#what do u mean this isn't how the episode ended????
fatherofmachine · 2 years
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@anurbanlcgend​​ | DEAD RECKONING.
   Blue eyes fixed upon the computer screen,  his mind racing to find a way around  the encryption,  around the virus to find a way through—–but he already knew that a large piece of his own coded virus lay buried beneath.  Dormant for the time being,  but crafted and planted three years ago to set The Machine free from its binding … so it could save itself.  Harold would still attempt  to stop it,  if possible,  but in the event that he could not … he had a plan.  A plan that he likely wouldn’t share with John,  not yet.  For,  he still didn’t know that it was Harold’s fault  that John had almost gotten killed,  that he’d almost had to kill Miss Stanton … his fault that she’d come after John and almost blew him to pieces had Harold not gotten there in time to disarm the bomb vest.
   A few seconds after Harold finished explaining what he’d found ( that the virus would come online five months from now,  but that was all he’d gotten so far ),  he stiffly rose from his chair and limped his way around the table, reaching to gather two folders stacked atop one another.  His intention had been to retrieve the taped pictures of agent Stanton and Snow from the board,  to put them back within their designated folders since they’d received their new number.  But then—
  ( ❛Finch … ?   Thank you.❜ )
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   Explanation,  context … none was necessary for Harold to know exactly what it is John was thanking him for.  Brows lifted as he turned to look up,  facing his friend,  his partner.  He felt the shift in their relationship so acutely  in that moment and with the intensity of John’s gaze,  a sudden wave of emotion  encompassed him almost entirely.  Harold’s gaze lowered briefly,  tongue swiping over thin lips before he offered a reply,  quietly  but with a great deal of softness,  of vulnerability,
    ❝Of the many things I am fully equip to handle,  Mr. Reese …. I’m afraid losing  you is not one of them. ❞
   After a moment, a smile pulled at the corners of John’s mouth,  soft  but with the familiar, nearly invisible touches of sadness at the edges—–the pure happiness of it,  albeit,  out shined it all.  Lashes swept downward as John lowered his gaze,  lips parting as if he’d planned to speak,  but … words seemed to fail him.  Instead, a soft breath escaped him and all  of it left Harold’s chest aching with fondness. 
   Their eyes met once again and John’s left hand lifted  to rest against the back of Harold’s neck  ( a way he knew  was John’s way of preventing his injuries from hurting him further ) whilst he moved in closer.  Ducking his head,  John captured his friends’ mouth with his own,  albeit somewhat hesitantly ;  Harold eased  into the kiss,  fingers lifting to brush against John’s jaw and  he was abruptly overwhelmed with how truly desperately  relieved he was to have John Reese back home,  safe and sound.
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ivystoryweaver · 9 months
im so interested in what u think the moon boys would be like as dads???
Ohhhhh, this is gonna hurt my heart. In a good way. I have a lot of feelings about Moon Dads and I've not yet written fics about it so yeah...
I'm gonna jump right in with Marc.
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I think if Marc had a child, he would be all in: attentive, tender, affectionate.
I don't actually believe Marc would be afraid of parenting. I know that can be a popular hc/fic plot and I totally understand why, and love reading those.
But I think Marc would be one of those people that would try to do the opposite of what was done to him. Example: his parents were married and that went well... (sarcasm)
Yet Marc got married. He and Layla were together for years and, according to her, had "adventures together", meaning they worked as a (likely successful) team. Marc bailed on Layla once his mom passed and he could no longer control or hide his disassociations (plus Khonshu's threats for Layla to be his next avatar).
Point being: Marc did get married and seemed pretty successful at it, for the most part.
Marc is in charge of bath time. This includes little toy boats, fish that squirt water, bubbles. He's going to wash their hair, or whatever hair needs they have, depending on race and hair types. If it is a hair type he isn't as familiar with, he is going to be talking to his partner, looking up vids, whatever it takes. Touch is going to be so important to him. He is the dad who will know how to do french braids or styles for textured hair.
He's never going to react in anger. If he is angry, he's going to hand the reins to Steven or sometimes Jake (if he is able, it's obviously not a parlor trick), or he will just say to his little one, "Daddy is going to take a time out. I'll be back in a minute and we can have a talk." The idea of putting himself in time out is so endearing to his child that they end up calming from whatever misbehavior they were attempting, wanting to join him in the corner for time out, touching a plushie or reading a book in his lap.
They learn very young that their father's expressions can be stern but his hands are safe. They will not want to disappoint him.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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Steven can converse naturally with children, this we see in the first episode. Steven's open, engaging nature is great for children. His own childlike wonder will shine in fatherhood. He was also able to quickly redirect the behavior of the girl who was littering at the museum. So a spunky child in a doctor's office waiting room will be easily wrangled by a distracting toy, quick game or wonderful story.
Steven is your go-to guy for bedtime stories. With a young child, Steven will share how wondrous the world around them is. He'll always have a anecdote or a fun fact for tweens or teens.
He will offer choices. "Do you want to put on 'jammies now or after a story?" "Do you want to help Dad set the table or feed the cat?" Steven has lacked agency in his life, so he is going to give it to his child. He will teach them to speak up for their needs.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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Jake is going to be such a little shit as a dad. I'm sorry but there is no nicer way to say it lol. Jake's used to operating in the background and he's a night owl. He's the fun dad. He's the "don't tell mom" dad (or don't tell dad, dad). Kid wants stay up 15 extra minutes? It's Jake that's gonna sneak them some of the popcorn he popped after they were supposed to be asleep. As a partner, you'd find your little one on Jake's knee in the most comfy chair, watching the Yankees play baseball.
You give them The Look™ and they know they are busted. They exchange guilty glances and then Jake starts repeating words in Spanish. Baseball, Popcorn, very good! If you are already all Spanish speakers then Jake pretends to be practicing in both Spanish and English.
Either way, he and his little twin, with their adorable curls, give you shit eating grins.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Moon Knight Masterlist
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diazsdimples · 2 months
What do u say about these supposed hard core fans that are shipping buck Tommy? They gonna make the writers keep that homophobe around 😰
I am entirely the wrong person to ask about this.
Firstly, I ship Bucktommy AND Buddie. And this is possible! You are allowed to see Buck be happy with a man for the first time (how fucking good!!) but also wish upon the nearest star that he ends up with Eddie in the end. I truly believe Buddie is endgame but at the moment, I am more delighted at the fact that Buck is happy, with a man, experiencing a positive queer relationship.
The reason I ship Bucktommy is because look! at! how! happy! this! boy! is!!! I will ship ANY person that makes my little blorbo as happy and blushy and giggly as Evan Buckley is when he's with Tommy Kinard. He is SMITTEN. Do I think they're endgame? Not at the moment, no. Would I be upset if they were? I'd mourn the fuck out of Buddie, but I would be glad that Buck is finally happy and comfortable in a relationship. His happiness is paramount.
For the reasons why Buck's bisexual arc is more important than a ship, please read this post. It talks about the importance of representation in current media, and my own experiences of coming to terms with my bisexuality just before this arc was aired. What we're seeing with Buck's story is revolutionary, really. We haven't seen this kind of thing happen in media much at all and it is so important to show.
For any issues regarding Tommy, please read this post by the lovely @slightlyobsessedwitheverything. They beautifully go through all his appearances and break them down for us and I would urge you to read it with an open mind.
Now, about Eddie. I am an Eddie girlie (gn) through and through. That is my babygirl and I adore him with every fibre of my being. I would love nothing more than to see him go through a queer arc. However, right now, Eddie is not in the place to do so. We saw from the last episode that he's an untapped reservoir of Catholic guilt, and it's gonna take a lot to work through that, before he can have any kind of realisation re: Buck. He's very much in his comphet days but is starting to take some steps towards undoing some of his old habits, like getting Marisol to move out when he realises they're moving too fast.
With this in mind, I think it would be too rushed and too early for Buddie to get together right now. Yeah they've had many seasons of being married and living out of one another's pockets but given the stages of life they are both in, I feel it wouldn't end as well as we'd like it to. Eddie isn't in the right place for it. Buck is exploring his sexuality. They need time to learn and grow and do some serious thinking and realising before they can even begin to contemplate a relationship together.
Regarding the "homophobe", I am assuming this is referring to Edy Ganem and not Lou Ferrigno Jr. I would like it noted for the record that I cannot stand Edy and therefore cannot stand Marisol. If Meddie were to be endgame, I'd fume. They have no chemistry. They do not suit one another. And I don't believe Edy should be given a platform to spread her hateful rhetoric, and I hope the last we see of her is 7x07. I'm a little mad it wasn't 7x05 but there we go.
