#well hate is strong but we need buzzwords
tuiyla · 2 years
that infamous ryan murphy quote about how quinn was supposed to be this unsympathetic mean girl character to me and dianna “ruined” that is crazy to me because the poor girl finds out that she’s pregnant as early as season 1 episode 4 😭 and proceeds to get knocked down by life nearly every single episode after for the remainder of the first season. dianna did play a large part in making quinn so likable and sympathetic (in the following seasons especially but even just in season 1 also) but even just her character on paper kind of makes your heart ache for her. she’s only 15/16 years old, gets pregnant under some dubious circumstances, loses so much in the process, is kicked out of her own home and disowned by her father, bounces from place to place to live until actual angel mercedes steps in, struggles with the hardships of teen pregnancy and the decision of what she wants to do while literally being 15/16 years old. and of course she makes her fair share of mistakes along the way, she’s by no means perfect. she’s a bully when we first meet her and she lies to finn about him being the father. but my god i don’t know how you couldn’t not feel bad for this child, dianna and her wonderful ability of making quinn likable to watch onscreen aside.
We're doing it we're answering asks, let's goooo
That said an ask about the infamous Ryan Murphy quote has been sitting in my inbox for about 4 months at this point oops haha, but we'll answer one at a time
Cause girl! That's what I've been saying! Like, regardless of what RM actually meant when he backhand complimented Dianna I truly believe that this bitch didn't consider how sympathetic Quinn was bound to be and he's so wrong for that. There's no way you can have a character go through as much as Quinn did, on a show like Glee that ostensibly champions the downtrodden and not have her be sympathetic. I truly believe that three male writers didn't think people would feel for Quinn as much as they did in that situation. Which is bonkers because was she cruel towards Finn? Sure, but even Beth's conception itself is so dubious like we've covered before. But even IF Quinn was just some cold-hearted calculating whore who wanted to hurt Puck and Finn and everyone around her, she's still a 16-year-old pregnant girl who gets disowned. Come on! How the fuck am I supposed to feel more for Finchel's "tragic" inter-social (i.e. high school) class relationship in the face of that. Fuck relationship drama, this girl is h o m e l e s s and pregnant.
I really feel like the message of Glee throughout Quinn's pregnancy storyline up until the point Quinncedes happens is that Quinn... had all the hardships coming. That she deserved to be knocked down a peg. Only it happened through her getting knocked up and it's super messed up that the show pretends she's anything but a victim. Who the hell cares that she's bitchy. Who the hell cares that popularity is important to her. Newsflash assholes, it's just as important to out supposed heroes. Lmao I get so mad about Quinn's treatment. And this is why I can't in good conscience get behind people who say s1 is Quinn's best and that the pregnancy storyline was done well. No it wasn't. It decentred her whenever possible and wasn't in the least bit sympathetic if not for like, a single scene in Ballad and from Home on. And, of course, if not for Dianna. RM should be grateful Dianna did her thing with Quinn cause framing your arguably most tragic character as if she had it coming just because she's a bully at 15 is not a good look. But that's a recurring thing for Glee, ain't it. The more I think about it the more I believe Quinn and Santana's treatment re: pregnancy and outing are similar.
Quinn is a walking talking, but mostly crying tragedy. It's frankly disturbing that for some time they cling to this idea of her being irredeemable when she's just a mean kid playing into the same system everyone else does, too. But she happens to be on top and schadenfreude is real, I guess. Except it really wasn't for me there was no part of me that felt any justice in what Quinn went through. And guess what? Neither did Rachel. And I don't think Rachel is meant to represent the audience's perspective when she shows Quinn kindness in season 1 but alas, she does. I don't trust no bitches who don't feel the same.
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like-sands-of-time · 1 year
So I say this as someone who's proship and doesn't feel any strong "omg stop this" feelings but really needs to point something out...
But y'all should keep in mind the ships you create from characters who come in at the end, or in the case of Harry Potter never really existed in the source material, those are not... Better than the original ships. They're not worse, but stop thinking that like uwu-ifying characters that were minor if not even onscreen and saying well it's not queerbaiting or im not supporting the original media or whatever you're using to justify yourselves.
You wanna write fic? Then embrace that. Stop spewing your own shame for your interests on other people and acknowledge reality. Jegulus is a fine ship, I can see it, and I could not care less that it exists. It doesn't hurt me. But you are not above the rest of us for shipping it.
Purity culture hurts EVERYONE including yourself. You are projecting all the things you were told as a child, even now as an adult. It's ok to stop and think about the things you've been projecting and realize that that isn't who you want to be anymore. The belief that what someone says once upon a time is what they believe forever and they should be condemned is ALSO wrong. You can and should change through life.
But stop with buzzwords and cancelling and hating and cyber bullying. Y'all need to stop. Fandom is a community, has been for decades. It's something we all do because we want to and it makes us happy. Just enjoy it.
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alexsfictionaddiction · 8 months
Review: The Bookbinder's Guide To Love by Katherine Garbera
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Books, witchy vibes and a cute romance? Safe to say that this book was always going to be high on my list. I think I've only ever read one other Mills & Boon book before and I don't remember it being particularly spicy but for all I know, this level of spice could be par for their course.
Sera grew up as a lonely foster child, bouncing from home to home. That was until she found the wonders of bookbinding and set up a witchy store with her two best friends Liberty and Poppy. Sera's handmade journals are highly sought after and are thought to bring only good things to those who buy them. But when Sera's friend and mentor Ford, a wealthy bibliophile, dies and leaves a large box of rare books to her, she appears to have ruffled some feathers within Ford's family. So, when his angry yet handsome grandson Wes shows up at the store with plenty of suspicions about Sera and demands his grandfather's books back, she isn't giving in easily.
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The bond between Sera, Poppy and Liberty was one of my favourite parts of the book. There is a real found family/sisterhood vibe between them and although they're not really witches, it's easy to see why so many of the town suspect that they're a coven. It was really lovely to spend time with the three of them in their cosy store and I honestly felt like I fitted in with them.
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I would have really liked to have known more about Sera's journals. I wasn't entirely sure what gave them so much power, as I knew there was no real magic going into them. Perhaps it was just the power of belief in good things manifesting into those good things but it was all quite vague.
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Sera is determined to channel main character energy, as she feels that she has always taken a back seat in her own life. I'm always really admirable of women who suddenly decide to do this and I can definitely relate, as I never feel like the main event myself. I think this is the first book in a series and I suspect that the subsequent books will follow Poppy and Liberty (just a guess!), so I like that Sera got to be the heroine first.
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Wes starts with the horniness immediately and I was instantly turned off by it. I've realised that I like romantic heroes to be respectful and reserved, so that strong ick rears its head when they get sexual right away. I also totally get that it's probably a very realistic urge for a straight man but I hate being reminded of it.
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I also thought having Sera resemble Hermione because she's bookish and witchy was really lazy. Why did she have to look like that? She could have had literally any other physical feature other than brown curls, delicate features, white skin and a slim body but she didn't because that's apparently not what bookish, witchy women look like.
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Once Wes had calmed his hormones down, he actually started to fall for Sera. Wes is also a bookbinder and apparently saw her as an old book in need of repair, which is perhaps one of the least romantic similes I've ever read in a romance novel! However, I somehow didn't mind their relationship as it progressed. It just took quite a while for me to start shipping them.
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I do think that Sera and Wes may have been better as friends. They could have helped each other through their shared grief of Ford just as well as friends as they did as a couple. I was never hugely excited about their romance but I did like and believe in their connection. I just wish it had contained a different energy.
The Bookbinder's Guide To Love is about finding joy in unexpected places and learning to put yourself first. It didn't quite land as a romance for me but I loved it as a celebration of women and friendship. It's witchy, bookish and spicy, so if those are your buzzwords, grab a copy!
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This is kind of a random question but...
Do you know why people hate Rick Riordan?
I just have no information, and I’ve seen a lot of stuff lately talking about how he’s problematic.
hi!! yes, I've seen things about this as well. I can list the reasons I've seen. I don't agree with all the points made, but its just what I've seen and I think it may answer your question. I also recommend going through the tag #rr crit, as it will give you a lot more and detailed information regarding him (beware: there are quite a few buzzwords. I recommend taking the facts and forming your own conclusions). I also think it's important to note that many people don't hate him, but they acknowledge that since he's a cishet white man there's things he didn't handle well and he needs to listen to critisicm.
Completely mishandled Piper's native American heritage. From the feather in her hair, to her dad being from a reservation that doesn't exist in Oklahoma, to having kaleidoscope eyes (some say that it suggests brown eyes aren't beautiful enough for aphrodite, more on this in the next bullet), to being a kleptomaniac, her character is, ignorantly or purposefully, chock full of stereotypes. having a cornucopia being her weapon. when Rick was told that this isn't good he became defensive and didn't listen to any critisicm
not giving female characters chances to be young, or not have a boyfriend or be unconventionally attractive. if they do get to not have a boyfriend, they're thrown into the Hunters of Artemis. their eyes are anything but brown (I do disagree with the eye thing but it's important to note), suggesting that having brown eyes should be considered less than. Sadie got a 1000 year old boyfriend when she was 14. 13 year old Hazel had a 16 year old boyfriend-- that could be a seventh grader and a junior or a freshman and sophomore depending on how you look at it (and I LOVE frazel, don't get me wrong. the age gap is just,,). in fact, the only female non-hunter without a significant other I can name is Meg, and she's 12.
Sadie Kane and the fanart he boosts of her. he frequently shows her looking completely white, despite saying she "stood out in class for being mixed." It honestly wouldn't surprise me if a white girl were cast to play her in the Netflix movies.
treatment of characters with invisible disabilities. this can range from the coment of "You anemic loser" targeted at Octavian (as someone with an iron deficiency, I don't see anything wrong with it, but cmon. kids can see that, rick. you can't control anemia) to Clovis' chronic fatigue being treated as a joke. invisible disabilities are hard and just as painful as physical ones. it doesn't help if you treat them like that.
too much misogyny to list all of it, but we can start with young girls being expected to be, and acting, more mature than they are; the strong female characters portraying the "I'm not like other girls" trope; the entire way Hera was treated.
The way Nico's outing was handled (this is one I especially disagree with, and this post said it best, thanks ghost). A violent outing by the God of love taking place before Nico was ready, according to some, was not what younger gay people needed to see. he should have had a loving environment and, at the very least, it should have been from his own point of view and not Jason's.
anti-acne and fat phobia: Apollo having a deep hatred towards his acne and Frank's glow up including severe weight loss (not being a cuddly teddybear anymore, getting taller) isn't the best thing for kids who have acne or are fat to see.
Samirah al-Abbas: "reversing the stereotype (Rick's words)" of an arranged marriage by having her be in love with a distant cousin is... not reversing the stereotype at all actually. it just falls into it. Having her take off her hijab around floor 19 because they feel like family is also not great, because, to my understanding as a non-hijabi and non-muslim, that is not how being hijabi works. similar to the piper situation, when Rick was told that this isn't good he became defensive and didn't listen to any critisicm
ANTISEMITISM, ANTISEMETISM, ANTISEMITISM. this is one of the ones I agree with the most. Having Hades' children be Nazis, having a plot point revolve around one of the most traumatic events in world history, ignoring the fact of generational trauma and ignoring the fact that It Didn't Matter That It Took Place In World War Three, it could have not had any correlation to the death of over six million Jewish people. it legitimizes evilsurrounding Hades and death, and -- well, this one makes me so mad, I can't explain all of it so here is a post explaining more in depth
Slavery issues: similar to the holocaust, Rick Riordan made one of the most terrible issues in American History into a fight between demigods. this lowers the legitimacy of the issue, makes it seem fictional, makes Camp Jupiter seem terrible and awful, except it doesn't. because camp Jupiter isn't terrible. but the confederacy was. if children, especially white children, learn about the confederacy through camp Jupiter, it makes it seem way less bad than it was.
again, I don't agree with all of this, it's just reasoning as to why. in my eyes, Rick Riordan is a man who has grown in his telling of his stories. he started with a canonical all white, all straight, all cis cast. he has now a series featuring a latino genderfluid queer person. This Post said it better than I ever could.
I know that it's impact over intent in so many situations. and this isn't to say I disagree with all, or even most of his critisim. I just think that he has good intent, and I hate him for absolutely none of it.
