#who is shipping them?? that’s an asexual lesbian and a gay man who are you
bbianca-jpg · 6 months
quick elven oracle for a warmup !
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catnippackets · 6 months
disclaimer: as a sex-repulsed aroace person myself--
on one hand, there is definitely a bit of a double standard when it comes to handling canonically queer characters like, from what I've seen in the circles that I frequent (if you've had different experiences then great but I'm just telling it how I see it). for example, you're morally reprehensible if you ship a canon lesbian with a man or refer to a canon bi character as a lesbian. people will be so angry with you. and it's understandable, since there's so little queer rep in comparison to cishet rep that when there IS a rare actual queer character, the unofficial rule is "don't take that away from them when you add more headcanons to them". like, respect that this one is REAL and NOT just a headcanon. I think it makes perfect sense to feel upset when people take that away, even if it is just fiction and not even canon to the original source. and yet, whenever there exists a canon asexual character suddenly it's all "oh well asexual people can still have sex so it's fine if we headcanon THIS canon sexuality as something different". it makes me feel so genuinely heartache-y and depressed to see ppl ignoring that aspect of a character.
and by "canon" I'm also including characters that were never specifically referred to with a label but are very obviously coded as something, because those characters will still get the "even if it's not stated it's pretty obvious!!" treatment when it comes to showing attraction to the same gender, but not when they DON'T show attraction to any gender. like aro and/or ace coding just doesn't count. I understand that it's kind of hard to represent an absence of something, especially when you're only implying it and not even directly showing it, but it's not impossible. there's a lot of characters that you could argue are aroace coded the same way you could argue a character is gay coded. obviously to a degree every queer identity gets disrespected in fandom and it's something you just kinda have to deal with, but it's easier to notice when it's something you personally relate to. I don't think it would bother me as much if we didn't have that unofficial "respect the canon" rule and everyone just went wild with whatever, but the double standard does genuinely hurt me, especially when I see people I thought were cool about this stuff participating in it. so whenever I see someone fiercely defending an asexual character it really makes me feel good, like I'M being defended, not a random fictional character that I might not even recognize the name of. I feel safe, like that person will respect ME.
AS a sex-repulsed aroace person who enjoys thinking about the entire spectrum of intimacy and where a character may fall exactly on that spectrum, ALSO as a person who is aware that "asexual" simply means "does not experience sexual attraction" and not necessarily "is violently repulsed by anything sexual", sometimes I DO want to play out scenarios for my own enjoyment. sometimes I DO want to think hm I wonder where this ace character's line is, compared to a different ace character. I wonder if there is anyone who would be an exception for them, and how they could go about dealing with that exception. I wonder if they're favourable, neutral, or repulsed. if those aspects of their character aren't explicitly stated then what's to stop me from playing around with them and working through my own issues in a controlled and non-canon environment? if they have the same identity as me, I am way more likely to want to play around with them like a doll and perhaps play out scenarios that I might have thought about before but don't actually want to do for real. I'm not taking away their identity, after all; I'm just, in this scenario, imagining this ace character as an ace that might have sex on at least one occasion for whatever reason. either just to try it, or because they do have someone they'd make an exception for, or if they got bored enough, whatever the reason. it isn't quite disrespecting their truth unless it's explicitly stated either in canon or by word of god that it's something they're uncomfortable with. and to be honest, if I see another asexual creator headcanoning a character as somewhere on the asexual spectrum and depicting them in sexual situations, it makes me almost happy, to know that they're still acknowledging that character's canon identity and accepting and exploring the nuance that could come with it, even if I personally believe that this specific character would be repulsed instead of neutral or favourable. there's this understanding of "I'm doing a character study exploration thing", and not "I don't care I just wanna sexualize this character"
but I literally feel GUILTY when I want to write what is essentially a thinkpiece disguised as a fanfiction or original story on asexuality and take an asexual character (canon or coded) and involve them in sexual situations to explore different avenues of the spectrum. I feel like I'm betraying everyone who's like me and is frustrated with how aroace characters are treated within fandom. I'm like "am I being just as bad as those other people who will disrespect a character's canon sexuality just because they think that character is hot and want to ship them with someone? do they do the same thing with other types of queer characters? how does this reflect that person's view of people, if they're explicitly told someone feels a certain way and decides to ignore it for their own amusement? or is it just because they're fictional and not real people and I'm being really sensitive and thinking way too much into it? am I not doing the exact same thing? do I have more credence to explore scenarios like this because I am aroace and sex-repulsed myself and therefore have a pass to do whatever I want and it won't come off as a little weird the way it might if someone who's allosexual did it?"
and these two opinions are at war in my mind constantly. like both of them can and do co-exist but I still struggle to accept that lol
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aretheyqueer · 3 months
Is your blorbo gay? trans? ace? Does no one else see the vision?
Then welcome to @/aretheyqueer where we vote to determine who's lgbt and who's not. Everything decided through this will legally become canon. (Unless you don't want it to be).
The blog is run by an agender bisexual-ish person. My pronouns are they/them. I also run @do-you-ship-it-polls and @do-you-know-this-baby (way too many)
I have anonymous asks turned off, but feel free to dm me if there's something you'd like to ask/say privately.
With lgbt+, I include anything you can think of basically. Lesbian, gay, bi, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, intersex, xenogenders. However, this is only for non-canon identities. If they are canonically lgbt, then I highly recommend @do-you-know-this-queer-character and @douknowthisgaydisabledcharacter
This is all meant in good fun. Providing a reason for your claim sounds more exciting, but you can submit based on vibes or because you want to. A character can take part in multiple polls. A man can be headcanoned as a lesbian. If you believe it in your heart, it can become reality.
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I use the pride-themed hearts dividers made by @cafekitsune (link).
Submission rules:
Submissions are currently open. When they are closed, if you see a character in the queue that you'd like to send propaganda/reasoning for, you can dm me or send me an ask with your addition. I won't publish these asks.
Submit through the form above please!
No real people unless its funny (things like BSD is ok)
They cannot be confirmed to be the identity you're requesting - but they can show traits for it. A wlw character can get a poll as a lesbian or bisexual, for example. An unspecified non-cis character can get a poll as nonbinary. Etc.