However, Tommy and Buck's storyline and Eddie and Marisol's storyline are entirely separate. The only thing that links them are Buck and Eddie, and their friendship. I don't believe that Tommy's existence means Marisol is going to stick around and I find it a little odd that you do. Buck can and has had relationships that aren't Eddie. Eddie can and has had relationships that aren't Buck. Buck being in a relationship does not mean Eddie will also be in one. Tommy's existence does not confirm Marisol's continued existence.
My current best case scenario is Eddie being single by the end of 7x07 (please god), and Buck and Tommy continuing their relationship, so Buck has the opportunity to learn and experience same-sex relationships while Eddie has the time to deconstruct his true feelings, get therapy, work through 30+ years of repression, and then they'll be ready.
Best case scenario, sometime towards the end of s7 or beginning of s8, Buck and Tommy decide that they both want different things out of life, have an amicable split that doesn't leave either of them hurt, Tommy sticks around as a recurring character because he's ingrained in the 118 again, Eddie's doing his therapy thing and then maybe mid s8 him and Buck can start coming to some realisations with a potential for Buddie moments towards the end of s8. Honestly anything else would seem too rushed.
The final point I'd like to make is that I find it extremely odd that you call people who ship Bucktommy "supposed hardcore fans". Shipping anything other than Buddie doesn't make you any less of a fan. Actually, I'd argue it shows a bit more commitment to the characters as you're willing to be open to them growing as humans and expanding on the personalities that we love. If Buddie is the only reason you watch the show, I feel you should re-evaluate your motivation. This show has so many great ships, such as Bathena, Henren and Madney, as well as Buddie and Bucktommy, and considering this is an ensemble show, we should show all of them as much love as the other. These characters are so intertwined with one another and that's what makes this show so worth watching. Watching for 2 characters and 2 characters only is not getting the full enjoyment out of it.
I hope this answered your questions and gave you something to reflect on. As I say, I'm not the right person to ask about this as I too ship Bucktommy, currently have 2 Bucktommy fics in my drafts and watch them kiss at least 10 times a day. And for future reference, I will be unfollowing/blocking people who throw tantrums about not getting Buddie so far, or who believe you can only ship Buddie and feel superior for doing so. Have a good rest of your day.
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watchyourbuck · 2 months
The problem isn't multishipping, the problem is that if everyone hypes tuck up, they're not going to do buddie bc then they'll argue they've fulfilled the fandoms need. I get it, I do, but I don't agree with u and I just need ppl to understand why it's a problem. I know it's shipping and I know it's for fun but actions have consequences and I feel like people don't know what they're doing and clearly have no idea how hard we fought to even get bi buck.... That's all. But is OK if u don't agree with me too
Listen im gonna keep this short. There’s no way Buddie can get overridden by other ship, queer or straight. It’s too massive, too imposing. I mean take a look at the asks I get telling me to fuck off bc I even mentioned Tommy lmao.
Tim Minear knows what type of relationship we see between Buck and Eddie, and at the end of the day he’s the man running the show, not the actor, not the network, not even us.
They can’t throw them in a mixer and suddenly put them both as queer on the same episode, same day, same realization. They may not be real but they’re telling a story, and it has to be plausible. If you ask me I think eventually they’ll make it canon, today just feels different than the last six seasons.
Hyping bucktommy up won’t do much more than maybe keep the character around, or take longer or a different route in their relationship. Either way, love, canon bi Buck is a huge accomplishment, and right now that’s what we should focus on. It’s a huge win regardless of any ship.
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bucktheally · 15 days
do you have any wishes for any buck-centric storylines next season? I feel in desperate need of some proper buck whump, coz it feels like it’s been FOREVER. Like, I think the lightning was supposed to be that, but it kind of felt like it was as much about everyone else as it was buck, and then the whump that should’ve followed it never really turned into anything before being dropped for… Natalia?? I just need to see Buck terribly sad and/or injured next season and maybe that makes me evil, but I don’t care. Season four was so long ago! MAKE THAT MAN SAD 2025!!!
ohhhhh my god SO many wishes !!
the lightning strike was Such once-in-a-lifetime (literally lmao) whump potential and i def feel they didn't follow through after it tbh?? i loved the coma ep and the actual lightning plot, but then they turned it into a healing moment for his parents that didn't feel earned and then just wrapped it up in a plot w natalia that went nowhere, i didn't feel they actually capitalised on it?? i don't want buck to get hurt in a way that will take him out of the 118 for any length of time next season bc i do feel there will be a Lot of shenanigans with the team make-up, but i would definitely love to see what'd happen if he got hurt next season and had tommy to worry about him/have the team noticing how different it is now he's got tommy. like maddie trying to organise another look-after-buck rota like she did after the lightning but every time someone turns up tommy's already there and they're like maddie i don't think this is needed?? his big strong boyfriend is waiting on him hand and foot???
i'd obviously love to see more of him exploring life as a queer man, too!!! i think hoping for a pride ep is too much to ask for, altho something like the team responding to a regular call during pride (nothing majorly disastrous but like someone broke their ankle at a drag show or something trying to do a death drop lmao) and buck excitedly announcing to everyone that he'd be there if he wasn't on the clock!! bc he's bi!!! and just connecting wiht other queer ppl in any way really. in my dreams we get some kind of full plot related to him becoming more out-and-proud and figuring out what that means for him — i think this could work super well with a plot with hen where they do something like protest some anti-lgbtq policy within the department, or run an event for lgbtq firefighters or something. like u CANNOT tell me clipboard!buck wouldn't be alllll over becoming event-coordinator for the lgbtqia+ firefighter society or something lmaoo.
honestly there's SO MUCH i'd rlly love them to explore tho. other figures from his varied past before firefighting turning up! more nuanced exploration of his relationship w his parents that isn't just 'this is all fixed now bc they decided to care age 30 so i'm fine'. career stuff — i don't pretend to know how the lafd works but i hear there's some kind of leiutenant thing u can become that's a step above regular firefighter and he'd CRUSH that and we know he has the ambition of someday being a captain. him deciding to take steps towards that, or training in some kind of specific rescue technique, getting more uber-competent moments where he gets to run a scene on his own.
oh and i want an episode where him and tommy to run a rescue together and them both to be wildly attracted to how good their bf is at his job and then make out against a fire truck at the end
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apples4day · 2 months
BLAME || Yandere! TDWT x Fem! Reader
2/2 EPISODE TWO (Walk Like An Egyptian- Part 2)
This is part 4 of my series, go read the other parts if u haven’t!
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Your team was behind team Amazon, looking absolutely ridiculous all stacked up on one teeny tiny goat. They were struggling with making the camel go faster, you were struggling to trust Alejandro to not let you fall.
"We're gonna go win the race now, see ya!" Heather stuck her tongue out at us.
"Eat sand losers!" Courtney smiled.
"Such witty remarks from such fiercely intelligent women, I'm both humbled and intrigued." Alejandro complimented. Courtney shooed him,
"Nice try but I'm with Duncan."
"And what a pity it is that you should give yourself to a quitter, who doesn't deserve you."
Alejandro was moving a lot as he talked and you were starting to get even more nervous.
"That's not- Duncan is totally- uh- you're just...will someone hurry this camel up!" Courtney was at a loss for words.
"Oh he's good. Too good..seriously what is his deal? He is just so..perfect. Don't even get me started on Y/n. UGHH"
So that's his game plan? Flirting with every girl here? As expected from him. He's got the looks for it I'm not gonna lie. You thought, staring at his face.
"If you want you can take a picture," he suggested, winking.
"What? No. You have a bug on your face." You lied.
"Do I?" He smirked.
"Yes. Oh! Oops...you're the bug." You shrugged and he looked a little surprised.
I don't usually care when someone insults me...but that felt different. A lil peak into his thoughts 🤰
Man you suck at being nice, he's just so easy to be mean to. No matter how badly you want to win.
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed water. A big blue body of water. Tapping Alejandro softly on the head, you leaned in to whisper what you discovered.
"What? Do you want a kiss señorita?" He puckered up and you cringed. "No! Look, the Nile." You pointed out. He stopped and looked, smiling like he was the one who found it?? Narcissist. Man what a weirdo this guy is. You thought to yourself.
"Hold on everyone, I'm changing our route." He bucked his hips (Into me😈) in another direction and you grabbed his head. I will NOT die because I fell off a human tower. Especially because some guy moved his hips and I fell off his shoulder.
"Perhaps it would've been kind to show the girls team which way to go but you've seen my team, we need all the help we can get."
