#where you decide what somebody else’s intentions are and read everything they say in the worst evilest possible way
ginalinettiofficial · 2 years
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thepoeticbubble · 8 months
Here the world wakes up, the sky unfolds, the clouds unclog like active acne, bloody hearts throb with a heaviness, salts seep in, amidst the freezed viens and cemented bones , everything is solid from the outside but gnawed from behind.
Infront of our house,few miles ahead there used to be a lake, the lake is orphaned , the stream about to be silenced , the birds about to be subjugated by thirst, the skin about to be parched.
I grow timid at prepositions else there's more to describe, what's beneath, behind,infront and after you. theres more to envision through imagery , but I can't figure out how to photograph it in words.i cant put everything in language even if I want to, I can't bake poetry everytime ,the oven of mind gets in distress ,sometimes the chimney doesn't clear the smoke off efficiently enough that I can cook the next prose. i wish someone would arrive and let open the windows to bring gush of fresh air without intervening my thoughts ,you will be Noticed not by my eyes but heart .
But my door bell doesn't ring anymore, its throat is lacerated and I don't think anyone visits here either, so it could make even the faintest sound.
It's not like city is out of stock , there is a plethora people but I think I exist remotely.
On days , I yearn to fix the bell but the thought of not being visited deliberately seems more repulsive , so I let the broken door bell follow the code of conduct ~ somebody might have tried to reach me but ughhh curse this doorbell
It is unjust for Inanimate things that surround me,dismembered by the loudness of my Grievances , sinking in a air of loneliness. I never ask them if they are fine because what if the reply is blasphemous.
But Some day some one will knock for sure, and i don't intend to send them back without a cup of tea , send them off annoyed by the smell of flashbacks of burning bread crumbs in fire , I intent to offer hospitality.
So, I mop the floor of my heart, scrubb off the dizziness , measure the diameter to have an idea of space left empty , I could be clear enough but why should I, I estimate the entire fleshy landscape is vacant and not even one thirty-sixth of yard is available in yours, I don't expect you to evaluate my measurements, how would the world care if my sound echos paradoxically, my thoughts appear convoluted , my mind a labyrinth where people stray in search of an exit but are Incapable of , where hope sits aloof and inert .
Here the walls are painted red with a mural that pictures thin blue branches stretching in and out the blind walls. Certain fissures depict that this framework has been susceptible to severe earthquakes from years.
In between the cracks, love's left a goodbye letter , an unredeemable heart ache , a kiss of death , verses of ill-omen never to be read by these fragile lips of life.
The realisation jolts my consciousness in exceedingly high S.I units that i decide to depart as soon as possible.
The road is forlorn, no busses are on business, no one promises a lift to home. It's said when you are overwhelmed, you must reminiscent memoirs from your good books , like a thought that would pacify the quarrels of your mind.
I sit on bench nearby try to recollect my address, which doesn't pass on through my head and i feel defeated down to my bones again. The pickle is what people say should be done , doesn't really compensate for my troubles because to retrieve a congenial memory at times of crisis means to uproot the brain and implant a fictitious spray of dopamine without thinking, this quick aid of "not thinking" vigorously mocks at me.
So, I take my head in my hands to wave off the ridiculous resolutions and again count the shops that come in the way of my home.
The numbers do not stop because cities are always on display and to be found in a market is such a farce, you will sold for sale. I wonder if anyone else was this absurd while being on fright and flight mode~nonsence
The bats babble , you see no life in human form and you ought to get panicked in an amount never metered, the leaves clap and claw out your heart,a strange laughter comes from the wild and you are in the middle of road that doesn't have a board to assure you where you are. Your mind has no gps, and location was never mapped too. The lake has perhaps migrated flushing your home or the lake never existed.
So, to scream just for the sake of hopelessness that adheres you seems the only option. When the tears are about to be delivered, you are called by your mother and the glass shatters, you are home , pulled back from your nightmares
Hope is sometimes cloaked in hopelessness, the cry is made to reach to ears and that is what hope is, to subconsciously believe that your tears will be harvested even when you are in your worst dream, that you will be found from the unknown and unnamed roads.
Home is somewhere in the hearts of those who take this responsibility of holding your hand in times when your identity card is lost, those who come uncalled , those who won't let you be lost when you have lost the address, those who remember you .
Home is always nearby ,you are never estranged from it, just know that while you are fidgeting in your worries somebody is looking for you. Someone is searching you and someone's going to hug right after you are traced . You are homed in hearts that aren't dead
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cd-covington · 1 year
Linguistics worldbuilding question for you!
I'm planning a webcomic set in an embassy where various magical races meet up to do business. The races I've planned so far are humans, fae, dwarves, goblins, sea-people, dragon-people, and gryphons.
Do you have any thoughts on ways to distinguish the speech patterns of the different races so they don't all end up sounding alike, especially the non-humanoid ones like the gryphons? I think some of them have nonverbal elements to their languages as well, which the visual webcomic format will help with.
By the way, there's going to be a translation spell either on the building itself or on some sort of amulet that everyone carries with them, so they can communicate with reasonable ease (and yes, I know about some of the problems with the universal translator trope).
Hello enchantress-emily!
This sounds like a fun idea for a webcomic 🙂 Speech patterns can be interesting to play with, and I think you can utilize the magic universal translator to help you with that.
The first thing you can do is figure out what types of metaphors and proverbs and idioms each of these species would have. What’s important in their culture? What would common touch-points be for the sea-people – what would their equivalent proverb be for, say, “we have bigger fish to fry” (there are bigger problems)? (Because frying doesn’t work well under water, right??)
Another thing you can think about is sentence structure. For example, German sentence structure is different from English, and nearly half of German sentences don’t start with the verb. German also allows you to construct massively long nested sentences that REALLY don’t work in English unless you separate them into 2 or more sentences. So maybe one of the species will have more complex sentence structure (even translated) because that’s how their language works, and maybe one of them will be more like English. (Not all languages in the world allow you to have dependent clauses (your which or who ones)! You can’t say I saw the man who lives next door at the supermarket; you have to break it down into I saw the man at the supermarket. He lives next door to me. (Or just I saw my neighbor, of course.))
There’s also formality. Maybe the fae have Court Language that’s more formal, and this formality gets carried over in translation. (But how? You decide if you want them all to sound like Jane Austen characters or like Aragorn son of Arathorn or whatever 😉)
Since you’re using magical translation, you can have the sea-people’s idiom for “we have bigger problems” come out as a literal translation of whatever they actually say. Think about The Little Mermaid a second – Sebastian sings to Ariel, “The seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake.” This is obviously a nod to “the grass is greener on the other side of the fence,” but grass doesn’t exist under the sea, and lawns and fences don’t either. So they use seaweed (like grass but in the sea) and lake.
You could do fun things like have the translation spell get hung up on a nested sentence (maybe the fae like to go on like the Germans), then everything comes screeching to a halt and the speaker has to start over but speak straightforwardly.
Speaking of straightforwardly… how does the spell handle lies, falsehoods, half-truths, white lies, and other forms of obfuscation? Is it impossible to lie because of some part of the magic that detects speaker’s intent? Are some species better at lying than others because they can say (for example) “I didn’t hate it” (a true statement, but omits “but I didn’t like it either”)? This would be a TON of fun to play around with, especially for people who like writing twisty political stories.
You mentioned body language and other nonverbal communication, so I want to touch on that briefly. Nonverbal communication varies around the real world, and you can have different species with different NVC (and maybe it gets mis-read! Maybe a normal gesture in one culture is offensive in another! Maybe the magic doesn’t cover NVC!) There are so many things you can play with here. Good luck with your project! It sounds fun.
If you think this is interesting, consider backing my Kickstarter, where I’ll be writing a book about how to use linguistics in your worldbuilding process. Or if tumblr ever sorts out tipping for my account, leave me a tip.
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jamesunderwater · 1 year
Word Search Game!
I was tagged by many of my lovely friends, so I decided to compile them all in one post. I wasn't able to find them all, but did my best. some of them are from published dtm snippets, which I noted, but everything else is from a WIP. thank you for the tags!! this was really fun.
@practicecourts Beach, office, wisecrack, dead, and bonus: proposition @kay-elle-cee grin, soft, heart, pain @uncertainwallflower quiet, reach, light, back @athenasparrow whisper, smirk, wall, lick
tagging: @deermessrs @basslineescapeact @mvnvgedmischief with the words ghost, bite/bit, groan, long
my answers below the cut cause this shit got long <333
Office (dead to me, published)
“All I’m saying is, we’ve been talking about breaking into McGonagall’s office all year and I’m a little disappointed that we’d waste this hallmark of our careers on-”
Dead (dead to me, unpublished)
“Nothing,” he deadpanned, because he didn’t know how to explain that he didn’t want to be acting this way at all, in fact wanted to be acting the opposite, but something in his body was shaking with anger and he didn’t know where to put it.
Proposition (dead to me, published)
“We could go work on it in the library instead, if you’d like? Or in the common room, if it’s not too crowded.” She looked back up at him, trying to gauge his intentions. Was he propositioning her, offering to be alone again so they could pick up where they left off? And if he was…did she mind?  Of course she minded. His whole nice boy routine was nauseating. If he wanted to fuck her again, he could just say so. 
Grin ("sad fic" or Is it Me for You?)
James came out and slammed the door in excitement, his grin wide at the sight of them. “STAG PARTY!!!!!” He bellowed as way of introduction. The four of them screamed back, arms up, “STAG PARTY!!!!!” and for a single moment Sirius thought maybe this could feel normal, after all. 
Soft ("country roads fic")
I found out they were like me. Unwanted just because of who they were. I looked at Reggie, just fifteen, with the softest skin I’d ever seen, innocent eyes, eyes that were just asking for somebody to love him. And I felt all the rage I never could quite feel for myself—because what kind of monsters sent this kid out in the cold? Just because they’d gotten it wrong? Just because he told them the truth of who he was?  “Fuck them all,” I said to the sky. Sirius nodded beside me. “Fuck them all. We don’t need ‘em.” “Never did,” I agreed.
Heart ("country roads fic")
Fuck you! Turning on my heel, sharp and quick, kicking up dust as I bounded towards my mother, the cigarette smoke still sliding out of her lips. Fuck you, fuck Richard, fuck your stupid fuckin’ hair and your stupid fuckin’ nails and every fuckin’ thing about this place! I hope he has a heart attack while he’s mounting you and crushes you under his 250 pound lard of a body, how’s that for perverted? 
Pain (dead to me, unpublished)
He had to reach hard to grasp the knob, but as soon as he did there was an echo of voices: What do you think you’re doing?! They were frantic, a painful ringing in his ears; he heard the high tone of his mother, the gravel of Sirius, the low timber of his father.
Quiet (dead to me, unpublished)
His mother had been reading a book when he asked her—standing to the left of her favorite armchair, one of his small hands touching her arm. She took a very long time to answer him, so long that he patted her again. “Mum! Mum, can I have one?” He paused, then realized why she must have been quiet, “Can I have one, please?”
Reach (dead to me, unpublished)
He was toying with the snitch, letting it fly just out of reach before snatching it back again. Remus was reading his Herbology book, and Peter was flying around the pitch on James’s broom. The sun had just set, but they had the invisibility cloak to get them back into the castle unseen.
Light ("sad fic" or Is it Me for You?)
He tried to convince himself that this was him being normal. This was him saying, see? We can be friends. But in another light he knew he looked like a tryhard, just begging for a full conversation. Just one fucking conversation where Remus didn’t disappear in the middle of it.
Back (brand new secret smut fic)
After, James felt extremely grateful that no one had been looking. Because what had started as their lips pressed softly together turned into one of them stepping closer, neither of them pulling away, both of them placing a hand on the other’s side, someone opening their mouth just so, the other slipping a tongue across their lip… And then they’d pulled back, stunned, a bit of James’ drink having spilt on the floor, neither of them breaking eye contact for what felt like an hour. 
Whisper (dead to me, unpublished)
He’d heard her conversation with McGonagall, of course, the flimsy curtains in the hospital wing doing nothing to block their voices. But he’d intended to keep her secret, having seen the look on her face when McGonagall left, the way she stared with empty eyes at the floor. He’d seen what a private thing this was for her, so sitting around while his peers whispered about the news, he wanted to tell them to shove off.
Smirk (dead to me, unpublished)
“Honestly, I’m glad for it,” he went on, looking away. “She’s a stubborn arse. Good luck with that.” He managed a true and proper smirk, which Sirius latched onto. Rolling his eyes, the other boy sighed. “It’s gonna be a nightmare.” 
Wall ("sad fic" or Is it Me for You?)
When he thought of Remus Lupin in a suit, in a room full of promises of forever, Sirius Black wanted to punch a wall.
Lick (brand new secret smut fic)
James did not know how anyone would say no to blank wordlessly requesting to take off their top, so he lifted his arms, and suddenly the jumper was gone, the cold air licking his chest. “Fuck,” blank whispered, running a hand up James’ chest, and James’ trousers had been tight before, but they were positively bursting at the seams now.
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jeremywhitley · 1 year
May I ask what it's like to write for a character with the intent to explore their sexuality?
I haven't been a comic reader for a long time, and got into them by reading Excalibur because I was told from a friend that Rachel, Betsy, and Rictor were queer
And then that friend told me about the history of these characters and how a lot of older comics sort of play with the idea of them being queer but never explicitly is explored or stated until much later. Idk if it's just me but it seems like a lot of recent X-Men runs have kind of flirted with the idea of fluid sexuality with their characters.
So the crux of my question is really; what is the steps that are taken when you're writing about sexuality in a comic? Especially for new characters who are passed to new writers. Do you discuss the idea with their original creator or is there this kind of implied trust/understanding that that character is now in the hands of their new writer for better or worse?
Whew, this is a tough one, especially considering the point we're at in the story right now. I'm gonna try and answer it anyway, but do keep an eye out for the interview myself and the rest of the creative team did with Marvel.com which should be out later this week.
Part of the job when you work for Marvel or any other corporately owned creative entity is knowing and accepting that you have the time on the book that you have and that someone else may be writing that character later - or maybe even concurrently if they're on a team or guest staring in other books. For me, I know there came a point where I asked myself the question "would I rather someone else write this character and perhaps take their story in a direction I'm not thrilled about or would I rather this character just cease to exist and disappear from continuity after this?
