#what the fuck even is tumbrl
adetheenby · 1 year
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I will be posting a LOT of down with love shit soon
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tardis--dreams · 1 year
Since tumblr isn't on my phone i started getting really into analyzing my period tracker app just to have something to scroll through
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
Hey sweetie, can I please request a Wakasa x reader with the grumpy x sunshine troupe??
I found your tumbrl yesterday and I just looove your writing. 💕💕
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Wicked games
Warning : 18+, Minors DNI. A LOT OF SEXUAL TENSION , nicknames, smut, kinda daddy kink cause Waka is daddy <3 okay I'm cringe
Synopsis : when something unexpected happened, Benkei couldn't train you and Wakasa had to be your coach for the day, would your two opposite personalities get along ?
Note : guess you meant Wakasa to be the grumpy right ? And thanks for your compliment 🖤
Please, it's the first time I write a " sunshine " character, IT'S SO HARD PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT ANON
-" Fuck you ! "
Good thing, you had good reflexes. Whatever was that fight or flight, thanks heaven, you bent the knees in the nick of time to avoid the stiletto piercing the air flying your way.
Your eyes widened and your mouth opened wide, finally stood up when you heard the shoes hitting the wall behind you and falling to the ground.
-" I'm always so welcomed here " you sarcastically declared, earning the attention of everyone in the gym, well, everyone namely the unknown girl who was within a hairsbreadth of giving you a concussion, Benkei, Senju and no other than Wakasa Imaushi, who by chance happened to be standing next to the door you just took to enter the gym.
You could feel his jaded gaze on you, as well as the sorry one of your coach and Senju. The girl however seemed to stare next to where you were standing , only then a light flickered in your thoughts and you understood the stiletto as well as the delightful welcoming was not directed toward you.
-" Sorry kid, you okay ?" Benkei inquired, getting closer to your smaller body to check if you have been hurt, you flashed him your usual bright smile.
-" I'm all fine, maybe a little bit curious, what's the tea ?"
Arashi contained a smile, he should have expected it, nothing more than your usual cheerfulness despite almost receiving a stiletto in face as soon as you came for your usual workout. That was mainly one of the reasons why the two of you went from being a coach and his rookie to being friends in a short period of time, the fact that no matter how bad the situation was, everything suddenly seemed lighter whenever you were around.
-" Oh nothing more than this asshole being the dumbest guy I dated !"
Your eyes drifted from Arashi toward the unknown girl, who spoke while glaring at the man standing few feets next to you. You turned your head toward him and he did the same, immediately your lips curled in a Colgate smile, his exasperation soared at the same time.
That smile, that damn smile.
Needless to say Arashi's eyes were already glued on your face, while you cluelessly teased Wakasa silently. He hated you, you were well aware of it. From the first time you walked into that gym, he had hated your mannerisms, the ease with which you hogged everyone's attention, the nonchalance with which you greeted his dark looks, and the fact that you seemed to revel in his hostility toward you.
He had known a lot of girls in his life, but you... You were everything he despised the most in the world, he always saw more behind your constant good mood and your pleasant character, he was convinced that you lured everyone else into a vice of pleasant person to achieve your ends.
And God, you were good. From the top of your early twenties, you were able to lead men of your age and even older by the fingertips, with a blink of an eye or a big smile, the pull-up bar that has been busy since hours was suddenly empty for you to use, and suddenly the men that were waiting for their turn to use it, were only there to time you or show you the right way to do the movement, while you converse in an enthusiastic voice.
-" It's about time you understood someone with such a hairstyle can't be mentally stable ".
While Wakasa ignored you and leaned against the wall, staring at his ex fling, the latter threw a death glare toward you, you suddenly winced and peered at Senju.
-" Oh... Too soon ?"
- "definitely " Senju who happened to be an acquaintance from the gym too, laughed under her breath while leaning against the ropes of the boxing ring. She was the closest person to your generation there, you really liked her and sometimes wondered how a person like her managed to be friends with someone like him.
-" you know what, Kim ?" Arashi stood between the girl who was approaching what was probably her ex, and Wakasa, raising his hands in front to get her attention, you contained your smile because of how he seemed like walking on eggshells.
-" Lemme give you a ride home, sounds good ? It's late, you're prolly tired".
-" And crazy " Senju sang slightly under her breath, the girl ignored her and kept her eyes on her ex, who was nonchalantly leaning against the wall with crossed arms, giving her an empty stare, determined to not be the one who breaks the eye contact.
Suddenly you realized what was happening, your eyes widened and a gasp of surprise escaped from your mouth, drawing the attention of everyone in the room, including Wakasa who rolled his eyes.
-" Wait, Are we all just gonna sit there and ignore the fact that I missed a nap and came here for nothing ?"
Benkei wore a confused and sorry expression, Senju winced slightly and you gasped from indignation. It had been a tiring day, you'd had classes at the university all morning and worked in the afternoon, all you'd dreamed of was your cozy mattress and yet you'd forced yourself to join your coach because today's session was by far the best of the week, all of this to hear that he was about to leave?
-" good so you'd know the world does not always revolve around you" Wakasa spoke for the first time, you turned toward him frowning and eyed his neutral expression.
-" nobody asked about my opinion when you and her were breaking each other's back, why I gotta pay the piper now?"
-" Hey look" Benkei turned toward you and gave you a little smile, something about your lowered eyebrows, pouting mouth and big bright eyes weighed on his stomach, Wakasa saw his friend's face softening like it never did and scoffed silently.
-" I'll make it up to you, I promise, but for now... She will end up hurting herself trying to hurt him. " Benkei whispered the last part, peering at Kim and Senju who, standing behind him went out of her way convincing the girl not to throw her second shoe toward her ex, then at the man few feets next to you who seemed to not care the least about anything that was happening.
Sighing, you watched the angry tears slip away from her eyes and wondered slightly what could he possibly have done to get her acting this way, you knew he was a playboy and he had the looks, she probably was another notch in his belt. Internally you felt sorry for her, and reluctantly, you met Benkei's eyes in an understanding smile and nodded.
-" great ! You're the best. Kim, shall we go ? " He turned toward the latter and started forcing her to walk out of the gym, therefore only you three were left , the next minutes.
-" they're getting bolder" Senju started, taking her sport bag laying next to the boxing ring. " From blowing up your phone to coming here".
-" She knew what she was getting into ".
Squinting your eyes, you couldn't believe he was acting so cold toward someone who was on the verge of crying because of him. Speaking of the devil, he caught your glare on him and raised an eyebrow at you, as if he didn't knew that what he was doing was wrong.
You cracked one of your best smiles in his direction, and were pleased to see his expression darken. In truth, you had no idea what he had against you, but from the beginning he had not been pleasant in your presence and had not treated you like any other customer, he probably hated your cheerful nature which made you happy to display it in front of him every time.
Gross, he thought and looked away. Loath was more than just a word, it was palpable everytime you were around, with every word you spoke in your perky timbre of voice, and in his guts after the slightest glimpse at your wide-eyed gaze.
-" That's all well and good but in the meantime I'm left without a coach ".
Serves you right, was what his glance expressed toward you. You ignored him and gave all of your attention to the shorter girl who made her way toward you.
-" Maybe Benkei will return soon? " She had a sorry face, you flashed another smile toward her to let her know it was all well.
-" Don't think so, look it's already late-"
-" we're closing in ten minutes. "
-" Waka ! " Senju roasted him, that one shrugged, straightened and passed by her, making his way to the ring. " It's mainly because of you that Benkei had to leave. If it was someone else, you would've took over !"
He slipped under the ropes of the ring, ignoring her statement. Relevant to say the customer is top one priority, usually, he would not have minded taking over for Benkei, he had nothing to do anyway. However, when that same customer was proven able to stir his guts by their meer sight, the priorities suddenly changed and the only one in sight was to get as far as possible from where you were standing.
-" It's okay, Senju. Really " you shook your head and placed your duffel bag back on your shoulder. " I'd rather wait 'til next week than to be coached by the wild cat ".
The temperature inside the gym dropped suddenly, Senju gripped her bag's strap, eyeing the older guy who didn't turned but gave a side eye glare which without lying gave you the chills, added to the silence around.
-" Just a mistake, white leopard, she meant " a nervous laugh escaped the Kawaragi's mouth, you maintained your eyes on his side glance however, lips curled.
-" whatever bites, grrrr."