This will not be followed 100% because I am dumb. don't kill me
No Harry Potter, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss. Sorry!
Here is a spreadsheet of submissions i've received, in case you don't want to submit something that's already submitted, or want to add additional propaganda/reasoning.
It doesn't update automatically, so your request won't shop up immediately.
Fandom jail
#gay , #lesbian , #trans etc for each label.
The exception here is #intersex headcanon - which will be used in order to not take away from the information featured in the intersex tag since this was requested.
#anime , #tv shows , #video games etc for each media.
#asks , #not a poll
Submissions are currently open.
Please behave <3
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transbookoftheday · 1 year
🏳️‍⚧️🏴‍☠️ Trans Books To Read If You Love "Our Flag Means Death" 🏴‍☠️🏳️‍⚧️
Can't get enough of Our Flag Means Death? Read some trans pirate books!
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On Mar León de la Rosa's sixteenth birthday, el Diablo comes calling. Mar is a transmasculine nonbinary teen pirate hiding a magical ability to manipulate fire and ice. But their magic isn't enough to reverse a wicked bargain made by their father, and now el Diablo has come to collect his payment: the soul of Mar's father and the entire crew of their ship. When Mar is miraculously rescued by the sole remaining pirate crew in the Caribbean, el Diablo returns to give them a choice: give up their soul to save their father by the harvest moon, or never see him again. The task is impossible - Mar refuses to make a bargain, and there's no way their magic is a match for el Diablo. Then Mar finds the most unlikely allies: Bas, an infuriatingly arrogant and handsome pirate - and the captain's son; and Dami, a gender-fluid demonio whose motives are never quite clear. For the first time in their life, Mar may have the courage to use their magic. It could be their only redemption - or it could mean certain death.
(The audiobook for "The Wicked Bargain" is narrated by Vico Ortiz!)
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In a world divided by colonialism and threaded with magic, a desperate orphan turned pirate and a rebellious imperial lady find a connection on the high seas. Aboard the pirate ship Dove, Flora the girl takes on the identity of Florian the man to earn the respect and protection of the crew. For Flora, former starving urchin, the brutal life of a pirate is about survival: don’t trust, don’t stick out, and don’t feel. But on this voyage, Flora is drawn to the Lady Evelyn Hasegawa, who is headed to an arranged marriage she dreads. Flora doesn’t expect to be taken under Evelyn’s wing, and Evelyn doesn’t expect to find such a deep bond with the pirate Florian. Neither expects to fall in love. Soon the unlikely pair set in motion a wild escape that will free a captured mermaid (coveted for her blood) and involve the mysterious Pirate Supreme, an opportunistic witch, double agents, and the all-encompassing Sea herself. Deftly entwining swashbuckling action and quiet magic, Maggie Tokuda-Hall’s inventive debut novel conjures a diverse cast of characters seeking mastery over their fates while searching for answers to big questions about identity, power, and love.
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The Lost Boys say that Peter Pan went back to England because of Wendy Darling, but Wendy is just an old life he left behind. Neverland is his real home. So when Peter returns to it after ten years in the real world, he's surprised to find a Neverland that no longer seems to need him. The only person who truly missed Peter is Captain James Hook, who is delighted to have his old rival back. But when a new war ignites between the Lost Boys and Hook's pirates, the ensuing bloodshed becomes all too real - and Peter's rivalry with Hook starts to blur into something far more complicated, sensual, and deadly.
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In the Christian Republic, homosexual people are given two choices—a camp to "fix" them, or exile to the distant islands populated by lesbians and gay men. Sixteen-year-old Jason chooses exile and expects a hardscrabble life but instead finds a thriving, supportive community. While exploring his identity as a transgender boy he also discovers adventure: kraken attacks, naval battles, a flying island built by asexual people, and a daring escape involving glow-in-the-dark paint. He also has a desperate crush on Sky, a spirited buccaneer girl, but fear keeps him from expressing his feelings. When Jason and his companions discover the Republicans are planning a war of extermination, they rally the people of the Rainbow Islands to fight back. Shy, bookish Jason will have to find his inner courage or everything and everyone he loves will be lost forever.
Book titles:
The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa
The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea by Maggie Tokuda-Hall
Peter Darling by Austin Chant
Rainbow Islands by Devin Harnois
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joyboyish · 8 months
okok i saw someone talk about how they dont like zolu (which if u dont idc) but it came down to a mass mischaracterization of zoro, luffy, and sanji so i wanted to talk about it
note that the person i saw was a zosan shipper but im not at all saying zolu is better than zosan or that zosan sucks (also sorry if this comes off rude im autistic LOL)
"zolu doesnt work because luffy is aro ace!"
im aspec, but you guys need to realize asexuality and aromanticism is a spectrum. for example: someone whos demisexual would only have romantic/sexual feelings if they already have a close bond with that person. using luffys aromanticism as an excuse to why zolu doesnt work is. weird. aspec people already dont get a lot of rep, but boiling it down to one definition isnt what we are
"if you ship zolu its because of the one piece live action! they straight washed sanji!"
ok this one kind of pissed me off bc😭..... none of the strawhats are canonically queer. you can def hc someone as gay, bi, lesbian, etc. but until oda says something is canon it isnt. for example, i hc zoro as gay and sanji as bi! but neither of these are canon. sanji wasnt straight washed, his characterization is very similar to the animanga, same as the other characters. the only real difference is they toned down a lot of things they werent able to do bc its not animation
"it feels cishet female gaze-y!"
zolu, arguably, has one of the most complex dynamics in the show. zoro has completely dedicated himself to luffy and luffy has pushed him to accomplish his dream. zoro sacrificed himself in thriller bark, giving up his dream, and promise to kuina, and nearly died in the process. zoros unwavering loyalty in luffy and luffys unwavering trust in zoro is part of the main appeal. im not a cishet female, so its probably why most of this got me upset, but i myself hc them both as aspec, and that they arent very sexual people. i wouldnt necessarily call either "female gaze-y" since the male gaze is a product of the patriarchy and the female gaze is more in a "how does this man treat a woman" way but yeah.