Alejandro crossed his arms.
"For some reason Y/n hasn't fallen for me. I think my best plan would be to get into an alliance with her. She isn't very social so I'll be her only option."
"There's the finish line!" Tyler pointed.
Crocodiles jumped out of the water, "flying abilities anyone?" You joked.
Chris said something you couldn't hear. Owen couldn't hear him either,
Chris kept speaking, Owen still couldn't hear. "Did you guys get any of that?"
Chris snapped his fingers and had a weird megaphone passed to him.
It was so loud that the wind got way stronger. Noah was almost blown away and had grabbed you for support. Everyone's eyes were wide open because of shock. Owen ducked and covered his head. You and Noah were basically cuddling.
There's that vanilla scent again. He thought, holding you.
Chris explained that we would have to make a boat blah blah blah.
You were a bit zoned out and only caught the last part of his sentence. Noah's hands around you were kinda the only thing you could think about, especially with your face pressed into his body. Finally zoning back in, you heard the last part of Chris' sentence. "Aka goat face over there!"
Tyler looked insulted, "hey!" You gently removed Noah from you and put your hand on Tylers shoulder, "I believe he meant the goat." You pointed to the goat. Tyler thanked you. "I'm surprised you can reach his shoulders," Noah said. He was basically making fun of you and your height. "I'm surprised you could reach the 6th grade, and I'm surprised you didn't get blown away by the wind." You retaliated. His face flushed.
"I'm the smartest person here. She doesn't know what she's talking about, she probably got held back."
He sighed.
"..she's amazing. I think my heart is gonna explode."
Chris continued explaining. "This is perfect!" Sierra seemed happy. Noah didn't,
"What? The fact that we're hosed?"
"I'm a fourth generation basket weaver!"
Owen cheered, "yeah!"
"We're gonna need a lot of reeds," Sierra rushed to start picking reeds. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other. "Hey Sierra, can you teach me?"
"Of course!"
You caught on pretty quickly. Alejandro noticed, "As expected from a fierce intelligent woman, fast learning." He placed his hands on his hips and smiled as you weaved the boat together with Sierra. "Ya sei tu plan, ya para de chamuyar." You looked up at him. (Translation- I already know your plan, stop sweet talking me/flirting.)
You were on your knees to weave the basket.
I quite like this angle. He thought, since he was looking down at you.
"¿Sabes español?" (Translation- you know Spanish?)
"No pendejo, estoy hablando portuguesa." You replied sarcastically. (Translation- No idiot/asshole, I'm speaking Portuguese.)
The team was looking at you guys. He continued anyways, even though it would raise suspicion. "Espera hasta que estamos solitos para hablar de..esto." (Translation- wait until we are alone to talk about..this.)
You nodded in agreement and kept weaving. Noah gave you a look, and you simply smiled innocently at him. He swears his stomach flipped upside down when you looked at him. Team Amazon finally showed up.
"Basket weave a boat? UGHH" Heather complained. Sierra stopped weaving and got up to talk to team Amazon. You reached out to grab her but she had already walked away. "Sorry you guys are so far behind, our baskets nearly done already thanks to my speed weaving!"
This doesn't look good, you thought.
"Plus you got Owen on your team, lucky!" Izzy said.
"But you have Cody." Sierra ran to Cody, pressing him into her chest. He looked disgusted. "I know Cody, I wish we were on the same team too!" He looked miserable. "Uhh I have to do..something." He ran away as fast as possible. "Cody has been wanting a girl for awhile. Guess he just didn't want some crazy stalker," you said to Noah. Noah looked away, he couldn't handle looking at you for some reason. It was all odd to him, he wasn't the type to like a girl like this or at least this badly.
You didn't notice his pink cheeks, all because you started a conversation with him just now. "Aww you guys are so cute together!" Izzy referred to Sierra and Cody. Noah wished she meant you and him. "Maybe we could swap teams?" Sierra made a hand gesture, Heather considered it.
"Trade a basket case for a basket weaver? Fine! Sierra, you're with us. Izzy..go play with the boys!" Heather shooed. "Do I look like a boy to you?" You rolled your eyes. Heather waved at you, still trying to make an alliance. "What?!" Alejandro looked mad about the swap.
Sierra began building their boat even quicker. Probably for Cody. Team Amazon laughed at Heather thinking she was the boss. You giggled too. Noah kept staring at you and then turning away when you went to look at him. Alejandro was still stuck on the swap, "where's Chris? He won't allow this."
Chris pulled up on a boat. Sierra immediately went to sweet talk him. "Did somebody-" Chris was cut off by Sierra hugging his feet. "Todays officially the best day of my life! So I really hope you allow us to swap. But of course you'll make the best decision cause you're the best decider ever!!"
"And that's why I'm going to allow it!"
"Smiley face!! Ahhh!!"
Chris waved goodbye and you gave him the most betrayed look ever. His smile dropped for some reason at that. The boat pulled away, and he stared at you as he went back to the other side. "As you wish.." Alejandro was defeated. Heather stuck her tongue out at him and he blew her a kiss. You rolled your eyes and bit your lip, trying not to say something.
Sierra already finished, even putting a hut on the boat. Your team complained and you stood up, crossing your arms. "I hope their boat sinks or that the camel refuses to get in." You mumbled, your team heard anyways and Noah chuckled, so did Izzy. "Don't give up! We still have a shot!"
"Al's right! Thanks Al."
You saw Alejandro shiver at that nickname and decided to get in a bit of teasing. You walked over to him, leaning down a bit because he was on one knee. "You cold? Why are you shivering?" You teased, getting even closer. "Uh..yes. It's cold in here." Noah glanced over, "dude it's the fucking desert. Y/n don't get too close to him, you might catch a disease." You giggled. Alejandro glared at Noah.
"So you're cold?" You touched his forehead with the back of your hand. "Don't feel cold...maybe you should let us all know what you like to be called." You continued teasing, walking back to Noah. Noah almost looked like he was gonna grab your wrist to get you away from Alejandro. Meanwhile Alejandro still looked traumatized from being called Al. He also looked like he was gonna strangle Noah.
"I have no problem being called..Al." He shivered again. "Uhhh that wasn't- it's just- chilly..in here." He shivered again but it was fake this time. He looked around.
"Also that Noah kid..he needs to back off. From me and Y/n, he's like her dog and this is only the second episode."
(Alejandro doesn't know I'm about to make him the same way😭🙏)
Team victory finally arrived and team Amazon was struggling to get their camel in the boat. "Izzy! Tell Ruby to get in the boat." Izzy began speaking to the goat at the command of Courtney. "Woahhh woah, Izzy's on our team now. Not yours." Noah stated. You touched Izzy's curly ginger hair for a moment in awe and then spoke, "not a word pretty lady." You found her pretty, so why not call her pretty? Though you might look a bit lesbian, which you are, it doesn't matter. (Y/n is bisexual by the way, js a reminder)
"Ooh fun!" Izzy treated it like a game. "Fine! We'll do it ourselves. C'mon." Courtney said. They struggled with the camel. The boat was finally finished, the back looking a bit wonky since it was done by everyone but Sierra. "It floats! Awesome!" Owen cheered. Alejandro whistled to the goat, which immediately ran to his arms.
Team victory also finished building. You were rowing behind Noah, and in front of Alejandro and his weird goat. "We're gonna win fair and square..but to make sure you believe that..talk to the camel." Alejandro gave Izzy the go to talk to the camel. You spoke up, "what? No! Don't do it Izzy. Are you trying to make us lose Alejandro?"
Alejandro looked down at you, "we won't. And if we do lose because of me, you can sleep on me in economy." You grimaced, "like I'd wanna." Alejandro nodded at Izzy to continue. She started talking to the camel who immediately got in team amazons boat after she told it to.
The musical bell went off. "Time for a musical reprise!"
Everybody groaned. "Hey! If you'd finished the song the first time you wouldn't be here now, Zeke! Start singing. And put your backs into it." Chris looked like he enjoyed everyone's misery. He definitely did.
Pick or make your own part again 🤷‍♀️
Team Amazon passed you guys, as you said they would. So your team got second and team victory got last. "Congrats! You're alive. And as long as you all brought your rewards across the finish line, there will be no eliminations tonight." Most people cheered at the news, you were too busy glaring at Alejandro.
"I lost the stick..heh." Ezekiel said, his whole team looked at him in anger. Chris chuckled. "Sucks to be you."