Maybe it's that I'm not too precious or maybe it's that I have a tendency to fall in love with every character I write, but I would rather they continue to appear and that I see other writers pick them up and give them new stories to tell. There's not character I've written that I haven't been happy to see again six months, a year, or five years down the line. Al Ewing recently just reused a bad guy I created for Unstoppable Wasp and I was thrilled that anyone remembered them. I would be less enthusiastic if somebody decided to start publishing stories about the characters from say, Princeless, which is my creator owned comic, but when it comes to corporate comics that's the price you pay for getting to write Spider-Man.
As for sexuality, for me it's always important not to think of the discovery or revelation of a character's sexuality as "a twist". Everything you're doing should be backed up by what's already there, even if that means maybe adding the context of interiority and feelings to what was there before. Unfortunately, some audience members are never going to see or understand what experiences or relationships might shape somebody's journey and are going to have objections, but as a writer all you can do is lead the reader to queer water. You can't make them drink.
Just like with any decision characters make, you want to make it make sense. I have had the experience of knowing what I want a character's sexuality to be and not being able to write it as I wanted to, but in the case of Gwenpool I have been very lucky that there was an open editorial team with a vision for where they wanted this story to end and it was my job to make it get there in a way that's satisfying for Gwen and the readers. It's really nice to tell a queer story in the Marvel Universe knowing that a character will be able to say who and what they are and I appreciate the current Marvel team for making that possible.
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
hey, I absolutely love your writing!!!❤️
Can you maybe write a Bucky x reader with the fluffy prompt 31?
(the reader is afraid of something and she lashes out on Bucky... like she rambles on, and on to Bucky so that she runs out of breath... and Bucky forces her into a hug, which she eventually relaxes into and then tells her the promt)
If you can't write this, I'll totally understand... enjoy your day🌼🌼
♡ Hi! Thank you, I'm happy to hear that you like my writing! I love this request, and hope I was able to capture the essence of what you wanted. I know you've been waiting, so thanks for being patient! To summarize, the reader's doubts lead her and Bucky to explore the idea of what it means to add value to the world. That of course leads to some intimate dialogue and soft moments. Towards the end, I played around with an idea that relates to Bucky having enhanced senses, and I think it worked out pretty well. But I suppose that's up for you guys to decide. 🌼
♡ Prompt 31: “Shh, I can hear your heartbeat.”
What Comes Naturally
There was an abundance of memories to hold onto as summer began to bid farewell. Each of them sweet, and owning a small fraction of your heart. The days, once long, were beginning to grow shorter, and nature itself was slowing to the new rhythm of the atmopshere. It beautiful time of transition.
But a rather peculiar round of thoughts had started to cultivate within your mind. They were dense and somewhat dark, awaiting the moment in which they could release their rain.
Their accumulation had been on the basis of value. The value you were adding to the world, specifically; was it enough? Could you be working more, creating more? Did strangers walk away remembering you? Did you better the lives of those around you? There were as many doubts as there were questions. And they all seemed to have come out of nowhere, plaguing you suddenly.
It was an unfortunate headspace to have fallen into. All things considered, you should’ve been happy. Happier than you were, at least, because it was the dawn of your favorite season. Yet you’d woken up and found yourself wondering if you were doing enough.
That afternoon rolled around quickly. You were curled up on the couch when Bucky returned home from his routine run. He lifted his hand in a wave, to which you responded with a quiet hi. The earbuds you had in played a song that served as a feeble distraction from your worries. You watched as he went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water, taking a few big gulps. He focussed on you as he drank.
Then he set the bottle on the kitchen island, and dabbed his mouth with the back of his hand. A furrow formed between his brows as sweat glistened above along his hairline. “You okay, doll?”
The question barely registered, but you read his lips. Before speaking, you paused the song. “Yeah, m’fine. Just relaxing”
You might as well have been glass with the way his gaze went through you. “Okay, well, I’m gonna go hop in the shower,” he said, running a hand through his hair. A brief moment of silence passed. “We’ll talk when I’m done, okay?” There was a knowing to his tone.
All you did was nod, gratefully.
A couple minutes after he left the kitchen, you ended up padding to the bedroom as well. Rather than bothering with another distraction, you simply laid on your back across the bed. You stared at the ceiling as the sound of running shower water emitted from the bathroom. And though it was faint, you could also hear the timbre of Bucky’s voice as he hummed a tune. You closed your eyes, finding solace in the fact that he was near, and willing to listen.
By the time he came out, you’d dozed off into a light sleep. As soon he gave your knee a few gentle squeezes, your eyes fluttered open. There was a small smile on his face as he looked down at you. Damp locks of his hair fell into his forehead, and a beige bath towel was wrapped around his waist. You sat up with a soft grunt, and he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before moving to get dressed. You caught of whiff of his cedar body wash in the process.
“Love you,” you murmured, rubbing your eyes.
“Love you too, pretty girl,” he said. “Wanna start telling me ‘bout what’s going on in that mind of yours?”
For a few seconds, all you did was look down at your socked feet and kick them. You heard a couple of dresser drawers open as Bucky saught out the clothes he was going to wear. “I feel like there’s something more I could be doing,” you finally said, turning to look at him. He’d tossed his towel onto the bed put on a pair of blue boxers.
“Something more?” He repeated as he pulled a black shirt over his head. “What do you mean?” His eyes met yours with genuine curiosity, wanting to understand.
You sighed, picking at the bed comforter. “The world is so big and people are out there doing so many different things, and it feels like I’m not doing nearly as enough. Like there are ways for me to step up that I’m not acknowledging,” you explained. “Like I’m missing the mark.”
Bucky put on a pair of sweat shorts before walking to take a seat beside you on the edge of the bed. He looked intently into your eyes. “What mark do you think you’re missing?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t know,” you said, tone raising slightly. “There are people like you who go out and save the world, and do all of these crazy, larger than life things. People who have huge, innovative ideas that change entire industries. People who massive followings because they’re encouraging, or funny, and whatnot. And they all add so much to the world.”
Bucky thought about interjecting, but decided to let you continue. “It seems like I’m hardly doing anything. I at least try to leave a good impression on everyone I meet. And I try to extend the best of myself to the people I care about.” You turned your gaze from him, and directed it to the floor.
“But now there’s something’s telling me that I should be trying harder. And I don’t even know what that’s supposed to look like.” Bucky had began to run a comforting hand up and down your thigh. You released a harsh huff of air, not even realizing you’d been working yourself up. “I don’t even know where all of this is coming from. I just feel off, and...”
You fell silent when he wrapped his vibranium arm around your shoulders, and pulled you into him. Pressing a kiss to your temple, then your cheek, his stubble brushing against your skin. There was warmth radiating from his body, and he smelled good. So good. You let your head tilt to rest on his shoulder, and looked down to where your knee was brushing against his. Suddenly, it seemed as though everything you’d previously said was immature and incomprehensible.
“I’m sorry,” you started. “Maybe I’m just being—”
“Shh,” he coaxed. Then he said something that caught you off guard, and took your mind off of everything else, “I can hear your heartbeat.”
“Wait, what?” You breathed. “No you can’t.” When Bucky chuckled, light and airy, you lifted your head. “Can you really?” Your voice was soft with a disbelieving edge.
“Yes,” he said, letting his arm slip from around you. “Lay down for a second.” You did, and he fell onto his back as well.
There the two of you were, chests rising with your breaths, looking up at the ceiling.
You waited for him to explain himself or say something else, but he didn’t for a while. The air was quiet long enough that you figured it was only a matter of time before you began to hear your own heartbeat, or possibly even his. You didn’t, of course, and Bucky eventually broke the ambience that had established itself.
“I can hear it,” he confirmed, turning to look at you. “But just barely ‘cause it’s not as strong now.”
“Because I’ve calmed down?” He hummed in agreement. You studied his handsome features and began to smile. "I didn’t know could do that,” you told him. “I mean, I knew your hearing was good, but to be able to hear a heart beating is… cool.”
“Yeah. I just have to be close enough and focus extremely hard,” he explained. “And you wanna know what I have to say about adding value to the world?”
You’d almost forgotten about what you expressed to him in the moments prior. Almost. “What?”
He propped himself up on his metal arm, and placed his flesh one on your chest over your heart. He could feel the gentle thump against his palm. “This, right here, is all you need to know that you’re adding value; the fact that you’re alive,” he said, smiling when you placed your hands overtop of his. “Everyday you’re adding value in a way only you can. Even if it’s not always through some big and over the top demonstration.
“Just be and do what comes naturally. One day that might be saving a city, another day that may be making somebody laugh. Who’s to say they aren’t equally important in the end? They both effect how the future plays out, right?” He quirked his brows.
It was moments like that when you realized just how much of life he'd lived and how much wisdom he'd earned over the years. Even if you had've racked your brain, you wouldn't have found anything capable of standing up against his words. You took his hand and pressed a kiss to his palm.
Thank you so much for reading! Consider sticking around for more. <3
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
Hi love the writing! Could you do something angsty around 26 or 35 with max??
Tumblr media
Summary: You found out Max cheated on you
Warnings: angst, swearing
Word count: 2.5k
26. “Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?”
35. “What will you do if we break up?”
'Max is looking at you' you read what your best friend Anthony, an engineer at Red Bull Racing, wrote.
And you worked at Red Bull Racing too, you decided with Max Verstappen, your boyfriend, that this is the best way for you to travel with him. You didn't have a complicated job. You dealt with filtering the negative ad on the team and then you gave it to Victoria to deal with the articles as she knew.
'Okay, let him look,' you write on the piece of paper that Anthony wrote quickly on.
You were at a meeting with all the Red Bull Racing employees, to your bad luck. Being in the same room with Max Verstappen was the last thing you wanted at the time.
Sure, your relationship was beautiful, or it had been anyway. He was whatever you wished from a man and more. He looked like a bad boy but he was the cutest and most thoughtful man you knew and he made you feel safe even when you couldn't see him.
His words still resonate in your mind and you had to make a supernatural effort not to cry.
You knew Max Verstappen loved you. He told you that every day and showed you through the gestures he made. He never gave you a reason to doubt him, and you didn't look for scandal either.
But every time you saw her, a lump appeared in your stomach. Without wanting to, you became careful around you, looking for her or Max. When you saw them talking, you looked for any excuse to go near them.
But your fear was unfounded, wasn't it? Max loved you, you were together for two years and you were fine.
But you also looked at her. She had also had a long-term relationship with Daniil Kvyat, a relationship of almost three years and they have a little girl together. There can be nothing between them.
Anthony has told you several times that Max and Kelly have been spending a lot of time together, at least lately, and you said you weren't worried. Why would you be?
But last night all your worries and fears came upon you at once. Anthony told you he saw Max leave the paddock with Kelly and didn't come back for about three hours. He didn't want to pay attention to this thing but when Anthony went to the driver to show him some sketches he noticed a small bruise on the backside of his neck.
"Really?" he tells you laughing. "How old are you to leave hickeys on your skin? Only teenagers still do that."
You felt all the color drained from your face. Hickey? You never left anything like that on his skin.
Anthony probably realized that what he said was not about you.
"Y/N... I'm so sorry..."
"It's ok," you say and smile at him even though you wanted to die at that moment. "I need a little bath, I'll be right back," you say and get up from the chair.
You started crying in the bathroom. You were disappointed, scared, disgusted, and shocked. To learn that someone you trusted unconditionally had been lying, cheating, and had developed an emotional bond with another woman behind your back was not registering in your brain.
Yes, you weren't a model, you didn't look like one, but Max always told you that you were perfect and that no other woman compares to you.
You literally could not wrap your head around what was happening...
You hoped that your darkest thoughts would never come true, but they did. Max and Kelly. Together. Behind your back.
It feels like every nerve in your body has either frozen or left your vessel completely. Your body literally enters a state of shock; adrenaline. You are absolutely stripped. Vulnerability. Disbelief. Disgust. Horror. Anger. Confusion. Shattering, crippling, traumatizing heartbreak.
Trust, honesty, and respect are necessary for a relationship, and Max just shattered all three at once. You have been the victim of an emotional crime. You ask yourself, how could this person fuck me over like this?
I trusted them.
I loved them.
I was loyal to them.
I kept my end of the fucking bargain.
How could you emotionally manipulate me?
What was I lacking?
Am I the problem?
Truly sickening, reality-twisting, mind-fucking stuff. You just couldn't believe that this was happening to you. Infidelity is something you hear about quite often, in books, movies, the media, or to other people, but not to you. This was somebody you loved with all of your heart, who told you he loved you, who had never shown the slightest inclination of dishonesty or moral transgression or disloyalty.
"Y/N, are you okay?" you heard Anthony behind the door, the fear and worry present in his voice.
"I'm fine," you say, though no one would have believed you. "I'll be there in a moment."
You splashed some water on your face, looked in the mirror, and bit your lip. You looked like hell. The eyes were red, the small veins that irrigated the eyeballs were broken, the face was red, in a combination between the violent crying crisis and the anger you had.
What were you going to do? Will you pretend you didn't know anything? Will you tell him you knew? Were you going to break up with him or were you going to wait for him to break up with you to be with Kelly?
You finally came out of the bathroom and Anthony was waiting for you at the door. He hugged you tight and assured you that everything would be fine. But he had no way of knowing that. It was nothing more than his simple hope that his best friend would not lose her fucking mind.
The phone starts ringing. Anthony lets you go and he goes to see who's calling you. He gives you a worried look. You immediately realized that it was Max who was calling you. Tears began to flow down your cheeks again and Anthony took your reaction as an invitation for him to answer the phone.
"Hey, man," he replies, and you don't hear what Max is saying. "No, she went for a coffee and left her phone on the table. Okay, I'll tell her. Okay, bye."
You approach him after he's finished the call to make sure you don't hear Max's voice.
"He said to go to his room."
"I don't want to see him."
"I realized that. Let's go, we'll deal with this problem later."
You went for a walk. The fresh air calmed you down a bit, but you had all kinds of thoughts in your mind.
How many times has this happened? Did you really want to know that? You really wanted to know how many times he kissed her and then he would come to you and tell you that he loves you.
If Anthony hadn't seen the hickey, how many more times did he planned to cheat on you?
Did he love her? That would have hurt you the most, knowing that you failed to give Max the love he needed and had to look for it in the arms and bed of another woman.
"Just know that I understand your feelings. I've been through this myself." Anthony breaks the silence and you look at him. "To be cheated on, it's a feeling of helplessness and zero self-worth. You feel as if you didn't do enough for that person which is why they reached out for someone else sexually or romantically. You blame it on yourself half the time. You dig for answers in your memories to try to figure out where you went wrong, where things started to go in a different direction. You hope that it won't happen again. You hope that the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater" it's just a myth. They broke your trust, how could you ever trust them again, right? You become paranoid when they go out at night or they don't answer your phone calls by the first ring. You find yourself having more down and depressed days than happy days. And a lot of questions will always replay in the back of your mind. Why? Why now? Why with them? How could this be happening to you? No matter how many times you get an answer, it won't be enough. Day after day, it'll get better but worse at the same time."
