#we'd be goofy together
love-marimo · 1 year
head empty. just thinking about suguru teaching you how to skateboard.
"hold my hand! hold my hand!" you frantically scream as the board starts to roll on concrete road. he laughs at you and flashes you that sweet smile of his.
"relax, i'm here." and he holds your hand as he walks with you, slowly guiding the movement of the skateboard.
"don't let me go, i'm scared." you calmed down a little as you did your best to balance yourself.
"okay, i'm not going away." he chuckled again, and you think about how you're never going to get used to that laugh of his. it's sweet. it's teasing. but it's oh so loving.
"put your other foot down so that you can push the board- yes, that's it." he guides.
"you smilin? you're liking it now aren't you?" he quips.
"i- i think i'm getting used to it now…!" you lie, because actually, you just enjoy listening to him speak. and so he gets an idea.
he suddenly lets go of your hand and pushes behind you just fast enough so you can learn to skate on your own.
"wait! no- stop, i don't know how to-! suguru!!!!" he laughs again at your whines, until you both realize you're about to hit a post.
he grabs you by your waist and lifts you off the skateboard, turning your body so you can face him. you close your eyes and braced for impact, only to be met with his strong hold.
"suguru!" you flicked his forehead and scolded him.
"i'm sorry, i didn't see the post ahead of us."
"i told you to not let me go."
"but i am not letting you go, i'm holding you real tight right now." he smiles. and you scoff, feigning annoyance. but you can't do that for long, because who can resist his boyish charm?
"this isn't what i meant. next time, give me a proper lesson, will you?" you sigh in defeat.
"oh, you sweet little thing." he puts you down and kisses you lovingly, smirking into it when it caught you by surprise.
poor skateboard, you're now forgotten by the two lovers in front of you.
ー Lolita
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clouvu · 2 years
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Back at it again with my delusions
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ckret2 · 1 month
Any thoughts on the Stodehttcennoc code and all the Ciphertology lore it gave us? It’s interesting to get such a look at what an actual bill cipher cult looks like, even if the majority of it is played for surreal laughs.
yeah, i'm changing all the death valley girls' last names to Cipherwife
Right when I thought we'd run out of big packets of lore and were down to the dregs, we get the stodehttcennoc story, immediately one of my favorite things to come out of TBOB. In no particular order:
a Snapewives reference??? Unexpected. Hilarious.
i LOVE the mental image of just how unhinged Bill must have looked running around in Silas's body. Like i'm imagining that by the time of the big showdown at the end he's wheeling around his limbs like Jack Skellington dressed as a scarecrow cackling like a maniac surrounded by flame. Did he have fun, i think he had fun, it sounds like he had a lot of fun. I had fun.
on a doylist level i understand that Alex wrote Bill stealing all the wives in town because that is, in fact, something that real cult leaders tend to do. however real cult leaders tend to do it because they're straight human men horny for human women and realized their power lets them get away with anything they want. so on a watsonian level, why'd BILL do it?
LOVE the look into how Bill recruits people into a cult. His interview is actually a very good example of REAL cult recruitment tactics: mystical manipulation (using tricks to make you look magical/holy/psychic/etc); driving wedges between a recruit and their loved ones; flattering the recruit, offering to help their dreams come true; but dangling the answer to all their problems just out of reach, only after they make a big commitment (often financial) (and then you require them to keep upping their commitment); pressuring them FAST to make a decision, don't give them any time to think... that's actually how it works, all packed into one page
did bill take 100+ wives because HE's horny for human women? Is he horny ONLY for female humans or did he just figure he couldn't get away with also marrying the males in 1952 rural Kansas?
Something about Bill being delighted about having so many fingers just tickles me. Especially after he dissed humans for only having five fingers in TBOB. Human hands are a joke, are they?? Seems like five fingers are enough to make him happy! ... i realize how that sounds, i won't apologize for it
I feel like a cult that's willing to eat off its fingers for you and turn a blind eye to you taking 100+ wives would probably not draw the line at something as prosaic as homosexuality. Bill, you could have had 100+ husbands too. Why didn't you.
to me, somehow the goofiness & speed at which this cult came together felt more sincerely Gravity Falls-ish than most of TBOB. Like TBOB is still Gravity Falls, but most of the content doesn't feel 100% Gravity Falls. Bill Speed-Recruits A Cult While Wearing A Corpse He's Frantically Trying To Keep From Falling Apart feels closer to 100%. It's got that je ne sais quoi, that core dumb silliness.
Why did you want over 100 wives, Bill Cipher. Why only wives. What was your motivation.
This works well with my headcanon that Bill's bread & butter isn't just manipulating individuals, but specifically cult leadership. And it's given me a lot of material to work with in as far as writing him as a cult leader. I underestimated how himself he's willing to be while courting fresh victims, I figured there'd be more "trying to sound normally appealing by human standards" going on. He calls his soon-to-be cultists dim plasma bags before he even started pitching his cult. He's REALLY willing to let his charisma do all the heavy lifting. His technique clearly isn't "convince you that he's offering the things you want" but "convince you that you want the things he's offering"
Was stealing all those wives just a power trip, Bill? Is that all it was? If it was, wouldn't persuading guys to marry you in 50s Kansas be an even bigger power move??
how did Silas get involved in this. We don't see Bill take one corpse and KEEP piloting it for long periods of time like that anywhere else, even though it's clearly an effective method of interacting with humans. Was Silas just a conveniently available corpse, or did he make a deal with Bill before he died? Or maybe Bill DOES do this frequently, and it's how he starts most of his cults.
He CAN'T have taken all those wives for "I'm attracted to humans but only the female ones" purposes. In spite of the sheer quantity of references to female exes I am unable to believe that this triangle is heterosexual.
I'm requiring anyone who draws young skinny white human Bill Ciphers from hereon to switch from the sexyman human Bill to Silas Birchtree. 1950s huckster with a golly-gee-whiz face and evil in his eyes and rot on his breath is the pinnacle of what any young skinny white human Bill could possibly be. Also it's interesting to see Bill's justification for being a snappy dresser, that it's a trojan horse for chaos.
questions about bill's orientation aside, my gut says Bill MUST have wanted a bunch of wives and not husbands for some other reason, he didn't ACTUALLY want 100+ wives for sexual/romantic purposes.
or did he
bill explain the cipherwives
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its-avalon-08 · 5 months
Hi hiii!! Can I request lando watching y/n perform think of me from the phantom of the opera??
my angel, my haven
(this is super different from what i usually write so im sorry if its shit)
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lando's pov :
the crimson velvet curtains billowed outwards, revealing a stage bathed in the soft glow of a gaslight replica. y/n stood center stage, the spotlight catching the way her sequined gown shimmered like a thousand scattered diamonds. her back was straight, her posture radiating an ethereal confidence that sent a jolt through me. i couldn't tear my eyes away.
think of me, think of me fondly
this wasn't the first time i'd seen y/n perform. we'd been together since our karting days, but tonight, something felt different. maybe it was the grandeur of the opera house, the hushed reverence of the audience, or maybe it was just the way the stage lights painted her face in a thousand dramatic strokes. whatever it was, it took my breath away.
we never said our love was evergreen
as the opening notes of "think of me" swelled from the orchestra pit, a familiar warmth bloomed in my chest. it wasn't just the beauty of the music, though that was undeniable. it was the way y/n inhabited the song, her voice soaring through the theatre with a power and control that never ceased to amaze me. it was a voice that could shatter glass and soothe a broken heart, all in the same breath.
think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned
as she sang, a thousand memories flickered through my mind. goofy backstage moments, stolen kisses in the pit lane, late-night talks where her dreams intertwined with mine. here she was, living out one of those dreams, and i was lucky enough to witness it. a thrill of possessiveness, quickly doused by a wave of pure pride, washed over me. how could this incredibly talented, captivating woman be mine?
