#we'll see how nice motivation is feeling
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there is something so so so Appealing about angry/irritated Barnaby. it scratches an itch in my brain. somethin somethin comic relief characters getting to break their mold and be outwardly unhappy
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fourmoony · 5 months
𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫
f!reader x Personal Trainer!James
summary: reader has a massive crush on PT!James
cw: working out, weight training, pointed out muscle definition
"You've got three more, for sure." James urges you on, looking far too relaxed for your liking where he stands above you, his arms crossed over his chest and his stupidly big muscles bulging against his thermal long sleeve.
Your abdominal muscles feel like they're ripping apart. If you weren't concerned about the ten kilogram kettlebell falling from where it's raised above your head and cracking your skull open, you'd consider throwing it at James' stupidly amused face. You raise your legs, put them back down and James counts, "Two more."
It takes every bit of energy, every morsel of motivation to finish the final set of leg raises, and you allow the kettlebell to tumble out of your grasp and to the left with a loud exhale of pain. You've been attending Personal Training with James long enough to not be embarrassed about the groan that follows, or the way you curl up into a ball. It's nearing the end of your hourly session, and James laughs at your dramatics. "You're not gonna catch your breath with your lungs constricted like that." He chides, and his hands comes into view.
You grumble, hating that you know he's right. Your muscles squeeze uncomfortably as he helps you up, despite you allowing him to take most of your weight. You've seen him workout, before, you know he pulls double your body weight with ease. He smiles wide when you're standing, gives you a little tug until you're stumbling closer to him. He smells like the gym, a little bit of woodsy cologne.
Your cheeks heat and you release his hand with a quiet, "Thanks." It's not like you're blind, James is beautiful. He's ripped and he's tanned, and his hair is stupidly soft. But it doesn't help that he's cheeky and funny, or that he's such a nice guy you always feel guilty for the profanities you spew at him on shoulder and back day. James picks up your abandoned kettlebell with ease and sets it on the bench you've claimed in the small studio gym.
"You good to hit legs for a couple before we finish?" James asks, and you know you don't have much of a choice because he's already turned and is walking towards the barbell weights in the corner.
You hum, reaching for your bottle of water, "Sure."
James lifts two twenty kilogram plates and walks them over to where you're standing. You try not to look at the way his muscles pop with the weights in each hand and James pretends not to notice you growing flustered. He sets them down next to each other and does the same again. By the time he's done, you've caught your breath.
"Elevated Sumo Squats," He gives you a knowing grin. He's fully aware how much you hate these, and he's unapologetic about it. "You know the drill, foot on each set of plates, squat until the kettlebell touches the floor."
You nod, "'Kay."
James holds out a hand as you step onto the weight plates, careful they don't slip out from under you and then hands you the kettlebell. "Try for ten. If you get to ten, we'll go for twelve."
You huff, a smile playing at your lips, "Just say try for twelve, James."
"Okay," James grins, "Go for twelve."
With a petulant eye roll, you start. The first set is never the problem, and James knows this. He watches you closely, an eye on your form at all times. You try not to think about the fact half of his job is staring at your ass, and you definitely try not to wonder if he likes what he sees. Sleeping with your Personal Trainer would be wildly inappropriate. You know James takes his job seriously, but it's hard not to imagine such things when he's standing over you muttering affirmations and praise. It's even harder when he reaches forwards, his fingertips grazing the top of your ass cheek, his voice low as he murmurs, "Keep your head up, back straight. You'll feel it more here."
You nod, mouth dry. "Like this?"
James nods at your corrected form. "That's ten, try two more."
The weight thuds against the ground when you're done and James helps you off of the plates. "How'd that feel?" He asks, fingers gentle as they grasp your wrist, turning it until he can read your heart rate from your smart watch.
"Like I'm gonna be waddling, tomorrow."
James huffs a laugh through his nose, "Well your heart rate is in zone four."
"Gross, so unfit." You snatch your wrist back.
He shakes his head, hands you your water, "Means you're working hard, pushing yourself. And pushing yourself gets results."
You answer with a shrug, swallow the water. James takes it back, nods his head to the plates. "Go again, this time, hold a half squat on the way back up for a couple seconds."
"That's hateful. You're being hateful."
"You got it." James encourages.
James' eyes your form carefully, nods subtly to show he's happy with it. "Working tonight?" He asks.
He has an incredible talent for making conversation at the worst times but you indulge him nonetheless, always willing to talk to him outside of what muscles you're working, and how to correct your form. "Nah. A rare day off."
You smile, "Yeah, I feel so lucky right now."
James laughs. He laughs like a summer breeze. His eyes light up and his lips twitch. For a guy who looks like he could drop absolutely anyone who came near him, he's incredibly soft-hearted. It always stuns you, how kind and bright he actually is.
"You have clients til' late?" You ask, even though it feels like your lungs might explode.
"Thats eight," James tells you, "No. Just one after you."
You nod, "Early finish. Work harder, Jamie."
James unfolds his arms to point at you, tsking before he orders, "I was gonna have you stop at ten. Go for twelve, now."
It goes on like that through your final set, steady conversation that barely leaves the area of general small talk. You help James put the weights away, even when he tells you not to bother, even though you can only lift one where he lifts two. He checks your watch again, is happy with how hard you've pushed yourself.
"Are we taking progress pictures, this week?" You ask, scooping up your water bottle and car keys.
James shakes his head, "Next week, but I wanna show you something."
He guides you to the mirror against the weight wall where he stands behind you. It's hard to ignore the way he towers over you, almost swallowing you whole, and the inappropriate thoughts that spring to mind, the things you could do in the mirror, the things you'd love to see him do. You swallow. James lifts his hand, his fingertips grazing your shoulder, "You see how your shoulder is more rounded, now, instead of flat?"
You nod, scared to speak.
"That's muscle. It's the same here," His fingertips blaze a burning trail down your arm, "Your biceps, your abs," They skim over your waist, dip around your back, "Your glutes, your thighs, calves," He removes his hand, fingers flexing at his sides as though he's physically straining not to touch you. "All the muscle is growing. You're getting along so well you don't need progress pictures to notice it anymore."
Your face feels like it's on fire, your body leaning back into him until you feel the heat of his body, your shoulder brushing his arm. "So you're worth the money, then?" You ask, voice hoarse.
James smirks, his eyes lighten a little, "Oh, for sure."
Your eyes meet in the mirror, his head tilts a little downwards into a nod. "Same time next week?" He asks.
"That works." It comes out in a breath, your eyes unable to leave his.
You're not sure what normal behaviour is from a PT, but this doesn't seem like it. The thought of him acting like this with other clients makes your tummy twist uncomfortably, and you come to the startling realisation that you may be well and truly fucked. There's a reason you look forward to going to the gym, even though it takes all of your energy, there's a reason you save your nicest gym sets for the days you attend training. There's a reason you find yourself purposefully having the wrong form, if just to feel James' touch. It's wildly inappropriate, you know that. But you can't stop it or change it.
James nods, "Okay, well. You did great today. You should be chuffed."
He's so genuine, so nice, so fucking handsome. His brows hook in the middle at your hesitation, the way you force a smile onto your lips as you step away, turn to face him. "Thanks, James."
"Give me a message if you need anything, but if not, I'll see you next week." His eyes flick to the metal door, which creaks open and his next client comes through.
You hate the way you feel relief at the man who waves at James, the fact it's not some beautiful, toned woman. It makes you feel childish.
"Cool. Bye, James."
He waves, letting you start to walk away before he approaches his next client. The door swings shut behind you after a small smile to the man waiting, the cool air dousing you with a cold, startling reality. Your relationship with James doesn't extend past the gym, past a professional setting where you're paying James to train you. He'll never see past that.
And if James is inside the gym getting shit from his best friend about flirting with his cute client, about being so stupidly infatuated that he's come into work on his day off just because it suited you best, well, that's no ones business but his.
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yeetwinchester2 · 2 months
Skipping Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Summary: Y/N had been struggling with her ED lately, but the team doesn't know that. Its getting worse... can she keep it from the team? Can she keep it from her mission partner?
Warnings: Eating Disorder(s), mention of passing out, angst, worry, some fluff
a/n: Yes! The long-awaited part 2!
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The morning following the incident, each member of the team asked you at some point how you were doing. Some even asked what had happened. Of course, you said it was nothing, that they just caught you off guard or that you weren't feeling well. But these excuses will only last so long. Another incident like this can't happen if you want to keep this from them. On the other hand, it made you feel good. Knowing that you were working so hard to look thin, and passing out meant you were pushing yourself.
Days go by, and with each one, you grow more worried that they know. Its all starting to add up, so you do little things to play it off better. Occasionally eating light snacks in front of others, or talking about what you “had for lunch.” Adding small details about your day, that will help cover it up.
"Has anyone else noticed something different about y/n?" Bucky says with some concern in his voice.
"She's probably just recovering after that mission. It really took a toll on her. We all feel a bit under the weather after a rough one." Tony replies.
"No, its not just that. I noticed it a little before the mission too. I don't know what it is, but something's not right." Bucky might not like her, but he knows her well. They go on almost every mission together. As much as he wishes it weren't true, the pair work well together and Steve was right. They are the best of the best. Her going down on that mission was out of character and has to be more than just 'feeling under the weather.' He's gonna figure it out. Bucky isn't sure why he feels such a need to figure out what's going on with y/n. He tells himself its for the betterment of the team, but is that all it is?
"We'll keep an eye on her. Don't stress it too much. I'm sure she's fine." Tony says reassuringly.
You're getting dressed to go down to the gym for a good workout. Looking in the mirror, you're motivated to change what you see. No matter how little you eat, how healthy it is, or how much you workout, it never seems to be enough. You're never thin enough. The only thing you can do is push harder. So, you put on a pair of basic black sweatpants over your leggings, and a matching sweatshirt over your long sleeve top. Maybe you should be sweating more. It wouldn't hurt to try. Covering up yourself helps too, so at least you don't have to see yourself.
You make your way to the workout room, starting with a leg workout to cut away at those thighs. Next is a core workout, because no one likes a stomach. Lastly, a nice treadmill run. The run really puts the cherry on top. You were feeling good until the last 400 meters of your 2 mile run. You were getting the good fuzzy, lightheaded feeling. the feeling that proves you're working hard. You make it to the end, nearly falling over, but proud of the workout.
Content with what you've accomplished, you make your way back to your room for a hot shower. But before you make it there, someone stops you right at your door.
"Hey, y/n. Can I talk to you for a second?" He says it firmly, as if it wasn't a question.
"Sure, what's up?"
"What happened during the mission? What made you fall out like that? That never happens." He keeps his voice firm.
"Oh, I just wasn't feeling well. I'm doing better. It was just a off day kind of thing." Just stay cool. You weren't feeling good. That's all it was.
"Y/n. We have been partners for a long time now. I know how you perform when you don't feel well. That wasn't it. We can't help you if you don't tell us what's going on." He seems genuine, speaking with softer voice this time.
"Really, Buck. I'm fine. Thank you for the concern though. I've go to get a shower now. I'll see you later." You push past him, making your way into your room. Now you're getting nervous. Bucky is catching on. Who else has noticed? Surely the others haven't noticed it. But what if they have? Do they care enough to say anything? No, its got to be fine.
In your bathroom, you lock the door. Turning on the hot water while you prepare for a hot shower. The kind that makes you dizzy and weak after a long day. You strip naked and pull out the scale from under the sink. Stepping on it, scared to see the number. You look down to see a number you're still unsatisfied with. Feeling defeated once again. You look up to see yourself in the mirror, picking at all the places you look too big. All the places you want to be thin.
Eventually, you step into the shower and wash the worries away.
Knowing that you were going to be in the bathroom for a while, Bucky took this as an opportunity to do some investigation on his own. He peeks into your room and verifies that you are in the bathroom and hears the shower water running. He steps into the room, quietly closing the door behind him. He knows this is intrusive, but its got to give him some idea of what is going on. He snoops around a bit, but only finds your regular day-to-day items. He gets to the opposite side of your bed, where he finds a small, pocket-sized journal laying in the bedside table. He opens it, to find your daily journal entries. Quickly closing it, he debates on what to do. This is your personal journal and this is private information, but this could also tell him what is going on. Maybe even how to help. He takes a seat on your bed, and opens the journal once more. He finds the days' entries before the mission, thinking this will be a good place to start, and begins reading.
You turn off the shower water, satisfied and complete with your shower routine. You step out and dry off with your favorite, most fluffy towel. You wrap yourself in the towel, then wipe down the foggy mirror to look at yourself once more. Still feeling defeated, you step out of the bathroom, ready to slip into pajamas and get into bed.
But instead of finding an quiet, empty room, you find the one and only Bucky Barnes reading your journal. The journal that no one but you has touched. The journal that you pour your heart and soul into.
You stand there, in shock. Who knows what he's thinking right now. Who's knows how much he's read, or what all he has read.
Bucky looks up at you, just as shocked as you are.
"Y/n.." He has tears in his eyes, but he doesn't get up from where he is sitting. He just looks at you with an expression you've never seen from him. "Doll, why haven't you told anyone?"
"You really shouldn't be in here right now. Let alone going through my stuff," you reply, walking to take the journal from his hands. You close it and stuff it in a drawer, away form him. He stands, slowly stepping towards you.
"I know what's going on, y/n. I noticed a while back, but you've just confirmed it for me." He points towards the drawer holding the notebook. He continues to ignore the lack of clothing on your body. It is the least of his worries at this moment. Your health and well-being matter more to him right now that seeing you with or without clothing. "I know I haven't been as kind to you as I should have. You've been nothing but good to me. This last mission made me realize that. Seeing you laying there, helpless, it hurt. Please talk to me, let me help you." The look in his eyes and the expression on his face is nothing like you've seen before. Except once. You saw this look on him once before, when he brought you back to the jet.
After so long of doing this alone and keeping this to yourself, you break. You bring your hands to your face to hid the tears that stream down. He wraps his arms around you, his rough hands on your back. You wonder what he thinks of you. You've always been fond of him for one reason or another. There's no telling what he thinks now. Is he disgusted? Does he think this is stupid? Does he see you now the way that you see yourself? All you get through the soft sobs is a quiet "I'm sorry."
"Darling, what're you sorry for? Let's get you some pajamas and then we'll talk." He pulls away, but leads you to sit on the bed. He steps to your closet, grabbing a set of pajamas, handing them to you. "I'll step out while you put these on. I'll be right outside, just come get me when you're done." His tough, rugged demeanor is long gone. This is a side of him you never knew existed.
To be continued...
A/n: Yes, I finally wrote a part 2. Will there be a part 3? Who knows. I did write this in one night, so forgive me if it isn't up to your standard and if there are typos. I hope you all enjoy. Let me know what you think!
Tags: @yve-barr , @hoseokslefteyebrow , @yoruse , @opheliabarnes , @bbymelsworld , @sketchygirlslipstickboys , @loki-laufeyson68m , @lovechuumorethanu , @that-girl-named-alex , @soggycheetoparty
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Preludes and Nocturnes - Part 1
Paring: Rafe Cameron x InnocentPogue!reader
Summary: Rafe discovers your hidden talent and now he has seen it, you have his full attention.
Warnings:  18+ Smut. Dark!Rafe. Virgin!Reader, Romance, Angst, Dub-Con, Fingering, squirting.  Not Proof-Read so mistakes are my own.
Word Count: 9k words (Yo it took me months to write but I finally did it) 
Author Note: Hello lovelies! So this is an original idea I’ve had for a while now... and this is the longest fanfic I’ve ever written for a character. Who did I write this tale about Rafe motherfucking Cameron of course. HA!  I may do a part 2 but we’ll see based on the response it gets.  Love you all and thanks for reading and listening - there’s music in there too so if you can listen to the tracks as you read it’ll heighten the experience. 🫶 Enjoy!
Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Please don’t steal or copy bits of my writing or any writing from other writers cause karma will get ya.  
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Rose, elegant and poised as ever, fiddled with Ward's bowtie. It was a futile attempt to straighten it, and you wondered if the Kooks knew how ridiculous they looked, their privileged lives spent fussing over trivial things.
"Do you play?" Ward's voice was casual, but his eyes betrayed a glimmer of interest. He had seen you eyeing the piano in their opulent living room before, and it was clear he suspected you had a musical inclination.
"A little," you replied, shrugging nonchalantly. You didn't want to give too much away. The Kooks had a tendency to pry, and you had learned the hard way that it was better to keep your guard up.
The Camerons were pleasant enough, but like the other Kooks on Figure Eight, they didn't really care about the Pogues. You had grown up being told that Pogues were different from Kooks, but as you got older, you realized it was more complicated than that. The Kooks were narrow-minded, lacking empathy and understanding. They saw the Pogues as nothing more than servants, there to cater to their every whim. It was a toxic dynamic and one that you had learned to navigate with caution.
The key to survival on the Outer Banks was invisibility. You had learned that early on. The less you revealed about yourself, the safer you were. So you didn't tell Ward that your father had started teaching you piano before you could even walk. You didn't tell him that music was your escape, your solace, your everything.
"Well, a bit of something is better than nothing," Ward chuckled, his eyes flickering back to you. "I bought it thinking it would be nice to have music in the house that wasn't rap or pop, but you know how kids are." He chuckled again. "No one seems interested in learning how to play it. If you want to try it out, our door is always open."
The Kooks were the quintessential chameleons, expertly donning the cloak of benevolence and charity. But behind the facade lay their self-centered motives, concealed in plain sight. In their company, you had to be just as duplicitous as them, your true self lost in a sea of artifice. So you donned your own mask of deceit, feigning a grin while burying your true feelings behind a veneer of politeness.
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As the grandfather clock in the hallway struck six, Rose and Mr. Cameron stepped into the warm North Carolina evening, dressed to the nines for their elegant black-tie affair. You were left behind in the kitchen with Wheezie, chatting aimlessly about everything and nothing. A comfortable silence settled between you.
"Want to watch a movie, Wheezie?" you asked, but you already knew the answer.
"Maybe next time? I'm having a Stranger Things watch party with my friends. We're on season three, actually," she replied as she pulled out her phone and began texting.
"Oh, that's cool. Sure, let me know when you're hungry and we'll order in."
A few minutes later, you were left alone in the kitchen, grappling with the void of the next five hours stretching before you. Your gaze was inexorably drawn to the open double doors of the living room, and a force beyond your control tugged at your heartstrings.
There, in the corner of the Camerons' living room, stood a magnificent black Steinway & Sons piano. A work of art that you had only seen in fleeting glimpses on the internet, played by virtuosos with mastery beyond compare.
The Camerons' piano was an exquisite piece. Valued upwards of forty thousand dollars, it was a show-stopper that begged to be played in a prestigious concert hall. And yet there it sat in their living room, untouched and unloved.
With a fluttering heart, you approached the baby grand piano, drawn by an unconscious force beyond your control. As you lifted the fallboard, a heady scent of wax and mahogany wafted into your nostrils, creating a longing you could barely contain. Your fingertips brushed against the smooth, pristine ivory keys, unable to resist the urge to touch. As you pressed down on one, a crystalline note filled the air, flawless and true. Before you could even think, you were seated on the bench.
Back straight and feet planted firmly on the floor, you thought about all the classical pieces you had practiced over the years and loved to play. How each piece would sound hollow on your cheap, antiquated piano in your small family home. Music was your first love, and you longed for the day to play on stage accompanied by the New York Symphony Orchestra.
Closing your eyes, you allowed your mind to wander, imagining a sea of faces, a packed audience hanging on your every note. In your mind's eye, you saw your dad sitting in the front row, his gaze filled with pride and love. The thought of his reaction, a validation of all his sacrifices over the years, filled you with purpose.
Driven by your distant dream, you let your fingers glide across the keys, effortlessly weaving a tapestry of sound that flooded the Camerons' living room with music.
With meticulous attention, you listened closely to the dynamics of the piece. You noticed the way the Steinway amplified the subtlest variations in volume, imbuing the composition with a melancholic mood. Your fingers moved with practiced ease, executing intricate runs and arpeggios with fluid grace.
Enraptured by the music, you let the notes wash over you. Every facial expression was a reflection of the emotional journey unfolding before you. As the piece reached its crescendo, your fingers moved faster, striking the keys with greater force, a physical manifestation of your emotions. Your hands flowed in flawless harmony with the rhythm, pouring your soul into the music. And with the final notes, you laughed breathlessly, basking in the afterglow of your musical outpouring.