After two hours you returned to the paddock. You were immediately notified that Max was looking for you everywhere and he was worried he couldn't find you. Ironic, isn't it?
"Y/N!" you hear Max's voice.
"Do you want me to stay with you?" Anthony asks, standing in front of you to block your image of Max.
"No, it's okay. I'll handle it somehow..."
Anthony nods and leaves, staring angrily at Max.
"Hey, I was looking for you everywhere. Are you okay? Your eyes are a little red." he asks and if you didn't know better you'd think he cared.
"Let's go somewhere private."
You went to his room. You sat on his bed and thought about what you could say. You were thinking about what Anthony told you when you walked together.
Max hands you a dose of Red Bull and you take it, feeling your throat very dry.
"We need to talk," you tell him and you feel your eyes start to sting. It was not yet time to start crying.
"Okay? Is something wrong?"
"Is it true what Anthony told me?" you ask and you see that Max doesn't know what you mean; how would he know? "Is it true that you and Kelly spent some time together?"
His face went blank for a moment as he tried to understand.
"What you mean?"
You reach out your trembling hand to the collar of his polo shirt to lower it where Anthony told you it was the mark.
And Anthony was right. There was, in front of you, the hickey Kelly made on him.
Max didn't expect that. He looks at you with wide eyes and you hear his heart start beating harder. Sweat dripped down his forehead.
He looked away from you, numb. You discovered his secret. You didn't know if he was afraid of your reaction or sorry you found out his little secret.
"I didn't intend to hurt you," he says, and you realize he's telling the truth.
He had a guttural voice.
You smile at them. A broken smile that hid the primordial desire to cry and hit him with all your best.
"I don't care about your intentions. They're irrelevant. You didn't intend to hurt me? Well, you didn't intentionally try to keep me from harm either."
You don't know where you had the strength to look into his eyes and not cry. Max looks crushed. Because you found out? Because you're breaking up? Because he has to put an end to the affair with Kelly?
"How long was it actually going on before I found out?"
You see Max trying to think of an answer that doesn't affect you so much or destroy you at all.
"For less than a month," he answers.
One month? Where were you a month ago? In Spain. Did something happen there? Did you notice anything strange about him? To his behavior? No. You didn't notice anything.
Was he really that good at hiding his mistakes?
That, of course, if he considers the relationship with Kelly a mistake.
"Did you ever think of me when you were with her?"
He did not answer. You didn't even know if you wanted to know the answer to that. What would it be like to answer that he never thought of you and that his mind was soaked in serotonin that only Kelly could think of those moments?
"I never stopped loving you."
"I don't believe you loved me while you were cheating on me. Love and betrayal are incompatible. I don't feel safe with that kind of 'love.'"
"So? You're breaking up with me?" Max asks.
Although you still had so much to say, you no longer had the power. You were so mentally and physically exhausted that you just wanted to be alone and cry.
"There's nothing else to do, is there?" you say and leave his room.
Anthony was waiting for you. He noticed that you had no tears on your face and frowned.
"What happened? Did you guys make up?"
You hug Anthony hard and cry. At that moment you gave up being strong. You gave up pretending, even in front of you, that you were fine.
Fuck it, you weren't fine. You were far from fine.
You looked back at Christian Horner, who was presenting something on the video projector. You lost the whole meeting with the crew. You had no idea what was being said.
Honestly, you don't even care what they said. You only worked there because you were Max Verstappen's girlfriend. But for eighteen hours, this was no longer true. So what's stopping you from going to Christian and telling him you're resigning? What keeps you from going home and forgetting about Max, forgetting the last two years of your life and starting over?
"That's it for today, thank you very much, friends, and let's get back to work, yeah?"
Everyone gets up from their seats. Anthony draws your attention and beckons you to look at the garage door.
You could faint then and there. No one and nothing ever prepared you for the emotions you were experiencing then. Kelly Piquet was at the garage door, waiting for the meeting to end. She was staring at Max, but he was just looking at you.
"Can we talk a little?"
You nod to Anthony that you're fine and he can leave. You look at Max and you see that he doesn't look very good. He had dark circles and you're sure he didn't sleep last night either, just like you.
“Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?” he asks, looking down at his shoes.
"Yes," you answer categorically, looking at his face, waiting for him to raise his head so you can look him in the eye.
“What will you do if we break up? You will leave here or-” you interrupt him.
"Not 'if I break up with you,' we've already gotten over it," you say and Max looks at you with wide eyes. "We already broke up last night. I'm still here because I haven't had a chance to talk to Christian yet to tell him I'm resigning."
"Are you leaving?"
"I have nothing to do here. I came to Red Bull Racing for you."
A tear runs down Max's cheek.
"What can I tell you to stay?"
"There's nothing left to say. Now go," you say and you feel a lump in your throat. "She's waiting for you."
Max turns to the garage door to see who you're talking about.
"I gave her a text message last night and told her it was all a mistake between us."
You smile at him. "Goodbye, Max," you say then you shout for Christian.
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krisdreaming · 4 years
Pairing: Miya Atsumu x reader
WC: ~1k
A/N: A few days ago I read this super cute fic by @evermorehaikyuu​ and Dad!Atsumu + this concept have been living in my mind rent free ever since, so I really have Ivy & the anon who made the request to thank for this whole thing. Anyway I’m back on my Dad fic shit :3
(Also please ignore the fact that Atsumu & Osamu probably live in different cities after the timeskip, just... roll with it)
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“What do you think we should have for dinner?” You ask your daughter as you peer into the refrigerator. You glance across the room to find her busily playing with the containers she’d pulled out of the cupboard and sigh. It’s not like you expected her to answer you, but with Atsumu away you’ve been catching yourself holding these one-sided conversations with her more and often. 
It’s the first time he’s gone on an extended trip since she was born. You didn’t realize how much you’d miss something as simple as having another adult in the house. You’d never admit it to him in a million years, but you also find yourself missing the little ways he’d help out or give you little bursts of encouragement whenever you needed it most. 
“Well, I guess it can be leftovers tonight,” You finally decide, grabbing the container. “And how’s sweet potatoes and chicken sound to you?” You select the jar of baby food. She babbles in response, which you take as a yes.
Just as you pull a plate out of the cupboard, there’s a knock at the door. You open it to reveal your brother-in-law still in his Onigiri Miya uniform. “Hey, ‘Samu. What’re you doing here?” The paper bag he’s holding is emanating a delightful smell, and you can’t keep your mouth from watering. You spare it a single glance.
He shrugs, stepping inside when you wave him in. “Just stoppin’ by. Everything goin’ alright?” You nod, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
“Don’t tell me ‘Tsumu asked you to check on us,” You groan.
“So ya want me to lie then?” You shake your head at his amused little smile. “Besides, I thought ya might be interested in these. They’re extra from this afternoon.” He hands you the bag and you peer in, grinning at the onigiri tucked inside. Your favorite kind, if you had to hazard a guess.
“Aw, ‘Samu,” You hug the bag a little closer, “You’re a life-saver.” Sorry, crummy leftovers, you silently apologize to the container still setting on the counter.
Across the kitchen, your daughter is doing her best to be heard. She’s babbling and reaching toward her uncle with full-on grabby hands, scooting toward him as best as she can. You try to remember if she’s always adored him this much.
“Well, hi there.” He finally makes his way over to her, leaning over and lifting her up with a groan. Once she’s in his arms, she’s patting his cheeks with her little hands and giggling happily. “This is new, eh?” He asks her, with a bemused smile.
Slowly, the pieces start to fall into place, and you try your best not to laugh. “Um,” You say in a low voice, hiding your smile behind your hand, “’Samu, I think she thinks you’re her d-a-d.”
“Ah-huh,” He cranes his neck away from the fingers she’s trying her hardest to poke into his mouth. “Well I guess that does explain this, then,” He chuckles. You press your fingers to your lips in an effort to stifle your laughter.
“Take off your hat,” You finally suggest, “She’s not used to seeing you in your hat.”
He does what you say, tossing his hat on the counter, and the effect is immediate. You know you shouldn’t find delight in your daughter’s distress, but you can’t help the laughter that slips out at the way her lips immediately turn down into a pout. She draws her hands away from his face and reaches for you with a perturbed sound. Osamu is only too happy to hand her over.
“I’m sorry, love,” You murmur as she tucks her face into your neck, “That wasn’t a nice surprise, was it?” You press a kiss to her temple.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” Osamu says sheepishly, but you wave it off.
“Don’t apologize, just imagine Atsumu’s face when he hears this story.” Osamu smirks at that, and you find yourself laughing all over again. 
Later that night, you start your video call with Atsumu. It’s morning where he is, and you try to talk almost every day soon after he wakes up. The moment her father’s face appears on the screen, your daughter reaches out to him, babbling away.
“Hi, Princess,” He says with a grin, waggling his fingers at her. 
“Do you want to tell your Daddy about the visitor we had today?” You ask her. Shes just giggling at his antics. His eyes shift to you. “Your brother stopped in.”
“Oh?” He hums, playing nonchalance. 
“Mm-hmm,” You nod smugly. “Somebody was really excited to see him,” You bounce your daughter in your lap. “She thought he was somebody else.”
“Somebody-” You can see the exact moment when it hits him, and he inhales a sharp gasp. “No,” He says quickly. You giggle.
“Yes,” You reply, giddy. It’s just too good.
“Aww,” He groans into his hands, “Ya gotta be kiddin’ me. ‘Samu? She thought ‘Samu was me?”
“As soon as he took off his hat, she knew it wasn’t you,” You assure him, “She was actually pretty upset about it.”
He props his cheek on his fist, looking from his daughter to you with a soft smile. “I’m sorry, baby girl. I’ll be home really soon. Promise. I miss you.”
You hug her a little closer. She’s quieted down now, just hugging your arm and watching the screen intently. “We miss you, too,” You reply in a whisper. 
“Well, I should get going,” He says after a few beats of silence. He blows two kisses at the screen. “I love you both so much.”
“Love you, too,” You echo. “Don’t worry,” You murmur to your daughter after the call goes dark, “The real one will be back home before you know it.” She sighs softly in your arms, already nodding off. You press a kiss to the top of her head.
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oddaodd · 4 years
Alright then. Would you please write something with Tommy ShelbyxFemReader based on the song Where You Belong by The Weeknd. I discovered this song a few days ago and it's sooooo good! Listen to it with lyrics right in front of you the first time you do and second time just for the music. And if you've already listened to it then you know. It's soooo Tommy somehow **zones out** Thanks so muc!1 <3 <3
· Can You Feel How Fast That’s Going? ·
Author’s note: I decided to mix this request with another one sent by a lovely anon that read “Hello there xxx Love reading your blog ! Can I please get a Tommy Shelby x Reader request ? How he says I love you for the first time?” And yeah, I really loved how it turned out and I hope you do as well. As always, I wish you the loveliest of days. ❤️
Warnings: Smut, cheating, tommy being an ass. 
“Oh God!” She moaned at the feeling of Tommy thrusting in and out of her “please, Tommy! Don’t stop” she pleaded going to bite his earlobe and whispering wantonly  “I’m so close”
“Moan my name again” he commanded going to suck at her neck with the firm intention of leaving a mark there. “I want everyone to know I’m the only one than can make you feel this good” his voice husky and his accent heavy.
“Tommy, please!” She screamed as she felt her climax awfully close “Tommy, I’m gonna…” but her sentence for cut off short when she came at the feeling of  his fingers rubbing circles on her clit.
He came inside her not a second later. The feeling of his cum spurting into her egging her to wrap her legs around his waist not wanting him to pull out until he was empty.
He pulled out moments after, once their breathings and limbs had relaxed some and pulled her close to him as they laid on her bed.
“Feel “ she whispered, gently taking his hand in hers and placing it above her naked breast. Her heart was beating fast and Tommy felt pride at knowing he was the reason why.
He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked there exhausted as she was, heart beating fast and breathing calm, her naked body and the pearl necklace had gifted her some moons ago, glimmering with the moonshine peeping through her curtain less window. But he didn’t, because since Grace he had become numb to the topic of loving. Or so he told himself.
She felt his stare and met it with a tired smile. She could see love dancing stark naked in his eyes, making her feel like he loved her despite him never saying so. Her finger began dancing across his chest, softly tracing some of the scars she had asked about in the past and received no explanation about. Oh how she wished she knew all there was to know about Thomas Shelby. All in due time, she reassured  herself.
When she woke up the next morning Tommy had already left, which wasn’t strange. His absence in addition to her being sober from his touch made her wonder if he was not in love with her, but with the subject of sin and how good she felt around him. Had she been fooling herself all along? She tried to put the thought out of her mind with a sigh and got up from bed to go get dressed for work.
A weak smile graced her features as she noticed Tommy’s mark on her neck. Making the pool of emotions in her stomach stir. Tommy wasn’t good with emotions so she count just ask him about the nature of his intentions with her.
She felt strange throughout the day. Tommy always left in the middle of the night and It had never affected her before, so she couldn’t understand why it was affecting her now. After having spent all morning forcing smiles at the customers who visited the bakery she worked at, her shift ended and she left the store with a tiny basket containing peach danishes, in hand. She loved the pastries and wanted to share them with Tommy. She wanted needed  too see the love she had seen the previous night  in the ocean of his eyes to make her feel less of a fool drowning in unrequited love.
She was welcomed into the betting shop by Polly
“Is Tommy here?” She asked Kindly after having greeted the woman.  
“He’s in his office” Polly answered, regretting her words as soon as they left her lips. Y/n shouldn’t be there.
“He’s with that rich horse trainer of his” chimed in Lizzie bitterly as she passed by.
Y/n didn’t have time to throw more questions at Polly  because the door of Tommy’s office opened and out of it emerged may Carleton, her hair disheveled and her cheeks rosy, Tommy himself walking after her.
Once his eyes fell on Y/n he stopped dead in his tracks. He noticed the confused doleful expression in her face and felt a twinge of pain across his heart. Y/n didn’t even give him time to form an explanation for his incriminatory state. She bitterly placed the basked a top a nearby desk before walking out of the building as calmly as she could to keep the small amount of dignity she had left.
Tommy went after her calling out her name , but she didn’t stop nor turned round too see him. It wasn’t until Tommy caught up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder that he met her eyes.
“It wasn’t what it looked like” he said as as nonchalantly and collected as possible.
