#what there IS no excuse for is kennedy. like lol. what
bloomfish · 6 months
My controversial and long-winded Willow/Tara thoughts
I honestly don't mind, narratively speaking, that Tara was killed. Obviously I love Tara with all my heart and was devastated when she died but I keep trying to see another way forward for Willow's arc and... I can't? Honestly I think this would have been Oz's fate had he not been written off because Seth Green had to leave.
I also think that nowadays we're very conscious of the "bury your gays" trope and there's obviously a lot to criticise about this when it's gratuitous. But especially given what Willow and Tara represented at the time... It was a different world in terms of LGBT representation. It's common knowledge that they had to fight for the onscreen kiss in The Body, the fact that a main character was even portrayed in a lesbian relationship at all on a show like Buffy was groundbreaking. All that being said, I personally don't think Tara's death was gratuitous.
The only other permadeath of a Scooby love interest until the finale is Jenny Calendar, and you can definitely make a case here for the "killing off a female love interest for manpain" trope but where would S2 be without Jenny's death? Like it just doesn't make sense without it. Passions is the moment where the stakes of the series as a whole suddenly explode into astronomical new levels. Sure, Giles could have been a woman and Jenny a man, but that also undercuts many of the themes and ideas behind the Giles+Buffy relationship and the Watchers in general.
Similarly, from the moment Willow's use of magic was introduced, EVERYTHING in her arc was leading up to Dark Willow. We got a taste of it in S5 but if the show had ended there it would never have actually reached a true conclusion. She's not punished for her Dark Moment, she's rewarded. It would have gone unresolved, and the looming threat of Willow turning to the dark side would have been hanging over the heads of the surviving Scoobies forever. Tara being mind sucked by Glory feels like a sort of... idk hasty first attempt at killing her thematically (an idea that was obviously in the works) except that her death in S5 would undercut those of Joyce and Buffy. So it's natural to resolve this in S6.
The reason I think Tara had to die for Dark Willow to emerge is that we're shown that Willow needs a grounding presence to keep her from losing control. Her 'darkest moments' almost all occur when she feels abandoned. When Oz cheats on her in S4 she tries to curse him and Veronica, when he leaves Something Blue ensues. When Tara is mind-sucked she goes apeshit on Glory. When Buffy dies she does the resurrection spell. When she and Tara fight in S6 she uses magic to make her forget, the subsequent breakup causes her to spiral. Like this is a HUGE pattern for Willow.
Oz and Tara function fairly similarly in that they are stabilising presences that pull Willow back from the brink, and so nothing short of the complete, permanent removal of Tara could force her to completely go over the edge. She couldn't have "just left" because that leaves the glimmer of hope that, like Oz, she will return. She had to die and Willow had to try and fail to bring her back.
Obviously it's not a pleasant thing. But it's just... Idk, it's narratively cohesive for me. It's so far from being even close to the worst moral failing of the writers in that single episode, let alone the series as a whole. The reason it stings so much is because Tara's death wasn't just shock value, she was a character that made a lasting impact on the show and had visible effects on characters outside of Willow (mostly Dawn and Buffy but still) so even though she was doomed from the start I don't think it's a case of a lesbian character being gratuitously killed off for angst. I get that it's a touchy subject but I also don't think it's accurate to paint every single instance of a gay character dying as 'bury your gays' when it's not necessarily so.
Anyway. There's a lot to criticise about Buffy but this isn't a personal gripe of mine- even as someone for whom Tara and her relationship with Willow was deeply and personally important at the time.
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American Psycho Killer
Summary: Leon S. Kennedy, a man who’s taken his duty of protection very seriously. He’ll do anything to ensure the safety of people, especially the safety of one particular girl.
Warning: stalking, murdering, mentions of planned murder, mentions of drugs and drug abuse, gore (kinda), death, masturbation (m receiving), smut, creampie, yan!leon, not proofread lol, fem reader, psychopathic.
A/N: I did my research for this as I wanted this to sound a little spooky teehee :3
[part two]
“I got you under my skin” - Mirotic, TVXQ!
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Psychopath vs. Sociopath. The popular argument in between psychologists.
Leon never really cared enough to get himself checked out but there were signs. He didn’t feel empathy for others, his moves were calculated and he’s highly educated. He has a well paying career, he pretends to be this normal guy when in reality, he’s psychopathic.
What defines a psychopath apart from a sociopath? Psychopaths, at least in Leon’s case, cannot form established bonds with others. He doesn’t feel guilt or sad when he sees a person die by his hands.
His job already requires him to kill so this was an easy feat. He doesn’t care. He can’t feel anything.
He couldn’t feel anything until you came along.
Leon lived in this apartment complex just downtown of a city in the state. The apartment was big and had security cameras all around. It was well guarded and the people were kind.
When he saw the new neighbor move in, he felt weird. He narrowed his eyes as he watched you from the window of his apartment loft. He was growing suspicious at his behavior. Why did his chest feel warm? Why is his heart beating fast? Why are his hands sweating?
He didn’t know. Up to this point he didn’t feel anything but you brought something to him and it made him uneasy. So he decided to keep an eye on you.
Days passed after you moved in and you settled just fine. The old lady at the end of the hall brought you cookies, a sweet old lady. She talked to Leon a few times and he didn’t think much of her other than just as his neighbor. Nothing more.
But if you were to ask him what he thought of you? Oh boy, he thought a lot of things. Both good and bad.
Being a psychopath isn’t praised in society. Only 1% of the population is considered one and no one knew he belonged to that percentage. And he’d like to keep it that way; his excuse for his behavior was his job. He always left early in the morning and came back late at night. A manipulator and a liar is what he was, and a very good one.
He’s seen you leave your apartment from time to time. You’d take out the trash, went out with your friends- he’s seen everything you do.
Leon isn’t stupid, he’s attentive and observant. He leaves no trace behind of the murder he just committed. The male neighbor across from your door saw you one day when you walked out of your door with a short dress.
The man eye-fucked you so much he literally almost started drooling. Leon cringed and found him repulsive. How dare he look at you like you were some meat on the market?
He felt anger and disgust. No one should look at you like that. No one.
So, one summer day, he made up an excuse to visit him. Something about a water pipe connecting to his sink that didn’t make it work. Like I said, Leon is a good manipulator and a good liar. He always gets what he wants.
The male neighbor invited him in and closed the door behind him. He offered Leon a beer, to which he refused. He found liquor and other substances repulsive. He walked over to the man’s kitchen sink and began to inspect it.
He noticed the man’s sink had a garbage disposal unit. That’s pretty dangerous, he thought to himself.
He walked over to where the man was sitting. The male neighbor was sitting on his reclining couch as he watched a game with a cup of beer on the stand next to him. The neighbor was so engrossed on the football game that he didn’t notice Leon slipping something into his drink.
Leon was smart. Dangerously smart. He knew everything when it came to death- he worked in the DSO, of course he knew some things. He knew the effects of alprazolam and what it does to the brain.
So when he lied to a psychiatrist about his insomnia and got prescribed some Xanax, he crushed a high dosage into fine powder and slipped it into the man’s beer.
Stupid bastard, Leon thought to himself.
He watched as the male neighbor took a sip of his drink and Leon waited. Xanax is a powerful drug, can cause hallucinations and make your brain become a little too calm. You’re bound to fall asleep at some point. And with the amount Leon dropped into his drink, he knew he’d knock out sooner than later.
After a few minutes of “tinkering” with the man’s sink. He got up and went to check on the man again.
And sure as hell did the man find himself in a profound slumber. His snores layering with the sound of the TV.
Too easy, Leon smirked to himself. He put on some elastic gloves and made sure he wore shoes that wouldn’t leave footprints. In case things would get messy, of course.
He poured the man’s drink down the sink to get rid of the evidence. He then thought hard about how he should go about this.
There’s many different ways one can commit murder but Leon wanted the cleanest one. So he came up with one.
He brought pans to the stove and made it seem like the man was cooking something for himself. He partially cooked a stupid egg and left it there. Leon went back to where the man was sitting and dragged him out of his couch and towards the kitchen. Since this man’s place was small, the kitchen and dining area were joined together. He sat there man down on the dining table, which happened to be near the stove. He took out the man’s phone and put it in the man’s hand to make it seem like he was using it.
Leon went back to the kitchen and continued to prepare the scene. He took out bottles of alcohol the man had and poured them down the drain to make it look like he’d had a few drinks. He took a single cup from the cup rack and filled it up halfway. With the cup and bottle of whiskey in both hands, he walked back to the table where the man was sitting and laid them on the table. He took the half empty cup and smeared the man’s lip on the rim. You must cover every single detail.
He even poured a little alcohol into the man’s already parted lips. Leon walked back to the stoved and kept the gas on. Now all he needed to do was wait and let nature do its thing.
Leon walked out of his apartment, pretending to still be talking to the man since there was a camera on the corner of the hall. As the door opened, the camera couldn’t record that Leon had been talking to himself. It made the act believable.
With a smile, Leon walked back to his place and stayed there.
A few hours passed and it started to get dark outside, each resident was inside their unit and ready to go to sleep when the fire alarm began to sound. Everyone was forced to evacuate the premises as the firefighters came to the scene.
You saw as the ambulance brought out a stretcher into the building. Someone was still inside, you thought to yourself as your eyes widened and your heart rate increased. You tried to move but felt someone’s hand on your arm, it was Leon.
“Don’t. It’s too dangerous,” he replied in a serious tone as he stared at you with those cold blue eyes. You pinched your brows together. He was right. If you were to try and save the person, you’d die in the process. You nodded defeatedly and he let go of your arm. He stood there watching you- analyzing you.
You had a good heart, he thought. Too good for his liking. That made you an easy target for people and he loathed the idea of people exploiting your kindness. He vowed to protect you, to mark his hands dirty for you.
As the EMT brought back the stretcher, you could see a person lying there lifeless. All the other residents immediately started to mutter amongst themselves, some started to cry and others gasped in shock. You simply stood there, wide eyed and jaw slack. Leon’s expression remained unchanged as he watched you react to the man’s death. The man deserved it, he thought to himself.
Couldn’t you see that he was protecting you? You’ll come around eventually, he thought.
As the ambulance left the area, the firefighters started to clear the smoke as the police arrived. The police began to do their investigation as the firefighters checked the unit and deemed it good after clearing out the fire and the smoke. One police officer began to make her way to the apartment as the other stayed behind with the residents to ask questions.
Leon was a smooth talker. A trait most psychopaths had. He could get himself out of any situation and he could lie. So when the police asked him what had happened, Leon simply replied with, “I’m not sure. I went to his apartment to check his water supply as my sink stopped working and he lived next to me. I noticed he was making himself some food but I was too busy checking our pipes. He reeked of alcohol and barely spoke to me,” Leon’s tone was different. He sounded likey he spoke the truth.
You couldn’t help but listen to his words. To you, they are true. You saw him walk out of the man’s apartment.
The investigation was deemed as self-manslaughter. The police believed that the man suffered from deliberate alcohol poisoning which caused him to pass out in the process of cooking himself some food.
This made news headlines. Everyone believed the story but they thought the man was stupid enough to cook while he was drunk. Many of the residents believed it, he was a known alcoholic. Leon was never caught.
He was watching you from the window, months after the incident occurred. You had just come back from your college lecture. Leon knew. He stalked you, he followed you.
He knew your weekly routine. Monday through Thursday you had lectures. On Friday, you did work study. And the weekends were reserved for your personal time. He felt proud of you for balancing your life. You lived healthily and he couldn’t help but feel proud at your decisions. He knew you were smart enough to take care of yourself.
He knew the campus you went to, he knew the classes you were taking, he knew your major- he knew everything. But he pretended like he didn’t.
So when he saw you in the parking lot, right next to his car and you had trouble with your groceries, he couldn’t help but feel like your knight in shining armor. With his hardened expression, he asked you in his stern and serious voice, “Need some help?”
You smiled sheepishly and nodded, “Yeah… you don’t mind helping me?” You scratched your head awkwardly. On the inside, he found it adorable. But on the outside, he maintained his cool. He nodded and walked over to your car to retrieve the bags of groceries you bought. He was so strong he carried all the bags to your apartment door. You thanked him graciously and invited him inside.
“You can put them on the table, I’ll assort them,” you said as you took of your jacket and hanged it on the rack right next to the door. He nodded and walked over to the dining table, where he put all the bags with food. He took this opportunity to look around your place.
You kept it simple. It was nice, colorful, but nice. You had tons of books on your shelves, he took a mental note that you probably liked to stay indoors. He noticed the way your laptop and a few papers were scattered on the couch and coffee table, you were studious and dedicated to your education. He silently applauded you in his head. He liked that about you. You had goals and ambitions.
“Thank you, again. I owe you one,” you walked up to him and gave him a warm, genuine smile. He looked down at you and nodded again. Pretty smile, he thought to himself.
“It’s no problem, let me know if you need help with anything. I’m a couple doors away,” he replied with his usual serious tone. He remained unchanged, at least to you. To him, he felt like he about to combust into pieces. You were perfect, absolutely perfect.
Days went by and you found yourself talking to Leon more often. Or at least on the days you could. Leon was gone most of the day, he told you about his hectic work schedule and you couldn’t help but feel bad about him. So you decided to make him a small dinner with a note.
You left it on the front door of his apartment and walked back to yours. When Leon came back from work, it was 2:27 a.m. As he climbed up the steps of the stairs, he noticed something on his front door and felt slightly confused. He hasn’t ordered anything. He grew cautious and slowly approached his door. But then he saw your name on a sticky note. He quickly picked up the lunch box and walked inside his apartment.
Walking to his dining table, he read the note you left. Even your handwriting was perfect. The little swirls of the letters, almost writing in cursive made him want to keep you all to himself. He brought the piece of paper to his nose and sniffed it roughly, the paper crumbling in his hands as he could smell your scent on it. He groaned in pleasure as he could imagine your soft and small hands picking up a pen and write something just for him.
Just for him.
That thought alone almost set him off. He couldn’t eat dinner, not with the growing erection in his pants. He put the dinner you made in his freezer and quickly walked to his bedroom. He sat down on his bed and unbuckled his belt, throwing it somewhere on the floor. He pulled down his pants and boxers and watched as his cocked sprung freely, hitting his abdomen with a thwack.
His left hand held the piece of water with your handwriting and your scent while his right hand traveled to his cock. He brought the piece of paper to his nose again and closed his eyes in pure delight. Your scent was intoxicating- sweet vanilla with a hint of coffee. He grunted and moaned at the thought of your hands picking writing this note. He could picture your small hands wrapping his big cock, rubbing his base up and down as your scent infiltrated his airway.
His muscles tensed up as the thought of having you in between his legs made his cock throb. His stomach coiled as he felt himself nearing his orgasm. He could imagine your mouth sucking on his cock as he rammed his hips deeper down your throat, making you gag on him. He’d grab your hair and pull you closer to his pelvic area, having his blonde pubic hair rub against your face as you took his cock like a good girl.
He growled your name as he came in himself. White ropes shooting down at his palm as he tried to collect his cum and prevent it from staining any of his furniture. He sighed softly and laid his back on the mattress as he thought of you.
You drive him wild, he’d do anything for you. If it meant having you as his.
And that’s what drove him to kill more people. One day, he overheard you while both of you “coincidentally” went to get the mail from the lobby. You were speaking on the phone to a friend and he tried to make it seem like he wasn’t listening. But he was.
He heard you talk about how your ex is pestering you and giving you a hard time. That you cried last night because you two had an argument while he tried to get back together. His blood ran through his veins as you mentioned you cried.
He’d kill anyone who made this sweet and perfect angel cry. And that’s what his next murder was going to be. He went back to his apartment and began to stalk you again. As a government agent, he had privileges the common folk didn’t have. He was able to run a background check on you and found out your ex. To his surprise, he was your first and only relationship so far. He knew this guy probably broke your heart as your first relationship will always be your worst one.
He narrowed his eyes in anger as he found the man who broke your heart. And jotted down the information he had on him- his address, his workplace, his contact information, etc. Leon found everything thanks to his job.
When you heard news about your ex dying, you were shocked to see that he died from overdose. You’ve never known he was a drug addict, or at least that’s what Leon made it seem to be.
Leon drove all the way this man’s house and observed his routine. Your ex went to work, came back home, and went to the bar. An alcoholic, this made it easier for him.
Leon walked into the bar with his casual clothes, he spotted the man sitting on the bar counter with a drink already in his hand. He walked over and sat next to him as he ordered himself whiskey.
Your ex was already stupidly drunk, flirting up some poor girl who was just trying to talk to her friend. So he’s a creep too, he thought to himself as he took a sip his drink.
Why do you always find yourself around creepy and perverted men?
Leon looked around and made sure no one was watching him as slipped some stuff into his drink. Leon then continued to sip his drink and even chatted up the bartender.
The more your ex drank, the closer he got to an overdose. Turns out if you mix alcohol with prednisone, the effects could be fatal. Your ex would develop a liver damage that could potentially end his life if he kept drinking like he was right now.
It was getting late and Leon paid his tab. It was 11 PM and he decided he should go home. He wasn’t drunk, not yet at least. So he was perfectly capable of driving back to his apartment. But not your ex.
It was nearing closing time for the bar and the poor bartender saw your ex passed out on the counter. She didn’t know what to do but she tried waking him up.
Unresponsive. Her eyes widened slightly as she over to his side and checked for a pulse.
Flat line. She called the police and reported the death.
The police declared it suicide. They believed he voluntarily took drugs and alcohol at the same time.
In your mind, you were in denial but then you slowly began to think to yourself. He’s been acting weird and out of the ordinary when he’d talk about getting back together. It all made sense now. His aggressive behavior, his short temper… he was a drug addict and an alcoholic.
You attended the funeral, of course. And when you came back, Leon had been unlocking his door. He saw your puffy eyes as you had your heels in your hands. You looked like you’ve been crying- which you probably were. Leon paused as he stared at you, he nodded once at you, acknowledging your presence. He then spoke up in a tired voice, “Rough day?”
You nodded as you blinked slowly, “You could say that.”
He hummed in response and looked back down at his doorknob. Then he looked back to you, “Do you want to talk about it?”
Leon himself was tired as he just came back from a tough mission, but he would never be too tired for you. He pushed his exhaustion to the side and would rather take care of your needs for you.
You sighed and nodded slowly, “I could use a drink.”
He invited you over to his apartment and let you sit down on his couch as he took two glasses and one bottle of Jack. He walked over to the couch and set down the glasses and the bottle on the coffee table as he sat down next to you.
He began to pour for the both of you, not wanting you to work any more than you’ve already had.
“Cheers,” you muttered under your breath as you clanked your glass with his and chugged the liquid down your throat. The burning sensation almost making you forget about the mental strain you had.
He watched you as you set down the glass back down on the coffee table. Even in this state, you looked absolutely beautiful. He couldn’t wait to have you for himself. To prove to you that what you needed was a real man.
One thing let to another and you found yourself pinned under him on his bed. Your legs spread open as your knees rested on his shoulders. The head of his cock abusing your cervix, bruising it with brute force as he pulled out and pushed back in harshly. His balls smacking against your ass as his arms caged you under him. Your hands were on his shoulders, nails clawing deep into his flesh as the bed creaked from him pounding into you. The headboard hitting the wall behind the bed as he pulled out and forced his cock back into your tight walls. Your cunt clenching around his member as his hands gripped on your hair, forcing your head up so he could hear your stupid blabber.
He pulled out and rolled you over to your stomach. His left hand gripped on your waist as his right hand gripped the back of your neck and pushed your face down the sheets of his bed as he rammed his cock from behind you. Your ass jiggling as pounded harsher and harsher. Making sure you knew who you belonged to. He’d fuck you until you couldn’t walk.
You kept moaning his name against his pillow. Drool falling down your lips as tears rolled down your cheeks from the pleasure. You felt him even deeper from this position. His left hand gripped on your waist as it then traveled down to your ass and smacked, almost immediately seeing his hand print show in a pink and red hue on your skin. The burning sensation of the slap only made you more needy for his touch. His left hand found your hip and forced your body to clash against his as he fucked you straight to bliss.
Stars clouded your eyes as you whimpered and moaned. He cock throbbed and twitched inside of you as it stretched you. It hurt but it hurt good. His right hand gently squeezed the back of your throat, causing you to moan.
“Fuck- Leon- ‘mma cum-“ you spoke breathlessly in between moans and whimpers. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Cum for me,” he pressed a kiss on your shoulder blade as he felt you squirm under him. Your body convulsing as your orgasm took the best of you.
Your pussy clamped and clenched around him, wedging him with your juices. He didn’t stop, however. He kept pounding into you as the squelching sound echoed through his room.
He grunted and growled as he felt himself about to cum. He began to speed up and he let go of your neck. Now that both of his hands were on your hips, he gripped the fat of them and forced your body in and out of his cock. Bruising your cervix as your ass hit his hips. The sweat making your skin glisten under the shitty light of his room. You looked even more beautiful when he was fucking you like this.
His hot and sticky cum spurted out of his cock, coating your walls with a part of himself. In his sick and twisted mind, he branded you. He branded you with his essence and he didn’t regret it. He pulled out and heard you moan dumbly as he watched his cum slowly drip down the lips of your cunt to his bedsheet. He’d have to clean them but he didn’t care. He gave your ass a gentle squeeze as he patted your back for you to lay down. He knew you enjoyed it so much since you were on the brink of passing out.
You closed your eyes and felt as Leon cleaned you up. He took your hand and placed a gentle kiss on you knuckles. He was grateful to have you.
He wouldn’t mind killing again. Now that you were his in his mind, he’d go as far as killing every man who’s ever laid eyes on you.
For you, he’d become the world’s best serial killer.
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lipglossanon · 5 months
Dirty Little Secret
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Stepson!Leon S. Kennedy x Stepmom!Reader <one shot>
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, pseudo incest, cheating, loveless marriage? lol, mommy kink, breeding kink, mentions of lactation kink, dirty talk, noncon, slight somno, mention of a rape play scenario, unprotected sex, creampie
not proofread ✍️ just smut
title from Dirty Little Secret by The All American Rejects
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You thought it was love. This guy wined and dined you then showed you the world. So when he proposes to you only three months into your relationship, you’re so smitten that you agree before he even finishes asking. 
It must’ve been the honeymoon phase because a year later, you’re stuck at home while he galivants around the globe for his business. It’s not like you have a hard time, but you’re lonely, done begging for attention from a man who apparently just wanted someone to live in his empty house while he’s gone. 
Then after months of stilted phone calls and cut short video chats, he drops by only to surprise you with a son from a previous marriage. Something you knew nothing about. After introducing Leon to you, he leaves him there—some flimsy excuse of letting you two get to know each other—and is off again once more. 
Leon smiles at you as his dad leaves, “Sorry to drop in like this.”
Your frown smooths out as you take a deep breath, “Not your fault, sorry if I’m off kilter. He didn’t even tell me about you til now.”
You wince after saying the words out loud but Leon only laughs. 
“It’s okay. I’ll stay out of your hair as much as possible.”
You wave your hand, “Don’t be silly, it’ll be nice to have company again.”
He smiles again but this one makes you feel a little more on edge, something about the way it doesn’t quite meet his eyes. 
“Well then, I’m sure we’ll get on like a house on fire.”
You settle into a new routine, Leon fitting into your day to day pretty easily. He’s sarcastic and mouthy, but it beats only having yourself for company. Your husband dropped off his son in late January and it’s now early May; it’s like you blinked and realized you haven’t even had anyone else visit except for Leon’s actual mom. (She’s surprisingly a sweetheart and quite helpful even if she makes Leon all moody to have her in your shared space). 
It’s after one such visit that left Leon in an irritable mood where you decide to have a little movie night in order to cheer him up. You’re unsure as to what started it this time, but the ex missus just gave you a quick smile and wave goodbye as Leon stormed off upstairs. Taking in a deep breath, you rap your knuckles on his closed door and listen for any movement.
