#wesker is cat man
weskie · 5 months
Wesker when his partner insists on raising and keeping an abandoned baby kitten:
not at all inspired by the one i got to baby(cat?)sit 🥺🥺 Fic Directory
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He finds the creature repugnant. This is, after all, nature running its course. The mother cat must have abandoned it for a reason.
"Your attempts to nurture it are in vain. The odds of one so young making it are slim." He tells you this several times.
Your persistence amuses him even though the disruptions to care for it become a nuisance.
One day, you convince him to hold it. His hand is far larger than the kitten's body and it has ample room to squirm about, mewing pathetically.
The creature is merely a week old- if that.
On the outside, he is cool and composed- borderline uninterested. On the inside? Maybe it is a tad... endearing.
As the kitten grows, so does its affinity for Wesker.
It loves to pounce his boot and climb up his legs. You always find it so incredibly precious even if he merely removes it and drops it in your lap without a word.
Wesker is the textbook definition of "didn't want the cat but would destroy someone for even looking at it wrong."
You're almost jealous of how much it likes him, though you can't deny the sight of your little fuzzy friend curled up on Albert's lap, purring contently, warms your heart.
You have to hold back your giggles when the highest quality cat trees, toys, treats, and food begin appearing in your home.
He would absolutely never admit it, but Wesker genuinely grows to love the cat.
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soupykappa · 1 year
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Bro needed the win
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Hi, I just wanna share that I ship Ashley and Leon since the original RE, and I ship them even more now more than ever. I just wanted to say that I’m glad that I saw your blog. You defend them from hate comments. I could never do that. All I do is hide the fact that I ship them because people online (and IRL) can really be mean when I say that they have a good potential together.
I just think that their relationship can be wholesome and built on trust. It is without ill intention and born out of care & adoration. Which I think are the some of the foundations of having a healthy relationship, that’s why I love the idea of them together. I know this may be cliche to say this, but I think they can complete each other in some ways.
Is it wrong to want a potentially healthy relationship for Leon? I don’t get why people hate on the idea of it so much. I mean people can not ship it, and that’s fine. I just don’t get it when others start attacking because I mention that I ship them. It’s like I feel like I’m about to get executed whenever I say that they have a chemistry together 😆
Also, I apologize for talking so much about them. I just have no one to talk to when it comes to them. I just wanna share it to someone.
Lastly, I wanna say that you make deep analysis on not just their relationship and dynamics, but also on other lores on the RE franchise which I enjoy reading. It really gives a lot of new perspectives & insights on a lot of things that I don’t notice when I play the game. Thank you for this, really!
aw, anon
I also went through a period of very many years where I wouldn't say out loud that I shipped Leon and Ashley, because there was a stretch of a very long time in fandom where you got tarred and feathered if you dared have a Leon ship that wasn't Cleon or Aeon. Even shipping him with Chris was considered taboo back in the day (and, wouldn't you know, I do that, too).
And I was scared that people wouldn't take my (completely unrelated, mind you!!) meta seriously if they knew I shipped Leon/Ashley, so I just kept quiet about it. I even tried to pass it off, for a while, that I had no RE ships at all. It was just easier to say that than be dodgy about it.
It was actually kind of funny. For a while, a not-insignificant portion of the fandom went to me, specifically, for all of their Leon things, and I just had to kind of laugh at how ridiculous it was that these same people would've just stopped agreeing with anything I said about him -- things that they agreed with and had been relying on for their own interpretations -- if they'd known I shipped him with Ashley. It's all very, very stupid.
But now I'm in my 30s and I don't give a fucking shit anymore. I don't care about being an authority on canon anymore. I'm happy to be a reference if someone needs it, but I don't care about being the central hub of information. I don't need to try to make people feel impartially about me anymore.
But, authority or not, I'm still a story analyst at heart before anything else. I look at Leon's character first and then think about any possible ships second. And, yeah. After analyzing him for so long, I've noticed that Ashley brings out a side of him that isn't shown at any other point -- and it's in a positive way that's absent when she's gone. So, naturally and logically, in my head, it stands to reason that there's something to that.
Some people seem to be under the impression that Leon's character arc lives and dies by Ada's involvement, and boy is that just not the case. There's a lot of different moving parts when it comes to Leon's character arc, but he's primarily defined by the striking lack of agency he has, despite being one of the main characters of the series. Ada perpetuates and exacerbates that helplessness, but it would still exist without her. In Leon's own words: "nothing ever changes" and THAT is what's at the center of his character arc.
But even beyond that, Leon is a character who needs to be needed; it's something that's shown over and over and over and over again. So, as much as people like the idea of a "partners" type ship (like Chris/Jill) and so they ship him with Claire -- or as much as people like the whole cat-and-mouse will-they-won't-they thing that Leon has going on with Ada -- neither Claire nor Ada need Leon, so it would never really work in the long-term.
And as much as Leon doesn't want Ashley to need him... he still needs her to. Because he doesn't realize that Ashley can both need him emotionally because that's what romance is you fucking stupid idiot, Leon -- and also be her own independent person living her life to the fullest at the same time.
And you know what? I like queen/knight ships, and that's exactly what Leon and Ashley are. So I just embrace it.
This isn't to discount other people's tastes or ship preferences. Ship whatever the hell yall want. But Leon/Ashley has always existed, will always exist, and it's just as valid as any other ship. Thankfully, the remake seems to have made it more "acceptable" -- which really just tells me that the only reason why we Leon/Ashley folks were blacklisted for so long is because the vast majority of the fandom was just bad at RE4 and took out their impotent gamer rage on Ashley, as though it was her fault they sucked at the game. (If you got annoyed at Ashley screaming for help in OG -- or in remake, even -- it's because you let her get grabbed. It's player error.)
Just sayin.
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auspiciouscat · 2 years
I'm convinced the reason why Wesker sounds so posh in the later games is all part of his mid-life crisis
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yawnderu · 9 months
>bimbo!reader falls in love with a new cat.
“Y'already have Ms. Whiskers, baby. Can't have another one.” Simon insists gently, trying his best to keep you from trying to adopt the giant Maine Coon that you somehow found.
“Look at him, Si! He's begging to be adopted.” The cat looks more like a grown man than a feline— he secretly bets it has a very deep meow.
“He's gonna eat Whiskers.” He insists, earning a small smack on the arm at the suggestion. Sure, Ms. Whiskers is a tiny birman, but this cat would definitely not eat her. He's cuddling up to you, and Simon can swear that the bastard is somehow being smug about it.
“Albert Whiskers.” You look down at the cat, petting his long, blond fur as he clings to you like a lifeline, sweet meows and purrs leaving his body.
“... as in Albert Wesker?” He's seen the Resident Evil movies about 20 times with you, listening to your rants about them and seeing you fawn over how cool the characters are.
“Mhm.” You only look at Simon when you try to plant a kiss on the cat's head and he prevents it, making you kiss his palm instead.
“Let's bathe the thing first.” He says with a small sigh, already accepting the new family member. He can't say no to you, but he at least was able to resist for a hot minute... that's a new record.
Bimbo!Reader Masterlist
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bitbugbites-re · 1 year
𝙻𝚊𝚙 𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 | 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰
Headcanons on how different RE men would give you their lap as a pillow (and vice versa!)
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characters: Albert Wesker, Carlos Oliveira, Chris Redfield, Ethan Winters, Leon S. Kennedy
gender: gn! reader
cw: FLUFF, (slight) NSFW // lap pillow // ktober
a/n: there are THREE vers. of leon in this post because they give that boy WAY too many damn personalities (re3r, re4r, re6)
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𝕬𝖑𝖇𝖊𝖗𝖙 𝖂𝖊𝖘𝖐𝖊𝖗 (any rendition)
Giving you his lap:
Doesn't typically invite you to lay on his lap, you usually are the one to just wiggle your way onto him
Once he picks up on you liking it though, he'd probably offer when you were sad or upset about something
The dude has got rock-hard thighs because of his genetic mutations
It starts to get uncomfy pretty quick, so you gotta grab a pillow for yourself to place under your head (never back down, never WHAT?!)
