#which i think is perfectly respectable for an oc post
iii-of-ender · 23 hours
hiya all!!!
a discord server has been made for making riptide oc pirate crews o7
I have a few things to add under the read more!!
1. i know some of you are unable or would prefer not to join a discord server (which is perfectly valid!). Because of this, i encourage everyone joining the server to post about their ocs on tumblr as well and to look for others here who might want to join a crew!! this is meant to be a fun silly lil thing for us to do as a community, so i don’t want anyone to be left out
for the people who prefer to stay on tumblr: please don’t think you can’t participate!! i made the server so people could have an easier time finding others and so we could set up chats for crews, but it’s not necessary to make them!! if any of you ever want, you’re free to send your ocs to me and i’ll display/list them in the server so people can come check them out or see if they want them on their crew. i’m always welcome to DMs and my asks are always open, i do encourage you give me your user tho so i can tell them where to find this oc :]
2. some of you voted for a private server. this will be public, but if any crews decide to make their own private servers, that’s a-okay with me! as long as you’re having fun and being respectful, i don’t give a shit what you do
3. if anyone wants to be a mod, go ahead and reach out! i would prefer it if i already knew you a little, and i will not be accepting minors as mods (sorry minors </3 i want this to be a safe space)
4. if anyone has any further questions, my asks are always open!!
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gale-dekarios · 4 months
im not saying all of my posts are bangers, but its hard not to notice that posts i make about other companions easily break 100 notes no sweat, with the upper limit breaching 1k, to outliers of well over 4k, but whenever it's about wyll, it's crickets. i dunno, youre allowed to interact with anything you want to, and this isnt a call to reblog from me, specifically, this is the same for a lot of wyll orientated posts ive seen, but its just odd. and by odd i mean racist.
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sagesolsticewrites · 5 months
Love’s Light Wings - Prologue (“For stony limits cannot hold love out”)
John Brady x Juliet Thompson (OC)
Trapped in Stalag Luft III, Captain John Brady does his best to keep morale up, whether that be playing in the small dance band with the other prisoners or passing along the tidbits of information they catch with their hidden crystal radio. The letters they receive are best of all, though, and Brady is no exception— the letters from his girlfriend, with her ramblings about Shakespeare, home, and the goings-on of her high school English students, do more for his spirits than any saxophone solo.
Now he just needs to make it home to tell her… and hopefully ask her a very important question.
a/n: Here it is! The beginning of my darling Juliet's story. So excited for y'all to meet her, and a huge thank you to my bestie @winniemaywebber for letting me slip her OC Olive into this world! I love her so so much, y'all have got to go read the snippet Winnie posted for her story 👀 (and another huge thank you to Winnie and @ginabaker1666 for reading this over and over before I posted it 😅 love y’all!!)
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: none, I think? But please let me know if I missed anything!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
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March 1944
“Mail call!”
Every soldier crammed inside the small hut perks up at the familiar shout, the one bright spot in the long days, weeks, months spent inside Stalag Luft III. 
“Murphy!” the man calls out, doling out letters to each man as their name is called, “Cleven!”
John Brady looks up from his well-worn, dog-eared copy of Romeo & Juliet, eagerly grabbing at the wrinkled envelope.
A grin spreads across his face at the return address, the neat cursive as familiar to him as his own name.
Voices eagerly proclaim who they’ve received messages from — “It’s my mom!” an eager, sun-bright announcement, “Marge” in Cleven’s soft, reverent tones.
“Who’s yours from, Brady?” Someone asks, knocking him in the arm.
He fumbles to protect the letter and keep the fragile book balanced in his lap, trying to buy time to will the blush in his cheeks away.
“Juliet,” he says softly, thumb running over the seal of the envelope as he gently opens it, releasing a familiar, though faint, wave of gardenias and vanilla.
Demarco signals for the boys to give the people who’ve received letters some privacy— as much as they can find in the cramped quarters, at least— and Brady nods gratefully as he moves to his bunk to devour the words from his girl.
Juliet Thompson had begun writing herself into Brady’s world the night they met at a small bar in Ithaca, on a cool fall night during his senior year of college. He hadn’t been able to take his eyes off of the pretty dark-haired girl sat at the nearby table filled with Cornell students, and his Ithaca College friends had jeered at him until he worked up the nerve to go talk to her.
Her friends had quickly paired off to dance, leaving her alone at the table, which she seemed perfectly content with. One of them leaned down to whisper something to her as they left, their eyes flicking over to where Brady had been staring, and he quickly averted his gaze as she waved her friends away with a giggle.
Quickly downing the last of his beer, he began to make his way over to her table, accompanied by a few encouraging claps on the back from his friends. 
“Um… hi,” he had said, hands behind his back so she wouldn’t see how he was nervously wringing them.
“Oh!” She looked up from the book she had surreptitiously hidden just under the table, turning to face him with a smile, green eyes sparkling, “Hello.”
That bright smile was the beginning of the end for John Brady as he tried to remember how to speak.
“I, uh… I’m John, I just, er… wanted to come say hello?”
“Well, mission accomplished,” she laughed, and oh Lord take him now, how was her laugh even prettier than her smile?
“Very nice to meet you, John. I’m Juliet.”
“Juliet,” he said, testing the syllables on his tongue. They were as sweet as her smile. “As in… Romeo &?”
“Yes,” she had replied, her red-lipstick smile growing as she joked, “The cost of having an English professor for a father.” 
“Well I think it’s very pretty,” he dared to say, the risk well worth it to see her preen slightly at the compliment. 
He nodded to the book in her hands, “What are you reading?”
He’d never been one for books, but anything, anything, to keep talking to her.
“Well, as it just so happens,” she turned the cover to face him, letting him see for himself.
“Romeo & Juliet,” he laughed, “Very fitting.”
“Why?” She asked, arching an eyebrow, “Because we go to different schools?” She added a theatrical gasp as she continued, “Two houses, both alike in dignity… Are we destined to become star-crossed lovers?”
“I— no, no!” John had rambled anxiously, “I just meant— because of your name—”
“I’m teasing,” she assured him, patting the seat next to her in a gesture for him to sit down, “Apologies if I’m being presumptuous, but you don’t know much about Shakespeare, do you?”
He had admitted that he didn’t, no. His interest had always been music, he’d never paid much attention to his other classes.
“Ithaca makes sense, then,” she nodded, clearly knowing the history of how Ithaca College had started as the Ithaca Conservatory of Music, “What do you study there?”
“Well, I play the saxophone,” he had replied, “and I’m not quite sure what I want to do long term, but I’m working towards my Bachelor of Science, and I like the idea of being a music teacher.”
His heart had done a funny fluttery thing in his chest, seeing how she perked up at the mention of being a teacher.
“I want to be a teacher, too! It’ll be my way of getting to keep talking about Shakespeare once I’ve finished my English degree,” she laughed.
The conversation had flowed easily after that, and before he knew it his friends were waving to get his attention, ready to head back to the dorms.
He had looked at her apologetically as he stood.
“Sorry, I’d better…,” he waved in the general direction of his friends, “ but hopefully I’ll see you around?”
“Hopefully,” she’d said, adding with a grin “If you’re ever in Cornell territory, I’m usually wandering the bookstore on Green Street, especially on Saturday afternoons.”
Today was Thursday. Was that… an invitation?
“In fact,” she said, holding out her book to him, “here. If you get a chance to read it, you can tell me what you thought next time we see each other.”
The words stuck in his throat as his eyes flicked from her to the book, but he’d managed to eventually ask, “Are you sure?”
“Positive,” she’d assured him with that sparkling smile, adding with a laugh “I’ve got plenty of copies, this is just the one that fit in my bag for tonight.”
He had a thousand more questions, a thousand more things he wanted to know about this girl— How many copies? Did she always have a book with her? What time on Saturday?— but he could tell his friends were getting impatient.
“In that case… thank you, Juliet,” he said, “And I’ll try to get it back to you as soon as I can.”
“I look forward to it,” she grinned, “It was very nice to meet you, John.”
“It was very nice to meet you, too,” he said, and he had spent the entire journey back to the dorms thinking about the way his name had sounded in her voice.
Back in his bunk in a prison camp in Germany, he can hear her voice in his head just as clearly as he could that night, as if she were standing right next to him.
February 14, 1944
I know it will be long past by the time this reaches you, but what kind of girl would I be if I didn’t wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. Hopefully you boys find some small way to celebrate— if the band is still going, perhaps you could play our song? I’m sure I could hear it from all the way over here.
I haven’t done much celebrating myself, granted— I’m saving that for when you’re home, darling— but I surprised my students today with a discussion about ‘Much Ado’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet’ rather than the grammar quiz they were expecting, which they seemed to enjoy. I believe one of the boys has a new sweetheart: he was very earnestly taking notes when ordinarily he’d be asleep halfway through class! He seemed particularly fond of R&J’s Act 2, Scene 2– the balcony scene, in case you do not recall. The look on his face as he heard “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, / My love as deep. The more I give to thee, /The more I have, for both are infinite.”…
Dad and Mama have gone for a night on the town— a bit of an early anniversary celebration on top of the usual Valentine’s Day festivities— while I’m off to pay a visit to your mother. I’ve been doing my best to keep her company since your father passed, and will do my utmost best to lift her spirits today. I know it’s difficult to get letters out, but do write her as soon as you can if you get a chance. It would do her a world of good, and I know it would be good for you as well. 
Oh, and do tell Benny that I’ve been keeping in touch with dear Olive. Fellow Shakespeare enthusiast aside, she’s been a true comfort— we have each other to lean on when we start missing you boys too much (though you know I’m always missing you, darling).
I hope and pray with all my heart that you’ll be home soon and we can spend our next Valentine’s Day together. While I adore Olive and your mother, ‘I do love nothing in the world so well as you’. Stay safe, my Romeo.
Sending all my love, a thousand hugs, and a million kisses,
Your Juliet
He reads and rereads her words, closing his eyes as he brings the paper to his nose to inhale the quickly-fading scent. With her being so far away he’ll take what scraps of her he can, the faded perfume, the heart after her signature at the end of every letter, but his mind can’t help but drift back to the last time he had her— on the train platform, just before he was shipped off across the Atlantic.
She’d sniffled, pretty green eyes welling up with tears as she’d forced a brave smile on her face.
“Write to me as often as you can, promise?” She’d said, smoothing out the lapels of his uniform, “I don’t care if you’re telling me what you had for lunch, I’ll wanna hear about it.”
