#which is wild to me since it's actually super common
captainofsalt · 1 year
So excited for my upcoming appointment /s
My doctor is a nice woman, but she is slightly ableist. Doesn't think I should be using mobility aids, won't refer me to an orthopedic doctor for spine x rays even though I have SEVERE back pain. Is only now concerned since she heard that I've been using a wheelchair.
I think she's going to try to convince me not to use it, or to use it less.
She believes I am in pain, but has never been able to grasp the scale of it or of how heavily it affects my life.
Also her secretaries are ableist pieces of shit who have called my reasons for making appointments (new symptoms, usually) weird.
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Okay, buckle up, friends and neighbours, because it's time for:
(Obviously, you should take all of this with a HUGE chunk of salt, since I'm not only an internet-poisoned fandom blogger, but also a former English major with a penchant for over-reading.
Still, I spent a long time writing this, so I'd appreciate it if you gave it a read.)
So before we talk about Doopliss himself, I feel like we should talk about Creepy Steeple, since a lot of the topics I'm going to be touching on relate to the actual building.
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Neither the original Gamecube version nor the Switch remake really bothers to explain what Creepy Steeple actually is.
None of Goombella's tattles say anything about the building's intended purpose. The name vaguely implies that it's a church of some kind -- in Japanese, it's called Odoron Jiin, or "Astonishing Temple" -- but that's still not very helpful.
Still, for the purposes of this analysis, I'm going to assume that it's meant to be a church.
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This brings me to the Steeple's stained glass window, which shows a scary-looking Doopliss standing over some piranha plants.
From a design standpoint, I'm guessing that this detail was added to give the location a spooky vibe, but from an in-universe perspective, the implications are wild.
Like, who designed this? How long ago? And why? What the heck is it supposed to represent?
Unsurprisingly, the game offers no real answers, but I have a couple of theories.
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The first is that the people of Twilight Town (or their ancestors, or something) created the window in Doopliss's honor.
Stained glass windows often depict saints or angels, so maybe the Twilighters used to worship him? Like, maybe Creepy Steeple was once dedicated to him and then, for whatever reason, the worshippers decided to leave?
It's not super likely, but I didn't want to rule out any possibilities. This is a weird freaking temple. Literally anything is possible, as far as I'm concerned.
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My second theory is that Doopliss designed the window himself. He seems like a guy with a lot of spare time, so it's not too much of a stretch to say that he came up with the idea and then spent weeks building it by hand.
He could have also bullied the Boos into constructing it for him. I dunno. I just have this mental image of him pulling pranks on them and generally being a nuisance until they caved.
The bottom line is someone wanted to Doopliss's face to be front and center. And if that someone is Doopliss himself, then hoo boy, there is a lot to unpack here.
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Maybe I'm projecting, but it feels like Doopliss is wrestling with some major self-esteem issues.
Despite being an incredibly powerful shapeshifter who somehow cursed an entire town, he seems very childish. He spends all his time watching TV and coming up with new jokes. He throws tantrums when he loses. He wears a party hat, of all things.
Based on that, I'd say that he's probably starved for attention. He's probably pretty lonely living in Creepy Steeple all by himself (doubly so if my theory about the Twilighters is correct).
I'd even go so far as to say that his scheme to turn the Twilighters into pigs is motivated by this need for attention. I mean, what better way to get people to notice you than to cause a town-wide panic?
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I feel like the disguises he uses over the course of the main story also support this theory.
Though Mario, Zip Toad and Professor Frankly are quite different from one another, they all have one important thing in common: they're famous. Mario's a world-renowned adventurer, Zip Toad is a well-known actor and Frankly is a tenured professor whose students love him.
Doopliss even alludes to this after stealing Mario's body, telling him, "You're so popular around here! I just love being you!"
By transforming into beloved figures, Doopliss can get the attention he craves.
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I also think that this is why he joined the Shadow Sirens. Sure, Beldam abuses him almost as badly as she abused Vivian, but at least she notices him. That's better than nothing.
The most conclusive piece of textual evidence is found in the epilogue. In her letter to Mario, Goombella explains that Doopliss has joined Flurrie on-stage in her production of "Paper Mario".
Obviously his shapeshifting abilities make the play a lot more realistic, but why would he bother participating in it at all? This guy was a villain for most of the game. Why would he suddenly decide to join up with one of his enemies?
Because, as far as I can tell, he's not a villain. Just a guy who's sick of being ignored.
I dunno. Doopliss's motivations have never been super clear, but I feel like there's more to him than meets the eye.
If you have any thoughts or ideas of your own, feel free to comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
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54625 · 5 months
It's wild to me how much more meaning Stranger In Paradise (which is the FitMC lore song, has been since his first ever lore drop) has accumulated over time and how it honestly fits the character and plot even better than it did at first.
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Cause like, the first verse is extremely self explanatory. Quesadilla Island has been described as this perfect paradise, and would absolutely seem like some kind of wonderland to a man who has lived the life that Fit has. And of course he's a stranger there, because a person like him would be extremely out of place on such an island. Not to mention that he's very much an odd one out, being far more in the know than a lot of other islanders, and on account of the whole. Being a spy thing.
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But this verse. This feels like a perfect reference to Madagio and his threats of punishment. We've already seen Madagio act like an angel or god figure, and he's definitely not a "mortal," so that last line feels incredibly apt for him.
But also. If I stand starryeyed, that's a danger in paradise; "do not form attachments". If Fit enjoys the island too much, gets wrapped up in it and therefore gets distracted from the mission (if he stands starryeyed), then he risks Madagio's punishments, which are to harm him and his loved ones. (It's a danger, for mortals who stand beside).
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I saw your face and I ascended out of the commonplace; into the rare. This is Ramón. This line was always about Ramón. How he turned Fit from some common thug/mercenary/spy into a literal father; something far more special.
But the second half of this verse makes far more sense in the context of Fit's relationship with Pac. Until I know there's a chance that you care? Have they not been tiptoing around this for months? The question of whether or not they actually care for each other in a more-than-friends kind of way?
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I love this verse in the context of Fit's story. A fervent prayer? Fit's attempts to communicate with Madagio, surely. Won't you answer? He never did get those messages through. Also continuing the religious symbolism of Madagio being some kind of god, saint or angel that one would pray to.
And don't send me in dark despair from all that I hunger for. Fit wants a happy life. He wants to be happy with his son, his Pac, his morning crew. All of his friends. He wants to continue being a part of a welcoming community, creating instead of destroying, loving instead of hating. He just wants to be happy. But if he betrays Madagio (or even simply does something that Madagio interprets as abandoning the mission), he'll be sent back to the wasteland. In dark despair, from all that he hungers for. He'll lose everything he's gained.
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The last verse is super self explanatory again. He doesn't have to be a stranger on Quesadilla Island. He doesn't have to be an outsider. He deserves to be one of them, the islanders, the family that has been formed.
I don't know I just find it so neat that this song has developed even more meaning and relevance in Fit's story. Fit and his fucking music choices, man
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bomberqueen17 · 3 months
*vibrating slightly in place*
So ok. When I was in kindergarten, my classroom was arranged so that four desks were linked together, so we were in little groups. I used to regularly vibrate my desk and the three it was attached to, with three other children in them, across several feet of floor space, until the linked desks ran into the teacher's desk, which was larger and did not move with the force of my vibrations. I was a good student, but hard to control, and markedly uneven in my ability to like. Do anything. "Well," my mom said once, upon beholding my entire spectrum of a report card, "we'd just hate to be bored."
