#what if it had six seasons
julietwiskey1 · 10 months
What if ATLA had 6 seasons, the War trilogy (books 1-3) and the Post-War trilogy (Books 4-6)?
This is a question that I think is harder then the four season question. Usually as a constraint I would want to keep the same tone and maturity level of the show. But I think an additional three seasons will need to be more mature and tackle more political questions that don’t quite fit the original show.
First three seasons are the same. Only major difference is we don’t need to speed run Zuko’s redemption at the end, we can start it and finish it in the fourth season. Then we mirror the last three seasons with the first, where it went water, Earth, Fire now it goes Fire, Earth, Water and we watch the gaang shrink down each season instead of grow.
I would start the season with a search for Ursa that fails. We see Zuko take charge as a leader and Azula’s uncertainty in the world and after her breakdown. Azula manages to give the group the slip at the end and head off on her own. Through out the season Zuko and the gaang face threats to the throne and the questions over the colonies and other conquered territory. Azula joins up with the bad guys and it’s a question of if she is truly with them. Half way through she is betrays them and saves Zuko and the gaang and rejoins the group as fully redeemed and accepted. Later half is her becoming friends with Ty Lee and Mai again. The season ends with them finding Ursa and the Fire Nation people staying behind as the gaang head to the Earth Kingdom, though they still show up for arcs and episodes in upcoming seasons.
Season five is earth and focused on Toph and Earth Kingdom politics. Toph is working towards teaching metal bending and opening up her own academy. They fight rouge Fire Nation units and the like. But also succession of Bumi’s rule of Omashu is explored and the Dai Li continued rule in Ba Sing Se. As inner turmoil still besets Ba Sing Se we see them try and help King Kuei become the leader he needs to be. Perhaps if we are feeling bold we can question the full extent of the White Lotus interest in the city and if it is for the good of the Earth Kingdom or self interest. Jet and the other freedom fighters make a return and can play the hero’s when the gaang needs them. The season ends with Toph going home, being accepted by her parents and opening up her academy where we say goodbye to her.
Season six, the final season, we are left with just Sokka, Katara, and Aang. With a focus split between Aang looking for his people and Sokka and Katara trying to restore theirs. We see Sokka become a strong leader and growing into his own and becoming ready to pick up the mantle of chief when his father is ready to move on, perhaps even taking it for awhile when his father is injured. Katara searches out for SWT bending texts and she takes up Hama as a master where we have a redemption arc for Hama (or better yet this is our first introduction to her character and other survivors of the death camps). Aang continues his search for his people with hints of them being out their but ever elusive. The climax for the season is the village being once again strong and they are able to resist an invasion by either Pirates or former Fire Navy, showing their renewed strength. But we have another episode to close off the show. Probably just an extended Iroh’s tea shop episode where we see everyone that we have been saying by to for the past three seasons one last time (happy Azula with her Mom!). For the very end we see Aang say goodbye to everyone leaving by himself only for the final shot to be of him finding a surviving Air Nomad.
Let me know what y’all think. This was just my first idea and playing with mirroring the first three seasons onto the past three seasons. Though their are probably better ways to tell a story. I’m particularly worried of not enough going on and cutting back the cast as we get closer to the end.
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zecoritheweirdone · 6 months
hehehehehhooo,, decided to draw some hermits as the mystery skulls animated gang!! why? uhhh mostly just 'cause.
special thanks to the ibaaf server for helping me pick the roles! gem is vivi,, false is arthur,, pearl is lewis,, and etho is mystery!!
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better pic of pearl under the cut, where you can how lazy i am,,ms ksmsksjs
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nounaarts · 1 year
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It's everybody's fav !!
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seagreenstardust · 5 months
I know I’m so lasered in on bkdk that I don’t often talk about togachako, but one of the things I’ve noticed this time around is how often Toga will lump Izuku and Ochako together when she’s talking about the people she loves. As far as Toga is concerned the two of them are interchangeable nearly from the beginning. If she means she loves Izuku romantically (as much as she’s able to understand it), then she’s also saying she loves Ochako romantically.