if u disagree w me thats ok! u can block me or send me an ask explaining why u prefer zoro and sanjis dynamic! its just not for me! i just think throwing around baseless accusations like straight washing or fetishization is weird
ok bye sorry
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undead-discourse · 5 months
i hate this website so goddamn much
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you know what i'm gonna say it.
some of yall only care about "erasing a character's canon identity" when their identity is like yours. you only care about accurate representation and letting people of a certain identity have the few characters they have when they're characters you can relate to.
if #angel dust or #vaggie was this full of ship art that went against their canon sexualities (both of which aren't stated nearly as clearly in canon as alastor's is, by the way), you all would lose your collective shit. just the implication that vaggie is a lesbian and angel dust is a gay man is more than enough to make shipping them with the opposite gender completely unforgivable, but someone in the show itself outright stating that alastor is ace isn't.
i've watched this fandom as a whole go from "alastor isn't asexual, that's just your headcanon" ==> "well it's never stated in the actual pilot, so who cares what vivienne says" ==> "okay but asexual people can be alloromantic, he never said he's aromantic too" ==> "aroace people can still date anyway so it doesn't matter even if he is aroace." just say you don't care. just say you throw fits about people shipping things that go against canon until it gets in the way of your ships. just say you only care about canon representation until their identities are different from yours.
just say you're a hypocrite.
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allastoredeer · 3 months
No hate, just asking.
So you just personally like bottomAlastor and make every ship with him as bottom because of your personal likes. But this works the same way with bottomLucifer. People liking it and making him bottom in any ship. Or liking topAlastor and making him top in every ship. Maybe there are people who just go with trends in ship dynamics, but a lot of shippers just like it without any 'making mlm into hetero' meaning. Yes even when making Lucifer a bit more feminine since they do it in every ship simply cause more feminine Lucifer does things to them.
Exactly 👉👉 people like what they like and they don't need to defend or give me a list of reasons why they like it. I figured people liked bottom!Lucifer or top!Alastor because it scratches that itch for them (much like me with bottom!Alastor), otherwise they wouldn't be writing/drawing it at all.
It's why I don't seek out fans I disagree with or lurk on their pages/blogs to bombard them with reasons why I, personally, don't like how they depict radioapple (and because that's just a shitty thing to do in general, and no should be doing that. That's a one-way ticket to turning fandom into a very toxic place).
I keep my opinions and thoughts to my blog page for that reason. This is place where I can write about the things I like and dislike, post my art and fics, and interact with fans who share the same thoughts and feelings as I do. I'm sure a lot of fans would disagree, but, to me, most of the depictions of radioapple that I've seen come off as incredibly hetero coded, and a lot of the way Alastor is drawn/written squicks me out, especially when he tops. And that's not in the way that he's overly sexualized or anything, imma gonna sexualize that man to my heart's content, but Alastor's ace identity means a lot to me, and a lot of the time I just...don't feel it with him.
Now there's no "correct" way to write an ace character, as its a spectrum. There isn't a checklist of things you HAVE to follow. But with Alastor, especially when it's in a written work - especially when it's HIS pov - he doesn't feel ace. You can't tell that someone is ace based on how they talk or act - not usually - just like you can't assume a man is gay based on how he runs or talks, or a woman a lesbian because she has a short haircut. But in his POV, we're supposed to be in his head, we're seeing his thoughts and emotions. It's the perfect time to explore what he feels and thinks about relationships, sex, and everything in between, and yet most of the time he reads like any other non-ace character. It's like there's no real thought or consideration given to his identity and the experiences that come with it. Asexuality is more than "don't like sex" or "only like sex sometimes," there's so much more to it than that.
But I also know that this may be the first time some people are interacting or playing with an ace character, and just the fact that they're trying - however unintentionally aphobic it comes off sometimes - the effort is appreciated.
It's a real back and forth thing for me, obviously, LOL fandom culture and spaces can be so frustrating but so fascinating at the same time.
I don't think anyone is intentionally making the ship hetero, nor do they mean to - and besides, this is how I feel, and I know everyone isn't going to feel the exact same way. I'm sure there are people who see it as a very queer relationship, and I'm not going to judge or fight them over it. Everyone has different perspective, after all.
At the end of the day, I don't mind bottom!Lucifer (I see him as a switch, so he definitely enjoys bottoming), I just don't like how he's written/drawn with top!Alastor. It's the depiction of it that turns me off. I've seen top!Alastor and bottom!Lucifer art before that I have liked, but its few and far between, and overall not worth diving into to root out the few pieces I've enjoyed.
I like feminine Lucifer, but not to the extent that I've seen. I like the masculine side of him too, especially because he's a shortie. I like masculine Alastor, but I adore his feminine side. Alastor exudes so much gender, it's insane. He pulls off masculine, feminine, and even non-binary so well. He's versatile ❤️ And it aggravates me when he's depicted as super masculine and all the other stuff is toned down, if not stripped away.
But, like I said, that's why I stay in my little corner and I focus on what I enjoy. Ranting about things you don't like in fandom isn't bad, especially with fans that agree with you. It's very cathartic actually, and I've felt more connected with the fandom than I have since the show aired. it's only when you make your emotions, thoughts, and opinions other people's problems that it becomes a negative thing.
I'm not here to rain on people's parades, so I support, encourage even, that those who do like the things I dislike (and don't enjoy seeing me clown on them) block me. No hard feelings from me. I get it.
Damn, these posts really run away from me. They get so much longer than I intend XD
But anyway, I'm glad people are having fun with super feminine bottom!Lucifer and super masculine top!Alastor, that's the whole point of fandom, but it just isn't for me, at all, and I will likely continue to rant/clown on it with the fans who also share my opinion. I'm not going to shove it anyone's face of course, I'm keeping it to my blog, and I am A-okay with being blocked if that's not something people want to see 😊
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crypticarchivist · 3 months
So I am going to try and explain something simple, and please bear with me:
If an Aromantic/Asexual character’s sexuality is left AMBIGUOUS, it is more than possible to respectfully write them as sex/relationship repulsed, sex/relationship neutral, or sex/relationship positive, and ship them or don’t ship them however you want.
