#what do i tag this as???? too many words. brain tired from words and cant think of tags now
autisticlee · 10 months
i've noticed that there's always a lot of discourse about trying on labels like for sexuality and gender for example. people saying if you dont know, don't claim am identity. people complaining about people using labels lying and being fakes. complaining when someone changes their lable/identity.
you even see it in conservatives who whine and cry about gender and sexuality saying stuff like "you can't know that yet/you're too young/what if it changes/you can't just decide now and change later" and seeing queer people say the same things can be super discouraging and alienating.
because the thing is, humans do change. It's a natural phenomenon we can't do anything about. it's perfectly ok to feel one way now and then realize you feel differently later on. it can be because life experiences changed who you, or you realize/discover something, or etc.
also, how will someone know who/what they are without trying things out to see what fits? to see what feels right? not everyone just KNOWS who they are or what they want or how they feel automatically. telling people they can't experiment to see what works does nothing but alienate them and make them feel even more lost and alone.
i know it's a bit more of a touchy and difficult subject and im debating adding it in, but I see a similar discourse for example in the autistic community where people try to gatekeep the identity for only "officially diagnosed" people. (I was trying to think of something else that's not only gender/sexuality because my whole point should apply to more than just queer identities but this is all I could think of atm) i've seen it in other communities as well (mental or physical illnesses and disabilities and stuff for example) you have to relate to an identity basically, in order to bring it to a doctor. usually a doctor won't just say "oh you have this!" on their own; you have to tell the doctor "I think I have this" and sometimes it takes you years of research to figure out things yourself (because we all know doctors can be useless at times) by that point, if someone is putting that much time into a thing, there less chance of them faking it. if they think they have a disorder like DID but don't, then they still need help. but there shouldn't be so much aggression towards people who get evaluated or reevaluated and realize they were wrong. it's actually ok to be wrong and correct yourself later, contrary to popular belief. 1 or 19 or even 100 people being wrong doesn't mean we should let that reflect on *everyone* and let people with ill intent call everyone a "faker"
even if it turns out you were wrong, there's no real harm in trying on things until you reach a final conclusion. it's other people's opnions and reactions to it that are the harmful part.
[imagine if you had to guess what clothes and shoes would fit you, look good on you, and feel good without trying them on, you have to decide on one only, and then you have to keep wearing only those clothes and shoes after that and can never change out of them. that's so silly, right?]
sometimes you have to make guesses about your identity first and get confirmation later. sometimes you guess that you are a cishet man and date a cishet woman and realize a few years into the relationship that you are actually a trans lesbian. It's perfectly fine and normal to change after some time! we all need to not gatekeep and instead support each other. accept each other either way.
if someone feels they are trans for years and transitions and then realizes they are actually nonbinary and maybe slides into a more androgynous state or even stops transition or detransitions, don't call them fake! if someone is aroace and then starts dating, realizing they felt that way due to trauma in the past but were able to heal from it, don't call then a fraud! if a lesbian falls in love with a man and realizes she's actually bi, don't say she lied or tricked you!
yes, I know that there's often stigmas and stereotypes about changing. the whole "it's just a phase" thing for example. or accusing people of "following a trend." and the whole fact that the phobes always try to force their harmful belief that these identities are a "choice" and "choosing" them is wrong. change can mimic "a choice," but change does not always equal choice! someone changing does NOT always mean they are choosing something different. many times in life change isn't a choice!!! the fact that reflects poorly on the lables/communities by those who already have a bias against them is what needs change.
but that's the thing. that's precisely what i'm saying. we need to break down those stigmas around change. so what if it's a "phase" ???? why can't someone have an experience for a short time and then change it later due to whatever reason or circumstances? why can't someone try something out and then realize it's not right later on? why do we have to decide on a label or identity for life while still trying to figure out who we are? why is someone naturally changing or realizing something about themselves considered lying and fake? why do we let other people's bad opinions create stigmas and stereotypes around everything and then let that dictate everything we do? instead of gatekeeping and hurting potential new community members, why can't we break down those stereotypes and stigmas instead? instead of shaming people who try out your lables, why not shame and demonize the people that throw stereotypes and stigmas at you just because someone else is trying to figure out who they are still????? why let haters dictate how you treat others?
choose the right battles. fight the right people.
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Stressed Reader Comfort!
Hello!!! I am so happy you requested my dear! I am so happy to write for you. Please drink water and take care of yourself. I know it’s a hard time. But don’t lose hope and don’t let stress eat you up. You are loved and you are needed.
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Pairing : Sanji X Reader
Word count : 2.2K
Warnings : Not proof read, Stress, insomnia, Hurt then comfort and a very adorable Sanji
Sanji post Tagging : @ye-rin164
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 Assignment after assignment. Projects, seminars and exams. Forget about dates, you are not even having time to sleep properly since the last month. Still you stayed up many nights writing all the assignments. Researching stuff needed for the seminars. Memorising all the chapters from all the subjects. Praying to get good credits every time. Even sleeping for those 3 hours a day seemed so stressful because of your piled up assignments, which your teachers just dumped on you mercilessly.
Slowly because of lack of sleep and hectic works, dark circles were visible clearly under your eyes. Headaches became regular now. You weren’t able to focus on things properly. You just… tried to go along with the flow of day. Anything you ate tasted bland making you to loose appetite. All you now wanted was a day to just… rest.
Ignoring the good morning and good night messages from a certain someone made you feel guilty. But because of work, you couldn’t even catch a break. Yes… stress was building up in you.
Researching and taking print outs for the next “group” seminar made you work even harder. Yeah as you know how there is at least one person in the group who doesn’t even attempt to do work. Now you had FREAKING two of them in your 5 member’s team. Guess what happened. You three had to now share the burden of the remaining work.
‘Good thing Sanji isn’t here to see how much of a mess I am right now’, you thought sipping your caffeine. You felt lucky that you were at least getting time to take a quick shower every day.
On the other hand, Sanji knew. He knew how terrible your work was getting, making you to give him a single reply every two days, letting him know you were alive. If you didn’t give him that reply, he’d have gotten a panic attack on how you were. No regular messages, no dates, no video calls, not a single god damn normal call. He was really getting worried. But he stayed patient.
Nami and Robin chan suggested him to go and meet you, but he thought if he went, he’d be a problem to you for not letting you finish your work. His heart was earning to see you. To hug you. To make you something to eat. To just… be with you.
As days passed, you were getting more and more annoyed and you started to have breakouts for almost everything and nothing. Even the smallest things were making you cry. Like once You even cried as you saw a small puppy outside your apartment.
You hated to cry. But because of this pressure you couldn’t even control your emotions. You felt like you were losing yourself.
At Sanji’s house, he and Zoro were doing dishes but Sanji couldn’t help but to worry about you.
“Its just a gut feeling but I cant help but to worry”, Sanji sighed.
“If you feel like shit, why not just go to her place?”, asked Zoro
“Tsk, Its not that easy. What if I interrupt her?”, replied Sanji washing his hands after giving the last plate to Zoro.
The green haired man took the plate and placed it into the shelf. He sighed and said, “Look cook. It’s okay to go and check on her once a while, If you are worried. Maybe she needs you too”
Sanji never thought of that. He was always insecure and felt that he might disturb you if he met you. But this gut feeling of his was telling him to atleast go and see you.
“In 5 minutes, I’m leaving”, the blond told his roommate before going into his room. Zoro just smirked before closing the shef door.
You sat in the corner of the room. Your books were still open and you knew you were supposed to study. Then… the negative thoughts hit you. Your brain wanted to play some tricks on you. And it chose this freaking time to do that.
‘Yeah… you are not gonna get good grades even if you do this’
‘Sanji is so hardworking. He’d be so disappointed to have a person like you as his lover’
‘All your assignments are worthless, stop giving yourself enough credit’, you looked into your mirror.
Tears slid down your face. You looked terrible. With messy hair, unwashed clothes, dirty room. You wanted to tear the place down. You were so hurt and pressured.
Your train of thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. You wiped your tears quickly and stumbled as you made your way towards the main door. You swung open the door and your (eye colour) orbs met the all blue orbs. The golden hair smoothly covered one of his eye. His smile brightly as seeing you.
“Aish! Y/N, how many time have I told you to check before opening the do-”, He didn’t even complete his sentence and you ran into his arms, tightly embracing him, making him to take a step back.
He instantly knew something was wrong with the way to you hugged him. He wrapped his arms around your body. You started to cry as he hugged you.
“Sanji… I… I can’t… I hate this. I don’t like this”, you whimpered between your sobs. He soothingly rubbed the back of your head.
Without breaking the hug, he pulled you inside the house and locked the door. Leaning his back on the door, with still you hugging him, he pulled you even closer. He patted your back while you buried your head in the crook of his neck.
“Y/N, look at me dear”, he asked and you slowly looked at him. His expression from worry turned to one of a sad one.
“I missed you so much”, you cried even more looking at him.
“Shhh~~ Y/N, I’m here. Please don’t cry. This hardship will pass away. Don’t let the stress eat you up”, he kissed your forehead as he calmly whispered into your ear.
Actually Sanji was also so hurt because of your situation. But if he wasn’t strong, who would encourage you.
Soothing your tears away, he kissed your eyes.
“I am sorry. I look horrible”, you sniffed and damn yes, he was not happy by the way you said it.
“Don’t ever say that. You are the most amazing and hardworking person. Give yourself a bit more credit”, he shook your shoulders as he said that.
“Listen here, you are tired, but you are still very much beautiful. All you need is a good night sleep”, he said as he pulled you towards your bedroom.
The bed was a mess. Books, papers, laptop, stationary on it. You felt embarrassed as Sanji saw you in your worst state.
“Sorry Sanji for making you see this”, you said as Sanji just made his way into the room and started to quickly clean the bed.
“You are apologising way too much Y/N. If I didn’t support you now, I shouldn’t even call myself your friend let alone your boyfriend”, he said.
Within minutes, he cleared everything up. You went towards the table to continue your work, but then, you felt your wrist being grabbed.
You looked at him and he looked at you with worried eyes.
“Y/N, I never said you should now write your paper”, he said sternly. Even though his voice was deep, his eyes showed worry.
“But I should complete it”, you said but he was quick to pull you towards him. He lifted you up with grace and walked towards the bed swiftly and plopped you on it. You couldn’t even protest because of how quickly it happened.
You tried to get up but then he decided to jump on you and cuddle you. You chuckled at how he behaved like a small child. When he heard your laugh he looked up to you, his head still placed on your chest. Oh how much he wanted to hear that laugh of yours. But you yourself didn’t knew when you fell asleep. As Sanji was looking while you laughed, you almost immediately fell asleep.
He smiled at you as you slept. He woke up and went towards your desk and sat on the chair.
Looking at the assignment that you should start, he analysed what you wrote in the roughly at the side. He took your phone and placed his thumb on the finger print scanner. Yes of course, you guys are having the healthiest relationship. He went towards the pdf of the assignment due dates and found the assignment you were working on. And damn he got angry at how many assignments you were given. The one you were working on was to be submitted the day after tomorrow.
‘Damn… no wonder Y/N had to stay up most of the night for these’, he thought as he called one of the smartest people he knew. No… it wasn’t Luffy. He has the devils Luck to pass his exams.
“Hey Robin chan! This is Sanji”, he said as he looked at the assignment.
“Hi Sanji. What happened?”, she inquired
“Robin chan, I actually need some help”, he started to ask about the assignment and how to collect the required information related to it.
Robin chan understood the situation and started to explain.
“So Sanji, Don’t waste your time searching all the websites. Just go to the websites I told you and you can see almost every possible explanation required to you”
Sanji searched on the laptop as he placed the phone between his shoulder and ear. The un-lit cigarette was dangling between his lips. The habbit of having it made him focus on things even more. But he ofcourse didn’t want to light it and make you wake up from its smell. And for gods sake, it was your divine room. He would never light a cigarette here. Soon he could see the information required to your assignment.
“Oh yes! I got it Robin chan! Thanks for your help”, he thanked her and they both ended the call after the exchanging a few more casual talks.
He looked at some other sites Robin mentioned and found everything that you required for writing this assignment. He actually wanted to write for you but, he knows that you’d feel guilty if he wrote it. So he just searched it for you. Then looked at another assignment which was the next one you had to submit in 5 days from now. So, he started to search for it and found the required information. He looked at the time and noticed that, it was already 2 in the morning. He didn’t even knew how the time passed while he searched for the information.
Sanji stretched his arms and stood up. He walked towards the bad, where you were sleeping peacefully. He smiled at you before kissing your forehead. He hugged you as he slept beside you.
The next day you woke up to the aroma of the food. You woke up from the best sleep you had. It was so refreshing and you felt so much better with it. You got up from the bed and went to the kitchen, where you saw the blond cooking for you.
You hugged him from behind as he grinned at your cute behaviour. “Good morning love”, he greeted you as he placed one of his arm around your shoulder and snuggled closer to you.
“Thanks for making this baby. I am so thankful for this”, you said pecking his cheek. He smiled and continued to make the breakfast.
“Its alright. Well, Y/N, you need to eat before you start writing the assignment. You smiled looking at him. ‘I am sure lucky’, you thought. You ate breakfast and then Sanji showed you the information he collected to write the assignment. Just when you thought you couldn’t fall in love with him more, he proved you wrong.
He was beside you leaning down with the laptop before you two as he was talking about some websites Robin chan mentioned. You placed your hand on his chin and turned him towards you then  pulled him in for a kiss.
“I think, I found the best boyfriend one could have. I’m so lucky”, you said as you hugged him
He blushed so hard when you said that.
That day you both wrote the assignments together and finished them.
“Its okay to ask for help Y/N, I am always happy to help you”, Sanji said as he held the finished papers of the assignment.
You smiled back at him and said, “Thankyou Sanji. I… I’ll ask your help”
So, I hope you liked this one shot. I felt so connected writing this. If you are facing a similar situation. Just remember. You need rest and you can always ask for help. Please give yourself credit and stay positive.
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jiminrings · 4 years
hellooo can i request a drabble of uni!au art major tae and biochem major yn? also part one of the would you series is AMAZINGGG seriously i cant wait to read more!! <3
rich kid kim
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pairing: taehyung x y/n
wordcount: 5k
glimpse: tae’s cold and probably needs a friend more than he needs a model, y/n feels this nEED to take care of him, a term of enderment then a dash of emotional constipation and a sprinkle of jealousy :D
notes: thank you for the request babes!! writing this made my heart melt and aND!!! thank you omg i’m glad you like would you :((
if you squint or if you’ve read insufferable, this is most probably taehyung and his y/n!!!
taehyung is personally more than willing to pay himself out of this project
he’s not the proudest knowing that he comes from a rich family and he’s the only kid and he’s never really struggled for much
everything was just given to him without any hesitations whatsoever
and yeah he admits that he can nEVER admit that his pampered and luxurious lifestyle since birth has shaped him to be this way and it’s hard to unlearn these types of things
things were too easy for him and thAt’s what made it hard
tae is the farthest thing from an outcast..,.,.,.,
.,.,. but that’s him in his usual rich boi bubble of elites wherever he goes because he’s surrounded by people like him
hoseok and jimin have got to be his closest friends but of course they pursued business degrees and everyone must’ve probably saw that coming
nobody, however, expected the kim taehyung to pursue a degree based rootly on passion and even major in it
yeah that’s right what are yOU looking at???
he’s an art student and yeah he’s taking this seriously ://
do yOU have a problem with that?? do you?? no what did you say?? step the fuck up ky-
spoiler alert: people do have a problem with that
taehyung could tell that his parents did a complete 180 when they learned through jimin’s noisy-ass mouth (not even through their own son) that he’s gonna be getting an art degree
his dad’s the one who’s most especially disappointed at him because well he’s the only child and uhhhh.,.,.,, so who’s gonna inherit the company now.,.,,,
tae normally feels selfish and this time, he felt like he was being rational rather than being selfish!! this is what he passionately wants!! pls god can i be selfish oNE more time
eventually his parents had no choice because as their son explained,, having an art degree won’t keep him away from the family business at all and he could even expand it!! he doesn’t need a degree!!! 
lmao he’s been putting the money he gets on the stock market ever since he was ten years old
and they had to accept it eventually because this is what HE wants and if this is the only thing that he wants... then might as well help him through it, right??
now this is another dilemma
taehyung’s applied at a regular university in which everyone’s blended together and no one really cares about who’s who
it’s not exclusive to people like him.
he submitted his requirements and his portfolios by himself!!
and he got accepted!!
he’s nOT SURE if it’s purely because of his skills and himself and not his parents’ money nor influence
whatever it is, he doesn’t want to know because if it ends up being the answer he doesn’t want?? lol he’d crawl into a hole and mope for a week and would be doomed to wear three-piece suits for the rest of his life 
so anyways
yeah..,, this is one of the handful of times that taehyung is completely willing to pay himself out 
this project was supposed to be easy enough as what the professor said but uH he’d like to passive-aggressively decline pls and thank you
their final project was to make a portrait
right?? easy!!
a portrait of sOMEONE IN CAMPUS,,, regardless if you know them or not
(( well of course you’d get to know them by the end because yea they’re required to show proof that they indeed met and the model did agree to be painted ))
and by the end of the project, it’s either they keep it to themselves or give it to the model!!
that should be easy, right??
...... pls say right
oh my god tae should probably drop out now so he doesn’t get to do this
rich people don’t necessarily have to be educated, right???? maybe he’ll just settle into being a himbo 
he learned about the meaning of the word through urban dictionary that he tHEN only learned about like six months ago and now he gets so many things
taehyung’s not intimidated by the workload of it all -- in fact, he’s even excited about it because it helps him relax!!
what he’s intimidated about is the fact that he’s kim taehyung and there are only two possible options
either his model would be someone who knows him and would be taking every possible step to ensure that they climb the social ladder through him and they’re not even gonna be dISCREET about it
his model wouldn’t completely care about who he is and in the process belittles him upfront and tbh his hart wouldn’t be able to take that and he’s probably wipe his tears away with dollar bills
there is almost no in-between, that one he’s sure of
so why are you like this?
why are you neither of the two and why are you sO kind and go against his expectations????
do you have an ulterior motive or something????
you who’s a biochem major and is actually another building away from his own
you who’s made the initiative that you become hIS model
you who actually oFFERED and almost begged to be a part of a project that would only be for tae’s benefit
... aha
that’s about -5 points from being a cool laid-back nonchalant gal
+10 for looking like someone who’s had a massively obsessive crush on him since day one and looking like you’d lay his life for him
no but lmao actually you just learned about taehyung in a magazine
you were bored at the dentist’s and scrolled through every possible outlet in your phone and it didn’t satiate you anymore!!! so how about reading a good ol’ magazine :D
then came taehyung
it was a whole issue dedicated to him and you were probably too dedicated into reading it that this time it was you telling the dentist to wait lol
that’s as far as you knew about him
and then you learned just some weeks ago that taehyung happens to study where you also study at and that was.,., inch resting
you never really saw him before around campus because it was too big and well maybe if you put in the effort, you’d actually find him
maybe you had a tiny lil admiration for kim taehyung just from one whole issue alone you read at the dentist’s or whatever
you’ve only known about this final project situation through changbin!!!
changbin, your neighbor at the apartment next to you, who’d crash over whenever his wifi feels the tiniest bit slow
yes you did spend a little more money to upgrade your internet situation (most times it’s the router who makes all the difference) because you were so tIRED of having things slow in the middle of researching for your projects in biochem)
no you will nOT have that <3
and of course changbin’s not having your that shitty wifi either so he pushed you to get that in the first place so he can use it too lmao
he’s told you just a couple of days ago about his final project and that maybe, just maybe, he’d make it into a move for this girl that he likes
nothing’s more romantic than pleading for someone to paint ur face right
and your grade and the decision to whether you’re gonna pass or flunk and graduate or retake are relying on you mostly
and in changbin’s case it’s also hIS heart on the line so yeah no pressure at all luv
“i kinda feel bad for rich kid kim, y’know?”
“what about taehyung???”
“eW do you have a crush on him??”
“addressing someone by their name equals to a crush??????”
your banters never stop because you’re as quick-witted as him and he both loves and hates it
he loves that omg someone can keep up with him and that way he gets challenged to always have the last say!!
he hates that oh god why is he friends with someone who reminds him of himself so much how is hE gonna deal with that??
sometimes he’ll purposely argue with you to fEEL something lmao
but there’s just something here that tells him you’re a little more interested now in this flow of conversation ever since rich kid kim was mentioned
“hm, nothing. i’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a model yet.”
he dodges you in the kitchen to look for peanut butter in your cupboard and oddly... you’re not berating him for decreasing your groceries....?
what does changbin mean by that? whAt model?? model as in taehyung doesn’t have the newest model of whatever car he wants? or maybe he has a model girlfriend and-
hold on wait wHAT
taehyung has a-
he looks at you weirdly but you don’t even bat an eye when he gets ahold of your marshmallow spread so that he could make another one of his s’mores sandwiches
“uhhhh model as in he doesn’t have someone to paint for our project??”
is that what you wanted to hear or,.,
you and changbin share one (1) brain cell and it SHOWS
the two of you have to open your mouths, then close, then ponder, and then do that aGAIN until the both of you could finally grasp if you were in the same page
“oh cool!! i’ll be his model then!”
