#where a bunch of tags were like ‘my dad just tells me he loves me. sorry you don’t know what that’s like!’
scionshtola · 1 year
there is something so annoying to me about people reading a poem and then deciding it’s bad because it doesn’t match their personal experience or because for some reason they think all poems are autobiographical
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moonxknightx · 1 month
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : MEET THE FAMILY : :;
╰┈➤ ❝ [PAIRING] ❞ Logan Howlett x F!Stark!Reader
・❥・GENRE: Fluff :))
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆FANDOM: X-Men & MCU
ੈ✩‧₊˚ WARNINGS: None!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥SUMMARY: After your dad, Tony Stark, finds out you’re dating Logan, he insists the whole Avengers team meet him. Nervous but with Logan by your side, you head to the compound, with Wade tagging along. The Avengers are curious and a little skeptical, especially Tony, but Logan holds his own during dinner. He impresses the team with his confidence and clear care for you, even earning Tony’s reluctant approval by the end of the night. Despite the initial tension, Logan becomes a part of your chaotic family, and everyone accepts him.
Part 2
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THE COMPOUND WAS QUIET. Too quiet. You'd been on edge ever since Happy had called you that morning, voice full of that awkward yet endearing nervousness he always got when delivering bad—or rather, inconvenient—news.
“Your dad knows.”
Three words that had set your entire day into a downward spiral of anxiety. Of course, Tony would find out. He had eyes and ears everywhere, despite you trying to keep things on the down low. And now, he had apparently told everyone.
Your boyfriend, Logan, sat beside you on the drive to the Avengers compound, eyes fixed on the road, completely unfazed. He was never one to be easily rattled. He hadn’t even batted an eye when you mentioned the entire Avengers team was going to be waiting to meet him. If anything, he just lit a cigar and shrugged, saying, "Not the first time I've been sized up by a bunch of superheroes."
Logan was like that. Unbothered. Calm in the face of impending chaos.
Unlike you.
You let out a deep sigh, clutching the steering wheel a bit tighter. "You know, we could just make a U-turn right now," you muttered, hoping, praying he’d take you up on the offer.
Logan chuckled, the low rumble soothing and maddening all at once. "Nah, darlin'. We’ll be fine. What’s the worst that could happen?"
"Logan, it's my dad. My dad, who, mind you, is Tony Stark. Genius. Billionaire. Overprotective father extraordinaire. I love him, but he’s going to grill you."
He smirked, one of those self-assured, slightly cocky looks that made your heart skip. "I’ve been through worse, trust me."
You were about to respond when a voice suddenly piped up from the backseat, startling you both.
“Hey, so what’s for dinner? I hope it’s not shawarma. I had that yesterday, and let me tell you, intestinal distress doesn’t even begin to cover it.”
The red-suited mercenary, Wade Wilson—aka Deadpool—grinned as he popped his head between the seats. "Who else? You thought I’d miss a chance to meet the Avengers again? Besides, I’ve got a bet with myself to see which of them cracks first. My money’s on Banner. Big guy’s got a short fuse."
You groaned. “Wade, you weren’t even invited.”
"Yeah, but you love me," Wade said with a wink. "Plus, I’m the one who introduced you two lovebirds, so technically, I’m responsible for all of this.”
Logan rolled his eyes, but there was a glint of amusement there. He had a weird, chaotic friendship with Wade that baffled you at times. Still, Wade had been the one to introduce you to Logan in the first place. After one of those typical Wade escapades where you'd found yourself smack dab in the middle of a multiverse-saving mission, Logan had swooped in, gruff and full of snark, but undeniably magnetic. You'd been hooked ever since.
"Alright, just... please don't say anything weird when we get there. This is already going to be awkward enough as it is."
Wade gave you a salute. "Scout's honor, kiddo."
When you arrived at the compound, Logan strode beside you, a protective yet calm presence. Wade, naturally, flanked the other side, completely unfazed by the prospect of facing a room full of Earth's mightiest heroes.
As you entered the living area, the first to greet you was not your father, but Morgan Stark, Tony’s precocious little daughter, who ran up to you with a big grin on her face.
"Hey, Morgs," you greeted, bending down to hug her.
Her eyes immediately shifted to Logan, who watched the interaction with a faint smile. "Is this him?" she asked, her eyes bright with curiosity.
You nodded, a little nervous. "Yup. Morgan, this is Logan."
Morgan looked up at him with wide eyes, studying him. Logan crouched down to her level, his usually gruff demeanor softening just a bit. “You must be Morgan. Your sister talks about you all the time."
Morgan beamed. "You’re tall."
Logan chuckled. “And you’re smart.”
Morgan grinned and then, in typical kid fashion, dashed off, satisfied with her judgment. "I like him!" she called out as she disappeared into the kitchen.
One down.
Then the rest of the team filtered in—Tony, Pepper, Steve, Nat, Clint, Bruce, Thor, and even Rhodey. They all sized Logan up in their own way.
Tony, of course, was the first to speak.
"So," he said, voice casual but his eyes sharp, "this is the guy?"
Logan straightened up, meeting Tony's gaze with that signature, unflinching confidence. "Yup."
Tony took a moment, probably running a full background check in his mind before nodding. “Alright. Dinner’s almost ready, but first, I think the team’s got some questions.”
Steve, ever the diplomat, stepped forward with a polite smile. “Logan, right? How’d you two meet?”
Before you could respond, Wade butted in.
“Oh, it’s a great story!” he exclaimed, gesturing dramatically. “So, picture this—alternate dimensions, worlds colliding, typical Tuesday stuff. I’m getting my ass handed to me by some bad guys—”
“I don’t remember it that way,” you interjected.
“Shh, let me have this moment. Anyway, I call in Logan here for backup, because duh, claws and healing factor, and then boom, sparks fly between these two.”
Natasha raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms as her eyes flicked between you and Logan. "Sparks?"
You opened your mouth to reply, but Wade was too quick. "Like fireworks on the Fourth of July. Or maybe that was an explosion—I can't remember."
Logan sighed, clearly used to Wade's antics by now. “We met on a mission. Wade was being a pain in the ass, as usual. Your girl here held her own, and I liked that."
Your face heated up at Logan’s praise. You noticed Natasha and Steve exchanging a look. Clint leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, lips quirking up slightly as if he was already sizing Logan up.
“Multiverse missions, huh?" Clint finally said. "That must’ve been fun.”
Logan smirked, locking eyes with Clint, both men now in some sort of unspoken stare-off. “Fun's one way to put it.”
Clint didn’t break eye contact but gave a slow, approving nod. “So you’re used to the crazy life. Good.”
Thor, ever the enthusiastic one, stepped forward next, looking Logan up and down. "Ah, a fellow warrior, no doubt!" He clapped a hand on Logan's shoulder, earning a slight grunt from him. “Tell me, Logan, have you faced a frost giant before? Or perhaps a horde of dark elves?”
Logan gave a half-shrug, completely unfazed by Thor’s boisterous personality. “Haven’t seen those specifically, but I’ve fought my fair share of things with claws, teeth, and bad attitudes.”
Thor laughed heartily, clearly impressed. "Then we shall have many stories to exchange!"
Bruce, who had been hanging back, finally spoke up. "So, uh... any anger management issues we should be aware of?" He asked it cautiously, but you could see the hint of a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Wade snorted. "Banner, you're one to talk."
Logan just grinned, clearly enjoying himself. "Let’s just say I know how to handle myself.”
Natasha’s gaze sharpened. "I’ve heard about you. Wolverine, right? Healing factor, claws, indestructible skeleton."
Logan nodded once. "That’s me."
She studied him for a moment longer, then gave a small, approving nod. “Impressive.”
Tony, though silent for most of the interaction, was still sizing Logan up. You could feel the weight of your dad’s expectations hanging over the room. He wasn’t one to just roll over and let things be.
“So, Logan,” Tony said, leaning back with a scrutinizing look. “You’ve been around a long time. Done a lot, I assume. How exactly do you plan on handling my daughter?”
Logan didn’t flinch under Tony’s gaze. Instead, he gave a small, almost imperceptible smile. “She can handle herself just fine, Stark. But if you're asking if I’ve got her back? Always.”
The room went quiet for a beat. Even Wade had paused from whatever chaotic inner monologue he had going. The weight of Logan’s words, his seriousness, seemed to sink into everyone.
Tony’s eyes flicked to yours, and for the first time that night, his expression softened. A flicker of something—acceptance, maybe—passed across his face.
“Well,” Tony said, standing up and smoothing his shirt. “In that case, I suppose we should eat.”
As everyone began to move toward the dining room, you felt Logan’s hand slide into yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze. You looked up at him, relieved to see a small smile playing on his lips.
“They like you,” you whispered.
Logan shrugged, but there was a warmth in his eyes. “More importantly, they love you.”
You leaned into him slightly as you both followed the rest of the Avengers. And as for Logan? He had passed the test.
As the group settled into the dining room, the mood shifted slightly—less tense, more familial. The Avengers took their seats around the long table, conversations gradually picking up, but you couldn’t shake the subtle glances they kept throwing Logan’s way. It was clear they were still sizing him up in their own way.
Logan, for his part, remained calm. He was good at reading a room, better at letting things roll off his back. You’d noticed that about him early on—he had this way of commanding a space just by being in it, without the need for flashy words or grand gestures. Even so, you could tell by the way his hand remained close to yours that he was paying attention to every little detail. Watching, listening, judging.
Morgan was seated next to Tony, happily talking to Pepper about something she’d done at school that week, her occasional glance toward Logan full of childlike curiosity and approval. To her, Logan wasn’t an intimidating figure. He was your boyfriend—nothing more, nothing less. The simplicity of it warmed your heart.
Dinner was served, and Wade, who had somehow managed to squeeze in between Natasha and Clint, immediately started in on a loud, entirely unprompted story about a mission in Madripoor that no one really asked for.
“So there I was, pinned down by a mob of highly trained ninja assassins—yes, they exist, Steve—and I’m about to go down for the count when Logan here comes in with the whole snikt, snikt thing,” Wade mimed Logan’s claws extending with dramatic flair, “and saves my beautiful behind from a fate worse than death: losing my taco night.”
Steve sighed, rolling his eyes good-naturedly. “Right, because that’s clearly the priority in a life-or-death situation.”
“Exactly!” Wade pointed enthusiastically, as if Steve had just made his point for him. “This guy gets it.”
Natasha leaned back, smirking as she cut into her food. “So, Logan saved your life, and that’s how the two of you met?”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Not exactly. Logan and I didn’t really meet officially until a little later. Wade just… happened to be there. Per usual.”
“Per usual, my dear?” Wade gasped dramatically. “You wound me. You wouldn’t have even met this tall drink of Canadian water if it weren’t for me!”
Logan gave a quiet grunt of amusement, though he didn’t say anything. Instead, he caught your eye, the barest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as Wade continued his rambling story.
Thor, who had been listening intently to Wade’s increasingly exaggerated tale, turned to Logan, looking genuinely intrigued. “So, Wolverine, your claws—are they forged of enchanted metal, much like Mjölnir?”
Logan paused, mid-chew, and raised an eyebrow at the Asgardian. “Not exactly. Adamantium. Strongest metal on Earth. Had it grafted to my skeleton a long time ago.”
Thor nodded, stroking his beard thoughtfully. “Ah, I see! A most noble addition. I myself am well-acquainted with weaponry of such caliber. Though I must admit,” he leaned in slightly, “I would be most curious to see them in action.”
Logan gave a low chuckle. “Maybe after dessert.”
As the conversation drifted on, Logan slowly began to settle in. Steve asked him a few more questions about his past—carefully avoiding anything too personal or traumatic—and Clint, always the quiet observer, seemed to be assessing Logan from across the table, eyes sharp but not unkind.
Tony, meanwhile, hadn’t said much since dinner started. He watched everything, listened to everyone, but remained quiet, only offering the occasional comment or quip. You knew him well enough to recognize that he was still processing. As much as Tony trusted your judgment, the whole “overprotective dad” thing didn’t exactly disappear overnight.
“So,” Tony finally spoke up, setting his fork down as the rest of the table quieted. “You’ve been through a lot. War, battles, more than most people could handle in one lifetime. And yet, here you are.”
Logan glanced at him, not quite sure where this was going, but he nodded. “Yeah. Seen more than my share.”
Tony leaned forward, elbows on the table, and his gaze sharpened, narrowing slightly as if he was putting Logan through one last test. “My daughter’s important to me— really important. You say you’ve got her back, and I respect that. But if you’re sticking around… you’re gonna need to know one thing.”
The room stilled. Even Wade had gone quiet, which was a rare feat. Logan met Tony’s stare head-on, not a trace of intimidation or hesitation in his gaze.
“What’s that?” Logan asked evenly.
Tony exhaled, his expression softening—just a fraction. “This family? We’ve been through hell. Lost people we cared about. We’ve had our world flipped upside down more times than I can count. And the thing is… when you’re in, you’re in. No half-measures. No walking away when things get tough. You stick it out. You fight for the people who matter.”
Logan didn’t blink. His gaze shifted briefly to you, then back to Tony. “That’s how I’ve always lived.”
Tony nodded slowly, almost imperceptibly. There was a weight to that moment, a silent understanding passing between them. Whatever final test Tony had in mind, it seemed Logan had passed.
Pepper, sensing the shift, smiled softly and placed a hand on Tony’s arm, quietly grounding him. “Dinner was wonderful,” she said warmly, breaking the tension. “I think we’ve had enough grilling for one night.”
Natasha smirked, raising an eyebrow at Logan. “You’ve survived the inquisition. Impressive.”
Logan shrugged. “Didn’t seem all that bad.”
Rhodey laughed. “You’re lucky. The last guy that showed up to date one of Stark’s kids? He didn’t make it past the appetizers.”
Tony snorted, shooting Rhodey a playful glare. “That’s because that guy showed up in a muscle car blaring AC/DC and quoting Shakespeare.”
“I thought you liked AC/DC?” you teased.
“I do. Not when it’s a first impression.”
Morgan, who had been quietly observing the back-and-forth, suddenly piped up. “Are you staying here tonight?” she asked innocently, looking up at Logan.
Logan blinked, clearly not expecting the question. “Uh…”
“Morgan,” Pepper began, her tone gentle but with that motherly undertone of “not now.”
“What? If he’s dating my sister, maybe he should stay!”
Wade, sensing an opportunity to cause more chaos, grinned beneath his mask. “Oh, I second that motion, mini-Stark! Logan here can bunk with me. I’ll show him my extensive collection of ‘80s action movies. It’ll be like a slumber party, only with more explosions.”
Clint nearly spit out his drink, trying to stifle his laughter, and even Natasha cracked a rare smile.
Logan, who had been stoic and composed throughout the entire evening, just shook his head. “Yeah, I’ll pass.”
You burst out laughing, and as you glanced around the table, you saw that, little by little, Logan was beginning to fit in with the Avengers’ chaotic dynamic. Sure, there were still guarded looks and unspoken tests, but your family—both blood and found—was starting to accept him in their own way.
As dessert was served and the conversation shifted to lighter topics, you felt Logan’s hand rest on your knee under the table, a small, reassuring touch that grounded you. You leaned into him slightly, smiling to yourself. Maybe this whole thing hadn’t been as bad as you’d feared.
By the time the evening began winding down, Logan was in the middle of an animated conversation with Thor about battle strategies, Wade was loudly recounting yet another exaggerated mission story to anyone who’d listen, and Morgan had fallen asleep in Pepper’s arms.
Tony, now more relaxed, leaned over to you as the others chatted around the table. “So… Logan,” he said quietly.
You glanced at him, unsure of what was coming next. “Yeah?”
Tony gave a small, reluctant smile. “I still think you could’ve given me a heads-up earlier, but… he’s alright. I guess.”
You grinned, bumping your shoulder against his. “Told you so.”
Tony chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Don’t get used to it.”
As the night wrapped up and the team slowly began to disperse, you and Logan lingered by the door. Tony walked up to Logan, offering his hand.
“Take care of her,” Tony said, his tone steady but genuine.
Logan gripped Tony’s hand firmly, meeting his gaze once more. “Always.”
With that final exchange, you left the compound with Logan by your side, Wade tagging along (of course). And as you drove away, your hand resting in Logan’s, you felt a sense of peace settle over you.
Your family had met him. He’d met them. And while it hadn’t been perfect, it was the first step in blending the two worlds you cared so deeply about. In the end, Logan wasn’t just a part of your life anymore.
He was a part of theirs.
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🏷️: @twinky-wink @fidgetingbee @astarions-girl-dinner @layladestiny8 @birdy-bat-writes
If you want to be added to the Logan tag list, let me know!
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joontroverted · 6 months
of course other women want your boyfriend
pairing: nanami kento x reader
tags: nanami is 34. is that a warning? lol.
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"your dad's kinda hot."
the bar isn't too full, just the regular crowd, and then some. of course there were other college kids, none that you knew. well, except this one.
you've seen aiko around, always at the back of the class. not that that's worth shaming, you ended up back there too often due to sleepy mornings to be looking down on her.
no, it's the constant bitching and laughing during class that pissed you the fuck off. not an ounce of respect or decorum for the rest of you depressed losers just trying to make it out of class with notes that made sense, or the poor professor, who has long since given up on admonishing her. so maybe you did once tell her off in the middle of class a week before finals. just once. or twice.
and here she is, having tapped on your shoulder as you were sipping your drink, bitching and laughing with her friends hanging behind her, snickering along.
"that's not my dad," you reply, ticked off.
her eyes widen in faux shock. "even better then! I didn't wanna make it too messy for you. what's his instagram?"
you laugh, bunching up your shoulders, finally putting down your drink and getting up. you're usually not the jealous type, and you're not even feeling jealous right now, more like a bubbling irritation.
"he doesn't have an Instagram. he's thirty four, what instagram do you think you're gonna be hitting him up on, huh?"
"thirty four? he looks forty plus at least! I didn't know being with a stuck up bitch like you would age a man like that, but makes sense!" she scoffs, looking you up and down.
"so you can pick up on social cues! I was wondering how you couldn't figure out that he's my boyfriend from the kiss he gave me or, perhaps from the way he was holding me, but turns out you're just a rude bitch who wants to slather her fingers all over my boyfriend!" you snap at her.
that makes a few people around you look over, and as much as you wanted to smack her across her face, you needed to maintain your standards.
"then where is he now? where's your boyfriend? and which forty year old brings his little girlfriend on a night out to a bar like-"
"there you are, sweetheart."
kento slides his arm around your waist, slipping into the seat next to yours.
nanami kento. thirty four. food critic! 6' 1", honey blonde hair slicked back, but a few pieces spill out on to his face, deep brown eyes that are both soft and sharp. his white shirt's sleeves rolled up to his elbows showing his thick forearms, veiny with light, golden hair. the bar and the girl in front of you almost fade to the back of your mind when his cologne hits your nose, sending you into a daze.
"ken!" you breathe.
"did i keep you too long? you know satoru, refusing to get to the point," he frowns, dropping a kiss on your forehead. "what's got you all worked up?"
his eyes leave yours to look at aiko. "yes?"
"how come she doesn't bring you around more often? she's always all by herself, in her own little world! so shy, really! i'm aiko, we go to class together!" she smiles at him, all cute and bubbly like.
"what are you trying to do?" you ask, shouldering youself between kento and her. "you trying to swoop in and show him a better life or something? do you need attention that bad?"