Sometimes he grabs the pillow for you absent-mindedly because he knows you're gonna ask/get up for it
Usually never leads to anything nsfw, especially so if he's working while you're on his lap
I really only ever see it leading to nsfw stuff in the event that you approach him with the intention of seducing him (in which case it'll be you servicing him -- only sometimes it'll lead to full-on sex, as long as you're forward about wanting it)
Using your lap:
He doesn't automatically lay on your lap -- you're the one who offers it to him and he usually turns it down
It's not that he doesn't like it, he just isn't someone who is too big on physical touch
he also feels embarrassed laying in such a position
When he does lay on your lap, it's usually because you put him there against his will (typically when he's sad)
he secretly likes it
You like to stare into his eyes since they're such a unique color. he claims to hate it (he doesn't, he's just prideful and won't admit he likes cheesy lovey-dovey things)
Gets mad at you if you mess up his hair (doesn't physically stop you though, just grumbles and complains about it half-heartedly)
Can't fall asleep no matter how comfortable your legs are. he's just very particular in the way he falls asleep (and everything else, too)
If he doesn't have anything else to do, he'll usually just lay there and wait for you to fall asleep. If you do, he'll get up and carry you to the bedroom, covering you up before going back to work
Doesn't usually lead to anything nsfw in this scenario either
You gotta lay it on thick if you want him. he's a smart man and he can pick up on social cues -- he just isn't the type to have a high enough sex drive that causes him to jump at every opportunity available
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𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖔𝖘 𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖎𝖗𝖆 (re3r)
Giving you his lap:
Will both offer and/or just randomly place you on his lap 24/7
If you get on his lap first without him saying anything, he gets really excited. The "my-cat-fell-asleep-on-me" kind of excited
He's got substantially thick legs. Can be pretty comfortable to lay on when his legs are relaxed -- although sometimes he tenses his legs unconsciously and you have to ask him to unflex them
Has a little bit of trouble staying still for a prolonged period of time. He'll start out pretty still, but if you're having a conversation or he gets too into it, he'll make a lot of movements with his arms and/or upper body
Constantly in awe of you. Trying to look at your face, trying to pet your hair or rub your legs, etc. Just can't get enough of you.
He likes talking to you as you lay on him, too. Not very silent unless you fall asleep on him, in which case, he often glances down to look at your face. Will take pictures of you if you're okay with it, too.
Leads to nsfw things pretty often. In this scenario, you're the one to initiate it most of the time since you're the one by his package
Gets an almost immediate boner every time. Dude's got a high sex-drive and it doesn't take much from you to work him up
If you do end up playing with him in some way, he'll either want to pay you back or have full-on sex
Using your lap:
Literally just throws himself down on you. Most of the time you don't even have to ask if he wants to use your lap. He just does
Makes you pet his hair. Rub his facial scruff. Touch his arms. Dude is needy af
If you're eating something while he's on your lap, he'll just let you feed him. Seriously, you just stick stuff in his mouth and he eats it without saying anything
If your legs start to fall asleep and you ask him to get off, he'll just swap positions with you and put you on his lap instead
Will make you take selfies together while he's on your lap. Then proceeds to send them to his friends (usually Tyrell) as a way to brag about how he has a cool partner
Falls asleep on you really easily and snores loud as FUCK
Will start to get extra touchy if he wants to initiate sex. He'll reach up and cup your face, wrap his arms around your midriff and snuggle his head into you, etc.
Starts by giving you oral and it's usually the gentle, slow, loving kind.
If it leads to normal sex, it's probably going to take place on the same surface where he was lying on your lap (i.e. -- couch, bed, floor, etc.)
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𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘 𝕽𝖊𝖉𝖋𝖎𝖊𝖑𝖉 (re: death island)
Giving you his lap:
Occasionally offers his lap to you. Doesn't do it too much because he's not always thinking about it
Most of the time his offers are either because you're sad or because you're watching something together
His thighs are a mix between hard and soft. He's pretty muscular, so at first you'd be expecting more of a solid feeling, but it's not as bad as you'd have guessed. It's a just-right type of deal. (could be due to the fact that he's getting older...)
Isn't super touchy. He'll rest his arm along your body, maybe, but other than that he doesn't do anything too extra. The two of you kinda just enjoy the idle comfort from one another
Very chill kind of lover. Wouldn't get mad if you started getting a bit squirmy or tried readjusting your head's position every 3 seconds
If you have a bowl of popcorn, he's reaching in a grabbing handfuls for himself -- doesn't notice he's eating most of your snack either. (he'll apologize and get up to make another bowl for the both of you, though. And then he'll eat most of that, too)
I don't see him initiating anything out of the blue, or even if he's turned on in this scenario. I do think though that if he got a boner, he'd kinda just awkwardly wait for it to go down. In that case, you'd be the initiator, offering to help him out
Would be fine stopping after reaching his orgasm. Might offer to play with you using his hands. He'd be open to sex if you suggested it.
Using your lap:
Never lays in your lap on his own. Often turns you down when you offer him to lay in your lap
I feel like he likes being in more dominant positions, if that makes sense? He likes being the big-spoon, while you're the little spoon
In the rare occurrence that you do get him on your lap, it's just kinda awkward. He just lies there with his arms crossed
Tries to get comfortable, but can't. He's a big guy, so it's a little tricky for him
Tries his best to stay on your lap if that's what you want, but eventually gives up. Offers for you to either lay on his lap or lay against his chest instead
Not much, if any nsfw things result from this scenario
Maybe if you started running your hands along his arms or touching on his chest, something would happen. He'd probably make a flirty joke about you feeling him up, and then things would go on from there
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𝕰𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖂𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 (re7, re8)
Giving you his lap:
Offers his lap whenever he's trying to be romantic or considerate of you. Really only offers because he thinks you like it
Not to say that he doesn't like it -- he'll take any kind of touch from you -- he just doesn't have any kind of preference. Touch is touch
He's got soft thighs. He's not built, but he's not in bad shape either -- he's got a very average build, so his legs are pretty comfortable to lay on.
A lot of the time, he plans to ask you if you want to lay on his lap beforehand. He'll make snacks and lay them out on the coffee table, or he'll light some candles in the bedroom -- it all feels very loving and soft
He likes to place his arm under yours and hold your hand while you watch something. He does the circular thumb movement, too
If you have a baby together, and it starts to cry, he'll grab a pillow and put it down under your head before going to check on the child
Honestly, you're the one jumping him most of the time, and it's not because he doesn't take initiative -- it's because the way he cares for you turns you on
Usually starts once you lean up to kiss him...and keep kissing him
If you're in the living room, he takes you to the bedroom to have sex. It's the kind that's very gentle, slow, and passionate
He gives great aftercare, too. Cleans you both up, and carries you to the shower if you want to take one
Using your lap:
He'll lay in your lap if you suggest it to him, although he doesn't do it on his own very much.