She contained another smile, both your attentions were drawn to the purple haired man as he turned and placed his elbows on the rope, a fresh lollipop between his lips.
-" We all know why she prefers Benkei anyway".
His tone was more condescending than usual, you frowned as much as Senju who started to feel the tension rising.
Intrigued, you approached the ring until you were at the level of the ropes, raised your head to meet his eyes which were sizing you up and tilted your head with a smile.
-" would you elaborate on this , Imaushi ?"
He swore it was the same last name he would not stop hearing since he first opened his eyes to the world, why would it sound any different now ?
And about your eyes on his, was it because you were so close or was the color always this striking? Was it because of that sinless smile that you had everyone in your pocket that easily ?
He leaned over the ropes a little more, until a blonde hair lock brushed against your nose that you wrinkled, shaking your head quickly, the gesture itself was strangely warming the cold shoulder he gave you, strangely.
-" Dude goes as easy on you as with an eggshell " he shrugged in front of your raised eyebrows and parted mouth, it was said now, he always saw how Benkei used a softer tone with you, he didn't put even half his strength into his attacks and removed the weights from the bars for you, despicable.
-" Okay wow guys I think, I maybe... Should leave you to it" Senju chose the wisest option perceiving you pulling your head slightly back and something flickering in your eyes that even him didn't missed.
She gave a last warning glance toward him.
Don't push it too far.
He barely glanced at her.
My business.
Even you barely turned to look at her when she called your name.
-" Enjoy your workout !" She waved a quick goodbye at you before slipping outside the gym, anxious not to get caught up in whatever she knew would soon explode between the two of you. she knew the reluctance of her friend toward you and was aware of the pleasure you took in pushing him to his limit.
He waited for an answer but all you have done was so barely give him enough time to straighten his back before slipping under the ropes of the ring, finding yourself thus in front of him with your bodies almost pressed against each other.
-" You know what's uglier than you ? " He inquired, discreetly swallowing his breath watching you tilting your head and licking your smiling lips. " You from this close ".
Then, when he heard your laughter, he knew he didn't want that one around him anymore. No matter how electric the atmosphere between you two was, it lightened it a little, why were you laughing ? Weren't you supposed to be offended ?
Be that as it may, you were not the shade of slighted by his statement, actually, you were even entertained.
-" You know what is even uglier than a zebra ? A 27 with a zebra hairstyle. "
Not the least moved, he lifted his head and eyed you from head to toe.
-" Why are you even here ?"
You knew what he meant, but as always, you were in the mood of beating around the bush.
-" I believe at some point my mom forgot her pills... "
He deadpanned, judging the smirk curling your lips.
-" C'mon, it was funny " you scratched the back of your neck.
-" no, it was not. "
-" yes it was " you sang in a melodious tone that almost gave him a stomach ache. " You would've laughed if Satan didn't left your soul behind, bringing you back from hell".
The silent treatment, ignoring you was his best way everytime you started ranting, if you were some fire, he would be the one to turn it off.
-" Back off, and go home. "
It was the best, it was getting late and he was absolutely not in the mood to deal with your energy excess. Instead of answering, or backing off, you kept your gaze on his so close eyes from yours while pulling your shirt over your head, watching his eyes widening slightly.
May the world give him a small break to figure out exactly when did you turned so... Eye-catching in your cobalt blue sport bra ?
When did you started smelling as fruits and Gardenia? By god you had to back off, the perfume was thrilling, making his body beg him for more.
Your face was a painting and your emotions the artist, since when did it start to turn captivating, to watch and note the life in your features ?
-" You said Benkei takes it easy on me. " You pulled your hair up in a quick bun, his eyes trailed down the few hair locks falling from it, before he had to go back to your face when his gaze fell on the hollow of your strapped bra, what had overwhelmed him at that moment would remain a secret that he would carry with him to his grave.
-" so, teach me. "
-" I said back off-"
-" Teach me " you got closer when he tried stepping back, he stared impassively at your face, so you wanted him to be your coach now, suddenly?
-" What's in it for me, princess ?"
of contempt, this nickname was soaked only in contempt. Looking you up and down, reminding you that you were clearly only on the level of a useless princess next to him.
-" You'll get your hatred out on me " and you would get to see how he was willing to teach you, if he thought Benkei was not doing the things in the right way, maybe deep inside, you knew that one was taking it easy on you...
He seemed to be in deep thought, although his expression showed nothing. He was weighing the pros and cons, maybe putting you in your place would be the best way to get that unbearable smile off your face?
-" Go down on me, Imaushi. "
-" Don't say it like this... " Through gritted teeth, what he was feeling had no place in a gym, the heat was rising in him when he didn't even started to move.
You frowned, god's sake, were you really that oblivious ? There was nothing more than usual in your hopeful face, could you be that oblivious ?
-" Go 'head, ruin me ".
Majestic velocity, a leopard in all its greatness.
In a split second, you were laying down, a cramp aching in your knee. You pulled that one against your chest and frowned, looking at him as he stood on top of you.
-" First lesson, never get this close to your opponent".
It was unhealthy, but seeing you on the ground that way, no smile in your face, frowning and breathing fastly had something refreshing, or rather extremely burning.
-" didn't took too much to convince you " you sat up and offered him your hand so he could help you to stand up. He eyed that one about two seconds before taking it, noting the warmth of your skin before pulling you up abruptly, only when you went to pull your hand away, a stretching ache coursed through your arm, he held it behind your back and bent you down, pressing your wrist.
-" Shit... You're going feral " you tried to laugh in an interrupted breath when he stretched your arm a little more, getting a hiss of pain from you.
-" you trust the opponent?" He ran his gaze down your exposed neck, back, and stopped right before reaching your hips, he could feel you resisting his grip, it was wrong, he could break your wrist anytime he wanted to, this way. Benkei has been doing an awful job.
He let go of your hand suddenly, sucking on his lollipop while watching you steadying yourself right in time to not fall to the ground.
And when you turned to face him, fists Infront of your face, you were smiling slightly again, he frowned and cracked his neck.
A small lapse of time where he allowed himself to note how fascinating it was to watch your chest rise and fall with each interspersed breath, your reddening cheeks and parted lips were worth a single lost heart beat, just one.
-" tired already ? " He made two steps toward you, containing his smirk as you held your fists closer to your face. " Want me to slow down, princess ?"
Don't say it like this, you wanted to say to his pretty face, but you would rather die than make it awkward this way, from your mouth, you were sure it wouldn't sound as sexy as it was from his.
-" Have no mercy on me " your lips stretched playfully, against all odds, you could have sworn you have seen the corner of his mouth twitching, yet the next second you dodged one of his kicks by jumping to the side.
-" You're boring me... " He literally yawned, flying another kick toward you that you've had more trouble to dodge than the first time.
You rested your back against the ropes, panting heavily, watching as he turned toward you with an impassive face.
-" uh-huh, missed the goal of my life ".
A " tsk " left his mouth in a mocking manner, it was pathetic that you kept the good-nature but had trouble keeping your own breath.
- " weren't you like supposed to close in ten minutes ? " You inquired, aiming a blow at his stomach, he dodged your first attack effortlessly then kicked your ankle, luckily it was not as strong as to make you fall down though it stole a pretty whimper from your lips.
-" this shit's more satisfying than sleep itself" he admitted, you left the ropes he was about to cage you against, then both engaged in a slow dance around each other, examining carefully every step the other took.
-" So charming " your sarcastic closed-eyes smile expressed. " You definitely know how you talk to a girl, are you a rainstorm, Imaushi ? Because I'm soaked ".
-" Oh shut the fuck up ".
Your foot flew to his side, and you were proud it brushed against his ribs at least before he locked it between his left arm and side. You quickly put all your weight on the other foot while trying to reach for the ropes to steady your body, but God were they far.
-" Now tell me, how'd you get away with this?"
Your breath was stolen from your lungs, his hand around your ankle slid stealthily and pulled on your thigh, you gasped, watched your hands helplessly collapsing against his torso to stop your face in a nick of time to crash against his.
-" This... " Your mouth opened wide, brows furrowed and glossy eyes, his purple eyes smoldered, now that face had definitely not a place in a gym.
From this close, he could see the color of your eyes darken in a thin circle around your dilated pupils, watch you bite your lip trying not to show your pain, your chest jerking with each jerky breath.
By what miracle had the night, or perhaps adrenaline, made you so bewitching when only a few days earlier, you were a plague to avoid ?
-" You're... "
-" Hm ?"