I am gay, I am Latino, and I am trans. that is all I can speak on, and I think his rep for that was great. I hope this answered your question, dear anon. again, I encourage you to do your own research and form your own opinions. I only touched on a few issues that Rick has had and there's a lot more to be talked about. I would say to keep in mind his intent and his growth. thank you for the ask, thank you for directing it to me that made me feel happy lol. ily I hope you have a good day
if anyone else has anything to add, by all means please do!!
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relaxxattack · 3 years
ayo! (wait this might be a bit of a jumpscare dishdks i apologize) i’m op of That Post and was wondering what your opinions were on the whole woobification thing? /gen
because it’s a Tiny Bit widespread within the dream apologists to sort of,, overdramatize stuff like l’manberg hurting him. like they’re not a 100% wrong but if you look at it subjectively you can see some sort of bias going into that sort of thing that makes the character’s mistreatment a bit more blatant and intentional which,, it really wasn’t? and there wasn’t That Much of it either. especially on twitter (tumblr is much better about it) people just jump to conclusions it seems and yeah. since you brought it up i was wondering if you wanted to write a bit about it from your perspective!
we’re kinda from different corners of the fandom but i still notice that once you are too attached to a character you start taking certain evidence and giving it more weight than it actually has. there’s a blurry line between “taking away a character’s humanity” and woobification and it’s extremely difficult to find a balance when said character shows pretty much nothing of his emotional life (e. g. putting up the intimidating villain act in front of only c!tommy, pretty much everything he does making rational sense with no emotional subtext) and a lot of the fandom instantly jumps to one side or the other while it’s like.
we don’t know by far enough to say “he’s traumatized” or “he isn’t traumatized” or “he was villainized and it hurt him” or “l’manberg didn’t affect him at all”
as a very analytical person people constantly jumping to conclusions grinds my gears, but that’s about it for my own view of the situation - sorry for the rambling.
in general i agree with you that both dehumanization and woobification is Bad and i really hope getting Actual Context sorts this out (e. g. him saying he was betrayed by his friends doesn’t mean it wasn’t partially his fault or that they were allowed to leave him, but it also shows that he did care about that happening. mentioning the cat doesn’t mean anything about what happened to c!tommy but it also shows that he did care about what happened to it. it’s just always interesting to get more information about the way he feels because he usually does a very good job at hiding it.) because man.
it’s like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, especially if you also are attached to the character and are expected to automatically agree with everything the people on “your side” say. it just ends up with everyone being mad and the character being mischaracterised overall.
oh wow hello! i didnt expect the op of the post to find me you’re right lol
and yes i agree! you seem to have a lot of very good thoughts tbh.
and by woobification, i mean exactly what you’ve already pointed out— the people who will say l’manberg purposely villainized dream, the people who will say wilbur faked his mental illness to manipulate dream, the people who are pretty much always talking about how badly dream was treated by people who were acting only fairly for themselves, usually.
for example people who act like dream was a perfect peacemaker before tommy showed up, or that tommy started most conflict. these are just actual lies that are told by c!dream himself to justify his abuse of tommy, and people fall for them incredibly easily because not a lot of people watched early dsmp and know that truthfully it was chaotic even then, and that dream was chaotic too. not to mention wilbur soot tried very hard to secede peacefully with l’manberg and dream jumped directly into war with no warning. and then people say he was forced into their war when, no, he started it.
theres also people who will say like, dream and sapnap for example are such good friends. i’m sure they cared for each other, but dream on multiple occasions has done horrible things to sapnap with no regard for his feelings (like leading fundy to sapnaps pets during the petwar, leading tommy to sapnaps pets during the other petwar and encouraging him to kill them, handing mars over to tommy to use as leverage against sapnap, etc). george he’s been less awful too but he certainly spoke over him and ignored his feelings enough that george felt hurt. he had places in his hall of attachments for beckerson and mars. george and sapnap were right to walk away from being treated like that.
there’s also what you just said here — “dream puts on a villain persona for tommy”— but honestly he acts like that around quite a few people (example: eret) and it’s usually when he’s revealing crucial info, which leads me and many others to believe that ‘persona’ is actually a more truthful version of him.
there’s the fact that he really isn’t safe for people to be around (or at least he wasn't before the prison) because he was planning to come up with ways to control every single person by stealing and threatening their attachments (some of which were not items but were living animals, or a real breathing person).
and then people will say dream was doing exile to enforce rules, or to keep the peace— when it’s very clear in canon it was a deliberate plan to get tommy on his own and into the prison. (from the way he was framing tommy for multiple crimes, and having sam set up the prison, and kidnapping tommy instead of correctly exiling him, all at the same time).
not even going into how he wants to kill and revive people for fun or make tommy immortal.
it’s just— ignoring all these actual facts and saying “oh he misses his friends, let’s get him some friends now” reminds me of like. when people would put flower crowns on pictures of serial killers. and then, there’s hardly anyone on the server who wasn’t subject to dream’s plans, so there’s absolutely no one i would be okay with him interacting with.
just remembered about the torture thing, and wow i still hate it so much. it’s someone’s sick revenge fantasy twisted into a way to get a manipulative villain sympathy, and it’s just gross to me on every account. i do think dream is traumatized-- just not by l’manberg, which was a conflict he started on his own terms. i would think l’manberg did affect him, because he was scared of losing control.
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again— my ideal ending for dream would be for him to be sent far away from dsmp to an island full of therapy animals and super strong therapists who have never met him before. and for him to get a shit ton of therapy until he becomes a halfway normal person. and then eventually he could get integrated into society again; but a different one with new people. (although maybe dteam + bbh + puffy can visit him, they might still like him.)
none of the people on the server (who have all been affected by dream) should be burdened with befriending him or rehabilitating him— look how that turned out with sam! sam had a personal grudge towards dream and it ended with the poor dude being tortured every day; and sam himself falling into corruption and literally cutting off his boyfriends arm. like we can all see thats fucking awful right?
no one who was affected by dream should have to deal with him ever again. and contrary to popular belief, that includes a LOT more people then just tommy. dream isn’t just tommy’s antagonist, hes almost everybody’s.
the only person on the server who might also be able to stand to help dream is techno, and that’s from sheer lack of ability to give a shit. but techno is probably THE furthest thing from a good therapist there is lol, and dream needs better then that.
this kind of just ended up being a rant about my thoughts on c!dream, so im so sorry op. especially since it was probably negative for you. i hope you’re doing very well.
i guess in the end it’s true what you said— people will highlight or ignore things based on what characters they like, and it’s especially easy to do in this fandom, where half the content doesn’t even get watched and then we become a big echo chamber of half-truths.
considering dream has hurt so many of the characters i care about, i almost can’t understand how he could be someone’s favorite or comfort character— but he is nonetheless, and it would be unfair of me to be rude about that.
essentially it just bothers me to see someone who was a perpetrator of accurately portrayed abuse and manipulation (using both those words in their actual definitions, not just as random buzzwords lol) being given the flower crown edit effect. especially since he’s hurt the characters i care about a lot.
ANYWAY all of that being said (this got LONG im so sorry op) i am so so excited to get dream’s pov, because although i disagree with his actions strongly i actually find dream’s character very interesting and cool, and watching his POV is going to insanely fun. i cannot wait to see what theories get confirmed or denied
ALSO incase it wasn’t clear this is all /nm at you! you seem lovely and smart, and neither of us can help what characters we get attached to :]
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ntshastark · 4 years
ok, I’ve finished watching it so here it goes:
Bridgerton final impressions
Daphne: I love her!!!!!!!!! I loved her on the book and I loved her on the show. My only complain is..... The Scene........ The way they changed it up made it so they could’ve easily swapped The Scene for a confrontation. I guess they didn’t want Simon to be the only asshole of the two but then they never addressed how Daphne was wrong too??? They just use the Whistledown voice-over to basically say “oh she’s desperate so it’s understandable” and then kinda shift all the blame onto Violet - and, don’t get me wrong, her sex talk is shit and she should know it, but what Daphne did was already after Rose really explained her how sex really works, so ignorance isn’t really an excuse....
Simon: I love him!!!!!!!!! I loved him on the book and I loved him on the show. My only complain is how they handled his daddy issues arc’s resolution. Like, Daphne just tells him he doesn’t need to be perfect to be loved and! Just like that! He is cured! Childhood trauma? I don’t know her! They don’t even address the real problem, which is Simon going from living to please his father to living to spite his (dead) father, and the book just handled it SO WELL, I really don’t understand why they changed it in the show.
I hope Simon and Daphne don’t get brushed off to the side now that their book’s story is over. Simon and Anthony’s friendship still needs a little patching up; there’s the Will and Alice storyline that, if they choose to continue, Simon will likely be involved in; and Daphne is pregnant during Anthony’s book, so they can do something about that too, and maybe about her helping out Eloise during her first season... I know they won’t be the focus of the story ever again, but I just hope they keep showing up like ABC and E did on this season, and aren’t just mentioned to be doing their own thing off-screen like Francesca was.
Anthony: .......................................................Sigh. I don’t know who that incompetent, irresponsible, lovesick idiot is, but it’s sure as hell not Anthony. They literally took everything about his character, cut into pieces, made a nonsensical collage and called it characterisation. The real Anthony has an incredibly strong sense of duty and responsibility to both his title and his family, because he feels he has to do it as good as his father would - which, in his head, is perfection. He doesn’t skip and/or arrives late to important events because he’s fooling around with his mistress, and he wouldn’t just wave away his responsibilities to his brothers - especially because they are also his responsibility. The real Anthony cares deeply about the happiness of his siblings, and does everything to secure them the Happily Ever After he himself doesn’t believe he’ll ever have. He would never force one of them to marry someone they clearly despise, especially with no serious reason. The real Anthony was a rake who jumped from bed to bed without letting himself create real attachments, because he deeply believes he’s going to die young and can’t bring himself to make someone go through the same pain his mother did when his father died. He simply wouldn’t remain seeing a woman if he thought he was developing feelings for her - and that only changed when he was forced to marry Kate - and he definitely wouldn’t ask someone to run away with him when he’s finally free of society, jesus fucking christ what the hell even was that?????? And so they - knowing he was going to be next season’s protagonist, mind you  - took all of the characteristics Anthony developed in the 10 years since his father’s death, largely because of Edmond - both in how he raised him and in how his death traumatised him - and said “hey, what if we make all of this happen in like 3 months, and be all about that opera singer he kissed once in the book!”
Violet: I love her, but I feel like they sacrificed a lot of Anthony’s character for her sake......... The Nigel thing is a great example of that: The way she solved it was amazing, but for that to happen they had to make Anthony cause the problem in the first place, which was so ooc it physically hurt. And the way she’s constantly reminding him of how much he sucks as a Viscount, and even straight up saying that his father would’ve been much better was icky tbh
Eloise: Loved how they explored her relationships with Daphne and Benedict - and the queen thing was funny - but that’s about it. She’s so incredibly entitled holy fuck. Combine the fresh-faced feminist who just learned the buzzwords and now thinks sexism is the single biggest plague to ever walk this earth with the spoiled rich girl who wants the entire world to bend to her whims and refuses to do anything she doesn’t want, and that’s how you get show!Eloise. But, tbh, I don’t really mind. She’s a teenager, that’s just how teenagers are. We didn’t really see that much of her before the time jump in the books, she has a long way to go until her story takes center place, and I’m perfectly ok with us watching how she becomes the woman we see in TSPWL. Basically, not that big of a fan of her characterisation, but she is in a spot where she can spend some time turning into the woman from her book - unlike Anthony :)). My big issue is actually how her going from vehemently anti-marriage as a teenager to happily married and with a bunch of kids as an adult is going to feed such a tired trope...
Penelope: I love her, obviously, but oh boy is she fucked. I agree very much with this post re: what she did to Marina. I guess, because LW was initially just a writing device to allow for exposition, the show is gonna go WAY deeper into how the things that happen to Penelope (and her being a teenager) affect what she writes, and into the consequences of doing what she’s doing, but honestly? They might have overplayed it...... I really don’t see how in the fuck they’re gonna make the ending of RMB work in the show’s universe - and I already thought the books glossed over the consequences way too much. So, uh. Good luck I guess.