recall those days, look back on all those times
her voice climbed higher, weaving a tapestry of emotions with each note. christine's longing, the phantom's obsession, it all poured out of her, raw and unfiltered. her voice sounded like a dream. the audience was enthralled, hanging onto her every word. and me? i was lost in a world of my own creation, a world where the opulent stage was replaced by a dimly lit garage, the smell of grease oil replaced by the sweet scent of her hair. in that world, it wasn't christine pining for a masked figure, it was y/n, my y/n, captivating me with her talent and her love.
but please promise me that sometimes, you will think of me
the final note faded, leaving a stunned silence in its wake. then, as if a dam had broken, the applause erupted. it was a thunderous roar that shook the very foundation of the building. a wide smile bloomed on y/n's face, as radiant as the spotlight itself. as she caught my eye and smiled i felt all the stars align. in that moment, i knew. no matter what challenges life threw our way, no matter how bright her star might shine, she would always find her way back to me. and i, the luckiest man alive, would be waiting.
thanks for reading and sending in your request! do send in more! 🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️
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n-fblog · 5 months
What is wrong with them 💀
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Nagi "without soccer, we can't be together" Seishirou vs. Mikage "without soccer, we'd have nothing to do with each other" Reo
The cognitive switch the fandom has had to make from "their relationship is one-sided, Reo does everything!" to "their relationship is one-sided, Nagi is sickeningly in love with Reo" is crazy to see -- NAGI STAND UP
(I don't necessarily think that way but I can tell that's where this is headed for ppl 😭)
More from the oneshot:
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The implication that Nagi would suffer if he had to live the remainder of his life without Reo... "don't die before me"... i.e. 'do what you want but stay here'... he thought saying it would make Reo happy...
The fact that Nagi thinks they're similar -- much more similar than Reo seems to think they are -- makes their parting all the more bittersweet. It touches on the loner/outcast side of Nagi, to latch onto the first person to really connect with him and I like seeing that major part of his life actually explored in the oneshot. Like him living sparsely, alone, with no support system, is not just a goofy bit, it really does affect the way you perceive the world and your relationships.
I already liked and understood Nagi, but seeing it expanded on in the manga just made me love his character even more,, can we see them succeed and be happy in the main manga now,,, please,,
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zeondraws · 15 days
I poked a few questions at Secret Mode on their discord server and got an answer back today. Right after I came home and I can't stress how happy I got reading it.
I'll try to show my the questions and the answers together, so that people on tumblr have enough context what I asked about. Figured you guys might enjoy.
"Does Muir play the Bagpipe?" - Personally (others might disagree), I could definitely see Muir play the bagpipe (especially if he can annoy Innes with it!) but what would most likely happen is that he would bring something small that is allowed in his baggage like an harmonica.
"Something I noticed is that McLeary's name seems to be an innuendo to MacReady from The Thing, which made me wonder: Were names chosen at random or did they serve a specific purpose? Another person I know noticed Muir means "sea" while Innes means "island"." - I think the short answer is yes names have meaning and none of them were picked at random! But our philosophy is to let people draw their own conclusion as we don't want to make things "official" by giving our reasons! (we love to read/see people create their own theories so feel free to share them!)
"One small thing me and other people wondered, ingame we found a schedule for the shifts. A bunch of the crewmates seem to be listed on it, like "Derek M."? and "Joey I." Where we wondered if those were the first names of Muir and Innes?" - To my knowledge Muir and Innes have always existed in the game and can be found listed on that schedule I think although it might be hidden. Derek and Joey might be in the background without lines. - Innes' first name is Terry and Muir's name is Ewan.
"Another mini question I had was, is it possible to know who lived in the room 121? I could never find any indications thus far." - 121 was meant to be Innes and Muir's room...Innes is the one who likes reading. Seeing how much fans love them I wish we'd set dressed it more with clues about them.
"And my last goofy question is, when Muir basically yeets Innes across the deck, he is still animated when he lands inbetween the containers (I'm using a mod to look around the level a bit more). Did that have a specific reason? Did Muir just threw him across the deck or did he want to carry him?" - For Innes being animated for a bit longer, the simple answer is that our lead animator always plan to show a tiny bit more than what is shown because you never know if an angle might change...
With this I am finally able to somewhat complete my picture of the crewmate rooms. Thank you so much! I am learning so much about this game and how the developers approach the lore. I've never really been in such a community before so this is all very new for me. But a very positive experience (Since I feel extremely awkward asking questions, where I never know if I sound pushy/annoying, so I am often extremely nervous).
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But this also means I have another detail to add for my video- Ooohhhh!
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creatingnikki · 2 months
i. soda, coffee, tea — we keep ordering beverages upon beverages because our eye contact keeps running deep and this is no time to get up and leave.
ii. you bring out the goofy in me. do I bring out the profound in you?
iii. fill in the blanks — who ever thought that as adults we'd have to keep doing that for every exchange and interaction we have with another human being instead of facts about history and geography. tell me, am I going to get a good grade? are there any grace marks?
iv. we never had a candle light dinner with roses on the table when we were together. dinners like these have come in too delayed but it's all divine timing, isn't it?
v. your smile is like a child wanting to spill a secret, unsure if it's the right time, place, and person and hence lingering around in eternity.
vi. we laugh like this now because we have cried in each other's arms in the past.
vii. emotional intelligence, reliability, punctuality, and respect — tell me, am I not one who brought those all to the table in abundance?
viii. long walks in silent streets after delicious dinners are for hand holding, quick kisses, and long hugs.
ix. wish me good night with a kiss and good morning with a hug and in the afternoons bring me fresh cut strawberries and I'll make us hot chocolate in the evenings and on nights life feels a bit trippy we will add some whisky and lie down on the floor side by side in silence.
x. i'm learning, growing, observing — i know you are too.
xi. across cities, we will share life updates, across years, we will share love and laughter. the moans are out, the tears too.
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maybecoffeemixed · 9 months
7.8/10, kieran doesn't actually kill us.
Seriously though, I enjoyed it!! Since I don't actually own the game (we poor), I watched a no-commentary playthrough so there are plenty of things I very likely missed, including optional dialog, side-quests, and whatever that thing with the professors is (still lookin' for a video without some guy over it), so I can only comment on the bits I saw! That being said, here we go.
First of all, the BATTLES!! Despite not being able to play them myself, they looked SUPER fun!! I screamed when I saw Lacey's tailwind/lightscreen prankster whimsicott, and even MORE so when I saw it was sashed! I loved the usage of competitive items, and the fact that all their teams weren't completely mono-type, each having one exception to their type (Lacey's excadrill, Crispin's Exeggcutor, Amarys's Reuniclus, and Drayton's Sceptile) that they DIDN'T terrastalize was lovely touch!! Amarys's fight was super hype in particular, despite having an over 20 level advantage, the person I watched still nearly wiped to her! Her trick room AI does appear a bit goofy, but it's a small flaw. Finally, Kieran's battle... I personally adore a good rain team, but unfortunately Kieran's politoed was frozen at the start of the battle, and remained that way all the way til the end, so I can't honestly say how difficult it looked. The one thing I will say is that before the indigo disk was out, I created a hypothetical team for Kieran, and I CALLED that Grimmsnarl!! Literally even the focus sash. If anyone's curious, here was the hypothetical team I made. I'm a nuzlocker, not a competitive player, so it very well may be shit. Apologies in advance.
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Next is the characters!! Every design slapped as always, and I enjoyed their personalities! Lacey was adorbs, Crispin was fun, and Amarys might just be one of my new favorites! As for Drayton? Let me tell you, I was side-eyeing him the whole time the MOMENT after he said THIS to Kieran.
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After all the hype around dokutaro/peechikeen (now know as pecharunt, apparently), and all the speculation that Kieran would fall victim to its influence, him saying "that's just peachy" made my rat brain go into overdrive. In the end, I think it was just Legends Arceus giving me Volo flashbacks.
Now, the main event... KIERAN! Let me tell you, he gave me GOOSEBUMPS. Every time he appeared, I could feel a chill run up my spine, and his battle had my heart RACING. ESPECIALLY his breakdown at the end of it! One of the best times I've had in a good while. The animation, his reaction, all of it was GREAT!! It was so refreshing to see him not immediately heel-face turn.
