#what language is that omg
puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 131
Okay, so first of all Dan would like to say it’s not his fault. Ellie was the one to bring some unknown object into the speeder and Jazz was the one driving. Or had Sam been driving- didn’t matter! It wasn’t his fault, he wasn’t the one shooting at them, he wasn’t the one to break whatever, he was not the one to open a stupid portal, and so it wasn’t his fault! 
So why is he now like, five years old, and why is the speeder crashed in some sort of corn field. Why is everyone- except for Jazz whose now like six- also like three at most?! And- oh fuck the door just opened and… okay that’s a kid. Like, nine at most. 
A kid and an adult, who he hadn’t noticed at first so again, it’s not his fault if he hissed at them and tried to hide his not-siblings behind him. It’s also not fair they’re apparently stuck to ghost speak for who knows how long, but at least they can understand the people. 
“Martha, get some blankets, it’s happened again!” 
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guys alvar is not dead. I just can’t accept it. like literally. I always have to remind myself “oh wait he’s prolly dead somewhere” but I never think of him as dead. but like it doesn’t make sense bc his death would be so unceremonious like we need something more that “oh yeah he probably died ages ago”. but like he CANT be dead he just can’t. no body no death right?
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moeblob · 9 months
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Matheo giving up knowing that the chemist will just follow him wherever for whatever reason.
(I watched a gif for "no" in ASL and I apologize if I drew it wrong I don't know how I would draw a gesture in still art so uh.... please be lenient ?? I tried)
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dkettchen · 6 months
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trying to figure out how to draw these fucks
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ethanharmonia · 6 months
Erm emo man with his erm emo boyfriend erm
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sethcoart · 9 months
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i drew this while studying for my portuguese test
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Little fandom vent; sometimes I get annoyed at the way fandom reduces Damian down to stabby child who only cares about himself and does murder. Like yeah while I get fandom almost always reduces characters down to their funniest or snappiest traits Damian's just doesn't make sense.
Like his whole character is about how much he DOESNT want to be those things.
Damian cares so so so much about other people he just struggles to express it bc it takes a lot for him to trust someone enough to believe they're not going to pull the rug out from under him or betray him somehow. If he didn't care about other people he wouldn't have spent months trying to find Martha's pearls in the sewer, risking his life bc there was a bounty on his head at this point and further ruining his image with Bruce (who thought Damian was just sneaking off and putting himself in danger). He wouldn't have denounced the league and everything he knew to protect a man he'd met less than a year ago. He wouldn't have purposely failed a timed test as Robin to get across the city as fast as possible (a test that would've allowed him to go out alone as Robin and given him more independence one of things Damian values very highly) instead he went over the allowed time by more than 10 hours BC he helped old women with their shopping and walked women home after they were robbed and he sat with a man he saw crying in his apartment for more than 2 hours just having tea with him. I could go on and on about all the genuinely kind things he does bc Damian's empathy and kindness is one of his defining traits actually.
And yeah he used to kill people and he was more prone to violence than the other Robins but he was literally raised in an environment where his worth and by proxy his survival was tied to how well he did murder. I'm pretty sure if you raised any child in an environment where since they were born they were rewarded for killing and violence but punished for showing mercy and told them that it's for the greater good, that they're special and that there's nothing wrong with killing if the ends justify the means they'd end up the same.
Not to mention Damian fights so hard to not be violent bc he doesn't want to be, the people Damian admires most in the world (Dick and Jon) both based their entire personality around Superman (also it's confirmed Supes is his fav justice Leaguer in supersons). Damian wants to be like them so bad and wants to be kind and outgoing and as pacifist as you can get as a vigilante. Damian struggles so much to be that person but it's not as easy as just stopping when you've been conditioned your whole life that killing is the right move and that your worth as a person and the love of those around is dependent on you doing it. He literally keeps a sketch book where he just draws out all the intrusive violent thoughts he gets while fighting villains to get the anger and compulsion out so that he DOESN'T do those things. And Damian feels immensely guilty about all of his past murders which is shown over and over. When he kills no-body (an action he did to protect Bruce) he asks Bruce afterwards how he's supposed to make amends, how he's supposed to live with it.
