#who doesnt write fics in their heads as they fall asleep?
No powers AU where Lena comes to National City following Lex's downfall as she does in canon, but the difference is that after she and Kara have started getting closer and becoming friends, an unfamiliar man shows up in Lena's office one day.
Kara's stopping by for lunch, as she often does, and Lena must still be wrapping up her meeting because it's only Kara and this man in the office. He's further crossed an invisible line by going behind Lena's desk to casually snoop, and Kara's hackles immediately go up.
"What are you doing in here?" she snaps.
The man smirks. "Waiting, same as you."
He's got dirty blonde hair and more than anything else Kara notices about him, he just seems smarmy.
"Who are you?"
The stranger tucks his left hand into his pocket, totally at ease in an office that isn't his.
"I'm her husband."
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thewulf · 3 months
Never a Burden || Legolas
Summary: Request: hiyaaa i have another legolas fic ideaaa! You write him soo well. How about reader who hasnt slept in a while and always offers to take watch. Legolas ofc notices after a bit and demands she doesnt take watch that night... Read Rest Here
A/N: Another one for my fav elf. Thanks always for the requests!!
Pairing: Legolas x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.1k +
TW: General LOTR triggers, anxiety, fear
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Throwing out your bedroll you knew it would be a useless effort trying to sleep as it was so dark out. The stars were hiding behind a thick layer of cloud that had other plans for the night. The further along in the journey to Mordor the more your anxiety grew. Ever since the group was attacked by orcs not long back you couldn’t seem to fall asleep at night. You were left to sleep during the small breaks the Hobbits needed or when you got to sit on the horse.
The attack was weeks ago now. The lack of sleep and the constant moving was really starting to get to you. You’d do anything to be back in Rivendell under the elves protection. One of those elf beds would feel immaculate in this moment.
“I’ll take the first watch.” You yawned, speaking to the group as they huddled around the fire trying to keep warm.
Legolas looked up to you with skepticism in his eyes. He was the most observant of the group. He’d noticed you slept less than he had ever since the ten of them left Rivendell. He didn’t know you well. You’d come accompanying Boromir, but he quickly grew a liking to you. You were quiet and reserved, speaking only when you thought it was needed and always helping. Even him being an elf didn’t negate the fact he found you quite striking for both a non-ellon and a human altogether. That and you were far more intriguing than any other creature he’d come across in all his years across middle earth. How had the thirty-year-old mortal done that to him? What were you doing to him?
Legolas was a far departure from his father, King Thranduil, who had a disdain towards the human race. Instead, Legolas found humans, you more so, absolutely fascinating. How much the race managed to cram in their short lives. It exhausted him at the thought of what mortals went through. But it was their normal.
“Aye Lassie. Why don’t you let Legolas take the first watch. You’ve been up quite a bit, yeah?” Gimli spoke up after Legolas had confided him in of his worries over you. Usually, you were chatty and upbeat, but that personality Legolas had looked forward too had vanished all too quickly.
“Oh, it’s all right. Really. I’m not terribly tired.” You lied. You were exhausted but sleep just wouldn’t come.
Legolas shook his head, “I insist, Y/N. You’ve taken watch nearly every night for the last few weeks. You need a break.”
You bit your cheek trying to bite back your usual sharp tongue. He was just trying to be kind. Little did he know he was doing the opposite of what you wanted. You craved a distraction from the darkening thoughts in your mind that drove your fear and anxieties through the roof.
You gave up after a few hours. The snores of all the males around you irritating you more than soothing you too sleep at this rate. You got up from your bedroll and walked down the path to find Legolas. You knew he’d be displeased at your arrival but truly, you could not sleep. After a few moments of wandering in the dark it was he who found you. He had the advantage of being an elf and all.
“Whatever are you doing awake mellon nin?” It was like he appeared out of thin air startling you more than you wanted to admit. You spun around look up into his ever so blue eyes that shone bright in the darkness. Somehow they were striking even in the dead of the night.
“I said I could not sleep. Gimli’s snores are bothering me. I needed to be away.” You sighed in frustration.
Legolas took your hand like he had so many times before. You tried to ignore the way your heart raced at his touch. Needing to get over it, it wasn’t uncommon to have to touch or pull or shield another person or creature in the fellowship from time to time. It didn’t mean anything; it was just how things were. Legolas could never like a human like you. You’d be gone in the blink of an eye. It was probably funny for elves, little mortal crushes that they likely forgot about after some time.
“Come sit.” He pulled you down with him at the base of a large tree. Once you’d settled down beside him he continued, “What bothers you?”
You weren’t really going to tell him. That was far too embarrassing. You were supposed to be a fearless Ranger of Gondor. You’d been hand selected to travel with Boromir at request of his father, Denethor II. How could you deny such an honorable request? A female hand selected? You had a job to do, and you were going to do it well. Even if it quite literally killed you.
Instead, you shrugged, “Cannot sleep is all.”
Legolas wasn’t going to accept that as your answer, “Why not mellon nin?”
You turned your head to look at his, “I don’t know. Sleep has always been hard for me.” It was a lie even Legolas could see right on through.
He was quiet for a moment before pressing on a bit further, “You view me as your friend, no?”
You’d known him for a few months now after departing from Rivendell and naturally you’d grown close to him the quickest. Boromir was always a comfort as he reminded you so much of home, Minas Tirith. But Legolas brought out a different sort of bliss that drew you too him. He was funny, witty, sarcastic, and so different than any other elf you’d met in your almost thirty years in middle earth.
“Of course, I do Legolas. Why do you ask?” Maybe if you played dumb he wouldn’t press.
But you were wrong, “You can talk to me about what is bothering you. I have noticed you have been… off.” He paused looking over to you to see your reaction. Your eyes widened slightly at his realization of you sudden change. You should’ve known he would notice. He was far more observant than the common male you usually found yourself around in the mortal world, “I am worried for you mellon. I have not seen you smile in weeks. When was the last time you slept through the night?” He asked hoping you would open up to him for once. Legolas had found you to be particularly hard to crack. Most Rangers were but you didn’t seem like you’d ever budge. You’d been trained to be a stone wall and you were excelling at it.
You looked down feeling suddenly guilty for making him worry about you of all things. There were so many things that his attention needed to be on, not you and your emotions, “I cannot sleep. Not at night at least.” You yawned feeling the exhaustion overwhelming you, but your mind would not shut off even as you begged it.
Legolas nodded, motioning for you to continue, “I know this.” He said without judgement.
You let out a small sigh knowing you’d just have to tell him. He was never going to stop, not now, “Ever since the orc’s attacked us. I can’t seem to sleep. My head will not let me Legolas. I try, trust me I try so hard. And I am so tired. So tired I am afraid I have become a liability. What good will I be in battle if I can hardly handle my sword anymore. I am weak and tired and…” You felt the tears overwhelming your vision as you let it all out. Once the words had started it was like a waterfall had come out of your mouth.
Legolas ran a comforting hand up and down your back as you let it out. You wanted to run away from his touch as you had so many times before. You were a Ranger. Rangers had solo lives. You couldn’t get attached; it wasn’t fair to anybody let alone you. But damn, as his fingers traced up and down your back you knew you needed it. This life was lonely, and you were terribly touch starved. It felt so good. You knew his touch kept you from spiraling further into your own mind. Thankfully, the tears subsided before a full-blown anxiety attack took over your emotions.
Once your sniffles subsided he spoke up trying to continue to provide you the needed comfort, “I will let no harm befall you mellon nin.” He gave your shoulder a squeeze hoping it would provide you some additional comfort you needed. Legolas was no expert in elf emotion let alone human woman ones. But you seemed to be responding to his gentle advances positively so he concluded he must have been doing something correctly.
You sniffled knowing you probably looked awful under the tears that had slipped out. It had been so long since you cried. Not when you learned your mother had passed. Not when you’d been stabbed many times over training and being a Ranger. No, now when Legolas had finally got you to open up to him after months of trying.
“You cannot promise that Legolas.” Your voice sounded horse after letting more out than you had intended.
His eyes narrowed in on your puffy cheeks, raw from the crying, “I can, and I do, Ranger of Gondor.”
But you shook your head in response, “I do not wish to ask that of you Legolas. You need to look out for yourself and the Hobbits.”
“And you.” He only cocked his head to get a better look at you. He wasn’t shying away from the conversation like you were. It had become too difficult to look him in the eye at this point. You were too mortified by the breakdown and the now defense that was stemming from it.
He was as stubborn as you were, “Legolas you…”
But he stopped you by placing a hand on your arm, “I do not wish to offend. But you can hardly hold up your sword any longer. Do not think that has gone unnoticed by me nor Aragorn. You cannot protect yourself let alone Boromir. Not until you let yourself rest.”
You looked away once again in shame. Thinking you’d done an excellent job at hiding these exact ailments. Words were suddenly hard as you failed to come up with a sentence. What was the best way to admit how scared you were to sleep. How embarrassing for a literal Ranger. If anybody were judging, thankfully for you, they chose not to say a thing.
“As I said, I do not wish to offend you.” He said once more, this time a little softer as he dropped his hand from your arm leaving you aching for that touch that seemed to come so rarely these days.
“Hardly.” You swallowed your breath and took the moment to finally look at Legolas once again. He was studying your exhausted form before his icy blue eyes landed on yours. While you knew you couldn’t see him as well as he could see you, your eyes finally adjusted to the darkness. He was a vision even coated by the darkness of the night. You’d never been particularly fond of elves. You had always found them to be far too prim and proper for your rough lifestyle. But Legolas defied all your expectations by being exactly what you hadn’t expected him to be.
He let out a sigh knowing you weren’t going to say anything further, “Will you try to sleep?”
But you shook your head, “No. It just frustrates me. Laying there, listening to the rest of them snore away.”
The elf next to you contemplated something for a few moments before finally saying something, “Go grab your bedroll.”
“What?” That was the last thing you expected him to say.
“You will sleep here.” He spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
There weren’t many excuses you could make as you just shook your head in disagreement, “I cannot do that…”
“Why not? I will help you sleep.” He stood from his spot offering a hand out for you to take. With slight hesitation you let him pull you up from your seated position on the base of the tree with a small pull.
“I do not wish to burden you with such small problems. We have much larger problems at hand is all.” You spoke out your final fear. Why should he care? All of middle earth was relying on your group to make it to Mordor to get rid of the ring. What was a little lack of sleep when orcs and evil could be ruling the world if they were unsuccessful.
His head snapped to yours with nothing but concern. An emotion he’d been wearing as he looked over you as of late, “You are not a burden. You are never a burden. It is a burden to see you not sleep. It is a burden to see you so weak when you are so strong. It is a burden that you have not come to me sooner mellon nin. Go get your bedroll and bring it here. I will help you sleep.”
Snapping your mouth shut you simply nodded to him, “I will be back momentarily.” Walking with haste you walked like a dog that had been kicked by its owner. Legolas had never been so outright with you before. You are never a burden… what had he meant of that?
When you had gotten back to him, very momentarily, he had already cleared out a space for you to sleep. Without saying much more you got into your bedroll knowing that sleep would be hard to come by, even away from the snoring of the males. Even getting all your fears out into the world you still knew sleep would never befall you.
“Close your eyes.” Legolas sat next to you being sure to keep his senses heightened as he helped you.
But before you did you needed to know one thing, “Legolas?”
You turned your head towards him, “What did you mean I will never be a burden?”
He smiled a touch at your unusual vulnerability peeking through, “Exactly that mellon nin.” He began to brush through your knotted hair gently. His mother did this so many times when he was young to provide a sense of comfort. With the utmost gentleness he brushed out the knots from the long days of travel and lack of being able to wash, “I care for you very deeply, you know that. You are never a burden. You are my…” He paused wanting to say more but knowing it was not the right time. He was trying to get you to sleep not confess is true feelings, “friend. And I care for you. We care for you. We need you to care for yourself now.”
You hummed knowing he was right, “Okay. But… I am scared. Sleeping brings the terrors I cannot hide behind any longer.”
He shook his head continuing to stroke your hair, “I will fight them away. Fear not. Close your eyes. Trust me.”
You nodded closing your eyes beneath his gentle touch. Even as stubborn as you were his soft touch through your hair was already lulling you into a state you hadn’t seen in nearly three weeks. His tender touch was almost enough to lull you into a hopefully dreamless sleep. When he started softly humming a tune you’d so rarely heard you knew sleep would overcome you shortly.
“Thank you Legolas.” You mumbled unsure if the words were even coherent in your sleepy state.
“I will be here you when you wake, mellon nin.” He continued humming and brushing through your hair even after your breathes evened out letting the ellon know you were finally asleep. He continued to have his touch on you throughout the night knowing it was what your needed to feel safe.
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When your eyes were hit with the sun the next morning Legolas had kept true to his word. He was sitting beside you with his eyes on your waking form. You’d have been more embarrassed by his eyes on had he not spoken up before you could.
“How did you sleep?”
Scooting to sit up next to him you gave him a quick nod, “Very well. I do not believe I woke up once. I feel… good.” Giving him a smile that he had so rarely seen form you as of late he grinned in return to yours.
“Good. We will do this again tonight.” He stood offering his hand to yours.
You took his hand once again relishing in the closeness the two of you were having so ardently over the last few hours, “You must sleep too.”
“Do not worry about me. I have had plenty. With you taking every watch as of late I have been able to rest.” He smirked knowing you wouldn’t have a good enough comeback for that one.
“If you insist…” You wanted to give him an out. He didn’t need to care for you. To watch over you. He had other, much more important, things to worry about.
“I do.”
Deciding it best to pack up you just looked to him after, “All right then. We will do this again tonight.”
He nodded with a small smile playing on his lips, “I have forgotten how agreeable you are once you have slept my lady.”
Your mouth dropped open at that backhanded compliment that came so naturally to your elven friends, “I am not that bad.”
He shook his head mindlessly placing his hand on your back guiding you back to camp as you were distracted by him, “Just less stubborn is all.” His grin only widened seeing you crinkle your nose up trying to come up with a comeback but coming up short.
“You test my patience elf.” You spoke with a hint of sarcasm coming from within. As much as he tested you, you needed him far more than you could imagine. He’d become somebody to lean and rely on. Somebody who could be there for you when it was so often the other way around. He promised you’d never be a burden to him.
He laughed that beautiful sound that made your heart race, “And you mine. But, I would have it no other way.” You shut your mouth as the two of you made your way to camp where the eight of them were sitting, waiting on the two of you. He must’ve let you sleep longer than normal because they were all awake and ready to go. But seemingly unfazed by your appearance with the elf. He must’ve done or said something. Making true to his word. You would never be a burden.
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vasito-de-leche · 3 months
iff its still alright for requests then maybe somethingg small n maybe sleepy with forget me not ? nothing specific otherwise just
sleepy eeby forget me not fic. either that or wrangling his soggy ass to sleep(for once
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;R1999 FORGET ME NOT - "five minutes"
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Forget Me Not x Reader. 2.8k words fluff Being in charge of The Walden has its ups and downs - Forget Me Not enjoys being the conductor of an orchestra composed of dying men and women, even if it costs him hours of precious sleep. You make sure to remind him that even the most powerful broker in Chicago deserves a little nap.
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this mf has been fighting me for a month or so, it's so hard to write him SLEEPING, HE RLLY DOESNT WANT TO. I HAVE 3 DIFFERENT DRAFTS GRAAAA so here we are. I fought tooth and nail for this, theres 4 different drafts just about FMN getting some fucking sleep. this one even has like, a different version where you fall asleep on his lap instead bc he keeps FIGHTING ME
either way, ty for the request, nonnie! your ask was the perfect excuse to get this done. sorry it ended up being longer than my usual stuff, I just really love the guy
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The amount of work needed to maintain an establishment like The Walden often goes unnoticed.
Its elegant ambience and decor, all the powerful and influential people to rub shoulders with, the precise and meticulous organization behind every single detail and decision - all of it can be attributed to a single man, the very same who leads the crowd and makes their drinks.
When the night arrives, he and The Walden come alive.
Hundreds of desperate rats crawl into his den, searching for things they don't deserve: money, fame, fortune, connections, assets. They want to find their place in the world before they're long forgotten, and this is when Forget Me Not steps onto the stage and finds himself in his element, surrounded by all the people who look at him in fear, disgust and awe.
Do they know? That at the end of the world, he holds their fate in the palm of his hand? Him, a simple broker, a middle man.
An inferior, an arcanist.
Of course, the high fades as soon as the sun rears its ugly head over the horizon, his spirits plummet to the ground when the world returns to that monotonous routine. All Forget Me Not can do now is wait.
He would never dream of being so careless as to have his own residence right above his workplace, but he rarely steps into his home in the first place. It's too much trouble to commute back and forth, wasting time in a building that is as devoid of warmth as the blood running through his veins. That private office nestled somewhere within The Walden has become his new safe haven, in fact - with one too many couches to lounge around and no bed in sight.
Not that he sleeps anyway.
Forget Me Not always fancied the most convoluted route into an early grave, and thus has replaced the bottle for something else: endless paperwork.
It's getting harder and harder to conceal the dark bags under his eyes for a semblance of professionalism. How very fitting that, despite all of his efforts and accomplishments, his quality of life continues to deteriorate. What a depressing thought.
The leather of his seat squeaks as he shifts, leaning backwards to fully take in the piles and piles of files atop his desk. His gaze turns to the clock just to confirm what he already knows - it's a little past 6 AM, the cold breeze of the early morning keeping him wide awake. A brand new shipment of materials will arrive in two hours, they will need to be stored but it's an easy enough job for the Disciples. This means that the next important event on his schedule is the meeting at 11 AM. Forget Me Not's face sours right away at the thought, and he reaches for his drink.
And just like that, without any sort of warning, the door to his office is flung open. It's a good thing that despite his awful, awful health, his grip is as steady as ever - not a single drop is spilled. If else, Forget Me Not remains still as a statue, retaining that air of composed aloofness as he raises an inquisitive eyebrow towards the intruder.
It's you, standing perfectly by his door frame. He almost drops the glass once he recognizes your face, but conceals his little slip by settling it back down on his desk.
"Ah, how rare to see you during the day, you're always so busy with errands. To what do I owe this loud, impromptu visit? Keep in mind, I don't start serving drinks until 8 PM."
You don't wait for him to finish, marching towards the small lounge in his office and picking up a small, decorative pillow before dropping backwards onto one of the sofas. A shadow passes over Forget Me Not's eyes - he doesn't know whether to resent you for knowing you have the freedom and privilege to act like this around him, or whether to feel insulted for the way you ignored him just now. He settles for his usual third, secret option - resignation - and makes his way towards you.
Unlike you, Forget Me Not has mastered the art of concealing his presence and so he makes no sound at all when he approaches. He stands right next you, leaning ever so slightly to hover above your face, as if his piercing grey eyes alone could pressure you into speaking.
It doesn't work, at least not right away. You hide behind that useless pillow, then you shift and turn to lay on your side, all while he simply stands in perfect silence. It's a battle of attrition, one he intends to win.
"I slept like shit, okay? Just give me five minutes here and I'll go back to work." Your voice is muffled, but he hears how tired you are anyway.
It's easy to forget that people aren't nocturnal like him, at least not by choice. It's easy to forget about humanity when most of his coworkers are puppets held by strings and ink, mindlessly following orders. When you curl up on the sofa, Forget Me Not remembers just how tired he is and sighs. Soon, he's walking towards the door.
This makes you sit up in a hurry, clearly misinterpreting his actions. "Five minutes, promise! Don't kick me out!"
There's a faint click, it's the lock on the door. Forget Me Not returns to his desk, making sure not to look your way lest his eyes reveal those wretched feelings bubbling in his chest. Did you seriously think he had the nerve to throw you out so carelessly?
"Ten minutes. Make sure not to waste them with chitchat." He can practically sense you silently cheering and getting comfortable in his office. On his couch. It's insufferable, the way you always get what you want while he slaves away with work.
But it's only ten minutes, he can tolerate you for that long.
Three minutes pass, and Forget Me Not realizes that he's spent more time glancing your way than reading the document in front of him.