“yeah but did he ask”
“it’s gonna be easy!! i’ll just tag along with you to your building”
“yeah but did he aSK”
“we’re probably gonna hit it off instantly and then you’ll have to leech off from someone else for their wifi and food and every other necessity that you already have-”
“yeah but dID HE ASK????”
long-story short: no. taehyung most certainly did not ask you to be his model.
but here you are
saying that you came a long way is a bit of a stretch because taehyung mostly turns his head the other way around when you call out to him in public
progress is still progress :D
you’re eating lunch with him at the same table and this time you’re sat beside him!! when normally he’d just walk home to his apartment (lol that’s not allowed but you won’t be surprised to know that he has a free pass) and eat!!!
before that, taehyung would gLARE at you until you stop asking to sit with him in his table
yea he gets a bit lonely at time because jimin and hobi aren’t with him and hE’S the outcast but he won’t do anything about it,, just scroll through his phone while he eats and tune everyone out
you figured that maybe it’s changbin always linked with you in lunch because your schedules just matched up thAt perfectly like it does with tae’s
hee-hee so you might have elbowed him until he begrudgingly agreed to be tolerable, keep atleast four feet of distance from you, and not call tae rich kid kim
spoiler alert: taehyung doesn’t really care about whatever you do because doing those changes with changbin did nOT work at all
taehyung doesn’t know at all how you’ve wormed your way into his heart!!
what seem to be cold to you is his warmest he’s ever been in such a new environment and outside of his usual comfort bubbles!!!
it’s like you occasionally stealing the food from his plate when you have the same thing is the equivalent of h*lding h*nds with him
you putting your leg over his before he pushes it after five seconds mUST be the equivalent to marriage
wait he’s lying
taehyung does know how you’ve wormed your way to his heart
“hi! i’m y/n! :D”
ok u are a little bit sweaty and out of breath from doing all that fast-paced walking for the past ten minutes
your new shoes that you still need to break into further aren’t helping your situation in the slightest bit
honestly? this is all changbin’s fault <3
he unknowingly gave you the sign that you were looking for
if he says yeah five times with five minutes?? okay yeah you’re definitely looking for kim taehyung and offering yourself to become his model
you don’t wanna sound weird but you feel sorry for him and you wanna help him :((
he’s not helping you tho because he has long legs underneath those trousers and it looked like he wouldn’t budge at all not unless you jogged and stopped right in front of him
“hi! i’m y/n!! :D”
tae’s a bit... perplexed
because who’s THIS entity and why are you standing in front of him
“bye y/n.”
he wants to exit from this situation because oh my god??
why r u like this
he didn’t ASK for your name!!
and he doesn’t even know you and giving him your name honestly won’t do anything and he doesn’t get what’s your motive and-
“oh c’mon!! you didn’t even shake my hand :((”
he feels even more lost as he tries to wrap his head around that uh.....
you uh.... you wanted a handshake??
tae doesn’t even hide his annoyance because it’s clear as day!!!
he’s blatantly tilting his head at you rudely with a blank stare omg take the hint pLEASE
realizing it now you mAY have came on too strong to taehyung that looks confused as ever
“hi, i’m y/n.”
changbin’s by one of the lockers taking pics of you beaming at taehyung and him scowling down to show you later how dumb you look and how you shouldn’t do this at all
his personality trait is to immediately assume the worst out of every scenario possible and that way when something slightly less worse happens? that’s a win babie ;D
he became ur friend in the first place because you heard him yelling since he’s at the door right next to yours and you could hEAR him throwing things around as he cusses his laptop
yeah he cusses his laptop what about it??
if you close your eyes hard enough, you could hear him throw his router against the wall (you later learned that he was so close to finishing his digitalization but then his laptop decided to die) before punching the air
(( the friendship started when you knocked vERY gently and offered him to borrow your laptop even if you aren’t done with all your homework ))
((( changbin thought at first that u were such an organized and too-friendly social butterfly who’s a kiss-ass to everyone but now he thinks ur the coolest person ever and he treasures you more than life itself )))
although, taehyung’s a lot more vicious and closed-off and critical than changbin
he narrows his gaze at you as you introduce yourself for the second time before merely clicking his tongue
“ok cool”
is that uhm
is that IT good sir
“you’re not,” you’re dancing around your words and being careful to not let a pout grace your lips at the sheer lack of enthusiasm, “gonna introduce yourself to me??”
you got a reaction alright
taehyung sCOFFS and that’s the loudest he’s ever been with you in the span of two minutes
“you followed me for ten minutes just to tell me your name. kinda seems like you already know mine if you do that, no?”
this is why you took up biochem instead of law
how do the lawyers not break down???
why does phoenix wright make it seem SO easy?? especially when he’s spoken to in a confrontal tone???
oh god taehyung broke you already
not to be rude but uh what do you wANT
can you get it over already??
“o-oh! uhm i was wondering if i could uHm,” you sound ridiculous now that you think about it and this is perhaps one of the only times you feel embarrassed, “volunteer to be your model for your project?”
was that a wrong answer,,,
“are you in my class?”
taehyung asks and he’s finally said a sentence to you!!! omg
you’re quite shocked so he had to click his tongue to get you to answer 
“no, actually!! i’m a biochem major and-...”
that’s all it takes before he hums and nods his head
and for some reason taehyung looks at you like you’re pREY
“are you a stalker?”
okay wait holy fuck wHAT
you know what
you took a sip from changbin’s coffee half an hour ago but why are you only choking on it nOW
you’re positively sputtering and now ur pressured bc tae thinks you’re a stalker!!! a damn stalker!!
“looked at you long enough. i don’t need a sketch artist and i could just-”
no no no pls no
this meeting is going downhill very quickly 
“oh my god taehyung i’m nOT a stalker okay!!!”
that shuts him up because your voice is so firm and okAY then how do u explain this stalker smh ://
throughout the whole time you’re talking about changbin being an art major and also your neighbor and everything in between, tae has such a neutral expression that you feel so intimidated
“-and that’s what!! i’m not taking advantage of you or anything, if that’s what you’re thinking i guess? i swear!!”
he listened and well if he’s being honest,,, okay yea you did make sense and he does know changbin
“okay then. i’ll think about it.”
“are you gonna give me your number???”
it’s either you’re so forward or he’s just not used to being caught off-guard
“what for?”
it’s been so long ever since someone asked taehyung for his number
usually in galas and any other socialite gatherings you could think of, everyone’s number would just be in your phone automatically and you won’t even rEMEMBER how it got there in the first place
better yet, it’s been so long since he went back to his usual routine lifestyle of being himself 
his last gala was two weeks ago and tae had to keep looking at his phone to study pdfs and whatever clear pictures he can get of his reviewers back at home because he had a test tomorrow morning
“so you could text me where we’re gonna meet so you could paint me, silly!!”
okay wOAH there
“i didn’t even say that you’d be my model????”
“lol but you were thinking it huh”
that’s it
taehyung has nO choice but to paint you if he wants to finish this project and graduate and have something of a thicker paper to flaunt
it came as a shock to him that hE took your offer and he could only imagine its effect on you
not to brag but tae didn’t even have to sweat for a little because it’s yOU who came to him with this offer!! not him!!
tae lives in the classiest apartment here in uni and everyone probably knows that
much to his insistence that he doesn’t want anyone from uni going outside his apartment, he had to take an L and invite you over
he wouldn’t risk doing his work in any place else because he doesn’t want anyone thinking and getting the wrong idea!!
speaking of, he’s regretting it now because you seem to be too happy being in his space
you’re pointing around and being awed at every possible thing!!! 
what??? is this ur first time seeing a rattan hanging chair :// or a massive couch?? or a canvas painting of something so beautiful?? all of that in what’s supposed to be a student’s one apartment??? christ y/n get yourself together
“so what do you want me to do?? where do i sit oR do i stand instead?? i’m gonna need you to know that-...”
“nothing.” taehyung deadpans before he gets his camera so he could get digital shots as well if ever he needs an extra touch when it comes to his final product
the gears in your head are going bRRR and you’re gonna have to ask him to elaborate but taehyung already sets the pace
“nothing. just be your rEALLY annoying self and pretend i’m not here.”
normally you don’t take his words to heart but this one just hits a little close to home bc it’s early in the morning and taehyung already finds you intolerable
“by pretend, do you mean-...”
“up to you. are you more annoying around me or no?”
how did he read your MIND
tae got the thoughts in your head word per word and you’re so amazed at that because fUcK you originally thought that he’s good at bluffing his way up
it’s you smiling at him
no you’re beaming at him
and you’re in front of his morning-lit curtains and you’re against the light
the portrait itself is already visually appealing and satisfying and man the shadows!!! the value!!!! they’re so raw and dreamy and this is exactly his style!!!
it was just a one-take wonder as soon as he took a picture of you!!! and he may have you to hold that position if he needs the push!! he just needs to translate it to canvas with his own language and emotions and then he’s dONE!!
you’re a pain in the ass
you laugh and you move too much
taehyung had you to to revisit that pose and hold it and you wouldn’t stop giggling bc you were too proud that you did THAT!
you also ask too many things that even hE doesn’t have the answers to
how is he supposed to know if red string lovers exist when you went into a spiel just because you saw a red tube of paint???? and why is he saying his opinions on such trivial things when he has his final project to take care of???
and how is he supposed to know why YOU’RE here hanging out with him instead of finishing your own final project
jk maybe it’s the L word but you’re gonna subdue that as much as possible since taehyung looks like he’d leave you by yourself with any chance that he gets
and you even call him terms of endearment!!! nicknames!! pet names!! names that you’d call someone who’s familiar to you and you probably l*ve!!!
that’s what you call him :))
“why do you call me that?”
“because you look like one”
“and how would yOU know what angels look like??”
“because if they were to exist then you’d probably look like one!!”
“ok that’s one minute no more questions taehyung <3″
tae just provides you with all the conviction you need to take care of him without even knowing
not in a maternal type of instinct type of way, but rather in a sPECIAL someone type of way
you find yourself caring for him mOre than you ever could for any regular friend you have!!
you just throw a whole loaf of bread to changbin and call it a day
but for tae??? you go above and beyond!!
“did it ever hit you that rich kid kim never really introduced himself to you?”
oh right....
changbin points out one day and you could see where he was getting at
for some reason he always knew what was in your mind at any given time and sometimes it’s to your disadvantage
you seem to be growing on taehyung though!!
he tolerates you better now!!
sometimes he’ll find you loveable even
he likes having someone around and you’re the perfect contender
if he decides to not talk too much, then you fill up the white noise!!
if he wants you to shut up?? then yOU shut up but of course not without babbling for a little
he’s opened up but with some reservations
some reservations that you don’t mind but it’s normal that you feel sometimes left out, y’know??
because it’s been a good month since you and taehyung properly interacted but he still resents you as much if you think about it
“hey angel!!”
“what is it-...”
taehyung looks up from his meal that he’s been poking at his fork because this has to be the fourth time you call out to him
so he turns to look at you and-
there seems to be a misunderstanding
you weren’t calling HIM
you were calling out to some other guy that iSN’T him
that’s seungmin!!! omg you haven’t seen him in so long and he just happened to pass by your lunch table!!!
apparently he has something to talk to you about which is why you’re standing up and leaving tae all alone on the table
seungmin’s smile is adorable as always and he gets you in a pretty good mood!!
oh god
dear gOD
what is taehyung feeling in his chEST???
tae’s grip on his fork is starting to get pRETTY tight
and if he’s aware enough, his right eye’s twitching and he’s practically scoffing under his breath
why tf would you call him that
WHO is angel and why is it nOT him anymore????
what he’s feeling is just unexplainable and it tastes something like betrayal
“who’s he?”
he quizzes you as soon as you get back to your table and you don’t waver one bit because you know he’s been asking questions recently
“oh that’s just seungmin!! we were childhood friends then he just transferred here awhile-...”
there’s a bitter taste on his tongue and it shows up in his face and you’re not even paying attention to him!!
“really? thought i was him for a second.”
ok now that got you to stop eating
why is he acting weird
taehyung looks even more irked because you look sO oblivious right now
“do you call everyone angel?”
o-oh where is this going
you’re not even finished and to be honest you’re quite lost and taehyung sCOFFS you to the next century
“‘course you do.”
taehyung angrily finishes his meal and you leave it at that because ok maybe he had a bad day?? and he’s just taking it out on you??
and well tae DOESN’T want you to leave it at that
he wants you to ASK him why he’s mad!!! he’s passive-aggressive and it’s getting unhealthy but he’d rather choke than have him spill whatever he’s feeling
the next few days, taehyung avoids you like his LIFE depended on it
you’re not really bothered by it because he has his days, but this one’s just getting out of control
“are you giving me a time-out or something??”
lmao what did u do now
you nudge him when you see him by changbin’s apartment to borrow an easel even though he’s already got it by his apartment
yeah he’s mad at you and he’s petty but maybe he wants to see you again
tae’s giving you silent treatment and you don’t even question him for it
you don’t bother!!
you’re letting him do whatever he wants as always and he dOESN’T like it anymore!!!
he feels like he’s gonna combust at any given time and you don’t give a shit and he feels like yOU should give a shit because you always do!!
you always hover and worry around him but wHY does he feel like you’re not doing it anymore??
why does he yEARN FOR YOU???
it’s quite an an early night for you
you love biochem but sometimes it kicks your ass and it makes you retch at the mention of all-nighters nowadays!! bc they used to be fun but now doing them because you nEED to?? no thx
you’re already in your pajamas and you’re all washed up!! what could changbin need from you at 9 in the evening??
there’s an urgent knocking on your door and you resist the need to groan because you were about to really knock yourself out!! you need to get back all the rest you’ve wasted over your own final project
is that-
the man in question is in his huge yellow hoodie that swallows him up every time and he looks positively spent
his hair’s shaggy and his eyes are glazed and there’s a pink tint to his cheeks :((
he’s holding a baby hydroflask in his hands and you’re pretty sure that’s alcohol in there lol
“don’t call me taehyung!!”
he immediately snaps and you’re lost as aLWAYS
did he really just walk all the way to your complex to snAp at you??
“i’m not taehyung,” he frowns deeply and that’s when you’re a bit more mesmerized, “i’m angel.”
is this what you think it is??
your no.1 deflection move is to laugH and you’re doing that rn
something about this whole situation tickles you funny and you’re not sure what to feel about it
“i like your bottle!! i should get one for myself!!”
he could see right through you though
he ignores your stOOpid statements and goes to hold your hands :((
“no, no. i’m your angel. i-i’m your taehyung, right??”
taehyung is the most confusing being you know and he’s so emotionally constipated that he outperforms changbin but this one,,,
this just feels so different
he’s hugging you
he’s embracing you
he’s burrowing his face to your neck and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t ever imagine what this would feel like :(((
he positively 100% might be in love with you
and you positively 100% might be in love with him too
he’s fishing for your hand by your side to put in between your bodies as he shakes it and that’s because he doesn’t wanna let go of the hug 
you’re melting and this what heaven must feel like :((((
“h-hi. name’s kim taehyung and i’m yours.”
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ilikemesometaetaes · 4 years
Don’t Hold Your Breath ~ jjk
Chapter Six (M)
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•••> Author: @ilikemesometaetaes​
•••> Summary: As the CEO of an international government security company, you have the world at your fingertips. Living life lavishly and extravagantly has become the norm. Behind closed doors, however, you host a past that renders you lonely and, quite frankly, miserable. It’s only a matter of time before your past comes back to bite you right in the ass.
•••> Pairing(s): Jungkook/Reader, Taehyung/Reader (slight)
•••> Inspo: This fic is inspired by the song “SAVAGE ANTHEM” by PARTYNEXTDOOR. Thank you to @dariangarcia​​, @btssmutgalore​, and @junghoseokit​​ for supporting my work. To my mamas, Kaitlin, Adora, Lauren, Lanie, Lu, and Sher.
•••> Word Count: 7.81k
•••> Rating: 18+
•••> Tags: Jungkook x Reader | Tattooed!Jungkook | angst | smut | ceo!au | rockstar!au | CEO!Reader | Rockstar!Jungkook | AU!BTS | Exes to Lovers
•••> Warnings: angst, dirty talk, sexual teasing, heartbreak, cursing, pining, depression, breakup, emotional instability, arguing | Warnings are written specifically to chapter.
Copyright © 2021 ilikemesometaetaes. All Rights Reserved.
Taglist: @dariangarcia​​​ @apurpledheart​​​ @itsgottabeyoo-ngs​​​ @hytibm​​ @namjinsbaby​​ @ggukkieland​​ @fan-ati--c​​
If you’d like to be added to the taglist, say so in a comment to this chapter or the DHYB Main Page, or send me an ask!
NAVIGATION: Chapter Five (M) <- | -> Chapter Seven (M) -> Mini-Masterlist -> Series Masterlist
•••> Official Playlist 
“I put the dirt into dirtbag. Still got your jacket in my bag.”
“Kookie!” You screamed in between breaths, eyes watering at the struggle. “Stop! Please!”
“No way!” His laugh was buried in your hair as he pressed his face against the back of your head. “Apologize!”
“For what?” You wheezed, attempting to get away from the curling fingers that tickled your ribs relentlessly. His long legs were wrapped around your body, restricting your movement and effectively taking away almost any opportunity to escape.
“For calling me a singing demon!” His hands continued their assault, sending you into another laughing fit. You fought helplessly against his tattooed arms.
You wanted to bite back, but the lack of air in your lungs prevented you from doing so. Your heart beat wildly, adrenaline spiking and arms flailing against his grip. Desperation flooding your mind, you wrapped your hand around the one that caged your neck and dug your nails into his flesh in hopes that the pain would get him to weaken his hold.
Jungkook only laughed again and hummed teasingly. “Oh, just like that. Harder, baby.”
Squirming didn’t help much, but when you shifted your hips and felt something poking into your spine, you huffed with defeat on the horizon. His obvious boner signified that he liked your struggle- a clear indicator that there was no way he was letting you go any time soon.
With another shift of your hips to grind your ass upwards on him, seating his dick between your clothed ass cheeks, you let the situation take over your body with your brain rewiring into a horny mindset in order to distract him.
“Jungkook,” You whispered through a gasp, hoping the change of pace would throw him off. It was a stunt you always pulled; whether it be during an argument or sex, changing the pace would unfocus your boyfriend’s attention and give you the upper hand.
Sure enough, Jungkook’s embrace around you loosened so that he could give himself more room to slide his manhood against you.
“Oh, baby...” He grunted into your ear with a sliver of surprise tainting his lust.
Slowly, so as to not trigger him, you slid one hand down his stomach and slid two fingers below the waistband of his shorts. With your body on top of him, you couldn’t go further inward, so you settled on harshly scraping your nails across his hip while you dug your other hand harder into his forearm.
“Please.” You said with more air in your lungs. Finally, you could breathe.
“Are you begging for me to fuck you?” His dick twitched against you, desperate to bury itself between your thighs. “Or are you pleading for mercy? Tell me, Y/N,”
Jungkook flipped the two of you over so that your chest pressed into the bed and his entire body pinned you to the mattress with a swift cant of his hips. “Which one is it?”
For a moment, you rolled your eyes and struggled to look at him from your compromised position. It wasn’t until your eyes caught sight of the numbers on the clock sitting on the nightstand that you began struggling with a new burst of concern in your mind.
“Jungkook!” You wheezed. “The time!”
“Answer my question, Y/N. I can stay here all night. The stage can wait.”
“But you’ll be late!” Your voice increased in volume.
“Only if you continue avoiding my question…” Jungkook trailed off for a moment before he leaned down to murmur softly in your ear. “Well, I’ll only be late if you refuse to let go of your pride to ask for mercy and beg for my cock instead. I will rearrange your guts if that is what you’re asking for.”
You huffed in frustration, the desire to fuck your boyfriend dissipating with his words. You knew that Jimin would be through the roof by now, searching high and low for the lead singer of BTS to dress him properly.
“Mercy.” You finally grumbled in defeat, not wanting to delay him any longer.
Almost disappointedly, Jungkook grunted as he removed his weight from on top of you. “Fine.”
“I’ll go turn on the car.” You got up and swiped the keys off of your dresser, thankful that you were still dressed in your internship clothes.
“You go do that.” Jungkook chuckled whilst sliding his shorts off of his body to reveal a very obvious boner tenting his boxers that you pretended to be oblivious of. “You’re a master at turning me on so I trust you with that.”
“Ew.” You grimaced at the poorly-delivered joke. “That was terrible.”
“No, it wasn’t. It was clever.” Jungkook chided.
“Not at all.” You quipped. After you watched him slide a pair of jeans up his muscular legs, you turned to leave. You just needed to make sure he got dressed. “I’ll be in the car.”
Jimin’s knowledge of art always mystified you. His prowess wasn’t the type of intelligence like knowing how Picasso depicted the loss of innocence in Guernica or how the melting clocks of Dali introduced surrealism to the world of art- no, that was Taehyung’s strong-suit.
Jimin knew how to create his own version of art that left viewers wistful and in absolute awe by making a stage the vessel of his masterpieces.
As you sat on the balcony, overlooking the crowd while they all thrashed and jumped to the beat of Hoseok’s bass drum and the duo of guitars that was Namjoon and Jungkook, you just had to sit back in your chair and stare at the composition that was Jimin’s show.
Flashes of blue and red lights swept across the crowd, printing themselves temporarily into the crowd’s retinas so that when the opposite color came back, a light hue of purple was brought into the experience for a fleeting moment. Short puffs of fire whenever Namjoon strummed a power chord warmed your face, even from the distance in which you sat from the stage, and lasers shot through the crowd every time Yoongi penetrated the sounds of his group with the keys of his keyboard.
Graphics on the jumbotron behind the band, which were also of Jimin’s creation, outlined each member with curls of dark, tentacle-like wisps that matched the purple hue of the crowd with its raven color.
The last song of the setlist, Blue and Grey, was one you were all too familiar with. The lights faded to a soft blue for a moment as Taehyung began the first strong notes with his bass and the crowd in the venue whooped and hollered in excitement- Blue and Grey was BTS’ most popular song. A year and a half into their journey of being a band and they already had a crowd favorite.
As Taehyung continued his bass line with his guitar and tattooed strumming arm put on display by Jimin’s spotlight, Jungkook leaned into the mic and began strumming his own guitar.
“Where is my angel?”
You sighed and leaned forward in your seat, loving the way Jungkook’s voice carried throughout the performance hall.
Taehyung accompanied Jungkook with the intro until Hoseok joined in to transition into the first verse with his high hat and snare drum.
Once the chorus hit, you couldn’t help but stand from your seat as you began to feel the power of BTS’ music rocking the venue.
“I just wanna be happier. To melt the cold me.”
Jungkook’s neck veins bulged from his skin as he belted out the notes, sweat dribbling down his temples from exertion. Even as he huffed for breath in between his lines, the image of him dressed in all black and owning the stage while ripping his fingers through his guitar strings was one you could never get tired of.
The songs were full of angst- the dark, unspoken feelings that not many people talked about- and you loved how you heard them from Jungkook through music. If only he were this honest when it was just the two of you.
“Don’t say it’s okay, ‘cause it’s not okay.” Jungkook closed up his lines with a heartbreaking tone that every fan in the crowd sang along with as Namjoon prepared to sing his part. For a brief moment, your boyfriend met your eyes across the large venue.
“Please don’t leave me alone. It hurts too much.”
You walked into your building, grateful for the warm protection it offered against the freezing winter of New York City.
Noticing the lack of staff around, being that there was only the elevator operator and the receptionist sitting behind the marble counter, you glanced at your watch to check just how long you spent working.
20:17, your watch read. You had been working in front of computer screens and reading contracts for almost 9 hours.
“Greetings, ma’am!” The receptionist stood from his chair. “May I be of any service to you this evening?”
You shook your head to the man and continued on your path to the elevator where the other employee in the lobby waited to take you up. “None needed. I’ll be leaving momentarily.”
