#what is the benefit
tomathi · 1 year
not to be a luddite on main but I genuinely don't understand why everyone is frothing at the mouth to put ai in everything now. like...what does it make better?
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zany to me how these um actually nihilists like to pretend that "um actually love/friendship/cooperation/kindness isn't real bc we evolved that way to benefit ourselves as a species..." um YES? that's also where tool use comes from? that's where cooking comes from? am i supposed to think social bonds & tool use & cooking aren't "real" because they evolved over time instead of appearing fully formed from the ether?
sorry u can't enjoy things. im a superior being twirling a fork in my bowl of delicious noodles whilst staring in adoration at the world
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thedisablednaturalist · 6 months
I think when people think of mental illness and what helps, especially with things like anxiety and depression, the treatment involves pushing yourself. Pushing yourself to get out of bed, to exercise, to take a shower, to go out in public, to order your own food from the cashier, etc.
And because the mental health movement has grown so much, people think that's the default of ALL illnesses. That the only way someone will get better is if they push themselves. That practice makes perfect. That you'll become more comfortable or strong over time the more you do something.
But what people need to realize is, with physical disabilities and chronic illnesses, pushing yourself in most cases is DETRIMENTAL. Pushing yourself past your limits can lead to flare ups or further injury. That's why it's important to know your limits, how certain activities may affect your condition, and learn how to either adapt or get help to complete the activity in question.
Also, most of us are already pushing ourselves. Most of us don't have access to the help or equipment we need. Most of us live in places where we frequently encounter inaccessible obstacles. Most of us NEED to rest.
So please don't try to be our physical therapists or doctors. There are people specifically trained to help us navigate our own conditions and limitations. There are people trained to help us strengthen our body's resilience without causing flare-ups or injury. Do not tell us "it'll be good for you" or "you need the exercise" when we say something is too heavy or too far or when we say we need our mobility aid(s). Your friend with depression may need to be encouraged to get out of bed, but your friend with chronic illness definitely doesn't.
Respect our rest.
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ryllen · 5 months
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those loom of threads must be serving some function in a way, right ?
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lilianade-comics · 1 year
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@thesoulspulse suggested in this post a while back that Vlad should have become Casper High's principal instead of Amity Park's mayor, and I completely agree. Would have been waaaaaay funnier and better preserved his status as a very personal threat/potential ally to Danny specifically. Plus, we could have gotten a really dramatic students vs faculty dodgeball game with Vlad vs Danny as the inciting force!!
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sneckoil · 1 month
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playing house. when house isn't around. (as overburdened friends do)
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beatriceportinari · 1 year
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Brook trout - Origami, one sheet of paper
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hajihiko · 3 months
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a long time ago I was like "I bet there are a lot of characters that are both touch-starved and touch-averse" so. Thinks
Impostor explanation: has been around the whole scale as various identities, has a hard time understanding themselves and their own true preference. Tends to just adjust to whoever they're around.
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thoushaltnotlive · 29 days
*Post-canon, In some random vegas hotelroom at 4am*
Kevin slurring, still drunk AND hungover: Where the fuck were you?
Andrew and Neil, drunk, just stumbled in: We got married.
Kevin: Greeeat. Do you have some advil?
*Years later at an og foxes meet-up*
Dan: So, when are you guys planing on setteling down? Marrige, Kids, anything?
Others: *Discussing ect ect…*
Matt: And you Neilio, will you guys ever take the vowes?
Andrew, deadpan: We've been married for x years.
Aaron: What.
Nicky, very dramatically: My own cousin, how could you.
Allison, slammin at the table: Renee did you know about this?!
Renee: Don't look at me, this is news to me as well. Also Congratulations.
Neil: Thanks Renee :)
Allison: Don't you dare "Thanks" us. Were you going to tell no one?! Did you think you could take it to your grave?? What the fuck.
Neil, rolling his eyes: You never asked. Also we literally told Kevin the day of.
Aaron: What.
Kevin: Oh, I tought I hallucinated that, good to know I guess.
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holmsister · 5 days
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Literally laios to kabru
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anonymouscatt · 1 month
We really went from Thirteen barely revealing any personal information to companions who knew her for years to Fifteen infodumping his life story to Ruby ten hours after meeting her, huh
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anna-scribbles · 1 month
i think adrien would love saying “the horrors” someone should teach him that. as explanations for your awful mental/physical state go, it checks like all his boxes: vague, deflective, silly. “what’s wrong adrien?” “oh you know. the horrors😸” like he would love that.
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kwillow · 5 months
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As an eligible young noble of no small fame, Ambroys had a number of arranged courtships and suitresses in his youth, but any nascent marriages always fell through.