From his spot, he can only see the top of your head, just a glimpse of your form as you rest your eyes. But every time you move, no matter how subtle, he notices and turns his attention back onto you.
Seven minutes, he only needs to focus for seven minutes. The document in his hand is important: he's negotiating for better materials for his potions at a cheaper cost. This simple deal could mean a lot for Manus Vindictae, always so low on funds, resources and support.
Six minutes. Forget Me Not hears you hum and he slowly turns his head on instinct. You're staring right at him, face resting on the armrest, squishing your cheek against the plush cushions.
"You have four minutes left, are you sure you want to waste them like this?" He lies, as if he wasn't ready to ignore the passage of time to give you a few more extra minutes, expecting you to comply. But you get back at him with a question of your own.
"Did you get any sleep?"
"Three minutes." It comes out as a warning. You ignore it.
"I'm serious! You look awful from here." By now, you're sitting down and he knows that if he doesn't stop you, you'll make your way to him. To invade his personal space, cradle his face in your hands and torture him with your gentle touch. "You're always here when I start my shift and when I finish. Where do you get the time to go home and all of that?"
Forget Me Not would rather swallow his own tongue than to openly admit that he essentially lives here. That he has spare clothes in the drawer by the window, that he showers, eats and sleeps in this office of his. You might've figured it out by now, but with his pride and dignity at stake, he pretends to ignore you in favour of work.
"Hey, c'mon. Don't just go back to work like I'm not even here talking to you!" He does exactly that, picking up a pen to sign a few documents. "Drop that. Drop the pen. Hey!"
You talk to him the same way one would talk to a misbehaving dog, and he hears that whiny, frustrated tone in your voice that he's come to appreciate. There is a pause and Forget Me Not does as told - the pen now resting neatly on the desk.
He finally deigns himself to look at you, returning a small smile.
"Thank you, now, like I was saying-"
With his free hand, he stamps a document, never breaking eye contact. The pettiness is always worth it, but this time even more so when he sees that tic in your eye and the way you inhale sharply, absolutely done with him. You sit up, consider laying down again in frustration, then simply cross your arms like a child throwing a tantrum - seeing you get worked up over the smallest of things is always such a treat.
"Fine! Be like that! But don't come running when you- Uwaaah!" A yawn interrupts your words, you barely have time to cover your mouth.
Oh no. It's contagious. He feels that tell-tale tingle in his nose, and just like that, he yawns as well.
"Aha! You are tired, I bet you haven't slept properly in days!" An accusatory finger is now pointed at him, and Forget Me Not fights the impulse to roll his eyes.
"That's quite the leap to make over a simple gesture like that. Your time is up, by the way - please, go back to work."
"I'm telling on you, Forget Me Not. I'm so telling on you."
He gives a raspy laugh at this. "And who will you be telling about my horrible sleeping habits? The waiters? The delivery boy? Our esteemed guests?" The latter would definitely eat up any sort of information about his private life, especially if it was something to ruin his reputation, but he doesn't share this out loud.
"Ahh... So, you admit it, then? Having the worst sleeping schedule known to mankind?" Touché.
Before he can even reply, your mouth opens in a feigned yawn and Forget Me Not seethes when he finds himself imitating you. He seethes even more over the smug smile on your face. And he wishes he could just die on the spot when you scoot over and pat the empty seat next to you. Him? Rest? With you? Absolutely not.
"Ten minutes," a tight knot forms in his throat when you start to coax him in. "I'm sure you can spare that much, since you've been indulging me for this long! If you were actually busy, you would've just sent me home to rest. C'mere, sit."
What is the point in keeping track of time by now? Forget Me Not will be by your side until you decide to leave. Indulging you and your stupid ideas, your well-meaning and annoying habits, your reactions - all of it, they're his favorite vice and he never learned how to quit.
"Five minutes." He sits next to you.
"Fair enough." You scoot closer to him.
He watches when you link your arm with his, not bothering to ask for permission. Typical. Your palm is warm as you rest it over his forearm, fingers drumming idly over the soft fabric of his shirt. But you don't linger for too long, and slide down until your index and middle fingers reach the bare skin of his inner wrist, over the pronounced vein there. Can you feel his pulse? The shameless and frantic beat of his heart?
Forget Me Not is so entranced by this simple action that he fails to notice the sudden extra weight - your head rests on his shoulder, with your cheek pressed against the prominent bone. He knows it's an uncomfortable position, because you shift and nuzzle closer to his chest, the top of your head and your hair now tickling his neck and jawline. The knot in his throat returns and he holds his breath on instinct, like an animal at the verge of being devoured.
Nevermind the constant cycle of violence and doom he's turned his life into, these are the horrors that keep Forget Me Not up at night: your body against his, your displays of affection.
"Your eyes," the soft murmur of your voice pulls him from the awful, nonsensical noise in his mind. You're looking up at him. "You're meant to close them. That's what this whole thing is for. Unless ...you can sleep with your eyes open?"
"Don't be ridiculous. As if such a short amount of time could make me fall asleep." He huffs, a way to conceal just how out of breath he is. Part of him is afraid to close his eyes, knowing that he will feel each and every little thing you do - only tenfold. And what would he do with himself then, when all he can focus on is your finger tracing shapes over his palm? It tickles. It's distracting. It's unbearable.
His hand flinches, just barely, and you interlock your fingers with his in response.
"Hush and close them!" Always so obedient to your commands, Forget Me Not does as told, cursing you in his mind.
He gives you an inch, and you take a mile - the moment his eyes are closed, his body turns rigid but you still coax him backwards, so that he can lean on the backrest of the couch. It takes the coordinated effort of every single muscle in his body not to melt on the spot, to remain in a proper, sitting position. With you nestled so comfortably by his side, Forget Me Not makes the worst mistake in his life: he turns his head towards you, his nose now buried in your hair.
The content and pleased noise that leaves him is something that feels alien, entirely out of character for someone like him. Right away, he feels the tips of ears burning with shame and his body uselessly recoils away from you, trying to revert back into that persona he's created for the world.
It backfires immediately.
"...Hm? Is your arm getting numb? Here, let's switch." You move away, all while your hands cradle his face in order to guide him over to your lap.
It's a painfully slow process that is simultaneously over in the blink of an eye. Forget Me Not doesn't know what's worse, the fact that he didn't put up a fight or the way he feels so incredibly small, being held so lovingly by you.
He's laying on his back, hands resting uselessly over his chest like a corpse in an open casket funeral. If he glances upwards (a difficult thing to do, because you flick his forehead whenever you catch him wide awake) he can see you hoarding all the pillows available within your reach to support you as you lounge about, still hellbent on sleeping in with him.
Did he die at some point throughout the day without noticing? Is this his own personal Hell? Forget Me Not wants to speak, to say anything and regain control of the situation, but nothing comes out. All there is to do is to lay there, with your hands combing through his hair.
His heart might as well burst out of his chest. Even better, crawl up his throat and choke him from inside out.
Without thinking, he sits up. It's a nervous impulse. You can't see his face with his back turned to you and he's grateful for the small moment of privacy, as he steels himself to send you away. Or to fuck off into The Walden and walk around aimlessly to cool off, and then avoid you for a few weeks. Whichever comes first.
"Oh! Want a pillow or something? I kind of just took them all without thinking." He doesn't deserve this sort of contact, this domestic bliss - he doesn't want it either.
"Hey, do you think we could do this more often? Just... make some time for me in that busy schedule of yours?" And why would he? You're already pretty skilled at turning his life upside down with your constant nagging and your antics.
"Sorry for being this sappy so suddenly, it just came to mind...Oh, oh! Wait! While you're at it, mind closing the window, please? It's getting a liiittle cold in here."
Forget Me Not leaves his glasses on the table and lays back down, this time making sure to wrap his arms as tightly as he can around your waist, his face hidden in your stomach. What he receives is a weak chuckle, a weak complaint and a weak attempt at pushing him away. You don't mean it, of course - the same way he never means any of the things he thinks.
"Hm, I believe it's perfect like this."
"You're just saying that because you're going to leech off my own body heat, you little snake."
There's a hint of victory in your voice, you've won once again against him but you're always too nice to rub it in. Instead, you caress the scales on his neck, now on full display for you. It's a heavenly sensation.
"Perhaps," he murmurs, eyes closed. "But what are you going to do? Kick me out of my own office?"
"I might if you don't get some rest. Sleep, now."
And just like that, Forget Me Not unravels - he's been waiting so long to be given permission, for someone to allow him a moment of peace despite all these restraints holding him back.
He knows that the moment wakes up, he will act like none of this happened, that he will stubbornly deny everything until his very last breath, but right now, he clings onto you like his life depends on it.
And he falls asleep with your name on his lips
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dragon-queen21 · 12 days
thank for you for reply, apologies for sendin again, can you tell im hyperfixating?
i dont know if you exactly think of her like this but, HUGE hc that robins a flip. listen HEAR ME OUT PLEASE, “mama robin” and “baby bird” nicknames the crew bestowed upon her
i have so many hc for her in a agere situation, shes definitely a kid who has her good and bad days, sometimes she just wants to- needs to be alone because of trauma, and other days shes with them, shes a quiet little lady, but shes there just happy in the crews presence and reading. or maybe shes trying to break out of her shell and try to play a game with chopper, nami, or maybe on a really good day: sanji too. (usopp & luffy, she loves them, theyre just a bit too overwhelming together when shes little.)
i feel like it took her awhile to tell the crew about it, shes always been secretive, shes always had to be. but she realizes; “these are my nakama, they wouldnt hurt me” and just ups and tells them all randomly at dinner in a usual robin fashion
i cant imagine how that conversation would go but shed just all off a suddenly randomly drop that fact about her and everyones like “????”
and for cg robin well,
she would definitely read them stories no doubt about that. shes crack open a book, set her baby on her lap, their head on her shoulder and gently read them a fable or short story until they fall asleep.
or minor hc that when sanjis is like really little and robin has to cook the crew their dinner that night, she’ll set sanji up by her feet while she cooks so she can get things done, and sanji doesnt get upset because hes all alone :( (hes also in his kitchen which makes him happy as can be!)
^ or when hes on the bigger side robin will let him help her cook.
“Sanji, honey, can you pass me the oregano?”
“ACK! Robin ew no!!”
“oh dear! what should i use then?”
“um… ‘dis one!”
im done for mow i promise! i dont wanna chew your ear off but i hope you enjoy! thank you<33
My dear anon I will take all of the ramblings always there is no need for apologies! >:3
Considering how much I have been posting about my current brain rot with demon slayer I get you 100% with the hyperfixations. If you want to send more in I would love to hear and add to them, your messages have made me super happy and have given me a lot to think over /pos Making me want to get back into writing a one piece fic. I need to make more with the babies!
Oh my gosh you’re so right. She would just randomly over dinner tell everyone about her regressing.
I can imagine someone like Usopp or Sanji that took forever to tell the crew and had so much mental prepping and making sure everything was perfect just to see her just out of the blue would probably be so shocking to them.
Letting Sanji be with her in the kitchen, that’s such a cute idea you have no clue how much I love that. I have such a soft spot for Robin and him truly. Probably my favorite little caregiver duo if I am being honest.
Okay but she would also be so good at playing pretend with him. Opening a pretend restaurant with a bunch of stuffed animals as customers, making orders for the little one to fill out and stuff. Ooh or if they are both small playing school
Also, idea, lil Robin, going up to her crewmates with a book in hand and just holding it out to them without saying anything. She wants someone to read to her and is too shy to ask.
Sanji and Nami would without doubt. Luffy would probably get bored half way or reading the actual words and start going off of the pictures and making up his own story. Zoro who is absolutely clueless at first and ends up rejecting her just because he doesn’t understand. Franky would do the best voices. Jinbei the best at picking really good bedtime stories and reading them.
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
hello noxia toxia its me again
so i was thinking about hikakao cuddling (as i always am, due to the fact i am insane) and i really like the idea of them snuggling post canon, like as adults
like maybe theyre home from college for a break and they dont see each other very often bc theyre busy and go to different colleges so they missed each other a lot. i imagine they call and catch up super often when school is in, maybe even just silently do schoolwork together on call so they can have company, but it just isnt the same sometimes yk
so when they see each other again theyre really clingy with each other, and even though they think its probably a little silly to be cuddling again after everything, theyre too exited about being together again to care. so they snuggle in bed and watch movies or a show or something, talking and catching up, real cozy...and then they fall asleep like that snuggled up together (actually writing a fic similar to this concept atm lol)
or maybe well after college, one of them (either of them could be either role but im gonna say hikaru for this so itll be easier to write) gets some sad news or something bad, nothing super tragic just something that makes him not want to be alone. so he calls kaoru like 'kaofruuuuruuuuuu can u come over i want company pls:(' and of course kaorus there within minutes. seconds even. if there was traffic hed literally just take his private helicopter and fly over there instead even if its like less than a mile away like the rich dude he is. anyway hes there and he hugs hikaru and keeps him company, letting him vent and cry on his shoulder and all that. hikaru gets really tired from all the emotion, and hes snuggled really close to kaoru for comfort, so he just falls asleep there. and kaoru doesnt want to disturb him, so he keeps holding him and just sleeps kinda awkwardly and in his clothes so he wont wake hikaru. and even long after he wakes up the next morning he lets him sleep for however long he needs to just because he knows he needs it. im so sane and normal about them i am i am (foams at the mouth)
im so sorry this is so long i was just rambling, i literally have so many of these
anyways i LOVE THISSSSS I need to write my own hikakao college au <- so much angst potential. The idea of hikaru and kaoru going to different colleges, while not super realistic (?) in my head, is SO cute when they finally reunite... I can see though them often having to split up bc work is so busy in their adult life, and getting thru their catalogue would take ages if they worked side-by-side so to get thru it faster and more efficiently, they have to work by themselves... so Hikaru may be out in Spain and Kaoru is in America.
Which makes, like you said, their reunions so heartfelt...
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I mean, same guys who do this. Of COURSE they're gonna be dramatic after a WEEK of not seeing each other.
After a week of not seeing each other (because lets be real, they would be meeting EVERY weekened no matter where or what. Kaoru is in England? Hikaru is in Australia? Doesnt matter! One of them is flying over on a private jet gdi) they would smother each other in hugs and maybe even a kiss on the cheek if im bold to say and they'd just... cuddle. Talk and goof around like they were in middle school again, bc really, they're immature brats at heart.
(Btw?? I'd LOVE to read your fic!!!! I'm sure it'd be so cute!!)
If something happened while they were separated you bet your ass the other would be there in a heartbeat. Doesn't matter if Kaoru is in the middle of a Super Important Business meeting in America, he'll fly his ass home to Japan later that night to comfort Hikaru.
Your prompt also reminded me of a similar idea i had, about how they deal with each other getting nightmares... tbh I don't think Hikaru dreams often; Kaoru is the one who dreams almost every night (and talks in his sleep). And I think Kaoru used to get nightmares a lot as a kid, to which Hikaru would feverishly calm him down (he had a nightmare once about that fucked up scene in Cinderella 3 with the corrupted pumpkin carriage and the humanized Lucifer... iykyk)
But as they got older, Kaoru never really... stopped getting nightmares? He just got better at hiding them. In highschool, he'd wake up in cold sweats sometimes from really vivid dreams. No longer are they childish fears about a scene in a movie or being chased by a monster. His dreams focus on him losing his friends, his brother; people in his life leaving him. Things he worries about in his waking life; things he believes are going to happen one day. Except, in his nightmares, they happen in the worst ways possible.
He doesn't tell Hikaru about it, usually. Not because he thinks Hikaru would make fun of him or something, but because he doesn't want Hikaru to worry. He only wants Hikaru to be happy. He wants Hikaru to be free and live his full potential - if Kaoru told him he had nightmares about Hikaru leaving him, what would that make Hikaru do? Stick even closer by him. And that's the exact opposite of what Kaoru wants. So, he says nothing, pretends nothing happened as he uneasily falls back asleep, hoping he'll forget what he dreamed about...
And though he doesn't tell Hikaru, Hikaru sort of knows. Not the full extent of course, but... Kaoru can get pretty loud in his sleep. He doesn't toss and turn much (that's Hikaru's thing) but he speaks, and it can be loud and frequent. Usually, it's funny things Hikaru will tease him about if he happens to overhear it; nonsensical silly shit like "Please don't eat us, Usa-chan!" murmured sleepily and Hikaru will have to hold back a giggle to not wake him up. But then sometimes it's not so funny. They're very clear, scared pleas. In his asleep state, they're barely intelligible, too. Just whispers of "Please don't go" "I'm sorry" and "I don't want to be alone". Sometimes he sounds like he's going to cry. Sometimes he looks like he's going to cry. And that's what really scares Hikaru the most. He doesn't say anything, either - he doesn't know how to - but he always holds Kaoru in his arms close to his chest when he hears him make these noises, and soon enough, Kaoru will go quiet and resume a relatively peaceful sleep.
They'll talk about it someday... just not right now.
...I'm totally normal about them too, anon. I promise. I promise.
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definitelynotgideon · 2 months
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This is a Genya Shinazugawa x OC (Gideon Azulyss) MLM Fic 🏳️‍🌈
AN/ Okay guys so, as I move forward with writing these, I need to address a couple of things. First - I don't mention Genya and Gideon's age in this fic, but they'd be considered young adults in my stories.
Second, when I was writing this chapter I struggled with how it'd be perceived in full. I wanted to be mindful of my audience here and considered posting it with warnings and marking it mature, but I've instead made an abridged version for Tumblr specifically. The full version will be on my Ao3. Just to say, the full version includes them making out but there is some stronger/more mature theme present in the writing, even if it isnt explicit. I'll link the full version in this post for those who would like to read it.
As I continue to write, if anything seems to be stronger in mature theming, i'll be either posting a clean version on tumblr that doesnt take away from the main storyline or I'll be posting the chapters back to back if one can't be abridged. either way, I'm continuing the story here just wanting to be sensitive to my readers.
CW: Cuddling in bed 😱, strong language, Gideon mentions nudity. I'm pretty sure thats it for this version.
{For the Ao3 Version, click here. CW: includes mature themes in naration, makeout session. Not Explicit.}
Word count: 1,058
The Demons We Face | Chapter 13, Beautiful
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They were silent as they shared touches, kisses, smiles, glances into each other's eyes… and then Genya asked a question.
“Have you ever… felt this way about anyone else?”
Gideon blinked and looked thoughtfully into his eyes. “What do you mean by ‘this way?’ Like, attracted?”
“Yeah. Have you been attracted… maybe like, attracted to someone who also liked you back?”
Gideon woke up first the next morning. He was secured in Genya's arms, pulled snug to his chest. Gideon had become a teddy bear. 
And Genya was asleep asleep. Exhausted from his mission and traveling, and finally able to fall asleep comfortably, he was catching up on very needed Z’s. It also didn't hurt that his bed companion was warm, and that he felt safe with him nearby. 
Gideon didn't mind, he rested with a small smile on his face and cupped his hand over Genya's. It was peaceful to feel his pulse so close, the rising and falling of his chest and the warmth of his breath on his neck. 
But there was just one problem that arose about ten minutes later. Gideon was trapped, and had to use the restroom. 
He… tried lifting Genya's arm up and off of him so that he could wiggle free of the bed, but Genya pulled him closer with a small groan. 
Damn it… there was no way he could get out without disturbing Genya's slumber. He tried one more time to squeeze his way out of Genya's grasp to no avail. He huffed. 
No response. 
“Genya, Hun, let me go…”
Genya pulls Gideon closer to his chest and groans softly. 
Genya playfully wrapped himself around Gideon like an octopus might. He grinned as he hid his face in Gideon's neck. “Never~” 
“But I have to pee,” Gideon whined.
“Not allowed. You're not allowed to leave. Not after you called me ‘baby.’ You done fucked up~”
“...Genya I swear to all the gods, I will pee on you if you don't let me up-”
“All of them huh?”
Genya chuckles and finally unbars his arms so that Gideon can actually move. “Fiiine~ hurry back though.” 
