#what are you waiting for? Place an order and get it easily delivered to your doorstep.
starkwlkr · 7 months
boys on the radio | mark webber
can’t get over his joke about the french kiss vs an australian kiss
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There was three specific times when Mark heard your voice on the radio. He remembers them exactly.
German Grand Prix 2009
The first Mark heard your voice on the radio was after he won his first Grand Prix. He was beyond happy. Before the race, you had told him you were still going to be proud of him no matter what. He did promise you he was going to win and he delivered.
His race engineer had told him through the radio how good of a job he did, but then he heard him mention his girlfriend’s name.
“Mark! You did so well! That was incredible! I love you so much, I love you.”
He melted as you spoke. This win was for you.
“I couldn’t have done it without you, love. You make me so fucking happy. One day, I’ll marry you.”
Your relationship was just a year long, but he knew that you and him were soulmates. It was true.
On the other side of the radio, you blushed. This was the first time Mark had mentioned marriage to you. You weren’t opposed to the idea, in fact being married to Mark sounded like a dream. Hearing it from him gave you butterflies, as corny as that sounded.
“I love you, always.” You heared Mark say one last time.
Malaysia Grand Prix 2013
The second time Mark heard your voice on the radio was in 2013. It was your first race attending as a married couple since Mark kept his promise of marrying you. It was supposed to be a happy day. You watched as the teammates battle each other on the track. It was definitely a hard watch. You knew Mark would rant about it later on. Sebastian had ignored team orders and that was all anyone could talk about.
The checkered flag was waved, Sebastian taking the victory. You could already hear Mark telling you how frustrating it was.
“P2, Mark, P2.”
“Put her on now.” He demanded. His race engineer immediately knew who Mark was referring to.
“You did great, Mark. It’s okay.” You said, but no amount of words could make him less bothered.
“I did a shit job.”
“You could never. I’ll wait for you, alright? I love you so so much, okay? Don’t bring yourself down.”
After talking with him, you were accompanied by Mark’s dad to watch the podium ceremony. Mark watched you from his place and gave you a smile, even if he didn’t win. You blew his a kiss and mumbled an ‘I love you’.
After the ceremony and a quick ‘chat’ with Sebastian and the team, you and your husband were on your way to Greece for a much needed last minute vacation. It was Mark’s idea anyway, he knew how much you wanted to visit Greece and you knew that he needed a break so it was perfect.
Sao Paulo Grand Prix 2013
The third time Mark heard your voice on the radio was after his last race in F1. He came in second as Sebastian took home another victory.
“I think I’m about to cry.” You said to Mark. “Are you crying?”
“I’m out here sobbing actually.” He joked. “Thank you for sticking with me. I love you, darling.”
“Well you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
“I’ll see you at home, honey.”
“Can’t wait, handsome.”
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heartsforkento · 1 month
how to manifest your desires instantly + shift with the LOA !!
here's a very short and easy method to manifest your desires or shift easily using the LOA !
“i see it,”
close your eyes, breathe in and out. now, imagine you having your desire, first person or not (doesn't matter). it doesn't have to be vivid, just imagine it. now, if you have aphantasia (you can't visualize), just think of a moment where you have your desire, no visualization, just be like, "oh yeah, i'm a master shifter right?". just hold on to the thought or visualization and feel the emotions, though that's not necessary either.
congratulations, you have manifested your desire, right? okay, now you're disappointed, "wtf rin! i thought you would've given me some magic SATS formula to receive my desire instantly!"
oh, but i did ! when you were imagining your desire, you did receive your manifestation, you felt it happen then and there, right? that's all you need. all you need is to be able to imagine or think about your desire in your head, in your 4D and that's it.
“i like it,”
the 4D is the true reality, you did receive your desire, in the 4D. now, the 3D will be forced to align with your 4D, whether you want it to or not. it will happen just as a cherry on top !
whether you imagined having your desire once, or a hundred times, it will happen. the 3D has no choice but to reflect your 4D. the 4D is the goal. the 4D is where you have to imagine your desire, and in the 4D it is instant. the 3D will catch up like that blah blah, i know it will !!
“i want it,”
it's like online shopping. i place the order online (imagining my desire in the 4D), enter the necessary details and wait. i know that my order is rightfully mine and that it will be delivered to me no matter what, right? okay, it may delay by a few days, so what? it is mine, and has no choice but to be delivered to me, so i do not have to worry about anything. once i have placed the order, it is mine. the order getting delayed may sound a little upsetting at first, but that's okay. think about how happy you'll be once you finally receive it !!
it is by law, that once you think or imagine in the 4D, once, twice or a million times, you will inevitably manifest it into the 3D.
“i got it.”
happy manifesting !!
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copinghex · 11 days
Sincerely yours, me | T.S
Summary: Tommy receives anonymous gifts and letters. All the signs point to a single conclusion - he has a secret admirer.
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The first gift was misinterpreted, as harmless as it could be, a man like Tommy wouldn't simply eat anything sent to him.
Sitting in the kitchen with a cup of tea, Polly waited for Tommy to get home. On the table, a delicate box from a nearby bakery and a letter caught everyone's attention, not only for the gesture but also the date.
If anyone would search for Thomas Shelby in city registers, all they'd find would be his army register, indicating his date of birth was 19th September, months earlier than the true date, a cold Wednesday morning of November. Whoever sent the gift was close enough to the family to not be fooled by the erroneous papers.
That day, Tommy entered the kitchen in quick steps, unconsciously or not, he always worked more on his birthday, not being particularly fond of celebrating.
“Is anything special about the age of thirty?” Polly asked.
“...no,” noticing the suspicious gifts on the table, Tommy reached for the letter, the envelope contained no information other than his own name, “who bought this?”
“No one, it was left on the door this morning,” she turned the box to show him the bakery’s name, “the place isn't cheap, they wouldn't leave it at the door without someone to collect it,”
“So someone ordered and left it at the door,” Tommy concluded.
“What does the letter say?”
The first thing Tommy noticed was the calligraphy, it wasn't neat nor horrendous. He could see the author tried their best to look nice.
Dear Tommy,
Originally, I was excited to write you this letter. Now that I have your cake and shall deliver it tomorrow, it makes me question if this was a good idea.
I believe birthdays are meant to be celebrated with those we have dearly. You seem to think otherwise, nevertheless, I hope you (and your family) enjoy the flavor I picked.
I wish I had bought you a gift as well, I had an eye on a pocket watch from a pawnshop in London, it'd seat nicely with a brown three piece you have, unfortunately my budget is not endless.
I hope you enjoy your birthday and wish you all the happiness, prosperity and good fortune.
Sincerely yours, me.
P.S I've taken notice I mentioned the cake spent a day in my house, if the thought ever crosses your head, do not worry, it cannot have spoiled, I kept it on the ice box all the time ♡
“So?” Polly questioned.
“Take a look at the calligraphy,” he handed her the letter, “does it look familiar?”
“Not at all, I can check in the books, but it's too neat to belong to any of our men, also there's a heart in the end,”
“Alright,” he sighed, “I want you to go to the bakery and ask who ordered it, then ask all the neighbors about the person who left it at the door, anything is useful,”
“Oh, for Christ's sake! I've things to do but to investigate a birthday cake!”
“Polly,” Tommy opened the box, “whoever sent this is watching from close, what do they plan to do with all this information? It can't be good,”
“Alright,” she sighed, “I'll ask, but I bet is nothing more than some of the neighbors’ daughters wearing her heart out for you,”
“Fucking finally,” John suddenly entered the kitchen, “Polly said we'd only eat when you arrived,”
“No one is going to eat,” he looked at the cake, the white topping could be easily deduced as vanilla while the bottom was chocolate.
“What?! What not?”
“We don't know who fucking sent this, it can be poisoned,”
“Or someone wants to send a message,” Polly added.
“Or it's just fucking cake,” John argued, “ugh, forget it,”
As John left, Tommy threw the box in the trash, the light sweet scent rose up to his nose and looking superficially, it seemed like nothing but an innocently sent birthday gift. He wouldn't risk it though, if he was wrong about it, it'd be shameful to die over a piece of cake.
Weeks went by without further information, all the bakery was able to tell was that the person who made the order was a woman, nothing they hadn't already deduced. The dust settled, with no signs of danger or special dates coming by, nothing disturbed Tommy's routine.
The second gift was delivered by Scudboat, at the end of a shift in the betting shop he sneaked his head into Tommy's tiny office with a bulky envelope.
“Tom? I'm going home,” he said.
“See you tomorrow,” Tommy didn't lift his eyes from the papers on the desk.
“Someone left this on my desk today, it's for you,”
His shoulders dropped in a tired move, one more problem was everything he didn't need, “Who did? Did you see?”
“No, we had a full house today, I'm sorry, man,” Scudboat left.
First, a wooden horse fell from the paper. The delicate miniature wasn't bigger than a pocket watch, but the details revealed it was made by talented hands.
Dear Tommy,
Although throwing the whole cake away did offend me, I admit I'm the one at fault for this huge miscalculation, I have no enemies myself and yet, I'd be hesitant to eat something anonymously sent to my door.
Therefore, please accept this horse as a gift instead. It sat dusting up on my shelf for way too long, if you ask me, it resembles Monaghan boy.
Sincerely yours, me.
Tommy placed the miniature in the corner of his desk, it immediately set amongst his other belongings as if it was made to be there.
Slightly crumbling the paper, he fought the urge of ripping it apart, no harm was done and he couldn't find any subtle threats between the lines, but the thought of being observed made him tremble.
The possibility of someone being truly in love with him crossed his mind and was quickly shaken off. Tommy knew he wasn't lovable, at least not anymore, at most it must be infatuation from a stupid woman.
Putting the letter in a drawer, he carried on with his paperwork.
The third gift came three weeks later, when Tommy thought she had given up on him. A worn out bracelet he recognized from an Appleby fair, years ago he bought one for Greta Jurossi and managed to sneak up some more while the seller turned around to get his change. He remembered distributing them amongst her friends.
Those faces were all blurred in Tommy's memory now, shadows from a past that seemed so distant it felt like another life.
The envelope wasn't neat like the previous ones either, delivered by Ada herself, all she offered as explanation was an entertained smile and a “read the letter, Tom”
Relief washed over him learning that Ada was the one collecting information. The worry’s weight left his shoulders and then, the whole scenario felt as laughable as a joke.
It has come to my attention that my letters do you more harm than good. What a shame, I had planned to toy with you a while longer, but seeming it doesn't have the expected effect, I believe there's no option other than revealing myself.
I assure you I never intended harm and Ada was of great help in keeping an eye on you. Please, do not be upset at her, she was manipulated by having me watching Karl whenever needed.
Thomas, you are very dear to me, I've made it clear through the last few months, because of it, I'll be at the Garrison this Friday from 17:00 to 18:00, at the last table in the corner, we've never been complete strangers so you'll recognize me.
All I ask you is to not show up with selfish intentions, to mock me or satisfy your curiosity. I want to be someone close to you, someone you trust and perhaps like. If this possibility exists, come meet me, if your heart is permanently closed, I understand, but please do not come.
Sincerely yours, //////////
Tommy slowly put the letter down, the red scribbles where her name should be evoked sympathy within him. He imagined a simple girl, a silhouette between Greta's friends, switching pen colors and ruining the end of a tidy letter.
Lighting up a cigarette, he rubbed his tense brow, decisions that involved others were always harder and he doubted he'd get used to it someday.
He also couldn't deny curiosity was eating him alive, he needed to know who was sweet enough to look away from the atrocities he committed after France and still love the man he became.
Love, the word sounded so foreign to him he made a decision. He'd go to the encounter, even if he wasn't sure he wanted a relationship, having someone who loved him would be useful.
The week went by fast, around a quarter to five Tommy ordered everyone out of the Garrison, two cups and a whiskey bottle waited with him. He wouldn't define what he felt as excitement, perhaps satisfaction in finally closing that case.
Leaning on the counter, he stared at the doors, a hesitant shadow showed up on the glass panel, the knob moved down and a few seconds passed until she got in.
Her eyes widened seeing the pub empty, a shiver ran down her spine as her eyes met his squinted ones. She gulped, frozen at the entry. Tommy sized her up and his gaze softened, an afternoon tea at the Jurossi’s house years ago, he'd barely noticed her, apparently she had noticed him.
“You came,” she greeted.
“I was curious,”
“Tommy, I asked you to not-”
“Yeah,” he interrupted, “it was brave of you to keep me in the dark for so long,”
“It was barely two months,”
“Could've been much more if so you decided,”
“Why would I? You didn't see to enjoy my… admiration at all,”
Pouring them drinks, Tommy called her to the counter. She shyly smiled as he handed her a glass and made a tiny toast.
“It was clever,” he complimented, “I recruit clever people,”
“So this is business focused?” she looked down, disappointed.
“Amongst other things,” with his glass, he lifted her chin, “I think we can achieve great things together,”
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beetlejuicyy · 5 months
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Eraser | Ryomen Sukuna x reader
4. Vengeance
Summary: you give Sukuna a taste of his own medicine with Toji's help. is it the right move, though?
Warnings: galisht, toxicity, mentions of cheating
Word count: 4,005
Series Masterlist:
1. Ultimatum
2. Wash Away
3. Only memories
4. Vengeance
Read on AO3
Notes: i have to admit i never expected this story to get here when i wrote the first part. so thank you everyone who enjoys this i'm having so much fun!!
General Masterlist | Divider @rookthornesartistry
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You’re the only one I want by my side.
For fifteen minutes you have been looking blankly at the pretty box on your bed. A deliveryman showed up in front of your door to deliver it, although you didn’t remember placing any order. The prettiest dress you’ve ever seen, even more beautiful in reality than the pictures you saw on the internet, was carefully folded with a handwritten note on top.
Wear this for me, if you come. I hope you will.
Your heart was beating, a mix of excitement and indignation fighting inside your soul. Does he think a dress and a handwritten note is enough? But your legs were already weak, your anger melting with every minute your eyes looked back and forth from the dress to the note. It was a dress you showed him multiple times. There was no occasion in the near future to wear it, sparkly and revealing just enough, elegant and precious, it was too much even for a fancy dinner or the occasional parties he took you to. Not to mention the exorbitant price.
The standard invitation sent to everyone was hiding at the bottom of the box, under the dress. It was a formal party, celebrating the launch of his new business, at a fancy casino. The dress was perfect for the event. For three days you had been debating whether to go or not, the only thing keeping you from running back into Sukuna’s arms being your wish for something to change. You weren't quite sure what exactly yet.
