposed to be helpful. 
You couldn't help but cry, holding onto him like this. How could your first case go so badly?
By the time you all had arrived home, you were drained of almost everything. You all piled into the bullpen, the eyes of everyone in the room turning to you as they noticed the tired eyes with the darker bags that you wore. 
You sighed and took off your holster, storing it in one of the open drawers of your given desk. You run a tired hand through your hair, looking up at the rest of the team who were equally as tired and bummed out as you were. It was 8 in the morning after all. There had been a delay in getting in the air that had lasted a few hours, making you all late. 
"(L/N), my office, please." Hotch called as soon as everyone was all through and settled into their desks. You exhale tiredly and place your bag down on the desk chair before heading towards Hotch's office.  
You stepped in and closed the glass door behind you. You stood in front of Hotch's desk, nodding to him. "You… wanted to see me sir?" You asked. 
"Yes, (Y/N). Yesterday, you did well on your negotiation. After some reevaluation of the situation I believe you could have gotten Kathy out on your own." Hotch informed, going over the papers. It felt weird for someone to call you by your first name after everyone on the team had been calling you by your last name for the entire case. 
"Thank you, sir." You reply. 
"However, I think the last part of the case got a little too personal for you. I have not looked in your file, but I assume this has something to do with something in that file."
"Actually… Hotch…" you sigh. "I… I saw my brother in that baby. I raised my brother for most of my childhood. And for me to have not reached him in time…" you take a deep breath, avoiding the increasingly obvious sob that wanted to escape your throat. "It was just sensitive for me, sir. I promise, it won't happen again." 
"Since this is your first case, I'll give you a pass. But try to stay focused on the case and not on family matters. Understood?" Hotch clarifies, looking you in the eyes. You can see he's only saying this because he has to. He's flashing you a look of empathy, one you'd been given plenty of times, but never by a man in his authority. 
"Y-yes sir." You reply, the tremor in your voice barely noticeable. 
"Good. Now I expect to see you tomorrow. Go home and try to catch up on some sleep." He dismisses. You nod to him, and shortly thereafter leave his office. 
You turn your head, brown eyes meeting yours. "Huh? Oh… hey." You reply back, swallowing a sigh as you turn to talk to the genius. 
"Is… uh… is everything alright with Hotch?" He asked. 
"Yeah, he just wanted to let me know how I did and what I could improve on. Nothing much." You reply, forcing your face to stiffen and wipe away the beginnings of tears. But then you remembered what Spencer had said about the voice often betraying the user when the emotion that is felt is strong enough. 
"...Are you alright?" 
You wanted to curse out your own heart for beginning to flutter. Now was not the time to be falling in love with the sexy doctor next to you. 
"I… I think i'll be okay." You say semi-honestly, squeezing your eyes tight. 
"Did you know that it's been proven that talking about one's problems can lead to catharsis, which is a feeling of calmness and relief. Of course… The pain is still there.  But afterwards we have less built up feelings and the hurt hurts just a little less." He informed, putting one hand in his pocket and one on his messenger bag strap. You feel the beginnings of a smile form on your lips, making a small bit of the heaviness in your chest ease up. 
"Is this your formal way of asking me for that coffee?" You tease gently. Spencer chuckled. 
"Consider it a date then." You tease again, a small smile staying on your face. You look up at Spencer, not finding any indication that the idea of it being a date turned him off from the idea. "You wanna get out of here?" 
"Sure. My car or yours?" He asks. 
"Why not walk? Less pollution, and we can talk on the way." You insist. 
"Considering the environment before our own needs. I didn't think that many people were like that anymore." He says, walking with you towards the elevator. 
You giggle softly and press the down arrow. "Guess I'm not like most people." And you could almost swear you heard him reply with a soft 'No you're not.' 
You both step into the elevator once the doors open, letting the doors close after you. Sure, you had left your bag inside, but you wouldn't need it till tomorrow. You had a date with your bed after you hung out with Spencer.  
You both walked towards the exit once the elevator doors opened again, revealing to you the main lobby. 
"So when are you going to reveal to me your favorite coffee order? Or are you going to keep that a secret too?" Spencer teased, walking beside you. 
"Oh come on. I told you all I'd tell you my name soon. I just want to make sure this is where I wanna stay, that's all-" you begin, rolling your eyes with a growing smile on your face that soon plummeted when you saw who was in front of you.  
"(Y/N) (M/N) Grant!" 
Both you and Spencer jumped at the sudden sound, and you turned your head at the sound of your full name. You feel fear invade your heart as you recognize the woman who stood in front of you with shoulder pads and make-up that screamed 'I will squash you like a bug'
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