Which leads me onto the other thing (and hopefully the last cause wow this is getting long) even Damian at his absolute worst only performs extreme violence out of either self defense or logic to him. He doesn't do it out of maliciousness (or at least that isn't the motivating factor). His worst actions were probably in his introduction where he 1) He accosted Alfred and stole the key to exit the batcave 2) Decapitated a villian 3) Attacked Tim
So let's get background on these events from Damian's pov. Damian has never been told who his father is and has to duel his mother every year on his birthday for the chance to find out. And then on his 10th birthday he wins and then that same night he's taken on a plane to go live with this man who he's told about on the plane ride over, then his first impression of him is Bruce fighting a bunch of manbats. His mother says she's leaving him with him indefinitely not telling him when she'll be back. And then this man who he only found out about hours beforehand takes him on another plane to a foreign country where he knows no-one and he finds out his father has other children as well. He's then locked in a small room adjoining a fucking cave full of weapons and told virtually nothing with no-one really talking to him except for them telling him that oh yeah everyone you know and trust is evil and your whole world view is wrong. And then when he yells at Bruce and has what's honestly best described as a temper tantrum (BC oh yeah he was literally 9 years old until a couple hours ago) Bruce in a bid to try and control his anger (since he's not sure how dangerous he is yet) uses league tactics on Damian telling him that he's dishonouring those who taught him. So the literal child whose spent his 10th birthday being flown around the globe to be a dumped in a foreign country with a man he's never met and only knows is a good fighter with a family consisting of an unknown amount of other allies who are similarly trained and then was locked in a room after being told his whole life is a lie might be forgiven for latching onto the only familiar thing here and going 'oh! Now I know how this works'
With the knowledge that Damian definitely decided from this conversation that the bats operate the same as the league it's pretty clear his reasoning is
1) Accosting Alfred and and stealing the key - a) I don't think you'd wanna be locked in a space by a bunch of strangers either no matter how nice the space is b) he probably assumed it was a challenge to see whether he was able to break out and a way they were testing his worth/ability
2) Decapitated a villian - once again assuming this is a test and trying to prove his worth/help his father in the mission to stop crime he was just told about
3) attacked Tim - a) Damian assumes that since Tim is home that he must be the current favourite and it's already known that in the league the way you replace someone is by killing them thus proving you were better than them. B) in the league if you were not the favourite/the best you were disposable c) the only way Damian knows how to earn/receive love is by performing violence, it's pretty reasonable that a 10 year old would try to go above and beyond to earn their new father's love (especially for a child like Damian whose always looking for that unconditional love he's been denied)
From Damian's perspective here he's being the best son anyone could want, he's doing the most past the point he'd be expected to and only being met with anger and disgust. Not to mention that from his view he's literally ensuring his safety since once again in the league Damian was one of the only people whose safety was ensured by proxy of him being the heir/favourite, we literally see them kill other leaguers as part of training.
Like this isn't to excuse what he did or say it's right but it is to point out that it WAS right from Damian's point of view and that he doesn't do what he does out of malice or blood thirst he's just a small child who quite literally didn't know any better.
(also him being mean is similarly a self defense thing, it's fairly common in abused kids. It's the logic of you can't hurt me if I hurt you first/you can't hurt me if I don't let you get close enough)
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frenchiepal · 1 year
knowing/learning multiple languages is fun until you are unable to write a paper without three different dictionaries open because you have to filter every thought through 4+ languages, until you start mixing words from different languages into a normal conversation and draw a total blank trying to correct it, until you notice keeping up with all those languages is impossible because concentrating on one means neglecting another and AHHHH 🗣️🗣️
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radioactive-cloud · 3 months
one of my biggest wishes is for people to stop praising and admiring russian culture and language 🥰
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its-tortle · 1 year
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you don't need to save me
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callixton · 3 months
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withoutalice · 3 months
writing prompt- you cool with Tex x aid? Theme: playful cantor over a shared meal? If not, it’s cool. Alt pairing if preferred- same theme, ratchet and first aid?
Ough i'm sorry idk Tex's characterization very well so I did Ratchet x First Aid ;-;
Words: ~600
Warnings: Not much! Some descriptions of eating and full bellies at most. Just some medics having a good large comforting meal. Overall funny and introspective...