“I promise, sweetheart,” he’d chuckled softly, thumb tracing under her eye to catch the first tear, “As long as you do the same. Keep me updated on what the kids think of our friend Shakespeare, yeah?” He’d bumped her nose playfully, hoping the inside joke would put her real smile back on her face.
And it did, for a moment, before there was a call of “All Aboard!” and her face crumpled and she had thrown her arms around him and it had taken every drop of strength to step away before they left without him.
“Honey,” he’d said softly, cupping her cheek as he took her in one last time, doing his best to memorize every detail— the dark curls framing her pretty, round face, her green eyes, the sweet floral scent of her perfume, the hand slipping surreptitiously into her purse to thumb nervously at the paperback she had inside— “Juliet. I’m coming home, I promise, pretty girl.”
“In one piece,” she’d sniffled, “Come home to me in one piece, please.”
“In one piece,” he’d agreed, leaning down to plant a tender kiss on her mouth. Pulling away just so their noses brushed, he murmured “Parting is such sweet sorrow—”
There was that smile again, and he couldn’t help grinning as she finished softly, “That I shall say good night till it be morrow.” She took a shaky breath as he stepped away, squeezing his hand tight, “I love you, Johnny.”
“I love you more, Jules.” He’d said, brushing a kiss to the back of her hand before he’d had to drop it to pick up his bag, “I’ll be back before you know it.”
The last he’d seen of her was her blowing a kiss in the distance as the train had pulled away, and him waving desperately, far past the point where she’d be able to see it.
He’d promised her he’d come home in one piece, and that’s a promise he intends to keep, even here, even now.
Home. When he thought of home before he met Juliet, it was always him with his parents at their little house in Victor, New York. But especially since he was assigned overseas, his idea of home isn’t so much a place as it is her. Her in his arms, her pretty green eyes lighting up as she rambles about Shakespeare, meeting for lunch in her classroom during her planning period, in the audience at one of his performances with the Army band… he wanted her to be his home, to be by his side ‘til death did they part.
Brady had toyed with popping the question in a letter— if they never got out of here, he wanted her to know that he wanted her that way, that she was his forever person.
But no. They were going to get out of here eventually, they had to, and he would do it properly— having asked her parents for permission, down on one knee, with grandmother’s ring— when she was back in his arms.
With that warm, golden thought settling to the back of his mind, he rolls back over to pass on her message to Demarco— with letters being few and far between, his friend will be happy to hear even the tiniest scrap of news about his girl.
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twompweek · 3 months
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Hello all and welcome to the twomp week blog! I don’t think this will end up being a big thing, but with a few other people showing interest in participating it will still hopefully be a bit of fun.
I figured I’d put together this introductory post to explain a few things for those unsure, and later include any links to relevant other posts for ease of finding information. Of course, if there’s anything you find unclear or any follow up questions you might have, feel free to drop an ask or dm this blog.
So let’s get into things!
What is twomp week?
Twomp week is a week long, low pressure event for creatives within the twomp fandom. For each day the event runs there will be a list of prompts to help inspire those participating. Don’t feel like using those prompts? No worries! You can create anything you’d like for this event, regardless of the prompts for the day. And, of course, there is no pressure to post one thing for each day. Create as much or as little as you want! This event is only for a bit of fun so do whatever makes you happy :)
Who is running the event?
Me! Hello, I go by Squid. My mainblog is @thatgirlwithasquid but, while I do not enforce an 18+ following because I frankly don’t care enough to investigate who follows me, I do reblog and very rarely post more explicit content within my other fandoms on there. If you are under 18 or that content will bother you, I’d suggest going on my main blog with caution (though the #twomp tags on my blog should be perfectly minor friendly)
I love twomp but don’t create as much for it as I’d like, so I’m putting together this event both as a way to motivate myself and to share in some fun.
Is twomp week minor-friendly?
Hell yeah! I’m aware that there’s plenty of minors within this fandom so I want this event to be open to you to participate too. That means that I won’t be reblogging any nsfw content to this blog and politely ask that participants respect this and help to create an event that is safe and welcoming to all.
What can I make for the event?
Anything! Art, fanfic, music, edits, animation, gifs, character analysis… Anything that you like doing as a way to participate in this fandom is welcome. This isn’t an event tailored towards writers or artists or anyone else in specific. It’s for everyone.
I also intend for this event to be inclusive for all things twomp related. Want to create for a background character? A rare pair? Argos and Mr Plant? The plants? One specific episode? An OC? The voids themself? Our lord and saviour Argos’ Pet Rock? All perfectly acceptable and encouraged. As long as it’s linked to twomp its perfect for twomp week!
When will twomp week be?
Twomp week will take place on the week beginning with the 5th of August and run for 7 days. Prompts will be released ahead of this on July 15th so that anyone who may need/desire time to prepare their work beforehand has the opportunity to do so.
How can I find out more about the event?
I’ll be updating about the plans for twomp week as I work them out and posting about it on this blog, so following the @twompweek blog is the best way to stay updated as I figure things out. You can also just keep an eye on the #twomp and #the world of mr plant tags for anything I post about it, or the #twomp week tag itself which I will also start using.
You can also send an ask to the event blog or send me a dm here and I’ll do my best to get back to you about whatever you want to know!
How do I take part in twomp week?
There’s no sign up process! This is an open event that anyone can join in, no need to ask or feel worried about just jumping on. When the event rolls around, all you need to do is post your work here on tumblr with the #twomp week tag or @ this blog so that I can find and reblog your creations onto the event blog as well.
It would also be nice if you followed the event blog or the #twomp week tag so that you can enjoy and support other participants and all their hard work, but that’s optional and up to your preference.
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cow-rants · 4 months
Fair warning: this post is in regards to the recent Assassin’s Creed: Shadows trailer. I will talk about my thoughts and feelings regarding race. Thank you.
I’ve been a massive fan of Assassin’s creed (AC) since I first saw my uncle playing it at 7 or 8 years old. I’m a massive history buff and the idea of being able to experience the past through the eyes of an ancestor is such a brilliant idea. Not mention the concept of a secret war being fought through out the centuries is always fun. But as of late, I haven’t been really excited for a new entry. Odyssey was the last game I really played and it was alright, but I’m personally not a huge fan of the new RPG mechanics (although I do understand why they were implemented).
Valhalla looked interesting, but didn’t really feel like an AC game to me. So I put it on my “to play later” list. Mirage looked far better and I definitely do want to play it, but I honestly just haven’t felt a super big pull to pick it up. But when I saw that AC was finally going to Japan, I was ecstatic. I adore Japanese history in general and the Sengoku period is full of interesting conflicts and characters that would fit perfectly with the assassin’s and the templars.
Although they went with some pretty standard people to showcase, such as Oda Nobunaga, I still think they have a chance to do something really interesting story wise (of course, reserve all real judgement for the gameplay reveal. But I’m mainly just talking about the story). Especially with the portrayal of Yasuke. From what I could tell, it seems like his story will be one of disillusionment, possibly betrayal, and redemption. Certainly a story we’ve seen before, but it’s still interesting to see Yasuke in something as big as AC.
Before I get into the more unfortunate discourse regarding Yasuke, I absolutely have to talk about Naoe. See, what caught my eye about her was how she and my OWN AC OC have very similar stories. Well, I don’t know for sure. But they certainly share a similar experience, which is watching their families be butchered by Oda Nobunaga’s armies. It’s not much, but by the gods does it make me pretty happy. My OC’s name is Minori Kishimoto and she’s one of my favorites, so seeing a canon character with some similar traits is kind of exciting for me (okay, very exciting).
Anyhow, back to Yasuke. As soon as I saw the trailer, I knew I was going to see people saying something stupid. So I checked both the comments on the video and twitter. And I was certainly not mistaken. So so so many bad takes and ridiculous arguments that, honestly, only go to show either mild racism or straight up hatred toward African people. Not to mention the fact that they completely ignore Naoe as a protagonist. I guess she must be the greatest assassin of all time.
From what I understand, a lot of people are upset that for a Japan centered AC game, there is a black protagonist. Which, again, ignores Naoe entirely. The biggest argument I have heared against Yasuke being one of the protagonists is that he wasn’t actually a samurai. To which I say: False. Incorrect. Mistaken. Wrong. Factually incorrect.
The primary issue here is the fact that many people refer to him as a retainer. A title that he never officially held, as far as I’m aware, but even so that still makes him Samurai! Looking just at the facts of his life, he was respected by arguably the most powerful Daimyo of that time, earned his trust, received a pension, received a sword, and received property. So then the question becomes: what exactly makes a person a samurai at this time? Because I can tell you one thing, it isn’t noble blood.
A peasant man was once hired by Nobunaga to do a multitude of tasks, one of which was to hold his sandals. This man would soon prove himself to be capable of all of his tasks as well as in the art of war. He would become a powerful man and rise through the ranks until he held the rank of Taiko at the end of his life . That man was Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
If Hideyoshi’s story proves one thing, it’s that at this time anyone could rise to become a daimyo. So then, why wouldn’t Yasuke also be considered a samurai? We’re not even trying to claim he was a daimyo, just that he was a samurai. Retainer, bodyguard, slave, whatever. The fact is that the man was 10000% a samurai and was a respected one at that. To claim otherwise is to prove yourself ignorant in the history you claim to be proficient in, and incompetent at backing up your argument.
Not to mention that from a writing point of view, it’s a brilliant move. Yasuke was not super well recorded and thus is relatively unknown to others. Which makes him perfect for being a:
1. Fish out of water character
2. Real person, that can be treated written like a fictional one
All of this to say, I think that this newest Assassin’s Creed has a chance to become one of my personal favorites. As well as putting the series back on the map for many. But, with no gameplay and an already worrying pre-order package, I’m worried to say the least. Only time will tell, but I look forward to it.
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may-bornmia · 1 year
Clingy Little Baby (series) - Bang Chan
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Pairings: Bang Chan x OC (you can picture yourself, whatever makes you comfortable :))
Warnings (for the entirety of the series): littlespace, forthcoming smut, subspace, a HUGE amount of fluff, fast-paced story
CHAPTER 2: Drunken Smiles
The rooftop was empty and windy, and Chan held open the door for Ahyoung, letting her walk in first. Her waist-length brown hair twirled with the wind as the cool breeze danced around the two, and her skirt dared to wave along. Ahyoung immediately placed her book in front of her skirt, face reddening almost instantly. 
