#werewolf raven
vmplvr1977 · 6 months
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Chapter 20 is posted!! Read it here.
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goryhorroor · 1 month
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“horror movies were reborn in the 1930s. sound revolutionized cinema across the board and had a huge impact on the horror genre— and not just in the form of dialogue. sound effects added an extra dimension to terror, from creaking doors to echoing footsteps to the rumbling of castle thunder. music cues built suspense or signaled the presence of a threat. as screen storytelling moved away from symbolism towards realism, the dreamlike wraiths of silent cinema were replaced by monsters that grunted, groaned and howled.”
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supersappho · 2 months
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To be able to shift, a witch must be attuned to the beast she's trying to become and that means knowing every nook and cranny of its anatomy. Desdemona is highly familiar with wolves but since she isn't one, there are just somethings that are a little bit off
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gomzdrawfr · 1 month
August Doodle requests for my supporters! :p
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((fyi they also wanted my oc as a cookie! so that's Raven in the middle :3))
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this next one's based on the AU they've been working on, link here!! they draw cool shtuff ;D
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some oc stuff too!
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kofi membership link
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ronkeyroo · 3 months
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🔸Tweaked Raven's ref a bit! (+ Compiled some of her expression sheets) Hoping to get part two done before ArtFight comes; hopefully sooner than later!
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lunegrimm · 1 year
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Werewolf commission for Vorixus on Twitter
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sevenofboop · 1 year
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The Wolf and The Raven
I think this obsession is officially clinical and I might need medical help.
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dailynoodlezz24 · 6 months
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Posting oldies again, just found them in some dusty ol shelf of mine lol
There will be more in a moment
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flowerbetweenfangs · 4 months
Writings/Stories Masterlist!
I didn't realize how many of these there were. So I decided to put them all here. Note: these are stories as opposed to little drabbles/random thoughts. I might have to make a tag for those as well. @-@
Put under a read more because this list got LONG.
(Most Recent first)
Love Bite: M!Zombie/Ghoul/F! Reader. A woman sneaks into a cathedral on zombie feeding night to confront their leader.
Song of Summer: M!Forest God/Spriggan/F! Human. A woman recounts the summer she embraced her sexuality.
Bring the Storm: M!Djinn/F!Reader. A woman comes to a djinn's lair, seeking knowledge.
Lesson In Discipline: M!Werewolf/GN! Reader. A human decides to douse themselves with pheromones to attract the attention of a local werewolf and gets more than they bargained for.
Of A Feather: M! Harpy/F! Human (One Shot)
Breeding Season: M! Minotaur/F! Cowperson/Hautaur (One Shot)
Traditions: M! Minotaur/F! Human Reader (One shot, part of a script series that I am planning on turning into a series of shorts)
Cream Filling: Reverse Harem/F! Human. A series about a woman who takes up a serving job at a demon run cafe. Between her monstrous coworkers and clientele, she may be in over her head...
Marked by the Moon: M! Werewolf/F! Human/Werewolf. A series about a vet who is scratched by a wolf. During the next full moon, she runs wild... But She's not alone.
Lips of an Angel: M! Angel/M! Human. A man goes out to a bar and finds himself in some... Heavenly company.
Holy Light: F! Elemental/GN! Reader. (Series, Currently on Hiatus) A paladin discovers a sapient flame and decides to take them under their wing.
Caged: M! Lionman/GN! Reader (Series, currently on hiatus) A noble finds themselves in possession of an interesting leonine.
In Shadows: GN! Shadow/GN! Reader. (One Shot) a shadow monster saves the reader.
Disguises: M! Kitsune (although kinda GN? They're an old god)/ GN! Reader. Series. on hiatus. The reader accidentally pleases and weds an old god!
Burning Love: M! Demon/F! Reader. Craving a lover, a woman summons a demon to bewitch him... But finds what she craves may be right in front of her...
