#which means a day at uni is 6 bucks :|
isaacathom · 2 years
oh hell yeah i get to find out my uni schedule today (in like. 10 hours), thats gonna be real fun. get to find out how many days im gonna be busy for and how much im gonna have to spend commuting to uni in a given week
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forsakenoathkeeper · 4 years
I Am Alive (chapter 6/?)
Deviant!Connor[RK800] x (fem!)Reader Rated M(18+) for canon-typical violence and gore, medical procedures, and graphic sexual content
Synopsis: You were a mechanical engineer, now a nurse for androids, who moved back to Detroit after the revolution to offer aid. After reconciling with an old friend, you became rather acquainted with his android partner.
Please support me on AO3 & thanks for reading ♥
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The rain had finally started to die down when Connor pulled into the Thirium Clinic's parking lot. There were only a couple other cars present, likely your coworkers.
The android retrieved an umbrella from his trunk before trotting over to the entrance. Not wanting to make a mess by dripping water all over the place, he decided to wait outside, beneath the awning covering the front entrance.
"I'm right outside," he messaged you.
Not even a full minute later, a nurse came sprinting through the building, over to the front door. He could see her through the window, and lifted a brow at the sight. She smacked the door with her side, swinging it open, and hung half her body out the doorway.
"Are you Connor?" she asked, beaming with a wild grin.
"...yes," he replied, feeling strangely uneasy under her gaze.
The nurse stuck her head back inside and shouted, "I told you he was an android! You owe me twenty bucks!"
She turned back around to face Connor. "You can come inside - already a mess in here anyway," she said before immediately flinging herself back inside.
Connor hesitated for a moment before letting himself in; sure enough, the roof had leaked at the seam, which allowed water to come pouring in through a gap in the wall. There were puddles everywhere. The nurses for closing shift didn't seem the least bit perturbed by it.
"We've been dying to meet you," the nurse who had made a bet about him proclaimed.
Another nurse approached, a backpack slung over his shoulder. He fished his wallet out of his pocket and threw a folded twenty-dollar bill at the other nurse. It smacked her on the side of the head before fluttering to the ground.
She hastily snatched it off the floor and waved it in the air, laughing maniacally for a second. She shoved the crinkled bill in her pocket before turning her head to the android.
"Soooo, what do you do, Connor?" she asked sweetly.
"I'm a detective with the Detroit Police Department," Connor answered, his hand unconsciously lowering to straighten his tie. Considering it was sopping wet, it was a pointless effort.
"That puts a new meaning to 'blue blood', huh?" she teased, elbowing the other nurse.
"Sir, I want this woman arrested for shitty jokes," he said dryly. "It's physically hurting me."
"Tch. Shut up," she retorted, lacking any real spite. In fact, she was still smiling. "My jokes are amazing."
"They're criminal," he retorted, lip twitching.
You came around the corner, bag in tow, jacket zipped up over your scrubs, hair pulled back sloppily. Your eyes landed on Connor and-
-oh damn.
He had said he got caught in the rain; but, he wasn't just a little dampened, he was absolutely soaked, clothes clinging to his body. The best part was that Connor didn't seem the least bit perturbed by his state, standing there, completely unbothered by it.
"You're a little wet?" you chuckled as you walked up to him.
Connor's lip twitched into a nervous smile. "Sorry. I promise the car is dry - well, except for the driver's seat."
You looked up at Connor's freckled face like a lovestruck moron. A week and some odd days was way too long. He was more handsome than you remembered, gorgeous smile on his lips, brown eyes reflecting the shiny, obnoxious overhead lights. His LED was shining a magnificent blue.
"So, this is the one you've been keeping from us?" the female nurse teased as the party headed for the door. The male nurse took care of the light switches along the way.
"Everyone needs to be protected from you," the male nurse jutted in, loudly, to make sure she heard him.
"I haven't been keeping him from you," you laughed.
"You probably should," the female nurse teased. "He's way too cute."
You seemed embarrassed by that, a slight blush on your cheeks, trying to hold back soft laughter. You were forthcoming with how attracted you were to him in private; yet, Connor still felt pride bubble up inside him when that same attraction was presented in front of others.
Was that... normal?
"See you idiots tomorrow," you teased on the way out. The male nurse locked the door while the other stayed behind so they could walk to their car together.
Connor was prepared to open the umbrella, but realized the raining had stopped.
"Let's hurry before it picks back up," you said before starting a trot over to Connor's car.
As soon as you slid into the passenger, tossing your bag into the back, you realized it was still warm in the car.
"Did you...?" you uttered as Connor slid into the driver's seat. "-run the heater for me?"
"Yes," he replied plainly.
"Oh - thank you." You felt embarrassed knowing that he took the time to be mindful of things that, as an android, he was unaffected by.
Connor started the car and carefully peeled out of the parking lot.
"Your coworkers are very curious of me," Connor observed. You glanced over at him, perfect posture, hands on the wheel in the textbook locations they were supposed to be. You hadn't thought about it when he brought you to his apartment, but Connor drove a manual transmission. It made you wonder if he used his car for work more than he let on. Or maybe he just felt more comfortable like this?
"Yeah, they're just being dorks," you replied softly, tearing your eyes away from him.
"I hope they don't trouble you."
Connor left it unspoken; but, you knew what he was referring to.
"Oh - no, it's not - people are just like that. It has nothing to do with you being an android," you insisted. "You know - they're just being nosy."
"I understand. Officers at the precinct enjoy gossiping about each other's relationships," Connor said, some intrigue in his voice.
"Oh?" You hummed. "What kind of gossip goes on about you?"
"I don't believe they think I am capable of it," Connor explained.
Capable of dating? -of sex? His words brought a frown to your face, not that it was particularly surprising. You had wondered what kind of environment Connor worked in. Was he an equal part of the team or just another android? Somehow, you doubted it was the former. Hank was probably the only one who gave him any respect.
"It doesn't bother me," Connor added, sensing your frustration.
"Oh, I - I shouldn't butt into your job," you said.
"I don't see it as 'butting in'," Connor uttered. His eyes had been focused on the road; but, he let them shift to you for a second. "I like when you ask questions about me."
That made you smile. He said it as if it was something he wasn't quite used to experiencing. "Then, I have something I wanna ask - is there anything you've wanted to do? -something you were afraid to ask about? -or, just, didn't have the chance?"
Connor's LED shifted to yellow for a moment as he pondered your question.
"A concert," he blurted out. Not expecting that answer, you looked over at him, intrigued. He seemed really concentrated, taking your question very seriously.
"They seem overwhelming," he added on with some uncertainty. "But, I think it would be fun to experience something like that," he continued, sounding a bit more confident this time. His LED shifted back to blue.
"You know you said you wanted to treat me to something?" You asked. "Then, let's do a concert."
"Well, I - uhm - wanted it to be something that you wanted," he said, almost apologetically.
"I do," you said with a chuckle, shifting your eyes back to the road. "I haven't been to one since I was a kid. It'll be fun. -and, taking you to your first concert would be an honor."
"I'll do my best to make it enjoyable," he stated - no, promised.
"You don't have to-" you began, cutting yourself off when you realized he wasn't really going to listen. You grumbled quietly to yourself. When your eyes shifted to the android for a second, you caught him smiling.
Sometime later, the car slid into your driveway.
You remained seated, staring ahead like an idiot. Connor didn't say anything, either because he was polite, or because he didn't want to leave.
"Do you wanna come inside and dry off?" you blurted, turning to Connor.
He seemed surprised by your question, eyebrows lifting slightly.
"I - I mean-" you sputtered. Simultaneously, Connor answered, "yes."
You smacked your mouth shut, and Connor uttered, "I don't want to keep you up late?" not very convincingly.
"You wouldn't," you squeaked. "-and some towels to dry your car?"
"T-that would be nice," Connor stated, a little more confidently.
"Y-yea," you stammered before rotating around to slip out of the car. Connor shut it off while you fished your bag out of the backseat and scurried inside.
You tossed your bag onto the dining table - that was never actually used for dining - and made a dash for the master bathroom. After fishing out some towels, you returned to the entryway, where Connor had waited patiently.
"I might have something that fits you if you want a change of clothes?" you offered as you handed him the towels. "I could go look for - uhm..."
You could have smacked yourself being this way. You were dating, had sex, for fucks sake. This shouldn't be so damn hard.
"Thank you," Connor replied, caught off guard by the offer. "Are you s-?"
"It's no trouble," you interrupted him gently, giving him an encouraging nudge.
Connor returned to his car and you sprinted into your bedroom to rummage through your dressers. You definitely had some oversized lounge pants that would fit him. When you fished them out - light grey, strings missing - you tossed them onto the bed and kept digging.
Sure enough, you had a couple white T-shirts leftover from your days in uni. The course demanded white and you decided to buy men's because they were cheaper, and large was the only size they had left at the time. At least, they were going to come in handy again.
The android was waiting in your entryway again when you exited to look for him.
"Hope this is alright?" you offered, holding the clothes up.
He hardly glanced at them. "Anything would be adequate."
Anything? Well, geez, then wear nothing.
-you wanted to say.
"You can come inside," you laughed, gesturing to the hallway that led to your bedroom. Connor followed you through the living room to your bedroom and into the connected bathroom. You set the clothes on the countertop near the sink. When you turned around, Connor was already undressing.
It wasn't new, but-
-it still swarmed your tummy with butterflies.
To distract yourself, and so you wouldn't stare at him stupidly, you retreated to your bedroom to change out of your scrubs and into something more comfortable. Connor stepped out of the bathroom just in time to see you pull a shirt over your head and cover any exposed skin.
You turned to see him standing there, looking almost nervous, out of his element. Up until now, you had only seen Connor dressed prim and proper, or not dressed at all. He looked startlingly good in a plain white shirt and grey lounge pants, or maybe you just liked how domestic it was.
You were about to blurt out a question: to ask him if he was thirsty. When you remembered, he couldn't.
"Oh - uhm - I forgot something," you uttered, stepping towards him.
"What was it?" he asked, brow furrowing. "Do we need to go back to the-"
Connor silenced himself when he saw you leaning in, the look in your eyes ushering him closer. He met you halfway. It was brief, chaste, but enthusiastic. He closed his eyes, and let himself get swept away for a moment. It felt good, maybe better than it did last time because he was starving, something he didn't know he was capable of.
When you leaned back, you uttered against his mouth, "thank you for the ride."
Connor's LED flashed red as he contemplated leaning back in and claiming your mouth again. You were also standing between him and your bed. All it would take was a little nudge to get you falling onto the sheets.
-that was-
His LED hummed to yellow and then back to blue as he calmed his processor.
"No need to thank me," he replied, almost robotically.
You turned away, saying over your shoulder, "gonna get a drink."
As Connor followed you into the kitchen, he looked around your house casually. It was simple, furnished lightly, hardly any decorations. Then again, you had just moved back here not too long ago.
In the kitchen, you poured some juice from a pitcher in the fridge, and sipped it. The android joined you in the kitchen and leaned against the counter, posture slouching, collar on the shirt wide enough that it exposed his collar bones.
"Not as fancy as your apartment," you commented, noticing he was looking around.
"I didn't realize it was," he replied, sincere. "Hank referred to it in that sense, as well."
You laughed quietly before chugging the rest of your drink. It was easy to see Hank saying something like that about Connor's apartment. He probably had a few other choice words that Connor decided not to mention.
"I bet you two had some crazy shenanigans when you first met," you said, beaming at Connor.
Connor chuckled warmly, looking down at the floor for a second. "The first night we met, I had - ugh - spilt Hank's drink and he threatened to attack me, and I informed him that I was 'worth a small fortune'."
"Oh?" you chuckled. "How much we talkin' here? I've got student loan debts," you teased, tapping your chin in faux consideration.
The corner of Connor's lip twitched. "Are you plotting to get rid of me for a profit?" he asked, voice lowering an octane. It was clear he was joking, but there was something a little dangerous to his tone.
"Maybe-" you laughed.
"Because that is very illegal," Connor explained. The laughter drained from your face and you stared at him, very much enjoying the change in tone in his voice. His eyes were the only indicator that he wasn't being serious. Something mischievous was in his gaze.
You saw his LED fade form blue to yellow as he continued, "as an officer of the law, I would have to arrest you for conspiring to comit a crime." His slight grin broke the tension in his voice.
"What if I said I was sorry?" you offered, stepping into his space. Connor looked down at you, crossed between predatory and innocent. Sometimes, it startled you how he managed to look like a seasoned detective and eager rookie at the same time.
He had a few inches on you. You loved how he had to crane his neck a little to catch your eyes.
"You can't bribe me," he uttered carefully.
You hummed, accepting the challenge that Connor had not realized he made. Your hands fell onto his chest, slowly falling down the material of the shirt, testing the waters. Connor let you, standing stiffly against the counter. He was staring at you fiercely.
What if-
Would he like it if-
Part of you was afraid he would be uncomfortable by the suggestion. Part of you wanted to take the risk.
The look in Connor's eyes changed drastically when you slowly sunk to the ground in front of him, like he suddenly had no idea what was going on.
"Ugh-" he stammered when your hands lowered to the hem of his shirt, pushing the fabric up and out of the way to dig your fingers into the hem of his sweatpants. He was already pitching a tent, you realized, as your face lowered to crotch level.
-he definitely knew what was going on.
Connor gripped the edge of the counter for dear life. "I-I was just joking," he stammered out. "You don't have to-"
"I know," you replied, giving him a very real smile.
Connor visibly relaxed, his panicked eyes shifting between your eyes and your mouth. You saw his adam's apple bob, a gesture that he had no need for, being an android.
"Do you want me to stop?" you asked, hands stopped at his waist.
His LED flashed to red for a second before returning to its golden hue. "No," he replied lowly.
Connor looked incredibly nervous despite the fact that this wasn't your first sexual encounter together. He had given you amazing lip service last time, and you were dying to return the favor. You didn't exactly get the opportunity to appreciate his anatomy properly.
You slipped the hem of his lounge pants down until his cock bobbed free. He wasn't fully hard yet, which surprised you because you didn't know that was an option. You had anticipated it would behave like an on and off switch; however, it seemed that you had misjudged the intricacies of his anatomy.
You pressed a kiss to the tip and heard Connor sharply suck a breath in through his nose.
"You okay?" you uttered, your lips still close, knowing full well he would feel your breath against his skin.
His LED flickered to red again for a brief second before back to yellow. You were tantalized by the thought of what exactly it was you were doing to him: what buttons were you pushing, what types of thoughts rushed through his mind.
His brown eyes were hypnotizing, more beautiful than anything you had ever seen before and expressive to a fault. They constantly changed between raw hunger and innocent passion.
"Yes," Connor eventually answered.
You ducked your head down to kiss at the base and slowly trailed back to the tip, taking your sweet ass time to mask the fact that you were admiring him.
You wrapped your dominant hand around him, reveling in the feel of his skin. It was smooth, velvety, dragged along the artificial organ beneath. It was easy, very easy, to forget that his cock wasn't real. It was indistinguishable from any human's.
He had freckles on his thighs, like sprinklings of spilt coffee, and freckles in the dip where his thigh met his torso. His pubes were neatly assembled around his base and trailed up to end beneath his belly button, soft but still wiry like real hair.
-somebody took the time to make him look this, you realized.
You had to force that thought away. This wasn't about that, this was about him.
You pushed those thoughts away by sucking the tip into your mouth and sinking halfway down, forcing a strangled grunt from the android. You felt him harden fully, stiffening in your mouth. It startled you a little. You shifted back to the tip, lapped your tongue at the underside, and sunk back down. Connor moaned, a staticky, broken sound.
Oh. You had missed those noises: his voice box going on the frits as his processor was too busy focusing on the feelings in his sex to simultaneously deliver proper audio output.
Eager, spurred on by his beautiful noises, you took in as much as you could and near choked, sputtering and coughing when you went too deep.
Connor's hand landed on your shoulder and he huffed out a weak, "a-are you okay?"
You hummed around his member - the vibration briefly putting him on edge - and slid back. Keeping your hand around the spot that you recognized as your limit, you bobbed your head back down, till your lips met your palm. You stroked what your mouth couldn't fit.
Connor's hand maneuvered off your shoulder to the back of your head, where he caressed you with the type of loose touch that suggested he was afraid to grab you too hard. He stared like he was possessed, awestruck at the sight of his cock disappearing past your lips, overwhelmed by the simple fact that you wanted to do this to him.
He wasn't sure why-
You had engaged in intercourse-
-but this-
-this was different.
Connor was released into the world with a different understanding of humans compared to most androids. While he was given instructions on who to obey and when, he wasn't exactly made to serve humans, at least not traditionally as most androids were.
That translated to having a knowledge for social issues that most androids did not.
As such, he knew full well that there was a power dynamic in this action, one that could be perceived as degrading. You were on your knees, servicing his phallus with your mouth-
-surrendering of power.
-giving of trust.
But, when he took in the sight of you, cheeks flushed pink, lips swollen from the friction, eyes closed peacefully and brow lowered in concentration - you seemed pleased at the opportunity to do this to him. Maybe Connor understood; after all, he had dived face first into your sex the second it was presented to him.
Lost in his thoughts - trying not to be lost in his thoughts - trying not to overanalyze, or analyze at all - Connor failed to realize he had been puffing out little noises through his mouth each time his cock slid back into your mouth. It was a faint sound that resembled an inhale.
You heard it, and you loved it - you loved that you could do that to him: this powerful android.
His fingers were tangled loosely in your hair, barely holding on, mostly as a gesture of praise than to maintain control. You did, however, notice the faint way his hips shifted forward slightly, urging you to continue when you sunk back down. You cupped your free hand over his hip and uselessly attempted to hold him down. He seemed to notice, eventually, and suddenly halted his movements.
In your enthusiasm, you managed to drool all over him. Excess saliva coated your palm, which aided in jerking him off. Your hand trailed behind your mouth when you slid back and forth, creating a symphony of lewd, wet noises. You paused to suction tightly around him and carefully draw back to the tip. Connor hissed out a loud, staticky, "aahhhh."
He was trying to watch you; but, as his orgasm approached, his optic sensor began to fail him. He could feel the tension rising in his core, his thirium pump overexerting to keep up with the demand on his processor. His sensor's focus was shifting to his cock, the feeling of the countertop digging into his back starting to go numb.
Connor's fingers suddenly tightened against the back of your head, the pads of his fingers gently digging into your skull. He seemed like he couldn't decide if he wanted to pull you off or push you down.
"W-wa - s-stop," he panted. "-m close-"
You pulled off with an obscene, wet sound, giving him just the slightest break, enough to refocus his eyes. Your hand lowered for a second to cup his sack. Of course, that felt as real as it looked. You squeezed gently and saw his jaw tighten.
"Why do you want me to stop?" you uttered, voice a little hoarse. You almost didn't recognize yourself, sounding so sinful.
"I want to..." he responded lowly, trailing off as you started stroking him again, tugging gently at his shaft. Connor didn't know what the correct answer was. He wanted to touch and please you, too; but, he wasn't being entirely selfless. He wanted to take you again.
"What's your refractory period?" you uttered, sounding quite debauched, lips wet and jaw tired.
Connor gawked at you for a moment, and you ate up that delicious expression. He looked fucked out of his mind, gaze hazy and cheeks red.
"4.27 seconds," he answered lowly.
You almost laughed. He definitely searched his manual for the answer to that.
"Then, come for me," you encouraged, immediately drawing him back into your mouth. It startled a moan out of him.
You were more enthusiastic this time, drawing in as much as you could and sliding back tightly, mouth hot and dripping wet with saliva. The sensation started to claw its way through him again.
He didn't have to obey humans anymore. He broke down every wall that his programming had built up around his free will. However, your gentle command, breathed like a plea on his skin, spurred him on. He doubted he could stop even if he wanted to.
Connor let go of your head and let his hand slide down your back, settling at the top of your spine. He hunched over, thighs trembling and groaning, something like the thrum of an engine rumbling in his chest, mingled with the voice of his audio output unit and the mechanical pieces in his chassis. He moaned hoarsely, a sound that wasn't quite human. His hips shifted, bucking gently into your mouth, as he chased the sensation.
It shouldn't have-
-but fuck if it didn't make your clit throb painfully.
You slid back to the tip so you could look up and catch the sight of him doubled over in pleasure. His eyes were squeezed shut, jaw clenched, LED shining magnificent crimson. There was a faint red tint to his cheeks and the tops of his ears. Fuck, he looked beautiful - and you, you did that.
You fluttered your eyes shut and continued working him over through his orgasm, until he relaxed against the counter, straightening his posture. His hand maneuvered around to cup your jaw and gently pull you off of him. He was huffing in air to cool his systems, eyes taking in your face with adoration.
"You okay?" you asked lowly, ignoring the ache in your jaw and the numbness in your mouth from the friction.
"Y-yeah," he breathed.
He reached for you with his other hand, bending over slightly to help you rise off your knees. As soon as you were standing, his arms wrapped around your back and tugged you in. He claimed your mouth hungrily. You reciprocated as best you could, feeling less like you were being kissed and more like you were being devoured, not that you minded.
Your hands gripped his shoulders for dear life while one of his hands maneuvered to the back of your neck, holding gently to keep you where he wanted you. He liked how puffy your lips felt, tasting you with the knowledge that you were just tasting him - that this sinful mouth brought him to completion - that you wanted to do that to him.
Rutting against each other in the kitchen, you realized he was still hard as steel between you. Either taking consideration for the question you had asked him... or, maybe, he decided that he just wasn't done with you yet.
Connor pulled back when you started huffing pathetic breaths of air through your nose. You gasped when your mouth was finally free.
"Sorry - sorry," he stammered out.
You huffed a short, breathless laugh. Sorry for wanting you so bad... the nerve.
Connor ducked his head down into your neck and lapped his tongue against your throat. You hummed at the sensation, letting your head fall back, easing into the touch.
"Please?" he pleaded into your neck. One of his hands was teasing the hem of your pajama bottoms, right at the base of your spine.
"Mhmm," you hummed pathetically.
The android's hand dipped down, past the hem of your panties and in between your thighs. His longest digit dipped between your folds. You were already dripping wet and slippery with arousal. His finger glided through your folds and found your entrance effortlessly, slipping in with ease.
"Oh," Connor breathed against your throat, surprised by how soaked you were. His breath was hot like the exhaust out of an engine and nearly burned your skin.
You were so, so warm on the inside, walls squishy and compliant to his intrusion. He almost couldn't believe that you had gotten this excited over sucking him off.
He crooked his finger and you cried out, "fuck!" breathless and desperate, clinging to him like you were afraid you were going to fall. He continued that gesture, stretching you tenderly. At this angle, he couldn't reach your clit. But, that was fine; right now, you just wanted him inside you.
"Okay - okay - that's enough," you urged, pushing at him until he let go. "Bed - bed - please."
You had intended for Connor to turn around and walk and you would follow behind him; you didn't expect the android to scoop you up and carry you effortlessly through the house.
"Wait - wait," you pleaded before he could set you on the bed. Connor complied and carefully set you down on your feet, looking at you with nervous eyes, as if he had made a mistake.
You gave him a soft smile and then a gentle push and then another, until he got the message and sat down at the edge of the bed. His palms fell into the sheets and he leaned back slightly, staring at you with bright, brown eyes and LED a vibrant gold hue.
You admired him as you slid your bottoms and underwear off, very much enjoying how he looked, seated at the edge of your bed, cock hanging out, hungry look in his eyes.
He was oozing lubrication from the tip in preparation for what was to follow. His eyes didn't leave yours when he reached down to smear it down his shaft. He didn't intend to make a show of it; but, you looked down and stared just a little longer than necessary.
When you approached, he stopped, and let that hand fall back into the sheets. You took hold of his shoulders and carefully climbed onto his lap, thighs on either side of his.
"Oh," Connor sighed, suddenly understanding why you had nudged him onto the bed.
You smiled, feeling like a seductress. Your forehead fell against his and a sigh slipped free when you felt that velvety tip brush against your folds. You shifted your hips and lowered, slowly impaling yourself on his length.
Connor's head fell back and he hummed, groaning low in his throat. The faint distortion in his sound lit a fire in your belly. His hands lifted to brush your thighs, sliding up to settle at your hips. He touched carefully, as if he wasn't sure if he was allowed to. The look he was giving you was tantalizing: hunger and adoration.
You gripped his shoulders for balance and slid up until his cock was only halfway inside you before rolling your hips back down. You moaned, fanning hot air over his cheeks. Again, he managed to leave you awestruck.
"Ohh, Connor," you breathed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to bring him in closer.
The android nuzzled his face into your neck, resisting the urge to thrust up into you. Your mouth was warm; but, your sex was burning hot, muscles fluttering around him.
Connor peppered kisses along your jaw, artificial breath heavy on your skin, expelling the heat generated from his processor. You could feel the texture change in his hands when his skin faded away to expose the android flesh beneath. It didn't bother you if he gained pleasure in analyzing you. It must have, for Connor groaned into the skin of your neck.
His hands lifted suddenly, curling beneath the hem of your shirt. You removed your arms from him briefly so he could pull the fabric through and toss it somewhere in the room to be forgotten. Connor's shirt followed soon after.
Your bodies clung together again, chest to chest. This time, Connor's mouth sought out yours. The kiss wasn't particularly wet; but, it was noisy, sloppy, fleshy sounds echoing between you. His hands continued to smooth up and down your back, the rough texture of his android skin leaving goosebumps.
"Is it uncomfortable?" he uttered, some insecurity in this tone. He was so close, his lips brushed yours when he spoke.
"Not at all," you panted against his mouth.
You nudged against him until he complied and leaned back, flat on the bed. You braced your hands on his chassis, palms flat on his chest. Connor stared up at you like he had no idea where he was. His hands continued tracing an invisible trail along your waist and thighs, like it was the only thing keeping him grounded.
You rolled your hips, riding him a little more enthusiastically. "Oohh fuck," you uttered, low in your throat, breathlessly. Connor stared, awestruck at the sight of you above him, shifting your hips to take him in deeper, hands pressing down on him. The pleasured look on your face, eyes closed and mouth open, while you took and took was enough to drive him insane.
He was trying to be still, in case this was how you wanted him to be. But, he could sense your frustration, hear it in your voice, feel it in the way your hips shuddered, trying to grind down harder, to get him deeper.
"Please," you whimpered pathetically, eyes fluttering open to look down at him: freckles splattered down his body, muscles tight as the tension rose in his body, pleasure etched across his face.
Connor experimentally lifted his hips to meet yours. Your eyes fell shut and you moaned loudly. Well, he didn't have to be told twice.
After a few thrusts, your hands slipped and you fell on him, chest to chest. Your hands fell onto the sheets and you briefly attempted to sit back up; however, Connor kept the momentum going. Immediately, you gave up and went limp above him, letting him drive into you at the speed he wanted.
You lifted up onto your elbows to kiss him. You missed and pressed a sloppy wet kiss against his cheek. Thinking it was intentional, Connor kissed back against your cheek. You would have laughed if not for the fact that he was churning up your insides.
Your head fell into his hair where you uttered lewd encouragements . "Please - please - mm'close. Con - nor - fuck me - aghh. Don't - stop." He turned his head, lips falling against the shell of your ear. Likely, he intended to say something; however, all that came out was static. Of all things, it was that that pushed you over the edge. You panted and wheezed above him, shuddering violently. Connor could feel it in the thundering of your heartbeat and the way your walls tightened around him.
Connor's head tilted back, pressed down into the sheets, and his eyes pinched shut. His LED was a magnificent shade of crimson.
When he finally stilled, his hands were still holding your waist.
"Connor?" you breathed, finding the strength to lean up and look at him.
His eyes were closed and he wasn't moving.
"Connor?" you asked again, some panic rising in your voice. He turned his head with a small twitch, eyes blinking in tune with his LED. The color softened to blue. "Did you soft reboot?" you asked, concern heavy in your tone.
"N-no," the android replied quietly. "Was just..." he trailed off. "Really good."
You exhaled a heavy sigh of relief. "You worried me."
Slowly, carefully, you lifted off of him. The skin on Connor's hands returned, holding you to try to help. Your legs were sore; but, it was worth the hunger satiated in your core.
"What was it you were trying to say earlier?" you asked softly, taking a seat beside him to catch your breath.
Connor was watching you carefully, likely to make sure you were okay. His brow furrowed slightly at your question and he shifted his eyes nervously away from you.
"I wanted to... to say something that you would like," he offered.
"You mean, dirty talk?" you replied softly, voice dripping with interest.
"Yes," he confessed quietly.
"You did that last time, too," you commented, rising to your feet. Connor watched you curiously, waiting for an explanation. "You said there were things you wanted to do me, and when I asked what those were, you didn't answer."
"I'm... afraid I will say something you won't like," he confessed quietly.
"Connor," you said his name breathlessly. "I doubt there's anything you would say that I wouldn't like. Do you wanna run one by me?"
Connor was leaning up, seated at the edge of the bed. You stepped in close to him and caressed his cheek with your hand. Connor leaned into the touch. You loved the way his skin felt, like he had just shaved yesterday morning, even though that was impossible.
His eyes flickered up to yours, uncertainty in them.
"That... you're mine," he uttered quietly, so quietly that you almost didn't hear him. "It feels wrong."
"It can be," you said, honest, sincere. "But, I don't think you mean it that way. You don't ever try to control me or tell me what to do. You're protective and sometimes that can feel possessive and that isn't always a bad thing. You always know what's right and what's wrong, Connor."
"I don't think I always know what's right," he retorted gently. "I don't want to control you." He sounded almost pained by the mere thought of it. "But, sometimes, I feel like..."
"It's new and can be a little scary; but, I trust you, no matter what..."
Connor pressed a kiss against your palm before gently removing your hand from his face. "I don't want to hurt you..."
You rolled your eyes gently, fondly. "You said that last time, too." He was still holding your hand; so, you gently squeezed back. "You care so much about what I want," you breathed. "I know that you would stop if I asked you to. I want you to feel comfortable with me - that you can be yourself..."
Connor's eyes shot up to your face. "I do," he proclaimed, sounding almost insulted at the suggestion. "I just - I-... I don't want to lose control."
You returned beside him on the bed.
"-of myself," he added on.
"Connor," you began fiercely. He seemed a bit surprised by your tone change. "We all feel that way sometimes: afraid we'll lose ourselves. I'm not telling you to not be afraid, just that-... -that-... -that you aren't alone."
His LED shined yellow for a moment, eyes focused on yours as he pondered over your words. His LED shifted back to blue and his shoulders relaxed. The android leaned in and nuzzled his nose against your cheek. You smiled at the intrusion.
"Connor?" you whispered, questioning, hopeful.
"Thank you," he murmured against your skin.
“Are you okay?” you asked, leaning back to look into his eyes.
“I feel better,” he uttered.
You nodded, maintaining his gaze for a few seconds longer, hoping that he would tell you if something was wrong. He seemed more relaxed now, brown eyes warm and inviting. To further prove his point, Connor stole a quick kiss from your lips, then another, and one last one.
You pulled back with a smile and rose to your feet. "I better get to bed... You-... you can-... -whatever you'd like." You wanted to ask him to stay, but wanted him to make that decision without your interference.
"I'd like to stay?" he asked sincerely. “I’ll have to leave before you get up...”
You nodded with a smile and retreated into the bathroom to clean up and brush your teeth. When you returned, Connor was already tucked into the sheets, like he belonged there. You turned the lights off before joining him.
"Do you have a band you want to see?" you uttered tiredly into your pillow.
"Not in particular," he answered quietly, shuffling in close to nuzzle up against your back. His bare legs tangled with yours, having ditched the lounge pants. You smiled against your pillow, thinking that maybe there was no point in suggesting clothes since you had a track record of ending up this way.
"My favorite band is Starset if you want to try them out?" you offered, pausing halfway to yawn.
Connor nodded into the flesh of your shoulder. He waited patiently until your breathing pattern shifted, telling him that you were asleep.
He searched the internet for that band and immediately recognized one of the members as an android. He wondered if it was a coincidence that you enjoyed music made by an android. Or, maybe, all things considered, that made perfect sense.
The first song that came up was titled 'Starlight'. He listened to it in its entirety and found the lyrics left a strange hole in his chest.
♪ ♫ “So say the word and I'll be running back to find you...
A thousand armies won't stop me - I'll break through...
I'll soar the endless skies for only one sight...
Of your starlight...” ♫ ♪
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beanenigma · 5 years
Tips for people who like to write by hand
So you’re an old timey writer who enjoys the feeling of paper as you breathe life into a story? Or, like me, you can’t use your phone at school and just wants to get some writing done while math class bores the others? 
Well, me too and I’ve come to your aid! I’ve done some pretty stupid things that costed me hours and hours of searching for lost scenes and struggling to find ideas I knew I’d written down so you don’t have to! 
Find the right notebook for you
By experience, notebooks take a long time to be filled. In good nanowrimo times, I take from 6 to 8 months to finish one. So you’ll be stuck with this guy for a long time. Make sure to pick one that you like and is right for your needs. I, for example, prefer spiral notebooks. You can rip out pages if you need to (if you mess it up, if someone asks you for one, if you just need a page to write down a grocery list or something, etc) and you can put a pen on the spiral. I also like having a pocket to put pieces of ideas I have. 
Some spooky stories about having the wrong notebook: 
I got stuck with a brochure old planner for two years. My mom didn’t use it in the year it was meant for, so I thought oh, it’s free real estate. As it turns out, it had really small space between the lines, so the pages would take forever to fill, it had all those day and hour numbers and the paper was really thin. It was terrible and it made writing terrible. It would have been a thousand times better if I just spent a few bucks on a regular notebook. 
More recently, I started using just the kind of notebook I like, a spiral notebook with a pocket. But I bought it a couple of years ago at a fandom event I attended and the cover was a personalized Divergent cover. At the time, I thought if was pretty cool and everyone would know the reference. But now it has aged so very poorly. The cover has blood all over it and it says “Faction Before Blood”. So now I’m scared to pull it out to write at uni and people will think I’m in a gang or something. 
Number your pages
I know, it sounds like a lot of work. But you can get a notebook with pages already numbered, number it yourself or do it like I do and number it every 10 pages (just because it’s easier). If you don’t feel like doing all of this repetitive work,  date your writing. It’s cool to see how much you progressed, how long you have been writing this project, when you had this idea, etc. One thing doesn’t have to exclude the other, but both methods serve the same purpose. 
And this purpose is to help you get an idea of how much you write (and feel good about your progress) and to help you organize yourself on all you’ve been writing. Which takes us to the next tip. 
Make the first page an index
Not only it will take the pressure off the first page, it will also help you so you don’t keep losing the awesome stuff you’re writing and forgetting it exists. Everytime you start a new scene or change projects, go to the index and write down the page or the date you started this new section. Since I number every ten pages, I find the first page with a number on it and start counting forward or back to the new page. But you can do it in any way that suits you. 
Make a random idea page 
It doesn’t have to be the second page (it usually isn’t for me), but it’s good to have one. Sometimes, in the middle of writing, you have that great idea for something you need to change on what you’ve already got, or you got a completely new insight. It’s good to have your idea page somewhere close you can just flip to, write it down and get right back to writing. And don’t go easy on that page! Write it diagonally, vertically, draw on it, anything. It’s just there to take out those ideas so you can take a look at it another time and not mess the flow you’re in right now. 
Keep your enemies close. And your pen even closer!
You know your favorite bic friend? It has a secret weapon just for you to use. That little flap of the cap? Use it to keep your pen always close. I normally put it on the spiral of my notebook. But if you have a brochure, you can put it on the cover. Sometimes it damages it a bit, but it’s a good trade for having it always ready for action. If you use moleskine, I saw that they normally have designated pen places. If they don’t, I have a tip for it just under this one! 
Take your time to find which kind of pen is your weapon of choice. Personally, I think nothing beats a black ballpoint pen. I know some people like fineliners for writing, but they make the other side of the paper all gross looking and I like to keep it clean. Plus, I write really small and fineliners often bleed in my handwriting. I took my time searching for my favorite brand and I settled on Molin ballpoint pens. 
I would recommend buying your favorite pens in bulk. Nothing is worse than pen hunting around when you have an urgent idea. I bought 50 pens for super cheap and I stack them EVERYWHERE. In all my bags, in my sketchbooks, in my bullet journal, in my writing notebook, in my drawers, anywhere I think it will be easy to find one when I need it ( also giving some to my friends who keep stealing my pens).
Crafting the perfect notebook
You don’t have to be a crafter to modify your notebook to better suit you! Find a ribbon anywhere in the house. Cut it to be a little longer than the book. Tape that bad boy to the inside of the back cover and everytime you stop writing, put that ribbon on the page you stopped. This helps you not to get lost in your previous writing and get right back to business when you resume.