Chan did not intend to look, but his eyes dashed to her short skirt puffing up with the wind. It did not take the respectful boy even a second to avert his eyes, the faintest hue of red coating his cheeks. 
"Here, sit down," he jogged over to the random old material from their auditorium that was kept on the roof, and brought out two chairs for them to sit on. 
Ahyoung, as innocent as she was, could barely look away from his arms; the way his muscles flexed, the way his veins deliciously trailed up his sleeves. Even though she was instantaneously afraid of those bulky arms, she could not tear her eyes away from them. 
Chan noticed, and felt a sense of accomplishment (for building muscles? odd) wash over him, as he kept the chairs in front of each other on the ground. He observed how intently she stared at his arms, and instinctively, he flexed his biceps, just to see her reaction. 
Upon that action, Ahyoung drew in her lips, pressing them into a thin line, and got the reddest, eyes flickering away from his arms to the chairs, and then back to his arms. Chan smirked at her response, and smugly spoke, "Let's start, hm?" 
"Sure..." she tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, shuffling over to him as he sat down on the chair opposite hers. She took a seat, opening her book and gazing over the highlighted points, and he watched in contentment as she used her pointer finger to read through the lines. She then drew out her reading glasses from her pocket, and let the big spectacles sit on her small face as she read further. 
"Okay, so," she smacked her lips and explained, "According to the Freudian theory, human behavior is influenced by unconscious memories, thoughts, and urges. Since this presentation is supposed to be short and direct, we can explain how id, ego, and superego are different and what they represent..." she kept on going, elaborating with interest on how their presentation was supposed to flow. Although he kept nodding every once in a while, he was not listening at all. Just gazing at her gorgeous features was enough for him. 
He intently observed how big and pure her doe-eyes were, colored black and gleaming with passion about what she was explaining; how those huge glasses made her appear so nerdily endearing; how her small nose was angled perfectly along her features; how she had the tiniest mole at the upper corner of her left eye; how her luscious lips contorted into a little pout whenever she spoke something; how her choker did no justice to her soft neck the way his hands would-
Did he really just think that? Even he was surprised at that sudden thought. 
"Am I boring you?" her hesitant voice broke through his zone of thought, and he instantly shook his head. 
"No, of course not!" he denied. 
"It looked like you were not listening to me, though..." 
"I was, Ahyoung. Don't worry about it!" he cheekily grinned, already knowing the topic they had to present and having prepared for it beforehand. He wasn't the professors' favorite for no reason. 
Ahyoung pushed her glasses up, "Okayyy... Um, I'll explain the part about Id and you go on about ego and superego? Is that okay?" 
Chan was about to agree, but then a scenario struck his head: Id, which was a term to describe a person's wildest desires and fantasies, including the primal and sexual aspects of a person. God knows how out of place it would be for her to try to explain it, and what if the other students mocked her by questioning her about it?  -- just look at her. He felt protective of her and he frowned. 
"Can I do the Id and ego part? You can go for the superego part," because superego stood for ethical values and moral compasses -- she could handle that better, right? 
Ahyoung nodded without a question, "Alrighty, I'll do it." 
She stood up, glancing at her phone once, "It's time for the class... let's go, Chan." 
He felt literal goosebumps at her calling out his name in her tiny voice. Dazedly, he followed her out of the rooftop, smiling drunkenly. 
Boy, was he whipped. 
(a/n: next part coming up soon!~)
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co-co-ocelot · 26 days
(I just realised I've never made an intro page- OOPS. WELP. Here it is!)
Salutations! My name is Co Co Ocelot, because no you do not get to know my real name get DUNKED ON. >:D
The things I like right now:
-Five Nights At Freddy's
-Genshin Impact
-Hazbin Hotel + Helluva Boss
-Cult Of The Lamb
Asks: OPEN
What is on my account?
Generally art- specifically OC X Cannon (if you don't like that, I can respect it but that's like the majority of my stuff so you probably won't like my blog, but hey! You never know if I could change your mind :D), Fanart, My ask blogs (which are also probably mainly OC X Cannon- which I'll get into a little later), and reposts.
What are the rules here?
-13+ (I mean... Not like you'll listen but still. I'd like to put it there for consideration.)
-No hate for unjust reasons, such as disliking a ship, thinking something is cringe, or disagreeing with an opinion of mine. However! If you are respectful with criticisms or corrections for just reasons such as myself unintentionally coming across the wrong way, this is perfectly fine. We are all human and make mistakes, so if I do something that could come across as offensive, please tell me! I'll really appreciate it.
-Absolutely no racism, homophobia, transphobia EXC, because this will result in a ban. I will tell you though, just telling you what you said was X, Y and Z. I can understand that people make mistakes, or something could be taken the wrong way, so just be careful about this sort of thing to avoid any miscommunication.
-No self promotion (it's kind of rude T<T)
Please don't ask:
-Questions about myself, please keep it to the characters, though I do appreciate the interest. <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
-Overly sexual asks, (Such as graphic descriptions- but just asking a character "doth thou plough?" Is fine and honestly pretty funny. Just don't take it too far.) (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
-Ask anything litterally illegal or inappropriate/creepy? Such as PDF-file type behaviour. That stuff is real nasty.
Please do ask these however! And don't be afraid to ask stuff that's not on here! As long as it doesn't go against the "don'ts" section, you're good! Just remember to not be worried, because of you do anything I'm not comfortable with I'll let you know and add it to the list of no-goes, zero hard feelings! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
-Angst (So asking sad questions, making characters remember stuff that no person should ever experience- but what's the point in having a favourite character if you don't mentally and physically destroy them? I LOVE THAT SHIT)!
-Asking about the characters, head cannons, or story! This one is a BIG yes please! It helps me build the story as we go along.
-Anon magic- that stuff is really funny (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
-Show off your OCs! For an example, if your OC is a new employee of Vox Tech, I may have them sometimes be in the background of the panels, occasionally coming in and doing tasks, exc! Just tell me a little about them and their personality and I'll so it! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
What ask blogs are available right now?
Current counting: 1
Secret Garden: OC (Rosemary) X Vox
Yes this is inspired by Flower Fell the Undertale AU 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
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Content warnings for this blog:
- Gore
- Valentino. I hate that fucker
- Generally soul crushing angst
- Oc x Cannon... If you don't like that for some reason (I'm judging you, it's the best)
Context summary:
The curse:
-A few years back, (post Vox vs Alastor) a man named Zentheal hired Rosemary, a sinner who, as things were then, had a tight hold on pentagram city's drug rings, meaning they had power. He could 'respect' that, he just chose not to because he's a dick. He hired them to spy on a business rival for quite the attractive price.
-Despite the blatant disrespect and death threats if failure occurred, Rosemary accepted, (not that they they had the option to say no) but rather quickly found out said business rival was a nightmare, and it was like staring at paint dry.
-Rosemary ran out of time and Zentheal was beyond livid. After a rather brutal torture session he sent Rosemary back home, completely unaware of what the upcoming hours would entail.
-Pain. Lots of it. And none of it having to do with the torture. The flowers that already held their roots under their skin ever since they arrived in hell...were spreading.
-Rosemary had thrown up from the pain twice, completely immobilised while the flowers slowly breached the surface of their skin, and in the end they experienced all that pain for a mere...what? 7-8 flowers to grow?
-This couldn't be safe at all... Were they going to die...?
How they met the Vees:
- Recently, Velvette and Rosemary had done a collaboration, where -essentially- Rosemary gave Vel a boatload of the strongest drugs they had so she could give them to her team and see what shit they cooked up. It was mainly out of boredom but oh BOY did people go crazy for the nonsensical designs the buzzed out designers made. Both sides saw increased sales from then on, so they decided to do another collaboration in the near future.
- Velvette and Rosemary ended up becoming good friends from that encounter, meaning they came over to the Vee tower often to hang out, becoming quite familiar with the three. Velvette just made sure to keep them FAR away from Valentino.
Where the story is currently:
- All three of the Vees, as it stands right now, are unaware of Rosemary's curse.
- Vox is still stuck in an incredibly toxic an abusive situationship with Valentino, who is getting more and more insane by the day. Vox is getting sick of it.
- Vox is considering letting Rosemary join the Vee's, but is debating it, since Rosemary and Valentino get on awfully. They both want to kill eachother, and oh boy do they try.
What happens next? You'll have to ask and find out.
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snickerzanddoodlez · 1 month
SnickerDoodlez | She / Her | 16
Nice to meet y’all! You can call me any variation of my username! I’m the director of Wordgirl: Rewired, the unofficial fan reboot! (This isn’t just a pipe-dream project- we have already released a few ten-minute episodes!) If that interests you even at all, check ‘em out! And by the way, applications are open!
My other main blogs are @my-silly-little-guys and @crown-of-roses-thsc, for OCs and my Henry Stickmin AU comic respectively! My newest main is @the-only-teruteru-fan, which…tells you all you need to know-
My main socials are Tumblr, Toyhou.se, and YouTube! I also take commissions!
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1. I try to avoid venting on this blog, so don’t worry about that! It will happen from time to time- a teenager with depression, who woulda guessed?- but I try to keep it private! If I do vent, it’s usually just through passing jokes, angsty art, a short post, or words of encouragement I wish I’d heard!
3. My rules and boundaries are few- just keep in mind that I am 16!
4. I’m a huge advocate for cringe! Create that Mary Sue! Be the next Ebony Darkness Dimentia Raven Way! I encourage it! I’ve obsessed over my fair share of Danganronpa characters- who am I to judge?
5. Do not spread hate. While I do think that everyone has a right to express their opinions or beliefs, I do not want anything to do with people who advocate for zoophilia, racism, pedophilia, etc.
6. I’m a Christian, but I don’t often post about it- my relationship with God is between Him and me! However, please don’t let this be a turn-off for you- though you’ve no doubt heard many stereotypes, I do not associate myself with Christians that are hateful or cruel…that’s not following God’s teachings.
7. l ask that current events are discussed elsewhere, as for me and many others, these blogs are places to escape reality. As well as this, please do not message me or send me asks pertaining to charities and seeking donations- though I wish those who truly need it help and support, this just isn't a place for it.
8. I am perfectly okay with people monetizing content pertaining to my creations, so long as the content itself is their own work! As well as this, I’m okay with people translating my work or making creative interpretations!