Gideon all but ran to the bathroom once he was freed. Shutting his door so Genya could rest in privacy, he made his way down the hall to relieve himself. 
Meanwhile, Genya buried himself in Gideon’s bedding, stealing his pillow to clutch and just feeling incredibly high in spirits. Gideon’s room smelled of the lavender he had gotten for him, mingled with what the top of his head smelled like within his sheets. 
He called me ‘baby’… I… never thought I would like pet names honestly.
Gideon didn't take terribly long, and he came back in quietly to the sight of Genya hiding in his blankets and clutching his pillow. He paced over to lay down again, facing Genya this time and giving his face a few soft kisses. 
“Good morning,” Gideon cooed, shuffling himself closer as Genya wrapped his arms around him again. He stuck his leg between Genya's and wiggled into place, jade eyes resting on amethyst ones. 
“Morning, cute boy~” Genya said, making Gideon blush. Before he could hide his face fully, Genya inches closer to kiss his warm cheeks. 
They were silent as they shared touches, kisses, smiles, glances into each other's eyes… and then Genya asked a question.
“Have you ever… felt this way about anyone else?”
Gideon blinked and looked thoughtfully into his eyes. “What do you mean by ‘this way?’ Like, attracted?”
“Yeah. Have you been attracted… maybe like, attracted to someone who also liked you back?”
“...No one has reciprocated my feelings previously. I've found a few men in the corps attractive, but… I've never really gotten close to anyone like this…” He smiles and sneaks his arm around Genya's waist, “You and I… I think what we have seems unique. Our time together stuck in my mind and I hoped to the gods that I'd see you again. I thought about you every day. I regretted not kissing you. I've not felt this way, this strongly, for anyone else.”
Gideon’s heart was still racing. It felt as if it would never settle, even though it had in certain spurts.
“Have you? Have you felt attracted to someone who liked you too?”
Genya shrugged. “I think I'm similar to you but… you're the first boy I've found attractive. Otherwise… I like girls too. They're… so pretty and soft. I've had crushes on girls before and then… and then you…” he blushed deep and averted his gaze. 
“I hope that's okay. I… I think I'm bisexual.”
“Why would it not be okay?” Gideon cooed to him, gently lifting his face. He looked at him adoringly. “Genya, it's okay that you like girls too. Just because I only like men and you like men and women, it doesn't change the way I feel about you in the slightest.”
Genya exhaled, relieved, and nodded to him. 
“Besides I know I'm very pretty so, I win against the girls you looked at before~” 
Genya chuckled. “You are a very pretty boy,” he hummed. 
Gideon playfully winked at him and bit the tip of his own tongue. “And you're adorable, and insanely attractive. What kinds of descriptors would you prefer me to use for you? Do you like being called handsome? Or would you prefer things like gorgeous or pretty?”
Genya looked up to the ceiling in thought. “...I'd be okay with any of those. Whatever you'd like to call me.” 
Gideon smirked. “Don't give me an open invitation to whatever I want, Genya. I'll find very unhinged things to call you.”
Genya returned the smirk. “You will huh? What army are you going to come in with to back you up?”
“Just me and my hammer, baby~” 
Genya snorted and laughed. He sat up in the bed as Gideon did the same, swinging his legs over the edge to stand and stretch. 
He twisted his body mid stretch and made little stretch sounds, looking at Genya as he relaxed again. “...Wanna go sit on the engawa with me? Drink a morning cup, chat, and then go eat breakfast?” 
Genya smiled, his mauve eyes resting delicately in the forests of Gideon's eyes. “Sounds like a plan. We getting dressed?” 
“Nope. I prefer to scare everyone with my nude body first thing in the morning, or blind them with how porcelain white my legs are at a minimum.I enjoy scaring all of the citizens-”
“Gideon,” Genya laughed around his name. “I meant pajamas or uniforms.”
Gideon grins big. “I know.~” he hands Genya his outfit off of his desk chair and he moves to his closet to dress himself.
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
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📣: Wonwoo // enemies to lovers-ish i guess // angst?????? but not rly no // somewhat fluffy too // 6000~ words hahahahhahahahhahah this isnt a drabble
A/N: thank you for the request, anon! just to be clear, this fic doesnt give an accurate representation of memory loss bc i tried researching but it doesnt... really tell abt what i was looking for so, yeah. also, the way med school works here is like uni, which is why wonwoo's break is a bit long so if the med school in ur country doesnt work that way pls ignore lol but tbh the med school background isnt rly important here. im gonna write a long ass AN at a different post abt this fic so if you feel like seeing me rant, you're welcome to do so <3 enjoy :D
find the rest of requested drabble here
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For someone who claims to hate you, Wonwoo knows quite a few things about you more than he’d like to admit.
One, he knows you live alone because the reason you’re here is to pursue your medical degree (and get a job too, obviously). Two, he knows you’re the closest to Park Chaeyoung, a Korean by blood who’s lived outside the country more than inside; Wonwoo figures the both of you find comfort in each other for being foreigners. Three, he also knows the only reason you’re hostile towards each other is because you simply started off at the wrong foot and refuses to be civil with each other quite immediately after that.
Lastly, he knows there’s just no way he’s called in the middle of the night by the hospital for you because you ask for him.
Wonwoo stares at the doctor in front of him with eyes wide open, glancing at you who’s fast asleep on the bed. You’ve fallen back asleep after asking for him, the nurse in charge quickly going through your phone to look for a ‘Jeon Wonwoo’ and has someone notify him about it.
“What do you mean she’s lost her memories?” he asks once again, not believing what he just hears even though the way your head is wrapped with bandage says enough.
The doctor explains how you hit your head to the side of the road because of some irresponsible cyclist going too fast, eventually bumping into you and then fell down on you after losing his balance. Your body doesn’t sustain any major injury, but your head has taken the fall for colliding into the stone brick firsthand.
“Is it…bad?” he asks, his mind busy recalling the few stuffs he’s read about amnesia even though he has never actually learned it himself.
“Apparently, she forgets the events of the last few months to almost a year before,” the doctor patiently answers. “It’s all a blur, she tells me. But she doesn’t completely forget everything, just that she forgets a lot of details.”
After another half an hour of telling Wonwoo stuffs that he thinks the guy should know, the doctor finally leaves, telling him to take care and ‘have strength’ because you can still have your memory back even though it might take a few months at least.
He sits down on the chair next to your bed, looking at you as he wonders why did you not ask to call for Chaeyoung. Though it wouldn’t make any difference, Wonwoo thinks. He knows the girl is back in Australia for the semester break and he could only imagine what she’d do if she finds out.
He sighs, figuring he’d have to notify her too one way or another.
[01:03 AM] Jeon Wonwoo: SOS. Text me when you’re available to talk.
[05:54 AM] Park Chaeyoung: ??? r u drunk
[05:54 AM] Park Chaeyoung: is2g if you’re making up shit
This is going to be one long semester break.
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“What the fuck do you mean she lost her memories?” Chaeyoung curses from the other end.
“I mean just that,” Wonwoo sighs in annoyance, though he does feel bad for her. “Apparently, she asks for me and that’s why I’m here.”
“Why on earth would she ask for you?”
“How am I supposed to know?” he huffs, slightly lifting up the curtain to see the sun barely up. It’s somewhere around 6 in the morning, Wonwoo has just woken up from his uncomfortable sleep with his neck and waist screaming in pain from sleeping on a chair. When he comes to, he checks his phone only to see Chaeyoung replying to his text and figures he should deliver the news and be done with it. “She probably doesn’t remember she hates me.”
On the other line, Chaeyoung goes silent and Wonwoo lets her be. He knows this kind of news isn’t easy to take, even more when she’s literally in another continent and can’t just come back to help the person she considers her own sister.
Before neither of them can say anything more, you groan in your sleep, making Wonwoo turn to you. He quickly tells Chaeyoung that you’re waking up, and he can hear her sniffles a little before softly asking him to take care of you, the softest she has ever spoken to him. So Wonwoo says yes and hangs up.
Wonwoo keeps quiet for a moment, just in case you’re going to go back to sleep right after. But you sluggishly open your eyes, eventually looking up at him as you try to sit on your bed. Wonwoo comes closer to help you, avoiding your eyes because he’s never been this close to you before and it’s flustering him for no reason at all.
“How are you feeling?” he decides to say and sits down on the chair near you. “Head okay?”
You nod a little, thanking him when he hands you water to drink. “You’re… Wonwoo, right?”
There’s an unexpected sting in him at your question and your unsure gaze. It must’ve been frustrating, knowing you should know this and that but you don’t. “Yeah. They called me but you’re already sleep when I arrived.”
“I’m… I’m sorry if we’re not close or anything,” you fidget, and Wonwoo actually feels bad seeing you so… small. This isn’t you; you’re supposed to roll your eyes at him, glare at him when you can’t come up with a good come back, or give him that annoying triumphant grin when you get the last words. “But you’re the first name that rings in my head so I ask the nurse for you.”
There’s an awkward smile in his face, but Wonwoo tries his best to hold it back so you won’t be even more uncomfortable because, even though he never experiences it himself for obvious reasons, he knows it must’ve been scary to you. You don’t even know who he is, but now you’re looking at him like he’s the only one that can help.
“It’s okay,” he reassures you. “Are you really okay? Should I call for the nurse?”
“Just a little lightheaded,” you tell him honestly. So Wonwoo does exactly that, all the while listening carefully to what the nurse says when she’s examining you.
Not long after that, your doctor comes in to check up on you. He says something about not being too worried, because it might be short-term and you might get your memories back sooner rather than later. You look scared, Wonwoo notices, but he can see you visibly relax when you catch his eyes and he sends you an encouraging smile.
“I… need to go back and wash up,” he tells you after the doctor leaves. You look at him with uncertainty, as if afraid to be left alone without him by your side. It’s not a look that Wonwoo would ever imagine coming from you to him, but his heart warms a little at it. “I’ll be quick, I promise. And then I’ll come back and we can talk about stuffs that might help you jog your memory back, okay?”
You nod, because you also feel bad for keeping Wonwoo here when, by the looks of it, he’s not even your closest friend or anything. You’re sure he’d freak out more if he was your close friend or, dare you assume, boyfriend. But Wonwoo is calm and has just looked more confused and a little uncomfortable.
At least he looks like he wants to help, you think to yourself.
Wonwoo stays true to his words, already appearing back in your room not an hour later, and takes the seat near your bed.
“Okay, um…” he begins hesitantly. “What do you want to know first?”
“We aren’t close, are we?” you shoot straight to it, the most certain you’ve ever been since you come to.
“Well, no, I wouldn’t say,” he answers truthfully. “We go to the same med school, share some classes, umm… We… talk from time to time, but not to the point where we’re close.”
For now, he decides that’s the best he can tell you. You already look scared and lost as it is, there’s no use in telling you the nature of your relationship. He’s been thinking about it during the short while he’s not in the hospital; how much shittier would you feel if you find out the first person that you seek isn’t even your…friend?
“How did we meet?” you ask curiously. You wonder if you used to have a crush on Wonwoo before and are just too shy to do anything about it. Surely, if someone like him is in your class he would at least serve as your eye candy, right? Plus, he’s kind enough to accompany you like this when you’re just…acquaintance, apparently.
Wonwoo chuckles awkwardly, remembering how that’s exactly why you both went down the wrong road, still going at each other’s throat until this very moment.
“I, uhh, I wasn’t looking and you were in a hurry so we kinda bumped into each other and I might’ve spilled my coffee all over you,” he scratches his head, unsure how this version of you would take it.
Surprisingly, you let out a small laugh that sends a handful of butterflies in his stomach. “What a meeting. Your impression must’ve been strong to me.”
He shifts in his seat uncomfortably, then changes the topic just so you won’t start asking about how it goes from there. He talks about the little things he knows of Chaeyoung, someone that you also only remember by name, and then promises to video call her when you’re ready, and he talks about school stuffs, some you recall, though mostly not.
“Have you checked your phone?” he asks, only know realizing your phone is intact on the table.
“No,” you look down to your lap. “I’m… afraid.”
“Because you might not remember everything?” he asks pitifully. All this time, the only side of you that Wonwoo’s familiar with is your snarky side; one that’s skeptical and confident, not unsure and afraid like this. Seeing you like this is weird, not because he’s not used to it, but because he can feel something stirring inside him at the sight of your hunched figure.
At your nod, Wonwoo offers to accompany you look through it if you want, that he would try to help if he can even though he might not be much of help if it’s not about friends from school. So you agree, and Wonwoo is able to help more than he thinks he could; he’s able to tell you about the class you enjoy most and ones that you don’t really care for, able to tell you about your habit of drinking iced (‘it has to be iced, I’ve never seen you with anything hot,’ he says) coffee for your first class no matter what time it starts, able to tell you about some friends that you’d sometimes hang out with.
“You do know quite a lot about me, huh?” you ask jokingly, not knowing the way Wonwoo’s heart jolts at this particular tone you usually use at him everytime you beat him on Professor Jung’s exam. He can vividly picture it in his head, the way you’d walk past his table to say something along the line of ‘looks like someone’s barely passing, huh?’.
Wonwoo knows what makes his heart jumps isn’t only that, though, it’s the fact that he doesn’t even realize he knows this much about you. Has he actually been paying attention to you?
He shakes the thought away, and the nurse comes in with your lunch just in time to stop your conversation. There’s watermelon on your fruit plate, and you hand it to him because you don’t like it. Wonwoo scoots closer to your bed, eating your fruit as you talk some more over your lunch.
It is only when you’ve finished eating that Wonwoo realizes he actually likes this—talking to you over meals with no hostility in between.
He wonders if it’d be like this if he’d just said sorry that time and helped you clean up instead of fighting you back.
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A week later, you’re already discharged from the hospital with Wonwoo in tow.
“You ready to go home?” he asks, and the sentence feels more intimate for no reason at all that Wonwoo averts his gaze from you to his phone almost immediately.
“Can’t stay here forever, can I?” you ask back, which makes him chuckle at the spark of familiarity. Being with you almost 24/7 for a week, Wonwoo has learned that your sarcastic way of speaking is just the way you normally speak.
When you both arrive in your apartment (Wonwoo gets the passcode from Chaeyoung who shares the apartment with you), the space suddenly feels too big for you and it’s overwhelming. It’s also sad, because this place used to be your home, it should be familiar—and even though it doesn’t feel foreign, it doesn’t feel like home right now.
You roam around to your room, and then peek through Chaeyoung’s from the door, hoping something will hit you, but nothing really stands out and it’s more than frustrating.
“Hey, don’t force it too much,” Wonwoo finally says after a while, noticing the way your fingers are digging into your palms. “How about we video call Chaeyoung now? Didn’t you say you want to go home first before finally calling her?”
You turn to Wonwoo who’s standing near the sofa, and you nod before sitting down there with him. “She… she won’t be mad that I don’t remember her, right?”
“Oh, [Y/N],” he calls your name gently. “She’s literally your closest friend here, okay? And she’s been so worried that she texts me everyday to make sure you’re okay. She’s been wanting to call you too, but she’s refrained from doing so because I told her you’re not ready yet.”
For the next two hours, Wonwoo simply watches you talk to Chaeyoung from the side. At first, the both of you are crying—Chaeyoung, because she’s too worried, and you, because Chaeyoung is crying—and Wonwoo’s pretty sure he would’ve mocked you for it if this was the old you, but right now he just feels bad and he comes to the conclusion that he doesn’t like seeing you cry.
Not the tiniest bit.
He has to hold himself back from wiping your tears, settling for handing you tissues and a glass of water instead.
“I’m okay, I promise,” you tell her when the call is about to end, relieved that you don’t completely forget about some memories Chaeyoung has been sharing with you. “Just a little dizzy now, maybe because you help me recall a little. The doctor says it’s normal.”
“We’ll talk some more later or tomorrow, okay?” Wonwoo hears her say. “I have to go in a bit and I’m not sure when I’ll be back. Don’t forget to take care!”
You chuckle a little, something at the back of your mind tells you Chaeyoung has always been this kind of friend and you’re relieved at the recollection. “Yes. Wonwoo’s here with me too, so I’ll be okay,” you shyly say, missing the way Wonwoo widens his eyes while Chaeyoung coughs to hide her reaction before eventually hanging up.
“Should we order pizza?” Wonwoo asks before things get awkward. “You know, to celebrate your homecoming?”
You laugh at his choice of words, but nod anyway. Pizza with Wonwoo doesn’t sound so—
“Why are you here?” you frown at Wonwoo, the guy simple shrugs as he annoyingly bites into his pizza. “You don’t even like pizzas!”
“Who says?” he rises his eyebrows. “I loooove pizza. And who am I to say no to Seungkwan’s free food?”
Beside him, someone sends you an apologetic look, mouthing an apology and a promise to make it up for you.
“You invited him, didn’t you?” you turn to someone else.
“Does it matter who invites me?” Wonwoo chirps in. “Just sit down and eat.”
“Oh my God, are you okay?” Wonwoo quickly holds your shoulders as you wince at the sudden wave of memory. “Did you remember something again?”
You weakly nod, the pounding in your head won’t stop and you can barely see Wonwoo’s worried eyes.
“Do you… do you know a Seungkwan?” you ask once the headache dies down.
“I—yeah, he’s, uh, kind of close with everyone,” he answers. “Did you… get to remember him?”
You shake your head, taking the water from his hand. “Not really, no. But, have we… eaten pizzas? With Seungkwan?”
Wonwoo hesitates for a second, but he eventually nods and tells you yes.
He still remembers that day because it’s hasn’t been that long ago; Seungkwan has called some people over for pizza night as a celebration of the semester ending. Wonwoo has told him no at first, telling him he wants to sleep for a week straight and his social battery is practically nonexistent. But when he hears from Mingyu you’re coming, he has quickly made his way over just to bother you even though he doesn’t even feel like eating pizza then.
“It hasn’t been that long ago,” he honestly tells you. “Only 2 weeks ago at most.”
He’s met with silence, there’s a frown on your face as you try to put the puzzles together in your mind. Your words and Wonwoo’s from the memory ring endlessly; are you… not in a good relationship with Wonwoo? But he’s been so kind to you the past week?
He barely even leaves your room if not because of the visiting hour and because he needs to come home and wash up.
That doesn’t make sense at all.
“Do you want to lay down and take a nap maybe?” he asks, still worried. What else could you possibly remember now?
At your nod, Wonwoo helps you to your room, asking you if you still feel like eating pizzas or if he should order something else. But you shake your head and tells him pizza should be fine, that you just need to lay down for a while because your head feels heavy.
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When you wake up again, Wonwoo isn’t in your room. You walk out to find him asleep on the sofa, his arms crossed in front of his chest and his head uncomfortably leans back on the head rest. You slowly make your way to sit next to him in hope your weight wouldn’t wake him up; it doesn’t, but Wonwoo grunts before turning a little to you.
There’s a part of you that wants to ask Chaeyoung what’s the nature of your and Wonwoo’s relationship, but would it be too much? Just because of one memory?
But didn’t Wonwoo say it has just been roughly two weeks ago? Then why were you questioning his presence to the point where your friend—Seungkwan? was it? —has to apologize for Wonwoo being there? Didn’t Wonwoo say you were just…acquaintances?
You look up right when Wonwoo’s starting to wake up, he groggily opens his eyes and you don’t even realize you’ve been sitting so close to him that his face is right in front of yours. He blinks a few times, as if trying to figure out why your face is so close to his, but you quickly stand up and walk to the kitchen.
“When did you wake up?” he asks instead with a yawn. “Is your head better?”
“Not too long ago,” You nod at him as you return with the pizza box. “Definitely better. Did I sleep for long?”
Wonwoo looks at his phone before answering you. “Maybe an hour or so. You’re really feeling better?” he asks again, noticing the conflicted expression on your face.
You nod again to reassure him, and when Wonwoo softly mumbles to himself he’s glad you’re feeling better, you decide you’re not going to pry about your relationship with him. However it was between the two of you, it shouldn’t be bad enough if he’s right here with you, right?