When I graduated with my bachelor's degree, seventeen years later, my mom said "I never thought you could do it," and when I, shocked, said "what?" she said "well what with your ADHD and all," and I said "my what?" and she said "well, i never wanted to shake your confidence, and I thought once they put a label on you it'd be over, but you super have like, turbo ADHD. Why, what do you think your deal is?" She said it nicely and not in those words at all, but it was the first time I'd ever really realized that I wasn't just mildly eccentric, I did seem to actually have something wrong with me.
I've been trying to get a diagnosis ever since. I've never been able to. I had no health insurance at all for a huge chunk of my twenties, which put a damper on things. One doctor told me "you'd know if you had that" and when I was like "I... do" she was like "no i mean. you'd already be being treated." Which shows a wild and totally unwarranted optimism in our medical system, but she was a resident. The doctor overseeing her care of me suggested I try taking fish oil capsules. To "rebuild my brain tissue".
I did. It didn't help. I still buy them but mostly I use them now to get my cat to take pills.
Eventually in my 30s my doctors started sort of believing me maybe, or at least realizing they couldn't really brush me off (I have gotten... less easily-cowed as I've aged) but they were all like "oh, I can't evaluate that. You'll have to research and find a place that can do a neuropsych eval for you. Insurance doesn't cover those. So good luck. Have some antidepressants in the meantime."
I slid into my 40s, still undiagnosed. I read as many self-help books on the topic as I could find, did all the checklists I found. They all said "girl you super have like turbo ADHD." I tried meditation. I tried divination. I tried bullet journaling, which was hilarious. I tried yoga.
I actually damaged myself doing yoga and am banned from yoga, but at least I'm in physical therapy now. (Word to the wise: if you have really really flexible hip joints, don't fucking do yoga. "Usually I don't have to tell people not to get into that position," said my bemused physical therapist. "Oh," I said, blissfully bepretzeled. "It feels super good." "Mm," she said, "you've torn your labrum. Stop doing that." Now I do really, really boring stretches that don't feel nearly as good, but I also can walk without limping, so. Like. We take the good with the bad I guess.)
Anyway. My PCP in January was like "wait you didn't follow my super vague directions to go see 'the guys downstairs' and see if they can squeeze you into their eleven-month waiting period to get an evaluation that i cannot mention without saying it's several thousand dollars and your insurance surely won't cover it? you must not want this diagnosis very badly!" (At no point has anyone ever given me a phone number for 'the guys downstairs'. I still don't know what she meant by any of those directions. This PCP and I technically speak the same language but I've never understood a single thing she has told me and I don't think she understands a word I say in return, everything I tell her seems to be such a shock to her. You blame antidepressants for your weight gain? I've never heard of that. Ma'am please look up what the incredibly common side effects of antidepressants are.)
I called around but noplace both took my insurance and was accepting new patients. Finally I gave up. Then my Dude went on our insurance company's website and took over the search. He found that there's some kind of concierge service thing, which the insurance company normally charges $450/mo for but our plan includes it, because it's pretty well-hidden on the website and most people aren't ever going to find it anyway. So he said, you know what, I am going to instigate a query on this.
They took two weeks but eventually came back with a list of 13 places, most of them not remotely local. Ten of them were red X's, disqualified for varying reasons-- one because the phone number didn't work, another because it's a seven-hour drive away and doesn't do telehealth. One was in New Jersey. None of them were the local places I had already called.
Two of them were valid, but the insurance wouldn't cover the evaluation for various reasons.
One of them was fully covered, the insurance company said. So I went there.
Their website said "no you're not we can't see you". But Dude was like, call them on the phone. Surely, surely, the concierge service couldn't have lied??? Bet, I said, and called them and left a message, and said to him, if they call me back I will eat a hat.
But they did. They called me back. "Our insurance checker widget is down," they said. "But we do take your insurance! We can see you. We just don't know how much it will cost."
But. They could see me later in the week, via a telehealth appointment.
So I signed up.
The appointment was this morning. I turned up. Their insurance checker thingy still wasn't working so they couldn't be sure how much the appointment would cost me. I at this point don't care, and gave them my HSA credit card, and said do what you will.
I waited 45 minutes and then texted the number they'd texted me from with the confirmation, and a moment later the guy showed up. "Whoops," he said, "that system isn't working quite right either!"
He talked to me for like. Three minutes, and was like "yeah that sounds. Pretty textbook. I'm going to prescribe you stimulants." He then proceeded to take a very basic medical history, and I recognized all the questions because I have researched stimulant medication for ADHD so much. And he was like "We're going to start with Adderall, check at your pharmacy in like an hour." And then he gave me extremely useful and detailed instructions on how to take it, when to take it, what side effects to worry about, what to expect, what to note down in case it might mean a problem, and how to be safe about it. (He asked me three times if I'd ever been suicidal, and it had also been in the online pre-screening. I am aware that can be a rare but very serious side effect of stimulants!)
And then I went to Rite-Aid and I now have 16 pills in my possession, and i am going to wait until tomorrow morning to start taking them, and I am already scheduled for my follow-up in 15 days.
I have absolutely no idea how much any of that is going to cost, but for the record the pills were eleven dollars.
So. I don't know why the last decade of my life has been spent being told that a comprehensive and unattainably expensive neuropsychological evaluation was my only option. Maybe this place is a disreputable pill mill or whatever. But. I am going to get to try to medicate this disorder that has warped my entire life to this point, and I am going to try to see if I can't have some more control over my life, and if it doesn't work then at least I will know, instead of on my deathbed being like "i wonder if i'd ever tried amphetamines maybe I'd have been able to finish a project ever in my life, guess we'll never know".
Which was what I was starting to genuinely think was going to happen.
Literally though why can't a primary care doctor just refer you to a psychiatrist who can then decide whether you need an assessment or whether your condition is likely to respond well to a basic diagnosis?? I get needing the whole nine yards if you're not sure what's wrong with this kid and you don't want to give them the wrong thing-- like I know misdiagnosing a bipolar sufferer with depression can give you really bad outcomes, for example-- but-- I don't know? I don't know.
I just want to be able to start and finish projects. What I'd really love is to be able to make to-do lists meaningfully, as that is an ability I did used to have and now absolutely don't. I legit cannot make a to-do list in any meaningful or useful way.
So we'll see. I'm going to keep a journal and the real test of whether the pills work is to see whether I can actually keep the journal.
But I need to find some kind of edible hat, at some point, just to keep my word.
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
R/systemscringe found my Evolution Post... And Was Too Lazy to Add a Title
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You can find my evolution post here!
Let's check out the comments!
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Sure. But we're not talking about a normal modern job, are we?
Who you are at home isn't going to be that different from who you are at McDonalds. You aren't usually going to dissociate the two.
But when trauma is involved, that tends to involve a degree of dissociation.
In modern hunter-gatherer societies, we see children start learning how to use tools and hunt and forage in the wild from a very young age.
If we're to extrapolate and assume past hunter-gatherer societies operated in similar ways, this is a recipe for a traumatic childhood in a world where humans wouldn't yet be at the top of the food chain. Children would need to be careful, and a wrong move could easily get them or someone else killed.