A thousand shades of poison, was Wakasa Imaushi's fragrance seeping through your nostrils. Features like an ocean, pushing you, pulling you back, those amethyst hues cluelessly enchanting you while they stared at you sucking your lower lip in a frown.
Those lips had their magnetism, pulling his gaze ever so effortlessly.
-" You're hurtin' me... "
Uncomfortable, rather than painful, were his fingers digging deeper in the skin of your thighs. The ache coursed through your core in a burning circuit, ashes of his fingertips had your body secretly begging for more...
-" Yeah ? Bet it hurts good, princess".
How would it look, to any passerby to catch his look trailing down your lips, the grip of his hand around your skin, could they feel the pressure he was engulfed into ? Deafening until his ears were ringing, as if diving meters under the surface, he never felt so lightheaded.
It was a risky move, yet it was the only exit your body had considered. The one leg that carried your weight suddenly swung out to hit his stomach, using the force by which you were propelled backwards to push him as far as possible.
As his eyes widened, his back slammed against the ring ropes, your body gave way to the lack of support and fell backwards until your back was pressed against the tarp covering the floor.
Your lips curled, triumphant and proud, you leaned on your elbows, and helplessly your smile faded.
There, standing in front of you, tall, impressive, glare dark as the thoughts running in his head, rolling up his sleeves with a lifted head. It was not that you felt small, you were small, under the imposing, almighty white leopard.
Sizing you up, preying on you, a hortensia cage was agonizingly slow closing around you.
Wakasa watched your throat bobbing lightly while you gulped down, as he made a step toward your laying body, his shade covered your shape, and like a cloud he overshadowed your brightness, watching your smile faltering and drinking in the exquisite wide-eyed gaze you scanned his body with.
Toxic was the word for that succulent pleasure of extinguishing the candle you were.
-" Sunshine can storm, I see ".
You ignored his statement, forced yourself out of your lost stare and got up, quickly putting your fists back in front of your face.
-" was my kick strong enough, Imaushi ?"
You stared turning around him, while he stood right there, sucking his sweet and following you out of the corner of his eye.
-" Should eat more proteins. Maybe you'd have more muscles and less... Rainbows ".
You stopped your walk around him for a second, tilting your head to the side in a questioning look.
-" Rainbows ?"
-" hm " he confirmed, cracking his joints, you winced. " Y'always smiling and laughing, makes me wanna throw up ".
- " Oh... " You startled when he turned to face you, starting to get closer and somehow you felt caged. " So what you're saying is, my light is blinding you ?" You tried to joke, only to earn a cold dull glance.
-" What the hell do you even eat for breakfast?"
-" Guys like you ". You smiled, his stomach got crushed by a lump. Were you always this... Flirtatious ?
A land away from denial, Wakasa stole a secret second to wonder, was hatred supposed to crush one's soul this way ? Was contempt such a suffocating prison, that he knew every specific crease in your face when you smiled? What in this world or another, stronger than the loath could make your sight and scent so intoxicating?
- " saying that Benkei is easy on me " you scoffed, slipping between him and the ropes to avoid getting trapped. " You're not doing much either, I'm not even sweating".
Funny how sometimes, your heart doesn't need eyes. It stumbled on its own heart beats, perceiving a slight wind whistle, a fragment of a second that was enough for him to move behind you, block your arm behind your back and have his hand around your neck.
Pressed against your back, a hair lock of him tickled your neck that way you knew just how close he was, his breath hit your ear, a stern tone of voice ignited a fire inside you.
-" If I wanted you knocked out, you'd already be laid by now".
Despite his grip around your neck, and the stretch in your arm, you turned your head to your side and were caged in a lavender ocean, the stick of that damn lollipop meer inches away from your lips.
-" maybe I wouldn't mind... " He gulped down discreetly, eyes falling on your moving lips. " Getting laid by you"
-" Love, I'd die to take you, but those pretty legs 'f yours wouldn't be able to stand ".
- " Wait- you found something pretty about me ?"
A snort left his mouth, looking more as a breath as he pulled that lollipop out of his glistening lips in a loud pop.
His heart beats were a pretty mess when you would stare at him with dilated pupils, and at no time had he seen the rubber band around your hair fall, yet his eyes could not leave their view cascading around your face now. And he thought, maybe loathing wasn't as a bad thing, for he craved the destructive madness eating him alive as he looked at you, something a huge number of women and fights failed to provide.
-" I fucking hate it, and you" the sweet taste spread on your lower lip, his bored glance followed the wet trail the lollipop left on it. " But I can't find it in me to not find you deathly pretty ".
You stiffened, it was hard to believe it was Wakasa Imaushi's words, and in a frown, you whimpered when the sweet slipped between your lips. Despite finding it strange, you let yourself getting lost in his stare while twirling your tongue around it, caught his breath hitching in his breath the slightest bit when you began sucking on it.
-" Just so you know" he started, you felt the stretch around your arm loosening, then you gasped when as effortlessly, he turned your body to face him completely now. " This doesn't change anything, I still hate you ".
-" What-"
Your words were buried suddenly in his lips, the lollipop long forgotten thrown somewhere in the room. Your eyes widened as he closed his, placing his hands around your hips and pulling you closer, he needed you closer.
At some point, he tasted the sweet defeat on your lips and understood the war he has been leading was not against you, rather against urges full of you inside him. As, his darkest desire got undressed suddenly, appearing raw and in an instantaneous way soon as you moved your lips against his.
All restraints fell to the ground not in a loud crash but in a grunt he left in your mouth when your hands flew to his hair, grabbing his locks. No matter how cold the night outside was, a fire, a chimney animated you both.
You pulled away, out of breath and the corner of your lips slightly raised, still with a frown.
-" the hell ?"
-" Don't know " he shrugged, hands falling on your thighs. " 's this okay ?"
Was it okay ? You wondered. Truth is you would never let him get this close if it wasn't.
-" show me how you hate me " you smiled as your hands slid down his neck, and finally, you caught a smirk on his face.
He didn't wasted one more second, taking your lips on his once again. It has something different than any others he had his whole life, sweet with a frightening aftertaste, addiction knocking on the door.
He lifted you by your thighs and you wrapped them around his waist, then your back got pressed against the ropes, thanks goodness they were strong enough for you to hold onto them, for the minute his kisses assaulted your neck you lost it.
As your perfume invaded his nostrils he closed his eyes and let himself drift in the thought of devouring you, starting to hear your heavy breaths escaping your mouth.
And God were you stunning, some minutes after he pulled your bra away, his crotch began to get painfully heavy at the sight of your bare chest.
-" My eyes are up here, sweetheart- oh !"
It was absolutely not the right moment for teasing him with your everlasting grin, you understood when he pressed his erection against your crotch.
-" Gonna fuckin' ruin you, better shut up and take it, yeah ? Good girl "
Wakasa Imaushi was a man of few words, he didn't need to add anything else before attacking your breasts, stealing your first moans out of your mouth.
He moved against your crotch, couldn't help it while having your breast in mouth and watching your abdomen contracting and hollowing with pleasure. He looked up at your face, smirking when he saw how good you looked with a mouth parted from heat. While his left hand supported your back against the ropes, his right one rested flat against your abdomen, feeling your skin shivering as it slid down, down the waistband of your leggings, fingertips ghosting on top of your lower half's skin.
He got it now, if something burns his soul with so much intensity and depth, it is his duty to be reduced to ashes by it.
You would have laughed if only hours ago, someone told you that you would be, just sometime after, completely naked in front of Wakasa Imaushi, your pants and underwear on the ground. Yet there you were, he lifted you from the floor again, his fingertips appreciating the soft flesh of your thighs, his hard shaft leaking out proudly standing between you two.
There has been, always this unsaid thing in the air whenever you two were around each other, either because he didn't talked a lot of because you didn't have the world's time to chat with him. You two always talked in riddles, and somehow your bodies explained the riddles better than you could.
With the heat tightening around his lower abs, he started pushing himself inside you, and when he saw how you started swallowing him though he was too big, heaven.
-" Fuck's sake... " He cursed, you couldn't help but clench around him halfway there, and in the madness, your head thrown back and bare body so soft in his hands was the prettiest thing he has ever seen.
As a harsh slap hitting his face, a cruel moment of realization for him to figure out, silly him, hatred would have never got him so obsessed, it was rather something else, another feeling on the other side of a thin line...
Such a thin line.
