#what a wonderful and amazing community
missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
Hey just wanted to check in on you, I really want to thank you for the wonderful "Pink Scarf" series. You have no idea how amazing it is like OH MY GOD. it's full of so much details and feelings one cannot put into words really, you're very talented and your writing is beyond perfect. ❤️
You are so, so welcome, honey! And thank you very much, that's so sweet of you! 💗 It makes me so happy that I can make you happy with my little passion project. Thanks for reading!
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
I love Raph and haven’t said that enough so to be more specific I love that Raph is a soft boy who loves bear plushies, a gross boy who eats an assortment of things that are definitely better left alone, a smart boy who is more than capable of taking down villains through planning and fortitude alike, a strong boy who is dedicated to training his muscles and fighting prowess, a teenage boy who loves his brothers but is more than happy to tease and roughhouse with them, an angry boy who sometimes lets his anger take a hold of him to cover the fear, a gentle boy who is generous with hugs and affirmations to those he loves, a capable boy who takes on more than should ever be expected of a teenager, a good boy who just wants to be a hero and slowly comes to realize the cost of that duty, a good boy who has no reservations about putting himself in the way of harm coming to his family, a good boy who’s a great brother and son and person and deserves only the best the world has to offer.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt raph#rise raph#he’s so wonderful frfr#my poor boy is traumatized but still so proud of what they accomplished because they’re HEROES#what started as something fun - Saturday morning cartoon-like heroes vs villains esque - soon becomes his calling#and he loses himself a little along the way#because the world is TERRIFYING now#if they don’t do something about the bad things in the world then worse things will come#and Raph CARES too much to let it happen#even at the expense of his own happiness and youth#and he luckily reigns back that fear - knowing his family is there to keep an eye out with him#and he finally lets himself be a kid again#he’s very well rounded and his flaws are so good because (like the others) they are ALSO his strengths#I like how it’s softly implied that bears are his fav animal too bc that’s cute af#headcanon that he likes them so much because a stuffed bear was the first toy splinter managed to get Raph#but yeah one of my favorite things about tmnt is that the characters are well rounded and rottmnt exemplifies that immensely#with raph being no exception!!#amazing big brother and character#there’s a REASON in my tmnt main character tierlist he’s S tier!!!!#hot take but in terms of who should be leader I think it should be less who’s the better leader-#-and more who’s the better leader FOR THIS SPECIFIC MISSION#bc all four can be great leaders fight me on that#APRIL can as well 100%#doesn’t need a designated leader for them to succeed#they just need ~communication~#one of my favorite things tying Raph and Leo together is that they both *hide*#I’ve talked about Leo’s many masks a lot but Raph has one too#and it’s the mask of a hero - the mask of the protector
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puppyeared · 6 months
people who do STEM or administration as a career full time and continue to do art as a hobby, I am scared of you but like in a hot way. youre like if we were allowed to have cold drinks in winter. i look at you and think of miles morales with his two cakes. do you want to make out sometime
#i say all of this positively bc i just! i cant help admiring it!! even if its mundane or not a big deal to you i seriously cant wrap my head#around it.. this is in no way at all meant to be condescending or anything. whenever i look at someones bio and theyre like oh im working#as a lab assistant biologist pharmacist realtor etc im like woag.... thats insane.. and then i peep your art tag and it knocks my socks of#how?? what lives do you lead??? im so curious. i seriously want a peek inside your brains someday. or at least shadow you at work lol#i cant help but feel sad when someone says smth like well i have to support myself and art cant do that for me. or maybe you were#pushed into pursuing a 'safe' career bc i hear it a lot. all of my relatives have the same story working as nurses and OFWs for the family#i think for me its not about missed potential but rather its being sad about making a decision to put your happiness aside to get by#ive tried so hard to do it but it didnt work out. i guess watching you guys do it is fascinating to me#or maybe