Unfortunately, though, what happened after that all disappointed me. I admit I got too attached to the Dokutaro Posession theory, buy it was still disappointing for Dokutaro (I know that's not its name, leave me be) to not play any role in the main story. It felt like a natural conclusion to what the game was setting up, I thought he'd throw the master ball at terapagos, it'd fail, and he'd become so overwhelmed with everything that has happened that he'd succumb to Dokutaro's control and we'd have to fight the Dokutaro-Kieran with Terapagos's aid. That's not what happened, and I felt a bit sad. His recovery from his breakdown was still set up nicely and had some atleast sufficient justification, but it still felt like too-little too-soon. It felt more like he just gave up all together rather than defeated his demons. He'd never be as strong as the player, and that's that, which is a sour note to leave off on.
We see that he legitimately has nothing. All the other students left the MOMENT he was defeated. No one came to help the kid who was clearly having a panic attack. The BB league cares about him, sure, but I wouldn't consider them his friends. They all thought Kieran getting defeated would "fix" him, and even when he clearly wasn't any better after being defeated, they didn't do anything to assist him. Sure, sometimes when someone has climbed so high, you gotta let them fall, but once they do, you can't just leave them lying on the ground. You need to be there to lift them back up before they start digging.
This isn't an attack on the BB league at ALL. Like I said, I really enjoyed their characters! In fact, this reaction is part of the reason I like them so much. It adds depth.
I just wish that Kieran DID start digging, and that it led to something bigger. Even if Dokutaro wasn't involved, I atleast wanted the final battle with him to be that big thing, and not just a turtle that can't do anything but throw out weak earthpowers.
Though the biggest failing to me is that Kieran apologizes to us, but we don't apologize to him. We as in the player, and Carmine
Kieran's actions are his own and I'm not saying he shouldn't have apologized, but he wasn't solely culpable for how things turned out. We and Carmine purposefully lied, kept a secret that was dear to him, and were the straw that broke the camel's back. Even if we the player didn't apologize, Carmine should've!! Her treatment of Kieran heavily impacted him, and he mirrored her abuse (Kieran telling Carmine to "Shut it", just like she did to him, for example).
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was in the wrong here. Kieran took things too far, Carmine behavior is a serious problem, and the played character was complicit.
I'm not demonizing anyone here, I am the number one Carmine defender after all, but everyone needs to take responsibility. Not. Just. Kieran.
I relate heavily to both Kitakami siblings, as both an elder sister with younger siblings who she's accidentally mistreated, and as a little sister with an older sibling who treats me like I'm lesser.
I've lashed out at my older sibling, and while my reaction wasn't proportional, it doesn't mean my emotions weren't justified.
I have severe genetic anger issues (that I'm now thankfully medicated for), and have unjustly taken them out on my younger siblings.
Carmine needs to apologize too, or the cycle will just continue. Maybe she already did and I missed it, or maybe it happens in the post-game. However, if she didn't? It makes me feel unresolved.
Anyways, that all I gotta say on it!! Hope someone enjoyed this overly long rambling!!
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(P.S. I still don't trust dragon boy. "Thats just peachy" my ASS, you know something ya toothpaste haired cunt. Why did they request to bring ya along to area zero anyways, ya plot relevant FUCK.)
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your-favblondie · 7 months
The Genius
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ART CREDIT: novalise1 on Twitter
(I found this on Pinterest so if I'm wrong please correct me)
Hi again, thank you guys so much for the amazing support on my last post!! And I hope this post also lives up to your guy's expectations.
Word Count: 2.1k (and somehow 11k characters?! TuT)
-----Younger Armin ( Bowl Cut ) -----
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Armin wasn't exactly the most social type back then, so I imagine for you two to get close enough to date you must have spent quite a bit of time together.
I can think of a few ways you two may have met and gotten close. Maybe you guys sat next to each other in classes, were sparring partners, or maybe you were there for Armin all the times Mikasa and Eren seemed to have forgotten he was also a part of their friend group.
It had been just a few minutes after lights out when Sasha shook me out of bed and yelled whispered for me to grab my coat and follow her. By the time we were out of the cabin a few of the other girls had gotten up and were grabbing a few items. Sasha led our small group until we reached a clearing in the forest, a good distance from the bases. "Sasha, what's all this?" I asked her as the rest of our group ran over to their own friends. "It's a party, Duh." She said looking at me with a goofy smile until Connie yelled for her to come help him roll a joint. I watched her run off and then made my way to a group of my classmates sitting in a circle. Jean, Ymir, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin Arlet all sat around a small bonfire. Spewing out a few 'hey's and 'hello's before claiming a seat in the circle. Jean and Ymir were in some argument over brunettes or blondes being cuter, and next to them Eren sat trying to carve a spoon out of a small log. Mikasa and Armin were talking about something I couldn't really make out over the sound of the fire crackling and Jean and Ymir arguing. As I watched the fire crackle all I had on my mind was why the hell Sasha had brought me along. It's not like I'm antisocial but I hadn't really established many close friends and the ones I had were human meatballs now. So a party wasn't the most comfortable place to hang out. Before I could continue my thoughts I got distracted by Mikasa getting up pretty abruptly and running after Eren who had somehow broken the log he was carving and wanted to look for a new one. Doubt we'd see them again tonight. My eyes flicked over to Armin and as we looked at each other, a mirror of slight shock reflected on both our faces. Before either pf us could look away I burst into laughter at Mikasa's weird behavior and Armin just stared at me even more confused than before. "I'm sorry it's just I never see anyone so serious act like that, I'm not trying to be rude she just catches me off guard," I tell him, feeling like he may have kinda misunderstood me. A shy smile pulls on his lips as he looks back at me. "Yea it is kinda odd isn't it?"
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And that's where your friendship bloomed from. A right place and right time you could say. Though Sasha says it's all thanks to her.
Over time the two of you became really close. While Armin read you'd sit near him fiddling with your own hobbies. Sometimes you'd get caught up in him and end up spending a few moments watching him while his eyes scoured over dusty pages.
Armin was such a sweet friend, always asking how you are, being there to talk, explaining the stuff you don't understand from class to you a million times until you understand.
And once again you both were at a party when your guy's relationship finally takes the next step.
Through a stupid game of truth or dare...
Sasha scans over each and every one of us as she carefully picks her victim. "Jean!" She exclaims and Jean looks at her with an annoyed expression. Sasha and Connie have been picking on him all night, each time either giving him the truth of exposing his crush on Mikasa or the dare of letting them draw on his face. This time was no different as Sasha added a small horse on his forehead that would definitely not be gone by tomorrow. After Sasha got done we all burst out laughing. "Hey!" Jean yelled, "It's my turn alright so shut it!" And of course, I had responded to him with a snarky "Okay, Horse face" Jean turned to me with a sarcastic smile and asked me truth or dare. "Dare" I chose nervously. Jean turns to Connie and they start to whisper between themselves before Jean turns to me with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Kiss Armin."
So now here you and Armin were. At first, he'd be kinda shy about y'all's relationship but I could see you bringing out a more confident side of him.
He would be the type to remember all the little anniversaries, picking you a small bouquet for your first month.
Now I can't see him being great at making gifts but he would try his hardest!
Would definitely choose you as his partner for almost all group activities. Don't think that means he's gonna let you do no work, oh no no no. This man would rather teach you it a million times than let you get by being ignorant. (Sees this as an act of service kinda love lol) Told you before with the most serious face that " Knowledge was the greatest currency he knew"
Speaking of acts of service, that and praise is probably his love language. Of course, he would love holding your hand, a little bit of cuddling, or a few pecks on the cheek. But when he wants to show his love for you he'd tell you what he's thinking and just genuinely spend a lot of time with you.
I can't see him being big on any forms of PDA, except hand-holding. Hear me out though, I think he'd be the type to hold pinkies instead though.
I could see him writing you hundreds of love letters he'd never give to you but be too scared to get rid of them in case someone else (Jean and Connie) read them, or God forbid you saw them.