Seeds of Harvest: Multiple M! / F! Human. (Two parts) A follower of the old gods finds how possessive they can be.
Cuddles and Comfort: M! Werewolf/GN! Reader. One shot/fluff. The reader comforts their werewolf lover on 4th of July.
Sharkmate Ooh-ha-ha! M! Sharkman/F!Human. A "finder" goes on an assignment to retrieve a merchant ship, but a dragon attack strands her on an island.
(Published Works)
Whispers In Dreams: A paranormal horror about a literary teacher who stumbles into the world of yokai. (Book On Amazon.)
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codename-adler · 2 months
no, the Big Three isn’t TRC, AFTG and SOC.
it’s The Raven Cycle, yes
& All for the Game, yes
& the Green Creek Series.
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monstercampus · 8 months
Harpy Professor - First Meeting
(cws: slight alcohol mention, brief lewd references)
wc: 3.5k
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Last night was a mess. Priam had been out all night partying with his friends, while Antón had been rage-cleaning the apartment in a frenzy in order to have everything spotless before the first day of term. The two of them you've gotten used to, of course, but their habits still tick you off when you're not in the mood to deal with them. Priam's drunken stumble back into the dorm at 4 AM didn't help either, as your vampiric roommate got into an argument with him over leaving the living room a mess. Exams have been over for weeks, and yet the two of them still find stupid things to fight about in the heat of the moment.
And you were left to endure it as best you could, your pillow clamped over your ears for half the night and your blanket pulled down over your feet by your shadow friend–who also seemed to be quite frustrated by your other tenants and their noise, trying vainly to block out the light and seal your door in his mist to try and muffle the ruckus. Either way you weren't going to sleep, not well, so now you've stepped into your first class of the new semester with bags under your eyes and half your school supplies forgotten. Just get through it today. Tomorrow will be better.
First on the roster this morning is Monster-Human Relations–a class you knew would be small, but not this small, with barely ten or so seats filled so far in the mid-sized lecture room. There's only about five rows of staggered desks on a slope anyways, with a curved, connected desk to separate the section from the front of the class and the podium. And you're a few minutes early, so you anticipate there'll be more students filing in as they wake up from their respective hangovers or hangovers-by-association, like yourself. Being an advanced class, though, it's not going to be much bigger than this. The only reason you're even taking this class was because the professor made a request for your attendance, and gave you special permissions to attend based on your unique species allocation. And lo and behold, even so, there's a face you recognize right as you walk in the door, his piercing eyes perking up as he lifts his head at the sound of your footsteps. It's Nick. Gods you are glad to see him. He peers at you through a few loose strands of dark hair, and at the sight of you a smile flashes across his face.
"Hey," He brightens up, pulling on the back of the chair beside him to offer you a seat. "Didn't know you were in this class too." He chuckles, though your look of relief doesn't seem to entertain him enough not to notice the weight of weariness you carry in your slumped shoulders. You're quick and eager to drop your bag on the table and slide into the chair, but Nick's worry stops you in your tracks. "What's up, buttercup? You look exhausted. Why aren't you in bed?"
"Roommates kept me up," You sigh, flipping open the lip of your bag to pull out your laptop. "But I'm okay. Can't miss the first class, anyways."
"Of course you can." Nicky's grin returns as you hoped it would, but it's gentler this time. "Besides, Wellwright's a big puffball. You can pretty much do whatever you want in his classes."
"I don't wanna be rude."
"You don't have a rude bone in your body." He's not flippant about it, but he does avert his eyes as he makes his comment–although it could just be because he's scribbling the date and the course number down in his thick notebook. "Wellwright's a super sweet guy, he was my mentor in Commonspeak class. He'll love you."
"You took Commonspeak?"
"Sure did." Those pearly teeth make an appearance as he chuckles, pride swelling his chest. "Barely spoke a word when I got here. Now I'm the most voracious person you probably know."