And it will never not floor me that Toga straight up compares Izuku and Ochako’s relationship to her own with Jin, then says immediately after how Jin was like a brother to her. In canon someone compared izu*cha to a sibling relationship. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the way bkdk and togachako are written feels incredibly intentional. If they haven’t been building up to an eventual canon ending then this is the cruelest longest running fake out of all time
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the saddest part of s5 of the 100 in my opinion is that everyone has obviously spent six years growing and moving on and some even healing - we see spacekru have grown into a family of sorts and all care for each other, and octavia has grown massively and taken up completely the role of leading wonkru - and clarke has stayed stagnant for six years. of course, she raised her daughter and she loved her and they nurtured their home together - but for six years, she waited and waited for bellamy and spacekru to come back down so that they could get the bunker door open and let humanity start again. and she didn’t even know for sure if they were alive up there. so it’s six years later, and spacekru are back on earth and wonkru are out of the bunker, but everything is different and she fits in nowhere and her home has been taken by prisioners and her own daughter is being used against her. and the sad thing is it was only natural - of course spacekru grew together in her absence and wonkru probably thought she was up there with them - but it’s so sad to see her trying to find her footing with these people again and push for peace after waiting for it for six long years, only to have every mistake she ever made thrown back in her face as she is called weak and then watch her home be blown to pieces after her daughter was shoved into a role of leadership that stole her childhood and ruined any chance of her ever being a kid, which is exactly what clarke was so afraid of.
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byfulcrums · 10 months
I wanted to talk about this because it's been on my mind since I finished season 4
The way peaches represent Sun Wukong and Macaque's relationship. When they're happy in Flower Fruit Mountain, just the two of them — no brotherhood, no Jade Emperor (along with the entirety of Heaven), no journey to the West —, Sun Wukong gives Macaque a peach.
It doesn't look like much. SWK eats peaches all the time and his mountain is filled with them (seriously, is that all he eats? He really, really really loves peaches, man. How does he not get tired of them? I'd get grossed out after the first few months), of course he'd give one to his best friend! His most loyal subject!
In this scene, they're comfortable with each other. SWK talks about how what he wants is to live a lazy life with him and his monkeys, just chilling and eating peaches and basking in the sun? I can't remember exactly what he said but the point is, that he wants things to stay like that forever. Just the two of them (along with a thousand monkeys), living happily in a mountain with SWK being strong enough to protect all of them
SWK gives Macaque a peach. Macaque accepts it; the peach is fine. They're good.
The next time we see one of them give the other a peach is during another flashback, the one where SWK and Macaque are talking while Sun Wukong is sealed under the mountain (the position he was in looked so uncomfortable? He wasn't laying on his belly with the mountain on his back, he looked like he was trying to run away before he got caught with the mountain on his back), and they are definitely not good then
Macaque offers Sun Wukong a peach (read; Macaque offers Sun Wukong a peach, when Wukong was the one to offer one to Macaque before. The sun gives the moon its light, but the moon can't offer anything to it in return) and Sun Wukong acts passive aggressive with him, leaving it clear that no, Mac, he doesn't want that fucking peach (well, maybe he does, but we'll get to that later)
They're both in the right here, but they're also both in the wrong. Macaque is right for being angry at Sun Wukong. If he hadn't followed Azure's plan (he [Azure] was so fucking grooming that monkey, what the fuck. Not sexual btw), the brotherhood would've been fine, and Sun Wukong wouldn't be trapped under the mountain. However, Sun Wukong is also allowed to be angry at Macaque; from his POV, Macaque ran away from the fight when he realized they were losing. Macaque pretty much abandoned him first. I'd be angry too, honestly
Macaque is wrong for telling Sun Wukong that he's the one that got himself in that mess when really, that was partly Azure's fault. Weren't it for him Sun Wukong apparently wouldn't have cared about Heaven, since unlike what happens in JTTW (haven't read it yet, pls tell me if I'm wrong!), all he wanted was to live a comfortable life and train his troops (Azure was the one who saw him first; he found this... child? And thought that yeah, he can use this. He put him in a pedestal and showered him in compliments he didn't deserve nor want. He manipulated him to get what he wanted; not a king, but a weapon)
Sun Wukong is in the wrong for treating Macaque like shit here too, since he literally warned him and again, he wasn't at fault. Neither of them were!