If an Aromantic/Asexual character is EXPLICITLY CONFIRMED in text, or author’s word of god, to be strictly sex/relationship REPULSED, you cannot respectfully ship them with anyone romantically or sexually. To do so would be comparable to shipping an explicitly gay character with someone of the opposite sex/gender. It is erasure.
I cannot stop people from writing whatever they want and will make no effort to do so, and if someone harassed or doxxed you for it I would explicitly be against that. This is not some anti bullshit. But if you do this to AroAce rep specifically I will not like you as a person or see you as an ally who I could trust to help defend me or my community.
If you would not write a fictional lesbian or a gay man into a heterosexual relationship out of respect for those irl groups you should not write an explicitly sex/relationship repulsed aroace into a sexual/romantic relationship for the same reasons.
Again, ambiguous cases are up in the air but not every aroace is an ambiguous case and even then there are plenty of non-sexual non-romantic relationships you could still write them into satisfyingly you need to respect that PLEASE.
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thecosmosproject · 4 months
Akko: Guys it's pride month! Yk what that means?
Amanda: Here we go...
Akko: Everyone needs to give me 10 bucks! Amanda you first
Amanda: Oh hell nah, I'm just as gay as you!
Akko: No you're not!
Amanda: I'm a lesbian dumbass!
Akko: Ugh, fine fine! Lotte give me 5 bucks
Amanda in the back: Why does she have to give you 5!?
Lotte: Sorry Akko, I'm pansexual
Akko: Okay okay, Sucy yo-
Sucy: I'm asexual and dating Lotte.
Akko: Okay who's straight!?
Diana: Hannah is gay, Barbara is bisexual
Amanda: Jasmika is bisexual and Constanze is non binary and a lesbian
Akko: Jeez... Fine fine, I'll go ask Professor Chariot to give me money
Diana: She's a lesbian
Akko: Professor Croix?
Hannah: She's gay too Akko...
Akko: Awe man! I wanted to get money!
Amanda: At least everyone in school owes us money
Akko: Oh yeah!
Hannah looking at Diana with a deadpan look: They do know that half the school is gay, right?
Diana: They'll know soon enough...
Happy pride month y'all!
I wanted to share my headcanons on every characters sexuality and who their partner is (aka my fav ships in all honesty)
Akko- Bisexual and Demi-girl/They are dating Hannah and Diana (However both Hannah and Diana aren't, they see each other more as friends then lovers. They have tried dating but they both didn't feel the spark)
Lotte- Pansexual and Asexual, she had a crush on Frank once, however she and Sucy began dating after they saved magic (they took forever to realize their feelings)
Sucy- Asexual and unlabled, Sucy doesn't like labeling herself, it's complicated for her so she rather sticks with saying she's dating Lotte
Amanda- Lesbian and questioning, she's unsure if she's gender fluid or demi, she's still figuring that out. She's dating Barbara and Constanze (She likes blue haired ppl fr)
Jasmika: Bisexual, she's known for a long time she's attracted to both genders and that they're both beautiful, she's currently single
Constanze- Lesbian and Non binary, since they don't talk a lot, most ppl don't know they're non binary or even dating Amanda. They like it like that, but if you ask they'll gladly tell you
Diana- Lesbian, she's known that she liked girls ever since she began going to Luna Nova, at first she was scared to admit it but she slowly started to accept it. People have thought she was dating Andrew and she straight up scolds them for thinking that
Barbara- Bisexual, she likes both genders what can she say? Her biggest crush was Edgar from Nightfall and Amanda (and now she's dating Amanda and Constanze)
Hannah- Lesbian, Hannah had a lot of celebrity crushes, making her believe that she was straight. However, when she began to talking to Akko more she realized that she was attracted to girls. She refused to believe that and was homophobic, but she later accepted it
Chariot/Ursual & Croix: Both are the biggest lesbians I've ever seen omg, and guess what? They're dating!
Anyways that's all, I'll probably post tmr a list of all my favorite lwa ships. So yah
Happy pride month!
(Also Andrew is gay and Frank is questioning)
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moliathh · 6 days
people accusing alutegra shipper of homophobia and lesbian/aroace erasure are so funny because ONE, as a fan, i cannot make or remove a queer representation of a media, that act can only be done by the creator/producer/corporation/ institution themselves, the fanworks you make for a ship does not held the same weight as official materials. It's a bit insulting that you are comparing fanworks made out of love (that could very much be made by queer people) to a phenomenom driven by hate and bigotry and was a contributing factor to the oppression of queer people. Throwing around big words, accusations, that were meant for something very serious and harmful to refer to something unharmful just because you dislike a ship is not a very LGBTQIA+ friendly thing of you to do. Do you think of homophobia so lightly? Accusing REAL queer people who are being subjected to homophobia on a daily basis because of something they love?
SECOND OF ALL, let's assume that your headcanon is true (i haven't speak of the fact that its basic fandom etiquette to treat headcanon as something personal and not universal and don't harass other people over unharmful difference in opinion). Let's say, Integra is a lesbian, which is a headcanon. Did we collectively forget Alucard is canonically genderfluid? Yet you're referring to Alucard/Integra as a "cishet" ship? Does a queer person get stripped of their queer identity when they participate in a relationship that is male/female presenting? I thought we are about "queer rep"??? How convenient it is to deem him a cis het man and headcanon Integra as a lesbian to make the shippers look bad. Oh, and on the way of watering down queer identity into a caricature, you are also claiming ace people cannot have sex and it's disrespectful to depict ace people having romantic/sexual relationship. As if asexuality isn't a spectrum ranging from "little to no attraction" and the definition of sexual interaction is very loose, especially for queer people. Do you even care about queer people at this point?