"Voracious?" You laugh, and he joins you, though as uplifting as it is it doesn't last for very long. You're grateful for it even so, your chuckling devolving as more people filter in and drawing to a close as the door to the classroom nearly slams off the hinges.
One moment of peace turns into chaos like the flip of a light switch, a pair of huge, strong wings entering the room with a scraggly, rough-looking man stumbling in alongside them. A tornado of feathers seems to cascade over the front of the room, flying off and whipping up with the breeze as those enormous wings flap and fold in an attempt to keep their host on his feet. Both you and Nick have to grab hold of your notebook and laptop respectively just so they don't fly off the table.
"My apologies!" He squawks, arms full of books and papers that also seem to be flying everywhere as he makes his way to his desk. You spare a glance over Nick's shoulder as he checks his watch, to which he taps and mouths "late" to you to elicit another giggle.
Raven Wellwright, a harpy of considerable acclaim, is definitely a name you've heard beyond the professor hastily scribbling it up on the whiteboard. Not only is he one of very, very few male harpies known to the world, but he's also very conveniently one of a handful of experts on the field of monster and human cooperation. He's penned a library of papers, articles, and books on the subject, won awards for his aid in developmental projects and awareness campaigns, and he's even been the first monster to be welcomed into a previously human-exclusive collegiate of considerable prestige. He's a rarity in all senses of the word…a rarity that's molting his feathers all over his desk, sweat gathering at his collar as his short waves of strawberry-blond locks falling haphazardly back into place while he shuffles around.
"Right!" He bellows out to the three-quarters-empty classroom, the tak tak of his papers hitting the podium echoing off the walls like glass marbles. "What was I saying?"
"You haven't started yet, professor." Nick calls out, and although it's certainly an awkward air in the room the harpy seems somewhat relieved that he hasn't already forgotten what just came out of his mouth.
"Right, thank you Nicholas. Nicholas!" He suddenly bursts into a frenzy, a smile plastered over his glowing face and his eyes sparkling with grateful familiarity. "Nicholas will be our note-taker this term, as well as your TA! Take a bow, Nick!"
Funny enough, even confident-and-cool Nick boasts a spot of shyness and a dark flush to his ears as he's encouraged to stand, turning around to wave at your fellow students who eye him up with varying degrees of interest, all while Raven claps with an eagerness to him that lasts until your friend reclaims his seat. Whispers dominate the classroom while Raven's head is turned, though it doesn't seem like they're just regarding the scatterbrained professor and his handsome assistant–especially not when he turns back and his square glasses-framed eyes land directly on you.
"Oh," That soft puff of air could just as well be a gunshot with how loud it feels to you, Raven's lithe fingers trembling slightly as he pushes his lenses higher up on his nose. For a split second, even with Nick's comforting words in the back of your brain, a tense knot of worry tightens in your stomach as you wonder whether your presence will be met with disdain.
"H-Hello! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," And yet that concern evaporates the instant he skirts around the podium, features bright and his wings rustling excitedly as he hustles towards your desk and thrusts his hand out to yours. You barely have to hold his at all with how violently nervous his grip is, fingers clamped down so tight you can just barely feel the itch of his filed claws for nails against your skin. "Raven Wellwright, P.H.D! I'd like to welcome you to our university–it is a joy and an honour to have you here!"
With one last tight squeeze of his unusually cool hand, he pats your arm and releases you from that iron grip to scurry back to his podium. As luck would have it, all he's got prepared for today is a review of the syllabus, which soon flies by despite being peppered with occasional comments and brief anecdotes to supplement it, courtesy of a now hyper-focused prof who clearly knows what he's talking about. It's almost a little intimidating to watch him switch so quickly from anxiety to decisiveness, the nervous shakes vanishing as he briefly divulges the core topics of the material you'll be going over. It actually helps to stir you a bit from your exhaustion, though the half-smushed granola bar in the bottom of your bag also helps once he reiterates that eating in his class isn't a faux pas.