Half a minute passes by before you hear him walk over and open the door. You take in his sweats and loose white tee. Good, it doesn’t look like he's headed out—you tilt your head before looking back up into his face. 
“Yes?” He raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms, a corner of his lips ticking up into a half smile. 
“Wanna watch some shitty horror movies and order pizza?” You smile, pleased with yourself when he drops his arms. 
“Sure,” he shrugs, tossing his phone back onto his bedspread and pushing you away from his door, closing it behind him, “w’nna order a cheese pizza?”
“Sounds good,” you lead him back downstairs, flopping down on the couch and grabbing your phone. 
Leon sits on the cushion next to you, leaning over to watch as you scroll through the app. 
“Want any sides or anything?” You ask, attention still on your phone. 
“Pizza’s plenty.”
You feel his breath ghost across your neck and it sends a chill down your spine. Scrunching your shoulders up, you laugh and bump against his side. 
“That tickles, Leon,” you shift a little and you feel him move to face the television. 
Once you place the order, you lock your phone and sink into the couch. Leon’s close enough you can feel his body heat, but you know if you move he’ll end up next to you again. It’s something you’ve noticed over the time that he’s stayed here; you’ve only brought it up once and he admitted he likes being close since he misses his mom. 
You frown to yourself as Leon channel surfs, not wanting to start any movies only for it to be interrupted by the delivery guy. For him to miss his mom so much, he’s always pissy when she visits. Maybe he’s just salty that she let him end up living here with you? Glancing over at him, he notices you looking and shoots you a grin. 
“Have any idea on what movie we start with?”
You return his grin and drum your fingers against your thigh, “Hmmm, you ever watch Spookies?”
He shakes his head, “I’m assuming it’s bad?”
“The worst but in the best way,” you laugh.
He studies you for a moment. 
“Thanks for trying to cheer me up.”
Giddy warmth bubbles in your chest, “Of course, Leon. I know the situation probably isn’t ideal, but I’ll take care of you.”
He laughs low in his throat, “We’re nearly the same age.”
You wave him off, “Yeah, yeah, but I’m still older though.”
Lapsing into a companionable silence, you mindlessly watch as Leon zips through different shows until the doorbell rings. After stuffing your faces with pizza, you settle in comfortably on the couch, feet laying over Leon’s lap after he tugged your legs away from you. 
“No reason to stay curled up like that,” he pats your calf. 
Unsure how to feel, you eventually relax into him. If it doesn’t bother him, then why should it bother you? The heat from his lap must lull you to sleep because the next thing you know is blinking your eyes open to some random movie playing on the tv. Another beat and you groggily glance down your body at the new weight pressing you into the cushions. 
Sandy blonde hair fills your vision as you feel Leon softly suck a nipple into his mouth. Without you noticing, he has pushed your flimsy shirt up and tugged your bra cups down. Squirming under him only leads to him sighing softly, eyes fluttering shut as he licks around your stiff peaks. 
“Stop, stop,” you pant, feeling sluggish and out of sorts, arms and legs feeling wooden as sleep tries to cling to your senses.
Leon only laughs and goes back to softly sucking on your nipples, mouth drifting from one hard bud to the other with quick swipes of his tongue. 
“But mommy, you said you’d take care of me,” his low voice raises the hair on your arms, “mmm, and what I really need is to suck your sexy tits.”
There’s no denying the rush of slick that fills the gusset of your panties. 
“S’wrong, Leon,” you counter, weakly crying out when he gently bites your nipple. 
“Maybe, but I think you need this, need me to take care of you. After all, my dad’s not going to,” he growls and roughly sucks the puckered skin around your stiff bud, “you need a husband who wants to stuff your hot little pussy.”
A loud keening moan leaves your mouth before you can clamp your lips shut.
His eyes are bright as a grin lights up his face, “See? C’mon, no one has to know that you let your stepson dick you down on the couch.”
Hips jumping, you mewl as he goes back to lapping at your nipples, hands coming up to grope the soft fat of your breasts. 
“Been waiting for this,” he murmurs into your sternum, mouth leaving a trail of hot kisses across your skin, “fuck, I’ve wanted you so bad, mommy.”
The condescension in that one word makes you drip, pussy throbbing for more than just words. 
“W-we shouldn’t though,” you try to get a grip on yourself, hands hovering over his hair, “god, I’m married to your father.”
“Is he here? Is he ever here?” He raises up and sneers at you, “never around when you need’em huh?”
Raising up onto his haunches he gives you a nasty smirk, “But that’s why you have me now. I’m gonna pound your hot little pussy day and night. Maybe it’ll even make you a real mommy.”
“Leon!” You gasp, nipples tightening at the thought, hands digging into the couch.
But he’s telling the truth. Your husband is never home— hasn’t called you back and barely replies to texts. You’ve been lonely and neglected even before Leon got here; so what if it’s wrong? It won’t kill anyone just to go along with him this one time. So that’s what you decide to tell him. 
“This one time,” you whisper, biting your lip as you give in to him, “just once.”
He laughs, “Sure, I can work with that.”
Once turns into twice. 
“It’s still just the one time,” you pant as he fucks into your squelching pussy, face mashed against the armrest of the couch, “it’s still the same round.”
“Sure, mommy,” he murmurs in your ear and you clamp down on him tighter, “whatever you say.”
Which turns into three and four and then five…
By the next afternoon, you're bouncing on your stepson’s fat cock in your own marriage bed. 
“Fuck, fuck, I need it, please, I wanna cum,” you whimper, grinding down onto Leon’s dick, “please.”
“Take it then, mommy, take your son’s cock deep in that little pussy,” he growls, thumb rubbing your clit in tight rough circles. 
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chant, eyes rolling back as Leon’s fat tip kisses your cervix, “god, it’s so good.”
“Yeah? Better than dad’s?” Leon asks, flashing you a smug little smile. 
“Uh huh,” you whine, hands pressing on his broad chest so you can ride him harder, “you’re the best fuck I’ve ever had.”
“Goddamn,” he growls, grabbing your waist and flipping you onto your back. 
Pulling halfway out, he bullies his cock back into your sopping wet hole, pace fast and hard making you wail as he rams against your g-spot. 
“Tell me mommy, tell me who’s making this fat pussy feel so good,” he pinches your nipples, “c’mon mommy, say it.”
“You,” you whimper, tears clumping your lashes, “you’re making mommy’s pussy feel so good.”
“My son,” you cry out as he tugs your nipples roughly, “my son’s filling my pussy and making me cum.”
“Good girl, mommy,” he coos mockingly and you squeeze his cock, pussy walls snug and wet around his thick length. 
“I’ve given you so many creampies,” he sighs, “fuck, I hope one of them takes. Wanna drink your milk.”
You shudder, hips stilling, “That’s so—”
“Hot?” He slaps your thigh and you start grinding on his cock again, “these tits leaking milk for me would be a dream come true. Let me breed you, mommy.”
“I can’t,” you mewl, clit throbbing as you rock your hips into his thrusts, “can’t get knocked up by my stepson.”
Leon groans, “It’ll just be the one time. Besides, I’ve been dumping load after load into this tight little cunt. We both know you want it, mommy. Making that pussy crave to have me stuffing her to the brim.”
You lean forward, face pressing against his neck as you moan brokenly. 
“I shouldn’t,” you hiccup, hips writhing as Leon reaches underneath you to grip your ass. 
“It’ll be our little secret,” he humps your pussy, cock knocking against your cervix and making you squeal, “let me breed you, mommy. Let your son breed your fat pussy.”
“I’m gonna cum,” you slur, mouth panting and drooling against his skin, “oh god, you’re gonna make me cum.”
“Next time, I want you to fight me,” he whispers in your ear and you moan, “fight me so when I pin you down, I’ll be raping your hot wet pussy until you cream all over my cock, mommy.”
Your nails dig into his back and you scream, orgasm wiping out your thoughts as your body thrashes under Leon.
“I’m cumming, fuck, mommy, gonna fill you up again,” he rambles, hips pistoning his cock in and out of your pussy as you continue to orgasm. 
The last thing you see is Leon’s blue eyes staring down at you as your pussy milks his cock while he spurts rope after rope of thick cum inside your clenching hole. 
You wake up sometime later with Leon running his fingers along your arm and shoulder. 
“You okay?”
You hum and nod, stretching out along the bed, feeling a slight twinge in your hips. 
“May’ve over done it,” you mumble, rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands. 
Leon laughs and drops a kiss to your head. 
“Yeah I got that after you passed out.”
Giggling, you turn on your side to face him. 
“Need to drink more water I guess.”
He nods, a funny sort of smile overtaking his features. 
“You’re not gonna tell anyone right?”
You scoff and roll your eyes, “Why would I? Even if we’re both adults, I don’t think anyone’s gonna be happy it happened.”
Sighing, you push up until you can swing your legs over the side of the bed. 
“I’m gonna take a shower.”
Standing up, your thighs shake but you’re able to walk over to the en-suite bathroom. At the doorway, you turn back to see Leon staring at you, a hungry look in his eyes. You bite your lip knowing what you’re about to say isn’t a good idea, but what the hell. You’re already in it this far. 
“If you wash my back, I’ll wash yours,” tone flirty as you smile at him. 
Not waiting for an answer, you walk into the bathroom, listening as the sheets ruffle from Leon climbing out of bed to follow you.  
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lips of an angel
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pairing: married! leon x marriage counselor! reader
cw: infidelity, p in v, oral, over-usage of 'good girl', regret, leon is an asshole (like, he's really a dick), reader is also not a good person (so, hopefully it's ooc for u lol), not proofread enough
summary: leon is married to ashley (she deserves better) and he cheats on her with reader who is the marriage counselor
a/n: based on a reddit post lol. also, it's time for us to admit that lips of an angel is such a fucking good song and leon would listen to it. (imagining this is id! leon and that song came out around that time so actually it's perfect. anyway, bye)
wc: 2.7k
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It starts like many horror stories do: with a knock at the door. He's tall, dark, and handsome, standing in the doorframe. Except not that dark, not very tall at all, but incredibly handsome and you've come to find over the sessions you've spent together that his looks are your weakness. His weakness is you. And many other women. Including his wife, who usually attends these sessions, but tonight, he comes alone. Maybe it's the rain that's beating down on the windows - thought it should sound like a warning - that makes you feel sympathetic enough to let him in when you know you shouldn't.
You let him sit on your couch, but make him hang up his leather jacket on the coat rack so he doesn't ruin the furniture. So you can see his biceps better. And his forearms when he rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt. The first two buttons are already undone, but that's how he always dresses. You know this because you spend too much time looking at him. What does his wife wear? Skirts? Dresses? Pantsuits? She could wear a goddamn clown costume to every session and you'd be none the wiser because you're staring at her husband like he's a piece of meat.
"Not that I'm unhappy to see you, but why are you here?" you ask him. "Your appointment isn't until Wednesday."
"I'm having marriage troubles. I thought you might be able to help."
It's in the job title: marriage counselor.
"Where's Ashley?" It's a loaded question, and the gun is pointed at your entire fucking career.
"She couldn't come. Plus, I don't think she'd like to know about these problems I'm having."
You take a deep breath, contemplating absolutely nothing because you've already made your choice. You made your choice months ago when you had your first appointment with the Kennedys.
“Remember when I said I had a history of cheating?”
“I do. Has this become a problem again?”
“Not exactly,” he says with a slight chuckle that you later find is ironic in nature. “But I’ve been having thoughts…”
“Are these thoughts sexual?”
“Have you tried taking care of it yourself?” You make a hand gesture to signal ‘if you know what I mean’ and pray he knows what you mean so you don’t have to say the words ‘jerk off’ explicitly.
“Yes, but it hasn’t worked.” He looks directly into your eyes when he says it.
"Are these thoughts about a specific person?"
His answers, which are limited to only a few words at a time, make you feel like you're shaking up a magic 8 ball, and the blue goop reveals a die that has little to say beyond 'It is certain', 'My sources say no', and 'Try again later'. 
“Is there a way you could distance yourself from this person so you don’t have any potential ‘slip ups’?” you ask.
“Sure, but I’d have to stop counseling if I did.”
“Excuse me, Mr. Kennedy-”
“Right. Leon, I’m not trying to be presumptuous, but are you insinuating that these thoughts are about me?”
“That they are.” His smile gives you a golden star-shaped sticker for guessing correctly.
You give him a scowl. "I'll set you up with a new therapist, then."
“Let me ask you something,” he says, leaning forward, staring right into your soul. “Are you attracted to me too?”
“I’m not comfortable answering-”
“That’s not a ‘no’. Is it?”
You try to wipe the look of shock arousal off your face.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to admit it. I remember you asking a lot of questions about my sex life, especially the parts that don’t involve my wife, and getting visibly flustered when I answered them.”
“Of course I asked questions like that. I’m a therapist. It’s what I do. I’m sorry if you-” 
You should ask him to leave, separate yourself before you explode in frustration. Getting defensive is not a healthy way to argue. You know this. You've told him this.
“If I remember correctly you asked me about how I touch myself, when I do it, if I watch anything.” He doesn't wait for a response from you, but it wouldn't have come anyway. “And, the whole time you were sitting there chewing on your pen, pretending not to imagine it. And then writing it down in a hurry, making sure you got down every little detail.” He taps on your pad of paper.
“Can I see this for a moment?” He snags it from the table beside you and flips through the pages. Without thinking, you leap forward and try to snatch it from him, falling into his lap.
The embarrassing part is when he lifts you off of him. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“It’s highly confidential!”
“Mr and Mrs. Kennedy,” he begins to read imitating your voice.
“Enough.” You use your sternest voice with him - which is far from stern.
“It says right here that Mr. Kennedy is 'a total dick’ but ‘totally fuckable’.”
“It does not!”
“You’re right. It doesn’t. But you were thinking it. Weren’t you?” He looks up with a smile on his face that’s both charming and cruel.
"I'm not playing whatever game you're trying to play with me right now, Leon."
It's the devil's edition of 20 questions, it seems.
He flips the pad closed, and says, “I’ll leave right now if you answer one question truthfully.”
“Fine," you huff, snatching the pad of paper and stashing it out of his reach.
“Did you go home and touch yourself while thinking about me?”
You shake your head vehemently. "No. Absolutely not."
“You couldn’t even make it home, huh? You did it right here, didn’t you?”
You don't have to answer - the look on your face gives it away.
“Was it on the couch? Right where I was sitting? Where I'm sitting right now."
“Fine. You win, you got it right. Are you happy now?” You concede because you want to end this conversation as quickly as possible, so you can go hide your face and die. 
You want him to fuck you within an inch of your life and then you'll die happily. La petite mort? That's what they call it, right? You want that.
Leon just hums in response, giving you no insight into his thoughts. Though it doesn't take a therapist to guess that he's mentally fucking you. To your surprise, he slaps his hands on his thighs and stands up.
When he gets to the door, you say, “Wait-”
“What?” He asks, nonchalant to such a degree that one might believe the events of the previous few minutes never transpired at all.
“What are you doing?”
“Leaving. Like I said I would.”
“You’re just gonna leave? Do you get off on embarrassing people? Is that it?”
“No. I get off to you, and you know that." He's oddly defensive despite having the upper hand. "I also know that a large part of you despises me, but it’s because there’s a part of you that wants to fuck me.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
He shrugs. “You’re the therapist, not me.”
“I’m telling your wife.”
“You’re going to tattle on me?" He laughs. “That wouldn’t be very HIPAA-compliant of you, would it?”
“Why are you doing this?" It feels like a nightmare that you can't escape where a terrifying shadowy figure is chasing you while you're screaming out for help and no one's listening. Except, this is more horrific due to the fact that you like it. Your thoughts about the man in front of you are downright depraved. You are both the monster, mirrors of each other. 
"I thought you wanted to fix your marriage," you say.
“My wife wants to fix our marriage. You and I both know it’s doomed. But you’re not allowed to say that, are you?”
You shouldn't be saying half the things you are right now, but it's too late to turn back now. You are the sunk cost. And the ship that was the concept of 'fixing Leon's marriage' has already sailed.
“You want the truth? I’ve known since the moment you opened your mouth that your marriage was done.”
“Then why did you keep having sessions? Was it for the money?” He pauses. “I doubt it. You’re a good therapist. You could get other clients. There was another reason. And, we both know what that reason is, but I won’t make you say it. I’m not that mean.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“And that’s what you like most about me.”
“It is not.”
“Then what is it?”
“Fuck you!”
“Do you want to? I wouldn’t be opposed.”
“Convince me.”
“Haven’t I already?”
“Then why are you asking me to convince you instead of telling me to fuck off? You just want me to come up with a reason that doesn’t make you feel bad about doing it.”
“And there isn’t one.”
“No, there isn’t," he says with a bit of pity, knowing he's dragging you down into the second circle of Hell with him.
“You have to swear to tell your wife.”
“Is that a yes?”
He did not swear to tell his wife, but Leon is a cheater and a liar already. If he swore to tell his wife, you'd only be an idiot to believe him. 
“Lock the door.”
He turns around and flicks the lock. “Done.”
You stand up and his mouth is on yours. He’s the best kisser. Silver-tongued, you should've known it. You can fucking taste it too. Metallic. No, that's blood. You bit his lip hard enough to draw blood.
You’re the one who starts undressing him first but he doesn’t make fun of you. He helps you out of your top instead.
“Goddamn you have perfect tits. It’s a shame you always keep ‘em hidden.”
“It’s a professional environment.”
“Yeah, it’s so professional that you fuck your clients in it.”
“I’ve never done this before.”
"Don't worry. You’re not the first therapist I’ve fucked. I’ll lead.” Leon lays you down on the couch  - roughly, but cradling your head so you don’t knock it on anything. 
You gasp. "Leon, the couch is damp from your wet clothes," you whine.
"I promise it'll be soaked by the time I leave."
Before you can open your mouth, he’s kissing down your chest, making his way to your panties. His tongue is good at more than just talking. He has you unraveling within minutes, moaning obscenely.
“As much as love your pretty moans, baby, we’ve gotta be quiet. Don’t want you to get fired.”
“I deserve it.”
“No, you don’t. You’re a good therapist, and a good girl.”
“You think I’m a good girl?”
“So good. And you taste amazing.” He places a kiss on your clit and you nearly cry, having forgotten the feeling of his tongue in the mere seconds you spent without it. “I want you to come in my mouth.” He sucks on your clit until you do.
Leon's lips are dark and puffy when they meet yours - the ones on your face. He asks, “How did you imagine us doing it?”.
“Mostly me on top of you.”
“It’s a good idea, isn’t it?” he says, placing featherlight kisses from your jaw down your neck.
You shake your head. “None of this is.”
“I know. You've got morals. You’re a good girl.” He pauses before whispering into the shell of your ear, “That’s why you deserve to have me however you want me.”
His right hand is busy holding you steady so he fingers you with his left. You watch as his wedding band slips in and out of your pussy along with his middle finger, giving a double fuck you to his wife with each movement.
He seems fascinated by the squelching sounds, no longer focused on getting his dick inside you. The heavy rain outside covers up some of the noise but not enough to save you the embarrassment.
"Jesus. Just fuck me already." You try desperately to avoid sounding desperate, praying he takes your irritation at face value.
But you're too obvious, you wear your sick, sick heart on your sleeve. 
"You want my dick that bad and you haven't even seen it yet."
"I hope it's as big as your ego."
"No you don't. That'd be painful, medically concerning probably."
You want to laugh because he manages to be funny and charming as hell despite being an absolute dick, but that fact makes you hate him more. And the blood that courses through you has nowhere to go but south.
All the while, his fingers refuse to leave your aching center. "Leon," you whine, pushing his hand away, "you're gonna make me cum again."
"I know," he purrs. "I wanna make up for all the months you've spent here by yourself, with your fingers inside you instead of mine."
"I was pretending they were yours." There's no point in saving the confession anymore.
"I'm sure you were, but I've got somethin' better for you, baby."
And, abruptly, he removes his fingers. You watch him unbuckle his belt, and despite this being your fantasy, you look at him like he's betrayed you.
"What?" he says, coyly, "I thought you wanted this."
"I do, but I was about to cum, and you just took your fingers away. You're such an asshole!" You pout like a bratty child.
"Yeah, I know I am," he says - his words are muffled by the square packet he tears with his teeth. He slides on the rubber barrier before he picks you up and sits you down on his cock, disregarding the obscene noises you make as he shoves himself inside you all at once.
You're wet but there's a stretch. His dick is big, maybe not as big as his ego, but bigger than any you've taken before. This is how he gets away with it, you think.
"Fuck, you're tight," he groans. His hands have an iron grip on your hips. "You've gotta learn to loosen up and relax. You're too high strung. This is probably good for you."
It's not, you'll find when the orgasm wears off, but right now it feels really fucking good.
His thumb circles your clit while you bounce up and down, working well in tandem. Ironic, as you've made so little progress in your weekly sessions. As expected, the dual stimulation makes you slick with arousal, opening you up for him.
His voice sounds distant, droned out by your own moans which get even louder as his words get filthier. "Bet all your advice didn't work 'cause your brain was all fuzzy thinking about what my cock would feel like inside you. Or maybe you did it on purpose 'cause you wanted me all to yourself."
"No… n-no-" you say, voice trembling just as your thighs do.
"S'okay, baby. Girls with messy pussies like you can't help it. Just need to get some dick in you and then you can go back to being a good girl."
Can you? Maybe you can a 'good girl' in the bedroom, but a morally-upstanding woman? Even in your own eyes, he's corrupted you.
Still, you call out for him, "Leon," you cry, the singular syllable drawn out. You are lucky that the thunder from the storm is louder than your voice could ever be.
"I know," he says, "I'm close too."
The way your walls squeeze him when you cum drags his own orgasm from him. 
You are oddly dissatisfied at the fact that he spills into the condom, not into you. It feels so impersonal. Because it is. It doesn't escape you that he didn't say your name - not even a pet name - just a simple 'fuck' when he came.
You point him in the direction of the trashcan where he can throw away the physical evidence of the mess you've made.
His pants are back on in a second while you remain naked on the couch.
"Where are you going?"
"Home," he says. "Ashley's making dinner. Don't wanna keep her waiting."
"You're gonna go home to her?" you say, more disappointed than surprised.
"Yeah. What did you think I was going to do?"
Truly, you weren't thinking. If you were, you would not have had sex with Leon. 
"I'm surprised you're not happy. I'm gonna go spend some quality time with my wife. That was your advice - wasn't it?"
"Yeah, but-"
"But what? You're our marriage counselor. I'm just trying to fix my marriage."
"You're doing an awful job."
"I know," he says, with his hand on the doorknob. "See you on Wednesday."
