#what is it for? how does ut work? why do i need to know this?????
alchemiclee · 1 year
do you ever feel like some people dont understand the difference between pity and sympathy/empathy? (people don't even know the difference between those two, to be fair) giving someone sympathy or having empathy for them is not the same as pitying them. someone trying to reach out and seeking or expecting sympathy from you or wanting empathy isn't wanting you to pity them!!!!!! dont mix the two up 😭
#if i had a penny for every time i was pitied or people claimed *I* wanted a “pity party” when i was seeking sympathy or empathy...#id be so rich that id pity THEM lmao#when you just want your feelings and exoeriences to be seen as valid and they instead throw pity in the open wounds#being cruel and unsympathetic is just as bad as pity imo#you dont need empathy to learn sympathy skills since it's not the same thing. but some people do want empathy and not pity. which is also#not the same thing???? what am i even talking about anymore.#this was sparked by a reply to my post about not understanding kavehXalhaithim. apparently one doesnt want pity but the other lacks empathy#so to me the one lacking empathy comes off as cruel. it looks to me like he thinks showing sympathy = pity in that case. no.#sympathy would be validating the others feelings and experiences saying its ok to feel that way while working through it and support them!#but yeah replies on here are too limited and i cant fit all that above on there lmao i dont even knlw if people see my @ replies to them#ive replied back a few times now and no one continued the conversation so why bother lol#but it does annoy me when people are instead annoying or cruel in place of basic sympathy. to me THAT feels pitying#perhaps i also just dont like people who lack empathy. i know its not their fault and just how some people are....#but how i communicate is through empathy and exchanging it with others so i mever get along with people who lack it.#so uts hard for me to understand a ship that is an empath vs an unempathetic lmao it sounds annoying as hell even if it has reason fhdndndm#i think that storyline just felt way too close to home amd familiar so it got me as annoyed as the character i highly relate to there 😅#idk what im rambling about now tbh#lee text#lee rambles
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
"Well hello there Secret Keeper!" Scar says, chipper. "It's a bea-ut-i-ful day today here on the Secret Life server, and I'm here for my daily hearts for winning! I have to say, it is gorgeous today. Really a lot easier to keep the rain away without other players, what with sleeping through the night not being a problem at all! Did you know, by the way, that sleeping and rain are connected? I didn't until recently, but by golly, they sure are! Can you imagine? The world is full of so many strange things."
The Secret Keeper, being a big dumb stone statue, doesn't reply. Scar's beginning to think it's just rude. It sure replies whenever he hits the button, which is the first step in his morning routine these days. He's gotten better at dodging damage, really, even with the nearly infinite hearts! He's just not so good at dodging skeletons and creepers and such that he shouldn't top off every day.
He hits the button. He feels his health return to him. He gets a new task: Win Secret Life.
He snorts, a little bitter, to himself as he reads it and folds it into his pocket. "You know, I don't know if I'm lucky or unlucky that you're such a moron that you don't know what winning means. Your machine is broken."
No response, again, because the Secret Keeper is, as established, a big old dumb rock. Well, whatever. Besides, if he lingers on resentment and upset for too long, it might catch up with him! He's certainly let it catch up with him before. Why, a few days after he'd won, when he really had it sink in that he was for-real alone on a server covered in lightning burn marks and blood, he had a bit of a breakdown! There was sobbing, screaming, yelling at the world, the whole works! And when no one responded then, well--
"Did I just call you a moron? I'm sorry, I didn't mean that!" Scar says. "You know how I get sometimes. The world is beautiful and warm, but sometimes it gets a little hard to breathe around here! Now, where were we... oh, right! The trading post terraforming project! Now, we hit a bit of a snag the other day, what with the wandering traders I'd caught all sort of--dying--and all that, but luckily, more of them might show up any moment, and they really are vital to making the place feel alive and breathing. So today we're taking a break from that to build up some trees!"
He waves his arms like someone is listening. He'd like to imagine someone is. Grian told him he won--just because all the ghosts are quiet now doesn't mean they aren't there! And if that was a moment of temporary insanity, well, he probably--he needs to think it's not, is the thing! He absolutely needs to think it's not.
He hums and gathers more logs. His makeshift tree farms are pretty nice, if he does say so himself. He pauses as he hears distant howling and sighs. "I guess we will also be spending today cleaning up the wolf population! I swear, I have no idea what those people were thinking making a wolf spawner. A man takes a nap for a day and then the entire server is overrun with stupid white animals! And you know, I do hate having to cull the things, but, well, you know me. I've learned how to kill pretty well, I think, and really, dogs are easier to kill than people."
He grabs a sword from his chest and sharpens it. He keeps it perfectly clean so that there isn't too much blood on it. Good thing, too; most of the blood would probably be his. He's a bit clumsy, after all. He cuts his fingers on it all the time. No matter how well he bandages up his hands, he just keeps making them bleed, drip, drip, dripping blood on every path he walks down. No matter how hard he works to clean up his massive building projects, the little splatters of blood follow him, so he's sticking to dark colors where he can.
The flowers will probably show the blood, he thinks. The flowers and trees he's building. Hopefully, the blood doesn't stand out too much. It feels wrong, in a world where there are no bodies.
He stands up. He heads in the direction of today's pack of unwanted pests. He sighs. "You know, I know your question is, well gosh, Scar! All the previous winners died. When are you going to finish it off and kill yourself? And wow, that's a pretty dark question. You should be ashamed of yourself for asking, really." He laughs. It's not funny. Who cares.
Instead, he shakes his head.
"And, well, you have to understand. I'm not done building yet! I can make my base so much nicer looking! And besides, you're still handing me hearts. If I get hurt, I can just come back and get more from you! If you want to die, you have to kill me yourself. You fucking cowards!"
No response.
He sighs. "Well, that's enough of that for today. Sorry, I'm feeling kind of morose. It's all this sunshine! Can't be good for a man. Did you know populated servers rain more often than unpopulated ones? It's true! It's because people don't sleep enough. But here I am, getting all the sleep I need. Now, time to go kill some dogs and build some trees! I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon, can you?"
His hands hurt. He ignores it. He ignores a lot of hurt, these days. It's not like it's hard.
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escespace · 21 days
Merlin and Arthur but maybe this continues like this:
Arthur doesn't believe shit. What do you mean Merlin doesn't remember him? HIM?! Who does he think he is? He's been looking for him for weeks like a jilted lover (not that he is one) and when they meet again he doesn't remember anything of what they have experienced but he does remember that Gwaine once split eight apples with his head?
As expected, Arthur lashes out. The guy tends to be a brute when his emotions get too much. Obviously, he clashes with Merlin who doesn't let anyone walk all over him. So the knights are forced to endure a back and forth of sarcasm and bad temper.
«You can't talk to me like that, I'm a prince»
«How could I be sure of that? Memory loss, remember, you royal idiot?»
«I couldn't forget it because you keep repeating it to me!»
«I wouldn't repeat it if it didn't seem like the one with head problems is someone else who isn't me. Could you tell me if there have been many blows to your head or if it's just the nobility inflating it so much that it doesn't allow anything new to enter?»
«I'll show you lots of blows to the...»
I don't need to say that they didn't manage to do much that day. The knights looked for an inn and rested with their hearts heavy with worry for the young ex-servant who seemed to have forgotten parts of his life.
The next day, Arthur goes out to find his knights already talking to Merlin. Everyone seems very happy, chatting and laughing like any other time, but from what he understood from the previous day, it's just him that he doesn't seem to remember. Again, what kind of memory loss is that?
Talking to the knights, Merlin finds out why they are there and offers to accompany them to talk to someone who other townspeople have pointed out as a possible witness and this is because, SURPRISE, coincidentally, he is on his way there. He is a hard-working man whose elderly mother is ill and Merlin has been hired to prepare the medicine she requires.
The truth is that the man was in the area where the whole incident against those who went to look for the sorcerer happened because moments before he had met with Merlin to exchange the brew. And now Merlin wants to know if he really saw something that could incriminate him or endanger the sorcerer he helped escape.
They go to the man's house, do what they have to do, get nothing because the man didn't see anything (bullshit but he believes in Merlin)
So they keep searching and investigating, and Merlin accompanies them because he needs to make sure they don't find the people he's helped move (not just in that town) so he bombards them with verbose until they spill the beans, and no one believes anything bad about it because this is sweet and naive Merlin, please...
And more verbal challenges are exchanged between Arthur and Merlin because Arthur can't stand the tall man acting like nothing happened with everyone but him and he must find a way to get Merlin to admit that everything ut's either a bad joke (which will earn him a few nights of polishing every brick in the castle) or he says something that finally makes sense of how he forgot Arthur and if this way irritates him to the point of his ears glow from how red they get, that's just a bonus
«If I don't remember that he's a noble and I stab him, is it really illegal?»
"What if no one sees it? Is it still illegal?»
«Now you're just playing dumb»
«No, no, Lance, I do think he has a couple of good points»
«Don't encourage him, Gwaine»
Anyway, somehow they end up discovering that the men who were sent to find the accused are a group that every time they are sent they return to Camelot with stories sufficiently disturbing to avoid too many questions since the sorcerers this group Usually look for never make it to Camelot.
Perhaps they find out while they are divided. One group is at the inn eating and it is there that they meet the derailed knights (we would call them the haters)... So the round table connects the dots and a fight breaks out.
On the other hand, half of the round table that was not looking for food finds out about the haters from a survivor who explains to them that these so-called knights seek to exterminate sorcerers by his own hand.
«It is not their right to judge. The king's law must be given by the king» Arthur says
«It's not as if the judging part happens much in front of the king either» Merlin attacks. «more like simply sentence and death. Even if they are not really sorcerers or even if there was no harm or injury»
Lancelot is the one who silences Merlin before a fight breaks out, calming him down by speaking comfortingly because there is no time to waste.They must meet up with the others because if they are lucky perhaps the group of haters will still be around and they can catch them there instead of in Camelot where the situation is still tense as to prove that there are even weaknesses within the army...
The problem is, as we know, that the haters are fighting at that very moment with the other members of the round table and they outnumber them.
So as he opens the door of the inn a dagger immediately flies towards Merlin, who is the one who is going ahead. But it does not hit him but Arthur who somehow quickly got in the way.
