#welcome to the blog where sometimes i answer questions with more non-answers and a lot of tangents JVSKDJF
actualbird · 1 year
oooh ooooh ooooooooh!!! irt the nsb-luke post... the idea of nsb being not so great is just... OMG THE TENSION??? lile how would that go down? in my head, i'm just imagining what would happen if luke found out or the possibility of traitor!luke perhaps? 🤔
irt why i think the nsb let luke go back to stellis
yesYESSSSS THEN TENSION WOULD BE INSANE RIGHT??? and i forgot to mention in that last response that among the reasons why i think the nsb could possible be a bad guy is cuz.....of luke's AU cards
his SOTT card, SSR Overflowing Thoughts. and his gufeng card, SSR Dreamlike Drama. if u havent played/watched those cards, i HIGHLY recommend u do because i rlly loved the stories in both and also because of what those two stories have in common
[spoilers for those cards ahead] in both cards, the luke's AU life lead to him breaking against the state/the law and becoming a vigilante or an outlaw. the reason he broke off from the state/the law was because he had witnessed or experienced a Great Evil either from them (for SOTT card, luke seeing the injustice of the system causing suffering to mc and then later on him being ordered to kill innocent people and Pointedly, Not Doing That, thus becoming a wanted man) or just in general (in gufeng card, luke witnessing his parents being killed and going rogue to get revenge) like.....
this cannot be a coincidence. it feels like foreshadowing. luke is a very noble person at heart with a great GREAT sense of devotion for the people and the causes he believes in. but if that trust is broken, if he sees bad happening, he breaks off. two cards show us his propensity of doing this in AUs, so whos to say it cant happen in the canon setting? and if it does, then the mysterious govt agency that hes currently aligned to seems like the best bet for who That Evil will be, right?
im sounding like a madman again JHAVKJFAHSVF but i do hope this happens because it'd be SO INTERESTING
additionally, i do wanna say that in broad strokes, that i dont necessarily think itll be traitor!luke (thought that ALSO INTERESTS ME GREATLY YEYYEYYEEAAA) but more following the premises of the AU cards where like......ok in the beginning he actually was aligned with the state/the law, but then Something crossed the line, Something happened that was too horrible for him to accept, and he breaks off
the AU cards show that luke has hard lines and limits for what he is willing to accept from governing powers or from the status quo. when those lines are crossed, hes gone, hes out
so in canon i wonder if like.....luke Is a traitor in the nxx but he doesnt know it yet. hes more being used as a pawn, moved into the right spots where he'll be most useful and unknowing of what his purpose actually is. and then when he realizes that his master isnt as good as he first thought them to be, he goes rogue
wouldnt that be a hella fun route for the story to go? HAHA
btw, if ur interested in traitor!luke, i HIGHLY HIGHLY reccommend that u start reading and following sam @samsspambox's fic series "the world turned upside down (down, down, down)" which is delving into that concept along with other extremely fantastic concepts and also it's SO GOOD, GO READ IT!!!!
BUT YEAH......nsb being revealed to be not-so-good would be so so delicious to me narratively
.....it'd be agonizing for luke "guilt complex big enough to be seen from space" pearce to have more things to be insanely guilty about, but honestly that just adds to the appeal for me HKJASHFVAKSF
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dunmeshistash · 6 months
I'm Cyan (or anything you wanna call me) this blog started as just a stash for Dungeon Meshi extras and worldbuilding details but expanded as people asked questions and I did my best to answer! Hope you find it as useful as I do. I try my best to categorize my posts so they're easy to find but sometimes I forget.
If you'd like to share something you compiled yourself feel free to send it to me and I'll reblog it! You can also send a submission if you'd prefer. The main goal is to share Dungeon Meshi information :3
Consider checking the FAQ before sending an ask!
Spoilers are tagged as "Dungeon Meshi Spoilers"
Please support the author by purchasing the manga if available in your region.
TERFs and other bigots aren't welcome
Icon and Banner
Ryoko Kui's Blog
Tag list under the cut
Types of post
For referencing - Canon things and other information you might want to go back to. Now I'm also using art reference when relevant
Compilation - Posts where I compile lots of canon art/sketches about a specific subject.
Dunmeshi thoughts - My own non canon thoughts. I also use the tag speculation when relevant
Dunmeshi complaint - Tag for more negative subjects/discourse in case you wanna block that. I usually go back and delete the ones that don't seem productive
Asks - Since I post quite a lot of asks I decided to divide them into some tags so they're easier to filter: Lore ask | Character ask | Meta ask | About Cyan
Laio's Party: Laios Touden | Marcille Donato | Chilchuck Tims | Senshi of Izganda | Izutsumi | Falin Touden
Kabru's Party: Kabru of Utaya, Diamond of Sadena, Mickbell Tomas, Kuro, Rinsha Fana, Holm Kranom
Tansu's Party: Tansu Floke, Yarn Floke, Kiki Floke, Kaka Floke, Namari of Kahka Brud
Shuro's Party: Shuro (Toshiro Nakamoto), Hien, Benichidori, Maizuro, Inutade
Canaries: Mithrun, Pattadol, Lycion, Fleki, Otta, Cithis
Demi humans
Sources (<- check this if you're confused where the extras come from):
Adventurers Bible
Daydream Hour
Monster Tidbits
Other tags:
Magic System
Post Canon (Extras about the story after the story)
Clothing (Details about character's clothes and in world fashion)
Dunmeshi Extra (extra comics that aren't in the main story)
Modern Clothing
Dunmeshi anime vs manga (comparisons or panels missing from the anime)
Red Dragon
Chimera Falin
I'll be updating as I add posts/figure out how to tag stuff
About me: Cyan - Adult - She/He - Brazilian
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pixelchills · 11 months
I just wanted to ask it you're still doing the Animutant thing, I'm getting back into it now and I had a few questions
First was if me and a friend were allowed to make an OC for it, and I just wanted to ask permission, and second was what kinds of jobs could they get?
Yes, I have two slow-process on-going fics of the FNAF Animutant AU (A Not so Sunny World & My Dear Daffodil). And then I have my original Animutant story "Dreamflower" slowly in the works too, hoping to post a couple of the first chapters before the year ends!
Both, the original story and the FNAF AU are open for people's OCs! Just be mindful of the universe when designing your OCs. The universal rules for the original and FNAF version are a bit different.
If you want to make an OC to the FNAF AUs, here's a quick recap of the basic concept of Animutants:
Animutants are always created in laboratories. All Animutants are adults (with very rare exceptions).
Animutants come in 3 sentience levels: 1 is the lowest, close to a plant sentience, level 2 is like a trained animal sentience, and level 3 is human sentience.
Animutants are a mixture of different DNAs; mutated alien DNA is their base, some human DNA and various animal and plant DNAs are used to create individual-looking mutants.
Animutants don't get ill with human illnesses, and they live 10 times longer.
Animutants can work almost any job, as long as their owner is a human, or a company.
Animutants come in all mixtures of animals or creatures. All animutants are about 5'10-10' tall, but some exceptions exist (like DJMM).
Level 3 animutants have fake reproductive systems, but none of them are fertile. Female mutants have periods and wombs, but the womb is used only for surrogate pregnancies. Female mutants are more expensive to make.
Non-animal animutants are called celestials, and they're always intersex.
Animutants are treated like "robots", so technically as objects you can own and sell. Sometimes the world is very cruel to them.
If you want to make an OC for the Dreamflower original story, I'd suggest checking my other blog @pixel-chills where I answer questions relating to it. These Animutants differ from the FNAF Animutants a lot:
Animutants are mutated humans. They act and look more human-like, but might have some animal or plant genes mixed in their system, thus giving them ears, horns, tails, or weird skins.
Animutants are a small minority of humans. A person might mutate if they die, if they happen to carry the mutant gene. Most animutants are early embryos who died in the womb, but mutated and were born as an animutant.
Animutants work very similarly to humans bodily, they can get pregnant, get ill, have chromosome-based genitalia etc.
...uh, just ask if you have any other questions :D OCs are welcome!
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rickwithtits · 2 months
"Hm... seems this type of research might actually prove useful."
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"I was expecting y-you lot to be insufferable, irritating, useless dickwa-augh-ads that I c-could easily disregard but... looks like I surprised myself." She sighs and lets go of the holographic dimensional file in her hand, and it flies right back into place in the shifting spiral behind her. "I guess that means setting this place up to be more... permanent."
"To the non-Ricks, be grateful I let you agh-sk me questions, just know I only answer the ones I want to. Y-you're lucky I'm a fairly straightforward woman, at least compared t-to some of my male counterparts."
"T-to the Ricks on here, it's come to my attention that my scientific research has come off as 'nosy' and 'gossipy', so... I guess I should explain myself more."
"My research isn't just a hobby, or taking note of which Ricks are hooking up with each other; it's inherently linked to my studies of The Central F-Finite Curve. When Evil Morty punched a hole through it, it altered the integrity of the logarithmic parameters for the infinity filter of The CFC, allowing f-for discontinuous dimensions to filter in until it was f-fixed. I'm analyzing those discontinuities, and the rest of The Curve, f-for my safety and yours. You're welcome."