He would swap books with you if you were an avid reader. ( Would want for you guys to make matching bookmarks as a kinda of date!! )
But if you were more of a sporty type then he'd definitely love to watch you play, even if he cares nothing for the game itself. Maybe even give you some pointers he noticed or help you strategize. After watching you for awhile he would be able to go on like hour-long rants breaking down each and every little detail and rule of the game and way overthinking it.
Now if you guys for whatever have a fight he'd be quick to apologize because he'd never want you mad at him. (Still believes he's right though, just won't tell you that )
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Definitely has a few red flags and will work on some of them.
When he's struggling with all the things going on with Eren, one of his main stress relievers would be you playing with his hair, tracing your nails against his scalp.
If you ask realllllyyyy nicely he just might let you braid his hair or tie it up. Even though he knows he won't hear the end of it from the others.
Surprised you a few times with flower rings he made for you.
I could see him being really involved in the wedding planning. If it was up to him either a light purple or sea blue color theme.
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In a more modern au, I could see him offering to paint your nails for you if you ever complain about it being able to get them done. He would spend hours trying to perfect it and maybe it didn't match the reference perfectly but they were perfect to you ♡
(These are less relationship-focused and more so things I think about Armin )
Struggles so much with Eren always doing everything so rashly and getting into trouble that he never lets anyone help with it. I feel like he may have had a fear of being replaced or left behind by Eren and Mikasa because he isn't as strong as them.
Just someone tell him he's making the right choices and that he can't make everything right. He needs to hear that.
Jean and him are really close and hang out a lot. Jean is a way more chill and less stressful friendship for Armin compared to half of his other friendships. I can see Armin feeling like he needs to be a therapist friend for everyone, outside of just Eren and Mikasa too, big people pleaser.
Jean just really knows how to chill and not ask a lot of Armin, of course they've talked about heavy stuff before but it's a lot more talking from both of them rather than Armin needing to comfort the other person. Every once in awhile Jean actually is the therapist for Armin.
He does grow out of that though. Starts to become a lot more set in reality after seeing all the deaths in the recon missions. Some meaningless little drama isn't something he needs to focus on helping a fellow cadet out with. Still holds onto some of his people-pleasing tendencies but has figured out a lot of his priorities in his personal life.
I think Armin truly believed that fighting those bullies back in his childhood wouldn't have been the right choice and wasn't just because he was weaker.
I could see him knowing how to play a ton of card games that he learned from his grandpa.
I also think at one point he learned how to sew from Eren's mom. Eren would tease him by saying things about how he's "finally fitting into his girly hair" Then when he actually tries it and sees how hard it is and how much better Armin was he quits the teasing comments.
I think Armin has a lot of trust issues in almost everyone after figuring out Annie was a traitor. To him, they seemed pretty close and had a good understanding of each other. But Annie's betrayal really shattered some of his innocence and trust in the world.
One time he told Connie that if he walked around barefoot he could get flesh-eating worms. Connie was a bit more than traumatized by that information.
As sweet as Armin seems he is honestly so manipulative. It can hardly be noticed by anyone except maybe Commander Erwin or Levi but Armin's a bit too smart to try it on them. He accidentally tried to manipulate Commander Erwin one day over something small and when Erwin subtly commented on it he almost died of shock.
I could see Armin having a lot of respect for his superiors but not being the type to follow them blindly. Like the smart kid who isn't afraid to correct the teacher. And yes he was that type of student, to an annoying extent.
Armin as a student mostly just studied the material he was being tested on to a point where he was confident he knew it. And then would dig extremely deep into any topics that interest him. He knew every type of rock that existed inside the walls but couldn't remember his 12 multiple facts.
He definitely isn't antisocial or introverted. A little shy, yes, but mainly he's just a extrovert or ambivert who's not very loud. In no way has he ever been afraid of talking to people or making his thoughts known.
Speaking of talking to people, him and Hange are total geek besties. The spent hours looking at the hardened titan skin fragment and theorizing on all sorts of topics
I think when he was younger he saw a really huge pond and thought he had some how found the ocean inside the walls.
Probably would spend days going on picnics with his parents and reading in flower fields before the wall break. Once tried to bring Eren and Mikasa on one and never got any reading done.
This man's library card would be personalized in his favorite color (sea blue) and bedazzled.
I could see Armin being a really big Jazz and blue grass guy. Mostly because it's non-lyrical and doesn't tend to distract him as easily.
Would bust down to some Megan thee stallion and nasty redd. I mean, look at that stance-
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Sorry to all those hoping for older Armin, I STILL haven't watched season 3/4 of AoT so I don't really have too many thoughts on older Armin other than that ma is SOOO FINEE Soon enough I'll write for him, and yes there will be another poll for writings posted after this post!! I like when you guys interact with the story's makes it feel really personal. And thank you again to everyone who liked and reposted my last post!! It did so much better than I ever expected. A Big thank you to all my new followers. I'm so glad to have you guys as followers!! And I hope this post is just as good as the other if not better.
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cry-ptidd · 9 months
Me and my sister watched Hellsing together. Here's her opinion on the characters
- Alucard: "He's a cunt, but he's entertaining. I'd probably pay to see him in a strip club. I didn't like him and his shit-eating grin and 'master' bullshit at first, but he grew on me quick and i don't like that he grew on me. He's a complex character, and he's hot asf when he cries. Also I wish we'd seen his Dracula form for longer; that was awesome. Him and Anderson had a thing going on."
- Seras: "Didn't really mind her at first, but liked her after she drank blood. Her transformation and the guns are really fucking cool. I didn't like her voice and her whining at first but it got better after a few episodes. I like her when her personality became a little bit more spunky. Her story's fucked up."
- Integra: "Absolute bad bitch. Her attitude reminds me of myself so idk if I should like it or hate it, she's got a lot of pride which I respect. Really human and I like it, she takes no one's shit and she's a badass. Didn't even FLINCH when she got her eye shot out. Girlboss. She gives me ace vibes also."
- Walter: "I liked him, he was funny. And then he betrayed everyone and became emo. He gave good advice, and he was cool as hell with that wise older veteran vibe. I'm disappointed in him, but the plot twist was actually good. You'd notice the signs if you suspected him from the beginning."
- Pip: "He's FINE. I'd braid his hair any day. I was in love and then I mourned. I'm widowed. He was hilarious, plus his voice actor nailed the French. My favorite character. Screeched when he came back. He's a good leader and I loved his speeches, also his death made me cry. And I don't often cry when watching anime."
- Anderson: "kinda neutral. I didn't like him at first, he was obnoxious as fuck. Then he respected women and opposed Maxwell and his orders so he grew in my esteem a bit. His character is cool as fuck tho. I wish he didn't turn into a monster, he fell to the same level as Alucard. It's like human greed or desperation for power. Him and Alucard had a thing going on."
- Enrico Maxwell: "Lucius Malfoy. I hate him but not the one I hate most."
- Heinkel & Yumie: "Really like these two lesbians. So cool and I respect their resolve, especially Heinkel's. Rip Yumi. You were cool. Heinkel being intersex is a dope detail, she's very androgynous too. I like their designs."
- The major: "Augustus Gloop? I like the fact he refused vampirism, that was cool, but he's an actual fucking sociopath and I hate him"
- The Captain: "Ngl, I actually find him quite dope, aside from the nazi thing. Literally no one respected him, that shit had me crying. His face is pretty and his tits are big, even if he looks a bit goofy at times. Wish we'd seen more of him. I felt kinda bad when he got defeated."
- Schrödinger: "I want this thing dead"
- Rip van winkle: "She gives me the vibes of a Dr Seuss character."
- Zorin: "Bleach Ichigo knockoff. Fuck this bitch in particular I hate her"
- The Valentine brothers: "A slav squat necrophile and his gay brother that used to be a runway model but got cancelled after a scandal"
Overall: A hit, neither of us expected her to like it. She likes the political and literary aspects, and also finds the characters interesting. She doesn't really know how to feel about the ending; she considers it realistic and a good end, but she wished it was more epic. But from a writing perspective it's good. Also she lowkey wished Alucard would turn Integra into a vampire, just because it would be cool. Now we send each other memes about it. She calls Nendocard a whore when she passes by him, but says she'd buy a Pip nendo in a heartbeat
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Y'all, I've been glued to this saga because L and R are so similar to what I went thru with my ex, like down to the sleeping on the couch thing, only reversed, that I don't know whether to laugh or cry. A and S don't know what they're in for.