“Very well. Please let me know if you need anything.” He sat back down and turned his gaze to the computer in front of him.
The sound of your pumps echoed against the vast but empty room until you stopped in front of the elevator where the woman already had the doors opening in preparation.
“Good evening, ma’am.” She said lowly.
“ ‘Evening.” You responded, stepping inside without another word. The woman kept the conversation at that, which you appreciated, so you smiled at her in gratitude after you placed your key in the penthouse slot. She returned your smile with her own before the doors closed to encase you in silence.
The ride up was quiet, warranting you to pull out your phone so that you could read over your conversation with Taehyung again.
Why am I wearing think socks? I hate thick socks.
Read at 8:01 pm
Trust me. You’ll regret it if you don’t.
Is that so? Why?
Read 8:03 pm
Just wear the damn socks, Y/N.
Are you gonna tell me where we’re going?
Read 8:04 pm
Negative, captain
Why am I a captain now
Read 8:04 pm
Cuz I said so. Now stop talking or you’ll make me give away my position
Read 8:05 pm
I said stop talking
Read 8:05 pm
Fucking hell.
You let a small giggle slip past your lips at how normal the text conversation was. It was as if you never stopped talking to him, slipping into the normalcy of having Taehyung back in your life as quickly as it had been to cut him out of it. You zoned out for a moment in thought.
The strange sensation of friendship didn’t take any getting used to as it settled itself back into your bones and filled your heart with warmth like it never left- like the ice covering the beating organ was only temporary. As you stood alone, staring shallowly at the increasing floor numbers, you smiled in content.
The elevator slowed as the cabin came close to reaching the top floor, bringing you back to your senses. Sliding your phone back into the pocket of your slacks, you looked up once the elevator doors opened, only to drop your briefcase to the floor loudly.
Jungkook sat against the wall beside your door with his knees tucked under his chin and his arms wrapped around his legs. At the sound of your clumsiness clattering on the ground, his gaze snapped to you as he scrambled to stand up.
Anger flooded you immediately. You wanted to backhand him and rip his hair out. You wanted to scream and cry and lose your shit. However much you wanted to hurt him, though, you could not afford catching an assault charge on the man who defaced you once before.
There was a break of silence as you stood staring at him, unsure of how to handle the punch in your mood while the memories were forced to surface in your mind.
“Y/N…” Jungkook trailed, breaking the tangible barrier of tension. He took a step forward whilst obviously hesitating. “I-”
Instead of screaming at him, you went for the more sophisticated and controlled route to keep your lividity at bay whilst stopping his sentence in its tracks.
“How did you get up here?” It was a sensible question to ask. You just wanted to prevent him from deepening the conversation.
“I pulled some strings.” He murmured, looking down almost shyly, before piping up with more confidence. “But listen, I-”
“Save it.” You cut him off again, unable to control your facade much longer. “Get the fuck out of my face.”
His anxious expression turned worried- desperate. You didn’t miss the way his eyes became more expressive than you’ve ever seen them. “Please, Y/N.”
“Please what, Jungkook?”
“Please just give me a moment to speak.”
For a beat, you pondered his request. Taehyung’s words weighed heavily on your mind. We needed to talk.
Fuck talking. You have been done talking for ages.
“Wow.” You scoffed coldly, ice barriers slamming back into place over your heart. Taehyung had been able to melt them away, but Jungkook put them right back with fierce determination to completely ruin you. “You just want to take everything from me, huh?”
“Y/N, what-“ He blinked cluelessly, caught off-guard by your sarcasm.
“I gave you years to speak, Jungkook. I gave you everything.” You stepped forward, the boiling rage overtaking your body, and came to a stop in front of him with the fury of a charging bull. You wanted him to feel small and vulnerable.
“What else could I possibly give you? I have nothing left.” He took everything. The veins in your body were emptied and exhausted of every single ounce of energy to fight for someone.
You were unaware of the way Jungkook’s fists were clenched so tight that his knuckles turned white and his nails dug into his palms.
You failed to notice how much he trembled under your gaze, physically struggling to protect his butterfly from your wrath.
Your vicious swings at the dainty being of hope were nothing compared to what he, himself, had done to it. Jungkook found it ironic that you gave him an aspect that he was just barely strong enough to protect yet took the darker things from inside him and destroyed them as if they were mere placeholders- as if you were his puppeteer.
You were too stressed to realize the toll it took on Jungkook to keep his act together. He needed to keep the door open long enough to be your friend. Anything to prevent losing you. Earlier, his demons swooped in and overtook him, suffocating him to silence once again, but for the first time, they ebbed away at the mere thought of you.
As he walked down the street with his stage persona flowing, the simple thought of your name empowered his butterfly to beat its wings so fiercely that it blew away all of the impending smoke and dark tentacles of smog that threatened to overtake his vision.
Once he thought of you, he thought of everything.
Your anger was justified. He understood that now. Watching you huff breath after breath following your question was somehow relieving- you still cared enough to be pissed off. Jungkook forced himself to look on the bright side of the encounter with you; he made himself see that you were still passionate about the past. You were passionately upset and he couldn’t be happier.
He had seen you with Taehyung. He saw the way you were happy again. Jungkook wanted a part of that because he was too selfish to back off and stay dormant in your life- too determined to make you silence his demons.
Even if it was just as a friend. He could deal with that.
“You’re right.” Jungkook stated.
You paused in your tracks at the concession. Anger no longer blazing- staying right where it was- you quirked an eyebrow at him. Any time the two of you fought, he would never come even close to alluding that you were right.
“You’re right and I’m sorry, Y/N.”
An apology.
Words always seemed minimal to you. Unless to communicate information, you found that words filled with feeling didn’t mean much from someone you didn’t know.
After Jungkook, anyone that told you they loved you was promptly deemed a liar. Kate worked hard to make sure you were aware of the fact that she would actually take a bullet for you because of how much she loved you. She spent moment after moment proving to you that she cared deeply even though she didn’t have to put up with you.
Your parents, despite not talking to you much, expressed their love and gratitude whenever you sent them money. You knew they were hard workers like you and didn’t have time to worry about trivial things like words. Instead of taking the easy way out by simply telling you that they loved you, they showed you.
But Jungkook, who claimed to love you in the way that a lover would- the only person to actually do so- lied.
You could never trust the words in that way again.
Still, you couldn’t help but be taken by surprise.
“I’m right? Really?”
“Y/N, you’ve been right since the beginning. I took and took and just stopped giving back. I understand that you’re angry and I want to fix it so that you don’t hate me anymore. I want to make it right.”
You were silent. You hadn’t expected him to admit his fault so easily. Jungkook changing the pace of your conversation ruined your momentum, sending you stumbling and scrambling for thoughts.
Jungkook sighed for a moment, pressing his lips into a thin line as he let his eyes drop to the floor in your silence. He wasn’t about to lose the opportunity to elaborate further, though.
“Look, I know I fucked up. Bad. I know you can’t possibly forgive me right now, but I want you to know that I’m sorry for the things I’ve done to you.”
Your automatic reaction to being emotionally pushed came back, closing you down and disguising you as a cold woman.
“What the fuck do you know? What the fuck do you know about how badly you fucked up? I don’t need your lame-ass apology, Jungkook. I don’t know you and you don’t know me. Stop pretending that you do. Sure, we fucked a little and kissed a few times, but that’s all that it was.” You grit out the last few words, lying through your teeth. “Now please move. You’re blocking the door.”
Shockingly, Jungkook obeyed. He stepped aside and clasped his hands behind his back without another word, allowing you to walk to your door and open it.
Don’t look back. Don’t look back.
No matter how many times you repeated the words in your head, commanding yourself to abide by the mantra as if it were law, the emotions in your head managed to break through and force your head to turn back after stepping through the doorway.
Jungkook stood as still as a statue, staring at you with a blank expression that was almost eerie. You glanced down quickly, unable to maintain the eye contact, and noticed that his knuckles were clenched.
It was almost as if he was a completely different person because of the fact that his appearance was drastically different from that of BTS Jungkook. The man that stood in front of you was no rockstar. He was not an idol nor a role model that millions looked up to.
He was a scared boy. The fear that riddled his eyes was extremely difficult to miss and it made him seem almost small whilst standing in the small junction between the elevator and your penthouse.
You shut the door in his face impulsively, hoping that you wouldn’t have to see him again.
Backing away from the door slightly, you waited until you heard the elevator signal that its doors were closing before going to look through the peephole. You finally released your breath and slumped against the door when you saw that he had left.
Without his presence putting you on edge and keeping you on your toes, you could finally reflect on the conversation that just transpired.
He admitted his wrongdoings and apologized for them. He showed you his belly and became vulnerable. He admitted defeat.
Jungkook wasn’t an apologetic person in the slightest; he wasn’t a forgiving one either. In all the years that you had known him, he was headstrong and stubborn- if you looked past the part where he closed himself off and cheated, of course.
This Jungkook, the one you had just spoken to, was not the one you remember. Maybe you were right. Maybe you didn’t know him anymore.
Your phone vibrating in your pocket distracted you from pondering any further over the epiphany, prompting you to pull it out and fumble with it to get away from the confusing subject. You were thankful for the distraction.
Kim Taehyung (BTS)
I’ll be out front in 15 mins
Cursing internally, you left the idea of Jungkook behind you and rushed to change into clothes better suited for the cold weather.
It was a given that a small smile pulled at the corner of your lips when you slid thick tube socks over your ankles. You hadn’t actually worn tube socks in ages because they didn’t exactly go with your usual professional style of suits and heels.
You zipped your coat up about three-fourths of the way before turning to look at yourself in your mirror with a huff.
Suddenly, you were bombarded with a memory as it flashed before your eyes.
“You know you look good, babe.”
You giggled as Jungkook came up behind you to look at you in the reflection, setting his chin on your shoulder while he used his tongue to toy with the hoop pierced into his lip.
“Thanks, Kook. Just want to look my best is all.” You met his eyes in your bedroom mirror, smiling softly.
“Well, you look beautiful.”
You were left staring at the empty space where his face was, unsure of how to react as you stumbled back from the intrusion. Another meaningless scene came barging into your senses before you could process the first.
“Wow…” You trailed off as you looked at the angry red spot on Jungkook’s chest. A brand new tattoo, the size of your hand, raised out of his skin and shined under the luminescent light of the tattoo parlor. With the tattoo artist cleaning up his station behind the two of you, you were left to admire his beauty in his reflection.
Jungkook stood shirtless in front of the full-length mirror as he smiled brightly at the last tattoo to complete his set. Your eyes drank in the way each exhibit of inked art contrasted with his smooth, caramel expanse of skin while you stood behind him.
The new piece, which was almost large enough to touch the Chinese characters stamped onto the side of his neck and the back of his ear, was a depiction of an angel falling from the heavens. The detail in the blackening feathers attached to the angel’s back was mesmerizing, drawing all of the attention from the rest of the tattoos covering Jungkook’s chest.
“Is there any special meaning behind it?” You asked, knowing that your boyfriend had a few meaningless tattoos that were part of his ‘woke-up-and-it-was-there’ collection.
For a moment, Jungkook stayed silent as he studied the work of art in the mirror. It wasn’t until you called his name again that he answered your question while meeting your gaze in the reflection.
“Nah. It just looked really cool to me.”
You pressed your hand to your forehead and looked away from your mirror, wondering why- now, of all times- you just had to remember those small memories.
You didn’t miss him- you know you didn’t. But something within you twisted at the thought of being with him- the memory of how it felt to be his.
The disconnect between the feelings of your heart and the thoughts of your mind, ever so obvious, shifted. His apology was unexpected, to say the least, but it was also surprisingly heartfelt and pulling on your need to forgive.
Saved by the bell, your landline phone began to ring.
You rushed to the bedside table and grabbed the phone from its dock, pulling it to your ear.
“Ms. Y/L/N? It’s the front desk. Mr. Kim Taehyung is here and waiting for you.”
“Got it. Thank you. I’ll be down in a moment.” You hung up the phone and grabbed your wallet and keys before shuffling over to your desk to grab your briefcase on instinct.
“Wait,” you spoke aloud, laughing at yourself and withdrawing your reach. “I don’t need that.”
As you opened the door to your penthouse, the sound of something lightly hitting your door had you looking down.
A small, navy blue bag, the size of your palm, swung from the doorknob and hit lightly against the wood from the momentum of you opening your door. Confused, you unhooked the loop from the doorknob and looked inside the bag to find a familiar-looking box inside.
Gingerly, you pulled it out and opened it. In the way of the box’s contents was a folded piece of notebook paper with your name scrawled across the top in Jungkook’s messy handwriting.
You held your breath after reading the note and looked down at the small charm.
Since you gave me yours, I’ll give you mine. -jk
In the fabric of the satin display lay the familiar gold chain that Jungkook gifted you those few years ago, but, instead of the small J that you were so familiar with, lay your own initial.
You knew Jungkook’s way with words well enough to know that the small note connected his intentions to the chain. You were instantly pulled back to the night that he gifted the necklace to you in the first place.
“It’s beautiful. Happy one-year, babe.” You whispered onto his lips with a smile.
After you sat back into your seat, Jungkook walked to your side of the table to put the chain around your neck. “I obviously have the describe how much this necklace means so that you never take it off.”
You laughed. “I wouldn’t even dream of taking it off, Kook.”
“I still need to explain. It was like a message from heaven when I saw them in the jewelry store.” He pouted, returning to his seat. “So the idea with these is that we’re wearing parts of each other. You’re wearing the part of me that belongs to you and I’m wearing the part of you that belongs to me.”
Jungkook continued as he raised his glass. “So even though you think this necklace is yours because it’s your letter, it’s actually mine.”
You cocked your head in confusion, struggling to understand the concept. “What are you talking about?”
“It sounded so much better in my head, I swear.”
You understood the idea now.
Push off the emotions. Don’t think about them.
You were hellbent on ignoring the weakness, knowing full well what path you would go down if you let them get to you.
Instead, you made your way down to the lobby with the bag gripped tightly in your mitten-clad hands, heading to the desk with determination furrowing your brow. Even as Taehyung stood from the small sofa in the lobby upon seeing you, you did not spare him a glance.
Forcefully, you thrusted the bag into the receptionists’ face, internally wincing at your rude gesture.
“Please put this in the lost and found. I have no idea where it came from.”
The receptionist did well at hiding his expression, however, you could still see a sense of somber recognition behind his eyes. You decided not to press him seeing as you want to avoid the topic of Jungkook like the plague.
“Understood, ma’am.” He took the bag from your grasp before you had the chance to rethink addressing his slip of emotion, placing it in a drawer by his knee. He looked back up and gestured to Taehyung after locking the drawer. “Mr. Kim is here for you.”
You sighed in a mild sense of accomplishment, forcing yourself to shut out the regret and sadness for giving away a formerly precious memory, before turning to face Taehyung with a small smile to mask your inner turmoil. Your smile faltered when you noticed that Taehyung mirrored the same expression on his face that the receptionist wore.
“What?” You asked, walking to him.
“I just-” He looked down for a moment, scowling, and you noticed he had placed his small barbell back into his eyebrow. “-nothing. It’s nothing.”
“Why won’t you tell me anything?” The two of you had walked to the door, stopping before going out into the cold so that you could finish your conversation.
“Like I said before, it’s not my place to say or judge.”
Taehyung opened the door to an icy gust of wind before you could protest, chilling you into a mind-numbing stupor as you whispered, “Holy fucking shit.”
“Good god, it is freezing.” Taehyung mumbled, linking an arm around your body and ushering you towards his SUV across the sidewalk.
Once sat inside the warmth of the cabin, you shivered in satisfaction at the heat gracing your body.
“Please tell me we’re not going to be outside for whatever we’re doing.” You pleaded to him. The light from the city was filtered by the darkened car windows, however, you could still see Taehyung’s shoulders moving up and down when he chuckled.
“Unfortunately, we are, but fortunately, I brought some heat packs for us.”
You whined in protest, looking up to the GPS screen in front of the driver to see if you could identify where the two of you were going. Without a route plotted, you were left even more curious.
About twenty minutes of small talk and a brief roast session targeting Hoseok later, you sat in front of the ice skating rink at the Rockefeller Center.
“We’re ice skating?” You asked, suddenly in shock. You hadn’t been ice skating since-
No. Stop it. Your mind warred with itself as it suppressed the memory threatening to spill over into your eyes.
“You’re quite the detective.” Taehyung’s sentence was drenched in sarcasm, functioning as the perfect distraction, and prompted you to lightly shove him with a giggle as you exited the vehicle.
“I thought I was a captain.” You pouted against the cold, pulling your hat down on your head even further in hopes of retaining your body heat and warmth from the van.
“You are.” Taehyung laughed again. “Captain Detective.”
You only rolled your eyes at his playfulness before you turned to face the rink from the sidewalk. A person passing behind you and bumping into your back lightly had you cursing New York City’s busy and bustling population.
Seeing all of the people on the rink, you instantly remembered that you did not inform Jay of your whereabouts.
“Do we have security?” Worry riddled your brain as you turned to look at him with your eyes widening in a panic. You became hyperaware of all of the possible outcomes to Taehyung being identified in such a crowded place.
Taehyung sighed as he walked you up to the ticket booth. “We don’t. I just want to have a normal and plain but fun time with my friend- without someone glaring at me like they don’t want to be here while they breathe down my neck.”
Despite understanding his statement, you couldn’t help the automatic stress to being in public without any form of protection.
“Taehyung,” You warned, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Y/N,” He mocked your tone childishly before leveling it to his regular voice. “Relax, weirdo. We’re here to have fun and people are too busy having their own fun to notice us.”
“I doubt that.”
It wasn’t until you got your rental skates tightly secured onto your feet and began walking toward the ice that Taehyung mentioned a vital detail that he definitely should have mentioned prior to arriving at the center.
“You what?” You were baffled to say the least.
“I can’t skate.” He sheepishly brought his hand to the back of his head and adjusted his trapper hat under your scrutiny.
“Then why did we come?” You were almost yelling at that point.
“Because Brian told me that you liked ice skating!” Taehyung gripped at your fingers tightly, anxiety getting the best of him.
Fucking hell, Brian.
“Did he?” Your laugh was almost hysterical because of how wrong he was. You were becoming increasingly hesitant about giving your personal assistant a raise now.
Still, it was worth the effort. Brian was just trying to help the world’s most popular bassist when he came to him in need of information. It was a decent attempt.
“Yeah,” Taehyung huffed. “He did.”
“Well, Tae, I’ll have you know,” You moved towards the ice rink with determination. “I haven’t been ice skating in ages and I hardly like it. Hopefully, I still have muscle memory.”
“Oh god.” Taehyung groaned, tipping his head back as the feeling of imminent and utter chaos ensued. “Fucking hell, Brian.”
As soon as you stepped on the ice, you realized that you were still perfectly coordinated enough to complete the task.
Taehyung, on the other hand, clung to the walls like the world was attempting to swallow him into the ground. Dutifully, you stood next to him with a cautious hand on his back in the case that he went tumbling.
The sight was one to behold.
Kim Taehyung, hard core rockstar- the physical definition of a stereotypical ‘bad boy’- with tattoos littering his skin and a glistening eyebrow piercing that was winking at you from under his gray trapper, stood hunched over and afraid as he moved baby step-by-baby step to proceed further around the rink. You couldn’t help but giggle as the man who possessed the prowess of an elegant panther on stage adopted the likes of a stumbling newborn giraffe within the span of five minutes.
You were still concerned for him despite how funny it was. Tentatively, you reached your hand to grip his shoulder and urged him to look at you.
“Tae, are you okay? We can do something else if you’d like.”
“No, it’s okay.” He wheezed in effort. “I got this.”
Making a show out of how brave he was, Taehyung stood up straight on shaky legs and began progressing forward by attempting to walk on the ice.
“I can show you how t-” Taehyung cut off your offer before you could finish it.
“I’ve been shown countless times how to skate and the best I can do is walk and maybe slide forward a little. I’m a lost cause, Y/N.” Even though he seemed upset, Taehyung couldn’t help but crack a smile at how clumsy he was.
You smiled pitifully at your clumsy friend before you stepped in front of him. “Here, hold onto my shoulders and we’ll slide forward together.”
All Taehyung could do was begrudgingly agree, hating the idea of having to lean on you for support but wanting to remain close to you for the majority of the night. Once he placed his hands tightly on your shoulders, you moved.
At first, you skated slowly so that Taehyung could adjust to the feeling of being pulled forward. Once he got the hang of keeping his legs locked so that you could move around easier, you skated at a normal speed.
After about ten minutes of joking around and catching Taehyung’s slipping form a handful of times, your mind was left free and without defense.
You hadn’t realized how vulnerable you were because of it.
“Y/N, slow down! I can’t go that fast!”
Your breathing came to a halt at the voice that echoed in your ears.
“Here, hold my hand and we’ll skate together.”
Panicking, you rushed your mind to shut it out. No. Stop.
Unknowingly, the chaos in your mind and the desperate need to get away from the memories had you gradually increasing your own speed to subconsciously escape your thoughts.
Taehyung’s nervous laugh and call of your name in warning fell on deaf ears while you furrowed your eyebrows in concentration.
“See? It’s easy. Just step and lean. Step- and lean.” His hand clutched yours as if he was trying to squeeze all of the blood from your fingers but you only squeezed back in reassurance.
“Don’t let me fall, please.”
Taehyung’s skate crashing into the back of yours served as the perfect distraction, yet it only lasted for a split second as the two fo you went tumbling to the ice in a hauntingly familiar manner.
In the process of falling, Taehyung had managed to wrap his arms around your waist and twist his body so that he could take most of the impact from the ice. Landing on top of him with an ‘oof’ reminded you of the last time you went ice skating.
Even with your face mere centimeters from your friend’s, all you saw was him.
Taehyung’s small puffs of air against your lips were an indicator of how close you were to kissing him. Truly, you could kiss him if you wanted to, needing only to relax your neck and let your head fall to close the rest of the minimal gap between you. He looked up at you with wide eyes, holding onto your gaze with an unreadable expression on his face.
All you saw, however, was a small mole dotting the underside of his lips. Fuck, you wanted to kiss Taehyung and rid yourself of the nightmare, but you couldn’t shake the sensation of how wrong it felt to kiss anyone but Jungkook.
“Y/N,” Taehyung called your name cautiously and pulled you from your thoughts. Instantly, your eyes welled with tears at the realization of how fucked you were.
You yanked yourself from him with abandon, needing to get far away from the reminder that you couldn’t move on.