And before any of yall jump me, i am queer myself how can i be homophobic my bitches are gay I AM GAY. I'm so sick and tired of yall justifying hate by pretending to care about the alphabet mafia. DO YOU REALLY? It was never that serious, just say you hate the ship and get tf going. I think its perfectly fine and cool to hate a ship just because you hate it, i do! I have headaches and want to vomit when i see ships that i hate but i dont feel the need to moralize it nor do i have to bring it to the face of the shippers or bad talking them. What really piss me off is how you drag real QUEER people through the mud for some fucking little pixels. Go outside, have some empathy. When fascism and censorship comes to wipe us out none of us gonna be spared because you are "one of the good ones" so stop fucking eating at your own community omg if you dont like something and its unharmful then BLOCK
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effypcfcwrites · 3 months
The Owl House
(Originally posted on my personal Facebook dated April 25, 2023)
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This is probably the first time I'll be posting a detailed review of a piece of media that I like, so witness me sing all of my praises for this animated series from the House of Mouse, because wow, I've never been so invested in a Disney show after rewatching Gravity Falls.
For those unfamiliar, The Owl House revolves around Luz Noceda, a teenage girl who stumbles upon a portal to an alternate world called The Boiling Isles, meets a witch named Eda Clawthorne, learns magic under her tutelage and eventually enrolls in Hexside, a magic school where she makes many friends and goes on multiple adventures.
I binged this whole show in a span of weeks and even stayed up all night on my day off to finish it up to Season 3, the first 2 Seasons being on Disney+ and the latter on Disney Channel's YouTube page.
Simply put, I love it so much! I love how it reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, and, dare I say, Harry Potter, which it even poked fun at, at times. Well-deserved, considering J.K. Rowling’s transphobic views and HP’s underlying anti-Semitic undertones.
I loved the pop culture references to Thor: Ragnarok, Howl's Moving Castle, Metal Gear Solid, and even Hades, among many others! I thought those were very clever and funny, and just a treat for fellow nerds, geeks, and fans of fantasy stories, anime, and video games.
I love the LGBTQ+ representation all throughout the show, which was such a bold move considering Disney’s iffy stance on the subject. None of them were antagonized for it, and it was treated as something normalized in both the Human and Demon Realms. The show featured 2 gay dads, non-binary and aromantic-asexual characters, and one of the internet’s favorite sapphic/WLW couples Lumity, which is the ship consisting of canonically bisexual Luz and implied lesbian Amity Blight, whose rivals-to-friends-to-lovers relationship was just so wholesome, so natural, and very healthy, considering they're both teenagers. Suprisingly, there was very little melodrama, not once were they petty towards one another whenever either party did something wrong, and they never got tired of showing affection towards each other. I found myself shamelessly gushing over how cute, adorable, and supportive they were together, and tearing up a lot during key moments of their relationship, especially when they both found themselves in dire straits as the story progressed.
I love the writing and the character development of them all! None of them felt static, they all grew throughout the series, maturing, getting better, and healing from their own insecurities, trauma, and guilt. The humor and comedic timing was a nice touch, and I was really taken aback by how S2 ended on such a dark cliffhanger with all stakes raised to the roof, similar to A:TLA S2 and The Empire Strikes Back, as mentioned earlier. That season wasn’t afraid to have such a grim ending, with such a great payoff by the end of S3 which is worth celebrating.
I love the animation and art style, which blended colorful and whimsical with eerie and ominous in just the right amounts. As a sucker for animated movies and series such as Adventure Time, The Prince of Egypt, and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, it was just such a delight watching it.
I love the overarching message of the show, which is to be truly yourself, to embrace your quirks, and never to limit yourself and your potential based on what the majority of society and the powers-that-be expect from you. All throughout, you’ll find the characters challenging pre-established norms and roles, and it’s just so satisfying seeing them all win.
11/10 top-tier show. Don’t @ me, it’s hard for me to find something I disliked about the series. It's definitely a must-watch, especially if you're sick and tired of all the bleak nihilism of modern adult animation, and you just want to baby your inner child and escape to a whimsical fantasy world with characters you can all relate to. Betting my bottom peso you'll all be hooked, like I was.
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fnafs-ex-boyfriend · 10 months
Why shipping aroace characters is different
So I made a post a while back about my distaste for Vivziepop, the creator of Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss. One of the things that I mentioned in that post was that I disliked how callously she treated the shipping of Alastor, her aroace character (note: he is indeed canonically aroace, Vivziepop confirmed that he was ace and an artist on the show clarified that he was aro as well, which seems to be the implication for the character from Vivziepop and her team). I had a few people regard with confusion, asking what the difference was between shipping an aroace character and shipping, say, a straight character in a gay ship. There’s a key difference that I want to cover for my well-meaning allo (not ace or aro) friends. (Note: I definitely have different standards for QPR shipping and friends-with-benefits shipping aro and/or ace characters, but if I see ANY allo people using QPRs without knowledge of how they actually work and use them as an excuse to ship an aro character….i will find you)
The difference that I, an aroace man, have in my mind is that Aroace characters should not be shipped in a traditional way because we have so little representation in the first place. How many gay people have you seen in media? How many bisexuals? How many lesbians? There are numerous examples of these more common sexualities all throughout popular media. One reason why this kind of representation is more popular is mostly due to two factors: One of which is, obviously, that the three listed are more commonly known by the populous, thus are guaranteed to get a better reaction from a widespread audience. The other reason to this is that aro-asexuality has to be represented differently than other orientations. With most orientations, if a creator wants to properly represent their identities, they will put the character in question in a relationship with someone of the same gender as them (Amity from The Owl House or Jackie from Star Versus the Forces of Evil), or they will give the character a chaotic realization-to-coming-out storyline, often tied to a romantic relationship (Nick from Heartstopper). However, with aroace people, you can’t really adhere to this traditional standard, as the entire point of the orientation is a lack of interest in sex or romance. Therefore, they tend to be harder to represent other than giving them a full storyline about their sexuality (Isaac from Heartstopper) or their orientation must be made clear by the creator (Lilith from The Owl House). These factors make aromantic and/or asexual characters quite rare in popular media.
What does this have to do with shipping aro-ace characters? Well, I can name countless well-represented gay, lesbian, and bisexual characters in popular media. But for aroaces, there’s really only a handful. It hurts to not see yourself in media. And, from my perspective, when people ship aroace characters, they’re callously disregarding that fact by ignoring their canon sexuality. Shipping Percy Jackson with Grover or whatever isn’t taking away from straight representation because, well, reread the first half of that sentence. Additionally, never, EVER have I seen people defend people who ship lesbians or gay men with a character of the opposite sex the same way they defend shipping aro-ace characters. Amity x Hunter is a famously reviled ship in the Owl House fandom due to this very fact. What’s the difference between shipping a character who, by definition, isn’t attracted to men, and shipping a character who, by definition, isn’t attracted to anyone?
