#wheel of symptoms
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glossykris · 5 months
the gut wrenching jealousy and fear of abandonment I feel when an important friend of mine is affectionate with someone else
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ofthebrownajah · 1 year
I know people have gotten better on how they talk about Rand re: his mental health in recent years in this fandom but it baffles me that I had a conversation with someone on Twitter last year who said "I never really thought of Rand as a mentally ill character." when he canonically has PTSD
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masonjarsmoments · 21 days
Me every time I am in pain : no I need to wait before taking pain killer because if I take them to early they wont work in the future because my body adapts
Also me 30 min after taking them: omg i am free worst experience of my life
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addendumbeekeeper · 2 months
reading a fanfic where one of the characters has the exact same vague chronic symptoms as you is wild. Suddenly i’m like “no!!! you should be resting!!! it’s not normal to feel like that” instead of “this is fine and normal”
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kamuucab · 19 days
Many things in the oven rn. None of them are what I'm supposed to be working on tho LOL
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
One of the weirdest things about finding out you're traumatized/mentally ill/neurodivergent as an adult is looking back at all the very obvious signs in your childhood and realizing none of the adults responsible for you were paying attention
#it really is a mindfuck#like all of yall were really asleep at the wheel here#me: exhibiting very obvious symptoms of neurodivergence and mental and physical illnesses#ever parent teacher coach and other authority figure i interacted with: shes just Like That.#fun fact i when i was in elementary school starting in 2nd grade id have to walk to the front of the classroom and read a section of the#board at a time and then go back to my desk and copy it from memory because I couldn't see well enough from my seat and not a single#teacher said or did anything about it until i was in fifth grade. guess who needed glasses.#like they didn't even ask they just let that happen until my fifth grade teacher was like. what are you doing. and i told her i couldn't#read the writing from two rows back and she told me to tell my mom i needed glasses#anyways ms. [redacted] you're the only valid mfer in this place#not even gonna get into the number of coaches who called me lazy or out of shape in middle/high school (even though i was playing multiple#sports a year) when i told them i couldn't breathe after running for only a minute or two. guess who has sports asthma.#maybe this is just being the middle child but like of you're not going to pay attention to me can u at least not immediately call me a liar#when i say something's wrong maybe#those aren't even mental/neurological those are very obvious and easily demonstrated physical issues and you STILL didn't say anything#not even gonna get into all the very obvious signs of mental illness and neurodivergence
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
#yet again i fail to convince my counselor i have executive function problems. mostly its bc i dont think well in the moment but also i just#feel kinda weird rn so i was having trouble making my thoughts connect. but i swear to christ i do have problems making my executives#function. i think the issue is im a grad student so i do well in school. not that it matters bc i kno loads of grad students with pretty#god awful adhd. one of my former lab mates was like. Adderall barely made her normal. and yet she was still a phd student#so like. its possible to have executive function issues as a grad student. the problem with me is the obsessive thoughts and self#destructive behavior so to her it sounds like im telling myself that i cant get my brain to work unless i put myself under extreme pressure#rather than i cant get my brain to work so to cope im putting myself under extreme pressure bc if i dont nothing gets done#but like fucking if i try to relax i dont do things. i cant clean my kitchen or my room or take out the trash or do my laundry#and im not like not doing it bc i dont wanna. these things r causing me active distress but i cant flip the switch that makes them happen#ive gotta write a grant proposal. read a paper. and find a paper to discuss by tomorrow morning. i had time to do all of this before but i#didnt do it. y didnt i do it? fucking i dont kno. ugh. whatever. i got refered to a psychiatrist so well see what happens there#i did accidentally set the meeting to when i meet with my advisor tho. oops. also my counselor said it sounds like im a rat running on a#wheel. which is accurate but also a really fucking funny thing to have said abt u. ur r a scrawny neglected lil rat. boohoo.#idk what type of medication she thinks i should b on. like what symptom r we trying to exhaust? the 0cd or the mood issues?#i dont even kno what the issue is. not that i guess it matters. idk. i need to read and write. fucking hell#unrelated