"I'm already monitoring you, what's a f-few questions? This isn't even my t-top priority and besides, it's not like I'm hiding anymore."
"I'm not your f-friend just because you're a Rick. ... but if you wanted to grab some drinks at Blips n Chitz sometime or need help with something I c-could try to find some t-time."
[[ooc under cut]]
• Due to Riq's sometimes rated-R nature she's not safe for minors. HOWEVER I might follow you from here because this blog is where I keep track of the R&M RP, but that is not permission to interact. I consider interaction any direct links between this blog and another blog through reblogs or asks.
• 18+ Topics: Violence/gore, substance abuse, emotional abuse, child abuse, smut. I'll tag anything with these things #18+, anything sexual will be tagged #spicy.
• #lore tag for mini-fics following her and her family. #interactive for rp starters, #past-interactive for closed rp starters. #answered for my asks that I've answered, #my asks for asks I've sent other rp blogs. #interactions for what it sounds like.
• Riq is like a jawbreaker, don't let her harsh exterior keep you from poking and prodding, she's got layers. She may act like C-137 on the outside but on the inside she's more like J-19Z7 (with more murdery and self-destructive tendencies but still) as she's directly between them in The Curve.
• Mun is 21+ if that wasn't obvious already. My fandom blog is rickle-n-mort-enthusiast, my main is maladaptive-escapism.
• I write like I'm taking everything seriously but that's just cos I'm shit at writing humor and she's so autistic she takes everything literally, by all means mess with her I love chaos and silliness. I prefer semi-lit to literate but I mirror for the most part. More active in the discord as I'm more used to discord than tumblr.
• Sorry if I don't reply right away I overthink all my responses and I'm quite busy, thank you for being patient <3
previous pinned post
Ref sheet:
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Little Blog Update! <3
Hello my dears! It's late, I should be asleep, but I thought this was worth sharing!
I've decided to try and format my blog & overall schedule a little, so you all can know somewhat of what to expect from me! (if that makes any sense... Like I said it's late, so my brain is a little mushy!)
I've realized it probably isn't very good (or healthy) that I try and make audios every single day, as it takes a lot of time, energy, and work! A minimum of 3 short audios, can take up to 4 hours of recording (often over and over.. And over again) and editing on its own! So, I probably cannot will myself to record everyday as I continue having other things going on in my life... However! That does not mean I will be quitting!
Basically in a sense, what you all can expect from this blog from this point forward, will most likely follow along the lines of one of more of these five things!
Audio days: Where I make a create audios for you all! (Not main priority/content anymore!)
Art days: Where I post art & wips that I'm working on!
Chatting days: Where I just post random content, non welcomehome related topics, or updates! (Or answering any comments/questions I'm given through my ask box!)
Absent days: Where I do not post at all! (which is usually unlikely, unless I'm super crammed and busy!)
AU days: Where I only, or mostly, post content of my au.. The Bakery Welcome-home au! (this will usually come first if I'm unable to upload audios, and still want to post content)
This is just me trying to add at least a little structure and meaning behind my madness, as I overthink everything- haha!
Anyway, uh... I don't know if this is helpful at all! I'll probably look at this in the morning and go "wtf this isn't important" or "I described this horribly"
But... Anyways! That's all for now, I'm going back to bed! I love yall!! <3
Little update! Please know audios are not the only thing that I do! I have many others hobbies, I Love drawing, and dare say I have other interests outside of welcome home! I will continue doing audios, but only when and if I want to! If I stop don't ask why, that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes!
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kirby-souljourney-au · 7 months
Welcome to Kirby: Soul Journey!
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Hello!! My name is Bugthing, I use he/xey/it/they pronouns, and I am the mod of this account. This is a sideblog made very specifically for all things regarding my Kirby AU, Soul Journey! I store whatever Kirby-related content I make here, including a project I’ve been working on since the 20th of December, 2022.
If you’ve been following me for long enough, whether here or on my main blog (@goblinbugthing), you know very well what that is, but for the new people, allow me to introduce you to the biggest project I have ever worked on in my entire life…
The Kirby: Soul Journey AU fic!
As I said before, this has been in progress since 2022, and it is currently unfinished. I had put the fic itself on hiatus for months before I said anything, though the announcement of the hiatus itself was only posted in November 2023.
At the time, I had been working on chapter 2, and eventually gave up on it entirely because it wasn’t living up to my (unreasonably high) expectations.
However, soon after I announced the hiatus, I decided I would be rewriting the entire fic from scratch.
And that brings us to where we are today! The rewrite is in progress, research is being done, changes are being made, and I’m slightly more confident in my writing than before. So, make sure to check in with the blog every now and then to see any updates!
Everything else, under the cut!
(Divider gif via @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
Currently in the planning stage.
Chapter in progress: None
Asks: Open
Send in anything regarding the AU! I love answering questions!
Ref sheets:
Ref sheet masterlist doc here! [Unfinished — we’ve got a LOT to go]
Kirby | Adult Kirby (Soullite Knight))
Ione / Meta Knight
Marophim / Morpho Knight
Eterna Hero
I must add that ArtShield desaturates the colours slightly after shielding, so please reference the hex codes written down in the post for the correct colours!
Voice claims:
Voice claim masterlist doc is readable here!
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Chapter Index
IT RETURNS. (Teaser A) (AO3 / Wattpad)
The Destruction. (Teaser B) (AO3 / Wattpad)
A Reaper’s Blade (Prologue) (AO3 / Wattpad)
Read the Original (VERY OUTDATED) (AO3 / Wattpad)
Teaser A - The True Ultimate Life-Form (Tumblr ver.)
Teaser B - Threat to the Multiverse (Tumblr ver.)
Prologue - Preparations (Tumblr ver.)
Chapter 1 - Return of One and Introduction to Another (Tumblr ver.)
Read the Oneshots (ALSO VERY OUTDATED) (AO3 / Wattpad)
MERCY (Tumblr ver.)
Hold the Stars (Tumblr ver.)
Taboo (Tumblr ver.)
Exile (Tumblr ver.)
Once So Great (Tumblr ver.)
Awaken (Tumblr ver.)
Gentle Angel (Tumblr ver.)
Righteous Anger (non-canon) (Tumblr ver.)
Wanderer’s Curiosity (OUTDATED)
If any of the links are broken, please let me know! I'll get to fixing them right away!
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Tag Key
#sincerely - mod bugthing — Posts from me, the mod, ranging from nonsense to progress updates.
#k:sj au — Things generally regarding the AU itself (e.g. voice claims, character refs, worldbuilding).
#k:sj voices — Character voice claims.
#k:sj characters — Character reference sheets.
#dreamland’s mailbox — Any asks you send in.
#dreamland’s polls — Any polls I make here.
#dreamland art exhibit — Original art regarding the AU.
#not k:sj canon — Things not canonical to the AU (e.g. what if scenarios, crossovers).
#not soul journey / other aus — Posts unrelated to K:SJ, and/or other people’s AUs.
#kirby: soul journey — Actual, real, canonical, proper chapters and oneshots.
I tag triggers with #cw: (trigger)
I tag OCs with #oc: (character)
Please note that this section may be updated in the future.
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YouTube (I rarely upload, but I do use community posts sometimes)
Wattpad (My fanfics’ second home)
Archive Of Our Own (All my fics live here)
TikTok (The impulsive thoughts won. Rarely ever used)
$$app (Consider supporting me by donating)
Ko-Fi (Commissions opening soon!)
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DNI list
NSFW blogs
Transphobes, homophobes, racists, ableists, sexists, misogynists, antisemites, zionists, etc.
H4rry P0tter fans
D4nganronpa-specific blogs
People in support of the genocide against Palestine
AI-generated anything supporters
H4zbin H0tel & H3lluva B0ss fans
M3tasusie shippers
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For now, that appears to be it! Have a good day, and enjoy your time in Dreamland!
— Mod Buggie
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alesseia · 2 years
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Hey there! I’m Aurora and welcome to my art/writeblr blog 💖 The blog is named after the original world that I created and primarily draw/write for, Alesseia!
Alesseia is a Filipino-coded country set in an original world where magic is widespread and contributes to modern-day technology. The story plays with a lot of tropes present in coming-of-age fantasy. If you like Percy Jackson, you might like my story!
Feel free to ask me anything, including questions on my stories or sharing stuff about yours! You can also include me in tag games, I think they’re a lot of fun.
More about me and my works under the cut:
about me:
they/them pronouns
I’m aroace, but I tend to enjoy romance and sometimes sex in fiction
I currently have a pet hamster named Mocha
my current fandom obsession is Pokémon, especially the Pokespe manga and nuzlocking the games
popular themes in my works are:
fate and destiny
love and relationships of all kinds
queer outcasts finding a home together
messy people learning to grow and be better
happy endings
content warning tags include:
violence (tagged as “violence”)
minor character deaths (tagged as “character death”)
homo- and transphobia, both externalized and internalized (tagged as “queerphobia”)
anything else I feel needs tagging
Please feel free to ask me to tag for something I missed! Also, please note that just because I write about it doesn’t mean I support it. That said, a lot of my non-main-series works (especially artworks) are really just cute and fluffy stuff, haha. I’m very bad with angsty stuff 😅
alesseia tags include:
stuff related to the main/original series: #alesseia main
stuff related to spin-offs based in the original world: #alesseia spinoff
stuff related to its AUs: #alesseia au
other tags include:
art tag: #ashenart
writing tag: #ashenwriting
moodboards: #ashenaesthetics
playlists: #ashenplaylists
answered asks: #answered asks
self-reblog: #srb
And that should be everything for now! This is the very first post on the blog, so there’s nothing else here at the time of this post, but I’ll be getting around to posting soon. Thanks for reading all this, by the way!