"I'm sure you're all readily familiar with the plagiarism policy and academic conduct sections as well, yes? Any questions?"
A revolution of head-nodding round the room seems to suffice, and with a quick glance at the clock by the door Wellwright rolls out his shoulders and drops his papers against the podium with a refreshed sigh.
"Well, that's good enough for me! Take an early lunch and enjoy the rest of your day, we'll start with our introductory lecture next class–oh, and could you two come to my office for a spell?" As he passes by your joint desks he gives them a tap, making eye contact with both you and Nick with a reassuring smile as the rest of the class shuffles their bookbags and lets their chair legs squeak as they get up from their seats. Your heart kicks up with a nervous thump, thump, thump, but whether Nick can smell it or hear it or is completely oblivious to it he pats your thigh under the table and nudges your shoulder playfully.
"No worries. He probably just wants to gush over you." He whispers into your ear, and with a half-smile conjured up from your dwindling pool of strength you gather your things in kind and follow alongside the werewolf as you both make your way to Wellwright's office, the path known well enough to him that he can chat your ear off the whole way there, and still make it in time to watch the professor hustle along down the corridor with his bag in tow as the two of you wait for him to unlock the door.
"Come in, come in! Take a seat–anywhere is fine–and have a snack! I've got tea…uh, somewhere! Just give me a moment.."
It's most certainly more haphazard being around him in the cramped office than it was in the lecture hall–as Wellwright hurries in and you two follow behind, Nick has to bring his hand down firmly on your head for you both to duck, just barely missing the professor's wing as it swings around and nearly collides with both of you. And with the size and strength of those muscles and that coat of healthy tawn-coloured feathers, you don't even wanna know how hard it would hurt to get smacked with one of those things.
But, oblivious to your plight, the avian totters around his office chirping up a storm while the werewolf at your side leads you–with your heads appropriately bowed under his wing line this time–to take your seats in the two plush chairs across from his spacious corner desk. Raven busies himself by the window with what looks to be a teapot on a portable burner for a minute or two, before the spout starts to whistle a familiar tune and he expertly tips it out to pour three steaming cups of fresh tea. Ginger-flavoured by the smell of it, the scent pervading your nostrils in an oddly relaxing way as he lays out each cup in front of all three of you. Curious, you watch as he takes his own seat, and notice that the arms of his chair dip towards the back for each wing to settle comfortably in the empty slots. Monster creativity truly knows no bounds, no matter how benign the design.
"-Anyways, that's quite enough about me! I'd like to know more about you." His bangs flutter over each brow as he turns to meet your eyes, not an ounce of enthusiasm missing from his gaze as he takes a sip from his cup–and proceeds to splutter and cough with a napkin pulled up to cover his mouth, mumbling in a half-lisp about burning his tongue. When you follow his lead with a giggle you make sure to at least blow on yours, and it's actually rather sweet despite the strength of the ginger threatening to overwhelm you. "I–we–are well and truly excited to have you here! I can't tell you how integral your presence will be in the pursuit of monster-human cooperation–you are sincerely a gift to this establishment, and I cannot thank you enough for taking the plunge and attending despite the odd circumstances."
Somehow–perhaps it's an effect of the tea–the mouthful of praises the professor drops are free from his usual stutters and vocal stumbling, as if the topic of you is yet another subject he can't help but be eloquently passionate about. You, on the other hand? You're not even sure what to say to that...such high praise feels uncalled for, not that it's unpleasant in nature, but that it should be reserved for someone that's actually done something to deserve it. All you really did was go with the flow and refrain from kicking up a fuss.
"I, uh…th-thank you, professor, but I really didn't do much…" You shrug shyly, suddenly wishing you could disappear from the awkwardness and hide inside Nick's jacket for comfort. But the silent moment passes not in a hollow, nerve-wracking way, because it's filled by Raven's easy smile growing into something a little more intimate, his feathers settling to lay flat as he reaches over the desk and gently clasps both hands over yours.