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99probalos · 3 months
told my therapist about rlmblr yesterday. this is the biggest secret about myself that ive divulged to him
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machinedramon · 6 months
legit wondering if when I start going to the doc for all my physical shit I should ask abt who I should see abt maybe getting mood stabilizers
i'm sick of this unending cycle of getting eight million ideas and scrambling from one to the next before burning myself out on all of them and falling into a depression and hating myself for not doing any of the eight million things I was excited about
#i am losing my fucking mind here i cant fucking take it anymore#i dont think im bipolar i just think the adhd takes the wheel and fucking floors it#i dont have delusions of grandeur (not more than a flight of fancy that i know is unrealistic anyway) or like. euphoria.#i also dont not remember stuff from from those surges of inspiration#i mean i might forget something but thats bc i got distracted and my brain dumped it to focus on New Shiny Thing#this is the equivalent of my 2AM mental breakdown so bear with me here i am Going Through It when i should be sleeping#also it feels like theres shit crawling on me and there isnt but i cant sleep bc i am ITCHY WHY AM I ITCHY WHY DOES IT FEEL LIKE THIS#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#fun fact: the sensation of shit crawling on you is called formication#which is really fucking funny#like i understand its from formica meaning ant but it is literally one letter away from fornication#anyway doing my usual webmd doom spiral and guess what gets formication as a symptom sometimes: bipolar disorder#im gonna laugh if i get a bipolar dx but it doesnt seem right#all the other options were autoimmune disorders like parkinson's and MS and fibro and RA#which. i might actually have rheumatoid arthritis. but the others? theyre scary. i dont wanna deal with that.#i dont even wanna deal with RA lets be real#farmer voice: i was just fine before i went to the doctor and now all of a sudden ive got an immune disorder#wait i dont think parkinson's is an autoimmune disorder thats a neurological condition#ok carry on#more fun facts since i am now down a wikipedia rabbit hole to distract myself from my itchy self#the process of ur limb falling asleep and going numb is called obdormition#then when the feeling starts coming back the pins and needles feeling is paresthesia#formication is an uncommon kind of paresthesia#obdormition is our funny word of the day and i look forward to telling someone about it randomly or for it to show up in a crossword soon#bc u know how u find something new and suddenly it's everywhere?#yeah. i get the feeling thats gonna happen here.
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futilechildhooddream · 7 months
my symptoms change every week. every two weeks I relearn how to do basic tasks. my body remembers what my mind doesn’t, but it can’t command itself to move the way it used to. I know it’ll pass. I never know what’s next.
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lachonk · 9 months
Dodging mirrors so I don't see my reflection and get reminded I'm a human being with a face and skin
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battywitch · 1 year
Yay 🙄
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poneglph · 1 year
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couple of little notes about shiki's injuries:
shiki's legs were severed below the knee , which allows him to still walk. however , standing for too long can be very painful so often times he will either sit or begin floating when it starts to bother him. his blades can be removed from his legs , but shiki only does that when he's going to sleep.
the injury to shiki's head was incredibly severe & it's honestly a miracle he survived it at all. it is a testament to his vitality that he was able to make a recovery as quickly as he did , though there are permanent side effects that resulted:
due to the location of the injury his vision was damaged , as well as his perception of distance , hand eye coordination , & his balance. over time shiki was mostly able to overcome this thanks to his devil fruit to make up for difficulty in orientation & observation haki to make up for his vision loss.
other symptoms include bouts of confusion , memory loss , & chronic , severe headaches. these injuries have played a huge role in the decline in shiki's fighting capabilities & though he has mostly managed to recover from them , he will never be back to 100%
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elytrafemme · 2 years
i can taste my heart in my throat (the texture is easier to describe but it’s a lot like . like. oh I don’t know) and i’m shivering even though my room is 74 degrees Farenheit and when i close my eyes i see a pair of owl eyes staring back at me. great. this has got to be the nightmare blunt rotation of fucking rage episodes this is literally nonsensical
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