"oh my god, you guys, look she's getting all bothered!" she gasps to her friends around her. "no babe i didn't mean it like that, i just meant it like i am personally, SO happy that someone like you's found love, you know? even if it's with someone who is SO different from you, you're finally out of your shell, and clearly, there is someone for everyone!" she gushes, and then looks over your shoulder at kento.
"why are you looking at him, look at me," you interject, something finally snapping in you. kento can sense the change in you, and places his hands on your waist.
"sweetheart, i think- "
you appreciate it, but you can handle this, you're FINE.
"no no," you repeat, "look at me! because do you think he's gonna treat you the way he treats me? do you think he's gonna keep up with your bullshit, and your little friend group and not see you for the pathetic attention seeking loser you are? you think he's gonna buy you the stuff you want and take you to all your raves and whatnot? this man goes to sleep every night by eleven thirty! you don't see him at parties because he's thirty four fucking years old, and his definition of a night out is wine and fine dining, with ME! he treats me like this, and buys me whatever the fuck i want, because i'm me, he's not gonna treat you like that babe!"
"don't get all worked up!" aiko spits "we can just be friends, you know!" she twirls her hair, her eyes still on kento.
"what are you twirling your hair for? he's not even looking at you, the only thing that that's gonna do is make you even balder. spending all your time trying to poach another bitch's man the whole time your bald spot's been making direct eye contact with me."
she gasps, and deep down you know you would never say that to a girl unless she absolutely deserved it, and aiko has been begging for it.
kento squeezes your waist, standing up, towering over you from behind.
"baby, she said she just wanted to be friends, didn't she?" he asks. "why don't you give her my instagram?"
aiko chuckles, seeming to have recovered. she pushes her phone into his hands, instagram open, and he hands it over to you diligently.
you scoff and type in his username, pressing the follow button and shoving it back to her.
"now that that's done," sighs kento, holding you. "it's getting a little hot in here, isn't it honey? let's get this scarf off of you."
his hands unfasten the scarf that you had tied around your neck, that you're sure aiko just attributed to poor fashion sense. despite the previous chaos, your eyes follow his thick fingers as the open the knot, and unloop the scarf from around your neck, causing the scarf to slip out and leave you neck bare in the deep v neck top you had put on this morning.
deep red and purple bruises litter your neck, all the way down to your breasts, disappearing off behind the lace borders of the neck of your top.
kento stares at you, smug and unclouded desire clear on his face. he slides his hands up and holds the sides of your neck firmly, squeezing slightly. he pulls you closer and your lips meet in a deep kiss, his thumbs rubbing slow circles on your cheek. the kiss leaves you breathless as he pulls away and leans back in to place on more kiss on your wet, parted lips, taking you by surprise.
"that's perfect," he thumbs on one of the hickies, eyes never leaving you. "my perfect girl."
warmth floods up your chest and face. a smile can't help but spread across your face as you lean into him.
"let's go, love. dinner, wine and that eleven thirty nap time awaits us," he chuckles, taking your hand, gathering your bag and turning away to leave, not a single glance given to aiko.
you turn to her, a lazy, easy grin on your face, glancing to her phone open with kento's instagram, and then back up at her. "happy stalking!"
aiko and her friends are sure to spend the night pouring over kento's instagram, which is filled to the brim with pictures of you, you and him, food, you, travel and his girlfriend, you.
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yay first fic!!!
likes, reblogs, comments HIGHLY appreciated 🩷
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landograndprix · 4 months
╰┈➤ ❝ desire us • l.n ❞ iii
part two - part four
➪ life changed after you decided to go through it as a single woman, offering your daughter the best life she deserves, focusing on work, friends and family but damn, that guy.
➪ co-parenting, dead-beat fathers and curious friends.
➪ mom!reader x dad!Charles (platonic) x lando
➪ my babies are back and they're lying their asses off <3
📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by charles_leclerc, manon_roux and 478,963 others
y/nusername obsessed actually.
tagged: manon_roux, alicedidier, charles_leclerc
view all 1,425 comments
hamilt44n ma'am how many more babies are you going to steal from your friends? 😭
charlesgirlies so true bestie I'm obsessed with Leo leclerc as well!
↳ charlesgirlies and the other dog, don't know who he is but I love him as well ❤️
bobnorriz oooh who got you those chocolates huh? 👀
pierregasss time to have your own babies again!
↳ lanlan yes!!!! Zoey would make such a good sister!
norry4 first if all its zoë and not Zoey and second of all, stop telling y/n she should get another kid..it's weird
bananacharles obsessed with Charles as well?
estiebestieocon baby number two when? 👀
manon_roux so that's where my son went..
↳ y/nusername *our son
milliexoxo little Noah belongs to us all 💙
alicedidier all our kids belong to you all apparently
y/nusername yeah 🥰
leolec16 leoooooooo 🥰
schumimick charles gave zoe a baby brother now its your turn 😍
↳ yukisan girl stfu maybe she doesn't want to???
norrizz some of y'all so rude! If you were even the slightest bit interested in y/n like you claim, you'd know having kids is difficult and having zoë wasn't something that just happened..
↳ norry4 this!!
charliecharles I didn't even know this...how do you know?
norrizz go watch zoë's 2nd bday vlog
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y/nusername posted to their story
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manon_roux replied to your story
you are giving this man way too many chances
he showed up sober
This man has problems
Zoë still likes her grandpa
this man is not grandpa worthy
he's never been a normal dad how does he know how to love a child in the first place?
are you alone with him or is charles with you?
yeah and joris so I'm good
we're almost leaving
where are you staying?
charles? Hotel?
what's got that to do with all this?
Just curious 😉
I've got a roof over my head, I'm fine.
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y/nusername posted to their story
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milliexoxo replied to your story
you might be able to fool some people but I know exactly where these pictures are taken, I've been in that man's house a lot 😂
you're at lando's place?
If you know, why'd you ask?
So? 👀
he offered me a place to stay, he's not even in town so calm down
Wow I'm just curious 😂
last time you were curious about my relationship with lando you threw a tantrum because i broke up with him..
Can you stop using that against me? 😭
I was immature and dumb ass fuck and I've apologised for it
So you're not together together?
No millie, we're not
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📍 Miami, Florida
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liked by charles_leclerc, milliexoxo and 465,577 others
y/nusername dora, boots & swiper.
tagged: milliexoxo
norrizz you're dora, zoë's boots so millie is swiper?
↳ y/nusername you know it! 🤗
milliexoxo always made the villain
norrizz millie you are a criminal, you're always the villain 😂
piastry mom's weekend with the kids <3
yukisan bunch of pretty ladies 🥰
manon_roux 🎶 backpack, backpack 🎶
↳ y/nusername 🎶 backpack, backpack 🎶
manon_roux 🕺 💃 🕺💃🕺💃🕺
julieeeexo when you're a mom, you turn up to kids shows 😂
y/nusername ask millie where she got the dress from
↳ hamilt44n where's millie's dress from?
y/nusername my closet
hamilt44n 😭 😭
milliexoxo best store in town tbh
landooooo just 3 bestie exploring the world together :)
sharl16 so we just gonna ignore the fact y/n, lando and zoë flew to miami together like a happy little family or what???
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Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @honethatty12 @cixrosie @ireadthensuetheauthors @be-your-coffee-pot @heli991113 @kodzuvk @reality-is-a-con @80sloverry @bibissparkles @myescapefromthislife @lanando4 @elliegrey2803 @ravisinghs-wife @harrysdimple05 @minkyungseokie @pretty-little-bunny382728 @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @severewobblerlightdragon @cherry-piee @namgification @mycenterfold @celestialend @jsjcue @d3kstar @themislovesf1 @mehrmonga @gentlemonsterworld @destinyg237
Lando taglist: @simp-for-fictional-people @landossainz @christianpulisic10 @bored-brunette2 @i83andrew @mcmuppet @justdreamersdream
Desire taglist; @sainzluvrr @writingworlds @chezmardybum @lewisvinga @xjval @fanficweasley @rockyhayzkid @aundercover @thecubanator2 @minchedchilli @crimeshowjunkie @alisoncasey21 @eeviepepi08 @shamelesspotatos @sleepybrokenmelle @leireggsworld @janeholt3 @iamahalicinationn @dessxoxsworld @kapsylia @22yuki @dark-night-sky-99 @sheslikeacurse
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filmbyjy · 10 days
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SYNOPSIS > When you turned 18, you heard your best friend’s favourite song. Turns out, it was just one of the various signs to finding your soulmate. However, you couldn’t bring this up to jake. Not when he was in a happy relationship with your other best friend! Would you choose heartbreak or sacrifice your happiness for the sake of keeping the friendship?
FIFTEEN – most touching story
a/n: sometimes I like to make myself cry when writing these chapters💀 so in other words the angst in this chapter is just so 🤌🏻
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“are you sure you’re okay?” sunghoon asks as he worriedly watches you hold your stomach.
“hoon, i’m fine. the doctor said that it will hurt a couple of days and then i’ll be fine. i just need to avoid seeing aria and jake so it wouldn’t worsen.” you had explained. jay and sunghoon didn’t look convinced.
“yeah, but-”
“please, boys? for me? i’ll be fine, i promise you.” you had mustered up the best puppy eyes you could give them. you knew it would crumble them instantly because they loved you, platonically of course.
jay rolls his eyes, “fine. get in the car. we aren’t mentioning any of this to your mom or dad. just so they wouldn’t get worried for you.”
“yeah, perfect. i think my dad would actually storm over to jake and tell him to marry me instantly.” you joked.
“mr.kim would definitely do that.” sunghoon says.
the drive took about 20 minutes. you were back in your small little hometown. you loved the healing aspect of this place and it was near a beach so that was a plus. your parents obviously heard the commotion outside of the house when you opened jay’s trunk to grab your small luggage.
“sweetheart, why are you back?” your mom says as she rushes to hug you.
“just missed you and dad.” your dad lets out a hearty laugh.
“you brought my two favourite boys along too?”
“they wanted to tag along.” you point out.
your dad pulls the two boys into a huge hug. your dad loved your guy friends, including taesan. he has always wanted a bunch of sons so this was just a blessing in disguise for him to have them.
“where is jake?”
“with his girlfriend probably. we didn’t want to disturb the love birds.” jay explains.
“that’s a shame. i won’t lie but his girlfriend?” your dad shakes his head and sighs. “i don’t think that’s his soulmate.”
you froze and so did jay and sunghoon. your dad knew about soulmates? does that mean your mom is his?
“dad, did you have a soulmate before?” what a stupid question to ask him, (name).
“of course! let’s get in the house before i tell the whole story to you kids.” your dad says.
after settling down and placing your luggage into your room, everyone gathers in the living room. jay and sunghoon chose to sit on the ground while your mom and you were settling on the couch.
“first things first, yes. your mom is my soulmate. however, we didn’t officially get together until we were 25. i was a charismatic man, a ladies man you could say.” your mom rolls her eyes at his words.
“a playboy is what you were, myungdae.” she says. your dad denies it before continuing with his story.
“so, i was…getting around a lot. i had many different girlfriends up till i was 24. since we get our soulmate marks at 18, i didn’t care about it. i just liked partying and being a playful guy. however, something in me was itching to find my soulmate but yet again i ignored it. there is a consequence to not get with your soulmate, i’m sure all of you have heard of it. at that time, i had a very close best friend. she was someone that i had always relied on.”
you had gasped. “you and mom were best friends before dating?”
“yup, we were best friends and without knowing. i was unintentionally hurting your mom. she started coughing up blood which then turned into coughing up flowers and blood. it wasn’t easy for her. she tried her best to hide the fact that she was my soulmate and i was hers for the sake of my happiness. then, one day, i heard that she went to the hospital. i ran and ran just to see her. she was about to get the surgery done and i didn’t want that for her. i held her hand and then i realised that our soulmate marks were glowing. it surprised me because all this time, this beautiful woman who was always next to me was my soulmate? i felt my whole world collapse. i begged and begged for her not to get the surgery done. she listened and as i sat in the ward with her, i held her hand. i told her that i promised to love her and take care of her until we grew old. i broke it off with my girlfriend at the time and the rest is history.”
jay sniffled. “that was the most touching story ever.” your dad pat his back.
“kiddo, you will get to experience that when you find your soulmate. just don’t go searching for other women, your soulmate can sense it and it will not be good for them.” your dad warns.
you could feel your stomach feel unease. to which your mom notices and just discreetly makes up and excuse to pull you out to talk to you alone. she brings you to your bedroom and lightly closes the door.
“do you want to tell me about it, sweetheart?” you felt the tears come crashing down and your mom gives you a big hug whilst rubbing your back. “it’s okay, darling. you’re fine, i’m here for you. just let it out.”
your mom was the most gentle woman ever, the best mom to have ever existed and you loved her to bits. which is why you always felt spoiled by her and your dad. they always let you cry on their shoulders whenever you need to. crying to your mom usually doesn’t take so long so you had calmed down a little after 15 minutes.
“are you facing the same situation as me, sweetheart?” she asks. you could only nod your head and shamelessly looked down at your hands. the drips of tears falling right onto your skin. “did you-” she didn’t want to say it, she knew what it was and you knew what she was going to say.
“yes. it started yesterday. i coughed up blood.” your mom pulls your closer once again, hugging you tightly. her heart ached for you. it wasn’t a good sign and she obviously knew that there was no other way.
“we’ll get through this. we’ll get you treated and get some medicine so you will feel less pain over time before…”
“i don’t want to die. if this gets worse, i’ll get the surgery.”
“if you must, then you know what will happen. right, darling?” she cradles your face into the palm of her hand. “i don’t want my daughter to be dead but i also want my daughter to have emotions. let’s just have hope that jake will come to his senses.”
“no, he will never love me.”
tears were stinging at her eyes, it was like she was watching herself when she was younger. the painful memories were only playing in her head but she had to stay strong for you. she had to give you hope in a way. with glossy eyes, “i’m sure he will. only time will tell.”
that night, neither jay or sunghoon wanted to leave you alone. they weren’t dumb. they knew that your parents’ love story and your situation were the similar. they were certain that you would have doubts and you’d be even more stressed out. hence, they decided to stay close to you. and yes, that meant that they were both sleeping in your bed while you were sleeping there too. not the first time.
you were tossing and turning. the world clearly didn't want you to sleep tonight. which is why you had sat up and climbed out of bed and walked towards the mini balcony you had in your room. you had tugged the cardigan close around your body, it was decently cold at night. the sea breeze blowing in your hair.
you could hear footsteps behind you but it doesn't scare you since you knew it was one of the boys. you felt a small peck on your shoulder.
"couldn't sleep?" sunghoon's deep voice resonates beside you. you hummed. "want something warm to drink before you get to sleep?"
"nah, I'm fine."
"what were you and your mom talking about just now?"
you sighed. "she knows."
"oh." was all he could say.
"she had pity her eyes. never in my whole life would i see my own mom looking at me with such pity."
"I'm sure she understands you. she's been in your position before and she knows how heart breaking it is."
"hoon?" he hums. "I wish you were my soulmate." you felt him ruffle your hair and squeeze your hand to comfort you.
"me too. the both of us would've been the best couple in college." he jokes. you smiled a little.
"yeah, we would've." he pulls you closer and pecks the side of your head.
"do you want to stay up or go to sleep?" he asks.
"let's stay up for a bit, then we can go to sleep." he nods at your words.
and so that's what you did. when you wake up the next morning, jay wasn't there anymore, but sunghoon was still there. he gently opens his eyes to adjust to the lighting of the room.
"morning, beautiful."
"morning, hoon."
he pecks your lips. well, that was until jay threw a pillow at the both of you. "wake up! mom made us breakfast. a huge feast."
"stop calling my mom as yours." you threw the pillow back at jay and he ducks, successfully avoiding it.
"no." he sticks out his tongue. sunghoon grabs the plushie on your bed and throws it once again towards jay. this time, it hits the bullseye. right on his face. "oh fuck." jay stumbles back a little and gives sunghoon the middle finger.
sunghoon smirks and shoots a middle finger at jay. you could only roll your eyes at the both of them. "okay, get out idiots."
"who are you calling idiots? you've had sex with the bo-" you shoved sunghoon out and shut the door in their faces.
you loved your two best friends to bits but sometimes, they were a little too much for you. you had taken a quick shower and also put on your swimsuit since you were planning to just enjoy your time at the beach later.
you felt your phone buzz a couple of times but you chose to ignore it because you were on a small break. in the end, you, jay and sunghoon went to the beach. jay throws you over his shoulder and carries you over. it was fun not having to worry about your assignments and life for a bit.
you had jay and sunghoon by your side to make you feel better and that was all it mattered.
and you wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
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taglist[open]: @sumzysworld @mitmit01 @moon3verland @baribaaari @byty2k @alex-is-sleeping @viagumi @txtlyn @belovedsthings @woninluv @dreamiestay @niniissus @kyutiepeachy @yoongisbaguetteshoes @squiishymeow @jjaammm @enhaz1 @illvding @woniejjang @bee-the-loser @laurradoesloveu @ckline35 @ningx2stan @hoonlvly @clampclover @xyzyx01 @victoriasimm @eneiyri @nshmrarki @woorcve @bubblytaetae @i03jae @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @l1wv00n @onlyhyunjin @kyanmeai @isa942572 @lisaswifey @alisonyus @firstclassjaylee @szkstay @enhamysunshines @milanco @hsbae @zyvlxqht @lixiebokie @wth121 @enahasblog @gongiz @anuisamazing @heestrawberries @gyehyeonist @istglevi-gotmesimping @heelovesmeknot @silquids
(bolded can’t be tagged)
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guiltysungho · 4 months
— bad idea right ?!
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genre : tags. fluff, brother’s best friend, enemies to lovers(?), teasing, slightly suggestive, sex mentioned
pairing. brother’s bsf!han dongmin x gn!reader
wordcount. 0.6k
a/n. written in the dead of the night. i feel like taesan is just the most flirty in the most teasing way. here’s part 2 if you even care.
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It was bad enough that you constantly had to see him because of your brother but now you also had to share a room with the guy?
You didn’t hate Dongmin, you just didn’t particularly like him, you had your reasons. He was what some would call a serial lover, he was on a roll, he had dated most girls, enough guys, and a bunch in between but that wasn’t why. You could have accepted him if he didn’t date your closest friend therefore ruining your relationship because she had convinced herself you were seeing him. It could be argued that had nothing to do with Dongmin and more to do with her self esteem but you didn’t want to hear it.
“Are you going to stand there the whole time?” he asks tired of ignoring your presence, it had been 30 minutes since your brother left with his girlfriend, he was the one who planned the trip so he went for the cheapest option which was a single room for four, except it was two queen sizes and so you just had to figure it out.
You sighed propping yourself on the bed where your brother slept. Dongmin didn’t seem bothered by it but he was a master at sleeping with people so it bare counted as anything,
“I’m not going to fuck you” you glare at him on the bed across the room, the action makes him smile, or the words either way he smiled and it felt so enchanting, you were taken aback by the effect it had on you.
“I know, I don’t want to fuck you” he explained, for some reason that didn’t make you feel better, it hurt in some odd indescribable way,
“Why not?” a quiet scoff escaped his lips, his eyes circling the room in disbelief.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” you can barely hide the shock on your face hearing those words from him, the smirk on his face was enough to know that this was amusing to him.