Thinks it's cute when you ask him, and he cracks jokes as he goes to lie down
Makes sure to be very still. Tries not to readjust his head too much, thinking he might annoy you with it
Usually keeps his arms crossed when his head's on your lap. Again, tries not to move too frequently
If you have a kid, they'll try to take your other leg, and Ethan thinks it's funny that you've got two people on your lap
Your kid will request that you pet their head, and Ethan will follow along teasingly. You end up running your hands through both of their hair
If he starts rubbing your knee or the area above it, you know he's trying to start something up
You often say something along the lines of, "I know what you're trying to do," and he laughs and admits it
He'll lean up and kiss you, and then the two of you will take things to the bedroom. Again, you have very gentle, slow sex -- plus good aftercare
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𝕷𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝕾. 𝕶𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖉𝖞 (re2r)
Giving you his lap:
Will offer you his lap sometimes -- he can be a little absent-minded, so it's pretty much an occasional thing unless he notices you frequently putting yourself in his lap
He's a little shy about you laying on his legs, but he likes it a lot
He's got really comfortable thighs to lay on. They've got a slight bit of muscle to them, but not too much
He's a little awkward when it comes to knowing what to do with his hands. He'll pet your head, but he does so with a strange rhythm -- or accidentally yank a little bit of your hair. He then apologizes profusely and pulls his hand away. If you want him to keep touching you in some way, you have to guide his arm/hand down and place it where you want it
The first few times you lay on his lap, he's pretty stiff. As your relationship continues, however, he gets used to it
Will quietly fall asleep after a while and you won't even know it until you try saying something, noticing that he isn't responding
Occasionally mumbles stupid stuff in his sleep. Sometimes you can hold a conversation with him and he won't even remember it
You're the one who initiates it most of the time. He'll get a boner and you'll tease him -- he'll flirtatiously tease back, and you'll end up servicing him where you're sitting
If you're in the living room he worries about staining the couch, but will let you continue if you tell him to not worry about it
Passionate, fairly vanilla sex. He doesn't really like being too rough with you because he worries he might be hurting you
Decent aftercare -- he cleans you up first, and once you're both cleaned up, he asks if you want to go back to lying on his lap
Using your lap:
Only occasionally he will put himself on your lap of his own volition. Usually, you're the one to ask him if he wants to use your legs as a pillow, and agree
Very rarely turns you down, if at all. It makes him really happy when you offer your lap up to him
Tells you almost every time how comfortable your thighs feel.
He likes it a lot when you touch him. Leon likes you petting his hair, rubbing his arm, but his favorite out of every option is when you take his hand and hold it. It feels like a very tender moment to him
Likes to talk to you while he's on you. Whether it be about the show you're watching, his day, your day -- he's talking
Sometimes he will spell things out on your leg using his finger and make you guess what it says. It's usually something random like "cactus," or "pizza"
The two of you will tease and flirt with one another, and that's what leads to things heating up. He'll sit up and start to kiss you, and that's typically the cue that the two of you will be having sex
Sometimes he starts with oral in this kind of scenario, sometimes it just leads straight to a little bit of foreplay then sex
Again, very vanilla, but loving and caring sex. He gives good aftercare here, too
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𝕷𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝕾. 𝕶𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖉𝖞 (re4r)
Giving you his lap:
Knows when you could use his lap, and offers it accordingly. He has a good sense of what you need, and when -- even when you're not upset
Feels very comforted when you accept, and likes the feeling of your weight on him
He has really nice legs, and they're fairly soft. They aren't as cushiony as when he was younger (re2r), but still comfortable to lie on
No longer awkward with his hands, knows exactly what to do with them. He's got very smooth, rhythmic movements as well
Doesn't fall asleep with you in his lap as much as he used to, but it'll happen occasionally. He tries his best to stay awake, wanting to spend time with you -- even though it's hard for him because he doesn't get as much sleep anymore and he gets really relaxed with you around him
If you feel him up, he'll laugh and tease you about it. He thinks it's funny when you poke into the fatty-muscled part of his arms and legs
Using him as a lap pillow leads to nsfw things quite a lot. Sometimes it's started by you touching him up, sometimes it's started by back-and-forth teasing, sometimes it's started by him asking for a kiss
The sex has gotten a little less vanilla over time -- nothing too crazy, but the two of you have definitely explored many more positions, kinks, etc. as time went on
He's got a routine down for aftercare as well -- the two of you know what the other likes, meaning that you're both left feeling pretty satisfied after the deed is done
Using your lap:
Doesn't really put himself on your lap randomly anymore. Over time, he's realized he prefers having you on his legs instead -- but he's not against laying on your thighs
If he does put himself on you, it's usually for good-times sake
He still compliments you on how soft your legs are
Leon falls asleep much more on your lap than when you're on his. Sometimes it knocks him out right away -- he just can't help it
Loves when you move his bangs out of his eyes, especially if the two of you are watching something
He now automatically takes your hand in his, holding it. He doesn't let it go, either, even if he falls asleep in your lap. There's no getting it back until the two of you separate
Doesn't make conversation as much as he used too -- as he got more comfortable over time, he didn't always feel the need to fill in the silent gaps. He does make quite a few quippy one-liners if you're watching something, though
Leon still plays the word-drawing game with his finger on your body, except now he chooses harder words like "potassium," or "armadillo" (though, sometimes, he misspells them and the two of you laugh about it)
His new cue for initiating sex is by squeezing and playing with your leg -- although flirting and teasing still leads to sex between the two of you a lot, also.
The sex ranges from slow and gentle, to fast and passionate. It just depends on what kind of mood the two of you are in
Again, the two of you have a pretty good aftercare routine going, and you're usually very cuddly with one another once you've both finished
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𝕷𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝕾. 𝕶𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖉𝖞 (re6)
Giving you his lap:
Even years later, he's still really good at predicting when you want to use his lap. He offers it at all the right times
Thinks it's cute that the two of you have this years-long tradition going on. He jokes that someday, you'll be in the retirement home together trying to get onto his lap haphazardly
His legs got a lot more hard as time went on. You joke around, telling him that he's hard as a brick now -- but you secretly still enjoy resting on his lap as much as you used to when his thighs were softer
Falls asleep a lot like he did in the beginning -- he's getting old and more tired as time goes on. However, he is good at staying awake if the two of you are watching something
If you like to watch reality TV, he shits all over it/the people in it (He secretly likes it though; his favorite is The Bachelor)
You've started joking around with him, telling him to take his shirt off when you're in his lap -- you tell him that you don't know how many years left you'll have to look at his abs, and that you need to enjoy them thoroughly before they're gone (he only laughs and tells you he'll have them forever, 'till the day he dies)
Still leads to nsfw things, although not as much as when the two of you were younger
You're not as wild, doing crazy positions -- but you do try different, smaller things to spice it up in the bedroom occasionally
Aftercare is still the same, although sometimes you're the one cleaning him up now -- for some reason, despite his job, sex seems to take the life out of him
Using your lap:
Started putting his head back onto your lap more. He does it in a joking manner, but it became special to him overtime due to your guys' history of doing it
If you have a kid, and they like putting their head on your lap, he uses them as an excuse. He'll make some silly joke, telling you that he needs attention, too
Instead of complimenting your legs, he now presses kisses to them randomly. He knows that over time you became a little more conscious of your body, so he started doing this to ensure you he still thinks you're beautiful
Both him and your kid will fall asleep on your lap. Sometimes one of them will snore really loud and wake the other up --you try to stifle a laugh every time it happens
Lets you or your kid tie his bangs up so that he can see the TV without them getting in his eyes. He thinks it's funny
Still makes you put your arm around him, holding onto his hand. Over time, he's started kissing it every once in a while, as well. He's very affectionate with you
The finger word-drawing game has reached a new height. He has started googling impossibly long and difficult words. You can't even beat him anymore -- and you can never tell if he's actually spelling the words right
Leon still squeezes your leg to signal that he wants you -- although he's a little less playful with it, as he's conscious that you're a little more sensitive about your body nowadays
Again, pretty normal sex-life for your ages -- if not a little more frequent than others like your peers
Your aftercare is still the same as well. You and Leon have no complaints, and the two of you will likely continue your routine until you can't anymore
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For the official and original Kinktober 23 prompts, check here. Credits to @kinktober2023 for the ideas!