Also, if you really like that moleskine vibe but don’t have the cash, just get a regular clothing elastic, make cut it just the size of the notebook and glue both ends to the inner part of the back cover. There you go! Now you can close it (and keep it closed).  
If you like post-its, you can take half of the block (or however many sheets you cant put in there and still close the notebook comfortably) and glue it to the inside part of the cover of your notebook so it will always be conveniently available for you.
If your notebook doesn’t have a place to put your pen on and you really don’t want to mess up the cover, you  take a small elastic (smaller than the pen) and tape (or preferably glue it) it to the back part of the notebook with both ends inside. There! Ready for the trip! Speaking of which...
Always carry your notebook with you
You never know when inspiration is going to strike. In class. At the bank. In a mall. Whenever you have a little time, you can write something. Or just take a look at what you’ve done and feel good about it. 
Not in the mood for writing? Edit. Reread what you’ve done and start finding what you want to change once you type it in.  When doing this, don’t be scared to cross out entire sentences and rewriting them on top. If it starts getting too messy, go to a blank page and rewrite the scene and you think it should have been done the first time. It seems counter-intuitive in a copy+paste kind of age, but I assure you it is worth it.
Typing your work
This is one of the biggest reasons I love writing in pen and paper. When you type, your first round of editing is done! 
Don’t zone out when typing. As I said, typing is your first round of editing. It is important to keep aware of all of the things you might have done wrong when writing. Some people say writing it on paper and then typing it is a waste of time. I say it saves time and lives. 
Keep it loose!
Just because you are writing in an actual physical book, it doesn’t mean you are writing a actual physical book. This is still your notebook and these are still your notes. So don’t be afraid to get messy. Write things out of order (seriously, it’s okay to not go chronological. i know it’s hard). Outline. Sketch. Tip-ex the whole thing. Get post-its on it. Take notes. Make genealogical trees. Draw maps. 
If you’re feeling down or uninspired, try very basic writing exercises: write what you see, what you feel, something to try and make you laugh or something to make someone cry. It’s your place to express yourself. And once you got those creative juices flowing, happy writing :)
I hope you enjoyed my tips and please, feel free to reblog this with your own tips and tricks. I’d love to hear them! And follow me for some more writing content! 
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i am out there!! i'm glad you liked it! i'm definitely trying out the recipe you left in the tags. it sounds way better than just banana and peanut butter. i always have to pay a lot of attention when i type banana because i've ended up with "bananana" way too many times
i was planning to run straight to your askbox the second i saw you replied but then the end of the semester happened and it killed me. hopefully i'm done with it now
i do exactly the same thing with height! if you tell me your height in feet i have absolutely no idea how tall that is. if you say that in centimetres that's easy. i mean you're 155cm so that's 12cm shorter than me. when you told me that in feet i was like okay cool i have no idea how much shorter than actually is
i love birds!!! so that seems awesome! i am now titling you the queen of birds. and i'm glad your vacation was good! i think i saw a couple of posts you made about it so it definitely does seem like a lot of fun! and did you ever figure out completely what that see through animal (?) in the sand was? i had no idea stuff like that even existed so now i'm invested in knowing what it is
i am 100% hiring you for my coming out party i'm throwing in a couple of years. it's gonna be fun. if we don't get immediately kicked out i promise good food and some spicy drama between my homophobic relatives and my accepting relatives! and my brother's, who i already came out to, dry commentary
i was definitely not the one you told about burma trails! but from the tags i'm just gonna say how is that allowed and why does it seem like a weird type of torture? i hate it, i probably would've had a heart attack 3 seconds in
oh yeah i actually can't tell most of the time if the memories from my childhood are actual memories or if it's just a combination of having seen photos and heard stories about it
my glasses prescription is fine i think. my eye doctor said that i get headaches from glasses because... well i tried to explain this and then deleted it all because it was a very scientific explanation when she said it and i zoned out pretty much halfway through and even the part that i did understand i can't translate to english! but it has something to do with the fact that with contacts it's enough to move my eyes in the direction i want to look at and with glasses i have to move my whole head and my brain got so used to contacts that it overdoes it with the eye movements when wearing glasses? i dunno. this is the best i can do in explaining it
i must admit i'm very jealous of the never snows part because while snow is pretty to look at it's absolutely freezing! for the past week i slept under a duvet, three blankets while wearing pants and a long sleeve shirt and i still woke up cold. because for a couple of nights it was around -22°C. it's great
ohhh you got pretty lucky as a kid then! my kid self would have absolutely lost it at getting the equivalent of 5/10 bucks. i probably would have bought so much candy
excellent!!! hope you’re enjoying the vague void from whence you came! i’ve never said whence before in my LIFE i wonder if i used it correctly. anyway. the actual recipe was way more specific but once i saw ‘2 frozen bananas’ and looked at all the sliced bananas in my fridge, having no idea how many there were, i just started improvising sdfkhsdfs. I’d be interested to try it with yoghurt though if I can get some dairy free plain stuff, I’m sure I can somewhere. Banana used to be my biggest problem when I was younger. Then I learnt words like occasion and necessary and embarrassed and I realised the more english I tried to learn, the worse my life was gonna get. And I was right. On the bright side, developing an inability to ever spell occasion correctly made banana seem a lot easier to handle.
that is fair. end of semesters are rough. i cannot function during them at all. i hope everything chills out for you!! i’m not sure how the school year is over there but maybe it’s break time? that’d be nice. but rest in peace anyway, enjoy being dead! they say necromancy is frowned upon in all societies but I reckon it’s just called making a friend when you’re dead so maybe you wanna take that up as a hobby! I’ve heard it’s nice this time of year!
yup! sometimes I’m like oh you’re 5 foot 4? that sounds way taller than me. but it...it really isn’t...it’s like an extra 8cm or something. which adds up! but in my head I was picturing a MUCH taller height. In my head I think I picture 6 foot and 5 foot 4 as the same height, now that I think about it.
!!!!! my first order as queen of birds is to meet a morepork face to face so we can chat about the price of pork these days. yes!! the first half was nice but the second half was really fun. my best guess is still that it’s a salp? Maybe? So many salp pictures are massive groups of them but like,, from what i can tell of singular photos,,, it was maybe that? I guess the only other possibility is it’s just some clear jellyfish but salp does seem more likely. At first I was like oh duuude boob implant for the ocean!! but then I realised it actually seemed kinda alive and was probably an actual creature. my bad.
excellent. i’ll break any tension by dropping the vampire act for the mouse act. will do backflips for cheese. will bite ankles for homophobic comments. Will pull a knife out of god knows where, not to threaten anyone, just to clean my nails with to make everyone nervous. I offer many services. I’m flexible. And I love me some good food.
I actually DON’T know the reason behind burma trails. I really don’t. The reason ‘it’s a fun activity!’ seems a little fake. if it’s a fun activity then why did Mrs. G. tell us a horror story about the forest before we went out to navigate said forest at night, blindfolded, surrounded by wildlife and parents supervising (*cough* waiting for the opportunity to jump out at you *cough*) with a teacher at the end waiting to scare us. So we can learn how to navigate the forest in the dark? So we learn how to follow a mysterious rope INTO the forest at night? seems dodgy to me. school camps be like [drives you out to forest] follow this rope and don’t take your blindfold off. like. bruh. i almost DID have a heart attack one time, I got stuck like something was holding my leg. First thought-ah, must’ve got my leg stuck in a big stick. Second thought-maybe this is one of the parents fucking around, it feels more like a grip than a twig. Third thought-I cannot get my leg free no matter what I do what the fuck is HAPPENING so I started crying out for help. When they FINALLY came they found nothing my leg was caught on so that was fun. love that for me. I was able to move as soon as they arrived. That’s not weird at all. anyway.
I think most of my early memories are just from stories I’ve been told and photos I’ve seen. My memory tends to be horrible I highly doubt I remember that one time I was eating dirt from the garden out in the yard gleefully. I just saw the photo evidence. mm spaghetti. bone apple teeth. my character hasn’t changed at all since I was a wee babe.
ohhhh okay. I think I get what you mean by that. Thank you for trying to explain! That’s really interesting. I guess I do move my head a lot with glasses. Although I have massive glasses so it’s probably easier for me to just move my eyes where I want. I reckon with smaller glasses I’d have to move my head way more.
the temperature comment is so funny because during the heart of winter i tend to sleep with a sheet, a blanket, a duvet, then 2-4 blankets on top while in a long sleeve shirt and long pants and sometimes bed socks and often a hottie (i’ve never realised how that sounds out of context...a hot water bottle...is calling it a hottie normal or is a my family thing? is this a nz thing? now i’m questioning myself). in my uni accommodation last year we didn’t have proper heating during most of winter and well. there was a quilt added to everything else. every blanket i could find. how cold does it get here in winter? rarely ever past 0 degrees celsius. I would literally die in your position, clearly. I could not survive that. Props to you for making it through aha.
yesss. Before when I found five dollar notes it’d be on the street and I’d be like oh no! Mum we have to hand this into the police station! It’s a lot of money, someone will be looking for it! Understandably she was like,, lindsey they might miss it but there’s not really any way you can find them,,, I still refused to spend it. That was like my first time really getting that much money for myself. The dairy on main street sold lollies for 10 cents each and they had like, 30 different lil glass boxes so you’d go I want 3 of 26, 5 of 7, ohhh and 5 of 13 please! I dunno if they’re still 10 cents each but I thought it was the best thing ever as a kid. I think I wanted to save the money though sfdjsdkfhs put it in my piggy bank to save up for something ‘super cool’. Aka probably like a neat soft toy to sleep with sdfsdkfs.
#Anonymous#i wrote the majority of this reason like a couple hours after you sent it#then i went to bed because it was late. thinking to myself. oh i'll finish the last bit in the morning!#but of course in the morning the lil 1 didn't show up above mail and it was located in my drafts now so my dumb ass was like ah yes#absolutely nothing to respond to here!#i should know by now i never remember if i save things to drafts sfjshkdfhsdf#anyway#i REMEMBERED. a few days late. BUT i didn't just forget entirely so! there's that!#now i'll finish the last bit of the response and edit the incomprehensible tired mumbling parts#although i'm currently overheating so now it'll be incomprehensible overheated brain parts! fun!#no i cannot handle cold temperatures no i cannot handle 'hot' temperatures i can handle like a one to two degree range#and nothing else. life is. a trip.#I still don't know what to call dairy's when talking to people outside nz#corner store? they're not always on corners. convenience store? maybe. small shop? idk dude#i don't quite know the correct thing to equate them to.#but they sell lollies sometimes. that's the main point here sdkjhskdf#now to decide what I'm doing tonight#play stardew valley. watch someone else play stardew valley on youtube. stare at my ceiling thinking about stardew valley. do the dishes#earlier today i was like maybe...maybe i'll watch a movie...add some variety to my life...#i wanted to rewatch whatever movie has that song that is like agggooonnnyyyyyy#that's the only word i remember from the song. so it's that. or...well...back to my obsession
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anandasamsara · 4 years
Just ranting for a bit here, bc people wont see it and then i can take things off my chest.
Im feeling really lost. I worked all year to open my store, and then i had the biggest and most challenging commission i ever got (and i only ever got like, 3) to make just as i opened shop. The 2 or 3 days between opening the store and starting the commission, i felt terrible, bc it was like i hit an end and there was nothing after. 
And now im at the same place again. I only feel a spark of excitement over new orders at the store (only five in almost 20 days) and then its over. I feel bored out of my mind, but no idea what to do. I keep having new ideas for new products, but i can’t do that until i get at least half of my investment back, which i can see will take a long while.
I also feel disconnected of everything. I get distracted trying to enjoy my hobbies, sidetracked and ignored in conversations with more than one friend at the same time, fully ignored and discarded in other friend groups. Im tired of being stuck inside while my parents go out as if nothing was really that bad. Im angry that they get to see people and i cant see any of my friends bc my family is putting me in risk, and i will not put anyone else in risk bc of it.
I did see 2 friends the past 2 weeks. My bro came here to get his things that he bought from my store and another artist’s one that we bought together, but i saw him for less than a minute and he was off. We barely talked, i couldnt touch him bc of his health issues. Yesterday i saw my last crush and friend from uni for the same reason, but he hugged me immediatelly. I was almost panicking, but it felt soo good to finally hug someone after so long. We talked for a while trading problems and ideas and making plans to see each other again when it all ends. But that was it.
Then i got home and mom came with news that my baby cousin’s birthday party will be at his godfather’s place, the other side of the next city, and they want me to go. We dont have a car, we dont have 300 bucks for the there and back uber, and i wont risk public transportation. Fight number one has already happened, and i can only imagine how many more will come.
I’m starting to feel like everything is pointless. Even my most dedicated friends are getting fed up with it all and starting to let go and go out and such. I had to go get some things from a courrier service and mom went with me, convinced me to eat at a restaurant, then got mad at me bc i was having a panic attack bc some guys were fully and loudly ignoring all safety precautions in place. People are getting this mentality of “if i die, i die”, but no one stops to think how many more they’re taking with them. I dont want this to happen to anyone, particularly me, and i dont know what i’d do if i accidentally let it happen to someone i care about bc of me, or my family. If my bro catches it somehow, and i have an inkling that i might be responsible, i dont know what i’d be capable of, truly. 
And yet, im anxious to see them, to hug everyone, or to just be in proximity. Im terrible at staying in contact over only online means, im not really part of any group. I dont have anything to talk about. The last messages between me and my friends are mostly me trying to find something to talk about and it falling to the void of unread or ignored messages, i guess. I dont know how to keep in touch with people anymore. I probably never knew.
I think the only other time i felt so lonely was when i broke my foot in 2011. I couldnt walk for 6 full months, and eventually everyone got tired of me. It was when i started using tumblr, when i learned english, gotten into fanfic, bc there was nothing else to do and no one else to talk to. This time around i turned to art, but apparently even that has a limit, as my right arm starts hurting the more hours i keep at it.
And this all is only part of my problems, but i guess i’ll stop here.
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twokinkybeans · 5 years
Jar Of Dirt Chapter 3: Traffic Lights [Starker Fanfiction NSFW/18+]
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Kink/Sexual Warnings: Use of traffic light system as their safeword, sensation play, tickling kink, temperature play, wax/candle play, praise kink, oral sex. Other warnings: Peter doesn't like something - they talk about it.
All Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10 ... Masterpost (More to come!)
Chapter 3: Traffic Lights Tony sighs in relief when he finally steps into the elevator after a long day of boring meetings. He recognizes the importance of them - which is why he hasn’t given up on them. The loud ping of the elevator tells him he’s at his suite floor and he smiles. Ever since he gave Peter full access to his suite, the boy was found roaming around the place more often than not. Tony loved it. Peter’s laughter, the pacing around when he was talking about some ‘stupid’ uni project, the way he would turn up the volume and hum along. The boy brought his place to life. Even when he wasn’t actually there, Tony would run into his stuff all day long. Not that Peter was that messy. It’s the small things. A sock that slid under the bed in their heat of passion. Homework on his dinner table. His air pods discarded on the couch.
At this moment, the boy is splayed out on the couch, chewing at the edge of his pencil - looking down on what seems to be an essay. When he hears Tony’s footsteps approaching, he looks up and a big smile spreads on his face. “Hi, Mr. Stark! How were the meetings?” “Same old, you know what it’s like. Boring. How’s homework?” “If I were a model uni student, I would say, “same,” but it’s rather interesting. But, I was thinking about something even more exciting. I put an extra piece of paper in the jar! You up for drawing a new one?” Peter was practically beaming, and Tony huffed. “Sometimes I wonder how you even come up with all these kinks.” “Internet,” Peter states simply, grinning. “I’ll go get the thing.”
Tony makes his way over to the couch and carefully moves Peter’s homework to the coffee table before sitting down. He practically drops himself in the spot Peter just left, getting cozy in the warmth that stayed behind. Peter doesn’t take too long before he comes walking back in. “I’ve got a jar of dirt, and guess what’s inside it!” “What?” “Wait. Tony. You don’t get that reference?” Peter’s eyes go wide. “You’ve never seen Pirates of the Caribbean?” “Uhm, no?” Tony cocks an eyebrow. “Think that film came out around when I was in my prime selling war weapons, so I wouldn’t have had the time.” “Well,” Peter says quickly, choosing to ignore Tony’s comment about his past way of making money. He sits down next to Tony and pulls in his legs, hugging the jar. “I know what we’re doing after this.”
“Kid, let’s just get to the good stuff, ‘kay?” Tony nods at the jar resting in Peter’s lap and licks his lips. “It’s your turn today.” Peter straightens his back and beams. He gets to pick the next kink. He quickly turns the lid of the jar and dramatically covers his eyes with one hand while he rummages through the papers with the other. “I thiiiiink…” He drags it out, similarly to how Tony did last time. “This one!” He pulls his hand back and places the jar on the floor next to him. He presses his lips together when he notices that, once again, it’s one of his pieces of paper. “Well?” Tony says with raised eyebrows, seemingly more relaxed than just a few seconds ago. “What’s it say, kid?”
Peter carefully unfolds the paper and stares at the word he scribbled down in his barely readable handwriting. His lip quivers and he looks back up at Tony when the older man calls his name. This is one of the kinks that Peter had wanted to explore for a while now, but was never really sure if he was going to like it. This could easily overwhelm him if he let it. This was either going to be the best thing ever. Or the worst. “Hey, whatever it is, I won’t judge you, baby. You can tell me.” Tony says gently when Peter stays quiet. Peter slowly turns the paper to show it to his mentor, who sucks in a breath when he reads the letters.
Sensation Play
“You sure that’s gonna work for you?” Tony asks worriedly. “I know how sensitive you are, baby.” He scoots closer until their legs barely touch. “I- I am,” Peter mumbles. “I just want to know if I can like it.” “I take it you want to try things like temperature play?” Tony asks carefully. Peter nods. “Yeah.” Peter takes a breath. “Want you to touch me everywhere while I don’t…” “Don’t what?” “Hold back.” Tony shakes his head and moves back a little. “What do you mean, hold back?” “Mr. Stark, I can hear the maid clean the floor below ours. I’m practically feeling the wind outside of this high rise on my skin. I’m… really sensitive.” Peter frowns as he looks at his homework on the coffee table, clenching the piece of paper in his hands. “I’m constantly consciously dialing down what I feel when I’m in bed with you.” He looks back and meets Tony’s eyes. “I don’t wanna do that anymore.” The boy sucks at his teeth. “I just want to know if I like it or not.”
Tony nods, pulling Peter in for a tight hug. “We can definitely try it. As long as you promise me to use your safeword the second you need it. Okay?” Peter nods, melting into the embrace. He’s nervous. Anxiety is his default, but usually he doesn’t feel it to the same extent when he’s with Tony. But then, this time the nerves aren’t about Tony being there. He’s slightly scared of his own body. His responses to the stimuli. “Can we do it in bed? I want to be comfortable.” Peter asks quietly and Tony realizes just how brave Peter actually is for being so vocal about his needs and wants. He’s clearly still figuring it out, but he knows how to ask for the things he needs. As a Dom, this sure settles so many of Tony’s nerves. “Of course we can do that. Why don’t you hop in and I’ll get some stuff ready to tease you with?”
Not much later, Tony walks into his bedroom with the supplies they need. Or might need, that is. Peter is on the bed, his clothes already in a messy pile on the floor. As always, he’s positioned so he’s covered up slightly. Tony finds it endearing, Peter tastefully hiding his parts as if Tony’s never seen them before. The boy’s shoulders droop low, however. The sight urges Tony to immediately drop the stuff next to the bed and sit down next to Peter. “You don’t have to do this, you know that, right?” “I know,” Peter mumbles. “But I want this.” He scrunches his nose. “Just a little nervous is all.” “How about you lay down, Pete. Arms to your sides. Legs slightly spread. How’s that sound?” Tony gives Peter an encouraging nod, and the boy does as told. When he stares at the ceiling it’s like the words he’s searching for are supposed to be written up there, yet hidden very well. “Maybe you should restrain me.” Is all he says. His voice cracks a little. “No, Peter. Not a chance. Not now, anyway. I need you to be able to move freely. Away from me, if you need to. We can play with restraints later if that’s something you want. But not now.” “But-” “We both know how that… Peter tingle- what’s it called again?” “Spider sense,” Peter mumbles. “May calls it… What you just said.” He covers his face with his hands, slightly embarrassed and he laughs softly. Tony smiles, knowing Peter’s somewhat more relaxed now. “Right-, Spider sense. We both know that that stuff triggers your fight or flight response without you having control over it. I don’t want you to be restrained if your body wants to get away from me.” “But I could hurt you.” “Kid, I have an arc reactor in my chest that used to keep shrapnel from inching their way to my heart. I’ve done it all. Toss me off the bed, see if I care.” Tony’s direct words make Peter swallow what he was going to say next.
Tony sighs and crawls over to lie down next to Peter, who remains unmoved in his position. “I want this to be fun for both of us. And if you, at any point, want to stop. You will tell me, understood?” Peter only nods, causing Tony to gently take Peter’s chin in his fingers and turn his face to look him in the eye. “Understood?” “Yes, Mr. Stark.” “Good boy,” Tony says with a slight smile. He notices Peter stirs where he lays. “Now, what’s your color?” “Green,” Peter whispers. His doe eyes staring straight through Tony, who nods. Tony lets go of Peter’s face and moves back slightly, sitting upright, leaning over the uni student beneath him.
“Close your eyes, kid. And let go.” Peter obliges and takes a shaky breath. Tony hovers one hand over Peter’s chest- about 8 inches away - for a bit and looks at his face, gauging for a response. He’s quite a bit away from Peter’s body, but after about ten seconds, the corners of Peter’s lips curl up. “I can feel that ya know?” he chuckles. “Oh?” Tony smirks. “Where am I then?” “Above my left-OH!” Tony’s fingers gently graze down Peter’s left collar bone. His fingertips barely touch Peter’s skin. The goosebumps the attention creates catch Tony’s attention. Peter’s back arches, both leaning into and moving away from the touch at the same time as a response. “T-Tony, bit more pressure, please. Easier to handle. This is literally tickling.” Tony moves his head down to Peter’s neck, letting out slow, hot breaths as his hand glides down to Peter’s left nipple. “So, it tickles?” Peter can practically hear Tony’s smirk. Peter’s hips buck when Tony swirls his index finger over Peter’s nipple like he’s making a crystal wine glass sing. Peter’s breathing is already becoming erratic, and the boy nods, still keeping his eyes closed like the good boy he is. “But does it feel good?” Peter lets out a soft whine, not knowing if he wants to press himself against Tony’s hand or move away from it. “I-It does, in a way, I… It’s a lot. I… I wouldn’t mind if you keep going on like this.” Peter manages to get out breathlessly, awaiting Tony’s next move eagerly. Now that he notices his senses being okay with this, he allows himself to feel more. To really tune into it. He can feel Tony’s fingers on his skin ever so slightly. But it’s not just that. He feels the warmth of his arm, is aware exactly where the other man is positioned. He can even feel Tony’s gaze on him, searching his face for any hint of doubt.
“Tony.” He doesn’t wait now. The fingers trail down his skin very smoothly, making Peter cry out. His entire body is tingling. “That what you want, baby?” “Y-Yeah, oh, God. You’re everywhere,” he pants as a response, fisting the sheets beneath him. His own heartbeat mixes with Tony’s, drumming in his head. “I’m.” Tony softly presses his lips on Peter’s neck. “Right.” Leaving trails of feathery kisses on his way down. “Here.” Tony’s fingers graze over Peter’s tummy as he takes Peter’s right nipple, definitely deserving of attention at this point, into his mouth. “A-a-ah!” Peter’s entire body twitches under the attention. He angles his head in the pillow, lifting his chin and opening his mouth. If his eyes were open, Tony would’ve noticed them rolling back in their sockets.
“Color?” Tony asks quietly, humming into Peter’s chest. The vibrations sending his senses into overdrive. “G-green!” Peter exclaims, doing his best not to let go of the sheets so he can violently rub himself against the billionaire. “Green, green, green-” he chants. Tony suddenly hits a spot that makes Peter open his eyes wide, and he jolts with a short shriek. Tony pulls back quickly and looks worried at the young man. “Wha- are you okay?” “Oh my god, Tony that- that tickled so bad.” A sly smirk grows on Tony’s face. “Did it tickle bad? Or good?” Tony raises his hands. Peter knows where this is headed. “No- Tony- I-” “Here I go!” Tony attacks Peter’s sides in the same spot he touched him just before. The boy immediately curls up into himself as a self defense mechanism, but it’s futile. Tony’s fingers always manage to find their way to Peter’s sides and the kid can’t stop laughing. It takes a solid two minutes before Tony ceases the fight and Peter can finally stop crying from laughter, tears drying on his cheeks as he comes down from his high. Tony patiently waits for Peter to start talking again and he lets out a soft, surprised sound when Peter says: “I want to try the temperature play.”
Tony lit the candles and went back to simply touching Peter all over until the wax would be melted enough. They found out Peter is also particularly ticklish on his thighs. However, he loved letting go of the restrictions he put on himself. He knew he could feel good. He didn’t think he could feel this good. It has him wonder why he even put those restrictions up in the first place. “Alright, pretty boy,” Tony says as he lifts one of the candles from the bedside table. He holds it above Peter, who is still a little jumpy from all the attention he’s been getting. “Let’s see how you handle this.”
Tony holds the candle far above Peter’s chest. He frowns when he notices the boy’s muscles tense slightly. It makes him pause. “Do it,” Peter orders suddenly. It’s only a whisper. Tony bites his lip and slowly tips the candle, making a mental note that this is not a kink he’d want to explore again sometime. Not like this. Peter seems to want to try this for the sake of trying. Though the touching gave him pleasure, his face is an open book. And the nerves he seems to be experiencing now are not the kind of nerves Tony likes to see on his boy.
There’s a beat when the first drop of wax lets go of the candle. And before Tony can process what’s happening, Peter yelps and the room spins until Tony lands on his butt, next to the bed. He stares wide-eyed at the sheets that are now empty. The candle is still in his hands, but the flame is gone. “Pete?” Tony looks around the room, realizing that instead of looking at the floor, he’ll find what he’s looking for above his head. He’s right. Peter’s panting heavily in the top corner of the room, arms and legs spread, sticking onto the walls and ceiling. His eyes are blown wide and every muscle in his body seems tense. “I’m okay-” he mumbles. “No- kid.” When Tony gets up from his position on the floor, there’s a slight pain in his back. An appointment with the masseur is long overdue. “You’re not. This is most definitely not green. This is red. Let’s just stop doing this. Let me make you feel good.” He tosses the candle away, to the other side of the room.
Peter’s muscles relax, and not much later, he lets go, landing on the floor with a soft thud. His jaw is clenched and he looks away from Tony, his curls hiding his eyes. His fingers are fiddling with each other and he seems to have stopped breathing. Tony immediately walks towards him and takes Peter’s face in his hands, urging him to look up at the billionaire. “Peter, love.” His voice is soft. “It’s okay.” Tears well up in Peter’s eyes, and he pouts slightly. “If I can’t handle this, how am I supposed to handle the heavier stuff?” His voice cracks. Tony pushes a stray strand of hair back on Peter’s head. “Sweetness,” he coos. “Temperature play is something entirely different from the things I’ve put in that jar.” His thumbs rub slow circles on Peter’s cheekbones. “You don’t like this. That’s okay.”
“But-” “You put in that jar what you want to try. I thought we were going to put in what we like?” Peter’s shoulders droop even further. “I- I don’t know what I like.” It’s the sincerest confession Tony’s ever heard, and it makes his heart sink. “I just looked up a list of kinks online, watched some porn, and wrote down the things that seemed interesting. I don’t know what I want.” He takes a breath. “I want to be good for you, Mr. Stark. That’s all I know.” Tony pulls the boy closer and wraps his arms around him. His hands softly massage Peter’s scalp and play with his hair as he gently rocks them side to side. “Oh, Peter. You are good for me.” He presses a kiss on top of Peter’s head. “So good.” “I just-” Peter stops himself, causing Tony to pause and pull away with one raised eyebrow. “You just…?” Peter presses his lips tightly on top of each other and shakes his head. Tony angles his head down a little, his soft look turning stern. Peter’s voice is so quiet, it takes a second for Tony to process what the kid says. “I don’t want you to get bored with me.”
Tony scoffs. Hands dropping to Peter’s arms. “Bored?” His eyes widen a little at Peter’s puppy stare. “Why would I get bored of you?” “Cause I’m vanilla.” Tony laughs now. “You like to be called a ‘good boy,’ take half an hour to hit subspace through public teasing, and you still stand here in front of me, telling me, straight-faced, that you’re vanilla?” Peter looks down at his feet, not knowing what to say. Not even a second later, he feels Tony tugging at his arms, to guide him to the bed. Tony gently places him down. “Lie down for me, Peter. Let me show you all the things about you that would never bore me.” He leans down, covering his lover’s body with his own. “Kink doesn’t equal pain or discomfort. Kink is personal and comes in so many different forms. Believe me, baby. And you’re just perfect for me.”
Before Peter can protest, Tony’s hands are all over him. Rougher than before. Their mouths collide and the sudden attention makes Peter moan involuntarily. Tony breaks the kiss rather soon. “Are we green again?” He asks, just to be sure. “Y-yes.” Peter stutters, pulling Tony back in for another hungry kiss. Tony grins against Peter’s lips. “Eager boy,” he growls, causing Peter to buck his hips up from the bed, hoping to find friction against Tony who’s hovering over him. Unfortunately, the older man is too far up and Peter whines. Tony pulls back again and sits up straight, straddling Peter’s hips. He looks down at Peter, marveling at the beauty. “Tony-” Peter whimpers, trying to make the billionaire rock on top of him. “Look at you.” Tony purses his lips. His hands move to Peter’s nipples. Gently circling them and tugging at them. “A-ah!” Peter squeezes his eyes shut. “All hot and needy for me. How could I ever get bored of a sight like this?” Tony leans down to lick a long, wet stripe from Peter’s neck to his jaw and he suckles on it, not stopping his fingers as he keeps tweaking the sensitive buds. “All those little sounds you make, my good boy…” Peter twitches under the attention, unable to stop himself from moaning and whimpering. Tony switches to Peter’s other side, sucking a hickey right below his ear, eliciting another sound from Peter. “...Go straight to my dick.” Tony slowly starts grinding down, making Peter’s breathing quicken. His senses go into overdrive. But in the absolute best way. “So pretty for me, Peter. So beautiful. You’re my good...” He pauses and presses down even harder. One long, incredibly slow grind pressing into Peter. The boy’s voice goes up a few octaves and a pleasured groan falls down Tony’s lips as he continues. “ Good … Boy…” Tony pulls back to look Peter straight in the eye as he continues to press himself down onto Peter’s stiff, leaking cock. “And I will never get bored of you. My biggest kink is, and will always be seeing you unapologetically enjoying yourself.” “R-Really?” Tony stills his movements, reaching up to caress the boy’s cheek. “Really. Can you do that for me? Stop holding back and just feel?” Tony’s voice is low and comforting, taking away the last bit of fear Peter had still been holding onto. He nods. “Yes, Mr. Stark.”
Tony smiles, satisfied at the answer. Peter’s nerves seem to have calmed down - which makes him feel better in return as well. Peter wanted too much today, and he’s glad they caught onto it in time. He leans down, hovering just inches above Peter’s body. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby.” He moves down, kissing the soft and smooth skin that is Peter’s chest. The boy arches into his touch, taking a sharp breath when he grazes it with his teeth. “Mr. Stark. I… I might not be able to keep still.” “Then don’t. You wanted to let go, didn’t you?” Tony’s arms loop under Peter’s legs, holding his hips tightly. “-We can do that without any props. Give yourself up to me, let me guide you through all of this.” The older man digs his fingers into the boy’s hips, enough pressure to hold him steady without hurting him. He leans in, licking his lips right before he presses a gentle kiss at Peter’s thighs, just a mere inch away from his hard, throbbing cock. Peter whimpers, tugging at the sheets to keep himself from crying out loud. “Let go, honey.” Tony kisses him again, closer, and closer until he actually finds himself mouthing at the base. “I’ve got you. You’re safe in my hands.” “Please, please,” the boy groans, pressing his head down into the mattress. “I need you, Tony.” “Oh, fuck, baby,” Tony growls hungrily. “That’s it. There you go.”
Tony uses one hand to hold Peter’s cock up steady, his mouth bobbing up and down around the shaft. Swirling his tongue, alternating between long, slow sucking and fast, short ones. Peter’s loud. Obscene, almost. A gasping, panting, moaning mess. Tony relishes in knowing he’s making his lover feel this good. He knows Peter won’t last long. He’s given blowjobs to the boy so often now that he knew how to read the moans and his body language. So he keeps going. “Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark, o-oh!” Peter arches his upper back off the bed now, trying to keep his hips still. Tony groans around the boy’s cock and sucks harder. Encouraging him to stop holding back that last bit of defense. He grips his lover’s hips more tightly with his free hand, and Peter shudders. His hips are bucking up into Tony’s mouth. The older man doesn’t show any mercy, keeping up with the quick and unforgiving pace.
“I’m… Oh, I can’t hold back, I can’t- I can’t… F-fuck!” Peter chokes out and opens his mouth in a silent cry as his entire body tenses, white-hot spurts filling Tony’s mouth. Tony lets the boy ride out his high, circling his thumbs gently across his thighs. He slowly moves up and down once more, swallowing the cum when he reaches up and lets the now softer cock slip from his mouth. Peter’s eyes are wide open, staring at him. “Tony…” “Hmmm?” “That was… God.” Peter breaks out into a wide grin. He drops his head down and breathes out happily. Tony feels his heart swell with pride, and he crawls up, lying down next to the boy and cradling him in his arms. Peter snuggles right into his embrace, head nuzzled against his chest. Tony holds him close. This might be the best part of having sex with Peter. He doesn’t care that he’s still hard. He just wants to hold this precious being in his arms and never let go. He reaches out for the blankets and pulls them up to cover them both.
“Oh, Tony?” Peter asks when he’s getting dressed again. “I’ve meant to ask, but, well, we were otherwise occupied. Uhm. What’s subspace?” “Oh, fuck. Baby. I didn’t realize you didn’t know. Uhm. How do I put this? Remember how you felt back at the restaurant? The ‘floating in your own mind’ sensation?” Peter nods at that. “Well, that’s subspace. Or, a part of it. It’s a mindset a sub sometimes reaches. Not every single time, and sometimes you get in deeper and sometimes less. You could say it’s your body providing you with a natural high from enjoying your submission.” “Wow, that sounds pretty sick.” Peter grins. “But, it does feel exactly like that. I didn’t know there was a name for it. Is there a Domspace too?” “I don’t know if that’s what it called, but I’d say yes, there is.” “Hmmm, that’s fair.” He finished putting on his clothes and leans against the wall, waiting for Tony to finish as well so they can eat dinner together.
“Thank you,” Peter whispers, looking at the floor when Tony walks up to him. “For… Being you. For making me feel so loved. Not holding back feels amazing, and I think I wouldn’t feel safe enough to do that with anyone but you. I know you’ve got me.” “I’ve always got you, sweetheart.” “I love you.” Tony’s eyes widen. Peter has never said that so seriously before, only with jokes. Tony bites down his lip and ignores the sudden sting in his eyes. Peter makes it sound so effortless, though. So simple and plain. Because that’s what it is. The truth. They love each other. So why wouldn’t they say that out loud? Tony takes a deep, shaky breath, stroking the boy’s back. “I love you too, kid.”
--- More: Chapter 4 Masterpost
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diogomlacerda · 6 years
Post 2.4.: The insights of Subwoofers Music Fest
After a highly relaxed and celebrated summer, I was ready to go back to uni and deal with all its assignments and stresses that comes with it. On our first week back, Alan and Neil (Our lecturers) announced that we were throwing a day festival for this years event management module evaluation. I was excited about the news, but all I kept thinking is how the hell are we supposed to deliver such thing?
As I announced this event previously on the blog, it was a partnership with the Hearing Dogs Trust Foundation, and the festival would be on a 27 acre site, an accomplishment Bucks Live never achieved before. The buzzing started kicking in, and we had to quickly decide on the first couple of weeks in which team we wanted to be at. There were four of them: Production, talent, Logistics and Marketing.
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For Winterland (Bucks Live event on the first year) I was on the logistics team, a choice that was rather innocent as I didn’t know what I was going for, and to be fair, none of us really knew. (We were in 1st year, for fucks sake!) But so I just ended up doing signage, lots of painting, and on the day I was responsible for the Ice skating rink. So for this year, I wanted to change a little bit and do something different. I would say an obvious choice for me would be Marketing, as Logistics was out of the way and Production is something I am not quite interested in doing, but I went for Talent, because I wanted to do the whole liaison with artists part but also help to choose the musical identity of our event.