“You’re crazy” it comes out weaker than you intended, was your body actually failing you to Han Dongmin?
If you were being completely honest your body always somehow malfunctioned when he was around and you knew it wasn’t because you “hated” him but it was easier doing that than admitting that you found him attractive just like the rest of the population.
“Am I? You’re the one who thinks I’m some kind of horny monster” you can’t help but smile, the soft breath of a laugh escaping your lips before facing him.
The way he looked back at you blurred all your thoughts for that whole second where your eyes met, his tired eyes trying to figure out everything that you were just by looking.
“You’re not?” he rolled his eyes at you, acting unamused but the curve on his lips was so telling,
“I’m actually extremely romantic” he insisted, and you tried to imagine it, Dongmin, romantic, he did seem like a romantic, like he’d tell you poetry about how lovely you smell in the morning, like he’d get on your dad’s good side if it meant he could see you every day from then on. You hadn’t noticed before, but that was just how he seemed.
“Yeah right…” he liked your tenacity, you didn’t admit to things easily but it didn’t annoy him, it just made him want to show you, let you see how things really were,
“I can prove it, let me take you out.” and there it was, no wonder so many people fumbled, you wanted to follow the ways of your predecessors so badly but what was the point?
“You so want to fuck me” he laughed this time, with his hand over his smile, a small laugh but enough to make you smile.
It felt clear now, just in the few moments of conversation you had together it just made sense, and now he wanted you to see past the rumors, he’d never felt that urge before, the urge to come clean, “I’m not as bad as you think I am”
“Your brother will beat my ass if I hurt you anyway” you couldn’t argue that.
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blue butterflies
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pairing: jackson! joel miller x reader
cws/tags: 1st person pov joel, angst, discussions of sex trafficking/sexual assault, death, mild smut, au where nothing bad happens between ellie and joel, author has not played tlou 2 yet (donate to kofi lmao), guns, alcohol consumption, light enemies to lovers, cordyceps works different in this one (more predictable and slower-acting)
summary: joel's letter to reader
a/n: i watched the beginning of tlou (joel playing guitar) and it made me cry so hard. so, this is inspired by that, but also i listened to funeral by arcade fire and for emma, forever ago by bon iver while writing this. neighborhood #4 (7 kettles) by arcade fire makes me cry so hard.
wc: 5.7k
taglist: @gothcsz @harriedandharassed @withonly-sweetheart
thank you to @jennaispunk for beta reading/proofreading !
join my taglist | purchase a commission
divider is from @danowh0re
playlist for fic: required listening!!
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I thought therapy was a bunch of bullshit - a scam at worst, a waste of my time at best. But, since you left us, Tommy’s been making me go. He keeps saying, ‘it’s what she would’ve wanted’, and I think it is. But, that doesn’t mean I like it. 
My therapist told me if I’m not gonna talk to her about my past, I should at least talk to someone. I told her I’d talk to you, if you were here. She told me it was a good idea, that I should write it out in a letter. She told me I could write to you, or to Sarah, but I figured I’d better write to you ‘cause there’s some things a daughter shouldn’t hear about her dad. Even - especially - the most fun times he’s had. I’ll get to those later. 
Did you know I hated you when we first met? I never told you, but I think you knew. I thought you were a self-important, entitled bitch who acted like she’d been through hell when I knew she hadn’t because of how well-adjusted she seemed. I thought you had some sort of unearned valor. I know that’s not the right way to put it. I think the word I’m looking for is ‘respect’. Tommy, Maria, even Ellie were so quick to respect you when I had to earn it. 
“The reason people don’t like you is because you’re an asshole,” you told me. “You’re fucking scary when you’re mad, too.”
“What’s that saying? It’s better to be feared than to be loved?”
“That’s what Machiavelli said, but that doesn’t mean he’s right.”
I think he was wrong. I was jealous of how much everyone loved you, and they didn’t love me because they feared me. You were so fucking right, and that was one of the things that I hated most about you. 
I used to think about how young you were in comparison to an old man like me, how you were only a little younger than Sarah would’ve been, and how stupid I would’ve felt if Sarah was always outsmarting me. Until I remembered all the times that Sarah did just that, and how much I loved her for it, rather than in spite of it. (Note to self: tell Sarah this in your letter to her). 
That’s not to say I loved you, not yet. I did love you, but I realized that a little later. I had to learn to like you first. 
Do you remember our first day out on patrol together? I begged Tommy to change my schedule. I would rather have spent my time with anyone else in the community -- Hell, I would’ve asked Tommy to give you a day off if it’d get me out of having to work alongside you. 
You overheard me talking to Tommy, and said to me, “You could at least wait until I’m out of earshot to bitch about me, you know?”
“I know,” I said. 
And we didn’t talk for almost the whole shift. Well, I didn’t talk, but you kept on talking, almost like you were talking to yourself. You didn’t even care that I was ignoring you. 
“It’s okay. I don’t like people either.”
“Who says I don’t like people?”
“Your face, your voice, basically your whole demeanor.”
You were so honest, and you had every right to be. It shut me right back up again. I don’t know if that’s what you wanted. Maybe you thought provoking me would make me talk, but I’m a stubborn, old asshole. I don’t think you need me to tell you that.  
“What did I do to piss you off?” You asked, after I gave you what you viewed as the silent treatment, and what I saw as peace and quiet. 
“Nothing. I just think you’re a little bit... egotistical.”
“So are you. You think you know everything.”
“No, but I know more than you. You haven’t got half the experience I have, and believe me, kid, you don’t want it.”
“You’re so melodramatic. And for what? Has the brooding bad boy behavior gotten you laid yet?”
For your information, yes, it had absolutely gotten me laid.  
But before I could tell you that, you stopped me, looked me dead in the eye, and said, “and by the way, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Tell me, then.”
“Tell you what?”
“About all the horrors you’ve experienced. If I’m so wrong, then prove it.” I challenged you because I thought you wouldn’t be able to come up with anything. I wouldn’t have said that if I’d known what I do now. 
You were so angry that you laughed at me. “Fuck you. You don’t deserve to know shit about me.”
A couple weeks later we knew each other’s whole life stories. I told you more than I’ve ever told anyone else, more than I think I ever will tell anyone else. It started when we got lost in the woods together. We were arguing as usual, and we only got ourselves even more lost. The sun was starting to go down, and I could see it in your eyes - you were getting scared. Maybe, for a second, I took some sort of satisfaction in knowing that you were the one who couldn’t handle it, but I’m still human - it feels a little cruel saying that now - so I wasn’t gonna let you suffer. 
“It’s not gonna do us any good to keep arguing, so can we agree to drop it?”
“Truce,” you said, holding out your hand, and when I shook it, you added, “but let it be known that you surrendered.”
“Don’t push it. You know if we stay out here long enough that we have to resort to eating each other’s flesh, you’re gonna be my dinner, not the other way around.”
“I hope I taste good.” 
You did, baby. You’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted. 
I think we had our first date that night. Sort of. It was late when we got back. Most people were asleep, and the bar was closed, but you had the key. 
“Tommy gave you a spare key?”
“Uh-huh. I assumed you had one too, but I guess I’m the favorite.”
“You’re prettier than me. Of course, you are.” 
I still can’t believe I said that -- I wasn’t even drinking yet. I can be a real idiot when I’m talking to a beautiful woman. 
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. You looked very pretty when you bothered to wash your hair last week.”
“I wash my hair, okay? Sorry I’m old and don’t wake up looking like a supermodel.”
“Who does?”
“I know you want me to say ‘you’, but I’m not taking the bait.”
“That’s okay. I know you’re thinking it, and that’s what matters.”
I was thinking much more than that, darling. 
You walked behind the counter, and asked me, “what do you drink?”, and I think that was the moment I knew I liked you. You could’ve --should’ve -- told me to fuck off. You had other friends (not that we were quite ‘friends’), but you chose me that night. I was a real fixer-upper of a companion, but maybe you liked a challenge. 
“Whiskey. Neat.”
You gave me that look -- that fuckin’ look -- that raised eyebrow and a tiny smirk. And it made me feel like a teenager caught staring at his crush. 
“Please and thank you," I added. 
You got up on the stool behind the bar, grabbed the bottle on the top shelf, and said, “you deserve it.”
“No, I don’t,” I said. “But I’ll take it.”
You sat beside me, and sipped your whiskey. (And you looked pretty hot doing it.) After a good minute of silence you said, “thank you for not killing me and eating me in the woods.”
“I’d get pretty goddamn bored if I didn’t have you yapping in my ear constantly.”
“I thought you hated it.”
“Only sometimes.”
“Then, why don’t you ever talk to me?”
“I’m talking to you right now.”
So, I turned to you, put my elbow on the counter, laid my head in my hand, and gave you the same face you were giving me. I tried to pretend I was mocking you, but I think you knew I was trying to practice being more likable, being more like you. 
“Tell me something,” you said.
“What do you want me to tell you?”
“Tell me about you.”
“My name is Joel Miller-”
“We’re not at AA.”
“You’re goddamn right we’re not. This would be the shittiest AA meeting ever.”
“Okay, okay. How about you tell me when your birthday is?”
“September 26th, 1981.”
“So, you’re a Libra.”
“Oh c’mon, tell me you’re not into that shit. I was finally starting to tolerate you.”
“I’m a Cancer.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“Cancer like the crab, not like the disease!”
“Mm-hmm. I’m sure you’re familiar with crabs as well.”
I got a laugh and a smack on the arm in return, and the laugh was worth the smack. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I know you can’t help being an asshole, so at least you’re making me laugh.”
I didn’t realize your hand was still on my arm until you asked me, “What’d you do before this? You’ve got nice arm muscles.”
“I worked in construction, I was a contractor.”
“Like a carpenter?”
“That’s what Jesus was. I bet he had good arm muscles.”
“I don’t think that’s his most notable feature, but sure, why not?”
Despite the fact that we were talking all things Jesus, you were feeling me up. And you weren’t subtle about it at all. 
“Do you wanna play darts?” you asked, breaking the tension.
You walked up to the dartboard all confident, and I expected an instant bullseye. You’d only had one drink and you were focusing so hard, practicing the swing of your arm like a golfer would. The first shot missed the board entirely.
And that’s when I learned you were awful at darts. 
“You’re terrible at this.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Then, why’d you ask me to play?”
“For fun. Plus, how else am I gonna get better?”
You weren’t even close to the bullseye. You weren’t even hitting the board at all half the time. Over the next couple of years, you got better, not a lot better -- I still won every game we ever played -- but you got closer. But, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, as they say. It probably counts in terms of people too -- I like to think our closeness counted for something, even if it couldn't last forever.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty," I said.
“You’re lucky you’re good at darts," you fired back.
“Is that an insult? Because I’m holding a sharp object and I’ve got good aim.” And with that, I threw the final dart, hit the bullseye, and won. “What do I get?”
“For what?”
“You get to keep your pride.”
I was happy with that, but you turned back to me, stepped closer and whispered, “and this,” before you kissed me. 
I don’t know which one of us was more nervous. All I knew was that I liked you a lot more when you were quiet. All I heard from you was a little gasp when I lifted you onto the counter so I could keep kissing you without having to lean down and hurt my back ‘cause I’m an old man. I really thought my brooding bad boy look was gonna get me laid again that night, but you stopped me before I could get your top off. 
“Uh-uh,” you said. “You’re gonna have to do more than beat me at darts if you want more than a kiss.”
“Fair enough. What’s your price?”
“I’m not a hooker.”
I didn’t understand why you looked so upset until that day by the water when you told me. I’m sorry I said that, I really am.
“Sorry. What I should’ve said is, ‘Can I take you to dinner on Friday?’”
You gave me a nonchalant ‘sure’, and I assumed you’d keep it hush-hush, but you bragged about getting asked out. Why would you brag about me? That's something I still don't understand.
The next day, I went and asked Tommy for advice because I hadn’t dated in a long time, and he’s more of the romantic type. I thought our dinner date would be news to him, but you’d already told him. 
“Yeah, I know. She came in here asking for advice too actually.” 
He’s got a bigger mouth than you do. That’s why you two got along so well -- you were like those little old ladies gossiping at the hair salon. 
“What’d she say?”
“I’m sworn to secrecy.”
But Tommy always had a certain loyalty to you. He keeps your secrets to this day -- some of ‘em. 
“Give me some advice, please.”
“You were married once. You won a woman’s heart. Just do what you did back then.”
“I think you’re forgetting the fact that my marriage ended in divorce.”
“Just be yourself.”
“That’s bullshit.”
“Yeah, it is. How about smiling for once?”
I tried, but I’d almost forgotten how to over the years. 
Tommy feigned disgust and said, “I take it back. Keep your usual pissed-off look.”
You taught me how to smile again. I don’t know that you meant to do it, but you did. Tommy says he knows when I’m thinking about you because of the way I smile. 
When I came over to pick you up for dinner, you opened the door wearing a bathrobe with your hair in curlers. I guess I was looking at you funny because you made sure to tell me, “Don’t worry, I’m not wearing this out. Go sit in the living room.”
“I’m not worried. You look beautiful already.”
“I do not. I look like my grandmother.”
“I imagine she must’ve been a hot commodity then.”
“She was actually -- or at least, that’s the story she used to tell us. She was Prom Queen and all that jazz.”
You could talk for hours, about anything. I could say one word and you could give me a tangentially related 20 minute long monologue. You were a good storyteller. I don’t think I ever told you this, but I used to think about how you’d be great at making up stories for our kids one day -- if we ever had them. I know I told you I didn’t want to have any, but that’s one of the few lies I told you. I was too scared to imagine that kind of a future with you. 
I had you in the present, and that’s what I cared about. I don’t remember what you wore that night because I spent most of our date looking at your face, trying to memorize every dimple, freckle or scar I could see. All the details.
I’m sure your dress fit perfectly, but what I cared about was how your hand felt when I took it in mine as we walked to the restaurant -- it felt right, more so with our fingers intertwined on the way home. 
It was one of the longest dinner dates in my not-so-long history of dating as it took you quite a while to finish your meal because you don’t talk with your mouth full (usually). I think our waitress was mad that we were there for so long. They were cleaning up by the time you were done eating. 
I don’t remember all the things you said. Even if I did, I don’t have enough paper to write it all down. But I do remember when you asked me, “Can I tell you a secret?” 
“This is my first date.”
I would’ve been less surprised if you’d told me you’d killed someone.
“Mine too,” I said. 
“Liar! Tommy said you were married... before all of this.”
“Does Tommy tell you everything about me?”
“No. He wouldn’t tell me when your birthday was. That’s why I asked you.”
“That’s ‘cause he forgot it.”
Really, I wanted to know if he told you about Sarah, or if I’d have to do it myself. Both. As it turned out, he told you before we ever really met. I told you by the river, but that came later. 
When I walked you home, we lingered by your door, and when I leaned in to kiss you goodnight, you turned your head, and I should’ve realized how special you were to me ‘cause I felt my heart sink. But, you asked me to come inside. You were always shy about kissing in public, but not on your living room couch. 
When we were inside, you let me take off your dress, but only after I agreed to take off my shirt. 
“Jesus,” you said when you watched me undress. 
“We talked enough about Jesus last time. It’s about you and me now, baby.”
I learned to be a gentleman growing up in Texas, that wining and dining a lady includes putting her first in the bedroom too. But you called the shots -- that night and all of the others we had together. You got down on your knees and gave me the most irresistible face. It was embarrassing how quickly I came. It’s still embarrassing, and you’re not even here to tease me about it anymore. I thought I’d get the chance to prove myself to you that night, but you stopped me. I remembered what you said, ‘this is my first date’, and I assumed you were a virgin. 
It was about a week later when I was trying to teach you how to skip rocks in the river that I asked you if you were one. 
“It’s not a big deal if you are -- not to me, I mean. I just figured maybe because you said that was your first date.”
“It’s kind of a long story, so take a seat if you want the answer.”
I don’t know what I expected you to say, but I already felt like I’d fucked up by asking. I didn’t want to make this mess I’d gotten myself into worse than it already was, so I sat next to you and waited for you to speak. 
“It’s not actually a long story, I guess. Just a sad one.”
It was the first sad story you told me, and you told me more stories than I’d ever been told by anyone else at this point. It was impressive how many happy ones you held onto, especially after everything that you told me that day. 
You didn’t look at me while you spoke. You mumbled and picked at the grass beneath you. Like a child. 
“I’m not a virgin, but I wasn’t lying when I said that was my first date. There’s just some stuff that you don’t know about me... ‘cause I didn’t want you to know these things about me. But it’s not like I was ever gonna get away with not telling you. It’s better that it happens now anyway.”
You started to cry, so I put my hand on your shoulder, but you shrugged it off. I was so used to the one doing the pushing away that being pushed away was jarring. 
“Before I came to Jackson, I used to do things for money. Those sorts of things. It’s not like I wanted to, ‘cause I’m not like that, you know.”
You explained how you’d lost both your parents by the time you were 16 and didn’t have any siblings, so you ended up with whatever friends you could find. Some of the few good people that were left. 
“There was a group of men who killed my friends just to loot their pockets, but they realized that it’d be more profitable to keep me alive.”
“So they forced you to...”
“Have sex for supplies, yeah. One of them was my first time, I guess. They did that stuff for a while, but once I’d been with a decent amount of men, they decided I was too ‘used up’ or something to be worth having sex with. I can’t decide if that made me feel better or worse. On the one hand, I didn’t have to have sex with them anymore, but I was also too gross to be wanted.”
“’Used up’ is bullshit. Back when the world was a little more civilized, those bastards could’ve gone to jail.”
“They’re dead.”
“Did you kill ‘em?”
“No, but I thought about it all the time. I remember thinking about strangling a man once. He was alone, so no one would’ve seen me do it, and the guys could’ve taken all of his shit too. They probably would’ve been happy if I had. I think that’s why I didn’t.”
“If you didn’t kill them, then how did they die?”
It probably wasn’t appropriate for me to pry, but the sadistic part of me needed to know that they got what was coming for them. I needed to know there was some justice left in this world. 
“They wanted food from some guy who’d gone hunting and they tried to sell me to him, but he said ‘no’. He looked so offended that I thought I was pissed off ‘cause they’d given him a bad deal... but he shot the one standing in front of him. Then, he yelled at me to turn around and I was sure I was gonna die, but I heard him walk into the other room, another shot, and when the third walked in from outside, another shot. He walked over to me, and I started crying and begging him not to kill me. He told me he wasn’t going to, but he made me close my eyes while he led me out of the house.”
“’Cause he didn’t want you to see the bodies.”
“Yeah... and I still thought he was going to kill me, even when he took me with him on his horse, and said he was taking me back to some place called ‘Jackson’.” 
I don’t know if I would say you got a happy ending, at least, not the one you deserved, but I saw a hint of a smile when you mentioned Jackson. And you didn’t have to tell me who the man was -- I know him well. 
“Tommy,” I said, confident in my guess.
After I dropped you off at home, I went by his place and thanked him. And then I went home and cried. For the first time in a decade.
“You know it doesn’t change how I feel about you, right?”
“How do you feel about me?”
“I like you… most of the time.” 
What I meant was, I love you. I just didn’t know it yet. 
“I guess I owe you a story too, then.”
“You don’t owe me anything... but you can tell me whatever you want.”
I think part of me wanted to tell you, or at least, part of me wanted you to know. “I had a daughter.”
“I know.”
I should’ve known, considering how close you and Tommy were.