Back to the point — in this scene, when Sun Wukong rejects the peach, Macaque crushes it with his hand. Later, after Macaque leaves, Sun Wukong expresses how he actually really wanted that peach. Or, in other words, Macaque tries to offer Sun Wukong his support, his friendship, and when Sun Wukong rejects it, he gives up and destroys any way of getting back together; later, it is revealed that Sun Wukong didn't genuinely want to be left alone, and that he did still wish to be friends, in a way
This, we can say is the point where their relationship was broken. The peach is left on the floor, abandoned, and Sun Wukong with it. As far as we know, Macaque didn't come back after, and even if he did it's pretty obvious that wouldn't have gone very well
(Also, just to add, and you can skip this part if you want! When Macaque is looking at the memory, he looks kinda confused? Like he doesn't remember it happening that way. Maybe that's one of the LBD messed with when she brought him back, if she even was touching them. I'm not sure if that's canon, I forgot. Please tell me if you know?)
The next and last time one of them offers the other a peach it's, again, Sun Wukong to Macaque (it's almost like that's the way it's meant to be. Huh. Sun and moon indeed haha!)
They're in a beach again! Yay! Sun Wukong's (and possibly Macaque's later, if he gets a proper redemption arc) friends and family (MK and the gang, and also the DBK fam) are there too. Sun Wukong is watching them in the sun (lol) when Macaque goes and joins him. He doesn't even go there to annoy him and as far as we know he didn't even get an invite, so he really just went to the event to chill with SWK. During this whole scene, we can see that Macaque isn't interested in starting a fight (fucking finally, man), even if Sun Wukong does act kinda aggressive at first. Which, y'know. Fair
They're in a beach again. Presumably not the same one, but still a beach. They're back to the beginning, but not really, because they're both different people. They've changed, and their relationship(s) with them
This time, it's not an actual peach being offered. It's a peach popsicle. I don't know how to spell that. Sun Wukong offers it to Macaque, and Macaque looks surprised but eventually accepts it. He appears to be happy with this
This I believe represents how they're both willing to begin a new relationship (platonic, romantic or something else, see it as you want). A new relationship; a changed one
Sun Wukong doesn't give Macaque an actual peach, he gives him a peach popsicle. He's offering his friendship, an offering Macaque accepts, but it's not the same it was before, and it never will be. They know they'll never be the way they were in the past, and they accept it. Sun Wukong offers Macaque his friendship, telling him that it won't be the same, but that if they want to heal then they've got to accept that — and Macaque takes it. It's not the same, there are mistakes that can never be fixed and actions that can't be undone, but they're willing to start anew
It'll be different, but it could be even better if they try (if they fucking COMMUNICATE for once)
And the popsicle will eventually melt. They'll eventually fight again; they'll fall apart, and maybe get so angry at each other they'll refuse to talk to each other for a while (y'know how stubborn they can be), but (usually depending on where you live) popsicles can be surprisingly cheap!
If the popsicle melts, if they struggle, they'll just buy another one, they'll just keep trying
Now all we need is a scene where Sun Wukong (or Macaque, to show them as equals if not in power then in... y'know, their relationship? I'm not sure what the word would be) gives Macaque an actual peach to show how they're them again. Not the same, never the same, but still them
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curiositymemes · 6 months
taken from the 2023 album by noah kahan. trigger warnings for mental illness, trauma, medication, references to suicide, and the exquisite agony of life in rural new england. feel free to change wording and pronouns and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.
northern attitude.
how you been? 
you settled down?
you feelin’ right? 
you feelin’ proud?
you settle in to routine.
what does it mean? 
i’m not how you hoped.
you’re gettin’ lost.
scared to live, scared to die. 
you’re feelin’ lost.
stick season.
you must’ve had yourself a change of heart.
now i am stuck between my anger and the blame that i can’t face.
it’s half my fault, but i just like to play the victim. 