Looking out the window of your kitchen, you saw the same car parked in front of the building, as always. The tough guy following your every move since your breakup was undoubtedly paid by Sukuna to keep an eye on you. He never blended in with any of the places you went, too tall and hunky, not even pretending to have any other reason for being in the same places as you. You weren’t scared of him, mostly because you knew he was Sukuna’s man.
You’re the only one I want by my side.
You could almost hear Sukuna say these words, although they were only written on a thick perfumed paper. As you still contemplated, you noticed the man with raven hair got out of the car. He was wearing a navy shirt that hugged his muscles in all the right places, the fabric stretching as his arms moved. He was having a smoke, with his back leaning against the car, looking up to the window illuminated by light where you were standing.
An idea sparked inside your mind, like a lightning bolt.
You couldn’t forgive Sukuna so easily. But if you could teach him a lesson that would bring you to an even ground that would make things easier. Fair.
When you got out of the apartment building, Toji was already inside the car. He watched you closely as you approached, your breasts jiggling softly with every step you took in your high heels. He licked his lips instinctively, as Sukuna’s warning echoed inside his brain.
I don’t pay you to fantasize about fucking my woman.
How could he not, though? That bastard knew your measurements so well since the dress was fitting your body perfectly, it was probably custom made. It was reflecting all the light coming from the streetlamps on your way to the car. Toji rolled down the window before you could reach him, placing his forearm on the sill.
“You’re Sukuna’s lapdog, right?” You asked, and he looked up at you. Such a pretty face for a pretty body. Feisty as well.
“I’m only doing what I’m paid for, doll.” He shrugged, waiting for your next move.
“Take me to him.”
You didn’t expect him to open the door for you or anything, but the ride was engulfed by an awkward silence. Toji was quite handsome, you admitted to yourself as you stole looks now and then. It made your plan easier to follow, since your eyes flew to his large hand on the steering wheel or to the scar across the corner of his lips.
“You’re Megumi’s dad, right?” You asked, wishing to spark some conversation. He looked at you quickly from the corner of his eye, although he failed to meet your gaze and landed on your cleavage instead. “The resemblance is striking.” You continued when his eyes went back to the road. You wondered if Sukuna knew him because Yuuji was friends with Megumi or the other way around.
“He takes more after his mom.” Toji replied on a neutral tone, and you understood that the subject you chose was not the best. He was probably a teen dad, since he didn’t look that old, but more mature than you in any case.
You took out a small mirror from your purse to check on your make-up. As the car stopped at a red light, the man took a moment to look at how short your dress was when you were sitting down, exposing a generous amount of your thigh. You could see him in the mirror, and he seemed to be aware of it, but he didn’t look away until the light turned to green.
“You shouldn’t push him away too much, y’know?” Toji finally said, breaking the silence. “A man has his ego too.” For a moment, the hidden meaning of his words was clear as day. He had guessed what you were about to do.
“I’m not taking advice from a man who barely paid child support.”
“Fair enough.” He replied with a smug smile.
When the car finally pulled over in the parking lot, a drop of your determination disappeared as you noticed all the expensive cars and people attending Sukuna’s party. You were about to ruin his night, and, for a moment, you wondered if all of this was worth it. Couldn’t you simply get over it, believe the man you loved and end this? Your hand slipped away from the door as Toji opened it for you and you looked at him surprised. He was offering you a hand.
The images of Sukuna making out with that girl flashed in your mind, giving you the confidence boost you needed. You took Toji’s hand and got out of the car, pulling the hem of your dress lower. You were about to give your boyfriend some taste of his own medicine.
“I should get going, my job is done here.” Toji said with a very unconvincing voice, as if he didn’t believe the words either. He was giving you a last chance to change your mind.
“Nonsense.” You said, grabbing his muscular arm. “I’ll buy you a drink as a thank you for the ride.”
You arrived late, as you intended. You hardly recognized any of the people crowding the enormous room lit by crystal chandeliers. It was hard to find Sukuna in this mass of fancy dresses and rich men but you didn’t rush anyway. Toji guided you towards the bar, and you took a seat while he chose not to, standing next to you. The look in his eyes, practically undressing you, was enough to tell that he didn't mind your little game at all. After you got your drink you quickly turned in your seat to face him, while your eyes constantly searched the crowd for a ruffled pink hair in the sea of people. As you were talking, you crossed one leg over the other, growing impatient by the minute.
Dissimulation was one of Sukuna's many skills. He had no difficulty in smiling charmingly and exchanging meaningless words just for the sake of building his reputation. There were only two types of people in that room. The ones who had no idea who he was and the ones who knew it too well. Naturally, with the first category he could start on a clean slate. With the latter, it was even more entertaining to see how they followed the social script so diligently while their pupils contracted in fear, a drop of sweat was dripping down their foreheads and their hands were shaking as they greeted him. Sukuna had everyone wrapped around his finger, be it throught admiration or fear.
"O-of course, it would be an honour to collaborate." The old man's voice trembled while he only looked down at Sukuna's expensive dress shoes as he was speaking. The last time Sukuna saw this pathetic scum his men had his son kidnapped because of unpaid debt. He was big in the transportation industry, of course he found double the money to pay.
A man from security carefuly approached Sukuna as he was enjoying his little intimidation games, whispering in his ear that someone saw you enter through the front door. His relaxed posture suddenly changed, his back straight and tense, his hands clenched in tight fists in his black dress pants' pockets as he heard Toji's name following yours.
He had to find you. He had to talk to you. If you were here, he surely meant something to you.
The hall was enormous and filled with people. He had to find you quickly and easily. His heart was beating fast, anticipating the moment he could see your face, hear your voice, feel your touch. He missed you excruciatingly much. So much that he was about to do the most cliché and cheesy gesture that otherwise would have made him cringe just by thinking about it.
The band stopped playing and everyone turned around to see the singer announce that the host of the party was about to hold a speech. People clapped in encouragement as Sukuna stepped up on the stage, on the opposite end of the room from the bar, where you and Toji were casually continuing your conversation. It was so easy for him to spot you. While everyone was facing him, you weren't. Your dress, the one he bought you, was the brightest and most beautiful. Next to you, that bastard had his hand on your waist while you leaned in to kiss him, one small hand of yours on his chest.
It was barely a couple of moments that other guests didn't even notice. But to Sukuna it felt like an endless torment in hell, seeing how you tilted your head so you could make out with the other man, your hand gripping in his shirt, your eyes open looking directly at him while your body was touched by someone else, your tongue was in someone else's mouth, your hands were pulling someone else close. Sukuna's hand grabbed the micropone tightly, his knuckles white, almost breaking.
He could already see himself jump off the stage, terrified people making way as he would roll his sleeves up to his elbows, ready to beat the shit out of Toji, the bastard he was paying to keep an eye on you. He would punch him right in the face, break that annoying smirk off his lips, then drag him out and beat him to death.
"Huh, this thing doesn't seem to like me." Sukuna joked with a relaxed tone as he pretended not to know how the microphone worked. If his mind was filled with homicidal thoughts nobody in the room could see that. Instead, they saw a handsome and powerful man thanking everyone for attending his event.
You pulled away from Toji as soon as Sukuna's voice echoed in the room. Nobody could see past his facade better than you. And this time, it was more unsettling than ever.
"I would like to thank everyone for honouring me with your support for this new chapter of my life." You had planned to leave as soon as your revenge was through, mostly because you didn't know how to confront Sukuna so soon. But he had you mesmerized, in his black Armani shirt as he rolled up his sleeves comfortably and talked to the audience as if he didn't just see his woman makeout with another man a second before. You watched in awe how his supressed anger flickered every time his eyes would find yours again, while he joked about his appearance, reassuring his guests that his tattoos didn't prevent him from being an upright businessman. It was scary to see how much self control he had, but even scarier to think what would happen when it was gone. You wanted to break him, to see him suffer as you did, but he kept talking as if nothing happened.
"I would also like to raise a toast for the woman who had always been by my side, the one I love most." He raised his glass while looking directly at you, and you suddenly forgot how to breathe. "Unfortunately she couldn't be with us tonight."
You heard Toji sneer next to you, taking the approaching end of Sukuna's speech as a signal to leave. He leaned to your ear to whisper that he will be waiting in the car, but you could barely pay attention to his words. Before he could move, you left your seat as the room echoed with the sound of people clapping.
The night air was not as refreshing as you had hoped. The terrace was empty. You placed your hands on the marble railing, the cold surface making you shiver. Toji was right, it was best to leave now. But you couldn't. You simply couldn't. Your stupid revenge plan brought no comfort. If you ever felt a drop of satisfaction while your lips were locked with Toji's and your eyes locked with Sukuna's, it was too feeble to be remembered.
"No, thank you." You said as you heard someone come closer, placing a glass of alcohol on the railing next to your hand.
"You might need it." You choked on empty air as Sukuna's low voice rang in your ears. Your heartbeat echoed in your throat and you felt tears blurring your vision. Your grip on the marble tightened as if you found it hard to stand on your feet. "I hope you're happy now." Sukuna had three buttons of his shirt undone as he leaned with his back against the cold marble. He took a sip from the same glass he offered you before putting it back like a boundary between your bodies.
You didn't say anything. You only pressed your lips together, in an attempt to avoid crying. The band had started playing again inside and the muffled sound of music was the only thing you could hear besides your heartbeat ringing in your ears.
"Why do you always do this?" You asked as you turned to him after a long moment of silence. His eyebrows rose in dissimulated confusion as he didn't even look at you, his eyes fixed on the glass doors revealing a glimpse of the party. "Give me what I want after I fuck everything up."
He crossed his arms, the expensive perfume you gifted him for Christmas creeping deep into your brain.
"Why do you think I invited you here? Had all these losers dressed up? Rent this expensive shithole for the night? Hired a well know band?"
"Don't blame me, I never asked for any of it." You took a sip from the same glass, wishing you could kiss him instead. The memory of Toji's taste on your lips made you take yet another sip to wash it away.
"I'm not blaming you. I'm just saying I'm not good with words. So I make up for it through gestures."
He had an innate talent of always turning every situation in his favor. You were the bad guy now. You kissed someone else while he prepared an event just for you. You ruined everything with your arrogance. You could never win.
It was almost infuriating how calm he was, although you could tell from his reluctance to look at you that he was still concealing his true feelings for the sake of appearance. He had a venue full of important people watching him. He couldn't cause a scene. Yet.
"Did you enjoy it?" He asked after a few long minutes of silence. His voice was lower, closer to a growl. His mind was replaying that moment in his head over and over again.
"Did you enjoy kissing that bitch?" You answered with another question. He grinned as he played with the almost empty glass, the small amount of liquid left sparkling in the light as it moved.
"So it's payback. You think that's fair?" He asked again, his eyes lost watching the whiskey splashing against the edges of the glass according to his hand's movements.
"It's not even half of what you've done to me." You muttered through gritted teeth. You were about to grab his face, force him to look at you, break away from the stupid game he was playing when he smashed the glass against the marble floor, making you gasp and step back in fear. The music was too loud for the people inside to notice. He ran a hand through his hair, inhaling deeply. The glass shattered on the floor, the small amount of alcohol spilling on the white marble.
"It's not even half." He repeated after you and took a few steps to close the distance between the two of you. You felt the cold marble against your back as he cornered you, both his hands placed at your sides, his arms imprisoning you. "What would be half? What would make it even?" He asked, dangerous crimson eyes fixed on you as his head hanged low to look down at you. Your feet were already hurting because of the heels. "You want me to watch my employee fuck you, hm?" You looked up at him through your lashes, feeling the soft fabric of his pants touch your bare legs. "Would that be half?" His head sank even lower, his mouth close to your ear to growl lowly. "Two men? Three? How many would you have fucking you until you call it even?"
"You're disgusting." You said as you gripped on the marble railing, his body leaning over yours making it hard for you to stand.
He leaned back to look at you again, his eyes following the curves of your body, appreciating how well the dress was fitting you. You felt the tip of his fingers brush against your waist and up your chest, shivering when his cold hand wrapped around your warm neck. He didn't choke you, didn't put any pressure on your soft skin. His hand only ghosed around it, feeling your pulse in the empty space between your skin and his hand and the warmth radiating from your body.
You weren't afraid of him, just as you weren't afraid of Toji when he suddenly started following you around. Because you knew Sukuna would never hurt you. Even now, when his mouth was spitting the vilest things, you could see the sadness in his eyes, the regret that was lingering in his intimidating stare. One of your hands wrapped around his tattooed wrist, pushing his hand further into your neck, daring him to go further.
"Come on, take it out on me." You said when his hand refused to move, not choking you completely but not freeing you either. He was keeping you there, still pondering on what he was supposed to do. "Do whatever you want."
"No." He said, pulling away, allowing you space to breathe.
You didn't think much about the aftermath of your plan, mainly because you proudly pretended you knew him better than he knew himself. You knew he was sorry for everything he had done. You knew he loved you. You knew he would never hurt you. But you also wanted to hear it from his own mouth. In your arrogance, you didn't bother to worry about overstepping a line, breaking a boundary, making irreparable damage. After all, you only returned the same pain he made you go through.
Then why didn't you feel like it was enough?
He was standing a few steps away from you until he adjusted his dress pants as he crouched down on the floor. Now he looked more like the man you were familiar with, the gang leader of the streets, full of tattoos, hair a mess, ready to fight if anyone dared to cross him.
"Uraume is waiting for you in parking lot to take you home." He said as he took out a cigarette. He tried to light it a few times but the lighter seemed broken. He threw it on the floor with a loud sigh, the sound of metal hitting marble hurting your ears. It must have been very uncomfortable to sit like that in those fancy pants.
"I can go by myself." He smiled, expecting you to refuse. He was still playing with the cigarette between his fingers but the lighter was too far.
"I'm not saying it twice." Sukuna sat up and walked over to pick up the lighter. The violent gesture seemed to have fixed it since now it flickered right away, and he sucked in so desperately like the nicotine could take away the pain in his heart.
Looking at him, you wondered if you had always been this vile. You would have never guessed how hungry for revenge you would be, how much you would wish to hurt him as much as you loved him. Even now, as you could clearly see the contradictions in his mind, the hurt and the anger and the love fighting to reach a conclusion, it still wasn't enough for you. You wanted more. You wanted to see Sukuna crawl, groaning in agony because of you. You loved him and you wanted to own him equally. But the quiet good girl minding her business could never own a man like him.
"If you think about leaving with Toji he's either beaten up or already left after beating up my men."