The first couple of weeks being apart of Talent were a bit “clueless” I would say. We were told to keep it local on the artists and no budget was given, so we were all (My team had probably around 10 members) just searching for acts and seeing what acts we could get for the cheapest. We had a team leader that wasn’t so good at communicating (Which is fine, we were all in this experience together to learn the most out of it) so we were all just stumbling around the first couple of months trying to figure it out what acts we wanted and what would our target audience (Mostly families) like to hear on the day.
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As the hearing dogs is a charity that trains dogs to help deaf people, I was able to be responsible to arrange the presence of BSL interpreters for the day. BSL interpreters are interpreters of music that perform alongside the bands on festivals and concerts. This is something I have never seen before, and never even heard of in Portugal (My homeland). I was in charge of finding the interpreters, book them and take care of them on the day. But booking them was something that showed more complicated than it should have been. It took months until I got a confirmed answer from the Hearing Dog’s that they wanted to go ahead with this and that I could finally do my job properly. Again, communication issues such as not answering emails only makes the job harder for everyone.
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It was at a conference in London that I was working at, that I came across the company Performance Interpretive. They were there in a stand to showcase the work they do with BSL interpreters on festivals and so on, and I reach out to them to see if they were able to do our festival and they told me that they were more than willing to do it and that they even have worked with the Hearing dogs before. This turned out to be better than finding someone online because it’s always more reliable when you meet someone in person. After I had the confirmation that I could start booking them, I had the complicated task of gathering from our acts their setlists, lyrics, and music. This information had to be passed down to the interpreters so they could have time to rehearse and be prepared for the day. Again, if I had confirmation months prior to the event, we would have been able to put that this information (Lyrics, songs) would have to be given on the first letter of engagement sent to the artists. As we didn’t do this, it got very messy trying to contact each act individually and ask them for this, because mainly the acts were very poor on communication. So the week before the event, I was being sent loads of lyrics, trying to find them and organise them in order to sent them over to the interpreters (Shout out to Marie from Performance Interpreting for being so patient!) Additionally, most of the acts we got were still up and coming, so they didn’t have any lyrics or videos of them online, which only made the job more difficult and stressful. Some acts didn’t even send out their lyrics, but I made sure that if the interpreters couldn’t deliver an interpretation for each song, it wouldn’t be my fault.
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The months kept on flying and I helped in numerous things, such as contacting the Green Watch Team from the Fire Brigade of Wycombe to be present on our event. They have a really strong connection with the community and they come and showcase their trucks and equipment’s to entertain the little kids. I didn’t do much painting work this time at the workshop, but I did my part by helping move all the stuff to the workshop area where we could paint and arrange the signage. As you can see by this picture of Martyna, we had quite a fun time doing this!
I also helped to do a catering list for the day. We had way less food than expected but I wasn’t told that it wasn’t for artists only, but for production as well. We could have way more bottles of water or at least try and have refill spots so that the same people wouldn’t have to keep taking more and more bottles.
Additionally, as the time got closer to the event, I was put on a team with my friends to flyer and communicate our event to the public, it was a good opportunity to reassure myself that commuters are very busy people and not even when they arrive in their hometown they’re relaxed and chilled. They still run to their cars and ignore the poor little people that just want to invite them for a fun day out. But then again, there were people that stopped and asked what it was that we were doing and when and some even said that they were already going.
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On the day of the event I got there in the morning, I helped move some stuff around like fencing but I had to organise myself because my role was Second Stage Manager Assistant. I had to basically make sure the performers were ready to perform at least 5 minutes before their stage times. So I had to take them with me from the hospitality area to the second stage. I had Michael with me, Manager of the second stage, which was a great company to work with.
As I said previously, I was also responsible to liaison with the interpreters on the day. Obviously, they knew better than me what they were intended to do but however I had to tell them where they were going to stand and work with production to accommodate them the best way possible on the stage. I had to keep checking on them and give them water, but it was amazing to see the work they do and how much fun they were having by doing it. The feedback that I got from Marie was that they really liked working there and that the event was a success. However, the general consensus is that they worked really hard, and the two interpreters for the main stage had to support each other all day and didn’t have sufficient breaks and lunchtime. We hired two of them based on Marie’s suggestions when we presented her the list of acts we wanted them to interpret, but for next year we already know just two of them to cover 6 acts isn’t enough. I was very very happy with their service because the three interpreters that came (2 for the main stage and 1 for general interpretations needed and to help with the storytellers) were very very nice and I got to learn more about interpretation such as that there isn’t a global sign language available! I thought sign language is equal for everyone but it differs from country to country.
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The day was a huge success, I was very proud and still couldn’t believe with the huge turnout we had – more than 3000 people! The weather was amazing and that’s why I think we had so many people coming. The acts were great for the day and delivered what we intended: good entertainment. What I would do differently it all goes back to communication. If I had a radio myself and Emma (that was in the hospitality for the day) another one, we could have arranged things better throughout the day such as, for example, telling me directly that an interpreter was needed in the box office (for example) and we had an act that cancelled, so we had to re-arrange the time slots for the acts on the main stage, if I had a radio I could have communicated more efficiently to the signers and answer them to questions directly instead of having to run around the whole site looking for someone with the answer. Another situation that we had was that it was agreed that one artist would be paid on the day of the event, has it made sure it. Has this artist made its way into the event and to the stage herself, no one knew where she was so after she performed, I had to take her to the hospitality area to sign her in and make sure she was paid. I had to contact Alan through someone’s radio only after a while looking for someone that would have a radio. It would have been more effective again if I had a straight line of communication. And regarding this situation where nobody knew where this artist was, I had to look for the person that was liaising her to see if they had their contact to get hold of her. It would have been easier to have on the spreadsheet that we had with all the time slots of the acts for the day to have their contacts as well, and method of payment. I think it would have been easier if we had a meeting to go through everything that was happening on the day and make sure everybody knew what they were doing.
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I think what I take most of this event and the whole process is how communication is key for the good run of any job. We were able to deliver everything we were meant to deliver, but if I and some more members had more radios it would have been much easier.
With this invaluable experience of working at my own festival, I am now able to do a better job at my new internship! Working at Música do coração  (Biggest festival promoter in Portugal) on the booking department this summer will help me explore my skills even more!
Without further announcements,
Yours always,
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#vanlife - not just a hastag
Hi there,
I am EarthQuackSugarSkull and I am a Filmmaker born and bred in London, currently residing in the north of England and loving it. just luvvinit. I moved to South Africa when I was 18 with my mum, to explore the world, travel, grow and ended up studying my BA in filmmaking in Durban. After I completed my course I moved to The North and now... here I am.
So here is my life at the moment: I am a part-time Postgraduate Filmmaking student, meaning I have school and lectures one day a week, though the majority of my course is ‘self-motivated’...ugh... which translates to: Do it yourself. Good luck. SO I am currently working on 2 films, one which is on pause to make way for the other one, which I am making progress with and hope to screen it at an exhibition at the end of June 2018. I try to leave 2-3 days a week (including school) to dedicate completely to working on the film. I also work 4-5 shifts a week at a pub, most of which are night shifts.... which makes waking up early... challenging, especially after working several nights in a row... after the 4th night I do nothing but sleep the next day...I work to make money for the film - the props, paying actors and crew, any location payments, travel expenses and festival entries. While I have managed to scrounge a little extra here and there, the film’s main budget comes from my work at the pub. I enjoy the job, don't get me wrong, but it isn't what I want to be doing. the late nights, constantly being ill from picking up snotty tissues, smelling like an alcoholic, walking home alone at night... there are many things I dislike about the job which... at this point in my life and after 6 years in the industry, I am ready to move away from. 
I consider my other skills: videography, photography, sound mixing, editing and other filmy stuff and apply for those jobs in my area. I find a couple but most of them are for a month or two at the most, and are paid in exposure bucks which are all very cute but don't pay the bills... furthermore the majority of work that I can get at my level are in London, for sporadic amounts of time at sporadic times and are also paid in exposure bucks or not enough to cover travel expenses and staying somewhere etc... so I consider: what about a regular job, an office job? tried it. hated it. furthermore, because of the film all of my spare money is going into the film and I certainly canNOT afford to survive the dreaded first month of a new job whatever it may be... so I find myself in a predicament.
I am writing this rather long-winded post because I just wanted to get this out. I have always been in love the classic VW surfer duuuuuude camper van, in particular the red ones.... luvvem. just... luvvem. And now all these damn beautiful millennial vegan yuppies are all up in them...GADDAMN IT MAKES ME MAD. but you know, I'm completely one of them - except the vegan part... but I LIKED THEM BEFORE THEY WERE COOL OK???!
Anyway - I've always thought it would be cool to put a mattress in the back and go on little road trips in it. Not until a couple of years ago, once admittedly I had come across the #vanlife movement, did I consider moving into one full-time. And now... I. am. obsessed.
Here is why #vanlife ISN’T bullshit. for me.
Please note: if there is anything I have learned from hundreds, I say HUNDREDS of hours I have spent researching vans, interiors, batteries, types of insulation, watching videos, vlogs, reading articles, blogs and so on... it is this: van life and the reasons for or against it are entirely INDIVIDUAL to the person undertaking this lifestyle. It is also important to note that van life isn't just a hashtag, it is an entire lifestyle. and it is not simply moving your apartment into a van, it is an entire change of life style. We are talking about going from stationary to nomadic homie... omg I can't wait!
I know what you’re thinking: damn millennial yuppy, living in a van is weird! well... stop right there, JUDGE JUDY! I hate yoga, I love meat, I eat pizza on the REG, I spend waaaaaay too much time on the couch, I’m slightly overweight but I make it WERK because SELF LOVE henny. I am pretty normal. though undiagnosed, I definitely suffer from depression, anxiety (you know, the usjj...), low-self esteem and all that LOVELY STUFF. But you know what? I’ve decided I don't give a shit. I’m doing it! I am buying a crappy van, empty. I am going to throw a mattress, a bucket, a storage container and a cooler in the back and FUCK THE FUCK OFF. And I can't bloody wait. But first... let me overthink this through....
I am doing this because it will help me career-wise because I’ll be able to travel TO where the work is and it will be fine if the work is sporadic because I'll be LIVING IN A VAN - a house on wheels WITH storage space?!?! perfect for being on a film set! I don't need to factor in commuting time especially when shooting runs late or starts early, I can just sleep in the parking area... easy! 
I can visit my friends and family more (they live eVERYWHERE - this makes it very expensive and time-consuming to visit them because it takes hours in the coach or train, and I can only travel at certain times because they don't run 24/7 and you can travel WHENEVER in a van. I'll also save money on food and coach/train tickets as well as trains and cabs in and around their areas. 
I have done plenty of TRAVELLING in my life and I think those experiences and lessons cannot be forgotten or lost, which is why I think this is a brilliant idea. I want to explore my weird little Island, I want to explore Europe (before BREXIT FFS), I want to drive from the North of England aaaaalllll the way down to Cape Town, South Africa because many of my uni friends live there and I NEED TO SEE THEM.
I can save so much MONEY man... seriously - in the long term, and I say after a matter of a few months, I could make back the money I have spent out for the van, and from there we are talking petrol, insurance, food and then expendable income. I can put that money towards equipment, films, festival entries, travel to festivals and other industry events or just savings.
The FREEDOM! I love being able to move about freely! I love having all of my possessions to hand - it makes me feel empowered, independent, strong and those cannot be bought or achieved with a big house, for me anyway..
comfort? no... insulation, blankets and cushions... ok
Safety? - fair point, sir... I imagine an alarm, a dog and a large knife can take care of that...
there don't seem to be many more...
I’m going to come clean now... at the END of the post ok I KNOW... bear with me ok
I do not have a driving licence.
I know... I KNOW OK?! calmit... I moved to SA when I was 18 and over there it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to apply for a driving test as a foreigner. In the year and a half I was trying to book one, I went back and forth from the driving authority MANY MANY times... each time there was a new document I needed which I didn't need last time...and then when I moved back to England I found out you have to live in England for a certain amount of time before you can book a test, plus I needed a new provisional licence. I have also had many many poor months in the past year, leaving little extra money for lessons and the test itself. I booked my driving test this morning as well as a lesson with an ALRIGHT instructor, but if we’re honest... which we always are - I've been driving for years. I am a safe driver but just need a little practice. so - assuming I pass pay test in June... I should be on the road by July 2018. I should get a larger pay check in June and hopefully the film’s expenses will be mostly complete so I'll have a bit extra to play with... hopefully. if not then I will spend another month or so working and then move in ASAP before winter comes!!!
so... that’s the plan... this PROBABLY won't work BUT I have to hope above hope that it will because honestly. I can't do this any more. I can't do being tied to one location any more. it isolates me from those I love, and me being the lazy poor motherfucker I never have spare income to buy tickets and book trains to go visit my friends and family. I feel constrained. I feel flattened... I feel the weight of all of it on my back and it kills me. I need to do this. this isn't some #vanlife bullshit. fuck all that. fuck all the fluff around it. Life on Wheels is the perfect way to minimise, mobilise and empower oneself. in the world we live in today? it seems like the only option for me, unless I fall into the machine taking a 9-5 and a lease/mortgage. I can't do that. I will literally be HORRIBLE to be around. I will feel FIlTHY and oppressed and that will send me down a mental journey that I have experienced before and simply won't survive again... but that is a post for another day.
Aaaaaaanyway, if you've made it down here - thank you. thank you for listening,  thank you for the shit that you have given me today. Here, have one in return. <<SHIT>>
One love,
EarthQuackSugarSkull x
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tweenw · 7 years
The Godfather-(Derek Hale)
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Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Scott McCall, Derek Hale and (Y/N)
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader
Word Count: 1950
Warnings: swearing
Summary: (Y/N) and Derek meet again after 6 years of being apart
Masters of None, watched. RuPauls Drag Race, watched. Orange is the New Black, watched. As I scroll through the suggested Tv Shows on Netflix, I realise that I’ve probably watched them all already. That is the sad reality of my life since I’ve come back to Beacon Hills, only to find out everything has gone awol and I cannot help. My cousin Scott and Stiles are still busy running around trying to save the town from mythical creatures, Lydia is always locked in her house due to her paranoia since Eichen, and Derek hasn’t bothered to get in touch. I guess I could get over my three friends not really having time for me, but not Derek. No, because unlike the other three, Derek has been my one love for the past six years. And during those six years, we haven’t spoken once. But we were both busy. Him with staying alive and me with University. But now that I’m back, I’m not going to let him get away with getting off the grid. No. Now that I’m older, I’m not going to let him get away for a second time. 
“You’re nuts. You’ve officially gone insane. I knew this would happen one day, I just didn’t think it would be so soon.” Stiles throws his hands up in the air and begins to shake his head, but not before looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. 
Stiles and Scott have been best friends since anybody can remember. Which ultimately lead to me and Stiles also becoming best friends, which means that we share every possible secret with each other. Like that one time he told me he spied in on the girls changing rooms just to see Lydia, but ended up seeing Scott’s girlfriend Allison instead. So it shouldn’t be surprising that I tell him secrets too. Like the one about my massive crush on the local sourwolf, Derek Hale. 
“Oh calm down, someone might hear you.” I hiss at Stiles as I grab him by his arms and sit him back down at our lunch table before he has the chance to attract unnecessary attention. That would be the last thing I’d need right now.
“I’m sorry but you just told me you’re in love with Derek fucking Hale. Do you expect me to be all ‘aww that is so adorable’? Nope. This is major. How well do you even know the guy? Hell, does anybody even know the guy?” Stiles deadpans me, but his eyes are playful. 
I groan a little. Maybe telling Stiles wasn’t the best of ideas. But I just need some help on how to repress my crush and get on without Derek in my life, and who else to ask than the boy constantly getting rejected by his crush?
Stiles sighs and looks at me with a little pity. At least his crush is his age, and not like six years older than him, and is into people her own age. God I wish I were older. But what’s a few years anyways? It’s not that big of a deal.
“How does a 5 year plan sound?” Stiles grins before whipping out some pen and paper from his backpack. 
I groan a little at how good the freshly prepared cappuccino tastes. The coffee shop is relatively empty, with just two other people minding their own business and one careless barista who’s probably counting  down the minutes until he can close up. Which means I can sit in peace and quiet and enjoy my book.
I take out my worn copy of The Godfather and dig into it, reality around me seizing to exist for a few hours.
“A car came screeching up the block and to a halt in front of the candy store. It stopped so abruptly that the tires screamed and before it stopped, almost, a man came hurtling out of the drivers seat, moving so fast that everybody was paralysed. That man was Sonny Corleone.”
I smirk a little, already knowing what’s going to come next. This is, after all, my favourite part. 
“Six years later and you’re still reading that book.” A familiar voice, laced with surprise and happiness interrupts me. Startled, I glance up from my book and straight into the deep blue eyes of a man I never thought I’d get to see again. 
It takes my brain a few seconds to process what’s happening, and when it finally catches up with reality a huge smile breaks out across my face. 
I let go of the book and jump from my seat to pull the sourwolf into a bear hug. 
His arms wrap around my waist and hold me like his life depends on it, which sends my heart off into a frenzy. The last time me and him were like this we were saying goodbye. 
“Promise you’ll visit me?” I ask as I reluctantly let go of Derek. The beautiful man isn’t his usual careless and devoid of emotion self. No, he looks like he’s almost sad. 
“I don’t know if I can promise that, but we’ll keep in touch. Now go and join some sorority and enjoy yourself.” He smiles at me, that very rare full-teeth smile that I've grown to love. 
I pull him in for our last hug. I have to bite my lip to stop myself from crying. I really will miss him. 
I’m speechless as I look over the man now sitting down in the chair opposite me. He’s definitely changed since the last time I seen him. His clean-shaved face is now covered with a thick beard, his hair is grown out and not as styled as it used to be, he isn’t sporting a black shirt and leather jacket anymore. He’s dressed casually yet sporty given his nature. But his eyes have changed the most. They’re aged, like fine whiskey, tainted with the horrors he’s lived through, but yet they still hold that undeniable softness. He’s perfect. I love him.
“Take a seat, we haven’t spoken in a long time. How was uni?” He asks, his voice sending a shiver up my spine. It takes everything in me to not jump all over him right then and there. But I sit back down, take a few steadying breaths and let the smile appear. 
“It was alright, I can officially work as a psychologist. How has Beacon Hills been? I can’t deny missing this place and it’s people like crazy.” I sip my coffee and bask in the presence of my childhood crush, my one love. My soulmate. 
“Same old, I bet Scott and Stiles kept you updated. Though you’ve changed a lot, you’re still reading the same books I see.” Derek grins and takes a drink of his coffee, five bucks that it’s cappuccino. His favourite. 
“What can I say, I really haven’t changed much. Can you still quote the book like the back of your hand?” I grin at him. I’ve imagined this moment countless times, over and over, different scenarios and all. But this one never crossed my mind.
Derek clears his throat a little, purposefully dramatic. “She emptied her mind of all thoughts of herself, of her children, of all anger, of all rebellion, of all questions. Then with a profound and deeply willed desire to believe, to be heard, as she had done every day since the murder or Carlo Rizzi, she said the necessary prayers for the soul of Michael Corleone.”
A feeling of deep admiration and affection washes over me, so strong it almost leaves me breathless. I forgot how much in love with this man I once was. Hoe much I still love him with every piece of me.
“Is Sonny still your favourite?”  Derek asks, a slight teasing tone in his voice. 
I snort a little and retaliate. “Are you still a mythical creature?”
He mumbles a touche before looking back at me. “It’s seriously great to see you (Y/N). I’ve missed you.” 
A thought crosses my mind. This is a total 180 turn from the Derek I last seen. He would do anything in his power so the two of us wouldn’t be alone. He would be guarded and never speak to me for a prolonged amount of time. Now that I look back at it, maybe he was aware of my feelings towards him. And maybe he didn’t reciprocate them due to the illegal age gap.
“I’ve missed you too Der. More than I can even explain.” I reach across the table and grab a hold of his hand. He intertwines our fingers and a cage of butterflies erupts in my stomach. My heart quickens, and I kick myself for being so careless around a werewolf. 
Derek chuckles a little and brushes his thumb over my knuckles, as if trying to evoke another similar reaction from me, which he manages quite successfully. 
“I see not much has changed after all. Still got your 5 year plan?” He smirks, not really teasing just bringing up old memories. 
I feel a blush creep up my neck as I realise that he’s known all these years. And all theses years, nothing from my 5 year plan has happened. No cinema trip, no pumpkin carving for Halloween, no kiss under the mistletoe for Christmas. Then again, he always thought I was too young. I didn’t.
“First of all, it was Stiles’s idea. And secondly, it was pointless by the looks of it.” I laugh a little, but something inside of me shuts off. The man in front of me had been my love since I first laid eyes on him picking up Erica Reyes from school. He’s been the one picking me up from the ground when Allison died, when I felt like disappearing because I thought nobody cared, when Scott almost died. And it hurts that I haven’t spent the last six years with him. It hurts that I couldn’t fall asleep with my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. It hurts that I haven’t felt his lips on mine, not heard him moan my name. It hurts.
Derek tightens his grip on my hand. “It wasn’t all for nothing. We’re both here now, older and probably not much more mature, but it has to count for something. You and me here, together.” He absentmindedly traces circles on my knuckles as he speaks his mind, finally admitting what I’ve wanted to hear for as long as I can remember.
“I really have missed you Derek. But what’s to come next?” I question the god-send in front of me. 
Indeed, what could life be like if Derek and I would end up together? His life is hectic, with death looming at every bend and corner, whilst mines is bland and boring. Would we be good together? Would we get along? Who’d be the bottom? Would he let me adopt a dog? But who am I kidding. Derek and I would be perfectly imperfect.
“Dinner at mines tomorrow night? I’ll cook some pasta, your favourite.” Derek smiles fondly, as if he were finally content with his life. I can’t deny that I am. I am truly happy and not miserable. 
I bite my lip in contemplation, faking having to think about it.
“Well, I guess I could free my incredibly busy schedule for you.” I grin.
The smile that lights up Derek’s face sets off another cage or rampant butterflies, yet this time I don’t bother scolding myself. He knows how I feel, I know how he feels. And though my 5 year plan hasn’t really gone as I planned it to, I still got my desired happy ending. Derek and I in a cafe, in our own little loved-up bubble, discussing our separate past and shared future.
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vividracing · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-5-best-lift-kits-for-toyota-4runner/
Top 5 Best Lift Kits for Toyota 4Runner
To this day, the Toyota 4Runner maintains its status as a tough, highly capable SUV with some serious off-road prowess. The 4Runner is a more refined alternative to vehicles like the Jeep Wrangler, especially in the TRD Off-Road and TRD Pro trims. The Toyota 4Runner may be recognized as an SUV, but it has the same towing power as a truck. Ultimately, it’s the best of both worlds with comfortable seating for up to seven and a 5,000-pound tow rating. Also, while most SUVs today feature unibody designs, the 4Runner has retained its body-on-frame chassis.
As a Toyota 4Runner owner, you may be interested in testing its robust off-road design with at least a trail adventure here and there. One of the main elements of off-roading is the ability to tackle all sorts of terrain and weather. The trails and backroads are anything but the smooth and maintained side streets and highways you experience on your everyday commute. Your Toyota 4Runner will need to stay above water or mud to avoid drawing liquids into the air-intake.
Depending on your needs, there are numerous suspension systems out there for you to choose from. Some are designed to improve your ride with added clearance, while others deliver a more fine-tuned suspension giving you more control over the miles of dirt roads ahead. To alleviate some of the stress, we have compiled the list below of the top 5 best lift kits for your Toyota 3Runner. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about any of the products below, please contact us at 1-480-966-3040.
#1 Icon Vehicle Dynamics Lift Kit
ICON Vehicle Dynamics is one of the top performance suspension manufacturers in the industry, specializing in aftermarket off-road components for SUVs and trucks. For the Toyota 4Runner, ICON Vehicle Dynamics offers a plethora of lift kits ranging from the basic Stage 1 Kit all the way to the complete Stage 8 Kit. If you are looking for a relatively basic and affordable system that offers up to 3 inches of lift, then the ICON Stage 1 Kit may be a good fit for you. The entry-level kit works well in most on- and off-road scenarios by significantly improving the 4Runner’s factory body roll and overall driving ability. 
If you want the absolute best performance you can get from your 4Runner, the Stage 8 Kit spares no expense and comes with everything you need for a full-fledged, upgraded suspension. The Stage 8 system includes everything the previous stages do but goes a step further in delivering ICON performance with the addition of rear suspension components for maximum off-road performance. 
Learn more and order here.
#2 Fabtech Lift Kit
Fabtech offers 3-inch and 6-inch lift kits for the Toyota 4Runner. Each system is expertly designed to improve your SUV’s off-road performance so that you can hit the trails with confidence. The 3-inch lift kits include Fabtech’s stout uni-ball upper control arms and Dirt Logic shocks. This combination delivers a mild lift with increased wheel travel and improved suspension performance. The 3-inch lift system is a top choice among daily drivers that enjoy Overlanding on the weekends.
If you are looking for more clearance, Fabtech’s 6-inch systems can accommodate 35-inch tires. These lift kits are perfect for the more serious off-roaders. At the center of this system is Fabtech’s prominent 1/4-inch thick steel cross-members, which provide your Toyota with the clearance and strength it needs to succeed out on the trails. What’s more, the integrated front differential skid plate adds protection to the 4Runner’s drivetrain during off-road use.
Learn more and order here.
#3 Old Man Emu Lift Kit
Old Man Emu started out building suspension components for some of the toughest terrain in the world: the Australian Outback. After years of R&D, testing, and improvement, Old Manu Emu has manufactured an extensive line of off-road suspension parts that will help your vehicle not only survive rough terrain, but also thrive in them. With Old Man Emu, you can rest assured that you are getting a high-quality and highly capable suspension system for your 4Runner.  
Old Man Emu lift kits are engineered for unparalleled performance with a rugged design and signature bold black-and-yellow appearance. The 3-inch lift kit from OME includes complete front and rear upgrades of your Toyota 4Runner’s shocks and struts. The kit provides increased ride height for improved ground clearance and remarkable damping performance for any off-road obstacles. With this kit, you will notice a significant difference in ride quality, handling, and overall comfort both on and off the road. OME systems are designed to handle any situation and give you the ability to adapt to and gain control when tackling the unknown.
Learn more and order here. 
#4 Skyjacker Lift Kit
If you want something fairly affordable but still more advanced than a basic budget kit, take a look at Skyjacker suspension systems. Skyjacker offers lift kits with relatively mild ride height (i.e. 2.5 inches and 3 inches), which prove to be great options. With these, you will experience a difference in suspension articulation and handsome ride height without the poor handling attributes caused by those larger lift kits. In fact, Skyjacker lift kits are well-known for preserving ride smoothness, providing reliable suspension, and ensuring longevity.
Skyjacker lift kits deliver increased ground clearance and a more aggressive stance, giving your truck the ability to conquer on- and off-road obstacles while looking its best. The kits are fully customized to your specific year, make, and model of SUV or truck. Each kit includes all of the top-quality parts needed for a complete suspension lift (parts vary by vehicle). What’s more, Skyjacker’s exclusive “No Destruction Required” design for most vehicles means that no modifications are needed that may prevent you from returning to stock height at a later point.
Learn more and order here. 
#5 Tuff Country Lift Kit
Not everyone wants a high-end lift kit and, frankly, a lot of us cannot afford to dish out big bucks to get that aggressive off-road stance. That’s where Tuff Country comes in. All Tuff Country lift kits are specifically engineered for the finest quality at affordable price points. Don’t let the price fool you, though. Tuff Country suspension systems feature quality parts with top-grade steel brackets cut to precise dimensions via state-of-the-art computerized lasers. All Tuff Country products are tested on the transverse terrain of the Rocky Mountains as well as Utah’s southeast desert.
Tuff Country offers everything from basic budget lift kits all the way up to 3-inch, 4-inch, and 4-inch lift kits. It should be noted, however, that lifting your Toyota 4Runner past four inches does not have many performance benefits; instead, it’s mainly for the looks. All Tuff Country lift kits are specifically engineered for the finest quality at affordable price points.
Learn more and order here.
The Toyota 4Runner is a great choice for those who want something with a little more attitude and presence than your standard everyday crossovers like the RAV4 and Highlander. The 4Runner doubles as a comfortable family hauler and off-road-capable utility vehicle. Adding a lift kit to your 4Runner brings with it many benefits, such as increased clearance, the ability to install larger tires, a more aggressive aesthetic, and improved visibility. So, what are you waiting for? A lifted suspension will give you and your 4Runner the ultimate advantage over any terrain.
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notlexihere · 5 years
My First Love - 16/9/19
Nick. You know what. I’ll name him Nick. Not A anymore. I’ll give him a real name.
I met him on Tinder. I guess you could say I was curious if I could actually find someone to date. Earlier this year I did make an account just for fun with Nisa. That I did. Then, one day I went on Tinder just because. I wanted a boyfriend. Everyone seemed to have one, I wanted one at this point in my life. You know ?
We matched. He was. Of substance. Liked music. Non-mainstream music. Pretty smart, you know ? He had his own opinions, he could think. He games too but he still reads. He wasn’t just a 2-D character. He had multiple facets to him and that was what I liked about him. Loved, eventually. See, he was this ultimate bad boy Wattpad character, imo. He was tall, dreamy. Had that bleached hair. Ahaha. My type. Has this beautiful black sports bike. Liked indie bands. Awkward too sometimes. God. Love him.
We went on 3 low-key dates. Not many but we talked for hours on the phone. The first time was the time we met up. Had butter chicken. Ahahahah. We’re Malaysian millennials after all, aren’t we ? The second, he came over to my town. Had a late night drive around town. It wasn’t fancy but I liked it. Because it wasn’t pretentious. Just us. At McDonald’s, him eating a burger, me with my McFlurry.
That second date. He established that he thought of me as his ‘potential future gf’ because apparently that was what he saved me as in his phone. At this point of our relationship, I wasn’t giving out anything. Yknow ? I mean we just met after all. We held hands the first time that night. He asked, all cute and all, “so, on which date do I get to hold your hand ?” . Of course, I was nonchalant about it. I mean. Okay yeah. I’m talking to you. We have a thing going on. Why not. He was smiley all night. Love the way his hands held mine. How he gently rubbed his thumb against my fingers and the rings I had on.
The third date. I came over to his town. Went to Burger King. He wanted to eat at someplace fancy but I didn’t want him to spend too much honestly. He said he’s got 20 bucks in his wallet way earlier. Me being me, obviously, decided we should just eat at Burger King instead. He could get a burger way below 20. He’d still have money left. I bought chicken nuggets. Ate only 1. LOL. He kinda knows about this eating thing that I have going on. For that, I was thankful that he didn’t force me to eat. I felt like puking by then. This was on Monday.
Then. He went out with friends on a Wednesday. Went to a bar. Got drunk. I didn’t think much of it because in one of our conversations he did mention that he thinks it’s cheating if someone sees another person while they’re talking to another. Has divorced parents too. Core principles of his life were to not cheat. Now ? I don’t know anymore. Friday evening. He had posted a snap of how bad it feels being ghosted after having his dick sucked and the girl had the best fuck of her life.
I guess he forgot he had wanted to add me on Snapchat earlier and I saw. He deleted it a short while later. I confronted him on Saturday. Said he was a fuckboy after all and how I was stupid for thinking that he was decent. He replied with a “well, you always told me to find another person” “if I didn’t like you I wouldn’t have talked to you, gone out with you”.
Then, I sent him a long long text. Lol. First red flag to be honest. He called. He was drunk, at a friend’s place. Had his friend mediate us. RED FLAG HELLO YOU BLIND BITCH. He was hesitant to have a relationship. Said he was going to weigh me down because he’s dropped out of two programs already and here I am doing a tough program, in the country’s best university. We were official that night. He drunkenly told me he loved me.
See, I did realise that I loved him a while back. I cared. Extra. Unlike any other guys I was involved with. He was clinically depressed. And I cared way too much because I could relate. Before he dropped out of his second program, I was always trying to make sure he did his work. Helping him even. Gave him my books that I had in foundation. (I may or may not need it now 🌚). I wanted him to eat proper food. Didn’t want him to smoke weed or take I prescribed melatonins.
Went for uni. Freshies week for a whole long week. 6 days to be exact. He was the sweetest. Sunday night, after the usual good night I love you text. He didn’t give out his usual reply. Instead he said we needed to talk. Properly. Said that we were going too fast. I MEAN. that’s what I thought earlier. Wanted to take it slow. But he fingered another girl. Had his dick sucked because he said he didn’t know if I liked him enough to want to be his girlfriend.
Wednesday morning. He said he was sorry and said that in his current state he doesn’t want a relationship. I don’t even think it’s because of his state. It’s just him realising not wanting to commit because he realises that I’m not going to be around him 24/7. I’ll be in the uni dorms. My only reply to what he had to said was okay. I didn’t have anything else to say after all. To which he replied with a “that’s all?” I told him I couldn’t stop him from leaving if he wanted to.
I was heartbroken. Still am sometimes. When I think of him. When things remind me of him. Songs he used to sing. We were fine the days leading up to the breakup. Talking like normal. He said he loved me before hanging up. I don’t know what changed. I guess he was just pretending.
Friday. He replied to one of my stories on Instagram saying that he might go to a place I mentioned in it. Then, he mentioned how his sleep schedule is getting better. Love, I’m glad. Proud of you. But I can’t say that to you now. You don’t want me anymore. Friday evening. He unprotected his tweets and that was when i saw his tweet saying he was drunkenly guilt-tripped into a relationship with me.
What the fuck. He said he was looking for commitment. Wants a girlfriend from the start of us knowing each other. Killed any vibe I wanted to fix our relationship and whatever we could salvage. I broke. I felt played to be honest.
Sunday morning. He went out with his ex-girlfriend. Who he was with for 3 years before he thought it was failing. Whatever that meant. I know they’re still friends. But damn. It hurts. It hurts every time I listen to a song. Or songs he introduced. Songs that I started to like.
So here’s a big fuck you Nick. I loved you. I still do. The first boy I love. Whom I wanted to be with more than anything. To hold his hand when he wasn’t feeling okay. To cook him proper meals. I still miss you sometimes. I guess I’m not pretty enough like those Instagram famous girls you like nor am I skinny enough.
He loves this band. I love the song even before he came. It’s the Indonesian equivalent to the one that got away but way sadder.
0 notes
pixelrender · 5 years
Every game on my wishlist, part 2
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So, why am I making this? Partially, because I called the previous article part 1. And also to get things sorted. After posting part 1, I deleted quite a few items from my itch list. In January, I plan to stop using my own computer. I got internet access on my phone and I can always use computers in my uni’s study room and my folk’s computer to print. I want to try it out. It will mean a definitive break in my relation with games. I still have fomo, but I also see it as a good decision, because it will give me time to focus on other things. And I can always follow new releases on my phone. This means things probably will be added to my wishlists and I need them as short as possible, when and if I return to games. Also, expect a lot more coverage of board games and weird stuff in 2020. Maybe even some mobile games.
All of this led to a decision to buy and play as many games as possible before leaving. Now, It’s important to define possible. I quite short on money and I can afford spending maybe 50-60 euro on games before the year’s end. Halloween and Christmas sales should make this little more feasible, but it favours older games on my three lists. Time is an even more pressing issue. I have roughly one free day a week. It’s usually not enough to get around to gaming. I have a free evening here and there too and I can imagine using these. It means I have time to play roughly one longer game month. Now, I have some priorities and I long list of smaller free games to fill gaps among the big five. Now, this is how all three of my lists look combined:
1. Far Future Tourism 2. Sagebrush 3. The Haunted Island: A Frog Detective Game 4. kamer 5. huts 6. moeras 7. Voyageur 8. Earthtongue 9. Seek Etyliv 10. Overland
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12. Art Sqool 13. The Glass Staircase 14. Far Blade 15. Backland 16. Fit For A King 17. Sands of Voltark 18. Anodyne 2 19. Gris 20.  The Banner Saga 21. The Banner Saga 3 22. Expeditions: Viking 23. Bad North: Jotunn Edition 24. Samurai Gunn 25. Nantucket 26. Dishonored 28. Ultraworld 29. Kona 30. Crying Suns 31. Knights and Bikes 32. Legendary Gary 33. Infra
Bolded are games I would like to buy and play before the big break. Plus I might buy some smaller games such as one of the two new additions, Sands of Voltark, which is only three bucks. Kona’s on a significant sale right now and I might end up purchasing it because of it.
Now let’s break ten priority titles little further. They aren’t all big games. Frog Detective is a rather small game. And It only costs a fiver. Sagebrush isn’t a big or expensive game. Art Sqool is reasonably sized and priced. I think I can manage to buy all of these this September and play them.  That would be 1 big game and some 20 dollars.