“Oh I’m sure you were just braiding each other’s hair” spat Y/N. Unable to contain her rage any further. Lizzie’s bitter tone making its way to her mind. “Do you braid Lizzie’s hair as well?!” She didn’t wait for his answer and moved to try and leave but he held her in place.
No, don’t Y/n me! Am I the only one who didn’t know I was never the only one?”
Tommy’s mouth tightened into a line.
“What a fool I was” she sighed, tears stinging her eyes.
“Your face is all I see when I’m with somebody else” he blurted out in a feeble somewhat emotionless effort to make her understand.  
“Oh yeah because that makes it all better!” She huffed before escaping his grasp “and don’t follow me” Maybe If she had heard the slightest hint of emotion in his voice she would’ve let him explain.
A few days went by and Tommy didn’t get a single glimpse of Y/n and for the first few days of those few days, he thought he was doing Y/n a favor in not looking for her. He knew she deserved and wanted to be loved, he saw it in her eyes and touches every time he made love to her and he felt too incapable and empty to give her what she so very badly longed for. However, after a few more days passed he began missing her. He wanted to confine her, he wanted her to be his and unable to resist his longing any further he headed for Y/n’s home.
Standing at her doorstep, seconds after having knocked on her door he realized he hadn’t planned what he was going to say and he felt like a fool, so when Y/n opened the door his eyes widened slightly.
“What do you want?” She asked bitterly.
“I want you to let me explain” he began calmly.
“There is nothing to explain” she said irked by his tone before attempting to close the door, but Tommy took hold of It before she could succeed in shutting it.
“Cant you see that I want you?”
He saw her eyes glazing with tears “It’s not about want Tommy” she sighed “you make me feel so lost and at first I didn’t care because everything around me was beautiful but now I don’t even know where I belong” her voice breaking at the end.
In an abrupt movement he took hold of her hand and placed it over his heart “Feel” It was beating fast. “This is where you belong”
“Tommy…” she whispered in expectancy. Looking into his eyes and once again seeing love in there, dancing stark naked. A warm feeling slowly spreading through her body at the knowing that she was the reason why his heart was beating at such speed.
He cupped her face. Letting go of her hand, which remained pressed against his chest by her own will.
“I love you, Y/N” he professed.
Her own  heart gave a leap at his words and shortly after her lips met his in a needy, urgent kiss. “I love you too”
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @nyotamalfoy @peakyxtommy @writeroutoftime 
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withinsnow · 3 years
Panel layout and visual composition: part 2
One tricky thing with mediums such as comics and literature, is that you can’t manipulate the passing of time like you can in audiovisual mediums. So in moments where slow motion would be used in film to do just that, you’ll here have to find other methods to achieve the same effect. There are many such techniques. For example: a common trick in writing is to use a series of short sentences to convey a feeling of urgency and haste. Just like this, comics often use composition and panel layout to achieve something similar.
Disclaimer yet again: I’m not trying to «fix» the manhua or presenting an «improved version». I do this for practice. I also think the artist is genuinely skilled, and that anybody who’s able to produce consistent, good-quality illustrations at such a rapid pace should be feared. This is also why I decided to not make suggestion layouts this time, and instead tweak the illustrations themselves.
Motion lines, my beloathed.
The presence of motion lines isn’t an exclusively bad thing obviously. Like everything else it’s a visual tool we use to create an illusion of either speed, intensity or something different depending on how it’s used. It is, however, extremely easy to misuse. If I were to say what I think the nr. 1 flaw of the manhua is, it would be how often motion lines are defaulted to, sometimes to the detriment of the composition. I think that is the case here.
So let’s look at Wei Wuxian falling from a tree.
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and the catch.
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Here, motion lines are used in every single panel. What happens is a rapid-fire, staccato effect similar to the series of short sentences in writing. Additionally, the motion lines in the third and last two panels gives it a very dramatic feel. There are two possible intentions I can think of in this case: The above effect could be intentional, and it’s supposed to feel a bit dramatic in the sense that Lan Wangji has to rush to catch him. In that case it worked, though I believe cutting away the fifth panel would’ve been better for the overall effect (and I’ll get back to why later). The number of panels does have the unfortunate effect of extending the urgent moment beyond its necessity, essentially pulling us out of the emotional state we had when Wei Wuxian looked down at Lan Wangji from the tree. We’re then brought back in again with the embrace. It’s a back-and-forth that, in my personal opinion, is a bit too close to a jarring rollercoaster ride.
The second intention that I can think of, is that the amount of panels and use of negative space are there because the artist wanted the moment to extend as if in slow-motion. That intention doesn’t follow through into the final work, so I’m not sure how likely that is. Instead of lingering, we’re moving quickly through several snapshots of one scene. The impression I get is a bit like this videoclip here (cw. flashing images) (obviously I’m exaggerating).
Now, let’s say we want to achieve a slow-motion effect for Wei Wuxian’s fall. How do we go about that? Let’s look at a successful example and see how and why it works.
The manga «our dreams at dusk» is often praised not only for its exploration on what living in Japan as a queer person is like, but also because of its amazing visual presentation. Here’s a page of a character «falling in slow motion».
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(From «Our Dreams at Dusk» chapter 1)
In this page, Somebody (the character) looks as if suspended midair, and part of the reason is the layout. The first panel takes up half the page, catching our attention and causing us to spend more time looking at it. The three panels to the side are arranged in such a way that as we read them, the panel with Somebody is still in our peripheral vision. It extends the time Somebody’s in the air as we read, causing a slow-motion like effect. Note how the lack of motion lines makes it look like a snapshot of a moment, yet the dynamic pose and weightlessness of the hair creates a feeling of motion in stillness.
I think this chapter could have done something similar. Say the panel with Wei Wuxian falling from the tree takes up most of the page. We could add small panels with details that overlap the edge of the larger one, like a close-up of Lan Wangji’s foot moving forward in the bottom corner. Like above, the fall being in the background as we look at the smaller ones extends Wei Wuxian’s perceived time in the air. A webcomic artist who often use smaller panels to «frame» bigger ones is Minna Sundberg, here’s an example:
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(From «Stand Still Stay Silent» chapter 16)
The large panel is the central action, the before/after depicted in the smaller panels are all tied to it, since the central action is what cause the other actions to happen. The overlapping panels makes this clearer, as they’re directly connected.
Falling for you, but strategically
That «motion in stillness» quality I talked about is one the «catch» panel could potentially have if it didn’t have the motion lines. Without those, the way this panel leads the eye is actually quite good. As we move down the page our eyes first hit the top of the panel, and the first thing we see is the end of Wei Wuxian’s ponytail. Following the line of it we end on Lan Wangji catching Wei Wuxian. Our gaze essentially «falls» from above and «lands» in Lan Wangji’s arms (if we want to be poetic about it). When motion lines are used in a radial shape like this, our attention is brought to whatever is at its center. What that does here, is causing our attention to «snap» towards the hug. The effect of the composition is weakened by the motion lines. (Oh motion lines. My beloathed)
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Because of this I opted to do a quick edit this time, to show how small elements make big changes. The first thing I did was edit out the motion lines in the above panel. I then placed the panel of Lan Wangi extending his arms before this one, removing the one between these two. Another neat trick I wanted to test out, is one where we again use the negative space to extend the «fall» in the final panel. I made the ribbon longer, so that it goes beyond the panel border. Of course it isn’t really that long, but we can allow ourselves many inaccuracies in the name of artistic liberty.
Here’s how that looks:
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The top panel looks quite dynamic, and while motion lines are (again) one reason for that, the diagonal line of action coupled with the side-profile enhance it. To use my friend’s words: side profile indicates that compositionally, the person can theoretically move back-and-forth. Thus it often carries more urgency and/or suddeness.
Diagonal lines carve interesting and dynamic directions through the picture, and using an X-composition creates dynamic conflict between those opposing directions. If you look at the page from «Stand Still Stay Silent» you may notice it’s used there. The line of action for the monster goes from top-left to bottom-right, while the lines on the ground go from bottom-left to top-right. The characters are placed where those lines intersect, drawing your eyes there. One can also say there’s a diagonal cross in the top panel. For those of us who reads left to right, our eyes will naturally follow that direction as we look at images. Lan Wangji’s line of action goes opposite to this. There’s also the trees in the background being slightly tiltet to the left.
Moving on, the reason I chose to remove the panel between those two is because evenly spaced out snapshots of a fast-paced moment can work against the flow of the action. It’s similar to animation in a sense.
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The distribution of the frames gives an illusion of acceleration. The opposite gives an illusion of slowing down. When we have a panel of Wei Wuxian right before he lands in Lan Wangji’s arms, it gives that slowing-down impression. However, his fall doesn’t halt before Lan Wangji catches him; it’s continuously accelerating. The presence of the «right before» panel creates this odd pause, and is in my opinion unnecessary. In the case where we remove said panel, the use of dynamic motion in the top panel and «motion in stillness» in the bottom panel conveys how the action plays out: Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are in motion as they rush towards one another, and when he’s catched that momentum stops. It’s subtle but effective.
And that’s my thoughts on the «falling/catching» panels. I do have my thoughts on those following as well, but I think this is a good place to wrap up. Maybe another time.
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messrmoonyy · 3 years
The fluff 49 with Remadora!!
I literally used to always just write from Doras thoughts yet here I am now obsessed with writing outta Remus’ head. Jealous Remus. We love to see it. Prompt from this list.
Prompt: ‘ is somebody jealous? ‘
Pairing: Remus lupin x Nymphadora Tonks
Warnings: mild language
You can find all my other writing on my masterlist and remember my ask box is always open, so drop me a request! Check my masterlist for who I write for!
Remus didn’t think he was a particularly jealous person. And he had plenty to be jealous of when he thought about it. But it just… never crossed his mind to be jealous. He was too far past having an emotion so useless, jealousy would never get him anyway. Being jealous of a man with more money than he had wouldn’t magically make a hundred galleons appear in his pocket. Being jealous of other people his age who were settled down with families wouldnt make his family return from the dead. Yet…. There he was, sat at his desk in the Grimmauld place library, practically seething.
He knew he was being ridiculous. Completely. But watching Sirius and Nymphadora laughing on the other side of the room was making his blood boil. He felt a little stupid in fact, they were related after all. But. The Blacks did have a bit of reputation for that didn’t they. And there was the matter that he’d heard Harry talking to Hermione about how he thought Nymphadora and Sirius were secretly a couple. And of course to top it all off Sirius had, and probably always would be, an absolute ladies man.
He didn’t really have a right to be jealous. Yes he and Tonks had been getting very… close, if that was even the best choice of words. He didn’t think close did justice right the several bouts of snogging he had found himself in a multitude of places around Grimmauld place. Only the previous night on the exact sofa she was pratting around on with Sirius now. Not to mention the nights Tonks snook into his room, or cornered him in the back of the library. And there was that one time he’d practically jumped her in the drawing room after a meeting. But there hadnt been any real discussion on what they were.
The only vague discussion being after their first kiss, when Remus has avoided her for a good four days after. Wracked with guilt that he’d let his self control slip. But she’d cornered him in the kitchen and forced him to confront the situation head on. He’d tried to tell her it was probably a mistake. That he wasn’t exactly the best of choices for her. But she’d told him he was ridiculous, that she didn’t care about his age. His condition. But there hadn’t been a talk on their situation since. He didn’t like to bring it up. Maybe it was simply casual for her. A late night hook up when she had stress form work to blow off. So he couldn’t be jealous could he.
But he was. Insanely so. His grip tightening on his quill as Sirius flung another awful joke at her and she threw her head back with laughter. Remus didn’t get it but she clearly did. He tried to distract his jealousy away by focusing on just how beautiful she was when she was laughing, how her eyes crinkled at the corners and her cheeks flushed pink. But it didn’t work as well as he hoped. Because if he noticed those things. Sirius must too.
“ if you two are going to continue being so noisy then would you just leave. Some of us are trying to work “ he snapped, slamming his fist to the desk for good measure. Sirius made some grumbled remark about Remus being a bore. But he didn’t care enough to pay attention.
“ ooo Tonksie that’s his professor tone “ Sirius said in a loud whisper before laughing again and nudging Tonks with his elbow “ sorry sir. Detention for talking in class? “ they both burst into laughter, Tonks steadying herself with a hand to Sirius’ shoulder. Remus sighed and tried to ignore them, his knuckles turning white around his quill. “ oh come on Re. Have a drink, lighten up “
“ I’m not in the mood. I’m trying to work “ he grumbled, purposely not looking over at she’d Sirius now had his arm slung around Tonks shoulders. He was being ridiculous. Though Tonks seemed to pick up on it.
There was then some hushed talking between the two of them, that his heightened senses would’ve allowed him to hear if he cared enough. But instead He huffed and looked back down at his mission report. There was the creek of the library door as Sirius left with another remark about how boring Remus was and then quiet. Assuming that Tonks had followed Sirius out of the room he debated on going to find her. But a few moments later her arms looped around his neck from behind him, her nose brushing against his cheek.
“ is somebody jealous? “ she said quietly, mischief evident in her tone. He’d hoped he hadn’t been so obvious. Clearly he had. Of course he had. He wasn’t exactly well practiced in the art of hiding his affections for someone. And besides, Tonks could read him like a book.
“ I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about “ he felt her smile against his cheek and she tightened her hold on him, bringing her chin down to rest on his shoulder.
“ he’s my cousin Remus. I might technically be a Black by name, but not by nature. Not really into the whole ‘ fuck your family members ‘ thing you know? Especially not Sirius. Merlin. It’d be like shacking up with a brother or something. Nasty. Ugh now you’ve put that imagine in my head “ she shivered at the thought and he couldn’t help but smile.
“ you said yourself he’s handsome “ he pointed out, remembering the conversation that had actually lead to their first kiss, in a much similar situation to the one they were currently in. His so thought non existent jealousy coming out to bite.
“ doesn’t mean I wanna shag him Remus “
“ you always have such a way with words “ she laughed lightly and moved around in front of him, hopping up onto the desk and folding her arms.
“ I’m quite offended actually “ Remus sat back in his chair and watched her intently. Her cheeks were flushed slightly from drinking “ I mean come. On. Remus. You’ll be saying I’m shacking up with Arthur next because I laugh at his dad jokes “ when she put it like that he guessed he had been a bit irrational with his thoughts.
“ I heard Harry talking about it with Ron and Hermione. I think most of the kids believe you and Sirius are up to something “ she scoffed at that and quirked an eyebrow.