It's not that he didn't try; he certainly knew how to court a lady (perhaps too well, according to many fathers and husbands), and when he lacked knowledge on the affairs of womens' hearts, he sought counsel from a young woman who was a dear friend of his (perhaps too much counsel, according to his own father). Nonetheless, all he garnered for his efforts was separation after separation.
Ah, well. Maybe it was for the best.
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milfsloverblog · 5 months
Secret Benefits (part 4)
Previous part here
Sugar mommy!Larissa Weems x fem!reader
A/N: Guess who’s back, back again. I know, I know. It’s been a while. Life has been a crazy ride in the last couple of months and I just didn’t have the heart to be writing anything. But I thought it’d be nice to gift you this chapter as a new year present. Have fun! ps: this contains ANGST. You’ve been warned. Enjoy <3
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You could tell that The Paragon was another one of those ridiculously expensive restaurants as soon as you set foot inside. High ceilings, heavy velvet curtains hanging by the windows, paintings on the walls.
You took a deep breath and slid your hand into Larissa’s, intertwining your fingers with hers. It felt reassuring, feeling her skin against yours and knowing that she was there with you. Or that you were there with her.
A waiter quickly walked your way, flashing the two of you a bright smile before leading you to a table. You felt a couple of stares as you walked past the other seated people and realised what they were probably thinking about. A young woman with an older one, holding hands. You hadn’t even asked Larissa if this was okay - holding her hand in public. Holding hands like a couple would. That thought made you pull your hand away from Larissa’s as if you’d been burnt, much to Larissa’s dismay.
You sat down at the table and Larissa followed suit, sitting down in front of you. The older woman smiled when you didn’t bother opening the menu that had been handed to you by the waiter, knowing full well she’d be picking whatever you’d be eating.
Good girl, she thought as her blue eyes bore into yours before dropping to the menu in her hands.
Seared scallops with a saffron sauce as a main and a white chocolate and raspberry semifredo for dessert, that’s what she had picked for you that night.
Dinner went like it did last time, Larissa was always more willing to listen to you talking about your life rather than share about hers.
The tall woman chuckled softly when you pushed some semifredo in your mouth, making you look at her.
“You have some-“ Larissa didn’t finish her sentence, choosing instead to reach out and wipe the bit of cream from the corner of your mouth with her thumb.
Almost instinctively, your lips parted. Larissa’s breath hitched, her heart doing that damn fluttering thing in her chest. You looked so beautiful, she thought. So open to her, so inviting.
Without thinking about it twice, she pushed the tip of her finger between your parted lips. And without thinking about it twice, your tongue licked the pad of her thumb clean.
A shiver ran down Larissa’s spine and she pulled her hand away from your lips, leaving you with your mouth half open and a questioning look on your face.
“Larissa, I-“ you started apologising but the older woman cut you off, raising her hand to catch the waiter’s attention.
You stayed quiet as she paid the bill, following when she stood up and buttoned up her blazer. You weren’t sure what you had done exactly to warrant her whole demeanour to change, but it was clear that you had messed up.
She was still silent when you sat down by her side in the car, seemingly lost in her own thoughts as she drove away from the restaurant.
Larissa was as lost as you were, thousands of thoughts rushing through her mind as she remembered everything that had happened that day. This was nothing more than a beneficial agreement - she found herself thinking for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day.
She was still quiet by the time she dropped you off at your place, reaching for the envelope inside the glove compartment and carefully placing it on your lap.
“Larissa, you don’t have to-“
“I know. But that’s what we agreed on, I’m paying you for your time.”
You gave a slight nod and pushed the envelope inside your handbag.
“Well,” you started, turning a little to face Larissa who kept her gaze outside the windshield. “Thank you for today.”
The older woman nodded and gently squeezed your knee without looking at you.
For a second you wondered if that was it, if this was the last time you’d see her. And then it hit you, the sudden urge to lunge at her and pull her into a kiss. Maybe it would wipe the worry off her pretty blue eyes and the pout off her crimson lips. But you didn’t kiss her, choosing instead to mutter a quiet “goodnight” before getting out of the car.
You didn’t see Larissa again after that night, at least not for a while. She didn’t contact you anymore, not even a single text to ask how you were doing. And maybe, you thought, maybe that was for the best. Sure, money was tight again but…
“Fuck!” You dropped the letter on your coffee table. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You were fucked.
“What do you mean you don’t do instalments?!” You snapped at the woman on the other side of the phone that was pressed to your ear. “Yes, yes I get that! I get that it’s my fault but-“ you groaned when the woman cut you off again to remind you for the third time that you had missed part of the payment for your college fees and you had to pay for the remaining amount as soon as possible.