"Losing Sierra to Heather? Ehh tragic. But I still have the upper hand, the president of Cody's fan club doesn't know a thing about me. No one does, and I intend to keep it that way. Compared to me, Heathers a saint. Well...I guess Y/n thinks she has me figured out. She doesn't even know a quarter of it though."
"Y/n is...a valuable asset. Noah keeps getting in my way though."
You were pissed sitting in economy. You were sitting in between Noah and Alejandro. "So? What do you have to say? I literally told you not to let Izzy talk to the camel! You didn't listen." You complained, leaning back. "Now we're stuck on this stupid wooden bench in this very sketchy area of the plane." Alejandro only looked at you as you ranted about his mistake. "I apologize cariño, I'll make it up to you," he grabbed your hand, attempting to kiss it.
Noah scoffed, "quit it Prince Charming." He grabbed your wrist, pulling it away from Alejandro's grasp. "That's no way to grab a lady." Alejandro said.
"Suck it," you scooted away from Alejandro. "I'd take his touch over yours any day, Al." You taunted, using the name he oh so hated against him. He shivered.
"Necesitemos hablar, sígueme. Y por favor, para de usar ese nombre." Alejandro said, standing up and walking into the confessional. He wanted the world to see how he made you his puppet. (Translation- we need to talk, follow me. And please stop using that name.)
But something is making him wanna make you more than just a puppet. Make you his.
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NOT proofread.
Part 5 ALREADY out
As I said in earlier chapters, Y/n is hinted to be short.
Alsooo my Spanish is Argentinian and Mexican..as I am Argentinian and Mexican so don't say anything🤷‍♀️
Part five⬇️
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kandyzee · 3 months
So gonna be ranting about this mf on twitter
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Major Ian gallagher defence coming.
OKAH FIRST Ian 100% deserves mickey the same way mickey deserves Ian. When mickey is first introduced he is a homophobic closet case with no support system by the end of the show he is happily married to his fucking high-school sweetheart with his own apartment in a nice area and he has his own business. HE HAS ALL OF THAT BECAUSE OF IAN. Ian became mickeys support system and was always pushing him to become a better person. He shows mickey that he's not 'fucked for life' and he trys his hardest to protect him. Even if the way Ian did it , he got mickey to come out. Mickey needed that push. U think he would have come out if he didn't have someone he loves telling him to?
Now the cheating. The only time Ian cheats on mickey is during his manic episode in s4/5 AND HE GOT HELP AFTER. It's crazy to me that people don't think Ian regrets that and seriously use it as a reason to hate Ian. U better hate fiona and Debbie and Lip too. Yk what better hate mickey too cause he did have a wife and boyfriend (this is a joke don't kill me)
Ian not signing the marriage papers is upsetting but it's not hard to understand why he did it. Ian grew up around frank and Monica , his main representation of marriage is an absolute shit show. He's scared of turning his relationship with the man he loves into that. This is an expected fear from Ian given his worries about being like his mum. He doesn't want to complicate things. And he talks to mickey about this. Ian not signing isn't him being horrible it's his way of trying to protect mickey from himself because he loves mick.
And Ian is always trying to protect mickey, he backs him up in fights, when mickey breaks out of prison he doesn't go to the cops, he breaks up with mickey when he thinks their relationship is hurting him, he tells lip "hit my husband again and I'll fucking kill you". CLEARLY PROTECTIVE.
I don't have ss but mf was also like "Ian laughs at mickey being raped" so talking about that now.
The first time Ian "laughs at him" is in s3 when he tries to talk to mickey right after it happens. I don't think it takes a genius to know that Ian was trying to lighten the mood, not laugh AT mickey. He was also traumatised when Terry catching them happened. He laughs nervously because he has no clue how to navigate a situation like that at such a young age. He's a child making a badly timed, uncomfortable joke because he watched something terrible happen.
The second time Ian does this is with Caleb. During his relationship with caleb, Ian tries to convince himself that mickey was bad for him a few times. Making yourself hate someone is a lot easier than accepting the fact that they are gone. He shouldn't be telling someone he basically just met about that, but in his defence, he's talking about something he probably feels happened to him as well. Ian is affected by all that happened with mickey, and it makes sense that he tells people. In the same way, it would make sense for svetlana to tell people about the day it does for Ian too. All 3 are victims of Terry. Ian also has people telling him how bad mickey is all the time (mainly fiona tbh what if her problem with the milkovichs ) so he's trying to believe that, a easy way to do that is get validation from someone who hasn't been been around mickey. Caleb has never met mick, he has no reason to try defend him. I also don't really think what Ian was saying was making fun of mickey, it's not nice but yk?
This is getting long omg
On him being ugly
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Cameron monaghan is GORGEOUS. He is the definition of cutie pie AND fine as fuck.
When mickey punches Ian because he didn't sign the marriage papers, HE DID NOT HAVE IT COMING. No one deserves to be hit by their partner. I mean, Jesus crist mickey literally broke his leg. His is probably the worst aspect of their relationship by that I mean the violence. A lot of it is playful, but it's not always healthy. Mickey was understandably upset but he shouldn't have hit Ian.
Okayyy now the hall of shame stuff. To me, that shit doesn't count cause Ian and mickey both act kinda out of character. I really don't like Ian saying that, and he shouldn't, but it's hardly a reason for Ian not to deserve mick. 87% is still the majority of his heart, and Ian wasn't saying he doesn't love mickey. Also acting like mickey hasn't said worst things.
"Ur nothing but a warm mouth to me"
"better than going off and having another bipolar episode"
LAST THING. Yes, mickey sacrifices a lot for Ian, like when he goes to prison for him, but not everyone shows love through large reckless actions. You shouldn't expect Ian to give things up to prove he loves mickey. Sacrifice isn't the only way to show affection. U can do it through words or gifts or quality time. Ian shows his love a lot through words, like when he tells mickey, "we have nothing to be ashamed of" early as s2. He makes him feel better when mickey is scared he would be a bad dad.
Ian gallagher haters are DUMB . Some people shouldn't be allowed to watch shameless cause how can u be so small-minded. People who say 1 of them doesn't deserve the other are just aggravating. Gallavich has a lot of ups and downs, and its part of what makes them so appealing. Despite all the bad things they go through, they always love and fight for each other.
Rant over
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n-fblog · 7 months
Reo, Nagi, and Differences from the Main Manga
Thoughts from Episode: Nagi, chapter 17
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This chapter was kind of needed for him to "abandon" his ego of becoming the best with Nagi (and we can see it sort of fading in the textbox) -- and simultaneously get rid of that growing attachment he has to Nagi. Really sad to see him say, "thank you" as if he doesn't even have the strength to break them apart himself (and he didn't)
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The chameleon makes its first chronological appearance so we can clearly see him start to 'adapt' his thinking and playing even though it's not fully fleshed out yet, which is exciting! I wasn't sure if that was something he made up with Shidou before, but it's hilarious to know it all started with Nagi, AGAIN. Or maybe this is the manga trying to convey that he's changing himself to help Nagi walk away lol
His inferiority complex with Nagi makes itself kind of known here, with the monologue- "Those are the words *I* wanted to say,," but was unable to...
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Somehow, Nagi being able to encourage Reo makes him the stronger one mentally -- which is tough for someone who subconsciously already thinks he can't go very far without Nagi skill-wise.
Poor guy... and he still has so far to go before he starts to think he can fight on his own.
Man, this chapter pretty much confirms that their mischaracterization and miscommunication goes both ways lol. Nagi spitefully admonishes that he isn't Reo's 'toy' when Reo flips from "wanting to be the best" to "wanting to stay together"-- These guys have such a hard time acknowledging their friendship outside of football, it's actually painful.
I can't tell if he made any sort of connection betweey 'toy' and being Reo's 'treasure'. But that's almost definitely a metaphor on Reo's part. What a lot of people misuse is that Reo calls Nagi his 'treasured possession' when I really, truly don't think he meant viewing Nagi as a literal object. But how else do you expect a rich boy who's only been shown love through material things to describe something he values? *(see tags for a rant on this lol)
I do wish we'd gotten more insight into how he felt when he heard what Reo said in the moment, but this chapter was already long as it is. I do think Nagi's expressions sort of speak for themselves.
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I mean, he straight up looks like he's about to cry here. 