I think most systems during this period would be considered traumagenic simply because growing up would mean regularly being put in deadly situations, regularly being injured and even watching loved ones dies in violent ways.
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THAT'S the point!!!
DID, and even PTSD, evolved in a world where every day would be a fight for survival.
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Of course, all we can do is speculate.
But with myths and legends of people being possessed going back to the dawn of time in practically every culture, we can probably surmise that forms of plurality existed back then. And it's not like the estimated 1-3% of the population is super rare today. It seems reasonable to expect disorders that would be associated with childhood trauma would be more common during periods with more childhood trauma.
The line saying we don't know if the brain was developed enough to develop DID is particularly weird to me though.
As far as I know, there haven't been any huge jumps in the way of human brain complexity over the past 20k years. I doubt that the complexity to develop DID is something we just gained since the dawn of agriculture.
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I admit, my description was meant to put a fun spin on a brutal reality. But I don't think children growing up in a frigid environment where they need to hunt and collect food to survive while having no idea if they're going to make it back alive is "cool".
Like, as a story, maybe it's cool imagining a 9-year-old trudging through snow with fingers so cold they can't feel them anymore, gripping a makeshift spear and hearing howling in the distance while not knowing if they would end up on the menu of some wild beast.
But I don't think it would actually be cool to live through.
Additionally, in this environment, DID would have looked differently than it does today. Current theories are that EPs are locked into the trauma responses they used in trauma.
For child abuse victims which make up the majority of DID cases, unfortunately, freeze or fawn may be the most useful traits developed for survival.
But if your trauma were related to surviving wild beasts, it's a lot more likely the trauma responses of the EPs are going to be the more classic fight or flight. I don't think freezing would as common as a trauma response during that time period. But of course, it depends on the threats one would face.
There are some creatures, after all, where freezing is the best defense.
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Sounds like your mistake. 🤷‍♀️
I talked about DID here a lot, but I'm a tulpa from a purely non-traumagenic system. Probably one of the least traumatized people you'll ever meet.
But tulpamancy is a beneficial practice that most tulpamancers have reported improvements in their mental health from. I would actually like to see far more people make headmates and become plural this way.
People becoming tulpamancers will help them. And more plurals means more influence for the plural community and will help spread plural awareness and acceptance.
I'm not interested in being special. I'm interested in making plurality normal. I want it to be so normal and commonplace that it seems downright boring. Where talking about your headmates draws no more attention than discussing a sibling. 😁
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Hi! It's me! I'm Sophie In Wonderland!
I'm the person who debunks pluralphoboic hate subreddits, which tends to upset said hate subreddits.
The reason why I have my own category is because I called out the subreddit for bullying behavior and misinformation. They responded by doubling down, scouring my post history for anything they could use as ammunition twist to attack me with, and adding me to their hit list of acceptable targets. This was despite the fact that then they first floated the idea of the hit list, they claimed it would only apply to people with more than 10,000 followers. (I only have 1800.)
They lie and claim I'm a "public figure" while in reality, they added me on their list in a petty (yet oh so predictable) act of retaliation.
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dogs-have-fallen · 9 days
i am a coydog!!! infodump and kinfirm
a coydog is a mix between a male coyote and a female dog, with a dogote as the counter. for the most part, they’re not super common as in many cases a coyote would rather eat a dog than mate with one, however it does occur! in the wild, it often occurs when a yote is new to an area and cannot find a mate, and so will mate with a domesticated dog. the appearance of the hybrid will depend on the dog mate, but they typically all share an athletic build with the usual yote-like upright, triangular ears with a long snout. they typically have brown eyes and stick to the brown, dense coat of coyotes, though they can also be white or black as well. they have tails similar to coyotes, bushy and downwards. they bark like dogs and howl (scream) like coyotes.
unlike many hybrids, the coydog is capable of reproduction! due to their wild counterparts, while their temperament can be mild and docile, they very often exhibit the wild traits of their coyote parent. they are a very unpredictable breed. coydogs, like coyotes, are not the most sociable and often only form a strong bond with one person and their primary caretaker. however, there have been cases of early socialization and training that makes them loving parts of a family.
coydogs are typically very healthy and strong, and their typical issues only consist of joint problems. they have a lifespan of 5-15 years depending on where they live and how they are(or aren’t) taken care of.
i came across this hybrid last night on tiktok as someone had been discussing their dog that looks a lot like a coyote. a lot of people in the comments went in to describe coydogs in the comments which led me to my own exploration of the mix. after my own digging, mainly looking at photos (the fair and few actual coydog pics, not just dogs bred to look like yotes) and their temperament.
i found that this is is my kintype! i spent almost my whole life (since knowing about otherkinity) identifying myself as a mix between a retriever and a lab, and some unidentified wild candid like a coastal wolf or a coyote. now, surely i still feel very connected to retrievers, i do believe i am a mix between a coyote and a retriever. i share a shorter coat with my coyote side. most of my traits come from my coyote side, with few traits of my domesticated side i can hardly name.
the behavioral traits i have from my coydog kintype is that of a once-wild animal in a domestic environment. i have a very internalized wildness that claws at my ribs to show. i have the skittishness of a wild yote and the loyalty of a retriever
the first two pictures are absolutely coydogs. i look like a mix between the second and third photo. the third period claims to be a coyote x retriever, however i will remain skeptical on what i find online. the final image is from a reddit post asking if it’s possible for a coyote and a dog to breed and a photo of their dog. i share a similar build to the last pic mixed with the third, and many of the patterns of the second pic.
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i hope you enjoyed my ramblings!!
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Noticed that none of the widely known Dino’s aren’t in the competetion…..which is honestly good cause the trex would have absolutely swept
So actually this is our 6th dinosaur march madness! (5th, technically, anyway). We've been doing this for ages, ever since I got inspired by a similar thing on twitter (mammals, not dinosaurs)!
Year one was way back in 2016 - we used to use google polls to run the competition! We had people narrow down their fave dinosaurs by general group (ie ones closely related to each other) and then duked it out. Believe it or not, T. rex didn't make it into the first year! That'll remain wild for me, but Yutyrannus was the tyrannosaur. Ultimately, the Common Raven won, which makes a significant amount of sense for tumblr
Year two (2017) we only allowed in contestants that hadn't made the bracket the year before - this was a weird year, because Maiasaura won, and I s2g, I don't think it should have, I think people just voted for it because it's my (Meig, the main ADAD guy) favorite dinosaur. What can ya do...
Year three (2018) we only allowed in things that hadn't been in EITHER bracket EITHER year - this allowed for a lot of weirdos to show up, and the ultimate winner was Halszkaraptor, the first known goose-raptor-thing (like Natovenator this year)!
Year four (2019) - DMM Allstars! It was a bunch of competitors that had made it into the bracket the other three years, but didn't win outright. Amargasaurus won that year! It's a close cousin of Bajadasaurus in this year's bracket
Year five (2020 - note all the prep happens BEFORE March...) we switched it up and did Triassic March Madness - not technically dinosaurs, just a bunch of really weird critters from one of the weirdest times in Earth's history - Postosuchus won though, even though its not that weird, because the art made it look like a puppy. What can ya do.