Blood blooms like a dam that overflows before Merlin's eyes, eyes that instantly turn golden, causing every Rebel knight (every hater) to fall unconscious. And isn't Arthur supposed to be unconscious at times like this too? Because he definitely shouldn't have seen that, he didn't want to see it and now that he has he must acknowledge that Merlin has magic
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inkblottzz · 11 days
Not a traditional request, but I'm curious to see how your art is formed and what your process is. It's so cool that your art is similar to comyet's!! I always wondered what other people in their newer artstyle would look like but they only ever drew Ink. I guess now I have a chance :D
Drink water and i hope you have a good day!!!
this is a really interesting request!! thank you for asking, actually! i like questions like these :-D
i'll start by explaining my personal art process—how i, 12-year-old me started out, and then explain how i got where i am with my art today! buckle up, because this will probably be a lengthy post :-)
The Progression of my Art
my first ever art posted online was at the beginning of 2020, when quarantine first hit. i had always had a knack for art; doodling in class, making OCs, etcetc. however, when i heard about undertale through a friend, that's when i really started to take things serious.
i did all the things kids do when they first find out about undertale—i watched countless comic dubs, animation memes, looked up fanart, etc. i first started my real art journey when i began making fanart for undertale and the AUs. this is why undertale is so special to me, and why i have loved it for so long! it has fueled my creativity for almost five years now.
this is the first fanart i ever had done. i posted it on amino sometime in may.
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i was SO so proud of this piece. i showed it to my friends & family, and then decided to show people online! this was my first big milestone as an artist.
as time went on, i improved more and more, creating countless UT AU artworks in my spare time. and it was all because of the people who were kind and supportive of my art! the UTAU amino will always hold a special place in my heart, because of the positive experience i had. the positive feedback i got is what drove me to really want to start improving my skills and become a better artist like the ones i looked up to 💛 this is why it's so important to be kind to beginners. even if their art isn't the best at first, you bet your asses it'll be in the next few years!!
SO! i drew and improved, really just trying to find my own style that i liked. i had always loved ink sans, and that prompted me to look into his creator's artwork around late 2022-early 2023. i followed her instagram, and at first, just admired her work from afar.
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then, i tried out replicating her style! this is the first piece i ever drew inspired by mye! i made this last fall, in 2023.
after that, i tried to find my own style some more, leaving the lineless style behind. but, in may of this year—2024—myebi decided to hold a DTIYs, and that's when i decided to replicate her style!
i know, i know, kinda defeats the whole "draw this in your own style" thing... but i had been wanting to try and replicate their style for quite some time, and i saw this as a perfect opportunity to try it out!
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this is myebi's OC, aheran, that i drew for the contest !! it isn't exactly like her style, obviously, since i didn't want it to be too similar and weird mye out. however, i did replicate the lineless style, the grain textures, and the shading style as best i could. i also played around with shape language.
this piece was SO fun to do, and i did end up earning an honorable mention!
this was also my first post on instagram. after this, i started to draw all my art in a style inspired off mye's!
How do I draw in Comyet/Myebi's style?
here is where i'll be answering your question: what does my process look like when I'm replicating myebi's style?
i'll try my best to break it down into seperate steps that i usually take!
1. References!
References, references, references! References are the most important thing you need when trying to replicate something specific. I am currently at a point in my style where I do not usually need references, but you bet I used them big time when I first began to replicate mye's style!
Personally, I believe her instagram (@mye_bi) is the best place to get recent refs of her style! It's the social they post most often on. For Undertale specific references, I gathered them from her Tumblr (@/comyet) because her insta doesn't have Undertale related art. You may have to scroll a bit, but you'll find it on her blog!
I also have some niche references from other online sources, but I had to dig quite a bit for them. You don't need to be that thorough lmao
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all art by myebi/comyet!
2. Sketching
After I gather references, I start with a sketch! Really, it's just taking a bunch of references and finding things you like/need to replicate in your piece. If there isn't a reference for something you are trying to draw, then the best you can do is guess! I have to make guesses on how Myebi would draw something all the time, because I draw a wide range of different characters. It's all about experimenting and doing your best!
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sketch by me, ink reference by @/comyet, error reference by @/loverofpiggies
3. Coloring over the sketch
After I finish the sketch, I go straight over it with all my base colors! I typically do everything on seperate layers, which procreate... hates. I use a lot of layers.
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And, to finish off, I really just add details! Lines, textures, shading, etc. I can't quite explain how I do it—I just go off Myebi's style!
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Finding the right brushes
I have spent a long time trying to find brushes that best replicate Myebi's style, and the one I linked below is the best I've been able to find! It's the pack I use right now.
I use Weak Pencil 3 for any lineart I do, I use Fine Pencil 2 for color blocking, and Weak Pencil 4 for the grainy textures/shading :-)
The pack does cost a bit of money, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a free brush pack that gets the job done quite the same!
and that's all there is to it! i hope this answers your question and gives you some insight on how i make my art :-D
DISCLAIMER: i am not attempting to be a "myebi 2.0" or anything like that. i simply really enjoy how their style looks, and i enjoy drawing in a similar style! i mean absolutely NO ill intent towards mye—she is my biggest inspiration, and i will always have the most amount of respect and admiration for them and her work. 💛
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oliverstarksbae · 9 months
Picked up pieces
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♡ hi, this is my first ever one shot, so this might be bad, but I hope you enjoy 😉
♡ summary: in which they realize they are made to pick each other pieces
Evan buckley was a player but that was before he met (y/n) she very much was the complete opposite "the ray of sunshine type of girl" So why did she fall in love with him beacuse behind the bad boy act was someone who was hurt and needed some one .
Now it was a normal Saturday he was at work she was at home doing some house work at there shared home made some food read a book and catch up on her favorite show
It had now hit 11pm Evans shift does not finish till 2 so she went to the living room and saw the news.
When she click channel 8 she heard "this is a live broadcast of a horrific hotel fire so far many firefighters are having a though time helping." said a red hair woman
(Y/n's) mind spiraled of what she heard but then took a worried breath beacus the first thing the she thought was ok maybe this is a different firehouse in the 118 area beacuse they were busy
She tried and tried to belive that but then she saw the 118 written on the firetruck that's when she panicked and started to pace around the house with her mind full of worry but it was still not his time to get off so she decided to look at her phone every 5 seconds for the time he gets off.
Evan buckley was stressed to say the least first he was trapped where there was a huge fire which he got out of beacuse he thought of who he cause the most for and how if he did not get out how many people would have been devastated
Then he was not able to save someone today which hurt worst then he thought it would.
He went on his phone and called (y/n) by pressing the contact lover girl <3 ❤️
Then the first thing he heard was, "OH MY GOD EVAN ARE YOU OK I WAS SO WORRIED I SAW ON THE NEW-"
"I'm fine" he replied with not so nice but not that serious tone still in shock on what happen
"Ok let me know when you get home E I love you" said (y/n)
" Yeah see you bye" he said not realizing that he did not say I love you back
(Y/n) on the other hand was confused but decided not to think much beacuse maybe he was tired?
*A few minutes later *
A knock sounded on the door she rushed up to it and ran to evan the give him a hug
"Oh my god, evan, I was so worried. I'm so glad you're ok." she pulled him into a hug, but then he started shaking, and it lok like he was going to cry?
"Evan are you ok? Ok-i-I- need you to calm down fallow my breathing ok?" He agreed while shaking and tears slowing coming down his face
"Baby, I need you to tell me why you are crying. Are you hurt-" he gulped and said, "No-no im-not"
"Ok did something happen?" She asked
"Yes-yes-some-thing-did," he said
"Ok, what happened? I need you to tell me when you're ready, ok?"
"I w-as g-etting some-one an-d we put h-Im on the gurny and in the amb-ul-an-ce he cod-ed" he said it while it replaying in his mind what happened
" E oh my God it's ok you did the best you can and you saved many people ok I love you I want you to know that"
"B-ut I didn't save them I ki-lled hi-m"
"Evan buckley do not think that way you did the best you can and your ability to risk your life every day for strangers now I think you should go take a shower and get ready for bed"
He replied with a happy gentle smile
After everyone was done they both hopped
Onto bad a cuddled she being to big spoon
And slowly he fell asleep but before he said.
"I love you so much and thank you for being there for me"
"Of course I am there for you now I'm tried so goodnight"
"Good night"
Before she fell asleep she thought about what she said and she knew he was hurt plot but she really didn't think it was bad enough for this to happen but she realizedThey were made for each to pick up the pieces other people broke
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pengweng-quack · 7 months
Being a Witch with Vampires
Carlisle Cullen x Witch!OC
Summary: Stella (A witch) and Carlisle (A vampire), and how they blossomed from roommates to friends(?) to partners
Chapter 7/7
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
This was inspired by this fanfic on tumblr by lis-likes-fics titled "In My Defense, I Was Left Unsupervised"
This is also on Ao3 under the same title and same username too if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53448940)
This is officially the final chapter, and thank you so so so much for the support that you've given this series
I will probably post some other stuff firsts before the other Carlisle series that I have been working on, so leave a follow if you're interested
Thank you so much! No words can explain what I feel for each and every one of you <3
Word Count: 3930 words
TW for this chapter: Smut
Timeline: After Breaking Dawn
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“Are we grandparents now?” Stella asked Carlisle while the two was in bed, hearing Renesmee play with Emmett and Jasper, hearing their giggles and laughs and screams as they seem to be having a pirate roleplay presentation for the other Cullens
“Why do you think so?” Carlisle asked
“I don’t know, we’ve always considered those five as sort of our kids, and you know, Edward and Bella have their own kid now so does that make us her grandparents?” Stella explained her point
“Mi amor, we’re not even married.” Carlisle answered with a small chuckle. They’ve always said that they’re married to the world, but has never really done anything to legalize it
The world knew her as Stella Cullen, but in reality, she was still Stella Allicere. Carlisle knew that he should change that by now.
It’s about time that she actually becomes his Stella Cullen.
“Everyone.” Edward called as Emmett, Renesmee, and Jasper was about to bow for their performance “I think Carlisle’s gonna propose.”
“What?!” Everyone shrieked in either shock, confusion, or excitement
“Yeah, he’s considering it after Stella asked if they’re grandparents.” Edward answered to everyone
“A wedding!” Alice said excitedly, clapping with a huge grin on her face
“We’re not getting married.” Carlisle announced, walking out the room with his hand around Stella’s waist “We’re doing something else.”
“He’ll be offering himself to me.”
The setup was ready. Stella was anxious, if not, more anxious that Carlisle. He was calm, just watching as her and Sam was setting up the finishing touches of the ritual
“You don—
“I want to do this mi amor.” Carlisle said, kissing the temples of her head “But if you think that today isn’t the right time, then we can postpone. I can wait for an eternity for you.”
“But I don’t want you to wait.” Stella murmured “I just want you to be safe.”
“After all that has happened in our 287 years of being together, I am not letting you go anymore.” Carlisle declared
“Well?” Sam asked the couple “Are you ready?”
Stella looked at Carlisle, nothing but a content smile on his face. The kids were watching just outside the circle of salt, all were giving thumbs up to the couple.
He was excited, he was ready.
And that made her ready too.