I would argue that part of Nagi's promise to 'stay together' during the entrance actually includes 'believing in each other' like he says here:
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 And if that's the case, then what did Reo's claim of abandonment mean to him? Was it that Reo didn't believe in Nagi's newfound drive to win? Or was he mad that Reo didn't believe in himself? I think it's a bit of both, but I really want to see more thoughts in the manga or from the fandom
Blue Lock vs. Episode: Nagi
So... Nagi definitely seems more angry in this chapter, right? When you revisit Ch. 76, you can see that Nagi is a lot more apologetic towards Reo
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( Here you see him lament not growing alongside Reo, but fired up and excited to work with Isagi)
vs. what we saw this chapter
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(Nagi saying sorry and acknowledging he's changed, but looking less toward the future and more resisting the past)
Maybe this is just a difference in translations, but "I can't [am not able to] go back" feels a little different from "I won't go back" -- the former just feels like an admission (to Reo), while the latter feels a lot more confrontational, a downright refusal to go along with what Reo wants.
And that's fine, but it does reshape how I thought about Nagi, and I think it really emphasizes just how pissed he was at Reo by the end of 2nd Selection.
This reframes their interaction during U-20 tryouts for me. I originally thought it was mostly setting up Reo's chameleon style defense and Reo's internal conflict (which it is) but EpiNagi really just shows that Nagi also has a ways to go before they reunite in Manshine
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I think this could be the panel (from Ch. 107, 3rd Selection) where Nagi forgives Reo -- it's the point where Reo sort of shows he understands Nagi's drive to win, and that he doesn't value staying together over improving anymore. After that, they have no issues (in Nagi's eyes) so it was probably easy to imagine walking up to Reo during MC v BM and asking for his help ... but man, we still have a long way til then, and I can't wait for EpiNagi to probably prove me wrong :p
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aoki553 · 4 months
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GRGRGRGRG FINALLY AN OPPORTUNITY TO INFODUMP ABT HIM!!! tysm @makifishcake and prepare for a long ramble abt best boy ever (to me) and why saijun is real... let's start with an introduction to a canon crossover character only The Loser (me) cares about! this is gonna get messy in writing near the end cuz its like 3 am for me rn.
Kouno Jun is one of the two protagonists of Asou-sensei's older work, Our Hero Studies and is one of Haganeno Ken's students at Holy Lance Academy (a private school that either exists the same town as Saiki or some neighboring one)
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The only translated OHS chapters so far show us who Jun and Haganeno are as characters. Kouno Jun's a generic tsukkomi high school student with normal teenage boy interests and crushes... he's baby and a total boyfail.
Jun likes video games (Kaisou Monogatari, an in-universe franchise), ramen, melon soda and Yayumi - the class rep. Pretty normal dude that's just being constantly bothered by his classmates and the teacher he hates...
...and then there's Haganeno Ken - THE delusional cosplayer hero wannabe teacher with huge interest in roleplaying and RPG video games, who immediately takes a liking to Jun, mainly for his name (his name means shield, while Haganeno's mean sword. you see where i'm going?)
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most of the ohs panels will be machine translated cuz i have no strength or motivation to continue my actual translation work ngnhnh one day maybe... 😔
He may look like a generic high school shonen manga protagonist, but it's actually really charming to me how adorable he can be despite the boring presentation lolol HIS CRUSH ON YAYUMI IS SO CUTE UGHNHNH
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And yeah of course he shows up in Saiki bc WHY WOULDNT HE???
Asou-sensei put him there twice. In the Christmas chapter where he's walking with a girl (MOST LIKELY YAYUMI), sees Kusuo sitting alone and being like "haha that's so sad to be lonely on christmas lmao"... EXCEPT ITS HILARIOUS CUZ HE DOES THE SAME THING IN HIS OWN MANGA'S CHRISTMAS CHAPTER.
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and in the Hero Studies crossover chapter, right at the end as an unused character. (wouldn't make sense to have two tsukkomis there tbh so i get it lolol)
Same thing happens in the anime except Jun in the Christmas episode wasn't animated like he's an actual pre-existing character, except just a background character so he looks different but has the same jacket with his initials so its definitely him.
so here's all his screentime:
his terrible sense of style was referenced by Takeru at one point as well. yes, Jun dresses terrible and he has outfits much worse than this. hes a loser and i love him
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okay but what's with the saijun thing? orz
basically its a silly ship me and my lovely sweetest gf (@lu-kario ) came up with and it kinda stuck around. "omg haha what if the two protagonists from different manga dated" but yeah it became an actual thing with thought out scenarios between us.
Me saying it'd be like satousai but Kusuo finds someone "normal" with actual personality would be not giving this ship enough justice. I can't tell much rn cuz I forget 90% of the stuff i make up unless i write it down BUT all i'll say is that
I like to imagine Jun and Kusuo having a calm and nice relationship, lots of quality time spent playing video games or going out to get some ramen together. Kusuo gets to have someone more usual by his side and Jun isn't likely to be bothered by Ken when Kusuo is around (:3).
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and yeah, they do get another scene together in volume zero! how lovely! the christmas episode is also one of the reasons i find the ship cool but even despite the sillies having canon scenes and illustrations together i like it simply for fun.
canon crossover ships are cool and epic
my final words: go read ohs its fully in japanese online and 5 chapters are in english so far.
seriously go read it the fandom doesn't exist its really lonely.
and if you care abt our hero studies u can motivate me in the ask box, gimme a kick on the butt so i go and translate this work again after like a year or more of hiatus
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Round 1 Side A - Pair 1
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Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
-They‘re just so good for each other. Luka is such a calming presence in Marinette‘s chaotic life and helps her relax when she feels anxious and unsure of herself, always willing to be there for her and offer a helping hand during tough times. Marinette has a deep appreciation not only for Luka‘s ability to play music but also hear heart songs, as if she understood immediately what he meant after listening to him play for the first time. They feed off each other‘s creative energy and are just generally so wholesome together. I could talk about them forever, they make me so happy!!
-Luka is the best boy, and deserves love from the girl he adores
-I just woke up and am too lazy to think of words for my favorite couple so here's some gifs as propaganda
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Gif de ouiladybug
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Luka Couffaine/Sabrina Raincomprix
-Listen, Sabrina needs someone who treats her well, she needs someone who considers her an equal and someone to show her what real love is like. And I truly and honestly think that she would try her best to understand and appreciate Luka but who he really is (if she can see the good in Chloe she is capable of seeing a God when she meets one)
-Vote lukabrina people. We cant lose this!
-This is just unfair we need to help our girl out!
I'll start!
Item Number One: Viperhound Is S Tier
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This is the fucking duo right here, this is endlessly clever and positive tag team action, this is a pair who will NOT fail the mission alright?
They are designed so interestingly parallel and then put right next to each other in this sweeping shot of the new miraculous squad???
Like, am I supposed to not assume something about it??
Item Number Two: opposites contrast
Orange and Blue, extremely Sun and Moon energy, but I don't think that would make this ship sail smoothly. See, Luka likes being a moon. He is happy to support and enjoys being someone's shining beacon in the endless dark of night, and no one needs that kind of anchor to hold onto more than Sabrina right now. Sabrina cut ties with her best and only friend and while we see her hanging out with other classmates just fine, we don't really know how she is with being actual friends with people. I don't think anyone has tries to reach out to her since evillustrator and we saw in that episode how she approaches new potential connections. Overwhelmingly cheerful and warm and oppressively clingy, like a ray of sunlight that won't leave your eyesight on the hottest day of the year. She means well but, boy, she can be a lot. And more importantly, she needs to be the one helping because, what kind of friend is she if she isn't? Who is she if she's not doing everything for everybody else? It would, amusingly and annoyingly and endearingly, put her into conflict with Luka, who is similarly always pushing his own problems aside to help people with theirs. This would lead them into a loving rivalry of "take care of yourself" "no u" that goes both ways, a back and forth that ends with them reluctantly letting the other help them. And after so many years as someone's shadow, Sabrina deserves to have someone in her orbit, someone she shines a light on when he needs to be seen.
Item Number Three: YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE
Look I'm SORRY okay, but I have to say this even tho I also think their ship got done dirty by the show, I still think they wouldn't have lasted. I think Marinette and Luka being "too easy" is exactly their problem, as even if they didn't have everything else to worry about Marinette needs complexity or she starts to lose her mind overthinking things and goes looking for it. The simple nature of her relationship with Luka is what 13 year old Marinette needed, the Marinette who wasn't Ladybug yet, who hadn't stood up to Chloe and maybe even just had her heart broken in a mean prank. It makes sense she'd fall in love with and gravitate towards this living embodiment of all the comfort and security she wished she had, she had desperately needed at that time. But that's just it, she needed it then. And now she can rely on herself a lot better, she has a whole support system to fall back on, and what she needs from a romantic partner is something else. But Sabrina? She's done horrible things in the name of her friendship with Chloe and even enjoyed some of them, but had finally hit her limit of how much abuse she can both dish out and take herself. Sabrina can definitely recognize that Luka is a good person, but more importantly Luka would have to actually try to sympathize with a person, rather than just immedietely like them. Lest we forget, Sabrina is the one who locked Juleka in the bathroom on picture day. Chloe told her to but Sabrina physically did it. Being confronted with someone who hurt his sister but is, herself, hurting, and is determined to help everyone but herself will be a lot of conflicting emotions for Luka, and Sabrina would need to get used to being the center of someone else's attention in a way not entirely dissimilar to how Chloe was for her, although significantly less codependent.