If it’s that bad, he wouldn’t continuously try his best to take care of you since day 1, right?
Maybe it was just those friendly fights, you try to convince yourself. Maybe you just enjoyed arguing with him and he, you.
That must be it.
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The week after that, Wonwoo says going to school might be a good idea because you spend a lot of time there, and you need to go to administration to officially take a semester break, anyway.
You take a deep breath once you get off the bus with Wonwoo, both hoping you’ll remember and afraid just in case nothing happens.
“You’ll be fine,” Wonwoo squeezes your shoulder. “Don’t force it, okay?”
It’s something that he often says to you, because he knows you often try to force the memory out by staring at something that seemingly important to you. This does nothing but frustrates you and, more often than not, you just end up with a useless headache.
“You’re already remembering a lot too, aren’t you?” he says, reminding you it’s okay to take it slow.
“Yeah, but there are still a lot of missing pieces and sometimes I’d either dream or suddenly think of people with blurry faces,” you pout. “It’s scary.”
“You still have those dreams?” he frowns, you’ve told him about it a couple times before and he remembers how disturbed you are even though it should be a good thing that your memories are coming back little by little.
You nod, absentmindedly linking your arm with his as you walk to the building. Wonwoo blinks at the touch, but doesn’t have the heart to move away nor even comment about it so he lets you be.
He likes it, anyway.
“Oh?” someone exclaims from afar, calling you both loudly as he makes his way to where you’re at. “Well, aren’t you two cozy,” Mingyu grins when he notices the way you’re holding on to Wonwoo.
The sight of Mingyu alone seems to trigger something within you, though, and you stagger back at the sudden wave of pain. Wonwoo quickly puts his arm around your waist to hold your weight, and Mingyu looks at him in panic, not having any idea about your condition.
“Well, don’t you look cozy in your hoodie,” Mingyu says from beside you.
“Don’t you shut up ever?” you glare at Mingyu.
“No. It’s a part of my charm,” he grins shamelessly. “Why? You like the quiet type more?”
You roll your eyes at his words, trying to step away from him. “I like people who’s not associated with Jeon fucking Wonwoo. So, obviously, I don’t like you. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
You walk away from Mingyu, but he quickly catches up, easily falling back into steps with you. “Do you know that you two actually match each other really well? Wouldn’t be surprised if you end up dating once you decided to end this dumb feud.”
“And I wouldn’t be surprised either if my shoe ends up in your mouth,” you glare at him once again.
Mingyu puts his hands up in surrender, though the teasing grin in his face doesn’t falter. “You owe me Chaeyoung’s number if you end up with him!”
“I’m okay,” you say once you’re able to get back to your feet. So many thoughts are swirling in your mind and you’re pretty sure your head doesn’t only hurt because of the memory rush but due to the revelation that you’re still denying.
Are you really in bad terms with Wonwoo…? Wonwoo, who has been with you for almost a month now, taking care of you days and nights? Wonwoo, who makes dumb jokes out of nowhere and never forgets to tell you to slow down and rest?
You look up at his worried face, a frown in his face with his arm protectively around your figure. There’s nothing but worry and concern in his eyes, so why…?
“Should we just go home?” he asks instead, and you can feel the arm around you tightening a little. You glance at Mingyu behind him, too speechless to say anything.
“No, we should at least take care of my break,” you tell him as you try to step away from him a little.
Wonwoo’s face subtly falls at your movement, but he quickly nods and figures you’re just disoriented. He points at where you’re supposed to go, telling you to go first because he needs to talk to Mingyu about something.
Any other day, you would’ve waited for him because he seems to be the only certainty in your blurry life and it’s a little scary to be doing things without him. But today’s not any other day and you actually do need time alone to collect your thoughts no matter how short.
All the time you’ve spent with Wonwoo seems to make you forget Wonwoo wasn’t even your friend when he first came through the hospital door. He was just a classmate, you have assumed—a colleague. He himself said you weren’t close.
You remember wondering about the nature of your relationship with Wonwoo before, and you’ve closed the possibility of him being someone you don’t like because he was, still is, taking care of you earnestly.
Some memories regarding him have been coming back too, if you’re being honest. But you didn’t tell him because you were always arguing with each other in those memories, they didn’t last long enough for you to get the context of it; but almost every fight was childish by nature which is why you have just assumed that’s how your friendship with him was.
But now that you think about it, Wonwoo wouldn’t have been as uncomfortable at first if you’re actually a close enough friends that can argue with each other without getting hurt.
Maybe you’d have to call Chaeyoung tonight.
“Hey, careful!” Wonwoo pulls you to his side, concern written all over his face and it’s only now that you realize you almost bump into the pillar in front of you if not for him. “Are you really okay?”
The worry in his voice is clear, and yet you suddenly doubt everything about him after the episode earlier. You try to rationalize with yourself; even if you were in bad terms with him before, that doesn’t erase the fact that he’s been restlessly taking care of you when no one else could, does it?
Furthermore, doesn’t it just say about how good of a person he actually is if he’s taking care of someone he doesn’t like?
You flinch at the thought. What does he think of you, really?
Should you just ask him instead of calling Chaeyoung?
You don’t realize when Wonwoo moves to face you. But when you do realize, his palms are gently cupping your cheeks to search your eyes thoroughly, and you look back at him, trying to see if there’s any deceit in his eyes. He can’t be faking it to this extend, can he?
What do you know about Wonwoo, anyway?
You frown at the sudden thought. Yes, Wonwoo has been taking care of you greatly all these times, but do you actually know him?
“I’m—I’m fine,” you answer him at last, your hand goes to hold his for a second before letting go. “Let’s just finish this and… I want to go home.”
Wonwoo lets go of you and nods, biting his lips at the way you’re suddenly avoiding his gaze.
Did you remember? But it’s been only roughly a month? Doesn’t it usually take months to recover loss memories?
Most importantly, why does it scare him?
It’s two weeks after that day and you’re still too afraid to confront him. But it is a fact that sometimes you become too conscious around him, and Wonwoo probably notices this even though he doesn’t say anything about it.
Even so, his genuine concern and the way he earnestly takes care of you still brings butterflies to your stomach, often prompting your heart to run a little faster than normal when he’s too close and his fingers slightly brush yours.
It is only when Wonwoo texts you he can’t come today because he’s promised Mingyu a long time ago to go somewhere with him on semester break, that you realize you’re almost always with Wonwoo ever since you woke up from that concussion.
You try to count back to the day of the small accident; it’s been roughly a month since then and the few times you spent your day without him can be counted with your fingers. Almost everyday he’s by your side even when he doesn’t need to—like when you met up with Seungkwan in hope he’ll be able to jog something within you, or when you went to the places Chaeyoung has mentioned to be your favorites, even when it’s midnight and you couldn’t sleep because the blurry faces are haunting you.
You still remember that night vividly even when you fell asleep without you knowing. You woke up because of another blurry memories, head pounding and heart beating fast out of fear. It was hard to fall back asleep after that, so you had texted him just to see if he’s awake—and he was.
He called you almost immediately, talked to you on the phone about this game he’s been obsessing over and how you should try it, about how Soonyoung, his roommate, had been nagging him because he’s always at your place and that meant Soonyoung had no one to accompany him eat during dinner. He had just laughed it off, though, and you can still remember how your heart fluttered when Wonwoo jokingly said he’d rather eat with you than his roommate, anyway.
That went on until somewhere around 2 in the morning, with you falling asleep somewhere along the way. You wake up to Wonwoo’s text telling you to call him if the nightmare comes back.
You sigh to yourself. Why is the whole thing with Wonwoo so complicated? Why can’t you just pretend this is how it’s meant to be and accept your feeling towards him regardless of how it was before when you couldn’t even remember?
But you know it’s not that easy—know that Wonwoo knows how it was before and you’re not sure what to make of him being aware of your supposedly ‘bad’ relationship while still doing…this.
Is he just being kind? Maybe he feels bad about your situation and wants to make up for whatever he did before even when you don’t remember?
The only thing that you know is you don’t dare to assume he’s developing feelings for you like you are for him and you hate yourself for it.
You mess your head out of frustration, walking to the kitchen to see if the fridge has anything that might cheer you up a little. There are three cans of beers, you notice, you haven’t touched alcohol at all since the accident. You hesitate a little before eventually bringing them all out with you to the living room. You don’t even know how much you can drink, but surely you won’t get drunk over canned beers, right?
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“What the fuck!” you gasp in shock at the cold beverage against your skin, seeping in through your shirt. “Do you not have eyes or something?”
The guy in front of you looks just as shocked, but quickly frowns when he registers your words. “Isn’t it you who was dashing through the corridor without looking?”
You scoff at his words, eyes throwing daggers at this guy who you don’t even know. “Wow, not even a sorry. What a gentleman.”
“Why should I be sorry when it’s you who bumped into me?” he scoffs back, which irritates you even more because isn’t it you who’s the victim here? Having been drenched in coffee first thing in the morning?
“Jeon Wonwoo!” someone calls from behind you, the guy glances at the name, but quickly turns to lock your gaze again just to annoy you further. Of course, guys with decent looks are always assholes.
“I will fucking remember you, Jeon Wonwoo,” you whisper under your breath before turning to leave. You will get back at him.
“[Y/N]!” Wonwoo calls to you once again, trying to shake you awake on his lap.
That’s how he found you when he comes in, passed out on the floor with empty canned bears on the table. Chaeyoung has worriedly called him earlier, telling him you’re not taking her calls nor checking her messages. It’s 8 in the morning on a Saturday, but Wonwoo quickly goes to your place when you’re not answering his calls either.
“That dumbass,” Chaeyoung has said over the phone when he calls to say you’re passed out most likely from beers. “Her body can’t take alcohol.”
After that, she has told him to prepare your usual hungover remedy and that he should try to wake you up; you’ll probably throw up and he would need to help that, too.
When you wake up, your head’s pounding and your throat is itching. You can hear someone calling you, but not conscious enough to register who. The next thing you know, you’re running to the bathroom to throw your guts up.
Wonwoo worriedly follows you, holding your hair to the side as his other hand rubs your back. His warmth comforts you, but you’re still not done throwing up to properly collect your thoughts.
Once you’re done, Wonwoo leaves to get you aspirin and water while you wash up a little. You warily make your way to the living room after that, taking a deep breath before stepping out of the bathroom.
“Here, take this,” he says when you’re close enough, handing you the medicine. “I ordered the hungover stew earlier and it should arrive soon, Chaeyoung says you usually have it after drinking too much.”
You don’t say anything, simply bite the inside of your cheek as you take the aspirin from him. Wonwoo doesn’t seem to notice you silence, too worried out of his mind.
“Why did you even drink?” he frowns at you. “Do you know how worried I was seeing you passed out on the floor?”
You still don’t answer, your mind bursting with thoughts. It is then that Wonwoo realizes you’ve been keeping your words and softly calls your name in confusion.
“Why?” you say for the first time. Wonwoo simply looks at you with a silent question, not getting it. Your head still hurts and you’re probably not in a good enough condition to talk about this, but the sudden surge of bravery is something that you can’t ignore. “Why… have you been helping me?”
His breath turns heavy at your question, already able to put things together by the way you’re talking to him. “Did you… remember?” he asks instead, blunt nails digging into his palms.
You shake your head; your eyes are stinging as you suddenly feel like crying. “I—yes? No, I—I don’t know, maybe? But… but I, I remember our first meeting and a few other arguments and—”
Wonwoo quickly stands up to embrace you as you gasp for air and tears flood your eyes. He can feel the way your fingers are gripping his shirt as you cry, probably too overwhelmed with everything.
You’re not sure what comforts you the most: is it his arms around you? Or is it the way he’s whispering comfort to your ear? Or is it the way his hand is endlessly caressing your hair?
Once your tears die down, Wonwoo leans back a little to see your face. Something inside him twists at your puffed eyes and the way you’re hiccupping after crying far too long for his liking. He gently sits you down on the sofa, handing you water.
“Do you want to talk about it now?” he asks, there’s no use in hiding it anymore if you remember everything—at least the part about him—now.
You nod shakily, a little disappointed at the way Wonwoo’s sitting further than he usually does, though you get that he might be doing that for you.
He explains everything as best as he can, how he knows it must’ve been scary for you and how it would do you no good if the first person you seem to recall enough turns to be your enemy. He talks about how, at first, he takes care of you because he feels bad, but it wasn’t out of pity—he can tell you were scared and frustrated, and he doesn’t wish for you to go through this alone no matter how it was between the two of you before.
You listen to every single one of his words, heart stinging a little when he says he’s doing it because he feels bad. Who are you kidding? Of course, that’s why, the only reason there’s even an opening for you to feel something for him was because you have lost a chunk of your memories. Else, now you know it would be the same between the two of you.
The thought doesn’t comfort you, though. You think once you remember for sure what’s the nature of your relationship with him, everything would be clear to you.
And you definitely don’t think that, once you remember how bad it was between the two of you, the feeling that you’ve developed over the month would stay. You’ve never imagined you’d crave for his proximity, wish for him to continue talk to you like he usually would during the time he was taking care of you.
Would he back away from you now that you remember about him?
“Please don’t think I’m treating you like a charity case,” his words cut through your train of thoughts. “I’m—yes, at first I just felt bad, but now I’m just taking care of you because I want to, okay?”
“What—what do you mean by that?” you shakily ask, heart beating so hard that you can hear it loud and clear.
Wonwoo hesitates for a moment before eventually dives for it. “I… I don’t want to go back to how it was between us before just because you remember.”
“I… don’t want to either,” you whisper softly, making his breath caught in his throat. “I—I like being with you, Wonwoo.”
There’s a teasing smile in his face, but you can tell that his eyes are genuine without a hint of jokes. “Confessing already, are we?”
You chuckle a little at his attempt to lighten the mood, hitting his arm slightly which makes Wonwoo finally smiles at you, too.
“Just kidding. I like being with you too,” he genuinely says as he meets your eyes. “We really just started off the wrong way and refused to give each other a chance, huh?”
“How stupid, right?” you say with a laugh. “Takes me a concussion to give you a chance.”
For a moment, silence envelopes the both of you as you stare into each other’s eyes. There’s a quiet understanding between the two of you; how he’ll still be there to help you recover more of your memories, how you agree to let go of that first meeting, and how you both would slowly go through the path in front of you together after this.
It’s quiet and it’s comfortable, so you bask in his gaze and he, yours. What finally breaks the silence between the two of you is Wonwoo’s phone ringing to notify an incoming text. He looks at it, and then tells you your stew has arrived downstairs.
“I’ll just… go get it,” he says as he stands up. “Don’t go anywhere, okay?”
You laugh at his remarks, his mind probably stopped working after the emotional outburst earlier because he doesn’t even realize what he’s just said. You hold back the urge to be sarcastic, instead nodding at him with a smile that sends butterfly flying in his stomach.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
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petertingle-yipyip · 2 years
Hiiii I'm the anon that requested cuddly! inebriated!Matt, and I just realized that I fully forgot to mention this but you do Not have to write a full fledged fic abt it in any shape way or form. I'm more that fine with headcanons, all I want is your marvelous writing in whatever format you may want to grace us with. Love ya!
guess what? i’m gonna write a full fic for that but i wanna do a headcannon set too bc i love this. these are quick and lazy and probably wont be as good when i read them over later BUT... i love soft!matty
one night foggy manages to get matt to drink till they get to eel
that’s always a bad idea
you end up having to pick him up from the bar around 2am. and it wasn’t even one of the boys that called… it was Josie
“you’re murdock’s girl, yeah?”
“what did they do?”
“they’re piss drunk and are trynna start a karaoke party in my bar. jesus christ. nelson’s singing brittany spears.”
“ha! yeah, i’m on my way.”
you ended up wearing his suit jacket because his dumbass left it at the pool table... with his cane
even though he yeets those all over hell’s kitchen
“you know have a client coming early tomorrow, right? and- and brittany spears karaoke? really?”
“hey, don’t- don’t blame me! it was foggy’s idea.”
“you know you don’t have to listen to all of foggy’s ideas, right?”
he laughs like that’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard
he stumbles up the stairs because he didn’t need the elevator. he was a big kid
yeah, tell that to you who had to support his muscle bound frame up said stairs
you contemplated ditching him about halfway through since he was “a big kid”
but you suffered up to the apartment while matt was giggling and smiling and being a bit more touchy than usual
his hand that’s around you waist is going under your his jacket
or he’s smacking your ass
he’s leaning into you
he’s nuzzling your neck and kissing the crook of your neck
“can you do this when we’re in the apartment? otherwise i’m dropping you down the stairs. and when you tell foggy and karen, it’s not a lie this time.”
he’d pout and say something like you were so mean to him and he just wanted affection from his girlfriend but you didn’t want to
you sarcastically agreed that you were in fact mean and only mean girlfriends go out at 2am to pick up their drunk, blind, parkour, vigilante boyfriends and practically carry them up multiple flights of stairs in her pajamas
when you finally get him inside, he sits on the arm of the couch and waits for you
“come here.” making the little grabby hand things toddlers do
“hang on. let me get you some food and water.”
“i don’t need that. i need my sweet, loving, gentle, kind, honest-“
“shove it, murdock. i’m not dealing with you and a hangover during your client meeting tomorrow.”
did someone say puppy dog eyes?
you dont even know how he knows thats the look that gets him almost anything
him, sitting there with this pout and arms crossed
you, ignoring him while you bring him water
“kiss me first.”
“no. drink.”
“i love you.”
“I love you, too now-”
“i love youuuu.”
“yes, i love you t-”
“kiss me if you love me.”
you kiss his cheek
he huffs in annoyance
he grabs you by your hips and drops backwards so youre laying on top of him
the water is now all over the floor
matt is smiling so wide
hes squishing your cheeks when you try to talk to him
he just giggles
you - now desperate - lick his hand
after what feels like forever he accepts the water
you sit with him and he lays his head in your lap
you have to undo his belt and his tie
he falls asleep in your lap
you try to move him
he just grabs your leg and refuses to let go
even asleep, he was strong as hell
you give up and just sleep there
your hand on his chest
he regrets his drinking the morning when you wake him up for work
doesnt even remember how he got home
you mess with him
“remember jessica jones? yeah, she just kinda-”
you pretend to throw something
he laughs and just waits till you put it together
you remember hes blind
“kinda just threw you.”
“she threw me?”
“yeah, i wasnt gonna get your ass up here. but youre cute when youre that drunk”
he groans bc of course hes embarrassed
“love you, matty.”
“love you too.” he grumbles
“i love youuuuu”
you cant keep a straight face
“that bad, huh?”
“so, so clingy... but i like when youre clingy. better than you crisising.”
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 years
i like the idea of thomas for the dad/christmas fic 🥺
heeey!!! thanks for comment on it again!!! once again, i'm sorry for not writing that one with the person 'we' mentioned first😅 hope u like it!
-> dad!thomas raggi x reader
prompt: in which, dad!thomas is bit late for xmas to see his little girl! bonus. he teaching his little girl how to play the guitar!
warnings: none, just the good stuff today!! oh, we actually talk more about the 'finals' holiday than xmas itself on here so i hope it doesnt be too awkward for people who don't celebrate it.
You closed the fairytale book, putting it in its place on the shelf, and then tidied the blanket to cover Alice better. One of her arms was on her new guitar, which Santa Claus had left for her at Thomas's mother’s house; and by Santa you meant Thomas. She was so happy at the moment that you couldn't wait to show him the video. 
 Despise this, the smile on her face hadn't lasted long, you didn't know if everyone could see that she looked sad or if it was something maternal that warned you about it. She was asleep, and even though you could tell she was heartbroken, her long eyelashes rested under the freckles of her chubby face; appearing to be all agitated - she had not cried, but you knew she had held back her tears while you put her to sleep. You didn't blame her, you missed him, too. 
 You hugged your torso, wanting to stay there with her, you didn't feel like going to sleep knowing that he wasn’t home for Christmas. When you looked at her again, with her sad little face, you suddenly felt bad for not thinking about letting her sleep with you; since she liked it when you let her stay in Thomas’s side of the bed when he wasn’t around.