But your blissful moment was cruelly interrupted as you suddenly sensed you weren’t alone. Your eyes snapped open, and a cold wave of fear washed over you.
“Shit! I am so sorry,” you stammered, your voice trailing off in a rush of apologies as you gingerly lowered the piano fallboard.
“You know,” Rafe’s words were laced with honey, each syllable slow and sweet, yet there was no mistaking the menacing undertone to them. “We don’t take kindly to people touching our things,” he drawled, his intense gaze locked onto yours, a warning glimmer lurking within his dark eyes.
“I… I had permission from your dad,” you insisted, your words barely audible above a whisper as you tried to defend your actions.
His response was a dismissive chuckle. The atmosphere was taut with tension as he nonchalantly propped his golf bag against the wall. Leisurely slow, he sauntered over to you, his hands casually tucked away in his pockets.
“What were you playing anyway?” he inquired, his tone deceptively relaxed.
“You mean the name of the piece?” you swallowed hard, fear palpable. “It’s called Nocturne in C-sharp Minor.”
The tall blonde squinted at you, and you could not decipher his expression. Wanting to avoid further irritation, you slowly rose from the piano bench and dusted it off.
“What kinda name is that?”
“I… I…” you stammered, blood surging in your ears from fear as Rafe suddenly leaned in and lifted the fallboard. He scanned the keys, perhaps checking for any scratches. You took a deep breath. The scent of his expensive cologne and freshly mown grass overwhelmed your senses.
“I don’t know. It worked for Chopin, I guess.” You said quietly.
“Chopin…” he said with his lip jutted.
“He’s the composer. He wrote it and-”
“I know Chopin,” Rafe interrupted, his eyes suddenly locked on you. Up close, you could not deny that they were a striking shade of blue, if not for the death glare he gave you. “Chopin, Beethoven, Einaudi, Bach…” He backed away and sat in a nearby chair. “Brahms… I’ve been to enough of those long-ass concerts to at least know their names.”
You felt a confusing mix of awe and jealousy as you listened to Rafe’s words. The pit in your stomach proved this. You had never been to a proper symphony concert, and the school concerts you had attended were barely amateur. The thought of your dad’s broken promise to take you to one was a constant source of frustration. However, Rafe’s casual disdain for the very concerts he was lucky enough to attend seemed to be a new addition.
“Well… I’m not getting paid to mess around on your piano,” you said with a wry smile, as you tried to mask your emotions.
“You’re right. You’re not,” Rafe retorted while he twisted the gold signet ring around his index finger with his thumb. Head tilted to the side, his eyes raked over every inch of you, from your hair, your oversized sweatshirt and jeans to your worn knockoff Converses. You felt self-conscious under his intense scrutiny. He made you want to crawl into a hole and hide.
“I… I should check on Wheezie,” you whispered, eager to escape the tension in the room.
“Why?” Rafe asked, halting his twirling of the signet ring. His face appeared bemused until a sly grin tugged at his lips. “Weeze is a big girl, right? Might as well… play Chopin while she’s doing her own thing…”
As you babysat for the Camerons, you occasionally spotted Rafe in the vicinity. Sometimes, he was accompanied by a striking beauty, while other times he hung out with his friends. Even when he was alone, his body language was a clear warning: "Keep your distance." His piercing gaze made you feel diminutive and unimportant, as if any attempts at interaction would be met with cold indifference. In his presence, you felt like you were navigating hostile terrain, just a misstep away from a precarious situation.
"Well?" he said, leaning back in his chair and tapping his lower lip with a finger. The gesture seemed to carry a message, but what message you weren't sure. What was certain was that his expression of amusement made it evident that the outcome was secondary—he was simply enjoying watching you squirm.
Your tongue darted out to moisten your parched lips, while anxiety twisted in your gut as you stared nervously at the grand Steinway piano and Rafe. The weight of his words lingered in the air, causing you to hesitate and consider the potential consequences of your answer.
Every which way you looked at it, you were fucked.
Rafe was bound to tell his parents, and you were sure enough about to lose your job once they found out. Despite Mr. Cameron's outward kindness and willingness to accommodate, you knew very well that playing their piano without supervision was not within the bounds of your permission. And he certainly would not appreciate you lying about it either.
Still, you were determined to make the most out of a shitty situation. You weren't trying to prove anything to Rafe, but if this was going to be your last time playing a Steinway, you would go out in style.
You had chosen a haunting, evocative melody,  a tale of lost love and longing. The notes rang out, clear and true, as your fingers danced over the keys. 
Closing your eyes and shutting out the world and Rafe, you allowed the music to flow from your fingertips, guided by instinct and emotion. Your touch was delicate yet confident, breathing life into the haunting melody.
After the last notes of the piece hung in the air like a delicate mist. You held your breath, waiting for some kind of response from Rafe, but all you got was a deafening silence. The room felt like it was closing in on you, and you couldn't help but cast a quick glance in his direction.
Rafe's eyes bored into yours with an intensity that made your heart stop. You shifted uncomfortably, feeling exposed under his scrutinizing gaze. When you finally lowered the fallboard, the tension was so thick you could practically cut it with a knife.
"I should check on Wheezie," you whispered, breaking the silence.
Rafe made no reply, and you took that as permission to leave. When you returned downstairs a half hour later, Rafe was nowhere to be seen and you sighed in relief.
In the best-case scenario, Rafe would keep your little transgression to himself. In the worst-case scenario, you could explain to Mr. Cameron that curiosity got the better of you and seek his forgiveness. Either way, you vowed never to touch their piano again.
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"What's on your setlist today, piano girl?" Rafe's voice caused your heart to skip a beat, and you nearly spewed out the orange juice pooling in your mouth. A mere week had passed since your previous babysitting job at the illustrious Cameron residence. Yet here you were once again, feeling a pang of anxiety at the mere sight of him. You had desperately hoped to avoid any interaction with Rafe for the remainder of your shift, but fate had other plans in store.
There he was, sauntering into the kitchen, sporting an obnoxiously bright salmon polo shirt that clashed horribly with his teal shorts, and finished with a backwards baseball cap. Despite his frat boy appearance, you couldn't help but admit that he looked undeniably handsome. The realization hit you like a brick and left you feeling inexplicably uneasy.
"Excuse me?" you sputtered, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
Rafe's gaze shifted towards the living room, where the Steinway was waiting behind closed doors.
"No, I don't think it's a good idea," you said, your voice trailing off as you watched Rafe roll his eyes.
"Whatever," he drawled with a dismissive flick of his wrist, exuding an air of nonchalant superiority as he strode out of the kitchen.
You parroted his words under your breath, feeling frustration boil inside you. Despite his insufferable demeanor, you chose to let it slide. After all, you needed this job, and with a week of smooth sailing under your belt, you suspected that Rafe had kept your little piano incident under wraps. You weren't about to jeopardize your livelihood over a petty disagreement with Rafe Cameron of all people.
Just as you were considering taking refuge in the kitchen to avoid Rafe, the sound of a key being struck on the Steinway echoed through the kitchen, beckoning you towards it.
You stepped into the living room, a bundle of nerves and anticipation, only to find Rafe sprawled in the same chair as before. The piano's fallboard was already raised. Its ebony and ivory keys gleamed in the warm light of the setting sun. Rafe's piercing gaze locked onto yours, then flicked towards the piano.
"Do you want me to play something?" you asked softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
Rafe shrugged, looking uninterested. "Do you want to?" he asked, his voice dripping with boredom.
"I don't mind, I guess," you replied, chewing your bottom lip.
If you were to be completely honest with yourself, you were desperate for another chance to play the Steinway. There was a piece that you couldn't get out of your head, and you knew it would sound magnificent on it. You did not need to be asked twice. But at the same time, you were no fool.
You had heard whispers about the "Kook King." Infamous for settling disputes with his fists, not for acts of kindness. You had no idea what was taking place here or why Rafe was suddenly allowing you to play the Camerons' prized possession. But despite your internal warning bells that this could be a trap, you put your glass of orange juice on the floor next to the bench. Consequences be damned.
Taking a confident breath, you aimed to kill.
As you hit the final notes of the composition, the silence was shattered by Rafe's ragged breaths. Your eyes locked onto his, and you saw a flicker of something in his gaze that was gone as quickly as it appeared.
"I've been working on that one for a while," you said, trying to sound nonchalant despite his stare. "I know it's not perfect, but I-"
"No, it's good," Rafe interjected with a croak. "You're good."
His words validated your talent, and a rush of excitement surged through you, causing a grin to spread across your face as you basked in his praise. But the moment was short-lived as Rafe pulled out his phone and started scrolling, his demeanor shifting from impressed to cold indifference. Without warning, he abruptly rose from his seat, an air of superiority emanating from his towering frame.
"Tell Rose I'm having dinner at Top's," he drawled, his voice dripping with aloofness as he looked down his nose at you.
"Sure, okay," you stammered, still reeling from his sudden change in behavior.
Without another glance in your direction, he strode out of the room, leaving you to wonder what the hell just happened.
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It became routine. A ritual. Embedded in your weekly visits to the Cameron residence.
Each time you babysat Wheezie, the air would fill with the soothing sound of classical music, as you took your place at the Steinway and brought the keys to life. Rafe, either in the background or seated nearby, listened intently. His brooding demeanor was a stark contrast to the beauty of the music.
As the weeks went by, playing the Steinway became a treasured routine, and it wasn't just the music that captivated you. With every note played, the invisible barrier between you and Rafe seemed to thin. Despite his reserved exterior, there was a subtle shift in the room when he was around, a magnetic pull that drew you closer to him until one evening, a simple question from him sparked a conversation that would change everything.
"Where did you even learn to play like that?" Rafe asked as the sun cast its final rays of light into the opulent living room, painting the space with a breathtaking array of orange, pink, and purple hues.
You had just finished playing a piece by Bach. The air was still thick with the lingering notes of the Prelude as you closed the Steinway lid.
"There's barely electricity on the cut. Far less for piano classes, and even if there was, you can't—you can't teach this, know what I mean? Well, not the way you play it anyway." His tone shifted, taking on a new quality of—dare you think it?—admiration. You couldn't help but wonder if the beer he was drinking had anything to do with his slip of the tongue and the emotions that seemed to seep through in his words.
You cast your eyes to find Rafe leaning forward in his chair, said beer bottle in hand, his hair falling into his face and his eyes laser-focused on you. There was an intensity in his eyes that made you feel like you were being seen, truly seen, by him. But as much as you were flattered by his attention, something lurking in the depths of his gaze made you feel uneasy, and you weren't entirely sure why. You brushed the stray thought aside.
"My dad taught me." You said with pride in your voice. "Did you know they used to have jazz nights at the Wreck?" You turned your body towards Rafe, eager to share this piece of history. "Back then, it wasn't called the Wreck. Anyway, my dad used to play there every night from seven until midnight until the Carreras took over. Now he works on the big oil rig in Burnsville."
"Does he still play?" Rafe asked.
You hesitated for a moment, realizing you were oversharing with Rafe Cameron of all people. But something about his presence made you feel comfortable enough to continue. "No, after my mom left," you trailed off, suddenly feeling vulnerable. "He just gave up on music altogether."
Rafe looked down, his expression unreadable.
"I guess I'm trying to keep the tradition alive, in my own way. It's not jazz, but he approves." You smiled softly. "Anyway, what about you?"
Arresting blue eyes flicked up at yours, and your stomach flipped.
"What about me?" he asked, his voice low and husky, dripping with curiosity and challenge. He leaned back in his chair, the rattan creaking beneath him. He lazily ran a hand through his blonde hair, revealing his chiselled features. You weren't sure why, but the gesture felt calculated. As though it was meant to entice you. And yet you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest as you drank in the sight of him.
"No offense, but you don't look like the type to be into..." you waved your hand towards the piano, trying to deflect his gaze and lighten the mood.
"Yeah? What do I look like I'm into?" Rafe purred seductively, his tongue swiping his top lip. His eyes fixed on you. You didn't miss his tone. The double entendre just beneath the surface, if you were bold enough to respond to it. You were sure the alcohol running through his veins had something to do with his sudden flirty behavior. Tomorrow, he'd probably forget the whole thing. But it still didn't stop the butterflies from dancing in your stomach.
"Go on, don't be shy," Rafe coaxed, his eyes dark and intense, almost daring you to take the bait.
"I don't know," you breathed out a laugh, suddenly feeling flustered and self-conscious.
"Yeah, you do." Rafe said, his tone low and teasing. "Saying I don't look like the type means you have a type in your head. So, let's hear it. What kind of man do you think I am, Y/N?"
You were certain this was not about music anymore, and you felt way out of your element. What were you supposed to say about that? You decided to keep the conversation neutral and err on the side of caution.
"Okay," you nodded as you shifted on the bench. "You look like the type to be interested in other types of music, you know like rap or hip-hop, rock— even country, anything but this."
Rafe looked away with a chuckle, a deep rumble that made your skin tingle. He nodded slowly, pondering your words.
"Does that sound bad? I know it sounds awful. I'm sorry." You cringed.
"Nah, it's pretty tame actually... innocent even..." Rafe murmured more to himself than to you. You shivered as his piercing blue gaze met yours, then slowly traveled down to your lips, neck, and every inch of your oversized t-shirt and cardigan to your jeans-covered body.
He cleared his throat, his voice low as he spoke. "And you're not wrong. Classical music was my mom's thing. She loved it." He said taking a swig of his beer.
"Oh," you breathed out, taken aback by the unexpected answer. Suddenly, the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. Why Rafe was always so engrossed in the music each time you played. The wistful expression that crossed his face whenever he heard familiar pieces of music. It was like a window into his soul, a glimpse into a hidden part of him that he kept from the world. And just as you pieced together your thoughts, Rafe spoke, confirming your suspicions.
"We used to go to the mainland to see 'The Four Seasons' or 'Carmen' or some other shit like that. I don't know, it reminds me of her, I guess. Takes me back to happier times." Rafe shrugged, a hint of sadness in his eyes as he sipped his beer.
"I'm sorry..." you whispered.
"Nah, don't be. She was sick for a long time, and now she's... Anyway, It's all good now." Rafe replied with a forced nonchalance, a fragile façade attempting to conceal his true emotions.
"So, you listen to classical music for nostalgia..." you whispered, your voice tinged with a touch of melancholy.
“I guess you could say that,” Rafe said thoughtfully, tilting his head from side to side as he considered your words. He scrunched up his face, eyebrows drawn together as if he had tasted something bitter. “But I'm not a classical music aficionado or anything. It’s not like I’m requesting it in the club. Can you imagine that shit? Right after 21 Savage fuckin’ Mozart on blast. I’d get jumped.”
"I don’t know, you might start a trend," you smiled.
“Sounds like you want me to get jumped”
You outright laughed at that one. “Well, it depends, do you deserve it?”
“Oof” Rafe countered, clutching his chest faux wounded. “That was good.”
You shrugged with a smile, feeling an unexpected kinship with Rafe of all people. Here was this tough, brooding guy who, beneath the surface, was incredibly sentimental and even had a sense of humor. It was a sweet and surprising discovery.
"What about you? Why do you play?" He asked, his blue eyes roaming across your facial features slowly, curiously, when your laughter had died and all that was left was contented silence.
"Good question. Why do I play? Well, I guess for me... it's about the emotion," you replied, your fingers tracing the Steinway keys without pressing them. "Each note, each chord, each composition tells a story. It's like I'm a part of that story, and I get to bring it to life. You don’t need words you just… feel it.”
Rafe nodded, understanding. "I get it. You're the storyteller. The piano is your instrument channelin’ that shit.”
"Exactly!" you said, touching your nose and pointing to him with an earnest laugh.
"Exactly," Rafe repeated with a soft chuckle, his gaze fixated on you.
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“Hey, how come I never see you at bonfires?” Rafe asked, a mischievous glint in his eye one sunny afternoon when Rose and Mr. Cameron went out for drinks with friends, leaving Wheezie in your care.
“Bonfires just aren’t my thing,” you replied with a shrug.
“What, no friends to hang out with?” he teased.
“I have plenty of friends!” you retorted, a hint of a smirk playing at your lips.
“Friends that I’ve never seen you with,” he pressed.
 “What do you mean ‘friends I’ve never seen you with’ are you stalking me around town?” 
“Maybe I am...” he shrugged a small devious smile curled his lips. “Whatever. Well, my friends and I clearly hang out when you’re not around,” you shot back, a playful smile lighting up your face.
“Sure you do,” he drawled, a chuckle rumbling in his chest.
Rafe leaned forward against the piano, the sun casting a warm glow on his handsome features. You couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he laughed, and how the muscles in his arms flexed under his t-shirt while he absentmindedly tapped his index finger on the piano lid.
“You know, there’s more to life than playing music,” Rafe said, his voice low and smooth, as he turned the words over with his tongue. His finger tapping the lid, became slower, more measured.
“Oh, I know that,” you replied, rolling your eyes. “I have plenty of other things going on.”
“Yeah? Like what?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Like studying,” you said, trying to keep a straight face as Rafe scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I’m actually quite serious about my grades.”
"I wouldn't expect anything less from a good girl," Rafe chuckled. Once again, his comment caught you off guard. Although you knew he wasn't mocking you, it still felt strange that he felt the need to mention what he perceived was good girl behavior. “Seriously though, you should have some real fun too. Do some shit you probably shouldn’t do. Life’s too short to be cooped up not living it.”
You shrugged, unsure of what to say. Rafe had a point, but you weren’t sure if bonfires were the kind of fun you were looking for. Still, there was something about the way he looked at you that made your heart skip a beat, and you couldn’t help but swallow nervously. As if reading your thoughts, Rafe leaned closer.
“You know, I could show you a good time if you want.” Rafe’s voice was low and husky as he leaned in close, his minty breath fanning your cheek. While he had flirted before, this time there was a sober earnestness to his words that made your heart race. But before you could even formulate a response, the front door's slam cut through the thick tension.
Rafe straightened himself, briefly glancing towards the hallway before fixing his gaze back on you, his jaw tightly clenched in irritation. With determined strides, he purposefully walked away, the sound of his long steps resonating down the corridor, while you unintentionally caught snippets of his familiar argument with Sarah.
It seemed Sarah had developed an interest in John B, a guy you had seen around town, but Rafe vehemently disapproved due to his “pogue” status. You couldn’t fathom why he held such strong opposition, especially considering that you, too, were a Pogue. Had he conveniently forgotten? Or did he consider you an exception?
As you closed the lid of the Steinway, an inescapable curiosity filled your mind about what set your relationship with Rafe apart. Maybe he only saw you as a friend rather than a romantic interest the way Sarah felt about John B.
Reluctant to admit it to yourself, the thought pierced through, leaving you with a confusing mixture of disappointment, anger, and self-annoyance for even entertaining the idea that Rafe could ever feel that way about you.
As Rafe persisted in berating his sister, you dismissed any contemplation of what might have happened between the two of you if she had arrived just a few minutes later.
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“I'm in here.” Rose’s voice, sharp as a razor’s edge, resonated through the foyer of the Camerons’ residence. As you entered the kitchen, you discovered her gingerly picking up the remnants of a shattered vase from the tiled floor. You offered to help her, but she brushed you off with a dismissive gesture.
“No need, honey. I wouldn’t want you getting hurt.” She said, smiling unconvincingly.
Mr. Cameron burst into the room a few seconds later. His dominating presence charged the atmosphere, his eyes glinting like ice. It was only when his eyes landed on you that his demeanour changed.
“Oh, Y/N. Thanks for coming on such short notice. We’ll only need you for two hours. Sarah should be back by then.” He smiled, though it did not reach his eyes.
“Uh, sure. Of course.” You replied. You scurried out of his path as he snatched a file and car keys from the kitchen table.
“I’ll be in the car.” He informed Rose tersely, eliciting a stiff nod from her.
Feeling Rose’s disquiet, you intervened to clear the shattered vase. “I can pick these up for you, Rose.” You said warmly.
“Really? Are you sure?”
“Absolutely.” You assured her with a nod.
“Thank you.” She murmured, her smile returning. “Wheeze is upstairs doing her homework. I’m sorry about all of this. Things are a bit crazy today.” She said, her grip on her bag and sunglasses tightening as if she were holding onto her sanity by a thread. And with that, she vanished, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the shattered pieces of the vase.