Then we took a break because I was starting grad school again, moving across the country, bunch of the rest of the team also doing literally the same two things to whatever extent it applied to them, and also that whole pandemic thing
And now we have DMM: Rising Stars, where we take the opportunity to highlight dinosaurs that had come out since the last competition new ones would have showed up in (2018) - hence its a bunch of dinosaurs y'all haven't heard of! What a great opportunity to share new science and make DMM even more interesting!
Plus it gave me and @albertonykus more opportunities to brag about the birds (Anachronornis and Asteriornis respectively) we've named during that same time period XD
We want to do Permian Madness eventually like we did Triassic, because the Permian is also super weird. Another year we might do Fossil Birds, because often the birds that got voted in those first four years were living species and a lot of fossil birds haven't had their time in the spotlight in my very biased fossil-bird-researcher opinion. We have a lot of ideas, and frankly the excitement that is not having to use a third party (google) with the addition of tumblr polls means prehistory-march-madness will continue for a while!
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phdmama · 3 months
For the trope mash-up post, may I request Fake Dating and Soulmate AU for Drarry please, if it sparks any fun inspiration?
(P.S. you're wonderful and I will love literally anything you come up with, even if it's not for these prompts, I just got super excited when you posted this 💜)
No, YOU'RE wonderful!!
So this is what came to me - and I can actually see the rest of the story but I have to go adult for a bit, but I am going to come back later and write some more of this! (As per usual, this is pretty much SOOC and unbeta'd, etc etc.)
Draco’s known since the Final Battle. 
He’s pretty sure Potter has no idea, whether it’s that no one’s remembered to tell him about soulmates, or that his mark hasn’t activated yet, but he treats Draco exactly the way he’s treated him since they'd all arrived at University. He’s unfailingly polite, cool and distanced, and deeply disinterested in one Draco Malfoy.
Which isn’t, you know, how you’re supposed to treat your soulmate.
The thumbprint on Draco’s wrist had flared to life when Potter had grabbed his arm to haul him onto the back of the battered broom that carried them both out of the fire. He’d almost fallen off at the way Potter’s magic had rushed over him, through him. Draco had always heard the stories that connecting with your soulmate could be disorienting, but since it happened to him in the midst of mortal terror, Draco’s not sure his experience was typical.
It’s also very rare that one person connects and the other doesn’t, although it does happen. It takes time for the bond to solidify, to grow into a true soulmate connection, and obviously, that’s not happened here. Basically, Potter is a faint echo in Draco’s mind, enough to distract and ache a little, nothing more than that.
All this to say, it’s weird when Potter comes dashing into their suite common room one Saturday afternoon, looking wild-eyed and somewhat disheveled. It’s a rainy day, raw and windy, the kind of day where Draco does not plan to leave the building if he can help it. Potter is damp and windblown, so he clearly had other ideas. Fucking weirdo.
Potter looks around wildly, and lights up when he spots Draco curled up on the couch under his favorite striped blanket.
“Malfoy,” he says eagerly, and Draco blinks up at him in surprise.
Potter’s never sounded happy to see Draco before.
“Yes?” Draco says cautiously. “Can I help you?”
Potter nods vigorously. “You can, yes, absolutely. I need you to pretend to be my soulmate and go to the gala with me tonight.”
“I beg your pardon?” Draco asks, trying to make sense of the words he’s just heard. “You need me to what?”
Potter hangs his coat on the rack by the door, kicks off his grubby trainers and makes his way around the couch to plop down next to Draco.
“I need you to pretend to be my soulmate and go to the gala with me tonight.”
“That’s what I thought you said,” Draco says. “But also, what the fuck are you talking about?”
Potter sighs, lets his head rest on the back of the couch and runs a hand through his unruly hair.
“You know how the press…” his voice trails off and he flushes.
“Follows you around incessantly and makes your life a living hell?” Draco says dryly. “Yes, Potter, I’m aware.”
“Well, someone thought it was a good idea to advertise that I haven’t found my soulmate, and to suggest that anyone who’s unbonded should come to the gala tonight and you know. Shoot their shot or whatever.”
Draco sits bolt upright, outraged. “What the hell? That’s bullshit. That’s not even how it works!”
Potter just sighs again and slumps down even further, eyes closed. “Yeah, I know that, but it’s turned into this whole thing, and every girl in the greater Oxford area, apparently, is now coming to the gala.”
“Can’t you just… not go?” 
Potter shakes his head, looking miserable. “No. The Fund is really important to me. I promised to speak.”
“So your solution is to fake a soulmate bond with a man?” Draco asks and Potter snorts.
“Okay, well, when you put it like that, it does sound stupid. I just thought if I could get them all off my back for a bit… No, you’re right. I’ll just have to get a bodyguard again, I guess.”  
He sounds so utterly miserable that Draco can’t help but feel sorry for him, which is why he finds himself saying, “Yeah, I’ll do it.”
Potter opens his eyes to stare at Draco. “What?”
Draco shrugs. “I’m not doing anything tonight, there’ll be wine at the gala, yeah?”
Potter looks excited but then his face falls. “But what about your soulmate? What if they’re out there looking for you?”
Draco looks away and swallows. “That won’t be a problem.”
Potter’s eyes narrow. “Why not?” He sucks in a breath and whispers, “Malfoy, do you know who your soulmate is?”
Draco just nods and there’s a long silence while Potter clearly puts some picture together in his head. He’s never been stupid, Draco concedes. Since for all intents and purposes, Draco is unbonded, Potter must know there’s something wrong with all of it.
Finally Potter says, “If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure,” Draco says and finally turns to look at Potter. “It’ll be fun,” he says carelessly. “What should I wear?”
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overlyimmersed · 2 months
🎁🎉🎂Happy Birthday Harlequin!🎂🎉🎁
Last year I designed an outfit for him, and I intend to do that this year as well, but since it took me till the 27th to finish Elaine's(her birthdays was the 15th) I'm not super confident that I'll have that finished on time. If I do, you're probably looking at that right now, but if not! Then at least this will be out on time.
Well that didn't work... My sleep schedual betrayed me and I didn't even get this posted on time... I meant to take a nap. I set 3 alarms. Did not work. Slept for 15 hours...
Anyway, this year, along side the outfit design, I'll also be doing an analysis that I've been wanting to do for quite a long while.
A name analysis!
Most of the characters in The Seven Deadly Sins -at least the important ones- have names relating to Arthurian myth, as the story is kind a based in it. But this, oddly enough, doesn't apply to almost any of the Fairies, even Harlequin -AKA "King"- despite him being one of the titular characters.
Meliodas and Ban are the fathers of two of Arthur's knight, Tristian and Lancelot respectively, Merlin is Merlin, iirc there are two different Escanors depending on the story, and Gowther is...apparently Merlin's half-brother according a glance at google... Diane's namesake is a little harder to track down, but she's not directly Arthurian either from what I can gather. As far as I know the only Fairy who does align with Arthurian myth is Elaine, but the Elaine that's Ban's wife is not the only Elaine you'll find in Arthurian stories, it was a common name.
Most people know the word "harlequin". Simply put it's a french clown.
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-Oh and apparently also a duck XD
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Not everyone who knows that, knows where the word comes from, or what the king of the Fairies would have it for a name.