9. Please send me asks! Please! | need! Social interaction! And to talk about! My OCs! PLEASE TAG ME. IF YOU'RE DEBATING WHETHER YOU SHOULD OR SHOULDN'T, THAT MEANS YOU SHOULD. Although just a warning, I’m not always a fan of tag games! (Basically, I’d say- if you’re tagging me because you specifically thought of me, thought I’d be interested, or the post is about me in any way, please tag me! If you’re tagging me just because I’m a mutual and it isn’t something that I need to see, then I’m going to be less keen. But hey, I don’t really mind!)
10. Reach out to me for….whatever you want! Think I’m cool? Thanks! Got a question? Go for it! Wanna be friends? I’m flattered! I’m pretty open with things!
Oh, and my biggest fandoms right now are~
-Hidden Beneath! (Or the fandom I wish it had, haha!) @my-silly-little-guys
-The Henry Stickmin Collection @crown-of-roses-thsc
-Warrior Cats
-Danganronpa @the-only-teruteru-fan
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acacia-may · 6 months
*sheepishly pokes my head in*
If oc x cc ships are okay, then can I ask for Lyra's ships of Yuno x Neva and William x Zera, and mine Fuegoleon x Solara 🥺👉👈
Hi Laura! No need to be sheepish. 💖 Thank you so much for the ask and for indulging my ramblings. I think it's incredibly sweet that you've asked about @lyranova's pairings. They're lovely! I'm honestly a little feral about Zerilliam, and I rambled about that and about the pairings in general in this response to Lyra's ask. ^^
I would be thrilled to share my Fuelara thoughts with you here, especially since, at this point, I am so invested in this pairing that I have to constantly, consciously remind myself that Solara is not a canon character. She just exists in the world of Black Clover in my mind now, and whenever I imagine or think of Fue, she is right there by his side.
I have to be honest that before I found your blog and we became friends, I really didn't think that much about Fuegoleon. I always liked him and had a lot of respect for him, but he wasn't really a character I just sat around and thought about too much. (His brotherly relationship with Leopold is just too functional. Let's blame that lol😂 I promise I'm only joking, and I adore them! Vermillion Bros for the win!!) But you write him with such depth and such nuance that it really gave me a new appreciation for his character. That one shot you wrote about his feelings of inadequacy after his injury has stuck with me to this day and remains one of my favorite fics I've ever read about anything in any fandom. You and your incredibly powerful writing made me love Fue, and as I was coming to really love him and becoming so much more invested in his character and his story, I found your absolutely incredible Solara who is truly (and this is probably intentional on your part but needs to be said) perfect for him.
Fuelara is everything a canon character x oc relationship should be in my opinion. I hope it goes without saying that Solara is such an incredibly strong and compelling character in her own right and I love that you've given her her own story beyond just being Fue's love interest, but even beyond that, she fits so seamlessly into the world of Black Clover (and I know you shared with me in the past that that was something that was really important to you while creating her, and I think you have succeeded in that in every possible way). Like I said in the beginning of this post, I really do genuinely have to remind myself she isn't canon. She just feels like she belongs there. I can't tell you how much the way you've meticulously crafted Fuelara and weaved them into the world of BC has been a personal inspiration for me. (Apologies in advance for the tangent but) my big passion project right now is a very ambitious multi-chapter fic for another fandom which I'm co-creating with a friend of mine, and it involves an OC x CC relationship (that I'm mostly in charge of 😅) so I actually find myself thinking about and talking about Fuelara as kind of this blueprint and inspiration for everything I can only hope my own ship will ultimately be. Even though the world of that story (late 90s/early 2000s suburban America) and the world of Black Clover couldn't possibly be more different, I'm sure Sprinkles could tell you that I have specifically mentioned Fuelara (specifically their relationship's seamless integration into the existing world and story) and what an inspiration it is for me personally, so many times while working on this project. It is truly so impressive, and I want to write like that. (Side note, I have definitely been using your tips and suggestions for OC integration throughout this process, so thank you again for that!)
Beyond just how well Solara perfectly fits into the world (which I've rambled about a lot), she also perfectly fits with Fuegoleon to the point that it's actually difficult for me to imagine him with anyone else at this point. I'm honestly really surprised I have made it through these ramblings without any random, unsolicited music references, but you're about to get one. There's a song called "We Go Well Together" by Goldheart (Spotify; YouTube) and here's a few lines, "We're just like kids up on a swing/Finger and a wedding ring/We go perfectly/It's so easy." That's just Fuelara to me: It's so easy. That's not to say that it's easy for them--they've certainly had their struggles and been through so much together, but their relationship dynamic, their love for each other, and their interactions are just so effortless. Of course Embers is fantastic, but I think I love your cozy little one shots about them most of all because I just adore how they interact with each other. They're so comfortable with each other, and it feels so real and so genuine. There's really no need for me to suspend belief or to try to create some buy in into their relationship. They just talk to each other and I'm immediately convinced they're deeply in love and just perfect for each other. One of my favorite things about them is how they are both such strong people, but they can be vulnerable together, and I love these really tender moments where they encourage each other that they don't have to carry the weight of the world alone. I just can't get over how supportive they are of each other, and I just adore that.
Gah, this ship is just so good. It's canon. It's honestly better than canon in a lot of cases, and I really can't get enough of it. I think I've said this before, but I'll say this again. Thank you for this pairing! I love it. ❤️‍🔥
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panda-puma · 1 year
I'm a little baffled by your post about the one piece anime, because while I would also recommend people read the manga instead, it still is a vastly more accurate adaption than the opla? like, opla is lovely for what it is, but oda being involved in it doesn't change the fact that they took huuuge liberties that the anime just... doesn't? which is perfectly fine for an adaption, I'm just mentioning it because it sounded like you were focused on the character dynamics, which are just... vastly, vastly different in the manga AND anime vs the live action. I'm thinking about Nami and Sanji in particular (and Usopp as well to a degree), who all kind of feel like watered-down versions of their actual selves (Nami isn't greedy enough, Usopp not cowardly enough, Sanji... well, I'm not saying Sanji being different is a bad thing asdf). Again, perfectly fine for an adaption that doesn't mean to adapt its source material beat for beat, but it just leaves me really confused over how the opla is possibly a more faithful/a better adaption than the anime? Which, as far as I can recall, has severe pacing issues, annoying fillers and leaves out things like the cover stories, but still sticks waaaay closer to the actual story and dynamics as they are in the manga.
(First of all: you can like the Anime. As I said before, I've watched the entire Anime 3 times this last year. But you can enjoy something and still know it's flawed. Very flawed, even.)
Uf, I will try to make this as short as possible xD If i sound dry or "angy", sorry, English is not my first language ^^
What baffles me is that most people really think the Anime of One Piece is a faithful 1 to 1 adaptation, or that everything on it is canon (except the fillers), or that Oda approves the changes they make. For context: it was very common in the 90s/2000s to just take a manga that was doing good and make an animation that took the characters and story and did whatever they wanted with it. One Piece is not the only victim of this treatment.
I respect the animators and Seiyuus, they do their jobs good and are what makes the Anime enjoyable. But I really can not understand the Directors and the changes they decided to make to the characters (and this applies to the whole series, not only 20 years ago).
The changes you see in OPLA are necessary to translate a drawing (Manga) to a series acted by real people. Also, condensing 95 chapters of Manga in 8 episodes and trying to bring the essence of the characters to the screen, translating Japanese funny gags to an International Audience and also having the input of 25 years of Oda thinking "huh, maybe this could have been explained better" it's obviously going to make things change.
The Anime has none of those excuses. It's also a drawing so no need to tone down, supposed to have the same Audience (even tho they really tried to make it for little kids and it shows), they clearly don't have an issue with the length of the series and they don't ask Oda for nearly any of the changes they make!
Pretending Oda being involved or not doesn't matter is just so weird to me. You know all One Piece characters are Oda's OCs, right? He is the original creator of the characters. He knows them better than anyone else. He knows where the story is going, what is acceptable, what is on character and what is not. Just because they are very famous characters it doesn't mean they are not someones Original Characters. He loves them and cares for them. Not respecting him as the only one that can say something is canon or not is completely disrespectful and dehumanizing.
About watering down characters in OPLA: again, they are real people acting the characters. In the Manga they are exaggerated to a comical effect that wouldn't translate as comical if it's real people who do it, it'd just be weird. That's because it's different mediums and different audience. But the core of the characters is very present, just less cartoony. On the other hand, the Anime reduces the characters to just this comical effect, taking away nearly everything else of the characters, making them just gags.
Answering to the specific points you make about OPLA:
Nami not being greedy enough: Nami's greed before Arlong Park Arc is just her trying to save enough to free her people. We don't really see her greed until after she is free. We haven't reached this point yet in OPLA, apart of her wanting to dress nice and enjoy a bath.
Usopp not being cowardly enough: they can not spend 5 minutes of an 50 minute episode showing him screaming around or running away. But they did show him running as first reaction in Kaya's Mansion, twice. They showed him wanting to go back home after encountering Garp. He does say cowardly things all the time, like wanting to leave, stay on the Merry, not fight the Fish Men, running away the second Chu payed attention to him… It's just less cartoony. They are also not showing inner dialogue of the characters, it's just shown by their acting.
Sanji not being a pervert: Not only is Sanji's perversion waaaay exaggerated in the Anime, to an unpalatable degree, it's also a very Japanese Funny Gag that wouldn't translate good to an International Audience. Sanji in the Manga has, on top of everything else, a friendly relationship with Nami. He can talk to her like a human being. They are friends that can agree or disagree without drama, that join forces to fix things very often and act very calm around each other unless something "special" happens and Sanji is lovestruck, but even so, he usually comes back to being normal pretty fast. Of course he likes her and he is attracted to her, but he also sees her as a person... unlike the Anime. This translated to into the Live Action to a man that tries to flirt and has no success, but that can take a no as an answer without being offended. Also, Oda probably wanted to show on the Live Action that the real reason Sanji is on the crew is no other than him following Luffy (that is also a thing that the Anime waters down: Sanji's dedication to Luffy)
The main point is: yes, OPLA is an Alternative Universe where things are shown a bit differently, but the core of the characters is the same. You see them and you see real people, just like in the Manga.