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sirenhub · 2 months
Your username reminded me of the office sirens. SOOOO, what about...rookie Leon with an office siren? He would be so scared of her, because she's so mysterious and pretty he could die. OMG I'M going to die now 😭😭
HAHA YESS.. HI NONNIE :333 i have office siren glasses irl so im literally an office siren TRUST!!!! but YES, i lowkey got the alias for my love for sirens (the sea creatures) AND cause of the office siren trend..nonnie…YOURE INSIDE MY BRAIN!!!
but YEA! i love office sirens so ofc since i love it so does leon cuz he’s my personal ken doll >_<
he’s so shy.. like rookie leon isn’t like outwardly shy, but in his HEART!! he feels shy, like he sees you and his brain needs to restart?? like he thinks you’re hot with your glasses and WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF?!!1!1 he’s stumbling over his words and acting like a TOTAL FOOL. like get a grip kennedy CMON!!! in og4, when hunnigan doesn’t have her glasses on he’s like “yknow you look cute w/o your glasses” like major eyeroll she was so hot with her glasses but im gonna ignore that cuz LEON LIKES GIRLS WITH GLASSES IN MY HEAD!!!! girls with glasses are literally sooo fine like hello
okay so back to rookie leon :33
YES! he is shy, but he does make any excuse to spend time with you during work, like he wants you so bad he just NEEDS!! to be there idk.. he gets really embarrassed if you catch him eyeing you, like i’m sorry but your hair tied back, with those glasses, and the cute blazer and pencil skirt combo you have on?? he quite literally cannot look away, it would be a crime to not appreciate you… even if it gets a bit creepy sometimes (>人<;)
he defooo jerks off to you, like you’re constantly in his mind and that includes when he’s horny!! >_< like, his beating his fist and cumming so quickly at the thought of you.. his fav thought is cumming on your face and staining your pretty glasses. he knows that if he did that to you, you’d be pretty pissed cuz he stained your glasses, but the thought of you scolding him and giving him a slap on his inner thighs cause TURNS HIM ON!!! 😓
since i am a dark content acc im gonna bring up the idea that he could lowkey evolve to having stalker behavior.. SORRY!! obligatory dark! leon kennedy mention!! (ノ_<) since this is dark! leon he would sneakily take pics of you that he uses to jerk off to later.. he’s so gross and desperate, he just wants you so bad.. if he had a genuine and had only one wish, his wish would be to fuck you.. like FREAK! WHAT A FREAK!!!!! (i need him.)
i heart rookie leon soo bad like him getting girls that are severely out of his league is so funny to me LOL THANK YOU NONNIE!! :33 xx
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scentedpepper · 2 months
Embered Metamorphisis
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● gif by @goodomcns
Summary: The aftermath of transfroming into a giant, raging wolf isn't kind to you --yet, your sworn enemy is.
Content Warnings: Uhhhh, descriptions of bones cracking, hair sprouting and such werewolf things.
Other Pairings: Sam Uley x GN Reader, Wolf Pack mentioned, Carlisle and Edward mentioned.
Slowly slipping back into my twilight phase...
We didn't get enough struggles of being a quileute shapeshifter content so heres your stuggles of being a quileute shapeshifter content
Yeah I'm changing up my format but does that mean that I'm going back and re editing all 8 parts of leon kennedy series —lol
I have a marvel fic written and I literally have no excuse as to why its taking me so long to edit but yk
Heres twilight instead?
You pulled your eyelids closer to your waterline, the splash of water against your searing hot face felt dull compared to the tear shaped lava dripping down the curve of your back, meeting at the waistband of your boxers and leaving a sour, pungent smell within the fabric. 
Your body shook with such agony, that had you been the fragile, human-esqu being that you posed as, your bones would have liquified; bones that turned a delicate peach flower shade of cream.
If you looked up into the mirror in front of you, you were sure, at this rate, you'd see steam floating off the very skin that had stretched and molded itself and grew hair the length of a beanstalk all over your body. But this wasn't the pain that tore apart every neuron in your brain, and rendered you to nothing but a shivering, aching mess.
It was something else, and even with your mind so sluggish, so disoriented and tired that you could easily sleep for several days and your stomach, pouring out gurgling noises of bregrudement that you could barely hear over the own ringing in your ears, ached with its hunger.
You seemed to be grunting to yourself, atop the linoleum flooring of your bathroom that you felt as if your feet were burning holes into. You made your own noises out in passing, brief, in and out moments where your ears tuned back to your surroundings. Huffs. Whistling. There was faint cursing.
Stupid. Fuckin stupid. The voice ran through your foggy mind, an echo of rage.
Your entire body shook with such a powerful force, so dolorous in nature, that your eyes held heavy purple bags beneath them. You squinted them ever further closed, yet the light seeped out from the crevices like tears.
You didn't dare look to the light, it'd be like blinding yourself to the sun because everything now was 10 times brighter, clearer, intense. You heard each beat of your pulse right behind your ears, it wasn't as much 'thump, thump, thump' as a constant noise that felt more like you were vibrating.
It was all the more aggravating, all of it.
Your muscles were spasming beneath you and the longer you stood the more you couldn't feel your toes. The longer you locked yourself in your bathroom, huddled into the furthest corner, the closer you felt death crawling along your own skin.
What are you? That question held such power to pull the rug beneath your feet. Objectively, you knew. Sam had crossed borders to ensure you didn't break the treaty anymore than he already was. And your mind held such a haze that not even now you could clearly decipher what exactly had happened.
The haze acted as a wall between your mind and Sam's, even as he commanded you, tumbled with you through the woods, wrestled you to the forest floor, leaves and broken branches caught in your fur as he snapped and snarled above you; he couldn't see clearly what happened. Let alone explain to you the precise point that your wolfy instincts -because apparently that was a thing you held within your very being- reigned.
All you could recall was a few faces.
Jasper's visage, etched with both horror and regret, staring back at you with rubies -as if you were the monster and not him. 
At some point, you could faintly remember him speaking to you from below as his hands fiercely held your snout, telling you to transform back into your usual self. But his face...it spoke volumes at how ready he was to run if not needed, to flee. Like in that moment, the only difference between life and death were the few inches separating you both.
Then there was Carlisle. You don't remember what happened in between but you remembered seeing the struggle in his and Edward's faces as they attempted to hold you down without hurting you and having themselves killed in the process.
With Sam, the memories were clearer, sharper. They kept surfacing like bubbles on a swirly tub.
He too spoke but the difference between him and Jasper was that his were demands, not pleas. 
Each plea was so faint against his normal voice -shockingly enough- and you could always recollect his words like a chanting, mantra of those just told a horrific, traumatizing tale.
 "Concentrate. " Was what he said.
Your name. Sometimes the shortened version with his southern drawl etched in at the edges.
But your bones didn't ease themselves in molding, twisting, grinding back into their shape until Sam got there. More importantly, that uncomfortable heated feeling of hair pushing itself out from your flesh faded to a shiver.
And your faint memories did not aid the man, who you'd previously held an unimaginable grudge against, in easing you into the subject. So, he stuck to what he knew, what he was sure made the most sense to any half-man, half-wolf in your situation. 
Quileute blood. This. That.
Each time you gritted your teeth, clacked them, your canines jarring against each other as he droned on about the treaty, about the vampires, about your time around all of them at once probably being the source of your trigger.
The magic in your blood lit ablaze like gasoline poured onto a pile of wood inside of you. And you didn't understand. Wouldn't for a while until you were coherent, not like this. But the idea of you simply being the one to blame had your mouth pursing shut, biting hard enough to draw that salty copper smell across your tongue.
Subjectively, as you stood in your bathroom, eyelids stapled shut, brain still muddled, body hotter than hot itself. Shaking. Teeth, sharper than usual, still dug painfully into the open wound in your mouth, pulling your lips back harshly.
You didn't know what to call yourself.
They all seemed to mean the same thing.
Cold ones.
Blood sucker.
Those all meant the same too.
Your heart stung at that; painful. Sharp. There was something wet coming down your cheeks but you didn't acknowledge it. Barely registered the sound of your bones cracking from inside, the stretch and pull as tendons and ligaments reformed to shape your humanoid form.
Your teeth didn't let go of your lip as your body continued to reform itself in the correct places, your feet dirtied from the bottoms after you stalked through the woods behind your house, naked and scathed from your only 3rd transformation in counting.
You were not yet adjusted, that much was obvious as the rest of the wolves watched you stumble into your home before you were out of sight. Not because they could smell your shame or the pain you were in, not because your face was still smeared with mud and slobber. But because something struck their ears just then, the sound loud enough to echo from miles behind you and they recognized it for what it was.
A whimper. Pain, so visceral and agonizingly immense you almost keeled forward and gasped for air as soon as the shuddery whine passed.
You'd found your bedroom floor before you clung to the bathroom sink as you were now, the bite doing little but help rid the bitterness and tang on your tongue. The pit of your stomach tightened for a moment as your ears began picking up on your mother's soft shuffling noises and you could tell her exact location, how she fidgeted around on the couch.
But you were again drawn back into yourself and the memories seemed to flash once more as your body convulsed and twisted, feverously hot and unbearably sticky. But each pain felt like pure acid seared against a wound.
There were some parts that you noticed as things changed within your entire human psyche. For instance, the room, your room, smelled differently; it tasted differently. Your eyes, what were usually able to scatter quick glances about yourself yet it came off as completely relaxed and indifferent, your pupils darted as if you had a million things to look at.
This time, your lungs felt small, compressed and with that came each bit of scent the bathroom provided. All of it.
The hint of floral perfume that resided with your sister, most likely used the bathroom beforehand.
The watered-down aloe essence of a bottle of SPF that you guessed to be your brothers because it was strong, closer than the rest.
Then the sweetness of your mother's strawberry cream soap she splashed onto her hair in the morning and onto her skin not long before her eyes were drooping.
The musk of cologne, the sweatiness from the summer night. Some aftershave and others, toothpaste. The mint lingering from it assaulted your olfactories like the taste of charcoal briquettes did your dry throat.
It was everything all at once yet, each scent, noise, sight, touch was distinct. Picked out and pinpointed. You could hear your own heartbeat. You could hear how loudly the door caved a centimeter in its frame when the air from the fan swirled into the vent.
And when the sink began to crumble under your grip it was loud, deafening. A tidal wave and snap made entirely of your own anger. You couldn't bear to look in the mirror. You couldn't bear to lift your head and see a monster looking back at you.
You'd been in this state for hours, every minute, every single second, you could feel the warmth of the blood pumping through your veins, moving each muscle slowly, one by one. You knew the bone structure had settled as you curled in on yourself, facing the wall by the sink.
For the first half hour -though to you it felt like two- your mother had banged against the door, concerned by the slight creak and the heat you emitted through it. She cursed, cried. Stomped. After a while it became nothing but background noise to your ears, the vibrations going ignored against the center of your back, directly underneath her hand.
You heard her steps across the floor and the buzz of the phone line and then Sam but the searing hot pain encapsulating your muscles blocked you from hearing what he was saying; the only two words you picked up was 'let' and 'normal'. In short, he was barking reassuring sentences that were more mumbled than articulated in your ears.
More importantly, you could faintly sense just how long Sam had been on the line with your mother. Time kept going and the more it did, the clearer everything was from the white paint chipping off the door frames, to the noises in your own body.
But the heat never ceased, you couldn't find any salve that stenched and wouldn't flare your instincts even further, and any attempt to scratch yourself in frustration and ease the sting left a burning in your arm and no relief.
You were hot.
Hot and wet and burning.
You were burning, literally burning. Every nerve, every bit of skin was put on a sensitive scale against the brightest scalding iron fire and it fucking hurt. It fucking hurt so much, the longer it went on, and the longer it did go on, the quicker the seconds ticked by and you dripped and dripped in sweat and you couldn't seek any salvation of cold even as you continue to drown your face, your hair, your seething skin in cold water.
Your body reacted in the worst possible ways, taking every inch of your willpower to not lash out at your family members as they fussed over you in complete and utter worry, turning up the AC to arctic like degrees as they all bundled underneath quilts and heavy sweaters as the rain pattered harshly against the metal roofing.
It took an angry snarl, snapping from your teeth clacking together aggressively in the general direction of your family as their constant pacing, their buzzing over your conditions that they had finally settled. Tried to act like you weren't being tortured by your own cells, membranes, nerves and veins.
Your muscles cramped on multiple occasions in their adjustment and every time, Sam would be through the screen door, speaking loudly over the crashing of thunder and lightning, spouting off nonsense to assure you that, 'it gets better with time, it'll pass, focus on what it feels like to transform back faster'.
And you would cry out to him in rage, telling him to leave, go back home, to shut up, that this was his fault, his doing, and, for a moment, you seemed to scare yourself with just how animalistic your words were, sounding more like a literal wolf than actual human speech.
He was wrong.
All wrong.
This shouldn't be happening.
With nothing to help ease the pain, you'd found yourself, wrenching the knob of the faucet off of the handle and it had shattered with a small zap that you felt against your searing hands.
Again, your body convulsed, your muscles twitched and you heard a shriek in your ears at the piercing stab, the fire that licked your insides in a vicious inferno.
You sat against the flooring of the tub, breathing quick and wheezy, knees bent upward as your arms wrapped around yourself.
Hot. Hot. Hot.
It was always hot.
It was so hot.
So fucking hot that you didn't hear the slight creak of the door opening. Or the light footsteps that moved behind you.
Burning, burning, burning. 
The freezing water felt like pebbles poking at your flesh until you could feel the fat beneath your skin being boiled.
You swallowed thickly, hard around the growl gathering in your throat.
Though you were drowning in what would normally feel comfortable and ease the fever swelling your skin, leaving it hot to the touch, instead it felt the same; you held no relief.
But this had worked before, or the pain eased enough that you were able to think without feeling your mind split.
On those occasions, you'd have a single moment of coherent thought before your body began trembling from an aching heat that came over you like a summer fog.
Last night had been the worst of it. Unbearable. Intense. It made your stomach do flips, threatening to spill out what little contents there were. Not even two hours ago you retched up a gallon of stomach acid, black tar-like muck. You shook through another shiver.
Ceramic shards clung to your nails like glue.
You had no care for them as you pressed your face into your knees, hoping, yearning that the water from the shower would return you back to how things were. How they should be. Normal. 
A body that wasn't sore, seething. Uncomfortable.
Normal skin. That didn't catch every hue of light in the bathroom or smelled like nothing but the strong detergent used to wash away the bloody pieces of bark from the night before.
You remained with your eyes screwed shut, but you felt how quickly they blinked with need for more water. A need for something below freezing. 
You waited.
You wished so hard on your breath that what was supposed to be a chilled drip instead fell like globs of goo, coating your head and shoulder blades.
You waited.
Each second ticked and like yesterday, everything was loud again. 
You heard the shower curtain crinkle slightly under the water falling freely atop you, it also made an abstract splattering sound as it hit the floor tiles but no longer fell in waves of droplets like it did before, no longer providing the soft chill to your inflamed skin.
For your body to cooperate.
To fix itself.
You shouldn't have had to focus.
That's the one thing that rattled your brain, pulled back and forth between each, as Sam continued with that word; he spat it out to you like it meant everything, like it should have you focusing. Yet.
Your muscles had ceased in the cramping but you assumed that was the first step in returning to normal.
It was still hot.
Furiously hot.
A raging wildfire.
Tears swam down your cheeks, across your lips, dipping in your mouth and clacking against your teeth and you remained as a lump of nothing in the dark room.
It wasn't the water that did it for you.
It was the loud, bitterly cold, small and circular patch of coolness that soon turned to multiples that struck you. You didn't feel it at first, couldn't decipher what it was you felt, but all the same, you tensed up.
In annoyance, your muscles rippled and it put a gasp in your chest as the ice chips -or so they felt like- clanked in onto your back.
Someone was putting ice on you.
Someone was touching you.
Someone who wasn't Sam.
It wasn't your mom.
And they were speaking. 
But you couldn't hear. 
Couldn't make your ears focus just on the voice.
Couldn't force your neck to twist and look as the muscles spasmed beneath the movement.
You couldn't find who spoke to you as they ran their fingers softly along your back.
From your neck and spine to the small of your being.
You couldn't make out a simple sentence either.
You couldn't make out what had happened moments before, only that the water was ceasing and your body was scorching again at the lack, only to abruptly lower to a simmer when you felt something enveloping you entirely. Something cold.
Something that must have smelled familiar yet, sickeningly sweet.
Softer than the air moving around, swishing and swaying as the curtain slid back further.
Something soft.
Something familiar but not quite within your reach yet.
You could almost remember it but in doing so your head began to pound.
Everything was loud; if it weren't you were almost certain that it would be deafening.
But then, with the last drag of each blink, you could feel the anger in you being gradually drowned out by something else, something unfamiliar. An intruder. It made your body jerk, jerk away from the cold source of salvation, jerk from the very thing that was keeping you grounded and your memory on track to forming; it made you feel weak in doing so and at the same time, scared, horrified, but calm. It put you at ease.
And again you could smell a sweetness that flooded your nostrils and set the hairs inside teetering away from the rot, the decay. Your body jerked again. Instinctively. Out of your control.
But the cold, the cold that you slowly came to recognition with, held you firm. Limbs they were. Your vision was clouded in and out but they were limbs. Chiseled, scarred arms that felt like an ice statue come to life. Pressed so tightly against you that you began to slack. You began to hear.
"There we go... That's it..." A voice cooed softly, a dulcet soothing tone that rocked through the room and filled your ears; smooth, deep and enticing.
You swallowed harshly, a snarl stuck in the pit of your gut that stung and left you winded the moment your eyes were directed upwards. Your sight blurred instantly but the more you blinked they began to regain life. The wolf of you was being pushed further beneath the surface and the whine of protest inside went ignored for a few seconds.
"Breath and just relax. "
It was him.
It was Jasper.
And this time you could get a better look of him.
There were two, thick lines between his eyebrows that pushed and bulged the skin as he stared down at you in concentration, as if he were attempting to figure out the world's greatest puzzle.
His pupils were a hazy gold.
Almost a yellow.
A pale yellow, mixed with orange.
Red orange.
Almost sunset like.
"It's just me. " Jasper spoke quietly. So quiet, so gentle. Unlike his kind. Something stirred and growled inside you but in doing so Jasper's shoulders tensed and his eyes were narrowed just the slightest. "Just me. " His voice came and wafted.
You hadn't the strength to pick your limp body off of him, only to relish in the cool feeling of his skin against you and when he saw the dark pools of your black eyes clear from the threatening growl the lines above his eyebrows disappeared.
Some sort of moment had passed, a moment where he seemed to have returned to a child-like manner and focused in on you to the best of his capabilities.
"You're burning up. " A cold finger against the heat at your forehead and you jerked back but not roughly enough to leave his arms. Though the wince on your face did. 
For the first time since your eyes adjusted, you met his gaze.
Slightly crumbled, Jasper's face relaxed as he offered a slow nod. "Healin' nicely. "
That's right, healing. You hadn't noticed that they were sore until he mentioned it. Scars along your face were slowly going away. "It shouldn't leave a mark. "
But what concerned you was how rough your skin felt. There was a sharp stinging as you slowly relaxed against him, and it stung like needles, and prickled like spines and thorns, the feeling was still dulled despite his cold flesh and the layer of cloth between his and your nearly-bursting skin.The white button up shirt was completely drenched, droplets slid off of the stark creams like shimmering diamonds.
"It's hot. " Was all you could get out, voice hoarse, grating against your tender flesh, torn and pulled in dozens of different directions. You wondered if talking was wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Your instincts bubbled to the surface but never quite breached to the point where you snapped and growled.
"I know. " You heard the drop in his throat, the way his breath rolled with his mouth and he bent forward, hand to your forehead, through your hair, pushing the wet strands away from your face.
He watched you intently, gaze scanning for signs that gave hint to your pain.
You closed your eyes tight but his hand slipped lower, down your cheek, and coming to just about your chin. His hand cradled you, making a cold burning under your bones, under your flushed flesh and a wave of want spilled over you that you couldn't wipe away.
"I didn't know it was like this. "  It was a whisper.
Your jaw hurt but you tilted to look at him more clearly. It was his touch. His hand.
"This wasn't what I felt from you when you first changed. "
"This is the aftermath. " Another voice. Booming. Louder than his. Slightly indifferent. And both your neck and head pounded painfully as you snapped to see the owner. It was Sam. Standing in the doorway.
Your mind cleared. "You shouldn't be here. " You choked on the second word. Heard a rumble in your head but it subsided when Jasper's large, cold hand pressed firmer to your cheek, bringing you back against him.
He was so soft to you. Too soft.
Sam addressed you. Tone even. "It's forgiven. " His eyes cross Jasper's. 
"Just make sure the boys don't find out. " He paused. Thinking. Then. "Be careful. " He repeated. Sam turned to take his leave. His tall frame filled the doorway almost entirely with his size but you thought nothing of him leaving, as there was yet another tremor in your stomach.
Pain, a horrible stabbing type of pain, began shooting from underneath your skin like needles and for a second you forgot of Jasper's existence, forgot of your situation, and curled into yourself in hopes the pain would go away.
It was then you felt his hands encase you, one of your shoulder blades, the other pressing to the small of your back. His fingers dug into the bare flesh and you held onto that as you shook. He felt how the veins rippled the flesh around them and an ache came to him as he reached and tugged you up, the material of his clothes catching against the shower curtain when you finally, after several minutes, allowed Jasper to pick you up, your body pressed entirely to his, and he whispered to you with his usual calmness, brushing away your hair that dripped, and gently told you to breathe.
"In and out. "
If it weren't for the fog swarming your better judgment, you might have found your resolve, snapped and jumped at the sweet gesture. But nothing was going to fight through the high fever, and aching, pungent sting from the very needle pricking every inch of your skin at once.
Jasper tried again.
"Just breathe. "
You sucked air, a short gasp and it was like broken glass sliding down your throat. Painful and nauseating but the moment Jasper's skin dug deeper into your body, holding you tighter than before, easing his embrace by stroking a cold hand along the length of your arm and slipping further downward.
"In and out... Slowly. "
The burn on your skin stopped abruptly and you heard him say "there" but it felt weird.
At ease, the moment you began breathing slowly, his cold digits like magic against your arm, traveling gradually, in circles, all the way up to the bend of your neck and just the very corner of your jaw, and then falling to your thigh and repeating the same motion. It was soothing. Like your muscles didn't know what to do with themselves.
"Are you better? " The voice bounced against his chest and you weren't quite sure how, but you managed to nod, the action causing the world to spin. Jasper nodded back at you, gaze in that constant look of concern, as if he'd never been worried a day in his life. "Do you want to stay here or do you want me to take you somewhere else?"
A low and rather aggressive growl surfaced in the back of your throat and you felt your limbs all come to a standstill and tremble. Jasper's body tensed as he looked to you. All the muscles that were massaging the sting in your body hardened, no longer soft as you wanted.
"Alright, " his eyes didn't waver from you and the golden depths had you staring, he swallowed and sighed out a heavy breath, "it's just me again. Remember that. Okay? Only me. " His voice rumbled his chest and made you feel comfortable again, easy, the boiling in your bones all began to settle.
Still, that anger you felt inside continued with that growl that made him ever so tense, ever so weary. You could feel his body lean back, situating into the curve of the tub. "I'm alone. " Jasper whispered now, lowering his head to yours, cheek to your forehead and your eyelids slid half-way down, pupils dilating just the slightest, "Breathe. " He said. "Deeply. " The tip of his cold nose brushed along the space of your skull and for a moment it appeared as if he contemplated his actions but continued on.
There you could smell the strength of his scent with an underlying sweetness to his dead flesh, the scent of a vampire; still, you didn't jump or shove him off. And he exhaled the biggest breath you had ever seen a vampire take.
He did this several times, took several deep, calming breaths. As if it were to sedate your beast within, that monstrous, ravenous hunger that lay buried beneath the confines of your now flesh and bones, but far beyond control of your own.
Eventually you caught the air without it stabbing into your lungs like those needles and his arm moved to become wrapped, almost entirely, completely around your chest, and pulling you firmer to him, moving from the crook of the bath to the center of the room, sliding in a motion so inhuman and smooth, past the wash rack and the closet, to the wall, leaning your sore back against the plaster. You leaned. Not just leaned, but collapsed against him as your body relaxed.
So strange, so inhumane and entirely disgusting at the fact that a vampire, an immortal, the vilest, putrid stench to nature, could make you feel so comforted, so tranquil, and ease all the pains you had felt.
As if the moon had begun shifting its cycle of phases while in his arms, you found yourself staring into his eyes, watching the shadows of darkness become your savior.
The pressure in your head was gone, the aching and pinching in your bones were coming to a comfortable stand still, leaving you numb in parts, and full of an incredible urge to drift off into the darkness, where you felt more... At ease.
Jasper's gaze swept over your flushed features and he slowly reached to push the loose strands of hair from your face, fingers caressing your cheek bone and over the prickled skin on your neck and slowly, down to your left shoulder.
Your collar bone.