You walked up to him, his eyes never leaving you as you approached him. It was a new and unfamliar dynamic between the two of you. Maybe defying Sukuna by kissing Toji made you realize you had more power than you thought. Or his bad influence over time was finally taking its toll on you. When you closed in the space between the two of you, you lightly placed one hand on his cheek. He turned his face to the side, blowing away a thin cloud of smoke. His handsome side profile was even more captivating from up close, every curve and edge of his features creating a masculine and intimidating view. When he turned his face back to you, you pulled him in for a kiss and he quickly responded. It was the first kiss after so much time, yet it was slow and soft, almost like you were getting to know each other's lips for the first time. He let the cigarette fall from between his fingers, his hands placed on your hips pulling you closer. You could taste on his lips just how much he missed you and you made sure to let him know too. When you pulled away his lips were swollen and stained with your lipstick. You wiped it away softly with your thumb.
"Go." He said, although his hands were still placed on your hips keeping you close.
"The woman who had always been by your side is gone already." You said, alluding to his earlier speech. He frowned slightly, not understading your odd smile or your puzzling eyes. "Take care, 'kuna." You said, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. When you pulled away, he caught you by the hand, keeping you next to him for a few more moments.
"This dress looks amazing on you." He said.
"Thank you." You whispered, squeezing his hand.
《previous 3. Only Memories next》 Ascension |
True Form! Sukuna x Reader
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tags: @sukunasleftkneecap @nicxl333 @st4r-s4r4 @vinnieswife @rosaryia @iluvoaldmen @rowrowrowyourboat13 @sterzin @siriuslyblackonback @00frenchfries00 @selina18
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arlana-likes-to-write · 6 months
Hi there. I'm sorry if I'm doing this the wrong way. I've never requested anything before. (i want to put a trigger warning for self harm)
I was wondering if you could do a Kate Bishop and female reader angst/comfort where they've been dating for a bit. Kate comes home early from duty with cliny to surprise her and finds her self harming. If you can't or its too dark I understand. I struggle with self injury and a story with Kate comforting her girlfriend who struggles with mental health sounds nice.
Scars to Your Beautiful
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Summary: You thought you had time to get it under control, a dark secret that not even your girlfriend knew about. But now she knows.
Please read the warnings as some topics in the this story can be triggering for some. As always you are enough and I am here if you need someone to talk to!
Warning: mention of past and current self harm, act of self harm, verbal abuse from parents, anxiety, Kate being a good girlfriend, reader has bad mental health
Word Count: 3.2k
“Sweetheart,” you looked up at your girlfriend’s voice. Her eyes flicked to yours and the small razor blade in your hand. What was she doing at home? She was earlier.
5 Days Ago
You dropped your bag to the ground with a groan. It seemed heavier daily, but you were one step closer to graduating. Then you would be free—free from strict professors, free from anxiously waiting for a paper or test to be graded to pop up on the portal, free from the endless pressure your parents placed on your shoulders to carry on your family’s legacy.
You slumped down on the couch, and your girlfriend’s dog rested his head on your lap. The action made you smile. “Hi, Lucky baby,” you whispered, scratching his head. His tongue hung out of the side of his mouth. “When do you think your mom is going to be home?” The one-eyed Golden Retriever jumped on the couch and laid on you, forcing you to lay back. “Lucky,” you laughed. “I have to do homework.” Instead of getting up, he placed his head on your chest and closed his. “Unbelievable,” you mumbled, but his breathing soon brought you to an unwanted nap.
Soft fingers running through your hair slowly woke you up. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and saw Kate with a smile on her face. “Hi, sleepy,” she teased. “How was your nap?”
“Good but unwanted,” you sat up and put your arms around her neck. “Your dog held me hostage and forced me to take a nap,” you felt her body shake from laughter, and her arms locked you into place. “Katie,” you whined. “I have to get up and do homework and cook dinner.”
“Nope,” she popped the ‘p’. “Homework can wait, and I ordered food. So now you can cuddle with your girlfriend.” You huffed, but Kate pouted her lips and gave you the best puppy dog eyes.
“Cuddling does something nice,” you gave in and rested your head on the crook of her neck. Kate reached for the remote and played the next episode of Grey’s Anatomy. You loved these moments. With her training, your classwork, and other extracurricular, it was hard to have these moments of peace. Still, anxiety began to creep into your bones as the seconds ticked to minutes, and the list of assignments was not getting any smaller. Kate touched your neck and dug her fingers into the knots. You melted against her. It was unfair how easily she could turn you into a puddle. You stayed there until the food was delivered and had to part away from the warmth of your girlfriend to eat your Chinese food. She allowed you to change the show to SVU while you ate.
“I leave for a mission tomorrow morning,” you said, dropping the chopsticks you were using. They said it should be about a week.” A week without her would be the longest you both would be apart.
“Whose going with you?” You asked.
“It’s a small team—me, Kamala, America, and Peter.” The urge to ask more died on your lips. Kate never told you what the missions were in the name of keeping you safe. It was hard to wonder, especially when nightmares woke her, and you had to clean her wounds. Instead of rattling off a hundred and one questions, you placed your food on the small table and wrapped your arms around her.
“Promise me you’ll come back to me in one piece.” It was a hard promise to keep, but you needed to hear her say.
“Of course, sweetheart,” she kissed your temple. “You are my home, my one and only. I’ll always come back to you.”
The universe must have liked fucking with you. As soon as Kate left for her mission, one bad thing happened after another. You received a horrible grade on a group project you were stressing over because your other members-only did the bare minimum for their part. Pleading your case to your professor fell on deaf ears because you passed. A passing grade wasn’t good enough. You needed to be perfect.
Then, your internship kept piling more and more work on you because they claimed you were the most responsible and could handle the workload. The cherry on top of the shitty sundae was a phone call from your mother.
“It seems that Dr. Narvaez hasn’t received your application,” you rolled your eyes at your mother’s tone. “Is there a reason for that?” Lucky greeted you at the door, making walking into Kate’s apartment difficult. But you greeted the one-eyed dog with a forced smile and a pat on the head. You toed off your sneakers and dropped down at the small table.
“Because I didn’t send it in,” your confession was met with silence. Sometimes, you preferred your parents constantly yelling or belittling you over the silence.
“And why is that?” You played with an arrowhead that Kate left.
“I don’t know if I want to work for Dr. Narvaez,” you said honestly. He was a friend of your father’s and owned a private practice catering to high-end clients. It would be good money but different from the work you wanted to do. You wanted to help people, not rich saps who wanted Botox.
“Are you serious? Your father gave up a lot to secure you that spot.” You bit your lip, stopping the sigh. It was what they wanted, not you.
“I want a break,” you told her and crossed your arms on top of the table. “Kate and I are thinking about taking a vacation.” The Bishops had a cabin up north, and she wanted to take you right there after graduation. She scuffed at the mention of your girlfriend. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“That girl doesn’t know what’s best for you. Not like your father and I,” you pinched the bridge of your nose. It was the same argument every time. “If you do not work with Dr. Narvaez, you will not have a successful future. You will amount to nothing. You will not only be a failure to yourself but your father, brother, and me.” This type of rant was what you were used to with her. Not praise or support or a gentle reminder that she loved you. All she would do was remind you of how much of a failure you were. If she said it so many times, it had to be true. Right?
Your mother’s degrading words echoed in your head. Worthless. Stupid. You were a disgrace. An embarrassment to the family, and you were going to amount to nothing. You were a mistake. A nobody compared to your brother. They consumed you. Everything seemed to spiral out of control. You needed some aspect of it back. It was a behavior you weren’t proud of that started in middle school. For the six months you were with Kate, you had no need to resort to destructive habits. Kate grounded you. She kept all the negative thoughts away. You found the razor blade in your jewelry box. A hidden compartment at the bottom was perfect because Kate had gone through it all the time.
So you sat on your shared bed with your pant legs rolled up. Your fingertips danced over the faint scars that decorated your skin. Sometimes, Kate traced the lines but never asked where they came from. It was second nature as you moved the sharp razor across your skin. The red of your blood bubbled to the surface. The pressure you’ve felt for the past day and a half disappeared. Finally, you felt like you had control.
The behavior continued over the next two days. Every time you brought the blade out, you promised yourself it would be the last time. It never was, but you had time to get your habit back under control. You had three days, then Kate would be home, and you wouldn’t need it anymore. You had to get everything under control, so you thought.
Present day
“What-what are you doing back?” You asked. You tried to keep your voice steady, but panic raced through your body.
“We got done early,” her voice was surprisingly calm. “I wanted to surprise you.” Her hair was damp, and she was dressed in a purple tracksuit. She must have taken a shower at the tower and rushed over here. Slowly, she closed the distance between you and here. There was enough space so you wouldn’t feel trapped. “Sweetheart, can you hand me that?” She pointed to the razor in your hand. On instinct, you gripped the blade, and you felt it cut your hand. “Please, baby, give it to me.” Her voice was firm, but you heard the plead.
“Katie,” you whimpered and dropped the blade into her outstretched hand. The world seemed to collapse around you. Your legs began to shake, and Kate caught you before you hit the ground. No tears fell from your eyes. A blanket of numbness covered your body.
“I’m going to lift you so we can get you all clean, okay?” You nodded, unable to open your mouth. Your stomach dropped as Kate quickly picked you up and walked to the bathroom. Goosebumps formed on your skin when she set you down and turned to get the first aid kit. Her body shook as she exhaled, looking at the new cuts on your thighs. “This may hurt, but I’ll be gentle, okay?” Again, you gave her another nod. You expected the sting of the antiseptic, but you felt nothing. How long have you been numb to it?
“None are very deep so that you won’t need stitches,” Kate explained. You knew that. Even in your mind-numbing haze, you knew to be careful. There was one night during high school when you cut too deep and stole your father’s suture kit. You learned that night your hands were steady enough to become a surgeon. “I’m going to clean your hand now,” without a response, she didn’t reach to take it. “Baby,” you forced yourself to look into her blue eyes. “Can I see your hand?” You nodded and gave it to her. There was a small cut, nothing compared to the ones on your legs. She cleaned it, placed a badge, and kissed your hand. “I’m going to ask you something, and I won’t be made no matter the answer as long as you are honest with me. Are there others?”
You wanted to lie. All you had to do was say no, and when she went to bed, you could clean the cuts that scattered your arms, but the lie tasted like poison. It made your stomach twist and throat constrict. Before Kate, lying about this was easy. It flowed off your tongue so quickly that even you believed it. With a quick nod, you tugged off your long-sleeved shirt. It was one of Kate’s old college shirts. Your girlfriend scanned your upper half. Again, her body shook as she exhaled. “Okay, thank you for being honest with me, baby. I’m going to clean these too.” You nodded as she kissed your forehead.
Quickly, you put your hand on the back of her neck and kept her close. You knew they needed adequately cleaned, but you needed her close. Everything felt so cold. “Tell me what you need,” she said.
“Need you,” you mumbled. “Katie,” you whined. “Please.” Your throat burned as you tried to keep your tears at bay. Kate hushed you and brought you into a tight hug.
“I’m right here, sweet girl. I’m not going anywhere.”
Once Kate deemed every cut was cleaned, she helped you change into a pair of sweatpants and a baggy hoodie. She carried you to the living room, sat on the couch, and covered you with a blanket. You whined when she pulled away. “I’m going to order food and get you some water. I’ll be right back.” You wanted to protest. She just returned from a mission, and you should be caring for her, but there was no energy in your body. When she entered the kitchen, Lucky jumped on the couch beside you. You ran our fingers through his fur.
The action was mind-numbing, the repetitive motion of his fur through your fingers. You weren’t sure how long you sat there, but Kate returned with a pizza box, and Lucky jumped to the ground. He wasn’t far, just by your feet. “Are you hungry?” She asked. You were, but your stomach twisted and turned. Dark thoughts filled your mind of how undeserving you were. “Just a few bites. I got your favorite.” She opened the box, and it was your favorite. You took a small piece, and with every bite, Kate kissed your forehead and whispered positive words in your ear. You had another slice, and once Kate ate, she put her arm around your shoulders and brought you closer. A conversation was on the horizon, but you were in no mood to talk about what led you here. It would only lead you to spiral more.
“I know we have to talk,” your voice was soft. “Can it wait? I want to cuddle with you.”
“Yeah, of course,” you felt her sigh. “I love you, baby girl. I hope you know that.”
“I love you too, Katie.”
You woke up in your shared bed with Kate. The archer was fast asleep, and at some point, she separated from you in the night. You smiled at how peaceful she looked so different from when she came home. You got out of bed as quietly as possible and went to the kitchen - making breakfast was the least you could do. There was little in the fridge. In your slow mental breakdown, you failed to fill the fridge. Come to think of it, that pizza you ate was your first meal since Kate left for her mission. God, your mother was right. You were worthless.
Deep within the freezer, you found a bag of frozen fruit and decided to make an acai bowl. So you divided the fruit, making sure Kate had more strawberries than blackberries, and placed it in the blender with some Greek yogurt. Thankfully, Kate was a heavy sleeper, and as the mixture was being blended, you started a fresh pot of coffee. Once it was blended, you poured the mixture into bowls.
It was on instinct. You picked up the two still-good bananas and the knife from the drawer. It was an action you’ve done 100 times, but this morning you hesitated.
Your eyes were trained on the knife every time you cut the fruit. It was dangerous to be this close to something sharp after last night. Dark and dangerous thoughts started to fill your head. You wondered how the knife you held would differ from the small razor blade you used. It could be deadly. “Sweetheart,” you snapped out of your thoughts. Are you okay?”
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly and set the knife down as your hands shook. “Sit, please. I made breakfast.” She sat at the table, and you placed the cut-up banana on top with some leftover granola you found. You brought it over to her with a coffee, and you quickly turned around to get your breakfast and return to her. You ate in silence. Occasionally, Kate would grab your hand and squeeze it. You wondered if she needed the reminder that you were here.
“I’m sorry,” you finally said and sipped your coffee. “I thought I’d get it under control before you came back.” Kate moved her thumb on the back of your hand.
“How long has this been going on?” You sighed, brought your knee up to your chest, and rested your chin on top.
“Since middle school, but I stopped when we got together. You made me feel grounded despite all the pressure and stress,” you explained. “When you went on the mission, one bad thing happened after the other.”
“Tell me what happened,” you told her about your lousy grade from your professor, the extra work your internship pilled on you, and the comments your family made. When you brought up your family, Kate tried to keep her face neutral, but her blue eyes turned stormy. She’s met your parents a handful of times and you knew how much she hated how they treated you. Once you were done with your story, it sounded foolish. It was typical pre-adult responsibilities; people were going through much worse. But Kate had a soft smile that almost caused the dame you were holding to break.