And let's see about the faithfulness of the Anime... just because the Arcs are called the same and things kind of happen the same, it doesn't mean it's a faithful adaptation. The most important thing in a story is the characters and how they interact and react to the world. These are just some differences between the Anime and the Manga that I can think of off the top of my head, just from the East Blue Saga. (without any particular order)
-- Zoro's real backstory (Manga) is that he had been in the Shimotsuki Dojo probably since birth, practicing his 2 Sword Style and only starting the 3 Sword Style to carry Kuina's Soul with him. [((spoilers from Wano: now we know Zoro is also a Shimotsuki, so he was training in his family's Dojo. It also explains why Koushirou gave Kuina's sword to Zoro so easily: they are family, and Zoro would carry the Shimotsuki name to the top of Swordmanship))].
Zoro's backstory in the Anime is completely changed to make it look like he is a random funny kid that came out of nowhere and one day appeared in the Dojo. His signature 3 sword style is also made like he just "wanted to use as many swords as possible".
I don't think it's very necessary to explain why this changes are just... terrible for the character and continuity.
[Edit: the following is not correct! Check the reblog for the correction :D] The Anime also makes Zoro's departure from Shimotsuki Village like something he planned to do, saying goodbye to Kuina's Grave and Koushiro… when in the Manga he literally tells Luffy he was kicking pirates out of his village and he got lost and didn't know how to get back. [/end of incorrect part]
Changing Zoro's character at every turn is something they love to do in the Anime.
Usopp in the Manga wants Luffy&co. to meet Kaya, because he cares about her well being. He wants her to make new friends, to be able help them and feel useful doing it. Usopp knows what Kaya needs is contact with the world and tries to bring it to her.
Usopp in the Anime is jealous and secretive of her. He doesn't want the others to go meet her, even knowing they are good people. He'd rather have her to himself.
This is a fatal change to the character of Usopp. He is a kind hearted lovely man that wants what's best for his friend... but the Anime just shows a jealous asshole.
In the battle against Cabaji, Zoro cuts his own wound, so his opponent can't use it as an advantage anymore.
In the Anime, he lowers his defense on purpose and lets Cabaji cut his wound.
The first one shows how far he can go to prove himself, also shows he is not at all worried because he doesn't consider Cabaji up to his level. I'm not sure what the second one is supposed to show apart from "children can not see self-harm".
Also in Orange Town in Manga, Luffy is fighting as much as possible against the cage he is trapped in, biting the bars. And afterwards he is very worried asking Zoro to leave him and not carry him or he will get worse from his wounds. In the Anime he is just surprised that Zoro can carry him like that. He doesn't really fight his predicament.
The Anime usually shows Luffy as an uncaring friend, which is sad when he is a character that cares so much and has so much empathy.
In the Manga, Zeff cuts his own leg and eats it to survive after giving all the food they have to Sanji.
In the Anime, Zeff lost his leg because it got caught in the ships broken pieces, and he had to cut it to survive. (i guess he survived 80 days thanks to the Holy Spirit or something) (again with being palatable to children)
In the Manga, the first encounter between Tashigi and Zoro is brief, Zoro gives her back the glasses and carries on (even tho tilted by her looking so similar to Kuina).
In the Anime, Zoro breaks Tashigi's glasses with the shock and she proceeds to be the meanest person ever insulting him in many ways (isn't she supposed to be a good person?) and forcing him to work for her to pay her glasses back, even tho she has no need for the money.
The Anime shows Zoro as a pushover, when in reality he is not. He was "pushed over" by Luffy out of the blue because it is Luffy, not because Zoro would let someone random do that to him. This type of "Zoro gets messed up easily by anyone" is very repeated through the Anime, taking away the importance of his relationship with Luffy and the other few he pays really attention to.
In the Manga, Sanji wants to be famous and have his face seen in the Newspaper. That's why he gets mad when Usopp is in Luffy's Wanted Poster and he isn't.
In the Anime, he is already a famous cook. We can see it in one of the many filler in Loguetown, where another cook has been wanting to surpass him for a long time.
[((spoiler of Whole Cake Island: This collides directly with how his Wanted Poster makes his bio Family looks for him to use him, after knowing he is still alive.))]
Also in Loguetown, in the Manga Luffy goes directly to the place Roger was executed.
In the Anime they make him get lost a hundred times for comical effect. He also meets Smoker, Buggy and others on the way… taking away all the surprise.
In the Manga, Zoro and Luffy are pretty confused with Sanji's romantic reaction to Nami. They don't get why she's getting special treatment. Zoro even wonders if she bewitched him somehow.
In the Anime, as soon as Sanji starts flirting with Nami, Zoro gets irritated and Luffy gets uncomfortable.
In the Anime they try hard to make Zoro have a romance with any girl that shows up, adding reactions that are never present in the Manga.
And well, a huge one that needs more elaboration, because it is the core of the Manga: Luffy is shown observing and judging situations and people constantly. Every time something is happening that shows the true nature of people, he is specifically shown paying attention.
In the Anime this is translated as him being an empty headed kid that barely thinks or cares about anyone. He is a shell of a man, who only repeats that he wants to be King of the Pirates...
This is a very tiny list of examples that explain themselves without going into extensive detail…
I can go on and on about more changes that make no sense or change characters personalities, but if I do, I will dedicate its own blog to it to not clutter this one. I need bigger posts to explain the changes I see in dynamics between the characters xD
And as I said: if all of these changes were approved by Oda, I would be happy to accept them. But sadly they are not.
So to me, the One Piece Anime is just a fan-made adaptation that takes too many liberties. Or, as Animes are really considered in Japan: just advertisement for the Mangas.
On the other hand, OPLA changes were approved after negotiations and struggles and years of back and forth. Oda was very invested in it, trying to really show his vision and his world as good as possible. That's why i consider the Live Action as a faithful adaptation of the story.
Of course you may not consider these things important, but they are for me. In the end, you are free to enjoy One Piece as you wish! ^^
Anyways, thanks for reading so much! xD This ended up not being short at all, but i controlled myself as much as possible, i swear uvuU
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fantastictrashpolice · 8 months
hi. you never told me all of this!! and i honestly don't know what to say, because feeling like you exist, like you're valued as a person is one of the hardest things in the world. most people take others for granted which is shitty and horrible and undermining D: please know that i love all your interests and having more, or fluctuating between them is literally what makes you cooler! i would love to hear about anything you're obsessed with, and i would love to hear about your writing too!! what inspires you? tell me about your ocs! and what kind of music do you like? (ok i just skipped from subject to subject there, and did you know!there's a french phrase for that- "sauter du coq à l'âne", which literally translates to "to jump from rooster to donkey"! isn't that interesting?) which countries do you like? what's your dream aesthetic, or just. your dreams in general!! please don't put yourself down, i love your blog, your aesthetic, and you're amazing and beautiful. you ARE cool. i wouldn't be able to keep up with all your interests never in my life. also unrelated but being described as the "absolute chaotic academia masterpiece". but back to the subject. maybe you need to make a change in your life? i mean i think you're doing perfectly! maybe you need some different frens :3. idk. but please just know that i love it when you interact with my posts and i think you're really interesting and complex. and i want to get to know you <3333 anyway here's some tea ☕ and cookie 🍪 🍪 🍪
Thank you for such an amazing ask!!!!!
(I ferociously devour the cookies, then take a very long slow sip of the tea)
To answer your questions in order:
I'm inspired by music, fanfiction, and whatever random thing I can think of that would make a vaguely entertaining story.
Right now I've got one major OC and another OC in development. The finished OC is (currently) named Professor Eden, who's a burnt-out researcher who keeps rats in his apartment. The in-development OC is a rat who lives in Professor Eden's apartment and is probably the protagonist of the story. Oh, and there might be a rat god involved.
I like fan songs, punk, and songs from musicals. Plus a bunch of songs that fall into other categories like indie, pop, or... I'm not even really sure.
I don't really have a favorite country, but I've always thought the UK was cool! (...mostly because of Doctor Who.) ...I just realized you're French... You know what, forget I said the UK is cool- what I'm trying to say is that Doctor Who is cool.
My dream aesthetic is either goblincore or dark academia.
My biggest dream in general is to become a published author- or better yet, to become a published author with a devoted and respectful internet following :3
As you can see, you're in good company because I also tend to jump from rooster to donkey. Thank you for the kind words and excuse to rant!
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sky-kiss · 9 months
Thinking Man's Asks for you bc you are NOT IMMUNE. Get contemplative, idiot. I'll even link them, since I'm so nice. For Joi.
Eros 2
Eros 5
Philia 3
Ludus 5
Pragma 4
Philautia 1
Oh, you absolute shit-kid. I didn’t even REBLOG THIS. BECAUSE. JESUS.UGH. GROSS. UGH. THINKING.  
Eros 2: How important is sex to them in a relationship?  Do they see it as something essential to their happiness?  Would they be able to remain in a monogamous relationship with someone they loved without sex?
It’d really come down to communication? In a vacuum, sex is very important to her. Durge really screwed up her relationship with it. It wasn’t exactly smiles and rainbows in the murder temple, you know? But if it’s something you “care” about, and the act feels good, it must be positive, right? Sex is also like. Associated with control. 
However, in a genuinely loving relationship post-worming, if her partner explained their own feelings on the matter, she’d likely respect it. I think…if it were a permanent situation, she might have more difficulties? If there was no outlet? If there were alternatives on the table (talking to her while she takes care of herself), it’d be fine. Like, if at any point Shadowheart mentioned being uncomfortable with sex, she’d have stopped for her. 
Eros 5: How closely is their opinion of their own beauty (or lack thereof) linked to their confidence?  Do they see themselves as more or less worthy of love or sex based on how attractive they feel?
Her confidence is largely decoupled from her beauty (though she’s quite vain). That’s tied into her abilities as a sorceress. If you took those away, she’d be a shell of herself. Again, she’s quite vain. I can’t see her thinking that she’s less worthy of love, but she’d definitely feel more sex-averse.  
Unless this is in the DURGE durge days, in which case it wouldn’t matter a damn. Durge Durge Joi didn’t not give a damn about her looks, or love. She was going to get freaky. Consent was…well, secondary. 
Philia 3: What qualities does your OC most value in a friend? Loyalty? Shared sense of humour? Or something else?
Loyalty and sense of humor are major contenders. Please, make her laugh. Make her feel cherished. She’s secretly very soft inside. Please let her lean against your side and just chat with you. The capacity to have easy physical contact alongside the conversation is huge for her. 
Also, sass. Please be sassy. Verbally spar with her. Be kind of a little mischievous bitch. They’re her absolute favorite. If you can channel your goblin energy, you have a place in her life. 