“Tommy told you, didn’t he?”
“To be fair to him, he told me he had a niece.”
“Yeah, he did. She’d be a little older than you. It’s crazy to think that she’d be in her 30s when the last time I saw her she was 13.”
“I know saying ‘I’m sorry’ doesn’t really do anything, but I’m still sorry”
“In a way, I’m glad she doesn’t have to see all these things. All the infected. She died before we ever had to go to a QZ.”
When you told me about the first QZ you lived in as a kid, it confirmed that for me. It pained me to hear about you watching your dad get bitten and leaving him behind, saying goodbye without knowing he was dying -- in one way or another. 
You told me later about how the only person you’d ever killed was your own mother, how she used to sell herself like you did, how you missed the first shot and you saw how scared she was to die. I think you had it worse than I did. 
“I think she was mostly scared because she knew I couldn’t do shit with a gun, and that I’d end up surviving the way that she did... and she was right.”
“Neither of you deserved it, and I bet she’d be proud of you now.”
“’Cause I’m proud of you.”
You cried, but you finally let me hold you. You cried so long that I thought you’d never stop. 
Do you remember your last day? I told you I wanted to be with you until the end, but you reminded me about your mother. You told me that even if a shot to the head had to be the way you went out, I wasn’t going to be there to give it to you. We had two choices: either wait until that day came or let you go before then. I said I wanted to go with you. I wanted to ask Tommy to give me the same cocktail he was gonna cook up for you. You said no. It was your last wish that I stayed. 
“I don’t wanna live without you.”
“I don’t wanna die, but I don’t get to choose. If I could live longer, I would. But just because I’m dying doesn’t mean you get to leave everyone else behind.”
Yeah, you brought Ellie into it. I wanted to tell you not to bring her up. I’m glad you did because as much as it hurt to think about her watching me die the way that I watched you die, it made me stay. I’m glad I stayed. Things are okay, but our last day is still my favorite day. 
We got up early and watched the sunrise, and I told you I loved you for the first time.
“I know,” you said with a smile on your face. 
You just lifted your coffee cup. When you moved in -- something I didn’t realize was happening ‘till it had already happened -- I started making coffee every morning before you woke up, and I started buying that French Vanilla bullshit creamer. I hated it. It was so sweet it made me nauseous. I could’ve gone and bought my own, but I’m still stubborn, I’m still a cheapskate, I’m still me -- even without you (which is something I thought I’d never be able to say). But that wasn’t why I started taking my coffee the same way you took yours.
It was one day when you’d already left for work but my shift didn’t start until later. I hadn’t slept at all the night before -- and not for any good reason, not for more time with you -- so I was tired when I woke up. I made myself some coffee, but I wasn’t even thinking straight, so I hadn’t noticed that I had put that creamer in my mug until I tasted it. But I wasn’t disgusted. I thought maybe you’d left yours behind and I’d absent-mindedly picked the wrong one up off the counter -- I very well could’ve gotten caught up in putting the toaster on the right settings (that’s something we could never agree on) -- but when I looked down, it was my mug. Yours was dirty in the sink. You were gone for the day. I was stupid to think otherwise. I was fantasizing. That was new. 
So, just as I am right now, I take my morning coffee like you took yours. It tastes like you, like you kissing me. 
I waited anxiously for you to say you loved me too. 
“Are you not gonna say it back? Do you not-- do you feel the same?”
“What do you think?”
“I hope so.”
You gestured for me to come closer so you could whisper in my ear and I thought maybe you’d give me a wet willy. But you said, “Joel Miller, I have loved you for a long time.”
I didn’t say anything. I don’t think I’ve ever been very good with words -- talking was your thing. I grabbed your hand and squeezed. We went out onto the porch and sat in silence. I wonder what you were thinking about. 
“Will you sing me something?”
You know I don’t take requests, and you know I don’t like an audience, no matter how small that audience is. 
No one would refuse the wish of a dying woman, but I couldn’t refuse you even if I knew you’d be there tomorrow and every day after. I only protest because you look cute when you beg. Not in that way -- you look hot when you beg like that. 
“What song do you want?”
“Surprise me.”
I sang Peaceful Easy Feeling because, as much as a part of me felt a sense of urgency, knowing our time was running out, most of me was just thinking about you, and I love you. Simple as that. 
You gave me a standing ovation just to see me blush. 
We all planned something special for your last dinner. I know you like simple things, so I tried to make it as simple as I could while still making it special for you. Maybe it was selfish to make it a night to remember when I’m the one who gets to remember it. 
Tommy and Maria were chef and sous-chef (you can guess who was who in that scenario), and Ellie was the waitress. 
“What are your specials tonight?” you asked. 
“We have either the steak and baked potato or the steak without the baked potato.”
“In that case, I’d like it with the baked potato.”
We probably lit a hundred candles to fill the room with enough light to see each other -- we had time while you were getting ready, since you’re a bit of a slowpoke. We picked flowers from the garden and put them in an empty wine bottle because we couldn’t find a vase, and conjured up a decent tablecloth. We had ice cream sundaes for dessert -- or at least, you did. You know what I had for dessert. 
“How about you, sir, would you like anything for dessert?” Ellie asked. 
“No, I think I’ll be having dessert when we get home.” I tried to subtly wink at you. 
“Ew! That’s disgusting. I don’t wanna hear about your sex life.”
“You’re the one assuming I was talking about sex. How do you know I don’t have a tub of ice cream waiting for me in the freezer at home?”
There was ice cream in the freezer, but the sweetest thing I’d ever tasted was between your legs. The moment we got home I picked you up bridal style and carried you up to our bedroom. 
“Baby, I know how long you spent getting ready, and I’m sorry to do this to you, but this needs to come off,” I said before I yanked down the zipper of your dress. You laughed as I ripped off your clothes. 
You gently undid my tie and when I watched you fumble with the buttons on my shirt, I said, “Just rip it, baby.”
“I don’t wanna ruin your clothes.”
“I don’t want you to worry about me or my clothes tonight. I want you to have me however you want me.”
“You’ll do whatever I want?”
“Within reason.”
“How do you feel about roleplay?”
“I suppose it depends -- what are the roles?”
“Husband and wife.”
“As long as I can be the husband.”
And then you kissed me -- with your typical tenderness but a new level of dedication. Slow and passionate, showing me what our lives could’ve been like. 
“I’m an impatient husband, and I want my beautiful wife to lie down because I think I’m gonna lose my mind if I don’t get to taste her.”
My mouth is useless when it comes to talking, but we both know I have other uses for it. I tried to go slowly, but I couldn't help myself. I swear your pussy was so perfect it made me reconsider my views on God. Though, I don’t think I am a man deserving of an angel. I think I just got lucky. 
That night I couldn’t care less about how loud you were. “Joel- fuck- you’re gonna have to slow down, or, or, put your hand over my mouth ‘cause - oh!”
“’Cause you don’t want anyone to hear? What’s the problem with them hearing, darlin’? Married couples make love all the time, it’s what we’re supposed to do.”
Without a condom, too. We weren’t worried about you getting pregnant, so we went out with the best bang of ‘em all. I think the last time I’d done it like that was when Sarah was conceived, and based on how easy that was, I was always cautious. 
Husband and wife roleplay wasn’t very different from the sex we typically had. I guess we were really only a piece of paper and wedding bands away from being those ‘characters’. 
Earlier that day, I was worried I wouldn’t sleep that night. I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted to savor every moment with you but when you curled up in my arms I fell asleep before I could even consider staying awake. 
Waking up next to you was my last clear image, even our goodbye kiss was a little blurry ‘cause I was already a little teary-eyed. 
But before that, over breakfast, you mentioned something that I’ve thought about every day since. 
“You know how sometimes people see a bird or something and they’re like ‘oh, that’s my dead relative’?”
“I’ll come back as a butterfly. One of the blue ones. You don’t see those too often. I don’t want to be something too common, like a bird, then you’ll probably mistake someone else for me.”
I don’t think I had seen a blue butterfly in Jackson until after you’d left us, but there’s one outside my window right now. 
In case it’s you, I’ll read this all aloud. 
Forever yours, 
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purplecoffee13 · 10 months
The Fake Girlfriend - pt. 2*
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Summary: “The official fake dating can commence, and so can the exploration of a whole bunch of new… feelings.”
Wc: 4.9k
Tropes: semi-enemies to lovers (she hates him)
Warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, smut (f!receiving), a sudden deep analysis of wuthering heights followed by smut
*2 weeks later*
I'm going to move to Italy, seriously.
Ever since Harry and I arrived at the airport I haven't been able to stop myself from gawking at everything I've seen. That includes Harry's relatives, proving that his entire family consists of solely good genes.
The flight was excruciatingly long and a bit uncomfortable. Harry taught me as much as he could about his family, and we both complained about the hernia we were getting from our bad seats. Nevertheless, we both attempted to sleep, and I accidentally dozed off while leaning on his shoulder.
One of Harry's cousins, Matthew, picked us up at the airport. He was particularly fascinated with my existence, almost as much as I was with his accent. I love English accents, I could listen to them for hours on end.
Matthew led us to our room in the Villa and gave Harry a pat on the back before leaving us alone to unpack and get ready to meet the family.
"He's nice." I note, throwing my backpack on the Queen sized bed we have in this room.
"He's a little shit." Harry chuckles, earning a furrowed brow from me. He waves it off, literally, and sits himself on the bed. "You'll see."
We stay fairly quiet for the rest of the time, unpacking our stuff and freshening up. Well, mainly me, because Harry doesn't have to do half the things I do to look good. It's so much easier being a man.
I shoo Harry out of our bedroom and put on a long, brown dress with a wide slit and some floral print on it. As soon as I've changed, I open the door to the bathroom so he knows it's okay for him to walk back in. When he does walk back in, we both catch each other off guard.
While he is analyzing the dress that is currently clinging to my body, I'm gawking at his shirtless chest. My cheeks start to heat up when I realize that I'm staring, but luckily Harry doesn't notice because he's too busy staring at me. Then, he clears his throat.
"Nice dress."
"Thank you." I throw him a small smile.
It doesn't take long for Harry to get dressed and soon enough we are walking from our room to the villa, where the welcome dinner will be held, or at least that's what it said on the card that Harry handed to me on the plane.
We sit down at our assigned seats at one of many round tables. I don't miss the name tags of Harry's parents, and I'm glad to find that Matthew will also be sitting at our table. It will make things a bit less nerve racking.
Harry places his hand on the small of my back as he guides me to his mother. He looks just like her, and by the warm smile on her face, I realize that it probably won't be as bad as I might think it would.
"Mum, this is Y/N. The girl I've told you about. She's my girlfriend." The words leave his mouth in a way that makes me think someone is holding a gun to his head, and I can tell that his mother thinks the same thing.
"I'm Sheila." She introduces herself, nonetheless. I can tell that she is skeptical of me, despite the warm smile on her face. I know it's a genuine one, but I know that she knows her son, and she'll see something is up if he doesn't get his act together.
"This is Tom." She turns to a tall man that I immediately recognize as Harry's father. He doesn't have a lot of facial features from his dad, except for the nose, that is exactly the same. But the way he carries himself, the way he extends his hand for me to shake, those are the aspects that make Harry identical to his father.
We chat with his parents for a little, telling our wonderfully fake story of how we met. Tom keeps nodding but doesn't seem fully convinced. Not because he doesn't believe it, but probably because of the girl he'd rather have his daughter be with; the reason I'm here in the first place. Sheila remains skeptical, but that is just because she can see right through Harry.
So when his parents leave to get some food from the buffet, I'm quick to swat his arm.
"Ow!" He hisses at me.
"You're a terrible actor, do you know that? Your mom is totally on to us!" I say in a soft tone, but it doesn't discredit my disapproval.
"I'm sorry okay! It's hard to lie to her." He responds, and the confession makes my heart melt a little.
I let him off with a roll of the eyes and we join the queue for the buffet. During dinner, Matthew promotes himself to main entertainer of our table by telling countless of stories about him and Harry and all of their antics from back in the days. Harry seems slightly embarrassed sometimes, but he finds it funny nonetheless.
In an attempt to make me and Harry seem like more of a real couple, I take it upon myself to touch him during dinner. Just casual touching. Some hand-holding—above the table so everyone can see of course—and the occasional leg rub. It's only halfway through dinner that Harry finally initiates some touches to, and I have to bite my inner lip at the way his hand feels wrapped around my thigh.
After dinner, a few tables are removed in order to create a dance floor. People are quick to get on it, but Harry refuses to come along with me. Matthew doesn't let the opportunity to bust a move pass, so I leave my purse with Harry and get on the dance floor with him.
We have a big laugh, Matthew and I. He spins me around an absurd amount of times, dramatically dances the tango with me while a pop song is playing, and throws out some moves that I haven't seen since I played Just Dance when I was eight years old.
After a while I decide to retire from the dance floor and get a drink. Matthew offers to accompany me, and for a second I contemplate whether I should say yes. Then I figure, he is a part of Harry's family and I need as many of them on my side for this whole act to be believable, plus I'll be able to get Harry a drink.
We walk over to the bar and order our drinks, Matthew is quick to spark up a conversation as we wait for our beverages.
"How long have you been together again?" He asks, looking over at me with a smirk.
"A month, officially." I reply, and he raised his brows in surprise.
"Only a month, huh?"
"Like I said, officially." I tilt my head, a mischievous smile on my face. He leans over in my direction, with eyes ready to play, and I immediately start to wonder if the head tilt was too flirty instead of funny and playful.
"And unofficially?"
"Almost three months." I divert my eyes back to the drinks that are put in front of me, and thank the bartender.
"Is it serious? Between you two?" He asks, and I don't like the glint of desperation in his voice. Is this what Harry meant, when he said 'you'll see'? Is this guy seriously trying to hit on his cousin's date?
"Well, I cancelled spring break plans with my family, so I sure hope it is." I flash him a smile before taking the drinks and walking back to Harry.
He's sitting alone, despite most every seat around him being taken. Not talking to anyone, not on his phone, just staring into the nothingness. When I approach, he's thrown out of his trance and his eyes follow me instead as I make my way to him and hand over his drink.
"Whiskey on the rocks." I tell him. He smiles at me, putting the glass on the table and grabbing my now free hand. His legs are spread, so he pulls me closer until I'm standing in between them. He looks up at me, and the sole color of his eyes makes my hands sweat profusely.
"Are you having fun?" He asks, his head tilting just like mine did a few seconds ago.
"I am," I say, looking around a bit. "But my legs are a bit tired... Is there a free chair behind you?"
I squint at something that looks like a chair, but I can't really make it out from this angle. When Harry doesn't respond, I look down at him, and find that he was already looking at me. He grabs my waist and pushes me in a bit. Confused, I let my body follow his silent demands, and watch him sit up straighter before pulling me onto his lap.
My back leans against the table, and my legs are thrown over his left one. I hold my drink in my right hand while my left is slung over his shoulder for 'support'. My cheeks flush at the realization that my ass is right on his groin, but I try to make it seem as if it doesn't affect me at all. He holds my waist with his right arm, tracing his fingers around in a way that makes my body shiver.
My eyes fly to my left thigh when he puts his other hand on it, and I try to steady my breathing as much as humanly possible while the tingling sensation between my legs becomes too adamant for me to ignore. The low chuckle that leaves Harry's mouth isn't missed by me, and it makes me even more nervous. He notices, and strikes up a conversation about the party, his family and Matthew.
"He asked me how long we've been official." I decide to tell him. Harry finds it amusing.
"Really?" He smiles. "The fucker."
"What?" I ask, not really understanding how that question adds up to him being a fucker.
"He wants you, been eye fucking you ever since he met you." He explains. "He has a thing for unavailable people, especially if they're unavailable because of me."
"So he just steals your girlfriends? Or at least, tries to?" I clarify, eyes wide, and Harry nods. "How have you not been in thousands of fights already?"
"Never really cared about it." He shrugs. "Most girls were just flings or one night stands, it wasn't anything serious, really."
"Wow." I laugh in disbelief, and it makes me wonder if maybe he is going to let Matthew hit on me. After all, we're faking this. It shouldn't be relief that I feel when Harry's grip on me tightens as soon as Matthew approaches us once again, but I do, I feel relieved. A little bit giddy too.
"Hey, wanna go for a round two?" Matthew asks me after greeting us both. I'm about to decline his offer, but I don't get a chance to speak.
"She's busy." Harry says in a tone that makes my head turn to him. His eyes don't look as friendly as they did before, and the warm smile on his face is looking a little bit more cynical. Matthew takes the hint and wanders off, a bit of disappointment on his face.
"Wow, you really nailed that 'jealous boyfriend' act." I tease him, my left hand instinctively trailing to the back of his head, where I start playing with his hair. He rolls his eyes, pulling me even more into him. I shift in his lap a bit, placing my drink on the table and grabbing his glass instead.
"Here." I hand it to him. "You haven't drank anything since dinner."
"Wow, you're really nailing that 'caring girlfriend' act." He reconstructs my words, and I roll my eyes accordingly. He drinks nonetheless, and I snatch the glass from him, take my cocktail back in my hand, and turn to him again. I frown when his nails dig into my skin.
"Don't move so much."
My cheeks instantly flush. Right...
I am usually way more confident when it comes to flirting. I know exactly what to say, when to say it and how to flutter with my eye lashes in those ways that make men want to drag you to their bedroom. I can flirt with everyone, I'm not easily impressed. Well, except with Malcolm of course, but that was just because I had a crush him. I act like an idiot around people I have a crush on. But I don't. I don't have a crush on Harry. I hated him until a few weeks ago– no. Until a few days ago. I started tolerating him on the plane. Yes, the plane. Oh god, the plane.
"I–" I start a sentence, looking him dead in the eye while realizing that I didn't have something to finish it with. His green eyes along with the feeling of whatever I shouldn't be feeling while sitting on his lap is making me dizzy. "I'm gonna go get a drink."
I try to wiggle out of my seat — which is his lap, oh my god — but Harry seems to find this whole situation very amusing, because for some reason he tightens his grip around me — pushing me more into his hard-on —then nods at the full glass in my hand.
"I think you're good, love." He gives me a half-smirk like I've only seen those guys in the romance movies do and I don't like how it makes my heart pound. What the fuck is happening to me right now?
I look at him, trying to come up with some kind of response that doesn't end up with me sounding like an absolute moron, and then I get lost in his eyes. The loud music fades, and the only thing I can seem to focus on are his eyes and his left hand that grazes further up the slit of my dress. It's only inches, and he trails painfully slow, but he keeps going because he waits for my reaction and it's positive. He can tell by the look in my eyes, and by the way my grip on his hair is a bit too tight.
The tips of his fingers are dangerously close to my panties, and all of a sudden, the music becomes louder again and I feel like I'm waking up from a sinful dream. I swing my legs off of his and get up, my drink almost spilling because of the sudden action. I quickly place it on the table.
"Pee." I say, partly to myself and partly to Harry. "I'm going to... pee."
Harry looks a bit surprised, but more in a way that makes him laugh. I don't miss how his head shakes a bit before giving me a permissive hum. I begin to walk away when I realize a crucial detail is missing, and so I saunter back over to Harry.
"Do you know where the bathrooms are?"
"No." He smirks.
"Oh. okay. Uhm..." I look around aimlessly, hoping to spot some kind of sign. But then, Harry gets up, and stands in front of me. He towers over me easily, it's intimidating and hot. Two things I need him not to be if I want to survive this wedding.