“I love you, angel,” you whispered, brushing her hair away from her face and placing a kiss on the prominent freckles on her nose. She mumbled something you couldn't understand, and smiling silly at your girl, you took her purrs as your cue to make your way to the kicthen.
You hummed one of Thomas’s band songs to yourself after you checked that there was no messages or new call on it. He promised he would at least contact you, and as long as you are together he never was one to broke his promises; so what you could do was wait. 
 It was the first Christmas after you had Alice that he hadn't been able to come back home on time. And as much as you told him that you understood and that everything would be fine, which was true, you couldn't deny how much you missed him.
You kept the leftovers Alice had begged her grandmother to give her on the frigde, remembering how she had planned on eating it with Thomas when he got home. Glad pleased, you could imagine how happy he’d be that she thought about doing it for him. Just when your mind was ready to get lost in a scenario where Thomas would be home for the Holidays, the vibrations of your phone interrupted you.
“Hey, babe. Merry Christmas!” You said excitedly. It was him, he wouln’t forget of you. It was late at night and you had no idea what time it was for him, but still he called. 
“Merry Christmas, babe,” He said in a slurred, almost inaudible voice. He looked a bit sapped and busy.
“It's not a good time, right? I can call you later if you can’t speak right now or are feeling too tired,”
“Nah, it’s fine,” He assured, a bit breathless, getting clearer over the phone. “How was your day? How’s Alice? God, I missed you,”
“It was good,” you sighed, thinking about being cheeky and adding that it would have been better with him, yet you were afraid that it might make him feel worse. “Alice is fine too. She loved the guitar, you will love to see it. I filmed everything, she didn’t stop jumping with it in her arms, telling your parents how it was just like the one his dad have. She misses you so much, Thommy, and I think she’s learning how to deal with it.”
“She’s learning...” he repeated. “I wish she didn't need to learn to deal with me being away from her,”
“Don’t say that, I made a bad choice of words, you know she loves you and she loves even more the way you love her extra when you’re back. She understands, Thomas,”
“She’s 5 years old, Y/N,”
You let the silence fill the chasm between you. You felt how sad he was, he had been away for a long time because of the turns before, still he always managed to return for the special dates - just as he had promised when Alice was born - but this time, well, this time it wasn’t possible.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured and you visualized in your head his eyebrows furrowing as his hand ran agonizingly through his hair, just as he always do when he‘s feeling in low spirits. “You’re right. I should be focusing on the good things, soon I’ll be home, I’m gonna teach her to play the guitar, show her all my love and be the best dad in the world,”
You laughed at his abrupt change in mood mixed with a hint of himself. “I know you will, babe,”
“I’m gonna be the best boyfriend too,” he would give continuity to his words when a loud noise of something falling stopped him abruptly.
“What was it?” You asked. You made it clear that you were suspicious, and by his nervous laugh he knew that. After all, what would he say about the noise that seemed to have come from the room next to where you were? “Oh my god, Thomas, that can’t be you.”
He didn't even need to answer, the sound of your steps going on his way was enough for him to know that you knew he was there, making him curse himself for being so clumsy. And just like in a flash, you were in his arms. He dropped his bag on the floor, giving you al of his attention as he squeezed your shape to his body.
“You’re here,” you bured your face on his chest, letting the feeling of comfort fill your nostrils, and then soul. “You’re really here.” You added in a breathless sigh.
Relief taking over his body as you snuggled into his frame, he grinned, “I promised that I would try my best to be with you all the special dates, didn't I?” He asked, holding your face so he could look at you properly. “Are you crying?”
You nodded at his soft voice. “I’m sorry,”
He laughed, a nasal sound that you missed so much. “It’s ok, 5 months is a long time,” He said, tracing kisses across your face. “I promise I’m gonna love you extra now.”
It was already possible to see the sun rissing outside, yet you refused to close your eyes and lose any moment with Thomas.
You rested your head on the pillow, waiting for him and thinking of how lucky you were that he managed to catch a last minute flight to spend the New Year at home. He was scheduled to return only after the first day of the year, somehow things would have worked out better than expected and he managed to get back sooner.
“She looks like an angel sleeping so calmly.” He spoke, lying beside you under the covers.
“I thought you were going to wake her up, she'll go crazy when she sees you.”
“I know,” He smiled, proud of himself. He knew she was the definition of daddy’s little girl. “I will wait until she wakes up. I'm dying to fill her with kisses and hugs.”
Still with his charming teeth and cute dimples on display, he pulled you to his chest, trying to wrap you in the blanket next to him. “She loves you. She doesn't care about the time you spend away, as long as you come back to her.” You nuzzled into his neck, squeezing him tighter as you said that. It was likely that this would happen more often, letting Thomas blame himself for that wouldn’t do him any good.
He bobbed, kissing your forehead, enlacing you with the same intensity. “I know, babe,”
“How was turn?” You asked, looking at him, making sure that he was fine. He was thoughtful, but it wasn’t the end of the world.
He told you about his gigs around the globe and you were happy feeling his body soften on your arms. His voice almost lulled you to sleep, but you were sure you would never tire of hearing him talk about what he loves. You showed him the video of Alice receiving the guitar, seeing his eyes fill with water after she said that she‘d be just like her father made your chest almost explode with love. In the best possible way, of course.
“You can sleep if you want, babe.”
“No, I want to spend more time with you.”
“I’m here, I am not intending to go anywhere.” He patted your hair, rubbing his nose through your hairline, and the last thing you remembered was feeling his lips on your temple.
When you opened your eyes again, he was no longer there. You rubbed your eyes tight, trying to adjust to the light, wondering if there was any possibility that it might have been a dream, but then a sweet chuckle brought you back to reality.
Alice was standing in front of you, with the guitar resting awkwardly on her shoulders. Her eyes went from you to Thomas, as if asking him if everything was all right. You smirked lightly at her features that looked the same as Thomas's.
She started playing something, which looked incredibly bad, Thomas wrinkled his nose in an attempt not to laugh so as not to discourage her. He should have spent a lot of time helping her, and she looked like she was trying. Her lips was between her teeth as she concentrated to play her less than a minute of song was so cute that as much as you didn't understand a thing, you couldn’t help but feel proud of her.
“It’s Vent'anni,” Thomas mouthed, waving his hand in a way that would get your attention but not hers. “It’s Vent'anni.”
“Oh my god!” You opened your arms for her as she finished playing, watching you with her excited eyes. “It’s Vent'anni.”
She grinned from ear to ear, handing Thomas the guitar, and then jumping into your arms.
“Did you like this?” She asked happily, making ‘this’ sound like ‘dis’. “It’s not perfect but I’ll get better, right dad?”
“Yes, better than Damiano trying to play It!" Thomas confirmed, stroking her back as he approached you. “Good mornin’, love.” he kissed the top of your head.
“I love you,” you kissed his cheek, wishing he could feel how much you love him. “And I love you too, little one,” you mumbled, pinching Alice’s nose, which eyes was stuck on the two of you.
She laughed, her gaze still on you and Thomas. She looked like a completely different person from the night before.
“Dad said you look cute when you're tired.”
You knew that you looked tired, the day before wasn’t the best and you had barely slept. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking at Thomas who had a silly smile playing on his lips and felt your cheeks get hotter. The reason you still felt that way when he complimented you was a mystery, you liked it anyway.
“You are a gossip little thing,” Thomas joked, poking at her sides.
“No, I’m not.” She laughed, trying to run away from him flawlessly, letting him hug her as she recovered her breath.
“I love you too, both of you,” she pointed a finger at both of you. Thomas's smile was priceless, you could live in there forever. “but can we play more guitar now, please?”
You agreed and Thomas got up to sit upright, putting her between his legs. He looked at you, his face still radiant, you could easily imagine him talking about you with Alice - just like you did talk about him with her as well. He positioned her tiny hands on the guitar, guiding then with his own fingers. His gentle, patient voice teaching her things that both knew she would soon forget and he would have to repeat it all over again - and you knew Thomas would do it without a problem - was lovely to watch. Her head was resting on his chest and whenever she hit a note and heard Thomas praising her, she would turn to you and say "see mom, I did it.” And you swear that you couldn't be happier to have found the meaning of the word home in two of your favorite people in the world.
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Based off @rae-writes smp Parental smp series , so please please look at their account and fics. Most importantly I give them credit for the parental thing so please check them out their wonderful being. Also your like a very young child and I put irl songs besides there names.  I hope you enjoy 
Dream smp parents x gn child (lullaby) 
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DREAM - you are my sunshine 
You would have a really hard time going to sleep because how anxious you’ll Get over your father as he’ll get busy with work. George and Sapnap tried there best to help but nothing was working they tried giving you a bottle , plushes anything but no budge. You eventually started to cry which alerted Dream who was working on maps and the next plan against l’manberg. He finally decided to take a break and head over to your room as the two left the room. Dream gently lit up a candle and picked you up cradling you in his arms the soft bright green fabric around you. He sat in the rocking chair , gently rocking you and softly singing , comforting best he can, until you stop crying and fall asleep in his arms. Once you fall asleep he didn’t realized how tired he was and fell asleep in the chair holding you protectively in his arms. George and Sapnap later found out and took pictures of it as it was too cute not too.
QUACKITY - (along with Sapnap and Karl) recuèrdame 
It’s quite chaotic having three parental figures but to them you were there pride and joy. However you were sick and wasn’t feeling so good which worried all of them , especially seeing you have a hard time falling asleep and it was hurting their own sleep. ““Guys I’m really worried “ Sap says looking at others as Karl gave y/n medicine in there crib exhausted . Then quackity has a idea , walking out the room grabbing his guitar and walks back in y/n’s room. “  Guys, I have an idea maybe singing a song might help.” Karl perks up at the idea and nods ““that’s a good idea.” Quackity sat down on a chair beside the crib as they lowered the lights softly singing the song in Spanish. Karl and sapnap noticed it tiring you out and quietly hi five each other as you fall asleep much to the relief of all three of them. 
RANBOO - once upon a december
““Mate, have you tried giving them a pacifier or like song to calm down?” Ranboo perked and never thought of that . He thanked Phil and rushed off back home and sit on his bed , pulling y/n out the carrier. And hold them in his arms gently holding them and softly singing a song. Until sleepy enough he gently puts them in crib and left worked on his panic room. 
Ranboo was very new to the whole parenting thing and was pretty anxious of it all , he knew it was a lot of responsibility. And he wasn’t the best person to do this but you were his he couldn’t ditch you. He was getting used to it all, Philza would help him and give him tips and such considering he raised 3 boys. One day ranboo was doing some errands with y/n and being really fussy and not calming down no matter what he tried , he eventually ask Philza what to do. 
TECHNOBLADE - you will be okay
Having a new baby was difficult since he already have 3 rowdy boys , Tommy was proud he can be the big brother as he loudly proclaimed it. Techno was excited but wasn’t so hectic about it , and Wilbur was gushing over the new sibling. The boys surround Phil as he sat down holding the new baby wrapped in a bird theme blanket. “ Now, now I’m much as excited as you are boys over the new baby okay, but just becareful alright? “ Phil exclaimed as they sat down beside him the baby moving lightly. “ Sure thing big man! “ Wilbur perked up “ We’ll help you! Right techno?” The pink hair nodded in agreement wanting to read them Greek mythology when a toddler. “ well can you make dinner as I handle this for me?” Phil asked worried. The three boys nodded and rushed off as Phil stood up smiling softly singing to baby as he walked to their nursery. 
Being the child of ‘the blade’ has it perks and downs but the loud winds of the blizzard against the window was scaring you a lot and just being fussy and whimpering. Which obviously alerted techno who was brewing potions and quickly walked into his room with your crib beside his bed. He sighs in relief and gently picked you up in his rough big hands , so tiny and fragile in his arms, slowly walking downstairs. Sitting in his scarlet chair beside the fire gently rocking them softing singing to them. He gently fixed the baby blanket around them and kept them close to his chest to hear his heart beat. Once you were asleep he finally relaxes into his chair still holding onto you as he rest. He gently messes with your pink hair,“Sleep well my princess/prince.” 
PHILZA - (SBI) dellas moon lullaby
JSCHLATT - youll be in my heart
Who thought the con/business man himself have kids? Surely not? Well infact he does he has two along side tubbo he has y/n who he cares for deeply. He doesnt show them off out of fear and just for there safety. He isnt the best dad and he knows , he drinks and gambles which is a no, having to ask phil to give him some advice etc. But even so with his tough exterior and asshole attitude he deeply cares for his little rams as he sings them to sleep. Kissing them ontop on their heads goodnight.
WILBUR - everything stays
When fundy was still a toddler , he didn’t expect to have anymore children well he was wrong. He now had a new baby along his country and toddler son. It was very stressful but seeing how happy fundy to have a sibling made him happy. He would spend his free time tuning his guitar with a rocker and fundy playing with blocks as he plays songs for his children. It helps a lot with nap time as it calms them down and gets them sleepy. But they were so cute he couldn’t complain about it sadly Tommy has rushed in with no warning yelling startling both awake crying....not fun times...
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poison-rat · 3 years
For the ask thing: intrulogical! P.s. I love your work
Thank you!! I havent written a proper fic in like a year but Im just itching to write lately.
I love Intrulogical so much but my wife doesmt ship them so I never get to talk about it.
Logan and Remus are both chaos but in different ways. This will also borrow from my human AU. I have set ships in it, it is its own thing I may try to write for, but I like using the characterisation Ive made.
Who is the most affectionate?
Remus loves PDA. Hes always holding onto/draped over/sitting on Logan in one way or another. Always dropping sloppy kisses on his face or yelling that he loves him, despite Logan sitting right next to him.
He feels shy in front of other people, but in private, Logan is just as much all over Remus. Hes not nearly as vocal about it, but he also enjoys leaning against him or kissing his cheek or lays with his head in Remus' lap. Its a silent affection and Remus loves it all the same.
Who initiates the handholding?
Remus typically. Loves PDA, again. But Logan will sometimes reach over and just... hold.
Who worries more for the other?
Logan doesnt try to show it, but hes always worried about Remus. He always worried Remus is going to embrace the wrong intrusive thought and hurt himself somehow.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Logan for sure. He understands that he doesnt know everything and is more than happy to stop and ask for directions when theyve passed the same gas station and souvenir shop 3 times. Remus says would rather die than ask for help, but even he can admit when he needs it, and will typically only ask Logan for help, or maybe Janus.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Remus loses everything. If he doesnt have it attached to him, its gone. Hes gone through six pairs of sunglasses while on a vacation, has his phone on a stretchy lanyard when hes out and about (and a good phone insurance in case rhe lamyard falls off), and his keys are on a locking carabiner on his belt loop because the dealership wont give them another set. They really shouldnt have give him the extra 4 that that did.
Logan will lose small things like books or his glasses and occasionally his phone, but he always finds them. His keys stay hung up on a hook by the door and Remus isnt allowed to touch them.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Logan loves to leave post its everywhere. Not just love notes, but reminders for himself and Remus. The notes are all the sort of generic, "I love you!" and, "Remember to commit atrocities against your fellow man!" and Remus steals them all and keeps them in his pillowcase. Its extremely impractical because he has a tendency to pull the pillowcase off with his tossing and turning, but he manages to keep the notes in. Logan will sometimes find more vulgar notes left for him, but also some that say, "Hey nerd, youre cute," or similar, and he hides them in his books for safekeeping.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Both sleep fairly well on their own. Logan wakes more easily without him there. Remus is a sprawling bed hog, so he doesnt typically notice when Logan isnt there.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Logan has been planning it for a long time. He wants things to go according to his plan, but he forgets to factor in that Remus is erratic and unpredictable. He loves that about Remus but its frustrating to his logical brain. Eventually, when he does propose, its out of the blue, in the middle of a crowd, and he doesnt make a big deal of it. Its unpredictable just like his boyfriend. Remus screams in joy, effectively scaring the shit out of many nearby, and of course says yes.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
(Borrows from AU. Remus has an okay relationship with Roman and his mom, Remus being the younger twin, Logan has a tense relationship with his absent parents. All of the sides live in the same house near a college most of them attend.)
Remus met Logan when he and his brother were living together, so Roman knew about Logan the entire time. When Remus told him they were dating, Roman was thrilled for him and also teased him a lot. His mom also knew about Logan the whole time, and when she found out, the first thing she did was ask Roman when he was gonna get a boyfriend, that its improper to marry off the younger child first. She loves Logan and is so happy for her son.
Logan doesnt talk to his parents often. Theyre busy with their business, he knows that. In fact, he doesnt even tell them hes dating someone until theyre getting married. His mom acts all upset that he didnt tell her, but he doesnt believe her. They congratulate him, and thats about it. The nanny that raised him, she's absolutely thrilled and so happy for the two. Shes known about Remus since Logan starred to develop a crush and he called her in the middle of the night to ask for advice. She meets him in person a bit before their wedding.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Remus is a tactile person. He loves to touch and play. When he doesnt have a fidget toy, he demands Logan's hair. Its difficult to read and also not doze off when someone is playing with his hair, but he tries.
Logan also plays with Remus' hair because its long and a bit wild. He mostly does it when he needs to help Remus brush it out, but when Remus is sitting in his lap with his head om his chest, Logan cant help as his hand just wanders up and starts carding through his hair. Remus melts every time, touch starved and desperate for affection.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Both of them are terrible at keeping up with needs. Logan will get into a focus and just not remember the world around him until Remus sets a sandwich and a glass of water down next to him. Hes very grateful. Remus is more an active person, so he'll be running around causing chaos, typically with Janus or Virgil and occasionally Roman, and Logan will make sure he has something when he gets home, because Logam cant focus on anything but making sure Remus is okay when hes gone.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Remus will defend Logan to the death. Whether it be he has to throw hands or yell at someone, he'll do it. Logan is forever glad to have Remus in his life because he is a very passive person.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Remus' surprises are not always safe for work, but he loves to just... have a surprise waiting for Logan at any given moment.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
They both agree the pinky promise is the best way to do things for them. Its childish like Remus likes, and feels a little official like Logan likes.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Janus does because they both just fall asleep draped over each other. Logan doesnt like to sleep anywhere but his bed and Remus will sleep anywhere, and always while laying on top of Logan so he has no choice but to stay there. He denies a blanket, saying hes gonna get up in a bit, but he never does.
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suddencolds · 3 years
different anon here but omg im so happy you made a kaeya/albedo drabble.. could you write up a pt 2 where kaeya catches his cold? doesnt have to be long, anything would do if youd be so kind
😭 anon... please, have mercy. Reversed roles are my absolute ~weakness~, so just this once, I am here to deliver a fic that I didn’t spend like 300 years writing. (Thanks for the excuse to write these two!!)
[part 1] 
A few days pass before he sees Kaeya again.
Albedo is only at the headquarters to ask Lisa if she has any books on the medicinal uses of Liyue specialties. The meeting is a coincidence, all things considered. Kaeya is leading a group of Knights—new recruits, Albedo thinks, because he’s pretty sure those are new faces—back into the main hall.
“Captain,” one of the recruits is saying. “I’m sorry about today. I’ll do better next time.”
“Struggling with training?” Kaeya asks. “I hope you weren’t hurt.”
“I wasn’t. I just… I should have been able to dodge. Back up in Starfell Valley, when that hilichurl fired. It wasn’t hidden or anything, but I didn’t notice.”
Kaeya shakes his head. “It’s a lot to think about, right? That’s one of the tricky things about fighting with a close-range weapon. It’s not a bad thing to pay attention to whomever you’re clashing swords with. Just don’t forget to keep an eye out for enemies that are further out.”
“Got it,” the recruit says, solemn.
“Your swordsmanship has improved, though.” Kaeya adds, “I can tell you practiced. The new sword suits you.”
The recruit brightens visibly. “Thanks a lot, Captain.”
It’s not surprising, really—Kaeya has a strange talent for saying the right thing at the right time. He’s patient, too, and good at strategizing; all things considered, Albedo can’t think of someone more qualified to be training the Knights.