[ It’d been a long shift in the medical ward, leaving the CMO and CMO-in-training ravenous. Even though they both enjoyed cooking over eating out personally, the medics were too exhausted to make dinner themselves... ]
“What are you thinking to eat tonight?” Rat/chet asked. Fir/st Ai/d shrugged and flopped onto the couch.
“Feeling like…comfort food…maybe savory?”
“Hmm, how about pasta?” Rat/chet pointed out. Fir/st Ai/d mumbled an affirmative into cushions. After placing the order, Rat/chet got to cleaning off their dining table; he didn't bother to clean off all the dishes though.
"Well, Ai/d, don't fall asleep before you eat! I can't have you getting run down now..."
Fir/st Ai/d pushed himself into a sitting position and accepted the bubbly energon Rat/chet offered. Being a medic wasn't for anyone, and Fir/st Ai/d realized how resilient one must be to be the C/MO. Rat/chet didn't show much of an air of exhaustion, even though Ai/d knew he'd been working more this week than him by a bit.
They rested in silence, until their takeaways arrived! Fir/st Ai/d quickly unpacked the bags, Rat/chet watching him amusedly...
"The food is delicious, isn't it?"
Fir/st Ai/d looked up in surprise. He had been so focused! "Yeah, it feels like we haven't had a proper meal in ages..."
The C/MO shrugged. "It's nice to not be cooking for once, though."
"Mhm...though, it is always good when you do cook!"
"That's very kind of you to say..." Rat/chet hummed as he pulled his order in front of him. It smelled divine.
The pasta is deliciously al dente when they eat it, topped with a variety of sauces and toppings. Rat/chet got a heaping helping of pesto pasta. He sprinkles parmesan cheese eagerly on it, while Fir/st Ai/d breaks open his takeaway container of creamy alfredo with veggies mixed in.
As they eat, the two medics are relaxed and enjoying their meal, keeping up conversation as they do so.
Rat/chet takes a large bite, holding his servo in front of his mouth while he asks: "And how are your patients doing tonight?"
Fir/st Ai/d shrugs again. "Stubborn about taking their meds, but otherwise, they seem to be doing well."
"That's good to hear..."
They scarf down more pasta in content silence for a moment; before Ai/d speaks up again.
"I heard from some of the other medics that you've been more patients than usual lately. How are you holding up?"
Rat/chet twirls his fork around. "Not too bad, honestly. It's been a bit hectic, as our team has grown, but I'm holding up fine...."
Ai/d finishes his dish, wiping his face into the crook of his arm. "But don't you think you should take it a bit easier?"
Rat/chet tilts his helm back and scoops the rest of his meal into his mouth, setting the container aside. "Ah, probably. But someone has to do it, right?"
"Yeah, I get that. But I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself too, you know?" Fir/st Ai/d blurts out the last part awkwardly, hoping the C/MO doesn't laugh at him.
Rat/chet just smiles warmly and gets up to clean up, bloated tummy brushing Ai/d's side when he leans over to collect the dishes. Ai/d hums approvingly.
"I can't believe i finally feel full...when's the last time we ate something other than rations in between shifts?"
He hears Rat/chet laugh from the connected kitchen.
"Oh, who knows, but it sure was delicious. Might have been a bit too much for me even-"
Fir/st Ai/d ends up moving back to the couch, holding his own full belly. He sighs happily.
"No wonder they call it comfort food..."
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chouhatsumimi · 1 year
How to Get (Free) Manga in Japanese from Honto.jp*
(*If you already have an account!)
I hope to get out a post about setting up an account sooner or later, but we'll give this a go for now!
Go to honto.jp There's an option to use the site in English, but we're skipping that for now. We're also only buying digital at the moment, so we're going to skip worrying about shipping. Close the pop-up.
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2. Type the name of the book/series you're looking for into the search bar. This time we're looking for とつくにの少女, The Girl From the Other Side. (Note that I tried searching for 外国の少女 and didn't get the correct results, so do be careful how you type in what you're looking for.) Unselect the green option (紙) from next to the search bar, since right now we're only looking for digital (電子). Then click 検索.