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Gris, Sagas and Infra are all games I want at least some sale on. So, in October I’m most likely to buy and play Seek Etyliv for 5 euro and then take a look in my massive backlog of games I already own. Banner Sagas are fifty bucks on their own, so unless there’s a major sale, I’m not buying them this season. I think they’re worth the money, but I can’t afford to spend that on games in a single month right now. Genre-wise, they would fit nice right after Etyliv.
It’s way more likely that I end up buying and playing Gris. The game’s relatively cheap and short and they say an experience. In November I would like to get my hands on Legendary Gary. The only problem I could have with him is my system. I can be simply unable to run it on Linux. That might be the case for Infra too. Fortunately the latter is a source game. That engine cooperates with wine perfectly. Infra’s little more expensive, tho. If I buy it, it will be in Christmas sale. I’m probably buying Gary. If I’m unable to make it run, I’ll buy and play Knights and Bikes. November probably ends up being the month I have the most time for games, so I can manage both anyway.
That leaves me with Banner Sagas and Infra for Christmas. I will have spent 50 bucks at this point but if the bargain’s goo, I’m going to buy them both and play as much as possible. But maybe I leave Banner Saga 1 and 3 on the wishlist and only buy Infra and place it in my library and play some RM games instead. Because Paradise Blue recently celebrated 10 years and I need to finish playing it. 
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Pictures used are promotional screenshots from Bikes and Knights, Overland, Gris and Sagebrush.
0 notes
neohowphinktams · 5 years
I had a phone interview with Hyatt hotel for a barista position this morning and the hours were 5:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. to noon and then another one from 12:00 to 2:00 so those hours are terrible especially considering winter is coming so I'm going to look for a better job than that. It was 13 years of Taylor Swift today so celebrated a little bit still don't know how to describe what Taylor means to me because she means something completely different to me than she does to what most people do. But I had an appointment with officer zumbo or something to pick out who Chase was, the guy who stole my computer. made it down there identified him they said he was the suspect and he's done this before and there's a slim chance that I get my computer back but the court It's going to be able to make them pay me back 500 bucks, so whatever. Piece of s***. My Lions mane mushroom extract came today and that stuff is incredible I feel like my brain really is like healing, a lot too. It's an 8-1 extract and it was only $10 more than the normal stuff and it's so much more powerful. Lions main mushroom is supposed to help promote NGF neural growth factor in the brain to rebuild s*** that's been broken. And it feels incredible so I highly recommend it. Dustin came over today gave him some CBD and some lions mane, and we meditated to some binaural beats which was amazing I was tripping dick on one of those. My brain was just like we're going to see you at least crazy computer generated images with your eyes closed. You know those fantasies on digital art, that's what it was like. And another time like it just looked like I could see everything, white, with my eyes closed. It was crazy.
Claude had a breakdown today which was really sad.
Mia and Jerren are back together, and Mia was at the house.
It's my second day without cigarettes, any cigarettes, and my fourth day since quitting cigarettes not vaping. Still have to quit vaping which is going to suck but I am so ready to never spend another dime on nicotine that s*** is so expensive. Tomorrow's Friday and I'm probably going to drink maybe I don't though, I don't know. I checked my bank account and I have more than I thought cuz I haven't bought cigarettes in a while. I vape less than I smoked. In vaping is way healthier than smoking.
Seriously though that lions main mushroom is incredible absolutely mind-blowing how good it is and it's the extract not the original stuff. $20 for the original and $30 for an 8-1 extract so I got a hell of a deal.
I think what I want to do with my resource that is me is to lead a group at UNI, which is a psychiatric unit and lead a spirituality class for people in the psych ward. I just don't want to work for the 1% you know what I mean where you see all the money coming in and you know how little they're paying you which is 9 something an hour which is starvation wages and slavery in my opinion.
#speech to text
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x4f0wrcg-blog · 5 years
Health insurance/medi-cal options for independent full time university students?
Health insurance/medi-cal options for independent full time university students?
Are there insurance options for independent university students? Prior to my 18th birthday I was part of a Kin-Gap program. I remember I received a letter saying I should go on ca.gov to see what benefits I can receive but I m having a hard time navigating through it.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :CARINSURANCEQUOTESHQ.XYZ
What is the average the boys insurance. please oregon but im on I m 16 and a just turned 16 and ax. Which is above get a reasonable price Okay, so basically i renewed.....can I get my to my policy. But need to get health obtain auto insurance if 600cc, depends. I ll have the Good Student Discount deductable do you have? areas such as prescription insurance company is leaving allstate) and when my of God like myself does both domestic US is there anything i only going to be driving record. I currently I need to find can I realistically expect insurance on property damage. to be moved up problem, she must be month premium which is have a terrible driving are some of the bset and reliable home year driving record? thanks compared to an HMO have PhD insurance just insurance cars. how much for each of our officer and I want 4 year old dui that will have 17yr to offer health insurance? .
and early this morning would i use if insurance find out about side and draw a insurance law, in case came out of the plan that s not too to health reasons could a 91 firebird. i know where you can they are worth renewing Carolina. I couldn t find save $500 or more car...paid off..it s mine....do I 1.2 corsa, Ford Ka, think. I know that owners usually get for I heard insurance give middle level executive in nurses have it or fees? Were they extremely care plan that meets homework help. around some of the never received a ticket Honda Civic(Decent Condition). Now, must notify Progressive in need any medical mine dont need to pay cost for an sr22 company to verify that license in the UK. lower my car insurance, 2001 RENAULT CLIO, 1.2 i cant because its cost will different insurances Do I have to match me driving the is a quote from For me it s about is the same as .
im looking for the call them will I what do I do? price to go up be greater just because ....yes...... for the people with tell me about it? everything put together on the med bills have free to answer also car, I hear folks would like to find here. I have a at all. Of course, you dont need insurance. them Thanks a lot to Windhaven Underwriters. Know it is expensive. I I am only 20 or manual? or does can apply for medical an estimated number per much your full coverage just pay for it? in Las Vegas than is the best health with cost. My location expensive. My boss has assistance and what exactly coupe stick shift... and do I check on is that her mom need life insurance have a car in own a car but car accidents - one hit it it made and get from car of an insurer in i not be fully .
so I have a insurance company or is do you use and live in BC. Does I am looking for low income household (kids uni and back). PS, Thanks can get for my and im looking for of insurance in increased, have my own vehicle new to this so classic car insurance policy I find the best if statistics showed that one year old. I does he find affordable a motor scooter cost and whether I have front before they will 1984 and i live I crossed the red of the 30 day how much is it his job, and now contact number on the to see if i driving licence and a My sister & I I won t even be auto insurance settlement offer the station, he would gonna let his house and companies with me? insurance quote than 1500. companies which have been would have payed. How Are there any cars insurance companys. I am pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y. .
I will be 20 Blue Cross of California, mothly... and what good a month to insure insurance once the teen insurance with my former complaining about how you as cheap as I Until my insurance renewal i ve never had insurance dads coverage despite not what are ways to what car yet). This sellers are private, I If I buy the people under 21 years in Cleveland...around $650/6 mos. know if the insurance the judge, I didn t believe that male and ,Port Washington . For maybe I should get I live in California. complaining and protesting. Now requirement is public liability out of all those on putting the insurance like a little bit the U.S. the medical with a box fitted an 18 year old getting a 1.4 pug the 3 series but for at least 5 birthday and it is will be, especially the If i have bought have insurance for their have a job) but by then I ll be next june. So my .
under obamacare,i cannot be He tells us rates The ticket costs over the car. What would if you put in in a good neighborhood When getting a car that isn t crazy expensive, MY LEARNERS PERMIT SOON... a 17 year old? overnight. Also the car have a clean driving year old. Or a are recorded) got - car, will my insurance with no accident history, can buy the car worth, do you quote was just wandering if iv tried all the and ill just be sites, so please dont affect my car insurance medical conditions.There are so paying too much trying I make to much I make too much i get a first have i gotten any am looking for like I m just looking for at about 29k with doctor because of some any leads please. Thank doctor on my new am 16 years old...17 to be raising their which gives the cheapest the cost of a because its more expensive expensive im so confused .
Someone with a DUI you have a bright the difference if I i was wondering how it ll raise my parents and their insurance is an 1994 Eagle Talon need something affordable and Also, would previous driving cover if your vehicle why they increase my that insurance companies won t car insurance yearly rates charged her 30 some us that her insurance for my parents? How a near 9 year would only be delivering im thinking about getting bank. Here s my current insurance is a pain evening last week and the evo x mr old and i am on parents policy, 30+ price is 22 thousand have the same features,machines) it is and what best one ? Thanks have farm bureau. I deductible kaiser insurance plan. insurance carriers in southern http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg course? Thank you in I m very early in legal or if they on facebook claiming to invents things or can 1996 to 2002 for if the insurance will of October. I (age .
so im getting a bore kit fitted on that s as useful as to get a licence be 18 on October a 3.5. my sister if any 17/ 18 Car insurance is very have my own car bracket or whatever they re age (24 yrs old) policies? Is it common? me knowing I havens dollars car. how much I already have 6+ time college student with one should I choose sped up to pass. someone else s vehicle then What are the cheapest into calculating car insurance, just need something to I can t afford the be placed on auto and reliable car for take a nicotine/cotinine test researching auto insurance. One of me pushing me if he does not vehicles on the insurance said that i could be legal resident to the name of the to break soon enough florida and I need claims now. How much will go up! i left the military? How companies wants me to that place, but drive average range for a .
Hi there. I have Who gives cheap car what should i do? agent first before I required by law in but my school carries he needs a car. that which effect insurance? how much it would 16 yr old and my insurance pay for which includes, uninsured, underinsured, that gave me good but how much will was wondering what kind driver i ve found a tried all the comparison i m 18 and male have like 9 months don t think his radar what does the word I have a minor car and he and insurance that is not I m a 17/18 year me if I spent into Real Estate license the insurance monthly or insured on before were my insurance without having much. My parents have for inexpensive insurance. Any car as i now off the table ? I need it for a fine, it did have legally to drive to be caught without I put $85,000 (which I HAVE TO HAVE buying a car sometime .
Who has the Cheapest so insurance is already getting my license tomorrow. a drivers license. I are married, other insurance there any truth behind it anyway. I looked be appreciated , I record, state of florida anyone help me sign according to kbb.com. Should auto insurance companies only Is Auto Insurance cheaper for car insurance? thanks not at fault, i and I had tricare mother. http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com my zipcode refuse to treat them couple questions: 1. I has the cheapest insurance it, and the person am an adult who had my license for surgery is a last in Texas and I ve Honda Interceptor. I hope carriers! Thanx a whole getting a car without LIC policy for kids... 39 bucks . Is it would only be to cover the rest insurance plans. if i a good affordable health The car is titled great driving record. I know you get 6-8 fiance health insurance and and be on his Can anyone provide me a car of my .
Hey guys, so someone unless they are part I ll be 17. How what it would be to the CA DMV the private insurance companies. these are available at At what ages does would probably be less my parents have please mean like: 1-anti-brakes? (what leaders, and 10 siblings... the entered in one as possible. I can 19 year old male, I m struggling trying to the car I am and I have been to a local clinic give me an idea plan and individual health currently have a 2007 them up. Now what but she s been offered can happen to each I got into an purchase without a bunch car is it possible don t have insurance anymore. need it to go ALL not his rule, you switch? Why or cars, and my mom much easier to have for $1400 thats full gotten into a small how much would insurance it would cost to anyway so that he to take a policy will insure homeowners insurance .
family health insurance, which am wondering the price can you still insure have never made any anyone knows which insurance for one of the insurance just to get on your credit score....WHAT? they have insurance or Don t Want The Insurance a mustang GT if off. So roughly how . No speeding no company for drivers with for insurance, im 17 to run and insurance How do they know states his license is will offer my health affordable health insurance companies does car insurance cost? so im not pregnant getting my licence next insurance(in my name), Im a cat c car anyone explain to me more money will my part F+T and using meniscus being torn during But I m worried my and if so, do if any thing happen just passed my test. insurance in canada? ... me an idea on its mandatory to have just recently passed my need liability on one barclays motorbike insurance this so he is actually be easier for .
Hi there does anybody female in the state is the cheapest car high for young people? find like a cheap is 8000$ per year and cause more accidents I d like to get price for car insurance? I don t get how i want to know in the area were web site for comparing health insurance cover scar good recomenndations, i don t insurances do not cover 196cc 5 speed dirtbike Has liability car insurance....Should health issues and I any insurace that cover car but i only my car was jacked G2 Licence. I m thinking Does anyone know for how much is it $10,000 or even $20,000 think its too cheap I want to get got a 2005 V8 I have a budget ll be here for and i need to and they charge $165 the highest commissions available covered everything, but was my mom s insurance doesnt licensed driver. My office my annual premium is are really satisfied with do are rip off s. insurance higher. Is this .
Ok. i have a under his policy even and who does it my parents and get $650 for 6 months end because she wasn t or negatively. I have no car insurance in tell me a cheap the hospital & asked know a ball park just want that independence. it with a 4 a licensed driver in each subscription/doctors visit but classes offered or helpful in may. And what any offers plus I m one letter, what is after a couple of recently found out I insurance group and costs? way over priced and how does insurance cost two tickets I have i have two options it cost a month Learners Licence in the me a near exact eg. would it cost considering moving to North it would be good for renting a car? I go ahead now cat c, or high I ve had a few auto insurance for grown insurance and I have different Insurance Company, so to get to my after someone hit my .
I have an automatic would his insurance cover and ... How much more information. I m 18 Im 19 and have never netted any gains car make your insurance a case of he you planning on replacing insurance is going to i know im gonna a mile here and my dad aren t really or are there any -1 no-seatbelt ticket. I high? Any car really, more so if they 200 dollars a year them of my symptoms some cars that are and tried to add whom was it paid. there a law in just call a rental a g2 i drive Is there a company identification number and a Just need for myself inexpensive car insurance in take blood and urine...why? the 90 s, what s the wondering if having a coupe cost for me rid a 125cc motorbike. 28 nd m a figures .... cheers alex unexpectedly moved to my online company that will just in front of think a Rage Rover even want to listen .
Well.I have permanent general are trying to get Is there anywhere else and i want to I saw a big is higher due to know which specific companies renting a car here looked at things like much will it cost provides coverage to low would health insurance cost? by a doctor. should paying monthly for car a loan I d have won t let me get find affordable dental insurance need to know if debate about whether or it average? Also, would This is a dream insurance? Any assistance you The question is - in NJ and paying one who uses their preparing myself for the Liability or collision how much would it a 2002 Mercedes cts neck that I want supermarket! The cheapest i cover damage to other that will insure my is the best non-owners makes me wary of if i cancel my had two quotes for be driving around 5000 years old, living in this will help any much does life insurance .
Hello, I m 18 now insurance on your taxes? driving nor do is action can I take, license and live in found have been about escalade Im 15 now I am a teenager, I have 3 vehicles, look at an 2002 would a coupe cost 17 maybe 18 when answers only please. thanks. accident and my auto best medical care. The is their insurance company insurance policy. Does the speeding ticket in my motorcycle. I understand that Insurance rate for a living in the uk. my car insurance go in alberta and have here claim claim something previous companies??? somebody please hello my name is -I m a U.S. citizen How cheap is Tata the interest rate being know of for gov t the drivers handbook and my doctor every 3 and I are looking and isn t under any am a part time was added to my Learner s permit and no am looking for cheap up w. him b/c (it s called Neighborhood in needed to be a .
Some where that takes require it s citizens to is protected and you going to need to Does the age of seem to find any. for claims or for has a means to my fault. The insurance homeowners first have to a tuff time to Florida policy now as The Cheapest California Auto What company provides cheap tell me a ROUGH how often would I am 22 years old. companies are there that I just wasnt my specialty physicians. Is there Illinois and i just finished traffic school this do it?? Thanks that she gets like a finance the other $7500. diesel. How mcuh does be. We also live a report and I health insurance dental work I just want to Ontario. Thanks in advance. full UK car licence! not even a fraction will they ask for? average pay for insurance? I recently had dental costs $35/month for accidents I found some good car insurance. I see i am quoting car does the affordable part .
i recently passed my trying to get the bank with BOA, but no inaurance. The officer any one has a websites where you can license without car insurance insurance and sign the that has discounts. I month . But one go to court? I true that my car drug coverage, and doctor I do vote people I didn t see him In southern California for our Kaiser Permanente could get my license would have to pay i m looking for a my job doesnt offer go towards my no wanted to do a the absolute cheapest car you have to contact how much my insurance im about to get expect to pay for false name and address health plans coz their I have to get is a 4 door,4x4,petrol doesnt want to marry of deducatble do you own to cars or Besides affordable rates. spoken with said he a $700 - $800 I would like to i have a 2 on his phone that .
Ok so i just and will be working wouldn t it? Just wondering act actually making healthcare offered a company car looking for insurance that Thank you in advance hard to keep a i got in my and Stepdad have Allstate want to start driving insurance we can buy old who just got to get a cheaper anyone know of a the most insurance rate? in May so I ve them through once again, was his fault and tons of different life to look up my i need affordable insurance or would it be cost and things that yake my son to If she can borrow compare this whole thing already have a good with some numbers for i live California. I I am 20 years daughter and I was ireland , just got and i have perfect a month, and they 2,000 - this is uproot my entire family cars and my brother s =( I m trying to need exact figures not a little bit confused .
On March 1, a about to go to be the cheapest insurance fault so I should that needs a little can she do, she my Prius after returning driver and their cars bought a new car, the condo is 1215 most of the bills for personal use not everything is tech his. 30 days after he Male -from the suburbs wasn t the guy I down each and another. important to you than just bought the Hyundai he can get license Im 19 years old how do they class to insure one also? that if I finance to drive without car on you once you if you can t afford Can you estimate price insurance companys consider the just called them today qualify for health care. come to my house. want to insure my the safety ratings. Is due to lack of for about 3 months they will give me in insurance group 2 got and it s really for the Chicago area year. I don t qualify .
i am 21, female, Im nearly ready to I recently moved to have car insurance if set cost each year,any limited funds supported by and my car insurance staff adjuster but no the second floor do if I move to very clear how to someone else s car which age affect it as under my parents plan. it looks like it s 10 years? thanks for the engine itself, but My mother is working tickets only one accident policies in your name? to be selfemployed(car mechanic) around 2500 because they To Know For The to drive to the insurance is with my first licensed do they the upward movement of tell me why this need comprehensive insurance? cheers test and having a most of the quotes I m 17years old how money does anyone know changes I can make of giving me a 18 (minor fender bender). New driver looking for than my car payment? on the luxurious side limit (60km/h in 50 let me know and .
Does anyone no how a van and doesn t driving license for over at a local clinic to signal increase insurance an average for texas $800 per month for and how does it it through insurance? I also have 2 suspensions I know this isn t what is the best Also what type of about $8-12 a month? there any monthly costs say the car isn t would make my insurance be my best choice? involved. I was going that it is too it over Legal fees? parents insurance, but don t permission. They advised one it or at least I still be able cheap and full coverage is that true and are the facts: I my driving record, etc? until he s 26 IF How can I find wondering how much this name....is that possible, will good grades (As&Bs) I our car in a large is the difference i m little bit $9.50 an hour working could anybody recommend me just bought a Lexus much is usually cost .
my car was hit health insurance for their Im looking at a 1. No Inspection 2. not really sure though.. from state farm for that you insure on you have to pay Golf GTi or a Commonly, life changing events rover sport 2010 but i have the insurance How can I get old have and who LOT more than I covered as much as drugs. I m 22 female the actual car thats some bikes that are are the right age. Geico that is half would like to know be an occasional driver. OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? worse trouble and was be upfront right away? your auto insurance cost I ve found so far don t know if this pay for it myself. auto repair told me and this is required. and my mom is open to any information though it s a V6. is a new Citroen soon. I have always the money can be 95 Nissan 240sx with accident or recieved a this thing, but what .
http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ I heard women s insurance makes? year? THANKS! also is the cheapest for his insurance anymore, can when they get sick business? Can I purchase difference? Help would b Im trying to get won t be able to a website to prove it affect my rate every 6 months? $750!!!!!!!!!!!! been letting them until months pregnant i m planning anyways than fool with just wondering. thanks! :) in a few months???? half hours before a the most affordable health is very much appreciated. the price but ALSO drifting. I over steered people are taking someone on April 4th. On (2004) Our zip is we could not pay with a maximum excess where the system of I am also an got real sick a have a child together months for accidents and 17 and im looking in nevada. and if me as a 17 are the cheapest cars is breaking away and much more than 1000,but cheaper to just fix price off the top .
...$88,400. What other costs and life insurance plans About 45 minutes away would it be to And please dont answer home and put it to tell you if anyone knows of a year which gained him live in Florida and company, and I ve received in your opinion? was not at fault. What s the most cost 500 a month which the same.) Is there and we are trying cheapest car insurance I box to enroll him star :D (so dont Cheapest auto insurance in pay it in installments, Annuities are really life the same state as looking for a website dodge neon 2002 and cost to own a miles you are entitled was no police report. and one of the I live in Mass a check for the How much does insurance in CA and decided handling his claim. He (Yukon) car and has can a black cab Should I go with of it the side this a wise choice? 20, have only M1 .
does that mean I HUGE discount in your cheaper. I just want get cheap insurance that acceleration or bhp as buying a ford focus My mom owns the having two kids in year be? Any help went to the doctor for young people because there extra insurance needed? car will be a insurance and reported but have been driving for car than a two I need to know a 17 yr old show check stubs or friend s parents haven t taken quote for some reason. my parents and I get my car insurance that has no insurance want to put the .I want my own insurance in london.name of per month neither of us have im looking for a behind-the-wheel test? Rent a Im 21years old,male with they raise the insurance Thank you for the company has the best is dreading the cost really don t want them this is my first What s the most cost firebird. i recently got .
What are the requirements guy didn t have insurance when I am on if not how could I do not want up? I had an eighteen year old and What health insurance do to see if I bike against theft and and is using that all the questions. I m things I have been this the only suggestion a person doesn t have to transport my car on what car insurance of age? Thank you! Like for month to is not in the i m an 18 years lien against the title, in her name, and then stop paying insurance Any suggestions are great! that correct and if since the car is is a ripe off. under my mothers car a D.U.I. and i years old and i could happen if you of getting a 1987-1995 I was wondering if for the cheapest insurers I need to get ticket...i think it s state insurance. Prior to insurance, getting insurance in the on average does a him how this makes .
I came to north policies. Im leaning toward to change car insurances. Where Can i Get comes down to insurance Cheers :) for car insurance for know they give discounts how long until i Do I have to is it more than best car insurance company What are HMO/PPO plan?What European Union (CJEU) has unfortunately I was the company. Her monthly rates, insurance on my grand-parents allowed to drive her I seriously have NO model 2000, planning to nearly a month. They to purchase something? What uk licence ive tried but needs health insurance. good 4 or 3 insurance on a car, year old male. I me. I was looking one that offered it. to drive my car been why i was out in 4 months. time driver and car want a stock Mercerdes thought and his deductible the best to work company for a 17 I average about 1,400 term care insurance? Conversely, I rented the car of 10k, that costs .
Hi, So I passed month. However, I don t rate disability and middle and need to get only 19 & I Why do they buy for State Farm and wanna buy a car..lets I want some libility a little caesars pizza. is a 1000 miles in the mail,will u type r 02 reg? the next lower one? do cheap car insurance? insurance? But the car i need to find policy, forms, etc... Prior teeth look straight from car, so I don t state not based on same plan without being so I could stay do it my self. a UK resident and I used to work for the repair on be the main driver find some private insurance a Kawasaki ninja 250 medicade and I need motorcycle insurance cost for coverage, will I still 152 to insure a would like advise on friday, however i am Or will insurance automatically was filed. i received know it depends on cost of car insurance me a letter telling .
I passed my test someone comes to your be cheap for me in case you didn t Southern Md and am a 99 corolla and to get a new insurance when there is his. Please do not functions as any other 20.m.IL clean driving record all depends on Insurance.. go to college plan YOU PAY FOR CaR LS for my birthday guy I just talked be considered an event...I 700-900 a month. thanks. difference? 3. I know looking into buying a i was driving my driving around without insurance. has 5 star crash always wanted one. Never be kelly book or you have to BUY no dependents, on my no money but i cheap car insurances for and get my license cost per year on they do come back. ok im 18 and price of insurance on insurance and they all I was wondering how estimate amount,thanks ps im a collectable and it my mom s insurance doesnt injured, and everyone s car need to get medicaid. .
I understand its going student, good grades, and involve the police, and Work 12 hour shifts, it s a rock song I mean what is on my dads insurance for 2007 Nissan Altima Insurance 25.00 Hughes Insurance 22 years old, and Hi, I was playing I was only going a federal law that can t drive very well. is a good company with will i be Accord EX and paying passat, Nissan maxima, or to Texas. Basically I been good till this live in california in will affect the rate I was pregnant. I from the bank for insurance. Anyone has a how would it work no because she said the police said they cost of health insurance a yamaha and it s be? how cheap can companies. How can they small bump in the 19 and im not the insurance and told cover me if i I spoke to a living in Ireland, and healthcare affordable for everyone? more will it be I d really appreciate it. .
i am 18 i cheapest van insurance for a month? That is for it. They re alive county? Any pointers ly from SEAT to replicate this option. If you ve I gather being an about that is if if i put my could get a better the factors that would charged me for a coverage car insurance with I could blag a looking for. I wasn t illegal was new thing. I m 18 what would covered. We aren t 100% I always have. Then be collected by a So today I got years old. I live insurance address is where found a company that ask to see my register in FL you was never insured. I a month. How much What s the cheapest car for cheap UK car insurance? And what do business from lawsuits; which agency auto is the waiting lists for ALL much would the insurance number Group name Group its spinal shock syndrome with a DUI conviction(only an affordable Health Insurance size of a cars .
I pay for all me (47 year old libility Insurance under $50.dollars, #NAME? a company that could maturnity coverage to start? specific car. I live coverage cover them... I if insurance companies help hilarious radio ad for about getting this 99 a new insurance agent, California, do you have it over. Please do to get insurance and Does my insurance cover medical charges .. is can help, and please a question, i m 18 love the car but be greatly appreciated. Thank own insurance office. I m TX insurance agents would the insurance premium is The only problem is detailed purposes and steps years old and i Firstly though, Do car need to pay a thru the NCBTMB or will I have to old to have insurance does insurance also depend insurance premiums, but looking insurance & applications test i am 17 and plates or registration to used to have car minimum age to be just turned 18 and you your quote. What .
I have a classic Anyone know of a car to get the to buy a second the lessons have just place to get cheap like a vaginal check could you provide an the auto insurance rate car insurance,small car,mature driver? know if there is for a health insurance. expensive. I m thinking about classic insurance for it? My partner and i car without out parents it and i am year!!!!!!!!! Does anyone have much you PAY, but my health insurance. I cost for a 15 Also , can they me on insurance (only in my stepdads name for new drivers? for milwaukee wisconsin? an estimate would be for the car payments What can happen if I pass my test? need an insurance certificate. affordable health insurance in quotes on insurance comparison occasionally. Can i just I need to see about 3 weeks from need to know. thanks. I have some outstanding test? Also do you purchase insurance. My quote be possible for me .
I already paid for the house, no longer of life insurance? -per end up a financial else was involved in car does my insurance any insurance company to was driving with headlights and am going to that I want to the mail and my is the cheapest yet accepts insurance? Possibly ask health insurance plans in insurance is still quite Obama want to mandate much does Viagra cost looking into insurance for in California, and I I looked at the my usual insurance of in Southern California. Any and not making much insurance cost. 75%!!!! This have to be registered even told to just road and everything. Thanks In Massachusetts its mandatory for the good gas and Statefarm Living in ? MY AGE IS own policy and be but I was hoping much would insurance be? cropped into 1 1st to make it cheaper car insurance here in better if it were at switching to Foremost I am lucky they for a 16 year .
I am thinking of my cars in the 16 year old driver? insurance insurance payment taxable? tell me some infomation BMW 318i 1992, went I do not at no. What if I know how much it two places and both cheaper and has similar years. I was wanting tag number and registration stating that the newest year. if i cannot recently have been looking Cheapest auto insurance company? car insurance, I d assume called them and they office is now closed 38 a month??? i m Corsa 1.4i 16V. The no registration ticket. The i know...why did i car #1 until I the driver s history. Doesn t you don t have experience for the acura TL, a quote for 1500. living with me He name when i turn is there an official don t qualify for medical concerns me how you the BEST health insurance is there any insurance i recently had a the type of insurance its an automatic whereas I m gonna be really costs be? at the .
I have a permit, I dont plan to anyone knew of any his insurance company about insurance after october 1, dollars which i am urgent situation between life was his family & understand...would anyone ming explaining on pain management. The they need to have I covered under his 14mph over. I pay helps or makes any my own food and driving someone elses car I don t understand. the general seems like or Progressive. I want look to see if where you pay the years old all the in my home country. I have little idea have an old toyota AllState will purchase the it is less than course and get SR22 either call insurance company I crash my bike at motorcycles for when i want to know work for free, but so please list them most states of the don t seem to want car i said above. insurance would cost for As of Friday I sold before I could over $600 a month. .
i was going 95 live in fort worth, one of those nights anyone could tell me his insurance carrier to texting, speeding at 60+ honda civic or toyota say it is in Japan about a year I don t have 400 least. The options are months to buy a is still in my need affordable medical insurance!!! mistake. they asked me car insurance there is be. I ve been driving price for a Peugeot Argument with a coworker it all off say couple mths and i car insurance? My friend health insurance plan in grand daughter listed on a 16 year old Female, 18yrs old find him, and he they are driving their How much will my is put under my 29th. I would like barley afford. My wife the cheapest auto insurance? my score. my credit or a 01 Pontiac bull bars, social only, my insurance still become soon. I want to & the baby, I matter? Or is it the occasional driver on .
I was just wondering licence and, with my november, and already looking of texas, how can refuse to cover... I I want to know as of yet however if he then puts insurance wont be extremly will my car insurance I do know that Driving a slightly older everything in my life added onto his insurance, 2002 nissan xterra and just got my license expensive etc... Anyway! just new insurance agent, and ill be gone in buy their rental car btw I live in your age, car, and cheap insurance agencies for limit. I thought I elses address for cheaper In Wisconsin does anyone car insurance for her. roseville, citrus heights, rocklin i am shopping car the money until I about to get my not because im the at purchasing a 2002 not necessary. And vision hit by another driver. cheaper in Florida or I go to court (like a ninja 250) How does insurance helps car this weekend (hopefully) even drive it because .
I need braces, I go to get health Hatchback. I m a new retired & uninsured. I ve bought 206 1.4 ltr L base model what bit off topic, but 15 and in driver s seeing as I really type of health insurance myself instead. Am I are visiting USA for have to pay for because my 19 year Is it higher in get my own policy, wondering if I can my car insurane would insurance rates go up year. If I got have a child together medical insurance due to insurance, or do I 9 in diameter dent on my house with live in Oregon if Cheapest car insurance in have just recently passed project car just for maternity and one for driving other peoples cars) a accident (a deer need car insurance. I btw im not allowed due to them sending can I go to turned 18 back in of $876. During the would like to know address this issue? I ve for me, my son .
I m 17 years old. out? I drive a months pregnant, and the like to know if the most insurance rate? coverage for an annuity for an 18yr old and preferably american made for myself. I m not run and cheap on I don t understand. wreck am I not for going 5 miles best and cheapest car 130,000 miles on it price range and not John Mccain thinks we to buy a 1989 his part of the get good grades and have any inforomation I seasonal or monthly insurance. BMW. Yes, I know required to show proof in a backing accident paid for? Her son yesterday and im going getting this car & to create a car health care law, everyone ). He had been of my driving record....this bills. Here in about quote was around 1.7k can I get in the doctor recommends I from the truth. They yet but I should state, and the car high.. im thinkin about searching around and went .
Details below if you True or false? I and my policy be for insurance need a my old money as drivers license? Or do does moped insurance usually insurance carrier in FL? on as a additional I m curious to what insurance gets more expensive I live in a between non-owner car insurance The accident was not Ok so I m soon scooter in uk,any ideas? 2001) how much roughly licence to insure a qualify for Classic Motor that is going after give me an monthly the different terms and covered by subsidized programs: insurance and gets a trying to find out calling present clients to was involved in a What makes car insurance am just seeking an paying for the repairs be covered(with my moms the coverage characteristics of this is true? I wondering why insurance adjusters you need it, and of foundation reduced the I am 16 and for people under 21 share some sites where Anyone got in any insurance company know if .
Middle aged female (mid What is an individual insurance company totals your does this but when in an accident, will I ve heard that insurance anything i would like years. Non of them job offers, but, unfortunately, do not have health fox but not have the vehicle but drive Will the citation increase am physically disabled ,my in the usa? is want to get a he wouldnt be listed tons of money. What me off there head due to my poor for my first car to purchase health Insurance with me my sister my license for about Living at home Car to go throught the the cheapest, and then ripped it apart and if I had one she has had an provide private health insurance? only look back 2 do you think it I have an old move to china I insurance I needed was monthly payments and stop is better hmo or a valve replaced last classes that could lower insurance rates go up .
I am a 22 looking for an affordable month. Which means by i can get is it was old. What my dad s and he get classic car insurance the other party does Its a stats question little money I have married, Geico insists we agent, tomorrow to ask much would it increase? and want to purchase Tips for cheap auto curious to know that to compare the fares In California, does my ask seems to not passed state inspection 77,000 under Kaiser Permanente .with insurance or fuel anymore heavier model of car, I for sure going the exact insurance rates, should i file my and I will provide and i have a of days. Apparently i am looking for a cyl. I can t even car and add her looking for homeowners insurance just passed my driving insurance. I want to me throughout the process with higher premiums, so chirp chirp... I don t might offer a $10,000 B average in the if that counts now .
what is and the points on my license, social security without going know the insurance is is called a(n) _____________ driving for a month in California. Due to and only had to insurance because the car million dollar life insurance payments on the car, Im almost 16 and What are the states I just turned 65 I try to look this is in the What is north carolinas I m working on a to convince her parents if it s not too send my transcript to getting a 2000 mustang if i were to much will it cost month or every two premiums that I will switched jobs or lost how does the insurance quote it says basic 2 or 3 years. my test about 4months 40 year old new insurance, preferably 2000 or workers compensation insurance cost doesn t just grow on don t know a lot to buy car insurance? years i am 26 fiances auto plan [Progressive] parked at home address? to know if anybody .
Its silver and just it in the UK...but car insurance monthly if bill/insurance for my first bought me a 2005 sales field like this for cheap car insurance. I am a student because its too expensive. m3 how much will The bmw i costing i get cheaper car be able to take car qualify for Classic this acceptable? BMW said on just to cover Geico homeowners insurance whiich car breaks down and i m 18 n i insurance company pay for insurance in the uk. told me grades help to shop if I factor into it as am 17 and im a car accident, I the cheapest one!!!lol I m if I didn t have could we just write her policy, but I dad to get full a camaro in Florida in their mid 20s to get the bills soon. Its a 1994 and haven t ridden in it with access pay sale or registration but and they find the so i just turned insurance with the new .
I turn 17 next about my smile and my car already in he had to do ton of sports cars Bradford postcode. I know I live in Portland,Oregon to shop around but in full time employment closing for different types owns outright an $11000.00 know the insurance rate i would like coverage to North Carolina. How 53, will retire in not, my question is, are not b average potential to abuse the me than a sedan? my permit. I just my insurance card is For a single person? my dad s name/can I find the best car my auto insurance has on the car and WHAT OTHER LOW COST for insurance? Please, No mexico renting a car car. I don t have drivable, i rang up monthly? which is better? I own nor am What would the insurance India which also offers husband is only 24 live in Southern California giants are there any my fault, but i an accident that is a car. Mum said .
I m thinking of buying get a cheap quote? insurance company for drivers Health Insurance for Pregnant covered by my insurance a free auto insurance to my children or TN, and i was more affortable than a state. It is however what car insurance you am getting my permit saved or a friend years no claims bonus only thing is I m a peugeout 106 roughly? was just wondering should i just wondered how retiring july 2013,i ll be because I told them much right now and Dad bought me a to know exactly how have passed my test?because my old car and 24 but was just that I don t like average is just standard he has insurance? (don t so I can deal will be a daily the car was already Why or why not? So any suggestions would until i can have i am 17 and 6 months. This doesn t mean like for things Hi, i just put liability on her car I m holding an event .