Having cleared the wreckage, you climbed the stairs to find Wheezie immersed in her studies in her room, her headphones firmly in place. You inquired if she needed anything or was okay, but she appeared blissfully unaware of the chaos that had unfolded. You marvelled at her ability to concentrate amidst the turmoil, yet you couldn’t dispel the nagging suspicion that the Camerons hid a dark secret beneath their façade of rich superiority. With a sigh, you left Wheezie to her schoolwork and descended the stairs as the sound of the living room door being opened roused your suspicions.
As you passed the living room, your heart sank at the sight of Rafe. He was sitting on his usual chair, swaying back and forth, lost in a jumble of incoherent words. His eyes were bloodshot and streaked with tears. You hurried towards him, your mind racing with worry and fear. You sat down on the floor in front of him, your heart pounding in your chest.
“What happened? Are you okay?”
He responded with a roar that shook you to your core. The words that spilled out of Rafe’s mouth were like knives, cutting deep into your soul. He berated himself with a ferocity that was frightening, how he was a failure in his father’s eyes, how he was nothing but a disappointment. You placed a comforting hand on his knee, giving it a gentle squeeze, trying to offer some solace amidst his torment.
His eyes flicked to your hand, then to your face, as if seeing you for the first time. Rafe’s jaw tightened, his eyes raw with emotions you couldn’t decipher. There was anger there, yes, but there was something else too – something deeper, more primal.
“Play something.” He suddenly demanded.
“I can- I can get someone for you. Do you want me to call your-”
“No. I don’t want that. I want you to play.” He almost sneered at you.
“Okay.” You whispered tentatively.
You made your way to the piano, your fingers trembling with anticipation. As you began to play, the haunting melody flowed from your fingertips.
As the tender notes from the piano enveloped you, the outside world ceased to exist. Within the protective cocoon of the Cameron's living room, you hoped your music might be a balm for Rafe’s pain. But this sanctuary of sound was violently shattered when an aggressive tug at your hair ripped you from your reverie.
Suddenly, Rafe was there, his fingers cruelly ensnared in your hair, exerting a force so savage it wrenched your head backward, choking off your breath and stilling the music in one brutal tug. The once harmonious room was now charged with an electrifying tension, your eyes captured and held hostage by the ferocity in his.
This was not the Rafe you knew.
The Rafe towering above you appeared utterly transformed. Unrecognizable in every way. Gone was the Rafe who had shared countless evenings filled with laughter and sharing stories. Gone was the anchor that made you feel connected and safe.
Instead, frustration etched itself onto his face like a battle scar, while his dilated pupils revealed an intensity you had never witnessed before, oscillating between your fear-stricken eyes.
His gaze dipped to your parted lips as you let out the breath you were holding, and before you could react, before you could appease him, Rafe captured your lips with his.
You froze. Paralyzed against Rafe's lips. Shock stole your breath away.
Time stopped in an instant as you grappled with the thought that this was a dream, a surreal nightmare. But that fragile notion shattered like glass as Rafe's movements became evident. His lips melded against yours like clay taking form. Hard and desperate, his kiss abruptly catapulted you back into the chilling reality that this was, without a doubt, happening.
Your instinct for survival surged as your fight-or-flight response kicked in. You attempted to push him away, but Rafe tightened his grip on your hair and yanked harder, forcing your submission, his tongue plunging into your mouth when you whined in protest.
The taste of alcohol on Rafe’s tongue was bitter and overwhelming. You tried to convince yourself that this was the reason behind Rafe's behaviour. Any moment now, he would realize his mistake, any moment he would let you go. But instead, Rafe's fingers sank into the hollow of your jaw, holding it open while his tongue explored the warm interior of your mouth.
You whimpered softly as his tongue twirled against yours with ferocity. Rafe adjusted his hand in your hair and gripped tighter, making you cry out as pain surged through your scalp and neck. The sound didn't deter him, as he forced your head back drinking from your mouth greedily.
Discordant notes rang out as you lashed out wildly, reaching for anything you could hold onto for balance. Your hands found Rafe's bicep and you dug your nails into his skin, trying to pull his hand away as he kissed you like a man possessed.
Your entire body was inflamed with sensations you had never experienced before as pleasure and pain bled into one. Your scalp ached yet your body felt hot. Your nipples were suddenly sensitive to your sweater's scraggly wool while you ached between your legs for something you had not experienced before. The whirlwind of sensations new and overwhelming within you made your eyes flutter shut on their own, your hands sliding up Rafe's wrist as you held on for balance.
Rafe's mouth worked over yours with an intensity so raw that your protests turned into breathless moans and frantic gasps as you succumbed to his kiss.  Your tongue tentatively meets his stroke for stroke.  Rafe growled in approval and you could feel him smile into the kiss, his tongue stoking the fire deep within you and just as quickly as it started, Rafe abruptly pulled away leaving you shaking and struggling for air.
Your heart raced within your chest as you abruptly pushed yourself off the piano bench, nearly causing it to tip over in your haste. Hand clutching your chest, you struggled to catch your breath, hastily wiping away tears that had unknowingly streamed down your cheeks. 
A fleeting glance at Rafe revealed his heavy breathing, his mouth agape in quick, shallow pants, and his pupils dilated, tinged with a faint hint of blue. Yet, it was the expression etched upon his face that sent a wave of terror crashing over you. 
Rafe's eyes showed no remorse.
Instead, you saw an overwhelming hunger within them that made your blood run cold. Rafe’s gaze moved down from your stunned face over your trembling body.  The danger that emanated from him made your knees buckle.
You took a step back, your mind whirling with fear and apprehension. But Rafe stepped forward, his eyes locked onto yours with determination.
"I-- I need to check on Wheezie. See what she'd like for dinner," you whispered, your voice shaking as you inched backwards toward the door. You turned to run but it was too late.
Rafe reached out and snatched the hem of your sweater, yanking you towards him. You struggled to break free, twisting and thrashing like a scared kitten in his grip but Rafe was relentless. His other hand reached for your waist as he pulled you close.  His nose and lips trailed the back of your neck and into your hairline and he groaned as he breathed you in. With a jab of your elbow into his rib you wriggled free.  It wasn't enough to wound him but it gave you the head start needed to run.
You dashed from the room, Rafe's pursuit relentless. His outstretched fingers grazed your sweater, narrowly missing its mark. It wasn't until you sprinted up the stairs that he abandoned the chase. You didn't need to glance back to feel his gaze on you.  The tendrils of his breathless laugh reverberated down the corridor.
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You burst into Wheezie's room, a hot mess of tears and fear. You made up some excuse about feeling unwell and had to go home immediately. After calling Rose and arranging for a replacement babysitter for Wheezie, you sat in her room and waited for the sitter to arrive.
You didn't see Rafe when you left, and you thanked God for that. You knew that if you saw him, you would break down crying, and you couldn't bear to show him any more weakness. But the tears came anyways, hot and heavy, as soon as you got home. How could you have been so stupid? You knew all the rumors about him, knew that he wasn't a good guy, and yet somehow, you thought in your warped mind that he was different. A decent human being who was simply misunderstood.
It wasn't like you didn't see the signs. They were always there, staring you right in the face. The blatant flirting, the staring, the way he undressed you with his gaze. You dismissed every red flag, thinking he couldn't like you in that kind of way because you were not the type of girl Rafe Cameron would go for and you certainly weren't the type of girl Rafe Cameron would kiss.
And it wasn't just the kiss that scared you. It was the fact that Rafe had no intention of stopping. It was the way he held onto you, the way he made you feel like you were drowning in a sea of desire. He was a predator, relentless in his pursuit of you, and as you thought about how he grabbed onto your clothes his lips tracing your neck even as you protested you couldn't help but cry even harder.
No. There was no way you were setting foot in that house again. Not after the way Rafe kissed you, not after what he was determined to get out of you.
Over the next few weeks, Rose's texts kept coming, each one more insistent than the last. But you knew better than to give in to her demands. You couldn't go back to that house, not after what had happened with Rafe. It was too dangerous, too risky, and you couldn't afford to let your guard down again.
You thought about telling her what had happened with Rafe, but the thought of it made your stomach turn. How could you explain what had happened without sounding like a fool? That you had been hanging out with her stepson for months, that you had let things get out of hand?
You had every intention of never setting foot in that house again. But then Rose sent you a text, asking if you were available on Saturday. They were desperate, she said, and willing to offer triple what they usually paid. Rafe and Sarah were going to a game and the lady who was supposed to look after Wheezie had a family emergency.
You were going to turn them down, again, but the truth was that since you had dropped them as a client, it had been difficult to find other work. So, against your better judgement, you agreed, but only after Rose confirmed that she and Mr Cameron would be home long before Sarah and Rafe returned.
As the day of the babysitting gig approached, a sense of foreboding settled in the pit of your stomach. You knew that you shouldn't go, that it was too risky, too dangerous. But the promise of easy money was too tempting to ignore. And so, against your better judgement, you found yourself standing in front of the Cameron's house once again, your heart racing with a mix of fear and anticipation.
As you approached the front door, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Rose had texted you on your way over, telling you that she would be getting ready and to let yourself in. But when you rang the doorbell and received no answer, you began to worry. Still, you didn't think anything of it when you turned the door handle and found that it was unlocked. You stepped inside and called out for Wheezie and Rose, but the house was silent.
Making your way to the kitchen, you put down your bag and pulled out your phone. You texted Rose and Wheezie to let them know that you had arrived and were in the kitchen, just in case Wheezie was plugged in. But as you waited for a response, your heart sank.
Something wasn't right. You could feel it.
You had been to the Camerons' house many times and had let yourself in on a few occasions when they were too busy to answer the door. None of this was new but it felt different. An ominous feeling washed over you. But just as you began to worry, the sound of footsteps in the hallway interrupted your thoughts, and you sighed in relief.
As you called out for Rose, a sudden hush fell over the room, broken only by the sound of footsteps approaching. You looked up, hoping to see Rose's familiar figure, but instead, your eyes met the last person you expected to see: Rafe.
His presence was jarring, like a thunderclap on a clear day. Your heart pounded in your chest as you tried to make sense of his unexpected appearance. But before you could utter a word, Rafe's murmur cut through the silence like a knife.
"Nah, not Rose," he said with a smile.
Fear took hold of you as you realized that he must have had something to do with Rose's texts in the first place. You stepped back, fear making your knees buckle.
"Where's Rose?" you whispered, wrapping your arms around yourself protectively, as if shielding yourself from him.
“Don’t worry about it,” he drawled, his voice low and dangerous.
“Don’t come near me,” you said firmly as Rafe rounded the kitchen island towards you. Immediately, you moved in the opposite direction away from him.
“I… I just… I needed to talk to you, like, a little bit. Is that okay?” he said, opening his hands to placate you.
“Did Rose actually text me?”
“She did,” Rafe soothed. “But then I, uh… I heard you’d be here tonight instead of Pat, and well… seeing you was more important to me than some game.” His eyes trailed over your face, studying your every reaction.
“Where’s Wheezie?”
“With Sarah.”
You shook your head, your mind reeling with disbelief. How could Rafe have orchestrated this situation for you to be alone with him without any of the Camerons noticing? But as if he heard your thoughts, a sly smile curled his lips and he chuckled softly.
“I told Rose I’d watch over Wheeze so she could catch an early ferry,” Rafe explained, his hands moving in slow, deliberate gestures, connecting invisible dots as he spoke. “After Rose left I gave my ticket to Wheeze.”
You felt like you were going to be sick.
“Look, I know the last time I was a little… a little intense…”
“Intense!” You choked. You would have laughed if the whole thing wasn’t so heartbreaking.
“Yes, and I’m -- I'm really sorry about that, okay? I really am.”
"You tried to ra-”
"No! No, no, I would never..." Rafe rushed towards you and you immediately backed away. He froze mid-step as you cowered, his hands still raised in surrender.  "I’m sorry things were confusing and it looked that way but I wasn't trying to hurt you. God, I- l’m-" Rafe sighed, deflated his hands landed on his hips, he looked away as he pressed his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
"You're sorry it looked that way?" you whispered your voice trembling. Rafe's words echoed in your mind while memories of that day in all its menacing glory flooded back. You looked at him flabbergasted.
"Rafe...you... you were kissing me-”
“I know but I-”
“And touching me--"
He breathed out a laugh "Come on, you know I was only-,"
“Without my consent, Rafe.”
He was silent with that and you hoped your words had finally sunk in, had finally made him understand how terrifying he was in that moment.
“Then you chased me.  You chased me like some...” you couldn’t even finish the sentence.  You didn’t know how to finish the sentence.  You were so hurt and confused.  That your friend could do something like that to you. “I don’t even know who you are. I- I don’t think I ever did,” you whispered.
Rafe's eyes landed on yours with that. His gaze was dark and intense, and for a moment, you thought you had gotten through to him because he nodded slowly. But then he let out a humourless chuckle, reminding you of the one he gave post-chase, and any hope of reaching him dissipated.
"You know, it’s funny ‘cause you say that...” Rafe said coldly, a hand gesturing to you as if trying to grasp his own thoughts “But you’re not entirely innocent in all of this, are you?” 
“I don't-- I don't understand."
“Do you have any idea what you're doing to me, huh, Y/N?
"What kind of mental shit you put me through? Nah, you don't. You don't think about that, do you?" he asked, his hands gesturing toward you as his eyes narrowed and he stared you down. You felt a shiver run down your spine as you realized the gravity of Rafe's words. It was as if he was confessing to a darker truth, a mental anguish that he had been helplessly consumed by, something unintentionally sparked within him by your actions.
"I have my dad on my back talking about legacies, our family business and preparing me for that shit meanwhile Sarah’s running around town doing god knows what with some loser fucking up our family name. I have real shit to deal with...” he gave out a bitter laugh his hand clutched to his chest as he confessed.
“But even with all of that all I can think about every minute of every fucking day, is you.” Rafe's voice was raw and anguished. His hand moved up to his ear as he slowly walked towards you.
"It's like you've crawled into my brain, you know? Like I’m under some fucking spell with your music and your voice and your-" His eyes trailed down your body just as his hand followed the motion, and you shuddered. He was consuming you with his gaze every sinful thought etched across his features.
"Nah, you made me do this…” he said bitterly, his jaw clenched tight.
“You did and now I'm the bad guy because I had a moment of weakness. But you know what? Fuck, it.” he shrugged nonchalantly. “Fuck it, i’ll take responsibility for my part in this--”
“That’s what real men do, right? Take responsibility for their shit and I’m all about being accountable, so yeah, I kissed you.” He said nodding slowly. “But I’m not sorry.”
His words made you recoil, disbelief etched across your face as you stared at him.
“Yeah, you want me to pretend like I am. Act apologetic but I won’t. I'm not sorry and you should quit actin’ like you didn't enjoy it."
His words were like a punch to the gut, and you could feel the weight of his accusation settling in your stomach. Stunned, you opened your mouth to protest, but no words came out. A dry, humorless laugh left you instead. Rafe simply nodded slyly as he resumed his steps towards you, and as you stepped backwards, your back collided with the kitchen counter.
“That’s- that’s not true.”
“No?” he asked faux confused.
“It’s not- that’s not fair”
“Isn’t it?” he tutted.
"Rafe, listen to me," you whispered shakily, but he was already leaning in, his eyes dark and clouded.
"No. No, no, you listen.”  he rasped, circling in and looking down on you, his lips pouted as he leaned into the shell of your ear, “You were moaning Y/N- No, don’t do that.  Don’t shake your head, and act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. Don't stand there and pretend this whole fucking thing is one-sided. You were moaning into my mouth… and you...you held on to me, yeah? I didn’t force you to do those things."
“That was all you princess. So you gotta ask yourself. What kinda girl are you to be into that, hm?” Rafe whispered as he leaned into you.  “What kinda girl would moan like a whore when a guy manhandles her…”
“I didn’t- I wasn’t. I wanted you to stop Rafe and you-”
Rafe chuckled before you could even finish your sentence.
“Is that what was happening while you were kissing me back? Nah, see I know what your problem is. I know, I know, I know…” he repeated softly, as he gently rested his hands on your hips. “I know why you ran when deep down you wanted it.”
You opened your mouth to protest only for Rafe to push his body up against yours.  The hard wall of his body renders you speechless. “We eye fucked each other for months,”  he whispered, as he looked down at you.  His eyes darted to your lips as he licked his own.  “You wanted it.” He said coldly.
"But I get it. It was overwhelming... too much... too soon... hm?" he murmured as his nose grazed yours. "I should have approached you more patiently. I realize that now," he acknowledged with a slow nod. "I should have been gentle with you, and I had every intention to. But I -- I wanted you so bad that day that I couldn't think straight. I'm thinking straight now, though."
“Rafe...” you breathed out, your hands on his chest to push him away but not quite having the strength to do so.  Rafe must have picked up on this because he leaned in, his lips close to yours.
“You keep saying my name but you’re not telling me to stop...” Rafe whispered as his fingers caressed your cheek.  With a gentle touch, he lifted your chin, and you willingly yielded. His caress made you sway, your mind growing hazy and confused. To regain your balance, you closed your eyes.
“Why aren’t you telling me to stop, hm?” he whispered.
You could feel the electricity between you as Rafe leaned in, lips hovering over yours and you tilted your head up slightly, closing the distance, only to be met with nothing. When you opened your eyes, you were met with Rafe’s hooded ones a victorious smile creeping across his lips.  
“Come on” Rafe whispered, and before you could protest Rafe laced his fingers in yours and gently tugged you towards the living room.
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Seated at the piano, Rafe smoothly lifted the fallboard with ease.
"Play something for me," he husked, gesturing for you to take a seat beside him on the bench. You felt a flutter of nervousness as you perched yourself next to him, unsure of where to start. You couldn't comprehend how you had gone from rejecting his advances to this moment of willing compliance and acceptance.
Rafe watched you intently. You had been up-close to Rafe before, but never this close. Not this intimately. Your mind became blank, overwhelmed with the prospect of playing for him.
"I...I don't know what to..." you stuttered.
"Anything, anything at all," Rafe whispered, his eyes studying your every move.
Taking a deep breath, you steadied your trembling fingers on the keys and began to release the notes,  slowly at first, but gaining confidence with every passing moment.
“I noticed you, you know,” Rafe rasped. His knuckles suddenly grazed your cheek, and you flinched. “The first time you came to babysit Wheeze, I noticed you.” Rafe followed his knuckles as he moved them across your jaw.
“I remember thinking you were beautiful… shy… innocent…” Opening his hand, his fingers trailed down your neck, and your breath hitched.
“You were wearing this exact sweater…” His fingers splayed over your collarbone as they moved slowly down to your chest.
“What are you hiding under here, hm?” he asked softly. “What are you hiding under these baggy clothes?”
You shied away from his touch, your hands withdrawing from the keys of the piano.
"No. None of that. I’ll tell you when to stop,” he said his voice stern yet soft.  Your eyes glanced at his as Rafe inched closer.  “I’ll tell you when to stop.” he iterated slowly. “Start again.”
Swallowing you placed your hands on the keys while the music resumed from your fingertips.
Rafe shifted closer his leg flushed against your own.  He wrapped his arm over the back of you and hooked it to the other side of the bench. Leaning in, his nose ghosted your neck.
“Shhhh…”His nose nudged into your hairline.  His other hand on your chest continued its exploration.  It moved lower cupping your tit over your sweater.  The gasp you make made Rafe breathe even heavier, a deep pur coming from the back of his throat.
“Please-” you whispered shakily.
“I’ve always wanted to touch you, you know that?  Every time you played I’d think about what you’d feel like... what you’d look like, moaning for me.  I wanna hear you moan for me.”  
Determined Rafe’s hand moved lower until it dipped under your sweater and you gasped when his warm fingers brushed the skin of your stomach. His other hand let go of the piano stool and was now under your sweater squeezing your tit through your bra.
“Keep playing” he whispered against your neck and you did. His hand at your stomach moved lower, finding the button on your jeans he unbutton it with one deft move and your hands falter.
“Keep playing” he murmured, face nudging into your neck, his lips pressing soft kisses to your throat.  “I wanna hear you play while I touch you”  
The sensation of Rafe's hands on your body was almost lost in the overwhelming numbness that had taken over you. His strong hand leisurely tugged at the waistband of your panties seeking to touch what lay beneath, while his other hand snaked under your bra. He caressed and teased your nipple until a soft sob erupted from you.