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nekrosdolly · 8 months
feline delight (18+)
albert finds you on the streets. too cute to pass up, he takes you home against your will.
a/n; sorry this took so long! hope it was worth the wait :D
cw; half-alive dove maybe eat, cat hybrid!reader, afab!reader, owner!wesker, kidnapping, captivity, stockholm syndrome, drugging, dubcon/noncon, body betrayal, leashing + collaring, reader doesn't wear underwear, manhandling, breeding kink, wesker likes seeing you in pain sorry, no prep (please prep irl), unsafe sex (p in v, clitoral stimulation, creampie, implied multiple rounds)
tags; @4inchfae @thatgirlgames @whiskers-my-beloved @icecream596
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albert never had a penchant for pets, let alone a hybrid like yourself. bringing you in may have been the best thing he'd done in years. you needed a home desperately, regardless of how much you scratched and clawed at him when he'd carried you off to his research facility without so much as an introduction. you hear him rustle around in his pockets with one hand and then, the uncapping of something. before you can look at what it is, a fine needle pierces right into the muscle of your neck. your vision fades within seconds, and you stop scratching.
you didn't know what to expect, but waking up in a cage clean and clothed hadn't been on your list. you thought you'd surely be dead. but, there you were, with a black long sleeve shirt and skirt, thigh-highs adorning the better half of your legs, and a black leather collar around your neck. looking around, a small bell attached to your collar rings. not moments later, you hear footsteps. you look up at the man who has taken you in- tall, blonde, and very intimidating.
albert crouches before the kennel you're cowering in and looks you over as if he didn't get a good enough look when he bathed you. you hiss quietly and shrink into one of the corners furthest from him, cool metal digging into your back with each attempt to get further away.
behind his shades, his hazel eyes thoroughly examine you. the fear you give off is aromatic with a faintly sweet undertone of something more. gratefulness, perhaps. he did bathe you, clothe you, and put you in a very nice kennel of your own. your collar is a perfect fit, no less, and even though you didn't ask for any of this, it's more than you know what to do with. you've no bruises, no gashes, no injuries. how strange.
he's pondering what to say to get you to calm down. to trust him a little. maybe come out of the kennel, but that would be for later.
"hello." he places a gloved hand on the kennel's top rather carefully, so as not to startle you, and leans in just a bit. his voice is nicer than you would think. a bit nasally, sure, and the accent is cheesy, but he could read you the yellow pages and you wouldn't mind.
"…" your silence makes his jaw clench by a fraction. he'll have to fix that. for now, he'll ease you into things.
"what's your name, little one?"
"haven't got one." you rasp, pulling your knees to your chest and resting your chin atop them. ears flat against your head, your tail swishing- cautious and afraid, you are, and well within your rights to be.
he nods.
"we'll have to fix that, won't we?" he forces a little smile on his lips when you nod. you're not sure why you do when, two seconds ago, you'd have run off if the kennel door was opened. he's smart, he's thought this through. you're not leaving the kennel until you trust him, unbeknownst to you. your tail is ramrod stiff on the cushioned floor of your captivity, and at least he was kind enough to furnish it for you.
it's hard to trust him even though you know it would be smart to pretend.
he only lets you out to feed you, and from the start, he'd made it clear that if you tried to run, you'd be dead. at the same time, twice a day, he opens the cage for you to crawl out of. he extends his hand to you, looping his gloved fingers around your collar and guiding you to sit by his feet. he links a leather leash through the d-ring attached to your collar and walks you through his home, the environment sterile and hardly lived in.
it's when he puts you in his lap at the dining table and force feeds you that he fills the tense silence. the food itself is good, and you wonder if under different circumstances, you'd want him to be your owner. as you eat, he talks. you are, to some extent, grateful that he feeds you, even if he is only doing the bare minimum.
"have you been good, dear?" he asks, and you nod as per usual. it's rare that you decide to talk.
"good girl." he scratches the spot behind your ear, forcing you to lean into his hand and purr. he chuckles quietly. as he pets you, his stress melts away. you're so cute. a meek, naive little thing that he loves taking care of.
as dinner finishes, he picks you up and keeps you in his arms as he cleans up. you're silent, sedated by the drug he's put in your food, and you're bodering on falling asleep in his arms. a swell of pride of warms his chest as a little snore escapes you, followed by your tail wrapping around his arm.
day by day, bit by bit, you miss him. he keeps you company when he's not at "work" or whatever that is, he talks to you, he pets you the way you like, and it's nice when you forget about how you got here. the only thing you've come to dislike is the lack of underwear. it's not that he can't afford some, it's that he enjoys your discomfort to a worrisome degree. he likes its easy access, even if he hasn't taken advantage of it (or you) yet.
he comes around and you find yourself less defensive, thanks to your breeding cycle. you press your face against the bars of your enclosure.
"owner," you whine as he walks past, a spark igniting in your gut. his scent is stronger than it was this morning, and you're hyperaware of the growing warmth filling your body.
"yes, dear?" he stands at his closet, his back to you as he strips himself of his work clothes.
"can i come out?" you paw at the door of your cage, ignoring the rattling noise it causes.
he doesn't respond immediately, letting you stew in your silence for a moment as he finds something more casual to wear. you don't normally ask to come out- this is progress, proof of your trust.
"in a moment. let me get dressed, darling."
it's enough for you to stop whining. your tail swishes happily and your ears perk up when he approaches the cage in grey sweatpants and a black shirt and crouches down to undo the lock to the cage. you practically jump into his arms, purring loud when he wraps his big arms around you and pulls you into his chest.
"thank you." you murmur, nuzzling your cheek against his chest. his smell, like poison, makes you dizzy with desire. the warmth is growing uncomfortable, your ears pinned flat against your head.
he hums in response as he strokes your hair, a purr emanating from the depths of your chest. the heat spreads the more he touches you, pooling between your thighs. he tries not to notice when you rub them together and mewl pathetically.
"is something wrong?" his voice is a match to the flame in your gut.
it's your turn to be silent, trying to even out your breathing despite the overwhelming urge to lean in and take a nice, long whiff of the pheromones he gives off.
"darling, answer me. you know better." he says in a more stern tone, looking down his nose at you.
"… i'm in heat." you state quietly, avoiding his gaze. if you could see his eyes, you're sure they'd be wide and a little bit dark.
"are you, now?" he hoists you up in his arms as he stands, his forearms just under your ass. you're bent slightly over his shoulder. "we'll need to remedy that, won't we, pet?" he chuckles. a chill runs down your spine. just what have you gotten yourself into?
he's not a mean lover, just a little rough. he sets you on his bed and pushes you down with a cold hand to your chest as he moves on top of you. anxiety cools your blood, makes it like ice pushing through your veins.
"wh-what are you…?" he presses a finger to your lips, silencing you, and kisses your cheek.
"i've been waiting a long time for this, darling. it would be wise to avoid making me wait more." there's a threatening undertone to his voice, the burn of discomfort making itself known in your shoulders. he wedges his knee between yours, forcefully parting your thighs so he can trail his hand up them, pinching here and there just to see you flinch, and smooth two fingers along your weeping slit. a hint of a smile makes itself known as you shudder, thighs parting wider to accomodate his hand. his cold digits stop at the very top, feeling for your puffy clit, and rubs slow, tight circles around it.
you hate that it feels good, and you hate yourself for having a breeding cycle. a soft moan leaves you at his light touch, your eyes locked on the hand rubbing your clit. he presses down a little firmer, eliciting a whine from you.
"look, doesn't that feel much better?" he croons, his voice low with his lips so close to your ear. reluctantly, you nod, and that earns you the reward of his fingers rubbing you a little faster. you squirm a little, trying to get more than just surface-level pleasure.
"y-yes. that feels good, thank you." a hint of malice laces through your tone, but you're grateful for what he's giving you. your face is on fire as only the pathetic wet noises from your cunt fills the air, and you (try to) hide your face in your hands, only to be met with a sharp slap to your cunt. you flinch, the pain subsiding after he continues playing with your cunt. your hands come down from your face and instead grab the sheets.
your stomach tightens, twists into a coil that winds tighter with every pass over your hardened clit. but you can't cum like this, not when your breeding cycle is ongoing.
"owner- p-please, need more." you whine, and albert kisses your cheek as a response, denying you of what you need.