"D'you want to go back to the room?" He asks, voice gone a bit softer. I nod before I even realize that I am doing it, and Harry places a kiss on my temple. Grabbing my hand, he leads us towards the exit, waving goodbye to his parents before we make our way back over to our bedroom.
The cobblestones define the pace of our footsteps, making a whole lot of noise to confirm us where we are. Not that I'd need those stones to find him—he's still holding my hand. I shrug it off, it's dark and he probably doesn't want me to fall face first into these little rocks.
Once we've arrived at our room, Harry walks into the place like it's his apartment, and he goes to occupy the bathroom almost immediately. I grab my white, floral pyjama set that I actually never wear because I like to wear an oversized t-shirt to bed and nothing more. But, I packed my suitcase with the knowledge that I was going to have to lay next to a man the whole week, so I only brought the cute stuff.
When Harry leaves the bathroom, some steam leaves along with him, and I quickly look away at the revelation that he is shirtless, again. I don't miss the amused sniff, but I ignore it nonetheless. I skip into the bathroom, lock it and take a very anticipated shower. A part of me hopes that the water would also wash this weird vibe off. Like if I got out and walked back into that bedroom, my hands wouldn't start to sweat at the sight of him on the bed.
Unfortunately, I am wrong. Because when I do leave the bathroom, not only do my hands start to sweat, but my heart also begins to pound. Fuck.
I'd actively been ignoring this ever since the party. This stupid feeling, thinking it was just me being touch deprived. But I'm not so sure now. Maybe I do have a crush on Harry. However, I can't afford to think about that too much now, so I shake it off and walk over to my side of the bed.
I throw a decorative pillow on the ground and climb into the bed, trying to act as if I don't notice Harry staring at me. He's on his phone, doing God knows what. I grab my book from the bed side table.
"Wuthering Heights, huh?" He smirks, and I can sense the pretentiousness from miles away. I look at him, then roll my eyes with a smile.
"Shut up, it's my favorite story."
"Why? Heathcliff is awful." He frowns, and his tone is a bit mocking. Not to me, just to the story. But it's my favorite story, so I take the offense.
"I just like the fact that it acknowledges that love can make you both whole and destroy you. That loving isn't always really the ending, or the solution. It can be a fleeting middle, break you in a thousand pieces and then leave it for you to pick up the pieces yourself."
"That's a bit pessimistic, innit?" He chuckles. I shrug.
"I think it's realistic to recognize that spite, anger, sadness, and revenge are almost always born out of love, or a lack of it. I think it's optimistic, actually."
He smiles. "Yeah?"
"Mhm." I hum. "Think it creates a space for empathy, does it not?"
"Yeah, I guess so." Harry frowns, as if I've just opened a new door for him. I smile at his face, full of contemplation over what I just said and I know that I'm inevitably screwed.
He should've bashed the freaking book so I could have a reason to hate him.
I decide that I won't be able to concentrate on anything anyway now that I have admitted these weird feelings to myself—and the subject of those feelings is laying next to me—so I shut the book and put it back on my nightstand. 
"Not reading after all?"
"Nope." I chime, my tone sounding way too forced. "Changed my mind. 'M gonna sleep."
I turn off the light on my bedside table and turn around to Harry who is still laying with his phone in his hands. It freaks me out that he is looking at me, it makes me so nervous, but I try my best to be cool.
"Good night." I sigh as my head hits the pillow. I finally look up at Harry—bad move—and my heart melts a bit at his sweet smile.
"Good night."
I am laying with my face towards Harry, mainly because I laid down like that and now I'm too scared to shift too much and look weird, but I feel Harry's burning gaze on me and frankly, it's making me feel incredibly tense. My heart is beating way quicker than it should and I have to consciously steady my breathing in order to provide my lungs with some oxygen.
"Harry." I finally say after three more minutes of tense silence, eyes still closed. He hums softly. "I can feel you looking at me."
I open my eyes, because suddenly I'm very afraid that I'm wrong and look like a complete fool, but he is indeed still staring. He doesn't look like a dear in headlights, he's just smiling. There is a sense of comfort in him that I envy, especially because I feel like I could explode right now.
"Yeah, well, you're nice to look at." He answers, making my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I quickly dart my eyes to his body so I won't have to meet his confrontational gaze — bad idea, bad idea! — and quickly find that staring at his body isn't going to help my case any more.
"Am I making you nervous?" He asks softly, in a way that you could almost describe as sweet. But it isn't, because I know he's reveling in this.
Out of instinct, I look up at him, wide eyed at the fact that he read my mind and my body so well. But I cannot afford this—whatever it is that is hanging in the air right now—so I shake my head.
"Nope, just frustrated." I sigh, which is more a way to get my breathing back to normal. I pull myself up and turn around, my back now towards him, and hope to have closed the conversation for tonight. There is some shuffling from the other side and for a moment I think I did it, I think I won, but then I feel a hand sneak around my bare waist and my mind turns into jelly.
I suck in a sharp breath at the touch of his cold hand and the heat of his mouth on my ear, and swallow a whine at the way it's making my head spin.
"Do you need me to help you relax?" He whispers, and I suck in a deep breath.
"I– I need to sleep." I attempt to reason — mainly with myself — and Harry just chuckles.
"I can think of a way to tire you out." He insinuates smugly and I clench my jaw at his stupid charisma and how well it's working on me.
"Harry, I can't..." I begin the sentence, even though I have no logical argument to say no right now. I want him, really bad but a part of me is forbidding it for reasons unknown, which makes me want it even more. You know what they say about forbidden fruit...
"What? Would you rather be with my cousin? Have him get you off, hmm?" He asks a bit condescendingly, which makes me think the jealous act maybe wasn't such an act after all. His thumb is now circling over my hips and it's making me dizzy, which is exactly what he's trying to do to me.
"No?" He plays dumb. His hand lowers to my pyjama shorts and starts playing with it's elastic band. My stomach is on fire and my pussy is aching, it's getting too much for me to brush off. I can't not get off, it's going to kill me. I need life support.
"No!" I whine. He chuckles, kisses my ear lobe.
"That's right... you came to me when he started hitting on you. Such a good, sweet, loyal girl. Sitting on my lap so nicely. Making me so fucking hard..." He taunts, and I start squirming under his touch.
"Harry..." I cry out, because frankly, I can't take another second of this torture. I'm about to implode if he doesn't touch me where I need it between now and twenty seconds.
"What is it sugar?" I can quite literally hear his grin and I groan at the irritating pet name. I grab his arm and try to get out from under his touch, but his grip only tightens on me and he pulls me back into him, cock pressed against my ass. He hums disapprovingly.
"No, feel what you did to me." He leans over to look at me and when our eyes catch, I think my heart malfunctions. "'S not very nice, now is it?"
I shake my head, biting my lip nervously. His eyes dart from mine to my mouth as he breaths out a 'fuck', and he wipes some hair out of my face with his free hand.
He pulls his body away from mine and for a moment I feel like I could cry, but he distracts me by laying me on my back and throwing the sheets off our bodies. He then quickly slips his hand in my pants, grazing his fingers over my underwear.
I look at him, desperately waiting for his next move while he studies my body with a light frown. My eyes go to his sweatpants, and see the straining bulge that hides in it. I go to touch him, offer him some release too but he swats my hand away. The stern look on his face gives me shivers.
"I didn't say you could touch me, now did I?" He states, rubbing his middle finger over my clit, and I curse my underwear for being the only thing that stands in the way of his real touch. Nevertheless, I moan, because he could literally blow on my underwear and I would come right then and there.
"'M sorry." I say softly, shifting when Harry starts to pull down my shorts and underwear. He inspects me, or at least that's what it looks like, and a grin grows on his face.
"I think you'll make it up to me just fine." He beams and starts to circle my clit, causing my hips to shoot up in surprise. He chuckles softly.
"Does that feel good, baby?" He asks and I nod immediately. My eyes begin to feel heavy and I don't know for how much longer I will be able to keep going.
"Harry, slow down or I'm gonna..." I can't get the sentence out because he only starts rubbing faster, and my eyes shut permanently.
"Yeah? You gonna come for me already?" Harry taunts, and I bite my lip to steady the volume of the moans that are leaving my mouth.
"Ah! Oh my– Harry!" I try to sound angry but it's really just me moaning his name very aggressively and the realization that it's his fingers on my clit right now is what sends me over the edge. The explosion feels overdue, and it washes away all the unnecessary tension I'd been feeling since I started fake dating Harry. And now I realized; it was probably sexual frustration.
I close my eyes, trying to control my breathing as well as I possibly can. My legs are shaking and I can feel Harry hovering over me. His body heat warms my cheeks as he hangs over me, leaning on the bed with one arm, holding my face with the other.
"Open your eyes baby." He says softly, and it makes my heart flutter. I am in deep, deep trouble. I do as he says, my eyes meeting his, and the smile on his face makes me feel like I'll melt through the bed.
"You okay?" He asks, stroking my cheek. I nod, head still woozy but not wanting us to stop any time soon.
"I'm okay." I give him verbal confirmation, knowing it's what he needs from me. He kisses my temple, whispers 'good girl' in my ear and moves away from my face.
As soon as I have my breathing a bit under control, my hands reach for his sweatpants, but he Harry grabs my wrists and pushes me away. I frown, and I have to admit that my ego is a bit hurt. I feel like he can see it in my face, because he is quick to explain.
“Believe me I would love to, but another night, okay? Tonight was just for you.”
I can quite literally feel my entire body melt at his words, and it doesn’t help when he gets off the bed and helps me up so I can go to the bathroom.
After I’m done and enter the room again, he is sat up straight at the edge of the bed, and looks at me expectantly. I shoot him an awkward smile and get back into bed. He does the same and we lay silently in the dark for a while.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to…?” I can’t help but ask, feeling like I should return the favor, and still insecure about the fact that he doesn’t want me to.
“Patience, sugar.” He says lowly, and my heart thuds at the kiss I feel being planted on my forehead. The amount of calm I feel is unmatched, and it makes me very sleepy.
“Whatever you say, hot stuff…”
Part 3
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i-smoke-chapstick · 5 months
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Reader and Lee get tied up in a revenge plot.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!jervis x female reader. SLOW BURN!!! Not sure how many chapters this will be yet! LOTS OF PLOT SET-UP!! AGE GAP ROMANCE! (reader is Jim and Barbara's daughter) Is reader really young and naive, or is she just young and angry? Lack of Jervis in this one, I apologize. I love Lee and Readers dynamic. The slow burn is slow burning. She fell first, he fell harder. More of reader dissociating. AU where The Ogre's still alive. Reader and Lee being mortal frenemies. Writing this kind of artistically and as character studies for everyone. Small time skip. Reader continues to reference Jervis as "Mr. Tetch." Just you guys wait...they'll get there. I'm taking canon out back and beating it with a stick until it stops twitching.
⋆ tag list (tell me if you want to be removed!) @adalwolfgang @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @honestmrdual @moonlightnyx @all-things-fandomstuck @killingboredom @sweetlimeharvest
♫ “I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy.” Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift
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Nothing seems real anymore.
You'd heard of the crazies running around in Gotham. Whether that was from your father, mindlessly ranting over a stack of police files. Or your mother, who frequently talked to said crazies on a daily basis.
Prior to Mr. Tetch, you'd only ever dealt with one first hand. At least, one that was actively trying to murder your family. And that was none other than Jason Skolimski. The Ogre. You feel your body involuntarily shake when you even think about him.
You're unsure what happened to him, exactly. You were just thirteen when everything got turned on its head. But you do know one thing. His body was shipped to Indian Hill. Your mother and father never mention it. You wonder if your mother ever thinks about it. The small possibility...that man could still be alive.
She'd probably thank him. It was because of him that she embraced her "true self".
You bite your lip, lost in your head. Somethings been missing ever since Mr. Tetch turned out to be...whatever he is. Ever since he left, Tabitha’s seemed happy. Your mom hasn’t. Appearently his hypnotism act was attracting a bunch of publicity to the club.
You should've been thankful, like Tabitha. Good riddance. That should've been the end of it. But you had begged Jim to take you to the GCPD, to ask Alice questions. You needed answers. More than he did.
You always hated the GCPD. The last time you went to the department, you were young and naive. It was ‘take your child to work day.’ You watched a serial cannibal try to bite Harvey Bullock's finger off. Tale as old as time.
It didn't matter, regardless. Jim didn't let you go again. You remember the vague shouting match between you two. Good thing, maybe. Judging by the fact Mr. Tetch hypnotized a family of strongmen to kill everyone in the place. And then Alice impaled herself on a pole. All in the papers.
What does it matter? You're not sure why you let the whole situation get under your skin.
A few dreams, a few encounters, a few shared looks. You find yourself scoffing at your own blind idiocy. Maybe you are still young and naive.
You've been taking your rightful place at the bar, next to Butch. You two have been tossing back shots of tequila, mindlessly ranting at the same time to one another. Again, there’s comfort in knowing you both want to speak to someone that you can’t have.
"I don't understand. She doesn't even look at me anymore. I mean, she just looks at Barbara. Sorry, I know she's your mom, or whatever."
"Don't apologize. I don't understand either. Where the hell even is he?"
"Your dad?" Butch furrows his eyebrows.
No, you think. Mr. Tetch. You don't vocalize that though. You lie with a nod.
Maybe the alcohol caught up to you. You should've known better. Day-drinking never ends well. You cringe, remembering Harvey slurring his words, knocking on your dads apartment door. Either way, you aren't in control of your own body. Before you know it, you're leaving the club, tossing a wad of cash to Butch. He wolf whistles and takes it gladly.
You're just walking down the street. Maybe drunkenly. Kicking loose pebbles on the sidewalk, swinging around streetlamps. You'd expect a weird look or two from bystanders. But you realize no ones on the street except for you.
It's Gotham. You should be more concerned by the fact your alone. But it's broad daylight. Surely nothing could go wrong-
Before the thought can be fully thought out, a pair of arms grabs you from behind. You find yourself kicking and screaming, being dragged by a heavy-set man. Yay.
Huffing through the set of hands over your mouth, you're shoved into a trunk, light significantly dimming as it's closed. You hear the lock click, and you stop fussing. Attempting to calm yourself, you search your pockets for your phone. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Your mom is a crime lord. Your dad is a cop, or rather, was one. You'll be fine.
You can't seem to find your phone in your pockets though. You feel your heartrate speed as you frantically start to search. The bar. You left it at the fucking bar. Nice fucking job Y/N. You definitely wouldn't survive in a horror movie.
You give up. You're defeated. Maybe they'll be a pair of nice human traffickers. Take pity on you. You sigh and throw your head back for the rest of the car ride. Squeezing your eyes shut, you manage to accept whatever fate is in store for you.
You had a good run, champ. A voice that sounds an awful lot like your fathers praises in the back of your mind.
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Like a ragdoll, you're roughly placed on the floor. Eyes still trying to get used to the bright light, you feel both dizzy and discombobulated. Your head is pounding from any alcohol you had prior. Picked a great day to drink.
Blinking wildly, the first thing you manage to digest is being chained to a bathtub.
"Y/N?" A voice asks, and your eyes snap up. Staring wide eyed at you, just tied up as you are, is Lee Thompkins.
A million thoughts rush through your head. The first one you promptly register is what is this bitch doing here?
"Lee?" You mumble. You think this might be a hallucination, but if you were going to hallucinate someone, it wouldn't be her.
You two stare at each other for a moment. Tense, awkward. The last time you saw her was when your father witnessed her having moved on. You still remember the feeling, standing on your tiptoes to look through a window. Seeing your fathers heart break before your eyes.
You never really talked to her. She always tried to talk to you though. A lot. Too much. But she could never be the Barbara you used to know. No matter how hard she tried.
"What the fuck is going on?" You whisper yell. Lee looks at you, swallowing.
"Tetch blames Jim for Alice, and we're his means for revenge."
At the mention of his name, your blood runs cold. You didn't expect to ever see him again. Let alone see Lee. You watch, petrified, as Lee fidgets around through the bathroom cabinet.
For the most part the room is silent, other than the clanking of items being searched through.
"Leave it." Is all you say, watching her look uncontrollably for something to pick the lock. She sighs.
"You expect me to just sit here and die?"
"Yes." You hiss. She doesn’t turn to look at you, but you can imagine her face, disappointed and irritated. You don't care. You get mean when you're nervous.
"…It's not my fault. Jim is who he is, Y/N. I can't change that. Neither can you."
The truth stings harder coming from her of all people.
"Oh, give yourself some credit, Ms. Thompkins," You say the name snappish. "Without you, I hardly doubt we'd be in this mess."
That makes her perk up. Her nostrils flare, and the clanking sounds louder.
"You don't seriously blame me for this?" She still doesn't make eye contact with you, but she motions wildly to the locks on your ankles. You give a nonchalant, bitter shrug.
"If you didn't leave him, he wouldn't have become a bountyhunter."
"You don't know that." Her eyes soften in hurt. It fuels you.
"No. But I know you're a whore." The words escape your mouth before you internalize them. There's a long beat of silence before she finally turns to look at you, still sitting on the ground. She huffs.
"Maybe you're just really scared and this is your way of coping," She starts, "Or maybe you're just insanely committed to taking care of your father. Either way, all I'm interested in is getting out of here."
You look at each other with a mutual mix of regret.
"Try a cuticle pusher." You finally say, smiling humorlessly. "My dad's was a cop, after all. Taught me how to pick locks. I can walk you through it."
She nods. You nod. It's not the same feeling of understanding you get when talking with Butch. But...it's not too far off either.
"You really are his daughter." She sighs, snatching a cuticle pusher up from the counter.
"It's not a compliment."
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"Remember you have to-"
"I got it." Lee cuts you off, fiddling with the lock. You put your hands up in mock defense. At least your humors returning back to you.
"Can I ask you something?" You start off, slow. She glances at you for a moment, before returning to her chains.
"As long as it's not about why I left your dad." She mutters.
"Not exactly," You pause, looking for the right words to say. "Why did you return to Gotham? You looked all cozy down south."
"It's really none of your business."
You let out a loud scoff at that.
"You were ready to become my stepmother less than a year ago," You continue. At this, her movements falter. "You could've chosen any city. Any job. But you chose Gotham."
"You realize we both might die today, right?"
"Yes. And I don't want to die not knowing why you left us, just to come back and dangle it in front of my dad."
Her movements stop completley.
"I didn't come here for James Gordon." She's firm in her stance. In one last fluid moment, the lock unclicks before our eyes. She heaves a small sigh of relief.
She offers you the cuticle pusher. You take it. About three seconds in, it breaks. Shit.
Not the worst fate in the world, you think. You'd be able to see Mr. Tetch again. Ask him all the unanswered questions. That is, if he doesn't immediately kill you. Maybe you’re a fool to think a part of him enjoyed your company.
"You can still escape." You nod to Lee, hopeful she'll leave, hopeful she'll stay. With what you said to her earlier, you wouldn't blame her.
"I'm not leaving you here," She speaks. Her tone is gentle. Somewhat motherly. The sentiment actually makes guilt bubble up inside you. "There's got to be something else."
Looking around the room madly, you two are interrupted in your searching's.
"My, my," A voice drawls. You know that voice. "You two have been busy."
There he is.