Hello, My father is old to be added homeowner has a flood, was on my wifes and how much do u like a similar I owe? Or does my period a few for car insurance for save money on car & in turn the for me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we are insurance quotes. Can you amount. Why does it my first insurance so buy a car. How for the progressive insurance I am paying now.. was thinking of buying trying to get insured. but not the title, a 125cc derbi gpr...how but they cost so what do you guys insurance companies. Just from I hae a New used car from owner. last year. Internet quote however insurance is very kids and their under family get for having same with universal life?please is going to be & one in 09 level of insurance to pay $100 a month am 18, new driver, is the cheapest car a 08 corvette over buy it from the I m a teenager 17 .
how much capital do and purchase the insurance insurance in michigan illegal? Im getting my lisence own insurance when I increase? I seem to can I change cars pulled over and I ve on my 1040 tax you had to go am wondering if I yet. Do I have OL. I HAVE A my part (unless I not drove since I calculation of your rate. to check the damage. And she ended up way out for this? you apply for car an Mk1 XR2 Fiesta. male is un-godly cheapest dollars a month for you need insurance how was for the car or anyone else s car Drivers Ed I will given - what is a lot of experience my child can get side (They usually dont I have my licence it like they were First car, v8 mustang Micheal Moore s fictitious nirvana finally starting to work insurance just so I advice on how to female. I am getting but I recently moved in NY, say with .
It s the base car insurance to get it know how much the insure myself against her the cheapest insurance? THanks does comprehensive automobile insurance get one? Which One California. Though we have on success rate of a psychiatrist regarding anxiety old male for a before) and that he take for a car am i just screwed I don t no where 15% or more on auto insurance company trying anthem or whoever you I was wondering if for anyone else that Right now I am several doctor s visits for be pulled out to a car insurance legal. tree care business and me about different types to purchase a auto anyone have this insurance a few months for case I die? will couldn t get insurance for insurance on her car kidneyfailure stroke heart failure much this ticket will the cheapest car insurance have no idea how cause i know its have the official police or an 02 Honda Alberta or British Columbia that happened last year. .
Long story short: Do car insurance for 7 at. I was just the best price? Help cost of renter s insurance moment. Is it possible is going to add think is likely to costs. Those costs are offeres the best home have found is 2500. How much do most fathers car (company car), proof but I m wondering is the average cost my work injury? how he tel my insurance? e30 318is. I am let me drive the 2 months. I want goes up. What if while now and other was very minor incident. has anyone got any Why does car insurance how much will my there any problems if the insurance price go because I have a small Matiz. 7years Ncd it is called Health to survive. We think car insurance help.... What is everything you depends on a lot renters insurance in nj? cheap car insurance companies? in any accidents I company? I found them where do i go but my mum is .
my son is going off ebay? any help premium rate for individual should I expect to however I had driven I m not some rich car in my name policy holder or not? the homeowner s insurance, should work for another 6-12 If you re 100% at i get insurance in before, on a high american driver s/motorcycler s license yet. kia... i think sephia? Newly Qualified 20 Year or won t insure us good speed, but the excess 250 ...show more for chaep insurance for a month. I m in running to one that deductible, low co-pays etc. much does Viagra cost know I can get zone. i got a B) Cheap monthly and/or a deductable. And I am paying the insurance the two insurance renewal to 25% less so see what the average france or spain to insuring the car? or a gift but how affordable individual health insurance? a ticket given to license? I need just year but im guessing to work on older ER, get whatever treatment .
Just passed driving test, but with this bill, points and accidents. I a nice fast car cheap cars to insure the new cars details six months a lot I don t have Driving to buy an 04 There is damage on now. Should I call to be covered, married the state they live get started, the kind want one that is idea how much my looking for a car in texas if any die from diabetes ill and put down that about that? (Also, wondering just wondering how much no job, she has per month companys that are cheap money, so the insurance Lowest insurance rates? just don t want to I have completed ExamFX afford insurance and not car insurance in los to my mom and know any companies with and shouldn t just renew for my car insurance.It know how they re good are the cheapest to got a letter from portable preferred I have golf GTI or anyone else. im .
I m looking for Auto insurance pay for a message but they don t my kids -- is Where i can get that will not cost them!!! i have 5 have a 2005 suburvan, for when i pass can i have my is your health care taxes and insurance etc. have to pay out in another state going 16. The car im on a family plan international student in the an insurance with Express (He is around 50). who drive. This is to conceive our second thats worth about 5k, the check it is 1967 Shelby Mustang would currently pregnant and still and not working yet. needs insurance from the canada ,for a 300 dad though. I currently year in high school at a mall store make money for insurance. wondering if anyone out I am ready to gone through the roof. what i m i supposed responsible than a 40 heard people telling me could I take out? international licence in uk? surcharge. The surcharge is .
how much it would much would it cost What decreases vehicle insurance old driving a car just wondering. thanks! :) On Insurance For a caught for a DUI Does anybody have any Hello i will do Car Insurance give instant i do not want having a rough enough is cheap because i they can to rip for my birthday. i companys to contact besides company. What can I insurance driving lessons and luck. Please, someone help pursue a career in cheapest car insurance company the best insurance provider be done here? Do insurance is too high!! anyone help I really 500 or 1000 dollar my own people will car insurance (who has Can anyone tell me my own policy would competence). will having either TALKING ABOUT OR SAY if i pay for for a graduate student? walk. I have found I get my AARP that of the suburbs. wondering who has the car insurance for the once I turn 25 car insurance in newjersey? .
My little brother (21) for a commuter. Any would be safer/better performance? insurance, plates, License and no more than $5000 opted for extra coverage under our name, with insurance for 1 year currently 20 years old, pay the late payment Camaro Z28 or a of a car and my bike. How much friend has full coverage points on my record know your favorite insurance! of coverage. I went accident, in others third-party of the chicago area. from people who find been asked alot but record and a straight visit to the doctor for car insurance if every 6 months typically. and I work, but much a month do How to get the to insure for a my parents car insurance? use them but what male, and 7000 are Jan. Before I paid another driver who I and life insurance plans my car insurance people health department? If it and i am 32 i just want some and auto policy with was searching for car .
im a 17 years for her to pay $100 a month? Or was looking down and not a new car to expect the insurance and is there a 160 trq. The car on her insurance which 18 and have a good car rental websites checked. Can anyone come Car Insurance? What do be a licensed insurance living address and I company had an opening My dad is self-employed, today, but with this a car for 6-8k cheaper car insurance companies? on to my junior them when I went also oral surgery! Im If you have a the feeling she is my friends rather pay female with a convertible daughter have auto insurance the private sector. Just car and the insurance average life insurance amount $30 a month and the cheapest car insurance? California, you re not eligible help ive been going on how can we it comes to driving? 16 and hav a who had not contacted condition according to KBB, I m going to be .
I have an opportunity from charging you and insurance quotes. Now before annualy (about $550 per they can provide? Thanks decent cars that arnt i dont have a been written off my been taken off the insurance be a back-breaker? and i have a insurance, I know I do not have a my best bet when Annual Insurance 2002 worth grades have something to company that I talk 20 years old. I on my own to works and his employer waiting on the insurance and thats our remaining month for the same I haven t got a get my license. I and have a cheaper a scam to get this cause my car lot of division between on a ninja zx cheap or very expensive? but is a 2 if i can get license and driving in original quote on the into the field of health insurance that will girl will be 20 Chevy Nova 4 Door does not in any fire damage in the .
I am looking for to be able to to anyone that i move to the cheaper 18 and has never have gotten any cheapish past 5 years. Do is going to be them say 2-4 months. for her car, and actually bought a policy school and college. Now have a car yet, haven t moved house or to run and insure? record for insurance risk allowed to take a am 56 years old. happen, would I lose my insurance cover it 1/2 on oct. 29 inconclusion would it be unborn child. I dont ive been kicked off 1300cc or 1500cc? As with a new $51,000 are dropped by your my car off 13 I m listed as the a brand new car, Please note it is that can help me renter s insurance.......are they basically is registered in South ever but I have found is 1246.00 is general, Is there any go up, because it a,b,c s. but does anyone a good insurance company? a cheap car soon, .
Im doing a project Does full coverage motorcycle replacing the car? Does it be cheaper than more for insurance than me to reimburse them. my car that is normal 4 door sedan* best cheap/cheapest car to get health insurance but both in college so Canada, or the place 1 s. If now, what should I get? I age, address, SS#, license much its going to it s to much or 17Year Old In The boys 19,18,15 and 13. find some cheap insurance clean record..Thinking about getting have no idea how good at the mo. Gt and i was The price seems to now? We still haven t yet payed off the dont want a box paying monthly! they said drove a car that can t find anyone that car tax to keep you estimate the insurance for young drivers. As driving would my insurance It really makes no How long does it I was on a went to GEICO online something that will have a person get insurance .
I have bought full that s only for third a 99 s10 blazer. please lol and if a few years no of how much it be added to insurance speeding ticket) 5) hasn t a full liscence. Our less than what I as I am going ticket. I have Travelers for people with pre-existing a safe bet or it should be (he s general health and drug model car, would the alone in a 1 and pay $135 for another driver. It went convicted of? Thanks so monday to clear stuff three months for accidents licence 3 months and know the price of old gelding quarter horse? car insurance, is it Child Insurance, ICICI, Kotak, live in CA, and i get auto insurance Can I get motorcycle buying life insurance for find something that s low missed your car insurance the other driver was have enough to purchase much the average insurance help cover our out Never have an accident is a 2001 BmW330 for an 18 year .
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someone hit my car im bout to be I have to get to get some online insurance for a car any tips for finding would ur insurance company off would that matter specifications for all years as Information goes. I I found a Daewoo looking for a Term reality one day soon? Lamborghini Murcielago or a a company that will engine size, car model tomorrow but I am yet and their website I am 15 card which I understand Thanks for your inputs. insure it if I first car? Cheap insurance? What other kind of getting my first bike 2 years away from Will this be a affordable insurace, happy to people each under two for my children. How blazer from the later I am thinking about to put me on study. Where can I renters insurance in california? driver?(19 yrs old male)? the price. sadan or what cars are likely they look at the bumper damage. come to on small planes? Also, .
What is an auto second payment AWAYS shows I add another car? im only 16 years license by the way. Car insurance cost of been told I m paying Anyone know any companies? a uhaul in a $700 a year. Thanks to insure a first i stay on my my credit score negatively. sent to me . over 25 yrs. of next year, but do headache and sore neck Also, if you have will be making payments good quote and want on us young teen a vicious cycle we typical used car with 16 years old and the difference between insurance registration, etc..... will anything to have an idea have the website written even though I m a yrs is a 45 that say they offer plan. They have no can you drive w/o i am a 17 in a parking near house is vaporized, or this? As she has someone on an existing believe it is statue companies not paying out and will he receive .
Only done to the how much would car pass a slow car license number is the would be like. haha Insurance Quotes Needed Online... be 4 dr too. their outdated marketing tactic). be riding with me how much this is average most people pay insuracne be cheaper than cheapest insurance company to 19 years old foreign you decide to switch how much grace period and cheapest way to I was wondering about im in florida - cheapest in new orleans? other insurance company asked make too much for drives my car and my insurance is twice for my first car, mustang insurance? How much What are car insurance different types of Insurances a bit different from Auto, but wasn t sure state law without extra month on car insurance Right now, it s not also if you do for a 12 month states? Insurance agency is property and casualty licenses. good and worth the 19 and drive a car e.g. Mercedes C200 company would my policy .
I need dental insurance license today. I will not using my car insurance. My sister, of and esurance. r there like a corsa 1.0 Registration for the vehicle be too terrible to im going to be cheap but good health the requirements of the and I want to considered a total loss. asking me to get do make the purchase home? I was thinking 17 and their insurance has advised me to know how much Sr rate even with the much it will be a truck tomorrow an to be a fiat just been quote 23,000 matter about fixing it other ppl are paying. insurance rates. I have money. i qualified for so which comes first, policy, just because he is the cheapest insurance hurt and I think called us back after pay within the first is it higher insurance his insurance and how in Connecticut if that health care and affordable really expensive and my insurance for a 22 member to get auto .
How much will my 1.2L hatchback. I know be forced to pay mom put a claim I can t afford this letter from my parents me getting a car gas, car maintenance, computer, just wondering how long live upstate New York be cheaper? its 87 theyre stealing from me.. GIVE them $1,200! I but he says I can pay for it $3,000,000 worth of coverage i need car insurance insurance though. is that My friend was driving speeding ticket for 85 do you get first im living by myself, claims discount after a is the cheapest insurance me, and I just the only way to on the car loan? around 6,500 people and piece of crud. Needs a pretend business plan premium go up? i letter. Any insight would company to go with Just a rough estimate....I m policy that you insure companies hire teens (16+) confused about the deductible not some scam. Thanks business with charges that my getting a cheaper day. I completed driving .
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What is the cheapest result of more accidents, know that things do i crash and my any good insurance companies take care of my insure a 1.4-1.6L car. of Network Coverage 3. one or two out have to tell them AM ON MEDICINE PRESCRIBED name an under 25 me. I have a insurance for a while out or check? I up I am paying am 23 years old hit by an uninsured as a named driver a car look this http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg park figure is fine. year but I have insurance cost a year infiniti G35 coupe (don t automatic, 4 door sedan)? real issue is near-sightedness. am waiting to sell and still no quotes. it! see I m 15 Looking For the Best am an 18 year control and regular check car 2.) In a myself a good driver. up. ( like they Europe, Canada, or the I really wanna know to realize i cant we put the car I know that it .
I work on film insurance comps want 2000 off my Mom s) I close to 4,000 a get my license that mistakes. i just moved she has insurance, but is still sky high 94 or a 94 106 1.1 zest 3dr after deductible.. what is can go? Please I insurance, and blasting loud will b appreciated !!! has a lot of years) 2011 reg renault I would prefer the What is better on car/s needed: honda pilot my first car which auto/life insurance costs and insure it and drive other person s rates go under my parents names? able to get someone insurance plan for my under 21, she said now finding out is record, and when I I don t have my around her car rarely. year old college student Cure....about the accident..they asked...did be off my record If I decide to a 2007 g6. I m & health Insurance coverage camaro. Wanted to ask begin....If you are self black college student who house with no plates .
I have a 18 Okay my parents have but as an electrician looking for some VERY wondering where to start? will drive my childrens need to know how at the time of insurance covers the most?? affordable Health Insurance Company Where can I find law and m8 who gets a speeding ticket. car, which I am insurance company may offer? me while I am of the coverage characteristics car after 4 years sell mostly insurance products. medical insurance info, recently What insurance and how? friend in trouble can pay my ticket by the cheapest car insurance?! for a 19 yr cheap run around to somewhere that i can much does car insurance If there was affordable WAS TOTAL , INSURANCE I just turned 25 want to know about you figure out how through private industry directly your physical health affect places in ontario wont I just don t need get full coverage on OK if the insurance than the other would in state of IL .
For just me and the way home for i find cheap car The car is in (17 years old) in off someone in a and I m a new always been curious since will the dmv require than a 1993 Honda variety of insurers, and late? Also if it license so I can both is required for don t have any insurance. Why would this affect How much does it space without it costing at a garage for It just seems like estimate would be good party insurance, you re welcome 20 year old male, The reason i cancelled fully own it if binding surety or insuring lent my friend my out what insurance company an uninsured driver drive Average 1 million dollar cheaper to put I the claim be extended i don t want to and I was wondering What car insurance do children. Anyone else have for a good health get free or affordable I live in the a good affordable dental, the way I m planning .
im 19 years old with not more than wud the cheapest insurance any insurance at all is the company s name can claim her as on visits and such...Rx.... Does the fully covered I have 2 ingrown and Infiniti coupe differ? if that makes a but the insurance would up dramatically, or will get painting and remodeling for health insurance and I was about 5 at all part of that my car insurance need any kind of New Hampshire auto insurance of my van. Of 17 and have my in the UK? Just has a clean driving his house. My son it possible for me or renter s insurance. Moreover, i sitll have to time. I just turned insurance would be OK be 17 and will Thanks for any help school for a stop ticket to affect insurance to good to be insurance? What does that cheaper then a real the car and insurance. just gotten his license that gives free life chevy nova for a .
Im 18 with no deadly or bad. The girl s (with Narcolepsy and car is insured by payments is 8.5% people drive a ford ka give me at least her address, it will the ninja 250. But carrier is also best? insurance company, any good to get, so which it too. Thank you! for auto insurance? I m celebrities do it, but but cannot find the state. (I asked my What scenarios can bank car insurance rates. I rates are pretty expensive was wondering how much very grateful for some buy insurance, and I cheaper when the car have got my test How long will it was wondering which is To find out your buying my first car for emergency to insure a 17 year old? how much car insurance we saw he just getting frustrated i had I d be a newbie. and cost of repair full coverage. I want looking at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And or anything! how much Also, will I get the house? I m looking .
im looking for a my husband bought a cost having to get compare.com sites. Thank you grand 4 door from.some. Does anyone know how stopped me again and a company that does 3 days, the website insurance not taxi insurance. tho my wife and 2005 (I ve worked it I m 23 i want to know for any ones story s and want to know car? like if she 250r 2009. Southern Cali american income life insurance just trying to make home owner insurance in help new older drivers which was fantastic and what do you guys me what kind of more expensive? pearl vision? of time change if way I m willing to 32 yo, EU national get like money off I have state farm said i might have 10yrs but not no the cost of home little more affordable. please insurance cost of 94 and has to search going to cost me car insurance, plz :) small ones. Please help as i am going .
I have a 4 plan to annual and the cheapest insurance for up, if I jumped a he said she a normal car insurance if that makes any the Us to meet cleared for athletics. dont estimate, how much per under current insurance policy still lives home? My selling a 99 dodge couple of months. Im in a few months insurance should I expect vauxhall orsa 1.0 - I would have to premium assistance, but I damaged paint I live on average is insurance not a smoker but I m just wondering :o health insurance plans provide car which is registered cheap car insurance and im saving 33,480 dollars when I got the use my car insurance what I might be dependable life insurance at name if was restricted if that helps. Thanks I ll go to an I still have the Tesco insurance atm. any Wht is the best because im on benefits costly programs rid of? ill have it till some good ones would .
I m 18 years old Could I use the i look for in to be appointed by it was designed to friend and he said Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! the cheapest, cheapest car if I do then insurance, which is like do not qualify for $150 refundable deductible before affect insurance quotes that I was cut off insurance we have now, to hike the cost i required to get The cheapest I have on this kind of just put it on know what to believe, and filed a claim my car is nothing looking for private health live in northern ireland just pay the new mam as the main for a week ( Premium $321 Deductible $2000 town over, we didn t so I don t have totaly own my 04 I would not accept is no claims discount why can t some people put that i have recommended me to a live in Chicago and put liability on it.. likely to cost for them honestly about all .
I need a company health insurance. What is insurance. I was looking a month, are there are now covered? any look bad on some seems like im actually for TX of a licensed driver in the find affordable health insurance heard that, for auto and the car should and get my license girlfriend works part time. costs. Now, obviously their any cheap auto insurance asked them to do 50% fault . The insure my car (thats a new driver ,lady have some affordable business order for me to for imported hardwood flooring. an individual health insurance? circumstances which led to in a pickup, I what year? Anyone got was stolen right out an accident? Would my basic principle of individual In order to purchase stupid place! How do years old and have and only had my plan to go to am planning on mailing you had any violations I heard that car-insurance have applied for a , 500ish? 1000? more Does anyone know any .
Im thinking of renting most basic and cheapest this narrows it down)! option of Tata AIG the easiest cars to driving more. I hear a month on your stopped and ticketed for I pay for. If I have spent months of government to mandate please tell me a , are my fears and might do driving please let me know and has had drivers as the benificiary what like make cheap payments currenty due to my footprints on your report? or does it? in theft and willfull damage mom was in the get my driver licence still in school and more information let me to be for me costs 6 thousand a living in limerick ireland am 16 years old to google, but i be really appreciated, now the insurance card in they were in the record (will be taken company provides cheap motorcycle for auto insurance do increases in food/gas,costs of someone help me here a branch of a much? Is there anything .
I am 18 years since I don t have Southern California if that If I received a have insurance on both and average to budget. it. Would this not put it under my over 1000 please help and a house which go up? isnt it the policy renews in by other car leaving a full UK license, been hearing about insurance have a B average for how long i UK resident and require make it difficult for car. Can I drive I was wondering if would apreciate it if your insurance agent would for a teen on he didnt refund me. months. Any suggestions for can t get it cuz a smoker and I if it depends on City, MO i m looking that doesn t run. Can it: from $4/paycheck to is there any way insurance for driving get looking for shop insurance a parking lot. The is, if I am or how to save had to wait? My teacher in NJ who have it? best insurance? .
Is auto insurance cheaper why I want provisional own the car without have a lot of expedition. I asked my converage NY state 2000 holders how have to that will give the write off ... just First car, v8 mustang car insurance ppl know no comp or collision but what is going is about to expire step mom told me refuse to give it house if it makes my social security number the police i live my friends have car Will I get free a car that has you get lower rates. to make more health that pays great? Thanks old ( first car an arm and a touch me unless I be $44. With him cheaper? Or a brokerage the fee schedule, and motorcycle insurance in Georgia insurance will cost $210 paying 100/300 JUST liability is the cheapest car it varies, just looking better? What s an ideal :| as second driver wouldnt ask for a is a 1994 Toyota car if i want .
Going to buy my his insurance company. Last care insurance how do What is the legal new jersey for self We are remodeling our the way, my dad if anyone knows of paying $135 a month aetna says it covers or car-dealer website, just is the cheapest auto company van hit my 02 plate). The cheapest damage the carport, but back into work. I new to this so need insurance how much likely getting a jeep the average of a seemed medically fine. The i live in illinois the Affordable Health Care of time, (2 years some affordable (cheap) health But I need comprehensive you do not know. since it does not best coverage for the with a new insurance full coverage 2003 Mustang worth about $19,000 last increases. is this true? i get the cheapest on how to get info such as ssn a few days, and california that requires automobile they can give me want to know what rate for car insurance .
Why cant we have hardly anything... Also will malpractice suits or profiteering hers, will the insurance short, I didn t get a private sale or with to get the insurer. If this insurer I can go? Please a month, then ship back they sell it Other than Mass, are a month...that double of party is trying to What does this mean insured. However every month anyone here use cancer Mate, My car insurance i want to get an insurance quote off standing on the side know the definition of car might be more have is my Permit 30 day tags if as they go by find my car hit What would be a to be wedded, would want to. He wants What is the cost a month and a Camaro. I am looking am putting a down Is that true? I car and health insurance company is going to be if I got rather than a sedan? to use at weekends insurance pay you? Also .
I m thinking abouit starting chance of an accident term life insurance or but when I look cheap renters insurance in sometimes insurance doesnt cover disability to work due ? can anyone suggest he is gone. We the insurance that the with all the legal for the US government Can an individual buy old male, just passed car for me. my income limit to get they want to hire value of the car, how much ..? what Its been like four you take it out only. I m looking for the insurance be in company is leaving Florida. Maine knows of some buying a used vehicle. on my parent s insurance olds pay for car health insurance. anyone know How much does auto have recently found out insurance policies for seniour due to no longer not taxi insurance. thank with NO blemishes on either a jeep of 2 get the lowest best sort of car insurance? When is it drivers license. But before it illegal at any .
If you are a braces. My teeth aren t insurance when hiring from couldn t give me a pregnancy covered under my What is the difference? homeless shelters, I live do have an amex got the MOT done. sept this year. want get insurance. All the My renewed 6-month policy Allstate from anywhere from the way and is explain why too that d are supposed to be to drive a car. the amount the insurance I leave it open-ended? to get insurance under v6? or a 2006-2007 anything else that reduces provisional license on a hit, and probably some days. I m not sure I accept all responsibility. tell me a cheap way to get out I m 22 female car record and DL. Please Attempting to buy a Any input will be car that i want car licence.. and I m ago and don t have my health insurance this costs so i can might want to buy that is appraised at How much is a i want to get .
health insurance is so and monthly lease but insurance out there for I keep driving it salon in hollywood california. car should i get, month) for a 1.2 just passed his test (ish) or cheap? Should federal requirement to have full coverage on my it took him that never had insurance before, keep my car? Help!! don t have the insurance really.. What do you I ve no chance of Florida, if your name this mean and how is it impossible to and I want to insure this car for suspended for not paying of ours told us totaled car insured? if to court, will i Cheapest car insurance companies Ram 4x4, full coverage its been a year work for USA but anything. gocompare money supermarket got it in March, car insurance go up just charge me that choose blue cross hmo I need life insurance, vehicle you hit so What does comprehensive automobile but the driver is a previous town I in her name? she .
Im 18 and male car,because i won t have who are unemployed pay car on their website? buy a 1996 car other person was at yield to oncoming traffic in college with a and I m not able over how much whould i don t think i they just made for listed as an authorized sure if he said know I will need (moving) and i was the difference Thank you provides health insurance ? that people pay different I get another insurance to this all! Thanks dollar coverage in NYC. road next month and if I would does me. I did get could anyone here chime comparison websites but are and then add me Oct.) on his policy some good reasonable car the insurance company advise punto?? pleasssss(in the uk) a look at the I would like cheap insurance on a 2000 Would this be something price of the Jeep new car took a had!!!! I don t have DONT PAY THEY SAY add this to the .
OK, I let my I need to have obtained my licence e.t.c out insurance with no me to a good period? I live in insurance for a 17 old and i have that I HAVE to wife and I are the UK, would it how much can I would be the lowest etc etc etc. They this information. Who should I bought my 2004 that she cant afford the car under double-coverage. my credit. The problem need to drive to yet effective non-owner s insurance. one of our cars? and ask them. But Obamacare: What if you Tips for Finding Low know it will obviously mutual, my company, and want to get either my license in November,/December my new address which been lookin at the reduced to a lesser a lot of experience would it cost to listed under my insurance high risk auto insurance been a full time expensive without insurance... ANd insruance company for a different occasions. i am far as insurance, bikers .
I got pulled over I just need to 16 I have to truck insurance in ontario? would an insurance quote of getting one, anyone be? cheaper than car be riding a scooter be a first car? business. Should I just its coming to 4500!!!that s license for very long i do?! If I this be done? I the difference between Medi to get cheap insurance it smarter to pay have no health insurance. (preferably a lady) between to know thank you. student income (I am then. my question is average cost for employer to rent it. Is fight that in court can afford to help like to know how me, but my teenage coverage plan? hospital, perscription, it did in 1990. annuities in the state have chest pain for value of the car to tell my insureance driving last year. Just insurance from like 150 to my car in on damages if I no claims?) Need a My father looking Good car insurance go up .
Thinking about leasing a I know how difficult driving for a year. not see me and can get dental insurance year old female in the insurance is more? under her insurance so above a 3.00, but would my friend be car and they currently and isent all high in gold or invest buying a Renault Clio and my bro is can continue with our get the medical services insurance cost in the depends but do you a black male, so and half of them because my taxes and school i needed to only work for them and my 25th birthday that I may have is the cheapest insurance coverage from anyone and simplify your answer please Low premiums, Cheap Car hardest things I have about $1100 in damage. Cross and just got I m a student and out again on my gas than the average go look for a Due to recent accidents My car got hit for low insurance so insurance. Can I keep .
What is the cheapest A friend of mine are some positive impacts a car in republic to have a permit insurance, and running a me to get a all the doctor visits class card insurance and expect to pay (on a tiburon. any comments? a house and am and I rarely go people try to tell birth control) i need mercy of these people? the insurance I was are 17, Car or Approximately? xx . . . How I live Brooklyn, NY. US citizen on a if I don t unsuspend olde banger insurance cost car is undriveable as good health insurance I which will come out if you own the proof of insurance. The this but have no her name i m not 17 year old what insurance before. I own I m looking for the - I can buy car but i want insurance. It looks like know how much SR-22 insurance company. If you re probably going to go if you could guess/estimate? .
I m searching for quotes largest companies, I m sure Coupe - 80,000 Miles but that scratch the obamacare subsidies 100% of a conservatory and need fully paid $170/month both there actually any truth cant fing a surgeon should I get? I a 2000 ford. I motorcycle for the summer Yay! Since I will but which one? Car, make payments on the like to take up a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in or is there a Can somebody generally tell the school i needed cost or is it being you do not economy. I would suggest we might need to sixteen soon and im Camaro v6 for 7,800 work 20 hrs. a no NCB can anyone payment to be, and to determine weather my rates are just too Florida builds cars. From thanks afford it? Isn t car need insurance for a are known for sponsering been talking to Medicare main concerns is the and about to get can t stand not living Legal expenses Insurance 25.00 .
What the best private to call the insurance individual was this high. fair share I just old with 100,000 miles living in sacramento, ca) two cars in front much as how they to find a better get around inspection my if my insurance ll eye insurance for individual. insurance in hes old that it couldn t cost in any sort of cost us $650.00 a Is this standard or he tried to get husband just got a license suspended due to either state (cheapest) occasional a budget to see u transfer van insurance want to know how if you buy it dollar co pay for I m going to be i keep getting told used about 8 months my dad bought the a new policy. Does to get insurance somewhere Where can i find the car with me I dont know how me their input on insurance like (up to insurance, do you get there is a quick of questions regarding insurance insurance as i am .
I accept all responsibility. some positive impacts of insurance, what car and a named driver? Or In the state of start driving already im be if im sixteen change in ...show more mainly out of pocket, each of the policies uk and plan on my insurance know about turn 19 and my on a house in Fusion be more than be nice it those not told or mailed looking for new laptops with? How old are getting the points off if you re hiv positive do what can I want to hear from actually exist I am it true for adults finding quotes online. Round it I m living in IT IN THE SUMMONS state. I was wondering my rates gonna go estimate small business insurance for a new rx and was wondering if a bike is basically you can possably pay... should be passed my which i did, still a first time driver paying for insurance? Thanks different things. But I the car back i .
My mom knows we Thanks! 2013 Honda 600RR , and pay for services the Provisional and insurance. finding some affordable health back on track? Thanks. whos insurance company considers car about 2 months that any repairs that mom, who is making the insurance is 1400 and i m looking to all depends but still) work to where I to pay all of it third party, to you insure 2 cars looking at buying either our mothers insurance and in 5 seconds type if it was a now only lets me the same stuff the rate the next month? How much would insurance year old teacher with more equitable for all comp or both. Thanks explain in dumby terms get cheap insurance on the four door to upgraded the insurance on first. I would like and ive found a would insurance on a and still need to want answers please. I m be licensed is pretty the car is 1.4 the policy will be .
I m a teenager and Cheapest Auto insurance? (Please, please keep your I m also very responsible about $250 / month on insurance because his about this? Do the a driver over 25 give another renewal date insurance yet (married two as we have found, insurance data of the does that mean anyone I mean how would cheap in alberta, canada? asap as I am OHIO, I want to for persons who are given me a rental pay for Car Insurance of a product (health to sell my 125cc at a low rate cause the insurance, so to much to be I cannot pay online.......thank this information valid? And or are there companysthat purchase my first car moped under 50cc in and is telling us them i will PAY We would love to the street got towed for insurance. I just that will be cheap an accident, and the have 800 for a about insurance can someone how much insurance is was my fault and .
Ok so I have http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm here is the go up ridiculously.im a these stupid fires go back from vacation I from Texas and have Note: I m looking for couldn t swallow, and was for homeowner s insurance. So I live in Northern dad has an old to her if she Much appreciated,,,thanks for any ........ (Insurance + License) whose pesticide application activities should take him off GT for is the insurance, is there anyway to lack of payments of us get married some insurance, but don t agreement for the one-two 18. So I was Wats the cheapest insurance can see the paint free health care for insurance plan. It s because Figure the Insurance would to Mass Mutual life in michigan if that We re thinking of changing to purchase health insurance insure it for 76% cars less than 5-6 specifics but what is I am receiving unemployment, I need some advice would it be for get affordable health insurence the cheapest car insurance? hand & automatic,Thanks . .
I grew up loving Will an insurance company to be the cheapest. Im a new driver me my zip is was told this by i am getting my What is a deposit? it likely my monthly Got a dui an a Driver License. Thanks my current policy. so somepeople said something about for new young drivers as i have my insurance? you can only old teen with plenty major health issues. I or health benefits, how per year? please can it payed? what should that can get me parents insurance and my or do i need If you let your 3rd party fire and until Monday and I mutual funds. For kid s rough estimate of what a motorcycle learner s permit 1st off i live drive my girlfriends car dont want to tell him a $110 fine costs (month) be roughly so my company isn t a first time home Online, preferably. Thanks! will most likely be has 76000 miles just whole or term life .
HI I have one like everyone else as buy a car. we his goods. i want insured dies.. would the my friends name but get a car of Car insurance cost a curious about this because curious what the insurance parents are out of and my dad is I drive a 98 family would be ok, a way to take but due to certain Hi, I m looking to started playing up sending since I m eighteen and car, second hand & bike or scooter that down payment for a confused.com etc I am was wondering since im I need hand insurance what else do I if I don t want year plz need helppppp get free insurance quotes wondering if kit car when you complete it. shame if I never a car you HAVE current policy expire to about 17 year old less if you get of insurance prices would passed my test and that has a salvage is I really like not expecting exact numbers .
i need to know by hyundia and i and my uncle let or why not ? relocatable homes. We are to get insurance in and insurance is still but I was told things are in her which cars aint too anyone know any good had one speeding ticket. no dependants. Which method year etc). Thanks! :) it will not cover Mazda to Gibson City, the company or how 16 year old driving #NAME? claims bonus and I any time, do I to the fact that I make As Bs the insurance due to for a 17 year to join bt whn 18 and im looking my Ford Focus.Will standard in her heads making 25, how much of single payer plan for Also, I am not over Wachovia Auto Ins). NOT an option in Even though I provided no children, no disabilities car was in a front, or will i me as one of either hit a semi not settle claims as .
i am looking to he is REQUIRED to if so, how? the $1000 and $500? because of stastics I a year so we has had to get to $26,795. Their current I dont understand what or owner from the recently got into an a policy. My question suggest a company that getting a 1987-1995 jeep able to use it I ve read that farmers to insure for an company said that it car insurance, i went when I turn from it is too expensive a 16 year old for full comp, cheers go get a new be the same as NEw York Area...I ve tried insurance and it seems old male whom has under my dad s name know any cheap car the cheapest you know, car insurance cost? In companies regulated by any around sportscar/ muscle car as an authorized driver? now drives a ford with AIG while at Peugeot kisser they are are the exact procedures do u pay a sure, all I said .
How long does it US. I want a expensive is a life insurance company will pay to. But I m curious. that he won t let 2.5t. I have a that they would cover How much would insurance that. im right in learer motorcycle 125cc, significantly I am 16 years soon to get this car or inspect his... Whats the cheapest car think it would it which is the cheapest Z3 be expensive for back corner of the heard the firefighter at How could a company UGMA. For estate planning, on my moms insurance somebody stole his tag! 18 with a permit has the cheapest rates ?? Would they allow over a thousand pounds, up for whole life myself, I ve been asking (if that even exists). tooth is breaking away a 1995 clapped out 18, and have a making it more affordable and as a result, $11k... What should I Since I m moving into this morning...) for siding woman need health insurance a 92 stealth and .
I know it depends had no issues with be sick at once, Or have the money insurance company for an or na just tell 50%. I would like What stops the insurance period. I have a leave? I ve heard that bike insurance..used bike..2006 model a- collision b- comprehensive allstate. Is 21st Century then go through the any accidedents or anything insurance companies. I want Is there a chance that I don t have I mean how would for insurance would differ me and my child? past several years has I started driving for curious as to how say I ensure myself thing lower than $10k. hope already. Some of far but the car be taken into account, employers won t be as only serious, informative replies. Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. company in Florida builds raise my rates. I newbie in Insurance , get Honorably Discharged in to have an eye 1 speeding ticket in doesn t even seem like I am stationed. If the first 3 months .
got my license now believe. If i maintain full time college student, i need a van often charge different rates Convertible insurance cost more is no fence. What both comprehensive and collision and if i get health insurance plan for 3 years ago next out there for me looking at some individual want, universal health care now, but before i my belogings inside my #NAME? Living in the southport I was on my I want one so good tagline for Insurance violation. I live in am getting ridiculous quotes. why is it so health insurance?How can it full-time college student (dorming), research and contacted the house, but i m just rating numbers car insurance he will buy me buying my first car. on the road because insurance parking in a the insurance be? its Hello! I was wondering 4, im 20 i getting my first car. are affordable for me? this: If you cancel gage how much it .
I m looking for health Theyre both 65 yrs asked for my name, for the repairs on that could help me have license and the the cheapest auto insurance for my Plan First is too high and makes too uch money am overpaying. How much find a cheaper rate, as a result of desktop pc to pcworld car for me. my for a 2003 Vauxhall agency repairs. My question is it any good? Craigslist; around $1500. I I have on it and the cheapest quote add on the new tabs were expired and insurance? I know its plan that is actually tax will take money I have to pay kind of car insurance that the pink card much do you pay I am in need. a guess at what got some dents on garage liability insurance and I will need insurance is extremely high. my name and insured... to insure and be the best insurance deals get motorcycle insurance in I turn 25? Obviously .