i’ll dream each night of some version of you that i might not have but i did not lose. 
i thought that if i piled something good on all my bad i could cancel out the darkness i inherited from dad. 
i miss the way you laugh.
you once called me forever now you still can’t call me back.
that’ll have to do.
my other half was you.
i hope this pain’s just passin’ through, but i doubt it. 
all my love.
how have things been?
well, love, now that you mention it.
i’m sayin’ too much, but you know how it gets out here.
now i know your name, but not who you are.
it’s all okay, there ain’t a drop of bad blood.
you got all my love.
if you need me, dear, i’m the same as i was.
what i’d give to have you out of me.
i still recall how the leather in your car feels.
and at the end of it all, i just hope that your scars heal.
i swear i was scared to death.
i smiled stupid the whole way home.
you said, ‘i’ll never let you go.’
she calls me back.
there was heaven in your eyes. 
everything’s alright.
look at me and don’t you lie.
don’t you hold your head up high.
for bullshit, i do not have time.
do you lie awake restless?
why am i so obsessive?
this town’s the same as you left it.
the radio is taunting me.
i don’t get much sleep most nights.
i’m seeing you in every dream.
if only i could fall asleep. 
i’ll love you when the oceans dry. 
i was too afraid of living life in your footsteps.
come over.
it was there when we got here, will be there when we leave.
you won’t have to guess who they’re speakin’ about.
i’m in the process of clearin’ out cobwebs. 
i was takin’ the wrong meds; feels good to be sad.
my house is just barely big enough for my family.
my mouth was designed for my foot to fit in it.
i promise you, darlin’.
you won’t ever go back.
i know that it ain’t much.
i know that it ain’t cool.
you don’t have to tell the other kids at school.
someday i’m gonna be somebody people want.
new perspective.
makin’ me nostalgic.
we were kids; but that don’t make this less hard.
if i could fly i doubt i’d even do it. 
i’d probably get high and crash or somethin’ stupid.
gave me your word.
i can’t pronounce it.
no thing so sure that i can’t learn to doubt it.
everywhere, everything.
would we survive in a horror movie?
we trust everyone we meet.
we’re littered with scars from our preteens.
i wanna love you ‘til we’re food for the worms to eat.
‘til our fingers decompose, keep my hand in yours. 
i know every route in this county.
maybe that ain’t such a bad thing.
i’ll tell you where not to speed.
it’s been a long year.
orange juice.
honey, come over.
it’s yours if you want it.
we’re just glad you could visit. 
feels like i’ve been ready for you to come home for so long.
i didn’t think to ask you where you’d gone. 
why’d you go?
my heart has changed and my soul has changed.
you just asked me to hold you.
it made you a stranger and it filled you with anger.
my life has changed.
the world has changed.
don’t you find it strange that you just went ahead and carried on?
are we all just pullin’ you down?
strawberry wine.
darling, speak to me.
don’t you say a word.
you thought you were cursed?
i’m in love with every song you’ve ever heard.
if i could lose you, i would.
all the time we used to have.
the things i miss but know are never coming back. 
no thing defines a man like love that makes him soft.
growing sideways.
finally found some middle ground.
i said, ‘i’m cured.’
i divvied up my anger into thirty separate parts.
i’m still angry at my parents for what their parents did to them.
it’s a start.
but i ignore things and i move sideways ‘til i forget what i felt in the first place.
i know there are worse ways to stay alive.
everyone’s growing and everyone’s healthy.
if my engine works perfect on empty, i guess i’ll drive. 
i forgot my medication, fell into a manic high.
now i’m sufferin’ in style.
why is pain so damn impatient? ain’t like it���s got a place to be.
if all my time was wasted, i don’t mind. 
i’ll watch it go.
it’s better to die numb than feel it all.
the dawn isn’t here, the sun hasn’t rose.
they got money to make and children back home.
i worry for you, you worry for me.
the bridges have long since been burnt. 
i’m leavin’ this town and i’m changin’ my address.
i know that you’ll come if you want.
i’m losin’ myself.
i’m seein’ my life on a screen.