“Ego Samuel Vi, benedictus superis, ut ligaturam darem Carlisle Cullen et Stella Allicere (I, Samuel Vi, have been blessed by the gods above to grant the binding of Carlisle Cullen and Stella Allicere).” Sam chanted, looking at the two with a smile on his face
“Beata potestate a dis facere ut (Blessed with the power from the gods to make them as one).” He continued, going and looking down on the book of bindings to for the flow
“Carlisle, announce your offers.” Sam instructed
“I am Carlisle Cullen,” Carlisle introduced, making Stella laugh “I may not have much as what others could offer you. But I promise to offer you the entirety of me. I promise to offer you eternal happiness. I will be whatever you need me to be. And I will be by your side for all of eternity.”
“Nunc nos invitamus ad magicam Stella Allicere ut eius oblationem exeat vel recipiat vel neget (We now invite for the magic within Stella Allicere to come out and accept or deny his offering).” Sam said. Carlisle got a wave of nervousness hit him, he thought that it was Stella that would accept or deny, not her magic
A wave of red flew out of Stella, it was a version of her. Ghostly, but so beautiful. She was always so beautiful, no matter what she is.
“I have heard a lot about you, Carlisle Cullen.” The ghost talked, a bored expression on its face
“You’ve caused her pain.”
“You made her wait too long.”
“You made her fend for herself too much.”
“You treated her as if she was weak.”
The ghost was listing everything that could be used against him. Did Stella actually feel of those? He got nervous, thinking that maybe he didn’t think this thoroughly through.
“Yet her heart calls for you.” The ghost countered from everything she listed “Not once have I seen a witch’s heart call for a vampire like you.”
“As the magic within Stella Allicere, I accept your offer to be her mate.” The ghost announced before flying back in Stella
Carlisle felt at ease, it was done. It was over.
They were as one now.
“Accepta tua oblatio, nunc te unum voco. Stella Allicere, tu nunc Stella Cullen (Having accepted your offer, I now call you one. Stella Allicere, you are now Stella Cullen).” Sam said with a gleeful grin on his face, closing the book of bindings
“In normal weddings, with the powers bested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride.” He continued, getting Carlisle to pull Stella and give her a deep kiss
The magic accepted him. Stella was at ease.
“I love you.” Stella murmured as they pull away from each other
“My turn for a proper wedding!” Alice said, clapping in excitement. Stella and Carlisle looked at each other
They couldn’t care less how extravagant Alice will do for their wedding, all they cared is now they get to call themselves husband and wife.
Stella and Carlisle were making their way back near where the ceremony will be, the same place where Edward and Bella got married. They’ve given Alice their full support that she’s to manage the wedding preparation, too intoxicated with each other to even help in any preparation.
They’ve spent a week at a nearby cottage that Carlisle bought for them and was now just coming back to the main house to see what has happened in their week absence.
“Does no one here see a vision?” Alice yelled, watching as Jasper and Emmett tries to fix the place where they will have the ceremony
“Alice,” Carlisle called, a fond smile on his face “Give your brother and mate a rest.”
“Let her be,” Stella lightly scolded him, placing her hand on his chest “Those two definitely does not have a vision though.”
“We can here you mom!” Emmett yelled, causing the five to be quiet
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to—
“My son!” Stella yelled, running to tackle Emmett in a tight hug
No one among them has called Stella ‘mom’ before, only in public to put up an act. It was a shock, a sudden burst that came out of nowhere. It wasn’t unwanted, but was certainly welcomed. She did see them as her kids already.
“Hell yeah!” Emmett cheered, hugging Stella back tightly
“So, can we start calling you mom now?” Jasper asked behind them
“Yeah, everyone has been dying to call you mom already.” Edward said, joining them outside, Bella and Renesmee behind him “We thought it would be Rosalie that would fold and call you mom, or Jasper.”
“Did you bet who was gonna slip and call her mom first?” Carlisle asked, amused with the kids’ odd bets
“Yeah, there was a 5000-dollar bet that Jasper will go first.” Edward listed, excited to share what had been going behind the couple’s back
“There was a 4000-dollar bet that Rosalie was gonna be first to say it.” He continued
“There was a 2500-dollar bet that Emmett was gonna slip up and say it.” Rosalie added, going outside and joining them
“I think 700 for me. It wasn’t as high as the three, but I was following them.” Edward continued
“I told them that I already knew who was gonna slip up so I just didn’t join, but I did want to call you mom just as much as they do already.” Alice giggled as Stella moved back to be next to Carlisle, resting her head on his shoulders
“Well, I think you owe them 2500, mister.” Stella said, a grin on her face as she playfully looked at Emmett before he groaned and pulled out his wallet. Everyone fell into a line, waiting to receive their 2500 from Emmett
“Why they’d bet like that when their dad is loaded amuses me.” Stella said, before everyone looked at the two, shock looks on their faces
“What is it?” Carlisle asked, curious with the kids’ sudden shock
“You just made us lose!” Emmett yelled in shock, before laughing hard
“Did you also bet who was gonna call Carlisle ‘dad’ too?” Stella asked, amused with their reactions
“We thought it was gonna be Edward.” Jasper answered “Like 15000 was all on Edward that he was gonna call Carlisle ‘dad’ first.”
“Give some respect to your dad.” Stella playfully scolded, giggling like crazy. She felt Carlisle’s hand find its way to her waist, resting as he watches the kids in amusement
Their kids.
“Technically,” Stella said, raising her pointing finger with a matter-of-fact tone “I didn’t call him dad, I do call him—
“We do not want to hear about you and dad’s sex life!” Rosalie yelled, covering her ears like a little child. They all looked at her, laughing as she slipped up
“Damn it!” She could only yell in reply
Carlisle and Stella could only laugh as Rosalie rushes in the house to grab the 15000 dollars that was promised, begrudgingly giving it to Edward.
“Okay!” Alice said, clapping her hands together “Now that you’re all here, you can go and help me with the wedding preparations.”
“Go help your sister out,” Carlisle told them before moving his eyes to Stella, eyeing her from top to bottom “Me and my wife-to-be is gonna enjoy some few moments—
“Ew!” Emmett yelled, covering her ears again “We do not want to hear what you and mom do in the cottage.”
“Mr. Cullen, don’t terrorize our kids like that.” Stella teased, lightly slapping Carlisle’s chest but using her pointing finger to trail down his torso
Carlisle made eye contact with Stella, her grey eyes looking at him seductively. Her body was calling for him, every inch of her needing and calling for every inch of him.
And that made his pants a bit tighter than how it was
“We will be in the cottage, call us when the pre-wedding preparations are over.” Carlisle said, his hands tightly on Stella’s waist “You know who to invite.”
(Smut Scene)
The two didn’t hear what they were gonna say next, as Carlisle picked her up bridal style and rushed to the cottage and into their bedroom. Where Carlisle carefully placed her down the bed, his eyes on her like a predator on his prey.
“I need you.” Carlisle murmured, removing the shirt that he had to wear in visiting the main house, Stella watched as his cold tone body was revealed, making her gulp.
What a masterpiece.
Carlisle crawled to the bed, making his way to be on top of Stella, his hands slowly making its way on Stella’s waist, playing with the hem of her top before fully removing it, giving him more access to her skin.
“How you managed to keep me outside when you’re this ravishing astonishes me.” Carlisle whispered, indulging himself and leaving shallow bite marks on Stella’s shoulders, getting the witch to let out whimpers of pleasure. He used his free hand to undo her bra, having experience from her teaching him how to undo it.
Carlisle took his time on Stella’s shoulders and neck, leaving bite marks wherever his lips land on. Such simple action, yet his beloved Stella is already moaning in pleasure. He moved down to her legs, removing the shorts and panties that were preventing Carlisle from giving more pleasure to his wife-to-be.
“Carlisle,” Stella moaned quietly “No teasing.”
“I do not intend on teasing you, my beloved.” Carlisle answered, using his two fingers to rub the wetness that was forming in Stella’s pussy around “I only intend on taking my time with you.”
“Carlisle please,” Stella breathed out. Carlisle chucked at the sight of her, he hasn’t done anything yet Stella is already crying her pleas
Carlisle slowly inserted two fingers in her, allowing her to adjust. Stella let out a moan, throwing her head back. He decided to end the slowness, increasing the speed of his fingers going in and out of her as he places his mouth on her clit, using it to stimulate more pleasure in her.
“Carlisle,” Stella breathed out, Carlisle could hear her heartbeat speeding, it meant that she was getting closer to her orgasm.
“Yes, mi amor?” Carlisle asked, pulling away from her clit, a string of saliva following as he used his other hand to stimulate her more
“C-close.” She could only mutter, deep pants coming from her mouth
“I know.” He only replied, keeping the pace of his hands on her
It didn’t take long for Stella to let out a cry of his name, her back arching in pleasure as Carlisle kept the pace of his fingers on her, even going back and placing his mouth on her clit to stimulate her freshly orgasmed pussy
“Carlisle!” Stella squealed, grabbing a handful of his hair as she grinded her pussy on his face. Carlisle welcomed it, pulling his hands away from her and wrapping it around her thighs, keeping them in place.
Carlisle decided that he was gonna force another orgasm out of her before he even thinks of his pleasure. She was getting close again, he didn’t need his vampiric senses to figure that out. Stella was chanting his name like a prayer, her grip on his hair tight and her back arched.
“Carlisle, I’m cumming!” Stella yelled, lifting her waist up in instinct. Carlisle pushed her down, making sure that he gets to ride her orgasm before he pulled away from her
“How was it, mi amor?” Carlisle asked her, looking at her face. She was panting, and anyone would clearly be able to see just how used she had been
‘To think that it’s just been two orgasms’ Carlisle thought to himself, chuckling as Stella catches her breath
Stella didn’t reply, only grabbing his hand and pulling him down the bed and making her way on top of him. Resting herself dangerously close to his cock.
“Need you.” Stella murmured, before turning around and pushing the sweatpants off the vampire, revealing his semi-hardened cock
It was now Carlisle’s turn to moan as Stella had wrapped her hand around his length, slowly stroking it for his dick to fully harden. When Stella was satisfied, he aligned his cock to her pussy, lowering herself down. They shared a moan; Stella’s head was thrown back in pleasure.
“Such a pretty sight.” Carlisle complimented, placing his hands on her waist as she started grinding on him. Moans and whimpers were coming out of Carlisle’s mouth, watching as his Stella grinds on his cock.
“Such a good girl for me.” He continued complimenting, before grabbing her waist and taking control for her grinding “You like being on top of me?”
“Mhm.” Stella nodded; her eyes closed in pleasure as she continued to follow Carlisle’s rhythm “So much.”
“Fuck,” Carlisle breathed out. The sight of her was so divine, a masterpiece.
All his.
“So close.” Carlisle whimpered “You want me to cum inside you?”
“Please.” Stella mumbled, covering her flustered face on his shoulders, her pace suddenly got faster as so her heartbeat did, it was obvious that she’s just had another orgasm. 287 years and she still make his undead heart flutter
“What’s that?” Carlisle asked again “Couldn’t hear you. Maybe you should face me so I can hear your answer, mi amor.”