Anyway, as a media enthusiast, I just wanted to share my thoughts, because this drives me insane when I see things like this. Well-meaning allo shippers, nothing against you, but please try to think about what you’re doing to marginalized communities before doing anything.
The Number One Annoying Asexual Fandom Guy
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theroundbartable · 3 months
Okay, if you were asked who are in Merlin BBC & Voltron that you can see based on canon that are gay/bi/pan/demi, which characters are they? Why?
What a fun ask I'm totally not doing to procastinate on cooking... XD
BBC Merlin
Arthur Pendragon is, in my head, demiromantic and bisexual... It sort of depends on the circumstances/episode. Arthur needs a very long time to really feel connections with people and only starts to consider love after he really gets to know them, hence his constant search for true love in the show. With Merlin I'm not entirely sure if he was attracted to him instantly, strangely enough feeling a connection from the moment they met, or if it takes him till the end of the series when Merlin confesses his magic and finally shows his true self to realise the depth of his feelings.
Merlin is, well... Bi Bi Bi. A disaster bi in fact. With a preference for sweaty men in metal boxes, he's not very peculiar. However, Merlin is a one person hyperfixation kind of guy. Most people are convinced that Merlin's gay.
Gwen: I feel like most people in BBC Merlin are bi and Gwen is no exception. Like Merlin, she prefers the hero type in metal uniforms. But she also had a thing for Morgana in the beginning.
Morgana: lesbian. I have never seen a woman so disinterested in men, I'm not surprised that they casted Katie McGrath in supergirl as supergirls love interest. I might settle for homoromantic and asexual. But definitly in love with Gwen in the very beginning.
Sir Leon, my beloved, the immortal, the one and only, the eternal suffering aro/ace. I don't have to explain this one. The only counter moment is the Lamia episode where Leon suddenly develops interest in women out of nowhere. My personal take is that anyone could be fallen under a Lamia's spell, this one just had a taste for men (and male presenting).
Sir Elian: once upon a time I clocked them as nonbinary and sadly that's as far as I thought into this character. Pretty sure he's aromantic. He/they pronouns. I dunno, I don't think Elian would conform to anything if given a choice. Aromantic too, I think. Like Leon, there is no interest there, but he does play around with Percival and Gwaine quite often, so I'd take that as allosexual.
I am excluding Gwaine because I think canon Gwaine is written as a straight oblivious fuckboy. Albeit a kind one XD fanon Gwaine is often poly/ pan... Or into apples. Lmao XD and I'm not sure about Percival because the man has a dead wife and kids.
Keith: with his lack of interest in women, he can only be gay. That man looks at no one quite the same as he looks at Lance. what the hell was the whole bonding thing if not a hint for post canon klance? Sorry, not sorry XD rivals to best friends to lovers.
Lance: *bi bo bi* bisexual lighting Lance. Doesn't matter if you prefer klance or shallura, this man is a walking bi flag. I don't know what you mean by proof, just look at this wiggly boy with the fingerguns. He can't even sit straight! Can't do math either. He's perfect!
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Shiro: probably the only character in my entire history of shipping that I would unqueer without feeling bad about it. I know he's gay, I just don't really see it in the writing. Of course there aren't always clear signs that someone is gay which is why this is good rep actually (+he's married), but you asked me for proof in the show and all I see is that this man is a dad. That's his gender and his orientation and that's all I really need to know.
Pidge: aro/ace because I love my aroaces and this child loves robots and robots only. Also nonbinary/genderqueer. Pronouns: fuck/off XD
I think Lotor should have been bi. Pre-canon Lotor had us Langsters ship Lotor x Lance and it was so much fun :D
Bob: gender: evil, orientation: villain. I hate this guy
Coran: the georgous man is either gay or pan. More likely pan because I vaguely remember he had a son?
I hope I answered your question reasonably enough XD thank you for the ask, anon :3
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
well since you asked so nicely, what are all your straw hats sexuality (and gender identity?) headcanons :D
ps you dont have to explain them all if it's too much for you ^^
I love you so much for this mwah mwah /p I love when people send me asks like this <33
: ̗̀➛ [Luffy] Sexuality: Aspec. I'm very, very specific with this so I would have to write a whole paragraph to explain it well, but I'll try to do it in fewer words. I used to headcanon Luffy as asexual but the demi-sexual headcanon is growing on me. Only sexual with Zoro, though. Like- I ship Luffy with more people but imo he only feels sexually attracted to Zoro. Something something 'the bond between a captain and his first mate'. Romantic attraction: I can see him being demi-romantic (once again only romantic with Zoro. Or Sanji, even) but I personally see their relationship very Aroaspec QPR. Aromantic and Demi-sexual with a very deep bond with his first mate and his cook. Gender: Transmasc. Demi-boy. He/They. I think he, like, resonates more with being a boy but still doesn't fit the binary enough to be one. And transmasc because. Well. Have you seen him?
: ̗̀➛ [Zoro] Sexuality: Homosexual. Gay. The gayest man you've ever seen. I think he's demi-sexual too in the sense that only Luffy or Sanji would make him go insane and aroused, but he would sleep with other men just because. Like fr, just because he can. Idk. Homosexual behavior everywhere. He's so fucking gay. If there was a gay contest between OP characters he would probably win or end up in a tie with Nami, Law, and Kid. Romantic attraction: Demi-romantic. This dude is obsessed with his captain only. First mate things. I seriously believe that being a first mate makes you inherently unable to fall in love with somebody else. Well, perhaps Sanji too, but I'm not that much of a Zosan so I don't think about how they would work. And still, he'd be Demiro anyway. Gender: Transmasc guy because, once again, have you seen him? Dude even has a scar on his chest. Man tits. Love him. He/Him.
