#weather records
The Impact of Historical Weather Reports on Modern Forecasting
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Weather forecasting had come a long way since the days of ancient civilizations when people relied on simple observations to predict the weather. Today, we benefit from cutting-edge technology and extensive data, but the impact of historical weather reports on modern forecasting methods should not be underestimated. In this article, we will explore how historical data contribute to the continuous improvement of meteorology and forecasting techniques along with the role of technology.
The Timeless Value of Rainfall Records
Rainfall records serve as a vital source of information for scientists and meteorologists. By analyzing historical rain data, experts can identify patterns and trends that help to predict future precipitation events. These insights improve the accuracy of short-term forecasts and inform long-term climate projections, which are essential for planning purposes in agriculture.
A Treasure Trove of Weather Data
Historical weather reports offer a wealth of knowledge about past weather patterns and events. By studying these reports, meteorologists can better understand the complex interplay of atmospheric variables and the factors that contribute to extreme weather events. This understanding of past weather phenomena allows forecasters to refine their predictive models, leading to more accurate and reliable forecasts for various regions and timescales.
Real-Time Weather Feeds
While historical weather data is crucial for understanding long-term trends and improving forecasting models, real-time weather feeds provide invaluable information for short-term predictions. These feeds deliver up-to-the-minute data on temperature, humidity, wind speed, and other variables, enabling meteorologists to make timely adjustments to their forecasts. By integrating real-time data with historical records, forecasters can create a more accurate and comprehensive picture of current and future weather conditions.
From Past Observations to Future Predictions
The combination of historical weather reports and real-time data allows meteorologists to identify recurring patterns as well as rare or unprecedented events. Experts can develop early warning systems for extreme weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods by studying these patterns. These systems can save lives and minimize property damage by giving communities the time they need to prepare and respond to impending disasters.
The Role of Technology in Modern Forecasting
Advancements in technology have played a significant role in improving the accuracy of weather forecasts. Sophisticated tools such as satellite imagery, radar systems, and computer models enable meteorologists to process and analyze vast amounts of historical and real-time data. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect further improvements in forecasting accuracy, benefiting industries such as agriculture, transportation, tourism, and individual households.
The Final Thought
The impact of historical weather reports on modern forecasting is undeniable. By combining the mentioned points, meteorologists can refine their predictive models and improve the accuracy of weather forecasts. As we face the challenges of a changing climate, it is crucial that we continue to learn from the past and embrace the advancements in technology. Moreover, trustworthy and reliable sources like AWIS Weather Services play a crucial role in providing real time weather feed, ensuring that we are well-prepared for the weather conditions that lie ahead. For further details, visit this website- Awis.com.
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landwriter · 1 year
Desperate Measures | Dream/Hob | 1.2K | G v silly and fluffy, literally 90% air, dream attempts a romantic gesture, hob is a sap and forgetful, human au, part text fic
for @domaystic drabbles, Day 6: Under the Same Umbrella
Dream woke up to 26 texts from Hob. He put on his glasses and began his morning read. It’d replaced Times for him. The editorial quality, he thought, was far superior.
Hob (7:19 am) heading out, gave you a wee forehead kiss and you didn’t even stir. sleeping bloody beauty. love you disgustingly much x
Hob (7:26 am) couldn’t find my umbrella anywhere can you take a look if it’s not too much of a bother? feel like i’ve gone mad
Hob (7:30 am) christ it’s bucketing down!! standing under the eaves just to tell you how much it’s bucketing down
plants will be happy at least so will my goth boyfriend ;) hope your writing goes well today love. extra atmosphere!!
Hob (8:42 am) nevermind don’t look for it remembered that i left it in my office told johanna she can use it since i’m at the archives all day anyway glad i’m not the only one who’d forget their own head if it wasn’t screwed on :) :) :)
Hob (10:11 am) you should’ve seen the look lisa gave me when i showed up had to dry myself off in the men’s w half a forest of paper towels there goes my carbon offset from walking i said christ you’re probably still in bed asleep warm dry!! lucky bastard
wish i could come back already and drip puddles all over you
Hob (10:37 am) if this keeps up i’m going to look like mr darcy in the rain on your doorstep tonight don’t worry i promise not to propose marriage while insulting you xx although i do love you most ardently
Dream smiled, read them all again, contemplated, and then sent his reply.