Ludus 5: What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC?  Are there some things guaranteed to get them going?  Or are they immune to such things?
Apparently, being a saucy pillow princess will do it. Be a power bottom and you’ll immediately own her heart. /eyes Raphael and Shadowheart. 
Pretty wordplay will absolutely do it. I don’t know if it’s a seduction technique to spar with her, but that would absolutely get her going. Mix some physicality in with the word games. If you touch her hair or stroke her throat while being a flirty little bitch, she’ll chase you to the end of the earth. 
She is not immune to hot voice propaganda. If someone were to come at her swaggering and growling some poetry, she’d positively lose it. It’s a fast way to get climbed or shoved down to the floor and necked hard. 
Pragma 4: After the initial fires of passion cool to some degree, what would keep your OC engaged in a relationship?  Shared goals?  Similar values?  Or contented companionship?
Contented companionship would be what got her through it. To some extent, she genuinely just wants to be with the people she loves and protect them. She’d be perfectly happy to sit in a room and read with her lover. The whole Bhaalspawn thing has made her quite precious about her identity apart from her past and her father, and so if someone genuinely valued her vs. her heritage…it’d go a long way.
Being able to word towards a shared goal and common future would also go a huge way towards her ability to be engaged. Also, if you can provide her some healthy venues for murder so she can get those murder urges out? It’d be very helpful. 
Philautia 1: Does your OC have a healthy sense of their own worth and value?  Or do they see themselves as failing to live up to their original potential? Perhaps they are convinced of their own sinful or inadequate nature?
Both. She has a bit of a breakdown post-canon when she’s in the Fugue. Her past sins have kept her from moving on and robbed her of the potential of ever seeing Shadowheart again. That did some dark things to her psyche. 
However, she understands that she’s worthwhile. Joi is a powerful sorceress and has done some incredible things. However, she does feel inadequate versus the inhabitants of the hells, purely on like…a power scale. It’s driving her to go and level grind in the Abyss to be a greater asset to her partner.
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acefiree · 9 months
𝗯𝗮𝘆! 𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 | breath mint
Raphael ✷ Grayson ( 16+ ) MASTERLIST
RAMBLES: about to ramble so you can skip this if you want! this is a chapter from my fic I wrote following the timeline of the movies, and since I'm going through and editing the book, I wanted to share some of my favorite parts from the fic on my tumblr, so spoilers??
anyyywhoo I'm also posting chaps that I was going to trash, but instead, I decided to make them into reader inserts and age up the characters. so if you see that and connect the dots, you get a cookie :)
this is about my OC and April meeting the brothers and it will forever be in my heart bc I wrote this when I was sixteen, so there will be major cringe ahead.
also, the characters are their respective age in this to match the movie.
this is not a reader insert! and, keep in mind I WAS A FETUS writing this so my choice of faceclaim was silly and it was like 2017 when I wrote this.
*cough* sabrina carpenter *cough*
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TO EXPECT: ocs, 2014! movie, SFW, and a potty mouth character, cringes of my very first fic.
disclaimer: i do NOT own tmnt or the movie scenes, just my ocs and what i write for them :)
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I WAS VERY TEMPTED to punch myself in the face for being so damn stupid.
Who in their right mind leaves a flash on when trying to take a discrete photo?
Grayson fucking O'Neil apparently.
All four figures immediately froze, the flash lighting up the dark rooftop for only a second. It was painfully obvious I had taken a picture. My hands began to sweat as my heart started to speed up. I could hear the shadow figures whispering again, and this time I had a really good feeling it wasn't about their previous victory.
"What was that?"
"It's a camera flash."
"We know it's a camera flash."
"Who's behind the camera flash?"
There was a light shove that came from my leg, and I knew it was April probably wondering what was going on. But I didn't dare move.
Maybe if I just pretended that I wasn't here, they wouldn't see me?
"By my calculations, it's two girls,"
Two?! How can he see us both?!
"Now we gotta kill them..."
I nearly let go of the ladder at that, my stomach churning. Shit. Were they really going to kill us over a freaking picture? Who in the hell are these guys? American assassins?
"With kindness!"
"Give them some flowers, earn their trust."
"I got this."
"Raph, no, no, no! She has glasses!"
I had started to climb down now, but it didn't look like I was going anywhere – April was blocking my path.
I had to bite my lip to keep myself from shouting at her. I wondered if a little kick to the face would make her move. I thought about it for a good second, though I refrained from doing so – but damn, did I want to.
I opened my mouth, ready to tell her to move her ass, but a hard heavy chain was suddenly around my midsection. My eyes widened in shock, and I glanced down. "What—" with a harsh jerk and a very loud squeal from my lips, I was suddenly air-born.
My body hit the roof with a harsh thump, and I rolled, somehow shielding my head and camera at the same time. Pain shot up my arm when I landed on my wrist, the limb catching the brunt of my fall. When I finally had control over my own body again, I weakly sat up and clenched my teeth, holding my now throbbing wrist to my chest.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! That fucking hurt you asshole!" I shouted into the dark, my pain causing my temper to flare which controlled my tongue. I swear I could hear a giggle come from the dark.
I didn't give a damn who these guys were, they didn't have to yank me around like that. Unable to stop the aggravated huff that left my lips, I allowed my gaze to drop down to my camera as I checked it over, only to let out a relieved breath when I saw it was perfectly fine.
Yea, but freakin' my wrist isn't.
My eyes drifted back to my wrist as more annoyed grumbles came from my lips. A burning sensation came from my joint as I rotated the limb. I didn't think it was broken, but knew I it was going to bruise. I was so focused on my arm that I didn't notice when April climbed up the ladder and ran over to me. She was quick to notice how I was nursing my arm and she grabbed it tenderly, facing the inner part of my wrist up. She cringed at the flamed skin.
Damn. This was definitely going to start bruising soon. I could already see a red tint forming just below the junction of my thumb that would soon turn purple.
"Are you okay?"
I so badly wanted to snap back a sarcastic remark, but when my gaze locked with hers, my words seemed to leave me. I eased my arm away, staring up at her. I could see the fear in her eyes and that made the situation more real.
I was just pulled through the air like a fucking rag doll, of course I'm not okay!
But I didn't say that.
"I think so—"
A harsh thump, followed by a rough grunt, suddenly came from behind me and a shaky breath slipped through April's lips as she tilted her head back, her eyes growing when her gaze locked onto someone, or something, behind me.
By the look on April's face, I really didn't want to turn to see what made her suddenly go pale. Something in my gut told me not to turn around, to just fall out and play dead – I wanted to ask who was standing there so I didn't have to look.
Then I remembered this asshole was the one that just yanked me from the ladder. It only took two seconds of me mentally preparing myself before I found enough courage to turn around and give this man a piece of my mind on how he shouldn't yank little people around, just so he could feel superior.
I quickly turned, but came to a jerking stop when my nose brushed against a...knee. My eyes crossed as I stared at the limb, and the first thing I noticed was how...green...it was green?
Momentarily forgetting my previous anger and my throbbing wrist, I shuffled back on my butt, my head tilting up to see who the large ass knee belonged to. My eyes bugged like a Looney Tunes character as I assessed the figure towering over me.
Holy fucking shit.
Green eyes clashed with Grey as a man-like turtle glared down at me. I had to blink a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Upon seeing the look on my face, his lips curled back over his teeth into a snarl and I watched as his eyes scanned over my persons for a second, as if looking for something.
I instantly thought of my camera and instinctively grabbed it to my chest. That action had him narrowing his gaze on the device and that's when I knew what he wanted.
There were no words being said as me and my sister sat frozen in our spots. My sister looked about ready to piss herself, while I was trying my best to control my breathing and the pace of my heart. I suddenly felt warm and clammy and my heart was fluttering in an odd rhythm in my chest.
Time seemed non-existent as I took in this creature's appearance, noting the blood-red mask wrapped around the upper part of his head, kind of looking like a du-rag. The red fabric seemed like a good fashion choice, seeing that he had a very pissed-off look on his face at the moment. My gaze swept over the large turtle man, taking in all the gear he was wearing.
There was a thick leather strap stretched across, what I think was, his chest as it disappeared over the lip of his shell. And on his waist was an old-looking strap playing as a belt as it held up his odd-looking pants. My eyes then drifted to his arms, which were literally the size of my head. There was a red band tied around his bicep, stretching as the muscle moved.
This turtle man was ripped, and I honestly wanted to ask what type of steroids he took, because holy shit he was built like a miniature Hulk.
He rumbled lowly, his nostrils flaring as I snapped my eyes back to his own. I could tell he noticed my little observation, and he didn't hide the fact he didn't like it.
"Give me the camera,"
I had to pause at the sound of his voice, my face shifting gradually when I realized he could speak English. His voice was low and raspy like he was a heavy smoker and all his years of smoking finally caught up to him – I don't know what I was expecting the turtle man to sound like, but it definitely wasn't that.
April helped me stand, wrapping her arms around my waist protectively as we stared at him wide-eyed. I could feel her hands shaking against my waist, causing a spark of protectiveness to wash over me. There was a bead of sweat forming on my forehead as my knees wabbled.
"Ooh, look, he's doing his Batman voice," A voice snorted from behind the red-clad turtle, voice lowering to mock him.
"They're so hot, I can feel my shell tightening," A higher-pitched voice strained, prompting me to raise an eyebrow.
Excuse me?
I tried to shift my gaze around the red-clad turtle in front of me, wanting to see who was talking, but his big ass shell was blocking my view.
The red-banded turtle rolled his jaded eyes and turned to look back over his shoulder, or more like his shell. "We can hear you," He growled.
I tensed more as he turned back to us, his eyes locking me again in as he unsheathed something from both sides of his abdomen and I looked down.
Recognition flashed in my gaze as I stared at the familiar fork-like daggers.
So he was the one I saw that night? The shadow man? Holy shit! This is all starting to make sense—
I nearly jerked back when he placed one of the daggers under my chin, his jaw ticking as my breath quickened.
Jesus, what is his problem? My heart started to sporadically flutter faster as a twinge of fear settled in my stomach, afraid he might nick my skin with the sharp object.
He took a small step closer to me, having to slouch over drastically so he could get in my face. I could tell this was his way to intimidate me, and I would be lying if I said it wasn't working. His hot breath tickled my face, causing a light scrunch on my nose to form as I leaned back and tucked my chin toward my chest, promptly showing a double chin.