Rafe moved his hand lower, slipping it between your wet folds and pushing his middle finger inside of you. You cried out, the intensity of sensation causing you to clutch onto Rafe's arm for support, music abandoned.
“It’s okay “ Rafe breathed deeply into your neck, as he roughly peppered your neck with kisses.  “You're okay. Just breathe...” and as he said those comforting words he gently wormed another slender finger passed your slippery folds and into you.
You hissed, trying to move away from the burning stretch of his long fingers. Your nails dug into the flesh of his wrist with enough force to draw blood but Rafe determined as ever slowly moved his fingers in and out of you, each time inserting them a little deeper until it reached his signet ring.  
"You've had more than one finger before?" he asked hotly against your neck. You shook your head no, gritting your teeth in an effort to endure him stretching you further still. Rafe groaned and nipped softly at your jawline, "Fuck, I can tell. I can barely move them. But you're a good girl, aren't you? You're taking them well and afterwards, I'm gonna train you to take all of me."
Rafe's lips trailed tender kisses down the length of your neck, then his mouth closed hungrily around the sensitive skin. His two fingers moved inside you and each slow thrust drew a soft moan from your lips.
With surety, he curled his fingers in a come-hither motion, barely grazing your clit with his thumb. The sensation was overwhelming and foreign, causing you to gasp and cum embarrassingly fast. Your pussy contracting around his fingers, milking them for all they were worth.
“Oh Fuuckk…” Rafe hissed. “You liked that, I can feel it.“ He sighed utterly mesmerised. “Well, if you like that...” Rafe groaned resting his forehead against the side of your face and planting soft kisses on your cheek. “You’re gonna love this.”
With his bottom lip caught between his teeth, Rafe's probing fingers started their relentless hunt for something deep within you. Suddenly, those searching digits found what they were looking for - a spot that caused you to arch over and clutch his hand as you cried out despite your best efforts.
“Oh- there it is” he chuckled softly, shunting his hand and hitting that spot over and over again with a speed and force that knocked the breath out of you, while his thumb expertly rubbed your clit and the fingers of his other hand mercilessly pulled and twisted your nipple.
“OhmyGOD!” you cried.
“That’s it, baby. Fuck my hand. Just like that.”
Rafe kept at it, even as your nails scraped along his wrist and arm for purchase.  Even as you screamed and tried to scissor your legs closed to shut him out. None of it mattered as your eyes crossed and you felt your orgasm raw and violent crash over you. 
Bucking violently into Rafe’s hand, you could feel your release seep through your jeans and onto the piano bench. Pooling and overflowing you could hear it trickle onto the hardwood floor and still, Rafe kept going, kept finger fucking you.
Lost in a sea of agonising pleasure you could do nothing but slump against him and take it, your hips stuttering, your mouth sagging as you whimpered and gasped.
Rafe moaned against you, planting soft kisses on the column of your throat. He stilled his hand, his fingers buried deep inside while you desperately tried to catch your breath.
"Seems my fingers are just as talented as yours, hm?" he said with a breathless chuckle. His nose trailed along your neck, while his tongue darted out to capture the perspiration nestled there. 
Gently, Rafe removed his digits while you gazed in shock, unable to voice a single word as he brought the wet fingers to his lips and ravenously lapped up your fluids with a contented hum.
“This is too much.” you said hoarsely  “I can’t-- I can't do this. No more, Rafe. No more,” you said weakly, trying to remove his hand from your breast and move away from his hold only for Rafe to seize your wrist painfully in his grasp.
"No more?" Rafe chuckled darkly, his gaze fixed on you with dilated pupils. "No more?" he repeated, inching closer as he shook his head. "Nah, baby. No. We're just getting started..."
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Thank you for reading.  Thanks for liking and reblogging. PART 2 / MASTERLIST
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stvrlightgirl · 2 months
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✧˖°. So caught up in you ✧˖°.
part one
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part two ←
summary: Running into your new daughter’s teacher in the school hallway was a real surprise, and you can't help but feel certain feelings towards him. It’s a good thing, that you two seem to feel the same way about your little meeting.
pairing: primary school teacher!remus lupin x single mom f!reader
warnings: Reader’s daughter has her own name (Molly), fluff
a/n: I don’t know if it’ll be a series, but seeing how my previous post blewed up, it gave me motivation to finish this small shot.
Reblogs and comments are always welcome!
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„There will be a new teacher in school, mommy and he’s going to replace Mrs. Smith!” Molly told you one day when you were picking her up from school. Her little tiny hand swayed in yours as you made your way through the crowded hallway.
You smiled, sensing excitement in her voice. She always loved to meet new people. It was something she inherited certainly not from you.
„Oh, yeah, I remember. are you excited, bug?” You squeezed her hand affectionately, pushing the exit door with your other hand. The gentle wind blew against your face as you fished out the car keys from your trench coat.
„Yeah!” She nodded eagerly „I will miss Mrs. Smith tho, she was my favourite” her voice suddenly saddened. You smiled down at her, feeling a tug at your heart. Molly's attachment to her teacher was something that you were well aware of. She was just great with kids, always happy to see them. It was sad that she retired so soon.
“I know,” you replied softly as you unlocked the car and helped Molly into the backseat. “You'll miss her, but it's okay to feel that way.” You buckled her seat and reached with your hand to gently caress her little cheekbone. “I think that the new teacher will be super cool too.” You gave her forehead little kiss, and she giggled when your lips touched her face.
You walked around to the driver's side, settling into your seat and starting the car. The heater kicked in, chasing away the chill of the cool autumn afternoon. You took off your leather gloves to rub your hands together, seeking some warmth.
“What do you hope your new teacher will be like?” You spoke again after a moment of silence.
Molly pondered this for a moment, her tiny brow furrowed in thought. “I hope he’s nice like Mrs. Smith.” She said finally. “And funny. And smart.” She started counting on her fingers.
You chuckled softly, pulling out of the parking spot and making your way down the street. “Yeah, these are some good traits.” you agreed.
Molly continued to chatter away in the backseat, her voice still full of excitement. "What do you think he will look like, mommy?" she asked, her head popping up from the backseat.
You couldn't help but smile. Clearly, she was getting excited about the new situation. "Well, I can't say for sure, honey. We'll have to wait and find out." You gave her another smile from the rear view.
And he turned out great. Even better than you thought he would. A week later, when you were waiting for her in the school hallway, you watched in anticipation as the classroom door opened, and Molly came running out with a huge grin plastered on her face. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement as she made her way to you. As she got closer, you could see that her little cheeks were flushed pink, and her breathing was a bit ragged with the exertion of her run. When she finally reached you, she wrapped her tiny arms around your legs in a tight hug.
"Mom! You won't believe how great Mr. Lupin is!” she exclaimed, looking up at you with big, shining eyes. Her little hand found yours, and squeezed, while jumping around.
The hallway became full within a seconds, creating a chaotic scene, filled with bustling parents and swarms of excited children hurrying towards the school entrance.
You turned around, still holding Molly's hand, when the sound of the door closing behind you caught your attention. As you glanced over, you saw someone who you assumed was Mr. Lupin standing there, locking up the classroom. His eyes suddenly met yours and your breath hitched. There was an intensity in his gaze that drew you in, making you feel a strange pull.
Before you could react further, Molly's voice shattered the moment. "Mom, that's him!" she exclaimed, her voice full of excitement. "That's Mr. Lupin!"
He looked down at Molly, a smile lighting up his face as he recognized her. "Ah, if it isn't our little chatterbox," he said, his voice warm and friendly, and as he took step closer, you could now see him better.
"You even got a sticker, did you show your mommy?" He pointed to her jean jacket, before his eyes slowly traveled up to you, meeting your gaze once again.
And you felt a strange, almost electric connection. It was as if a thousand tiny lightning bolts had passed through your body in that moment, leaving you feeling both startled and yet strangely drawn to him. He was a handsome man, you couldn’t deny it even if you wanted. His hair was slightly messy, falling in soft, brown locks across his forehead. Those intense chocolate eyes framed by thick eyelashes stared right into yours, and you couldn’t help but notice the sharp, yet boyish, cut of his jaw. Even his outfit, a simple blue sweater and jeans, seemed to look better on him than on anyone else.
The strange connection between you and him was snapped out of by Molly, who with all the enthusiasm a child can have, showed off a sticker that was proudly attached to her denim jacket. The words "Rock Star" were written on it, and she looked up at you with a huge smile on her face, clearly proud of her accomplishment.
The atmosphere felt charged, filled with a magnetic energy, but you managed to collect yourself, plastering a smile on your face as you responded to her.
"That is indeed very cool, sweetheart," you said, ruffling her hair affectionately. “I’m sorry.” You chuckled looking back at him. “She can be a lot on a daily basis. I can’t imagine a classroom full of little kids like her.”
He chuckled softly, his gaze never leaving yours. "It's alright. To be honest, she's an absolute angel compared to the others, but don’t tell them that.” He winked at you, a playful smile danced on his lips.
“That’s good to hear then.” You offered him a slight smile as you held Molly close, sensing that she was growing weary and more clingy. She always become like that when she was tired. A school bell saved you from the awkwardness between two of you, because when it ranged, Mr. Lupin gave you an apologetic smile, glancing up at the source of the noise.
As the hallway cleared out, leaving behind only two of you, he broke the silence with a gentle cough, his voice a soft whisper. "Duty calls," he said, a hint of regret in his tone. "I must prepare for my next class," he continued, his smile tinged with a hint of sheepishness. "And I'd hate to keep you any longer."
She clearly knew the bell was an excuse for him to get away from the slight tension that had hung in the air between you two, but you couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment that your conversation was being cut short.
You chuckled, nodding your head in agreement. "Yeah, I'd better get going as well," you said as you held onto Molly's shoulder, feeling her weight leaning into you due to her increasing tiredness. "I need to feed this gremlin before she falls asleep on me." You ruffled her blonde hair.
He smiled warmly, casting a glance down at Molly who was clinging to you. "Yeah, I can see," he said, his voice soft and pleasant. "It was nice to meet you. By the way, don't forget to attend the class meeting this week!”
“Oh yeah, absolutely.” You giggled nervously. “I’ll be there.”
He gave you a final nod, taking another step away. Then, with a small wave, he turned and walked away, his figure slowly disappearing from sight as he rounded the corner.
And you saw that before he disappeared from the view, how he casted one final glance over his shoulder, his gaze meeting yours. A subtle, gentle smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he took in the sight of you and Molly last time.
You let out a sigh, feeling the tension finally starting to melt away from your shoulders. It took you a few moments to calm down and regain your composure, but when you were back in the game mentally, you felt that warm blush still coloring your cheeks.
What a strange conversation.
“I told you, he’s awesome” Molly whispered, looking up at you, with her big, but tired eyes, while you still couldn’t move your legs from a slight shock.
Oh, you were so fucked.
part two ←
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6okuto · 2 years
— hq boyfriends in public
gn!reader | kuroo, oikawa, iwaizumi, akaashi, atsumu, osamu, sakusa
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KUROO fights to pay for your things at the till. you were spending more than him and asked the cashier to do two transactions. tetsurou doesn’t protest, but while you’re on your phone planning your next shopping stop, he watches the cashier scan your items. they say the total and you reach to tap your card, only for him to do the same. you look up and make a startled noise. “tetsu, no—” “let me pay—” “oh my god, why do you do this every time?” you ask while the both of you laugh. you push each other out of the way until he’s able to hold his card long enough for the payment to go through. you sigh and pout at him, but tetsurou grins at you and plants a kiss on your head. “guess you were too slow, babe.”
OIKAWA watches you try different clothes no matter how many you try on. he's done it enough times that he knows what you're comfortable in and what colours are best—he could probably shop for you alone if you asked. you step out of the fitting room and he looks up from his phone with a smile. "what do you think?" you ask, turning so he can see it from different angles. tooru hums and taps his chin. "i think it flatters you a lot, and this would match your favourite jacket really well. do you feel good in it?" you nod. "right? yeah, i mean it looks really good and it's comfy. i could probably wear this to dinner tomorrow." he nods before standing up, clapping his hands together. "well, then there's your answer!" we'll put it in the cart when you're done. we still have more to go, yeah?"
IWAIZUMI carries your bag(s) for you, no matter how silly he might look. you take advantage of it sometimes, like now as you pick up a pink, velvet tote bag. “haji?” “yeah?” “can you carry this?” he turns to look at you and without hesitation, he takes the bag and puts it on. “oh yeah, what did you think of this sweater?” he moves on, reaching for it so you can see. “ it’s getting cold so i thought i’d get a new one.” you don't respond immediately, trying to hold back a grin, and he notices. “what?” “nothing! i just think…the design is very different from the bag.” he looks down at himself, and you think a black sweater with a skeleton torso design and a pink my melody tote was something he could pull off. hajime rolls his eyes lightly before moving toward you. he flicks your forehead, exhaling a laugh at your reaction and bringing you in for a side hug. “i think it looks really nice,” you offer. “yeah? you wanna pay for it then?”
AKAASHI asks to study with you at the cafe. he has a headband keeping his hair out of his face, and despite how messy he feels you think he looks especially cute today. he had asked you to quiz him on the study guide he made, and you try to think of a motivator. "okay, keiji, i have an idea," you say suddenly. he stops writing an answer explanation and looks up at your voice. "hm?" “if you get the next 7 questions right, i’ll get you some of that cake we see and never buy because it’s too expensive,” you promise and point. he follows your hand and looks to the register, where the cake sits next to it in glass. he leans back against the booth and sighs before looking at you with a smile. “can i have a kiss for every question instead?” you blink. it takes a few seconds for his question to process and your face starts to heat up. “keiji—” “you know you’re sweeter.” “keiji—”
ATSUMU hits on you as if you were still strangers. he walks back to your booth with your drinks in his hand, leaning on it with a grin. “hey there,” he greets you. “y’come around here often?” you look up at him and roll your eyes before deciding to play along. “yeah, actually. it’s my usual spot with my boyfriend.” atsumu makes a noise of acknowledgement. “oh yeah? where is he then? i bet i’m better-looking.” he slides back into his spot, passing your drink over at the same time. you hum. “you look kind of similar actually. are you his secret twin or something?” your laughter rings through the air at atsumu’s face before he reaches over to squish your cheeks. “no, i’m pretty sure he doesn’t have one.” "yeah? well i think saying you're better-looking than yourself is a trick that i couldn't have won." atsumu thinks for a second before letting go. a lopsided grin appears on his face. "touché, babe."
OSAMU feeds you food when you say you're tired. all you have to do is ask, maybe frown or pout a little, and he teasingly sighs before picking up your spoon. "first i'm your chef and now i have to feed you?" you open your mouth, and osamu makes sure to cup his hand to catch anything that falls. after finishing the first spoonful you reply, "yeah, it's called fine dining." he can’t help but smile a little as he gets the next spoon ready. “is it good?” he asks. you lean closer so he can feed you. you start to chew and nod, offering a thumbs up. "yeah, it always is. thank you, love you," you manage to say between bites. osamu’s eyes soften despite his initial complaint—he always did try to make his best for you. "mhm, love you, too."
SAKUSA holds you on the bus when there’s nowhere to sit. he always lets you take the last seat if there is one, but the days the bus is too crowded he keeps his arm around you, positioning himself between you and the closest person. when the bus jolts to a stop, the both of you grab each other instinctively and he keeps you from falling. the people around you all bump into each other and apologies, laughed and muttered, are shared. you move back to where you were and wrap your arms around kiyoomi, his own hold tightening. he taps your waist to get your attention. his brows are furrowed and he asks quietly, “you okay?” smiling, you nod. “yeah, sorry for pushing you a little.” “i don’t think that was really your fault, hon. we’ll get off soon.”
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@devilgirlcrybabiey @lordbugs @smiithys @xfangirl-trashx @passionateuchiha @scaramouchesfootstool @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @chloee0x0 @kenmaslov3r @bakugosgrenade @semifilms @sakusasdirtyragdoll @dai-tsukki-desu @Thathoneybee3 @momoewn @aintgeluh @dazaisfavgf @simpforerenn @leexshin @crystal-lilac @vhenis @omiigad @kur0-kawa @semispilledcoffee @ksyhmm @idontlikeyourjob @sparrowb3nscloset @awkwardaardvarkforever @rory-cakes @prblmtc @dimslover @kuroaka @vampyrkookie @sunaslay @the-midnightskies @h0n3ysgh0st @lackey-laufeyson @bontensbabygirl @dira333 @the-b-u-n-n-y @Kamukayakmonyet @danyisapingu
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saurongorthaur9 · 7 days
The funny thing is, even if a kiss happens between Hal and Gal, the antis will say that “it's not romantic”, “they're not in love”, “it doesn't mean anything”, “it's manipulation” and blah blah blah
I have noticed some recent conflict in the fandom over what exactly Sauron feels for Galadriel, and I don't want to insert myself into any of that. That being said, I do agree that what Sauron feels for Gal is complicated. I think there is love and there is obsession and probably other things that can't be boiled down nice and neatly into any one emotion.
With that preface, Tolkien actually talks about how Sauron's underlying driving motive is love. Love of order. Love of beauty. Love of perfection. He even says that in the beginning, these things were Sauron's virtue. Morgoth was a being driven by a nihilistic hatred for all things that he could not control and corrupt, but Sauron was driven by passionate love for Middle-earth and the things therein, and this was actually the core difference between them.
Of course, though we know that Sauron's love (as Mairon) started out as something good, it was quickly twisted into obsession to control what he loved. And eventually, when he was not allowed to control it, it twisted into hatred just as passionate as his love had been.
I love that we're actually getting a microcosm of that with Sauron and Galadriel, and I think how Sauron feels about Galadriel is very Tolkienian, given the above passages from "Morgoth's Ring" that I referenced. I think at the beginning, Sauron-as-Halbrand's love for Galadriel was actually pretty genuine and as pure as it could be for a being like him. He connected with her (genuinely, I believe), he admired her, he found her beautiful, and he saw a kindred spirit within her. And I think those were all pretty wholesome feelings.
However, we've already seen those feelings begin to warp into obsession to possess and control. We saw it even by the end of Season 1, when we saw how manipulative and angry he got when Gal rejected his marriage/partnership proposal. We're definitely seeing it in Season 2 with his creepy, possessive behavior towards Mirdania in the last episode.
I think over the course of the series, we'll see Sauron's love become a darker and darker thing, more and more obsessive, more possessive than a genuine connection: mirroring how his love for Middle-earth fell into something dark and twisted. By the very end of the series, I could even see Sauron coming to hate Galadriel - much as he comes to hate Middle-earth - because he can't possess or control her, but I think it will still be an obsessive hatred that is, in part, a love gone terribly wrong.
All this is to say, I think the best characters are complex characters. Is Sauron in love? Yes, I think he is. Is he also manipulating Gal? Yes, I think he is. Is his love something dark and controlling and possessive? Yes, I think it is. These are all things that can co-exist. The one thing that I do vehemently disagree with is that "it doesn't mean anything" or that Sauron and Galadriel's connection doesn't mean anything to Sauron. I think it means everything to Sauron. And if there is a kiss, I think it will be an extension of that. At least, I would hope so.
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hsjazebel · 5 months
Desperate part 2*
Word count: 2763
A/n: I’m sorry to have made you wait so long for part 2, but here it is! I hope you enjoy💘
main masterlist | desperate masterlist
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“I'm gonna fuck you so good you won't be able to look me in the eyes for a week without blushing."
He looks you straight in the eyes and your mind is blank, you just want to be fucked so good and not think about anything.
“Cat got your tongue? I've barely touched you and you're already all stupid! You just want my cock in your little pussy, don't you?”
You nod not having the strength to speak, but this isn't enough for him.
“Words, baby. I need to hear your beautiful voice. Is that what you want?”
"Yes, yes. I want you!"
“Oh is it, pretty girl? You want me? Who expected that the good girl who knows how to cook such good pasta would actually hide a dirty part! But don't worry, now I'm here to scratch your itch, I'll treat your pussy so good I'll ruin you! Are you ready pretty girl? There’s no turning back.”
“Yes, I want it so bad!”
“Good girl!”