Jervis stands tall, looking down at the both of you. You meet his gaze. For the first time in quite awhile, that feeling of electricity shoots through you again. You want to tear yourself apart. Find whatever part of your brain is fascinated with the idea of this man. Cut it out of you, examine it, and throw it away.
"Now, if you'd kindly join me in the dining room?" He speaks. You notice his eyes are focused solely on you, effectively ignoring Lee. He still looks relatively angry though.
Despite his demeanor, he offers you a hand to help you up. Lee watches his movements. You take his arm without question. That seems to spark something in his eyes. In Lee's eyes, too.
...You're unsure if that's a good or bad sign.
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cherry-pop-elf · 8 months
Chubby George Weasley 🧡 Headcanons
Because Fuck You, I Wanna!
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The weight didn’t exactly start, until the shop had been open for a while. They were put into a position of a very stable income, and didn’t have to worry about food anymore. Along with breaking some habits, such as eating less so Ron and Gin could eat more
Was more so actually healthy weight, compared to being bean pole thin all the time. Still was over all slender, as they did a bunch of Manuel labor and hands on work, just didn’t look like they’ll pass out if you don’t keep their blood sugar high enough
After the war? Yeah, he had to fight depression somehow. Baking was what soothed him, and he was also needing to keep the shop steady for a while. Until Ron came to help, of course
You still couldn’t tell he gained some extra pounds, given his attire slime him greatly, but he’s got that soft chub. That sweet dad belly pillow that every kid gets in their childhood, that makes it the perfect spot for naps
It more so went into his stomach, thigh area. Due to beating a beater, he had a lot of muscle to work with. As we know, muscle is still excess. So when it’s relaxed, it’s all soft and squishy. So he has a rather evened out chubbibess, which is why it’s hard to notice when he’s in his work attire
He is so cuddly, and makes for the best napping partner. Always smelling sweet from the shop, with that good bear hug squeeze. Given there is still muscle under the squish after all
He’s rather self conscious of going soft, but this man deserves to not stress about it. He’s healthy, he survived a war, he built an empire, grew up poor where food was always scare to begin with, lost his ear which made him partially deaf, and lost his twin. He’s allowed to finally have some stress off his shoulders
The children definitely love that he’s not stuck thin anymore. They can just run up, to their favorite shop owner, and get the best hugs EVER. Big squishy hugs, and the comfort of his warm personality
Because he went back deeper into baking, from the stress of the second war, you know he’s somehow mastered being a master at baking. You know you can count on him for the best desserts and sweets you could ever dream of
He is shy about his belly, but the kids certainly help him with it. It’s a dad bod. He deserves it. Stretch marks and all. The kids love hugging him, and it’s nice to no longer have to be so stressed on his appearance. The community utterly adores him, and will protect him as much as he protects them
Anyone who says anything honestly might get attacked by his employees before he even says a word. He makes sure his employees are provided for. Dental even! Bet your ass he’s the community dad, of Diagon alley
Freckled. Belly. Need I say more? Freckles, scars, tattoos, and a sweet little happy trail
The best hugs, the best sweets, the warmest soul. What more could anyone want?
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Please tag me in any Chubby Georgie Art/Fanfics/Whatever pls!
((Yes this kinda stemmed from the fact it’s very hard to lose weight because of my health issues and I’m projecting, but also chubby Georgie hugs))
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Not going to lie guys I was so excited about this project but when I sat down to actually write it I struggled sooo much. So here it is Part 1, it’s short, it’s setting the scene, it is what it is
Pairings: Jake Kiszka X Danny Wagner *slash for the baes
Warnings and tags: 18+ ONLY!! sorry minors disperse! Adult themes including: insecurity, mention of body dismorphia (very breif), mentions of death of a loved one, mentions of depression, Dad Jake AU, uncle Danny AU (I am not using Danny’s irl sister as inspiration for this, the character referred to here is completely made up), flirting, slow burn
Word count: 3.7k
Jake never imagined his life would end up the definition of suburbia. The days came and went one after the other in a blur of cut-and-dry: school, work, practice, dinner, bed, and repeat. He loved his life, he loved his home, he loved his daughter, but he never really knew what he was missing until life brought him the unexpected.
Another morning went by after Jake packed a lunch for his daughter and got her ready for school.
“Daddy?” Her little voice called out from the backseat as they waited in line at the drop off. The school was only a couple of blocks away but Jake preferred to drive her himself rather than let her take the bus at such a young age- he could be a little overprotective sometimes.
“Yes darling?” He replied, looking through the rear view mirror to catch a glimpse at her as she spoke.
“Are you coming to my graduation?” She asked, carefully anouncuating ‘graduation’ after they had spent some time practicing on it together.
“Of course I am. You only graduate kindergarten once”.
“Did you graduate kindergarten?”
“I did, a long time ago” Jake chuckled. She was at the stage where everything was a question that led to another question, but rather than being annoyed by it he liked to indulge her a little sometimes.
“Did Mommy graduate kindergarten?”
“She did, when she was just a little girl like you” he answered her again, only this time he quietly hoped this was the end of her string of questioning for now.
When she was younger she never seemed to be bothered about being raised by Jake alone. Having been too little to really remember much about her mother or her passing. It wasn’t until she’d started school last year that she heard other children talking about their daddies and mommies that she started to realize their home life wasn’t exactly the norm.
It was a tough conversation for him to have with her, still believing she was too innocent to have to grasp the concept of death. But when she’d randomly asked one day after school why she didn’t have a mommy, he knew he had to tell her that she did and she was loved so incredibly much, but her mommy just wasn’t here with them anymore.
To make up for that Jake tried to give his daughter as much love and attention as possible. Although even if he’d never admit it, he was exhausted, wearing himself thin with both solo-parenting and working on running the foundation his wife had left him in charge of.
After another successful drop off at the elementary school, Jake finished getting himself ready for the day. Work was just busy enough to keep himself sufficiently occupied, powering through lunch so he could leave early.
Today was the first day of practice with the pee-wee soccer team Jake had volunteered to coach. Sure that was just another responsibility to juggle on his plate, but Jake was actually excited to get onto the field again- even if it was just teaching a bunch of 5-7 year old girls how to kick a ball.
“Did you see that!” Luna gleefully exclaimed as she turned to make sure Jake had seen her kick the ball into her first goal.
“I did! Good job” he smiled back at her, but his grin slowly faded when out in the distance behind her he saw a figure sitting on one of the bleachers. He narrowed his eyes, calling a few of the girls back over and making sure all the little ones were accounted for before he approached.
“Excuse me, you can’t smoke on the field”.
“Oh shit, my bad” the unknown man pressed the cherry of his cigarette into the metal of the bleacher next to him.
Jake crossed his arms across his chest, looking him up and down with an unamused glare. He was wearing a pair of worn in black jeans with a cut up black t-shirt that looked like it barely fit him. “Can I ask what you’re doing here?”
“I’m watching my niece practice” he replied with a casual sideways smile, returning the same up and down look to Jake in his athletic shirt and sweatpants combo he’d just been awarded.
Jake was about to open his mouth again to question him further but one of the kids excitedly yelled from behind him “Uncle Danny!”
Danny hopped off the steps he’d been leaning on and bent at the knees, squatting with his arms held open for a hug. “Hi little miss soccer pro!” He praised her as he picked her up and spun her around, “did you miss me?”
“I missed you!” She squealed as he kissed at her rosy cheeks and gently let her down. “Coach Jake, this is my uncle Danny. I haven’t seen him since Christmas!”
“Is that so?” Jake replied, still deciding if he should give her parents a call and make sure this was okay.
Danny could sense Jake’s reservations and offered with the same smile he’d had since Jake approached, his hand to shake. “Nice to meet you coach”.
Jake took his hand, expecting the simple embrace to be stiff, but Danny didn’t put any strength in his grasp as their hands closed together. “I’m going to be walking Emma home after practices if that’s okay with you”.
Even without having the responsibility of being in charge of all the girls on his soccer team, Jake’s over protective tendencies extended past just his own daughter Luna to Emma specifically. She lived only a block over in their small tight knit suburb and he’d met her parents at a PTA meeting at the start of the school year.
Realizing how close they lived, they started scheduling play dates at the park next to the field between Luna and Emma who easily became best friends. As quickly as Jake announced at a later meeting that he’d be volunteering to coach soccer to the kids, Emma was signed up. Jake had picked them both up from school and got them situated with some snacks before heading out to the field. He’d expected one of her parents would pick her up from his place afterwards, having never heard of an uncle being in the picture.
“Alright, well practice is over in about ten minutes” Jake decided to allow it for now since Emma had been so excited to see him, and guided the girls back over to the others who were still enthusiasticly kicking balls around.
Soon after the other parents started showing up to collect their kids one by one until the only two left were his and Emma. “Luna, do you want to walk Emma home today?” Jake asked, getting no complaint from the girls as they gathered up their things.
“Can I carry something for you?” Danny offered once he’d realized Jake was dead set on following them back to Emma’s parents house, just to be safe. He didn’t mind, in fact he found it quite charming that Jake was so diligent in monitoring the safety of his little team.
Jake was carrying his backpack on one shoulder, full of supplies like a first aid kit, some extra bottles of water in case any of the parents forgot to send their kid with some, and a list of emergency contacts for all the kids in the event something were to happen- otherwise he’d come prepared. Additionally, he had a net full of soccer balls slung over the other shoulder. Neither bag was very heavy, but his hands were full and he’d already made the trip with all of it once when they were heading out to the field earlier.
Before Jake could even get out an ‘I’m fine, thanks’ Danny was already tugging on the drawstring of the bag holding the balls, taking it from Jake’s hand and tossing it over his shoulder instead.
“She’s yours?” Danny questioned next, him and Jake both attentively watching the two girls holding hands on the sidewalk in front of them. Jake nod his head, still reserved towards conversing too much with this random guy who’d interrupted his first practice.
Despite Jake’s initial observation of Danny, leaning on the bleachers in his dark clothes with a cigarette perched uncaringly between his middle and pointer finger- the picture of nothing but a delinquent punk, he actually seemed pretty harmless.
“She’s cute, must get that from her mom”.
Jake shot him a glaring look not sure which rattled him more, the mention of Luna's mom by some stranger, or the fact that Danny had just offhandedly insulted him.
Danny chuckled again, never once feeling intimidated by Jake or his judgmental first impressions. “I mean, she couldn’t have gotten it from you, because you’re way too charming to be considered just cute”.
Taking into account how he was still dressed- not to impress that was, and that his windblown hair surely had strands sticking up every which way out of the loose knot at the base of his neck, Jake wasn’t sure how to respond. Perhaps even his second impression was wrong, maybe Danny was going to be a problem.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel awkward” the lighthearted tone left Danny’s voice, afraid he might have come on a little strong. “My sister told me about the hot single dad teaching Emma soccer today. I had to come out to see it for myself”.
Instead of lingering on the offense turned compliment Jake focused on the reveal that he was Emma’s mom’s brother. With a closer look it made sense. They both had similar facial features, Danny’s were just more chiseled and defined. He was a handsome guy Jake had to admit, but he didn’t let that distract him from the fact that Danny seemed to have this aura of youthful irresponsibility.
Sure Danny might be a good uncle, Emma certainly was enthused to see him, but coming from someone who tended to take things into his own hands Jake almost always doubted the competence of others until proven otherwise.
Saving him from having to come up with a response to that statement, they reached Emma’s house just as the sun was starting to set behind the trees in the distance. He and Luna would have to hurry so they could make it home before night cast its cloak of darkness over the suburb’s quiet late evening streets.
Jake waited until Emma’s parents met them at the door, waving over at them with smiles on their faces as their little one started spilling about her day, how fun practice was, and of course the surprise visit from Uncle Danny. Her dad ushered her along to the kitchen where dinner waited, leaving the rest of them on the porch to talk.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you who was picking her up, I didn’t know he was going to be staying with us until just this afternoon” Emma’s mom apologized, turning to her brother with a cocked eyebrow and her hands on her hips. Obviously she was a little irritated at the situation, but something about her tone gave Jake the impression this was not a one time happening.
“It’s alright, I just wanted to make sure she got home safe” Jake responded, catching a small scoff from Danny who stood by himself against a banister. “Next practice is Saturday afternoon, parents are free to join”.
“Absolutely we will be there! Thanks for all the help by the way, it’s been a madhouse at the firm these past few weeks feels like we’re getting cases by the truckload”.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m happy to help, and Luna is always thrilled to play with Emma after school”.
“Yeah, Emma is my best friend!” Luna chimed in, making the two parents chuckle.
“Well, I better be getting her home, we still need to eat dinner ourselves and wash up”. Jake excused himself, looking over his shoulder once as he reclaimed his bag of soccer balls at the edge of the yard to see Danny and his sister deep in conversation together on the porch. Danny had his arms crossed over his chest while she shook her head and closed the front door behind her, then Danny pulled out his pack of cigarettes from his back pocket and disappeared into the open garage.
After getting Luna settled in bed Jake wind down for the night with his own hot shower. He stood in front of the foggy bathroom mirror in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, the details of his figure coming more and more into focus as the stream from the shower started to clear.
Staring at his reflection wasn’t something he’d normally do, but he couldn’t get the comment Danny had made on their walk out of his head. He studied the face that stared back at him, feeling a little dysmorphic about all the changes he saw in himself.
Confidence was always a difficult concept for him to grasp. On one hand he knew he was relatively attractive so that he wasn’t bothered by. On the other hand however, he realized how the more he dedicated himself to parenting and work the less time he spent on maintaining himself.
He remembered watching hours of YouTube videos about how to do his daughter's hair once she started school, but he couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten a haircut. Eating well balanced meals was important for him when he had Luna at home for dinner, but when it came to his own lunchtime he opted more for ease, or sometimes even skipped it all together if he was too busy. When he was a teenager it worked, but now that he was an adult he could tell he was filling out a little and it was becoming more of a chore to stay healthy.
Across his chest, on full display in his nakedness, Jake’s eyes caught his wedding band. White gold secured around his neck with a simple silver chain. He’d taken it from his finger over a year ago but couldn’t bring himself to leave it sitting in a drawer somewhere. So instead he slid the ring onto the necklace and it had been there ever since. Its weight against his heart was a comfort in the times when he felt the most alone.
His late wife’s passing was something he had time to prepare himself for. She knew she was sick before her symptoms even started. The genetic mutation apparent in her blood from the first test she was brave enough to take. That didn’t make losing her any easier though. Depression didn’t even seem to cover the raging storm of emotions he felt when she was gone, but he couldn’t even let himself get lost for too long because now he was all little Luna had.
As time went on things got better. Jake still had that sting from the hole left in his heart, but now it was more of a dull burn than a constant pull. Even three years later, he felt like he was living with her ghost. He saw her everywhere, from the photos he still had placed around the house, to her large glossy white piano sitting hauntingly in the bay window, most of all to the image of her in their daughter.
The ringing of his cell phone from where he’d tossed it onto his bed earlier pulled Jake out of his reflective moment, and he flicked the lights to the bathroom off on his way out.
“How’d practice go?” Josh asked the moment Jake slid the button over to answer.
Jake hit the speaker button next and put the phone back down, speaking up as he turned to gather something to sleep in out of his dresser. “It went well”.
“Did my little LuLu score any goals?”
“I mean she kicked a ball into the net, but they’re not exactly playing soccer yet” Jake snarkily replied before shoving his head through a shirt, trapping his still dripping hair against his back before pulling it out and running the towel through once more.
“I still can’t believe you agreed to coach, what are you going to do if she gets hurt?”
“Soccer is a low contact sport. Just because you got banned from the league for kicking other kids does not mean I’m letting the kids on my team run wild”.
Josh was laughing on the other end of the phone, remembering when they were kids themselves how badly Jake wanted to go to soccer tryouts. Their parents had made them both go even though he really didn’t want to. “Mom let me join theater after that so it was a win for me”.
“Hey, can I tell you something and you not blow it out of proportion?” Jake asked once the laughter died down.
“I’ll try my best, no promises”.
Jake switched off all his bedroom lights next, and picked up the phone before crawling into bed. He hoped talking to his twin about the strange encounter would help him go to sleep and not lay awake over analyzing it. “I think I might’ve gotten hit on today”.
“I told you she was into you!” Josh immediately started going off about one of the girls that worked at Jake’s office. A girl he’d only met once and ever since had hounded Jake about asking her out. She was a sweet girl, but he was technically her boss so he just couldn’t see himself crossing any professional boundaries he’d set to date her.
“No not at work” Jake corrected, though he didn’t offer much more information either.
“On the field?” The animation in Josh’s voice only grew as he tried to piece together what Jake was saying. “You got hit on while coaching soccer? Wow, if I’d known there was more game out there than just scoring goals then I would’ve been onboard with this a lot sooner”.
“Shut up, I hate that you’re always trying to pimp me out. I have enough going on right now to throw dating into the mix”. That was always his excuse when Josh would trick him into double dates or try to give him some random person's number. It was true, Jake didn’t have the time to meet people which is probably why he hadn’t. Underneath that though, Jake worried if he was even ready to be with anyone else yet.
“I just want you to be happy brother” Josh sighed, the tone of the late night phone call turning more serious than he’d originally intended. “You can make time for your own happiness, that isn’t selfish you know”.
“I am happy” Jake tried to argue even though there was a little part of him that knew Josh was right. “Luna makes me happier than anything on this Earth”.
“And that’s beautiful. That child has more love coming at her everyday, but I’m talking about a different kind of love” Josh, ever the wise and thoughtful one, countered.
“I think before we start talking about being in love again I need to meet someone I’m actually interested in first”.
Jake had tried before to get himself back out there. Josh of course was always thrilled to babysit his favorite niece so that his brother could attempt a couple of dates- most of which he had selected for him. They were nice, Josh had good taste in just about everything even including when he played matchmaking, but sadly each date Jake left feeling more hollow and alone than he did going in.
He was missing that spark he felt before. The intensity that started as attraction and built deep within himself to pure adoration for his partner. No one had ever come close to comparing.
“Okay, and what about today stuck out to you?” Josh pushed him, knowing that Jake didn’t bring it up for no reason. He wanted his input. “Are you interested in the person who hit on you today?”
“That’s the problem. I don’t know how I felt about it”. Jake groaned, running his hand across his face as he stared up at his bedroom ceiling contemplating why he was getting so frustrated.
“Sounds to me like you know, you just don’t want to admit it”.
Again, Josh was probably right. Jake wasn’t exactly vexed about Danny’s backward as it was compliment. If he had been then he could easily brush it off and forget about it. What he wasn’t admitting to himself was that for once someone had caught him off guard, and he’d kind of liked the shock it had given him.
The reason he wasn’t allowing himself to enjoy it though was because he had no idea who Danny was. For all he knew Danny could’ve just been fucking with him. In Jake’s mind it made more sense that Danny would think it was funny to flirt with the ‘hot single dad’ rather than be actually interested in him.
“I don’t know Josh. I kind of just want to forget about it and go to bed”. He’d had no luck in talking through this. In fact he was even more worked up now than he’d been earlier, playing out the whole scenario in his head in ways that only led to him looking like an idiot. He couldn’t risk it.
“Alright. Just try not to close yourself off, you never know who life is going to bring you when you’re least expecting it”. Josh sounded like he wanted to say more, he could probably chat Jake’s ear off for at least another good hour, but he knew it was getting late and his brother was on a tight schedule with it being a school night.