-" move for god's sake !" You whimpered, grinding your hips against his. He breathed a small laugh, which if you weren't in such a heat would have shocked you.
-" So pretty when you're begging for the D ".
Through a more desperate than funny laughter, you closed your eyes and moaned when he started thrusting inside you. Everything was so overwhelming, the ropes against your back, the depth he was reaching, his fingers bruising your flesh, you were prone to lose your mind anytime.
- " Waka... This way, shit, please this fuckin' way... "
There was something addictive about how you lost your eternal smile when he was pounding in you, but the addiction itself was how consuming the heat in his guts burned, you were tightening around him in a way that got him cursing your name under his breath, though he was not the loud type, how he clenched his jaw and breathed faster was his way to express how pathetic you turned him.
His hand reached for your neck to wrap around it, lifting your head so he could take a better look at your face, he cursed himself right after because of that, since it was impossible not to lean and take your swollen lips in his.
-" Looks so good with daddy's hands 'round your neck " he praised, his thumb wiped away a tear that slipped unconsciously from your eyes. You were so close, it was the sweetest torture how your insides were throbbing.
-" Shhh, don't cry. Watch me stretch this princess's pussy real good, 'Kay ? watch me take you 'til this sweet mouth's crying my name "
And for someone who was currently having you, it was even more confusing that he was deeply thinking about all the other things he wanted, he needed to do to you. He couldn't help, it was far away the strongest thing he had ever felt or seen.
As if you gave shape to the need in his bones, as if the body exposed was his own. His, it sounded good, for once. To possess, to own, to be the unique and only, were you currently flouting all his principles and morals with just one moan of his name ?
-" Waka, ple-"
One rather strong thrust was enough to shut you down, send you to overdrive, wasn't it obvious he was busy thinking about you ? Couldn't you give him one minute ?
-" Don't know how many times I wanted to shut you up this way " he groaned, through an euphoric state your right hand left his back to give him a middle finger, stealing another small breathed laugh from him.
-" don't tell no lie, princess. You like it when I fuck you like this ".
Though you shook your head in a whine, he didn't missed how you tightened around him, only to cry out seconds later and clenched incredibly good around him.
-" damn " his breath got caught in a snort. "pretends to be a goody-goody, princess be takin' my cock like a fuckin' pornstar".
His eyes rolled in their orbs on their own, it felt as if the weight of the whole world was suddenly put on his balls, it was already obvious he would come stronger, thicker and longer than he ever did.
-" Now listen, love "
His face leaned over your -lost in pleasure- one, a smirk adorned his features, a single sweaty hair lock falling between your two faces. His purple eyes never shone that bright, with those thick blonde eyelashes, how good he looked.
-" Don't expect me t' give you back to Benkei after that, 'kay ? "
Feeling his ending close, he smashed his hips against yours in a last desperate attempt to ride his high.
-" I'mma mold you pretty good, train you. I swear I'mma fuckin' make you Wakasa's princess ".
Notes : this one took me more time than usual to make, hope I at least made a joyful character 😭
Network : @downtown-roponggi @tokyo-ballroom
Please, if you know the artist gimme their @ for credit <3
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zalrb · 10 months
Tumbrl keeps putting tsitp in my for you page even though my only contact with show are your reviews
Anyway, this is context for this:
Today I saw for the first time the famed kiss between Jeremiah and Belly and I don't know what all these people go on about, it was the fakest thing I've seen
The following is a message for the enraged anons: I grew up with GG and The OC people, you should really try them, because if this "Jelly" kiss got you excited, with these shows your mind would be blown
And I grew up on Buffy and Roswell and Smallville
Lana is basically having an orgasm in The Talon from this kiss
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Liz and Max?? Always. Need. To fucking. CHILL.
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Michael and Maria?
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Bangel and Ozillow?? RELISHING
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even That 70s Show?
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and then The O.C. and OTH and GG and TVD and Teen Wolf
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there isn't a sense of holding back and using the positioning to do all the work i.e. a lift or going against a car even in a show like TW where it's highly stylized and they do use the rain and the slow mos but it's just emphasis on what they're already doing
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I'm not going to take Jelly seriously.
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nothing0fnothing · 20 days
I'm gobsmacked that tumbrl "mental health matters uwu" crowd prioritises threatening abuse victims instead of... You know, the psych industry, who named a disorder after an already existent horrendous archetype in the first place?
Like, I don't have NPD. I have BPD. Neither of those should be fucking named the way they are, as well as other cluster-b disorders, because they've always been a way for psych people to write us off, and most are based in sexism and racism.
The so called personality disorders are most likely a severe form of c-ptsd, mostly resulting from child abuse (which might need an actual name but most likely not), that the science refuses to acknowledge because that would mean we'll need to actually look into the reality of how many abusive parents there are and it's easier to clog up their ears than try to face the reality. Because it's easier to ignore it than try telling parents, on a global level, that abusing kids isn't okay and face the backlash. This is just Freudian shit all over again and we're tired.
When will tumbrl actually listen to the victims instead of talking over us? So many of cluster-b people criticise the fucking names if not the entire existence of those diagnoses and those posts just circulate within the part of the community that are actually victims of abuse and mistreatment that comes with these diagnosis because we're the only fucking ones who get it.
I don't agree with you on many things, probably most things. But the way some ppl make their priority to harass you instead of looking over their shoulders to see the entire society to blame for what's going on is stupid. Good grief, thank you for being brave.
You said our views don't align on most topics, but on this one at least I wholeheartedly agree with you.
I don't want to be out here telling people in a community I'm not a part of that the name of their disorder is wrong, but I do question how helpful a diagnosis of a personality disorder titled "narcissistic" or "borderline" or "antisocial" is to the people suffering.
Like you say, why name a disorder after something so horrible? Especially if that disorder is something that person will experience for life. Can't cure it with medication or therapy. You're essentially told "you're Boarderline, can't fix it your personality is the problem". I can't imagine it's good for self esteem. I'd even hypothesise that after diagnosis, life outcomes would improve in these disorders if the people suffering from them didn't have to carry terms like "narcissistic" and "antisocial" with them every time they see a therapist or engage in their community.
I've met people who should know better, I mean people with psych degrees who work in the field, sometimes even with survivors of narcissistic abuse, who believe that NPD is a diagnosis of chronic narcissism. Its simply not, but if that's the name of the disorder and they've never took a class on personality disorders or have a background in abnormal psychology, they won't learn because this is the sort of stuff thats only taught when you're specialising.
If even professionals make that incorrect assumption there's only so much we can expect everyone else to know too. That's no excuse for using stigmatising terms like "dark triad". It would also probably not exist as a term if the professionals naming the disorders had a second thought for the people who would be diagnosed with them.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 8 months
Can I please request more Omniverse in the Ben 10 AU with Riddle, Kalim, Epel, and Idia please 🥺🥺🥺. Like more interactions ideas you have, what they might do if they all decide to visit one of their worlds for maybe a normal cause hang out?(giving said omnitrix allies a scare when they see three more omnitrix users show up. Ortho would probably be the only one not scared nor terrified of this surprise visit[perhaps the allies meeting up and talking with their experience with the omnitrix user and………everything else that came with it{like Jamil being more scared of seeing giant bug aliens and Vil seeing his carpets get chewed on. Plus the curtains covered in goop…………}, so yeah “fun” times for them 😐]), or even better where they all somehow get sent to canon twst and have to literally hide a lot so no one at the school sees them(especially their canon counterparts 😐💧), heck maybe they all end up switching worlds with one another by a four way swap by some freak accident([for example, let say 1 ends up in 2’s world, than 2 ends up in 3’s than 3 ends up in 4 and than 4 ends up in 1’s] the counterparts from said worlds also take the omnitrix users’ place by also swapping there 😐💧[4 to 3, 3 to 2, 2 to 1, 1 to 4 as an example], so uhh no meeting non omnitrix counterparts){ps I let you pick who ends up where, just keep swap format :)}
That's complicated
Tbh, if they ever meet up, it would be in Epel's world, mostly via freak accident. And for that, I'd also apply the rules of the spiderverse: An object from another dimension can't stay in a dimension too long or it will glitch out and die.
As such, visiting won't happen. Nor a more complicated mix-up as mentioned above, for the sole purpose that they would need the omnitrix wearer from this specific dimension to not just... Fucking die there.
And for this, I choose Epel's world: he has that covering from Vil and Rook and it's just more insanely fun to have Vil and Rook hide from everyone else not 1 but 4 alien heroes. Man it's a shitshow.