What makes Lukabrina interesting isn't that they're perfect for each other or that it's immedietly easy.
It's awkward and messy and they clash, they push each other out of their comfort zones and find a new one to settle in together.
It isn't instant or love at first sight, but by resolving their issues with each other through communication, honesty and trust, they are able to become a happy and wholesome couple.
Don't fucking tell me the odds lol, I know they're probably not winning but they deserve a fighting chance. So please feel free to add your own Lukabrina Viperhound propaganda!
Luka/Marinette - @mikoriin
Luka - Twitter @Karma_sensei_
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syerkrustydawgz · 11 months
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‼️SPOILERS (If you haven't watched Prime yet)‼️
Why were people so quick to call Nine a villain-- Sonic was unaware he had been 'using' Nine to get the shards back into place and had gotten agitated by the fact Nine had the last shard- (He also gets hissy fits and agitated when things stop going his way and very VERY impatient because he's desperate to fix what he broke and this only led to more damage) As someone once said, indirect positive manipulation. So much praise came out of Sonic's mouth and yet he failed to see that it was negative at the same time. It could be seen as pity, lying- all that junk.
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"Whoa Tails looks upset-" "Tails is never upset-"
Because he doesn't show it around people. As others say, he's supposed to be the 'smarty'. Tails never told anyone else but Sonic how he felt about things. He already has self doubt and compares himself to Sonic a lot anyways. (Frontiers) Whatever Sonic does, he does. Nine however, had all the little hints click as soon as Sonic opened his mouth at the end of the last episode.
Sonic has never told Nine the real reason behind collecting shards. Nine lashed out because Sonic can't stop seeing him as 'Tails', someone he isn't. I think it's so stupid and messed up to paint someone as a bad guy because they got their hopes up on having a literal person in their life only to be backstabbed. He's aware that he'll cease to exist if the shards are put back together, that's only one of the reasons he took the shards. I'd do the same if I knew everybody would 'die' just so someone's friends I'm compared to can exist again.
Nine didn't deserve what he had went through. He already got caught, almost got Sonic killed with Chaos Sonic, the Knuckles & Rouge of New Yoke don't even trust him because they misunderstood the reason for why he did what he did. This is the second time Nine has taken a shard and been labeled as a bad guy yet again because nobody understood how he felt-
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He literally and I mean literally got pissed at the sight of Tails and even mentioned it- 'I AM REAL- just not your real friend'
He is h u r t i n g- he is conflicted- he and I quote cannot trust anyone but himself-
It's so painful to see people see the points of interactions just to ignore it 😭
edit: I'm also gonna add this. At the beginning of prime when Sonic and Nine first met, Nine was not very trusting of him. In response to Nine's trauma he brings up how things were with him and Tails. This does not make Nine feel better, it's still Sonic believing Nine is Tails. Nine was led to believe that if Tails had a chance then maybe he did too, even if how they met was completely different and at the worst timings. This is why Nine feels constantly hurt whenever Sonic denies or compares him. Sonic never gets Nine's name right, he says "Tails Nine" and Nine has to constantly correct him. The fact he adds Tails only makes Nine more agitated.
He only wanted a clean slate because he believes that with Sonic his life could be better too. Just like Tails'. He wants what Tails has. He thinks he's better than Tails. But he is aware now that it won't happen because again, all he was to Sonic was 'Tails'. A Tails that needed to be 'guided' and put back in his 'place'.
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flightfoot · 16 days
Ur a pretty fair voice in my opinion when it comes to the whole mess in miraculous. Would you mind telling me what your favorite things are about Marinettes appreciation of Chat Noir in Canon? Not fanon, CANON.
I'm still grieving LadyNoir and recently I'm feelin very down in life in general and now I don't have my comfort show and ship anymore the way I used to love them for.
The way Marinette treats Chat Noir in and outta her transformation never stops hurting my poor broken LadyNoir heart n as much as I wished I could love the potential of her love for him as I once did, it just feels so paper thin and shallow to me now after everythin this show did.
The show is clearly trying to have her feelings for him be smth now, but for me it never seems to go beyond her infamous vague heart eyes the show likes to hav her throw around for damage control & surface level appreciation of his presence when she has to. But if you'd tell me that she still has no real feelings for him, I would believe u, cause he as a person doesn't truly matter at any given moment her words have to MEAN something more than a vague "<3" she's never asked to back up with anything worthwhile (srry, I know you've heard that complaint a million times before. It's at least comforting to know that others feel the same)
Wasn even her taking any interest in Chat for his person in the first quarter of season 5 only caused by Marinette wantin to proof Alya wrong and that her love for him instead of Adrien is real and valid? That's so disheartening...
Going through the tags isnt helping either, cuz most i find it is either much more fanon than Canon, or it's in line with Chat prrty much being her servant now instead of her finally giving care back
Idk, I hope I'm not bein too much of a downer. So imma get back to my question now. Maybe u can help me see Canon in better light again.
Could you tell me what you like most bout Marinettes and Ladybug's connection with Chat Noir? Things she does for him, what she values in him and so on and so forth?
I like the times we see her getting upset when Chat's hurt, or when she comforts him when he's clearly not feeling good. I adored how angry and upset she got in Timebreaker when Chat was "killed" in front of her for the first time, how she suddenly became more vicious. She doesn't want to lose him.
Or like, for times when she's comforted Chat, I adore how calmly and patiently she spoke to Chat in Reverser, after his courage was taken away, how she gently coaxed him where he needed to go. I took great solace in that, the first time I rewatched that episode, since I'd been exposed to a lot of Saltinette at the time, and I needed the reminder that Marinette does, in fact, care about people, even when it's inconvenient.
While I wish that Marinette had really thought through Chat's potential reaction to someone new showing up with her Miraculous without warning, I DID love that Marinette had this long list of protips. I especially liked this one:
Marinette: (v.o) Protip 33: When Cat Noir tells a joke, try to laugh at it even if it isn't funny. It makes him happy.
Even in episodes where I have a problem with the way Marinette conceives of Chat Noir, I generally still like elements of it. Like even in Ephemeral, while I think it was very, very wrong for her to try to trick Chat the way she did, she WAS doing it because she didn't want to risk Su-Han taking Chat's Miraculous from him. Or in Kuro Neko, when she didn't want to give the miraculous back to Plagg to give to Chat Noir, because she was afraid they'd end up back in this same situation, and she didn't want to keep hurting him.
At her core, Marinette cares about Chat's feelings and wants him to feel good, to be happy. The issue comes from her not seeing things from his perspective, from being terrible at reading him. Marinette has a lot of compassion towards Chat Noir, she just doesn't understand him.
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usi-thatdrawingguy · 22 days
A New Path Downwards
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Decided to make ep.6 ending scene a bit more dramatic LOL. ^u^
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Late night theorizing under the cut, lol.
The ending scene of Episode 6 of AR put me off a bit. What Petro says at the end of the episode really puzzles me.
When Mark was complaining about how he had to cover for a guard who left early, and intern make himself late to his own plans, Petro says that "it was nice of him" to do so.
It's innocuous, but it's out of place for me.
It's not the overall message that "this action shows Mark is an inherently kind and reliable person," but it's the specific word Petro uses to describe Mark and what he did.
"That was nice of you."
Why "nice"?
"Nice" here is a synonym/substitute for "Kind," as Mark is "having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature."
"Nice" is defined as being "pleasant, agreeable, or satisfactory."
When Petro says, "That was nice of you." He means that not only it was 'pleasant, agreeable, or satisfactory' of Mark to cover for the guard and sacrifice some of his time to do so, but that inturn makes Mark is a "pleasant, agreeable, or satisfactory' person for doing such.
It's not just a comment on Marks action, but a comment of his character as well.
The main difference between the words "nice" and "kind" is that "being kind" has a air of nobility and honorably. "Being nice" has a air of plesetry and preferablely.
Mark isn't noble or "kind" to Petro for his selfless action, He's preferable or "nice" to Petro for selfless his action.