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youredoingkinwrong · 2 years
Hey, I'm currently questioning as fictionkin. The thing is, I am a very very nonspiritual person--I don't believe I was this character in a past life or anything. Whatever sort of attachment or relationship I have, I blame as being the result of trauma and neurodivergence. Most fictionkin stuff I can find resources on are for the more spiritual side of things, so I wasn't sure where to turn for this advice.
(That being said, I think the spiritual explanation is perfectly valid--just as I won't argue with religious beliefs as an atheist, I won't force alternatives upon that side!)
I hope you can help despite that, since I've been having trouble finding active blogs for answering these questions. If you could point me to any other blogs, I'd appreciate it.
I don't believe that I am somehow this character in a literal or spiritual way. She's more like a part of myself instead of the entirety of me, but much more so than just a comfort character would be. (Not sure how well I explained that? But because I default to a scientific reason, I know I'm not the type to embrace fully believing I am her.)
My girlfriend is a fictive of a character shipped with the character I think I kin, but wasn't originally a fictive--she thinks she may have become a fictive in the same way that I came to kin this character.
In fact, some of the fictives in my gf's system describe their relationships to their canon much more similarly to how I feel about this character than a lot of fictionkin resources I can find describe it. I am 100% certain I am a singlet, however, and so I know that that isn't the explanation.
Things that make me thing that I may be fictionkin:
I sometimes have memories of the character from her point of view, which are frequently distressing (intrusive thoughts related to her trauma, that sort of thing).
On several occasions, I forgot I wasn't her (I woke up thinking "wow, I went through that and it didn't hurt me as much as in this fanfic about her that I wrote," then remembered I didn't actually go through it; similar things a few times while fully awake sometimes).
I get a similar sort of euphoria to cosplaying her that I do from gender euphoria, feeling like it's more right than whatever I usually wear.
I go by her name at times.
I know I'm not voluntarily choosing to do this--why would I want a fictional character's trauma on top of my own?
It is definitely more significant than the "heavily relating to her/identifying with instead of as" thing that the word "kin" is frequently misused for.
Sorry for the long ask, I've just been thinking about this a lot lately. Do you have any thoughts one way or the other?
-- Lore
(signing in case you have anything further you'd like me to clarify in another ask)
Hello Lore,
While I am comfortable in my identity as a spiritually-identifying fictionkin, I heartily support all psychological 'kin, so I hope I will be able to be of some help to you.
Psychologically-identifying 'kin simply have a different reasoning for their identities. You can absolutely say you are 'kin with a character for reasons other than spiritual ones. It's just one explanation of many, and though it is perhaps the most popular explanation, it is by no means the only one.
What you want to do with that identity is up to you. If you want to call yourself fictionkin, you are more than welcome to. If you don't, that's fine too. It really is up to you, since it's your life that's being lived. The only really thoughts or notes I have for you are that you would not be the first person to potentially identify as a fictional character for non-spiritual reasons, and you would not be the last. And that you are of course welcome to be whoever you are.
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moondragon618 · 2 years
I should probably make an intro post huh
Well here it is ig lol
You can call me Moon or Moondra, and Luna or Lunar is okay too :) My pronouns are they/them, it/its, she/her, + multiple neos which I'll list here:
xey/xem/xeir/xeirs/xemself (this one works like they/them, eg. xey are/xey're)
drae/draer/draers/draerself (this one works more like she/her, eg. That's draer cat, That cat is draers)
Feel free to use any of these, and also feel free to ask me about how to use the neos if you're confused :)
I am bi and questioning if I'm aroace-spec, and I'm a genderfluid enby- more specifically I'm fluid between any combination of feminine aligned, neutral/androgynous aligned, and an assortment of xenogenders lol :) I'm fine with any gender-neutral terms and pretty much all gendered terms outside of male/female and woman/man, though I do prefer gendered terms to be used in a lighthearted/joking way rather than seriously lol <3
I'm also (self-diagnosed) ADHD + Autistic and have social anxiety- be warned I'm often very slow to answer asks/reblogs/DMs/etc and that's probably why lmao
I'm currently a dsmp/c!primeboys enjoyer as you've probably noticed lol but my other interests include Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Undertale/Deltarune, the MCU (specifically Irondad lol), Markiplier/Unus Annus, and the Legend of Spyro trilogy (my first fandom <3)
I am also fictionkin- my c!Dream kin tag is ad infinitum :) and my Protegeinnit kin tag is everlasting daydream ❤️
I tag all of my c!primeboys posts with c!prime thoughts so they're easier to find bc I reblog a lot and post rarely lol
Here's a link to my Ao3 and here's my writing tag which has all my fics + me talking about my writing lol
Some AU tags I use sometimes:
Immortal c!Prime (also includes Divine c!Prime where c!Dream becomes a god and makes c!Tommy into an angel)
Shapeshifter c!Dream AU (exactly what it sounds like lol)
Hybrid c!Prime AU (in which c!Dream in an ender dragon hybrid and c!Tommy is a cardinal avian)
Reblogs from my c!Prime RP blogs (@haver-of-wives and @your-eternal-nightmare) will be tagged with rp c!Prime :)
My reblogs will all be fandom tagged except for non-fandom stuff which will just be untagged.
And just to be very clear about this due to Certain Recent Events: I absolutely Do Not support cc!dream in any way.
I enjoy c!Dream strictly as a fictional character. I completely understand if others personally find c!Dream posting uncomfortable and if that's you, then you might want to block me. If you harass me over this, or for not supporting cc!dream, or any other reason lol, enjoy getting blocked on sight <3
As for a DNI, I don't really care as long as you're not on some terf shit, generally just hateful and/or bigoted, super NSFW, or shipping incest or adult/minor ships (p*ppytwit/blr this means you too stay tf away from me istg). Also cc!dream stans will be blocked on sight, and c!Dream apologists I Do Not fucking trust you lmaooo
Oh also I tend to avoid discourse posting but if I do it will be tagged as such. I try to tag for triggering content as well and feel free to let me know if I should tag something. (also be warned that I occasionally forget to tag if I'm doing some late night reblogging and really tired lol. I usually notice it and fix it the next day though)
And don't be alarmed if I suddenly switch fandoms at some point that just kind of happens sometimes lmao
Anyway that is all and welcome to my deranged fandom blog <3
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impulsea · 1 year
do you mind if non rp blogs follow you? i'm not a roleplayer myself but i always really appreciate your analysis and insight into ariel's character. i understand if you don't want that though!!
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Hey, friend! That's such a sweet compliment- thank you so much! To answer your question, non rp blogs are welcome to follow! I love any activity and, while this is a rp blog, as you mentioned I also do a lot of analyses, appreciation, and answer questions ooc about TLM's creation/franchise at large, so this is a forum for all fans! I was thinking about creating a Discord group a while back, actually, and still might if there's interest! Also, activity, of any sort, actually helps my muse and keep this blog going. Sometimes it does feel a little lonely, so having friends to come to on here would help me and the longevity of this mermaid garden more than you know! The only interaction I shy away from is that of duplicates, because I don't want either of us- intentionally or unintentionally- to have our muse informed of the other (I'm open to talking ooc though with other Ariel muns!) and generally people who commit creative larceny and steal my content, viewpoints, or thoughts, as has often happened. But again, anyone else is more than welcome!
I'm in a similar place with my other blogs- so other ways you can find me, or places you can interact with me/the Disney fandoms if you like the one each blog is dedicated to:
Princess Aurora from 1959's Sleeping Beauty (my first blog ever and my first muse! one of the ones I'm most active on; she's actually the main account all the others are sideblogs from, which is why I can't follow back from impulsea! All notifications would be 'auroracle')
Cinderella from 1950's Cinderella (also one of my first muses but just relaunched her account in 2021. GIANT muse, especially right now, so if you have any love to spare, feel free to pay it forward to her!)
Snow White from 1937's Snow White (I really love her and she, along with Ariel, haven't been as popular as the former two).
And then to a lesser extent, Princess Fiona from Shrek and Odette from The Swan Princess. These are the extent of my Princess muses, with the original four being the most consistent ones- I had a list of every muse I wanted to create and I was definitely going to do at least four others (finally venturing into non-Princesses, since these six are the extent of the princesses I'm interested in portraying), but again I'm just in a place on Tumblr where I'm not finding my audience or people to interact with so tbd!
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mutatiio · 2 years
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sup!! welcome to mutatiio!!
this is a selective and mutuals only multi-muse (featuring star wars characters). canon divergent and headcanon based.
affiliated with : @jeditrash / @mayxthexforce / @markedwrath & @vaultfrozen / @misfittcd / @rottingkiss
activity : low main : darth maul and anakin skywalker secondary : bode akuna request only : dryden vos
discord is available for mutuals.
written by break ( 25 | non-binary | they/them )
carrd.    ©. rules under the cut.