"You took a risk, my dear. Unsure of what lies on the horizon, you chose a path seldom travelled yet long overdue for progress. That in itself is worth a world of praise."
You knew he could be eloquent, but that…that was poetry. And could that warmth tipping his pointed ears be a blush, coincidental with how his fingers retract from touching you? Worried his touches may come off as something more the longer they linger? Or are you simply reading into things?
"Maybe I should go," Nick teases, and that thankfully eases the tension enough for you to snap back into the reality at hand–and for Raven's feathers to ruffle in embarrassment as he leans away from you just to bump his head painfully on his overhanging lamp.
"Sweet Chaos–ah, I'm fine, I'm fine!" He waves away your worry while Nick erupts into a cheeky laugh beside you, the professor's unyielding clumsiness proving too much for him to keep it all sealed in. Especially hearing a string of curses fly from such a sweet, kind-hearted man's mouth, who wouldn't hurt a beetle even if it bit him. "Before I injure myself further, perhaps I should just get to the point." He sighs with a palm pressed to the back of his head, rubbing the soreness off the fortunately very minor bump there.
"It's the MHC thing, right?" Nick pipes up, sobered from the giggle fit but still grinning from ear to ear.
"Just so." Raven nods, those cotton candy-pink eyes shifting back to you. "My dear, I have a favour to ask of you. Would you consider being a human ambassador on my behalf?"
"...Ambassador? As in..?"
"Oh, i-it's nothing too taxing! Allow me to explain: being an ambassador simply means you would be willing to speak as an individual of your species for MHC conferences. It would really just involve me calling on your opinion and presenting it to the Monster-Human Commission–most of it will just be in writing, no more than a sentence or few."
"You mean 'sentence or two', professor." Nick cuts in, leaning back in his chair like he owns the place. If you weren't mistaken, you could swear there's a glint of something fierce in the harpy's eyes as his gaze flits over to his protégé–but it's there and gone in a moment, and you try not to let the thought linger for fear of how it might make you wonder.
"Goodness! Surpassing your mentor already, eh? Maybe you should be the one teaching commonspeak, Mr. Wolf." He soon returns to the comfort of your gaze on him. "By no means is it a necessity, but it would be of brilliant use to my colleagues in the commission. Take some time to think about it, okay? There's no rush. You can start and stop whenever you please."
"I, uh…yes, thank you, professor. I'll give it some thought." Wellwright nods with a happy grin, and allows you to finish the rest of your tea with a few occasional spurts of scatterbrained conversation peppered in between. He's so courteous and well-spoken, gentle and kind…there's no wonder you've heard giggling from the harpy girls on campus when he's brought up, his dreaminess a total diamond in the rough for any self-respecting monster. An absolute gem. A-
"Hey, professor, I can't quite remember–are we reviewing interbreeding this term?"
As if burning his tongue and bumping his head wasn't enough, Wellwright balks at Nick's unforeseen question and nearly chokes on the dregs of his tea, the liquid splattering his chin with a cough that he's quick to wipe with the back of his hand. If it crossed your mind in time, and if you weren't so tired, you'd have half a mind to give Nick a pinch under the desk for torturing the poor man.
"C-Cross-species mating? Uh, ye…yes, we are.."
"Mmh. Gotcha. We've got a human this year, so maybe we can do our independent study on it? That'd be pretty helpful for your research, huh?"
What hits you right away is that he doesn't say no. Not that it's not his first reaction, but that the word doesn't even cross his lips. The slightest twinge of his brow has the harpy narrowing his eyes at the werewolf, and for a brief spell you think the professor might be humouring the exact same reaction as you were.
"Th-That would depend on the human's decision, Nick–and that is certainly not the full extent of my research, I might add!"
"Y-You, um…you study interbreeding, Dr. Wellwright?"