Kim Taehyung was mature. He was kind and respectful- everything you could ask for in a man- yet the thoughts of Jungkook and the good memories you had with him outweighed the bad, preventing you from truly letting go.
Before Taehyung could protest, you stood and left him on the ice, making for a quick exit. You wanted to go back and help him up so that he wasn’t in danger, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at his face in this setting.
Instead, you skated off the rink and walked to the skate rental area, plopping down on the bench weakly to untie the laces. Once you did so, you set them on the counter and waited for your boots with your eyes on the ground. You didn’t want anyone to see you on the brink of crying.
“Y/N!” Taehyung’s voice was loud and attention-grabbing. You had half the mind to be concerned that he would cause people to notice him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as you finally got your boots and rushed to put them on. Taehyung was finally off the ice when you slid the first boot on.
“Y/N,” He called your name again, awkwardly approaching you with the blades still on his feet. “Please, talk to me.”
You could only sniffle in response and continue to put your boots back on, a fresh wave of tears welling in your eyes and threatening to spill onto your cheeks. You’d kept them at bay thus far but Taehyung was making it extremely difficult as his comfort approached you. The welcome yet heartbreaking aura he exhumed paired with your teetering emotional stability wouldn’t fare well in such a public setting.
Without hesitation, you stood and walked away once you were done securing your shoes back on your feet. Again, you felt the urgent need to be alone.
And again, Taehyung was right behind you as he ran without putting his shoes back on.
“Y/N!” He grabbed you as he called your name more sternly, forcing you to face him. Your eyes met his briefly before you looked back down to the pavement and cursed yourself once a tear slipped out. “Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong?”
“Because I-” Your breath caught in your throat as it constricted due to the beginning of a sob building in your chest. You cleared your throat and struggled to breathe your way through your response- one you had trouble communicating. “-I just can’t.”
Taehyung grimaced, looking around with concern, before he ushered your body to begin walking away from the busy area.
Once you were a good distance down the street, he grabbed both of your shoulders and forced you to face him once again. Away from the well-lit area of the ice rink, the only light that shone in the middle of the dark night was that of the street lights. With bated breath, you looked up at your friend with your mouth closed tightly so that the sob in your chest wouldn’t come barging past your lips.
The pain was nearly unbearable. It anguished you, knowing that you were stupid enough to think that you could eventually move on from Jungkook. It pained you, being aware of the fact that Taehyung had offered himself to you and you did nothing but continue to look at Jungkook.
But most of all, it hurt that you still wanted Jungkook.
If only you could reach into your chest and tear your heart out so that you couldn’t feel anymore. If only you could shut off your feelings so that it didn’t agonize you like this. If only it were that easy.
Under the light of the street lamps with Taehyung’s look of pity- the one he held as he looked at you across the club on that dreadful night those few years ago- on you, you broke.
As you began sobbing, Taehyung pulled you against his body and backed up into the darkness to give you the privacy to cry without being seen.
The pain stabbed your heart repeatedly; quick blows, shallow at first, became increasingly deep as you drowned in the memories of what once was.
Falling so passionately in love became your biggest regret. For so long, you hated the idea. You hated the fact that you still loved Jungkook notwithstanding the things he had done. You denied the fact until you started seeing the good memories again- until it was an unavoidable and objective truth.
The truth that you still loved him.
As Taehyung held you tightly in his embrace while you held your hands to your face and dug your nails into your skin, you sobbed uncontrollably at how completely and royally fucked you were.
“W-why-” You blubbered into your palms. “-why do I-I still lo-ove him?”
“Because your heart wants what it wants, Y/N. You have no control over that.”
At this point, you had to tell him how you felt- how you truly felt.
“I w-wish that it wa-anted you. I’m so sorry, T-Tae.”
“Hey, now. Don’t say that. It’s a waste of time to wish for things that you have no control over. Don’t waste a wish on something stupid like that.” Taehyung pressed his face to the top of your head, pressing his lips there to leave a small kiss. “Besides, I have someone waiting for me back home so you don’t need to worry anymore.”
Instantly, you looked up at him in shock while still hiccuping. “You do?”
“Of course.” Taehyung laughed warmly, smiling down at you. “I wasn’t gonna be stuck on you forever. One way or another, you move on.”
“It’s been years since I’ve even seen him, Tae. The fact that I still haven’t moved on despite that has to tell you something.”
“Which is why I told you that you still need to talk to him. You can’t move on or do anything about the way you feel unless you communicate it.” He pulled back to bend his body to become eye-level with you so that he could look you in the eyes as he spoke. “There’s things you don’t know.”
For a moment, you weighed his words in your mind. If they’re things that Taehyung can’t tell you because they’re ‘not his place’ to say, then you figure that the matter must be a serious one. Your curiosity was getting the best of you. It wasn’t long before you gave in.
“Yeah…” You trailed off in hesitation, suddenly regretting shutting out Jungkook. “I guess I do need to talk to him.”
“Please just… take your time and be patient with him.” Taehyung winced slightly. “He’s hot-headed but he’s a lot better than he was before. I promise you that.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Taehyung.” You scowled as you backed out of his embrace.
“You know I don’t. I would never suggest that you talk to him if he was the same as he was before.”
A few beats of silence passed before you asked the question that had been nagging at your mind since your revelation of remaining love for the lead singer of BTS.
“Do you think we still have a chance?”
Taehyung answered immediately. “That’s not my place to judge. All I know is that you guys did something sad like being broke up even though you had life.”
“Good god, Tae,” You huffed out a laugh. “Are you quoting Lil Dicky right now?”
“Yes. Yes, I am.” Taehyung crossed his arms and let out a small ‘hmph’ as he lightly stomped his foot onto the sidewalk. “And you can’t stop me.”
For a while, Taehyung let you catch your breath and calm down while looking up and down the street. It seemed as if he was planning something.
Before you could process what he was doing, Taehyung took you by your arm, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, and began walking across the street. You looked up in the direction of your path and noticed that you were heading towards the quaint coffee shop that seemed to be the only open place at the current hour.
Your eyes hurt from crying. Your chest ached from sobbing and hiccuping. Your heart and head hurt as they came to blows with each other. You were slowly beginning to freeze as the calming of your emotions slowed your heart and cooled your body. It was so fucking cold.
You could use a coffee right about now.
Thank you for reading, reader! If you’d like to check out the rest of my work, feel free to visit my Masterlist!
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yeojaa · 4 years
Can I request more smut for A&A couple?? I love sexy jay and jinny RYFUIOOIDEWETYUKOJK
[ read angels & airwaves ]
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pairing.  jjk x f!reader.  rating.  explicit.  tags.  gamer!jjk deserves his own warning.  but also cockwarming and a gross amount of love between these two.  wc. 1.5k.  beta reader.  @hobi-gif because she is the pb to my j.  author note.  this is probably less sexy and more soft, but i hope you enjoy and i’m sorry it’s so late! ✨ 
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He’s playing Overwatch - unwinding after a long day, dressed down in sweats and little else - when his chair starts rolling back, pulled by an invisible hand.  (Luckily, he’s only in queue, not yet matched into a game.  It’s easy for him to leave, exit out of the waiting screen as he continues his journey away from the desk, releasing his hold on his mouse, letting his keyboard hand fall into his lap.)  Feigned surprise trips across his expression, a subtle widening of his eyes, the softest hm? slipping like sandman’s dust from his lips.
“Play with me,”  you say in that way of yours, deceivingly sweet, lilting like the chorus of his favourite song.  (He thinks that’s what you’d be if you were anything else, played over and over in his thoughts, quiet in the background of his everyday life.  A kind reminder of your love, of your giggles and that cheekiness you offer in spades.  A heartfelt melody in A minor.)
(Jungkook wants to write something for you - because of you - he realises.  Of course he does.)  
He echoes your words back, pairs it with a quirked brow and a sing-song laugh that makes his eyes crinkle, long grooves dug into the bridge of his nose.  Sunshine pours between his teeth, lights up his entire face.  “You wanna play?”
Your answer is a shake of your head, freeing tousled strands from the haphazard bun you wear - the one that goes up any time you’re half-asleep (or gaming or simply too lazy to do anything else) - too many pieces askew to be sophisticated.  (It’s cute still, one of his favourite looks on you.  Messy, sleep-addled, real.)  
“I want you to play.”  The way you enunciate, throw heavy meaning into your words has him curious, chin canting when you round the chair, step to the side and brush a delicate hand through his crown of curls.  You push velvet away from his face, tuck it neatly behind his ear and smile so prettily he swears his heart might leap out of his chest.  The same hand falls over his with meaning, your own eyes the size of saucers.  Were you trying to communicate as if you were psychic?  He thinks you must be when you stare for longer than you need to, mouth pulling and pursing adorably, a wavering wall against whatever you want to offer but won’t.
When he relents, it’s with his hand curled around your wrist and a gentle tug of you closer.  (Because he always wants you closer.)  “Let’s play then.”
It takes you no time at all to settle into his lap, legs dangling around the back of his gaming chair, arms locked around his neck.  He imagines it isn’t the most comfortable position in the world but, well, Jungkook’s not going to complain that his girlfriend wants to cuddle.  Can’t even fathom the thought when you’re so warm and your weight feels like some sort of top-tier blanket.
You simply nod into the small of his neck, cheek cold against his shoulder.  Maybe you’re just tired.  You haven’t been sleeping well the last few nights, if you could even call it that.  They were more midday cat naps, laid up in his arms on his free days.   
(Don’t worry, you’d said.  He did, anyway.)
When he wins his next three games, he thinks you might be a lucky charm - his own personal blessing, all his good karma offered in the form of victory.  The headshots are clean, the flashbang-right-click combos flawless.  Gold damage is his the entire time;  he’s racking up gold medals left and right with you there with him.
(It’s almost as good as when you play together, your damage boost enabling him to obliterate the enemy without worry.  Granted, the Mercy on his team isn’t bad either - but she’s no you.  Not the girl that makes his heart pitter patter in his chest, play some silly crescendo that feels like a sugar high.)
But then he begins losing, missing shots that should be easy, sends them into the dark, strangely distracted.  He doesn’t realise by what until it’s too late and the next roll of your hips makes him whine, the sound tripping off his tongue in a whimper.  
“Angel.”  The word is practically choked out, broken despite being only two syllables.  You’re still snuggled into his chest, seemingly innocent, unaware of the tension that grows, turning bone to brimstone.  He’s half-worried he’s getting riled up over nothing - turned on by only your closeness - when he feels the damp of your teeth, the sharp edge tickling over muscle.  For what it is, it shouldn’t flood his stomach with heat, have electricity tracking up his spine as if struck by lightning.  “What’re you doing?”
“Play with me.”  You repeat the words into his hair, thread them between the midnight strands as you stamp a sweet, chaste kiss right below his ear.  He thinks he might be able to resist you - until you’re tugging lightly at one of the silver hoops that line his ear, laving your tongue over the sensitive spot that has him seeing stars.
He parrots the words back to you but it isn’t a question this time.  More a promise, tenderness turning his smile soft, needy, utterly in love.
“Let’s go to bed.”  Not because it’s late - though it is, half past two in the morning now - but because he wants to feel you wholly, watch you fall apart in the comfort of your bed.  No more distractions, just the two of you.  Just how he likes it. 
“No.”  That surprises him, throwing him off his axis.  He’s halfway to a pout when you press a kiss, steal his brattiness away with one sweep of your lemon-lined mouth.  “You keep playing.”
The time you take to slide his sweats down - taking his boxers with them, fingers hooked into the black band that hugs his hips - should be criminal.  It’s as if you’re doing it on purpose, tugging the material down carefully, balanced above him by his hands on your waist.  
(He steals the softest touches while you’re there, thumbs grazing the undersides of your breasts, fingers laying themselves into the rungs of your ribs.)
When they’re halfway down his legs, he kicks them off, lets them gather in a pile somewhere by his feet.  Forgotten - because he’s got much more important matters to attend to.  “Your turn,”  he hums - almost begs - when you settle back against him, straddling him as you had before, still dressed in his favourite grey shirt and your plain black thong. 
“Nope.”  You’re smiling down at him, more devil than angel, smile so sinful he feels his cock twitch against his stomach, hard and leaking pre-cum from the tip.
The turn of your head further dislodges strands, has shadow throwing your features into muted light.  That’s not what has his attention, though.  
It’s your hand dipping between you, curling light around his length.  Pad of your thumb massaging over his head, slicking arousal until the glide is easy.  With a gun to his head, Jungkook couldn’t help himself from moaning, a keening sound that tickles your cheek and has heat flooding his own.  (You’ll be the death of him, he swears.)  “Baby, please—”
“Play,”  you repeat. 
He does, rolling himself forward, finding his mouse and keyboard with trembling hands.  
It’s cruel, what you’re doing.  (It’s also everything he could ask for, offered by the hand of the girl he loves most.  Even through the haze of desire, there’s affection that paints him pink, lights him up like a Christmas tree.)
(All he wants to do is fill you, fuck you full until you’re coming apart, crying his name out in that breathy way that drives him wild.  Playing his favourite song again again again.)
But he’s a good boy for you - always is - so he says nothing as he queues once more, tries his damnedest not to make a sound when he feels the press of his cock against your cunt, the heat that engulfs him when you take him in one fluid motion.
It’s as if his brain short circuits, as if you’ve rewritten all the code that makes him who he is.  He chokes a sound - a whine, a laugh, a cry - when you sink fully into him, curl those arms back around his neck.  You’re absolutely perfect, wet and warm.  Split wide open by how deep he is, clit flush against his pelvis, velvet walls yielding to the fullness.  
Whether he wins or loses his next games, Jungkook doesn’t care.  He’s already got everything he could ask for. 
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tag list.  @neverthefirstchoice @youwannabelostandnotbefound @snackhobi @codeinebelle
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kelseaaa · 4 years
What’s in a Name
Pairing: Mason x f!MC (Detective Athena Kouris) | The Wayhaven Chronicles
Word Count: 1.6k+
Warnings: E rating - 18+, nsfw, complete smut and soft words and filthy language
A/N: Hi! So this is the first time I have written anything in over 2 months due to gaining the ole “mom” title. But I had some free time today and a few lines popped in my head so I decided to write some smut. I blame @oxjenayxo honestly. This is also my first TWC fic though I am working on another one right now. Enjoy!
It’s not just the fact that Athena says it and says it well. When she’s all spread out beneath him, body tense and heated as his hand works her through her first orgasm. His hand is slick - just like her inner thighs and the sheets below her - and his senses are so full of her that he can barely think about anything else but here, right now, this. Again, it’s not the fact that she moans his name.
But it’s how she says it. How breathless she is when she utters his name. How her voice pitches at the ‘a’ and whines at the ‘n.’ It’s how - after her second orgasm while he licks and sucks and bites - she’s forgotten every other word in the English language except his name. 
“Mason. Mason. Mason.”
He has never been a fan of catchy themes or melodic tunes but the way she sings his name as they finally connect is his favorite song. The only song he would ever want to listen to on repeat. The only sound that doesn’t grate his nerve endings - besides her moans that only harmonize the chorus that is his name.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he praises.
He’s pulled her into his lap, her legs wrapped securely around his hips as his hands palm her ass, dragging her deliciously close. Her usual five-foot-seven height has been elevated slightly and her head sits about one inch above his now in this position. It’s perfect, he thinks.
His lips press against her sternum, mouthing the valley between her breasts as he pumps slowly in and out of her cunt. Her hands are everywhere, tangling in his hair, nails raking down his back then traveling back to grip his shoulders.
Mason hates pains - hates the marks that an injury momentarily leaves on his skin before they heal and disappear. But fuck what he wouldn’t give to keep the crescents from her nails marring his skin and the purple, mottled bruises along his neck. He would wear her scars with genuine satisfaction and secretly he hopes she feels the same as his finger dimples the skin at her hips. Incisors scraping along the swell of her breast, leaving red marks in their wake.
He wonders if she can sense his possessiveness.
“Mason, please,” she sings.
“Shit, sweetheart, you feel so fucking good.”
And she does.
She feels like sweet relief, like the first drag of a cigarette when he’s alone and hasn’t had one in a few hours. Her body is warm and accepting, like stepping into the warehouse after being out in the frigid cold for far too long. And her cunt - fuck - so wet and tight and absolutely divine that there is nothing else in the world that compares.
She’s rolling her hips against him; silently urging him to give her more. To give give give because she can take take take. And he’s more than happy to oblige.
When she’s on her back, limbs still draped around his body, Mason gives.
Mason briefly thinks that if she earned a dollar for every time she pulled such filthy words from his mouth that the old tin can of a car she has would have been long gone by now.
“I need more, Mason. Please, please, plea-“
He dives in and silences her with his lips. He knows what she needs, he can feel it as her legs tremble against his sides. His hand moves from where it’s palming her breast, down the expanse of her soft stomach until landing on the bit of flesh that has her groaning against his lips.
He pulls her bottom lip between his teeth, light enough to not break the skin and draw blood, but enough to make her eyes roll back. When he releases it he leans up just slightly so he can stare down at her face. Taking in the flush that sits high in her cheeks and the glisten of saliva on her swollen lips.
It’s almost time for his favorite part.
“You’re close.” It’s stated, not asked.
She still nods her head eagerly, her eyes wide and full of want and desire.
His thumb still strokes on her clit as he continues to fuck her deeply. All his motions are slow and a time ago she would have thought he was torturing her but she now knows how good it feels when she comes from his steady movements. When he takes his time to actually draw her pleasure from deep within instead of yanking it from her greedily.
She’s repeating his name again and Mason buries his face into her neck. His lips brush against her skin - a scar that shouldn’t be there but it is and he can’t change that but he can’t lose focus now, not when she’s so-
“I’m close. Mason, fuck, fuck, fuck.”
He pulls away from her neck to rest his forehead to hers and continues to sink into her as her orgasm crescendos. The feel of her fluttering and tightening around his cock makes a groan escape his throat and he closes his eyes as his hips start to stutter just as her peak descends.
Her voice is distant, far back into his mind as he chases his own release. But then he feels warm skin - hands - holding his head and he’s forced to open his eyes. Honey brown meets stormy grey and Mason nearly comes just from her gaze. But he holds out, needing to feel this - feel her - just a little bit more.
“That’s it,” she encourages and now she’s canting her hips to meet his and threading her fingers through his hair and he’s never felt anything like this before. Nothing before her. “Mason, Mason yes. Come for me, love. I want it, I want it, please.”
Mason certainly has never heard that before, either. But the sound of the word on her lips and the way it feels when it travels through his head makes him dizzy and tense and then he’s giving her what she wants and spilling inside her. Hips gently rocking into her overstimulated cunt as he comes and there’s a moan but he can’t tell who’s throat it leaves but he doesn’t care because immediately her lips find his. The kiss is rough yet intimate and Mason drops down to rest all his weight on his elbows that frame her head.
When his senses come back and the rush of his release finally ebbs away their lips are still locked together, moving languidly and tongues gliding against one another. It’s her who breaks away first, much to his protest but the smile that graces her lips somehow takes the breath he doesn’t need away.
“Hi, sweetheart.”
She’s covered in perspiration, strawberry blonde hair fanned out over her pillows and the deep ruby lipstick she had coated on her lips earlier in the evening is smeared everywhere but her lips - probably on Mason’s if he’s being honest. He has never described anything as adorable but somehow that is the first and only word that comes to mind.
“You good?” He asks and something deep inside him flares and she gives him a smirk. His thumb traces along the edge of her eyebrow but he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it.
“I’m more than good,” she responds, her fingers running gently along the nape of his neck. 
He gives a smirk himself and then lets out a deep chuckle as she rolls her eyes. 
She yawns. “I’m pretty tired though.”
“Then I did my job right.” The punch she throws against his shoulder only makes him laugh, low and full of mirth. “I’m joking, sweetheart.”
There’s a few moments of pillow talk - and this is new, too - before the pair finally come apart and Athena heads into the bathroom. Mason looks around the room, grabbing his underwear and tugging them on first. He’s looking for his shirt when the bathroom door opens and she walks out and there’s the garment he was missing.
He quirks a brow at her and she merely shrugs before throwing an extra blanket on the bed - covering up the messy evidence. She crawls on top of it and turns back to him where he still stands.
There are many new things happening tonight and Mason’s brain can’t catch up. It isn’t until she starts to frown that he pushes those thoughts away.
“Sorry,” she admits and now he’s frowning. “I just, I-“ she pauses and takes a breath and Mason still hasn’t moved from the spot at the foot of her bed. “If you need it so you can head back I understand.”
Before she can even reach for the hem of the shirt Mason is there - the vampire speed will always surprise her - gently grabbing her wrist to stop her.
“Don’t,” he says, surprised at the tenderness he hears himself. He grins. “It looks much better on you.”
Her mouth hangs open for a moment, silent before she closes her lips and nods. “Okay.”
“But I’ll be honest,” he begins, his fingers releasing her wrist, trailing down to her exposed hip where the fabric has bunched up. “I prefer you without it.”
There’s a giggle when he starts to kiss her neck, his stubble grazing her sensitive skin and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
“Mason,” she exclaims when he nips at her shoulder, and again, he can’t get over the way it sounds when his name leaves her lips. Can’t get over the way he feels when she says it again when their bodies come together.
And he knows that tomorrow he can’t wait for it to be the first thing he hears when she wakes up.
I don’t have a tag list for TWC but if you want to be added to it, let me know! I will most likely write for Mason only but who knows!
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Hey I want to ask for Levi with a fem s/o were she tries to cook for him but while doing it makes a complet mess out of the kitchen.. s/o cant cook but wanted to try for Levi :( scenario if you have time please 🌼
I'm so excited to post this, originally I would have taken another path but these past few weeks I've been thinking about this story a lot and I wanted to write an interesting take on fluff. Hope you enjoy❤️
Pairing: Levi/ Reader
Warnings: beware! F L U F F, I wouldn't say this features mentions of PTSD, but anyways it could touch a similar topic
Tags: Hurt/ Comfort, all the fluff.
The nightmare before our fifth anniversary
The devastating sight of a kitchen covered in oil, flour and unevenly chopped vegetables would be enough to make every clean freak in the world, inside or outside of the walls scream in agony but it only sent concerned shivers down to Levi's spine.
He could only feel his poor heart sink as his eyes paced around the room in a panicked state. The unpleasant smell of smoke that came from the fireplace only sent hot rushes of blood to his newly throbbing head.
In a haze, he tried to puzzle the pieces together, to figure out what had actually happened. With a quick check around the small space he was assured that all windows were indeed in perfect condition, not a single crack or scratch adorning them. In addition had been locked when he entered, a fact he was amusingly certain of.