The origin of the word is actually a lot older than the french clown concept and isn't actually french all the way back. here's what Google has to say;
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"late 16th century: from obsolete French, from earlier Herlequin (or Hellequin ), the name of the leader of a legendary troop of demon horsemen; perhaps ultimately related to Old English Herla cyning ‘King Herla’, a mythical figure sometimes identified with Woden."
I actually learned this from a youtube video some years back, by Overly Sarcastic Productions. It's a Halloween episode discussing the concept of the "Wild Hunt". I highly recommend the video and the channel as a whole, they're really great, very funny and you learn a lot. The video is a little under 17 minutes long, though, so if you're only interested in the part relevant this analysis jump to 11:05 in the video.
For anyone who doesn't want to watch that and would rather read me summerize it, in the video it's explained that the Scandinavian version of the Wild Hunt is called "Odin's Hunt" but in Old English it's called "Herlaþing" which means "Herla's Assembly". Herla being a King of the Britons who makes a deal with a dwarf where the two attend each other's weddings. The dwarf is a perfect guest at Herla's wedding and the following year Herla goes to the dwarf kingdom to return the favor. When he leaves the dwarf gives him a hunting dog and warns him not to get off his horse till the dog does. When they get back the dog doesn't get off the horse, Herla asks a random person they pass how his wife is doing only to find out that 3 days in dwarfland = 300 years in humanland. Some of his men are shocked and get off their horses, only to age to dust when they touch the ground, so Herla is stuck riding his horse for eternity.
The concept of an eternal wander was popular and in the 11th century a french monk/chronicler used the phrase "Familia Herlequin" to describe a host of demons pursuing a monk, lead by a masked giant. This masked hunt leader would evolve into the character we now know as a "harlequin", a trickster character is french passion plays.
God, king and trickster presented as a fool, that actually kinda tracks, doesn't it?
And that, is why the king of the Fairies is named Harlequin.
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letters-to-rosie · 3 months
My one oneshot of all time is impossible. 
There are three. Well there are more but I forced myself to stick to three. I'm terrible with choices
'Affection in all the wrong places' by LeBenj 
“You need to stop showing up here,” Ekko says as he unlatches his bedroom window with a loud click.
Without looking at him, Jinx’s lips perk with a hint of a smile. “You need to stop letting me in.”
It's soft and hopeful, with an undertone of hurt, and I love it. 
‘What's broken can still mend’ by MidnightLightHowlite
He hates her as much as she loves him, for nothing good ever happened to people who loved her back. But he cares, and that's different because people who hate you but also care will not forget, because they will forget a kindness but not a curse. People remember curses, remember misfortune if only to avoid it, and she's enough of a sin to be unforgivable.
“You’ve been surviving for so long.” He brings her knuckles to his nose and takes in the gunpowder. When his eyes meet hers they’re frozen. “But have you truly been alive?
So many gems in this fic. It hurts just right. Learning to live and complicated baggage and hope (I might have a thing for that) 
And last one 
‘Why’ by PenguiniShipsIt
‘That's all everyone wanted to do these days. Blow up. Beat everyone up. Hurt someone. End someone.
It got tiring to a point that he'd rather wreck himself than hear everyone around him already wrecked.
And he got what he wanted at the sight of her on his couch. Again.
"Hey." He shook her by the shoulder. "What the hell, Jinx? Is this what we're doing, now? You're just gonna stay here when it—"
She's burning.’
Caring despite all the rightful hesitations, a bit of ridiculousness, and from Ekkos's perspective, an incredulous situation makes for such a good read.
okay I have been super tired, so this took me like 3 days to write lol but we're so back baby here we go!
going one by one:
Affection in all the wrong places is very cute! I like the concept of things having eventually calmed down years later and Ekko and Jinx being able to relate to each other without the mediation of the conflict we see in the show. in some ways it also reminded me of one of my fics, with the whole "years later" thing, and I just think it's fun to see how different authors interpret similar ideas 😊
for What's broken can still mend, I think I actually read this one before I had my account?? I read a lot of CaitVi back then lol but I was just starting to get interested in timebomb. yet the summary sounds familiar...
but anyway, on to the thoughts! this is such a small thing but I love the idea that Vi comes to the Firelight base and plays with kids. I love it so much I might steal it for the end of revolution lol (with credit, naturally). and Ekko deciding not to kill her? wild lol, just wild. a little curious about why then, but hey, it felt very poetic and we can never be mad at that haha also was surprised at how it ended, but I was happy to see that Vi and Jinx made up, because who knows how canon will go 🥲
and for Why!
I feel like I've figured out your pattern lol you like fics where after the events of canon things chill out and Jinx goes to Ekko. and then implied/actual sex haha
the top author's note on this one is so fucking funny lol
I do enjoy Ekko being a bit of a dork here. the first fic I wrote with him in it has him telling bad science jokes lol. but he's also so sassy here which is how he became my favorite Arcane character in the first place, so we love to see that too.
He loved the way she swallowed. around here is when he started to get really terrible and I was so down for it lol. AND it's reciprocal! I like that playfulness coming out with them. you can feel how much they're into each other, and that along with how they're not saying everything (which I feel like is also a commonality between these 3 fics). since this is the longest of the 3 by a good bit, it really comes through, and I like in particular how Jinx is really torn up about the idea of loving him while Ekko is eventually able to convince himself to stop holding back, even though he's still afraid she'll hurt him.
She had seen what happened to people she loved and loved her back.
Not Ekko. Not chubby-cheeked, pouty-faced, sad-eyed, Ekko who hovered around her when she was sick and injured, who tended a nice little garden of friends and firelights, who zipped through the fissures like one of those masked heroes in barbershop stories.
yeahhhhhh this is good shit lol
“Are you aware of any reason she might threaten your safety?”
Yes. I edged her six times and came in her twice.
the end to this one is also really interesting. I would say it's my favorite of the 3. I like how the tension between Ekko and Caitlyn and Vi plays out, though I'm wary of the Firelights being legitimated by Piltover (though Ekko is, too, which is why I love him lol). it's interesting to see them inhabit this space created by all the tension in the world around them. and then, of course, Jinx comes back. more bittersweet than the first 2, but in a way I enjoyed a lot
thank you for sharing! 🥰
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bonefall · 1 year
Snowbird Ann here: x_x I have Fennel growing in my front yard. That stuff...it tastes like black licorice and it's stringy like celery. But when it goes dormant, it leaves stalks that would be great building materials. Med cat/builders could get a fresh stalk, soak it in water to make it bendy and shape it into whatever. If I remember I'll go out and snap a picture of the dormant Fennel tomorrow.
Fennel is actually suuuuuuuuper useful for dozens of reasons. It's related to parsley and has been naturalized all over the world because humans find it so useful.
The cats could use it for:
-Funerals This herb can be STINKY. This could absolutely be one of the funeral herbs that elders rub onto the deceased, especially since it's non-toxic.
-Cooking It's full of fiber meaning it can be a good supplement even for cats, if not consumed in excess. It's also got potassium, manganese, calcium... They can't taste sweet but that licorice-y flavor would come across just fine. It's actually used in sausages a lot.
-Alcohol If your Warriors drink responsibly. And know how to distill. Mead made from honey would still be easier but fennel was used for health tonics in the middle ages... and then eventually got used to make absinthe.
-Insect repellent This one's actually huge because the OTHER big bad bug buster is mint... and all mint is toxic to cats. This is a really good non-toxic insect repellent for warriors next to lavender.