"such a needy thing. fine. you'll get what you want." he takes his hand from your pussy and to the waistband of his sweats, pushing them down rather impatiently, as well as his boxers. weeping, his cock is bright red at the tip from want (how long has he been hard for?) and large. you're worried.
he chuckles at your fear-stricken expression before grabbing your legs and pressing them against your chest.
"be a dear and hold these for me, hm?" he says, and you do as you're told. you hold your legs by the backs of your thighs, pressing them so your knees hit your chest. he strokes himself once, twice to the sight of you spread out for him, your cute cunt drooling. slick drips down your perineum, inviting him.
you watch him slot himself in place, the tip of his long cock dragging through your folds to bump your clit, making you gasp. your entrance clenches around nothing, a pitiful whine leaving you.
"greedy." he shakes his head softly as he lines himself up, and without warning, thrusts himself entirely inside you.
the stretch is worse than you imagined. you flinch away from him, but he grips your thighs and tugs you right back onto his cock. it hurts, and the burn is something you hadn't accounted for. tears prick at your lower lashline. he leans down, his frame practically engulfing yours, and kisses your cheeks.
"don't cry. struggling only makes it worse, you know." he coos, tapping your jaw. you nod softly and wrap your arms around his neck for support, sniffling as the tears trail down the sides of your face. to ease your discomfort, his hand works itself between the two of you again and thumbs at your clit, dulling some of the pain. another moment, and your tears have disappeared.
"y-you can move. m'okay." you mumble to albert's delight. he starts slow, mostly on your behalf, and hisses at just how tight you are around him as he thrusts shallowly into your aching cunt.
the moment you make a noise, he grips your thighs tighter and starts bullying his cock into you quite intensely. the tip of his cock kisses your cervix with every single harsh, downright mean, thrust. he's not doing this for you, and that becomes readily apparent. still, you can't deny that it feels good to be fucked.
albert's quiet, aside from small huffs and hisses of enjoyment. you're so wet, it's making a mess of his lower abdomen and thighs. the lewd slapping of skin on skin combined with your precious mewls and whimpers of pleasure spurr him on, his nails digging into your thighs. his cock brushes against the spongy spot inside you, making you cry out and arch your back off the bed.
"there- a-again, please!" you grab the hand not rubbing your clit and lace your fingers together as the pressure in the pit of your stomach builds and builds, leaving you dumb on your owner's cock. he complies with your request, if not to feel you cum then just to see your pretty face when you do.
he bullies that spot relentlessly, to the point where some of his hair falls in his face. gummy walls squeeze and suck him in more, a loud cry leaving you as you reach your peak. slick gushes from your already crying pussy, thoroughly coating the both of your lower halves. it's dripping from you as he continues pumping into your hole, the schlick noise amplified now.
"w-wait- wait-" you grab the hem of his shirt, but he ignores your protests.
"we're not finished until my precious girl has her cunt filled with cum." he moves your hand away, forcing yourself further into the mating press he's got you in. you can feel every single inch, and how the throb of his dick indicates his climax. a few more sloppy, mean thrusts and he's spilling his seed into you. decidedly, it's a good feeling, and you need much, much more. your heat ceases momentarily, however, as he keeps his cock inside to ensure that nothing leaks out. your tail wraps around his thigh, the end flicking happily.
"i mean filled in every sense of the word, darling." he gathers some of your slick that's coating his lower abdomen on two fingers and pushes them in your mouth, watching with delight as you kitten-lick them clean. a dark grin forms on his pale lips, his length twitching at the sight. it's then that you really give in, that you decide it's better to be this way- fucked full of his cum and brainless. a familiar heat flares in your gut once more.
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albertwhiskerss · 8 months
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𝒶𝓁𝒷ℯ𝓇𝓉 𝓌ℯ𝓈𝓀ℯ𝓇 𝒽ℯ𝒶𝒹𝒸𝒶𝓃ℴ𝓃𝓈❦
warnings ~ nsfw
꧁ albert wesker x female reader headcanons, mainly relationship and smut based.he can also be a bit soft and cutesy LMAO🎀꧂
~he definitely grabs your ass in public.it pisses you off.you try to mind your own business as all of a sudden albert just grabs your ass with no shame about it ‘albert not now.’ you look at him with a straight, threatening face. and he has that stupid smug look and god do you want to punch him every single time.
~he doesnt seem like it, but he can be clingy at times. sometimes at home he just follows you around like a cat doing nothing but just walking everywhere you walk. if you sit down on the couch he just sits directly next to you and grabs your thigh and cuddles his face into the crook of your neck. he cant ever get enough of you.
~this is random asf but i thought its a bit funny LMAO this man carries them grandma lemon sweets in his pockets.if hes at work or you guys ever go out he will always pull out a hard lemon sweet out of his pocket and he munches on them 24/7 HAHA
~you will always know whenever hes needy for you. he always gives you a lil smooch on your forehead and gives you THAT look in his eyes. that hungry look in his eyes that makes you want to go cRAZY. and of course that seducing smirk on his face UGHH
~he loves seeing you wear his glasses. it turns him on so much ong. especially if hes pounding into you and youre wearing his glasses it makes him FERALLLL
~he loves making out w you.idk he just loves putting his hands on your throat while he full on devours you as his tounge explores your mouth OMG
~when hes horny he comes up behind you and pushes his erection into your lower back. he holds your waist tight and kisses your neck RAAHHH
~he can be very dominant and rough. he can literally ruin you and you wouldnt be able to walk for DAYS.he sees himself as your superior during sex and just thrusts into you at the highest pace possible and goes in so deep you can literally feel that man in your guts. by the end of it he leaves you with mascara dripping down your face and shaking legs.
~he is also a MASTER at aftercare that man will literally bathe and feed you and tuck you into bed idc
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luckyythirteen · 4 days
How do you imagine Wesker loving someone romantically? I often think it's very hard, almost impossible to make him tick. And if he does, afraid it's may be already too late, at that point he probably did some irreparable damages to his relationship with said person...
But I headcanon he would be the kind of man who falls hard for the "unobtainable", despite Wesker himself deemed that unpractical. Shit like "some things are beautiful because they can't be obtained"
I imagine it's hard for Wesker to fall in love as you said. Personally, I headcanon him as someone who falls on the aromantic spectrum like I do. In an interview regarding him, his voice actor states that he thinks Wesker's attraction isn't gender specific or "person specific". He is intrigued by people who can match him physically or mentally, which implies he enjoys someone who is hard to get or at least someone on his own level.
I digress, I don't see him as the man to canonically pursue a relationship due to his line of work and the dangers he puts himself or others in. He wouldn't be able to hold one down realistically, not because he's incapable but the guy has a lot on his plate with his world conquest plan yknow?? I think if anything he'd might indulge a cat and mouse game or he'd do a fling but that's about it.
Now if we're talking hypothetically, saying he can work in a relationship and wants to, I think he'd be an... Alright partner. You'd have to be able to keep up with him and keep his interest, though. I think he's the type of man to express his love through actions rather than words. He may not serenade his love to you, but he's let you hug him and he doesn't stiffen or push you away.
He may not constantly say the phrase, "I love you," but he'll take note of your favorite foods, your interests and provide them for you and indulge. He'll ask how your day is, he'll sit with you and even let you be in his personal space while he works. Most of all he's protective of you, he doesn't want you to get hurt. You're very precious to him and the idea of something happening to you tears him apart inside... He may not be a gentle man at all, but with you he will be. It just may not present itself in the stereotypical ways.
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cenorii · 4 months
RE headcanons again!
This time I will add what animals I associate them with. Again I'll write a lot about some and just a little about others to supplement the last part.
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Sherry Birkin
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— It's hard to say what her favorite color is. She probably doesn't prefer any particular color, she likes dim palettes.
— I'm inclined to think that Sherry could have been Wesker's goddaughter. Birkins could have introduced him to her, and since Wesker has known William since childhood, he trusts him.