Had this been an attack, surely the attacker must have had entered the cabin someway. The lack of blood and physical struggle around the room though, slowly put his mind at ease as he took a step at a time, heading to your shared bedroom.
Glancing around he found traces of tiny vegetable pieces, some flour -or so it seemed- and water. In many places they were mixed together, creating the weirdest mass of sticky residue; such filth was an unusual decoration to his house yet his cleaning obsession instincts refused to mingle with his thoughts just yet.
"(y/n)?" With the calling of your name he heard a saddened tune. He knew, he definitely shouldn't have felt so relieved to the sound, still your situation was unbeknownst to him, but it was a sign that you were certainly still able to make noises.
As his shaking hand reached to push the wooden door of your bedroom open, he tried to shake all horrible thoughts out of his head.
"You're home early."
His eyes widened at the sight of you, feet sprinting on their own to your direction; you sat with your back against the closet door, your hands scrunched in weak fists resting on your cheeks, just underneath your eyes, wiping rivers of tears. Worry splashed on his chest in ice cold swepts as he kneeled down beside you, taking your hand in his in the process.
It was in that moment that he noticed you were covered in flour and unevenly teeny pieces of chopped vegetables. The sight immediately put his otherwise puzzled mind at work and in a second it had clicked to him. Naturally, it all came to fit in the bigger picture, he was proved wrong on his unitial guess on this being a home invasion.
A failed attempt at cooking, that's what it was.
The way that you burried your face in the flat of your palms was as painful for him to witness as it was for you to endure. You were panicking, the sheer terror of his reaction to the mess of the house bullied the insides of your ribs by twisting and turning them, burning them to the point you had to leave pained whimpers escape you.
It was so hard for you to look him in the eye and admit what you had done. Yet, your own embarrassment wouldn't allow you to torture yourself more than what you had already.
"D-don't yell at me, Levi"
"Now, why would I?"
With an exaggerated movement, his hand came to mingle in the space under your jawline. Another sudden wave of hot salty tears threatened to spill out of the corners of your eyes as you melted under the feathery drag of his fingers across the nape of your neck.
His mellow touch was soothing and comforting; forgiving even. It made your whole body fall into serenity as you leaned your head into his palm. Your own hand came to palm under his, your chest letting out a pleased hum as your furrowed brows finally curved upwards in a relieved manner.
"There was a time I knew how to cook. Before all that." you spoke low, voice barely over a whisper as your throat threatened not to hold back the lamp of cries that had gathered at the depths of it. "All I wanted was for us to have a nice anniversary dinner Levi."
You couldn't bear to look him in the eye just yet; your heart hammered inside your chest, anxiously preventing you from ensuring another comforting antic of his to yourself despite your need for it.
You hated yourself for not being able to exceed this simple domestic mission.
"It's fine," he eagerly spoke, his tone mimicking yours "you didn't have to cook on your own. We could just go to a nice restaurant."
"No, Levi! I wanted to make you those duck stuffed eggplants that you like! Why am I so useless that I can't even cook? Seems like all I know is how to put on odm gear and kill Titans while I'm at it."
His other hand came underneath yours. After having finally trapped your hand in between his fists he dragged your mingled hands to your chest, resting them right on top of your heart. Your pulse tightened, your heart threatened to spill in gory manners from the gaps between your ribs, this action was all too familiar to you, all too traumatic for you to momentarily try to endure. It struck you, though, in between coarse breaths and a sudden realisation that plastered wide shock in your eyes that this wasn't a salute. His slow hands wouldn't let go of yours; through your chasted breathing he could feel your whimpering heartbeat, the feeling causing the hair on the back of his neck to rise.
When, at last, your eyes fell into his the silence in the room became overbearing, the familiar buzzing that emitted from such lack of sound was sending your thoughts into a haze as your chest started to pulse with an all familiar warmth.
Surely enough your head wanted to guilt trip you and maybe pester you for not being able to simply mix ingredients together, but your heart ever melting under Levi's affections was invested in its counterattack against your intoxicating brain. When he finally batted his eyes, a little too loudly at it, to prepare your ears to endure the sudden incoming words he was about to utter, you goggled at him desperately. As if you were asking for forgiveness your eyes watered again, a whole new wave of tears shaking you whole.
"Please allow me to drown those tears, we'll prepare a meal together alright? I will show you how." He whispered and crashed his body onto yours respectfully, his chin now sat at the space between your neck and your shoulder. It was a much necessary physical connection that you would never get enough. The warmth that spread from his whole body through every aspect of him that was in contact with you was enough to help you feel anew. Had you previously melted under his touch, now you felt like you were ready for be molded, your existence flickering between the consistencies of melted wax and gooey sand.
In addition to his soothing words, the achingly beautiful gesture that still sat on the left side of your chest burnt holes through your shirt and your skin. His eyes on you were gleaming as if he had ordered the outside world to come to an alt, everything in you screamed for his calloused hands to get a good grip of your heart while he was at it. It should serve him as a well deserved trophy in a solo collection, him the rightful owner of your heart could do as he pleased it so long you could feel him hold you like that.
"Could I take one hand out of our grasp to bring close to me properly?"
Your answer was inaudible, yet he manages to figure it was of positive nature due to the short nod of your head in the name of his neck. He prompted himself a few inches back, despairate not to break much contact with you and reluctantly unleashed his right hand from yours. Before you managed to protest of the prolonged departure of his body on yours though, his hand shot tenderly on your cheek, cupping the soft skin in an urging motion.
The kiss he planted on the apple of your cheek was followed by another on your eyelid, he tired to ignore the ticklish feeling caused by your lashes brushimg against his contact sensitive lips but it was to no avail, a smuh had made it to his mouth before he manages to plant a kiss on your forehead.
"I really love you Levi, I'm glad you're in my life, I say this type of things every single year but-"
Your words were cut short as soon as they had began to form, only as his lips slammed against yours. In a matter of seconds he was moving feverishly, gluttony defining his earth shattering kisses and not even for a second did you hold back in returning the actions with fiery passion.
"I don't speak of this often," out of breath, he pulled back "but I do love you, so very dearly."
Before he could process the endearing look in your eyes, you pulled him in for a kiss once again, lips trembling to meet up with your hearts expectations. If there was a way to show him how you loved him this was it, the soft mingling of each other as you bit and sucked and fought for his lips to never leave yours, pressing his head impossibly close to you.
You knew what your answer should be, a short telltale of the way he made you feel a few moments ago would serve your feelings justice before you could press your aching lips on his once again.
"You could do as you please with my heart and I'd thank you, please don't ever leave me!"
"I won't, I promise. I couldn't be able to push forward without the one who holds my own heart."
Tags: @sasageyowrites @levisbrat25 @alrightberries @nobody-knows-anymore @miss-consulting-timelord am I forgetting anyone?? Pls I'm not good with taglists
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daddy-ul · 3 years
I was tagged by @62kh a couple of days ago but of course I'm doing it only now sjdjdjdjdj
1. why did you choose your url?
2. any side blogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
This is my sideblog fjdshfjhdf I had another one but i deleted it bc I couldnt even remeber why I created it.
And I have this sideblog so I can put my obsession for metallica in one single place and leave my main as a mixed bag of fandoms and stuff.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Uhhhhh, since 2013, I think?
4. do you have a queue tag?
Nope and honest to god I didnt even know what a queue was till last year dhfjhsfjks like, i saw these recurring tags that people had with the word queue in it but I never understood what that was about. Yes, I am a genius.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
At first I wanted to emulate the ‘daddy ul’ portrait buuut the pic was too small, so no. I still wanted to recreate it somehow, so I needed a younger Lars pic. Aaaand I love scrunchie faces, so I picked this one!
7. why did you choose your header?
THE IRONY! Also I wanted a “contemporary” pic, bc I find the idea of living in the past kinda boring. I love metallica now as they are, I am a fan now. So here, let me show that! (before this one, I used the one where they are failing to hug on stage, struggling and laughing)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
No idea, gotta check, but I am PRAYING for it not to be the one with the official tallica dad shirt merchandise.
Okay, I dont know where to check but i think is the mulletallica interview.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
... what’s with the numbers questions? How can someone know that? Should I go on my follow list and count? too lazy for that, sorry fhdjfhsjfj
let’s say I have enough of them.
10. how many followers do you have?
Okay, now that’s a number question that I know how to answer easily: 300+
11. how many people do you follow?
Another number question? Are you Lars?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
That I did, but i prefer rb other’s shitposts bc this fandom is PEAK shitposting. I love you all, please keep it up.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
No, really what’s with the numbers questions? You are not Lars, you are the one writing the emails to Lars before the Metallica Mondays!!
(I honestly have no idea and it varies on how busy I am that day? like a normal person?)
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
the idea only of that happening is making me tired fdjskfkjsfhs so no, please.
One should be only fight for fun! With your fists! Possibly in a dojo!
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
It triggers my “YOU TELLING ME TO DO SOMETHING???? GUESS WHAT, DUDER” and i skip the entire post fhjsdkhfjsdfhk
16. do you like tag games?
yep!!! bc I love to read other ppl answers and it’s fun! it’s mindless! it busies you when you are bored! I am bad at them, tho, bc i forgot to do them myself most of the time.
17. do you like ask games?
Also yepp! or i wouldn’t rb them. but I know sometimes they are too much, so i limit it to 1-2 every once in a while bc all the answers to the asks can clutter others’ dashboard.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I’m gonna take this as a sarcastic question bc what does it even mean? fdksjfjsf
so, yes! they are all famous...ly nice and funny people! I truly didn’t expect a fandom so chill and cozy when I started the blog. I know that is v small but I enjoy it bc I like to recognize urls and ‘style’ of posting and not being drown in content.
.... but I’m digressing, as usual.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
URGGG sarcastically thank you for this question bc I read it, and bc my answer would have been obviously “no” and I am not made to be simple, I start thinking abt possible puns with the word “crush” and my brain, scrambling for something, unearthed AWFUL lyrics from an okay song. So thanks!, now I have an earworm that keeps singing melodramatically ‘you are a car crash... and i cant look away”.
Catch me groaning and begging my brain to stop ✨✨
20. tags?
the usual suspects! duders, sorry if you were already tagged! @newsteds, @the-mighty-het-speaks, @breadfan, @cxrgans, @mewstashio @andiftheycare
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diamondcamefromhell · 5 years
Finding home ~
Jaskier x Reader
[a reupload, as the first time it didnt show up in any tags, for some reason - trying to see if this fixes that x]
This was an amazing request my anon:
“ Can I request a Jaskier x reader where the reader has a massive crush on him and is jealous of all the girls he’s always with and just feels super insecure and like she’ll never be enough and on one day when she is feeling particularly down in the dumps she just breaks down and Jaskier finds her like that? Like start with angst end with fluff type thing? “
Thank you for this. i didnt even know that I needed this a lot. to write it and feel it and what not. i loved writing it. sorry it took so long for me to get to it. i hope you like it nonetheless.
Warnings: drinking (not sure if this should be a warning, but i guess better safe than sorry)
Word count: 2,497 (my longest one yet!)
Requests are open, and all feedback is appreciated!
There are things you never get used to, your crush being surrounded by a herd of women is one of them. When I began having a crush on Jaskier, at first I was sure I could keep it under the wraps, get it out of my head and heart easily. I never wanted to like such a flirt anyways. But life works in funny ways.
The more I liked the bard, the more women seemed to gather around him. His singing was like flowers, and they were bees, looking for them. His honey must’ve been sweet.
I grunt, making my way across the tavern to Jaskier, who’s chatting with some woman. She’s pretty, I cant deny that, but I ignore her, inserting myself in front of the lady. Being this close to the bard does make my heart beat faster than I like, but I ignore it.
“Jaskier.” I say, smiling at him, praying to whoever listens that my blush on the cheeks just seems like alcohol redness.
“Y/N?” He raises his eyebrows, and I notice him glance over my shoulder at the woman behind me. My stomach twists, wondering if he’s comparing her to me.
“Maybe we should head out?” I say, lifting my arm, getting ready to push the bard ever so little. But it stays frozen in mid-air, as Jaskier moves out of the way. I try to hide my annoyance, taking a moment to gather myself, before I look at him again.
“The night is still young, Y/N.” He picks up his lute, smiling at me, and then giving a wink at the woman behind me. My chest tightens.
“Geralt is…” Jaskier scoffs, cutting me off.
“Geralt can wait!” He shouts, picking up a tune.
I stand there, helplessly watching him. I know he’s doing what he does best – entertaining people. Flirting. I wish he didn’t have to do it all the time. The woman he was previously talking to pushes me to the side, giving me a nasty look, before facing Jaskier and going to dance to his ballad.
My blood boils as I feel anger wash over me, but I manage to collect myself. I don’t like losing my cool, especially not for random women. All of us are the same, falling under bard’s beautiful curse. He can’t help but be so lovable. I know there is not an ounce of bad intentions in Jaskier’s heart, and he does not wish to hurt me or anyone else, for that matter.
But this still did make my chest feel uncomfortable and my stomach tie in knots.
I take another cup of ale, staring as two more women become enticed by his music. They twist their bodies in a way that almost seems inappropriate, but it’s a fine line and they thread it well. I cant complain, they are just having fun. Unlike me, brooding here at the bar.
I analyse them, so confident in their bodies, knowing how to handle it, mapping every move perfectly. They find their footing easily, dancing to the rhythm, offering beautiful smiles to the bard. Even their hair, clipped back perfectly, only a few strands curtaining their faces. They were beautiful. You could write so many songs about them.
Unlike me. I could never dance with such ease and whenever I tried to clip my hair, it would all fall on my face, making me look crazy. Having a nice dress was not an option, as we were always on a move. I wish I could at least pretend to be half those women. I chug the last bit of ale, my liquid courage, making my way to the bard yet again.
Jaskier sees me attempt at dancing, giving me a smirk, approaching me. He twists around me, as we seem to dance together, but he soon trails off, to other dancers, leaving a cold spot in my heart. When he finishes his song, before he can get his hands on other, I jump in front of him.
“I don’t want Geralt to be angry.” I whisper, gently tapping his arm. Jaskier sighs.
“It’s not like we are going anywhere tonight, Y/N. And believe it or not,” he winks at me, making my heart flutter. “Witcher is not such a baby, he can fall asleep on his own.”
“I know that.” I try to look for an excuse, something that would drag him out of this tavern, away from these women, who were looking at me, angrily. I feel like I am surrounded by wolves. “I just don’t want him to come here and ruin our night.”
“Then maybe you should go be with him,” one of the women barks at me, as I helplessly grip onto Jaskier’s top tighter. “Instead of ruining everyone’s night.”
“Easy there, ladies.” Jaskier’s tone is still playful, but his eyes grow a little bit cold. “There is enough Jaskier for everyone.”
“We just want to have fun.” She basically droops herself on him, pushing me away. “She has you all the time, we want to dance just for one night.”
I pray Jaskier doesn’t fall for her sweet words, and for a moment, I get hopeful, as he gently nudges her off himself. But then he picks up his lute yet again, playing a tune. Slowly, I am pushed further and further away from the bard, as my heart aches.
Anger boils over me again, as I rush to grab someones cup from the nearest table, heading straight for the girl who pushed me and did the talking. I ‘accidently’ walk into her, spilling the drink all on her dress. She gawks and other women gather around her, squealing like rats. I see Jaskier rush to get something to clean her dress, realizing that he won’t be leaving anytime soon – so I make my leave.
The night is cool - I feel cold bite me. I am not dressed appropriately, as I realize that I left my coat in the tavern. Returning for it would mean having to face those women again. Seeing them twirl around bard, my bard, was too much for my heart too handle. So I just wrap my hands around me, as I realize I am not shaking only because of the cold.
I’m upset. Angry. Sad. I didn’t even know anymore. I was tired of seeing Jaskier be with all those women all the time. He doesn’t even need to try, they sniff him out like prey. He loves attention, he’s sweet and caring, and any person with a brain loves that. I wish I didn’t have to share him with the whole entire world.
Of course, I have to remind myself that he is in fact, not even mine. And by the looks of it, he never will be.
He always seemed to fall for everyone, but me.
Tears burn my eyes, as I pick up my step, fearful some townsfolks may see me. When I am finally in the woods, my heart calms down. I am so glad we didn’t have enough coin to afford a tavern tonight, being in the woods offered an escape and shelter I so desperately needed.
I see campfire and Geralt, still awake, sitting by it. His lips move, and I know he’s talking to Roach again. I make a b line, realizing I don’t want to have to talk to him. Nor do I want him to see the tears, who have so brutally made their escape, streaming down my face.
I head for a river nearby, dropping on my knees, resting my head on a tree. I cover my mouth, making sure that the Witcher can’t hear my silent sobs, I shake uncontrollably. I never knew a simple crush could cause so much heartache, so much pain. I see my reflection in the river.
I take a rock, sending it at it. It splashes all over me, but I don’t care. I don’t even care if I alerted Geralt. I cant begin to care at all. I hate being surrounded by beautiful women, who know all the right things to say. They smell of cinnamon and apples, not of horses like I do. They were everything I could never be, and that was why Jaskier always gazed at them.
And they gazed at him, in return, he would gift them songs. They would gift him with dances and kisses. It was a flawless, perfect exchange that I have seen so many times, yet have never gotten a hang off. I could never perform it, no matter how much I wanted to.
I fully lean on a tree, covering my face, completely silencing my sobs. I trap them inside me, where they should stay. The wind picks up and the breeze is cold, making me shiver even more. I uncover my face, staring at the river, wondering if things could ever change. I don’t like my odds.
I hear a branch break to the right of me, turning around, startled. My fear doesn’t go away, as I see Jaskier, standing there, his hands up in the air, as if he’s surrendering. What is he doing here? I want to wipe my face and pretend I am fine, but instead, I feel my lips shake as more tears come. I look away, shielding my face from him with one hand.
“Y/N.” He says, softly, as I shake my head. I want to tell him to go away, but I am scared of how my voice would sound. “Are you okay?”
“Do I look okay?” I manage to say, as my voice shakes.
“You don’t.” Jaskier answers, making his way towards me. Slowly, however, as if he’s cornering an animal. I wonder, just how bad do I look.
“Then don’t ask stupid questions.” I sniffle, wiping my nose with my sleeve. Not very ladylike. “And leave me alone.”
“I think you could use a friend.” He says, keeling to my level. Friend. Always a friend.
“I could use alone time.” I try to argue, but Jaskier is already sitting down. Our shoulders touch and the warmth he provides makes my tense body relax just a little. His hand lands on my knee, and I want to pull away, but I don’t. At the end of the day, it’s his touch that I crave.
“I’m sorry.” He apologizes, but I don’t look at him. My gaze is fixed on a river. It flows so effortlessly, without struggle, I wish life was this way. “Listen, Y/N, I never wanted to make you upset.”
“You didn’t.” I say, not taking my eyes off the river. I notice big rocks in it, obstructing it’s flow.
“I didn’t want those ladies to upset you, then.” He changes his words, squeezing my knee. My eyes water yet again, but I blink it away.
“They didn’t Jaskier.” My voice breaks halfway through, sounding deeper and rougher after it. “Nobody upset me. I did it to myself.”
“I hate seeing you like this.” I continue staring at the river.
“Then leave.” I say, breaking my own heart. The river doesn’t flow simply, it has things obstructing it’s way too. Nothing in life is simple. I take my eyes off it, glancing at Jaskier. “You don’t have to see me like this.”
“I do.” He doesn’t seem to be fazed by my words, as he gently smiles. “I care about you, Y/N. Truly, I do. And I don’t care how angry or upset you are, I want to see it all. Because I don’t only care about the happy you, I care about all of you.”
“You don’t have to.” I repeat myself, like a parrot. My mind is blank, as I soak his words in.
“Right. I don’t have to, I guess.” He sighs, leaning on my tree too. Our faces are almost touching. I close my eyes. “But I want too, then. I get tired off all those perfect women, with their perfect lives and perfect hair. Believe it or not, perfect is boring.”
“But perfect is perfect.” I argue. I understand what he means, however I still want to be perfect. Perfectly boring. “Nothing can beat that.”
“Spilling a drink on a girl sure beats that.” He giggles, as I feel his body shake. I blush, not opening my eyes. “Being unapologetically and imperfectly yourself beats that too. Once you get the taste of perfect, you realize that fine wine is highly overrated.”
“So you prefer cheap ale?” I tease, as my body relaxes even more. With my eyes closed, I don’t see him, but feeling him, I know he’s here. I know he’s listening. It makes it so much easier to talk, truly open up.
“Yes. I guess I do.” His hand finds mine, squeezing it in a tight embrace. “It’s like coming home, where I don’t have to pretend. I don’t even like wine, yet I drink it. Blending in with the crowd you’re entertaining is what I do it for.”
“Isn’t it in bards blood to stand out?” I open my eyes, not looking at him. I listen to us breathing, as he thinks of an answer.
“You are correct yet again, my darling.” He sighs. “But stand out too much, you become a royal clown. Stand out too little, you fade away. You need a perfect amount of attention and praise.”
“You love attention anyways.” I see him nod, as he smiles.
“Empty attention is empty attention.” He leans forward from the tree, as I see him face me. I don’t turn to do the same. “It only matters when it’s coming from someone who truly cares about you. All of you.”
“How can you tell if it’s genuine or empty?” I turn to him now. His eyes shine, seemingly reflecting the stars in them. I try to look away, but his cosmos has sucked me in.
“You just know.” He leans in, placing his forehead on mine. I close my eyes, as my breath cuts short. “While we all enjoy finer things in life, there is nothing like people who make you feel at home.”
“Like Geralt.” I say, breathlessly. I try to divert the conversation, scared to get my hopes up, just for them to be shattered again.
“Like you, Y/N.” The way my names slides off his lips sends my heart to a race. I feel my face heat up, as tears prick my eyes yet again.
As he realizes I am crying, he pulls me to his chest, gently rubbing my back. Jaskier allows me to feel it out, to cry it out. Not worrying if I ruin his fine outfit or if I smell of Roach.
He doesn’t care about that. He didn’t need someone with a fancy dress or perfect hair. This little bard was more than just someone who was aiming for fine thrills. He was looking for a home, something exciting. Something not perfect.
And I guess somewhere in there, I fit in. Perfectly.