“ so you’re listening to the theories of the most unobservant boy in the entire country? I mean I love the boy I do, but I think he needs a new pair of glasses. His clearly aren’t working well “ a small smile tugged at his face then, Harry was a bright boy but he did have a tendency to be quite…. Oblivious. To everything. Tonks was quiet for a few more moments before tilting her head to the side inquisitively, chewing lightly on her bottom lip. She looked deep in thought “ so what’s this really about then? “ Remus frowned and raised his hands as if in mock surrender.
“ nothing. I told you I heard Harry and the way you were with Sirius.. it’s nothing “ she rolled her eyes and hopped off the desk, stepping either side of his legs and wiggling to get comfortable in his lap. His hands flew to her waist, unable to stop himself as she placed her hands to his shoulders and titled her head again.
“ Remus “ her voice was slightly sterner but she was smiling at him “ you can talk to me. You know you can “ he debated telling her the truth. That he was just getting jealous because she could do far better than him. She could have whoever she wanted, whenever she wanted. And he was scared to lose her. What they had, whatever it really was, was great. Remus hadn’t been so happy in a long. Long. Time. He didn’t want to push too far and send her packing. But he didn’t want to hang too far back and have her run off to someone else. It was a constant dilemma in his head.
“ you and I “ he started, not really even sure where he was going with his speech “ it’s good. It’s. It’s marvellous “ she laughed a little and nodded with a tight lipped smile.
“ it is. Though I sense a ‘ but ‘ incoming “ he sighed and fiddled nervously with one of the beads on her shirt. They were haphazardly sewn all over it and he wondered if she’d added them herself.
“ I’m just waiting for the inevitable “ he said after another short moment of silence. Deciding now was a better time as any to tell her. She was stubborn and she had him right where she wanted him. So it was going to come out there and then whether he liked it or not really.
“ ‘ the inevitable’ being?…. “
“ finding someone better- no now before you make that face let me finish. Please “ she had sighed as soon as the words left his mouth, sitting back slightly with an eye roll.
“ Remus we’ve talked about this. Can you just get it into your head, that I fancy you. Not Sirius. Not some random ‘ someone better ‘. You “ he couldn’t lie that the words made his heart pound just that bit faster. The confirmation being all he’d really needed. But there was always going to be that worry in the back of his mind. It would never go away.
“ I know. And maybe I’m a fool to keep bringing it up. But you have to admit that I’m not exactly at the top of most peoples most eligible list “ she took his face in her hands then, making him look her in the eyes. He’d noticed she didn’t change their colour very often anymore after he’d made an offhand remark about how beautiful her natural brown eyes were. They were captivating.
“ no one else bloody matters though. You’re at the top of my list. That’s all that matters. Maybe I’m mental. Maybe I’m not. All I know, is you’re one of the only truly decent man I’ve ever met. You don’t make me morph. You’re so respectful it’s practically dripping off of you. And you’re proper fit too which is totally just a bonus “ he hoped she couldn’t feel his cheeks heating up under her hands. But her smile told him she probably could.
It was odd for him to look at her and think that some one could ever even have the nerve to make her morph for them. To fit their idea of what was perfect. He thought she was marvellous in whatever form she thought was best fitting for her each day. He’d never dream of making her change. In his eyes, there had never been a more perfect specimen of a person to walk the earth. She made him laugh. Made him feel normal. Cared for. He couldn’t believe she would ever have eyes for him. But she did. And he guessed that miracles must truly be real.
“ I’m sorry for being so jealous “ her face softened again and the backs of her fingers brushed over his cheek.
“ it’s fine. I mean. At least it shows you care? “ she laughed a little and he felt his tension melting away a little.
“ I do “ her hand crept towards the back of his neck, her fingers slipping into his hair and she shuffled a little closer again.
“ good. Now stop being a mope and realise we’re on own again “ she whispered the last part, her face inching closer so he felt her breath on his lips. And with a smirk she caught his lips in hers.
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oh, honey || h. styles
warnings: mentions of sex, kissing
word count: 2.3k
summary: when harry is struck with writer’s block, you come to the rescue and inspire him to write a song, which later becomes known as ‘adore you’...
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You’d be lying if you said you weren’t harbouring a crush on a man you’d known for about five years. And for four and half years of that, you found he was the only thing that seemed to occupy your mind. With any crush, it was fun at first. The thrill of being around him brought a new spark to your life. But then, gradually, it became tiresome; the constant butterflies and the overthinking every tiny action began to aggravate you.
You’d had a boyfriend since you met Harry. He loved you and you tried to love him. You knew it wasn’t fair on him, and you felt an ounce of extra guilt every day that relationship went on. You knew it was selfish to paint yourself a mirage of a perfect life with a man you knew you couldn’t love.
The relationship lasted eight months. It had never meant to last that long. At first, it was all fun and games - neither of you took things too seriously. A bit of harmless sex and late nights with red wine and David Attenborough documentaries. But then things took a turn, and he began talking of moving in together and meeting each other’s parents. Your parents would have loved him, you knew that. But what good was that when you didn’t love him?
Eventually, the two of you sat down and decided that maybe it was best if you went your separate ways. It was a mutual decision. And you both agreed that it was fun whilst it lasted. So, this relationship you’d gotten yourself into to get your mind off Harry had ended because you could never love this man the way he wanted you to.
It had been a rough eight months for you. Harry had been in somewhat of a mood with, well, everybody. Mitch concluded that he was probably just stressed with writing for the album and making sure everything was perfect for his debut solo album. But, though nobody necessarily picked up on it at the time, when you announced that you’d broken up with your boyfriend, Harry seemed to be in a much better mood ever since.
So, now, as you walked into the studio, you ran your hands along your jean-clad thighs. It was a desperate attempt to rid your palms of the sweat your nervousness had caused. Sarah had called you and asked if you were free to swing by the studio. She said something about needing a new mind to help Harry. Instantly, you agreed. You would always be there for Harry.
Sat on one of the couches was Harry Styles himself, his hand over his eyes. He was alone, his guitar beside him. A notebook of his lyrics was tossed aside, clearly neglected in tiredness or frustration. “Harry?” you called out, closing the door behind you.
He looked up quickly, startled by the sudden disturbance. “Y/N,” he smiled slightly, sitting up properly. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought you could use some help,” you shrugged, slipping out of your black puffer jacket. “And clearly you need it. Where is everyone?”
“Oh, they went to get some lunch at some place down the road,” he replied.
“And what about you? Aren’t you hungry? You need to eat, Harry.”
“I know. I will, I will. I’m just trying to finish this song, is all.”
You nodded slightly, sitting down in front of him on the coffee table. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were resting on top of dark bags. “Let me see,” you said, extending your hand.
Slowly, he placed the notebook into your hands. You stared down at the scribbled lyrics. Things were crossed out; things were circled; things were accompanied by little doodles. On the very top of the page, though, was the rushed title (above a few others, which had been crossed out): ADORE YOU. “I’m just gonna put it aside and come back to it,” he sighed. “Wanna get high? It always helps me write music.”
“No, Harry. I don’t want to get high with you. If you leave it, then you’ll never come back to it and nobody will ever get to hear it,” you replied.
“Except you. I want you to hear it,” he said quietly, so quiet, in fact, that you barely heard it.
He wasn’t looking at you, thankfully. At least he wouldn’t see the mix of nerves and excitement at what he’d just muttered. You shifted slightly, placing the notebook down beside you, “Well, then you’ll have to finish it, won’t you?”
Finally, he looked up at you. You felt tiny as his eyes explored your face, drinking in every last inch of your features. A small smile worked its way up onto his face, “I suppose I will.”
So, Harry began projecting his ideas onto you. He explained what the song was about and the kind of things he wanted to write. He sang the chorus to you, and you swore you melted right there and then. Hearing his voice fill the otherwise silent room you were in, with no other intent than to please you, filled your head with all sorts of fantasies. “It’s good, Harry. It’s really good,” you nodded, smiling sweetly at him.
“Obviously not good enough if I can’t think of anything other than the first verse and the chorus,” he groaned, raking his long fingers through his unruly hair.
In a moment of fleeting confidence, you reached out and squeezed Harry’s hand. He looked up at you, his green lagoons of eyes staring directly into your own. “Harry, stop. You’re doing yourself no good thinking like that. No songs start out as the greatest thing ever written; you have to put time and care and effort into them,” you said gently. “Let me help, Harry. I don’t want you to go through this alone.”
He nodded, squeezing your hand in return. He pulled out a pen and stared expectantly at you. You smiled - you were happy he was willing to let you help. “What did you have in mind?” he asked, eager to hear a new outlook on these lyrics he had grown sick of reading over and over again.
“Well,” you began, “it obviously has a sort of ethereal vibe to it. So, summer skies? Like, maybe something about ‘you under summer skies’?”
He nodded slowly, absorbing your suggestion. Until, suddenly, his eyes lit up. You knew the look. You’d seen it many a time before. It was the look he adopted whenever he’d been struck by the perfect slice of inspiration he needed to write an incredible piece of music. “You, Y/N, are a bloody genius! ‘Your wonder under summer skies’,” he grinned.
He scribbled the lyric down desperately. You couldn’t help but admire him as ideas escaped his brain and fell onto the paper before him. He finally looked back up at you, the page now littered with prompts and snippets of lyrics. “Thanks, Y/N. You’re a lifesaver,” he said.
You chuckled, “I didn’t do anything.”
“Well, you didn’t do anything for my other songs but they exist because of you,” he rushed out, clearly not comprehending his words. “Shit. Sorry, that- that didn’t mean to come out.”
You smirked. You had the power now, after four and a half years of falling in love with Harry Styles and making a massive fool of yourself in front of him. He’d slipped up and now you were in control. “Yeah? What songs did I unknowingly contribute to?” your confidence was rare, especially when it came to things like this, and yet here it was.
Unfortunately for you, Harry’s natural confidence matched your own. A playful grin swept up his features as he said, “Wouldn’t it be more fun for you to listen to the album and figure it out for yourself?”
“Or you could just tell me the titles?” you asked, your tone hopeful.
He hesitated for a moment, his confident smirk faltering for a split second. But, before you had time to say anything else, he said, “There’s this song called Sunflower, Vol. 6. I wrote that because your favourite flowers are sunflowers. And I wrote Cherry because I know you love cherries. And then there’s Golden, because that’s what you are, Y/N. And then there’s Watermelon Sugar because I know that In Watermelon Sugar is your favourite book. And now Adore You, because, I swear to God, Y/N, that’s all I want to do.”
He was rambling and you couldn’t help but smile. Whilst you’d spent your days rambling to your friends about how you were convinced you’d remain single forever if he didn’t happen to fall hopelessly in love with you, it appeared that he’d been writing down all the tiny details about you in his songs. Because it was true: sunflowers were your favourite flowers and cherries were your favourite fruit and In Watermelon Sugar was your favourite book.
He was staring at you now, his eyes searching your face for some sort of a hint on how you were feeling. When you said nothing, your lips parted slightly, he went on, “Hell, I wrote Cherry years ago. I wrote it when you were dating that guy... what was his name?”
“Ollie,” you replied quietly.
He knew what his name was. He never forgot. It had been two years but he’d never forgotten the eight months of hell where he had to watch you cuddle up to him and take him home after your group of friends had gone out for drinks. He didn’t know why he wanted to hear you say his name again. Some sadistic form of self-torture maybe, hearing another boy’s name on your lips. “Yeah, Ollie,” he played it off as if he really had forgotten your ex boyfriend’s name. “I wrote it when you were dating him. And I’ve been sitting on it for two years because I thought if I released it then you would know I’ve been in love with you for four years. But then I just thought ‘you know what, fuck it’, so I’m putting it on the album. And Anna, that was about you. But I’ll never officially release that one. Because I wrote it one night when I was alone and I couldn’t get you out of my head and I needed to tell somebody how I felt about you. Even if that was just a bit of paper. But then I played it to you, do you remember? And you loved it, so I swore to never release it because it felt like I’d confessed to you how I felt.”
As you listened to him ramble away about all of these songs he’d written about you and how much you clearly meant to him, you couldn’t help but smile. You’d dreamed of Harry confessing how much he, well, adored you. And you’d only ever thought it would be an occurrence in your fantastical dreams, and yet here he was, staring back at you, rambling on about how much he loved you. “Wait, Harry,” you spoke up, “isn’t ‘watermelon sugar’ something to do with oral sex?”
You chuckled as he flushed, “That’s besides the point.”
“And what is the point?”
“That I’m in love with you and, I pray to God, you’re in love with me back.”
Overwhelmed with joy, you couldn’t help but throw yourself at Harry. The feeling of his hands around your waist in a way that wasn’t just a slightly prolonged hug goodbye after a night out or a slightly overly flirtatious gesture of Harry’s felt electric. Harry’s hands on you in a way that was meant to be a moment of appreciation shared between two lovers was how it was always supposed to be.
After so long of knowing one another, falling for each other and sharing life changing moments, everything was finally slipping into place. You’d been there when One Direction first began their hiatus. You’d been there when he cut his hair off. You’d been there when he went to Jamaica to write his first solo album. You’d been there, albeit your eyes were shut most of the time, when he was dangling a thousand feet in the air for the Sign of the Times music video shoot. He’d been there when you finished university. He’d been there when you lost your mum. He’d been there when your sister had her first child. He’d been your date to your brother’s wedding. All of these things, and you couldn’t help but feel they mounted to this very moment.
You pulled your head back, admiring his face for a moment. Your arms were around his neck and everything just felt... right. His smile was bright and his eyes were full of nothing but loving joy. Without another moment’s hesitation, your lips were on his. You weren’t sure who leaned forward, but all you knew was that this was what you’d been waiting for for almost five years. And, now you were here, showing Harry how much you loved him, the wait seemed worth it. “We’ve got so much time to make up for,” he whispered.
“Good thing we’ve got all the time in the world then, isn’t it?”
He grinned, embracing your body. All he’d wanted to do for four years was to praise it. And now he finally had the chance to. That was until the two of you heard a voice behind you, “We only left for lunch!”
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my analysis of Moominvalley (2019)'s season one soundtrack
(yeah I may not be great at this and I may be missing a lot, but bare in mind this is my analysis, not anyone else's. Please be nice to me ;-;)
I'm Far Away:
Snufkin has travelled for the Winter. The first verse is like Moomin leaving letters in Snufkin's bag, wishing him with good travels and a safe return hope. Snufkin is longing for something to change, or maybe something in him to change... The second verse is more talking about his travels and how he longs to return no matter what happens.