“Need you to fill me up.” Stella whimpered, facing him with blushing yet fucked face, she was panting heavily, after just having another orgasm. The sight itself made Carlisle cum then and there. He didn’t expect that he wouldn’t be able to hold it a little longer, letting out a strangled moan in pleasure as he feels his release.
“I love you.” Stella murmured, resting her head on his shoulder
“Three orgasms and you’re already tired?” Carlisle teased her, picking her up and laying her down the bed, strings of his orgasm dripping out of her
“Try having three orgasms and then we’ll talk.”  Stella said in a grumpy tone, closing her eyes in an attempt to sleep
(End of Smut)
“Come on mi amor. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Carlisle said, picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the bathroom
Stella allowed him to take care of her, doing what Carlisle was asking her to do. She usually had a higher stamina when they’re having some time alone but it seemed that today was just not her day. Carlisle prepared the bath for them, making sure that it was the perfect temperature for Stella before positioning themselves in it and feeling the water on their skin.
“Is it possible for a vampire to impregnate a witch?” Stella asked quietly, her head resting softly on Carlisle’s chest
“Mi amor?” Carlisle asked quietly, he was nervous if his carelessness of pulling out have led to something else. He had no physical heart, yet he felt something was pounding his chest.
“I’m not implying anything.” Stella assured him; her eyes closed as she was enjoying the water’s temperature “Just curious on it.”
“I would assume that it’s possible.” He answered to her curiosity “Since a human and vampire can procreate, I would assume that it would be possible for us too.”
“Would you want to have one of our own?” She asked again, though quieter than how she asked her last question
“Would you be happier if we did have one of our own?” Carlisle asked her back. He was curious and concerned with the sudden baby discussions and what Stella was implying with that
“I wouldn’t—
“Then we won’t.” Carlisle answered at once “Your happiness is my concern. If you think that having a kid will make us happier and will make you more fulfilled, then I will be willing to give you as many children as your heart desires.”
“I thought, seeing Bella and Edward have Renesmee, that you would want a kid of your own.” Stella confessed “You know, it opened a possibility for us, if you’d want to face through it.”
“I would not want to see you in such pain, knowing that Iam the cause of it. I have seen it once; I would not wish to see you in pain again.” Carlisle answered, kissing the back of her head in an attempt to comfort her
“Are you sure?” Stella asked again, she was craving assurance from him
“100% sure, mi amor.” Carlisle answered earnestly “And besides, the kids consider us as their parents. I don’t know about you, but I consider them to be my kids.”
“I love you. Thank you for understanding my doubts.” Stella said, scooting closer to him
“I love you more.” Carlisle whispered, kissing the back of her head and wrapping his arm around her “Never think that you need more just for me to love you. I already do.”
Almost all of Carlisle and Stella’s non-human friends were guests in their wedding, it was obvious that no one got to stop Alice from inviting them whatsoever. There were familiar faces, and less familiar faces, all were there to celebrate the long-awaited union of the two
Alice informed them just before the wedding started that they were gonna have another wedding, with only their human friends to give them a bit of normalcy in their union. And also, because she was well aware that even them have been rooting for them since forever.
After all, Carlisle gets to do the garter tradition on Stella twice, so who was he to oppose to that?
“Good evening, everyone.” Edward started, tapping into the mic before continuing “I’m Edward, you may know me as the vampire that fell for a human and led to a lot of things to happen, but that’s all behind us now.”
“We’re here today to celebrate a different union, one that everyone has waited to see since the beginning of their journey together. I, personally, have been a witness of how much of a coward Carlisle has been and just how patient Stella has been with him too.”
His comment made the audience laugh and Carlisle to roll his eyes at his playful antics. Edward looked at the two with a fond smile on his face before averting his attention to the audience.
“All teasing aside, I do want to thank Stella for having such a kind soul for staying with us. I know that becoming a mom was something you didn’t think you would fit to be, but you decided to step up and become the mother that we didn’t think we would need from our transition from humanity to eternity.”
“Carlisle is many things, but he is always Stella’s number one. His actions betrayed the words that came out of his mouth, for it spoke what his heart always yearned for. Carlisle, you may have waited centuries for a chance with your mate, but you don’t need to worry anymore, because she is now by your side until the end of our immortal lives.”
“Everyone has been a witness of their pinning, me painfully so because of my telepathy and the time that I’ve spent with them. And everyone had one hope for the both of you, and that was for you two to realize just how deep the love and respect that you have for each other.”
“I am standing here today, not just as their eldest son, but also a man that witnessed their love and how it was always bound to withstand the test of time.”
“May you be blessed to have the love that you will choose to live for every day.” Edward ended, raising his glass of blood to initiate a cheer for the newlywed
Edward went down the stage and hugged Carlisle and Stella, whispering his congratulations to the two of them. Rosalie made her way up the stage, a wide grin on her face.
“So, Edward made a long, very proper speech.” Rosalie started, getting laughter from the crowd “I intend to keep mine short, but I don’t think I will be able to summarize the 287 years of pinning that they had with each other.”
“Oh, come on.” Stella teased, playfully rolling her eyes at Rosalie
“I’ve only been with them for 74 years. But in those 74 years, not once have I doubted the love between the two of them. It was always there, though acknowledged very very late. Carlisle showed his through words, always knowing the right things to say to be Stella’s solace. And Stella showed hers through actions, making sure that Carlisle never forgets that he deserved rest just as much as the humans did. Both subtle yet screamed what their hearts wanted to say.”
“I wish I was as poetic as Edward.” Rosalie joked, getting the married couple to chuckle at her comment “But we really do wish nothing more but your complete happiness in your life as an officially married couple.”
“Congratulations! And finally, you’re married.” Rosalie ended, clapping because she was right
Finally, they were married.
Carlisle and Stella looked at each other as Rosalie went down the stage, a fond smile forming on their faces, before sharing a kiss. Getting the audience to cheer and yell for them.
The kiss was soft, it was gentle.
It was everything that summarized their 287 years of pinning.
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ballgame · 12 days
I'm going to ramble a little on my thoughts on magic in Deltarune, but I'd like to preface this by saying that a lot of this falls more under the realm of speculation (and at times headcanons) rather than genuine theory-crafting. I'm fully prepared to have some of these ideas be completely blown to smithereens come later chapters.
I'm not exagerrating when I call this rambling, so I'm putting it under a read-more.
I like to think that the Deltarune reality is the way it is because its Earth is just innately less magical. This is of course working under the assumption that Undertale's Earth is innately magical in some sense, with both monsters and humans pulling from that innate magic in their own ways.
DR monsters are still likely largely physiologically the same as UT monsters, but they can't effectively use their magic because almost all of it goes into sustaining their bodies. I'd wager that the limited magic they do have isn't even quite understood in-universe as being magic, if it's observed at all it's likely called something else. This difference is potentially also why they're more "sturdy" than their UT counterparts, since they never adapted to relying on environmental magic, potentially having slightly more physicality (although they presumably still turn to dust, so not too much more).
Humans on the other hand do not use magic at all, since there's no readily available source to draw it from. Hypothetically they could get and use magic in other ways, since it still exists outside of Dark Worlds to an extent, but I'd reckon these methods are either completely unknown due to a lack of research or are extremely underground/taboo (think about how Kris turned to "occult" stuff when trying to learn magic).
Less magic could potentially also help explain why the functionality of SOULS is unknown in Deltarune. In Undertale, monsters are said to be attuned to their SOULS due to their body being composed mostly of magic. So if DR monsters have less magic than UT monsters, or rather their bodies use it more stringently, this attunement might be dampened or outright nonexistent. This would then majorly stunt the study of souls in early history and limit the wider understanding of them.
Hell, I actually think that the line of logic I've presented here could even explain why Dark Fountains can be created in Deltarune in the first place. This was never a conclusion I was planning to come to, but the more I think about it the more it makes sense to me. Let me explain:
So there's a good possibility that "Darkness," the force that Deltarune's plot revolves around, also exists in Undertale. Entry No. 17 seems to imply this, since it's most likely from Gaster when he was the royal scientist. The very scant concrete, official information we have about Gaster actually does well to explain why he would know about it, since researching ways to draw energy from the Earth to create and maintain the CORE would naturally lead him to learning about darkness if it does indeed exist in Undertale. Now, if Gaster needed something like the CORE to even scratch the surface of what darkness is, then that would seem to suggest that it exists as a layer under the Earth's magic (not in a literal physical sense, I'm speaking metaphysically here). Normally, to draw power from the Earth you need determination, but I would assume the amount of DT an individual would need to reach past magic and into darkness is insurmountable for even the most determined human. But, in a world virtually without magic, one like Deltarune's, darkness is allowed to bubble up from the depths.
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cybers-sillyzone · 9 months
Cosmic Calamity
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*Undertale Yellow AU Time!! :333 Half of my hyperfixation is on Star specifically sooo I made an AU centered around him
*Certain things are subject to change depending on if my feelings change/feedback
*This NOT a ship AU. Star is in his early-mid 20s during UTY and his late 20s-early 30s during UT, Flowey is stuck as a 13-ish year old. Just felt the need to clarify that.
Contains Spoilers for UTY below! (Geno and True Pacifist)
*Basically, Clover has been being possessed by the PLAYER, and has been doing multiple genocide runs. PLAYER gets more and more influence each reset, and this time, they managed to kill Martlet before she escaped
*Flowey has been growing tired of the genocide routes. Isn’t Clover bored now? But now they killed Martlet before she escaped, that was new. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was kinda scared. Before he knew exactly what to predict, just playing along in hopes Clover would get bored and do a different route, one which hopefully ended in him getting his souls. But now he didn’t know what to predict.
*In this timeline, word never reaches the Wild East about Clover, so everyone is blissfully unaware of their genocide. It plays out like it does normally, but with Clover killing citizens of the Wild East while everyone’s back was turned. Star believes that everyone is just… away from town, they’ll probably be back eventually. Ceroba grows suspicious of Clover, she managed to get some people to evacuate, but fails to convince Star in time. Star returns from the mines just in time to see Clover kill the Feisty Four. Ceroba fights Clover to stall for time, telling Star to run. He refuses, he has to avenge his town, it’s his duty as a Sheriff. Ceroba forces him to run away, shoving him out of the gate and closing it. PLAYER tries to go back and kill Star, but he’s already gone, Flowey forces them to forget about it and move on to the Steamworks. After they oblige and go to the Steamworks, Flowey considers his options. The timeline had already been changed, so why wouldn’t he change it more? The last two monsters who stood so much as a chance against Clover would be Axis and Starlo. Axis would probably try to kill Flowey, plus, he’s technically not a monster, so Flowey went to go find Starlo. He finds Starlo and explains everything, the resets, saving, loading, timelines, all of it. Flowey wants to put an end to it, but he doesn’t know how. He could just reset now, but would that really do anything? Clover would just come back and do genocide all over again. Sure, his main motivation for stopping the resets is just wanting the human souls, but Starlo doesn’t need to know that. Starlo and Flowey agree to work together to try and stop Clover.