Dream (11:01 am) Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through
Hob replied moments later.
?? you sound like a customer service agent wait you’re quoting the film you can’t reject me if i’ve not proposed to you!! yet!!!
Dream snorted. 'and I am very sorry I have caused you pain' went the line. They’d watched it last weekend. Hob had cried, and Dream had privately decided that if Hob proposed, he’d say yes. Even if it was poorly done. It wouldn’t be, though. Not if Hob was doing it. He sent a second text.
...and I am very sorry you were drenched by rain.
Then he got out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen. His phone buzzed anew as he made tea and toast. He smiled at the sound. On their first date, Hob had warned Dream that he had a bad habit of annoying boyfriends over text. Dream, on his first date in six years, had wondered what it might be like to be so effusively charming that you could have enough boyfriends to form habits around them at all. He hadn’t known what to say, and Hob had ducked his head, grimacing a little, and said, “Just tell me to piss off, please, if I do? I know I can be a bit much.”
Dream believed it, because the man was telling him about his habits with boyfriends after one date. Not that he minded. And three months in, Dream had yet to tell him to piss off.
Turns out, a bit much was exactly what he’d wanted. Needed, in truth. Someone to tether him to the real world. His phone had become a modern-day lodestone in his pocket, a comforting pull of Hob-ness that would always point him back to life whenever he’d emerge, blinking and disoriented, out of the mire of his work. Work that he loved - creating worlds out of nothing, writing stories that would change people - but, coming on the age of thirty with nothing to show for it but recurring wrist strain and an upmarket flat that never had any guests, work that had also made him spend so much time apart from the rest of humanity that he was sometimes unsure how to rejoin it.
The tipping point had been when his eldest sister had found out that he hadn’t spoken to anyone else in between two of their regular dinners. Which were monthly. It had been mortifying. She’d smiled sadly, which was excruciating enough, and then gotten the gleam of a plan in her eyes, which had been far worse. “I’m setting you up,” she’d said. “I know just the guy. We go way back. I think you’ll like him.”
He had. Now, when his phone buzzed, he found himself frowning if it wasn’t Hob. (An exceedingly rare occasion.) But this time it was, of course. Four short messages sent one after the other:
hahahaha ok fine that was v good enjoy your day x
Five hours later, not even the curtain of rain awaiting him outside could douse the anticipation in his belly. An idea, he knew, was a powerful thing. Dream didn’t have an umbrella - Hob always shared with him, and would’ve apologetically nicked his if he had - so he would make the first leg of the journey as Hob did. He intended to go and get something nice, but once in the cold downpour, his resolve failed him almost at once, and he ducked into the first shop that had umbrellas in the window.
“Hiya,” said the girl at the counter without looking up from her phone.
Dream ignored her, blinking the rain out of his eyes, belatedly registering all the merchandise had a unifying theme and that he’d made a terrible mistake, borne of sheer desperation.
“Would you happen to have any other umbrellas? In black?” he asked. Hidden behind the counter, perhaps. If only you knew to ask.
The girl looked at him with an air of disbelieving reproval only accessible to teenagers and the very elderly. “You could try Boots, you know. It’s just down the street.”
Dream looked out the window. Rain torrented down. Commuters hurried past with their sensibly coloured umbrellas. From places exactly like Boots.
“Or we’ve got rain ponchos,” she added. It sounded like a threat.
“Nevermind,” said Dream quickly. “I’ll take it.”
“Enjoy your visit in London, sir,” she called out as he left.
He stepped outside and flicked open the umbrella with slightly more force than necessary.
Dream waited a few paces outside the archives, wanting to surprise Hob properly. Two separate pairs of tourists had thought he was their London Ghost Tours guide, and he was beginning to regret not holding out for longer, drenching be damned. Then Hob emerged, striding out and immediately stopping to pull out his phone. He was smiling at it. Dream smiled too, in anticipation.
A moment later his own phone buzzed loudly in his coat pocket, and Hob looked up in surprise.
“Oh my god,” he said. Then he said it again.