— She obviously attended NEST because Annette gave her a G-related pendant. Sherry probably had some instructions for emergency situations in which to use it, but kept it a secret. Chief Irons knew about the secret of the pendant, probably from William himself, because he was bribing Irons. And Wesker also knew about the pendant, it's in his first report.
— I recently rewatched all the clips of Sherry in re6 and noticed how reluctant she is to talk about Wesker every time the topic comes up. She never says anything bad about him, avoiding talking about him. I think that as a child, Wesker treated her well or seemed like a good person, but when she found out who he really was, she was deeply disappointed. She cherishes fond memories of this man, but keeps it a secret, because she will surely be convicted.
— Sherry calls Jake "Jake Wesker" instead of "Muller," even though she knows Wesker had nothing to do with his upbringing. Did she downplay the significance of Jake's mom? No, I would look at it this way. This is further proof that "Wesker" is not a negative word to her. She secretly treats him better than others treat him, so she called Jake by his last name with pride.
— In that moment when the runaway Jake and Sherry were changing clothes, they had a conflict. But I think Sherry was angry not only because Jake's words hurt the memory of her father, but also because they hurt the memory of Jake's father.
— Sherry was in government custody from 1998 to 2009. She was in custody mainly because of Wesker (file "A Deal with the United States" from re6). The government believed that Wesker needed a sample of the G-virus, but it was obvious that he had already gotten it through his own means. Perhaps this is a hint that there is some sort of connection between them after all. He could be her godfather who would want to return what was connected to him, or he wants to using her as research into how viruses are able to enter into symbiosis with humans. Sherry mattered to him in some way, and everyone knew it, including Sherry herself.
— I think she's in love with Jake, but because of little contact with other people and the outside world, is too shy to admit it.
— She has a deep respect for Chris and Claire, and considers the latter as close as if she were her second mother.
— The animal in which I see Sherry is a weasel.
Chris Redfield
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— I think his eyes are gray. Gray eyes in real life can appear a different color depending on the lighting. In different photos with different lighting, they can turn brown, blue, even green. So I like to think that the confusion about Chris's eye color came about because of his gray eyes, which are just unlucky.
— For some reason, Chris doesn't like to show his young photos. Perhaps he is embarrassed by the fact that he used to be thinner and "weaker". Perhaps it makes him feel insecure. Or maybe he doesn't like his rebellious nature from the past.
— He's a golden retriever puppy.
Ada Wong
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— Ada doesn't use perfume while she's on a mission so she doesn't reveal herself.
— She is black cat.
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— He hates ties. Maybe he was forced to wear them at some point.
— Wesker gives a fake name in non-serious situations like tailoring or meeting with the hairdresser so people won't be embarrassed or try to suck up to him. His name is more influential than himself, and it's a thing he doesn't like to abuse.
— Perhaps one day he wondered if he should have glasses with an interface.
— His totem animal is a possum. He's so good at playing dead.
— There is a stereotypical opinion of him based only on the outward image he builds for others. Few people delve into the lore or what is behind his fake "cool" image. So many people are susceptible to the halo effect, this is a cognitive bias where a person has a prejudice against someone based on their appearance or certain actions. People subject to this cognitive bias do not look at this person with a broad view, slipping into prejudice. This is why many are convinced that Wesker can't be bottom, and aggressively lash out at those who think otherwise. I, on the other hand, believe that Wesker is flexible in this regard, which is maximally not obvious. Wesker to me is "that" character from the teen shows, who builds himself up to be cool, but at night cries from loneliness or is very vulnerable. He's bottom, but that doesn't degrade his ego, it doesn't make him weak, because "bottom" he's only with those who "worthy" of him.
— Speaking of worthiness, I believe that Wesker is unwilling to use his powers all the time by thinking of other people as unworthy. Only Chris is worthy to stand up to that power.
— Wesker keeps Chris's dog tag.
Jill Valentine
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— Jill's favorite color is sky blue, as it was the color she chose for her uniform in S.T.A.R.S. and continued to wear throughout her life. Every outfit Jill wore on any mission had shades of blue in it. It is definitely a color that she appreciates very much.
— Jill is definitely not the best cook, she can hardly cook anything better than scrambled eggs. She share this skill with Chris, who isn't very good in the kitchen either.
— Chris is her best and closest friend, her partner. They mean a lot to each other, but it's always platonic.
— Jill's orientation is bi. She probably liked Carlos, but I won't deny that there could have been a close dynamic between her and some woman too. Jill, like Chris, doesn't have much time for a personal life, so she didn't go into much detail about her preferences, nor did she have an love affair.
— She didn't like Wesker even before the betrayal. Maybe she realized before anyone else that there was something wrong with the guy, so she figured out his betrayal before Chris did, who resisted the information. She is perceptive and able to see through people.
— Her totem animal is a manul.
— In the days of S.T.A.R.S., she was the one who woke Chris, sleeping at his desk, just before Wesker or Chief Irons came in. She would cover her lazy (in those days) friend from trouble, getting the brightest and most genuine smile from him. Wesker knew of their machinations, but turned a blind eye to this childishness.
— She tries not to think of the time she spent under Wesker's control. Her dislike for him has only gotten stronger because of it. Of the horrible things about those years was not only violence, but also being with Wesker and Excella. Excella's flirting with Wesker was repulsive to Jill. She hated every moment of it.
— After 2009 her hair was permanently white, because of this she dyes it back to its original brown color so that nothing reminds her of those days.
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ziggyzolch · 3 months
Headache Ⅴ (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Summary: After 2 months at the compound, you finally get some good news. Warnings: nothin really Previous Chapter
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“Got it?” You were bouncing in your seat as Steve concluded the meeting. “Yes!” Jumping up, you speed towards Wanda’s room. You hadn’t used your speed much aside from training since you’d gotten here, but you couldn’t contain your excitement. The meeting had ended 10 minutes ago, actually, but Steve asked you to stay back to tell you something you’d been waiting to hear for ages. ‘Blablabla…allowed on missions…blablabla’.  The stress of your upcoming exam was dulled by your excitement for your first, real mission.
“Jesus! Can’t  you knock?” Wanda yells as you burst into the room, holding a towel up to her chest. With a yelp, you slap your hand over your eyes, rushing back out and closing the door, waiting patiently for her to finish up with a light blush on your face.  Wanda seemed to ease up on you after the Ouija incident, even confessing that she controlled the whole thing. You seemed to be growing on her, despite the teasing. She’d even occasionally buy you coffee, something she randomly started doing after a month of you living at the compound. She had noticed how stressed out you were about all your assignments and upcoming exams, and figured it’d help.
 “Don’t mention it.” She’d roll her eyes and say when you thanked her with a kiss on the cheek. 
 Leaning back on the door, you get lost in your thoughts. Your first, official, mission. After 2 months of training, Steve’s finally letting you go on a mission. Your time at the Avengers Tower so far wasn’t the most exciting. Wake up, train, eat, and study until you pass out on Wanda’s desk. Things were finally about to get interesting-
Wanda watches you fall backwards into her room as she opens the door, laughing at your glare. “You need to stop leaning against the door,” She offers you her hand, which she yanks back just as you were pulling yourself up. “Cunt.” You mutter under your breath, pushing yourself off the ground. 
“What’s got you so excited, speedo?” Wanda asks as she dries her hair.
“Nothin’ much; just that I’m going on my first mission!” You jump up and down..
Wanda raises an eyebrow, “Huh. When? What kind of mission? Are you ready-”
Taken aback, you raise an eyebrow, “Uh, Steve said it was soon.” You scratch the back of your head, “ I don’t know much else, just that it's happening.”
Wanda gets lost in her thoughts as the conversation dies out, walking into the bathroom. You ignore the sudden change in her demeanor. 