*The genocide route continues as normal, by now, Clover is lv. 20, they’re in control now. But when Clover approaches the castle, Starlo is there. So is Flowey, they give exposition and fight Clover.
*The first phase of this hypothetical fight wouldn’t be too insanely hard, easier than the Zenith of Monsterkind at the least. Starlo tanks hits for Flowey, and eventually when Starlo would get to around 1/5th of his HP, Flowey realizes they’re not strong enough on their own, and leaves, promising to be as quick as possible.
*This part of the fight would be much easier, but when you ‘kill’ Starlo, before he turns to dust, Flowey returns with the human souls. He grabs Starlo and shoves the souls into him. He also indirectly causes himself to also fuse with Starlo, forming the Blazing Star (like the warrior cat book….omg…)
*PLAYER is determined, but so are they. Now it seems to be a battle of who can outlast the other. Essentially a purgatory for Clover. PLAYER and the Blazing Star would all be fighting for control of the timeline. There’d probably be an ending where the PLAYER wins, but that’s boring and lame. So the Blazing Star (mainly Flowey) would begin to question how this 12 year old is still managing to grip a hold on the timeline when they’re facing what’s pretty much a god. He realizes that there’s a second party at play. Clover isn’t more determined than them, far from it, it’s someone else. Someone neither human, nor monster.
*The Blazing Star tries to get Clover to resist the player, and eventually, they do. The threes combined efforts manage to split PLAYER from Clovers soul. They destroy PLAYERs connection to their world and reset the timeline.
*Clover has very few memories of that timeline, only that Flowey and Starlo helped them when they needed it most. Starlo has some memories of it, he mostly remembers everything but some parts are fuzzy, namely the logistics of saving and the timelines as well as most of the stuff before the final fight. Flowey however remembers it clearly.
*Clover does the true pacifist ending and everything stays pretty much the same, but Starlo and Flowey are friends now.
*After Clover gives up their soul, Flowey lets them rest. 10-ish years pass, and Flowey panics since he lost control of the timeline again. He goes to see if another human fell, he’s still been checking every day since he still wants those souls. But low and behold it’s everyone’s favorite yellow skinned gremlin, Frisk.
*Flowey recognizes Charas presence, and Frisks story plays out largely the same. Though I do want to add in a Wild East section, not too sure what’s gonna happen or how Frisk gets there though. However, Starlo would be a wee bit suspicious of Frisk due to sensing that secondary presence (Chara) in their soul, but would realize that regardless of who or what it is, Frisk is indefinitely better than PLAYER.
*Flowey also cut off contact with Starlo after Frisk fell, believing he wouldn’t understand why it was so important that Frisk stayed alive.
*And then after the Asriel fight Starlo and Flowey make up and become friends again YAY good ending
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*anyways here’s a concept for the blazing stars design:
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pap03 · 1 year
Okay so I originally wrote this on Discord so apologies for any jank
But I need to get out my mega LOVE theory for Deltarune somehow, and Discord is the only place I've wrote it down lol
Anyways what got me going was this here difference in stats
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Both being a post-Snowgrave Kris, just one from the Light World and the other from the Dark World
And this discrepancy would be strange right? If both LV's stood for the same thing
Which I'd why I claim that they do not
Rather that the LV in the Light World still refers to the LOVE of UT
While the LV in the Dark Worlds stands more properly for a "Level" a way of gauging the amount of Experience the Fun Gang have
Doubly true as the Dark World stats measure nowhere "EXP" aka "Execution Points"
From what I can tell Level only goes up upon reaching certain HP values, as Noelle goes from Level 1 to Level 2 in the Dark World
Since Noelle "Levels up" upon finishing just one act of violence in the Dark World
So I think it'll be possible later on to Level up early if you're violent enough
Sorta opposite of how it worked in UT, where you needed to LOVE up to get HP
In Dark Worlds you need to get your HP up to Level up
But that’s a bit of a tangent; continuing on
With the ground rules laid out that LV and LV can exist synchronously the next thought in my ramblings was that I need some proof that Noelle will continue to be our main Puppet, to explain why this LV theory should be relevant
And on that front, I got several bits
Easiest for me to lay out here is that the Survey taker at the beginning of ch 1 has special dialogue if you name yourself after a majority of the party members
This includes: Kris, Susie, and Noelle
All 4 share the same reaction
Secondarily Noelle lays out herself in the hospital that she's gonna figure out what's going on with Kris, which means to me that she'll keep coming around Kris, even despite the coercion into murder
And lastly, Noelle’s crush on Susie has so much unmissable screentime that Chekov would shit his grave if there were no resolution to it
This established leaves the first 2 core tenents of my theory
1. LOVE exists
2. Noelle will be the sole Snowgraver as the game progresses
For the sake of it, let's tackle the ramifications of both of these in order, as 1 heavily leans into 2
1. LOVE as we know it in Undertale exists in some way form or fashion in Deltarune
Natural questions that raises
- Do Darkners count for EXP? Yes, I'd say so, given the inverse effect on how Levels contribute to HP compared to how Undertale's LOVE and HP work, and the fact Noelle gains HP faster than the rest of the Party when they commit violence I'd argue there's a secondary element increasing her vitality, that being her LOVE increasing
- If LOVE exists why isn't Noelle a complete psycho killer in the Light World? Because that's not how LOVE works, by sans's admission LV contributes to making it easier to hurt others, and easier to distance yourself, but never expresses that it creates a want to kill, although that does seem to be a side effect which I'll get into next section
Mechanics of LOVE across Undertale and Deltarune:
For most people who've played a neutral run of Undertale, you'll be remiss to note anything going on as you gain LV. As much as I love Frisk as the blank slate of a protagonist that they are, their lack of emotions makes it hard to tell what exact the differences are between an LV 3 individual and an LV 7 one, differences sans can tell, but we can't really
So then we have to look elsewhere, mainly the Genocide run and comparing characters who may have killed in UT to their murderless counterparts in Deltarune
- Early LV's 1-6
At this point a person has killed a bit, but is also where the effects of each individual LV is the most noticeable, as sans has unique dialog for every LV here
What this tells me is that your first kills change you the most compared to later kills
Also during this LV range we see Frisk start their way through Snowdin in a Geno run, where they skip puzzles without our input, and are generally quieter than even before
I call this part of the LV grind "Getting Colder" for many reasons, partially for the pun, but also how we see Frisk act much more distant, aka cold, towards their surroundings and walk through situations, giving of an energy of "I don't care, let me through"
Considering this is also the LV's you'd end the game at for killing just Toriel or Undyne (two impassable bosses without killing or their special sparing method) that general sentiment persists
For the sake of it, I also reference Gerson and Asgore, Gerson was in the War of Humans and Monsters and has intimate knowledge about human combat and abilities, and while it's canon that no human casualties were suffered through the whole War, I would not be surprised if Gerson had to put down a fellow monster or two during the chaos after the Barrier was first erected. Yet despite that idea, Gerson is still just a bubbly, slightly traumatized, old man in Waterfall telling me that you can work past Early LVs. Yet there's also Asgore, as of the time of me writing this the only character who has canonically (and confirmed to) taken the life of anything, and as of our time encountering him, he's distantly removed from the act he's doing, which is another murder. However I must mention that there's a lot of shit there for Asgore compared to Deltarune's Asgore that could lead to the state he's in beyond LOVE so take that with a grain of salt
- Middle LV's 7-14
This is where an interesting switch occurs, specifically at LV 9 but the larger grouping together sorta encompasses it all. This is where Frisk (yes Frisk I'll elaborate if I have to) begins to enjoy the act of killing, smiling before every encounter, and even reveling in the fear of others, such as when Frisk intimidates Monster Kid just before the Undying fight
Now above I talk about how wanting to kill isn't a symptom of LV, and I still believe that
While this seems to be contradicting evidence to that claim I don't think so, as I think it's around this point that one becomes so distant that the act of killing someone else doesn't invoke any feeling of remorse anymore
Where Frisk's enjoyment is derived from is their "Determination" as at the point they're smiling they've killed every monster they could find up to this point, so they're happy to "finish what they started" and also why the Smile goes away if you abort Geno at this point forward as that goal of eradication is gone
- High LV's 15-19
This is the grouping we know the least about, as the majority of these are Geno exclusive, CORE/Hotland exclusives no less which at this point the whole Underground is on lockdown so any unique traits from here are lost in translation, from best we can tell, anything shy of all kills isn't labeled as "True Evil" by MTT and LV 17 is labeled as "Bad at being evil" by sans
So perhaps there's some room for redemption at this point? Idk, sans doesn't think so at LV 19, but it's an interesting thought
- LV 20
This one gets a special mention just because of how everything goes down
The Mercy Button is gone
Frisk is able to make inputs without Player input
And at this LV it's possible to summon the Demon, a manifestation of the evils you caused and power you gained by pushing this world to its limits that quite literally has the power to attack the game box Undertale is played in
This demon is the single most powerful being we've encountered inside of UT/DR outside of maybe Asriel
Now, with everything LOVE-related established we can also use it as a symptom list to diagnose Noelle at where she's at and take a rough estimate as to how much LOVE a single Snowgrave run would allow for
And well, I won't run yall through the numbers so to speak but she's solidly in the Early LV's
She still has remorse for the deaths she did cause
But she's also able to distance herself from her actions there, could be grief but her interactions with her father on Snowgrave compared to a Main Route shows to me that she's a little more reserved, which also falls in line with Early LV symptoms
So what does that leave?
Well, as someone pointed out to me before, Noelle has some violent tendencies
They're reserved, but come out when say, Berdly also has a crush on Susie, or if it's encouraged (see what this whole post is about lol)
See also the theory that the damage at the beginning of the Cyber World was caused by Noelle, not Queen, and there's reason to see where things may go as Noelle breaches into the Middle LV's
I see her, like Frisk, enjoying the slaughter as things continue on
So to conclude my little LOVE Theory I see the rest of Deltarune going as such
1 more route of us manipulating Noelle into killing, she'll be far more resistive, but I know we'll break through, with the boss of that area that she kills (secret boss or another Lightner) the last we'll see of Noelle she'll have cracked a smile
Then from there on she'll easy, fights will break out just from her instigation, or from others more heroic trying to get in her way
By the end I think we'll have to fight her, and she'll kick our asses
Or we'll have to fight Kris
It's hard to know that far ahead
But using LOVE alone, that's how I see things going
Thanks for reading if you did! Feel free to comment and discuss or ask me questions through my ask box. Hope you enjoyed my transcribed madness lol
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Si x Anteo hcs when
.....ovo [SCREAMING] you're making the brainrot worse
But- I knew this would happen ovo some nsfw stuff will be under the cut.