youve made peace with your decision or actually like what you pursued but im still amazed!! it makes me wonder what made#you pick one over the other in that case.. is it like putting time for two different things the way you would for a schedule?? hmmm#im doing graphic design so i dont really interact with ppl in other faculties even humanities like sociology or childcare... so i cant help#wondering what it must be like as someone whos pursuing visual communication both as an interest and career#i seriously wish i could do smth like a desk job or even admin and maybe ill try that if this doesnt work. or i could look into trades#but dyscalculia already makes it hard to do things like cash and mental math so i get overwhelmed if i think about this too hard#yapping
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dixidin · 6 months
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Lynnie Green was and still is a fan of Bea- she refers to herself as an 'acolyte' in an interview I listened to. She was a fan even before getting on the show, she followed Bea's theater career closely. She's also talked about how (I can't remember which appearance) at the end of filming Bea said she was going for a drink (I think they shared a dressing room) and how she regrets that Bea was obviously offering to take her out on the town and she was so, like, in awe that she fumbled it and she regrets it to this day because she wanted to cross that bridge from acolyte to confidant and thinks they could've been great friends. She's also said Bea kept in touch with her after filming and would always greet her warmly when they ran into each other or offer her tickets to some shows a few times over the years. OH and she's a lesbian, happily married to her wife (just found this out at the last Golden Con). she rocks, basically.
Anon, oh my god. The amount of incredible information you have given me.
First of all -- Lynnie referring to herself as an acolyte of Bea is incredible. Honestly wish I'd been able to follow Bea's career as closely as Lynnie did, if only for the chance to call myself her acolyte.
The story about Bea inviting her out for a drink and her fumbling the invitation is so relatable, oh my god. Can you imagine, getting to work with someone you admire so much? No -- getting to impersonate her?? And then she invites you out for a drink??? I would have died on the spot. Holy shit. Absolutely incredible. I'm so sorry for her that she didn't get to become Bea's friend but honestly I completely get her panic!
And Bea -- I know by now that she was a complete sweetheart, but this information just melts my heart!!! She kept in touch with her? She was warm to her and sent her tickets to her shows??? Oh ;-; what a sweet lovely person she was!!! I'm forever mad I didn't get the chance to see her in person! What a blessing upon this world!!
And on top of all this, on the first day of pride month, you come and tell me Lynnie is a happily married lesbian?? Anon you have made me so happy. So so so happy. Thank you so much!!! You're absolutely right, she rocks!
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ultimateyakazoo · 11 months
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sexynetra · 4 months
hey, i'm so sorry this happened! similar thing happened to me a couple years ago and it was absolutely devastating. but it will pass, they'll get bored and move onto something else and probably forget about it before the month ends (which like... lol wish we could forget about it too!!) don't let this make you stop writing etc, after a break if you want to continue writing, you should. hope you're doing better 🩵🩵
I’m sorry you’re also a part of this shitty little club 😅 but it is/was very reassuring to realize how quick the cycle of twitter goes (honestly, drag me for this but mirage going home I think was the saving grace for my fic getting drowned and disappearing on drag race twitter so thank you mirage for saving my ass)
I wish I could forget about it and I know I’ll always be there in the back of my brain but I feel SO much better than I did when it was all fresh. I’ve gotten so many sweet wonderful messages of support and people telling me what this story has meant to them, and that’s so much more important than what a few people on twitter trying to be edgy who are insecure and feel the need to bully others about it have to say 🤷🏻‍♀️
I am glad to be back and move forward from all this (though I will probably forever be making snarky jokes and comments about it, what can I say, I love to hold a grudge 😂)
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doctorweebmd · 9 months
I was thinking about this the other day and wondering why it’s become so much less fun to write for BNHA and I think it’s because… I’ve written too much?