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portrayal. this blog is heavily headcanon based. my interpretations for maul and anakin come largely from legends with a mix of current canon stuff. i have made a relationship section for my muses to hopefully make this a little easier. if you ever have any questions then feel free to ask. i know everything makes sense in my head, but due to books/movies/shows having vastly different characterisations, i know it can be confusing.
plotting. i love plotting. if you ever have any ideas at all please send them to me and i will do the same for you. however, sometimes unplotted things for a first interaction can be very nice and a natural way to see how our muses mesh together. format i default to the style of my current writing partner. if you don’t have icons then i won’t use icons. if you do, i will. i’m not too fussed about it.
sequels. i don’t like the sequels. more than happy to write with the characters in some capacity, but things gotta shift around a bit. i deeply dislike reylo so i won’t be following if i see that you’re posting it on the dash a lot.
shipping. i ship chemistry. just because i ship my character with one version of a character doesn’t mean i’ll ship them with every version. do not follow me if you ship: incest, padawan x master (even if it's an au where they're not - i feel the same way about this as i would aging up a character just to ship), clone x clone, underage characters with adults. maul is awkward. shipping is not at all a priority that i have for him. however, i do ship obimaul. feel free to either block my tag for it or not follow at all. anidala is not my preferred anakin ship and i likely will not be writing it unless it develops very naturally. bode is difficult to ship with since he is still very much in love with his deceased wife. dryden is difficult just as a person generally.
duplicates. i will not be following anyone back who writes maul or anakin. this is for my own comfort and has nothing to do with anyone else. so if i have not followed you back and you write either of them, that's why. some exceptions apply.
tagging. i will be tagging obvious triggers. as a warning, due to the nature of the characters i write, there will be mentions of abuse, childhood trauma, slavery and murder. i will be reading mutuals rules and trying to tag everything. please let me know if i make a mistake!! anything suggestive will be tagged as ‘tw suggestive’ or ‘nsft’. i would appreciate seizure mentions being tagged.
mains/exclusives. i am happy to do mains should we interact a lot. this mostly means that my first ideas for the characters we write together will go to you before anyone else. asks i get sent in relation to your character(s) are likely to be answered in regards to the verses that we have plotted. exclusives are going to be very rare as i do not wish to cut myself off from anyone. exclusives are for people i write/plot with a lot. i will only be interacting with your version of the character. should the blog go inactive, exclusives will be removed. i will not be writing with any obi-wan other than mayxthexforce - i will not follow single-blogs of obi-wan, but may follow back if he's on a multimuse.
anakin. i am not at all interested in writing anakin during his time as darth vader. therefore, my anakin will be au based. everything up until his fall is the same. everything surrounding the fall will change according to the verse i'm writing in.
oc's. i’m extremely oc and crossover friendly. i am always open to any original characters or crossovers. however, please don't assume relationships. i have no interest in oc siblings or oc children of any of my muses unless discussed. also, i have no interest in oc's who are just married to a canon character by default. please don't come to me and tell me something like maul wants to kill my muse because they're married to obi-wan.
dni. do not come near me if you are ableist, aphobic, homophobic, racist or transphobic. if you ship obikin or anisoka then begone. if you write any content relating to j.k. rowling (including aus).
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
Hi! For transparency sake, I want to say that I am a Jikooker and I like to read other ships blogs to broaden my views on how others perceived certain duos. I came across your blog recently and I like your levelheadedness when approaching asks that are different from your views. I’m one who thinks that people/shippers don’t have to believe the same things and I enjoy reading about why people are passionate about their own ship even if I disagree in thinking there’s romantic potential there. My enjoyment halts when I come across people putting down members in favour of their ship or anything like that. Your blog seems far from that (to my knowledge) because it seems like you respect the other members even though Tae and JK are your faves. My question is how do you feel about the overall ‘reputation’ that Taekookers have as being the ship full of conspiracies about the company and Jimin preventing Taekook from happiness. I hope I am not coming across as rude because I don’t intend to offend or look like I’m a Jikooker “starting shit” on a Taekook blog. I am genuinely curious on how Taekookers who are nice and respecting of others feel when the louder more toxic Taekookers actions reflect badly on them as a whole. This ask is not to say that Jikookers/other shippers are perfect people with no toxicity in our/their ships because that’s not the case, every ship has bad apples. I ask this because I regularly see the public opinion (which includes non-shippers and non-Army’s) compare Taekookers to Larrys or say that they are the most delusional ship. I try to put myself in the shoes of cool Taekookers who don’t align with that behaviour and I would feel annoyed if I were lumped into that negative opinion that some people have on Taekookers. I saw a thread of non-shippers on Twitter basically agreeing with this post and I immediately thought that the cool Taekookers don’t deserve to be seen through that lens.
Hello and welcome!  Thanks for sending in such a respectful ask.
The short answer to your question is yeah, it’s frustrating for me sometimes lol.  I wish I could just brush it off and not care, but for me personally, that’s always been something I struggle with.  Especially if I put a lot of thought into something, even if other people don’t agree with me, it stings sometimes to see that effort and those thoughts brushed off as though they’re completely useless, based on the actions and beliefs of people I don’t know and don’t agree with.
There are a lot of Taekookers out there who either don’t think very critically about what they’re being told, or who see things through an overly simplistic lens, and there are definitely some who take things too far or bring shipping into spaces where it ought to be left out of.  I get that there are a lot of “us” who are like that, probably more than for other ships, though I would imagine that’s just because Taekook happens to be the most popular.
It annoys me to see that from Taekookers the same way it annoys me to see it from others -- in fact, probably more, because it’s frustrating when I know I’m going to be associated with them, and also because, in my opinion, no one needs to lean on false narratives or stretched truths or outright falsehoods in order to see the real possibility that Taehyung and Jungkook could be in a relationship.
As far as I’m concerned, there’s plenty of true, factual evidence to support that idea, so it does frustrate me when other Taekookers eschew that evidence to instead talk nonsense, and I do know that happens, I see it often myself.
That said, it’s also frustrating to have all of us immediately lumped together as though we’re a monolith who all believe the exact same things, because just like ARMY is itself not a monolith, neither is any one subcategory of it.  So like I said, it does grate on me to know that the real evidence is brushed aside by non-Taekookers, and the real analysis and genuine thoughtfulness of some Taekookers goes ignored and dismissed, just because a certain faction of people who also happen to like Taehyung and Jungkook, and might think they’re together, are ridiculous about it.
Those people’s actions and beliefs don’t automatically mean that the whole idea is absurd.  It’s like, I don’t know, assuming that everyone who believes in Santa make up all of the people in the world who like Christmas, and then disregarding the entire holiday as being fake just because of that.  Lol I have no idea if that metaphor works at all, but hopefully you get what I mean.
Anyway haha, at the end of the day this is just one topic of millions on the Internet and it doesn’t really matter if people agree or disagree, and if people are going to look down on me for seeing something between Taehyung and Jungkook that they don’t see, that’s their prerogative.  In my opinion, they’re missing out by doing so.  So I just try to keep to my own little corner where I can chat about what I like, and try not to let it get to me too much while I enjoy myself and keep supporting BTS because I genuinely enjoy and care about all of them.
I hope this answered your question!  Thanks for giving me a chance to address some of this stuff lol, and thanks again for being respectful and kind, it’s appreciated!
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ladymarycrawley · 2 years
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Ho postato 5.736 volte nel 2022
Sono 1.142 post in più del 2021!
921 post creati (16%)
4.815 post rebloggati (84%)
Blog che ho rebloggato di più:
Ho taggato 4.716 dei miei post nel 2022
Solo 18% dei miei post non aveva tag
#mason mount - 1.856 post
#fashion - 982 post
#john stones - 796 post
#my rants - 307 post
#reading list - 174 post
#england nt - 116 post
#trent alexander arnold - 104 post
#naomi campbell - 98 post
#ruben dias - 82 post
#football fics - 78 post
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i'd probably have to pull myself together not to brag about my handsome partner and being angry af when he doesn't get enough playing time
I miei post migliori nel 2022:
I know you too well - Mason Mount
Request: Can you write one with mason where your boy (4 years old) asked you to call his daddy because he misses him and wants to talk to him and then when you’re at the phone he asked you if you can let him talk to his daddy on his own, he tells Mason that you’re not feeling very well but at the end you’re pregnant
Tag list: @masonxomount​ @chelsealover​
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The days where Mason was forced to stay away from you because of his hectic working schedule were the worst ever. Especially lately, since you had been feeling particularly tired due to your working shifts and taking care of your 4 year old son, Y/S/N. He was the light of your life, always bringing the most happy smiles to your face, exactly like his dad.
He also inherited his father’s energy and love for football so sometimes it became quite stressful keeping up with him: in the morning you would drop him at the nursery, then, when you didn’t have papers to fill out or chores to do, you did play with him until it became time to prepare something to eat for dinner.
You thought work and your full time job as a mum were the things to blame for your particularly tired state.