The excitement fades as you glance at the pile of books at your desk. College was kicking your ass. School was never an issue for you, being a straight A student up until you graduated, so struggling at your studies was foreign to you and all the stress had been piling up. That, plus your overwhelming homesickness, had been bringing you down the past couple of weeks. Your first exam was in a week, and you felt completely and utterly unprepared. 
A meow coming from under the couch brings you out of your thoughts. You coo, picking up your cat and spinning around, “My baby, my baby. You’re my baby say it to me,” Adjusting your hold on him, you start swaying back and forth. You found him as a kitten shivering under a dumpster towards the end of high school. You were skipping with Peter when you found your adoptive son, and you kept him hidden in school until you could take him home. Your father was not pleased. “My baby, my baby- Ah!” A familiar laugh startles you. 
“Did you birth him or something?” Tony jokes, putting his hands out as you hand him your baby, “I might as well have, he’s my son.” You pout, watching the cat climb onto the man’s shoulder. “What’s his name, anyways?” He asks, bending his arm awkwardly to pet your son.
“Wesker, but my father nicknamed him ‘Little shit’” 
“Like mother like son, amiright?” Tony puts the cat down, scratching his little chin for good measure.
“Ha. Ha. What did you come in here for?”
“Well, speedo,, I heard from a little, 6’2, jacked, bearded birdie that you were going on your first mission soon,” He walks towards the door, urging you to follow him, “I’d like you to help me design your suit-” Tony’s interrupted by your squeal “Yes!” You clear your throat, “I mean, yes of course I’d like to help.” 
“Great. Maybe after this mission I’ll let you have your own room.”
Tony pauses at the door to his lab. He leans in to type in the code, before glancing back at you and putting his hand up to cover the screen. You roll your eyes, he must’ve installed it after your failed heist. 
“Alright, let’s start.”
“That looks like shit.” Wanda deadpans as you show her the design you came up with. You and Tony discussed the features you’d want for your suit, but he left the aesthetics to you. “What the fart! This is the third one I’ve shown you.” You whine, Wanda raises an eyebrow, “‘What the fart’? Are you 6?” You roll your eyes, “You wouldn’t get it.” The witch chuckles, pushing aside crumpled papers and taking a seat next to you.
“Why is the suit fully green, wouldn’t black make more sense?” 
“I’m not trying to look goffik.”
“Never mind.” You have to make her read ‘My Immortal’ later.
The door being pushed open interrupts your conversation. Steve walks in, acknowledging Wanda with a curt nod, before placing a file with ‘CLASSIFIED’ plastered on the front on your desk. “Mission details.” He says before turning and walking out. “Uh, okay…” You mutter, picking up the folder and skimming through.
‘Abandoned Hydra facility, low security. Pick up leftover documents, blueprints, etc. Limited to zero engagement.’ 
Seems easy enough, if not a little boring. The mission was taking place a day before your exam. You probably should’ve mentioned the fact to Steve, but you could deal with it. You can feel Wanda’s presence behind you, reading through the document as well. Wanda mutters something under breath before walking towards the door. “No wait! I still need your help- and she’s gone.” You sigh, pushing yourself off the couch and moving towards the desk. 
Putting your glasses on, you crack your knuckles and stretch your neck. You’re locking in. 
You’re awoken by a nudge on your shoulder. Lifting your head up, you look at the ruffled papers and pens, your biology textbook on the floor by your foot. “Hey sleepyhead.” Wanda teases, ruffling your hair and placing a cup of coffee next to your laptop. “Hey, thanks.” You lean up, giving her a peck on the cheek. “Don’t mention it.” She smiles. 
You groan, holding your head in your hands. “What’s wrong?” Wanda glances back at you as she takes off her shoes. “This shit is kicking my ass.”  She approaches you, flipping through the various worksheets.
“All the lectures I missed are catching up to me.” You had studied the material at least 5 times by this point, but you still don’t feel like it’s enough.
“Aren’t they recorded?” She picks up your textbook, placing it on the table.
“Yeah, but I can’t focus with videos.” 
“Huh, I never expected you to care about school so much.” She mutters, “Maybe I can help?”
You raise an eyebrow, ignoring the subtle jab, “How?”
“I could quiz you, or something. Maybe research some new studying methods you could try?”
“Oh, yeah. Smart!” You light up, “But later. My eyes are starting to cross.”
Wanda giggles, patting your shoulder and walking towards the couch.
“I’m joining the mission.” Your eyebrows shoot up at Wanda’s statement.
“Why? Is it more dangerous than I thought?”
“No, no. Nothing like that, just wanted to see how you’d do, and maybe make fun of you if you mess up.”
“Oh. Okay,” You don’t think too much of it, having been used to her teasing by now, “Who else is going?”
“Bucky and Natasha, maybe Pietro. Steve won’t be there, so Natasha’s in charge.”
You nod, standing up and pulling out the spare blanket and pillow. Wanda stops you before you can place them on the floor, “You can sleep on the couch, if you’d like.” Your eyes widen, “Really?” The witch rolls her eyes, “Yes, idiot.” Picking them up, you place them onto the couch, “One day, those eyes will roll back so far they’ll never come back down.” She lightly punches your shoulder, “Don’t make me take it back.” You put your hands up in surrender as Wanda walks towards the window. You always take a nap around this time. Wanda thinks that if not woken up, you could sleep till judgment day. 
She sets up an alarm for you to make sure it doesn’t happen. You never asked about it, figuring she set it for herself and that you happened to benefit from it. Before you could tuck yourself in, Wanda asks, “I found a polaroid of you and your father in the drawer. How come you never talk about him?” You sigh, turning away from her, “Nothing really. Just distance.” 
Wanda knows there’s more to it, but she won’t read your mind to find whatever information you left out. The witch closes the blinds and picks up your worn out teddy bear from the floor, placing it next to you and walking towards the door. Turning, she glances at you, snuggled up on her couch, already asleep. Maybe sharing a room with you wasn’t all that bad.
Next Chapter
A/N: hello again. kinda long authors note but i got a lot to say.
i went back and changed a few minor things in the other chapters, mainly grammar and spelling errors.
one major thing i changed was becca to kate bishop. It felt out of place for her to be there tbh, figured itd be better to have an already established character.
also in the last chapter i accidentally left in ‘quinn’. She was another character that i put in that i ended up scrapping, but forgot to remove that mention of her.
Also, I know a lot of my followers came from my regina fic, so if you guys are reading this and want a new regina fic, give me some suggestions!
Sorry for the super long wait. Summer break started so new chapters coming!
Also, is there any character in particular you guys would like to see? Or any already introduced character youd like R to interact more with? Tell me bout it. tbh i’d love to hear any suggestions you guys have for the story.
Comment if you'd like to be added to the tag list. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
Tags: @sgm616 @gabby-duhh @le3-r1n @unicorniusfallapatorius @ayoungexwife @anaaam
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weskie · 1 month
Revenge and Recovery (Albert Wesker x gn!Reader)
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reader is injured, hurt/comfort, shared shower, established relationship | Fic Directory
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He isn’t there when you wake.  The doctors don’t know what to tell you other than that he brought in the best of the best to ensure your recovery went as smoothly as possible.
Three days go by until you’re discharged with just aches and pains and a couple bandages over your healing gunshot wound.  Your assailants hadn’t wanted to kill you, clearly.  If they did, they’d have aimed better.  You were simply a message.
You’d half expected to find Wesker in his office, but something in your gut told you he was nowhere near home.  Probably worlds away, if you had to guess.
The first few days are the worst.  Waking up in fits of pain, sweating, breathing labored as you struggle to sit up to take more pain medication.  Silly you, letting the aches catch back up to you.  It’s difficult to do much of anything, but you persevere.  You take it day by day.
By the end of the week, you can lift your arms above your head without the stretch feeling as if you were ripping in two.  You have more energy to do the things you enjoy, so you spend your time inside Albert’s study, reclined on his couch as you scribble away in your sketchbook.  You feel most comfortable here since everything happened.  It’s like you’re surrounded by him, by the man you know would protect you with everything he has even if he isn’t necessarily there to do it.  You can only imagine the guilt he’s felt since you were attacked.  Not that it was his fault for being absent.  He’d been called away over a client attempting to back out of a deal and was attempting to rebuild the bridge to his dreams.  You couldn’t and wouldn’t blame him.