“I heard you needed an umbrella,” said Dream. He’d had the line already, since he got the idea. It had been very dashing and romantic in his head. It was somewhat undermined by the dreadful costuming choice that had been forced upon him.
Hob looked between Dream and the umbrella, bafflement melting into a happy laugh. He ducked underneath, pecking Dream on the lips. “I’m not sure I needed one quite this badly. Did you rob some poor tourist?”
“Unhappily, I paid for this.”
“Oh no,” said Hob, pulling away and pretending to inspect him for injury. “My poor darling. Your dignity.”
Dream sniffed. “I will recover.”
“Here,” said Hob. “I’ll carry it for you. You’ll only be guilty by association, then.”
They began walking, a bobbing Union Jack in a sea of blacks and greys. After the chief sin of ugliness, it was also a little small for two grown men, but Dream found he didn’t resent that at all, as Hob tucked him tightly into his side to keep them both dry. People gave them a wide berth. Tourists could never be trusted with umbrellas.
“You’ve rescued me, you know,” said Hob, nuzzling into his cheek.
“It wouldn’t do to have you dripping puddles all over the floors,” said Dream.
“Even if I looked terribly handsome, all wet and ardent?”
Dream bit his lip and smiled a little. “Perhaps you can be wet and ardent in the shower. Instead.”
Hob laughed again. It was Dream’s favourite sound. “Much warmer than the rain anyway. Deal.” Rain drummed down on their private nylon ceiling. “I was thinking chicken tikka masala for dinner?”
And so they made their way home, and although the rain never let up, Dream was so content and warm that he might’ve sworn they were walking in the sun.
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useless-catalanfacts · 4 months
A new record: temperatures are so high, that yesterday Gavarda (a town in the Valencian Country) registered the highest temperature ever recorded in Europe in January: 30.7°C (87.26°F). This would usually be the expected temperature in early May. The previous record was set in 2021 (29.8°C in Alacant). We are record after record, and it's not good.
This adds on the drought that the Catalan Countries have been suffering for 3 years. We have water use restrictions and many farmers have lost the harvests for months because they're not allowed to water the fields. And there's no prospect for generous rain any time soon. Experts have been warning that for every degree Celsius that temperatures rise in the Mediterranean region, annual rain will reduce by 4%, and since we're a region that is already naturally prone to summer droughts, this will mean 20% less water resources.
The Mediterranean region is one of the places in the Earth that heats the most because of climate change. There will be 40% more days with extreme heat (days with temperatures higher than 35°C=95°F), which will have effects on health, particularly on open-air workers, and will suppose a 17% decrease in agriculture produce. That is, without counting rising sea levels.
The Mediterranean region is inhabited by 400-500 million people, out of which 150 million live on the coast. Experts calculate that the sea will have risen 1 meter (it's not out of the question that it might have risen even more if polluting emissions aren't reduced) by the end of the century. Considering that 37% Mediterranean coast is very low, on sea level, this means that this rise of the Mediterranean sea will put about 42 million people in extreme danger. One of the first victims will be (and is already suffering the early effects) the Delta of the Ebro river, a mostly-agricultural area in the South of Catalonia which is also a Biosphere reserve due to its great biodiversity.
And some people still say climate change isn't real 🤦
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Whilst America freezes, Europe is in the midst of a winter heat wave. Some of these temperatures are 4-5 degrees Celsius higher than previous January records. BTW, these things are directly linked, due to the unstable polar vortex.
People may not see this as a bad thing- particularly with high energy prices this winter, but it is disrupting the normal seasonal weather seen in Northern/Eastern Europe, which may have knock on impacts on the growing seasons of crops. Excessive snow melt can also lead to flooding, which can be a major problem.
If these trends of warmer temperatures continue on to next summer, we’ll also see issues around drought and people dying due to extreme heat, like we did this summer.
Anyway, it’s just another reminder that “climate change” isn’t going to happen in some far off future. It’s 2023. It is the future. This is happening now.
We need to find ways to deal with it, and to try and ensure things don’t get any worse.