Let's start with in game Anteo:
Dude has like- zero chance to get into Si's pants. One- Si's demisexual and doesn't do hookups and after just a few minutes of talking to Anteo he realizes that he's just a waste of a pretty face. He tries giving Anteo a fake number TWICE before Anteo corners him and demands Si give him is phone so Anteo could enter his phone number in SI's phone before calling himself so he could have it. And yes, he does take a picture and everything for the contact so 'he could get more of his pretty face." Si tries blocking him, but it's around the 4th or so new number where he gives up and unblocks Anteo's main phone just to get it to stop.
Every advancement Anteo makes gets rejected and put down, which just pisses Anteo off more. Sure, he likes a challenge, but he's never met someone so just...NOT interested in him and it drives him crazy, to the point he starts stalking Si and harassing him at work/in places he frequents on his off times, going as far as breaking into his house once Si starts using the buddy system to avoid him in public. The police do get called, but they're easily bribed with money, so they no longer are a viable option and turn a blind eye every call they get. Anteo might be wealthy enough to repair the things he breaks turning his tantrums, but Si isn't, so a lot of his things end up getting thrown out or needing to be replaced over time. Si considers getting a restraining order and moving, but when Anteo gets word of it this sets. Him. OFF. At that point, Si's getting kidnapped in the middle of the night and chained up at the ranger's station.
It's kinda up in the air from there, but I see Si gaslighting the fuck out of Anteo when he learns more about what makes him tick. Freedom's not an option, but house privileges? Check. Stopping him from doing the ai art/crypto bro shit, check. Going on dates that are actually kinda cute despite Anteo being a clingy and overprotective, pushy asshole? Check. Funny enough though, I do see Anteo and Si having a weird like, tsundere fueled heart to heart about why Anteo is like this, and it might be the Stockholm Syndrome talking, but Si might even feel a little SAD for him.
Now, unfortunately for Si they're actually into a lot of the same kinks and general likes when it comes to bedroom activities while being a good sub to his doming style- something Anteo takes advantage of to get him hot and bothered and thinking about crossing that line with him now that Si is HIS. And when they DO finally fuck, Si's teaching him the importance of an AFAB orgasm whether Anteo likes it or not. OvO which....hehehe trust me I think he will.~ I see there being a 50/50 of him either edging Si until his limits are broken OR both of them seeing just how long Si could keep cumming for with overstim sessions. Both of them have a lot of stamina so....I could actually just see them fucking all day. They match their freak levels. uwu Si's gonna get Anteo to let him peg him- I swear to you all. ovo
Now, for THE BOY ut!Anteo
Si and ut!Anteo get along MUCH better without all the bullshit canon Anteo puts him through. They're both nature and animal loves, so I see them crossing paths at a volunteering event- maybe being paired up to look after a small group of birds or something. They'd get to talking and would probably exchange numbers for future get togethers as friends, since I see them being cute and awkward friends in the beginning. Si doesn't have a lot of people he can regularly do outdoorsy stuff with, and Anteo appreciates his company. They're both quiet people for the most part, so they vibe well together and would probably be comfortable being silly around each other. Si also helps keep Anteo on track, sometimes texting him little reminders because he knows how scatter brained he can be.
I see Anteo teaching Si how to surf tbh. Si's always wanted to learn but knew he would look goofy trying, so he's glad someone like Anteo could show him without making him feel AS embarrassed about bailing. I'd say the would have met sometime around winter/spring, so at this point they'd known each other for a little while and have become regulars in each other's life. I think, while watching the sun start to set on their boards (close to shore of course surfing at night/early morning is dangerous), Anteo might come to realize that he had feelings for Si. It would make for a cute confession, shyly talking about it as they dried off and packed up, and I think they'd share a sweet, but shy and chaste kiss afterwards. uwu
Si's pegging him ovo oh Si is definitely pegging him. They're both shy about it at first- Anteo because he's never done it before and Si because it's always something he wanted to do but hesitated because he didn't want to deal with possible gender dysphoria. ovo All of that goes out the window after they properly take the time to prepare Anteo for the SMALLEST option they could find while being able to accommodate Si as well (which would be a double ended one uwu one side's MASSIVE but it does the job well). It's an experience for the both of them, I'll tell you that. ovo I might have to draw it actually, words don't do it justice. The cute way Anteo asks Si to top afterwards each time is just [chefs kiss] and when Anteo learns Si can naturally peg him while in heat? Oh boy, he's glad they've worked up sizes I'll tell you that. ovo
Pets. They have a lot of pets together with properly spaced out and enriched enclosures and a dog they take hiking with them after finding him wandering alone and without a home on one of their outings together.
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"You're wearing me out, baby. The chupa chups move the other day was so unfair."
"Don't call me baby," she warned him, but his hand on her butt distracted her and she went back on the attack. "Too bad I had something bigger in mind."
The man returned the piercing stare as he saw her slowly descend, kneeling down and unbuttoning his belt with a bold smirk.
"What's on your mind?"
"What does it look like to you? I'm helping a friend get distracted."
"Far be it from me to refuse, but if they come in..."
"Then I see you are already distracted enough not to have noticed that I closed the hook."
The woman could feel the heat of his greedy gaze making her skin burn; she could no longer hold back all that excitement, she needed to let off steam.
"Come on, no porn dialogue? You know I'm not amused." she provoked him, and he smiled.
"Look what you've done. Why don't you fix the problem with that pretty little mouth?"
"No, I don't want to." she grumbled in a high-pitched voice but continued to curl a few strands with a finger and smile mischievously to let him know she was playing along. 
"Maybe I didn't make myself clear; did you think I would let you be a little slut without consequences?" the hunter's voice was almost a grunt, and those words made her skin crawl with excitement. 
He gave her a softer look, and she smiled to reassure him that it was okay with her. 
"I'm not the type to let you do something that I don't want. It's your turn to show me how you like it."
With a sharp gesture he pushed her head forward to his erection.
"Good girl, take it all." he first gave her a few slaps on the cheek.
"I don't know what to do, sir. I never have."
"Oh no?" the man whispered with effort.
He took to rubbing and slamming his member on the provocative face of the woman, who kept waiting for him with her tongue out.
"Oh, do you see you're good? Let me see what you can do with that tongue." he gasped as he watched her work on him without taking his eyes off her. 
The red-hot flattened tongue brushed each spot as he took it out of her mouth, then descended slowly and helped herself with one hand so as not to overlook anything.
"How good you are." he whispered to her, enjoying the sensation of her moist mouth swallowing his length, caressing her face and gathering her hair to one side.
He raised his head and stared at the ceiling, squinting his eyes from the pleasure that was making him let out increasingly loud moans.
"You idiot, they can hear you even in Canada like this." "Please continue." he moaned and with a hand on her head pulled her to him; he loved being in control, it gave him the feeling that not all of life was at the mercy of events he couldn't handle, and she liked to have someone else tell her what to do from, but she liked surrendering dominance as much as having it and she was certain that at that point she had the upper hand-literally.
"Now tell me 'I lost, you won.'"
"What a son of a bitch."
"I'm waiting." she urged. The Winchester closed his eyes as she continued, more ruthless than ever, rising and falling on his ledge slowly and forcing him to gasp out one moan after another. "Say it." 
"All right, you win." he blurted out and took to thrusting his pelvis to independently manage the rhythm until he burst with pleasure, but managed to pull out before he finished, a gesture that Lachelle could not help but register, appreciating it as much as she appreciated that he had continually asked her permission with even a glance, making her feel the urge to try without disrespecting her.
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redr0sewrites · 11 months
Hii! So sorry if you aren’t currently taking requests, but if you are, can I request an Obanai x Female reader where the reader has eczema and is extremely insecure about it (always hiding her body with hoodies and pants because she doesn’t want anyone to see her skin; even if it’s not bad at all in that moment, she still does it out of habit)? Sorry if this is too much, but I need to see something about character X reader with eczema 😭, and I have been reading through a few of your works, they’re all so amazing that I just needed to take the chance lmfaoo. Have an amazing day, whether you decide to write this or not. <3
YESS REQS ARE ALWAYS OPEN <3! lmk if anything is inaccurate and tysm for requesting!!
🥀Cw: angst (w comfort) to fluff, mentions of insecurity and eczema,
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You struggle to steady your breathing, the warm sun felt like it was pounding against your body, yet you didnt dare roll up your sleeves. Even surrounded by the Hashiras, the people you knew to be your friends, the thought of revealing your skin made your blood run cold, despite the heat. The rash covering your arms and body was, in your eyes, disgustingly imperfect. You would rather suffer through the blistering heat then reveal your greatest insecurity.
"Is everything okay?" Obanais observance never ceased to amaze you, and his beautiful eyes seemed to pierce right through you. Kaburamaru stuck out his tongue, eyeing you with the same concerned look as Obanai.
"I'm fine Iguro! Seriously, nothing's wrong!" You forced a smile, fighting the pathetic lump forming in your throat. Obanai didnt buy ut for a second. "Come with me," he murmured softly through his bandages. He gently grabbed your arm, forcing you to follow him as the both of you walked to a more private location. Soon, the three of you were sitting under a large tree well away from the others. You relished in the shade, wiping some sweat from your brow as Obanai watched you carefully. He sat in front of you, taking both of your hands in his while Kaburamaru adjusted himself to reach out far enough and boop your nose. You blinked, giggling softly as the tips of Obanai's ears flushed.
"Ready to tell me whats wrong?" Your lover said softly, reaching out to gently grab your chin, forcing you to hold eye contact with him.
"Its just..." you paused, taking a deep breath before the words spilled out. "My skin. Its- its horrible. Its been so bad recently, i just feel disgusting." You choked out, unable to continue as you tore your gaze away from his. A few seconds of silence passed, and Obanai reached out, cupped your face with his hands.
"you know that i love you regardless of your skin, correct?" you nod, forcing yourself to return his stare. "then why do you worry so much? has someone else said something to you?" Obanai's eyes immediately narrowed, turning around to glance at the other hashira and you flushed, stumbling to correct him.
"no, not at all! none of the others have ever made me feel bad about my skin, i just.. i dont know. i really dont. it just makes me feel horrible." Obanai sighed, humming in agreement before. pulling you in close. you blinked, melting into his embrace as one of his hands raised to play with your hair. Kaburamaru shifted to nuzzle against your cheek, and you couldnt help the smile that bloomed on your face.
Obanai pulled away to press his forehead against yours, speaking softly.
"Its okay to not be okay, and while I may not perfectly understand how you feel, I know what its like to feel ashamed of your skin. I know what its like to feel scarred and imperfect, and I want you to know that I'm always here for you." You smile, watching him flush at his own forwardness.
"I love you Obanai," you murmur, curling against him again as you keened into the crook of his neck. Kaburamaru curled around the both of you, and Obanai pulled down his bandages just for a second to press a gentle kiss to your cheek.
"I love you too, y/n.."