And so, he sticks his cock in you and it's like the rest disappears. You lie there with your mouth open making little moans because of the feeling of his big cock opening you up and stretching you out to make his way in your pussy.
“This is all you’re good for, just a hole for me to fuck. Such a nice, wet little pussy for m-“
The sound of your alarm clock wakes you up from your wet dream. You open your eyes trying to adjust to the light coming from the windows. Last night you forgot to lower the shutters and you're mentally cursing yourself for it.
The memories of your dream are still in your mind that you can even feel your panties getting wet.
It's been a week since your first meeting with Harry and it's been a week that you only have him on your mind.
This isn't the first time you've had a dream like this. And you know it won't be the last either.
You desperately want to take care of yourself but you don't have time because you promised your mother to go out and do some shopping together.
You decide to go take a cold shower trying not to think about the all too real feeling of Harry fucking you.
Then you choose an outfit for the day and go down to the living room where you find your mother fully dressed.
“I'm so happy to have a mother-daughter day! It's been a while since we went shopping together. I'm sad your sister isn't here too, it would have been nice to just be girls!” Your mom says as she grabs her purse and keys.
“Yeah, but she’s like Dad, she doesn't like shopping,” you follow her as you leave the house.
“I really don't know how she doesn't feel like going out and buying new clothes!” She laughs.
“I always ask myself that too!” You laugh along with her.
You both head towards the city center and start entering various shops.
After spending an hour trying on clothes, you decide to go into Sephora, a place you can't resist, and while you're debating whether or not to buy the Rare Beauty blush you hear your mother's phone ringing. She spends a few minutes on the phone and when she hangs up the call she looks at you with a sad look.
“They just called me from work. They said they found a motive against the other defendant in the trial. I have to go to the office. I'm so sorry to have to leave now, I even thought about going to brunch together.” You can tell she wasn't happy about leaving, but your mom was an established lawyer in your city, and she was now working on this very important case, she couldn't do anything about it.
“Don't worry Mom, I know how important this case is for you! I think I'll take another look in here and then I'll go get something to eat quickly,” you smile at her trying to cheer her up. “Come on, don't make that face, I'll stay here all summer, we'll find many more days to have another mother-daughter moment.”
"You are right! It seems to me that I don't see you very often and I was so happy to spend this day with you! Please don't spend too much money on makeup, I know you don't have a minimum of self-control when you come in here,” she laughs as she hugs you goodbye. You hug her back and with that you see her leave the shop.
You finish your shopping trip - and you may not have exactly listened to what your mother told you about not buying too much makeup - and decide to go alone to that brunch you were supposed to have with her.
You arrive at a small place near the center called Jerome and already from the outside you could see that the interior was all decorated in pink and this caught your attention.
You had passed by here several times but you had never seen it or heard the name of the place, so you deduce that it is a new opening, and so you decide to go in.
The interior was as you expected, all pink with neon cursive writing. On the left was a wall covered in pink and white roses with large swings as eating stations, which also had a large teddy bear that you found absolutely adorable, and on the left a large glass counter showing that which, in your opinion, was paradise.
A waitress with a welcoming smile comes towards you, inviting you to take a seat in the front room and that someone will come to take your order once you are ready.
You return her smile by thanking her kindly and make your way into the room she indicated.
On the way, you find on the right side a wall covered with pink velvet and a bicycle leaning against it with another big teddy bear on it. You find this corner particularly cute so you take your phone out of your bag to take a photo.
As you open the camera app you hear a familiar voice calling you.
“Hi Y/n!”
You turn in the direction of the voice and find the protagonist of your latest dreams sitting at a table on a pink velvet armchair.
"Oh! Hi Harry!" You return the greeting by smiling at him.
He pulls back a chair as a sign to sit next to him and you gladly accept.
“Shopping day I see,” Harry tells you pointing to the bags you had to bring with you.
"Oh yes!" You laugh. “I was out with Mum but she had to run away to work, so I'm forced to go around with all these bags!”
Harry laughs back. “That's why you're here alone.”
You are about to answer him but are interrupted by a waiter who has come to take your orders.
Once he leaves - not before giving you a sweet smile - you see Harry give the boy a not-so-kind look.
You continue your conversation until within a few minutes your food arrives.
You start eating in silence and you notice that Harry keeps staring at you.
“Do I have something on my face?”
“Mh? What?"
“I see you staring at me, I asked you if I had something on my face.”
“No, no you don't have anything on your face, it's just… I don't know if it's appropriate to ask you something.”
“Ask me what?”
He takes a long sigh. “I was just thinking… if you have a boyfriend”
You stop yourself from laughing at his question. “No, I don't have a boyfriend. Why do you ask?"
“I was just curious to know I guess. It is undeniable that you are a beautiful girl and I also noticed how that boy looked at you before and I was just wondering if you have a boyfriend, that's all."
"Don’t worry. In fact, right now I don't want a boyfriend, I broke up a couple of months ago so I'm thinking more about myself now."
“I'm sorry, I didn't know you broke up recently. Can I ask why if it doesn't bother you?”
“Don't worry, it doesn't bother me. I've been with this Italian guy named Lorenzo for more or less a year and a half, except that in the last period, things between us haven't been going so well. In the last few months, I saw him as more detached, and in the end, I discovered that he had another woman... that’s the reason!" you laugh sarcastically.
“Excuse my language but… he must be a real dickhead to have cheated on you.”
“I'm big now, you can use bad words in my presence, and yes you're right, he's a big dickhead!” You laugh and he follows you.
After finishing your brunch you are the first to get up.
“Thanks for keeping me company, Harry. I really enjoyed talking to you!”
“No, thanks to you Y/n! And I enjoyed talking to you too! It could be done more often!” He tells you smiling, making his dimples appear.
“Yes, I would be more than happy to do it again. Maybe I could mention to Dad to invite you to dinner some evening.”
"I'd really like to."
And so you head towards the exit of the place with him opening the door for you like a true gentleman.
Once outside, however, you remember that you had arrived here in your mother's car and now that she was gone you didn't know how to get home. So your only option - other than walking in the July sun for 40 minutes on foot, which you didn't think was the best option - was to ask Harry for help.
“Um, Harry?” You call him. “Sorry but I just realized that I don't know how to get home since my mother left with the car, and.. uhm I wanted to ask you if by any chance, if it were possible for you, you could take me home.”
You didn't like bothering people about your things, because you always had the impression that you were annoying.
“Of course, I can take you home Y/n! I would never leave you stranded. In fact, I was just asking you if you wanted a ride but you beat me to it."
And with that, you head towards his car. And again, being the gentleman that he is, he opens the door for you to get into the car.
Along the way you are rather silent, in addition to the noise of the radio music in the background, there is every now and then an exchange of words.
Once you arrive at the gate of your house you almost feel sorry to let Harry go, and he seems to think the same as you.
You're about to say bye and thank him when an idea comes to you.
“You know I was thinking about the conversation we had that evening at my house and I just remembered that I have another book that I think you might like… if you want you could come in the house for a moment.”
“Yes, I'd like to come in but I don't want to disturb you."
“Don't worry, there's no one at home. Mom and Dad are at work and my sister is at the beach with some friends.”
He leaves the car in the driveway and so you go into the house.
As soon as you enter you head towards the bookcase in the living room but looking carefully among the books you don't find what you were looking for.
Going back in your memory you remember leaving it in your room; you had recently finished reading it and you immediately thought Harry might like it.
“Um…I think I left it in my room, if you want you can come with me, I also have other books there and I think you might find something you might like.”
"Yes, of course!"
So you go up the stairs and enter your room, but as soon as you enter you see the chair near your bathroom with your pajamas and underwear on it that you had taken off before entering the shower.
But the thing that immediately catches your eyes are your white lace panties on top of your clothes, and, if you look at them better you can also see a darker part on their crotch which you know well what is due to: the man next to you to you.
While you were both in your room, you felt a strange tension in the air. You look at Harry and notice the way he avoids your gaze as if he's hiding something. You suddenly feel vulnerable, remembering the embarrassing moment when you had accidentally left your panties on the chair. You wonder if he saw it.
“Sorry if the room is a little messy,” you say, trying to break the awkward silence.
He smiled faintly. “Don't worry, you told me that the book you recommended is here somewhere, right?”
Your heart beats faster in your chest as you try to figure out if he's just trying to be nice or if he's trying to avoid the awkward moment.
“Sure, it's right there on the nightstand,” you reply, gesturing to the book with a wave of your hand. “Sorry about the mess.”
He walks over to the nightstand, but in his gaze, he notices your panties casually placed on the chair. He lets out a short sigh, trying not to let his embarrassing discovery show. “Thank you,” he said, taking the book carefully.
The tension in the air seems to increase as they both look into each other's eyes, an energy filled with repressed desire and forbidden curiosity.
You try to ignore the racing of your heart as he walks away from the nightstand with the book in his hands.
“There are some really interesting parts,” you say, trying to keep the conversation light. "I hope you like it."
He nodded with a gentle smile. “I can't wait to read it, thanks for the advice.”
The silence that followed was heavy, full of tension and unspoken meaning. You both knew what was behind that embarrassing moment, but neither seemed ready to face it.
You bit your lower lip, trying to find the courage to say something, anything that would break the overwhelming tension. But the words seemed to get stuck in your throat.
Finally, he turns to face you, his eyes meeting yours with an intensity that makes you tremble slightly.
“Is there anything else you would like to talk about?” He asks you, his voice barely a whisper.
You swallow, feeling your heart beat so loudly it sounds like a drum in his ears. “Yes,” you admit in a small voice. “There is something we need to address.”
You feel your heart beating furiously in your chest as he gently approaches, creating an atmosphere full of anticipation.
“I know,” he whispers softly, his voice a seductive harmony in the air vibrant with desire.
A shiver of emotion runs through your skin as your gazes meet, communicating desires and secrets hidden deep inside.
You nod slightly, unable to articulate a sound, your breath held in anticipation of what was about to happen.
He gets even closer, so close that you can feel the heat of his breath on your skin, but without ever crossing that invisible border that separated reality from enchantment.
An instant of silence full of meaning lasts longer, time seems to have stopped as you let yourself be enveloped by the magic of waiting, aware of how powerful and precious that tension suspended between you can be.
You get dangerously close to the point where you can feel his nose touching yours, the desire between you vibrating in the tense air.
Lips a few millimeters apart, the imminent contact was like a promise of suspended passion, when suddenly the sound of the front door opening resonates in the air, interrupting the intimate moment.
You both tense up instinctively, your heart quickening its pace in your chest as your gazes meet in a mixture of agitation and repressed desire.
“Y/n! I am home!" You hear your father's voice coming from downstairs.
“Fuck,” you say as you pull away from Harry, but the heat of the barely touched contact still burned on his lips, while your body trembled slightly in anticipation of what might happen.
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sunaluv · 1 year
hiii, can you write e-1610 miles when he’s jealous because the reader is talking to an old guy friend that gets a little too close for his liking? thanks!!
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after what felt like an hour, physics class had finally ended. eager to get out of the classroom, you packed your belongings and headed over to join the other students who were filing out of the room.
you had just walked past the door when a shout of your name caught your attention.
"oh my gosh, it really is you!" he spoke.
your eyes brightened as you recognised one of your friends from childhood. reminicing, you remembered how you planned to go to the same school up until you graduate for the final time, though your mutual plan didn't go quite as planned when you got admitted into visions and he did not.
you greeted him. "what are you doing here? i didn't know you got into visions."
he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, a faint blush covering his cheeks. "yeahhhh, i wsa bummed we couldn't keep in touch again. after you left i had nothing to do except study all day, so i guess it all worked out."
what you didn't know was that he could not stand to not be around you anymore all of a sudden. he studied non-stop, his motivation being to be with you once more. though he has yet to admit it, he has developed feelings for you.
"thats great. " you smiled. "i guess i'll be seeing you around then?" you questioned, getting ready to make your way over to meet your boyfriend who was waiting for you in the cafeteria.
"hold on-" he had grabbed your wrist, spinning you back around. "i was wondering if you were seeing-"
"there you are," miles. from behind you. "you've been taking ages, the lines too long now." he jokingly complained. you watched as his smile lessened a fraction seeing your friends hand still clasped around your wrist.
taking notice of his fallen expression, you gently removed your hand from his hold and turned to face your friend once more.
"this is miles, he's my boyfriend." you turned to miles, speaking your friends name. "miles, this is one of my friends from my other school."
"nice to meet you man," miles' voice came out strained.
"yeah..." his eyes narrowed. "same here,"
and you, oblivious to this thickening tension, smiled brightly. "great! now that we are all acquainted, we'll see you around." you called out to your friend, taking miles by the hand and leading him towards the cafeteria.
the trip was silent for a while.
"your friend was a lil close, huh?"
you chuckled lightly.
"yeah yeah, he's harmless." you waved his statement off. "you on the other hand, were so jealous"
he rolled his eyes. "no i was not."
"yeah okay miles," you smirked, but he refused to give you satisfaction. "you don't need to be, baby. you know i've only got eyes for you."
you lovingly pinched his cheek, to which he swatted your hand away with a yelp, attracting the attention of the students wondering the hall. the two of you payed no mind to the stares as you continued on with your lunch plans.
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2smolbeans · 1 month
im in the mood for some angst ............. 🐺🐺🖤anyways can u do how any of the brothers would react if they originally were only dating mc for a bet but then after a couple months of dating they actually grew feelings for mc but then mc found out it was for a bet
Ouch that's cold..Anyways here are some thoughts I had based on that lool XD Thank you for the request!
*Bonus, Mc is a demon/sinner in hell and ofc cause this is a yandere blog- there a yandere twist:
Edit: I tried and the writing is kinda cringey lol -- This took so long aahfajnvsk-
Dating for a Bet..
Yandere: Mammon , Leviathan, x Sinner/Demon Mc
Tags: Mentions of Admiral Levi, Casino owner Mammon, angst, stalking, toxic behavior idk, reader referred to as 'you', fem reader for mammon and male reader for Levi, blackmail, power imbalance/dynamics, major world building that isn't canon but my own head canons, takes place in the 80s or 90s, kinda cringe writing, this went unedited, also I wrote a lot of words.
It was a wild night for the avatar of greed. The night was young and he was relishing in the chanting hype of praise. As the owner of Devildom's hottest casino, all eyes were on him as he held the cards in his hands- face to face with an old powerful witch. He couldn't lose, he was confident that he had all the right cards on his deck. He looked at his cards, and then at the powerful sorcerer who had a crowd of witches surrounding her. She looked at him with a knowing look, smirking. "Avatar of greed, I want to make a deal" Mammon rested his chin against the palm of his hand, still holding his cards. "Mhn, sure. What are the terms?" She smiled, placing down a card. "If you win, I give you 15,000 grimm, my collection of ancient jewels, gems, and gold. As well as a custom potion for extra good measure." His ears perked, Mammon was sold the moment jewels and gold were mentioned. "Deal" the witch laughed as she heard his forward answer. "You won't even question the loss?" Mammon couldn't help but smirk, looking at the demons behind him who snickered. "Me? Lose? Yeah, we'll see" And soon enough, the avatar of greed would swallow his own pride.
He lost, and swiftly too. He couldn't help but be impressed, but also ashamed to have lost in his own casino. Groaning, he threw down his cards while everyone cheered for the witch. He could hear the smugness in her voice as she spoke. "So..It seems like I have won. You know what that means" "Yeah yeah, I gotta admit it. Ya sure beat me! Alright lets get this over now" "Now wait, come with me."
He was confused at first, but then quickly brushed it aside as he stood up from his seat. The avatar of greed and the powerful witch were now alone in a booth area, demons dancing in the background as music echoed. She leaned in close, speaking in his ear. "Black dress with the slit on the leg. The one with the shiny gold chains. I want you to talk to her. Go out with her for a bit, show her a good time. She's a very nice girl." "What?!" "Take her out on a date or two. Nothing serious." Mammon looked at you from a distance, watching you stand there awkwardly in the crowd. "Her?!" "Yes! We shook on it and I won. So go on!"
Mammon was a demon of his word, and he was all about fair game. So, he walked up to you, leaning against the wall while you held your drink. "Hey, you new here?" You laughed, looking at the avatar of greed. "That's one way to open up a conversation around here" "Hey hey, I'm just being friendly. No ulterior motives!" Mammon exclaimed, putting his palms out to defend himself. "Pffft, uh-huh, okay. Sure thing my lord~" you giggled, rolling your eyes.
It was all a blur for Mammon, next thing he knew, the both of you were out of the casino. He had taken you out to the city, walking around as the night life was alive. You talked, and he honestly wasn't paying attention- more focused on the jewels that glistened on you. "So, Mammon.. How are you?" Huh? Oh, right. Mammon thought, snapping back to reality. "I'm aight, just enjoying this right now.. So, you have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?" You laughed, putting a hand on your mouth out of embarrassment shortly after of how loud of a laughter it was. "Sorry- no I don't. Currently single right now. Why? You interested?" Mammon smirked, snaking an arm around your shoulders. "What if I am?" You let out a snort, feeling your face heat up. "I mean.. Okay? I don't know?? Are you serious?" "Of course! I'm serious. I mean is it wrong for a guy to shoot his shot at a pretty girl like you?" "I mean.. No? But me? Are you sure? Wait, is that why you..?" "C'mon, one date. I take you out, wine and dine ya, and at the end of we part our ways. No pressure, I ain't in love or anything" You stop for a moment, and he stops with you. You give his offer a thought, and for a moment you think of rejecting him. But looking at THE Mammon, you knew this was a once in a lifetime offer. "Y'know what? Fuck it, yes!" "Now that's the spirit! Cool! Here lemme give you my number.. I'll figure out something. Now, where do ya live? I'll fly you there"
He took you on two dates, all of them being a foggy memory to him. You were happy with him during all of them, in disbelief that the Mammon himself was giving his time and attention to you. You enjoyed those small dates, even if it wasn't extravagant. After the 2nd date, you knew that it was over, it was fun while it lasted. It was a casual fling, and you didn't expect one of the rulers of hell to settle down for some witch. But two weeks later, he came back..
With flowers in one hand and a luxury gift box in another, Mammon was outside your door. There was a genuine look of awe in his eyes, like he was smitten by your shocked expression. "Mammon..?" "Hey princess, say.. Ya wanna go out?" "Aww..Mammon, you're so sweet but.." There was a panic in his eyes as you trailed off. "O-Oh, how come?" "No no! It's not anything. It's very sweet of you..It's just that I have to run errands today. Some woman wants a special spell to curse her cheating husband sooo..Y'know? Duty calls!" He felt the weight in his chest lift as you explained your situation to him. "Ah..Well..You want any help-" "Fucking yes please come in"
Without a struggle, Mammon was able to help with the creation of the spell. With no hesitation, he spoke in an old demonic language, nothing you ever heard of with such fluency. He wrote down the words on a notepad you've given him, passing it to you once he was done. "Here's the most simplistic English version. The abbreviations y'know?" You looked at the paper, laughing in amazement. With gratitude, you hugged him without a thought. "Oh my fucking- Mammon I love you so much! Ugh fuck! I could just kiss you!" It didn't take long for you to process what you had said to the avatar of greed. Blushing, you awkwardly step back. "Uh, oh, sorry. That was a bit.." "Why don't ya?" You were taken a back. "Huh..?" He stepped closer, leaning close to your face with a dazed expression. "Why don't ya? I deserve some gratitude don't I?" It started off with a small peck. You were quick to kiss him on the cheek, your face turning red. Mammon chuckled, teasing you. "Aww babe, you call that a kiss? C'mon, lemme show ya what a real kiss looks like.." things got heated the moment his lips pressed against yours. He was selfish, not allowing you to move your head away, even if was for a short breath. He didn't bother letting you take the lead, ignoring your small pleas of letting you calm down. It was overwhelming, possessive, and amazing to say the least. You're laying on his chest, your skin bare against his, your head moving as he breaths in and out. "I think I love you.." Mammon admits. "I think I love you too.." you sighed, closing your eyes as you cuddle into him.
Like a crow attracted to a shiny coin, he couldn't tear his eyes away from you. You made him go feral. Was it your looks? Not really. He's seen more people attractive than you. Power? You were just a typical witch. Your voice? He didn't know, but it never failed to make him melt into a puddle. Was it the way you gifted him things, shiny jewels that had him in thought? It definitely had to be when you praised him, or how addicting it was when you purposely wore bold lipstick, kissing him on the cheek, smirking how he was yours. 