I don't know, reading this and thinking of Snufmin makes me concerned. It's SO obvious that it's from Moomin's perspective that it gives me a cavaty. "Please say you'll never leave 'cause it's in your hands" If that wasn't obvious enough, idk what is. This is him just... wanting to be with Snufkin. He knows deep down that Snufkin has to travel, yes it's in his hands but not completely. It's a part of him. This is obviously his mind in a point of time where he hasn't gotten used to Snufkin being away from him, possibly what is reflected in Teety-Woo.
Summer Day:
Moomin doesn't like the Winter because it feels wrong without Snufkin. But he has Snorkmaiden with him at least, and that's good enough right? Snorkmaiden loves Moomin, almost in a similar way Moomin loves Snufkin, but Moomin just feels tied down in the relationship. He thinks he's just thinking like an adult, like a moody teenager or something. But then again, he feels Snufkin is the only one who understands him ("But when you put your hands in my hands/You speak a language only us can understand"). It feels like Summer with Snufkin, but not with Snorkmaiden. He reassures himself that Spring is coming and that he'll see the one who knows him best soon.
Back To The Cave:
We get to look into Snufkin's brain, ooo! This is mainly about Snufkin's feelings about himself and how he hides his true emotions from Moomin and the others. "They can't see behind the camouflage" this is him hiding behind a wise and carefree persona, when deep down he is conflicted about almost everything. It seems when he runs out of things to say or when he fears that he'll show his emotions, he finds time to be alone, shown by the lines "We're running out of punchlines/So watch us crawl/We're crawling back to the cave". But his feelings are getting too much, his fears of being forgotten most likely because he doesn't express himself in the way he should "There's a storm/It's rising". So basically he doesn't know what to do anymore. And I guess the "you can't be truly free if you admire somebody too much" quote can link to "There's no time/There's no place for idles", showing more that this is about Snufkin's emotions.
Love Me With All Your Heart:
now this song choice was intentional. This is mutual pining, their emotions mixing into the same song. They've loved each other for a long time, be it platonic turning to romance or be it always romantic. They both want each other, they both long for each other. But they don't wish for their relationship to change, they want it to stay the same ("When we're far apart or when you're near me", "Love me always as you've loved me from the start").
Home Again:
Snufkin is back home, and he could not be happier. Yeah he likes to travel and be with his thoughts, but nothing is better than being with Moomin, shown by the lines "Nothing could be better/Than when I hold you close to me" and "Who I was back then and who I am now/Makes no difference when I'm by your side".
There Is Something In The Forest:
One day, Moomin and Snufkin are just adventuring as they usually do. But something feels different. Something new. Moomin realises it that night, when sitting hand in hand with Snufkin. He finds himself losing track of time, only paying attention to his friend. When he goes home, all he can think of is Snufkin. He thinks of it as he walks, embracing his new emotions as love, a deep love, for Snufkin. And he never wants to let it go. Ever.
Moomin has noticed how off Snufkin has been acting, and one day he decides to comfort him. He tells him that if he ever feels like he needs to hide ("Sometimes you only want to hide") or that nobody is there for him, that Moomin will always be there for him. This song can also link to Snufkin's own saying "You must go on a long journey before you find out how wonderful home is", and seems like Snufkin has found his home in Moomintroll.
All Small Beasts:
nah this is crime anthem. Little My is cheering Snufkin up, telling him that people with lots of dreams, emotions and all that should just let it out in a huge show! Commit crime! Burn some signs! Fuck Hemulens, who's to say what they can or can't do? The first verses are her making fun of people being neat and telling Snufkin that bottling up your emotions is just going to tease at you and bite you in the tail one day. But this can also be seen in another way, brought to my attention by my friend Bloom. It can be a song about owning up to your mistakes instead of keeping them away.
Free Spirit:
must I say anything? Snufkin likes being alone and free. The second verse is what I want to focus on however. He knows it's good to be alone and not worry about anything, but his avoiding of responsibility is doing him worse than he knows (much like the "owning up to mistakes" analysis by my friend Bloom).
Country Air:
This is what Snufkin wishes he could say to Moomin. They're relaxing together in Summer, Moomin asleep. Snufkin is thinking in his brain about how much he loves him and just wishes he could say SOMETHING. Winter is coming soon, almost time for them to part. Maybe he can ponder more on his emotions then?
By Your Side:
it seems Snufkin is accepting and returning Moomin's offering of comfort, showing that he cares for Moomin and that he doesn't even need to ask for help, he'll do anything to make him happy.
In Blue:
oh boy
Snufkin fears he made a mistake already. He let out his emotions. Even when reassured that it was okay to do so, he feels utterly guilty, shown by the lines "I built a house from sticks and twine/And you said it would serve me fine/But then the rain could soak me through". He begins to fear that he's being put up with, like he doesn't matter anymore ("Anything to keep me quiet"). But he can't help but feel a strong admiration for Moomin. Snufkin has made so many mistakes, and has so many bad feelings ("I caught a fever like I always do"), yet Moomin is still his friend ("And still you let me stand with you, in blue"). He feels his emotions are his fault, and wonders if he should just stay in the valley and own up to his mistakes and allow others to show their true emotions for him, shown by the lines "I bet next year I'll see you all the time/The fault is all deserved as mine", "Was it all on purpose?/Was this true?" and "Tell me and be honest, was this you?". The phrase "In Blue" could refer to the saying "into the blue", which refers to the unknown. Snufkin is "In Blue" because he is in a stage where he is unsure of what he is hearing and wants to know if it's true or not.
Nothern Lights:
Snufkin's feelings for Moomin are increasing to what is obvious to him as love. "Will you find peace in your heart?" this line could be Snufkin talking to himself. Will be ever come to peace with his emotions and open up?
Ready Now:
Moomin has been there for Snufkin all this time. Through all his doubts, through all his sadness. Snufkin has no idea how to express himself, so Moomin helps him. They take it in turns to just talk about things, and "To my surprise we found my words". All this time, Snufkin believed himself to be free. But now he knows that opening up and embracing how you feel is true freedom. He is ready now.
The Author:
This is more about Moomin. He feels like his future will be like his father's, he already met Snorkmaiden during a big childhood adventure after all, just like Pappa. But he finds his story is changing. He's fallen in love with Snufkin. He slowly realises that his future is his own and that he is in charge of his story. And his story begins with being there for his best friend.
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shini--chan · 3 years
I have an idea! What would Allies do after finding out that their s/o have (another) stalker? It can be another yandere, a creep, ex, jealous coworker with bad intentions or even a serial killer.
And a good idea it is, my dear anon.
Yandere Allies – Feindling America
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You were already fast asleep, snoozing away under the covers in your shared bedroom. He, on the other hand, was still wide awake and had decided to settle down in the living room to do some light reading. His insomnia was due to the usual reasons – too much caffeine, too much stress, too much curiosity to just let the day finish.
And because he was worried, intently, about you. There was somebody else trying to stick their grubby fingers in your shared life, and pry you apart. That was something he was absolutely sure off. After living so long, and becoming paranoid due to his position on the global stage, he knew very well when he was being watched.
There was something after you in particular, he didn’t like it.
Out of his peripheral vision, he caught sight of somebody moving in the bushes. A spike of adrenaline shot through his body, and for a moment he was tempted to storm about side and give that creep a hook. Yet a better idea came to mind – first to fire a warning shot.
He net his book aside and sauntered to one of the glass door to the balcony and gave the pane a few sharp knocks. It was enough to catch their attention. It was almost comical how the figure froze, and the hood swivelled in his direction. Alfred couldn’t identify them in any capacity – they wore non-script jeans and a grey hoodie along with a pair of gloves. But this was about digging up the war axe.
Grinning, he flipped the bird at them, and then proceeded to draw a thin line across his throat in an unmistakable message.
Alfred would see this as a chance to play hero. He would finally be able to prove to you how capable he is at protecting you, how attentive he would be when it would water down to your safety. Of course, he would make sure there would be a lot he wouldn’t catch wind off – it would be the instances where he would come off as an evil master mind or as a control freak that he would skilfully hide from you.
He might or might not elect to torture the fool that would be stalking you. For him, waterboarding that creep would be a method of stress relief. It would also drive home the point that nobody should dare try to get between him and his sweetie.
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Besides you, your phone beeped for what must have been the twelfth time in the span of one minute. You sobbed harder and buried your face in his chest. Matthew calmly stroked your back, making quiet soothing noises as he held you close.
“(Ex) will have to leave you be someday. This can’t go on forever. One day that jerk will have to accept that you’re gone for good”, he told quietly, while cautiously shifting his position to a more comfortable one.
You were both on the backseat of his car, having sought sanctuary there after you started panicking upon seeing the messages. All the memories had started to overwhelm you, and you had gripped his arm as if it was the only thing that was preventing you from drowning.
“No, that won’t be the case. Before I met you, I tried to leave so often only to be lured back into it. It was only because I met you that I haven’t gone back”, you cried, gazing up at him with a tear-stricken face.
“Shh, I will think of something. There shall be hell to pay.”
Matthew would be concerned about your wellbeing first and foremost. He would cater to you, cuddle with you, sooth you. But don’t think that would mean he would go easy on you should you step out of line and try to flee from him. When he would say he would never let your ex take you back, he would be indirectly saying he would never allow you to leave him.
Naturally, he would be careful and avoid any explicit rhetoric stating that your place in the world is at his side, but the message would be there, hidden between the lines.
With the legal sway he would hold, he would easily have your ex punished in some capacity. This could range from a fine to a restrain order to spending some time in jail.
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A scream pierced the silence of the night, followed by a yell as the attacker was swept off his feet. Yao didn’t hesitate to continue beating the culprit up, even though he was on the ground.
After all, this was a man that had just been a few milliseconds away from dragging you away and murdering you, after doing unspeakable things to you, things that couldn’t be lightly talked about in any context.
“So, you’re the vermin that has been butchering people left and right for the past four months. You’re just as disgusting as I expected”, Yao commented as he brought his foot down on his back in a harsh stamp.
You had taken seat on a tree stump that was standing by. The near death experience and the fight going on in front of you had utterly rattled you. You were numbly staring at the scene playing out, heads in your hands, whole body trembling and eyes wide blown.
He kicked the killer in the side and was rewarded was a grunt and a hiss: “And I’ll fucking kill you too.”
“Sure you will”, Yao drawled sarcastically and pressed the criminals head into the dirt. “Get used to the taste of it.”
Contrary to expectations, Yao would approach the situation of serial killer being after you calmy. Not because he wouldn’t care about you, but rather because he would be far to old to be surprised by such a – in his eyes – trivial thing. And because he would know that letting himself drown in anger or panic would just result in him making grave mistakes – ie. losing you.
Nevertheless, he would never be far off, lurking behind corners, just out of sight of you and the murderer. He would also scoure your online activity, searching for any suspicious doings from other users. Furthermore he would use the opportunity to learn more about you and your strengths and weaknesses.
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“Ah, ah, ah. Keep your dirty paws off that”, Arthur chided Jane and firmly grabbed Jane by the ear, harshly tugging there. It wasn’t the most humane treatment of a mortal, that England knew very well. However, he was in a sour mood, your infuriating co-worker being one of the contributing factors to it. Besides, he hadn’t made it one of his life maximas to be nice.
“You dare”, she hissed. When he gave another sharp tug, she yelped and dropped your phone, showing one of your social media profiles. Jane Smithers was persistent, he would have to give her that. Yet that would just be her downfall because she had decided to use that trait to try to ruin your life.
“Oh yes I dare. I dare to not tolerate your disgusting behaviour. Between you and me, we’re going to have a very long talk about your morals.”
She snorted and grabbed his hand.
“I could sue you for sexual harassment. We’ll see if you’ll still be laughing then.”
Oh, he had expected such a threat to come from such a vile person as her. He chuckled lowly – did she really think she could best him when it came to anything.
“And then spend some time in the nick for lying to judge and jury. Don’t think you’d be able to weasel your way out of this. I’m the one here that can have your framed and believe me, I could get you a bloody life sentence.”
She stared at him, uncomprehending, before realisation dawned and she let out a harsh laugh.
“So that is how (l/n) did it. Slept the way to the top.”
“No. (Y/n) has talent, impeccable talent. So unlike you, my dearest never had to resort to the methods you were so kind to mentioned.”
Arthur would see it as his duty to protect you – your physical & mental wellbeing as well as your reputation. So of course he would go after any jealous co-worker that would try to ruin you to any extent. And as mentioned in the snippet above, he wouldn’t be exactly nice about it. Any means would do for him, as long as the risk of his machinations backfiring on him and you would be relatively low.
During the whole process, he would letting you know about everything. It would be his point of proving that the world is a horrible place and that you can only find solace in his company and attention.
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Francis was in the kitchen when you came stumbling in, frazzled and panting as If you had just run a marathon. By the way your extremities were trembling and sweat dotted your forehead, he wouldn’t be surprised. The only question was why.
Aside from that, fear danced in your eyes, and that was the only further information he needed to know that something was wrong. Rushing forward, he scooped you in his arms, ignoring the coffee that he had been preparing, and asked you:
“What happened, ma cherie?”
Instead of answering, you leaned your head against his shoulder and wrapped your arms around his torso, taking heavy, laboured breaths, as if you were crying. That was when he realised that you were. It worried him.
Was this something that he had done? What had caused you to become so distressed? Was it something he could fix.
“You don’t have to talk about it now if you don’t want to”, he offered shakily, unsure about what he should do to cheer you up. How could he, when he didn’t know why you were in such a state?
Thankfully, you supplied him with an explanation, one that caused his concern to freeze to ice cold anger: “There is some creep following me. He grabbed my butt when I got off the bus.”
Whoever that devil was, he was going to have hell to pay,
Francis would be enraged that somebody would be so disrespectful of your boundaries and of the fact that you’re already taken. In the brief moments of his more intense bouts of fury, he might do something as rash as to track the creep down and bludgeon him with something, probably a newspaper.
However, his preferred method would be character assassination (this would work especially well if the culprit in question would have a high social status) and verbal abuse. In this case, his revenge could be long-winded and very elaborate.
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The temperature of the corridor had dropped since the last time he had visited – a testimony to the bad insulation and the approaching winter. Ivan thought it did her justice. After all, she did deserve this after nearly kidnapping you.
Speaking of her, she was sitting near the bars when he approached and when she glimpsed him, she quickly scooted away. Clever; she had learned from what had occurred the last time.
“Come to taunt me again?”, she seethed, curling into a tight, haggard ball of fury. Understandable in her case, however he wouldn’t shed any tears or have any sleepless nights.
“As is customary. I have to elevate your boredom somehow”, he confirmed, grabbing a chair and seating himself opposite her.