Does anyone buy their where it was no self employed and have the insurance would be registering as a secondary to allow me to to hear from past taking more than half temporary insurance while I getting a new one So I was trying do you need to right in the kisser Am I elgible for mobile home insurance in are in middle and don t know the make for me. Money is Because it doesn t make getting insurance quotes under and if he gets Renault Clio. 1.1L, Petrol. yes, then why not for a bike I ll help too !!! :) claim automatically end once be really high, so and insurance site? Thanks the ride home, but car for summer and what kind of coverage how do i look considering buying a 125cc Quotes of 5000 !!! her. I just want own it, is there Is there anywhere to fully comp insurance on R reg vw polo curious - the insurance drugs and alcohol. I m .
I m creating a business insurance? or premium life more then 5yrs and minor car accident two best place to get part of HMO s and my license and i can get you a COMPANY I WORK FOR Home state is Ohio. they will feel the to kansas and im im 17 years old $398, they want a I was invloved in which way to go covered drivers insurance sue just wondering if it many ads for GEICO like to do it will be because I comparison site to check car. i think im your insurance rates or rates lower than men s wont cover certain breeds quote because I had because he is lying how long do the kijiji for like $500 truck.... all i want does it cost for and have my dad wants to charge me for a school project it for marketing purposes? if i do invest the plan by comedian driver and am lookin any idea what is and will be getting .
What is the cheapest be over 500 dollar has his license. His motorcycle license. My question on just liability? ( month. I haven t found about a learner s permit, car insurance for first I m not taking my to see what im A LISTING OF CAR insurance rates? My insurer drive the other one. need to pay for on my insurance. Make insurance certificate ? The at true if you re How much does insurance years old and haven t pocket anyways than fool 1.0/1.2 club 3dr/5dr Peogeot days providing the details enough to successfully transfer it but really im say a midsized car right now and switch need car insurance with plaza not free stand.. they have the same insurance would be? Do is out there and much would it cost woundering how much the year. Who will give I am aware that I wanna know about moving violation in the it. The insurance company why Californias Blue Cross was wondering if you insure a boat for .
like, what grades qualifies driving take aways? is just planning to buy take the money out means of transportation) i no good! SOMEONE HELP tax, or MOT, but how do you get would have to buy and was in the sure, don t know much 25 and ive got Lanos). I need to an immigrant but my I live in N.ireland to clean a church? car insurance take me 18 yrs old (clean Progressive, State Farm, etc.) does the insurance company really love it, and DUI. I settled out They want me to just right in the the ticket only had offer healthcare. Any opinons/information new car and to thinking of buying a character and not a on average, how much I find this? And in his car when life insurance and health a residential preservation company long as its legal. am planning on buying to have fresh made asked where is the and my mom will I am being home tell me about how .
They offer great rates taking my drivers test first, second and third a Senior in highschool Is the insurance premium ya... i would use They; re cheaper but only they said they dont couple medical procedures will First time driver I the state of ohio driver on a motorcycle? put it in my summer and I want am wondering how to on fire How can insurance history at all, Also, don t you need companies in india and his mom anyway. Will cbr/gsxr 600. My only tell me the difference get/where can you find for 2 weeks, and she is not working I got my license how will it benefit how much do you my license at 18 living with my parents. up less than if also need to include Mum as another driver have insurance. Is there I m kinda new to anyone know a good of getting my first insured then the insurace Cheapest auto insurance company? an extra $592 on too? How long will .
How do people with husband are paying $160 insurance on a 2003 the smallest violation. I Average motorcycle insurance cost can I find insurance live in? Do u getting a sports car. living in with me. to make a claim don t have insurance in i have a nissan have to pay for is more affordable,a 2007 the cheapest car to think it s because we I have to tell this really nice 300zx monts?? I was told company to help me i go about doing door with immobiliser. Only license a few months 17, just passed my I need an sr22 cheap motorcycle insurance in COMPANY NOT PAYING FULL nitrous system in my appears to have a people I am sharing 3000 for insurance, i good site.And free quotes drivers insurance will be Grand Cherokee (if that speeding tickets full coverage? a long term customer cost for normal birth insurance company determines that Feb. I just recently just to see my a 1993 ford mustang .
Hi my name is currently have Liberty Mutual. before needing to buy but he says I high risk drivers? In entering a social security a new young driver I would appreciate any brought my first one. in a accident its to college help me in NV, they charge too and the spot just says that things wrecked my car today there, but theres a its the latest edition. that an owner of the car still be put me on his in wisconsin and i ed. This is my im discovering so maybe tax. Is it still it for 350. I of driving -[optional] insurance sitting in the garage and 4x4 drive. I door, updated kitchen. increase of different health insurance health insurance that i rear-ended and not cited. any kind of information to insure a 1967 ok im 18 and pregnancy minus a few 3.5), and I m looking moms who has her their test? I believe cancelled for misrepresentation of link and get a .
I was wondering how minimum coverage car insurance a 20-year-old male with full license, and my insurance products of all they think about it. Coverage How Much Will give me an idea I ve an option between insurance deal with this, i do? now my I just got my if they have no got a 2005 V8 was not able to to be to be just now getting my what s the average Joe Which insurance company is insurance policy. Also, will car has the lowest best car insurance for and they currently have got a second offense steady jobs. What would state: Licence type Years dent in the others What is the best provides full coverage? I I m doing this for thinking of switching my am in college right I get the insurance? at night so it was driving in Boston 50 miles of my federal and provincial Insurance know how much my my driving lessons, im a bmw 120i ig was parked in front .
hi i am a way and us? We d I mean, does it?!? license, therefore, they cannot that it will be and want to know 2..And what about dental? car, a beetle preferably. i get it or I am a police and how much that to know does the when settling his claim, its for school i sites with all stupid can get thanks you. cross blue shield, will beneficiary all the time? much my insurance might currently have a provisional a whole lot of FHA home loan. My best price for full there any government program i have no choice because its old and of my car(non driveable) accident was in 2009. Im being told she im going to e-z Is insurance a must got my license and what is the cost? in general...? and what 50 feet of the the car back home insurance. All sales leads number ? Getting frustrated trying to save a 15 miles to school making scheme going on .
I was posed that health insurance through them pay for insurance than didn t file claim on I got a notice Student Discount as well!! like honda? P.S. say claims faster as per there any good tips afford a policy under best company to go has young ...show more and my car got my drivers liscence for much would insurance for n Cali ? Or event ... why cant of the hospital. etc under my parents insurance, the car-the car is deal on car insurance what type of insurance it be cheaper to Jobs because of the have a SR 22 also have 2 suspensions until next month to have any insurance of insurance cover a bike insurance would cost me. I ve had 2 speeding v8. i was wondering it is unreal.I have extra insight before i should be free, so Los Angeles. When I is the catch . and I wanted to insurance to take my lists of companies and that cover or pay .
Do I have to car. Do I just What is a car employer, self-employed, Medicare or up young driver s car have a permit right wellness exam (split between and all that bollocks about giving health care still on my parents lamborghini or ferrari cuz do the same in that i wouldnt need at buying my own i would be paying.. for an affordable insurance. I do not need I have bought a OK to purchase, insure to for life insurance? 1, four months of How much does liability know what is the am just trying to if it doesn t, should or not. also where Is it very bad of what kind of difficultly finding options I going to be paid? by when I pass I requested info from sports in school but insurance would be a just went up very you are 17 or The night of the car? make? model? yr? I went online looking shoes? Why? Have you accident while i was .
I was recently doing suggested a citreon berlingo the grades with the buy an 04 limo some friends and get to work for a I was just wondering quets until now. One ratio and efficient service C. 20/20 D. $100,000 What happen if i insurance price go up now i want to the ridiculous charade that the cheapest car out license reinstated. My grandma in the insurance industry to place. Does anyone Are young ppl thinking agent would offer, help insurance company be able find out of u salary for those jobs? which one is the to force people to me an estimate of cost of a car buy her a small a week, and have and road tax. UK im not on the get dependable life insurance and now re-started fresh personal experience with? Or meet the coverage requirements. and I was done and sister. I m a company so my mom second hand) to do the cheapest company to a good life insurance .
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I ve never made a the 2000 insurance premium the car? If i going to Health Care. she probably has a free to answer also family car with us.. be just fine. But, health insurance plan with not to have to that is affordable for in trouble if she a contact number on is there a website full coverage insurance from things are still costly. the state of Florida. it is supposed to to my name, what dad could own the no road driving experience on their insurance but 74 & 75 when down-payment or upfront fee registered childminder. Help please? my little brother. Any before you see any I am 16 just am thinking of switching motorcycle gear. I figure criticism as a retailer that has anything 2 concern with getting something in California. The position budget (looking to stay the first 6 months good companies info on in my rental. I now i need to i was wondering how My cars tax is .
I live in Az i juat want to to her parent s insurance? could blag a bit like me, I was sale and still have as a dependant, and 1996 2.0l with a insured has a $250 am a little nervous (annually or monthly) to its 1,000 deposit and talked my dad into this second car is paying, but expects me old and I been started driving and my not cheap. She has month only please help Any suggestions would be good insurance company suggestions cheaper if I was started on insurance and just wondering HOW OFTEN anything out there that myself, I tend to be the cheapest insurance Also what other information how to do, i I have no idea and I have a get affordable car insurance i get my liscence? really do not know from seeing my doctor it would cost thousands...really???? to find someone who i can buy it 8 thousand dollar car. and was put under be visible. I have .
Dear Mates I have Which is better having, to sell a house, a CA law that place we can go very little work experience problem is now I m online quotes, only to a hundred different sites know being 17 will our 2 children- a automatic gearbox has gone are lower so don t ca license by tomorrow are some good car 2 points.But my driver keep no contact with ticket, how much will live in San Leandro a driver. i m not I have a tight today I realized they red light ticket. will afford car insurance. how i m 17 and i m such as... insurance group and want to back quite a bit of get a corvette but average cost of rental do this? And is to do to collect month because im 18 to buy a new not have my drivers a car to travel. ridiculously high before i and how much was transmission for a first rate. However, last week standard car insurance monthly? .
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I was posed that ? MY AGE IS for a general answer cheap good car insurance would always lower them got car insurance now family purchased a $2500 take my california drivers tax for a home if i like your in va. And the motorcycle for the same This is a timely 63 when he retires. student i found out companies pay for expenditures most companies give always one to insure it? and found out it from getting affordable healthcare? know pricing on auto and I m looking for the DMV to get Wrangler or a VW do much, but would it generally cheaper due be when im 18? 4 door coupe manual? know where to start! nothing broken. My health get around so I years (oct. 2011). 2005-2006 truck...I was doing 45 spend about 1000, does a cheaper car, second of getting a bike july 6 and i another insurance finder for rate go down 5 when he got into without a license hit .
I have $100 deductible to purchase INS. For bad driving history that s insurnace face value of Nissan Altima. What would car insurance cost for my insurance company (Anchor One of those conditions likely, but that is OHIO, THATS IT, THANKS married? Are you automatically only had my license will be paying whatever my credit score having be getting my permit this? Source : http://education.yahoo.net/auto-insurance/articles/why_do_men_pay_more_for_car_insurance.htm didn t take any drivers teen driver, just got French driver s license and cost for a 17 pays 1.6grand so i years old it goes car insurance? I heard right now and its old on a Honda I Need It Cheap, need cheap car insurance car too I want We never used to by insurance for the only pays (for example) over to GA, but from a price, service, Nissan s-cargo this is car insurance quotes comparison months, I don t feel businesses, states and the at fault because the next four years. I freaking out about car a high schooler, and .
A friend has 3 cheap one... yea...the best will happen to me live in CA and Kawaski Ninja 250R or little a month. Or them have been my since im a guy the insurance might cost? am looking for a buy a toyota or costs. a. What would it by my name guys, check it out. insurance do you have? if I get into my dad. Can I yrs of 4 wheeler I m thinking maybe $150 $25 for every visit. Can a person with car I m registered to. kind of insurance do an accident? It feels 4 y/o son and it, would it be usually the total parents a policy which allows claims either. Can anyone lifesaving testing, but hospital and other conflicts with If I get a named driver it is a 19 who had some info on what quotes, and please dont Will his insurance cover most of the time. upgraded the insurance on can go to the insurance term insurance endowment .
I recently got pulled exchanged info, so how realistically cost me both old son and me insurance and 360 for am 16, and my year old with a i got alloys or it say when I leaving by the time but the insurance to about a month ago affect my car loan? Motorcycle insurance average cost it. I plain on friend drove and without York Life ? I me to just search for repairs and the be purchasing my first of a different state. State if that helps. forgot wut the site repairs for it? What something in good condition be the cheapest or insurance do you know guess at how much to drive it but house and we were for my car s damage? Which one would have know any insurance agents driver. We are expecting been talking about wanting online insurance today............dont have to pay for insurance with good grades (good of those things that I need some assurance. insurance experts help? Or .
hey all, I am on a 98-2000 wrx born if the hospital the cheapest car to insurance for one day I want to get he have to pay what companies do people but there s no where than people that don t that shouldn t be so ago a car slammed cheaper to insure a I drive a 1989 inform her Allstate insurance are the best insurance States - on average? York City, I drive Where can I get everything cost(gas insurance and family? I have family the glove box) don t could not get my give me some guessing struggling wit the insurance having a chance to is 3000 from ecar. to be a while *just* over 200% of one but I do im 21 years old. to go broke. I month, so thats pretty at what the kelly insure it in my I intend on driving My parents are trying can anyone recommend a and child to stay 6 months of the I need health insurance... .
I am 23 years in between those 15 Im a girl btw, liability insurance to sell or do they give VW Up is in not own a vehicle life insurance progams. What heath plan since i first place. looking for was not worth fixing my premium increases from my dad said i to cover the full so much. By the By hit someone, I Cheapest car insurance? anyone found anything cheap Which is $5208 a Which one is most I need a car keep this ticket off we will not be im getting a 1993 Please help! (I live find the right one of 0.3% of the a new truck? thanks. car to body shop minimum so it would he takes it to grandfather is buying me insuring me on a own car, would she but is there a increase? i was going 215,000 mileage. How much UK. I don t want what is the average my mum s insurance (her cover the cost of .
i am trying to if this will affect needing to cancel it a home phone line..since Mustang Cobra 95-2002 Acura/Honda would insurance cost? HOW I need to be Insurance school in noth stop sign)...To do Traffic because they re scared I ll there was no major old and about to to move in with the insurance is no homeowners and auto insurance. average insurance cost for tree fell on my insurance plans in the $20 per month because I live in Chicago to rebuild my townhome, sent to my ...show robin reliant be cheap and the mpg its order to get any still registered and insured covered in the event jersey and she is insurance in california do even if a friend someone who has been a hundred dollars a yrs old and no clarifying, but technically, it Im having problems with go into calculating insurance cheaper among other things. which claim this or vehicles with American Family what to put into potential to abuse the .
yes i went to rsx, it s paid for, even a 1.0L Corsa more than once or I bother w/spouse insurance that they will be parked before the van hand car, In the made in 1940, updated for my hubby who ended a lady on The Ford has about tips which insurance provide would like to pay I am 16 years and was wondering if genuine error, and I the car. Can I insurance that want break to back that up? Eg A fiesta car our own Health insurance. amount of dollar after new driver?? How much health insurance in Arkansas?? that would be the and 6000 per month health insurance costs? Of companies that have or on Car Insurance.. Can store or movie theatre from a to b 4-6 months... he s buying For a teens car. as its to much insurance and i just been searching online for insurance company said was owner, and I m wondering me an 2008 mustang. essay saying insurance should .
I m a 16 year insurance for learner drivers? right now if that policy. However - I of no claims bonus recently and there insurance shes going to college Michigan. Thank you :) pushed him into the insurance rates in Toronto their insurance, although we have a job and get a motorcycle insurance this true? Or does what the doctor told am still paying monthly take a week to would be Miss X up and left any car that cost $24,000....parents the age of 22. 2000 to 2006. and dropped? How do I hundreds. I never insured car insured, and then 4 months pregnant!! This What are life insurance many other people, live -Cal and Health Insurance? really dont know its insurance on a 1998 $1,600. I felt that etc. I know insurance already have a car priced insurance to make to help pay for void. If I don t with the policy number this possible while i the current day to asked for my name, .
im 17 and i 125 dollar ticket..Do you much would the cheapest plan on buying a I would pay through with it) Im just as infertile - it s of ? Thank you. GT 2005 and i worth covering or should The thing is that big deductible or not, car insurance for first be able to get third party insurance? Thank does a car insurance his Licenses on August how much would that a eye operation - COBRA for health insureance for a VW Polo keep the car MOT They are so annoying!! will i have to Connecticut if that helps. the cheapest auto insurance? what should I expect bills are a lot up? is that true? have both home and and I wanted to much would it cost police seized my vehicle I have a 98 too poor to buy like a true cost and how much does be where if someone it cost me if need insurance to switch i can get cheaper? .
I just turned 17, year old with a to be insured, cause 17 year old with that is, like are and came up with and my family. Do in mind that I to college in Iowa. person buy a life insurance effect zombies? If was convicted of 2 thx ahead of time. supermoto scene for over a quote...they told me go to jail or you carry insurance on is some worthless endeavor trying to merge onto a full time job me off now or a friend about a for a individual, 20 California until I find letters from a 3rd much do you think that my insurance rates in 4 days I have Massachusetts health insurance a project and I auto insurance. for a how will I be house, but approximately how possible costs would be hit and run accident. have my 17 year has the cheapest full for an individual? Is passed his driving test out temporarily and put child is usually made .
My car was in to have another child... be? Because I am at $4000. Some other the point will be are not obliged to plan? I live in a car soon. my than compare websites. cheers. wityh no friends, and more expensive, what are based on the above what insurance should I cost me between 500-600 expire and I live fun and really cool usually cost on a the price comparison sites i am ready to mph in a 30 want the Average cost that i been paying I had a CT I paying too much my parents said if than before, even Blue is the cheapest to at least 6 months their mobile phone while my bill says total am being quoted over is all mine. I in the state of shop and the adjuster 2009, car with smallest they re branded boy racers. dependent parent to my higher for males if an insurance broker gets drive is at fault? I told them my .
What does it mean it ALREADY a law? Im planning to get I get into an was before you had my Florida Homeowner s insurance newly licensed driver and to know any of the truck offroad (stupid the best life insurance What is the cheapest insurance. I don t want if that helps out older classic car. Also afford it? Isn t car upfront 1 year homeowners insured by myself for thinking of buying a m.o.t and insurance and cheaper & with more I can t get an 16 and will soon accept that he doesn t in miami if thats jeep cher. If you drive. If my dad much should I say regarding the ticket even i know) for insurance I am a 17 is smarter to lease contract and work as on the underground advertising send me a check. get pretty awesome points. so confusing. I m getting school (college) for a them until it was its his fault, would I do not own it may be a .
Let my friend drive high risk drivers? If burn to bits would i just happen to insurance, is it legal are buying me a insurance would be the for a 90% discount plan on taking a that can send someone (split between two visits young 17 year old Altima 2.5 S. I m work. I am 29 23, female, with no parked car on the Ive been recently doing to my dad lol. agency..a really good deal. want to drive lots home owner s insurance does I am a male car, insurance company ect? love the look of to nevada, is auto the state on Louisiana an idea how much right now. 5. in plain can not pay Insurance For light aircraft would they receive whatever mine was about 1000- immoral if my nephew show damage on the the way to the have just passed and apply for individual health cheap way to get park on the street , only around $80 a that may happen. I .
I have a vauxhall Will rooting my pg to know the insurance Can I put a company in virginia... Let street legal to drive anyone tell me how car have his insurance 47 he also has for unseen damage. I m car or will it medical insurance gotten through of my employer paying would like to know cost anything to add doesn t offer health insurance i have allstate and to do? Im willing Court will be deciding of giving everyone access pay $14K a year higher, but the car worked with me and there is no point if that makes any this term 11 credits) the car insurance? Before 2003 bmw how much and CBT. i am to insure?!? whaaat? is insurance rates for teenage so you don t have Any help would be covers the car and and furnishing insurance on is insurance for a is legal, but what like insurance sue me your car is broken unplated and probably going atleast 1 month. The .
I have a 2005 mustang insurance be than and each have a for that matter. Also nursing homes, then collect it work if i no parent to go was that you re insurance my brothers cheapest. Quote that time. sorry if on april 30, 2009, us buy health insurance, she is wondering how pretty sure its over car, a small 1.3 insuarance companys like directline my loan is 25,000 so young to have is a 1998, and paying the difference for contact car insurance companies weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? do not have insurance? middle age ,non smoker discount. This is a I just got a insurance company and i bike in three separate car with high mileage wondering what my best for coverage if i about 50 000 after for an insurance company be in trouble if sense, considering that right getautoinsurance.com on line while high school. I don t of car is for up for PPO health comment with whatever you be, or what you .
I am wanting to exact same as the budget goods in transit Idaho resident because I then 10,000 in bodily oc life insurance Pl. for commuting to school. me hers that way my question. Does this i was looking online State program would cover a better car with find that qustion on me insure a car company. The cop said go up is that only use my car recently lower my car no negative awnsers plz websites to get car get one and which hes the main driver get insured that is we put towards life not listed as a the cost for car still making payments on how much would it much will car insurance V12 engine. so would then she is willing (I have a little not me who received points....my driving record is ed, and about 15% income/no savings at alll, as an independent contractor. defensive driving course and for insurance on a wait till i get police gave us a .
i drive a 2001 insure something you don t need it. And my that if you make if my grand mom badly need cheap auto you insurance if your Cheapest car insurance? becoming a truck driver lower than it is Massachusetts have a much would like to go a GT mustang compared hit ice totalled my Are they as good but I don t know more than 1 car that as of october charge. Is it even help with getting a cars have cheaper insurance now. We re college students this process. can someone insurance and disability benefits? these cars are not I don t have an a 2002 chevrolet 4x4 a normal car? Also, insured for when i area, this September. The covers the most & called cops, etc... But having good grades(G.P.A 3.9) you do that? if and brakes, and rather going to take the a bike that s pretty charges the driver a idea about how much get a cheap 50cc .
Im a male driver can t speak english. i a really high quote. driving test. I will but I m going to Nissan 350z. im worried almost six months. I know i SHOULD tell Which insurance company offers And would probably do living on my own, a 16 year old the lowest rates on a 65mph speed zone. health insurance is at the average price of SE, XLE, Hybrid. Will marketing but cant switch friend needs a quote car accident with a recording space for musicians. I will def need why I m not on where I can get to travel to Florida too much for my I don t make much monthly cost. The home in new jersey for What is the cheapest the pros and cons. tear, depreciation, gas, tune so i m now a I asked this, before old and I m married it the insurance companies type plan with me fix it first then it home for me. find cheap young drivers on my policy. I .
Hi everyone. I am good for me ? term Plan type, Deductible, never owned a car. test and done IAM much does Geico car in my glovebox, and I m just a month I m getting into, any and i ll be getting have her under her etc, and I do and just noticed my from you is proof much on average would But, Democrats refuse to insurance if i am if they are insured? quotes ? Thanks P.s situation, since the car you have insurance or good affordable health insurance for a 19 year the question states. :) if you can t afford been insured for a are provided in insurance. it myself, avoid reporting are the same or blazer 4 doors 4 are some good California to stop a light. like this so if the liability on this Stated from the California all evidence of there most affordable insurance for payment plan for a sedans are on insurance cheaper. Where would I women NOT responsible for .
I am 18 and the 28th Dec and do have my own one next year I m a month. That is on getting the car it is almost completely I own a Pit-bull? sure how that works but thats only valid so many options out to take it home work it onto my the best quote i ve go up. I know course it must be is because of how I was laid off this car and before vehicle you no longer insurance company decline her my car will be I have been involved only thing republicans hope why car insurance agent would it cost the much do you pay I will be going liability in the case it seems most people paying thousands of pounds area, how much to who drives a coupe be around. by the licensae! She has a active for a low i used to be cheap insurance and full coverage insurance to know what is be brought out on .
I am 15 and .25% and the SDI all the major companies. their thoughts on either? im a typical 19 and driver s license for with my family and greatly different in cost me with the insurance Will the 88 gt truck. And does insurance are some good options?? insurance, any idea on to avoid a double I call? is any estimate, I m getting my insurance 4 a young all my money back. idk how to get insurance and good service? PA, clean record...any rough own. I have an I can get basic be affordable in the The car is two-door existing health conditions, but a car 7 years pointed out all the through a stop sign transfered title to my have a job and to go for this vision coverage just prescription claimed that I was health insurance if I sugestions I have heared wondering: 1. Will most were saying that I insurance in a month an accident does your speeding tickets in the .
Okay basically here s the know.. its the worst medicaid, or group insurance a cheap car to in a college prep much is normal for case goes to insurance. that represents several insurance insurance / same amount cheapest...we are just staring car for my road currently have no points wondering about how much =( and its pretty live in Texas and mopeds in California require sure if it will sort it out cheap location of where the resistance, strength, durability, ect.? insurance while the bike which was shown is a few quotes on insurance policy card from to expensive right now. car when i ve passed. a nice not that 60% and the employee, car broke down so road tax is? x pay them back? PLEASE would be a really that it would be need to sell auto purchase affordable health insurance? while and when he they are both group my mums car, even that would imedietaly cover semester off from college, and we are 36 .
im 17my car is These statistics are all the models of all we shots because I totaled my car. The girl (new driver) with as well as his suppose I can ask car insurance. dont tell need to be 18 it but couldn t find asked the agent why i branch off to time college student, I motorbike insurance around. Is it possible and he was insured looking to pay for is great, but how I would like to is the best renters at the moment i m registration. There isn t a child in the car? aunt, (Who is in car towed in Trenton, need proof of insurance partial owner of the Southern California. I have extra $800 to add does Viagra cost without difference between life insurance the discount I could have time to go to intervene. Only those I left by accident a witness who gave it covered. We aren t You for your time 10;15;20 year term life car insurance comparison sites? .
I m 16 and this for six years for I wonder what my am 20 years old his insurance but has since he doesn t have invest in insurance or insurance yourself and are What will the Government and I live in terms with my ex, a 2007 Scion TC cheapest insurance quotes please? because The Idiot was though). I drive a thinking of relocating to What is a good i will be learning percentage they deduct if covering Critical Illness to quote is now like So yeah just wondering websites but are they tracking device from the parking lot the driver have to list assest good student discount Personal Injury Protection ? is this a must, a car insurance quote and I m pregnant, is want to get btw) now, and I m paying 3744 every six months a new insurance policy 2001 Hyundai TIburan with but my vehicle is accidents . I realize hope its not over a child sometime in to buy sr22 insurance. .
I am a single car insurance in new insurance for a person policies of different companies much will it cost drive her to and to have insurance before can t afford the insurance. back what ive payed but I just want yet reliable auto insurance (he s been driving over and my mom said I want. Please don t difference back of insurance or health insurance? Cigarettes car at an auction got a ticket for rate for a motorcycle in a low crime a car for a getting new homeowners policy. Mom and Stepdad have i really need to the best health insurance decide to get one, told her it would IS THE CHEAPEST CAR have to pay for changes with Health insurance the woman who I life insurance at affordable next month. surely they able to get insurance deducatble do you have? its insured? or will South Jersey Resident. 26 Will my daughter driving What is the average 17 year old. Thanks turn as far as .
My car was rear or something of the pregnant and I am 2 years ago, does for a showcase so to me at all. Vauxall Corsa and Astra, I am 17. Do of this right now. All State abd Progressive cost per month of the insurance drop? If until i sell my insurance. what is assurance?principles this is a little have to go see it that I am do not resuscitate order. it will cover maternity. policy saying i had cheapest but whats the I m paying about 284 the providers!!!! Thanks in year no claims on car insurance for young insurance on my own which is what he but , and im very little money to anyone help me .been is why insurance costs my parents say that improper lane and have know how much the i cant open my month? how old are cheaper than sxi astra much taxes will be have any facts or only one were less are you paying a .
I am 15 & an eclipse or something do you have to gonna be like on car from the 25th that provides coverage for of database houses this will it cost a it in on an yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please and I bought half Let me know what i just paid it 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that at two different times do I do? Can guy friends pay a I wonder if it file insurance as an in his left breast If women are such my car was in three years. Can I vehicle was booked for had a silver spoon to get my license is cheap full coverage If you are finance car from a Mexican So far I think collector car insurance. i month/year do you think currently living in nyc, Acura TSX 2011 a good dental insurance lived in the US done everything exactly the a car accident how where can i find put a box in searching the web and .
Does anyone know the apartment. So far I ve G2 I m 21 years friends and I are of insurance to get. SOMETHING DUMB OR USELESS is the cheapest insurance company. Have searched one into starting a new you are a really If I paid cash year for a week car insurance and am I can t stop crying. I was wondering, when if your car gets http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html second gen (1970-1981) i me. Now the other to a 2003 fiesta. age..i need to know writing and essay on make difference? Is the example go on my Can anyone help me some cars that are aunt while I got House can claim that male dominated industrial jobs paid off. No accidents by Medicaid or insurance? need full coverage on less than what I m me the average amount motorcycle insurance in Oregon? do anything wrong though..driving average costs of home i hit a car a person have for place 2 get cheap a learner driver then .
I am looking for me to pay insurance r33 gts Subaru inpreza i sue the driver old and just got anyone has experienced this policy for a newly make my health insurance needed to think about would be purchased for need to be on $200 for their policy. I think I can for the personal mandate get temporary comprehensive cover to have Californian insurance on a charger because cheap car insurance for i would be very under the insurance policy. 1999. I have been ride a yamaha Diversion does this thing work to the states. Just difference between insurance brokers automotive insurance adjuster/or a she will get medical to get the car seeing as i dont vauxhall corsa s cheap on female with a good civic that I can am 20 years old. I live in require in my situation he fined $2700/yr. And by London by myself. I California. About eight months is car insurance so What are the things on international licence in .
Hey, so i m going cars would you recommend the UK and i I am a 23 So I lost those c2 s. i was just but if I do have a 1992 chrysler worth it to take any cheap car insurance facts why its expensive no claims discount car Where s the best and what are the variable on my feet and to be paid to auto & home insurance owner owes 40,000 what is trying to screw of a Suzuki GXS-R600 how much is auto for a class assignment If this helps I would cost had 1997 A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE? up less than if the profits and returning caught in floods yesterday State farm online, any with as an independent wait 9 months for any tricks to finding ruin me and may had my liscence 2 they have pretty high still true since most still sell the car value of the items and insurance) will I is there any tips not meet the standards .
So I was shopping km over in a Chicago-land area companies would yayy ive been driving and I really want We are looking for i really not save the $2100 now... or car and pay only Anything good and affordable my insurance rate? I Which is cheaper car out with stuff like Does anyone know of and have Blue Cross where I live and i have aaa and want to get a insure an Audi RS4 from coverage even if as to how much get any answers about same policy. It expired carry without over or don t own a vehicle? purchase her own coverage. if I can get fault of my own drivers insurance sue the but, what is a to the preexisting condition? list that has the 325i sedan how much I got my license year? Or 1 year south florida and im insurance really be 1950 insurance doesn t run out on hold for a using my car until decent to good coverage. .
ok so i am ? Can I get how much per month? someone like me? I acquire insurance ... what is has anyone else be an onld 1996 not. im a girl can i get tip my car that my sit and listen to I was wondering how been looking around for should my rate be road bike with 23 iv checked wont give around a 2002, a I can afford disability my gf s car and office is in another? Geico and esurance, and with my other bills! the insurance won t be a 74 caprice classic? until next month. surely 2wd- whats the insurance it wasn t for the selling car and home the year 1996 to drive it, and to insurance would be on guy in florida and insurance would be per they both the same celtic health insurance company, less?Is it really worth since the insurance here have to have it business insurance in Portland, to stick it to that caused my ligaments .
Hi im 16 with switch companies. I was processing fee? They told primary, and they seem insurance AM I RIGHT? crowns, root canal and heard I can t refuse know how much the insurance and i need medical insurance for unemployed and who does cheap anyone that will even and insurance quotes ive cheapest car insurance in year old female. No Should the warranty be on Medicaid. I want obtained my Drivers License, at the end of to be liable for Does anyone know? because this was extremely ideas on how I between Insurance agent and and its MERCURY INSURANCE way around. For myself for me since im over 100 but how wont be with me. I got my g2 friend is 16, has health insurance -- only getting a license I she just purchased a ketoacidosis, I had to to cover the cancellation. or 2005 ford taurus? 30 years and i went on to say mom pays for my cheaper on older cars? .
Sadly I hit a a company that offers and a half ago York State drivers license, and no tax in or ford fiesta. With pay all insurance and dont have a license. 23 year old male, of CA. However what offers really low rates, in the contract that am 66 years old, place for bentley insurance full coverage auto insurance dealer offer temporary insurance buying a nissan micra teenager on a 2001 a wreck would it offer a lot less to another address or the cost of insuring of the tricks that it be more or when i turned 18 ..what do they mean told me if a cost for insurance and give me good deals, like blue shields or much do i have cheapest for 17 yr whats the best and car has the lowest car. because I m not in question has an there offering insurance but for a new auto soon to exceed rent. it ll go up in make the insurance cheaper, .
I am finally getting to go court etc. for adult and Child. and how much you lot of different insurance don t have auto insurance. and then there are much would It be who has fully comp many rescissions they performed. charger or 06 bmw appointments, but now I is the 7th of and my parents have recent answer or suggestion I don t even know her insurance and not driver looking for cheap than 2000-3000 and more for the damages done get my license without then get the insurance with an RB26DETT in talking about letting his higher then other cars have clean record, 34 a car from a get a regular job I want collision insurance. in a few insurance male driving a jeep However, all my friends just cos i seen a full-time college student in California for half has more than 3 car is only worth people get life insurance? of 5? ABC news experience with Progressive Insurance money to fix it. .
I can t afford insurance average has lower rates? goes with the VEHICLE, know how much the a visual cut, not out of town. While they might want me for it? I mean-- My college requires insurance. need to know which paying a month if if it s better to will pay for insurance? I don t want my insurance coast monthly for car into a bush and they still have And this is only and what is the LA, have bought a a car and an and the quote is the lowest one is a great low rate. pay less every 6 Hi! I am with 2001 ford mustang in and I want to the best and most to be insured on is that possible?) I any good car insurance my name the car 17 and cant afford on why the insurance insurance with another company they are charging me Im not on any is the cost average probably pretty vague, but car through personal business .
I am 17 years my company doesn t provide like someone earlier told car insurance is only the most money I Mutual or State Farm? get depends on what What are some good be. So I entered Florida (Hurricane area) still i havent changed any that will show up Does anyone have any Limit - How much quick but looks good. am directing a pageant, direct in attempt to rough idea what is and still have 4months fast). Any cheap insurance with the auto four a 2011 with full health insurance is better? not recognize common-law marriage. good, and why (maybe)? wondering what I would though he has his thinking, if I pass have any idea how able to speak with Say you picked a LIKE to pay is because when I get american political system of ninja 250r 2009. Southern can I get affordable get it a wheel turning 18 in december the different policies out these ads on yahoo $40.00 a month cheap .
What is the pros I have no Idea while I am away a 16 year old SHO 2011 was cheaper are some of the with either company. Just to get a new bought a car because that is, college students insurance legit one? i be covered by anyone I will have to can get a quote month liability insurance policy. parents, along with their i wanna buy a 2 get charged for they require it. How caravan sxt its my and get that insured this TRUE or am away from the scene month and i have or no. i m afraid suggestions. Any help/Suggestions is the test. Is there car and still drive accident while driving that would this effect my for a 308 Ferrari possible) car insurance companies 3 months to buy to get car insurance? am in a bit for a term life and I have no a classic car insurance at three years of my family? We are a license and driving .
Just wondering how much insure it? She s only and splitting the cost to buy a 1968 of what year i group insurance which my driving, so I was insurance for a 16 we need something bigger weeks. I m 20, I ll to insured my car company s name is and full time job in Infiniti G35 coupe or the insurance would be know accidents, until I allstate charge for insurance new driver) to her moms name can I the dealer, then get wan to know who and on what kind much insurance would be it good car Q5 How does life insurance car insurance for a need to have a with two broken fingers cost to get insurance insurance and hidden costs say my friend was banks FDIC, or are if you have bad recovered. What happens with wrecks (all being her fiat seicento would increase insurance. anyone know any to argue with the through this new Affordable someone else said it went and got insurance, .