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oobbbear · 3 months
I barely animate myself but oh how I want to dissect others animation frame by frame I can talk for hours if you don’t watch animation frame by frame you’re missing out big time
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il-predestinato · 9 months
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Max Verstappen earns his 9th win in a row. 🎥: 2023 Dutch Grand Prix
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gotchibam · 1 month
Does anyone here draw in both desktop & mobile? I'm planning to get a galaxy tab at some point and since I don't really have any experience drawing on a (mobile) tablet, I'm curious abt how it feels to draw on one vs. drawing on pc w/ a graphic tablet 🤔
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hellish-cruelty · 6 months
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Sweater weather is here.
Movies/TV shows -
1.Chris Evans' Perfect Cable Knit in "Knives Out"
2. Liv Tyler's Cropped Sweater paired with a plaid skirt in "Empire Records"
3. Marilyn Monroe's memorable Sweater Dress in "Let's Make Love"
4. Rory Gilmore's Cable Knit Oversized Sweater in "Gilmore Girls"
5. Anne Hathaway's Infamous "Cerulean" Sweater in "The Devil Wears Prada"
6. Meg Ryan's dashing red Sweater in "When Harry Met Sally"
7. Cher Horowitz's Sunny Yellow Sweater in "Clueless"
8. Zouzou's Red Polo Neck paired with a coat in Rohmer's "Love in the Afternoon"
9. Audrey Hepburn’s Iconic Turtleneck in "Breakfast at Tiffany’s"
10. Julia Roberts' "I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her" Rib Knit Sweater from "Notting Hill "
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Exploring the Different Types of Weather Forecasts: A Comprehensive Guide
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Weather forecasting is crucial in our daily lives, helping us plan everything from our weekend activities to major agricultural and energy decisions. Various types of weather forecasts are available, each designed to meet different needs. In this article, we'll explore some of the different types of weather forecasts and their applications.
Ag Weather Forecasts
Agriculture is one of the most weather-dependent industries, making ag weather forecasts crucial for farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural professionals. Ag weather forecasts help farmers plan planting and harvesting schedules, irrigation, and fertilizer application, among other things. These forecasts provide detailed information about temperature, precipitation, and wind speeds, which are critical for crop growth and yield.
Energy Weather Forecasts
Energy weather forecasts are designed to help energy companies and utilities plan for changes in demand and supply caused by weather conditions. These forecasts are particularly important for renewable energy sources, like solar and wind power, as they depend heavily on weather conditions.
Energy weather forecast can help energy companies anticipate and prepare for events such as heat waves, cold snaps, and storms, affecting energy demand and supply. They can also provide information about temperature, wind speeds, and cloud cover, which is critical for planning and maintaining wind and solar farms.
Frost Forecasts
Frost can cause significant damage to crops, making frost forecasts essential for farmers and other agricultural professionals. Frost forecasts provide information about temperature and dew point, which are critical for predicting the formation of frost.
These forecasts can help farmers take preventive measures to protect their crops from frost damage, such as using frost blankets or sprinklers. They can also help farmers decide when to harvest crops, as early harvest can be a preventive measure against frost damage.
Other Types of Weather Forecasts
There are various other types of weather forecasts available, each designed to meet specific needs. Some of these include:
Short-term forecasts: These forecasts provide information about weather conditions over the next few hours or days and are typically used for planning daily activities.
Medium-range forecasts: These forecasts provide information about weather conditions over the next few days to a week and are often used for planning outdoor events and travel.
Long-range forecasts: These forecasts offer details on the weather throughout the upcoming weeks and months and are typically used for agricultural and energy planning.
Severe weather forecasts: These forecasts provide information about severe weather conditions such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes, helping people prepare for these events and stay safe.
The Final Thought
Weather forecasting is a complex process that requires a range of data sources and analysis techniques. As a result, there are various types of weather forecast for energy available, each designed to meet different needs. Just like Ag weather forecasts are crucial for farmers and other agricultural professionals, energy weather forecasts are essential for energy companies and utilities, and frost forecasts are critical for protecting crops from frost damage. For such professional weather forecast services, refer to AWIS Weather Services. You can also visit their website- Awis.com, for detailed information.