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 4 years
I got a blurb ideaa what if tom and reader are quarantining together and the reader still works from home but Shes been getting so busy lately. So tom notices one day how extremely tired she is and pulls her away for an hour just to cuddle and let her sleep and tried to help her with her work even though he doesnt understand it and its so soft and everything 😩😩
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A/N: another soft request to cheer us up during the lockdown, thanks nonnie 😌 but don’t overdo yourself too much, okay guys? 🥺 take care but mostly, stay safe sweetheart 💖💗
‘Stay safe, Cheer up’ blurb event
When the lockdown was the opportunity for some people to finally have a break by working from home, you, on the other hand, saw it as a stressful situation you just didn’t need at the moment.
You were assigned home by your company for an undetermined time, but with that came an amount of paper work that consisted in your daily basis’ tasks and more since our society has been turned upside down at the moment. And now, the kitchen counter was covered with all these papers and your laptop lost in the middle, while files and binders were piled up close by and trying not to fall on the ground.
Your eyes never left the bright screen as your fingers typed up at a tireless rhythm for what seemed like forever now. The usual seven hours a day slowly turned into nine or ten hours of working, allowing you a short break of five minutes when you didn’t forget about it.
But now, this has been going for three- no, four weeks. Dark rings under your eyes were part of your everyday makeup, deeply carved as your entire body was screaming tiredness. But you had no intention to stop. The more you do now and less you’ll have to do next, you repeated yourself but by now, it sounded just stupid and impossible.
Tom tried many times to take you away from your “working mode” but you kept pushing him away saying you were fine and just needed to finish the things you started before it got out of control. But as the days passed, you were slowly being cadged into an endless tornado of numbers and emails to complete.
But this madness had to stop today because Tom couldn’t take seeing you like that anymore.
As you were sitting on a high stole by the kitchen counter, as usual by now, Tom slowly approached you from behind while trying not to make a sound. You suddenly let a squeal out, your back straightening as you felt a pair of familiar hands resting on your shoulders and lightly rubbing circles.
“Tom! What-”
Pretty soon his thumbs pressed on the right places, which were damn knotted with all the stress and fatigue you accumulated during the last weeks. And as if your body was expecting this to happen, all your muscles relaxed at once, arms falling along your sides and shoulders going floppy. Tom swore he almost caught a moan leave your mouth after a sigh.
“Gosh, that’s heaven right there” you breathed, closing your eyes as Tom kept pressing onto some nerves close to your nape.
“You definitely need some well deserved break, baby and I mean a REAL long break” claimed your boyfriend while kissing your temple. “Come on, save and close that demonic machine and let’s take a nap.”
“But Tom, I need to send this-”
“No ‘but’, missy” Tom cut you off, “now is nap time for you, come on I’m waiting.”
“Jeez, being all bossy as if you own the place...”
“This is, in fact, my house and as the master of this place, I declare it’s nap time!”
Not letting you say another word, Tom somehow managed to lift you up from your work spot - not without bumping his foot or/and yours in the stole while doing so -, to then walk towards the couch, both of you giggling at his clumsiness. Your boyfriend sat you there gently before joining next to you, his arm sliding around your shoulders to bring you close to him. Not resisting anymore, you gladly snuggled against his toned body as your eyes automatically began to close.
“Rest well, darling.”
In the end, you and Tom slept for a solid hour that afternoon and when you woke up, slumped on top of him, it was like you rested for an entire day. Your body didn't ache that much anymore and your eyes were finally free from the blue light they compiled.
Later that same day, you still decided to finish the work you started sooner but not more as Tom wanted to treat you to some homemade cake with tea - and because you didn’t really trust that boy in the kitchen, today’s work will be cut short to save the house. And Tom had the brilliant idea to propose his help to make you finish quicker.
“Christ, how in the world do you understand these tables? I can’t even guess about what they’re about!” your boyfriend exclaimed with a confused look, his hands full of some papers you asked him to organise.
“Don’t look at them too much or you’ll get a headache” you giggled at him while tapping quickly an email. “Just put them into the folder-”
“Which one, already?”
“Jeez, the blue one, movie star...” you mumbled, trying to contain a laugh.
“Oi! I’m not a big brain like you, okay? So bear with me!!” almost whined Tom.
“I know, I’m joking” you finally laugh at your boyfriend’s pouty face. “Thank you, Tommy.”
“My pleasure, baby.”
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boomerang109 · 4 years
*looks at my fic, which hasn’t been updated in 4 weeks (other than edits because i Didn’t Like It) and i’ve now driven myself into a horrible writers block immediately after outlining the entire thing possibly because i have outlined the entire thing and i forgot where i was going with this but am i sending it anyway yes i am please god tell me to write someone threw my motivation out the window and it’s all muddy now and i don wanna touch it oh god what even is that metaphor see what i mean about the writers block anyway ily cant wait for the next chapter of wwda get it out when you can don’t stress ily bye*
don’t tell me why my brain is like “yes we can answer this but we’ll combust if we look at any messages.” there’s no logic but i’ll get around to your messages and everyone else’s there. (to everyone waiting for like two sentence answers who’s seeing me post paragraphs, i’m sorry. the braincell does not function)
the way that i’m in YES! i can help! mode even tho i myself am lowkey in writer’s block which means i’m not qualified at all ajfhjghfgfdjghj
first of all: outlines are just to guide you. they stress me the fuck out too (which is why i’ve refused to put my wwda outline to paper, despite the fact that this means the timeline is absolutely fucked. like it’s in my brain, but if i put it on paper i’ll try to stick to it and i’ll freak out--see my month long break when i had an “outline” for chapter four). you can have goals for chapters (ie, lay groundwork for foreshadowing/character development/etc) but overall? just let yourself sit in front of the computer and vibe. don’t think about where you’re going, just think about where you are. 
“i don wanna touch it oh god what even is that metaphor see what i mean about the writers block“ this? this is you judging yourself while you write and i don’t want to see ANY of that shit. writing is a process and editing is a thing, but when you’re doing your first draft you just gotta word vomit. sorry that’s a gross phrase but that’s what i do. and honestly? most of wwda is barely pieced together word vomit. idek why anyone likes it, but they do. and even if they didn’t--nothing would exist if you don’t put something to paper to start with.
apparently this advice doesn’t apply to everyone (i still can’t process @hella1975 ‘s writing technique like what the actual fuck) but for me one of the big things with writer’s block is starting where i want to start and just writing whatever fucking scenes i want. idk if that makes sense so i’ll put it into the context of wwda. so when i was still in my fucking intensive class i wasn’t writing cause i didn’t have time except for like a few minutes before bed at like 3am. now at 3am i’m not gonna write suki and azula being rivals cause i can barely handle that dynamic when i’m Focused. but at 3am i’m sad as fuck and i generally like to peruse the ao3 dadkoda tag, so instead i just wrote my own dadkoda scenes for much later (although they’re not actually that far off) in the fic. are they gonna need some editing cause i was just like ‘maximum angst even tho this scene is supposed to be about healing’? yes. yes i was. now the other day on the plane (when i really should’ve been working on an essay i didn’t end up finishing) i was like okay, i need to work on something actually relevant to chapter 12. but i’ve worked myself into a corner with my azula & iroh scene so i didn’t want to deal with that bullshit on two hours of sleep and also being called “miss” and other female terms in the airport got me all in the gender feels so i was like oh! i’ll write some more enby aang! and i wrote this like gorgeous passage or two on aang’s gender feels. and yeah, it probably makes no sense for aang cause i wrote it from a pov that was too much me and not enough aang, but the point still remains. i skipped to a part of the chapter that was important to me. and then i realized that aang could be having these thoughts in the context of another scene which led to . . . and there i was with somewhat of a complete thought for the chapter. 
also along those lines, if you’re having writer’s block you gotta look at that block. what’s wrong? is there something wrong with the story up to this point? is there something you don’t like about where you’re going? is there something you really want to write that you’re not letting yourself write? 
cause the thing is, we’re not professional authors. we’re fic writers. we do this for fun cause we love the characters. so if you’re not loving the characters for some reason, you shouldn’t force yourself. take the pressure off yourself. this fandom is so supportive, they’re not going to rush you (literally look at the fact that even as you say you’re excited for wwda you also tell me not to stress) and remember to apply that to yourself. it’s okay to need a break, whether that’s cause the vibes are off or cause you’re tired or any other reason. 
i tried to write a bunch of different thoughts cause i know different things work for different people, i hope at least one of these ideas help. i literally haven’t looked at wwda even though i really want to be writing (and i still haven’t been reading fic). sometimes our brains just don’t cooperate. and yeah, i could sit here and yell at myself and go “what the fuck boom you’ve been looking forward to writing for literal weeks and now you have time and you’re doing other stuff what is wrong with you” and sometimes it’s really tempting to give into that. but the truth is i don’t usually do as much work as i did the past few weeks on as little sleep as i got so i’m really fucking tired. and so i’m giving myself a break. and i’m just not emotionally prepared to read fic cause--oh oops i hadn’t admitted to myself until right this second that i was avoiding fic cause i’m suppressing my feelings that kinda hurt wtf this wasn’t supposed to become therapy hour wtf. but as dumb as all that feels to put, i’m not gonna delete it cause i’m sure you’re gonna read it and say something along the lines of “it’s okay to rest and wait to read/write if that’s what you need!” cause you’re a nice person. so say those things to yourself IF that’s what you need. but if you’ve been sitting in bed for weeks and don’t have any reason not to write, maybe it’s time to word vomit. or if you have a problem with your story maybe you should look at that. just, do whatever works for you but be gentle with yourself. give yourself the same kindness you give others. whenever i’m not sure how to handle something (or how to treat myself ig), i’ll ask myself how i would give advice to a friend. so maybe try that. look at yourself, your writing process, your fic like it’s a friend’s and be like hmm. what would i recommend my friend do? and if weird rambley advice that probably displays my many years of therapy is helpful to you, then know my inbox (and my messages that i swear i’ll answer some day) are always open. i’m not gonna read this over cause i know if i do i’ll be too embarrassed to post so i’m just hoping it’s helpful. much love <3
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getalittleclosey · 4 years
under 100k larry fic recs
hi! i’m becca and i read...so much fic. these rec lists are an accumulation of fic that i’ve read or reread and extra loved from 2016-now. there’s a wide range of stuff here and i think there’s definitely something for everyone!! i divided them up by length so you can check out all those categories below!
please make sure to read tags and warnings on all these fics!! the only things i think i can guarantee is that these are all larry, there’s no non-con, no age play, no eating disorders, no mentions of bg, they end happy, and they’re mostly aus. oh and they’re all on ao3 and some are locked so you’ll need an account! anyway i hope y’all enjoy!!!
under 5k
under 10k
under 25k
under 50k
☆ somethin’ bout you by missandrogyny 60k
Of all the government agents in the world, Louis had to go and land the most charming one.
☆ tug-of-war by cherrystreet 63k
Louis' husband dies suddenly and he is left with nothing. Well, not really nothing. He has Harry. And a St. Bernard puppy named Link, whom his late husband left behind for him. Louis takes care of Link and Harry takes care of Louis. Everything is okay until suddenly, it isn't.
☆ cameras flashing by juliusschmidt 82k
With his breakout single platinum three times over and his second album still selling out in stores around the world, Louis Tomlinson has made it to the top. However, his position as Pop Heartthrob of the Decade is threatened by the edgier, more artistic Zayn, who happens to be releasing an album a week after Louis’ upcoming third. Louis needs something groundbreaking- scandalous, even- to push past him in the charts. Much to Louis’ dismay, his PR team calls in The Sexpert.
Consulting with PR firm Shady, Lane and Associates pays the bills so that Harry Styles can spend his down time doing what he really loves: poring over data. On weekends and late into the evenings, he researches gender, presentation, and sexual orientation, analysing the longitudinal study that is his father’s life’s work. That is, until his newest client, the popstar with the fascinating secret, drags him off his couch and frighteningly close to the spotlight.
As the album’s release date approaches, will Tomlinson and Styles be able to pull off the most risky PR scheme of the millennium and beat Zayn in sales or will the heat of their feelings for each other compromise everything?
☆ home to you by crowsonthewire 54k
“If someone wrote that for me I’d probably be a crying mess before it was even over. I’m crying a little right now actually.”
It’s about you, Harry’s brain screamed. I wrote it about you.
Gemma appeared in the doorway then and dragged Louis away. With one winking smile he was gone. Harry curled up and stuffed his face into his duvet so he could cry with no one hearing.
**** At fifteen, Harry wrote his first song for an oblivious seventeen year old Louis Tomlinson. Ten years later he’s a singer/songwriter who cant find any words for his second album and Louis is a closeted actor tired of LA.
They both try to run from the things weighing them down and in the process, they find each other.
☆ fate don’t know you by sincewewereeighteen 99k
“Just. How bad is it?”
Zayn sighs. Shit.
“Not that bad, really,” he says quickly as he scans Louis’ face. “It depends, really. The freshmen are all right and I think you’ll manage just fine with the sophomores.”
“Seniors are always shit because they think they rule the school, and this specific class of juniors… Well, let’s say you’ll find a real troublemaker there. Some say he used to be a soft kid, but- I don’t know. Most teachers just leave him alone.” Zayn shrugs. “He walks around with a tough crowd. Guess no one wants to take their chances with him. This is Chicago after all.”
“D’you know the name of the kid?” Louis asks, already very curious to meet said person.
“His name is Harry Styles.” The other man responds. “You’re in for a treat with this one.”
[Or: The one in which Louis always hears thunder when Harry speaks and sees lightning when he glances at him.]
note: this is student/teacher so if that makes you uncomfortable please skip! harry’s 17 but he is still a student so power unbalance and all that but from what i remember it was tastefully done. just like....don’t do that irl obv jfkdaj
☆ like an endless summer by objectlesson 87k
“You just wanna go fawn over Styles as soon as possible,” Zayn grumbles.
“I do not. Plus, he probably got ugly this year. Eighteen is an awkward time...I bet he’s got acne and one of those terrible fuckboy haircuts all the hipsters are getting these days, with the shaved sides? Just watch, the first year we’re gonna get any time together is gonna be the first year I don’t have a stupid crush on him.”
Or, Louis is a riding instructor at a summer camp, and Harry is a fellow counselor who he’s been successfully managing his crush on for the last two summers. That is, until Harry shows up this year leveled up and lethal, and all Louis’s formerly perfected veneer of nonchalance melts like a popsicle in the sun.
note: there’s a second part to this that’s 6k of pwp
☆ back to how it was by lululawrence 53k
Harry carefully stood up and was on his way to the window to look outside when he ran his hand through his hair, and it stopped entirely too soon.
He froze then began fervently patting all over his head. Where was his hair? He’d been growing it out for a couple of years now and it was finally almost to the length he’d had as a goal the entire time. How could it have gotten cut off overnight?
Harry rushed over to the mirror hung on the wall adjacent to the window.
Oh shit. What the hell was happening? Harry leaned closer and saw that not only was his hair cropped shorter than he’d ever wanted to go again, but it looked like he had the beginning of crow’s feet by his eyes. Those definitely weren’t there yesterday! And what happened to his tattoos? He still had some of them, like the star and the letters he’d gotten for his mum and Gemma, but most of the rest were missing and there were a few he’d never seen before instead.
What. The. Fuck.
Or the one where Harry goes to bed angry with his bandmates and wakes up in a universe where One Direction was never formed and he has to find a way back home. Home definitely has nothing to do with his best friend and bandmate, Louis. That would be ridiculous.
note: there’s a second part to this that’s 24k!
☆ when we were younger by dinosaursmate 76k
About a week after Harry started visiting this particular chat room, he was watching some kid argue with the whole room about football, personally disinterested as he tipped a bag of crisps into his mouth. He happily chomped on the crumbs, taking a swig from a glass of Ribena to wash them down, glancing at the screen and very nearly spat the squash back out again. His heart was pounding wildly. The display icon of the argumentative newcomer had caught his eye, and not in a good way. He gulped as he clicked the picture, and when it popped up in full resolution, his heart nearly fell right out of his arse. - Sixteen year old Harry Styles’ world turns upside down when he logs on to gay teen chat to discover somebody has stolen his photos and used them as their own.
note: there’s a second part that’s 3k ziam centric
extra note: you don’t want to know how many episodes of catfish i’ve seen
☆ like cabbages and kings by you_explode 61k
When Louis was a kid, he had a series of very vivid dreams about a place called Wonderland. There were rabbits wearing waistcoats and talking cats and ridiculous tea parties, and amidst all the absurdity, there was a boy. A boy with dimples, big green eyes and the sweetest soul Louis has ever known. Louis has always kept a place in his heart for that boy and for his funny dreamworld, and when he’s twenty-five and his life falls apart, it turns out Wonderland might not be so imaginary after all.
☆ knives don’t have your back by turnyourankle 51k
The lone survivor of an on campus massacre that claimed the lives of his four housemates, Harry is urged to take a sabbatical or transfer. Instead, he chooses to stay in school, move into the dorms, and overcome his fears.
He finds comfort in a budding friendship with Louis, an upperclassman who lives on his floor, not realizing that their relationship will bring him closer to his traumatizing past rather than further from it.
☆ loving you is free by littlelouishiccups 68k
Louis is a workaholic record label CEO who hasn't been on a date in nearly a year. Niall and Liam make an account for him on a sugar dating website as a joke. And then Louis meets Harry.
note: there are two other parts to this that are pretty much pwp. they’re 24k and 4k
☆  dance to the distortion by lis (domesticharry) 93k
Louis accidentally breaks Harry's camera lens and in order to get it fixed, they decide to participate in a romantic couples study. The only issue is that they are not actually couple. Well that and the fact they cannot stand each other.
☆ waiting on you by emma1234 77k
“Vampires,” Louis says with disgust, glaring over at the vampire who is noisily slurping from the woman’s neck nearby.
Zayn gives the neat fang marks on Louis’ neck a meaningful look.
“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them,” Louis finishes, ignoring Zayn when he rolls his eyes.
Louis takes a long sip of his milkshake, presses his fingers against the marks on his neck, and definitely doesn’t think about the vampire who left them there.
note: there’s a second part to this that’s 5k
☆ this wicked game by cherrystreet 70k
An AU in which The Bachelor is gay, Louis is a contestant, Harry is the bachelor, everyone drinks a lot of champagne, the entire world gets to watch them fall in love, and no one plays by the rules.
note: i’ve seen maybe five episodes of the bachelor in my life and hated it but i have read every larry bachelor fic 
☆ coax the cold by mediawhore 86k
England, 1897.
English Professor Louis Tomlinson’s passion for the occult has been a source of mockery and derision for most of his life. When he hears whispers of a travelling freak show newly established in London claiming the existence of a monstrous sea hybrid, half-man, half-fish, Louis sees it as his ticket to credibility amongst his peers. The summer he spends undercover working on the show, however, gives him much more than that.
☆ this feeling by orphan_account 59k
"Gonna play it back for you now." Louis clicked play and the song flooded through Harry’s headphones.
The sound of each others voices united into one, and the rhythm of the music carried their voices effortlessly. Harry’s insides tingled and a wave of shivers rolled down his spine.
Before the clip cut off, Harry turned to raise an eyebrow at Louis, and failed miserably at disguising his smile. Louis stared back at him in shock.
Or A Larry Duet AU
☆ love’s on the line, is that your final answer? by pearlydewdrops 53k
Harry can’t believe it when Louis, the boy he’s always had a tempestuous rivalry with, asks him to be his boyfriend. Well, pose as his boyfriend, that is—for a new television game show in which young couples are quizzed on how well they know each other for a jackpot of thirty grand.
Reluctantly, Harry agrees—because he's got student loans to pay off, hasn't he? What's the harm? And he can totally deal with keeping his secret thing for Louis under wraps too. This is all just to win some money. It's fine. No big deal. What could possibly go wrong?
Well, everything. Obviously.
☆ say your prayers by nothing_but 59k
Louis was left wondering what the fuck this encounter had been. Coming to this camp - especially after learning that it was a religious one - he had never expected to find himself in a bathroom with the attractive, strictly Catholic, not-gay-or-anything head counsellor making flirty remarks. Quite the opposite, to be honest.
Or the one where Harry, head counsellor at a Catholic summer camp, dedicates his time to what he loves most, year after year. It’s mostly the same every summer; the place, the topics, the games. This year, however, there’s a new assistant counsellor stumbling into his camp, and possibly his heart.
☆ i’ll crash until you notice me by stylinsoncity 61k
Louis sets off to Barbados to oversee the massive resort his family owns known as Sandy Hill. For years, he's been looking for a change in the monotony of his life, seeking adventure and perhaps love too. What he doesn't expect is the bright eyed boy who spills a milkshake on his shoes.
Cue the summer loving.
note: zendaya is listed as a character in this which desperately makes me want to reread it because i don’t remember that!!!
☆ nothing but you on my mind by nonsensedarling 84k
Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles. Unfortunately for him, that means being faced with the Prince's constant innuendos, incessant dirty jokes, and relentless flirting. Louis just wants to make it to Princess Gemma's coronation; once she's crowned Queen, his contract is up and he never has to see the Prince again.
☆ ghost note symphony by whoknows 96k
Louis is on tour when he first hears about it. It’s all over the news – Harry Styles Attacked By Fan runs in headlines for days. It’s not even just the gossip rags, either. Actual journalists are covering the story. It would have been impossible to avoid hearing about it. Technically, Oli is the one who tells Louis about it, but it’s not exactly being covered up. Harry doesn’t answer Louis’ text asking if he’s alright, but that’s not really surprising. They haven’t spoken for months, and it’s been a lot longer than that since they’ve had a real conversation. The sting of the text going unanswered is still there, less painful than it might have been a few years ago.
It’s not that it’s easy to forget about, exactly. Louis has a whole life outside of One Direction now, though. So Louis goes on with his life, figuring that if Harry was seriously hurt he would have heard about it by now. He might currently be in the same country as Harry, but being on opposite sides of it puts enough distance between them that putting it in the back of his mind is easy. There’s nothing Louis could do, even if he thought Harry might want him to.
That’s why everything that happens next comes as a complete shock to him.
☆ thinking about the t-shirt you sleep in by nonsense_darling 52k
Harry's alpha fraternity donates to a local thrift shop (because of Liam's latent crush on a cute beta in his lecture). Louis' financial situation (and confusing omega instincts) lead him to make some interesting fashion purchases. Lots of pizza, feelings, and not-really-lying.   
☆ here in the afterglow by fondleeds 89k
“If you hadn’t noticed, I don’t have many friends,” Louis whispers, the blossom of insecurity in his stomach unfurling and clawing its way into his throat.
Harry is silent for a long time, and then he speaks; a soft, slow uncurl that makes Louis’ stomach shake. “I’ll be your friend.”