Your query flits out like the most timid of butterflies, curious and interested in equal measure. It must be so easy for both of them to pick up, but you can't really help it–the idea of such a sweet professor pursuing such a lewd scholarly topic is…fascinating, to say the least.
"He does. In great detail." Nick leans over to whisper into your ear, and the air in the room seems to change as Raven squirms anxiously in his seat.
"I-It's a necessary component of my research…" He mumbles, suddenly unable to meet your eyes as the heat in his face stretches to reach the tips of his pointed ears.
"So necessary." Nick adds with a shit-eating grin.
"Nicholas!” Raven finally huffs, brow furrowed and eyes dimmed of their sparkle. Oh, now he's mad. And yet, with a glance over at your companion, Nick couldn't look more enthused about the prospect. They certainly seem to be on familiar terms with how much teasing your friend knows he can get away with. Ripples start to part Wellwright's feathers like shudders, and almost under his breath, he quietly asks if you would give him a moment with his T.A–and you have never been more quick to oblige, setting down your teacup at an earnest pace before your bag is slung over your shoulder and you're soon closing the office door firmly behind you. The click of the lock echoes in the otherwise empty corridor, and though you'd like to wait for Nick out of courtesy, the hushed whispering that ensues followed by the flap of your professor's wings clues you in that perhaps it would be better to give them some…privacy.
Although, at the very least your phone buzzes before you've even left the wing, a glance down at the messages revealing that Nick's gonna be tied up for awhile, but he's alright. His words echo in your head, “Wellwright's just a big puffball”, and it loosens a pleasant sigh from your throat as you let your shoulders relax. The last thing you want is to get anyone in trouble, which you seem to do quite easily by your very nature of being human.
This class may end up being a different story though, if your professor's…enthusiasm towards the human race is anything to go by.
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goldenwolfen · 7 months
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Introducing my latest original art, "Messenger", a mixed media of watercolor, colored pencils, and white ink on 9 X 12 smooth Bristol paper.
I absolutely love the process of using these mediums together, and it was a joy to share that with my Patrons. This is what I love, the work of it. The end result is great, but it is in the work itself that I find my soul.
Original is SOLD.
Prints are available in my store!
Wall tapestries are available as well.
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Modern Media: Werewolves are alpha chad dudes who play sports disrespect women and are incredibly sexually aggressive.
Me: Werewolves live in complicated multi-generational family groups usually governed by the oldest members. There’s a powerful sense of community and everyone is provided with a support system to accommodate their personal needs. Inter-pack relationships are also complicated since werewolves are long lived and tend to hold grudges, but are united by a joint purpose in surviving in a human world. Raising children is also a communal effort and packs will generally jump at the chance to adopt orphaned werewolves. Werewolves also have a long-standing symbiotic relationship with wereravens, just like regular wolves and ravens do.
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vmplvr1977 · 24 days
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Chapter 26 of Whims/Winds of Fate/ Destiny is posted!!!
Most couples have a quaint tale of how their relationship began. A meet-cute, of sorts, where two people destined to be together, whether as friends or lovers, share a random moment that changes everything. Usually, it is bumping into a stranger and spilling a drink all over their new shirt. Or two people who pass each other only moments apart at the same coffee shop for years before fate finally intervenes.
Clarke's first meeting with Lexa was nothing like the movies. Nor was it a tale to share with friends and family without extensive revisions. Still, it was clear that destiny had brought them together.
A serial killer is on the loose, and the bodies left behind suggest a vampire is the culprit. Hoping to avoid a war with Heda's vampires, Abby sends Clarke to investigate, resulting in a fateful meeting. Following their steamy introduction, Clarke can't get the Vampire Queen out of her mind. Once known for being a player, the alpha ignores all potential paramours, hoping to win Heda's heart as fate forces them together to hunt a murderer.
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palilious · 10 months
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[dnd oc] Yllfira managed to tame a raven in our last session
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ronkeyroo · 1 year
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ᴄʜᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴘɪᴛᴇ ❌ RED VOX
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