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3. You can see various volumes of the series appearing below. Right now it's showing up with the most recent at the top, so we'll scroll down until we see とつくにの少女(1). Alternatively, they often sell sets up to the most recent volume released, so if you want to go all in, you can look for the option [全1−11 セット] とつくにの少女. In this case we need to scroll to the bottom and go on to the next page. Just a note that they do sell "complete" series even if the series is still publishing new volumes, and you'll have to buy future volumes as a new purchase. Also, it will not allow you to purchase both the full set and a single volume of the same series at the same time. Buying as a set vs. buying individually does not affect how the volumes appear in your library, but it can affect how coupons apply sometimes, if there's a deal on sets.
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4. Here we are! とつくにの少女(1)! If you don't want to buy it right now, you can click 欲しい本に追加, but we're purchasing, so we're going to click the big orange (電子書籍を)カートに入れる.
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5. Now you can see it's changed to カートを見る, and there's one item in our cart up top! Before we check out, though, let's take advantage of some of the perks of using honto.jp.
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6. By hovering over Myメニュー at the top right, we can get to あしあと抽選ポイント and クーポン一覧.
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7. Let's visit あしあと抽選ポイント first. You earn points by buying things on the website (1 point for 100 yen, I think?), but you can also enter the point lottery for a chance to win free points every day! Usually you only get one point, but it's still fun and a penny saved is a penny earned, right? Click the big blue button that says あしあと抽選にチャレンジ!
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8. Next go to クーポン一覧. Go through and collect 取得する on the right side of all of them, we don't care. They're free. Most of them are for smaller publishers and only apply to specific books we're not interested in, but the ones at the top are going to help us get 20%~25% off if we're lucky! 25% is about the best deal you get on honto.jp, every once in a while you may get 30% or perhaps 40%. There are better sales, but they won't apply to the popular items.
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9. All our coupons now having turned from blue to gray and saying 取得済み, we go to our bonus round... the free manga area! Click the logo in the top left to go back to the main page, and then look for 無料の電子書籍 right underneath the search bar.
There are hundreds and hundreds of free options, usually the first or first few volumes of a series. (They're to get you to buy the rest of the series, but they can save you some money!!) A lot are kind of whatever, but there's usually a few really good ones there, case in point Blue Giant (first 4 volumes) and Shadow House (first 3 volumes) are free right now! Sometimes they're only free for a limited amount of time after which they'll still appear in your digital library but you can no longer open them, but we don't care about that right now, go get your free stuff!
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You can add the first volumes to your cart very quickly by clicking the orange button underneath the covers, but if you want all the free volumes, click on the cover to open in a new tab, which will take you to the page for the first volume. Click on シリーズ一覧 under the title and author, and that'll take you to a list of the volumes like we saw before, if you scroll down.
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Now that we're here, go crazy hitting the orange button, but make sure you're doing it on the volumes that say 0円. They like to mix the paid volumes in with the free ones. If you look at the title you can see the free ones are only going to be available to read until March 16th, but whatever! Free stuff, even if it's temporary!
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Something weird is going on with Shadow House, I don't know why there are two different free ones, I think that's an error on the part of the site. We'll just pick one for each volume. This one says 期間限定無料配信, so I think that means you get to keep it as long as you get it for free during the free availability period!
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10. Now that we've rounded up what we want, click on your cart (電子書籍のカートを見る) in the top right. This'll pop up when you hover over the cart icon.
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Look over your list, make sure your free books are free, and your total off to the right is what you're expecting, then enter your password on the right to continue, then hit the orange button that says 購入の手続きへ進む.
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11. Now it pretty much looks the same, except we're logged in. It saves your payment information, so you won't have to enter anything (danger!! if you like buying books, there's no step of having to get out your credit card to make you think about your life choices!)