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secundus-cinaedus · 3 months
while i 1000 percent believe it has been twisted to suit a leftist agenda, the people who believe climate change is completely fake are legitimately fucking braindead
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poibynt · 7 months
Just finished HTTYD book 4 (I am relistening to the series completely out of order why not) & the Hysterics, specifically Norbert, clock Hiccup and Fishlegs as Hooligans pretty damn fast. This might just be assumption, seeing as Hooligans are the most likely people to be on the Island of Vilany since it neighbours Berk but that's not a total given. Not to fall into my forever habit of fleshing out and complicating fantasy settings to be more realistic but is there a possibility that different viking tribes have distinctive clothing which marks who they are, or maybe that they speak different dialects? Its been a while but I remember something about there being like 70 something words for rain 'in the Berk language' not Norse, in the first book (I think I could be wrong). Also, in 8 Hiccup says that Ugg runes are hard to read, thus meaning the Ugglythugs have a mildly different writing system to Hooligans (or...shit handwriting (carvewriting?) but also so does literally everyone in this series so). They have to all be speaking Norse since there's never any issues with communication throughout the series. Hiccup is shown to be a bit of a polyglot but other characters never seem to struggle to understand each other. However, it would make sense if different tribes have drifted away from the standard Norse that was likely spoken during the OG Wilderwest days enough to have distinctive accents or maybe mild dialects (like, tribes closer together who interact way more have kept in lingiustic lockstep so the Hooligans and Bogburglers have very similar vocab but just some different accents whereas the Hooligans and the Beserks would have less in common & their Norse would sound more dialectical to eachother) OR maybe the tribes have existed as distinct groups since before the Wilderwest unification/were created and maintained during that time period and to maintain a cohesive nation (what....the fuck did the OG Wilderwest look like actually? Like politically, how did it operate? That is a whole other post but I'm assuming there was some element of centralisation and unification seeing as how it's talked about in the series) standardised Norse grew in popularity but the original languages of the tribes still influenced speakers and fused with the standard Norse. Which would make sense with the 70+ Hooligan words for rain, since historically it seems like native names for flora, fauna and the natural world stick around since imposed or adopted languages often don't have replacement words for these things or don't need to rename all the birds or whatever. Idk, maybe Hooligans have really distinctive helmets! People who know more about linguistics than me feel free to muse, ponder and or contradict me.
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numenrecords · 11 months
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swingsetindecember · 1 year
it's only when the wildfire haze hit the us that people are talking about how bad it is. we've been living with haze and wildfires for a month in alberta and suddenly news is everywhere now talking about canadian wildfires. it's very frustrating when an issue you've been living through only gets attention when a larger population gets hit. like y'all didn't care a week ago until it was in your backyard. my heart goes out to everyone being affected, we need to have better environmental protections
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cloudselkie · 5 months
Sound of rain, thunder rumble
Whisk make water froth an tumble
Round the bowl the hours go
Always forward as time does flow
Speak your conditions, declare your right
And send your spell into the night.
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged/liked something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers 💕
I did not have the desire to do 5 of these let alone think about 5! Though now... Yes I do.
Thank you for the ask, I appreciate the few that have been bored enough to send one, sometimes fun to answer.
1: Music, all music, lyrics, good beats, the memories they spark, the feelings they evoke, the poetry from artists crafted for the canvas of the inner ear!
2: Dogs. All animals but to have, hold, care, enjoy a dog is a blessing, just to see a random one, in my car or waking down the road always makes me want to yell dogdog! As I smile Inside and out.
3: Weather. Preferable rain, thunder and lightning. Just the most perfect visual, audible and physical display of natures art. How can one not worship it!
4: abandoned things. Literal worthless things covered in dust and broken. Once was held, valued, used, sometimes feelings of love, jealousy, pain or beautiful dreams... People sometimes has savagely fixed feelings for those things..... And now they rest. Abandoned buildings, cars, roads, shipwrecks.... All speak to my soul. The energy that keep.
5: The words. Books written, poetry crafted, songs sung, whispers into ears as two are on the brink of mutual orgasm, the alphabet arranged from it's simplistic form, to make someone feel.
Three words spoke in truth have started wars, changed destiny, created life, and have taken it.
! Sorry I do not do well at sending people these things!
So please if desiring to share.... Do it.
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jackwhitespankbank · 7 months
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