"Is it any better?" A whisper to your ears. Rough, jagged along his cold tongue and you fought the urge to show your teeth back.
"Yeah. " It was the first word that came to you, coherent, but the word itself sent a sharp pain up the muscle and you winced visibly. Jasper's eyes searched your face once more but never directly met yours. 
When your heart began spazzing for his affection, you bit your tongue.
"Don't try to talk anymore. Rest. " His voice was soft and the muscles below your flesh rippled as he acted as a crutch on the way to your bedroom. It was at the end of the hall and to the right.
At the door his nose wrinkled, as did the skin along his upper lip, but he said nothing of the burning smell of wet dog.
His steps were swift as he carefully positioned himself through the threshold.
You stumbled to your mattress and fell weakly at the foot of it, Jasper's grip loosening and fingers unfurling from your flesh.
You settled into the cooled sheets and watched him intently as he carefully closed the door behind him. You only lifted your torso and crawled on your knees up to the pillows and got lost in there. They hid your flushed, irritated body against the rough surface.
Jasper stood for what felt like a long time near the door, standing by your closet and watched. You were too exhausted to think, it was nearing the start of daylight outside, and your eyes shut involuntarily, each blink longer than the last.
You were so tired but the anger persisted even when sleep took you. You dreamt not.
Unintentionally, you fell asleep.
For Jasper, however, he stood for several minutes just staring at your still body.
All was quiet and peaceful, the world outside was just wakening with the sounds of the birds, and the leaves were still, unmoving, but the air was dry. Just a couple of hours ago and this same place was like a cave. Smelling of beasts, of fur and musk, the woods themselves had a strong scent in this area, yet it changed suddenly.
To normalcy. And he wasn't quite sure how he felt, what the rest of the family, of his brothers and sisters, his mother and father would say when he returned smelling of dog.
The type of dog that sought to cease their existence. 
Their natural doom.
The very dog that'd nearly tore their heads from their bodies days prior. 
However, being this close to you and noticing the increase in hormones among all other smells, though, for the most part, the odor was horrendous, more specifically, that you were feeling better, not dying or in any more pain, was enough for Jasper to ignore anything else.
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silassinclair · 3 months
Leon single dad x kindergarten teacher PLEASEEE🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This is so adorable!! This is great too because Father’s day is coming up. Single dads deserve the world <3 Also Leon will be around 29 yrs old in this and reader will be 27. Oh also the title of this oneshot is the name of a song I really like lol. Hot for Teacher by Van Halen ;)
Masterlist Here!!
Hot for Teacher
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The agency Leon worked with (D.S.O.) was busy today. So him having to pull out of work because he got a call from the school did not improve his already sour mood. Apparently his son Vincent (Vinny or Vince for short) got into a fight today. And Leon would rather not have to deal with entitled parents and a careless principal. Leon knows he isn’t the best Dad. Hell, when he received Vinny he was way too young to be a Father. It started when he came home from Spain and there was a baby and a DNA test on his doorstep.
He parks his motorcycle crooked and carelessly in a spot and walks up to the school while mumbling curses under his breath. Leon walks in but is stopped by a woman calling to him.
“Excuse me?”
Leon turns and sees you standing there and stops his stride. You’re a sweet, pretty young woman. The white sundress you wear has various colors of paint stains on it. And your earrings are fishbowls. Your outfit screams kindergarten teacher, or art teacher.
Not wanting to look bad in front of a pretty woman Leon rakes a hand through his hair and smiles.
“Yeah? What is it? I’m kind of in a hurry.”
You look the man up and down. Was he a parent? You’ve never seen him in any parent teacher conferences. Nor have you seen him volunteer at any events. Honestly, he doesn't look like the type to show up to either.
“What’s your business here? All guests need to sign in at the office.” You say politely. Hopefully this guy wasn’t bad news. The leather jacket and denim jeans pretty much scream bad boy. But you don't want to assume someone's character based on appearance. Hell, you could be the nicest person in the world and dress like someone out of the Mad Max universe.
“I got a call today.” The man tells you. “My son Vinny, er, Vincent Kennedy got in a fight today.”
Now that you look at him you can see his resemblance with your star student.
“Oh! You must be Leon then. I’m Ms. L/n, Vincent’s teacher.” You offer your hand to his and he shakes it. His hands are rough and calloused, grip firm and strong. He probably does some intense work to have rough hands while being so young.
Leon's eyebrows raise and his gaze scans over you; the woman who is around his son the majority of the day.
"Perfect timing then. Could you take me to him?"
You nod. "Sure. Let's sign you in real quick and then go to the principal's office. The other kid's parents are here too."
While walking to the main office together the taller man eyes you beside him. He says nonchalantly, "So what happened exactly? You're the teacher so you must have saw it all happen."
You nod. "It was during recess. A student said something about how Vincent didn't have a Mother and proceeded to make fun of him, calling him a teacher's pet because Vincent is my star student. So Vincent punched the other student in the face and it just escalated it from there."
As he listens to you explain what happened Leon nods in understanding. His son shouldn't have hit first but he honestly wasn't mad at him. Vincent's five years old so of course he can't control his emotions well yet. And saying insulting things will lead to getting a busted jaw depending on who you insult. That was how Leon was raised from where he was from. You spit shit then you get hit. Simple as that.
But what caught his attention was you mentioning that his son was your star student.
"Vinny's your star student?" He asks curiously.
With a smile you nod. "Yeah, your son is amazing. He's smart and he makes friends with everybody. Well, except for the student he got into a tussle with today of course."
The two of you laugh lightly. Leon smiles softly as you ramble on about his son's accomplishments. He's glad someone gives his son the appreciation he deserves while he isn't around. Leon felt like he wasn't enough for his son. Being a single Father and working a full time job was hard and he couldn't give his boy the time he deserved. So knowing that a pretty, kind, and motherly woman like you watches and educates his son five days a week takes some weight off his chest.
You sign Leon in and take him to the principal's office. There sitting is Tyler's Mother and Father, Vincent, and an empty chair besides Vincent. Leon sits beside his son and worriedly looks him over. He notices a cut on the five year old's lip and luckily nothing else. Tyler looks worse with a bruised cheek, cut on his forehead, and scrapes on his knees.
"You've finally arrived Mr. Kennedy. Do you know why you were called here today?" The principal says.
The Mother of Tyler looks like she's about to explode. "He knows why he's here! It's because his wild child hit our son!"
Her voice makes you and Leon physically cringe.
"Ms. Mason please calm down. We're here to discuss this like adults. Not school children." The principal says firmly. "Now I want to finish this meeting quickly because I have other things to do so I will make it quick. Because Vincent struck first he will receive four days suspention. But because Tyler instigated he will receive three days of suspention."
"What?!" The Masons say at the same time. But Leon gives a satisfied nod and grunt of approval.
"Seems fair to me. Now let's go Vinny, we're leaving." Leon picks his son up in his arms and walks out of the office, leaving the two argumentative parents and their brat son behind. You also leave the office because you would rather not have the parents suddenly direct their wrath at you.
Leon and Vincent are already outside now. But Vincent seems fussy about something.
"What is it bud?" Leon says when he feels his son trying to wiggle out of his arms.
"I forgot to say bye to Ms. L/n!" Vincent says with a whine. Leon sighs with a smile and puts his son down. He watches him make a beeline for you who's still by the front entrance.
"Oomph-!" You grunt when the little boy suddenly hugs you. "Are you feeling better Vince?" You ask. After all the little boy was crying angrily a little while ago when Tyler said he didn't have a Mom.
"I feel better!" Vincent says with a grin. "It's okay because I have Daddy and I have you."
You tilt your head in question. "Huh? What do you mean Vince?"
The little boy beams up at you. His little arms are still around your hips. "I don't need a Mommy if I have you Ms. L/n! You're better than some other Moms I've seen." The boy says, clearly referencing how Tyler's Mom went psycho in the principal's office minutes prior.
You chuckle lightly. God he was so cute. Patting his head you reply. "Thank you Vince that means a lot to me."
You didn't notice how Leon had already made his way closer. He must have heard everything his son said because he was smiling softly.
"Let go of the pretty lady Vinny, you'll squeeze her to death if you keep that up."
With a small groan Vincent lets go of you.
"Oh I don't mind Mr. Kennedy. Your son isn't quite strong enough yet to cut off my airway."
Vincent pouts as you and Leon chuckle. "I'm gonna get big and strong very quick! You'll see Ms. L/n!"
Leon ruffles his son's hair. "Sure you will squirt. And you don't have to call me Mr. Kennedy. Just Leon is fine."
You smile warmly. "Well then in that case just Y/n is fine for me. Only my students call me Ms. L/n."
The man smirks and looks you up and down. Clearly some thoughts are brewing in his head.
"Well well it looks like we're already on a first name basis. How about I treat you to dinner sometime?" Leon says with a flirtatious smirk.
You giggle in return. "I'd love to."
Leon and you exchange phone numbers while little Vinny is pouting. Leon sees this and pouts in return. "Aww what's wrong buddy?"
"I wanna go on play dates with Ms. L/n too! It isn't fair that you get to. You only met her today."
You smile and pat the boy's head. "If your Dad allows it then you can come with us."
That seems to brighten his mood instantly. "Really?! Daddy please let me come too!"
Leon stares at you with a deadpan while you giggle.
"Yes you can come with Daddy on his date. Just don't make me look lame." Leon says with a small scowl.
"I'll wear my Lightning McQueen jacket! It's the coolest jacket I have!"
"The ladies will dig that bud."
"Even Ms. L/n?"
"Nope. Only I'm allowed to impress your pretty teacher."
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
Promise | Part Two
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Pairing: RE4!Leon S. Kennedy x co-worker!fwb!afab!Reader
Genre: Friends with Benefits AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut 
Synopsis: It’s been days since Leon left, the last you heard from him being rumors about the mission. Over the span of those days without him, you start to realize how much you craved Leon’s comfort beyond physical. But, why is he suddenly acting so distant? 
Word Count: 9.2K
Warnings: 18+ SEXUAL CONTENT MINORS DNI; mild slow burn?, allusions towards depressive episode, crying, slight depictions of blood and gore, Y/N used once, reader smokes cigarette, reader consumes alcohol, switch!reader x dom!Leon, slight humiliation (reader receiving), slight overstimulation (reader receiving), pet names (love, baby, beautiful), fingering (reader receiving), rough fucking, oral sex (reader receiving), spanking (reader receiving), choking (reader receiving), oil massage (reader receiving), manhandling (reader receiving),mutual aftercare, swearing
A/N: ITS FINALLY HERE!!! A huge, huge thank you for everyone's love for Promise pt. 1. I really hope everyone enjoys the second part. I appreciate everyone’s patience and apologize for taking so long to finish this. I cannot tell you how many times I reconstructed the plot lol 
Taglist: @navreads @navstuffs (sry i couldn't tag your side blog)
- masterlist -
- part one -
You don’t remember the last time you slept. Well, of course you slept, every human needs sleep to recover. Maybe you should say that you couldn’t remember the last time you fully recovered. Regardless, all you knew was that feeling of uneasiness whirling in the pits of your stomach. 
Ever since Leon left for the mission, you couldn’t help but worry. The constant feeling of fear consumed your thoughts 24/7 as you daydreamed about what horrors Leon could be facing and whether or not he had the skill and luck to survive. The devil that people call “the little voice in my head” tormented you with narrative images of Leon’s death. Some scenarios were soaked with gushing blood, some were infected with whatever mutated virus, and some – the one you deemed the worst out of all – was simply a missing person, no body to be found whatsoever. 
You spent your mornings in bed, laying there for what felt like hours only to fight off the grogginess with some cheap coffee or energy drink before heading to work at the very last second possible without being considered tardy. Normally, you were a very diligent worker, investigating virus cases or testing for possible antidotes. But these days with your mind clouded with Leon’s absence, you often caught yourself stumbling over work. Your supervisor scolded you for simple mistakes, ones that you would’ve never made before. You were slow and sloppy, and Leon was all to blame. 
If you thought your performance at work was bad, your personal life was even worse. Once work was over, you’d go home, maybe make a sorry excuse for a meal, watch an episode or two of whatever show you had queued, and get ready for bed. When you entered your apartment, you’d think of when Leon would push you towards the closest wall, pining you with his hips as he grinded his restricted erection into your hip bone. When you cooked, you’d think of when Leon slid his hands down from your waist to pick you up and trap you on your granite countertops. When you ate, you’d think of when Leon bent you over and railed into you from behind over your kitchen table. 
You’d hope some TV would ease your mind, but the audio quickly became white noise as your thoughts drifted towards Leon. On a day where you were feeling particularly lonely, you closed your eyes and layed yourself in bed with your hand creeping under the waistband of your pants. You sighed in relief, reaching the spot which craved your attention. With your imagination, you pictured Leon in front of you. His eyes watched as you did your best to satisfy yourself. You listened to his ghost-like whispers as he guided where to put your fingers and how much or little to apply pressure. With your fingers, you tried your best to follow his silent commands, doing your best to imitate his technique. For an hour, you remained like that, pushing and hoping to reach a climax, but even imitation could never compare to the real thing. Nothing could compare to Leon. So, you found yourself cleaning up, although barely lubricated and heading to bed to ignore the pitiful aching between your legs. 
You didn’t know when – if – Leon was coming back, all you knew was that somehow, this became routine for you. 
“Hello?? Hello???” Poppy waved a hand in your face, “Earth to agent? What’s got you so distracted?”
Startled, you jumped back, not realizing that you’d been staring blankly at your laptop screen for some while. You cleared your throat, finding the almost empty cup of whatever drink left behind and chugging it, “Shit, sorry. Need something?”
Poppy looked at you with concern, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, “I do. I need to know what’s up with you. Are you okay? You’ve been totally out of it these days.”
“I’m fine,” You touched her hand, grateful for her concern, “Just tired.”
“Trouble sleeping? I don’t want to be mean, but those eye bags are killer. Not the good kind.”
Rubbing your eyes, you sighed with the weight of last night’s lack of sleep on your shoulders, “Yeah, something like that.”
“You know I care for you, right?” Poppy softly smiled, “And, that you can tell me anything, and I mean anything, if you need to.” 
You nodded, reciprocating her smile, genuinely thankful for her friendship. Although you weren’t ready to share your experience, you were glad to know that you had someone to go to if you ever felt particularly sentimental, “I know, thank you. Just got some stuff on my mind, but I promise I’m okay.” 
Taking a deep breath, you composed yourself back into work mode, “Did you still need something or just come to visit?”
Only then, you noticed the collection of papers in Poppy’s hands as she gave them to you. Looking through them, your heart leapt to your throat as you instantly recognized Leon’s handwriting on the mission reports. Stunned, you felt like all of time ceased around you as a loud buzzing sound pierced your ears. It was only until Poppy’s soft voice pulled you back into reality, “He’s in the infirmary, the doctors are watching him for any signs of Las Plagas just in case Luis’s laboratory was faulty. We’re supposed to go see him and run some tests as well.” 
You were out the door quicker than Poppy could finish, leaving her to trail behind you as you rushed towards the infirmary. You could hear Poppy shouting for you to slow down and wait for her, but your mind was racing with Leon and the need to just see him. You heard a soft crunch, looking down to notice that the reports had been crumpled by your death grip. You felt light headed, out of breath with anxiety, almost like your heart was about to burst through your ribcage. Turning towards Poppy, who just caught up to you, you pleaded, “Which room is he in?”
“The one on the left.”
In your mind, you wanted to dash towards his room, slam the door open, and jump into his arms; however, your legs felt like jelly, each step slower than the previous as you paced to a standstill just in front of the closed door with your hand frozen on the handle. From the little window in the door, you saw Leon laying on the bed, draped in a hospital gown and tucked underneath the thin, white top sheet. Next to him, his bloodied uniform folded in a sealed bag, waiting to be sent off to forensics. With your free hand, you covered your mouth as tears silently ran down your face. The sight before you was freighting, nothing like any type of fear you felt before. Leon, bruised and battered, became your worst nightmare. The image of his dormant figure etching into your memory forever. 
“Is he…” You gulped, swallowing down the lump in your throat before taking a shaky breath. It didn’t matter as you couldn’t bear to finish your sentence. 
Poppy grabbed your hand, the one that’d been resting on the door handle and pulled you to face her. She cooed at you to take deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling with you. You hadn’t realized you were starting to hyperventilate. Once the heavy pressure on your chest dissipated, Poppy spoke, “He’s okay, just sleeping. His body is recovering from the lack of food and sleep. The doctors are closely monitoring him, and we’re waiting for his results.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and thanked whatever higher being for protecting Leon. As much as you wanted to look back at Leon, you were scared to see him in such condition again. This isn’t the first time you’ve seen him return from a mission, but this was definitely the first time you’ve seen him return so beaten up and in a hospital bed. 
A tight hug from Poppy pulled you from your thoughts. You’d meant to ask what she was doing, but her warm embrace reminded you of your lack of social interaction and sent you into another fit of tears. Your lips trembled as you buried your face into her shoulder and graciously accepted her embrace. You mumbled as coherently as you could about how scared you were, how worried you were, and how lonely you’d been without him. Unknowingly, you’d just confess your feelings for Leon. 
Poppy consoled you, bringing up a hand to pat the back of your head and caringly brushing your hair, “You haven’t told him?”
You shook your head, “I don’t think I realized until now.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t.”
You pulled back, confused, “What do you mean?”
“Everyone can tell that you two have chemistry,” Poppy laughed to ease the tense atmosphere, “Sorry to say, but you two aren’t so good at hiding your not-so-secret glances at each other.” 
You sniffed, wiping your nose with the back of your hand as you blushed, “Damn, I didn’t think it was that bad.” 
“It wasn’t, you just confirmed it for me,” Poppy snickered as you scowled. She rejoiced with an empathetic look in her eyes, “You know you should tell Leon how you feel. We almost lost him this time, you might not get to say how you feel about him.” 
You pressed your lips together, hesitating before speaking, “I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“Getting rejected?”
“And, how would you know that? We’ve seen the way he treats you, you both go home after work together, what else do you need?” Poppy reasoned, “How could he say no to you?”
“I don’t- I don’t know,” Your voice came out as a hushed whisper, as you looked towards the floor and found the patterns on the tiles more interesting than your answer. 
Poppy looked over at Leon’s sleeping body, “You can practice when he’s not listening, and then, when you’re ready, you can tell him how you feel without being scared.”
You followed Poppy’s eyes, once again landing on Leon’s body. Internally, you debated whether or not you should follow Poppy's plan. You bit your lip with anticipation, “What’s the worst that could happen, right?”
Poppy nodded, a brighter smile blooming on her face. She wiped your tears and fixed your hair, “I’ll give you two some privacy.”
You thanked her, giving her one last hug before turning back towards the door. You took a moment to breathe before bracing yourself and entering his room. The hum of the machines buzzed through your ears, blurring the deafening thoughts racing through your mind. Soft yellow hues from the overhead light illuminated Leon’s scratched up face. Slowly, you moved towards him and stood near the edge of the bed. You stared at his hand, a bandage wrapped around what you assumed to be a wound obtained from catching a knife. Hesitantly, your fingers touched the bandage before gently snaking them to hold his hand. A sense of relief washed over you as the warmth of his hand reassured he was alive and well. Although he was sleeping, you felt him grip your hand just a tiny bit tighter once yours was in his, causing your lips to quiver again and slow tears to fall. 
“Um, hey,” Your voice cracked, “Sorry. Um, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I really missed you, and I was really worried about you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left. Uh, I don’t really know what I’m saying right now, but I care for you. I want you to be happy, I want you to be healthy, and-” 
You gulped, “And…I want to be the one to make you happy.” 
“I…” You took a deep breath, “I love you, Leon.”
And, mumbling through his slumber, Leon whispered, “I love you too, Ada.” 
It’s been three days since you showed up to work, having a poor excuse of catching a nasty cold. In reality, you were perfectly fine if you considered an aching heart to be okay. Like a teen whose crush just kissed another person, you spend the last three days lazing around in your bed, barely getting up to eat and seldom showering. You basically lived in your bed. But as nice as this was, you couldn’t run away forever. You had a day job, and you didn’t want to risk getting fired. So, you shuffled towards your bathroom and hopped in the shower, not having the confidence to look at your appearance through the mirror’s reflection. Even though it took most of your energy to walk to the shower, you instantly regretted not showering sooner with the relief of the hot water soaking your frail body. You worked through your matted and tangled hair, cleaned up your hygiene, and took some time to think about random shower thoughts. After all, that’s all you’d been doing with your time – thinking. Though no matter how much you thought about it, you couldn’t figure out any answers to your questions: Who was Ada and when did he meet her? 
If you recall correctly, you were the only person that had been hooking up with Leon. You confirmed this because he rarely spends nights at others’ places, having preferred to be in the comfort of his own home. Plus, you never saw any indications of other female visitors at his place. So, if you and he had been exclusive for the past few months, that limits the time frame down to Ada being way before your time and not a recent person of interest. So, then the question changes to whether Ada was an ex-girlfriend and whether Leon still had feelings for her. 
Who were you kidding? Of course he still had feelings for her, he confessed his love to Ada afterall. Even though he didn’t know that it was you that had confessed to him, Leon subconsciously kept Ada close to his heart. 
The only thing to confuse you was why had Leon treated you so nicely beforehand? He was always around you, kept you company, walked you home, memorized your favorite foods, and so on. What was the reason for all of that if he hadn’t been interested? Was he leading you on? Toying with your feelings? Had you over-thought his actions? 
You groaned, frustrated at the endless loop of questions in your head. With some new found anger, you stepped out of the shower and started your care routine. You kind of missed having a normal person routine as much as you despised how much effort it took to make yourself deemed socially presentable. Fortunately, your journey to work was uneventful. You did your best to avoid crowded areas, mostly keeping your eye out for Leon. You were not ready to face Leon, knowing that you’d freeze up immediately. You were trying to lay low, keep yourself from being too suspicious. 
“What are we looking at?” 
You jumped through your skin, nearly having a heart attack. You spun around abruptly, having been face to face with the very person you’d been trying to avoid. You stood there, frozen and mouth agape and you tried to muster up a coherent sentence to speak. 
Once he realized you were struggling, Leon popped his brow, “No hello?” 
Leon nodded, slowly, “Hi. So, how’ve you-”
“Um, I gotta go!” And, you sprinted towards your office, leaving Leon staring confused at your retreating figure. 
You spent the next few days avoiding Leon like that by running into the bathrooms whenever he passed in the hall, ducking under the table if you both decided to go into the food hall, and sitting on the opposite side of the table in the briefing room for mandatory meetings. You didn’t care if you were blatantly obvious that you were avoiding Leon. You knew he was smart enough to know that, but you weren’t ready to confront him. Thankfully, Leon hadn’t pushed you to meet with him, but he did send you many concerned glances whenever you both were in close vicinity. Until today, at least, when a light knock on your doorframe took you out of your work. 
“I thought you said you were leaving early today, Poppy.” 
“She did leave.” 
Your head snapped up, “Agent Kennedy-” 
“Oh so, it’s agent now?” Leon questioned, welcoming himself into your office and closing the door behind him. His eyes narrowed and expression stern, indicating that he was fully serious. Admittingly, he played into your game for a while, but he grew tired of you running away. He too wanted answers to his questions. 
You looked away, not liking the way your heart ached when he looked at you with that condescending expression on his face. It made you feel like you disappointed him, “This isn’t very work appropriate.” 
“Is there something wrong with co-workers visiting each other?” Leon questioned, sitting himself in your guest chair. 
You countered, “It’s after work hours.” 
“That hasn’t stopped us before, has it?”
You bit your lip, having no rebuttal against him. Silence cloaked the room as the both of you waited for someone to say something. When he knew that you weren’t willing to give a response, Leon pushed the conversation. 
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Leon stated blandly, “Why is that?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Bullshit,” Leon spat, “I’ve seen you run into bathrooms, hide under furniture, and make up lame excuses whenever I’m around. What the fuck is going on?”