i know that you fear that i’m wicked and weary.
i know that you’re fearin’ the end. 
i only tell the truth when i’m sure that i’m lyin’. 
are you bored yet?
the weather ain’t been bad if you’re into masochistic bullshit.
this place is such great motivation for anyone tryna move the fuck away from hibernation. 
time moves so damn slow i swear i feel my organs failing.
i stopped caring ‘bout a month ago, since then it’s been smooth sailing. 
i would leave if only i could find a reason. 
i got dreams, but i cant make myself believe them. 
i’ll spend the rest of my life with what could have been. 
i will die in the house that i grew up in.
i’m homesick. 
i don’t wanna say goodbye.
it only falls into place when you’re fallin’ to pieces.
you miss something that you can’t place but you can’t deny it. 
you can’t stay here.
it’s hard to face and it feels too ugly.
it’s like i’m still here with you. 
can i fix what is broken?
the view between villages (extended). 
for a minute, the world seems so simple.
i am not scared of death.
i’ve got dreams again.
there is meanin’ on earth. 
i feel so far from it.
it’s all washin’ over me. 
i’m angry again. 
the things that i lost here, the people i knew.
they got me surrounded for a mile or two. 
i found a town big enough for anything i want.
i’m not a city girl, by any means.
it still has a lot of meaning to me.
i grew up there. 
your needs, my needs.
you ain’t gotta tell me what it means.
i promise to be there this time. alright? 
you were a work of art.
that’s the hardest part.
i’m naming the stars in the sky after you.
dial drunk.
i promised to forget you.
i ain’t takin’ any fault.
am i half the man i used to be? i doubt it.
forget about it, whatever.
it’s all the same anyways.
i ain’t proud of all the punches that i’ve thrown. 
for the shame of being young, drunk, and alone.
i gave your name as my emergency phone call.
i’d die for you.
from charmin’ to alarmin’ in seconds.
i’ll let the pain metastasize.
i beg you, sir, just let me call.
let’s wait, i swear she’ll call me back.
son, are you a danger to yourself?
fuck that, sir.
son, why do you do this to yourself?
paul revere.
this place had a heartbeat in its day.
nothin’ was the same.
it just ain’t that simple, it never was.
one day i’m gonna cut it clear.
i’m not from around here.
i’ll leave before the road crew’s out. 
i’ll turn up the music and i’ll forget.
i’m not ready to let go yet.
i’ll just pretend i didn’t hear.
it’s typical, i fear.
folks just disappear.
if i could leave, i would’ve already left.
no complaints.
i thought i had something and that’s the same as having something.
i get mad at nothing.
i pull no punches, then feel bad for months.
thought i was raised better, tried to fake better.
now the weight of the world ain’t so bad.
i saw the end, it looks just like the middle.
i filled the hole in my head with prescription medication.
who am i to complain?
now the pain’s different. It still exists, it just escapes different.
yes, i’m young and living dreams.
i’m in love with being noticed and afraid of being seen.
call your mom.
oh, you’re spiralin’ again.
don’t you cancel any plans.
stayed on the line with you the entire night ‘til you let it out and let it in.
don’t let this darkness fool you.
i’ll drive all night.
i’ll call your mom.
oh, dear, don’t be discouraged.
i’ve been exactly where you are.
if you could see yourself like this.
you’dve never tried it.
stayed on the line with you the entire night ‘til you told me that you had to go.
throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason.
don’t wanna drive another mile wonderin’ if you’re breathin’.
won’t you stay with me?
you’re gonna go far. 
this is good land, or at least it was.
it takes a strong hand and a sound mind.
it makes me smile to know when things get hard, you’ll be far from here.
pack up your car.
put a hand to your heart.
say whatever you feel.
be wherever you are.
we ain’t angry at you, love. 
you’re the greatest thing we’ve lost.
the birds will still sing.
we’ll be waiting for you, love.
we’ll all be here forever.
we spent so long just getting by.
that’s the thing about survival; who the hell likes livin’ just to die?
you told me you would make a difference.
it won’t be by your own volition if you step foot outside this town.
it’s all we’ve had for always.
you’re gonna go far.
if you wanna go far, then you gotta go far.
let’s drive for no reason.
you look fine in the evening.
honey, it’s starting to storm.
used to wish i meant anything to anywhere, to anyone.
i’m glad i get forever to see where you end.
i won’t be alone for the rest of my life.
i’ll meet a girl in the heat of july.
i’ll tell her so she knows.
i’m broke, but i’m real rich in my head.
when i hold her close, i might loosen my grip, but i won’t ever let her go.