And also, they would probably get along a bit harder, but end up how I mentioned in a previous ask(tumbrl algorithm is screwing me over and I can't find shit! Sorry :'3)
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nohaijiachi · 2 years
Fellow artist here, I legit had works of mine show up in the tags for like an hour and then disappear and I just want to scream
The problem is that I can't stand twitter and refuse to use it, and Instagram is also a mess, tumbrl is much more comfortable to use if it wasn't for this problem.
This seems what's happening to me too, because yesterday I saw my last fanart post show up in the tag after a little bit, but this morning nada. I even used a completely different account to check just to make sure.
I am on twitter but it is not the best platform for fandom activity, and I refuse to be on istagram, I hate the fact that you are forced to only post in the format THEY want : V fuck off
But honestly tumblr is really not all that much better. I'm only here literally because with the mass exodus of fandoms that happened 10 years ago everybody started using tumblr, and I'm staying because, well... what other option do we have??? We desperately need a platform that's specifically tailored for fandom activity, but that would take a metric fuckton of work and money, and as we all know us lil' queer freaks ain't marketable :^)
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doujinshi · 2 years
hi uh so i basically adblocked my follower count on twitch. i did this for a few reasons, but for transparency. I am actually someone who does get nervous and stuff about this kinds of things. I've been struggling to go live and stuff for a bit because it just feels like the number gets bigger and I don't feel like my level of content and what I do, me as an entertainer is good enough to justify the amount of followers I have.
It's severely nerve wracking for me. on tumblr i did the same exact thing. god dude. it's so fucking overwhelming. I'm just gunna go back to how i took it with tumblr. Not look at the number. if i hit a milestone i hope someone will tell me, but yea. I'm just I want to go back to making and doing content without feeling pressured that my content needs to justify the number i have.
it will be ok. thank you and I'm sorry if I stop talking about milestones. they still mean a lot to me but like AAAaaAAaAa AaaA IF I FUCKING LOOK AT A NUMBER IM GOING TO COMBUST BC THATS A LOT OF PEOPLE TO ENTERTAIN. AND YEA ITS NOT EVEN REMOTEL Y CLOSE TO TUMBRL BTU I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT STREAMING ITS NOT EVEN FUNY. holy shit
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sugar-and-spice-cl · 2 years
Lewis: compliments Charles after Silverstone
@slow-button-off : omg he's so petty!
Max: says this year's fight for the title is respectful while last year it wasn't
@slow-button-off : omg he's so right!
First of all, there's no fight, even Marko wished Charles a race without strategy fuckups because Ferrari is a joke this year. Saying this nonexistent fight is respectful is condescending and disingenuous at best. It's easy to be gracious when you are on top of the standings and are more or less certain to remain there.
Second, it wasn't Mercedes or the Hamiltons throwing murder and drugs accusations at their rival driver and making fans feel justified in their racist abuse of the only black driver, it was RB and the Verstappens.
And they have the audacity to say "how dare British journalists say last year wasn't respectful!"?
And call Lewis petty but Maxie the best guy ever even though he says slurs and defends racists????
Max apologists are a bunch of hypocrites. They should check their biases and racism cause they're obvious to anyone.
Hey! This is the second ask calling out slow-button-off's racism that I received in like 3 weeks, and like the fifth post all together that I see about it, so it's obvious that there's an issue here with this individual, I'm not trying to dismiss you! But I'm sorry, don't know this person. There's nothing I can do about this. Maybe we interacted in the past but I honestly can't remember because I'm not on F1 tumbrl much (which makes the fact that I've already seen several posts about it very concerning).
Anyway this isn't the first time I'm asked about this blog, so I'm going to address it.
I absolutely agree that Lewis and his family were as respectful as they could be when faced with the racist shitstorm RB threw at them. iirc Lewis had to hire security because he was receiving so many threats. Anyways, I remember Lewis' father congratulating MV after the race that shall not be named and Lewis spraying MV with champagne even though he was robbed due to "human error" (ahem, let's call it that, since it's what the official sources say; we all know it was a deliberate choice by Masi).
Lewis didn't storm off the podium, didn't incite or condone abuse, didn't ignore awful fans behavior. He even called out fans who cheered at MV's crashes.
You'd literally have to hold a gun at MV's head to hear similar words, and HIS fans are the ones sexually harassing people, throwing racist and homophobic slurs around and burning Lewis' and Merc's merch in the stands (which is incredibly fucked up and concerning).
And they do it because they don't get reprimanded in any way for it. Because their hero doesn't say anything about it. MV can't control people of course, but he - being their hero - can influence them.
And we're all seeing the results of such influence.
In general I 100% agree with you. There is no fight this year. Not with MV. Hopefully Charles can keep his p2, but with new upgrades coming for everyone, who knows. Perez had some bad races lately but today's data showed that he's still quite fast (third fastest after Charles and MV iirc).
Charles problem is one and only one. Unfortunately, it's a massive one: Ferrari.
So yeah, MV calling this a respectful fight makes me laugh honestly. If Charles were 10 points behind or ahead of him, who knows what he, his family and team would say. Last year they were so vocal...
Or maybe they would say nothing because Charles is white and doesn't fit the stereotype of the angry, wannabe killer, drug addict black man that RB and the Verstappens went for last year 🙄
As for the blog you're calling out, I truly don't mean to sound dismissive, but I just don't know what to do. I'm sorry!
But if them or anyone like them is reading this, I hope you understand that if you don't call out terrible behavior, even when it's your fave that perpetrates it, you're part of the problem.
The fact that MV can say slurs, defend racists, not call out his violent fans and people find a thousand ways to justify him, but Lewis can't compliment Charles without people calling him petty or a snake is just concerning.
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lutawolf · 2 years
hey hi hello Luta
so i was kind of debating if i should write this or not but decided that i probably should.
so i honestly just wanted to say thank you. for posting great analysis and explanations of kink stuff. i’ve been interested in BDSM scene for quite a while but non of my friends or acquaintances really know (i’m not ashamed just shy about things connected to sex) and since some of them watch kinnporsche now they didn’t really get why i enjoy some of the moments as much as i do. and why got so excited about vegaspete being who they are and showing them in a series that will reach a lot of people. but your blog might help with that (idk if they’ll really understand and not think it’s just well up to interpretation but oh well at least i’ll be able to show a bit of my side of the story to them).
i know you get a lot of rude people and people who in general have no connection to kink community and who interpret kinnporsche as sth it just not but i’m super grateful that it didn’t discouraged you from continuing with the analyses and commentaries. it help me a lot with understanding of sadomasochism and that whole side. i don’t have any actual experience with BDSM aside from what i’ve read here on tumbrl (starting from before the ban) or books, fics, and other media. and however much i would really like to get some i simply don’t know where to start (it has more to do with my personality and the need to have deep trust before i let anyone touch me in anyway or give them any sort of power over me than not knowing where to find the community in my country).
sorry for the word vomit and once again thank you for your work in educating people and providing great content.
hope you have a great day/night wherever you are
Hey Hey unicorn,
I'm really glad you are enjoying my blog. That you are finding you can relate. That you are becoming more secure. I honestly get it, I do. It's not like my husband and I run around saying we are D/s. We have vanilla friends that would like to save hubby 🤦🏻‍♀️
The VegasPete is honestly just my best guess at this point. As far as interpreting their scene. As far as Vages being a sadist and Pete being a masochist, I'll put money on. I've seen a lot of bullshit posts about Pete being in pain and not getting any pleasure. Those are why I'm currently hiding in my cubby hole. I know military men that would have hit the ground. My husband can handle an electrical zap that others can't and his ass would have been laid out. You are not going to take one let alone at least two zaps to the balls without being able to switch pain to pleasure.
You've noticed the rude asks, huh? I don't even answer them all. People can not fathom that their opinion of kink is wrong. Look at yesterday's asks, where I clearly stated that someone was Dominant while the other was submissive. I give examples and point out clear indicators and yet I will have five asks arguing to my one post. Those arguing aren't even kink members! It's like being mansplained on a daily bases.
As a Dominant it is fucking infuriating, especially as these cowards put their asks as anons. I can't change my settings because I refuse to take away that protection from subs who need the anon.