Storytime: My ex's Rory is called Mike and they met playing a sport in college when X was a freshman and M was a super senior, so he's ~4 years older. M took X under his wing and they became bros for life I guess. M is super nice and goofy but a hot mess as a person, can't be trusted with the simplest of tasks but gets by by being beloved by everyone. X has consistently thrown him bones, brought him on to projects and recommended him for gigs at the expense of his own career and reputation. You can't make this shit up.
X and I were long distance for the first ~year of the relationship, I moved out to him to a small ass town an hour away from anywhere because of his job and because it was cheap. We were in a 1bd apartment and the first little while was bliss, hot and heavy, amazing. It was my first time living with a partner. Maybe a few months in, M calls X - he got a job in the city an hour away and he's moving down. X gets the brilliant idea to invite him to stay on our couch until he finds a place. I was fine with it at first because he was a super nice guy but I had no idea what I was getting into. Ladies, when I tell you I became the 3rd wheel in my own relationship and a ghost in my own home, I'm not being dramatic.
I was working from home so I was alone all day in a town where I knew no one who wasn't connected to X in some way and when the two of them would get home, they'd bro out with each other and I basically had to compete for my bf's attention. We stopped doing anything that didn't include him and constantly had to be mindful about how loud we were in the bedroom because he was on the fucking couch. I couldn't relax in my own home that I was paying rent and bills for. Mind you, M at this point was further along in his career than X and making way more money. Two months pass, he still hasn't found a place and instead commutes an hour each way to work. Then the fucking pandemic hits. I was the only one working initially and I was at home with the two of them playing video games, working out, watching TV, yelling, laughing, on TT, on Zoom with their other buddies 24/7 while I was trying to work. We'd constantly end up doing whatever they wanted to do. Dude stayed on our couch for like 10 1/2 months, only paying for groceries, takeout and activities here and there. I kinda snapped during the holidays, I drove across the country alone to be with my family and didn't go back, my dad then made a round trip to go get my stuff because I just couldn't even look at X. Only then did it occur to X and M that maybe M should move out. But you know what the narrative in his friend group is about me? That I'm a cold bitch who broke his heart.
I look back on it now and I'm angry at myself for being such a dummy, I was a total pushover. My X wasn't a bad dude, he was just too much of a bro to know how to be a bf. He always felt a need to include everyone but that cut into the little time we had together. In my defense, he was really hot lol.
It's crazy to think how different my life is now with my fiance, we just bought a house earlier this spring, which wouldn't have been possible with my X because he spends all his money on his hobbies. X literally did the same HBS thing L did after I dumped him, hit the gym like crazy, he follows like a thousand half naked girls on IG, likes all their posts and thirsts in the comments, it's beyond cringe. This is also on his fully public IG account that he also uses for work. He hasn't been in a serious relationship since, I'm told he's become quite the fboy, but he's collected a seemingly infinite amount of new bros judging by his posts. M is still in the picture, of course, although he has his own place and a serious gf now, while my ex has a new roommate who he plays an expensive, niche equipment sport with that he spends every penny he earns on. My ex was a Leo, so I'm not surprised L has it prominently in his chart.
This stuff is not uncommon among younger Millennial men. My now fiance is 5 years older and he is a Man. He shows up for me the way I show up for him, he doesn't make plans without considering me and he's on top of his finances. He's a serious person. I never knew I could be at peace like this. I know what I'm building towards with him. A and S are just sidepieces to the main love story that is L and R and if/when one of them gets dumped, the other one will as well. They're there because they go along with what L and R want. It'll come back to bite them in the ass but they'll learn an invaluable lesson the way that I did - don't date a manchild who won't prioritize you over his friends.
some good advice for the youngins
thank you for sharing 💜🥃
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adracat · 1 year
GWitch ep 19 thoughts
Every episode is a kick in the teeth with candy boots. A sweet misery you've known like no other. This episode was no different and I relished today's destruction as Mio and Prospera take center stage
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That's a loaded statement if I've ever seen one. Really enjoyed this brief intro segment. We get Guel's thoughts on Kenanji; uninspired and suspicious, which are a vast change from his once admiration of the man. Guel also seems surprisingly chill about returning to Earth, but cryptically comments he wants to check the situation there and aid in negotiations. I like how Mio and him have fallen into this friendly rapport after everything. We'd like to see him apologize formally ofc, but it's not necessary for Mio. She's focused on greater concerns than the petty school days of Asticassia
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Meanwhile, Suletta is a wreck. She's completely fallen apart after her mother and sister dumped her in space like hot garbo. She can't even plaster on a smile and lie to herself any longer. Earth House just thinks she's upset about the break up, so she isn't confiding in anyone at all. Suletta.exe has stopped working :(
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Hilariously, Counselor Secilia has decided to make Martin her servant after listening to his confessional. It's great they make a distinct parallel to Miorine here, with Martin explaining he thought the best way to protect Earth House was to give up Nika. The show is filled with instances of people taking away another person's agency in the misguided belief they're doing 'what's best'. So good!
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Real Elan finally gets more dialogue and he makes an excellent point, for once. The quickest and dirtiest way into Benerit's graces would be to forcefully suppress the earthian protests. A gundam, let alone one like Aerial, is a powerful statement of supremacy after all. Shaddiq is convinced Miorine would never allow it, and he's partly right. She wouldn't if she was the one truly calling the shots.
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Feng is so cool for a spook. She successfully preys upon Belmeria's cowardice and gains her begrudging compliance. Really enjoyed the dynamic here at this little tea party. It was almost like a date 😳 Love me two older women with some tension. Is this the newest gwitch ship to take flight?
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I love how Mio recognized these are peaceful protesters immediately. It's another instance of her demonstrating empathy on a greater level than she once did. Her initial ignorant comments about Earthians in cour 1 seem a distant memory, and much of it has to do with her exposure to Earth House. If not for them and Suletta, her pov would be just as narrow as every other spacian's.
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And it's off to a terrible start lmao. I think Mio expected an uphill battle but those are some steep demands. A worldwide ban on spacians is unfeasible but absolutely warranted considering everything the spacians have done. Mio doesn't quite know how to counter, and it's so funny Guel left her here without help after previously saying he doesn't trust her diplomacy skills. I doubt he'd be much help tbh, but I guess he trusts her more than he said? Which is, uh, somewhat appreciated? It's the thought that counts.
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Sad widow moment. Norea grieving Sophie's death and expressing her fear of death explicitly has been a long time coming. 5lan bearing witness as the floodgates open and she reveals they share this core dread? God this hit so good. You can't help but feel for these kids. Nika continues to watch on in bafflement as the drama unfolds. When is she gonna leave this level of purgatory?? Only Okouchi knows...
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OMG, I AM SLAIN. Defeated. This sad husk of a girlboss misses her (ex) wife so much. Normal people would just have a wallet photo or a locket, but she's reduced to watching this goofy ass promo wistfully. I would find it hilarious if it wasn't so sad. It does give her the strength to continue negotiations so that's neat
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More importantly, it reminds her of GUND's ideals and the people who've banded together because of that dream; Earth House. She cleverly points out that fulfilling their demands would also mean removing earthians from space, but she won't because they're her partners at GUND-ARM. Her showing them the medical achievements they've already made together was smart and tips the scales in her favor
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I keep saying I love Mio but I really do. She's inspired to grasp the presidency for her own goals, rather than just as a tool for Prospera. She found a path of peace in spite of everything against her. It's bittersweet to know, in a kinder world, this would be the end of her struggles. But Prospera won't be satisfied with peace.
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This shot was gold. Suletta raiding the fridge like an unwashed raccoon is perfect on so many levels. We finally get unbound Suletta too. Ugh she looks so good 😭
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LOOK AT HER!! Babygirl. She looks like such a sad scruffy mutt here. I love it 🥹 Adored Earth House supporting her in her hour of need and giving her a boost with goat milk too. Really cements the rebirth imagery they had in the last episode.