(Also, I wonder what they’re gonna do about that heir cliffhanger. I just assumed Penelope was gonna do what she does in the books and find a way to give part of the Whistledown money to her mother. Gotta admit it never occurred to me that, with all the Featherington children being women and their father being dead, the title and what comes with it technically belonged to a uncle or cousin or something)
Marina: I fucking hate them for making me get attached to her knowing what’s gonna happen. This poor girl, jesus christ. And, ok, a lot of times she seemed rude and ungrateful but 1. Her situation was fucking terrifying and 2. She was suddenly thrown into this world of pampered, superficial, and naive girls, and that can test anyone’s patience. Also, yeah, the whole manipulating Colin thing was not cool, but, again, it was either that, an elderly likely-abusive husband, or a life of shame on the margins of society, so uhhh.
(Also, that scene when she said she would love for her, Penelope and Eloise to be sisters........ And I thought Eloise becoming Oliver and Amanda’s mother couldn’t hit me any harder......... Imagine an AU where George survived and he and Marina get married and Eloise marries Philip and Penelope marries Colin and they’re all sisters-in-law to each other and I cry my eyes out)
Colin: Gotta be honest with ya, chief... I don’t think he passes the sexy lamp test. Missed his and Daphne’s special relationship, missed his love of food, missed his sense of humour... At least he and Penelope were cute. I’m actually already shipping them more in the show than in the books.
Benedict: I think they’re trying to mirror him being in a relationship with a woman of no status (now Genevieve, then Sophie) with being gay and hmm. Really not sure about it. He does seem bicurious to me but I think they’re hesitant to give him an arc focused on exploring his sexuality when we know his love story is gonna be with a woman (but then again, they weren’t afraid of giving Anthony an arc about having a relationship with a woman of no status when we know his love story is gonna be with a perfectly respectable one, so *shrugs*). Once again, very glad they decided to make him and Eloise so close from the get-go. It’s going to make that scene on TSPWL where Benophie’s son gets sick so much more meaningful and painful, I can’t wait.
Siena and Genevieve: They’re both amazing women with an incredible friendship. Benedict and Genevieve have the relationship I was hoping Anthony and Siena would have, from the trailers.
Francesca: Glorified cameo. Disappointing. I know she doesn’t show up much in the books other than her own, but that should just have been seen as an opportunity to do whatever they wanted with her! Not make her disappear for 6/8 episodes! Hope they show more of her on the next season.
Gregory and Hyacinth: They’re baby. The scene where Gregory makes both Anthony and Simon fall on the water should’ve been there. Loved Hyacinth acting like she’s Simon’s BFF. Loved that they cut Hyacinth’s “wait for me” scene bc it reminded me too much of my annoying little cousin and made me not like her for the longest time.
Lady Danbury: 10/10. Please hit me with your cane. Am currently entertaining the idea of having her and Violet get together.
Barry B. Benson: A cold-blooded murderer
Overall: This didn’t fit into any character, but oh god........... the lack of chemises............ But  I loved the show, even if some things annoyed me,  and I can’t wait for season 2 AND MY GIRL KATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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herecomesnaya · 5 years
hey, guys! so I know I periodically update you with glimpses into ~behind the scenes of my life,~ and I think it’s about time I do it again. this’ll be a long one, so thanks in advance if you take the time to read it <3
tw: talk of medical problems/disability, alcoholism, drug abuse, suicide attempts, and all that fun stuff. and no, not all of it is about me personally, so please don’t worry for my safety!
first off, I want to say that the reason I’m writing all this out isn’t for sympathy or pity. I just want to be more open in the future, especially now that I have a bit more information, myself.
those of you who’ve been here for a while might know that I’ve been battling major health problems for years. I started my journey in maybe 2015 or 2016, and have since seen several specialists, often waiting to get in for a year or more. my testing got pushed back for months, and my results likewise kept getting postponed. now that I finally have them, I can share more information with you all.
it turns out that I have a mutation in 2 of the genes that produce collagen, which is a major component in the connective tissues that make up most of our bodies. as a result, I experience frequent dislocations and partial dislocations (subluxations) of all my joints. this has weakened them considerably, to the point where I have to do physical therapy weekly to keep my muscles strong enough to hold my bones in place. otherwise, they just sort of... slide out. it’s not pretty!
I have a host of other problems from this: easy bruising, POTS, fatigue, nausea, digestive issues, weakened immune system, and more. but the biggest issue is the constant pain. I can no longer walk long distances without a cane or some other sort of aid, and my quality of life has changed severely to accommodate my finicky body.
unfortunately, my mutations don’t line up with any known medical condition. the closest thing is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. had I not needed to wait multiple years to see a geneticist, I would’ve been diagnosed with Hypermobile Type, but the critera changed months before my appointment. because of this, I no longer “qualify,” and the doctor refuses to give me an official diagnosis in light of my new results.
so that’s where I’m at now, medically. I’m in a state now where I need to manage my symptoms and wait for medical science to do more research on my defective genes. I could potentially get a different diagnosis in the future, or maybe they’ll name a disease after me, so that’s cool. I’ll have them call it Jasontoddsthiccthighsosis.
the other stuff mentioned in the warnings involve close family members of mine. 2 of them have been in and out of rehab since the end of last year, for a host of addiction and self-harm related issues. my younger sister attempted suicide the day before my birthday. This is why I ended up not being able to finish what I’d already planned for Blurry -- obviously, fic means fuckall compared to that, but I wanted to let you guys know why I seemed so peppy for a while there and then all of a sudden went silent.
since that happened on the 30th, our family has been recovering. at the same time, I’ve been working hard on several business ventures to try and keep myself afloat, since my disability cost me my full-time job back in October of 2018. these things mean that my purely-for-fun fandom stuff has had to take a backseat (and why I’ve been posting more commissions than my own work the past few months).
I hate the idea of begging for charity, so this isn’t one of those “please help a buzzword-buzzword-buzzword starving artist out” posts. I intend to make my way despite my circumstances. that said, if you would like to further support me in any way, here are some ways you can do it:
keep an eye on the twitter account knottymediagame, the game development company I run with some friends. we’ll be launching a website and patreon before the month is out, and we’d love all the exposure and support we could get! all updates will be announced on that twitter page.
if you’d like to support me directly until then, I do have a ko-fi page (that tumblr always seems to remove from my sidebar, hmmmm). you can find that HERE.
I have a few commissions in my inbox that I do intend to take, as well, though I really REALLY want to finish this Blurry update before then! so thanks to all my super-patient commissioners and requesters, you guys have no idea how much I appreciate it.
and thanks to everyone who read even a little bit of this post. it means a lot to me to have your support, even if I can’t always respond to your messages like I used to. you’re the best!
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hotpinklizard · 6 years
Hi! Do you take prompts? Maybe darcy/steve/bucky for something like "No one would suspect.."?
Thank you for the prompt! You can read it here on AO3.ExpectationsDarcy enjoys watching her boys shatter people’s expectations of them. People seem to expect Bucky and Steve to be angry old geezers, shaking their fists as they rant about the youth of America. So when a journalist asks in an interview if they just hate things like instant oatmeal and powdered hot chocolate, saying it’s not as good as how things used to be done, Steve says, “No! It saves a lot of time and it tastes good. I think it’s great.” Darcy saves a screenshot of the reporter’s dismayed face for a rainy day.
The current trend in media is the thirst for information about heroes’ private lives. Darcy, as part of the PR team for the Avengers, puts a moratorium on questions about their dating lives and families. Some of the reporters like to push boundaries, but most know that they aren’t going to get anywhere and stick to questions that only sometimes toe the line. Recently it’s been a surge in trying to get heroes’ political affiliations. Or get them to say something scandalous.
“Would you agree that modern TV and movies are boring because there’s too much emphasis on political correctness?” a reporter asks when Steve is just out trying to buy groceries.
“I love seeing different stories. Diversity isn’t a buzzword, it’s the reality of the world,” Steve says before going back to buying his tomatoes.
The reporter looks disappointed that Steve isn’t secretly a bigot. Darcy smirks when she sees the clip online. The only media coaching she had to give him for questions like that is to not call the person who asked any foul names.
That’s one of the reasons she’s with Steve in the first place. Steve is good. He doesn’t need to be told that people matter, he just knows. She’d dated a man in college who admitted that he didn’t know why he should care about others and she’d dipped out of there as fast as she could at 3:00 a.m. in floppy slippers.
Pepper reluctantly allows a Fox News reporter to attend a press conference at the tower, out of what Darcy has a suspicion is just morbid curiosity. The smarmy man asks Bucky if he likes how free speech and their politicians are being attacked. Bucky says, “Free speech is me not getting arrested for telling you you’re a goddamn asshole. Or calling the president a goddamn asshole.”
And that’s one of the reasons she’s with Bucky, too. He is all out of fucks to give and isn’t interested in searching for more. He’d spent so much time being forced to be someone else that now, now that he’s spent a lot of time in therapy and a lot of time figuring out what he wants, he’s unabashedly himself and refuses to change for anyone. She loves that.
Startled and irritated, the reporter changes tactics and asks Bucky and Steve their opinion about the conservative economic plans.
“You do know we were raised in the Great Depression, right?” Steve says, eyebrows raised. “Believe it or not, we don’t want to deal with that again.”
Emboldened by the other reporter, a local news reporter asks about LGBTQIA+ rights. Pepper steps in to put a stop to what she probably feels is an inquisition, but they’re way ahead of her.
“We’re all passionate about equality,” Tony says smoothly, but Bucky cuts off whatever he was going to say next.
“You know that being gay isn’t a new invention, right?” Bucky says, glaring hard. “Do you really think queer people weren’t around when we were growing up?”
“Is that how you identify?” the reporter asks quickly.
Darcy knows Bucky would easily say fuck yeah he is and fuck you, but he doesn’t. Steve isn’t ready for the three of them to be public, and there are enough rumors about his relationship with Bucky as it is. She doesn’t care if people know, Bucky doesn’t care if people know, but they care that Steve cares.
“No one’s sexuality is your damn business,” he says instead.
Pepper cuts in there, changing the topic to Tony, who happily takes the limelight off them. It’s not the best, Steve and Bucky aren’t fond of interviews or cameras in their faces, but it handle it well enough. More than that, the department that handles Avengers-related fan mail and threatening letters reports an uptick in letters from queer kids who feel more accepted knowing their heroes love them, so that’s good.
People also seem to expect Steve and Bucky to only enjoy old man activities, like golf and talking about the war, as if they’re just younger version of everyone’s grandparents, or serious shit like cleaning their knives and shield all day. They’d be shocked to know that they like watching snowboarding and eating shitty take out and playing video games. Steve is a wild man at any racing game and Bucky is an absolute wild man at Mario Party.
Not a damn person would believe her if she told them the former Winter Solider knitted her a sweater when she complained she couldn’t find one in the purple that she liked. They wouldn’t believe Steve is an avid Parks and Recreation fan. Not a soul would believe that when she took them to an adult store for the first time ever, it was Steve and Bucky that mostly filled the basket with all kinds of adventurous things they want to try, Darcy just adding a couple bottles of lube and condoms.
Darcy is lounging in bed, wearing leggings and the oversized purple sweater from Bucky and flipping through news articles on her phone. Bucky’s lying next to her on his stomach, face buried in his pillow, arm slung over her waist. There’s a soft beep letting them know someone (Steve) has entered the code to their apartment, and a few moments later, Steve is faceplanting into bed next to Bucky, groaning.
“Long morning?” Darcy asks, looking up from her phone. Steve just groans again, flipping off Bucky when he laughs.
“Why do you guys get a mid-day nap and I had to be Pepper’s show pony all morning?” Steve asks.
“You love when the kids visit,” Darcy says. It’s true, Steve always makes sure to be available when the schoolkids have their tours of Stark Tower.
“Yeah, but their parents…”
Yeah, okay, that’s fair. There’s always at least one chaperone that thinks she (or he) can make Captain America fall in love with them in a single afternoon. Darcy’d had to rescue him last year when a particularly forward husband and wife had tried to entice him to come home with them. Darcy had invented a fake emergency (Code Periwinkle for fake emergencies and quick getaways from social situations) and hustled him out, trying to look very serious and not at all amused.
“It’s your turn next time,” Steve says, turning his head to look at Bucky. “The kids love you.”