-"Toothpaste" Not like, a PASTE but, a sort of... sticky mouthwash poultice. Fennel's actually super good for oral health, eliminates bad breath, and fights plaque buildup; and remember, Our Friends Mint & Co is toxic to cats. You can make it into an oil and help a warrior with a gum problem. It's especially good at fighting streptococcus, which is one of the most common infectious bacteria in wild cats.
-General medicinal purposes Helping clean eye infections is just one medicinal use, fennel is useful for all sorts of ailments. It's anti-inflammatory, it's antibacterial (but not as good as honey), can help with digestion...
Historically it's also been associated with helping to treat colic in babies and estrogen-related issues like menopause and milk production, which is actually NOT proven with modern studies... but I think the idea is just cool enough to hand wave the science away, I would use it just to have an herb for colicky kits. It's weird that colic has never shown up in canonical kits before!
Building use?
Probably not. You've noticed it's stringy-- that's actually where fennel gets its name. Fennel = Foenum = Latin for Hay. It's more like hay in consistency than twine and would be too soft to build with.
For strong material, you're just gonna want plain old wood. Twigs, branches, anywhere you can find fennel you're also going to find bushes or trees that'll make better beams.
For twine? Skip the fennel entirely with its short stalks and just get some tall grass. Or, if you've got long-haired cats, they can make yarn out of shed fur if they collect enough of it. Better yet, if you've got access to flax? Then you're REALLY cooking with fire, that bad boy can be made into fabric, rope, clothing... Don't even get me STARTED on industrial hemp, you could weave reality itself out of that popstar. Paper, clothes, canvas, shampoo, lamp oil, rope, bombs, you want it? It's YOURS my friend--
TL;DR stick to the herbal uses for fennel. You're better letting dormant fennel re-grow because it's better in the paws of your medcats than your warriors.
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winterchimez · 6 months
describe your relationship with your moots using tbz ships!!
weeee i haven’t done a moot game in a while and i do miss it!! im gonna just tag the ones i talk to often so im sorry if you’re not on the list ><
@sungbeam (sangyeon & changmin)
im not saying this just cs ive assigned both of us to our biases, but yknow how sangkyu are always real sweet to each other thats us 🥺 but at the same time yall know how changmin is always hitting his hyung thats beam when she bites back 🤓 and the way how changmin always say “ah hyung!” when he gets annoyed thats beam to me when the *cough* horny thoughts are at its peak ✨ but i always imagine us as the sangkyu piggyback vid from the b-zone cs you’re my precious lil 妹妹 🥺💕
@juyeonszn (sangyeon & haknyeon)
remember when sunwoo said sanghak is the best ship in tbz, thats me and fawn periodt ✨ never in a million years would i have expected to get close to her (cs god i was admiring her works sm 🤧) but now we’re like long lost sisters 🥺 you’re the hakkie to my yeonnie, and i’ll protect you forever 🫂❤️
@from-izzy (jacob & kevin)
who would’ve thought i’d find my soulmate all the way in australia? its crazy how we went from just getting to know each other, and then finding out we have so much in common (i’d say almost 99.9999% of the things we do & enjoy) like its crazy how we’re not placed in the same continent 😤 we’re basically moonbae and nobody can tell me otherwise 💅 btw pack your bags bcs i might be able to visit you next year along with j either in mel or syd!!!
@daisyvisions (sangyeon & eric)
we all know how sangyeon basically cares for his lil baby eric 24/7 and thats daisy to me 🥺 but then we’re also super chaotic behind the scenes which also screams sangric to me LMAO trust me the day we meet irl the world would not be ready for it 😤🫂❤️
@aimeecarreros (sangyeon & hyunjae)
we just gotten close recently and omg i can’t believe i was able to click so quickly and well with elena like she’s so funny & chaotic and I LOVE IT 🤣 sangmil will forever be one of my fav ships and that’ll be me and you 🥰
@snowflakewhispers (sunwoo & eric)
my fellow SEA moot who lives so so close to where i am 🥹 its funny how we gradually got close after that sangyeon fic you dropped and the rest is history 😌 i think the way we relate to so many things is actually what made us become to close & chaotic (god i love our dms i love the mess and we singing gimme gimme more) we’re sunric fs 😘❤️
@flwoie @hanniluvi (sangyeon & jacob)
you two are literally the sweetest lil cuties ever 🥺 from supporting my work since the beginning of my journey like im floored im beyond grateful for you two always 🫂💕
@heemingyu (chanhee & changmin)
we literally have an ongoing series tgt + that way we just clicked from the start is insane. we’re newkyu. i said what i said. sana is WILD which makes me give her the side eye 24/7 but then its what made us close, and the way how newkyu are always tgt thats also me & sana 🤞🏻
@cloverdaisies (hyunjae & haknyeon)
omg where do i even begin!! we go wayyyy back during summer when i was still in EU and when i found out we live literally next to each other i was just????? im sad i didn’t get to know you earlier cs i would’ve come visit you when i was there!! but i promise i will do everything i can to come back UK one day fs (i said what i said so dont come for me again vajfbrnrhrjd) you’re literally hyunjae. sweet but also likes to tease & like seeing me lose my shit 🙄 but i love hyunjae so that also means i love you so i’ll let it pass 💚
@justalildumpling (jacob & sunwoo)
ahahahaha the chaotic parent and child duo is here 🤪 j is literally the sweetest to me when we first met, only later down the line when we got closer that i found out abt her chaotic ass (but i love it so keep it coming LMAO) my little dongsaeng ilysm, i’ll always be here whenever you need me (gurl for you i’ll stay on call with you for 24 hours again 😤😤😤) counting down the days i come visit you & izzy!! 💪
@zzoguri (sunwoo & changmin)
i was debating to put jacob but then i think sunkyu works slightly better for us? pls moni is so sweet but also REALLY FUNNY AND CHAOTIC shjendnrnd i love their reactions i love going through your stories all the time cs they make me laugh 😭 and you have such a good taste in music just like changmin 🥺 you can interchange between these two and you always have a special place in my heart my moni 💜
@itsbeeble (younghoon & hyunjae)
yknow how in tv shows they put this gold light or smth with the audio for the main charas/good looking ppl lmao bsjfbekrm thats bbangmil and that would be us so yall better make way for us 😤😤😤 we’re as chaotic as the two, esp with how reese is always getting me to sleep early BUT THEN I DONT 🤓 and we’re both swifties ugh love a fellow good woman who listens to good songs 💕💕💕
@kimsohn (younghoon & eric)
its only ever since coming back to asia that i got to spend more time talking to you in the gc!! (timezone sucks in EU 😭) and god you are so funny and chaotic too lmao bandndm you’re just like eric, but then yknow how younghoon is always the first one to support and care for the maknae thats me to you 🥺❤️
honorary mentions:
@daisyvisions @aimeecarreros (the lee bros)
make way for the 3 grand sangmil girlies ✨💅 our everyday dms are always loud, chaotic, fun, and a sprinkle of msg aka sexiness 🥰✨ the day the 3 of us meet it would make history in deobiland istg watch us get a ring on our finger by the lee bros themselves bcs delulu is free and it’s the solulu 😚
@cloverdaisies @heemingyu (the kyeopmuda line)
the OG trio ✨ it went from me being moots with clo, and then sana being clo’s biggest fan, made a gc and the rest is history 😌 the 3 of us could talk for hours and often times way past our bed times (esp clo im looking at you pls fix it) just like how close kyeopmuda line is, thats also the 3 of us, we’ve always got each other’s back, and always ready to text and vc anytime 🫂 looking forward to the holidays when the 3 of us are free and we’ll vc for hours fs 😤❤️
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deldeldel90 · 4 months
hey what do you think of cpc characters as flowers,, maybe plaid family specifically. the sunflower post had me thinking
!!!!!!!!! CPC as flowers!!!!!!! YES. yes yes yes. oh my gosh. CPC as flowers >>>
gonna do the plaid family rn :D
FIRST;;; Lance!! the ultimate middle child, my boy
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I feel like Chicory would really represent him well!
it's a wildflower (which I think fits him) and it belongs to the Sunflower family. it's name, according to a Trusty Google Search, means, "The German word for chicory means “The Blue Lookout at the Wayside.”