But Albedo isn’t here to watch. It just looks like their group is about to adjourn, and he figures he should really thank Kaeya for his help a few days ago—Kaeya is a fast learner, and an even better conversation partner. Had it not been for him, Albedo knows he would’ve been up on Dragonspine for much longer.
Currently, Kaeya is turning to address the entire group. He still hasn’t noticed Albedo’s presence, it seems.
“Great work today,” He says, then launches into a speech about strategy. It’s not a notable incident—or, it shouldn’t be—except the more he talks, the more Albedo can tell how tired he is. It’s subtle. It’s Kaeya—of course it’s subtle. But his posture looks deceptively casual—really, it looks like it’s taking all of his energy to keep himself presentable—and mid-speech, he’s actually stifling a yawn. His voice sounds slightly off, too, perhaps from overuse.
They’re all busy, Albedo knows. But he feels guilty nonetheless. He knows it had been Kaeya’s decision to help him, but still—perhaps it hadn’t been the best choice, seeing how much he still has to do.
“Captain Kaeya,” one of the other recruits interjects, after Kaeya finishes his speech. Most of the other Knights have already started to leave. “If you are free later, could I stay late to train with you today?”
And Kaeya—
—Kaeya, for some reason, hesitates. He shuts his eyes for just a second, as if he’s at war with himself, before he opens them again. This time, his smile is a little less effortless, a little more strained. “Of course. I need to get some paperwork filled out first, but I’ll meet you after.”
“Alright, thanks! I’ll wait for you outside?”
“Sure. I won’t be long.”
The recruit—oblivious to the fact that something’s wrong—turns to head towards the exit. Kaeya sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, his eyebrows furrowed. He really looks exhausted.
Albedo wants to call out to him. He’ll say thanks, and then he’ll get out of Kaeya’s way. But then Kaeya starts off towards Jean’s office—to pick up paperwork, presumably—and stops halfway down the hall, tensing, one hand hovering over his face—
“hiiH… hiiH’ESSCH’ew!”
It sounds… rough, and tired, as if he’s been doing that all day. He sniffles, shivering, and continues walking, and Albedo knows.
He feels bad immediately. Kaeya had been kind enough to help out—of course he had, he’s selfless like that—even though he must have been busy. Meanwhile, Albedo hadn’t thought to tell him to sit further away, hadn’t been careful enough about not touching what he’d touched, hadn’t stepped away when Kaeya had insisted on walking back with him, hadn’t protested when Kaeya had lent him his scarf for the walk back through Dragonspine’s freezing weather…
...All things considered, this is most certainly Albedo’s fault.
“I got it, Jean,” Kaeya says, taking the pile of paperwork from her desk.
“Take it easy,” she says. “You should go straight home after this.”
Kaeya smiles tiredly at her. “Oh? I thought you didn’t want me slacking off. I can do more today, really.”
Jean rolls her eyes. “You look like you’re about to fall asleep standing. Please, for the love of Barbatos, get some rest.”
Kaeya can’t say he feels very differently than Jean says he looks. Still, even if Jean won’t ask him to stick around, the new recruits will—he likes them, but they’re still new to combat, which makes things harder on him. In between scouting domains, looking out for the younger knights, and trying to cover for the mistakes they make, perhaps he’s pushed himself just a bit.
“It’s just a cold,” he says, turning as far away from her as possible to cough into his elbow. “No one’s ever taken off work for a cold.”
“For now it is,” Jean says. “I don’t want it to turn into something worse because you won’t rest.”
“It won’t. It’s just paperwork, right? I could do that in my sleep.” And one-on-one training with a recruit. And after that, another meeting with the Knights, and a domain East of here to scout out on his own, but Jean can find out about that later when she’s reading his reports.
It’s very unfortunate that he has to sneeze.
He takes another step away from her, lifting his hand to cover.
“hiIH’EESCH’-ew!” he winces. The sneeze is loud, and it sounds almost as miserable as he feels, which means it feels far too transparent. “Hiih… hIIH… snf… hiiih’IiDDZScsh’ew! hIIIH’EZSCHh’-iu! ugh… snf…”
“Bless you,” Jean says, sighing as she passes him the tissue box on her desk. He takes a generous handful of them and before handing it back. “You sound awful.”
Kaeya laughs, pocketing the tissues. “You never fail to flatter me, Acting Grandmaster.”
“Forgive me for being worried,” Jean says flatly. “At least tell me you’ll take care of yourself.” “Of course. When do I not?”
She gives him a significant look, which is fair.
He takes the chance to leave her office. His head hurts, more than it would if he’d just had a bit too much to drink, and it’s the kind of headache that he knows is going to get much, much worse if he doesn’t take it easy. Maybe if he rushes, he can get the paperwork done before then.
The recruit he’d spoken to is waiting for him outside, he recalls. He rubs his nose, shivering, and heads for the door.
Someone is waiting for him, but it’s not the person he expects.
Kaeya musters the energy to smile. “Albedo! Did you need something?” He probably shouldn’t be taking on additional responsibilities after Jean’s already told him to take him easy, but then again, this is Albedo—whatever he needs, it must be  worth staying late for.
“I just happened to be stopping by,” Albedo starts. “I, err, wanted to ask Lisa about my research.”
“I take it that you didn’t find what you needed?”
“I did.” “Is that so?” Kaeya says, faltering—if that’s the case, he’s not sure why Albedo is still here. “Were you waiting for me, then?”
It’s supposed to be a joke, except Albedo hesitates, and Kaeya feels bad for suggesting it.
“Actually, I was,” Albedo says, which is a surprise.
Kaeya’s breath has gone unsteady again, and he rubs his nose, sniffling. Albedo, who seems not to have noticed, keeps talking.
“I wanted to tell you—”
Kaeya doesn’t want to interrupt, but colds tend to make his sneezes so jarringly unavoidable. He turns away, lifting up a hand to shield his face. “Hiiih… hiih’EESCHh’ew!” He gasps, and with a muffled sniffle, presses his hand closer to his face. “HIIH… hiiIH’IIZSCHH-uu! hIIIH’NGKT-Sshew! snf…!”
—His shoulders untense as he finally lowers his hand, fishing through his pocket for tissues. How embarrassing, he thinks, blowing his nose as softly as he can. He doesn’t exactly want to look over to Albedo to see the expression on his face—disgust, probably, or worse, pity—
“I’m sorry,” Albedo says instead.
Kaeya’s glance snaps upwards in surprise. “What?” “I was hoping you wouldn’t catch this,” he frowns, looking away. “I wasn’t careful enough. I did not intend for you to feel miserable because of me.”
What is that supposed to mean? “This isn’t because of you.”
“Captain,” Albedo starts, completely serious. “Whose cold do you think you have?”
Kaeya blinks. It’s true—he’s probably caught this from Albedo, given that he can’t think of anyone else who’s been sick lately—but that doesn’t mean that Albedo should feel guilty over it. “Colds spread. It happens, it’s not your fault.”
“I should have been more careful,” Albedo shakes his head dejectedly. “Or perhaps I should not have accepted your help at all when you offered to stay. I knew you must have had a lot of work. It was selfish of me.”
“I told you, I wanted to help,” Kaeya insists.
Albedo sighs. “You are selfless to the extent that it is detrimental sometimes.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I sent the recruit home, by the way. Really, you couldn’t have told him to wait a couple days?”
“He asked for my help.” Kaeya holds a hand up, veering away again. “I wasn’t going to deny him just because of… a… hiIH… c-cold… HIIih’EESSCHh’ew! HIIIH’GKTt!-shew!” His head throbs in protest, and he sniffles, tilting his head upwards, a fresh tissue in hand, in ticklish anticipation. “hiIIH… hiIIH’IIIZZSCH’ew!”
It takes everything in him not to slump against the wall.
“Bless you,” Albedo says. “You sound—”
“—awful?” He lowers the tissue with a laugh. “I know. Jean informed me.”
“I was going to say tired,” Albedo says, shifting forward to feel Kaeya’s forehead. His hand shifts to Kaeya’s cheek, studying him with a look of such intense concentration, Kaeya tries not to smile. “I don’t think you have a fever, but you’re warm. Allow me to walk you home?”
As enticing as the offer sounds, he shouldn’t. Everyone else is working hard—he knows if he does less work than usual, it will be Jean and Amber picking up the slack, which is the last thing he wants. “I still have lots to do.”
“It can wait until you’re well. The Knights will survive if you take a day off.” Albedo drops his hand, but he’s still looking at Kaeya with the same intensity. “I will talk to Jean, if it’s an issue.”
“Please don’t talk to Jean,” Kaeya says sheepishly. He’s sure she wouldn’t exactly be thrilled to find out about his plans to stay and work late.
Albedo raises an eyebrow. “Will you listen to me, then?”
Maybe it’s not such a bad idea, after all—he can head home, sleep this headache away, and come back in the evening. “Well,” he starts. “If… hiIIH… hiiIH’ESSCH’ew! snf-! If you insist…”
“I do.”
“...I guess I could head home early.”
It’s worth it, for the way Albedo smiles softly in response. He looks... relieved, Kaeya realizes, which is strange, too—he hadn’t expected Albedo to be so worried about him.
Kaeya starts off in the direction of his house. It’s not a long walk from the headquarters—certainly closer than the manor was, back when he’d lived there. Admittedly, it’s lonelier sometimes, living on his own.
Unexpectedly, Albedo follows him.
“You’re really walking me back,” Kaeya says, slightly disbelieving.
“Yes,” Albedo says. “Would you prefer if I didn’t?”
“It’s nice.” Kaeya sniffles, stifling a cough into a raised hand. “I hope you’re not just doing this because you feel bad about this.”
Albedo hums. “I’m not. I am quite free this afternoon, thanks to your help. I do feel bad, though.”
“Doing alchemy with you was the most exciting part of my week,” Kaeya says honestly, flashing him a grin. “I’d say it was worth catching a cold over.”
Albedo stares back at him. Then he smiles back, so brightly that Kaeya feels warmer, just looking at him. “You could come visit more often, then. I enjoy having company if it’s you.”
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kelieah · 4 years
was it worth it? (peter parker x reader)
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request (summary) @annamckayla : Hello, ur amazing! I wanted to request an Imagine where the reader and Peter are married with a bby, and after every mission she could be like "was it worth it" (in a kind playful way) and each time he would say yes, but one day the reader is somehow muddled up in this dangerous mission along side a few other ppl, he saves everyone but her, and he doesnt know if it was worth it
word count: 3.1k
warnings: lil bit of fluff, LOTS of angst so buckle up
edited: this is one of my longest fics so far, i put a lot of effort into this one kdsjnsdkfn
a/n: hehe ily anna but this request not cool dawg (jk ily but writing this hurt like a buttcheek on a stick)
masterlist | teaser
You look out the window, holding the beautiful baby boy you and Peter made in your arms and rock him back and forth. Your eyes scan over the city buildings, knowing your husband’s somewhere out there stopping crimes and saving lives.
“Did you know Ben, that your daddy is out there kicking butt? Saving lives, almost every day?” you look down at your sleepy baby.
He glances up at you with half-lidded eyes and coos, reaching out to you. You smile warmly and let him grab your finger.
“Yup, that’s right, daddy’s Spider-Man. I almost fainted when he first told me during our Senior year of high school,” you shake your head and chuckle at the memory.
You continue to sway him in your arms until he falls asleep. You hum quiet lullabies and walk over to the bedroom, placing him in his crib that was next to you and Peter’s bed.
Your head snaps up once you hear the bedroom window sliding up slowly. You chuckle quietly and place your hands on your hips, already knowing who it is.
Peter crawls in and onto the ceiling, closing the window with his foot. “Peter Benjamin Parker, you better not jump down. Ben’s asleep,” you warn in a hushed tone.
He looks over at you and takes off his mask, flashing you a sheepish smile. God, you could never get tired of watching him take off his mask like that.
He crawls down the side of the wall and quietly lands, walking over to you. He holds your waist and you wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your forehead against his, “You seem really beat, Mr. Parker,” you mutter softly.
“I sure am, Mrs. Parker,” he pecks your lips, glancing down into your eyes.
You sigh longingly, curling your fingers in his hair, “Was it worth it?” you tease quietly.
He sighs softly, “Are you going to ask that every single time I go out on a patrol?” he murmurs against your lips.
“Mhm, because you’re not just coming home to your lovely wife. You’re coming home to your lovely wife and baby boy,” you whisper.
“In my eyes sweetheart, it’s worth it to save another one’s life, stop crime and come home to my whole world, you two,” he cups your face, pressing kisses all over.
“But what if you don’t come home one day?” you whisper, feeling your eyes begin to gloss at the thought.
Peter tilts your head up towards him and kisses you deeply, bringing you closer, “You know I don’t know the answer to that. You shouldn’t constantly worry about the future baby, you should try-”
You sigh against his lips and pull away, “I know, Pete. I know,” you mumble.
“I love you, and Ben, so much. Don’t ever forget that okay?” he holds your cheek gently, caressing it.
You place your hand on top of his nodding, “We love you more.”
Some nights he came back without a scratch but most nights he came back with much more than just a scratch.
Ben’s next to the couch sprawled out on a soft blanket, playing with some of his toys.
You’re fixing up some dinner until all of a sudden you hear a thud from your bedroom. You frown and quickly look up, turning off the stove in an instant.
You glance over at Ben making sure he’s fine. He looks up at you with curious eyes, his mouth all over a teething toy. You smile softly then quickly walk over to your bedroom, “Pete?” you peek your head in.
You gasp at the sight of Peter flat on the floor by the window, holding the side of his torso in pain. You rush over and slide next to him, lifting his head up gently to rest him on your lap.
“What happened?” you whisper, placing a hand on his cheek.
He smiles timidly and looks up at you, “I-I’m fine I swear baby, just a little whoopsie,” he breathes out.
Your eyebrows furrow in concern, and slowly lift up his hand. You frown at the deep cut above his hip, “Can you get up? I need to patch you up Peter,” you whisper.
He nods and carefully begins to sit up. You help him stand up and walk him over to the bathroom. You watch him lift himself up on the counter, letting out a sharp grunt.
You sigh, grabbing some cloth from the bottom drawer and handing it to him. “Apply pressure okay? I’m going to check on Ben,” you walk off.
You see Ben begin to doze off and walk up to him, scooping him up in your arms. You hold him gently and head back to the bedroom, placing him in his crib.
You walk back to Peter and get out the medical kit you have nearby at all times. Peter watches you with tired eyes, holding the cloth you gave him to his wound.
You look up at him and press a kiss against his forehead, “I think you need stitches bub,” you hold his cheek. He nods against your touch.
“Okay Mrs. Parker,” his raspy voice making your heart clench.
After stitching him up, you help him clean himself up. You stand in between his legs and wrap your arms loosely around his neck. You give him a concerned look that makes him pout.
“I know what you’re about to say.”
“Was it worth it?”
“Baby,” he groans quietly and pulls your waist close, “Yes, yes it was.”
You hum quietly, threading your hands through his hair, “Why?”
He nuzzles his nose against yours, letting out a quiet sigh, “You know why.”
You exhale and press your lips against his for a moment. He kisses back and holds you closer. You pull away and cup his cheek in your hand, “I guess so,” you whisper.
You never stopped asking him that question every time you came home. Deep down, you dread the day you won’t be able to ask him due to him never returning.
Though you knew it was repetitive and annoying to ask, you couldn’t help but ask. There was this one night where Peter wasn’t having it and the two of you broke out in a fight that thankfully ended in an agreement.
Peter tiredly crawled through the bedroom window, freezing as his enhanced hearing picked out the soft snores that came out of Ben’s mouth.
He smiled softly and closed the window, jumping down quietly. He walks over and adjusts Ben’s small blanket. Peter shuffles over to the kitchen to grab some food.
“Hello to you too,” you piped up from the couch, leaning on the palm of your hand.
“Sorry babe, hi,” he came up to you, bending down to kiss your forehead.
“You okay? Rough night?” you sat up, looking up at him worriedly.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” he waves his hand and goes over to the fridge, grabbing some food.
You sighed and followed, leaning against the counter. He heated up his food in the microwave and glanced over at you, “What?” he yawned.
“Was it worth it?” you teased, poking at his side.
Your smile faltered as you noticed he didn’t react. He let out a weak chuckle, “Mhm.”
“Peter, I’ve known you for what? Six years now? You can talk to me bub,” you murmured.
“Do you always have to fucking ask that question? Every single fucking time I come back from risking my life for others, “was it worth it” bullshit? Do you!?” he snapped his voice loud yet low enough to be heard by you but not by Ben. He dragged his hands down his face and looked over at you with the most exhausted expression, waiting for a response.
Your heart raced and you felt your throat begin to swell, never expecting Peter to burst out like that, “I-I never meant for it to upset you P-Pete,” you whispered, “I j-just-”
“You just what huh? Y/n, love, I don’t think you understand what I do out there,” he grits through his teeth, turning off the microwave that went off. “Of course it’s fucking worth it, I’m an Avenger. A hero. It’s what we do! That’s all we fucking do,” he fumed, pacing back and forth.
You inhaled sharply, quickly wiping away your tears that fell from your cheeks before Peter saw but you failed to do so. He stopped in his tracks, his heavy breathing calming down, “S-shit baby, I-I’m so sorry-” he took a step towards you.
You took a step back, “N-no, it’s okay. I get it, it was inconsiderate of me to ask, constantly. I-I just thought it was kind of like an inside joke y-you know? But there’s no excuse for it,” you whimpered, “A-actually a part of me, h-has been wanting to bring up y-your career Peter.”
He nodded, walking over and cupped your face, wiping away your tears, “Talk to me sunshine, I-I’m not mad. I’m not mad at you at all, dammit it’s just been a long day and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you just now. I-I’m calm, just talk to me. I’m here, I got you,” he pressed a kiss against your forehead, his words starting to take an affect on you.
You let out a shaky breath and nodded, “Peter, a-are you ever going to consider r-retiring? I-I know you’re young and I know it’s s-selfish of me to say, but you could do so many other great things. L-less risky careers, because we,” you choke slightly on your words, Peter instantly placing a hand on your back to soothe you. “B-because we have a family now Peter, and if you,” you sobbed, “If you died, god I don’t know what’d I do.”
Peter’s heart shattered at your words and he pulled you into a tight hug, bringing your head to his chest. “I know, I know,” he whispered painfully. “Y-you have to trust me, and what I do. I-I love you both, with all my heart. With all my entirety. But I-I just can’t give up what I do.”
You sighed deeply and nuzzled your head into his chest, “I get it Pete,” you sniffled, beginning to calm down. “I really do. But remember what you told me that night when I found out your identity?”
“Wanna check out the other web shooter?” he muttered, playing with your hair.
You stifle a quiet laugh, “Besides that. You told me you kept your secret for the longest time because you didn’t want to put my life in danger. Nor May’s, nor Ned’s. Or anyone close to you,” you sighed. “D-does that not concern you now?”
Peter tensed at your question, “W-well when you put it like that. I feel like shit now,” he grumbled making you chuckle. “Look, I’ll talk to Tony okay? I’d never want to put you in danger, let alone our own son. I-I’ve just been so wrapped up in being this superhero that everyone looks up to that I- I didn’t realize I have everything I could ever need in front of me. You and Ben,” he squeezed you tightly in his arms. You smiled in content, tearing up and held him close.
Even after that argument you had with Peter, you still managed to ask him the question. Luckily without pissing him off. He eventually came up with different creative and adorable responses each time which you absolutely adored.
“Peter, I’m going to run to the store real quick m’kay? Watch Ben,” you walk over to where he’s sitting, wrapping your arms around him.
He looks up at you and you peck his lips causing him to grin, “Okay mama.”
You smile happily, ruffling Ben who’s sitting in his dad’s lap and grab your keys, walking off. Ben pouts slightly and reaches out for you as you leave the apartment.
“Don’t worry buddy, mommy will be back,” Peter ruffles his head gently making him giggle. “Now look,” he props him up to face the TV, “That cool guy right there, that is Luke Skywalker.”