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univer-underfell · 6 months
Help wanted!
Hello! I’m Univer, creator of “Underfell?”! Yes, the question mark is part of the name.
I’ve also created the aus @hellspawntale-rebooted, @univer-underswap, and @ut-anomalous.
But, did you know, 3 out of these 4 AUs are actually OVERHAULS of old ones?
Yeah. Hellspawntale was originally REALLY BORING. The characters had like, no personality. But then, a year after the original, I started Hellspawntale Rebooted. (And finished it a few months back. The story has been continuing via Askblog ever since.)
Univer’s Underswap and Underfell? Are also rehauls of my old takes of Underswap and Underfell, which were really, REALLY bad.
But there’s one thing Hellspawntale Rebooted has that the other 3 don’t.
A completed (ish) Story.
The rest are kinda too big scaled for me to handle alone. Why? Well..
For Univer’s Underswap, it’s kinda hard for me to make battle sprites, cuz I’m just so used to overworlds and all that stuff.
For Undertale Anomalous, battle sprites are fine, cuz they’re all deltarune styled battles, but the MAPS are all different from Undertale, and I can’t really make maps.
For Underfell?, battle sprites like Univer’s Underswap, but also kinda maps too.
And don’t even get me STARTED on Music. The team has ONE musician. Granted, they’re actually really good at it, but still. One isn’t enough for like, 3 AUs.
Art? Unfortunately, I suck at normal art. Just SUCK.
And that’s why I’m here today, to announce..
If you wanna join the team, join the Discord Server. And ask to join the team. Then, show proof of your work and I’ll decide if it’ll work. Simple.
But, what exactly do I mean by “Joining the team?”
Well, we need: Artists, Battle Spriters, Map Spriters, Musicians, and probably more stuff like Writing.
How does joining the team benefit you?
You get to see a lot of Charisk and Flowey content? Maybe a Cameo in one of the AUs, too?
Why am I doing this now?
Well, simple! I’m really, REALLY proud of my AUs, but I’ll admit, it’s hard to manage 4 at a time all by yourself. And I wanna see them reach the potential I’ve been told once or twice they have. But I can’t do that alone, sooo…
Asking for help is the best I can do!
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weaselweaselw · 7 months
Deltarune: Why Gaster has a Split Personality
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Holy shit... so, in case you're living under a rock, the Deltarune Winter Newsletter came out last night, and its release sent ripples throughout the entire UT/DR fandom.
Included in the Newsletter is a development update which states that Chapter 3 is pretty much complete.
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The only aspect of the chapter still being worked on is the localization process from English to Japanese – the entire team is now working on Chapter 4. So that's nice - they even have an internal deadline for the actual game, so we can expect a release within the next year and a half.
However, the main selling point of this entire newsletter was the fact that it's themed around Valentine's Day. And as a result, there were a lot of Valentine's Day letters sent from the various Undertale and Deltarune characters. Here's one from Undyne:
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Here's a list of all the letters. Some are short, some are more comical - but many of them reveal interesting things about these characters.
Especially one character in particular...
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That's right! Even Gaster has a letter of his own! In fact, it's the rarest letter of them all that to my knowledge, only one person received, until minutes later, the letter itself was erased from Fangamer's website. However, the letter was archived in the nick of time.
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Wow, so that was a lot, right? There's quite a bit to analyze here, from Gaster needing help, to him forgetting someone - and it certainly added fuel to the fire that is the deltarune theory community.
However, there's one particular debate taking place all over the internet right now, for you see... some people don't think that letter was sent by Gaster. For one, the tone of this letter doesn't match his usual scientific, detached, and robotic demeanor he's usually associated with. He appears much more down-to-earth, speaking in a much more formal way than he usually does. And for many in the fandom at the moment, that is enough ground to say this character isn't Gaster.
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Despite how utterly insane and ridiculous this might sound to you, these people do bring up good points. And of course... these people also use the Japanese translation as evidence. In the Japanese version of Undertale and Deltarune, Gaster speaks in Katakana and Kanji, two rather complex and sophisticated alphabets, but in this letter, Gaster speaks in Hirigana - a more casual, laid-back, and simplistic alphabet, reflecting his demeanor.
So, what gives? Is this a different Gaster? Are there two Gasters at work here, who may or may not be at odds with one another? Is there going to be a Gaster War?
No. People seem to be forgetting something: Gaster was shattered across time and space, as revealed by Undertale.
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This isn't just some figurative jargon - one of the Gaster Followers quite literally holds a piece of Gaster in his hand. I know this is often overlooked, but what do you think the psychological effects of this could be?
It would likely be an extremely traumatic experience, if I'm going to be honest - as parts of your mind and body become fragmented across the entire universe and across time itself. So: it's quite possible that Gaster simply has... a split personality.
There aren't two Gasters or anything ridiculous like that, but rather, the one Gaster we know has his mind scattered across the universe, quite literally fragmented - such that different aspects of his personality present themselves at different times. In fact, such a condition exists in the real world: it's called Dissociative Identity Disorder, and it is most often associated with trauma resulting in the compartmentalization of the mind into multiple personality states, otherwise known as alters.
These are not separate people - think of it like turning a light switch on and off, or closing a door. And this is my solution to this debate that has begun about Gaster - I like to think of it as a compromise, but Gaster having a split personality like this can really spice up the story a bit - and could even solve some of the lingering mysteries about what happened to the secret bosses, but as of now, this only exists as theory tape.
Thanks for tuning into my rant.
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №17!
Undertale edition!
Frankly I've had an idea for this edition for a bit now, just needed a confirmation that you do know undertale after all.
The fault crew just somehow fall down into Mt. Ebott. Simultaneously. Without the ability to get out without breaking the barrier, so the canon way where they have to go through the whole underground. How well does that go? How do you think the undertale crew reacts to them? (By undertale crew I mean Toriel, Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Asgore and Flowey/Asriel.) This ask will only have 3 questions so you can write this out in details if you wanna.
How do you think would the undertale soul system work combined with Fault's lore? And if every character did have a soul, which color would they have? Like from the classic determination, Bravery, justice, kindness, patience, integrity, etc. also you can make up your own souls if you wanna!
Which characters do you think are the most similar to respective characters from the fault crew and why?
man I think there’s like a whole fic in this answer! Fascinating prompt since so much of undertale is influenced by Frisk’s humanness
1.The guys and flies being so openly monstrous would mean everything shakes out pretty differently. I suppose Wilbur would get mistaken for a human at times and it would make him furious. But past that would really, really do well with a culture who has been oppressed and misaligned by humans. It would find a lot of camaraderie there. But everyone just being so openly calling themselves monsters is a huge shock for the SCP crew, since that’s a pretty big trigger for them. I think it could be healing to find people so openly embracing the term. Especially with the variety of UT monsters that use it/its pronouns. 
After falling, both Phil and Tubbo are really concerned with how they can’t fly out no matter how hard they try. It leads to an air of trepidation before Tubbo finds the buttercups and brightens since yay apparently they won’t starve in a cave. (Tommy: what about the rest of us?!) Sucks to suck. Tubbo is initially enamored with the idea of a talking flower, poking Flowey and causing him to bloom even more. Flowey’s thought process is immediately 1. Where the hell is Frisk and 2. Does that bee guy have three human souls. Flowey is Extremely Wary of Tubbo since he’s highly aware what that level of power boost means. But also he harasses Frisk anyway, and would probably pull the friendliness pellets trick on Tubbo who’d deffo be gullible enough to go for it. At which point Flowey promptly gets set on fire. Kill or be killed mother muffiner. As for the philosophy, Wilbur and Tommy already align with it, only killing in self-defense. Philza and The Blade don’t really see their death as a possibility when attacking, so they nitpick from that angle. Philza*, Tubbo, and Tommy have also lived lives (*at times) without threat where it isn’t necessary to kill in order to survive, and so can disagree that way too. And Tubbo of course brings pacifism and finding an alternative to the table. 
As weak as Froggits are I honestly don’t see any of the guys bothering to kill them, unless one hits The Blade. They’re not really seen as a threat. Wilbur might even seek them out to eat the bullets. Honestly most encounters are highly influenced by the ‘attack the human’ mindset so they’d probably have a much easier time than Frisk. I doubt they’d even notice power increase from LOVE. 
I think it would be funny if Philza feels slightly threatened by Toriel and they become competitively Good Parents to the Fault guys in a subtle rivalry. Tommy is outraged by snail pies but Wilbur digs it. She and Tubbo trade baking recipes, and Tubbo promises to leave a few bees to look out if a human falls down and needs help. I don’t imagine she’d try to fight them to remain in the ruins, given not humans and are clearly protecting each other. 
Papyrus is vexed at how easily they’re able to get around puzzles thanks to various abilities like flying, bees, void, insta win gg mod, etc. But once revealed they have experience with humans he’s enthused to find out ways to trap them using that knowledge. Wilbur and The Blade adore the traps for enrichment, and Tommy also gets competitive about it. Phil and Tubbo help guide the traps away from being accidentally deadly. Wilbur and Papyrus date would be absolutely hilarious because neither of them know what that entails. 
The Blade and Sans get along wonderfully in the lazy and deadpan humor department. But also Sans is keeping an eye on him because of his crazy high LV. Like, Phil’s is also insane, but it doesn’t compare to The Blade’s at all. Turns out it’s The Blood God’s LOVE that is pinging, and Sans is like…wonderful, now i have two mass murderers that get possessed by demons… anyway Sans is definitely watching very carefully, because this is a neutral route. 
Undyne is probably going to get herself killed tbh. She’s an attack first ask questions later gal, and that is not something you survive with the SCP squad. Sadg, I want her to train with Phil, The Blade, and Tommy. Plus the contrast between how she and Wilbur feel about human halter is phenomenal. Wilbur probably WOULD believe she knew what she was talking about with anime. 
I fully believe they straight-up murder Alphys if they find the True Lab. And they will, because Tubbo can be kinda everywhere and would be utterly horrified, trying to rescue all the amalgamations. It’s a particular affront to them given combining souls against their will is a HUGE problem for Tubbo specifically. And even before then, everyone’s possibly already be skittish around her before then because scientist and surveillance cameras. Alphys digs into their Foundation trauma in a pretty big way. I think she locks herself in the lab if Undyne dies but that really won’t stop them. It’s nowhere near as secure as the Foundation. 
Okay. Mettaton is in a VERY interesting position. Because technically The Blade’s Instant Win battle luck does not apply to robots, or things that are dead, and as a ghost robot Mettaton is exempt. So The Blood God would not be triggered. The Blade might fight on his own for the novelty of it, and let him win, again, because hey! He gets a choice! That’s sick! Tommy is voguing his brains out. Plus cool friend he can hug because robots aren’t affected by Red. Yes Mettaton thinks him and Wilbur are human and are trying to kill them buuuuut that really won’t deter Tommy that much. 