“For god’s sake, I’m a college student! Where do you think I’ll find two thousand dollars before Friday?! No, no my parents won’t-“ you pinched the bridge of your nose and took a deep breath. It was clear that the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, so you thanked the woman for her time and hung up.
You were fucked.
Asking your parents for help was useless, you already knew that. Maybe you could pick up a few more shifts at the bar but that meant you’d have to skip some classes and even then you would never gather that much money in a few days. And then it hit you. There was someone in your life who did have that kind of money.
You sighed loudly and sat down on the couch, staring at the phone that was still in your hand. You couldn’t just text Larissa asking her for two grand, not after you hadn’t talked to each other in weeks. No, you’d have to come up with a plan. And so you did.
It was a fairly simple plan. You texted Larissa asking how she was doing and chatting for a while before you offered to see each other. “A drink at my place,” you said. You knew that Larissa was attracted to you, a blind person could have told you that. Were you attracted to her though? You shook your head to get rid of the thought. It didn’t matter if you were attracted or not, all that mattered was that she was.
She had arrived at your place that evening with a bottle of Chardonnay. “I hate showing up empty-handed.” She’d told you when you said you had a couple of red wine bottles in the cupboard.
Larissa was a vision, as always. A beige-coloured coat that she shrugged off her shoulders to reveal a tight dress of the exact same beige fabric. Her hair was tied in one of those intricate updos, like the ones you’d seen in old movies, and her lips painted a darker shade of red. She was a vision.
“Make yourself comfortable, please.” You smiled and gestured towards the sofa. After a few seconds of hesitation, you opted to open a bottle of red. You had a feeling Larissa had a preference for it.
“There,” You said, placing the two glasses on the coffee table and sitting down next to the older woman. “Had a good day at work?”
“I did, it could have been worse.” Larissa gently clinked her glass against yours and took a swig of wine. She never shared much about her work which only made you more curious.
She asked about your day and you told her about it, avoiding mentioning the astronomical bill you had to pay.
“I’m glad you could come tonight.” You smiled and took a sip.
“I’m glad you invited me, I know it’s not an easy thing to let people into our space.”
“You’re right, but I trust you.“ How ironic. “It’s not much, but it’s home.” You added, looking around your living room.
Larissa hummed and took another sip of wine, uncrossing her legs and crossing them again.
“Do you live in a house?” You asked, hoping to learn more about her.
“I…No, it’s a bit complicated. I have my own apartments at work.” Larissa explained, visibly ill at ease.
“It’s fine, I know you don’t like sharing about your private life.” You pushed a small smile and carefully placed your hand on Larissa’s leg, right above her knee where the soft fabric of her dress gave way to her alabaster skin.
“Thank you,” Larissa whispered, adjusting herself so she could look at you.
You felt bad at the thought of what you were about to do. Your stomach twisting in your belly as Larissa’s gaze bore into yours. You liked her. You couldn’t do this.
Almost as a reflex you lifted your hand and emptied your drink to give yourself more courage.
“May I kiss you?” It left your lips without you even thinking about it.
Larissa’s eyes widened to the point where she looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a fast-approaching car.
Well, that did not go as you had expected.
The silence was almost too unbearable so you cleared your throat and moved to get up from the couch, hoping to pour yourself another glass of wine when slender fingers wrapped around your forearm and yanked you back down. Next thing you knew Larissa’s lips were crashing against yours, her right hand finding purchase on your cheek and pulling you impossibly closer.
“Yes,” she whispered out of breath when she eventually pulled away from you, her red lipstick smudged around her mouth up to the tip of her nose. “Yes, you may kiss me. And you may not stop.”
Larissa couldn’t help but notice the way your pupils dilated in reaction to her words. So you did want her. You wanted her like she wanted you and that made the woman’s heart swell in her chest.
“Kiss me again.” A demand that you couldn’t say no to, really. And so you kissed her again. And again. And again. Until she pulled you so you’d straddle her thighs and her lips eventually left yours, busying themselves on leaving red marks along your jaw and down your neck.
“Larissa-“ it came out as a strangled cry, your fingertips gently tugging on the woman’s hair and messing up her neat updo.
“Stop me if I go too far.” She whispered against your skin as her hands slipped under your dress to caress your thighs.
You weren’t sure if this was still part of your plan. Sure, you had hoped to seduce her thinking it might make her more susceptible to lend you the money but maybe this was actually going too far.
“I need two grand-“ it was out of your mouth in less than a second and Larissa’s hand instantly stilled their movements.
“What ?” She huffed in disbelief.