The scratch of your pencil becomes like white noise as you fall into your drawing.  The more you think of Al, the more your work begins to shape itself into him.  The slope of his nose, the cut of his jaw, the shimmer of his cat-like eyes.  You’re not the world’s most talented artist, but you’d dare to say you captured his likeness quite well by the time you’re nearly done.
“You’ve got my nose all wrong,” comes a voice from behind you, startling you to jump halfway out of your skin.  Your mostly healed injuries protest such sharp movements, but the recognition of that voice dulls every ache.  When you turn around, you don’t care at all how badly your body complains.  You throw yourself at him entirely.
“Al!” You gasp, tears welling in your eyes.  You squeeze him tightly, as if letting go would allow for him to fade away like smoke through your fingers.  His arms around you bring you back to earth.  They make you feel safer than ever.
It’s only as you relax that you notice something is off.  He smells… smokey.  There’s a hint of something else, and your eyes go wide when you finally pull away to look at him.
Soot stains mark his face, but not nearly as much as the dried, crusted blood does.  It’s all over him, practically from head to toe.  It stains his hair, coats his hands and forearms, the thickest areas of it crackle and chip along the folds of his clothes.
“You need never worry about them again, my dear.”  He murmurs, removing a stained glove to lift your chin between his bare thumb and forefinger.  “They’ve been put down like the feral creatures they are.”
You simply stare at him in wonder.
This isn’t the first time you’ve seen him stained in the blood of his victims, but it’s the first time it’s ever been for you.  You can only imagine what must have happened.  Perhaps he flew into a blind rage after getting you to safety and tracked down your assailants.  Or, worse, maybe he was entirely calm about it.
You imagine the latter would result in significantly more pain for the men who shot you.
The hands that hold you now likely ripped each of your attackers in two, pierced their flesh, tore the hearts from their bodies, but they hold you as though you’re no more than a delicate flower whose petals would fall away with a mere gust of wind.
He says nothing, but he does bury his face into the crook of your neck and breathe you in.  After some time, you manage to tug him in the direction of the bathroom.  All you wanted was to snuggle him and feel safe while you drift off to sleep, but you wouldn’t dare let him end his day stained in the remains of those who’d wronged you.
The water no longer stings as it runs over your mostly healed wound.  A few stitches that hadn’t quite dissolved yet stick out in sporadic patterns, but it isn’t too terribly unsightly. Not that you think your sweet Albert would mind, knowing all that he’s seen in his line of work.  The cascade dribbles off his body and swirls pink at your feet, slithering down the drain.
He’s reluctant to let you wash him at first, but you swat his hands away from the shampoo bottle before he can even graze it.  This, of course, earns you a smirk and a chuckle.
“Really now?” 
Ever the gentleman, he leans down just enough for you to run your fingers through his hair without straining your injury.  The occasional patch of dried blood colors the suds the same shade as the rest had run.  You decide he needs another pass.  You can’t be too thorough, after all.
In return, he does all the same for you.  While he glides a washcloth over your body, his other hand ghosts the edges of your wound.  Wesker swallows, parts his lips as if to speak, but stumbles over his words.
“They… I made sure–” He pauses, jaw flexing.  “They suffered.” 
You know it’s killing him.  You knew it all along, but seeing it… Seeing it breaks your heart.  
“So did you…” You murmur, thumb stroking the edge of his jaw.  Wesker averts his eyes, hiding whatever reaction your words stir up, be it tears or simply the glow of his eyes dimming with sorrow.  “I’m sorry, sweetheart…”  If you’d only been stronger, faster, smarter, anything, the hurt on his face wouldn't be there.
There is precious little in this world he cares for.  Before you met him, Wesker seemed the type of man to disregard anyone and anything if it meant furthering his goals.  By some odd miracle, you became the exemption.  As you found yourself growing closer to him, a fondness the likes of which you’d never seen him express to anything appeared seemingly out of thin air.  One minute you were just another subordinate that he was, admittedly, strangely kind to, and the next you were the apple of his eye.
It doesn’t make the woe in his gaze any less painful.  Knowing what you mean to him makes it worse, actually.  That your life means that much, that your very existence is worth unmaking another’s…
“M’sorry I let you down…”
No sooner than the words leave your mouth is there a finger curled under your chin to redirect your gaze to his. “Impossible,” he rasps.  He leans down to press your foreheads together, brushing the tip of his nose against yours before releasing a shuddering breath.  “And you never will…”
For now, you two will bask in each other’s presence.  You’ll curl up together and revel in the momentary calm before your next inevitable storm. Such is the price you pay for the heart you call home.
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cho-aaacho · 8 months
—Truly, Madly, Deeply Love You
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Imagine Pt.2
Imagine that Albert loves teasing you. He loves seeing you scowl, hearing you raise your voice aggressively as you call his name, and feeling the slightness of your punches on his shoulder, while muttering about his annoying behavior.
As a response, Albert pinches your cheeks, lovingly pats your head, like a cute little kitty cat, and compliments you about how "cute" you are when you're angry. 
He might throw teasing lines like "Such a cute little kitty in my palm" or "A cute angel shouldn't be mad easily." 
Alternatively, he whispers sweet words in your ear, and it makes you flustered with a delightful color of crimson painted on your cheeks, causing your little knee to tremble or panic.
In public, sometimes he would place brief kisses, making you shocked and snuggling between his chests because you were too shy. He also loves to embrace your body from behind when you're watching TV. 
Place a romantic kiss on your neck and wrap his arms around your very presence. It becomes his love's signature move. 
All of these sometimes make you angry, but you secretly love them. Because he's the only man you are allowed to do that to. The privilege you give him since you know him.
"Shh... you need to stop that, Al. If you keep teasing me, I'll punch you to death!"
He giggles and playfully kisses your nose. "Scary... but you can't kill me because you'll be lonely when I'm not here, and, please, my love, don't be so mean. I know you like it when I do that."
"Shut up, Albert Wesker!"
"Are you mad at me? Oh no, you're not hating me. You're madly in love with me."
"Then, what is this?" He hugs you once more, this time more assertively. You can hear his heartbeat and feel his warm breath against you, enveloping you in Albert's universe.
"Hmm," he hums. "Oh, you probably love my arms around your waist. You loved it when I hugged you. How about I kiss you? What? One isn't enough?"
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silly-n-cheesy · 6 months
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Hello hello yes I didn't post anything for days because I had a mental health vacation from everything but I'm back!
I really like Naga!Wesker weskennedy so I'm just coming up with a bunch of scenarios of Leon "Snake-handler" Kennedy and the terrorist snake he found on the sidewalk. Currently: cat snake man demands attention. Up next: former terrorist discovers consequences of eating raw rats
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destinationtrekk · 15 days
Wesker would have cat zoomies.
do what you will with it lol
LMFAO him on all fours doing parkour on the couch
no, actually i think he would have some form of energy bursts that are incredibly frustrating to everyone else. he'll work for 24 hours straight holed up in his office with all the lights off except his computer screen. you think he's being dramatic on purpose but he is seriously so zoned in he just didn't bother to turn them on when the sun set. he won't eat, and he leaves his office like, twice, to go to the bathroom. FINALLY he comes out the next morning and doesn't say a word, just collapses on the couch assed out asleep and there go your plans for the day, now you have to take care of your cat husband man child who won't go to bed like a normal person
you love him anyway though, at least he enjoys his work (human experimentation and world domination <3)
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gothghostiie · 7 months
Wesker PURRS when you pet his hair or scratch behind his ear or stroke his back I KNOW IT he does purr I KNOW!!
he is a cat. kitty. tiny kitty man
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