“You are so loved, baby girl. You are smart, beautiful, and kind. My world is so much brighter with you in it,” you felt your bottom lip tremble. Still, it was hard for you to believe. “Come with me,” she pulled you to your feet and towards the bathroom downstairs. She flicked on the lights and put you in front of the mirror. Her arms wrapped around your waist. “Look in the mirror,” you struggled to say, but you looked at yourself in the mirror. “My beautiful girl,” she mumbled, kissing the part of your skin uncovered by the hoodie. Her hands were warm as they moved under your hoodie and rested on your stomach. The warmth made you melt against your girlfriend’s solid frame. “I will say some sentences, and I want you to repeat them for me. Can you do that for me, baby?” You were a little hesitant but nodded. However, Kate gave you a stern look that said use your words.
“Yes, Kit Kat,” you smiled, using the nickname she hated. She tickled your sides, and your laughter danced off the bathroom walls.
“Okay, okay,” she said once your laughter turned to quiet giggles. Kate let out a shaky breath and turned her attention to the reflection. “I am strong,” you pouted when she expected you to say it back. It wasn’t true. You weren’t strong. At this moment, you felt so weak. “Come on, sweetheart, say it back to me.” You sighed.
“I am strong,” you mumbled. There was no belief in your words but Kate kissed your cheek.
“Good. I’m so proud of you. Alright, next one. I am smart,” she continued with more phrases. Each one was different from the next, but they had the same idea: I am confident, brave, and loved. Every time you repeated a phrase back, your voice was stronger, and a small part of you started to believe it. “Last one, beautiful,” she whipped away your tears with her thumb. I am enough.”
“Katie,” you whimpered. It was almost painful to say or believe. “I’m not.”
“Yes, you are,” she squeezed you tight. “Say it.” She encouraged you and rested her chin on your shoulder. You closed your eyes. “I am enough.”
“I am,” Worthless. A disgrace. Dumb. “I am enough.” It was so soft. “I am enough.” The second time was stronger. “I am,” Loved. Beautiful. Strong. Brave. “Enough. I am enough,” you cried. Kate was quick to turn you around and pulled you into her arms. You clung onto her back as you sobbed into her shoulder.
“You are baby. You are enough, and I will remind you every single day.” It was hard to believe. After years and years of verbal abuse from your family, those thoughts weren’t going to disappear overnight. But you were stronger than them. You were better than them. You were enough.
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midnightarcheress · 6 months
i'm procrastinating again so here are some blurbs/drabbles/hcs/idk about how the tf141 would act when they're hurt.
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Ghost would purposefully hide any injury, because he knows you will make a fuss of it when he’s not even feeling pain (lie) and give him an earful about being more careful. dismisses your concern when you spot the wet mark on his dark shirt, interrogating him if it’s water, sweat, or blood (his or someone else’s). despite his size, you manage to push the 6'4'' man into a chair - not that he would actually resist your graceful orders - and strip him of his shirt, being met with a nasty open cut begging for an infection.
“quit moving, Simon, i’m trying to help you here.” you mumble, straddling his lap in an attempt to keep him in place so you can clean the raw gash on his bare shoulder. “i've told you already, it’s nothing.” he grunts, placing his hands on your waist. you both know he could easily toss you aside like a feather, but you also note the sly grin tugging on his lips when he slowly starts to hike up your blouse.
Soap, on the other hand, would actively barge into your room and flop on your bed, positioning his body like a victorian child dying of scarlet fever (he scraped his knee). babbling about how much it stings, how he can’t bend his leg, how he’ll never be able to walk again. he really should win an oscar for the man-in-agony performance. however, when he's actually hurt, he'd be caught dead before telling you anything.
“i’m telling ye, bonnie, i’ve never been in so much pain!”  “is that so?” you ask, raising your brows at his theatrics, “what should i do to help you, with such a fatal wound?” he props himself on his elbows, shooting you a malicious glare “oh, i’m sure a kiss would heal this poor tortured soul.” 
Gaz, being his usual sweetheart self, would be more preoccupied with the paper cut you got on your precious pinky while opening the gauze, than with his busted open brow pouring blood, making a crimson trail down his cheek. he doesn’t notice his mind getting all foggy due the throbbing headache - and possible concussion - but he sure as hell notice your pout when you feel the tingling of the imperceptible slit.
“hey,” he coos softly, taking your hand in his and pressing a small peck on the aching finger, “better?” “i’m the one supposed to be playing doctor, Kyle.” you roll your eyes and smile, while going back to wiping the blood oozing down his face.
Price, the busy captain, would completely forget that he’s hurt. dislocated shoulder, grazing shot, twisted ankle? all of that can wait until he finishes the post-mission paperwork. that, of course, is prior to you entering his office to deliver some papers and seeing his disheveled state. it takes some (a lot) of convincing to pry his eyes off the computer so you can assess how much patching up he needs.
“i have to-” you snatch the pen out of his fingers and lock his chair in position, brows furrowed to the point he just accepts his fate and shuts up. “that’s more like it,” you hum, looking around the room for any sort of first-aid kit, “John, how many times have i told you that your brain won’t function properly if it’s too focused on keeping you alive, hm?”
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daydream-cement · 2 years
Ooohhhh been obsessing with your work!! When you have time can you maybe do a flirty reader who has a crush on Larissa and likes to tease and flirt with her with funny sexual harmless innuendos. Larissa can’t help but blush all the time. One day Larissa was like f@ck this and slams reader on the wall and kiss her. Reader suddenly gets shocked because never in her life would she expect this to happen and even if she really is a big flirt she is secretly a virgin lol. Reader suddenly became embarrassed since with all the jokes and flirting she did on Larissa she actually have zero experience. How would Larissa react when she finds out her minx of a reader is a virgin?
The Flirt
Larissa Weems x Reader
Authors Note: No smut, but people can use their imaginations.
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"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite customer. Don't you look incredibly gorgeous today..." You grinned widely at Larissa Weems, who was still approaching the register. She would visit the diner you worked for lunch three times a week, always ordering her same half a sandwich with a side salad.
For months you had been flirting with her, not interested in hiding the fact that you found her to be intoxicating. There was no doubt she was the most beautiful person you had ever met and you wanted to make it known.
"Ah, Y/n. You always flatter me." Larissa (as always) brushed off the compliment, pulling out her wallet to pay for the lunch she knew would be ready on the counter behind yourself.
"I just need to make sure someone tells you. Have you given a second thought to that date? Dinner at my place? I'll make your sandwich and salad just how you like it and what ever happens... happens..." You give her a wink as you take her cash and pop open the till to get her change.
"Forever the charmer. I'm afraid I don't sleep with the people who make my lunch. Where else would I go for a decent meal?" She laughed lightly as she took her change, depositing the bills and coins into their rightful place. Larissa had always seen your flirting as a way to tease one another, never had she taken you seriously.
"I never asked to sleep with you..." You turned to grab the brown bag that contained her lunch, but you hesitated giving it to her so you could talk with her longer, "But now that you mention it..."
Larissa shook her head, unable to hide her smile, and held out her hand, "Hand it over."
"Aren't you gonna give me a kiss first?" You tease leaning forward a bit, tapping your cheek where you hoped she would grant you a kiss.
Her smile faded and she shook her head. When she realized you were only half joking, she leaned in to press a kiss to your cheek. You let your guard down, almost shocked this was about to happen after months of relentless flirting. She yanked the brown bag from your hand and pulled away from you, a triumphant smile gracing her lips, "Have a wonderful day."
When Larissa hadn't come in for her usual, you felt particularly concerned. She never missed getting lunch from you, even if she sent another teacher to get it from you. The lunch rush was surprisingly slow, so you easily convinced your coworker to cover for you so you could drive Larissa's lunch to the school.
You had never been to Nevermore before, only ever hearing stories from the locals about the outcasts who lived here. The building was quite beautiful, but she shear size of it made you wonder how you would possibly find Larissa. With the guidance of a few different students, you finally found Larissa's office, knocking on the door twice before hearing her voice granting you access, "Come in!"
"Y/n... what are you doing here?" Larissa was completely shocked to see your face enter her office. Before you could respond, her eyes fell to the brown paper bag in your hand, "Did you bring me my lunch?"
"Well when my favorite customer didn't show up, I knew I had to deliver this myself." You stop midway on the walk to her desk, narrowing your eyes at her dress as she stands to greet you, "Wait one moment..."
"What? Is there something wrong with my dress?" Larissa looks down to her outfit, turning and scanning the fabric for a stain or tear.
"No. I just like looking at you..." You smirk and let out a small laugh when Larissa rolls her eyes at your flirtation. She continues moving around the edge of her desk, coming to rest against the side closest to you with her arms folded over her chest. You approach her and hold out the lunch to her, "I even added a little treat for you... It's not as sweet as you, but-"
Larissa's hand grabbing your wrist instead of the bag caught you off guard. She pulled you closer, making your heart beat wildly in your chest. Was this really happening?
"You really must stop the phony flirting. You are going to break my little heart when I find out you haven't meant a word." Larissa's tone suggested she was messing with you, but when you looked up into her eyes, you knew she was completely serious.
"It's not phony." You narrow your gaze, frowning at her assumption. Your eyes wander down her body before glancing back up into her eyes, "You are simply one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. I would do anything for a date with you."
Larissa's grasp on your wrist loosened, but you didn't move away from her, rather you shifted a centimeter closer. Her eyes caught yours for a moment before looking away. Was she nervous?
"I've never stood this close to your before..." You whisper as you study her face. She had a divine scar above her lip and you wondered if you could feel it under your lips or tongue if you were to kiss her. You look away when she doesn't respond. Never did you want to make her uncomfortable, "Maybe I should go. Enjoy your lunch."
You push the brown bag and turn to leave. Larissa tossed the lunch on her desk and followed your every step, pushing the door shut when you began to open it. When you turn around to face her, wanting to enquire why she wasn't letting you leave, her other hand pushed against your stomach, pinning you against the door. Her lips crash to yours without a moments hesitation.
Larissa's hands wandered to your hips as she deepened the kiss. While you tried enjoying the kiss, her knee between your legs made your head pound and your chest tighten. You weren't ready for this. Larissa was ready for so much more, but your inexperience made you hesitant.
Her lips traveled down your jaw to your neck, but she paused when she felt your body go rigid. She pulled away, concern filling her eyes, worried she had done something to upset you, "What's wrong? Did I do something?"
"No.. No, no, no. Larissa.. I-" You wince at the information you were about to relay her, "I am a virgin."
"You? My little flirt?" The possessiveness of the nickname made you smile. Larissa took a step back from you, offering you some space from her wandering lips and hands.
You nod in response, a blush beginning to creep across your cheeks.
"Perhaps we can start with that date? And see how things progress from there?" Larissa brought a hand to your cheek and cocked her head as she spoke gently to you.
"That sounds wonderful."
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teddy-bear-baby · 8 months
Their Deadly Flower - Thirteen
(A/n: Guess who's back... Me! Apologies for the hiatus. The holidays were hectic and some unfortunate events followed that kept me from updating. Hopefully, the wait was worth it and you Lovelies enjoy this chapter. I may post fourteen today as well, but it needs heavy editing before I can.)
Pairings: Ghost X GN!Reader, König X GN!Reader
Warnings: Heavy violence and torture
Prolog - One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten - Eleven - Twelve - Here - Fourteen
     “Answer me!” You demand loudly, the edge of the blade biting into the skin of Ezekiel’s left ring finger. Blood pools on the arm of the chair as you keep his hand still, the viscous red liquid seeping from the open wound where his pinky used to be. “Where were they taken?” You grit your teeth and watch him shake wildly from pain and fear. That sadistic glee flooding your system becomes stronger with every terror filled glance he casts your way.
     “Fuck!” Ezekiel’s eyes are wide as he stares down at his marred hand. “Alright, alright!” He takes a deep inhale as you pull the knife back ever so slightly. “A warehouse.” His voice quivers as he looks up into your eyes, his mismatched orbs filled with an unspoken plea for mercy.     “Too vague.” You growl and place the switchblade back against his ring finger, pressing down just enough to cause blood to seep from under the blade. “Specifics, Ezekiel.” You bark at him, your brows furrowing while you send a scathing glare at him. 
     You’ve been playing this game for far too long and you were quickly losing your grip on what little mental stability you had left. Ezekiel had been running you in circles for the last hour and half with short cryptic answers that never gave way to the information you truly needed. He was smart not to give up the information so easily, you’d give him that much. That bit of respect didn’t get him anywhere when it came to your anger however.
     “Who took them?” Your gaze is set harsh as you stare at Ezekiel’s bound form, arms crossed over your chest as you wait for his answer.
     “Took who?” He questions incredulously. His nonchalant attitude about the whole situation only adds fuel to the angry fire burning in your chest.
     A growl bubbles in your throat and your hand strikes out before you can catch it. Your hand stings slightly as it comes to rest at your side balled in a fist. “Don't play games with me, Ezekiel. You know exactly who I’m talking about.” 
     Ezekiel grits his teeth as red blooms on his cheek, the shape of your hand rapidly becoming visible. “I don’t know.”
     “Bullshit.” You bite out the response as you step forward and grip his face. You dig the tip of König’s knife into his neck teetering on the edge of ending his miserable life right now, answers be damned.
     “Fuck you.” He barks defiantly and spits in your face.
     You deliver a quick slash to his uninjured cheek before wiping the saliva from your face and grabbing him by the roots of his hair. “Who?” Though it’s a question it sounds more like an order, one of menacing intent should he choose to continue to be difficult.
     He grimaces in pain and pushes his body against the back of the chair in a feeble attempt to get away from you. “Alice’s men.” 
     Slight satisfaction blooms in your chest, momentarily taking over the fear and anger. Fear quickly resets itself, your chest growing heavy once more as you realize you’d been right. If Alice’s men had taken them, then there was some ulterior motive. She’d likely be asking for her release in return for König and Ghost. “Good,” You speak slowly, your tone still holding that menacing threat. “Why?” 
     He stays silent, glaring daggers at you.
     Scorching anger flares within you as his defiance comes to the surface once more. You give his hair a rough yank, forcing his head to snap backward. “Fingers or toes?” There’s a sharpness to your words that seems to motivate him to speak.
     “Something about a person called Iris.” His response is followed by a pause and a look of understanding as he puts the pieces together.
     You’d gone through the same song and dance with every question until you proved you were more than willing to see out your threats. Ezekiel had given you who, how, when and why before you had to take his pinky finger off for refusing to tell you where. You’d done it slowly, drawing out his pain so he could feel even a fraction of the suffering you’d been, and still are, going through. Slowly teetering and sawing the knife through the flesh and bone of his finger all while he screamed his throat raw. Pleas meant for whatever god he believed in ringing off the basement wall as you took far too much pleasure in making him suffer.