“They try to hang from my metal arm like a jungle gym,” Bucky grumbles, squinting an eye open to look at Steve.
“You love that,” Darcy says, nudging her toes against his thigh. He reaches behind him, grabbing at her ankle and tugging her toward him. She shrieks out a laugh, rolling with the movement until she’s lying on his back. Steve snorts at them, rolling to his side.
“Only when it’s you, doll,” he says.
“Liar,” she says, grinning. She presses a kiss to the back of his neck before Steve pulls her by the wrist until she’s squished between them.
“Nap now, jungle gym later,” he says, throwing an arm over her waist, his fingers resting on Bucky’s back.
“This is dumb,” she says, face pressed against his chest. “Why are we all squished on one half of the bed when there’s a whole empty side?”
“Because Bucky isn’t moving,” Bucky says, eyes closed again. Steve kicks at Bucky’s legs until he gives in with a grumble, rolling over until there’s enough room for them all to lie comfortably (it’s a California king mattress, really the only option when there are two sets of shoulders like Steve and Bucky’s).
The only expectations people have of the two of them that Darcy doesn’t want rocked are related to the battlefield. Everyone assumes Captain America and the former Winter Soldier will always be victorious. They’ll watch, follow the news with wide, fearful eyes, but they always believe the two of them will come out on top.
Darcy is good with everyone having that expectation. It’s probably unhealthy, but she clings to that when they’re out on some mission and she doesn’t know if they’ll be back. She holds onto the country’s collective belief that Steve and Bucky are invincible, her breath held as she watches them battle aliens or robots or other enhanced baddies in the street.
She knows they’re strong, she knows they know what they’re doing, but she worries. It’s in her nature, she’s a worrier. She hides it well most of the time, shielding herself with bravado and sarcastic quips, but something in her heart still clenches when she sees one of them take a hit, even if they stand back up almost immediately. She knows they’re doing what they believe in, but that doesn’t make it any easier to watch. The only thing worse is not watching.
She never really considered their worry for her. They’re protective, but careful not to be overbearing so she honestly doesn’t think too much about it. But then she’s downtown, walking to get coffee when the ground shakes. She doesn’t know what’s going on, only that what looks like small robots are flying around above the city, dropping small bomb on the city.
“Shit!” she says, turning on her heel and running toward the closest alley, looking for any kind of cover. “Shit, shit, shit…”
An explosion in front of her knocks down part of a wall in the alley, and a second later there’s a pained yowl. Trapped with a pile of bricks on its back leg in a dirty black cat, eyes wide in pain and fear and damn it, she can’t just leave it.
It takes a few moments but she gets the cat’s leg out from under the bricks, scooping it up and holding it close to her chest as she runs. She’s not immediately clawed to death, which she’s grateful for, but also probably means the cat’s in shock.
There’s a small alcove farther down that used to be a loading zone for delivery trucks. She ducks behind the bricks right when one of the little robot bombs drops. She screams, can’t help it, as part of the balcony above her collapses, dropping in front of her and trapping her in the brick alcove with a mass of concrete and rubble in front of her.
“Okay, okay,” she mutters, trying to pull her phone out of her bag with one hand, the other cradling the cat that’s begun to shake in earnest. “It’s okay, kitty, we got this. Fuck, no service, we don’t got this.”
No, this is fine, this is totally fine. The explosions are already moving away, like they’re going for as much chaos as possible, not targeting anyone specific, so she doubts anything will be back to finish her off. Still, she’s trapped with an injured cat and no one has any idea where she is. If her phone doesn’t have service, they can’t track her, right? If they even realize she’s missing. It’s the middle of the work day, would anyone expect her to be here? Would they think to look?
She’s expecting a very long wait for rescue, if one comes at all. She’s sitting down with her back against the wall, the cat calmer now that Darcy’s wrapped it in her jacket. There’s no name tag, so Darcy’s decided it’s now Florence. She has no idea if it’s a boy or girl cat, but it’s Florence now, and she’s going to get Florence out of this, damn it.
It’s nearing hour two of being trapped and she’s starting to get antsy, when there’s shifting of the rubble. She scrambles to her feet, holding Florence tightly, and shrinks back into the corner, trying to avoid anything falling on her.
It’s not the building collapsing, though. The concrete blocking her in is ripped away and there’s Bucky, breathing heavily on the other side, his eyes wide and fearful.
“Oh thank fuck,” Darcy breathes.
She dashes out of the alcove and throws herself into his arms, Florence hissing indignantly between them. Bucky lifts her easily, moving her away from the rubble and a bit farther down the alley so they’re not next to a building that’s probably a stiff breeze away from collapsing.
“Bucky,” she says when he sets her back on her feet, taking her face in both his hands. He still looks panicked, eyes roving over her for any sign of injury, pausing at the bloody scrapes on her arm, the rips in the knees of her pants.
“You didn’t come back,” he says roughly.
“You were out - coffee run - you didn’t come back. Then we saw…” He can’t seem to finish, words failing him. Then he’s kissing her roughly, like he never thought he’d be able to again. She wraps her free arm around him, kissing him back just as hard because she gets it, she really does. She does the exact same thing when they come back after a battle, dirty and exhausted and a little bloodier than she’d like.
There are loud footsteps and Bucky pulls away to look, ready to pull a gun, but it’s Steve. He’s in his Captain America uniform, covered in dirt, and he looks as frantic as Bucky.
“You found her,” he says, then he’s running toward them. Bucky carefully takes Florence from Darcy and just in time, because Steve isn’t slowing down. He grabs Darcy around the waist and yanks her to him, holding her tightly.
“I’m okay,” she says, hugging him back. “I’m fine, Steve.”
It’s true, even. Sure, she’s probably going to shake and have a mild meltdown as soon as she’s home and has a chance to change and clean up, but for right now she’s okay.
Then Steve’s kissing her, and that shocks the hell out of her more than anything else. Steve isn’t embarrassed of their relationship, not at all, but he’s very private and never kisses her or Bucky when they’re out. She kisses back, obviously, because he’s her boyfriend and she loves it, but her mind is racing.
She learns later that she was in the background of a shaky cell phone video that the news was playing while they waited for more information, and Steve and Bucky had flown into a frenzy.
“We thought we lost you,” Steve murmurs against her lips, bending down to rest his forehead against hers.
Bucky steps up behind her, crowding in and holding her as best he can with a cat in one arm. Darcy keeps one arm around Steve, her other hand coming up to rest on Bucky’s arm, letting them both know she’s here and safe. Then Steve is raising his head, kissing Bucky and yeah, that’s new, too. Not the kiss, but in public. Steve, who longs to keep his private life out of the public view, has just kissed both of them in broad daylight with lots of people around.
“Steve, there are people,” Bucky says softly. He doesn’t care one bit, proud as hell about his partners, but Steve cares.
“It doesn’t matter,” Steve says, gripping both of them tightly. “I don’t care. I needed you both here and okay.”
The sound of sirens is getting closer and Darcy expects to be handed off to a paramedic while they get back to rescue duty, but she’s surprised again when Steve easily lifts her into his arms, making her squeak at the sudden movement.
“Not still on duty?” she asks.
“No,” Steve says, kissing her cheek and starting down the alley away from the crowds of people and paramedics. “The others have it handled.”
Darcy looks over Steve’s shoulder to see Bucky following them, Florence looking happy as a clam to be in his arm. There’s a news crew behind them and Darcy turns back around, not wanting to deal with that right now.
Steve and Bucky are both clingy for the rest of the day, not letting her far out of their sight. The only time Bucky is away from her for longer than ten minutes is when he brings Florence to the emergency vet. He comes back with news that Florence is a boy, not microchipped, and is very high on pain pills, his leg in a little cast. Steve halfheartedly suggests bringing him to a shelter, but Bucky and Darcy glare and it isn’t brought up again.
The next day, when cleanup is well underway, Darcy and Bucky are sitting on the couch in the living room, Florence sprawled with his head on Darcy’s thigh, the rest of his body on Bucky’s. The press conference is about to start, but she’s taking a day off so she doesn’t have to be there, and if she doesn’t, Bucky sure isn’t going. Steve had rolled his eyes at both of them, but went anyway. Such a responsible adult.
The first few questions are standard. What attacked the city? Are there any new threats on the horizon? Who’s paying for cleanup? Are there any team injuries?
Then come the questions they’ve been waiting for. Yes, Steve tells them he’s dating the woman he was photographed kissing. Yes, also Bucky. Yes, they’re all together. No, he isn’t going to be giving any more details than that.
“I’m sure the world is shocked that Captain America has not only a girlfriend but a boyfriend as well!” a reporter says, nudging for him to spill more.
“Captain America is symbol. But I’m Steve Rogers, and I’m just a man,” Steve says. “And I love my partners.”(A/N If you come to my comments just to say “queer is a slur11!1!1!”, I’m cursing you with a thousand bee stings.)
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fair-fae · 6 years
As much as I don’t want to bring this up again (though the drama is still going strong on Twitter, so still relevant enough, I guess)... As tempting as it is to point all the fingers at Oz and blame them for everything that happened, to make them the one and only big bad guy, take a step back and look at how the community failed Oz’s victims, and how you and the people around you may have contributed to that.
Oz alone didn’t terrify anyone into submission, hiding, and harm. Oz alone did not alienate anyone and make them feel unwelcome in the community as a whole. Oz alone did not flood anyone’s inbox with hatemail, death threats, and nasty anons. Oz alone did not spread lies and rumors about people through the community and give them traction. Oz was the catalyst, but it was their friends and the community who did the real dirty work in so many cases. When the secrets blogs started to get bombarded with demands for “evidence” about the “The Crusader” and their misdeeds, all I and I’m sure many more of their victims could do was laugh. A lot of the evidence was public. Painfully public, in front of everyone’s eyes, and so many people didn’t care. It was not secret, it was not hidden, it was just ignored, or even lauded on as some form of righteous justice. I wonder how many people now acting outraged and disgusted with Oz aided in the harassment of Oz’s victims and believed the lies about them? How many of you reblogged callouts and gossiped with friends, blocked and avoided people, denied them from your FC’s and linkshells, even sent them nasty anons or treated them rudely when you encountered them? How many of you had your own beef with a victim, and used the claims Oz had created to harass them, even perhaps knowing they were untrue? How many of you already hated a victim and were just so bent on having them burned at the stake in the community that you were eager to jump onto the crusade bandwagon Oz had created against them despite it being total bullshit? You may think this makes you a victim as well, that you were misled and deceived. And perhaps that’s true in a way. But you’re adults with your own decisions and agency over your own actions. You hurt people, be it with your own malice, or carelessness, or misplaced, zealot-like sense of justice. The venom of Oz’s crusades, the lengths they went to for “justice,” the lack of proof, the wild and baseless claims, they were right in front of you. You chose not to see. That’s on no one but you. You’re more perpetrator than victim. I hope you will be more considerate and careful of your actions in the future. I’ve had several people people apologize to me, some anonymously and some not, and I appreciate it and hope Oz’s other victims have been receiving similar apologies from those who believed the lies about them and wronged them. But the community as a whole needs to examine our own behavior and not fall into the same mistakes, not enable and encourage another abuser. When you see a “callout post,” look for evidence. See if the evidence matches the claims, or if they seem to be exaggerated or taken out of context. Look at the tone of the post and if it seems rational and reasonable, or if it’s laden with personal insults, hyped up SJW buzzwords, and unnecessary jabs at the person. Think about what you know of the accused’s behavior and personality and if it seems to match up. Ask yourself what the OP could have to gain for making these claims about this person and how trustworthy you believe them to be. Ask yourself if the alleged behavior is something you deem concerning and relevant or not (i.e. I’ve seen a lot of people “called out” for RL relationship drama which is not something we can know or that I care to boost on my FFXIV blog; you, of course, are welcome to feel differently on that matter). Keep in mind that even if there is “evidence,” anything can be faked. Conversations and quotes can be taken out of context, cropped, and cherry-picked. The /echo function can be used to fake in game conversations. Screenshots and photos can be photoshopped. Copy/pasted logs can be edited or fabricated entirely. Editing web pages can be used (no, that’s not even getting into “hacking”--a longshot, but I guess also always a possibility) to alter any web page or conversation there upon. Fake accounts can be made using the same handle or similar handles and matching icons to impersonate another person.  Use your own brain. Be a grown ass adult with your own thoughts who makes your own decisions. Find the careful balance to protect yourself/your friends/your FC yet not potentially contribute to the slander and alienation of an innocent person. Don’t gossip. Don’t spread the rumors. Give the accused a chance if the claims against them seem shaky and you can find it within yourself without jeopardizing your own stability and safety. Think twice before you leave a comment, like, or reblog on vague posts and look into things a little bit. A post that says “Kill all Nazis” may seem innocuous enough and worthy of a “like.” But then, maybe it’s not when you scroll down the OP’s blog a little and see the post was directly following them making an entirely false accusation about someone else being a Nazi. Maybe someone’s “like this to piss off a homophobe” post was made directly after someone politely asked them to tag their risque posts (that happened to feature a same sex couple) and now the person who didn’t want to see psuedo-porn on their dash is getting bombarded with anons calling them a homophobe. I’m not pulling these out of my ass btw; these are real examples I’ve seen. What might seem like a generic “bad thing is bad” post becomes something else when someone has just been wrongfully accused of that “bad thing.” Instead, it’s a tactic of intimidation and alienation. The OP is making this post knowing that well-meaning people are going to like it, and their the victim will see the notes and think “all these people believe that about me, all these people hate me.” Don’t fall into their trap, don’t become an accessory in their harassment. And, for the love of god, don’t believe you read.