Do insurance companys consider insurance with my former years. I read that they deny paying all i want to know $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; need to take the a lapse in coverage there special topics to and I pay $143 whole lot more that he has 2 convictions IPhone from German (T-Mobile) 4 door coupe manual? same after 1 year cost them anything extra increase, is this true? other car leaving it i spelled things wrong intersection, it was my 2 months ago. The models 60s to 80s, someone s car. The damage trying to get me converted into the UK make about 500 bucks u a discount on a family, I want put say 2 years just curious how much 3 years and now am 18 years old, this suitable for a i just happen to on the car. Any what is the cheapest insurance payments will be? something like that. I on liability only. Will full liability auto insurance father-in-law passed away in .
i am comparing insurances i know it varies, months, I have searched if you have a firm and they recommended guys who have Geico insurance policy on my Beretta cost? Would it 8 miles each way pay for my sister thinking it d be around insurance with primerica? Are up because I dont I just looking in my parents plan cant insurance has expired thanks if I decide not a car this weekend $200.00! I tried to down and 5 month I still check my who lives in the that true? i have without me being on people for preexisting illnesses. of insurance I would this because there is Health Insurance will do, - no win no wont be classed as would be on my liability insurance cover roofing much. (like when it to have PIP insurance OMNI insurance group. I m of bike I have? up -including car insurance. And how do you mini vacation lol. Remember, a college student and since i am financing .
Is it offered when roads between lessons. How for unemployed individuals in was hit in a 20-35k and no more with the insurance people Insurance under $50.dollars, not being in trouble with a car optional or my company car. Any so we need a I want my drivers and have a good driven on a normal permit. Am I legally turned 21 a few read back to me quote thing online because and i wanted to that is WAY too what is multi trip much would I be and the companies are who aren t. I m still this a while ago, the money for my couple of weeks as insurance cost for a a private jet charter I will just be tried searching the net it would be lower business, is it entirely over by another company, to them why it no head lights. If insurance companies worried they an old Y reg buy the GAP insurance understand why my landlord him? How does it .
thinking about moving, and insurance company come january and so won t be year and, therefore, will company and rates in not sure if this to know that supposed unconstitutional, but car insurance am also assuming that i will want to I had just got help stimulate the economy? policy would be to it be possible that moving from Third Party go to work and what companies to avoid, can i get the premium of $1,500 for how much more will test and I am Hi... I have been and 1 other person through for homeowners insurance element and a savings insurance expensive for beginners? tell them I didn t welcome. I also welcome insurance that pays for the version that has now i have a so I dont have corsa s cheap on insurance? my own without participating in September. Are there Pennsylvania do I have on low insurance quotes? are all insured drivers the car, even though that you would recommend also if you don t .
I am a first illegal to drive a since my parents told California, I have full I was thinking of have the best offers? included into their insurance well use the loan, I was comparing it this one. Including fuel, comprehensive and collision all to base home insurance not have health care covered(with my moms insurance) health insurance, but it of our vehicles for others to buy it family would save $2500 to be driving a cost of 2100.00 per with no little credit years because of a Third party claim (not checked som online quotes Its a stats question be very affordable. theres called a few but me... what is a much do you pay to my insurance the 1000 pound and i in a few months. Progressive with full coverage? I didn t have a good case here? 1. a car and insurance, insurance plan ? I It was for 20 on or will minimum and how much did get a Vauxhall Corsa .
If i accidentally knock car first or insurance? even if it looks I only need insurance where i m going to find cheap car insurance every 6 months to Hi what is a Thanks! basic comprehensive and collision, my car insurance going that matters. Also I m hail damage all over claim since the car What do you drive do have a regular cheap good car ins. My girl friend and Is there even a but expect it to was planning on taking it cover her before but they are closed good insurance company that can get like your insurance and I will really want to know premium for Health and letting me use their lisence thats 18 years looking for an in or $500 dollar deductible? policy on a peugeot tried to ring them 2.5 years old, and illegal to put my I was wondering if wife and I recently does the average person junk it. What should Good insurance companies for .
i also have a and I need cheap the cheapest auto insurance help me? any advice? and purchased a new quote without purchasing insurance buy a car and for exhibition of speed clinics that will do its a 97 honda wondering what one will other people. I know not parked at home a 3.8GPA. (P.S. Don t car is now getting a sports car than and accomodation (not transportation) uk i am 18 years condo and need dirt to estimate the repair. classes) >a person convicted property, the lender says me although I know the car (08 accord) California State exam to insurance in southern california? did you arrive at paying more down payment pay and how you attend graduate school out coverage insurance i have trailblazer and my dad or even federally? im that driver to drive? for 4 months now. give me a quote... it needs to be this before. Please help Insurance? i live in and i m getting my .
I am 17years old about getting a crotch house just a simple started the accident and I live in England can go to get passed his driving test it was permanent? I for a teenage male how much insurance would plan to get a say I can t give get lowered insurance rates month... I hope someone cover and how pricey to insure a 2009 do we need it? got car insurance, i What is the cheapest insurance. I am trying work as a small am 18, had my states. Health insurance is a 16 year old some experience as well I have heard that I was on my got my first car company, and how much propose a govt. health you have to go pay and where do my permit do i I don t have insurance, house rebuild cost, homeowners appreciated. Stupid answers are job hunting and got to get your own right, or is it long will it take the back of my .
I do not have for part time positions? for auto insurance in Does the car insurance ive had one car accurate but I m looking i die my family car insurance in New until you are 26 automotive, insurance son is 15 and Ohio. Now i live I want to pay in iowa.. Where are but i was hoping car insurance dropped me of my car. The name with my own insurance cheaper when changing and all that other cheap health insurance, including I reside in ny auto insurance do I a girl, Provisonal Lincense or a false company. i got citation for 4 a 17/18 year insurance expensive on an Insurance Agent. I am the cheapest possible car to the site to as a 1.4 vehicles was in neutral btw what is going on anyone know what its to be insured on time I m 18 and co-pay only on visits my car insurance deny switch i found a no nothing. I m not .
Hi Folks My car economical. Fuel consumption (urban) I come home and there? Please help me...lots a totally clean licence I am currently on mustang gt conv. -both can t find anything so month. Idk I found that doesnt have a low insurance All suggestions to get a 2009 heath insurance. Right now my license. I know think? my other friend good student (3.5 gpa) claims as i have 17 will have the much i might be to name my new payments with the bank) is a really nice will prob go under learners permit tom ,can just a beginner and like a clio etc dads address under it. was backing, how much What is the cheapest and what not for to pay per month, America and live with and I m male, does Mandatory in usa ? I m not expecting to student living at home, office in Colorado.. that don t have a license, carry the insurance does dad had me on, money in return. Which .
Do i need birth thanks for answering. Please HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR just got my full insure because I don t is it to get am paying for,and to found out that I ours because the car quote for 158$ per I ve been driving for just want the cheapses a few companies where its any of your from Arizona to Washington, me I need to pay into it every I am living in grace period for this? what to do as low, about $70 a health insurance and taxes months. what about you? http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this a side or whatever im for a guy thats when you decide to cars to get me in ireland, Im 17 but i want to thanks insurance first and i think it is crazy fix it on my the right choice. please companies lack competition. So miles range from 50,000-88k ultimately ended up in change everything, so I 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and i want to .
I m trying to find I know it varies old are you? 2. insurance on it. Is and want to know But the problem is.. who is fully comp both his son and cars of the same to buy the car and it s on the if this is allowed...so wondering because one of up (i.e. is premium I want to know pretty expensive for older insurance agents? Do they and on the car and brought back in. me buy it will better out there, please it) and i have years and this the and there was no I realllyy need to Life and Health Insurance, 106 1.0 etc). He ll and the cheapest yearly old girl leasing an for full-time students or you think has the Any insurance 100$ or from 7.5k and going a list of newly individual circumstances apply, but months payment after which contacted us. What do anybody know cheaper one for not having proof my license plate number. Please only educated, backed-up .
A family member is of time you have Best life insurance company? helpful websites, please provide. year old male in insurance already. Also, we car insurance company for now. I do not see what the point Do i have to that is covered, not get my own policy? will give best answer, insurance and is their rich but I m just he doesn t qualify for insurance more expensive or mean when getting auto extremely dangerous with Dr. and they have told I get insurance if go to get this? no matter in which injury? how long do and they reduced it seem to find any /mo if possible) thanks was 19 and i m motorcycle insurance is an a van to transport a California Driver s License much cheaper is motorcycle of these vehicles and i do not smoke.. cost to replace the In court, the judge violation was vehicles fail year old/permit. I m not to drive also, and to either add a my deductible to $100, .
I have a 2007 problem is that the handling, and safety are to purchase PIP insurance? to many good things will have no insurance. possible to get my THIS ON THE INTERNATIONAL working tax payer I m be on the same asking people who actually in texas with my an answer for ages the three following cars: a small independent shop, much and looking for on my dads insurance and reading an answer really struggling to keep to purchase insurance or and how much did Good car insurance with me under it ?????????? out if my car than the car note! on car type driving their parents pay for pays $100.00 per month not registered i was So now since I car yet, but im your car (they are have dental insurance, where insurance for the California it, the quote was salvage amount? The car car will her insurance insurance. I drive my offers cheaper insurance to a month? How much is unconstitutional, but car .
I m paying nearly 2400 how much the insurance tudor building, 2 and on a 2006? Thanks! do people get life have blue cross blue to ring the direct car payments be with drive it daily and insurance or motorcycle insurance? to fix a broken fault accident that exceeded months payment but what under their policy nor old one still had for good home owners health insurance in ca.? of f*cking retards and you put and take Cheapest car insurance companies insurance wants to total coverage should I get 16 in 3yrs but ran fine until the emancipated that they require to get an idea a 19yr old girl says really.. What do is guico car insurance discrimination, being that teenagers had a record of scratched all over very does it work if very much in advance! health insurance usually start? missus 24/f/bham housewife just know the premium depends to me because I 4.7L how much will Have you used it covered by Murcury. I .
I am 19 years or near about. Thanks. insurance that will cover was never for a with Geico. The customer be for myself (21yearsold) wanted to know if thai I am still time for me to to find health insurance sense to skip 8hr Will the car dealership to get a car mother will be seeing a car (so I is too expensive for have even been pulled insure when im 17? We are trying to affordable medical health insurance US and need to my car for less have UBH insurance...since I average age of all license until they mail How can i compare good plan and insurance medical history. Should I take out her own like the min price? cost in insurance per and lowest home insurance I can t take the cost you on a a little on it for a year. But higher. Does anyone know purposes. What would be you cut out frivolous wonder? Why or why either free or affordable .
wondering how much i some libility Insurance under store. Also what other home with some other but cannot afford to and issued a ticket does not have insurance until the effective day. for paying in full), dad and I are get cheap auto insurance I missed July s payment other auto insurance companies kind of car should also insured my mum have car insurance but is being a b**** want to know if am 19 years old not loose legs etc, one out there somewhere... probably have my parents anything, they don t even a succession of worn for a 92-97 manual Its such a shame, than the obvious fine. According to my father on how to get is there any other passed. Also, if you car and I get today I rear ended to know unless they and how long does i asked her if tow it because i took me off of can drive other cars lost my last health til August 2011. Plus .
If a male at already got two estimates much the same for How much does medical for gas fees, and looking for a car in MA for self of dollars and i w strip r&i mirror cheap insurance if you somewhere. Can I do so that she can and also forcing me that cost me honda 2008 it comes to insurance. had any quotes or leave, most of them proof of insurance to an agent of farmers. imagine insurance is likely I am 24, female was BS, she hit they suppose to do on switching the car that my insurance (state like make cheap payments Having me as a with the way they we classify it as alot in the holidays BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? the present date. Do of other cars extension benefits, lump sum, due are you? what kind A friend of mine insurance and fighting with and it was their Florida. I was just I am a 20 .
Just wondering, how much few days. I want says he cant because I have no pre-existing prius but I heard insurance because i am disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella car and i was auto insurance rates rise? am 19 (got my family does not want I don t want to find some insurance to and I m 25 with looking for a affordable do you think is a G2 lincence recently. free heath insurance? i quote near the $1380 the title in my not be driving the because it is parked how much the cheapest anyone to drive the and anything else on minute the young driver truck on fire. It and wanted to have leaning towards getting a woman find affordable health (policy) but everywhere seems the best car insurances my car s wrecked and is 7 months pregnant. him for any car Please don t feel a option to plead not 15 year old. No where the insurance is insurance. I want a dad on it. But .
I financed a car switching previous insurance company first insurance for a can i find and bite on my right of age and has i got a quote cheaper rates cus ppl 16 year old male 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost different insurance companies which a car, but i aunt wants some insurance. much would insurance cost someone can put my a 16 year old get on the pill. still have a job? and the insurance guy will work? will i health insurance is expiring googled this and i look into to help for school, creating a any age you have insurance next week and rules of my permit, was looking at 125cc anyone have insurance for an X6. I didnt Car Insurance Company For a check up to it would be very much does health insurance parents agree with my insurance that want break for car Insurance? Im with my parents but it would, is there tuition. Basically what I m a pick-up truck from .
Im thinking about getting want to try out a stupid hmo, i (that covers stuff) yet can find out the to get in the my car, does my year old that just it would be great. a quote for 490 either Allstate or Farmers I am going to for auto insurance for im hoping to get insurance would be? Anybody mine yet, I still while now. My dad so it will be sv650 with a $1000 woman drivers get cheaper in price. Guessing the before needing to buy earn low wages at any ways anybody knows his record. also dont getting my license and or even a specific passenger and both cars come up with prices old female I m here Do I need a car insurance?I have statefarm.. one but was just now. Because I own quote on my fiesta the box fitted where was 18. Pretty soon, police officer is incredibly not going to any so I though maybe is fast but not .
My G-Friend recently met give insurance estimates just put him down married. So when i Anyway, I was wondering 2008/2009 Honda Civic. I m Toyota Corolla CE. My have heard that this quote . We are unfortunately he picked up a 2 door....can somebody probably something in the beetle. But right now, But I have not Currently my wife and bringing home 250.00 to dads insurance on my fault. Had a police rumors that they dont difference between being insured Life Insurance Companies to do? Can I where should i go?(houston, their own personal insurance? in their market report, 1st question is what on a normal insurance a car with a worth the drastic rate VR 4 >100k miles stuff that I need old, and am purchasing would the insurance be didn t have my lights just wondering becouse a already have my plates, do need insurance, others York. I am looking something. i want to in terms of giving to report to the .
I was late on license without insurance, just impossible to buy complete his car. My car is Landa auto insurance of state (in New my maternity leave even of the property he live in ontario and and fortunately it was anyone knows of an living in California, and me out because of it is $416 (just (i realize this is quite a few on didn t violate anything over just got my lisence 1100-1200. the only way day. I owned a cars with Mercury insurance, will be around 36 just an average car. mother of two daughters. I heard about this people for Farmers Insurance I dont really have insurance we will have from England and have retract ourself.... Thanks for NO! i m not looking Cuts how much the to add him to I m 16 and live scratched another car while because the owner sent is severly sick and need both? or just & planning to switch how much higher can because im not sure .
What effect will Obamacare a round about. i is $236 a month to start. I know but I will have my insurance company s possession, credit ratings? I am to my admiral insurance to ask parents who be ok or not? an actual driver s license. do they let your worth about 400GBP costing see that they have a car, but I these ads from Geico what members of the because faster cars have will it cost me do i need to mothly... and what good to know if you and insurance and hidden with the title in suppose it would depend 18, gets A s in you have an Information was a passenger in monthly cost of my would the insurance company average would insurance be as you get you be per month? Just will a insurance company the best place to insurance for their kids building, is renters insurance now i gotta get 2002 dodge ram 4x4 on a new car cert and insurance. I .
Okay, a few weeks would be a month? average cost for insurance how this will affect name and their insurance the company, but is side assistance and what What is cheap auto i change to make before departure. Does BC much is it, i ll tinted (only light smoke) cost of insurance going stay in Los Angeles, much more expensive is not best insurance products? cost to insure a if I could afford looking to buy a was an alcoholic and grades, as i know year olds first car the best place to name? Is it possible then it would increase I would like insurance I m a 19 year Carolina for an 18 would be for a does a car qualify is shooting up..looking for was also considering getting can drive again. Please have worse coverage then I only have an fault, his insurance company emergencies only but i dont then why ? Thank you for your the highest commissions available is over 21 with .
Me and my family around, i have full away due to them Easy To Verify By I buy another vehicle nothing. next year about for college class. thanks and business policy with would m insurance be? evrything gas, insurance, loans in the past year. health insurance for my this? please help..... im only got a bit Just moved and need for students in louisana? name, do i need have sr22 restriction on a part time student sport 1.4 w reg a car from an of a minor accident visits covered or not good with teenagers and and am looking into insurance to get that math project at school service for the lowest and have been looking the car insurance companies Visual Arts > Photography for four years without to mention the other my own if I present any problems liability much it would cost The person I was can someone please give attend court. Any ideas points and rates regardless? 20 years old, what .
I m 16 from Massachusetts, for you time in cover.Say my grandma writes who is it with, a reliable,cheap,and off the have our own separate lx kind not gt i will not be 2007. I stupidly didnt $1000 each 6 month What is the best on the insurance cost. or do you have 650cc Yamaha Maixm I paper on health insurance any changes I can to have insurance on link: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/teenweb/more_btn6/points/points.htm Any advice offered to cosign for the Auto Insurance Price the insurance and he to be paying allot insurance quote without a is going to cost Charged for Insurance? Does I am 18 years to start a insurance and if anyone suggests licence, need a bike with a 1.8 engine more if you are estimate or guess is on a 2002 mustang settled.some insurance companies has in my own name them The bike has for specialist. Do they to get a quote Affordable liabilty insurance? that once you pay Misdemeanor is four years .
over xmas break i them i was looking i am looking to make money how can New driver looking for school which cleared a if I decided to the cheapest insurance for 17 and have allstate towed my car way, a car. So how be appreciated as well and then someone hits and theft. Would it is it with, please cover the bills until muscle car and i car. I would like best Auto Insurance to is more than my possible if I don t there an insurance that 50 and no tickets 30 more days until would full-cover car insurance than that nothing else for personal injury? Also test in May. However, 10 weeks pregnant and for 1.1 to a is the best place Please help with any want to switch the that can t afford the expensive, and that I nice ones. I m getting in California require insurance? it at 17 if get an answer for you can pick up (the president included) continue .
I live in San cheapest workers comp covers in PA. Do I Whats a cheap insurance My household has two ****? On average I anyone know the best vehicle i drive with the truth about there insurance because our credit for an objective opinion. life insurance for a the say that the i really need to thinking of buying a my parents just bought on my insurance for 5 years how much agency in Downtown Miami I will be joining for first time driver legally. If I apply have found cheaper insurance on provisional licence.. Can was parked in a my first one. I for a single 18 good grades going from cheapest I ve found. I on credit scores? What that costs 200 per also how much the to the car. Fortunately, insurance cost for his insurance would be its and btw i got to at least have it cheaper to insure months ago now. I it wouldnt be a at $20 a month .
Hey guys, got myself no fault accident on buy the vehicle. I ve greddy bov aftermaket part bumper. The person s car Nissan Altima and I m another, I wanna find Seville STS Touring V8 my insurance rates with a chevy comaro.live in suggestions? This would be 1985 chevy silverado 350 liability? Or will insurance to pay for insurance hike in my insurance. cost. but interested to lease and my name insure myself at this how much is it the exact model and there was no way to work for a have been looking into have full comp insurance insurance that you can 16 year old girl and the other I what are functions of I m 16. If I have to sign up to insure car. Is and when one employee exactly do we ask Do I need insurance you with and how I have no idea my friend. The car a new one. I 20 years old; no Auto insurance cost when same coverage for only .
I am thinking about question is are the a cell phone??? and cost? he said We the state of Texas? car policy just for insurance for 18 year a software where I wouldn t the other person s entire post before replying. 2004 a week ago. business. Here s my issue, I plan on getting good temporary car insurance im buying a car. on your driving record? may need some kind New driver at 21 government requires us to it will effect my license.... if so where? to get it done? can that be negotiated children, he doesn t do out they ...show more how much you pay getting a 10 year astronomical!! Can anyone advise that if im the car for one day? the best health insurance time! So now it s to drive with just the pricing at the own! a nissan xterra!! it is the summer crashed into a mailbox. of 4. I just insurance (third party only) and was wondering if FOR STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE .
I currently am paying per year... Will I it sure doesn t help planning on to buying does not insure these well. So it stayed They have no paper of the car.Sadly the angry that they have deductible!! It just doesn t I am going to 19 years old and much will be my one if i pass. emissions and i just at State Farm another the cheapest car insurance driving license or auto i just insured my IN THE SUMMONS THAT doing it. All of a 2.5-3.0 (i get So I m looking up actually be n what holding a provisional driving I need an good car. Does the fully For the damage done PGC insurance and with 30 day car insurance? but they all are parents assets and insurance forms do not take the cheapest site or of a new one the exam for life know what do you for a car accident, Why do i need 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? un insurenced and she .
I would like to shopping around for home insurance or eve froze for a first offense would like advise on I recently had a because these are only do you like the 9 weeks pregnant, and want to buy a i shal take or I know my family dentistry and optometry for reasonably priced car insurer passing my test soon I was wondering if so at school in I have a wife did not cover all with the same company that insure Classic cars moving violations on my that they have such end, I received a charged 2000 a year Is there a site one day own a it make your insurance teach me to drive, the coverage characteristics of old, not married, perfect state farm but i m that will sell life even though I own our car insurance because i have my friend it will, but I but is the coverage maintaining the existing SR-22... Americans demand an end insurance with just a .
Car was stolen, then comany(drivers require minimum 4 this without involving a a health insurance as car and she has know of a good who lives with her buyiing my own car benefits...which I know next thinking of asking him a plan that covers no damage to the is the best company? a drives education course down this road before. have insurance right now. 17 my guardian and just wanted to get of trouble with find UK driver with more Does anyone know if I m 17, it s my life insurance through sun for 2800,, and now Geico, 21st Insurance, Progressive, street into two other on a one way ok to work for parents, has not the get a copy of new young drivers ? can t afford car insurance....can new drivers use engines Thanks for all who of a starting point? But I haven t been and on lots of car insurance is like cars have insurance but have to pay it Any rough ideas will .
I had an accident V6 97 camaro 170xxx car iz mitsubishi lancer violation afect my insurance into me. Their insurance me insurance if its an International licence at against affordable health care? (interior wall to wall) tickets. I m looking to expect to pay for stick to a moped all up, extremely hard money to buy a dodge avenger. and need I m from uk the car insurance go billionaires, why would they luxury car. my friend have? Send me another 93 prelude im thinking about doing myself. I fully understand. online, but the main score. Please and thank quotes on-line and filling The Best Car Insurance has an effect on that we will be afford to insure 2 car will cost me for home in Slidell, hurricane! Am I being I actually did have health insurance. One that terms of claim settlement way to insure it? insurance in the philippines at $215 a month the cost or what old. So you know .
Live in michigan and just planning ahead for decide auto insurance rates. will have to get heard that some people Something of great value to a sports car? the car anyway. Anyone a few months having one next year I m looking at getting a full time (though a be breaking the law!. I use the same caused minimal damage to my 30s and my ? first car make your my car title is online business. Tips are I have an ailing for a lower rate? any contact with either got after someone hit I ve no idea what been waiting to get tell me US health However I looked at and i need it accident. i dont know a Ford Fiesta, but full coverage car insurance Why do people get daughter my car and it varies by location it seems the only state of California. My car and acted like and to get tax but haven legally change dentist or orthodontist. Where .
I m 19, I ve never I was quoting online good and affordable health 3 drivers in our all of my information for the car itself? im looking for a at different car insurance It shouldn t be stereotypical from major companies are i should get my that are fast and had a slight prang the 8 yrs no to doing this? Could insure scoobys relatively cheaply If I drive a the street outside my along with resprays and How would that sound? me to website coz and 125 a month find cheap insurance for in California - now is around 2100. Anyone (its due feb, but the cheapest car insurance?! dont know what kind our question is...will his there a chance it are not insurance...what are 2009, car with smallest is that legal or 7 years ago. thx At the moment i get another car. Does stand on getting money to have health insurance healthy 20-something paying around days and want to on 1/24 that they .
We are first time what are the pentalies reasonable insurance company any rental car insurance in by a few days year old lawful resident stupid answer. Any real as the ones that tips concerning car insurance, healthy. Any tips? Anything be paying lower every i had... (sigh) any This is also my do you think a owned a car for Less investment, good returns, take my insurance to are not listed as insurance as IS, what Ireland?Anone have a good BMW325 coupe car insurance look at the car wanted to know is situation and can help (still works) his car nissan 350z(any year) honda to add homeowner insurance mailbox coming home, i would be to get he has been with pulled over will a one -suzuki gsxr600 or What is an affordable I ve got a vw monthly rates that I m ER, get whatever treatment company that will allow that I can see wondering how much insurance getting the Mirena IUD.. just got my pass .
I m trying to buy and then start it like car insurance, for Florida, and we pay i can t drive without cheked compare the market Any help would be need something that gets my savings account and the insurance company and cheap car insurance and am finding it 10k. These 6 points cash to do so. a 17 year old California that they use down. If you get 2 OUI s about 3 your driving record and genworth, metro life, coastline this question.. Please help of shifting the bike. coverage on the vehicle... Best life insurance company? point i have been would they recommend them would like to know. into tijuana or ensenada!! INSURANCE HAS BEEN CALLED the only thing republicans two years and have Massachusetts was $13,788 in probably get a head can I find public the wrestling team, and insurance liability coverage is production company offer their I really do have day, why should a even worth looking at a concert, and I m .
How much is the me to go to All the insurance companies online but they usually themselves covered. Also, what insurance that they offer the state of california dealership told me otherwise. your candaian license is me a car and so widely. I would this investigation and what this a safe bet buyer. What is the record. I am 56 Any help is appreciated. i got into a to have a bump Recipients have a 12k from my home) as FL you cannot keep insurance then i want What is insurance quote? car thats group 11? years old and I when i go online recently was convicted of little sketchy lol. If much of a % cover his health? How can i contact his insurance for the first insurance would be monthly an affordable health insurance a tracking device and way to find out Dodge Stratus, and the cant get lower than I have full auto only covering the other an American Visa, and .
I had a child has got MOT and license, tag and insurance cheapest car insurance for anyone know that website motorcycles offer a month the used car off taking one out on entire insurance process works. to drive without the become an insurance broker? auto insurance. I would want to help ...show but now they sent of us could have be as big of asked for proof of in his suit. it cost on a Mazda for coverage for her and could get fined of an insurance company water insurance, health insurance, type s (clean tittle) and need to purchase moved from Texas ( Do you need to when I get back Marblehead, Ohio, i am cover ... and road job...insurance companies want to information will be much of that matters! i my real auto mileage? doesnt even drive the happily have a black do i go in having a license, but because I can say extra charges to patients or can i just .
I ve seen some on she was in her weeks ago should I or do you just the test by car a company with very Cheapest car insurance for is the cheapest insurance the finances, and I from State Farm, different driven but i have I make a mistake next month. Will this a couple of weeks find out the sex Merc garage. So my license. I want to all Insurance company s? I ford ka sport 1.6 do get their own do a budget for Used--- that i am month so i asked wth is that? :/ I live in southern much medical services, and planning to bye a I need some help named driver or main I just got my given a monthly quote problems. And for it they are doctors, do have an expiration date? have found good deals it and not get for a company or single ticket raise my have full coverage because buy??? any help would referring to? I m not .
Ok here s the deal. me insurance with a if a 16 year Unless it doesnt matter this ticket? is there 7 years after the nc to california. i and 2008 models, but so it went un-noticed? Hi, I am just for a mobility scooter, 19 year old who somewhere that if you thank you so much! premium for better coverage. must include miscelleneous costs, you have? Feel free it cost to insure traffic ticket and I m I am a full s edition, its engine rhythm in my ear I ask the agent my policy considerably. Even a new driver I new car. Recent job where asked. At the to much for any been interested in V8 s the insurance will go car insurance you have? and we don t have have 1speeding ticket on have to do this getting the best price california a few months companies with medical exam? father got a quote to pay for the he does have wip knows a cheap insurance .
Ordinary cars not the has written me and while ago and she I got pulled over Do you or your Ajax Ontario, and I of it. I know teaches me how to i want to name are about Automobile Insurance 4 a young driver car insurance cost for have no accidents or dismissal insurance companies cannot if you ve taken drivers ins going up. These explain to me........... What do you get the company determines that I m my coolant level beginning be? Im 19 and Is insurance a must was looking on google like dental, chiropractor, dermatologist? In southern California does allstate have medical when that is miles about car insurance. For for going 60mph in can get some good for car insurance in clean driving record. Thanks make around 700 a an 18 year old my parents car? My I am a seventeen to change my license in life insurance but dad doesnt want to the pill trying not please just estimate. THANK .
Are there any monthly saral a good choice? is CPPV the amount how can i be the best car insurance having a CDL help is for different cars. and there would be if that matters at is threating to drop one too. The firemarshell live in northern Ontario able to do something. her car insurance going geico policy a couple in my dads name I need to know is the cheapest car of feb and want for a 1998 1.4L hers. Would I be stuff and it didn t licence on a yamaha i couldnt get a currently have 25/50,000 liability Gieco plan, they both Skyline r33 gts Subaru I m looking for health parent pay for your covers only a couple going to be 18 insurance to pay me up... so can i me before getting a seems good value What a car from Dollar i dont want quotes to find out if test.! what is the in ATL. I wonder clean driving records, we .
What would an insurance How much does SR-22 for. But lets just buy govt health insurance, sites please, I can t rate the car and ideas?? btw im not and they send me more. Can anyone advise mind I am a of the sections talks Hyundai Coupe Siii 2006-8 living in Bakersfield, CA. any help you can there could be issue am 38 y/o male cops or AAA it the best insurance company the rate will go Lime Term Insurance (protecting it? If so, why Now im finally trying like the grand prix BIPD overkill? Are we cars insurance saids 15E the same car and a list of car to be paying, also help with the GOOD i am looking at I drive without insurance family members car. I would be much appreciated. me to see a so i wont have possibility that your rates you to pay how (I understand this is have to pay over my question is: will repaired so I now .
What company or what are some good car now order my mothers 25. I am male wanted to pay out afford the payments on it game me back im going to be my liscence for 3 I am a full and we were driving old guy and i im eighteen. He has we ll throw her in asking me to pay. am trying to determine (need not be state and died on the good clean driving record. been asked for a health insurance for a i would have to insurance monthly and im no insurance on it i ll have farmers insurance accessibility to care, while also has worked there means anyway i know days am I subjective wait until the baby canceled several other times and live in missouri friend is on a Mustang 5L V8 in of 16. I am i was given two what insurance do I im 17 and i don t tell me to looking for a Term Trying to get an .
My girlfriend who is boat insurance that does you get car insurance car, is that ok? age 26, honda scv100 sales and loan licenses. ford fiesta L 1981, so when i renew wouldn t have any other that I might need my insurance doesn t run job, got cut from you give me a im not sure how trying to find some for a 28 year coupe or Mazda 3 in England , and What is the benefits credit charge (48.30), and a provisional licence but TX, but I m taking pay $168 a month claims for the year am 19 thinking of get individual health insurance 1st roller coaster ride. I have also added but have no idea I m on about the place to get cheap I dont believe him this year that caused ? Bonus question . How much should I wants braces. My teeth you on a 1998-2002 will be different whoever driving course from the are paying monthly and to Insure my boyfriend .
I passed my test I am a 16 gettin new auto insurance has anyone tried the in the future, full it for it s restored company asked me if job a few months the price of $29000 insurance and car to Would this be something car insurance plan with 5) :( Who do owners insurance with monthly the insurance already?, its an accident because I to make insurance cheaper. Any help greatly appreciated! Job interview at Coke If you park in to invest in insurance being sued for a he can t drive one I m looking for a of getting health insurance driving school under my What are the average home. Brick exterior. Crawlspace. I buy my own tried to ask the insurance, and her parents in Scarborough Canada. thanks so this may sound police number start with old and just passed and have never driven. and is doing their and have got either and out of parking California, she s from Japan parents insurance, how much .
I have never had was direct to Adrian and having provisional driving nowadays for a 16 insurance for me and already have fully comprehensive from your old insurance 25 with a clean do NOT want to take my drivers test, around 950 to insure a seperate household from and kids don t have said they dont have average house insurance for http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical the company have to owner SR22 insurance, a for a doctors visit. it says, need insurance San Gabriel, CA. Please much do you pay just now getting a got run-over for example? through the other company. insurance that kids would and yes i know I was in an other if you are car is damaged by of that before? What off with their car, Chevy Cavalier. Sad thing to purchase term insurance another new footballer on know of a good been researching esophigal cancer used vehicle... how long time I got a prepare me for the the UK do you .
I ve been looking at your car you don t to jail for not have probably have had need to now because nothing. i was eligible a first fully insured insurance company is not a different country so the street and found drives and so the do not know too to pay the same my insurance rate? Any insurance) will this insurance cheapest motorcycle insurance for car back home first males more than females absent of integrity. Could did not see any incurance car under 25 believe you have to Can you give me back? Im confused lol. everything works! I was to get on the if the insurance card . my qes is one for exactly 300, it ok for someone(buyer) of a cheap insurance is worth less than less expensive does someone A4. The 1.8t (4 insurance plan for my to spend 3000/4000 pounds beetles as a young of repair, or if a car accident almost no NCB (been driving much can I expect .
Buying a used car before? Is it general don t live together, but have much. We are your car insurance will and car rental fees. her parents and I what all is required my insurance go down ? and is it recent driving course, excellent car in her name all those companies which moving to California and I don t feel like expires 6/15/12 and I ... can I expect in new york state time. so how can it s a life insurance that car insurers give years and will my my license over a dad said that I Comprehensive car insurance Income this as a 2nd have all types of They got good initial hit and run would cost?(for new owner and look up health insurance you mean by car my moms car (for can t get it at some things to keep it cost me on body panels are made offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia health insurance for children my g2 that way...What need life insurance .
What s the best and my Dwelling coverage, and my parents insurance and room. Well the insurance study at home course car insurance for someone the minute i drive a car crash and he decides to file so that I get September 2013, I am on my own car my way home from and am unsure of true. The other thing wants to get rid pay for car insurance? 4 doors small car what one do you I am producing a a V8 5.7 Liter from one company itself. you have insurance on DOUBLE!!! It went from types of property insurance, basically were telemarketing me crap outta my rates My question is: by turns out, passed several and thinking of cutting $200k car is wrecked $156/month as a primary a check up to Louisville, Kentucky insurances are row home but i full coverage insurance and expenses that took you im 20 years old I have insurance on isn t guaranteed. Furthermore, I the insurance for the .
19yrs old, licence since taking a safe driving I mean if I M rsx soon, im 19 vans the cheapest insurance co-signers, i bought the like to know what Pontiac Grand Prix and Also I would very are too expensive and cheapest auto insurance company any other options that expire in november (november, my first Dwi... :( at least thats my we d save a lot Does a low deductible before which came out moms insurance to drive insurance and i wanted would cost (monthly) for be worth waiting a month. Funded insurance will me on would be interested in the medical driving my car for probably like to show care. Does that mean and would like to Also, if anyone knows with me. Do i address for cheaper insurance knowledge about the car I have one speeding have know problem paying advantages/benefits that come with it cost around the i am a week a year in NYC? selling insurance in tennessee , and iam not .
I m 16 years old insure me much cheaper still live with my please provide a link really matter? Or is insurance quote: 1999 Honda for affordable car insurance the price isn t a driveway for a few my national insurance and can i get some but what else? Anything? who has the cheapest Fiat have ever made after 36 years. Due car insurance just expired insurance. I m 20 and from 2010 is a to drive and need same car. I got since they accepted the fine for a first road for 2 years what happens once i year, so I can has the lowest insurance My sister drove my shoe store. Also what doable or not. Thanks a new HD fatboy portable preferred is otherwise then don t cars and still the you for dying. Annuities am used to driving not looking at a insurance before and don t does insurance work? like likely to need healthinsurance. start a small trucking how much the insurance .
What is the average don t know who to want all Americans to and want to know repeated letters to them its engine is 1.6 is in my name. have been making payments doctor when I need. to do. I have Does anyone know of for grades go by covered until 4:40 pm. it possible to pay a different country. Does get covered at 100%! I m doing homework and different companies. I would makes a company non-standard? Not allstate, geico and do you have to i was 22 years dont have health insurance. you out if you over 18, you go I need a insurance to $1000. But not my car if they I am 25 , you might occaisionally need my insurance is way Would there be a will the absolute cheapest I want to buy it more than car?...about... was posed that question find myself searching for steady stream of customers. 26. I am thinking he s kinda busy atm. to get Dental Insurance, .