It's a cool season veggie and prefers a sunny location (Lance being a Sunshine boy my beloved). the nicknames for Chicory are, "Chicory is also called blue daisy, blue sailor, wild bachelor's button, blue or Italian dandelion, or even coffeeweed" (all of which I think kinda fit Lance)
"Chicory has also been used to symbolize the force of perseverance in martyrdom, as seen on the St Augustine's altar from 1487" - some study from 2009
NEXT:: Isolde!! :D
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carnations!! specifically red carnations!! these symbolize deep love and affection, and the ruffles at the end of the petals really remind me of her.
There's also this little bit of info, "The color was thought to resemble human flesh and carnation flower meaning took on the idea of the incarnation, God being made flesh." WHICH. I think is pretty baller NGL.
Next: Blaine!!
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I picked this because 1. It does resemble a carnation, which I felt was a nice detail :D (esp since he resembles his mother the most!!) and 2. red roses are known for a lot of things, like love and passion and stuff, AND red roses are often associated with throwing them at the end of plays and movies, which I find fits him!!!
"The red rose whispers of passion, And the white rose breathes of love; O, the red rose is a falcon, And the white rose is a dove." - some poem that makes me go a little Cray. and there's also this: "It's the rose of romance and deep feelings, but can also relay desire, beauty, victory, harmony, joy, luck, pride, martyrdom, [according to McCord Jones.]"
They thrive off direct sunlight and take a while to grow :D pretty high maintenance flowers yk :D PLUS!!!! they're super pretty and soft-looking, but they have thorns!!
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A Green Jewel Coneflower :D okay I was mildly tempted to just put a sunflower BUTTT you know. So I picked this!!!
a Green Jewel Coneflower can pretty much grow anywhere (and it grows pretty tall too!!), and they actually like a little bit of shade!
Sources say this: "Today, the Orange Coneflower is a symbol of enthusiasm and vitality. Its bold hue radiates excitement, making it a perfect emblem for those eager to make a statement. It's not just a pretty face; it's a nod to resilience, attracting pollinators and feeding birds, while standing strong against deer and drought." Which I think really suits him!!
Leland..... bro would be like poison or something. Actually, maybe he'd be like a Petunia- "A flower that is not very common, Petunias display feelings of deep resentment and anger." It's not a poisonous flower but I feel like the negative meaning of it fits him :D
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fandomcrazy6226 · 30 days
Liveblogging Dracula Daily - May 5
Brought to you on May 7 because tech week is k i l l i n g me
I'm actually skipping my 7th period class cause I was gonna take a nap and I may still do that but I'm gonna get through these two posts first, cause technically I'm already late on the May 5 catchup. Whoopsie. Anyway, there'll be two posts today, more or less back-to-back, so enjoy the double feature!
Ooh, we're finally getting to the castle! More sleeping problems, trust me that's very relatable atm. I'm so exhausted after rehearsal every night and then it's impossible to actually fall asleep when I get home.
OK that 'robber steak' actually sounds really good. Love me some bacon.
"A name meaning 'word-bearer'"... huh? Like they call the door by a name? They call him a name? That structure is a bit confusing.
Oh joy, Satan, hell, witch, and *gasp* vampire! Hmm... something tells me this Count won't be the most transparent about these rumors. (Also as someone who watched the Sam and Colby video where they went to Dracula's Castle I wonder if there's a reason "strigoi" wasn't listed here. I do see "stregoica" though, which does look similar)
I think this is where someone who knew nothing about Dracula would definitely figure out something is wrong. Like, the last chapter with the old woman and the innkeeper suddenly not speaking German were definitely a tip-off but an entire crowd of people doing a gesture to ward off the evil eye? Yeah that's a big ol' flashing red light
Honestly I'd get super emotional too if a huge crowd of people I didn't even know did some kind of big protective gesture for me. Also, I'm sorry, the driver's pants are how big??
Again, the way this scenery is described is just so beautiful. And I definitely appreciate the translations here otherwise I'd spend way too much time on Google Translate
Okay... this driver seems odd. "The dogs are too vicious to walk", sure, thanks for the warning. "You'll probably have enough problems tonight", um. Get off my lawn you creepy thing with huge pants. And now I feel bad for the horses.
Okay they're going real fast now, and the other people are offering Jonathan gifts? Strange... but alright then. Oh and they're also doing the evil-eye-protection thing. Yeah does Jonathan realize he's probably walking into a blanket-fort-sized red flag with this trip yet?
Wait, what? What does he mean "not expected"? Are they really gonna take him all the way back to the inn and make him wait for however long just to bring him back? What the hell?
Ummmmmm red eyes you say? And black horses? And hiding his face? Is this a disguise? And the red lips and sharp teeth, yeah calling it now this guy is actually Dracula.
OK as someone who doesn't drink, why would the brandy help? Like is is just a courage thing? Or maybe for sleep?
Oh, midnight, all the evil things come out at midnight. According to the old lady from before, I think. Good thing he's got that cross, and like a million villagers helping him out.
Hm... methinks this driver has superstrength and can talk to animals. Wouldn't you guess what two more vampire powers are?
Is he... are they following a Will-o-Wisp? Is that was the blue flame is? Cause the popping around magical blue fire floating in the air sounds a lot like a Will-o-Wisp
OK that sounds terrifying, surrounded by wolves. But hey, I'm pretty sure wild wolves don't actually attack humans, since humans aren't prey. Or at least that's what Wild Kratts taught me. OK Google is backing me up here. I think wolves are generally pretty chill with humans, although the horses would definitely have a reason to freak out, considering wolves can take down moose.
Oh, so the driver basically waves his arms and the wolves go away? Not suspicious at all...
Oh jeez, this just keeps on going. Hang on, how much is left of this entry? OK I shouldn't have to split the chapter. I'm just gonna keep going, hopefully I'm done before the bell rings.
Um, no, Jonathan, I don't think this is a common occurrence for most realtors. Aww, Mina mention again! Oh, this poor boy seriously needs to sleep. (Me too, buddy)
That's definitely a perfectly normal way to invite someone in. "Enter freely and of your own will" Hand of a dead man hmmmmmmmm?
Ha! Even he thinks it's the driver.
I assume Mr. Hawkins is his boss? And that's a really sweet thing to say. Mmmmm chimcken. I'm very hungry the lunch at my school is not great on Tuesdays, especially when it's flavorless pasta with flavorless tomato sauce. Like somehow the lack of flavor is it's own flavor.