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Is anyone else crying thinking about how physically affectionate Inej is able to be Jesper? Inej has this horrible trauma, and explicitly said that contact with others is difficult, and yet there are so many instances in the book of her hugging Jesper, of him hooking his arm through hers, of her getting on her tiptoes and kissing him in the cheek.
That she feels safe enough around him to be so casually affectionate- shows not only her incredible emotional strength- but also the amount of trust, and of love, she must have in him.
With Jesper, Inej feels safe. With Jesper, Inej is allowed to be light and fun and just a little bit silly, acting like the teenager she should be.
I love these two so much :)
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
*puts on my Professor glasses* Macky really knows EXACTLY how to talk to Wukong, let's dissect it! M: Looks like things are going smoothly. W: I say, you've been here the whole time, haven't you? M: FFM is your home, but it's also mine. W: Did you find anything? M: Still nothing, however. Now the Jade Emperor is no longer present. The Celestial Realm already gives me an unsettling feeling. M: Wukong...that kid. W: I understand. M: You have to go and talk to him. W: I know! But...he still isn't ready. M: I see. You're the one who isn't ready, yet. How did you even become a teacher! M: He has to be. We all have to be realistic. W: He's just a kid. We can't let him... M: Who says he's just a kid! Why is it him? When you chose him, did you know? W: I didn't know, I really didn't know! I just followed...a feeling. M: Are you not the least bit worried?! This child has all of your special powers, and he always runs into trouble. Have you never questioned this before? Not a single person knows where he came from. Is it not strange?! M: We still have no clue as to whoever let out Azure Lion. All your old foes returned in one swoop. Are you not even a little- W: Then what about you? You also suddenly came back. M: Argh- M: I say, someone must be manipulating us behind our backs. Especially Xiaotian. But they still haven't succeeded. W: Then tell me. What about you? M: Tell me do you want my help or not?! / W: Not long ago you were still against me! / M: I see, you're just a- / W: ...after I assume you'll teach me how to train my own disciples? ~ Xiaotian Interupts ~ M: Look. That kid has made you his idol. You're his one true hero, but you... W: But I what? M: He has to understand, he doesn't need to carry these burdens. You have to do better. You can really tell whose the chatty one in this relationship XD Wukong might be a lil annoyed, but he's tolerant. And Macky is a little playful turd as always. Where Wukong gets gloomy and concerned, Mac swaps between teasing and serious in a blink. Then things get a lot more strained and tense, but unlike their previous fights, it never escalates into violence. Never a growl, never a raised fist. They're right at the edge, and they drop it. I'm very much interested in the psychology of arguments and when it comes to people latching onto (1) thing a person says and relating it slightly off topic to avoid talking about that other thing, like Wukong is doing here. It's so cool seeing how physical they are in trying to visibly control their emotions around each other, and how they keep trying to hold themselves back from tearing in further, always pausing and halting, and switching to another thing. They're TRYING. Ugh. I think Mac was trying to give a comforting smile at the end, but it's kinda warped by the whole ~ everything else. ~ Anyhow, I like how this starts with Wukong establishing, or rather cementing to Macaque that he believes MK is a kid. And while Macaque argues against that, he did also say before that Wukong should talk to him. And they have their squabble, with Mac pushing Wukong's buttons to get him to say something, BUT the fact this gets resolved with he needs to understand he doesn't need to carry these burdens. YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER. Like of all things Mac could have chosen. He's playing right into what Wukong himself believes, that will overwrite the "MK isn't ready" thing. Because let's face it. Mac is right when he says Wukong also isn't ready for that talk yet. He's so down throughout all this, Wukong probably feels himself that he needs to be better. AND by appealing to the fact MK is a kid, without explicitly stating that, just a statement that cannot be denied, BUT is a subject that undoubtedly, even Wukong cannot avoid. Because he wants better for MK. For him to not walk down the same path as him. Macaque has basically nudged Wukong into having that talk he wanted with MK by reframing it differently from what Wukong wasn't ready for. Thoughts? Critique?