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
note: i can’t believe i waited until 2020 to read this...it was life changing tbh and i cried
☆ just call me inspiration by hereforlou 52k
The truth is Louis knows he’s going to hell, if there is such a thing, but it isn’t because he writes erotic fiction for a living. If anything, it’s because his muse, the reason he’s inspired to write about people shagging in increasingly creative ways everyday, is the sweetest, loveliest, most genuine (and completely oblivious) future children-book illustrator in the world.
(Or, the one where Louis is a writer, Harry is an art student, and they inspire each other in very different ways.)
☆ truly, madly, deeply (10 things i hate about you) by sunsetmog 54k
The first Louis had heard of Harry auditioning for X Factor was the night he'd turned up on Louis' doorstep the day before leaving for Boot Camp, with a DVD and an illicit bottle of vodka.
Thing was, Louis hated secrets, and he really hated being made a fool of, and he really, really hated Harry Styles.
or: the one in which they're all in sixth form together, and Harry auditions for X Factor without them.
note: this has always been a fav
☆ the impossible now by stylinsoncity 65k
A wish on Christmas Eve sends Louis to an alternate dimension where Harry is a member of One Direction.
☆ swallow the knife by whoknows 76k
“You came,” Louis says, still breathless, clinging to Harry, uncaring that his sweat is getting all over Harry’s presumably clean dad shirt, or that he’s making Harry hold up all of his weight.
“Of course I came,” Harry says. He shifts, one arm curled underneath Louis’ arse, the other spreading wide in the middle of Louis’ back. “If I ignored you every time you pissed me off we would have stopped being friends a long time ago.”
Louis already knows that, of course. It doesn’t do anything to stop the pleased squirm in his belly every time Harry proves it, though. They fight like nobody��s business, both of them too stubborn to pull their punches when they’re arguing, and it used to get them in trouble, but they always make up.
Adrenaline makes Louis loose-lipped, and they both know it. He tightens his arms around Harry’s neck, buries his face in his hair. “I missed you,” he confesses, quiet. “Doesn’t feel the same up there by myself.”
note: i don’t even normally like non-aus but i have read this fic five times in the last nine months so. there’s that. 
extra note: there’s an 11k alternate sex scene here
☆ perfect storm by cherrystreet 80k
What do you do when your best friend asks you and your (now) ex to be the best men at his destination wedding? You can either tell him the truth, tell him you’re not together anymore, and deal with the consequences, or you can pretend you’re still together and roll with it, just pray you don’t spiral. Fake it ‘til you make it. You know, for the sake of the wedding.
Harry and Louis choose the latter.
☆ anyplace, anyhow, anytime by aimmyarrowshigh, colazitron 81k
Harry's going to audition for The X-Factor in a few days, he really can't use this persistent tickle in his throat. What's even worse is when the tickle turns into a full blown cough, and the cough makes him pass out only for Harry to wake up in a different world. And then another one, and another one, and another one. The only other person who seems to be as affected as he is, is a boy with blue eyes who keeps showing up in every single one of these worlds.
note: i reread all of aimmyarrowhigh’s larry fics this year including the 500k or whatever sheylinson verse and i thought about putting them all in here but like...felt excessive & i figured i’d give attention to a less well known one, plus this way we get colazitron too! 
☆ the second hand unwinds by kingsofeverything (fullonlarry) 52k
Louis Tomlinson is one of the first members of NASA's top secret Chrono Exploration Program. When things go wrong and he's sent further back in time than planned, he has no other option than to show up on his ex-boyfriend's doorstep.
☆ waiting for the tides to meet by nauticalleeds (metamorphosis) 60k
Louis lets out a deep breath, thinking about Harry’s soulmate. Thinking about how Harry’s soulmate is probably as beautiful as Harry, some person that Louis cannot compare to, and how the universe has chosen them to be Harry’s. Fuck the universe. “Fuck you,” he calls out to the universe. He’s aware of how crazy he sounds.
Maybe he is crazy, with how he’s falling for Harry. And fuck that, too.
Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate's. It's only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he'll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis' workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis' heart.
Featuring a lovely cup of OT5, a road trip down the coast, and a scene where Harry eats a whole head of lettuce. Don't ask why.
☆ keep my candle bright by whisperdlullaby 79k
louis returns to his hometown after four years to find that the reverend’s son has done some growing up of his own.
☆ strawberries & cigarettes by dimpled_halo 77k
Harry looks up and immediately freezes. Next to Ms. Archie stands the boy from just the other day. The boy with the leather jacket and chipped black nails, that might or might not be sketched in the very book Harry has just placed on the table in front of him. The leather jacket is missing today, probably because they aren’t allowed as part of their required uniform attire, but Harry can still see the fading black nail polish on his nails, and eyeliner around his eyes. Harry’s mouth goes a little dry. This boy is so intriguing to him.
“Ye-yes, Ms. Archie?” Harry tries to play it cool, but he’s almost positive that his cheeks are burning red, and he’s relieved neither of them can tell how fast his heart is beating in his chest.
The boy seems to also recognize Harry, because his lips curve into a knowing smirk.
“Harry is at the top of his class. He’s your best bet at getting familiar with things around here.” She explains.
Louis nods, his smirk still very prominent on his face. “Thank you Ms. Archie. I’ll be sure to take advantage of young Harold here.”
Summary: Two stories, eleven years, and the two boys that never stopped loving each other.
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races-erster · 4 years
Hey guys. So I haven’t been having the greatest time lately, and I really need to vent, but there’s too much to fit in the tags, so I decided to make a regular post. This’ll still be tagged under ‘personal’ and everything will be under the cut. I wanted to apologize before hand for clogging up your dash with my issues, and by no means does anyone have to read this if they don’t want to. I just really need a place where I can feel safe enough to share my emotions.
So, as many of you know, I have a condition called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in the entirety of my left leg, from my hip down to my toes. It’s a chronic nerve pain disorder.  I’ve been diagnosed with it for two years now, but we think I’ve actually had it for 6 years and no one realized what it was. The last time I got hurt (I’ve had 8 ankle injuries total), I ended up tearing one of the ligaments that moves my foot and I was on crutches and in a wheelchair for a total of six months. Because I couldn’t get my foot to move, my crps began to get worse and worse until I couldn’t even lightly put my foot on the ground without being in excruciating pain. I was also heavily bullied during that time by people that I thought I could trust (my marching band and it’s instructors) which really hurt my self-esteem. I was eventually able to move my foot and I was able to start walking again because of my physical therapist (who is an amazing man. he’s my actual hero). 
Sorry for the recap, but the current deterioration of my mental state has resolved around my leg. 6 years ago when I first hurt myself, I started to gain weight because I was unable to properly exercise. I was exempt from gym classes for the rest of the year and the only “exercise” I was getting was from physical therapy. Then I started to get hurt more and more, which resulted in me gaining more and more weight. I especially gained weight during the 6 months I couldn’t walk. Over the last 6 years, I’ve gained around 60 pounds. This has really started to fuck with my mind. I wish that I could like how I look, but then I see pictures of myself from all those years ago and I, unfortunately, cant stand how I look. I know this is a very touchy subject for a lot of people, and I’m sorry if this is brining up bad memories, and I will be tagging this with a trigger warning just incase. 
I’m not going to get into the nitty-gritty of the bullying I encountered, but I will say that it has cause a lot of problems with my mental state. Aside from my family, I only had one person in my corner for 6 entire months. No one would talk to me because they didn’t want to be seen with “a faker.” Everyone thought I was lying about my injury and the problems that it caused within my nervous system. Anyone who associated with me was a new target for everyone to pick on, so people that I had been friends with since kindergarten left me to fend for myself, which, I can’t blame them I guess. If I could have found a way to escape the judgement of over 200 teenagers and 40 adults, I would have. 
I have no idea what’s brining up all of these memories. It’s been a year and a half since I’ve been able to walk again, but for some reason my brain has been drudging up all of these terrible things. My leg has been absolutely killing me lately. Since my brain sends the signals through my nervous system, every time I’m upset or stressed my brain sends signals to my leg and makes it feel like hell. 
I’ve just gotten tired of all of it. I’m tired of walking with a limp the majority of the time. I’m tired of having all of these restrictions. I want to be able to run and jump and do all of these things that I despised before. I hate having to use an e-stem every few hours to get the swelling in my leg to go down. I just wish that I could be like everyone else. I want to fit in with people. I hate that I want to be different than who I am right now, but at this point in my life, other people’s words and hatred have brought me down. I wish that I could look at myself in the mirror and be proud of who I am. I know that I’ve overcome so much adversity and issues within the past few years that I should be proud of myself, but all I seen is a girl with a leg that hurts on the daily and only reminds her of her failures.
I just hate being in pain all the time. I hate that my foot is always either freezing or burning. I don’t like how I can have a really good day and then the next day I can barely move because of the pain. I just wish that it would all stop.
I’m sorry for being such a downer right now. I think that after this is posted, that I’ll feel better honestly. I’ve been afraid to talk about all of these feelings bubbling up again because I don’t want to burden my family. I know how hard it was for them to see me not able to walk for so long (and then have to see my brother have spine surgery all in a few months). Anyways, um, if you read this, thank you for listening to my problems. I know that I talked about a lot of things in this post, and a lot of them are hard to grasp and incredibly sensitive to people. I guess, that I just want to end this post by saying that without all of you, I don’t think that I’d really be finding joy in anything. You guys have all helped me one way or another, whether you know it or not and I am eternally grateful to each and every one of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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straykidz888 · 5 years
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Gif by huiracha! (I still cant figure out how to tag it from the post, I’m so bad with technology 😂)
A/N: so this was based off a dream I had and I am literally such a bad writer so I hope you guys don’t mind that but I thought I’d share what dream I had a while back about me and Chan with insomnia! (I have it really bad personally so I think my brain sparked that and connected the two of us 😂) but I hope you enjoy it! I’m also trying to figure out how to get the ‘read more’ on here but since I don’t have a laptop idk if I can do it, but I’ll figure that out 😂
Genre: FLUFFYYYY! With a little bit on sensual touches but nothing too drastic
“I’m so uncomfortable.” I say in my head, having woken up from probably about one hour of sleep from yet another sleepless night, the insomnia kicking in hard, that one hour of sleep will probably be the best I’ll get for a good few hours.
I shuffle around in bed, moving the duvet off me and I turn to try and feel out for my boyfriend, but when I feel the empty space that was filled with his presence the last I remember, I frown.
“He’s probably unable to sleep...” I say to myself tiredly, a tired that will subside soon.
I decide to get up and head through towards the kitchen, I had one of my boyfriends many large black t-shirts on with a normal pair of pyjama shorts, I walked out to find my boyfriend, Chan, sitting at the kitchen table, and he catches sight of me when I walk in.
“Can’t sleep?” We both ask each other at the exact same time, it makes us both laugh.
“Me either.” I smile and walk up to Chan and he moves so he’s fully facing me, I place my hands on his shoulders and he places his arms around my waist.
“That one hour was good but not good enough.” I tell him and he chuckles.
“You didn’t even sleep for that long, I think it’s been about twenty minutes.” Chan tells me and I groan.
“No wonder it did me no good.” I pout and he chuckles softly, pulling me closer to him.
Chan’s insomnia was worse than mine, with insomnia having several levels, his had to be one of the worst, while he often couldn’t get any sleep at all and would literally be running on the dust of fumes he had left, I was a little luckier in terms that I got to sleep easier a bit more often, but Chan has so much going on in his life and with the music making and watching all eight boys making sure they’re alright he is just constantly stressed about something which makes him worse for sleep.
“Are you in the state of there is not even a chance you could get to sleep?” I ask him, furrowing my eyebrows.
“Yeah... I just know I’m not gonna get to sleep so it feels kind of pointless to try... I might fall asleep in the car ride to Music Bank tomorrow but... what can you do...” Chan shrugs, sighing sadly, it makes me so upset that I know this really gets on his nerves but he can’t do anything really while he’s working almost 24 hours for seven days a week, how he would wake up at 5AM to leave and come back at 1AM the next day just to do the same process.
“Anything I can do for you?” I ask him, leaning my hands up into his hair and caressing it slowly, running through the ash grey locks through my fingers.
“No I’m okay, you should get back to bed though, if you managed to get some sleep you might be able to get a little more.” Chan smiles at me and I smile at him.
“Only if you come back with me, I don’t like not having you there, cause then we can’t suffer together.” I pout but then give him a cheeky smile, he rolls his eyes and laughs softly.
“Alright, go on ahead I’ll meet you in the room.” Chan says and I nod my head, leaning forward to give him a quick peck on the cheek before running back through to our shared bedroom, getting up on the bed and sitting down on it, I lean over and turn on the side lamp just to let me see him when he walks in.
It takes a few minutes later for Chan to actually get back to the room, assuming he was taking a drink before he came through, he smiles at me as he closes the door behind him and he walks over to the bed, sitting down on the other side, he then looks over at me who’s eyes had followed him this entire way.
“Hi.” I smile happily, he grins.
“Hello.” He smiles softly.
“I love you, by the way just to let you know.” I giggle and he chuckles, I could tell he was tired but he just couldn’t get any sleep at all.
“I love you too.” He says and he touches the side of my jaw and leaned over and kissed my lips softly, I smile into the soft kiss and I place my hand on his neck and kiss him back, but soon enough we pulled away from each other.
“You’re so handsome.” I grin at him with a cheeky smile and he chuckles and leans over into my ear, his thick accent running through my ears and he whispers.
“And you are so damn beautiful.” I feel the shivers running through my body as he whispers that and I grin.
“Do you wanna try to sleep again?” He asks me as he places a hand on my waist.
“Yeah, but will you stay with me? You don’t have to stay the whole night if you can’t get to sleep but just until I’m properly asleep...” I ask him unsure of how he will take that question because he might almost feel jealous about it.
“Yeah of course, I’ll stay by your side.” He smiles at me and I nod my head.
“Thank you.” I smile at him and peck his lips once more and I lean over to turn off the light and then I turn to him and he brings his arms to my waist and I nuzzle into his clothed chest and hold him close to me.
The two of us lay together and our breathing is all you can hear in the room, I place my ear to his chest and I can hear his heartbeat, thump thump, thump thump.
“Are you okay?” Chan asks me softly and I nod my head.
“Yeah, I’m focusing on your heartbeat rather than my breathing.” I say, often my trouble with sleep was that I was focusing to hard on my breathing and would start to panic if I wasn’t getting enough oxygen in my lungs, it was silly really but I just kept getting myself panicked.
“Good good, just focus on my heart beating for you.” Chan says and I can hear the smile on his face in his sentence, I smile and caress his waist.
“I love you so much, I wish I could do more for you.” I frown and he takes a deep breath.
“Sorry... I know I’m such a pain... it sucks not being able to sleep, something is just wrong with me...” Chan sniffs and I widen my eyes and sit up to (barely) see his eyes starting to tear up, I shake my head and hold him by the cheeks softly.
“Baby no, nothing is wrong with you, you’re just stressed is all, you’re always working and your body clock is just all out of whack, there is nothing wrong with you Channie, there is absolutely nothing is wrong with you, if there was then something would be wrong with me!” I say and he laughs a little, a pathetic little laugh as he’s still half crying.
“Sorry, It’s just so frustrating, I want to try so many things but I just know none of them will work.” He says and I furrow my eyebrows, nodding along with what he says.
“Well you know whatever you want to try I’ll always be here working along with you, whatever you wanna try, I’ll help you with it and I’ll go through it with you, and whatever you need, I’m with you.” I smile at him and he smiles happily.
“I don’t deserve you.” He whispers and I laugh.
“Please, I don’t deserve a god like you, you’re to good for me, I still don’t know how I landed a guy like you.” I comment and giggle, he rolls his eyes at me.
“Excuse me? You’re my guardian angel I don’t deserve you, I need you but I don’t deserve you.” Chan laughs and I giggle.
“So we need each other but don’t deserve each other, makes sense.” I grin and he chuckles.
“Of course.” Chan chuckles, he then suddenly flips me down onto my back and gets on top of me and I giggle as he places his hands into mine before leaning down to kiss me again, our hands come together and our fingers lace between each other, he kisses me passionately and I giggle against him.
“Hey, we were talking about ways to help me get to sleep.” He says while wriggling his eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes.
“You know that’s just gonna make you more awake if anything.” I tell him and squeeze his hand softly.
“Worth a shot.” He shrugs his shoulders and I grin.
“I just forget how cute you look in my t-shirts.” He tells me with his soft voice, and I still love his accent running through every single word.
“You’re welcome for the reminder.” I tell him and he chuckles.
“Thanks.” He snickers, leaning down to kiss me again, he places his hands downwards and onto my thighs and slowly up inside my shirt to my waist, my hands move through his strands of hair and grip it lightly.
We both have a heated make out session for a good while before we both pull away and he gets off me and lies down beside me.
“Well that’s what you need to fall asleep.” I say and giggle, Chan chuckles and brings me back to his chest and I grin to myself wrapping my arms back round his waist once again placing my ear back to his chest to listen to his heartbeat again.
“I love you, I know we have said that like eight hundred times tonight but sometimes I feel like I don’t say it enough to you.” Chan whispers softly, I smile happily and I place my finger on his torso, caressing his chest softly.
“I love you too, and you don’t have to say it all the time for me to know, I know how you feel towards me, if you suddenly changed your mind, then I’d want you to tell me that you fell out of love with me.” I tell him and he laughs.
“Sure but that won’t be happening any time soon so I hope you’re okay with that?” Chan asks me.
“Yeah fully okay with that thanks.” I giggle.
I start to feel a little more tired as the minutes go along and when Chan starts to play with my hair again it starts to make me feel even more sleepy.
“I’m... falling asleep Channie.” I whisper to him softly, he kisses my head.
“I’m feeling pretty sleepy myself, that’s all thanks to you.” Chan says and I smile and kiss his chest.
“Or your body just said you’re tired tonight now.” I tell him and he chuckles, and I smile feeling the vibrations through his chest.
“Thank you baby, for being amazing.” Chan whispers and I look up at him with a smile, he leans down to kiss me softly before we move back to our original positions.
“Night night Channie.” I whisper, holding him as close as I can to me.
“Night night baby.” He whispers, and slowly I started to fall asleep as I focused on his heartbeat once again, I just hoped he would get to sleep, I would only find out tomorrow morning, I hope you get to sleep for a little while my love Chan.
I hope you guys liked it, as I say I’m really not a good writer so it was probably terrible but I hope it was okay for you guys! 😂💚 I’ll probably delete this later omg but yeah I hope you all enjoy it hahahah
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yeojaa · 4 years
SUGAR HIGH, chapter xiii. (w. JJK)
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You're not entirely sure when it happened, though you'd come to terms with it. You'd counted the days, waiting for the inevitable. You'd truly thought you'd be okay, but by the broken, half-beating thing in your chest - you knew you'd never really been prepared.
alt summary.  You thought you’d known real love and maybe you had - it just wasn’t with who you thought.
pairing.  jeon jungkook.  mentions/involvement of ot7.
tags.  angst, break up, post-break up, comfort, OT7, slow burn, friendship, moving on, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, emotional baggage, fluff, canon compliant, jeon jungkook is bad at feelings, jeon jungkook is a good friend, jeon jungkook is a sweetheart.
rating.  general (for now?)
word count.  ~1800
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chapter 13.  Like We Used To
When you're like this, it's easy to fall back into old routines and forget how his mouth had burned imaginary paths across your skin, setting you alight like kindling.  It's far easier to separate the two versions of him as he stands beside you, hip knocking against yours as his enthused laughter wraps you up in your own little universe of two.
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You stay like that for a long time - longer than you should, after all that's transpired.  It's hard not to when his arms feel like home, the only thing capable of holding you together.
You know it's selfish, though.  Can feel it in the beginnings of your bones and through every fibre, colouring you black and blue from the inside out. 
Still, It isn't enough to make you stop.
(Just a few minutes more.)
Eventually, Jungkook shifts, though he does his best to keep from jostling you.  You'd been so peaceful in his arms, the sobbing, broken girl seemingly a lifetime away by the time sunlight began to stream through the large uncovered windows.  You meet his eyes curiously, chin canting with the same emotion.
"I need to pee,"  he says apologetically, like he's at all to blame for the basic human instinct.  At least it makes you laugh, short and sweet.  He wants to bottle that sound and keep it under his pillow, absorb it into his skin through contact that's never quite enough.  You're so pretty like this, before the weight of the day has settled on you.  He thinks about telling you but doesn't, because that's not the kind of relationship you have and well, he really does need to get up.
You notice the discomfort because otherwise you're sure he'd never push you off.  He never rushed you.  "Oh, sorry."
Despite your motion to extract your limbs - your hand from his chest, his legs from beneath you, fingers from hair - he seems reluctant to let you go, squeezing you infinitesimally tighter.  You feel it all the way through to your heart, the muscle stuttering to life like his touch is a defibrillator bringing you back from the edge.
"Just one more minute."
You're not sure who's indulging who when you relax back into him, your tired body sinking into all the crevices between you.  It's only when you're nestled into the crown of his head, the velveteen strands tickling your nose, that you speak.  "I'm sorry about last night."
It's not enough, you know, to say these words and offer no explanation.  You also know he'll never press you, because he'll be there when you're ready.  Such a shame that you're not sure whether that day will ever come, but you keep that locked tightly behind the cage of your teeth, swallowing the key.
"Stop apologizing,"  he chides with what you think is a roll of his eyes.  It certainly sounds like a roll of his eyes.
"You're going to be exhausted today,"  you return.  You can already see it in the molting beneath his eyes, the way the hollows look heavy enough for you to curl into.  Guilt returns in waves, fingers tracing the purple that mars his complexion.  He leans into your touch, humming affectionately.
"You can bring me coffee.  I'll be fine."  The words are pressed into the palm of your hand and it feels almost like something else.
You're tearing yourself away from him before he can react.  You don't catch the look of hurt that flickers across his face when you're across the bed, tangled in his sheets.  But he sees the way you look like a frightened animal, your hair sticking up in all directions and your hand shoved between your knees.  You won't look at him, though you sound a little crazy when you sing-song, "you should get up."
He's racking his brain for what he did wrong when he stands and moves toward the adjoined bathroom.
"I'll be quick, then you can brush your teeth."  Because just like at your place, you have a little drawer.  It's been wholly untouched for the better part of the last three years - the duration of your relationship with him - but Jungkook kept it regardless.  He even occasionally used your facial cleansing pads.  They just smelt so nice - like green tea and honey - and it was a nice reminder of you.
True to his word, the door swings open almost as quickly as it had closed and he's peeking around it with a toothbrush jammed against his cheek.  He waves yours at you, toothpaste already spread neatly across the top, and you're shuffling over, throw tossed haphazardly over your shoulders.