     If his answer were to be believed, Ghost and König had been taken by a small group of Alice’s men. They’d been waiting in the shadows for a moment of vulnerability so they could take the two men with little struggle and no witnesses. Ezekiel had also shared that the man you’d thought was a trusted contact, was actually one of their people tasked with sending you all to this house. This, of course, means the house is no longer a safe place for you and your team, but that wasn’t something you needed to worry about at that moment.
     According to Ezekiel, Alice had her own reasons for wanting Ghost and König. You’d found it odd that she hadn’t just sent her men for you if you’re what she’s really after. Of course, he could only spare a few details, as her plans were all pretty secret. She’d only let slip what needed to be known for the job to get done properly. You assume that Ezekiel being caught and tortured definitely wasn’t part of her plan.
     A heavy sigh falls from your lips as you scowl, Ezekiel’s silence threatening to push you past your breaking point. “Spit it out. Where the hell is this warehouse?” You apply more pressure to the knife, reveling in the way his tear-stained face contorts in pain as the blade digs further into his flesh. It was oddly satisfying to watch someone else experience pain the way you had been for the past 56 hours. 
     “West,” He gasps out as he wriggles against his restraints, a desperate but pitiful attempt at getting away from the pain you were causing him. “Directly west of the town Alice was taken from.” He takes another harsh breath as his eyes flick between his bloodied hand and your face, a look of anguish in his eyes. “About two miles inland from the coast.” 
     Relief floods your entire body as you’ve finally gotten a location to start your search. “Thank you, Ezekiel.” You pull the knife from the open wound on his ring finger with a small but genuine smile. “It’s been a pleasure speaking with you.”
     A flicker of hope flashes in his eyes as he looks up at you. “Are… Are you going to let me go now?” 
     You shake your head and let out a quiet laugh, amused that he thought it’d be that simple. “Absolutely not.” Knowing it’d be detrimental to leave him awake, you deliver a swift blow to his temple. Watching for a moment as he slumps in the chair and ensuring he’s out cold before darting up the stairs to inform the rest of the team what you’d learned.
     “On me,” Price demands as he crouches low, signaling for the men to halt in their movements.
     “So, what then?” You question in a harsh tone as you do your best to avoid glaring directly at your colonel. “We just leave them there? Let them be tortured to death at the hands of the enemy we’re currently after?” An angry growl bubbles in your throat but you force it down knowing it would only make him want to listen to you less than he already does.
     “For now, Iris,” Your callsign falls harshly from the colonel’s mouth as he pins you with a hard stare, eyes boring through your very being as he continues. “We leave them where they are. I see no use in risking anymore of your team while trying to retrieve Ghost.” His words seem final, another nail in the coffin of the two men you hold so close to you.
     You don’t miss the fact that he says nothing of König and with a quick glance to your left you can tell the other members of KorTac also take notice. A sense of unrest comes off the group as they all begin looking at each other. Another angry growl worms its way into your throat, stinging the back of your tongue with the venomous words that threaten to spew from you. Your eyes quickly find the rest of 141, taking note of the worried looks they give you. Laswell in particular gives you a look that confirms she knows what’s about to happen, but she doesn’t show any disdain for your impending reaction. 
     “And what of König?” You ask, your voice low teetering on the edge of dangerous as you slowly slide your gaze back to your colonel. Your chest constricts with white hot rage as you gauge his response before he can even speak. 
     The colonel’s face twists in confusion for a moment before he gestures to the group of KorTac soldiers. “He is their responsibility, not ours. Once the mission at hand has been completed, we’ll discuss a plan of rescue for Lieutenant Ghost.”
     Red clouds your vision as he once again blows off the safety of König. You fight hard to regain some semblance of control over the anger that’s been building in you for the past five days. Every day it gets harder and harder not to jump into one of the armored vans and go get your men back all on your own. Your fear of failure and death have long since fled your being. The only two things on your mind are the men you’ve lost and how much longer they have until the potential rescue mission turns into a tag retrieval, if that’s not already the reality.
     “With all due respect,” Soap’s voice cuts in before you have a chance to explode at the man in front of you. “You won’t even give us a direct explanation of our current mission, Colonel.” He steps up on your right, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder to show his support. “I think we’re owed that much if we’re expected to disregard the safety of two of our most respected companions.” 
     Your eyes flit back and forth surveying your surroundings as you stay low to the ground. No danger immediately presents itself so you proceed forward into the desolate hall. Old fluorescent lights flicker overhead as you make your way silently from room to room. It’s far too quiet for you to feel any sense of ease as you peer around the corner into the next room. You spare a glance behind you at the four men following your lead, all seeming content under your guidance. 
     “This is bullshit,” You hiss in anger as you slam open the main door of the base and storm out onto the tarmac. “There’s no fucking way he really expects us to pull that off!” Your fist ball up at your sides as you begin pacing back and forth. Your anger had reached a peak you hadn’t thought existed until your colonel gave the rundown of your current mission.
     He explained that 141 and the four remaining KorTac members would be tasked with raiding the headquarters of the terrorist organization that both Donald and Alice were leading. Many questions later it was made clear that the objective was to either bring the place down completely or bring in the third leader for interrogation. 
     “I agree,” Gaz says in a somber tone. “It’s a suicide mission.” 
     You sigh heavily and stop moving. “I’ve got a bad feeling about all of this.” The scene kept replaying in your head, leaving a sour taste in your mouth. The way the colonel blew off your worry about there being a mole in the base. Someone feeding and relaying information for Alice. How else would all of these things happen so seamlessly? Sure, she could’ve planned it all beforehand, but how could she have accounted for you falling for both König and Ghost? How could she have planned for KorTac to be involved with 141 at all? If she had intended to use Ghost as leverage for her release, wouldn’t she have taken him sooner? 
     “All clear, Cap,” Soap states plainly as he exits the large building. “Seems we were too late. There’s barely even evidence to prove that they were here.” His eyes rove over the outside of what used to be the headquarters of the organization, though it looks to have been abandoned months, if not years, ago.
     Gaz grunts as he too examines the exterior of the building. “Alice must’ve had this place cleared when we first got our hands on her.”
     “Wouldn’t doubt it with all the other shit she’s pulled while being held.” Price pats them both on the shoulder as he nods in the direction of exfil. “Let’s go.”
     The realization dawns on you far too late. You’d racked your brain for hours trying to piece together who the mole could be and how they’d gone under the radar for so long. Someone that was either trusted or too mundane to be suspicious, but close enough to 141 that they could readily gain information. It was so obvious, right there in front of your face the whole time and none of you had noticed with everything else that had been going on. 
      You bolt through the halls, legs carrying you in a sprint toward Laswell’s office where you’re positive you’ll find Price. “Price,” You say breathlessly as you slam the office door open. You stare at Price, eyes wide with urgency. “The mole,” You pause and inhale deeply, trying to get your frantic breathing under control. “It’s Rain.”
(Don’t forget to ask about joining the tag-list: @josieguts @strangepuppynightmare @theredviolets @poohkie90 @giulia2372 @fillechatoyante @buckysjuicyplums @running-writing @darkravenqueen98 @bigman101 @birdiiiiiiiiiii)
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djarrex · 1 year
Captain Rex x f!reader
masterlist | read on ao3
Rex hears his baby's heartbeat for the first time.
pregnant!reader. dad Rex. this is so soft, y'all. there's also brief mentions of Rex feeling guilty, but overall, this is just a fluffy, self-indulgent fic. about 1.2k words.
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When you come out from your room after changing into something more loose-fitting and comfortable, you see the new at-home fetal doppler device laying on the kitchen table just outside the box it came in, and Rex is sitting there with his face buried in the little instructions foldable that came with it. Ever the researcher, Rex more than likely has read every word since opening it, whereas you would have just skimmed to what looked most important. Or, rather, you would've looked at the pictures, using the visuals as the sole model. A hand on your belly, you let out a light laugh, making Rex look up from what appeared to be pretty intense reading.
“Tricky piece of hardware?” you tease.
“I like to be thorough,” he points out matter-of-factly. “Wanna make sure I do this right to get the best results.”
You plop onto the couch, the creak of the springs doing the tortuous job of reminding you of your changing body. “What’d you find out?”
Rex follows you over. “Well, we want to make sure we're not confusing your heartbeat with the baby's. There are a few other things we may hear too, like the movement of your placenta or arteries.” He pauses, placing a pillow at the very end of the couch and motioning for you to lay on your back. “You still have a full bladder, right?”
You scoff. “Yes. Remember you scolded me a couple hours ago into drinking all of that water at lunch, and then told me afterwards to not use the bathroom?”
“It was for a reason, love,” he reminds you with a teasing smile, lifting your shirt up to the slope of your belly. “A full bladder helps push your uterus out of the pelvic cavity, that way the fetal heartbeat is more easily detected.”
“Wow. You really did do your research. I like it when you talk medical to me.”
Rex chuckles at that and squirts a copious amount of lotion on your belly, rubbing it in gentle circles. “I’ve already verified the device is functional and sterilized the probe face.”
You bite your lip to hold back a laugh. “You used it to check your own heartbeat first, didn’t you?”
“Maybe,” he replies cheekily, deliberately avoiding your eyes with the response. “You ready, love?”
“Let’s hear what this little bean's got.”
Rex clicks the receiver on, a device that’s small enough to fit in his hand. A display lights up with a little beep, a flatline and a zero sitting stagnant. A cylindrical probe is held in Rex's other hand, and as he rests the face of it against your lotioned belly, you suck in a breath of air. Your own heartbeat thumps in your ears as you watch the focus creasing in Rex's handsome features. He’s moving the probe so slowly, so particularly, that you know he’s searching for something specific that he had to have read in his research. His hand turns the probe so that the face changes angles, starting low near your pubic bone up towards your navel then back down again.
This is a moment the two of you have waited for, for a while.
The beginning of this journey was rough, the first several weeks being nothing but bedridden illness and nausea that lasted longer than just the mornings. You stayed at home, too drained and lacking any energy to do necessary things, like go shopping or cook. A lot of days included you ordering food to be delivered, and groceries as well. It was hard to not have Rex there by your side, to help with things that would normally be a breeze for you – and you know he feels guilty for that, even though both of you are more than understanding that it isn't his fault. Still, in the odd hours of the night when he actually was able to contact you to check in only added to his needless guilt, upset with himself that he was never there laying beside you to rub your back or retrieve whatever it was that you required.
You’re a little more than a few months into this pregnancy and you’re not under any impression that Rex’s schedule will miraculously change to you and your unborn child’s benefit, but moments like this one now make it all worth it.
The quick thrumming of the baby’s heartbeat comes out muffled through the handheld over the whooshing waves in the background, the beats monitored on the display. The sound fills you with warmth and you laugh in astonishment, a choked sound as tears fill your eyes. Your hand clasps over your mouth and you look to Rex, who looks completely entranced and in awe – but there’s something else in those warm eyes of his.
The hand covering your mouth instead finds his wrist, fingers gently enclosing around it. His eyes are positively glowing as he watches himself slowly and carefully run the probe face in steady circles around a specific part of your protruding belly. Rex remains extremely silent, lips twitching in the most miniscule of movements as he concentrates.
An overwhelming sense of pride floods into Rex. He can’t believe he created this. Life – natural life. A clone soldier, a man bred for nothing more than to be fodder in battle, created life from love. It’s just beneath this device, growing in the womb of the one he loves. For the very first time he can hear it, the beating heart of it a flicker of sound that he’ll surely remember forever. The shame and guilt that he constantly feels for rarely being present to support you flees him in this moment, replaced with the overriding feelings of promise and joy.
You already know the answer to your impending question, but you want to hear Rex's voice, to prompt him after being silent since switching on the doppler.
“This is our baby’s heartbeat, what we’re hearing?”
Rex clears his throat, using the back of the hand that’s holding the receiver to wipe at the unshed tears in his eyes. “Yes. Yes, it is.” Eyes shimmering, he looks up at you, offering up the devices. "You wanna try?"
You nod, taking both devices from his hands and quickly placing the probe back where Rex just had it. It takes you a few tries to find it, but then the rapid little heartbeat is coming back to life once again.
"It's perfect," you say softly with admiration. "A perfect little heartbeat."
Rex's head lowers then, his forehead meeting your belly. He inhales and exhales shakily.
"Are you okay, Rex?"
When he looks up at you, a tear is streaming down his cheek. "More than okay. I'm so happy."
You laugh through a sudden sob just as Rex goes to kneel closer to you. He kisses you gently, a smile forming on his lips against yours. He folds his hands over your own and the two of you stay like that, foreheads pressed together and hands holding the doppler as one, the sound of your baby's heartbeat filling the room. It's just the three of you here and now, everything on the outside forgotten in this moment.
@pinkiemme @twistedstitcher27 @wild-karrde @rain-on-kamino @ner-runi @literallydontlook @rexxdjarin @rowansparrow @burningfieldof-clover @commander-sunshine
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crazycurly-77 · 3 months
Hey, Ms. Secret Service! - Chapter 12
After waiting nearly a week, the planning of the flight back could begin. Your passenger made himself known in presence, but without any name, because that were the rules. No questions, no names. But he didn't have to say his name, since you already recognized him. He was the second in command of one of the biggest drug cartels in Colombia, Santiago.
You gulped. That was a big game changer. But you had to go through that, no matter what. So you observed and listened, while Aaron and Santiago discussed the shipment and the conditions and then you took part concerning the flight. 
After all, your passenger stated that he waited for boxes full of guns, which had to be delivered, too. So you had to wait 3 more days. Sure, you were only waiting so far, but the danger to be discovered raised with every minute you two stayed there. And because of that you were anxious to be on your way as soon as possible. But you had not a good feeling about what will happen, when you had landed and there were many FBI agents waiting. That could easily result in a blood bath. 
You had to make things work out somehow and finally you had an idea “we will get a large bag and put it in the farest back of the plane behind all the boxes. There you should be safe. We will put some clothes above you for proof and then we will say that this is my clothes bag and because I am a woman, it is a bigger one.”
Aaron thought a little about this and then murmured “yes. Yes, I think that could work. But then I'm not able to help you.”
“Sure, but since he knows you, you have to hide and there's not much place in there” you shrugged your shoulders. 
“Okay, then so be it. But I will try to get free in case you need help.”
“Good. But please, no higher risk than there already is.”
Aaron and you discussed and finalized it and were slowly getting anxious for the flight back. 