Whatever spell you put on him, it worked. Cause now he was head over heels for you. Head over heels to the point he followed you around, always conveniently popping up with a smile. So in love that he often takes a few things of yours that you consider junk as his treasures. He's so genuinely hexed by your existence that he can't help but feel agitated whenever you don't pay attention to him for as long as he wants. Especially when you're talking to someone else. God does he just want to bust their head open for prying your eyes away from him. 
Your relationship with Mammon is smooth. He spoils you with his love and attention, though when it came to the materialistic aspects- he was a bit of a cheapskate. You didn't put it against him though, it was in his nature. Mammon was kind of in disbelief to say the least. He never thought he would've been deeply in love with a simple witch in hell. It started off as a stupid bet! Hell during those first 3 dates with you, he rolled his eyes and smirked whenever people asked if he actually loved you. He had multiple girlfriends, boyfriends, and partners in the past, but he never thought of the long term future with them. But with you. Oh, did the thought pop up here and there. Who would've thought that the boring chick he had to date from a shameful loss would be the love of his life.
But, that would all come crashing down the moment you stopped smiling. You were distant, passive with him whenever he'd speak to you. He'd ask you what was wrong, and you'd brush him off. He'd ask again, knowing you were lying, and you'd deter him. He'd persist at you, and eventually you cracked. "I heard from my fellow witch sisters about you.." You admitted, not looking at him. "I'm surprised he went that far! They said.." His heart dropped, fearing the next words you were about to say. "I was a bet, a joke. " He could see in your eyes of how used you felt. "Baby honey..No I promise. You were not a joke. I love you! I really do! You're everything to me" You laughed, looking saddened. "When did you start liking me? He was quick to answer, holding your hands as he looked into your eyes. "Our third date when I realized you were the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me" You looked at him, listening. "You're my treasure, I love ya. Please, please understand me" You wanted to believe him, you wanted to fully give into him, kiss him and promise to start fresh. But, you couldn't get past the knowledge knowing he had only talked with you because of a bet he lost from your mentor. It was a punch to the gut, it really hurt. I mean who were you kidding, THE Mammon himself actually settling down with a witch like you? It was a wakeup call, a much needed one. It was probably for your best, and possibly own safety. Afterall, the worse they were, the higher the title. It's always been like that. And Mammon was a demon at the highest of highest of titles, no one but the royal king and his servant could get past that. "I'm sorry Mammon, I think I need some time.." "W-What, why?! You know I love you, c'mon please don't do this to me" he begged, his voice rising with desperation as you stepped away. "Mammon, you gotta understand how I feel. Our first 3 dates, I did everything to make you like me. I was so glad that you even looked at me! I gave you my all, just to find out it was for nothing." "But it wasn't! Why aren't you listening to me?!" You sighed exasperated, turning away from Mammon, briefly spacing yourself away from him. "Mammon I'm trying okay? Just please, leave me alone" He begged, going on his knees, looking into your eyes panicked. "Baby don't leave me, please we can make this work. I love you, YOU love me! Please you love me don't leave me-" he repeated his pleas like a prayer, a desperate cry as he looked into your eyes, reading your thoughts of leaving him. Disturbed, you knitted your brows and cringed, unsure of what to do as the avatar of greed cried at your feet. It would be worse to deny the powerful demon lord when he was already uncontrollable, so you knelt to him, trying your best to comfort him, even if it costed your comfort. "I'm not gonna break up with you Mammon, I promise.. I just need some time alone" Your words seemed to convince him since he had wiped his tears and calmed his breathing. "Do you still love me?" You took a deep breath. "Of course I do"
He left you alone for a few days after that incident, respecting your wish. You would've never thought that the second born sin would be so sensitive and fragile. It broke your heart seeing Mammon vulnerable that day, of course you still loved him. It's why you called him after a few days, feeling your heart flutter when he looked at you with high spirits when you asked him on another date. Ever since that confrontation, Mammon was more clingier than ever. Always having an arm wrapped around your shoulder, his face often close to yours. It was obvious Mammon was insecure about his relationship with you, even if he seemed confident and the same careless Mammon. You loved him, but it was hard to get over the fact that you were only with him because of a bet, and Mammon knew. He could read you like an open book, and with the way you were more reserved around him, he knew you were still not over it. He became intense, you thought maybe this was a rough patch, that this awkward awful feeling would pass, but it didn't- it got worse. You were slowly falling out of love and more or so with Mammon out of fear and pity. It wasn't helping that Mammon was starting to get more demanding.
Buy him gifts, go out with him, 24/7 you were always by his side and it was draining. He would spoil you, lavish you in the prettiest of jewels, calling you those special names you loved like his "precious gem", "treasure" and the what not. He treated you better than before, spoiled you if anything. But it never won you over, unfortunately, you lost interest in Mammon ever since you confronted him. You asked your fellow sisters for advice, and in response they laughed at you. "Mammon? Oh honey he'll be fine. You know how many he's dumped or moved on from? Just break it off nicely and I'm pretty sure he won't send you to the nine circles or chop your head off! He's the chill one y'know? Unlike.. Well yeah" after hours of talking and reassurance, you got the courage to talk to Mammon.. and break things off. Surprisingly, it didn't go bad as you thought it would.
He just looked at you, not saying a word, not really showing if he was sad or angry. He accepted it and left. You thought that things were finally over, that your relationship with Mammon was one of those things that would happen once and that you could brag to others as a life time experience. But, once again, were wrong. Trapped in a room where Mammon had kept you, surrounded by the shiniest jewels and luxury pillows. A strong magic kept you from leaving the room, you couldn't leave, even if you tried to cast any spells to let you out. There was a painful ring on your finger, a golden ring. Taking it off was painful, it left your body burning, twisting, heavy and dizzy with pain. You couldn't take it off, and from what you were told, the ring was skillfully crafted by Mammon to have him always connected with your body and mind. How did you get here? You really don't remember, but you knew it was at least a month after you had cut off Mammon. He was constantly on you, his body always next to yours, his eyes always drinking you in, his voice often asking of you. He was greedy for your attention, eager for your affection. And when you didn't give it to him, he simply touched the ring on his finger, and suddenly, you were at his beck and call from the pain. You didn't kiss him when he went to get something, even though he's told you so many times of how much he needs you to always love on him. Your head was now pounding and screaming from the sensation of your ring finger searing from the metal that began to burn. But even when that wasn't enough, Mammon knew how to push the dial even further. Constant grabbing, unwanted kisses, demands for gifts and affection, Mammon was unsatiable. Even if you didn't give it to him, he would take and take from you either way. Everyday he expected at least more than a dozen kisses, a gift in hand for him, and for you to be on your hands and knees, ready to give him what he wants. You tried fighting back, only for it to end up with bruises and an exhausted tortured mind.
It broke his heart whenever you cried, what he was doing to him tore him to pieces. It was torture whenever he saw you cower away, when your once love filled eyes bore into his with such hatred. But he doesn't know how else to keep you willingly by his side! He tells himself. Maybe he's just that fucking stupid that he can't think of anything else, the doubts in his head and your cries convince him so. You were innocent in this all, and he hated admitting it. You were at no fault, yet he keeps you prisoner and punishes you as if you were. He knows he should let you go, but the ugly side of him doesn't care to. It's a battle with himself. He wants to indulge in his sick insecure desires, his mind brainstorming of what more he wants from you. There's a side of him that just wants things to go back to what they once were, and he believes they will! A side that just wants to erase your memories and start again. But he doesn't want you to forget the memories..
Eventually you complied, too defeated to fight back. It was useless fighting against one of the most powerful demons in hell, let alone one of the rulers. No one was going to save you, and Mammon made it clear he wasn't going to let you go. You'll never love him the same way you did before. You won't smile or have those witty comebacks whenever he does something dumb. You won't kiss him willingly, comfortably snuggling into him. Things won't be the same anymore, there was no going back. But what was he expecting having pure love in a place like hell? It was either doing things his way, or letting you go, something he couldn't bare to do. You'll come around eventually though. You'll love him how you loved him back then. People change. He knows this, you changed him after all.
You were a typical sailor in hell's navy. Like everyone else, you were once a man on earth, sinned a bit too much, never once repented or prayed to the almighty to forgive you, died, and ended- luckily- in Devildom instead of the nine circles of hell for eternal punishment! You were considered one of the lucky sinners. As one of the lucky sinners that were judged by hell's judges, you were given an opportunity to avoid eternal damnation. Gather souls, torment humans, or contribute to Devildom's society. If you served no purpose for Devildom's progress or sustainability, you were going to be sent to hell, as in actual hell, to burn. So with only 6 days that you were given to choose a role or position in Devildom, you chose to join hell's army. You died a military man on earth, so you had some experience, and it was really the only job position that seemed to be eager to take in any new recruits. After following the advertising signs for joining the military, specifically the navy, you eventually found your way to the base. It was awful navigating through Devildom and it's large confusing environment. Demons speaking various languages that were both human and non human, the streets busy, the landscape unfamiliar and dangerous. Eventually, when you stumbled into the military base, you were swiftly sorted out. You never knew hell would be so similar to earth with how the process with the lady at the desk began to sort out the papers and things for you to sign. Devildom citizenship, an ID card, and the what not, the demon lady was nice enough to get it all done within a reasonable few hours. "So I see your new here, now I must ask, why this job out of all places?" you laughed. "Ma'am to be honest, I saw the sign and figured why not? I used to be in the navy back when I.. Well, was alive. So I have experience" She laughed back, laughing at your naivety. "Oh, but this is different, nothing like back home. Trust me, for a newbie here, I'd look somewhere else" You don't want to take the risk of finding somewhere else. You only had 6 days to figure out a position in hell and you were not gonna take any chances trying to wander around to beg for a job that wasn't guaranteed. So you persisted, the lady gave you the papers, and you signed the papers with your soul now tethered to the contract. You skimmed through some of the sentences, not fully reading the paper.
'Soul.. Admiral Leviathan.. At own risk ... Signature of navy worker below'
You were never the type to read contracts, so you signed the papers, sealing the deal. The lady at the front desk clicked her tongue. "It's settled then! Now what size are you for shoes and clothes?" You told her your size and she wrote it down, waddling to the door behind her before coming back with a dark navy blue sailor uniform. "Your Devildom citizenship will arrive in your room in one of the barracks in 2 days. You will start your shift once you get your ID and schedule." You grabbed the map that was provided, the bag that had your sailor uniform, and stood up. "Thank you, you were really kind" She waved her hand dismissively. "Nah, I'm just doing my job. Now before you go, word of advice" you looked at her, listening intently. "Do not piss off the captains, ESPICALLY the admiral. Whatever he wants or says, you do it, no questions asked." You nodded your head, acknowledging her warning. "Good, now good luck. You're gonna need it"
With all your belongings, you made your way to your barracks, looking around your surroundings. You noticed the different variants of demons that worked in the naval base. Aquatic demons working in the waters, repairing damages to the outer layers of the smaller ships, flying demons fixing radios and tending to electrical duties. They were clearly experienced and seemed a lot bigger and more.. You couldn't properly explain it. Confident? Comfortable? It was clear that they blended in with the environment while your meek personality stuck out like a sore thumb. Finally finding your room, you noticed a bunk bed. Guess you had a roommate that was off to his duties. Eventually, when you had your ID, you began to work in the navy as an entry level sea man. Preforming maintenance, reporting to your mates on watch, you got the hang of living in Devildom and the navy. Hell, you even got used to your new demon anatomy. But working as a newbie in hell was torture. As the new demon in hell, or what your fellow sailors like to call you- "Fresh meat"- you were constantly harassed and hazed. Belongings stolen, body beaten, insulted at any moment, it became the norm. One day you were on one of the ships, sweeping the floors, the typical. Then one of the bigger sailors- Dallas- grabbed you by the shoulders and spun you around. You flinched, expecting a punch to the face, but he only pressed your back against the wall. Keeping you pinned, he was up in your face, mocking you, grabbing a fistful of your hair as he hurled insults as the men around him laughed. It was expected, but what wasn't expected was when he grabbed your tail, playing with it softly. "Hmn, you just grew into your new body aye? How does this feel?" you shuddered, uncomfortable as his hand tightened around the thick base. "Hey, answer me" you squeaked, shaking at the weird intense foreign sensation. "Weird. Really weird. Look man can I just-" "Shut the fuck up." You immediately tighten your lips shut. The demon stayed quiet for a bit, observing the way your tail twitched and moved. He sighs, letting go with a smile. "Alright, go on with whatever"
The relief washes over your body as Dallas seems to step away from you, uninterested. You let out a shaky breath, closing your eyes until-
In a flash you're on the floor, letting out a wheezy gasp as the scream escapes your body. Pain shoots from your lower back, the audible squelch and soft drop of something clear to your ears. Crying you gasp for air, the raw pain shooting up your spine. He ripped your tail, the fucker ripped your tail. Dallas laughed at your misery, crouching down. "Awe, damn.. Not a clean rip.. There's still some chunks.. Oh my god ew it's still moving?! Hey, how does it feel?" The pain was intense to the point you started seeing dots in your vision and the bile in your stomach forcefully excreted out from your heavy hyperventilating sobs. "Helloooo? Aye man you might wanna get that cauterized or something at the infirmary" He's still poking at you, poking his boot against your stomach. "Really? What's next? Gonna piss your pants? You're such a pu-"
A roaring voice interrupts. You try to turn around and see the source from the voice, but you can only lay as you writhe with your ripped tail on the floor. You hear three voices talking. Dallas, the main captain, and another man you haven't met. The captain groans, scolding the other sailor. "Are you kidding me?! We are running low on workers and you- you do this?! I don't even.." You can't see properly since your on the floor, but the other man in the large cloak puts his palm out, silencing the two. You hear footsteps, and you try to turn your head to see what's going on. "Dallas, am I not giving you enough work?" you could see the demon shrink, holding his two hands together. "No sir." "Then why are you messing with the new workers? Do you understand how low staffed we are?" "Yes sir." The man he was referring to as sir was a tall indigo haired male that wore a hat, cloak, and a specially tailored uniform adorned with badges. You were definitely sure this was the higher boss or at least the highest ranking captain. With how everyone kept their head low and how your main captain stepped back and quiet, you were certain of it. "Then stop acting like a pathetic teenager and leave them alone. Or are you too weak to pick on the older workers? Tell me. Why is it only my newer workers?" You could feel the humiliation coming from your bully as his voice became more anxious the more the uniformed man spoke. "I-I am sorry sir. I got carried away" The indigo haired male in the hat sneered, questioning him with a quick stern voice. "Do you like destroying my things? Does it give you some satisfaction fucking with my things?" Now it was Dallas's turn to squeak. "N-No sir! Absolutely not!" With an annoyed chuckle, the man commanded an order. "Come here." and he followed the order. "You touch him again, or any of my new workers, and I'll send you to circles to rot. I'll do it in a snap and you won't ever know the taste of fresh air ever again. Do you understand me?" In a quiet whisper, Dallas's voice tremored. "Yes sir.." With a chuckle, the cloaked man patted his shoulder. "Good. Now, stand him up for me"
Dallas carefully grabbed you, lifting you up by your feet- or at least trying to. You were limp from the weakness and throbbing agony that was all over your body, so moving you around was like dead weight. "A real low bar for you to go for the tail as well" The indigo haired captain tsked, his own tail swishing back and fourth on the floor. "Give him to me", you were shimmied over to the tall male, resting against his broad chest while his arm kept you standing. "Now. Go back to work. Get out." And he scurried off, leaving you alone with the man and your other captain. You close your eyes, drifting off from the exhaustion. With your blurry vision you could see the annoyance coming from his voice as he murmured to your captain. "...I swear I leave..A day.. And shit like.....happens.. I'm not a..... Babysitter.."
You pass out. You don't know how long you've been out for, but when you woke up you could hear the beeping of a monitor machine. You were at the infirmary, and when you regained conscious, you saw the IV attached to you. "You're awake" You whipped your head, only to get whiplash. You groaned, trying to soothe the pain. "Take it easy, you've been out for a while." You adjust yourself, sitting up, you get a good look at the man. Indigo hair, peaked cap, and the large dark royal cloak- you recognized him. "A-Ah, sir! It is.. Uhm, nice of you to be here?" You had no idea what to say, you didn't expect anyone to be waiting on you. "Thank you. You're a fresh soul.. It's been a while seeing those in my navy" You let out a low hum. "Mhn..." You shuffled a little, using your butt a bit to move further against the pillows, only to gasp as the agonizing pain rips through your body. You clutch your chest, trying to calm yourself down. "Woah there, don't move" He approached you, placing you softly on your side. It felt a bit better since you were laying on your back earlier, putting most of the pressure onto the nub. "T-Thank you.." He observed you, eying you up. "Do you feel any knots around the spine area?" You breathed out with a gasp. "It still hurts.." "From 1-10, tell me" "Ugnn.. An 8.." He let out a 'hnm' in response, now removing the sheets from your body. "It's going to hurt, so hold my hand." You followed his order, grabbing one of his hands while his other hand traveled towards your back. Near the base of your tail that connected with your spine, he pressed his fingers against the area. You hissed at the prickling sensations shot up through your entire spine. Your grip tightened as the man kept massaging the area, biting your lip as an attempt to hold yourself back from accidentally breaking the man's hand. "You don't need to hold back, you're not hurting me. You can't hurt me. Grip as hard as you need to, you're gonna need to brace yourself" Your eyes widened, panicked you gripped tighter as you began to breath heavily. His hand was now resting at the agitating large bump on your tailbone.
You feel the anxiety begin to twist in your chest.
He eyes your expression carefully, almost feeling pity.
With a swift push, he punches the red bump, pushing the bump back into your body with a loud pop. You gasp, frozen as you instinctively cling onto his hand. With tears streaming down your eye, you try to adjust to the burning in your spine. "Breathe in and out.. That's it.. I know it hurts.." he sympathized, speaking softly. "Because the bastard ripped it out like a barbaric child, this part, the bone, will dislocate here and there. It'll stop once it heals and regrows. But for now, you're gonna have to punch it in whenever it does that. You groan, now letting go of his hand. "It'll hurt less the more you do it. Now, how do you feel?" You wipe the tears from your eyes. "Surprisingly better.." He smiles, sitting back down on the chair that was next to your bed. "Good. How long have you been here for?" You take the sheets, covering your body again. "2 weeks..." He pulls his chair closer to you, wanting to engage. "Ah, alright. Do you know who I am?" "No sir.. Sorry" "It's okay, it makes sense. Well, I am Leviathan. I control this entire fleet, I am your admiral. You look after my navy, and I look after you"
Leviathan? As in the mythical sea monster? "Oh, so you are.. The Leviathan?" He finds your lack of knowledge in him to be quite endearing. "Yes, and in biblical terms, or more accurate terms, I am envy. I am the 3rd born sin, and I oversee one of the districts here. Any more questions?" You were speechless, not expecting to be face to face with the most powerful demon in hell. "N-No. Not at all sir. Thank you for telling me that.. I had no idea" His curiosity picks at him. "Oh really? How come?" you shy away, not wanting to offend Leviathan. "Well, no offense sir.. I was always an atheist. I didn't believe in the bible or anything. I only really heard of you based on an old kids myth.." An atheist? How adorable! Leviathan thought. "And what was that myth?" You paused for a bit. "Uhh.. Well uh.. The myth was that at 3am, you looked for anyone swimming in the lakes.. And then drowned them if you saw them.." Meh, not totally accurate, but it was close to an old hobby he used to do which was drowning sailors. "Ha! Did your parents tell you that?" "...Yeah"
Well isn't that just precious? He wasn't the type to smile over a conversation, but you somehow curled the corner of his lips upwards.