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justkarliekloss · 6 years
Karlie Kloss Interview for Women’s Health UK August 2018
“I’m only in competition with myself”
Supermodel and global Adidas ambassador Karlie Kloss speaks exclusively to WH about her sweat session preferences, the power of a good pair of leggins and why she’s calling time on comparing herself with other women.
Age: 25
Job: Supermodel
Fitness MO: HIIT, cardio, running and yoga
Favourite treat: Dark chocolate and red wine
Supermodels get a bad rap, don’t they? Somewhere along the line, between “the original supers” making their (often controversial) mark in the 1980′s and now, when most combine the catwalk with fashion lines, beauty ranges and charity work, they’ve become a different breed of woman. One to which the average Jane can’t relate, what with their Amazonian looks and high-gloss lifestyles. Which is an entirely small-minded, short-sighted view, especially when it comes to Karlie Kloss. Because while you might think that a 6ft 2in model who’s walked the Victoria’s Secret runway in the skimpiest of smalls, has 7.3 million Instagram followers and a girl gang that includes Taylor Swift, Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner as immune to the sort of afflictions that trouble the rest of us, it’s not the case.
As WH catches up with Karlie over a transatlantic call a few weeks after shooting her exclusively in the new Adidas x Stella McCartney collection in London (we were due to talk on the day but schedules overran, the usual), the 25-year-old admits that she can fall down the wormhole of comparison the same as anyone else. “I’ve had to realise that, at 6ft 2in, my body is different from anyone else’s,” she explains, “I think women compare themselves to others all the time. In modelling especially, you’re constantly being measured up against and compared with others. I’ve had to just become fully focused on being in competition with myself”.
Challenge accepted
It sounds like a simple philosophy, but then the most life-changing ones often are. “It’s basically me pushing myself to be better or work harder and improve things I don’t feel as confident about. But also not being so hard on myself that I feel bad about my imperfections. The relationship we have with ourselves is so important,” she says.
Focusing her competitive spirit on being the best version of herself has seen Karlie practising what she preaches. Like, say, running the New York City Marathon. “That was absolutely something new for me and I never imagined that I’d be able to do it, so I exceeded my own expectations.”
And - btw - the feet that got her through it happen to be at the top of Karlie’s appreciation list. “I was a ballerina for years, so I love my high arches. It’s not a sexy thing that anyone else would notice, but I love them. I worked very hard for them, so I appreciate them!”
Model behaviour
And when she needs a shot of confidence to smash that fitness goal? She reaches for a kick-ass pair of leggings, natch. As a global Adidas ambassador and self-confessed workout fan, Karlie has spent a lot of time in Lycra. “I think the right activewear can be the difference between a good workout and a great workout - and, for me, it can even sometimes be the difference between just making it to the gym or not.”
Just as a great dress can make you channel all the sass on a Saturday night, kit that delivers can be the kicker you need to turn up and challenge yourself to get the most out of a session. “I think if you’ve got a freat outfit that you feel confident in, it can change how you perform. One of the great things about activewear - and fashion as a whole - is that it has the power to give you confidence. When you feel good in what you are wearing, it makes a difference to how you hold yourself, how you walk down the street or into a room,” Karlie says.
But the struggle to find the togs that furnish Karlie with fitspiration is real. “I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with leggings,” she explains. “I have really long legs so when I find the right pair I buy them in every colour. When you discover leggings that make you feel all tucked in or a fabric you feel really comfortable in, that makes you want to work out. These pieces totally do that for me. It’s such a personal thing; everyone’s body is different.”
Making changes
That Karlie is such a champion of diverse body shapes explains why the new Adidas x Stella McCartney range isn’t just for those blessed with supermodel proportions. “I personally love leggings that are more of a high-rise fit in a fabric that’s breathable and that you can move in, but some people love a low-waisted legging. That’s the fun part about working with Adidas: the designers are incredible and really care about who is wearing their designs.”
Karlie’s involvement with the collection goes way beyond lending her face and body to the campaign images. “I’ve been able to sit down with the designers and tell them directly what I love about a specific sports bra or material or what I wish existed; what I love and don’t love. They really listen and apply that to the products. They want to create designs that are going to serve the needs of every woman wearing them; designs that are fashionable, functional and - of course - sustainable.”
Sustainability is the buzzword du jour and Adidas are playing their part. They’ve partnered with Fashion For Good to scale up sustainable innovation in the apparel industry and reimagine the way fashion is designed, made, worn and reused. A known social activist (you’ll find posts denouncing gun crime and expressing concern for coral reefs among her selfies with Kendall and co), Karlie is as woke as they come. Throw Stella McCartney - a lifelong vegetarian who famously refuses to use leather or fur in her designs and boasts a long-term commitment to sustainability - and Adidas into the mix and you’re looking at one seriously poweful athleisure trumvirate.
Sweat it out
So, Karlie wearing the garms to get her into the gym - what does she do once she’s there? “I’ll do some kind of circuit involving high-intensity cardio like rowing to get my heart rate up, then move to HIIT training and weight lifting. It has to be something that makes me sweat in the short period of time I have to work out, but that also really strengthens and tones muscle.”
A meeting running over is enough to derail our workout plans, so surely a jet-setting lifestyle puts the kibosh on a strict gym regime? “Sometimes there’s not even a gym in my hotel, so no matter where I am, I bring my sneakers, put my headphones on and go for a run - even if it’s just for 20 minutes, it will change my day. And I love mixing yoga into my workouts. It makes you feel really present and strong in your body, wich is important. I’ll take a class or just do my own practice in my room. Yoga With Adriene on YouTube is great -  her videos are perfect for anyone who doesn’t have a ton of time.”
Super food
As the creator of the gluten-free, dairy-free, but definitely not taste-free Karlie’s Kookies, this is one model with a confirmed sweet tooth. “I’m a dark chocolate kind of girl; it always snkeaks into my day at some point”. And what makes it on to her plate the rest of that day is peak wellness.
“I start my day with a workout and have something protein-packed afterwards, either and egg white omelette or a smoothie - my favourite is vegan protein powder with almond milk and frozen banana, and I love to add a natural adaptogen like maca or ashwagandha,” she continues. “I don’t live to have too much caffeine but I love decaf coffee with almond milk. I eat lots of vegetables and I make sure I add protein to every meal. For lunch I’ll have a big salad with lots of veg and a balsamic dressing, and dinner might be soup, salad and a piece of fish or some sort of grilled veg. Oh, and a glasss of red wine - if you work hard, you’ve got to enjoy it!” Now that’s a philosophy we can get on board with.
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thedeaditeslayer · 7 years
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Trunk Space Interview - Dana DeLorenzo.
We fell in love with Ash Williams as easily-impressionable preteens, marveling in his brazen foot-in-mouth false bravado, but had his recent sidekick Kelly Maxwell been with him 30 years ago, we’re sorry to say that the chainsaw-wielding anti-hero would have been an afterthought. Portrayed by Dana DeLorenzo in the Starz series “Ash vs Evil Dead,” currently in its third season, Kelly is, as she would say, a breath of mother f@#?ing fresh @ss air!
In reality, DeLorenzo is also one of those freshly inhaled breaths. Eager to discuss her place in the Evil Dead universe and genuinely grateful to have been invited on board, the Ohio native is ecstatic to see her character take more of a leadership role this season, which she says will culminate in a moment that has Kelly seizing upon an opportunity in a extremely unforgettable way.
We recently sat down with DeLorenzo during a bomb cyclone (yes, that’s a thing!) to discuss where the series has impacted her life the most, the star dust that follows Sam Raimi when he leaves a room, and her mother’s spot-on chainsaw impression.
TrunkSpace: How has “Ash vs Evil Dead” impacted your life the most?
DeLorenzo: Oh man, that’s such a hard question to answer because, first of all, brevity is not my strong suit. I’m trying to answer questions in a short amount of time. It’s tough, and something that big and magnified is… something that huge of a topic is still hard for me to articulate. Let me try.
Well for one thing, it gave me a steady job in the entertainment industry, which has been something I have been dreaming and making birthday wishes for my entire life, and just busting my ass, really. I’m from Youngstown, not really the hotbed of entertainment. I’ve just always loved to perform. It was very innate. I was telling jokes to myself on my Fisher-Price tape recorder when I was three, cracking myself up with my “Sesame Street” stuffed animals. It was one of those things that always drove me. And my parents have always kept me very grounded, and are two of the hardest working people I know. So in that sense, I never really thought that it would ever be something I could do for a living, I just always wanted to pursue it on the side. I was working five or six shifts a week, 12 hour shifts on my feet, when I got this audition, in fact. The bar that I was working at was incredible and kept me afloat all those years in LA, for like five years. It was called Beer Belly. The fact that I get to wake up every day and do what I love, I’d say that is the biggest thing. And then there are all the little branches. I mean, what a thrill as an actor to be on a show like this, that has all the things. I get to flex so many muscles. I get to learn so many incredible aspects of the craft, whether it’s doing stunts in action, or doing comedy, which is my number one love, opposite Bruce Campbell, the king of one-liners and comedic timing. Or, I’m there walking in the woods with Xena: Warrior Princess. And also, I get to do drama, and obviously, the horror. I have gotten to cross off so many things on my acting bucket list.
TrunkSpace: Well, and from an outside perspective, that seems like one of the amazing things about being involved in a show like this, is that, anything is possible. You could show up to work and be doing anything on any given day.
DeLorenzo: And that’s really how it is. We move very quickly. So many of the days, things get switched around, and all of a sudden, I’m hanging upside down by my ankles in a tree fight, and then the next day I’m getting covered in blood and viscera with a cannon being shot at me. It definitely keeps it exciting and keeps you on your toes. And that lends itself to the final aspect which is, having fans is obviously something new for me. I’m just so grateful because, this is so sincere, meeting fans gives me life. It’s such a symbiotic relationship to the point where I actually think I get more excited to meet fans than they are to meet me, where I’m the one creeping them out. I’m so intense all the time and I’m so passionate. I mean, I am Italian, that comes with the territory. Truly, when I get to do these conventions or comic cons and meet them, they’re the ones usually backing away from me slowly, asking for security. I just get so filled with love and passion, and as an actor that’s such a great feeling, ’cause the work is the reward, to be honest, for me. I go crazy when there’s nothing going on and I’m not shooting. Right now, usually we’re shooting in New Zealand at this time, and so, I’m having a little bit of a panic attack not being on set. But luckily, I can go to some of these conventions to meet fans and it’s like, how great to have people, first-hand, in your face, and be able to respond to your work and get as excited as you were to shoot it. That, to me, has been the crème de la crème. Like I said, considering my roots and considering the journey and the real tough road it took to get here, there’s not a day that goes by that I am not grateful and feel so lucky to be on the show about a guy with a chainsaw arm. Who knew?