Meanwhile in Washington…
…was Abby standing in front of Gibbs’ desk fidgeting with her hands “Did you hear anything from Y/N? How long ‘til she's coming back? Is everything okay? Is she still alive?”
He exhaled “Abby…”
“No, no. You have to tell me, Gibbs. I feel like I'm going mad waiting for any information.”
“Yeah, me too” came from DiNozzo. 
Then Tim and Kate joined them in questioning Gibbs. 
Jenny had seen this as she was already on her way to Gibbs to tell them the news. And before he could say a word, Jenny spoke up “listen. I just received news from Y/N.”
Since she said this with a stern face, everyone stood at attention and looked at her. 
Then she continued “the flight back will be tomorrow. Aaron, her contact, will be in the plane, too. But…Santiago changed the plans. He will be in the plane, too. And besides the drugs, they will additionally transport firearms. The FBI will await them at the airfield, let's hope for the best.”
With that she turned and went back to her office. 
They all stood there dumbfounded and looked at one another. It took Gibbs to shake them back to reality “get back to work. Now” he ordered them. 
Then he tried to concentrate on the file he was reading himself, but all of his thoughts were concern for you, so he didn't catched a word. 
Back in Colombia… 
Finally the day of the flight back has arrived. On one side you were happy that the mission was nearing the end, but on the other side this was the part which was the most dangerous. You both hoped very much that all will go well, but you never knew. 
So this morning Aaron and you went to the plane to prepare the take-off. You did the pre-flight check and Aaron went hiding in the back of the plane in the big bag. 
Shortly after Santiago and the other cartel members arrived. They didn't greet you, but searched if you had any weapons. As they found none, they began to load the plane, Santiago got in and you started the engine. After the lift-off there was no turning back. Your thoughts drifted shortly to the team and friends and especially to Jethro, but you had to concentrate. So you stared out of the cockpit windows and hoped for the best. 
The flight was in complete silence, but nothing happened, too. Until then everything was good. You spoke with the tower, got landing permission for Runway 1 and landed safely. 
Suddenly a gun was held on your head and you heard “stay quiet and roll to the hangar with the cars in the front.” You gulped, nodded and did as you were told. Then you came to a stop in front of the hangar in question where several men with two cars and a truck were waiting. 
They started to unload the boxes, all the while with you in the cockpit with a gun at your head. You tried to spot the colleagues from the FBI, but you didn't see any hint of them. “I hope that they are there and will be faster than the criminals around me” you thought. 
All of a sudden you noticed that more men went from the plane to the truck, than were coming back. 
“That's them! They are silently decimating the gangsters!” you inwardly danced around in happiness. Hope and help were still alive. 
Then everything happened very fast. Aaron had managed to free himself and climbed towards the cockpit and hit Santiago the gun out of his hand. It went off, but hit the metal. Santiago was knocked out by Aaron and the colleagues from the FBI stood around the plane. That was a really, really close call.
(To be continued...)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @ilovemark1951, @hobby27
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putschki1969 · 20 days
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2024/09/02 Instagram post by Wakana
There's finally a new issue for my FC newsletter "Botanical Tsushin" 🤗I think it should have arrived at your place by now 🧚✨ The cover photo features me wearing pants, quite a rare style! I can't believe it's already been six months since this photo was taken…(Source)
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2024/08/23 Blog post by Wakana ラップ事件と早寝早起き〜物持ちは良い方です〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
The Plastic Wrap Incident, Early to Bed, Early to Rise ~ Taking Good Care of Things ~
The other day, I noticed that I was running out of plastic wrap at home. I always keep plastic wrap on the left side of the large drawer under the sink. I could tell I was only a few rolls away from the last one and since I had no stock left in the drawer, I decided to buy some before I forgot. Since plastic wrap is an essential item for me, I bought a bit more to stock up properly. This time, I bought a set of four online and immediately felt a sense of relief ♪ I was excited as I waited for Plastic Wrap babies to arrive. The next day, the plastic wrap was delivered to my house safely. I used up the last one and opened a new package. I felt at ease and happy knowing that I still had three rolls in stock on the left side of my drawer. All of a sudden, I looked to the right side of my storage drawer. There were two rolls just lying there. How did you get there??? What a surprise…I had no idea you existed (maybe because I bought them in the store and not online). Can't believe there have always been two extra rolls in stock. But why are they on the right side? It's really confusing. With five in stock, I feel like I don't need to buy plastic wraps for about a year. I feel like I should do a give-away for my fans. (I won't do it though.)
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
With five in stock, I won't have to worry about plastic wraps for a very long time (But I'm sure I'll end up buying even more rolls)
Well, it seems we've overcome the intense heat of August, and it's finally starting to cool down a little bit. At least in Tokyo.
Recently, in addition to stretching in the morning and evening, I've been trying to go to bed early and get up early. Ideally, I want to go to bed at 11pm and get up at 7am. Surprisingly, it's become a habit quite easily, and sometimes I even go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6am 😂 I'm already sleepy by 9pm…😴I feel that doing a lot of different things in the morning really helps me finish the day efficiently and refreshed. In the evening, after getting out of the bath and finishing my skincare routine, I do whatever I like depending on how I feel that day. I do some thorough stretching, watch a movie, have a little wine, read a book, etc. I'm going to keep doing this in order to find the best schedule for me😊💕
Yesterday, I went to the hairdresser and got bangs again. This time, I got full-on bangs ( ̄^ ̄). My previous bangs couldn't even be called bangs because they were so thin. But now, they are proper thick bangs. With bangs like this, I can choose to wear them down, part them, or put them all up. I'm not used to it so I will try my best to arrange them nicely from now on. Of course, as before, I will be pulling them up frequqntly to let my forehead breathe (It's my go-to hair-style after all) I'll post some photos next time😊
Finally, I have an announcement and a reminder. First of all, here are some more infos about my upcoming FC exclusive event “Join Wakana! Houseboat Full-Course Tour” 🚣🎶
《Event Overview》 Title “Join Wakana! Houseboat Full-Course Tour” September 22 (Sun), evening session from 18:00 September 23 (Mon), day session from 12:00 Let's all enjoy a great meal on the boat! ! ! \\\٩( 'ω' )و //// For more information, please check this link😊 https://wakana-fc.jp/contents/773952
And once again, I would like to post a reminder for everyone to submit their messages for my next "Wakana's Talk Garden" podcast episode before the deadline. These are the topics: - Everyone's mysterious experiences - Anything you want to ask me!
Stories that can't be explained by science. Stories that make you question your own perception. Stories of miraculous experiences. Really anything weird you can think of! I look forward to your strange experiences 🤗(In a way, the wrap incident was also a strange experience.) Click here to apply ♡ https://wakana-fc.jp/answers/botanical_oshaberi_13/new
By the way, some of you asked about the floral sheets that could be seen on some of the pillow pictures in my last blog post. (Actually, it is a duvet cover) I had to think about it for a while but I must have bought it somewhere in the Sangenjaya area when I first moved to Tokyo 🤔I saw it and liked it so much that I bought it on a whim. It's been almost 20 years since then. I've been taking good care of it, haven't I? *laughs* I'm quite surprised it is still in such a good condition.
Well, that's all for today, until next time~☆( '▽')/ Lately, I've been obsessed with Mini Bolo snacks.
***Wakana*** (Source)
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seasidepierre · 1 year
Can we see what tink and charles get up to on their off season/summer break - either when they were crushing or when they actually got together?
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The off season was always a weird time for you, when work became sparse but when you had to keep an entire nation of Tifosi occupied and somewhat fed with a carefully curated content plan that involved both drivers and throwbacks from the previous season, while hyping them up for the following one. The team had come up with a lot of changes in the past year or so. Your boss had changed, first of all, with Mattia leaving the team and Fred coming up to the red house. His integration to the team had been gradual, with caution and defiance first, then with open arms when they realised how much changes and order he was bringing to the team you all loved and lived for. Fred had been a bit reticent to truly work with the communication teams, at first, because he was much more comfortable in front of a pitwall than a camera, but you had found an ally in Fred and he had warmed up to you like the rest of the team. Your nickname now rolled off of his tongue easily and he seeked you out in a crowd of red every single time something was to be celebrated. In those changes, the team found a new way to work and your communication plans came to change a bit, finding new tones and enjoying the room left to you to joke around a bit more. You finally dived head first into TikTok which you hadn’t been allowed to, at first, but you found a rhythm there that truly worked well for you and the Tifosi, if you trusted the comments you got back.
The one constant thing had been Charles, working tirelessly to bring the prancing horse back to pride and covering you in a warm blanket of love every single day you spent together.
The decision to move to Monaco had been the right one, in hindsight. It’s not like you didn’t have a place in Maranello or that Italy was no longer enough for you, but Charles was your home and you would make sure that you would always come back home after a race, both of you.
It’s not like you made things truly public, but it was a known fact now that the Ferrari Admin was Charles’ girl and nothing seemed to have changed in the paddock regarding this. The comments, though, have gotten either awfully comfortable asking you to post certain pictures or events, or completely derogatory, when every good looking picture of Charles posted on Instagram was called out for being “biased”.
Needless to say, between everything that happened in the team and her extra work to make sure the fans knew you were still there for your abilities and not who you were sleeping with, you were a bit exhausted and welcomed the winter break with open arms.
Loved up underneath a blanket in Monaco, you watched as Charles played on his piano mindlessly, his brain disconnected and miles away from the apartment. A book rested on your lap and a still fuming cup of tea was waiting for you on the coffee table, dropped here by the pianist who made sure to deliver a soft kiss on the top of your head to top it off in the best of manners. You had just gotten an idea of post for the Instagram page and were now browsing your phone’s thousands of pictures to find the rightful one that would work for your idea. You were so engrossed in it that you didn’t even register the music stopping and the couch sinking a little on your side.
“Are you gonna make a fool out of me again?” Charles whispered against your cheek, his nose coming to rest on your skin, his lips trying to find a path to your temple. “I never make a fool out of you, Orsachiotto,” you smiled. “That’s false and you know it.” “Too bad for you,” you shrugged. “You make a fool out of me all the time, even when you’re not on your damn phone,” he sighed.
You frowned and turned your head to find him dramatically sagging back to the couch, drowning in an oversized sweatshirt, too large joggers and thick socks covering his toes. He looked warm and cozy. He looked awfully inviting, too.
“What do you mean?” “I love you so much that I do dumb things all the time,” Charles whined. “What can I say? I like being in charge,” you giggled.
And in charge you were, all afternoon, especially when you left your phone on the coffee table and demanded Charles to take you back to bed.
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400 Follower Special - The Trial of Obtaining and Using Lucifuge
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Thank you for your continued support of my blog. Normally I would just post a GIF set and be done, but the demon I had planned turned out to be a huge pain in the ass so I thought I would share the pain. All images under the cut. Spoiler warning and flashing/bright lights warning.
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I wanted to make walking/running GIFs of Lucifuge, a high level Tyrant of the Dark-Chaos alignment. He was one of the few remaining unique models in the game. Interestingly NINE appeared to be his playable debut, similar to Gemori and Seth. All three originally appeared in Shin Megami Tensei II as NPCs and would only gain stats in later entries.
NINE, like the name suggests, has nine different potential routes. The usual Law-Neutral-Chaos alignments make up only one axis of endings, with the other being  comprised of Dark-Neutral-Light for a total of nine combinations. From what I can tell by following guides online, you must be on the Dark-Law path in order for Lucifuge to appear and fight you. I realized he had to be defeated to be fused when none of the supposed recipes to make him worked. (Notice the words that are bolded, they’ll come in useful later.)
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So I loaded an earlier save from before the alignment lock and got to work getting to the Lucifuge fight, which involved threatening to kill my in-universe little sister to gain enough Dark points for the route change. Prior to fighting Lucifuge himself, I had to fight the ugliest NPC in the entire game who supported himself with 3 Legions and could instantly kill me with Budufyne. Cool. I forgot to take a picture of him. Once he died, Lucifuge showed up to fight me. He was also a pain, as I was down to one demon from the previous fight and he nuked them immediately. But eventually he died, and I was able to proceed.
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Now, this is all taking place in the final chapter of NINE so obviously a lot of plot stuff is popping off. Raguel the angel shows up to throw an energy ball at NPC lady Feris, and to serve as the next boss fight. Raguel was much less difficult to defeat.
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Raguel’s dead, but this priest isn’t here to deliver a eulogy. The next big player reintroduces himself by throwing an energy ball at Raguel in a bit of poetic justice for Feris earlier, then asks us to join him on the roof. Damn, everyone’s throwing energy balls in here. Here’s a WEBM version if you’re into that shit.
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We witness the digital world going to shit on the rooftop and get offered a choice between siding with him or against him (& Sumire, who you can kinda see in the right-hand background).
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I choose against and we begin another boss battle. This priestly fellow turns out to be Sariel, another angel, except he’s a fallen angel and at odds with his fellow Shin Megami Tensei II alumni Raguel. Neither of the fights after the Legion Guy-Lucifuge combo were nearly as difficult, so Sariel also goes down. I say “neither” but I forgot to mention I also killed a childhood friend, Baraki, inbetween the Lucifuge and Raguel fights. But that’s not important.
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What’s important is I got through all the bosses, and got to a point where I could finally fuse Lucifuge. Which I did, easily.
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Finding a place to take GIFs of Lucifuge walking would be tricky, because at this point in the game my first pick, Shinjuku, was no longer an option. Maria, the holy mother, is waiting there to take me to the domain of Yaldabaoth, the false god, so that I may kill him and bring about the reign of Law, and I really didn’t feel like doing that. Even if it would mean seeing her cool not-a-statue-with-dinosaurs-on-it design that never appeared again.
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Instead I made my way down to Roppongi, which usually has great music but during this endgame bit is instead silent. I went to summon Lucifuge into my party and got a message I couldn’t. Oh, of course, you can’t have Law demons and Chaos demons in the same party. Doy. Duh. You could never have party that was mixed Law and Chaos in these old SMT games. So I removed the Law demons, set my Navigator demon to neutral and then tried to summon Lucifuge again.
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The message remained. What could the issue be? Why was I unable to summon Lucifuge into the overworld? What was this last hurdle between me and Lucifuge? If you have your notes from paragraph 2 and 3, you may want to consult them now. There’s also a hint in the previous paragraph! Put on your thinking caps. Get out your detective pipes. Don’t scroll past Sukuna Hikona until you’ve made a guess. Are you sure of it? Really sure? Alright. Here’s the solution to this locked room murder mystery that robbed me of half an hour of my time:
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For some reason I guess I assumed this wouldn’t apply to me, and I continued down the Law path subconsciously knowing I wouldn’t be able to actually show off the demon I was dedicating so much time to obtaining. Thankfully, once I realized this I thought to redo this endgame stretch from ANOTHER back-up I had.