She stared at the door at the end of the passage, hungerly tracing it and searching the shadows for any sign of you. Ivan derived pleasure from mocking her: “How foolish are to think I would have brought my lover with me? I didn’t the last few times so why should it any different now?”
“You’re so very attached to (y/n), so I had my hopes.”
“Then I’ll have to forever dash them. That I owe you.”
She snarled at this; face twisted to a nasty frown.
“You know, you and I aren’t so different. So it is even more hypocritical of you to claim the moral high ground. Does (y/n) know even half of the things you’ve done in the name of your love?”
“I detest the comparison. I walk free while you rot in solitude, unloved and unwanted. While you have done everything wrong, I have done what was right where it counted most. You go very far by suggesting anything else.��
Russia would be the one to act the most intense of all the allies. He would have had people that were dear to him ripped away from him in the past, so he invest a lot of energy in insuring that wouldn’t happen to you and him.
That would mean he would go up to 11 in this case. As in, he would either kill this person and dissolve their body in acid or feed it to the pigs. Or he would leave this other yandere to rot somewhere after having dragged them before court for a very showy trail to break their spirit.
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ballodellamarlena · 3 years
m o o n l i g h t
damiano david x reader + ex!gjon muharremaj (gjon’s tears)
genre: fluff, minimal angst
wc: 1.7k
notes: non-canonical OOC, also my first fic in a long time, this is a result of me ignoring my finals with a dash of projecting
feedback is appreciated! if you are interested in reading more i have more ideas :)
2021 just can't stop surprising.
In hindsight, it was worse for some in comparison to year prior, but life goes on.
And so does Europe's most famous song competition.
2021 just can't stop surprising. In hindsight, it was worse for some in comparison to the year prior, but life goes on. And so does Europe's most famous song competition.
2020's cancellation of Eurosong was devastating, to say the least, but now it's back and in full shine; different singers, different songs, lots of changes made. Your job as an audio technician swept you off to places you'd never thought you'd see. From concerts to musical artists in recording studios in their whole essence; the making of a song, the process fascinated you. It kind of didn't surprise you when you were accepted to be a part of Eurovision's sound squad. It was, after all, everything you've been working for.
It was not soon after Tel Aviv when you met Gjon in a recording studio, where you were temporarily stationed before departure to Rotterdam to start preparing for the next year. Gjon was a nice constant to your hectic life, always there to shine on a new perspective and always there to comfort you on your worst days. In turn, you were there during his journey to be chosen as Switzerland's contestant in 2020's Eurovision. You were there when he wrote his song about being and belonging. Your blossoming relationship became too great to ignore, and soon you became the team's sweethearts; his firm but soft composure meshing with your assertive and curious nature in the best of ways. You were not afraid to say that you knew him, and vice versa. Everything really was perfect. Until the epidemic hit.
It was like a domino effect, one thing encouraging everything else to fall apart. Being in a foreign country while it was in a state of emergency was not the most ideal, and it didn't really help your job. Your recently appointed position in Eurovision's sound squad was gone with the wind when the cancellation was announced, and so did Gjon's hard work. Tensions rose, and while your relationship was as healthy as could be, it simply wasn't enough. Or maybe it was never supposed to be something more than a prolonged period of deep infatuation between two human beings.
The departure was bittersweet, to say the least. But you knew, a year with him would never compare to anything else. You two parted gently, on a windy airport, almost ignorant to the tears in Gjon's eyes; you saw regret, pain, and fear, but you both understood that if you decided to give your all to each other before knowing what that 'all' even is, it would hurt much more.
You remember his arms around for the last time, whispering promises of sunnier days and warm reunions, the lump in his throat preventing him from promising you a better him.
You haven't been able to completely process his intentions, too keen on leaving. You were itching for something different, but everything seemed too claustrophobic in this state of the world. So you accepted the first job offer that presented itself to you and flew off to Sanremo.
"You okay?"
You turned abruptly towards Victoria, one of the band members you were here with here in Rotterdam in the middle of rehearsals and navigating through Rotterdam.
Your job offer as one of Eurovision's sound technicians still stood even throughout the epidemic but after Måneskin's success at the Sanremo Festival that granted them the first row in the finals of Eurovision you decided to stay with them, so the job kind of integrated being an official technician in charge of Italy and being their personal plus one.
You stared at Victoria with a blank stare, reminiscing the past short few months; Sanremo brought new experiences and new people. Italy's contest for the contestant at 2021's Eurovision started from square one, giving new chances.
Maybe Måneskin was just what you needed, the four of them. Victoria, Thomas, Ethan, and Damiano.
Damiano was a breath of fresh air. A breeze of fast wind. Assertive and confident. You couldn't deny it was attractive. You tried not to let his aura control your way of seeing him, but very soon you found him to be one of the best people you've ever met. You helped you express yourself more, welcomed you like family, made you see life and yourself like something more than you had originally thought. You two clicked, and between new friendships and an interesting job position you allowed them to take you with them to Rotterdam. And you did so without hesitating.
Besides, no one could deny something heavy between you and Damiano.
Back to the present, at Italy's table with the band and the delegation, Damiano comfortably sitting on your left, you stared at Victoria to your right, trying to come up with an answer when you heard it again.
"Will Switzerland's contestant please begin their rehearsal?"
And there he was, no different than that day at the airport. Last you heard about Gjon he came with a new song, after managing to keep his place as the contestant, something many preparing contestants had to give up prior to this year's competition.
You were sitting on the edge of your seat, elbows on your knees. You felt Damiano's fingers twirling one of your locks on the back of your hair, a bit uninterested to be watching somebody else's rehearsal while the band was already done with theirs.
"Yeah." you smiled lightly. There was no lie, why wouldn't you feel fine?
You felt Damiano's hand weaving with your elbow, pulling you to him, and you leaned back against the cushion, leaning your head gently against his shoulder. And if he noticed you seemed lethargic all of a sudden, he didn't say anything.
You stared intensely towards the stage, but relaxed and turned to the rest of your company after realizing this rehearsal only included the technical side of things. No song from him today.
22nd of May, 2021
Entirely skipping the semi-finals, you and your team only focused on your own band. Being one of the Big 5 was admirable, and everyone expected a show.
The clothes fit, the makeup was on, and the band was ready to enter the arena along with you and Italy's delegation. Nine pm was nearing and you were going to be sitting through all of the 26 songs, along with voting.
Songs went by fast, some fun, some less, but all were good until it was time for Switzerland. You were about to hear his new song.
Je vois derrière nous des morceaux de toi Et ce que la douleur a fait de moi
The somber tone, the lyrics. Your limited knowledge of french allowed you to understand the basic point of the song.
Nos deux cœurs sous la terre
He was still not over you.
But maybe he was but was singing about somebody else, you tried to rationalize.
Damiano squeezed your hand that you didn't even realize he was holding, you were so tense. The band was aware of your previous association with the Swiss singer, but you didn't even want to know what they were thinking about.
You only thought about the song. The melody, the words sang of his anguish, and it wasn't a bad song. You wanted so desperately to heal him but knew it was not your job to do anymore.
Comment soigner nos coeurs qui éclatent?
Your eyes made contact, and it was like going back in time. But all songs end, and so did yours.
The crowd cheered, it was a great performance. The table clapped and you watched him getting off the stage, not knowing what to think.
"It's going to be okay, carina."
That one pull you needed, and you didn't doubt anymore.
An hour and a half later, after Italy's performance, which was quite an experience, finals were coming to an end, and the voting began.
You will never get used to feeling nervous about getting results, even when you weren't the object of it. But watching Switzerland get so many points from the jury made it a whole new experience. Italy was places below and everyone was silent.
The televoting points change everything, it was unpredictable, just like the whole competition. You had Damiano's hand in your left and Ethan's in your right, squeezing them, but adrenaline prevented you to feel anything else besides your heartbeat.
You wanted them to win so bad. They worked so hard to get where they are today, and while all contestants deserved a chance, you couldn't not be a little biased.
The 318 points to Italy were a game-changer, the crowd cheered, Victoria and Thomas jumped and screamed, and Damiano pulled you up into a hug, cheering with them; they were in the first place now. Crowd's favorite, obviously.
All that was left to hear was the number of points for Switzerland.
You've got to be kidding me, you thought.
It was tension between Switzerland and Italy, and you honestly didn't know who would win. But did it really have to be the two of them?
You felt the cameras focusing and your table, And everything was silent. You felt Gjon's stare, piercing through you. But the only thing you could focus on was Damiano's skin touching yours, his fingers intertwining with yours, and you knew that no matter the outcome, everything would be okay.
But alas, the points weren't enough to overthrow Italy, and you grinned, suddenly feeling Victoria's arms around you and Damiano's tears of joy on your neck. Everyone's screams made it seem like total silence and you smiled big, proud of your friends.
You were so happy you didn't realize they were soon dragging you with them to the stage to perform once again. In fact, you never felt so happy, you even started to sing loudly with the crowd.
Damiano, in his whole element, shining with pride and glory, motioned you to the stage by the end, pulled you in, and kissed you deeply, holding you close, and silently thanking you.
You knew life wasn't always going to be this pretty, but you thought, maybe you could live in this moment for a little while longer, kissing your frontman and giving yourself completely to the blinding lights of a victorious arena.
It was time to move on.
a/n: this was so bad i'm so sorry
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
Wonders in the Rain
Remus Lupin x CEO!Reader
Summary - After being unemployed for very long Remus reluctantly allowed his best friend to find him a job as the PA of her boss. And he would forever be grateful to her for that.
Warnings - Metions of death. 
A/N   This is also a fic written for @leydileyla 's 1K followers celebration. And now this fic is by far the longest I’ve written with 4K words. So, enjoy!
You groaned, throwing your pen onto the pile of papers and stood up from the confinement of your study desk and slowly walked towards the coffee machine to fill in the third cup of coffee since the morning and it wasn’t even past noon.
It was difficult and exhausting being the CEO of the most renowned company at the age of 21. It was certainly something you hadn’t expected when two years ago your mother said it would be you who continues her legacy and take care of the company in her death bed. You weren’t ready when you were announced the CEO right after the funeral, the grief inside you never had time to dissipate.
You remember so vividly as you stood in the corner of the room, dressed in all black, eyes swollen as the aftermath of losing your world overnight took a toll on you. Your little brother, at the mere age of 11 looked up at you with wide eyes unknown of what was going on as he clung to you, tightly and you held him as tight, afraid you would lose him just as you lost…the man who the cause for the illness of your mother. Her husband, your father, whose name spurred rage in you as you recollected him arguing with your mother and leaving you and your brother to watch as your mother collapsed onto the floor. 
You smiled pleasantly as your eyes fell on the beautiful woman you had the privilege to call your mother. It was her last picture. Your brother and you were huddled in her arms, a wide smile on your face as your mother kissed your forehead, your eye closed as your brother looked at you, his head thrown back as laughter engulfed him. It was like the time was frozen and you would rather be that girl - carefree and filled with happiness than…you, life so dark you can’t see anything except for the little shine that you so dearly held close to you in protection - your brother.
That was all in your life. Brother and company. Nothing in the orbit of love. It disgusted you ever since you saw your father leave. You despised that feeling of giving someone so much of yourself only for them to dust it off as though it was nothing but a speck of dirt. 
“Ms (L/N)?” your trail of thoughts were interrupted by a sweet voice. You composed yourself, placing the photograph on the table and turned around. It was Lily Evans, an employee of yours who you could very well say was close to you. She knew everything about you, from what you do first in the morning to your drastic sleeping schedule. She almost knew how you would react in every situation yet you couldn’t label your relation with her.
“Yes,” you turned around, avoiding her eyes. She stepped into your lavish office the only person ever having the privilege of being allowed to.
“So, there is this really good friend of mine-” she started with a feared voice only to be cut off by you.
“Evans, please, if this is some sort of a recommendation-” You said and paused as she hurriedly said, “No, no, no. I mean, yes, but he really deserves it,” 
“Fine, what is it?” you said, sighing as you once again took a seat behind your messy desk. 
“I’ve heard people say things about you never having a PA and my friend is actually, I mean, would actually love to take that position,” she said awkwardly. You smirked and leaned back on your chair, looking at her intently as she blushed under your intense gaze. 
You shook your head, “Fine, but I want to meet him and then I will decide,” 
You watched as Lily’s was brightened and she nodded enthusiastically, “Just an hour and he will be here to meet you,” 
You hesitated thinking of your schedule before she said, “You are free the next few hours,”
“And how do you know that?” you asked, raising your eyebrows. 
“I just heard,” she said, looking at the soles of her shoes. 
You rolled your eyes, “No wonder I can’t keep any secrets,” 
You were known for many conspiracy theories and gossips. It was difficult at the start, many breakdowns later you were broken enough that all those knives passed right through the holes, never affecting you. 
You were not excited about the arrival of Lily’s friend and time passed so quickly that before you knew it there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” you mumbled, too endorsed in your work to even look up or comprehend the sudden presence. 
“M-Ms (L/N),” you heard a deep voice say. The voice was new and one you had never heard of and your head automatically whipped to look at the source, startling the poor guy before you. Scars were littering his face and had a failed attempt at masking the exhaustion. He looked weak although there was a pleasant aura surrounding him, buzzing around him with energy. 
He played with the hem of his denim jacket, shifting from one foot to another. His ripped jeans and slightly dirty shirt telling he wasn’t prepared for this meet. He gulped, “My name is Remus, uh, Remus Lupin,” 
You blinked and stood up from your chair, “Who-why are you here?”
Remus’ eyes widened, “I-um, I, Lily told you wanted to see me. I mean, like wanted to meet me before you gave the, uh, the job,” 
For the first time, Remus saw you smile. Remus always admired you, the power and authority that radiated off you was bewildering when considered you were just 21, a year younger than himself and a successful CEO while here he was jobless and wandering around aimlessly. 
Of course, it hurt that ego instilled in him but he wasn’t gonna lose the opportunity of having some money in his hand to pay off his bills. Working as a PA to a girl younger than you wasn’t often considered a better one, and his mother told that very thing when he had called her minutes ago. 
You chuckled, “Take a seat,” you sat down and beckoned him to a chair placed on the opposite side of the desk. You closed the cap of your pen as Remus awkwardly walked towards the desk. 
“So, tell me something about you,” You said, your eyes boring into his eyes. They were gorgeous to Remus and it was terrifying when the reality set in that he was sitting before the (Y/N) (L/N). Someone he had admired only while scrolling through his phone and watching the news. 