TrunkSpace: As it relates to the fans, this franchise, more than a lot of the genre franchises, it feels like people have a sense of ownership in it. It’s almost like they found their indie band that they loved and they want to share it with their close friends. How long did it take for you, being a part of it, to feel that ownership as well?
DeLorenzo: You know, I don’t know that I feel ownership in this, I just feel like I’m a cog in the wheel. But in terms of when did I feel like people were receptive, to welcome us as part of the group… pretty early on.
It’s interesting you say that because I was actually terrified at the possibility that it could go in a very different direction. And that’s not a secret, if you look at the early responses, when it came out that finally, after, what was it, 20 or 30 years, they were gonna have a follow-up to “The Evil Dead” with Bruce Campbell, the response was a little bit, what’s the word I’m looking for?
TrunkSpace: Cautionary.
DeLorenzo: That’s exactly the word, cautionary, or even adversarial. And understandably so. I knew the franchise, I was a fan. It’s about one guy, and finally, finally, here we got ’em again, Bruce Campbell, doing this next leg, transitioning from film to television, and what, he’s gonna have two sidekicks? So I was a little worried that, “Oh boy, what if they hate us?” Luckily, I’d say, straight away, from the very first time I got to meet fans… I think it was New York Comic Con before the show had aired, so we did a huge thing there for like 2500 fans… and they just went nuts. Then, I think my first convention was in Chicago, my home away from home… I’ve lived there for 10 years… and it was Days of the Dead, and only three episodes had aired of the first season and already I was blown away by how receptive they were and how immediately they invested in Pablo and Kelly. And I have to give credit to Rob Tapert and Bruce and Sam (Raimi), and our showrunner at the time, Craig DiGregorio, because they knew what they were doing. They knew that in order to let this character, Ash Williams, this flawed human being that we know and love, they knew that in order to let him still be that character with some often offensive, sometimes ignorant comments and views, they knew that in order to let him still be him, they needed to surround him with someone who has a heart and who was his cheerleader, and also someone who is willing to go toe-to-toe with him and call him out and also sort of be the common sense.
TrunkSpace: It’s a new layer that didn’t exist before, this wonderful family element that binds them all together.
DeLorenzo: Absolutely. You hit the word, which is the buzzword for Season 3, because for two seasons we built up this family and even have introduced, or brought back members of Ash’s family. His father, played by the great Lee Majors, which I think is one of the best additions to the show. And then, of course, we have Cheryl, his sister, which, oh my goodness, what a thrill for the fans, the lifelong fans of the franchise, to have that. But now, for Season 3, we introduced a daughter, his actual daughter he never knew he had. So there is so much great richness and conflict that now directly affect Pablo and Kelly, who the audience has grown to love, and you see how that sets that in motion. Now it’s the family that is bound by blood, and the family that is bound by bloodshed, and I love that. I love watching Ash Williams, the last man on earth who should be, now have to be responsible for a teenage daughter, no less, who already has the rebellion that a lot of teenagers have, but then with the same stubbornness of Ash Williams. It gives a whole new meaning to sins of the father. It is heartwarming but also so funny, and often very real and emotional, and I’m very excited for fans to see how Ash grows just enough this season in such a real and fantastic way.
TrunkSpace: From what we could tell, this is the longest time you’ve ever spent with one character. What has that journey been like for you to discover somebody over an extended period of time?
DeLorenzo: It has been one of the greatest thrills of my life because I absolutely love my character. I love Kelly Maxwell, and that, again, is a testament to the writers and to the showrunners, but also, Sam Raimi set the bar from day one, about collaborating and letting me bring my own aspects or thoughts or different layers that I wanted to bring to the table. From day one, they have been so receptive and collaborative, and I think that always lends itself to being… when creatives all work together for the same goal, it takes a village to create a strong character. I’m talking down the line, not just collaborating in terms of dialogue and in terms of ideas and who Kelly Maxwell is, it’s been collaborative from behind the scenes.
So, it has been such a magnificent experience, and I feel like art imitates life imitates art, because Kelly’s journey has been very similar to my own journey playing Kelly. That sounds so meta, but it’s true. (Laughter) She was thrown into the fight against evil, I was thrown into this. Yes, I’d been working for a long time, but I think I had no more than eight seconds of screen time on any major movie or TV show. Also, just how she came into her own, how she became her own warrior by her own right, I feel like I can look back at where I started and I feel a lot more comfortable in these shoes now… and in this purple leather jacket.
I have nothing else to compare it to, so maybe we should add this to the other ways that this show has impacted me, because I’ve never gotten to create a character and never before have been able to have so much creative input in a character. That’s been a huge thing for me, and again, something that I’m just so happy and grateful for.
TrunkSpace: The bar has been set high with this job. Any future jobs will always be compared to your time on “Ash vs Evil Dead” now.
DeLorenzo: Oh yeah, I’m screwed. (Laughter) But also, it taught me a lot, and I feel like this was such its own beast, if you will. I feel like not all the characters I play will I be able to find so many ways to bring out these little aspects, so I feel like every character is different. So even if I don’t get to collaborate again, at least I have this. But I do feel like, in my experience, there are many people in this industry who do believe in the good of creating together. If you look at any of the shows that are successful, and beloved, you hear the same thing every time, that everyone gets along, everyone takes part, everyone stays in their own lane, that kind of thing. So I do feel like it is possible. I hope there’s more of that to come.
But yeah, nothing will ever top the moment that Sam Raimi sits you down day one and says, “Hey, I’d really like you to help me rewrite this scene.” And you’re like, “I’m sorry, Sam Raimi, what?” I thought he was kidding. I’ve said this before, he is both the least and most intimidating person in the room, in the sense of, when he talks to you, you’re the only one there, he’s looking at you, he makes you feel so good, he listens to what you have to say, and then he walks away, and you’re like, “Holy shit! That was Sam Raimi!” You’re talking to him, it’s like Sam the butcher from the grocery store and you go, “Hey man, how you doing?” And then he walks away and there’s like this trail of star dust that’s left in view.
TrunkSpace: (Laughter) Well, what’s amazing about Sam is that, where he doesn’t get enough credit is that he really kick-started this whole superhero craze with what he did with the Spider-Man franchise.
DeLorenzo: Absolutely. And also, things like the POV of the object, that was him. He created that whole thing of like, the ax flying from the ax’s point of view. I mean, how genius? So again, I would have been happy to be Screaming Extra #72 in a show like this. (Laughter) Which, by the way, I think that was my biggest credit before getting this show.
So I’m just so grateful to all of them, the producers that took a chance on me, because I’m not the typical horror stereotype. I’m not the beautiful blonde with blue eyes who can scream. I’m a very different-looking, different-sounding character or person that screams like a 75-year-old man. I really thought I was never gonna get this job ’cause I actually can’t scream. I have nodules. My mom, when she saw the first episode, she was like, “That was great but why didn’t they dub your screaming? You sound like you’re a 75 year-old man.” Mom, you’re not wrong. I cannot scream.
TrunkSpace: How great is it that your mom is in on the lingo with dubbing and stuff like that? That’s awesome!
DeLorenzo: (Laughter) Oh, I know. Whenever my parents will call me, immediately after the show airs, this is what I get every time… her impression of a chainsaw. So the show aired. “Hi, Mom and Dad. What’d you think?”
(DeLorenzo does an impression of her mom doing an impression of a chainsaw.)
And it’s actually pretty good. But it’s so funny, ’cause this is not my parent’s cup of tea or anything, but they have grown to absolutely love the show. They give me their full Roger Ebert critique.
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golbatgender · 7 years
You have to emotionally combat bigotry. All the reason in the world isn't going to calm or convince someone who's Angry and Scared and has a Target to be angry and scared about. Best case, if you try pure reason, they won't listen. Worst case, you sound cold and dismissive about their feelings (yes, fuck their feelings, but that's not the point), and they'll feel like they have even more reason to disagree with you, and might even spread this perception and their bigot-funk to bystanders. You have to argue on an emotional as well as a factual level to get anything done.
There are several strategies to do this—simply getting angry in return and directly attacking never works!
Redirect emotions with a combination of loaded words and real facts. Someone thinks immigrants are taking jobs? Direct that hatred towards big businesses and CEOs that try to buy and corrupt government (though, with that particular example, you have to be very careful not to reinforce antisemitic tropes—for example, avoid mentioning bankers or any names that sound Jewish as the corrupt, resource-hogging enemy). To do this successfully, you have to know what words have what emotional freight to your target—that means getting a basic familiarity with opposition rhetoric, and remaining aware that it is trying to manipulate you the exact same way, only generally without the benefit of any basis in fact. This is the only strategy that seeks to change the mind of the actual bigot as well as any bystanders. If you manage to calm them down or redirect their hurt in a more favorable direction, they will be much more receptive to ordinary reasoning and may eventually develop a true framework of reasoning and not need to be emotionally manipulated to get them to do or think beneficial things.
Aim to convince bystanders on the subject of the original topic, using the same combination of facts and loaded words to give emotional weight to the truth. Here, you do not need to redirect much of anything; you need to give the immediate subject and your position a particular emotional connotation.
Attempt to convince the bystanders (and any fringe/lightly invested members of the group) that the group itself to which your opponent belongs is so awful that no one should want to be associated with them, again using the same combination of loaded words and facts. This approach can veer into ad hominem, but in many cases group affiliation can be relevant—for example, if someone is a member of a hate group, trashing the hate group's rep is a good thing on its own, and membership in the group is also a good reason to doubt a person's political beliefs. (It would be just plain old ad hominem if, for example, one brings up that one's opponent is a furry. Also really sex negative and likely homophobic, which is bad.) Again, this is to convince bystanders that they do not want to be associated with your opponent, and to convince fringe members of your opponent's group that the group isn't cool. This is not about convincing your opponent, unless they are also a fringe member. And whatever you say about the group MUST be true to the very best of your knowledge, or you are, in fact, yourself turning into a bigot.
What are loaded words? Loaded words are words that have strong associations with most people. Words can be loaded as positive or negative, but also with secondary, less immediately obvious concepts such as class, education level, and religious or political affiliation. In general, shorter words are more emotionally loaded.
"Late-capitalist trends in per capita purchasing power allocation are increasing the net gap between socio-economic strata."
This is a sentence that has little primary loading and a moderate amount of secondary loading. Few if any of the words in this sentence have emotional weight. As a whole, the sentence seems cool, emotionally detached, and intellectual. Most bigots are anti-intellectual. (The few that aren't are usually "new atheists" and/or "scientific" eugenicists, or some varieties of anti-Israel antisemites. Many of these talk about facts and logic, but they actually just like the emotional idea of facts and logic and use psychological tactics just like all the rest.) While this sentence might be very useful to economic experts and its specificity can serve a specific purpose, it is not going to convince a layman or senator (same thing, for most purposes), as effectively as:
"Dirty CEOs are strangling the economy and stealing wages from hard-working taxpayers!"
"Six rich bastards have more money than half of all Americans!"
"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This can't go on."
"Your boss does almost no work and gets paid twice as much as you. His boss does half as much as your boss and gets paid four times as much. How's that fair?"
"Trickle-down economics is a scam!"
"So-and-so died because he couldn't afford insulin. Greedy pharma and insurance companies just want to make money off sick people and leave them to die if they're too poor to be useful. Fucking boardrooms are literal death panels—'kill these people so we can charge more for the same thing.' They'd still be alive and right here now if we had healthcare like [other country]!"
"[Other company] is Union and they get paid more and don't got to go as fast. I hear they get rubber mats to stand on too."
Notice how all those sentences made you feel a lot more emotion? That's what I'm talking about. Notice how the one about insurance and pharma companies appropriates a right-wing buzzword and changes its referent. Notice how the last example sentence uses both positive emotions and envy (and working class dialect) to make the case that unions are a good thing. Notice also how all these things are in fact true.
Some words will have different loading to different audiences. For example, "capitalism" will be negative to some left-wing people and neutral-to-positive with most other Americans. "The 1%" will signal "ally" to leftists and "mortal enemy" to a (right-)libertarian or Republican, in reference to the speaker, and the 1% itself when so named will be negative to the former and average out to neutral with the latter.
Bigots work by using emotion with just enough factoids to seem plausible. If we use the same level of emotion with real facts, we can win against them—but we have to be willing to do it. Remember, never lie, but influence emotional perception of your argument. Flip the script.