Like being a one-off author was fine and fun and novel and people were so cool and supportive, but now I’ve got multiple long fics and people have started treating me like someone that “creates content” rather than someone who is writing for fun. And I’ve shot myself in the foot by continuing to write long-fic and putting my heart and soul into them and it’s like never enough, people just expect more and more and more and I want to keep giving and keep doing better but no matter what I write it’s just not ENOUGH
And like… this started a little after I finished Zero Sum Game but like… people have started forming “opinions” that they share openly about “me” - I can’t stand going into fandom space and seeing people say they can’t read anything I write, or they don’t like me as an author, openly ranking my works, saying xyz is overrated or mention me by name in shipping discourse or send me hate mail or update requests or just straight up telling me they’re not going to read what I write anymore… and these people don’t know me!!! I’m just an empty space to them!!! Just a machine that pumps out thousands on thousands of words to just look at an forget about instantly!!!!!!!!
Where do people get off honestly. Is it like this everywhere or is it just BNHA? Is it because it’s so popular that the community has broken down completely? Sincerely what the fuck how can anyone treat writers like this…
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hauntingblue · 5 months
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So what is the temperature like in dressrosa. You can never tell with these bitches
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i am a fool who doesn't practice my instrument much, but I would kill to play some pieces, despite their difficulty. Are there any pieces that you would want to play in a band if you could?
Apologies for the late response, I'm out of town visiting family rn lol. I would love to play Jupiter properly, I played a basic arrangement of it in 8th grade, but not the real thing. One of my friends loves that piece so much, it moves her to tears. That's the big name choice. A chance to play the solo in the Jurassic Park theme would be fun too lol. For a smaller name one, Fiesta De Los Toros by Brian Balmages. He's a go to composer for a lot of middle and high school band directors I think lmao, and that one piece in particular has fascinated me; we had a very, very skilled trumpet player in my high school band, and he struggled with the trumpet solo in that piece. There are also *TWO* horn solos in it that I would like another chance at, perhaps. We never performed that piece, it was just for fun.
Right now I really like horn choir more than a regular concert band tbh. As for pieces I'd love to do a horns-only arrangement of, I'm not sure. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen slapped SO HARD it was wonderful
But if you want some horn solos to look at, there's that Morcau de Concert by Saint Saëns, it's quite good to know I've been told, and it has a lot of technical stuff to work through. I believe it was written as an audition piece originally, which is why there's a lot of different stuff in it. But I'm not the best person to ask about horn solos lol
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bambambambino · 3 months
One thing that really pushes me away from certain breeds is that their communities can be so diehard "If you don't do sports with your dog then you're wasting your dogs potential and abusing them", and I just don't vibe with that. I love dog sports and watching dogs have fun and do what they're bred to do, but I also understand that you don't have to do sports to fulfill your dogs needs for stimulation and fun. Living a lowkey life isn't abuse.
But I also don't give a shit regardless, because its my dog and ill do sports if I want to, not because I feel pressured.
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rosicheeks · 2 months
#I’m getting hit with a massive wave of nostalgia now#I remember staying up ALL NIGHT working on changing my theme#I used to play in the html and add things#I looooved adding falling snow during the winter#I remember when having a music player at the top or somewhere on your blog was super popular#but ended up being incredibly annoying#cause half of the people put it on autoplay so when you entered someone’s blog you would get blown away by music#I remember having a whole different page for an about me#I wonder if I still have that up on mine#broooo I haven’t looked at my blog page on a laptop or anything in fucking AGES#I’m embarrassed to think what it might look like but whatever#most of us are using mobile anyway#or at least in my mind we are hahaha#so when I first started a blog I think I was in middle school??? like 12 or 13 hahahaha good times#my first url was SO CRINGE and I’m not going to say it cause I’m 😬😬😬😬😬 when I think about it#and then I slowly got more of a following and started doing smoke videos#I miss that community too :(#making smoke videos and tagging a bunch of stoner mutuals to ‘pass the bong/joint’#and then they would make a video and tag me#awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhh#I haven’t logged into that tumblr in AGES omg#but then I decided to post content and I didn’t want to post it on my original blog in case it got flagged or anything#so I made this blog#and here we are 🥰#but man I have SO many memories from my last blog#i made a friend in Belgium and we sent presents back and forth#I think only once but maybe twice#I still have the bracelet she sent me#can’t believe I’ve been on tumblr for most of my life lmao#but I’ve met SO many amazing people that I would have never have met
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spineless-lobster · 3 months
thus always to corporate greed
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natasha-in-space · 8 months
Gonna rant a bit about fandoms, because I have some thoughts to share.