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Martin decides to slink home too and reveals everything going on with Nika. This bit from Lilique says it all. There are times when you are left with only so many options. While you may not choose the objectively best path, you can only pick what YOU feel is best. Miorine, Martin, Aerial. Even Delling and Prospera (Perhaps DoF and Shaddiq as well) It fits all the way across the cast.
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I didn't expect to get the Shaddiq real name drop from this shakedown, but I'll take it. Kenanji may be a cop with blood on his hands, but he's a keen one. We learned that 'Prince' is a longstanding nickname and it implicates Shaddiq wholly in the terrorist attacks. 'Whoopsie, all my nefarious plans undone by one kid's rambling!'
(I also think the implication was Shaddiq or Jeru Ogul rather, is the 'heir apparent' to Ochs Earth virtue of his dead family. Not entirely certain tbh)
Looks like Guel will be Asticassia bound next episode along with Kenanji. No idea why Kenanji had to tag along but I guess Mio has enough of an escort. Let's hope this detour leads to Suletta using the Schwarzette! Fingers crossed
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You saw it here, everybody. Prospera shot first! I'll admit I didn't fully expect her to go this route but it makes sense. I anticipated her gaining Mio support somehow, but she just cut the BS and said let's do this dirty. Controlling Earthian artillery to mask her intentions and provide an excuse is devious and brilliant
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Destroying DoF's secret stache of gundams even more so. She really cut Shaddiq's plan for a cold war at the knees and Guel/Kenanji are on track to expose his duplicity entirely. He'll be lucky to not be jailed let alone president of anything. It's amazing that everything works out for Prospera no matter how many risks she takes or gambles made. Lady Luck must love her nonsense as much as the audience
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Cut back to Bel and Feng, their date did not end as well as I hoped. While Bel spilled some details about Quiet Zero, Prospera's second hunts her down and interrupts this powow. Can't risk QZ leaking to the corpo spooks after all. We did learn that SAL is not as unified or well intentioned as we might have thought. Their high council was revealed to be backing Ochs Earth of all corps. Feng seemed to be an outlier in yet another shady corpo-controlled faction. I'll miss her, but maybe she somehow escaped this dire situation? I won't hold my breath. RIP Feng, you were a real one!
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Elan Prime seems so smug to be right, even if it means their horse in this race has some real competition. He really is a little shit just like 5lan. That MS shot though. Damn evocative. War journalists eat your heart out. It's visual reference too, I believe?
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This is the funniest thing he could've said. Shaddiq is malding just like a pathetic incel. Remember when everyone thought he pulled mad game because he's surrounded by women? But the sad reality is he's the most maidenless person in the solar system. The best outcome tbh.
Beyond the laughs, this line speaks so much about how he views Miorine. He views her little better than a prize only he's deserving of; a 'pure' princess to match his crusading prince. He repeatedly disregards her agency, seen in episode 9 when he acts like Suletta controls Mio and here when he blames Guel for what's happening on Earth. He's such a salty little worm.
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Finally, we're left with Suletta and Earth House as they react to the chaos. Suletta recognizes instantly Miorine's innocence and her mother's culpability. This was why Aerial sent her away. This was what everyone is trying to shield her from. It was a moment of clarity I hadn't expected, but a very welcome one. Hopefully, this means she'll be spurred into action now that Mio is in very real danger. Schwarzette time? We can dream~
That next episode is incredibly ominous though. End of Hope? Considering they have that promo where GUND-ARM/earth house are the ray of hope... yikes. Let's hope I'm just reading into things and it's not that grim
Edit* additional musings:
A segment was deleted somehow so here it is
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Miorine... You know, I've seen people having a bit of schadenfreude at her expense. 'she's so stupid, ofc this happened!' - that flavor of criticism. My counter to this is what could she have realistically done? She was strong-armed into this agreement and manipulated onto Earth. She dared to imagine a peaceful solution based on ideals she slowly grew to believe wholeheartedly. This isn't her fault, much as she thinks otherwise. I can see her willfully remaining on earth to try and correct this atrocity. Girl needs a big hug from her wife ;-;
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phoenixnewton · 10 months
Bloodied Lips
Ponyboy Curtis
Warning: smut
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There was something about a bloodied lip that made my heart flutter.
The gang had just gotten back from a rumble and Ponyboy's face seemed to have taken the brunt of the fight. His right eye was swollen and already turning a blueish colour and his lip was split badly in the corner.
I was sitting on the kitchen counter of the Curtis house, with Ponyboy standing between my legs as I dabbed at his bloody lip with a damp towel. His hands were placed on my knees, the hold gentle. He was looking straight at me, but I avoided his gaze as I cleaned up his face. I couldn't risk falling into his eyes when there were so many people around.
“You need to be more careful, Pony.” The reprimand fell on deaf ears. I chanced a look up, freezing when I saw the heavy look in his eyes. I knew that look. I knew it all too well.
Recently, I couldn't pinpoint when something had shifted in our relationship. Sure, we'd been dating for a while. Hell- I'd known the boy since we were little kids. There was a new side of Pony, one of me too, that thirsted for more than innocent kisses.
I swallowed heavily. Pony finally decided to say something. “You look real pretty tonight, love.”
I looked down again, blushing heavily. I'd never get used to his compliments. Pony squeezed my knees gently so I'd look back up. He was smirking at me, he looked pained because of the cut on his lip. “Be careful, Pony. You'll reopen the cut again.”
“I don't care about that.” He leaned closer to me, his hands sliding up my thighs as he did so. My skirt was dangerously high, and if anyone walked in on us now we would never hear the end of it. His lips brushed gently against mine, teasing them softly. “You know, I like you wearing that shirt.”
My blush deepened and Pony finally connected our lips. The kiss was feverish and passionate, I threaded my hands into the hair at the nape of his neck to pull him impossibly close to me. I remembered then that I was wearing his shirt, one of his actual ones that wasn't a hand-me-down. I'd never expected his reaction to be like this… he seemed almost crazed, capturing my lips like he was claiming me.
“Pony…” I gasped out as he pulled away to breathe. His lips trailed down my neck, kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin. My mind went foggy, and any train of thought I had went out the window. His hands grabbed ahold of my waist, dragging me across the counter so our hips were flush. “Pony…” I tried again, gasping out a moan.
Finally, with what seemed like a monumental effort, Ponyboy pulled back. His face was flush, still bloodied and bruised but he didn't seem to care about the pain. He shook his head to clear his and looked towards the open doorway. There was laughter coming from the living room, and I knew that any minute now we’d be interrupted.
Ponyboy too seemed to come to that realization. He took me by the hand, and together we tiptoed through the kitchen. He shot me a devious grin and walked proudly into the living room, heading straight for the staircase. My face was already flushed, but when the catcalls started it got worse than I ever thought possible.
“Woooh! Go Pony! Get some!” Two-Bit shouted drunkedly. I couldn't tell what was said after that, although it was probably Darry telling him off, for Pony shut the door to his bedroom behind us.
I swallowed thickly. This was new, unexplored territory.
Ponyboy's hormone-driven confidence seemed to waver as the silence of the room encased us. Both our breathing was laboured- and it wasn't from exertion. I closed the gap between us. “Is this what you want, Pony?”
His Adam's apple bobbed. “I want you, darlin'. That I'm sure of. Do you want this?”
My blush deepened and I dug deep to find every scrap of confidence I could find. “I do. I'm ready.”
With a nod and a goofy smile, Ponyboy kissed me. It was almost the same as the ones we'd shared in the kitchen, but there was something more primal about this. It was hungry and demanding. His hands roamed me freely, threading through my hair and slipping up my shirt. Sure, we'd fooled around before. But we'd never gone all the way. Something told me that this was it.
I gasped as the back of my legs hit the bed. Without directions I let myself fall comfortably amongst the sheets. Ponyboy followed me, catching himself before he landed on me. I slid my hands underneath his shirt, feeling the hard muscles there from all the tracks he ran. “Off,” I said.