*squishes you* anon…anon, you’re telling me..that this was the actual dialogue between SWK and Macky in 5x01. that what i just read is the translated version of the Mandarin dub. correct?
ok ok cool. i’m cool. gucci. feeling fantastic lemme just
ok so i ranted in the tags but realized i forgot to say more things (also i was worried i’d exceed the tag limit bc that is a real thing what do you know!)
so, anon, you said Macky knows how to talk to Wukong and yeah agreed but for me it’s for of the sense of “Macky knows how to get his words under Wukong’s skin”
he knows how to let his words sink in and fester in Wukong’s mind, making him reconsider things or another to help speed up certain decisions or choices Wukong is hesitating on. and ain’t it fascinating how despite how long it’s been since either character have talked or interacted with each other, they still know the ins and outs of their behavior and thoughts.
Macky knows Wukong needs to talk to MK but is holding back. Macky after one answer from Wukong realizes that it’s Wukong who isn’t ready for that conversation and switches tactics to try and breach that mental block
Wukong, in a need to avoid the conversation, brings up the questions surrounding Macky’s reason for even being alive again because that is information neither have talked about and oh hey! Macky is avoiding that conversation too! and it’s an important one to have so he pushes for it, but Macky knows it’s being pushed to avoid their original discussion and is annoyed bc “classic Wukong, never wanting to delve too deep into topics where he’ll need to be vulnerable for” (especially when said vulnerability is with his newly re-allied ex friend Macaroni himself)
god i love them
#to lmk: SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHA-#my thoughts are under the cut <- this is a lie. all my thoughts are in the tags#i wrote this on the assumption i would give myself a break to breathe. i gave myself 5 seconds#asks#lmk#lmk s5#lmk season 5#lmk spoilers#lmk s5 spoilers#lmk season 5 spoilers#shadowpeach#lmk sun wukong#lmk six eared macaque#lmk mk#sunburst duo#anon i had to read this. sit in shock. then reread it. then scream. then allow myself to pick apart this dialogue bc wtf#tbh i love that SWK truly does see MK as a kid and it makes sense#SWK is /old/ old#and while MK is an adult he’s still a fairly young adult in his early twenties (maybe pushing to mid-20s by s5 WAIT THAT IS SO COMING OF AG#OF THEM LMK QHEN I GEG YOU)#and personally only Pigsy and swk are allowed to call MK kid#and isn’t it so interesting that there was a focus on both characters in ep1#these are MK’s two adult figures he looks up to the most. one is his dad (now officially adopted i think) & one is his mentor/hero#i LOVE that Macky told swk point blank that MK /does/ idolize swk. bc while it’s very obvious#i’m pretty sure SWK’s been ignoring the hero worship on purpose (it also doesn’t help with his need to talk to MK bc what if#this talk breaks MK’s image of him and MK gets upset and tries to leave him and—) but Macky’s like ‘nuh uh dumbass!#i am not standing by and watching you dwindle your thumbs with information MK needs to know’ (this was something i wanted#Macky to call swk out on tho i imagined it happening midway in s5 but hey not complaining. bc Macky is the one who knows#Swk the best out of the cast besides MK. but MK is still blinded by his hero worship and also doesn’t want to face his demons rn like swk)#GAH!!! it’s so juicy how this works :D and then they get jury summoned and suddenly swk has the circlet back on and MK’s seconds from
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journeythroughtherain · 5 months
Observations on Buck's romantic endeavors on 911 so far:
There seems to be a pattern where the more we see of the love interest's friendship/interactions with Buck before they get together, the more more we see of the relationship/the longer the relationships lasts after.
Kind of like the longer the windup before the throw, the farther the relationship flies before it comes crashing down.