Soon after about two Star Wars movies later, Peter began to get worried. He places Ben who fell asleep back in his crib.
He walks over to his phone and leaves you another message. He paces around for a couple minutes and quickly glances at his phone repeatedly.
His heart jumps out of his heart when he hears your ringtone and immediately picks up, “Y/n? Are you okay? It’s been almost two-”
“Peter Parker,” a low raspy voice answers, “I hope you didn’t forget about me Spider-Man,” he chuckles darkly.
Peter’s eyes widen, panic beginning to rush throughout his body, “Where is she?” he spits.
“She isn’t the only one in danger Parker,” he holds your phone up, a bunch of other voices crying out for help.
“P-Peter!” he hears Aunt May wail out.
“You fucking monster,” Peter snarls, clenching his fist.
“Wilmington Fifth Street, the warehouse on the right. Can’t miss it. If you call backup, all your loved ones will be dead,” the anonymous enemy retorts and ends the call.
Peter quickly calls Tony, “Kid what? It’s like 9-”
“Mr. Stark please s-send someone over to my apartment to watch Ben. I-I have to take care of something please,” Peter explains, putting on his suit.
“On it,” Tony recognizes the panic in his voice, “Do you want me to send backup?” he asks but doesn’t receive a reply as Peter hangs up.
Peter paces around, running his hands through his hair. Within a couple of minutes he hears someone walk up to the front of the door and swings it open before they could knock, “Oh thank god, Happy. Please, watch Ben. I have to go,” he rushes back to the living room.
“O-oh okay, yeah of course. Peter what’s-” Happy asks closing the door behind him.
Peter jumps out the window and swings off to the address that clouded his mind. “God please, please,” he whimpers to himself and eventually lands in front of their warehouse.
He couldn’t just burst through the front door, that’d bring too much attention. Peter looks around and quickly swings up to the roof, finding an entrance from a lifted up window.
He scans the room quickly to see Aunt May, Ned and MJ all tied together. “Karen, is there anyone else is the building?” he mutters lowly.
“Yes. But if you act now, you can save those three,” she states.
“On it,” he grunts and swings down quietly. They all look up at Peter with fearful and tear-filled eyes, shaking their heads.
He quickly takes off the tape on their mouths and unties them, “Peter no he has her-” May sobs.
“I-It’s okay, everything’s going to be okay. All of you need to get out of here now. Police are on their way, they’ll be around the corner,” they all nod in response, too shaken up to say anything. He leads them towards a backdoor entrance. “Where’s Y/n?” he asks, before letting them go.
“She’s in the back, w-with the Vulture,” Ned looks over at Peter.
“He came back?” Peter’s breath hitches. “N-no time, okay go,” he pushes them out and quickly swings back inside.
“Karen, where are they?” Peter whimpers under his breath. She instantaneously shows the whole warehouse mapped out and where she detected two life forms.
Peter rushes over to the back and slams the door open. You sat there tied up in a chair and unconscious.
“Y-Y/n,” he sobs, stumbling over towards you.
“I wouldn’t,” a voice rings from behind you. Peter snaps his head up and shoots a web towards the voice.
The Vulture’s new and improved wings cut his web as it came towards him, “You know Parker, all those years ago. When you were a little fucking Freshman, you took everything from me. Everything.”
“You’re supposed to be in jail,” Peter snaps, walking over to him swinging a fist to his masked face. The Vulture’s wings are too fast and slashes his arm before Peter could make contact. 
Peter lets out a strained yelp and gets kicked down by him. “Now, I’m going to take everything away from you, starting off with your wife,” he spits, placing his weighted foot down on Peter’s head.
Peter yells in frustration and shoves him off, attacking him with all the power and rage he mustered up. The Vulture easily blocks his attacks and slams him against the wall, “Tsk tsk. You never learn,” he steps on him roughly and repeatedly. Kicking him down with his weaponized and sharp boots. Peter weakly attempts to block his blows but fails. The Vulture chuckles darkly and walks over to you, shaking the blood off his boot.
“N-no, Y-Y/n, please n-no,” he gets up slowly, his ears beginning to ring and his sight becoming blurry. The Vulture circles you, cutting off your restraints and kicks you to the floor, your body falling to the ground with a thud.
You wake up to a sharp pain impaling your stomach, the Vulture’s point of his wing shoved into your torso. You let out a blood-curdling scream, bright red seeping out from your clothes. You feel something warm and thick begin to spill from your mouth.
“Y/n!” Peter shouts, tears streaming down his face. He limps over to you and falls by your side, screaming out in agony.
Suddenly the walls shake and Tony appears with the rest of the Avengers that were nearby to help. “Fuck,” the Vulture mutters and makes a run for it, about to fly off.
Tony blasts him down and flies down, managing to fight him off. Steve helps him out and they capture him, getting his weapons off him as they cuff him up.
You look around beginning to see white. Your ears fill with ringing and faint voices, until a familiar weak voice snaps you back into reality for a moment.
“M-my pretty girl, h-hey. Hey,” Peter whispers, brings your head onto his lap.
“P-pete?” you barely whisper, weakly raising your hand to his cheek.
“Y-yup that’s me. Your husband, the father to our child,” he shakily holds your hand against his cheek.
“B-Ben? Baby B-Benjamin?” you ask, eyes fluttering as you stare into Peter’s glossy eyes.
He nods in response, tears dripping down from his face onto yours.
You go silent for a while, trying to process everything that just happened. Peter chokes on his sobs, and brings you close to his bruised body.
“P-Peter?” you rasp.
“Y-yes my love?” he sniffles, brushing a hair out of your face.
“W-was it worth it?” you ask tiredly, lips quivering as a slow tear rolls down your cheek.
He lets out a loud strained sob, shaking his head furiously, “N-no. No it wasn’t. It wasn’t,” he wipes away your single tear with his thumb.
You barely curl your lips in an attempt to smile and close your eyes, going limp in his arms. Peter bursts out in a fit of sobs and hugs you close to his body, his body trembling against yours.
Tony and the rest of the team stand around nearby, pain filling their hearts and tears welling up in their eyes as Peter cries out in misery.
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1K notes · View notes
woeisme-iamwoe · 3 years
an absolutely massive Haikyuu!! fic rec pt. 2
IwaOi this time around. My favorite ship. The world’s favorite ship...there’s so many
Undecipherable, by ioo (4k. G. canonverse)
 I’m pretty sure the author meant ‘indecipherable’, nevertheless! I am appalled that this work doesnt have more hits. Y'all are sleeping on it and that's not okay. 
The sound of the door slamming against the wall has Hajime startling back to the present. He looks at the source of the disturbance and finds himself face to face with Oikawa, red in the face with breathlessness and a leather-bound notebook tightly clutched in both of this hands. When he spots Hajime, he makes a beeline for the bench and slaps it down right next to him.
"Koi no yokan," he says. "The sense one can have upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall in love."
 primavera, by tothemoon (8k. T. canonverse)
All of tothemoon’s works read so beautifully 
They say it takes twenty-six years, for certain breeds to fully bloom. 
Learning to Walk (So That We Can Run), by ricekrispyjoints (27k. M. canon-divergence)
I've read this work so many times. Like, so many times and I’ve never tired from it. Gorgeous. The shift from friendship to romance felt so natural, love it. 
"I'm not healing like I should be."
In his second year of university, physical therapy just isn't cutting it. Oikawa's knee is getting worse, and he can't hide it anymore.
Or: the light angst, project-your-own-life-experiences-on-Oikawa knee surgery fic you didn't know you wanted.
 Priorities, by weirdmilk (2k. T. canonverse)
Kissy, kissy. 
‘I just -’ Oikawa begins, ‘it might be difficult to get married, sometimes, I think.’ He chews on his lip.
Iwaizumi makes a questioning noise.
‘Ah,’ Oikawa says, and then, in a rush, ‘if I didn't want a wife at all - what then? If I said that to you. If I told you I can’t see it. Like - the wedding dress. The bride. I just can’t see it.’
Iwaizumi swallows again, his heart beating much faster than the conversation warrants. He wonders whether Oikawa can hear it. ‘You’re eighteen. You aren’t supposed to see it yet.’ He snorts. ‘I mean - if we’re sharing shit, I’ve never even kissed a girl.’ He doesn’t mind admitting it. It’s not something that bothers him - he’s never prioritised girls very highly, and despite Oikawa’s largely undeserved status as Miyagi’s most eligible teenage bachelor, he doesn’t think Oikawa has ever wanted a serious relationship with any of his fan club, either.
Oikawa and Iwaizumi can't sleep before their first practice match with Karasuno.
 Before Midnight, by fathomfive (2k. G. canonverse)
Reads like a fairytale. 
The sky turns, the seasons turn over, and Iwaizumi and Oikawa track the movements of the stars. Nothing is ever quite constant, but it's close enough.
The grass is stiff with frost. They walk in silence past the raked-over vegetable garden and up the back hill, footsteps crackling, and stand side-by-side at the top of an incline that used to seem much bigger. Iwaizumi glances over but Oikawa’s already gone, eyes searching the sky with no hint of hurry, just a kind of reverent patience.
 make a bet, keep a promise, by raewrites (13k. M. canonverse)
Bet still on. 
Sometimes, in still moments, Iwaizumi wonders why out of all the people on earth he ended up with Oikawa Tooru. Why it’s his face that lingers on his fading conscious in the last moments before he falls asleep, in the first blurry seconds upon waking up again. Why when he looks to his side, he expects Oikawa to be there in the same way he expects to see five fingers on both hands, a natural extension of himself, ever present.
Why he can’t imagine a future without Oikawa in it.
It begins with a bet made between the two boys in the mid-summer of their eighth year. It starts with volleyball, but like with most things involving Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime, things are never quite that simple.
 our hearts still beat the same, by knightswatch  
 two birds, by thelittlebirdthattoldyou (5k. T. canonverse)
Of heartbreaking letters and paper crane wishes. 
Five months into the term, two months after he’s stopped replying to Oikawa’s texts, the first package arrives. A small square box, wrapped in brown paper and tied with string, and Hajime almost trips over it on the way to his dorm.
There’s a letter attached.
Oikawa doesn’t know how many times he’ll have to put his feelings down on paper before Iwaizumi believes them. 
Through My Eyes, by anchoringsouls (2k. G. canonverse)
Okay! Okay, we were doing great with the soft, happy love up until the last part! That's great, just great!
“I think if you ever saw yourself through my eyes, you would fall in love with yourself the same way the way I did with you.” 
in time it could be ours, by deusreks (3k. T. canonverse)
Anyone wanna go back in time and make a time capsule with me only to dig it up years later and we’re actually in love?
Set post Seijou's match with Karasuno. There's a moderate amount of rolling in the dirt. No pajamas were hurt in the writing of this fic.
There, in their joint backyard, was Oikawa Tooru, clad in his silly luminescent space pajamas, digging a hole near a cherry tree.
“What the hell, Oikawa.”
Tooru stubbornly continued digging. He looked pitiful in that moment; everything that was grand about him in daylight was meaningless in the darkness. He was only a boy with a shovel whose broken heart mirrored Hajime’s own.
 we can do better than that, by spaceburgers (16k. M. canonverse)
Of course, of course, the IwaOi road trip fic. AnD thErE wAs ONly OnE bED!
Oikawa and Iwaizumi go on a road trip during the summer after their high school graduation. It doesn't go as expected, but maybe that's not such a bad thing after all. 
They Say it Rains Diamonds on Jupiter, by exsao (35k. T. canonverse)
I don't know, just gorgeous. Hajime’s so in love. 
"You're in love with him."
Hajime considers denying it. He considers deliberately choking on his drink to express surprise, to create a distraction by spitting onto the man in front of him's pristine white shirt and causing a commotion. Instead, he swallows his mouthful of soda and heaves a small sigh once his mouth is free.
"Yeah," he says instead.
He's never been good at lying, anyway.
 Midnight boys/sunset town, by carafin (10k words. T. Housemates AU):
The author says they played off of the fact that Oikawa oftentimes forgoes his sleep in order to work, and wrote it so that he doesn't sleep at all. This was so cute, kinda sad, mostly not. Love how Iwaizumi just goes along with whatever crazy stilch Oikawa is on. 
In which Iwaizumi Hajime grows a few chili plants, participates in an eating contest, breaks into a park, and falls in love with a man who doesn't ever sleep - not exactly in that order.
5 Reasons Why Iwaizumi Hajime's Flatmate Is A Complete Weirdo (An Incomplete List)
1. He's obsessed with that stupid bucket list of his.
2. He's the proud owner of seven truly ugly, criminally hideous movie posters with aliens on them, which he insists on pasting all over the damn living room.
3. He's always stealing Hajime's sweatshirts.
4. Sometimes, he wakes Hajime up for breakfast. At 5AM. On Saturday mornings.
5. He literally never, ever sleeps.
 The Best I Ever Had, by FindingSchmomo (62k words. T. Canon-divergent):
You’ve read it, your mum’s read it, your dog has probably read it (you really need to take facial recognition for him off your phone, he’s got some weird nighttime habits). So basically this fic caused me physical pain and then pumped me full of morphine and now I’m good! Beautiful read, hated Oikawa for a while, Iwaizumi is the only boy I would ever feel safe alone with. 
A story of separation and time lost. Oikawa and Iwaizumi lose contact, and life goes on. Now, a decade later and back in Japan, Oikawa wonders if he can pick the pieces back together, despite knowing Iwaizumi has moved on. A story of their past, present and future, pieced together by shaky hands.
 darlin', your head's not on right, by aruariandance (13k words. T. canonverse)
Again, I’m pretty sure anybody who's anybody has read this fic and for good reason! Super sweet realizing you're in love fic. Makes me reconsider wanting to get married. 
'“Our wedding,” Oikawa says by way of explanation, tapping his finger against his magazine more emphatically. “What colors should we use? Color scheme is important, apparently.”
Iwaizumi feels his lifespan shortening.
“I was thinking our Aoba johsai colors to go for more, you know, softer tones? Besides, I’ve always looked great in that sea foam green color. Oh, and I guess you look decent in it, too.” He grins, saccharine sweet, and Iwaizumi has never been so tempted to knock one of his perfect pearly white teeth right out of his stupid mouth."
Oikawa teases Iwaizumi about a childhood promise he made to marry him when they were older, except suddenly it's not really a joke at all.
 the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle, by kittebasu (66k. T. canon divergent)
Is this one of the most famous Iwaoi fic? I don’t know. Looks like it, I know it's my personal favorite. Where Oikawa studies bugs for a living and can’t seem to come to terms with his feelings. Very angsty, love that in a fic. 
Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right.
 Terrarium, by sausaged (11k. T. Post-canon)
Honestly, I’m so surprised this fic doesnt have more hits! It’s so good! Made me ache! I love the memories and character growth shown through the growing of the terrarium, absolutely adore that kind of symbolism. So beautiful, give it some love because it's one of my absolute favorites. 
He's practically a professional at being proactive (lies, lies, and lies when it comes to Iwaizumi).
At this point, is he really happy with just staying best friends forever? Will he be writing journals and collecting rocks forever (he will, he knows, but that is aside from the point)?
Can he really tag his Instagram photos with #YOLO if he doesn't actually put that phrase into practice?
 A story about Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, plants, and rocks.
 Lips like sugar, by ohhotlamb (8k. T. canonverse)
Why did my childhood best friend never offer to help me practice kissing only for us to realize we were only interested in each other? I had a fake high school experience. 
Hajime is offered to learn the art of kissing from a true professional, one Oikawa Tooru. It's not as bad as he thought it would be.
 Falling Slowly, by bravely (commovente) (3k. T. canonverse)
So special, imagine loving one person, and one person only like this for the entirety of your life. This is getting too sappy, I want off of this ride. 
over the years, some things change; but over the years, some things stay mostly the same.
(alternatively, mornings with oikawa and iwaizumi over the years).
 No sleep in the city, by loveclouds (7k. T. canonverse)
Mass/volume = Iwaizumi, apparently. (Please. If anyone gets this absolutely horrific joke, lets elope).
Along their journey to find Tokyo's best ramen, Iwaizumi finds himself asked again and again why Oikawa is still single.
 Time, by surveycorpsjean (5k. E. canonverse)
Growing older together. 
When they're twenty-three, their story only begins.
 Everything With You, by Ellessey (14k. E. canonverse)
Came damn near to crying, you can just feel Iwaizumi’s pain. Fight scene was probably the most emotion evoking one I’ve read in a long while. 
‘Hajime still loves Oikawa, but he understands now. Oikawa can't look at him and see someone he could potentially date.
And that makes it easier to not focus on the little things that used to drive him crazy—Oikawa's long legs, the way he's always hanging off of Hajime, how his whole face changes when he gets ready for a jump serve, and he looks like he could take on the entire world and win.
This new arrangement though, this living together situation, is presenting a new set of variables that must be adjusted to, and the nakedness is one of them.’
For years, being Oikawa’s best friend has worked out fine. Hajime is hopelessly in love with him, but it’s enough. Then Oikawa—who, by all accounts, has never been anything but determinedly, assuredly straight—gets a boyfriend. Or a boy friend-with-benefits. Hajime doesn’t know, and he doesn’t give a shit about the definition.
What he knows is that remaining best friends is starting to seem a bit too painful (way too painful) to be considered a solid option.
 The Best Best, by rikke (12k. T. canonverse/future fic)
Takeru is a whole mood. Don’t want kids, but I do want domesticity and this fic feeds me well.
“Congratulations, Iwa-chan! You’re a dad!” Iwaizumi hears as soon as the door opens. He’s dealt with Oikawa for all of his twenty-one years of age now, but this declaration is still sufficiently disturbing enough that he turns from his place on the couch and braces himself for whatever Oikawa has done this time.
 Or the one where Iwaizumi and Oikawa babysit Takeru for a week.
 cheek kisses, by ohhotlamb (G. 3k. Future fic)
Sooo cute!! 
“Every time,” Hajime murmurs, “every time I see you again I remember how fuckin’ crazy I am about you.”
 Routine, by snoqualmie  (2k. T. canonverse)
Again, anyone wanna be my childhood best friend so we can put face masks on each other and fall in love? I died, truly. 
Iwaizumi is fourteen years old, horny too often and angry all the time, and he’s just starting to notice that Tooru’s legs are really long, that his lips are kinda soft looking, and his fingers feel good pressed under his jaw.
 Thirty Years and Change (the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad, by sunsmasher (19k. G. canon divergence)
Be wary, I would give this fic an upper rating to probably Teen and the follow-up fic is Explicit. But, Oikawa on the Japanese national team is just a dream as is, but add in a rekindling friendship and an angsty make out sesh? Mwah, delizioso. 
It’s July 10th, 2024, and Oikawa Tooru is an Olympian. His smiling face airs on an NHK promo every 45 seconds. He’s captain of the national men’s volleyball team, reigning star of the professional leagues, and he hasn't spoken to Iwaizumi Hajime in two years.
He has, however, sent Iwaizumi tickets for the 2024 Los Angeles Summer Games.
“So go,” says Matsukawa's voice. “It’s only a few weeks. You’ve got a whole city to hide in if it gets awkward, and if it doesn’t get awkward, well…”
It’s like watching the future reconfigure, like being in high school again, watching team after team fall to Oikawa’s faultless planning and shameless charm.
“I’ll get to watch a whole lot of volleyball,” Hajime says, and resigns himself to fate and/or Oikawa Tooru.
“Hey, when you get there, can you bag a gymnast for me?” Hanamaki asks, and Matsukawa squawks.
 Chasing Paper Suns, by carafin (10k. T. Future fic)
Again with the growing up and coming back together, this time with more angst than the last. Lovely, really lovely read. 
Post-high school, Oikawa makes it to the national volleyball team but Iwaizumi doesn't. The next three years become an exercise in growing up without growing apart.
