#well not necessarily
itsscottiesstark · 27 days
Neil: David has read the first 3 scripts of series 3, plus the very last scene.
David, talking about how s3 is going to be the last one:
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grain-my-beloved · 3 months
I've talked about this before with Desert Duo but I feel like they aren't the only ones who have their characters and dynamics warped a ton for angst.
I feel like people keep trying to warp every relationship into like two types of angsty trope and just, like, stretching out the characters involved until they fit the trope but may not fit their actual personalities or dynamic.
You can make the Life Series, or even Hermitcraft angsty. I like some forms of Life Series or Hermitcraft angst. I've seen it done well. But if you take away all of the joy and whimsy and banter and love, what do you have left of the Life Series or Hermitcraft in your angst?
Again, my main experience with this is Desert Duo since I'm most insane about them, primarily through seeing fans make Grian in specific (sometimes both of them) a fucked up toxic abusive mess that means a lot of Desert Duo content kinda loses the Grian and Scar after a while and becomes Generic Codependent Couple #9726.
But I've seen this done to other characters too where they're dumbed down and made less competent, turned into hyper toxic caricatures of themselves, or stripped of personality completely to fit into another pairings angst scene. And I just. Don't like it.
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soranatus · 2 years
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literally the only on left is ravleen? or am i forgetting someone
lmao I said they’re not in our friend group idiot <33
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turtleskissingew · 11 months
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in-newjersey · 1 year
I'm not even sure if it's workable but I had the concept for a Pacific Rim AU? or more like a universe fusion? like Pacific Rim takes place in the 2020s if you used the very-shaky timeline of BMC and set it in like 2010 then when the first Jaeger attack happens in 2013 it could work fine
I don't think it's too radical a jump to imagine the same universe with tech to create the SQUIP also had the tech to create drifting, like it seems pretty related
anyway this was mostly prompted by re-reading my own story to try to reactivate the writer juices and remembered I'd put a joke about Michael and Jeremy being drift-compatible in the Cardigan fic and then my brain was like ".....but what if they WERE??"
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djmousewife · 5 months
i love those accent posts like what kind of accent do u have except mine places me like exactly and i would essentially doxx myself if i participated lmfao
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arunneronthird · 1 year
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had a thought today about damian “ swear i will protect u with my life” wayne
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beatriceportinari · 1 year
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Brook trout - Origami, one sheet of paper
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novelconcepts · 2 months
One of the most fundamentally interesting things to me about YJ and writing fic, specifically, is how the blame changes hands depending on the story. On whose perspective you're writing from. On whose story it is at a given moment. The very thing I dislike about viewers missing the point becomes so fascinating to me from within the narrative. Who are these characters when seen through the eyes of their peers?
Who does Jackie become? If you're Shauna, she's the love of your life, and your greatest rival, and the other half of your soul, and the person you blame for your dead dreams. If you're Van, she's the respected captain who earns none of your respect in the woods, the one who left you to die without blinking, the easiest target for teenage malice. If you're Natalie, she's competition for affection, the blabbermouth who can't leave well enough alone, the hands putting themselves to no good use. If you're Jackie? You're just a girl. You're so tired. You're so scared. You're losing face a little more every day, and you're made of despair, and you can't even trust your best friend. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.
Who does Lottie become? If you're Natalie, she's your direct foil, the splinter under the edge of your thumbnail, the smart mouth to match your own, the confusing amalgamation of normal friend and mad ritual. If you're Misty, she's the first shred of obvious power in months, a leader who might need to be nudged back into line, a fascinating exercise in hitching your wagon to the right star early on. If you're Taissa, she's flat-nuts and endlessly frustrating, she's got your girlfriend's full attention, she's incredibly dangerous. If you're Lottie? You're just a girl. You're so tired. You're so scared. You've built a pedestal you can't keep your balance on, and you're not sure if you're right or going crazy, and you didn't want this. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.
From outside the narrative, there is no bad guy. There is no blame. It is no one's fault. It is Man v. Nature, they are doing the best they can with an impossible situation. They're all trying to contribute what they can to the story, for better or worse.
From inside the narrative, you are a teenager trapped in a society constructed entirely of bare-bones-survival with the wildest assortment of girls. From inside the narrative, to stay human, you have to love and fight, respect and judge. Every story changes the game. Every story shifts the blame. A hero in one has the bloodiest hands in the next. And that, to me, is such a thrilling sandbox to play in.
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retellingthehobbit · 9 months
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A quick Bilbo/Thorin drawing
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cult-of-the-eye · 7 months
Here's a thought...what if Martin Kartin Blackwood looked like super fucking scary. What if you go into the institute and you see like a 6"4 huge man bustling around with sparkly nail polish and a pride pin and he's scowling and then he offers you tea and comforts you after you have your statement and you're like oh ok I'm not gonna get beaten up by a massive gay man.
A second thought (I know shocking)...an amiable enough looking Jonathan Sims, you look at him and you sort of think yeah I'd tell that guy one of my deepest secrets, he looks kinda decent and then you sit down in the chair opposite and his features sort of sharpen and stand rigid against his face and his eyes narrow dangerously and it happened so quickly that you cant even imagine how you ever thought you could trust him but the words are flowing out and you can't seem to stop them.
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percicosoftcore · 6 months
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you wouldn’t believe how happy it makes me to think of percy calling mrs. o’leary his and nico’s dog.
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trlvsn · 1 year
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too much "phoenix's long seven years of plotting", not nearly enough "mia's years of research on redd white and years of waiting for dahlia's downfall"
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sonknuxadow · 3 months
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curapicas · 11 days
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I'm positive that Kabru, besides his self-appointed quest, felt personally interested because "he's weird" is the kind of comment he'd feel a certain kinship with
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