You shook your hand dismissively, “I’ll rephrase that,” you sat in a more comfortable position on the chair, “Tell me about the companies you’ve worked for before, your qualification and some basic information about you like your age and things. If you don’t mind, that is,” 
“No, no, of course,” Remus said, “I just graduated from my university and I’ve worked for a minor publishing house for about six months,”
“And why aren’t you working with them anymore?” You asked but immediately asked him to continue as the subtle melancholy wove into his facial expressions and his fingers twitched. 
“Um, I studied English literature and yeah,” He said, shrugging and finally a small smile formed on his face.
You chuckled, shaking your head, “Where are you from?”
“Wales,” he said, without leaving a gap and was weirded out to find the odd feeling in his stomach as he saw you smile and chuckle over again in the short span of time you had met him. 
“Beautiful,” You glanced at the desktop placed on the side of your table and then looked back at him, “It's not gonna be an easy ride of you being my PA you might know the controversies that sparked in the past,”
“Yes, mam,” Remus nodded, his hands that were tightly clasped together was sweating profusely. 
“You will be sent an email that will let you know about the rest of the details. Make sure you read it thoroughly,” You said, glancing at the computer screen again. 
“Yes mam,” Remus said, fiddling with his fingers. 
“Also, the date when you can join will be mentioned in the email itself,” you smiled at him, “And that’s about it,” 
“Oh, alright,” Remus stood up slowly. 
“Your appointed, Mr Lupin,” You said once again and watched as the glow finally found his face after your confirmation. He grinned happily and said, “Thank you very much, Ms (L/N),” and dashed out of the room without another word, leaving you feeling extremely happy for some reason as you returned to your tedious paper.
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Two months, that’s how long you had known Remus and over time it was appropriate to say the two of you grew closer.
You had never had anyone to stand behind you and guide you to what is right, it was always you, yourself alone in the vast arena named society feeling scared and little in the insides while having a brave facade outside. It was extremely difficult to push everything aside and struggle to move forward alone and without proper guidance.
But ever since Remus was appointed two months ago, he had never left your side. It was as though somebody had stepped beside you on the high podium you stood on, facing what was worse than galloping hordes. The comforting aura radiating off him calmed the burning insecurity and fear drilled into you. He stood like a guard, a mentor and a…friend. You’d go a far as to say family as you saw the ways he behaved with your brother.
Remus never made you regret a thing in your regretful life. It was almost bewildering in the start at what he could do. He had made a tiny hole in the wall you had created for yourself from the world. And the little crack Remus created bombarded him with everything he knew that you wouldn't have told anyone else.
You weren’t aware how he knew all those things about you that even you didn’t. It was as though he knew exactly what you would do before you even thought of it. Remus Lupin did wonders to you.
And (Y/N) (L/N) did wonders to him. Remus couldn’t calm his nerves the first day he walked into your office in that posh suit and saw that bright sparkle in your beautiful eyes. He fell. Quite literally, it was extremely awkward when he tripped over his own foot and had to hold onto the door handle. But you had a smile and beckoned him inside saying it happens all the time and how you had to change the layout of the office. 
Just as Sirius Black - the love god as he demanded to be called - predicted, by the end of the first month, Remus was smitten over you. He couldn’t find a reason to dislike you in fact, every minuscule detail he learned about you just made him like you more.
One drunken confession to the “love God”, Remus was clear of his feelings to you and he was never one to understand his feelings, rather run away from them and he had lost a handful of relations like that and he never wanted to do it again yet there wasn’t a chance he could tell them to you and the victim of the mess of his love life was James (Remus thought he deserved it). 
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Remus groaned, leaning back on his chair and rubbed his eyes. He received the mail for the annual conference that would be held where thousands of companies would be having a discussion. It was a really good idea but you hated it and just yesterday he had listened to you speak passionately against it, although Remus just heard the first few sentences and the rest of them falling into his deaf ears as he stared at you. 
“Remus,” Lily shook his arm, “Remus!” 
“I'm listening,” He mumbled and he didn’t have to see her to know she would have rolled her eyes. 
“What is the email about?” She asked. 
“Read it yourself, Evans,” he said with a sigh.
“Is this what you would have told to the love of your life?” she said but he could hear her voice drawl as she read the mail. Remus mumbled, “I don’t love,”
“Sure you don’t, Lupin,” she scoffed. Remus knew what was happening and who she was referring but he would dare say it himself and be teased relentlessly. 
“So, why are you groaning to attend a conference,” Lily asked. 
“She hates that,” Remus said, still not opening his eyes. 
“Ah, she hates everything,” Lily said and he failed to notice the smirk on her lips as he defended you and glared at her. 
“First of all, it’s overseas and she said they would be poorly organised. Second, she doesn’t hate everything, alright, you just don’t know what she likes,” He said, sitting straight on his chair. 
“Sure, sure, Remus,” She said, teasing and left not before ruffling his mass curls, “You suck, do you that?”
”Yep, ask James of it!” She said, winking at him as Remus groaned, disgusted. 
“Ms (L/N),” Remus managed to leave his seat 30 minutes later, mentally preparing himself. You looked at him with a bright smile and beckoned him in by waving your hand enthusiastically. It physically hurt Remus to think he would be the one delivering the news that would wipe the grin off your face. 
“The annual conference-” Before Remus could even complete his sentence he saw your mood shift completely by how you slammed your head against your study desk. He winced. 
“When is it?” He could hear you mumble. You would be thoroughly pissed if he told when it was. Remus shifted his weight from one foot to another and said, “Day after tomorrow,” 
“Day after tomorrow!?” you yelled, whipping your head to look at him. Remus nodded apologetically. 
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And here you were two days later, in your private plane flying to a place where you dreaded to go. Although the only good thing in this was seeing Remus in a causal outfit other than his tailored black suit even that was overpowered by the fact that it was seven in the evening. 
“We will be there in about two hours,” Remus said, scrolling through his phone, “You can take a nap and once we reach there we need to get to the location they sent by a car they have arranged,” 
“They arranged a car?” You asked, blinking at him.
“Yes, they did,” he shrugged, closing his phone and keeping it in the holder. He looked into your bewildered eyes.
“Do we have a backup plan?” you asked, glaring at him. 
“We-no? Why do we need a backup plan?” He asked, puzzled. 
“Remus, do you remember when I told you about their ability to organising things?” You said, looking at him accusingly. Remus took a deep breath, he had not just forgotten them but ignored them too. 
“Uh,” He gulped and rubbed the back of his neck, “We-”
”Lupin, I swear I am not walking miles!” you scolded. And for some reason, Remus’ damned mind could predict exactly what Sirius would have said at the moment and was almost tempted to say the exact words he would have said, “I’ll carry you, don’t worry,” but Remus knew better.
“You won’t, promise,” He gave thumbs up, “Now, you get your needed nap, yeah?”
“Would you leave?” you asked, staring into Remus’ eyes with mixed emotions and he couldn't place a finger on what exactly it was to give a response, so he resorted to the good ol’, “Do you want me to leave?” 
You took a deep breath. Did you want him to leave? You were torn between yourself. One part of you wanted him to stay with you, having no strength to battle with your thoughts alone although he wasn’t going to do much, his sole presence was comforting for you. The other part was scared. Scared of what he could do and just fear blocking every thought of yours. 
But the fear, somehow, for the first time was brought down and you whispered, “Stay,” and who was Remus to disobey that.
After two exhausting hours confined in that plane, the first thing you did once you got off the plane was crack your joints while walking outside and Remus stood on the side chuckling at you. 
“Well, you are the one who is supposed to do it,” You said, rolling your eyes with a smile. He walked to your side, “I don’t exactly ‘cause I knew how to sit on a plane,” 
“Oh is it now?” You scoffed. 
Remus hummed, “Yep!” 
“How else do you sleep in that uncomfortable seat?”
“You wouldn’t kill me if I said, would you?” He asked, looking at you cautiously.
You shrugged, “It depends,” 
“Alright. Um, that’s not reassuring but I’ll tell - you don’t sleep when you on a plane,” Remus said and watched as you whipped your head towards him and glaring.
“What sort of a creature are you?!”
“A good one,” 
“Ooh, getting brave now are we, Lupin,” You bumped your shoulder with him and Remus chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Remus, how long will it take?” You asked glaring at him, who spoke frantically to someone on his phone. The two of you were still in the airport after an hour or so and just like you warned the car has not yet arrived. You huffed and looked at the large window panels that showed the exit of the airport. The sun had already set, not a speck of it in the sky. It was pitch black, the half-moon already shining with the stars in its company. 
You always loved staring at the sky. It not just reminded of your mother but her interpretation. She always considered the moon to be herself when she was younger. The little stars close to it were you and your brother and the rest all were her employees and comrades. She later said the moon was you and the stars behind you were every single person you would meet and the beautiful night sky was reserved for a special person. However, you tried to oppose her point, she stood her stand and told you that one day you will understand it and perhaps it was about time you did. 
You felt someone touch your hand and when you turned to look, Remus was crouched before you, his scarred hand on top of yours. His bright eyes were apologetic as he stared into your eyes. He was confused about how watery it was. Remus scrunched his eyebrows, “Are you alright?”  You nodded with a smile. Remus sighed and held your hand tightly in his.
“The car didn’t come, isn’t it?” you asked with a smirk. Remus ducked his head low. He always felt extremely guilty when he couldn’t do the job he was given and certainly not when he ignored the instruction. 
He was surprised to hear you chuckle, “It’s alright,” You said, grinning at him.
Remus’ eyes widened, “Really?” 
You shrugged, “There isn’t much that I can do now, is it?” 
“I-I’m really sorry,” He hoped you would accept his apology. 
You laughed, “It’s OK, Remus, calm down and think of how we are going there now,” 
“Yes, about that the organizer said they would arrange us a motorbike,” Remus grimaced in anticipation of your reaction.
“Really?” You asked, your eyes widened in excitement. 
“Yeah, it’s actually there at the exit of the terminal,” he said. 
“Ah! Can we use it then?” sitting on the edge of the seat you asked him with a childish excitement making Remus’ heart swell happiness. He stared at you with a mild smile on your face as he chuckled. 
“That’s why it is there in the first place,” he said and watched your eyes lit up with no concern of the sass in his words that usually wasn’t ignored. 
“I wanna see it!” You stood up abruptly and pulled him up with you. Although getting slightly intimidated by how he towered over you, the profound excitement of finally seeing a motorbike coursed through your veins like fire. 
Remus chuckled, “Yes, of course,”
He couldn’t believe it. Remus couldn’t believe the sight before him - his ever stoic boss had her jaw dropped to the floor as she saw the motorbike.
It all quite made sense if he had to think of it, it was impossible for you to drive it down the streets anywhere back home but here it was rather unknown of your arrival, so you could zoom through the streets as you whished without a sense of fear. It was one of the reasons why you chose to travel in the night while announcing you would be leaving the country in the morning. 
“Ahh, this is so beautiful!” you gushed, walking closer and running your hand across the seat, “Can I drive? Please?” 
“As you should. I dunno to drive that,” Remus said, shrugging. 
“It’s alright,” You waved your hand, dismissively, “I’m not gonna judge,” 
As you swing your leg over the bike seat and adjust your coat, you said, “My mum got me one for my 18th birthday and I was obsessed over it, like that’s was my only means of transportation,” 
“That’s brilliant,” Remus said as he planned the first thing he would do once he is back home. 
You and Remus were high on adrenaline as the two of you zoomed into the night. The feeling of cutting through the air with wide grins and hollering happily was indeed beautiful and in the back of your mind, the astonishment of how long it had taken you for being like this again baffled. 
But it all went down once the light drizzle became fully-fledged rain. Having to park the motorbike by some bus stop, the two of you held your jackets above your head and ducked inside, still grinning. 
“Ah, the bike is getting wet,” you said, the thought dampening your mood. 
“This doesn’t seem to be stopping any soon,” Remus said, taking a deep breath as he scanned the surroundings. It was pitch black except for the moon shining down at you. It was such a sight for sore eyes when Remus turned to look at you, your coat was tightly wrapped around yourself, your hair dripping with the rainwater, your eyes shining as you watched your surrounding. You looked divine. 
Remus didn’t know what he was thinking when he took hold of your hand and ran out of the bus stop. “Remus! What are you doing!?” You yelled as he pulled you to the middle of the deserted road.
“You said to me once you loved dancing in the rain!” he said, pushing the water out of his eyes. 
“But-” You looked around, the adrenaline still rushing inside and it indeed was your dream to be out in the streets dancing while rain poured down and the night sky guarded you. Remus let go of your hand, his eyes never leaving you as your legs slowly started moving as though by nature of the memory. 
Time slipped through your hands and before you knew it, after all the laughter, you were back in Remus’ arms, staring into his eyes. You always loved them, feeling as though they held mystery amidst them although always raw. You knew on your fingertips how he felt at that moment when you could just see his eyes but now, it was unknown. 
Remus had a gentle smile on his face as he protectively had his arms wrapped around your waist, a reassurance to himself that you were indeed protected from anything and everything. He leaned down to keep the two of you close and warm. 
“Remus,” you whispered, silently.  He smiled, allowing his eyes to shut as the echo of his name tumbling from your lips ran in his ears and before he knew it before he had control on himself, Remus blurted, “I love you,” 
He was stunned to hear the tiny gasp leaving your mouth and his heart was wrenched out when he saw the disbelief and incredulity in your eyes, “What’s wrong?” 
“What’s wrong!?” you yelled and Remu was taken aback, “Is that what you ask after telling me you love me?!”
”I am sorry," his statement ended more like a question as he looked at you with wide eyes. The rain was still pouring and he didn’t know if it was the rain or your own tears in your eyes. 
“Jerk!” You yelled, your fingers holding his drenched shirt tightly as your chest heaved rapidly. 
Remus wasn’t confused, he was beyond just confused about your reaction. You were yelling at him like he was some stupid but never letting go of him and now he was never the best at these messes. 
Clearing his mind off all the thoughts he cautiously moved his hand to rest on the side of your cheek and watched as your eyes closed, your own hand moving to hold his tightly.
Remus leaned down and kissed your forehead. He had never seen you more vulnerable as a sob escaped your lips and you slammed against his chest, your arm tightly wrapped around his torso. 
It was the first time in three years had you been kissed on the forehead and that alone proved to you that Remus was different. He is your night sky.
Remus held you tightly in the comfort of his arms as you whispered “I love you” into his shoulder. He never knew when the rain stopped. And now the surrounding was fragile. It was just you and him in the deserted street, the freshly smelling earth, the stars and moon shining down at you…and love.
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