"Rest up. Take 5 days off, and report back to me on your tail. I'll see you then"
He stands up, and he leaves. Something about that touched you a bit, left you pondering and in awe. You weren't in love or anything, but he left you smitten. You spent most of your days in your room, resting up, taking medicine, and eating whenever you went to the cafeteria. Your bunkmate would mind his own business, glancing at you here and there before going out. He eventually decided to make himself known. "I'm Neil." He said abruptly, holding out a tray while you laid on the top bunk. You groggily turned, looking at the brownette. "Oh?" "These are for you" You look at the tray, an apple, muffin, and some soup. You just stare, not taking the tray. "Oh uh.. These aren't poisoned or.." He trailed off as you stared more at him, unconvinced. "Okay here's proof" He took a bite out of everything, and a sip from the soup. "There see! Not poisoned." You cringed, trying to be nice as the man took a bite out of nearly everything. "Ahh, thanks.." You sit up, taking the tray. "Hey uh, you don't have like.. Any poison or acid in your salvia right?" He looked confused for a moment. "Uhh.. Ohh nope! Not that kind of demon" "Alright thanks" You say, not really caring before taking a bite out of the already bitten muffin. "So uh, how's the tail?" "How do you know about the..." "Medicine. And the bandages on the table.. And the fact that you've been sleeping on your side for the past 4 days, duh" "Righht.. I mean it's getting better. Tomorrow I think I start working again" He stands on his mattress, grabbing onto the edge of the bunk bed to be somewhat at your level. "Damn, really?" "What do you want?" You're quick to cut the bullshit, speaking swiftly, you question him. He looks a bit taken a back. "Oh, just curious about my new bunkmate, that's all!" Right.. You don't believe him, but you continue to talk to him. You learn that he's been in the navy for at least 44 years, and that he died in the 70s. Cool.
The next day rolls and you climb out of bed. Brushing your teeth, changing your bandages and putting on your uniform, you put on your shoes. Opening the door, you're left confused as you stare. It wasn't the hallway of the barracks, but an office. Before you could run back into your room, something shoves you out and the door closes behind you. You turn to look for the door, but it's no longer there. You walk, looking around your surroundings. Medals, harpoons laid around as decorations, and large tanks with various small colorful marine creatures. "Over here" You hear his voice, and you immediately walk towards it. You see Leviathan sitting in his chair, writing papers on his desk. "Have a seat" And you do. Sitting across from him, you sit up straight. "You can relax y'know? Now, how's the tail?" Oh right, that. He did tell you to report to him a few days ago. "It's gotten better. I'm ready to work sir." "Good. Are you having trouble with any of other sailors?" His gaze was strong. "N-No.." "You're not lying to me, right?" "No sir.." "Because if there's a problem, I don't mind fixing it" You were grateful for his seeming care for you. "Thank you sir, but I can assure you that I'm fine" "If you say so".
"So uh, how did you know about the tail thing?"
"Sorry, like how did you know what to do with my tail and all that?"
He lets out a short laugh. "Oh? Well okay, in the beginning when hell was just starting to form, me and my brothers had already fallen to hell. We went through a lot of changes with our body. I had my wings torn off, but I grew a tail. Of course, one of my brother's,  Beelzebub, grew interested and unknowingly hungry. He didn't know his strength so he grabbed my tail and.. Ripped the entire thing clean. Bone and everything"
You wince, imagining the gruesome scene.
"It was awful, my brothers had no idea what to do while Beelzebub started to grow accustomed to his hunger. Funny enough, he did say that my tail tasted like a light flakey steak... Anyways I'm getting off track. It took years for it to grow back to how it is now. A lot of trial and error."
He paused for a moment.
"So that's it I guess. What I'm trying to say is, I've been through the same thing, multiple times actually. Anything else?" "No.. Thank you sir"
He sends you back to work, pointing to his finger back to the door that you came from. You walk out the door, and you see the ocean seas. Stepping out the door, you're a bit startled. How did that- magic you guessed. You go back to work, your admiral on your mind.
Your feelings for him started off as a small admiration. You began to idolize him little by little. You looked up to his authority, you were fascinated by the stories that were told about him. You would seek out for him, always trying to catch a glance of him patrolling the navy. You didn't have a crush on him, you were just curious. On a particular night, the navy was hosting its anniversary. It was nothing big, just a small get together at the bar with all drinks given free to the curtesy of the bar owner. The entire bar was filled with sailors drinking, laughing, and dancing. Some on the side were playing card games, others were holding drinking competitions amongst friends, and a few.. Lets just say they were gonna have a fun night. You were there, sitting in one of standing chairs, drinking a small alcoholic beverage. You weren't talking with anyone, just scanning the room, hoping to get a glimpse of Leviathan.
Leviathan was sitting on the other side of you, clearly annoyed and drinking his 3rd shot, pinching the bridge of his nose as his older brother, Mammon, kept nagging at him. "Hey Levi, Levi, Levi, Levi, Levi-" "What?" "….I love you~" "fuck off." Mammon laughed, tousling his little brother's hat, completely messing up his hair. "Aww cheer up lil bro! What's the matter?" Leviathan grumbled, drinking another shot of demonus. "Nothing." He drank another shot, this time waving on of the waitresses for another drink, a stronger one. "Seriously, you should be having the time of your life! I dunno, maybe having chicks by yourside-" Leviathan glared at him, scowling. "Or dudes… Or hell to be honest both or anyone with how you got that stick up your ass.." "What did you say?" "Nothing-" Mammon blurted, trying not to laugh. "Seriously though, what's wrong?" Leviathan rolled his eyes, now on his 6th shot. With a frown on his face, Leviathan sighed with a complain. "Everyone here is having fun, with friends and letting lose.. Being so fucking loud. This is miserable, I don't even know why I showed up." He went on, getting frustrated with each word. "I wanted to have fun, but I can't. I'm just here, all alone with my stupid brother bothering me like I'm some outcast needing to be comforted" Mammon felt a nervous sweat going down his forehead, smiling as he knew what was coming next. "They're so fucking ungrateful. I could just leave and no one would bat an eye. Why is no one coming to say hi? Why can't anyone just seem to invite me? What, am I just too high and mighty to talk to? So ungrateful." Mammon knew better than to correct Leviathan, to remind him that there were a bunch of sailors who toasted to him, the waitresses that smiled his way, the demons who were clearly smiling and grateful for the free drinks and food. There were a lot of things Mammon could point out, but of course, envy was always blind to logic. He patted Leviathan's shoulder, awkwardly laughing as an attempt to lighten up the mood. "Hey hey, I'm sure that ain't the case.. Hey what about that sailor that keeps staring at you?" "Huh?" Mammon looked at you, and he saw the subtle shift in your eyes. For a brief moment you and him made eye contact, and Mammon got an idea. "Yeah, that one. Over there with the stumpy tail" Leviathan turned, seeing you look at your drink. "Oh him? What about him?" "What do ya think about him?" Levithan was a bit caught off guard with the question. "Uhh, I mean he's a good worker. He's still adjusting since it hasn't been a year since he's died.." "Ah, a newbie" "Yeah. Ha, funny enough I did talk to him. Helped him with his ripped tail and all.." Mammon's interest peaked, and Leviathan could tell as he tried to change the topic, knowing Mammon would try to do something dumb with the information. "But that's it." "That's it?" "Well.. Yeah." "Why don't you go talk to him?" Defensively, Leviathan narrowed his eyes at Mammon. "Why?" "Cause, I'm sure he wants to talk to you as much as you wanna talk to somebody. Trust me, I can feel his desperation from here" Leviathan looked a bit startled, a little flattered even. "Oh.. I guess I'll talk to him for a bit.." Mammon smiled, laying back against the plush booth. "Mhn, I'll be here 'kay?" Leviathan hummed back in response, standing up to go talk to you.
Leviathan sat beside you, adjusting his cloak and cap before addressing your name. You looked a bit startled, trying to sit up straight with your head high. And Leviathan couldn't help but feel a little flutter in his chest. You both talked, hell even tried to talk with each other. An hour or two passed and Leviathan decided to go back to the booth. He waved you off, telling you he'd be back in a bit. Mammon of course was in a middle of a card game, but he was able to out trick all the sailors and beat the small game. Counting his money, Mammon smirked at Leviathan. "You have a good chat?" "Uh, yeah." "He likes ya" "I mean I hope he does. He is a worker of mine" Mammon tsked, putting the money in his pocket. "He likes likes you" "W-What?! Mammon don't be stupid" "Whatever~ Do you like him?" "I've only known him for a few days! Why the fuck would he even like me in that way? He has so many people that talk to him, hell even a bunk mate. There would be no way to have him like like me you idiot." "…Uh-huh.. Anyways y'know what? Let's do something" Leviathan eyed Mammon suspiciously, clearly annoyed. "What?" "Let's make a bet." Leviathan could already see where this was going. "Oh not again for the love of-" "Hear me out. You're always complaining about how alone you are while the demons out here are mingling and finding love. The admiral himself, alone and unwanted. It's unfair right?" "I-I'm not-" Mammon gave Leviathan the 'Oh really?' look, and Leviathan only shrunk in embarrassment. "So, prove me wrong. Prove US wrong. I bet ya, if you go up to him, ask him out, maybe a 'lil smooch for Goodluck, he'll be head over heels for ya. And if I'm wrong, I'll give you.. This book writer's soul." "Make it 16500 grimm, the writer's soul, and a dance of how wrong you are" "Mhnnn… 50 grimm?" "I'm not doing it then" "Ugh.. Fine. I'm only agreeing cause I'm tired of seeing my baby brother all mopey with his weird cartoons-" "Shut up!"
With a huff, Leviathan stomped away while Mammon snickered, watching the scene unfold. You heard those familiar footsteps coming your way, and you smiled. "Hello sir, you're back!" Leviathan sat down beside you, ordering some more drinks. "Yep. Say.. Do you uh.. Want to drink and talk?" "More alcohol.. I dunno, I'll be on my shift tommorow" "Doesn't have to be alcohol. Want any smoothies?" "Yeah! What do you recommend?" Leviathan requests a menu, and he skims through the pages. He points at a light blue drink with small bits of orange flowers inside it. "This one. It's really good. It's one of my favorites actually.." "Then I'll get that one then"
Leviathan begins to get comfortable, and even warms up a bit as you yap about your interests. Sure they don't completely align with what hear cares about, but you somehow make it interesting to listen to. He finds himself smiling as you go on and on, and he even finds himself rambling to you as well. For a moment he thinks as he's rambling that he's boring you, but when he look's at your lower half, he could see the small numb that is your tail wagging back and fourth. He gets a surge of confidence, and he looks back at Mammon who just gives him a smug look. "Hey so... I think I may want to take you out.." You seemed to have a glint in your eye, but Leviathan ignores it. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" You let out a snort, but you quickly cover your mouth. And for a moment, Leviathan considers killing Mammon, and then himself out of shame. "S-Sir what? You barely known me" Yeah! Exactly! Mammon. "But honestly if I were being honest.. I may have gotten interested in you as well.. I don't know if it's cause I like you but- oh man I'm rambling. But are you sure? Why me? No offense.. Sir.. But I'm not 'boyfriend' material." Leviathan looked back at Mammon for advice, but he was too busy chatting up with the other sailors. Fuck.. "Well.. I-I uh.. Please? One date?" God he could feel himself sweating. Was he really pleading with a sailor to go out with him? Do it for the Grimm, do it for the Grimm.. You were shocked, flattered, and even a bit bashful. "Uh, yeah. Of course sir.. When?" "When what?" "The date?" "Oh uhmn- how about tomorrow? I'll let you have the entire day off." "..I guess it's a date then sir!" "Good! I-I'll see you then. Maybe at night.. Okay?" You nodded your head, and he simply went back to Mammon. "What about the smooch?" "Don't push it Mammon." Leviathan scoffed, putting his palm out. "Grimm, the soul, and I want the dance." "Now??" Leviathan smirked, his eyes smug as he leaned back. "Yep. Right now, come on. We shook on it, you have to do it. C'mon, you know the dance~" Mammon groaned, slowly forcing himself to stand up and do the stupid dance. With a final twirl and bow, Leviathan clapped, clearly grinning ear to ear. "Now, the grimm and soul." Mammon whined, letting a loud "Ughhh!" before handing Leviathan the soul and coins worth of 200 grimm. "I said 16500, not 200 cheapo" "What do ya think, that I'm made outta money?! I don't carry that much y'know??" "Mammon you literally hoard as a hobby, hand it over. I won fair and square." Letting out another whine, Mammon handed Leviathan a copious amount of bills, each count of the money hurting Mammon's heart. "Oh please, this is pocket money for you. Stop acting like it's a big deal" Mammon grumbled. "I'm only doing this so you could finally stop bitc-" "What was that?" "NOTHING! Love ya lil bro~" Leviathan was smiling, counting the money he earned. "Alright.. These are real right?" "Of course they are! Why do ya think I'm hurting right now?!" "Cause knowing you, you'd scum your way out of a deal." "Ah come on! Have a bit of faith in me!" Leviathan rolled his eyes at Mammon's retort. "Yeah yeah. Anyways how's that witch girlfriend of yours?" Mammon seemed to calm down a bit, his mind now distracted over the grimm. "Oh she's alright I guess.." Leviathan raised a brow at Mammon, but didn't comment any further. "Alright. Well I'm gonna go back home. Are you coming or?" "Nah I'm gonna stop by a few stores. There's some stuff I need to get" Leviathan stood up from his seat. "See you later then"
You went on your first date some time later on, and Leviathan didn't seem to mind the date. Dressed in a white colored shirt with navy pants, he took you to a restaurant. He didn't seem too enthusiastic, but he didn't seem bothered when you talked with him. One date, it was one date. Though one date turned into two when his brother Mammon blabbed to the entire family that Leviathan had scored a date. Of course with everyone intrigued, they all teased him to go on the second date. Begrudgingly, you and him were now sailing on one of the private boats, eating some hell spawn lobster while he talked about his annoying brothers. For an isolated shut in, he surprisingly knew how to treat you well. The second date turned into a third date when Asmodeus poked at his older brother, cackling at the thought of keeping a study relationship. Out of spite, Leviathan took you on a third date, seemingly agitated with the way his eyes were dilated. He made sure to take lots of pictures on your third date, sending it to his brothers to show them wrong. On the fourth date, he was less annoyed, rather using his brothers nagging as a way to excuse himself for getting involved during your working hours at the navy. You were in one of the rooms, looking at a gas indicator. Opening the door to leave the room, your shoved in a familiar room that you haven't seen in a while. Leviathan's office. You hear his voice, and like the first time you were here, you followed it. You thought you were in trouble with the way he had his arms behind his back with a formal posture, you were a bit panicked with the way he stared at you. "I have something to ask you". Fearing the worst, you braced yourself. Did you piss him off? But, Leviathan wasn't there to scold you, if anything, he was quiet terrified himself and it took everything for him not to stumble on his words. "What are we?"
That's what he called you in for? "Whatever you want us to be sir" That didn't seem to satisfy him. Uncertain, he furrowed his brows. "What do you want us to be?" God you didn't fucking know how to answer that! "u-uh, well uh. I don't know?" "You don't know?" He seemed agitated at the response. With his hands still behind his back, his tail whipped back and fourth. "..This was a stupid idea. You probably felt forced.." Leviathan didn't say it out loud, but he could picture the multiple reasons why you had said what you said. Maybe you felt pressured by his superiority to go out with him, you didn't actually like him that way. Or maybe you had a partner already, what was his name? Nile? Nelly? Whatever it was, he was always stalking around you, and you seemed neutral with his company. Whatever it was, Leviathan could feel the shame inside him. He was about to resort to singing an old siren tune to make you forget this interaction, but you seemed to catch him off guard when you took off your hat, holding it with both of your hands. "I didn't feel forced at all to go with you Leviathan... Sir. If anything, I enjoyed those nice dinners with you. I haven't been treated that nicely by anyone in a while" You now had his full attention, and he was listening to you intently. "It would be nice if I could return the favor.. No matter what you decide you want us to be. If I had the choice, I'd like us to continue what we have" Leviathan was completely shocked, wordless with his mouth slightly agape. It took a while for the admiral to collect his scrambled mind, and it didn't help with the way you stared at him with an expression no one had stared at him with in centuries. "O-Oh? U-Uh, haha- ah. Well u-umn. Okay- uhmn, alright. Haha! Oh fuck-" His whole entire face was beet red. "In that case, I guess these came in handy" He extends his hand out, and it's a bouquet of blue creamy white flowers. You were now smiling, your ears perked up happily. "Oh my gosh- these are so nice.." "I-I'm glad you liked them.." It was so bizarre to see the highest in commanding of the navy stutter, it was like he was a different person. You kept staring at the meek uniformed man Infront of you, and for a moment you forgot about his position and high status. So you blurt out the first thing that comes in your mind. "Can I kiss you?" and Leviathan is more than happy to comply with your request.
The 3 months you were dating Leviathan were heavenly. You didn't have to go to the cafeteria anymore to wait in line for lunch since Leviathan would always be there to grab you and feed you. There were moments where he would drag you in the middle of work seemingly out of nowhere, just for you rest on his lap while he did paperwork. You also learned about Leviathan's personality, how sometimes he would be this soft, shy, meek demon who could barely speak for himself. You learned that the avatar of envy enjoyed his junk food, always snacking on some chips whenever you and him watched one of his Japanese cartoons that he was obsessed with. Eventually he even got you a room of your own! No longer did you have to share a bunk with someone! Things were going well between you and Leviathan, or as you now call him outside of work, Levi. You loved him, you loved him a lot. And sure he had his fits here and there- but it's what's expected of envy. Sure it got terrifying at times with his menacing grip on his shoulders and his horrifying rambles of anger whenever something small seemed to trigger him. But it could be a lot worse, and you loved him too much to see what was so dangerous about his behavior. You were blind to all the red flags that began to show in your relationship with Leviathan. You were so caught up in Leviathan's smothering affection, you failed to see the way he was isolating you from the navy. You were so blind, that you failed to see the way the other sailors would avoid you. You were so used to seeing Leviathan daily, you didn't realize how you didn't work any shifts anymore- instead spending most of your time in Leviathan's office.
You really loved Leviathan, you loved him to the point that you were willing to tip toe with your actions- careful not to talk to someone in a certain way and to not outshine Leviathan in anyway, just to keep his envy at bay. Hug him, hold him, look at him only, tell him how much you love him. In the beginning you thought he was just being needy and insecure. But as time kept going, he never stopped, if anything he seemed to get worse. It was getting tiring juggling with his emotions, and you thought it was manageable.. Until by some misfortune you discovered why Leviathan had asked you out in the first place. Grimm, a soul, and a silly sibling dance. Your relationship was from a result from sibling banter. At first you laughed at the news! You saw it as one of those cute "This is how me and my boyfriend met!" types of silly situations. But then you started to really think about it.. And it hurt your ego. You felt like this small plaything for this all powerful demon to use you. You didn't know why you didn't see this before, but now you did and it was painful. You bet people in Devildom snickered about how you were just "another one" for the admiral, betting how long he'd keep you for. You didn't confront Leviathan about the news, you kept quiet for now. You tried acting the way you usually acted, but Leviathan being naturally observant or irrational, confronted you on your different behavior. "Are you okay?" "Mhn? Yeah, why?" "Liar." It was a slow shift from neutral to absolutely maddened. "Who is it?" "W..What?" "Who fucking is it?" He was face with a death grip on your shoulder. His claws sinking into the fabric of your uniformed shirt and threatening to pierce your skin. "Is it that old roommate of yours? Decided to get a good fucking out of him?" "Excuse me?!" He let out a laugh, and the atmosphere went cold. You were outside on the docks where none of the sailors worked, it was hidden- like an alleyway in a street. "Am I not good enough for you?" The waves began to crash against the wooden docks, the boats began to swish back and fourth- "Of course!" His voice was getting louder- "Then why- Why are you being like this?!" You made the mistake of stuttering, and Leviathan's irrational thoughts were being confirmed in his mind. "L-Like what?!" "OOoooHoho! So you do know! Great! Spill it out!" "Alright fine! The bet, I was only a bet to you! For Grimm and a soul! That's all I was! I'm not cheating on you- I'm fucking embarrassed!" Like he'd been slapped, he let you go, the waves calming down as he shrunk on the spot. "O-Oh..So you're not..?" "No! Are you kidding me?!"