“Nothing, you don’t have to worry about it,” You buried your face in your hands, already feeling a headache forming from the result of a long day, “Please, Leon, just-”
“What happened to Agent Kennedy?” Leon sassed, his tone indicating that he was choosing to be petty. 
You groaned, “Please, don’t make this any harder for me.” 
“And, you don’t think it’s hard for me as well?” 
You scoffed, “Why would it be hard for you?” 
Leon pressed, “Because the person I’m fucking is avoiding me like I still have Las Plagas.” 
“So, is that what I am?” You laughed in disbelief, “Just someone to fuck?”
“Isn’t that what we agreed on?” Leon grimaced at his own words, but continued to stand his ground. 
“We didn’t agree on anything, Leon. Shit just happened.” 
“And what about now? What changed?”
“I don’t know, you tell me. One moment we’re no strings attached and the next moment we’re eating pizza like we’re a couple. You confuse me, Leon. You lead me on, and I don’t know how to feel about you,” You took deep breaths, trying your best not to overreact or become too emotional, but you were failing. 
“And, how do you feel about me?”
“For fucks sake,” And, you snapped, “I love you, Leon! Can’t you fucking see that!?” 
The cloak of silence engulfed you two again, only the sounds of your ragged breathing piercing through the air. As you caught Leon’s eyes for the first time, you finally broke down with that familiar lump in your throat and blur in your eyes. 
“And, I’m fucking heartbroken sitting here infront of you, acting like everything’s okay when it’s not. I feel like my heart is ripping out of my chest, because I confessed my love for you and you don’t feel the same,” You sniffled, trying your best to hold your tears back as they trailed down your face. 
“You confessed to me? When?” Leon questioned in disbelief. 
“When you came back.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Let me make this easy for you then,” You paused, “Who’s Ada?”
Leon’s eyes widened, jaw slightly slacking. He didn’t answer you, just staring at you as he internally debated what was the best answer. But, he didn’t know what to say to you and even more so what to say to himself. 
You purse your lips, wiping away your last tears before confidently speaking, “Exactly, so until you figure out your feelings, please don’t talk to me.” 
It’s been two weeks since you and Leon last talked – or rather interacted. There were no longer any lingering looks, no hiding behind furniture, and no running into bathrooms. It wasn’t an effort to stay out of each other's lives anymore, it rather came naturally as you both had differing missions. During your time apart, you took much time to think for yourself – healthily at that – and unravel the situation. Beneficially, you were doing slightly better than before such as eating more and sleeping more. But ultimately, Leon was still on your mind 24/7. And, being invited to the President’s gala dedicated towards rewarding and celebrating the researchers and agents who contributed to saving Ashley did you no justice in keeping your mind off Leon. 
“Doing okay?” Poppy found you sitting alone in the corner with a large glass of champagne. 
“Yeah, just taking a break,” You sighed, craning your neck to loosen up the tense muscles, “I don’t know how much longer I can take people coming up to thank me or tell me how great my research is.” 
Poppy laughed, popping some of the table candy into her mouth, “What? Don’t like being the center of attention?”
You itched at your face, skin feeling heavy with the makeup that covered your dark circles, “Not when I have to dress up and act prim and proper all the time. Like, could we have not done this in an email or something?” 
Poppy took her flute of champagne and gently tapped the rim against yours, “Cheers to that, I could be home watching TV.” 
You both shot back your drinks, relishing in the sweet flavor and bubbly texture. You and Poppy chatted for a moment before she was taken away to meet more people, leaving you back in your lonely corner. Eventually, after sitting for a while, you became bored, having already met with most people or just on low energy in general. You didn’t want to take another flute of champagne, fearful that it’d make you more sluggish than you already were, so you motivated yourself to make your way to the snack table and hoped that something citrus-y could wake you up. 
Just as you were about to grab a scoop from the fruit bowl, a voice from behind you caught your attention, “Hey! You’re the agent that discovered that I got kidnapped, right?”
Turning around, you came face to face with Ashley, “I had a bit of help.” 
“Thanks, you saved my life,” Ashley smiled, hugging you with appreciation before taking your hand and dragging you towards another part of the gala, “Hey, let me introduce you to my dad!” 
You tried to protest, but you already found yourself face to face with the President. 
“Ashley! So, that’s where you ran off to. Who’s this?” 
You turned towards the man, body instantly stiffening with formality, “Mr. President.” 
Ashley smiled, “This is the agent that discovered that I got kidnapped.” 
The President gave you a nod, “Thank you for saving my daughter.” 
Feeling awkward in the presence of such high authority, you just smiled and fiddled with your empty fingers. Before you could excuse yourself, Ashley perked up, “Dad look! It’s Leon!”
Fuck. Just what you needed. 
The President turned towards Leon and gave him a firm handshake with much more adoration and affection than what he gave you, “I knew I could count on you, Leon. You’re a valuable asset.” 
You and Leon connected eyes for a brief moment, his eyes lingering before Leon focused his attention back to the President and acknowledged his words, “I couldn’t have succeeded without my partner.” 
Leon and the President continued chatting as you stood there silently, thoughts about your fruit bowl long gone. You choked at Leon’s words, definitely knowing that he was referring to you but not directly. It’s been so long since you’ve heard Leon’s voice and seen Leon’s face, all of your progress of moving on fell back to ground level as your heart longed for him. You stood there awkwardly, having felt like you were very out of place. You were zoned out for most of the conversation or at least until you noticed Ashley inching closer towards Leon. Her laughter was louder, more forced as she clung on Leon’s arm. She pressed herself up against him, causing a sickening feeling to brew in your stomach. But that feeling was nothing compared to seeing Leon do nothing to brush off Ashley from his side. 
At this moment, you were glad you never touched the fruit bowl, knowing that it would’ve come up from your front seat view of Leon and Ashley. Unfortunately, the heaps of alcohol were starting to get to you as nausea and fatigue washed over your consciousness. Picking up a glass of water from a passing staff member, you took a few heavy gulps before inserting yourself back into the conversation, “Please excuse me.”
For the most part, you were ignored which you didn’t mind too much, having been able to slip away unnoticed. Briskly walking out of the main room, you found yourself stumbling through long halls, almost identical to the last before somehow locating a low leveled balcony overlooking a large open field of grass and garden. You untangled the curtains and softly closed the elegant door behind you, shielding yourself into isolation as you walked towards the balcony’s edge and leaning your hip against the cold stone. Looking out into the night, you sighed a breath of relief as the rush of cool air enveloped your flushed body. 
You lost track of time staring at the stars above you, drunk thoughts floating through your mind. Specifically, thoughts about Leon, then Leon and Ashley, and then Leon and you – or rather Leon without you. At this point, you hated how your thoughts were consumed by him, almost like your entire life revolved around him. You wondered, how did you get yourself to this point? 
Groaning in frustration, you fished out a spare cigarette and lighter from your person, pressing the soft paper between your lips and reaching up to light the tip. You rotated the gears of the lighter to ignite a flame; however, the cool breeze of the night prevented the flame from growing high enough. You cursed, trying again and again, but to no avail – until a large hand helped enclose your cigarette and block the wind from extinguishing your flame. You followed the hand’s owner, surprised to see Leon standing before you, having no conclusion on how he made it past the balcony doors without you noticing or hearing him. 
You slacked your lips, letting the cigarette slightly fall just enough to let you speak, “I thought you didn’t like smokers.”
“You only smoke when you’re stressed,” Leon shrugged, still cupping his hand near your cigarette. 
You didn’t comment, lighting your cigarette and sheathing your lighter. You took a long, deep breath before blowing out the smoke in the opposite direction where Leon stood. For a moment, you did debate whether to blow smoke in his face, but you weren’t that petty. Yet. 
“Long night, I guess.” 
“Yeah, same,” Leon scrunched his brows, referring to these awful parties that always praised the small number of agents and soldiers that were lucky enough to return home to their families. 
Deciding to act civilized, you lightly chuckled, flicking the ashes off your cigarette, “Not enjoying the spotlight, hero boy?”
“Can’t say I do this often.”
You didn’t reply and found no need to keep the conversation going. Maybe it was awkward, but the smell of nicotine helped ease your nerves. You enjoyed watching the smoke as it dissipated into the night air, only to be blown away by the gentle breeze which made you and the garden bushes shiver. 
You heard Leon rustling before a bit of heavy weight landed on your shoulders and the residual warmth engulfed your arms and torso. Stubbing out your cigarette, you blow out one last drag before looking over at Leon in his button up and instinctively gripping his jacket around you tighter. You usually brought your own jackets to these kinds of events, but you didn’t expect to run and hide outside for this long. 
“Keep it, you’re cold,” Leon leaned up against the balcony, “And, call me Leon.”
You didn’t know how to answer him, so you chose not to. You didn’t feel like you could be personal with him, at least not anytime soon. 
Noticing your lack of interaction, Leon piped up, “So, what’s on your mind?”
You cringed at the question, shrugging through his jacket, “Things.”
“Personal things.”
Another blanket of silence covered you both, but this time, it was definitely awkward as you no longer had your smoke to distract you with. 
You purse your lips, “Sorry, you go first.”
“Please, I insist.”
For the first time since he came out, you and Leon made eye contact as you both tried to read each other's emotions. You debated whether or not to say anything to him, knowing that you had weeks of pent up emotions and unresolved tension. Thinking about Poppy, voices about weighing your pros and cons came back to mind. Pros with talking with Leon were gaining yourself a sense of conclusion, whereas the cons were getting your heart broken – again. Somewhere along the line of thinking, your heart must’ve made the decision for you, throwing logic completely out the question. While gazing into his blue eyes, your pupils shook, causing you to close your eyes and take a deep breath for confidence. 
With a small and broken voice, you softly spoke in a volume borderline inaudible, “You can’t- you can’t keep doing this to me, Leon.”
Leon pinched his eyes closed, almost like he was in physical pain, “I know.”
“You’re hurting me,” Your voice quivered. 
“I know.”
“I’m confused at your words and actions.” 
“I know.” 
“And, this whole time I feel like I’ve just been used.”
“I know.” 
Suddenly, you grit your teeth in frustration and throwing his jacket off your shoulders, “Fuck, Leon, can you say anything besides I know!?”
You didn’t mean to shout at him, but it just came out like that. You really shouldn’t have yelled. You were never the type to speak out from emotions anyways. Plus, you didn’t need to draw attention to yourselves had there been any unseen party goers straggling in the hallway. 
Watching Leon frown from your outburst made your heart ache before his eyes shifted towards something sympathetic. He shifted closer towards you, picking up his jacket and fixing it back on you before placing a warm hand over yours, “I’ve figured out my feelings.”
Tears flooded your vision as the air in your lungs crushed your chest. It didn’t matter what Leon’s answer was, you just weren’t ready to hear it, so you did the first thing that came to mind. You ran away, “No, no, no, don’t do this to me right now, please. I can’t do this anymore, just leave me alone, please.”
With his lightning reaction, Leon caught you by the arms and stopped you halfway towards the door. His grip was strong enough to hug you comfortably in his chest, but nowhere near tight enough to be painful or uncomfortable. Still, you pathetically fought against him, weakly slapping his upper chest; although, a part of you really didn't want him to let you go. 
Leon hugged you tighter, holding you closely and consoled your hysterics the best he could, “Shh, baby please, just let me explain.”
You halted your struggling, “Let go of me.”
"You don't mean it," Leon shook his head, "I don't believe you." 
“Damn it, Y/N!” 
Leon's abrupt outburst killed whatever thought you had and silenced you into submission. Of all the years you've known him, never once has he ever raised his voice at you nor looked at you with such passionate eyes blazing with equal parts frustration and determination. 
“I will tell you everything, okay? Ask me anything you want, I’ll give you only the truth. I just want to talk to you, please?”
He continued when you didn't answer him. 
“I don’t want to leave you like this, but if you decide that you don’t like my answers or that you don’t like me, just say the word and everything we’ve ever had stops,” Leon looked down at you hopeful, releasing his hold as a sign that he trusts you not to dash away. Instead, he fixed his jacket around you as you didn't realize it was halfway down your torso. 
"Deal?" Leon said. 
Hesitantly, you nodded. Maybe it was his change in demeanor or thoughtful speech or the smell of his cologne engulfing you – whatever it was, you were compelled to accept the temptations of a devil. And yours was Leon and his sparkling eyes under the moonlit sky. 
“Say it, please,” His tone returned back to a soft and gentle level as he cupped your face with one hand and brushed your bottom lip with his thumb. 
You gulped nervously, yet determined for answers, “You have one minute.”
Leon let out a sigh of relief before flashing a small, crooked smile and thanking you for giving him a chance. 
“Ada was someone I met at Raccoon City. We spent a bit of time together, trying to get to Umbrella’s underground lab. She kissed me, but we had our differences and ended up parting ways.”
“Differences?” You perked. 
“I wanted to save the people, but she didn’t," It was a simple answer, but Leon didn't have time to elaborate while on your timer, “Then, I met Ada in Spain.”
"Wait," You paused and rewound the storyline, “I thought only you and Claire survived.”
Leon nodded with a far off look on his face as he reminisced his old days, “I thought so too, I don’t even know how she’s alive or what she’s doing, but she was in Spain.”
“Leon, why didn’t you tell us? She could be dangerous, she could’ve been working for Los Illuminados!” You scolded with a deep frown, wondering how he could've trusted someone like that. 
“No, she isn’t," Leon denied, "She’s working for someone else though, I don’t know who.”
Getting sick of talking about Ada and nearing the end of your minute, you jabbed, “I’m failing to see how this involves me.”
“This involves you, because I can’t get you out of my mind! At first, I thought it was all physical, and that was okay with me. But, we started working on more projects together, and I could finally see you for who you are. Like how intelligent you are in the meeting rooms, how your eyes crinkle when you smile at Poppy, and how you always look at me with your sparkling eyes. I didn’t even know when I started falling for you. I looked forward to seeing you every Friday, even if nothing were to happen, I still wanted your company. I wanted to see you for as long as I could, so that’s why I started visiting your office more, inviting you out more, figuring out your likes and dislikes. God, I’m so fucking obsessed with you.”
Without realizing, Leon caged you against the balcony with his hands on either side of your hips and drew soft circles. He ghosted his lips on the nape of your neck before following the shell of your ear and whispered, “‘I’m so fucking obsessed with you, when I look at you I create a future with us. Just me and you, and maybe some little ones later if you wanted.”
You sighed in pleasure as you responded to his kisses, one leg instinctively hooking around his thigh as to bring him closer to you. Leon accepted your beckoning and closed the gap between each other's chests. Face to face, you could feel his breath on your lips as he laid his forehead on yours. There was barely anything keeping you from kissing each other, something you two had never done before while hooking up as it seemed too intimate for friends with benefits to do. 
Looking into his eyes, you didn't need to ask if he were sincere. You could see all of him already, and he made sure you knew that he was willing to be a hundred percent and more vulnerable. While observing, you noticed how his eyes darted between yours frantically and how his Adam's apple bobbed in a nervous gulp. You were taking too long to answer. 
“Why are you so scared?” You asked gently, placing a hand on his cheek. 
He nuzzled into your touch, “I’m scared of hurting you. I didn’t know if I would come back from that mission. I made a promise that I didn’t even know if I could keep.” 
“You came back,” You explained, now calm and confident as you said, “That’s all that matters.”
Leon's eyes lit up in delight with a breath of relief. Without any warning, Leon’s lips were all over your face, kissing your cheeks, temple, and forehead. You shied back, embarrassed from his affection. He must’ve known this as well, smirking from seeing the blush surfaced on your cheeks. Palm facing outwards, you partially blocked your face as you looked away, “Don’t look at me.”
“You look beautiful,” Leon gently removed your guarding hand and held it in his with a comforting caress before taking his other hand to guide your chin back to lock eyes, “Can I kiss you again?”
You didn’t answer him with words, opting to crane your neck forward and pressing your lips onto his. Without hesitation, Leon melted into your kiss by sliding the hand on your chin along your jawline and adjusting your angle to deepen the kiss. Arching your back, you circled your arms around his broad shoulders. Leon’s hands moved back to your hips, effortlessly propping you to sit on the balcony’s edge. You gasped in pleasure as you wrapped your legs around Leon’s hips, feeling him pressed against your core. Leon pulled you closer, teasingly grinding his hips against yours. 
“Leon!” You hissed, slapping his chest, “We’re at a party. We-”
“- could get caught?” Leon pulled back with a smirk, “Don’t be loud then.” 
You scolded him to which he laughed joyously. As much as you were annoyed with his antics, you knew that you’d never be able to forget how big his smile was and how happy he looked with you in his arms. So, you laughed with him with a large smile on your face as well, feeling the most safe and comfortable in this moment. 
He held you closely, listening to the beat of his heart, "As much as I want to take you right now, I want us to take it slow. There's so much I want to show how I can treat you. Until then, let's wait until we're both ready." 
Leon had gone out of his way to make you feel like you were his world. Every morning, he’d send you a short message even if it were just a hello. If you had time before work, he’d meet you at your apartment and take you out for a quick breakfast before heading to the office. If you happened to be running late, Leon still made sure to drop off your favorite drink before carrying out his own responsibilities. During lunch, Leon would sit extra close to you, enough to indicate to onlookers that something was brewing between the two of you, but distant enough to not make anyone feel uncomfortable. After work, Leon took you out for dinner or walked you home if you were feeling particularly tired. This new found routine eventually became a lifestyle. Leon attended to all your needs and took extra care of you. Although sex with Leon was no doubt amazing, you both found solace in the emotional comfort and companionship. That is until one day you invited Leon over to bake cookies for Poppy’s birthday. 
“There’s eggshells in the mix, Leon.”
“Leon, you didn’t turn on the oven.”
“Don’t eat the chocolate, Leon!”
“Leon! How did you get flour in your hair?”
You sighed, realizing a bit too late that the flawless Leon Kennedy actually did not have a knack for cooking. Leon blushed with embarrassment, wiping the back of his hand on his forehead and thus smearing more flour on his messy face. Putting your batch of the cookies in the oven, you glided over towards Leon to brush his face clean before pressing a quick kiss to his lips, "Just get cleaned up, 'kay?
Leon nodded sheepishly, heading over towards your bathroom and showering while the cookies baked. With only your batch of cookies surviving the mixing phase, you modified the recipe to make mini cookies instead. Thankfully, they were done and set to cool by the time you finished cleaning up. Realizing your clothes were dusted with flour, you made your way to your closet to change into one of Leon’s large t-shirts. Just as the shirt draped over your body, Leon entered with a towel loosely wrapped around his waist and water still dripping down his glistening chest. 
“It’s rude to stare you know,” Leon teased, stretching his bicep on display as he toweled his hair. 
You shuffled your way over to him, teasingly drawing your fingers along the skin of his exposed hipline, “Do you mind?” 
“Not at all,” Leon laughed before sneaking his hands under your thighs and propping you on top of your dresser, “You look good in my clothes. I don’t know how much longer I can resist you.” 
You knew Leon liked to tease you, having gotten used to his sly comments by now. But, you’d been waiting so long since you’ve last had him in you, having Leon barely naked in front of you awoke the desires you’d been trying so hard to suppress. Rubbing your hands along his damp biceps, you trailed your hands all over his chest and up to hold his jawline and bring him in for a deep kiss. You broke the kiss, “Then don’t resist.”
Leon went to protest, probably about to spew some nonsense about waiting for the right time or wanting it to be a special moment, but you’d already forgiven him and any moment with Leon felt special to you. You hushed him impatiently, “Shut up and fuck me or I’ll do it myself.”
You knew you won by his stern set features and darkening eyes, knowing that Leon always hated you pleasuring yourself without his assistance, “Like hell you will.”
Without warning, Leon picked you up again and headed towards your bed, tossing you onto the mattress with a small bounce. You yelped, half in surprise and half in excitement as you tried to sit up; however, Leon stopped you by crawling over your lower body and pining your wrists above your head, “You wanna say that again?”
You tilted your head not-so-innocently, “Say what again, Leon?”
With his free hand, Leon wrapped it around your neck and added a small amount of pressure as a warning, “Don’t test me.” 
You licked your lips, absolutely loving Leon’s change in demeanor. Sometimes, it was too easy to rile him up, “I said, shut up and fuck me or I’ll do it myself.” 
Silence fell between you two as you challenged each other to break first. After a couple moments, you started to believe that maybe you said something wrong by the way Leon had yet to respond or react to you. But this sliver of doubt you held was just enough for Leon to play right into your vulnerability. And with a sly smile, Leon flipped you on your stomach and repositioned your hands to grip a pole on your metal headboard, “Let go and this all stops, do you understand?”
Your question was interrupted as Leon released your wrists, bundled his shirt towards your shoulder blades, and lightly smacked your ass. You jolted with a gasp, fingers tightening around the pole. You heard Leon throw something, probably getting rid of his towel. You hated that you couldn’t tell what he was doing nor could you see him in his glory, but that added towards the excitement of it all as you guessed what you were going to feel and experience next. Leon hovered above you, lips ghosting around the shell of your ear, “I don’t repeat myself, love.” 
You clenched at the pet name, whimpering from the ache between your legs. You felt Leon smirk against your skin as he pressed kisses all around your neck and shoulder. He paused to take a pillow and place it comfortably under your pelvis to prop your hips higher for him. Taking a shaky breath in, you readjusted your fingers to grip the pole even tighter than before, “I understand.” 
There was a lack of response as the weight of Leon’s body disappeared, leaving you wondering what was to come next. Through all of Leon’s previous training, he’s perfected stealth movements. No matter how much you closed your eyes to concentrate on focusing, you were well aware that Leon had the ability to exit the room without you even noticing. It felt like forever as your breathing became labored even if you hadn’t moved. The anticipation was killing you, inside and out. Just as you were about to question him, a small pop adjacent to the sound of a bottle opening pierced the air before what sounded like a glop of substance was squeezed out and rubbed between Leon’s hands. You stayed silent, letting your imagination guide you as Leon’s hands finally touched your body. He started at your shoulders, massaging small, pressured circles into the tense muscles. Once he felt you relax against him, Leon moved to give the same treatment along your back, waist, and hips. Although he wasn’t pleasing you sexually, Leon’s hands still felt euphoric as he trailed his hands along your bodyline. 
Suddenly, he stopped at your ass, squirting some more oil onto his hands before gripping the flesh and spreading you apart. Instinctually, you buried your face into the sheets and spread your legs as you felt Leon’s lingering eyes on you. Slipping a thumb forward, Leon swiped up and down your pussy lips, “So wet and I haven’t touched you yet.” 
You grit your teeth, “Don’t tease me.”
Without warning, Leon slipped his thumb in fully, rubbing against your inner walls as you mewled out in response, “You asked for that.”
“Asshole,” You muttered, still trying to adjust to him. Sure you were no stranger to having Leon’s fingers buried in you; however, it’s been so long since you’ve stretched yourself out. 
Leon chose to ignore you, finding your twitching lips more entertaining than your false resistance. He’d gotten used to it by now anyways. Leon explored your tight cunt a little more with his thumb before releasing his hold on you, “Guess we’ll have to do this the long way, not that I mind.” 
You heard Leon shuffle before his soft, wet lips connected with your pussy lips. Licking and sucking, Leon teased and abused your already swollen clit. For extra lubrication, Leon spit on you before shoving his tongue into your awaiting hole, causing you to lurch forward. You moaned out his name as he quickly brought his hands up to hold your hips stable. From the lack of sexual activity, you were surprised to find yourself so sensitive to his licks and unable to hold yourself still for him. It was almost like this was your first time getting eaten out. 
Your thoughts clouded as Leon pushed his face deeper into you, tongue stretching beyond your tight rim as he fucked you. Shuddering with pleasure, you started to gain a sense of control as you rocked your hips back to push him deeper into you. But just as you did so, Leon retracted his tongue and replaced it with two of his fingers as his lips returned back to your clit. You cried out, confused at how Leon's fingers could make you feel this way when you knew his dick in you would feel even better. Had you gone without him for too long? 