BUT we do want to save money, so we'll use our coupons and points! Click on the white box with the blue outline that says クーポン/ポイントの利用
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12. Apply your coupon!! (One per purchase). But see, this is why we collect all the coupons, because apparently とつくにの少女 happens to be from one of the publishers that has a good sale on now! I think it automatically applies the best one, but it's good to check, especially if you have more than one item in your cart that costs actual money. You can see how it reduced from 605円 on the previous screen to 363円 here. By clicking 全て利用する on the right, I can also apply all my points to bring it down that much further! (Or click the lower options to use some or none of your points.) If points expire, I buy things off this site too frequently to have noticed... Then click 変更する in blue at the bottom to save your changes.
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13. STOP, think about if you're ready to pay!! Then to finish, click the orange ご注文を確定 on the right! You can see I'll earn 2 pts to save on future purchases from this order. (It looks like it's less than 1 per 100円...)
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14. DONE! You can open up the app on your preferred device, download your new purchase(s), and start reading! You can also read in-browser by clicking ブラウサで読む.
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You'll see your purchases on My 本棚
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Hover over the cover to bring you to this screen, then select シリーズの本棚を見る to go to the mini-bookshelf for all the volumes in that series (I only have one of とつくにの少女, but that's what shows up anyway).
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It shows me the volumes that are missing in gray, but if I hover over the one I have, I again see ブラウザーで読む. Click on that to finally read!
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Ta-da! I think it also pops up with instructions about using the arrow keys to move the pages, or your can click on the sides of the pages to get them to advance in that direction.
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Happy Reading!!!
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gali-in-distress · 3 months
As a native Spanish speaker is so funny to me that Nicholas Galitzine speaks Spanish more fluently than Taylor Zakhar Pérez. I mean, whatever, I can understand Taylor not being super fluent in Spanish, it happens. But like... How did Nicholas end up not only being pretty fluent but also having such a distinct Spain Spanish accent??? How did that happen???
I tried searching Taylor speaking Spanish and I got more results for Nicholas instead 💀
I just find it so funny
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steelthroat · 3 months
for the astrology ask game taurus, sagittarius aaand 9h ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Okkk let's see:
-Taurus: mhh sushi and pizza....but I love fruit more than anything. Especially that kind of super sweet grape used to make wine *smuah* and apples. And lemons, I love lemons.
Also jelly, it doesn't matter which kind of jelly I just love it a lot... God I want some jelly now whyyyyy
Hmm idk I love food it's one of the best pleasures in the world. So yeah idk I love all the food ✨️✨️ I will be the joy of your grandmas, I will never deny them.
- places I'd like to visit in the future:
Ireland and Scotland: please they're beautiful and so rich of history and things to see and the nature and and-
France: I love France a lot... and admitting this just made me lose my Italian citizenship. I also hate it for its politics and many other stuff... but God isn't it beautiful.
Mexico! I've wanted to go there since I was little! My parents went there for their honeymoon, I fell in love with it when I watched the "Beverly hills chihuahua" movie (you can laugh ahshfhfhfh) and the culture and places look so interesting and beautiful to me! And I know about all the problems etc but still a beautiful place that deserves to be seen and treasured imo
Japan: I am very curious about it. More than the cities I'd like to visit the countryside, the semi-forgotten spots, because I've seen some pictures and it's absolutely breathtaking.
Greece: THE HISTORY! THE ART! THE CULTURE! THE ISLAND WITH THE CATS! Please I could finally see all the things I studied/am studying!!!!
Spain: I'm going there just for "casa batllò" and anything touched by Gaudí, because my love for that man is endless.
Whatever place has more examples of brutalist architecture. I love brutalism. Talk to me about brutalism. Best architectural style ever and I'm dying on this hill.
9h- what languages would you like to learn
ALL OF THEM. No seriously, I love learning new languages and unlocking new thinking patterns (it comes with the package!!!). Atm I can speak fluently Italian and English and with a bit of practice also Spanish (I haven't practiced it for the last 2 years and I'm a bit rusty with the speaking, but reading and listening I'm fine).
But also I want to learn French and German, they're my top priorities.
If I get the occasion I'm going for Russian, Chinese and Japanese too! Haaaaah if I hadn't chosen Art (and writing) as my main passions I would have chosen to study Languages and Etymology!!
ALSO SIGN LANGUAGE (idk which one but the feeling is there)
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eebie · 9 months
man the way six's head WHIPS 2 glare at mono after he breaks the music box
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