I was tempted to head-butt this turtle if he got any closer to me. Did this dude know anything about personal space? Because damn, he was so close, if I wanted to, I could boop him on the nose.
All witty remarks seemed to leave me as my brain was still trying to understand what I was seeing. So, panicking, I said the first thing that came to mind.
"Dude, you need a breath mint,"
As soon as the words left my mouth, Red's non-existent brows shot up in shock, as if my words had slapped him in the face. There was a loud boisterous laugh that came from behind him, which had the red turtle quickly recovering from his shock when he realized what I said.
He sharpened his harsh glare down at me, looking somewhat offended. "Wha—why I outta—" He lifted my chin higher with the dagger, "If you don't give me the camera, I'm gonna—"
"You're gonna what? Poke us to death with your little forks? Ooh, I'm shivering." I said before adding, "And by the way, you sound nothing like Batman – if anything, you sound constipated. Don't disrespect Bruce Wayne like that."
I don't know if it was the fall I took, or the amount of cake I ate tonight. But I found myself knocking my uninjured arm against his to move the dagger out of my space. I knew running my mouth was probably going to get me hurt, but this turtle was rude as hell. And that shit wasn't about to fly with me.
I could feel April's eyes glaring at me, most likely wishing I would shut up.
A loud snort came from behind the red turtle again, followed by a frenzy of giggles. If he was mad before, he was defiantly livid now. His face started to change, and if he could blush, I was certain his cheeks would be the color of his mask.
He cracked open his mouth to speak again, but a loud voice cut him off.
"Enough!" I stepped back and watched as another turtle flipped over us, landing on the other side of the rooftop – this one sporting a blue mask.
What's up with the multi-colored masks? Are they color-coded turtles or something? Was I missing the punch line?
My eyes flickered to the two weapons he gripped in his large hands tightly, and I instantly recognized them to be Katana's. He glanced down, his face stern as he assessed the three of us. I suddenly felt really small under his gaze, as if I were a child being scolded.
I watched as he twisted his wrists, expertly spinning his weapons before lifting his arms and sliding them onto the back of his shell, crossing them into a large 'X'.
"Back off, Raph." He ordered, looking over to the turtle in red.
So rude turt has a name? I thought before looking back at Blue.
The red turtle, Raph, let out an aggravated growl as he stepped back and moved away. "I only saw Batman once!—she made fun of my voice and said I needed a mint." He whispered the last part to himself, but I heard him perfectly.
"Ladies, hello. I apologize." The blue-clad turtle said coolly, effortlessly dropping from the edge in one step as he moved in front of us. "My colleague here forgot to say please – so would you please hand over the camera?"
At this point, he was standing but a few feet away. His eyes, which were the brightest blue I had ever seen, glanced down at the camera hanging from my neck before looking back up at my face, his mask shifting as he lifted a non-existent brow. This turtle seemed a lot calmer than the first, but that didn't make me trust him in the slightest.
The scenario good cop, bad cop coming to mind.
I instinctively grasped my sister's hand, tugging her closer to me as I backed away, refusing to give up my beloved camera in fear that they might smash it.
Blue started to take a few steps closer when he noticed us backing away, and I was quick to stop him by throwing my finger in his face. "Ah, Ah! No! You stay."
His face looked rather shocked for a moment at my boldness, and I was surprised when he actually came to a stop. He blinked a few times as if he couldn't believe I just told him to stay put like a dog. I took this as my chance to turn, pulling on April so we could find an escape—
My body jolted to a stop when we came face to face with another turtle – this one in orange.
Holy shit! Are they fucking multiplying?!
April gasped and sprung back, letting me go in the process. My arm flew up out of instinct, not expecting him to be so close. Just before I could make contact and hit him for being in my personal bubble, the Orange-clad turtle was quick to catch me by the wrist, shocking the literal hell out of me.
"Whoa, dudette! chill, it's just a mask. See? Don't freak out—right?" He used his other hand to take off his mask, dangling the fabric in my face with a boyish smile on his face.
One of my brows quirk of its own accord as I tensely glimpse at his massive hand that was wrapped around my small wrist, noting he only has three fucking fingers. He saw the look on my face, a sheepish grin morphing on his lips as he quickly let go.
At the rate my breathing was going, I began to feel a little lightheaded, my heart still fluttering in my chest as my legs became shakier. Oh no. I blinked a few times as the turtle in front of me became blurry. When I blinked again, the red turtle was suddenly standing by the orange one, both watching me with strange looks on their faces as I took a stumbling step back.
Shit, I don't feel good.
"Ray?" April's voice seemed far away, though I knew she was literally right behind me.
Just as I began to collapse, a pair of large hands caught me, and my body went limp.
"Oh, that went well."
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"BREATHING STEADY. Blood pressure stabilizing." Someone said as a bright beam shined in my eyes.
My thoughts were jumbled the second I could make out multiple green faces hovering over me.
"Why are we still here playing doctor?" A deeper voice growled, sounding annoyed.
"Because, other than her injured wrist—which you caused—She might have a head injury."
"Uh, correction, she's a hot chick who may have a head injury. Which makes it our civic duty—"
"Would you knock it off."
I jerked away when a green hand was suddenly in my face, three fingers snapping. I blinked a few times as I squinted my eyes at the turtle. He was wearing a pair of goggles and was wearing a purple mask. When he noticed I was conscious enough, he quickly moved out of my space, allowing me to sit up.
"Tink, are you okay?"
I felt instant comfort from the nickname and glanced over to see my sister staring at me with concern, her hand lightly pressed against my knee. I nodded my eyes blinking a few more times as I noticed my vision was still impaired. My hands snap to my face, panic washing over me when I realize my glasses are gone.
The urge to pull a Velma and shout 'My glasses!' hit me as I started to look around for them. Before I could promptly start freaking the hell out, April tapped my shoulder and I felt instant relief when she pulled them out and placed them on my face for me. I gave her a grateful nod, adjusting them before I turned my attention to the four turtles watching us.
I can't believe I passed out.
I twisted my lips, rubbing my hurt wrist while my eyes drifted to each turtle, taking them in as I stood to my feet with the help of my sister.
"What are you?" April asked, also looking at them.
The blue-clad turtle glanced at the others before moving forward slightly. "Well, Miss, uh, we're ninjas." He leaned the top part of his body forward, resting his fist into the palm of his hand and bowing his head at us respectively.
I found myself actually wanting to smile at his actions.
The urge to smile quickly disappeared as soon as the red brute, who I remember being called Raph, spoke up, his eyes set in a hard glare as he stared at us "We're mutants."
The purple one, which I noticed was the tallest out of all of them, looked at us, his goggles gone and replaced with glasses. "Well, technically we're turtles."
"Oh, and we're teenagers! But we can still have...adult conversations." The Orange-clad turtle says, wiggling his fingers and winking at us.
I let out a sound of surprise, gaining their attention. "No, I am a teenager." I gestured to myself with both hands, my eyes wide as I looked back at them incredulously. "Like, honestly, you look like grown-ass men — I mean turtles..."
"You're a teenager?!" The orange banded one whispered in shocked wonder as he approached me, bending and placing his hands on his knees as he got in my face like he was analyzing a rare specimen. I took a step back and gave him a look as he muttered, "But...you're so tiny,"
I made a face at his words, "I'm not that short! I'm a pretty normal height for a girl..."
The purple-wielding turtle let out an amused snort, prompting us to look at him now. "Actually, you seem to be around 5'2 and the normal height for a human female is—"
"Can we please get back on topic guys? We don't have time to share facts and height charts." Blue interrupted us, making me turn to him with a lifted brow.
I promise, I tried to stop my eyes from rolling, I really did, but they had a mind of their own. "Bossy ass," I muttered under my breath.
His eyes snapped to me, and I instantly knew he heard what I said, causing me to shoot him an innocent smile in return.
April, who was still hung up on their existence stepped forward to butt in, "Wait, So, you're—ninja, mutant, turtle, teenagers?" she questioned, sounding slightly ridiculous with how she worded it.
My lips pursed and I shook my head, "That sounds silly—" I glanced at April disappointed, "Why not Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? It has a better ring to it."
"Agreed," The one in purple said, causing me to look back at him with a smile.
I glanced at all of them again, curiosity shining in my eyes as I began to wonder how this even happened. It's not every day you run into humanoid turtles who can speak perfect English. There has to be more to this.
My eyes stopped on Raph, catching the glare he was giving as he watched me look around at them. I lifted a brow, and his expression only grew more annoyed. "They're lookin' at us like we're freaks." He suddenly spat, pointing his fork dagger at me.
Seriously, what is this turtle's malfunction? He seemed to be the only one with a thorn in his side and it was starting to piss me off.
"I bet that's why you took our picture, wasn't it? To show your friends" He accused as he pointed at me again, a smug look mixing with his irritated one. "That is, if ya' have friends."
My mouth dropped in shock at his dig at my social life. Who did this turtle think he was? He was being such an ass, and for what?
"Look here 'Mr.Batman'—" I decreased my voice into a mocking tone, trying to mimic the baritone voice he did earlier, "When it comes to disrespect, I'm usually open-minded, but you've been a real ass tonight, so I'm about to be open-handed and smack the shit outta you!" I sass back before somewhat shouting, "Don't play with me!"
Crickets. There's a distinct pause as all four turtles look comically baffled at my little outburst. They were probably wondering how much damage a small girl like me could do to a six-foot mutant turtle, but I swear if he said another rude ass thing to me, they will all find out.
Suddenly, a very boyish laugh filled the tense atmosphere and I swung my gaze over to the orange-clad turtle, watching as he clutched his stomach from laughing so hard.
"Dudes I think I just fell in love – Raph she just put you in your place bro!"
The red-banded turtle shot the other one a sharp glare, his lip curling as he yanked his intense gaze back in my direction. I took a tiny step back as the hothead dropped down from the ledge he was perched on, his green eyes burning into my own. I noticed his scarred lip quirk into a smirk when he saw me step back. Something in his hand caught my attention, so I looked down and froze upon seeing my camera dangling in his grasp.
"Looking for this?" He taunted, his smirk growing as he observed the shocked expression on my face.
I quickly patted down my body, as if I wasn't looking at my camera. What the hell?! My mouth formed a tight line as he got closer to me, my head having to tilt back so I could stare him directly in the eyes.
Don't show fear, be the bad bitch you know you are.
"I swear, if you break my camera, I'll monkey jump your ass!"