You didn't get a chance to dwell much longer as Leon's long fingers curled up and brushed your pleasure point, causing you to cry out even more and subconsciously releasing one of your hands. Leon immediately noticed this, "Calling quits already? I never knew you were so weak." 
You hissed out in annoyance which quickly changed into pleasure as Leon continued fingering deeper into you. The way he pumped in and out of you, foamed up your sticky consistency as it dripped all over his hand. With your limited vision, the audio of your wet squelching intensified as Leon quickened his pace. 
“Ready for three?”
Leon didn’t wait for an answer before adding another finger into you. At this point, your legs were quivering with delight, barely being strong enough to hold you up. Just as he rubbed your most sensitive part, your legs twitched harshly causing you to give out and slump back into the bed and pillow. Without missing a beat, Leon continued fingering you as his other hand rubbed small circles around your clit. Your moans intensified, legs still shaking from the double pleasuring sensation. 
“Wait- Leon- ngh-” 
You tried taking deep breaths to calm yourself, but you knew your climax was coming despite the efforts to prolong it. Leon seemed to know this as well as he – again – increased his speed and skill. He shushed you, prompting you to climax, “Come on, love, I know you can do it. Just let go, I promise to give you more. Just give yourself to me.” 
Instantly, you clenched around him, feeling yourself cum around the bundle of his fingers as he helped you ride it out. Your loud moans transitioned to deep gasps as you took a moment to catch your breath. Leon flipped you over, giving you a chaste kiss, “Still doing okay?” 
“Yes,” You breathed, “Can I let go now?”
You looked up at Leon with a pleading look. Leon debated for a moment before obliging, knowing that your arms must’ve started feeling sore by now, “Fine, but keep your eyes on me. I want to see your face when you cum on me this time.” 
You looked away, embarrassed. Leon chuckled, finding your reaction adorable as he took the initiative to pump himself and slide his tip along your super sensitive clit. Leon pushed himself into you with a vice grip on your hips, groaning from how wet you still were, “I should’ve fucked you sooner.” 
Before he could fully bottom out, you’d already lifted your hips to indicate to him to start thrusting into you; however, Leon did the exact opposite as he pulled back out just to fuck his tip into you over and over again, “Impatient are we? What’s the rush? We’ve got all night.” 
Having enough with his constant teasing, you mustered all your strength to push Leon back as you straddled him with your hands firmly in his toned chest. Power surged through your veins as Leon surrendered himself beneath you. Although you know Leon could easily overpower you and that he probably let you turn the tables on him for his own entertainment, you let your ego fuel your confidence as you took his hardened dick into your hand and guided him inside you as you sank downwards. 
You watched as Leon’s face contorted with pleasure, trying his best to contain his reaction despite how good you felt engulfing him with your hot walls. Rocking up and down slowly, you leaned forward to whisper in his ear, “I told you to shut up or I’ll do it myself.” 
Placing your hands on his shoulders to hold your weight, you thrust your hips along his shaft, pumping him from tip to balls. Leon’s groans grew louder as he put his hands on your hips to help you increase your speed. With the support of Leon, you postured back up and used your body weight to slam down onto his dick, feeling him reach the deepest depths of you. Your pussy clenched around him, throwing your head back from the pleasure. 
A smack to your ass shifted your attention back to Leon as he scowled at you, “I told you to keep your eyes on me.” 
Rolling your eyes, you continued to ride him without answering him. Undoubtedly, Leon glared at you, pushing you off of him and pining you back down into missionary, “You asked for it, hope you're ready.” 
You went to call out his bluff; however, Leon thrusted himself fully into you. You cried out from the fullness, unsuspecting that Leon would enter so roughly into you. But your clenching cunt revealed that you secretly enjoyed how rough he was with you. With that in mind, Leon thrusted roughly into you, pushing your body higher and higher upon the mattress. Leon intertwined his hands in yours, pinning you down in place as he pounded himself deeper into you. Usually, Leon focuses on the sight of you swallowing him whole, watching as his shaft disappears into you and reappears wetter than before. However, as Leon slammed his hips into yours and elicited deafening skin slapping audio, he was solely focused on you, reading every passing emotion across your face. He was studying you, figuring out what you liked versus what you loved. He’d try different angles, watching and listening to your reactions and changing his technique accordingly. He kept at it until a single harsh thrust had you tightening against his cock, gripped his hands, and moaning out his name. With that information, Leon smiled and monopolized his findings as he fixated on hitting your g-spot repeatedly, “Gotcha.” 
Leon pounded into you, harsher and deeper than before as he chased his own high. He guided you, telling you when to wait, so that you could both cum together. You struggled to keep your eyes open from how much stimulation you were receiving. But the look in Leon’s eyes convinced you to keep yours open. 
“I’m almost, fuck, I’m almost done,” Leon’s thrusts became sloppy, yet still hitting you where you needed him. 
You chanted his name over and over as you began to cum for the second time, “Please- I-” 
Without releasing your hands, Leon pumped into you one last time before pulling out and squirting his cum over your lower abdomen. Leon muttered a few curses before lazily falling next to you and kissing you. Leon helped you take off his shirt and wipe his cum off of you, throwing it somewhere on the floor before pulling you closer to him and burying himself in the crook of your neck. You receive his cuddles, lacing your fingers into his messy, damp hair. Leon kissed your neck up to your lips, “Doing okay?”
You nodded with a soft smile, “Help me to the bathroom?”
Leon obliged, lifting you up and placing you in the bathtub to share a bath together. Soaking in the warm water, your back rested against his chest. You leaned your head back onto his shoulder as he wrapped his large arms around your midsection like you’d disappear any second, “Leon?”
He kissed your shoulder, “Yes?” 
“Do you love me?” You asked shyly. 
Leon chuckled, holding you tighter against him, “Of course, I love you.”
“I promise.” 
You kissed him again, “Good, because I love you too.” 
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ladyxnocturnal · 1 year
His Birthday Surprise
Leon Kennedy X Fem Reader
Summary: It is Leon Kennedy’s Birthday and decided to set him a little small birthday party with Chris and the rest of the crew. But little did he knew, you had a little birthday gift for him.. Congratulations Dad!!
{A/N: I decided to write little something that’s wholesome for a little change! This idea came across my head so fast it’s so cute! Enjoy! 🥹💞 also I’m sorry if my writing isn’t good today I’m very tired LOL and it might be short I’m sorry :((}
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You did it all. You made sure every plan was set just perfectly for your husband’s special day. Every year you went all out with yourself to set the perfect party for your husband. Leon would always tell you that you didn’t have to do such a thing but you insisted in every way. Leon was special to you, you wanted him to feel special in every moment or way or to even show him how he really means to you. You loved seeing him happy and loved.
The plan was set out very perfectly, like usual every year. Never forgetting to invite Chris and Claire. You didn’t want to mess things up for your husband’s special day. You even had a surprise in the waiting you were dying to already spill out but you just couldn’t yet. When it gets to gifts, you knew you had to save your last. You didn’t even tell Chris and Claire this big surprise you had for Leon. You knew Leon wanted this and you even wanted this to happen in the future. You both tried for months but it was hard to go through. But you made sure that you were positive with the doctors if you’re pregnant. Becoming a parent is going to big responsibility but you were so excited to carry your lovers child to raise, to care, and love. You could already imagine Leon’s reaction, replaying it in your mind was making a smile plaster onto your face.
Leon was wondering around the kitchen to look at those cute decorations you hung around the place. So many balloons scattered over the floor, the banner reading ‘Happy Birthday Leon!’,, cussing him to chuckle for how adorable this was of you. He noticed you standing with a smile on your face, in your little own world which made him confused for a moment, heading over to you to wrap his strong arms around your waist to pull you in to him for a sweet embrace.
“You okay there sweetheart? What’s on your mind?” His voice was smooth like butter from how deep it was. You hummed sweetly as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Oh- Yes! I’m okay, I’m just- making sure everything is just set and perfect that’s all.” You quickly thought of an excuse to hide your excitement for your surprise later on. Leon chuckled, pressing his lips against yours lovingly, looking deep into your eyes.
“Everything is all perfect like always. You really out did yourself again this year, you really didn’t have to do this you know?” When he said that you poured like some child, shaking your head. “Lee, I don’t wanna hear it! I love doing this, I love you and it’s your special day! You can’t stop me.” You huffed, your eyes lighting up from that pout you put on which made your husband smile from adorable you really are.
God he loved you so much, he was so happy that he made the best decision in his life to spend of the rest of his life with you. You were just perfection in his eyes, how did he get so lucky with you? “Alright Alright, if you really say so sweetheart.”
Just in time, you heard a knock on the door which made you perk up with joy, rushing to the door to see Chris and Claire outside the door frame. You smiled as you allowed them to come in, Claire walking in first empty handed but poor Chris, Carrying gifts that reached to the height of his head.
“You can just set the gifts over there Chris, did Claire make you carry things again?” You laughed a bit, helping him out to the table to place the gifts down. “You bet. But it’s okay really, I’m used to all of this shit anyways” he chuckled, helping you out with the gifts but turned his head to face Leon. “Happy Birthday Leon, how’s the old age?” He teased causing Leon to chuckle and play along “I’m not THAT old Chris, you’re getting old too you know but thanks.”
You went over to the counter to pick up a party hat to place over Leon’s Head, smiling with delight. “There we go, Party hat for the birthday boy!” You chimed from satisfaction.
Leon looked down at you, grinning. “Is this really necessary?”
“Of course it is! It’s important.” You clapped your hands with that sweetness tone in your voice.
Claire laughed as she let a pat on Leon’s back. “Wow, that party hat doesn’t suit you at all Leon but it is your birthday anyways.” She smiled, turning to you. “Shall we get to the cake so the birthday boy can blow out the candles?”
You couldn’t even agree more, nodding as you took Claire with you to get the candles to place on top of the cake. “Say chris, you have a lighter don’t you?” Chris immediately tossed you his lighter which you thankfully caught just in time, lighting up the candles on the cake.
“There we go! Time to sing happy birthday!”
All of you surrounded the cake, starting off to sing Happy Birthday, Leon blowing out the candles.
“What did you wish for Leon?” Chris asked as he patted onto Leon’s shoulder. “A car.” He joked which caused Chris to laugh. “You don’t need one for how bad to reckless drive.”
Claire rolled her eyes with a laugh. “I agree, you don’t need a car Leon. But let’s have cake now! I can’t wait any longer.”
With that being said, the all of you enjoyed slice of cake. Talking about the slightest little things. All of you even played some bits of party games to bring more of the enjoyment to Leon’s birthday party. Seeing Leon having fun and happy was the most you all wanted and spending time with Chris and Claire. Now, it was time to open gifts and you couldn’t wait till the big surprise you had for your husband.
“Open my first.” Christ suggested, having that confidence strike into his tone.
Leon reached over to the box to tear through the wrapping paper to open up the folds of the cardboard box. “Oh fuck yes. Just what I need.” He pulled up a new leather jacket to show off which made you smile and Claire folding her arms.
“I knew you’d like it, you’re all about the leather shit.” Chris teased with a chuckle, looking over at Claire. “You’re next.”
“I’d say you’ll like my gift even better Leon.” Claire smiled, watching Leon as he picked up Claire’s gift that seemed to be in a very fragile box which made him even more curious. “Interesting..” he spoke to himself as he made sure to open the box carefully to see it was a new handgun which made him gasp like a little kid. “I figured you’d enjoy a new gun.” Claire quickly added, feeling that confidence boost her up.
“It’s actually really nice, thanks claire, I’ll need to use this more often.” Leon placed the hun back into the box to sit to the side carefully. Your excitement now showed out more when it was your turn to give your lovers surprise gift. But you also felt nervous for his reaction, you knew it wouldn’t be bad at all. You both wanted this for a long time now and now it’s the perfect time. “Now it’s my turn.” You giggled as you never took your eyes off of Leon.
Leon smiled, taking your gift in his hands to unwrap. He felt puzzled when he pulled out a baby’s onesie, holding it up with a grin. “I don’t think this will fit me..-“ he joked but noticed something else in the box which made his eyes widen from shock. “No fucking way-“ Your smile grew bigger but Chris and Claire was confused. Leon held up your pregnancy test which even made Chris and Claire in shock, looking at you. “You’re? Pregnant?!”
Little beads of tears started to form in your eyes from happiness, nodding in response. Leon jumped out of his seat to pick you up to hold you in a big hug, swaying you around like a rag doll. “I’m going to be a dad! We are going to be parents!” His reaction was just the sweetest thing to ever happen. You giggled, holding onto him tight. “I wanted to tell you sooner but I had to surprise you today.”
Leon pressed his lips against yours over and over, smothering you with his kisses, holding you close to him from how excited he is. “This is the best gift that ever happened to me, I can’t wait to raise a family with you. I love you so much.” Chris chuckled at this sweet moment. “Wow Leon, didn’t know you had it in you. I better be the uncle here.”
Claire shook her head with a laugh, nudging Chris from his jokes. “Let them have this moment, then maybe you’ll be uncle Chris.”
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weskin-time · 2 years
RE characters and their S/O go to a Halloween Party!
i love them and they are stuck in my brain!!! gifs not mine
Characters listed!- Leon, Wesker, Jill, Carlos, Chris
CW- nsfw implications, alcohol
i hope yall cant tell ive never been to a halloween costume party lol
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Leon Kennedy!
goes as a cowboy
hes got fake spurs and everything
he pulls it off, hes already got the gruff look so damn
would love it if you dressed up western with him but understands if you dont wanna
at the party he stands close to you with his arm around your waist
cant have anyone think youre here alone, or that hes here alone
he gets a bit tipsy
he steals the almond joys
remember the cowboy rules, theyre so important (for those who dont know if you take the hat off a cowboy and wear it, you have to save a horse and ride a cowboy wink wink)
if you want to leave the loud party early just take off his hat and wear it
he will get so flustered and red instantly
not a heartbeat later hes already dragging you out of the party, making hurried goodbyes and poor excuses of having something to do in the early morning
but people see the hat on your head and know
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Albert Wesker!
hes not dressing up
,,, stop looking at him like that
he 'wont make a fool of himself for the Umbrella Halloween party' he says
he honestly hasnt even gone to it before dating you so people are surpised to see him there
you put cat ears on his head before he can pick out a costume and he sends you a soft death glare
more than likely would wear a pin that says 'this is my costume' and hes just wearing everyday clothes, or would wear his lab coat and say hes going as a doctor. hes lame
if you bat your eyes and pout he will indulge you
goes as a vampire, fake cape, teeth, and all
would want to just show up at the party and make an irish goodbye in less than 5 minuets
stays for you tho
doesnt eat candy but you see him pocketing some mars bars
wesker with fangs is hot and he notices you staring at them when hes talking
smirks and tells you he 'doesnt bite'
its a lie, he does. and will bite your neck.
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Jill Valentine!
gods im in love with her
she goes as a witch!!
cute witch hat and all
would accidentally loose you in a party for a little bit, shes just getting yall drinks so dont worry
she will do your makeup for your costume if you want (like that one meme of the two women)
she gets a little tipsy at the party, just enough to start giggling at any halloween pun you make
normally she just scoffs at them but shes having fun and enjoying herself with her beloved
shoves food in her bag, stealing some of the party food
help her please
the kit kats are hers
the more she drinks the more touchy she is with you, going from being sober and holding your hand to leaning up against you
someone asks if shes a witch wheres her broom she rides on and she just points to you much to your embarassment
tell her youll take her up on that and she will start to leave without saying goodbye to anyone
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Carlos Oliveria!
hes a werewolf
theres no convincing him of anything else
he would go shirtless to show off his hairy chest and arms and would love how flustered you get at the idea
you shut him down really fast and make him wear a shirt because you would explode
wears a tattered, ripped up and slightly blooded tank top with a torn red flannel on top
its somehow more hot than him being shirtless
wears cute little clip on dog ears
my gods hes so hot hhhh
is also stealing party food
hes a snickers kinda guy but if theres fruit gummies they will be gone
i think he could hold his alcohol well so you would be more tipsy than him if you chose to drink
he makes the dumbest jokes, like really corny halloween jokes to anyone who will listen
"whats a skeletons favorite meal? spare ribs" he will be holding back a snicker with a face thats just >:3
hes such a dork
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Chris Redfield!
hes wearing his sailor costume
im not saying this because his ass looks amazing in that outfit but
i feel like he does it as a joke at first but then flaunts it
compliment him and he will jokingly flex his biseps
please help him put on his fake tattoo (plus it gives you a chance to touch his muscles)
literally everyone is looking at him when he enters the party who wouldnt
i feel like he wouldnt drink that much, prob just have one or two shots or something
if you loose him at any point in the party please either check outside or the food table
he takes the twizzlers
100% has an arm around your shoulders or waist all night
will tease you because you keep looking at his legs
im sorry i love him so much he makes me so gay
he would love it if you walked up to him and just started to flirt with him
who cares if youre together, its so fun
"i seemed to misplaced my anchor,,, can i hook up with you tonight?" you ask him to which he almost spits out his drink, starts laughing, then sees in your eyes that youre not fully joking and he will instantly start making his goodbyes
Hiya! this is my first time writing for all of these characters except for Wesker so im sorry if it seems ooc or just not fully correct!! im still new to resident evil and im trying to shove as much information as i can into my brain as fast as i can!!
reblogs help me grow more so if you like this please reblog and like! thank you and happy halloween!!!!
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maxwapan · 18 days
And I’m Sick for you, Baby
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leon s. kennedy x gn!reader
wc. 1.3k
cw. incest, dad Leon, OOC(duh), implied abuse, alcoholism, puke, forced blowjob, gender neutral reader, Leon’s a POS dad
note. Excuse the poor language🤒 english is annoying to understand… also kind of rushed lol || title is Break by Alex G
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Your nose smacks against the wiry hair clustered on Leon’s pelvis, the musky, sweaty smell making your face screw up uncomfortably. You’ve been in this position for hours, your knees pressing hard against the wooden floor, face firmly squashed between your father’s thighs, and hands holding wearily onto his hips.
The dull, aching pain in your knees couldn’t possibly compare to the awful, agonizing stretching going on in your throat, though. Even with the lazy rutting of Leon’s hips against your face, you still couldn’t adjust to the size of his dick. It’s not like it’s massive or anything, you’re just not built for this.
His cock was thick and long; veiny with a dark, meaty shade of red that spread further to his tip whenever he got hard. In terms of appearance, that shit was scary-looking. Not cute and pretty like all the other dicks you see in porn videos or magazines, but intimidating and off putting. Like, the type of stuff random guys send you on social media. It’s always a 50/50.
If you could barely fit it down your throat, how were you ever supposed to fit it inside of you? He’d tear you a new one. Literally.
In your defense, you don’t think anyone could suck dick without fucking up somehow their first try. Not unless they were born for it. And you clearly weren’t. You were born to study your ass off for a degree and work a 9-5 in order to not disappoint your parents, none of which you were succeeding in. Obviously. Look at the position you’re in now.
“Christ,” Leon grumbles from above you, a bored, almost annoyed expression on his face. It’s not your fault he’s got a case of whiskey dick, but you’d admit you don’t know what you’re doing. “you’re bad at this.” He states, taking a swing of the small glass in his freehand, his right one. The left tugs at your hair sternly, guiding you further down his cock. Which isn’t much, considering how your face is already mashed against his pubic hair; you could feel his balls grazing the tip of your chin occasionally.
You can’t do anything like this. The mere laps of your tongue aren’t enough, and the weak suction you give in between gags and sputtering chokes is tickling at best. It’s starting to piss Leon off, to say the least. And the ridiculous face you’re making is turning him off. It’s not as pornstar-looking as you’d wish, and not every man likes the feel of warm snot and drool pooling all over his cock. But then again, maybe it’s just you that lacks sex appeal. He’d put a bag over your face if he could, but he won’t.
As fucked up as he is, he still has the ability to feel at least some sort of pity for you.
Frustrated, Leon bucks his hips forward, ignoring the nasty retch he elicits and groaning when the head of his cock rubs against the back of your throat. That motion alone gets heat pooling in his belly, so he does it again and again. Each time, he rips a throaty gag from you, the desperate clawing and tugging of your hands on his hips doing nothing to stall his movements.
“Fuck,” He huffs, staring through half-lidded eyes at the papers scattered on top his desk, the papers he was supposed to be done and over with hours ago. Some of which included late bills he had forgotten to pay. It’s not like he cares though. He spends his days moping around about the past and failed, lackluster romances with women interested in other women, it’s safe to say he has other things to worry about. Not the kid living under his roof, who has to shower with a bucket of cold water and a bar of soap. It’s not like he has the fucking money to spoil you or something, right?
He’s so busy getting off that he doesn’t notice he’s practically suffocating you with his meat, cramming it into your throat and clogging up your windpipe with each thrust he gives. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you’re thankful Leon is drunk enough that he’s not putting any thoughtful effort in fucking your face, because if he was, you think you’d be dead. The lack of oxygen starts to make your vision spot with black, and your head feels heavier than usual, a constant throb in your temple making your skull pang as if it were caving in. It’s all too much, far too much.
With a burst of adrenaline, you try to yank and push yourself back, but Leon doubles down and decides that now is when he wants to be cruel. Now is when he wants to tug at your hair and dig his blunt nails into your scalp, holding you in place. He moans, throws his head back and squeezes the back of yours, muffling your pleading whimpers and ragged gasps against the base of his length. You’re so full, so overwhelmed that it feels like you’re going to pass out. Every twitch and pulse of his cock is felt inside your maw, every vein and ridge is felt against your tongue, against your teeth, the inside of your cheeks, your palate. Everything.
Leon gives a particularly hard roll of his hips, and that’s when you feel your stomach churn, your breakfast shooting itself upwards and out your mouth in nasty, hot spews. Breakfast, not even dinner. There’s nothing in this fucking house but Jack Daniel’s and dry ingredients. All the takeout is for dad only.
Leon yelps, and for once he shoves you off his cock faster than you can blink. There’s a first for everything, you suppose.
He stands up straight, gags and covers his mouth with his arm, looking horrified. You’d be too if someone puked on your genitals. The smell isn’t exactly pretty. Is it possible for some of that to slip into his urethra? Is that how that works? You have no idea. But he’s not hard anymore, so any fluid on his dick drips onto the floor instead of back onto him.
“What the fuck!” Leon shouts, fighting back the urge to purge himself. He’s dealt with puke before. Dealt with it his whole life. It’s all he saw whenever he had to take care of his dad throughout nasty hangovers, his mom from overdosing, and himself at bootcamp. But this is different. It’s, dare he think, more traumatizing. It’s his dick, for christ’s sake. The most important part of him.
His eyes flicker around to look for something— anything, but he can’t find a rag or some tissue in the state he’s in, far too hysterical. He’d rather die than let this mess crust over his skin, he’s aware of that much.
Nearly tripping over your fallen form, he curses loudly as he rushes towards the bathroom, moving awkwardly and bumping into things along the way. He’s acting as if he’d just had something shoved up his ass, and the sight might’ve been comical if you weren’t too busy trying to settle your racing heart and catch your breath.
As much as you try, coughing doesn’t clear out the chunks of food and cum stuck somewhere in your throat. Chest heaving, you strain yourself, putting more force into the next cough, only to be humbled when it rips another gag out of you and jerks you forward.
Even with the fuzzy ringing in your ears, you can hear your dad yelling at you in the background, something about beating your ass and something else about how disgusting you were. Yeah, well, what’d he expect? You can’t brush your teeth without gagging, why would this be any easier? He doesn’t need any more ideas. The next thing you know he’s gonna be bothering you about throat training or something.
Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you hope this incident at least makes you lose some weight.