Asgore is very shocked with the fact there are apparently monsters on the surface still. When informed the Foundation exists and hunts them down, he grows really grim and more convinced that a war is the only possible solution when they get to the surface. The Blade is like wait that’s a GREAT idea. Wil, Tubbo, and Tommy think he’s crazy. Philza is actually the one to talk Asgore out of it, explaining how it’s infeasible, that it’ll only spread monster hatred like wildfire and ideas are so much harder to kill than people, that it’ll only earn danger and retaliation that’s likely to get his children kingdom slaughtered. Because. Well. Philza has definitely toyed with the idea before, and understands exactly how badly it would go. Philza is homicidal, not stupid. 
Finding the children’s souls in the basement would go really bad. Philza is furious because he’s pretty anti child murder, which is extremely uncomfortable for The Blade, who feels revolted that someone is willingly and intentionally doing so. But also he gets sacrificing innocents for freedom, and being confronted with what that looks like taken to extremes messes him up. Tommy and Tubbo are just completely horrified. Wilbur…honestly I don’t think it’d care that much? He doesn’t really have that societal/evolutionary ‘protect the kids’ thing aside from striving to get normalcy for Tommy. Who isn’t human, thus is within the tribe. And Wilbur personally thinks killing THE KING OF THE NATION THEY’RE IN is an extremely fast way to die! Unless monster society works like the void; ie who ever kills the top of the heirarchy is now in power. But also Asgore hasn’t attacked them. The Blade is always down for anarchy, but guilty about what that means for what he deserves, and Philza did just have a speech about declaring war is a bad idea. So Asgore lives, but I figure Philza and WIlbur have the political machinations to get him out of office and Toriel on the throne (Wilbur does it for the pies).  
Tubbo tries to talk to the souls, which…potentially plausible? The souls have down basic words and if Tubbo beckoned them there is a minor physic link but I’m not sure how much that could further communication. I believe they’d offer the souls to join the Hive in order to have a second chance at life. Not sure who if any would accept, but that could potentially have a lot of interesting implications. 
Regardless, they have enough human souls to get out. Because of Fault crew’s experience they’re a little reluctant to return bc the Foundation hasn’t harassed them, but the monsters are eager. I think under the advice of SCP squad they’re going to avoid actually getting into human society, but the emergence of a likely segregated town of monsters with a high enough population that humans can’t just fully attack is feasible. In the long run it is really good for Fault sbi given they have a place to settle with a community and general protection from the Foundation. 
2.Honestly the soul systems have a decent amount of overlap. Potentially some subconscious inspiration, there. Things like souls giving power to those that absorb them, multiple souls sharing control of a body, traits associated with souls, humans/people being more powerful than other types of souls. Fault people/UT human souls share some similarities, with the souls being powerful and the bodies being weaker, with Conceptuals/monster souls being the inverse. 
But I think on a number of key facts they contradict irreconcilably. F!People souls can’t be taken without consent/consequence in Fault, which is distinctly not the case in Undertale for Humans, and don’t persist after death unless absorbed/combined with a Conceptual, let alone get ripped out and put back in like we see with Kris. For Conceptuals, when they die they leave behind an object that represents their soul. It persists after death unlike monster souls. You can eat the representation for power tho, but I hope Frisk isn’t snorting lines of Monster dust! 
Undertale human souls are distinctly defined by a concept, whereas Conceptuals are defined by two and F!people are distinctly exempt from being defined by a core concept because they are real and thus able to change, grow, act outside of their natures. I think UT human souls are made of emotions which is a small fraction of a Fault soul, let alone monster ‘magic’ having no analogy. 
Flowey. Man. Flowey doesn’t work with the Fault system, given he’s soulless which just isn’t possible? All sentient beings that can form relationships, experience emotion, have memories, and have agency have souls in Fault. If you’re missing even one of those you’re screwed in different colorful ways. Since Flowey isn’t like a husk he has to have a soul. Like potential one could argue he’s missing emotion given the lack of empathy but he clearly has fear, spite, hatred, curiosity, etc. anyway the God of Hyperdeath fight would never shake out like that in Fault since people souls tend to be suited to overpowering a Conceptual (though willpower is a factor). 
I suppose it could be sorted out with Conceptuals, monster souls, and people souls being separate but the UT Human souls throw a wrench in since at the very least Tubbo and Tommy have those. The soul systems are alas fairly incompatible in a number of big ways for both plots.
Exclusively under the Undertale system: Tommy would definitely have a human soul and boss monster one. Tubbo is the three human souls, and potentially a normal monster one..? Potentially many normal monster souls. Wilbur has a monster soul, though I think it could do that thing Undyne does where he’s so determined that he clings to life despite it melting him. The Blade would be…a monster?? Human??? soul that absorbed a boss monster, with INSANE LOVE for the voices. Philza is a boss monster, hence the immortality. 
Tubbo is integrity. I debated Justice, because they certainly try, but Tubbo isn’t particularly successful. They value their integrity very very highly. 
Tommy is perseverance because his power is kinda surviving no matter what. And he does try to continue to be happy and outgoing despite everything. 
Philza is patience. It’s what nearly gets him killed in the amnestics arc. He’s used to having all the time in the world and is willing to play the long game. 
The Blade is kindness. Cause genuinely he really is just very nice even though his morals are a lil funky. 
Wilbur is determination. It’s tamed the void through willpower and cleverness alone, and is dedicated to practicality and doing whatever it takes to survive. 
3.Sans is a shoe in for The Blade. Lazy laidback jokers? Check. Hellish in a fight? Check. Does more damage if the person their fighting has attacked? Check. One eye? At one point. And The Blood God can be the mad dummy. (Which has my favorite boss theme btw)
Papyrus and Tommy have a lot together with being self aggrandizing and forgiving people that maybe they shouldn’t. Alternatively MK for that enthusiastic kid energy, hands? No thanks, and that initial hero worship of Undyne/The Blade.
Toriel and Philza have that chronic parent energy, particularly with the food as love language part. Plus the fire aspect! Not sure if Phil would go for the helicopter over controlling parent thing after so many children deaths, but the experience of watching so many of your kids die is shared. 
Wilbur is Burgerpants because. Okay I just think they have that same vibes. And it’s funny.or Mettaton bc legs for days and silly challenges. 
I genuinely can’t think of an analogue for Tubbo! If you have a solution go for it. 
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dragonridernoobie · 9 months
Please enjoy and have fun reading!
Friend Faze
First off, I belive when he meets you, he will be very hesitant to talk or interact to.
Since his time with frisk was not...pleasant.
Once you got to know him, he will be the fun friend who always brightens you're day.
I can see him getting to the point in your friendship that he doesn't even knock on your door. He just telaport inside of your house and sits on the couch.
You have gone used to finding him inside of you're house by then, so you will just say hey, and continue on you're day.
He escapes to you're house to get out of work or stressful situations.
Or his brother.
He is also a friend who likes pranking you.
Enjoy alot of random pranks scattered in you're house when he's gone.
He dose glitter bombs (not big ones), water bucket on door, Whoopi cushions underneath the couch seats, waking up with marker on you're face, random object around (like a bike in the kitchen) and more
His brother loves you.
You could say you and papyrus are best friends.
This is very good for sans since I can imagine him having very deep depression.
So knowing his bro is getting happy with you, and he dosent need to worry, that gives him so much joy
He also steals you're ketchup.
Crush faze
When he starts to realize that he likes you, I belive he will start to panic.
Since this is something new and he has never had a crush this hard before.
Yes there was Toriel, but they didn't work out.
He will most likely push his feelings aside and act normal.
He will still come over to you're place and chill.
Maybe doing less dirty pranks.
When he talks to you, tho, he panics in the inside.
when these feelings start to get worse, he might just accept them.
He ain't telling you tho, fuck that.
So he might just seem more distant and less talkive.
You get worry of corse so you ask him if he's OK.
He probably tell you he's fine and telaports away before you can ask more questions.
Expect him to slightly stalk you.
Not in a yender way or anything, more of making sure you are OK.
He really only does this to papyrus, but since he has gotten feelings for you, he wants you to be safe.
Expect him to get really annoyed or jealous when you talk to somome else who's clearly flirting with you.
Eventually you will have to confront him about what's going on and after an hour of asking questions he will break and tell you.
While he's ranting you can expect him to start to cry and explain why he's scared of this, what happend in those resets, how he dosent want to lose you, etc.
You will need to ground him and calm him down.
Once you do, you tell him you have feelings for him to.
You're willing to wait tho and let him ease his way into this loving stage.
He is great full and agrees to this.
Dating Faze
When your relationship starts to go off, I can imagine him not immediately going into kissy or hugging or anything.
It will still be like you guys where friends.
Eventually tho, you can expect him you give you hugs or kisses out of the blue.
He LOVES how you treat him.
He will return the gesture over time.
Once you guys are comfortable, more colors start to show.
This dude is a FUCKING simp.
You could be wearing the most dirtiest clothes ever and he will still fall to his knees.
He loves how you give him little kisses on the head when you walk by
How you always bring his favorite ketchup home when the bottle at home is almost empty.
How you cook amazing food
Dare he say even better then papyrus's
Once you guys move in, he completely smothers you in love.
I can see him not into PDA but will allow and dose it if you or him are uncomfortable.
Expect to be late for work in the morning, this dude will smother and huge you to death.
He uses his powers on you to get you into bed with him.
Like, 'staying late to do some work? NOPE!'
You suddenly get pulled and put into bed, you're protest go on deaf ears.
Telaports away if you try to make him change clothes.
Will always be there for you if you cry or have a nightmare.
When his nightmares happen, that is a completely different story.
You have to be careful since he might attack you.
If you snap him out of it, he might feel horrible if he sees that he hurt you but you are to sweet to hate him for that.
That's another thing he loves about you.
You 2 are the ultimate lazy couple on weekends.
This man is HORNY under the right conditions.
He is not as horny as UnderFell sans but can be if it's all put together correctly.
I think I can see him having a bite and breed kink if he's horny enough.
Usually, what wines him up is you being sweet or trying to rile him up.
When he sees you wearing some tight clothes, expect him to smile like a devil and sneak behind you.
He will make the most dirtiest puns and jokes EVER.
He will use his telaport power to telaport both of you into the bed and go to town.
If you're in the mood for it of corse, this man is crazy but still has his head.
If he's really horny tho, like heat. Expect him to keep you trapped and never letting you go.
He will hump you, growl, licks, bites, etc.
With nest tho, it's a hit or miss, I guess it depends how hard his heat is hitting.
He will fuck you intel you cannot walk.
His after care tho is peak
Expect alot of water, treats, snacks, and snuggles.
He will MAKE you show you're bites out in public to show you are claimed, if there was someone who was constantly trying to hit on you.
He will also make you wear his clothes so your scent are on his clothes and his sent is on you.
It's a monster thing.
Request are still open!!!
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