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jobsaggregation2 · 4 years
DevOps Engineer Top Secret - Full Scope Poly
A TS/SCI with a Full Scope Poly is required for this position. This DevSecOps Engineer will be responsible for deploying product updates, identifying production issues and implementing integrations that meet customer needs. The ideal candidate will have a passion for building highly scalable and reliable cloud services and systems. Innovation will not be squandered here. You will provide direct input into requirements, architectural design, resource management, as well as testing and integration into operations. This is an agile environment so you will work alongside other talented engineers. This is a fast-paced work environment. Strong communication and writing skills are highly desirable. They will also have an active Top Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information clearance with a Full Scope Polygraph. We hate reducing the needs to a list of bullet points, but it still is the best way to ensure we squeeze in all the needed buzzwords. Basic Qualifications: Experience with Web Based Technologies Java, JavaScript, HTML, AngularJS, Angular, ReactJS, Vue.js, Building APIs and services using REST, SOAP, etc. Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Map Reduce, Spark, etc. Experience with Cloud Development and Security Microsoft Azure Amazon Web Services (EC2, C4, C5, C3, M3, M4, T2) Docker Test-driven development and automated testing frameworks APIs PKI technology Knowledge of STIG implementation in cloud environments Providing secure coding techniques Experience developing distributed/scalable systems Other Technical Requirements Implement integrations requested by customers Deploy updates and fixes Build tools to reduce occurrences of errors and improve customer experience Develop software to integrate with internal back-end systems Perform root cause analysis for production errors Investigate and resolve technical issues Develop scripts to automate visualization Design procedures for system troubleshooting and maintenance Good knowledge of Ruby or Python Experience or knowledge of Hudson, CloudFormation, TerraForm, Puppet, Chef, etc. Working knowledge of databases and SQL Write scripts and automation using Perl/Python/Groovy/Java/Bash Configure and manage data sources like MySQL, Mongo, Elasticsearch, Redis, Cassandra, Hadoop, etc. Manage source control including SVN and GIT Preferred Qualifications BS Degree in computer science Excellent communication skills both verbal and written TS/SCI w/ Full scope polygraph Reference : DevOps Engineer Top Secret - Full Scope Poly jobs from Latest listings added - JobsAggregation http://jobsaggregation.com/jobs/technology/devops-engineer-top-secret-full-scope-poly_i9646
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nox-lathiaen · 4 years
DevOps Engineer Top Secret - Full Scope Poly
A TS/SCI with a Full Scope Poly is required for this position. This DevSecOps Engineer will be responsible for deploying product updates, identifying production issues and implementing integrations that meet customer needs. The ideal candidate will have a passion for building highly scalable and reliable cloud services and systems. Innovation will not be squandered here. You will provide direct input into requirements, architectural design, resource management, as well as testing and integration into operations. This is an agile environment so you will work alongside other talented engineers. This is a fast-paced work environment. Strong communication and writing skills are highly desirable. They will also have an active Top Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information clearance with a Full Scope Polygraph. We hate reducing the needs to a list of bullet points, but it still is the best way to ensure we squeeze in all the needed buzzwords. Basic Qualifications: Experience with Web Based Technologies Java, JavaScript, HTML, AngularJS, Angular, ReactJS, Vue.js, Building APIs and services using REST, SOAP, etc. Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Map Reduce, Spark, etc. Experience with Cloud Development and Security Microsoft Azure Amazon Web Services (EC2, C4, C5, C3, M3, M4, T2) Docker Test-driven development and automated testing frameworks APIs PKI technology Knowledge of STIG implementation in cloud environments Providing secure coding techniques Experience developing distributed/scalable systems Other Technical Requirements Implement integrations requested by customers Deploy updates and fixes Build tools to reduce occurrences of errors and improve customer experience Develop software to integrate with internal back-end systems Perform root cause analysis for production errors Investigate and resolve technical issues Develop scripts to automate visualization Design procedures for system troubleshooting and maintenance Good knowledge of Ruby or Python Experience or knowledge of Hudson, CloudFormation, TerraForm, Puppet, Chef, etc. Working knowledge of databases and SQL Write scripts and automation using Perl/Python/Groovy/Java/Bash Configure and manage data sources like MySQL, Mongo, Elasticsearch, Redis, Cassandra, Hadoop, etc. Manage source control including SVN and GIT Preferred Qualifications BS Degree in computer science Excellent communication skills both verbal and written TS/SCI w/ Full scope polygraph Reference : DevOps Engineer Top Secret - Full Scope Poly jobs Source: http://jobrealtime.com/jobs/technology/devops-engineer-top-secret-full-scope-poly_i10360
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bobbystompy · 7 years
64 Quotes I Enjoyed From 2017
Below are my favorite quotes from 2017. Though most occurred throughout the year, some took place before but were encountered during.
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(Allison Greene)
The irony and thematic implication of this first quote -- transcribed in January -- is not lost on me.
1) “I wish you all a Happy New Year. Meaning that I wish for your New Years Eve to be happy. It’s hard to wish hundreds of thousands of people to have an entire happy year. That’s a lot. That feels greedy and hopeless and also some of you might not deserve a happy year. Everyone deserves a happy moment or day now and again but a whole happy year I would wish on maybe eight people and four of them are terminally ill children.
Also please remember that the turning over of one year to another is a mental construct that bears no more weight than the things that keep us apart and in competitive categories as human beings. Time is not moving. You’re not losing or gaining ground. You’re not separate from ‘them’ anymore than you’re separate from your own umbrella. It’s now, we’re us and this is here. If you’re in pain, this too shall pass. If you’re in luxury, this too shall pass. Ask an old lady how she’s doing. The internet is not real. Draw a picture on a napkin.” - Louis C.K.
2) “Flowers cost money you could spend on alcohol.” - Tracy Cunningham
3) "Never make fun of people for mispronouncing a word. It means they learned it by reading."
[that one felt profound when I first read it, but there are probably holes you can poke]
4) “Middle America does not have a monopoly on tough times.” - Drew Magary
5) “The whole point of going to a wedding is to complain about it.” - Drew Magary
6) “The world is too noisy and distracted to probably ultimately survive. Everyone needs to shut the fuck up. The answers are in the silence. Monks set themselves on fire to protest and make this point.
Just consider it.” - Garry Shandling
7) “The fact that Chargers fans get to live in San Diego isn’t as much of a solace as you think, either. When you’re unhappy, Southern California can be the loneliest fucking place in the world. Everywhere you look, you are surrounded by people whose lives are seemingly more perfect than your own. And the fantastic weather acts a kind of lingering nag... an irritating reminder that you SHOULD be happy even if you’re not. When you live somewhere miserable, at least you have an excuse for it. People leave you alone, or they help you drink the pain away indoors. You’re not surrounded by a bunch of fucking Jack LaLannes and Navy steakheads making it worse.
This is how the San Diego Chargers ended, and their fans deserved better. There won’t even be rain to help water the team’s grave.” - Drew Magary
8) There is no meeting without a Gentry story. He tells the story of Doug Collins’s college coach at Illinois State, Will Robinson, putting Collins in front of a mirror and saying, “Now, that’s an ugly motherfucker.” Then Robinson gets a basketball, hands it to Collins, and says, “Now you’re a handsome motherfucker.”
-- “Seven Seconds or Less” by Jack McCallum
9) "This is gonna be bad. So be good." - Patton Oswalt, on the next four years
10) REPORTER: You always hear about guys in the zone. What’s it like to be in that zone and have that moment two games in a row?
DION WAITERS: Oh man, I love that moment. I mean, you can never shy away from that. I just feel—one of my favorite quotes is, uh ... I forgot it already. One of my favorite quotes. But yeah, can’t be afraid of taking them shots.
11) "No person can be explained in one trait." - Jason Benetti
12) That Federer could dig so deep without losing the spirit of grace and generosity he has carried for much of his career--amazingly, it didn't sound insincere when he told the crowd in Melbourne that he would've been happy if Nadal had won--was enough to make Agassi introspective. He fired off a text to a friend, fellow American ex-pro James Blake. Watching Federer, Agassi wrote, "makes me feel like I was much more of a broken person than I even realized."
-- the 2017 Australian Open
13) “Do you, because everyone else is taken.” - Uber driver
14) Federer's physical skills have tended to obscure just how he resilient he has been throughout his career--a point not lost on him. "My mental toughness has always been overshadowed by my virtuosity, my shotmaking, my technique, my grace," says Federer. "That's why when I lose, it seems like, 'Oh, he didn't play so well.' And when I win, it looks so easy." He says it has been that way since he was young. "Just because I don't sweat like crazy and I don't grunt, I don't have this face on when I hit the shot like I'm in pain, doesn't mean I'm not trying hard," he says. "It's just how I play. Sorry."
15) "I’ve always said the only way to change anyone’s opinion is to make him laugh first. It still is." - John Waters
16) “Women like babies. Men like their sons and daughters.” - Kevin Haack
17) “At once, Federer would triumph over his two greatest rivals: Nadal and Hawk-Eye.” - Chris Almeida, on Roger Federer’s 2017 Aussie Open win
18) “Brady did everything in Super Bowl 51 short of fertilizing crops with his own feces to feed his teammates.” - Bill Simmons
19) “It's still hard to believe the Falcons actually lost this game. They're the first team in Super Bowl history to lose with a pick-six in its pocket, one that felt like an unlikely gift given that it came from Brady. Some will throw around the "choker" label, which is inelegant at best and condescendingly incurious at worst. If choking means running after a quarterback on 68 dropbacks until there's hardly any air left in your lungs, the Falcons choked.” - Bill Barnwell
20) “Keep in mind: Plenty of people already think Chance The Rapper is corny. Plenty of people have been thinking it for years. Plenty of people who now love Chance The Rapper had to get over the corniness threshold, to train themselves to love the yawpy ad-libs an the voice-cracks and the general hyperactive teenage energy. When Chance won Best New Artist and howled the word 'God' in his acceptance speech about 32 times, I saw plenty of grumbling — We get it, dude, you believe in God — in my Twitter timeline. Someone even said that the music industry had figured out how to manufacture a marketable version of Christian-rap figurehead Lecrae. And that gets at another common complaint about Chance: that he’s an 'industry plant,' a creature created by the music business, one who uses 'independent' as a buzzword rather than as any kind of unifying philosophy. Those of us who love Chance, that line of thinking goes, have been somehow hoodwinked or manipulated into it. And there have been plenty of other perceived sins over the years: the overalls, the KitKat commercial, the constant references to Nickelodeon cartoons, the persistent smiling. Whether or not you love Chance, there is a strong possibility that he’s annoyed you once or twice.” - Tom Breihan
21) “Traveling is the antidote to ignorance.” - Trevor Noah
22) "But mostly, it's in how Celebration Rock treats every day like the last day of school, raising a glass to the past, living in the moment and going into the future feeling fucking invincible." - Ian Cohen
23) “In fact, it turned out that there was nothing ‘dangerous’ at all in picking on women and refugees. People will pay you good money for that. The dangerous ideas are the ones they don’t pay you for, the ones that don’t get you on HBO. You’re actually dangerous when you do what Yiannopoulos did in the ‘pedophile’ tapes: defend society’s most hated outcasts, and tell the truth about the complexities of gay men’s sexuality. You’re dangerous when you stick up for those on the fringes rather than kicking them. There’s nothing courageous or edgy in bullying the despised and excluded. But it might be dangerous if you dared to empathize with them.” - Nathan J. Robinson
24) [Taj] Gibson was asked if his dunk over Dwyane Wade was his favorite moment as a Bull. "It really wasn't. That was just a dunk. It really wasn't one of my favorite moments of my career, to be honest with you. I had a lot of shining moments in my career. Just being around Thibs, he taught me that people don't look at, some of the games, most of the games, they look at the bright spots. I have a lot of different bright spots in my career. The biggest one in my career would have to be just being on the team when guys were down and having a coach look at me and know that he can count on me. No matter what position, no matter what time in the game. And he would trust some of the most important plays for me to do. Those were the most important moments of my life, just having a guy between Fred and coach Thibs, knowing guys that are ahead of me, making twice as much money as me, and he's still calling my name through crunch time. Those were the best moments of my life."