Anyways, I got lost on a tangent there. Sorry! The asks like these, help me to keep going. I honestly didn't realize the amount of kink members who are unable to access a community. For one reason or another. I'm grateful that if nothing else I can be a friend who understands their kinks. Especially the s&m, which is not understood by vanillas, no matter what they say. So while your friends might not understand, I do. And I'll keep writing for those like us.
Thank you for the encouragement. It meant the world. Hope you are having a good day/night as well. 💜💜💜
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buhbahbuh · 3 years
I don't really believe this has chance of happening, but it would be so insane if sans was one of the manlets gaster contacted
I mean, he technically already is bc he clearly has relation to gaster and is smaller than a child, but he isn't one like jevil or spamton
But just imagine- going to fight one of the secret bosses and suddenly it is, for kris, the fucking convenience store guy and, for us, the tumbrl sexy man himself
Atm i headcanon that bc gaster got scattered across timespace in undertale he mightve been scattered across timespace in deltarune as well no matter if he was even a scientist or not?
So gaster left for town, he was doing his knight thing in deltarune, helping spamton with sales, trying to damage control what hed fucked up already bc he just wanted to talk to these funny little men who reminded him of someone (sans) and then POOF. timespace.
Sans is gasters ex/friend/its complicated who thinks gaster just up and stopped contactfor no reason :,) until he realizes noone remembers gaster except for him. So he moved to the last place he knows gaster was, this weird town where a girl named dess dissapeared as well
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fiore-rosewood9 · 3 years
♫FrUk :D
Thank you for the ask, I will send a few songs that remind me of fruk, a whole playlist if you may, not only one song. I also touch a few of triggering topics as I explain the nations's personalities and relationships with one another so I apologize in advance if I upset/trigger someone and will put my trigger here - Warning - mentions of abuse, alcoholism, s*exual trauma. Under the explanation there is a playlist of songs that make me think of Ukfr/Fruk, so if anyone gets upset you can feel free to skip my general headcanons about fruk/ukfr relationship dynamics. There are too many songs that make me think of different characters or ships but I collected the ones that make me think the most of them.
I know the original song is by Lady gaga but this version is too sweet and cheesy for me so I chose the rock cover by the group Halestorm since I prefer it, it sounds more genuine and rough and kinda makes me think of the dynamic that ukfr/fruk has, that some people present is as just the enemies to lovers trope or them just fighting which is.....simply unhealthy????? Fruk is much more than that and I wish people would stop seeing it as a two dimensional thing, yeah they do argue on a lot of things and it is not the healthiest dynamic however it does work in my mind because they stick through thin and thick and that requires effort and true love since a lot of people nowdays do not take time to know the other person, they just jump into marriage and have a few divorces and just argue over everything and then separate, fruk is an off and on thing where they break and make. This kind of dedication is hard to find in today's couples. I know they're fictional characters and no one really cares but I practice my psychology skills and my knowledge of people around me, and I sometimes see people with similar or almost the same characters as fictional characters, they may not have all of their hobbies but they do act the same way. And certain pairs, no offence, just make me want to gag my self due to history with bad and toxic fans but if I look at it subjectivly and never encountered mean fans from a certain ship, I would say that they ship simply doesn't work. No ship bashing but as far as I know, people with this kind of personality from this ship that I dislike, and get upset when seeing fan art of, simply just do not get along and had a hard time divorcing, it is not only unhealthy and unbalanced, it is downright abusive because both partners seek control and to have the upper hand and this is not...what romance is about???? It is about two people taking care of each other, understanding personal space and boundaries, lifting each other up and yeah, they will argue a lot, sometimes for small things, sometimes for bigger things, but generally the point of romantic relationships is not someone using you, or abusing you financially and generally being better or bigger than you. This breeds insecurity and jealousy in the other partner and makes them feel inadequate. Usually such problems are not talked over and one of the partners acts passive agressive which is what ultimaltly leads to said divorce. So yeah, people can go away with their (BUT IT IS CUTE, IT IS SO FUCKING CUTE) pairing because real life pairings and how humans communicate and develop friendships and relationships isn't based on what your mind conciders and doesn't concider cute and there are lots of factors on whether relationship will ever happen like common interests, type personality, etc and just block me so I will never hear from them and their childish mindset ever again, which is why I blocked certain tumbrl fan art hetalia accounts who produce art of a pairing I (dislike) lowkey hate, for historical reasons, for manga reasons, for toxic fans who bullied me and made me go on 3 hiatuses reason and ultimatly in real life experience and psychology and how humans and the human mind works and what is healthy and unhealthy reason. Why should I support something where certain people have been hateful towards me and these same people that act like these characters and I know in my life are on bad terms in real life? Why shouldn't I just move on to something more realistic and more healthy, that I have seen that works with humans I know first hand? I am not a clinical psychologist and I have no power or saying in this but I had to write thesis and read books by psycholgists and analyze them in high school and my first year of Uni, in order to pass the year and I have also read reccomended books by a psychologist I went to because I wanted an advice on how to deal with my anxiety and talking to people, because my condition is extremely severe but I honestly feel stuck and try to improve but also feel confused, I sometimes feel like I am not doing enough to
self improve as a human. I sometimes come off as too cold or overly bitter and angry without intending to, and it sucks.
Francis is a really manipulative person and Matthew picked up that from him while part of Alfred's agression doesn't only come from confidence in his own abilities but the fact that England him self is an overly agressive person and is very dominant or at least used to be for a very long time, now he is more mild to keep his gentleman persona but he does suffer from severe anger issues which he hides while Alfred is prone to breaking things and screaming, Arthur is more prone to being rude, sarcastic and generally mean before he loses it. Matthew and Francis do not engage in fight if they can avoid it which is why sometimes people call them cowardly I think? And Matthew is a bit prone to being a codependent people pleaser as far as I see and he seems to have severe anxiety issues. Francis albeit charismatic and beautiful, is deep down in his core lonely.
I think that part of his pervertedness, shocking people with his s*xual humour and all of this sex obsession comes from trauma in his childhood and dressing like a girl. I wouldn't explain what the trauma in question was since it is not canon but I do headcanon that he had s*xual trauma and it is partly why Hungary dressed like a guy. I don't know if this is legit, it is bias from reading too much japanese fan comics relating to hetalia or just general history of humans and how they treated consent and what is moral today, wasn't amoral or against the law a few centuries ago, but I have seen artists touch on it. I think both Arthur and Francis suffer from neglect and they weren't particularly good fathers, in fact no country is, the whole FACE family is dysfunctional and while I love all of them, I kinda pity them. I think Rome was a bit discriminatory mostly towards France and never towards his other children while Arthur had to constantly prove him self and was bullied by his brothers. While other nations have suffered from trauma too (I headcanon that Prussia was burnt on stake and people threw rocks at him due to his albinism and being left handed) something similar happened to Arthur, who I headcanon that he was burnt for being a witch and Francis went a few times through the guillotine, or Arthur still having a bullet scar on his arm from the American revolution or Francis having nightmares from that day where Jeanne was burnt and waking up in his own sweat. Arthur also must suffer from workholism and alcoholism, judging by how much he works and goes to pubs to drink. Everyone chooses their own poison and how to cope with life and many use unhealthy coping mechanisms, hell, even I used unhealthy coping mechanisms a lot in the past and I am not proud of them, in fact, I try to improve.