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And it worked! Instead of fighting Sariel I gave him a disc, murdered Miranda and was able to summon Lucifuge.
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Lucifuge offers to hug it out in apology for causing me such pain. I still couldn’t make gifs of him in Shinjuku because Maria is still there, but instead of trying to take me to Yaldabaoth’s realm she’s trying to kill me. And I really don’t feel like taking her on right now. Not when she’s throwing out chains and sefirots like this:
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Shin Megami Tensei NINE is a game that exists. Thanks for enjoying my blog. Hopefully I’ll have some neat stuff by the time there’s 500 of you following me.
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Also somewhere along the line I did a shooting-energy-ball-gesture at my little sister to disarm her, who was trying to kill me. Probably because I threatened to kill her earlier. Oh well. Get logged out, idiot.
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todoroki-waifu · 1 year
I absolutely adored the one you wrote for me. It was so cute and I got so giddy. I hope you don’t mind me asking for another one? Could I request a Baji x female reader x Chifuyu where the three have been dating for a free years and the reader has never been to a cat cafe before so Baji and Chifuyu take her there for a date? Please and thank you!!❤️
Note: Thank you for the request! I'm so sorry that it's super late. I was away and when I came back, I felt a bit unmotivated. Then of course when I wanted to write, there were so many things that got in the way. ^^U Anyway, really liking these multi characters x reader requests. :) Hope this is okay! I struggled with the ending lol
Baji x Reader x Chifuyu
Warning: Female reader, cursing, and mentions of someone being mean to a cat (no details written about this), but cat is okay!
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,570 -------
You were with your two lovers, sitting in between them while you waited for dinner to be delivered. The three of you were too lazy to cook and agreed to ordering takeout. You were sitting on the floor, leaning against Baji's chest while Chifuyu rested in between your legs. Chifuyu was focused on his gaming console and you and Baji were watching some funny videos on his phone. 
"Oh my gosh, that's so cute!" You gasped, seeing an advertisement for a cat cafe. "Is that how it really is?"
"What do you mean?" Baji looks down at you.
"The cat cafe. You can have some snacks and play with them?" You then laugh nervously at his confused stare. "I've never been to one so I don't know what it's like." 
"You've never bee-" Before Chifuyu can finish, your phone rings suddenly. 
"Food's here! I got it." You remove yourself from between them, answering the call as you walk towards the front door. 
"Dude!" Chifuyu and Baji mirror each other as they lock eyes. 
"Can't believe she's never been to a cat cafe!" The ravenette whispers to his blonde haired partner. 
"I can't believe we never thought to take her to one! All these years of trying to think of date ideas and we didn't think of that?" 
"Okay, okay. This Friday, we'll take her to a cafe, but we'll keep it a surprise." Baji starts to plan for the end of the week with Chifuyu also offering ideas. 
"So excited for this!" The boys immediately quiet down as you hum happily with dinner in your hands. They quickly get up to help you, setting up utensils and plates at the table.
You were so eager for today especially since the week had been going by so slowly. Your boyfriends said they wanted to take you out on a date, but never mentioned where or what you'd be doing. All they told you was to wear comfortable clothes. 
"You better not let me hit a pole or something!" You warned the Toman captain, holding onto one of his hands while his second in command was behind you, shielding your eyes. 
"Of course not, babe! What do you think I am?" He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze as he continues to walk. 
"Almost there!" Chifuyu says as he sees the approaching sign. Once you were in front of the place, Chifuyu finally returned your sight. 
"A cat cafe?!" You gasped before letting out a tiny squeal. Chifuyu and Baji share a grin, happy to get a positive reaction from you. They start running after you as soon as you disappear inside the shop, both your partners paying for everyone's admission fee. The three of you always alternated on paying for dates to make it fair. Yet Chifuyu and Baji can't help but spoil you. They love you and love seeing that bright, beautiful smile on your gorgeous face. 
"So many kitties!" You see a variety of felines scattered throughout. The three of you first grabbed some pet snacks and toys before picking a spot to wait for them. An orange colored one approaches you, eyeing the teaser wand in your hand. You give it a little wave above its head, holding it high enough where it wouldn't be able to reach easily. 
You, Baji, and Chifuyu switched between feeding the cats or using the toys that were provided. You saw a __(color) cat approach you, eyeing the goodies that you were giving to his fellow friends. You smile at it, presenting an open hand with a treat. The cat jumped into a defensive stance, giving you a warning hiss before running away. 
“That damn cat! ___(y/n)’s giving you a treat!” Baji held up a closed fist.
“Seriously? Even a cat you'll fight?" You laugh a bit as you shake your head at your short fused boyfriend. "It's okay, Kei. Maybe he wasn't in the mood." 
"Would you be interested in buying some cat ears? It's our new item for this month." A staff member approaches you, showing you a basket of cat ears headbands with multiple colors. You bought three, one for you and the rest for your boyfriends. 
"We look so cute! Let's take a picture!" You pull Baji and Chifuyu to both of your sides. You held out your phone, snapping pictures of the three of you. You then requested some solo photos of yourself and the surrounding cats, which Chifuyu gladly took on his phone. After you were satisfied with the images, you stood up to head to the counter for more pet food. Chifuyu and Baji were looking at the green eyed boy's phone, marveling at your snapshots.
"Chifuyu...she's so damn pretty!" Baji was practically melting at your poses and smile. 
"Right?!" Toman's 1st division vice captain agrees immediately while he shares the photos in your group chat. 
On your way to the front, you notice a male near a corner with the same ___(color) cat that had hissed at you earlier. You frown at the male's rough behavior and how he was terrorizing the poor kitten. 
"You're bothering the cat. You need to stop." You couldn't allow him to continue. 
"Shut up! This cat is mine. Go get your own." While attempting to trap the feline, he managed to slip past the stranger and ran straight to you. He leaps into your arms, finding security in your hold.
"I'm not gonna let you frighten him anymore." You secured your new friend in your embrace, looking for the nearest employee. When the stranger sees you walk away, he quickly blocks your path. 
"We're just playing around...now give him to me!" 
"Never!" You turned your body away from the man as soon as you saw him try to grab the cat. 
"The hell are you doing with our girl?!" Baji's voice boomed throughout the shop.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" __(e/c) eyes meet with beautiful emerald ones, shoulders dropping slightly when his hands gently hold your arms. 
"Yes, I'm okay. I'm not hurt." You catch your black haired boyfriend holding the stranger by the front of his shirt and landing a fist to his face. The altercation alerted the workers, few of them rushing to your group while some tended to the other clients. You explained what you witnessed, everyone looking at the man with disgust. 
"Sh-she's lying!" He attempts to throw himself at you, but your lovers quickly intervene. Baji pulls the male backwards then uses his elbow to slam him to the ground. Chifuyu had stood in front of you, ready to shield you from harm. 
Baji kept the man far away from you while the manager of the cafe called the police. Once statements were given and the perpetrator was apprehended, you felt it was safe to finally release the kitten in your arms. But when you placed him down, he jumped right back to you.
"I've never seen him do that. He doesn't typically go to people. He must really like you." The manager says, smiling at the two of you. 
"Well, I'm glad that we're friends now." You gently scratch the top of your new furry pal's head as he nuzzles his face against your chest, a low purr emitting from his throat.
"Heh, that's no surprise. We are talking about our __(y/n)." 
"Yeah, no one can resist her charm." Chifuyu adds to Baji's comment, a light blush dancing across your face. 
Before you left, the cat cafe wanted to reward you for helping one of their little ones. For today, they let you pick any merchandise to take home with no charge plus free entry for an entire month. They also included a discounted admission fee for a year once the free month was over. 
"You sure that bastard didn't touch you?" 
"Yes, Kei. I promise I'm okay." You answered for what felt like the 38th time. 
"Just making sure." He mumbles after hearing you sigh. He knew he was being annoying, but Baji wanted to make certain of your wellbeing.  
“Well, minus that asshole, I hope you still had fun today." Chifuyu says, swaying the conversation elsewhere.
"Yes! Lots! I really appreciate everything that you guys did. I love you both so much." You planted a kiss on Chifuyu's cheek and went to do the same with Baji. However, he moved his head where your lips touched instead. 
"Love you, too, ___(y/n)." 
Knowing them very well, Chifuyu was probably pouting, also wanting to share a kiss. A soft chuckle leaves your mouth at the blonde boy's jutted bottom lip before capturing it with yours. 
"Love you, __(y/n)." Now he's grinning happily after the kiss. 
As you made your way to where the boys parked their motorbike, you were stopped by an interesting sign. There was a poster taped to a window of a coffee shop, advertising their new upcoming motif. 
"No way! This place is going to have a ___(anime, manga, etc..) theme in a few months from now. I love ___(anime, manga, etc..)!" While you continued to read the details of the advertisement, your boyfriends gave each other a knowing glance, already making mental plans for your future date. And how perfect it was that it landed on your anniversary. 
If you thought the cat cafe was great, wait until you see the surprise they have for you next. 
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guiraguira · 1 year
Could I request Jakurai and Doppo (In a poly relationship) subtly fighting over who will get a lap pillow from their s/o?
That is my place!✨
Ahhhh~~~~ Soo cute❤️💜! Just imagining Jakurai fighting over something like this makes me very tender, but adding to that the little puppy Doppo is more than I can resist!😭
Warnings: None!
Jakurai x Reader x Doppo
° It was so rare that their days off coincided, that the simple fact that the three of them had woken up together and lazed in bed until late filled them with joy. Prolonged caresses added to the sighs of joy that were delighting her ears.
° The peace is disturbed by Jakurai's phone with a work call, apologizing, he leaves the room to talk calmly. Almost at the same moment Doppo remembers that he must send an important email if he wants to have a day off again, complaining he goes to the computer, he wants to get it over with quickly.
° You wait a while for them, sitting down slowly stretching yourself very lazily. You are about to start putting on your slippers when Jakurai arrives, he sees you in the perfect position to lie on your thighs kissing the crown of your head, he brushes his hair to one side and is about to put his head down when Doppo comes running jumping on the bed, causing it to shake and the doc to miss the opportunity.
° "ahhh, that damn boss..." crawling on the sheets, he gropes for your body and hugging your stomach he approaches you burying his face in your back, he starts to turn to be on your legs, but is stopped by Jakurai. He crosses an arm over your legs, blocking the redhead. At that moment, they both understood that they wanted the same thing and they were not going to give up the place to the other.
° "Doppo, honey are you sure you finished?" He digs his elbow into the mattress and rests his head on his hand, subtly defending his place. "You can take your time" he says smiling calmly.
° "It's not necessary, my love, I'm done" he replied, looking at him fixedly and tucking a lock of hair behind the doctor's ear. "Your call seemed important, don't you have to check something?" He refuses to leave his place, so still holding you from behind, he puts his hands on your legs. That way if he wanted to lie down, he couldn't touch your thighs.
° "Now that you mention it, yesterday you said you were going to buy a cake, what if you bring it for breakfast?" He entwines his fingers with Doppo and kisses the back of his hand, seeking by means of pampering that he gives up the idea of him, but this office worker does not give up so quickly. "Ah, but I can ask for that to deliver, would you be so kind as to pass me your cell phone?" He asks putting him in check, he must get up yes or yes and he knows that this is what the redhead expects.
° "ah! So I want to ask for it" standing up quickly you look for the cell phone to make the order. Your speed was such that it took them off guard, they weren't going to allow you to move either, pulling you at the same time they sit you in your place. "Hey…" with the phone to your ear, you ignore them to place the order.
° They remain silent, but that's not why they stop competing. Doppo has one leg over yours, a little staring duel takes place between them. The doctor isn't going to give up for so little, so holding her gently, he pulls her away from you and despite all the strength the redhead exerts, he is easily defeated by the other man.
° Believing himself victorious, he is about to put his head down when he feels a soft obstacle. A pillow gets in the way of her goal, pretending to help her, she relocates it to one side of you, leaving your legs clear once again. They again exchange hearty smiles with a little glint of competitiveness.
° You may notice that something is happening, but your attention is on something else at that moment. Meanwhile, they keep pushing on your lap, they are saying something in each other's ear and you can't hear it. "Guys, what are you doing?" You say at the end of the call. They keep whispering things to each other, so they don't pay attention to you.
° If they're so entertained with each other, then you could leave without them complaining, but your intent is eclipsed when you're just about to settle your feet. "No honey, it's very important that you stay like this" Jakurai holds your left shoulder and puts a hand on your thigh on the same side, on your right Doppo is doing exactly the same.
° "May I know what they are doing?" Your question is ignored again. "Could you make some tea? It's so delicious for you..." The redhead's question was addressed to the doctor. "But we can wait for the cake, it's just a while longer…" Even though you answer, no one listens to you. "Oh and if you better make that coffee that taught you to prepare Hifumi… s/o and I loved it, didn't we?" Only then do they look at you and realize you're frowning.
° "love... did something happen?..." Doppo asks advanced on you, but he can't get very far before you're the one who pushes him. Pulling their hands off your shoulders, you squeeze them into yours. "What are they doing?" You question them by twisting your head "nothing" they answer in unison.
° You stare at them waiting for them to say something else but they remain silent, you don't believe them at all. "Don't get mad, it ruins your sweet face" Jakurai kisses the place where your eyebrows meet, while taking advantage of the carelessness, your other lover tries to rest his head on your thighs but is stopped, forcing him to move away.
° "That's right, could you smile for us?" Doppo changes places by kissing your cheek at the same time that he prevents the doctor from winning the place. Since they don't know which way to go, they just smile at you, hoping you'll do the same.
° " Jakurai darling, could you bring me some water?" Ah, he knows that he lost, there is no way to refuse that, so he will comply with your request. Upon returning, Doppo is occupying the much-disputed place almost purring from your caresses in his hair, the doctor's calm gaze is slightly altered with his eyes fixed like daggers on his opponent. Who totally oblivious to that, turns in your lap avoiding his eyes to look at you, catches your other hand and places it on his cheek, rubbing against it like a little kitten.
° His moment of glory does not last long, because his cell phone rings and you encourage him to answer, no matter how quickly he went in search of the device, his place was won by Jakurai and from the door frame he could see how he enjoyed being lying there, enjoying the caresses that a moment ago were for him. Answering your pampering, he subtly lifts your shirt and places a kiss on your abdomen, tickling you.