[have some, Carlos Boozer]
25) “You can't let politics dictate what you read or who you fuck.” - Chuck, “Girls”
26) “Watching Kawhi Leonard play basketball is like when you get the email you’ve been waiting for and it says all of the things you were hoping it was going to say.” - Shea Serrano
27) “This isn't a choice, like my diet. This is a necessity, like my drinking.” - Ben, “Veep”
28) “It's like how love songs never go out of style because no one's ever written one that's closed the book on the subject.” - Brian King, Japandroids
29) Pitchfork: A lot of the lyrics on the album take advantage of this universal, mythic rock'n'roll language, like on "Fire's Highway": "Hearts from hell collide/ On fire's highway tonight/ We dreamed it, now we know."
Brian King (Japandroids): Personally, I really like the concepts of good and evil, heaven and hell-- the extreme boundaries of how people can feel and how fast things can change. I like that that language. I'm not talking about just some night you felt a certain way, I'm talking about the night you felt that way-- that one time. People have always alluded to those extremes as a way of characterizing the most intense feelings since blues and the early days of rock. A blues singer won't be like, "We broke up." He'll say, "Satan stole my baby from me." You just pick it up.
30) “Friends of mine, hitting partners, are Federer fans for real. They own his racket, his sneakers, the hat with his RF logo. When he loses, they're wrecked; when he wins, it's only slightly less painful, because it's one fewer win they get to witness.” - Rosecrans Baldwin
31) “Bad ideas rarely spread when the population is educated about better alternatives.” - Greg Graffin
32) This entire story (9:47 to 10:15)
RIP, Don Rickles (1926-2017)
33) “Being pregnant is cool and weird: Your bones ache, your gums bleed, your ligaments basically just start giving up. (A hormone called ‘relaxin’ is involved.) You plan decades ahead, then worry you’re jinxing it all. You’ve got a decreasingly nebulous imaginary friend there to listen to your hopes and fears at all hours and you occasionally get the hiccups. But the strangest thing about being with child is the way your body becomes not yours, and not even the baby’s, but the world’s. Complete strangers reach out and touch. Internet commenters opine. Photos of yourself splayed postpartum on a gurney, hair matted to the side of your face, one boob swung free, are triumphantly text-messaged to fathers-in-law without your express written consent.
It’s not fair, it’s never fair, but it’s nevertheless the shared experience of so many women during a powerful, vulnerable time.” - Katie Baker
34) "I just watched Deadheads spin around for three hours looking for miracles." - Brad Back
35) “Comparison is the thief of joy.” - Theodore Roosevelt
36) "The Spurs’ run of NBA success is now old enough to vote, and in a couple of years it will be legally old enough to share finely aged red wines with Popovich, although I suspect he’s been slipping it glasses at home for a few years now. One of the cornerstones of that success has been an ability to find talent where nobody else looked." - Rodger Sherman
37) "Cutting at the right time is more important than being fast." - Bill Belichick
38) “You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.” - “Justified”
39) “An asshole is not a brilliant visionary just because a toilet has a bottomless appetite for what comes out of it.” - Albert Burneko, on the passing of Roger Ailes
40) "He would’ve been a rock star no matter where he’d been born, or when." - Rob Harvilla on Chris Cornell
41) "Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house." - Rod Stewart
42) “I have never regretted taking a walk. Every time you walk, a bunch of cool shit happens. You burn calories, for one thing. You think of cool ideas. You also get an immediate sense of the layout and vibe of wherever you happen to be. It’s a cheap shortcut to feeling like a local. I walked around downtown Atlanta for two hours once, which was long enough for me to realize, ‘Oh hey, this is the part of town that sucks!’ Then I went and walked around a cooler part.
Also, walking forces me to pocket my phone and actually look around for a bit (in theory…sometimes I check the phone while walking, which is galactically fucking stupid and could get you killed). I can actually feel GOOD about the world when I walk around, because I’m seeing it as it stands now, instead through the horrifying prism of online news and discourse. The sun still shines out there. People are smiling. It’s not bad. You wouldn’t even know we’re all gonna die soon. Not everything has rotted away just yet. You can leave the shifting sand dunes of the day far behind, to borrow a phrase from Professor Fartsniffer up there.
Also, you don’t have to look for a parking spot.
I walked today. I walked past a school and saw a bunch of kids playing touch football and they accidentally launched the ball over the fence and into the road, where they couldn’t get it. So they asked me to grab it for them. I hucked it back over and one kid shouted ‘YOU DA REAL MVP!’ And you know what? For that one little moment, I was, indeed, da real MVP. Step aside, Kevin Durant’s mom. I saved touch football. What did you ever do?
That kind of experience isn’t really possible when you’re sitting in a car. When you drive, you’re basically in a kind of self-imposed purgatory. The goal is to get wherever you’re headed so that you can resume your life again. I have tried to slow down and savor my surroundings while driving but it rarely works out because A) It’s not safe and B) I want to make good time. I have my eyes on the road and my ears on my SWEET TUNEZ, and I’m only slowing down to gawk at an overturned milk truck. ‘Wow, that looks BAD.’
The most important moments in life usually happen when you’re walking. Ever ask someone you’re dying to go out with if they wanna go for a walk, and they say yes? It feels fucking GREAT. That’s gonna be a good walk. Then maybe you two walk down the aisle after you get married, and then walk through the hospital to see your new baby in the nursery, and then walk with that child as takes its first steps. And then maybe someone close to you dies, and you have to walk with their casket to their gravesite. I’ve made some of these walks. I haven’t forgotten any of them.” - Drew Magary
43) "‘A great nation does not hide its history, it faces its flaws and corrects them.’ - George W. Bush
Let us again state clearly for all to hear. The Confederacy was on the wrong side of history and humanity. It sought to tear apart our nation and subjugate our fellow Americans to slavery. This is a history we should never forget and one that we should never ever again put on a pedestal to be revered." - Mitch Landrieu
44) "Just found out Joyce Manor is playing in Bristol on 7/13. When god closes a door, he opens a moshpit." - Chris Trott, after missing the Captain, We're Sinking Show in Chicago on 7/12 due his England trip
45) “The most prestigious honor in music isn't a Grammy. It's ‘I like this band enough to see them at 10:30 p.m. on a Wednesday.’” - Steven Hyden
46) “I think of you every time I speed up my podcasts.” - Christine Jastrow’s 31st birthday tribute to yours truly
47) "A man of genius makes no mistakes; his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery." - James Joyce
48) “Personally speaking, a millennial is anyone younger than me who gets on my fucking nerves. I don’t think of like, Dak Prescott as a millennial, because he seems cool. But Chris Brown? Fuck him sideways.” - Drew Magary
49) "It's a scientific fact that a beer tastes better when it travels more than 5 feet in the air" - @PFTCommenter
50) Dustin Brown perfectly summed up what it's like to play on Centre Court. "It would be nice if we're playing every match out there. It's very comfortable. Even when things aren't going your way, it relaxed me a bit to say 'this is where you always wanted to be,'" he said after his Wimbledon second round loss to defending champ Andy Murray.
51) "One thing I’ve always found fascinating about Federer (or, rather, the way we talk about Federer) is that there’s never been any backlash. Normally, when an athlete has been around as long as Federer has, and has been as great as Federer has, and is on the receiving end of so much adulation, some sort of noticeable backlash occurs. Never with Fed.
Relatedly, people root for Federer unabashedly, and did so even during that stretch in the 00's when he was as dominant a force as any sport has seen. Casual fans tend to root for the underdog, but Federer was so sublime that he made people root for Goliath." - Andrew, Deadspin reader
52) “‘Federer manages to scamper across himself’ is one of the more Federer tennis calls I've ever heard.” - Brian Phillips
53) “Everything before the word ‘but’ is horseshit.” - Jon Snow
54) “Be present.” - Megan Filip
55) "The successful person is one who finds an opportunity in every problem. Unsuccessful people find a problem in every opportunity." - Lou Holtz
56) “It ain’t a hit till Nate Dogg spit.” - Mack 10
57) "Nobody goes to work tomorrow. General strike, fuck this country." - some of Blake Schwarzenbach first words at the Jawbreaker reunion
58) “It’s hard getting good news -- you don’t know what to do with it.” - Blake Schwarzenbach, at the first Jawbreaker show in forever
59) “When I was a child, I spoke like a child.” - Davis,“Treme”
60) “In one sense, the story of human history is just people inventing progressively more advanced ways in which to be awful idiots, in groups.” - David Roth
61) "Reality gives nothing back and nor should you." - Kobe Bryant
62) “Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald
63) "Brevity is the soul of wit" - William Shakespeare
64) "If I shoot an airball, call the foul." - Dirk Nowitzki
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another-rough-draft · 7 years
The Bone Season Review
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
Also available on Goodreads
Read: 2013, 2015, 2017
My review for The Bone Season comes four years and three readings late. With a book this old (published 2013 --a practical dinosaur) I wondered if writing a review would even be worth my time. Worth anyone’s time, for that matter. This book is old news.
Except it isn’t old news. There is something about The Bone Season that separates it from other contemporary science fiction novels, and that is its ability to transcend modern tropes and literary crazes. It continues to rely on its own merit as a work of fiction rather than on whatever readers want from a novel in that particular year (what was 2013? Faeries?). Just as I was relieved in 2013 not to have another Divergent shoved in my direction, I find that The Bone Season continues to stand out against a slew of generic YA novels. That being said, I can’t ignore the fact that after the first two times I read this book I only gave it 3 stars. While I’ve come to appreciate it a bit more after the third read-through, the issues I found before are still there.
Didn’t it like then, appreciate it now:
Info-dumps and sci-fi jargon
The trick to approaching Shannon’s immense world of Scion London and Sheol I is commitment. This is not a book to pick up and put down every five minutes when the professor looks elsewhere during a lecture. It’s also not a book you’ll want to download on your phone, as I found myself flipping back and forth between the text and glossary quite a lot. But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Shannon understands how much/how little she needs to assume the reader knows throughout the novel. Her balance between being too vague and too repetitive is very nearly perfect.
My one condition when reading novels like this is that the worldbuilding has to be thorough and it has to make sense. I am so so tired of reading books (some of which received even more hype than The Bone Season) that are littered with plot holes. Fortunately, Shannon leaves nothing unaddressed in the world she has carefully created, and her execution is strong. I’d much rather flip back to a map or glossary every few pages than have to sit through a book that lacks common sense.
Like info-dumps, “flashbacks” is one of those buzzwords that immediately turns readers away. I will often just skip through chapters that involve agonizingly long flashbacks, which usually serve as secondary info-dumps about some character’s troubled history. I hate them.
For this book, I make an exception. I’d go as far as to say the flashbacks are just as entertaining as the story itself, if not more so. Paige is abducted from Scion so early on in the book, it would have been criminal to leave it at that. Shannon uses well-placed dream flashbacks to help the reader piece together the story of Paige’s life before coming to Sheol I, and let me tell you: it was awesome. Paige’s history with Nick is my favorite part of the book, hands down. I won’t go into detail, but that one flashback is what made me love Paige as a character, despite her obvious flaws, which brings me tooooo
Liked it then, questionable now:
“Headstrong” heroine
I’m an adult. Many of Shannon’s readers are adults. We know that you don’t have to want to fight all the time to be considered “strong”. Paige does not seem to understand this, which at times made me feel like I was reading about a rebellious 16-year-old princess, not a 19-year-old gangster. This book deserved better than Paige’s personality, which I found to be pretty frustrating at times. But maybe I was just thrown off by her insistence on hating her love interest.
Because I’m a sucker for romance, and because The Bone Season had amazing potential (and it does get better in the next books, so don’t throw it to the side just yet), I was pretty annoyed with this poor execution of a “slow-burning romance”. Paige goes from hating Warden with every bone in her body to making out with him in the last few pages. Um… what? While we are basically told they’ll end up together from the start (thanks to some truly cringe-worthy character exposition that involves Warden watching Paige with glowing sexy eyes from across the room), the question is when will Paige go from despising him, to being his friend, to eventually falling in love with him? The answer: she doesn’t. One minute she’s spitting in his face, the next she’s sucking on his face. It definitely made me question the validity of their feelings for each other. But honestly I’m so tired of insta-love at the beginning of a book that I’ll take insta-love at the end.
Bottom line: read it. Shannon’s attention to detail (particularly to her characters and setting) are what makes this a 4-5 star book.
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