: ̗̀➛ [Nami] Sexuality: Graysexual Lesbian. Some might argue with me on this because she has a different girlfriend every arc, but I honestly think that she only feels genuine sexual attraction sometimes and it's not often. Playfully flirting doesn't equal genuine sexual attraction. Romantic attraction: Grayromantic Lesbian. Because, once again, people might not agree with me, but I think she doesn't have crushes often and she falls into more of a romantic gray area. Never with men, though. God forbid. Never with men. That much is clear, I hope. Gender: Demi-girl. She/They. My babygirl. My girlboss. Like I said with Luffy, I think she embraces being a girl but still doesn't fall into that term exactly and doesn't mind They/Them or more androgynous looks/terms at all. In fact, she loves them.
: ̗̀➛ [Usopp] Sexuality: Bisexual. I love him. He be pulling blonde bitches everywhere and by blonde bitches I mean Kaya and Sanji. Something that always makes me and my BFF laugh is the fact that he's canonically very normal about women's bodies, unlike Brook or Sanji or even Franky. Like, he's pretty decent and respectful and he's, well, a normal human being. I appreciate the bare minimum when half of the characters are perverts sometimes. Romantic attraction: Birromantic. Pretty much the same thing I just said. Simple guy. So true, king. Although I like the Demi-romantic headcanon and I think he doesn't really get love at first sight and would be bothered by Sanji's view on this. I think Usopp is somebody who needs intimacy to develop a romantic crush on someone. So, yeah, I also like the demi-romantic thing but this could be just me trying to make everyone Arospec for no reason other than projecting. Gender: Non-binary. He/They but prefers They/Them, he just doesn't expect people to use those pronouns, and it isn't that big of a deal. Also transmasc. I'm obsessed with that, honestly. However, I think he wouldn't use the term Non-binary? I think he'd just use Unlabeled, perhaps.
: ̗̀➛ [Sanji] Sexuality: Bisexual with a high preference for girls. For obvious reasons. Romantic attraction: Birromantic too. He's a hopeless romantic. Believes in love at first sight and everything. Gender: Transfem. Genderfluid. Any pronouns. I love you, Sanji. You're real to me. And I'm not explaining my reasons for these headcanons because watching the show is enough for you to understand this, but between his trauma and Momoiro Island... Like... I know what you are, girly pop. The closet is glass and the egg is hatching and you need to come out. Oda, please, let her ou-
: ̗̀➛ [Chopper] This one's just, like, Chopper. Chopper is Chopper. I don't think about this much. He canonically likes female reindeer. I have nothing else to say. Gender? Little guy. Sexuality? Honestly, if somebody gives him a reindeer boyfriend I support that. So bisexual and birromantic, I guess. I don't know how it works for him. I don't think he cares. It's not that he's too young because he's canonically a teenager already, I just don't think they've encountered enough reindeer for me to form an opinion on this. Why the hell am I writing so much to say something so fucking stupid. I'm sorry. Let's move on.
: ̗̀➛ [Vivi] Sexuality: Demi-sexual Lesbian. I don't think she's ever thought about sex as something she wants or feels attracted to. At least not until Nami shows up. Romantic attraction: Lesbiab. Lebanese. Dyke. Bollera in Spanish. Girl kisser. Woman liker. Homosexual. No men allowed between her legs and her heart. Friend of Ellen, as Annie Edison would say. Gender: I think she's a cis girl. She/Her. Would literally punch violently anyone who misgendered somebody from the crew. My princess. My girlfriend, actually. Her pronouns are loveof/mylife.
: ̗̀➛ [Robin] Sexuality: Bisexual but also probably Graysexual because I don't think she feels attraction often and doesn't really get aroused if it doesn't come with other emotions. Preference for big, and gentle men. By big, gentle men I mean Franky and Jinbe. And by gentle I mean Brook. The four of them together, btw. Romantic attraction: Birromantic. I think she's just, like, vibing. Learning to love. She has so much trauma she deserves to be in a tender relationship and she just happens to be with four men but she knows how to appreciate a woman. Gender: Transfem. She/Her. You know those older trans women who give the most comforting, calm, mature energy in the world? That's Nico Robin. Gonna keep it SFW but she tops Franky 100%. And also helped Sanji with her transition. I love this. Please adopt me, Robin. She's perfect.
: ̗̀➛ [Franky] Sexuality: Bisexual. If a man doesn't know how to appreciate another man's beauty, then he isn't manly enough. Women are perfect. Men are perfect. He's wonderful. I love him. Romantic attraction: Birromantic. I swear to fucking god he has something going on with Jinbe and Brook and Robin. I am so not normal about them- Gender: Cis man but he'd probably consider being a cyborg a third, secret gender, so I'm gonna let him have that too. He/Him.
: ̗̀➛ [Brook] Sexuality: Bisexual classy grandpa. The fact that he's a gentle grandpa has a lot to do with his sexuality (no it doesn't). He might be a pervert around women but at least he supports consent, so, he's better than Sanji here. Romantic attraction: Grayromantic because I feel he doesn't get real crushes easily. Especially since his boyfriend (his former captain) died. The trauma he probably has around romance now, damn. Gender: Hear me out he's the most Unlabeled thing ever. He/They. He's just bones and most people don't even know how to tell the difference between sexes when it comes to bones. Robin is actually the only one who knows his AGAB and she doesn't care anyway, so. Gender norms are bullshit and he's just the Soul King.
: ̗̀➛ [Jinbe] Sexuality: Graysexual and Bi. He's somewhere there in the Ace spectrum. I just don't know where. I think he's, like, not that interested in bodies and sex? He would only have sex with somebody he loves and it wouldn't even be for the arousal and the attraction. Romantic attraction: Demi-romantic, which is not the same as gray. Because I think he'd need, like, to spend time with Robin/Franky/Brook to form a deep bond and then he'd slowly and gently start falling for them individually. I swear I am so normal. Please, they should adopt me. I want the four of them to be my parents. Gender: Cis man. He/Him. Biggest trans supporter in the whole fucking world.
The Going Merry is actually called the Going Liberal and the Thousand Sunny is technically the Theysand Sunny and with the help of their ships the straw hats are trying to find the Woke Piece.