I can talk about their history and how it relates to their mental health and what scars they have for hours but I would bore you. You came for a song and I am probably boring you so I apologize for writting a lot of words, in advance. I basically think that fruk/ukfr is the ultimate ship for many reasons because they click, I do ship spuk/engita/asakiku and many other things but fruk/ukfr is kinda like butter and bread, it is a great combination. I never said it is 100 percent healthy, however their relationship makes psychological sense and their personalities click. I know people like to present arthur as this dumb tsundere man that blushes and says baka, or he is this garbage rat dad that no one likes or francis is presented or at least used to be this perverted sex machine that touched other countries inappropriatly or at least the 2012-2015 fans saw him this way and while he still has the reputation of a pervert, what many young people in the fandom see as disgusting, I just see as an overly lonely man that just happens to have high libido and copes with it by having casual sex and just has a sex humour, the same way some people have fart jokes humour or darker, more cursed humour, I am really glad that fans mostly left off this whole - Francis is a r**ist and will grope you, in the past, because honestly r**e is not joke and as a character he clearly understands consent and boundaries and I don't think someone like him would do such a thing. Also Greece and Turkey have even higher libido than him and sleep around more, yet he is the ''pervert'', I don't get it??????????? but fruk is just so much more than opposites attract, they have a lot in common so I can't say they're full opposites, no one is truly. I have heard people ask why does anyone ship fruk when it is just opposites attract/enemies to lovers trope and I am honestly confused, because that is extremely rough generalization to say the least, it is like saying - All men/women are the same, it is simply wrong/uncorrect. I think they ''married'' five times - The Treaty of Paris (1657) formed an alliance against Spain. The Anglo-French Alliance (1716–31) formed another alliance against Spain. The Anglo-French blockade of the Río de la Plata (1845-1850). The Anglo-French joint invasion of Qing Dynasty (1856–1860). And the last one which is their official marriage The Entente Cordiale (1904) fought together in both World Wars. As far as I remember Francis tried to marry Arthur but he refused and why he refused is up for subjective opinion but I must write a whole thesis on why Fruk/ukfr works so well and people are not here for that, they're here for the music and I will provide. I also always saw Francis as the more gentle and more submissive partner, I just love to see him drawn in frilly beautiful dresses with bows and stuff and Arthur as the more dominant, I mean as a country he was a powerhouse during the 1600s-1800s and used to be a punkrocker, usually rockers are mentally tough and that man is extremely cunning and witty so...people drawing him as this useless baka uwu overly feminine anorexic boy that looks more like a tween rather than a 23 year old guy just assasinated his character in my opinion and it disturbs me but I am just some awkward human on the internet and no one values my opinion anyway because this is the internet and many people nowdays love to have hot takes and try to gain followers through clickbait stuff which sometimes goes out of control and everything just seems more fake and shallow to me, the more old I get.Okay that was my silly rant no one asked about but I feel really passionate about hetalia and Fruk/Ukfr. Anyway, I apologize again for my long rant and going all over the place, please enjoy this playlist
1 - Halestorm - Bad romance - rock cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll4NJs3NBIU
2 - Queen - Somebody to love - lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj69iA_goIk
3 - ABBA - Voulez vous - (I know everyone chooses Waterloo and while waterloo is a fruk theme, I think Voulez vous works too) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwcgMVXuBJc
4 - London beat - I've been thinking about you - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixBryyQSrD8
5 - Santana - Smooth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Whgn_iE5uc
6 - George Michael - Careless whisper - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izGwDsrQ1eQ
7 - Robbie Williams - Feel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy4mXZN1Zzk
8 - Michael Buble - Feeling good - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edwsf-8F3sI
9 - Edith Piaf - La vie en rose - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFzViYkZAz4
10 - Chopin - Marriage d'amour (Spring waltz) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFJ7kDva7JE
11 - Vanessa Carlton - A thousand miles - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERw2LuU6Jj8
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bethansfandoms · 4 years
A prompt about that Walburga made Sirius shave his head and Sirius being really sad and afraid that Remus won't love him anymore (because he's such a draamaqueen) and then they somehow find a way to grow Sirius' hair back and then Sirius is happy again:3 (I saw a fanart in Tumbrl about that!) Just giving ideas(:
Oh, you’re so right. Sirius is a drama queen.
“James!” Sirius shouted, running away from his family and towards his bestfriend.
He pushed through the crowds of witches and wizards on platform nine and three quarters and called James’s name again.
“Hey, mate!” James greeted, wrapping him in a hug. “Nice hair.”
Sirius scowled, “don’t get snarky with me, Potter.”
“I wasn’t, I actually think it-”
“You need to hide me from Remus, he can not see me like this.”
“Hide you? I don’t know what you want me to do, Sirius. You won’t exactly fit in my pocket.”
Sirius groaned in frustration, “well unless you know a spell to grow it all back, I suggest you find a way!”
He went to run a hand through his hair which only agrivated him more when he realised that, oh, yeah, it was fucking gone.
Walburga had made him shave it so it was all short and “well maintained” because apparently the “heir to the black family could not walk around looking like some ruffian”.
Sirius would argue that he looked more like a “ruffian” now than ever before.
“I don’t understand why you need me to hide you from Remus though.”
Sirius huffed, “because, James, he’ll see me like this and he’ll think I look awful and then he won’t want to go out with me anymore.”
James scoffed, “you’re being ridiculous!”
Sirius didn’t listen. What he had with Remus was new and fragile and delicate, and he reasoned that an awful haircut was probably enough to shatter their relationship into pieces.
“You’ve met Remus, right? You really think he cares about appearance?”
Sirius ignored him. Mainly because he was making a good point and he wasn’t in the mood to admit he was wrong.
“Peter and Remus shown up yet?” he asked. James shook his head. “Good, well, we’re getting on the train and we are hiding. Come on.”
He grabbed James’s arm and forced him into the scarlet train. He raced down the aisle to the furthest away carriage he could find and slumped into the seat nearest the window. He turned his head to look out of it but caught his own reflection and stared stubbornly in the opposite direction.
“You don’t look that bad, mate,” James reassured him. “I mean it.”
“It looks awful!” Sirius whined. “It’s all Bellatrix’s fault! They all came round and, as always, lectured me on every single thing I was doing wrong. Then Bellatrix said my hair wasn’t manly,” he did quotation marks to show his annoyance, “so they made me cut it!”
He rolled his eyes, “like Bellatrix is one to talk. Her hair looks like a fucking birds nest.”
There was a knock at the compartment door and Sirius quickly ducked onto the floor and held his hands over his head. James opened it.
“Uh... hello James. Hello Sirius,” Remus’s voice greeted.
Sirius shot James a look before staring at the ground intently, “nope, can’t seem to find it anywhere James. Oh, hello Remus. I was just looking for my...”
“Hair?” James offered. Sirius punched his leg.
“Had enough of your gorgeous locks then?” Peter asked.
“See, even Pete thought they were gorgeous!” Sirius moaned.
“I was using your words not mine...” he trailed off when Sirius scowled.
“So why were you hiding from us?” Remus asked. “It wasn’t because of...” he broke off.
James stood up and grabbed peters arm. “Come on Pete, lets go find the trolly.”
“But she’ll come round in a bit,” Peter protested. James pinched him and he yelled slightly before following him out of the compartment.
Sirius awkwardly got up off of the floor and slumped into his chair, avoiding Remus’s eye.
“I missed you,” Remus said, smiling softly at him.
Sirius sighed. “I missed you too.” He got up and hugged him tightly before returning to sulking in the corner.
“It really doesn’t look that bad, Sirius.” He said, sitting next to him and running his hand gently through Sirius’s short hair.
Sirius shook him off. “It looks horrible. I understand if you think I’m hideous now so-”
Remus laughed, cutting him off. “Oh you’re kidding, right? Oddly enough Sirius, I’m not just dating you for your dashing looks. How shallow do you think I am?”
Sirius shrugged, “so you still want to date me?” he mumbled, staring out the window.
Remus laughed again, “of course I do, idiot. I love you.”
Sirius turned around, smiling slightly, “you do?” Remus nodded. “I love you too.”
Remus kissed him, still smiling when they broke apart.
“I guess...” Sirius said slowly, looking at his reflection in the window, “it’s not... I mean it could be worse.”
He spun his head round when he heard the compartment door opening.
“Sirius!” James enthused, “Lily says she knows a spell that mighty grow it back, interested?”
“Merlin yes!”
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sun-daddy-yoriichi · 4 years
Honestly just ypurichi headcons can't find anything for him at tumbrl
It's my husband we're talking about, so yes you may have general headcanons for Yoriichi. I plan on single-handedly being the person that adds a ton of Yoriichi content to tumblr, so I'm always happy to write for him♡
Enjoy, lovie!
Warning(s): Spoilers for the manga
Tumblr media
(My love^^^^♡♡♡♡♡)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni: General Headcanons
Yoriichi Tsugikuni
AKA my husband
I don't know why but he reminds me of the type of person to put a fuck ton of sugar in his tea or coffee.
Probably eats spicy food on the regular.
Somehow smells like lavender every single day without trying.
He doesn't like fighting, even if it's against demons. He's a pacifist type of person.
When he failed to kill Muzan, he felt so awful for months on end. He never got rid of the guilt that failing such a daunting task left him with.
(Leave him alone he needs to be relieved of all this guilt)
Yoriichi really likes children. He wanted one or two of his own, because children fascinated him. After his wife died, he pushed that away. His life was no place for a child.
That doesn't make the longing go away, however. Why do you think he cried so hard when he held Sumire?
Any sort of humour flies over his head. At least, that's what people think.