The two said their good nights and Jake rolled over, tucking his hand underneath his pillow and closed his eyes. Though he’d had a good time with the kids, he was glad today was finally over with. Both his mind and body were tired enough to pass out within minutes.
He was sure by tomorrow he’d be feeling normal again. Just another day cut-and-dry.
Special thanks to @kultavalo for listening to me complain about writing this
Tags: @lyndz2names @gracev0609 @lipstickitty @sanguinebats
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chocotonez · 2 years
skz + accidentally breaking s/o’s important item
a/n this is for @kimnari23 !! thanks so much for requesting, feel free to ask me to rewrite it if you don’t like it :) (reposted due to some formatting errors)
warnings/genre: more fluff than angst tbh, crying, somewhat of a crack fic but it’s just my humor sorry, swearing, small arguments/banter, g/n reader but mentions of reader owning makeup and jewelry, tell me if anything else should be tagged!
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-kinda sees his life flash before his eyes as soon as your favorite mug hit the tiled floor
-he doesn’t want to buy a replacement because that ruins the whole sentimental value and the reason you loved that mug so much, but he doesn’t want you to be upset, and-
-the door swung open and you found chan just blankly staring at the shattered mug, before looking up at you and quickly hugging you
-“I’m so so so sorry”
-profusely apologizing and asks what he can do to make it better, is super patient and lets you sulk as much as you want
-buys you a bunch of gifts to apologize but he always reminds you that he knows how much that mug meant to you
-he doesn’t want to see you upset especially towards him, so he does a ton to try and make up for it
lee know
-he ruined your favorite dress shirt by washing it with a bunch of other clothes
-your dress shirt was now tinted a weird brownish purple from another one of your clothing articles, and the second it came out of the wash he didn’t even realize it was that shirt you loved and folded it as usual, placing it in your dresser
-“minho!!” “what?” “my shirt!”
-immediately feels extremely bad, doesn’t know if he should lie and be like “omg how did that happen” or if he should fess up right now as you sigh and huff over your shirt being ruined
-he’ll tell you at some point but he’s very scared you’ll just never forgive him so he buys like 20 of the same shirt to make sure if he makes a mistake you’ll have a back up!!
-tries to lighten your sour mood as much as possible, not so you’ll stop being upset but just so you’ll stop being upset at him
-“I mean the color isn’t even that ugly, you always pull off anything anyways-“ “don’t even rn”
-he was just walking when he stepped on something and immediately let out a string of swearing before he saw that he stepped on one of your favorite bracelets, and it was now broken
-probably goes full mechanical engineer and tries to figure out how to fix it but it doesn’t work and he’s crying and you come home to him covered in glue and tape with a broken bracelet in his hands
-apologizing a ton and trying to explain that it wasn’t at all intentional, yada yada
-it’s almost comical how he was just as upset as you were over the broken bracelet, but once you get over the initial disappointment he gives you any space or support you need
-makes you a new bracelet using youtube and patience he didn’t know he had
-as long as you’re happy <333 he’s happy <333
-puts the broken bracelet up somewhere as a decoration, so you don’t have to throw it away and you can still technically use it-just as decoration
-“I mean it looks good with that vase, don’t you think? Kidding, you know I’m sorry!”
-probably makes this 😐 face when he sees that he knocked over his drink onto your favorite book
-the book was special because of how much love and annotating you poured into it, the lovingly marked pages and the amount of notes combated the text of the book itself, pressed flowers in the cover and little notes from friends, the book wasn’t even about the content, just the memories
-and now it was stained with coffee and melted ice
-yknow that one scene from the incredibles?? where the dad dries a book w a hair blower?? he tries that but starts a small fire and immediately goes to air drying
-“I’m so sorry, is there anything I can do to fix this?”, does his best to communicate a solution with you because he feels so guilty lmao
-really appreciates if you’re patient/understanding, but he also gets it if you get upset or have a bit of an outburst
-would probably transcribe all of your favorite notes, pages, save the pressed flowers and your favorite bookmark, he would do his best to preserve what was left of the soggy pages
-tbh this one isn’t too bad, so maybe u two reach a point where you fixed the book back to a satisfactory point! :)
-“shitshitshitshitshit” -his mind, realizing he’s practically chewed off a whole part of your lucky pen
-he asked to borrow one, and since you love ur boyfie sm you gave him your lucky pen so he could annotate lyrics or notes for a song he was producing, and then he got too lost in thought and then he started chewing on your pen as a habit and-
-very forward about it but also very scared you’ll hate him forever tbh, but he still jokes about it?? he’s strange like that tbh
-“uhm. well I personalized it for you??” “huh-yOU ATE MY PEN?”
-comforts you a ton and gives you lots of hugs and kisses to make up for it, even holds a little pseudo funeral for the pen so you can mourn
-honestly makes the whole ordeal a lot of fun, even though you were obviously upset
-took you stationary shopping as an apology gift and let you pick out any pretty pen you wanted, and promised he would just use those cheap ballpoint ones from now on
-shocked pikachu face when he accidentally broke the charm off one of your earrings
-it wasn’t even fixable as the piece on the earring that held the charm broke off too, so even if he did piece it back together it would be uneven and clunky compared to the other one
-facetimes you immediately to explain what happened or tells you immediately so you don’t have to find out yourself, he feels it’s better for you to know straight up
-probably sulks away for a hot minute cuz he’s teary eyed but he doesn’t want you to comfort him, you need to cry too
-once you calm yourself down and reassure the both of you that it’s okay and that it’s just an earring, it’s not shattered or rusted, and it’s okay!
-lots of hugs, maybe he even helps you repurpose the earring into something else, putting the charm on the bracelet or smth like that
-probably ends up surprising you w another pair of earrings you’ve been eyeing
-brb googling breakable items that hold sentimental value I’m running out of ideas
-anyways he accidentally dropped an eyeshadow palette you adored, a gift from a loved one and he watched all the pigment spill out
-you know those tik toks of ladies who fix makeup really well with all those fancy tools?? tries to do that but ends up messing it up further and is just like “well fuck”
-buys you another one in advance, he knows it’s not the same as the eyeshadow palette was important cuz of the sentimental value, but at least you’ll still have the colors
-“I’m really sorry about this, it wasn’t intentional, promise.”, probably the most nonchalant about this?? not that he doesn’t care, but I gave him a bit of a superficial item and he also just finds it as a problem with an easy solution
-but don’t get me wrong he definitely listens and hears you out if you’re seriously upset, gives you a lot of support even if he doesn’t really understand why you’re that upset
-but he’ll never ever make you feel bad for feeling <3
-I’m totally running out of ideas for breakable things that would hold sentimental value so I’m just gonna say he accidentally threw away a photo you really loved
-it was you and your loved ones, taken at a restaurant on a polaroid camera celebrating your birthday, it was your fave pic ever and you carried it ever
-but you got a new wallet and left a lot of crumpled receipts and miscellaneous stuff out and he just wanted to help you clean :((
-and by unlucky coincidence you only discovered it was missing after trash day, and you were turning the apartment upside down to try and find your favorite Polaroid, only for jeongin to remember a polaroid in the pile of trash
-immediately panicking and questioning his entire life decisions
-“uhm…I think I threw it away I’m gonna be so fr w you babe”, and there’s literally nothing he can do about it so he’s honestly so devastated because he just hates seeing you upset
-I think he’s a bit pushy about it and wants to fix the problem as soon as possible, he obvs understands the emotional value but seeing ou sad breaks his heart
-for ur next birthday he makes sure to replicate the photo on a Polaroid camera for new memories tho :,)
-lots of cuddling and apologies, he’s probably just as upset as you in this situation and is hard on himself for missing something so important
-you both r comforted in knowing you can just make new memoriesmemories :)
-for your next birthday he replicates the photo for your new wallet tho :)
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imzadi-caskett-huddy · 5 months
Hell Hath No Fury (19/?)
Thank you to everyone for reading and for all of those who left comments on the last chapter! I really appreciate it, and I’m so glad you’re enjoying a lighter and happy Kate Beckett. I always enjoyed how light and free she was once she got together with Castle. I love exploring the difference between Kate the woman and Beckett the detective.
This is another chapter dealing with the July 4 holiday.
I still don’t own Castle...
“You okay?” Castle asked her, his fingers running through her hair and lightly skimming over her bare shoulder.
Kate breathed deeply, contently, snuggled into his side with her head on his shoulder, her fingers drawing gentle lines down his bare chest before her hand flattened against his skin and skated across his stomach below his navel. “Mmm…I’m okay…” she murmured softly. “Just thinking.”
He smiled slightly. He’d come to love moments like this where they were still naked in each other’s arms, tangled in each other and the sheets after making love. She was more open in these moments with him, more vulnerable in the quiet of the dark in the shared bed after moments of passion between them. She told him a lot about herself and her feelings in these moments; it was as though it were easier to bare her soul to him with words after doing so physically. He also knew her well enough not to push her. If she wanted to open up and tell him what was on her mind, she would…and she usually did in these moments…but if she didn’t, he was okay with that too.
Her leg was thrown over his, her foot between his shins running slowly up and down his calf muscle even as their feet stuck out from the bottom of the sheet that was bunched up near their waists. “Something my dad and I talked about yesterday.”
“You’re thinking about your dad when we’re in bed together?” Castle made a face.
“What?” she picked her head up to look at him. “Ew! No, Castle. Definitely not,” she wrinkled her nose at the thought. “I told him I wished my mom could have met you,” she told him softly.
“Really?” he smiled, his fingers lightly gliding down her back.
“She would have loved you, Castle,” she smiled slightly. “She loved your books. She’s the reason I even read your books to begin with.”
His smile grew. “Your mom was a fan?”
Kate chuckled softly, resting her head back on his shoulder. “Mom was a big fan. She had your books…kept trying to convince me to read them, talking you up to me as the next Patterson,” she told him with a small smile as she remembered. Her smile faded slightly then. “One of the last Christmas presents she gave me was In a Hail of Bullets. Even though you had several books published by then, she insisted I start at the beginning,” she explained. “She was determined this ‘cute mystery novelist with a gift for words would bring some fun into my life.’” She lifted her hand from his stomach to wipe a stray tear from her cheek before it could hit his skin.
He tightened his hold on her and he listened patiently, as he always did when she revealed pieces of herself to him, especially pieces as vulnerable as information about her mother. He didn’t ask questions or probe her for any more information. He’d let her go at her pace and stop when she was ready.
“I didn’t have time to start reading it at Christmas, and after her death, I didn’t…couldn’t…touch anything for a few weeks. But then I saw it one afternoon…still in the box with the tag that had my mom’s handwriting. And I remembered how much she loved your books. So I grabbed her favorite blanket that still smelled like her from the couch, wrapped myself up in it, and read the entire book in one sitting. For those few hours, it was like she was still there…I could feel her with me.”
She shifted so that she could look up at him again while still keeping her head on his shoulder. “She was right; you do have a gift for words. After I finished In a Hail of Bullets I went to her bookshelf and found your other books. I read them all, wrapped in my mom’s blanket. From that point forward, I pre-ordered every new release. And while I waited for the book to come out, I would reread some of your older books.” She was quiet for a moment, giving him a shy smile.
“Kate…” he started, but she placed a finger on his lips to interrupt him.
“Wait, I’m not quite done,” she told him. “So what I was thinking was that the last Christmas present my mom gave me was the best one of all.” Seeing the questioning look on his face, she smiled a little more. “You. She gave me the gift of you. And she was right…that ‘cute mystery novelist with a gift for words’ brought fun into my life again, first with your words, and then as...well, you. It’s like she knew something I didn’t…it’s like she somehow knew that I would need you in my life. And I did…your books got me through some of the hardest times after her death, you’ve been by my side through some of the most difficult moments solving her murder, and you’ll be by my side when I find whoever is behind it. My mom’s last gift to me was to bring us together…” she trailed off, wiping away a few more tears. “And if she were here right now, she’d be saying, ‘I told you so, Katie,’” she gave an amused laugh. “So…now you know my fan story.”
Castle silently shifted so that he was hovering over her slightly, leaning down to catch her tears
with soft kisses to her cheeks. This was one of the few times in his life he was actually speechless; he had no words, couldn’t come up with any words significant enough to respond to what she had just confessed to him, what it meant to him. Even telling her he loved her didn’t seem to do justice to the piece of herself she’d just revealed to him. He did all he could think to do in that moment, which was kiss her deeply and hope it conveyed his feelings.
She responded, her hand curling at his hip and slowly sliding up his chest, her leg wrapping around his thigh to draw him closer as she deepened the kiss. And even though they had spent a good portion of the night exploring their passion for and with each other, and not even an hour ago she had awakened him for a round 3, she was pressing her body against his again. “Make love to me, Castle…” she breathed in his ear, her mouth trailing along the column of his throat before she laid back against the pillows and looked up at him.
Looking into her eyes, he saw the raging storm of passion and desire he so frequently saw there now. But this time he saw something different, something extra; it was like he saw into her soul, like she had just opened the window for him and was letting him fully into her body, into her heart, into her. He realized she was giving her heart, herself to him completely…holding nothing back anymore. As the sun’s rays began peeking through the curtains, he made love to her as though their lives depended on it, and it was the most intimate, emotional, earth-shattering experience he’d ever shared with anyone.
“Morning, Lanie…” Kate greeted her friend with a huge smile, definitely still in a love haze from her morning activities with Castle, despite the fact that she’d showered and dressed since then.
Lanie chuckled, sipping her coffee. “Damn, girl, how much sex did you have last night?” Seeing Kate’s look as she poured herself a cup of coffee, Lanie rolled her eyes. “Don’t give me that look. You come strolling in here with that grin and that glow…that’s right, girl…ya glowing. That glow that just oozes ‘I got so laid, and I'm loose in all the right places.’ So I’m gonna ask you again…how much sex did you have last night?”
“Enough,” she gave her friend a knowing smile as she took a drink of her coffee. “Though technically it was last night and this morning…” she murmured over the edge of her cup before taking another drink.
“Impressive. Castle really has his stamina back, huh?” Lanie smiled.
Kate took another drink of her coffee. “Mmm…yes,” she grinned.
“Good morning, Kate. Lanie,” Alexis greeted the women in the kitchen before Lanie had a chance to press Kate for any more details on her sex life with Castle. “Is Dad still sleeping?”
Lanie hid her amused look behind her coffee cup, so thankfully Alexis missed it, but Kate definitely caught it. “No, he’s in the shower. He should be out soon. I went first so I could come get coffee,” she gestured to her cup before taking another drink.
“I bet you do need coffee…” Lanie murmured under her breath with a smirk, earning herself a look from Kate.
Seeing Alexis open the fridge and pull out some yogurt, Kate stopped her. “Your dad said he’s making pancakes as soon as he finishes up in the shower if you want to wait.”
“Oh, thanks for the heads up. I’m definitely waiting for pancakes,” she swapped out the yogurt for some juice instead.
Kate was about to say something else when Castle walked in. “Morning,” he greeted.
“Yeah, I heard about your morning,” Lanie teased him.
Castle shot Kate a questioning look, but she simply ignored him and focused on making him a cup of coffee and refilling her own cup instead. “Morning, Pumpkin,” he kissed his daughter’s head.
“Morning, Dad. Kate said you’re making pancakes,” she smiled.
“I am,” he nodded, moving to his girlfriend and taking the cup she offered him. “Thank you,” he grinned at her.
“You’re welcome,” she grinned back, tugging her lower lip between her teeth as she met his eyes.
Castle easily got lost in her eyes. He met her lips for what was supposed to be a soft kiss but turned slightly more passionate.
“Hey, hey, hey! Tongues in your own mouths…there is a child present!” Lanie interrupted them with an amused laugh.
“Sorry, Pumpkin,” Castle offered his daughter an apology as Kate reached up to wipe his lower lip slightly with her thumb.
“Yeah, sorry Alexis,” Kate offered her a small smile.
The girl just gave them a smile. “I’m used to it,” she shrugged. “Besides, if I don’t say anything about Dad and Kate, then he can’t say anything when he sees me kissing Ashley,” she added
with a smirk.
Kate had to hide her laugh behind her coffee cup at the look that crossed Castle’s face. “Now wait a minute…”
“Uh uh…fair is fair, Writer Boy,” Lanie chuckled.
“Weren’t you making pancakes?” Kate interrupted him.
Castle huffed like a petulant toddler. “Yes, I’m making pancakes.”
“You need some help?” Kate offered him.
He gave her a smile. “I think I can handle making pancakes.”
She gave him a smile and a soft kiss. “In that case, I’m going to go enjoy my coffee outside. Come get me when they’re ready.” She gave him one more soft kiss before heading out the back door.
“I like Kate’s idea. I’m going to enjoy my juice outside,” Alexis got up and kissed her dad’s cheek, following the path Kate had taken out the back door as well.
“Hola Chica,” Espo greeted Lanie with a smile, walking into the kitchen.
Lanie grinned and wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. “Morning, Baby,” she murmured. Seeing Castle’s look, she arched an eyebrow. “Don't even, Writer Boy. I don’t want to hear a word after I witnessed you stick your tongue down my girl’s throat not even ten minutes ago,” she shook a finger at him.
Castle frowned. “I did not have my tongue down her throat.”
“Well it certainly wasn’t in your own mouth,” Lanie countered.
Espo made a face. “What are you cooking, Castle?” he asked, eager to change the subject.
“Pancakes? Really, bro?”
Castle raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with pancakes?”
“Dude, she’s like my sister.”
“What?” Castle shook his head in confusion. And then he remembered the case with Jordan Shaw…when he’d stayed at Beckett’s apartment and the boys had come the next morning because of the dead body, and he’d been making pancakes.
“Who’s like your sister?” Ryan asked as he and Jenny walked into the kitchen.
Espo turned to his partner. “Dude’s making pancakes.”
Ryan’s eyes crinkled up as he smiled. “Pancakes, huh? How…domestic,” he couldn’t help but tease.
Castle rolled his eyes. “Guys, that’s not what this is.”
Lanie and Jenny exchanged looks, not understanding what was happening. “I don’t understand. What’s wrong with pancakes?” Jenny finally asked.
“Nothing is wrong with pancakes,” Castle tried to insist.
“Pancakes are an edible way of saying, ‘Thank you so much for last night,’” Espo explained. “Dude’s bragging about getting laid. With Beckett.”
“Dude! She’s like our sister!” Ryan scolded him.
“Guys, I’m not bragging about…pancakes do not say thank you for last night! Pancakes are just…pancakes!” Castle once again tried to insist.
“Pancakes are not just pancakes,” Martha sashayed into the kitchen. “Well, sometimes pancakes are just pancakes,” she corrected herself. “But mostly pancakes are a thank you, an I love you. And you should be thanking Katherine for last night…and every other night she’s already spent or will spend in your bed.” When Castle simply froze and stared at her, she shrugged. “Don’t give me that look. Katherine has more than put the bounce back in your step these last few months. You should be making her more than just pancakes to thank her for all the bouncing she’s done to and for you.”
Castle looked back to the batter he was mixing and dropped some in the heated skillet as the boys, and even Lanie and Jenny couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ve had this dream before…only I was naked and far less embarrassed,” he murmured.
“Yo, Castle! We need to talk to you,” Espo and Ryan approached Castle as he worked to start the grill for the steaks that evening.
“Sure, fellas. What can I help you with? You want to take the Ferrari out for a spin?” he asked with a smile.