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mayabunny23 · 10 months
Cringe ass Headcanons about the Don't Starve Together Gang's gender and sexuality
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Wilson - Aroace He cares more about science and being a smart ass than he does romance or sex.
Willow - Lesbian She seems like the type of girl that scares men away on purpose... Gremlin woman.
Wolfgang - Aroace He would rather settle down with a friend than a lover. The man also sees most of the people in the group as friends.
Wendy - Aroace She is a kid but even if she was an adult, her grief for her sister is stronger than any love for someone (be is romantic or what not)
WX-78 - Non-binary & Aroace They are canonically non-binary so the obvious is obvious. They don't feel romantic feelings but they can feel many other forms of love... they are not truly emotionless.
Wickerbottom - Asexual Biromantic She wouldn't mind a partner to help her at her library but she might not go with any of the people here... except maybe Wanda.
Woodie - Pansexual More like axe-sexual... Wait wouldn't that make every ship with him a polycule? He loves Lucy but if he was to love someone that wasn't a talking axe, he wouldn't care what gender they are.
Wes - Demiboy & Asexual Wes feels like the type to be referred to with he / them... Be it because of the character he plays or because that's what they refers to themself as.
Maxwell - Bisexual "I miss my wife, Wilson... I miss her a lot... I'll be back." he swings both ways but uh... who wants this pathetic man outside of Charlie?
Wigfrid - Demigirl & Bisexual This queen of theater (Sorry Charlie) uses she / them much the same way Wes does... that and she is just cool like that. Oh and she likes people.
Webber - Demiboy & Aroace His reasoning for being demiboy is because he is literally two beings and the spider is a they / it... also same thing as Wendy, his fixation on bugs and critters is stronger than dumb romantic love. (If he was like an adult)
Winona - Butch [Lesbian] Obvious thing is obvious, she has a girlfriend back on Earth that thinks she's dead. Also like look at her, she is straight up very butch leaning.
Warly - Gay The other side of the spectrum, Warly is probably gay... Totally not because Waokevale and another person influenced me with Warly x Woodie...
Wortox - Aroace Mortal concepts as "love" and "sex" doesn't interest this imp, he is only after chaos and fun.... Also Wortox gives zero DAMNs what pronouns you use on Wortox.
Wormwood - Non-Binary & Aroace The lad doesn't know or really feel that type of stuff [And it's not because he is a "kid", he is an adult.], Wormwood only uses he / him pronouns on himself because they sound nice but he doesn't mind any pronouns really.
Wurt - Aroace Wurt is a kid and she's more focus on creating a merm kingdom and learning to really care.
Walter - Aroace Kid doesn't care about romance but probably had a crush at some point.
Wanda - Asexual Lesbian Wanda doesn't have time to have sex with your mother, she is trying not to turn into dust.
Wonkey - Literally not even a real character.
If you scrolled down this far or read this, thanks! this is probably hell to read for people with like... reading issues (I have some form of it, don't worry)
I might do the DLC characters from Don't Starve next but uh... maybe never, just need to remember they exist.
ALSO!!!!!!! If none of the headcanons suit you then be happy knowing they are HEADcanons and are not real...
ALSO Also... sorry for no art bros, been doodling ocs shit for discord server and no one would be interested in that.
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serrennedyanonwriter · 3 months
Part Two of ?? Of the HCs
1 | 2 | 3
Ada Wong
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Bisexual/Trans Feminine/Aroace
Bisexual because I see her being interested in both men and women.
Trans because yes.
Aroace because I don’t see her interested in anyone, and yes, that includes Leon. I see those two more of bisexual besties that are each other’s wingman/woman even though both of them never really score /hj
Sherry Birkin
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Bisexual as like Ada, I see her being interested in men and woman.
Asexual as she’s like me (heard about sex and said no thanks /hj).
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No questions, that is all /hj
Actually, I don’t know why, I just see him only really being married to his job, and for that reason, he isn’t attracted to anyone.
Carlos Oliveira
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Bisexual/Trans Masculine/Asexual/Demiromantic/Polyamorous
Bisexual as he’s like Leon; I would hc him as gay if he didn’t flirt with Jill.
Trans because I can.
Asexual because I don’t know, something about him screams asexual.
Demiromantic as he does flirt, but he doesn’t like anyone romantically unless he’s close with them.
Polyamorous because he is with Leon and Luis, and they live in an apartment together with a wolf and a cat.
Steve Burnside
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I really hate that they made him act weird with Claire because he gives me hella gay man vibes.
Crossing my fingers they get rid of that in the remake.
Jack Krauser
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Bisexual but he’s in denial even though he’s 100% kissed Wesker a couple times /hj
I keep seeing people hc/say that Krauser’s bisexual awakening was Leon, but no thanks, Leon technically his student as Krauser is his mentor (aka a student/teacher relationship), and I feel weird about it. I prefer to say it’s Wesker, thank you-
Asexual because he doesn’t actually like sex.
Demiromantic because it takes a lot of closeness for Krauser to actually fall in love with someone romantically.
Manuela Hidalgo
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Pansexual as I can see her not really caring about the gender of who she dates, just as long as she loves them, she’s with them.
Aroace as I see her being so.
Ashley Graham
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I actually flip-flop on her sexuality a lot. She’s either 100% a lesbian or bisexual with a preference for woman.
Before anyone says, “What about when she flirted with Leon??”, shhhh. Let me have this.
Something about her gives me “I love woman more” vibes.
Anyway, demisexual as I can see her only being okay with it when she’s close with someone.
Ingrid Hunnigan
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I’m not kidding when I only started seeing her as a lesbian through a Hunnigan/Ada fic. It was really fucking good that it made me only see her loving women, not men. I didn’t even ship them, but it convinced me.
Aroace because she doesn’t seem interested in anyone really.
Luis Serra-Navarro
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I have this thing that I look at characters in fandoms I’m in, and if their hair is very gender, they get genderfluid as a treat.
That’s what happened with Luis. Plus, I see him possibly fluctuating between femininity and masculinity a lot in terms of how he dresses.
Bisexual because have you seen him? He’s clearly a bisexual man.
Polyamorous because he’s definitely dating Carlos and Leon /hj
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