With a smirk, Pony stripped himself of his shirt carelessly throwing it across the room. As he came back down I straddled him, a bold move on my part, and stared to kiss his neck. He groaned softly and I swear it was the sexiest thing I'd ever heard. I could feel his hands teasing the hem of my shirt (his shirt), so I ripped it swiftly over my head. His eyes went comically wide as he took in my braless chest, his hands twitched with the need to touch me. “Can I?”
“Please…” I gasped as he leant forward capturing a nipple in his mouth. It was a move I wasn't expecting, and my back arched impulsively in reaction. Ponyboy lapped at my breasts like a starved man, sucking and biting my sensitive nipples. Whatever one he wasn't caressing with his tongue he massaged with his hand, tugging and twisting them to see what sounds he could drag from my mouth. “Oh god… that feels so good.”
Pony looked up at me through his eyelashes. “Oh yeah? You like that?”
My legs clamped around his hips in reaction to his words. Already I could tell Pony was gonna be verbal- and I sure wasn't complaining. I could feel myself getting wetter, and if this didn't progress soon I was going to combust. “Pony please…more.”
With a remarkable display of strength Pony flipped us, so this time he was hovering over me. One hand teasingly played with the waistband of my skirt, the other slid underneath bunching it up past the point of decency. I was thankful that I decided to wear a nice pair of pants today. Pony peeled the skirt down my legs, drinking in the sight of my bare thighs and scantily covered cunt. I could feel myself dripping and I wondered passingly if he could already tell. He groaned under his breath as he stroked a finger experimentally down my panties. “You're so wet, darling.”
I whimpered slightly as he slid down the bed so he played on his stomach. He started to kiss up my thighs, working on the skin and undoubtedly leaving hickies in his wake. “Please… do something,” I begged as the relentless teasing continued. I was so wound up I was virtually withering on the bed.
At last, Pony slipped his finger under the frilly waistband and pulled them down my legs. I heard a sharp intake of breath and a low groan before I felt his hot breath on my most sensitive parts. “Oh sweetheart, you are so beautiful.” My heart clenched painfully, and I remembered just how much I loved him. I wanted to tell him, but that would have to wait because the next moment I felt his lips make contact.
Ponyboy lapped experimentally at my dripping wet cunt. The noise was intense and so were my moans. I wondered briefly where he even learned to do this, but in that moment I couldn't have cared. His mouth alternated between sucking at my clit and giving it fast laps with his tongue. My hands were fisted in the sheets and my head was turned to the side so I could muffle my moans in the pillow- heaven forbid someone heard us. But Pony didn't care.
“Let me hear you love,” he said, barely stopping his ministrations to do so. The vibrations made me moan his name- I was certain the whole of Tulsa heard me that time. My legs began to shake, and Pony had to hold down my hips to stop them from bucking.
“Fuck! Pony please…” I gasped as his mouth worked wonders. “Oh god…”
“Are you gonna cum?” Ponyboy looked up at me through hooded eyes, and for a moment I could never have known he'd never done this before. He looked like some kind of sex-god. “Are you gonna be a good girl and cum for me?”
That was all it took. I never knew till that moment that I was weak to praise. I came with a shout of his name, moaning an incoherent jumble of words that almost sounded like a prayer. Perhaps it was just Pony that could make me break like that. There were a lot of things he was an exception to.
For a minute I was certain I blacked out. The next thing I saw was Pony hovering over me, a shit-eating grin on his face. He stroked my hair gently, pulling away strands from my sweaty face. “Damn. Where the hell did you learn to do that?”
The bot flushed deeply. “The guys overshare sometimes.”
I took one last deep breath and sat up. The bulge in his jeans was prominent. I made a move to return the favour, but Pony's hands shot out to stop me. “You don't have to.” he rushed to say.
I frowned confused. “But I want to.”
Instead of answering, he blushed deeply and scratched the back of his neck. “I... I mean of course I'd like you to, but you see… I don't know if I'll last if we…you know, do that first.”
I giggled. “That's okay, Pony. We’ll skip that bit yeah?” I leaned forward so my lips were against his ear, “Besides there's always a next time.”
Before I knew what had happened, Pony knocked me down back to the bed. I giggled again as I bounced, I was feeling giddy in the aftermath of my first orgasm. Pony made quick work of his jeans and his boxers, letting his length spring free. I gulped at the size of it. “Oh…”
Ponyboy frowned, seemingly taken aback by my reaction. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing! I..just didn't expect you to be so…big. How is it going to fit?”
Pony grinned and kissed me sweetly. “I'll try not to hurt you, love. I promise.” He reached into his bedside cabinet took out a condom- I didn't question it, and slid it on with a hiss. His cock was red and throbbing, the tip a dark purple. He was painfully hard and I feel bad he'd taken care of me first and neglected himself. I nodded in agreement as he looked at me questioningly, still weary but I was certain that he'd never hurt me unintentionally. And besides, I knew it was gonna hurt the first time.
The streetlight outside the window flashed, before blacking out completely. There was an eerie red glow to the room as its backup generator kicked in. I noticed then that the cut on his lip had reopened and was leaking blood sluggishly. Ponyboy seemed to notice too, as he touched my lips with a feather-light touch. He took them back and I could see the crimson liquid on his fingertips where it must have transferred onto me when we were kissing. “Does it hurt, baby?” I asked him, pulling him closer to me so I could get a better look.
“Not at all,” he whispered breathlessly. He connected our lips in a lustful kiss and for the first time, I noticed the metallic taste of blood. I didn't mind.
Pony ran the tip of his cock between my folds, coating it in my juices. At long last, he pushed in gently. His lips met mine in a loving kiss as he did so, mumbling words of praise in my ear. He interlaced his hand with mine, pinning then above my head as broke my hymen with a quick thrust, before filling me to the hilt. I gasped in shock, freezing as I allowed myself to get used to the feeling of being so full.
“Fuck… so tight. You're squeezing me like vice, darlin'. Taking me so well.” Pony's voice was strained and raw. I could tell he was struggling to hold back.
I jerked my hips against him, impaling myself deeper on his cock. We moaned simultaneously. “Pony please… I'm ready.”
Pony nodded and started to thrust slowly, dragging his hips backwards before slamming back into me. He was letting out grunts under his breath, and the odd moan came tumbling out every time I clenched around him. Our hands were all over each other, frantically making every part of us touch- to connect us as much as humanly possible. I could feel the veins on his cock stroking my velvety walls, and I knew I was close.
He did too, and for the next second his thumb began to rub fast circles on my swollen clit. “Faster!” I moaned out, my nails dug into his back. Pony hissed and his hips quicked and his thrusts became impossibly deeper. “Oh fuck…Pony.”
“That's it. Are you gonna cum on my cock?” Pony lowered his forehead to mine, our eyes fixed on one another. All I could see was love, coated in thick lust. “You gonna be a good girl and cum all over me?”
I whimpered as I felt myself tighten. I was so wet the noise of our slapping skin was obscene. Down my thighs, I could feel my slick dripping and we'd undoubtedly made a mess of the sheets. Ponyboy circled my clit harder and I came with a shout of his name. I felt his hips stutter as I did so, indicating that he too was reaching his peak.
I moaned softly as he pulled out. The emptiness feels awful after being so deliciously full. Ponyboy was panting beside me, and I knew I sounded just as bad. I rolled over, slugging my arm across his sweaty chest and laying my head on his shoulder.
“How was that for the first time?” he asked, already lighting a cigarette with shaking hands.
“Pretty good. Pretty damn good, baby.”
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aihoshiino · 4 months
chapter 148 thoughts!
New chapter! New arc! New - Osh no Beach Episode?! Uh - sure, fuck it! Why not!
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Completely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 5
It felt weirdly jarring to realize it was late summer in series for some reason lol… I think it's a combo of it still being pretty chilly here in the UK and me just having entirely lost track of the passage of time while we were in Movie Arc Purgatory.