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equallyshaw · 1 year
presidents daughter x Jack hughes
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slow burning little blurb😌
Warnings: angst, juvenile delinquency (but really a national emergency lol) swearing. nothing else.
Word count: 5.08k
bit choppy!
ophelia grace kennedy paced up and down her room, as she went through her foreign government flashcards. she was studying for her winter finals, now a senior at rutgers university in new jersey. she was getting a bachelors in international relations and a bachelors in french. ofcourse she'd go down this route, just like her family before her. it was now December 9th and her time here in new jersey would be coming to a close in a mere 6 days, before heading back to the white house for christmas and winter break with her parents. maria her roommate stormed into the room breaking the girl from concentrating and sighed. "what now?" ophelia asked, stopping in her step and watching her best friend grin. "we've been invited to a party in the city!!!" she said. ophelia growled, "yeah like my dad would say yes." she hummed going back to her flashcards. maria snatched them out of her hand, "screw the cards, screw pops and get your ass out the door in 20." she said without waiting to get a response. ophelia stood there torn, she knew she should not go but another part of her wanted an excuse to head up to manhattan. "but isn't it a 2 hour drive???" ophelia yelled out the door and maria only laughed. "that's why timmy is driving us." she hummed and ophelia cringed. maria had had a massive crush on timothy, her personal secret service agent since sophomore year. personally speaking, he was attractive; ophelia would not deny it. but she also knew she would never allow that to happen. besides, maria was always joking that timothy had a crush on opehlia and not one for maria. ophelia pulled herself into the washroom and quickly got ready.
35 minutes later the two hopped in the car that was waiting for them. "hi timmy. hi oswald." maria said looking at ophelia. "miss mendez, miss kennedy." timothy said looking through the mirror at ophelia. "good evening timothy and oswald, sorry for the last minute drive." she said honestly but he waved it off. as long as she got their safe, he didn't mind. the four drove about an hour and a half before making it to the swanky manhattan apartment. well, penthouse. "thankyou timothy." she said as oswald opened the door for the two of them. "ill be up soon." he said looking back at her and she nodded before stepping out. the three of them walked into the complex, and hurried up the elevator. "okay penthouse b." maria said looking at the text message. "and how did we get an invite?" ophelia questioned maria and maria giggled. "i might know somebody." and ophelia now smirked. "is he the one from 2 weekends ago?" and maria blushed as the elevator opened. "let me call him." maria pulled out her phone and the guy quickly picked up. "hey we are here, can you come for a moment?" she asked and the respondent quickly said yes. the three walked up to the door, and waited. oswald stood in front of the two, and the dude was shocked. "oh my god its ophelia kennedy." he said as he looked from maria. ophelia nodded softly, hating that he recognized her. "sorry." he said realizing how he was acting, and ophelia nodded. "sir, i am going to have to search the premises before miss kennedy can be let it." and ophelia sighed. "uh let me go get the owner, but that wont be a problem." and oswald nodded. the elevator dinged and timothy walked into the hall, coming up behind ophelia. "well ill leave you to it!" maria said as john pulled her inside, just as the owner came out. jack did a double take at the girl, knowing he knew her from somewhere. the secret service agents at his door, gave it away. oswald explained what he needed to do, and jack opened his door widely for them, his gaze continuously going back to the girl. "sorry about all of this." she said sheepishly, and she could feel two sets of eyes on here, making her feel small. "not a problem miss kennedy." jack said smiling. she looked up and met his eye, "ophelia." and he smiled wider, "jack." and he held out his hand. she blushed, taking a hold of it and shaking it. oswald came back out and took the first shift outside, and so timothy and her entered the penthouse after jack.
maria pulled her best friend towards the windows, shoving a drink in her hand. "thanks." she hummed quickly throwing it back. maria watched trying to hold back a laugh, as soon as ophelia finished it she went to go look for another. "don't follow me." she said to timothy who was about to follow. this was one of the few times where she demanded they let her disappear without following. "I'm not leaving." she added before walking off to the kitchen. some recognized her, 90% of the americans at least did. nobody bat an eye otherwise. she searched the kitchen looking for a seltzer or something and she smiled once she found on. "seltzer type of gal, huh?" she heard jack announce as he entered the kitchen. she stood back up from the cooler and nodded, watching as he strutted towards her and grabbed the drink to open it. smooth, she thought. "why thankyou." she smiled, and she leaned into the kitchen island. "ofcourse, you're american royalty, i might as well do my duty of being a good host." and she waved her hand in front of her. "no no, that's my dad not me. don't act any differently please. you don't have to!" she said and he nodded. "oh my god so it is true!" a tall guy said from the doorway. "if i recall we had to a project on the Kennedy family junior year of highschool and you were featured in it." the guy said causing jack to laugh at his brother's forwardness and then saw that ophelia was cringing. "that's uh that's nice. good thing we didn't do that." she smiled softly before drinking her seltzer. "oh yeah right...sorry." luke said feeling bad and ophelia just nodded. "well i should get back before one of my agents call my dad." she huffed as jack was about to say something. "who are you here with?" he asked walking out with her. "my best friend maria, who i think is seeing somebody named john. i have no idea though." she said walking towards her spot before. "oh yes! he did mention it. well at least he's american so he knows who you are and everything that comes with knowing you?" he asked and she laughed at his attempt to make a joke. "haha very funny." she smiled as the two walked up to maria and john. "such a nice place dude, thanks for letting us crash." maria said and jack nodded. "ofcourse, pleasure is all mine." he smiled looking down at ophelia briefly. "well if you need anything ill be making the rounds." he said to the group and then back at ophelia who nodded. he looked at her for a few more seconds before leaving. ophelia and maria stood side by side with john for the next two hours, getting to know him and learn more about his profession and who half these people were at the party.
ophelia found herself around 1 am walking out to the balcony that accompanied the penthouse and took in the frigid temperature. it was becoming too confined and a bit warm for her inside and this seemed like a welcoming idea. jack had been watching her all night as she interacted with john and a few others who had made their way over at some point. he took in how she laughed, how she interacted with maria but through it all she seemed guarded and somewhat closed off. but who wouldn't be when they had a pair of eyes on them at all times. he waited a few minutes after she stepped out to step out with her. "party boring ya?" he questioned as he shut the door, and she turned around and giggled. "not in the slightest, i think nico and i had a good 10 minute conversation in french so this is at the top of house parties for me." she joked as she came up next to her. "oh really?" he said quirking an eyebrow and she blushed. "john tells me that you guys are seniors at rutgers. what are you studying?" he asked looking down at her, giving her his full undivided attention. "hah, i think you can google it." she joked swirling her seltzer. "well but yeah i could, but i wanna hear it from you." he said sweetly and ophelia felt herself smile against her better judgment. "well just like every other member in my family I'm studying some sort of government. but mine is in international relations and then another major in french. i plan to work at the embassy after graduation." she explained and he felt himself smile. "my dad just about shit himself when i told him my plans. he was expecting me to do something else, let alone move to france." she added causing the both of them to laugh. "wanna run away from the u.s?" he grinned and she shook her head. "shhh my dad doesn't need to find out." she grinned leaning into him just a bit, placing a soft hand on his arm. "your secret is safe with me." he whispered grinning, and she recognized it as a sincere one. one that made her warm inside. "say, have you ever been to a hockey game?" he questioned, her hand not leaving his arm as they turned towards one another. she shook her head no, "oh wait! i did go to the 2018 stanley cup playoffs when my dad was a senator!" she said remembering now. "or whatever year it was." she laughed uncertainly. "i think you're right, but you and maria should come to our next game in two days." and she sighed. "good thing I'm done with finals then." she said through somewhat gritted teeth, knowing that she would not be going home as decided by her dad but she'd be staying in jersey just a bit longer. against his wishes ofcourse. the sliding door opening but she didn't move back from jack. "hey girl, we are going. timmy's being an ass." she said before timothy came into view and ophelia sighed. "well thankyou for the invite and a great party, jack." she smiled. he nodded, "ill make sure john gives maria my number so we can situate the ticks." he said and she nodded before walking back inside.
ophelia threw her overnight bag into the fire escape as maria watched from the ground. two floors up and ophelia could put her fear of heights away and hop down. she grabbed her second phone and walked down. the two looked at one another, as if to say 'are we really doing this?". ophelia grabbed maria's hand and pulled her towards the uber that was waiting for them. she had had enough of the two agents for two years and decided that she wanted to ditch them. besides, she had had a lovely argument this morning with her dad which untimely led to her hanging up one him; not wanting her to stay longer in jersey after her last final that early afternoon. so, this was going to work or not work, she didn't know but that was thrown out the window as the two sped off towards newark. maria texted john that the two were on their way there, and to not say shit to anybody besides jack. nobody could know they were coming. "lets hope this works and i don't get shot in the process." ophelia said shutting her eyes. "lets hope it does work." maria said squeezing her best friends hand.
the two drove into the underground parking garage and saw john waiting for them with jack. the two hopped out and maria quickly hugged john. "hi jack." she said sheepishly and he smiled, pulling her in for a hug. "where can we put our stuff?" maria questioned the two and john smiled beginning to walk the four over to the car. "thanks man, appreciate it." ophelia said. "wheres the entourage?" john asked shutting his trunk and maria smiled. "she ditched em for the night!" she cheered, throwing her hands up in the air. "hahaha. funny." ophelia said rolling her eyes. "lets just go before people see us." ophelia said pulling the three back towards the door. "lets get margaritas!" maria said as soon as the two were alone on their way towards a box that was filled with executives for the team and one that was smaller so they could blend in easier. "fine, only one though." ophelia hummed.
the game was in full speed an hour later, and opehlia found herself enjoying it immensely. oh, how she adored grown men throwing each other around, searching for the tiny black object on the ice. she made note to go to more hockey games because they were entertaining. she shamelessly watched jack throughout the night, feeling her attraction towards him grow. she hadn't been able to get him out of her mind for two days and this was only going to add to it.
and throughout the night, she thought not once of the outside world and who might be looking for her. back at the whitehouse, her parents were terrified of what could have happened. agents and police personnel on high alert throughout the east coast. she knew ultimately she shouldn't have done what she did, but now it was done. the game went a little too quickly for her liking, and the two stayed back in the box waiting for the two guys to come out. john had the idea of ordering in and the four of them hanging at jacks penthouse for the evening. the two came in with one trailing behind them as he was on the phone with somebody. "great game guys!" ophelia said smiling widely, feeling the two margaritas pulsing through her veins. "oh my god, she was loving it! she was so into it it was so funny." maria said laughing at the fact that she misread a call and got upset about it. "hey, its not my fault the dudes microphone went out." jack and john picking up on the situation. "ill need to hear more, but should we get going?" jack questioned and the two nodded. the five of them headed out towards the two cars, "wanna ride with us? were going straight to my place. they are picking up chinese." and ophelia nodded. "i swear to go if timmy or oswald or your fucking father call me one more time, i'm gonna scream." maria said as she turned on her phone. she flashed ophelia her phone and saw 35 missed calls. "turn it back off, they can track it." ophelia said and maria nodded.
jack and luke watched as ophelia grew quiet, as soon as they entered the car. "do they not know youre here?" luke asked and ophelia nodded. "oh god, please tell me were not gonna go to prison for harboring the presidents daughter?!" luke panicked.
it was around 1 am after many boxes of chinese take out and a comedy movie, they were all exhausted. maria and john moved to his place on another floor offering ophelia to come with them, but she said she wanted to finish the movie. luke headed to bed after they left, and so now it was just jack and her. "so why did you not tell them you were going out?" he questioned, turning towards her on the couch. their knees brushing one another for a split second. she sighed, thinking of what reasons he was going to give. "i wanted to be normal again just for the evening. i wanted to have a good time without feeling my agent's eyes on me at all times, you never feel alone. ever." she said looking at jack in the eyes. "did you feel normal?" he asked and she smiled softly taking in how his eyes softened as he looked at her. she took in how comfortable she felt in his presence and the warmth that he oozed, "i do now." she hummed before closing the small distance between them by pressing her lips to his. it caught him by surprise but he melted into it, finding the base of her back quickly; his arms wrapping around her. their bodies quickly not getting enough of one another, jack pulled them down the hall to his room. making the most of her night of freedom.
it was around 5 as the two found themselves wide awake talking, laughing, kissing, and falling for one another. jack pulled her closer to his chest, not wanting this moment to end. "when do you come back?" he questioned and she shut her eyes. "the 7th, i start classes the 10th." she said. he nodded, "how about we do something during my by week in feburary?" he questioned and she smiled. "its a good thing my classes are all online. ill talk to my mom and have her convince my dad." she hummed looking up at him. "its a good thing, she's got a soft spot for me." she hummed before pecking jack again.
as the two were starting to fall asleep, their breathing already mimicking one another they heard a big boom at the frontdoor. more like a crash. she quickly sat up in bed, pulling the blanket to her chest, gathered her discarded clothes and slammed the bathroom shut, locking it behind her. she knew who was here. "ophelia?" jack questioned as the master bedroom opened, to reveal timothy. jack threw his hands up, as more agents filled the room. "jack?" he heard luke call out, as they pushed him into he hallway. jack sighed, knowing his brother was ok. "is she in here?" timothy asked pointing towards the bathroom and jack nodded, apprehensively. "i swear to god if you touch the door, you'll regret it." she yelled, knowing he was about to or at least attempt to open the door. she slid on her socks and stood up, taking in her appearance. she sighed stepping out of the washroom, timothy inspecting her to make sure she was not harmed. "im fine, tell him oswald." she said looking at her most trusted person in the world, who nodded. "you're dad will be happy to hear we found you but he wont be happy where." timothy said grabbing her arm and began to walk her out. "let go of me!" she screeched, ripping her arm from him. she'd never seen this side of him and she did not like it. they made it to the front door and saw maria standing outside with john, "can i at least say bye?" she asked looking at timothy. he looked down at her, knowing that if he did so, there would be no chance with her selfishly. he'd been battling two years of feelings and knew she was slipping from his hands. he sighed, and nodded. "alone." she added and timothy sighed again nodding for the agents to get out. as soon as they did, closing the broken front door behind them she turned around. "im so sorry, i didn't think they'd come here." she said panicking. jack shook his head, "no no, don't worry. you didn't know." jack said softly putting his arms around the girl. he rubbed her back, "yknow id still like to see you after you get back." he said and she smiled. "didn't scare you away?" she questioned and he smirked. "not even close." he said before quickly pecking her. timothy opened the door, letting her know air force 1 was ready. "bye jack." she said before walking out and past timothy. she gave maria a quick hug before she was whisked away.
jack hadn't stopped thinking of the girl as christmas rolled around, and the texting the two did was nonstop. the two could not get enough of each other, respectfully. ophelia was a wreck as she was locked away in her ivory tower, not daring to speak to anybody but oswald or her most trusted assistant. the president took notice of everything, and i mean everything. he would go up to the personal quarters for the family throughout the day and would hear his daughter laughing, talking in hushed tones and sadly, sobs. she was only allowing oswald and her assistant to see her, as she didn't want to be anywhere near her parents. with the reprimanding he did once she got back, he understood. but he knew the history of the family and his panicking was warranted. theo kennedy walked towards his and his wife's bedroom to talk, he needed to confirm his suspicions. "is she really seeing that hockey player?" he said and his wife was taken back. "uh...i believe so. at least that's what kelsey said. the two haven't stopped talking since the night she was found. well actually before that too." she responded, and he nodded sitting down at the edge of the bed. "would it be wild to invite him to the christmas party?" he questioned and his wife smiled. "are you getting soft?" she smiled coming up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. "i think that ship sailed years ago." he huffed and she laughed. "she's our only child theo...don't push her too far and give her reasons to never come back." his wife whispered. "i get she messed up and made a dumb mistake, but we both know either one of us would have done the same in her position." and he knew his wife was right. they both would have done it. "ill let kelsey know." he announced, standing up and walking out.
though kelsey never told ophelia, knowing it would be a lovely surprise for her. ophelia smoothed down her silver dress that donned a bow at the back of her neck. kelsey inspected her hair and makeup, smiling at how perfect it was. "you ready?" she questioned and she nodded. she walked out of her room in what seemed like days. oswald smiled down at the girl, putting his arm out for her. she smiled looping her arm in his. "absolutely beautiful miss ophelia." he hummed and she smiled widely. "thankyou oswald." and the two were on their way downstairs. "ill be right down there, take your time." oswald said stepping aside and walked down the grand stairs that would lead them to the grand room where the party was. she sighed running her hands down her dress once more, as kelsey fixed the bow that went down halfway revealing the rest of her back. "knock em dead, sis." she smiled and ophelia nodded. she needed a drink, and pronto. especially after the amount of pictures that were going to be taken as she made her entrance. she rounded the corner and stood for a brief few seconds at the top looking down at the groups of people mingling about. oswald nodded at her, speaking into his earpiece. she slowly stepped down the stairs hoping to not fall flat on her face. as she looked around briefly at the people realizing she was walking down, she caught a familiar face. scratch that, four. and then it was as if more and more kept popping up. she whispered to oswald that she was going to greet the group of people, and as she looked over, she saw jack already making his way over. "ofcourse miss ophelia." oswald said standing back into position. "hi jack." she smiled widely, pulling him in for a hug. "hi opehlia." he whispered, a bit stunned by the forwardness. "what are you doing here?" she questioned pulling him to the side of the stairs. he shrugged, "your dad called me four days ago and asked me if i wanted to come. and that i could invite anybody i wanted to-to come along." he said and he saw the confusion wash over her features. "he did?" she asked in disbelief and he nodded. "is it too soon?" he asked growing nervous, and she shook her head quickly. "oh no! not at all, I'm just stunned a bit that's all." she said smiling widely. "I'm really glad that you're here jack, truly." she said inching closer to him. "ill meet up with you guys soon, i need to find my dad." she said and he nodded, placing a kiss to her cheek. her cheeks became crimson red, jack noticing immediately. she watched as he walked back towards the group, and then she slipped into a secret door towards the oval Office.
"ophelia!" she heard her name from behind and she knew who's it was. she stopped to look back and saw timothy walking quickly down the desolate hallway. "yes?" she questioned, and she saw that he was upset. "what is that guy doing here?" he asked and she was taken back a bit. "why does it matter to you?" she huffed, before starting her descent again. he grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "are you two together?" he asked and her face became stern. "why would it matter to you, huh?" she spat while yanking her arm back. "why would it? have you not recognized anything?" he asked and he saw confusion wash over her. "what-what are your talking about timothy?" she asked growing irritated. "you musn't think that everything I've done for you has been just for my job. you really don't think that right?" he questioned searching her eyes. she shook her head, "timothy-" he cut her off. "have you not realized my feelings for you?" he asked and she felt dread wash over her. "oh fuck no, this isn't happening." she said taking a step back, putting her arms out to create distance. "don't go do this route timothy, please." she begged but he shook his head. "ill put in my notice, then then-" she cut him off. "if you think that i have feelings for you, you are certainly mistaken. what the actual fuck, timothy? don't follow me" she ordered, beginning to walk towards the oval office. she made it to the office, and shut the door behind her. her dad was at his desk, going over some last-minute items. he quickly looked up and was shocked to see his daughter back in the very room he berated her a week back. "first thing's first, please get timothy off of my service. secondly, you invited jack?" she said walking up towards his desk. he sat back in his chair smiling, and nodded. "okay." he said nodding towards his agent behind him and the agent left the room. "i had to meet the guy who's had nonstop communication with my daughter." he said and she softly smiled and then it dropped. "was it to make amends?" she said quirking an eyebrow and he laughed. "you're mother is quite the convincer and knows how to fix situations. good thing she's in my corner and nobody else's." he said and she nodded, knowing full well the angel (and devil) that she was. she sat down in front of her dad. "i do really like him, i think you'll like him too." she smiled and then there was a knock on the door. oswald appeared with her mom and somebody else. jack walked into the room nervously looking around, and then he found ophelia. he instantly calmed down, and she smiled widely.
"so you must be jack." her dad said standing up and jack swallowed hard, putting out his hand for him to shake. "ye-yes, jack hughes." he said nervously. "hear you're a pretty good hockey player, jack." her dad said and jack shrugged. "i'm alright." and ophelia smiled at his modesty. "heard you're good enough to make the olympics team and represent our great country." and jack was confused looking over at ophelia. "he loves hockey." ophelia said and her dad chuckled. "yes, nhl network is always on. just recently caught a segment on international play coming back so that's why I'm excited for 2028!" he explained walking back to his desk and shutting the small desk lamp off. ophelia made her way over towards jack and straightened his bowtie. "calm down, you're fine." she whispered for just him to hear. jack watched as he did so, a feeling of calm washing over him.
"who'd you bring tonight?" her dad asked breaking their trance with one another. "uh my parents, brothers, and a couple teammates." he said sheepishly, "great! we get to meet the parents, hun." her dad mused as the two walked out in front of them. ophelia rolled her eyes, "he hasn't been this excited in a few years i apologize in advance." she hummed and he smiled, holding out his arm for her. she looped her arm in his, and the two walked out.
the two made their way up to the personal quarters for the family a few hours later, showing him around the white house for a personal tour. "and this here is my room." she said sheepishly allowing him to walk in. she shut the door behind them and started to pull off her earrings that were beginning to throb. jack turned around halfway to see what she was doing, and she was making her way back towards him. he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her inclose and rested his chin on her head. "thankyou for coming tonight, I'm so glad that you did." she smiled. "ofcourse, i had to see the girl im absolutely mad about." he hummed, and she felt her heart swell. "and where she got her snooty attitude." he added joking and she rolled her eyes. "haha very funny." she said pulling back a bit to look up at him. "will you be my girlfriend?" he asked off the cuff and she threw her head back laughing. "points for throwing me off guard, but yes. i would love to be your girlfriend." she hummed and he smiled widely. he closed the space between them, placing his lips on hers. ones that tasted like whiskey and the comforting smell of sandalwood and cedar plagued her nose. she began to untie his bowtie, and as soon as it was undone she began to push him back towards her bed. she giggled as he fell back upon the bed, not knowing it was as close as it was. "oops." she said placing a hand on her lips. he smiled, pulling her to his chest, not being able to get enough of her.
ahh! i hope you enjoyed this lengthy and somewhat slow burning blurb, i kinda wanna make a follow up? probs will lol. but please like and reblog if you enjoyed!
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bookaddict24-7 · 1 month
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Every week I will post various reviews I've written so far in 2024. You can check out my Goodreads for more up-to-date reviews HERE.
Have you read any of these? What were your thoughts?
267. Body Check by Elle Kennedy--⭐️⭐️.5
You know it's bad when I can't even remember what this book was about LOL. Thank goodness for review notes.
Something about BODY CHECK just didn't immediately grab me like this author's other books. The mood just felt...off?
I've been spoiled by the newer Elle Kennedy books because this one barely had any prep time before the two MCs meant and went to bone town. Usually, Kennedy's characters have some alone time so we can get attached to them. I know this is her first book, so it definitely had some things that could have been done better. And then I start thinking about how this is a re-edited edition and I'm just kind of mind-blown.
Anyway, other than the fact that this very much felt like a Harlequin novel (not that this is a bad thing, it's just the kind of romance that happens very quickly and with some over-the-top situations), this was one of those quick books that entertains you in the moment and then immediately leaves your mind. I very much wish we'd gotten a bit more about these two before they got together. What we DID get was interesting.
The FMC had a Rachel & Ross situation going on at the beginning of the book and the poor guy was a goner that moment she had some good-good from the hockey player. The best part of this book was the scandal that was haunting the hockey players and the MC's dad. Even though I guessed the twist, it was still fun and entertaining.
If you want spicy spice, this will feed you. You will need milk. But if you want Kennedy's signature (sometimes slow burn) romance with characters who have to work to fall for each other, this one might not be for you. BUT if you're new to Kennedy, this might be a good place to start (only up from here).