In the end, Leviathan was still cared about you, but you had trouble forgiving him. You still loved him, just not the same as before. You were always the type to hold grudges, hell it's how you got into hell in the first place, so you never really let go of that information. Your relationship wasn't the same, and you thought about breaking up with Leviathan. You tried asking your old roommate Neil for any advice after cornering him, but he only told you it was best for you to suck it up and stay in the relationship. "That's it?! Really?! C'mon Neil, there's gotta be something" "I dunno, a couples therapy?? Look, I wish I could help you, but I can't, and to be honest you're kind of in a sticky situation.. Breaking up with the man who owns your soul.." "Wait what?" "Yeah.. Why do you look so shocked?" You stare at him completely mortified, while he just stares at you nonchalantly. He then notices your reaction, and feels automatically pity for you. "Oh.. You didn't know? It was in the contract. I thought you knew?" There it goes.. Your lack of attention biting you in the ass. "Anyways.. I don't think you should be talking to me.. Or anyone. For the sake of our safety, just.. Stick with him yeah? We don't want another incident." "What incident?" "..I gotta go. Bye.."
Now realizing Leviathan owns your soul since you had signed that contract when joining the navy, you felt trapped. God this was utterly fucked, you really couldn't leave unless Leviathan had enough of you and didn't break up with you on bad terms. Was there any way you could manipulate the situation..? Who were you kidding, manipulating a man who's job is manipulating and controlling an entire fleet at his bidding. Good luck. And with how your boyfriend changed your role in the navy ever since your little argument and with his insecurities growing ever since your revelation, it seemed like a slim chance he was going to let you go. Locked always by his side, you couldn't escape. 24/7, whether you were in his office, walking around the fleet, or in his bed, he was always there- watching you. It was either loving him and juggling the thin line of rage the avatar of envy always seemed to be on, or risk being thrown into eternal damnation.. And, being smart, you continued loving him, even if it now became a part of your job.
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slowestlap · 8 months
Bradley Scanes, Max's trainer during 2020-2023 seasons, did an interview with The Red Flags Podcast (22 Jan 2024)
I took one for the team and transcribed the bits I found interesting enough to share:
[12:40] Talking about the first times Brad met Max and how important it is that you click together well:
I think it's the most important. We had a good conversation in that time, I think the decision probably set on the fact that, for half of the time I was there, he was out driving the car. But I was there, talking to his dad, talking to his family. And really got on with Red Bull and really kinda fit into that mold and did for my whole 4 years with him and it was so nice. And I appreciate Max for this, his dad for this and the rest of the family because I felt part of the family the entire time which was really really nice and you know, we'll stay friends.
[24:00] From what I saw, I saw a guy that was elite. He knew where he wanted to go. You could see the drive, you could see the work ethic. The work ethic was tremendous. And for me it was just, I've gotta create the optimal space for him to be him and him to do him.
[27:30] Talking about flexibility and adaptability being the traits that separates greats from the rest:
He's on the grid being interviewed by two or three different tv stations, or something's happening with the car, he gets in the car and drives exactly the same no matter what's going on. And that's for me what I've seen from the kinda good to great.
[28:25] Was it hard to train him this year when he was so far ahead?
No, no. If anything he was more motivated this year than any year before.
[34:55] I feel like you have to be elite at falling asleep. Is Max like "allright time to go to bed" and he's like "okay [snores]"? Can kinda turn on turn off?
Yeah, he's really good at that.
[48:50] On staying motivated to win:
The mindset to keep winning is there. We love winning and it's what we get out of bed for, it's what we do our work for. We want to win no matter what it is. We going to Monza, going to Belgium, we wanna win that race. We want to win every single race and if the championship comes in the end the championship comes in the end. That's the mentality he has. […] The first one was motivated by winning the first championship, the second one was motivated by seeing off Ferrari and making sure we got the second (wdc) and that we're here to stay. And then the third one we were motivated by winning every single race and setting every single record that we could.
[1:14:55] Talking about other drivers posting tough work out videos while Max posted a lighter work out:
That's the thing actually, it's a conversation we've had before because we have the markers where we need to get to. How you get there doesn't really matter. We managed to do it in the most time efficient way, in the most enjoyable way for Max and how it doesn't impact on the other stuff as much. […] He doesn't like working out, everybody knows that. But when he's in the session he gets after it. It's just shifting that mindset, he might not want to do it ever again but there's not too much encouragement needed actually in session which is always nice. It's nice to work that way.
[1:16:10] If Max pisses you off what exercise are you doing to punish him? What's his least favorite?
Single-leg squats or planks.
[1:17:35] How long can Max plank for?
Decent amount of time. I don't actually remember but we must have hit like 4-5 minutes in pre-season test and a bit longer come summer break.
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wings-of-ink · 2 months
Hear ye, hear ye!
All of you who have been anxiously awaiting Chapter 4 can send a big thank you to the Microsoft mayhem that happened on Friday. Because of it, I have had two entire, unprecedented, days off of work during which all I did was write and edit chapter 4! Stuff like this never happens to me either, so I ate it up. My work computer is still super broken too, so who knows what will happen tomorrow, lol.
So, chapter 4, barring anything disastrous that I do not yet foresee – is coming very soon. Like, any day this week soon. For now, I am looking for bugs and other errors until I feel comfortable getting the update loaded. I will also be updating the warning list and some things on the itch page. I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something I wanted to do, and am having a hell of a time remembering what it was…
Anyway, if it interests you, more details below!
In going through some of the Google Error Reports, I had a couple that I either could not resolve or find.
It was reported that checking player stats in chapter 1 would not work – that it would flash only for a moment. I could not recreate this. If anyone else has seen this, please let me know.
In the end of chapter 2 where there are multiple ways to spend your time there seems to be some issues with how choices become unselectable after certain clicks and it just doesn't seem to function correctly. I have fixed the issues I have found, but could not recreate all of the instances that were reported. This section may get an overhaul in the future since I understand the coding a bit more now.
It was also reported that fonts are not changing. There is definitely a weird issue with this and it will take some time for me to sit down and hammer out. The fonts do change for me, but notably, I don't think they are switching to the correct font types. They don't even appear to be the same fonts from when I first starting this project, lol. This issue is on hold for now.
The last 2 bonus segments for the end of chapter 3 are being pushed aside for the time being. I kept finding myself feeling like I was hammering them into the chapter and it was a little exhausting. If I force it, it will be less enjoyable to read. The segments that are missing are the ones for hanging out with Zahn and Nathanael. Zahn's is easy to wiggle in elsewhere at least, but I'm not sure if Nathan's will make it in or not. We'll see, my motivation was purely for chapter 4, so now that it is ready to go, I'll have another crack at it before I drop or move them completely. They aren't super important to the story, but are just for fun (and if Oswin got his, it's only fair that Zahn gets theirs too). That last section of chapter 3 ended up way too long, so it may get adjusted later anyway.
As with any work in progress, I can't guarantee that your old saves will work. That's probably how we are going to have to roll for a bit until I really get things nice and smooth. Eventually, I will add an option to start from a later chapter and go through and make the (MANY) relevant choices to skip ahead. This may be implemented when Chapter 6 is ready to go since all the ROs will be available.
I also want to figure out how to implement named saves to make it easier for you to sort. I appreciate IFs that feature this, but I do not yet know how to do it, but I'm going to research. I like to play through with several MCs, and I'd like to offer enough info in the saves and/or Stats Menu that you can do this and easily know who you are playing as. Let me know what you would like most in the Player Stats Menu too. Note, that some options do not appear here until you choose them in the story.
Coming up…
Since Chapter 4 is down, I will soon be posting a big poll about future IFs. I've been compiling info for it here and there for a couple weeks on possible options for me to write in conjunction with God-Cursed. So, stay tuned for that in the coming days.
I will FINALLY get to my inbox in earnest as well! I will keep reaction asks paused until further notice since they take me the longest to answer. Feel free to still send in comments or quicker questions. If your question is too spoilery to answer, I will not be able to post about it.
Anyway, hope you are all doing well! I can't wait to see what you think of chapter 4. I hope you enjoy it. I'll get it out just as soon as I feel comfortable enough with it. ^_^
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general-cyno · 10 months
y'know, one zolu moment I don't talk about nearly as much as I should but that I love and find super interesting is the bar fight on jaya. and though I know there's mixed opinions on the latter, I also like the contrast between jaya AND whiskey peak.
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when it comes to whiskey peak... I'm somewhere in the middle. as a concept I find it interesting too, since it involves zoro doing things on his own for the sake of the crew for the first time (iirc) and luffy being faced with the possibility of zoro not acting as honorably as he believes or trusts zoro to be at that point. thing is, luffy is someone who places great value in the kindness he receives and returns it tenfold. it's something we see throughout the story and in jaya as well actually, with cricket and his crew! this is also what's attracted him to most of the straw hats (if not every) and his allies also. so in theory, I don't think luffy reacting negatively to zoro attacking the ppl who'd been kind to him and the crew for seemingly no reason is entirely out of character, especially after waking up so disorientedly, and at least not that early on in the manga. he emphasizes it too, when he shows up to fight zoro,
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the problem for me lies more on the actual execution of it rather than the idea as a whole. kinda goofy for luffy and zoro to drop lines like "now we'll find out who's superior" during it as if they'd had some sort of fighting style rivalry beforehand and it's kinda removed from the og point of the fight but they're dumb kids and the story can take some goofy turns at times so. shrugs.
I can't tell if whiskey peak was originally meant to have an impact or effect on their relationship afterwards (some opinions I've read insist oda was forced to include it) but if anything, it ended up demonstrating zoro and luffy are better off fighting together than against each other, even as they're going on about killing and beating the other up over a misunderstanding. it reminds me of one comment I read on a r/ddit post a while ago (about another topic though) that pointed out how in terms of fighting styles, zoro and luffy kind of complement and make up for each other's weaknesses, which is such a nice detail and layer to their relationship imo.
and assuming there was a genuine point to it all (it's more fun that way heh), I'd say that it really highlights the importance of moments like those in jaya and luffy choosing to trust zoro not to fight back against bellamy's crew.
as luffy has learned this far, zoro would never hurt anyone for no reason and if there's a "reason" it's usually, if not always, rooted in his wish and duty to keep everyone safe (in whiskey peak, the townsfolk were actually baroque works agents, bounty hunters, who had a tendency to trick pirates like them at the start of the grand line). plus, zoro may enjoy battle but he doesn't fight for revenge or feelings/motives of the sort, as he admits later in skypiea. he does, however, react when the people he cares about are in danger (*waves hand and points at anything involving luffy*), hurt (chopper in skypiea as an example, but there's plenty more) or he witnesses great injustice (like yasuie's execution in wano). he's also not the type to enjoy beating up someone weaker, much less for shits and giggles. he will even save enemies if luffy asks him to, as long as it doesn't pose a bigger or immediate (real) threat to the crew.
compare zoro saving smoker in alabasta vs him refusing to accept x drake as an ally at first due to his known status as a traitor in the wano arc, for example.
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and of course jaya isn't an exception. when bellamy attacks luffy, zoro responds as usual:
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luffy himself stands up ready to fight too, at first. but as nami brings up the sky island and everyone mocks them for it, then bellamy specifically takes it upon himself to ridicule them - insisting on how foolish it is for ppl to "waste time" chasing their dreams, especially pirates, luffy decides not to fight back and tells zoro to do the same.
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this is one of those instances in which the "lu" of zolu really shines through, if you ask me. zoro's got a handful of grand gestures toward luffy on his belt, but this is one in which luffy does the heavy lifting for me. this is acknowledgedment and an insane amount of trust, a moment in which luffy's relying on zoro to understand his motives and to push back his usual protectiveness when faced with an enemy displaying a lot of hostility. and zoro gets it, stays true to the trust luffy's placing on him. he doesn't fight back, not even as nami watches and wonders why.
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I sound like a broken record at this point, but OP's brought up in several and different circumstances the fact that luffy and zoro are actually pretty similar. they tend to behave the same way or echo each other's words even when they're apart, share similar views on death, on growing stronger for the sake of the ppl they care about, and more so when it comes to chasing and fighting for their dreams.
in the aftermath of the bar encounter, blackbeard tells nami that luffy and zoro actually won that fight. this includes a curious panel in which luffy reminisces both shanks and ace.
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it makes sense why luffy shared this particular moment with zoro, when you think about it. those two are dreamers through and through, and if there's characters who can understand the importance of not only chasing those dreams but also keeping a promise, it's them - whose dreams they initially shared with ppl they cherished as kids and made promises to. for luffy there's ace and sabo, and shanks. for zoro it was kuina, then as an adult there was luffy himself. in a lot of ways, the straw hat is to luffy what wado ichimonji is to zoro. during that fight, bellamy represented everything luffy and zoro stand against both as characters and thematically speaking. and that, along with everything luffy's learned/come to know so far about zoro, is what he relied on. it's so good.
later, there's this scene with zoro and the rest, where nami wonders why zoro didn't go with luffy to face bellamy again:
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(fun bit here is that zoro actually asked luffy before if he needed his help. it's a small panel but cute! he trusts that luffy can handle himself, as luffy told him he could, and knows there's no stopping him when he's made up his mind lol.)
whether zoro was referring to bellamy's strength or his lack of belief in/mockery of dreams, or both, it's clear he understood why luffy chose to do what he did and asked him to stay put back in the bar, and he could relate to luffy's motives as well. as I mentioned above, it makes sense why zoro in specific would, without luffy voicing them out loud.
the nicest part is how all of these moments are a product of the writing that's gone into luffy and zoro's relationship/dynamic. when luffy chooses to trust zoro with stuff like this, there's a chunk of context that precedes it (like whiskey peak). and when zoro decides to follow him, too, it's because his loyalty for and understanding of luffy has been continually built as the story progresses which is super compelling, and also wonderful to see.
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winryrockbellwannabe · 5 months
Day 1/12 ghibli days - Spirited Away🍜
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First day on this challenge!! Im so excited!
🐉 Reminder to myself that the goal here is to romanticize my day, since I've been feeling kinda down in the last couple of days, and get stuff done! So, I'm trying to make simple stuff like cleaning and walking nice and fun again.🐉
🫧To do list today (a little bit inspired by Chihiro):🫧
- Do my dishes ✅ - Also, finish cleaning up my bedroom ✅ - then take a nice, very relaxing shower (just writing it bc of the theme lol)✅ - read protocol for today's lab class✅ - send email to the volunteer for the data aquisition ✅ - also answer my prof's email✅ - work on the code✅ - hopefully I'll be able to study a bit at night too, but we'll see... - update didn't study to finish the code instead
🐉Mindset today: just staying calm. I think this is a great movie for the first day of the challenge bc I know I'll be overwhelmed with how much stuff I should be doing even if i do everything from my to do list. But I gotta remember to stay calm🐉
📵Screen Time Yesterday: 5h23min
And lastly, to stay on theme, if i feel myself getting stressed or with no motivation, what will i be doing? Listen to ghibli soundtracks
Im excited, hope today goes well, see you guys later <33
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gancegancerevo · 5 months
Zwillingstürme im Herbst Thoughts
ZT to me, is a story of endings. Not just the factual endings of eras, Arts, and songs. But also the great question of "What happens after the end?"
Each major character faces an ending in this story. Leithanien faces the end of both the Kaiserinnen and the truest finale of the Witch King. The Liches end their stay in the country. Viviana comes to terms with her Leithanien heritage, Ebenholz frees himself from all of his demons, and Arturia, well, we'll get to Arturia.
One of the most notable things is how this story treats hope and the indomitable human spirit. Unlike other stories, it does not praise humanity and treat them as some unstoppable limitless force by virtue of their emotions. Instead, it takes a very nuanced approach that's informed by how powerless these characters can actually get. Sure they can charge forward towards their goals but they'll still die and they'll still be faced with darkness and regrets. Even still, we should embrace our emotions and the turmoil they bring.
The Genesis Horn and Kagenreich are such interesting ideas but it can feel weird that much of the climax is emotional conflicts made manifest. Viviana's is the most obvious. The constant doors to possible new lives culminating in her real one. She comes to let go of the past and stand for herself which is nice. It's also nice that it was Margaret's light that helped her fight back the darkness. An exquisite call-back to the Radiant Knight.
Ebenholz helped to paint a very unique lesson in my opinion. That suffering doesn't NEED meaning. Even after promising Kreide that he'd live and fight fate, he's still plagued by headaches and Witch King Remnants. The revelation that whatever was in his head, the Voice of Mundane, was just a mundane voice upends many of the things we've (us and Ebenholz) assumed about his life. That his suffering was tied to the Witch King and that his conflict would culminate in a big fight against the man whose shadow terrorized him. Instead they have a heart to heart and the Witch King challenges him to look back on his life and realize that "the night itself is meaningless." It is totally fine to have a terrible thing just be a terrible thing and moving on doesn't have to involve a great trials to overcome, sometimes your enemies kill themselves and you just walk away.
Arturia is the most interesting but I'm afraid I can't do her full arc justice. In contrast to his accommodating spin with Ebenholz, the Witch King challenges Arturia at every turn, questioning her motive and why she wants what she does. It comes to a head when he forcefully dives into her and sees that there is only one thing that stirred her own emotions. Everything else is a mirror of someone else. He ultimately gives her the answer she's looking for and the natural doubt that comes when the answer she found didn't meet her expectations. But her bouncing back as chaos descended was beautiful and I might reread this and Hortus just to really grasp her character.
Cora and Brandt, Hildegard and Lisellote (no idea how to, spell the Kaserinnen's surnames), Michel, Lessing, and the Liches. All sorts of stories come to a close as new beginnings emerge. And the most troublesome of them is definitely the makings of the newest source of conflict: the Disaster, the encroaching of chaos upon reality and the return of the supposed Creator.
It's quite likely that that may be the angle of the next major story arc, especially with the role Nearl's light played and the fact that Laterano is trying so hard to unite the nations.
This event was great and I recommend it. Not sure if I have any major notes or ideas to share but I really liked it.
One last thing: seems people are kinda wary of Lisellote, the Eternal Grace. I love it when the supposedly fluffier one has the greater potential of evil
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kasagia · 5 months
love love loveeeee your feyd works, you're such an amazing writer! Your writing really makes my heart flutter man 😞 like lil butterflies running around in there!! I hope you are well appreciated for your work! Im curious tho, how many chapters will right hand man be and after it do you have any plans on making oneshots?
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My two dear anonymous, thank you soooooooooo much! 😊😊🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵 1. Oh my god, thank you so much anonymous! This is a HUGE compliment for me!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵 I'm very happy that you liked my writing so much. I feel very appreciated with every comment, reblog, like, and anonymous message from you all. It's really exciting and nice to receive them for my writing, and it motivates me/inspires me to write more and more. So again, THANK YOU (ALL) SOOOO MUCH!
The Right Hand will be 6-7 chapters long, so only 2 or 3 to go. It depends on how I finish chapter V... and according to my plans, there still has to be a little bit going on in this story, and I think this chapter is already long (you don't want to read 20k chapter, right? xD), so we'll probably get to VII.
BUT! I'm definitely not done with Feyd for sure. And since you asked, dear anonymous, I will let you in on a secret and show you what will come next after I'll finish 'Right Hand'...
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Any speculations/guesses/ideas? 🤭😈 (If you really want, I think I may publish a sneak peek/teaser for you. Like 1,5k WC prologue to the concept of the story or sth like that. I'll see what your reaction/interest will be to this one 😊... well, if anyone has made it this far down this post xDDDD)
2. Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it! 😊🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤
A little bit will happen in Part V... you'd better prepare yourselves 😈😈😈 In the meantime, catch the piece of it:
You were in Giedi Prime. You walked through your familiar paths, hiding from the Harkonnens' eyes. It was rare to meet anyone in these corridors. Most of them were dead ends with secret passages that were unknown to most of the inhabitants of Giedi Prime. That's why you were terribly surprised when suddenly someone pulled you by your cloak. You freeze, startled, and turn slowly to face the small child. The kid looks like Harkonnen's child, but not quite. His skin is creamier than white, and white hair grows on his head in unruly curls. But what you recognised perfectly were the blue, bright irises that only one person could boast on Gieidi Prime. "Mommy!" A boy of about 5 years old jumps at you, hugging your legs while you look at him in shock. "Dad said he would take us on a trip! To Lankiveil! We will swim in a real lake! Can you imagine that?!" He asks excitedly and holds out his hands to you. You automatically take him into your arms and rest him on your hip, trying to figure out what the hell is happening. Someone's quick footsteps echo in the corridor. You look up from the child and see one of the harpies approaching you. She breathed a sigh of relief, bowing to you when she saw the boy in your arms. "You can't run away like that, my lord Na-Baron. The Baron told us to look after you." (...)
Hope you will like it! (Part V probably on Monday…)
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