It's a small difference in definition, but a big difference in implications.
Mark is obviously a pawn to Petro, but Petro going out of his way to "compliment" Mark is such subtle manipulation from him. Even Mark doesn't understand the underlying meaning Petro comment has.
This will inevitably lead to Petro's betrayal of Mark, obviously, but it's so interesting to see the first seeds of manipulation being sowed. Maybe, Petro can sucsseful manipulate Mark to come to his side and bring back the Dark Angel. This would just be the beginning point of such convincing.
Or I may be ENTIERLY wrong and Petro could just be trying to keep up aperances by seeming friendly. (Still manipulation so half a point for me. SCORE!!!!)
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swanchime · 9 months
disorganized untitled thesis on satosugu and the rest of jjk part 1/?
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while it is true i cannot clinically be Normal(TM) about satosugu for many reasons including the probable late adolescent involvement with a buddhist cult (Etcetc u can believe any wack shit i say or not or just take it for a Schizophrenic Comedy but you know you know), i am also overflowing with satosugu thoughts at any point in time.
gojo is what in my internal world would be classified as a "nonpareil" which means he is peerless, there is no one that can match him, and it's Not a good thing. as the english translation loves to say, "are you the strongest because you're gojo satoru? or are you gojo satoru because you're the strongest?"
what this means to me is that the entire structure of gojo's identity is composed of "being the strongest," so there's no clear casuative relationship between if he is the strongest because that's the most important thing to being "gojo satoru" or if he is known as, reputed as, identified as "gojo satoru" because of an innate trait he already possessed.
it's unclear if he "became" the strongest Because he is "gojo satoru" or if he "became" "gojo satoru" because he is the strongest.
regardless, gojo satoru's identity is defined by being "the strongest," and that means no one can match him, he is a nonpareil, he is peerless.
because of that it is easy for him to become an object of envy even by his best friend, who calls him by his first name with no honorifics, which is an immense position of intimacy despite their rivalry, as can be indicated in the early episodes of jjk s2.
just like. geto's relationship to gojo is defined by the insurmountable abyss that opens between them when they stop becoming "the strongest duo" and when gojo simply becomes "the strongest," without geto, without needing him anymore, without geto being able to catch up.
geto deeply resents gojo for gojo's peerlessness, the arrogance that befits him, because young gojo is better than everyone and he knows it. geto is incredible, but he can't catch up.
like in the first episodes of jjk s1, the difference between two special grades can be immense and immeasurable. like sukuna and that special grade curse from eps 4-5. both special grade, but two entirely different classes of it.
i'm overflowing with thoughts about how like, geto loves and hates gojo in equal measure. gojo shines so fucking brightly, geto can't help but to love him, who couldn't love him, and in my opinion, gojo Needs geto, otherwise without him...who could tolerate gojo?
if geto can't love him, who could?
without geto, gojo IS the strongest, but he is alone.
to be a nonpareil is to be alone.
no one can keep up with you, no one can match you, you are utterly isolated at the top of your field. without geto, gojo is just alone. what does it matter to be the strongest if you have no one to witness you, what does it matter if you are the strongest and untouchable, unloved, and desired, but only for your practical function, your usefulness in achieving others' ends.
it's hard to explain to someone who isn't fluent in japanese, but japanese is full of ambiguities, it is a language defined by ambiguities, whereas english is defined by its contrasts and strictures, its discrete categories as fundamental as classifying something as "good" or "evil," japanese culturally exists in the middle to the point of indecision and indifference but in the ambiguity there is truth in all its invariate complexity as well.
speaking japanese to children (who are simple, and straightforward, and direct, who speak casually and plainly on a linguistic level) versus speaking children to adults (who politely obscure through layers of courtesy and keigo) is two different worlds, and speaking to teenagers is navigating that ambiguity of "how much do I obscure? and how much do i reveal?"
and the SHEER INTIMACY of geto and gojo calling each other by their first names despite the friction between them, geto deeply resenting gojo's arrogance but also being drawn in irrevably by his magnitude...
it's immense.
geto and gojo calling each other by their first names means that they are each other's most precious person. as intimate as you can ever get with another human being. it's not just a "cute party trick" or a "fun fiction trope for couples" it's like, an extremely intimate way of defining their relationship (and subtextually defining it as one of deep, severe love that surpasses 'bromance' or however else you want to superficially and non homosexually categorize it) it just...
geto and gojo calling each other by their first names shows the viewer how much they love each other and are in love.
i'll talk about it another time, but jujutsu kaisen is a deeply encoded series about decrypting the cipher of "symbols" and various other coded messages, particularly queer ones, that are so deeply encrypted that shounen jump doesn't register it as "actually really fucking homosexual / transgender"
but just. i can't express to you how painful watching...geto's resentment, his desire to be as special and necessary and desirable and wanted instead of swallowing vomit stained rags and viscera and vermin, and feeling dirty because of it. and hating the world. and feeling deeply and intimately that you are an unnecessary existence, annihilated by the shining bright light of your best friend who you are deeply in love with but who without even blinking an eye outshines you, outclasses you, doesn't ever and may have never needed you at all.
these things...these deep held vulnerabilities and open wound of insecurities, this fundamental lack of security in the necessity of his own existence, imo calls back to okkotsu's themes of wishing to have the permission to live (i want to feel as though it is okay to live).
these things make geto vulnerable to cult tactics. who will convince you that you're special, necessary, more necessary than anyone, the way cults build a "family" out of it is too true, so true, too much, the way geto financially exploits his followers as well as manipulating advantage out of them (swallowing curses) while presenting himself as a buddha....
the way geto sincerely loves his family, so so much, he cares about them so deeply...but like gojo says love is the most perverse curse of all, and geto's love for them...who can say what it is, other than love.
the perversion of love is love, too.
the thing about "families" like geto's is that they are sincere, and real, and true, but you can't leave, you can never leave once you get in there, they won't let you leave alive, and that is the shape of geto's love, it requires absolute devotion to him and his curse, those girls he saved, mimiko and nanako, his daughters, say that "if geto-sama says black is white and white is black, then it is" because he saved them...
but geto requires complete and absolute conviction in himself and in his cause, and anything less will result in execution.
in such "factions," there is more loyalty than you will ever see in the world. but more blood, too. to be loved utterly and completely in a way that requires absolute devotion and conviction with no room for even a sliver of doubt. to be loved like that is a perversion, but to be loved like that is to be loved absolutely.
i have been loved like that, and i will never love or be loved like that again.
geto: won't you curse me a little, at the end?
gojo: love is the most perverse curse of all.
they love each other at the end, they still love each other, and in jjk0 when gojo is talking to yaga, he still calls geto "suguru," because gojo still loves him, and gojo says suguru is "his only best friend," it's so...it's so incredibly vivid, and painful, and damning.
gojo without suguru is absolutely alone. there is no one to match him, and there is no one to stay with him, be with him, there is no one to celebrate his successes or criticize his failures or play with him and let him be silly and coquettish, there is no one to be with him at all. gojo is LITERALLY untouchable, and the same is true on an emotional/metaphorical level too.
no one can touch gojo. no one.
this makes gojo...more isolated than any could know.
(laughing) it's lonely at the top.
suguru's era where he is a cultrunner is where kenjaku, who has been described to me as 'the ancient curse spirit of guanyin' i think begins to coalesce inside him.
suguru's entire thing with the stitches on his forehead and that image of him revealing the curse in his brain. that's literally just DID of kenjaku taking over the person that used to be geto. but i think kenjaku was there before, nascent. growing.
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jjk in many facets is a DID narrative. this is just the plain and simple truth regardless of if your belief follows mine or not. it is my truth, but i believe it is a textual truth as well. rika is okkotsu's alter; she protects okkotsu severely to the point she won't even let him commit suicide, she stops him, okkotsu created her, he is terrified of her but she protects him at all costs. okkotsu is a severe child on child violence victim.
and so in junpei, who dies because (imo) she can't form an alter, so she represents the child on child abuse victim who is groomed until death. my thesis on trans junpei and trans megumi coming later.
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and ofc yuuji and sukuna. yuuji who after eating sukuna's finger knocks on his head and says "yeah, but he's kind of annoying. i can hear his voice," and the implications that no one else can see sukuna's tattoos except the reader.
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if gojo, the strongest, with six eyes, can't tell the difference between a clearly inked out curse marked sukuna and yuuji who doesn't have any such thing, if he has to ask, then i think there's no stronger indicator of their difference other than visually, for the reader.