I actually don't have a ton to say about this chapter as it's kind of just an echo of what we got with 138; a little breather beat between emotional upheavals that sets up the oncoming drama at the end. I definitely think it does so less gracefully than 138 and I ultimately enjoyed it less. That's not to say it's a bad chapter and watching everyone have goofy fun in the sun was cute - it just didn't quite Hit in the way I was itching for, especially after last chapter was… well, the way it was. There's some stuff I have to complain about which I think will make this post read as more negative than it maybe is, but it's one of those chapters where the good stuff doesn't really warrant a lot of comment other than 'i liked it'.
On that note, things I liked: everyone hanging out was really cute! I was honestly hoping we'd get more interactions like this during the Movie Arc with everyone scrunched together onto a single project but I'm happy to see it now.
Gotanda being being Dads With Cats this chapter was also really cute. It's a throwaway line but that little lore crumb of him having been looking forward to starting a family at some point is… honestly really sad and interesting? I think it adds a lot to the way he takes to Aqua and looks out for Kana, on top of the way he throws himself into his art.
frill taking a big ass break between projects is really good, too. i hope she has a very good time doing absolutely nothing.
that said. the fact that the only time we've gotten an acknowledgement of ruby and taiki's sibling relationship in the manga after like 80+ chapters is him making a comment about her tits makes me want to put aka akasaka through a pasta maker.
but no, for real. joking aside. Taiki and Aqua's relationship and Taiki going from being standoffish to accepting Aqua as his younger brother is one of the more understandably sweet relationship arcs in the series and it feels like a waste that we didn't get anything similar for him and Ruby. In general, Ruby is starting to feel very isolated from the rest of the cast which I'm not a fan of.
frill's full body wetsuit was a god tier joke though i gotta admit
Kana hyping herself up to flirt so overtly with Aqua was… funny, if a bit weird, especially given the note the chapter ends on. But Akane going right in and getting all over her thighs. holy shit, girl.
tsukuyomi at the beach what will she do
Akane's chat with Aqua also made my ears perk up in the way it continues a theme established by 143, of Aqua being challenged on his dedication to his self destruction by the people around him. Ruby and Kana were able to poke and prod at the issue but Akane, having the full picture as she does, is able to more directly shake Aqua and point out what he has to lose. In trying to self destruct, he will only end up destroying the thing he's trying to protect.
Also worth pointing out; Aqua is back to double black hoshigans as of this chapter which seems to line up with my thoughts on them representing his wavering dedication to his revenge play.
And then Kana….. whooooooooooo boy.
Like I said earlier, this ending feels super jarring off the back of both the last AQKN interaction and Kana's attempted flirting in this very chapter. As part of her overall arc, I think it makes sense but within the scope of this chapter it's too abrupt and lacks any real trigger. I can assume she saw AQAK talking to each other and made some assumptions but we don't actually see it. As it's presented in the comic, Akane basically walked up to her and triggered a cutscene lol
It is interesting to me that we're getting this overt push towards romantic resolution happening now given that… well, I'm not keeping that 'chapters since 143' count going just for goofs. I'm honestly torn between frustrated and darky amused at how much of a nothingburger 143 has turned out to be in the long run given that its only persistent status quo change (Aqua's white hoshigan) has fallen back by the wayside again. Neither Ruby or Aqua are acting like anything at all has happened. Literally right now it feels like you could skip 141-143 completely and not miss anything. It's baffling and it really does feel like that kiss was used as cynical reaction bait. Ruby's feelings are being treated with little to no respect and I'm honestly tired of it.
Obviously we're going to be getting some future resolution eventually because any Aqua-related romantic resolution is going to end up dragging Ruby into things but man. The fact that THIS is how Akasaka is choosing to drag it out is just insane to me. What was even the point of that kiss if it was going to have literally no impact on either character or the status quo whatsoever?
As for what this means for relationships… who even knows at this point. If you put a gun to my head and forced me to make a call, I'd say that in a romance manga, this would make me very confident in a Kana endgame. 'Girl tries to selflessly give up her love' is a pretty huge 'winning' flag in these kinds of situations. But Oshi no Ko is not strictly a romance manga and there's so much other relationship baggage floating around, who even knows what this is all going to mean. You could tell me this is the flag for an Aqua/Minami endgame or something and I wouldn't be surprised at this point.
At least we'll find out next week, assuming Akasaka doesn't offscreen the rest of this talk lol
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Unbreakable Bonds
Word Count: 642
Warnings: None
Miles Morales x Fem! Reader ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
The sun was beginning to set over the city, casting a warm golden glow on the streets below. Miles and you had spent countless evenings like this, exploring the neighborhood they had grown up in. They were inseparable, their friendship forged in the fires of childhood mischief and shared dreams. They had witnessed each other's triumphs and supported each other through challenges, forming an unbreakable bond that would stand the test of time.
As they walked along the familiar streets, Miles couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in your presence. She had always been the goofy and sweet one, with a contagious laughter that could brighten even the darkest days. Miles admired her ability to find joy in the simplest things, and he cherished every moment they spent together.
"Remember that time we built that makeshift rocket out of cardboard boxes?" Miles chuckled, reminiscing about one of their many adventures.
You grinned, her eyes sparkling with nostalgia. "How could I forget? We spent hours trying to make it fly, only to crash land right into Mrs. Johnson's rose garden!"
They both burst into laughter, their shared memories washing over them like a warm wave. It was moments like these that made their friendship so special.
As they continued their walk, they passed by a small park, the sound of children's laughter filling the air. Miles noticed a familiar twinkle in your eyes.
"Do you remember when we used to come to this park every summer?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of longing and fondness.
Miles nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, we'd spend the whole day here, swinging on the swings, climbing the jungle gym, and getting ice cream from that old truck."
The memories flooded back, and for a moment, it felt as if time stood still. They could almost hear the echoes of their laughter and feel the warmth of the summer sun on their faces.
As the night grew darker, they found themselves sitting on a bench overlooking the city skyline. The lights twinkled like stars, illuminating their faces with a soft glow.
"You know," Miles began, his voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and sincerity, "I'm really grateful to have you in my life, (Y/N). We've been through so much together, and even when we're apart, it feels like you're always with me."
You turned to him, her eyes glistening with unspoken emotions. "I feel the same way, Miles. It's like no matter where we go or what we do, our bond remains unbreakable."
They sat in silence for a moment, their hearts speaking volumes that words couldn't express. In that stillness, they knew they shared something special, something that went beyond friendship.
Suddenly, Miles reached out and gently took your hand in his own, intertwining their fingers. The touch sent a jolt of electricity through both of them, as if the universe was aligning their paths.
Without a word, they leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. It was a moment filled with the weight of unspoken feelings and the promise of something more.
As they pulled away, their gazes locked, they knew that their friendship had transformed into something deeper. It was a connection that couldn't be easily defined, but they were both willing to explore it, one step at a time.
"I think I've always known," Miles whispered, his voice barely audible but filled with certainty.
You smiled, her eyes reflecting the love and affection she held for him. "Me too, Miles. Our bond has always been something extraordinary."
In that quiet moment, as the world continued to spin around them, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. Their friendship had blossomed into a love that was as unbreakable as the bond they had shared since childhood.
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gunstreet · 6 months
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Some of you may remember that last year at this time, @timcurrysteeth and I and another friend of ours challenged ourself to write an 'Aliens Made Them Do It' story, which we'd never done before. We each explored similar themes in different ways, which was interesting because we hadn't planned our pieces together! Anyway, we had such a good time and wanted to do a new challenge this year, but we're also opening it up for anyone else who wants to participate.
None of the three of us have written Mirror Spirk before, and we plan to explore the lighter aspects of this universe! Based on the original "Mirror, Mirror" episode as well as the larger mirrorverse canon, we think there's plenty of potential for goofiness, sluttishness, and general shenanigans in the day-to-day without getting too deep into the darker subject matter.
The creation period will be throughout the month of April, with a final deadline of May 1. Works will be revealed on May 5. This challenge is open to visual art as well as written works.
If this interests you, please click the link above to check out the detailed submission guidelines, and we can't wait to see what you come up with! RBs appreciated to get the word out 💙💛
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