“Mummyyyy” Y/S/N came running to you, who were trying to rest a bit before doing the laundry.
“Yes, baby?”
“When will daddy come back?” He was such a daddy’s boy, if it were up to him he would have followed him everywhere.
“A couple of days, sweetheart. Do you miss him?”
Your boy put on a sad pout, nodding to your question.
A sad smile appeared on your face, as it made you so miserable seeing one of the two boys of your life like that.
“Come here” You took him in your arms to place him in your lap. You cuddled him in your arms, placing sweet kisses on his head and looking at his face, a perfect mix of yours and Mason’s best features.
“We could call him so you could tell him about your day at school while eating the chocolate cookies mummy baked just for you. What do you think?”  
Your words put him in a better mood, as he nodded with a happy smile this time, making you smile too.
You grabbed your phone from the armrest of the sofa you were sitting on and searched for Mason’s number to dial on Facetime. You placed another kiss to your giggling baby before setting the phone on the cafe table before you so you could hold your son on your lap.
“Hey daddy!”
“My favourite people ever! How are you?” Mason’s beaming smile welcomed you. He was resting on his bed, his right arm holding his head against the headboard.
“We’re fine, what about you?” You answered, looking at your son then to his father.
“Daddy I miss you” Y/S/N confessed in a soft voice, fiddling with the drawstring of his grey sweatpants, matching with the one Mason got.
You let out a soft laugh as you pressed a kiss to his soft cheek.
“I miss you too bud but I’ll be back on friday, I promise!”
“We did a lot of drawings at school today and the teacher said mine were the best in the class!”
“Really?? I can’t wait to see them, I’m so proud of you!”
Your son’s features light up at his dad’s words, he was literally his everything, he was his hero and the fact that all his classmates would have him as their idol made his love for his parent grow even more.
“Go and grab that beautiful drawing you did of your grannies, I’m sure daddy will love it!”
Y/S/N jumped down from your lap and ran towards his room to take it, making you and Mason laugh out loud.
It was also a way to let you two have a little moment of intimacy.
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498 note - Postate 21 febbraio 2022
Mc Flurry Mount - Mason Mount
Request: Hey can you write one with mason where y/n is pregnant and she wanted ice cream in the middle of the night so she wakes up mason and then , they went to a late night drive 😂
Warning: none, just fluffy dad! Mason
Tag list: @masonxomount​ @chelsealover​
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Here you go again. Another pregnancy craving. In the middle of the night.
This time your craving is so specific you can't just walk down to your kitchen, open the cupboard and scoff down some chocolate biscuits or other random things. You crave McDonald's Mc Flurry ice cream, preferably with that dark chocolate topping and hazelnut grains. The mouth-watering idea of that treat is such a persistent idea in your mind that going on with your sleep is literally impossible. 
The only problem is that you have to wake Mason up to drive you to the place where your craving could be satisfied, that is to say the nearest McDonald’s.
"Mase please, wake up. I don't want our baby to be born with a Mc Flurry shaped birthmark"
"Mase? Mase? Mason?? Tony??" You call him, shaking him a little as you try to wake him up since he is sound asleep, snoring.
Having to wake him up makes you feel so miserable.
Finally Mason stirs a bit and groans.
"Fuck, it's just 3 AM…"
"Y/N…what time is it?" He asks groggily, without being able to open his eyes that are still heavy with sleep.
Mason moves his arm clumsily to reach for his phone on the bedside table. 
A louder and frustrated groan leaves his lips as he reads the time written in the white font on the display.
"I'm sorry, babe but I'm craving ice-cream really bad…"
“There isn’t any ice-cream in the freezer?”
He sighs, rubbing his eyes, letting them adjust to the light coming from your phone. The tired midfielder rests his weight on his elbow, as he tries to look at your figure in the dark.
You look back at him , smiling as you take in his perfect body; you don’t need the light to help you trace his profile, you know him by heart and you will never get tired of him.
“No, baby, we don’t have any Mc Flurry in the house” You giggle at his pointless question. “We need to drive to McDonald’s to get it…oh look! If we order an Oreo Mc Flurry and some donuts we’ll get 20% off!”
“Amazing…” Mason doesn’t sound as excited as you are while scrolling through the restaurant’s app, looking for some coupons.
“Please baby, I’m craving those so bad your baby is kicking so hard”
“Did she start kicking??” 
You’ve entered the fourth month of your pregnancy almost two weeks ago and your baby should start kicking at any given moment and you, especially Mason, are eagerly waiting for that moment to arrive. In order to persuade him to get up from your bed and get you that ice-cream you decide to pretend your daughter started kicking.
“Not yet, silly” You chuckle at his excited reaction, running your hand through his messy hair, as he rushes to place his ear on your belly trying to hear something.
As he realizes you just made fun of him he gets up and looks at you so badly you fear for your life, if only looks could kill.
“Come on, get dressed” Mason orders you as he lazily takes a jumper that can go with his joggers, together with a pair of sunglasses.
“What are you doing with those? It’s pitch black outside!” 
“I don’t want people to recognize me or paparazzi shooting pics of us getting some ice-cream”
“World doesn’t revolve around you, superstar”
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515 note - Postate 3 aprile 2022
Forehead kisses in Monaco - Mason Mount
Request: it’s the first time mason show you off in an event ( obviously the f1 one here ) and you’re too shy and he just found this the cutest ever , also not leaving your side all the day and kissing your forehead at any chance 🥺
Warning: Mason being the cutest boyfriend ever 
Tag list: @masonxomount @chelsealover​
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Getting used to your boyfriend being a celebrity was not the easiest thing ever, even less when he’s one of the most promising football talents of the moment and everybody would follow his every step.
Despite all of this, Mason tried to act as normal as possible, as he knew that kind of world wasn’t your thing at all: you were so shy the sight of a camera only could make you really nervous.
He loved you so much he just wanted what’s best for you so he tried to keep you away from the spotlight as much as he could but you knew the moment he would show you off would have arrived sooner or later. That happened during the weekend where he was invited to Monaco for the F1 Grand Prix that would take place in the namesake Principality.
You were really looking forward to that weekend, seeing a new place in the company of the person you loved the most, but you were also kind of frightened because of your introverted self.
The first day you got there you started off with a boat trip in the bay of Montecarlo, where you tried to bask in the warm sun shining on your skin as well as the droplets of salty water gushing out and ending up on your arms.
In the meanwhile Mason was busy taking some pics for the sponsorship he was working with.
He took a seat right in front of you. 
You looked at him through the dark lenses of your sunglasses, admiring his body clad in that simple but hot look that was the Rhude checkered shirt, with a black top underneath and black jeans. He always looked like an angel to you, the hottest angel, those days even more if that was possible.
When your eyes met his, Mason grinned and called it a wrap. He got closer to the spot where you were sitting, the sunshine gracing your soft skin.
"Hey, are you enjoying it so far?"
"Yeah, I mean I love seeing you getting a whole photoshoot"
"I can make one for you too" He took his phone out of his pocket and started taking pictures of you, obviously a lot of ugly and blurry pictures. 
"Mase stop that!" You laughed as you tried to cover the camera with your hand.
"I'm working, let me work in peace!" He leant forward to kiss your forehead. 
That impromptu shooting ended when one of the staff members that organized the Monaco trip told you to get ready because you were going to get off the boat.
As soon as you got down Mason held your hand firmly in his, as you walked behind him.
You tried to focus on how happy Mason looked, the interest he showed while talking to the Red Bull drivers as you tried to fake a smile.
Even though you were mentally prepared for what would have happened in Monaco, like paps, fans, camera flashing and so on, you were visibly annoyed while, on the other hand, your boyfriend was apparently enjoying it.
You were really thankful for your sunglasses in the moment, otherwise you would have glared at literally anyone. 
Apart from the cameras, another thing that made you kind of nervous was that posh and new place, where you were supposed to meet a lot of new people and that was a really hard task given that you were really shy.
Mason knew you very well and he was really glad you decided to overcome your fears to go with him to such a huge event. That's why he never let go of his hold on your hand, brushing his thumb in the space between your own thumb and your forefinger. 
"They must think you're one of those guys who can't leave his girlfriend alone for a minute, or more likely they will think I'm a whiny, spoiled baby who only wants to be with her rich boyfriend" You blurted out as you were taking a stroll around the race track. 
"What?" Mason stopped for a moment and excused himself, as he noticed you were getting a bit too stressed. He took you to a more secluded place, where you could relax and talk for a moment.
"What's wrong?" He asked softly.
You were seated opposite to each other, you on a glass coffee table and he on a light wooden chair.
Even though your eyes were looking down towards the ground, you knew Mason's was right on your face. His hands were gently placed on your knees, his fingers lightly tapping the underside of your thighs.