“Nah, man, this is serious,” Espo stated.
“It’s about Beckett,” Ryan clarified.
“Beckett? What about her?” Castle asked, glancing over to where she was sitting with her dad on the lawn, talking and laughing.
“Look, we’re happy for you guys getting together and all, and you’re our friend too…” Ryan started.
“Yeah, we like you and all, but we just want to be clear on something. We were serious this morning, about her being like our sister. You ever hurt her…” Espo took over, only to be interrupted by Castle.
“Woah, guys! Why would you think I’m going to hurt her? I love her!” Castle insisted.
“You hurt her before. Last summer. The summer before that too, come to think of it,” Ryan pointed out.
“Exactly. And now the stakes are higher, because she loves you,” Espo broke in. “So now we have to have the talk. If you ever hurt her…we,” he gestured between himself and Ryan, “will make you bleed.”
“Just so we’re clear…we’ve got her back, long before we’ve got yours,” Ryan added.
Castle looked between them and offered a smile. “We’re clear. But guys, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I would never hurt her.”
“Good…because Beckett’s a cop, bro. You hurt her, do you really think the NYPD is going to go out of its way to help find your ass?” Espo asked confidently.
“And even if they did come looking for you…dude, her best friend is a medical examiner. You really think they’d find your body?” Ryan added.
“Make sure you remember that next time one of those smoking hot models…or one of your fan girl groupies...comes at you with a…proposition,” Espo told him seriously.
Castle studied them both for a moment. “Look…guys. I am seriously in love with her, alright? I promise you…you have nothing to worry about. I’m not going to cheat on her or hurt her in any other way. I am completely and totally, head over heels in love with her. I promise you,” he assured them. “So are we good?” he asked them after a moment.
Ryan and Espo both studied him for a few moments before nodding. “Yeah. Yeah, we’re good,” Espo stated as both boys smiled. They started to walk away, but Espo turned back after a moment. “You…uh…won’t tell Beckett about this conversation, right?” Seeing Castle shake his head no, Espo nodded. “Good.”
Castle and Beckett bypassed their nightly walk on the beach in favor of the fireworks that would be starting shortly after dark. Castle had turned some music on through his outdoor sound system and everyone broke off into their own groups to watch the fireworks. Kate sought out her dad, resting against the railing as she stood beside him while they waited for the fireworks to start.
“I’m really glad you came this weekend, Dad,” she told him softly with a smile.
“Me too, Katie,” he returned her smile. “Martha and Alexis are wonderful. I can see why you enjoy spending time with Castle and his family.”
She smiled a little more at that. “I love his family. Alexis is the most incredible young woman…and Martha,” she laughed softly. “Martha is…one of a kind. She’s been so warm and welcoming…they both have.” She was quiet for a moment before continuing. “It’s nice, you know? Doing the family holidays again…being part of a family like this again,” she told him softly. “He gave that back to me.”
Jim smiled, putting his arm around his daughter’s shoulders and pulling her closer against him. “And you’re giving that back to me.” She wrapped her arm around his back and rested her head on his shoulder as the fireworks started out over the ocean.
When the fireworks ended about half an hour later, Jim gave her a smile. “I think it’s time I head in. I’d like to finish up the book I borrowed from Castle’s collection before I leave tomorrow.”
Kate nodded and leaned in to kiss her dad’s cheek. “Night, Dad.”
“Goodnight, Katie,” he smiled and gave her shoulder a squeeze before heading inside.
Kate heard the music change as the patio lights came on, and she turned her attention to her friends. Spotting Castle setting up several bottles of liquor, some bottles of wine, and some
glasses at the patio bar, she joined him. “Opening Club Castle, huh?” she arched an eyebrow.
He shrugged. “It’s been a while since we’ve all just hung out. I thought it might be fun.”
“I see. So…are you playing the bartender? Should I flirt to get some free drinks?” she teased him with a coy smile.
Castle arched an eyebrow slightly. “Uh…”
“Don’t flirt with him, Kate. You’ll fry his brain,” Lanie teased, coming over to grab a couple of glasses and pouring both her and Espo some drinks.
“Hey, she will not!” Castle insisted.
Lanie simply laughed. “You think the little banter you two have and some of the innuendos she throws your way is her flirting? I’ve seen this girl hardcore flirt…trust me, Writer Boy. You couldn’t handle it if she were really flirting with you.”
Kate chuckled softly as she poured herself a glass of whiskey. “She’s right, Castle. I don’t even have to try when I flirt with you. You’re easy,” she smiled.
He frowned at that. “I’m not easy.”
“Dude…you kinda are,” Ryan joined in as he grabbed a couple of drinks for himself and Jenny.
“It’s not a bad thing,” Kate assured him softly, leaning against the bar as she sipped at her drink. “I like that you’re easy for me. You’re interested,” she offered him a smile, letting her hand run along his arm slowly. “Promise I’ll break out my hardcore flirting for you one night…but not when we have company,” she leaned in to tell him softly, her eyes dancing playfully as she pulled back.
He nodded, swallowing hard. “Kay,” he managed to get out.
She gave him a grin and set her glass down, taking his hands and pulling him with her as she began swaying her hips to the beat of the song playing. “Let’s dance, Castle.”
Before long they were all dancing. And as he watched her dance with Lanie and Jenny, he couldn’t help but smile. He’d never seen her so carefree, so relaxed. “Gentlemen,” he started, looking at Ryan and Espo, “We have got to be the three luckiest men on the planet.”
“I’d agree with that,” Ryan nodded, smiling as he watched Jenny.
“Definitely,” Espo agreed, finishing up his drink before moving to dance with the girls.
Ryan and Jenny were not surprisingly the first to call it a night not even 20 minutes later. Lanie and Espo stayed and danced, mostly with Kate because Castle couldn’t help but just watch her move, but after a while longer, Lanie leaned in to whisper in Espo’s ear, and they quickly said their goodnights after that.
Kate finished up her drink, and as the soft, slow strands of “In My Veins” began playing through the speakers, Castle moved closer to take the glass from her fingers and set it on the bar. “Dance with me,” he said softly, pulling her into his arms.
She grinned, resting her cheek against his as she wrapped her left arm around his shoulder, her fingers gently brushing along the skin of his neck. She closed her eyes and just let him hold her, guide her along with the beat of the music. “I love you,” she whispered softly in his ear.
He smiled at her words, pulling his head back enough that he could kiss her gently. “I love you, too, Kate. Always,” he promised her, nuzzling her nose before kissing her again.
You’re in my veins
And I cannot get you out
You’re all I taste at night
Inside of my mouth
You run away
Cause I am not what you found
You’re in my veins
And I cannot get you out
I do not own the song “In My Veins.” It was released and is owned by Andrew Belle.
I hope you guys enjoyed this one! I look forward to the comments from those of you who leave them! I truly love reading your thoughts on the story!
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tired-lamb · 2 months
@pizacat72 SENT ME AN ASK ABT MY BUNGA X ONO X BESHTE HCS. WHICH I LOST . but here’s your answer I’m so sorry I accidentally deleted your ask 😭😭
using this as an opportunity to post about an hc I’ve thought of recently!! I hc bunga, beshte and ono eventually adopt a kid when they’re older, cause, c’mon, all three of them are great with kids at varying degrees. in my head it goes like: bunga finds an abandoned kid and immediately is like I am Not leaving you I’m gonna take care of you now. and beshte finds bunga with said kid and bunga immediately convinces beshte to let him keep the kid (+ the kid’s adorableless already having beshte convinced).
ono, on the other hand is slightly hesitant because of their duties and also because he knows how stupid (/lh) little kids can be. what makes him even more hesitant is that this kid bunga and beshte found is None of their species. none. not a single fur feather or skin is shared, you get the idea, but after begging and begging ono agrees to take care of the kid TEMPORARILY. can you guess where this goes? the kid gets attached to ono and who is ono to say no to that. in conclusion: they now had a kid :3 (I haven’t thought abt the species yet so feel free to suggest!)
a couple of other hcs I have is related to each of their families! I’ve mentioned before that beshte is timon and pumbaa’s favourite, but they do love ono too. ain’t no way you’re gonna see those two be partial to their son’s partners!!
beshte’s entire family (because I imagine him to be the person with that gigantic family tree) is absolutely thrilled. ono and bunga have basically been adopted into the family. they are honourary hippos. beshte’s dad treats them both like his own sons, and ono and bunga just KNOW that if they’re visiting beshte’s family they’re not leaving without a bunch of gifts and well wishes :).
the egrets are generally very happy for ono!! we don’t see a lot of the relationship between ono and the other egrets so I haven’t really thought much about it. HOWEVER WE HAVEE seen ona and kulinda!!! ona is introduced to not just queerness but also polyamory through the three of them and is pleasantly surprised to learn she can mate with females AND not just one, too :]. kulinda is so so happy for ono and because I hc she becomes sort of like an aunt-mom figure for ono she definitely is the type to ask them embarrassing but sweet questions haha
it took a lot of time for the three of them to get together. it started with ono and bunga first, and then beshte came in. ono and bunga had been crushing on each other for some time now but neither were willing to admit it because they were too scared that their feelings would be rejected. beshte had the exact same feeling except he also felt shame and guilt because he felt like he was intruding on ono and bunga’s relationship. it took a lot of talks with fuli, kion, anga, their respective families and a lot more for them to finally confess to each other. the time they spent pining also took a toll on their friendship and it was hurting them, but now theyre partners and what more could they ask for :]
their number one shipper: makini. I hc her as bunga’s sister figure and that she and beshte are also really close so the both of them tell her how they feel about the other (+ ono ofc!!) and shes just there trying not to spill the beans and ends up ranting to rafiki who is pleased for them too!!!
I’ve got a set of hcs for these three related to co-dependency which is also slightly angsty but I’ll make a seperate post for that. this ended up getting really long but thank you for asking!! I’m genuinely so happy at the positive feedback this ship + my hcs and rambles are getting, and what with gem now making her own hcs I’m like LETS GO THE WORD IS SPREADING!!! /silly. I am. still working on their ship name but as soon as I come up with one I’ll be tagging all my ono x bunga x beshte posts with it so that it’s easier for you guys! (and me lol)
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literaryoblivion · 3 months
Abandoned WIP-Sterek
As stated before, this is an abandoned WIP snippet. I’ll tag them with #my abandoned WIPs to organize it. If you see any and are so inspired by any of these to either create your own or finish, PLEASE tag me! I’d love to see if someone was able to take it and run with it since it stalled out for me.
Stiles had assured his dad he would be perfectly fine. So what if he was going to a cabin he rented out in the woods far removed from wi-fi and probably cell towers alone for the weekend? He was bringing his dog, Tiger, with him! He’d be fine! And if something happened, Tiger would totally protect him!
“He’s a terrier mix. He’s barely thirty pounds. There are plenty of animals in the woods bigger than him,” his dad had said, un-amused and face deadpan.
“But he’s fierce and protective! I gave him his name for a reason, Dad. He’s growled at plenty of ne’er-do-wells for me. I just held him back from attacking.”
His dad had lifted an eyebrow. “Uh huh. Well, you call if you need something. I don’t like it, but you’re an adult, and I very well can’t tell you that you can’t go.”
“Damn right! I mean, I’ll be fine, but if not I’ll call. But, I won’t ‘cause I’ll be fine.”
It was about 4 hours away from home, so it’s not like he was going to be super far anyway. He needed to get away though. He liked home, don’t get him wrong, but having moved back to his hometown after he graduated college and working a regular 9-to-5 job drained on him after awhile. He was trying to save up for a big trip, maybe Hawaii or New York, but it’d be a long time before he had enough money to do that. SO cabin in the woods for the weekend it was.
It would be great, he’d hike around with Tiger, who Stiles was positive would love being out in nature and be able to run around more than the small fenced in dog park would allow. And Stiles could take it easy, get some reading done, maybe write that great American novel he always fantasized about writing. It was going to be awesome.
“Is your car going to make it? Didn’t you just have to get a bunch of repairs done?” his dad had asked.
“How dare you talk about Roscoe like that, and yes, she’ll be fine. All the repairs were in preparation for this trip, okay? She’s trustworthy and loyal, and she won’t let me down.”
His dad had sighed. “Fine, but when you have a cell signal, you let me know where you are and if you made it okay and when you’re leaving to come back. I’m sure this place isn’t as remote as you like to think it is.”
“Okay, Dad, I will. I promise.”
And true to his word, he texted his dad when Tiger and he left his apartment, sent a selfie when they stopped for a pee break and for gas. And he lucked out and had one bar right outside the park where the cabin was to text his dad that he had made his destination.
He grabbed the key and the map to his cabin from the lockbox outside the closed office and found it rather easily. He unloaded the groceries and settled into the cozy cabin. It was small, but for just him and Tiger, it was perfect. Tiger sniffed around like crazy, distracted every once in awhile by the fly buzzing around the cabin.
“This is going to be great, huh boy?” Stiles said to Tiger who was clearly not paying attention.
It was still light enough out that Stiles decided to take Tiger exploring around the grounds. Once they were outside, Tiger was having a field day, exploring and sniffing at all the plants and dirt piles they passed.
The cabin was within walking distance of a lake, and it was rather pretty with the sun setting. Stiles took a few pictures of it, trying to get Tiger within the frame, but the dog was moving too much for any of them to be good.
***This was based on a personal experience and I was trying to make it a Sterek meet-cute: Basically my dog and I went to a cabin in the woods in OK for the weekend and my car battery died. I had someone in the cabin next to ours jump start my car and then drove to a "car mechanic" place I found on Google in the middle of nowhere that ended up being some guy's personal garage. He was SUPER nice and basically gerry-rigged my car so I could make it back to TX. Plus, when I didn't have cash to pay him, his wife drove me to an ATM and they gave me food.***
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at1nys-blog · 4 months
Next Door
When you try to save your friends from bad press (your father's opinion on them) ending up having to find a way to survive it turns different than what you expected, but along the way there are your best friends, new friends and a very annoying gym bro that lives just Next Door
Previously on... Next Door//More about... Next Door//Next on... Next Door
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Vol.9 Ch.37-Usopp the trendsetter❤️‍🔥
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liked by _nami_, idc_sabo0, monkey_fluffy and 2,345 others
yn.ishere: taking over the D. Monkey’s household since Grandpa Garp isn’t around also @/acenotass where is Dadan? I wanted to meet her and you promised
tagged acenotass and monkey_dluffy
acenotass: she doen't want to meet you. I promised shit
idc_sabo0: you know she will fall in love with you, I don't need another bully thanks
^yn.ishere: I don't know what you are talking about
monkey_dluffy: she decided to go out so we could have some fun
^yn.ishere: best grandma ever
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liked by z0r0, law traffy and 133 others
candychopper: Very random pictures with the genius cook because dad (not Franky) was late
tagged san_ji3
san_ji3: I’m cooler than Zoro
^z0r0: you will never be cooler than me
koalala: you are so cute Choppy
^idc_sabo0: you are so right
^candychopper: is Chopper and I am not cute, you baka
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liked by yasusopp, idc_sabo0, art.kaya., pinkyrona. and 213,466 others
idc_sabo0: Ace was hungry and Luffy was unlucky enought to be around. Usopp let's be less excited is just food
tagged acenotass, monkey_dluffy and yasusopp
yasusopp: is JUST food???? Man is a token of heaven on Earth
^san_ji3: you are too nice
art.kaya.: you can't tell him to not be excited about food
koalala: look at my boyfriend not sharing a single pic of me
^idc_sabo0: there is still time for that
^koalala: you better
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liked by _nami_, yasusopp, the.uta4, z0r0 and 354,667 others
art.kaya.: that's my boyfriend y'all. he said, and I quote "I need to have my costume ready for Halloween", Halloween was last month...
tagged yasusopp
yasusopp: is never too early to work on a Halloween costume
^art.kaya.: is a lie and you know it, is too early
z0r0: what are you supposed to be?
^yasusopp: a brave soldier of the seas
^z0r0: you failed then
^yasusopp: EHY
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liked by law.traffy, mnkey_dluffy, yn.ishere, koalala and 544 others
_nami_: I have to deal with a bunch of idiots
tagged law.traffy, monkey_dluffy and san_ji3
monkey_dluffy: I'm still your idiot though
^_nami_: with the amount of time you spend with Law, I don't think so. He is basically your boyfriend at this point
^law.traffy: NO
candychopper: why is Sanji so shocked
^monkey_dluffy: you won't believe it too
^yn.ishere: I WANT TO KNOW
^monkey_dluffy: no you don't
^yn.ishere: meanie
^monkey_dluffy: I'm literally paying (Garp is but that's another story) for tonight?
^koalala: we spending Gov's money?
^idc_sabo0: we are always spending Gov's money what are you talking about??
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liked by acesnotass, _nami_, koalala and 5,687 others
yn.ishere: met those guys randomly and they were very nice
_nami_: guy in total black was loaded af
^koalala: of course
san_ji3: they were nice to you girls
^candychopper: and me
^z0r0: they didn't think of you as a threat, they basically offended you
^candychopper: now…
^yn.ishere: don't listen to mosshead, they just thought you were too cool to date any of us
^candychopper: now now...
pinkyrona.: yn stealing hearts left and right
shim0.kuina: the look on Zoro's face when they approached us, so funny
^z0r0: it wasn't I just wanted to make sure they did not meant bad business
^yn.ishere: that is you
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liked by acenotass, pinkyrona., _nami_ and 788 others
san_ji3: @/acenotass is a great photographer, thank you
acenotass: you are welcomed😉
^san_ji: you flatter me
^z0r0: since when are you💅🏻
^yn.ishere: who taught you that?
^san_ji3: since NEVER????
^z0r0: @/yn.ishere I have good teachers
^shim0.kuina: I am teacher
^pinkyrona.: I am the other teacher he is talking about
yasusopp: if you are going to waste such talent I am going to kill you
^san_ji3: what talent?
^yasusopp: I wasn't talking to you...
^acenotass: WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?????
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liked by law.traffy, art.kaya., shimo0.kuina and 3,657 others
acenotass: Usopp: YN do you like zoro? // YN: I'm sorry, WHAT?// Usopp: you heard me, so?//YN: Nope//Usopp: *shocked Pikachu face*
z0r0: why did you ask her?
^yasusopp: because she was staring at you with heart eyes
^yn.ishere: I was NOT????
^koalala: you were
^yn.ishere: WHY ARE YOU IN HIS SIDE?????
^z0r0: so... you like me?
^yn.ishere: I'm going to choke you
^z0r0: love we talked about this, only behind closed door
^candychopper: I'm sorry????
pinkyrona.: it might be crazy what 'am about to say
^yn.ishere: RONA....
^_nami_: she knows something and I don't???
^koalala: top 10 anime betrayals
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liked by z0r0, art.kaya., candychopper and 66,879 others
shim0.kuina: man has a change of clothes in his car? He is a genius because someone bumped into him and spilled his drink on him
tagged yasusopp
art.kaya.: this because the first time we went on a date someone spilled coffee on him and he was sorry for the other half of it
^yn.ishere: universe please listen to my prayers and give me a boyfriend like him
^z0r0: I'm literally here
^yn.ishere: Universe, someone with a functioning brain please
^z0r0: EHY
monkey_dluffy: why everywhere we go you make new friends?
^yasusopp: I learned from the best💪🏻
san_ji3: gonna do it too fron now on
^koalala: usopp the trendsetter❤️‍🔥
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