° Doppo wanted to hang up as soon as possible, but from the other side of the line they wouldn't leave him alone, he could only helplessly watch as the doctor became more comfortable there. When he can finally hang up, there was no place for him anymore. You were cradling his body in your lap, while Jakurai wrapped an arm around your hip giving you a lazy hug.
° "What's wrong?... Come here" you say calling him with your hand, his sad look shrinks your heart and moving your lover slightly, you make a place for him too. Automatically your attentions are divided between the two of them in equal parts.
° Perhaps neither of you is satisfied with sharing at this moment, but they will not deny your pampering. Turning their heads on your lap, they look at each other for a second before ending the competitiveness, sealing their silent agreement with a kiss. "So they were up to something!" You start to laugh, they feel a little embarrassed so their cheeks turn a slightly pinkish tone. Your laughter ends up dispelling even the slightest trace of competence.
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Ch. II
word count: 3065
Masterlist ¤ AO3 ¤ Ko-Fi
AN: If you wish to be added to the tags, let me know! Enjoy!
《《 Previous - Next 》》
Aesop was not one to stew in his own thoughts. There were far more better, more productive things to do with his time than get stuck in his head. Yet, the longer he stared at his badge seeing his own eyes staring back, the more he seemed to sink into the inner recesses of his thoughts.
He could not believe any of what he heard was possible, a part of him wanted to just refuse the situation outright. Yet, looking through the eye witness accounts, most of which described the woman he knew to the absolute minute detail, how could he possibly deny it? From the blonde hair which he swore could be silver in the light, from the scar on her right brow, down to the small flecks of green in her blue eyes.
At some point he remembered he had to stop reading, the image of her in his mind tarnishing more and more as he pictured Lenore pointing her wand, staring into the eyes of the wizard as she ended their lives with a flick of her wrist. It was almost too much. But Phineas was right, if anyone could somehow get to her, he was possibly their best option. One thing seemed to not make sense though, about this entire situation.
Nowhere, in any of these reports, did any of them mention the connection to prior classmates and friends. Not one interview, not even a slight mention. The Auror academy she had attended was not even approached for any kind of questioning. All of this was out of the norm forbany investigation he had seen. Aurors were thorough, always made sure to cover all tracks in an investigation and hunt. All he could see though was a warrant issued for her arrest, ordered by the Ministry of Magic itself.
If he was going to start anywhere, it might as well be the last place he knew she would be, and the thought made him tense.
He never planned to go back to the Auror Office. He closed that chapter on his life, but somehow, someway, she had a way of opening those doors again.
October 7th 1893
"You know, I could easily suspend you for breaking into a clearly locked office." Aesop leant against the frame, seeing Lenore's wide eyes staring back as she held a vial in her hands, clearly not expecting to see him. "You know, if you would have just waited for me to get here, I would have no issue letting you use my own supply." The student rolled her eyes at him, placing the vial on the shelf.
"I was in a rush, sorry. Needed to see if maybe you had some spider fang." Lenore picked up another vial to inspect.
"Oh so breaking in and stealing now, hm?" He could not help but smirk as she continued on her business. "You're not exactly helping your case, Miss Arkanos." He limped towards her, reaching above her head to grab a small wooden box.
Lenore could not help her cheeks flushing as she felt his presence looming over her. She was in the perfect position to have his scent surround her, a mixture of leather, cedar, and cinnamon. In her dizziness, she didn't even notice him placing the box in her hand.
"You know there are such things as owls. Quite well known to deliver a letter quickly." His face was close to her ear, his breath brushing over her skin as he quickly stood straight, limping out of the office and towards his desk. Lenore felt rooted to the floor, trying to gain some kind of composure before he saw her face. Without taking too long, she followed him out of the room, doing her best to keep her face hidden as she got back to the cauldron, adding in a few fangs quickly before stirring.
"Yeah, yeah, I know.." He always had a way of being right, and the chuckle she heard from his desk only proved it so. After a few minutes, Lenore was satisfied with the final product, storing it in the leather bag she had brought with her. Aesop looked from the papers he was marking, his eyes daunting into a glare. If she had that bag with her, he knew exactly what she needed that potion for.
"Lenore, you know how I feel about you going out there to deal with those poachers. You know what happened last time." His voice was hard as he got himself up again, slowly approaching her. "I can't be there to heal you every time a fight ends with a broken arm." Lenore groaned as finally she turned to face him.
"Professor, you know that nobody is doing anything out there! That no Auror is going to care about coming here to stop them! I can handle myself, and you know it," Irritation clearly framed the words, her eyes pleading for him to somehow understand. "I've been doing this for years, you know I'm good." He stopped arms length from Lenore, pulling up a stool to sit across from her, eye to eye.
"You have been in here for bone mending potion, any healing more powerful than a wiggenweld, even just simple bandages, so you don't have to go to the hospital wing. I can't in good conscience let you go without at least saying something. What you're doing is reckless and, frankly, idiotic." He could see his words sinking into her, Lenore refusing to make eye contact as her fingers picked at the loose yarn of her jumper. "I'm only saying this because I care -"
"Why?!" Lenore couldn't stand still anymore, pacing up and down the classroom. "I don't understand, professor, why do you care so much? All the others don't even bat an eye when they see me go, or train, or anything," Her hands dragged on her face as she turned to him. "You're the only one to try to stop me, I just.." he could see something strange pass over her face that compelled him to stand and slowly walk to her again, his hand moving to rest on her shoulder. For a moment, Lenore stared down before meeting his eyes again.
She did not notice until now that his eyes were the most beautiful deep shade of blue. So blue they were almost black. Something about them made her heart skip.
"Deep breath." He waited for her to comply, his voice low and quiet. "Lenore… I know you're capable, and I know what you're doing is good… you're one of the brightest students here. I just can't let you throw yourself into something so dangerous and reckless. " He let out a heavy sigh. Aesop never liked being upset with her, but he couldn't just sit idly by and watch her play with death.
Before Lenore had the time to respond through the lump in her throat, Aesop was limping back to his desk.``I just need a few minutes and I will meet you by the owlery." That made Lenore drop the box in her hand, spider fangs scattering across the stone.
"Wait, what?"
"Oh you thought I was about to let you just go out alone weren't you?" He sheathed his wand inside his coat, grabbing a few different potions.
"I'll be coming with you."
Aesop felt the fang move between his fingers, his mind as far away as possible. He barely noticed Matilda calling his name as he sat in her office. The look of worry etched into her face already clued him into how she was taking the situation.
"I know this is not how any of us wanted things to turn but… I just never thought she.." She could barely finish her sentence before she got choked up, turning away from Aesop for a moment to quickly compose herself. "I… I have been provided a suitable substitute for your classes during your… leave of absence." Nobody liked this situation, both of them knew that. The only person who at all benefited from this was Negallus, now knowing he didn't need to send more men into the grinder.
"Matilda…" He couldn't even find the words to say, there was nothing that could possibly be said. Instead, the headmistress motioned towards the large fireplace in her chambers. Aesop despised the flu network, found it far too risky to trust completely. But with the situation at hand, he needed to get to the Ministry Headquarters as fast as possible. Begrudgingly, he stepped inside the large stonework opening, grabbing a large portion of Floo powder as he looked back to Matilda Weasley, trying to clear a tear from her eye with a handkerchief. "I'll make sure she is safe… I promise." His voice was soft to the woman, Matilda nodding to him in return.
"The Ministry of Magic." His voice boomed out as the powder fell from his grasp, soon green flames consumed his figure. Aesop could feel his stomach lurch with the travel until suddenly she could feel himself stumbling into the main hall of the Ministry of Magic. Clutching his chest he sputtered out dust as he tried his best to get balanced once more.
As much as he detested being back here, Aesop could not deny the grandeur of the Ministry. From the well-polished marble, to the spectacle that was the fountain before him, it was truly a breathtaking sight to him. But he knew now was not the time to sight-see, as he briskly limped to his destination.
It was all muscle memory for him, having made the commute more times than he could ever remember. It did not take long for him to be in front of the entrance to the British Auror Office, its sigil staring back at him like an old friend. He could feel an old confidence start to take over as he pushed his way into the office.
He remembered as a child growing up the stories of Aurors, how they took down some of the Wizarding world's most well known dark wizards, a force to be reckoned with. Aesop thought of the work and excitement of making sure every O.W.L and N.E.W.T would be at least an E, if not an O. The excitement of being approved into training, only to find out the moment he walked in, the eventual future he would be faced with.
Before him stood a long black wood crescent desk, the sigil for the British Auror Office again gracing his vision, yet it was the view behind the ornate desk that had most people questioning things.
Behind stood rows upon rows of walled cubicles and desks, Aurors of all calibre stationed at each one. Around them were photos and clippings of any and all kinds of dark wizards they were hunting or investigating, the sound of hushed conversation and scribing quills filling his ears like some strange symphony. He could smell the fresh ink and parchment, it oddly soothed him.
Phineas had already let him know prior it was to be the same as before, his old desk and everything. He had given his word that all other Aurors would be off the case, passing all known information to him. It would be on Aesop's word alone if any reinforcements to detain would be needed. All of this felt so wrong to him, to have this kind of control and power over an investigation on a student, no, a friend. None of this felt right to him. There had to be something more.
Sitting at his old desk, all the memories flooded back to him at once, almost suffocating him. He could almost see all of his notes around him, all of the clippings with small annotations he had written in. Aesop could swear he still smelt the same earl grey tea he drank every morning as he looked over notes. But the hardest was knowing, across the desk from him, Emrik would not be there.
Aesop did his best to push the memories out, instead seeing the case files and scrolls in front of him. He had asked himself over and over if he was ready to see what was about to face him, but opening to the first page, his heart dropped to his stomach.
Before his sat the trademark wanted posters used for all fugitives they were seeking, but it was the eyes staring back that made him feel sick. The same eyes he remembered staring into him that first day at Hogwarts, keen and ready to learn, the ones that watched him as he fought alongside her. It may have been monochrome, but he could still imagine those green flecks surrounded by blue. Aesop could only assume they had used the photos they took for their Auror identification. He could see the hopeful excitement in her expression, trying so hard not to smile. He didn't have that strength, but the small grin he gave was one of sorrow. Lenore didn't deserve to have the words most menacing and extremely dangerous beneath her.
Again, Aesop did his best to push it all down, knowing that the current task at hand was to see if he could find any kind of lead to go off other than the last location of the attacks. He soon noticed that there was shockingly little information gathered. The only piece of information worth noting was the records provided for her time at the academy. Quickly flicking through, it had noted she was an extremely bright student who was eager to learn, excelling immediately when it came to potions and combat, no doubt from Aesop's help. Yet a few things caught his eye.
From the looks of it, Lenore seemed to have a hard time grasping at anything related to stealth, the records noting that she preferred a much more bombastic approach. It looked as if she was not able to focus on any kind of concealing charm, being found in any scenario with ease. Yet when it came to combat, she was a lethal force to be reckoned with. He also noted her distaste for anything in regards to transfiguration, yet was quite apt with tracking. Flipping the next page, however, Aesop was greeted with red ink, classified scrawled on the page. As he continued, he noticed a report of immediate discharge from the program and a request for investigation. Scouring the report, Aesop dropped the page as if it burnt him, disbelief in his eyes.
It had been halfway through training, and the instructor had already noticed that something didn't seem right with her, mentioning how "Miss Arkanos seemed to be dealing with some kind of head pain, wincing every so often.'
Drills had started as they had been focusing on combat, Lenore paired with another student by the name of Justinian Renier. It had also been noted that the two of them argued quite often, Renier often being the instigator of most quarrels.
As the two fought, the instructor noticed something in their fighting, how it seemingly changed from practice, to an all-out battle before their very eyes. Other students did their best to try and stop, but with how fast the battle had been escalating, people were retreating to the sides of the room for safety. It was not until Renier seemed to raise his wand, the report noting some deranged expression, when the feeling of the room changed. The Instructor had begun to notice everything stop, a blue glow emanating from Lenore's wand. As she pointed it to Renier, with no incantation uttered, they all witnessed him begin to glow a purple hue from his eyes and mouth, before exploding before their very eyes, his body nothing but mere ash. He noted how Lenore almost seemed dazed, and before anyone could stop her, ran out of the room.
For a minute, Aesop just sat there, unmoving, staring at the report, hoping that maybe it wasn't real, some false image. But it remained, the ink not disappearing, and he quickly knew that Phineas had told the truth. He had seen her do that exact thing before, fighting alongside Eleazar. It was no mere spell. It was the Ancient Magic, the same magic she told Aesop she contained. Lenore had lied to him the whole time, hiding it in plain sight. For those two years, she continued learning. She never once had brought it out again.
'So… why now?'
It was the first note he had written, pinning it with the report as soon enough, the cubicle was looking its old self once more. His sprawling of questions and theories intermingled with her descriptions during some of the attacks, mentioning how it was the same blue magic as before. The first obvious conclusion was that she had not used any unforgivable curses, labeling this as only ancient magic alone. That was enough to help her with some kind of trial in the future.
Yet what was concerning to him, as he had noticed when Phineas had first mentioned this, was the lack of any kind of questioning.
Aesop quickly flicked through the paperwork and scrolls until he had found one noting any prior connections, affiliates, or potential accomplices. He could see students' names written below, the same that she had been friends with and studied alongside for three years. Yet as he read through, something didn't make sense.
Natsai Onai (Former Gryffindor, fellow classmate) - no memory or affiliation
Poppy Sweeting (Former Hufflepuff, fellow classmate) - no memory or affiliation
Amit Thakkar (Former Ravenclaw, fellow classmate) - no memory or affiliation)
Sebastian Sallow (Former Slytherin, fellow classmate) -no memory or affiliation
Ominis Gaunt (Former Slytherin, fellow classmate) -no memory or affiliation
The list went on down the many students Aesop saw her be around themselves. He remembered Amit helping Lenore with her potions, Natsai always wanting to practice charms. The most shocking to him was Ominis, recalling that after her fifth year, the two had become inseparable friends, Lenore even visiting him at the Gaunt estate during the summertime. None of this was making sense. Not one piece added up to him.
Only one thing was certain for now, and as he looked into the monochrome eyes of Lenore's blinking picture, he repeated it over and over.
'I know you, the real version of you. And I will find you again.'
TAGS:@4everflowercore @marine-captain-deku @ryehoneyandinkstains @doom-n-gloomgal @shygurl123456 @handon-h-art @misswildfire @nightless@li-om@dagiweh@anmactireaonair@liadamerondjarin@amatchasky@mellocado @imaginaryismyescape@v1cv1c
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