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620 note - Postate 2 giugno 2022
Beautiful boy - Mason Mount
Request : You are 5 almost 6 months pregnant and you found out you will have a baby boy. So you guys spend the week over at his family. After a day out, which tired you more than usual, you and mason head to his bedroom to get ready for bed as everyone went to bed. While Mason has a football game as background on tv ; he is scrolling through his phone. You are cuddled into his side with your back against his chest  , scrolling too on your phone and Mase is craddling your baby bump. You found some pictures from Ben’s birthday party, Christmas&New years Eve that you spent with his family as well some pictures from a mini holiday just you two for his birthday. You are like “Omg” and Mase panicks that something happened to you and the baby. You show him all the pictures and he was clueless at what you are hinting at. You are like” Its the fact that I was growing our baby boy and didn’t even know it”. He then gets all cocky and goofy. But then is all soft. Just all cute and fluff (requested by @raremasey )
Warning: a tiny bit of sexual innuendos but, apart from that, it's all so fluffy
Tag list: @masonxomount​​ @chelsealover​ @masterclassbaby​​
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“I’m stuffed”
“They say you have to eat for two now”
“Well, I feel like I’ve eaten for the three of us actually”
Mason laughed, closing your bedroom’s door behind him.
That week you were guests at his parents' as it was nearly Christmas and Debbie wanted to have all the family gathered around to spend the most wonderful time of the year together, that desire being stronger since you and Mason were expecting your first baby and she wanted to spoil you the best she could while living what they say to be the happiest moment in a woman's life. That day in particular turned out to be especially tiring as you spent all the morning and part of the afternoon out for some Christmas shopping, looking for presents and that kind of things, and then went to have dinner at the nicest restaurant in Portsmouth. Needless to say by the end of the day, you were so tired you wanted to see nothing but your bed.
“God, I’m bloated” You whined in front of the full-length mirror hanging on the wall that was showing you the body of a six months pregnant woman wrapped in an elegant dark blue, wrap velvet dress.
“Don’t blame it on the dinner now” The sarcastic jab about your condition your boyfriend just whispered in your neck while hugging you from behind, won him a glare as you batted his hands away from around your stomach.
“That’s all your fault” You muttered, pointing your finger at him.
“My fault?” He chuckled in disbelief “It takes two to tango, babe”
It was crazy how a simple item like a ring could awake such powerful feelings.
His answer left you without anything to retaliate with which was quite unusual for you.
As you stood before the wooden desk that you would use as a table top to leave the jewels you were taking off, you stopped thinking of something to say when your eyes fell on the eternity ring Mason gave you to celebrate the news of your pregnancy: it was a beautiful band ring in platinum with a circle of diamonds all around.
It became a sort of a ritual to admire that symbol of love every time you would let it twirl around your finger or take it off. Just by looking at it you would feel all the love, the overwhelming emotions you felt the moment you opened the small box before his impatient eyes.
“So? You don't have anything to say?” 
He got closer to you and placed a silent kiss on your cheek, moving the hair falling down your shoulder behind your back. His fingers moved to your back to unzip your dress, knowing you would have appreciated him helping you with what had become a difficult action to do lately.
“Nope” You said under your breath as you kept your stare fixed on the shiny thing in your hands. Mason tilted his head to the side as he was trying to get his head around what was going on with you, why your mood changed all of a sudden.
His eyes landed on the ring too, smiling as he grasped what was going on in your head at that moment.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded in response, giving him a quick peck on the tip of his nose.
The smile you gave him when you nodded confirmed Mason what he thought was going on in that pretty head of yours was right but you weren't the kind of person to talk out loud about such moments that made you feel the most intense emotions. He knew that and it was alright, he wouldn’t have forced you, he just needed to know you were alright.
“Move over” You mimicked him to move away so you could take your usual seat between his legs, earning a giggle from him.
As you left him to get in your en suite bathroom to get changed for the night, he sat on the bed of the guest room you were staying in and turned on the tv to catch up on the latest news from the football world which meant watching that day’s highlights as well as gaffers and fellow players’ interviews.
Those past months you had been living with your other half growing your unborn baby, surrounded by the people that were most important to you, instilled a sense of gratitude in your heart which was so strong it made you feel at peace with the world, as if nothing bad could ever happen. Mason was proving to be the loveliest life companion, always ready to meet your needs despite his heavy agenda, as well as his family. You had always been among those people who thought they couldn’t trust other people other than their own family but in that case you had to change your mind as the Mounts were being really supportive.
The natural consequence of those serene thoughts was the soft smile that curved your lips, that never ceased to leave your lips, not when you brushed your make-up remover pad over your painted lips nor when you left your classy attire to change into a more comfortable one for the night.
When you were ready, you joined your boyfriend in your bedroom and smiled at the sight of him sprawled on the bed all cozy with his ruffled hair, in his grey sweatpants and jumper look you loved so much on him.
“Come here” He sat with his back against the headboard so could use his chest as your backrest, as you would usually like to do when having your little, sweet moments of cuddles and pillow talk before going to sleep.
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674 note - Postate 25 ottobre 2022
Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
Mummy was mine first - Mason Mount
Request: I have a request of a drunk Mason with his newly pregnant girlfriend - him getting all emotional thinking the new baby will take his girl away from him. Stuff like lifting her shirt and talking to his baby saying things like “remember your mummy was mine first 🥺”
Warning: Mason may sound like a prick in this but it was just for the sake of the story 💔
Tag list: @masonxomount @chelsealover @masterclassbaby​
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The moment you told Mason you were pregnant with your first child, he swore he couldn’t have been happier. He was literally on cloud nine, eager to live that unique and special experience with you, the love of his life.
As most of the things we have to deal with throughout our lifetime, it wasn’t all fun and games as expected. Actually you had to deal with a lot of changes that would come as the result of your newly found condition: the mood swings, the cravings, all the shopping for the baby, all the readings on how to teach things to your baby, how to grow him up perfectly and, at last but not least, all the potential dangers you had to be careful of.
It was a hell of a ride but it was worth it in the end, or that’s what you hoped at least.
He was absolutely crazy for you and he wanted to remember that image of you forever. Mason grabbed his Polaroid and took the most beautiful pictures of you naked, with your hair dishevelled on the pillow, the white bed sheets covering your lower body as you let your hands caress your baby bump.
In that moment the English footballer swore he never saw a woman as gorgeous as you, he really meant it when he said that the pregnancy made you even more beautiful than you already were. He thought it turned you into a goddess, as he couldn’t care less about the commonly called flaws you always complained about such as your stretch marks, your swollen feet, the extra weight you gained. He took every chance he got to make you feel loved, to give love to every inch of your body.
You sighed and shook your head as you got seated on the bed, looking for your t-shirt.
“Mason, stop it”
“You’re stunning, come on!” He giggled, holding the camera with one hand and lifting your chin up with the other, holding then your face in place to kiss you on the lips.
Mason shot a couple more pictures of you before putting the camera to the side and starting to kiss you passionately.
He was standing before you, balancing himself with his right leg bent over the mattress, at the side of your thigh. 
The ardour that inflamed your kiss was so strong he straddled you, hovering over you, always being careful of your bump.
He gently led you towards the soft surface beneath, so you could be in a more comfortable position while he made you feel his love.
You didn’t have the slightest intention to move, you just wanted to stay there basking in the relaxing yet exciting feelings only he could give you. Your legs were loosely wrapped around his middle as his right hand was delicately keeping your thigh up while the left one was holding your arms back on the blanket, above your head.
A moan escaped your lips as you felt his fingers fiddling with your knickers.
During the pregnancy, even if it was something common for most women, you started developing a sense of discomfort towards your body: it was inevitably changing but, since you've never been that self confident, those major changes were only increasing the doubts about the beauty or the attractiveness of your curves.
Mason was willing to do everything that was in his power to make you enjoy sex without making you feel guilty, embarrassed or in pain. That's why you spent a whole afternoon on a website the ob gyn suggested you to have pregnant sex safely, to learn all the pros and cons of such a pleasurable activity during a time where things might have gotten a little more difficult.
Whenever your mind took you back to that afternoon you couldn't help but smile, both because it was a funny memory and because seeing Mason so careful and attentive towards you to make you feel better, filled your heart with more love. But reading advice and theories was a thing, putting them into practice was another, even more so since your belly was getting bigger, leading you through the third trimester.
“Mase, the -”
“Yep, the belly is in the way, I know” You both giggled, Mason was really caught up in the moment he didn’t think about the six (nearly seven) months belly you had to deal with.
He sighed, sitting on the bed again.
"It's not just that, my back hurts a little more today"
Mason helped you up, careful not to hurt you, massaging your aching muscles. 
"I just ruined your sex drive" You let out in a low voice, feeling kind of bad.
"Hey hey, you didn't ruin anything, that's okay" He kissed your temple in the sweetest way. "Here, let's see if this one is more comfortable" Mason gestured for you to lay back on the pillows he put there to ease your back pain so your body was resting on the edge of the bed while his body was standing before yours, a little bent over.
You smiled at each other until your boyfriend's lips moved upwards to kiss your forehead, tracing your jaw next and ending on your neck.
In order not to weigh on your stomach, Mason kneeled down on your bedroom floor as his hands were on your hips and his mouth was leaving little hot kisses and bites against the soft skin of your thighs.
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octoagentmiles · 3 years
about me!! yeah :)
name: Miles!
pronouns: they/them. I prefer gender neutral or masculine language. (mx./mr., sir, etc.)
funky brain go- *incomprehensible jargon and mechanical screeching*: a lot of this fandom is neurodivergent, so I want to share that I am autistic, have ADHD, dyscalculia, and anxiety. Many of these things affect the timeliness, or other aspects, of my posts or responses.