I think this is one of those instances where this could have still as a backlist title, especially since most of Kennedy's more recent romance titles are a lot better. I'm not going to talk about her summer series because please.
268. Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
What a unique take on Cinderella!
ELLA ENCHANTED was both enjoyable and heartbreaking, all because of poor Ella's curse (excuse me, fairy "gift"). It did make for interesting moments where she learned how to maneuver her curse, and moments where I wanted to protect her from the evil people in her life trying to control her.
What I liked about this one too is that the prince knew who she was before her life completely fell apart. I liked that they had a childhood together where they fell for each other genuinely, and not because Ella looked pretty at a ball.
There was so much adventure, fun, misery, and anger felt in these pages. I also really liked that there were magical limitations and consequences for magical troublemaking. It helped the story feel a bit more genuine and like Ella would have to fight more for her freedom (which made for an even better story).
The ending had me smiling like a sap. Man, I'm glad I've finally read some of these classic stories, but I do wish I'd read them when I was younger. I just know my imagination would have been going wild back then.
269. Alive & Wells by Bailey Hannah--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Still hung up on that awesome dedication: "For the city girls in their cowboy romance era. And for the country girls who know a fictional cowboy is always better than the real thing." LOL.
I bought this on a whim during one afternoon trip to a bookstore. I know ranchers and cowboys have been getting really popular in romance novels and I've been curious. I remember my co-worker mentioned that she's met cowboys up in Alberta and they aren't as charming as the ones in the books (which is another reason why I love that dedication so much). But you know, I'm the type of woman who lives vicariously through fiction and that's okay.
Western suspenseful romance is a genre I never thought I'd be into, but after Devney Perry I've been unconsciously looking for more books like INDIGO RIDGE and this was a close comparison. We immediately get that threat of a douche husband and the MC's escape sets off a chain of events. She grows a lot as a character as she takes back her identity and strength that she lost during her marriage.
I LOVED the tension between her and the MMC because he has a genuine reason for being so wary of her. I will always love the idea of one MC having the prove themself to the other. Assuming is the killer of so many first impressions and I love that journey to healing that immediate rift. It usually turns into some nice spicy moments and deep connections between the characters--the perfect pay-off.
I liked that Hannah doesn't shy away from showing the painful aftermath of living in an abusive relationship and how one heals from it both with the help of others, but also with their own self-strength.
Also, can't NOT include the amazing cast of side characters who offered such an incredible level of support and entertainment! I can't wait to read their stories if they're written.
I devoured this book in the only way in can be devoured piece by piece every night for a week. Such a great western romance. Highly recommend. Intense TW for DV, potential gun violence, PTSD, and verbal abuse.
270. Love of My Afterlife by Kirsty Greenwood--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I went into this completely blind and a part of me is happy about it and another part is curious as to whether I would have picked this up after reading the synopsis. Sometimes I avoid books like this, either because the concept of it gives me anxiety or because I just side-eye it until it leaves my sight.
THE LOVE OF MY AFTERLIFE was an alright read that honestly made me curious about whether I should DNF it or not. I found myself wanting to do anything but listen to an audiobook and that's usually a telling sign. I will admit though that when I forced myself to press play, I DID enjoy what I was reading. Of course, there were some moments where I rolled my eyes, but there were other moments where I genuinely laughed and rooted for the MC.
Her teen life was awful and I felt so bad for her. It's true that that shit stays with you into adulthood (she says, as she thinks of how her experiences as a bullied kid still haunts her to this day) and can even alter the way you view life and the people you let in. What I wasn't a big fan of was how the MC let out her meanness on her neighbour and the people around her. She lived in that lonely bubble for most of her life and kicked people back before they could enter that bubble. In a way, this was a cautionary tale that the prison others make for you becomes so comfortable that it's really hard to break out of it.
The love interest (we all know it's not that Ken doll she meets briefly. This can't be a spoiler because it's always the one who makes the MC the angriest in the most sexually-tense way) was one of the best parts of this book. I loved that we got to know him alongside the MC and that maybe, he wasn't the jerk she thought he was. Their romance was adorable and saved a chunk of the book.
My major issues were her attitude, her obsession with that dude (to the point where it was just creepy), and some reviewers pointed out some inconsistencies that an editor would have caught.
Do I think this could easily be someone's favourite book? Hell yeah, I do. Look at that overall rating! I'm glad others liked it way more than I did. If you like romances with deadlines, a bit of paranormal action, and a grumpy neighbour who is secretly a cinnamon roll, then you might like this one!
271. The Ex Vows by Jessica Joyce--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Unpopular opinion, but save for the conflict resolution in this one, I think I liked the first book more. BUT this was still really cute!!!
I think the problem with me and this book was that everyone hyped it up for me. I had already loved Joyce's previous book, so I was doubly excited for THE EX VOWS. AND don't get me wrong, this one was super enjoyable. I had fun and I loved the characters and how they found themselves back in each others' orbits. I love a solid redemption arc.
Something about this one didn't immediately grab me like the other book. I think it was the main trope. I'm not as big of a fan of second chance romances and I think that's honestly a very me problem. The other was an enemies to lovers romance and that is my bread and butter, second chance takes a while to capture me. I do love when a romance is rekindled and it's proven that the MC and her love interest have shared a love all along, but there's no tension like that of enemies LOL.
Anyway, THE EX VOWS was cute! I liked that we get thrown immediately into this uncomfortable situation where the MC is forced to face the one who got away (let their love sizzle down?). As the story progresses, we learn that both characters dropped the ball either from anxiety and a fear of failure, and a lack of self-love and self-importance. In other words, neither communicated (which I will ALWAYS say is a relationship killer). And now, they have a second chance.
I think what makes this story so successful with so many readers is how palpable the connection is between these two characters, and how much they love their friends. But also, the representation of what getting help and putting yourself first looks like. Also, the friendships are so sweet and portray what sometimes happens in life as we grow and change and adapt to what life throws at us.
Also, that conflict resolution. Because please, that was some A+ level writing and I wish more romance novels employed that level of communication and understand during the climax of a story.
Read this book. It's popular for a reason--it's very well written and I am SO excited to see what else Jessica Joyce writes!
272. Stay Dead by April Henry--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
STAY DEAD was not at all what I was anticipating. For some reason, that cover made me think that this was going to be a zombie apocalypse book (the truth behind entering a book without reading the synopsis). Thankfully, I'm still a sucker for these kinds of books. Survival and running away from someone hunting the MC down? Sign me up!
While I do wish there was more of a survival aspect after the plane crash, I was completely pulled in by the MC's intelligent approach to surviving the people who wanted her dead. There were some moments where I thought it would all end, but she somehow would get out safe. Also, as I've mentioned many times in past reviews, I love when a villain underestimates the MC because it makes the story more exciting.
I also liked that this was a realistic situation because of the reason behind WHY the MC and the previous people involved were hurt or hunted. I won't say it here, but I thought it was very timely. It was also well supported by that surprising third perspective that gives us more of an explanation of what was happening, why it was happening, and the real-life consequences.
And while I did like the hint of a romance there with the childhood best friend, I do appreciate that Henry stayed true to the story and focused more on the MC's journey than the potential romance. It was also left open-ended enough that there is either a what-if aspect to it, or a sequel cooking somewhere.
Overall, this was fun and was non-stop action. Really ended up enjoying this one, even if it wasn't about zombies.
273. The Switch by Lynsay Sands--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Loved the bi-panic in this LOL gave me a great laugh. But impressed that it was happening in a book published when it was (late 90s).
I'll be honest, I'm always wary whenever I start a historical romance. I don't know if it'll be a story that immediately hooks me, or if it'll be one that has so much exposition that I'll be dragging my eyelids open. Thankfully, THE SWITCH was fun from the very beginning.
These twin sisters were smart and hilarious as they fell into their new roles, even if one twin was slightly more selfish than the other. And to be fair, that was part of the character growth--the one MC learning to stand up for herself and that being a little selfish sometimes is healthy.
I thought that the star of the book was the MMC and his constant confusion. It brought back memories of MULAN and how Li Shang must have felt when he found himself attracted to Mulan when she was dressed as a man. Watching this man trying to figure out his confusing feelings was pure entertainment--especially when this story is set in a world where queerness wasn't something done out in the open. Of course, there were moments that were indicative of the time this book was written (like trying to force someone to sleep with a woman at a brothel to make him "manlier"), but I'll be honest and say I was incredibly surprised with how progressive this novel felt.
THE SWITCH was just pure fun and I enjoyed every moment of it, even if these sisters have a really bad habit of jumping into danger feet first and without looking.
274. The Hookup Mix-Up by Riley Hart--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
These marshmallow characters were the sweetest LOL. Loved this, but I know I read this series out of order. Oops.
THE HOOKUP MIX-UP was such a fun and adorable time. I love that this couple started with a friendship because the one MC's self-esteem needed to be brought up before he could feel loved and love in return. The way they meet was adorable and the mix-up had me cackling. I just kept thinking "So adorably dumb."
This was definitely one of those books that is meant to be devoured in the summer. The spicy elements were great and their chemistry was jumping off the page. I loved their dynamic and how each offered the other something that they were both missing.
The side characters were hilarious and added so much personality to the book. I do wish I had read their book first. I liked that they side-eyed the MCs whenever they tried to play down what they were doing together.
I DO wish we had gotten more of a conclusion regarding the one MC's ex. I would have loved to see her be more aware of what she lost because she was BRUTAL. This book could have definitely been a little bit longer.
But this was still a fun time and like the past books I've read by Riley Hart, I really enjoyed this one!
Happy reading!
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pissthena · 2 months
Character Asks: Leon - 1 (mainly just an excuse to learn who this is) & Crowley - 12
This is the cutest ask I've ever gotten♥ Thank you so much, darling :3
Leon S. Kennedy
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I like generally really like Leon's humour and the way he uses it to cope with trauma lol. I think he's just kind of a silly guy and I can really relate to it. Also, he's a little bit stupid and I relate. The arcs he goes through in Resident Evil 2 and 4 especially are just *chef's kiss*. He's my lil guy. lil freak. I love him for it.
(He really got my heart with "where's everyone going? Bingo?". Such a silly guy).
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
That he isn't a demon at all, but something else, masquerading as a demon, which is why he's so different. I've talked about it before, there's just something about that, it hits the right spot. I need to explore it more.
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
Leon Kennedy x Afab!Reader
Author note; this is just something I wrote in ten minutes to maybe change the same thing that happens in fanfiction. You'll probably understand what I mean when you read. Oh! Reader has no pronouns bcz I was writing this with me in mind, but they're still referred to as "woman" by others. Probably won't finish this, just got to write a bit and I got bored lol.
I'll probably delete this later idk
Resident Evil
When one of your family members invited you to their wedding at the beach, your first thought was just... Make up an excuse so you didn't have to go. But then you thought...
Hey, free food!
However, this family member of yours expected you to bring a partner with you, and you only had one option. Your best friend, Leon.
You just texted him asking if he wanted to go to the wedding with you, and he was like, "Free food? Hell yeah," and laughing about how similar you two were you went to bed, feeling somehow at ease that you were gonna have someone to go to this useless wedding you didn't even wanna go in the first place. At least, you will have a feast.
The car ride wasn't exactly long, you were one of the few that lived somehow close to this relative of yours, so it was only like a five-hour drive to the hotel. Being one of the first people there, you got the key to your room and went upstairs, followed by Leon who was still drowsy and sleepy from his nap in the car. No way in hell you were gonna let that man drive.
Thankfully for both of you, your hotel room actually had two twin-size beds, so no awkward "oh no, there's only one bed" trope that happened... Way too often in the stories you read.
Now, you just had to wait until noon when the wedding would start and then the afterparty in the evening, the overnight stay, and then bye-bye by tomorrow morning. So, while you waited you took a nap while listening to some music, letting Leon roam around the room as much as he liked.
A few hours later, you're woken up by a rather rough shove to your shoulder, and you end up tangling yourself with the cable of your headphones, hearing the distant laugh of Leon's laugh.
"The wedding's gonna start, you have to get ready," you huffed and sat up, rubbing your eyes and yawning as you stood up, stumbling to the bathroom while you're still trying to open your eyes, "Don't fall-" right before Leon could finish his warning, you tripped with the backpack you just tossed without a care, somehow managing to catch yourself before you fell and successfully waking yourself up with that little scare, "I'm not gonna say anything, I'm gonna jinx it- just get ready."
Leon added with a chuckle and you walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
Without much care, you took a shower and wrapped your body in a towel, shaking the excess water from your hair, and you realized you didn't bring clothes with you.
Sighing, you prepared your lungs, "Leon!" The blond man just groaned in response, "Could you hand me my bag?"
You just heard the sound of the bed squeaking under his weight before the quiet sounds of his footsteps got close to the door, a few knocks on the wood letting you know Leon was right there.
"Thank you! What would I do without you?!" You exclaimed dramatically, opening the door enough to fetch your bag.
Leon just sighed, a smirk on his face, and went back to sit on the bed, watching tv while he waited for you.
You looked around your bag, grabbing a black sports bra and a black boxer to put on your body. All the time you avoided looking in the mirror, because otherwise you were gonna worry about your body... And you hated that. You didn't come here to look pretty.
You came here for the free food. And that is it. Well... Maybe the alcohol too. You were probably gonna be the only "female-bodied" person not wearing a stupid sundress. Nothing against them, but there's other clothing in the world to wear to the beach.
Ugh, the beach. The main reason why you didn't wanna come all the way here, if there was something you hated, was the fucking beach. But meh, you were already here so might as well.
You put on a tank top, a zip-up hoodie, and black jeans, deciding if you should wear your Converse or boots... Decisions, decisions~.
You walked out of the bathroom and you heard Leon snort, making you look at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Something funny, Kennedy?" You definitely sounded like a teacher but you didn't care, you were trying not to smile as you saw him holding his laugh back.
"You're gonna attend a wedding... Dressed like that? Damn, that's why you're my best friend." You looked down at yourself, not really seeing anything wrong with what you were wearing... Maybe a sweater would look better rather than a hoodie... No! It's the beach! And it's warm outside! It'll be fine.
"Well, you don't look too dressed up either, Mr.Scott," and now you were using the middle name. Sometimes Leon wondered how he met someone so funny and kind like you, you were one of a kind, no doubt about that, "Anygay- we should go now."
Walking out to the beach was already exhausting, more so mentally than physically. You could already see your cousins and aunts talking amongst each other, other ladies that you didn't recognize so you guessed they were your relatives' friends. You walked closer enough to get their attention and you instantly heard the teen girls sneaker when they saw you.
Oh~ here we go~ little insecure girls that try and make others feel bad about their appearance just to feel better about themselves...
You were already hating being here and you haven't even talked to anyone yet. You would rather keep it that way but-!
Your annoying aunt was coming your way. That annoying aunt that does not know what personal space means and loves to gossip about everyone's lives.
Thankfully, they hadn't seen Leon yet, he had to go back to the car to get his sunglasses.
You frowned as you watched your aunt approach you, rolling your eyes and keeping your hands in your pockets when she hugged you.
"Oh my~ look at you, you're such a beautiful lady now! You've grown to be a gorgeous woman, sweetie," there comes the expression of disgust, what part if you was a "beautiful lady" and/or "gorgeous woman"? Did she not see how you were dressed?
Your hair was still wet, no makeup on, no painted nails, and dressed as if you were going to the store and just put clothes over your pajamas... You definitely weren't the lady she claimed you were. And you liked that, otherwise she was gonna start with the-
"And~? Did you get a boyfriend yet?" -There it is.
You sighed and walked past her, heading to one of the empty tables at the back, but she held your arm and dragged you to the table she was sitting at. Well, at least you could see the buffet from where you were.
"I don't have a boyfriend, aunt," the giggling on the teenagers came back and you were so pissed. You would actually leave the next time they do that.
"But- you said you had a partner," you looked at her as if it was obvious.
"Yeah, for this," you nodded your head toward the empty altar, "I'm not interested in dating."
With that, your aunt frowned, perplexed at your words.
"You would never have kids with that attitude, miss, you have to settle down someday," oh, well now she was getting on your nerves.
You turned toward her with your jaw clenched and a fake smile on your face. You were about to tell her off when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Sorry I took so long, had to help an old lady cross the street," you looked back and up, Leon making a good job at blocking the sun from your eyes.
"About time," you said with fake sarcasm, making him let out a fake laugh and nudging you a bit, "Well," you stood up from the table and grabbed Leon's wrist, "We're gonna go to our seats now."
You didn't miss the way every woman, young or old, stared at Leon when he made himself known to them, and when you sat down on the table at the back, you could feel glares on the back of your head, making you feel rather uncomfortable.
"Damn, I hate it here," you groaned, feeling the heat of the sun on your skin, making you sweat. At least you had the shadow of a three for now.
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a-spacecadet · 1 year
~My thoughts on JFK’s character assassination from S2~ 
Okay finally writing this all out!
(Sorry, these are all the negative things I have to say, my positive impressions will have to be another post) 
First off, I really love jfk, in both seasons. Are they the same guy? Not really. One person on here on Tumblr made the comment that s2 jfk is the jfk in the mirror. Headcanon accepted! XD
So, why is he out of character in the 2nd season? First off, he’s a genuinely nice guy, which is waaaaayyy different than how he acted in s1, even at the end. He definitely had some growth and development in s1, but even in the last ep he was still punching other dudes, had 5 different girls as his prom dates, and made jokes of his rival Abe (although at this point it was a bit justified, but anyways…) All in all, he’s not a bad person per-se, but he’s definitely still a 16-year-old teenager. 
So in s2, after what is only ONE NIGHT OF SLEEP for him, his personality has a huge change. He doesn’t bully other boys (like Confucius, a social-media obsessed teen with a weird sense of fashion), he’s loyal and loving to ONE girlfriend (never had the first show really established that he loved Joan in that way), he’s no longer antagonistic, and is rather quieter and less crude. (I say less crude because although he still makes sex jokes, other students are shown that they DO find them funny and his jokes tend to not be misogynist like they were in s1). 
I actually like that jfk has changed and become a better person, I think that’s great, he’s maturing! But when? When does this happen? When he slept overnight in the meat locker? Nothing indicates that he would have a reason to change. (Some argue his love for Joan, but again, this seemingly came out of the blue).  Speaking of his love for Joan, I’ve seen some great fanfics add context to s1 in how he really was in love with her, but the show itself really doesn’t indicate this at all. 
*Side tangent to expound on this!* Did he have crush on John Darc (really Joan)? Yeah, but really for no other reason than his boyish instinct (or Kennedy sense as he calls it lol) detected a hot girl!! He liked John Darc because he’s attracted to hot women, not Joan specifically. Also, he doesn’t seem to follow up his crush with her after the episode because I really don’t think he was interested in her other than the fact that she’s a pretty lady. Of course, I think this comes back full circle when we get to the finale, when Joan believes she has to dress up like a slut in order to be considered pretty… which is why jfk says he likes her when she’s just being herself. Because he knows she’s been “a knock-out Betty” this whole time, unlike that “chowder-head Lincoln.” However, not being dense like good ol’ Abe to realize Joan is stunning as she is… doesn’t quite equal the “love of his life.” OF COURSE he likes her, because she’s a babe! But her being a babe doesn’t indicate that he’d suddenly have a massive character change to be dedicated and loyal to her!! *Side tangent over*
Specific changes that I noticed that were off: 
“I like boobies and butts! Any shape or uh, size.” No, no he doesn’t. Why would his opinion from s1 (“You know my policy, no fatties!”) Suddenly change? Ofc I’m glad he’s no longer fat-phobic, but why?
“Your fourth string kicker won’t let you down!” What? What happened to being captain of the football team? “El capitan of the futbol team?” Winning the track meets? Being overall a competent athlete? 
“I let all my male friendships fade away!” Okay, this one is tricky. JFK really did lose Ponce, and he did in fact end up losing Gandhi even if he wasn’t aware of it. HOWEVER, s1 suggested he was one of the popular kids at school, you’re telling me he had no other friends? Like, not even Julius Cesar who was very often seen with him? Also, s2 does not even mention Ponce (unfortunately) which may have been used as a very good excuse for jfk to be so upset. (Right now, JFK’s tears in s2 ep 2 from missing Ponce only exist in headcanon).
“I’m afraid Joan is the love of my life and I’m not good enough for her!” See my side tangent, but also, why is he suddenly so insecure? One of his traits in s1 was his confident swag.
“Woah, I’ve never had anyone turn me down before…but that’s okay!” I mean, not usually, if he wasn’t asking FREAKING JOAN. The same Joan that was known for kicking, hitting, smacking, and punching him for every little advance he made towards her. He should know better at this point? Even if he did successfully sleep with her, I can’t imagine he’d really be that surprised she told him no, or as she said in the show “let me think about it.” 
His crying. He cries SO much in s2. But didn’t he cry in s1 as well? I can hear you asking. Yes, but he cried specifically in ep 10 because HIS BEST FRIEND TRAGICALLY AND SUDDENLY DIED.  Also, the reason the “Litter” ep is so funny is because up until that point we’ve never seen jfk so upset and distraught before, he’s genuinely weeping and mourning and we’ve NEVER seen this side of him, nor will we again. But in s2, he cries about everything! He’s literally the depressed loser crying in the freaking bathroom cause he “has no friends”! I guess I wouldn’t have minded as much if it didn’t literally make him look like a crybaby. Even in s1 he cried a bit at the notion of losing Cleo, but he wasn’t known for that. 
“Your lips are like a fine chalice of…uuuuhhh, wEt sTUfF!!” Heatstroke jfk was pretty funny, but it also highlighted another change. He’s freaking STUPID in s2. I’m not saying he was particularly “smart” in s1, but he definitely wasn’t the dumb “hurr durr” kinda idiot he is in s2. The one time I think jfk came across as actually dumb in s1 is when he thought Ponce was a genie, but tbh that was more sad than him being just plain dumb. Other things like talking to his reflection or his weird accent were more like quirks, not indicating that’s he stupid. He aced his PXJT test for crying out loud! (“Did you see me on that test Cleo? I smoked it! I can’t wait to see my time.”)
Wanting to be like his clone father. Back to his accent, I genuinely believe he is trying to do an impression (albeit bad) of the real JFK, he’s not talking like that because he has an actual speech impediment. Also, being faithful to Joan also doesn’t work on another sense because he thinks the real JFK was “a macho womanizing stud who conquered the moon!” and I think clone jfk was trying to live up to his legacy by being a womanizer, something not seen at all in s2.
“Woah a little spaceship! I’m gonna go chase it!” Another thing that bothered me is that he really does act like a golden retriever in s2. He’s been reduced to nothing more than a cute puppy dog, a plot device for Joan, a wholesome himbo who’s dumb but well-meaning, and overall BORING.
The only thing on his mind is sex. Like, really? Literally everything that comes out of his mouth in s2 has something to do with sex, much to Joan’s annoyance and part of the reason she broke up with him. S2 tries to make it seem that jfk is very shallow and has no hobbies or interests, but that is NOT TRUE! He loves sports, watching (“But you usually watch SportsCenter up in your room baby” - Wally) and playing them, he cares about his appearance and knows a bit about fashion (hey, his efforts to help Gandhi resulted in the dude becoming instantly popular), he records his own music! HE SINGS AND HAS HIS OWN STUDIO! He likes cool cars and drag racing! He likes throwing parties!! There’s more to his character than just sex!! 
Okay, that’s most of it. 
Of course, I will also mention the obvious (that others have already pointed out) he went from genuinely hilarious to slightly obnoxious and annoying.
TLDR: he’s turned from a macho womanizing stud, a confident chad, a jerk with soft side, a man of swag and style, to…an insecure crybaby, a boring “nice guy” who’s also a huge idiot.
To end, I still love JFK, even in s2. I appreciate the cute moments he has, and ignoring lack of time for character development I like that he’s trying to be a better person and that’s he’s matured. I could talk about all the things I did like about him in s2, but that will have to wait another day haha. 
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