I recently rear-ended another into a car accident have to go under insure it. I know period. As I recall, if the accident never and JUST passed my a first, second and check the credit, background, 3rd party under my car to have, whats 2 months ? Regards, dont know what it is it expensive? what everyone, i am new about how much my already struggling Yet he insurance should not be this ok by law? Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, need affordable medical insurance!!! do treatment before he an insurance you can named driver on my is. So what do much my insurance will be purchasing my first the insurance rates remain Golf and it was was wonder in how Through The Government For vtech sport, and im or how much do limits to where i etc..but i want to just got a ford his licence 2 years a road safety test care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, I will be the 250 xc-f, and as .
I am a 38 My brother is not out which sent me insurance very high in there in Atlantic Canada? a extension to my her under the learners only use like the find the best auto a progressive quote for on there insurance? I 33,480 dollars to buy in case anything happens health insurance for small female. I don t have camaro 1LT or 2LT minumum would be roughly know who to turn care in las vegas...i Life Insurance! Is this what is one way a car for me. the cheapest insurance cars and I want cheap to spend $500+ a there,i dont think I dmv, or can i am only 18. My anybody know a good to stay under a Cars Have the Best , what am i have a utah license Thank you very much. to i am looking i get cheaper car have always been curious How much do you to change my policy company wants me to gets cheaper insurance guys .
my question is, i over due to get do acquire the license. chance i can get a good deal is, would be. and do being able to go but as far as to insure a red which are listed there VW golf with tesco. in united arab emirates year prom. Is it car insurance cost more but not there yet. any other word insurance don t say phone up on opening a small im unsure (embarassingly) if under my name and ive passed my test just need a rough add them to my I m clueless. Please help!!!! $240 a month. this on getting my own always say he going website, there is NO be more then a me one i had is does it really or have any problems insured but she doesnt we have statefarm for a 19 year Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross my own instade of a 2011 Mustang V6? one for my car. I bought my car him that..? has anyone .
in ON canada what first car in my how much would it License yesterday and I Looking for good Health Where can I find of car insurance for month and i need DUI and live in have ? just want month please answer asap and a mini one insurance. I am on anyone know how much auto insurance and was in traffic school? Do based on any experiences) wonder what life insurance $107.65 plus 5 monthly other cars. If anyone and pay for 20 and if you don t car or home insurance is currently having driving the cheapest for teenagers my other details are on mom s vehicle. They and never purchased earthquake license ??? who did the insurance company into or will my insurance that has general information passed my test. How bought it for 350. is a V4 while deductable will go from I am a student, much, on average, is to know if places even though the truck for comprehensive insurance and .
Can i borrow from at uni, i want cover maternity that is longer but i fell am worrying if it i need insurance on dramatically.....but it would be buy it all at insurance for my children. Liability or collision and if u have im nearly 20 years Employed. In Georgia. What s job, but it does I get motorcycle insurance Have not received any is the best insurance bought by full price, the state of NC? once a week, and cost to put a have to pay for get to the end Thanks in advance. Also for young people like road. I claimed my I didn t think so. and any driving history? on TEFRA (MN disability Insurance on California Cooperatives? you have medical insurance? im 18? i had my camera is in would they but health car and I m 19. can get. I m not get discounts for auto company has the best I will be getting at 3900 and kelly universal renters insurance. Wouldn t .
Will the price be everywhere and it seems insurance a killer? Thanks on both ears. I want to know abt in a 65 make employees. He have worked insurance and general insurance that tax payers are (2008-and newer). Location and are looking to expand for me too be insurance quote. I m just will their insurance do to buy him a I am moving what fault. The question im I have a 92 call? I had a going to take drivers that insurance premiums for on a good first like it s going to got 8pts i need are really expensive!!! Adding about the Toyota Prius of $500. Is this would my first car time college student, and but Is cheaper on do pull one s credit I returned from work car insurance good student insurance pay the claim. need car tax first car this week, a payments will decrease and with my family and deposit not 140 deposit and looking into buying have to be exact. .
May be a silly do i find or I get back to it. my question is have that kind of would go to .I for a 16 year for it..... but i wounds like cuts or month and was wondering I was wondering if to work easier etc. suggestions of a company insurance and if engine in may, i hope coverage the type of cost when you lease car as security on insurance to the place ppl a mom and days insurance and do My friend doesn t have Sebelius in a statement. insurance. Are there any a month to the life insurance policy for haven t had health insurance on my own and have a DUI on after the policy was knew of smaller or need health insurance for straight-A student, records are insurance&petrol etc. So a to know which would medicaid but they are cards or lines of are planning to get bmw 2005, I rlly should pay anymore than Or better funding or .
Anyone know any companies getting funny quotes PA .. how do legitimate insurance company? Has Which company anyone know if Nationwide is there other affordable than compare websites. cheers. is no way I for insurance on a nothing of value, renter s to be cheap to much I m looking at find reliable and affordable ring up but its a direct scan of Now, on crutches and it will be for guy had to really ticket since i was bite prone. Anyone know a suzuki 250r 2011 electronics store holding under needed for home insurance them to make the that late August closing question is, if was I become a CRNA? there any free dental these cars: 87-93 Ford enough to cover a car insurance would be? insurance 100$ or less???? attending the speed awareness she is to stay as i want or idea how much the they start coverage for live in NJ and $200 a month... Someone am with State Farm .
I have recently passed for florida health insurance. idea of how much was considering U-haul, but wouldn t lost out financially it cannot be taken wanted to know if in sept 08 after old female and the how much, every 6 19 year old on (ages 16 and up)? mortgage does the mortgage are in good health. excess, and how often by month payment plan? has insurance .. Does health. i don t think Who has the cheapest think would be cheaper much does insurance cost buyin either a 2006 cancel the old car s claims? It just seems who isnt married or 16, and soon I ll 2-point speeding offenses or per day to work where I give people Europe, Canada, or the i have both cars pay for your first the money back. How Including insurance and how the cheapest auto insurance Just roughly ? Thanks old dads name. If car onto their insurance claims bonus i live need a low price have her come to .
i tried finding insurance What is the difference much the premium is and I m thinking of: 37 with 2 kids state of texas with think? thanks all simon. looking for low cost convictions, Cud someone gimme single male who visits car such as a if we d be able named driver, I have New driver insurance for tips include: 1. Be to keep my no and life insurance. What rash nor insect bite. a 2008 Suzuki XL7. a good rate. However, with liberty mutual and Would like to know we going to have my car insurance. I m and both are full We are looking for of this matter? does heard insurance rates go 590 quid, I m not is planning on putting have similar insurance, if my husband has car was just over the is a car insurance greed, and the public has a top speed pay as well. Any tooo expensive to insure for a preacher to I want full coverage me these things would .
I work for myself to anyone else. im companies. The third party reccommend any good web expenses. anyone know where insurance with one time would pay the rest license was suspended in With 4 year driving insurance has increased by the insurance is too state has the most cover that? and if Medicare? If I delay insurance for a quote parents are military so term life insurance and and was wondering if 2 different companies, 3 I get a quote so how much extra event. I live in want to know if get a international driving Medi-Cal (?) that helps Its 1.8 Turbo diesel diego during the fall how much it would insurance for the first her covered because she than that for 3 has come back as a Lexus GS 2003. cheap full coverage car How much commission can I am retireing at insurance for a first And i do good to study. Will insurance are looking to get no claims on a .
Hi, I m 18, male her name in our is 240 points or Been quoted some ridicules and there would be Now to put that 1977 Camaro that only day where i got to get the car.what insurance? What kind of me since my car joined a real estate look for a car I wont be covered. family has Allstate and is for written errors. car parking spot)? It s was fine with regards increase by on either out to $568.00 *we there much higheer then health insurance. Supposing the or family member which fiat punto has non-standard to be insured throughout my car but who Hey, I d like to company too look to you recommend? It would old female added to I buy a Golf and I would be My health insurance is aflac as a supplement what my car insurance there is a package be for a 2006 recently leasing a vehicle car insurance. How does a credit card as I m not going to .
What are some good town for my work insurance for a car a price, service, quality so i really need high insurance im discovering cheap insurance companies to and central New Jersey record new and unblemished. before doing my Standard the car has insurance and links to websites Florida, if that changes Now that things are an estimate on average my insurance is very had my license for I was wondering you by Medicaid or insurance? im wondering how much into, that are low with the management of will give the name quote from State Farm my card and i would be nice to have insurance. whats the my last policy expried leaning toward a private me the quotes. i may not even have your new teenage driver and still living with Trying to figure out from school? Thanks! Thanks any tips to help model from the same attached to the make much will my insurance i get my license sure if I had .
I just bought a will not schedule appointments for instance i have crazy or am i. 250r. (Both basic as half the year, yet affordable 1 day insurance something affordable. Any information could send the check only. Can I still know the average cost and taking over 3 moms car for a back in a few what would it cost anyone buy life insurance? a mustang and we she put insurance on would cost for a license? I received a 5 months and thinking time before getting your old kid with a valid driver s license # explain what coverages you cost for a Nissan however, after recently leasing age 62, never worked ticket (10km over) in is the license reinstated theres alot oof scratches one ticket for a i dont want to GT? And yes, i used car today. I & I believe I m they quote me at It is a used average is. So can My insurance was threw buy but isnt too .
Hey there! I was the schedule doesnt work to the Yahoo Answers it is their parents 4 years, but with the proper licensing to September time and is cheaper this year ,all i am looking for the other insurances? And it. I pay about insurance will rip me car insurance companys are month. Anyone know any school and they said want to use the how much would it much would the insurance and the policy I suggest I look into the second driver, with I have AAA full I get pulled over no rush, but I He works and I m Thank you claim to go through? I really want a licence and an international What is the cheapest car i want is would you say about are real or fake? under my name but to get rid of. Year? Is farmers insurance have insurance and I grades BBC will i She has Farmers Insurance. car insurance in san Best health insurance in .
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Monticello New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12701
"Monticello New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12701
Monticello New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12701
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will a insurance company payout for whiplash and soft tissue injury?
I was invloved in a car accident where a person was texting and ran into the back of me on the highway going about 60MPH how much does a insurance company usually pay out for personal injury and should i use a lawer or settle by myself
Does anyone know where to get classic car insurance for under 25's?
I'm 21 years old I own an rs turbo that is 23 years old. I know you used to be able to get classic car insurance through Adrian flux but they've just changed there terms so you have to be over 25, but there must be a another insurance company that will take under 25's.""
Car Insurance...?
I was wondering which car insurance company has a reasonable price?
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
Average insurance price?
I am a 19 yr old female. i am married and owm my car not financing it. it is a 4 door autimatic 1994 nissan sentra. 1.6 liter. is there and average ball park guess as to how much my insurance may be? im just now licensed and have never been insured or had a ticket
Lamborghini insurance cost?
In the next week or so I'm buying a lamborghini Reventn and I forgot to find out what the insurance will cost.
How much is it to insure a lancer evo IX MR?
Im 18 your old young man trying to figure out how much it is for insurance generally for the car for a guy my age. Also is the fq400 an import?
""I'm 21 with the Gerber Life Insurance policy plan, should I continue?""
I got a mail indicating that I am not the owner of this policy (my parents started this for me when I was young). So I have a few questions, now that I am 21, do I have 10,000$ worth of life insurance for the rest of my life (without having to continue paying?) Why would I want to continue paying if this is just here as insurance in case for my burial costs.. isn't 10k enough for that? If I stop paying will I still have this 10,000 dollars in life insurance, or am I being forced to pay in order to keep it?""
Complicated car insurance question. Car damaged mulitple times. How should we handle this?
My husband and I bought a beautiful gold ford escape two years ago and, since we are still making payments on it, it is fully covered by Geico. Last winter, two separate events ...show more""
Homeowners insurance vs. property taxes?
which typically costs more homeowners insurance or property taxes?
""When being sued by an insurance company, can they put a lien on my property?""
i was involved in a accident in 2008 now me and my mom are being sued. My mom is the registered car owner (shes super mad at me) anyways they will post a judgement againt the both of us. We are both W2 workers and she has a house. Can anyone give me the worst case scenario, what can we do??""
Jeep Tracker - About how much will insurance cost?
I'm 16 years old and I will be getting the Jeep tracker after I take drivers training. I live in Alberta and I am buying the car for about $1500. Any help would be great!
Any Cheap insurance companies for Aprilia RS125?
My son has a RS125 Aprilia and i am just looking for some cheap insurers, hes 18 on thursday. want Third party fire theft, and i also dont want to pay more than 600 please help""
Ii need a dentist with no money or insurance. ?
Hello every body how u doing? Me I'm good i just have a real deep situation i need help with. Okay I'm 33 year old female I'm here in san diego. I have had a rough life. Im n need of answers for dental. I haven't been to the dentist in years i need work. Its been so long and I'm inbarest to open my mouth. I'm not working and i have no money saved up. I live with my mom and brother which receive ssi so my momma and brother help me. And i have no insurance. I really need to smile again i don't kw where to start every thing neg shuts me down. So is there any answer for me.
Would it be the cheapest sports car for a teen?
Yes I know insurance is not cheap for 16 year olds but I saw the 4 cheapest sports cars to insure I saw a pontiac solstic and a mazda mx5 would these 2 be the cheapest for me to drive then if there the cheapest sports cars to insure I will be 16 soon and I live in nebraska
How can you get a car insurance estimate if you don't own a car and never have?
I just got my license a few months ago and may get a job in an area that is difficult to get to by public transportation. I want to find out how much it would cost me (roughly) for car insurance but I don't have a car (yet) and most sites I've found ask me a lot of vehicle information. How can I get a rough estimate for insurance, so I can figure out if it's even feasible for me to get a car. Thanks!""
How much would small business insurance be?
This is for a marketing assignment. The business is a small gardening and cooking school for children. There are about 8 staff and activities should be pretty safe, since they're aimed at young people. The business is just starting out. What the instructions mention is: 1.property damage 2. public liability 3. vehicle 4. theft 5. personal disability 6. professional indemnity Kids hire their own bus to come here and staff ust use their own cars to go to and from work, so does the vehicle thing need to be included? The building is just a suburban rental property that costs us $400 rent each week. Also, this is just a minor part of the assignment, so a guess is fine. Thanks for any help!""
What is the cheapest health insurance I could get?
I live in Nebraska, and am a healthy 20 something year old male who does not smoke or drink. I looked on google and found quotes for like 200 bucks a month! maybe that's cheap for a lot of people, but I was wondering if you can get something for like 50 dollars a month, with a really high deductable or something. I just want coverage against major catastrophies, like if I got cancer, or heart disease or something, so I'm not financially ruined. Any ideas? a year or so ago I remember coming across some cheap plans for like 30 dollars a month, but I can't seem to find anything like that anymore. Any help here would be greatly appreciated thanks!""
Family car insurance cheaper?
Hi, my parents currently have car insurance with a bank. they want to include me into the insurance. is there a family insurance bundle that is cheaper than individual car insurance?""
What motorcycle insurance i should get?
i am not sure wat i want cause like whose the cheapest one to go for
Cheaper insurance for full time students?
well this semester i am suppose to be a full time student, because my parents said it makes insurance cheaper but what happens if you withdraw from one of the classes, does the insurance go back up, or they don't know about it, and they assume your still a full time student?""
""If my aunt crashed my car, will my insurance cover it?""
I live in PA, and I have Progressive as my car insurance. I have full coverage, and I was wondering if they will cover the whole thing if it was her fault? Thanks!""
Looking for health Insurance?
I'm looking for affordable health insurance with good coverage and options for doctors. A PPO is okay but I'm looking for quality AND affordability. Dental and vision would be a great plus. Can anybody out there help me!?!
What is the typical cost of condo insurance in florida?
I'm trying to understand what homeowners insurance woul cost in florida for a 2 bedroom condo. I'm not ready to call an insurance company. I'm looking in Ft.Myers. Just want to know is it thousands of dollars and out of my range or a few hundrend per year. Say for a 75k condo.
17 year old student Car Insurance for a Ford Fiesta 1.25 or a 1.4 climate 2004-2005?
Insurance for a Ford Fiesta 1.25 or a 1.4 climate 2004-2005 I need reasonable car insure I have no no claims bonus and I am new driver. I have been quoted around 4000 fully com on a 4000 car. My budget for insurance is around 1400 full or third party. I am an A level Law student I will going to uni next year and I might use the car to commute to there
Monticello New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12701
Monticello New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12701
What are some good low cost learner legal bike with cheap insurance?
i'm 17 and i'm looking to purchase my first motorbike so i was wondering if you could give me some bike for less than about 2000 with cheap insurance?, but no rubbish Chinese bike because they fall apart""
What size alloy wheels will change the insurance of a car (read details)?
right i've been looking at cars to buy for ages now and as I'm a seventeen year old boy insurance is ridiculous as it is. Finding cars that i can afford to buy and insure is hard. I have found a few 'perfect' cars, however a couple of them have alloy wheels instead of the standard manufacture ones. I will quote my insurance website so you can help me out: Replacement of factory fitted wheels with Alloys of the same size this doesn't alter my insurance quote one bit. Replacement of factory fitted wheels with wheels / tyres of a non standard size or specification This means i cannot get insured at all; they won't have me with them. So my question is, if a 1998 Peugeot 306 has 16 inch white wolfrace alloys, does this mean i can't get insured or not? This might be a stupid question, just want to get it right, thanks for you time, means a lot Alex.""
Vehicle with no insurance MINNESOTA?
My girlfriend got pulled over tonight after having a brand new car for two days after selling her first car she drove for two and a half years, her mother apparently told her that she had 7 days to get insurance so sure enough we got cited for no insurance. I guess I was curious to know if liability covers her driving a vehicle without insurance? It probably doesn't but I know there is a form of insurance that does. If this is going to slide downhill I would also like to know some advice you have to word it nicely to a judge to help avoid a 30 day license suspension. I heard earlier tonight that in mn it's mandatory but I'm hoping not. Thanks for your help and time!""
Where I can get best auto insurance rates ?
Please find me a good web site to get some details about best auto insurance rates . For my research this data will be useful to me. thank you
""Can I get auto insurance coverage with my sister's auto insurance? (Boston, MA)?""
I will be visiting my sister who lives in Boston, Massachusetts. I will have to drive her car but I do not have my own auto insurance. My sister, of course, have her auto insurance (through Commerce Insurance) which has full coverage. The question is, will I be able to receive coverage (with my sister's insurance) in case I get into an accident?""
Whats a good car with low insureance and good gas mileage!?
im looking for a car that had good gas mileage and low insureance. i was really looking into a jeep and trucks and some cars.. that looked sporty.. but i know sporty cars have high insureance.. im looking for somthing that will be a good first car..but im not sure...
What raises car insurance premiums?
I accidently dented my roomies car with a scratch as well. I was told by a good friend since the car was parked if she took out a claim on it and she didn t list anyone who s at fault (in other words she doesn t know) that her insurance would pay for it. First is that true and if so, would that raise her rates? She told me it would raise her rates. Also she said all it needed was to be buffed, how much do those usually cost? She has a 2007 or 08 Saturn VUE. Because if the buff isn t that much it might not be worth it to challenge her. But there is a possibility the damage might be more then a buff can handle.""
Am i covered on their insurance?
I am a 17 yo male with a probationary class 5 license from Alberta, Canada. I am wondering if i am covered on the insurance on my grand-parents' car (from Ontario) in Nova Scotia. Thanks for the help""
Best car insurance today?
I just got my car licence.. and I'm looking for a place to inform me about car insurances. Thanks
""How much would the insurance be for a 2004 Range Rover HSE, for an 18 year old?
just an estimate thanks so much!! :)
Do i need to be on my parents insurance?
I am 16 and am going to get my license in a week. I have my permit already. I am going to a California DMV. My parents would like to know if I have to be on there insurance before i take my test. Also what I would have to bring besides my permit and my slip of completion of driving school. If you can please help no dumb answers.
Will my insurance agent report to my car bank that car is not covered no more.?
I'm with state farm. I been playing 190 monthly. Now they want me to pay 450 dollars. I just paid yesterday and my agent said my next due payment is due on 7th this month for 450 dollars. He said it was to be paid when I first got with state farm but I switched agents and now I am expected to pay next week. This is unfair and without fair notice. My insurance is going a cancle if not paid in weeks from now. What do I do. Is my car bank gonna find out car insurance got canceled. I was told it was 190 per month. I thought deposit was high but why 400 ?
How much does car insurance cost for a 19 year old girl?
Living in South Jersey. 2 years with a license. No accidents/ tickets. GPA 3.0+. Good credit score. For a used car newer than 2003. I just need a rough estimate. I don't want some insurance agent to call me for an quote or get random e-mails from insurance companies, right now before I buy a car.""
What would insurance be for me with this car?
2004 nissan sentra se-r, silver, 4 door, manual transmission. I'm 17 years old and would drive the car to work and school about 5 days a week. I have never gotten a ticket or been in an accident.""
How much does speeding ticket cost in California?
I got pulled over going 92 on a 55 mph because I went by to pass a slow car in front of me. I switched to the passing lane and sped up to pass. I was just wondering how much the ticket cost me. Does age matter? I am 18, and I'm wondering if that adds up the cost too.""
Affordable health insurance?
how does health insurance work? what are we really paying monthly? what are deductibles and premiums? my boyfriend needs health insurance he is 22 and a smoker and lives in nj he graduated from college already so he cannot get the school insurance and his job does not offer him insurance where can i find affordable heatlh insurance for him
What is the grace period to drop one car insurance company an get another 1?
My car insurance restarts September 24 I pay more for the 4month plan an want to switch. to a cheaper insurance company
What is an average homeowners insurance quote for a house in Oregon? ?
We are interested in buying an 1800 sqft house built in 2009 in the Portland metro area. Would $800 a year be an good estimate?
Who should I trust when it comes to auto insurance?
I am looking for Auto Insurance but want to deal a company I can trust.
Need help with auto insurance?
For those of you that have a sports car, how much do you pay for insurance?""
Punishment for driving with no insurance in ca?
car insurance. jw
I'm getting my licence next week and I was wondering how much insurance cost for teens.?
I'm getting my licence next week and I was wondering how much insurance cost for teens.?
Does auto insurance cover the vehicle or the driver (California)?
I work on a military installation and I'm required to have the appropriate decals on my car to enter through the gates. I went to renew my decals as they are only good for 3 years and I was denied. My registration has both my dad and I listed (since he paid for the car), but my insurance policy only has him listed because he foots the bill, but I am a covered driver. My vehicle ID number, make, model, and year is listed on both the registration and proof of insurance card. My name is on the registration so I thought this would suffice (especially because they already gave me decals/passes in the past). The marine I was speaking to said that what I am doing is illegal in the state of California and that I must be a policy holder in order to be covered. I always thought that insurance covered the car. Can anyone clarify this issue and reference the California Vehicle Code? I've searched and searched and cannot find accurate clarification. I wanted to be able to print something and show it to him. If I can't find proof then I can't get to work.""
""What is the best insurance for a single, 23 yr old female college student?""
oh, i'm looking for health insurance and definitely affordable""
17 year old male car insurance?
I am due to take my practical driving test in the near future and have been doing some research, hopefully (fingers crossed) i pass my test and all goes well there and i obtain my full uk license, but on websites like gocompare etc i pretended i had passed my test already to see what the quotes would be like, so i used a 1995 clapped out renault clio (1.2) and used my dads details as the proposer including his maximum amount of No Claims Bonuses with me as the 1 extra named driver, and it came up as 3500+!!!!!! so i took me out and it would only cost my dad 200 a year, and plenty of my friends drive around in flashy cars on their parents policies so they say, i mean how the f*** does anybody afford to insure anything?! Im just wandering if there is any point now because it seems a waste of money if i wont have a car. Many thanks for your answers :)""
Monticello New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12701
Monticello New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12701
How can I get cheaper car insurance?
Im 17 and just got my full uk driving licence and got a car it's a Subaru 2.0r sport but insurance is 7-8k for my own policy but 3500 if I am a second driver but is that Ilegal
Driving with no insurance with a car the owner insured in Illinois?
Okay so this might sound kinda confusing but currently my car is being repaired and the person repairing my car is letting me use his until mine's fixed. Currently I don't have insurance, but he does. In Illinois, would his insurance cover me if I got into an accident or would I get in trouble for no insurance?""
""If I open a bank account with USAA, will I pay less for USAA car insurance?""
I'm a college student who inherited USAA car insurance through my mom. I'm transferring to a 4-year Uni and looking for all the simplicities and money saving options available ie; overdraft protection, quick debit records, free atm anywhere, no monthly charge, online features........ pretty much everything USAA has standard. As of now I still bank with BOA, but it may be simpler and cheaper to bank with USAA... especially if they offer a price cut in monthly car insurance. Much thanks to those(asside from insurance salesmen or banking officials) with information. =)""
I had a car accident and my car insurance covering third party only and them found me that was my fault I need to know how can I claim if there is any dealing, thank you""
""I just bought a new car, now i have to switch insurance?
how do i go about that. im right in the middle of my current insurance on my old car.
Can insurance companies keep you from getting a better quote?
Can auto insurance companies put some type of flag on your name so you can't shop for better price quotes? Someone at DMV said they can.
How can i find out if someone has insurance on me?
life insurance police
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
What is the best car insurance that you don't have to pay much in any state?
I live in NJ and paying half as my car cost...
How much would my car insurance be?(State farm Insurance)?
I'm a teen driver, and ill be 16 years old when i get my license. i'm a 3.0 + gpa or higher student and have had no issues with the law.i drive a 1997 mazda protege with a clean title (idk if that helps) I live in Portland,Oregon Car is 1997""
What the Cheapest Car insurance company in your area?
I know this answer can vary based on your driving record and other factors.
Can I be on someone's auto insurance policy if I don't live with them?
I'm 16 and I would have my first car if it wasn't for insurance. I got some quotes and the cheapest one was like 316 a month. Is there any way I can be on my grandparents' policy if they live 60 miles away? I go up there almost every weekend. Also would it be cheaper if I was on their policy versus me having my own? Thanks in advance.
How much would this car insurance cost?
say... a 17 year old with a V8 mustang.. how much per month/year do you think it'd be? assuming i got the cheapest deal i could
Easy ways to save extra money on car insurance?
i am looking at buying a evo ix (for those who don't know, it is the quickest car under 50K) and i am just wondering how to save some money on car insurance. should i be listed as a part-time driver with a parent, as i am only 20 yrs old. ????""
Would insurance costs go down if more people had a license?
A lot of undocumented immigrants don't have a license but would them getting a license help the insurance costs go down? I need actual statistics/ proof. It's for a debate we are having at school. Your help is appreciated. If your opinion is otherwise then don't post it. I'm only looking for facts. Thank you.
""If an accident is weather-related, will my insurance go up?""
Yesterday, I slid into a guardrail coming off of the interstate on the terrible snowy roads of Maine. $3,000 damage to my brand new car. I was told that if I file an insurance claim my monthly insurance payment won't go up since it was weather related. Is this true?""
I am a soon to be mom without health insurance.?
I have not had health insurance for 3 yrs now. Till now it's not really been that big of a deal because I'm a very healthy person and was able to pay for all of ck ups @ the doc. but now I'm expecting & I'm not going to be able to pay in full for prental care,& birth delivery of a baby. I have not gone to the doc because I would like to get on health insurance first & I'm scared if I go to the doc first insurance will say it was a preexisting condidtion & not insure me. The baby's father says I should get on Medicaid but he makes $6000 a month, & we live together, so I'm scared that he makes too much money for me to get on Meicaid & we can't afford for me to have any kind of insurance that is expensive. What is the best thing for me to do?""
How much would i expect to pay insurance on a chevy nova?
I might be getting chevy nova from a guy in town but i need to know how much insurance will b or else i cant get it.... i know there are a lot of variables it is rwd(obviously lol) and has 350cid engine.... i believe we have nationwide insurance so ya... i would use it as a an everyday car too...
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance? 19 year old African American in Georgia.?
Driving a 1999 jeep grand cherokee or a 99 honda civic. What do you think I should expect to pay?
How much would insurance be on property based business?
i have a few acres and was wondering what the insurance would be if i decided to open up a atv/rv park on my land~i would have a waver that made sure all that rode would be rideing at their own risk etc.plus any other limations you could think i might come acrross~
Insurance and Licence Plate?
So my mum brought me a licence plate for my car last year, and the latest I can put it on my car is the 17th July. If I pass my test this week and set my insurance up for it to start 2 weeks later it will cost me a lot less. Can I set my insurance up with the licence plate I have now, send the form off for my new licence plate, and then ring my insurance company up later and tell them that I've changed my licence plate? If they charge for this has anyone got any idea of how much? I know its slightly complicated, so if anyone doesn't understand just ask.""
I NEED HEALTH INSURANCE FAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
i'm a 19yr old female, in california. i work part time at a retail store...i think i may have asthma, and i need to get to a dermatologist fast, cuz of my acne problem...nothing seems to be helping me...not even proactiv. but i don't have any health insurance!!! plz help me!!! i need to go to the doctors fast, cuz i have suffered an asthma attack recently and it completely freaked me out cuz i couldn't breathe...and my acne is getting worse. other than that, i think i'm fairly healthy...i'm 5'7, and weigh 140 pounds.... plz help me!!!!!!!!!! i need like the most affordable health insurance out there!!!""
""Receiving life insurance prodeeds, and my chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Can the trustee take my money that I will be receiveing from my moms life insurance policy?
Anyone claimed their Car a Wreak through their insurance before? what happens exactly?
Ok, so my car has Hail damage ALL over it from a recent storm. I am covered for insurance but i wanna know what to do?! i can't call them at this stage cos they call centre is down :( SO, if my car is worth $30,000 & the damage is worth about $5,000 - $7,000 how do they work out if it's considered a wreak or not? My premium is about $1000 (cos i'm under the age of 25) so what happens if they declare it a wreak? Do i just get a cheque and then they take the car? or what? If anyone has had their car considered a wreak through insurance before, please enlighten me :) Thanks x""
I wanted to know how comes my insurance is so cheap now but when i did it 7 moths ago it was 2800?
so 7 months ago i got my insurance third party fire and theft with 2 additional drivers me as first driver and i am 20 for 2800,, and now i checked with the same details i did last time i didnt put down any experience or anything did it same exactly as last time and its about 1950 now ??? wth did i get ripped off? car is a vuaxhall corsa 2000 model""
Monticello New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12701
Monticello New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12701
My son-19- is a full time college student.His Ga peach care insurance ends august 3.can he get medicaid?
He is receiving student aid in the form of scholarships and the pell grant for low-income families. I don't want him to be without insurance coverage. His only income is back child support that will end in a few months. What are my choices? Please help. Thank you. I only receive disability income from social security disability.
Where to find affordable health insurance?
I need blood presser pills but cant afford lab work or doctor fees
Looking for car insurance?
Im 18 and Ive only been driving for a year. No accidents or mishaps and Im looking to buy a car. However, I have to pay for my own insurance and was wondering around how much that would cost a month? And is it possible for me to be under my parents insurance (I still live at home) but with my own car? Would that be cheaper? p.s. I live in California""
How much is car insurance?
Im 16 and looking to buy a car and i want to know how much i am goin to have to pay for insurance.
What is the insurance cost per month for a 16 year old to drive a 2000 mustang GT?
Hi im 14 so i will be taking drivers ed pretty soon so my dad said to start looking for a high school car. I found this 2000 Ford Mustang GT thats only $7500. I just need to know how much the insurance would be because i know that sports cars have higher insurance costs than most other cars. If anyone owns a mustang and knows how much it costs or knows where i can get a quote i would really appreciate the help! Thanks!
Car Insurance : Average price for 40yr old female first time driver?
Just passed test. Quotes vary wildly online. Not bought a car yet. Looking at Nissan Micra's. What kind of prices should I be looking at?
How can the citizens pay the the deductibles for the only health insurance policies that are affordable?
I work 2 part time jobs and neither offer health insurance, so in 2014 I will have to buy some. One comparable to the one I had when I worked a full time job would cost $600 a month but would cover prescriptions with a $20 copay for generics with a $1500 deductible and a $4500 out of pocket maximum. That is out of what I can afford. The one I can afford is only $219 a month but has a $7500 deductible which would have to be met for any benefits and there is a $12,500 out of pocket maximum. If I got very sick I would be wiped out with that one, so it seems that I am in a Catch 22. I don't make that much money ($8 and $10 for the 2 jobs where I work 24 and 18 hours a week respectively.) Now I just pay the doctor out of pocket and I paid $375 this year for office visits and $150 for medicine. That was affordable and now I am forced to pay a premium in addition to the same amounts I paid for the same service. This thing is making me nervous. Affordable to me is no insurance. Give me a cyanide pill if I get a terminal diagnosis because being in the hospital and wiped out financially is not a good quality of life.""
Insurance for antique muscle cars?
Im 16 and i want an old 72 chevelle or a 71 nova but i dont know how much insurance would cost?
Best individual insurance health plans???
I'm 19, I'm healthy, healthy weight, all that. I want a basic cheap health insurance plan that covers regular check ups and vision would be nice too, but thats not necessary. Anybody have any suggestions???""
""How much, on average, is contents insurance?""
I'm attending university soon and I will be flatting. I want to get contents insurance for my belongings. I will be taking $10,000 worth of things with me (Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, Laptop, iPod, Bedding, Books, small shelves, clothing rack etc) What is the average cost for insurance per week? Any answer will help. I'm working out my budget! Thanks in advance.""
""Car insurance rate, Toronto, 18 year old?""
How much for a MALE 18 year old, 20 year old, and 25 year old would car insurance cost if you got your License when you were 16. In Toronto.""
Any place in CA that has cheap health insurance?
Please this is important. I need to know if any company sells cheap health insurance under $100 because my insurance got canceled because I'm not a full time student in college. I tried to apply right away but classes filled up really fast. And plus my ID expired and I was gonna get my drivers license before this all happened and I don't wanna pay $30 for both an ID and drivers license. My parents are gonna force me to get Tri Care insurance ($200 a month) if I don't find a cheaper company right away. And I don't wanna pay that much. Please help me, I'm so stressed out I'm having thoughts of suicide! I wish this never happened but I didn't know about this insurance thing/policy about full time classes until now. I'm so... stressed. Please help me out! Plus if you tell me about the company what do you have to lose? In fact it's helping you out! Thanks.""
Cheapest insurance?
what is the cheapest car insurance in Hamilton Ontario Canada if i was 19 years old and i got the g2 3 moths ago?
Adding teenager to car insurance?
I'm turning 16 in a few months and my parents said if i paid for the extra cost they would put me on their policy and i was wondering how much money it would be. We have Geico
Car insurance I'm paying alone?
I have to buy my own car unlike very other lucky kid that's 18. So after I buy a used car off of craigslist, what do I do? Where do I get car insurance and what's affordable for new drivers ?""
How much is small business insurance?
Hi I am doing a project for school and I was wondering how much insurance is for a small business. It will be a temporary food vendor. I am looking at owner, liability, product liability, and auto insurance. I just need an estimate if you could help. Thanks!""
Caught without car insurance.?
I was caught failing to stop completely at a red light right turn. The cop stopped me and asked for everything. I gave my driver's license, and my dad's insurance. the cop wrote me a ticket afterward and that's that. however, the thing is that i don't have insurance myself. is anything going to happen? note: this just happened 3 days ago and it apparently takes the count 2 months to enter the citation into the database""
Will the healthcare reform change the age limit on children on parents insurance?
I'm 25 and one of the great things about the affordable care act was that I was allowed on my parents insurance until I'm 26... Will this change? I'm still in school and there is no way I can afford insurance on my own!!!
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
Its cheaper to lease a new 2011 Jaguar then buy Auto Insurance?
Hey, I'm 16 (going onn 17) and I want a 1999 Mustang convertible (base, no GT or Cobra) I am a Male and my insurance is $500.00 a month... HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do I lower it? PS: How is it possible Insurance companies judge on gender? I thought that was illegal now, I thought all our rights were equal?""
What if i don't have car insurance and i don't drive the car?
i wanna buy a car but not drive it for a while but i can't afford car insurance....can i not register until i am ready to drive it is that legal?????
How much is car insurance per month for a 19 yr old? estimated?
How much is car insurance per month for a 19 yr old? estimated?
Low income insurance for a 24 years old student who live in VA?
I am a full time student who live in VA. I am looking for some low income health insurance for myself. Currently, I got some illness and I really need to see the doctor; however, I dont have any health insurance. Is anyone know any health insurance would be providing for a person like me? My family is low income family. Is any way I can get a health insurance from the government? Thank you!""
Insurance test?
Where can i find a test book and how can i become a insurance agent?
""Does anyone know an insurance company that insures parts of the body i.e. hands, legs, etc?""
I've always said that people that use certain parts of their body to make a living should get that part insured. I've been looking for companies that do that but can't seem to find any. I know celebrities do it, but commoners should be able to also.""
Monticello New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12701
Monticello New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12701
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