“I-I need two grand for a bill, but I’ll pay you back! I swear!”
Larissa huffed again and shook her head, her hands moving to her hair in an attempt to fix her updo - or perhaps to ground herself, you weren’t sure.
“This is why you called me here, isn’t it?”
You quickly stood up from the woman’s thighs and fixed your dress.
“No! Of course not-“ you swallowed thickly as she rose to her full height and towered over you.
Larissa’s face was flushed and you could tell it wasn’t the same flush as a few minutes before. No, this time she was furious.
“Larissa, Listen-“ You tried, taking a step back and watching her take one forward.
“No!” She growled with a severity that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. “It’s your turn to listen.”
You took another step back as she took one closer, then another one, until she had you trapped against the fridge.
“You lied to me,” she said. “You made me come here, made me believe that you wanted to spend time with me. But all you care about is my money, isn’t it?” Larissa hissed, baring her teeth like a rabid dog. “You would sell your body like some cheap whore on the street.”
“And you would buy it!” You snapped, unable to let her bite you without biting her back.
“No, that’s where you’re wrong. I wouldn’t. I don’t mind paying for your time, your company. But this? No. It would feel like using you, and I already feel guilty enough as it is. Although you obviously don’t mind using me.” Larissa took a step back and reached inside her handbag, pulling out her chequebook and opening it.
“What are you-“ you started, only to be cut off by the older woman.
“I care.” Larissa simply said as she wrote the cheque. “And I thought-“ she slightly shook her head and handed you the cheque. Two thousand dollars. “Yes, I thought.” She repeated before giving a nod and putting her beige coat back on.
“Larissa,” you tried, gently wrapping your hand around her bicep.
“No,” she shook her head again and pulled away. “You’ve played me. You won’t see me again, sweetling.” It was said without any animosity. Instead, you found that her blue eyes were filled with melancholy as if she had been through this before and life was just repeating itself.
I’m sorry, you wanted to say, I’m sorry I lied to you and manipulated you. And I’m sorry to be hurting you.
You wanted to rip the cheque into pieces, to show her that it didn’t matter. But it did. You needed the money or you’d be kicked out of college. But, Larissa. Larissa, Larissa, Larissa. Larissa and her melancholy-filled eyes. I’m not like the ones who’ve hurt you before, you wanted to shout. But you were. Perhaps you were even worse than them.
Larissa and her melancholy-filled eyes.
Larissa and her warmth-filled laugh.
Larissa and her love-filled kisses.
Love-filled kisses.
Oh, god.
Of course.
You hadn’t realised it. Not before that moment. Larissa didn’t just like you. She had feelings for you.
“Larissa!” You exclaimed, snapping out of your thoughts only to find your apartment empty.
She was gone.
You were fucked.
Taglist: @raspburrythief @weemssapphic @readingtheentrails @larissaoftarthweems @principal-weems09 @kimiinou @winterfireblond @im-a-carnivorous-plant @geekyarmorel @h-doodles @azu-zu @barbarasstar @witchesmortuary @m1lflov3rrr @dumbasslesbi @crow-raven-crow @fridays-coven @lilfartbox1 @shawncantwrite @autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @gwens0girl @aemilia19 @the-bagel24 @lvinhs @thefutureisus2020 @gela123 @a-queen-and-her-throne @rando-mango @wheresmyboo @my-silver-spring @hillary-nicks @ablsk @natasha29romanoff @tallvampirelady12 @canyoufeelmyheartsayinghi @i-love-nerdy-stuff @1-800-milfdilf @scarlettssub @jasperobsidian-blog @i-write-sometimes-maybe @brienne-the-brave @slytherinthepms @non-binary-frogking @wife-of-gwendolinechristie @anjo-iludidoefudido @imnotafruitt @opheliauniverse
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ryllen · 7 months
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still on with the vegetable debate 🥗🥬🥒🥦🚜🧑‍🌾
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wired-heartbeats · 5 months
For the record I think Vox is being effected and possibly swayed by Val’s poison just like Angel is, the pink signifying it on Angel shows up on Voxs screen during and after interacting and being influenced by Val directly, when Vox is operating independently it isn’t an actual normal feature of his
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This paired with an earlier moment from episode 2 when Val first mentioned something had happened with Angel Dust, Vox seemed happy about the idea of Angel quitting
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“He quit? :D”
It’s interesting for sure, makes me wonder what Vox actually thinks about Angel, and more importantly, actually thinks about Valentino. He’s a business man, and clearly the Vees all teamed up (at least initially) because it helps elevate their status and power spread, they may be friendly with each other but we as an audience don’t actually know if there’s more to it as of now. But still, interesting
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