I don't want to share my age publicly, but I want to state that folks of all ages are welcome here! Please note though, that some of my content may involve slightly more mature themes, such as swearing (not from me directly, but from reblogs, memes, audios used over videos, etc.), and sometimes angsty topics discussing headcanons and theories related to mental illness or trauma. I will never post anything ns\ft. I will always add CWs and TWs to my posts; if I miss one, please don't be afraid to let me know, or request anything specific!
favourite character: Barnacles 🛞💙
(VERY honourable mentions: Tweak 🔧💚, Natquik/Tracker ❄️🤍, and Kwazii/CJ/Pete 🏴‍☠️🧡)
posts I make: character/episode analyses, random observations/thoughts, funnies/jokes/memes, headcanons/theories, videos/edits, etc.
favourite GBR song(s): Pirate Pie and Briney Blue. Kwazii go prr <3
favourite special: Great Arctic Adventure
favourite season: all of them 4th and 5th
go listen to my Octonauts playlist >:)
"I sent an ask and it's been a while lmao": I struggle with executive dysfunction really badly, but I will get to you eventually. I pinky-promise. /gen
"Where's your askbox?"
ask/dni rules under cut:
(the block button is my dearest sweetest bestest friend <3 so read carefully lmao)
(There are "\"s through some words, so that this post isn't filtered for people who have them blocked.)
Please DON'T ask me shipping questions. This includes my opinions on certain ships, what I ship or don’t, prompts or requests implying certain ships, etc. I know that shipping is fun for a lot of people, but publicly talking about it triggers my anxiety, so I’d rather not. Thank you for understanding.
Side note: Please DON'T TAG ANY of my posts as #ship, unless explicitly stated otherwise with a "#tag however you wish" or "#interpret how you wish". It's rare that I use these tags, but if I do, it's fair game. If you leave comments on my posts or in my inbox about shipping, I will not respond to them, and I'll probably remove them.
Side note²: I don't like pros\hippers. Go away. If I see ANY pros\hip content or support of such content on your blog AT ALL you will instantly be sentenced to life of a block without trial. No excuses, no second chances. ❌
Keep it family friendly. Meaning: No swearing or usage of slurs (even if you don’t know it’s a slur, or if you personally can/have reclaimed it, I will delete your ask/reply, and block you. the word “queer” is fine.), no references to or specific asks about dr*g use or alc*hol, no lemony or sugg\estive material, no graphic viole\nce, go\re, or inju\ry. This applies to comments on my posts, as well.
No queer\phobia (this includes gatekeeping), no rac\ism or xeno\phobia, no able\ism. (or any other kind of -isms, if they ever come up). Don't ever send me hate speech, dis\course, or bullying, regarding myself or others. It's pointless, will be deleted on sight, and I may block you. Go eat a snickers and think about your life choices.
If you really want to ask something that might imply one of the above, please put CWs and TWs* at the beginning of your ask; and be very clear that what you're sending in is a genuine question*, headcanon, or whatever else it may be. (*If it's a question, I may respond privately.)
Also remember that I can decide to just,, not answer something, even if it follows the rules. Usually I’ll do this if I’m not sure how to answer an ask, like, if I’m not knowledgeable enough on the subject, or it references a non-octonauts piece of media that I’m not a fan of, or it features a weird specific trigger/squick of mine that you would have no way of knowing about. Either way, if you’re sitting in your room staring at the wall and you randomly think to yourself, “Hey... my ask never got answered.......” that could be why.
I welcome angst concepts with open arms! But again, please use CW/TWs, and refer to the previous rule’s “no graphic viole\nce” note. If you’ve been here a while, you’ll know I love some good emotional angst~ (high school english teacher voice: "in writing, that's called ✨catharsis!✨")
...UNLESS it’s just a case of Funky Brain Syndrome (executive dysfunction, or good ol' anxiety). In that case, I promise it's not personal, and I am sincerely sorry for the delay—please continue being patient 🙏, and take this lollipop for your troubles: 🍭
*Quick glossary:
a CW warns for content that someone may not want to see or hear, for any reason. (examples: viole\nce, ns\ft, certain people or topics, phobias, squicks or triggers: see final note.)
a TW warns for content that may be triggering for someone to see or hear. (examples: flash\ing, eye\strain, unr\eality, vents, tics, certain topics, words and/or phrases, or phobias.)
a squick is something that may make someone highly uncomfortable to see, hear, or read about; it's different from a trigger in the sense that they're usually more mild, and less likely to cause real damage or harm, but you'd still prefer to avoid them nonetheless. (examples: they can be anything, but are often things like certain tropes, topics, ships, or milder phobias, secondhand embarrassment, etc.)
The two words CW + TW can, and very often do, go hand-in-hand; but the difference can matter sometimes—so can the difference between a squick and a trigger.
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darkkitty1208 · 3 years
Hey! How are you? I literally just arived in the ironstrange ship and I love your blog, can I ask you about your thoughts about those two? How they feel about each other, I'm really curious to know what others think of how Strange felt about the end of the Marvel first part (endgame), particularly *spoilers* when he lifts his finger to Tony, the face he makes break ny heart! Thank you for sharing your time, stay safe!!! (oh, sorry if there is any mistake, english is not my first language)
Hello, anon! I'm glad you're enjoying my blog so far :)
Welcome to the IronStrange Family, where chaos and sass are mixed into one! We're glad to have you as part of us. Anyway, I love screaming, babbling, and flailing about Ironstrange, and I've been waiting AGES for someone to ask this, so get ready for a hell of a roller coaster ride on this one.
Disclaimer: the opinions you'll be reading here is mostly due to the influence of multiple fics from this fandom, and most of them are not necessarily canon. I had most of these out of shower thoughts, so please don't mind me as I convey and pour everything I've thought and felt of them in this whole... whatever you call this is.
Honestly I feel that both Tony and Stephen have incredibly similar personalities, both as arrogant and stubborn as the other. But deep inside, they're just fragile and incredibly sensitive beings that have been through enough -- if not, far too much -- things in the world. What they have most in common, though, is that they masked it with arrogance, sarcasm, or humour on the outside. Which is why, I presume, they can easily understand each other very well.
I always think that both Tony and Stephen have some sort of special connection. All their lives, they probably have been searching for someone that could actually fit their standards, someone that could actually keep up, who comes up with nastier and even more sarcastic remarks in conversations for banter, who understand how the world works, who understands their thoughts and way of thinking, both emotionally and logically. And with how similar they are to each other, I find them like two pieces of a puzzle meant to be put into one. Because that's what they are; two broken pieces meant to be together. They complete each other, because they were just meant to be, but the universe wasn't merciful enough to give them a chance to indulge in that fact. About that scene specifically, honestly it just reminds me of how ridiculous it is for us to actually ship two characters in the MCU (comics aside) that technically know nothing of the other. But my actual thoughts about it:
Some fics describe that Stephen has seen millions of different versions of Tony, and that he's quite impressed ('impressed' is definitely an understatement) of how selfless, courageous, and simply beautiful the man is, to the point he fell in love (quite to his dismay) with him. It's probably why he had that haunted look on his face when he raised his finger, because he knew exactly what was to happen, knew exactly that he had to do this so they could win, and it's honestly agonizing how sad the inevitable outcome of that story is. Which is why, we make fanfics! Where we technically ignore whatever is canon and pretend like they love and live happily with each other! But beware, angsty fics do exist (and I'll admit, I love reading it, too, sometimes) and those might make you cry.
I still have a lot to say in storage but, I'll save it for another time. Nevertheless, I hope that answers your questions! P.S., I happen to be a non-native english speaker, too, so don't worry about making mistakes :)
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twst-campos13 · 4 years
UwU welcome to the twst writing fandom~ Aha finally a blog that can write for male! mc,I haven't seen them for a while nor there are a lot of~ Can i request hc with the first years with a male crush reader~? Hope that you'll get many followers! ahehe~I dunno what to say. Hope that you have a great day, UwU -🍵🌱✨
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Hello there Tea Non! (can I call you that qq?) Sorry for the wait!! Jack’s part feels a bit too short and Sebek’s quite long,, ^^’’
Warnings: mild language! internalized homophobia (Epel’s part!) Tags: fluff, male!reader
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➸ Ace is a little shit bastard, but he (along with Deuce) practically became best friends. You're one of the people he would tease to death and annoy with but also he would stand by your side no matter what.
➸ You banter a lot together. You'd fight, argue, and even tease each other which is considered "too mean" to other people.
➸ Though your arguing turns to flirting sometimes. You didn't even realize it, Ace didn't even realize it, but your friends did and they're placing bets if you two are actually into each other or not. 
➸ How long did Ace figure out that this isn't just a normal bro-thing? Well, suddenly, seeing you scowl at him and swear at him is becoming more than amusing—it's becoming endearing. He likes the way you look at him or even gets hyped up in annoying you when you fire back with remarks.
➸ The fluttering feeling in his chest only grew when you two were play flirting. He grinned cheekily at you about maybe needing some company while doing library duty. You know what you said to him back? 