Kind of sad to see that fandoms are starting to be viewed as a generally bad thing even by the fans lately... It is such a strange change to see, especially if you've been participating in fandom culture since the beginnings of the internet. Nowadays, the moment something becomes fairly popular and beloved by many, you can see hundreds of people feeling genuinely frustrated or upset that 'now the fandom is going to ruin it like it always does'. I see this take mainly on Twitter, but it's prominent on Tumblr and other platforms as well. I've been a part of fandoms both big and small, and, sure, smaller fandoms are generally more cozy and easy to interact with, but what happened with curating your own experience? It's so sad to see bigger fandoms be addressed as this disgusting and gross thing (both old and new, which is even more upsetting to see), when there are thousands of wonderful creators putting so much love and time into their art, fanfics, fan-projects, and so much more. Fandom is a community, first and foremost. Sure, consuming content is a big part of it, but why are we treating fandoms like it's some big assembly line that needs to be perfectly cut out for our needs? It's more like a fun fair, and it's up to you to choose which vendors to come up to, and what do you want to interact with. And yes, you should interact with creators. By no means is that a necessity (I was a silent viewer for a long time myself), but it is still encouraged. I feel like fandom is becoming less about interacting with people and more about consuming content. And, subsequently, fanmade content is starting to get viewed as product, and treated as such. And that's sad to see.
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transphilza · 2 years
fuuuck i miss techno
#i can honestly never really tell how much is my own grief and how much is the grief i absorb from other people bc of my hyperempathy#but fuck if it doesn’t all hurt the same#there’s like so many nice positive and sentimental things i could say about the server and the community and how good this vid was#but it’s kind of all smearing together into me crying about techno again#all the feelings are just kind of bundled up together in this mess of tears#i’m grateful#dunno what else to say#great work tommy i love that kid so much i can’t wait to see what he does next#personal#cw grief#fuck it i’m just gonna keep talking here#grief is like confusing and complicated but the more i grieve the more simple it feels#like it seems obvious but like. it’s just so upsetting that someone so wonderful isn’t around to be wonderful anymore#like that’s all#obviously that’s why grief hurts like obviously but idk i overthink things and the feelings are so all consuming it’s hard to word it well#it’s so debilitating i just think about how bad i feel and i think less about the simplicity of why#techno was an amazing person and now he’s gone and that’s awful#loved ones are little beacons of light yknow. and when one is gone you can tell because everything is dimmer without them#and your eyes can adjust but every once in a while you’ll remember the light that used to be there and it’s like you never adjusted at all#it’s all dim again#i miss him cause he’s gone. it’s different to missing him when he was still alive maybe that’s why saying it in such simple terms feels odd#i am sad because someone good is gone and can no longer be good#his legacy is and his memory is. and that helps#but he’s…. finite now. does that make sense?#obviously we’re all finite like mortality but you don’t think about it because it’s an awful thing to think about#as a creator i admired i was always looking forward to something new. and now there can never be anything new again#it’s obvious but i don’t think about it in such simple terms. because it’s awful to think about#but probably important in terms of like processing and all that#i continue to love him despite that he’s gone#but it’s different and i can’t deny that i can’t pretend it’s not
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anyway some of yall really show your ass about not liking queer cartoon shows that focus on gender > just (specifically sapphic) same sex ships and it shows
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