"Don't get any toothpaste on that,"  he warns around a mouthful of bristles.
You both watch - you in amusement and he in horror - as a tiny glob of spittle lands on your shoulder.  The speed with which he wipes it off has you laughing as you go about brushing your own teeth, meeting his pout in the mirror.  
When you're like this, it's easy to fall back into old routines and forget how his mouth had burned imaginary paths across your skin, setting you alight like kindling.  It's far easier to separate the two versions of him as he stands beside you, hip knocking against yours as his enthused laughter wraps you up in your own little universe of two.
Because this is your best friend, the same boy you've known since you were four feet tall.  The one that had pushed you into the ocean when you'd been too afraid to dip your toes, dragging you in like you weighed nothing.  He was the one who'd nearly burnt your house down in attempts to mimic your father's bungeo-ppang, placing the blame solely on you because he knew you could get away with it.  
Jungkook might've been the person you were now, somehow, heels over head for, but that didn't erase everything else.
He spits, rinsing all traces of mint from his mouth and toothbrush before slotting it back into place in the little bunny-shaped brush holder.  "We have the day off today."  The stare he levels you with is expectant but soft, like hope dangling from a gossamer thin string.
"No, you don't,"  you state matter-of-factly, returning your toothbrush to your own fox-shaped holder beside his.  You momentarily the lock of confusion that flickers across his face, cutting him off when he begins to speak.  "You're busy with me."
Sometimes, your mood swings give him whiplash.  This time, he doesn't mind.  "Oh, right.  How could I forget?"
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The two of you stumble out of his bedroom a short while later.  The apartment is eerily quiet for being occupied by seven men but you take the opportunity to throw yourself into the nearest seat. 
"There's not much in here."  His voice carries from the kitchen where he's poking into the fridge.  
"We can order in.  Or whatever."  Honestly, it doesn't really matter to you.  You've always indulged in Jungkook's eating habits but find yours significantly more reasonable, though that's not really saying a lot.
Your legs are shifted, raised to make room for him as he settles down beside you before allowing your feet to return to their rightful place across his lap.  You admire the way he deftly peels the apple in his hands, setting near continuous rope of skin on the side table.  It feels oddly domestic. 
"It's too hard for delivery drivers to get into the complex,"  he reminds you.  One of the downfalls of living such a life. 
"Then I guess we'll starve,"  you say, solemnly.  His snort shakes his shoulders and he swats at your socked foot, making you dig the heel of your other foot into his muscled thigh.  This elicits a high-pitched whine and you can't help but snicker, though that sound quickly turns to shriek.  "No!"
Because he's trapping your knee in the thread of his elbow and his fingers, so long and capable, are clutching your suddenly bare foot in an iron grip.  There's mischief written into every line of his DNA, twinkling brightly in the depths of his dark stare.  "Say sorry."  His fingers brush experimentally against the sensitive sole. 
You nearly scream.  If it were anyone else, you think you might've been able to break free but it's not and your thrashing only prompts him to cinch his grip tighter, the whole weight of his body pressed into your legs. 
"Say sorry,"  he repeats through a chain link of bared teeth.  It would be intimidating if it weren't so goddamn pouty.
When you don't respond, he's repeating the motions.  Your lungs feel like they're about to explode.  "No!  I'm your noona - stop it!"
Another snort, one that goes unpunished, and he puffs a breath out that fans his hair from his face.  You both know it's a rotten attempt to get away.  "You're older than me by less than two months.  Don't pull that."  As if to drive his point home, he tickles you again.  First, on the sensitive parts of your feet and then everywhere else.  His fingers never stay in one place for too long, seeking purchase at the ditch of your knees and then higher, across your hips.  
He's all but sprawled across you, your head thrown back as tears spill down your cheeks.  It's a very strange sight.
"What are you guys doing?" 
The question punctuates the air and you're grateful for the way Jungkook leaps away, the only colour in his face a brilliant scarlet that tinges his ears and creeps across his chest.  You use the sudden freedom to draw as many excruciating breaths in as you can but otherwise remain slumped against the cushions.  Your entire body feels like overstimulated jelly.
You hear more than see Hoseok above your heads, his amusement infectious.  "Soomi-ya, seriously.  I think you woke everyone in the house up.  I thought someone was dying out here."
"It was his fault!"  A feeble attempt at blame falls from your lips, though it's quickly met with a rebuff.
Jungkook is indignant, doe-eyes wide.  Bastard.  "You started it!"
"You're both terrible."  It's not the dancer this time, but Seokjin.  He's somehow effortlessly put together at the early hour, RJ cradled under his arm.  He stifles a yawn as he joins your little group, taking a seat in the single chair to your right.  "Why are you up so early?"
"I was hungry."  
You can't help but stare at Jungkook, who meets your eyes with a tiny smile.  There he was, protecting you even when you didn't need it.  
"There's nothing to eat."  Hoseok again, this time from the kitchen.
"We know,"  the three of you chorus.  It prompts all of you to fall into laughter, the sound tinkling like bells in the faded morning light.  You're reminded, once again, of how nice it is that the Bangtan boys are home again.
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notes.  hope you liked this semi-fluff because you're in for a world of pain soon.  lolz~
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imacrowcawcaw · 5 years
Ch. 3 of Skin on Skin, Hearts Laid Bare: Sign Here For A Lifetime Supply of Love (Sanny)
Summary (of Whole Series): They started off cuddling as a necessity in chilly tents and cramped car rides, but it eventually became something much, much more Sam finds that there isn't a safer place in the world, no where else he'd rather be, than when he's wrapped up in his best friend's strong, caring arms. And Danny, he just can't get enough of the feeling of Sam's silky smooth skin spread out underneath his hands. A chronicle of Samuel Kiszka and Daniel Wagner's budding love.
Author (As known on Various sites): Lady Lover- Rockfic, Luluthechoosingcrow - AO3, theladylovingcrow - Deviantart and Wattpad, @sammy_bluebells - Instagram, @imacrowcawcaw - main Tumblr, @theladylovingcrow - writing/art Tumblr, @insannywestan - Sanny shipping Tumblr
Fandom: Greta Van Fleet
Pairing: Sam Kiszka/Danny Wagner
Summary of Chapter 3: "A bird whistled, and Danny mimicked the sound, making Sam look at him with what could only be described as dripping affection. It ran down their bodies, flowing over the knot of their hands and falling in small splashes along the path as they walked, leaving a trail of love like Hansel and Gretel. They came to the waterfall, and Danny turned his head to face Sam, love clear in his eyes. His lids fluttered shut and his lips puckered as he leaned in for a kiss, gathering Sam closer to him."
Length: about 3.2k
Warnings/Tags: cuddling, kissing, fluff, attempted humor, swimming, nature boys, dreams, romance, flirting, soulmates
Author's Notes: My lovely dear @satans-helper , I am SO grateful that you take the time out of your day to go over my writing to give me all of the wonderful feedback that you do. It really does improve it a lot, and, of course, your reactions and encouragement make me feel so warm inside.
@rogers-wristbands you said they go swimming, I say yes! I hope you like this, thank you so much for the suggestion :) I'm also gonna tag @lazingonsunday @mercuryyrising @mountainofthesunn @oblvions @karrotkate @lantern-inthenight @okietrish @bigthighsandstupidguys because I'm pretty sure y'all will be happy to see this? As far as I can tell y'all like Sanny so I'm taking a wild guess and tagging ya
Inspired in part by @satans-helper / thelazarus 's No One Else (ah-mazing), then of course it took another direction because I don't be about that copying. Also, they just belong in nature. Happy hippy boys are lover boys
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. *What do I do? I swim, I love to swiiiimmmm!*"
"DANNY. If you don't- fuck, pleugh!" Sam paused, choking on water. "If you don't fucking stop I will drown you!"
"But you have to keep swimming, Sammy! *You're* gonna drown if you don't. Unless you want me to carry you?" Danny asked. He was in a ridiculously good mood, and, being so energetic and happy to be in the water, had forgotten that Sam wasn't quite as strong as he was, nor did he possess as much stamina. His best friend was, frankly, exhausted.
"No! This was my idea, I don't need you to carry me!"
And Sam was a little testy, too. As much as he loved seeing Danny's muscles working in the water - or, better yet, feel them pick him up like he weighed nothing - the fact that Danny was just so fast and wouldn't slow down for Sam had him on edge. He'd been chasing tail for an hour, but it kept running away!
"Just, slow down a bit!"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tire you out so much, I was just having fun."
"It's alright," Sam sighed, now calmed down in the cradle of Danny's thick arms. "I'm glad you're enjoying myself, just let me have some fun too."
"Oh? What kind of fun do you want to have?" Danny questioned, slowly moving them closer to the shallows of the lake.
"I want to go hike up to the waterfall, but, later. Right now, I just want to float while you hold me."
"We can do that," Danny said softly. He anchored his feet in the sand bank, letting Sam rest his head on his shoulder in the neck deep water. Their arms were wound around each other, Sam's legs floating up to the left as Danny held onto him.
Nature immersed them in her soundtrack: birds twittering, leaves rustling, insects humming, and the breeze lapping gentle waves onto the shore. All was at peace, with the world and in their hearts.
Sam's eyelashes fluttered, his eyes closed to face the warm August sunshine. Danny watched him, observing the slight shadows playing over his face as a cloud passed overhead. Sam's lips parted, and Danny was nearly certain that he was going to start snoring - he hadn't moved in nearly 20 minutes - when Sam spoke.
"Is this what heaven feels like?"
Danny hummed. "I don't know, Sammy. No one knows what heaven will be like, if there is one at all, until we get there."
"I hope we go together," Sam said, sitting up slightly in the water. Danny caught him when the movement nearly pitched him under, grabbing the silky skin over Sam's ribs with his hands to steady him.
"I don't want to live without you, but I don't want to be dead without you, either. It wouldn't be heaven if you weren't there," Sam continued.
"I'll be there," Danny promised, pressing their foreheads together. He didn't know what that would entail, or when it would happen, but he and Sam were going out together, he knew it in his soul like he knew Sam was his soul-mate.
"We just made a death pact," Sam giggled, switching from somber to giggly Sammy like that. It always amazed Danny how quickly Sam could process and move on, his genius brain working at twice the speed of anyone around them, it seemed. And yet, Sam never left him behind, never made him feel left out; quite the opposite, Danny was often at the center of Sam's world, a warm fact he'd come to accept after hearing it so many times from Sam's mouth itself.
"Should we kiss on it?" Danny asked, laughing, too. "You know, to seal the deal?"
"Protect the pact from attack?"
"Give our engagement a worthwhile entanglement?"
"Save the loot from the boot?"
"Okay, that last one didn't make any sense!"
"Well, neither did yours!" Sam retorted. "'Give our engagement a worthwhile entanglement'? What the heck does that even mean?"
"It means we're gonna kiss to finalize the agreement, silly!"
Sam's mouth was a pretty little 'O'. Danny leaned in and gave it the barest of pecks, pulling back quickly and flushing dull red in the sunlight.
"Oh, c'mon! That wasn't a kiss! Where's my entanglement?" Sam laughed, surprise knocked out of him.
"Well, if you say so..." Danny trailed off, moving in close again.
"I do," Sam breathed against his lips, both hands holding Danny's head steady.
Danny had one hand on the small of his back, pressing Sam into himself, and the other gripping his right thigh, hoisting Sam up effortlessly in the water to wrap his legs around him.
Sam's lower lip made contact with Danny's as he jumped up, both of them freezing at the extensive contact of cool, moist skin below the water and still warm mouths above it.
Their lips slid, Sam to the left and Danny to the right, until they were locked in a sweet embrace. Slick warmth, comfort, and faintly barbeque flavored saliva was passed between them as they slowly kissed; no tongue, but soft, wet, open mouth presses that left no doubt in either's mind the strength of the bond they had curated over a lifetime, til death do them part.
"This is, like, one of those memorable scrapbook moments, ya know?" Sam said, pulling back after a minute. "Our first kiss in our favorite lake, just the two of us out on a perfect day."
Danny quirked his brow. "This isn't our first kiss, dude," he huffed, though he was amused.
"What? Yes it is. I'd have remembered if we kissed before, I'm pretty fucking sure."
"Don't you remember that one time you went to kiss my cheek and you planted one right on me?"
"That doesn't count! It's gotta be intentional, this was our first kiss with *intention*."
"Okay, okay, sure."
Sam splashed a little bit of water at him, getting the clear droplets in Danny's hair. Danny yanked - gently - on Sam's own tresses, nearly pulling his head backwards underwater but letting up early enough to make it clear he was joking.
"So, how was your first kiss with a guy?" Sam asked, grinning.
"This wasn't my first kiss with a guy."
"Again, I call bullshit! You've never kissed a guy, I know this for a fact."
"Uh, hello? Do you not remember when Josh tried to make out with me at that New Years party?"
"Also doesn't count," Sam snorted. "He was macking on everybody, hell, he even kissed Jake out in the open after he had all those shots. And, key word 'trying'. You pushed him away before your lips really touched."
"When did you become such an expert on kissing?" Danny asked, amused.
Sam brought their heads together again, like he was telling a little secret. He stroked Danny's face and whispered in his ear, "Puberty."
They both cracked up, clinging to each other in the water. Despite having just made out for the first time - and having that rock their world so much it made them sane - nothing was going to stop Sam and Danny from being Sam and Danny, resident-best-friend-goofballs.
Sam kept snickering, still sitting on Danny's canted hips with arms wrapped around each other. He wiggled in surprise when Danny put a hand on his ass, squeezing it through the thin fabric of his mini shorts.
"I think we should do the hike naked."
"I think that's a great way to get a bug bite on your dick. When we get to the waterfall, though, we can go skinny dipping."
"Then what are we waiting for?" Danny asked, turning and running to the shore as swiftly as the water would allow him with Sam still in his arms, his former hyperactiveness renewed.
Sam jumped down before he could be tossed onto the sand by Danny's over-eager legs tripping up. He rung out what water he could from his hair, putting it up in a bun and them helping Danny gather his own at the back of his head. He stooped down to pick up his bag and sunglasses, thwarting the anticipated ass smack with a sudden somersault.
Danny stared down at Sam lying on the sand, arm still raised in the air where Sam's ass had been moments ago. He raised a brow in slight apology, helping Sam get back up with an offered hand.
"Sorry, I didn't think you'd object so much."
"What, now that we've kissed once you think you have free reign to treat me like your bitch?" Sam asked, though he was obviously teasing.
"No, I would never. You've never minded before, though."
"Well, things have changed, haven't they?"
"I'm not sure."
It didn't feel like it. They were still themselves, and not looking any different to the other; perhaps only their eyes were now open to more ways to mess around with each other.
"I can't believe we kissed. Like, we were actually making out for a whole minute!" Sam said, a little awed. He had been, perhaps, covering for his shock with some extra sassiness.
"I know, me either," Danny breathed.
They both gaped and giggled like loons, not sure what to make of that reality. Like Sam had said, it was definitely memorable.
"Alright, let's get going before it gets too chilly to swim again."
Sam nodded and fell into step next to Danny, heading towards the North-bound trail to the waterfall that fed into the lake. Their wet feet were coated in the sand, dirt, and mud, making the brown of their Birkenstocks even browner.
Danny caught Sam's hand, swinging it as they made their way through the trees, leaves obscuring the lake except for occasional shimmering glimpses.
A bird whistled, and Danny mimicked the sound, making Sam look at him with what could only be described as dripping affection. It ran down their bodies, flowing over the knot of their hands and falling in small splashes along the path as they walked, leaving a trail of love like Hansel and Gretel.
They had to unlace their fingers to climb up the boulder at the end of the journey, using all four hands, and feet, too, to boost themselves up and over it. On the other side, roaring loud enough to drown out the birdsong that Danny had joined in on, was the waterfall.
Sam immediately ran down the shining, wet rock towards the river's edge, Danny following along more cautiously behind him, finding a spot to set their stuff down. First the bags went, then the shoes, and finally the swim trunks were pulled down and they were bared to the world.
Turning to grin at him, Sam stood in all his glowing, glorious nudity, backed by the mists of the waterfall behind him. Danny stepped forward, catching him around the waist.
Sam's lashes fluttered, his mouth pouting and seeming to draw Danny in. His hands landed on Danny's strong shoulders, feeling the hot shift of muscle beneath as Danny brought them close.
The fronts of their thighs were touching, spreading an electricity made even more volatile by the water still dotting their skin. Sam leaned forward, putting them belly to belly, chest to chest, groin to groin.
"Do you want me to carry you, now?" Danny murmered, dark eyes locked right below Sam's clavicle, as if he could actually see his beating heart. He had a crazed need, sometimes, to just hold Sam, to lift him up and away from others so that he could be all Danny's; Sam never minded.
Sam didn't respond, simply walked himself backwards slowly, carefully, with Danny following along, to the edge of the rock. The boulder was a cracked off part of the cliffside that the water ran over, raised higher as if it was nature's intention to be the diving rock all teenagers saw it as.
They locked eyes, counted to three, and jumped together into the deepest pocket of the water. Danny surfaced, gasping a little at the shock of ice melt cold - even though it was August - and Sam came up a second later. They swam with fierce, determined kicks towards the pebbled shore further on from the boulder, fighting hard against the sucking current from the waterfall.
"Whew, man, I always forget how cold it is up here."
Sam nodded, immediately wrapping himself around Danny in the shin deep water and holding to him - and his body heat - tight. Danny grabbed him right back, sitting on the rocks with Sam in between his legs, both lying halfway in the stream.
"I'm always worried that we'll be too shocked with how cold it is to swim well enough and fast enough to get back to shore," Sam said, a shiver racking his body to make his point.
"But we always do, and I'd never leave you behind. C'mon, let's see if there's any crawfish."
"What?" Sam laughed, getting up and wading back into the river. "Why do you want crawfish? We literally just had lunch like two hours ago, and besides, there's no pot or seasonings to cook them in even if we do start a fire."
"I don't want to eat them, I just wanna see if they're still here. Do you remember when we came up - I think it was ninth grade - and we all spent hours diving for our dinner? That was so fun!"
"Oh, yeah! And Jake got pinched in the nips cause he was messing around with one of them!"
"I'll pinch your nips!" Danny yelled, grabbing Sam and rolling them deeper into the water. He made pinchy fingers at Sam's chest, grazing his nipples and making him laugh at the ticklish sensation.
"Yeah, well, I'll mess around with YOU!" Sam retorted, cackling like a stoned hyena. He really did have a funny laugh, Danny knew, but it seemed to make him even more awesome: the fact that he was so perfect, and yet still human.
Sam flung his arms around Danny's neck, letting himself be carried in the water once again. They came to standing on one of the shallower rock banks in the middle of the stream, watching the waters rush over the boulders and tumble down below into the next stretch of river.
Danny turned his head to face Sam, love clear in his eyes. His lids fluttered shut and his lips puckered as he leaned in for a kiss, gathering Sam closer to him.
Sam was ready to recieve it when, suddenly, those eyes bulged open, black and beady. The hands on Sam's back felt sharper, all made of nail and bone.
"Sam. SAM!"
He stirred, still futilely trying to push away the creature that had taken over his love.
"Sammy, c'mon baby. It's alright, I'm not trying to hurt you. It's just me! Sam, wake up!"
Opening his eyes, Sam saw Danny - regular, hazel eyed Danny with his large, soft hands holding his face - next to him, looking both concerned and amused.
Danny smiled at him, softly stroking over his hair. "Hey, you were having a nightmare, something about lobsters. Is everything alright?"
Sam breathed a sigh of relief he hadn't realized he'd been holding, chuckling tiredly at the end.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Man, that was such a weird dream! You ever have those ones where it's, like, exactly what you did the day before, except one or two things are off and you don't even notice it at first?"
Danny nodded, looking at him intently, curious to hear more.
"Well, it was basically what we did yesterday: we were swimming in the lake, I got super tired chasing you so you held me, we hiked up to the waterfall, and then we swam there, too. The thing was, we kissed! Like, we were making out in the middle of the fucking lake, and at the river, too!"
"Woah, really?" Danny laughed. "How was it?"
"Pretty good," Sam admitted, blushing but looking Danny straight in the eyes. They had stopped hiding that affection what felt like eons ago, though really the shift had been gradual.
"So that explains the wood poking me," Sam smacked Danny's shoulder gently, though he couldn't deny that he was hard after his bout of Danny-kissing-REM. "But, what about the lobsters? Why were you scared, you love lobster! Were they trying to get back at you for eating them?" Danny giggled.
"They'll never get me, I'm higher up on the food chain! And it was crawfish, not lobsters: You turned into a crabby-monster thing and tried to eat my face." Danny chuckled, snuggling up to Sam as they swayed gently in the breeze blown hammock.
"Was this after I had sucked your face?"
"Yeah, the second time- wait, no, we actually only kissed in the lake, then you were about to go for it again when you went all rock lobster on me. I guess it kinda changed our conversations too, though, because we kept talking about it. I wonder why that suddenly turned into a bad dream, I was really enjoying it."
"Yeah, it was nice. It was when you were holding me in the water, and we made that pact. Except, in my dream, we did actually kiss on it, and then almost again at the waterfall. But, other than that stuff, I guess it was pretty much the same."
"Interesting. Did we still hold hands, and jump in together, and all that?" Danny asked. Sam knew it was really the 'Were we flirting like we really do make out?' that Danny was too scared to outright ask.
"Yep, it actually kinda made more sense in the context of the dream. Like, we haven't kissed yet after all this time!"
Danny nodded, looking contemplative. He inched his head closer and planted a peck on Sam's forehead, then his temple, moving along the trail of his cheekbone to his nose and down around to his jaw again.
Sam put more pressure on the hand on Danny's chest, feeling on either side of it where their bare skin rubbed on each other. He felt Danny's heart beat in tandem with his own, pumping the same flow of life through both of them - no matter their parentage.
They laid there wrapped up in the hammock on the front deck of the lake house they rented every summer, enjoying the lazy day. He closed his eyes again, relaxing now that Danny was holding him and protecting him.
Sam smiled when he felt another kiss being planted on his cheek, just an inch shy of his mouth. He turned and rubbed his nose against Danny's stubble, murmuring something about waterfalls that Danny couldn't quite decipher.
They let the gentle motion of the wind funneled through the mountain valleys rock them back to sleep, snoring together in the afternoon sunlight. Whether in sleep or death or and waking, their love bound them together. Nothing could ever separate them; them they were one eternal being. All that was left was an intentional kiss to seal the deal.
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