Nobody knows when he's being sarcastic or not, but he always knows when people are being sarcastic with him.
I can see him as the type of guy to be super athletic but doesn't play sports.
Martial arts, on the other hand...
He's a lightweight, but it's hard to tell when he's drunk.
Wins every single drinking game he competes in.
His form of self-care is taking three naps in an entire day and birdwatching.
One time he and several other Demon Slayers got so drunk that they tried to sacrifice him to Satan. He willingly sat in the circle, too.
He never did feel the same after that, but chalked it up to not sleeping enough.
He gets Muzan's name wrong every time he says it. Nobody knows if it's a joke or if he actually doesn't remember.
It's even weirder because none of the names he uses are ever even close to being right.
Some of the names he has used are as follows:
Michael Jackson
John Mulaney (A foreigner that he's run into on more than one ocassion. Yoriichi says his voice makes him feel nostalgic)
He gives good advice, but it is always delivered in the form of riddles and confusing phrases.
The last time someone let him hold a cat he cried. Moral of the story: don't let Yoriichi hold small animals. It will make him emotional.
He's a Chad my guy.
Chugs a gallon of Respect Women Juice every day.
Will eat literally anything put in front of him.
Quotes Shakespeare every chance he gets.
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fantastic-rambles · 3 years
Very nice if I found someone who doesn't hate Adam just because it exists like all the sk8 fandom from the very first apparition -_-!
But I'd like to point one something about your previous answer. I think people doesn't hate Adam because he could be a rival ship for Reki, but for other reasons like:
- they believe him speaking about love of Langa and his movement on the skate first with Reki and then with Langa, are something pedophiliy.
- they don't understand what he wore and thought he was a clown. (While instead he rapresent a matador and he has to cover himself seeing how much is famous and he's ivolved with power).
- Lately the attack on Cherry and Reki. Which I agree they aren't technique, but people don't understand the rules are "all permitted". And that that means "all permitted". >.>"
Anyway it's mainly the first one. People thinks and believe Adam is a pedo, since both Reki and Langa are minor (17).
.....I'll add the sk8 fandom on tumbrl is composed by people almost at their first anime, that they believe that people will be killed in a skate anime, that they believe that reki/langa will be canon etc. These ones haven't watched enough anime..
To be honest, I don’t buy that. I believe that all of those are just excuses that most people use to justify their irrational hatred because “I hate Adam because he’s breaking up Renga” is a pretty pathetic reason for hating a character.
But to address your points:
At the risk of being shouted down and called a pedophile/pedophile defender/whatever, even if Adam does have a romantic/sexual interest in Reki or Langa (which I don’t believe to be the case), it’s not pedophilia. Japan absolutely has fucked-up laws in this regard, but the age of consent in Japan, where the anime is set, is 13. But even if we’re judging by Western standards, in the US, a relationship between Adam and one of the boys would be legal in 39 of the 50 states (with most having a cutoff of 16-17, the remaining 11 have a cutoff of 18). In the UK, the age of consent is 16. Most other countries are also set at 16-17, if not lower. So... that accusation is patently false in almost all places.
From the very beginning, and repeatedly throughout, Adam’s been called the “Matador of Love.” There’s no room for misinterpretation there. Sure, even I call him a clown sometimes (affectionately), but even if he literally was a clown, that doesn’t justify hating him.
I do think that his assaults on Cherry and Reki are highly problematic even under the “anything goes” rules. But--and I feel like I’m beating a dead horse at this point--many villains (not just in anime) do far worse things and are still admired and celebrated. If we want to discuss non-anime villains, then there are people like the Joker (from Batman), Loki (from the MCU), Darth Vader (from Star Wars), etc. etc. All of them have literally killed multiple (innocent) people, but Adam sending people to the hospital is outrageous? Sure.....
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 2 years
Ok! So.... this was deleted and I had to rewrite it cuz tumbrl said 'suffer'....
Anyway! I'm dropping this bunch of incorrect quotes, feat Blot change au cuz I gave Ace new power! :3 episode/book 1-6 spoilers.
Cater @ the first years: Oh dear, oh dear, gorgeous...(done with life)
Cater @ Ace every minute: you fucking big baby... (affectionate)
Riddle: *a tyrant with anger issues and having one of the scariest UM*
Deuce: *an ex-delinquent, with a record for getting into fights*
Ace: *LITERALLY has a criminal record, raised under STIX's watch 24/7 because of the danger he can be*
Cater: Trey... you have some wierd children...
Trey(a mom in denial), choking on tea: I have WHAT now?
*during Azul overBlot, when Ace unintentionally forced Deuce in an overBlot with the ginger as a phantom*
Deuce, in his mind: what happened?
Ace, in Deuce's mind: I would like to know too...
Ace: I can't... so... ✨deal with it✨...
Deuce: tf?!
Ace: anyway... wanna hear my kazoo solo?
Deuce: .....
Any student after an overBlot figth: what'cha got there?
Cater carrying Ace and the other overBlot like sacks of potatoes: my phone...
*during Jamil overBlot, after the group got dokkaned across scarabia*
Ace: *slaps roof of Kalim* This bad boy could fit so much blot and trauma!
Kalim, tearing up: I am a bad friend....
Ace: see?
Idia, picking up the phone: you reached the house of internal panic... your personal anxiety Sass entity of disappointment in here... if you are the small Trappola, close the call and don't do arson...
Cater: it's Diamond...
Idia: applies to you as well...
Idia pointing to Mrs Trappola: this is my therapist that I consciously avoid going to an appointment because I'm petty, even if it's free...
Idia pointing to Mr Trappola: This is my doctor who said that I shouldn't drink only coffee and energy drinks to survive...
Idia pointing to Cater and Ace's big brother: these are my hitmen, who also work for me as spies... I like to not interact a lot with them like any other being except Ortho and cats...
Idia pointing to Ace: this is the reason coffee and energy drinks don't work anymore on me... also he recently learned how to do arson from his dormhead...
Ace: :3
Idia, after Ace even took a breath in NRC: Depression was last year for me, now I'm having a constant crisis over pizza to cope with everything...
Ortho: Nii-san... Ace got into a fi-
Idia: The box is square, the pizza is circle and the slices are triangles... GODS WHY?!
Ortho: .... I'm booking an appointment for your therapist...
Student: *overblots*
Ace, who is hungry: It's free real estate!
Trey: dinner ideas?
Grim: tuna!
Deuce: egg sandwich...
Epel: An apple pie...
Jack: Meat with seasonings...
Sebek: something edible...
Ace: blot...
Trey: All ideas are nice, except the last 2... do you wanna talk about it?
Ace and Sebek: no...
Cater: I asked Ace what would be appropriate for a date... he told me that apeshit is sexy... He forced an overBlot on me... later that night, Rook and Vil told me I was really sexy when in overBlot... I told this to Riddle and now he's in a state of shock in a corner...
Riddle, visibly scared: Ace was right and I don't know how to cope with this...
Trey: I am not a mom...
Deuce, coming in, sleepy: mom... can you please tell me a bedtime story?
Ace, tagging along: moooooooommmm.... can I have a glass of milk?
Riddle, wobbling in there, drowsy: mama... I had a nightmare...
Trey: go to my room and I'll come too in a bit...
Cater, who watched everything: you are a crappy liar...
Trey:..... I am not a mom...
Cater: and in denial apparently...
The overBlot gang getting kidnapped to STIX: ....
Ace's brother: So...
Cater: I will chop off your tongue if you say it...
Ace's brother, looking at Vil: he's your sugarda-
Cater, jumping on him with a knife: You lost your tongue privileges, my friend!
Rook breaks in stix: Bonjour :D
Ace's bro, with a tranquilizer: Aurevoir... >:3
Ace, puffing his cheeks cuz he didn't get dragged back to STIX:...
Deuce: why are you sad?
Ace: cuz they have the audacity to not invite me to their big boys queer pijama party for overBlots...
Ace: they also have video-games...
Deuce: >:O
Ace's brother: you
Ace: you
Ace's brother: have to go to NRC
Ace: have to go to NRC
Ace's brother: and be a good student
Ace: and be a good student
Ace's brother: You have to go to NRC and be a good student
Ace: I have to go to a facy boy school and fuck it up!
Ace's brother, tearing up: you learn so well...
Idia, to Cater: you will take care of him...
This is all for now! It's just chaos...
You can tell I'm not the best at the comedy department...
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