➸ "Awe, Ace. Do you want to be alone with me that much?"
➸ His brain tried what just happened and why that he was so red right after that whole exchange. You two always flirted and bickered, right? Why does it feel kinda different now?? What??? Hnajgejegegaeg????
➸ Then you started to do intimately nice things to him—like that one time you had to tend to his hand after burning himself during potions class—then oh, oh. Fuck. Oh fuck. He has a crush on you. Does that surprise him? To have a crush on a guy? Not particularly, because this isn't the first time it happened. 
➸ Before Ace met his ex-girlfriend, he already experienced what it's like to have a crush on a guy. He didn't understand why or why that feeling is the same feeling he has for a girl. 
➸ His brother found out first then he came out to his mom. She did call it a phase but in a way that she was supportive of him questioning his sexuality. His mom assured him that she wouldn't love him less if he's bisexual.  
➸ Ace just hopes this little crush of his doesn't develop. He doesn't want things to get awkward between the two of you! Just because he likes the way your cheeks reddens when he slings an arm around you and pinches your cheek, doesn't mean you can do the same to him...okay, maybe he'd like that a little bit
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➸ Deuce is a smart student. He's loyal, reliable, and diligent. However, sometimes he just comes off as dense. 
➸ He's comfortable with his sexuality. Whatever it is that is seen as too intimate for two bros to share is normal for him. After all, you're his best friend! Along with Ace and Grim. There's nothing weird about how he's treating you because he treats his friends the same way. 
➸ Said friends watch his imaginary ears and tail wag when you praise him or compliment him. Okay, who's gonna tell him? 
➸ It's like they were the ones who realize Deuce has a crush on you first than Deuce himself. They started placing bets on when he's going to realize it or if you'll be the one to find out and Deuce still hasn't realized what he's feeling is infatuation.
➸ It's rather cute, actually. Deuce is already cute but he became quite endearing when he smiles at you. How he's always making sure to see if you're comfortable, checking in on your wellbeing, and asking if you need help.
➸ He's a little protective of you, too. Granted he controls himself to not get into too many fights. He doesn't want you to get roped into the fights and get hurt. However, if some mob student even dares to mess with you when you aren't even doing anything, you got some backup. (Don't mess with the First Year Squad).
➸ Ace teases him about his little crush on you which leads to Deuce punching his arm all flustered. He's a little shit to Deuce about this too, always making kissy sounds when Deuce gets too cute around you.
➸ The funny thing is, Deuce doesn't even realize he's infatuated with you. Again, he thinks you just have a special place in his heart. You're his bro and he's willing to fight with you. 
➸ He finally realized when he talked to his mom about you and she commented how glad she is that her son found someone he can be happy with. She reminded him to take his crush as a motivation in his studies, and Deuce nodded at her advice.
➸ Wait WHAT—
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➸ Epel is by no means weak. This boy worked at a farm before he was in NRC. That pretty face doesn't mean a pretty heart (sometimes). 
➸ Though the urge to pick him up out of nowhere is tempting. No one in the squad tried to do it to catch him off guard (Ace attempted to while Deuce stopped him, Sebek doesn't think it's necessary, and Jack only picked him up because they were working out together). Besides, he isn't some damsel to be hoisted out of nowhere! He doesn't like it...or so he thought when you picked him up by the torso to move him out of the way. Epel didn't see Grim running at full speed on the ground because his tail got bitten by a live crab. Your first instinct was to just grab and lift him—you didn't mean to startle him, really. 
➸ Needless to say, Epel developed a new emotion. He doesn't know what to call it or if there's even a name for it. Is there a name for "brain shutting down for brief moments after being picked up with ease?"
➸ Does he like you? Does he actually have a crush on you?? He never had a crush on a guy before—he never had a crush on anyone. Does the fluttery feeling in his chest when you touch shoulders mean that he likes you?? ahufaeofaufea????!!
➸ He's just...lost. So lost about what he's feeling towards you. A lot of invasive and absurd thoughts flood his mind. Do you have a crush on him too? Will you like him? Would you find him weird? Who's gonna "wear the pants" in the relationship?? He doesn't want that! Liking a guy doesn't make him less manly, right? RIGHT??
➸ "Hey Epel are you—" | "I DON'T LIKE HIM." | "...dude I was just gonna ask if you're finished with your essay..."
➸ The squad (sans you) have to reassure Epel that his feelings for you are valid and that doesn't make him less manly than he already is (Jack and Deuce). Liking a guy is the same as liking anyone else (Sebek). Worrying about a certain role to play in a relationship between same-sexes is kinda homophobic (Ace). 
➸ That assured him, atleast. He isn't familiar with liking a guy. Plus, with where he came from, it's definitely uncommon. However...there is one thing that Epel is familiar with.
➸ He definitely fantasized about meeting someone to grow old with. Someone who will love him back and share dreams with. No one knows about this of course—what are you talking about? He's not a sappy, romantic person. Not at all!!
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➸ Jack would deny it 100% 
➸ There is no way he has a crush on you! He can't do that to you—no way. He respects you enough to keep your relationship as just friends. If you're bros, you're bros.
➸ Yeah, that doesn't really work out well for him.
➸ It's easy to tell if Jack likes you or not because he's good at hiding his emotions through defensive remarks (plus his resting face is a scowl). The Kouhai Squad would look at his ears and tail wagging when you even smile at him or congratulate him for a job well done. He's like a puppy,,,
➸ Whenever the Squad would point this out he will deny it. There is no way in Twisted Wonderland that he has a crush on you! He doesn't! Those are...just instinctive bodily reactions!
➸ "You held hands, dude." | "So? That isn't weird." | "Your tail is wagging." | "NO IT ISN'T!!"
➸ It's not like he doesn't like you, he's just...embarrassed. It's like you know what makes him flustered and that makes his heart do a little tap dance. He (somehow) wants to do the same to you. Make you flustered, embarrassed, happy...it's only fair! 
➸ He needs to get over this little crush of his...because you're starting to catch up on why he's acting weirdly. If he tells you how he feels about you, how would you take it? He doesn't want to ruin your relationship with each other...aghh why is this so hard?? Jack wishes working on his feelings is as easy as training in Magift...
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➸ Admiration and pride are something Sebek is familiar with, but infatuation is new.  
➸ Admiring someone and having a crush on them are two similar but different things. When your bond with him develops he...starts to get a little confused. 
➸ Has those feelings always been there? Are they different? He wasn't being this weird back then! A simple bump on the shoulders shouldn't spark so much electricity inside him to cause him to tense up! 
➸ Sebek was good to hide these new reactions towards you...somewhat. He has to atleast act like everything is normal so he can evaluate what kind of feelings he has towards you. Which works and kinda doesn't since when you do something a little intimate (like a shoulder pat, a cheeky smile, or even praise) he gets a little red. Red. Nevermind Deuce and Jack are asking if he's okay while Grim judges from afar. 
➸ He still doesn't understand why he feels so weird around you so he decided to ask someone who has experience—an adult if you will! A humble, wise, elder fae that surely has some explanation for the weird fluttery feeling in his stomach.  
➸ "You are infatuated—or to put it simply, you have a crush on the Prefect," Lilia explained to him. Sebek needed a few moments for that information to sink in. He has a crush on you. Okay, that's the mundane mystery solved. What is he gonna do with that information? Carry on with your friendship knowing things might get awkward around the both of you? 
➸ Luckily, Lilia gave him three questions to answer personally so he may evaluate his feelings for you. In that way, Sebek knows what the next steps to take without rushing in blindly. You consider him as your friend and he returns that sentiment! He wishes to respect you as you respect him. 
➸ Are you a distraction? Oh, definitely! Ever since he started to harbor feelings for you, his thoughts often lead up to you. When the young master is talking about you, he finds himself listening in, not just because Malleus is talking, but because he wonders about what kind of human is friends with his young master. This caused him to write a few words related to you in the essay he was supposed to be writing! When he and Silver are sparring, Silver has the audacity to throw your name into his comment which caught him off guard. In other words: you are despicably distracting!
➸ Are you a motivation? Well...yes. Sebek is proud to be a knight for the young master and he continues to strive in his position. He knows there is still much to learn as a knight and he is willing to develop his skills more to become better. Somehow, you acknowledge his diligence and even commend him for it. Yet you look after him, saying that he needs someone to fight for him. He laughs at that incredulous thought. Sebek prefers he do that to you along with his friends, instead. All of the squad are an odd bunch, including you. Sebek...wants to protect you as well. Somehow, knowing that you are safe urges him to make sure that you'll remain safe.
➸ Are you an inspiration? Sebek ponders on that question. Somehow it is related to the second, but he thinks carefully about it. He noticed how most of the poetry he makes is because of you—he needs an outlet for his feelings, don't take it weirdly—and although the theme varies, the subject of interest is you. 
➸ Now that he answered all three of those questions...shall he proceed with courting you? No, that's too fast. Lilia told him to enjoy his youth and don't dive into relationships quickly.
➸ However! He shall confess to you to rid of the constricting feeling in his chest! Sebek wants to talk to you normally again without any hidden feelings!
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