mcaaaaat · 27 days
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bangtans-wifeuh · 1 year
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Today I'm gonna start Omad.School starts in less than 2 months and I wanna lose at least 10kg before.
Todays meal is a green peas salad,the bowl is very small so I can eat less 😋
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She's my body goal not too skinny but having a little thigh gap is really cute💕
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ibmarcy · 1 year
A volte servirebbe un dispositivo che ci riporti indietro nel tempo
Per dare il giusto peso ad ogni singolo momento
Per comprendere la gravità e l' acutezza di ogni accento
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thevibinvixen · 5 months
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A little help to create filling & nutritious meals (pin)
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joshcroissant · 6 months
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Send more beer please. It will go to my hips and gut.
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innamoratadiunricordo · 3 months
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Raggiungerò i miei obiettivi. Non c’è alternativa.
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magget22 · 4 months
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Update Monday may 3rd 2024
Tbh I don’t think I’m going to be able to reach my goal by the first day of summer (38 days)but I’m going to stay consistent slow progress is still progress gotta remember consistency over perfection is the key also lost the 8 pounds I gained when I fell off a wile ago it’s different losing what Iv all ready lost back to 120 (I’m 5 foot for reference) I worked for it but I wasn’t even exited when I saw the scale pop up the number heaviest was 172 but that was 3 years ago at this point hard to believe anyway today walked 13k steps and worked out a lil I had a chocolate croissant a bite of a bagel and fruit today plus some candy sticks and hard candy plus plenty of water and diet soda
(Website Is piggy.com 🐷)
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bellyballgainer · 2 months
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Work belly
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ailkooo · 6 months
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“você não vai se importar amanhã com a fome que teve hoje”
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bangtans-wifeuh · 1 year
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Yesterday's meal I finally ate twice because I was forced to but it was the same quantity so it's okey I guess.
I realized that doing omad in summer break is impossible to me so I'm just gonna ate 2 small meals when I am forced to and the rest of the time omad.
I will start a serious omad and water fasting when school starts,in less than 2 months.
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I hope when school starts I will be able to dress this way without feeling ashamed of my body.
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th1n3r3v3ryday · 3 months
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irlbop · 1 year
Anyway if they don’t give Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire another season, I’m going to start biting heads.
If you have not yet watched or even heard of Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire
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Go watch it or I am going to start biting heads 🤷🏽‍♀️
Yeah, I know, Disney+ did a shit job at advertising for it (I only ever saw one single add for it and forgot when it was coming out as a result) so here’s your reminder to watch Kizazi Moto.
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h3roinchicmodel · 1 year
ed vent!!
One thing I've been realizing for a few days is that I've never had a problem with my 3D or with food, I've always eaten what I wanted in the right amount without "overdoing" or "overeating"
But now that I started f4sting and looking from the "other side" whenever I finish a f4st I have compulsions, and they are not compulsions that go away because I keep eating and chewing all day long even if I'm not hungry I just simply can't control it, and I've NEVER had a problem with it but now I'm realizing it's getting out of control.
My last fast was 62 hours and I haven't stopped eating for two days and I actually felt sick. Yesterday I went to sleep at 4:30am because I had chest pain that was worse due to the food and almost 3 days without eating.
Even so, I'm going to wait for another opportunity to do more long f4sts because I was better off without eating than I am now.
I'll try to take control again!
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niinii03 · 11 months
la satisfacción que da escuchar el ruido de tu barriga porque no tiene alimento dentro >>>
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ressonancee · 9 months
choi seungcheol hates me
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fallevs · 5 months
My aunt before I lost 88 lbs: lose weight 👹 you're ugly 👹 can't you see how big you are 👹
Always my aunt after I lost 88 lbs: omg enough 🥰✨️ how much more do you want to lose 😘🦋 stop 🙏🏻💋 you're so pretty like this 🎀💅🏻
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