He gave me a challenging look in return, "Bring it, Trouble," His gaze fell from my face and traveled over my body, sizing me up. "I can take ya."
I ignored the nickname as the annoyance I felt grew, "I don't know the anatomy of a mutant turtle, but I'm so close to kicking you in the balls if you don't back the fuck up!" I growled, jabbing a finger in his shell-covered chest.
It's been I while since I've gotten this upset, usually I was chill. But this turtle seemed like he really enjoyed pressing my buttons.
For a moment I could have sworn fear flashed in his eyes when I mentioned kicking him down under. And he seemed to close his stance a little. But before any more words could be shared between us, blue stepped in, moving Raph back.
"How many times do I have to tell you? We don't break things, we fix them. Donnie already wiped the camera, genius – Problem solved, moving on." The blue-clad turtle spoke, his eyes hardening on Raph who now seemed embarrassed by being scolded.
I snapped my head toward the purple turtle, assuming he was the one who messed with my stuff. "You did what?!" My voice squeaked, causing the purple banded turtle to jump and his glasses-covered eyes to round. "Please tell me you didn't wipe everything!"
My whole life was on that damn thing! He better not have erased the memory, I only took one picture!
The purple, Donnie, looked extremely uncomfortable and slightly panicked. He opened his mouth to speak, but the big brute cut him off before he could defend his actions.
"And who put you in charge?" Red rumbled, anger sparking in his green eyes as he turned to face blue.
Now Blue seemed pissed, his chest bumping into Raph's as he matched his aggression. "You know who did." His voice lowers and I find myself taking a small step back.
I had a feeling a fight was about to break out, and I didn't want to be caught in the middle of that.
These guys are really moody.
"Ooh, tension! It's been like thirty whole minutes since you guys had this argument." The orange one butted in with a smile on his face, not seeming fazed by the other turtle's aggressiveness.
"Leonardo, if we want to make it home before Master, we gotta hustle," Donnie spoke up, glancing at his wrist which had a cool-looking watch on it.
For a moment I pause, a sense of familiarity washing over my mind as I thought over that name.
"Leonardo?" I heard April whisper from beside me, causing me to look over at her with a questioning look.
Has she heard of that name before too?
The blue one, Leonardo, turned to me. I kept quiet as he stepped closer and held out my camera for me to take. "Do not say a word about this to anyone," he lowered himself to my height, and even though he was bent over, I still had to look up. "If you do, we will find you." His eyes swayed between me and April for a second, "April and Grayson O'Neil."
He was back to standing his full height; A serious superior look casting in his blue eyes. He turned his head to look at Raph, narrowing his eyes slightly. "We're on the move, Raphael."
"Raphael...?" I murmured this time, my brows pinched together. Where have I heard these damn names before?
A deep rumble followed after I said the name, which caused me to look up. It was Raphael. When we locked eyes, I could see his shoulders tense as he shot me a displeased look. I stared at him for a long moment, trying to read this strange being. He stared back and I could only assume he was doing the same with me.
I could tell he was the most guarded out of the other three, and I was quick to pick up on the fact he seemed insecure about what others thought about his appearance. I would have to remember not to stare if I wanted to stay on his good side. That is, if he even had one.
Like a splash of cold water to the face; Raphael moved away from us, before squaring his shoulders and placing his little bitty weapons back in their holster. He locked eyes with me once more and shot me a pointed glare, the toothpick in his mouth shifting.
Yep, this guy really doesn't like me...Wait, where did the toothpick come from?
"Yeahhh, we'll find you, O'Neil." The orange started doing weird hand gestures as he gradually backed away.
I quirked a brow at how odd and disturbing it sounded.
I jumped a little as he came back quickly, an awkward smile on his face, "I'm sorry, that came across super creepy, okay?" He chuckled nervously, "But we will find you though." He pointed at us, shooting a small wink.
He's weird. I giggled softly.
An award-winning smile broke out on his face as he heard my laugh, looking like a child in a candy shop. He waved me goodbye as he ran after the others who had begun to leave. Leonardo shot him a stern look when he finally caught up, muttering something to him under his breath.
April rushed after them, her phone now out and raised to snap more pictures as they disappeared into the night.
I rolled my eyes before joining her at the edge of the building, smirking to myself.
"It was like fire brah, did you see me back there? She's totally into me, I made her laugh!"
"Shut it, Mikey." I recognized that voice to be Raphaels.
I glanced over at April, my smile spreading somewhat in excitement.
I knew after tonight, that neither of our lives were ever going to be the same.
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twistedtummies2 · 10 months
Not counting yours, which are the TWST ocs you liked the most to write about? And the ones you would like to write about and didn't have the chance for now?
Well, let's stick with OCs I've either written for already or who belong to fairly close personal friends, since for the majority of the former, that's what they are. If I had to choose the two OCs I've liked writing for most, they'd have to be Tock Crockwork from @norman6321ify and Taoka Latronis from @hooter-n-company. The former is based on Tick Tock the Crocodile from "Peter Pan," while the latter is based on Tamatoa from "Moana." While I have some personal gripes with Tock's background (and I will never NOT have those gripes, Norman, if you're reading this; they really do bother me and always have), the actual character I've warmed up to over time more and more, partially because I've written for him more than any of Norman's other characters, and partially because of kinks, I'll confess. XD In contrast, I think Hoots' Taoka fits pretty perfectly in the universe of TW, at least in the way I personally like to handle it, and I had more freedom with his story than with any other OC (that wasn't my own) I've handled so far, for a few reasons. I also want to throw a bone to a couple of OCs who have been brought up on numerous occasions, but never actually properly "handled" by me: one is Gareth Tytla, belonging to @twisted-brainrot, and the other is Harmonia A'Cappella, belonging to @clouddreamer101. Gareth is based on Gustave the Giant from "The Brave Little Tailor," while Harmonia is based on the Golden Harp from "Fun & Fancy Free." They've appeared in a lot of artwork I've posted here, and been the subject of several Asks, and I've discussed both characters with their respective creators on MANY occasions...but aside from a mini-story or description piece here and there, I've never really given them full spotlight. I love both, though, and they're right up there with Tock and Taoka. In terms of OCs I haven't written for AT ALL yet, and really want to...well, I actually don't want to answer that question, for two reasons. First, because I kind of want those creations to be a surprise for my Tumblr friends. XD Second, because I feel it's hard for me to really judge my interest in an OC till I've written for them or discussed them a LOT of times, simply because exposure breeds fascination, if that makes any sense. BUT...for the sake of throwing you all a bone, I'll tell you about two bunches of OCs that are coming up in the future, both created by associates of mine. One: a few OCs based on Lumpjaw, Lulubelle, and Bongo from "Fun & Fancy Free." Two: another trio, based on Professor Ratigan, Fidget, and Felicia from "The Great Mouse Detective." And yes. Both introductions shall involve "the noms." XD
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
To me if feels like people assume all kind of stories can be told with every character, so to them you can easily switch out a mlm or straight couple for a wlw one, what's the matter? You want to write jegulus, surely whatever you'd like to write will also work with marylily instead! That's totally how writing works!
I do write wlw ships, but not for the marauders. None of the marauders era girls fit the kind of stories I like to tell with girls. It's just normal
mmm yeah i definitely have seen some posts with this attitude. i think it probably goes back to the way like...a subset of the fandom interacts with these characters, where they're essentially just plucked out of the context of canon and turned into ocs. which is, again, perfectly fine, because this is fanfic and everyone can do whatever they want. but it does create miscommunication if people assume that everyone is just throwing canon out the window completely and interacting w the characters in this same oc-y way, because then u get people asking "why are the boys so much more popular when the girls are right there!!!" and it's like.....i mean the boys have canon personalities. like yes the girls are right there, but sirius and remus + their respective various ships will likely always be the most popular as they are the most developed characters, and a lot of the characters who then become popular are working through like...a web or ripple effect of their connection to those two that starts from canon (james, lily, regulus, etc.)
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1800duckhotline · 4 months
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Gonna post this for yall too before i post it to my main artblog in a good bit. I love putting my guys in situations. VTM(B) Au for my ocs and temerice whos the bonafide oc made for the setting
dumping some lore which may be subject to change later
Salice is part of the Gangrel clan, even if she likes to act like a Ventrue. She was probably turned in the 90s and as a result she's still not sure what to make of her unlife, though it's less about being conflicted in regards to hungering for blood, and more that she doesn't like people seeing her for who she "is" when she loses control. She dislikes people seeing her as a "dog" and overcompensates by looking very expensive and tip-to-toe dripped in luxury brands.
Allen is a Toreador and revels in it, and thinks his new life as a vampire is really not too different from how he lived before. The problem is that he feels awful about having to drink blood from people, even if he only does it when extremely necessary. He is very much a lover and as a guy who loves arts and painting, his clan's characteristics fit him scarily well.
Salice and Allen still own a joint law office (Feltracco & Owen Law Consult) and both still work as lawyers, just "special emergency" type of guys that mostly work during the graveyard shift or operate through their respective secretaries during the daytime hours. They were turned at different points in time, but remained friends nonetheless, and their regular lore still applies.
Salice was definitely still also some kind of necromancer before she was turned, but lost the touch for necromancy and it is something she hates about her new lifestyle. Can never see her parents again. Allen was just some guy and takes everything in stride because he has now the perfect excuse to cut off permanently his father, who he deeply loathes. At this point he maintains the law career for the money, but treats it more like a "hobby" by taking it much less seriously (the same can be said for salice)
Adona is a concept I'm still exploring but she is a Tremere, albeit one very disconnected from the tendency of practicing blood magic. Assuming she still also was some sort of witch before turning, she is probably put off by any kind of sorcery in general, hence her reluctance in indulging the clan's "standard practices". She doesn't mind being a vampire in of itself; rather it suits her night-owl lifestyle she's had since years before being embraced, as she works as a night-shift barista in some fancy club. She is still also Salice's flatmate.
Temerice is my fledgling, and her story for now is not perfectly envisioned in my head. Before the events of the game, she used to work as a computer store clerk making her somewhat adept at hacking and fiddling with technology. Turned and became part of the Gangrel clan which was kind of "well, that just happened!" for her. She went from a nobody gal to kind of a chick magnet which immediately shifted the tides from "vampirism sucks" to "vampirism ROCKS!!!" for her.
She has actually little to no problem doing what she needs to do to survive, but she gradually gets better at buttering people up to get what she wants too which helps greatly with her whole ordeal.
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