Hair on palms isn't actually... possible. The only two places your body doesn't grow hair at all are your palms and the soles of your feet. So that's extra strange.
This chapter definitely makes things a lot more tense, and I'm very excited to see how that build in the next one!
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mha-quotes-and-such · 10 months
Okay, the Pokémon AU is great and it deserves some more thoughts! So...
Which team do you think the League would be on? Team Rocket? Team Aqua? Team Magma? Team Plasma? Other? Are they actually from different teams and butt heads when they meet?
(And Bakugou as the protagonist would get SO PISSED when his quests got sidetracked by Team Whatever and their shenanigans)
The villain lover in me is LIVING for this ask. I’m so tempted to just say all of them as Team Star because they’re almost entirely young folks who hate the system and want a community who cares for them but I had to give it more thought than that
One of the ones I would put in Team Star would be Magne. Her entire reason for becoming a criminal was so that she could live her own life the way she wanted to, free of societal pressures. I think she’d really dig Star’s pro-community anti-society thing, especially where they have a heavy influence on accepting and lifting up outcasts. I think Toga and Twice would likely fit for similar reasons, since they both turned to crime/the league in part because they were outcasts. It’s obvious one of the things that they both want most is to be loved not in spite of their flaws but because of them, and I think Team Star would really appeal to them due to their sense of community and unconditional acceptance
Mr Compress I would put in the Aether Foundation. Theyre professional, a little flashy, and their goal is to help Pokemon, but they do it in a less-than-legal way. Both their appearance and goals align with Compress's, where he and his great-great grandfather aim to help the general population the Aether Foundation aim to help Pokemon. I considered making him Team Flare but I think their whole "blow up the planet" gig was a little too aggressive for Compress
Kurogiri is Macro Cosmo. I know their status as villains is super highly disputed and theyre typically not considered villains but hear me out. Most Macro Cosmo employees are just that. Employees. It can be assumed that they didnt exactly sign up for a villainous organization, they just ended up a part of it. Thats exactly what happened to Kurogiri; he never wanted to be a villain, but now its just a part of his job
Shigaraki and Dabi would both be Team Skull. Theyre similar to Magne, Twice, and Toga in the sense that society doesnt appeal to them, and theyre outcasts who wanted to rebel. The reason I went with Team Skull however is that Team Star feels a bit... too friendly? Theyre both pretty cold, and dont want much to do with a team. Team Skull feels a little less found family and a little more "group who support each other for a common goal" which I think would appeal to them more (not that they wouldnt just become a found family later on anyway)
Spinner is Team Yell because he too spends every waking moment stanning someone more well-known than him, to the point of being a criminal
Giran is Team Rocket because money defies all moral expectations
(Oh Bakugou would HATE these guys. He would either have to be completely inconvenienced (typical "you will die if you dont help" type shit) or be offered WILD compensation for his time. At some point it would become personal tho and he'd be annoyed with them and enjoy beating them for fun)
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mikuchan · 1 month
my Tavs😊
@gaeldricge the deep lore lol
Findingway - wild magic sorcerer
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I made her just to run through the game again as research for Something to Play For, but I really like her. She was born to a family of respectable and scholarly wizards in Baldur's Gate -- no one will confess to who made a deal or slept with a devil, but she suspects her mother. Either way, her appearance + her uncontrollable magic made her the odd duck out. She has a troubled relationship with her family.
At boarding school she met & became close to another tiefling student. He told her how some tieflings choose their own names based on who they are, or who they want to be -- and so 13-year-old Wilhelmina James, desperately trying to figure out where she fit in the world, became Findingway instead. Actually I took the name Findingway from the FFXIV Lopporit because I thought it was cute and didn't expect her to become more than a research vessel
She is a control freak who bottles everything up until she explodes and does something dumb, and/or makes a stupid power grab. She's eaten every tadpole, got the hag eye + ate the skin piece, exploding blood, etc etc and is mad none of them fixed her situation. Try as she might, she's chaos on two feet.
She has I think 23 Charisma and can talk her way into (or out of) aaaanything, but she's not very smart. She's not evil, but is closer to amoral than pure good; she puts herself first. She's romancing Minthara.
She hoards gold and food. It makes her feel important. She has about a million bottles of wine right now, and her future plans are to open a wine boutique in Baldur's Gate.
Yrollam - Dark Urge high elf barbarian
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Yrollam woke up in a crashing nautiloid with no memories, but luckily there was this super cool necromancer there to help her. Now it's Yrollam's job to carry bodies and books for her new BFF Elberos (my husband's Tav), and she does it with pride.
She's very much a 'pleeease let me bloody my hands for you' type. Eager to please and with very few limits.
Before the game, she was scholarly and unethical, more of a mad scientist vibe. Currently, she is struggling with controlling her Urge. She's romancing Wyll while Elberos romances Minthara.
I drew her AU where she didn't meet Elberos and she went with Auntie Ethel instead
Sabine - drow druid. I put her at the end even though she's my favorite, since her info runs longer
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She was born the third noble daughter of a very low Menzoberranzan House. Seeking Lolth's favor, her parents thought she would make a worthy sacrifice, so they left her as a toddler at the entrance of a giant spider nest. However -- the spiders were sentient but not Lolthsworn, leading to Lolth taking offense at their waste (leaving a precious noble girl out for random spiders? really?) and rejecting their clumsy 'offering.'
Lolth punished her parents instead with a cave-in (killing both her parents, and spelling doom for their now-leaderless House) which also cut off the heretic spiders from her city. The spiders, however, found the drow child, took her in, and raised her as their own.
Sabine is the closest name in Common to what the spiders call her, which is itself a bastardization of the drow name her parents gave her (Z'brnn) - so it's the name she uses aboveground. After reaching adulthood, she left to learn more about drow, figure out where she fits into the world, maybe find a new way into Menzoberranzan... she can wildshape into a spider, but she's uncertain whether she wants to do that permanently so she can return home and fit in with her family, or -- now that she's found so many friends and loved ones -- stay a drow and remain aboveground (more or less - she loves her spider fam, and will visit them whether spider or drow!).
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I changed her hair when she got to the city + added some age lines.
She was the Tav I made in early access + again in my first runthrough. I'm going to restart her because I couldn't recruit Minthara back then. Also, she romanced Astarion/Halsin but I think she would be a better fit with Gale (very curious woman + excited infodumper) so I'm changing that on her new playthrough.
She was excited to meet the drow prostitutes. She hired them for several hours just to sit and talk with them about drow culture.
Her Dream Visitor took the appearance of her (bio) father, who she only vaguely remembers.
There's an AU where she was not taken in by the spiders, but by a different House who followed her parents to the edge of the city. They killed her parents in Lolth's name, destroyed their House, and took Sabine (Z'brnn in this canon) + her older sister. She's a Lolthsworn ranger in this timeline, traveling with my husband's Durge (who was redeemed in his playthrough, is evil in this one).
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Bonus, Elyon (Ellie) - Dark Urge assassin rogue (based on my neighbor's kitten who went HAM on a pigeon outside...), but I lost heart in her. She was going to be my super-evil playthrough but I don't want to kill Isobel, so she's just stuck in Act 1 forever
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