Some days Hajime likes to think of himself as Oikawa’s counterpart—the two of them blending into a single devastating unit, the invincible setter and his unyielding ace, the bond between them unbreakable and true. Other days he feels like he is chasing after a rising sun, always running and running with his eyes fixed on the distance, trying to cross a chasm that stretches on without end, caught in an endless and exhausting pursuit.
 the yellow room, by ohhotlamb (14k. T. canonverse/future fic)
Makki and Mattsun see bullshit and call you out on your bullshit. 
“I told you, we broke up like six months ago. We’re not dating anymore.”
Hanamaki eyes him suspiciously. “You live together.”
“Yeah, so?”
“There are pictures of you two kissing stuck to your refrigerator.”
Hajime shrugs. “That wasn’t my idea. Anyways, they’re good pictures. Good lighting.”
 the river runs, by tothemoon (11k. T. post-breakup)
My heart ACHES. Happy ending, promise! Just read it. 
One year since their breakup, Oikawa Tooru starts a list of daily reminders, tips, and tricks called HOW TO FORGET ABOUT IWAIZUMI HAJIME, and he’s determined to make it stick.
This is a firsthand account of how to deal (and rather spectacularly, at that).
 I sure hope that guy gets fired, by Xov (29k. T. canonverse/time loop au)
The only thing better than one confession, is MULTIPLE confessions. Oikawa trusts Iwaizumi unshakably, and that's beautiful. 
It was the fourth time experiencing the exact same day that Iwaizumi Hajime reluctantly admitted to himself that something was very wrong. 
 my only friend was the man in the moon (until i met you), by ohhotlamb (7k. T. canonverse)
Just so innocent and sweet. Oikawa said ‘effort’.
In which Oikawa has a life-altering revelation, and Hajime is starting to think it involves him.  
 Bet On It, by originalblue (13k. E. canonverse)
Tooru being nice for a week? That can only end one way… with a d*ck in Hajime’s mouth. 
Hajime knows exactly how shitty Oikawa's personality is, and has no scruples whatsover about betting Oikawa six thousand yen that he can't be nice for an entire week. 
 especially for tender ones like us, by viverella (17k. T. canonverse/post break-up)
Gods! See? See what I mean? How could I forget about a work as heart wrenchingly beautiful as this? Give it some love, actually, all of the love. 
The worst part of it all, Tooru thinks to himself sometimes, is that even as they fought and kicked and screamed and tore each other to shreds, it was never that Tooru stopped loving Iwaizumi any less. The worst part of it all, he thinks, is that loving Iwaizumi turned out to not be enough.
(OR: on finding the right person at the wrong time and learning how to pick up the pieces)
 sunset town, by skiecas (33k. T. canon-divergent)
Another work that I just CANNOT understand why it doesn't have more hits. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I almost cried. 
In the summer of 2020, Oikawa Tooru returns home from his first successful stint as captain of Japan’s national volleyball team. In one hand, he holds the undisputed weight of an Olympic medal, and in the other, his unresolved feelings for a childhood best friend.
Two years down the road, reconciling his lifelong dream with his lifelong love proves to be the greatest challenge.
 of odd numbers and intimate regrets, by bravely (commovente) (5k. T. post-canon/one night stand au)
Basically, Tooru and Hajime sleep together after not speaking for seven years and of course there’s feelings and angst and a belated chance at happiness and a life together. 
Tooru’s spent the last seven years of his life in a carefully constructed schedule that is, he realises now, as much a habit as it was a way to forget about the person in front of him.
[or, the one night stand AU between two people more than friends but not quite lovers, measuring the passage of time in distance and long-gone memories, the expansion and contraction of the spaces between their fingers each time.]
 cross my heart, open wide, by acchikocchi (7k. T. canonverse)
Super cute, super short. Realizing you're on a date with the wrong person one-shot. 
For a minute Hajime doesn't know what to say. Everything and nothing crowds his mind, leaving no room to think. That he's never tried this. That volleyball's over. That he's graduating in five months. That it would be really nice, at least once, to go on a date with a good-looking guy.
 Hajime goes on a date. It's not with Oikawa. 
 Fernweh, by oikawashoyo (19k. G. canonverse/post time skip)
A mature(ish) Tooru?? I love works that show Tooru growing and living happily in Argentina and this one is just beautiful. (Plus! Plus, Skai did a piece on it as well and I love ALL their work so you can visualize everything). Love it. 
Argentina is stretching out before him, an opportunity, a challenge. He is reminded of his losses, his insecurities, his disappointments; sees them form a tall, tall wall blocking his path to success. He takes a deep breath and knows he is going to shatter it.
In which Oikawa's whole life is spent longing for the horizon — in the form of a dream, a home, and a boy.
 i breathe easily in your arms, by orphan_account (2k. M. canonverse)
Soft, soft sex
When, after completing their high school graduation ceremony and heading home to enjoy their freedom, Oikawa had pulled him into his room and pressed his lips hesitantly against Iwaizumi’s own, it seemed an inevitable development in the unfolding narrative of their shared existence.
Despite years of having a bed to himself, the sensation of another body taking up space in his sheets, curling against his chest, creating warmth, feels natural in much the same way.
 old and new, by Mysecretfanmoments (5k. T. canon divergence)
Finally a fic where they don't freak out on confession and it's sweet. 
“You seem—sad.” Was that the right word? Others sprang to mind: desperate, lonely, anxious.
Tooru looked away. “Are you going to make me say it?”
“Say what?”
Tooru folded his arms, sighed. “I missed you, of course.”
Hajime swallowed.
“No need to look that way. I told you, I’m not one of your macho man buddies. I’m allowed to say stuff like that without being embarrassed—”
“You’re being ridiculous,” Hajime complained. “No need to be so defensive. I’ve missed you too.”
“Oh?” Tooru seemed to get a little of his own back, leaning forward on his elbows. “What about me did you miss?”
((Going to separate universities, Hajime and Tooru learn the true meaning of "distance makes the heart grow fonder"))
 all i wanted was you, by spaceburgers (6k. E. college/fwb au)
This was more emotional than I thought a 6k friends with benefits fic could be, okay? Okay. 
Wherein Hajime and Tooru are fuck buddies, Hajime curses his treacherous heart, and Tooru is bad with feelings. 
 we shine like diamonds, by whitemiists (26k. T. canon divergence)
I couldn't not include this work. It deals with internalized homophobia so well and I really resonate with it. 
In all seriousness, I’m very lucky to live in a country where my sexuality is widely accepted and my heart goes out the LGBTQIA+ peoples who are forced to hide themselves. You are loved and your sexuality and gender-identity are not wrong and never will be.  
Oikawa is nine when he first hears the word. The boys on the playground whisper it like it's dirty, like the way they daringly mutter the word fuck and then look over their shoulders to check their parents hadn't heard.
"You know Abe-kun from class?" they snicker, hands cupped around their mouths like they're passing along a filthy secret. "I hear his older brother is... gay."
 Look For Him, by Leryline (18k. E. canonverse)
A collection of kisses. I love Hajime’s grandmother. 
She laughs gently. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so heartbroken before, Hajime.”
Iwaizumi sighs and prods at the mackerel with a chopstick. “Sorry. I can’t help it. It’s just different, you know? Like Oikawa pissed me off so much that now he’s not here I don’t know what to do with myself.”
“But you weren’t always annoyed with him, were you?” his grandmother smiles serenely and takes a sip of her tea. “My, my, Hajime, old women see everything. I saw you out there with my finches, when you were kissing Tooru’s nose. Your mother and father used to do the very same thing, you know, when they were younger. And look how long they’ve lasted. I hope you and Tooru last, Hajime. He’s very good for you.”
Oikawa has kissed Iwaizumi more times than either of them can count; it’s a constant thing, their lips never really leaving the other’s skin. There are, however, times when they’ve kissed that are burned into their memories. Eight of them, to be precise.
 film reel life, arsenicjay (8k. T. canon divergence)
Such a unique and creative idea! Reading from the eyes of a camera, so beautiful!
The only person Iwaizumi is lying to is himself, when he insists: I am not in love with Oikawa Tooru. 
 how to let your planets align, by tether (tothemoon) (15k. T. end of the world au)
This is the only remotely non-happy ending fic I will be including on here, and it's purely because it's a gorgeous read. And yes, I ached. Your lips, my lips, apocalypse. 
It is the last day on earth, December 2nd, 1985, when you realize you're in love with him.
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Oh god loved so so much the best friend siblign AU and I wonder if, when u got time and u feel like it, would you write how the story goes, i imagine all the family quite happy bc the really get close to Jake they like him and love how happy makes Amy and the fact now he is one more of the family but a super mad and angry Jorge who doesnt like them so they fight for their love IM SORRY I JUST GOT SO EXCITED IT WAS AMAZING
aw don't apologise for being excited!!! That's always the best reaction to a fic or hc!! - in true Peraltiago fashion Jake + Amy decide to keep their... thing a secret for a while until they really figure it out, because they sure as heck did NOT go on three dates before that smooch fest at the diner, and tbh only the knowledge that Charles+Gina+Rosa are still snoring at the apartment back there keeps them from racing back and uh, making it official 😏 - (Jake thinks about his empty dorm room for a hot second but then realises that Charles might come back in the morning and there is NO WAY he's making Amy go through that) - they never manage to go on an actual date though because Amy is always busy with school (double major yooo), so mostly Jake just hangs out at Amy+Rosa's place... the same way he did before... except for when Rosa leaves and he can finally cuddle his non-girlfriend-girlfriend (titles have not yet been chosen) - they only go officially bf / gf when Amy gets hit on at a party (by Teddy) and immediately realises she actually has a NO THANK YOU response ready now as Jake rounds the corner with their drinks! "Sorry, I'm here with my boyfriend actually" she says and gives him a quick kiss and he's dumbstruck for a second but then immediately joins in - their friends find out before the family does, though, simply because they are shit at hiding so the trio ends up stumbling in on various moments. Charles sees them holding hands somewhere on campus and thank god he got the mildest reveal because even that almost makes him faint. Gina does not believe for one second that the hickeys on Jake's neck are 'bruises' from some sort of 'ultimate frisbee' mistake and basically pins him down until he tells her the truth. Rosa, rather unceremoniously, simply runs into Jake in her hallway. At 3am. Both in their underwear. Good thing they lived together before and were actually kind of used to that. - when Jorge finds out, he's not really angry,mostly just... confused. Like, what? Jake? And his sis? Aren't they.. friends? When did this happen? Also kind of not cool, dude, you shoulda asked your friend, her brother, before you- "Oh so now you get to have a say in what I do and don't with my life? Like we're back in the 50s?" No Amy that's obviously not what I mean I just-.... fine okay you can do whatever you want - Matteo is absolutely overjoyed when Amy tells him. Like YES, you go girl, get you some nice college slice of beef cake, if you hadn't I probably woulda tried my turn next Thanksgiving (this is all shouted into speaker phone when she calls him just to make Jake feel extra awkward... the not-twins are little troublemakers if they want to) - and, well, once Matteo knows, the whole family knows. The brothers are mostly happy about it (except for David but who gives a fuck about that), because yeah Jake is a great guy and they already involuntary tested him for all Santiago-related situations, but they're definitely going to test him a bit more the next time he visits (he's been re-invited to Thanksgiving before all of this anyway, and Camila was considering Nochebuena too because he told them how his family didn't ever really do Christmas so he'd probably stay at college during winter break... which is an absolute no-go in the eyes of the family matriarch) - to be honest, it's mostly Camila (and Victor) who have a bit of a problem with it. Yes, Jake was a wonderful guest, as chaotic as he was, and yes, he's become somewhat part of their family already, but that was as Jorge's friend. Being their only daughter's boyfriend, of which so far she has had only two before him, is a whole different ballgame. And what got overlooked as 'quirks' of his is now harshly judged as 'possible problems'. - so when Thanksgiving 2 : family harder with a vengeance comes around, Jake is absolutely terrified of making a bad impression. Even if he's already made an impression on all of them, several times, over the past two years. But still. He tries to be on his best behaviour (and is immediately teased and taunted for it by
the Santiabros) and at the same time tries to keep a friendly distance from Amy to be inappropriate (and is immediately rebuked by his girlfriend basically hanging off of him like a koala the entire time). - Victor takes him aside for the Shovel Talk after dinner, when the rest of the family is gathering on the porch like usual. Jake expects about 7 more Shovel Talks to come the next two days they're there, but this one is obviously the worst, because Camila joins in. He's pretty much this close to signing some sort of contract promising he will never even bend one hair on their daughter's head when Amy barges in and saves him by dragging him off to the porch swing. - And then Jake gets his Thanksgiving dream of Amy cuddling into him under the blankets while having a beer with the Santiabros, and the way he holds onto her to make sure she doesn't fall off the swing, and the way she falls asleep so quickly and so deeply in a way she never has when anyone else of the family shared the swing with her, makes the Santiabros realise that their Shovel Talks are absolutely not needed.
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shotosimp1 · 3 years
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sugawara x GN!reader.
Authors note: helloooo this is my first ever fic so if I did something wrong or its low key cringe don't hate me lmaoo so this fic is basically that you're daichis sibling and you and sugawara are like close friends who love taking naps togather I don't want to spoil anything so I'm going to stop here. ⚠️Important note⚠️: when suga is talking the text colour is purple. And when you're talking its blue :D genre: fluff. warnings: nothing but if there is dont be afraid to tell me! Here is this playlist i made for this fic i hope you like it! :D
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being daichi's sibling came with its pros and cons. I cant lie to you he is a good brother but that doesnt mean he isnt protective of you. And no, no boyfriends. But the best thing about being daichis sibling is that you would get to spend time with the one and only crush of yours sugawara koushi. Everything about him just made you happy. He is so caring and sweet you just couldn't halp yourself from falling for him. And because sugawara and daichi met in middle school they were very close. And with that he came over to hang out like at least once a week. You didn't mind as long as daichi let you be around for a bit you just wanted to be around cutie
And with that you and him would chat every now and then Just getting to know each other more. Both of you would talk about your hobbies and interests and life etc. You just found him so interesting you just kept wanting to be around him more and more. And daichi as the good brother he is will try to leave you two alone for a couple of minutes to have a good conversation together and would excuse himself with "oh im going to the bathroom" or " um im going to get a snack" and it works too!!
Finals were close and the boys, daichi suga and asahi came over to study it was their second year and you were a first year student. Suga would help you study and help you understand the things you couldn't and all that jazz. You felt kinda flustered whenever he says "good job!!" And gives that warm smile of his. It was around 1:12 pm and all of you were too focused on your work and didn't remember lunch....Yeah I know unbelievable. "Mmmm god I'm so hungry" "shoot we didn't eat lunch" daichi said looking at the clock "its 2 something pm there is still time for that just go order _______ or something" -"ahh your probably right" asahi said "okay okay should we all go get _______ i mean we should get our mussels movi-" "im not going anywhere im tired" "okay fine what about you asahi?" -daichi- "sure" "and what about you ____?" -asahi- "nahh I would rather stay sorry.." "eh its okay we'll get going yeah?" -daichi- " yeah let's go" -asahi- and boom you two are alone.
"You look kinda sleepy" he said as he chuckled for about. 10 minutes both of you were kinda silent he was laying on his tummy on the sofa while you sat on the floor near the desk you were studying on. "Kinda actually" "oh? Well mabye you should take a nap" "sure.. but uh you look sleepy too" "hm? Oh yeah i am " you both laughed a bit. "Wanna sleep in my room? It would be more comfortable there?" " well what about you?" "My bed is big i will be just finee" seconds after you said that he starts..to grin? "Ooou you wanna sleep with me that bad?" "You're honestly making me regret my choices." "Hey!" "You can sleep on the sofa bye bye!" You said as your going to your room and him of course following you.
"Cute room kinda messy tho" he laughed " can you leave me and my "messy" room alone" "fine fine" he said chuckling. Both of you layed on the bed and him falling asleep almost instantly from how tired he was. It was peaceful sleeping next to him. I mean yes you were blushing at the thought of him being so close to you but it still felt so peaceful and nice. You turned around to face him. It sounds like too much but he looked like an angle. You stared at his features for quit a while.. he's just so nice to look at. "Can't sleep?" "what the hell!? You scared the living shit out of me!" He laughed. He asked you again "can you not sleep?" " yeah actually" you said still mad at him for scaring you like that. He asked if he can come closer and you said yes. He but a hand on the back of your head and gently guiding it to his chest. And with that your head is on your crushes chest. You tried your best to not show how surprised and flustered you were. "Do you feel comfortable? Can i put my hand on your back? it would feel even better" "s-sure I don't mind" he started to rub soothing circles on your back. Seconds after that you fell asleep..in his mf arms ahh.
"Sorry we took so long the line there was kinda long" No response. Both asahi and daichi left the house for about an hour. They looked around the living room to see that no one was there. "Hm that's wierd" -asahi- daichi agreed as he went to check your room to see if your there. "Oh.my.god." asahi heard him and went to see what's up. "Wait aww that's kinda cute" "what! No its not!" Asahi laughed at how angry he was from just seeing his best friend cuddling his younger sibling. "Hey..hey! HEY!!" "Hmm what what do you want cant you see were sleeping here ugh" " yeah i CAN see and get your filthy-" " why are you so mad? Its not like I did something to them I was just helping them sleep" " I mean he has a point..plus I'm sure its just a nap" -asahi- "ugh fine...CAN YOU ATLEAST MOVE YOUR HAND OH MY GOD" "Why are you yelling...?" You said as you got woken up from your brothers yelling "its nothing..get up its time to eat" daichi said as he went downstairs to eat. Asahi mouthed a 'sorry' to both of you and went to fallow him. "Did you sleep well? I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything.." "No no!! It.. it was nice thank you" "great!! Let's go downstairs now im starving..." you both laughed as you went downstairs to eat.
From that day whenever the both of you found the chance to nap together you would do it. Suga tired from practice? nap time! Stressed? Nap time! Sad? Nap time! It's like both of you were nap buddies and you loved it. Daichi couldn't really do anything at this point. Don't get me wrong he was SO happy when you actually found someone to hang out with and actually be comfortable around. But he just didn't like the fact that the both of you were so touchy its like you guys were dating. But you always denied him saying "no no he's just a close friend nothing else!!!!" Until...
It was a Saturday night you and suga were in your room watching a barbie film. It was a chill night both of you got snacks and watched the movie in peace. sugawara kept giving you these side eye glances every now and then you noticed them but didn't say anything. It was the last 20 minutes of the movie and he did it again but this time it was a side glance his eyes were fully on you. "What?" He giggled and said nothing. You were confused a bit so you paused the movie and looked at him. "Is there something on my face?" "No..you just look pretty" he smiled. Both of you were eye to eye and very close. His eyes would go from your eyes to your lips as he came even closer. He gently took your hand in his as he said "can i kiss you?" You were in shock your heart was beating as you nodded. It was gentle and sweet you swore you could right a whole essay about how that kiss was the best thing you have ever experienced. "AHM AHM!!!" Both of you pulled away almost instantly as you saw daichi standing in your bedrooms doorstep "listen- its not what it looks like okay??" "Uhuh..koushi have you been dating my sibling behind my back?" "WHAT? no!! I swear-" "come downstairs cuz we have some stuff to discuss here"
You sat there confused but genuinely so happy 'I kissed him..' 'holy shit i actually kissed him!!' your mind was running with thoughts 'wait what if we start dating?' 'Oh my god!!!!' 'Wait what did daichi mean when he said "discuss some things"??' "Hey im back..." he smiled nervously at you "oh hi!" He smiled as he sat down on the bad next to you "um suga" "yes?" "what did my brother 'discuss' with you downstairs?" "You know "don't hurt their feelings!!" And "don't even think about cheating on them!" And he may or may not threatened to kill me if I did" you giggled "all that because of a kiss? Its not like were dating" " ..Well what would you do if I asked you to be my partner right now hm?" "Uhhh!!??!!? I- I dont know mabye say yes or something" he laughed "well then do you want to be my lovey dovey partner?" You giggled a bit as you nodded "tsk, man i kinda wanted to hear you say "yes please please i do!!" Oh well.." "really suga.."
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I hope you guys liked it ♡ again this is my first time ever writing fics so I hope its not that bad
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