(Soooo I wonder which friendship of his would have a windup long enough to potentially launch the relationship into orbit...?)
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starlightandmagic · 2 years
Ok but can we all agree that Freddy absolutely killed it as Kaz Brekker this season? Like my issues with the plot and writing notwithstanding, he absolutely delivered, really did embody Dirtyhands. And while I would’ve loved to see those scenes later on in the story with the appropriate development and context and deep meaning that the books deserved, part of me is glad we got to see that killer performance now in case we never do get another season or a spin-off
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e-louise-bates · 14 days
I am about 18 pages into the introduction of Winters in the World: A Journey through the Anglo-Saxon Year by Eleanor Parker, and am happy to report that not only does she cite references properly (and explains in the preface that some of the translations are her own work and that's why they don't have citations), she has also managed, in 18 pages (of merely the introduction!) to make a better case against the myth of the Dark Ages, without trying to make that exact point but merely as the result of discussing things like calendars and such, than the authors of The Bright Ages did in the entire 3/4 of the book that I read before I finally decided I had better things to do with my life and threw it aside.
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sanjarka · 9 months
i am simply just not built to survive a breakup. when nick and jess broke up i spent the entirety of watching season four crying. not even exaggerating.
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Honestly discovering that Wylan is being played by a queer actor is so lovely
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
Please save me, I'm reading a reddit thread about Seb vs Max(bcs Tost said he thought Seb would win out), and none of these people know how good Seb was in his prime
#the fucking ignorance in this thread im gonna shoot myself#theyre like:oh he barely won 2010 and 2012#uhhhhh you mean two of the most competitive seasons in history?????????#2010: literally had 5 championship contenders for a while and then still 4 for the closer#^ also tbh its super impressive to me that he was never leading the wdc and still managed to pull it off at the last moment#and 2012 which is regarded as one of if not the best seasons of all time in which there were six different winners in the first six races#i cannot fucking believe i jsut saw a comment basically seb is not as aggressive as max#saying he doesnt have the samw 'step on their neck' mentality as Max does#uh what??????????? im sorry but seb was one of the most ruthless drivers ever and was way more of an asshole abt it. multi-21??????#but fuck. these people dont know him and his wdc years at all 😭😭#still has the record for most poles in a season. is still the youngest wdc and polesitter#got pole and won a race in his 1 ½ season IN AN STR before rbr could even try pulling that off#it just really sucks to me how his flop years have ruined his reputation for some people#yeah ofc he kinda fell off in the latter years of ferrari and amr but that doesnt erase all of his incredible performance in the prior yrs??#like please i beg of you go watch the rbr era years and you will be impressed istg#another stupid argument was saying 'oh he made too many mistakes in 2009 and lost a wdc he couldve won'#first of all that was only his 2½ season and his first season in a top team#and also not all of his dnfs and crashes in that ssn were his fault :/ the car wasnt the most reliable :/#i love max and i think hes probably one of the goats but my god the regency bias is insane#^ and alongside that. oh you point out all Seb's mistakes but completely ignore when max was called the crash kid?? 😭😭#like saying seb lost 2009 due to rookie mistakes...YEAH CAUSE HE WAS ONLY IN HIS 2½ YEAR AS A 21/22 YR OLD#also I think its impossible anyways to say who would win that matchup bcs theyre in completely different eras#seb dominated that v8 era and max dominates this current era. its truly impossible to say bcs they mastered completely dif cars#like whu cant we just say both of them are pretty damn fantastic as rbr golden boys??#anyways. fuck im so irritated right now. this is an affront to my spirit!!!#its really just: say you dont know seb without saying you dont know seb#catie.rambling.txt
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oldtvandcomics · 1 year
Fuck this. I just wish that stories were allowed to END, you know. No spontaneous seasons added on. No cliffhangers in the hope that the streaming service doesn’t cancel the whole show anyway. No hints of future movies in the ones that are supposed to finish off a story arc. No talks of actors coming back. No dragging up stories that were finished and done with over a decade ago and give them yet another movie.
I’m so tired.
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