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not to mention that sukuna even in his mind palace looks identical to yuuji. if this were a typical "possession" narrative then why would he, in his literal "mind palace" (ryouiki tenkai / that space inside himself where he speaks to yuuji), like why would he independently of yuuji where he could look like anyone in the world. choose to look like slobbering ouppy dog boy silly yuuji.
sukuna IS yuuji, or who yuuji could be. or who exists, so yuuji can exist independently as he is, in all his naivete and instinctual dependence rather than on his mind (sukuna possesses all the cunning).
and sukuna even makes that deal in one of the early episodes where he can have five minutes to do what he wants / take over for five minutes, and then makes yuuji forget it, to the point gojo asks him what he talks about with sukuna, and yuuji says he forgot / can't remember.
DID amnesia.
and at the very last episode in the hallway where yuuji is talking to sukuna alone as though they have spoken together a thousand times. yuuji telling sukuna he can't tell megumi about the truth regarding the curses. that scene's framing just...suggests that yuuji has a lot of off-screen conversations with sukuna. that yuuji uncharacteristically somber and serious. collaborating with sukuna. as a part of him.
and that mahito arc, with mahito commenting on the way that yuuji and sukuna are two souls.
jujutsu kaisen is everything to me. i see it in some ways as a recounting / prediction of places have been in my mind / and places i will be. because i see it as a history so similar to mine, i see my own future in it. is this crazy? OF COURSE IT IS. but it is one of the most precious and sacred things to me.
but, believe me or not, these things and thoughts remain true regardless of the silence that awakens in the absence of belief, these thoughts are mine and the truth i see / seek in jujutsu kaisen...is my own path, my own journey, for me.
but i did want to share any thoughts...about the things i see/seek in jjk. just for myself. but if anyone wants to see, so be it, too. maybe it'll make you think regardless of if you agree.
i love jujutsu kaisen. i think in many ways...it saved my life. it still is saving my life.
i hope i can see it to its end.
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ice-sculptures · 11 months
Okay well I’ve already forced u to look at most of my pets so I’m kinda just gonna copy u…what r ur favorite buck and/or eddie quotes?? I can NEVER think of any when I’m making graphics and u remember the show so much better than I do LOLL
some off the top of my head:
"two cut lines" - like. okay. i still maintain that the rest of the firefam doesn't actually know how close buck & eddie are and definitely do not fully realize the extent of buck's role in the diazes' life, but one thing that the rest of them Do know is that buck would rather die than leave eddie behind and i love tht these three simple words encapsulate the strength of that undying devotion
"and that started with you. whatever happens to him next, you gave him that second chance. maybe that's the point." i will never ever ever ever ever ever be over this scene and how buck found the exact words to bring eddie back from the brink and show him that what he does matters, that there's still hope, that there are things worth living for and that he made a difference in someone's life. and i think that this right here is more than romance more than love this is just. soulmatism right here. i mean....to be seen to be found isn't that what we're all searching for?
AND ON THAT NOTE. BUCK. THERE'S NOBODY IN THIS WORLD THAT I TRUST WITH MY SON MORE THAN YOU. makes me fucking INSANE because what do you mean eddie forgave him instantly?? in any other show with any other pairing this would be a season long arc with the two of them tentatively reconciling at the very end of it all. anybody else would be (understandably, i might add) nervous to leave christopher with buck after what happened, but eddie forgave buck immediately. eddie, who adores chris with all of his heart and soul, who loves that boy more than anything else in this world, saw not that buck wasn't able to hold onto chris, but that he loved him enough to try. he didn't hold it against him for chris getting swept away, he only focused on the buck that spent all day bloody and bruised, searching for his heart. but more than anything, i think he saw all of that love and heartbreak and guilt and the self doubt that matches his own reflected in buck and decided to give his best, truest friend the chance that was never given to him 🥺😭
"comes in handy when you have a bunch of holes in the wall" i can't explain why i love this bit of casual reassurance so much but i just. i think it's so simple and so sweet and a testament to how they make each other feel so loved so easily :(
i don't remember the exact quote right now but do you remember that scene where eddie and hen are gossiping about hen's mom and eddie says that his abuela would love the tea bc she loves telenovelas and buck beams at him w the fondest grin ever and teases eddie about loving telenovelas too? i know they're soulmates and in love and all of that shit but they're also Best Friends and i love all these little reminders of how well they know each other and how much they genuinely like each other. also this being in the same episode as buck's look of complete confusion when his long term gf tells him she loves him was a Choice™️
"just gonna be you and me" from the LS crossover episode for no reason other than it was cute & i love buck's subsequent jealousy
"guess all that company must've wore you out" bc of the obvious Implications that maddie tried to rope eddie into her plan of sending buck visitors to cheer him up and eddie straight up said no because he knew that wasn't going to help. yet another one of the million examples of these two knowing exactly what the other person needs & also Being exactly what the other person needs
"three minutes and seventeen seconds" because what do you MEAN he knows the exact amount of time buck was dead for. what do you mean he counted the seconds that he lived in this world without his best friend, praying and begging that he could outrun the clock and he wouldn't reach the time that would make it permanent. what do you mean he memorized the amount of time and then he threw out that line so casually because he couldn't stand the way they were talking about buck's death as something fascinating instead of as the worst three minutes and seventeen seconds of eddie's life...
the one-two punch that is "you don't need to pretend with me" and "you don't have to be anything for anybody" because both of them have spent so much of their lives not feeling good enough and not truly living for themselves...and yet around each other they've never had to do that and are free to be nothing but themselves and still be loved not despite it, but for it.
and finally last but not least....the very thesis of their relationship: "you can have my back any day" / "yeah. or, you know, you could… you could have mine" because it's stayed true ever since the first day they met and will remain true for the rest of their lives. also i'll never stop thinking about how 911 straight up said "isn't that what we all want in a partner? knowing that they have your back?" in the season five finale and have shown time and again that buck and eddie have tried to accomplish this in their previous relationships but have only ever been able to have a full and true partnership with each other...yeah that shit will Haunt me forever
this is probably incomprehensible but my mind is running at a million miles an hour right now so i am not going to go back and edit it
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
Loving your seperated raph au so far! So if Raph wasn't around, Leo must be the leader up til now? How did that affect his personality?
Thanks so much! And I actually have several ideas for their dynamic without Raph that I've been exploring, so prepare for a long-winded rant because I have Too Many Thoughts
I've brainstormed a lot about how the leadership role would work with Raph out of the picture, and my consensus is that Leo isn't a full-fledged leader. Instead, he and Donnie accidentally end up as co-leaders!
And by "accidentally", I mean "Leo elects himself as leader but Donnie hates the idea of being ordered around by his slightly-older annoying twin so much that he turns it into a competition for the leadership role". Actually in this context, I'd call it more of a president/vice-president dynamic, with Leo taking charge more often and Donnie occasionally stepping up if he doesn't agree with a decision. Poor Mikey kinda ends up stuck in the middle of all this, lol.
Outside of leadership, Leo is definitely more responsible as the self-appointed oldest brother, but that responsibility is more spread out between him and his brothers than it is with canon Raph. My reasoning behind this is how he's just barely the eldest. The difference in age between him and Donnie is so small that his younger brothers feel more inclined to help him out. Overall, the trio is more mature than in canon, but not by much (this isn't one of those super serious AUs where it's all about survival and familial issues, trust me. they're still a bunch of gremlins that love each other and do as they please, they just. know how to do their chores now.)
Also side note, without Raph around to be the tank/shield that takes the big hits, the trio's missions default to stealth if they're unfamiliar with whoever they're facing. At least until they get a handle on their mystic weapons; after that they can go into fights guns-blazing in all of their unhinged glory >:] (and i'd say Donnie with his tech takes up the mantle as the "tank" of the group, i mean did u see the first episode's fight with draxum? he was the only one getting effective hits in)
Exploring their dynamic is gonna be fun, especially how Leo and Raph might clash about leadership once things start winding down and Raph is finding his place in the family. He'd definitely feel like he should be the protector, what with his size, strength, battle skills, street smarts, etc etc, but I imagine the trio would be hesitant about the idea. After all, they've survived just fine up until now. Sure, they've got a few extra scars they could've done without, but they're still kicking!
To sum it up, Leo and Donnie somewhat share leading the team while also competing to become the True Leader, then Raph comes along and unwittingly joins in on the competition while Mikey has to just Deal in the background. Wonder how long it'll take for Dr Delicate Touch to step in?
Anyways, rant over. I hope this answered your question! (and sorry if it's kinda rambly, my thoughts usually come out as word vomit and this is the first time i'm posting them publicly ('._.))
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